#*scandalized gasp* Danny !
j-jared · 5 months
This is why you don't sleep with the Tyrant King - The consequence is children
Constantine avoids involvement with the Infinite Realms for two reasons.
Who wants to deal with all those Ancients in the first place?
He’s avoiding yet another unhinged ex of his.
Of course, hooking up with Pariah Dark wasn’t really an actual relationship, more like a one night stand via dream walking (Nocturn owed Pariah, but seeing as it would be insane to release the Tyrant King from his endless sleep, he’d give him a dream partner every couple centuries) - regardless, Constantine doesn’t want to deal with that.
So yeah - the fact that the Justice League is attempting to summon the High King into the Watchtower has him wanting to drink more than usual.
Of course he gave warnings, but they’re dead set on doing so. A green folder had appeared in the secure “cursed artifacts” vault with no trace of whoever left it there. How else were they gonna find out how it got there?
So Constantine’s stuck there to set up wards, and is trying to find his way out of this one.
When the summoning circle worked, no one expected the teenager to pop out of it. 
Instead of Pariah Dark, or even the sarcophagus showing up, there was a white haired ghost boy with glowing green eyes the same color as the flames of the Crown of Fire. Except he didn’t look exactly like the others ghosts. He had a human skin tone, his proportions were exactly like a human teenager’s, and he was wearing a black and white hoodie with black sweatpants, for God’s sake. 
… Were ghosts able to reproduce with humans?
Before any of the Justice League can get into questioning, Constantine speaks up:
“You’re not the Ghost King.”
Green eyes settle on him, lighting up with recognition - Danny knows exactly who this is, with the amount of complaints on his desk about the blonde. Clockwork also informed him (he didn’t want to know but now he does) of the man’s stint with Pariah. 
Daniel “Commit to the bit” Fenton chooses to do just that.
“Of course not,” The confusion crosses the face of the heroes present- “That’s just because I haven’t had my coronation yet! I’m the Crown Prince, it’s practically the same thing!”
Oh, and the dread and realization crossing Constantine’s face is almost enough to make his core purr in amusement. 
“Now I will gladly answer all your questions, but first!” His eyes swept over the heroes before raising his hand and pointing accusingly at the British warlock.
“John Constantine,” his voice boomed, the temperature of the meeting room dropping as his face stretched with a smile too big and too pointy, “You owe me fifteen years of child support.”
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p0ssym1lker · 2 years
Danny the type of guy to pick a fight with guys twice his size and then turn around to make fun of them if they try to fight a guy as small as him
He will also fight insane people and just mock them for the insanity
He and the joker fight? Bohoo little clown man thinking crazy laugh is scary oh boohoo
Scarecrow? Makes fun of him for being defeated by gas masks, does he get injected? Yes. Does he simply stop his blood flow? Also yes
Scarecrow gets close to tears
It comes to a head when Batman tries to corner him and Danny busts out the good ol "big guy so scary until someone swings a crowbar" which then you can hear Nightwings scandalized gasp, red robins stifled laughter and red hood telling red Robin of for the laughter in the background
All of this as fenton, just some 5'5 guy build like a shrimp
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misteria247 · 25 days
It's Danny that starts the unintentional chain of events. He and the team are on a mission, he's partnered with Timmy. Jimmy and SpongeBob are on the intercoms trying to figure things out. The mission has gone to hell, there's chaos everywhere. And Danny he just takes a look at all of it, mentally trying to figure out how to describe it all. And before he can even think about it his mouth opens up and out pops-
The reaction is instantaneous. The intercoms immediately go silent. Dumbfounded. Wanda and Cosmo are staring at the ghost teen, and Timmy's jaw is open in surprise. Danny remembering that there's a ten year old with him just breaks out into a nervous sweat as the adults finally process it. Immediately SpongeBob let's out a scandalous gasp-
And Wanda's eyes just turn sharp, pink hues boring straight into him in a silent promise to get his ass ASAP. Cosmo's immediately not touching this situation, deciding Wanda's got it. Jimmy on the other hand is pinching the bridge of his nose already tapped out. And Danny and Timmy just having a silent stare down as the boy's shock morphs into impish mischief. At that moment Danny knows this is going to come back and bite him in the ass.
It's only a few weeks later when he gets it. When he hears Timmy's childish voice in frustration yell out-
"Fuck! This is stupid!"
And he just feels the glare of a certain pink fairy. She's not happy and Danny knows he's not going to come back from this unscathed. Later as Timmy's cackling at Danny getting in trouble the older teen just glares at him and says-
"Keep laughing Turner. You'll get what yours eventually mark my words."
Fast forward a few years to Timmy being a teenager with a child Peri. The two brothers are just doing their own thing, Cosmo and Wanda are in the other room talking. A sudden moment and Timmy's running to grab his little brother who's nearly ran into an old clock. Timmy doesn't even think about it, just reacts purely on instinct.
Timmy's already looking over his baby brother not realizing that he just opened Pandora's box. Not till he sees Peri's puzzled expression and his small head tilt before asking in an innocent voice-
"Fuck....? What's that mean?"
Timmy's never felt fear till he hears Peri say fuck. Nor when he heard Cosmo's gasp when he'd stepped into the room with Wanda, both parents concerned about their sons only to walk in on Peri's question. Wanda's eyes go wide before-
Timmy ends up getting into trouble, and ends up having to deal with his little brother say the word fuck randomly on and off while playing for the next few days. Mentally cursing Danny for predicting this situation. When Peri's older and is retold the story, he laughs so hard he nearly cries. All the while Timmy just shakes his head, knowing that Peri was asking for it without knowing.
More years pass, and Peri's now a fairy godparent of a boy named Dev. The boy's......complicated. And Peri has to resist the urge to rip out his purple curls sometimes but he enjoys the boy nevertheless. It's because of this that he let's his guard down. He, Dev and Hazel are rushing to meet up with his parents and older brother and said brother's team. The world's gone to shit, and they're on a time limit. Peri catches sight off a familiar head of brown hair and two small figures hovering nearby and he opens his mouth to shout out to them. To call out to his family who's currently with the ghost, sponge and scientist. When a sudden burst of energy flashes by, forcing Peri to grab Dev and Hazel and let out a yelp. Footsteps and shouts are heard and Peri's a bit frazzled and before he even realizes-
A dead silence as Peri slaps a hand over his mouth. Hazel let's out a gasp and cries out that that's a bad word. While Dev just starts to smirk like a cat with the cream. Timmy who's now kneeling next to them, let's out an exhausted sigh while Jimmy coughs to cover the snicker that threatens to come out, causing Timmy to shoot him a look. SpongeBob immediately let's out a not you too Peri! While Danny just seems to go blank expression wise, deja vu hitting him like a truck. Wanda's at this point done.
Cosmo just let's out an amused but tired noise having gotten used to the fuck ups involving his boys and their mouths. There's a burst of chatting and the solemn promises of retribution for corrupting the youth. All the while Peri looks up to see Timmy and Danny staring at him with looks that say-
'Told you so.'
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monzamash · 2 years
ooh boy, no36 w/Daniel?? 😳
36. “you sent me pictures of you naked while i was in a work meeting!” rating – mature (sexual references, mentions of nudity, coarse language) word count – 1.1k a/n – i went smut free on this one and made it a little less shouty because i can't imagine a world where danny ric would be angry about a cheeky nude. js xo masterlist
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You were bored. Dying behind the eyes kind of bored. And it was raining in London, torrential so everything you would normally do to cure the boredom, like take your pups out for a walk or pop down to the café on the corner for a coffee were a no-go. To make matters worse, Daniel had sworn he’d be home by 2pm, promising to pick up food and your favourite flavour of ice cream too.
It was nearly 6 now and pitch dark outside, street lights bellowing into your lounge room. You hadn’t so much as heard a peep from him since he left you in bed this morning, begging for him to stay curled up under the warm sheets with you. The same frown on your face that you had when he kissed you goodbye, unintentionally leaving you high and dry because he was running late had reappeared. He was ghosting you.
Ignoring your wife is rude. You typed, fingertips hovering over the send button before a mischievous though intrusively broke through.
You were up like a shot, tossing the orange texas state t-shirt that you’d stolen from Daniel on the floor and posing in front of your bathroom mirror. The photos weren’t too scandalous, just a tasteful mix of come hither and this is what you’re missing out on with the beauty lighting smoothing out all the shadows. And if Daniel were so miserably caught up at work then maybe this would be a nice distraction, you thought as you pressed send, nervously awaiting a response.
Being needy wasn’t really you. In fact, the reason your marriage worked so well was because both of you were independent, happily travelling through life waiting for the other patiently. That was the type of love you had and cherished with every part of your being. But when Daniel was home, so close you could reach out and grab him, you wanted him with you every second of every day. Maybe it was because you didn’t want to waste a second of the time you had together, or if you let go for too long he’d disappear again. You weren’t sure what possessed you when you sent that message and those photos and Daniel definitely didn’t expect it when he opened your message and saw you, perky, needy and fully naked.
Fuck. He coughed and quickly closed his phone, hoping Michael hadn’t glanced over but knowing his audible gasp probably caught the attention of everyone in the room.
“Yo, was that…?”
“Was what?” Daniel snapped wide-eyed, shoving his phone into his pocket and staring his best mate down. The deer in headlights expression on Michael’s face confirmed to Daniel that he definitely knew better than to comment on whatever he just saw.
Michael shook his head and averted his eyes to the laptop in front of him, “Nothing, mate.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Daniel grumbled, maddened but internally thanking his lucky stars that it was Michael who saw the pictures and not one of the other ten dudes in the room. At least he knew that he wouldn’t mention it again, respecting you too much to pay it any mind and knowing if he did, Daniel would throttle him. A young lad from the engineering team probably wouldn't have been so generous with his discretion, especially when you looked like that.
The meeting finished up not long after your lewd text came through, Daniel’s mind officially turned to mush as he packed up and bided everyone goodbye. As furious as he was about you interrupting such an important meeting and getting caught, he couldn’t stop thinking about you sitting in your shared home, lounging around wearing nothing but a smile on your angelic face, desperate to be appreciated the way you deserved.
The front door clicking open caused you to sit up and immediately start nervously chewing on your thumb, anticipating. You were feeling uneasy because Daniel hadn’t messaged you back, giving you nothing to analyse while you waited for him to get home and deep down, you knew it was precarious sending a photo like that. But you were willing to risk it all for whatever his reaction was going to be. And boy, were you in for it.
“Where are you!?” Daniel yelled out, searching the kitchen first before appearing in the living room archway, tired eyes and an unreadable expression present his handsome face, “You.”
Hey. You blinked, small grin threatening to give you away but you managed to suppress it, waiting for any semblance of a reaction from the man standing in front of you. Anything more than the silence you were drowning in.
“You’re in trouble.”
“Why?” You asked, feigning innocence and causing Daniel to scoff loudly as he threw down his backpack – stern faced but soft spoken.
“Don’t fuck with me. You know exactly what I’m talkin' about.”
He was weirdly calm as he stepped forward, towering over you gazing up at him from the couch, “You sent me naked pictures while I was in a work meeting – a very important one, in fact. And on face value, loved ‘em. Love you. You’re hot – I know it, you know it but…”
You were smirking now at the compliment and Daniel couldn’t wait to wipe the smug look off your face, “Michael accidentally saw them…”
“What!” You shouted, gasping and covering your mouth with your hand. Mortified.
“Tits and all, honey. That’s what you get for trying to distract me from my work.”
"Nooooooo! No, no no!" You wailed.
You shrivelled up into a fetal position on the couch, wishing the ground would just swallow you whole and take you away from the humiliation, “What did he say?”
“Well, he was shocked to see my wife, his friend, naked on my phone. Like I said, you’re so unbelievably hot but you’ve gotta give a guy some warning before dropping nudes on him. Just a little like, ‘warning may contain titties’ or something – anything”
Daniel’s voice was slightly strained, and faintly humoured as he started to peel you out of your shame, little by little. You chuckled into his chest as he pulled you up into in his strong embrace, kissing your neck and brushing his hands under the hem of your his shirt.
“I was so turned on that I forgot to pick up food and your ice cream.”
His confession was quiet and you hummed before snaking your arms over his slumped shoulders and carefully dragged yourself into his lap, “S’okay. I knew would be so I got sushi delivered after I sent you the message.”
Daniel tilted his head back against the couch and cocked an eyebrow, “You think you’ve got it all figured out, don’t ya?”
And of course you nodded, baiting him and hoping to be put in your place. Even he couldn't deny that you had him figured out, down to a tee – every whim had been accounted for as you made him groan with pleasure, pressing down on him, teasing.
“You started all of this so you’re gonna be the one who finishes it, yeah? So fuckin' cheeky.”
“You’re going to wish you left that meeting hours ago, baby.” “We’ll see about that,” Daniel winked. Eyes wide, desperate to see it all.
+ + + let me know what you think!
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gracev0609 · 2 months
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Need You Close Pt 4.
Josh Kiszka X Danny Wagner
A @lipstickitty / gracev0609 collaboration
WC: 3k+
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI, Slash Fic, Explicit Sex, Deep Emotions, Progressing in Their Relationship
Danny wrapped his arms around Josh's smaller frame, bringing his face level to his ear,” So, tonight? Eight-ish?”
Josh giggled,” Heavy on the ish, you know my ass is never on time.”
Butterflies forming in his stomach at the realization that tonight will be their first real date.
How does one date someone they've known almost all their lives? Josh thought as Danny placed a kiss on the top of his head, unwrapping himself and walking away back towards his drum kit.
Shortly after eight, the boys sat at the table across from one another for dinner, nerves swirling through each of them though neither could explain why. Josh reached across the table to grip Danny’s hand, both a little sweaty from the nerves. Danny squeezed his hand and placed a little kiss to the top of it, meeting Josh’s gaze.
“Everything okay?” Danny asked softly, eyes concerned. Their fingers still laced together over the tabletop.
“I-I’m just nervous, I guess. I don’t know how to be on a first date with a guy I’ve known since I was ten.”
Danny giggled loudly before leaning in whispering,” Wanna know a secret?” His large brown eyes playfully scanning back and forth,” I don't know how to either… Maybe we just pretend that this isn't our first, but maybe our fiftieth.”
Josh erupts in giggles, fidgeting with his shirt feeling the discomfort melt away,” You're right. I know you and you know me, and not that much is different.”
“Exactly! So,” Danny threw his thumb up over his shoulder pointing at the bar,’ I'm gonna go get us some tequila shots and some limes and we can get loose.”
Tilting his head back Josh cackles,’ Oh man, that's a dangerous game Daniel!”
Not long after they're biting down on the lime after their third shot of tequila. The boys are laughing and touching and finally becoming comfortable. Things are getting easy, after all they were best friends first. As the liquor keeps flowing Danny notices Josh just staring at him as he talks on and on about the special ordered drum head he got for his snare, stopping mid sentence Danny grins. Josh's eyes are wide, the dim lighting and making his pupils sparkle. There was love radiating from his gaze.
“Hey Josh?”
“I really love you.” Danny grins, taking a sip of his ice water watching Josh's cheeks pinken.
“I really love you too.”
The rest of the meal goes much more smoothly, the nerves and uneasiness completely erased. Conversation and drinks flowing endlessly, near constant giggles escaping each of them.
Danny reaches across the table once more to take Josh’s hand in his own, “You wanna get out of here?”
Josh feigns a scandalized gasp, “On the first date?!” He can’t contain his laughter any longer, cackling loudly, “Yeah, I do. Your place or mine?” He asks with a smirk.
“My bed is bigger.” Danny giggles, Josh can’t help but to laugh with him, agreeing wholeheartedly.
Once the check is paid they exit the restaurant hand in hand making their way back out to Danny’s car where he opens Josh’s door for him first.
“Such a gentleman.” Josh giggles, cheeks blushing pink.
“On occasion.” Danny teases back once he’s settled in his seat as well. He drives them home safely, their fingers laced together the whole way.
Following Danny up his walkway to his front door Josh couldn't help but admire Danny from behind. His tall frame starting narrow at his slender waist flowing outwards to his broad shoulders. Josh smiled to himself, realizing that this magnificent man in front of him was all his.
Stepping into Danny's house they quickly shed their shoes and jackets.
Josh laughed, unfastening the button of his pants,” Should I leave these at the door too?”
Danny beamed, hands grasping at Josh's hips, slowly pulling them down his body,” Might as well, you don't need ‘em in here anyway.”
Once partially undressed Josh reached for Danny's button, quickly slipping it out of the closure and dragging the zipper down. Impatiently Danny ripped the fabric down his legs stepping out of the denim. Grabbing Josh's hand leading him to the bedroom he watched smirking as Josh climbed up into Danny's massive bed. He looked so cute sitting in the middle, plush blue comforter piling high around him. Briefly Danny imagined what his home would look like if Josh was moved in. How he could wake up to Josh in the center of his bed every morning.
“Come on Danny, get in here. I wanna do more than just look at you.” Josh grinned, leaning back into the pillows, stretching his legs out straight. He flexes his hips slightly drawing Danny's attention to the bulge forming in his underwear.
Quickly Danny clambered into the bed, crawling over Josh's body, his face hovering over his. Leaning down he connected their lips, swiping his tongue across Josh's bottom lip he swore he could taste the citrusy tang from the lime slices.
Almost immediately Josh was moaning into Danny's mouth, his hands searching for him, needing to ground himself as he got lost in their makeout.
His arms wound around Danny’s back, Josh pressed his body fully against his, needing him as close as possible. With Danny overtop of him and their mouths moving together so perfectly, Josh knew there was nowhere else he’d rather be.
Danny’s hands cupped Josh’s cheeks gently keeping him in place. Slowly one of his hands began moving down Josh’s body, his fingertips tickling the skin of his neck as they trailed downward. They mapped out the full expanse of Josh’s torso, feeling every inch of his smooth skin and the muscles beneath.
Needing friction and not able to wait any longer for it, Josh’s hips began pushing up into Danny’s, grinding slowly wanting to take his time.
Finally Danny had to break the kiss for a breath of air, the hand still holding Josh’s cheek stroking it softly. “My love…” he whispered, forehead pressed against Josh’s while they both panted breathlessly.
Josh felt himself fully melt at that, wanting to hear it over and over again.
That warm fuzzy feeling of love blossomed in his chest as he fought with himself, wanting to beg Danny to say it again.
“Are you okay? You have a funny look on your face.” Danny asked, concern written in his features.
“Yeah. Um.. I - ah, can you call me that again?”
Danny's brows furrowed, before he broke out in a smile,” Of course I can. My love.’
Josh tangled his fingers into the curls at the nape of Danny's neck, pulling him down his lips peppering kisses along the sensitive skin of his jaw. Resisting the urge to smile as he feels the vibration of Danny's little moan underneath his lips. Moments later Danny gives in, pressing his hips to Josh's, the friction deliciously sweet. They consume each other as they get lost in it all, their bodies growing warm and their breath getting shallow at that familiar burning in the pit of their stomachs.
Josh gripped at the waistband of Danny’s boxers, snapping it against his hip. “Off…” he mumbled against Danny’s lips.
Through giggles, Danny removed his hands from Josh’s body long enough to remove the final layers between them before claiming his lips again.
Pulling back, chest heaving, Danny just gazed down at Josh for a moment, taking in how beautiful he looks like this.
“You’re gorgeous, Danny.” Josh’s eyes full of so much love and admiration stare up at him, thumbs caressing Danny’s sharp features. “I need you… please?” His voice sounded small, a little shaky.
“Of course, love, I’m gonna take care of you. What do you need?”
“Inside me. Please, need to feel you.” Josh begged.
Danny reached over to the bedside table, pulling open the top drawer and retrieving the lube stashed away in there.
Popping the cap open, Danny coated his fingers liberally before letting his middle finger slip inside Josh’s tight walls. Josh sighed happily at the feeling, nowhere near full enough but Danny’s fingers always felt so nice.
Danny took his time stretching him out, leaving him squirming on the bed begging for more.
“Shhhh, I got you.” He shushed, slowly removing his fingers and reaching for the lube once again.” My love, tell me what you need. Another finger or my cock?”
He sighed, his voice a little thick from his arousal,” Your cock, need to feel you. God, I need you to be inside of me.”
Danny squirted some more lube into his palm before thoroughly coating his shaft in it, applying the excess left on his hand to Josh's entrance. Danny's clean hand came up to push his legs further apart as his other grasped his cock in his hand gently rubbing it up and down against his fluttering hole.
“Damnit Daniel stop fuckin teasing me!” He cried, throwing his head back against Danny's pillow.
Gently Danny pushed his hips forward, his slick tip entering his boyfriend. Slowly he nudged forward until the thick head of his cock was enveloped by his tight walls. Pausing, Danny let Josh adjust, knowing he was too impatient to be stretched properly. Danny hung his head down, curls covering his face, his jaw clenched. His body screams at him to bury himself in to the hilt, but his better judgment knows he'd never push Josh that hard.
“You're so fuckin tight baby. Please, love, can I keep going?”
“Yeah Danny, please,do I need to feel more of you. You fill me up so good!” Josh whines, his hand finding his hardness resting on his stomach, slowly he teases himself. Danny watches entranced as his fingers glide up and down his length, teasing the swollen head of his cock. His fingers run through the pearlescent bead forming at his slit. Josh's eyes flutter when his thumb runs over his slit back and forth. Letting his cock fall back against his stomachs his hand comes down to touch his balls, squeezing and massaging them making his cock twitch.
“Are you gonna fuck me now Danny?” Josh smiles, noticing that Danny has stopped moving, preferring to watch Josh touch himself instead.
Slowly Daniel rolls his hips, in and out. Softly at first, gently increasing speed and pressure until grunts and gasps and slick slapping sounds are ringing out in his bedroom.
Josh cries out each time Danny rocks his hips against his prostate, the pleasure almost too much and also not enough. Danny’s firm grip on his waist locks him in place, preventing his body from sliding up the bed with the force of his thrusts.
“Does it feel good, baby?” Danny groans out, one hand sliding from Josh’s waist up to his neck, gently resting over his throat.
Josh nods frantically, “So-so good. You’re so fucking deep, oh my god!” It comes out as a whine more than anything else, Danny’s got him cock drunk already and they’ve barely even started.
“You’re so tight wrapped around me, love. Wanna stay right. Here. Forever.” Daniel punctuates his words with sharp, perfectly timed thrusts making Josh’s eyes flutter.
“Kiss me?” Josh begs, panting, looking up at Danny with his big brown eyes and pouty pink lips.
“I’ll kiss you, sweet boy. I’ll kiss you as much as you want.” Danny leans down and captures Josh’s lips with his own, swiping his tongue across Josh’s bottom lip prompting him to let him in. His tongue explores Josh’s mouth, tasting him thoroughly, both of them moaning freely into the other’s mouth and swallowing down each sound greedily.
Josh locks his legs around Danny’s hips, effectively putting a stop to his thrusting, instead choosing to just grind into Josh’s sweet spot making his back arch off the mattress.
Josh separates their lips just barely, pressing his forehead to Daniel’s, “I love you so fuckin’ much, you know that, right?” He pants, warm breaths fanning over Danny’s lips.
“I know, my love. I love you too, so much.” The hand at Josh’s throat moves to cradle his cheek instead, thumb stroking over his flushed, sweat dampened skin.
Emotions swirl in their chests, the raw emotional need to be as close to one another as possible. Hands gripping and pulling, teeth gnashing as they consume one another. Josh pulls Danny's hips closer with his legs, his hips barely rocking but his tip is still nudging his prostate exactly the way he needs. Panting Danny rests his forehead on Josh's once again, humid sticky breaths cling to their cheeks. Their bodies so close together, Danny's taut skin of his stomach rubbing delicious friction against Josh's cock that's trapped between them.
Josh stares up at him, their eyes locked,” Danny?”
“Yes baby?”
“ ‘M gonna cum soon. Want your pretty cock to make a mess inside me. Can you, can you fill me up?”
His eyes sparkle with lust and love, Danny knew he'd give Josh anything he ever wanted.
Josh's legs loosen around his hips and he's able to drive himself into the spot he loves so much with ease. Immediately whines and cries flow from Josh's pretty pink lips. Danny watches as his eyes roll back, his jaw falls slack and his cheeks redden even more.
“Good boy, mmhmm cum so pretty for me my love that's it.” Danny coos as he feels Josh's release hot and slick against his belly. The silky smooth glide of his cum slicked cock against Danny's skin sends jolts of pleasure up Josh's spine. His hands grip hard onto Danny's muscular biceps as he continues to pound into him.
“Almost there baby, doing so good for me.” Danny grunts as he gets closer and closer. The man below him doesn't respond, fucked out babbling and nonsensical cries leave his lips. His hips stutter as he feels his orgasm rip through him, groaning as he pulses pumping his boyfriend full. Through his haze he feels more wet heat on his stomach, Josh whining as his hips jolt, a second orgasm ravaging his body. Danny can't help but give a few more weak thrusts, fucking his cum deep inside his love all while praising him.
His hands wrap under the smaller man below him, scooping him up and holding him so close,” I love you, I love you, I love you.”
A fucked out grin appears on Josh's face, as his eyes flutter closed and he places a few small kisses to Danny's sweat soaked chest.
Once Danny's breathing calms down he pulls out and tells a barely coherent Josh that he's going to grab a rag to clean them up with. Stiffly Danny makes his way to the bathroom, grabbing a wash rag from the linen closet and turning the water on, letting it heat up. As Danny waits for the water coming from the sink faucet to turn hot he admires his own reflection in the mirror. His hair is fucked from Josh's hands being tangled in it, his cheeks are ruddy and pink, his lips puffy and kiss swollen. His gaze travels down, his tummy wet and glazed with cum. He smirks to himself observing how much Josh had to give him. Once the water is hot enough he quietly cleans himself off before returning to his love who hasn't moved an inch, exhaustion setting in.
Tenderly Daniel cleans up his lover as he can barely stay awake. He tosses the towels into the dirty hamper before climbing into bed.He pulls Josh's body into his, tangling their bare bodies together as sleep takes them for the night.
Josh's eyes opened first, a beam of sun illuminating his face as he laid on Dannys chest. Groggily he lifted his head causing Danny to stir awake.
“Good morning my love,” Danny greeted, his voice laced with sleep.
Josh beamed, his eyes crinkling, full smile on display,” Morning baby.”
“You want coffee?” Danny asked, his hands skirting down Josh's bare back.
Josh rolls off of him, sitting up on the edge of the bed,” Please, in the largest mug you have.” He rises from the bed, from void of clothing and he frowns as he remembers he didn't pack a bag. Turning to face Danny as he pulls a pair of sweatpants from his drawer,” Can I borrow some clothes? I wasn't expecting to stay on our first date, but obviously I was wrong.’
He laughs pulling a second pair of pants out and tossing them to his love before grabbing him a soft tee shirt too. Graciously Josh put on the clothes, the soft worn fabric bringing a smile to his face. Giggling as he looks at himself in the mirror, shirt hanging off of his body, pant legs pooling at his feet.
They make their way to his kitchen, eager for their cup of coffee. Danny makes their coffees exactly the way they like them and they sit down to enjoy their beverages. Danny finds himself unable to tear his eyes away from Josh, his small frame being swallowed up by the much too large borrowed clothing. He can’t stop himself from imagining what it would be like if Josh moved in, every morning spent just like this- domestic bliss.
He fidgets in his seat, a little anxious to ask the question he’s about to ask but knowing with absolute certainty that it’s what he wants. “So, I’ve been thinking…” he trails off, clearing his throat nervously.
“About what?” Josh giggles, meeting Danny’s gaze with a big grin.
“Would you- feel free to say no if you think it’s too soon, but- would you want to move in with me?” Danny looks down at his lap anxiously after he spits out his question, a little afraid he may have just ruined everything.
Josh is silent for a moment, his eyes growing a little glossy with tears threatening to spill over, but the grin has never left his face.
“I know it’s kinda soon, but we’ve known each other forever, and I kinda just… don’t want you to leave. I wanna wake up with you in my clothes, in my bed. I’ve never been so sure about anything. I love you so much.” Danny rambles on, unable to stop talking.
Josh cuts him off by crashing their lips together, his hands cradling Danny’s face as a couple happy tears slip down his cheeks. “I’d love to.” Josh’s words come out as a soft whisper, his forehead pressed against Danny’s. Once again warmth flooded his chest, knowing that as long as he was with Danny he was home.
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writingsofwesteros · 9 months
Dany capturing King's Landing and living in the Red Keep, only to start noticing an odd pattern. She would go to sleep in her night clothes and wake up bare with her pussy feeling more relieved than it has since her times with the Khal, leading her to believe someone was visiting her in her sleep. She likes the feeling, but doesn't want her castle staff or random people just taking advantage of her so she tries to pretend sleep to lure them out... Failing miserably when she passes out from the exhaustion of her day. Though since her body is already on high alert, she wakes up right as she's having a mind blowing orgasm, her pussy squirting as her whole body shakes and she moans wantonly like a whore. Dany pants and looks around quickly, only to find a beautiful girl still slurping up her juices. She threads her fingers through the girl's hair and rides her face through her orgasm before roughly pulling her head away, only to gasp when she notices the simularities between the statue and paintings she'd seen of the Targaryen Princess who's scandalous nature surprised and disgusted the commonfolk and highborns alike. The girl was looked down on as a wasted beauty since she had managed to seduce not only her 3 brothers and 5 sisters into coupling with her many times, but people had seen her parents fuck her in public as well. One of the most famous stories involving her was the night of her eldest brother's wedding, in which he wed a woman outside the family, only for the woman to be ruined when she visits her husband’s chambers to find him and his brother making their sister's pussy stretch to take both of them at once as she greedily sucks on her mom's clit. The wife lets out a strangled cry, trying not to sob and make them aware of her presence, only for them to see her and make her join. She's stripped held down by her bare mother in law and her new sister starts attacking her virgin pussy like it's nothing, smiling up at her and making the girl cum unwillingly within minutes from the vibrations of her moans mixed with her expert tongue. The wife thinks she'll be let go, only for her mother in law to start grinding her clit against her plush ass cheeks and holding her tighter, telling her daughter to make her new sister feel as good as her husband would be had the little slut not stole him away for their nightly activities. Dany remembers the tale ending with the wife getting broke in by her sister in law and her family being unhappy because she never became pregnant, much too busy chasing her husband’s sister or pulling her into her private chambers. slightly inspired by that one pic of a bound statue 👑💀
ALL OF THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Danny trying to stay awake and failing is too cute ;)
she'll keep her pretty Queen company thank you.
The stories of the past are too hot as well, of course she's seducing the members of the family left and right
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
Hey hey hey 🌤️💧 maybe?
Isabeelll hiiiii
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
*scrolls through the tomes of [redacted] wip* lmao. Of course I don't remember my fave anything from this (except that scene I sent but that one was 😵‍💫😵‍💫) But I just reread this and liked it lool
"Chelle this is awful." Daniel groused, she leaned against a tree along the garden path. His sister, his ever present shadow. Meant to keep his reputation and innocence intact until he had a mark on his neck  "Danny, it won't be so bad. What if you hit it off?" Michelle was determined to find a bright side, bless her. Or she was determined to keep him from spiralling. Also, bless her. "Yes, we're going to stroll the gardens and amongst the roses and hydrangeas we'll learn that we were truly meant to be. Each other's half." Daniel clasped his fingers together and fake swooned, Michelle snorted her mirth. "Or maybe the sound of the fountains and the whiff of your scent would be like an elixir of dreams and he won't be able to get enough." "Yes, so then I will have to spend my days by a fountain so my true love remembers the feeling." Daniel responded dryly. "Otherwise, he'll just manhandle me." "He looks strong, maybe you'll like a little manhandling." Michelle teased and a blush bloomed on Daniel's face. "Chelle!" He squeaked, scandalized. Prince Max did look strong, and he was capable with a sword. But– it didn't quite matter.
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
Ok this ones longer because it won't make sense if I chop it down!
With shaking fingers, Daniel reached for the ribbon that held his bodice together. “What are you doing?” Max crossed the room in three steps and covered Daniel’s hands with his own, keeping the cloth closed together. “I–” Daniel cut himself off. He’s managed to upset him somehow. Maybe the prince hadn’t intended to bed him again, maybe the first time was not good. “I didn’t bring you here to bed you– not that I wouldn’t want to– don’t get me wrong. But I thought we could spend some time getting to know one another. We haven’t had the opportunity before the wedding.” Max spoke quickly, tripping over his words. Daniel searched his face before swallowing the lump in his throat and nodding. Max detangled their fingers and did back up his ribbons. Daniel stood there silently, waiting for something to happen. “I’m not some monster that is going to mount you at every opportunity to breed you.” Daniel’s eyes widened at the steel in his eyes and tone. “No matter what my father spews, you are my omega– I would never treat you so poorly.” Daniel’s eyes fluttered as he nodded, he couldn’t suppress the relieved sag of his shoulders. “Thank you sir.” He whispered and Max frowned. “Daniel, we are alone. You may call me Max.” Daniel licked his lips and Max tracked the progress of his tongue. “Ok Max.”  His reaction to hearing his name on Daniel’s lips, so familiar, was a strong one. Max surged forward to kiss him, licking his plump bottom lip and sucking it into his mouth. Daniel gasped in surprise and Max used the opportunity to lick into his mouth, to taste him. Daniel felt like his head was spinning, he moaned into Max’s mouth helplessly and Max crushed his body closer. Before he knew it, Max had him leaning against a table and he’d fallen to his knees. Daniel’s eyes widened in shock, his swollen mouth dropped open. Max smirked devilishly. “I need to get my mouth on you. I must taste you my love." Then he was gone, hiking up Daniel’s skirts to expose him to the room. Max rubbed his cheek against Daniel's thigh.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 6 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Something about Nico, he will always choose violence (when it comes to Ara) -Danny Words: 2,204 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Sign of the Times' -by Harry Styles
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XXXII: *Sobbing* I'm Fine!
Leo is waiting for them at the top of the gangplank, he grins and waves at the group, then his eyes focus on Frank and her. The moment she reaches his side and Leo has to look up to meet her gaze, he flushes to a cherry tone Ara has never seen on his face.
He speaks in a strangled voice. "Ares?"
"Mars. I don't know, I doubt it matters," Ara says, self-conscious about their height difference. "How does it look?"
"You could crash my skull with your thighs," he blurts out.
Hazel gasps, fanning her face scandalized at his comment. "Gods, I hate you," Nico groans, guiding his flustered sister away from them.
Ara hurries past Leo and goes to her cabin to check her reflection, her breath hitches at the sight: she looks exactly like Arachne's tapestry minus the cape and hair. Yesterday she had baby fat around her face, her abs were a soft belly, and now she looks like a high school senior who never misses a workout. Arms toned and longer legs—she barely fits in the mirror, since it was designed for a girl that was 5'3.
"Holy crap," she breathes. Someone knocks on her door, and she finds Nico standing there, waiting to be let in. "I'm tall," she states in shock.
"Congrats. What was the fight about? The one you had with Lily?"
Ara knows this will bring an argument, but if it doesn't happen today, it'll happen at an even worse time. "I told her we couldn't trust you."
Nico visibly tenses. "I'm not surprised."
Ara turns to face him properly. "I had a good reason, you know what I'm talking about."
Nico's eyes darken. "My dad forbade me to talk about it. One of your patrons—your main patron, or did you forget?"
"How can I? Ever since that day, I've been the babysitter of his little prince."
"I told you I wanted no part of your stupid camp, but it was you who promised—"
"You needed a place to live—"
"You expected everyone to act like I don't creep them out."
"Oh, cry me a river," Ara walks past him. "I've got more important things to do than to listen to the same complaints on repeat."
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"Crap!" Ara struggles with the damaged oar, she hisses when it scratches her palm. "Leo, I forgot my gloves, can you toss them over?"
Leo seizes her Octopi bag and rummages through its contents. "You didn't grab them? That's basic gear, Ara."
"I don't do basic," she responds.
Leo looks over the railing. "Say what?"
"It's like maths," Ara squints when she looks up. "Unnecessary."
The boy holds onto the handrail as he leans in dramatically. "You think is what?"
"Oh no..." She mumbles and tilts her head. "My scolding senses are tingling..."
Leo scowls. "Get your ass back here—and be careful."
He doesn't reprimand her like, ever, not even tries to, but his job is the one thing he takes seriously, so Ara climbs back on deck and dusts off her hands expecting the berating of the week. 
Leo spots the scrape on her hand and searches for his tool belt. "You almost lost an arm last December and you think being careful is unnecessary?"
"Oh, that was different," Ara watches Leo heal her. "Silly things—"
"Silly?" Leo looks up and his eye twitches. "Fixing the oars and giving Festus an upgrade ain't like changing the batteries of a TV remote, sweetheart. And maths? You need maths!"
She laughs nervously. "You okay?"
"Arae Jackson, that's negligence!" He exclaims. "Is this why they call you Dr Frankenstein back in camp?"
"Oh, you know about that?" She asks unbothered.
"That's it, you're not allowed to work on the repairs."
Her mouth opens in shock. "Leo, you know I'm a good repairperson, don't do this!"
"You heard me," he tries to take the harness off her, muttering grumpily. "Don't do maths, seriously..."
"Hey! Stand back!" Ara keeps him away. Leo is smaller than her now and he was never strong to begin with. "I'll finish the task whether I'm wearing the harness or not!"
"You're not helping yourself!" Nico speaks out of nowhere, both teens looking up to see him at the top mast.
"Stay out of this!" Ara seizes Leo's wrist. "Stop!"
It's kind of cute, seeing him angry over this. Reminds her of Mike a bit, which makes her feel kind of guilty. "Promise you'll be careful in the right way, not yours!"
Ara rolls her eyes. "Can I have my gloves, then?"
"Put them on before you go back," Leo crosses his arms. "I don't understand why Beckendorf made you Cabin Nine's right-hand girl if you ignore safety procedures."
"Beck had the knowledge, I had the spirit," she puts the gloves on with an amused expression. "Anyway... I need insulation stuff—the spongy one? And Industrial glue, and the..." She makes a gesture as if holding something and puffs some air out of her lips. "To fuse the bronze to the hull..."
"Insulation foam, industrial glue, metal welding kit—and bronze-welding rods to reattach the frame to the hull," the boy turns to get the goods.
Ara beams. "And welding goggles."
"'Course," Leo grabs stuff from his toolbox, the rest are from his magic belt. Ara stands there waiting. "Anything else?"
"Your hand in marriage?"
"Dang it, woman! You can't make me forget how irresponsible you are by love-bombing me!" Leo exclaims, handing the tools to her.
Ara puts the goggles on. "Seriously, Cabin Nine kids can tell what I'm talking about after a few tries, but you don't even think about it, that's awesome."
Leo looks away to hide his blush. "Your brain works similarly to mine, that's all. It's why we're attracted to each other in the first place."
It's nice to hear that's what Leo thinks about their situation. "We're soulmates." She says it so matter-of-factly that it makes Leo light up as much as the sun. Ara clears her throat and steps back. "Well, I'm going..."
"Yeah," Leo mumbles, a little smile playing on his face. "I'll be watching, my soon-to-be fiancé."
Above them, Nico groans again, but they both ignore him.
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Leo has long forgotten he's supposed to be checking Ara's work while installing Festus's upgrade. Instead, he's just eyeing her, trying not to be obvious, but doing a terrible job.
He can't even hate the fact that she's taller than him by a lot. She's the only demigod that looks god-like in his eyes, Ara's beauty grows with every blessing, no smudge of dirt she gets from her hard work can take it away. When she moves, her body gets framed by the dying sunlight in a way that makes Leo lightheaded.
She's wearing the hair tie he made for her, holding her shiny brown locks in a loose braid, and the way she scrunches up her nose in concentration, the tip of her tongue poking out... The more he looks, the more his heart races. 
She was once out of his league, now she's out of everyone's orbit. She's skillful and experienced, and Leo has a hard time understanding why she would love someone as inconsequential as him.
"You should be careful."
Nico's voice comes to remind him not everything is perfect. Leo jumps out of his skin and swears in Spanish, he glares at the tall boy standing behind him. "Dude, can you not do that?"
Nico doesn't apologize before adding to his comment. "Ara's fool's gold."
Leo frowns. "What?"
Nico glances at the girl, he's angry at her for trying to convince Lily, his only friend, to stop trusting him. Two can play the same game. "She looks good, then you get closer and realize it's all pretend. You call her a doll, right?" He laughs shortly. "That's accurate. Ara likes playing with boys like you."
Leo's fists start to smoke. "Don't you mean boys like us?"
Nico's taken by surprise, a creepy smile forms on his face when he understands what Leo is insinuating. He won't clear up the misunderstanding, Leo has the same arrogant air Ara has when challenged, and is always far more entertaining to watch those kinds of people trip over their feet.
Nico steps closer. "I can get under her skin like no one else. Have you ever asked her why she loathes having me around? You should. She doesn't like to be questioned, so you'll get to see the real Arae."
"She's the General," Leo replies tensely. "You're not supposed to question her, smartass."
Nico's smirk grows. "I see why she likes you." The boy turns to leave. "Ask her."
"I know why she hates you," Leo says confidently, which causes Nico to laugh again.
"No, you don't," he reaches the stairs. "Ask her about the curse."
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Ara takes a look at the finished product. "Good as new, right?"
Festus blows out steam and Ara recoils, feeling the air around her get hotter when he does that. She takes off the goggles and dries the sweat off her brow. 
"I'll take that as a yes."
The moon is high above but very thin, so Ara has a bit of trouble finding her way back to the deck, she doesn't notice Leo until she's right under the handrail. The boy's watching in silence with a scowl on his face. 
She jumps over the railing landing on both feet, then dusts off her hands, and nods at Leo. "Hey."
He walks over to the control board. "Hey."
"I'm done," she announces proudly. "I was very safe the whole time."
"Good job," he checks the monitor. "Festus's stable, so are the oars." 
Leo looks at her doing a quick scan. Ara is covered in sweat and grime, her cheeks are flushed... he can't think of any girl who would look better than she does like this, but Nico succeeded in his attempt to plant a seed of doubt, and Leo can't shake off the feeling that Ara has been lying to him about something.
Besides, he once overheard Percy and Ara talking, and her brother mentioned an old crush she used to have on Nico... Leo panicked and sneaked back to his cabin after hearing that, but the words stuck in his brain and he couldn't take them out.
Ara sighs. "I promise to be careful from now on, I'll use a calculator and everything..."
Leo's seen the way she looks at him lately, like it hurts to be near him. At first, he thought it was guilt because she'd decided to leave her camp, but now... What if the love's fading out between them?
"I..." he starts quietly, swallowing the lump in his throat. "How do you feel?"
"Great!" She smiles. "I'd missed it, getting my hands dirty reminded me of home, it made me feel useful."
"You're always useful," he replies. "But you definitely have a natural aptitude for mechanics."
"I was fated to," Ara replies casually. "Thank you for letting me do this."
"You don't have to thank me. You're the General."
"Yeah, well..." she continues, now trying to ignore his weird vibes. "I'll go take a shower before dinner."
Leo blurts out the first thought in his mind. "I didn't know someone could make me this stupid."
Leo would rather jump into Tartarus than tinker with something that doesn't need fixing... but what if it does? Sometimes a machine doesn't look broken, but it malfunctions anyway. He can't deny that their relationship feels... unbalanced. A creation jumpstarted without all the necessary precautions, and there's a buzzing coming from it that Leo can't identify, but it's making his skin crawl.
Ara is unsure of where this is going. "What's wrong?"
He can't think when her eyes are on him like this, he has this urge to make her smile, and he doesn't know where that comes from. Sure, he loves making people laugh, but with Ara... it almost feels like an obligation.
He struggles to form a proper sentence. "I think you're lying to me."
Ara pales, which is not a good sign. "What?"
"You wanted to jump off the cliff," he continues. "And you tried to leave us when Reyna cornered us at the Fort—"
"Let me finish," he presses anxiously. "You weren't surprised when Nemesis gave you that weird warning, and you've been acting even weirder since we rescued di Angelo—"
"Don't lie to me," he demands. "Your prophecy mentions a curse—The curse of love. Does that mean—"
"This is Nico talking," Ara's eyes darken. "I thought he was ending his shift, but he came to taunt you, didn't he?"
Leo feels like throwing up, but more than that, he feels insulted. "So what if he did?"
"He wants us to get into an argument," Ara steps forward. "Don't let him do this!"
Leo steps back. "Then answer my question."
Unexpectedly, her eyes brim with tears. "I can't."
Some part of him that he's not even aware of triggers, Leo is too distraught to think, his heart is breaking. "You said promises were important to you, but you're not keeping yours."
"There are things that I need to keep under control," she speaks with a trembling voice.
"What things?" He asks bitterly. "Me?"
"Don't say that!" She squeezes the gloves in her hands. "We've failed too many times, Leo. I can't risk it. As your General, I'm telling you to stay out of it."
Leo doesn't like how she says that, her voice weighs like it carries centuries of painful memories, and it sounds like Ara thinks Leo will ruin her plans, and that stings.
"Chiron was right," he says aghast. "Your ambition blinds you. No matter what the outcome is, it's never enough, is it?"
Ara can't stand another second of that conversation, so she abandons it, and Leo doesn't stop her.
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @asnyox-the-hoarder @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicksh
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artistfingers · 3 years
Undercover Phantom AU: After seeing Danny's fangs and much debate about ghostly possession and Fenton can't be a ghost and alive, Sam and Tucker come to the conclusion that vampires exist and many vampire myths are just wrong (like sunlight)
Bonus if Danny doesn't like garlic which just fuels their theories
undercover au but instead of being half ghost danny is half vampire—
ok but no that is a very cute wrong conclusion theory for them to come to, and i absolutely adore danny inadvertently playing into it sdfjhsdf sam is like, "hey i made some garlic bread" when everyone's over for a movie night and danny just wrinkles his nose. "no thanks." tucker's scandalized gasp fills the room
[Undercover AU]
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sunmoonandeddie · 4 years
who you are and who you’ve been
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 8,490
summary: Sometimes love takes a little longer to find you.
warnings: SMUT.  Mention of past abusive relationship, drinking, swearing.
a/n:  Thank you so much to @zeilenkrieg for commissioning this and being so patient while I wrote it!!
“Mama!  Mama!  You here?”
You sighed as you looked up from your coffee, seeing your daughter coming through the living room.  She had on that pair of daisy dukes that she stole from your wardrobe—the ones you used to wear in the heat of summer, a white shirt tied to let the sun on your tummy.  You used to scandalize your own mama with that outfit… 
You had argued with her that she had worn the same kind of outfit back in the seventies, and that vintage was in.  But she liked to wear hers with cowboy boots and you preferred it with a good pair of sneakers.
God, you missed being young…  Your twenties had been absolutely wild, even if they had started out with that horrible pandemic in 2020.
You still washed your hands after touching almost anything.  An instinct that never went away.
That year and the couple years before had been… insane.  But at least it incited real change in the world.  The people had learned from their mistakes, at least for now.
History did have a habit of repeating itself.  Humans were fickle, forgetful creatures like that.
“Yes, honey bun?” You said as you stood up, moving to hug her.
At thirty-seven years old, she was the only good thing that ever came out of your marriage.  That, and knowing how to wash blood out of clothing.
The only problem was that by the time you’d finally left him, you had no friends left.  You were in your forties by then, with no family besides your daughter, and no friends left to speak of.  You hadn’t even had Facebook at the time to keep in touch with old schoolmates from university.  And by then, what was the point?  They were all leading completely different lives and probably hadn’t spared you a thought in at least a decade.
“When’s the last time you left the house?” She asked, her hands on her hips in a stance that reminded you so much of yourself that it scared you.
Now that… that was hard to answer…  You honestly didn’t think you’d be able to remember.  You got practically everything delivered, you worked from home… 
Shaking your thoughts away, you shot her a look.  “I’m fine right where I am.”
“Your doctor called and said you haven’t been taking your medication.”
“Fuckin’ snitch,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes as you turned back to the window, staring down at the now cold coffee.
Josephine rolled her eyes.  “He said you haven’t picked up your refill in over two months.”  She came over to stand next to you, staring out the window with you for a long time.  “Mama, you’ve gotta take your medicine…  You remember what happened last time…”
Ah, yes, the infamous incident.
Which was an incident in a long line of incidents.
There had been a… few times when you’d stopped taking your medication—either intentionally or simply because you had forgotten—and it had resulted in a stay in the psych ward at the local hospital.  It had happened far too many times for your daughter to not be in contact with your doctor so she would be informed if you had stopped getting your refills.
You didn’t blame her, of course.  But it did make you feel like a horrible mother.  One who couldn’t even take care of herself to the point where your daughter had to.
“Yes, I remember last time,” you sighed, staring at a cardinal.  “You know, my mama used to tell me that if you see a cardinal, a loved one who’s passed is visiting you…”
“Mama, I signed you up for a seniors’ social club.”
You blinked.
And then, you blinked again.
You turned to look at your daughter, disbelief written all over your face.  “No the fuck you did not.  I swear to all that is holy, Josephine Ann, if you signed me up for one of those… those… pre-death support groups, I’ll tan your hide!”  You gasped as some of your coffee splashed onto your sweatshirt.  “I brought you into this world, and I sure as hell can take you out of it!”
“You’ve been saying that since I was two,” She said, taking your arm and guiding you to sit down at the kitchen table.  “And it’s not a pre-death support group.  I feel like that’s offensive somewhere so make sure you don’t go running around the group saying that.”  Josephine used a paper napkin to dab at the coffee on your sweatshirt, muttering about throwing it into the wash and getting you a new one.
This was what you meant by your daughter taking care of you.
“Josie, really, I can get my own sweatshirt.”
“Doesn’t mean you gotta,” she said as she came back with a new one, helping you change.
Sometimes you felt like she thought you were a hundred years old.
“Honestly, mama…  I just want you to be happy…  You should have friends.  You shouldn’t be cooped up in this house all day, all the time.”
“What do I need friends for when I’ve got you?  And Danny?” You asked.
But you had been hit with the sudden reality that except for Josephine and her girlfriend, you were alone.  Completely, and utterly, alone.  Hell, they were the only people you had ever invited over to the tiny one bedroom you owned.
Repairmen didn’t count because they were there to do a job, not keep you company.
God, you had wanted more than this, once upon a time.  You had once had dreams, of maybe being a writer and making the New York Times’ Bestsellers List, of a husband who adored you and brought you flowers every Friday, of lazy Sundays eating waffles on the couch with the love of your life.
But life didn’t end up the way you had dreamed it.  There were no book signings or meetings with editors… there were no gardenias… and there was no smell of waffles and syrup.
And you’d made your peace with that.
Sort of.
Josephine’s arms wrapped around you as she rested her head against yours.  Like a mirror of yourself, she was, from her face down to her toes.
Thank god.  She didn’t deserve to have to look in the mirror and see reflections of her father.
“Will you at least try it?” She asked gently, her hand running up and down your arm, her freshly manicured nails tickling your skin.  “It’s not like a pre-death support group, as you call it…  It’s for seniors or people who are approaching seniority and are still active and want to go out and have fun, but maybe need some friends to do it with.  Please?”
And how could you say no when she wanted something so badly?
“Alright,” you said after a moment.  “I’ll go once.  And if it’s horrible, I’m not going back.  And I’m gonna tell Danny how you forced me to meet a bunch of strangers.”
She squealed excitedly, running off to your bedroom and going through your closet.  “Okay, the first thing the group is doing is having a first meeting at a bar, and we’re gonna get you all done up.”
Oh, good.  She was going all in.
“When’s the first meeting?” You asked as you sat on the bed, leaning back on your hands as you watched her.
Uh.  What?
“TONIGHT?!” You shouted in shock as you jumped up.  “What?!  You didn’t think to ask me about this a few days ago?!”
She snorted, picking out a few tops that you hadn’t worn in what felt like decades.  “I signed you up this morning, I didn’t know about it a few days ago.”
You watched in exasperation as she threw article after article of clothing onto the bed for you to try on.  “I don’t think I need to wear four pairs of jeans to a bar,” you said, beginning to pick up a few of the pieces.
Josephine gave you a look as she continued.  “Considering how long it’s been since you’ve been out, I think it’s fair that some of these might not fit anymore.”
Well, you had lost some weight…  Not necessarily in a healthy way, but she was right.
In the end, she ended up shoving you into the bathroom and forced you to do a full shower—which meant body and hair.
You hadn’t even gone to such lengths when you were going on your first date with her father.
She spent hours on your hair and makeup, chattering away excitedly about the vacation her and Danny were planning.  A South American cruise.
Josephine had never married, never had kids.  Never wanted to after seeing what her daddy had put you through.  It left a sour taste in her mouth, and even though it was legal now, her and her girlfriend hadn’t breathed a word of a wedding.
Though, you suppose they had a common law marriage at that point, if lesbians were included in it.
“Perfect,” she said as she got you to slip on an old jacket of yours that was a little too big.  “Come on.  I’ll drive you and pick you up.”
“Oh, honestly,” you snorted as you grabbed the purse Josephine had shoved all your things into.  “You’d think I could take an Uber.”
The bar wasn’t what you had expected when she had first told you that’s where the meeting was going to be held.  The last bars you’d been to had practically been nightclubs.
But this was… upscale.  Sophisticated.
Now you understood just why she had put so much work into making you look presentable.
It didn’t look like anyone else was there yet, even though most of the patrons were around your age, so you took a seat at the bar, the group’s site pulled up on your phone.
“What can I get for you, miss?” The bartender asked as he set down a coaster in front of you.
A snort erupts from your throat as you look at him.  “You always call women as old as me miss?”
“Oh, come on, you’re a catch,” he said, shooting you a playful wink.  “My dad’s single, you know.  If you were… looking.”
“Thank you, but I’m not,” you said gently, your cheeks flushed.  “Can I get a Manhattan?”
The bartender nodded, gracefully backing off the subject of you possibly dating his father.  And barely a minute and a half later, there’s a perfectly made Manhattan set on your coaster.
You’d barely taken a sip before someone came up beside you.  “Do you have Macallan’s 18 Year Sherry Oak?” A man asked.  At the bartenders confirmation, he hummed.  “Can I get a double on the rocks?”
The bartender dropped a large ball of ice into a glass before pouring two shots of whiskey over it and handing it to the man.
“Macallan’s, huh?” You said softly, your heart pounding.  Josephine had told you to make friends.  That was the whole point of this, even if the man wasn’t part of the social club you’d been forced into.  “You know your whiskeys.”
The tall man took a seat beside you, his eyes boring into the side of your face.  You hadn’t dared look at him yet.  “I’ve always preferred those who choose a Manhattan over a martini any day.”
“And why is that?” You asked, finally looking up at him.
And oh, you wished you hadn’t.  He was… stunning.  The very definition of male beauty.  His salt and pepper hair reminded you of the photos of the men in the forties…  The 1940s, that is.  Blue eyes so striking that you lost your breath, and broad shoulders that you knew would haunt your dreams.  He was wearing a glove on his left hand for some reason, but you didn’t linger on it too long.
But at least he was at least your age, if not a little older.  You’d die if you’d just sort of flirted with a twenty-something asshole who just bought expensive whiskeys for the sake of buying expensive whiskeys to show that he had money to blow.
“Martini drinkers think they’ll get some kind of award for their choice of drink,” he said, “as though choosing a drink that generally tastes like shit is some kind of accomplishment.  Unless you’re just taking a shot, a drink should taste good.”  He looked you up and down, letting his pretty blues linger on your lips.  There were faint crow feet at the corners of his eyes, but they just seemed to make him even more handsome.  “And a Manhattan doesn’t need a fancy whiskey.  It is steady and sure even with the cheapest five dollar bottle you can get from a gas station.  Someone whose drink of choice is a Manhattan is sure of who they are and what they want.”
You hadn’t felt this hot under a man’s gaze in decades.  “Really?”  Swallowing around the lump in your throat, you took another sip of your drink to buy you a moment.
“Mmm…”  He stole one of the two cherries from your drink, biting it off the stem.  You were transfixed as he slipped the stem into his mouth, sticking his tongue out about thirty seconds later with a perfect cherry stem knot on display.  “Really.  I’m James.  What’s your name?”
Butterflies filled your stomach as you gave him your name.  God, you felt like you were sixteen again and being flirted with for the first time.
His eyes flicked down to your open phone that rested on the bar, the social club’s page still up.  “You’re here for the meeting, too?”
“Um…  Yes,” you said, ducking your head.
“But, doll…”  He leaned towards you, a charming smile on his lips.  “You don’t look a day over thirty-five.  Are you sure you’re a senior?”
Blinking, your mouth hung open in a soft o.  “Are you planning on flirting with every woman in the club like this?”
James looked around dramatically, his gloved hand resting over his heart.  “A club?!  Is that what you call this place?” He asked, mockingly serious.  “Damn, what does that make all those dirty, gross places these young kids go to now?  Brothels?”
For some reason, you felt comfortable enough to shove his shoulder, surprised a little at the feeling of metal under his jacket sleeve.
For the first time, he looked a bit… uncomfortable.  He had flinched a bit, his bright eyes focused surely on his drink.  “Um…”
“You’re the Winter Soldier.  James Barnes,” you said curiously, your head tilting to the side as you looked at him.  “I thought I recognized you from somewhere.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“You sure?”
“Mmhm,” you drawled, taking the cherry left in your drink and biting it off in a way that you hoped was alluring.  “Though, I gotta say, it is a bit awkward to meet the man I wrote two papers about in high school.”
Shit, his laugh was beautiful.  Everything about him was beautiful.  Like Apollo or something...
James’s head was thrown back in laughter.  His cheeks were flushed, his eyes squeezed shut.  “Did you actually write two papers about me?” He asked as he tried to catch his breath.  At your nod, he smirked, leaning in close again.  “What did you write about?  How devilishly handsome I am?”
You couldn’t believe you were saying this.  “I mean, I can show you the papers and actually let you read them, but they’re at my place.”
Before he could pick his jaw up off the ground, there were other seniors in the group coming up to greet you.  Your throat was dry as the Sahara as you turned to face them, plastering on a smile as you tried to ignore the heated gaze on your face and the way he licked his lips.
The meeting was… long.  Boring.
Or at least, that’s how it felt when you had James’s dark, sultry eyes on you the entire goddamn time.
Mind fuzzy, you vaguely remembered agreeing to come to the next meeting, and even signing up for a hiking trip they were taking the next weekend.
As you headed outside, you felt Bucky’s hand slip into yours, his long, calloused fingers intertwining with yours.  “So…  Am I gonna get to come over and… read those papers?” He murmured, his lips brushing against your ear.
God, you could practically feel yourself bursting into flames.  You weren’t gonna survive.
Thank god your daughter had forced you into a full shower.
But what about how dirty your house was sure to be?
“Um…  Y-Yeah,” you said as you turned to look at him.  “But, my daughter is gonna be driving me home…  I don’t want her to know I’ve got someone coming over.  She’s nosey.  Real…  Real nosey.”
“Of course, darlin,’” he chuckled.  “Here, why don’t I give you my phone number, and you shoot me a text with your address when you’re ready for me to come over?”
Your head was swirling as you got into your daughter’s car, your phone burning a hole in your purse.
“How was it?” Josephine asked nervously once you got about halfway home.  She couldn’t tell from the look on your face.  “Did you like it?”
“Hm?  Yeah.”  Swallowing, you shot a text to James with your name, telling him you’d text him when it was all clear.
“Are you gonna go again?”
She seemed both dissatisfied and pleased by your vague answers.  At least you were getting out of the house.
Once you got home and said goodbye, it was a mad dash to ensure that your house was clean as could be.  Josie had put in some work while you’d been gone, it seemed.  She’d done the dishes and the laundry, as well as dusted.
Thank fuck.
You struggled for a solid twenty minutes to put fresh sheets and pillowcases on the bed, lighting two candles and placing them in a manner that you hoped seemed natural.
“Shit,” you cursed as you smelled under your arms.
Okay, quick body shower.  It seemed all that flirting had made you a tiny bit sweaty.
You turned the water to scalding and scrubbed your body down, exfoliating and using your best scented body wash.
And to be quite frank, you’d never shaved your lady bits as quick as that.
As you texted him your address and that it was safe to come over, you pulled on your clothing from the bar (though, you did put on nicer, matching lingerie underneath.)  By the time he’d gotten there, you’d downed two shots of tequila for a bit of liquid courage and had poured yourself a glass of wine.
“Hey, baby doll,” he said, a crooked grin on his face as you welcomed him inside.  His glove had been abandoned, and black metal fingers lined with gold glittered in the light.  “Woah…  You know, I wasn’t sure how your place was gonna look, but this is very… you.”
“Oh, really?” You asked as you offered him a glass of wine, which he gratefully took.  “How so?”
“I don’t know,” he chuckled as he swirled the deep red liquid in its glass.  “It’s cozy.  Sweet.”
Your throat was dry as you watched his adam’s apple bob as he took a drink.  “Um… so those papers…”
Bucky whispered your name, moving closer to you as he set the wine glass down on the counter.  “Baby girl, I’m not really here for the papers, am I?” He asked as your back hit the island.  “If I am…  If I am, then just tell me, and I’ll stop this.”  His slightly chapped lips ghosted against yours like the tease he was.  “Am I here just for the papers?”
“No,” you breathed out, before pressing your lips against his in a firm kiss at last.  His breath was minty and cool, with just a touch of the wine you’d been sharing, like he’d brushed his teeth before coming over just like you had.
Could it be possible he was just as nervous as you were?
But he was perfect?  Why the hell would he be nervous?
Your thoughts were cut short as he reached down, his hands firmly grabbing your ass as he lifted you up and set you on the counter.  “That’s a good girl,” he growled as he kissed down your neck, his hands working at your blouse.  “Couldn’t stop thinking about you during that whole stupid fucking meeting.  Just wanted to kiss you.  Just wanted to… to touch you.”  He pulled back, kissing you fiercely as his hands moved from your blouse to hold your face again.  “You gonna let me touch you, angel?”
A whine escaped your throat as you nodded, desperately yanking at his shirt.  Once it was off, you didn’t hesitate to run your hands over the broad planes of his chest.  He wasn’t quite as toned as you remembered from when you were younger, when you used to (occasionally) stalk (lightly) his social media accounts.  There’d been so many pictures of him on vacation with the other Avengers… all tanned and toned…
But you liked this better.  There was a softness to him now, a gentleness.
You were so distracted by his physique that you didn’t notice he’d gotten your shirt and bra off until the cold air hit your chest.  “Fuck,” you mumbled as his lips found your neck, trailing down to your breasts.
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been kissed, let alone the last time you’d had such… attention.
Especially when his hands worked your pants off and he stood between your legs, moaning as his fingers tickled your thighs.  “You’re so beautiful,” he said as his lips wrapped around one nipple, suckling at it and teasing until it was diamond hard, and he moved on to the other.
Gotta be fair, after all.
“Fuck, baby girl…  Never been with a woman as beautiful as you,” he growled, kissing down your tummy.  “You’re not making it out of here without orgasming at least twice,” he warned jokingly.  He was half bent over in front of the island, watching in wonder as he slowly pulled your silk panties down your legs and revealed your aching core to him.
“I-If you’re not comfortable standing like that, w-we can move somewhere else,” you stammered, suddenly growing self conscious.  What if he thought your pussy was weird?  Granted, you’d overcome thinking that when you were in your early twenties, after learning that each one looked different.
But he was born in the forties.
But that meant he’d probably seen an exponential amount of pussies!
Oh, god, there was no way you’d have anywhere near as much experience as him.  The only person you’d ever been with was your ex husband, and he wasn’t exactly the paradigm of lovers.
You refocused with a shake of your head, your eyes meeting James’s.  “Yes?”
“You’re in your head,” he said softly, his forehead resting against yours as he slowly ran his fingers along your sensitive folds.  “There’s no need…  It’s just you and me, okay?  And you’re absolutely perfect.”
Your heart was melting inside your chest as you nodded, stealing a tentative kiss.  “Okay…  Just you and me.”
James nipped at your lower lip as he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.  “Come on.  I don’t want our first time to be on a kitchen counter.  Though I make no promises I won’t help christen every inch of this house after,” he said with a playful growl.
You whispered directions to your bedroom as he held you tight to his chest, his lips finding purchase on your neck.  “And here I thought you said the super soldier serum was wearing off,” you joked.
The man snorted as he pushed you up against the hallway wall.  “Trust me, doll, no lack of super soldier serum is gonna stop me from fucking you right,” he said, his voice husky and deep.
Before you could even open your mouth to reply, two thick fingers were slipping inside of you to slowly tease your cunt, his lips ghosting over yours.  “Does that feel good, sweetheart?”
You couldn’t find it in you to be embarrassed at the whimper that fell from your lips.  “Y-Yes.  Yes.  Please, I need more, James…”
James smiled into the kisses he’d been giving you.  “I’ll give you everything you want.”
“That’s a tall order.”  You threaded your fingers through his hair, shivering at the way his metal fingers dug into the plumpness of your ass.  “You sure you can fill it?”
He doesn’t respond with words, growling as he kisses you fiercely, carrying you to the bedroom.  You don’t have time to think before he’s crawling over you and kissing up your tummy to your lips.  “I need to be inside you,” He whispered as he stroked his length.
“Please…  Don’t wanna wait anymore,” you said.  Vaguely, you’re aware of the twinge in your knees from all the physical activity, and you knew you’d be sore as hell in the morning.
Fucking worth it, though.
James didn’t hesitate to line himself up, the head of his cock pressing against your entrance.  When he finally pushed in, unison moans fill the air.
“I…  I haven’t done this in… so long,” you finally admitted as he slowly pushed in more, taking his time.  Eyes locked, your mouth fell open in a soft ‘o’ as he bottomed out, his hips meeting yours.  “Oh, fuck…”
“Then I better do a real good job fucking you right.”
You weren’t quite sure how long you two lasted, but you do know he manages to pull three orgasms out of you in the space of just a few hours.  There’s snack and water breaks in between rounds, his cool metal hand running up and down your spine to cool you down as you two whisper in the dim light of your desk lamp.
You can’t remember a time that you’d felt so at peace.
A spark had been lit inside your chest as you two laid there in bed, legs intertwined.  Both of you were quiet, his fingers moving to caress your cheek.
There were no words that needed to be said.
His sea blue eyes are sparkling in the dim light, and your hand runs over the sharp stubble that lines his jaw.  It had certainly marked up your neck.
“I had intended on asking you on a date,” he said quietly as his hand found yours, bringing it to his mouth.  Chapped lips kissed each of your knuckles like you were something precious, something to behold.  “I didn’t think the five minutes or so before the meeting counted…  But I’d still like to take you on that date, if you’ll let me.”
“That sounds nice,” you said, a grin twinging at the corners of your lips.
“Yeah?” He asked, sitting up a bit as his fingers brushed against your forehead.
“Yeah.”  A giggle escaped your lips as he playfully tackled you, starting yet another round as his hips rolled down against yours.
The next morning, you woke up alone.  The sheets beside you were mussed, though the space James had been occupying was still a bit warm.
Jazz music floated down the hall, through the cracked door, and you could vaguely hear the clinking of pans.
It took you a minute to gather the will to get yourself out of bed and find your robe, but you finally did it.  As your feet hit the ground and you pushed yourself to a stand, you winced.
You had been right about feeling it in your knees.
You forced yourself to walk smoothly down the hall, despite how much it hurt.  Embarrassing yourself in front of James was the last fucking thing you wanted to do.
He was in the kitchen, standing in front of the stove and humming along with the old jazz song playing on the Bluetooth speaker.  He had a pan full of pancake batter in front of him, a whole stack he’d already made on the side.
Standing in the doorway, you couldn’t help but grin as you watched him.  He’s so handsome… and he seemed so at home in your kitchen.  In your home.
Maybe he’d like to move in…
You shook your head, knowing that it’s already too much.
But the thought was nice.
Him in his pajamas, making coffee…  Him in your shower…  Him in your bed every night…  
Yeah.  It’s a really, really nice thought.
James jumped, his eyes wide as he whirled round to face you.  “Hi.  I thought I had another thirty minutes before I had to go and wake you up,” he said.  “I’m making pancakes.  For you.  For us.”  His cheeks flushed, turning a bright red as he turned back to the pan to quickly flip the pancake.  “I hope you don’t mind that I used your flour and shit…”
“Oh, no, I…  I almost never cook,” you admitted as you moved over to stand next to him, watching as he made two more pancakes.
As he carried the huge plate to the kitchen island, he teasingly grabbed your ass and squeezed.  “Maybe I’ll have to stay the night more often, if only so you get a homemade breakfast.”
It was sweet, and domestic, and somewhat terrifying.
You hadn’t had a man do anything for you like this since you were in your twenties, when your husband was still sweet and loving.
But even so, this was somehow better than anytime your husband made his famous burritos.
Maybe because James’s cooking actually tasted good.
Your first date was to a movie, a drive in.  Something that’s designed to be vintage but really just looked cheesy as all hell.
But it’s perfect.  Perfect and cheesy and romantic.
Your only complaint was that he didn’t kiss you at the door when he dropped you off.  He pressed his lips to your cheek and whispered a goodnight, and that was it.
It took two more dates within the same week for him to kiss you again.
Bright and early on the next Saturday morning, he knocked on your door, holding a bouquet of flowers.
“I figured I should make up for you having to be up so early with this,” he said as he came inside, kissing you quick before moving to put the flowers in a vase.
At this point, he knew your house almost as well as you did.  It felt good, when you two moved around like you were part of a team.
“Have you gotten your coffee this morning?” You asked, already pouring two travel mugs full of the good stuff.
He came up behind you, kissing your shoulder.  “I have, but you know I’ll never say no to more, doll.”
The rest of the group eyed you curiously as you got out of the same car, a few elbow nudges and whispers in the air.
“At least I know no old ass dickheads are gonna come hit on my girlfriend,” James growled in your ear, his calloused flesh hand squeezing your hip.
“Jamie…,” you whined, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.  No one had ever claimed you in such a way that made you feel so desired and… and worthy.
James made you feel worthy.
Which is something you’d only ever really gotten from your daughter.
It sent a bolt of arousal through you, and you were tempted to drag him back to the car so you could bring him right back home and do something about it.
Also…  Girlfriend?  Were you his girlfriend now?  Officially?
That just made you wanna find somewhere to fuck him even more.
But alas, you pushed the thought away as the lot of you boarded one of those white airport vans that took you out of the city to the closest state park.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed out as you stared out the window, forehead pressed to the cool glass.  The morning air was a bit chillier than it had been lately, signaling the coming onslaught of winter.
Maybe Bucky would wanna make hot cocoa together… go sledding…  Would him, Josephine, and Danny would all come over for Christmas and New Years and—
Would he even want to meet Josephine?
Would Josie wanna meet him?
She had no idea that you’d found a—A boyfriend?
“Not as beautiful as you,” Bucky murmured against the shell of your ear as his vibranium fingers intertwined with yours and squeezed.  His stubble tickled your neck as he rested his head on your shoulder, watching the passing scenery with you.  “I’m really glad I met you, doll…”
“Me, too,” you said, grinning as you squeezed his hand back and leaned your head against his.
It was strange, falling so hard for someone so quick after everything you’d been through.
But you had a gut feeling.  One that you had never had with your ex husband.
James was a good one.  A really, really good one.
That reminded you.
When were you meant to tell him about all the shit you’d been through?
Despite the amount of time you had spent together already, you hadn’t found the courage for it.
Soon, you decided.
But first, you had to get through the damn hike.
Bucky was glued to your side the entire time, even though you were a lot worse at hiking than he was.  He would hold your hand, guiding you anytime there was a fallen tree or a creek.  His blue eyes were soft as he murmured encouragement, quietly praising your every move.
It was intoxicating.
So when you two fell behind from the group, watching them go around a curve and down a hill, you dragged James behind a large rock formation.
“Baby doll?  Darling, what the hell are you doing?” He laughed as you pressed a fierce kiss to his lips.
“Can’t a girl be spontaneous?” You teased as you dropped to your knees, ignoring the way a twig was poking into your left knee.  “Need to taste you.”
His eyes locked on you as you worked at his jeans, getting them down and off, his nails scratching at your scalp as he got a good grip on your head.  “Fuck…  Are you really this needy for me, angel?  Fuck, you’re so god damn gorgeous…  Look at you.”
Your heart pounded against your rib cage as you finally freed his length, a grin on your lips as you wrapped your hand around him and slowly stroked him.
Bucky’s eyes rolled back as your mouth wrapped around the head of his cock.  “Fucking shit…  Good girl…  Suck me off real good, baby.”
The group probably would notice your absence, not that you particularly cared.
Not when you had your man so weak for you.  And all you’d had to do was get on your knees.
His metal and flesh hands guided you to take more of him in, going at a slow pace so as not to hurt you.  He was so big there was no way you’d get all of him down your throat but what you couldn’t take in your mouth, you pleasured with your hands.
Pleasuring your partner like this was addicting.  You’d never felt the desire—no, the incessant need—to please your ex husband.  All you could think about was getting Bucky off, making him feel so good that he couldn’t see or walk straight.
You choked around him as you took him as deep as possible, your eyes glassy.  When you popped off, you stroked him as you moved down to carefully suck at his balls, fighting a grin as he gasped, his hips stuttering.  Before he could orgasm, you took him back in your mouth, wanting to swallow him down.
“Fuck, fuck—  Oh, shit…  Baby—  I’m gonna…  I’m gonna—”  Bucky broke off with a shout as he came, spilling down your throat.  His large hands stroked your cheeks as you swallowed all of it, barring the little bit that had gotten on your lower lip.  “You did so good, darling,” he cooed as he helped you stand, pressing you against the rock behind him as he kissed you.  “Are you okay?  I didn’t hurt you, right?”
“No, you didn’t,” you said, a faint smile on your lips as you helped him put himself back away.  “You were perfect, James…”
When you finally caught up to the group, a few of the others shot you knowing looks.
But Bucky just had a satisfied smirk on his lips, his hand tightly intertwined with yours even as you flushed in embarrassment.
“Once we get home, it’s your turn,” he whispered in your ear as you all headed back for the van.
Your relationship with James was… wonderful.
It was easy in a way you’d never had before.
Within just two months, he was living at your house almost full time, to the point where you’d been thinking about asking him to move in.
It was like you two were magnets.  Even when you both had work to do, you did it in the same room, slowly gravitating towards each other until you were sitting close, your foot running up his calf.
And he’d gotten you to start writing.
“It’s your dream, doll.  You’re never too old to chase your dreams,” he said one night as you two laid in bed.  His metal fingers were tracing shapes on your spine, a chill from the cracked window ruffling his sweaty hair.  “If you don’t mind me asking…  Why did you stop in the first place?”
The conversation you’d been avoiding for so long.
Sitting up, you pressed your hands to your face as you tried to find the words to say.  “Um…  I was married before…  I know you know, but, uh…”  Your fingers fiddled together nervously.  You swallowed around the lump in your throat.  “My husband…  He wasn’t…  He wasn’t nice.  At all.”
Bucky immediately sat up behind you, his vibranium hand resting flat on your back to reassure you that he was there, and to give you something to focus on while you spoke.  He didn’t need to speak for you to know.  He was there and he wasn’t running.
“I married him young… and I had Josephine young…  He’d always been so… possessive, but I just considered it protective,” you continued, pulling strength from his touch to keep on going.  You needed to tell him this.  You needed him to understand.  “Then after Josie was born, he started getting violent.  He’d always been mean, but he’d never hit me until after I gave birth…”
James was tense behind you, slowly scooting over so he could wrap his arms around you, his legs resting on either side of yours as he held you.  He needed you close.  Needed to know you were safe in his arms and that man was long gone.
“Put me in the hospital a few times…  He at least didn’t do it in front of Josie.  That’s the one thing I asked of him that he listened to.”  You couldn’t help but snort as you slowly relaxed back against him.  “She always thought all the bruises and shit was just a side effect of how clumsy I am…  But she came home one day during college, to surprise us…  She walked in on him holding a frying pan above his head, about to swing again.  She jumped in between us and told him if he ever touched me again, she’d kill him.”  You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding as his lips pressed to your bare shoulder.  It was soothing, feeling his skin against yours.  “She moved me out of that house and into her apartment, helped me get the divorce, get back on my feet…”
“Remind me to tell Josephine thank you,” he said quietly as he squeezed you close.  “Thank you for telling me, doll…  I…  I can’t imagine how hard that was…  But he’ll never touch you again.  No one will ever touch you again if you don’t want it.”
“I know.”
He nuzzled into your hair, breathing in the scent of your shampoo.  “I love you.  So much…”
A peace settled over you as you rested your head back against his, allowing yourself to truly fall into him, to relax.  “And I love you…”
After that night, Bucky slept over at your place five to six nights a week, only going home to get more clothes and do his laundry really, even though you’d told him a million times he could do it at your place.
“Wake up, sweetheart,” he murmured in your ear one morning, pushing your hair away from your face.  “Time to get up…  I’ve got breakfast ready for you…”
Groaning, you tried to pull him down for more cuddle time, but he wasn’t having it.  He always woke up before you, too many years a soldier coming into play.  He’d go for a run and make breakfast before waking you up.
“Come on, doll,” he chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to your lips as he got you to sit up, your vision blurry from sleep still.  “Medicine,” he said, pressing your pills into your palm and putting a glass of water in your other. 
Ever since he’d found out about your prescriptions and how you had a hard time remembering to take them, he’d taken it upon himself to make sure you did, every morning and night without fail.
“What’d you make this morning?” You asked sleepily after swallowing your pills, letting him pull you to your feet.  His t-shirt clung to you as you followed him down the hall.  Your hand was tucked into his as you rounded the corner to the kitchen.
What neither of you had heard was the sound of the front door opening.
“Mama?!  What the hell?!” Josephine demanded, standing in the kitchen with Danny right behind her.  “Who the fuck is this?!  What is he doing here?!”
You’d neglected to tell your daughter, afraid of how she might take it.
“Hello.  I’m James.  Or Bucky,” your boyfriend said as he held out his hand to you, clearly unashamed and standing his ground even though he was only wearing a pair of pajama pants.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Your daughter repeated angrily, ignoring his hand.
“Josie,” Danny began, trying to soothe her.
But your daughter was nothing but determined when she was in her protective mode.
Before you could open your mouth, Bucky supplied, “I’m her boyfriend.”
You felt a flush coming over you as she stared at the two of you, slack-jawed.  “He is,” you said, wrapping both of your arms around his metal one.  You were so nervous, you were shaking.
“When did this happen?!” She demanded, beginning to pace back and forth around the kitchen.
“Um…  The first meeting at the bar… for the club,” you said.  Seeing her so upset made your anxiety spike, and you knew James could feel it, could hear the way your heart rate increased exponentially.
Josephine whirled on you, her eyes—so much like yours—wide with disbelief.  No.  Betrayal.  “You’ve been seeing someone for almost three months and you didn’t tell me?”
“I…”  Tears pricked your eyes as you tightened your grip on Bucky’s arm.  This was not the way you wanted them meeting to go.  “I was scared… of how you’d react…”
At that moment, Bucky turned to meet your eyes, his forehead almost pressing against yours.  “Darling, I feel like this is a conversation you two should have alone, yeah?  So I’m gonna take—Danny, right?  Yeah—Danny to the living room with some coffee so we can get to know each other, okay?”
After a nod, and a squeeze of his hand, he got two mugs of coffee and led your daughter’s girlfriend to the living room.  You could see them sitting down from the corner of your eyes, but you were much too focused on Josephine.
“Mama, I—”
“I love him,” you said, before she could say anything more.
Her eyes were shining, locked on you as she waited for you to speak.  In her gut, she knew this was something you needed to get out.
“I love him more than I’ve ever loved a man.  More than I loved your father,” you whispered, your voice cracking.  “And I know…  I know you’re as protective as you are because you saw how he treated me.  You saw how much I hid that he was hurting you, but Jamie isn’t like that.”  Your fingers fiddled as you tried to keep yourself from pacing.  “He’s kind and adoring and gentle and…  and he loves me.  More than I thought anyone could ever love me.  And I know you feel like you need to take care of me and I am so grateful.  And I still need you.  Everyday.  But Bucky…  I love him.  I love him and he loves me and we take care of each other.”
Josephine reached out, slowly taking your hands in hers.  “He…  He makes you happy?  He takes care of you and you’re safe?” She asked, voice trembling as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Yeah.  He takes real good care of me,” you insisted with a weak laugh.  “And I’ve never been so happy before, honey.  I promise.”
“Okay…,” she said, taking a deep breath.  “I’m still giving him the shovel talk.”
Bucky looked up as Josephine entered the living room, looking much calmer.  He wasn’t sure what you’d said, but it had seemed to placate her for the time being.
“Can we talk outside?” She asked him, keeping her chin high.
God, she looked so much like you.
He nodded stiffly, getting to his feet and leaving his mug behind as he followed her to the front door and out onto the porch.  The former super soldier watched as she paced back and forth, biting her thumb.  “I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said finally, breaking the silence.
Josie stopped in her tracks, listening quietly.
“Your mama loves you something fierce.”  Nervously rubbing his hands on his pajama pants, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so nervous meeting a girl’s family.
Though, he supposed it was a bit different when it was meeting your girlfriend’s daughter.
“And I love her.”
Your daughter, your mini me, stared him directly in the eyes.  “I’m sure she’s told you about my father.  What he did.”
“She did.”
“So you know that if you put one fucking foot out of line, I’ll filet you?”
“I do.”
She eyed him for a long moment.  “What are you in this for?  What’s the long term?” She asked.  “I’ve heard of elders just… settling for someone because they don’t wanna be alone in their twilight years.  Is that what this is?”
Bucky tried really hard not to feel a little bit offended.  He wasn’t that old.  “I’ve been alive since 1917,” he said slowly.  “I have no doubt you know who I am.  But I’ve been alive a hundred and something years, and I’ve never met someone who makes me feel the way your mom does.”  His heart clenched inside his chest as he thought of you, seeing your shy smile in the mornings, how you clung to him when you went out in public, the sound of your voice as you read an excerpt of your writing to him, so nervous about what he would think.  “And I…  I can say that everything I’ve been through…  Everything I’ve ever been through was worth it, because I got to meet her.  And I get to be hers for the years I have left.”
She looked absolutely speechless.  “Good,” she said, coughing to clear her throat.  “Good.  I just…  I can’t see her get hurt again.  Not after everything.”
“Trust me, I don’t plan to,” he said, his mouth dry.  “I…  I actually have something to ask you about…  Been waiting to meet you to talk to you about it…”
Inside, you paced the kitchen and living room, going back and forth and back and forth, sometimes moving to the window to try to hear what they were saying.  But they were keeping it all very hushed.
“It’s gonna be fine, mama,” Danny said, standing up and moving to wrap her arms around you.  “Josie’ll see how much you two love each other, and it’ll be fine.  She’s just gotta have her protective moment.  You know how she is.”
Sniffling, you hugged her tightly.  “I shouldn’t have kept it from her for so long…  I was just so nervous…  They both…  They both mean the world to me.”  You paused, snorting.  “I knew you’d approve of him.  I wasn’t so worried about you.”
“Oh, please, the way that man looked at you?” She said, laughing as she kissed your forehead.  “Mama, there’s no way in hell that man would ever hurt you.  He looks at you like you’re his entire universe.”
Heart warm, you glanced towards the front door, wishing they’d just come inside already.  “I’ve never felt something like this…  But fuck, if the whole shit show that’s my life wasn’t worth it for him…  I wouldn’t change a thing, as long as it means I get to end up with him.”
You broke out of her grasp as the front door opened and they came back inside, looking relaxed and even… happy?  “Well?  You aren’t gonna kill him?” You asked Josie as you moved to James, heart racing.
“Nah…,” she said, giving him what seemed like a secretive smile.  “As far as dads go…  He’d be pretty nice to have.”
“What?” You said, brows furrowing as you looked between the two of them.
Bucky chuckled, winking at Josephine as he led you to the stove where breakfast was still waiting, making you waddle as his arms wrapped around you from behind.  “Don’t worry your pretty head about it, baby doll.  It’s all good.”
You still couldn’t help but feel like the two were planning something as he made your plate for you, cutting up your pancakes and filling up your coffee.  “Why do I feel like you two are gonna end up ganging up on me?”
“Oh, come on, mama,” Josephine said with a smirk on her face.  Her and Danny had made their own plates and joined you and Bucky in the living room.  “How could you ever accuse us of such a thing?”
“Yeah,” James said as he fed you a bite of pancake.  “How could you ever accuse us of such a thing?” He asked, before leaning in and stealing a kiss.  “I love you.”
You’d never felt more relaxed, surrounded by the people you loved the most in the world.  What you’d said to Josephine had been true.
“I love you more,” you said, leaning back in for another kiss.
You’d never been so happy.
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pitch-pearl-void · 4 years
"Wow," Danny breathed, his hand hovering over the ice sculpted shuttle.
Phantom floated beside Danny's bed, his gaze darting to the shuttle he had set on Danny's beside table and then back to Danny's face. His hands were firmly clasped behind his back, as if to hold himself still. 
"Can I touch it?" Danny asked. "It won't melt?"
Phantom shook his head. "It's not like ice from your realm. Force will destroy it, but heat won't affect it. You can pick it up, just be careful not to drop it."
"Wow, cool." 
Carefully--so very carefully since Danny knew the worth of a recreated rocket, never mind one built from scratch--Danny lifted the shuttle off his table and set it on his lap. Immediately, he felt the cold seep through the thin material of his pajama bottoms, and he shivered. 
Unlike the model rockets Danny had built, Phantom's shuttle was meant to stand upright as if it was on the launchpad. The two rocket boosters were attached to the large external tank, taking their proper position beneath the rocket's delta wings, ready to be detached as soon as the shuttle made it to orbit. Every engine was accounted for at the bottom of the rocket, even the orbital maneuvering engine. 
There was even two safety hatches carved into the ice above the windows. He found the crew's access hatch, and then just allowed his hand to glide over the smooth surface of the rocket, delighted by the smooth surface and the cold, dry feel of the ice beneath his hand.
Phantom shifted in the air beside him. "Do you...accept then?"
"What?" Danny slid his hand up the tail and then looked up at Phantom. His friend was, if anything, more nervous than when he had first placed the shuttle on Danny's bedside table. "Accept what?"
Phantom visibly bit his lip. He lowered his head, and the flaming crown he so rarely wore--usually only when forced to by circumstance since he still refused to give up protecting Amity Park--flickered, the tail of the flames growing, until Phantom managed to subdue whatever emotion had caused the crown and his core to become agitated. 
"You okay?" Danny set the shuttle on his bed and stood up. He reached for Phantom's shoulder, but before his fingers could make contact, Phantom flinched and floated out of easy reach. 
"Only nervous." Phantom flashed Danny a weak smile as if in apology. "I've never done this before."
"Done what?" Danny looked at the shuttle on his bed. The morning sun was falling on the ice, causing it to sparkle beautifully, but Danny turned away to frown at Phantom. "Am I missing something? My birthday isn't until December, you're a few months early."
Phantom titled his head, his brow furrowing. "It isn't for your birthday, Danny. It's just, it's...for you. If you'll accept it." Phantom's green eyes widened as if he had just made a mistake. "Or not!" he said quickly. "You can keep it either way! I made it for you, and I want you to have it! It's just...it's..."
He trailed off, but now Danny knew there was more to the shuttle than as just something Phantom wanted to show off, and he held up his hands. "Wait, hold on, start at the beginning. You made this really cool shuttle...for me?"
Phantom smiled and nodded, meeting Danny's eyes briefly before looking away.
Giddiness rose in Danny's chest and made a smile burst onto his face. His heart beat faster, no doubt adding a blush to his cheeks, but he couldn't help it. The amount of detail Phantom had put into the shuttle...and all for him. All that time he must have spent researching man-made shuttles and then trying to recreate it through ice...all while thinking about him?
"Wow..." he breathed again.
Phantom met Danny's eyes again, his gaze lingering so that Danny felt like his insides were melting beneath the other's attention.
He was the one to look away that time, turning his head and rubbing at his neck. "But it's, uh, it's not just a gift, is it? You're offering something else with it? Something you're hoping I'll accept? But, um, dude, I don't know what you're asking me."
Phantom cocked his head to the side. "It's not obvious? It looked like you understood just a second ago..."
Danny licked his lips. "It--well, it seems like you're asking me out?"
"Asking you out?" Phantom repeated, confused. 
"Like on a date and stuff."
Danny blew out a breath. Usually, Phantom was pretty good about adjusting to human life. He had been in their world for three years, after all. But, sometimes, the culture divide had a way of tripping them up. Perhaps he shouldn't be surprised Phantom didn't understand this area. Despite all the fans who threw themselves at him, Phantom had never seemed interested in reciprocating. In fact, he had seemed disturbed sometimes. Danny had begun to think...well. Maybe he had been wrong. Maybe Phantom was interested in humans.
"It's like hanging out," Danny explained, "but with a stronger emphasis on, like, romance and stuff. On a date, sometimes you bring a gift like flowers or something, and you dress up to look nice before going somewhere together."
Phantom had worn his crown. He was giving Danny a gift and he seemed nervous about something. It made sense. Danny wasn't just fooling himself...was he?
Phantom didn't look satisfied by the explanation, at any rate, and Danny felt his heart sinking. "What comes after the dating?" Phantom asked. 
"Uh...I guess engagement?" Danny looked down at his toes. "You get someone a ring and propose to them. If they say no, that, well, that kind of ends the relationship. If they say yes, then you're engaged to be married."
Phantom's expression cleared. "That one."
"Uh, that one what?"
"That's the one I'm asking."
Danny stared at Phantom. Looked at the shuttle. Jerked his head back to Phantom. "What? You--me--you're proposing? With an ice shuttle?"
"I didn't understand the significance of the rings until now." Phantom released his hands from behind his back so that he could grab the Ring of Rage and twist it anxiously around his finger. "I can't offer this one without endangering you. I could sculpt you one, though. If you'll give me the chance."
"That's not--I just can't believe you--" Danny's legs gave out and he fell onto his bed. "Marriage?!"
"Yes?" Phantom looked at him oddly. "You're old enough now and I'm strong enough to be considered fully formed. There isn't anything wrong, is there? Something I missed?"
"N-no," Danny had to admit. "I mean, you'll have to win my parents over. You're, uh, if you really want to be proper about it, I think you're supposed to get their approval first."
Phantom's eyes widened. "Oh. We don't have parents. I didn't--"
Danny shook his head. "You don't really have to anymore. It's just--isn't this a little fast?" he asked desperately. "I'm--I--I'm not even dressed!"
Phantom raised an eyebrow. "You are more fully clothed than you usally are..."
"Oh, ha ha." Danny pulled at his pajama sleeves. "Before you get into one of your 'show less skin' spiels, you should know, seeing a human in their sleeping clothes is considered almost as intimate as seeing them shirtless. For the record."
Phantom blushed a brilliant green. "Oh. Really?"
"You never said anything!"
"Because it doesn't bother me! Watch!" Danny began undoing the buttons at the top of his pajama shirt, exposing his collarbone. 
"Danny!" Phantom gasped, scandalized. 
He flew toward Danny, but Danny fell backward on the bed, rolled across the surface, and stood up on the other side, still unbuttoning his shirt. "What's the matter Phantom?" he asked his friend, grinning as Phantom's cheeks began to frost. "Can't handle a little skin?"
"Not when it's your skin!" Phantom covered his eyes, groaning. "I'm not supposed to see you like this unless we're married!"
"Why not?" Danny undid the final button. He hesitated, allowing both ends of his pajama shirt to pull apart and expose his chest and stomach, before turning away from Phantom and heading toward his closet. "I thought ghosts didn't put much stock in appearances?"
"We don't," Phantom agreed uneasily, "but we're not meant to see each other vulnerable either. You humans use clothing as a shield against the elements and each other. It feels as though you are exposing your core to me."
"I guess..." Danny sighed. They had discussed it before. Danny had just never understood why Phantom felt so flustered about seeing Danny in shorts or a tank when he rarely bated an eye at Sam's or Paulina's choice to wear midriff shirts and skirts.
Now...now it made a little more sense. 
Danny slipped his arms out of his sleeves, dropped his shirt, and pulled a fresh t-shirt off its hanger. "Wait, just how long have you been, like..." Danny made a face. What was Phantom after? "Dude, you like me? Is that what you're saying?"
Phantom made a sharp, dry laugh. "It is well past 'like', Danny. I thought we were dating, even if I didn't realize there was a word or process for it. We hung out, just the two of us, all the time. You even asked me to see a movie with you last week. There were times you would look at me, and I thought...but you never gave me a courtship gift. I thought maybe you were waiting for me to make you one. So I, um..."
Danny zipped up his jeans and turned around. Phantom, apparently unsatisfied with only covering his eyes, had turned his back to Danny while he changed. Danny smiled and shook his head. He grabbed a hoodie from his closet and pulled it on too, just to spare Phantom the distraction of seeing his bare arms.
"That's what the shuttle is then?" he asked. "A courtship gift?"
"Yes. Isn't that what the ring and your kind mean by proposal?"
"No, that's, uh, that's more like being, like, betrothed?"
Danny pushed his hands into his pouch and stared at Phantom's back, chewing on his lip. For all that Phantom made a lot of noise about seeing Danny's skin, Phantom's jumpsuit clung to his body like a second-skin, and Danny found his eyes tracing along the slope of his spine and the curve of his butt like always, unable to help himself. He did try, though. Since Phantom seemed so conscious of decency, he did try. It was just...how was he supposed to ignore a sight like that? When Phantom flew and floated however he pleased, bending his legs, twisting his torso...
Danny blushed and looked away. "I'm dressed, by the way."
Phantom flew to his side in a flash, his face still flushed and looking a little anxious. "I suppose we have been handicapped by our differences again."
"I guess so." Danny shrugged. He tilted his head and looked up at Phantom from an angle. "Humans used to do courtships, though. Like, a few centuries ago. It just fell out of style." His lips curled into a mischievous smile. "I could look it up and start courting you in the human fashion, you know."
Phantom's lips formed an answering smile. "I initiated mine first. I called dibs."
"Ha!" Danny laughed and pulled one hand from his pouch so he could run it through his hair, trying to hide his blush. "I guess you did. What, uh, what does a courtship mean? For ghosts? I didn't even know you guys got married."
"Not in the way humans do. Ours is less metaphysical and more..." He shrugged. "In ghosts, we share energy across our bond. I'm not sure how bonding with a human will affect it, but if it's you, I want to try."
Danny's blush worsened. "Um..."
"A courtship is meant to be a process wherein we determine if we're compatible or not. It's not final or anything." Phantom drifted back a pace and breathed in deep, a habit he had picked up from Danny. "First, as your suitor, I was meant to craft a gift for you. It's meant to demonstrate my skill and power, but the thing I make is supposed to show how well I know you. Sort of like a promise that I will value your interests."
Danny glanced at the ice sculpted shuttle on his bed and had to swallow. "You definitely did that..."
Phantom flashed him a quick smile. "You can keep it. I made it for you, so even if you reject my--"
"I'm not! I won't." Danny laughed weakly to himself. "I, uh, I like you too. I just...well, it just seemed like you weren't interested in humans, so I thought we were just hanging out as friends. You never tried to kiss me, and every time I tried to touch you, you flinched away."
"Ahh..." Phantom blushed then. "Touching is really intimate for ghosts. It's a little like..."
"Being groped?"
Phantom shrugged. "Probably."
Danny snickered. "Is that why you dropped Paulina on the pavement that one time she kissed your cheek?"
Phantom wrinkled his nose. "She was lucky all I did was drop her, honestly..." He shook his head and refocused on Danny, his eyes bright. "Does this mean you'll accept?"
Danny smiled at him, charmed by the excitement lifting Phantom higher into the air. "Yeah! I mean, probably. I just need to know what I'm getting into, you know?"
Phantom nodded rapidly. "I'll explain everything. I can probably even find a book! Frostbite might have one...or maybe Dora..."
Danny laughed. "I would rather you just explained it. Maybe even...over breakfast? At the diner down the street?"
Phantom paused. Slowly, he grinned. "This is one of your dates? This is you asking me out in the human fashion?"
"You're catching on." Danny grinned back at him. "Do you accept?"
Phantom beamed, bright-eyed and glowing. "I do."
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brandstifter-sys · 4 years
Their Swamp
Word Count: 906                              (Ao3)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Rating: T+
Warnings: Gore Mention, Sex Mention, Food Mention
Dukexiety Week: Day 7 - Movie Night. Virgil and Remus settle in to watch a movie and banter. Feat. ftm!Remus
"Popcorn incoming!" Remus shouted and flopped on Virgil's bed, holding a large bowl of the stuff. Virgil winced at the few kernels that landed on his bedding but didn't voice any complaint. How could he? Remus was smiling at him, unbound and shirtless, happy and ready for a night of movies, cuddles, and maybe a scuffle.
"So what are we watching? Corpse Bride? Coraline? The Black Cauldron?" Remus asked and cuddled up next to him. Virgil shrugged and pressed play, letting the opening credits roll. 
"Shrek?" Remus asked and looked up at his boyfriend. Virgil shrugged, "Why?" 
"A movie about an outcast finding love and friendship without having to change. It's not just a meme." 
"But the meme is fun!" 
"You would know, you gremlin."
"As I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee Shrek my soul to keep!" Remus sang and kissed his cheek, "but my butt is reserved!" 
"I mean if I share Shrek with you, sure. But I called dibs, on his, y'know." Virgil countered and shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth. 
"You would bone Shrek!?" Remus laughed and set the popcorn bowl aside. Virgil was not getting out of this one with snacks!
"Yeah," Virgil said as he chewed, "Who wouldn't?" 
"The others, Thomas—no wait, he might since we both would—Picani, the Dragon Witch, Sleep, those Zodiac guys, the Months, the super slow heroes, the—"
"It was a figure of speech, Puppy," Virgil swallowed and cut him off, "But you're right, only morons wouldn't want to have a piece of Shrek." 
"Yeah, I guess they aren't ready to let that ogre into their swamp!" Remus giggled and pulled Virgil into a hug, "This thot knows he wants to get a taste of the green!" 
"I'm lucky I can get a taste of the green whenever I want," Virgil jeered. 
"Oh? Got a Shrek blow-up doll?" Remus teased and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Nah, but I have a replacement who's even better. Green, hot, lovable, loud, gross, and he has a bad rep," Virgil said and playfully shoved him with his shoulder.
"And you're not sharing him with me!?" Remus gasped and threw a hand to his chest like a scandalized Hollywood starlet.
"Cuddlefish," Virgil sighed and shook his head, pulling the duke closer. Remus' face lit up.
"That's okay! I have my own Shrek replacement! He's scary, sarcastic, sexy, witty, and he's got layers!" 
"Sounds like a jerk to me," Virgil jeered. Remus flicked his nose and pulled him into his lap. It was kinda funny to see a hulking sulk happily seated in his smaller boyfriend's lap, but anyone who dared laugh at his Scare Bear would face Remus' wrath.
"He's a big stinky jerk who I jerk off to!" Remus teased and licked his cheek, "My big stinky jerk!" 
"Ew!" Virgil laughed, "TMI Dukey." 
"You brought up Shrek and boning him! Do you really don't expect me to get dirty?" Remus scoffed, "You know me!" 
"Yeah, I do. If I didn't you wouldn't be on my bed watching a dumb movie with me." 
"Shrek isn't dumb! But I don't mind making out instead!" Remus teased.
"Yeah? Well you should put a shirt on if that's what you want. I plan on sleeping tonight, not going all ogre in your swamp." 
"No!" Remus huffed and stuck out his tongue, "I'm not letting your bootylicious ass go until my legs need to be amputated! Even if we don’t go on that adventure! Free the tiddy, Danny Sidebangs! They’re as wild and free as me and I’m not moving to cover them with a shirt!" Virgil sighed and rolled his shoulders. 
"You knew you were going to get this later anyway," he said and shrugged off his hoodie. Remus squeaked when Virge tossed it in his face. Remus pulled it on but didn't zip it up, allowing his chest some breathing room. He hugged Virgil and booped his nose. 
"You're so sweet!" 
"Like the scent of decay?" Virgil teased and kissed his forehead.
"Exactly! This is why you're my Princess Fiona!" 
"Because I can kick your ass and I only get gross as hell around you?" 
"That too!" Remus giggled, "But also because you never expected to fall for me and then look at what happened!" 
"I got with a shrekist instead of a pastafarian," Virgil groaned and rolled his eyes. Remus laughed and held him closer. 
"I would rescue you from a tower and smooch you til you get as nasty as me!" Remus said. Virgil huffed and kissed him sweetly. 
“What makes you think I’m not already, Puppy?”
“Then I guess I’d smooch you til we’re decaying zombies! Unless my lips fall off, then you might be out of luck!” Remus cheered and licked his cheek, “You’d get a lot more tongue then!” 
“You know you give me plenty of tongue as is, you might as well rip it out of your mouth and put a bow on it. But then you wouldn’t have much of a chance to talk, and I kinda like hearing your voice.”
“God, Virge, you know just what to say to make me all soft and gooey! I love you, Scare Bear!”
"I love you too, even if you had me talking through 'All Star,'" Virgil jeered and kissed his forehead again. Remus giggled and nuzzled his shoulder. He could hold off on comparing their relationship to Donkey and Dragon and savor the moment.
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hphmmatthewluther · 3 years
Matthew Luther and the Riddle of Easter
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7th April, 1985:
It was a Sunday, and everyone at Hogwarts was either busy enjoying themselves or furiously studying for their exams. Well, almost everyone. For in the West wing of the Castle, up in Ravenclaw Tower, there was one person still in their bed. He wasn’t asleep, but he didn’t exactly want to get out of bed. Matthew Luther didn’t really feel like there was much of a point. If he did, he would either get dozens of looks for being Jacob Luther’s brother, or be pestered by the Slytherins again. As far as he was concerned, it was best to avoid all of that. For the past three years, it appeared that God had been playing an awfully long-winded joke on him. So there he laid, trying not to think about anything, forcing himself to go back to sleep.
Suddenly, there was a noise. A loud, piercing screech. It sounded like a cat of some kind. It was probably Mrs Norris, Matthew thought, covering his ears with the pillow. If he hadn’t, he would have heard several tiny footsteps moving towards the dormitory door, followed by a click. He finally noticed when the door swung open, filling the room with light.
“Gah!” Matthew exclaimed, squinting to see that the only thing in the doorway was a cat. It wasn’t Mrs Norris, that was for sure. This one had large, green eyes and ginger hair, and it didn’t hiss at a moments’ notice. It walked up to the bed, and started to mew at the first-year.
“...Oh, what? What is it?” Matthew asked, pushing himself over to see the cat. It looked at him, right at him, before glancing up at his desk. On it was Matthew’s wand, books, and his silver bracelet. In a flash, the ginger cat jumped up and swiped it, scampering out of the room with the bracelet in its mouth.
“H-Hey!” yelled Matthew, quickly forcing the duvet off of him, grabbing his wand and heading off after the cat. He followed it down the stairs and into the Ravenclaw Common Room, and into the many bookshelves that made up Ravenclaw Tower. The cat headed deep into the tower, until it came to a stop several minutes later near an alcove with several blue lanterns and cushions. It sat down on one of these cushions, keeping the bracelet under its claws. Slowly, Matthew approached the animal, now exhausted thanks to having chased it down here.
“There’s got to be a better way to do this...” he said to himself, moving closer. And then it hit him. He was going about this all wrong. I always am, he thought, stopping in his tracks. Cautiously, he moved his hand forward, not towards the bracelet, but to the cat’s head. It hesitated for a moment, sniffing the hand, before allowing Matthew to stroke its head, moving its claws away from the silver. He didn’t grab it instantly, and instead sat down on one of the cushions, continually stroking the cat. Eventually, it moved onto his lap, and Matthew finally grabbed his bracelet and put it on. He gave a sigh of relief as he felt the cold metal touch his skin.
“Ah, you’re not so bad.” he admitted, as he started to give the cat chinny rubs. It purred loudly in his lap. “I wonder who you belong to.”
“He belongs to nobody.” came a woman’s voice. Matthew snapped his head up, and the cat remained still in its lap. In front of them was a silvery figure in a resplendent dress, with long brown hair going past the shoulders. She had the tiniest of smiles on her face. Matthew gasped.
“It’s you...” he began, “The Ghost of Ravenclaw Tower...Helena Ravenclaw.” he said, remembering Chester informing him that she didn’t like the name “The Grey Lady”. And honestly, who would?
“I am glad that you solved my riddle. It’s a favourite of those eager to find a suitor who has both intelligence and kindness, and faith in their soul.” Helena explained, “Take good care of it.”
Matthew’s eyes widened. “You- You’re giving me a cat? W-What? W-Why?” he stammered, looking down at the cat’s green eyes.
“I felt that you require a companion that is immune to human inventions such as rumour, or scandal.” Helena said, gliding closer to the window. “Things that you know too well.”
Matthew nodded. “You can say that again.” The cat got off of his lap and pounced up to the windowsill. The Ravenclaw got up and moved towards it too, to see whatever it was that had caught their attention. From here, they could see a great deal of Hogwarts, including the Clocktower Courtyard. There, he could make out a large crowd of people surrounding two people. One of them was a nervous-looking Gryffindor, and the other was a wild-haired Slytherin.
“Ben and Merula!” Matthew exclaimed, “Oh no...”
“Ah, yes. I believe the Snyde girl has been one of the most eager to find the Cursed Vaults.” Helena observed. “Besides you, of course. I must ask, is this why you have shut yourself here?”
Matthew’s expression soured even more so. The cat nuzzled his shoulder. “That’s..that’s not it. It’s just...well, it’s Easter.”
“Indeed it is.” confirmed Helena, looking down at the boy.
“Well, it’s just...we don’t have an owl, so my Dad can’t send me anything, so that sucks...” Matthew explained, “But more than that...it’ll be the first time I’ve missed it. Every year, we’d go to church and they’d give us all a little chocolate egg, and we got to do colouring activities while the main service happened. I know I’m twelve now, but...it was nice seeing everyone there, you know? I just...that was how it happened every year. I miss that.”
Helena nodded. “You miss your old life. Now I must ask you something that may cause you offence.” she announced. “How does staying up here solve any of that?”
Matthew stared, open-mouthed. “Wh- well, I...I...you stay up here all the time, don’t you?!” he reminded her, suddenly very annoyed. He knew that staying up here wasn’t helping, but hearing it from somebody else was just...well, it felt awful. It then occurred to him what he had just said. “I...I’m sorry, I should go, I-”
“No. I understand.” Helena reassured him. 
“I...” Matthew began, “It’s no excuse, but...I just...I know it's wrong. But I can’t bring myself to change anything. When I was younger I’d always had Jacob to help me with that...we’d always get the same Easter chocolate, too. He’d tell me when to stop so I could space it out over the holidays, you know, to make it last. He was brilliant. I guess if I had the chocolate now, I’d eat it all in one go and feel awful about it later...I...I guess I just miss him. He was brilliant, and...I can’t stand his name being tarnished.” As he let everything out, he found himself stroking the cat again. It turned onto its back and let Matthew rub its belly. Helena watched for a moment, before sighing.
“Matthew Luther, in case you had not noticed, I am dead. But more than that, I am a ghost. I refused to let go of this world, as I did not have the faith to move on. Thus, I am trapped here, unable to truly feel the pull of the world around me...unable to enact change. You are not dead. You are alive. You can enact change.”
Matthew digested this, taking a long sigh. “You’re right. Of course you are. It’s just...so damn hard sometimes.”
“As all things worth doing are.” Helena said, “Now, best hurry. It looks like Mr Copper has been struck by the Jelly-Legs Jinx.”
“Right!” said Matthew, picking up his wand again and heading towards the door of Ravenclaw Tower, the cat following behind. “Honestly, I think I lost God’s lottery, and then there’s Ben-”
“Matthew!” cried Helena, gliding forward.
“Um...yes?” he asked. The ghost pointed at him.
“You are still wearing your pyjamas.” 
Matthew blushed. “Right, sorry, gah!” he exclaimed, heading up to the boy’s dormitory. A few minutes later he emerged, now with proper clothes on. He looked down at the cat by his feet.
“I guess you need a name.” he realised. “How about...Danny?”
Danny mewed quietly, scratching his head against Matthew’s leg.
“Great.” He said, before turning to the Grey Lady. “I...thank you. You know, I think you’re slightly wrong. You said you couldn’t change things, and now here I am, off to duel half of Slytherin.”
Helena’s smile grew ever-so-slightly. “Well...take care of that cat. It’s been in my care for a few years now, it deserves someone like you.”
“I will. I promise.” he said. Before he left, however, he turned back. “Um, Helena?”
“Yes, Matthew?”
“Do wizards...do they believe in God?”
Helena paused, then nodded. “Some do. They believe that he gave us our magic for a purpose, and...that we are destined to act as Guardian Angels for the masses.”
Matthew nodded in return. “Yeah, cool, um...see you around, Helena! Thank you for the cat! Oh, and Happy Easter!” he yelled, before dashing out of Ravenclaw Tower.
When Matthew got to the courtyard, the crowd had almost doubled. Rowan was standing nearby.
“Where were you? The Slytherins have been, well they’ve been-”
“I know.” Matthew said, scowling. He pushed his way to the front of the crowd. The group of Slytherins were hurling insult after insult at Ben, who had next-to-no chance of defending himself. Matthew sighed, and pointed his wand at Ben’s wiggling legs.
“Unjellify!” he yelled, causing them to straighten out. Ben immediately backed away, Rowan moving forward to check if he was okay. “Wait, the counter-curse is just ‘Unjellify’? That’s it?!” Merula asked, her eyebrow raised.
“Trust me, I was surprised too.” Matthew said, chuckling. “Alright then, guys, you’ve had your fun, so-”
“Oh shut up, halfbreed.” sneered Preston Crawford, another Slytherin who Matthew found to be worse than Merula. “You’ve made an enemy today, you know that?”
“Mm, and I haven’t even had breakfast yet.” Matthew said, looking up at the clock tower. “Hm. Half eleven. Guess I’ll have to settle for brunch.”
“You’re going nowhere, Luther.” Merula declared, stepping forward. “I doubt you could ever best me.”
“Is that so?” Matthew asked. “How about this, then: If I win, you can’t lay a finger on Ben Copper ever again.”
Merula snorted. “And if I win, you will never search for the Cursed Vaults ever again.”
“Fine by me.” Matthew said, genuinely smiling. “By all means, you first.”
“Flipendo!” she screamed. Matthew took it head-on. He heard a gasp from the crowd as he skidded to a halt. Matthew looked down to see Danny by his feet. Ben was nearby.
“Matthew...you really don’t have to do this...really, I..” he stammered, but Matthew just smiled, and gestured to his cat.
“Take care of my cat while I do this, will you? Thanks a bunch. Expelliarmus!” he yelled, knocking Merula’s wand right out of her hand.
“Ooh...you little...” she muttered, scowling at the cheering crowd. “You can’t do this! You can’t stop me from showing that mudblood who’s boss! I’m the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts, and-”
“Umm...Merula...” Matthew began, pointing behind her.
“No, I’m not done! How’d you master that spell already?! It’s not fair! Nobody can be better than me! I can do what I want, when I want! I run this school, I-”
“Merula...” Matthew tried again.
“For Merlin’s sake, what?!”
“Ahem.” said Professor Snape. Merula looked behind her and gulped. Preston and his cronies quickly scattered.
“P-Professor Snape!” she said, quickly.
“I suspect this is your fault, Luther. Are you aware of Hogwarts policy on unauthorised duelling?”
Matthew felt his stomach curl up, and it wasn’t because he’d missed breakfast.
“Sir,” piped up Rowan, “Merula hit him first, he-”
“Enough, Khanna. Is this true, Miss Snyde?” Snape asked. Merula looked as though she was going to deny it, but Danny had walked over and started moving in and out of her legs. She looked down at the cat, then up at Snape, and nodded.
“Very well. You will report to me in the West Towers to discuss this transgression.” He declared, both him and Flitwick departing. A silence hung in the air.
“Blimey, I am starving.” said Matthew, clutching his stomach. “I wonder if they do cat food...Not for me of course,” he added, looking at Merula’s bewildered expression.
“Luther...I’m getting to the Vaults first. And you won’t stop me.”
“I look forward to trying.” he said, before heading into the castle with Rowan, moving towards the Great Hall.
“See? Told you she wasn’t that bad.” he was saying as they came to Ravenclaw table.
“Matthew, she tried to jinx you.” Rowan reminded him. “I mean, I certainly didn’t expect her to tell the truth, but do you really think she’ll keep her promise to stop bullying Ben?”
“I suppose we’ll find out.” 
Suddenly, there was a loud hooting as several owls flew into the Hall. One of them flew low down and dropped a large box in front of Matthew. Attached to it was a note.
Hey Matt,
Happy Easter. I don’t know if they celebrate it over there, but I convinced your mother to let me send these to you with her owl.
Keep it up, 
Love, Dad.
Matthew smiled and opened the box. It was filled with several large chocolate eggs, and a singular smaller one, too.
“Wh-what is all this?” Merula asked, having just appeared in the Great Hall.
“I think...” said Matthew, “It’s God’s way of saying, ‘Sorry, mate.’ Why, do you want some?”
Merula scowled, then walked over to the Slytherin table. Matthew just grinned.
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solarsunhae · 3 years
@need-not I swear I wanted to share my comments of your Rebecca fics, particularly ganz besonders, earlier but work has been kicking my butt lately and tiring me. But I finally got around to writing some of my thoughts down. :D
First of all, ganz besonders is highly addicting. I've read it multiple times and I've enjoyed it every single time. Mainly because of the high tension between Ich and Danny. To be honest, I hadn't thought about Danvich as a pairing until I discovered your fics. They’re two people who wouldn’t really be compatible together and yet this story manages to successfully justify how and why these repressed ladies get together lmaoooo.
I think the buildup and the context is what really makes the story great. (23k words? Very impressive!) The length allows the exploration of the “mistress x servant” and “enemies to lovers” dynamics and gosssshhhh I love those so much. There's a lot of tension between them and the power imbalance between them is clear. Ich is timid and doesn't exhibit much power as Danny who is much more controlling. However, it doesn't remove the fact that Danny is in a lesser position and is vulnerable to her employers’ actions, such as the scene where Maxim tries to make Ich pretend to fire Danny…fun fact: that part was so well written that I had the strong urge to knock Maxim out. 
Ich’s characterization is very fun to read because she’s so repressed that physical touches wreck her and I think that’s great lmao. In the first chapter, Danny has her hands on Ich’s shoulders and Ich describes it as “I was surprised at how cool her hands were, how almost pleasant the sensation was, and I shivered.” I gasped like some scandalized high society lady when I read that part because I KNEW Ich was gonna desire more of Danny’s touches. 
Her imagination also kills me. For example, after Danny says, “my Rebecca” in the first chapter, Ich imagines them together:
“An image came to me then, of Mrs. Danvers brushing Rebecca’s hair, of the gentle way she would have pulled it back from her neck, the way her fingers would have grazed Rebecca’s skin, and how then she would have bent down, and…”
ICH PLEASE FINISH THAT THOUGHT. I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR MORE OF IT. OHHHHH MY GOSH I love it when Ich’s wild imagination is used because it’s sometimes dirty images that reveal her feelings. (In ganz unerwartet she imagines Danny with Beatrice and gets jealous and reading that made me die haha.) Also, the fact she has a praise kink is SOOOOOO GOOD! And the fact Danny teases her about it? CHEFS KISS!! The smut is literally the best thing ever. It’s soooo good. (I feel like I should send you flowers, food, or whatever just to thank you for it).
I also love the way Danny is written because she is usually stoic and yet there are hints throughout the story that reveal her emotions, such as the mention of her hands twitching by her sides. You capture her love obsession with Rebecca perfectly, such as the details of Danny becoming passionate when she talks about her former mistress.
I also love that Danny changes slowly throughout the story. In the beginning she doesn’t really like Ich and is aggressive with her.
“You think I don’t know that?” she hissed. Her grip was tight and she pulled me closer to her. “Do you think, Mrs. de Winter, that I am not excruciatingly aware that you are not Rebecca?”
And so when Danny acts tender I LOSE MY SHIT.
“No. Don’t be.” A smile ghosted across her face. “To tell you the truth, Mrs. de Winter, I don’t think I mind it so much now.” She kissed my jaw again, softly. “At the least, I’d prefer you call me that than Favell.”
THAT PART? I LOVED THAT PART! I LOVED IT A LOT. I love the hate-fucking but it’s great when Danny is a nice person for once lmao. When she has some fun with Ich and teases her? THAT’S SOME GOOD STUFF. When she has an actual genuine smile? 10/10!!! When she actually considers Ich’s feelings? NICEEEE. Those rare moments knock me out. (In ganz unerwartet she’s careful to not damage the wings on Ich’s costume and I loved that small detail sooooooooooo much).
Finally, I wanna say that sometimes I read this fic (and your other Rebecca fics) at 3am in the morning and so i lose sleep but that’s okay cuz I ALWAYS enjoy reading them. :D
(Also, I’m sure you worked really hard on this fic because it’s high quality!)
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evermoire · 4 years
i knew you tried to change the ending | pack
“oh!” lydia stumbled forward a bit as someone crashed into her back, two arms wrapping around her waist. her hand landed gently on a cloth-covered wrist, the red lace beneath her fingers doing a good enough job at identifying the culprit. that, and the large bathroom mirror in front of her. “evie, you almost knocked me over!”
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry!” the brunette giggled, poking her head around to meet lydia’s eyes. frustratingly enough, she held up the grin until lydia found herself giggling, too, minor irritation fading before she could even grasp hold of it. “there’s that winning smile! god, i’m so in love with you, are you sure you’re into jackson? also, i just saw you come in here and wanted to make sure you were feeling okay.” evie detached herself from lydia, fingers trailing over pale skin as she leaned back against the sink. “are you feeling okay?”
reaching up to adjust her ponytail, lydia hummed her confirmation. “i’m more than okay. just had a little too much of danny’s punch,” she said, throwing a wink at evie. while danny had been the one to sneak in alcohol — truly the most rebellious thing he’d ever done in his life, but something he did for every dance — it was lydia who’d thought to spike a few flasks with wolfsbane, after they’d discovered that werewolves burned through alcohol like no one’s business. while lydia still drank from the un-spiked booze, scott had confirmed that the wolfsbane did recreate the feeling of the buzz they were searching for. “also, i regret to inform you that i’m still committed to jackson. but if we don’t work out, you’ll be my first call.”
evie let out a dramatic sigh, throwing her head back and only narrowly avoiding a collision with the mirror, before pausing and perking up again. “yeah? sure you don’t wanna get scandalous a lil bit? he’ll never find out.” she wiggled her brows suggestively and the two girls burst into another bout of laughter.
“let’s go, silly.” grabbing her clutch in one hand, lydia held out her opposite hand for evie. “i think scott finally worked up the courage to ask lucy to dance and i cannot wait to see where this goes.”
slipping her fingers through lydia’s, evie skipped along, her dress fluttering around her thighs. “he totally did! did you see his face when he finally decided? he’s so cute, i love him so much. oh, hey, how are your sisters? are they doing okay outside? it’s so cold!”
lydia shook her head, pushing the bathroom door open and letting evie go out first. “they’re fine. mags never gets cold and i’m pretty sure daryl accosted beth at the door and made her put on, like, eight jackets before she left.” she rolled her eyes at the memory, but it was fond. despite his best efforts to isolate himself and remain unbiased, daryl’s attachment to beth couldn’t be more obvious if he tried.
evie bit her lip to hold in her laughter, even as they stepped into the auditorium where the dance was being held, her voice almost drowned out by the music. “isn’t daryl also here?”
“he is, which just makes it even more ridiculous. he had the perfect opportunity to give beth his jacket and look all heroic, but no.”
“i’ve actually never seen daryl in a jacket. doesn’t he just wear, like, vests?”
“see, that’s where kira came in.” and because kira was famously strict about everyone taking care of themselves, evie laughed without needing an explanation. as lydia spotted jackson and danny, she headed towards them, evie’s hand still tucked into hers. “i’m going to check in on them after we find you some adult supervision. not because i think anything’s wrong, but because maggie thinks something’s going to go wrong, so she’s calling for a check-in every hour.”
evie blinked. “isn’t maggie, like, always right? that’s a distinctly genetic trait all three of you have.”
“ugh, don’t remind me. i’m pretending you didn’t say that.”
“just like i’m pretending you didn’t imply i need adult supervision! —-jackson!” as soon as he was within distance, evie pounced on him, hugging him with an enthusiasm that wasn’t quite needed for someone she saw less than fifteen minutes ago. but she’d been on cloud nine all day, something that lydia was happy about. though evie was always bubbly, it was clear that she was really happy these days; it was a nice change. after a moment, she hopped back onto even footing, throwing a grin up to jackson. “hi!”
“i have to check in with our chaperones for the night,” lydia said when evie hopping onto danny’s back. if danny was at all disgruntled by it, he didn’t let it show, only passing his flask to jackson and adjusting his hold on evie to keep her from falling. “but i figured she needed more supervision than the rest of us did.”
“i resent that!”
“we’ll keep an eye on her,” danny promised, grinning when evie gave a betrayed gasp. “you going to be okay by yourself?”
lydia scoffed. “i’m always okay, d, and i refuse to believe anything is going to ruin tonight. i’m meeting mags and beth on the football field, then i’ll be right back. don’t have too much fun without me.” she stole a quick kiss from jackson, then disappeared into the crowd again to make her way outside.
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roast-ifs · 4 years
How would the ROs react towards an MC that's a bold flirt and seems like they'd be experienced but actually turns out to be a virgin?
Nico would first and foremost assure you of yourself. They’re not the most experienced sexually and that doesn’t mean anything! Sex is a skill like any other and takes practice, just as much as flirting is a skill, one MC seems to have quite a bit of practice in themself. Bold does not equal promiscuous in their book and just want you to be comfortable and feel safe if you two decide to go all the way. (and, tbh, they might actually be a little relieved? They know that sexual experience doesn’t mean anything as a person but falling into bed with someone who was (seemingly) very experienced was....intimidating)
Fatima would (lightly!) tease you, just a simple and dramatic gasp “I’m so shocked!” before assuring you that that’s alright. Virginity doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to and she will be the absolute last person to shame you for it.
Isla has to admit that they’re surprised but that’s their assumption to deal with and has nothing to do with you. They’d commend you on your flirting ability, considering you’ve probably taken them for a spin by now as well, and insists that flirting and sexual experience have nothing in common and would be the first to say that if you want to stop or back out or slow down just say the word.
Danny is surprised enough to give a bit of a laugh and quickly apologize for it and babble about how they jut assumed! and it was wrong of them to assume because thats a shitty thing to do assuming someone’s sexual experience based on their flirting skill bc look at them! They flirt horribly! They can’t do so without going terribly shy! but they’ve been around a fair bit so flirting obviously has nothing to do with sexual experience and they’d apologize and assure and insist that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin and a scandalous flirt, there is nothing to be ashamed about and --”Oh, I’m babbling, aren’t I?” go shy and mumble that...if you’d like to go further...they’d like that very much... ♥
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