#(not everyone pictured but this is who was on yesterday)
nickel156 · 3 days
“I was in everyone’s minds to protect Velaris”
Come again?? No really, I just learned how to read yesterday..
Rhysand’s excuse for not taking down Amarantha—that he was too busy monitoring everyone’s minds to keep Velaris a secret—starts to fall apart when you consider that Velaris was already hidden. No one knew it existed. Velaris wasn’t on anyone’s radar. The city had been hidden for centuries, and there’s no evidence that Amarantha, or anyone else for that matter, even suspected its existence. So, why would Rhysand need to constantly be in people’s minds, draining his power, to protect a city no one knew about? It doesn’t add up.
This raises the question: Was Rhysand lying? Was he manipulating Feyre by feeding her this story to justify his inaction under Amarantha’s rule? He paints this picture of himself as this self-sacrificing hero, always making hard choices for the greater good, but when you break it down, his excuse is flimsy. If Velaris was truly hidden, then his powers wouldn’t have needed to be spread so thin. Even diminished by Amarantha. He should’ve had the strength to act against her much sooner, (he implies) but instead, he fed Feyre this narrative to make her believe that his hands were tied. It conveniently shifts the blame away from him and positions him as this misunderstood figure who was doing everything he could to protect what mattered most.
Then there’s the whole “Most powerful High Lord in history” line. Who else is saying this about him? No one. It’s something Rhysand repeatedly tells Feyre, almost like he’s reinforcing this idea of his invincibility in her mind. But if he’s truly the most powerful, why did he struggle so much under Amarantha’s rule? Why did he need Feyre’s help to take down Hybern later on if he’s supposed to be the most powerful High Lord ever? It feels like Rhysand is using this title as a tool to manipulate Feyre into seeing him as infallible. By constantly reminding her (and the reader) of his power, he makes sure that any weakness or questionable action he takes is easily forgiven or explained away. It’s like he’s setting up this narrative where he’s always the strongest, the most capable, even when his actions suggest otherwise.
So, was Rhysand’s whole “I’m in everyone’s minds to protect Velaris” a lie? A form of manipulation to make Feyre trust him? Or was it just poor writing that didn’t consider the full implications of Velaris being a secret city? It’s hard to say for sure, but either way, it casts serious doubt on his narrative. The more you look at it, the more it feels like Rhysand was playing Feyre, feeding her just enough information to make himself look like the hero while glossing over the inconsistencies in his story.
Ultimately, it makes you wonder if his claim to being the most powerful High Lord was less about truth and more about control—control over the narrative, control over Feyre’s perception of him, and control over the way he’s seen by everyone else. And honestly, it’s starting to look a lot more like manipulation than anything else.
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coquitokisses · 1 day
Heyy! Idk if you ever wrote something like this and if you don’t want to it’s fine but I had been obsessed with this idea of Steve dating a Taylor swift level of famous artist. And like they were keeping their relationship private from everyone until some paparazzi caught them together somewhere and the internet goes crazy with “miss americana and the america's golden boy” (iykyk)
Miss Americana and America's Golden Boy | Steve Rogers
Pairings: Steve Rogers x singer!female reader
Warnings/Tags: fluff, fluff and fluff lol
Word count: 568 (kinda short lol)
Summary: Reader and Steve have been dating for a few months now but for obvious reasons, they made the relationship public just yet because of their jobs. But those plans go to hell when some paparazzis get pictures of you and Steve.
A/n: hiii love! First of all, thank you so much for sending this and second, sorry I took so long to answer it, I had no idea how or what to write lmao but I finally took the time to think about something and just do it! I’m still not very convinced, but I think it’s kinda cute so here it is! (hope I was able to bring your idea to life lol <3 )
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« The internet goes crazy after seeing pictures of Y/N Y/L/N with none other than Captain America walking out of a cafe! »
« America’s golden boy, Steve Rogers, spotted leaving a coffee shop in New York with the singer Y/N Y/L/N yesterday morning. »
« Captain America is no longer single and neither is our beloved Y/N Y/L/N! Both have been spotted walking out of a coffee shop in New York holding hands! »
“You’re fucking joking.” You stared at your phone shocked, you just wanted to scream
“You need to calm down.” Steve said
“Calm down?!” You turned to look at him “We’re everywhere! Everyone is talking about us!”
“It wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Are you aware of this? We’re two very recognized persons, do you know what people are gonna be saying?” You sat on the bed feeling very overwhelmed
Now on every event and everywhere you go the questions that everyone’s gonna be asking are about your relationship with Mr. Captain America.
“You have a lot of fans, they’re just gonna hate me.” You sighed
“Says the girl who’s been in the eye of fame for a decade.” He tilted his head slightly “If they’re gonna hate someone, is probably gonna be me.”
“Are you kidding? You’re America’s hero! Everybody loves you, babe.”
“And you’re one of the most listened and talented artists in the world, people love you too.” He said sitting next to you “And besides, I think it was time to tell the world, everyone at the compound was starting to get suspicious.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little because you knew that it was true, he has told you millions of times how Bucky or Natasha, even Tony, were questioning him about where he was at or why he always sneaked out and came back late at night.
“Yeah, it was probably time.” You looked at him and he just gave you a sweet little smile that made you feel a little better
You really couldn’t believe that you were dating the Captain America, it was absolutely crazy to even think about it. And he also couldn’t believe that he was dating you. One of the most recognized singers in the whole world.
You met at one of Tony’s parties about a year ago and you had such a blast that night that you exchanged numbers and started talking. Obviously you both wanted to keep the relationship private because of your jobs. Of course you were planning on making it public, but just, not now and not like this.
“It’s just that it was nice to have you all to myself.” You say with a shrug
He smiled. “You still have me all to yourself.”
“But now the world knows and it’s not gonna be the same.” You pouted
“Yeah, I know, honey.” He put your hair behind your ear
“Are you sure you still want to date a singer? The fans can be a little crazy about who I date.. sorry about that.”
He chuckled. “Yes, I’m very sure.” He nodded
“Ready to start answering questions about us everywhere you go?”
“Are you?” He cocked an eyebrow at you
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m so ready to brag about being Mr. America’s girlfriend.” You replied and he smiled
“So let’s do this, miss America.” He grabbed your hand and deposited a soft kiss on it
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starguardianniom · 2 days
I just had the funniest idea yesterday about Billy Kid and now I want to see it when we'll be in the Outer Ring.
Picture this:
Billy was pretty infamous in the Outer Ring as an enforcer, so when he comes back, naturally people notice. And panic. Because he is back after a long time and who knows what he's gonna do and what people sees is that he brought people with him that are also clearly not ordinary people and that they met up and allied themselves with the Sons of Calydon, most likely thanks to Billy again.
So I imagine someone putting a job on it on Inter Knot saying Billy is back and wanting to investigate his return or maybe try to catch/kill him to get the huge bounty on his head probably or something like that and then we fall on the request on the Inter-Knot and we wonder who the hell is "insert Billy's moniker in the Outer Ring" (cause I view the mission referring him a fearsome title that he got named during his time there just via his reputation only and not as Billy Kid because I also view his anme being spoken as a bad sign so only close friends call Billy by his name and to the rest it's that legendary "insert feared moniker") and how did said person got his crew allied with Caesar and they don't know about it and are confused about what it means.
Cue Phaethon and the rest of the Cunning Hares going to ask Caesar and Billy about it, and Caesar is just laughing at them while Billy is not pleased to having to tell them that the job is talking about him and by extention the rest of the group that is mentionned it them. Then Fairy is listing his long list of crimes to which Billy says it's innacurate because it only contains the stuff that some people got to live to tell the tales, he did far worse but only Caesar, his old boss and his old gang knows about the rest.
Pretty much everyone is surprised that Billy did all that as many things that he did that even they wouldn't even dare do that but he did and Billy admitting that he has no excuse because back then he was all in for it and mostly saw himself more as a weapon than a person even if he was treated like a person by his old boss and his gang but he grew up beyond that and is now a bit ashamed of it and does hope that the Cunning Hares won't cut him out for it, but the girls just accept him and reassures him that he's always gonna be with them.
The proxies are still curious about why Billy didn't say anything about it and he says that he felt like it would come up eventually but he doesn't like to talk about it and asked Caesar to not say anything either, and she passed the word to the rest of the Sons of Calydon. Caesar got Billy's back as much as he has her back.
"Now that that's sorted out, time to go kill the person who put that request on the Inter Knot." - Caesar and Billy.
The others: "Wait what"
Billy: "You heard us."
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putschki1969 · 3 days
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2024/09/21 Blog post by Wakana いよいよ明日です!!〜前髪と屋形船と鬼面角〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
It's Finally Tomorrow!!〜Bangs, Houseboats and Cacti〜
Finally… Finally…The bud on my cactus has bloomed‼️(for reference, check out Wakana's Instagram post from Sep 13)
The flower of a Peruvian apple cactus!!! 🌼 It's beautiful…😭✨It really looks like the flowers of my Queen of the Night😊You can see how big it is compared to the palm of my hand. I'm so happy that such a big and beautiful flower has bloomed…😭✨I took a ton of pictures, so I'll post some today and the rest on another day (I want everyone to see them). I'll also post something on Instagram today, so please take a look at that too😊
Well, yesterday at the agency office, we had a final meeting for the upcoming FC event “Join Wakana! Houseboat Full-Course Tour”! \\\٩( 'ω' )و ////We've prepared an event that everyone can enjoy together… so please look forward to it! ! (((o(゚▽゚)o)))
Also, I've used the opportunity of being at the office to once again take on a selfie challenge 📸 It's already been a month since I got my bangs…I'm finally getting used to them😊 (I changed my smartphone recently so now I have Totoro on the back). My bangs are currently at a length where they are starting to bother me since they get in my eyes *laughs* It's been a while since I had bangs and I know why because my bangs are stubborn and wavy so it's really hard to keep them straight 😅I've been struggling with it every day for the past month…(Yesterday, I finally styled my bangs properly for the first time in a while. The styling was so robust that my bangs didn't get messy even when I walked outside in the heat…) For everyday hairstyles, bangs are really convenient and fun to arrange, but they're a real hassle 😅And I realised it would be impossible to have my bangs down for a live show 😂 I feel like they'd start to lose shape within the first few minutes of a concert😂 So… after thinking about it for a long time…I decided to just let them grow out again 🤣🤣 Major fail. Everyone, I am sorry to tell you that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be your last chance to see me with bangs😂 Please forgive me *laughs* Honestly, just thinking about a live performance is making me realise that bangs are just too difficult for me 😂
Last but not least, on my way home yesterday, I came across a lovely event taking place near my office, so here are some photos of it 📸 I have also posted a video on Instagram, so please check that out♡ (Wakana's Instagram post from Sep 20).
Even the entrance are for the event looked exciting😊 You can enjoy a drink on the grass while laying on a mat 😊The surrounding shops were also bustling. It was hot but everyone was drinking beer and having fun, I was jealous watching them 😊 I feel a little sad to see events like this and realise that the end of summer is near.
Those who have plans to join me on the houseboat tour, I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow! ! \(^o^)/
Until next time ☆( '▽')/
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2024/09/17 Instagram post by Wakana
I went to Odaiba 🚢🗽🌉 #LifeWithBangs (Source)
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around-your-throat · 1 year
my ass is not getting into heaven with these pink haired pete wentz pictures on my computer dawg 🤣
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the-casbah-way · 5 months
grabs my computer screen and starts shaking it how to cure gender dysphoria HOW TO CURE GENDER DYSPHORIA
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sadaveniren · 8 months
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If that is what you got from me making a post where I joke about how actual society off of the Internet isn’t going to crucify me or harass me for enjoying something perceived weird, and thinking differently than the average person, all while staying in my own lane (and this isn’t even talking about me expressing that a lot of this is - probably - because of autism meaning my brain is LITERALLY WIRED DIFFERENTLY BUT THATS OKAY) I genuinely question your compassion for people who are different than you.
I honestly do worry how you handle meeting someone who’s just a bit different than you. You must be someone who immediately bullies someone you think is weird, even if they have done nothing to you except have fun.
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guinevereslancelot · 5 months
most fucked up thing at my new job is there's only zero calorie sweeteners at the coffee station in the break room. three different kinds of zero calorie sweetener but no regular sugar because the assumption is that literally everyone is on a diet?
#is this because its a job dominated by women in particular??? idk#that's so weird#like sorry i can taste the difference and i prefer naturally occurring sugar from nature how is that not even an option#drinking nasty bitter af coffee bc i am So Sleepy but i refuse to use artificial sweeteners#they Do taste different and they're not even good for you im not doing that lol#also they got mad at me for telling one of the parents that we took one of the kids temperature and it was 99 and he threw up a little#when his dad came to get him yesterday and all of the other teachers were nowhere to be found#they were like tou shouldnhave had colleen do that#ma'am colleen went home before that and so did you#i should have left already too but waited bc the ratio on the playground was bad#anyway i did NOT say he had a fever i said it was 99 and to talk to the teacher inside#but the dad didnt yalk to her clearly then went home and scared the mom that he had a fever and threw up so she texted my boss freaking out#i literally just said he threw up a little and we took his temperature and it was 99 and to talk to the other teacher#which was all true and there was no one else there to tell him#anyway#apparently the person who had my job before me was a wacko who scared the parents with fake medical information or something#but that is not my fault and nobody told me that or not to tell the parents anything medical until this morning#ugh#also my supervisor is kind of a weirdo#she wanted to show everyone ~cute~ pictures of animals she has killed while hunting???#and i said i didnt want to see#and she was like ~oh it's not dead yet in the picture~#like okay but its dead now???#she traps them first so its a cute little fox in a trap about to be killed 😭#like wtfff#i know trappong predators is a reality but why take pictures like ohhh so cute then kill it#THEN show everyone the cute pictures like yeah isnt he adorable i killed him btw <3#huh??????#she has a bobcat tail on her keychain too she was giving it to the teachers and kids to pet like ohhh its so soft <3
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akkivee · 9 months
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spoolesofthread · 1 year
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happy april fools a bunch of my fc turned themselves into lalafells with bonus oops all tanks shot
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chewablepebbles · 1 year
I've literally been going to at least one funeral of someone close to me every year since 2016 this is unsustainable! Do I make friends so quickly because I fear they'll leave so soon? I have like five hundred pounds of stuff from people that died and I can't get rid of it because I can't get new stuff with them. I'm so tired of being used to grief. When do I get to grieve for myself!
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
lol this fucking newsletter for glowstick club if anyone says anything slightly not good about it i'll cry &lt;3
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harmcityherald · 3 months
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My Artemisia
#Artemisia and I#I love her more than the universe has fire#she is sleeping be quiet make sure you don't wake her up she will be angry if I post her picture#but everyone should see what a beautiful woman I am blessed to be with#yes we are fire to each other we have always been the couple who live on the edge#being part of the music scene in Baltimore in the 90s it was a lot of fun#she didn't like my music that's the first thing that endeared her to me#I had no time for sycophants#she met me as an equal and I am always greatly indebted to her spirit for saving my life many times#she was the voice of reason that I never listened to#my punk rock redhead Warrior woman#truly Artemisia#she loves that I call her that now#yesterday I started calling her Pete#I told her she can call me Gloria and I'll call her Pete#there is no reason to hide the love of over 35 years together and only celebrated on an anniversary#love should be celebrated every day#yes I put her on a pedestal and she certainly deserves to be there#my eternal love for her will never die#Artemisia and I will survive in the manor eternal#we will reside here as a ghost with all the other family down the line to my grandfather who started it all#he was the greatest man I ever knew and if I can just be half as good as him I am better than everyone#he stepped in where my father failed#he was my father#our spirits will reside here along with all the others to keep the manor strong and a refuge for the family in an unstable future#we may be poor by materialistic standards but we are very rich to have built such a family and very lucky indeed#in my mind I see my grandson standing in the backyard with his children playing the man are strong and his cool head and moral compass#will protect and Propel the family into the future#and then I can finally sit down and die#it is the last goal I must complete
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deulalune · 9 months
Bisan brings up an excellent point about disabled Palestinians. Palestinian liberation is a climate, racism all problems. It is everyone’s business.
Video transcription (includes sign language part):
[Text says "People with disabilities in the Bombing"]
Bisan: Hey everyone. Have you ever thought about the people with disabilities in Gaza? I mean those people with disability in the hearing. How can they hear the bombings and just escape? Those who cannot move, those who cannot see the road in front of them, how can they escape? How can they just survive this? Okay, so during the past few days, I've been hearing more and more stories. One of them was on X (Twitter) and a girl was talking about an old woman. She was blind and she was killed during a bombing on the neighbourhood that they're living in. And another friend yesterday --he's deaf-- and he was talking about those people who were killed. Some of his neighbours were killed because they did not hear the soldiers, the Israeli soldiers, warning them. So, yeah. No one is safe in Gaza. You can just see the video of this friend, and I'll be translating his signs.
[Video cuts to a man speaking in sign language.]
Hello everyone. Hope you're doing well. I know people from the deaf community. They were displaced at to Khaleefa school in Jabalia - North of Gaza. They were three - and they were all killed! The Israeli soldiers told them to stop while they were escaping! But they didn't hear, so they shot and killed them! [Man shows his phone with a picture of the three boys in it on the right.
There's arabic text on the left that translates to
"The deaf martyrs, may God have mercy on them,
Lord of Paradise
(translated with Google
Translate) and below the text is a bia
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secretidentie · 2 months
Since Bruce is a celebrity everyone assumes his PR team runs his socials but since he's a cluster of paranoia he refuses to let anyone else do it. That means when he randomly tweets something out of pocket he has the perfect excuse.
BRUCE WAYNE TWEETS : "Had a meeting with share holders today and I finally understand why red hood had a bag of severed heads" AND FOLLOWS IT UP WITH "I'd like to apologize on behalf of my social media manager for my last tweet" BUT STILL DOESN'T TAKE IT DOWN.
Clark, trying to be nonchalant : hey I wanted to ask about your post from yesterday.
[a picture of Alfred's cooking posted on IG with the caption "dinner almost looks as delicious as @thesupermanofsteel 🤤"]
Bruce *sweating bullets under the cowl and pretending to work *: oh I haven't seen what my team posted yet.
Clark *immediately burning the bouquet he brought to confess his feelings before Bruce sees* : oh, okay
At a gala
Lex Luther: so I saw your last tiktok
[video of the Waynes on vacation captioned "with the wind in my hair and my kids by my side, @lexluther can't relate"]
Bruce in full Brucie mode : you know how it is with media managers, lexy. I mean yours just posted a whole Twitter rant saying I had work done and then deleted it an hour later HAha, can you believe it!
Lex who can definitely believe it because he wrote that rant himself at 2am :........ Umh...... I'll have to see who's responsible for that.
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miserycanary · 6 months
pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley & model!fem!reader
synopsis: Ghost mentions you but 141 doesn't believe that he got a wife
tags: crack (well, attempted), fluff
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Ghost’s strict rules for privacy are something the 141 has known for years now. He’s not the type of person to blab about his personal life and often chooses just to keep quiet. So, imagine their surprise when he suddenly says that he’s going to take a day off because his wife asked him to watch a play. 
“Price, ‘am not gonna be here tomorrow. Got a date with my missus.”
All eyes are on him, everyone stills. “WIFE? Since when?!” Soap exclaimed, finally breaking the silence. His eyes were almost bulging out his eyes. “Never told you about her?” Ghost hums, unamused by the Scottish’s exclaim. “Johnny here does have a reasonable reaction. You never tell us anything ‘bout you, mate,” Price joined, chuckling and pulling out a cigar. The man just contemplates before brushing it off and bidding farewell, leaving the group confused. 
“Ain’t no way he’s telling us the truth. That man ain’t got no bone in his body to bag someone,” Soap voiced out, looking for anyone to support his disbelief. “I mean..” Gaz whistles out, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head as if he’s agreeing to some extent. That’s when, unbeknownst to Ghost, he got the reputation of being delusional and a liar. 
Soap, still doubtful days later, watches the lieutenant with a vision like a hawk. “Hey, lieutenant.” Ghost snaps his head up, looking at him. “How was the date with your wife?” Immediately, everyone else stopped what they were doing, silently listening. It was obvious he was baiting Ghost, emphasizing the wife as if putting on quotes. They weren’t as nosy as Soap but each one of them still held a bit of doubtness that the brick wall of the team managed to get a girl, and even marry her.
“It was okay. The missus had fun,” Ghost chuckles, fondly remembering how you were beaming on the way, rambling about the plot of the play. “Can we see pictures?” Soap smirked thinking he finally got the lieutenant but was taken aback when Ghost only shrugged and pulled out his phone before freezing. “Ah, we didn’t take pictures yesterday. Said she wanted to live in the moment.” 
Soap whipped his head to signal to Gaz, seemingly saying ‘See? He’s definitely lying! How convenient he has no pictures.” 
“How about just a picture of your wife?” Kyle suggested, now invested while Price seemed to be shaking his head in the corner. “I have none with me but..” With a few clicks, Ghost holds up his phone for everyone to see. Like birds, everyone flocked around him, curious to see. For a while, everyone was surprised and sure the man was lying. I mean, he just showed them a picture of a drop-dead gorgeous model from a magazine! 
‘He's definitely lost it’ everyone seemed to think, offering pity glances at the man who had this prideful shine in his eyes. Walking up to his superior, Soap patted him on the back. “It’s fine, mate… we understand how difficult it must be.” ‘not having a lady at all’
Thinking Johnny meant about your hectic schedule, he agreed. “It’s quite tough but we make it work,” he chuckled which made everyone wince.
‘Definitely nuts!’
Weeks passed after that and the topic never got brought up, until Ghost came in with a bento in hand covered with a handkerchief with frilly ends. When asked about it, he replied, “Ah, wife’s testing out recipes for an upcoming TV show. ‘S been practicing and asked me to bring one.” Once again, he was given pity glances and even heard a defeated sigh from Soap. 
‘He’s too far gone’
“How’s work?” you ask, dazedly paying attention to the movie you guys put, more invested in burying your face in Simon’s chest while he drapes both arms on your waist, completely engulfing your torso under his muscles. “Been getting a few weird stares,” he mumbles, playing with your hair and pressing kisses on your forehead. “Why?” you peer up, resting your chin on his shoulder. “I don’ know, princess.”
“Should we just… finally set the lieutenant on a date? I feel bad. I mean, he even lied about his “wife” making him lunch,” Johnny sighed.
“Probably the best idea,” Kyle nodded.
Now Price… he knows the truth. He met you before when you dropped by, asking for Ghost— which ended horribly— but he’ll lying if he said he’s not getting a kick out of this.
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꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱: probably won't be posting for a while :] Did you guys notice the hint to my previous work? Please do. 😔
dividers by @cafekitsune
Please reblog!! Ask is open!
check out my other works in the masterlist: ୭!
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