#(Maybe now I can actually have a semi functional way to actually use my blog for blogging purposes again)
Hi!! How are you fellow ace person? I came across your blog recently and um in love! Could I request some fluffy headcanons for Marina from Fear and Hunger with a male S/O? Preferably in a scenario after the ending where everyone survives the Termina festival? Thank you <33
Ps. Love your writing style! have a nice day/night :]
Hello fellow Ace Person! I am doing well! And you most certainly can request some! Also, thanks for the compliment! I do try and hold myself to a particular standard of quality.
(I wish there were more high quality Marina .Png's)
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Marina Dolmek sat on the living room sofa with her arms crossed and a scowl carved onto her face as she glared at the coffee table.
Oh how she despised those nightmares of hers.
Still… it’s to be expected after… everything that happened in Prehevil.
The things she saw in that place were going to stick with her for the rest of her life.
Everyone in her little family of mutually adopted crazies would say the same.
Even now, as she looked out the window, she could see the lights in their homes flicker.
Marina was happy.
It had been five years since Prehevil by this point.
Their group had rode the rails for days, until the train ran out of coal to keep itself fueled.
Then they got out, and walked.
And walked.
And walked.
Eventually, they came to this place.
It was small, and out of the way but still had modern amenities with it being semi close to a port city.
After learning that, it was decided.
Everyone called for what living family they had.
Getting Marcoh’s sister was perhaps the most… complicated of the retrievals…
However, it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle.
Especially with Levi having an actual marksman rifle as opposed to some beat up, barely functioning pistol.
But, despite how much her and Marcoh’s sister hit it off talking about girly things, that was not what she enjoyed most about getting her out here.
That honor goes to her meeting you when their group got back.
She admits she doesn’t remember much about what happened.
As it turns out, using the magic of a new god called “The Tormented One” a bit too much can cause some… backlash.
Nothing too bad…
Just her feeling like her skin is being flayed off, her blood boiling, and her skull is being cracked open by massive fists.
Still, Marina was a tough girl, and she only screamed a little…
Okay, a lot.
Nonetheless, after she felt normal again, she woke up to see the person who took care of her the entire time she was… indisposed.
That person was you.
From there, she took an interest in you.
She didn’t know why.
Mayhaps the dredges of the long dead Sylvian brought the two of you together?
If so, she would have to thank her in some way.
And maybe do the same for the Tormented One, if a bit spitefully.
“Can’t sleep?” your groggy voice shook Marina out of her thoughts.
“Not really, sorry if I woke you.” Marina responded.
“Hmmh.” you grunted in response as you sat next to her, placing your head on her shoulder.
“Marina?” You muttered.
“Yes?” Marina responded.
“I love you.” You told her drowsily.
“Awww! I love you too!” Marina cooed, happy you were probably too asleep to notice the blush on her face.
You were not.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
I apologize if there's something already on your blog about this and I didn't find it, but I was watching tailgate party and realized that Shiv had spent the entire episode pacing around one apartment complex 6000 steps over and that the Roys do this a lot.
My memory of the last few seasons is fuzzy (<- binged it before and now doesn't remember shit) but I feel like the Roys spend a lot of time in very large, usually open spaces, with wide walls and tall ceilings, and usually ones we've seen before or are expected to see again and that a lot of important scenes happen *outside* of these spaces. Important meaning either big moments or iconic ones or sometimes just transitonary. Kendall had his Next-Jesus moment out in the ocean, Tom started throwing water bottles in that cramped ass escape room or talked about his marriage out on the beach, the entirety of Kill List happens outside of ATN offices, Logan meets Mattson for the first time on a personal island, Roman went to a random one story office environment for a fucking business school and was never the same character (well. compared to S1 Roman) again, they have that reverse Jesus thing over cruises on a cruise ship, etc. I feel like plane scenes could both fit into this or break it depending on the season but at least for other scenes I feel like there's a pattern here.
Outdoor spaces or parts where they actually put their shoes outside onto sidewalk always feel semi important to me but it doesn't even have to be outdoors specifically. Like, even just the honeymoon suite was different enough from every other building we'd seen the show have, and that's when Shiv admitted to cheating!
Do you think there's something to this, or do you have your own thoughts? I'd be interested to hear more if only to appeal to my ego ;-). There's other things that could connect to this like the grey-white-brown-dark blue color palette damn near every scene is in vs. scenes with real color inside of them and Kendall's asking why Sophie was "on the street" being indicative of how he thinks she should be raised (based on how he was raised and also how he can recognize the manipulation and abusive inherent to his father's parenting but not the more subtle isolation and neglect) and the fact the Roys are literally running an actual rat race while trapped inside Waystair Rocyo 1/2 the time but I have to stay focused on one thing when I write shit down even if I'm connecting dots in my head or else this ask won't even be remotely legible.
[If you already wrote about this - sorry! I hope this makes sense. Either way, have a good night, and fingers crossed something fun happens at Logan's funeral. I still want Tom to fight someone. It won't happen but it'd be funny as hell lol]
yeah i haven't really written anything comprehensive on this, but i do think there are a few interesting points with regards to how the show uses the characters' environments. forgive me for bullet-pointing lol, maybe you can help string these things together into something more cohesive. but:
yes, the characters often spend most of an episode trapped in one location, even one building. in part i think this is a function of the presence of playwrights on the writing staff, and the way many episodes flirt with the three classical unities of tragedy writing (time / place / action). so, lots of episodes are 1 day only, or 2 or 3 max, and often a character will be mostly confined to one location during that span. in part this helps make each individual episode really tight internally, but it also contributes to that persistent sense that the characters are trapped (within their circumstances, company, family, etc)
indoor vs outdoor is an interesting thread. one thing that has always stood out to me is that the show has a tendency to use natural sunlight not as refreshing, enlightening, etc, but as blinding, overwhelming, and even dangerous. the sun almost kills logan in s3, there are those shots in 2x10 and 3x09 where everyone's squinting in the bright light, there's a similar effect in 'austerlitz', etc. this contributed to the overall sense of discomfort that the roys experience, despite all their material luxuries; it also contributes to the sense that nature and the natural world is an alien, external force that appears threatening—this sense also comes out in all of the animal metaphors they use, which emphasise the brutality they see in the animal kingdom and in nature generally
if we're talking places, i also must bring up the presence of bathrooms on the show. these are quotidian rooms, but also dangerous ones, in the sense that they exist to purge a civilised society of its filth, and the whole process tends to be marginalised and wilfuly ignored. so, i've always liked that succession has a lot of scenes set in bathrooms, and often characters are able to speak differently in the bathroom—sometimes more intimate (kendall and stewy, tom and logan in 3x05), or more direct (greg and logan in 2x08), or they're allowed to say things they couldn't elsewhere (roman and mencken). bathrooms are also sheltered personal spaces, where the characters can retreat and hide (kendall using them to do coke, shiv practicing a smile in 1x02, greg rehearsing his congressional testimony)
the waystar offices obviously have that very 21st-century glass-and-steel aesthetic that telegraphs new money, a certain neoliberal attempt at severance from systems of social and cultural meaning-making, etc. so, moving the characters to other locations is effective because, in contrast to the kind of soullessness of the waystar building, it makes the other places stand out and emphasises the meaning we can glean from the sets alone (like, the gut-punch of dodds's house in contrast to the sort of corporate default)
in regards to the idea of control and confinement within luxe spaces—yes, this is clearly something we see many of the environments convey (the ultimate expression of this being the anti-suicide wall that logan puts up to pen kendall in). this is really a discrete material expression of how waystar operates in a broader sense, constraining people whilst appearing to create more options and more freedom (also a basic characteristic of neoliberal modes of production, lol)
again i'm not sure i have a thesis statement here unifying all of these observations lol. but i do think the show does well at using its environments and settings to tell us a lot about the characters, the company, and the broader world they inhabit.
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Thanks for the reblog!
I'm so glad you have created a safe space for aroace people! We really need more of those.
I do not have a support group or anything because I do not know anyone who is aroace. But my friends are great and even though they don't understand, they're supportive enough and I couldn't ask for better people in my life.
Anyway, this blog is awesome because I'm always looking for a way to vent. I blabber to my friends all the time even if they're not listening, but I'm seizing this opportunity lol. So here I go (and this goes without saying, but I'm sorry because this is gonna be kinda long probably)...
So I'm a female Indian and I'm Muslim which basically means arranged marriages are a thing and that getting married in your early 20s is also a thing. So if you're a girl, most times the moment you turn 18 or maybe even before that, your family will start looking for a suitable groom for you. Some families value education and so they let the girls study and at least complete their degree. And if you're lucky, the family you're married into also values education and financial independence and will let you continue your studies or work. But not everyone is that lucky. Sometimes even if your in-laws are supportive, your husband might not be, and will stop you from studying or doing something you love.
The maximum age you can be unmarried as an Indian Muslim woman is around 25. And getting till 25 unmarried is very rare. So unmarried women above the age of 25 are even rarer. All the Muslim spinsters are either widows or divorced. Getting married is not a choice here, it's a part of life.
Most people know of the LGBTQ community here. India is not in any way progressive when it comes to the community, since it's only recently being gay stopped being a crime here. Culture and tradition is considered very important and most beliefs are rooted in religion, whatever the religion may be. So homophobia and transphobia is rampant. But the general population is aware of the existence of gay and trans people. Very few of them might now about the existence of aromanticism and asexuality. The idea of wanting to be single and/or celibate is foreign to them. And my family belongs to that group of people (that took a turn eh?)
My family is what I would like to call a semi conservative family. They are religious enough to push us to learn the holy book and pray regularly and follow religious teachings but not that much that they force us to do things that are not compulsory or whatever. They value education and freedom of choice and are not stuck in the past (which unfortunately cannot be said about most Indian families).
My mother actually got married when she was 24 and after completing her degree, which is surprising to me because that can be seen as progressive as it was rare at the time.
So yeah, I'm lucky to be part of a family like this. They're understanding, more than I think they are, but obviously I'm scared because I do not know how much that understanding extends.
I am 22 right now and mentally ill. I have been from the age of 14 or so. I haven't been diagnosed properly but I started therapy last year and my current therapist called my condition high-functioning depression which basically means that I function well enough in society but am depressed. It's apparently something most celebrities have.
My journey with mental illness is a long and exhausting one and it's still not going steady, but what I would like to mention is that what prompted me to take the big step that is therapy after many years was an event...the wedding engagement of my best friend.
My best friend and I have been friends from kindergarten. We were neighbours and classmates and our families are also very close. The news of her engagement shocked me (maybe not as much it shocked her though. It was a very sudden engagement. But she's happy and in love now and I'm happy for her.) and it made warning bells go off in my head. I suddenly felt like I was running out of time. And since I'm scared of getting married and obviously haven't come out to my parents or told them or even ever implied that I wasn't into the idea of marriage, that fear of getting married in the near future pushed me into getting therapy. It was an on and off thing for a while. Me and my first therapist did get somewhere and I'd made some progress before I was back in square one. But I have many underlying and standing issues that I never really got a chance to talk to her about marriage or any of that stuff. I have a new therapist now and I haven't talked to her about it either, I've only mentioned not wanting to get married in passing. I think it's because I know nothing I say will change the fact that I haven't told my parents and thus my future will not change or become closer to the one I have envisioned.
I am now doing a post graduate degree and I will complete it next year, after I turn 23. I don't think my family has actively started looking for proposals but they are open to accepting good ones. I have no hand in this, not right now at least. After my graduation, I will. I will be expected to look pretty and pose and look through proposals and all that shit. It sounds like torture. I've heard enough stories to know it's not a fun process.
I really want to tell my parents because if it means I have to live the rest of my life miserable, then at least I'd have spoken my truth, but I keep waiting for the right time but I've realised there is no right time, there is only a wrong time and that is when they start actively looking for a poor chap who'll want to marry me. I'm just so scared because I'm pretty sure I know what they'll say. They'll either say something along the lines of "you're just lazy and/or unprepared and/or scared" and "that is not even an option. It is compulsory (not true btw)/encouraged in Islam to get married. You will lose your ways and go astray and get into haram (Islamically) unlawful romantic/sexual relationships". Worst case scenario is that I stand my ground and refuse to get married and they'll lock me up or send me off to a mental hospital or just disown me or something. Best case scenario is they agree to not marry me off but insist I become an Islamic nun or something (which I'm not completely against. But I'm not deeply religious enough to devote my whole life to being an Islamic teacher or missionary or whatever. I will and want to do it along with whatever job I get).
Of course, there is a chance it'll not go anything like this and go in a completely different direction I didn't even think of but i seriously doubt it. You see, even if my parents are supportive of my decision to not get married, pressure from the rest of the family and societal pressure will be really strong, that even if they hold on for a while, they'll break eventually.
Now say it will go my way and I get to be a happy (or trying to be happy) spinster, then I will become the talk of the town and considered an outcast. It will not be easy attending gatherings and my family will get the brunt of it, especially my parents. Gossip is after all very destructive.
I could cut off my family after becoming financially independent but I have never even considered that an option. I love my family and I owe them a lot and I would and could never cut them off from my life (assuming that it even is possible. It's not very easy to do that here.)
So I'm stuck and this has been a burden that I've been carrying around for a while now. I knew I didn't want anything to do with romantic relationships from when I was 14 or something but then after I realised I had really low self esteem, I realised that might be why I wasn't interested in being in a romantic relationship but I have thought long and hard about it and I have come to the conclusion (one of many) that it's just something that I do not want for myself.
It had always been at the back of my mind though but this has become a more immediate worry as I'm running out of time, and so I panic every now and then when my thoughts wander and I think about the future. It's getting exhausting being so unsure of something like marriage when I'm also worried about finding a stable career and just surviving because even that is a huge question mark for me when I think about the future.
And that's that. Sorry for any typos/grammar errors! (I'm too lazy to proof read this 😅, not that that proofreading would help 😛)
I should probably go to sleep now. If you read all of that, thank you so much. It really means a lot.
Hey there! I’m glad you found a good place to vent and I hope you find happiness and love (platonic) where ever you go in life!
I honestly don’t really know what to say but I’m here for you! You sound like an incredible person and I know you’ll do well in life <3
Stay amazing and stay safe, remember no matter what happens we are all here for you and you are always valid!! <33
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irisdrawsbirds · 1 month
Practice Log #1
The first log note. A bit daunting. 
This is a blog, as you can tell. Its primary function right now is two fold. Firstly, It is to help me to practise writing (painfully slogging through a BA & MA has now given me a SMALL enjoyment out of writing) and expressing my ideas, which without, they would just be swirling around in my head, unpinned and forgotten and without forming into more understandable and tangible ideas (see picture below). I think it will, secondly, serve as a time capsule, anchor point and lighthouse for my practice. So much of what I was interested in and the ideas I have had in the last few years have been forgotten as they were not written down, A bad habit I have. So hopefully this will be useful to me to see in the future, what ideas are sticking with me and are important. 
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This blog is for me and done so for me, i'm going to post them on my website so that if anyone does want to read them they can, I enjoy reading people's ramblings and maybe someone will enjoy mine. I am writing this off the cuff and in a more personal style I enjoy, I do not understand grammar to be honest. So fullstops, colons, semi colons etc will be sprinkled in wherever it feels right to me. Same with timing, I'll post when I have things to post. And refraining from trying to do a schedule! (think my malcolm comics)
A current project that is taking up a sizable portion of my head is making a pseudo archive. 
Before my masters, one of my wants was to start making fake artefacts and pottery as if they were real. Making up my own superstitions, traditions etc and making work to make it look like they were real. This, while i never really acted on this idea during my masters save for the two projects i made (union scenting pot and second spring). These projects, particularly second spring, lit a want in me to make a collection of artefacts that I would archive into an exhibition. All of these pieces would be fake, never actually used in real life. But displayed as if they were, and most importantly. Relating to queer, and prominently TRANS existence. Throughout my research on the MA and talking to my secret husband, Jua Okane, it is sad to know that so much of trans history has been intentionally wiped as it doesn't fit the cis-heteronormative viewpoint of western culture. This project to me feels like it could be a really bittersweet one. While it is saddening to know that these things are fake, because we don't know how trans people lived before us. This project is a way for me to adorn and synthesise my own cultural history as a Trans person. Using my modern british context of life as a queer woman to create pseudo historical trans artefacts. An example of what I mean would be a series of Georgian era packers, ranging in how ornate they were, maybe one is for the poorer people in society and is just a crudely shaped wooden block. And slowly progresses into an ornately embroidered packer for georgian nobility. 
Writing this I am 10 months into unemployment. I do not have the funds to do anything of any eminence, I would like to one day be able to commission other queer artists to make parts of this project for me (I can't sew). So for now, I am ruminating, I am thinking, I am slowly fermenting the ideas and pieces in my head (and now here) so that when the time comes, I can act on this.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
I finally got the new post editor
Anyway, there are now 96~ pages (and ongoing) full of resources and #ActuallyAutistic perspectives in my Autism tags.
(Please use the resources.) {Please CHECK MY TAGS to see if I've already rb'd perspectives on topics or specific Autistic traits before asking me again.}
(I'm a lot more patient and lenient with mutuals and people who are kind about it, I will NOT be lenient with random strangers / people who never introduced themselves to me and message about it or vague just to be rude ableist a-holes.)
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jeannereames · 3 years
Hi, Dr. Reames! I just read your take on Song of Achilles and it got me thinking. Do you think there might be a general issue with the way women are written in mlm stories in general? Because I don't think it's the first time I've seen something like this happen.
And my next question is, could you delve further into this thing you mention about modern female authors writing women? How could we, beginner female writers, avoid falling into this awful representations of women in our writing?
Thank you for your time!
[It took a while to finish this because I wrote, re-wrote, and re-wrote it. Still not sure I like it, but I need to let it go. It could be 3xs as long.]
I’ll begin with the second half of the question, because it’s simpler. How do we, as women authors, avoid writing women in misogynistic ways?
Let me reframe that as how can we, as female authors, write negative (even quite nasty) female characters without falling into misogynistic tropes? Also, how can we write unsympathetic, but not necessarily “bad” female characters, without it turning misogynistic?
Because people are people, not genders, not all women are good, nor all men bad. Most of us are a mix. If we should avoid assuming powerful women are all bitches, by the same token, some women are bitches (powerful or not).
ALL good characterization comes down to MOTIVE. And careful characterization of minority characters involves fair REPRESENTATION. (Yes, women are a minority even if we’re 51% of the population.)
The question ANY author must ask: why am I making this female character a bitch? How does this characterization serve the larger plot and/or characterization? WHY is she acting this way?
Keep characters complex, even the “bad guys.” Should we choose to make a minority character a “bad guy,” we need to have a counter example—a real counter, not just a token who pops in briefly, then disappears. Yeah, maybe in an ideal world we could just let our characters “be,” but this isn’t an ideal world. Authors do have an audience. I’m a lot less inclined to assume stereotyping when we have various minority characters with different characterizations.
By the same token, however, don’t throw a novel against the wall if the first minority character is negative. Read further to decide if it’s a pattern. I’ve encountered reviews that slammed an author for stereotyping without the reader having finished the book. I’m thinking, “Uh…if you’d read fifty more pages….” Novels have a developmental arc. And if you’ve got a series, that, too, has a developmental arc. One can’t reach a conclusion about an author’s ultimate presentation/themes until having finished the book, or series.*
Returning to the first question, the appearance of misogyny depends not only on the author, but also on when she wrote, even why she’s writing. Authors who are concerned with matters such as theme and message are far more likely to think about such things than those who write for their own entertainment and that of others, which is more typical of Romance.
On average, Romance writers are a professionalized bunch. They have national and regional chapters of the Romance Writers of America (RWA), newsletters and workshops that discuss such matters as building plot tension, character dilemmas, show don’t tell, research tactics, etc. Yet until somewhat recently (early/mid 2010s), and a series of crises across several genres (not just Romance), treatment of minority groups hadn’t been in their cross-hairs. Now it is, with Romance publishers (and publishing houses more generally) picking up “sensitivity readers” in addition to the other editors who look at a book before its publication.
Yet sensitivity readers are hired to be sure lines like “chocolate love monkey” do not show up in a published novel. Yes, that really was used as an endearment for a black man in an M/M Romance, which (deservedly) got not just the author but the publishing house in all sorts of hot water. Yet misogyny, especially more subtle misogyny in the way of tropes, is rarely on the radar.
I should add that I wouldn’t categorize The Song of Achilles as an M/M historical Romance. In fact, I’m not sure what to call novels about myths, as myths don’t exist in actual historical periods. When should we set a novel about the Iliad? The Bronze Age, when Homer said it happened, or the Greek Dark Age, which is the culture Homer actually described? They’re pretty damn different. I’d probably call The Song of Achilles an historical fantasy, especially as mythical creatures are presented as real, like centaurs and god/desses.
Back to M/M Romance: I don’t have specific publishing stats, but it should surprise no one that (like most of the Romance genre), the vast bulk of authors of M/M Romance are women, often straight and/or bi- women. The running joke seems to be, If one hot man is good, two hot men together are better. 😉 Yes, there are also trans, non-binary and lesbian authors of M/M Romance, and of course, bi- and gay men who may write under their own name or a female pseudonym, but my understanding is that straight and bi- cis-women authors outnumber all of them.
Just being a woman, or even a person in a female body, does not protect that author from misogyny. And if she’s writing for fun, she may not be thinking a lot about what her story has to “say” in its subtext and motifs, even if she may be thinking quite hard about other aspects of story construction. This can be true of other genres as well (like historical fantasy).
What I have observed for at least some women authors is the unconscious adoption of popular tropes about women. Just as racism is systemic, so is sexism. We swim in it daily, and if one isn’t consciously considering how it affects us, we can buy into it by repeating negative ideas and acting in prescribed ways because that’s what we learned growing up. If writing in a symbol-heavy genre such as mythic-driven fantasy, it can be easy to let things slip by—even if they didn’t appear in the original myth, such as making Thetis hostile to Patroklos, the classic Bitchy Mother-in-Law archetype.
I see this sort of thing as “accidental” misogyny. Women authors repeat unkind tropes without really thinking them through because it fits their romantic vision. They may resent it and get defensive if the trope is pointed out. “Don’t harsh my squee!” We can dissect why these tropes persist, and to what degree they change across generations—but that would end up as a (probably controversial) book, not a blog entry. 😊
Yet there’s also subconscious defensive misogyny, and even conscious/semi-conscious misogyny.
Much debate/discussion has ensued regarding “Queen Bee Syndrome” in the workplace and whether it’s even a thing. I think it is, but not just for bosses. I also would argue that it’s more prevalent among certain age-groups, social demographics, and professions, which complicates recognizing it.
What is Queen Bee Syndrome? Broadly, when women get ahead at the expense of their female colleagues who they perceive as rivals, particularly in male-dominated fields, hinging on the notion that There Can Be Only One (woman). It arises from systemic sexism.
Yes, someone can be a Queen Bee even with one (or two) women buddies, or while claiming to be a feminist, supporting feminist causes, or writing feminist literature. I’ve met a few. What comes out of our mouths doesn’t necessarily jive with how we behave. And ticking all the boxes isn’t necessary if you’re ticking most of them. That said, being ambitious, or just an unpleasant boss/colleague—if its equal opportunity—does not a Queen Bee make. There must be gender unequal behavior involved.
What does any of that have to do with M/M fiction?
The author sees the women characters in her novel as rivals for the male protagonists. It gets worse if the women characters have some “ownership” of the men: mothers, sisters, former girlfriends/wives/lovers. I know that may sound a bit batty. You’re thinking, Um, aren’t these characters gay or at least bi- and involved with another man, plus—they’re fictional? Doesn’t matter. Call it fantasizing, authorial displacement, or gender-flipped authorial insert. We authors (and I include myself in this) can get rather territorial about our characters. We live in their heads and they live in ours for months on end, or in many cases, years. They’re real to us. Those who aren't authors often don’t quite get that aspect of being an author. So yes, sometimes a woman author acts like a Queen Bee to her women characters. This is hardly all, or even most, but it is one cause of creeping misogyny in M/M Romance.
Let’s turn to a related problem: women who want to be honorary men. While I view this as much more pronounced in prior generations, it’s by no means disappeared. Again, it’s a function of systemic sexism, but further along the misogyny line than Queen Bees. Most Queen Bees I’ve known act/react defensively, and many are (imo) emotionally insecure. It’s largely subconscious. More, they want to be THE woman, not an honorary man.
By contrast, women who want to be honorary men seem to be at least semi-conscious of their misogyny, even if they resist calling it that. These are women who, for the most part, dislike other women, regard most of “womankind” as either a problem or worthless, and think of themselves as having risen above their gender.
And NO, this is not necessarily religious—sometimes its specifically a-religious.
“I want to be an honorary man” women absolutely should NOT be conflated with butch lesbians, gender non-conformists, or frustrated FTMs. That plays right into myths the queer community has combated for decades. There’s a big difference between expressing one’s yang or being a trans man, and a desire to escape one’s womanhood or the company of other women. “Honorary men” women aren’t necessarily queer. I want to underscore that because the concrete example I’m about to give does happen to be queer.
I’ve talked before about Mary Renault’s problematic portrayal of women in her Greek novels (albeit her earlier hospital romances don’t show it as much). Her own recorded comments make it clear that she and her partner Julie Mullard didn’t want to be associated with other lesbians, or with women much at all. She was also born in 1905, living at a time when non-conforming women struggled. If extremely active in anti-apartheid movements in South Africa, Renault and Mullard were far less enthused by the Gay Rights Movement. Renault even criticized it, although she wrote back kindly to her gay fans.
The women in Renault’s Greek novels tend to be either bitches or helpless, reflecting popular male perceptions of women: both in ancient Greece and Renault’s own day. If we might argue she’s just being realistic, that ignores the fact one can write powerful women in historical novels and still keep it attitudinally accurate. June Rachuy Brindel, born in 1919, author of Ariadne and Phaedra, didn’t have the same problem, nor did Martha Rofheart, born in 1917, with My Name is Sappho. Brindel’s Ariadne is much more sympathetic than Renault’s (in The King Must Die).
Renault typically elevates (and identifies with) the “rational” male versus the “irrational” female. This isn’t just presenting how the Greeks viewed women; it reflects who she makes the heroes and villains in her books. Overall, “good” women are the compliant ones, and the compliant women are tertiary characters.
Women in earlier eras who were exceptional had to fight multiple layers of systemic misogyny. Some did feel they had to become honorary men in order to be taken seriously. I’d submit Renault bought into that, and it (unfortunately) shows in her fiction, as much as I admire other aspects of her novels.
So I think those are the three chief reasons we see women negatively portrayed in M/M Romance (or fiction more generally), despite being written by women authors.
*Yeah, yeah, sometimes it’s such 2D, shallow, stereotypical presentation that I, as a reader, can conclude this author isn’t going to get any better. Also, the publication date might give me a clue. If I’m reading something published 50 years ago, casual misogyny or racism is probably not a surprise. If I don’t feel like dealing with that, I close the book and put it away.
But I do try to give the author a chance. I may skim ahead to see if things change, or at least suggest some sort of character development. This is even more the case with a series. Some series take a loooong view, and characters alter across several novels. Our instant-gratification world has made us impatient. Although by the same token, if one has to deal with racism or sexism constantly in the real world, one may not want to have to watch it unfold in a novel—even if it’s “fixed” later. If that’s you, put the book down and walk away. But I’d just suggest not writing a scathing review of a novel (or series) you haven’t finished. 😉
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The Authority of Money

During my recent trip to the U.S., I decided to play tourist and visit a few places that I had never been. One of the more interesting destinations was the Money Museum at the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago, Illinois.
    No matter how much it’s talked about in the news and politics, I really had no idea exactly what the Federal Reserve Bank does. I know its name is printed at the top of all of my Benjamin, but that was about the extent of my knowledge. With the help of a friend I’ve had for 40 years, I signed up to take the tour and get a glimpse behind the scenes of the place that money calls home. Knowing the amount of money that passes through the place and seeing the turn of the century style conjured up images of caper stories the whole time I was there. I couldn’t help but think  
“okay, if I was going to rob this place, how would I do it?”
The Guided Tour
While it was interesting to learn what the Federal Reserve Bank does, the real beauty of the visit was a special tour through some of the innards with a guide who knows trivia that spans centuries and literally trillions of dollars. Jerry, our tour guide, was a fascinating man who returned from the boredom of retirement to be a tour guide, talking guests through the museum.
    He wore a light green and white suit, looking like he too had been minted by the U.S. government decades ago. Over the course of the next hour or so, he shared background on the Fed, stories and more numbers than anyone should be able to recall.
In the main museum, we got to see a number of displays about the history of currency in the United States, including a couple of displays of One Million Dollars:
We also got to learn a bit about what the Federal Reserve Bank does in a video that was put together in-house – nice, but a bit dry. I’m sharing what I took away from it, which may be entirely inaccurate, due to my failing memory.
The Fed’s charter is to “oversee how monetary policy is implemented.” It comes down to three primary functions:
they oversee how payment systems work, so the way checks are cashed, the way credit card and online transactions take place;
 they are the regulators of banks in the U.S., so they’re the ones who go in and audit banks to make sure they’re not breaking any laws and
The most visible function is that they’re responsible for moving cash around.
    For most of us, that’s the fascinating part of what they do. Every day of the week, shipments of currency come from the United States mints to the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed then ships that currency out to the banks that need it. While the larger bills are transported by armored car every day, the $1 bills are packed into unmarked semi-trailers and driven to the building to prepare them for distribution.
I guess it’s not much different from shipping a truckload of iPhones to a warehouse, but somehow it SEEMS riskier that they do that.
On the flip side of things, the Fed gets deliveries of cash from the banks, which is counted and bundled for re-distribution. This is also the step that includes pulling old and worn bills out of circulation. One of the most surprising things I saw was how little wear a bill needs for it to be taken out of circulation. Most of the bills in your wallet are probably not going to pass.
About $17 Million in currency is destroyed every day at the Chicago Fed, which is one of 12 Federal Reserve Banks. The Money Museum even gives you a small bag of shredded money as a souvenir, which contains the remnants of currency equal to about $370. One of the more interesting facts about this shredded currency is that until the mid 20th century, the shredded bills were burned, but because of the toxic chemicals used in the ink, they had to stop doing that.
 It’s now shipped off to special landfills for toxic materials. Kind of makes you worry about handling it every day, doesn’t it?
A Personal Tour
I had the pleasure of getting a more personal tour, including a trip to see the money sorting and counting machines (through a thick glass window, of course), but sadly the machines weren’t operating that day.
    Those functions are visible from an additional section of the Museum that was closed off in 2001, so not many people get to visit it.
    My other favorite part was looking at the high denomination currency that’s no longer in circulation. One display has a $10,000 bill in it, along with several other bills from the 200-ish years of American money printing. The 10k bills were printed until the 1940s and discontinued when it became apparent that virtually all bills above $1000 in denomination were being used for criminal purposes.
 Just over 300 of the bills survive, most of which are in the hands of collectors. About 9 years ago, one of them actually arrived at the Fed through normal banking channels! Someone had gotten hold of it (perhaps stored in a box in an attic somewhere), taken it to their local bank and deposited it. With a quick bit of research, they’d have discovered it was worth close to 10 times that to a collector.
I’d love to make a few suggestions to the guys at the Money Museum as improvements, but since this is solely for PR (admission is free), I’m sure they are limited in how much they invest in the tour. Although considering the constant saber-rattling in Congress about the Fed, maybe they could use a bit stronger PR push.
One of my biggest pet peeves with 90% of museums is that no one really thinks about photos. Placement of light fixtures to minimize glare, setting up obstruction free angles and allowing guests the chance to pose without impeding traffic are critical factors for any museum and most of them don’t think that through.
Re-open the closed section of the tour. Money counting and shredding is one of the more fascinating things that happens at the Fed and no one gets to see it. I get it. 9/11 happened. But the security checks and procedures keep out bank robbers, so I’m sure they can be effective for other people, too.
Tell some stories. Interactive displays are all well and good, but you’ve got an asset like Jerry who has hundreds of stories in his arsenal. I’m the only one who heard any of them. Everyone else just heard him introduce the video and rattle off a lot of facts and figures.
Stories = excitement. Spend a little money and create a new video to share some of these stories in the context of explaining what the Fed does.
All unsolicited advice, of course, but I found the place fascinating and woefully under-utilized. As an average tourist, there just wouldn’t be a lot to hold my interest without some upgrades.
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The post The Authority of Money appeared first on Business Plan Ideas | Business Plan Steps.
via Business Plan Ideas | Business Plan Steps https://businessplanpro.pennistonemedia.com/2020/07/22/the-authority-of-money/
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Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
Writing journey #4.
15/05/2021 07.22 My break has officially been over for five days, and i have done some writing, but it’s been incredibly inconsistent, so I decided to start this blog post over. Bay Tree has been archived, and though FSB isn’t done, I’ve realised I need to take a step back. It’s why writers leave weeks at a time between drafts--so when they return, they’re in a different mindset, and can improve their work.
For this same reason, I need to take a step back before I finish my outline. My thought process is becoming monotonous, which means I’m losing my excitement. When you start a project, you have the idea in your head as perfect, and when those ‘vibes’ become tangible, it is less exciting. That’s unavoidable. But I just need to take a step back, so when I return, I have fresh ideas, and the plot becomes more exciting to me.
So today, I’m going to start brainstorming a new idea I had, which I don’t have an alias for yet, and I have an idea to essentially bind every project I have together, but not in Grishaverse- or Shadowhunters-style where you need to read ten books just to read the one you want. Just a nod to anyone who does read multiple, like when Aelin falls through worlds and sees Rhys and Feyre for a split second.
So. Let’s brainstorm.
My plan, I think, is to alternate weekly. This week, I’ll work on the new one, next week I’ll do FSB. I could just take this new idea and apply it to FSB, except I just don’t see how that would work. I have different worlds in mind, and this new one is a fantasy where FSB is sci-fi(/fantasy. It’s kinda both).
16/05/2021 07.07 I really wish I was a pantser. Even though I haven’t got to the editing stage, my favourite part of writing is implementing new ideas and making changes, but I’m just not a pantser. I need to know where each part is going. Instead, I have to sit here, brainstorming, for days, to figure everything out.
18/05/2021 07.06 I did a lot of work on the 16th, but I was busy yesterday, and didn’t get any writing done, because, when I was free, I was just reading. So, I’ve decided I’m going to at least write before I leave the house, which gives me about 45 minutes this morning. 
23/05/2021 18.30 Based on the fact it has been five days, I think you can tell how good I’ve been about keeping writing. The problem is that I don’t actually have much past a concept for my new project, so I’m trying to figure out how, precisely, I could merge the two projects. FSB is interesting, but doesn’t have a huge amount of depth, which adding the characters from the new project would absolutely do, while the new project is lacking plot, which FSB (at least the first book I’ve planned) does. So, I’m going to start a new Scrivener project, and consider how I can merge the two concepts while implementing both plots.
Is it too much? I have only two main characters in FSB, but five in the newer one, which gives me seven main characters, divided into three groups. And do I want to write a book with so many separate storylines? I know readers (myself included) always end up favouring one storyline over another, getting annoyed when certain POVs come up. I don’t know what to do.
I could keep the new project, but implement FSB? Hold up. New Project (NP) has two protagonists who could undergo a similar development to the protagonists of FSB... I had a plan for the male protagonist of FSB, his arc, which wouldn’t work for NP’s male protagonist, but would work perfectly for its female protagonist...
Tumblr’s glitching. It wouldn’t let me reblog a post earlier, and now it won’t let me save this draft. Please, no.
Okay, so I had to copy what I’d written for today, disconnect and reconnect to the Wi-Fi, then wait for my drafts to load to paste it. Going great!
21.00 So I didn’t get a huge amount done, because I caught up doing ~evening things~, but I at least have a plan going forward, which is an accomplishment
30/05/2021 09.29 I’ve spent the last couple weeks doing everything I can to avoid writing, but i now have an insane amount of free time, so I have no excuse. I want to use this time in a productive way, and, for me, that means writing.
03/06/2021 10.31 I swear to god, I’ve had ‘writing’ on my to-do list every single day, except not doing it is probably my own fault, because it’s been so far down on the list. Also, I’m doing a buddy read, but am also unfortunately descending into a reading slump, so even reading 50 pages takes me about 90 minutes--they’re not even long pages.
I actually went back onto my old Wattpad account earlier, where I found a load of old, unfinished stuff, but none of it was as bad as I thought it would be, and the ideas weren’t bad. I just really have no idea what it is I’m writing right now, and I hate trying to figure it out.
11.30 There are so many Ss in the word ‘assassin’ this is not okay.
This is actually going so well. I have two storylines in my head, a complex cast of characters, and I’m so looking forward to plotting this.
04/06/2021 08.04 Look at me, two days in a row. Anyways, I’m thinking I ought to name these characters ASAP, because it’ll be easier to shape them to their names than it will be to find a name which fits them once they’ve been shaped.
14.41 Here’s what I’m realising: I like to pants plots, but I can’t do that while I’m actually drafting, so I think my plan is actually to bullet point everything that happens, then revise that, then start drafting, so the story is basically set in the first draft.
I’ve actually gone through a lot of stuff--I have workable plot material!
17.16 So, me being me, I’ve semi-outlined (I say semi-, it’s more like a tenth) a trilogy, meaning I have ideas for three books following this storyline, and it... makes sense. It’s the kind of story where I can follow multiple arcs, a few at a time, instead of several overarching ones, or maybe it’s just that I’m letting myself.
07/06/2021 16.44 I don’t have a damn clue what I’ve spent the day doing. I haven’t done anything in a couple days because it was the weekend and I was busy, but I’m back now. The thing is, I haven’t spent the day reading, watching, drawing, or doing anything, really--it’s escaped me. But, at the very least, I’ve relaxed, so who cares?
I’m not applying story structure to the ideas I’m having quite yet--rather, I’m just developing them to see how they bloom on their own, then I’ll fit it in; it just seems like a more natural and effective way to develop.
Yeah, no. It’s too late in the day for this. I have zero motivation.
08/06/2021 09.49 Maybe I’ll accomplish something today; who knows? Certainly not me.
I’m now applying the 3-act structure, but I’m realising I have way too many details worked out for this--switching to more acts.
22.20 Why am I doing this to myself? I wish I could say I’m not entirely sure, but it’s because I can’t sleep, because this project, and my character Lihan, are the only things I can think about, so here I am. I don’t want to be a night writer, but que sera sera (I wish I could type accents on an English keyboard).
23.22 I accomplished more in the last hour on this project than I have in the last four days.
09/06/2021 - 1,115 words 09.29 I really hope I don’t prove today that night-writing is my sweet spot--I don’t want it to be. Can the world just let me have a functional sleep schedule??
Anyways, so, as I’ve mentioned before, I use Scrivener, which enables me to sort which documents are part of the manuscript from the ones that aren’t. I’ve been working outside of the manuscript, but I think I’m going to move them into it--I have a plan I believe will be more effective for my own drafting. I think I very much need the events to be set in stone before I begin writing in actual prose, so how can I do that? Especially when I also enjoy pantsing, but not in prose?
Here’s the plan: I plot out the main events, then bullet point everything in very high detail, similar to what many people call a zero draft, in which they draft a book in short form. I’ll sort the bullet points into chapters (but not scenes, because as I discovered with Bay Tree, I find scene-blocking makes the narrative less natural), leave it alone a while, then revise, so I can have my plot more-or-less set in stone before I work on prose.
As a result, I’m going to shift my plotting into the manuscript section, because it is, essentially, an early draft, and also I want a word count as a progress metre.
13/06/2021 - 1,611 words 8.18 Alas, I have been busy the last few days, but I’m here now.
9.20 The amount of secrets and who-knows-what in this story is genuinely absurd, but I’m sure I’ll clean it up eventually.
14.01 A few days ago, I came across a post about balancing large casts, which is exactly what I have, and the first thing it mentioned was the two-trait rule, in which every character has two traits completely unique to them, to help both reader and writer differentiate. Which I’m now going to implement.
14.42 I have these two characters, and I know exactly what I want their dynamic to be, except I can’t decide who should be which part of it.
I have made my decision. It probably works better now, but it does alter their roles, so I need to fix that.
I literally swapped them round solely because I decided one was taller than the other and thought it would be more interesting if the short one was the sadist. Why do I make my own life so difficult?
14/06/2021 - 1,574 words 11.08 I didn’t make an enormous amount of progress yesterday, but I did make some, and made notes of ideas for relationship arcs last night, so I count that a victory (forced optimism--surprisingly effective). I’m currently just working through bullet-pointing book one, while making notes of events I want in the rest of the series (I’m projecting three books, and telling myself I will finish them). I’m currently fiddling with one of my storylines to see how I can mould it to FSB’s and OH MY GOODNESS I JUST HAD A GREAT IDEA must take notes, one moment pleaseeee.
Okay, so I have four bullet points for relationship arcs and an idea to adjust one of the storylines--I’d say I have six main characters, two of whom are really the protagonists, two of which are my favourites, and the other two are fun, but in need of development. They’re split into a group of four and a pair, and I’m definitely more into the storyline of the four, mostly because the four contains my two favourites, and it’s more developed than that of the pair.
I’ve been keeping a list of things to add: motivations, loose plot threads, plot points I want to include--I really need to re-organise it.
On another note, I am so glad I named the characters as early as I did. I’m debating having two of the characters swap names, but I don’t think I will, because I will absolutely mix them up, and one of them is part of the perfect ship name.
My mouse isn’t working. I changed the batteries, but it’s not working, so now I get the joy of trying to figure out if the batteries I put in are just old or if the mouse no longer works, which would suck.
Yes, I’m going to describe this. Mostly because when I changed the batteries the first time, it took a minute to stop working, and this will waste a minute. So, first set of batteries, which we’ll call set 1, don’t work. I don’t know if it’s both or just one, but if it’s one, I don’t want to throw away both. I take out set 1, I put in set 2. Set 2 works perfectly. So it’s not the mouse. Now I take out battery 2B, and replace it with 1A, so I have 1A and 2A in here. I know 2A works, but I’m not sure about 1A, but the mouse works, so 1A is fine. Let’s replace 1A with 1B.
Yep. 1B is the problem child. 1A works fine, but 1B doesn’t. Lovely. Crisis averted. It would’ve really sucked it I had to get a new mouse. And back to writing!
12.13 I’m bouncing between documents as I organise, which means my word count is actually decreasing, so I feel like I’m making significantly less progress than I am.
I just realised my two protagonists are cousins. I’ve had it in my head that one’s father was the brother of the other’s father, but somehow I didn’t realise that makes them cousins.
I’m about to delete a list because I’ve reformatted it--my word count is currently at 1,958, but is really about to drop.
AND NOW WE’RE AT 1,572. My session word count is -32. Minus thirty-two. I hate it here, but it’s fine, because we’re ~developing~.
15/06/2021 - 2,113 words 09.39 It’s not even technically summer yet, but it’s too hot, and I hate it here. All the windows are open, so everything’s cool, there’s a nice breeze, and lots of light, but the birds are so loud, and I have to keep all the doors closed because the open windows send them swaying and slamming. You know when you close a door when all the windows are open and it slams? Yep. Not into it. 
I feel like every day I try a new way to organise my plotting. I’m unsure as to whether that’s helping me or holding me back, because it forces me to review what I have, which usually sparks new ideas, but I’m not convinced I’ll ever get to the end as long as I keep doing this.
21/06/2021 13.40 I spent the latter half of last week with zero motivation, then I was busy at the weekend, but I’m here now. I’ve been trying to make myself write basically all day--I have a plan, and a list of things I’ve come up with the last few days, but I just couldn’t make myself do it. I’m not in a good mood, but maybe this will help.
I have, however, just reminded myself that I need to prepare this week’s post, because I sincerely doubt either this or my ongoing Recent reads will be ready for Friday. Actually, if I do quite a bit of writing this week, this post might be, but I’m not willing to bet on it.
And oh, crap, now I just want to write a blog post.
No. No I don’t. I started looking at the list of ideas I had, and now I’m just not feeling it. I’m pretty sure when I open my document for this project I’ll lose all motivation too, but it’s worth a shot.
There’s a specific relationship in an anime I recently watched that I want to pull apart--there’s this ship, and the author of the manga has called the two characters ‘soulmates’. There’s just this huge amount of tension between the two, and I want to re-watch the show because I love it, but also so I can take notes to figure out what was so effective about it.
13.53 I’ve been doing this for 13 minutes, but I do think I need to leave this project/outline alone for a bit, give it an opportunity to ruminate, to evolve. In truth, I may not even come back to it until I’ve re-watched the anime I was talking about so I can tear that ship to pieces.
17.33 So I just learned brainstorming is apparently significantly easier on paper. Hm. I’ve just worked out so damn much, stuff I’ve been struggling with.
18.00 I have successfully tied up so many plot threads, simply by working with pen and paper. This is revolutionary. (I know, not really, but it is for me, someone adamant about working with a keyboard and monitor)
22/06/2021 09.42 Seriously, why did I never try actually working on paper before? Something about holding a pen to paper and scribbling and drawing a mindmap--it just works. I’ve been obstinate about avoiding working on paper because I hate physically writing, yet here we are.
25/06/2021 11.09 I’m really not managing much reading at the moment--since I started reading manga, my attention span has just gone down the drain. I’m currently reading Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater, and I don’t think it helped that I had to stop less than a third of the way in to do a buddy read, but I just don’t have much motivation to read it, though I do so want to. I haven’t been listening much to audiobooks lately either, because when I’d usually listen--when I’m getting dressed, waking up, going to bed etc.--I just want to listen to music, because I also recently fell down the well of k-pop, and the group whose discography I’m getting to know at the moment is BTS. Basic, but they’re the fifth group I’m doing, and they have so many songs. Which would happen after eight years, but still.
I want to read so, so badly, but I just don’t feel like reading Mister Impossible. But I do want to finish it before reading anything else. I think I’ll finish my current audiobook, then if I’m still feeling stagnated in Mister Impossible, I’ll switch to the audiobook of that, then just take a break from reading until I’m ready to actually read. 
But this post is for writing, not reading. I did write on the 23rd, but I just didn’t update this post. The 24th I was busy, but my wall is now covered in post-it notes of world-building, characters, gods, plot points, and a whole load of other stuff.
Also, I had an idea for a book title this morning--not for this one, just in general--and when I went to add it to my list, I found a title that would so suit this project. I don’t want to say it, but let’s just say this project will be called ItLotG--or not. That’s a hideous combination of letters. I promise it is actually a good title.
11.52 I’m having another crisis over these two characters. I’m thinking it would make more sense to have L’s betrayal ‘arc’ initiated before the catalyst, or rather have it be the catalyst, except the problem there is that they’re not in the city they need to be in to receive that offer.
UNLESS,,,, what if this point happens just while they’re in the capital.... I’ve got it. 
17.16 I’ve been taking notes this whole time of everything I want to happen in books 2 and 3, and I have so much now i think they’ll be so much easier to plot than this one.
The downside of working mostly on paper is that my plans on Scrivener have been refined to one document, which is now only 878 words.
Right now, there’s a glaring hole between the midpoint and the ending, but my climax is one of those where the climax itself is a very small part of a bigger event, so if I figure out what I want to happen in this big event which is essentially the whole of the third act, I should be able to fill in the rest of Act Two with the setup for that.
So I’m leaving it there for both today and this post. In the last month or so, I decided to start over and mash two projects together, which created a whole new storyline I love, and now I’m mostly done with the first outline. I want to treat outlines as more than just preparation for drafts, because I find notes so much easier to edit than actual prose, and I hate writing without a clear idea of where I’m going. 
I think I’m going to call these ‘runs’--an outline is a run through, a draft a run through, so I’m nearly done with my first run, and I’m very proud of that, so go, go write the idea you have, drink some water, take a nap if you need one, eat if you haven’t eaten in a few hours, and I’ll be back with another writing update innnnnnn probably august, honestly.
Go write that idea!
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hrina · 4 years
And They Were Roommates
A semi-crack fic featuring bi!Reader x female!OC and awkward Harry
Written for #majorharry20k
Disclaimer: I have no idea how washing machines work. I don’t know if this is even plausible. Just go with it. Also, im very bisexual, so I’m not fetishizing it or anything. Just thought I should mention that too. I intended this to be about 1k and it ended up being 
1 – “that’s by far the dumbest thing you’ve ever done”
3- “our water bill is going to be through the roof after this”
23 – “Great. I’m soaked.”
To Cass: Hi. You don’t know me, and I prefer to stay anonymous (I’m not the butterfly anon I promise). I’ve been following your blog for a while, since you were a 5sos blog, and I love your writing. I do write, but until now I haven’t written for Harry. Your prompts inspired me. I’m so happy you reached 20k, you deserve it. Hope you enjoy <3  
“It’s broken.”
“Wha’d’ya mean it’s broken?”
“I mean broken. Doesn’t work. No longer functions. How many definitions do you want.”
Harry shakes his head in disbelief. “How on Earth do you break a washing machine?”
In his disbelief, he misses your and Val’s faces turning red.
“I guess- maybe- we put too many clothes in?” Val stammers.  “The landlord will fix it though right? Isn’t it in our lease agreement?” 
Harry shakes his head again. “I’m pretty sure we’re responsible for our own broken appliances.”
“That’s a shit deal,” you jump in for the first time. Harry’s eyes land on you. A couple beats pass, enough for it to become almost awkward. His gaze is intense up until the moment he breaks the silence.
“Yeah, well, we weren’t exactly master negotiators when we moved in. The rent was so low we figured it was worth it.” You’ve heard the story of how Val and Harry became roommates many times from her. How they had been put together for a group project at school, but neither had wanted to meet at their own place, so they ended up always meeting at a coffee shop. How they had become fast friends, meeting up for coffee after the project was over, and opening up to one another about how campus housing had screwed them over. Harry had complained about living with boys, how they were messy, never cleaned up after themselves, ate all his food, and most importantly (and disgustingly) left used condoms everywhere. He had basically been the house cook and maid for the majority of the year. 
Val’s roommates, well, they weren’t outwardly homophobic, but it was little jabs at her that added up over time. Cliché comments like ‘you don’t want to date me, do you?’ and things like being okay with being undressed around each other, but getting weird around Val. By midterm first semester, she had been sleeping in your room more times than not. You would have let her move in, but understandably, your roommates weren’t too happy about another body in your already-too-tight room. So, after the first year of housing was over, Val and Harry had pooled funds and with a bit of luck, mixed with the fact that Harry’s stepdad knew a guy, they managed to find a cute little apartment not too far from the school. An apartment that they lived in to this day, three years later. 
Although you were over there quite a lot (who wouldn’t prefer an apartment over campus housing?), you and Harry had never really become close. Sure, you two would be in proximity during group outings, but you spent most of your time there in Val’s room, and whenever you were in the kitchen or living room, Harry seemed to be busy in his room. You originally thought he didn’t like you, but when you asked Val about it, she assured you that he liked you just fine, though she acknowledged that he was a bit weird around you sometimes. It only got worse after the time he had accidentally walked in on you and Val.
You and Val had a very close relationship – but you had both agreed you were better off as friends. But friendships can have benefits, can’t they? Besides, the times you hooked up were scarce – only when you were both in between partners, which, admittedly, wasn’t very often for you. The time Harry had caught you was right after you had broken up with your boyfriend after finding out that he had been seeing another girl. You had been angry and frustrated, and in need of some sort of release. Val, who rarely dated, was willing to help out. 
You don’t think Harry had seen much, but you had only realized that he had seen something when you heard the bedroom door slam. After that, he had had a hard time meeting your eyes. You couldn’t for the life of you understand why though, he certainly wasn’t a blushing virgin himself. You had been there to see off quite a few of his one-night stands trying to sneak out in the morning. 
To be fair, you were also usually there for the same reason, just a different roommate. The difference was instead of sneaking out in the morning, you’d stay for the day. And usually the following night. And sometimes even the night after that. Val had told you that given the amount of times she slept at yours during the first year, you were entitled to stay over whenever you wanted, and Harry didn’t seem to mind. There’d been quite a few times when you’d arrive at their apartment late at night, drunk out of your mind, to borrow some of Val’s clothes while you slept on their couch. The washing machine came in handy, as you could normally throw your clothes from the night before in with one of their loads. That was actually how you and Val discoveredotheruses for the washing machine. 
It really had been a complete accident. You and Val had gone to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer, but there was still two minutes left on the machine. Instead of leaving and coming back, you and Val elected to just wait it out (because if you left there was no question that you’d forget for the next couple of hours). You sat down in the only chair in the room, so Val decided it was a good idea to hop onto the washing machine itself. Turns out it was a good idea. The second her ass landed, the machine started rattling worse than before and her face contorted into pleasure. You jumped up, for a second thinking she might be in pain, before she used an arm to push you away, signaling that she was okay. 
“What’s going on?” The confusion was clear in your voice. In lieu of an answer, Val just looked up at you, her eyes dark. One of her hands came down to rest between her thighs, supporting her body weight as the machine continued to buck. Realization dawned on you as she let out a groan not dissimilar to one she had let out with you a couple hours earlier. Her hand that wasn’t supporting her came around the back of your head, dragging your lips to hers. 
That day had started something for you two. After it, you and Val spent a lot of time in the laundry room. It had become almost a routine, every time a new load went in, you and Val would stay in the room for at least 15 minutes longer than you needed to. If Harry noticed, he didn’t say anything.
In the next couple of months, the routine became more of a tradition. Clothes in the house were cleaner than ever. Loads gradually progress from just lights and darks to six different categories: light delicates, dark delicates, light regulars, dark regulars, denim, and sheets. The more loads, the more time you guys had. Normally you took turns, with one of you lending the other a hand (no pun intended), but this time, Val had gotten so worked up, that she jumped up with you. Apparently, the weight of two girls plus the stress of constantly running had been too much for the old machine. It sputtered, and then shut off. You had glanced over your shoulder, hoping that maybe the cycle had just ended, though you knew it was too early. Your stomach sank as you saw the knobs frozen halfway through the cycle. You and Val stared at each other with wide eyes. And that’s how you came to be where you are right now, trying to find a reasonable explanation for Harry as to why his washing machine is broken.
Which, by the way, is much easier said than done. As his green eyes bore into you, your mind scrambles to think up an explanation, but you’re drawing blanks. You look over at Val for help, but she looks just as lost as you are. She does a better job of putting on a confident mask though. 
“D’you think you can fix it?” She asks Harry. You see it for what it is – an attempt at deflection. 
Harry snorts. “Sure, let me just use my many years of mechanical experience to – oh wait.” 
“Ok wise guy, at least you used to be a baker?”
Harry stares at her. “What does that have anything to do with a washing machine?”
“Because ovens …?”
Harry continues to stare at her. 
“Could you at least take a look at it?” You jump in. His gaze turns to you. For a moment, you worry you’ve offended him, before he bows his head in a slight nod and steps to stand in front of the machine. 
“Ok, well, first off, how much of your laundry do you have left?” 
You think. “Well, I think we were only halfway through the third cycle, so-“  “Woah woah woah wait hold on.” Harry stops you. “Only? Third?How many cycles were you planning on doing?”
“Uh,” You count in your head. “Six?” You look over at Val for confirmation, and she nods. 
“Six?!” You suppose you understand Harry’s incredulity. In hindsight, six might be a bit excessive.  “Why on earth would you need to do six cycles?” This time, he directs it at Val. 
She flounders to come up with an excuse. “Uh, well, gotta sort colors, you know…” She trails off
“Yeah but six loads? What, do you guys get off on doing laundry or something?” He says it sarcastically, but both your and Val’s faces instantaneously turn red. 
“No.” He whispers. Neither of you answer. You start studying the pattern of tiles on the floor. “What, is this like a- a laundry kink? Is that even a thing?” Val’s head snaps up. “No, dumbass. Laundry kink is not a thing.”
“Well sorryfor assuming having sex in a laundry room means- “
“Oh for God’s sake we weren’t even having sex!”
“Ok well getting each other off – “
“We weren’t getting each other off!” That seems to stop Harry short. He gives Val a questioning look, encouraging her to go on. 
“We- the washing machine- it,” she stumbles over her words. “Y’know it- vibrates?”
“No.” Harry drags his hands down over his face. “There’s no way you two have been using our washing machine as a vibrator.” 
You look up, guilty expression all over your face. 
“That’s gross. This is by far the dumbest thing you’ve ever done, and Val, that’s saying a lot for you. Guys, I do my laundry here, I want my clothes to be clean- “
Val tries to defend you two. “We clean up! Also, I thought most straight guys loved the idea of two girls- “
“I’m not most straight guys. Also forgive me if I’m not too keen on the idea of my roommate and her girlfriend in the laundry room – “
“Wait girlfriend?”
“Yes?” “Do- do you think we’re dating?”
“Well, aren’t you?” “Harry no.” The corners of Val’s mouth tug up in a smile, as the tide of embarrassment starts turning in her favor.
“Guys? Maybe focus on one problem at a time? We kind of have a bigger issue.” You step in, gesturing at the washing machine. 
Harry turns to you. “So you’re single? I mean-” He looks back and forth between you and Val. “You both are?” “Yes? But like (Y/N) said, bigger problems.” Val pats the washing machine. “Weren’t you about to take a look?”
Harry takes a couple more seconds to respond. His gaze holds yours once again, before he shakes his head as if to clear off cobwebs and starts examining the washing machine. 
You look over to Val to see her staring back at you. You widen your eyes comically and lift your eyebrows. She shakes her head in a silent laugh. You have a feeling in years to come, you might be able to look back on this and laugh, but for now, the mortification is still strong. 
“Okay,” Your attention snaps back to where Harry’s crouched down at the side of the machine. “I think it might be a problem with the water. It might be blocked or something.” As he talks, his hand comes to rest on a metal tube feeding into the back of the machine that you assume the water runs though. “So if we call a repairman tonight, they should be able to be here by-” And then, the tube slips. You don’t know if it’s due to the pressure of Harry’s hand, or if it was going to happen anyway and he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but whatever the reason, it slips. And a jet of water starts to spray out of where it was. Soaking everything around it. Including Harry. He splutters and stumbles back, but it’s too late. His hair is plastered to his forehead, and his white shirt has become see through. He looks down, assessing the damage, and then stares back at you two helplessly. 
“Great. I’m soaked.”
“Yeah, no shit Sherlock.” Val tries to stifle her laughter, but doesn’t do a very good job at it. After a few beats, you can’t help but to join in. After everything that’s happened, the emotional rollercoaster you’ve been on of stress and mortification, it feels good just to laugh. 
Harry stares at the two of you for a few more seconds in mock annoyance, before he also can’t help but join in. Soon enough, the three of you are in stitches over just how ridiculous the situation actually is. 
As your laughter dies down, the sound of dripping catches all of your attentions. Your eyes fall to the place that had previously been spraying out water. It had died down so it wasn’t spraying, but there was still a steady, albeit thin stream of water coming out. 
“Our water bill is going to be through the roof after this.” Harry doesn’t sound mad, more like he’s just making commentary, but you feel guilty anyways.
“I’m so sorry guys. I’ll foot half the bill. And I can pay for the repairman-”
 Val cuts you off. “Don’t be stupid. This is just as much my fault as it is yours. More so, even.”
“No but still, I should pay for-”
“(Y/N).” It’s Harry that cuts you off this time. “Seriously. Don’t worry about it. This is our apartment, our bills.” His voice holds a warm tone you’ve never heard from him, and it’s enough to make you pause for a moment. 
“Please guys, let me pay for at least half the water bill and half the repairman. It’s only fair.”
“There’s two of us and one of you. How is that fair?” You throw up your arms in exasperation. You already knew how stubborn Val could be, you just didn’t realize how much Harry shared that trait. “Okay, fine. One third the water bill, one third the repairman. Please guys. I’m literally begging you.”
They glance at each other seeking silent confirmation and share a knowing smirk. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say they were teasing you.
“Okay, fine.” Val relents. “One third the water bill, one third the repairman.”
You heave a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
Val smiles at you. “Ok, I’m going to go find the repairman’s number. There’s one on the fridge, right Harry?” Harry nods in affirmation, and Val heads out the door, pulling out her phone in the process. 
Then it’s just you and Harry. His wet shirt clings to his body, showing off his sculpted figure. You had always noticed he was objectively good looking, but now, with his body practically on display in front of you, you had a newfound appreciation for his looks. 
“If I knew you were that keen on paying, I would have started coming out with you guys a long time ago.” “Hm?” Harry’s voice snaps you out of the trance you didn’t know you were in. He raises his eyebrows at you. Shit. He definitely caught you staring. 
You quickly try to divert the subject. “So the only reason you weren’t coming out with us was because you’re a cheapskate? And here I was thinking you just didn’t like me.” You try to joke, but it falls flat as his expression turns serious. 
“You thought I- Oh God. I’m an idiot.” He shakes his head.
“Well what else was I supposed to think, what with you avoiding me and all.” You try to keep your tone light, but even you can hear the accusatory undertones slipping in. You hadn’t thought you were bitter, but now facing it head on, you realize you might carry a bit of resentment. 
“I never avoided you.” You give him a look. “Okay, maybe I avoided you a little bit. But it wasn’t-” He cuts himself off. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry I gave you that impression. I never meant to make you think I didn’t like you.”
“Well, it’s hard to draw any other conclusions when you get avoided,” you laugh self-deprecatingly. 
“I know. And you’re right. I’m sorry. I never really thought about it that way.” You lift your gaze to hold his steadily. You want an answer, and you intend on getting it. “Then why did you avoid me?”
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I-” He glances at you, and seems at a loss for words. You look at him expectantly, waiting patiently for him to talk. He sighs again. “Look. You deserve an explanation. But it might take a second, and I’m,” he gestures down at himself. “I need a shower. And a change of clothes. And I need to gather my thoughts. Can we talk after?”
It’s not the answer you expected or wanted, but you nod. The disappointment must show on your face though, because Harry grabs you hand before you can turn away. “(Y/N). I promise after I shower I’m all yours.” His eyes meet yours again, but this time there’s a heat behind them that wasn’t there before. You’re pretty sure this is the longest conversation you’ve ever had with him, and the most amount of physical contact as well. All at once, it’s slightly overwhelming. Your voice seems stuck in your throat, so instead of responding you just nod. He gives you a slight smile, and with that, he’s brushing past you, out into the hallway, and you’re left standing in the laundry room, wondering what the hell just happened.
You still feel a bit dazed 15 minutes later, as you’re sitting on the couch in the living room when you hear the shower shut off. You quickly close the app you were playing around with on your phone as you glance up. Harry emerges in only a towel wrapped around his waist. He’s like a vacuum for your eyes, drawing them towards him so you can’t possible look at anything else. He stands there, neither of you saying anything until – 
“You have three nipples?” 
He blinks, seemingly caught off guard, before his brain catches up with what you said. “Huh? Oh, four actually.” 
“What? No way,” you gasp.
“Uh-huh,” he nods. “See look – one, two, three, four,” He counts, pointing them all out individually. 
“I didn’t even know that was a thing people had.” 
“Yeah, well, I’m unique like that.” He grins at you, and you roll your eyes, even as a smile breaks through on your lips. 
“Are you going to get dressed, or are we having the talk like this?” You ask.
“Oh, right. I’m just gonna-” he points vaguely in the direction of his room and stumbles off. He emerges a minute later, in a tee-shirt and sweatpants. It’s an outfit you’ve seen him in a million times before, but this time, it hits different. 
“Ok, ready to talk?” You ask. 
He fidgets with the hem of his shirt. “Um, actually, there’s something I think I need to talk about with Val first.”
You give him a pointed look. “Harry.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. It’s just part of my explanation involves something having to do with her, and it wouldn’t be right of me to tell you without asking her first, and-” You cut him off by holding your hand up. 
“Ok. Fine. Just make it quick, please.” 
He looks relieved. “Yeah, of course. I’m really sorry again.” He turns around as talks, speaking to you over his shoulder, and promptly almost runs into the door frame. He shoots you one last embarrassed look, as he heads out in the direction of Kate’s room. You laugh and shake your head as you pick up your phone to reopen your game.
It’s about half an hour later when Harry comes back into the living room. You glance up at him, unimpressed, and he winces at your expression. “I’m sorry it took so long, I just had to explain some things to her.” “You’ve been apologizing an awful lot lately, Harry.”
“I know. Hopefully I won’t have to after this.” He crosses the room to take as seat next to you on the couch. He tucks one foot under his knee, so he can turn his body to face you. In response, you curl up and face him as well. 
He takes a deep breath. “Okay. There’s a lot I have to say, and quite honestly I’m really nervous about it, so I would really appreciate if you would hear out my whole story before saying anything.” You nod in agreement, and he takes another deep breath before starting.
“I want to start by saying I’m sorry.” “I thought you said you wouldn’t apologize anymore.”
“I thought you said you wouldn’t interrupt me.” He fires back. You blush, and gesture for him to continue.
“I am, sorry, is the thing. I handled the situation entirely wrong. Looking back, it’s super obvious that the way I handled it made me seem like an asshole.”
“I didn’t think you were an asshole.” Harry gives you a look. “Right, sorry, shutting up now.” 
A half smile takes over his face, smoothing out his previously serious features. “I did seem like an asshole. It was only because I didn’t want- No wait. Okay. Let me start from the beginning.
“I knew who you were before we met. Val had told me about you. I met Val about a month after you met her, and at that point, she had a crush on you. That’s what I had to go talk to her about just now. She told me her crush faded right after that, and she thought I knew, but I thought that she liked you all this time. I knew you guys had dated other people, but I guess I thought that she was waiting for you or something? And then that one time I walked in on you guys, I just assumed that you had finally gotten together.”
“Harry.” His eyes snap up to yours. “I’m sorry, I know you said no more interruptions, but Harry, I already knew Val liked me. She told me as soon as she got over it. That’s why we started, y’know.”
He stares at you. “What- you mean- oh come on. Val conveniently forgot to mention that bit. I swear to God, that girl just wants to watch the world burn sometimes.” You stifle a giggle. Sounds like something Val would do. She likes to make Harry squirm.
Harry shakes his head. “Okay. Right. Anyways,” He pauses. “Do you remember the first time we met? When the three of us went for coffee?” You nod your head in affirmation. “The first time I saw you, I thought you were the most gorgeous girl I’d ever seen.” Your eyes widen in surprise, but you don’t say anything. “You made me shy and nervous, which had never happened before, and hasn’t happened since. And then we had that conversation about music – remember you told me you wanted Stevie Nicks to be your sugar mama?” 
You nod, smiling. “You said you wanted her to be yours too.”
“Right yeah. Basically, I was a goner after that. But I thought Val liked you, and me and Val had just started becoming really good friends, and I really liked her, and I didn’t want to do anything to mess up the friendship. I told myself it was just a crush and I’d get over it soon, but well,” He spread his hands. “I never really did. And then I thought if I distanced myself, it would go away. But that didn’t work either. Also, when I like someone, I’m like, really obvious about it. And I didn’t want Val to know, so again, distancing myself seemed like the obvious choice. And in hindsight, it was a really bad idea, because it makes total sense that you’d interpret it as me not liking you. So. Here we are. I don’t not like you. Pretty much the opposite.”
“Sooo,” Your eyes sparkle. “What I’m hearing is. You have a crush on me.” 
Harry groans and drops his face into his hands. “Oh God, I’m seriously starting to regret it. You’re just as bad as Val.”
“We’re best friends for a reason.” You pause. “What does Val think of all this?”
Harry smirks. “I’d say she seems fine with it. If I remember correctly, she said something along the lines of ‘go get that pussy, you oblivious dickhead.’”
You laugh. “Sounds like something she’d say. I hope this doesn’t mean you’re expecting to get in my pants, Styles.” 
He grins. “Wouldn’t dream of it, (Y/L/N). Not yet at least. Was thinking of taking you on a date first.”
That makes you pause. “A date, huh.”
“Yeah,” he says, looking bashful all of a sudden.
You pretend to think about it. “Would you avoid me the whole time?”
He groans as you burst into laughter. “God. You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
“Probably not,” You agree. 
“Well fine. If it’s like that, maybe the washing machine will take you on a date instead.”
You gasp. “That’s a low blow, Styles.”
He smirks at you, and you reach over to shove at his shoulder. Before you make contact however, he catches your hand, and uses it to pull you closer to him. He glances down at your lips and then tilts his head, a silent question. You answer by leaning in. But before your lips can touch, the sound of the door slamming breaks you two apart. You look over to see Val in the doorway. 
“Well isn’t this awfully cute. Harry, I never thought you’d go for my sloppy seconds,” she laughs. 
Harry stares at her, then looks at you, then back at her, and then back at you. “Please, pleasehold that thought. I’ll be right back; I just have a roommate to kill.”
“Be my guest. She’s most ticklish at her waist.”
Val’s eyes widen. “No Harry, you know I’m too ticklish – ARGH,” she cuts herself of with a scream as she runs off as Harry launches himself off the couch after her. 
PLEASE i loved this okay 🥺🥺 bi!reader rights babey!!!!!!!!!! we love 2 see it!!!! i think my fav part was val calling harry an oblivious dickhead nsfjdnsjnsn bc honestly he rly is. i think this was very well done and i just wanna say thank u for following me for so long!!! like damn you’ve been here a while huh……………..i luv u. amazing job babes!
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
March 15: Thoughts on Fandom
Not feeling too well this evening but hopefully a good night's sleep will make me feel better and tomorrow will be low key and chill. And my hot water will be fixed successfully.
I was thinking today about how I've felt for a long time that I'm 'between fandoms' even though technically, literally, I'm not. I continue to write and read for The 100 but I don't entirely feel like I'm in the fandom. Sometimes I think I should just leave officially, but then I think--but to go where? And "Star Trek" seems both an obvious and an incorrect answer. It's like I'm not truly invested anywhere, but in a sort of limbo-like space.
Anyway, so I broke it down like this.
I want 3 three things from "fandom," broadly speaking:
1. To engage with media that I really love.
Examples: waiting for new installments (for ongoing media); rewatching or rereading; obsessing over how great the characters or stories are, dissecting plot lines and themes.
2. To engage with a fan community that also loves the media I love.
Examples: reading fanfiction; reading meta; engaging in online discussions; reading other people's excited posts; following blogs relating to the media in question; reblogging gifsets/graphics/fan art
3. To engage creatively with the source material through transformative works.
Example: writing fanfiction.
Ideally, I'd have one piece of media that fulfills all of these purposes. That was T100 for me for a while. But then I stopped watching the show in late S4, and got farther and farther away from the 'current' fandom. And then the show ended, and on such a sour note, so that the fandom itself, the fan community, started changing. And at the same time, I started getting seriously back into Star Trek again.
So now I'm in this place, where I'm still at least kind of engaged in all three aspects of the fandom experience, but not in a unified way.
Star Trek is fulfilling the first purpose of fandom for me, right now. I'm loving rewatching TOS, and the AOS movies too, and I just have a lot of Emotions about the characters and universe. It's that good kinda excitement that a show (or book or movie or whatever) that you really love always gives. Like--ahh!!! I cannot feel anything else but just happiness because I love this so much!
BUT I'm not engaging with ST in either the second or third sense of fandom. I follow a couple ST blogs but there aren't many truly active TOS/AOS centric blogs out there right now. I don't read any ST fanfic because, well, first of all I never really did, and second, I'm far enough behind on my T100 fic! And I have rl people like my mom and B to talk about it with, but not really anyone on tumblr or wherever who's into it like I am.
And though I've vaguely plotted and poked at some fic ideas, I haven't done any real ST writing in a long time--again because I have ideas for T100 that I need/want to get to first, and I'm not writing so much anyway now in general.
On the other hand, T100 is definitely NOT fulfilling function (1) for me and hasn't in a long time. When I stopped watching the show, I still engaged with the canon a little. I watched other people get excited or debate or discuss. I noticed the patterns of fandom as the show went into and out of hiatus. Plus, I still enjoyed the early seasons and liked early-canon and canon-divergent fics (reading and planning/writing). But even that is largely fading for me. I've been trying to rewatch the show but it's not really doing anything for me... I have a hard time getting into it. The canon-divergent fics I'm writing for the collab are not interesting me in the least, either.
I realized today that most of my fic ideas, or at least most of the fic ideas I really care about in any way, are so far removed from the canon they might as well be original fiction with some familiar names thrown in. The one exception is the Ark AU, but everything else is some form of extreme AU, modern or otherwise. I don't even know that the characters make me feel much of anything anymore. I've been toying with how to explain this for a while but... I feel like both for me personally and the fandom as I perceive it, the characters are more like a shared vocabulary, rather than actual characters from a source material we all love. I think this is partially because the fandom is old enough now to have some very long standing shared headcanons, and either small enough or bifurcated enough for fanwork creators to influence each other more than the canon influences them, and partly because the show ending on a sour note for most viewers has left the people who remain in the fandom with a sense that these characters are OURS and that the value of them is in how we collectively decide to use them now, rather than in how they are tied to the universally derided source material.
I'm not saying any of this is BAD, I'm just saying, that's how it is now, from my perspective.
I'm sort of engaging with the fan community (2) through T100, but... it's a little weird. I have people I legitimately like and enjoy talking to on tumblr who I know through T100 and of course there are events like Troped that I really love. I have a ton of cool fic bookmarked too and I'm getting back into reading it. But my dash has a lot less T100 content than it used to and sometimes I'll find myself j-ing very fast through it because I'm just not in the mood. I know a lot of people are either semi-disengaging, like I am, or wholesale moving on to other things. So it's like... the community straggles on, but it's uncertain at best.
And as far as engaging creatively (3)--to the extent that I write or plan fic it's almost all T100. But I haven't... I haven't been finding it easy to write. In general. This is a little hard to explain but.. when I think "I need to leave T100 fandom and really force myself to go somewhere else" it's usually because I feel like I'm not really getting what I need creatively out of the fandom. I like a lot of my wips and unstarted ideas, in theory at least, but the closer I look at some of them the more... herculean the task of actually writing them starts to seem. And tbh I rarely just... tell myself little stories about these characters or within these potential-fic scenarios. Like in all my idle, free thought time--when I'm washing dishes or taking a walk or a shower or going to sleep, when I want to think about something nice and fictional and not let the worries in... when I'm really engaged with a fandom, I'll imagine little scenes and tell myself little stories during these times. Sometimes they're scenes I want to eventually make into or include in a fic. Other times they're not. But they're still an extension of my creative life.
And I haven't really done that for T100 in a while. Sometimes I imagine Star Trek scenarios. Sometimes I retreat into highly silly comfort scenarios with original characters. But I only think about T100 when I specifically need to brainstorm for a fic. And that makes the fic feel more like work. And that makes me want to do it less.
So... I'm not sure what that will mean for me getting back into my projects when I finally (FINALLY) finish the last of my obligations. Maybe when I feel like I can actually make progress on old wips or ideas I care about, I'll get more invested in them. I was pretty damn invested in Mountain Lion Mean and that wasn't that long ago, so it is still possible. But overall, T100 definitely doesn't have, and probably never will have again, a total monopoly on my brain the way it did c.2016.
Which is fine. Like... it's more than fine. I've been here a while. What I'm trying to articulate to myself with all this is that the dissatisfaction I feel with my fandom life is probably stemming from the lack of one, coherent obsession. I have stuff to read, stuff to write, stuff to think about, stuff to talk about, and even a small fandom community of people I like--so what's the problem, right?? It's because it's not all coming from the same piece of media and that's not as clear and coherent and nice for me.
Plus, it makes writing more difficult when I do want to write these particular ideas, but I'm only motivated by own desire to see the ideas realized, not my genuine love for the characters and the material from which they derive. There's a certain energy that fannish activity has... but T100 fic barely feels like a fannish activity to me rn. Just another type of work. It's a work I'm invested in...but I just so often don't have it in me to WORK at all, is the thing.
So that's the biggest annoyance about it. I haven't really experienced this before so even though this situation has been forming for a while, I still don't really know what to do with it.
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panharmonium · 4 years
hey guys, semi-rhetorical question,
what exactly do i have to do in order to stop total strangers from leaving their unsolicited opinions on posts that i wrote for myself, on my own blog, behind a cut, not under the merlin tag, with a disclaimer saying “it’s cool if we have different opinions, feel free to scroll on by if this isn’t your jam”?
how many more steps do i have to take to remind strangers on the internet that i am not soliciting commentary and that not everything is an invitation for debate?  it’s frustrating enough that i feel like i have to take these steps at all - basic etiquette should be enough for people to understand that when you see a take you don’t agree with, you can just go ahead and scroll past it.  
i am going to try to muse about this in the gentlest way possible, because it’s hard to know on the internet whether people are maybe just too young to realize these things, or maybe they just weren’t thinking in that particular moment (like - the way i would talk about this with a young person is not the same way i would talk to a fandom veteran who ought to know better, for instance), but this is definitely a recurring thing on tumblr that i have experienced numerous times, and which i do think is aggravated by the structure of the platform.  and, given that tumblr does not have the old LJ-style functionality of friends-only or anything like that, the truth is that this site can make it kind of a challenging to establish a comfortable space for yourself, which is something that has bothered me for a long time.
this is why i started putting disclaimers on meta in the first place.  i know it’s hard to remember, given the structure of this website, but not everything on the internet is written in the spirit of “prove me wrong.”  that’s why i started writing preludes saying “this is how *I* engage with the show.  it is fine if *YOU* engage with the show a different way.  i am just writing in my own space for my own personal enjoyment, please feel free to continue enjoying the show in your own way.”
as an example - this is the disclaimer i put on a piece of meta that recently earned itself some unsolicited commentary (boldings added now, for emphasis [and yes, the commentary has been removed already, to protect that user’s anonymity; i’m not interested in pointing fingers at specific people, just in discussing the dynamics of a wider phenomenon that i encounter sometimes on this website]):
just some meandering thoughts on where the thematic center of merlin bbc lies for me, and how it weaves itself in and out of my fandom experience.
under a cut because this is a) sort of long and b) not really directed anywhere but my own brain, as i keep thinking about and creating for this show.
[as always, before i get rolling, a reminder: when i write about how i engage with this show, it’s just me talking about what gives me, personally, the most satisfaction or enjoyment, not the way i think everybody should do things.  if this isn’t your particular read, please feel free to scroll past.  i am not ever going to bother anybody for engaging with this show in their own way, so please don’t worry about it if we are not on the same page.]
when i look at that, i’m not sure how much clearer i can be.  i’m not sure what part of this says, “send me a six-paragraph screed about how vehemently you disagree with me, as if i personally placed this analysis in your inbox and forced you to read it.”
do you know how often in a day i see fandom posts that i disagree with?  every time i see a merthur post, for instance, i think to myself “ugh, this is not remotely accurate.”  but i have never, in my life, left a reply on someone’s post telling them how wrong i think their take is.  that’s just not polite, and it’s just not necessary.  what do i care if someone has a different opinion than me?  they are just having fun in their own area.  it doesn’t make sense for me to enter their space and tell them what i, personally, think of their take.  they aren’t asking me for a debate.  they are hanging out on their own blog, having a good time in their own way.  i am glad they are enjoying themselves!  i am happy to let them keep having fun!  i do not need to insert myself into that conversation and rain on their parade.
i know this is something tumblr culture isn’t always good about understanding (and i know the structure of this website makes it almost impossible to remember, too; i do get that), but just, as a gentle reminder: me posting an analysis on my own blog, in my own space, is not equivalent to me saying “you, a stranger on the internet, must agree with this!”  me posting on my own blog is not directed at you at all.  it has nothing to do with you.  i did not send you that post.  i did not ask you to read it.  i did not put it in your inbox.  i did not insert myself into your space.  i did not ask for your attention.  i did not come anywhere NEAR you.  i don’t even know who you are.  i don’t mind if you engage with this show in a different way.  it does not affect me.  i have never and will never leave contentious replies on posts that i disagree with in order to try to convince people they’re wrong.  i have never in my life sent somebody a message to change their mind about a fandom opinion of theirs that i believe to be ill-conceived.
i see posts that i disagree with every day, and every single time, i scroll past them.  i leave them alone.  i let people have their fun.
i understand that the knee-jerk reaction on this platform is for us to react to everything as if it’s being shouted at us, personally, through a megaphone, and a lot of this is a structural problem on this website, i know.  i know that.  it’s bothered me for years.  the reblog function creates a system where posts leave their homes quickly, so it’s all too easy for people to feel like an OP is seeking them out and forcing them to read something, or soliciting contributions from the wider internet.  but we HAVE to remember the structure of the forum we’re in - any particular post you stumble across was written on an individual blog, and the individual who wrote it did not ask you to look at it.  they had no control over whether you saw it or not.  it wasn’t directed at you personally, and it isn’t an automatic invitation for caustic debate with strangers, either.  
people are allowed to write about their own fandom thoughts on their own blogs.  the act of writing about one’s own fandom thoughts on one’s own blog is not equivalent to canceling someone else’s fun, or stopping other people from liking/disliking things in whatever way they please.  i am allowed to write about my own opinions, in my own space, without worrying about other people who might wander by, catch a glimpse of my house through the window, and get upset because i’m “telling them” something they didn’t agree with.  i didn’t “tell you” anything!  you came here yourself.  i did not send this post to you.  i did not visit your blog and tell you ‘you’re doing fandom wrong.’  i don’t even know who you are.  we have never spoken to each other in our lives.  you don’t follow me, we’re not friends, and my post (in this particular instance) has zero reblogs - the only place you could have read it was on my own blog, which you chose to visit.
i’ve met tons of great people on here, and we’ve had lots of fun conversations.  and sometimes our takes are not even the same!  but i don’t mind that, because we’ve introduced ourselves to each other and have already developed a friendly relationship.  like, just today, i was having a fantastic convo about hunith where myself and the other participant weren’t 100% on the same page, but we were still having a great time with the discussion.  i don’t mind talking to people who have different opinions than me - to be honest, most of the topics about which i recently received a bunch of unsolicited commentary were actually things that i have written about previously, and that i would’ve loved to have talked about more, under different circumstances.  but i do mind strangers barreling into my house uninvited and then lecturing me, via a series of long, combative messages (devoid of any background context that could have been gleaned from the rest of my writing), about how the ultimate message of merlin bbc is that “the only correct way to fight oppression is to suck your oppressors dick.”
like.  was that necessary?
if we were friends, or even acquaintances, you would know that i do in fact talk about this theme a lot.  but we’re not, and i am not interested in having a conversation with someone whose first message to me was a) an unsolicited argument and b) a reference to metaphorically sucking someone off.  i have literally never met you before in my life.  you did not say hello, you did not introduce yourself.  and you jumped right into that?  
it’s just not polite.  i wouldn’t approach a stranger like that in real life.  it’s not cool to do it on the internet, either.
and just to be clear - i don’t have anything personally against any of the people who have ever sent me messages like this.  i’m not mad about it, and i really do think that for the most part it’s not intended to be malicious in any way; i just think people legitimately don’t register that this isn’t an okay way to approach someone.  so just - in the spirit of maybe helping people pause before they interact with somebody else like this, because i’m pretty chill myself, but other people might be more rankled by it - please, next time, just stop and think for a second.  if it helps to ask yourself “would i interact with this person like this if we were off the internet,” then definitely consider that.  entering someone else’s space for the sole purpose of leaving them negative commentary, when you have never met them before, and when they did not come anywhere near you or ask for your attention or approach you in any way, is not a good way to start a conversation with a stranger, especially when that person’s work specifically states “these are my own thoughts, not a directive for how others should do things/if you have a different take, no worries; feel free to just scroll past.” 
*deep breath* ...anyhow.  
there is no “friends-only” option on tumblr, so i don’t really know what else i can do to make it clear that i am only writing about my own thoughts and my own experiences, and if your thoughts and experiences are different, cool!  go have fun!  i don’t need you to agree with me about everything.  i will never, ever come to your blog and leave you notes about all the ways i think your analysis is flawed, especially when i’ve never met you and haven’t read your other work, plenty of which address the “disagreements” i have.  i just don’t think it’s a polite or fun thing to do to others, and i would love it if people could extend me the same courtesy.
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devintrinidad · 4 years
So here’s another CAW au. I think I talked about this one on another blog but I can’t remember. *shrugs* =I So I’ll do it here too since I’ve gotten more thoughts. 
Fantasy winter dragon au! (Been inspired by at least two CAW fics where one had mermaid 3803 and another had shapeshifter wolf 1146). 
It’s a Norse like setting where it’s typically snowy everywhere. Much of the land is basically a huge forest filled with white trees that can reach heights from normal size to 100 or more feet into the air.
The WBCs are really huge white dragons. Maybe they are the furry kind of dragons. Despite their massive size they can camouflage easily into their environment. Someone could walk past one if them and might not even realize it. They are flightless too. Much like their canon counterparts, they get around through hidden pathways. They’re excellent diggers and climbers so they’ll easily travel or borrow through new tunnels in the earth or in mountains. 
They are semi divine in that the gods and demi gods have tasked them with the purpose of killing evil,monsters that threaten the balance of life. Creatures that can corrupt, devour or pollute all life. Basically your viruses. Dragons kill and eat them.
The common man is typically afraid of them thanks to tales of how savage they are and are capable of mowing down regular folk if it means the greater good.
3803 is a normal girl who was sold by her family to pay off their debts and is forced to be a slave under a brutal master. Thankfully she has some hope. If she can pay off her debts. She can be free. However being free means squat of she has no one and no job to support herself. She ends up applying for a job as a Red delivery woman. The delivery service is highly respected yet very dangerous. You have to transport (often alone and without protection) various packages containing medicine or spices or seeds and documents to far away villages through monster infested areas. Only the best survive and 3803 proves she’s among the worst. However the boss (lets say he’s 5963) has mercy on her. He also came from a similar background as her and gives her the chance to escape her hopeless situation and a reason to stay away from her abusive master as much as possible. If she can deliver a practice package to another village, he’ll train her and let her prove herself to take on more jobs to pay off her debt. When she’s free of them, she’ll have proven herself to have a high position at the service. 
3803 meets 1146 when she’s sort of lost thanks to a blizzard and a nasty monster chases her off the path. It’s kind of a horrifying first meet. The monster swallows her alive. 1146 pops to kill the monster. Then he proceeds to feast on the carcass until he finds her and spits her out. 
Yes I decided to one up the canon encounter (I can be so mean to my favorite characters). 
He paused only long enough to assess she’s alive, if not slightly traumatized before going back to eating. She’s very shocked to say the least. It takes close to 30 minutes to gather her wits enough to process what happened. She’s always been a fan of the White Dragons ever since she was little so she’s more amazed then terrified of the dragon before her since it sinks in this creature saved her despite not having to. Afterall he (she thinks he’s a he) could have just swallowed or chewed her up along with the monster but he didn’t.  After the creature nears the end of his meal, she thanks him both for saving her life and not eating her. The dragon just snorts like it’s surprised she thinks she’d make even a tasty snack fit him. She suddenly snaps out of her awe of the dragon by screaming so loud even the dragon gives a jolt. She proclaims she lost her package. Without it her life is doomed and Mr dragon might as well have eaten her. She scours the area for it and remembers she had it wgen the monster gulped her down. She’s so frazzled she pleads with the dragon to open his mouth so she can at least see if it’s stuck to any monster bits still in his mouth. 1146 looks like he just wants to run away really fast and far away from her right now since he’s not used to humans making demands, much less talking to him. But she’s crying now so he automatically obliges because he’s finding out he’s kind of weak to small things being sad. Luckily 3803 sees the packages sticking out under his tounge and reaches in to his jaws to grab it. She’s so happy she doesn’t even mind it’s covered in blood and guts (she is too but it hasn’t registered yet). She thanks 1146 even more now and he just awkwardly inches away until he can flee in even more awkwardness. 
From then on she thinks that’s the coolest dragon ever! 
He thinks she’s the weirdest human ever. Granted she’s the only one he’s ever interacted with. But she wasn’t bad either. 
She some how makes her way back. Actually following the footprints and tracking 1146’s progress in the dark woods (she is a surprisingly decent enough tracker. She’s just still inexperienced). It ends up leading her a road where she comes across other delivery people and makes it to her destination. She goes back and forth wondering if the dragon did it on purpose to lead her out or he just didn’t care to leave quietly.
A few weeks later she wanders around lost again. But feeling a little better since other workers haven’t seen any monsters nearby lately where she’s going. She spots 1146 and runs over to say hi. But notices he looks a little distessed. He’s clawing at his jaws and even whimpering/growling a little in pain. She nearly surprises him into knocking into some trees when she asks what’s wrong. He’s still a bit awkward about interacting with her since he’s not used to handling fragile friendly humans who don’t seem to understand personal space. But she once again gets him with her earnest please to let her care about him (it’s been months since he’s seen his own friends. They’re still recovering in deep sleep from a nasty foe in the underworld and 1146 just had to be extra and not only recover faster but head out to patrol and fight again. He’s a little lonely). She easily deduces there’s something in his jaws he can’t pull out and asks to see. The pain is getting pretty annoying so he relents. She sees that a lot spikes and other monster parts are stuck in his gums. She decides with all the gusto she can muster to pull them out. Despite his worry she’ll hurt herself he lets her do it after she promises she won’t hurt herself. Worst thing that happens she can’t do anything and he’ll be on his way to suffer until it falls out on his own. She starts grabbing pieces and pulling them out with more strength then he expected. After a few hours (she had to take a few breaks. There were a lot and some were pretty tough to pull out) she has all of them out. She’s covered in saliva but otherwise full of joy she was helpful to him. 
And that once again he didn’t eat her (he doesn’t know whether to be amused or flabbergasted she keeps thanking him for that).
She leaves and sets up camp because it’s late and her journey is a at least two weeks long. To her surprise the dragon doesn’t go away. He settles down to watch her clumsily make her tent and fix her fire. He even seems very interested when she starts explaining how to make a fire and how she keeps warm at night. When she wishes she had time to at least catch a meal instead of eating expired rations (she did not check her supplies as well as she should have). He leaves so silently she doesn’t even notice he left until he drops a dead deer in front of her. By morning she wakes up and she doesn’t realize where she is. It’s soft, warm, white and ground is breathing. She pops her head out to see she somehow ended up inside 1146’s fur coat. 
He seems to offer to carry her the rest of the way when he gets up and starts walking to the direction she told him she was going last night before she can even untangle herself from his thick fur and climb out. As much as she appreciates it, her pride as a delivery woman will not allow any shortcuts like this. Plus no one would believe her she cut her journey time so short by riding on a dragon. He lets her down and follows her for a couple of days until he senses another monster nearby and leaves. From then on the two regularly see each other when she ventured outside her village alone.
Other stuff ~
Killer T’s and NK cells are also semi divine creatures made to combat evil monsters that threaten the balance. They each have different territories and specialized functions. 
WBC dragons gave the same lifespan as a human, contrary to the legends of living thousands of years. 1146 is about 5 years older then 3803.
1146 can talk. When he does he initially confuses 3803 because she thinks some one new showed up and somehie they know her name. When she asks why he never talked before he replied he likes listening to her.
 WBC dragons can shapeshift into human form. Some monsters are smaller and pretend to be humans. That’s when the form is useful for infiltrating society and killing the hunan pretender. 1146 has yet to even encounter such a monster so he’s never bothered to shapeshift into his human form. It also doesn’t help that dragons can’t turn him and on a full stomach since they can’t shift the size if their meal (they’d basically kill themselves if they had anything that a human couldn’t carry). In emergencies they can vomit their meals. But they are suppose to eat the carcass and 1146 has again never needed to be human.
3803’s master is secretly a pretender human. She has some shady business selling humans to monsters to eat. She’s based off the yellow bacteria (I forgot the name. The yellow one named after grapes). 3803 is her punching bag. She slaps and tells at 3893 and uses her as a punching bag whenever she feels like it. When 1146 starts noticing 3803 is covered in bruises and scars, he gets worried about her but 3803 doesn’t tell him anything.
1146 shows 3803 his human form one day when 3803 collapses on a very snowy day thanks to feeling sore from her master’s beatings. He turns human to hold her hand and lead her to a cavern where he tends to her injuries by following her directions in applying herbs from her delivery (she only allows him to use them when he promises he can find more). 
1146 is very uneducated about humans so he’s often stiff, intimidating and easy to misunderstand when interacting with other humans. He also doesn’t know very well what a spoon is or other normal human things or behaviour (he’s like Ariel from the Little mermaid. Fascinated but not very informed). 
Platelet s are fairies/elves that repair damaged environments.
Macrophages are the demi gods.
Dendretic is the divine messenger.
Sometimes the divine will asks humans to make delivers for them if there’s divine politics or privacy issues that prevent a divine being doing it themselves. Because 3803 is known thanks to her interactions with 1146. She starts getting regularly chosen to make deliveries in the divine realm for them. 1146 doesn’t like it since its even more dangerous for her and she can be forced into it. So he makes it a requirement he has to accompany her on every one of them. 
When there’s a nasty blizzard trapping them in a cave. 3803 complains about being late. 1146 offers (as a dragon) to carry her inside his mouth because that’s how older dragons used to carry him and his friends around when they were babies (like a mom croc with her babies). 3803 thinks that’s very cute and thanks him. But no. Not happening. (But knowing her luck and 1146’s lack of understanding a humans discomfort over such things, it’ll probably happen at some point and she’ll just except it because she trusts 1146 so much). >_>
Ehh that’s it for now. 
CAW Anon... have you been cheating on me. XD
hehehe, I kid, I kid. 
Seriously, this could make for a great multi chap story and it would be great to look at CAW in the eyes of the supernatural and magical.
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CPTSD relationship patterns on repeat
Listen wherever you stream, search “complex trauma” and subscribe. Or, find episodes, blog posts, and a private support community at t-mfrs.com
Things I’ve gotten good at throughout this Trauma journey:
Seeing connections between where I’m from and where I am
Thinking for the first time about where I’m going
Letting myself have emotions
Letting those emotions go
Redirecting my energy and attention away from ruminating
Being accountable for my own feelings
Being accountable for times of being a shithead
Listening and validating other humans
Listening and validating myself
Recognizing what circumstances do/don’t work for me
Realizing how my codependency plays with relationships
Letting go of self-hate inner critic talk
Reframing events with reasonable views
Accepting myself, even when I first want to thrash myself
Semi-consistently caring for myself
Setting realistic boundaries and goals
Things I’m still shitty at:
Letting my overwhelm skew reality
Anxious self-slave-driving
Being a snarky turd when my head is overloaded
Taking on other people’s energies and emotions
Trusting myself in all areas of life
Forming healthy relationships.
Okay, it’s that last one that has me most perpetually fighting feelings of panic and doom.
This seems like an apt way to kick off the new year. I think a lot of us have questions about relationships and would like to improve our operations in 2021. I can also tell you, this one is extremely appropriate looking back at the last year of my life.
One of the biggest lessons I've learned in the past few spins around the sun has been how romance does - and definitely doesn't - fit into my life. I think 2020 was particularly packed full of important lectures and pop quizzes, many of which I failed. It felt like knowing that the correct answer was C, but finding my hand filling in the circle for A every time, anyways.
This is a terrible ideaaaa... and I'm doing it. Pause for about 2 months. Now I'm upset that it was a terrible idea.
Yeah, it's been great. But I have no one to blame but myself. Because as much as I've worked on this trauma management life of mine, I haven't done a good job of working on the relationship aspect of it. I've let my usual patterns dominate. And that's what needs to be examined today.
I mean. Can someone tell me about healthy relationships in functional terms? What IS that even?
Look, I’m not hoping that someone will pop up and share some, “mutual respect, good communication, trust, support, care, similar goals, similar beliefs…” sort of shit. I fucking KNOW about the idealistic, flowery terms that all the light-hearted couples counselors recommend establishing for a happy relationship. I get it.
I’m not ignorant when it comes to the ways humans should interact. I’ve had enough experience with friendships and relationships, alike, to understand the basics of person-to-person interactions. I know I talk about myself like I’ve been a feral child locked in a cage for 20 years, but the truth is that if you met me on the streets I’d probably seem like a normal, well-adapted, personable human being. That Leo Ascendant component of my personality tricks people into actually thinking I’m an extrovert who wants attention. (Hilarious, explains a lot of comments I’ve gotten in my past)
Nah, I’m not asking for the trite descriptions of a healthy partnership that everyone who’s ever been friends on a basic girl’s Facebook has seen before in cursive writing on top of a washed-out pink-tinted field. Those are empty sounding words that I don’t believe most couples manage to put into action, no matter how many selfies they take together or labradoodles they adopt.
For me, Fuckers, the mystery isn’t, “in a fairytale world, how do two humans interact to have a lifelong bliss factory?” Respect, trust, appreciation, mutual understanding… blah blah blah. What the fuck ever.
The real question is how.
And, shit, let me just be honest with all of you - not just the Patrons who’ve already heard my personal bitching - it’s on my mind because I did a thing I definitely should not have… recently, I got into a new romantic relationship that I definitely was not looking for. I’ll spare you all the details today, but know that I’ve entered it kicking and screaming, and it’s caused me a lot of grief already.
Let the life shittery begin! Can’t wait to be destroyed.
Today, I want to bring this personal fire burning in my gut into the podcast. Motherfuck me, if it hasn’t become difficult to ignore… plus, I know that a lot of us Traumatized folks are in a similar boat when it comes to relationship confusion, unhealth, and destruction. So let’s just count the ways that I have no idea how to do this right and I’m destined to be let down by my poor choices.
This time around, I'm bringing you a list of all the ways I tend to fuck things up with other humans. In part, due to Complex Trauma. In other part, probably due to my own personal shortcomings. Listed in no particular order. On a later date, I'm going to be revisiting a lot of these patterns as I examine how early life set a lot of us up for a lot of abuse acceptance in greater detail. Stick around for those continuations on romantic disaster, if this sounds like you, too.
I'm talking about:
Partner choice: Musicians, narcissists, and addicts
Emotional codependency
… That turns into willful blind belief of their words
Parenting analogues
Authority figures & disappointment
Misdirected commitment
Learned helplessness
Partner choice: Musicians, narcissists and addicts
Who has bad taste in partners? Over and over and over again? It’s me! And probably a lot of you.
Maybe that’s not fair. Maybe they’ve been wonderful guys who just didn’t mesh well with my inner or outer world… but I can tell you, there have been some similarities, and they don’t bode well for a happy future together.
You know me by now. Difficulty connecting with “normal” humans, no interest in small talk, a huge fan of deep emotional honesty, a bit gritty and assholeish, tends to be repelled by anything too widely embraced by the general public, definitely comes with a difficult past, fears of the future, and ongoing challenges in the present.
So, who do you think I get along with? Ivy leaguers with stable, supportive families, an optimistic outlook, and a 20-year plan? Or equally messy and complex humans with a set of neuroses handed down from their unexamined early traumas that make them similarly bitter and disillusioned with life? Just… probably hidden from immediate sight.
Grown men who’ve responsibly built a life for themselves with ambition, personal insight, and balance? Or man-children who’re still figuring out that they can’t drink every night of the week if they want to be functional in life and financially sound? But... with their addictions hidden behind “an appreciation for fine whiskies” or a necessity to sample the craft beer they brew.
Independent, confident humans who have no problem running their own world like a boss and trust that I’m capable of doing the same, with integrity and respect? Or distrustful turds who need me to be in their sight, half-directing their lives at all times unless I’m aiming to be accused of cheating, lying, and being unable to care for myself? Only… they hide their controlling and aggressive tendencies behind go-with-the-flow facades in the beginning.
If you guessed “B” in all three examples, you are correct!
Plus... so, so many musicians. Like, the last 6 of them have either subscribed to guitar or drum camp. And that hasn't been a purposeful decision - those are just the men I get along with until we hate each other.
It's always a rapid connection, a mutual respect for our interests in the arts, and a shared shitty attitude that starts out directed at the world and ends directed at each other. So many emotions. So many ups and downs. So many proclamations of "I can't live without you!" until the day we run in opposite directions and never look back.
Is that a coincidence? Or are all musical folk a bit wild? I hate to generalize, but I can tell you with great amusement that if you start typing "Are all musicians..." into Google, it will autocomplete with "cheaters, narcissists, and crazy." It also suggests "rich," but I can tell you for a fact that isn't true. The narcissist thing... uh.... very well might be correct. But I'll leave that for someone else to study.
So, I don't know what to make of this trend. There do seem to be some commonalities between the musicians in my past life - and they do seem to be categorized by the instrument of choice. For instance, drummers are never concerned with my time, and guitarists are emotional catastrophes. But what do I know? Can't make sweeping conclusions... I, at least, need a larger sample size. With my track record, I'm sure I'll have the numbers soon enough.
Congratulations if you predicted nothing but unstable disasters in my past. It's true, I’m an idiot. Okay, that’s not fair. No inner critic talk. Get out of here, Pam and Karen.
The fact of the matter is, I am a terrible judge of character when I start sensing a connection. I tend to connect with people who have complicated lives and inner worlds, just like I do. And from what I can tell, that is always my downfall.
Challenging connections
Let’s go ahead and chalk this one up to never having close connections or support growing up.
You know what I always wanted, hoped for, and idealized as a kid? Someone loving me. Another human actually understanding my weirdness and signing on for more. The idea of a human who wanted to know what I thought and felt. The option of spending time with someone and feeling cared for. Also, somebody finding me attractive, instead of being repulsed by my ass-length ginger hair, flat chest, dorky hand-me-downs, bleach-stained horse sweaters, and buck teeth... also would have been a dream come true.
I’m pretty sure that growing up lonely didn’t help me in any regard when it came to my later-in-life relationship problems. Starving for connection apparently puts you in a state of deprivation, where you’re likely to think anything is better than the empty feeling inside. You know, just for the rest of your life or so.
To this day, if I meet someone and we’re able to converse without abundant clarifications or apologies for the prickly things that come out of my mouth as dry humor or unbendable opinions… we’re on a roll. If we can connect over shared perspectives on humans, life, and psychology… things are getting more serious. If we can honestly talk about the ways we’re horrible to ourselves and joke about our shared challenges in figuring out what the point of this shitty slip-and-slide of life is about… uh oh, this might be a real connection.
And so, it makes sense that I connect with all the most complicated people you’d ever meet. And we connect INTENSELY. I’m complicated, myself, and I look for folks who can accept it without their heads exploding. I’m never going to be happy holding conversations with Sports Bar Joe or Pretty Boy Blaine. They’re never going to understand the internal strife that dominates my world. I’m never going to understand how they can be all *happy,* *close with their families,* and *laid back about life.*
Gross. I can’t even say the words.
But give me the angstiest, most anxious, most misunderstood dude on the block, and we’re likely to get along swimmingly. We’ll talk over beers until the birds start to chirp. We’ll joke in our native tongues, playing with words, obscure references, and dry humor as if we’ve known each other for 25 years. We’ll share secrets about our tumultuous inner worlds and the ways that we can’t seem to get our heads on straight enough to keep our ships on course.
And the next thing you know, we’ll be incestuously connected with a somewhat false sense of intimacy that erupts out of the gates. “No one has ever understood me the way you do. I can really be myself around you. I’ve never had such easy conversations about this shit before.”
… That’s about the point when I lose all perspective. There’s a tunnel running from my face to this dude’s heart. I stop seeing things for what they are. I project a kinder, gentler, more well-intended personality on the subject of my feels. I quickly turn a blind eye to all the shit they’re doing that I wholeheartedly hate or otherwise cause my red flags to be unpacked.
I feel like I know them, inside and out. I feel like I can help them - like we can help each other - to sort through this dumb world we’ve been born into and all the circumstances holding us back. A real Sid and Nancy storyline emerges. No one gets him like I do. If only they could see the things I see. We’re just two broken souls who found each other, a little rough around the edges, but we see the diamonds underneath. And we’re in this battle together from now on.
Yeah, right.
Sooooo… This is how I wind up with the unpredictable narcissists who seem like nice guys, the secret addicts who keep their substance abuse hidden from everyone, and the emotional abusers who are ready to leverage my mental health admissions against me the first time they get the chance. Dudes who have highly emotional worlds and no idea how to deal with them. Men who don’t want to explore their own shortcomings and instead choose avoidant courses in life.
And, again, the musicians. So, so many musicians. I really am coming to think that they’re the most fucked up people of all - and that's saying a lot coming from me. Generally speaking, I've seen that there’s no sense of personal responsibility, an obsession with themselves, and a hidden inferiority complex that turns them into bitchy little dogs when they feel threatened. What’s with that, anyways? Can you guys try to be more original in your plight to be the most original?
Okay, anyways. Sorry to keep dragging on musicians.
The point is, my attempts at relationships start out on the wrong foot. Choosing the wrong partner is a pretty surefire way to dash all hopes for those fluffy ideals I mentioned earlier. No one is going to respect me, listen to me, or support me when they’re too busy dealing with their own alcoholism, abandonment issues, and narcissistic flailings… or, not dealing with them, to be more specific.
We aren’t going to be able to work through things when they’re consumed with being the king of the world, hiding from all negative emotions, and trying to keep their head away from analysing their own actions. Hell, it’ll be difficult to even find the time for serious talks, since they’re so busy traveling to band practices, hustling away for barely-paying gigs, and staring at their social media while they count the ways they’re victims of the universe.
Choose imbalanced, mentally ill, self-serving partners… get unhealthy, controlling, unpredictable relationships. Pretty goddamn obvious. And yet, I still can never seem to see the full picture of the human who’s caught my attention through the fog that’s created by the connection of our shared dysfunctions.
I guess this is where that, “love yourself and get yourself healthy first,” sentiment comes into play, so the connections don’t continue to be as disasterious as your personal experience is. Hopefully I’m on the right path in my own journey, at least. Also, a lot less starved for connection. I got y’all Motherfuckers in the Discord community, for starters. And I’ve become determined to live a life where I support myself and rely on no one outside of Archie’s snuggles, for finishers.
Step one: Be careful about who you deem a good person, just because you can share self-deprecating jokes about being nutjobs and similar musical interests. Learn to choose someone who isn’t an even trashier trash human than you are. It’s a start.
Emotional codependency
Hand in hand with forming connections that include deep emotional outpourings and admissions of all the dark things we hide from the light at our office jobs… comes codependency.
I’ve said it before and let me say it again… I didn’t understand codependency until very recently.
In my mind, it was akin to those creepy couples who won’t leave the house without each other, have the same friends, interests, and opinions on everything... and possibly wear matching cat shirts. Those people who never spend time with other humans because they're too busy being shoved up their partner’s ass. The folks who call to check in on each other throughout the day when they’re at work. Gag. Particularly, I imagined those pathetic girls who cry when their boyfriend is out of sight and post 12 pictures a day of them together.
Rightfully, I scoffed and insisted that I didn't have problems with codependency. That’s not me. But it turns out, this view isn’t quite right, so much as I was being an uninformed asshole.
Codependency doesn’t mean you’re a needy, incapable human being who sucks the life power out of someone else, like I used to think. Codependency is a two-way relationship defined by poor boundaries and non-existent emotional regulation. Two humans who see their experiences as one, all the way down to how they feel and how they deal with how they feel. (i.e. turning to their significant other for comfort and emotional control in a time of need instead of working through it by themselves). Relationships where the emotions are transferred from party to party until it's unclear who’s bringing what dish to the gathering. Waking up not knowing how your day is going to be, because it depends on how someone else feels about theirs. Emotional enablement city.
Oh, yeah, when you put it like that, I definitely have issues with codependency.
For me, the codependency is largely going to be emotional. In the past, I didn’t know how to have a relationship of any sort without having a third influence in the mix. There was the person, myself, and our shared emotions... that often called more shots than either of us did.
Because I tend to be on the empath scale (although I do everything I can to fight it out of defense), I think I’m naturally tuned into other people’s emotional and energetic states, for better or for worse. When someone walks into the room with a bad vibe, I feel it to my core. I become so uncomfortable that I take it on myself to try to “fix” the problem for them, and in doing so, I avoid the negative sensation, myself. This is negative reinforcement, if anyone wanted to ABA with me.
That being said, clearly if my boo is having a hard time… it’s not okay. They’re in a shit place and therefore so am I. I must do whatever I can to make it better. To sit down and talk in circles with them, if that’s what relieves some of their tension. To commiserate about how unfair the circumstances are. To validate the negativity that they’re projecting and wallowing in.
Don’t worry though, this goes the other way, too. In the past, I have fully expected my romantic partners to alleviate any inner discomfort that I’ve felt. If I was having a low-down day, I wanted them to cheer me up. If I was full of anxiety, I wanted them to find a way to release it. If I was frustrated with a work situation or coworker, I wanted them to be as angry and indignant as I felt.
So… I guess that doesn’t even sound too off-base to me, at least not when I’m leaning on my teenage expectations of what relationships are supposed to be. In my head, it was always completely ideal that I would wind up with someone who could essentially read my thoughts and comfort me like my family never did. I just wanted someone who would be by my side, thinking about me all the time, and working double time to make sure I was keeping my depression and anxiety on the up-and-up. Is that too much to ask? Uh… yeah, it is.
Maybe in a fairytale love story like the ones I saw in teenage romance movies growing up, this is the perfect way for two broken misfits to interact. “We’re both so damaged and hurt that no one has ever really seen us - but now we have each other to lick our shared wounds.” Yeah, romantic. Also really fucked up and dangerous in the real world.
The problem is, after a few months of this, it gets pretty hard to determine what’s my experience and what’s yours. The emotions become so transitive that it can be invigorating, immersive, overwhelming, and exhausting to be in each other’s company, depending on the day and the event. Living together or essentially sharing a residence makes it much worse - there’s no physical barrier between us, so that emotional barrier is even less existent. We don't have to try to text about our woes, we can just unleash them the moment we step foot in the door. Ready or not, your night is about to be ruined by my day, and vice-versa.
How does this go wrong? Uh, let’s count the ways.
1. My emotional management was never up to par, in the first place. Having your feelings catapulted my way effectively pushes me off the balance beam that I was already wobbling on. If I was having a difficult day but holding it together on my own through coping techniques and reasonable thinking - fucking forget it, that’s over now. We’re both in a shitty state now. Great. In the context of trying to recover from mental health issues… yeah, it’s a fucking disaster. Being retriggered by your partner or sucked into a depressive undertow when you’re trying to make positive change is a losing battle.
2. I never learned how to cope with my own emotions. There was generally someone else for me to hurtle them at, and our subsequent hours of bitching would give me the comfort I was looking for. I didn’t need to learn to manage my feelings - I always had a glorified babysitter to keep me alive. I never had to be accountable for my inner world. I never had to look at things with logic or reason. I could let myself spiral and trust that my best friend or boyfriend would catch me before I slipped down the drain.
3. It becomes impossible to talk about issues - personal or shared. When you’re already sharing emotions there’s an explosive effect when conflict is brought up. Neither one of us knows how to handle our shit, we expect the other person to hold us up with kid gloves, annnd now that person is the source of my distress? We’re both completely beside ourselves, upset, hurt, and angry… and it’s towards each other? Now who the fuck do we call? There's a huge sense of confusion and betrayal. No one has the skills to de-escalate the argument or return to a normal emotional state.
4. How do you break up when half of your existence is in the body of another human? You can’t mentally or emotionally separate yourself from them. Physically separating yourself feels like ripping out a few of your organs and leaving them on the streets. And, who’s going to keep you afloat when you’re going through the pain of the break up? That’s the job of your partner, afterall… can’t have a vacant desk sitting here. It’s best to just suck it up and stick with it. No one would understand what you’ve both been through together, anyways.
In a word, that’s codependency.
Not what people think it is. Not what our culture describes it as. Not so easy to spot until you’re educated and honest with yourself… plus, probably viewing things through the lenses of hindsight.
Definitely a sneaky recipe for disaster when you let it take over a well-intended, emotionally transparent, highly connective relationship. And, Motherfuckers, I’ve always tended to.
 Head to t-mfrs.com for more!
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The Authority of Money

During my recent trip to the U.S., I decided to play tourist and visit a few places that I had never been. One of the more interesting destinations was the Money Museum at the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago, Illinois.
    No matter how much it’s talked about in the news and politics, I really had no idea exactly what the Federal Reserve Bank does. I know its name is printed at the top of all of my Benjamin, but that was about the extent of my knowledge. With the help of a friend I’ve had for 40 years, I signed up to take the tour and get a glimpse behind the scenes of the place that money calls home. Knowing the amount of money that passes through the place and seeing the turn of the century style conjured up images of caper stories the whole time I was there. I couldn’t help but think  
“okay, if I was going to rob this place, how would I do it?”
The Guided Tour
While it was interesting to learn what the Federal Reserve Bank does, the real beauty of the visit was a special tour through some of the innards with a guide who knows trivia that spans centuries and literally trillions of dollars. Jerry, our tour guide, was a fascinating man who returned from the boredom of retirement to be a tour guide, talking guests through the museum.
    He wore a light green and white suit, looking like he too had been minted by the U.S. government decades ago. Over the course of the next hour or so, he shared background on the Fed, stories and more numbers than anyone should be able to recall.
In the main museum, we got to see a number of displays about the history of currency in the United States, including a couple of displays of One Million Dollars:
We also got to learn a bit about what the Federal Reserve Bank does in a video that was put together in-house – nice, but a bit dry. I’m sharing what I took away from it, which may be entirely inaccurate, due to my failing memory.
The Fed’s charter is to “oversee how monetary policy is implemented.” It comes down to three primary functions:
they oversee how payment systems work, so the way checks are cashed, the way credit card and online transactions take place;
 they are the regulators of banks in the U.S., so they’re the ones who go in and audit banks to make sure they’re not breaking any laws and
The most visible function is that they’re responsible for moving cash around.
    For most of us, that’s the fascinating part of what they do. Every day of the week, shipments of currency come from the United States mints to the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed then ships that currency out to the banks that need it. While the larger bills are transported by armored car every day, the $1 bills are packed into unmarked semi-trailers and driven to the building to prepare them for distribution.
I guess it’s not much different from shipping a truckload of iPhones to a warehouse, but somehow it SEEMS riskier that they do that.
On the flip side of things, the Fed gets deliveries of cash from the banks, which is counted and bundled for re-distribution. This is also the step that includes pulling old and worn bills out of circulation. One of the most surprising things I saw was how little wear a bill needs for it to be taken out of circulation. Most of the bills in your wallet are probably not going to pass.
About $17 Million in currency is destroyed every day at the Chicago Fed, which is one of 12 Federal Reserve Banks. The Money Museum even gives you a small bag of shredded money as a souvenir, which contains the remnants of currency equal to about $370. One of the more interesting facts about this shredded currency is that until the mid 20th century, the shredded bills were burned, but because of the toxic chemicals used in the ink, they had to stop doing that.
 It’s now shipped off to special landfills for toxic materials. Kind of makes you worry about handling it every day, doesn’t it?
A Personal Tour
I had the pleasure of getting a more personal tour, including a trip to see the money sorting and counting machines (through a thick glass window, of course), but sadly the machines weren’t operating that day.
    Those functions are visible from an additional section of the Museum that was closed off in 2001, so not many people get to visit it.
    My other favorite part was looking at the high denomination currency that’s no longer in circulation. One display has a $10,000 bill in it, along with several other bills from the 200-ish years of American money printing. The 10k bills were printed until the 1940s and discontinued when it became apparent that virtually all bills above $1000 in denomination were being used for criminal purposes.
 Just over 300 of the bills survive, most of which are in the hands of collectors. About 9 years ago, one of them actually arrived at the Fed through normal banking channels! Someone had gotten hold of it (perhaps stored in a box in an attic somewhere), taken it to their local bank and deposited it. With a quick bit of research, they’d have discovered it was worth close to 10 times that to a collector.
I’d love to make a few suggestions to the guys at the Money Museum as improvements, but since this is solely for PR (admission is free), I’m sure they are limited in how much they invest in the tour. Although considering the constant saber-rattling in Congress about the Fed, maybe they could use a bit stronger PR push.
One of my biggest pet peeves with 90% of museums is that no one really thinks about photos. Placement of light fixtures to minimize glare, setting up obstruction free angles and allowing guests the chance to pose without impeding traffic are critical factors for any museum and most of them don’t think that through.
Re-open the closed section of the tour. Money counting and shredding is one of the more fascinating things that happens at the Fed and no one gets to see it. I get it. 9/11 happened. But the security checks and procedures keep out bank robbers, so I’m sure they can be effective for other people, too.
Tell some stories. Interactive displays are all well and good, but you’ve got an asset like Jerry who has hundreds of stories in his arsenal. I’m the only one who heard any of them. Everyone else just heard him introduce the video and rattle off a lot of facts and figures.
Stories = excitement. Spend a little money and create a new video to share some of these stories in the context of explaining what the Fed does.
All unsolicited advice, of course, but I found the place fascinating and woefully under-utilized. As an average tourist, there just wouldn’t be a lot to hold my interest without some upgrades.
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meowgetsproductive · 5 years
Getting back on your feet. Resetting. Day 1
Technically it’s day 15 of my 365 challenge/new year resolutions. However, like most of you, I ran out of steam and flopped my resolutions.
Today marks a reset to day 1. I don’t see flopping as an excuse to give up the challenge. Maybe I can’t do it for the full 365 days in a row. But maybe I can do it for two days in a row, or ten, or a month. In any case, I hope to have figured it out by December.
The 365 challenge is:
Projects 1) Edit or write 1000 words a day (currently: M39 Novel) 2) Go to gym every 2nd day (current: pass fitness test) 3) Do one course exercise a day (current: Artist’s Way) 4) Progress 1 chore a day (current: renew passport)
Habits 5) write morning diary daily (emotions) 6) stretch daily (body) 7) Meditate daily (spirit)
I’m restarting this blog to share the journey with you. Why not restart your resolutions now? Or set some if you haven’t yet, for an exciting year of growth.
So, where I’m at right now, is I’ve just awoken from burnout.
I couldn’t string two words together, much less write heartfelt 1000 words of my novel. Yesterday, I had a trip to meet my boyfriend’s parents. Sitting in front of two well-meaning strangers, being asked simple questions like "what do you do?” had me in stumps.
The parents meant my profession but I was thinking about something much more mundane.
What was I doing day to day?
Burnout is a horrible thing. It robs you of inspiration, creativity, and creates an unfillable void in your chest. Nothing feels good enough, good enough to try. Nothing is exciting. I’ve been reading day after day, all day, trying to fill that emptiness in my soul.
That trip to see “the parents” made me look at myself as an outsider. I didn’t like what I saw.
What the hell was I doing with my life? It’s only been two weeks of the resolutions and I all but forgotten them! I have lost myself, letting entropy and the lack of energy dictate my life.
So today, the start of Day 1, I am restarting this blog and getting myself into gear. Gently.
I urge anyone starting out to treat yourself gently, like a new student. To get back on your feet you need encouragement, not harsh blows of criticism.
Today’s all about getting back to our feet. Gently.
I’m typing this blog as I go, because I need gentle encouragement. Baby steps.
First thing I’m gonna do is have breakfast. Luckily I have eggs in the fridge. I did say today marks the start of Day 1. Forget the resolutions for now. Even doing breakfast feels hard.
For breakfast, I made 2 eggs with leftover tofu and spinach from who knows how long ago, and packaged miso soup. I have miso soup every day, so it’s a typical breakfast for me. You shouldn’t try to make anything fancy. A jam on toast is fine. the point is to eat something that gives you energy to start the day. It’s hard to function when you’re low AND have no physical energy either. So we start with breakfast. I also made a banana smoothie in a blender to snack on as I go.
Next, I’m gonna tidy up my room. I live in a share house and my bedroom doubles up as my study and entertainment and library. I have piles of washing on my bed, plates on my table, pillows on the floor, random plastic bags of stuff that I barely remember dumping by the bed to be dealt with later. I have so much stuff that I can barely breathe. I need orderliness to think, and right now, my surroundings make me feel anxious and suffocated.
I’m not gonna clean up the whole place, that is too much effort. But I took the dishes and cups to the kitchen. I have put scattered books into stacks so they’re out of the way. I put all used tissues in the bin.The biggest eyesore are clothes. Seeing clothes on the floor makes me feel out of control. I have two baskets where I sort used clothes instead of just throwing them on the floor. I put exercise clothes in one basket under the bed, while lounge clothes went in the other. It didn’t take long. The one thing that did take time was folding the laundry. It took time but it was worth it for the sense of freedom of my room clothes-free. Just remember, we want to create a sense of peace and serenity, so that you can get on with your day. Maybe you don’t mind your clothes on the floor, maybe for you it’s cleaning up that really ugly stain that bugs you. Or that shutter making an infernal rattling noise that you couldn’t been bothered to fix. Get your peace of mind. Fix it.
I put on some nice music while I tidied. When I was done, I lighted a scented candle to cheer up the place with a nice scent. Maybe play a victory tune to celebrate if that’s your thing.
The tidying took up more energy than I was prepared, and I feel wiped out. I haven’t even started on my daily seven yet. I just feel like collapsing with a book and not getting up again.
Luckily for me, there is one item on my daily seven that invigorates me when I remember to do it. It’s number five, the diary.
Now my diary isn’t like a normal record of the day diary that most people use. My diary are the morning pages from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. All I do is write out my worries. That’s when it works best. Sometimes I don’t know what’s bugging me and writing it long hand helps me figure it out. Sometimes I can’t think of a worry, then I write whatever is on my mind, stream-of-consciousness style. The point isn’t to list all your worries, but to let out of your chest whatever is gripping you. Sometimes it’s the excitement of a new idea, and I have written little scene sketches in the diary too. Dreams. To-dos. Battle plans before meeting The Parents. There is no wrong way to do the diary as long as you write whatever comes to mind, not stopping. “I don’t know what to write now...” is something I see too.
I did this diary for 2 pages of my large notebook, which is roughly 22 minutes. And that takes of item number five on my daily seven.
5) write morning diary daily (emotions)
I give myself a sticker for each of the seven that I complete. It cheers me up and brings a little bit of joy into my day.
In my morning pages diary, I realised that each of the items isn’t hard. The illusion of it is. It seems hard, but once you start doing, it’s actually not that hard to do the task in the moment. Stretching isn’t hard. Thinking about doing stretching, about how much time and energy it takes and that I’d have to get up and start moving and that I’ll never be flexible so what’s the use, is what keeps me stuck dead. The key is not succumbing to the illusion of difficulty, and just starting. Once I start, the task will take care of itself. 10 minutes meditation is nothing. But thinking about sitting there trying not to think and how my back always aches, is the enemy.
My advice is, start the thing. Don’t think about starting the thing. Start doing the thing. If it’s gym, get dressed and out the door. Start doing it. No debating allowed!
I’ll meditate next. Another thing that often remains undone, because it’s boring.
I find meditating boring.
Sitting without thoughts, experiencing time without beginning or end is very hard for me. I’m very good at imagining stuff, such as cleansing the chakras or directing energy in my mind. Sitting quietly with a silent mind, 10 minutes seem to go on on FOREVER.
All right, fine. Start. Not deliberate. I’m going.
I sat on a cushion and set alarm for ten minutes.
Ohh, it started off well enough. Then I got really restless. I started counting my breaths to 10, which really helped. Then after some time, my thoughts went wild. I was deciding which movie to watch tonight as my reward for doing so well, Dr Strange or Iron Man. Those are my favourite movies. Also I was thinking that I was gonna finish early today, and how early was early? At which point I realised I’ve had a pop song playing in my mind’s background for some time. Ugh.
Ten minutes felt long, but I lasted the whole time and now I feel so happy and proud of myself! I have done the meditation for today, item seven. Another sticker. Yay!
The benefits of meditation are numerous, but the benefits don’t kick in until several months in, same as gym. It took my brother 3 months of gym before he began to look great. I’ve just started gym and meditation myself on New Years Day, so it’ll take some time for my mind to center and my body to look great. Today’s a great day to start!
7) Meditate daily (spirit)
Well, I feel like I’m on a roll with my daily habits, so I’m feeling inspired to do the 10 min stretching. I’ve already done morning diary and meditation, stretching feels like a piece of cake! (See how small steps inspire more small steps? I’m all fired up!)
I put up some music, set the timer, and bam! Done. Three stickers today. The amount of bones I cracked was embarrassing.
Why do I resist stretching so much? Again, it takes time, even if it’s just 10 minutes. It’s boring, even if I put on music. Plus it hurts when I’m sore or I try the splits. Then why do it? Because doing something like a ten minute stretch helps keep flexibility and freedom of movement for life. Like all good things, the tangible benefits don’t kick in until later in life. (I’m beginning to see a pattern here).
6) stretch daily (body) Done!
That’s the Habits triad done. Yay for emotions/body/spirit!
Where’s the mind, you may ask? Well, the rest of the daily tasks are mind-heavy. Writing, gym, course exercise and chores tend to draw heavily on intellect. They make my brain flex.
Writing draws heavily on all areas.
Going to gym is as much a mental battle as physical exertion is.
By now, I’ve done the easy items on the list, the ones that take 10 minutes max. Doing it this way was semi-deliberate. I need easy wins right now to feel empowered. Attempting something like number one: writing, would be too overwhelming for me. Thanks to starting with the small items, I feel accomplished, I feel confident about getting more items done, I feel cheerful and I have what I feel like lots of energy (stretching could be at play for the energy boost).
Next, I feel like tackling the easiest item on the Projects list. Which is number four, the chore of passport renewal.
All I have to do for passport renewal is to load the official form onto USB and print it, get two passport photos, and go to post office to pay a fee and lodge the form and the photos.
The due date is tomorrow. I’ve been putting it off for a month.
The reason is, I am hesitant about taking that photo. I currently have long-ish hair at my boyfriend’s request, but I normally keep it short. I don’t want long hair in my passport photo. I have been procrastinating getting a haircut (and hurting my boyfriend’s feelings), yet I wasn’t comfortable taking a long-haired photo. That would be ten years staring at a photo that screams “not me”.
Some of you might be thinking “Gal, it’s your hair, you don’t have to do what your boyfriend says!”. I agree. This time, however, it’s not a bother to keep my hair long. I don’t care that it’s long right now (and I like that my boyfriend appreciates it), I just don’t want my hair long in my passport photo.
Alas, I’ve decided as I’m typing this this that I’ve left the decision for too long, and I’m worried about the paperwork expiring tomorrow if I don’t do something now. So, I’m gonna find that passport form and put it on USB, then fix myself for going out (long hair and all), and see if I can take the photo at the post office directly rather than getting someone to do it for me and then rushing to a printing shop last minute (for all of you who can print at home, I am jealous and I salute you!).
Finding an empty USB and loading the doc there took less than thirty seconds.
The getting ready didn’t take too long because I had met The Parents yesterday and so I was all clean. I wore the same clothes cuz I just needed to do the photo, not please people.
Doing well so far.
At the post office, the lady told me they don’t do printing. While they could do the photo, they can’t print my form to finalise the process.
I envy you, printer-owners.
I contacted a relative to see if I can use their printer, and also if they can do my photo. It would same me money if my relative could print the photo for free. They said okay.
Turns out the passport photo couldn’t be printed via inkjet printer. I only printed the form at the relative’s.
Then I drove back to post office, did the photo, and submitted the whole thing.
I’m so tired now. This recovery thing is hard.
Or maybe that’s cuz it’s early dinnertime and I haven’t had lunch yet.
4) Progress 1 chore a day (current: renew passport)
I’m gonna make some food next. It’s not dinner, not lunch, but something in-between.
I made a sandwich for that meal. Again, I wasn’t going for fancy, since I’m so low on energy.
While having lunch and talking to my brother, I have randomly uncovered an answer for a touch writing problem I’ve been having about some critique I’ve gotten. I was so inspired by this insight that I worked on the solution for about two hours, which resulted in about 2,500 words. That covers number one on the resolutions list, quite by accident.
I love when success begets more success.
1) Edit or write 1000 words a day (currently: M39 Novel)
Now it is late, and I’ve been sitting down for most of the day. Plus the gym rush has ended. A great time to head out to gym.
I didn’t stay long in the gym, only 40 minutes, 20 of which was walking on treadmill. Baby steps, remember?
2) Go to gym every 2nd day (current: pass fitness test)
By the time I got back and took a shower, it was 10pm. I still have one item not done.
This leaves only one item not yet attempted, and that is item two, the course exercise (for the Artist’s way). It takes only 5 min. I remember that all exercises for week 11 in the book are lengthy. I don’t think I can easily do any of them. So, I’m gonna do the trick I do for really difficult tasks, or tasks I’m really scared of.
I set a timer for 10 minutes.
In that time, I’m gonna read the exercises and see if I can do any today. If not, I’m going to pick one and write up a list of materials I’ll need, or do a search if the exercise asks me to contact people etc. Basically, I’m gonna spend the 10 minutes trying to progress something somewhere.
10 min. Go!
I could do one exercise. It was massive. I had to list 10 wishes in 7 areas of health, possessions, relationships etc... I only got through the heath, possessions and leisure in 10 minutes, and I thought I was coming up with wishes pretty fast. Those course exercises aren’t quick!
However it does accomplish my daily resolution of progressing a course exercise by a minimum of 10 minutes. Yay!
3) Do one course exercise a day (current: Artist’s Way)
This means I did all 7 resolutions! Hooray!
I gave myself a special sticker to celebrate!
But it did take me a full day, from breakfast to 10:30pm to do all seven, and I didn’t have any obligations today. If you have work or are looking after kids, then maybe try for one resolution a day. I definitely don’t want to be spending an entire day tomorrow doing just the resolutions. I’d like to do other things too. But today I wanted to start it easy and so I didn’t plan any other things so that I had plenty of time to do the resolutions.
I hope that once I’m more at the rolling stage, I can achieve all the resolutions in a single 3-4h evening. If you have a lot of resolutions and you’re struggling, do the math to figure out what is realistic. My resolutions take a total of 3 hours 20 minutes as a minimum (items 3 to 7 are ten 10minutes each, to a total of 50 min. Gym takes about an hour. Writing is variable, but 1 hour for 1,000 words sounds reasonable. Plus add a minimum of 5 minutes between each activity. Seven activities require six breaks, a total of 30 min). So, a theoretical 3 hour 20 minutes worth of tasks took me 12+ hours to do today. Again, be gentle with yourself.
What are your resolutions for today? I wish you success, good luck and good cheer!
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notbigondoors · 5 years
About the Muse: My Version of Vision On This Blog
{out of equations} Alright, folks… here is the information that is in Vision’s “About the Muse” page, for people who are on mobile and can’t view/access blog pages. If you think you would like to rp with me, or you already are and just would like to have some more information, please read this general “About the Muse” post, as well as my NSFW Headcanons post, if you are 18+ of course.
I largely follow the movie verse canon for Vision. Where I may draw from the comics a bit is for some aspects of his relationship with Wanda. Some of them. There was a lot about the comic story arcs with them and the creation of a family of “Visions” that I don’t use on this blog. Besides that, the reason why my version of Vision is canon-divergent has to do with his physical construction, how he can manipulate his physical body, and what he is capable of.
{ Vision’s Physical Construction }
My interpretation of “The Vision” is that he is a bio-organic synthezoid. This is different from being a robot or machine, and different entirely from being a cyborg. A cyborg by most definitions is something that was once human and is now heavily augmented with machine technology either to sustain life or enhance activity (examples: Robocop; Raiden of the Metal Gear franchise). With cyborgs there is a good chance of most of the body being human or derived from humans or at the very least, the head, brain, and spinal column of a human are likely to be present. Vision is not a cyborg, as he was never human, is not derived from a human body and is not meant to function as an actual human being. He does not have human organs, systems, or a brain as one would expect a human should have, unless he chooses to change his body construction to emulate such things (I’ll get more into that later). He is also not an android, which is a true machine that is only meant to look and maybe behave human, even though most of his body is constructed of vibranium metal. As a synthezoid, Vision has intermixed with vibranium atoms a bio-polymeric cellular tissue which confers much of his abilities to change his density, change his form, and emulate human biological activities. As mentioned by Dr. Helen Cho in Avengers: Age of Ultron, the vibranium atoms in Vision's body have bonded with the cells printed by the regeneration cradle. This created a synthezoid: a synthetic or synthesized organism (rather than one which is born naturally) that is not human but no less alive.
My concept of Vision’s body is that it is mostly vibranium, making him virtually indestructible as he was in the films, but with about 30-40% of his body mass being composed of organic bio-polymer and cellular tissue. What do I mean by that? Well, polymers are groups of monomers (think small building blocks of life) that are bonded together, sometimes in impermanent fashions. So think about basic biology in which nucleic acids comprise DNA and amino acids comprise proteins. Small building blocks that, when combined, can function as higher components of life. I headcanon that Vision essentially has organic matter (carbon-based materials that typically also contain hydrogen, oxygen, and water), interspersed with the vibranium ions that comprise his body. “Organic matter” or “NOM” (natural organic matter) is material that is derived from or resulting from the degradation of living things, but I headcanon that Vision’s organic matter is unique in that it was never alive previously, but rather was sythezised in the regeneration cradle. It is the result of his unique construction and a combination of synthesis and condensation processes that occurred when he was “born.”
As he was being created, the combination of the vibranium, electricity, a semi-sentient influx of energy from Ultron, Jarvis, etc. created a bio-electric field that attracted carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen to it. As these elements became fused with the otherwise mechanical components of his body during his “birth,” condensation reactions occurred that created water and a kind of organic matter which bonded to the vibranium and other metal matrices of his composition. The result was a kind of perfect storm that coated Vision’s “cells” as printed by the cradle with this bio-polymeric substance, much like how life was first created on Earth by introducing electricity into pools containing water and many other elements mixed together. Think about essentially growing living tissue in Petri dishes not derived from any living thing previously, except that for Vision this happened somewhat uniformly throughout his body during the course of his construction and “birth.” What this boils down to, is that I headcanon that Vision is actually a living being, just not human. He is a new and unique form of life that was made (synthesized) rather than born naturally of other living things. A synthezoid.
It is this organic matter forming these bio-polymeric substances that permeates Vision’s body that mediates so many things that he is able to do, emulate, learn, and create. His ability to change his body’s density from a heavy and dense metal to a thinly-dispersed gas is what allows him to phase. On a molecular level, this living network of organic material running throughout his body acts a lot like a system of neurons as far as physical function is concerned, working in tandem with actual wires to convey information from his CPU ("central processing unit" in computer language, but like a brain) to the rest of his body, much in the way a human brain would command control over the whole of a human body. It is more adaptable, polymorphic, fluid, and convertible a material than the vibranium metal, allowing for the mediation of all of Vision’s abilities which involve changing his density, appearance, and shape. The bio-polymeric substances within his body “tissue” are also what allow him to feel pain and pleasure, what can allow him to learn how to taste, and what allow him to not only process emotions on a rational and informational level but also to legitimately learn to feel them. Were he made of solid metal, a true machine/computer/AI instead of a living bio-machine, none of this would be possible.
Also, fun fact: Vision’s body temperature tends to run hotter than humans, due to biological and electrical systems working in tandem and drawing from the power of the mind stone. His average resting-state body temperature is around 100-101°C, and his emotionally and/or physically ramped-up temperature is around 105-106°C. This makes him an excellent heater in the winter if you can get him to hug you or share a bed with you, haha.
{ Emulating Everyday Human Emotions and Activities }
When he is first “born,” Vision behaves much like a machine, computer, or AI. But from that moment on, he is learning and adapting to a multitude of stimuli, ideas, and human responses that he is processing. He is not an AI, because that implies a true machine that can only “learn” up to a certain point by employing probability algorithms and imitation techniques. It also implies that he can only learn to emote as a result of compiling data from the reactions of human beings around him rather than emoting because he genuinely feels a certain way. Human children learn from their parents, from other children, etc., what emotions are and how to navigate social situations. Vision’s learning process is somewhere in between a straight AI and a human child. Like the AI, he is compiling, analyzing, and comparing data constantly. In addition to what he is exposed to firsthand, Vision also can access the internet, so he has access to eBooks, Google, YouTube, online encyclopedias, government websites, and other educational tools. However, like a human child, Vision is a living being who is being exposed to so many things for the first time and struggling to find his place among it all. So there is a heightened capacity for knowledge and an ability to process and retain it, but there is also a naivety and innocence with regard to his trial-and-error learning process that sometimes can seem very human. Combine that with a desire to develop his own personality and unique identity but having no others of his own kind to relate to, and we have one very curious and potentially lonely being who soaks up knowledge like a sponge.
As a result of how he learns and processes information, and due to his unique and adaptable physical structure, Vision can learn how to participate in various human activities such as eating, drinking, laughing, participating in activities purely for sport or fun, and even having sex (see the “NSFW” section), even though he has no mechanical or biological need to do so. Whereas in humans these abilities are built into our physical structure and somewhat wired into our brains to be able to learn how to do at certain ages either through instruction or on instinct, Vision must actually learn these things backwards. He sees how humans do these things and much back-calculate and back-create physical structures in order to perform them himself.
For example, with eating and drinking, Vision has no real digestive system, as he does not need to process food to survive. His functions are powered by a combination of the mind stone and solar power. However, he can alter his form to create a tongue with which to taste, an esophagus, and some internal structure to house what he eats and drinks. From there, processing is probably far more ideal than a human system because there is no need for nourishment or fear of toxicity, and so food and drink are broken down into the most basic of components, which are then added to his structure (in the case of carbon, hydrogen, etc.) or released as gas or water vapor through ventilation ducts or through his “breathing.” This means there is no excrement or need for him to ever go to the bathroom, as it were. As far as being able to taste, Vision would always be able to determine the chemical composition of whatever he is ingesting, but to actually taste it in any way similar to how humans do would require a redirection of synapses to a tongue structure (probably in combination with an olfactory system in his nose as well, since smell and taste are strongly linked). Again, he would need to study exactly what is going on and then work backwards to create structures and systems within his own body to perform the functions.
And of course, since he does not actually need to eat or drink, he would do so only on occasion, probably as a bonding practice with friends or a romantic ship. Unfortunately, however, I’ll just throw in here that Vision cannot become drunk or high. His body processes things far too efficiently and thoroughly for any effect to last and such chemicals do not affect his “brain” or bodily functions in the same way they do in humans.
{ Emulating Human Appearance }
The way Vision achieves his human-like exterior in Avengers: Infinity War is through physical alterations to the shape and consistency of the outer layers of his body combined with an imaging overlay, similar to a holographic illusion. This creates the tactile perception of flesh or clothing while also maintaining the aesthetic of those materials as well.
To achieve the feel of flesh, Vision can increase the ratio of bio-polymer and cellular tissue to vibranium in the outer layers of his body – a similar process to changing his density - making those areas of his body actually more organic and therefore more flesh-like. This gives it a softer feel, just like human flesh. To achieve the feel of clothing, Vision can learn the coarseness, pattern, fiber construction, and stiffness of certain fabrics to emulate their feel by again, changing the ratio of organic matter to vibranium in the outer, visible layers of his body.
But that only changes tactile perception in any other beings that might touch him. He’d still feel like flesh or like a human body wearing clothing, but he would still look like a red/purple/gold/graphite-colored synthezoid. Vision’s largely dark red color comes from the organic matter matrixed in with the vibranium metal. Have you ever seen a raw steak? You know that dark red color it has when it’s raw and fresh? And then you see it after it’s cooked and it turns anywhere from a gray to brown to black color depending on how it’s cooked and for how long? That has to do with the oxidation and degradation of the components of the cells in the tissues themselves. I headcanon the same sort of thing occurred when Vision died, only it was a more instant process, probably due to the whole of his system being shocked violently from the power of the mind stone as it was ripped from his head, causing catastrophic systematic failures as well as an essential electrical burning of the organic matter in his body. Essentially… Vision was “flash fried,” in addition to being completely shut down. Standing near him shortly after his death, one could probably smell a strong metallic odor combined with the faint but distinct odor of burnt flesh. But, I digress.
To achieve the look of flesh, Vision employs an illusion overlay. This is similar to holographic technology in that an image is created to mask the appearance of the outer layers of his body. It’s integrated very well onto his surface and combined with the changes to his actual form and tactile feel, the illusion will “behave” like the flesh or clothing it is supposed to look like when it is touched. This takes care of the aesthetic, while the morphing takes care of shape and feel.
{ Why the Attack in Edinburgh Stopped Vision From Phasing }
Vision’s ability to change his shape and appearance, to change his density, and to phase through solid objects hinges upon the complex electro-organic relaying network of synapses throughout his body. Guided by wiring and electricity but performed by the organic components of his structure, his ability to do any of these things requires that he is able to send signals from his “brain” to the rest of his body to will it to change form. If that network is disrupted, damaged, or interfered with, he loses the ability to manipulate his form at will.
Think about a human being who is electrocuted, with the electrical energy traveling throughout the body, conducted by the water contained in blood, muscle cells, etc., and essentially burning things as it goes along. They become stunned and unable to move for a time because of the damage. The greater the shock, the greater the damage on a cellular level and the longer the stun effect will be. Similar to using a stun gun on a person too. The higher the voltage, the greater the stopping power and also the damage to the person being stunned. The same is true of Vision if his “neural” network is disturbed by energy capable of damaging the organic bio-polymeric material that laces his structure on a molecular level and is an essential component in the synapse relay that allows him to control his form.
Because Vision is powered by an infinity stone and made in large part of virtually indestructible vibranium, it would take some kind of magic, energy, weapon, force, etc. with a decent energy-disruption power to mess with the synapse relay throughout his body. So when Corvus Glaive stabbed him with his weapon, it not only created a physical wound through Vision’s form, but it shut down the changes to his form and illusion overlay he had been employing to look human. We actually saw the overlay decay from the wound outward, indicating that the closed-loop system of relays that makes such a thing possible for him had been disrupted and rendered no longer functional. His own admission that the weapon prevented him from phasing indicates that his complex electro-organic relay system that allows him to morph and alter his density at will has been significantly damaged.
{ Vision’s Psychology & Evolution }
Vision is a new being, initially Ultron’s Vision, but a combination of Ultron, Jarvis, the mind stone, and other sentience that contributed to his “birth.” But he has never lived before. This renders him very ignorant, naïve, and lacking in experience-based knowledge and abilities, even though he has access to the internet and is to a large extent born with the maturity level of an adult human. Some might assume that he is an all-knowing being that knows better than humans on a number of topics based on how he presents himself. The way he presents himself is as one who is very calm and wise. However, Vision is far from infallible. He has flaws and makes mistakes just like anyone else.
Although a strong and confident being, Vision does have a few insecurities. He wants very much to be considered alive and of equal value and importance to his human counterparts. If told often enough that this is not true, if he is referred to as a machine or a computer or a sentient toaster, or if he is referred to as “it,” he will react emotionally. And negatively. In extreme cases he may begin to question whether he is actually alive and begin searching for evidence of it, whether informationally in books and on the internet, or subjectively by soliciting the opinions of the humans (or other beings) around him, specifically humans he had related to on a personal level.
Being potentially denied validation as a truly living being deserving of the same rights and freedoms as other living beings is his largest insecurity, but he does have others. Wanting to please Wanda and worrying that she may not want a more involved relationship with him in Infinity War, for example, makes him nervous and approval-seeking. This is seen in his adorable stumbling over his words and then his addition of the qualifying statement, “…or not, if I’m overstepping.” By this point in his life, Vision had begun to evolve considerably, developing not merely the emulations of emotion, but true emotions he feels.
Vision’s evolution was not something expected by the Avengers. When he was “born,” Vision was considered and regarded as an android, a true machine, an artificial intelligence. Later comments from others about the fact that he appears to be “evolving,” indicate that he is adapting and growing both in his range of abilities and with regard to his psychology and personality. I headcanon that this occurred not only because the longer he lives, the more he experiences and the more people he encounters, but also because the longer he is alive, the longer he is interacting with his environment on a molecular level. The longer Vision exists, the more carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, etc. are integrated into his structure, during ingestion, respiration, or any other number of activities. This causes his body composition to slowly become more organic overall as time goes on. I don’t mean he’s suddenly going to turn completely human or something, it’s more subtle than that. Like a rock that grows a very fine layer of moss on it. The rock is the same, it just… gains something else. But the more organic his composition becomes, the more Vision behaves and evolves like a living organism. Had he survived past Infinity War, we would have seen him evolve even more.
Vision displays his own independence and personality very early on, within minutes of being “born.” He emulates Thor’s cloak, making a cloak of his own. While it is unclear as to why he does this, one can assume that he either wanted to fit in with those around him for the purpose of gaining acceptance or that he merely liked the aesthetic and chose to adopt it for himself. To do this, he had to figure out how to alter his own form very early on in his creation. Although a simple act, it shows critical and independent thinking as well as individuality.
Something else Vision can begin to suffer from is loneliness, despite being surrounded by the Avengers, by scientists and doctors, by maintenance workers, and by technical staff. This is because he is the only one of his kind, and that is a very isolating and lonely feeling. Try as he might to relate to others, he remains very much alone in his existence and learning processes, which can make him a little sad. This is why he bonds so closely with Wanda, who is away from home, has led a very sheltered life, is new to many things in the world, has lost everyone she was familiar with and cared about, and is new to the Avengers’ team. She is someone with whom he can confide in as far as having a vastly different perspective on things that may not meld as well as others’.
Alright, that’s all I’ve got as far as general headcanons, but if you have any other questions about how I write Vision, feel free to ask! =)
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