#(which will be the size of a lime by the time i see them in february)
sickeninglyshoujo · 7 months
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a/n: continually obsessed w/ cod dads, here's price
part 1: simon here
part 3: soap here
part 4: gaz here
masterlist here
warnings: pregnancy
word count: 1.7k
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Price was afraid to have babies with you because of the age difference and you rolled your eyes every time he talked about being an old man and how a pretty young thing like you shouldn’t be dating him much less trying to get knocked up by someone his age. As if he’d let you even entertain the thought of leaving him for a young buck who couldn’t spoil you like you deserved.
Throughout your pregnancy he treated you like fine China, afraid he’d say the wrong thing and make you cry. He’s heard about women’s hormones during pregnancy even as you remained rock solid, rolling your eyes when he’d ‘yes dear’ you.
You tried to kick him out of the bathroom when morning sickness hit and he refused. Instead sitting on the tub next to you, petting your back as you leaned into the toilet and tried to soothe you, telling you how strong you were and how beautiful you were carrying his baby even with sick bubbling up your throat at the slightest movement “I thought morning sickness was only supposed to be in the morning,” you moaned with your forehead pressed against the cool floor tile. “It’’s a misnomer, love,” John said, removing himself from his perch on the tub to wet a cool washcloth and wipe down your face.
He wishes this phase was over, hates seeing you in pain like this.
That changes once the baby’s born then he’s ready to do it all over again. He didn’t know how attached he’s gotten to helping you do the things you couldn’t because of your belly  like putting on your shoes (looking up at your belly reverently the entire time before planting a kiss on it) for you and helping you pick things off the floor that your clumsy fingers dropped. He grew a particular affection for helping you rub shea butter and vitamin E oil over your rapidly appearing stretch marks.
Price insists on building the nursery furniture without reading the directions, “Know what I’m doin’ woman,” and to your chagrin he was right. Managed everything without a set of directions perched on his knee and instead chucked them to the side with the box.
The first thing he built was the fancy rocking chair he bought for you, insisting you don’t help him with anything “At least let me hold the screws John, I feel stupid just sitting here!”
To him, peace is this. This is what so many long nights holed up in some shithole on a mission have led to. Him sitting on the floor at your feet, building a life together while oldies play on the record player in the next room. He’s so overwhelmed in the moment he can’t help but pull your hand to his lips and kiss it and laughs at you when you ask him what’s wrong
“It’s all right, is the thing, love.”
When you get the first ultrasound, he stops at the store on the way home and purchased a picture frame (insisting you stay in the car and not overexert yourself, he’ll just be a moment, love). The next day he’s on base it now proudly sits facing him next to the photo of him and you vacationing in London with your faces squeezed together in the frame, selfie-style.
Tells anyone who enters his office about you and how far along you are, whether they ask or not, comparing the baby to different sized fruits, which parts were developing that week.
“She’s the size of a lime now, tiny little thing.”
“Can you imagine that she’s growing fingernails in my bird’s belly!”
Absolutely rubbed your swollen ankles in the evenings when he got home from work, peppering gentle kisses on them when he switched feet
Loved your pregnancy brain fog and would kiss your nose any time he got to remind you about something. He became the keeper of your calendar, scheduling your appointments and taking you to them.
When you go into labor, he’s on base in a meeting with some high-brass in a meeting on a highly classified matter. He’s not even allowed to bring his phone into the room. Instead having to turn it off and lock it in a safe prior to entering even with a baby on the way. He was aware this might happen and had instructed you on the line of succession.
“If you can’t get ahold of me, leave me a message lovie, then go down the line. Simon’s second-in–command-”
“Then Kyle, then Johnny, I know, John, you’ve drilled it into my head,” You soothe him, petting the creases he’s worn between his eyebrows, “It’ll be just fine, women have been doing it for thousands of years.”
“I’ll be there, I promise lovie,” He kisses your palm
You leave the message on John’s voicemail, a curt, “It’s time John, once I hang-up I’m dialing Simon, just like we practiced.”
Simon answers on the third ring, “Missus?” His rumbly voice cuts across the line.
“It’s time Simon and John’s still in the meeting since his phone is turned off.”
The line goes dead leaving you blinking at the Call Ended screen.
You decide that Simon is aware of the drastic nature of the matter and instead busy yourself, you lug the baby bag and your purse to the floor next to the door and go through the checklist John had created in the front pocket: Stove off, windows shut and locked, televisions off…It wasn’t until Simon was letting himself into your front door that the list was likely a distraction from your husband to stop you from leaving on your own until Simon arrived.
Simon collects you with the cool confidence of a Lieutenant in the special forces.
No, don’t worry about the bags or the door, he’s got it, just get yourself into the car.
You try John’s number over and over on the way to the hospital, narrating Simon’s driving, “John, I’m going to have words with you when this is over, I cannot believe you let your pregnant wife in a car with what has to be the worst driver in all of Manchester!”
Before you know it, you’re being rushed into the hospital with Ghost snapping at the nurse at the desk for a wheelchair, NOW! He barks out orders in true military fashion leaving your head buried in your hands as you’re being escorted to the maternity ward.
“Now don’t worry, Sir, your wife is in excellent hands,” one of the nurses addresses Simon, all muscle pushing you in the wheelchair, unblinking and matching their pace.
“He’s not-” You try and interject.
“She better be,” Simon cuts you off, “And the labor will be handled with the utmost care or someone will have to answer to me personally.”
The contractions have started coming back to back and you’re pacing the hospital room, sucking on ice chips fed to you by a patient Simon.
Kyle and Johnny have also arrived and join him in his vigil, somehow maneuvering their way through the “Father and family only” policy the hospital has.
“She was adopted,” You later find out Kyle deadpanned at the security trying to stop him from entering the room, “Can’t you see the family resemblance?”
True to his word, John is there.
He’s rushed into the room, frazzled and running his hand over his beard, eyes darting until he finds you, “Hey sweet girl, I’m here, I’m here,” pointedly ignoring the nurse trying to count out the men in the room
(“Who are these men to you again miss?”)
(“I’m the father,” Gaz informs, flipping through a magazine to pass the time between bursts of activity with contractions.)
You moan out John’s name slapping at his chest weekly when he gathers you up into his arms and hugs you, “I’m mad at you John!”
“Don’t be mad, love, I made it just like I promised,” He tries to soothe you, smoothing his hands over your disheveled hair. “Not about being late, about getting me pregnant!” “It’s a bit late for that now, love,” He does his best to hide the smile twitching into place under his mustache. 
The boys remain in the room for the entire labor, John holding one hand and the other men trading off when your grip became too strong (“Dinnae know the lass could break my bones with just one hand,” Johnny moans shaking out his aching appendage.)
When the baby finally arrives, the doctor again looks around at the men in the room, “Would…Dad like to hold her?”
John finally extracts himself from your bruising grip to hold your daughter, eyes twinkling with joy at seeing the bundle covered in blood and viscera. Such a difference from every other time he’d been covered in the blood, these are stains he’ll gladly wear.
#1 baby wearer captain price
“I hardly get to hug you anymore because she’s always strapped to you!”
Price’s eyebrows go up at that, “Are you jealous, love?
 “Not jealous, but I miss my husband's arms around me!” When you say that with a slight pout in your voice, Price is quick to arrange Uncle Soap and Gaz so he can wine and dine you like old times. 
You make sure to wag your finger enough at the boys and remind them they’re there to babysit, not throw a rager and rile up the baby, even though you know your warnings are falling onto deaf ears. You wholeheartedly expect to return home to a cranky and overtired baby and two military men.
“Can’t neglect either of my girls” he’d mutter into your hair after pulling you close after dinner, holding you to his chest tightly in the middle of the sidewalk 
“You never do, John, you’re the best man I could’ve hoped for,” You muttered into his chest, “Never did I think I’d get someone so in love with me and our child.”
Will regularly fall asleep with the baby curled on his chest, boonie hat pulled down over his eyes, with your daughter also lulled to sleep by his steady breaths. You can’t help but take a photo every time it happens, so smitten with how your husband enjoys his quiet days on leave.
You can’t help but send the photo to the boys, having the group chat with them immediately blown up with emojis sent by Soap, laughing at the Captain’s prone form.
As a joke the photo ends up framed on Price’s desk, next to the ultrasound. Price actually enjoys having it to remind him of the peace he has waiting at home and the joke is ruined when the photo remains in it’s place of honor.
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renai-fr · 2 months
Perler Bead Flight Flags
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Made these flight flag coasters a bit back, figured it was a good time to post 'em! I do enjoy Perlers, they're like pixel art but at the end I can hold them and stuff.
Crafting details after the break, if y'all want to make your own.
These are using the original 2013 flag designs/colors on a 14x14 board, with standard 5mm beads. If you wanted to do the current flag designs, they'd need a little bit of tweaking as many are more symmetric in the current art (and also, I'd recommend a 16x16 size, since then you have room to put the current art's border). You could also try out an odd-sized flag, 15x15 maybe, but the angles at the bottom will look a little off. Doesn't hurt to try stuff though!
I got most of the beads for these out of variety packs and various kits, which don't necessarily label the colors in them, but these are my best guesses to what I used:
Earth: Tan design on Brown base
Fire: Butterscotch/Orange on Light Brown base
Wind: Dark Green on Kiwi Lime
Water: Light Blue on Dark Blue/Cobalt
Lightning: Toothpaste on Parrot Green
Ice: Turquoise on Robin's Egg
Light: Cheddar on Creme
Shadow: Pastel Lavender on Purple
Nature: Kiwi Lime on Dark green
Plague: Red on Cranapple
Arcane: Pink on Raspberry
(Most of these came from the Multi Mix packs or the Neutral Colors/Fun Colors trays, but Cranapple in particular was catankerous to get ahold of. Fitting for Plague, I suppose! Anyways, there's some wiggle room on hue for a lot of these, too, I was just using what I had onhand as much as possible)
As for what I would do differently if I made another set of these? Well... I've gotten a bit better at getting the melt level consistent, so there's that. Learned the hard way that trying to melt two designs on the same pegboard, even if said board is big, isn't a good idea (and it's near-impossible to fix). Also, I was using one of the freebie folded pieces of parchment paper, so some of the coasters have creases... On non-ironing notes, I think it would be fun to take a stab at a micro-bead variant, since they support a higher dpi and all!
Anyways, if you decide to make your own set, please uh... I'd say ping me, but I'm not actually sure how that works here? I think it'd be cool to see 'em, that's all. Happy crafting!
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mclennonlgbt · 5 months
Paris in John and Paul’s life
30th September 1961:
“John and I went on a trip for his twenty-first birthday. John was from a very middle-class family, which really impressed me because everyone else was from working-class families. To us John was upper class. His relatives were teachers, dentists, even someone up in Edinburgh in the BBC. It’s ironic, he was always very ‘fuck you!’ and he wrote the song ‘Working Class Hero’ – in fact, he wasn’t at all working class. Anyway, one of John’s relatives gave him £100 for his birthday. A hundred smackers in your hand! That was a real windfall. None of us could believe it. To this day if you gave me £100 I would be impressed. And I was his mate, enough said? ‘Let’s go on holiday.’ – ‘You mean me too? With the hundred quid? Great! I’m part of this windfall.’” - Paul McCartney, Anthology
“We planned to hitchhike to Spain. I had done a spot of hitchhiking with George and we knew you had to have a gimmick; we had been turned down so often and we’d seen that guys that had a gimmick (like a Union Jack round them) had always got the lifts. So I said to John, ‘Let’s get a couple of bowler hats.’ It was showbiz creeping in. We still had our leather jackets and drainpipes – we were too proud of them not to wear them, in case we met a girl; and if we did meet a girl, off would come the bowlers. But for lifts we would put the bowlers on. Two guys in bowler hats – a lorry would stop! Sense of Humour. This, and the train, is how we got to Paris." - Paul McCartney, Anthology
“And Paul and I also did the same thing, once. We just cancelled. We’d made it, in Liverpool. We were making good money, for those days. I can’t remember what it was – maybe a couple of hundred dollars a week – but enough that you’d have a little extra. You’d have it in your back pocket. And Paul and I just— A relative of mine gave me a hundred pounds, for my birthday, which I’d never seen that much money in me life. Paul and I just canceled all the engagements, and left for Paris… And George was furious, because he needed the money – to work, you know. But that was another time when the group was in debate as whether it would exist or not.”  - John Lennon, 1976, an interview with Elliot Mintz
“Last night I heard that John and Paul have gone to Paris to play together – in other words, the band has broken up! It sounds mad to me, I don’t believe it…” - Stuart Sutcliffe, Anthology
"They were brothers. They were the Nerk Twins, and now they were taking a break from the Beatles and going off to Spain. En route, they’d stop a day or two in Paris, to size up the Brigittes, check out the kind of clothes Jurgen Vollmer wore, and perhaps see Jurgen himself, if he was around. [Johnny] Gustafson happened to bump into them the day they left, Saturday 30 September. “They both had bowler hats on, with the usual leather jackets and jeans. They said they were off to Paris, so I walked down to Lime Street station with them and watched them go. They were an incredible pair: always great fun, irreverent, and so close.” - Mark Lewisohn, All These Years: Volume One
“We’d never been there before. We were a bit tired so we checked into a little hotel for the night, intending to go off hitchhiking the next morning. Of course, it was too nice a bed after having hitched so we said, ‘We’ll stay a little longer,’ then we thought, ‘God, Spain is a long way, and we’d have to work to get down there.’ We ended up staying the week in Paris – John was funding it all with his hundred quid.
We would walk miles from our hotel; you do in Paris. We’d go to a place near the Avenue des Anglais and we’d sit in the bars, looking good. I still have some classic photos from there. Linda loves one where I am sitting in a gendarme’s mac as a cape and John has got his glasses on askew and his trousers down revealing a bit of Y-front. The photographs are so beautiful, we’re really hamming it up. We’re looking at the camera like, ‘Hey, we are artsy guys, in a café: this is us in Paris,’ and we felt like that.
We went up to Montmartre because of all the artists, and the Folies Bergères, and we saw guys walking around in short leather jackets and very wide pantaloons. Talk about fashion! This was going to kill them when we got back. This was totally happening. They were tight to the knee and then they flared out; they must have been about fifty inches around the bottom and our drainpipe trousers were something like fifteen or sixteen inches. We saw these trousers and said, ‘Excusez-moi, Monsieur, où did you get them?’ It was a cheap little rack down the street so we bought a pair each, went back to the hotel, put them on, went out on the street – and we couldn’t handle it: ‘Do your feet feel like they are flapping? Feel more comfortable in me drainies, don’t you?’ So it was back to the hotel at a run, needle and cotton out and we took them in to a nice sixteen with which we were quite happy. And then we met Jürgen Vollmer on the street. He was still taking pictures." - Paul McCartney, Anthology
“Jürgen had a flattened-down hairstyle with a fringe in the front, which we rather took to. We went over to his place and there and then he cut – hacked would be a better word – our hair into the same style.” - John Lennon, 1963
Interviewer: I heard you took a trip to Spain before once, didn’t you? On Holiday? Paul: I didn’t go to Spain, no. I tried once to make Spain but… and John and I were gonna hitchhike. We hitchhiked down from Liverpool… We didn’t hitchhike. No, we got the train down from Liverpool ‘cause we thought we won’t hitchhike down the first bit. And we got the boat over to Paris. Then we got the train into Paris ‘cause we thought: “Well, it’ll be too hard to get a hitch here”. And we just stayed in Paris all week. And eventually… I mean, all the time trying to get out of Paris and make Spain! We never made it, we just flew home at the end. What a lazy hitchhiking Holiday!
“The thing was all the kissing and holding that was going on in Paris. And it was so romantic just to be there and see them even though I was 21 and sort of not romantic. But I really loved it, the way the people would just stand under a tree kissing. And they weren’t not mauling at each other, they were just kissing.” - John Lennon
"John’s 21st birthday was a month away, and he knew he was getting money — 100 pounds cash, more than he or Paul had ever seen in their lives. (…) Bob Wooler was party to their planning, and fought with them:
They were bored, and decided they would go away for a month. I thought this was disastrous because they would be away from the scene too long and lose their fans, Fans were very capricious: they moved from one group to another. And anyway, what about the other two members, George Harrison and Pete Best?. What about them, what do they do? We argued a lot about this — we argued in the back room of the grapes pub to a large extent —- and they said ‘Well, we’ll go away for a fortnight only’
(…) Equally, the promoters who paid the Beatles over-the-odds to present them every week had to “lump it” (….). To a man, and woman, they were incensed by it - but John and Paul hadn’t a care. They didn’t mean to be rude about it but basically it was tough shit.
it was tough too on Dot and Cyn, Dot simply had to accept the situation, but Cyn had a greater case of grievance. John was heading off without her when he could so easily gave waited for the art school holidays. (…).
That John was taking Paul, no one else, accentuates the renewed closeness since Stu quit The Beatles. They were the Beatles force, an unstoppable and authentically powerful pair. “Lennon had the attitude”, Wooler said, “and taking his lead from Lennon, McCartney could be similar. At times they reminded me of those well-to-do Chicago lads Leopold and Loeb, who killed someone because they felt superior to him. Lennon and McCartney were superior human beings”
"You’d always see them together, in the pub or walking along the street", says Johnny Gustafson of the Big Tree. "They were a duo, and seemed each other’s equal". Bernie Boyle, the young lad hanging around with them at every opportunity, says, "They were like brothers, with John as the elder and Paul’s mentor. They were so tight it was like there was a telepathy between them: on stage, they’d look at each other and know instinctively what the other was thinking"
They were brothers. They were the Nerk Twins, and now they were taking a break from The Beatles and gofin off to Spain. 
Gustafson happened to bump into them the day they left, Saturday, September 30. “They both had bowler hats on, with the usual leather jackets and jeans. They said they were off to Paris, so I walked down to Lime Street station and watched them go. They were an incredible pair: always great fun, irreverent and so close. - Mark Lewisohn, Tune In: The Beatles: All These Years (2013)
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As was written in this post: That last picture is one Paul took of John sleeping in Paris. From what I remember of a performance he did of ‘Here Today’, and earlier comments, this picture hangs framed on a wall in Paul’s house.
Unconfirmed quote (may or may not be true): 
"He must have been fond of me to spend that money. He let me have all the banana milkshakes I wanted.”  - Paul McCartney
In January 1964, only a few scant weeks before the Beatles took America by storm, the band mates settled in for an extended stay in Paris. For the group, the Parisian visit proved to be a magical experience, with the Beatles playing 18 shows at the Olympia Theatre between Jan. 16 and Feb. 4 (source).
The Beatles were staying at the George V Hotel at the time. John and Paul composed "Can't Buy Me Love", "I Should Have Known Better" and "If I Fell" on the piano.
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The photo Paul took of John (in the "Eyes Of The Storm" book):
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1966: Paul, his girlfriend Maggie McGivern, John and Brian Epstein spend 5 days in Paris. "All of them flew into France separately — Lennon had been filming abroad and Epstein had been away on business. Maggie and Paul, she says, traveled apart ‘as part of keeping the relationship secret’. During the five-day trip the foursome stayed at the same Paris hotel where she and Paul shared a luxury suite. ‘It was a marvelous holiday,’ she says. ‘. . . just walking around the streets of Paris.‘My abiding memory is of me, John and Paul lying under the Eiffel Tower, gazing up at it. We couldn’t go up because we would have been recognised, and we were masters at the art of avoiding people." [x]
Hoping to get married in France, John Lennon and Yoko Ono flew to Paris on this day [16th March].
The couple had decided to marry on 14 March 1969, two days after the wedding of Paul McCartney to Linda Eastman; whether it was in response to this event on some level is open to conjecture.
On McCartney’s wedding day Lennon and Ono were travelling to Poole in Dorset, where he introduced her to his Aunt Mimi. During the journey he asked his chauffeur Les Anthony to go to Southampton to enquire about the possibility of the wedding being held at sea, on the cross-channel ferry to France.
“On March 12, Paul married Linda Eastman at Marylebone Register Office in London, amid scenes of hysterical grief from his female fans. None of the other Beatles was present. The news reached John as he and Yoko were driving down to visit Aunt Mimi in Poole. Yoko’s divorce decree had become final a few weeks earlier, and, in a resurgence of Beatle copycat, John told her they, too, must get married as soon as possible” - Philip Norman, John Lennon: The Life (2008)
"We chose Gibraltar because it is quiet, British and friendly. We tried everywhere else first. I set out to get married on the car ferry and we would have arrived in France married, but they wouldn’t do it. We were no more successful with cruise ships. We tried embassies, but three weeks’ residence in Germany or two weeks’ in France were required." - John Lennon
“After a late lunch, Linda launched into a long paean to the joys of living in England. When she was finished, she turned to John and said, “Don’t you miss England?”
“Frankly,” John replied, “I miss Paris.””
— May Pang, Loving John (1983)
Wings album "London Town" is released. It includes the song "Cafe on the Left Bank", the lyrics of which clearly refer to John and Paul's trip to Paris.
Late 1970s (maybe 1978?): John is singing to Paul about Paris in a home recording. Longer version
1970s: John writes "Skywriting by Word of Mouth", a book that would be released in 1986. One story is about sex he had with a woman in Paris. Here it is. As anon noticed here: "...the woman is called Amie L'Nitrate and Amyl Nitrate is a reference to poppers. He talks about grabbing her 'pomme de frites.' Her potatoes? He uses the term 'tread lightly on some loafers' which is an old euphenism for being gay. Amie says they should have sex to God Only Knows. Then John says their relationship ended in a seething rage but he still thinks of 'her.'" @sgtsaltsband concluded in the same post: "so he writes a story about PARIS ( where he and paul went on a trip for his 21st bday and never stopped talking about it ) , in the HOTEL where the Beatles stayed later on [Hotel V in 1964] , names the girl after POPPERS ( a drug commonly used by gay men during sex ) , the girl wants to have sex to PAULS fave song and he uses this PHRASE." Also: this is an excerpt of the story:
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"Boogie" is a slang word for sex or dance (also, "Born to Boogie" is a 1972 movie starring Marc Bolan, Elton John and Ringo Starr). "Band on the Run" is a Paul McCartney and Wings' album which John loved. "Sue you sue me" can be a reference to to the Beatles' legal and business disputes and the fact that Paul sued John, George and Ringo in December 1970, and to "Sue Me, Sue You Blues", a song by George.
(thank you @menlove for uploading the story and pointing out interesting words!)
1994 - Paul inducting John to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:
“And then on your 21st birthday you got £100 off one of your rich relatives up in Edinburgh, so we decided we’d go to Spain. So we hitch-hiked out of Liverpool. And we got as far as Paris, and decided to stop there for a week. And eventually got our haircut, by a fellow named Jürgen, and that ended up being the ‘Beatle haircut’.”
I also remember watching an interview with Paul about his album "Memory Almost Full" (2007). Thank you for adding, @ringompreg!
(it's like 7 minutes in) Interviewer: There is a very beautiful song called "The End Of The End", the way you talk about your whole ending, and the lyric goes: "It's a start of a journey to a much better place." You mean, better than England? Paul: It's basically a start of a journey to France. Or Spain through France. Yeah, that's what it is. It's a much better place, Paris.
Also worth mentoning:
"All You Need Is Love" begins with La Marseillaise.
"Picasso's Last Words (Drink To Me)" contains French-language speech by BBC broadcaster Pierre Le Sève.
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harrysmimi · 8 days
A Moment In Time
Synopsis: One where Harry's Swiftie daughter finally gets to meet her favourite and see her perform live.
Here's Pt2 to this after 1.5years | More of my work
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It was a random Wednesday day and Harry and Moon at Harry Lambert's studio.
They were going to The Eras Tour!!!
Moon was ecstatic would be an understatement to say. She wanted a green folklore dress like Taylor's to wear at the Wembley Night three. So her dad found the very next person to reach out to for a custom dress for his little princess.
"It twickles!" She chuckled as Lambert took her measurements, making sure to leave quite a margin as she is a growing kid and the show was a month and a half ahead.
"Yeah? Does it tickle here?" Lambert tickled her tummy a bit making her burst into laughter.
Then later Moon went out with her dad on a little lunch date. She wanted Fish and chips and that's what she got.
It was finally the concert day. Moon was already hyped up for everything. They even went merch shopping. They couldn't find anything in her size except for nail charms there.
Moon carried along her VIP pass on a lanyard too long for her and her noise cancelling headphones which matched her dress. Yes, her Papa bought her VIP tickets.
The show kicked off and they all danced, sang and had a great time all together.
Moon was particularly ecstatic when she saw she was matching with Taylor with the very similar Folklore dress. Taylor of course noticed it during her 22 set.
"Mummy look!" Moon showed her mum how Taylor danced during August, using her cape sleeves like wings just like her favourite.
Harry's fans there were particularly in awe of the little girl. Surprisingly, they did not take pictures of her or any sneaky videos. They were all very respectful as YN and Harry have kept their daughter away from the lime light.
Moon was over the moon one can say when she saw Taylor wearing the same dress as hers during August. "Mummy she's wearing the same dress as me!" The little girl screamed in excitement asking her mother to pick her up so she could have a look at her favourite performing on the stage well.
"Yeah!" YN cooed as picked up her girl and propped her up on her hip.
It was the end of the show and Harry was guiding his girl back out when Andrea, Taylor's mum stopped them.
"Hi, Harry." She greeted him, "Taylor said she would like to meet your daughter at the back stage now."
Moon was all tired and a bit grumpy already as she clung on her mother, still with her noise cancelling headphones on and her bunny close to her chest. She had no idea what was going on as her mother and dad took her back stage. Taylor was there, still in her Midnights body suit.
"Moonie look who's here." YN cooed to her daughter softly, making the little girl pick her head up to look at her favourite.
"Hi little one!" Taylor said softly.
"Taylor!" It was like Moon had two shots of espresso all of a sudden when she saw Taylor, she was quick to jump in her arms with a bear hug.
"Oh you're so sweet!" Taylor hugged her back. "I like your dress. It's so pretty."
"Yeah, it's like yours!" Moon said she looked down at her dress.
"It suits you better I can say." Blondie said. "Your dad told me how much you like my music, that means so much to me."
"Yes, I like Love Story, Me, and Lover!" Moon listed out a few songs she likes. "Papa wikes to sing it to Mummy and me sometimes."
"Awe that's so sweet, isn't it!" Taylor chuckle softly. "Thank you for listening to my songs." She hugged the little girl again.
Taylor gave Moon so many gifts. Harry made sure to inform Taylor that his daughter is a big fan of hers. Taylor made the meet much so special with custom merch for Moon.
A little 22 hat, and a small Junior Jules shirt, with a pair of black jean shorts, a few tour hoodies made in her size and few sizes larger so she can grow into them. A few friendship bracelets for her, which Taylor made herself. And a few candies and chocolates, which Taylor made sure with her parents first before giving it to her.
"I made these myself for you." She helped Moon wear the bracelets.
And little did Taylor know, Moon had a few gifts for Taylor too.
"Mummy the gift, pwease!" She looked up at her mother. It was just a little cat with a picture Moon drew herself and a friendship bracelet too.
"Oh my gosh! You made these?" Taylor was in utter surprise. The little bracelets said, 'Moons BFF" and "Bestie" respectively. "You drew this?"
"Yes!" Moon exclaimed, "dunno if you would wanna wear it but I made it." She added shyly.
"Of course I want to wear it." Taylor instantly put on the bracelets, "oh and I love this picture so much!"
"Yeah? This is Moon and this is you!" She pointed at two stick figures with yellow hair, one with blue eyes and one with green eyes. Stick figure Taylor had a black mic in her hand. "And it says, I wuv your swongs and I admire you so much!" And it said the same thing indeed in messy and colourful writing.
"You are amazing." Taylor hugged Moon again, she was a bit emotional to say the least. "I am gonna cherish this forever, thank you so much. You are such an amazing artist."
"Thank you so much." Moon blushed shyly making everyone chuckle.
"You wanna take pictures together on my Polaroid?" Taylor asked. Moon of course said yes.
Taylor kept one with her and gave one to Moon with a little message on the back.
It was the best night for Moon.
YN only hoped she could remember it when she grows up, but her parents would forever remember the same for her. Moon spent three hours with Taylor that evening, they had dinner together later that night.
Moon definitely thought Taylor was going to be her best friend forever and ever that she asked her to call her whenever she is free, surprisingly Taylor agreed to that. That made Moon ever more happier.
Moon was fast asleep in the car when they all got home, she was exhausted.
It was the next morning when her dad surprised her with her favourite breakfast, which was pancakes with her favourite fruits.
"Mummy." She walked up to her mum in her office with sleepy eyes for cuddles.
"Good morning my baby." YN was quick to pull her up in her lap.
"Mornin." She mumbled. "What are you doing Mummy?"
"I am just taking care of a few things baby." She explained to her.
"Oh." Was her only reaction.
"Are you still tired?"
"Mhmm." She nodded and nuzzled closer to YN's chest and tried to sleep again but she could smell the delicious pancakes her dad was making in the kitchen. "Pancakes?"
"Yes, Papa is making Pancakes for you." YN shared, "do you want to go brush your teeth and your hair and eat pancakes?"
"Mhmm." She seemed a bit upset and YN didn't know why.
She let her daughter be for a while as she helped the little girl brush her teeth and hair before they headed out for breakfast.
"Hi my loves. Good morning." Harry chirped as he went and kissed his wife first on the mouth and then his princess. YN set her on her high chair as she went to help him.
"I don't know why she seems a bit upset." She whispered to her husband.
"No, why?" He seemed puzzled about it.
"I don't know..."
Harry went to his daughter with a plate of pancakes, he had made a little smile face the blue berry jam and cut up little strawberry hearts for the eyes, syrup and extra fruits on the side.
"Hey princess what got you so upset?" He cooed to her, "did you see a nightmare?"
"No." She mumbled, "I saw we went to see Taylor and there were a lot of her friends there, she gave me so many gifts."
"Oh baby you thought that was a dream?" Harry tried so hard to hold back his chuckle.
"Mhmm." She looked down at her plate with sad and teary eyes.
"Oh no, can I share something with you?" Harry asked making her look up at him, "it was all real my darling. Here." He walked up to the coffee table in their living room to get the basket of goodies and the Polaroid.
The instant smile on her face put her parents heart into ease.
"It all happened, really." YN assured her. "We took off the bracelets because we didn't want you to scratch yourself in sleep." She gave the little girl the bracelets.
And she was happy again.
They spent the rest of their day watching movies and preparing and making an elaborate dinner to invite Grandma Anne and Aunty Gemma.
@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries @onlyangelrain @supersanelyromantic @haarrrys @originalsoulcollector @lomlhstyles @im-an-overthinker @tenaciousperfectionunknown @stilesissaved @allthelovehes @sunshinemoonsposts @harryssky1 @sofia-faustina @stylesfever @reputationolivia @kittenhere
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ofc-vi-writes-too · 2 months
a continuation of things that i think happen in my favorite fucked up silly little city (gotham)
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• In hosptials in Gotham there’s another wing dedicated to super villain attacks Like how theres the ED, NICU, L&D, ICU, etc., theres another branch called Excessive Villain Attack Department (for) Emergencies. Also known as EVADE for short. it’s a brag to say you work in EVADE for doctors/nurses because A. the pay is ridiculously good, and B. how much extra stuff you had to learn to work there. People who work in EVADE have to go through weekly psych evaluations as well as physical testing to make sure they are still fit for duty.
• there are EVADE pop ups all around gotham so it’s citizens ares never more than 5 minutes away from medical attention. You have to work at a pop up before you’re allowed to work in EVADE in a real hosptial. People say working the pop ups is a lot harder and a lot nore stressfull, because people can come to you in really any condition out there.
• Similar to how kids in some areas cant wear certain colors like red or blue to school because of gang affiliation, gothamite students cannot wear anything superhero, vigilante or villain adjacent. No birds, bats, clowns, etc. Its a way for schools to try and stop kids from being targetted by their peers/ crazy adults who will attack them for supporting a specific person or party. Hero or otherwise.
• A lot of mom and pop diners/townie bars have foods named after vigilantes and specialty drinks named after villains. Some examples are:
Red Hoods Hot Chicken and Mac: bufallo mac and chicken with house hot sauce, so hot and tasty it will bring tears to your eyes! (this is true. jason tried it and he literally couldn’t feel his face. He couldn’t tell if he was blinking or not. Dick swears up and down he wasn’t.)
Nightwings: boneless chicken wings with a honey barbecue dry rub, with bleu cheese dipping sauce and chips and a blue corn dip. Dick can and will order 4 and eat them all by himself in one sitting.
Robins Eggs Breakfast combo: 2 sunny side up eggs, strawberry french toast, vegetarian sausage, house salad and an OJ. They tried to make it vegan but no one in Gotham wants breakfast without eggs. Robin said he appreciates the thought anyway. He is very smug and protective of his meal and the restaurant that made it. When he has the day shft he stops by there for breakfast, which isn’t often but still.
Signal soup: a classic squash soup, house focaccia and a garden salad. Its a seasonal meal that comes around every fall, and sells out almost every day for the entire season.
The Scarecrow: literally a long island iced tea with black liqueur in a martini glass with 3 olives. It tastes fucking horrible but will get you beyond hammered
Poison Ivy: shot of pochteca lime liqueur and pink whitney. Very tasty.
Regulator: its a blue margarita with coconut milk in it. Its a little sweet but its yummy. It’s common to black out on these because you cant taste the alch and by the time it hits you its too late and its the next morning and your naked in a strangers bed. Darn those regulators for a night you wont remember! at least the guy is handsome…
• See also the Condiment King challenge: A pint size glass of equal parts ketchup, mustard, pickle relish, mayonnaise, hot sauce, soy sauce, honey mustard, sweet and sour, bbq, salsa, fish sauce, vinegar, ranch, and wasabi. Hell in a cup! If you can drink it within 10 minutes without throwing up, you eat free at the dinner for a month and you get a t shirt that says “I completed the Condiment King challenge at Jimbo’s Dinner!” With a poorly drawn picture of condiment king on it. There has only been one winner: Timothy Drake. Jason dared him to try it after he hadnt slept in 3 days. Tim didnt puke, but Jason did. There were threats of violence if Tim ever told anyone that. Tim didn’t believe him, told Dick and magically ended up with a broken finger. “No AlfredI have NOOOOOO idea how it happened! Must’ve had a bad fall on patrol :3”
• taxes in gotham are shit-your-pants-when-you-see-it-the-first-time high. Gotham has to be able to pay for all the damages somehow, despite Bruce Wayne paying for about 15% of those damages out of pocket, its still not enough to stop prices from skyrocketing. To try and combat this, there is a Gala held anually for the top 10% of Gotham to fundraise for emergency city repairs. It helps a lot but doesn’t solve the problem.
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lesbian-octoling · 2 years
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Alright guys, it's time for what you've all been waiting for... Salmonid adopts! They’ll all be $30 base, but I’m also offering a few different discounts!
Availability, rules, and other information below the cut!
What is an adoptable?
An adopt is a pre-designed character that I create, and you can ‘buy’ to be able be able to use and claim as your own character. Of course, since these are splatoon based I’m not selling the concepts of splatoon, just the idea and design of the character itself.
Once you buy the adopts, they’re yours. You’re welcome to redesign, alter, give away and/or trade as you see fit. The only thing I don’t allow is reselling for a higher price (same or below is fine).
Though these are meant to be splatoon adopts, you’re welcome to use them for any setting that you please! They’re not inherently limited to splatoon; especially the more unique characters.
The placeholder names, personality, and info are just.. placeholder/concepts! You can name them whatever you want, give them any pronouns, personality, lore, whatever! I won’t feel bad lol
Once I receive payment, I’ll send you a full size, transparent, unwatermarked image of your adopt!
I can hold them for up to a week!
If one is on hold, you can still message and ask to be next in line if whatever they’re being held for doesn’t work out.
Base price for each adopt is currently $30 USD, however, you can check out some discounts at the bottom!
“STING” - SOLD A stinger who's bark is as nasty as their bite... but maybe there's something sweet under all that venom?
“LOVER” - SOLD A maws who's growth was stunted... though that doesn't seem to bother them. They're more of a lover than a fighter anyway.
“ORCA” - SOLD A flipper flopper who idolizes not dolphins, but a different type of cetacean.
“BUTTER” - SOLD An albino maws who might be dense as a brick, but they're nothing if not a survivor to last this long.
“BIG MAMA (and little shot)” - SOLD ( Come as a pair, you don't have to pay for two ) A big shot and a small package, seemingly on a journey somewhere... though where they're going, I'm not sure.
“HATTY” - SOLD A small Fish Stick flyer with dreams of making it big on stage, through song and dance! Though... perhaps when they get a little more practice in.
“TRAINEE” - SOLD A smallfry currently in training to become a Fish Stick flyer... which would be fine, if they weren't terrified of heights.
“MECHANIC” - SOLD A rough and tumble Steel Eel mechanic who might not take any shit, but does her job well... as well as her secret passion: making sweets.
“KEY LIME” - SOLD A Steel Eel driver who doesn't know the definition of "serious". Sickeningly sweet, when they're not hunting you for sport with a smile under their mask.
“GRILLED” - SOLD One of the few salmonids who ever lived through being deployed inside of a Griller... and are now trying to find their purpose, after becoming too injured to fight and constantly leaking slime.
“COPPERHEAD” - SOLD A retired Steelhead, they've taken up more of a passion with linguistics than fighting in their older age.
Yeah, we know this is what you’re here for!  I’m going to offer several discounts and deals, which are subject to change, and may or may not pop in and out! This is my first time trying some of this.
COMMISSION BUNDLE If you buy a character from me, you can also get a get a commission of that character for 25% off to come with it! This only applies once, and has to be worked out around the time of purchasing the character. You choose the type of commission you’d like! Commission info is here.
PASSION DISCOUNT If you do a piece of fanwork for one of these characters- come up with extensive lore, a piece of art, a piece of writing, etc- and I can tell you actually put some effort and passion into it, then you can get them for 30% off... making them $20! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy and I’m not going to judge you by how ‘good’ your work is- again, it’s only judged by passion for the character. If I can tell you genuinely enjoyed it and had fun and will love the character you get (instead of having them simply sit on a dusty shelf or resold, etc), you get the discount! If you’re worried about the work taking a while but you want to wait until it’s done to buy them, no worries! I can hold a character for up to a week for you.
BONUS LORE If you wanna shell out an extra $5, I can fully flesh out the placeholder lore for you and come up with something much more fleshed out! Names, backstory, personality, all the bells and whistles. I can also work with you to fit it into any preexisting lore or characters you might want them to be worked with! Once again, you’re welcome to change any of this- but I’ll work with ya on it to make sure it’s something you like!
TRADES I’m a bit iffy on art trades or character trades, but I’m not going to say they’re out of the question. You’re welcome to ask!
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diazsdimples · 2 months
Hey james!! 💕💕💕
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I couldn’t help but notice your tags. Well, I am all ears ☺️☺️☺️ Tell me more about the fic!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Yes I most certainly will tell you more about the ranch!
Bobby and Athena get a few animals after they buy the ranch. Athena gets her rabbit called Hercules, and he’s her baby. She spoils him so much, and he’s got such a love-hate relationship with Bobby. He follows Bobby everywhere, hopping after him and cuddling up next to him, but Bobby isn’t thrilled by this because Hercules eats his lettuce in the garden all the time. They also get a bunch of chickens, one of which Bobby names Maurice, after the famed rooster from one of Bobby’s first calls. Bobby also adopts two horses, a beautiful grey gelding called Rodney, and a bay mare named Whitney. Every morning before work, he goes out and feeds the horses, gives them a bit of love, scratches their necks etc. They start to greet him by the fence at the end of the day too, and Bobby gets so excited to see them.
They also need to renovate the place a LOT, so Michael is roped in to help. Initially it’s all over video call, but he gets sick of that so fast and flies himself and David to LA. Michael helps design the new interior, finds them a landscaper, and then Bobby absolutely puts him, David, Chimney, Buck, Eddie, and Tommy to work to help him with the building. It takes a few weekends of solid building for 10-12 hours a day to get it all finished, but the house feels so much more homey by the time it's done (no longer varying shades of lime green and pink), and Bobby has the extended Firefam over for a celebratory barbeque when it's done. The kids have a great time in the backyard, with a water fight and Bobby blows up a kiddie pool that's far too small for Christopher and Denny, but just the right size for Jee.
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musubiki · 1 year
recently thinking about restructuring the timeskip period of tcwg.,..
before its essentially "mochi leaves to train her growing magic alone -> the rest of them stay together and do guild things", but i might change it to "mochi leaves to train her weird magic alone -> the rest of them break off and do their own thing for a few years"
which makes more sense since none of them know when/if mochi was ever gonna come back to them, so the mindset would eventually shift to "well we cant wait around forever, might as well move on with life"
and then when mochis magic is done growing and her training is finished, SHE has to go find THEM scattered across the central kingdom and find out if they even want to be in the guild again (they do)
taffy and coco stayed together (he didnt want to be apart from her) and stayed in a city in between their hometown and the capitol city. medium sized dock city where taffy could be close to the ocean still.
oscar went with coco and taffy for a while, but ended up moving to the capitol and when they find him he bought a house?? (and maybe owns his own business too?? no one knows how things happen to him)
lime stayed extremely active in the magic community. often moving from place to place every few months whenever he wanted and regularly did magic side quests (and the underground ring obviously). he would visit oscar and coco/taffy every so often to check in on them.
none of them ever really abandoned the magic side of the world and often did little magic side quests where they could, but taffy/coco/oscar had much more of a normal life with a home and job compared to lime (when you ask him about it he'll say something about "expanding his horizons/seeing the world/improving himself/didnt really find a place he liked and wanted to stay in for a very long time", and while thats all true the overarching reason is "searching for mochi")
(the underying plot of the timeskip/post-timeskip is that the power of magic in general is growing beyond what anyone had seen before. the reason mochi had to leave is because at the end of the first arc, her magic was supposed to be done growing and she could relax but it didnt stop. so pom took her somewhere to get a handle on it where she could essentially go ham and not hurt anyone by accident, since even pom didnt know how much she was going to be capable of eventually.
after a few years it eventually does stop growing, and poms new quest for mochi is to visit the other witches and investigate what is causing the magic to react in such a weird way, and for that she needs her guild back)
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dani-dance · 3 months
Cosplay progress:
The cons are upcoming weekend! I am in panic and stress mode
• Started painting the leggings. This’ll be slowgoing because I have it wrapped around a plastic wrapped roll of bubblewrap my mom let me borrow. In one “painting session”, I can do maybe a quarter of a leg before I need to let it dry (otherwise to paint more I’d have to roll it over and my mother would not forgive me for getting paint on the placemats).
The roll is also not the same size as my thighs - but we’ll see how it goes. I’ve decided I’m less worried about having every spot perfectly painted pitch black on the leggings tho. So the paint will be less even, and lines a bit less sharp. Oh well.
• Ordered more paint just to be sure. Those leggings will need a lot. It’ll be delivered tomorrow, luckily.
• Hairsprayed the boas I will sew onto the jacket! The yellow and black one still sheds a bit, tho.
• Cut the jacket to mainly be sleeves attached by a strip of fabric. This’ll allow me to hopefully only have to cut a boa once (the lime green and black one, for the bottom half of the sleeves).
Since the boa’s string is braided, I’m honestly not comfy with cutting it at all, but I’ll have to in order to make it work. At least the boas are very long. I might actually have to cut it more if they’re too long in general. But we’ll see.
• Tried some makeup stuff. I have a blue tinted lipbalm and a sparkly blue-ish lipgloss. I tried layering them but due to them being sheer and my lip colour, it just made me look like I was hypothermic or bruised. So I’ll likely be doing only the lipbalm; it’ll help during the hot summer day too if I need to keep applying it (which I probably will, honestly)!
I don’t really do much other makeup in general, but I might look through my eyeshadow to see what works. I don’t really use eyeliner or anything so that won’t be happening. I can maybe use a coloured eye pencil/lip liner for the freckles though they wouldn’t be pink (because that wouldn’t work on my normal skin, it’d look like a skin condition). Honestly even eyeshadow is dubious since it’ll be a long day and I have sensory issues. Oh well, we’ll see!
- I’m ordering train tickets tonight! Took quite a while to figure it out since most of the people I’m going with are like, 16-17 and can buy a day card for 8 euros, while I am 19 and thus. Can’t. And adult train tickets are expensive. So we had to figure out who was participating in the group ticket so we’d have a discount. I attempted to get all 7 of us who are going on Saturday and traveling that day on it so we’d all pay only €14 euros, but no luck. A group ticket for 3 it is! Still way cheaper than buying a normal ticket though. (Seriously 50 euros for a to-and-from ticket to Utrecht is insane. Glad that with the group ticket it’ll only be 22)
- During all of this I’m also working on applying for a job for the first time. My CV is done I just need to make a good email. This is not cosplay related it just needed to be said.
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eve-was-framed · 4 months
It’s the two year anniversary of the Robb Elementary massacre. All 21 victims are equally important of course but the story of Maite Rodriguez has really stuck with me since I learned about her.
“In the days and weeks following the fatal Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas, mother Ana Rodriguez has been fighting for answers through her daughter's shoes.
Her daughter, 10-year-old Maite Rodriguez, was one of 21 killed in the May 24 massacre. She was identified solely through her size five pair of green Converse with a drawn-on heart on the left toe.
We were at a local shoe store here and she wanted Converse," Rodriguez recalled. "She saw at the bottom shelf these lime green Converse and they were on sale, so she said, 'Look mama, look at these shoes. I found Converse,' and I said, 'Well let's see if they're your size,' and they were her size. They were her exact size.
Two days later, Rodriguez said she saw her daughter sporting a freshly drawn heart on the toe.
“I said 'Maite, why did you draw a heart on your shoes? I just got those for you,' and she goes, 'Just because I really like them,'" she said.
The heart, Rodriguez feels, is a testament to Maite's sweet nature.
"She was just an all-around sweet girl. My sweet girl, that's what I called her – my sweet girl," Rodriguez said. "She was smart, beautiful and best-of-all she was my best friend, and I don't exaggerate on that. She was my best friend. We went everywhere together."
Together they planned to visit Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Maite's dream school where she hoped to become a marine biologist.
"It started in kindergarten. She couldn't even say marine biologist yet… I thought with time she's going to change her mind; she's going to want to be a nurse or something when she gets older. Well, she never changed her mind," Rodriguez said. "I wanted to keep encouraging her, you know, maybe if she saw the college or the university, the ocean – it would just keep driving her even harder."
The university has since unveiled the Maite Yuleana Rodriguez scholarship, which will be awarded to a student from Uvalde who is pursuing a degree in marine biology.
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relia-robot-writes · 5 days
Springs, head doll of the Witch of Fires Beneath the Earth, had a problem. It had started small: a single replacement arm had gone missing nearly two weeks ago, and simply could not be found despite repeated searches. Easy enough to replace, but it represented a... lack of order.
Springs couldn't abide things being out of order. It vexed the doll.
So when Paint came to Springs and said that half of the most recently fired parts had been taken right off the cooling stands, Springs called another search. Equally fruitless - it was like the parts had simply gotten up and walked away. Paint had shrugged and said that there was plenty more mud to turn into parts.
Springs' gears ground at that. "But that is... inefficient! Some entity has stolen parts meant for our witch! Does that not make you angry?!"
Paint scratched the back of its head, showcasing its broad frame under the heavy apron it wore. "This one doesn’t know about that, Springs. It's all mud in the end, isn't it? And there's lots of mud around here."
Springs gritted its teeth and left.
Then, of course, there were the fingers. Delicate instruments, of varying shapes and sizes, but sturdy enough to be kept in drawers. Celestine, which helped out their witch with repairs but was a tad clumsy, swore that it hadn't dropped anything, but that the count of joints was off. Most of the other dolls wrote it off as Celestine being forgetful.
Springs' core wound tighter. Every tiny theft, every out-of-place part, was evidence that something was there with them in the Witch's complex of buildings. It stopped resting, commanding the other dolls to keep it wound. It instituted a watch schedule. Every day, its tick grew more erratic, its voice became hoarser, its hair got messier and messier.
"Springs," said Paint, "these ones need to talk." The other dolls had assembled behind it, all looking less Still than they should have.
"Good!" shouted Springs, startling the crowd. "Yes, excellent, those ones are all here. This one has proof, now, see?!" It proffered an empty box at the assembled dolls.
Paint stared at it. "Springs, that's-"
"An empty box! But it shouldn't be. Yes, this box should have contained clockwork parts for Miss's newest doll! But they're gone! Something took these parts in between when the package arrived and now!"
The dolls shifted uncomfortably. Celestine spoke up. "Springs, does that one think, maybe... that it could have been Miss that took them? Since they're her parts?"
Springs stared at the crowd. "What?"
Paint put its large hand on Springs' shoulder. "Springs, that one has been... very much not Still, recently. When was the last time that one had a rest cycle?"
Springs ran its fingers through its hair, messing it up further, and muttered something unintelligible. "But, that isn't important! These ones have a thief among them!"
"You ought to listen to Paint, Springs," said a doll with bright green hair. "All this running around isn't good for you."
Springs stared at it. "This one... hasn't seen you before."
"What, Meadow?" said Paint. "It's new, Miss only made it a few days ago. But that's not important right now. Springs-"
"A few days ago?" said Springs. "With what parts?" It stared at Meadow's torso. "That one hasn't been glazed properly."
"W-what?" stammered Meadow. "No, I, uh, that is, this one is... simply a new style for Miss! That's all."
"Don't change the subject, Springs!" interrupted Celestine. "That one needs rest! That one has been acting strange, paranoid-"
"Look at it!" shouted Springs. "What doll has lime-green hair?" It snatched at Meadow's fingers, and for a moment swore that it saw a glimmer of green underneath them. "Look, Celestine! Are these the fingers that went missing last week?"
"Hey! Just because that one is head doll, doesn't mean that it can be mean to other dolls!" said Celestine. "This one probably just dropped the spare fingers into the vents, like everything else said it did!"
"But- but-!" stammered Springs. "This, this has to be the thief! It's a fake doll!"
Paint shook its head. "Springs, doesn't that one think that Miss could have made a new doll without that one noticing? Especially the last few days, that one has been so focused on the outside that it hasn't had time for its own chores!"
"Ack!" exclaimed Springs. "This one... has forgotten to do the dusting!"
"It's okay, Springs," said Meadow. "I took- uh, this one took care of it for y- for that one." It squeezed Springs' hand. "Dolls have to stick together, right? Why don't you go get some rest, okay?"
"Rest, this one," Springs let go of Meadow's hand and ran its fingers through its increasingly frazzled hair again, trailing green speckles through it. "This one... could use some rest. Perhaps those ones are right." It shuffled off, muttering to itself.
After it had gone, Meadow heaved a sigh of relief, and turned back to the other dolls. "Thanks for covering for me- uh, for this one. I- this one worried that it might get kicked out..." Meadow gripped the arm that Springs had wrenched and adjusted it back into its spot with a splorch.
"No problem, Meadow," said Paint. "That one is okay in this one's book."
"Is it... really okay if I keep saying I'm a doll, though? It's not... really true..."
Celestine patted Meadow's arm. "That one seeks Purpose and Stillness, it helps with chores, and it serves its witch... sounds like a doll to this one!"
"But, won't your Miss get mad when she finds out...?"
Paint shook its head, smiling. "Wouldn't be the first time Miss took on an unusual doll!"
It turned to Celestine, who smiled and curtseyed. "Former humans welcome," it said, with a grin.
Meadow smiled, hesitantly. "And slimes?"
Paint clapped it on the shoulders. "Stranger things have happened! Now, let these ones make sure that Springs' chores are all done so it can rest easily."
Meadow smiled and followed after its fellow dolls.
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irisxstardust · 1 year
We'll All Be Here Forever » teaser
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synopsis: You know a lot of things. You know that the grass is green, there are 5 thousand feet in a mile, and limes are gross. There's only one question you can't answer. What is your purpose? You had time, you've always had time to think about it, but now you're in your last year of high school and this is it. Will it be all you've ever hoped for? Or will we all be here forever, just like everyone else?
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May 27th, 2020
127.2 square miles, of which less than half is ocean, is the total size of your town. You'd memorized every twist and turn on the remaining 72.5 square miles of land at the fresh age of fourteen, after moving into an old creaky house with your mom, retaining the hills and valleys in your mind like it was the back of your hand. There were a total of 837 people living in town and you knew all of them, almost as well as you knew the land; although, there were a few people you knew the complete ins and outs like it was a second nature.
It only got worse when you first saw her, barefoot, in beige overalls, hair tied low, a pearly white shell necklace tied behind her neck with black cord. She was fishing alone, but the rod wasn't like the ones your dad kept tucked away in the back of the garage--not like it even mattered, you hadn't even heard from him since the divorce. Unlike those sparse fishing trips with your dad, every time she cast out the long line she would put the end of the pole into her armpit and pull the line back to her.
You didn't really want to say anything to her at first, but at the nod of her head when she finally looked over and noticed you, you'd decided to walk over. Susie, your long time best friend and family dog, followed suit. One too many times you had to step off the rocks and into the wet sand to finally reach her on the other end of the beach, but when you did reach her, she greeted you and Susie with a large grin.
"Pretty warm day for a sweater," she commented, eyes grazing your sweater before meeting your eyes again.
"What kind of fishing pole is that?" You asked, eyes trained on the long pole.
She shook her head and tsked, "it's not a fishing pole; it's a fly rod. You use it for fly fishing."
"Oh," you shrugged, "cool."
There was a long, awkward pause between the two of you before the girl whipped her rod forward and casted again.
"So you're the new girl? From the midwest?" She asked, eyes now watching the long line trailing from her rod.
You nodded, as if she could even see it, before you said, "yeah... Michigan." Her head bobbed up and down but she didn't speak, didn't look at you.
You stood there for a few minutes, hesitation leading to awkward silence before you turned to leave.
"Do you like seashells?" She asked, head bowing as she reached into the ankle deep water and pulled out a shell, cupped like a dish and white as stone, and handed it to you. Susie's head reached up towards your hand, still holding the shell, before she turned her head down and stuck her nose right into a patch of seagrass; you and beach girl laughed.
You didn't learn until much later that the seashell was called Noah's Keyhole Limpet and that this was her way of truce, offering up a little shell she'd noticed in the water, as if it was made just for you.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . •' . * .
A/N: posting the teaser anyway to prep for the full official prologue and the first part soon😚 so excited to get this out of Google Docs and onto my blog, the whole thing has been rotting my brain tbh.
this is also my friendly reminder that, to me, everything has meaning and i love to put easter eggs into my writing. this first one was easy if you knew who the lyric "we'll all be here forever" belongs to (cough cough* noah kahan). i love noah kahan, so of course i had to add my own little tribute to him in the form of a little shell commonly found in maine💞
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popcornforone · 1 year
Stolen Looks
A fan Fic based on The Thief
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About 14months ago a friend asked me would I write a little short romantic story for them, nothing to smutty but based on a picture, as I write & like to to that, so I did. I then discovered an hourly Pedro Pascal twitter bit that posted random photos of him on the hour so I started writing them about the photo… now here I am (that bot has now gone boo Elon) writing fan fics. & then bam this photo above drops & I had to write about it & the thief, I couldn’t not. So this is An added bonus for you all this week. Don’t worry your still getting Javi G chapter 5
Synopsis: The thief is up to his usual tricks but all it takes is a glance at you to change his motives for the night.
Word count:2600
Warnings: Don’t read if your under 18! There no sex in this but… it’s implied. The thief is bisexual. Alcohol, slight swearing, drugs & drugging mentioned. Oral sex described, fingering, seducing stimulation, mentions of one night stands.consent could be seen as dubious please remember in real life it’s okay to say no. Stealing & theft. This is not an advert for wine.
Thanks as always for the read peoples. All feed back is welcome as always. Thanks.
There you stand waiting for him. In his bedroom. You don’t even know his name. The glances between you at the party tonight were intense. No other mans eyes met yours. No other man could you see the desire flood his veins. But these glances well… palpable is an understatement.
In he walks. Snazzy floral silk long jacket. Over sized cuffs, from the white shirt underneath poking out. Sleek black trousers, that made you see how good he could be. A hint of spotty socks. Black pointy heeled boots, reflecting your face. Messy hair but styled that way on purpose. A large watch that looks small in comparison to those hands, which are carrying a bottle of red wine for the two of you to indulge in. He sits in the chair & leans back admiring you up & down. He rests his bearded chin on his hand, a flat fat thumb pressed to his lips as he sighs inhaling the beauty in front of him.
“Perfection” he states & gestures your hand for you to twirl. Your hair is in a long blonde braid trailing over your naked left shoulder. Your midnight blue strapless dress hugs your curves & gives you a phenomenal cleavage. There’s a thin layer of sparking net over the top to give your dress the look of a starry night sky. Your nails are all dark purple except the index fingers on both hands. They also have some silver to them, they match your heels, clutch & the choker necklace you are wearing. Earrings that are just simple studs, much like your simple make up. There were much more attractive glamours people at the party tonight but you have the attention of the person who never gives anyone the time of day. He gets what he wants & he always makes sure of it.
“Thank you”you say bashfully when you have finished your twirl. Your eyes still darting across every inch of him.
You won a ticket to this party at work, you don’t usually go to these kind of parties or auctions, but this was too good an opportunity to turn down. A country house which rarely gives people access. Champagne in hand slowly coming out of your shell as you started working the room. All you did was sit on a bench for a few seconds. Admiring a painting, taking the weight of your feet, when you saw a man creep through the library door. Dressed to the nines. Dapper. Mysterious. Handsome. Like he was up to no good. & yet the second both your eyes met they were drawn to each other, like a moth to a flame. You’re suddenly off the bench without you realising walking away from him to tease him & instigate a seductive chase. Your mind going insane going this isn’t the kind of girl you are. You avoid the lime light & wondering eyes of unknown gentlemen. & yet your hips are swaying as you move.
He is admiring your arse, & the way it sways, the dress clinging to you. He had spent months planning to get into this library tonight, his last Goya is hanging on this wall, ready for him to track it & lay his tropes to come back tomorrow night to claim it & replace it, the copy already on sight, it will be months before anyone realises it’s a fake. But your eyes & simple beauty have distracted him. He was also intrigued that the painting you stopped at was the Goya he plans on having for himself. He can hear your shallow breathing as he steps behind you. You tried to not look at him or give him the time of day but some slow seductive simple words made all the hairs on your body stand up on end.
“What are you drinking?” That’s all it took, to send shivers down your spine. The warmth of his breath setting your desire free. The way his hand caressed your almost bare back, before it trailed down your shoulder & arm to hold onto your hand & take the flute from your hand. He’s looking to see if your jewels are worth anything but he can see that you are not the usual person who comes to these events.
“Champagne” you whisper back you lips inches away from his mouth as you turn your head to face him. Your lips so plump. Your eyes flutter at him & his are full of desire as they return a glance back to you. Neither of you hear the glass shatter as he drops the flute to the floor, you’re both enchanted by the person desiring the other.
The rest of the night you both circulated trying not to be beguiled by the other & yet there was moments in each room of this country house where you’d end up standing next to each other. Your net working had improved & your confidence had grown due to both the sudden eyes that you felt burning into you all night & also the liquid luck from the champagne. He has managed to eventually get things in place for his heist tomorrow, but he is always if he possibly can, be about 10 paces behind you when you move around. He automatically had the urge to protect you & keep you safe & maybe steal you for himself. So when you taxi failed to arrive at the end of the night & he offered to take you back to his so you could sleep in the spare room you agreed. Those eyes were very easy to say yes too.
He’s still looking you up & down in his bedroom. He didn’t give you a tour he just took you straight to his bedroom, he’s not even kissed you yet. The drive to his mansion he stroked the back of your hand & caressed your face, asking you about why you were there & if you admired the paintings & if you had a pleasant evening. You were surprised when he left you in his bedroom for a few minutes before he returned with the wine. But your face lit up when he sauntered back into the room. His aura always makes it seem like he is creeping in & out of any room he is in like he is a Sluth. He pours you both a glass of red Malbec & picks his up & takes a sip.
“You’re normal aren’t you?” He asks subtlety in a soft way, not wanting to offend. “This isn’t your usual scene be it the party or right now. Your not that kind of girl”
“Is it that obvious?” You giggle & take a step forward to go pick up your glass but he raises his hand to stop you & you look confused.
“Yes, most girls & men by now would be on their knees, gagging around my cock, while I taste this beautiful wine before I return the favour. They don’t wait for consent, they know who I am & they just do it.” He’s clearly a man who goes for a certain type, you mind races now as to why you are here.”but you…” he stands up & his hand takes the other glass & walks across to you. “… you have class & standards. Your not just here for a quick meaningless shag & then we will never call each other again, no your here to be seduced, to be claimed, to be stolen” your own breath hitches as he says he wants to steal you. The idea of his hands tracing your body has been on your mind since he first touched your back earlier. You now know from his statement that he is a man who is usually offered sex on a plate from Whoever he invites back, you are a challenge for him. He likes a challenge.
“I don’t even know your name,” you say as you take your wine from his hand trying not to look in his eyes. “I don’t even know what you do, I don’t even…” his eyes search for yours & once eyes contact has been made you slowly fall silent.
“You stole my eye line tonight, being so naturally beautiful” he says & he kisses your empty hand before you both take a sip of wine. “You stole my attention, the way you smile, the way you hold yourself, the way you are you.” You’re siping more of this wine hoping he isn’t drugging you, it’s the kind of things men like this do to get you into bed. “& you stole my identity, I’m the thief, I’m meant to the the one with the capabilities to steal what I want, to get what I need…”
“But you did…” you interrupt & the man’s face goes a little sour. Are you undercover he thinks, did you see him mark the painting & stash some items to steal it tomorrow? “No one but you was going to steal those precious looks from me tonight, you’re not like the other men that were there. I might not know who you are, but I think you can claim to have stolen my night away from me. Im yours”
The thief take both your wine glasses & put them back in the table, undoing his bow tie at the same time.
“This was not my plan for tonight, no way, but you my mysterious lady, you’ve made tonight so much more interesting.” He moves your braid off your shoulder & starts to pepper it with soft kisses. His lips feel warm against your chilled skin in this sparse room. For a man with a large house you’d have thought he’d have more in his master suit that just a few books on a shelf, a table & chairs, two
dressers & a large 4 poster bed. Clearly a man who likes to keep things simple, maybe that’s why he wants to keep you here tonight.
“How have I made this interesting?” You’re breathing fast as he makes his way to the crook of your neck working his way up to your lips to taste them in a few seconds time, you hope.
“By being you, a few stolen glances are all it took, for I am now yours” he says looking at you directly abandoning his kisses, those stolen looks being exchanged again. You want this. So does he.
“As am I to you” you whisper & cup his cheek. His hands, those large palms hold your face as he looks at every blemish on your face, not caring that your make up is starting to look a little bit old. He doesn’t care. The look & nod are small but the second your lips meet a fire erupts in you. Those lips that have pouted all night at you & have had seductive words flow out of them are now learning how you kiss. One of his hands goes around your waist as the other unties your braid, so he can feel all of you. Your body’s so close as your mouths continue to engage in this embrace. He tastes of the wine. Rich dark & seductive, like him. Maybe he has drugged you into feeling like this, but right now as all of your senses are on high alert & you feel the passion take over, you don’t care. You may have kissed the devil & its Making you want more.
Eventually his grip is loose around your waist as you both stop making out with each other. Both desperately needing more than the kiss, but both needing a moment of reflection. Are you this girl now? Does he really want to have you to himself all night? Are You going to be filled with regret in the morning? One look into his eyes & you suddenly see him soften. No longer this man who has seduced & stolen your heart as well as the looks from you tonight. He’s just a man, a man who wants you, who clearly is treating you differently to every other man & woman he invites back to his after an event. You’re someone he needs to take his time with. To learn to appreciate,
& to maybe add to his collection & share it with him one day.
“We…” he’s stumbling “we don’t have to… there’s no pressure…” his hand trails around his neck scarring his beard. He’s nervous for once.
“& what if I did…” you reply “what if tonight you take me, one night of mine can be stolen & given to someone else & I’d like it to be you.” you say as your hands start to trail up his silk floral jacket ready to help him undress.
“Darling, if you stay with me, it will be for more than just one stolen night” he says, his eyes filled with passion. His hand glides into yours like it’s meant to be as he walks you across to the bed & he slowly lowers you down onto it. He lies to your side watching the rise & fall in your body. You’re breathing more than enraged trying to control yourself. This is made harder by his hand, trailing inside your dress, up your leg, over your inner thigh. “Let go beautiful” he whispers softly in your ear as you gasp & his thumb makes contact with your clit.
You jolt awake at 10am on a Sunday. A dream of lust & desire. A memory playing out in your mind as you slept in your small bed, in your apartment. The feeling of his thumb still there teasing your clit, as you wake up in a sweat wishing he was here. He’s not unfortunately. Your bed sheet damp underneath where you sit, as you had obviously cum while dreaming about him, maybe your own hand had been seeing to your pleasure as you remember the first night you met. You lay naked back down on your bed remembering the rest of that night & the next nine afterwards. Realising making love to you was his alibi for so many things. You still jokingly after all this time still call him the thief, to arouse the two of you, to get you in the mood occasionally, not that you could keep your hands or lips off each other. Your horizons now broadened & you were not just a one off. This was the real thing for the both of you. You always chuckle a little at that as you turn over to check your phone & send him a good morning message. Imagine if you hadn’t won that at work. Although you have now not worked for the last 3months at all, a sabbatical before you start to retrain in what you want to actually do in life. He has made you realise these moments need to be grasped & enjoyed, no one should wait for what they want. He’s said he will help you, but you insisted on one day paying back every penny. you then sit up & look across at the wall & smile & say good morning to what faces you. That Goya, yes the painting, his most prised possession. Which he has gifted to you as a promise to always return. Which he does when your buzzer to your apartment goes off about 5minutes later. You bed & apartment might not be as grand as his mansion, but it keeps you both grounded & your spark alive. All to just steal a few precious minutes of love making together, away from the eyes of the rest of the world.
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liloinkoink · 2 years
silly. Would they meet the same way and are there any differences? also is anyone free to draw for this asking for a friend :)
yeah anyone who wants to draw for this can feel free!
this roleswap au started out as a convo in discord server a few weeks ago (contributors i remember being Cherri, L, Ghast, Ilex, Crafty, Celestial, Korre, Lime, Daisy… i’m definitely missing names, but it’s been a bit) and then this week cherri and i (and haunted, tho he’s been very busy) circled back to it and fleshed the whole thing out much more
as for what is the same and what is different…. uh, i’ll put this under a cut, i think.
Ren wasn’t always an adventurer. he still hardly counts himself as one—he’s certainly not taking dangerous quests or anything like that. he has no party, only carries a bow and a knife to hunt food on occasion. if he’d had a choice in the matter, he doubts he’d have even left home.
Ren used to live in a city of a decent size, the sort of place it’s easy to disappear. he was well-liked among his neighbors, but not particularly close to many of them. he ran a little shop enchanting items with small blessings—an incredibly rare magic he sold for a fraction of its commercial worth.
he had made a bit of a name for himself, entirely on accident. the city would have adventurers traveling from two or three towns over to repair their weapons or buff up their armor. he had a little boom in his business and a steady market of quest-takers passing through to improve or repair their gear.
but with the fame his name found its way to the wrong people, and Ren’s shop is discovered by… honestly, Ren isn’t entirely sure what their deal was. they called themselves adventurers, but there was something off about them. they were a lot more cruel than the righteous or the thrill-seeking sorts he’d met already, and that only became more apparent when he closed his shop down for the night and found a few of them still gathered outside.
their terms were pretty simple. they’d heard that enchantments could be gradually improved over time, stacked with more and more magic to create blessings like you wouldn’t believe. so ren could go with them, or be struck down where he stood. he’d enchanted the weapon pressed to his chest just a few hours ago, and he knew better than anyone else how sharp it was.
so he does. he packs a bag of some clothes, which they’re so kind as to let him stop and take. a few mornings later his neighbors realize he’s gone. the city searches and mourns, but most of them not particularly hard.
Ren spends a few weeks following the party around, enchanting weapons and improving gear. he sees up close exactly how cruel they are, and so he starts whispering new magics into the blades.
“this blade will never dull” becomes mixed with “this blade will never break the skin of someone undeserving,” “this blade cannot be raised against someone weaker than its wielder,” “this blade cannot spill the blood of one unarmed,” little blessings to mitigate harm. and soon, every blade that passes through his hands has the same quiet spells. his tampering isn’t noticeable immediately, but they figure it out soon enough. Ren has meddled with the magic somehow, and they’re not happy.
the thing about magic is that it’s very fickle. his spells can stop the adventurers from picking on random citizens, but he isn’t careful enough.
Ren, for all his powerlessness, isn’t weak. he’s lied, gone behind their backs. and he had been given a bow to hunt. he is not undeserving, nor weaker than them, nor unarmed.
so when they turn on him, their rage outpacing his usefulness, all he can do is run
the place Ren runs to is familiar, though not to Ren. he shoves open a heavy door, stumbling over half-dead vines tangled across the floor and into a dark room below the earth. there’s a plaque there explaining what the room is—a tomb to the god remembered only as the deserter, cursed to put down roots.
this, too, is familiar—Ren is desperate, and in his desperation prays to a god no one has thought of in 20 something years.
Cherri has dialogue for the oath, which she’s given me the okay to add, and so i will!
“I bet it gets pretty lonely down here… it looks like no one else has come to see you in years.”
"You and I are in pretty similar situations right now. I don't know what happened to you, but there are people chasing me. They want to trap me and force me to enchant things for them. And I... I can't go back there."
"If I must, I will devote the rest of my life to serving you as a paladin in exchange for my freedom."
slowly, and then all at once, the room comes to life. once-dead vines lurch off the floor and attach themselves to Ren’s wrists, urging him forward. Ren doesn’t have a lot of time to be concerned about seemingly awakening a lost god before he figures out what the god wants—there’s a basin in the center of the room boasting one small plant, still a healthy green even in complete darkness.
it’s pretty difficult not to get the message. Ren takes the little plant, careful not to damage the roots, and he flees
[other major differences are… 1. this god and paladin duo have a bit more difficulty communicating than Lamplight, as flower language is a bit more finicky. 2. unlike Lamplight Ren, Martyn’s power requires upkeep from his paladin to be effective—water, sunlight, good soil. 3. Martyn has a much more physical form, so he can actually interact with Ren even while a plant (he can also feel touch, unlike Lamplight Ren, which means he can also feel pain). 4. Martyn is cursed, and his curse can be broken—he spends much more of this AU with a human-looking body than Lamplight!Ren does. 5. there’s a few more major differences that come to mind, but they’re spoilers for Lamplight]
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cupidsbed · 2 months
Ceviche Inspired Salad with X-Men First Class
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I woke up today seriously craving salad. It's all I've been thinking about since I woke up this morning. Big problem? A few of my roommates absolutely loathe traditional salad, so I have to get creative. This recipe is heavily inspired by Mexican ceviche and I essentially turned it into a dish you can eat as a full meal rather than a topping! I paired the salad with some spice rubbed chicken and I think I ascended to the heavens. This recipe feeds around four people comfortably, or two particularly high people.
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For the Salad
1 can sweet corn, drained
2/3 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 a small red onion
2 cups cherry tomatoes
3 large avocados
1 pinch tajin
1/2tsp basil
1/4tsp black pepper (white also works!)
1/4tsp dried dill
1/4tsp salt
1tbs salt (for the tomatoes)
1/2 lime
For the Chicken
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2 chicken breasts
1/2 lime
1tsp tajin
1/4tsp cumin
1/2tsp paprika
1/4tsp cayenne pepper
1/2tsp black pepper
Hefty pinch of red pepper
1 tablespoon of cooking oil (I used olive)
Dump your drained sweet corn, and rinsed black beans into a large bowl.
Thinly slice your red onion and dump them into that same bowl.
Quarter your tomatoes and put them into a smaller bowl. Sprinkle your salt onto your tomatoes as evenly as you can and set them aside to allow the salt to soak up some excess moisture.
Dice your avocados and scoop them into the larger bowl. Mix up your bowl with a spoon or a fork, squishing the avocado slightly so it can stick to the other ingredients. I found this makes the texture a bit smoother and more cum in mouth worthy.
Add in your tomatoes and spices and mix again. Congrations! Your salad is done; now for the chicken!
Mix your spices for the chicken into a small bowl and set aside.
Slice your chicken into strips (size is your preference I like them fairly fat) and rub the spices onto both sides. You will have some left over that you can absolutely save and use later.
Line your pan with your cooking oil and cook your strips on a medium heat for about 4 minutes on each side or until cooked all the way through. Please keep in mind, I live in the mountains at about 5,000 feet in elevation. My chicken will cook a lot slower than someone at sea level or a lower elevation. Chicken becomes safe to eat at 165F (73.9C) if you have a temperature gauge please please please be sure to utilize it.
Plate the salad into a bowl, and place the chicken on top. Squeeze some lime on top and ta-da! You done it! You have completed your dish :)
A couple of notes before we move onto the nerd shit. You can very easily replace the chicken for something plant based instead. One of my roommates is vegan and I made this dish in a way that everyone in my household can enjoy. I cut him up a Morning Star Chicken Patty and cooked that in a separate pan and used the same spices (different mixture!! That one's contaminated!!). It'll give the same affect without leaving anyone out!!
I decided to pair this dish with X-men First Class. I've been pretty heavily hyperfixated on the X-men the past week or so after watching X-men 97' and I decided to start rewatching the entire series. I'm on the fifth movie in the series and I have been waiting for this one. First class is probably one of my all time favorites in this series. You can tell whoever wrote this script they grew up watching the cartoon or reading the comics. Obviously the writers and directors had their own take but I think it's such an amazing refresh from the nitty gritty of the first three (and the trash pile which was Origins).
During this time there was a lot of focus on World War II in superhero movies. And by a lot I mean the first Captain America came out the same year. I think it was very much needed. I don't even know how to put into words how horrific the Holocaust was and as a Jew seeing someone not only survive that, but rise and do incredible things means the world to me. Magneto endured horror beyond words, and he will always be a hero in my heart. He's the type of villain that has become the hero we needed because, in the words of 97', Magneto was right. We cannot expect acceptance without resistance. There is no assimilating into modern society. We are different, and we should celebrate those differences. In my case: I'm a bisexual trans jewish man and I'm so proud of who I am. I'm proud of my differences, I wear my yarmulke, my pride flags to show I will not fold in a society that is increasingly hostile against who I am on a fundamental level. I love the X-men series because it's not just a silly little super hero comic; it's a series that's full of diversity that's meant to empower the individual.
Thank you for listening to my ramblings, and please let me know how you like the food!
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virtualworldgirl · 4 months
#1 Today, I decided to make a blog.
I went to work today, it was my last shift in my current position. I have been promoted and will work in a different store starting Tuesday. I'm excited. I work in a jewelry store, I just graduated college and I just moved to Brooklyn, I feel like everything started. I took the train home, got off at a random stop; Graham Ave, my friend Sophie lives off that stop. I walked around and stopped inside a plant store, there was a parrot named Finlay there, I spent a lot of time looking at the plants because I really want to own and care for a lot of them. However, I'm not ready for the responsibility yet. first step: finish moving in. I spent a lot of time looking at the Orchid's, they remind me of my mom and I'm intrigued by their challenge yet I turned around and walked to the bookstore instead. Very cute store had fun browsing. They had a lot of prints of the Dante Inferno book pages, which although I wanted to buy, I have the exact copy the photos are from so decided against it.
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I headed home and said hello to my cats. I then took a walk to a prospective pho place. Something about me, I love pho. It's my favorite meal, I would absolutely love to have a pho place within walking distance. I enjoyed the walk, the restaurant had an interesting ambience. I realize now looking back I was blinded by my desire to have a pho place and all the little gimmicks distracted me...I'm often a victim of marketing.
I took a seat in the corner by the window, a table big enough for one. It was the type of restraints where you scan a QR code on your phone and order directly off your phone and pay and they just bring out the food after. If my grandma is reading this, can you believe that exists. I'm serious. You never speak to the waiter until they bring out your food. I ordered Vietnamese iced coffee, veggie spring rolls and the rare beef pho.
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The coffee was really yummy. The food itself was yummy but also only okay compared to what I've had. I guess sort of bland. The spring rolls I would order again with the pork to compare because I felt those may be better. The pho. First of all, the utensils were kept in a drawer under the table. Why that matters, I'm not sure but it was definitely cool in the moment. Okay, here's the thing. It doesn't take a lot to make a good bowl of pho. The veggies were yummy, the noodles were yummy, The meat actually was very very good. I often avoid the meat in Pho because It never tastes exactly right. However, I kept looking for it in this bowl and was disappointed in the portion size. I digress. The most important aspect for me in a bowl of pho. Is the broth. The broth must be so flavorful and yum that I want to put it in a cup and drink. Most places deliver this easily, that's because most places use beef broth for the pho. This pho place uses a clear broth. So while it was good and the broth was flavored via the rare beef ,veggies, lime, and siracha...it was not very flavorful and very lacking. As much as I wanted this place to be the one... I don't think it will be. However I could still see myself going again just because it's close. I came back home and the my dear friend Chloe came over to visit my new apartment. I told her about my blog idea, we shared a few laughs, had a nice chat and then she went home. I really enjoy living in Brooklyn. I go outside a lot more, I walk around a lot which is nice exercise and I get to spend a lot of time with all my friends . Even now, I just got to see my dearest friend. Something I would have had to plan days in advance. My friends might be my truest love in this life. I do often feel alone in the world. I guess that’s what happens sometimes. They’re like my big family. I like how they’re always there. They’re in awe of the things I don’t enjoy about myself, like my independence. It’s a nice perspective change I guess. Anyways. I saw a food truck by my apartment. The lady was really kind. I would be her friend. I ordered beef but got chicken but It was still really good. One day, I'll get the beef taco. I don't know how regularly I will write, I hope often. I like this form of journaling because there's an aspect of performance since people could potentially read it so I want my writing to be presentable, organized and engaging. Yet, this isn't something that gets put in front of a large amount of people's faces so reading it is by choice.
I hope you enjoyed gem
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