#2023 - you were hellish
gallawitchxx · 5 months
a final 2023 offering for the @galladrabbles prompt room for more by @dynamic-power 🖤
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It’d been a hard year, but a good year for business. Maybe their best yet. So Ian had grabbed a case of champagne from the liquor store, and he and Mickey threw a party on New Year’s Eve. Toasted to future fortune like kings, in their Westside apartment with their Southside family.
When the bottles had run dry, and everyone had gone home, Mickey snuck downstairs for his first smoke of the new year.
Christ, they’d gotten fucking bougie.
As if reading his mind, Ian appears, holding two cans of Old Style and a pocket knife.
“Got room for more?”
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addledmongoose · 5 months
Best of 2023 Good Omens Fanfiction
This is my list of the 20 best Good Omens fanfiction works I've read in 2023.
A few notes:
These are all complete works; there are no WIPs in the list.
Please feel free to let me know if a link stops working
It's not an ordered list. That would be far too difficult.
You'll probably recognize some of the most popular ones. They're popular for a reason, after all, but I hope you find something you haven't yet read.
The majority are full-length works, but there are definitely some shorter pieces.
These are certainly not the only good works I've read, but they are the ones I'm most likely to read more than once
Click the Keep Reading to see the list
If you're the author of one of these, first off, thank you! But second, if you want me to add your tumblr name to your story, let me know, and I'll edit.
This first section, all the stories are canon-compliant or canon-adjacent. In other words, it's at least somewhat set in the Good Omens universe.
a lighthouse (burning) (108K; Rated M)
This one is canon-adjacent and set in the 19th century. Aziraphale goes to a lighthouse to figure out where all the lighthouse keepers disappeared to, and Crowley follows along. This one is a bit of a spooky mystery along with the romance, and the writing style is simply beautiful. You really get a sense of being trapped in this lighthouse in the middle of nowhere.
The Grindr Logo Doesn't Even Have a 'G' In It (79K; Rated E)
It's honestly hard to remember that this one isn't human AU, but they're still just as angelic/demonic as ever. Aziraphale joins Grindr and starts texting (and then sexting) with a charming young man. It's no secret to the reader who this new hookup is. This story is genuinely funny at times. I like the funny ones.
The Whole Damned World Seemed Upside Down (103K; Rated M)
This is one of the best reverse omens stories I've read that isn't technically a reverse omens. Crowley wishes things were different after leaving the bookshop, and the universe gives him his wish. He finds himself in a world where Aziraphale hates him, Death has trouble taking lives, and basically everything you knew about the world of Good Omens is upside down. It's very funny. It uses inline footnotes (which is good, because it has a LOT of footnotes), and Death is hilarious.
it's a new craze (5K; Rated T)
Another one that seems like it should be human AU but isn't. Crowley and Aziraphale start up a podcast after the Notpocalypse and gain a loyal fanbase who can't figure out if they're a couple or not. They often forget who their audience is and often reference events in their shared history that make no sense to the humans listening.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a demon in possession of a mobile phone, must be in want of attention (6K; Rated G)
And yes, that is the entire title. Another funny short story where a couple of podcast hosts receive a call from a certain angel whose demon trapped himself in his phone and won't leave.
In Mixed Company, or the Corporate Retreat of Heaven and Hell (52K; Rated M)
I've read this one at least three times, and it's probably my favorite of all. Every 300 years, Heaven and Hell share a company retreat on Earth during which angels and demons surrender their celestial powers and hold retreats. It has a great new angel friend of Aziraphale's; Hellish Powerpoint presentations; Gabriel being annoyingly chipper; and Aziraphale and Crowley sneaking around like teenagers trying to find some alone time.
How To Woo A Demon (24K; Rated T)
Aziraphale researches demonic courtship rituals and starts implementing them in order to convince Crowley he wants to take their relationship to the next level. Crowley is very confused by Aziraphale's actions. Another cute, funny one.
Factory Settings (107K; Rated T)
This one is famous for coming out practically as S2 dropped, making people think whoever wrote it (the author is anonymous) had something to do with the production of the show.
This is the only one I'm going to say anything negative about. There are a lot of spelling errors and typos in it. It needs a hard editing pass. Despite that complaint, I devoured this story as fast as I could scroll. It's that good, and even knowing all the errors are there, I'll probably still re-read it. I'm usually pretty picky about errors like that, so for me to overlook it and even recommend it, means I really liked it.
Crowley gets reinstated as the angel, Raphael, with no memory of his time as Crowley, and Aziraphale struggles to return him to his demonic self. It's heart-breaking and wonderful and I absolutely loved it.
One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster) (17K: Rated E)
Much like In Mixed Company, Heaven and Hell come together for a corporate retreat on Earth. In this one, some totally random demon who's name definitely doesn't rhyme with Bowley created a wager in Hell to see which demon could bed an angel first.
Another funny one. This time, a lot of the humor comes from the demons doing their best to pick up the angels with really bad pickup lines.
We Only Said Goodbye with Words, I Died A Hundred Times (9K; Rated E)
If I could learn to write even half as good as this, I'd be ecstatic. The emotions the author packs into this story are mind-blowing.
Crowley receives a cursed amulet that creates an ever-increasing need for the person he wants the most and goes to see Aziraphale.
To reveal my heart in ink (29K; Rated E)
Aziraphale starts writing letters to Crowley by mail. The letters they exchange slowly get more and more explicit.
Pray For Us, Icarus (66K; Rated G/T)
The author wrote this one as a series, so each one varies in chapter count and rating, but they tell a single, contiguous story.
This was the first long-form GO fanfiction I read, and it was way too close to the ending of S2. I really should've waited a while, because holy cow, is this one heartbreaking.
For three hundred years, Crowley has been reincarnated over and over as a human with no memory of his past. Aziraphale has spent those three hundred years trying to restore him to his true self.
The author, Atalan, is probably one of the best writers on the site. This story is stunning in the quality of its writing, in the pacing of the story, and in the emotions evoked. I normally don't like being sad (like I said, I like the funny ones), but I've saved this story off to make sure I always have it.
Pretend For Me (53K; Rated E)
In a panic, Aziraphale tells the archangels that he survived hellfire due to his soul mixing with Crowley's because they're in a romantic and sexual relationship, but now they want them to prove it.
I'm a sucker for fake relationship stories, and there aren't a whole lot of them where the characters are still angel/demon, but this one is. It's another fun one, though a bit more angsty than some of those I listed above.
The following are all human AU. Good chance you'll recognize all or most of these.
Married At First Sight (147K; Rated T)
One of the most recently completed stories in the list, this is a fake relationship story where Aziraphale and Crowley join a reality show that marries complete strangers off to each other. Their new marriage starts off on a less than idyllic foot and they decide to fake it for the show. The author is a master of making you want to scream "for fuck's sake, just talk to each other, you walnuts!"
Probably one of my favorite fake relationship stories.
Postcards From Paris (12K; Rated G)
The author, ghostrat (@mrghostrat), is a fantastic writer of human AU, and it's worth going through his entire backlist (and read his current WIPs, too).
Crowley moves into his Mayfair flat and starts receiving postcards addressed to the previous tenant from one A.Z.F., who is in Europe hunting for bizarre bibles and rating wine. Sweet and fluffy and the perfect antidote if you've just been on an angst binge.
Or Be Nice (151K; Rated E)
I stayed up until 6:30 in the morning reading this one, crashed for three hours, then read until I finished it. Then that night, I started it again.
This is, without hesitation, my all-time favorite human AU. It's funny. I love the author's version of the characters, and I will probably end up reading it again in just a few months. I probably already would have if it wasn't for the length of my Mark For Later and Subscription lists.
Crowley and Aziraphale are neighbors who get into a noise war. They both have their reasons for their actions, though to be honest, Crowley is a bit of an ass at first. Once they really start talking, though, they are absolutely wonderful together.
Even if you've never read a human AU, I recommend at least giving this one a try.
What We Make Of It (Shotgun Wedding) (213K; Rated E)
This is the third charlottemadison work on this list. 15% of this list is just this one author. That's how good they are.
Aziraphale works as an English teacher. Crowley is the guardian for his nephew, Adam, and works for a school testing company. Crowley can't risk his job dating his nephew's gorgeous and charming teacher. Unless...
Crowley comes up with a crazy plan. Now he just has to convince Aziraphale to go along with it.
Again, another very popular human AU. One thing I love about this story is how there's a lot less angst between the two characters, and how they both really care for Adam.
Slow Show (95K; Rated E)
The very first human AU I read. Didn't even think I'd like that specific genre until I read it. Now, as you can see, it's about half of my reading list.
This is an actor AU. Aziraphale (named Avery here) and Crowley are actors working together on a new show. Avery is an award-winning, straight-laced, well-respected actor; Crowley is a mess who immediately falls head-over-heels for him and somehow has to get through the show without letting his (apparently straight) costar realize that.
South Downs (76K; Rated E)
Another actor AU. This time, Aziraphale is an openly-gay actor, well-respected for his period drama work. Crowley is a once-blackballed actor who jumps at the chance to star in a gay Regency romance with Aziraphale in the hopes it can restart his career. The trouble is, Crowley is struggling to play the romantic lead opposite a man.
I love the growing friendship between these two as much as the romance. I love how comfortable and confident Aziraphale is here; and how caring he is toward Crowley's growing awareness of his sexuality.
This one doesn't really fit either category, so I'm putting it here.
The Rose and the Serpent (56K; Rated M)
By the same author as Pray For Us, Icarus comes a GO retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Aziraphale is sent off by his older brother, Gabriel, into the forest to be held hostage by a giant snake in a cursed castle. Turns out, neither the snake nor the castle are what he was expecting.
Light-hearted and with very memorable characters, the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale is simply stunning. I love how Newt and Anathema are used here. The quality of this one is as good as Icarus, and I loved this one so much I could easily have read 300K more words.
And bonus: mine!
The Beginning of the End (Again) (79K; Rated M)
The first fanfiction I've ever written and the first book I've written in a decade. I had the first two chapters in mind after finishing S2, and the story grew from there. I actually have a sequel in mind after I finish another, separate fake relationship story.
Crowley spends months drowning his sorrows after Aziraphale accepts the Supreme Archangel position, until a group of demons shows up one day and tells him the Second Coming is nearly upon them, and they want him to stop it. Turns out being a demon isn't much fun if there are no humans left to tempt.
Aziraphale has spent these last months in Heaven looking for ways to stop the Second Coming while mourning the way he and Crowley left things. After discovering that Hell's minions have been tasked by the Metatron to escort the son of God on a tour of Earth in preparation for his Second Coming, he hurries down to see what's going on, fearing the worst.
Instead he discovers Crowley escorting the Messiah around Earth. Is his demon taking the son of God on dates?
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 months
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The Radio Times magazine from the 29 July-04 August 2023 :)
How did Terry Pratchett and Neil gaiman overcome the small matter of Pratchett's death to make another series of their acclaimed divine comedy?
For all the dead authors in the world,” legendary comedy producer John Lloyd once said, “Terry Pratchett is the most alive.” And he’s right. Sir Terry is having an extremely busy 2023… for someone who died in 2015.
This week sees the release of Good Omens 2, the second series of Amazon’s fantasy comedy drama based on the cult novel Pratchett co-wrote with Neil Gaiman in the late 1980s. This will be followed in the autumn by a new spin-off book from Pratchett’s Discworld series, Tiffany Aching’s Guide to Being a Witch, co-written by Pratchett’s daughter Rhianna and children’s author Gabrielle Kent. The same month, we’ll also get A Stroke of the Pen, a collection of “lost” short stories written by Sir Terry for local newspapers in the 70s and 80s and recently rediscovered. Clearly, while there are no more books coming from Pratchett – a hard drive containing all drafts and unpublished work was crushed by a vintage steamroller shortly after the author’s death, as per his specific wishes – people still want to visit his vivid and addictive worlds in new ways.
Good Omens 2 will be the first test of how this can work. The original book started life as a 5,000-word short story by Gaiman, titled William the Antichrist and envisioned as a bit of a mashup of Richmal Crompton’s Just William books and the 70s horror classic The Omen. What would happen, Gaiman had mused, if the spawn of Satan had been raised, not by a powerful American diplomat, but by an extremely normal couple in an idyllic English village, far from the influence of hellish forces? He’d sent the first draft to bestselling fantasy author Pratchett, a friend of many years, and then forgotten about it as he busied himself with continuing to write his massively popular comic books, including Violent Cases, Black Orchid and The Sandman, which became a Netflix series last year.
Pratchett loved the idea, offering to either buy the concept from Gaiman or co-write it. It was, as Gaiman later said, “like Michelangelo phoning and asking if you want to paint a ceiling” The pair worked on the book together from that point on, rewriting each other as they went and communicating via long phone calls and mailed floppy discs. “The actual mechanics worked like this: I would do a bit, then Neil would take it away and do a bit more and give it back to me,” Pratchett told Locus magazine in 1991. “We’d mess about with each other’s bits and pieces.”
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch – to give it its full title –was published in 1990 to huge acclaim. It was one of, astonishingly, five Terry Pratchett novels to be published that year (he averaged two a year, including 41 Discworld novels and many other standalone works and collaborations).
It was also, clearly, extremely filmable, and studios came knocking — though getting it made took a while. rnvo decades on from its writing, four years after Pratchett's death from Alzheimer's disease aged 66, and after several doomed attempts to get a movie version off the ground, Good Omens finally made it to TV screens in 2019, scripted and show-run by Gaiman himself. "Terry was egging me on to make it into television. He knew he was dying, and he knew that I wouldn't start it without him," Gaiman revealed in a 2019 Radio Times interview. Amazon and the BBC co-produced with Pratchett's company Narrativia and Gaiman's Blank Corporation production studios, with Michael Sheen and David Tennant cast in the central roles of Aziraphale the angel and Crowley the demon. The show was a hit, not just with fans of its two creators, but with a whole new young audience, many of whom had no interest in Discworld or Sandman. Social media networks like Tumblr and TikTok were soon awash with cosplay, artwork and fan fiction. The original novel became, for the first time, a New York Times bestseller.
A follow up was, on one level, a no-brainer. The world Pratchett and Gaiman had created was vivid, funny and accessible, and Tennant and Sheen had found an intriguing romantic spark in their chemistry not present in the novel.
There was, however, a huge problem. There wasn't a second Good Omens book to base it on. But there was the ghost of an idea.
In 1989, after the book had been sold but before it had come out, the two authors had laid on fivin beds in a hotel room at a convention in Seattle and, jet-lagged and unable to sleep, plotted out, in some detail, what would happen in a sequel, provisionally titled 668, The II Neighbour of the Beast.
"It was a good one, too" Gaiman wrote in a 2021 blog. "We fully intended to write it, whenever we next had three or four months free. Only I went to live in America and Terry stayed in the UK, and after Good Omens was published, Sandman became SANDMAN and Discworld became DISCWORLD(TM) and there wasn't a good time."
Back in 1991, Pratchett elaborated, "We even know some of the main characters in it. But there's a huge difference between sitting there chatting away, saying, 'Hey, we could do this, we could do that,' and actually physically getting down and doing it all again." In 2019, Gaiman pillaged some of those ideas for Good Omens series one (for example, its final episode wasn't in the book at all), and had left enough threads dangling to give him an opening for a sequel. This is the well he's returned to for Good Omens 2, co-writing with comic John Finnemore - drafted in, presumably, to plug the gap left Pratchett's unparalleled comedic mind. No small task.
Projects like Good Omens 2 are an important proving ground for Pratchett's legacy: can the universes he conjured endure without their creator? And can they stay true to his spirit? Sir Terry was famously protective of his creations, and there have been remarkably few adaptations of his work considering how prolific he was. "What would be in it for me?" he asked in 2003. "Money? I've got money."
He wanted his work treated reverently and not butchered for the screen. It's why Good Omens and projects like Tiffany Aching's Guide to Being a Witch are made with trusted members of the inner circle like Neil Gaiman and Rhianna Pratchett at the helm. It's also why the author's estate, run by Pratchett's former assistant and business manager Rob Wilkins, keeps a tight rein on any licensed Pratchett material — it's a multi-million dollar media empire still run like a cottage industry.
And that's heartening. Anyone who saw BBC America's panned 2021 Pratchett adaptation The Watch will know how badly these things can go when a studio is allowed to run amok with the material without oversight. These stories deserve to be told, and these worlds deserve to be explored — properly. And there are, apparently, many plans afoot for more Pratchett on the screen. You can only hope that, somewhere, he'll be proud of the results.
After all, as he wrote himself, "No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone's life is only the core of their actual existence."
While those ripples continue to spread, Sir Terry Pratchett remains very much alive. MARC BURROWS
An angel and a demon walk into a pub... Michael Sheen and David Tennant on family, friendship and Morecambe & Wise
Outside it's cold winter's day and we're in a Scottish studio, somewhere between Edinburgh and Glasgow. But inside it's lunchtime in The Dirty Donkey pub in the heart of London, with both Michael Sheen and David Tennant surveying the scene appreciatively. "This is a great pub," says Sheen eagerly, while Tennant calls it "the best Soho there can be. A slightly heightened, immaculate, perfect, dreamy Soho."
Here, a painting of the absent landlord — the late Terry Pratchett, co-creator, with Neil Gaiman, of the series' source novel — looms over punters. Around the corner is AZ Fell and Co Antiquarian and Unusual Books. It's the bookshop owned by Sheen's character, the angel Aziraphale, and the place to where Tennant's demon Crowley is inevitably drawn.
It's day 74 of an 80-day shoot for a series that no one, least of all the leading actors, ever thought would happen, due to the fact that Pratchett and Gaiman hadn't ever published any sequel to their 1990 fantasy satire. Tennant explains, "What we didn't know was that Neil and Terry had had plots and plans..."
Still, lots of good things are in Good Omens 2, which expands on the millennia-spanning multiverse of the first series. These include a surprisingly naked side of John Hamm, and roles for both Tennant's father-in-law (Peter Davison) and 21-year-old son Ty. At its heart, though, remains the brilliant banter between the two leading men — as Sheen puts it, "very Eric and Ernie !" — whose chemistry on the first series led to one of the more surprising saviours of lockdown telly.
Good Omens is back — but you've worked together a lot in the meantime. Was there a connective tissue between series one of Good Omens and Staged, your lockdown sitcom?
David: Only in as much as the first series went out, then a few months later, we were all locked in our houses. And because of the work we'd done on Good Omens, it occurred that we might do something else. I mean, Neil Gaiman takes full responsibility for Staged. Which, to some extent, he's probably right to do!
Michael: We've got to know each other through doing this. Our lives have gotten more entwined in all kinds of ways — we have children who've now become friends, and our families know each other.
There have been hints of a romantic storyline between the two characters. How much of an undercurrent is that in this series.
David: Nothing's explicit.
Michael: I felt from the very beginning that part of what would be interesting to explore is that Aziraphale is a character, a being, who just loves. How does that manifest itself in a very specific relationship with another being? Inevitably, as there is with everything in this story, there's a grey area. The fact that people see potentially a "romantic relationship", I thought that was interesting and something to explore.
There was a petition to have the first series banned because of its irreverent take on Christian tropes. Series two digs even more deeply into the Bible with the story of Job. How much of a badge of honour is it that the show riles the people who like to ban things?
David: It's not an irreligious show at all. It's actually very respectful of the structure of that sort of religious belief. The idea that it promotes Satanism [is nonsense]. None of the characters from hell are to be aspired to at all! They're a dreadful bunch of non-entities. People are very keen to be offended, aren't they? They're often looking for something to glom on to without possibly really examining what they think they're complaining about.
Michael, you're known as an activist, and you're in the middle of Making BBC drama The Way, which "taps into the social and political chaos of today's world". Is it important for you to use your plaform to discuss causes you believe in?
Michael: The Way is not a political tract, it's just set in the area that I come from. But it has to matter to you, doesn't it? More and more as I get older, [I find] it can be a real slog doing this stuff. You've got to enjoy it. And if it doesn't matter to you, then it's just going to be depressing.
David, Michael has declared himself a "not-for-profit" actor. Has he tried to persuade you to give up all your money too?
David: What an extraordinary question! One is always aware that one has a certain responsibility if one is fortunate and gets to do a job that often doesn't feel like a job. You want to do your bit whenever you can. But at the same time, I'm an actor. I'm not about to give that up to go into politics or anything. But I'll do what I can from where I live.
Well, your son and your father-in-law are also starring in this series. How about that, jobs for the boys!
David: I know! It was a delight to get to be on set with them. And certainly an unexpected one for me. Neil, on two occasions, got to bowl up to me and say, "Guess who we've cast?!"
How do you feel about your US peers going on strike?
David: It's happening because there are issues that need to be addressed. Nobody's doing this lightly. These are important issues, and they've got to be sorted out for the future of our industry. There's this idea that writers and actors are all living high on the hog. For huge swathes of our industry, that's just not the case. These people have got to be protected.
Michael: We have to be really careful that things don't slide back to the way they were pre the 1950s, when the stories that we told were all coming from one point of view and the stories of certain people, or communities within our society, weren't represented. There's a sense that now that's changed for ever and it'll never go back. But you worry when people can't afford to have the opportunities that other people have. We don't want the story that we tell about ourselves to be myopic. You want it to be as inclusive as possible
Staged series 3 recently broadcast. It felt like the show's last hurrah — or is there more mileage? Sheen and Tennant go on holiday?
David: That's the Christmas special! One Foot in the Algarve! On the Buses Go to Spain!
Michael: I don't think we were thinking beyond three, were we?
So is it time for a conscious uncoupling for you two — Eric and Ernie say goodbye?
David: Oh, never say never, will we?
Michael: And it's more Hinge and Bracket.
David: Maybe that's what we do next — The Hinge and Bracket Story. CRAIG McLEAN
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coralinnii · 4 months
Is it alright if I request Ruggie, Deuce, Trey and Cater helping fem!reader with her period?
‧₊˚✧ To share our joys and abdominal pain ‧₊˚✧
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↳ Helping fem!reader going through periods
feat: Ruggie ❋ Deuce ❋ Trey ❋ Cater  genre: fluff, humor note: no pronouns were used for reader (I just ended up not using any), symptoms of periods vary in stories to match the reality of different experiences in real life,
Fun fact, some of the scenarios in this post were inspired by real life experiences between me and my male friends. I missed those idiots, but now they’re somewhat smarter now. Me and my friends called it “the shining” cuz of the famous elevator scene xD
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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Not gonna lie, he might be a little afraid of you whenever the time of the month comes around. 
Coming from a nation where women are revered as strong and aggressive as well as coming from a woman-dominated culture, Ruggie had learned an important lesson in not pissing anyone off when their body is going through what could be described as hell, blood included. 
Whether your symptoms are more tolerable or excruciating, it was still a surprise to suddenly see your nervous boyfriend carrying a gift basket with essentials like a peace offering of sorts. Appreciative, but a surprise nonetheless. 
It was also a surprise to see that Ruggie had built a little fort for you filled with fluffy blankets and pillows. Ruggie can’t imagine how painful cramps can get but if you need to curl yourself, he rather you have somewhere comfy and warm to do so. 
No one tell him he just essentially built a nest for his partner. He already knows.
Once you enter his nest fort, you’ll never leave. Not because you can’t but rather you never needed to. Anything you needed or had a craving for, the observant hyena caught on and was quick to make your wishes come true. 
Under his fears, he watches over you in worried awe as you brave through your pain the best you can. He always had respect for anyone who has to go through the day in so much pain but when you smiled at him so sweetly as you thanked him for bringing you some painkillers, his heart bleeds.
Whether he has to run 10 miles to get you something with his money or just to rub small circles on your stomach to ease the cramps, he’s willing to do any work to make you a little better.
"You hungry? I can whip up something good in the kitchen if you're hankerin' for something sweet. Leona'll understand me goin' missing for a while. Afterall, I gotta stay when my babe needs me. Shyeheehee~"
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He was panicking so much, it’s almost comical. 
This lovable dummy won’t know what’s going on with you and simply you were sick or unhappy with him given how easily irritated and queasy you were throughout the first day. It was until you flat out told him that he finally put two and two together. 
“oh…Oh…OH SHI-!”
He wants to help so much but the former delinquent has no clue on anything regarding the female anatomy. He tried looking up some helpful advice but unfortunately he only got more confused because it’s the fricking internet. 
“Deuce, what are you doing?” 
“Protecting you. I read that bears and sharks can smell you and they’ll attack you!”
Thankfully, a call with his mom sent him in a better direction. The embarrassing flush of red of his cheeks was a cute contrast to his blue hair and eyes.
With guidance and some trial-and-error, Deuce was trying his darndest in helping you throughout these hellish days. Even if you’re the type to rather handle things yourself, it was nice to have someone by your side even if you get more irritable than usual. 
Like when a particularly bad wave of cramps suddenly hit you in the middle of the day.
The excruciating twisting and stabbing feeling in your abdomen brought you close to tears as you gritted your teeth to bear the pain. With swirling feelings of nausea and anger clouding your senses, your fight-or-flight senses kicked in as you growled out for people not to touch you in such a sensitive state. 
Almost everyone cowered at your seething words, except for Deuce. Instead, he wordlessly scooped you up in his arms and quickly made his way to the infirmary, only opening his mouth to apologize as you punched and yelled at him while in pain. 
It wasn’t until he finally laid you down onto the comforting bed of the infirmary that you apologized for your harsh behaviour, but the blue-haired freshman only grinned at you, fist to his chest like a show of confidence. 
“I may be an idiot, but I’m pretty strong and can take a punch. I’m gonna be right here if you ever need anything.”
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One of the more level-headed students on campus, he wasn’t too panicked when you told him when your monthly visitor came around. 
Being someone with a younger sister, Trey at least has some basic understanding of what could happen during this time.
Since it shouldn’t be anyone’s business but your own, he kept your predicament discrete for your privacy. If anyone in Heartslabyul did take notice and made any demeaning comments about it, they had a sudden flux of kitchen clean up duty because “since they happen to be so free to talk about someone else’s pain, they can do some good around the dorm.” 
He would take over your Grim duties during the first few hellish days, keeping your rambunctious dormmate distracted when he noticed that you’re not quite in the best mind or body to watch over him.
If you don’t specifically tell him though, he may go a little overboard with taking care of you. Trey is the type to be over prepared with everything and anything that involves you. Of course, he’ll bake you some of your favourite treats but he would also refill your hot bottle, remind you constantly to stay hydrated, and gently force you to lay down if you get migraines.  
Trey is a sweetheart through and through, ready to help with anything if it would turn your pain from a 100 to even a 99. Even if all you ask is for him to caress your head as you rest before he leaves, he’s sure he could probably talk his way out of his vice housewarden duties for the day, just to stay with you through it all.
“Are you awake? You should have something sweet to eat to ease the cramps. Ha ha, don’t be shy. What would you like me to make?"
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None of this is new to him. He grew up with two older sisters for Seven’s sake, he understands and sees the sh*t the body goes through every month. He could watch you wreck an entire room or cry for hours on end and just go “hmm, valid.” 
He’ll still act like his typical fun and flirty self. Even when he had a feeling you were on your period, he doesn’t pry or hint his suspicion unless you told him yourself. He knew it wasn’t his place to comment on anything. 
If you do tell him, he will try his best to make you feel the best through this painful ride of hormones. He just doesn’t wanna make you feel like you’re getting unwanted attention during all of this.
The two of you would have sleepovers whenever you feel too tired or if your body feels too sore to move. If you’re prone to bad breakouts during periods and feeling unattractive, Cater would dispel your worries by making you feel so beautiful, leaving sweet kisses on your face as he’s pampering your aching body. 
Despite what people may think of his attention-seeking tendencies, Cater’s very intuitive and works to make you feel good throughout the monthly changes. Never is he the type to make you feel bad or burdensome for your unpredictable needs and aches. 
For you, the outgoing junior could spend the day away chatting about anything and everything just to distract you from the mood swings. If you feel too tired to talk, Cater would happily lend you his shoulder to rest on while the two of you bundle together under a warm blanket and watch cute animal videos on his phone.
“Don’t worry, your Cay-Cay is here for you, cutie~! Just relax and take care of your totes fab self, ‘kay?
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As You Command Masterlist
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Status: Ongoing
Pairing: Dragon king! Bakugou x Fem Reader
Summary: Since you were children, Prince Bakugou has taken a special interest in making your life as hellish as possible. As his future advisor, it's your job to grin and bear it, no matter how much you wish you could teach him a lesson. When the chance for you to leave the kingdom presents itself and the Prince stops it, you're sure it's just another one of his poorly planned pranks that will end badly for the both of you. But could there be more to his actions than you realize?
Genre: childhood friends to lovers, slow burn, romance
Series Warnings: (I will add specific warnings to each chapter) this series will contain smut, cursing, violence, kidnapping, character death, drinking, and may mention dark themes (non-con/dub-con)
Based off this blurb
Series Playlist on Spotify
Schedule: on hiatus
Chapter 1: here
Chapter 2: here
Extra Blurb 1: TBD
Chapter 3: TBD
-(updated May 18th, 2023)
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her-satanic-wiles · 8 months
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Welcome to my masterlist!
Commissions are closed!
My future plans (Available to Bishops and higher, all are commissionable if you want to read them faster.)
All my fics, unless stated otherwise, are 18+. So please proceed with caution, and minors do not interact.
If it has a red DF, it means it's dark fiction, and you should heed the trigger warnings. I would actually recommend to people 21+.
If it has a blue S, it means the work is sapphic.
If it has a purple A, it means the work is achillean.
If it has a green GN, it means the reader is gender neutral.
If it has a pink PS, it means the reader is plus size.
No bound copies, translations, or other derivative works of these fics may be created or distributed without express permission from the author, for monetary gain or public use.
Major thank you to @da-rulah for beta reading all of these!
If you like what you've been reading, why not consider supporting me over on Ko-fi?
Enjoy your stay!
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Coming soon...
One shots
Titfucking, (Kinktober 2023) PS “Earthly Delight” by @thew0man ART
Glory Hole, (Kinktober 2023) GN
Pregnancy, (Kinktober 2023)
Guess Who? PS
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Divine Desires [COMING SOON] PS
You grew up in the Catholic Church as the daughter of a very powerful Cardinal. However, in your early adulthood, the reigning Pope dies, and the title falls to your father. You learn, as the daughter of a Catholic official, that there are two sides to every story. This lesson is taught by your Satanic counterpart, who does his fair share of opening your eyes to the world around you.
One shots
Hate Sex, (Catholic!Reader) (Kinktober 2023) ⛧ Part 2
Public Sex, (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Guess Who? PS
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Coming soon...
One shots
Collaring, (Kinktober 2023)
Medical Play, (Kinktober 2023) GN
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Thigh Fucking, (Kinktober 2023) PS
Double Penetration In Two Holes, (ft. Cardinal Copia) (Kinktober 2023) A GN
Teratophilia, (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+) PS
Time Travel Prompt (Ko-Fi exclusive drabble)
Outdoor Sex (Ko-Fi exclusive drabble) GN
Guess Who? PS
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Hellish Delights ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+)
After a ritual went wrong, you were left to deal with the consequences. Since that fateful night, your moral compass smashed to pieces and you began to feed into your deepest, darkest desires as you continue to come to terms with the traumatic night in question. With the help of two of the people closest to you, you take part in the ultimate sins of the flesh.
Lost in Translation ⛧ Masterlist
As the newly appointed Cardinal Copia struggles with the weight of a looming prophecy, a resilient scholar challenges the narrative, uncovering a conspiracy that reaches beyond the walls of the Ministry. The emergence of a forbidden love ignites a rebellion against a power-hungry Sister, whose thirst for control threatens to reshape the very foundations of the Church. Will the revelation of those schemes lead to liberation or plunge the Ministry into chaos?
One shots
Pegging (Kinktober 2023) GN
Praise Kink, (Kinktober 2023) PS
Olfactophilia, (Kinktober 2023)
Double Penetration In Two Holes, (ft. Papa Emeritus III) (Kinktober 2023) A GN
Free Use, (Kinktober 2023)
Midnight Surveillance DF (21+)
Succin the Ghocc (Ko-fi exclusive drabble)
Tulips and Daisies
Guess Who? PS
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Coming soon...
One shots
Dubcon, (Fan roleplay) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Orgasm Denial (Kinktober 2023)
Deepthroating & Face Sitting (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Mary "Piss Boy" Goore PS
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Era 3
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Eras 4 & 5
Coming soon...
One shots
Food Play (Kinktober 2023) S
Coming soon...
One shots
Sensory Deprivation (Kinktober 2023) S
Coming soon...
One shots
Sex Toys (Kinktober 2023) S
Realm of Souls ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+) A
In the eerie moonlit forest, you are ensnared in a nightmarish game of hide and seek with the malevolent entity Dewdrop, whose demonic force has targeted you. The chilling objective is to survive until sunrise, seeking refuge in the Ministry’s cabin deep within the sinister woods. With the dawn as your only salvation, you must navigate the haunted forest, outwit the relentless demon, and reach safety before Dewdrop claims you as his prize. The race against time intensifies, making the night unforgiving as you strive to survive until sunrise in this twisted pursuit.
One shots
Stuck in Wall (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Panic Attacks and Comfort (ft. Swiss) SFW.
Coming soon...
One shots
Size Kink (Kinktober 2023) GN
Spanking (Ko-Fi exclusive drabble) GN
The Cardinal ⛧ Masterlist
You got a promotion, and a new promotion means a new uniform and your very own Ghoul-in-training! That Ghoul just so happens to be your closest friend, Phantom. However, your new uniform and position does something to Phantom that gets harder and harder to deny.
One shots
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
One shots
Rimming (Kinktober 2023) GN
Hellish Delights ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+)
After a ritual went wrong, you were left to deal with the consequences. Since that fateful night, your moral compass smashed to pieces and you began to feed into your deepest, darkest desires as you continue to come to terms with the traumatic night in question. With the help of two of the people closest to you, you take part in the ultimate sins of the flesh.
Coming soon...
One shots
Panties & Lingerie, (Kinktober 2023)
Breathplay, (Kinktober 2023)
Panic Attacks and Comfort (ft. Dewdrop) SFW.
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Papa Emeritus Nihil
Coming soon...
One shots
Breeding (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Sister Imperator
Coming soon...
One shots
Coming soon...
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2023 2024
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donnas-dollface · 7 months
"Home Is You."
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pairing; valeria garza x afab! reader
warnings; nothing really, it's just pretty fluffy because i'm yearning for some domestic content :') and because my cramps are killing me.
summary; that time of month always sucks. you swear that your own body is trying to kill you, with the way your cramps manage to leave you bedridden. but your amazing girlfriend takes the day off to watch over you.
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NOTHING COULD DESCRIBE THE HELLISH PAIN YOU WERE IN THIS MORNING. The way that it felt like somebody was squeezing your insides, and every little movement somehow managed to make it worse. Just laying still did very little to soothe your cramps. You'd simply be laying still, and suddenly the wave of nausea would hit you like a train. Your eyesight and sense of smell were also heightened for whatever reason, making you more vulnerable to the nausea and headaches.
After awhile of trying to lay in a comfortable position, you gave up, just simply laying in the quiet bed, your eyes shut. Somewhere in the messy bedsheets, the sound of your phone buzzing caused you to perk up. A loud sigh left you, and you began to lazily pat the bed, searching for it. Maybe it was just a phone notification or something of the like. But on the rare chance that it was Valeria, you always checked. She hardly messaged when she was working or doing business, but there were those times she'd slip away to talk with you for a few moments.
Finally, your hand managed to locate the phone, and you lifted it besides your face, turning on the screen. The message icon popped up, revealing a message from the one person on your mind. Her.
"Good morning mi amor. You feeling any better than earlier?"
"more miserable actually, my stomach wants me dead."
"I'm sorry I had to come in today, but I'll make it up to you. Do you need me to pick you up anything?"
"bottles of ibuprofen and a vitamin water please?"
"Alright, I'll see you after awhile hermosa. I hope you're drinking your water."
And with that, you shut off your phone. It'd be hours until she'd come home, and that's if there wasn't some urgent matter that needed her attention. Maybe it was best to try and nap again for half the day. It was better and more appealing than suffering for the entirety of it. After a bit of a struggle, you found a comfortable position, dozing off for a good hour or two. It wasn't until you felt the shift in the mattress that you stirred, rolling over to see what it was.
Valeria stared back, smiling a bit, moving herself closer to you. Wrapping her arms around you, she gently pulled you on top of her, your head on her chest. Her warmth and scent brought a bit of comfort, and you sighed contently.
"You look like shit."
"I sure feel like it."
One of her hands was already in your hair, weaving through it, gently massaging and scratching your scalp with her manicured nails, while the other rubbed your lower back. That was the thing with you. She couldn't stand seeing you in pain, even if it was something uncontrollable like menstrual cramps. Business and everyone could wait, if you needed her, she'd come with no hesitation. Cruel and heartless, she could be with anyone else. But with you, she allowed herself to let her guard down. To be loved.
After a few moments of silence, she pressed her lips to your forehead, just living in the moment. With the way your breaths were slow and quiet, she already knew you'd fallen asleep. Not that she minded, your skin was pale, and your eyes had exhaustion written all over them. Maybe after you woke up, she'd take you into the kitchen to make something small and pick out a show. Anything you wanted.
-Kaylee 11/23/2023
*reblogs greatly appreciated and welcomed!!
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muniimyg · 1 year
kimi's comfort fics (2023)
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note: these fics are pretty "old" since most of the writers are no longer active or the fics have been posted years ago.. BUT !!! some are recent with active writers so i would 100% recommend u check out their other works nd send them love !!! that being said, i did not link the stories but i did link the writers 🫡 this way u can check out their other works nd blog in general 💅🏼✨
nevertheless, they are all masterpieces that have heavily inspire my work nd personal life because i am delulu 24/7 <3 this list consists of my core comfort fics like... y’all don’t even fcking know how much i love them
‼️ for the most part, all of these fics imply mature content !!! minors dni ‼️
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smau recs
color of your shirt (kth)
cuffed (knj)
stay and cook (jjk)
stole your shirt (jjk)
went through your phone (jjk)
these fics were the ones that made me absolutely fall in love with smaus. smt abt the style nd way the plot seamlessly depict a beautiful and lighthearted aura... ugh, it jus gets me every mfking time </3 
be my baby (myg)
cyberslut (myg)
kinda hot (kth)
cherry pickers (jjk)
plot twist (knj) 
i think kez is a mastermind nd i’ve always admired her constant updates nd organization! have u seen her taglist? BRUH i could never :’) these fics rlly made me feel BUTTERFLIES i don’t know how else to describe the way kez makes these works so fcking interesting every time
stuck with you (kth)
suit & tie (myg)
hellish (myg)
basketball!captain (myg)
baby, you can drive my car (myg)
beauty & the bookworm (knj)
these headcanons literally give the serotonin boost i need. they hit so mfking good nd the energy is jus 10/10
fic recs
series and drabbles by @noteguk
bad influence: collection (jjk)
any way you want (kth)
house rules (jhs)
for science (jhs)
let me tell u... these fics were a CULTURAL RESET. god bless them nd tHE WAY NALA IS BACK??? hello. i love u so much. thank u for creating such breath-taking stories with ur incredible writing... u’re insanely talented nd i look forward to more of ur work… like fuck,, i’m so shy rn 👉🏽👈🏽
series and drabbles by @yoonpobs
with you (ksj)
back-burner (myg)
ice skating and holding hands (myg)
cold (pjm)
i absolutely went ✨ I N S A N E ✨ for back-burner yoongi. i was literally taking an accounting class (which i failed nd i have never failed anything in my life) nd thursday aka back-burner update day would literally be my motivation to mfking LIVE. i love the underlying nostalgia in these works.. i literally don’t know who i would be without these fics (i’m downplaying how much i love them arghh)
series and drabbles by @1kook
skirt chasers (jjk)
netflix & chill (jjk)
dreamy (pjm)
absolute icons. literally so well written, it’s unforgettable !!!
series and drabbles by @h0neypjm
confident (jjk)
for practice (kth)
homie hopper till i die (pjm/kth)
these are the ones that... make me feel some type of way... like… 🦋⚡️❤️‍🔥 way… yk?
series by @floralseokjin
the devil wears armani (ksj)
crystallised saga (ksj)
please be naked (myg)
i think these fics stabbed me in the heart nd the wound never healed. that’s the best way i can put it... i love anything jordan writes but these... these are litereally the bane of my existance. crystallised has so much depth in it nd i honestly feel like i’m in the story with the characters.. i’ve never experienced desperation until i read the devil wears armani because wHAT THE FUCK... pbn is... yeah. let’s just stop here..... 😪
series by @btssmutgalore
nude (kth)
bicker (kth)
benefits (pjm)
🫶🏻 ok. we need to have a conversation about nude. NUDE HAS RUINED MY LIFE. yk why? because the same way it grasps my heart,, it breaks nd makes it new. literally. like mfker rlly said “whatever u say goes” bITCHJFKJSLS IM CRYING IN THE CLUBBBBBB 🫣
series by @personasintro
mutual help (jjk)
my tiny secret
i read mh while it was jus starting.. to see how much it progressed nd how many ppl read it now is mindblowing! my tiny secret was the first ever bts fanfic i ever read... so.... YESSSS
series by @gukslut
rattled (jjk)
oh my god. this has to be my ultimate comfort fic. i’ve never read something so original nd heartbreakingly beautiful. the gradual build nd the way each character experiences nd works thru their issues... chefs kiss... i read this fic at least once a month to remember what love feels like 🥹👊🏽
drabbles by @jeonqkooks
just friends (jjk)
angel baby (jjk)
the moon, and all the stars (jjk)
this is how you fall in love (jjk)
i always see jen sharing her thoughts on my work... but bro... let me mfking tell u... her work speaks for itself. i’m so in love......
drabble by @jungkxook
let’s play: dirty (jjk)
THIS ONE IS SUCH A FUN READ. i need it injected into me tbfh. i always reread it when i’m feeling down
drabble by @angelgukks
pu$$y fairy (jjk)
can not be beat. mfking love this drabble fr
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i also want to take the time to express my deepest love nd thank u to the writers who have left this platform. to the writers who have moved on nd left us with memories of their work; ur efforts nd storylines will remain in my heart forever <3
i esp loved a lover’s kiss by @hueseok​ . 
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copyright © 2023, muniimyg on tumblr.  
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skyeslittlecorner · 4 months
Time passage on Earth and in Hell
Today I come to you with a little thought experiment and I don't know yet what will come of it, but I wanted to share it with you anyway. These are not serious calculations, just a curiosity based on the information we have. (Also, one insignificant spoiler for ch5).
Let's see what the difference is between time in Hell and time on Earth!
Here are those bits of information:
1. The last time we know Solomon was seen was 311 hellish years ago.
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2. Solomon lived in Hell for over a century (in hellish years, also). If he lived for two centuries or more, it would probably be reffered differently, so let's assume that he lived between 100 (the least) and 150 (the most, because 151 will be rounded to less than two centuries) years in hell itself.
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3. The game was released in 2023, we don't know what the current year is in the game, so let's assume the release year is the year we, a Descendant of Solomon, are yeeted to hell.
4. It is assumed that King Solomon ruled Israel around 970-931 BCE.
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Source: Wikipedia
Now that we have the numbers, it's time for math. Gusion, close your eyes, heresy will happen. For us, the best solution is the smallest time difference, so we are taking the most convenient numbers.
Let's assume that the last time Solomon was seen was just before his disappearance (this will extend the time of his stay in hell and reduce the difference between hellish and earthly years). Then these 311 years, when we add his 150 years of life, will give us a total of 461 years.
This means that Solomon appeared in Hell 461 years ago.
Now we count Earth years. Solomon had already been king for some time when he summoned Satan. He doesn't look old enough to be taken at the end of his reign, so (also very generously, we want to reduce this number as much as possible) let's assume it was midway through his reign. This gives us ~951 BCE. Add this to the current years, and voila!
2,974 years passed between Solomon's disappearance and our coming to Hell.
This roughly matches the information about Solomon on wikia.
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Source: WHB Wiki
Now we just need to calculate the ratio.
2974 / 461 = 6,451, we can round it up to ~6,5 years.
One (1) year in Hell would be 6 years and 6 months on Earth.
Considering how often the symbolism of 6 appears, it wouldn't surprise me. Especially since some time difference is likely, because during all events the devils react like "ah, yes, humans should celebrate something now", as if these holiday dates were not so obvious to them.
Do I believe this difference is the real one? No. Although I would like to. That would add flavor.
It is possible that there will not even be any time difference, or it will be so slight that we will barely notice it. Reason? Minhyeok.
Even if MC returns to him after a year spent in Hell (which is not much, considering how much have to be done there), it will be a long time for him. If the MC's goal is to come back to him at the end, he can't be an old grandpa.
I wonder if I have missed any information, if so, please let me know! I tried to pick up what I could, but it's not easy to fly through the story when what you're looking for are so small bits and pieces of information. Again, just think of it as a little curiosity. Hope you had fun!
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novasintheroom · 7 months
A matter of time
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 0.8k
♡ Warnings - f!reader
♡ Description: A short drabble based on the November 2023 prompt list from @creativepromptsforwriting. Day 1: Crisp air.
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“What’s this one?”
                “A bluebell.”
                “Hm. And that one?”
                “Bleeding hearts. I forget their real name, though.”
                You reached out and ran a finger gently on the heart-shaped petals. “They’re lovely. All of them.”
                Vash felt a smile spread on his face. He was having fun watching you discover flora. The wonder in your eyes, that spark of a human loving nature long lost to the stars. He just wished he remembered all the plant names. If you asked about those purple flowers over there, he’d have to make something up. He’d do it, though, just to keep your wonder going, to see your lips map out the names.
                “Do they all smell the same?” You ask, leaning forward from your seat to sniff at the bluebells, then the bleeding hearts. “They smell the same to me.”
Vash nodded, stretching out on his stomach to feel the grass more fully, just like when he was a kid. Home had that comforting way about it. Still, he felt the prickle of Luida and Brad’s gaze on you two near the entryway. He could barely hear their voices over the din of the vents turning on to create the crisp air in the greendome.
                “Vash,” Luida called, “could you come here a moment?”
                He knew it was coming. “Yeah,” he called back. He got up, wiping his pants and shirt of the blades of grass clinging to them. He left you alone to wonder at the sight of flowers.
                Brad gave him a look when he came near. “So, do we need to get your girlfriend her own room, or do you two plan on sharin’?”
                Vash’s ears went bright red. “Huh?”
                Luida slapped Brad’s shoulder and glared. “Not how to ask, Brad!” Brad only shrugged, and Luida sighed. “We were just wondering…well, you’ve never brought anyone Home before, and we just wanted to know…?”
                He should’ve seen this coming too, but honestly, he hadn’t thought about it. All he was concerned about at the time was getting you out of the hellish sandstorm that had appeared while travelling. Home just happened to be the closest shelter. Luida and Brad must be starved of gossip if they’re asking him this. Clearing his throat and looking over his shoulder, Vash made sure you weren’t listening in. “We’re not dating,” he said quietly, “we’re just friends.”
                Luida has that older sister instinct in her, though. With a glint in her eye, she said, “But you like her, don’t you?”
                He reached up and scratched at his neck. How did it get so hot in here? He tried to dodge. “What does it matter?”
                Brad ‘hmphed’ and crossed his arms. “So that’s a yes.”
                Luida let out a tiny squeal. She may be getting older, but she managed a few hops. “Oh, I’m so happy for you Vash! It’s about time you brought someone Home!”
                They were acting like parents. “Woah, didn’t you hear me? We’re not dating!”
                “But you will be,” Brad predicted. “The way you two act? Only a matter of time.”
                Sputtering, Vash shook his head and backed away. “The way we act?”
Brad held up a hand and ticked off his fingers. “In the last twenty-four hours, you two have rarely left each other’s side, danced together, fallen asleep on each other’s shoulders, and held hands.” His smile was smug. “Only a matter of time, kid.”
“Are you stalking me?” Vash asked, his voice going pitchy with embarrassment. “You guys are weird. I’m leaving.” He turned and headed back to where you were sitting.
                Luida called out, “Dinner will be served in an hour!”
                Vash waved a hand in acknowledgement and laid back down by your side. You glanced over to him, fiddling with some forget-me-nots hiding under the leaves. “What did they want?” You leaned in closer. “Why’re you all red?”
                He sighed and shook his head. “Nothing. They’re…it’s nothing.”
                Your brows rose, but you shrugged and went back to admiring the flowers. He allowed himself a few seconds to stare, to follow the line of your nose to the curve of your lips, then back to your eyes. Lovely, he thought. Just as lovely as the flowers. Vash turned over to his back and looked up at the sky through the glass dome. It was clear, as always. He wondered if he’d ever see real clouds. Perhaps one day, when Luida’s work was completed.
Then, he felt your head on his stomach and looked down. You settled yourself on your back, then turned to look at him and gave him a dazzling smile. His stomach turned into crickets hopping all over his insides. All he could do was smile back, and start playing with your hair.
                Only a matter of time, Brad’s words echoed in Vash’s head. Deep down, he only hoped he was right.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 months
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The Good Omens Article From the TotalFilm Magazine, Issue August 2023 :)
POST APOCALYPSE GOOD OMENS The heavenly and hellish creations of Gaiman and Pratchett ride again…
Having averted Armageddon, angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and demon Crowley (David Tennant) have settled down to the quiet life in London – but the arrival of a familiar face shakes things up for everyone.
Season 1 covered events in the novel you wrote with Terry Pratchett – what was the inspiration this time?
Neil Gaiman (showrunner): Terry and I were sharing a room at Seattle’s World Fantasy Con in 1989 and, by the end of one night chatting, we had a huge, apocalyptic sequel to Good Omens. Season 2 is all the stuff we had to put in place before we could get to that sequel, and it starts with the archangel Gabriel [Jon Hamm] wandering through Soho, with no memory – a mystery that doesn’t have giant consequences for the universe, even if it does for Aziraphale and Crowley.
What has changed between Crowley and Aziraphale?
David Tennant (Crowley): Aziraphale is a much more enthusiastic detective in this mystery and, as with most things, Crowley is reluctant to get involved or to exhibit any kind of energy or enthusiasm, so he’s dragged into it. They no longer have to report to head offices, so they’re in this slightly grey area – neither supernatural, nor of the Earth.
Michael Sheen (Aziraphale): They’ve always been the only two beings who could understand each other’s position, but now they’re slightly freer agents so they’re pushed even closer together. It’s an interesting dynamic.
Maggie and Nina, you’re back too – although not as satanic nuns this time…
Nina Sosanya (Nina): No – we’re two human women! Nina is slightly cynical, churlish and owns a coffee shop, Maggie runs the record shop and she’s rather sweet and hopeful. It’s an ‘opposites attract’ thing and Neil kindly gave the characters our names so we couldn’t say no.
Maggie Service (Maggie): Aziraphale is still running his bookshop, but he’s also Maggie’s landlord. She thinks he’s the best because he lets her stay on and doesn’t really mind if she doesn’t make too much money. Maggie and Nina act as catalysts in a way, when Crowley and Aziraphale get involved in their relationship.
Neil, you’ve had some writing help this year…
NG: That’s right. We have three 25-minute ‘minisodes’ within episodes. You learn Aziraphale and Crowley’s part in the story of Job, written by John Finnemore. Cat Clarke takes us to 1820s Edinburgh for a tale of bodysnatching. Finally, Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nyman reunite the League of Gentlemen, because I fell in love with Season 1’s Nazi spies and kept wondering what would happen if they came back as zombies on a mission from hell to investigate whether Crowley and Aziraphale were fraternising. That story involves the Windmill Theatre, black market whisky, and a bullet catch…
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gravewaax · 1 year
canada is burning
hey friends. wanted to draw attention to the unprecedented wildfire season us canucks are currently having (and especially how these have been impacting indigenous communities).
3.3 million hectares of wildland have currently burned across the country. this is 10 times the average amount of fires that we experience per year. there’s air pollution advisories all over, with conditions ranging from persistent smokey hazes to orange skies and a red sun and general hellish atmosphere. communities are burning and people are being evacuated. i’m going to go over which provinces are the most affected along with some links to resources.
*updated 11/07/2023. please link me to any updated resources or personal fundraisers and i’ll edit them in.
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currently headlining because they have 160 (mostly out of control) fires and the smoke is hanging over southern ontario, where most of canada’s population lives.
the Algonquins of barriere lake have been displaced. the community has a population of 800, with a number of people living in cabins along traditional traplines. the Maniwaki Native Friendship Centre has been taking in evacuees, as well as providing meals and support. i believe they’ve closed donations for now, but keep an eye on their socials in case anything changes.
edit: mutual aid request for the Algonquins of barrier lake can be found here. physical donations can be dropped off at ramada plaza, gatineau, quebec.
edit: Odawa Native Friendship Centre is taking donations to assist evacuees.
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following heavy rainfall, people are beginning to return to their homes in NS. due to the location of the fires, ruptured fuel and chemical tanks may have contaminated the groundwater. if you live in NS, free well-water testing kits are beginning to be circulated. samples can be dropped off at the following locations.
the canadian red cross is taking donations to provide humanitarian aid to those displaced in NB and NS, including shelter.
edit: fundraiser for a lost home in nova scotia, having raised almost 2000 of the $8000 goal.
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set a record in may for the most hectares burned in a year, sitting pretty at over 1.3 million. the previous fire season was less than 500.
the east prairie Métis have been especially affected, losing 29 homes in a community of only 300 people. while this was in early may, and they’re starting to recover, their official gofundme is here. they’re about halfway to raising $50,000, with the aim to prioritize the 14 families who lost actively lived-in homes. the high prairie friendship centre is also taking physical donations if you live in the area. edit: been made aware that there is a fantastic linktree to individual fundraisers regarding the loss of homes.
edit: fox lake was also forced to evacuate back in early may. Little Red River Cree Nation had to escape across peace river on a barge. they have a fundraiser with 30 of $50,000 raised to purchase baby supplies and household items for the affected.
the canadian red cross is taking donations for alberta as well.
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K’atl’odeeche First Nation and their neighbouring community hay river were displaced. as of late may, the K’atl’odeeche chief, Martel, is still trying to set up a 100 person encampment for those who were impacted by the fires. while hay river has been allowed to return, there is no timeline yet for KFN. chief Martel says that people from hay river have been ignoring the barricades set up at the reserve and she is concerned for the safety of her community. please be aware that chief Martel has asked photos of the damage not to be shared on social media, as members of her community have not yet been allowed back on the reserve to see it firsthand. sacred sites and traditional traplines have been destroyed. please be respectful.
i couldn’t find many fundraisers for the NWT, unfortunately. it appears that united way is taking monetary donations, yellowknife evacuation centre is taking giftcards, and the yellowknife salvation army is accepting physical donations.
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in early may there were wildfires in northern sask that displaced the Clearwater Dene Nation. i wasn’t able to find any updates or fundraisers on the situation, but their live map indicates there are still 4 uncontained fires. you can imagine this is not good on a huge swath of flat, hot, dry land full of flammable grass.
i’ve been made aware of a fundraiser for the Anishinaabe of Grassy Narrows. last year, their one and only fire escape route was washed out by flooding. as canada experiences its worst fire season in years, it’s absolutely crucial that this road be repaired as soon as possible. they’ve currently raised about 16k of their 40k goal.
since the community banned industrial extraction (logging/mining) the ontario government has stopped maintaining the roads in the area. Grassy Narrows deserves justice and support during these hard times.
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yns-world · 9 months
Never Fade Away
Pairing: Johnny Silverhand x Fem!Idol!Reader A/N: Y/S/N = Your Stage Name this is an extension of this, feel free to read :)
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nobody said showbiz was easy, but should it border hellish in order for something to change?
you loved johnny, and johnny loved you, that was a fact that you both knew so well— so when did things become so difficult?
in your and johnny’s case, opposites attract. but what you didn’t account for was that opposites also repel. 
both of your lives were constantly in the spotlight, and this relationship even more so. with millions of eyes flicking over every move, every microtransaction, there is barely any room to just be. 
you two were a match made for the stage, nobody could beat the stage presence you two shared when you performed, but this fame was taking a toll on you both. 
in the short year you guys dated, it was like fire and ice. burning hot with passion and then freezing over with frostbite.
but as time went on, the cracks in the relationship began to show. the flaws in you both began to grow bigger and bigger but neither of you knew what to do, so you ignored it. 
but ignoring was the absolute worst thing to do, and now you’re having screaming matches that last for hours, days, and then weeks of silence.
of course, the media is all over this. 
“Johnny Silverhand’s New Victim”
“Y/S/N Seen Storming Out of Silverhand’s Apartment”
things could only go on for so long before you had to cut things off— something that nearly tore you to shreds.
johnny begged, he cried, he pleaded, he waited outside your apartment for hours on end. he damn-near kissed the ground you walked upon just so you would glance at him once more, because in his mind he cannot for the life of him make sense of why the perfect woman would just leave him.
but that’s exactly why you left. you left because he can’t fathom why the relationship was going to hell. you had to break it off because johnny was a sinking ship and you refuse to drown with him, no matter how much you might adore him.
that was johnny's breaking point and he hasn't been the same since.
while he dated you, he created his most iconic and best selling music that topped all the charts. you were his once-in-a-lifetime muse, and the world knew that.
but when you broke up, he lost that spark. his heart strings were torn apart and he couldn't pick up the guitar for months.
the only time he picked up the guitar was to play a solemn a-b-c tune while he recited the tragic poetry of his heart.
he'd release a few more singles that could all be chalked up to a last ditch effort of staring into the void and expelling the demons of his heart.
"Never Fade Away" was the last song johnny ever performed. that song was an homage to your memory and how you'd never fade from his own memories.
it's been a year since you broke up with johnny and it hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows for you, despite what johnny likes to tell the media.
there were countless nights where he was holding you from behind, his steady breath a calm rhythm in your ear, but you'd wake up everytime in a gasp, frantically searching for him on his side of the bed.
it took you months to finally wash the sheets because you wanted his scent to linger for as long as possible. his cologne that mixed with his musk.
the first few months were wretched, but you grew to resent him. deep down you still ached for his touch, but you had to lie and say you wanted him dead, if not, then the aching pain of his memory would kill you first.
august 20th, 2023. a day that was supposed to blur into the past endless days, but the last thing you expected was to see the man of your dreams—and nightmares—wearing a bulletproof vest and riding in a militech helicopter.
similarly, the last thing johnny expected was to see the architect of his heartbreak walking out of the Arasaka building.
waves of emotions flashed across his face—awe, joy, hurt, and finally resentment. 
johnny's scowl deepened and his resolve strengthened. Arasaka was not only the architect of his filthy world, but also stole the love of his life.
it wasn't rational to think that, but when has johnny ever been rational?
just moments before, johnny only planned to tear down the building. but now that he's seen you—walking out of that corrupt building with all of your lavish clothes and accessories—his aim shifted.
Arasaka stole everything from him. they ruined him. he has nothing left to lose.
in that moment, he made his peace with death. 
he overtook the machine gun and let out a visceral warcry that he’s been choking down for years— everyone would pay for his pain and suffering. 
august 21st, 2023, the very next day. over 4,000 dead, a crazy terrorist group, and you at the epicenter of it all.
some would brush you off as irrelevant, others would dub you as the “terrorist’s girlfriend”, blaming you for the demise of a beloved singer. 
but despite the chaos of the outside world, you could feel your internal universe crumble. johnny’s body hasn’t been found yet but you are sure that he’s gone. 
you’re so sure because you felt the deepest part of your soul chip off. the connection is severed. there’s a void inside of you, and you know all-too-well what johnny used to say about an abyss.
“If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.”
a/n: i hope you enjoyed! if you did, please consider reblogging since it helps my account! :) DON'T BE A GHOST READER!!!! i would love to hear your thoughts and opinions, and comments are what keep writers going &lt;3 i'm open to cyberpunk requests so feel free to send me one <3 also, lmk if y'all wanna see more idol!reader content and/or have any ideas since i'm kinda rocking with it :) as always, have a great day and i'll see y'all in the next one <3
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yoru-no-seiiki · 11 months
Could you do a yandere cannibal?
- 🌹
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I actually have the OC for that! Well, it’s technically my persona but it counts I suppose. I’m designating them for vore related works.
tw/cw: DDDNE, yandere themes, vore, gore/blood, violence, victim blaming.
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Therefore it could be said that this was warranted. Maalik only carried out the task it was meant to do. Rid the world of demonic beings like you. Beings whose sole purpose was to deviate humanity from God’s divine order.
Your skin was no match for its teeth; crafted to slay even the most powerful of devils. Your screams did little to dissuade it from relishing in your demise.
And so you laughed. Laughed at how cruel the world is to give you such a fate. Cackled at the God who created you just to steer you into a painful death. Chuckled at the wicked twists that lending your trust resulted in.
Maalik. You knew them as the kind yet reclusive villager who lived in the woods. A generous person who’d provide plenty of assistance during mishaps caused by drunken clients and aided you when traveling at night. They were gentle as feathers in the wind.
Maalik, the angel — the divine beast before you, was no such thing as it tore your limbs apart slowly, letting you watch as your muscles stretched before ripping asunder with a smile on its face, using its powers to keep you from the brink of death so it can savor your expressions and taste in life.
Inevitably, your eyes close as you drift to eternal sleep.
But what awaits the end of a mortal existence’s dream is the start of a hellish, ever-lasting reality with the Angel of Hell.
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©️ yoru.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
This is less cannibal and more just vore cause I don’t think I’m ready to write a human eating another just yet without fainting or getting a panic attack so I’m really sorry!! I hope this suffices 😅
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nayialovecat · 8 months
The Ink Demonth 2023 - Day 23. Contraband
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Day 23. Contraband Crossover: Craig of the Creek, Disenchantment Apparently Workshop toys are a pretty bad currency at least for the time being, but wait until you have some more of them, Kit, and you can make the best trade in your life: "limited edition toys from haunted studio, only from me!"
Kit, as well as the Trading Tree itself, come from the cartoon "Craig of the Creek" (I drew Craig once), which is an extremely nice Cartoon Network production showing kids playing on the titular Creek. I love it for many things - firstly, it brings back sentimental memories from my own childhood, secondly, it is a wonderful cross-section of different types of kids and their behavior, thirdly - it shows small problems in a completely different light. Every parent should watch this series to understand things better. I especially love the episodes that alternately show what the kids see - and what is really happening (e.g. during the game "the floor is lava"). My objection is the same as against Bluey: that it is a bit unrealistic that all the kids always take part in the games and accept the sometimes problematic rules (e.g. when playing hide and seek or being trapped in a maze) - that no one will say "ok, I've had enough, I'm not playing with you anymore". But apart from that - a wonderfully presented world of imagination, actually a mini-community. This series was also "nominated" for the City entry for a while, but I decided that I wouldn't find anything else for the Contraband (plus wanted to draw Kit).
I really like the character of Kit. This little, enterprising girl is something of a higher instance of the creek - thanks to her, kids (for a small fee) can eat their favorite sweets or snacks without having to leave their playground and go to the store, she also sells toys and gadgets. I ship her with Craig - all the episodes of them working together confirm in my eyes what a wonderful couple they'll be when they become teenagers. I'm honestly counting on it, because of all the girls hanging around Craig, Kit is the one who best suits him in terms of character and common interests.
More observant people may also notice a guest from another cartoon, this time absolutely not for children - the demon Luci from "Disenchantment" - a series by the creators of Futurama aimed at adult viewers, a somewhat modern fairy tale, and partly a parody of many well-known stories. If someone is an adult and doesn't know it, I recommend it. A wonderful story with a very good ending to the whole plot. Luci, the personal demon of the main character, Princess Bean, is undoubtedly my favourite character. I love his physical two-dimensionality, to his absolutely non-one-dimensional character. I love his texts and the fact that in all his participation in Bean's adventures, he never forgets for a moment that he is a hellish being, and his "do it, do it" is always wonderful. In his original storyline, Luci was considered a "weird cat" by those around him, hence Kit's text (while he's actually just another of Bendy's "cousins" that the ink demon is wandering around with).
As for the technical side... it took a lot of time to colour, but was surprisingly fun. It was the first time in a long time that I shaded in such a strange way. Oh, it's worth noting that the colours of Bendy's clothes were entirely developed by my daughter, Ursa. Kudos to her! By the way, I wonder who Bendy stole these clothes from X"D
Finally, I will just mention that the Contraband theme was originally associated with "The Owl House" and Eda's stall, but I moved it to another place with a better idea. And that's why Craig landed here.
PS. I don't like Kopiko, but I'm not crazy about avoiding showing existing products in my drawings. But seriously, I didn't feel like changing the name, so here you have it, a covert advertisement for the hideous Kopiko coffee candies. You're welcome, Kopiko.
Bendy and the Ink Machine (c) Joey Drew Studios Inc. Craig of the Creek (c) Cartoon Network Disenchantment (c) Matt Groening Sammy and the Ink Machine (c) Nayia Lovecat
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seneon · 8 months
upon entry of the vampire, the graveyard's colour could only give the impression of an uneasy eeriness — for the next grave lies the body of a stoic man, once a respected warrior. his spirit still lingers on, attached strings cut off from a woman he once loved.
BYAKUYA X FEMALE! READER 🎬 tw: mild gore + stalking. A/N — the second piece. hisana is out of the story. byakuya is a spirit in bleach, but there is no soul society here. only a dead warrior mourning for the lost of his loved one's soul.
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the cries of the bravest warrior and the will to not give up pierced the enemy's hearts. their arrows and blades running through the organ before the enemy warriors breathed their last breathe.
war it was, a fierce battle between two regions, unable to come together with peace but twisted into war that would end thousands of lives instead. in those thousands of war lies the death of a great warrior, kuchiki byakuya.
a powerful man that lead a squad in the war, fighting for his region and leading hundreds that aspire to be like him.
what would those brave warriors of him think if they found out that their captain's body has been taken by the enemy army and experimented on to turn into something much more painful than death?
an eternally living ghoul that feasts on the rotting corpse of his own comrades for dinner. the first person unknowingly being his wife, another warrior from another squad.
a strong and powerful man that was transformed into a flesh-eating monster that was fed his own wife as his first meal after hellish experiments. byakuya's mind twisted and turned at the sight of y/n, half a nerve still recognising who she is. but as for every other cells in his body, they were all infected by poison and experimented chemicals.
so he feasted on y/n's rotting body, one part of his heart stinging on and on as he ate the flesh of his own unbreathing wife— her e/c eyes emptily staring at him. then, the enemy army set him free into the night for a monster they have created.
everytime you walk alone at night, you swore to the heavens above that a lost and broken soul follows you quite closely behind. you couldn't quite grasp it or understand anything at all, but there was a familiar feeling about the broken soul.
how so?
byakuya knew it was a gift, his gift, that the wife he feasted on has been reincarnated. he caught a glimpse of you one night as you walked home with your friends after a karaoke session, and his eyes never left you ever since. there are flowers in his eyes, flowers that he used to see his wife all those centuries ago before the great war.
your smile just lights up his dark days in an instant. he just knew that it was his wife that was reincarnated as you. and when your friends called out your name, he couldn't help but had the intense urge to just embrace you in a hug.
but in that form?
a flesh-eating ghoul?
your eyes gave byakuya some sense of humanity again. thus he twisted that sense into his strongest feeling. he would not approach you. he would protect you from the shadows.
every night and day, byakuya's spiriting ghoul would watch you live on, each and everything that you do reminding him of his dead wife over and over again.
this is byakuya's umpteenth time of keeping women in his eyes, feasting on them later on.
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grave one 🪦 spooktober graveyard series | NEXT
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