#((I worry that I used up all my luck for the year by winning first place in the raffle))
queenharumiura · 8 months
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"Oi, Bakappuru! Stop arguing and say Cheese!" "Ahoshi, you have 3 seconds to leave." "H-hey! Be nice to him!"
This is a piece I received by winning a raffle. Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog. Okay to reblog.
Haru Miura and Gokudera © Akira Amano
Pose reference YCH by Damso_2018 on twitter (permission granted for commission use)
Artist is TEENLIN from dA
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
hii i have a little ellie request. so can we maybe have an enemies to lovers where reader and ellie “hate each other” but in reality ellie just wants to be with reader and she ends up using the strap roughly bc reader didn’t wanna confess after years? (sorry this seems long😭)
i absolutely love this idea omg??
part 2two
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! smut, 'enemies' to lovers, strap (r!receiving), mean!ellie kinda??, rough!ellie, reader is also mean at first !!
writers note: i love receiving requests like yall are so creative and idkk its just easier to write a req than my own idea🫣🫣 also this turned out to be longer than i expected (my longest fanfic yet!) but even the anon said it seems long so ig thats how its supposed to be🙏
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It was another PE lesson you hate so much. It wouldn't be that bad, if not the fact that you're in the same team with Ellie. Ellie fucking Williams.
She would get mad at you for every little mistake you made. You absolutely hated her.
You had to admit she was... pretty. Especially when she had the mix of mad and stern expression on her face. Sometimes you provoked her just to watch her insult every little thing about you she could but you didn't mind. You just sat there with a smirk, sometimes making a mockingly worried face to piss her off even more. Sometimes. Sometimes you weren't in mood for that and you'd actually get offended. Sometimes even hurt. But you couldn't really blame her, that's how it works.
This day, you were literally rescuing your team. Every point was because of you. Every 'that was close' situation was only 'close' because of you. But your luck, or whatever made you win, had to run out eventually. You missed one time.
"What happened? Got holes in your hands? Tired? Not so good anymore?" Ellie asked you with that mocking tone.
Everyone ignored your interaction - they knew what's starting and they didn't want to get involved in that.
"I've done pretty much everything for this team, and the only thing you do is complain, Williams." You said and you could feel your temper rising.
Ellie didn't hesitate to respond to that.
"Well at least I don't do a half-ass job like you. You're really so full of yourself, aren't you? Why not just give up and let someone actually capable take over, huh?" She barked sarcastically.
The other team members didn't even try to hide their excitement now, they just sat back and enjoyed the show, even the teacher was having a hard time holding back the grin on his face whenever Ellie came up with a new insult.
And now, there was no going back.
"Oh, I'm sorry Williams, did your precious little ego get hurt from that? Are my skills threatening your so-called pride? Well if you don't like it, suck it up." You shot back.
If this kept up, you were going to end up with another detention for sure. Everyone knew that you two were like oil and water, but nobody really expected you to get into a shouting match over PE class. Especially, not this early in the morning.
The teacher finally decided that it was enough trouble, and he stepped between the two.
"Ladies, settle down! If you can't figure out how to work well together in a simple PE session, then you'll need more than one detention to figure it out. Go sit down." He ordered, and you two sat down, next to each other.
As if following a silent order, all the other students just went about their business and pretended like nothing had happened.
"You should learn how to shut up sometimes." You said quietly, nervously playing with your fingers.
"You should stop thinking you're so damn important." She snapped back, completely ignoring your advice as she stared at you with the same icy cold look as before.
The teacher came over to the two of you and handed you a form, which you quickly read over. "Maybe it's rough but that's what you both deserve after arguing in every single class. And if that won't help... I don't know what will. Someone will check in on you from time to time, so don't even think about anything, understood?."
In short, the file was saying you'll have spent a month after school doing little school works, like cleaning the gym, with her. It was a frequent way of dealing with problematic students in your school.
You weren't even surprised - the teacher was right. Your little bickers were the main gossip topic and there was no way they'll go unnoticed.
Still, you couldn't help but frown.
"You've got to be kidding me." You muttered under your breath. Spending a month after school doing odd jobs with Ellie was literally the last thing you wanted to do. You knew there was some sort of punishment coming, but this was extreme.
Ellie overheard your muttering, and she rolled her eyes. "It's just a bunch of cleaning, what's wrong, can't handle a little hard work?" She mocked.
"And why are you so happy? Maybe you wished to spend more time with me?" You chuckled, finally looking up at her.
Ellie seemed caught off guard, but she quickly recomposed herself. "Who said I was happy? Sure, I'll love to see you grovel and scrub floors while I sit back and relax." She replied in a sarcastic tone.
You decided to press your advantage, and give Ellie a dose of her own medicine. "Aww, is someone actually admitting that they like spending time with me? I'm so honored." You said with an overdramatized fake fluster.
Ellie didn't even let you finish your sentence before she cut in with her usual sarcastic tone. "Pfff, don't get so ahead of yourself there." She chided. Even then, you could hear some slight annoyance in her voice.
Ellie may have been a jerk, but there was something about her you couldn't help but like. You couldn't explain it, but you liked this banter between the two of you.
Oh, who were you trying to lie to? You liked her. You were just good at hiding it.
You were just about to open your mouth to respond to Ellie's last snarky remark, when you were cut off again.
You both turned to see the teacher staring at the two of you. He sounded more annoyed than before, and you decided it was better to stop your feud before you got in any more trouble.
"You two are already going to spend a month together doing odd jobs. The last thing we need is for you to add another week to that sentence." He warned.
You wanted to say something back, but you decided to shut up before the teacher had to make it worse. You and Ellie just looked at each other for a couple of seconds, before you rolled your eyes and got up from your seat.
After a few more classes, the time of  fulfilling your penalty came. You sat down at the gym benches, waiting for Ellie. You waited, and waited, but no one came.
Ellie was faster than you with getting up. She smirked and said; "Well it's not like you actually had anything worth saying anyway, so it's easier for you." With that parting jab, she walked out of the gym.
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You expected something like that from her, so you stood up and a few minutes later you were standing in front of her room. You knocked to the door, patiently waiting for her to answer.
After a few moments, you heard footsteps, before the door finally opened. Ellie stood in front of you, her face as annoyed as ever.
"What do you want?" she grumbled, clearly not in the mood to be bothered right now.
"Uh, hello? We're supposed to be doing the clean-up, remember? You haven't forgotten, right?" You said, trying to stay as polite as you could.
She sighed and motioned for you to come in, clearly not ready to go just yet.
You slowly stepped into Ellie's room, your eyes taking in the decorations and mess. It was clear that this was Ellie's world, but you couldn't help but feel a slight curiosity towards her.
"So, why exactly weren't you at the gym?" You asked, finally breaking the tension. You didn't want her thinking you were here to start another argument.
"I had stuff to do." Was the terse response you were met with, nothing else.
"Yeah, of course." You rolled your eyes. "Your room could use some cleaning too."
Ellie smirked when your tone turned from polite to annoyed when she gave you her response, but you couldn't help but notice that she slightly recoiled when you mention how messy her room was. For someone with such a sharp tongue, she sure wasn't enjoying that same kind of treatment.
"Oh yeah? So maybe we should have you clean my room instead." She shot back.
"Actually, boarding school is still school, so that'd count too." You smirked, not so sarcastically anymore. You'd really rather stay in her room than running all over the building with a mop and dirty cloths.
Ellie raised one eyebrow at your reply, clearly not expecting you to just accept it without some kind of snarky remark or argument.
"Alright then." She replied simply, and she walked over to her bed and started to clear out the clutter. You couldn't really deny that her room was in a pretty messy state.
You explored the room, looking for something to start with.
Just then, near other scattered clothes, you saw feminine underwear. Clearly not hers.
"Um, Ellie..." You laughed. "Who's this?"
She walked up to you, not seeming surprised or embarrased at all. "I dunno. There's lots of girls visiting." She smirked.
You knew the smart thing to do would be just to drop the topic, but your curiosity got the best of you. Just who was Ellie Williams hanging out with?
"Really? And how many of them leave a pair of underwear in your room as a souvenir?" You asked, trying to keep a straight face, but you couldn't help but be amused by the situation.
Ellie just laughed, and you couldn't help but grin at her confidence in that moment.
"If you're asking if I'm dating someone," Ellie said, looking at you with an amused expression, "then no. I wouldn't call it dating."
You knew Ellie was always too stubborn and proud to just admit it normally, so you decided to push her just a little bit further.
"So it's not just a single person then? What's it? A new girl every day?" you asked with a smirk, knowing you'd hit a nerve there.
The slight flicker of annoyance on Ellie's face told you that you'd hit the mark.
"So what if it is? Are you jealous?" She teased in response, just adding fuel to the fire.
Now, she had the smirk on her face, and you just knew you'll regret what you started.
"Not really. Everyone knows you fuck every girl in the school anyways. Well, almost every." You suggestively pointed at yourself. "That's honestly sad. You should focus on one person, don't you think?"
Ellie took this as a challenge, she just couldn't resist it when you made yourself the exception.
"Oh, you think you're a special case? How cute." She snickered, and you couldn't help but feel somewhat pleased with that response after how much you two had been annoying each other for the past month.
"What do you think, should I consider dating you? It seems like you're interested, isn't that why you keep sticking around?" She asked, looking at you, knowing very well what kind of effect her words were gonna have on you.
"Me? Interested? You're the one finding excuses to talk to me every day, even if it's just another argument!" You shook your head and looked down, trying to hide that your smirk turns into a honest smile.
You felt Ellie's eyes studying your face as you tried to hide your genuine happiness, you tried to play it off, but you knew that it wasn't working in your favor. You couldn't even deny it, because it was true, you were interested in Ellie. Maybe not at first, but after spending time together, you grew to like her, her arrogance, her wit, the snarky smile on her face... and her eyes.
"Oh, so you do care!" She quickly cut in, sensing your weakness as your smile grew.
"Come on, don't tell me you've been enjoying this little game of ours, haven't you? Don't you look forward to it every day? Don't you love the adrenaline that kicks in when you're about to say something that's bound to start an argument?" She asked, taking a step closer to you and lowering her voice.
You could almost see the sparks fly as the two of you stared at each other, both feeling the tension in the air. You were almost tempted to take her up on the offer, but your pride got the best of you.
"You're just full of yourself, aren't you? Thinking everybody craves that attention." You said after taking a deep breath.
Ellie just smiled and walked straight to you, getting up close and personal.
"Well, I know you want it. So stop putting up a facade and admit it."
"I'm not like these sluts you fuck, Williams." You said, trying to keep your voice steady and calm.
Ellie just smirked in response. "You're right, you're not like them. You're better than them. And maybe you are a little special, considering how much you manage to piss me off everyday." She took a step back and looked you up and down. "I kinda like it." She said, and you couldn't help but feel your heart rate go up a little when she said that.
You just stared back at Ellie, not really sure what else to say in this situation. Both of your egos were too big to give the other one satisfaction, and neither would be making the first move.
She finally spoke up; "Your turn to be honest now. Admit you're into me."
She was awfully close to you now, daring you to say something.
"Don't push it, Ellie." You told her confidently, and even though you really wanted to say it, your pride was holding you back from admitting it.
Ellie just smirked and moved even closer to you, until her face was just an inch away from yours. "Say it." She whispered.
You felt your heart pounding faster as you just looked at her, not able to break her stare.
You shook your head. "No way."
She just chuckled at your response. "I knew you'd say that. And now, I'm gonna make you say it yourself."
Before you could even comprehend what was happening, Ellie pulled you close, just enough to make your lips meet. You just stood there, completely stunned by how bold she was, but at the same time, the feeling of her lips against yours was so new and so good as well. You hadn't felt this type of rush before, and you didn't want it to end.
You couldn't stop yourself from letting out a gasp followed by a moan into the kiss, which made her even bolder.
"I'll show you how lucky those so-called by you sluts are." She whispered after pulling away from you, but not for long.
While Ellie's mouth aggresively covered yours, you felt her slowly pushing you towards the bed.
You were barely able to think now, as your adrenaline was pumping through your whole body. Your back hit the mattress, and Ellie continued to push you down as she climbed up onto the bed on top of you.
That's when it hit you.
You realized that your little feud with Ellie wasn't going to end after all, except this time you weren't fighting her.
Instead, you were just enjoying the moment with someone you could almost call a friend.
It felt like there was nothing else in the universe, just a rush of new sensations that you didn't want to end.
Ellie was the one in control now, as you felt her body pressing up against you, her lips pressing against yours, her hands moving around your body without hesitation. You weren't even thinking straight anymore, you just let her embrace you, letting her take control entirely.
You felt her break the kiss for a moment, just to whisper something in your ear. "Say it."
You knew what she wanted you to say, but you just couldn't bring yourself to do so.
Before you could answer, you felt her slowly undressing you. Her lips were tracing paths along your throat, not letting you let out a logical word from it - only little whimpers.
You felt every curve of her body as you felt her lips against your neck, every touch sending chills down your spine.
When you felt her hands move towards your pants, you felt your body respond in the only way you could.
You couldn't think of anything else but her embrace, her warm breath against your neck, and your body slowly being freed from clothing.
Ellie knew exactly how to push your buttons.
Before you could catch your breath, you were left shaking, as her hand slipped into your underwear, which was soon on the floor too. She was teasing your clit in almost painful slow way, watching you squirm.
"Speak up, babe." She whispered mockingly.
But you couldn't. Not because you didn't want, or because your ego didn't let you - you just couldn't. You even asked yourself 'What does this girl wants from me?' as you already forgotten her previous wish. You just weren't thinking straight.
"Come on, do this for me." She kept looking at you with overdramatic concern. You saw her fastening her belt and sliding of her jeans, revealing an obviously-way-too-big strap, which purple color didn't surprise you at all as you imagined it the same way in your dreams.
When you finally came back to your senses, you constructed a whole full sentence answer. But as soon as she saw you opening your mouth to speak up, she slid a few inches of her toy into your soaking cunt. Your planned reply quickly got replaced with another gasp.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" She smirked, her hips started thrusting. She had some sympathy for you, so she didn't make it too painful, but she wasn't also so merciful.
You cried out, at first clenching your thighs from surprise, but she was too strong for you to actually succeed.
You leaned your head back against the pillow, squeezing your eyes shut causing a few of your pathetic tears soak into the sheets.
She held your hips, so she won't miss your sensitive spot, but her grip was so hard you swore you can already see the bruises creating right beneath her fingers.
"Honestly, I'm really happy it ended like that. You have no idea how often I'd imagine you instead of some random girl. But it's good to have you really there." She chuckled, not slowing down but not speeding up either.
Your eyes opened wide at this confession. Before today, the nicest thing she said to you was 'what's wrong?', even though it was in an obviously mocking way. And know it turns out she liked you for a long time. Just like you liked her.
"W...Wh- What?" You managed to stutter out, leaning on your elbows to look at her before your vision turned blurry again so you fell back on the pillow.
"You didn't know?" She laughed. "I mean, you were always oblivious, so I shouldn't be shocked but... I thought it was clear." She was speaking slower than usual as every single word coming from her mouth was synced with the moves of her hips. While saying this simple thing, she pushed her strap into you at least twenty times. And she wasn't taking her time, oh, no. She was fast and rough, like you're just a sex toy without feelings. Did you mind? Hmmm...
When you started getting used to the size of her cock and your mind wasn't completely blank anymore, you remembered one important thing your PE teacher said. 'Someone will check in on you from time to time, so don't even think about anything.' None of you were either at the gym or putting up flyers around school. They're going to think you ditched it. Even though you'd rather get into more trouble than end whatever you were doing now, you felt you need to tell Ellie, just in case.
"El-s..." You moaned out and quickly realised it won't be easy.
"What is it?" She asked, seeming honestly interested in what you got to say. "Ready to admit you're absolutely obsessed with me?"
You clenched your fists, squeezing the bed sheets between your fingers.
"Th- no... We should..." You couldn't help but cry out again.
As soon as she heard the two keywords - 'we should' (and she hated when someone was telling her what to do, so that pissed her off) - she understood what you're trying to say.
"Behave? Fulfill our duties? Or...?" She chuckled.
You wanted to speak up, just to not feel so vulnerable as you really were. You only managed to mumble 'we' before one of her hands started rubbing your clit, just like at the start - painfully slow. The feeling made your thighs tense and move closer to each other, wanting to close the gap between them. But Ellie didn't let that happen as she quickly separated your legs.
Her hips also didn't stop moving, and all the sensations connected made you go silent again. Well, not silent - unable to speak. And that were two completely different things.
"I'd take that as a 'we should continue what we're doing right now'. Isn't that what you want?" Even though you're eyes were closed, you could feel her intense stare on you. Then, her mocking tone came back. "What is it with you being so quiet all of sudden? You spent a few of the past years yelling at me, and you can't even say a word now?"
"I ju-st..." You said but then she hit your g spot again, and again, and again... making you go silent.
Your stomach started feeling funny - probably because of how deep in it Ellie's strap was. At this point, you thought you can even feel it in your throat and that's what's blocking your words from coming out. But the funny feeling had a different origin - your release was getting awfully close, and it didn't go unnoticed.
"We're going to have lots of fun this month." She whispered, leaning in to stroke your cheek.
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sunflower-lilac42 · 2 months
𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 ; 𝘭𝘩43 ୨୧
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➪ summary: luke is all but tired when him and jack arrive home from a game, but luckily for him, y/n's there to help
➪ warnings: the one rags v. devils game where everyone decided to fight, tired luke. broken plate, luke thinking reader and jack is mad at him, hate comments, jack thinking he's a shitty big brother
➪ word count: 1.8k
➪ file type: fic - reupload
➪ sunny's notes: literally crying because i decided to edit this, negative feelings, and chicken noodle soup all in a row. i chose violence, be glad i'm not uploading them three days in a row. this was rough. but no i actually like how this fic turned out so yeah
© sunflower-lilac42 ; do not copy, repost, or translate my work and designs on any other website or here
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She had let herself into their apartment halfway through the second period. She had been watching from her dorm and when the first fight broke out, two seconds into the game, she knew the team was in for a wild night. As the game went on and they showed the bench and the players, she knew both her boyfriend and his brother were tired. 
That’s when she made the executive decision to “break in” to their apartment and make them dinner. She was grateful that their fridge was fully stocked and she didn’t have to run back out to the grocery store. She got to work quickly, making something easy but also filling for both of them. While spaghetti and meatballs weren’t any of their favorite meals, not that she was hungry anyway, she knew they would appreciate the effort nonetheless. 
When the game was over she sighed at the final score, after what they had been through tonight, they deserved the win. Worried about Luke and being one of only four defensemen on the ice, she looked to see how much time he was actually on the ice and was appalled when it read 32:49. She knew he had been tired these past few weeks, this team felt like it was on a never-ending cycle of bad luck. 
She was setting the plates down moments before they walked in the door, but when she was in the bathroom, that’s when she heard them. She heard the clatter of keys and shoes and walked out immediately. Luke was attempting to stand upright, slightly leaning on his older brother. Jack looked equally tired, attempting to support both him and Luke. 
She frowned as she made her way over to them, lightly grabbing onto Luke to lessen the weight on Jack’s body. He sighed in relief as he kicked his shoes off and made his way to sit down on the couch. Y/n stayed with Luke in the kitchen, walking him over to one of the chairs. With one hand she reached for his head and took the beanie he had been wearing off, using her other one to run her fingers through his damp curls. 
“Why don’t you go take a shower, both of you,” Jack whined from the couch while Luke just buried his head into her shoulder.
She felt like she could cry from the exhaustion they were displaying. She knew how they got, both of them. She had been dating Luke since their freshman year of high school. She knew the ins and outs of all three Hughes brothers if she was honest, never finding it weird or alarming. His family loved her, that she knew, but when Jack came home drunk one night and threw up on her shoes, she accepted her role in the family.
“Jack you first, come on.”
She continued running a hand through her boyfriend’s curls as she gazed at the older boy on the couch. He finally sat up, giving her an annoyed look, but she only rolled her eyes and pointed to the bathroom. She could keep Luke occupied for another 20 minutes, “Hi baby.”
Luke’s eyes were closed as his head laid on her shoulder, he mumbled something incoherently and he just sighed. She untangled her fingers from his hair and started to pull off his jacket, he whined at the loss of contact but allowed her to continue her actions. She took his jacket to his room and hung it up before walking back into the kitchen and checking on the pasta. 
Luke, despite being tired and his body being worn, he got up and made his way over to her in order to wrap his arms around her waist and dig his head into the crook of her neck, inhaling her fading scent. She smiled slightly, removing her one hand from the side of the pan to place on top of Luke’s, continuing to stir with the other. 
It was silent up until Jack came back, who plopped onto the chair his brother had previously sat in. She looked over at him and smiled, “Do you guys want to eat in the kitchen or in the living room? We could put a movie on?”
The two nodded and made their way over to the living room as she finished plating the food and bringing it over to them, placing the plates into their laps. They each let out simultaneous soft thank yous before eating. They chose a random movie and watched it as y/n cleaned the kitchen and finished doing some laundry that had been pushed to the side.  
She felt bad for both of them, both for different reasons but some the same. Mostly because of how the team was performing this year, the way that they couldn’t keep everyone off injured reserve. Yet, for Luke, it felt different. She felt more or less worried about him than bad for him. He had expectations to live up to, people to live up to, and she knew his mind all too well. She knew what he was thinking, that he wasn’t good enough.
And it wasn’t just him that thought that. They both knew about the tweets that were in response to people's comments under articles, the articles themselves about how Luke wasn’t as good as his brothers, wasn’t as good as he should be, wasn’t as good as people made him out to be. It was what Luke thought about the most.
There was clanging from the living room and then a crash. She immediately made her way out of the bedroom and looked in between Jack, who was still on the couch, the shattered plate on the floor, and Luke, who was standing in the hallway. His face looked conflicted but it morphed into one of fear and sadness. 
“Hey, hey, what happened?”
“I-” Luke couldn’t bring himself to talk, both terrified and still exhausted from the game. 
On the other hand, y/n’s face was calm and Jack’s face was sad with a hint of anger in his eyes. Anger towards John and Kevin for leaving the team with four defensemen, anger towards Travis for making Luke play that long, anger towards himself for not checking in on his brother enough, and anger towards the Rangers. 
“Luke, it’s okay. No one’s mad at you for dropping the plate.” Jack’s voice was soft as he stood up, slightly wobbling from his lack of balance. 
The younger boy only shook his head, reaching a hand out to lean against the wall. Y/n moved forward and wrapped her arms around Luke who then slowly sank to the ground. Her left hand was placed against his head, keeping it against her chest as her right arm wrapped around him. Luke started crying, soft sobs escaping his mouth.
She looked at Jack who took the hint to walk back into his bedroom. As soon as he left, Luke voiced his thoughts, “I’m tired. I’m so tired, y/n.”
The way his voice broke almost made her choke on a sob. She bit her lip to keep her tears at bay, refusing to let Luke know how she was feeling right now. She tangled her fingers in his hair, Luke allowing the movement to calm him down a little. His harsh sobs turned into soft sniffles in a matter of minutes. She was the only one who could soothe him like this besides his mom.
Lifting his head, he dug it back into the crook of her neck. She kissed his head and continued to run her fingers through his curls like she had done earlier, using her other hand to rub circles on his back. Ten minutes had passed and she looked over at the shattered glass a few feet away from her. Her legs had started to cramp from being in the position for so long and the added weight of Luke on them made it a little worse.
“How about you go take a shower while I clean the plate, okay?”
He pulled away from her and nodded his head slightly. She aided him in standing up and watched as he made his way to the bathroom to shower. Once the door closed, she made quick work of cleaning up the mess. After she was done, she went over and knocked on Jack’s bedroom door, “Hey.”
Jack snapped his head up in surprise, “Hi.”
“Are you okay?”
“Jack, I’ve known you for 7 years. What’s wrong?” She sat on the edge of his bed, her hands underneath her. 
“I feel bad. I mean I was so excited for Luke to come to play with me but for some reason, I feel guilty. I don’t know. It just feels like I should do more for him. I didn’t want to bring up the comments, I see them too, you know.”
Her heart warmed at the words, at Jack being so worried about his little brother. She smiled a little before looking at him, “He loves you, Jack. More than you know. I cannot tell you the number of times he calls me and is like ‘Jack this’ and ‘Jack that’. You and Quinn are his idols, it’s hard to not notice that. He is so appreciative of you. And he knows there is nothing you can do about the comments that people make, it’s not your fault.”
Jack teared up a little but smiled at her, “Thank you.”
“Of course. Now come on, give me a hug.”
Jack leaned over from his spot on the bed and hugged her, “Can I say I love you or is that too weird?” 
“Considering, I am betting on you becoming my sister-in-law, it’s not weird. I love you too, y/n/n.”
She heard a door close from down the hall and she pulled away and waved goodbye to Jack, making her way to her boyfriend’s room. When she walked in, Luke was lying on his bed, cuddling a pillow on his phone. She smiled at him and walked over to sit down, “Hi baby.”
He looked up at her and for the first time that night, he smiled. He reached out for her and she made herself comfortable on the bed, Luke wrapping his arms around her. In that moment, Luke was so grateful for her and all that she had done for him not only tonight but in the past seven years. She had been there for him through everything and that meant the absolute world to him. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Luke. And I am so so so so proud of you for tonight.”
His smile was small but genuine, “Now go to bed.” 
She kissed his forehead and the two wasted no time in falling asleep.
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© sunflower-lilac42 ; do not copy, repost, or translate my work and designs on any other website or here
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simpxxstan · 2 months
best friend's older brother wonwoo
this is part of my 550 followers celebration event! find the rest of the members' headcanons in the event too as i post them through this month!
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warnings: pg 13+, making out
thinking about best friend's older brother!wonwoo who is just nine months older than your best friend, so he's in the same class as the two of you
you don't even want to figure out how that happened. but it's good for you, because it lets you get an upper hand over wonwoo whenever he tries to bully you.
and bully you he does. he's a massive bully. behind that nerdy, good boy look he charms everyone with, you know that jeon wonwoo is an absolute menace to society.
from stealing your essays, to forcing you to show him your solution of homework, he doesn't spare a chance to irritate you. the worst bit is that he's got everyone convinced that he's the best boy that could ever live and no teacher or parent ever finds a fault in him. if the two of you fight, it's always you who gets scolded. if the teacher spots the two of you talking in class, it's always you who gets punished.
after ten years of facing this, you've come to the conclusion that the universe is unfair. it's a relief that you're in your final year of school and finally, you can count the days until you can get rid of this menace.
thinking about best friend's older brother!wonwoo who knows he's pushing luck every time he annoys you
but he still gets away with it, either through sheer chance or through his good looks and manners.
it's just not fair that he's born in this universe where you're always around him, with your indomitable sarcasm and overperforming tendencies. you seem to be made for him, but in the worst way possible. with you out of the scene, wonwoo would always be first in class, always win quizzes and spellbees, always win the 700 metre sack race. naturally, it can't be his fault for thinking of ways to expel you from school.
and when the two of you hit puberty and wonwoo realises that underneath your acne, you're actually growing up into the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, it makes the entire situation even worse. because now, you're the subject of his annoyance and his desires. and he can't get you out of his head for the best and the worst reasons possible.
so wonwoo is equally relieved as you are to be in the final year of school, with the comfort that as he becomes an adult this year, he will finally live a life free of pests (you).
thinking about best friend's older brother!wonwoo who becomes ill the very week of the midterms
as a result, he misses out on several classes of key revision and even some internal tests that will count towards your final score. you score full in all these tests, getting quite the lead ahead of wonwoo, and yet, you don't feel that rush of joy when you see your perfect score. is it because you don't see the frown on wonwoo's face on seeing you beat him? is it because you don't feel the adrenaline kick in on meeting eyes with wonwoo and seeing the disappointment in his eyes?
at night, you recount about your day's academic successes but it doesn't generate any satisfaction in your heart. for hours you stay awake, trying to make sense of the ache in your chest, wondering what's missing these days that's leaving you feeling high and dry.
it's only at 3 am that you attempt something to cure this worry. you sit up, under your table lamp, writing up your notes on fresh paper, in your best handwriting. you even highlight key portions and add extra information beyond class notes, that you've learnt from the web or from the library.
the next day, you drop the notes with your best friend. "give this to wonwoo asap, hmm?" "notes? he said he'll just use mine-" "well, if his pride isn't too much, he will know what's good for him."
thinking about best friend's older brother!wonwoo who comes back two weeks later
he doesn't talk to you at first, trying to avoid your curious gaze. but you confront him in the corridor after classes are over. you stand right in front of him, your hands on your hips, your eyebrows furrowed. "you still look pretty pale," you tell him. a part in wonwoo wants you to touch him and see if the fever's still there. but he knows you'll not do that.
"you didn't have to send the notes. i would get them anyway." "a thank you would be nice." wonwoo bites his lower lip. is he ready to say thank you to you? is this why you sent the notes? to show your pity towards him? to cast a favour on him? to always be one step ahead of him even on the moral ground?
wonwoo doesn't end up saying thank you. his pride is too large a pill to swallow, and his mind keeps doubting your intentions. after all, ten years of rivalry is not easy to let go of, even if you look even more beautiful after two weeks of not seeing you.
but his attitude towards you changes. consciously or not, he becomes less snarky towards you. and he's surprised to see reciprocation too. you seem more open towards discussing homework with him. you even cooperate with him when your teacher asks you both to organise the annual prom event of the school. and wonwoo's pretty sure this cures his health faster than any medicines the doctor's prescribed to him.
thinking about best friend's older brother!wonwoo who's sitting in his shared bedroom with his sister, playing games on his computer, while she gossips with you about the prom couples of the year
wonwoo doesn't come into the room after that, but when you leave the room to use the washroom in the hall, you see him sitting on the couch and reading a book. "it's rude to listen to other's conversations, wonwoo. haven't you ever learnt that?" wonwoo doesn't look up from his book, so you take a step forward, intending to make yourself heard. "it's also rude to not reply to someone when they are talking to y-"
"guess who asked me today!" "man, i don't know, you tell me. when did they even ask you, i was with you the whole day?" "when we were walking back home and you were fighting with wonwoo in the convenience store about which ramen to buy."
your best friend pouts slightly, which she always does whenever she sees you fight with her brother. "i hate it that even after ten years, my best friend and my brother have not been able to get along. i feel like it's a failure on m-" "okay stop feeling guilty already, and tell me who asked you out for prom!" you squeal, and she giggles too, a high-pitched sound that's so different from her brother's breathy, raspy voice (not that you'd ever prefer his voice over hers). "im changkyun! isn't that so exciting!" you gasp loudly, clapping your hand over your mouth. "girl! i'm so excited for you, he's so dreamy." "i know! i had no idea he liked me!" "oh you're so lucky, love. his voice is so deep, and his eyes are so pretty, and he's so smart! what would i not give to be his prom part-" "im changkyun is a smartass and a teacher's pet. i see birds of a feather do flock together, y/n", wonwoo interrupts your conversation suddenly, giving you a piercing look before he walks out of the room in his haughty manner.
"come with me to prom." wonwoo finally looks up, his book kept on his chest, as he looks straight into your eye. you're standing half a metre away from him, but you can still feel the fire in his gaze.
"sorry, what?" "come with me to prom. be my prom partner." you purse your lips, pretending to consider it. "and why would you ask me?" "because you don't have a partner." "how do you know that?" "you just told me." wonwoo stands up, a smirk on his lips. "why are you asking me, wonwoo? i don't need your pity, i don't need a partner to enjoy prom." "you're right. although it's not pity. i'm just returning the favour. your notes are helping me keep up my academic record in order to get into the colleges i want."
it's a reasonable offer. when he frames it like this, it feels less like a personal affair and more of a professional situation-
"truce." you extend your hand and he shakes it. "truce it is." "for all your big talk, i bet you're asking me only because you're bitchless as fuck." wonwoo laughs at that. "don't be jealous. i'll see you on friday, y/n. be ready at 8."
thinking about best friend's older brother!wonwoo who has all eyes on him at the prom party but his eyes are only on you
"everyone's talking about you, you know." your arm is in his as the two of you lean against a wall, digging into the pastries being circulated. it's a blessing you accepted his offer, because a. if you had refused, he'd never be able to meet your eye confidently again, and b. you're the only one promising him intelligent conversation tonight, and he's glad you're the one talking to him.
"it's my dad's tux. it's what he wore at his prom." wonwoo doesn't miss the way your eyes glaze over his outfit in an appreciative look, and it makes his heart beat faster in his chest. "you look good, but i'm sure he looked better than you in it." "but you think i look good?" your eyes meet his, a tentative look that says more than words will. "i do. does it matter?" "well, a man likes to know that his prom partner approves of him." you laugh, your voice a beautiful tinkle. how has he never noticed how melodious your laugh is? "you're hardly a man, jeon wonwoo. you've got a long way to go."
and he'll go the long way. he'll take risks tonight. something about the perfume you're wearing is making him heady. something about the way you never let go of his arm makes his body warm with something unknown but pleasant. something about the way you're close enough for him to notice how often your eyes stray to his lips when you're talking to him makes him want to take a chance.
when the two of you are alone in a balcony, the fresh air blowing your hair away, revealing your elegant neck and a hint of your collarbones, and you're talking something about how a certain book is helping you study for biology, he zones out and his tunnel vision focuses on your lips. so he leans in and kisses you. it's an extremely short, chaste kiss, but wonwoo's never kissed anyone, so even this shoots electric sparks through his veins.
"what was that for?" this is the first time wonwoo's seen you blush, and his hand instinctively reaches out to touch your warm cheeks, trying to understand if it's for you. "i would ask you to prom even if you did have a partner. i didn't want to go with anyone else apart from you." your eyes are delightfully wide, looking so innocent and so cute. there's a pause, as wonwoo waits for you to give him the green signal or not. when he's going to give up and back off, you tug at his arm and pull him closer. "well, then kiss me again, and let me see if like it."
thinking about best friend's older brother!wonwoo who takes you to his car and gets into the back seat with you
"you look so, so beautiful today." he tells you in between kisses, as he pulls you closer to him. and you let him, your mind foggy, and just one thought rushing through your veins- wonwoo, wonwoo, wonwoo. his kisses are addictive, and you're clinging to him like a drug, letting him bite your lips and kiss your jaw and make a mess of your lipstick.
thank god for the privacy of wonwoo's car, and thank god he's learnt to drive early on. because you'd be so embarrassed of the way you're also equally hungrily touching him, as if you'd waited your entire life for this. but you don't have time to question your thoughts, and frankly speaking, you don't want to. you just know one thing for sure: you've been such a fool for hating wonwoo for so long, when he kisses like this and when you're so attracted to him.
when you're both out of breath and just sitting next to each other, slumped back as he holds you close to his chest and you snuggle your face into his warm body, you finally start confronting your thoughts. when you go silent for a moment too long, wonwoo asks you, "penny for your thoughts?"
you look up at him. why haven't you ever noticed how divine he looks under the moonlight? "i was thinking why we didn't do this sooner." "maybe because you were busy hating me." you sit up, gasping and turning around to face wonwoo. "excuse me? and what were you up to? loving me?" wonwoo smiles. "yes, loving you, i think. because i for sure love this sassy attitude of yours. and your smartass brain. and the way your lips purse into a perfect cupid's bow, but that's not the priority." you laugh. "you can just admit you like me because i'm hot." "yes i could. but that's not the whole truth. i could never like a woman who's not as intelligent as you. i could never like a woman who's not you."
and with every word he utters, you realise how his feelings mirror yours as well. just then, both of your phones ping and you simultaneously take it out to see the notification. "my god- i- wonwoo! i got into my dream college! "me too! wow. congratulations, baby, i knew you would. it'd be their loss to not accept someone as perfect as you." you giggle. "shut up, you're so cheesy." wonwoo grins and you lean in to peck his lips.
"okay, show me your letter. let's see how far we'll be-" you take wonwoo's phone in your hands and read the mail. "f-fuck. you didn't tell me? you bloody-" "what happened?" wonwoo's eyes go wide in alarm and you nearly punch him in shock. "you applied to the same college i did! why didn't you tell me! oh, you sneaky boy."
wonwoo bursts out laughing. "why do you look so ready to beat me up? isn't that a good thing?" you pause, considering it for a second, before the dots connect in your head. you finally break into a smile and hug wonwoo, pulling him into a tight embrace. "i guess it is, baby."
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bebebelll · 11 months
does anyone know her dad? daniel ricciardo smau (part 2)
pairing: daniel ricciardo x toto's secret daugther!reader / daniel ricciardo x schumacher & wolff!reader warning: mention of slutshaming note: part one here, part three here, part four here
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ynquads never drinking or letting 20+ men into my 2-bedroom place ever again. also yes danny slept on the floor but brought great wine.
liked by susie_wolff, danielricciardo, mercedesamgf1 and 1 834 273 others
maxverstappen1 who threw up in the hallway? because someone threw up on seven pairs of shoes
alex_albon lando. i saw him drunk dancing out there too landonorris OKAY
username they are absolutely fucking username the fuck are your sources bro?
georgerussell63 i would like to apologize for the vase that i broke
logansargeant i will add the sorry for chipping the countertop lewishamilton i took the dog toys for roscoe and i'm not sorry fernandoalo_official i didnt do anything but i would like the recipe for the soup
danielricciardo why would you post just that pic?? i found you sleeping on the kitchen floor in the morning you were not doing any better
ynquads lando stole the sofa, alex slept in the armchair, charles and max were passed out in the tub AND pierre, carlos and yuki were in the bed. i did not have other options at 5 am danielricciardo you shouldve come next to me. we could have cuddled ynquads baby i am literally in your arms right now danielricciardo and i want you with me all the time
username if austin has the whole grid + like four of the old guys get passed out drunk in one small apartment, i cannot wait to see what las vegas does to these men
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danielricciardo love you and also am so scared of your dad. we won't need his permission to marry someday right?
tagged: ynquads
liked by ynquads, maxverstappen1 and 593 837 others
username i love the dichotomy of the pajama pics and the hot evening wear
ynquads get you a man who can do both
landonorris like how you're both ignoring sky news and twitter burning down with the rumours
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ynquads so...you know how the world of motorsports is super small? you grow up with half the formula 1 grid and idolise the other half. sometimes you grow up being mortal enemies and you both get into f1. sometimes you win the title because your teammate dies. sometimes a 27-years-old toto wolff hooks up with michael schumacher's sister katarina. anyway! Lass uns diese Woche zum Essen gehen, Papa! Viel Glück für Onkel Lewis und George! (let's go out to dinner this week, dad! best of luck to uncle lewis and george!)
liked by danielricciardo, mercedesamgf1 and 1 837 364 others
susie_wolff your dad appreciates the first photo a lot! he didn't love the third though
mercedesamgf1 we'll always have a spot and cup of coffee just for you! no need to go to red bull, come home to us ❤️💪(also admin has known this since 2017 and could barely keep their mouth shut so thank you now i can comment)
ynquads mercedes admin really is gods strongest soldier danielricciardo please dont let mercedes just steal you. i need my good luck love charm and kisses ynquads dont worry dan we can romeo & juliet the shit out the red bull v mercedes feud susie_wolff your dad says NO and also do you want to eat salmon on tuesday?
redbullracing sweetheart you don't need to agree to anything. we have red bulls and cake in the hospitality 😅 please stay with us
ynquads what kind of daughter do you think i am? redbullracing we have daniel ynquads you know max and daniel have always been my favourites i could never leave red bull
username yn is 50% schumacher + 50% wolff and daniel 8 wins. imagine the kids they'll get
maxverstappen1 the kid's godfather is also going to have 3 championships danielricciardo 👍
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anonymousewrites · 5 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Three
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Three: Sports Festival
Summary: Saiki and (Y/N) participate in the Sports Festival, and Saiki has his receiver taken.
            (Y/N) stretched as they waited for the events to begin. It was PK Academy’s Sports Festival, and Class 3 was ready and eager to compete (except for Saiki). Everyone was way too into the event for his taste, but it wasn’t like he could change that.
            “Never give up, Class 3! Yeah!” shouted Hairo encouragingly.
            “Yeah!” repeated his classmates.
            “Quite saying ‘yeah,’ it’s annoying.”
            “Sports Day, huh? Humph, how stupid,” remarked Kaidou dramatically, “My strength is for use in combat. I shouldn’t waste it on silly games.”
            “You’re just saying that ‘cause you’re terrible at sports,” said Nendou.
            (Y/N) laughed.
            “Hey, Saiki!” called Hairo. “I expect great things from you!”
            Don’t expect anything from me!
            “Saiki!” (Y/N) ran up to him and gave him a large, closed-eye smile. “You’ve got this if you try!”
            “Thanks,” said Saiki (not as begrudgingly as he’d like to think). They seemed earnest, and he respected that (and them in general).
            “Nendou!” Hairo turned his exuberant attention to the tall boy. “You’ve got great athletic skills!”
            “Sure!” Nendou gave Hairo a thumbs-up. “You’re not gonna beat me this time.”
            “Nendou, he’s on our team, too,” reminded (Y/N), poking him.
            “(L/N)!” Hairo looked at them. “Keep bringing your energy!”
            (Y/N) gave him a peace sign and smile. “Sure thing!” They always had energy.
            “Also, Kaidou…!” Hairo attended to the blue-haired boy. “Uhm, well, do what you can.”
            Even Hairo’s optimism has limits.
            “What do you mean by that?!” cried Kaidou.
            (Y/N) patted his back comfortingly. “Give your best. I believe in you.”
            That’s probably less earnest than their other statements.
            “Don’t worry,” said Hairo, “All that matters is that our class wins!”
            “I’d rather just have fun,” commented (Y/N) to Saiki.
            Just like they said that day after the rain, they enjoy the little things. They called it “romance.” Saiki frowned as his heart beat a fraction faster as he thought of the word “romance.” That had never happened before. He wasn’t a fan.
            “The competition this year looks tough,” said Hairo. “First, Class 1. An intellectual group that has many students get top grades on tests! And Class 2. An athletic group that has the most students who belong to athletic clubs!”
            “Why does their class representative not have his shirt on?” mumbled (Y/N). They really didn’t need to see a random guy’s bare chest.
            At least someone here notices how weird this is.
            “Furthermore, Class 4,” continued Hairo, “An intellectual group led by Tanihara, who scored first-place in the midterms! The last one is Class 5. An intellectual group where an astonishing eighty percent of them wear glasses!”
            “You just like saying ‘intellectual,’ don’t you?” remarked Saiki. “And why did you have to give such long exposition?”
            “So we’ve got three intellectual classes, an athletic one, and…us,” said (Y/N). I don’t really know what’s special about us. Maybe we’re the “weird” class. A little mean, but it felt right.
            At least someone here knows how to get to the point.
            Over the loudspeaker came an announcement. “The first event is the boys’ 100-meter dash.”
            Saiki sighed.
            “Good luck, Saiki,” said (Y/N), smiling brightly.
            Saiki nodded at them.
            “Kuu! Go for it!” cheered Mrs. Saiki.
            “I’m recording you on a hard drive called my heart,” called Mr. Saiki.
            (Y/N) tilted their head. “Doesn’t he have a video camera?”
            “Out of battery,” answered Saiki.
            (Y/N) frowned. “How do you know?”
            “He didn’t properly charge it last night.” Saiki easily covered for himself. Before they asked anything else, he walked over to the starting line.
            “Go! Saiki! For our victory!” shouted Hairo.
            Saiki sighed, and as the gun went off, he ran out. He ended up in second place, but that was too conspicuous, so he let everyone catch up and instead finished third—acceptable, but more average. His team didn’t mind and congratulated him.
            “Great job,” said (Y/N) earnestly.
            Saiki nodded to them in acknowledgement.
            “That was incredible!” exclaimed Hairo.
            “Why am I getting so much praise for ranking third?”
            “Because friends congratulate each other,” said (Y/N).
            “You’re not my friends.”
            “Maybe one day you’ll actually convince me,” teased (Y/N). They weren’t put off by Saiki’s words. After all, the heart held the truth more than what he said.
            “Not bad, pal, although I can run faster than that,” said Nendou.
            “Well, right now it’s Kaidou’s turn,” said (Y/N). “Come on, Kaidou!”
            Yare yare, so energetic.
            Kaidou tried his hardest and ended up fifth place. He looked disappointed, so (Y/N) patted him on the back and told him he tried his best. He smiled slightly and stood up straighter.
            “What was that running?!” laughed Nendou.
            Kaidou slumped over again. (Y/N) leveled a steely glare at Nendou. He flinched and shut up. Saiki watched warily and reminded himself not to upset (Y/N). Evidently, they had an intense, protective side.
            “We have to somehow turn things around in the next event,” muttered Hairo determinedly, completely engrossed in the events of the sports festival.
            The loudspeaker turned on again. “The second event is the girl’s 100-meter dash,” announced the voice.
            “Well, I’m up,” chirped (Y/N). They were competing against girls since their team needed strength in that area.
            “Good luck.”
            Surprised, (Y/N) blinked. Their heart thumped for a second, but they recovered and just grinned. “Thanks, Saiki!”
            The gun went off, and (Y/N) ran the best they could, spurred on by the belief their friends had in them (even Saiki. Especially Saiki). They crossed the finish line second, moving the class up the ranking. Seeing the scoreboard change, (Y/N) whooped happily.
            “Great job, (Y/N)!” cheered Hairo, clapping them across the back.
            (Y/N) coughed as the wind was knocked out of them but laughed all the same. “Thanks, Hairo.”
            “The next event is the coed three-legged race,” announced the loudspeaker.
            Teruhashi was competing. Instantly, everybody swarmed around her and began to give her words of encouragement. (Y/N) sweat-dropped. It really was incredible the effect she had on people.
            “Good job,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) brightened. “Thanks!” For some reason, (Y/N) couldn’t help but straighten happily knowing Saiki had cover over to stand with them instead of hovering around Teruhashi. It was normal for him, but (Y/N) couldn’t help but notice it.
            From behind them, Teruhashi frowned for a moment before lighting up with a bright smile again. Why’s he over there with them?! Why isn’t he over here, telling me I’m going to do a great job?! I am going to win this! After all, I’m the perfect pretty girl, including in sports!
            I might want to blend in, but I still have my pride. I’m not going to fawn over someone… He subconsciously glanced at (Y/N) before forcing himself to focus on Teruhashi and her partner in the race.
            “Let’s do our best, Sawakita,” cooed Teruhashi.
            “O-Okay,” stuttered Sawakita, blushing nervously.
            “Let’s win no matter what!” Teruhashi took Sawakita’s hands into her own gently. I may not look it, but I hate to lose. Which is why I have to get first, to beat (L/N) and to have Saiki congratulate me!
            Yare yare. I don’t want to deal with this.
            “Hey, if we win, let’s celebrate alone, okay?” asked Teruhashi coyly.
            That’s one way to give him a reason to win.
            Sure enough, as soon as the pistol signaled the start of the race, Sawakita picked Teruhashi up and sprinted to the finish line. No one had a problem with it, and they won first place with no issue. As usual, the world smiled upon Teruhashi and let everything work out for her.
            “Aren’t they supposed to run on three legs?” asked (Y/N).
            Saiki nodded. It’s Teruhashi, though, so no one will get in trouble.
            “All right! Let’s keep it up and make a comeback!” said Hairo.
            “Ha! The scavenger hunt race is next!” laughed Nendou. “Who’s gonna do that?!”
            “You will,” said Saiki.
            “Good luck,” said (Y/N), deciding to ignore Nendou forgetting.
            “Oh, yeah. It was me,” realized Nendou as he walked over to the group of participants.
            “Go for it, Nendou!” cheered the redhead.
            “All right!” yelled Nendou as he picked up his list of items. “Oh, this is so easy.”
            “Looks like he knows where to get it,” commented Hairo, relieved.
            Nendou ran up to the class. “Hey, let me borrow that.”
            “You mean this?” Hairo held up his tennis racket.
            “No, that’s not it.” Nendou reached out and grabbed one of Saiki’s receivers.
            Saiki blanked and collapsed in exhaustion.
            “Saiki!” cried (Y/N) in concern, dropping to their knees next to him. They hadn’t anticipated such a reaction, but their worry covered up the strange moment.
            “What’s going on?!” questioned Hairo. “What happened?!”
            “I-I don’t know,” stammered (Y/N), “He just collapsed!” They gazed at him worriedly since he had an odd look on his face. He clearly wasn’t alright. “Nendou! Give me that bobble back,” they ordered. If taking it out hurt him, maybe it needed to be put back in.
            “Huh? Why?” asked Nendou.
            (Y/N) just snatched it from him and put it back in Saiki’s hair. It also went into his head, but they didn’t realize. They held their breath and waited.
            A moment later, Saiki’s eyes opened. He found himself staring up at (Y/N). Surprised and suddenly realizing he was close to their face, he sat up wildly and backed up.
            “Hey, hey, you’re safe,” assured (Y/N), putting a steadying hand on his shoulder for a moment. They removed it immediately after, not wanting to cross any boundaries. “I put that bobble back since you collapsed after Nendou took it,” they explained.
            Saiki breathed a slight sigh of relief. Obviously, his reaction to seeing them had been about the receiver. He thought he’d done something without his powers being dampened. Luckily, he hadn’t.
            “Are you okay?” asked (Y/N), their voice filled with concern.
            They didn’t care about the announcement of Nendou being last place in the scavenger hunt; they were just worried for Saiki. However, he stood up steadily, so (Y/N)’s apprehension abated.
            “I’m alright,” said Saiki. He was…glad they were concerned—somehow, them being worried about him felt nice instead of irritating.
            (Y/N) let out a breath of relief. “I’m glad.” They smiled. “You had me worried there.” They stood up and brushed the dirt off their knees. “Let’s get some lunch, you need to refuel after passing out.” When there was no response, they straightened. No Saiki. They frowned. “Saiki?” He’s wandered off. It’s not safe to do that after just collapsing. I better go find him.
            At the back of the school building, Saiki slid down the wall with his bento box. His hands trembled as he held the chopsticks. His strength was still uncontrollable, so he was avoiding other people because people might find out about his abilities and because he might hurt a friend. When Saiki heard footsteps, he was immediately on edge. It only got worse when (Y/N) walked around the corner. They were probably the person he least wanted to hurt other than his family.
            “Saiki,” they said, crouching down next to him. “You need to stop scaring me,” they joked. Their smile fell as they saw his shaking hands. Their gaze softened in concern. “Hey, you’re still pretty weak…Do you need help?”
            “I’m trying to eat. What is there to help with?”
            “At the rate you’re going, you’re either going to snap the chopsticks or drop your food,” teased (Y/N). Their expression turned serious. “But really, I can help. I know it’s kinda weird, but you need to eat, and I’m not going to just leave you without help.” Was it strange? Yes. But (Y/N) was Saiki’s friend. They would help him in any way possible.
            “Alright,” relented Saiki. He decided consciously that this was a good cover and a way for him to eat while his strength was uncontrollable, but there was also a comfortable feeling that surrounded him when (Y/N) was there to help. He couldn’t help but say yes.
            (Y/N) smiled and gently took the chopsticks into their hand. Bit by bit, they fed him his food. No words were exchanged; a calm silence enveloped them.
            The peace was unfortunately broken when Nendou rounded the corner.
            “Oh, hey, pal, pinky, we were looking for you. You guys missed the magician,” said Nendou. He noticed how (Y/N) was feeding Saiki. “Oooh, are you guys on a date?”
            (Y/N)’s faced warmed, and they laughed nervously. “No, I was just helping him out since he still isn’t feeling well.”
            Saiki nodded. Good thing (Y/N) thinks quickly. Otherwise, Nendou would tell the whole school we were dating.
            Yare yare, there’s that feeling again.
            “Oh, pal, are you still sick? Maybe you should head home,” said Nendou.
            I never thought he’d ever have such a good idea. Saiki nodded.
            The three of them went back in front of the building. Saiki’s friends annoyances were waiting there and bombarded him.
            “What happened?”
            “Where’d you go?”
            “Are you alright?”
            “Are you heading home?”
            “Are you sure you can go home alone?”
            “Don’t push yourself.”
            “Don’t worry about us, we’ll cover for you.”
            Yare yare. These guys…It’s very hard to go home now. Saiki was tempted to smile, but his “annoyance” was too grand.
            “You’re going to stick around, aren’t you?” remarked (Y/N).
            Saiki looked at them. How do they manage to read me?
            (Y/N) continued jokingly, “We’ve melted your icy heart! You cannot help but stay!” They laughed at themself.
            The corners of Saiki’s mouth twitched upwards for a moment, and he immediately decided not to entertain their conversation for fear of more reactions.
            “Alright, Class 3!” declared Hairo. “We’re having team competitions in the afternoon! The next event is the tug of war!”
            “I think he’s super excited because he wasn’t in any of the individual events,” commented (Y/N) to Saiki. “Have fun,” they teased.
            Yare yare.
            Saiki pulled on the rope with the rest of the boys in his class. However, he wasn’t giving much effort since his strength was far beyond the others’. Saiki even accidentally broke the rope. Due to the situation from earlier, he still couldn’t control his abilities and ended up winning the match for Class 3, though no one noticed it was him.
            “Great job, you guys!” congratulated (Y/N). They turned to Saiki. “You must be strong, Saiki! You were barely breaking a sweat!”
            Yare yare. They somehow cover for all my abilities while also noticing them more than anyone else. So strange.
            “Behold the power of Class 3!” declared Hairo.
            “To think that a match against humans got me this fired up,” murmured Kaidou dramatically.
            “Did you guys have lunch?” asked Nendou.
            “The rope is torn at the spot I was holding,” exclaimed Takahashi, “Could I have done this?”
            The four boys then posed with determined faces and crossed arms while the other classes looked on in wonder. However, Class 3 was still in third place overall. Two events remained.
            “Class 3 isn’t doing so hot, huh?!” questioned Toristuka challengingly, “Looks like Class 2 might win, huh?!”
            “So? I couldn’t care less,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “Having fun with friends is more important.”
            Toristuka hurriedly continued his condescension. “Ah! See? We’re number one right now! Bam!” He smiled. “Well, I was last in the three-legged race, though.”
            Recalling how creepy he’d been, (Y/N) shivered.
            “I can’t believe you look so proud of it,” said Saiki.
            “Please don’t hold a grudge against me if my class wins,” said Toritsuka, still acting superior.
            “Seriously, I couldn’t care less about who wins, or about you for that matter,” said Saiki while (Y/N) nodded in agreement.
            “Sorry, but it’s Class 3 that’s going to win!” declared Hairo. “If we lose, I’ll get a buzzcut!”
            “We’re way behind them, are you sure we should be making bets?” questioned (Y/N), tilting their head blankly. They were all for some fun, but they weren’t sure this was their class’s best idea ever.
            “Are you serious?” asked Toritsuka, looking at Hairo.
            “That just shows you how determined I am!” said Hairo.
            “Hey, hey, if Hairo’s going to do it…We’ll get a buzzcut, too!” promised the other boys of Class 3.
            “Wait, wait,” said Saiki. He didn’t want to get roped in.
            “Count me in, too,” said Kaidou confidently, “Of course, there’s no chance of me losing.”
            “Kaidou, confidence is good, but sometimes realism is important,” remarked (Y/N).
            “Where is he getting that confidence from?” asked Saiki.
            “I’ll get a buzzcut, too,” proclaimed Nendou.
            “In your case, it won’t be a penalty,” observed Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “A proper cut that’s even all the way around may actually look better.”
            “That’s right! Our hearts are one!” declared Hairo. “If we lose, every guy in Class 3 will get a buzzcut!”
            “I’m glad it’s just the boys doing this,” commented (Y/N). They beamed. “I don’t have anything to worry about.”
            Saiki gave them a deadpan glare.
            “Aw, come on, you know I’ll still try to help you,” said (Y/N), waving a hand. They frowned. “All the same, I don’t think there are a lot of events left.”
            I’ll be making sure I don’t have to get a buzzcut with my powers, anyways.
            The loudspeaker turned on and announced, “The next even is the interclass beanbag toss.”
            Sure enough, as his classmates ran around and threw beanbags towards their basket, Saiki ensured that a good amount landed inside. Psychic powers came in handy occasionally.
            Hey, don’t say this is foul play. Nothing in the rulebook forbids supernatural powers.
            Once the time ran out, the beanbags were counted up, and the announcement was made.       “Class 1: thirty-three beanbags, Class 2: twenty-eight beanbags, Class 3: eighty-three beanbags,” reported the PA system.
            “Hey, we did pretty well!” chirped (Y/N). They smiled brightly, and flowers seemed to dance around them.
            “We got more than double the others!” shouted Class 3.
            “Er…” the announced paused awkwardly, “Class 4: one hundred beanbags.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened comically. “How did they manage that?!”
            Especially without psychic powers…
            “We used our heads. Look,” said Class 4’s representative pompously.
            His class had piled all the beanbags into one giant plastic bag and put that into their basket.
            (Y/N) sweat-dropped. “I feel like there should be a rule about that.”
            I might have powers, but this definitely feels like foul play.
            “Don’t call this foul play,” said Tanihara, “The rulebook doesn’t say that the use of a big bag is forbidden.”
            “They should’ve written a rule for that.”
            (Y/N) nodded fervently. “It’s out-of-the-box thinking, but it just feels unsportsmanlike.”
            “But there’s still the last event, the interclass relay!” declared an optimistic, determined Hairo. “The class in first place will get five hundred points. It means that if we’re in first place and Class 4 is in last, we can win! Saiki! I want you to be another leg!”
            “It seems refusing would just make things difficult,” the psychic observed.
            “I’ll try to get the baton to you quickly,” said (Y/N) brightly, trying to help as best they could.
            The classes organized themselves. When the pistol signaled the start, Kaidou began running as fast as he could (not very fast) while his classmates cheered him on. When he passed the baton to Tadashi, they were unfortunately in last place. This was repeated when Tadashi passed the baton to Nendou. Luckily, even though he ran very strangely, he was fast and got to first place. Teruhashi was next and could run quickly as well (another perk of being the perfect pretty girl). She passed the baton to Yumehara who managed to maintain a fast pace. Hairo was next to receive the baton. He handed it to (Y/N) while still in the lead. (Y/N) prepared to run quickly but tripped suddenly. They were in last place as they got back up and started sprinting.
            Saiki readied himself for the baton. I’m going to cross the finish line in the same place I started. In other words, we will finish in last place.
            Tripping someone isn’t foul play, either…As long as no one notices, that is… thought Tanihara.
            Now that changes everything. Can’t let him get away with cheating and sabotaging (Y/N) my class.
            “Saiki! Hurry!” called (Y/N) as they held out the baton.
            It flew from their hand to Saiki’s, causing them to blink.
            “I will,” said Saiki. It’s payback time for (Y/N).
            Class 3, indeed, all of the students, gazed in amazement as Saiki sped to the front of the group. He was almost at the finish line.
            “Yeah! Great job, Saiki!” cheered (Y/N).
            Saiki collapsed. (Y/N) sweat-dropped. His class gaped.
            Oh, that’s right. I can’t control my body well right now.
            (Y/N) walked over and knelt by him. Smiling kindly, they said, “It’s alright. You did your best.”
            Yare yare. I was trying to avoid a buzzcut.
            “Good morning, guys!” greeted Hairo. “Where are your buzzcuts?”
            He was sporting one himself. Behind him stood Nendou, Kaidou, and Saiki. Nendou sported the same cut, but he somehow ended up with more hair than he began with. Kaidou was completely bald, and Saiki had a buzzcut.
            (Y/N) bit their lip to stop from laughing. “You boys only had to do that if we lost to Class 2, remember? We beat them.”
            Yare yare. Saiki had a feeling that (Y/N) wasn’t going to let this one go for a while.
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further thoughts for the twst kiss au:
kisses on the shoulder/back as a silent comfort sort of thing, maybe the meaning varies slightly based on the exact location, like on the spine maybe as a "I'm sorry for your loss", closer to the shoulder is "I'm here for you" sort of thing, like it's all generally the same the location just changes slightly based on the context of what the person is being comforted about, maybe a "You'll be okay" on the shoulder blades, a "cry if you need to" elsewhere.
Quick pecks on the chest/collarbone area as a more hyping up sort of support, like a "You got this! You'll win for sure" type of thing, usually done before a competition/match. It's not necessarily a good luck thing, more of just encouragement.
Speaking of good luck, maybe a kiss on the temple/side of the head?
A kiss on the brow as a way of saying "stop worring/thinking so hard, you'll get wrinkles"? (I feel like yuu would do this to a lot of twst characters (cough cough oblotters) without thinking about it)
A kiss over the heart as a very close I love you that's platonic in contrast to the lips one, though it can be used romantically it's more common with family/very close friends. Maybe it's longer/location is slightly different if romantic?
A kiss on the pulse point/wrist to wish for good health? It can be used as a greeting, but it's mire commonly used in events like birthdays or holidays, like a "wishing you well" in a card, or when people are actively sick/have health concerns. Maybe also one of the kisses it's most common to go "pass this along for me" with, like if you hear your classmates mom is sick you go oh :( give her a kiss on the wrist for me.
Maybe a peck on the arm as a way of saying "slow down", less in a literal sense, more that they're breing impulsive/getting caught up in what they're doing without thinking about it? (Yuu would do this a lot to the first years lol, but also probably to anyone else being impulsive, probably kalim now that i think about it)
I kind of want there to be a kiss somewhere that's a gentle way of saying "you're being an idiot/you're a moron" but I'm running out of ideas. Maybe on the chin or cheekbone?
Sorry for the long ramble lol, just some ideas I'm putting on the table if they work for you :)
Thank you for sharing! You gave lots of ideas and I am in awe of all of them, I do admit will likely choose some.
Chest kisses I think, are a bit intimate for casual encouragement- So it's more like "You have my heart", and are done by couples exclusively. The border is the clavicle area down to the broader part of the chest.
Couples are careful on their kiss placements as any higher than the clavicle means they are trying to break up with their partner (as Neck means I wanna fight you/I am Threatening You)
Note the difference with Lips kiss- "I love you/I confess my love", which also exclusively for couples but is rather a statement of affection.
The chest kisses are very very INTIMATE. Like more on "eternal love" rather than just "I love you". Its more of "I'm gonna spend my life forever with you."
Which is also different from the nape kiss "I trust you with my life", which can be platonic or romantic, depending if it's lingering and who you are talking to
To sum Lip and Chest Kisses are exclusively ROMANTIC.
The temples- You're an idiot/You're ridiculous/ think smarter/Make better decisions
There's already an I am worried for you "Forehead kiss" which can also be translated as "get well soon" depending on what's happening. So instead of the temple being Goodluck it can be "You're an idiot", as the temple is near the brain.
*Shoulder kiss- Rather than condolences or an apology let's make it an encouragement instead! (Because people lean on shoulders) Encouragement or cheering in general. It's like saying you've got my support!
In certain circumstances, especially if done during a situation it can also be " I know its hard, but you'll move past this".
The Each kiss placement has its own meaning, however, depending on the context of the situation, the kiss meaning can be slightly change. Quick pecks in general are more casual Lingering ones means conveying a deeper stronger feeling. (From "nice to meet you" to "I am so happy to meet you". and depending also with the current ambiance may even be "I am so happy I met you, my love". Other Examples: A quick peck on the neck means "I will hurt you if you don't stop", but a lingering one can mean "After this kiss, expect that I will hurt you", then immediately punching the opponent's face. A kiss on the forehead before the exams "I worry you will fail", A kiss on the forehead when the other is sick "I worry and hope you will get well soon" A kiss on the eyelids is "Good night", a lingering kiss is "Goodnight and sleep tight,", if the person is someone you like it becomes "Sweet dreams (intimate)"
Therefore to understand Yuu's kiss language its a combination of
Kiss placement+ length of time+ environment/ambiance+ who you are talking to= Interpretation
This is why, despite the cheat sheet, the Twst!Boys still get confused.
Asks are OPEN To find other related posts in my blog, the tag is #TwstKissAU
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filmofhybe · 11 months
Hi, requests are open right? Can I request what type of fanboys enha would be for idol!reader?
type of fanboys enhypen would be for idol reader
pairing : ot7! x reader genre : fan x Idol , fluff 400-500 words per member warning : none
a/n: first request in ages!! Keep them coming in would mean a lot! Icl this kinda turned into a send off / fansign typa thing so I hope you don’t mind and enjoy!!
> masterlist of my other works
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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정원 jungwon
this guy is your biggest fan he just doesn’t show it
unlike your other fans, he’s really respectful which makes you remember him
and he’s cute and somehow always wins a video call or fansign with you
folds everytime you call his nickname that you gave him
“y/nnie can I give you something?”
“of course wonnie!”
hands you the cutest beaded jewelry and plushie ever
“oh my gosh thank you so much wonnie!!”
Would let you win in a hand wrestling contest
he would freak out when he sees you wearing the jewelry he gave you
He would also freak out when he sees you posting the plushies he gave you
Will post about it on weverse and you would thank him in the comments.
Goes even crazier after that
You both are like best friends 😭
He’s fr famous among your fandom
yk how some ppl in some fandom are so well known they get verified on twitter
Yea that’s him 🤭
희 승 heeseung
That fan that would cover all your songs (and the successful ones)
Gets shit tons of views on your covers
which you would notice his videos and talk about how talented he is on weverse
Bro freaked out
Probably be posting about it on all his social media for the rest of his life (even facebook)
“Watch me brag about this for the rest of my life”
Would thank you so much for the compliments when he goes to ur fansigns
“Aww no worries heeseung! Your covers are always my favorite! I listen to them everyday! I even subscribed to your channel as well!”
Are you meeting heeseung or is heeseung meeting you rn?
“What’s your dream y/nnie?”
“My dream is to collab with you!”
Luckiest fan on earth honestly cuz you both did a collab a year later
박종성 Park Jeongseong
buy like 40 albums at once just to win a fansign with you😭
AND he would buy like 5 of your concert tickets
Doesn’t matter if your going aboard for your concert
Watch him be there and in the VIP sections as well
Man he really doesn’t care if he spend all his health insurance on you
All he cares is that he sees you and your happy
Always catch him during send offs
You both have the chaotic yet causal talks ever
“Omg jay your here again?”
“Yup! Got another ticket to see you!”
“Your crazy for spending so much!”
“Is worth it when it comes to you.”
would buy you the craziest gifts ever
Branded bags, games , jewelry , plushies etc
Would 100% send you a food truck for good luck during your MV filming or comebacks
You would thank him on weverse cuz you knew is him who would do these type of crazy things
What he’s doing is all of your fanboys biggest dream
심재윤 Sim Jaeyun
You can’t tell me he ain’t those funny ass twitter stans
#y/nselfieday 😝
Would fight those antis on twitter
“You can’t even talk cuz your face be lopsided and elongated lmao.” - jake
“And what about you? Stop using Google translate for your Korean captions🙄” - anti.
“sis I’m Korean?!”
He will make edits of you and I don’t make the rules on that
“my fav stage of y/n but make it my edit for her xoxo!!”
Would go Borderline excited when he got tickets to your concert
“guys y/n mf knows my twitter. Imma die.”
gets embarrassed when you tell him you know him through his funny tweets and you secretly reads it for positivity
Man could die peacefully after that
성훈 Sunghoon
Another really respectful fan but he’s so shy when it comes to fanboying
More the quiet ones but he would be spotted so easy because of how beautiful he is
Please he stood out the most during your send off
Icl when you saw him you thought you were dreaming a cute fan boy?!?
When you walked over do him his heart stopped. Like omg YOUR MORE GORGEOUS IRL?!
“hi y/n~ can you sign my album please?”
“Of course what’s your name?”
“Such a cute name for a cute boy!”
Bro your such a flirt💀
He couldn’t handle it and all he did with mumble thank you
“You want a picture as well?”
All he could do was nod and you took a picture of you both tgt
Posted on his social about it and everyone was saying how pretty you both looked
Which made him less shy the next time he saw you
“Omg sunghoon! Hi how are you?”
“I’m good how bout you y/n?”
“I’m good! Glad your less shy now! I was so excited to meet you!!l
He’s the pretty, handsome shy fanboys and will always be😝
선우 Sunoo
And those fans who has a shop dedicated to their idols
I mean your kinda hyper so like I get why he would love you
Another chaotic twitter stan but make it weverse
Would pay for your me membership everytime
You would never see him without those little membership tags next to his name on weverse
He would be those fans to say “I love you” mid way while your speaking on stage
You would always react to them with a laugh cuz you find it really funny and cute
His cuteness really captures your attention and he would go insane after you mention about him on your weverse live
“I saw this fanboy during send off, he had pink hair and cute cheeks. Really high pitched voice and he gave me this cute plushie keyring that looks like me. So thank you whoever you are!!”
Knew it was him cuz he was the only fanboy in the crowd with pink hair and was the one who got you that keyring
Would 100% start gifting you clothes for the keyring and you would post about it from time to time
You secretly supports sunoo’s little keyring business after he started selling the one and only y/n keyring
にしむら りき Nishimura Riki
Trend setter fan and secretly hyper fan
We all know how good niki is at dancing so when you drop a new song he danced to it with his own choreography that has gone viral.
and every fam girl of yours was like “omg y/n has a cute fanboy!!” “y/n needs to see this.”
And you did see it and posted about it on weverse as well as Instagram
“Look at him!! He’s so talented!! Time to recreate!!”
kicking his feet under the blankets cuz he just got noticed by his idol
Would go insane when you did his dance
Man got to see his dance live as well cuz you performed it during your concert
During send off you can easily tell it was niki in the crowd
“Your the creator of my dance niki right? Your so talented!!”
Are you meeting niki or Is niki meeting you? 2.0
“Haha thank you so much! You did so well as well!!”
You continue to do covers of his dance which makes him go feral everytime
Post about it on insta but behind the screen he’s like :
“She’s about to hire me to be her Choreographer” -niki
“Stop the delusion.” - heeseung
“Watch me.” - niki
Bro predicted his future cuz now half of the your dance is created by him
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taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids @amymyli @in-somnias-world @okjaeminn @nonotwice1 @thinkmyg @blubbfsh
Please comment or reblog to be on the perm taglist :)
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Part 9 of pranks wars where the reader pretends to be embaressed to kiss gavi in public and he gets worried that she doesn't love him anymore.
For everyone to see
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You were not usually big fan of PDA early on since your relationship was always surrounded by flashing cameras and constant comments online.
After a year of being together, people finally accepted your relationship and you could finally freely kiss, hold hands and act like a real couple in public.
Pablo loved to show you off especially since he is known for being quite possessive of what “his” but you didn’t mind it one bit always kissing him back, letting him hold his hand on your thigh whenever he wanted and almost always holding his hand when you walked together.
Since this became a new “normal” for him, you couldn’t imagine his reaction when you pull this new prank on him. You were so excited from the moment you stepped foot to Camp Nou attending the game with Pablo since he got booked during their last win and had miss this one.
“Amor it’s a big crowd at the doors…you should hold my hand just in case?” He said a little surprised that you didn’t immediately grab onto his hand when he opened your car door. It’s what you would always do and it made him feel needed to be there to protect you..he cherished that so much!
“I’m fine.” was all you said walking besides him with your hands in your back pockets and he just shrugged certainly confused but decided not to overthink so soon.
“Do you wanna go with me to the changing room to wish the boys luck??” Pablo asked and you shook your head knowing it was against the rules even though Xavj kinda got used to you and other wags breaking that all the time.
“Okay. I’ll meet you at our seats really soon then amor” he said with a charming smile leaning in to kiss you but you looked down shyly pretending like you were embarrassed as he pulled away.
“Everything okay preciosa?” he said using one of your favorite nicknames that made it impossible not to smile but you kept up the good act.
“Just go. I’ll see you at the seats amorcito” you said walking away without giving him a kiss and now he started to overthink…why were you avoiding to hold his hand and kiss him in public all of the sudden??
When he returned, he brought you favorite caramel popcorn in infamous Barça box and you smiled taking yours and snaking on them. Pablo was sitting insanely close next to you completely focused on the game at least until you pulled away a little catching his eye.
“And where do you think you are going nena?? Get back here!” He made a joke lightening up the situation while pulling you by your waist back to your previous position besides him.
You just chucked at how adorable he acted but when his hand held your chin and he went to kiss you again, you quickly hid your face into his neck acting all embarrassed.
“Pablo, people are watching!” You said but he wondered since when did that matter!? Were you ashamed of being with him? Did you not love him the same anymore??
“Aii que fofos!!” older lady and a fierce Barça fan who was sitting behind you said to Pablo who smiled although he was now beyond overthink and more close to worrying about what’s going on with you.
“Muchas gracias..”Pablo said politely seeing that you were laying your head on his shoulder watching the game in silence.
He wanted to test the theory before letting his fears consume him so he tried to hold your hand only to have you move it besides your body..then he tried to kiss your head but you raised it from his shoulder amused at his desperation and finally when he stole a kiss when you least expected, you burst out laughing.
“Que?? Why are you laughing?” He said now a little frustrated that he can’t understand what’s going on with you.
“Nothing. First half is over. I’m gonna go to the bathroom really quickly” you said getting up and he just sat there in silence completely lost in his thoughts.
“Pablo! Pablo! Can I have a picture please???” Fans crowded him and of course he obliged but the entire time he thought why you were pulling away from his suddenly. Did he do something? Not give you enough attention? Not surprise you enough??
Whatever he thought didn’t make sense because he makes sure to see you every day (no matter how busy schedule gets), always buys you random flowers and leaves notes when he has early morning trainings..he’s always honest with you and makes sure everyone knows you are his and he is yours..so why the hell are you not loving him anymore!????
When you got back, Pablo’s demeanor changed. He looked sad even though Barça was winning and he didn’t try to touch you anymore. This was really getting to him so you decided to cheat a little and kiss his cheek randomly.
“Do you want to go celebrate with boys for awhile and then go home or?” You said when the game was over but he didn’t seem like someone in the mood to celebrate at all.
“Let’s just go home” he said and you nodded getting into the car together driving towards your apartment in uncomfortable silence.
“Do you still love me??” He broke the silence out of nowhere and you were taken back by his direct question.
“What kind of question is that cariño?” You say feeling guilty for this stupid prank when he looked so sad about it now.
“Valid one. You wouldn’t hold my hand when we walked into the camp, you kept dodging my kisses and saying people will see when you used to not care about that..if anything you were proud to me mine! So do you still love me Y/n?” He said and you smiled taking his hand in yours caressing it for a few seconds before replying.
“I could never stop loving you Pablo Gavira..and you’ve been PRANKED once again!” You laughs at the last bit while looking at his shocked face as he parked the car in front of the apartment.
“You are so mean to me princesa! That’s it! No goodnight besitos for you señorita!” he was the one laughing this time while you whine begging him to change his mind while you walked into you shared home.
“No, no..I’m tired of your pranks. And I actually thought you didn’t love me anymore..” he said and you stood in front of him snaking your arms around his neck playing with the ends of his hair while staring at his plum lips you craved to kiss for hours now.
“Can I kiss you Gavinho?? Please?” You said rubbing your nose against his while he stayed silent before obviously giving in and smacking his lips to yours passionately while pulling you into your shared bedroom.
You were both on the bed with you on top of him kissing passionately for the next half hour no words necessary… after all you craved it for so long!
“Don’t ever do that again preciosa! You are mine and it’s for everyone to see!” He said and you smiled nodding your head in agreement before kissing his lips again.
You guys really seem to like prank wars. I got so many fun requests that will be done soon so stay tuned! And once again CAMPEONEESS CAMPEONEEES OLE OLE OLE!!! <333
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jovenshires · 8 months
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endless au edits: the battle of the bands au nobody asked for pt 7
battle of the bands 2024: an honest op-ed by jeremy elder the six entries to battle of the bands 2024 have finally been announced. not only will we be seeing sad men in their 30s's favorite new band the chosen, known for their appearance on the netflix reality show 'up & coming,' but also four other groups who desperately wish they were as famous. this includes: ftc, renowned alternative-indie sad-girl trio; kolivition, known for making the music your mom turns off every time she walks into the room; coventry, the punk girl group equivalent of that pinterest quote 'we are the granddaughters of the witches you could not burn'; and let's do this, who... no, that's it. who? anyway, it's not like any of that really matters, because i've yet to mention the smosh reunion, aka the wet dream of every millenial who asks for a veteran's discount after surviving warped tour. a clear favorite to win, smosh is coming in with an army of fans and a near-decade of experience on these guys. good luck to what little competition they have. in addition, i am thrilled to report that we now know the final lineup of judges. diehard battle of the bands fans - all two of you - will be thrilled to know that rhett mclaughlin and link neal of mythical will be back to judge yet another thrilling year of mediocrity. after winning ten years ago, those guys just won't let go of their glory days. (or maybe it's the other way around. blink twice if you need help, guys.) on the bright side, though, they've also introduced surprise judge jackie uweh. known for being one of the greatest performers of our generation, it will be uweh's first time judging a musical competition. i don't know what she's doing here and i highly suggest that she runs. and runs fast. the three will be the wonderful, charming, and dutifully impartial judges to this year's competition, and definitely will not be just handing it to smosh as a reward for their long-awaited reunion. (because ian hecox definitely wasn't signed onto the mythical label as a solo artist. it's not unfair at all.) finally, the emcee and host of the event will be newcomer to the rap scene, trevor. if that name doesn't ring any bells for you - don't worry, it doesn't for the rest of us, either. the 24-year-old rapper was apparently responsible for mixing the beats on mythical's latest and edgiest album, which, due to the power of nepotism, made him a natural choice for this year's emcee. known for his "meme rap" (i am being so serious right now), trevor auditioned for the battle of the bands but, fortunately, did not qualify. thus, he will not be competing nor, allegedly, performing. though i have my doubts. i reserve the right to run screaming for the hills the moment they hand him a mic. the soundcloud musician (that's right - don't bother looking him up on spotify, you won't get anywhere) will be hosting the battle of the bands and the series of live shows leading up to it. what does all this mean? well, it looks like this year is no different from the last, and predictable set-ups have means to predictable ends. nevertheless, i, your faithful and humble local reporter, will be making the trip to la with an all-access backstage pass in hand and reporting on the entire thing from start to finish. no rehearsal, live show, or, most importantly, complete disaster of a finale will escape my sight. rest assured that you have at least one decent and reliable eye witness to the whole fiasco. tomorrow marks my trip down to la - i'll be reporting live from the road. until then, i bid you adieu. may the best smosh - i mean, band - win.
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lukehughes43 · 2 years
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nye traditions - luke hughes
word count: 2,469
a/n: happy new year everybody! first post in like, ages. so please, enjoy this wholesome lukey content because I love it and him with all my heart🫶🏼
“so you’re telling me if we don’t win today, that i don’t get my new year’s eve kiss?” the shock was evident in luke’s voice, and you couldn’t help but giggle at how worried he had gotten over something as little as the new year’s eve kiss. “that’s just cruel, y/n/n, absolutely cruel,” he then added on as he finished packing up his usa backpack through the phone screen. 
shrugging your shoulders you slumped further into the white sheets of your hotel bed. “figured you could use a little more motivation, lukey, that’s all,” you answered with a sweet smile. “plus, if you wanna kiss me for the fifth year in a row you’ve got to work for it, hughes.” 
his eyes rolled while he barely glanced back at his phone to see your smiling face. “if i don’t get to kiss you at midnight then i guess that means i have to kiss duker,” the captain then smiled, his blue eyes glancing towards something out of frame.
“absolutely not! you will not be kissing anybody but y/n!” dylan then screeched, his face popping into the screen to glare at you. “y/n m/n l/n, i swear to god if you’re not in our hotel room by eleven fifty tonight i’m going to hunt you down and drag you up here to kiss hughesy, because i will not be doing it.” 
humming you just nodded your head softly at the two, “beat finland first and then we’ll talk.” 
luke’s former roommate rolled his eyes before disappearing off screen once more. mumbling something to your boyfriend of five years as he went. “yeah, yeah that works,” he spoke, “i’ll just be a couple more minutes and then i’ll meet you down there.” 
once his attention was fully back on the phone screen your smile grew even larger on your face, “hi moosey.”
“hi baby,” he mused, hand running through the curls that were beginning to fall on his forehead. “‘ve gotta head out soon, so only couple more minutes with you.” 
you let out a blissful sigh while you sat back up against the headboard. “that’s okay, love. i have to start getting ready pretty soon anyway. your mom and i are leaving for lunch in an hour and i haven’t done anything to get ready yet. too busy staring at my boy.” 
the red that painted the apples of the nineteen year old’s cheeks was your favorite color of the shade. “oh stop it, honey. there’s no need for flattery when you already broke my heart by saying if we don’t win i don’t get a new year’s eve kiss.” his bottom lip was jutted out just barely as his eyes met yours once more.
your e/c eyes rolled as you stared at the youngest brother who was almost never over dramatic. “lukey, honey, just worry about the game. you’ll get your kiss, i promise you.” your words instantly caused a smile to blossom on his face. “now, i’ll see you after the game, okay? i love you, good luck.” 
“i love you too, y/n/n, and thank you,” he answered while reaching forward and grabbing his phone. “i’ll see you there.” 
smiling you nodded, “i’ll be the one cheering the loudest in the stands.” 
“bye, darling. i love you,” luke promised one final time silently waiting for you to do the same. 
there wasn’t even a second of hesitation before you answered:
“i love you too, lukey.” and with that he gave you a half wave and his toothy smile before he ended the call. leaving you waiting not so patiently for four o’clock to see him dressed in his blue usa jersey.
there was a frantic knocking on ellen’s hotel door at eleven forty-five. a confused look was shared between the two of you before you pushed yourself off the couch and slowly started making your way to investigate. “i don’t think that i know anybody that would be coming to the door this late,” ellen said while giving you a skeptical look. 
“it won’t hurt to look,” you answered while already pressing your upper body against the white wood, eye peeking through the peephole. “it’s dylan?” while you didn’t intend for the statement to come out as a question, your bewilderment was hard to miss. 
smiling and shaking her head, ellen got up from her spot on the couch and joined you over at the door. “somebody is clearly eager to get you with luke,” she teased as you pulled the door open to meet the michigan forward face to face. 
“duker,” you sigh while leaning against the doorframe, “you said i had until eleven fifty! i don’t want to impose on the team more than i’m already going to be.” 
with in seconds dylan was shaking his head to disagree with your words. “i don’t care, none of us care! i just need you to come with me. right now or luke’s going to have a fit, and if luke has a fit that means i’m going to have a fit. and if i have a fit gavin and rutger will have a fit. and then suddenly every single michigan hockey boy will be throwing a fit because mom and dad didn’t kiss at midnight on new years eve.” 
after the rambling mess also known as dylan duke had subsided, you slowly turned your head to share a look with your future mother-in-law. “i, uh,-”
“well, you better get going, ‘mom,’” ellen teased with a knowing smile, “we can’t have any of our boys throwing fits because my son didn’t get his new year’s eve kiss.” a flush covered your own cheeks as you gently nodded your head to agree with her. “i’ll see you after sweetheart, next year even.” 
shaking your head the smile grew on your face once more, “i’ll see you next year, ellen.” you then turned your attention to dylan and pushed yourself off the wall. “alright, duker, let’s go find my boy.” 
the elevator ride up to the sixth floor where all the players were lodging, as well as celebrating the new year, probably last about two minutes, but to you it felt like a century. the first reason being because of how excited you were to see luke for more than five minutes after a game. the second reason being dylan’s head was dropped against your shoulder, eyes closed and drool just barely starting to fall from his mouth and to the ntdp sweatshirt you were wearing. when the elevator dinged you shrugged your shoulder to wake the boy up. 
“am i going to the left or right, duker?” you asked while he began to rub his eyes with his right hand, and his mouth with his left. 
“right, we’re all in some little like conference room thing,” he explained while pushing past you and immediately going to the right. “don’t waste another second, y/n/n, it’s almost eleven fifty-five. i know that luke is having a heart attack right now.” you silently saulted the boy as you followed behind him, thinking about how the entire usa team was about to watch you and luke have your new years eve kiss. “look how i found!” dylan yelled while the two of you broke the threshold of the conference room. 
without fail, every pair of eyes had fallen on to you, but the only person you cared about was luke. your body slowly gravitated towards the six foot two curly haired boy, only to be stopped by rutger jumping up from his chair and hugging you: “mom! gavin look! mom made it!” 
you hugged the boy back, eyes locking with luke’s as he began to tap on his wrist. “of course i made it, rutger, i wasn’t about to leave my boy hanging after you guys won today. we’ll catch up in a little bit, okay? right now i have to go be with my actual boyfriend.” grumbling under his breath the freshman let go of you just barely enough for you slip out of his arms and right into luke’s. 
“hi honey,” he smiled down at you, right hand slipping into your left. “wanna step into the hallway for a couple minutes?” instantly you were nodding your head, already knowing that luke didn’t want to kiss you in front of everybody if he didn’t have to. not that he didn’t want to, because he gladly would, but when he hadn’t been able to spend much time alone with you he wanted to take the chances he could. 
“i thought you’d never ask,” you smiled, slowly backing up towards the door you had just walked through, tugging his hand as you went. “did you guys have a nice team dinner, lu?” you asked once you were through the door and looking back at him. 
he shrugged his shoulders while leaning back against the wall and pulling you in front of him, and his left hand up to his mouth to give it a gentle kiss. “as good as team dinner can be i guess. food was good, just dead from the game,” he answered, lips just barely brushing against the skin of your hand before he kissed the metal of your promise ring. 
“i already kind of assumed that,” you smiled while wrapping your arms around his neck, “dylan fell asleep on my shoulder in the elevator.” luke’s mouth dropped open with a small laugh, his hands finding home on your hip and the small of your back. “he was drooling even.”
“of course he was,” luke mumbled, “i’m sorry, honey. i told him i’d go and get you, or just go down there and be with you but duker had insis-” 
luke was cut off by the sound of the countdown that had began to take storm of the makeshift party room:
you couldn’t help the way the blush again to paint your cheeks red. even with this being the fifth year of kissing luke.
luke’s goofy smile was spread across his face ear from ear as he stared down at you. his lips just barely cracked from being chapped. 
unbeknown to the both of you, dylan, gavin, and rutger were making their way to the door way.
“i love you.”
“i love you too.”
your hand just barely started to creep up towards luke’s hair, barely running through it.
luke pulled you in closer. your body pressed completely up against his.
“nother year with you, y/n/n.”
“another year with you, lukey.”
you were pulling luke down to meet you halfway, standing on your tip-toes in order to mesh your lips with his. his hand on your hip gave you a gentle squeeze, trying to help steady you, the hand on the small of your back pushing you in closer to him. all while you couldn’t help but start to smile against his lips. the kiss suddenly became clashing teeth as he couldn’t fight the smile on his face either. 
“happy new year, darling,” he whispered into your ear as he pulled you into his chest to keep you wrapped in his arms. 
humming you pressed a kiss against his clothed chest, “happy new year, love.” 
the sound of cheering had both you and looking and turning your attention towards the doorway, dylan, gavin, and rutger’s head just peeking out one on top of the other. both gavin’s and dylan’s cheeks were flushed pink, embarrassed rutger had gotten them caught, but he could care less. he was all smiles as he stared happily at the two of you. 
pulling away from luke you earned what sounded like a whimper before you slipped your hand into his to walk over to the three. “just because of this little stunt, i do believe it’s bedtime for you and gavin, rutger.” 
“but mom,” gavin pouted while fully stepping into the hallway, “how are we supposed to go to sleep when you can’t even tuck us in like you do at school.”
rutger nodded his head to agree, “lukey’s been tucking us in, but he’s not good at it without you. and he doesn’t give us our forehead kisses.” 
“you never asked for them!” luke interjected, trying to make sure he didn’t come off as the bad guy in this situation. 
you shushed him, your attention back fully on the two freshmen you had taken in this year. “if you guys wanted your forehead kisses all you had to do was ask - but straight to bed after, deal?” 
“deal!” gavin and rutger said in perfect unison. 
smiling you leaned forward and pressed a kiss first to gavin’s head, as he had been the more patient of the two. “goodnight gavin, i love you. get some sleep tonight, you deserve it after that game.” he happily smiled back at you as you turned your attention to rutger. “rutger, rutger, rutger, what am i going to do with you?” 
“pack me up in your suitcase when you and luke move out to new jersey?” he suggested with a sweet smile. 
shaking your head you laughed, “i don’t think so buddy.” you then grabbed his cheeks and kissed his forehead. “goodnight rutger, i love you. you had a great game, great goal. i’m so proud of you.” 
“did you hear that gavin? y/n said she’s proud of me!” and just like that him and gavin were making the trek towards their shared room, all while dylan shared at you longingly. 
“come on duker, get over here for your forehead kiss,” you smiled, already knowing that’s why he was suddenly gloomy. dylan planted himself where rutger was previously standing right in front of you, leaning his forehead towards you for more access. laughing you leaned the rest of the way and pressed a kiss to the crown of his head. “goodnight duker, i love you. you played so good today, now go and get some sleep. put some neosporin on your cuts.” 
luke wrapped an arm around your waist, head dropping against your shoulder. “i’ll be in soon, dyl, just gonna walk, y/n/n back to her room first.” nodding his head duker was the last of your children to disappear back down the hallway to his hotel room leaving you and luke alone once more. he pressed a loving kiss against the side of your neck before talking, “you know, when we have kids in the future we’re gonna have the bedtime routine down because of our first three children.” 
“bedtime routine, and three babysitters we won’t have to pay a single dime to after having to put up with them for the past year.”
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Shall we play a game?
Nope, not chess or Parchisi. And not even global thermonuclear war. (If you get that reference, you might just be as old as we are!) But no, none of those games are where we're headed. This year, we're hosting a good old-fashioned game of bingo!
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That's right, since we're almost two weeks into the new year, we thought it might be time to roll out our new creative challenge, which will continue throughout 2024.
As always, we're in the market for any and all fan creations centered on White Collar, and this year, we're providing prompts in the form of mini bingo cards, with new prompt cards coming out quarterly. (Jan, April, July, October) If you want to play, just let us know (comment here, dm, however you want to get in touch), and we'll get you a card so you can get started!
Some details:
When we say "any and all fan creations," we mean it--let your creativity run wild and make whatever you want to make! Draw, write, paint, record a podcast, shoot a video, whatever your creative preference.
We're using a 4x4 card format, and there is a FREE space, so that means a total of 15 prompts for three months. Complete a line of prompts, get a bingo; complete the whole card during the quarter, and that, dear friends, is a blackout!
Much like our drabble prompts, the bingo prompts are pretty broad, and many (maybe most?) are only one word. They run the gamut from theme words to genre to story length and beyond. (Not to worry if you're making art or some other non-written creations; we've got provisions for swapping prompts.)
Prompts were randomized to create the cards, and the card numbers were randomized to create the distribution order, so the prompts you end up with are strictly luck.
Okay, that's probably the most important stuff to know, except, of course, that we hope lots of you will join in and that everyone has tons of fun creating new White Collar stuff, because we're sure going to have fun seeing whatever you make!
So whenever you're ready, shall we play a game?
(We'll put a few more detailed FAQ items below the cut, but if you've got questions we didn't think of, just let us know and we'll make up an answer.😉)
Q: What can my entries be? A: Any type of creation you choose. fic, art, blog post, essay, cross-stitch, we're not picky. Interpret the prompts any way you like, in any genre, any relationship, any rating, any characters, you get the idea. (Unless, of course, the prompt is more specific.) As long as it's White Collar, it's fair game.
Q: Where do we share our work/how will you know we made something or got a bingo? A: First, put your creations somewhere we can see them! There'll be a collection on AO3 where most types of work can be shared. (We're debating if it's better to have just one collection for the year or one for each quarter; if you've got any opinions on that, feel free to weigh in.) If you're sharing here or on other socials, be sure to @ us, and use #WhiteCollarBingo. But, while we'll be doing our best to keep up, we're hoping there will be so many entries we'll lose track, so definitely tell us if you completed a bingo!
Q: Can I make one story/picture/video/etc. for the whole card? A: You may use as many prompts as you like in each entry, but only 2 prompts per line may be counted toward a bingo. (So you will need at least two entries to achieve a single bingo, and though we may have miscounted, we think that means at least ten entries to make a blackout.)
Q: Are crossovers allowed? A: Yes (and may even be a prompt!), but White Collar should obviously be prevalent in your work.
Q: How long do I have to complete my entries? A: We'll be issuing new cards each quarter (Jan-March, April-June, July-Sept, Oct-December), and in a perfect world, we'd like to receive entries within that quarter. But you know we've never been sticklers for schedules, and the point is to encourage more White Collar creations, so we'll be glad to get them whenever you finish.
Q: What do I win when I bingo? A: Bragging rights, and your name on our (soon to be created) bingo accomplishments page.
Q: What if there are some prompts I really don't want to use, but I want to try for blackout? A: We will provide a max of two alternate prompts. (This max does not apply if you're making non-written creations and somehow ended up with a card full of writing-centric prompts.)
Q: What if I just can't work with the card I receive at all? A: We'll exchange your card one time. Part of the fun is stretching our creative muscles.
Q: If I exchange my card, will any previous entries count toward bingo on my new card? A: Nope. It's a fresh slate, so examine your card when you get it to decide if it works for you.
Q: If I complete my card, can I have another? A: Yep, and we'd be very impressed! (and happy!)
Q: Where did these prompts come from? A: Many suggestions from our followers, and we've been hunting and gathering, too. But we want to have lots of variety as the year rolls along, so please keep those suggestions rolling in.
Q: Can something I made for another challenge count toward a bingo prompt/Can I submit my work to more than one collection or challenge? A: As long as it's new work, and if the other challenge doesn't ask for exclusivity, bring it on! And frankly, we'd love to see more White Collar activity in multi-fandom spaces. Also, we'll surely be hosting other events throughout the year (at least Mozzie Mania and Caffrey-Burke Day), and you can certainly use a bingo prompt for any of those challenges as well.
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mayisgoingnuts · 2 months
The boy who never wins — A post with Theodor's story (PT 1)
TW: Bullying, self-harm (brief), beating — All including children.
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Taglist: @merwynsartblog @clownazon @dismissivedestroyer @jonesy-squish
LONG, so I hope you're feeling patient!!
[PART 2]
Daisy and Henry did not planned to have a child, considering their bad reputation in the family and the husband's lack of responsability. He made it clear that she'd either abort the baby, or she'd have to take care of it by herself and herself only. She was stubborn, and chose to spare her kid's life. Despite not being the richest, she had good conditions and a nice job, taking care of him as dearly as possible. It leades him to have an awesome life at home, but it was the complete opposite once he leaved.
Ambrose and Finn, two kids that were friendly at first, but soon began to pester him for apparently no reason at all — Ambrose began to, atleast. Finn slowly joined, not as harshly, but not stopping anything either.
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As time passed, for some reason Ambrose began to be more aggressive and even upset, which worried even Finn himself. Later on, Theodor eavesdropped their conversation and found out that the kid's parents were very abusive to her, and she basically used him as a way to relieve stress. It made him feel guilty on fight back or even express anger, even though he did hated her with all his might. He thought that she didn't deserve it, despite everything.
At 8 years old, his mother got severely sick, which was a result from a bunch of symptoms that she decided to ignore. Even after being hospitalized, they were unable to keep paying for the exams and anything else needed, specially when Daisy had no one to contact in her family. At the very least, they informed that she could be taken care of at home, but would be needed a responsible and a lot of patience.
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Said "responsible" ended up being Theodor himself. The boy had to find his own ways to get money for the two, even if he wasn't legally allowed to work. However, Theodor isn't able to deal with so many things at once. It was overwhelming — It was either school or home. He chose home. At 6th grade, the boy no longer attended to school.
His absence was soon noticed by Ambrose, who no longer had someone to let her anger out and avoid any sort of harm on herself. She was obsessed, and even though the town is small, she didn't know where he lived, and couldn't go after him. She missed him — Not because she wanted to, but because she couldn't not miss him.
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Finally, after months, both Ambrose and Finn managed to meet with him by luck next to school. She began to practically beg him to return to school, that she's going to make her lessons for him if needed, anything for him to come back. Theodor obviously refused, saying that his mother is more important, what made her snap for having "the opportunity lost forever", just going after him.
Chasing after him through a forest nearby and finally managing to catch him, Ambrose began to basically beat the boy up, who tried to fight back this time, but it didn't changed anything. Finn tried to calm her down aswell, which was just as effective. The only thing that stopped her was a man, who appeared from the opposite direction.
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The man promised not to tell anyone what he witnessed as long as they leaved, and that's what they did — Not out of respect, but fear, as he seemed covered in his own blood, but not looking weak at all. Theodor strangely didn't felt afraid, he was actually relieved that he was saved, and saw the stranger as someone just above, like a hero.
The man offered help to the boys' wounds, accepted gladly despite not being a good logical decision to do. He asked Theodor a little more about himself and asked where his parents or friends are, quickly discovering that the kid only lived with his mother and had no friends to go to.
" You see, I lost both my son and wife just recently. They are not dead, but I am not sure when I'll be able to see them again. Do you accept to be my little company on the meanwhile, son? "
He says, leading Theodor to a mansion on the hill that the boy never dared to approach before.
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alj4890 · 3 months
Your mission, if you choose to accept it! :)
I'm sending a GIF to everyone who has participated in Tobias Carrick Appreciation Week this year. Can you create a ficlet (or anything you desire) based on this by Sunday? If so, you'll get one extra chance at the prize to be selected on Monday! :)
Here is your GIF:
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Okay. LOL! LOVE the above gif so much. Before I begin a whole new AU about this with my otp, here's a short background on my MC. Chris, is American born to Scottish parents and was raised mostly in Inverness. She has a temper, but usually just tells someone off. It would take a lot to get her this violent, like say someone not only manipulating her but also hooking up with a doctor she's fallen for. Going back to Book 2 and rewriting Canon and my own HC for this one.
Rated Mature for Sexual Content and Language. Chris's upbringing allowed me to find some unique Scottish insults that cried out to be used in this.
Game on
The Edenbrook/Mass Kenmore Softball Game
"Good luck out there, Chris." June said. "Remember to run Carrick's face in the dirt for taking that grant from us."
"Don't worry." Chris told her. "He won't be near as handsome when I'm done with him."
June slowly smiled in hearing that.
"Good. I can't wait to see him get knocked down a peg or two."
Taking a deep breath, Chris began to stretch. Shaking her arms out, she made her way to the pitcher's mound.
Of course, she thought, he would be first up to bat.
"You got this Chris!" Elijah shouted.
"Does she now?" Tobias taunted. "You sure you can do this, Valentine?"
Chris was tempted to stick her tongue out at him. The childish thought made her snicker. Tobias's stance eased when he saw her smile. His own lips curved at how cute she was in her uniform.
It was all the distraction Chris needed to throw the first strike. Shocked, Tobias tried to regroup. He narrowed his eyes at her as he tightened his grip on the bat. She winked at him, shaking his concentration, once more.
"Strike Two!" Elijah yelled out. "I don't know about you, Carrick, but I think she can do this."
Tobias rolled his eyes as he lifted his bat over his shoulder once more.
Chris eyed him, taking in how his uniform conformed to his body. A soft smile appeared on her lips as she thought how he might drive her crazy but he was very attractive.
He blinked at that secretive smile she had. After all the escalation between them with taking patients from one another, he never expected her to actually check him out.
"Strike three!" Elijah cackled. "Oh man. You didn't even bother to swing at that last pitch."
"Take it as a goodwill gesture." Tobias replied. "Next time, I won't go easy."
Between innings...
Chris searched through the coolers of beer until she found a bottle of water.
"Keeping your head clear for the game, Valentine?"
She spun around at the sound of that teasing voice.
Tobias Carrick grinned at her as he reached past her for a bottle of water.
"Glad to see someone is taking this as serious as I do." He winked at her.
"You should wish I wasn't." She couldn't help but smile at him. "Then you might stand a chance to actually hit the ball."
He narrowed his eyes at her. Each time she pitched, he struck out. Though impressed, he wasn't about to admit defeat.
"I've still got a few points on that board." He reminded her. "And there will be even more before the night is over."
Chris stepped closer to him. "You wish that were true."
Tobias took another step closer. "You're going to eat those words."
"Doubtful." Her eyes flickered down his body. "I'm sure you win a lot of things, but tonight isn't going to be one of those nights."
"Want to bet?" He leaned down until his nose nearly touched hers.
His gaze settled on her mouth before locking eyes with hers.
"That all depends," she replied, "what's on the table?"
His lips quirked into a flirty smile. "I can think of one thing I'd like to see on the table."
Her eyebrows rose. The image of just what he'd do to her on that table made a flash of heat go through her body.
"I bet you do." She tilted her head. "I guess we'll just have to--"
"Get away from her!"
The startled pair turned towards a furious Ethan Ramsey.
He moved between them, glaring at Tobias.
"Leave her alone." Ethan bit out.
Tobias narrowed his eyes at him. "What's your deal, Ethan? We were only talking."
"Bullshit." Ethan hissed. "I know you. Chris is off limits."
"Excuse me?" Chris snapped.
"Doesn't sound like she is to me." Tobias winked at her over Ethan's shoulder.
Ethan grabbed hold of Tobias's jersey. "I mean it, Carrick. You've messed with me enough. Just because you poached our patient, doesn't mean you can also take her."
Before Tobias could snap back, Naveen forced them apart.
"Calm down." He ordered. "Take it out on the field."
Tobias snorted. Downing his water bottle, he made sure to knock his shoulder into Ethan's as he walked away.
Ethan grit his teeth, before turning to Chris.
"What did he say to you?" He demanded.
"Nothing but typical trash talk." She replied. "There was no need for you to get involved."
She straightened her shoulders. "I can handle myself. I don't need you jumping in to save me."
Ethan removed his ball cap and ran his hand through his hair. He knew he should have never agreed to play this asinine game.
"I know you can." He looked past her to where the Mass Kenmore team was sitting. "Seeing him try and get close to you, it made me..."
He cursed under his breath.
"So what if he tries to get close to me?" She looked away from Ethan. "It isn't like you want to be in that position."
"Damnit, Chris." Ethan whispered. "You know why I can't--"
"Save your breath." She muttered. "I've heard it all before."
"Wait." He grasped her arm when she tried to walk away. "Carrick isn't the type of man you can tease and not get burned."
Chris jerked her arm away.
"Don't worry." She glared at him. "I know all about being burned."
Ethan watched her storm off with a heavy heart.
After the game, Chris was still full of restless energy. Their win over Mass Kenmore hadn't made her feel any better about the war they'd been having over patients.
When her friends invited her out to celebrate, she sent them on without her. The thought of another night spent in Donahue's with the same faces and conversations didn't appeal to her.
Trying to decide whether or not to just go back to her apartment, she heard her name called out.
She searched for the source and saw Tobias leaning against the side of his car.
"What?" She said once she made her way over.
"Congratulations." He said.
A reluctant smile peeped out at him.
"Thanks." She brushed a lock of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear. "I didn't think you'd be up for saying that after I hit that last pitch of yours."
"It's just a game, Chris." He responded. "I wanted to win, but I still respect how you played it."
She folded her arms. "Something tells me you like to play a lot of games."
He smirked. "So many things in life are more fun when you make it a game. Why not enjoy it?"
"Is patient care a game to you?"
He rolled his eyes. "Come on, Chris. I'm not heartless. If I hadn't thought that Mass Kenmore could give Stephanie better care than Edenbrook, I wouldn't have offered it."
He leaned closer to her. "You would have done the same if the situation was reversed."
Chris hesitated. "You're right. I would have."
He smiled at her. "You and I are more alike than you think."
She laughed, shaking her head. "I wouldn't go that far."
"No?" He placed his hand upon his chin as if considering that. "I guess I'll have to work harder to prove it to you."
He pushed off from his car and opened the passenger door for her. "Want me to give you a ride home?"
Biting her lip, Chris shook her head. "I don't think I'm going home just yet."
"Where are you going?" He glanced around the nearly empty parking lot. "Looks like everyone else left to party without you."
She shrugged. "I'm not really in a celebratory mood."
"What kind of mood are you in?" He asked.
"Honestly, I'm not sure. I guess I'm more restless than anything else."
"Well, how about I drive you around until you decide what you want to do?" He offered.
She slid into his car. Her heart started picking up speed when she realized this would be the first time she was actually alone with him.
"Where were you going?" She asked once he buckled up.
"Home." He replied with a grin. "To drink my loss away."
She couldn't help but laugh. "I wouldn't mind a drink."
He turned towards her. "And just where would you like to have this drink?"
"I'm not really up for a bar." She admitted.
"My place or yours?" He asked.
"Who said anything about us drinking together?" She teased.
"Why waste this rare opportunity to do that very thing?" He countered.
"True." She relaxed back into the seat. "Let's go to your place."
Cutting her eyes towards him, she noticed his smug smile forming.
"Don't think anything other than a drink is going to happen." She warned.
"Whatever you say." He winked at her.
One drink and some flirting later, the two wound up in his shower. As the warm water fell upon them, they did all they could to heat the other's skin until they burned.
Chris ran her hands down his body as he kissed her neck. Her pent up frustrations with her life and work demanded she take advantage of her situation. She needed this release, almost as much as she wanted the man driving her on to give in to her every desire.
Ethan's words echoed in her mind, causing her to pause in her caresses.
The thing was, she wanted to burn. Even if it was just for this one night, she wanted to simply sate her passionate nature with no worries about what the morning would bring.
Tobias began to kiss down her body. He noticed her furrowed brow and lack of movement. He knew he needed to work on drawing her back into the night he was imagining.
He reached over and turned the water off, before urging her out.
"You're distracted." He said, handing her a towel. "Do you not want this?"
Chris paused in drying off. "No, I want you."
He stepped closer, all his usual cockiness nowhere in sight.
"Good. Because I've wanted you from the moment I first saw you."
"Right." Chris sarcastically replied. "I'm sure I really caught your eye at that diner."
He settled his arms around her waist.
"I noticed you immediately." He softly brushed his lips against hers. "Each time I saw you after that, I wanted you more and more."
His deep voice admitting to something like that, even though she doubted the sincerity, made her move right back into his embrace. Her lips sought his, and the two raced right back into the inferno they'd started.
Stumbling back into his bedroom, they fell upon the bed, limbs tangling as they continued to kiss.
Tobias moaned as Chris rolled on top of him. Deciding to relax and see what she'd do next, he urged her to take the reins.
His breath hitched the moment she kissed him. Her body moved over his, teasing and promising so much more. He cupped her face, looking into her eyes as she caressed him.
"You have no idea how often I've fantasized about this." He murmured, pulling her down for another kiss.
"Show me." She arched into his heated touch. "I want to do everything you thought about."
That was all he needed to hear.
As light began to filter through the slits of the bedroom blinds, Chris and Tobias collapsed exhausted on his bed.
Trying to catch her breath, Chris looked over at him. When he turned towards her, a breathless laugh popped out.
"You have some imagination there." She teased.
He chuckled, scooting closer to her. "That was only half of what I've fantasized."
"You're kidding?" Chris smiled at him. "I don't think I have the energy to see what else is in store."
She stretched, drawing his appreciative gaze towards her lithe body.
"There's always later." He reminded her. "Say like tonight?"
"Why Dr. Carrick," she snuggled closer within his arms. "Are you asking me out?"
"That depends." He pressed a lingering kiss to her lips.
"If the answer is yes."
She laughed, shaking her head over how good she felt in this moment with him.
"That's a definite yes."
"Then I'm asking you out." He chuckled when she softly groaned.
"You're lucky you're cute." She teased.
"I know." He sighed. "It's both a curse and a blessing."
"You poor, poor man." She patted his cheek.
Tobias took her hand and pressed a kiss within her palm. His eyes found hers as she laced their fingers together.
"How about dinner first?"
"So, it's a real date?" She joked.
"Ummhmm." He rolled over on his back, tucking her in beside him. "Is that still a yes?"
"I will need energy to begin whatever round we're on." She replied.
"Yes, you will." He squeezed her close.
"Then, I guess I'll see you later."
She began to ease out of his bed, only to be dragged back within his arms.
"Where do you think you're going?" He murmured against her neck while dotting kisses along it.
"Home." She relaxed back within his arms.
"No need to rush off so soon." He urged her back under the covers.
"I'll stay if you let me sleep." She warned. "If I don't get a few hours, there's no way I'll be any fun later tonight."
"We can't have that." He laughed when she poked him in his ribs.
She curled up against his side. Her eyes closed and she felt her body relax completely. It'd been a while since she felt so blissfully carefree.
It was a feeling she didn't want to end.
Weeks went by in blur. Chris seemed to find her stride in both her professional life and her personal life. That one night with Tobias had blossomed into a weekly date night, adding even more happiness.
She knew she was falling for him. It was difficult not to. He had the ability to get her mind off the possible shutdowns that loomed over their hospitals. His humor and unending charm kept her thoughts firmly in the moment instead of the fears of the future.
Plus the closeness that was developing between them made her care all the more.
She didn't know which she loved most, the amazing sex or the talks they would have afterwards. The nights spent with him ended up being the best part of her week.
Whatever it was, she wasn't going to question it.
The only problem was June Hirata.
Chris was still a bit uneasy around the diagnostician. Seeing how two-faced the woman could be made it hard to completely trust working with her.
Then one day June approached the team with an idea.
"Did you know Senator Ed Farruiga's at Mass Kenmore?"
"No." Chris replied.
"Apparently he has some illness that no one can figure out." She paused to make sure she had everyone's attention. "I think we should encourage him to come here."
Ethan leaned back in his chair in thought. Baz seemed a little uncertain about the idea.
"I would love to give it a go, but we can't just go take one of their patients." He argued.
"Why not? No one has to stay at a hospital where they aren't getting the best possible care. Can you imagine how much publicity we would get if we helped another famous face?" June glanced at Ethan. "It would help us be able to help more people who really need us."
"It would." He conceded. "And we are a better team than Carrick's."
"Are we really going to do what they did with Stephanie?" Chris asked.
"Don't you want some payback for that?" June countered. "We lost a huge grant! They don't need the Senator as much as we do."
Chris didn't like the idea of continuing the game they'd started with Leland Bloom, especially with how close she'd gotten to their opponent.
"Let's do it." Ethan decided, needing a chance to get back at Tobias.
As they worked out a plan of attack, June checked her messages.
"My contact says that Dr. Carrick and his team haven't diagnosed the cause yet. They have only begun the process of ordering lab work."
She looked at the clock. "Given how long it takes for Mass Kenmore's lab techs to come around for blood samples, I say we have an hour tops to poach him."
"Then let's get going." Ethan ordered.
It took less than an hour to find the senator and to convince him to transfer to Edenbrook. As she followed Baz out of the hospital, Chris heard the one voice she wished to avoid.
"Chris?" Tobias called out. "What are you doing here?"
He noticed the senator further ahead of her, changed and in the process of signing discharge papers.
His eyes narrowed when he realized what was going on.
"Look, I--" Chris tried to apologize.
"Save it." He snapped. "I don't want to hear it."
Without giving her a chance, he stormed back the way he came.
Later that night, Chris headed to a bar she knew Tobias liked to frequent. He'd already ignored her calls and texts. If she was ever going to have the chance to explain, she knew it'd have to be in person.
It didn't take long to find him in the crowd. What surprised her was who was sitting with him.
What is June doing here?
The way the two were laughing and talking, it was obvious they knew each other a little too well.
The more she observed, the angrier Chris became.
"Chris!" June greeted. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"Really?" Chris folded her arms. "I'm surprised. I thought you made certain to know where all your pawns are."
June laughed. "Only the most naive make the best pawns. You've been my favorite by far, Chris."
Tobias eyed her then glanced up at Chris.
June leaned closer to him, placing her hand on his thigh. "Our games are so much fun, aren't they?"
Chris was beyond livid. For months June had used her in every situation. Now to see that Tobias was in on whatever manipulative game they were playing caused her to snap.
She lunged forward almost punching June in her smug face. The table had stopped her momentum right before contact, giving Tobias a chance to grab her around the waist and pull her back.
Chris struggled against him. Her Scottish accent became thicker than usual as she unleashed a flurry of insults upon the pair.
"Let me go, you wee fuckbumper!" She shouted. "I'm going to show that dug licking pish aff a nettle just what happens when she messes with me!"
"Chris!" Tobias grunted when her elbows struck his ribs. "Calm the hell down!"
June began to laugh harder while watching the pair.
"This is the best you can do?" She taunted Chris. "Oh my god, I can't believe I actually thought you might be worthy competition."
"Bolt, ya mangled fud!" Chris yelled.
Still snickering, June gathered her things and headed towards the door.
"Call me Carrick when you're ready to be with a real woman again."
With a last burst of energy, Chris tried to break free of Tobias. She needed to knock June down just once. Her rage demanded to feel that woman's face under her fist.
Tobias yanked her back and half dragged her out the back door.
Once they were outside, he let her go.
They were both panting and glaring at one another.
"What the shit was that?!" He snapped. "If you'd actually touched June, she'd have had your ass in jail so fast it'd have made that hot head of yours spin."
"Do you know what that means?" He demanded when Chris remained defiant. "That means your career would be over!"
"Piss off." Chris hissed at him. "Ya lavvy-heided wankstain."
"Fuck this." Tobias rubbed his hands over his face. "I don't even know why I'm bothering to talk some sense into you."
"I don't either." Chris fought back tears.
"Why did you come here?" He asked when she fell silent. "Just to rub it in that you too can steal a patient?"
"Weren't you the man who said it was all a game?" She shot back. "And if I knew Edenbrook was the best for someone, then I should make it happen?"
"Damnit." He muttered. "Look, June told me you were determined to make me pay for my little stunt with Stephanie."
"That I was?" Chris released another profanity laden tirade.
The more descriptive she got, the more Tobias struggled with his laughter. He was still furious over everything, but he couldn't help but be impressed with her imaginative use of curse words.
After a particularly long sentence about June's reputation with men, all the fire seemed to go out in Chris.
She slumped back against the brick wall of the bar and lowered her head into her hands.
"I know you won't believe me." She began. "But this wasn't my idea."
Against his better judgement, Tobias moved a little closer and leaned next to her.
"What happened?" He asked.
The whole story poured out along with Chris's guilt.
"We never should have gotten close." She added at the end. "Not with all the animosity between the hospitals."
Tobias took a deep breath and slowly released it. "Do you regret it?"
"Stealing your patient?" She slowly nodded. "I don't think it was worth it."
"Not that." He turned towards her. "Us?"
She looked up at him. "No."
Her face scrunched as if she was about to cry. "I mean, I do since you and June had your own thing going at the same time. I know you and I weren't serious, but to have actually been with someone who could be with that two-faced bitch--"
"I wasn't seeing her while seeing you." Tobias interrupted.
She still looked doubtful.
"Come on, Chris." He rubbed the back of his neck. "You know. You have to have seen that what we have is..."
He cursed, kicking at some trash.
"What we have is what? She prodded.
He groaned then yanked her into a heady kiss.
She wrapped her arms around him, giving back as good as she got.
Tobias stumbled back from the passion in her kiss, hitting the wall with her locked in his arms.
When it came to an end, he lifted his head to look into her eyes.
"See?" He said softly.
She slowly nodded.
"Then don't say we shouldn't have gotten together." He cuddled her close.
"What about my part in the senator?" She looked up at him. "Can you let that go?"
"Yes." He tightened his arms around her. "Of course I can."
"Then why didn't you answer my calls?"
"Because June made it seem like you'd strung me along to keep me from suspecting anything when you did eventually steal a patient." He admitted. "Knowing that I'd fallen for you, it stung that you didn't feel the same way. That I was merely your pawn in all this."
"I hate her." Chris bit out.
Tobias snorted. "Yeah, she isn't the easiest person to be around."
Chris bit back the fact he'd found her easy enough to sleep with.
Tobias sighed. "Want me to take you home?"
"No." Chris mumbled. "I'm too keyed up to see my roommates."
A tender smile began to form as he recalled a similar conversation they'd once had.
"Want me to drive you around until you calm down?"
Chris looked up at him, recalling the night of the softball game. Seeing that he remembered it too made her melt against him.
"I'd love that."
Keeping one arm around her waist, Tobias led her to his car.
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Gardening Adventures- Daniel LaRusso x Chubby!Reader (1/2)
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(Unedited) (No big tags, Miyagi the matchmaker, Daniel being Daniel, Reader Sucks At Gardening? Can't decide when this takes place but probably around kk2 or kk3 y'all can decide.)
Reader didn't know the first thing about gardening and it showed. The multiple dead plants I her trash can made it obvious. Every single time she tries to care for a plant it always seems to die. From over watering, underwatering, not enough sun, to much sun. A few times they even died from bugs which she desperately tried to get rid of. Sadly it was too late and the poor thing would die anyway, no matter how hard she tried.
The pain of her non-green thumb only worsened when her mother moved away over the summer.
Reader thought it would be great now that she got her own place to stay rent-free with her mom moving and leaving the house to her.
The only condition? Take care of her prized garden.
The garden was huge, taking up the whole backyard with row after row of flowers and lush trees. But with Reader’s luck they would all be dead within the next year. Something that made her stomach turn.
“Now when I come to visit next spring all of my precious little plant baby better be doing good! You know that garden has won four years in a row at our HOA garden competition. I would hate to have to give up the beautiful plack that they awarded us.”
“Yes Mom I know! You go on and on about how we win every year. Don't worry I promise I will keep the garden happy and healthy while you're are gone. You can count on me.” Reader says on her weekly phone call with her mother. She tries her best to sound confident. On the inside, she panicked.
“I know you will dear. If you have any questions or need advice, feel free to check out the number and address I wrote down in my notebook in the garden shed. It's the number and address of Mr.Miyagi, he's a man I met a while ago when we first moved to town. He's very good with plants! He's single-handedly the one that even got me into gardening in the first place. Please don't hesitate to call him! Love you!” the phone call was short-lived as she hung up a second later.
The chubby girl sighed as she put the phone back on the receiver.
She had no chance of keeping the garden alive! She could have to call this “ Mr.Miyagi” and hoped he could help her out. Without any kind of guidance, she knew that there was no hope of keeping all of those beautiful plants alive. The garden needed daily care and she couldn't do it all without a little bit of help.
Advice and maybe some tips were her only chance to keep all of those healthy plants in tip-top shape.
The next week she tried her absolute best to keep everything in perfect order. From going out and watering all of the flowers that needed it, to trimming any dead branches from the trees. Flowers were mid-bloom this time of year. Buds poked out and flourished in the hot California sun. She even put out some high-quality fertilizer. She spent hours outside sitting in the grass and dirt making sure every little detail was looking good. Every leaf was nice and green, every flower bud bright or nice and dark.
Only the next day to be filled with dread as the flowers slowly started to wilt a little. Way too soon to be normal. Her heart started to break as she looked at every drooping flower. All that effort only for it to fall though. The feeling of failure washed through her like a too deep of wave pulling her in. Deeper and deeper into the sad feeling of knowing she couldn't keep the yard in line.
That morning she rushes inside the small shed. Going through every drawer she finally found the small notebook her mom had told her about. She flipped through the first few pages and found a number and address scribbled on the bottom of one of the later pages.
Quickly finding her telephone she punched in the number, a small ring going through. After a minute or two someone finally picked up.
“Miyagi hai.”
Oh um hi I’m ——- daughter. She moved away about two weeks ago leaving her garden to me. She left me your number if I had any questions about taking care of the greenery and plants. Sadly I don't seem to have much luck going for me, I'm afraid I might be doing something wrong. A few of the flowers already seem to be under the weather.”
Their was a long pause, then some loud banging sounds in the background of the call. Some shouts where heard and then possible a door slamming.
“Miyagi know mother well, nice lady. You come over to Miyagi house and I show you.” before she could say another word the phone disconnected. Reader pulled the phone from her ear and looked down at it. Chewing her lip she sighed a little before putting it back on the hook.
“He didn't even ask of I had the address….god thing mom left it in that book.”
The next day she headed over the Mr.Miyagi’s place. The drive over was short but sweet, the whole drive was silent besides the sound of her car radio. A few updeat song played as she drove across the more quiet part of town. Not much was out in these parts but land. Odd to say for California but here she was, on a street so desolate she could hardly tell of anyone actually live all the way out here.
A smile pulled at her lips as she watched the clear road.
Soon enough she found herself in front of a gate with a small house behind it.
She parked Inside the small lot, filled with old cars. She silently wondered if any of them still worked by the looks of them. Most of them looked old and abandoned, but oddly enough looked very clean. Like someone had taken the time to wash and shine every single one of them. Getting out of her car she followed the fence and found a small gate, pushing it open she was met with a beautiful sight.
A beautiful landing laid behind the simple fence. The grass was a lush green, light foliage around the yard. A pathway of wood paths with a pond right in the middle. It looked like a small paradise!
She quietly walked in and shut the gate behind her, walking slowly though the yard. She was careful to follow the small pathway. Walking along it she stared down at the pond as she got closer to it. Looking down she smiled, taking notice of the large koi fish that swam around the clear water. They varied in color and size, different patterns and even shapes.
Minutes passed just watching them until she remembered why she had come so far. Her eyes glance over to the small but nice-looking house in the back of the yard. Walking over to it she notices that the door is open. Looking inside she finds a quaint little home. Gently she knocks on the door, waiting for some kind of response.
An old man quickly came from out of a back room, his face relaxed as he walked over. His age seemed to give him no trouble in moving quickly to great her. He gave only a slight smile as he said “You must be Reader-San, your mother tell me many things about you. You say, need help, with plants, correct.” Reader smiled and nodded. Hopefully, she had not come out there for nothing.
Mr.Miyagi seemed nice enough from their small introduction. Her mom seemed pleased with the man as well so he had to be good at what he did. He was quick to usher her into his home.
She followed him as he guided her though the very small home.
“I will teach how to take care of plants.” He spoke to her in almost bear english. He led her to a small table where he motioned for her to sit down. He grabbed an old book off a nearby shelf and laid it on the table in front of her. With a brow raised she looked to him. He seemed to understand saying “Book good for learning. Lots of stuff on plants. Mother Love flowers, Miyagi write done for her in spare time. Hope it help.” Reader looks back at the book. There is no real cover just a hard-back lick notebook of some kind. Flipping it open there are some random notes. All of which are written in neat handwriting.
Tilting her head she starts to notice how the writing starts to drift off. Flipping a few pages Reader starts to question some things.
“Mr, Miyagi did your really write all of this yourself? The hand writing seems to change after a few pages-”
“Oh that is Daniel-Sa-”
Before could finish his sentence a loud crash came from outside the house followed by some swearing. Miyagi rolls his eyes as he slowly moves to look outside. He buffs before saying “Miyagi said move, not break!” he slaps at the door frame a little. Reader can't help but laugh a little with has Reader giggling a bit. Miyagi seems to hear that and gives her a glance making her they and cover up her laughter.
She doesn't notice the small smirk he has on his lips as he turns back to the door.
“Daniel-San, put down and come in. I want you to meet Reader-San!”
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(Will be a part two of this, I have a few young Daniel asks but I really wanted to make this one. This is for the “Daniel sluts” as they have come to call themselves here on my blog.😂
Love that for y'all!)
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howlingday · 2 years
was reminded of the soulmate stories again. here's a couple of phrases if you're interested in testing your skills
He is good at eating pickles and telling women about his emotional problems.
I honestly find her about as intimidating as a basket of kittens.
People generally approve of dogs eating cat food but not cats eating dog food.
The beach was crowded with snow leopards.
I'll have you know I've written over fifty novels
I never knew what hardship looked like until it started raining bowling balls.
There's a reason that roses have thorns.
Courage and stupidity are all I have.
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Ah, shish... Here we go again...
"Your dad didn't train you at all?" Ruby asked before shoving her burger into her mouth.
"Nope." Jaune replied, stirring his ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise together. "Dad wasn't much good at anything. Kind of why Mom left him."
Ruby wiped her lips of grease and sauce. "Ouch. When did this happen?"
"Uh, shortly after my youngest sister was born." Jaune squeaked his straw as he tried to remember. "So about a year or so ago."
"Was he a bad husband?" Ruby asked, then flushed and waved her hands. "I'm so sorry for prying! You don't have to answer!"
"It's fine." Jaune chuckled. "Not so much bad as he is... unreliable. He would spend most of his nights at the bar after spending all day watching TV."
"Yeesh!" Ruby winced. "Was he good at anything?"
Jaune tapped his chin as he looked up. Then scratched his cheek as he look down. He crossed his arms and shut his eyes to think. Grumbling, he sighed and rested his elbows on the table with a sigh. His next words changed everything for the two friends.
"Not really." Jaune shook his head. "He's good at eating pickles and telling women his emotional problems, but not much else."
Ruby almost choked on her soda as she spat on her glowing hand. Those same words spiraled under now soaking napkins she used to clean herself.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She fervently wiped. "I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay!" Jaune chuckled as he helped wipe away the sticky syrup, unaware of the glowing words. His fingers briefly touched hers, and Ruby felt like she was on cloud nine. Jaune was confused, though. "Uh, are you okay, Ruby?"
"Yeah," she sighed, admiring her friend in a new light, "just perfect."
"Ooh!" Cardin winced at the strike made against his teammate. "Looks like Lark is out."
"Better luck next year, eh, Cardin?" Jaune chuckled.
"Screw you, Jaune." Cardin scoffed. "Don't forget that you're up against her next, so you better be ready to eat mud."
"I'm not too worried." Jaune shrugged. "She's been teaching me since we were kids. If anyone's gonna be a match for her, it might as well be me."
"And that ends the first round of the tournament!" The announcer called out into his microphone. "Let's give a round of applause for Sky Lark and Pyrrha Nikos!"
The crowd of the ren fair roared as the two combatants stood and bowed for the audience, before Lark limped off with the only real wound being to his pride.
"Just remember that I'm taking you down in the semis, so don't go disappointing me." Cardin jabbed his finger into Jaune's chest.
"Yeah, yeah." Jaune batted the offensive digit away. "I'll save you from big, bad Pyrrha Nikos."
"Is that what you really think of me?" The two knights turned to meet Pyrrha's smirking face at him. "Because if you'd like, I can show you big and bad."
"Save it for the ring, Pyrrha." Jaune chuckled. "Otherwise it'll be wasted when we go toe-to-toe."
"You think you can win this year?"
"I don't need to win. I just have to beat you."
"What is wrong with you?" Cardin asked. "I get that you guys are friends, but it's still jarring to me that you're smack-talking Pyrrha Nikos! You might as well be fighting a tiger!"
Jaune laughed. "I honestly find her about as intimidating as a box of kittens." Pyrrha heart thumped, as she felt a burning itch on her shield arm.
"Well then," Pyrrha stood taller with a dangerous grin, "I'll just have to earn my stripes, won't I?" She then swiftly turned on her heel to exit.
"...Did she just reference a cereal mascot?" Jaune asked.
"DID I JUST REFERENCE A CEREAL MASCOT?!" Pyrrha screamed into her cestuses.
"Are you sure he's okay?" Nora asked in a worried tone as her cat was gently pulled and moved this way and that.
Ren was always a lazy feline, but lately, he seemed more lethargic than before. He barely moved for his food, his toys lay unplayed with for weeks, and his scratching post looked brand new! Nora rubbed her hands, fearing the worst.
"Give it to me straight, doc!" Nora shouted. "Is it feline leukemia? Kuru? C.E.M.?!"
"In order, no, he's perfectly healthy. No, because that's a human condition from cannibalism. And no, because that's a sexually transmitted infection for horses." Jaune scratched Ren's ear, receiving a purr in response.
"Then what's wrong with him, then?" Nora asked.
"Hm, well, there's nothing physically wrong with him." Jaune scratched his chin. "How has he been emotionally? Any sudden changes at home?"
"Not really." Nora rubbed her hands. "I mean, I bought new cat food that he really likes, but then when my friend Emerald brought her cat, she said that the food I had was about as good as dog food." She gasped. "Is that it?! Do you think he's self-conscious about himself? Is that why he's eating less?!"
"Hm, could be." Jaune pet along Ren's side. "What kind of brand is it?"
"It's Pup-Step, Healthy Hair Blend." Nora answered.
"The dog food brand for puppies?"
"Y-Yeah." Nora scratched her head. "It looked a lot like what I normally get, so I figured I'd stick with what I got."
"Uh-huh." Jaune pulled his hand away, to which Ren began grooming himself. "Well, there's nothing to suggest dog food is nutritionally bad for cats, or at least when comparing puppies to full grown cats. But it could be more filling for Ren, meaning he's less likely to move around as much. I'd suggest sticking to your usual brand for now."
"So he's not self-conscious about what Em said?" Nora asked.
Jaune shrugged. "I mean, people generally approve of dogs eating cat food, but not cats eating dog food. With that in mind, though, I think it would be best to feed animals what they're meant to be fed."
As Jaune was looking away to write in his medical book thingie, Nora felt her heart jump almost through her chest. She quietly leaned down and peeled open her sock, where blue letters danced across her foot. She brought herself face to face with Ren, who was sitting quietly in the office.
"Everything okay, Nora?" She stood straight, her face lightly flushed from the surprise he gave her. "You were staring pretty hard at Ren."
"Uh, y-yeah, I, uh, just had a lot to think about when I get home." She lied smoothly.
"Well, if you'd like, I can take the dog food off your hands. I can swing by your apartment to pick it up."
"Yeah." Nora nodded, an idea brewing in her head. "I think I can work with that."
"So how long have you been here?" Jaune asked the woman.
"Too long." She replied, staring into the fire she made. "Long enough to lose track of time."
"Do you remember what brought you here?"
She nodded. She prodded the ash, stirring ember and dust into the air. With amber eyes shut, she deeply inhaled through her nose, before letting out a long exhale from her lips.
"There was a plane." She said. "We were on a cargo run for the Schnee Dust Company. The next thing I knew was being riddled with bullet holes, and watching three people die from gunshot and fire. I held on for dear life to... something. It might have been a dust crate, or one of the ration containers on board, but when everything went loud and black, I passed out."
She stood up, walking past Jaune to the mouth of the cave. The storm still raged with wind and rain and thunder. She pointed out to the mountain on the opposite side of the island. Jaune immediately understood.
"So you crashed that mountain?" Jaune rhetorically asked. "And you somehow made your way over here?"
"Mm." She nodded, returning to her seat by the fire. "I nearly died on my first night." She turned and removed her coat, revealing her back to him.
He blushed, and moved his hand to cover his eyes, but stopped at his mouth. The beautiful woman's back was scarred with deep cuts, the deepest set just barely missing her spine. His other hand moved out to touch it, but was swiftly caught and held to himself. She returned her coat to her back, tossing her raven-black hair out of the coat.
"The white leopards," she said as she turned around, "they're all vicious killers."
"Snow leopards." Jaune nodded.
"Did you see them?" She asked. "When you crashed?"
"I was shipwrecked and had to swim to the island." Jaune chuckled. "So yeah, the beach was crowded with snow leopards. Absolutely lousy with-"
A thunderous boom caused Jaune to jump and turn to the storm outside. As he turned to the cave, Kali removed her coat, feeling a warmth along her back. As she turned, she saw the words, those fated words shining over her scar from the white leopard.
"Um, Kali?" She turned to see him blushing and looking away. "What are you doing?"
With a smile, she loosed her coat fully, exposing herself to the man on the other side of the fire. She felt a wind blow from the storm, as if the island itself was trying to stop her. But it was futile, as she felt her heard thunder in her excitement with a tremendum that rivaled the beasts of the of her shared home. Since her arrival of fire and blood, Kali finally understood her role, her purpose for being here; she was the queen, the apex predator of the mountains, the jungle, the seas, and the island.
And she was hungry.
"I refuse."
"Willow, please-"
"Do not 'Willow, please' me, Jacques," the snow-haired woman glared at the stringy gentleman next to her, "I refuse to allow my good name to be dragged through the mud simply to appease the more simple-minded masses."
Jaune sat there with a scowl as his publisher and the 'Marquess of Mystery,' as she was so often praised, discussed and debated over his potential big break as comic book writer. Jacques Gele, of Bittersweet Publishings, had the brilliant idea to illustrate his ex-wife's mystery novels into a graphic novel. What he failed to mention, however, was how bitter the divorce had left her, as she held no warm feelings for him, or anyone associated with the name Gele attached to it.
"If I could interrupt," Jaune suddenly spoke up, silencing the bickering former couple, "because I think this conversation is going nowhere."
"Agreed." Willow nodded. "I suggest we end this farce, and you go back to your toy store."
"Woah! That's not fair!" Jaune held up his hands. "We're both well-known authors."
"Hardly." Willow scoffed. "I craft pulse-racing tales of intrigue and wit. You scribble inside bubbles for children to understand."
Jaune could have been angry. He should have been angry. This woman had just insulted his dream job, looking down upon him and his craft. But he didn't, and chose to switch tactics instead.
"I guess you're right." Jaune sighed, earning a smirk from Willow. "You author countless novels, and I write for comic books. Or, well, I wrote for comic books. Now, I author my own graphic novels."
"Simply another name for the same craft."
"Not quite." Jaune held up a finger. "While it is true that both are illustrated, the key difference is that a graphic novel is it's own intellectual property, and don't belong to larger companies, like Amaze or Black Bull."
"Oh, and you believe that simply because you wrote a few of these so-called 'graphic novel masterpieces' in your time?"
"Hey, I'll have you know I've written over fifty novels, and while I'm not on your level of skill, I'm still owed some respect."
Willow quirked her brow at that. "Is that so?" She lifted her right hand, as though she were checking her fingernails, but in truth was glancing at the shining ring of words glittering around her palm. Something that Jacques had failed to do in the time since she met her. "Then perhaps we should discuss this further, in a more casual environment?"
"A more casual environment?" Jaune repeated.
"Yes." She nodded. "This office is so stuffy, it makes it difficult to think. If you would like, I'd be willing to discuss this further this afternoon. Say, three, at the the Café Rosita?"
"Uh, sure." Jaune turned to Jacques. "Does that work for you?"
"Unfortunately, I cannot attend." Jacques stood with a sigh. "I have a meeting with another client then. I have all the documents, so don't worry about signing anything. Just... good luck, Mr. Arc."
Before the conversation could continue further, Jacques left the office, leaving an incredibly confused client. Jaune then stood and nodded to Willow. "Uh, see you at three."
"At Café Rosita."
"Café Rosita," Jaune nodded, "it's a date."
This was probably the worst field day in the history of, well, ever. Jaune and his fellow instructors were so focused on their games that they never noticed Nora stealing equipment from different courses to make Olympus Mount, the most grueling obstacle course in the shape of a mountain. How she managed to build this monstrosity within so little time would be impressive if not for it's swaying structure threatening to topple over everything onto everyone.
"Jaune," Yang jogged up to him, "we just did a head count."
"Is everyone here?" He asked.
"No. Well, yeah, every student is here."
"Who's not here?"
"Ruby, my sister." Yang rubbed her arms. "I'm really starting to worry about her." She then groaned. "I knew she shouldn't have been an aide."
"Easy, easy..." Jaune patted the air. "Just take a deep breath. She's smart, so she's probably inside, using the restroom, or she went out to her bike, or-"
"-or she's on giant death mountain."
"RUBY! GET DOWN FROM THERE!" Ruby shouted from the peak.
"LOOK! I WON THE MOUNTAIN GAME!" She waved a red flag over her head. "NORA OWES ME A HUNDRED LIEN!"
All eyes glared to Nora, who sheepishly scratched the back of her head. "Uh, to be fair," she nervously chuckled, "I would have climbed it myself, but Ren needed help with one of the courses." Ren simply shook his head.
A strong gust of wind blew, making the mountain sway especially hard. It was coming down soon. Ruby squeaked as she ducked low, close to the mountain surface, made of plywood.
"It's going to collapse!" Yang shouted. "We need to call the police, or the fire department, or the militia, or-"
"Call the hospital in case something does go wrong." Jaune said, grabbing Yang's shoulders, bringing her back to reality. "I'll climb up there and try to bring Ruby down safely."
"But you-"
"I'm the only one here with mountain climbing experience." Jaune said, stepping away.
"It was an indoor rock wall!" Yang argued.
A cloud passed over, then broke away to cast the sun's light onto Jaune. With a serious and determined face, he looked like an action hero... in an orange safety vest. "And I'm the best damn shot we've got."
Jaune ran up to the mountain and found his footing on some bowling pins and traffic cones. Climbing over the ledge, the plywood until his hands feet wobbled, but remained steady. He followed the path of deflated balls up the incline until he reached lacrosse and hockey sticks forming a bridge, tied together with weighted ropes.
The mountain shook again, and debris began to fall from above. Covering his head, he ran up the path as pieces of sports equipment, from football mats to hockey masks to even bowling balls fell towards him. One bowling ball smashed his wrist, but he powered through. He could feel the injury start to swell already.
One final climbing challenge. It would be hard with only one hand, but he had to reach the summit. Yang was counting on him. Ruby was counting on him! With his elbow, he replaced the use of his hand by digging into the soft wall as leverage. He nearly reached the summit when his fingers slipped and he began to fall backwards!
A pair of delicate hands grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him to the peak. Ruby panted as she fell on her butt. The tower swayed over and over, to and fro, until it finally settled for a brief moment.
"How do we get down?" Ruby asked. "Unless you have some kind of landing strategy planned."
Jaune looked around, hoping to find a miracle. Sonething colorfull caught his eye from under the plywood board. Pulling it free with one hand, he grinned.
"Well, I wouldn't say it was planned, but..."
The wind picked up again, and the world began to shift. Gravity was slowly becoming apparent, as much of the foundation began to crumble. Holding up the colorful fabric, he looked to Ruby.
"I need you to grab two end of this." He explained. "I'll grab one and hold onto you with my free arm." She nodded, gripping two sides with as wide arms as she could. Jaune grabbed an edge and hugged her slim body to his. "Ready?"
Ruby shook her head.
"Me neither." Jaune ran towards the edge and jumped, hurtling towards the ground at not nearly as slow as he expected. Still, it was slow enough for them to descend safely, and he rolled them into the parachute. Crawling free, they watched as Olympus Mount came crashing down, in their opposite direction.
"Holy crap..." Ruby breathed.
"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Nora cheered, appearing right in front of them. "So, what would you rate that? Five stars?" Ren grabbed her collar and dragged her away. "What? Too soon?"
"Ruby!" Yang hugged her sister. "I'm so glad you're alright!"
"Yeah, I'm fine, Yang." Ruby sighed.
"Are you sure?" Yang asked, reached her hands to rest on her younger sister's cheeks. "No broken bones?"
"No, I'm completely fine."
"Good." Yang squeezed the cheeks with her index and ring fingers and thumb, growling. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, CLIMBING UP THAT DEATH TRAP?!"
"Well, to be fair," Jaune chuckled. "That was pretty fun, despite the impending collapse." He sighed. "I never knew what hardship was until it started raining bowling balls."
Yang released her sister, and covered her stomach, which seemed to be glowing for a moment. With her fist, she coughed her way out of explaining anything. "Even so, that was a stupid thing to get into. I'm glad you're okay, Ruby, but I will have to tell the head honchos about all this."
"Aw, man..."
"You can go tell your side of the story." She jutted a thumb towards Jaune. "I'll keep an eye on Mister Hero here."
"Okay, Yang." She ran off.
"That was dumb, by the way." Yang said.
"Eh," Jaune shrugged, "not much else I could have done."
"Sure." She held out a hand. "Let's take you to the nurse's office. Might need to get some heat on that wrist."
"Are you enjoying the evening, Mr. Arc?" The woman crooned in her silken dress, a fiery red marked with golden flames crawling up in a pattern that made them dance with every step.
"I am." Jaune answered honestly. Sure, he was deep in enemy territory, a casino ruled over by a malevolent shadow figure known as the Black Queen, and one wrong step would end with him dying a horrible, painful death shortly after. But hey, free soda, right?
"That's good." The woman smiled, much like a serpent before striking a hapless rabbit. "Would you care to play a game? Craps?"
"No, thank you. I already went."
"Atlas Hold 'Em?"
"I don't trust Atlas with much of anything, sorry."
"Uh, Clubs? Hearts? Diamonds?" Jaune Arc was a secret agent for his wit, not his charm, but even that failed him at times."
"What game would you play then?" She raised a brow. "Surely you haven't been here for so long and only played on the slot machine?"
"Of course not!" He laughed, not revealing that he was actually at the bar, waiting for his root beer vanilla cream swirl. Apparently they didn't think to serve non-alcoholic cocktails, so it took a while for his drink to arrive. "But if you had a board, I'd be willing to play a game of cribbage."
"Cribbage?" The woman balked with genuine surprise. "I didn't think there was a soul alive who still plays such a game."
"Well, this is an isolated casino," Jaune then openly mused, "deep in the jungles of Mistral and not near the coasts of Menagerie."
"As it so happens, there is a cribbage board, but it's not open to just any players."
"Oh, and how do I get to such a board?"
She chuckled. "Come to my room at ten tonight, and I'd be willing to show you~."
"T-Ten tonight?" Jaune gulped. "Uh, I mean, b-but that's so soon, and I'd like to attend some of these tables."
"Oh, the tables will still be here," she traced a finger along his throat, "but it would be rude to deny a lady's invitation." She turned away, a sway to her hips as she sauntered a few feet. "Shall we?"
"Uh, y-yeah, just, uh, let me use the can."
Minutes later, Jaune was in the restroom, checking the stalls before pulling the ear microphone from his collar. On the other end, Goodwitch scolded him.
"I'm sorry! I panicked!" Jaune whimpered as Goodwitch growled obscenities, reminding him to not blow his cover.
"She already knew my name, and now she's inviting me up for cribbage. "Dialogue on the other end followed. "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY CRIBBAGE!" More scolding followed.
"I don't know! Blake and I were talking about it, and I got it stuck in my head." He sighed. "So I guess I gotta lose at cribbage, huh?"
A different voice spoke up. "Really? You'll help me out, Blake?!" The voice continued. "Yes, I'll buy you a board. How much would it cost?" A brief description followed then. "HOW MUCH?!"
"Mr. Arc?" A voice called. "Are you still interested in our game?"
"Uh, y-yeah, sure!" Jaune called back, hiding his microphone in his collar, heading out. The woman met him outside, as lovely as ever. "Sorry, I, uh, had some bad soda."
She giggled. "Oh, Mister Arc," she crooned, emphasizing his title, "so uncouth. Perhaps you should save your sailor tongue for our game?"
"Perhaps I shall." Jaune chuckled, following her into the dimly lit room.
"FUCKING SHIT!" The woman cursed as Jaune placed his peg in the final hole once more. She composed herself once more, though flaring from her nostrils a great deal. With gritted teeth, she praised him. "I guess it's not surprising for a man as yourself to be skilled at a game so few play."
"It's more luck than anything." Jaune chuckled. "Fifteens, thirty-ones, pairs, flushes, and runs. I guess if the cards like you, they really like you."
"Oh?" The woman smiled. "Then I suppose my cards really do like you, don't they?"
Jaune glanced at the deck he sloppily shuffled. In the dimly lit room, outshined by the casino strip lights outside, he admired the rosebush deck. Bleeding hearts and ensnared diamonds seemed to glisten and shine along with the unperturbed spades and scored clubs.
He dealt the cards between them, one for one until both had six cards in their hand. Being his crib, Jaune carefully looked over his hand. King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Ace, Nine. All one suit. His hand was too good, and it made the decision difficult for him as a new player.
"Of course," he chuckled, "there's a reason that roses have thorns."
The cribbage board crashed to the floor as pegs flew through the air. Jaune was suddenly pinned under the beautiful woman, who he could now see was wearing an eye-patch, emblazoned with mark of the Black Queen's organization, GRIMM.
"You think you're so clever," she growled, "waltzing into a lion's den, and prodding the beast like it's a game..."
"Actually, I-" Jaune's words died as his lips were smothered and invaded by the sinister woman's own. A faint glow behind her eye patch served only to raise further questions. Now, here he was, pinned beneath the no doubt evil woman as she continued to unbutton his disguise.
"Get this stupid thing out of here!" She tossed the microphone aside, catching her pize between her teeth, nibbling on his neck.
"A-Ah! Easy, uh..." Jaune blinked. "I'm sorry, what was your name again?"
"Cinder Fall," she answered, removing her dress, "and you'd best remember it, because I intend to make you scream it until I'm satisfied."
Jaune gulped. "Y-Yes, Miss Fall." A thought occurred to him. "Uh, won't your boss be looking for you?"
"Perhaps, but I am privy to my privacy, and any of her plans rely on my attendance."
"Oh, okay." Jaune nodded. "So now what?"
"Now?" She ripped off his shirt. "Now you show me how you sailors really peg."
"Uh, okay," he then spoke loudly, "I HOPE NO ONE CATCHES US!"
"Oh, believe me, no one will." She smirked, removing the last of her clothing. "Now lose the pants and get over here!"
"Of course, Cinder." Jaune smiled. For his first solo mission as a secret agent, he'd say he didn't do too bad. He neutralized an enemy combatant, gave the codeword to send in the ground troops, potentially stopped the end of the world, AND he was going to get laid! A plus, definitely!
Space... When Jaune was a little boy, just a wee lad bouncing on his father's knee, he used to gaze at darkened sky. At the moon, and the stars, and wish for the night to never end. Just so he could marvel at all the vast beauty of the blanket overhead.
And then he joined the Star Brigade, and everything sucked forever. When he applied for the military, they had a "special offer" for anyone who joined the Star Brigade, the newest branch of warriors for defending humanity from the scourge of the Grimm menace.
That "special offer," by the way, was an extra fifty lien in his paycheck, which was then rescinded five years later. Now, here he stood, Leading Star Soldier of his own Star Squad. "That's awesome!" said his five year old nephew. He loved the little guy, but sometimes even his love didn't cover how lame it sounded.
But what does that have to do with his current predicament on the moon? Yeah, you know? The shattered moon that hangs in the sky overhead? The one that opens and shuts more than... uh, something, something, somebody's mom's legs? Yeah, that moon.
And Jaune was the point man on this mission "vital to humanity" by attacking a rogue Grimm hive in some hole of a cave on the moon. That meant he was in front of everyone in his squad. He was the only thing standing between himself, and his closest friends of the past three years. They back him in everything.
Including his retreat, which they took a headstart for on the sight of something bigger than a Moon Beowolf. That's a Beowolf on the Moon, if you couldn't figure that out. So Jaune was left alone, armed with little more than his hard-light shield, plasma sword, and titanium-iron knife. He was armed, ready, and trained for this.
And he got tangled up by a Moon Seer. That's a Seer on- Ah, you can figure it out.
He thrashed against the tendrils, but they seemed to be squeezing tighter and tighter, and tighter still. It was trying to choke him! Or, at least, that's what it seemed until he fell the floor slam into his side. Apparently, it just pulled it closer until it decided to drop him, the start the whole process all over again.
The light from his helmet buzzed as he looked around the cave. As he drifted deeper and deeper into the cave, he wondered where he was being taken. The Grimm he met along the way simply retreated to shadows. How deep was he being taken? His oxygen pack would run out eventually. Fear started to grip his heart as he cautiously glanced at his HUD, then gasped as he saw the O2 level shifted! ...From 88% to 87%. Then the Moon Seer dripped him again.
"ARE YOU DONE?!" Jaune roared.
"Yes, they are." He felt the tendrils retract from his form, then slipped back into the darkness. Everything around him was dark, with no walls to catch or reflect the light back to him. The floor was also dark, yet slick with tar-like ichor that clung to his suit and his boots. He searched for the source of the voice, but found none. A drip from above caught his attention, and he followed it to it's source high above, where a pale-faced woman watched from the ceiling.
Her red eyes glared down as black vines writed over her cheeks and from her eyes, where the black ooze fell to the floor. It seemed to be spreading, like fungus, except when a fungus grows another fungus, the other fungi don't slither and crawl from where it grew to make room.
"You have trespassed on Grimm lands." The voice echoed, yet was clear. This thing definitely chose the right place for acoustics. A band would make a killing playing here, but it seemed the only killing to be made was him at the claws of the Grimm. "State your reason."
"The extermination of the Grimm." Jaune answered, as boldly as he could muster. A deep thrum reverbed through the cave. He couldn't tell if she was humming or if that was how she laughed. Either way, he was in danger.
"You cannot exterminate the Grimm anymore than you can exterminate a cancer, mortal."
"I mean, if you catch early enough, then maybe..." Jaune reasoned.
"The Grimm have existed for thousands of years, since the dawn of man," the woman argued, "and it has been so long since."
"Are you... the first Grimm?"
"No." She replied plainly. "But I was there when the first arrived."
"Wow..." Jaune huffed in awe. "So you're super old, huh?"
"Rude." The face replied.
A click behind him made Jaune jump away, his legs straining to be free as he pushed himself. He turned to the sound of the disturbance. Not far from where he stood was a woman, cloaked in the black tar, as blood-red lines accented her figure, and drawing his attention to the subtle curves. He glanced up and could only find darkness hanging high above. His gaze returned to the woman, but she was gone.
He drew his plasma sword and activated his hard-light shield. This unknown entity, be it woman or Grimm or something far more sinister was dangerous on a level Jaune could only dream of. He heard another click, and swung behind him, missing her as she dove into the oily floor.
"Folly, human. Folly." The voice echoed from everywhere. "Your actions speak well of your boundless bravery, but your tongue echoes ceaseless fathoms of idiocy."
"What can I see?" Jaune barked in return. "Courage and stupidity are all I have!"
The air was still and tense. Had he made a fatal error in challenging the darkness? He checked his HUD. O2 at 70%. He took a breath to calm himself.
O2 at 40%?! He suddenly felt a weight pull from his rear, threatening to tear him off his balance. But he held firm, willing himself forward. With a loud hiss, he was free.
With a loud hiss, and blaring sirens, Jaune's oxygen had been depleted. He fell to his knees as his body ached. His vision blurred and dimmed, but he saw a form slowly approaching as his vision, and his life faded. A set of black letters etched over the reaching palm.
He then felt a warm on his body, uneven, yet warmer than he had ever felt in his suit. He found his arm, his only body, lighter as he reached to touch the warm. It was a softness. A softness so pure he had no words to describe it. It was then the warmth moved to smother him.
"Have you finally awakened?"
Jaune opened his eyes slowly to find himself in a brighter room than the one before. The walls were clearer and ceiling, and the ground softer. He turned his head and found the woman from before, her entire form now pale as ivory and lain over his chest. A chest, too, now so pale.
"Where...?" He groaned.
"Home." The voice spoke. "You are home, my king." She pressed her lips to his, flooding his mind with an ecstasy he couldn't words.
The Grimm. The Star Brigade. All of it now what feels like ages ago. For now, there was only one thought on the Grimm King's mind.
How was he going to explain this to Mom?
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