#█ ▉╎╯it was just a half baked queue╰ ( queue )
thelightsandtheroses · 10 months
1: bad idea, right?
Let's Get Lost | Frankie Morales x female reader
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You probably shouldn’t think it, but Frankie looks good sober. He looks even better on vacation.
It’s not fair really.
You’re standing in baggage collection,  wishing your ex-boyfriend was the type to wear socks with sandals or stupid t-shirts and loud printed shirts. Crocs, even.
Instead, he’s right here next to you, looking so calm and relaxed with your daughter in his arms, letting her play with the brim of his baseball cap and no, no this is all wrong. You’re meant to be the one dazzling your ex with insouciant style and a glow up, not him.
Sobriety’s changed Frankie though. As he looks over at you now, you’re met with memories of the man you met so many years ago, the man you fell in love with.
Once upon a time you thought you would marry Frankie Morales.
In another world, maybe you did. Maybe in one universe, the two of you are heading to Hawaii for your wedding, not Benny and Lia’s. Maybe in that universe, you were able to work everything out.
You two were in love once after all. You’ve never loved anyone like you loved Frankie and you’re not sure you’ll ever will.
That wasn’t enough though.
You weren’t enough.
It’s hard to compete with the release found in a powder, or in a bottle. It’s just as hard to live with that fact too.
The tannoy sounds loudly around you, breaking you from your reverie. You hate this part of the holiday or travelling - hanging around an airport, the worries about flight tickets and passports. You want to skip immediately to the moment where you’re settled in your hotel room, ideally at the beach with a coconut water in one hand and your new book in the other.
It’s been a long day. Your flight was delayed by several hours due to staffing shortages, it’s the middle of the night and by now you’d planned be fast asleep, not standing in baggage reclaim with your ex-boyfriend, a tired daughter and one particularly drunk idiot five metres away.
You’re tired and hungry and Clara is about ten minutes from reaching her breaking point, however, ever since Frankie’s picked her up, she’s been beaming and like a completely different child to your utter betrayal.
You feel like you’ve run a half marathon but Frankie’s been right there with you and the man is practically glowing. It’s like
Maybe everyone’s right. Maybe you do really need this break.
“That’s the last one of ours,” he says lightly, looking at the battered suitcase in the distance and moving immediately to fetch it from the carousel, even with one arm taken by a tired toddler.
This seemed like such a good idea in theory.
You’re friends now, you’re co-parents, you’re both in the wedding party. It seemed obvious to do this - to give Clara an amazing holiday experience and memories with both of her parents, to ensure Benny and Lia have the wedding they deserve without your drama. It sounded so simple, so mature, at the time.
This is the first time the three of you have spent this much time together since the breakup though. You’ve both had a lot of mature conversations about what’s right for your child, what’s right for Benny and Lia too as it’s their wedding after all.
It’s easy in theory though. A simple diktat of ‘everyone needs to be on their very best behaviour.‘
This is going to be a disaster.
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You meet Frankie at a coffee shop. There is a new barista in training and a long, slow-moving queue. You can smell the coffee aroma around, the siren’s song of freshly baked pastries calling to you.
This is your favourite coffee spot on the way to work and it’s usually quieter, usually easier to just slip in and out before heading to the office.
You shift awkwardly on the spot, mentally adding up if you still have enough to get coffee before work, if the barista is likely to be able to make the coffee how you like it, or if perhaps even thinking that makes you ungrateful and rude.
Then you see Frankie behind you. He is wearing a baseball cap, dark jeans, and a t-shirt. It’s not the hat that draws you in though-  it’s his face. There’s this intense kindness in his eyes, in his features and you straight away feel drawn to him.
He’s exactly your type.
He speaks first, making polite small talk and his low, calm voice soothes the lingering anxiety about schedules and instead you just want to know about him.
You’re terrible with dating. The apps feel so impersonal and you’re always nervous about how you’ll make an impression, if you look the way you should, if Dateline is true and you’ll go on a date and never be seen again.
You’re not a romantic, not really, you think. You’d like to find someone though; you’d like to fall in love. You want that, you want it to feel organic.
So, when Frankie walks into your life, maybe it’s kismet.
He’s smart and funny and it’s so easy to talk to him and he asks for your number when you pick up your coffee from the counter, asks if he can call you. It feels right to say yes. You want to know him more, to get to know him, to just spend more time with him.
You’re almost wishing the queue would carry on, that the coffee would take longer just for an extra moment with him.  You even take your time and hover around the cafe to wait for him to pick up his Americano so you can extend the moment.
“What do you do?” you ask casually as you step outside the cafe, taking a sip of your drink.
“Oh,” Frankie shuffles then looks up at you with a smile, “I’m a pilot.” He could have led with that you think to yourself , you know so many people who would be impressed by that job, and by the way he winks at you before heading in the opposite direction, he knows it too.
He texts you an hour later.
It feels like a book or a movie, all of your dreams and hopes finally coming off the page and into your real life.
 You don’t know a lot about Frankie at that point, like the cafe is next to a NA meeting, or that Frankie has his demons. You don’t know that loving Frankie is bith the easiest thing in the world and being loved him feels like it could be everything. You don’t know that won’t be enough though, that plastic baggies and nightmares and a short reccy will systematically unravel every thread of your life with him in just a few years.
You can’t know that then and even if yoy had, it probably wouldn’t have changed anything.
Fate has its ways after all.
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The hotel Benny and Lia are getting married in is stunning. You knew it was going to be an extravagant affair from talking to Lia and hearing vague murmurs about the planning over brief coffees and calls. You definitely got the impression from the cost of the hotel rooms when you were booking your stay,  but this? This is like a scene from a movie.
Even in the pitch darkness, the spotlights on the pavement illuminated the building to show its luxurious facades and the reception was gleaming and bright. You can’t remember staying somewhere like this before.
It seems idyllic.
Seems being the operative word right now.
“Okay, but the apartment had two bedrooms,” you say, resting an elbow on the marble counter in exhaustion and frustration. “Two, that’s what I specifically booked. The family apartment. Now there’s a problem?” That had been the deal, you would take the one room with an extra cot for Clara and Frankie would have the other room so you could exist as the perfect co-parenting happy family you were at least trying to be for your kid.
It had been a good plan.
The receptionist’s bright demeanour falters momentarily and she looks at her computer screen instead of meeting your haze “Yes but appears there was a small glitch with the booking online and well - we checked the other family in earlier. We do have a room for you, of course.”
You look over at Frankie desperately. Of course there was a problem, you think, feeling the familiar sensation of tears burning in the back of your eyes.
You told Frankie you had sorted the hotel booking, you told him that it would all be okay and it’s a mess. You’re a mess.
“So, your system has glitched. However, we have either an apartment or a room, right? Good. Please can you confirm that the one you’ve put us in -” Frankie begins, his voice steady.
“It’s technically an upgrade,” she says brightly. “It opens out onto the beach and it’s actually one of my favourites.”
“That’s wonderful. Does it have two bedrooms though?” Frankie asks.
Your face falls and you squeeze your eyes shut to fight the impending tears. You are exhausted and you made the right booking for the right room, how can this be happening to you?
“However, we have put a pull-out cot in the room for your daughter, so that should resolve your concerns over the bedrooms and the room really is a lovely one. It’s the grade above what you booked actually and the views are stunning. You even have a terrace as I said that opens on the beach and -“
“We’re not together,” you say bluntly. “That’s why we need separate rooms. We’re not together.” Your voice sounds almost plaintive now, repeating that you and Frankie are most definitely not a couple.
Not anymore.
“Oh. I - uh, I - we’re fully booked with the wedding,” she says in a small voice, tapping keys on her keyboard desperately as it if will magic an extra room into the universe. “I’m so sorry.”
You look at Frankie who shrugs as the two of you try and have a mental conversation.
“We’ll figure it out,” you say. “For tonight. Tomorrow we will need a better resolution.”
“I don’t know what we can do. I’ll - we’ll look into this for you.”
“Thanks. Alright, let’s get this munchkin to bed,” you say, looking at your daughter fast asleep in Frankie’s arms.
“Yeah, we’ll uh, we’ll sort this out tomorrow.”
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“Honestly, you need this break,” Frankie says, leaning against a kitchen counter as you shake your head at him and concentrate on unloading the dishwasher.
“I have so much work and - do you think I want this? I don’t want to miss Lia’s wedding or seeing Clara in her dress -” The past few months have been difficult with work and while you’ve been so looking forward to a holiday and Lia’s wedding, it’s starting to feel impossible.
“So don’t,” Frankie says, shaking his head.
“It’s not that simple. My job -”
“Oh, honestly, fuck your job.” Frankie runs his hand over his face, removing his cap and squeezing it awkwardly.
“I have a mortgage and I can’t just - I can’t just leave things.”
“You’re burnt out,” Frankie interjects in a low voice, “Everyone sees it. Lia’s worried about you too, she told Benny.”
“I’m worried about you too. You have the PTO already booked off and our daughter is so excited about all of us going together.”
“I know,” you say, wiping the tears from your eyes. “I know.”
Frankie moves over sintantly, placing a hand delicately on your shoulder. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. It’ll be okay.”
“Don’t tell me it’s a job, I know that.”
“I wasn’t going to.”
“I feel like I’m letting everyone down.”
“You’re not, you’re definitely not. I can promise you that.”
You look up between bleary tear-filled eyes. “Why are you being so nice to me, Frankie?” He doesn’t need to be nice to you anymore; you’re not together, you’re just co-parents.
“You’re still - still important to me. We’re friends again, right?”
You nod.  You are friends again; it’s taken some time to reach this point but you missed having Frankie in your life. This sober Frankie before you? He’s someone you want to be your friend again too.
“Please don’t try and tell me you’re not going to your best friend’s wedding again. We’re all going. It will be good.”
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Despite the late hour of your arrival, you can immediately tell the hotel room is special. It’s too dark to see out towards the terrace but the wide French doors are already inviting you out and you have visions of sitting there in the morning with a cup of coffee.  The furnishings are white and blue, the classic coastal colour scheme, with rich dark wood furniture. What you can see of the bathroom looks great as well.
The problem is the two armchairs instead of a sofa, the tiny rollaway cot for Clara and the giant king size bed in the room.
Normally, the crisp white sheets would be all to inviting, but in this scenario you feel panicked.
How are you going to work this out? You thought the pull-out bed would be large enough for one of you, or that there would at least be a sofa.
The priority has been Clara and getting her ready for bed and asleep as soon as possible.
Now though, the two of you are standing awkwardly.
“You should take the bed,” he says, “I know things have been a lot recently and you should have it anyway, but -”
“Where would you sleep?”
“There’s a bathtub, right?” Frankie says calmly. “I could get the blankets and I could sleep there tonight.”
“You can’t sleep in a bathtub, Frankie!“
“Why not? I’ve slept in worst places when I was a pilot.”
“Exactly what about your back? Same for me, I guess - I’m getting flashbacks of drunken house parties now.”
“Oh really?” Frankie smiles.
“Long time ago,” you say, looking down at your daughter who is now tucked into the cot and is already asleep.
Your eyes feel so heavy with tired and you’re dying to have a shower and then curl up for the night so the holiday can properly start in the morning.
Frankie looks similarly fraught; his brow is furrowed and he’s perched on an arm of the armchair.
“We’re grown-ups, right?” you ask after a moment.
“So they keep telling me,” he replies with mischief in his eyes.
“Okay, then we’ll talk to the hotel in the morning, get this sorted out for good, but it’s one night, Frankie, and I am fucking exhausted.” You look over at Frankie. “It’s a big enough bed and there are enough pillows that we can - yes, yes, that’s the only option, isn’t it?” You nod your head; certain this is the only solution now. You’re tired and you desperately want to sleep and just hope that tomorrow will be better when you wake up.
“And you’re sure about this?”
“Do you have a better idea?  And the bathtub is not an option, Frankie.”
Frankie thinks for a moment and shakes his head.
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“Do you still sleep on the same side?” Frankie asks in a low voice, rubbing his hair and exposing a hint of his stomach and automatically moving to the other side of the bed.
You nod and awkwardly put your phone on the bedside table and get into your side of the bed. “You?”
“It’s fine.” You remember that Frankie used to like the same side of the bed too, he’d use that as an excuse whenever you woke up in his arms each morning.
This is going to be so much harder than you thought it would be.
“Was this necessary?” Frankie asks, pointing at the barrier of pillows.
“I didn’t want either of us to feel uncomfortable,” you say simply and your voice feels small.
“It’s fine, it’s all good.”
“I don’t even know why I did it.”
“It’s not a big deal, okay?” Frankie gets into his side of the bed, barely stifling a yawn. Maybe the day is finally catching up with him. In the dim light of the bedside tables, you can see the exhaustion starting to fill his eyes, the tiredness on his face.
“Still can’t believe you were going to sleep in the bathtub anyway!”
”It seemed a good idea at the time. Hey, she’s fast asleep,” Frankie says with a smile, indicating your daughter who is safely tucked into her own bed. “Y’know, I wanted to say thanks for this.”
“You’re the one who persuaded me not to stay and work.” You smile and shake your head as you slip into the covers. “Can’t believe I almost considered that.” Though in fairness, you wouldn’t be dealing with this hotel room drama if you were at home. You wouldn’t be with Clara though. “Besides, Lia’s my friend too and you had a good idea with combining this with something for Clara.  I want her to grow up and know we’re not fighting each other and that we’re on the same side. She’s our priority, right?”
“Besides, I’ve never stayed somewhere like this before.”
“Me either.”
“You travelled everywhere in the army.”
“Oh, darling, you have very different ideas about life in the army. I stayed in dorms or safe-houses or outside.” You notice the way his smile falters slightly, his eyes haunted by the ghosts of a short reccy that turned into days of worry and anguish. All Frankie came back with were bad dreams and enough trauma to send him straight to the escape of his vices.
“I’m sorry about the room.”
“It’s not on you. Besides, it’s one night. We’ll sort it out properly tomorrow.”
“Yeah, it’s just one night,” you repeat.
“Huh, heard that one before,” Frankie says sadly and before you can think about what he’s just said, he turns to the other side of the wall.
Usually you listen to a meditation or a sleep story to drift away. You like the harmless, ambient noise and dulcet tones of someone else to lull the stresses of the day away.
You can’t do that with Frankie here though and your second option for sleeplessness … absolutely not.
You switch off the light and exhale slowly. You’ll be fine, you can count sheep or try that breathing technique you read about. It’s just you’re so tired now you don’t even feel like sleeping now.
“You okay?” a low voice asks quietly.
“I hate the first night in a new bed.”
“I remember.”
“It’s fine.”
You turn over so you’re facing Frankie’s side. In the darkness of the room, all you can see is the silhouette of the many pillows separating the two of you and the broad outline of his shoulders.
You remember nights kissing the freckles on his neck, his shoulders, being so incontrovertibly in love with this man you thought you could spend forever in bed with him. You’d have spent forever anywhere with him once. 
You’ve dated since Frankie, you know he has as well, but somehow the finality of the very barrier that you created is pulling at your heartstrings right now. It’s all wrong.
It’s not supposed to be like this.
This is going to be a long week.
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Tag List
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i've built my dreams around you
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Summary: You find out Natasha's never been to a Christmas market. Considering you work at one, you do what any good partner would do: make her go around with you.
Word Count: 1618
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Request: Can you write natasha and reader celebrating christmas and reader takes natasha to her first christmas market?
Warnings: None that I can think of!
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone :) Comment and reblogs are always appreciated.
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“You’ve never been to a Christmas market?”
“I’ve crashed a car through one before-”
“What? That doesn’t count?”
“You know full well that doesn’t count. You’re supposed to embrace the spirit of Christmas, not destroy it!”
After a slew of horrified looks targeted at her, Natasha finally decided to spare your neck ache by spinning you around to face her for the continuing conversation.
“I have a break at 2 pm tomorrow,” you told her, “come visit and I’ll take you around?”
A smile spread on your girlfriend’s face, filling you with warmth as she wrapped her arms around you and pulled herself closer, nodding against your lips. “Sounds perfect,” she whispered, punctuating it with a brief kiss. “I can't wait.”
Neither could you – a Christmas with your girlfriend would be a dream come true, and as you watched her leave, your mind ceaselessly imagined romantic cliches of the two of you together and all the stalls that she might love. So hopelessly enamoured by her, you hadn’t even noticed your mistake, watching her figure until it disappeared through the doorway. But when you turned back to your baking, the absent slice of your freshly made brownies spoke for itself.
“Natasha!” you yelled.
The Avenger returned dutifully, poking her head around the doorframe with both a knowing smugness on her face and the necessary evidence held between her teeth.
“You couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”
“They’re delicious love, I see why you always sell out.”
Seeing through her deflection, you continued undeterred, “That was deception.”
“Well, I’m a spy.” With that, Natasha disappeared once more. You shook your head as echoes of her footsteps running upstairs met your ears, then turned back to the counter – you’d need to cook far more now that you’d invited a brownie thief to your stall.
»»————- ★ ————-««
For every second ticking towards your promised 2 pm, another coat-clad customer extended the queue; the ever-growing line comprised of people vying for both your attention and whichever brownie they had set their sights on. As much as the business’s success was nothing to complain about, all you wished to see was a glint of your girlfriend’s red hair or the saving grace of your friend coming to cover your shift.
13:56. They would be there soon.
In the meantime, you near-mindlessly served customers, fulfilling order after order while daydreaming of all the stalls you planned to take your girlfriend to see. Until-
“I think I’ll try the Oreo blondie”
- her voice broke through the chatter of the market, snapping you instantly out of your head. This wasn’t just another customer in front of you, but Natasha, wearing the Christmas jumper you’d gifted her years before, jeans, a green jacket, and a beanie still half-folded over her distinctive hair.
You scoffed – though without hiding the smile that came with it – and shook your head. “I don’t serve brownie thieves,” you told her seriously.
“What am I dating a baker for if not for the free food?” she hit back.
“I don’t know. My good looks? My charming personality?”
“Your humour is definitely up there.”
“Hey!” you said in an image of false offence, before waving her along with the tilt of your head. “Now you’re really not getting a brownie today. Get in here and stop holding up the queue, there’s still-” a check of your watch- “two minutes more ‘til the backup arrives.”
Natasha grinned and wasted no time jogging to the side of the stall, entering and wrapping her arms around you from behind. “I’m still working, love,” you half-heartedly reminded her, then turned to a customer, “What flavours would you like?”
“Just missed you is all,” Natasha muttered in your ear, “and I am excited for today.”
You glanced back every so often, but still focused on reducing the queue as best you could. “I’m glad you are, Natty, but maybe you need to go find your teammate so we can enjoy it at all.”
“No need,” another familiar voice said from the side of the stall, “Natasha’s teammate is here. Is that how you refer to me? I introduced you two.”
“It’s usually ‘friend’, Wanda. ‘Natasha’s teammate’ when you’re late.”
“By one minute!”
“Shameful. Does Natasha not teach you any punctuality in training?”
“I do.”; “She’s too busy knocking me to the floor.”
“Oh, that’s true too,” Natasha nodded, pulling herself away from you to greet her teammate properly.
“Now the two of you get out of here and enjoy the market before I hit you with a brownie,” Wanda scolded lightly, twirling her fingers to subtly lift an off-display tray of brownies in warning.
You didn’t need to be told twice, and Natasha was already out of there. “I really do owe you one, thanks for this Wands.”
“If you get Natasha to go easy on me in training, I’ll call us even.”
“Nobody can get her to do that-”
“Are you coming?” Natasha interrupted from outside the stall.
“-So I guess I’ll still owe you one.”
You caught Wanda’s smile and the beginning of an eye roll even as you turned to run away, and you thanked everything that you’d ended up with a friend like her. Natasha was in similarly high spirits when you met her outside, with a loving gaze that lingered on you while you took her hand and began to show her around. You told her to stop eventually since even you could see that she forsook the beautiful Christmas scenery surrounding her in favour of you.
“I can’t help it,” she told you, “Christmas is about the things you love, isn’t it?”
“You’re sweet.”
“It’s something in the air.”
“That’s just the churros.”
“Haha, very funny,” she deadpanned.
“They do make the air sweet, same as my stall, or the waffles! Come on, let me get you something, it’s part of the full experience,” you promised, fulfilling all the plans you’d made in your daydreams. Natasha nodded her agreement, but her eager smile quickly morphed to shock when you took her wrist and ran off, weaving through the crowds and taking her with you until you reached the desired stand.
You pulled her closer once you arrived as a means of apology, then struck up a conversation asking how her day had been until then. Her hand began to hover over her coat pocket as she spoke, alerting you to her wallet’s whereabouts – it had become almost tradition for the two of you to fight over payments, each trying to treat the other, but after promising to be her guide, you refused to lose the battle this time. So you laced your fingers with hers and held her arm stiffly to the side, pulling your own card out the moment the order was made. 
Natasha didn’t take it without resistance, struggling to free herself from your hold and even stating her intention to pay, but to no avail. You released her only once the payment had gone through, allowing her to take the churros from the seller.
“Thank you,” she muttered lowly, offering you a churro as she began to nibble on one of her own. The two of you strolled purposelessly through the crowds, side by side, and worked through the churros until Natasha held just an empty packet. After freeing her hand of the packet, Natasha’s first move was to take your hand in hers again – a move that caused you to recoil at the frigidity of her skin against yours. 
“You’re freezing.” You jumped into action – taking the gloves from your pocket to pull them over Natasha’s hands, then touching her cheeks and forehead to see they were cold too. With nothing else to wrap her in, you wordlessly led your girlfriend to the nearest stall and ordered a hot chocolate for both of you to warm up with. 
“There’s one more thing I want to do.”
“Is it the Ferris wheel?”
“Of course it’s the Ferris wheel.”
“Good,” Natasha said quietly, “we had the same idea then.”
You didn’t take her hand as you led her through the crowds this time – mainly because they were securely wrapped around her cup – but the two of you manoeuvred onwards to the rotating contraption. The sun had begun to set, and the queue had subsided enough that you were quickly led onto the ride and secured, marking the perfect end to the day. 
With a whir of machinery, the two of you began to rise, watching the shops and crowds you'd spent hours pushing through shrink into a model village.
“I had fun,” Natasha said suddenly.
“Did you like the stalls?”
“The stalls, the food, the lights… I see why you love it.”
“Yeah, so crash your car elsewhere next time.” 
She scoffed, but carried on, gazing down at the labyrinth of brightly lit cabins. “It's Christmas-y, but not enough for the full Christmas spirit.”
“What else-”
“It's the company that makes that,” she clarified, finally looking up at you and squeezing your free hand. “And I'm lucky enough to have the perfect companion.”
You'd reached the top by then, silence engulfed the two of you as the chatter of the crowd stilled with distance – up there, it was just you and her.
“You'll have me forever,” you promised. Your eyes drifted to where your hands met, surveying the left hand which – in just a couple more weeks – would no longer be without a ring. The token itself was entrusted to Yelena’s care until Christmas, until your plan could come to fruition.
“A lifetime of you and your baking,” Natasha mused, still unaware of how soon that dream may be, “sounds perfect.”
You smiled, shuffling close. “Merry Christmas, Natasha.”
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
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sen-ya · 3 months
every time I’m like “there, I’ve done it, I’ve posted everything I drew before I got a tumblr” I remember like 5 more comic strips I did anyway adding ‘half baked family au memory loss devil fruit’ and ‘literally just 2 scenes abt the boys leaving zou after staying there for awhile with rocy’ to the queue
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liggy-not-potter · 5 months
intro post
welcome to my page! this is going to be my pinned post so if you’re seeing this on your dash, you’re good to just scroll if you want :))
welcome to hell
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hello :3 you can call me liggy, i go by she/her pronouns but it’s not like i’ll stab you if you mess up somehow and misgender me.
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i’m a freaking nerd, so book and movie recs are welcome! i’m in a lot of fandoms, so i probably can’t list them all here. harry potter, both canon era and marauders (fuck jkr) and the fanfic i’m writing where harry has a sister no one knew abt. (posting that on ao3 soon). legendborn by tracy deonn, percy jackson (i’m not done with it so no spoilers please), mcu, the owl house, gravity falls, amphibia
i write songs and poetry, i play piano, ukulele, violin and guitar i like drawing but i’m not very good at it all the time, i have thousands of failed art pieces.
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the usual. if you discriminate against any minorities or hate people solely because of a group they belong to (religion/lack thereof, race, sexuality, gender orientation) WE DO NOT USE SLURS ON MY PAGE. i don’t give two shits about swearing but slurs are a no no
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more random shit about liggy
i have celiacs disease as i’ve mentioned a few times on other posts, so i can’t have anything containing wheat, and i make jokes about it
i have adhd and possible bipolar disorder. i’m a mess, but at least i’m not boringly neurotypical ur local owl (do not ask questions) i’m a minor so don’t be creepy, i don’t care abt interacting with adults as long as you aren’t being a creep gryffindor - enfp
i’m married to @melonhead10. you hear that? she’s mine. go find your own lovable dorky goof, this one’s taken. my children are @0urazz and @crowleys-mortalcounterpart.
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the rats (my moots) @jamespotterbbg — kay — my first moot, chaotic, mentally ill as the rest of this site, is the reason i’ve even interacted with half of these people @garden-of-runar — runaround — talented poet, fellow defender of bagels, turns into a different country every other week @melonhead10 — wife of mine — silly little rat, one of the only people on here i know irl, rarely online bc strict parents, if she is online it’s to look at shiny duo and tangled the series @ethanmilo — british ethan — the gay dad friend of this whole hellsite. king of deactivating and coming back out of nowhere. happily in love with @prongsbitch @prongsbitch — james the baked bean — short, gay and irresponsible. has too many doggies but we don’t care bc doggies are great. changes his url every two seconds. in love with @ethanmilo @tequilaqueen — bea — possibly an alcoholic, you’ll never know. hates bagels and commits war crimes. @picklerab23 — dill — lives in a jar on a shelf in a grocery store in wales. speaks in consonants and y’s. @crowleys-mortalcounterpart — brie cheese — my child. genderfluid remus lupin. descendant of the scottish black douglass. (aka they’re fucking scary when angy) i also know them irl. @thejudeduarte (idk ur online name if it’s something other than jude duarte lol) — cruel prince and legendborn fan. really nice and sometimes chaotic. @iamaladder — stepladder (ethan’s version) — chaotic aarakocra boi, old crusty man (in other words a year older than me) another person i know irl (if u want to be added ask me, i just gotta save it for now)
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blow up my ask box, tag me on stuff, and message me all you want. i love being on here and talking to people and making friends <3
my pinterest poetry side blog: @liggy-attempts-poetry ask game: here moodboard on banner by @cheekyboybeth my tags: liggy rambles: all my random ass posts liggy found an ask: i answer asks liggy special: i most likely did something fucking stupid to the queue you go motherfucker: my queued posts, most likely because i’m out of town cus haven’t ever got post blocked yet
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sadtonight · 1 year
Grocery spree
Summary: short description of boys' behaviour when they are tasked with buying groceries at the local supermarket;
Characters: all students of NRC;
Warnings: no Yuu/reader, no relationships, just ordinary shenanigans;
Side notes: it came to me in a dream (while I was tring to fall asleep extremely late at night but still). I only now realised that I'll need to put 22 names in the tags...
— he goes extremely in depth about each item on the shopping list: what brand, price, quantity, quality, size, packaging etc you name it. The answer in likes of "just buy whatever" is not satisfactory!! When Riddle can't find exactly what he was "supposed" to buy, he immediately jumps from one shop to another until he finds what he needs. It's best if he is accompanied by someone...
— wonderful candidate: no issues, no problems at all. Except don't expect to see cakes, cupcakes, pastries, bread, desserts and such. Why? Well, he can bake everything himself of course. That's why Trey returns with tons of eggs, sugar and flour every time instead. Maybe a few dental care products (just in case) along the way;
— usually gets everything, even saves up quite a bit of money! Since he is always on Magicam, coupons and discounts are his guiding lights — Cater already has his hands on discount goodies before they are swept away by others. The only problem is that ginger doesn't like carrying shopping bags, so he often searches for whoever is available to shop with him. Buys trendy food of the week for pics;
— nah, he hates going for groceries, especially if he is alone and he has to give the remaining money back. It's best not to assign him with a chore because Ace will most certainly not only forget half the stuff from the list but the whole list itself. And he will (try to) secretly buy snacks for himself, so ask for receipt and recount change if you want your money to be spend accordingly;
— he may not always come back with everything that was on the list but at least he is reliable. Each time he goes to supermarket, Deuce is staggered with how prices have risen, even if not by a lot. He is well versed in grocery shopping thanks to frequently aiding his mom. Checks every egg in the carton box when purchases eggs;
— do you really expect him of all people to go to supermarket for groceries? Exactly. If by any miracle Leona is going, he hates every second of it. Throws ungodly amount of meat in the cart, very expensive one too. It may look like the beastman doesn't even bat an eye at the price tags, however he does read, it's just he has enough to spend. Hates standing in the queue at the checkout with burning passion, falls asleep mid through;
— the guy just doesn't understand the appeal of supermarkets, you can't even haggle there... At any rate, don't give Ruggie huge budget unless you want to see long boa in place of receipt. If he has no room for grand purchases, he always makes sure to cut himself enough money for a treat from what he was given. Unapologetically eats a lot at food sample stands, even takes some with him if he is able to;
— safe choice for the most part, not if there is a huge sale or something because then he may unwillingly run into someone rude who will most likely throw him out of loop. Jack is adamant on holding the basket or cart, honestly he likes his role far more than buying things. When he sees anything with pears in it he immediately thinks of his family back home;
— he would rather "request" aid from someone else but if Azul is to go, he will make sure to make it as useful as possible. He will closely observe different tricks and tactics that the staff uses to sell more goods, for educational purposes naturally. Merman's least favourite aisles with snacks. Seriously, why do they put mountains of cola and chips on full display?? Each time he has to resist the temptations....
— neat and perfect, on the first glance. Jade's scouting for groceries can end up not as smoothly as it should be, which he doesn't mind per say. Ah, but it's already the fifth supermarket where he has been mistaken for his twin brother and forced to leave. He would rather not go in circles around for a chore, so Jade just verbally "convinces" stuff to relent and let him finally do the shopping;
— oh boy, better pray that something good will happen with Floyd or nothing out of ordinary along the way. Because it directly influences which content he brings back — it's hard to pinpoint the exact number of success rates. Since supermarkets are quick to bore him out, the hobby of his is to go straight to the fish aisle to taunt living fish in the aquarium. The merman is banned in several stores already--
— oh yeah!! Kalim is not used to going to supermarkets for "reasons", so he is very much thrilled first time around. This excitement is quickly brought down by the set grocery budget. Waaah... turns out buying things with such restrictions is far more difficult than he anticipated. Surprisingly, Kalim bought everything needed, though he did return kind of dejected;
— absolutely perfect. The stuff on the list, the time taken, the receipt, the discounts — just all boxes checked. Boom, done. Jamil is truly capable of everything, going to supermarket is not a big deal at all, it's even better in a way than the markets he is so used to attending solely because there are no bugs. What else he needs rather than such great reassurance?
— he doesn't need to be told to go for groceries as he is buying them for himself anyways. Though Vil prefers to buy fresh vegetables and fruit elsewhere. The problem with going to supermarket is in keeping low profile, unless your face isn't plastered across popular drinkable yogurt brand? Said yogurt is quite tasty and plenty healthy, which is why he had taken up the gig. From bystanders' perspective, Vil looks like someone's mom or aunt with his whole cover get-up;
— this guy is delighted to go to somewhere like supermarket. Rook prefers to seek and hunt food for himself, but he can't deny this certain allure of the place. He also enjoys watching people's thought process right before his eyes: like how one can easily replace spaghetti with discount cheap liquor in an abundant quantity! This fascinating phenomena does hold him off a bit from his task, but how can he be blamed?
— not too enthusiastic about going for groceries until it strikes him that he can show off how reliable and strong he is. Okay then, count him in! Shakes his head in disapproval while browsing the fruit section. The choice of food overall is big but not on par with the one in his village in terms quality. It kind of sours his mood... not until his eyes fall onto the cool products that he has never seen before back home;
— no. Literally, the delivery drones work all the time, same with 24/7 convenience stores. Besides, why would you pick someone with such a low strength stats, are you out of your mind- And here Idia was, in a huge scary supermarket full of people. The fright was so intense that he only bought what was nearest to him and didn't bother looking for other stuff. Almost left fire marks on the floor with how fast he bolted through the self check-out desk;
— it's true that technology has advanced enough that it's much less energy consuming to order things online, however going somewhere is just fun! Ortho is really up to it, he can analyze the content of food directly instead of only what's written in the package to better understand nutrition value and he can unwind in general. The boy generally is very helpful too!
— never ever has been to supermarket before, so that's definitely a new experience for him. From others' point of view it looked like Malleus has come to an art museum instead: he even stood still for a few minutes listening to music from the speakers. The fae is amazed by the choice of foods that is available, even seeing products he had never encountered back at Briar Valley. He does find queues bothersome, but it's something he could overlook, this time;
— like a fish in the sea. Lilia can wander around the store for hours, coming up with all sorts of recipes he could cook! Constantly adds things not on the list and takes away those he deems "unnecessary". If you take a look into his cart, you will never guess what he was going to cook with all those ingredients, none of which can even work together. Buys candy for his children, club members and friends too;
— are you sure you want him to go? Yes, Silver can indeed complete such simple deed, and yet him falling asleep at any random moment will surely hinder the whole process. If he is still going, the knight then also buys some nuts, vegetables and fruits for his animal friends. Something for lord Malleus, father and Sebek as well, yet often forgets to buy something for himself;
— he is so up to it he may forget to take the list with himself, provided the chore was assigned by Malleus or Lilia, or at least anyone Sebek respects for that matter. Believe me, he is not above making a scene if someone takes the last goodie that was on the list, which he deems extremely important, only to cool down when the store worker rolls out the cart full of the thing in question. Thanks Seven neither lord Malleus, master Lilia nor Silver saw his blunder...
148 notes · View notes
japhan2024 · 2 months
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my gift to @lesbianphan for the @phandomgiftexchange <3
Title: Home Words: 1,612 Genre: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort Plot: Dan visits Phil for the first time
Link to AO3
The train to Manchester was crowded. Stressed, sweaty businessmen discussed the firm on their phones, while rowdy teens were shoving each other around as preppy college kids looked at them with an air of superiority and disdain. Moms with screaming children, elderly couples performatively complaining about kids these days. Among all of this bustle, a boy sat next to the window, trying to ignore it all.
He wore a black jacket and gray jeans, but his white sneakers contradicted his effort to look inconspicuous. His sleek and shiny dark brown hair kept falling over his eyes. The countryside looked dull and matte through the graffitied glass of the train window. And his seat didn't allow for his long limbs to sit comfortably. He listened to Muse with one ear while checking his watch over and over, Bellamy's urgent arpeggio's mimicking his heartbeat.
But it was going to be okay, right? Dan Howell's only lifeline was pulling him in. Soon, he'd see the guy with the ocean eyes.
"Manchester Piccadilly Station," the voice ran through to Dan's bones and he awkwardly stood up, saying sorry over and over as he made his way to the door.
"Okay, Dan, this is it... Try to look normal and not weird," he thought to himself. 
From seemingly far away, Dan heard his name being called. He looked around the station, people queueing away from the train. But there was one person struggling upstream towards him.
"Phil..." Dan said feebly. The world spun around him for a moment, but then a very tight hug squeezed him to his senses.
"Dan! There you are," the voice of the person hugging him said. It was a wonderful, Northern accent and a deep timbre that stirred something within Dan he hadn't known was there.
When the hug loosened, Dan didn't want to let go but he didn't want to be weird either. It was already weird enough that he traveled half the country to have a sleepover at some older guy's house.
It wasn't just SOME guy, though. Dan had worked hard for this. Consistent and insistent comments, picture replies and tags, day in, day out. Dan had been relentless and finally, his internet idol had noticed him. They started talking, and that had brought Dan to this moment. To meet him, finally! AmazingPhil.
Once Phil's face came into focus, Dan couldn't believe that his eyes were even bluer in person. He was tall too, even though he hunched over a bit. His black hair the total opposite of his skin. With a crooked smirk and warm, open body language, Phil immediately felt like home. And Dan fell head over heels, harder than he'd thought when this was still all kind of a fantasy. The Skype calls, the messaging back and forth... nothing beat the reality in which they now both stood. Dan felt dizzy...
"So bright..."
"Yeah, I guess it's really light here. My parents' house is kind of dark though, it's sort of haunted as well. Aaaah! You'll probably love it. But yeah haha... Want me to show you the city?"
Dan nodded. Phil smiled genuinely at him, and he was overcome again with how bright that smile was.
"You are probably thirsty from your long trip! Let's go to Starbucks."
"Oh yes, I love Starbucks," Dan managed in a small voice.
"You do?" Phil looked at him excitedly. "It's my favorite place. I love the caramel macchiato."
"I like the chocolate chip cookies..."
They walked a short while and went inside the pretentious hipster coffee shop that was Starbucks, but that was okay because both Dan and Phil always tried to look like hipsters anyway. But they weren't, not really. They were creatures of the internet, nerds even. And once they both had a drink and were lounging in their seats, they found that they got along extremely well.
"Oh my god, Delia Smith is the best!"
"Isn't she? I wish I could bake, though, I will burn soup if you leave me with it in the kitchen for too long."
"That is so like me, hahaha. Oh my god. Imagine if Delia had a DailyBooth?"
"I would follow DeliaBooth in an instant!"
They both laughed. They were very well aware that they were both gay guys. But in public they made sure to loudly proclaim their love for women. Delia Smith, the celebrity chef, was an undeniable icon, though.
"I am imagining Delia Smith with your face."
"Phil, what the fuck?" Dan howled laughing. He surprised himself. Because he hadn't laughed like this, in.... Yeah. For as long as he could remember. It was a good feeling.
Phil's parents were away.
His room was a mess, which Dan was delighted by. His own parents were very strict when it came to tidying up. Phil had a cordless hammer drill, a poster of the movie Kill Bill, a bunch of stuffed animals Dan recognized from his YouTube videos, and a blue lava lamp. On a cluttered desk stood a very old video camera.
"Oh my god! That's the camera you got in a box of cereal!"
Phils eyes lit up and started rehashing the whole story, even though Dan knew it by heart. 
Dan listened to Phil talk about all his stuff like he was breathing oxygen. It was one thing to connect with someone online. But even FaceTiming didn't come close to the connection that was starting to form between them now, in real life.  
"Your room is really cool," he blurted out.
"You think so? Thanks, Dan," Phil said. He walked up to Dan, making him feel all dizzy again. Phil flipped his fringe back and smiled, very closely to Dan's face. He looked him straight in the eyes, and Dan sensed that he was a little nervous.
"Wanna test out my bed?" Dan's whole body seemed to blush, he had never felt this love, this desire for anyone else.
It was morning and Dan was the first to wake up.
For a minute, he didn't dare to open his eyes. What if it had all been just a dream, cruelly making Dan believe he could be happy like this? His last happy memory was Christmas at his grandma's, getting a big piece of chocolate from her, even though his parents protested. He'd eaten the whole thing in one go. His grandma had given him a wink. After that, he just remembered feeling numb.
But then Dan felt Phil shift his arm against him. Dan's eyes sprung open and he saw the ceiling of Phil's room. He let out a laugh, and simultaneously a sob, of relief. He swallowed. This was real. He cuddled against Phil and held him as close as possible.
"Hey," Phil said as he finally woke up and sat in bed, voice still groggy. His hair was a beautiful black mess. His eyes somehow even bluer than yesterday. And they were kind, loving, accepting. Dan could stare into them forever, he felt. He could drown in those eyes and be totally content.
"Phil... I... I-"
A short, soft kiss.
"Let's get some breakfast, shall we?"
"Yeah, yes. Let's."
They got dressed and walked into the kitchen. Phil poured them both a bowl of cereal.
"You have to close the cabinet doors when you're done, you know," Dan said as he got up to close them for Phil. Phil giggled.
"What? I'm being serious," Dan protested. But Phil just stood up and tied Dan in a hug again.
"Wh- what's that for," Dan actually didn't care, he just loved Phil hugging him.
"For being the cutest guy I've ever met," Phil's voice was as velvet to Dan's ears.
Dan had to tell him. He brushed through Phil's unruly manes. "Phil? You're the only person in my life who truly accepts me."
Dan held on tighter. He started to sob.
"All through middle school, high school, I've been bullied, called gay, called worse than that, I even got beaten up, and all I ever could think was, that they must be right, I must be bad and deserving of their punishment. Until I met you- until I met you I never knew anyone who I could just be myself with, so completely... And not be judged? Not be corrected, criticized or, or made fun of..."
They were both crying now.
"And at home it's not exactly fun either. I'm kind of invisible, unless i make a mistake, then it's a game who can put me down the most..."
"Listen, Dan, I l-, you can stay with me for as long as you want, forever even. I never want to let you go, to be honest."
"I'd do-, I'd love to believe that," Dan stammered.
"Want to watch some old Ninjai videos?"
"Yes please."
That afternoon, Dan had to return home. He packed his stuff. Phil came into the room, holding something behind his back.
"Here, I have too many of these around the house anyway. Please take him with you."
It was a small stuffed lion.
"Ohh, I love him! Phil, I'll keep it close until I'll see you again... That's if... Will I see you again?"
"Dan! Of course! I wish you didn't have to go home."
"My home's with you now."
Dan went back into the bustling of the station and the once again crowded train.
But he knew now that he could go to Phil's house at any time. It was a safe place that felt so good, indeed like home, more so than his actual one. And from that day on, Dan had just a little bit more confidence, knowing he had a place to return to.
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ninety-two-bees · 5 months
hi hi hi happy james thoughts just 4 you <3
- i think he's the cutest thing ever in the morning with WILD untamed hair, rubbing his eyes and being frumpy and taking forever to wake up and mumbling nonsense
- he is the type of person to lift a kid on his shoulders at a concert, since they are too short to see. and he has the happiest smile doing it
- he is unashamed to love cartoon movies, he finds so much childlike joy in them and he makes his friends watch them too
- he absolutely will bake for his friends when their birthdays come around, and he gets good at decorating cupcakes for them
- he will also bake and make small gift bags/baskets for his friends when they're sad
- he has has a masterlist note on his phone of things his friends like. he has their birthdays, their favorite drinks, foods, activities, and things they don't like, their allergies, etc., because he cares.
- he had a favorite pair of skechers when he was young and he would wear them everywhere!!! and they lit up!!! and he definitely thought they made him run faster
- i like the version of james that turns into a puddle when the compliments/attention is turned around on him. he's alsways giving to others but as soon as someone aims their attention at him, he's blushing and stuttering over his words
- he loves drawing hearts everywhere, finding hearts in the clouds, anywhere else in nature
- he is a friend to bees. he refuses to let his friends harm bees specifically, and he's very kind and gentle with them <3
send me james potter thoughts
bella you are always so correct actually. responding below because this will get long
— james is So not a morning person and it’s so funny because he’s in this state of being half-awake for at least an hour. he’s still very friendly ofc but he has no idea what’s going on and he looks like such a mess
— he would lift an adult onto his shoulders at a concert. he’d let people form a queue so they can take turns on his shoulders too. so everyone can see 🫶
— does james have all of httyd memorised? yes. absolutely he does.
— he Loves baking for his friends and he gets so good at doing intricate frosting designs!!
— gift giver james 🫶 he has wishlists saved on all his shopping apps full of gifts he thinks his friends would like. he’s always prepared for birthdays and christmases and congratulatory events and just for fun
— he still has light-up shoes actually and he shows them off to regulus every day
— james is Such a disaster when someone compliments him. he has absolutely no idea how to respond. sometimes he cries but that’s okay
— his camera roll is filled with pictures of heart-shaped things. the world is so full of love and james will never forget it
— FRIEND TO ALL BEES!!! he so is. he would do anything for bees
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usmsgutterson · 2 years
decorating a christmas tree
baking cookies with xavier
wc.... 1.5k ish?
More Than Perfect- Xavier Thorpe
Okay! This is my first Xavier request, and I apologize in advance if he’s at all ooc! 
This is also the first day of the Five Days of Christmas Queue! Happy Wednesday everyone, and let the mini-event begin!!
Fic type- this one is just,, it's straight out fluff oh my g o o d n e s s
Warnings- none
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"Okay," Ajax said, nodding as you cracked the first egg into the bowl. "Yep. This is going to delve into chaos within minutes. I can already see it."
You were in the dorm kitchens, which really wasn’t more than a long island with a dishwasher on one end, an oven on the other, a sink smack dab in the middle and more counter space than you could ever have needed on any side. Cabinets went from floor to ceiling, stocked with cutlery, bowls, plates, cups, and various foods and ingredients for baking, and two large fridges and freezers were off to the right. 
A group of you had gone in, though it was originally going to be a date night for you and Xavier. In the room with the two of you were Ajax, Rowan, Wednesday and Enid. 
Xavier glanced at the recipe as he stirred, one hand holding the bowl and the other holding the spatula. “Butter, sugar, the egg,” Xavier whispered. “That leaves flour, baking powder, salt and vanilla and almond extract. We’re not missing anything yet.”
“What, Xavier does the work?” Rowan asked with a teasing laugh. Wednesday, who’d been leaned against the fridge to the left, nodded. 
“He should, considering that Y/N made him dinner the other day.”
“I second that, actually,” Xavier said, nodding his agreement. “And, anyway, we’re splitting the responsibility. Y/N adds the ingredients, I stir. I’ll roll out the dough and they’ll use the cookie cutters. We split things 50/50 a lot of the time. It’s how relationships are meant to work, Rowan.” 
“I second that notion,” Wednesday said as she moved away from the fridge she’d leaned against, grabbing the eggnog from one of the shelves as Enid grabbed two cups. You shot Enid a grin, which she returned before glancing at her girlfriend once more. 
“And who makes the icing?”
“Nobody,” Xavier said. “Royal icing is difficult, and we’re trying to have a fun date night, so we bought it pre-made.”
Ajax laughed. “Sorry for crashing,” he said. You shook your head, wrapping your arms around Xavier and hugging him from behind. 
“Eh, not everyone lucks out in romance department,” you said. “Not everyone is as lucky as Xavier and I, honestly.” 
“The only match I’ve seen that’s as perfect as the two of you has been Wednesday and Enid,” Rowan noted. “Surprised Enid hasn’t convinced Wednesday to bake sugar cookies yet.”
“She got me me to agree to a gingerbread decorating contest, though I remain unsure if that counts. It’s a double date with us and them,” she pointed in your direction, and you nodded.
“Oh, it absolutely does,” you said, adding the vanilla extract and following it by the almond. Xavier stirred the mixture quickly, adding the baking powder and a pinch of salt before giving it another spin. “I’m excited to see the murder scene you create when we decorate them Christmas Eve.”
“I’m excited to see how many of Xaviers sweaters you’ve stolen,” Wednesday rebutted, referencing the fact that the contest would be held in your dorm room. 
You rolled your eyes and let them close as Xavier portioned out the first half cup of flour, tapping it into the bowl as you stirred slowly. You opened your eyes, making sure that the flour had been incorporated into the dough before adding more of it. 
Things stayed like that for the next two minutes. You and Xavier were quiet, enjoying the time you’d gotten to spend together and knowing that there was more time to be spent even still. 
Once you’d made and decorated the cookies, you’d take them back to the dorm room that you, luckily, had gotten to yourself. You’d end up eating them while you watched some old, cheesy Christmas movie or one of the ones to be found on Hallmark, which you and Xavier would watch only so that you could laugh at the cheesy dialogue and point out how a clear line of communication would’ve solved every issue the protagonists faced. 
Once the dough had been fully combined, you separated from Xavier to grab cookie sheets and parchment paper, where he put flour onto the clean countertop and grabbed the cookie cutters and a rolling pin. 
The two of you made idle conversation as you went through the motions. Xavier rolled out the dough, placed the cookie cutters and cut the excess away while you placed the cookies onto the sheets. Throughout the whole ordeal, neither of you paid much mind to those around, though you did hear them begin conversations of their own. 
Xavier passed you the oven mitts and you put the cookie sheets into the oven, closing it and taking the mitts off as Xavier moved to you, hugging you from behind as he set a fifteen minute timer on his phone. 
“How can the two of you make baking sugar cookies shaped like christmas trees, snowflakes, snowmen, and freaking reindeer turn into something that makes me feel more single than I do on Valentines day?” Rowan asked. You shrugged, the two of you beginning to sway as Enid passed you both glasses of eggnog. 
“Moments like this one are easy to find when you’re with the right person,” Xavier said, shrugging. “It’s just a matter of finding them, really.”
Rowan scoffed. “You make that sound so easy.”
“It was, in my case,” Xavier answered simply, shrugging as he spoke. “You’ll find them at the right time, Rowan. Don’t stress about it too much.”
Rowan shrugged, air-cheers’ing his glass with yours and Xaviers. 
The room quieted as Ajax, Rowan, Wednesday and Enid filtered out bit by bit, and eventually it was just the two of you. 
You mostly just existed with one another in the quiet, content to play a slow song from Xaviers phone and sway along to the music as it played.
Moments with you and Xavier were like that often; you found yourselves able to exist in the quiet without needing to say anything. Comfortable, content and enjoyable silences were commonplace for you, happening nearly daily. 
The timer went off, and you took the cookies out, making jokes and laughing with one another as you waited for the cookies to cool. 
You caught yourself feeling all lovey-dovey as you watched him. He was smiling slightly at you as you reached out and tossed some flour that hadn’t been wiped from the counter onto his face. 
He got you back, blowing flour over yours as he mocked the act of blowing a kiss. You both laughed, and Xavier found the bag from the grocery store you’d visited in the city, warming the royal icing a bit as the cookies finished up the cooling process. 
“I love you,” Xavier mumbled, pressing a kiss to your cheekbone as you took one of the piping bags. You leaned up, pressing one to his forehead. 
“I love you too,” you responded. “I catch myself falling again every time I look at you for a beat too long. I love you, my dear artist.” 
“I love you, my darling muse,” 
With that, the two of you got into decorating, spending the next thirty minutes focused on just that. When Enid returned again, she had hot cocoa, which you both took with grateful smiles. 
“Perfect, right?” You asked her, noticing she’d been wearing one of Wednesdays knitted sweaters. She noticed the hoodie of Xaviers that you’d donned and, as Xavier walked to a distant cabinet to grab spherical sprinkles to act as ornaments for the Christmas tree shaped cookies, she nodded.
“More than that, I would say,” she said. “It’s like, perfect but better? It’s more than perfect, honestly. I’m really happy a lot of the time, I have to admit.”
“Love and happiness correlate like nobodies fucking business,” you said with a laugh as you sipped the hot chocolate she’d brought you. “Xavier and I have been together since we were fourteen. Three years in, and damn it all if it doesn’t just better as time goes on.”
Enid grinned. “I really hope it does,” she said.
“People always say that the honeymoon phase sizzles out after the first few months, but it doesn’t, really. You’ll think it has and then you’ll be baking and decorating cookies for a movie night with Wednesday the week before Christmas. You’ll look at her or she’ll look at you, and you’ll fall in love all over again.”
Xavier grinned as he walked back into the area, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he dotted the spherical sprinkles onto the christmas tree shaped cookies. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” you responded.
Enids eyes flickered between the two of you and her face broke out into a grin. You took a sip of the hot chocolate and made a note to get her some of the eggnog she liked when you and Xavier were in the city again. 
“More than perfect, right?” She asked, glancing between the two of you again.
“A hell of a lot more than perfect most days, yeah.” 
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dorylinae-supremacy · 7 months
Almost 3am and I physically cannot stop thinking about dark fluffy fae AU’s
Fae au… save me.. Fae au Save me fae au
I have decided that this is my chance to ramble about all the fae WIPS I have noted down so read all that under the break! It’s very very long so enjoy!
First concept is Phil being vaguely magic and then falling in love with Kristin and them having 3 half fae children who are just weird and wonderful.
They’re not human so they don’t entirely understand things (which can lead to them just being fucked up sometimes) but they still go out and spread their magic.
Techno toys with crops, using his gifts of magic for both good and evil while Wilbur weaved his own magic into his words and form. He can convince anyone of anything if he works hard enough.
Tommy would be a chaotic bundle that just shoots out spells at random, causing mayhem wherever he goes.
Another concept is a fairy au where the seelie have butterfly wings while unseelie have either moth or other insect wings I can’t decide. Techno, a seelie Prince, is given off to the other court as a sign of good will.
From my silly little notes he basically has to put off a massive performance for them to save his branch of the fae family tree. Problem is his parents are assholes.
Obviously shenanigans ensue where Wilbur decides to scope out this other Prince and ends up deciding that he’s brother materiel.
Queue him using a bit of madness magic to make Techno go a bit off his rocker and begin to get violent. It all would end in the big performance where he dances and dances and by the time he’s done he realises he killed all the others and then gets adopted.
I also have another AU where fae!Wilbur is pushed into having his own circle far too young and ends up trapped in a deal with human!SBI because of it.
General vibes of that one is that he’s way too young to be making deals of that kind but he gets forced into it anyway and now he has to try and trick people.
Techno comes across him since they set Wilbur up in the palace garden and immediately spots how bad he is at being a fae after Wil fails horribly at tricking him.
Obviously since Techno is incapable of being normal he starts to obsess because Wil took a similar appearance to him since he was the first person he saw. He’s ofc very very interested and now keeps visiting him.
Eventually after a bunch of visits Techno figures out Wils name and steals him away. He reassured Wil that he doesn’t wanna actually do anything bad, he just kinda wants to keep him as a brother and Wil can’t decide if that’s better or worse.
Ofc Techno has to show his new surprise brother to the rest of the family and they’re all not normal about it at all. Phil is probably like “aww what do you have there?” as if Techno didn’t just bring a magical fucking being into the castle.
They bind him in more deals probably. I think Wil would try and be like “I’ll give you whatever you want just let me go” and parentsduo try and let him down softly that he’s literally never going back to the fae realm.
And now I must reveal to you my Sweeter Than Honey brainrot that I hoard away.
First one is very very soft. It’s just a vague outline of Phil deciding to teach Techno how to bake and it’s everything Tech deserves and more. That boy deserves the absolute world.
There’s a small bump in the road where he’s not careful and kinda burns himself but it heals very quickly and he gets cuddles in the nest for it.
My next 2 centre around parties because I think fae have lots of them.
Yet again we have another silly one. It’s the first party that they’ve really had after Techno became a fae and he ends up getting swooped up between different groups of fae. He actually does end up making a few genuine friends and it’s yet again everything he deserves.
He heads out into a garden area with his new besties for a bit and forgets how bad the Prince going missing looks and comes back to Phil freaking out.
After the old man is done having a heart attack it’s time to wrap up and he gets excited to see his friends again sometime soon. He gets all tucked into the nest and dozes off a bit before Phil / Kristin ask him if he enjoyed it.
He kinda mumbles that it’s the first time he’s ever enjoyed a party and thanks them for bringing him to it. He gets a little kiss on the head and falls back asleep.
My final one and what I think is my fav from my STH brainrot chronicles is this one. It’s based off an ask where lenn explained that the masks on the ferry would turn the wearer into the animal it presented.
I think you all know where this is going.
So by now his wings are more grown in, maybe it’s an anniversary of his yoinking who knows, and they’re celebrating on the ferry that brought him over to fae lands as a symbolism thing.
Technos exploring the ship again since it’s changed up appearance a little and ends up finding the mask room again. He makes not the smartest decision and decides to try on a pig mask.
Ofc he turns into a pig and then shenanigans ensue. Probably Bad and Skeppy figuring out that Techno is now a pig and instead of telling Kristin and Phil they kinda just chase him around. It’s a whole situation.
Either way parentsduo figure out that their kid is missing. Again. They flip their shit but try to keep it on the downlow a little. For now.
Obviously they eventually spot Skeppy and Bad chasing around a pig on the boat and connect the dots. They kinda fawn over pignoblade for a while before Kristin reverses the spell.
Fun thing about the ferry though is that it has a sense of humour. One that carries into its magic as well. This apparently includes having Techno keep some of those pig features even after the spell.
He gets some pointy ears, tusks and a tail for his troubles and ends up a bit self conscious about it. Since he feels dumb for falling for the mask and also now he has all these pig features.
Kristin and Phil obviously won’t allow that and let him know just how cute they think his new features are. He feels a bit better after they maybe imitate the traits onto themselves as well.
After that they return to the nest and he falls asleep with his little tail wagging because that’s what he deserves.
I also have a vague idea for a Wilbur centric fae fic but that’s long and I’ve spent like 30 mins just rambling on this post already.
If there’s weird spellings, words or autocorrect then I’m sorry I literally typed this all on phone. I will maybe probably go fix it later if I remember.
Until then, enjoy my delusions o7
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Talk to me for yours about your Jewish!Crowley hcs please
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Ok listen. LISTEN. We're all fully aware that Good Omens is a parody on Christianity (or at least, Christian beliefs). This is literally text, there's no analysis needed. And the book is great! Really, it is, I rated it five stars the one and only time I read it, and that's pretty rare from me honestly. Especially since the book didn't really make that much of an impression on me. Like, quality book for sure. Put it on my shelf and never really thought about it again.
But the tv show... My guys, the TV SHOW. I loved it. I love it, present tense. I've befriended people who are still in my life years later because we love this show. I was going to lecture about this show (I don't talk about this lecture bc it was never finished; I ended up cancelling it due to my mental health worsening). And there's a beautiful, gorgeous line uttered by Crowley that when I heard it aloud went in and did not fucking leave:
All I ever did was ask questions.
(I tried to find a gif or screenshot of this quote and failed miserably I'm sorry)
And the thing is, right, if you've been around a Jew for more than half a millisecond you know that Jews LOVE asking questions. It's baked into us. Religious learning is comprised of reading a thing and then asking questions, until you understand it enough to agree or disagree - queue debate. The thing you're reading? Half the time it's a document of the Sages arguing over questions themselves. It's great! And yeah this little sentence was just like. Crowley... Ask question?? Crowley..... Not accepted by christians for evil nature??? Crowley......... Jewish????????
And listen listen listen!!! I'm not going to get into the role of demons in Jewish mythology (although while looking for said screenshot I did find this post which covers a couple of bases). But you know what I bet that this version of a demon would make the BEST Jew. Crowley craves company that understands him, and in canon the only one who he sees himself in is Azira. But what about a people with extremely long memory? A memory 3.5 thousand years long, for example? What about a community where questions like his are not only accepted, but encouraged?
I like to imagine that Crowley isn't particular about what kind of synagogue he's at. He's been around for so long, he's just here to maybe hear a new Dvar Tora and get some singing in. Over the years, however, especially after he settles in with Azira in their cottage, he ends up a regular at one conservative synagogue. It suits him - enough tradition to be familiar, enough change to not feel stifling. And he's a bit strange, he doesn't always show up and he certainly doesn't always stay through the whole service, but any time they're missing someone for a minyan he shows up, without fail. He gets invited over for shabbos and he brings Azira, who's delighted every time, and eventually they host a small party at their for a Friday night too (Crowley supervises the kashering of their kitchen and makes sure the menu stays kosher for their guests, but otherwise lets Azira go crazy in the kitchen).
I had more to say but I was writing this on the bus and now I'm at work and it's all gone but yeah Jewish!Crowley >>>>
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manonamora-if · 10 months
Weekly check in. Some little stuff, some bigger stuff.
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Current word count: 23.323 (Ch.5), >8k (Ch.6)
And we're finally back on track with Harcourt, babyyyy. After a month of eh from both me (with the editing) and MelS (writing the next chapter), we both managed to break through our respective blocks.
As of a few days ago, I sent back the edited Chapter 5 to MelS, so he could answer my comments and check the changes. I finally got to read the missing bits (and they are creepy and yucky)... Can't wait to code all of that when it is ready. We definitely need another round of MelS editing the text and me checking it, before I can add that to the file.
Until I get the file back, I'll focus on other projects.
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Yerup... I ended up finishing it. A little binksi with more vibes than story. Click if you dare :P
Making a binksi (or a bitsy/bipsi) had been something on my bucket list for a while now (almost a year actually), and I finally got to make one for realsies!
Honestly, the hardest part in all of this... was making the tiles/sprites in 8x8 pixels ;-; Anyway, the code is freely available on itch and my GitHub.
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Fixed some accessibility issues yesterday:
textbox not getting in focus properly
links/buttons not changing state when in focus but not hovered
added image descriptions to pictures in French/English
Also added the logos of Twine and SugarCube when the game loads. Those are clickable too.
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I have worked a tad more on the UI/missing elements. But not as much as I should have.
Next week, the final update should be out.
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This is what I'll be fixing this month. Officially reopened the code files, stared at it, and cried. It's so bad. It's such a mess...
Not looking forward to it, but it needs fixing! (I've asked the Forum for help too in the commands...)
ALSO, I've decided there will be a hyperlink version of this game. Instead of the commands, click on words. It will be in the same file, and you get to choose at the start.
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I’ve finished reviewing the EctoComp entries (except the Spanish-only ones because I suck at Spanish...) and have started reviewing the Bare-Bones Jam entry. An updated version of the reviews have been queues on the IFDB and @manonamora-if-reviews. I will probably go back to the IFComp entries after that (probably after the voting deadline... I've done 40 already...).
I've made a completely new intro post with all of the place I'm at (if you'd rather not be on Tumblr). It was a long time coming, and now I have clear channels of where I'm posting about stuff. Just need to be consistent...
I've also started migrating old dev logs and posts to my blog, especially the longer ones where I have a lot to say. Since the search function and archive on Tumblr is eh, I get to keep the important ones (not all of them are) in a more organised place. They are still on Tumblr, btw. It's not gone, just copied. It's been nice to revisit old dev logs, and see how far I've come (it's been a long way). It's pretty humbling (especially the typos, omg... I fixed so many of those).
The IFComp and EctoComp, are always looking for players/voters. If you want to play a few short-ish games, take advantage of that! There is only a few days left for the IFComp and a few weeks for the EctoComp.
The @seedcomp-if is always looking for inspiration (text, images, code, etc…) in this current first round. If you have half-baked ideas or anything, really, come submit something!
Over @neointeractives, ShuffleComp! is looking for playlists and participats :)
And that's it I think...
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brynnterpretations · 2 months
hi! I saw you were doing ship requests for The Boys and just couldn’t help myself.
I am a mid-twenties bisexual woman. I have a degree in psychology and worked in therapy (specifically for PTSD in veterans and medical staff/first responder types) for a few years before transitioning to a marine mammal rehab and research non-profit. I have an avid love for reading, pop culture, and specifically movies. I am a huge fan of both well told stories and well made art, and I enjoy watching all sorts of movies to see both. Especially shitty action movies tbh. I also love to have a drink with friends and play games, as I am wildly competitive. Other likes include Dad Rock, dogs, and nature. Plus I love to bake.
Personality wise I would say I’m mildly stubborn, overtly loyal, and tend to be the extroverted glue that brings different friends together. I tend to be optimistic, despite having gone through Some Serious Shit™️ in my life. In fact, I would say the aforementioned shit has made me a kinder, empathetic person, but given I have lost a lot of people, I hold the people I have close, even when my gut tells me to push people away. I strive to be a good friend. I’m a hard worker, and as I consistently say to my friends, I can’t half-ass anything. If I’m gonna do something, im gonna do it all the way, which leans into the fact that I have a pretty dramatic flare.
This all feels wildly self indulgent and it’s so weird to describe yourself in a few paragraphs right? But I really appreciate you!!! Thank ya 💕💗
You sound like such an amazing person and, not to be dramatic, but the world is so lucky to have you. Thank you so much for the ship request and keep being awesome!
I ship you with...
Hughie Campbell ♡
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GIF Source: @yocalio ★ (link)
You and Hughie meet in a small local record store in Washington Park. Even in the age of iPhones and streaming, Hughie is a huge CD guy, and always makes sure to stop by vinyl and music stores to stock up on some of his favorites (and stare wistfully at the guitars, but that's another story).
When he spots you over by the section of your favorite band, Hughie is thrilled; he, too, is a huge dad rock connoisseur, and it's not often he finds someone as cute as you in the CD store. Usually it's just very strange old guys who give me mean looks. So, as Hughie does, he walks over to you and very, very awkwardly starts a conversation with you ("oh, you like [band name]? That's a great pick!" queue nervous laugh).
Surprisingly, his nervousness works on you, and you two end up exchanging numbers at the end of your exchange. Hughie's a painfully earnest guy and has not mastered the art of subtlety, so it doesn't really start with any smoothness. Instead, expect a lot of cat GIFs, smiley emoticons, and general millennialness (but make it cute, and make it Hughie).
After texting you and learning about the work you do, Hughie is smitten, and invites you out on a date to volunteer at an animal shelter, because who doesn't love puppies and conversation?
Would routinely invite you to more and more dates, and as he gets to know you even more and learns small bits and pieces of your past, he falls for you hard. We all know Hughie’s been through a lot, so he greatly admires people who have, too, yet don’t let it stop them from moving forward and making a positive impact on the world.
Isn't really someone who feels the need to move slow, but is very anxious, so would ask to be formally girlfriend-boyfriend by coming to your apartment or house with flowers and a lot of tripping over his words, because oh shit, what if you say no, he'd fine with still being friends but that would be super awkward—
However... the guy won you over, and when you say yes, expect the sweetest hug.
Hughie will always send you good morning and night texts, as well as random things throughout the day that makes him think of you, like a daschund puppy he saw on the street or a t-shirt with your favorite band's logo imprinted on it.
Expect a ton of cute dates, and expect them often. He's not a very sporadic person and values your time (he knows damn well you're busy), so he'll always schedule with you in advance.
And, while he loves his cute, casual dates, also loves to treat you — you deserve it — and tries to do a big one once a month. He's definitely a roses-and-candles sort of guy, and he won't let you forget it.
Hughie and you have a similar taste in movies, so he loves marathoning with you. You two always dominate any trivia nights at the bar close to you, and have become an infamous pair there.
He always sends you songs throughout the day, especially ones that remind him of you ("Rosanna" by Toto, "You're My Home" by Billy Joel, "Head Over Heels" by Tears for Fears", etc.) and you two have a joint Spotify playlist!
Loves being the little spoon with you, and loves cuddling in general. He's not a huge PDA person — he's pretty shy, and would kiss you or hold you in front of others at most — but once you two are alone together, will be all over you (in a cute way).
Hughie is endlessly in awe of you, from your work ethic to your personality, and when he senses you're having a tough day, is not shy about reminding you of it.
Also, he's definitely the type of guy to adopt a dog with his significant other, so once that anniversary comes (and it will)... expect a puppy.
Hughie would try to hide his work with The Boys from you, and when push comes to shove, would try to dissuade you from getting involved. However, he knows you're smart, capable, and doesn't want you to think that he's hiding anything from you, so he would (albeitly reluctantly) introduce you to the boys while still trying to keep them at a healthy distance from you for your own safety.
The Boys ☻
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GIF Source: @peach-coke ★ (link)
Annie is your number one fan, and your best friend in the group, due to your personality and work ethic. It's extremely hard to come by someone like you in "The Boys" universe — someone who does so much good for the world, and in spite of how the world treats them, does their best to keep giving back to it positively — and would make a point to become friends with you ASAP.
She tends to rewatch the same movies, listen to the same songs, etc. — she's a creature of habit — so she loves asking for song recommendations and going out to movies with you. She also is a big Facetime person, and would call you every other night to catch up, whether she's taking off her makeup or coming off of a crappy patrol.
Additionally, once she starts the Starlight Foundation, she would immediately try recruiting you to work hands-on due to your experience.
M.M. adores you as well. While mostly a fan of oldschool hip hop and rap, he can get down to some dad rock (the guy could probably recite Led Zep's entire discography on the spot if you asked him), and whenever you wear any band tees, you get a nod of approval from him. He's a pretty busy, but would always take time to talk to you whenever you stop by.
Frenchie and Kimiko love you — they both think you're an absolute badass. Interactions with them would be pretty limited due to Hughie not wanting you to be put in any unnecessary danger, but they always hang out with you when you stop by, and Kimiko definitely invites you over to movie nights.
Those movie nights are very fun, and cute, by the way. She makes popcorn and sets up the hideout to be as comfy as possible. The girl loves ya.
Butcher has a lot of unresolved romantic feelings for you which he pushes down because A) our boy is not a homewrecker, and B) it's always hard for him to grapple with those sorts of close, intimate emotions. He likes you for the same reasons Annie does, and your caring, hardworking nature are the best qualities he's felt he can find in a person.
But, because of this... Butcher avoids you, to the point it seems borderline rude. The guy usually will at least throw one snarky remark at any newcomers, but he won't really give anything to you but a nod of acknowledgment.
To end things on a positive note, though: you and Hughie are the happiest, sweetest couple there is in NYC, and you've got some very, very good friends on your side.
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persoc30 · 1 year
Kinktober Day 9 - Portals / Mouthplay
One simple step, properly performed, brought Ran Yakumo from the human village market to boundary space. Her Mistress, Yukari Yakumo’s domain and greater self both. As soon as her forward foot set down on what passed for ground in this realm, thousands of crimson eyes ripped open. Each of her lady's eyes practically bulged out of the tears in space that passed for eyelids, their presence implying structure and shape within the dark void as they glared at the intruder.
As Ran shook off the appearance of an ordinary human villager, long hair reshaping into tails and ears and her tabard rolling down her front, she wondered why her mistress had summoned her to come in person. Normally if Ran was already in the middle of a task she’d just send new orders directly, along with a priority for where in the queue they should go. But as rare as it was there were enough possibilities and a short enough time before an update she didn’t feel the need to calculate what it could be. So she quickly dropped her groceries through a gap to the Yakumo manor and took flight to find her mistress.
Not a difficult task really, in the space between gaps distance and location meant exactly as much as Yukari wanted them to. So before long she found her mistress’s more humanoid half lounging in a tear in space as if it were a couch, surrounded by gaps showing scenes from throughout Gensokyo. As she knelt in greeting Ran did her best to ignore the bag of baked goods she’d just let out of her sight with the rest of the groceries, now sitting next to a bottle of outside world wine on a sideways stop sign Yukari was using as an impromptu end table.
“You summoned me mistress?”
“Ah, Ran, just as punctual as I’d expect!” Yukari fell backwards into her seat, and Ran’s senses felt the powerful youkai appear behind her back well before a white gloved hand cupped her cheek. “You see, I’ve been worried about how your programming’s holding up these past few centuries, so I wanted to do a quiiick little inspection and calibration~”
That’s what this was about.
At risk of sounding prideful, millennia of service had left Ran’s programming about as close to perfected as any such project could be. Sure early on in their relationship, when the programming that made Ran the fox youkai into Ran Yakumo the shikigami was still settling in, there had been cause for periodic inspection and updating. But over time there was less and less need for such things and ‘inspection and calibration’ became what it was now, little more than elaborate fore-play.
In fact, a quick check of her archived memory confirmed over the last millennia it had been 1,792 ‘inspections’ since Yukari had last made any significant change to her programming. So much for centuries of worry.
Ran let out a sigh “If you think it’s necessary, my lady.” It was always… pleasant enough, but there were so many things she was supposed to be doing instead.
A silk covered thumb slipped into her mouth as its hand stroked her face “Rest assured, I think it’s very necessary.”
Soon Ran knelt on all fours, her bulky robe, tabard, and hat folded and stacked with geometric precision to one side, and her voluminous tails spread out and wide behind her. Her mistress paced around her, tapping a folding fan on her chin as she looked over her servant with both her human eyes and the hundreds of eyes unblinking around them.
“Perfect. Are you ready for me to begin?”
“Yes, I’m prepared mistress.” This first part was always a shock, it was better to just get it over with.
Yukari snapped her fingers, and the seventh sense for boundaries Ran inherited from her mistress felt a line between physical and conceptual being torn apart within her body. She shuddered from her ears to her tails as the spiritual code that comprised her existence as a shikigami was made manifest on and within her body, like new incredibly sensitive nerves had just been grown throughout her.
“Hmm, no obvious issues on the highest level. Let’s check your core systems.”
Yukari thrust a hand right into her servant’s spine, straight through flesh and muscle and bone as if it were less real than the code it carried. She grabbed and pulled at a cluster of these glowing lines, stretching them out of Ran’s body for closer inspection. The fox closed her eyes and suppressed another shudder at the rough treatment, feeling the hand in her body and every inch of the stretching as pure sensation. She almost moaned when Yukari stuck a finger into one of the lines, spreading it out like she was unwinding the fibers of a rope. When she rolled those fibers between her fingers a moan did actually escape.
“Personality is holding up well.” Yukari muttered, intently focused on her project and pointedly ignoring her shikigami’s reactions. She dropped the handful of nerves, letting them snap back home with a whimper out of Ran.
She stepped around behind the mass of Ran’s tails while dozens of shadowy inhuman hands crept out from behind the surrounding swarm of eyes, each hand reaching for a different point on her body. One began sorting through lines running across her belly, another gently tracing paths over and within her breasts, more still reaching into her shoulders and thighs to pluck at the sensitive lines within. Every time one of the threads was touched or tugged a tingle of sensation shot through her system, the small individual effects quickly building into an organized symphony that threated to overwhelm her.
“Stick out your tongue; I need to bridge some connections.” Yukari called from her position, patiently sifting through each of Ran’s fluffy tails looking for the code hiding within.
Ran immediately complied with the order, thrusting her tongue out as far as it would reach. Only to feel it run into something wet and fleshy, and a similar response from further back. She looked down to see a gap had been opened in space right in front of her, one that allowed her tongue to reach out and touch her own pussy. She felt her cheeks burning as she watched the golden thread stretching down her tongue connect to the small cluster found there. She gave the best sound of protest she could through her locked open mouth.
“Not quite what I needed, let’s try this.”
This time Ran was able to watch as a pair of gaps opened on either side of her face, and the ends of her breasts slid out so that the very tips of her nipples were just touching her tongue. Another small shock as the clusters there linked up with the ones in her mouth and vagina, and Ran moaned looking at the small cluster of her most sensitive parts floating in front of her.
“There we go, now if I just…”
This time Ran sensed a gap open within her mouth, the claws of a pair of shadowy fingers reaching out to pick and strum at the lines in her mouth like a harp, tickling at the inside of her cheek the whole time. They caressed her fangs and ran along her gums and forced dug under her tongue, before stretching out of her mouth in a surreal sight to flick at her nipples and clit.
It was all too much for the poor shikigami. She had to do something.
“Hey! Stop licking, you’re breaking the link!” Yukari giggled at her servant. But Ran ignored the order, desperately pushing past the fingers coming out of her own mouth to lap at her pussy. Yukari gave a sigh at her disobedient shikigami and two more pairs of claws erupted out of gaps to hold the tongue in place. A needy whine came out of Ran as the fingers in her mouth went back to their ministrations.
“I suppose I can be nice, you’re such a loyal girl after all~”
A pair of gaps opened under Ran’s hands and suddenly instead of the pseudo-ground of boundary space her hands were sinking into her own ample ass cheeks. She let out a satisfied squeal as she began mindlessly kneading and groping; enjoying the brief flashes of raw feeling every time the code in one touched the other.
Ran did her best to hold out, against the fingers in her mouth entangling her most sensitive places and preventing her from enjoying it, the hands dancing over the code that comprised her, her own hands thoughtlessly grinding into herself, her mistress buried deep in her tails, the constant unblinking crimson gaze burning shame into her. All of it.
It was just one more hand, reaching down to tug at a string of code buried in the soft fur at the base of her ear that broke her. She erupted in orgasm, splattering over her own mouth and nipples.
Yukari poked her head out from behind the fox’s tails with a smug grin. She snapped her fingers and the gaps and hands holding her shikigami in place disappeared, body parts returning to where they were supposed to be and allowing the poor woman to limply drop to the ground. Another snap and the boundary between concept and physical within Ran’s body returned to its rightful place, the strands of code fading away. She dramatically dusted off her hands as she came into her servant’s, currently unfocused, vision.
“Everything seems to be in order!” She cheerily began, hiking up her voluminous layered skirt, “Now let’s give these settings a test run~”
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thinkingishard · 1 year
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Blossomvale is based on my playthrough of M. Kirin’s TTRPG ‘Iron Valley’ (which is pay-what-you-want!: https://mkirin.itch.io/iron-valley) This is the last page of Spring 1! I'm actually writing this post days in advance. We're about to go on holiday so I'm trying to queue up as much as possible for you guys. What is next?
Some exclusive content for my Patrons: Including a version of the Blossomvale Town Centre map with the houses marked up, and some behind-the-scenes for Spring 2.
Holiday sketches/photos (subject to change): I'm hoping to be able to fit in a sketchbook on my holiday, and will be releasing sketches exclusively or early to Patreon depending on how I feel for the day! I am visiting family and friends though, so will have to play this by ear.
Spring 2: I'll be back to work on my return from holiday, and hopefully have these comic pages out to you soon! As before, pages will be released a day early on Patreon, then posted to Tumblr.
My lowest tier on Patreon is £1 (though there are benefits for those who sign up for higher pledges!), if you enjoyed Blossomvale, consider supporting me on there?
Hope you enjoyed my return to comics!
If you did, share it with your friends!
[Image ID: a comic drawn in a cute, cartoony style.
This page shows three phone screens similar to the very first panel of the first page - they are profiles on BLOSSOMVALE COMMUNITY. Some text above the three phones reads 'Blossomvale - Spring, day 1, year 1, end' Phone 1: Profile for Mo, a brown bear. His profile picture shows him in a pink shirt, looking off to the right. It shows his name (Mo). It shows his pronouns as He/Him. It has a little leaf and '25' indicating that his birthday is Autumn 25. He has left his profile information mostly blank, just writing '.'. Under a section titled 'I CAN HELP WITH', there are three icons with writing underneath - a paintbrush labelled 'ART', a pot labelled 'COOKING', and a pen and pad of paper labelled 'ADMIN'.
Phone 2: Profile for Bug, a pink axolotl. Her profile picture shows her facing slightly to the left, but looking at the camera. She is wearing the same beanie as earlier, but is wearing a plaid shirt. The rest of the profile shows her name (Bug). It shows her pronouns as She/Her. It has a little sun and '8' indicating that her birthday is Summer 8. Her profile section reads: "My favourite game at the moment is Shaping Venus, come play it with me at Cup Half Full!". Under a section titled 'I CAN HELP WITH', there are three icons with writing underneath - a cup labelled 'COFFEE', a little purple demon emoji with ears labelled 'PRANKS', and a jigsaw puzzle piece labelled 'PUZZLES'.
Phone 3: Profile for Elm, a golden brown and white hamster. Her profile picture shows her leaning on their elbows on a brown table while she holds up a coffee mug. They are wearing a purple t-shirt and there is greenery in the background. It shows their name (Elm). It shows her pronouns as She/They. It has a little green leaf and '14' indicating that their birthday is Spring 14. Her profile section reads: "IF YOU ARE SICK OF LUCK CO. RUINING EVERYTHING SIGN MY PETITION: blssm/shrt1". Under a section titled 'I CAN HELP WITH', there are three icons with writing underneath - a cup labelled 'COFFEE', a cake labelled 'BAKING', and a placard sign with an exclamation mark labelled 'ACTIVISM'.
End ID. ]
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smittyw · 2 years
welcome to my zone im smitty! but u can call me mac
any pronouns, mid 20s, lesbian fun uncle, i do illustration and character design and come up with half baked story ideas just for youuu to eat (mostly for me to eat but i can share)
art posts are described with id’s in alt text when i remember to. i have no carrd and no organizational skills but here are some fun links. grins
commission info (currently OPEN)
+ donation comms! 🇵🇸 (OPEN INDEFINITELY)
main blog | insta | artfight | toyhouse
asks are always welcome! my interests shift like crazy and i like to talk abt them
currently on some real fixation bullshit with: my damn oc’s (💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥)
currently thinking a normal amount about: the beauty of music, idk. the weather
p.s. queue is dead in the water but im trying to post near daily when i can
p.p.s. #razzposting tag for more of this blogs official mascot
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latest edit: 8.5.24
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melody-han-wayne · 9 months
(OOC: Update + Apology—Long Post)
So I've been pretty much non-existent for the past 4 months or so BUT I can explain!
Basically what happened is that I emigrated to not just a different country, but a different continent on literally the other side of the world from where I grew up. And I left behind all my friends and family at home, meaning I came here alone and I'm still alone and probably will be alone for as long as I remain in this new country. So for the past few months I've been dealing with moving and settling down and making plans to secure my future in this new country—heck, just making sure I can have a future in this new country. I'm more or less settled into my new life now (except for the planning for the future part) but before that I kind of forgot about Melody for a while 🫥
So anyway the guilt ate away at my subconscious and Melody's voice came to me in a dream and berated me for abandoning her, so I woke up and quickly came to check on my baby. And I realise, to my utter mortification and horror, that I never paused my Tumblr queue, so all the half-baked ideas, the rough drafts, the tentative-but-not-in-chronological-order character development, had been posting itself while I was away 🫠. So if during the past 5 months you saw my blog degenerate into a bigger and bigger mess and wondered "What the heck is going on"—it's not you, it's me. Right now I'm just trying to salvage what I can of my blog (and my dignity) and reorganise everything I originally planned for Melody (tbh I forgot half of it but I'm sure the memories are in here somewhere, I just have to clean out the dust and oil the gears first).
Honestly I have no idea how many people follow(ed) Melody's story, I might as well be posting into the void for all I know. But like so many of the other RPers on this blog I started because I was bored and had some ideas in my head that wouldn't leave me alone, and over time I became attached to my OC and her story (perhaps unhealthily so). That's part of the reason why I decided not to just delete my blog and make my absence permanent. Because working on this self-indulgent project used to make me happy, and because I still have some ideas I want to share with whoever might be lurking around. Another reason is because of the community that welcomed me and that I personally watched grow. Even when this blog was at its 'most active' I probably didn't interact with other RPers as much as I should/could have (again, it's not you, it's me) but what little interaction we did have I truly did enjoy as we built and connected our own stories and characters while also interpreting the DC ones. I don't think I've said this before, and I don't think I'll ever say it enough, but really, thank you all for being willing to indulge me and play with me. This has been a lovely space to be in, and you guys combined are like 80% of the reason ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@florence-wayne-official @kit-the-nonbinary-wayne @that-one-gotham-kid @amira-wayne-al-ghul @warren-wayne-kyle @teagrayson + anyone I missed, knowing the rate at which this community grows there's bound to be at least one person I didn't tag (it's not a snub—again, not you, it's me and my bad memory—please don't be offended 🥺)
((idk if tagging everyone is proper etiquette after my prolonged absence, I was just going to say 'you know who you are' at first and leave it at that but I'm not sure if you guys actually know who you are 😅 so if I'm breaking some kind of unspoken Tumblr code of etiquette I apologise again))
(((I didn't mean for that above note to sound as rude as it did)))
ANYWAYS if you've read past the wall of text above to make it down here congratulations and thank you, I'll be doing my best to clean up/revise my blog and my OC and her story in the coming weeks and hopefully get some sort of continuity back on track :) I'm also trying to figure out what happened in the rest of the RP community in my absence so if I reply to a three-month-old post now: once again, it's not you, it's me, and there's totally no obligation to engage with.
Can't wait to hang out with the Batfamily again ☺️ plus all my RP siblings, half-siblings, future siblings, stepsiblings, undead siblings etc XD
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