Tesla's Dieselgate
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Elon Musk lies a lot. He lies about being a “utopian socialist.” He lies about being a “free speech absolutist.” He lies about which companies he founded:
https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-cofounder-martin-eberhard-interview-history-elon-musk-ev-market-2023-2 He lies about being the “chief engineer” of those companies:
He lies about really stupid stuff, like claiming that comsats that share the same spectrum will deliver steady broadband speeds as they add more users who each get a narrower slice of that spectrum:
The fundamental laws of physics don’t care about this bullshit, but people do. The comsat lie convinced a bunch of people that pulling fiber to all our homes is literally impossible — as though the electrical and phone lines that come to our homes now were installed by an ancient, lost civilization. Pulling new cabling isn’t a mysterious art, like embalming pharaohs. We do it all the time. One of the poorest places in America installed universal fiber with a mule named “Ole Bub”:
Previous tech barons had “reality distortion fields,” but Musk just blithely contradicts himself and pretends he isn’t doing so, like a budget Steve Jobs. There’s an entire site devoted to cataloging Musk’s public lies:
But while Musk lacks the charm of earlier Silicon Valley grifters, he’s much better than they ever were at running a long con. For years, he’s been promising “full self driving…next year.”
He’s hasn’t delivered, but he keeps claiming he has, making Teslas some of the deadliest cars on the road:
Tesla is a giant shell-game masquerading as a car company. The important thing about Tesla isn’t its cars, it’s Tesla’s business arrangement, the Tesla-Financial Complex:
Once you start unpacking Tesla’s balance sheets, you start to realize how much the company depends on government subsidies and tax-breaks, combined with selling carbon credits that make huge, planet-destroying SUVs possible, under the pretense that this is somehow good for the environment:
But even with all those financial shenanigans, Tesla’s got an absurdly high valuation, soaring at times to 1600x its profitability:
That valuation represents a bet on Tesla’s ability to extract ever-higher rents from its customers. Take Tesla’s batteries: you pay for the battery when you buy your car, but you don’t own that battery. You have to rent the right to use its full capacity, with Tesla reserving the right to reduce how far you go on a charge based on your willingness to pay:
That’s just one of the many rent-a-features that Tesla drivers have to shell out for. You don’t own your car at all: when you sell it as a used vehicle, Tesla strips out these features you paid for and makes the next driver pay again, reducing the value of your used car and transfering it to Tesla’s shareholders:
To maintain this rent-extraction racket, Tesla uses DRM that makes it a felony to alter your own car’s software without Tesla’s permission. This is the root of all autoenshittification:
This is technofeudalism. Whereas capitalists seek profits (income from selling things), feudalists seek rents (income from owning the things other people use). If Telsa were a capitalist enterprise, then entrepreneurs could enter the market and sell mods that let you unlock the functionality in your own car:
But because Tesla is a feudal enterprise, capitalists must first secure permission from the fief, Elon Musk, who decides which companies are allowed to compete with him, and how.
Once a company owns the right to decide which software you can run, there’s no limit to the ways it can extract rent from you. Blocking you from changing your device’s software lets a company run overt scams on you. For example, they can block you from getting your car independently repaired with third-party parts.
But they can also screw you in sneaky ways. Once a device has DRM on it, Section 1201 of the DMCA makes it a felony to bypass that DRM, even for legitimate purposes. That means that your DRM-locked device can spy on you, and because no one is allowed to explore how that surveillance works, the manufacturer can be incredibly sloppy with all the personal info they gather:
All kinds of hidden anti-features can lurk in your DRM-locked car, protected from discovery, analysis and criticism by the illegality of bypassing the DRM. For example, Teslas have a hidden feature that lets them lock out their owners and summon a repo man to drive them away if you have a dispute about a late payment:
DRM is a gun on the mantlepiece in Act I, and by Act III, it goes off, revealing some kind of ugly and often dangerous scam. Remember Dieselgate? Volkswagen created a line of demon-haunted cars: if they thought they were being scrutinized (by regulators measuring their emissions), they switched into a mode that traded performance for low emissions. But when they believed themselves to be unobserved, they reversed this, emitting deadly levels of NOX but delivering superior mileage.
The conversion of the VW diesel fleet into mobile gas-chambers wouldn’t have been possible without DRM. DRM adds a layer of serious criminal jeopardy to anyone attempting to reverse-engineer and study any device, from a phone to a car. DRM let Apple claim to be a champion of its users’ privacy even as it spied on them from asshole to appetite:
Now, Tesla is having its own Dieselgate scandal. A stunning investigation by Steve Stecklow and Norihiko Shirouzu for Reuters reveals how Tesla was able to create its own demon-haunted car, which systematically deceived drivers about its driving range, and the increasingly desperate measures the company turned to as customers discovered the ruse:
The root of the deception is very simple: Tesla mis-sells its cars by falsely claiming ranges that those cars can’t attain. Every person who ever bought a Tesla was defrauded.
But this fraud would be easy to detect. If you bought a Tesla rated for 353 miles on a charge, but the dashboard range predictor told you that your fully charged car could only go 150 miles, you’d immediately figure something was up. So your Telsa tells another lie: the range predictor tells you that you can go 353 miles.
But again, if the car continued to tell you it has 203 miles of range when it was about to run out of charge, you’d figure something was up pretty quick — like, the first time your car ran out of battery while the dashboard cheerily informed you that you had 203 miles of range left.
So Teslas tell a third lie: when the battery charge reached about 50%, the fake range is replaced with the real one. That way, drivers aren’t getting mass-stranded by the roadside, and the scam can continue.
But there’s a new problem: drivers whose cars are rated for 353 miles but can’t go anything like that far on a full charge naturally assume that something is wrong with their cars, so they start calling Tesla service and asking to have the car checked over.
This creates a problem for Tesla: those service calls can cost the company $1,000, and of course, there’s nothing wrong with the car. It’s performing exactly as designed. So Tesla created its boldest fraud yet: a boiler-room full of anti-salespeople charged with convincing people that their cars weren’t broken.
This new unit — the “diversion team” — was headquartered in a Nevada satellite office, which was equipped with a metal xylophone that would be rung in triumph every time a Tesla owner was successfully conned into thinking that their car wasn’t defrauding them.
When a Tesla owner called this boiler room, the diverter would run remote diagnostics on their car, then pronounce it fine, and chide the driver for having energy-hungry driving habits (shades of Steve Jobs’s “You’re holding it wrong”):
The drivers who called the Diversion Team weren’t just lied to, they were also punished. The Tesla app was silently altered so that anyone who filed a complaint about their car’s range was no longer able to book a service appointment for any reason. If their car malfunctioned, they’d have to request a callback, which could take several days.
Meanwhile, the diverters on the diversion team were instructed not to inform drivers if the remote diagnostics they performed detected any other defects in the cars.
The diversion team had a 750 complaint/week quota: to juke this stat, diverters would close the case for any driver who failed to answer the phone when they were eventually called back. The center received 2,000+ calls every week. Diverters were ordered to keep calls to five minutes or less.
Eventually, diverters were ordered to cease performing any remote diagnostics on drivers’ cars: a source told Reuters that “Thousands of customers were told there is nothing wrong with their car” without any diagnostics being performed.
Predicting EV range is an inexact science as many factors can affect battery life, notably whether a journey is uphill or downhill. Every EV automaker has to come up with a figure that represents some kind of best guess under a mix of conditions. But while other manufacturers err on the side of caution, Tesla has the most inaccurate mileage estimates in the industry, double the industry average.
Other countries’ regulators have taken note. In Korea, Tesla was fined millions and Elon Musk was personally required to state that he had deceived Tesla buyers. The Korean regulator found that the true range of Teslas under normal winter conditions was less than half of the claimed range.
Now, many companies have been run by malignant narcissists who lied compulsively — think of Thomas Edison, archnemesis of Nikola Tesla himself. The difference here isn’t merely that Musk is a deeply unfit monster of a human being — but rather, that DRM allows him to defraud his customers behind a state-enforced opaque veil. The digital computers at the heart of a Tesla aren’t just demons haunting the car, changing its performance based on whether it believes it is being observed — they also allow Musk to invoke the power of the US government to felonize anyone who tries to peer into the black box where he commits his frauds.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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This Sunday (July 30) at 1530h, I’m appearing on a panel at Midsummer Scream in Long Beach, CA, to discuss the wonderful, award-winning “Ghost Post” Haunted Mansion project I worked on for Disney Imagineering.
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Image ID [A scene out of an 11th century tome on demon-summoning called 'Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros. Anno 1057. Noli me tangere.' It depicts a demon tormenting two unlucky would-be demon-summoners who have dug up a grave in a graveyard. One summoner is held aloft by his hair, screaming; the other screams from inside the grave he is digging up. The scene has been altered to remove the demon's prominent, urinating penis, to add in a Tesla supercharger, and a red Tesla Model S nosing into the scene.]
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Image: Steve Jurvetson (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tesla_Model_S_Indoors.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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thealieninhiding · 4 months
The Katie McGrath Archives (WIP)
A repository of my ongoing digital archeology & archival work please contact me if you have anything to contribute and buy me a coffee if you value my content
message me if you want a link to her complete filmography 🤫
(last updated 2024-07-03)
2014-02-07 London Times - Dracula sets
(Un)likeminded 2x02 How to Survive The Apocalypse
2017 Katie McGrath interview [CW|KMcGsource]
2017 Supergirl Season 3 Sweet dreams (are made of this) Music Video
2017 CW SDCC Promo Supergirl and Arrow
2019-01-01 The CW Promo Open To All
2021-04-25 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Lena Luthor
2021-09-15 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Reflecting on Supergirl
Interview - 2009-07-17 Katie McGrath Mr Media interview
Interview - 2009-10-15 Geek Syndicate Merlin BTS special
BTS - 2008-10-08 Blue Peter Merlin BTS
Events - 2009 TV Choice Awards Digital Spy interview
Events - Getty Videos of 2009 TV Choice Awards, 2010 Merlin Series 3 launch, 2011 W.E. premiere, 2017 King Arthur Premiere
Archived interviews
2008-12-07 Tribune Magazine - What Katie Did
2011-10-14 What's on TV - Merlin's Katie McGrath- 'Bad girls have more fun!'
2012-12-03 Fanhattan Blog - Colin Morgan, Katie McGrath and Bradley James on Season 5 and The Series Finale
2018-08-01 The TV Junkies - Supergirl SDCC 2018 Interviews- Lena’s Impractical Lab Outfits, the Return of Reporter Kara and a More Grounded Season 4
HHush samples
Interview - 2009-2011 Sci-fi Talk rewind merlin the series specials episode 1
Interview - 2011? Merlin S4 Sci-fi talk byte katie mcgrath on morgana
Interview - 2013 BBC Radio 1xtra part 1 & part 2
(Un)likeminded 1x02 While You Were Dreaming
Trees a crowd- Irish folklore segment
Magazine scans
2008-09-20 Radio Times
2009-06-08 TV Week (Aus)
2010-09-05 Sunday Express
2010-09-30 Totally Merlin Magazine
2011-12 Total Film
2012-03-14 Sci-Fi Now
2012-10-06 Radio Times
2013-04-06 Irish independent
2013-09-02 Marie-Claire (UK)
2013-12 Instyle
2013-12 Total Film
Fans - 2012-04-16 Merlin4 [carlospyrrhus]
Fans - 2017-08-30 Supergirl cast together on set [Joyce Law]
Interview - 2009-09-?? Merlin S2 audio interview with Katie McGrath [BJsRealm] part 1
Interview - 2010-09-06 Merlin Series 3 - BBC Radio 1xtra Interview with Angel Coulby & Katie McGrath [BJsrealm]
Interview - 2011-10-14 Merlin S4 Colin Morgan, Eoin Macken Katie McGrath on The Late Late Show
Interview - 2012-07-15 Colin Morgan and Katie McGrath at SDCC 2012 - innerSPACE [merlinnetwork2]
Interview - 2012-07-18 Katie McGrath Talks Merlin At Comic Con 2012 [ThinkHeroTV]
Interview - 2012-10-25 BBC Radio 1 Breakfast - Colin & Katie part 1 & part 2 [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Merlin S5 Katie McGrath interview international press day [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Colin, Bradley, Katie phone interview [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2013-11-09 Katie McGrath on BBC One Saturday Kitchen [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2019-07-22 ENTREVISTA SUPERGIRL Elenco fala sobre a nova temporada [Warner Channel Brasil]
Interview - 2019-07-23 Melissa Benoist Teases Directing An Episode Of 'Supergirl' [ET Canada]
Interview - 2020-02-21 ‘Supergirl’ Celebrates 100th Episode [ET Canada]
Panels - 2011-07-28 Merlin Comic Con 2011 Panel [ThinkHeroTV]
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“Max,” Daniel calls to him from the bedroom, just as he is rinsing the shampoo from his hair. Not wanting shampoo in his eyes or his mouth, Max keeps them all firmly shut.
“Baby?” Daniel says again, louder.
The warm water is a gentle relief running over his sweat sticky skin, nowhere near the scalding temperatures Daniel sets their shower to at home. It’s why Max had insisted that they clean off separately, the Austin heat far too much for Max to endure boiling water too, despite Daniel’s pouting and dramatic insistence that Max couldn’t just ‘fuck and flee.”
“Yes,” he calls when all the suds are safely sliding past his shoulders, but he didn’t need to shout. When he opens his eyes he sees Daniel leaning against the doorway with a smirk, still wearing his unbuttoned satin shirt, cowboy hat and nothing else. His wedding ring sits heavy on his finger, and Max thumbs over the matching one on his own hand.
Max’s come is a shiny presence he can still see smeared between Daniel’s thighs.
The sight of him makes Max’s dick twitch. Daniel notices and his grin only widens.
“Baby,” he says again, too sweet. “Baby, why is your most recent Google search is it weird that my husband saying yeehaw makes me come?”
And just like that, Max suddenly longs for a hot shower, an excuse for why his cheeks start to burn red.
“Why are you snooping through my phone?” He demands, forcing himself not to turn away casually and instead keep rubbing the hotel’s own body wash under his armpits.
“I wasn’t snooping,” Daniel says easily, “I was looking to get us some ribs delivered, my phone died at the track, remember?”
Max makes a noncommittal noise because vaguely he does remember Daniel saying he needed to put it on charge. That was before Max started pawing at him the moment the hotel door shut behind them though, and then it had been forgotten by both of them.
There’s just the noise of the extractor fan whirring for a moment, but Daniel doesn’t move. When Max sneaks a glance at him, he’s still leaning against the door frame looking amused.
“Sooo.” He drawls out the word in the stupid Texas accent that Max wishes he didn’t find so strangely sexy. “Are we going to talk about this, little lady, or-“
“Nope,” Max says firmly, turning off the shower.
Daniel nods. It makes the lights of the bathroom catch on his chain and Max- Max really wants to fuck him again.
“What about the one below it?” He asks, “Daniel Ricciardo Austin 2023 photos?”
“Nope,” Max says again, stepping out of the shower and reaching for his towel. He’s smiling now too, because he knows that beneath Daniel’s teasing that one will have made him happy to see.
“Okay,” Daniel says, then he unlocks Max’s phone. “What about how to ask my husband to-“
“Daniel,” Max interrupts, taking the phone from his hand and putting it into the empty sink. “Do you want to read more of my internet history, or do you want to get back on the bed and play good cowboy, bad cowboy again?”
Daniel grins, takes the cowboy hat from his head and puts it onto Max’s. When his arms wind around Max, the silky fabric of his shirt presses cool against Max’s shower-warm skin, his nipples.
“Well, when you put it like that,” Daniel says, leaning in to put his mouth on the skin just beneath Max’s ear. “Yeehaw, baby.”
Max laughs and pinches Daniel’s ass, at the same time as his dick twitches again. Backing him out of the bathroom, towards the bed, his phone is forgotten in the bathroom.
Google never had all the answers when it came to them, anyway.
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37sommz-archive · 5 months
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Born in Gold Coast, Australia on December 23, 1999, Michaela Sommers was introduced to the world of motorsports from a early age. Her father, Tobias, and his younger brother, Travis Sommers, were avid Formula racing fans who idolized the likes of Senna, Schumacher, and Lauda. The motorsports bug skipped over Sommers' older sister, Samantha, before biting her at the mere age of six. By her ninth birthday, Michaela was competing in karting championships along the Australian east coast.
Despite her natural aptitude for racing, Michaela recalls facing discrimination for both her race and gender quite early on while karting. Despite the negativity that would swirl around her reputation, the young driver would win her first national championship at the age of twelve with plenty of rumors circling concerning her future in the sport. Sommers would attempt to enter her first international competition, but was barred from entry after her father lost his job in the summer of 2012.
Without much hope, Michaela would step back from racing for nearly six months before eventually deciding to join her uncle who had moved to England after his marriage just years prior. Travis then became Michaela's manager, working endlessly to ensure his niece would be able to continue climbing the karting ladder. Shortly after her move to England, her uncle would connect with Australian F1 driver Mark Webber who would travel to watch her race in a regional competition in 2013. Stunned by her potential, Webber helped the young girl to catch the attention of a racing team competing in the Ginetta Junior Championship alongside future McLaren teammate Lando Norris. Sommers' transition to racing cars would prove successful, securing a junior championship at just 14 years old.
Sommers would continue working through the ranks, receiving extensive media attention and comparisons to Lewis Hamilton as a teenager. Spending one year at the Formula 3 level, Michaela would race for British team Jagonya Ayam in 2015 finishing fifth in the championship and second in the rookie cup, both below Charles Leclerc. Her performance would catch the attention of Italian team Prema Racing who signed her to development for higher formulae alongside Pierre Gasly for the 2016 season.
Despite an average result, ending her rookie season in sixth place, Prema would resign the Australian who would be simultaneously be selected to join the Ferrari driver development program for the 2017 season. That same year, Sommers would wrap up her Formula 2 season in second place, once again behind Charles Leclerc.
Eventually, Michaela would finally secure a Formula 2 championship in 2018 while signing on as a reserve driver for Ferrari. Her official Formula One debut came after Sommers signed on to be Alfa Romeo's second-seat driver for the 2019 season, securing one-point in her debut race before finishing her rookie season in eighth place.
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✹.⠀⠀،،⠀THE BASICS.
birth name: michaela jeanette sommers alias: mickey sommers date of birth: december 23, 1999 zodiac sign: capricorn hometown: gold coast, australia ethnicity: australian & xhosa nationality: australian, south african languages: english, italian weight: 121 lbs (55 kg) height: 5'7" (169 cm) dominant hand: left family: tobias sommers, miriam sommers, samantha sommers faceclaim: tinara westbrook
01. GINETTA JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP (2014). ✼.⠀team: jhr developments ✼.⠀number: #72 ✼.⠀teammates: alex sedgwick, dan zelos, jamie chadwick, senna proctor ✼.⠀highest race finish: 1st (x7) ✼.⠀championship standing: 1st
02. FORMULA THREE (2015). ✼.⠀team: jagonya ayam ✼.⠀number: #54 ✼.⠀teammates: gustavo menezes, ryan tveter ✼.⠀highest race finish: 1st (x1) ✼.⠀championship standing: 5th
03. GP2 SERIES (2016). ✼.⠀team: prema racing ✼.⠀number: #20 ✼.⠀teammates: pierre gasly ✼.⠀highest race finish: 1st (x3) ✼.⠀championship standing: 6th
04. FORMULA TWO (2017). ✼.⠀team: prema racing ✼.⠀number: #2 ✼.⠀teammates: charles leclerc ✼.⠀highest race finish: 1st (x5) ✼.⠀championship standing: 2nd
05. FORMULA TWO (2018). ✼.⠀team: prema racing ✼.⠀number: #3 ✼.⠀teammates: nyck de vries ✼.⠀highest race finish: 1st (x7) ✼.⠀championship standing: 1st
06. FORMULA ONE (2019). ✼.⠀team: alfa romeo racing ✼.⠀number: #37 ✼.⠀teammates: kimi raikkonen ✼.⠀highest race finish: 4th (x1) ✼.⠀championship standing: 7th
07. FORMULA ONE (2020). ✼.⠀team: alfa romeo racing ✼.⠀number: #37 ✼.⠀teammates: kimi raikkonen ✼.⠀highest race finish: 3rd (x2) ✼.⠀championship standing: 7th
08. FORMULA ONE (2021). ✼.⠀team: mclaren ✼.⠀number: #37 ✼.⠀teammates: lando norris ✼.⠀highest race finish: 1st (x1) ✼.⠀championship standing: 4th
09. FORMULA ONE (2022). ✼.⠀team: mclaren ✼.⠀number: #37 ✼.⠀teammates: lando norris ✼.⠀highest race finish: 1st (x2) ✼.⠀championship standing: 4th
10. FORMULA ONE (2023). ✼.⠀team: aston martin ✼.⠀number: #37 ✼.⠀teammates: fernando alonso ✼.⠀highest race finish: 2nd (x7) ✼.⠀championship standing: 3rd
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calderacitylovers · 1 year
Zutara SlowBurn FanFiction: Personal Favs, part I
·        I AM STILL HERE by owedbetter Published: 2017-10-09 | 77K words | 7 Chapters
After the Last Agni Kai K heals Z with the help of bloodbending. Very sweet.
 ·        THE SUMMIT by AJLenoire
Chronicles post-war years, as Gaang and other characters gather for annual summits to keep peace and build relationships between the Four Nations. Katara yearns for a bigger purpose than the Avatar’s companion and slowly grows into a shrewd diplomat. Very sweet slow burn ZK story. Has mature scenes.
 ·        CLOTHE ME IN SEASONS, DRESS ME IN SNOW by sadladybug Published: 2015-01-05 | 62K words | 7 Chapters
Follows old Zuko as he reflects on his life and what would have been if he kept Katara closer. Absolutely beautiful, but also a devastatingly heart-breaking story about loss and pain.
 ·        SILENT DECLARATIONS by Megara Pike (Megara_Pike) Published: 2021-01-20 | 2,6K words
A short story based on animation by Hayley Wong. Z finds K asleep in her study and carries her to bed. Very sweet, gentle story.
 ·        COVERED IN YOU by evergreenonthehorizon Published: 2021-04-02 | 55K words | 14 Chapters
Eight years after the war Z convinces K to take on a role of a Southern Water Tribe ambassador in the Caldera city. Both are completely clueless about each other’s feelings. Features political talks, big gestures, and a ball. Very cute, sweet slow-burn story. Has mature scenes.
 ·        TEN STRIDES IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION by evergreenonthehorizon Published: 2021-04-03 | 29K Words | 12 Chapters
A collection of short stories filling in the gaps between some of the events of ATLAS3 and up to the Last Agni Kai. Features accidental cuddling, embracing in the rain, sharing a bed for warmth, post-Ember Island Theater discussions, being discovered, waiting to be kissed, Suki & Katara being good friends, battle plans, Zuko & Sokka getting drunk, slow burn & angst. Very sweet.
 ·        THE SWAY OF THE SUN by TheBlackBriarSparrow Published: Published: 2019-10-14 | 102K Words | 27 Chapters
Two years post-war Gaang reunites in Caldera city for a secret party in honor of the overworked Fire Lord’s birthday. Rebels attack the palace setting a thrilling consequence of events in motion. Adventures, investigations, and fights ensue. Z & K work together and enlist old friends to help find missing people. Beautiful slow-burn story with an exciting plot.
·        A WARM EMBRACE by ewinkie Published: 2020-10-06 | 19K Words | 7 Chapters
An ATLAS3 rewrite from Southern Riders to the Last Agni Kai. Katara and Zuko have to hide in a cave following their encounter with Yon Rha. Comforting turns to cuddling, which turns to waking up on Appa's tail in each other's arms. Katara is shocked at how comfortable she is. Zuko is shocked that Katara doesn't hate him for it. Features sharing a bed, being discovered, slowburn, and lots of teenage silliness.
 ·        FOLLOWING BLUE by Boogum Published: 2018-11-07 | 39K Words | 10 Chapters
ATLA S2 rewrite. After Katara falls from Appa’s saddle during a pursuit, the Blue Spirit becomes her reluctant companion and helps her reunite with her friends. Ba Sing Se scenes are completely rewritten, and Z ends up joining the Gaang much earlier. Thrilling beginning, sweet middle, average ending.
 ·        ANOTHER WORD FOR ALCHEMY by FanPanda13 Published: 2014-08-19 | 108K words | 24 Chapters
Five years post-war Aang summons old friends for a summit and invites them on a trip to investigate mysterious locations where he experiences loss of bending. Features Gaang setting Z & K up, travelling on Appa like in the olden days, lots of sparring, royal courting, magnificent navy ships & war ballons. Thrilling story with fun banter between old friends. Slowburn, mature content.
 ·        CONSUME ME WITH FIRE, FLOOD ME WITH DESIRE by Dacamia Published: 2020-08-14 | 86K words | 24 Chapters
Steamy ATLAS2 and ATLA S3 rewrite. Z & K accidentally meetup on their way to Ba Sing Se and decide to travel together. Features aged-up characters, lots of intimate scenes, staying in a beautiful cave, helping villagers, betrayal in Ba Sing Se, reunion, forgiveness, etc. Explicit mature content.
 ·        ROOTS AND WINGS by zukoscomet Published: 2020-08-14 | 250K words | 25 Chapters
A series of short stories of Z & K as they grow closer, confess their love for one another and start a family.
 ·        THOSE WHO FAVOR FIRE by hiwasseelane Published: 2021-05-02 |29K Words | 13 Chapters
An ATLAS3 rewrite. Sweet, teen-appopriate.
Here’s a link to Part II of my personal favs.
Here’s a link to Wholesome Zutara Short Stories.
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stickybasementobject · 7 months
Johnny Depp Horror Icon
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01. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
02. Edward Scissorhands (1990)
03. Ed Wood (1994)
04. Sleepy Hollow (1999)
05. The Astronaut's Wife (1999)
06. The Ninth Gate (1999)
07. Corpse Bride (2005)
08. Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
09. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
10. From Hell (2001)
11. Secret Window (2004)
12. Dark Shadows (2012)
13. Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
14. Transcendence (2014)
15. Marilyn Manson: Kill4Me (2017)
16. London Fields (2018))
17. Tusk (2014)
18. Yoga Hosers (2016)
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Intro 💫 (cause I just realized I never did one lol)
I'm a March '04 baby (20 lol) I've struggled with an undiagnosed ed since I was 15. I think I developed it out of a trauma response from some things I went through when I was 13-14.
Anywayssss here's my long list of diagnoses
Bipolar disorder, adhd, and gad (diagnosed in 2017/2018)
Schizoaffective disorder (in 2019)
Osdd (in 2023)
I also have pots and an unknown autoimmune disease that I'm in the process of looking into.
I've been in mental health inpatients I think 12 or 13 times. Ive lost track honestly. My first inpatient was in 2017 when I was 13 (was not fun) hospital abuse and neglect for years is where most of my trauma stems from.
That's about it lol. I like to read, shop and I love nature ☺️
I hope yall are doing ok! Stay safe 🫶 ily take care 💕
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
Darth Vader & Maximilian Veers
A collection of various tie-in source material about Darth Vader and Maximilian Veers, published through the years.
Star Wars Galaxy Guide #3 - The Empire Strikes Back (second edition) - 1996
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[...] Veers might be the only living Imperial officer who doesn't share an all-consuming fear of Darth Vader. This is not a from a lack of respect for Vader. Rather, the two seem to respect one another, as Vader appreciates Veers' ruthless and cunning nature.
Side Trip, part 4 by Timothy Zahn - 1997
"One final suggestion, and then I suspect we must both be on our separate ways. I understand the general in command of the Executor’s ground forces resigned suddenly a month ago. I was able to watch the battle outside Thyne’s stronghold for a while as I waited to make sure the smugglers escaped; and in my opinion the Imperial officer in command is being wasted in a garrison assignment." "Your opinion carries considerable weight,” Vader said. “As I’m sure you know. The officer’s name?” “Colonel Veers,” Thrawn said. “From the level of his tactical skill, I’d also say he’s long overdue for a promotion. Perhaps his political connections within the command structure leave something to be desired.” “Political connections do not concern me,” Vader rumbled, stepping to the door. “I will see what I can do with this Colonel Veers. Thank you, Admiral.” “My pleasure, Lord Vader,” Thrawn said with a respectful tilt of his head. “One favor for another. Perhaps we’ll have the chance to work again together.””
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The Sith Lord and his new general had a unique appreciation of each other's abilities. Vader knew Veers was utterly uninterested in personal advancement through the politics that crippled the Imperial Court, and so would remain completely loyal to the Empire. Veers in turn understood Vader's powerful abilities and command style, and appreciated both. General Veers was the only officer in the whole Death Squadron who was not afraid of Darth Vader
Darth Vader had a personal hand in Veers' career and his rapid advancement to general. The two men had a mutual respect, and Vader had a high regard for Veers' ability. It was only natural that he would give him a key role in the assault on Echo Base.
Star Wars Insider #96 - 2007
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Unlike Motti, Ozzel or Needa, Maximilian Veers had no need to fear Vader's wrath [...].
The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection #04 (DeAgostini) - 2009
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VADER'S GENERAL As a reward for his daring, Veers was promoted to command the ground forces attached to Lord Vader's Death Squadron - a personal fleet groups engaged in hunting down the Rebel Alliance. As an example of the new, younger Imperial officer, he frequently clashed with the traditionalist Admiral Ozzel but Vader backed Veers each time [...].
Star Wars: On the Front Lines by Daniel Wallace - 2017
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General Maximilian Veers A brilliant tactician, General Veers earned notice for his vocal and persistent advocacy for the increased use of AT-ATs in ground operations. Darth Vader respected Veers for his eerily calm demeanor under fire.
The Truest Duty by Christie Golden [From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back] - 2020
The Emperor’s right hand was the fearsome Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith; he of the unseen face, black armor, brilliant mind, and swift discipline. If the elite troopers aboard Vader’s flagship, the Executor, were known as Vader’s Fist, then Veers liked to think of himself as Vader’s Dagger: silent, elegant, and lethal.
At this moment, Veers was bringing unwelcome news to his master, but that did not trouble him. The amount of…attrition…at both higher and lower levels on the ship was troubling to some, terrifying to others. Fear had been beaten out of Veers quite some time ago, and he had no patience for it. It confounded him that others failed to grasp that the secret to promotion, respect, power, and a long life was very clear: Don’t fail Vader. Maximilian Veers never had. Because who would ever want to fail Lord Vader? And who could live with themselves if they did?
In his career, Veers had met many diplomats, leaders, generals, and royalty. Many were impressive; some intimidating. But no one had a presence like Lord Vader. He was a massive figure swathed in darkness; the very energy around him seeming to change upon his entrance: charged, elevated. And, always, the sound. Rhythmic, constant, it terrified those who were the object of the Dark Lord’s displeasure. Those ill-fated fools knew that sound would likely be the last thing they heard. Veers, however, found it calming. Steady. As unfaltering as Vader was, as he, Maximilian Veers, was. The Dark Lord was many things to Veers, but he was not a threat. Because Veers never failed him.
Veers was perfectly well aware that Darth Vader was not a god. On more than one occasion, while reporting to the Dark Lord when he was in his meditation chamber, Veers had caught a glimpse of Lord Vader donning his helm. There was only a man in there; one who had suffered horribly, whose skin was nothing but angry red scar tissue. He had bled, had burned; had felt agonizing pain. And he had endured. Veers did not know the man Darth Vader had been, before the helm and armor and glowing red lightsaber, but it did not matter to him. Darth Vader was who had been born from that unimaginable suffering. He was no stranger to violence or malice. And all Lord Vader demanded of those who served was respect, obedience, and success. It was so simple. And it was because of that simplicity that Veers had never failed him.
“What is it, General?” The deep, rich voice, smooth and calm save when it was even deeper with rage. Such a tone had never been directed toward Veers.
Blizzard Force was taking more casualties than expected, and this troubled Veers. They were his soldiers. His unit. They trusted him to lead. But he had also trusted them to follow. Follow, obey orders, die for the Empire if need be. For Lord Vader.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Fast, so fast. Sounds, dreamy, muffled, distorted. Water. Swimming in water. Weightless, at ease, warm. Ready to drift away. But no, no. That wasn’t right… The thumping grew faster, faster. Fear crept in, tendrils of darkness, wrapping around, squeezing—no, no, please— And then came the sound. Rhythmic, almost soothing, calming. Steady. As unfaltering as Lord Vader himself. Veers tried to say, My lord, then realized that the labored breathing he heard was his own. And as if the knowing of this suddenly made it real, pain such as he had never felt raced through him. The armor had protected him—hadn’t it? He opened his eyes—ah! bright, too bright—and where there had been darkness and softness and warmth and comfort, now there were colors and chaos and agony, so intense and powerful it was almost… pure. And cold. So, so cold… The strange sounds formed themselves into known things: words, his own heartbeat. “…pretty bad…Still alive…where are the medics…” Snow. I remember… “He’s awake!” It was TK-78…he could not remember the number. It was Lastok. He had removed his helm, against regulations. His face was bloody, but the trooper looked more worried about Veers. Why? Veers tried to ask, but no words came out. “General…General Veers! Sir, you’ve got to listen to me. Hang on, all right?” Lastok glanced away, looking around, then shouted, “Medic! It’s the general!” He waved, flagging someone down, then returned his attention to Veers. “Stay with us, sir. You’re going to be all right!” But Veers had heard fear and hope warring in a soldier’s voice before. He was not at all sure he was going to be all right. He was sufficiently aware to notice that the cold stopped at his midsection. His legs…were they just too cold for him to feel? Or… His armor should have shielded him from the cold, but he could not stop shivering. Could he move? Legs, arms…anything? “No, no. You can’t die, General!” Veers knew what Lastok was doing: trying to keep him from drifting away into a place where no medic would be able to help. He closed his eyes again. The softness, the comfort was calling to him again. Veers listened. “…Lord Vader!” The gibberish had once again formed into words Veers knew. Words that gripped him, dragged him back into this place of life, of anguish. Tears stung his eyes at the thought of how close he had come. Lastok was right to have reminded him of his truest duty. No. I must not fail Lord Vader. He stopped resisting the pain and welcomed it instead. As Vader would. As Vader must have once. His mind flashed to the glimpses of the man inside the helm. His lord had not just survived unbearable torment but used it to reshape himself. Become the stronger for the suffering. Each labored gulp of air sent excruciating stabs through his chest. He endured them. He heard the medics rush up, and knew it was safe to let go; they would catch him now. All was well. No, my lord. I shall never fail you. Ever.
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staydandy · 9 months
Duel (2017) - 듀얼 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Jang Deuk Cheon, a hardened detective cop whose daughter is kidnapped, begins a chase against great odds to solve the mystery of his situation and find his child before it is too late. He starts to hunt down the suspect using the one clue he has: Two men with the same face were at the crime scene. (MDL)
Whumpee : Lee Sung Joon (right) / Lee Sung Hoon (left) played by Yang Se Jong
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Thriller, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • This is the a revision of my Partial List, which only had 4 episodes listed, and only featured Lee Sung Joon as the Whumpee. • My favorite episodes are pink : 00 • TW : animal cruelty (dog fights)
Related List : Duel (2017) - partial list
Episodes on List : 14 Total Episodes : 16
*Spoilers below*
01 : Lee Sung Joon's hand is bandaged, kicked in the face, dragged by hair, thrown to the ground, beat up, hit with a mop-stick, scared, hyperventilating … [flashback] Lee Sung Hoon is in a fight, hand cut … [present] Sung Joon is handcuffed
02 : … continued from previous ep. ... Kicked, has amnesia, arrested … causes a car crash, head bleeding … almost falls off a building, thrown to the roof, choked, [flashback] in hospital bed, hand cut, in & out of consciousness … [present] interrogated … head pain, traumatic flashbacks … hooked up for a memory test, extreme trauma response; traumatic flashbacks, hyperventilating, extreme fear, drugged to calm down … wound on hand cared for … imprisoned … nightmare; tied down, tested on … bus crash, knocked out briefly … jumps off a bridge into a river
03 : … continued from previous ep. ... (replay) Jumps off a bridge into a river … dragged out of the river, unconscious, arm bleeding … trying to wash his wound … chest pain, trips & falls … wound on arm still bleeding … arm wrenched behind his back … stitches up his own wound … Sung Joon & Sung Hoon fight; Sung Joon is beat up, stepped on
04 : … continued from previous ep. ... Kicked several times … severe pain & difficulty breathing from injures … Sung Hoon has chest pain … Sung Joon has chest pain, trouble breathing, medicates … captured.. choked, traumatic flashbacks
05 : … continued from previous ep. ... (replay) Captured.. choked, traumatic flashbacks … beat up … beat up again
06 : Thrown to the ground, kicked, drugged, passed out … taken to a clinic, carried, seizure … Sung Hoon has a nightmare, head pain, traumatic childhood memory … Sung Joon is comatose … Sung Hoon is unsteady. chest pain, medicates
07 : Sung Joon stands up too quickly, unsteady, head pain … chest pain, medicates
08 : Sung Hoon has head pain … Sung Joon is nauseous, throws up, hallucinates, punches a mirror … head pain
09 : Sung Hoon is shot … Sung Joon is dizzy, unsteady … Sung Hoon staples closed his own wound, unsteady, blurry vision, passes out, fever … medicates … [flashback] Sung Joon is captive, barely conscious, drugged, tied up, mouth taped … [present] Sung Hoon is found unconscious, bleeding out
10 : Sung Joon is strangled … [flashback] Sung Hoon is tied up, mouth taped, bruised, slapped, strangled … [present] Sung Joon is beat up … Sung Hoon causes a car accident, Sung Joon is knocked out, Sung Hoon in a fight
11 : … continued from previous ep. ... Hit in the head with a plank .. Sung Joon & Sung Hoon fight, traumatic childhood flashbacks … Sung Joon wounded, helped to walk
12 : Pain, collapses
14 : (near end) Sung Hoon is in a fight.. panicking
16 : Knocked out with a shot of anesthetic … Sung Joon is captured … tied down to a gurney, mouth taped.. passes out … Sung Hoon is tied up … shot & killed
More Whump Lists for this show: love-me-a-lotta-whump
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seoul-bros · 4 months
Jikook Week 25 Complete ✔️(28/05 - 04/06/2024)
Their twenty fifth week in the military is now complete and time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2017.
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BTS had just made a landmark win at the BMA's winning Top Social Artist (22/05) and were receiving lots of attention in the press.
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TwiX Post
There first appearance after getting back from the US was a KBS news conference on 29/05. They posted on TwiX beforehand.
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Watching the news conference I realized that the SK press has never made it easy on BTS. There was only cursory mention of their win and a huge emphasis on their responsibility as role models for youth and ambassadors for South Korea.
It's just all a bit too much and I don't remember anyone talking to One Direction or Take That in quite the same way. The only other similar example is possibly the Beatles who did get quite a bit of the establishment press looking down the nose at them in interviews. No wonder Joonie got so fed up after dealing with it for so many years and we are blessed with Groin (I'm using any excuse to post about RPWP at the moment) as a result.
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After the press conference they headed to the airport. Jimin is so striking in this outfit. Shame JK's good looks were hidden behind that mask. They were off to play three nights at the Osaka Jo-Hall, Japan (30/05, 31/05 & 01/06) as part of the Wings Tour.
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The Osaka concerts come at the beginning of this Memories of 2017 video between 0.00 & 10:35 mins. What comes over is how cohesive they are as a team and how much affection there is between them all. Look at jinhopekook all glued together after the show. Whose hands are resting on JK's shoulders? I think you know.
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Finally it was FESTA 2017. There was a gift for ARMY every day from 01/06 to the 14/06.
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One of those gifts was JK & Jimin's version of We don't talk anymore which was released on 03/06. I love this version of the song.
There was also this rather chaotic exclusive fan cam on the 04/06.
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Oh to have been around when all this stuff was dropping. I have festa envy. I'm looking forward to some new music on the 07/06.
Post Date: 04/06/2024
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wilwheaton · 2 years
every accusation is a confession
Found this on Reddit:
Republican Ralph Shortey, Donald Trump's Oklahoma campaign chair and former Oklahoma state senator, was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. He plead guilty to child sex trafficking.
Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals after prosecutors alleged Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 and attempted to compensate his victims and subsequently conceal the transactions. Hastert eventually admitted that he sexually abused the boys whom he had coached decades earlier, and was sentenced to fifteen months in prison.
Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison.
Republican congressman Mark Foley, in charge of the congressional caucus dealing with exploited children and predominant anti-gay politician, caught sexually harassing 16 year old page boys working under him.
Republican Pennsylvania State Senator, Mike Folmer, arrested and convicted of child pornography charges.
Republican Minnesota State Representative Jim Knoblach Drops Out Of Race After Daughter Says He Molested Her For More Than Ten Years 22 Sep 2018
Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, a notable racist, had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.
Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.
Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.
Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
24 pages more here - https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/4/28/2028057/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-24
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writers-potion · 8 months
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Let's write about killers, serial killers, habitual murderers and getting away with crime! In order to write about these experienced ones, of course, we need to know how to COVER UP A MURDER:
01. Getting Rid of Evidence ☾🩸
Do not leave any DNA behind: Choose a place where there's going to be a lot of other people's DNA from strangers.
Oxygen bleach: These detergents are the best for removing blood stains.
Wear proper gear: goggles, latex gloves, covered shoes
Don't take anything from the body
Clean up.
Leave the body alone: don't touch or move it! It could have just been an accident...right?
Hide the victim's identity also is possible. Set fire to the whole scene.
02. Location/Target 🏠
Be random: A larger number of crimes are committed by someone known/close to the victim. The police will have a significantly harder time if your victim is COMPLETELY A STRANGER TO YOU.
Pick the soically weak: Prostitutes, illegal immigrants, etc. tend to be reluctant to go to the police.
Commit the crime in another city.
Leave the police's mean area of interest - but don't travel so far that they'll start to get suspicious of you intentionally leaving.
Choose a place without a lot of traffic.
Don't travel too long before the crime - you may get tired
03. Type of Crime 🔪
Consider the timing. Night or day? What's the best in this situation?
Shooting? Stabbing?
Poison? Burning? Crucification?
Bomb? Stricking? Fire?
Using your hands vs. A weapon?
04. Timing ⏰
Look like you are not out of place on the street
The best time to commit a crie is in the very early hours of the day when most poeple are asleep.
05. Tools 🔧
Thick gloves are a must
Buy tools at least 1 month before committing the crime
Pay in cash
Destroy any receipts or shopping bag
After the crime is committd, destroy everything you bought as quickly as you can.
Don't buy any brands you typically use, unless they are very generic.
Stagger your purchases - no bulk buying
Shop out of town in large department stores.
06. Alibi 📄
Plan an out of town trip and book everything with your credit car
Stay in a hotel with no cameras.
Sign up for events to attend. Hire someone to check in with your name if possible.
Return home as normal the next day
07. The Getaway 🚗
The best mode of transport is by bike. Travel quickly without being tracked.
Don't be seen walking on the street nearby
08. The Aftermath🏃
Continue about your everyday ife.
No emotional display: Police look for behavioral evidence like anger, sexuality, lust, insecurity, etc.
Don't talk - no braggin, no drunk crime talk.
Don't watch the television or any kind of media for at least a month. The police can use these as tools to psych you out.
If you get arrested, do not speak. No one knows better than you.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee! ☕
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whumpetywhump · 10 months
Tunnel (2017)
Park Kwang Ho (1986)
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– Hit over the head with a rock, collapses, bleeding, left for dead, passes out
– Wakes up on the ground from last episode, still bleeding, weak and disorientated, recurring migraines and bouts of blurred vision
– Unable to return to his wife, crying, collapses against a wall
– Nightmare, flinches awake, crying
– Still unable to return to his wife, screaming in frustration, crying
– Reunited with his friend after thirty years, fighting tears
– Punched in the face, nosebleed, later seen with a bloody tissue in his nose
– Falsely accused of murder, handcuffed
– Still handcuffed from last episode
– Shields his partner during an explosion, knocked out, face cut and bruised, bleeding from the head, wakes up in a hospital bed, migraine
– Learns his wife remarried, depressed, crying, refusing to eat
– Grieving, in denial, crying, collapses
– Still grieving and crying from last episode
– Reunited with his daughter, crying
– Beaten up, thrown around in a fistfight, bloody lip
– Face still bruised from last episode
– Reunited with his wife, sobbing
– Separated from his wife yet again, sobbing, collapses against a wall
– Gets to hug his daughter, crying
– Says goodbye to his loved ones, crying
Kim Sun Jae
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– Handcuffed to a railing overnight, cuts his wrist while struggling
– Punched in the face, nosebleed, later seen with a bloody tissue in his nose
– Flashback: Grieving for his grandfather, crying
– Shielded by his partner during an explosion, wakes up coughing and spluttering, face cut and bruised, later seen sitting on a hospital bed
– Punched in the face repeatedly during a fight, falls down an incline, beaten with a branch, covered in cuts and bruises, restrained, screaming, sobbing
– Betrayed, crying, collapses to his knees, punches the ground until his knuckles bleed, has his hand bandaged
– Emotional breakdown, loses control and attacks someone, restrained, crying
– Says goodbye to his best friend, crying
Park Kwang Ho (2017)
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– Face cut and bruised, on the run in a car chase
– Face still cut and bruised, chased through the woods, limping, trips and falls repeatedly, clutching a wound on his leg
– Flashback: Stabbed in the neck with a syringe, drugged, losing consciousness while driving, car crash, crawls from the wreckage, bleeding from the head
– Thrown to the ground, pinned down, has his head repeatedly slammed into a rock, choked to death
– Flashback: Stabbed in the neck with a syringe, drugged, dizzy, disorientated, beaten up in a fistfight, face cut and bruised
TW: Contains graphic depictions of violence against women
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Ghost and Eden adopted children
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Diana Riley: 23/04/2017 (faceclaim Sophia Lillis)
Daphne Riley: 29/07/2014 (faceclaim Taylor Russell)
Joseph Riley: 09/12/2020 (faceclaim Xu Minghao)
Arthur jr Riley: 13/11/2035 (faceclaim Harris Dickinson)
1)Daphne is the eldest of Eden and Simon's adopted children (she was adopted at 14 years old)
2) Arthur jr the youngest (he was adopted as a newborn, Eden was in her early 40s, Simon was in his early 50s)
3)All four have one thing in common: they are full of freckles(like their adoptive parents)
4)Daphne would later become one of the youngest British astronauts to fly in space
5)All four were banned from going to the military, especially Joseph and Arthur Jr. (No Arthur you don't go to the military)
6)Diana is an Olympic medalist in skateboarding
7)Joseph has always loved music so he took that path, even conducting some orchestras.
8)As I said since Simon was in the military and Eden was an MI6 agent Arthur Jr initially wanted to pursue one of the two careers, but in the end he opted to become a vet.
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black-arcana · 12 days
HIM Announces Career-Spanning Anthology 'When Love And Death Embrace - The Best Of HIM 1997-2003'
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BMG has announced the upcoming release of "When Love and Death Embrace - The Best of HIM 1997-2003", a comprehensive anthology celebrating the early years of the legendary Finnish rock band HIM. Set to hit stores on October 25, 2024, this collection brings together the most beloved tracks from the band's first four studio albums, offering fans a nostalgic journey through HIM's groundbreaking career.
HIM, recognized worldwide for its distinctive blend of sentimental lyrics and hard-hitting rock and its iconic Heartagram symbol, has left an indelible mark on the global music scene. With over 10 million albums sold worldwide, HIM stands as one of Finland's most commercially successful musical exports and remains the first Finnish group to receive a gold record in the United States.
"When Love And Death Embrace" features 16 tracks that defined HIM's sound and propelled them to international stardom. From their debut album "Greatest Lovesongs Vol. 666" (1997) to the acclaimed "Love Metal" (2003),this compilation includes fan favorites such as "Right Here In My Arms", "Join Me In Death" and "The Funeral Of Hearts". The album also showcases HIM's memorable covers of Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game" and BLUE ÖYSTER CULT's "(Don't Fear) The Reaper".
"When Love And Death Embrace - The Best Of HIM 1997-2003" track listing: 01. Right Here In My Arms 02. The Funeral Of Hearts 03. Your Sweet Six Six Six 04. Heartache Every Moment 05. Buried Alive By Love. 06. Wicked Game. 07. Join Me In Death 08. In Joy And Sorrow 09. Soul On Fire 10. Pretending 11. Gone With The Sin 12. (Don't Fear) The Reaper 13. Poison Girl. 14. Close To The Flame. 15. The Sakrament 16. When Love And Death Embrace
The anthology will be available in three formats: a standard CD album featuring a wallet with spot gloss and embossing, a limited-edition 2LP set pressed on 140g white vinyl with a spot gloss jacket and embossing, and digital. Both physical formats are sure to be coveted by collectors and fans alike.
Despite disbanding in 2017, HIM's music continues to resonate with fans worldwide. Ville Valo's ongoing solo career, in which he performs as VV, often features HIM classics in live performances, keeping the spirit of the band alive for devoted followers.
"When Love And Death Embrace - The Best Of HIM 1997-2003" is not just a collection of songs but a testament to HIM's enduring legacy in the world of rock music. This anthology is a must-have for long-time fans and newcomers alike.
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