#( yes hello. I am nerd. I love dragons. )
trenchcoatsbi · 16 days
Okay so I know we came out as a system like 12 hourss ago, but I am begging any of the mods to please give us some names for Stars and Guide.
They've said they want new names. they are refusing to find new names. please help them /silly
For Guide - anything angelic/blue themed For Stars - anything more wild/dragonic themed
And both of them wouldn't mind options with protective or night/moon meanings, seeing as they both were guardians of something or another in source and they're associated with the moon / stars respectivly - Sammy (Voidling Not!Anon)
(also hello, I don't usually speak much but I am taking control and getting these nerds some decent names) (get in loser we're going shopping >:3 - Allister)
UMM HMMM. Something ive always loved a lot is the nickname starshine, i dont know why. ive used it in an affectionate sense for some people (dont let that deter you from using it!!) or interpreted it a few times with ocs, or as a playful nickname,, i just like it a lot! id love to see starshine being used mwahahha
i also like playing with variants of "starshine." moonshine (which is a super old illegal alcohol so could be used for aesthetics incase that fits anyone), starlight, starmoon, stardust, spaceshine, moondust, etc..... its fun to play arojnd with
apart from that! tbh just steal Word Names. as in, like.... the names of the shit and what makes up the shit. i often find that names of items, maybe shortened, sounds good asf. i have a friend who loves using food names
angelic shit: feathers, wings, heaven, glow, ascend/ascension/asc/asce, gates, skies/sky, angel, celeste, seraphina/seraphine, gabriel, ariel, sapphire, divine, eden (garden of eden), cherub(sometimes young angels who can be seen depicted as guarding the garden of eden, i think theyre hebrew based), elohim (hebrew name for "god"), hazel, blue/blu, halo, soul/souls, light
sorry if i got any of the context wrong, i'm not religious :,D
spacey shit: luna, orion, cons/cost/constell/constellation(s), stella/stellar, nova, eclipse/eclipsa, solstice/sol, astrid, aster, astroid, aurora, neb/nebula, stardust, cosmic/cosmo/cos/coz
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darkerknowledge · 2 years
Hello, I’m planning on running ‘Prisoner 13′ from the upcoming dnd book ‘Keys from the Golden Vault’ on Friday the 17th of February at 6:30 PM CST. I will be the DM. I’m looking for 4-5 people to join me as adventurers! If you are interested, there’s more information below the cut.
How does dnd on discord work? It’s a lot like in person play, I will narrate, you will interact with your fellow party members during exploration/roleplaying. Combat is the only thing different since we won’t have physical battle maps and minis to use.  How will combat work?  I will have a hand drawn map that I will stream via webcam. I don’t paint minis, so it’s a lot of ‘this is a dragon, this is you, what happens?’ Do I have to show my face on discord to a bunch of strangers?  Nope! I won’t be. Are you LGBTQ+ friendly? Yes! Will this be a good space for women? Also yes! Age requirement?  18+ preferred, not out of any explicit reasons, but when everyone is over 18 it makes it easier. If you are younger, let me know as we will talk about it and mention it to the table so nothing inappropriate happens. How much does this cost?  A whopping 0 dollars! Are you a good DM? I had a dnd show for awhile, I wrote content for dnd as a freelancer for a third party publisher for awhile, and I’ve been DMing for four years this summer! I’ve had players stick around long enough to finish 3 campaigns, and that number keeps climbing! I’m not very experienced, is that okay? Sure, as long as your familiar enough with the terminology, we can work together. If you’ve watched a dnd show like Critical Role or Dimension 20, you should be good. I am newbie friendly!  Why are you blazing a post for a one shot?  I want to meet cool dnd friends, and I’m hoping after a trial run of one shots, if we all like each other, it’ll turn into a weekly or biweekly campaign! How long will the game be?  I’m not sure, there’s all sorts of ways the game could be short or go longer. I’ll confer with everyone on how long they can stay, and find a good stopping place if it goes on too long. Then we will do a part 2 if you all want to. You needn’t worry about having to go to bed and the rest of us playing. Will there be a session 0?  Yes and no. For a one shot, I don’t think we need to meet up beforehand, but there will be safety tools in place (such as lines and veils) and what I call ‘hard-no’s’.  What is a hard-no? There are a few things that I as a DM am uncomfortable with running, and therefore won’t. For example, explicit roleplay. This will be covered by a ‘fade to black’ if it even comes up (it probably won’t.) If you had to rate your content like a movie what rating would it be? Pg-13 that allows you to say ‘fuck’ more often than just once. I cuss a lot, but less out of anger and more filling in my sentences.  Can I play homebrew?  Not for a one shot. The limit is officially published classes/subclasses/species/subspecies with stuff Matt Mercer made by approval.  Is there anything banned? Yeah, Silvery Barbs and bigotry. 
What if I want to play the one shot but not the campaign you’re looking to start? Yeah, that’s fine. This isn’t a contract.  Can I talk with the other players to build a better team composition?  If you all are the type of players to want to build a group together, you are more than welcome. However, you should be able to go through the one shot playing whatever you like. I will balance for the party rather than the last person who joins getting pushed to healer if there isn’t one already. Your fun is important! If you want to be a tiefling warlock and we have 2 other warlocks, then who cares? ELDRITCH BLAST FOR DAYS, YO! Can my friend join? Yeah, if there’s room.  What if I really want to play and miss an open slot?  The more the merrier, I say. I’m also building a discord server for dnd nerds to have fun, so you could join that one and play something else! What are your inspirations? I love horror, but this isn’t a horror game. What I like about the fantasy genre is how cinematic it can be. It’s fun to narrate, like jumping in the air and bringing an axe down on the dragon’s head while it tries to shake you off, but you hold on! That’s epic! I love that, but I also love down to earth character moments, too. Your party slayed the ancient dragon and now have its hoard. Do you keep it and run? Do you pay off your debt to the Thieves’ Guild? Or are you Robin Hood types? What happens when all three of those are in the same party? Nicholas Eames, writer of Kings of the Wyld and Bloody Rose, is pretty similar to how my games feel, but with a lot less wink-wink-nudge-nudge third wall breaking.  What if my question wasn’t answered here? I’m here to answer questions. My ask box and my direct messages are open! 
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fisherrprince · 2 years
hey. hey kip. I just had a thought and I have NO idea how I didn't have this idea before, but. I don't know if you're a monster hunter nerd like me. but I need you to look up the lore for Gore Magala, Shagaru Magala, and Chaotic Gore Magala. I just need you to trust me on this one. yes it's about Venitas when is it ever not about Venitas
i would be. such a monster hunter person if I were ANY good at playing these games I think I tried mhgu and am so so very bad at it AKDJDJBFID but I’ve heard of Gore Magala who are the other twoooooouuugghhhhhh. (grabs you) OUUURHHVBGH.
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first of all shagaru magala you big shiny monstrosity I love you and your. Title Heavenly Revolving Dragon SECOND OF all chaotic gore magala is my new best friend thank you for bringing me to them (immediately dies due to chaotic gore magala)
Picture for the peanut gallery HELLO DARLING BEAST !!!!!!!!!!!!
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softsophos · 2 years
Hello friends I am checks notes half a month late for deancasroadtrip (@starcrosseddeancas) 's disneynatural follower celebration and I don't even have a starbucks to show for it.
But, I did accidentally write a 1k word poem for it soooo hi?
I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to format this and eventually decided it was saying slam poem so I recorded myself reading it.
Text is under the cut for those who prefer to read it or understandably don't want to hear me (the audio quality is atrocious I have literally no setup for this I'm sorry) (also yes the audio is in two parts because tumblr hates me)
Kill the Beast, Save the Princess, Rinse, Wash, Repeat now, look, john winchester didn’t raise boys who watch disney movies but, look, dean really was the one who raised sammy and dean, dean was never john winchester now was he
Kill the Beast, Save the Princess, Rinse, Wash, Repeat now, look, dean never watched disney movies okay, but if he did, if he did his favorite part wasn’t the dresses though they sure were pretty, and his favorite part wasn’t the singing like sammy, and okay maybe his favorite part was the talking animals but his favorite favorite part was the good defeating evil, every time, good defeating evil, because sure pretty dresses and jewels weren’t for boys like him, and sure singing a little song was for the unspeakables with their heads screwed on funny, and sure talking animals were unnatural and what’s unnatural gets silver to the heart, but good defeating evil, good defeating evil was for boys like him, good defeating evil was his life his language and there it was, without fail, there it was on the screen, look, the evil queen is foiled, look, prince philip stabs the dragon, silver to the heart, the day gets saved, the evil gets crushed, just like him, just like him
Kill the Beast, Save the Princess, Rinse, Wash, Repeat now, look, budgeting never included movie tickets unless dean got creative but, look, creative was one of dean’s many many middle names, they had a whole word game about it because, you had to get creative to kill long hours too, creativity and killing that was dean so, yeah, if sammy wanted to go see some fish girl whose dad actually admitted he was wrong, some fish girl who was loved and heard even when she had no voice, okay, okay dean wasn’t going to say no to sammy and yeah, look, if sammy wanted to see some nerd girl escape to where she was valued and wanted, some nerd girl who loved without laws of monster and not monster, then, yeah that was probably a bad influence, sammy was reading all the time and sympathizing with monsters all of a sudden, let’s roll that back, so, hey, if sammy wanted to see some tough girl learn to be a man, that’s better, some tough girl who a tough man could love even when he thought she was, nope,
Kill the Beast, Save the Princess, Rinse, Wash, Repeat now, look, when sammy got real into the whole fairy tale thing, like, books from the library into it, like, tell me a bedtime story dean into it, it wasn’t hard because dean could just tack up a once upon a time, throw in some good defeating evil, and spin a tale of hero dad or maybe, or maybe even hero dean but, but then sammy would crash straight past good defeating evil to what about the happily ever after and
Kill the Beast, Save the Princess, Rinse, Wash, Repeat now, look, if dean was confronted by a dragon on his way to the vending machine he’d grab a knife and maybe a shotgun for good measure, if a dozen talking mice started giving him life advice one day his biggest problem would probably be sorting out the advice, weird was weird, sure, but weird was also winchester, and the rules of fairy tale magic or real reality didn’t quite apply the same but, well, life did have some rules and one of those rules was boys don’t watch disney movies, and one was good defeating evil, and one was after all’s said and done you hit the road, you hit the road and you don’t ask what about the happily ever after, okay, okay that doesn’t fit in winchester reality, okay, okay we’re not princesses who sing a little song and get happily ever after, okay, okay what does happily ever after have on a good crisp stretch of freeway and a rinse, wash, repeat, once upon a here we go again
Kill the Beast, Save the Princess, Rinse, Wash, Repeat now, look, the angel castiel, apparently, does raise boys who watch disney movies, the angel castiel, apparently, is willing to drag two grown men, men who were boys once, boys who had known the rules of john winchester once, but the angel castiel is willing to drag them into a blanket fort, a blanket fort made by god, like some stunning new heaven that smells like clean laundry, is willing to drag them there and feed them burnt popcorn, and watch disney movies like it isn’t a sin, watch disney movies like it isn’t a secret, watch disney movies like it isn’t a struggle because, because the angel castiel, apparently, says this is how you love the boy you raise, says this is how you love those two grown men, men who were boys once, says this is how you love your fellow unspeakables with their heads screwed on funny, because the angel castiel, apparently, says dean never was john winchester now was he, says it with love
Kill the Beast, Save the Princess, Rinse, Wash, Repeat now, look, dean does watch disney movies okay, watches them with a home full of family and a heart full of love and a head full of those way too catchy tunes, and jack’s favorite part is the dresses, and they keep spilling chocolate milk on them, and sammy’s favorite part is the singing, and he’s honestly not half bad, and cas’ favorite part is the talking animals, and dean can never tell if he’s joking when he says he can talk to animals too, but dean’s favorite part, dean’s favorite part is the happily ever after, happily ever after for boys like him, happily ever after is his life his language and there it is, without fail, there it is, now, look,
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● Hello tumblr! I am (kinda) new here and i really want some people to talk to! So if you're interested, stick around!
♡About me
● My name is Twig, but you can also call me Lucy!
● Though i won't say my age, i will say that i am a minor, so keep this in mind!
● As my name says, i am brazillian, with my mother tongue being portuguese - but during the pandemic i learned english and spanish (but i kinda suck at spanish, any help welcome-)
● I'm pansexual and agender and go by all/mirror pronouns
● Okay this will be a long one- i am not gonna list everything bc i think i am a fandom colector at this point-
- Bands & Musical artists in general:
• AJR (i love them with all my heart)
• Lovejoy (literally my wallpaper)
• MARINA (my first fav artist-)
• Imagine Dragons (i kinda have to balance the weirdness of the others ig)
• Mother Mother (why do i relate to their songs so much? - 2018 me)
- Series, cartoons, animes, etc:
• FNAFHS (Oh, the memories [little me had such a crush on Fred istg])
• The Owl House (I'm the Luz Noceda from my friend group)
• Gravity Falls (how can you forget the thing that got you into creepypastas)
• Sailor Moon (whole childhood)
• B99 (thanks uncle)
• LEGO Monkie Kid (perfect)
• Saiki K (i just think is neat)
• Spy X Family (i love romcons)
• Any 1990s-2000s cartoon and anime tbh
- Books:
(I am a bookworm since birth, this was necessary)
• The Folk of Air (i got two editions of the cruel prince for some reason)
• Anything written by Holly Black (love her)
• Riordanverse in general (my siblings are mithology nerds, got it from them)
• The divine comedy by Dante (the first self-insert fanfiction of history)
• The school for good and evil (tbh kinda mixed feelings but i love Dot)
• Moomins (be gay do crime, the book series)
- Games:
• Deep Sea Prisioner (thanks online big sis for this trauma)
• Sonic (i fucking love sonic omg)
• Pokémon (i am obsessed with pkmn)
• Every single game the "weird kid" archetype is know for (yeah i was the weird kid)(still am)
• Cookie Run franchise (UNICORN CREAM MY BELOVED)
• Minecraft (thanks to this i am the person i am now)
• Genshin Impact (kinda)(just started playing)(i like kaeya)
● I just discovered that tags help alot so i may be using them-
- #twigtalksdsmp (i watch dsmp but got out of the fandom a long time ago, if you don't like dsmp please just block this tag-)(i will not tag lovejoy posts with this tag tho)
- #twigexplains (i know damn well i will be explaining random theories or facts so i might as well me a tag for it)
- #twighuehue (for when i speak portuguese)
- #twigocs (very self-explanatory)
♡ Finalization
● Well, that should be it. Will be adding more as i travel in this hell site. Thank you for you attention! <3
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
hello noxia from Real Life and also tumblr. I have one quastion for you: do you think anyone in the host club watches Dragon Ball. if so who's their favorite character. and would any of them pretend to do the kamehameha
sorry for not answering for so long i was busy looking at a wall.
OK SO the biggest DB fan in the club is undoubtedly Tamaki. he is a massive #otaku nerd who had a very weeaboo perspective of Japan before he moved there when he was 14. I can EASILY see him watching a buuunch of dragon ball to "better understand Japanese culture" and just being a nuisance quoting DB to everyone 😭 he also probably learned his Japanese via shit like anime so i would not be shocked if he talked like a DB character sometimes....ohhh the middle school twins bullied the FUCK out of him for it that is for sure. Also yes he pretended to do a kamehameha and his fave character, besides Goku (bc I think he would love Goku) is prob Gohan. He relates to him.
I also think the twins watched the anime when they were younger. Not super fans like Tamaki is but they have fond nostalgia for it. They both always liked the bad guys the best, namely Frieza and Cell.
I can see Haruhi having very basic knowledge of it since it is such a popular show and she probably saw it on TV once or twice. She isn't the type to really watch cartoons though after the Tragedy (rip mom) and focused more on school. Still, she probably read on a forum somewhere that Dragon Ball's English dub is a good place to start trying to learn English, so she probably watched a few eng dub episodes and was largely lost....and of course when tamaki found out he invited himself over so excitedly so he could watch with her. double whammy bc I hc that Tamaki is mostly fluent in English so he understands the dub perfectly well on top of being a DB fanboy while Haruhi is lost in so many ways.
Ok, Hani is an ACTUAL martial artist so...I can actually see him liking DB for the martial arts. The thing is tho, I think Hani wouldn't watch the anime but rather read the manga. I think he read the original Dragon Ball manga, and by the time he got to the Dragon Ball Z manga he only read the first two volumes before the whole "you have to act like a MANLY MAN" thing happened to him and he sealed away all his "childish" possessions, this includes manga. But once he starts accepting himself again, I can see him going through his old things and being reminded of the series and, though intimidated by how far behind he is at this point, I think he'd try picking it up again. Also, he FOR SURE learned how to do a lot of the actual attacks in real life, minus the other-worldly aspects. He turned the kamehameha into an actual feasible attack that can be preformed irl. (His fave character is Puar)
Mori and Kyoya probably don't know much about DB or really care all that much...Kyoya certainly not. He knows the very basics. That's it. He does not care. (Tamaki will still infodump it to him)
Renge is a huge DB fan and an avid Goku x Vegeta shipper. I am right on this.
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critcast · 1 month
* pinned !
hello, fellow nerds!! This will be a selective and independent multi muse role-play blog for original fantasy characters set in the forgotten realms universe (dungeons and dragons)— and also Pam from True Blood, bc she’s a comfort muse and bc I can. Yes, she has a BG3 verse. you can call me Z and I am 30+ years old, they / them pronouns. this blog will contain dark horror themes and heavily mature content. Please don’t interact if you are under the age of 21. brief guidelines under the cut!
muses headcanons
I don’t use icons or format my posts because I’m mostly interested in writing and I’m not good at editing. But I don’t mind if you make your post pretty lol.
My activity might be pretty spotty as I work full-time and have other responsibilities I need to tend to. But I love chatting ooc so feel free to shoot me a message and we can plot something with our characters! just forgive me if i am painfully slow at even ooc responses.
I tend to write lengthy responses but I can manage shorter ones too. Never feel the need to match my length. I’m a certified yapper.
I LIKE SHIPS. But don’t force a ship. The chemistry has to be there, and I have to be comfortable ooc with my writing partners to write the more spicy scenes. Most smut will be fade to black.
if i follow you, I WANT TO INTERACT WITH YOU. i usually reach out first, if i follow first, expressing my interest. if someone follows me, i tend to see if they reach out first, but if i happen to have any ideas for an interaction between our characters, i will probably immediately message you with them lol.
i don’t even know what soft blocking is tbh. hard block if you need to, pls. i don’t want to accidentally follow someone who soft blocked me.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt. 1
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Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
Ep. Warnings: cursing, mentions of abuse and manipulation, slice of life(ish), manga spoilers!!
A/N: Ok so this is just what I daydream about, and since ima tv addict, I’m involving some “Avatar: The Last Airbender” related things, but a little different. This is more of an introduction to our character but I hope you enjoy!
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
Summary: It’s Y/N’s first day at UA.....as a “former” villain
“Y/N L/N. She’s a new transfer student. Treat her with your respect and do your best to take care of her.” The tired teacher spoke.
“.......Hey. Please treat me well.” The intimidating girl said as she bowed in respect.
Now if you were to see Y/N on the streets as a stranger, you wouldn’t even think she would have this threatening aura. The class agreed. She’s gorgeous. From a far, you would think she’s a sweetheart, But the girl had a cold, calm stare in her E/C eyes. There was actually no way to describe it. It was just chilling to the bone.
Not only that, but it was clear you were a little rebel. Mainly because of the way you decided to change up your uniform. Your sleeves were torn off to make your button up top some sort of tight fitted turtle neck with a tie that was complimenting your busty figure. Especially since it was tightly tucked into your skirt, pressing against your torso instead of loosely sitting in there like the other girls. You also added a small dark brown belt to cover where your skirt and top meet. Your waist gave the perfect show of how curvaceous you truly were. Your thighs were deliciously thick and your ass must’ve been a perfect peach, considering it caused your skirt to seem a little too small for you. Instead of the typical shoes and knee high socks, you opted for thigh high dark brown leather boots that folded at the top to match your belt. No heel though, of course. Gotta keep it casual. You finished off your rebellious look with a pair of black leather fingerless gloves. Do you look like trouble? Yup. Do you look hot as hell though? You bet.
“You may be seated next to Katsuki Bakugou.” Your new teacher spoke. Before anybody else could give an indication of who this “Bakugou” boy was, an electric blonde spoke up.
“Be careful with that one pretty lady, he’s our resident hot head.” The boy spoke while the entire class giggled.
“Shut it dunce face.” Your eyes shifted from one blonde to another. This time with a spiky head of ash blonde hair and piercing red eyes. As you walk towards your new seat, you made eye contact with the spiky blonde, you saw the look on his face. Just like everyone else, a face of fear and shock, except this time the person didn’t know who you were.
Bakugou could definitely say upon first glance, you were definitely something fierce. It threw him off just how powerful your presence was. He quickly turned away as you took your seat.
As class began, everyone had their eyes on Y/N. Some admiring her beauty, others wary of her aura, and some too nervous to mention their newfound fear of her. In the middle of Mr. Aizawa’s boring lecture, a scratch at the door could be heard.
‘A scratch?’ Everyone thought. But Y/N knew exactly who it was.
When Mr. Aizawa went to open the door, in came what appears to be a wolf-dog. Mr. Aizawa seemed to casually accept it and just expected you to explain. He was too tired to deal with this crazy shit.
“Oh..there you are Rumor. Took you long enough to find this place.” The creature, also somehow intimidating, simply just huffed at the girl and layed down next to her seat in between her and Bakugou.
“L/N, please explain to the class why Rumor is here. They clearly seem to be confused.” Y/N looked around the room to see her new classmates staring at her and her furry friend.
“*sigh* he’s my animal companion.” You simply stated. Apparently it didn’t satisfy your peers because a freckled, green haired boy spoke up.
“Animal companion? Like a service dog?” The timid boy asked. You secretly rolled your eyes at the fact you’ll have to answer this question again. That is until Bakugou spoke.
“You damn nerd, if he was a service dog, she woulda said that now, don’t ‘cha think?” ‘Dunce face and a damn nerd huh? Wonder what new nickname this hedgehog will give me.’ Your little quip made you give the smallest smile with a quiet laugh to yourself
What you didnt realize was that during your little moment, Bakugou was watching you the entire time. He fought the blush that was threatening to rise and successfully won. ‘The hell?’ Bakugou thought. Since when did he blush?
“He’s right. Rumor isn’t my service dog, he’s my animal companion. And no, not my pet. He’s more like a close friend. My best friend if anything. He’s also not a dog either, he’s a changeling.” You explained hoping someone else knew what a changeling was. Thankfully, the “damn nerd” did.
“Changeling? I thought they were just a myth.” He said. “What the heck is a changeling, Deku?” You turned and saw it was a girl with a round face and pink cheeks. ‘Deku? How rude’ you thought to yourself.
“Changelings were rumored to be magical like beasts who could take the form of any animal they chose. Those forms could be as real as eagles and bears or as mythical as dragons and unicorns. They could also change the size of their form too. Am I right, L/N?” Deku asked you.
“You’re completely right, Deku.” The green haired boy blushed at his nickname on your tongue. “Rumor can be any creature I command. His wolf-dog form is his casual form though. It’s the form he took at birth I guess.”
“You guess?” Bakugou asked.
“Yes, I guess. I didn’t have Rumor since he was born. I found him while I was on a walk in the forest. We just clicked, and he followed me home. That’s when I discovered his powers and what he was, and seeing that changelings were only rumored to have existed, I thought it would’ve been a fitting name. We’ve been together ever since, and not only does he work as a friend, he’s a fighter too. He’s like a partner to me which is exactly why principle Nezu allowed him to attend UA with me. I guess you could say he’s part of my...uhm..quirk” You thoroughly explained. You couldn’t help it. You loved talking about Rumor. He was your best friend and definitely one of a kind.
Rumor looked up at you and barked. You turned to pet him on the head and gave him a little smile. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the resident hot head, which once again caused him to fight back a blush. ‘The fuck is going on with me today?’ The blonde thought to himself. Finally satisfied with the answers, the class picked up where they left off and continued to learn about quirks which didn’t seem all that useful to you since....you don’t have one.
“Remember, we will all be meeting at gym gamma tomorrow morning, so don’t bother coming to the classroom. Just meet up there with any comfortable gym wear.” Mr. Aizawa said at the end of the day.
“Yes sir!” The class all said. “L/N stay behind, I need to speak to you and Rumor.” The tired teacher said with a yawn.
“Yes sir.” You calmly replied.
As the class gathered their things to leave, some came up to speak to you. First it was Deku and the round faced girl.
“Welcome to UA L/N. My name is Izuku Midoriya!” Deku said.
“Oh my apologies. I thought I heard that your name was Deku.” You said so nonchalantly with your sweet voice.
“Well it’s just a nickname that started up with Kacchan.” The boy was now blushing in slight embarrassment while rubbing the back of his head.
“Kacchan? I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is.” You said.
“Oh right! My bad, Kacchan is Bakugou. It’s a name I gave him during our childhood.” He stated.
“Seems a little mean.” You chuckled
“Yeah but he’s always been like that.” The boy smiled with a small laugh.
“I think I can tell. He must be really nice to Deku and Dunce face.”
You both shared a laugh at your little sarcastic poke at the explosive blonde that the girl was feeling a little left out.
“Anyways, I’m Ochako Uraraka! I was really hoping I could talk to you more but Deku over here can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.” the girl slightly teased.
“Meh. No worries. We’re gonna be stuck together for the next few years. We have plenty of time to get to know each other.” You so kindly spoke as you gathered your stuff.
“Totally! We can-“ Uraraka was cut off by a very handsome two toned boy with a scar. He definitely reminded you of some you knew. You watched as he came up to speak to Midoriya.
“Hey, Midoriya. Did you want to...” you tuned out his conversation. You simply just stared at him in awe. No doubt about it. He was definitely Dabi’s brother. But he was a whole lot more handsome.
The boy caught onto your staring and introduced himself.
“Hello L/N, my name is Shoto Todoroki. You may know me from my father, Endeavor, but I assure you, I’m nothing like him. In fact it’s safe to say I hate him.” He stated ever so calmly. ‘Wow. So blunt. And I guess hating Endeavor runs in the family’
“Hey it’s fine. I get it, daddy issues.” You nervously laughed but this seemed to strike an interest in Todoroki as he seem to have wanted to continue bashing both of your fathers until he was interrupted by Bakugou.
“You’re in my way Icy-hot.” ‘Jeez, another nickname?’ You thought.
“Then move to another side.” Todoroki quickly came back with.
This caused you to now openly give a quiet laugh, you could already tell what kind of relationship those two have. During your small laugh, Bakugou once again caught himself staring, except this time, he was caught. And it was by you.
You both made eye contact once again. As he stared into your E/C colored eyes, and you stared into his rubied gems, you both grew a slight blush on your cheeks and the 3 standing next to you both took notice.
“Hey..” you sweetly said.
“..........hey.” He replied and quickly looked away embarrassed. That peaceful little moment made your heart stir. Something that hasn’t happened in a long time. If felt calming, loving, happy...and weird and confusing. Thankfully, Dunce face came up to flip the switch.
“Wow Kacchaaannn,” the electric blonde said wiggling his brows. “Never seen you blush like that. You got a little crush on the new gir-“
“SHUT UP SPARK PLUG!” Bakugou exclaimed as he quickly made his way out of the classroom.
“Hey why you gotta be so mean all the time man!” Dunce face cried out.
“I SAID SHUT UP” Bakugou screamed from down the hall. ‘Well he certainly is interesting.....and cute’
“Ah jeez, whatever,” the blonde sighed before you seemed to have caught his attention.
“Well hey there pretty lady,” he started “I’m Denki Kaminari and you are one gorgeous girl. And you definitely got a rockin’ bod-“ he was cut off by our scary teacher.
“That’s enough Kaminari, I need to speak to L/N. Now all of you, out.” He commanded.
They all took their leave thinking about how cool and kind you were. Oh how wrong they were. The little act you put up sure was convincible. Hell, the only thing you genuinely meant was that Todoroki and Bakugou were cute and the blush that came up whenever Bakugou stared at you. You still couldn’t explain it but you brushed it off.
When all were gone, you mentally took notes of their names and possible quirks.
Izuku Midoriya. Alias: Damn Nerd and Deku. Quirk: unknown.
Ochako Uraraka. Alias: unknown. Quirk: unknown.
Shoto Todoroki. Alias: Icy-hot. Quirk: possibly related to cold and heat
Denki Kaminari. Alias: Dunce Face and Spark Plug. Quirk: possibly related to electricity
Katsuki Bakugou. Alias: Kacchan. Quirk: unknown
“L/N.” Your teacher snapped you out of your quick thought and got you focused.
“You seemed to be very comfortable with telling them about Rumor.” Mr. Aizawa said with an eyebrow raised.
“Well he is my best friend. I could go on and on about Rumor for hours if people didn’t stop me. And you can’t lie, he is pretty interesting. Especially his fighting style. You would know all about that, wouldn’t you....Eraser Head?” You said with a sinister smile.
You were well aware that Aizawa knew Rumor’s capabilities very well. You were also aware he knew much about yours too. I mean, you both have fought each other before. And one of you almost didn’t make it out alive. Hint hint, it wasn’t you.
“You are to address me as Aizawa Sensei or Mr. Aizawa, Titania.” He sternly said.
“Ouch, the villain name? I thought the past was the past. There’s a good inside me, dont you remember? You were the one who said it after all. You were even the one who recommended an S-Class villain like me should join UA.” You snidely replied.
As you fought against the skilled pro, you could tell he was getting weaker and weaker by the second. You used your air bending to push him back, crushing him into the wall, and keep him far away. Before you could send Rumor in to finish the job, a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Kurogiri? What are you doing here?” You stopped fighting and quickly turned to your superior in a fearful and shaky manner. Although you were much stronger than him and could easily take him down, you knew better. Your mind had already been so manipulated into thinking you were the weakest villain in the league, when it reality, you were strong enough to take down Shigaraki in a snap...but you didn’t need to know that.
Eraser Head, too tired and beaten to even pick himself up off the ground watched the interaction from the distance.
“You were told to collect intel, not fight a pro.” The black fog stated.
“Well yes, but he tried to stop me an-“ he silenced you with a smack to the face. Kurogiri was a respectful man...in ways...but he was just following orders on how to treat Y/N.
“If he tried to stop you, you run away.” He said, matter of factly.
“But he-“ once again, he cut you off but this time with a louder voice.
“But nothing! You were to gather intel and report back to base. Not fight. If you got into trouble, you are to run away, and use your bending and Rumor as assistance.” He stated.
“Yes sir. I’m sorry sir.” You said with your head bowed down in dishonor.
Aizawa could already tell from afar how controlled you were. In past fights, he’s noticed how you were so quick to succumb to any villain in the league, and you were always so willing to go back to them no matter how many times you could’ve ran away on your own. It was like they had something you needed, or more so it was them that you needed. For survival, perhaps?
“Did you even gather the information we needed?” Kurogiri asked.
Your silence gave him all the answers he needed. With a disappointing glare he reached for you, when you flinched at just the slighted movement, Aizawa knew something was wrong. Yes you were a villain, but it was clear you were also a manipulated child. So he acted quick, and attacked Kurogiri, knocking him out, and grabbed you. Before you both took off, you threw one of your earrings at kurorgiri’s unconscious body, knowing he’ll know what to do once he sees it. As he ran with you, he took notice of the animal behind him that followed you. When he finally landed on a cliff hanging over the city, he placed you down to sit on the grass and looked at you before speaking.
“I can see it. All of it. They’re controlling you aren’t they?” The pro-hero spoke.
“Excuse me? Nobody is controlling anybody! I choose to follow orders!” You yelled as Rumor came up to you.
“What is that thing?” Aizawa asked.
“He’s my friend and you won’t harm him!” You said while grabbing onto Rumor.
The pro took note of that word you used. Friend. Villains don’t have friends, they don’t have anybody but goons and partners in crime. Literally. You were definitely different compared to these other villains.
“I have no intentions on harming you or your friend.” The pro spoke.
“So what do you want with me.”
“....Simple. I want you to go to school, live in the dorm rooms, eat good food, train more to become better as a person and fighter, and make more friends. I see a good in you Titania, you deserve a good life. Not one controlled by villains where you do their bidding for what? Survival?” Aizawa said as he crossed his arms while looking at you.
You were in shock. He was able to figure you out. Well, he figured out why you were with the league. Survival. But it doesn’t matter, you were so brainwashed that you were convinced anyone outside the league wanted to kill you...at least that’s what the LOV told you.
“I don’t want to go to school, I want to go back home to the league.” You said while looking down and holding onto your furry friend.
“Home? UA could give you a better home.”
You looked up in shocked at his words. He wanted you to attend school at UA? You know that place. That’s the one place where the league has been so invested in ever since All Might joined the staff there. Suddenly, an idea came into thought. You knew exactly how you were gonna get into the league’s good graces and out of the cold shadow.
“UA?....That’s where you want me to go? How the hell am I supposed to get in there? I’m a known villain genius.” You sarcastically said.
“A villain hidden behind a full face mask. People don’t know your true identity, and did you ever think that maybe the league wants it that way?” He said
“Are you saying you know who I truly am?” You questioned him.
“No, but that doesn’t matter right now. If you want to go to UA, I can help you. I’m a teacher there and I can put in a good word for you. Sure it will take a lot of convincing but I’m willing to do it. Using UA as a reformatory program for you could be benefitting you in more ways than one. So if going to UA is what you really want, I’m more than happy to help you Titania.”
You couldn’t believe it. Your heart was so excited. You were finally going to get away from this horrible life of crime and killing. Away from the abuse and blood. Away from the league. But your brain was telling you to deny it all. You were safer with the league, everyone is out to get you, and you will die without the villains help. But a bark broke you out of thought.
You turned to your side to see what seems to be a smile on Rumor’s face. He was wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out while giving you puppy dog eyes. It appears he knew what was going on and he seemed excited. For your best friend, the world. So you gave in...happily.
“Y/N.” You said while getting up off the ground.
“Huh?” The pro spoke.
“My name is Y/N L/N, and I’d be happy to join UA.” You said with a smile and tears of joy filling you eyes. Rumor happily barked at the pro as well.
“Well alright then,” the pro said sticking out his hand for you to shake, “Y/N L/N, welcome to UA.”
As you shook his hand your smile held a thousand words. Happiness, excitement, villainy, and sin. Sure you were going to benefit yourself, but you were also going to benefit the league.
*Present Time*
“I was hoping I’d get more respect from you considering I was the one who got you into UA,” Aizawa tiredly said while turning his head towards the ceiling and crossing his arms. “But I guess that mischief and attitude just comes with the deal.”
“Correct.” You simply said.
“So are you willing to tell them what your “quirk” is? You seemed so open about Rumor, I thought your powers would be the same.” Aizawa pressed on.
“Not sure yet. I only just met the students. They seem nice.” You said while looking at your now very interesting shoes.
“They’re a crazy bunch, but they’re incredible friends. They could be great friends to you too Y/N.” You looked back up at him with hope, but quickly remembered why you were there in the first place.
The teacher took noticed of this and continued. “Either way, they’ll have to see what you got tomorrow. In gym gamma we’ll be doing some sparring including our quirks, so you’ll have to show them all that you can do.” He said.
He saw how that made you nervous. Not because you were scared to speak about or show your abilities, but because you knew you would be hit with thousands of questions. Oh how annoyed you must be.
“Understood.” You said to him as if you were a soldier. He won’t get used to that. He’ll have to make sure you know it’s ok to speak to people as..well people, and not like everyone is your superior.
“Good,” he began to walk to his yellow sleeping bag to pick it up, “now head to the front of the school. I left an escort for you to help guide you to your dorm room. That person will also be a guide in all things UA for you so be nice. You’ll be stuck with them for awhile. That is all, you can go now.”
As you and Rumor made your way to the front, you had so many questions going on in your mind. Should you make new friends or keep them at a distance? Should you completely drop the league and join UA? Should you blow your cover and expose why your truly there? What to do, what to do.
When you made it to the front, you finally saw your escort, and you couldn’t help but give a little smirk.
A/N: If y’all wanna see the clothes that inspired Y/N’s uniform, check this out!!!
A/N: Damn guys, I know I’ve only just started writing but this is kinda the story I imagine in my mind at night. So I thought it would be fun to give it to reality. So here’s my first FanFic😅 hopefully it doesn’t turn out too terrible, but I promise to work on my skills and improve. Also, if you need a reference to what Y/N’s uniform looks like, search up “Akame from Akame Ga Kill.” That’s the look that heavily inspired Y/N’s new uniform. And if you’re confused on what the boots look like, search up “Lucy Heartfilia thigh high boots,” bc those are the EXACT boots I imagine on Y/N except in a darker brunette color to match the belt. Once again, NOT spell checked so my apologies for any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed pt. 1! And if this goes well, tell me if you’d like a pt. 2! I love to hear feedback! Thx <3
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parkersharthook · 4 years
We’ve Only Just Begun
Peter Parker x reader
Warnings: bad words, crack fluff
2.5k+ words
Reference TikToks: kiss my best friend challenge & rich best friend check
series masterlist
“Peter I’m bored.”
“Hi bored, I’m Peter.” Peter looked to you with a small smirk
“I know, I did just address you. Also, never say that joke to me every again if you wanna keep dating.”
“ooh, harsh crowd.” Peter laughed.
“babyyyy I’m bored. It’s summer vacation, I should not be this bored.”
“y/n, you’re distracting my intern.” Your dad snipped quickly, elbows deep into some kind of machinery. You weren’t really sure what they were working, having gotten very uninterested once they started. “He’s helping me right now; do you want me to lose an arm?”
You rolled your eyes and spun around in the chair, “dad you always take him.”
“hey, you get him every day during the school year. Summer is my time.”
Peter looked between the father and daughter with a brow raised, “are you two seriously fighting over me right now?”
“well I wouldn’t have to fight over my boyfriend with my dad if Harley was here right now. That selfish idiot left and now you’re the only wonder boy to entertain my dad.”
Tony scoffed and held out his hand, wordlessly asking Peter for some tool. Peter handed it over immediately before turning his head back, “where did Harley go?”
“I don’t know, he just said he was leaving and walked out.”
“maybe he’s got a hot date.”
You huffed and slouched in the seat, narrowing your eyes at Peter. “makes one of us.”
Tony laughed and twisted slightly to give you a wink, “sorry honey but that was the deal. I let your boyfriend stay here if he helps me out.”
You rolled your eyes so hard Peter was concerned you’d see your brain, “oh puh-lease, you wanted Peter here just as much as I did. Either for Spidey stuff or normal nerd stuff, you’re just using this as an excuse.”
“fine but at least I’m not complaining about him sneaking into your room every night.” Peter sputtered, his face going instantly red and almost dropping whatever mechanic was in his hand.
“oh Mr. stark, i- we don’t- it’s not-“
“relax kid, if I was going to crucify you I’d have already done it.” Tony spun to face you, “now can you please go bother someone else. If you really want to spend time with Peter you’ll let us finish this.”
You huffed and left the lab as Peter blew you a quick kiss causing you flip him off jokingly. This is not what you wanted when you wished for your boyfriend to get along with your dad.
It had been a few hours and you were still bored. You had promptly gone to your room after leaving the lab and gone on tiktok, you’re absolute favorite way to waste time but now you were bored again. And you missed Peter, especially after a stupid trend kept popping up on your fyp of people kissing their “best friends” making you realize you weren’t kissing your very kissable boyfriend right now.
As if he could read your thoughts, Peter waltzed into your bedroom and immediately shucked his shirt off to wipe his face and hands.
“well hello to you too stud.” You said, biting your lip and very obviously ogling his toned body.
Peter laughed as he threw his oil stained shirt into the hamper and went to grab another from the dresser. You pouted, “why are you putting a new one on? You look fine without it.”
“because it’s the middle of the day and anyone could come looking for us and I am not about to be killed by any of the avengers because I’m corrupting their ‘little princess’”. Peter said as he put the new shirt on and flopped next to you, his chin now resting on his hand as he looked up at you.
“ugh they need to get over themselves and realize that we’re adults who’ve been dating for three years and basically already live together.”
Peter shrugged, his empty hand rubbing against your bare leg casually. “you’re always going to be the little girl they watched grow up.” He laughed at your pout and squeezed your thigh, “what have you been up to? Cured your boredom?”
“No.” you huffed, “just been scrolling on tiktok. Kinda want to start making them, could be fun.”
“what would you make?”
You shrugged, immediately struck with a great idea. “I don’t know whatever the trends on. I’m gonna put the tv on, don’t move.”
You shimmied out of bed, setting your phone up as discreetly as possible and turning on your tv. You started the video and moved back to the bed. You knew the trend was to kiss a best friend but you thought it would still be fun with Peter, plus you are best friends… you’re just also already dating. So not cheating, just a loophole.
Peter was still on his stomach, hand supporting his face, as he scrolled aimlessly through Instagram. And with you sitting against your headboard, it looked friendly enough. You waited for the right time before sliding down so you were laying next to him, practically under him. He looked up at you and smiled and for a second you were worried that he was gonna go ahead and kiss you but luckily he waited just long enough where you could initiate it in time with the song. You surged forward, hand immediately coming to weave into his curls to pull him closer.
Peter was obviously not expecting you to kiss him so aggressively so he fell slightly before catching himself on one arm that was now positioned next to your head, the other going to hold your hip. Now you really were under him.
You got lost in kissing him for a few moments when you realized the video was probably done and detached your lips. You giggled as Peter chased your lips, eyes still mostly closed. You slid out from beneath him and walked over to your phone.
“wha- where are you going?” Peter pouted, running his hands through his messy curls. You bit your thumb nail slightly as you rewatched the video, it was cute. “did you take a video of that?”
You nodded and showed him, watching a goofy smile stretch onto his face as he looked up at you, “so when you said you were gonna start filming TikToks you meant immediately.”
You shrugged and sat next to him, “no but the opportunity presented itself.”
You quickly captioned the video ‘sooo I kissed my bsf’ and tagged Peter’s account before posting it and throwing your phone to the side.
Peter kissed your bare shoulder, “is this gonna become a regular thing?”
You giggled and shrugged, “I don’t know. Guess you’ll have to wait and see.” Peter groaned, grabbing you around the middle and falling back onto the bed, pulling you down with him.
It was a few days later when you opened tiktok again, surprised to see your video had racked up 600 thousand likes and over 5 million views. You were surprised to see that it had gone semi-viral and yet no one recognized you. Not that you had your legal name in your username and you definitely weren’t as famous as your dad and family, but you weren’t hidden away either. Honestly though, this was kinda nice to just be another twenty-one year old on tiktok, posting stupid videos for fun.
You went to the comments immediately to see what people were saying and laughed at some of the funnier ones. You noticed that even MJ had commented.
Usera: aw so cute *blocked*
Userb: ms girl… he’s been waiting for this
Userc: no way best friends kiss like that
everythingbagel: “bsf” yeah fucking right y/n
⇲ begginstrips: hehe love you mj
You went back to your fyp and scrolled through a bit before you ran into stassie baby’s video of her showing off Kylie’s car collection with the audio saying, ‘rich best friend check’. You quickly sent the video to Peter, who was currently at lunch with Harry and Ned.
y/n: wanna do this when you get back?
Peter: lol sure seems funny
it was a few more hours before Peter got back to the compound, him easily finding you curled into the couch watching How To Train Your Dragons. You smiled as he dropped a kiss to your forehead, “this movie again?”
“it’s one of the best movies ever made,” you sassed back, “so yes, this movie again.”
He leaned down over the back of the couch smiling into your face before giving you another quick succession of kisses. “wanna film that tiktok?”
You checked the time before nodded, languidly stretching your body and standing up. “where should we start it?”
And that’s how Wanda found you and Peter at 3 am, videoing rando fancy stuff around the compound, you strutting and swaying your hips dramatically. Wanda followed Peter around, who was filming, laughing at your antics and giving you tips on what to include. The three of you got so loud, that Tony eventually woke up to investigate what the three of you were up to… as it was usually not great.
“are you sure we can film this? I don’t reveal any state secrets.” Peter whispered not so well.
“what state secrets are we revealing?” you whirled around to see your father, one brow raised and a hip cocked to the side.
“good entrance, very dramatic dad.” You said with a laugh, “and there aren’t any state secrets being revealed.”
“what are you filming?”
“A tiktok.”
Tony rolled his eyes, “I’m not even gonna pretend to know what that is. Anyways go to bed, you guys are being loud.”
“yeah, yeah. We’re just finishing up.” You watched your dad walked away before turning back to Peter and Wanda, “let’s go film in front of one of his suits.”
Peter had posted the photo to his account and captioned it: “@begginstrips is my sugar momma ;)” before promptly throwing his phone to the floor and passing out next to you in bed.
It was 10 in the morning – which was far too early as you and Peter had only fallen asleep at 4 am – when MJ started calling you and didn’t stop until you literally rolled out of bed onto the floor to pick up.
“what the fuck m? it is too fucking early.”
“you’re all over the news.”
You paled, “what?” Everything you ever did wrong very quickly flashed through your eyes, your mind scrambling to remember what was caught on camera.
“yeah your tiktok went viral. People are freaking out.” You sagged in relief.
“Jesus mj you can’t just say that shit for it to be tiktok.” A pause, “wait which tiktok?”
“the one Peter posted of his ‘rich best friend’ and you walking around the compound.”
You let out a quick laugh, “oh ok. That’s not that bad.”
“also can we talk about this whole best friend schtick you and Peter have going on tiktok? What the fuck?”
You chuckled slightly before crawling back into bed, your heart now beating at a normal pace. “the first one was just a trend so I lied to follow it and then it was just the sound. Also he is my best friend, he’s just also my boyfriend.”
MJ scoffed, “rude. I’m your best friend.”
“right, right. Sorry.” Peter grumbled slightly as he buried his head into your hip. You gently carded your fingers through his curls, “do you know why it’s all over the news?”
“apparently people didn’t know you existed? I don’t know, just thought that you might want a warning in case your dad got angry.”
“well I appreciate it, regardless of the fact that you basically gave me a heart attack and woke me up at butt fuck.”
“it’s 10 am, get over yourself and have a cup of coffee. Anyways, lunch tomorrow?”
You yawned, “sure sounds good. Wanna invite betty?”
“she’s still in Hawaii with her family, they’re coming back this weekend.”
“right, ok. Let me know what time you wanna go.”
“will do. Love you bitch.”
You smiled into the phone and yawned again, “love you bitch.” You hung up and tossed your phone to the floor, rubbing your eyes harshly.
Peter barely opened his eyes as he looked up at you, “what was that about?”
“apparently we’re famous.” You replied as you reached over his body to grab his phone.
Peter snuggled deeper into your body, wrapping his arms around your leg and laying his head in your lap. You rested against the headboard, one hand still playing with his curls and one now scrolling to Peter��s tiktok.
You blanched as you saw the video had gotten over 6 million likes and 45 million views overnight. And according to the comments, people were very confused.
User1: ummm is that the avengers compound or am I tripping?
User2: so we’re all just finding out tony stark has a child rn?
User3: mmmm something don’t add up here?
You sighed as turned the phone off, rubbing your eyes again. A headache was quickly setting in. You leaned down to press a chaste kiss to Peter’s cheek before slowly working your way out of his grasp.
He whined, “baby where are you going? It’s early.”
“I have to go talk to my dad about this but you keep sleeping babe.”
He rolled over to face you as you walked towards your closet. “are you sure? I can come with you.”
“no, it’s ok baby. I really don’t think it’ll be a big deal.”
It was slightly a bigger deal than you realized. Pepper was now talking you through ‘making sure SI had a good image on social media’ while your dad smirked in a corner.
Pepper stroked your arm, “this isn’t bad press or anything. You’ll just have to be careful going into the future. And you know that with being a Stark, you’re gonna have a lot of eyes on you and probably a lot of criticism.” She sighed, “we’ve done a good job shielding you from the press for this long but it might be a lot.”
You smiled at her softly. Pepper really had always been like a mom to you and now that her and your dad were officially married, it was even more true. “Yeah I know. I’m honestly not too worried.” You turned to your dad, “did you know people didn’t know I existed?”
Tony shrugged, “Doesn’t surprise me. I have almost every record of you sealed from the public for your safety and you never were one for the spotlight.” He walked over and dropped a kiss onto your forehead, “never show my suits on your clock app again.”
You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him, “for someone who owns a company based on new and cutting edge technology, you sure are out of touch.”
He gasped, a hand pressed to his heart. “how dare you, my own daughter.”
Pepper laughed softly, “she’s not wrong. Anyways, post whatever you want to your personal account. You’re an adult, so we trust you just be careful. I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”
You kissed her cheek before standing and stretching out your back. “don’t worry, I already have a plan for my next video.”
“god help us.” Tony muttered.
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Writing Update
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Hello All!
I'm going to try to make a habit of these so that you all know what's going on with the series and my writing in general. That way, you won't be missing out on exciting news or follower requests.
What's Going On
So many updates on the Newborn City Front. In fact, let's make a list for easy viewing.
Affinity for Pain got a new cover! That's right, she's updated and looking gorgeous. I've also started working on the rest of the covers for the series, because of course, I couldn't stop myself. You can see it here.
Burn the Bone will be looking for Delta Readers! Yes, a new term I've come up with just now for this fourth round of beta reading that the second book in the NBC series will be going through. You can learn more about BTB and if you'd like to be a Delta here.
Calling Evil Forth has words on the page! After a long spell of writer's block, the third novel actually has words and paragraphs and even a few pages! Hurray!
Newborn City has Merch! Patreon has updated its merch offerings and I've included these in several tiers. It's images of Hope, Ciaran, and Red that I drew myself. Show your support and get cool stuff! It's a win-win. You can check it out here.
I'm writing for CBR! That's right. Ya girl is writing for Comic Book Resource. I'm doing movies and gaming, with an emphasis on Dungeons & Dragons. So my fellow nerds out there I'd be so honored if you checked out the stuff by me, Rachel Johnson.
What I Want for the Future
Here are my goals for the coming year:
I want to grow my Patreon- I'd love to see some real traction with my account so that I can start creating custom writing pieces for people. I love the idea of creating my own little writing community that exchanges ideas, get to see my work first, and is rewarded with short pieces written just for them based on their unique ideas.
Get Affinity for Pain self-published- Yup. I'm taking matters into my own hands and releasing this bitch to the world! I'm going to begin the process of getting final copy edits, choosing a publishing format, and launching my book. Hopefully, if everything goes smoothly (when does that happen?), I'll have it out by my birthday, October 21st.
Move Burn the Bone through Delta reading- By the end of the year, I'd like to get BTB through its last stage of readers so that it's ready to be published once AFP has been out for a year.
Finish a first draft of Calling Evil Forth- Yes, I must finish getting the words on the page and actually complete the story so that the series can continue.
I'm very excited about the year ahead and am determined to have a good one despite everything, especially my terrible luck. I hope all my followers stay involved with me here and I'd love to see some of you over on Patreon. There's cool stuff happening at every tier so no matter which one you choose, you'll be happy.
That's all for now folks!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Solidarity of the sponges! I... Read a lot less than my mother. Like a lot. As in, it takes a lot for a book to interest me, but once it does I usually can't stop reading it, but that is few and far between. It's been about... A month(?) since I last read a book? I used to be a reading machine, but now I can only read about 8k words in fanfiction 😔
Ooo, 3D models are so fun! I enjoy painting them, even if they get really annoying. I've got two dnd ones and they've got WINGS! I love wings. (You get an A for effort with the storm troopers, I've watched all the og 6 but only because me and my friend went on a movie binge and the star wars movies were on the list)
And thank you!! I must've missed the bird+dragon ask, I remember sending it but not reading it. You don't have to make a new post about monsters if you don't want to! I don't have anything in mind, really, just soemthing monstrous
Oh I love that. I love that you are on a dnd podcast. And thank you!! I hope you are doing well as well!!! I have just finished a term of school and I now have 2 weeks of holidays!! Huzzah!!
Heathen! Hello!! We can be sponges together and just absorb things in tandem. Every person contains a mass of knowledge about random things and sometimes we get it from our parents and sometimes we get it from ourselves
just this morning we had a substitute in physics and he was just like "oh sick I've got so much nerdery about all of this" and started talking about the visible light spectrum and the original color of the universe. and then. he started messing with the teacher's spectrum tube power supply(this thing) because she has elements he doesn't and he wanted to see them. but some of them don't quite fit so he started using wires to do funky science things and there were legit wires sticking out of it like antenna. and he's doing all of this just for fun while we're silently working on our reports and he just goes "this might catch on fire." and then a few minutes later it did. just casually. and the whole time he was like "yeah I'm a nerd about this" i was just thinking "he doesn't know...he doesn't know how much I know about the history of human dissection..." that's off topic but I thought it was fun and wanted to share
also fair with the book thing! I'm like that but with movies and shows, like I just do not watch them unless I really get invested and then I binge it all at once. last time it happened was december when I binged all of Arcane the day before my mom, sister, and I left to drive across the country for two days to visit my grandma. I do read a fair number of books when I have the time, but I think I understand what you mean
I know very little about 3D models, but they've always seemed like fun! but also difficult because everything is so finicky and small. probably something you get better at with practice, but I have never practiced. i do have a small sculpture I painted at a local place a few years ago! it's a fairy sitting on a crescent moon :). I also made a clay frog a few months ago!! i still have him, he just sits on my bookshelf being a frog. he is very small (hell yes I love getting A's. this is success)
also you're welcome! I figured you might not have seen it which is why I linked it, just in case. and I wouldn't mind making more posts about monsters!! it's more like I am requesting just slightly more context/direction so that the things I say will be helpful. monsters are very gender and I love them a lot, so I'd love to help!
yep! I was on that one episode, and still haven't actually listened to it. my dad has, as the podcast person in my family. I find it very hard to listen to podcasts and audiobooks, which sucks. my partner is involved with multiple podcasts and I haven't listened to them because brain doesn't like podcasts. But!! Into the Hollow just released it's first episode so I'm trying to listen to that (I listened to all the interviews before it but not the actual episode yet)
I am doing fairly alright!! a little jealous of your break (/lh), because I don't have one, but also I haven't had a break longer than 3 weeks since I was 13 so I'm used to it. I have finished my college courses for this semester and just need to wrap up 2 high school, but also I have 2 very face paced college courses starting on monday before my high school classes are over.
i hope you are doing alright!! it's very nice to hear from you <3
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sylvieeee5 · 3 years
I’m writing this on Friday, but I’m waiting until Saturday to post it- partially because I want to give people a chance to watch the episodes for themselves, and mostly because I’m extremely tired from cooking and hosting the full on dinner party I decided to hold for this premiere. This is what being an adult is, baby!! Putting together sophisticated get-togethers to watch kid’s shows!!
A quick warning! This liveblog will reference plot points from the books, which will spoil the books and future episodes of the show. And believe me, it’s much more fun to go in blind :)
With that out of the way, here’s episode one: A Bunch of Smart Orphans!
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Here he is! Mr. Benedict himself and-
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Ah, and hello foreshadowing (aka Mr. and Mrs. Washington).
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And here’s our first major change- Constance’s backstory. I’ve seen folks bringing up how this could affect the plot of a possible season 3/ Prisoner’s Dilemma adaptation… personally, I think that show runners definitely have a plan. They seem enthusiastic about future seasons, and I doubt they would self sabotage. Plus, this is only one small scene- we don’t know yet how much has changed, or if it’s changed at all!
Also, I already adore Constance.
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The vague and ominous signs around town are a nice touch!
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REYNIE! REYNIE MULDOON! Annnnnd- roll intro!
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Her Majesty the Queen??? Madge?? Hello??? You’re one book early, ma’am, but AAAAAA WHAT A NICE REFERENCE
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hmmmmmMMMMM wow good thing our current world isn’t like that haha! haha
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she saved it for him,,,,
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So the Boatwright Academy is an actual place? Wonder how Mr Benedict got out of those lawsuits dktxkjkigxit
Then again, this man lives in an actual mansion, I think he can afford it
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such a good moment and it’s straight from the book!
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:( :(
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:( :( :( :( :(
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i,,,,,,, i need a minute,,,,,,
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okay funny story- i only found out about this show when the trailer came out, and for some reason my first thought was “i wonder if they cast kristen schaal as number two” and SURE ENOUGH
why was that the first thing i thought? why is she somehow perfect for this role? no clue. must be fate.
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the visuals for the questions are so cool
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oooooh…. that’s a really good way to show how long the emergency has been going on, and how nothing has changed…. because none of it is real
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AAAAAAAA the green hair! the cloud dress!! i love it!!!
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9 year old me was blown away by this
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Okay, now I know why Kristen Schaal is perfect for this. Her deliveries are so deadpan but so funny.
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I’ve used a lot of school pencil sharpeners, can confirm they always sucked
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This also blew my mind in 4th grade.
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and so the kids finally meet!!
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The Great Kate Weather Machine!! I love her!!
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hmmmm do i hear hintings of a character arc?
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They don’t bring up her measuring ability again, but it’s nice that they mentioned it!
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ah yes, the adaptation-only fodder characters! nice to meet you two, we’re never going to see you again! (unless the writers pull a dungeons and dragons and make one of these random kids the big bad all along…. 👀 /j)
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Kate Wetherall: Agent of Chaos. (you know, that might actually be a pretty good nickname. she should look into that)
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👀 👀
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split screen! very cool :)
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Kate Wetherall: Rater of Sewers. (okay, yeah, that one’s not so great)
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Kate Wetherall: Rater of- okay, you know what, not doing the same joke again.
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People keep repeating that specific phrase- “Nobody’s at the wheel”. Interesting…
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The framing of shots with these two specifically is so genius. It’s barely noticeable, unless you already know the twist in the first book! Someone who’s going in blind might notice how some shots seem to linger, but they wouldn’t put two and two together right away, which makes it excellent foreshadowing. aaaaaa i love it-
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This scene is done so beautifully!!! The home video look… i’m crying
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Her jacket being from the circus is a really cool detail :)
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excuse me for a moment
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using that split screen again! more shows should use split screen, i think :)
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ughhhhh dewey
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“it was more of a yell” ahgehdhwjfjwhxnijhq
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reynie you sweetheart <3
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OHH i hate you
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kate, on the other hand, i adore awwwwww
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ROLL CRED- no wait
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HERE HE ISSSSS (for real this time)
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“donteatthat” ahgehdhwhdhhshws
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ah- well, not inaccurate
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he looks so excited i- ❤️❤️❤️
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wow rude
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I saw someone in the comments of this clip saying that this is actually a pretty accurate depiction of narcolepsy with cataplexy! good for the crew doing their research :)
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“Constance, apparently.”
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They included the green plaid! Even if it’s not really part of his costume.
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Marta Kessler’s facial expressions are glorious
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:( :( :(
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:) :) :)
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love these science nerds higsftjydgitloh
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and we get to hear that awesome intro music again :)
So! Overall thoughts: 9/10! A really solid premiere, definitely has me excited for things to come, and a pretty faithful adaptation! Obviously there were some changes, but that’s always to be expected when adapting a book to the screen. I really enjoyed it!
I’m going to get more pie, and then on to episode two!
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anneowl2803 · 3 years
Paper planes
Stan was a big fan of planes. Ever since he’d been a child, he had loved the idea of a human contraption gliding through the sky. He was now an adult man, albeit a very socially awkward one.
In this lovely morning, in similar fashion to every morning since the beginning of term, Stan spotted Rachel as he entered his university. She was seated on the grass, her hair shining in the sunlight.
Rachel was an architecture student. Each morning, she could be seen in the school’s garden folding piece of paper after piece of paper. Stan knew very little about origami, but it was certainly Rachel’s passion. It seemed as though every time Stan saw Rachel, she had paper flowers in her hair or a paper dragon peeping out of her bag.
Stan wanted desperately to introduce himself. He just didn’t know how. Once, he had tried to tell her a joke about the canteen’s food. Instead, he had choked on his own saliva and made a fool out of himself. His friends couldn’t exactly give him useful advice either. Simply put, the students of Aeronautic Engineering were all a bunch of nerds. Stan’s brother had been another option. However, when he had approached Ben with the subject, the other man was sent into a fit of laughter at the idea of his baby brother trying to woo a girl.
Stan was starting to loose hope. He estimated Rachel and he would never form a friendship that could later develop into a romance. This bleak thought almost took up all of his attention during his first lesson of the day. Almost.
A few hors later, Stan was waiting on the college bar’s line when he heard Rachel’s voice coming from the lady’s room. She was complaining about something.
— But, Rachel, your origamis are amazing! No one is going to notice the one simple airplane.
— You don’t know that! Besides, the museum’s curator trusts me to make sure my exposition will be perfect. I can’t have an unrealistic plane on my ensemble.
— Well, what about a realistic model? If anyone can design one, it’s you.
— I tried that already. Irritatingly, I’ve failed to make it functional. I’m not specialised in aerodynamics.
“But I am.” Thought Stan. What Stan lacked in the understanding of social cues, he made up for in scientific brilliance. After his classes ended, Stan rushed home and put his mind to work. For the next few days, Stan’s free time was spent studying the basics of origami and modelling an accurate paper plane that could fly seamlessly.
Soon, his hard work came to a successful end. Stan was rather proud of his origami paper plane. The following day, he summed up his courage and sat next to Rachel on a bench outside.
— H-hi.
— Hello. Can I help you? — she smiled at him.
— Um. I’m Stan Piers. — he extended his hand.
The young woman shook it.
— I think I’ve seen you around before. I’m Rachel.
— I know. I heard you… you were going to do an expo at the museum on origami.
Rachel’s eyes dimmed a bit.
— That’s right.
— I… someone told me you were missing an airplane. I’m an Aeronautics Engineering student and—
— I don’t think I understand.— she interrupted him.
Stan took a deep breath and took out the plane from his satchel.
— Here, throw it.
She looked uncertainly at him but did as he asked. The plane went up in the air, floated gently and then softly landed on a bush a few meters away from them. Rachel and Stan fetched it together.
— Wow, that was amazing!
— I made it for you.
Her eyes widened in surprise.
— Really?
— Yeah.— he shuffled his feet.
— Would you teach me how to fold it?
— Yes! Of course. — he smiled widely. Rachel grabbed his arm and grinned excitedly.
— Thank you, Stan!
As they walked inside the school building, Stan began to explain how he reproduced the ship. The more he talked, the more Rachel was fascinated with his intelligence. And if in that moment she noticed the handsome slope of Stan’s nose or the focused gleam in his kind eyes, she didn’t tell him right away. No, Rachel would only disclose her findings of that morning years later on the vows of their wedding day.
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banalbones · 4 years
The Petite Prince: Chapter 4
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, 7, 8
Chapter 4: The Treasure Hunt, Part 1
Summary: Roman is a child. Virgil and Logan lost him, and are on a quest to find him. Meanwhile, Remus loves his baby bro.
Words: 1920
Ships: Familial prinxiety, logince and Creativitwins. Eventual familial royality, roceit and DRLAMP  
Genre: Fluff with a side dose of angst
Warnings: swears, falling, arguing, creepy little gnomes, tell me if there’s any more!
Taglist: @pricklyfish777 @sunflowerblondeuwu @itriedandimtired @draw-your-perfect-world
“Yea- oh no…”
Logan knew many idiots.
Roman, for one, when he was not a child. Patton, Remus, Thomas and even Virgil, from time to time, were on it.
Logan never knew he could be included on that list, but there he was.
He and Virgil had checked every room in the mindpalace, even Janus’s, but searching for a small child you can’t help but love, whilst simultaneously panicking because you had lost said child, makes you forget certain things.
Remus being certain things.
The pair had somehow managed to forget about the one person (or metaphysical person) who would willingly cause the angelic young prince harm.
The one person!
How does that even happen? How could one overlook something so dire?
Meaning, the resident nerd was in a bad state.
Virgil was in an even worse state.
Logan picked up the small paper crown, being careful not to tear it, and looked to the anxious side.
He really didn’t look great.
He looked horrible, actually.
Hey! It wasn’t that bad!
It was.
Virgil really didn’t look great.
Or feel great, for that matter.
They had lost the bean, which was bad enough, he had already been panicking about that, but, losing the bean to Remus?
Thoughts were such a beautiful insight to one’s character.
The emo looked to where Logan stood, then to the deep depths of the Dark Imagination.
He had already been to the ‘Light’ Imagination, with its singing birds (annoying) and its lush forestry (also annoying), but the Dark Imagination was still a mystery.
It was comprised of living trees, dead trees, semi-dead trees and any other things that Remus could have thought up.
Meaning, Virgil was terrified to go.
But, he (and Logan) would do what had to be done to save the bean.
Why do you keep calling him ‘the bean’?
‘Cause that’s what I was calling him in my head the whole time.
Aww, cute!
Shut up.
As the left brain boys mentally prepared themselves to go into the hidden depths of the forest of the Dark Imagination, the two brothers (you can’t exactly call them twins at the moment) were having the time of their life.
In Remus’s room, of course.
Remus had seen his fellow sides enter the Imagination, and came up with a brilliant plan.
“Hey RoRo, do you wanna prank LoLo and Virgey?”
“Wha d’you have in mi- have in min- in mind?”
“How about we make them go on a little treasure hunt?”
The smol one hadn’t been hard to convince. He also didn’t know that he was the treasure, which was kinda funny actually, seeing as he kept asking what it was.
“Wha’s the trea- the treasure?”
“You’ll have to wait and see.”
“But I don’ wanna…”
So, while Logan and Virgil panicked about the paper crown, Roman and Remus created a devious little ‘treasure hunt’.
“Can they figh’ a dra- a dragon?” The miniature royal asked.
Remus looked to the map of the Dark Imagination he had laid out on the table.
“Sure.” He grinned. “Armor and weapons or no?”
Roman giggled.
Remus suppressed a groan.
“Whatever you say, little prince.”
The forest was dark and creepy and honestly kind of disturbing.
Virgil shuddered as he caught sight of one of the flying eyes that were following them.He tried to keep his eyes in front of him.
He was failing, but it’s the thought that counts.
“There’s a tower, maybe a mile away.” Logan muttered.
“That’s probably where he’s keeping Roman,”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
A pause.
“I though you didn’t have that one.”
“I now do.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
“No, you can’t, you can hear it.”
“Same difference!”
“That doesn’t even make sen-oh shit!”
Oh shit?
Virgil looked over to Logan.
Wait, where was he?
Ow. That was unpleasant.
Logan stood up.
Or attempted to stand up.
Why was this place so small? And dark? He was already blind, for crying out loud. Also, where was Virgil?
There, apparently.
“Don’t stand up.”
“What the fu-ow!”
He sighed.
That was what happened when one didn’t follow his instruction.
“I know that sigh. Logan?”
“Yes. It is me, Virgil.”
“You could have warned me about the ceiling.”
“I did.”
“And the hole.”
“I literally fell through it before you. How could I possibly have warned you?”
“By screaming ‘hole’ instead of ‘oh shit’.”
 “HeLlO bOyS!” A voice screeched from somewhere in the darkness.
Virgil screamed and grabbed Logan’s arm.
Ow. Why do I keep getting hurt?
“I hAvE a RiDdLe FoR yOu!”
Virgil tightened his grip, causing Logan to wince.
“What is it?” he questioned.
Might as well.
There was a sound of a throat being cleared.
“WhAt Is SmAlL aNd CuTe, LoVeD wHeN yOuNg BuT nOt WhEn OlD? AnSwEr CoRrEcTlY aNd DoN’t GeT eAtEn By GnOmEs!”
The voice then laughed (or screeched, depending on how nice you are) and disappeared.
For a moment there was silence.
Remus and Roman cackled as they viewed what was happening through the fly-eyes. The treasure hunt was going as perfectly as planned.
(Apart from the two getting hurt, Roman had frowned at Remus for that, causing Remus to pout back. The exchange had ended in giggles.)
“Hey ReeRee?”
“I wan’ my cro- I wan’ my crown back.”
Remus turned his head to view the three year old.
He actually looked four at this point.
How come?
He was getting happier, so he was getting older.
“Do you want a new one?”
“Do you want some cuddles instead?”
“Maybe… but my- but my cr- cr-crown…”
Remus saw the smol one’s lip start wobbling, and oh god if it wasn’t the most heartbreaking thing (apart from hammers).
“Do you want Virgey and LoLo to bring it back?”
And then, as if by magic, Roman adorable little grin returned. He lunged forward, hugging Remus’s long, skinny legs.
Remus inwardly let out a sigh of relief. He loved his little brother with all of his (admittedly, shrivelled) heart, but he wasn’t prepared to deal with tears.
“Do you still want cuddles?”
“A toy?”
The screechy laugh returned.
“YoU iDiOtS! tHe AnSwEr WaS rOmAn! GoOd LuCk WiTh ThE gNoMeS!”
Virgil, for a moment just sat there, shocked.
The moment lasted for approximately 0.6 seconds as the sound of footsteps filled the hole.
Many, many footsteps.
Virgil swallowed, his breathing quickening, as Logan scooched closer to him.
Then music started playing.
Virgil took a breath.
Do it for the bean.
“Holy mother of hell.”
That had been terrifying. Even for Logic himself.
He had screamed. So had Virgil. And so they decided they would never speak of the incident ever again.
Logan took a few deep breaths as he regarded his and Virgil’s attire.
His tie was ripped, along with his shirt, and Virgil’s jeans were more than a little worse for wear.
Getting away from the gnomes had been easier one would think, simply crawling through the hole they (he shuddered) had come from allowed them to escape.
It had led the pair to a cave in which they were able to stand.
Thank Einstein, I hate crawling.
 “So, now what?” Virgil’s voice echoed throughout the cave.
Logan stepped forward.
Do it for the child.
“We walk.”
Roman, after a healthy dose of ReeRee cuddles, started to feel curious.
There was so much stuff in Remus’s room, after all, and though his ankle still kinda hurt, he still reeeeeally wanted to poke it all.
Possibly with a stick.
“BroBro, stick?” he asked, missing the way Remus’s face filled with joy at being called ‘BroBro’.
“On the way, your highness.”
Roman like the nicknames. Big him never really got all these nice ones.
After being handed the stick by a grinning Remus, the petite prince took a stool (Or what seemed most like a stool) and started calmly climbing the shelves, poking at the stuff in the jars if it was colorful enough to catch his eye.
Remus, on the other hand, was laying on the floor, hands on his heart.
It was so. Pure.
The young prince would perhaps heal his blackened soul.
The Duke was so distracted by the purity of his baby brother that he didn’t even try to dodge the glob of purple luminescent slime.
He blinked.
And heard a snort of barely muffled laughter.
“I’ve been betrayed,” the trash man said dramatically, “By my own brother, no less!”
More giggles were escaping.
“And I am now… dead.”
Remus let his head flop, hitting the floor with a small crack.
After a few seconds, he felt a small finger poke at his cheek (How had that kid managed to get down so fast?) and a voice.
Remus jumped up to lift his little prince into the air, spinning him around and around and around.
Roman squealed and laughed, his little legs kicking the air.
The cutest boy, change my mind.
Virgil and Logan walked. And walked. And walked.
“Are we there yet?”
Logan deigned not to respond. Virgil had already asked seven times. In the past five minutes.
“Are we?”
His voice was higher this time.
Logan groaned.
“Hey L, I see a light! At the end of the tunnel! Freedom!”
Virgil had been panicking (shocking) for the past twenty five minutes.
Logan had been getting increasingly irritated for the past twenty five minutes.
Virgil didn’t know why.
(He definitely knew why.)
“I see it, Virgil.”
“But do you really?”
“Mind if I join your conversation?”
Virgil jumped at the lilting voice.
“I’ll do it anyway. Hello fellow travellers.”
“Who the heck are you?”
A small flame jumped out of the darkness, illuminating a figure with delicate features and large wings.
“Why, I’m the Dragon Witch of course! Care for some bones?”
“I thought Roman killed you.” Logan remarked.
“He did. That’s why I’m here. Who else could sell bones but the dead? Speaking of,” the witch smirked, “You should buy some.”
The smirk grew.
“Why not?”  
And so, the left brain boys bought a few bones, in exchange for a shoe each, before going on there way.
The Dragon Witch smiled as she slunk back into the shadows.
Remus would be pleased.
Remus was most definitely pleased.
Two more shoes for the collection!
“Hey RoBro, look! It’s Virgey’s shoe! And Logan’s!”
“Shoes.” He nodded.
Roman was playing with a few birds that had followed him from the Imagination. And the squirrels. And the deer. And all of the other forest creatures.
The smol one truly was a prince.
I wonder if they have names.
Roman was enjoying playing with the creatures, especially Elphaba.
Her emerald green feathers shone brightly in the golden light of… something. He didn’t know what, as Remus’s room didn’t have many lights, lest not gold-ish ones.
Suddenly, a thought popped into his mind.
“Hey ReeRee?”
���Do you think if I si- you think if I sing, the birdies will- the birdies will too?”
Big him always did that. It seemed fun.
ReeRee looked a bit confused.
Roman got stuck on the word. They were the worst sometimes!
“Big me!”
Remus seemed to catch on.
“Like big you does?”
Roman nodded aggressively. Yes! Maybe Big Bro would sing with him! That would be so fun!
As Virgil finally stepped out into the light, relishing the sweet, sweet sunlight, a bunch of birds appeared and started tweeting out… a song?
Well that was odd.
“Hey Logan?”
“Is that the tower you mentioned seeing earlier?”
Because standing in front of them at fifty feet tall, was a tower.
And on top of that tower, was a dragon.
Thanks for reading this chapter of the Petite Prince!
I’m going to introduce Patton and Janus soon, so which one do you want to see first?
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tanglebond-tales · 3 years
Wake Up, Lupin (pt. 1)
Most days, it doesn't matter what time Lupin casts the spell.
But today is Thursday, and therefore, it matters.
Ding a ling a ling, says the first alarm. Ugh. That means it's 6 o'clock. Two hours til work, one hour til portal time.
Lupin goes back to sleep.
Bing bong, says the second alarm. Ugh. Six thirty.
Wake up, Lupin. Now. Says the third alarm. Okay, the first two didn't actually SAY what they said, it was onomatopaiea. Sounds that they made translated into words. But this one actually talks.
"Uh. Portal day."
The alarm clock does not respond. It only knows how to say that one thing, repeatedly, in its tinny little voice.
"Wake up, Lupin. Now."
"Fine! Ugh. Fine. Okay. Get up, Lupin." She rolls out of bed. At least it's warm.
"Ugh. Why is it always so warm here."
Lupin draws the final stroke of chalk to complete the circle, and before she can even look up, there is a flash of light.
"Hello, Lupin. It's been a while."
"It's been a week." Her handler's enthusiasm at this time of morning was routinely offensive.
He steps forward out of the teleportation circle, places the supply chest on the sideboard, and makes a show of brushing the dust of the conjuring chalk from his otherwise immaculate coat. "It has! I do hope things are going well with you."
Lupin yawns and stretches. "Not bad. Work is fine. Y'know, hammering steel. Over and over."
"But you are getting plenty of practise with those elementals."
"Well, yeah, it's what I do like literally all day, so yes."
"I am glad. I take it they are co-operative."
Portal successfully cast on time, Lupin has retreated to the kitchen. She is making toast. "They're okay. I mean, some more than others, some of them are rude. Some of them are lazy. But most of them are nice. And some of them are really funny."
"I actually kind of envy you. The air realm boundary here is so thin. You're really getting the best of it. It's a wonderful assignment."
"Rui, I've been here for a year. It's getting pretty boring. And why do you always have to visit so early?"
Ruiprouice Frouce sighed. "I know. It is a long time. But we all do it. And, as you know I have a lot of people to visit. This is how I like to start my Thursdays."
She cracks some eggs into the pan and smiles at him over her shoulder. "You're sweet.” From nowhere, a wooden stirrer coalesces in her hand and she prods at the sizzling eggs. “Okay, look, I know. Rite of passage as a conjurer, blah blah. I get that, and I'm grateful for the chance. But, Pelor, am I ever ready to move on."
"Yes, Lupin." Closest thing Lupin ever had to an uncle, but he never used her nicknames. "Just one more week."
Lupin sighed. "Yes. Just one more week. Have you had breakfast?"
Felton Blacksand sighed, stroking his long beard and looking at the chrono dial. "Where, oh where, is Lupin."
"I'm here!" hollered Lupin, her attempt at sneaking into the office foiled by her big mouth and scrabbling feet. "I'm sorry."
"It's Thursday, already?"
"Sure is! So, what needs doing?" she inquires as she catches her breath, coils up her two long braids, and stuffs them into her beret.
Felton sighed. Not that he'd been paying close attention, but he knew the year was almost up. When he'd gotten the letter from the conjurers’ guild - sorry, the Guild of Conjurers and Summoners - he hadn't expected much, a bookish nerd maybe? Certainly not someone so talented in the trade as well as the craft. The thought of Lupin moving on was heavy on his mind.
"Crew two is on the Hammer, so they'll probably need you to help get them started. Third crew is in the mines, so Pelor willing they won't need much attention, but crew four is on the mechanisms so they'll definitely need your support. And crew five is,” he consults his clipboard, “smelting, so they may need some fires put out."
"Put out? Come on." She shimmies indignantly into her company-issue grease-spattered overalls. Frowning as she spots a couple of small tears, she jabs at them with a finger and they mend instantly.
"Loops. We're training your replacements. Give them some space to make mistakes."
Lupin was losing track of the number of sighs today. Plus one. "Can I at least stoke some fire tomorrow?"
"Sure, as long as they learn a lot today."
Lupin rolled her eyes. "Thanks, I guess."
"Crew one is on bucket detail, so keep an ear on them. They're not exactly fast."
"True, that. Anything else? Roll on end of shift, right?"
"Roll on. Don't forget to eat lunch."
"Thanks, boss." Lupin left.
It hadn't been an eventful shift. The air elementals had been compliant, mostly, but she'd had to talk down to a fairly large firey, and he almost didn't accept her bluster. She knew the protocol for that situation - contain with a magic circle, call for the water squad - but she was proud of the fact that she hadn't had to do that in a bit over six months. She could usually get them to listen to reason, which helped a lot since her physical stature would hardly be described as intimidating. Not that she didn’t have a few other tricks up her sleeve if it really came down to it.
Anyway. The shift was over, and Lupin was heading home. The viewing platform was on the way - about the closest thing this charming hamlet had to a tourist attraction - and hey, the Hammer in action was always a sight to see after walking up that big darn hill on her short gnome legs, so Lupin often stopped there.
Today was different, though. It was Wednesday; nearly a week had passed since Rui's last visit, and tomorrow was the big day. It was tradition in the guild to time the final day of casting with a visit, do a bit of a ceremony and whatnot, and that was tomorrow.
But more immediately, today there were some actual tourists.
A bunch of weirdoes, actually, thought Lupin as she approached the platform. In a good way, an interesting way, and certainly something she hadn't seen in a while. An elf lady with a fancy-looking bow strapped to her back. A tall human man with rippling muscles and a giant sword. A robed monk, a little girl, a birdman. A lizardy guy. Lizardy? No, more dragon-y. And a peculiar boy, not so much taller than Lupin, humanish but for the pointy, swept-back horns atop his head. Lupin somehow has an impulse to just run forward and hug him.
She suppressed it, barely, and instead sidled up to the group just as the dragony man was leaving. Adventurers? What were they doing here? "Hi! I'm Lupin!" She thrust her hand out in the vague direction of the boy with the horns.
It seemed like the boy with the horns had a lot on his mind, but that was okay, because Lupin loved talking about her work, and had been doing so incessantly. "And then, right? We put the molten slug on the anvil. And then, the hammer smashes it flat! So flat. Keeping that hammer working is basically my day job. You know, just the other day..."
Fancy bow lady interrupts her. "So, you work here, then?"
Lupin stops. Was that sarcasm? She wasn't used to that, around here.
"Yes, I do! So where are you guys from?" Funny how the fatigue of a whole shift in the steelworks could be erased with a little bit of chitchat.
It turned out they were new in town, just passing through really, and looking for somewhere to eat, drink and sleep. Lupin knew just the place - and what a coincidence, was going that way. Even if she weren't, she would have said she was. She'd learned some names, including the horn-headed fella, Russell. Walking next to him, she felt like he was in need of some cheering up.
"Hey, do you like animals?"
Russell immediately perks up. "Yes! I love animals."
"Oh, well." Lupin clasps her hands together, and then opens them a crack. A tiny nose peeks out, whiskers twitching as it samples the air, followed by the face and long body of a silky white ermine, which scurries up Lupin's arm and perches on her shoulder, looking intently at Russell.
"Russell, this is Snickers."
Russell is agog. "What.. how.. did you just.. summon that?"
"Her. And yes. Well, no. Well, she's always around, just not always in material form. I think she likes you."
Lupin bumps her shoulder into Russell's and Snickers scuttles across, disappearing up Russell's sleeve and, a moment later, poking her fuzzy face out of the neck of his armour.
Russell's excited grin has turned into barely contained paroxysms of laughter. "That.. tickles!!", he exclaims between gasps of air. "Oh yes indeed," says Lupin, "this is definitely her tickliest form. Sometimes she's a cat, sometimes a rat, we didn't really like her as a snake, but birds are a lot of fun. Though, not as cuddly."
Snickers has wriggled free of Russell's armour and parked herself on his shoulder, busying herself with nuzzling him incessantly. Accordingly, Russell has regained the power of speech. "She can change forms?”, he asks, returning the affection. “Like, whenever?"
"Oh, well it takes a little bit of doing. We have to cast a spell for it, which needs some fancy ingredients, so it's a bit of a special occasion when we do, you know?"
Russell is impressed. "That is so, so cool."
Lupin blushes a little. Finding a familiar is among the most basic of basic conjuration, but it’s nice that he's impressed. And it’s nice to be chatting to someone who doesn’t tower over her. "You think that's cool? You should see what I do for a living." She starts into telling him all about a day in the life of an elemental wrangler as they walk on.
"So, this guild has had you living here for a year, casting the same spell every day, over and over, to - set up a portal?"
Sitting around an assortment of tables, the adventurers are exercising their elbow muscles hefting tankards of excellent ale. Blacksand's Brewery is crowded, as always after the end of a shift at the 'works, with dwarves, gnomes, and humans, far too many of whom Lupin knows by name. The elder of the Blacksand brothers, Beren, tends bar, and waitstaff sashay busily amongst the tables.
"Yep, that's right. It'll facilitate travel and trade and blah blah blah. And it'll mean I've concluded this stage of my service to the Guild, so I'll be presented with a shiny new badge and make a bunch of people real proud, but best of all, I won't have to stay in this boring excuse for a town anymore."
"Oh come on, it's not so bad. This place is nice. And the hammer is really cool!"
"Yeah, so cool! So much going on here! And I get to hear the clanging all day every day from up close AND far away!" Lupin is thrilled to be using sarcasm again. She makes a show of counting on her fingers. "You've seen the Hammer, you're eating at Blacksand's, and you've met me. I think that about covers the highlights of the Praak experience."
She pauses to sip her ale. "I will not miss this place. I will miss some of the people, though." She looks around at the interior of the Brewery. "And, well, I might miss this place. But Praak generally? I don't think so. I don't exactly have a plan yet, but I'm sure looking out for an excuse to leave." A smiling waitress deposits several plates of delicious-smelling food on the table, and Lupin nods in acknowledgement, suddenly feeling a twinge of guilt for badmouthing the small town. She picks up the smallest plate, containing a boiled egg and small cubes of various cheeses, and sets it to one side. Snickers goes straight for it and gets to nibbling.
"But you have to finish this portal first, right?"
"Oh, yes, well, that's happening tomorrow."
Russell's eyebrows raise precipitously.
"Tomorrow! And you said there's going to be a ceremony?" Had she said that? She wasn't sure, but the thoughtful look on Russell's face stilled her tongue. "Do you know anyone who could transport someone between planes? That's a conjurer thing, right?"
Lupin hesitates, unsure of what is happening. "Well - that's something I'm studying towards, but yes, I suppose I do know some people. And yes," she anticipates his next question, "it is possible some of them might be here tomorrow."
"Huh," says Russell, his eyebrows returning to their typical stance as he grabs a chicken leg and leans back in his chair. "Gaalin will want to meet you."
"Who's Gaalin?", says Lupin.
1 note · View note
You must be he I was seeking
Summary: Roman and Logan have been best friends as long as they can remember, but will it stay that way?
Roman and Logan are huge idiots.
Pairings: Logince, backround (but still a lot of) moxiety and dukeceit.
Warnings: mentions of bullying, friends fighting, there is quite a lot of angst but  with happy ending :)
word count: 5690
a/n: Hello everyone, it’s been quite a while since I posted any fic, I am quite proud of this one so I hope yall enjoy it. I originally wrote this for @sanderssantas fic exange for the lovely @therealmoshar! (go check them out!!). I have always wanted to write enemies to lovers and a soulmate au so I absolutely loved writing this. 
The title comes from “To A Stranger” by Walt Withman. 
you can also find it on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21804592
Roman was practically bouncing in his seat at lunch, or more than usual anyway. It seemed today he was surpassing even his sibling in hyperactivity. His mom smiled softly at him.
“You’re going to Logan’s later?” She said knowingly.
Upon hearing his best friends name Roman’s face lit up.
“Yeah I’m gonna, “ he said between haphazard bites of his sandwich “Imma pick him up from his house, after lunch!”
Remus rolled their eyes next to him.
“It’s tragic to be the only one with manners here,” they said.
It is to be noted that they said this while practically covering the entire table and themselves in peanut butter and jelly.
Roman playfully shoved them after he finished his food.
“Shut up, Ree,” he said.
To which Remus responded by sticking their tongue out, before going back to their food. Then Roman looked at his mom with his best pleading puppy dog eyes.
Carmen laughed at her children fondly, shaking her head.
“Fine,” she said “You are excused, Roman.”
The moment she said it, he bolted from the table to put on his shoes.
“Be back at seven!” she shouted at him.
He ran back into the room, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and raid rushed:
“Will do, thank you, bye!”
“Love you!” she called out in the general direction of the hallway.
She heard a very loud “Me too!” and a slam of the door.
She couldn’t help but laugh. He reminded her so much of when she had been young and met her soulmate; she and Isa couldn’t get enough of each other either. Absentmindedly she touched her arm where a garden of flowers is tattooed on her skin and she smiled.
Then she turned back to the table.
“Remus! Do not feed peanut butter to the cat!”
Roman knocked excitedly at Logan’s door.
They were going to go to their secret clearing in the neighborhood park. Well “secret”, technically anyone could come there, but there were never any people there.
It was a small clearing with a bench and overgrown plants all around. Roman insisted that the place had to be magical, Logan on the other hand said it was simply forgotten due to poor municipal planning.
Whoever was right didn’t really matter in the end, it was their favorite place to be.
Logan’s dad opened the door, he always looked very similar to Logan, with his dark skin and black curly hair, although Logan’s was shorter. The biggest noticeable difference was his tattoo on his neck that consisted of various little birds, the very same that his mother had.
Anyway, Logan’s dad smiled at him and said:
“Logan’s upstairs, you know the way.”
“Thanks Mr. Sanders!” Roman said, and ran up the stairs.
He practically stormed into Logan’s room.
Logan looked up from Foundation and Empire, annoyed, until he realised who had just charged into his room.
“Roman!” he said, a little too enthusiastically considering they had seen each other yesterday.
“Yeah, now come on Lo! We gotta go to the park!” he said grabbing his friend’s hand and pulling him downstairs.
Logan shook his head at his impatient friend, but did not stop him.
“You do know we still have about six hours of playtime, right?”
“Yeah yeah but the dragon witch is not going to defeat herself!”
Logan could not really argue with that.
He quickly put on his shoes and could only say a quick goodbye to his dad before Roman grabbed his hand and took off towards the park.
They played happily for hours, occasionally Logan would point out inconsistencies in Roman’s stories which he always answered with a variation of:
“It’s magic, Specs!” or “we are playing pretend, calculator watch”.
Roman liked nicknames.
And Logan would give in and follow Roman’s nonsensical plot. Logan always liked Roman’s stories a lot, secretly.
They played until the sun started setting, then tired out and content they sat on their bench, surely late for curfew and not bothered by it whatsoever.
Logan rested his head on Roman’s lap, to be able to properly point at the stars and show them all to Roman.
And although Roman couldn’t really remember all that he was told he always listened carefully, slowly threading his fingers through his friend’s hair, smiling at Logan’s beaming face.
It was time to go home and a comfortable silence fell over them.
Roman sighed content and said.
“We will always be together, won’t we Lo?”
Logan sat up and looked at his friend.
“Always is a very long time, Ro.”
“You think we won’t?”
“That’s not what I said.”
Roman laughed
“It's almost as if you like me, nerd.”
Logan tried to give him an annoyed look, which ended up looking more along the lines of “desperately fond”.
“For the record,” Logan said. “We will be together forever.”
Barely above a whisper but with the conviction one could only have when speaking an absolute truth.
It was strong wording, but such are the things you say when you have yet to turn nine and the world seems simple.
And they believed it, with all of their hearts, they really did.
Then middle school rolled around, and everything went wrong. And as far as Roman is concerned, it was all Logan’s fault.
A few months after they started middle school Logan already seemed to change so much. He was quiet and reserved, which is something he had always been, but never around Roman. He was also always seemingly busy.
Roman didn’t know about how kids made fun of Logan in class, how slowly but surely Logan began to believe his only redeemable quality was his grades.
It’s not like Logan told him.
What made it harder is that they weren’t in the same class anymore, so they only saw each other after school.
More and more often Logan would be studying, or taking extra classes, which he didn’t even need in Roman’s opinion.
Roman got increasingly sadder, and quietly wondered what happened to his best friend.
As far as Logan was concerned it was all Roman’s fault, because he had replaced him.
One day Logan arrived at Roman’s house, unannounced, sure, but they did that all the time.
Or they had done that once.
Remus opened the door and seemed genuinely surprised to see him.
“Logan…” they said, pitifully?
“Hello, is Roman home?”
“Yes, but,” they hesitated “he has a friend over.”
Logan’s brain short circuited, a friend? Of course Roman could have other friends, many people at school liked him. He was allowed to have other people over that weren’t him.
It still didn’t sit right with him.
He walked up the familiar staircase to Roman’s door, which was easy to find because it said “Roman” in cursive red and gold and covered in stickers.
He heard Roman’s loud laughter mixed with someone else's.
He opened the door to find Patton Jones in Logan’s usual spot, next to Roman on his bed laughing at a joke only the two of them understand.
The two on the bed stopped abruptly when they saw Logan at the door.
“Logan!” Roman said excitedly, because they hadn’t seen each other in more than a week.
“It’s good that you are here,” he continued.”Now you can meet Patton!”
Patton smiled in a way that seemed to light up his freckled clad face, he seemed lovely with his sunny smile and golden curls, Logan felt something akin to anger bubbling in his chest, he immediately did not like Patton.
“You must be Logan,” Patton said happily “Roman talks about you a lot.”
Logan completely missed Roman blushing, and instead realised that the feeling bubbling up in his chest was something as stupid as jealousy.
“I can come by another time.”  he said.
“No, no its going to be fun!”
The rest of the evening was awkward. Roman and Patton had jokes and stories Logan didn’t know. Logan couldn’t shake the horrible feeling in his stomach.
Logan left before dinner in a hurry.
Roman was extremely confused, why couldn’t Logan even be just nice to Patton.
Patton was sweet and if Logan didn’t appreciate that, Patton was Roman’s friend.
“I am sorry Pat, I have no idea what’s up with him.”
“I think he might just be jealous, Ro.” Patton said softly.
But Logan was not an idiot, there was no reason to be jealous, Roman was sure Logan knew that. But of course he didn’t tell him that.
“No, I think he is just being a jerk.”
Patton shook his head sadly, he didn’t like it when people were hurting.
Roman and Logan saw each other less and less through middle school.
They didn’t talk about the things that bothered them or anything really, and soon painful silence fell over them when they hung out.
Things didn’t completely get ruined until about a week before summer vacation.
“My parents agreed for you to come along with our vacation.” Logan said, pretending very hard that everything was fine.
They had always gone on vacation together, he saw no reason for it to be different this year.
Roman shifted uncomfortably.
“Still the week of the 11th?”
Logan eyed him dubiously.
“Yes? It’s always been that week?”
Roman looked at the ground guiltily.
Logan stared at him baffled.
“You forgot?!” Logan said, way too loud, his fists clenched, his body tensed up.
“I am so so sorry Logan! I am going camping with Pat that week but maybe-”
Logan saw red.
Of course he thought what did I expect?
“Fine! Go hang out with Patton then!” he yelled, trying very hard not to cry.
Roman threw up his hands.
“I don’t know why you hate Patton so much!”
“I don’t! I just-”
“You do.”
Logan clenched his jaw so hard he wondered whether he could break his teeth like that.
Roman looked at him with a challenge.
“This is preposterous Roman, we are not toddlers anymore.”
“So you admit you dislike Patton.”
Logan slowly breathed in and out.
“I do not.”
Roman shook his head.
“Oh yeah? You merely hate when I hang out with him? God forbid I want to have a friend that doesn’t ditch me because he is a such a fucking nerd!”
Roman regretted the words the moment they left his mouth and saw Logan flinch.
Logan looked back at him as if he had just been slapped.
Kids at school said those things, but Roman, Roman wouldn’t.
Yet he had.
Logan felt tears prickle in his eyes.
“Logan...“ Roman said softly.
“I hate you!” Logan shouted, before storming off.
Roman did not run towards him, nor did he try to reason with him.
He just shouted “Fine!”
And ran back home choking back tears.
3 years later.
Pretty much everyone at Gainesville High School knew Roman Reyes and Logan Sanders.
Roman Reyes was known as a semi-popular theatre kid, that many people knew either because he constantly got the lead role in the school’s play or because he was signed up to at least 10 different extracurricular clubs and activities. Most people liked him well enough, although he usually sat at lunch only with Patton Jones and occasionally his twin.
Whom was another reason he was known across the school, people tend to remember you if your sibling blew up the lab, on multiple occasions.
Logan Sanders was a genius, who had won more science contests than anyone else at the school ever. Everyone also liked him well enough, or at least they said so ever since he started hanging out with Deceit - who did have a real name, supposedly, but made up a new one every time someone asked him - and Virgil Decker. Who were both rather punk/emo and would not hesitate to fuck you up if you messed with their friends. They had a very interesting brand of psychological warfare they had used on Chad Carson when he had spray painted Logan’s locker in freshman year, no one had dared to mess with him since.
Anyway, they had many things in common, Logan and Roman.
They both had a tendency of arguing with teachers, they both had interesting brands of extra, they both liked to wear skirts occasionally.
And mostly everyone knew them because they knew that letting those two in a room together was about as catastrophic as letting an atomic bomb go off.
Some of their arguments and fights were famous.
Like the time they argued for two periods about the correct interpretation of a single line in Hamlet , derailing poor Ms. Chase’s math class.
Or the time Roman joined the debate team loudly announcing to anyone who would listen that he was doing it to kick Logan’s butt. In retribution Logan had auditioned for the role Roman wanted in the school play. They now shared the role, much to the demise of the whole theatre cast and crew and director Thomas Sanders.
Or the time they were doing their standard comparing grades and bickering shenanigans which escalated in Roman pouring water over Logan, which in turn got Roman covered in an unholy mix of coffee and red bull.
Everyone tried to separate them as much as possible, but it seemed somehow those two always ended up stuck together.
Patton sighed as Roman shouted yet another stupid nickname at Logan, who was sitting all the way across the cafeteria. Logan shouted back a “burn” that sounded suspiciously like a rap verse.
Patton gave a sympathetic smile and wave at Virgil who seemed to be faking slamming his head onto the table in frustration.
Virgil saw him and blushed timidly and waved back, which in turn made Patton blush.
He looked down at his arm looking at his forming soulmark. He had made friendship bracelets is whole life, he was in fact looping one now. A green one, Remus had bitten through their old one. Now he had the simple design of one on his right wrist, a blue one with a little purple heart in the middle. He really, really hoped Virgil had the same tattoo.
Roman didn’t notice his very obvious crush and instead started ranting about Logan, again.
Patton tuned him off as much as he could.
“You two are like Harry and Draco.” Patton cut him off, hoping Harry Potter might make him stop.
Roman scoffed.
“I hope you mean that he is Draco.”
“You have been talking about him for the past ten minutes!” Patton countered.
“First of all clearly I am a Gryffindor, second of all he is just so-”
“Infuriating!” Logan said to Dee and Virgil who were totally paying attention and hadn’t heard this all before.
“Oh,” Dee said, rolling his eyes “you hadn’t mentioned it.”
“I haven’t? Well in that case-”
They were saved by an impromptu lecture on everything infuriating Roman had ever said and done by Remus, who slammed their lunch on the table. They proceeded to crawl on Dee’s lap casually.  Virgil muttered “get a room” which earned him a middle finger from Remus.
“Can’t you shut up about my brother for one second Lolo,” they said “there are more subjects, you know.”
Logan did not give in.
“Doesn’t your brother regard you as a traitor?”
“For sitting with my soulmate?” Remus rolled their eyes “You are so dramatic, nerdy wolverine, besides Roman may be a pain in the ass, but he is also a romantic.”
Logan wrinkled his nose looking at Deceit and Remus’s intertwined arms. In full display was a currently simple, but surely one day extremely extra green and yellow serpent tattoo that coiled around both of their arms, making it hard to make out where each of them ended or started.
They were ridiculous. And so was his mark, it was not visible but it was a simple and way too cartoonish bunch of stars under his left shoulder blade.
Soulmates where stupid, in Logan’s opinion.
“It’s not like any of you like Roman, I am in my right to find him aggravating and-” he saw all of his friends looking at him incredulously. “What?”
He distinctly heard Dee mutter: “Lord grant me patience, because if you grant me strength someone will get murdered.”
“Well, I mean Princey isn’t my best friend but,” Virgil shrugged “ I like him well enough, plus his antics in debate club are always entertaining.”
Logan looked at Virgil disbelieving, then at Dee who smirked a bit.
“He certainly is dramatic and annoying, I’ll give you that but then again,” he gestured vaguely at his company on the table “a lot of people are.”
Vrigil rolled his eyes, Remus simply nodded in agreement.
Logan scoffed.
Since when does Deceit hang out with Roman anyway, well aside from play rehearsal and the fact that he is his soulmates brother and- , Logan thought, realised he was being stupid and shook his head.
“I have seen you hit Roman with a morning star, Remus, you can not tell me you enjoy his company.”
“It was play rehearsal!” Remus defended “and we are siblings, it’s different.”
“I can’t fathom any of you enjoy his company he-”
“Well don’t be like that, you two used to be best friends.” Remus said nonchalantly.
Virgil stared at Logan baffled, Dee burst into laughter.
“I am not joking!” Remus said amused.
Dee shook his head.
“I know, darling, but it's not like we have had to endure daily rants on how dreadful Roman is, and it turns out they were fucking best friends!”
Virgil just kept staring at Logan quizzically.
“Yes, Roman and I were,” he hesitated not sure how to phrase it “..close, but we were children, it was quite some time ago.”
“What happened?”
Logan looked briefly across the cafeteria to Roman’s table, where Patton was tying a friendship bracelet to Roman’s wrist.
“He found new friends.”
Logan hadn’t quite realised how much he missed Roman, but now that he had been lying wide awake for quite some time, memories of both of them unable to get out of his head, he supposes it’s a lot more than he initially thought.
He really does like his current friends, but somehow Roman had been different, they had been so very close and Logan had believed they would be together forever.
There was still a picture somewhere buried under books on his desk he couldn’t bring himself to throw away.
It was a nice spring day, they had their arms around each other, they were both smiling so wide it seemed impossible, they were probably around ten years old, childhood innocence still in their eyes. And Roman was looking at him like he hung the moon and the stars in the sky.
Where had that look gone? What had happened?
Logan’s chest ached with nostalgia,and although he had previously never ever considered sneaking out, on this night with a full moon and thousands of stars he quietly slips into his coat and shoes.
He opens the front door silently and he walks calmly to the clearing in the park.
Their park.
He gets there and goes to sit on the bench.
Their bench.
He looks up at the sky, he looks at the stars that he once considered theirs.
A deep melancholy settles into his chest threatening to blow him into pieces.
Tears prickle in his eyes for times long gone.
He is snapped out of his thoughts by a soft, surprised, achingly familiar voice.
“Logan?” his best friend, his rival, a stranger says.
Patton had never been mad at Roman before. Sure Roman could be a bit much, Patton had been frustrated, annoyed, aggravated, perhaps a tad angry.
But today it seemed he had finally crossed a line with him. Roman was, as usual, ranting about Logan.
Patton had sighed heavily.
“Now you are just being mean, Roman, I know you miss him but-”
And ok, Roman may have exploded a little, stating that he was better off without Logan in about ten different ways.
Patton had huffed and said in a tone Roman had never heard from him before: “Fine, see you tomorrow.” and he walked away.
And now in the middle of the night Roman couldn’t shake Patton's words out of his head. Mostly because he had been right.
He did miss Logan.
He looked at the little stars, just under his shoulder blade in the mirror. They always reminded him of Logan, and his ceiling full of glow in the dark stars. Too bad Logan hated his guts.
He put his shirt back on and looked through the window, out to the full moon and the stars.
He made his way downstairs careful not to wake up his moms’. Downstairs he bumped into Remus who snickered at him.
“Sneaking out little brother, I always figured you were too much of a goody-two-shoes for that.”
Roman eyed his sibling dubiously, they were wearing a neon green skirt with suspenders over a black crop-top, knee length boots, and those weird long fingerless gloves.
Roman wondered how they could possibly be related.
“First of all, what are you wearing? Second you are also sneaking out and third we are twins! And i was born first!”
Remus laughed and grabbed a rat out of their skirt pocket.
“Can you believe how easy it is to rile him up, Woody?” they said to the rat. “Isn't he ridiculous?”
“You are sneaking out with your rats?”
Remus carefully stuffed the rat back in their pocket and said: “Dee is having a party!”
As if this was an explanation for the rats. Also Roman knew very well Deceits “parties” consisted of either vandalising public property with anarchist messages or some other sort of public disturbance.
Roman shook his head and walked towards the door.
“Don’t get arrested, I won’t bail you out this time.” he called over his shoulder.
“I make no promises.” they said before disappearing through the kitchen window, for some reason.
Outside he wondered whether Logan joined them in their mischief these days.
Logan seemed like a rational individual, but slap a decent hypothesis to any shenanigans and he will call it an “experiment” and go along gleefully.
Or he used to anyway.
He walked towards the park remembering all the trouble they had gotten into, chuckling sadly at his memories.
He made it to the clearing as if last time had been yesterday, and not years ago.
There to his surprise was Logan Sanders, looking up to the sky and...crying?
“Logan?” he asked, unsure of whether or not he was dreaming.
Logan looked at him, a little bit shocked, but mostly he looked tired.
They stood still for a moment staring at each other tension everywhere.
Finally it was broken by a small, exhausted voice.
“I am tired of fighting, Roman.”
He looked so sad, so small, Roman wanted nothing more than to gather him in his arms.
He didn’t, instead he sat next to him.
“I think I am too.”
Silence fell over them again.
“Then pray tell,” Logan said. “What are we doing?”
Roman looked down at his hands.
“I don’t know,” he shook his head. “You promised you know.” Roman said bitterly. “Forever.”
Logan looked back at him, anger clearly bubbling right back into his stomach.
“Maybe we would’ve if you hadn’t replaced me!” he spat with venom in his voice.
Roman’s eyes widened in surprise he turned to Logan baffled.
“What?” Roman asked.
“Well it was clear you favored Patton, which I suppose should be fine, but-”
“Hold up! Time out!” Roman said shaking his hands. “You were jealous? You thought I liked Patton better?”
Now Logan looked equally baffled.
“I- yes?” he said.
Roman burst out laughing. Logan really didn’t get the joke.
“What?” he demanded.
“I thought you didn’t like me anymore! I mean we never hung out anymore and you seemed so distant.” he gripped Logan’s hands firmly into his own. “I love Patton don’t get me wrong, but I started hanging it with him because I was so lonely,” he looked into Logan’s eyes “without you.”
“You were?” Logan said his voice so small.
Thus Roman realised he was an idiot, a petty, stubborn, stupid moron .
“Yeah, I was.” he sighed sadly. “I am sorry, for what I said then and well for everything.”
Logan shook his head.
“It was so long ago.”
“I should never have said that.”
Logan smiled just a little bit.
“I apologize too, for everything.”
Roman smiled back.
“Man, I thought you were being a jerk to Patton for no reason.”
Now it was Logan’s turn to laugh, a little bitterly and with bitten back tears.
“Patton seemed so perfect, and with everything people were saying at school,” he looked away from Roman. “I did not think there was a way I could compete with him.”
Roman did hug him then, clutching to the back of his shirt, pressing Logan close and said:
“No one could ever compete with you, Specs.”
Logan’s heart soared, he hugged back and clung to Roman like a life raft, he let out a shaky laugh, a breath of relief and said very quietly but full of conviction:
“No one could ever compete with you either.”
They stayed in the park way too long, remembering old times, making plans for times ahead. Perhaps it should’ve been awkward, but somehow it wasn’t, they fit like two pieces of a puzzle, just like they always had.
They had years to catch up on, but soon they realised that their lives were still intertwined, their friendship group was pretty much the same and they shared extracurricular activities. They had never really been separated at all.
They did still bicker, but they didn’t fight and their words lacked bite or venom.
So they ended up pressed against each other, looking up at the stars. Logan’s head rested on Roman’s shoulder.
“Look it’s Cassiopeia.” Roman said, pointing at the constellation.
Logan couldn't quite bring himself to be embarrassed about the way he giggled.
“I thought I was supposed to be the astronomy guy.” he said.
Roman smiled into his hair.
“I did listen, you know, when you talked about the stars.”
Logan looked up at the stars and held Roman closer, he remembered, now how it had been so easy to promise him forever.
The next day at Gainesville high school everyone was fairly sure the apocalypse had just started, because Roman Reyes and Logan Sanders had eaten lunch together, with all of their friends, who all seemed delighted and not at all bothered by it. And not just that they had, supposedly also sat together in all classes they could.
“You are kidding me, babe.” said Remy Katz taking a sip from his starbucks iced coffee.
“I swear I am not!” said a very baffled Emile Picani, “I saw them at lunch!”
“You sure they weren’t try to poison each others food? Secretly murdering each other through pure passive aggressiveness?”
Emile recalled how he had seen them, their smiles blinding, looking at each other as if they hung the moon and the stars in the sky.
“Yes, I am sure,” he said smiling “They seemed happy.”
Logan and Roman’s friends had varied reactions to finding their years long rivalry had ended with a good conversation and some hugs.
Patton was so utterly delighted he hadn’t been able to be mad at anyone, especially after Logan’s very sincere apology, the gist of which was “I was a jealous thirteen year old, and I am sorry.”
Patton had hugged Logan very tightly and handed him a blue bracelet with a little star in the middle.
Logan smiled surprised.
“How did you know I liked astrology?”
Patton smirked and said: “Roman talked about you, a lot.”
Roman turned cherry red and sputtered some nonsensical words.
And of course all his friends were kind enough to laugh at his expense, really loudly.
After that Virgil offered his reaction which had been something akin of “Fucking finally.”
To which Patton said: “Language, babe.”
And Roman got his revenge by laughing very loudly at Virgil's very red face.
Which was not much of a revenge at all because Patton felt so very sorry that they were laughing at his poor boyfriend and so kissed him quite sweetly.
To which Remus shouted: “get a room!” which they shouted while sitting on Dee’s lap with their legs coiled around each other.
Dee had then shook his head, looked Roman up and down and said: “I suppose we can add another moron to our group.” A statement that no one argued.
Everyone ate happily together, bickering loudly and laughing a tad too loud.
Patton and Virgil tentatively held hands under the table; their bracelet tattoos giving an illusion of hands bound together, content and forever.
Deceit and Remus ate, as always, half on each others laps, their arms twisted together to show the serpent seemingly pressing them together.
As for Roman and Logan? Well I hope it is established by now that they are clueless morons.
Yes, they were friends again, and everyone pretty much assumed they had figured out they were soulmates as well.
It took them a week more.
It all happened over lunch at Roman’s house, Roman was eating, or well he was shoving food in his mouth as rushed as possible.
His moms shared a knowing look.
“Are you going to Logan’s later?” Carmen aksed.
Roman’s face lit up and made something of a sound of agreement.
“After lunch!”
Everyone at the table couldn’t help but smile at his besotted face, even Remus.
“Well I am glad I don't have to hear your rants about not having a soulmate anymore, they were getting exhausting.” They said brightly.
Roman practically dropped his fork in shock, eyes wide he turned to his sibling.
“What?” Roman said, trying to process the sentence.
“Wait, you seriously hadn’t figured it out yet?” Remus said dumbfounded.
And when Roman, still shocked, shook his head, Remus burst into laughter joined by their moms’ not so subtle chuckling.
Roman on the other hand was freaking out.
“Oh my Gods! Logan is my soulmate?! Oh my- I- What?!” Roman sputtered.
Which just made Remus laugh harder.
“How do you know?” Roman continued “When did you see Logan shirtless? Wait! Do I want to know?”
Remus waved their hand dismissively.
“I got sulfuric acid on his shirt, doesn’t matter, long story, but like...you really didn’t know?!”
Roman felt like his world had been shaken upside down.
He had to-
“GO! I have to go!”
Carmen, who was still laughing said: “you are excused, Roman.”
As soon as she said that Roman bolted out of the door, nearly forgetting his shoes.
Roman knocked on Logan’s door excitedly. Logan’s dad opened the door and smiled down at him.
“It’s good to see you again Roman!”
Roman nodded politely, still practically vibrating from emotion.
Logan’s dad seemed to notice, laughed and said:
“Logan’s upstairs, you know the way.”
“Thanks Mr. Sanders.” Roman said as he dashed up the stairs.
Upstairs he actually barged into Logan’s room.
Logan looked up from his book and did not even try to hide his glee as he said:
“Roman! You are early.”
He also did not hide his surprise and subsequent rush of warmth to his face when Roman blurted out: “Take off your shirt!”
“I- wh- what?” he stammered.
Roman laughed, still bouncing.
“Ok, ok,” he said. “I could’ve frased that one better, wait let me just-”
Then Roman started taking his shirt off, oh Goodness Gracious-
“Roman what in the world are you-”
Then Roman turned around.
And Logan’s heart either stopped or started beating so fast he couldn’t properly feel it anymore. Because there, covering Roman’s right shoulder blade was a perfectly glitterly, stupidly cartoonish little galaxy.
“We are soulmates.” he stated.
And then again, and again and again getting steadily more excited as he went.
Roman looked on at his shiny face and wondered if it was possible to die of fondness and cuteness overload.
“Yeah, L.” Roman said, giggly and breathless. “We are.”
Logan came closer, laughing now, joy clear on his face.
“Oh,” he said shaking his head. “We are such idiots.”
“Oh yeah we are.”
Logan came to his senses only for a second to realise that Roman was still shirtless.
He coughed pointedly, Roman smirked.
“I don’t know, pocket protector, don’t like what you see?”
Logan swatted him lightly and gave him a fake scandalised look
“Put a shirt on, Roman.”
Roman pouted but obliged and put on his shirt, making a whole show of turning around and putting on his shirt as slowly as possible.
He turned around.
“So-” he started and never finished, because Logan grabbed him by the front of his shirt and kissed him.
Roman made a sound at the back of his throat between “delighted” and “please God more”. And he kissed back, practically making them both fall on Logan’s bed.
Their kiss, they both agreed, had to be magical, they were soaring flying and pulling each other closer and closer, practically melting against each other. They giggled and laughed and whispered sweet nothings that meant the world and nothing at all.
They ended up pulling apart only for the insufferable need for air.
They sat up on Logan’s bed,panting, pressed against each other, looking up at Logan’s glow in the dark stars in pleasant silence.
Roman gently brushed the hair out of his soulmates face and said softly:
“We will always be together, won’t we love?”
Logan smiled and leaned into his touch.
“Always is a long time, beloved.”
Roman tenderly brushed his cheek.
“You think we won’t be?”
Logan closed his eyes, smiling contendly.
“That’s not what I said.”
God, I love him so much. They both thought.
“Gosh, it’s almost as if you like me, nerd.”
They both giggled.
Then Logan pulled Roman even closer and whispered into Roman’s ear, very faintly, but with the conviction one could only have when speaking an absolute truth.
“I know we will be together forever.”
And they believed it, with all of their hearts, they did.
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