#666 explained
thejournallo · 10 months
Angel Numbers!
FINALY! My internet is back, and I can write and post properly again! Let's go straight to the point!
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Angel numbers are a concept rooted in numerology and spirituality. Those numbers are believed to be sent by angels, spirit guides, or the universe! Something that is not as often said is that every number is an angel number! The more common numbers are 111, 222, and 333. and are the ones I'm going to explain.
(At the end of this post, I will link to a website that actually has all numbers and their meaning as angel numbers.)
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111: intuition This number is connected to you and your instincts and is telling you to listen because they are never wrong. 222: alignment All things are working in your favor, and you have to trust the process or take action because you are in the right place at the right time! 333: Support your angels and spirit guides; the universe is sending you love and guidance to let you know that they are with you. 444: Protection your angel; spirit guides; the universe is protecting you. 555: Changes changes are coming for you. 666: Reflect It's time for you to go deeper in your spiritual journey and your power. 777: Luck The universe is bringing you luck! 888: Balance Everything is balancing itself. 999: Release Let go of what no longer serves you and welcome the changes in your life. 000: New Beginning A fresh start is coming, and we are starting to make use of it! 1111: The right path for everything you are doing and learning is bringing you to your higher self; never let go and trust the process.
useful web site that lets you search for the specific number.
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Another cool thing about angel numbers is that everyone has had an angel number since birth, just like the birth chart. To calculate it, we can use a calculator online or do it ourselves.
to calculate:
birth date: 12/10/2023 (for example)
day: 1+2=3 mouth: 1
year: 2+0+2+3 =7
3+1+7= 11
11 is a master number like 22,33. When these numbers come to the final numbers, they are not reduced more! (so you don't do 2+2 = 4).
(calculator and more)
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). and have a wonderful day or night!
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prince-liest · 7 months
Ok so I know you haven't officially trans anyone's gender in any of your Hazbin fics, but I lowkey get really trans vibes from Alastor in most of your fics?
Idk, it's a little hard go explain but what really tipped me off was his... distaste? Disfavor? Aversion? To his "male body" in one of the 666 fics. (I think the line was something akin to "the male body being what it is" in reference to Alastor getting hard fairly quickly).
There's honestly a lot of interesting things to speculate in relation to how Alastor views his body. Especially with his relationship with touch, and how he initiates touch and how he actively dislikes it (depending on the person).
Not to mention his feelings regarding his non-human features. How he doesn't inherently dislike them for being what they are, or rather, that they're "abnormal", but more so that they're not what they're "supposed to be", and not "what he was before" (though I do think that his dislike of his deer features is linked to his dislike of how he died, being viewed as something so easy to be put down - an animal).
Which also relates to how dressed Alastor constantly is. How he shields away his body using clothing, a customizable thing that he takes great pride in making sure is up to his standards (notice how when his coat is damaged he immediately goes to get it fixed, even though the ends of his coat is already damaged. He seems to have very complex opinions on how, exactly, his coat is supposed to be damaged)
I do think that Alastor's preference to being so dressed is linked to his dislike of vulnerability, but I also think it's a very trans(tm) move, lol.
(And I also do think that his dislike of vulnerability is tied to his transness, kinda in a weird "chicken and egg" scenario.)
I find it really interesting how Alastor's true feelings are revealed by his shadow, a being that can transform to look different, is mostly hidden, and is internally mysterious. Idk, it's just very trans(tm) to me!
I also think that Alastor's transness is linked to how he views masculinity, how he seems to automatically like woman, while automatically disliking man. How this is also tied to his parents. I've noticed in your fics (and could be completely wrong about) that Alastor seems to relate femininity (and his mother) with "safety" (how he compares the gentle touch in your last fic with feeling like his mother and his like of jambalaya).
I'm not sure if I would say that Alastor is a trans woman, but I also wouldn't say he isn't. Overall I think he has a very complex view of gender, but it's definitely something he doesn't put a lot into. Which relates to him not knowing what asexuality is.
I have a lot more Alastor trans thoughts, but this ask is already getting pretty long so I'm just gonna cut it off here. I hope I made sense, and that you're comfortable with me speculating on a character you've written about gender. (Totally valid if you're not though! If so, then please disregard this ask!)
I'll take "asks that made me realize I'm out here accidentally writing a character as nonbinary" for 300, please! Please prepare yourself for the mistake of letting me have a keyboard and talk about gender after 9pm, so sorry to literally everybody else.
You're gonna get a real fuckin' kick out of the first bit of the next 666 that I'm gonna post tomorrow. ;) It's definitely the point where I finally acknowledged to myself that I have a strong urge to inject some genderfuckery into Alastor in the form of him continuing to use his thing with Vox to explore his own relationship with, like, existing in his own body, and then also threw those feelings all over Angel Dust like a fistful of glitter while I was at it.
Like you said, I wouldn't say that I've ended up writing him as a trans woman, but I think I have seen him from the start as a character who is not exactly cis in a wibbly-wobbly way I have not previously defined but that I think I would perhaps characterize as "gender: monster condescending to play at humanity."
I don't think he eschews masculinity entirely, for what it's worth. He definitely strikes me as a person who aligns himself with the image of a smiling gentleman (if a hellish one) as the proper way for a person like him to be, and for whom that is an important, comfortable, and satisfying part of both his identity and how he relates to both his female friends and to men. However, he also strikes me as someone for whom that part of his identity is what he shows the world on purpose, presented as he would like it to be seen, rather than as something that reflects his bodily preferences. To put it another way, if he'd been AFAB, I think he would put just as much into his presentation, just in the direction of femininity, and it wouldn't make him any more or less comfortable with himself.
You're right in that I've definitely written him with a faint distaste for the mundane physical reality of his body, and a lot of this comes through in how he alternates between short moments of fascination with what new things his body is doing as he explores it and decides whether or not he likes it, and his much longer moments of utter disregard for the same thing. It also extends to the rest of his mundane humanity, though: his physical limits, his adrenaline-rush of fear, etc. He values the coat, the cane, the reality-bending static, the smile - but whatever he sees in the mirror when he gets undressed or whatever doesn't function to his purposes, he can take or leave.
I see Alastor as someone who defines himself first and foremost as the radio demon: not a person, but a monster and an enigma. A voice and a personality. Everything else is more or less incidental, and he would prefer to keep it set aside, thank you. The occasional dysphoria isn't just about his sex, it's about the humanity of his body as a whole.
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moodboard-d · 9 months
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ramblebrambleamble · 10 months
Somehow, several kkomas end up Loose in the Industrial Complex. Secretive Plotter zips them back up pretty quickly, but the whole time they were arguing loudly and incriminatingly with each other and now everyone knows who he is, but, more importantly. There is nothing he can say to anyone that will convince them that he is not, in fact, a conglomeration of gnomes in a trenchcoat.
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alicec-666 · 1 year
"Human centipede, but less bizarre"
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Haven't been active on Tumblr in a damn WHILE, so... Hi 👋
This idea was born on an accident, so now it's is a curse spread on all of those who is still at least somewhat attached to Gravity Falls fandom lol
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volfoss · 11 months
So like. You can only have the player character on this mission, no reinforcements. Normally you can take up to 7 people with you. First phase is a shit load of enemies. A majority of those inflict paralysis (which makes the 2 attacks the character usually does go down to 1). You have 7 NPCs who you have to talk to who will not talk to you when there are enemies near them. I foolishly assumed I could talk to them after I defeated the enemies. I could not. You have to have all the keys gathered from them (which u get by talking to them) before you defeat every enemy or the quest fails and you only get 150g instead of 2000g. I did not realize this until I was 52 turns into the battle. After you finally get that done, the guy who put you in this heinous saw trap of a quest will be like actually 😁 you still have the final boss left. You're like ok cool. I can do that. But you see. The final boss multiplies to have 4 MORE of him and all of them are far stronger than him. This already objectively sucks but then I remembered that um. He inflicts poison when he attacks. Which w how Volfoss handles status effects ALSO damages how well you attack and move. All of these beasts pretty much have the same name minus ONE minor kanji change at the end of the name and good luck if you didn't write the kanji down that makes up the real bosses name. I am in agony
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hauntingblue · 8 months
Cavendish alter ego??? Hello???
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neonnoir-ao3 · 1 year
I love seeing fanart of Gabriel and Adam together in the context of my pet project crackfic because it’s meant to be Big Bad finally encounters Corrupted Hero and I’m just like “aww he loves his baby boy :)”
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lios-archive · 1 year
how do I tell people that Aphrodite's Child was an early emo band
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alastor-simp · 8 months
"I See No Fear In Your Eyes." - Alastor x Reader
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(This story includes some of the pilot from Hazbin Hotel)
"Oh no, that didn't go as planned." Switching off the TV in the hotel lobby, you heaved a sigh. You had just seen the 666 news broadcast that showed Charlie explaining the hotel and redeeming demons. She had broken into song, and ended up being laughed at by the residents watching. It slowly became worse when Angel appeared on the news, during a turf war with some snake guy, making Charlie's situation worse. Soon after that the interview turned into an all out brawl between Katie Killjoy and Charlie, leading to the camera to cut off. Your name was Y/N, and you had just arrived in Hell five days ago. The fall you experienced was not pleasant, almost causing broken bones. Charlie happened to be in the area, and rushed you back to the Hotel. It took you a while to process it, but you soon realized you were in Hell, which confused you since you never sinned in your life. Charlie was nice enough to explain everything to you, as well as how she was the princess of hell.
Well that definitely shocked you when she told you that. How could the princess of hell be such a sweet and kind individual? Her personality was like a warm hug, very inviting. After she patched you up, she introduced you to Vaggie, her girlfriend, and Angel Dust, their first patron. Smiling, you introduced yourself, which caused a smirk from Angel Dust and a slight glare from Vaggie until she calmed down and shook your hand. Inspired by Charlies ideas, you volunteered to help with her dreams for the Hotel, earning a giant hug from her. There were many things that needed improvement here, so it was decided that advertising and handling the front desk would be suitable.
Soon the door to the lobby opened, where Angel Dust, Vaggie, and Charlie walked in. Vaggie clearly had a migraine, with the way she rubbed her head, and slouched on the couch. Angel Dust had grabbed a popsicle from the cooler, licking it. Charlie took a seat on a crate, appearing very distraught. Angel Dust made a comment about getting more food for the hotel, since there should be a boatload of sinners making their way here. "Not helping Angel" you thought to yourself. Charlie sunk down more on the crate, making Angel feel bad, but he wasn't good with comfort so he walked to the couch where Vaggie was staying. Moving closer to Charlie, you placed a hand on her back, rubbing circles. "Are you okay?" you asked. Charlie looked up and smiled, yet it seemed forced. She jumped off the crate and went to the door, heading outside. Wondering what she was doing, your feet carried you to the door. Leaning closer to hear her, it appeared she was calling someone. Her mom? It was a bit hard to hear, but you heard the lines of "Dad was right about me." Oh no, Charlie. The aching in your heart was painful. Once she came back inside, she was looking at the ground. Wrapping your arms around her, you pulled her into a hug. Charlie tensed, but eased into it, whispering a thanks. "You are trying your best Charlie. This project will be rocky, but its not impossible. Me and everyone here will support you. Trust me." Charlie squeezed back at your words, until she let go. The smile on her face was bright, vibrant. She appeared to be feeling better. Motioning your head to Vaggie, you told her to sit with her girlfriend. Nodding, she walked towards the couch, joining the others.
"Knock-knock. Knock-knock-knock" Sounds of knocking began to resonated from the lobby door. "Who could that be?" Opening the door, you look to see who it was. Standing in front of you was a very tall man. He was wearing a striped red suit, that matched his pants. His face adorned a monocle and a microphone was in one of his hands. The most noticeable thing on him was his smile, outstretched. to inhumane proportions. His eyes glowed a crimson red, as he gazed below to look at you. "Hellooooooo~!" came from his mouth, sounding like static. Opening the door further, you smiled: "Hello sir! How may I help you?"
***Alastor POV***
Alastor continued to gaze at the little demon in front of him, smiling widely back at him. "What a strange reaction!" He thought to himself. He expected a scream of terror or the sound of the door slamming against him, but not this. The eyes that peered back at him were sparkling, no fear contained in them whatsoever. "Is everything okay?" The demon in front of him, tiled her head, worried as to why he went silent. Shaking his head, Alastor remembered what he came here for.
***Your POV***
The man in front of you seemed to be thinking hard, before he bent down to your level. "Alastor my dear! Pleasure to be meeting you! Quite a pleasure!" His hand had grabbed yours, pulling you closer to his face, before shaking it enthusiastically. "Nice to meet you Alastor. My name is Y/N." you said, shaking his hand back. Alastor's smile got wider. "Ah! What a charming name!" His hand let go of yours, before he stood up to his regular height. Thanking him for the compliment, you moved to push the door back: "Would you like to come in?" you asked, moving your hand towards the door, motioning him to enter. Alastor smiled, showing more of his sharp teeth. "Why thank you my dear!" He entered inside the hotel, while you moved away from the door to close it. There was the sound of metal being drawn, causing you to jump. Vaggie had appeared in front of Alastor, holding a sharp spear. ""STOP RIGHT THERE! Cabrón hijo de perra! I know your game. And I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here! You pompous, cheesy, talk show shitlord!" Vaggie was glaring at the man, furiously as she held the spear against his chest. Stepping between the both of them, you raised your hand. "WOAH WOAH! Vaggie! What are you doing?!" The action you did was enough for Vaggie to drop the spear down, but she was still gazing at the both of you in anger "I'm defending this hotel! That's the radio demon, the most powerful being in all of Hell!"
***Alastor POV***
Alastor was left a bit in shock at what you just did. He had just met you and here you were, stepping in to stop the other demon. "Quite bizzare!" He thought. He had heard the other demon, Vaggie, tell you that he was the radio demon, most feared in hell. He observed you listening to Vaggie, letting you know who he really was. Excitement filled him, waiting for those eyes of yours to become struck with fear. Surprisingly, when you turned around to look him up and down, he saw no fear once again. Why? "He doesn't seem so bad." he heard you say as you smiled at him, before looking back at Vaggie. "Oh ho! I think I'm going to like this one!" The sharpness in his smile got bigger, as he walked a bit closer to the both of you. He placed his hand on your shoulder, giving you a closed eye smile, as he pushed you gently back, before turning back towards Vaggie. ""Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here, ̵̹̇͜I̸̻͆ ̶̰̏̍w̵̝̟͒́o̴̤̾ū̶̗͘͜l̶͚͂͝d̶̼͎̉͐ ̷̝̘͗̉h̸̫͌͊á̶͖͉v̶̺͚̋̇e̶̮̽ ̴̼̞͌d̸͙͚͋ǒ̸̤͎͑ň̴̠̟̕e̵̢̛̓ ̸̞͗͜͝s̶̺̹̾ǫ̷͋̚ ̴̼͋͋a̶̜̻̒̒l̸͓̙̃̉r̶̞͛ě̸̖̟̈́a̵̗͊d̷̦̔y̵̙͙̽͒.̵̹͝"
Vaggie’s eyes were glazed over with shock from Al's display of power. However, you were gazing at Al with slight fascination. A bit shocked, yes, but not scared. He apparently wanted to help out with the hotel, shocking both Charlie and Vaggie. Despite seeing it as wacky nonsense, he wanted to volunteer his services to Charlie while also getting some entertainment out of it. Husk and Niffty were added into the mix after that.
**Few Months Later**
It had been a while since that whole ordeal. It was still difficult to find new patrons for the hotel, but it was coming along. The snake guy you saw on 666 news, Sir pentious, had joined in the program as well. He was like an evil mad scientist/inventor, except evil didn't quite fit the bill for him. He was a softie and a gentleman, and you were glad he decided to give the hotel a try. The relationships you had with everyone grew the more you stayed with them. The relationship you had with Alastor was the most surprising to everyone. The two of you were like two peas in a pod. His mannerisms and dad jokes always brightened your day. The kindness in your soul as well as the genuine concern for his well being warmed his cold heart. Alastor was still baffled with how you were with him. It was an unusual feeling, to have a person who knew who he was and what he did in Hell and his past, and still treat him normally. There were moments where he imagined you were hiding your true feelings underneath the kind gestures and smiles you gave him, and he hoped that was the case, but at the same time he didn't want it to be.
Inside his radio tower, he was giving one of his signature broadcasts. The only difference in is that you were in the room. There was a small corner where you were sitting. Your irises scanned the book in front of you while your ears listened to Alastor's voice. Al was told time and time again that his voice was one of a kind by you, which left him slightly bashful. It led to you eventually hanging around his workspace, just to listen to him, but also to spend more time together. Taking a slight break, his blood red eyes beamed over towards you, observing you. There were still nagging thoughts in the back of his mind, and it was driving him to the point of insanity, if they were not answered.
"My dear, may I ask you a small question?" He turned his body around, chair spinning to face you. Looking up from your book, you smiled and set it down. Getting up, you walked closer to him: "Yes Al? What is it?" Snapping his fingers, the chair that you were sitting on before levitated to where you stand, motioning you to sit back down. As you did so, your eyes continued to look at Al. His smile never left his face, but his eyes held an emotion you couldn't decipher. Confusion? Melancholy? "This had been meddling in my mind for quite some time. I have been around for a millennium in hell and the fearful gazes were always common to see. However! Your eyes never shown an ounce of fear during our time together." After his dialogue, he waited to hear what you had to say. A bit shocked at Al's question, you looked at him, wondering what brought this up. Hesitantly, you asked for his hand. Raising his eyebrow, he pondered why, yet he still extended his hand out, like he was giving a handshake.
Laughing at his antics, you grabbed his hand, holding it upright in front of both of you. Webbing your fingers together, you filled the gaps between them, causing Al to tense a bit. "I'm sure since you are the radio demon, you were prone to being run from and feared. But, there is more to you then just the radio demon, feared overlord in Hell. Something about you intrigued me the first day you arrived. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I wanted to know more about you. The more I got to spend time with you, is when I started to learn more about you, the real you. You're gentleman, bit wacky yet polite. You tell funny dad jokes to everyone. You're handsome as hell. You are an amazing cook. You speak French. Your singing is incredible plus your dancing. The static nature of your voice is soothing. The confidence you carry towards your foes is admirable. The power you yield is dark, but has its beauty too. You have a kind heart, despite hiding it from others. That's the Al I have gotten to know and care for, and despite your past and misdeeds. I will never grow to fear you ever."
Stunned was the correct way to put what state he was left in after your small speech. The whole time he was listening to you, the faster his heart raced. All those words that came flowing out of your mouth was giving him goosebumps and an odd sensation in his stomach. His other hand went to cover his face before moving down to cover his mouth, failing to conceal his rosy cheeks. "I-I see." Words were hard for him at the moment. “Haha. This is the first time I have ever seen you speechless.” Leaning closer towards him, you admired him up close. His microphone played a laugh track after you said that, causing Al to become more flustered, darting his eyes away.
Getting up from your seat, you were still holding his hand. “Al, look at me.” A hand was placed against his cheek. Gazing back over to you, Alastor removed his hand that was covering his mouth. The signature smile was gone, and on his face was a very small grin. Moving slowly, your lips had made their way to his forehead, giving it a peck. Radio screech! You were going to be the end of him. Heaving a deep sigh, his hand laid upon yours that was attached to his cheek. His eyes looking back at you were tender. “Thank you, my dear.”
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked , @ghostdoodlen , @aceofcards0-0 -0, @jyoongim , @saturnhas82moons , @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi , @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah , @cookiekyo , @iiotic , @delectableworm , @91062854-ka @alastorsgoldie
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Mammon Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Mammon states that he sleeps in the nude
2. Mammon despises witches and was nearly chopped into pieces by them once but Lucifer rescued him (although Lucifer was also the one to recommend they cut him into pieces)
3. When Levi tried attacking Mammon in his sleep, before he could even bring his foot down on Mammon, Mammon had him in a headlock
4. Mammon has a habit of stripping while drunk
5. Mammon does not like it when bath’s smell like flowers
6. Mammon’s dream for the future is having a carefree and playful life
7. Mammon starts his baths by washing his head
8. Mammon’s fear of ghosts and monsters originates a little after a year of living in the Devildom when he is possessed by a ghost
9. Mammon hates a Devildom song called “Corpse Rock”
10. Karasu refers to Mammon as noodle-boy
11. In earlier chats and Devilgrams Mammon is said to be a cat person, in later stories he is said to be a dog person, but his birthday information card again states he is more of a cat person
12. Mammon’s motto is “Money will makes the Devil turn millstones.”
13. Mammon’s daily activity is procrastinating in MC’s room
14. Mammon is obsessed with his shades and when he accidentally breaks them he’s devastated
15. According to Beelzebub, Mammon is bad at cooking and doesn’t make good peanut butter sandwiches
16. When Belphie and Beel helped Mammon pick out his human world outfit, he was so touched he bought them their human world clothes
17. Mammon states if the Devildom disappeared tomorrow he’d borrow as much money as he wanted to spend and not have to pay any of it back
18. Mammon’s favorite food in hell is Soy Sauce flavored cup ramen
19. In a love survey in B’s log, Mammin is said to be the active one pursuing love
20. Mammon is said to attract the “sassy and outgoing” types
21. The first thing Mammon does in the morning is check his stocks
22. In the love survey in B’s log when asked if he’d want to be bound by or bind his lover his response was “what do you want me to do? What did you say? Idiot!”
23. Mammon’s car is a Demonio 666 Lexura. The specific type was very rare and (unbeknownst to him originally) only with Lucifer and Diavolo’s help was he able to get it
24. Mammon easily forgets anniversaries and special dates of remembrance
25. Mammon is unable to express himself frankly
26. Mammon likes R&B music
27. Mammon is not a morning demon
28. One of the first things in the game said about Mammon by his brothers is that he’s a masochist
29. The results of a demon brain scanning app showed that Mammon’s thoughts are 90% money
30. Mammon’s worst RAD subject is Hexes and Curses
31. Mammon became Lucifer’s attendant in the Celestial Realm before Leviathan had even been born
32. Mammon was once almost roasted alive by hellfire
33. Mammon is a very bad liar and often admits exactly what he did when explaining that’s not what he did
34. Mammon was almost the one to tame Cerberus but Lucifer rushed in as he was about to confront the dog
35. Mammon is extremely protective of his little brothers
36. When forced to be honest, Mammon admits how much he admires and respects Lucifer
37. When Lucifer has a bad day, Mammon will bring him a drink and sandwich without being asked
38. Mammon was almost kicked out of the celestial realm thousands of years before the fall until Lucifer got through to him
39. Besides the people who were told what Simeon was going through in season 4, Mammon was the first one to notice something was wrong with him
40. Once Mammon was punished by Lucifer by being tickled until he laughed so hard he was humiliated
41. Mammon was given a serum with unknown results that caused him to tell MC he wanted to do many explicit things with them
42. Even Michael was unable to handle Mammon as an angel
43. Mammon is so fast that not even Diavolo and Lucifer can catch up to him
44. It’s been mentioned multiple times that Mammon uses crows as familiars
45. When Lucifer cannot trust Diavolo, he turns to Mammon
46. Mammon once called up Simeon to ask about significant lines in the TSL series so he could successfully hack into Leviathan’s akuzon account
47. Levi and Mammon sometimes perform standup comedy
48. When Mammon tried making a cake for Lucifer on his birthday in the Celestial Realm, he accidentally destroyed the kitchen, infuriating Michael
49. Mammon works as a model occasionally
50. In lesson 11 of the game Mammon claims he is well over 5,000 years old
51. In the celestial realm Mammon would often watch over the younger angels
52. Mammon once tried selling bird feathers to the lesser angels, claiming they were seraph feathers
53. In the celestial realm, Mammon once used the lesser angels to play a game of life-size chess
54. Mammon is said to have been the one who rallied and encouraged the angels in the Celestial war
55. Unlike his brothers, Mammon doesn’t often lose control of his powers
56. Whenever Mammon comes up with solutions to a crisis, they usually make things worse
57. Mammon struggles with math unless he thinks about it as calculating money
58. Mammon loves pandas because they’re profitable
59. Mammon always lets his brothers know about sales and deals going on
60. Mammon is the one who told Lucifer to always have pride and not regret his decision about the war
61. Mammon was cursed to speak like a cat during season 4 and Satan was unable to leave his side even getting Mammon to play with cat toys.
62. The first time Mammon lost control of his powers and transformed into a demon in the game is when he misunderstood a conversation between Levi and MC and assumed they had “relations”
63. Mammon is one of the only people who will indulge Asmodeus and watch his one-man fashion shows
64. When Mammon put too many meals on Satan’s tab, Satan called up Solomon and told him Mammon wanted to try his new recipe
65. Mammon has kidnapped MC multiple times
66. Mammon sometimes goes clubbing with Asmo after part time jobs
67. After Mammon sold all of their silverware he was fired from Ristorante Six
68. Mammon is sometimes referred to as MC’s pet
69. Mammon continues to insist he’s MC’s master not the other way around
70. Mammon sees Luke as his little brother
71. Student council members used to oversee detention until Mammon kept getting detention himself
72. Mammon once accidentally cast a spell on himself that made him burst into song
73. Mammon once accidentally turned himself into a dog
74. Mammon accidentally cursed himself and became extremely small. He was scared of how Beel was looking at him
75. When Mammon made the Miss’em dolls he became extremely wealthy but later blew it all on gambling
76. Mammon is too scared to watch horror movies alone and asks Lucifer to watch them with him
77. Mammon once attacked Lucifer with a three-prong pitch fork when he embarrassed him
78. Mammon has cried from fear of Simeon multiple times
79. Mammon was unable to even pretend to break up with MC
80. Mammon is one of the reasons you need a permit to get to the human world rather than do so freely
81. Mammon got a Mohawk once but his brothers teased him so much he immediately got rid of it
82. Mammon loves the Devildom version of Harry Potter
83. Mammon often threatens lesser/younger demons to hand over all their money
84. Mammon once stopped a bank robbery and demanded the money as compensation
85. Mammon accidentally cut down a Christmas tree gifted to Lucifer from Diavolo
86. Mammon was tricked by Lucifer to gamble against everyone he’d ever screwed over all at once
87. Mammon calls going to the horse races “seeing the horsies” to try and convince MC to tag along
88. When he was Lucifer’s attendant, Mammon sought for a rare Crystal Lily flower to gift him but got lost and Lucifer had to come find him
89. Mammon used Serenity Manor as collateral in gambling as soon as he got to the human world, almost forcing everyone to go right back to the Devildom
90. When coming up with proposal’s Mammon forced Simeon, Solomon, and Luke to participate in a flash mob
91. Mammon has a blood oath with MC and Leviathan
92. Mammon accidentally won Henry 1.0 while trying his first Devildom ice cream. He was nearly eaten.
93. Mammon owns an AK-47 after winning it over in a game against Leviathan
94. Mammon fees guilty that he didn’t have a grand reason to follow Lucifer to hell rather than just feeling like it
95. Mammon once lost a bet to a bunch of rabbits
96. Mammon prefers spicy foods to sweets
97. Mammon extorted Satan for 50,000 Grimm in exchange for throwing him a baseball
98. Mammon’s highest known rank in the celestial realm within the game is a Throne
99. When Mammon was turned into a Test Name box he got used to it immediately, disappointing Beelzebub
100. Mammon died in season 4 for a few minutes but was brought back by Barbatos
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jyoongim · 7 months
I would to request if its alright.
Prisoner Human Alastor x Police!Reader.
Alastor were captured by police and was sent to jail and Reader was a professional police also she is virgin because shes too focus on her job even when she was in colloge she never experienced it.
Sorry im bad at explaining but like they fucked in alastor cell in middle of the night because Reader was assign to watch Alastor since hes the biggest criminal in the town.
So llike i dont know how reader ended up in his cell ummm you can just make a reason for it since i dont know how she also inside his cell and getting fuck
So like Reader Hate love when alastor fuck out of her brain for the first time and Instead of Escaping from the jail Alastor just Find a Toy to play with.
This been on my mind pleaseeee im on my knees just for this😭😭
It’s giving Mrs.Officer by lil Wayne hahahaha 
themes: 18+! NSFW, fem!reader, human!alastor (criminal of the LAW), so many laws and regulations broken, flirty banter? Jail cell sex, slight dub con, manipulation, subjugation, Loss of virginity, handcuffs, black mail, humiliation, gun play, mention of murders,  toxic relationship?
Five years ago
“Alastor DuPont, you are charged with the Bayou Murders! You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law…” you snarled at the man, as you slapped your handcuffs on his wrists, hoisting him up from the ground and forcing him to the cop car.
A strained laughed escaped his throat as he glanced over his shoulder at you, white teeth showing “never would have thought you would turn on me doll hehe. How unpredictable…I like that in my women ya know?”The lanky man grinned as you slammed the door, his breath fogging up the window. His deep brown eyes were wild as he maintained a calm composure. You narrowed your eyes at him “remember that it was me who put your ass behind bars”
His eyelids dropped, his crazed smile almost splitting his face “oooh doll I’ll never forget you”
Present Day
The prison was in an uproar when the higher ups found out who they’ll be housing.
Alastor DuPont.
New Orleans Most Beloved Radio Host…was a serial killer.
And you were the unfortunate soul who was his guard.
You looked over the paperwork of your new charge, brows furrowing as you read the arrest and charges.
Disgusting scrum! You thought with a sigh, setting down the papers on your desk.
”Why is he being transferred to my floor? Ain’t that conflict of interest?” You asked the Warden, an older man in his sixties.
You were the officer who had worked the Bayou Murders case, the officer who caught Louisiana's notorious killer and arrested him. 
You were just a rookie back then, fresh out of college and putting your all into your work. You were always at the office working late and gathering evidence. Your coworkers often joked that you had no sense of fun, always refusing to go out with them for dinners or parties. You were obvious to romantic advances and often threatened to write a report for misconduct for your male officers actions.
You often heard some of the male officers describe you as ‘Stuck-up, picky, prude’ but you didn’t see an issue with that.
You took your job serious, there was never room for error in this line of work.
You were very by the book. 
You saw everything in black and white.
Control and Regulations was your game.
Which is why you were tasked guarding some of the worst criminals in the city.
That now included Alastor.
You groaned, burying your face in your hands. “Just treat him how you do the other inmates. You’re my best officer here to handle something like him” The warden said. You were the best for this. You took a deep breath “Fine, but I want a raise” you grumbled, smiling.
“Inmate 666 rise n shine! put your hands through the open slot” you commanded. You stood outside the steel padlock door, waiting for hands to appear to be cuffed.
You knocked on the door again, a warning.
You huffed, “Last chance inmate! Or I’m dragging you out!”
You cursed under your breath and looked to your backup guard
”open the door” he looked worried but followed your orders.
The security door whirled opened and you stood in the open doorway, you hand hovered over your baton as you approached the figure laying in bed, worst case he killed himself; best case…you kick his ass out of bed. “DuPont!” You sneered, kicking the edge of his bed. The figure stirred, groaning at the bright light pouring in the small room, he stretched, joints popping and made a move to sit upon the bed.
He rubbed his eyes, reached for his glasses and finally looked at you. A smile appeared on his face “Well i must have died and went to heaven” he drawled standing up.
You took a step back out of instinct. You scoffed at him ”you wish now put your shirt on and hands behind your back.”
Alastor let out a chuckle as he reached for his shirt.
Your eyes roamed his exposed skin. Smooth, skin riddled with scars. For a lanky bastard he had quite the muscle definition.
He was handsome, the type of guy you would have happily let chat you up.
But you were the truth behind that smile.
”so what pleasure am i owed that I get to see your pretty face after so long?” He asked like he was talking about the weather. You didn’t answer him as you locked the handcuffs and nudged him towards the open door to start walking.
“You will be provided three meals a day. One hour of outdoors activities and you’ll have recreational if you earn good behavior, but i highly doubt that. Am I clear?” You ask as he stared at you with a stupid smile. You frowned “get that smile off your face DuPont.” He only smiled harder “I can’t help it. I enjoy being in your presence my dear” 
You leaned across the table, eyes hard as you got in his face.
”listen to me you irritating prick! In here I rule. You listen to everything I say and pray I am in a good mood to deal with your shit. I can make what remains of your life hell on earth. Do I make myself clear?” You hissed.
Alastor leaned back, an amused look on his face, shrugging “Crystal”
You walked him back to his cell after he ate and uncuffed him. Walking out you slammed the door shut and waited to hear the lock before moving to make your rounds.
”I do hope you have a good night my dear” you hear him say as you walk down the corridor, ignoring him.
Alastor sighed as he sat on his bed. A low chuckle escaped his throat. Oh how he missed you. 
When he met you five years ago, he knew you were the one for him. There was something about you that gave him a thrill. 
He admits he didn’t count on you being a police officer; you had fooled him flawlessly. 
His cock twitched in his pants. Those pretty eyes that once held warmth were ever so chilling. 
How he couldn’t wait to break that cold demeanor of yours.
He just had to bid his time and after all he had all the time in the world with you.
You were focused on some paperwork when two male officers popped their heads in your office.
”hey a couple of us are going for a night out you coming?” Max asked with a smile as Danny was behind him with puppy eyes.
You didn’t even look up from your work “ill pass but maybe next time guys” you hear the groan before leaving.
You shook your head lightly as you finished filling in your notes.
You looked at your watch, it was almost time to patrol.
Alastor could hear the footsteps of the two male guards that occasionally visited his floor.
”she never wants to hang out. Fucking bitch thinks she better than us or something?” A voice whined.
”oh you know how she is. Work on the brain. She wouldn’t be so strict if she loosened up a bit hahaha i would love to fuck that.”
Alastor grimaced. Disgusting trash 
He might have been a certified lady killer, but he was still a gentleman. And lowly scrum like them didn’t even deserve to think of you that way.
You were his.
And he’ll make sure of that.
A dark smile crept on his face just at the thought.
It was fairly quiet tonight. 
You found yourself standing outside Alastor’s cell.
”You gone say something cherie or stand guard all night. I promise I have no intention of escaping.” He purred.
You frowned “I have nothing to say to you”
You heard him laugh “really? You had a lot to say five years ago”
He was baiting you, you knew this, but your temper was hot
”You are despicable you know that? You think you so smart, but you know something Alastor? You got sloppy. Tell me. Why? Why did you kill all them girls?” You hissed, now facing the door.
You hadn’t even realized his hands were out in the slot until his large hands grasped yours.
You tensed and went to tug your hands out of his, but he firmly kept a grip.
”why? What kind of question is that? The answer is simple.” His thumbs rubbed your hands.
”No the answer was stupid. You commited those crimes, killed those innocent women for pure fun? They should have sent you to the Ward.” You said angrily.
Alastor smiled, through you couldn’t see it
”Maybe but I’m completely in my right mind I assure you. The reason for all the mess? Simple…they weren’t you” he bent down to press his lips to your knuckles.
You ripped your hands back, eyes wide “you’re sick”
He hummed, rolling his eyes.
”doesn’t change how I feel about you darlin”
He was surprise to hear the lock to his cell and the door open to reveal you.
And you were angry.
Your face was balled into a frown “It was never about me! You think I would believe that shit!” Your hand pulled your gun, aiming it at him “You’re nothin’ but a liar and a killer. Ain’t no love in that dark heart of yours. You are incapable of love.” Your lip quivered slightly, giving way to your emotions under the glare you held.
Alastor walked up to you, right up to your gun pressing against his chest, his hands were up, but he was still craning his head down at you “is that what you tell yourself about me dear?” 
That sharp smile on his face, his eyes wide “then kill me. Pull the trigger and serve justice.”
His eyes were analyzing you. You were panting, chest constricted in your uniform, cheeks flushed with anger but your plump lips wobbled.
One of his hands gently wrapped around the gun, lowering it as he pressed against your body. The other taking hold of your chin.
He lowered his head til his lips were but a whisper away, ghosting yours lightly “What i feel for you darlin, love ain’t got nothing on it”
Your brain seemed to catch up with the situation you were in and you tried to reestablish control, but Alastor had already sunk his claws in you.
Your eyes widened when his lips slammed on yours, your hand with the gun whipped to hit him across the head, but he caught it and used the momentum of your body to twirl you around and pin your arm against your back, making you drop the weapon as you wince in pain.
His lips were at your neck, nose brushing against your ear
”never drop ya guard dear, didn’t they teach you that?” He taunted.
You struggled against him as he pushed you down on the small bed, pressing you down with his weight. 
You thrashed about, body filling with panic as you couldn’t throw throw him off you.
Alastor grunted as you kicked at him, narrowing his eyes as he pressed his full weight against you.
”easy doll easy. I ain’t gonna hurt ya. Well too much hehehe” his brushed his nose against yours, trailing his lips to kiss your cheeks and jaw.
With his hips fixed between your parted thighs, he pressed his hardening length against the softness of your covered mound.
Large hands cupped your breasts, and before long you heard a tear. Your eyes widened as the cold air met your chest and gasped asho Alastor quickly made work of your bra. He let out a hoarse groan as he kneaded the tender flesh, mouth wrapping around a perky nipple, causing you to gasp.
He nipped and tugged the soft nip before lavishing it with his tongue, like an apology for the harsh treatment. ”I knew you’ll have the prettiest pair of tits. So full and soft. I can’t wait to see them bruised up from my teeth”
You clenched your teeth as you tried to ignore the rather pleasant sensations running through you. With your gun somewhere, all you had was your physical strength. You might couldn’t overpower him, but you could use his weight against him.
Taking the distraction of Alastor focusing on sucking at your chest, you tightened your legs around his waist and used his relaxed posture to flip the two of you over. With your arms free, you pressed your arm into his neck, thighs holding his hips down as you tried to regain your composure.
You tried held your elbow into his throat, glaring at him as he just smiled up you.
Alastor lazily placed his hands on your hips as he raked his eyes over you.
You were disheveled, hair fizzy and face flushed. Your eyes were filled with uncertainty and another emotion. Your lips were swollen and your neck was slowly turning red. With your uniform ripped, your tits were fully exposed, nipples perked and littered with bites.
 You were beautiful 
“I am going to walk out of here and pretend this didn’t happen. You are going to stay right here until I close that door and lock it.” You said sternly, but Alastor wasn’t listening, he was grinding up into you slowly as he trailed a hand up your front, finger fondling with your ripped uniform. You went to slap his hands away when he cupped your breasts but the cold air that met your entire body made you freeze.
”That’s much better don’t you think?” He mused, fingers tapping your hips as he palmed your ass cheeks in full.
You quickly sat up, ready to get off him, when Alastor followed you up, arms locking you against him. He whispered in your ear, voice low and deep “oh you’re so precious. I can’t wait to fuck that tight pussy of yours baby” he kissed your shoulder as he pulled your panties to dip two fingers inside you.
You pushed at his chest, trying to shift your hips away but the motion made you fall back and you grunted as you fell to the floor.
Alastor sucked his fingers, moaning at the taste of you. He sat looking at you, grinning as he moved towards you. You scrambled back, wanting to put distance between the two of you, but Alastor long legs carried him to you and he wrapped a hand around ankle and dragged you back towards him, taking top mount to prevent your from flaring about like a fish.
Tears welled in your eyes as he quickly made work of his pants, freeing his weeping cock. You pressed your hands against his chest, which he took in one hand and held them over your head. He hummed a tune as he pressed his lips to your cheeks, peppering your face in kisses before locking his lips onto yours. You tried to jerk your head away but that didn’t deter him, as he bit down on your lips, crying out, your mouth was invaded by his tongue.
You barely had time to counter, when your breath hitched in your throat, feeling an unknown pressure between your thighs.
A staggered gasp turned into a pained cry as narrow hips thrusted up into you, sheathing his cock to the brim.
Alastor laughed into your mouth, licking at your teeth “Oooh? So I’m your first hehe I’m honored.” He slotted his mouth against yours as he snapped his hips against yours, wanting you to quickly grow accustomed to his brute pace.
The sound of sticky slaps and muffled moans radiated through the cell. Your legs rested on either sides of Alastor’s hips, shaking as he rocked into your body.
“What would the other guards think if they found out you let a dangerous killer fuck you? Hmm? This breaks so many laws baby. Hehe fuck you feel good. You take me so good ha! I knew you could.” A soft whimper bubbled out your throat. Your mind was fighting, but your body was welcoming the unwanted assault. 
Your tongue lolled out your mouth as Alastor’s cock dragged along your insides, making your back arched as he hit a nerve that had you moaning.
Your soft moans spurred the man on as he angled his hips, pounding you into the cold floor.
Oh how long he had imagined fucking you. You were like nothing he could have imagined. Your tight cunt clinged to his dick as he bullied it through your walls.
He caught sight of your discarded gun and grabbed it, resting the cool metal against your skin. Your eyes widened, body freezing despite the jolts from his hips.
His brows quirked when your cunt clenched “Scared or horny baby?” He chuckled darkly, leaning back onto his knees, pulling you with him. 
He let out a soft moan as you sunk down on him, uttering dirty praise and encouragement. “You gonna ride me baby? Hmm? You gonna let a killer stretch this pussy out? Ill make you feel so good baby” he rocked up into you, softly thrusting.
You rested your head into the crook of his neck, shaking as Alatsor’s hands rubbed your back. The gun slowly trailing up your skin. One hand tangled in the roots of your hair, pulling your head back, as you felt the tip of the gun at your chin.
Alastor cooed as he pulled you down into his thrusts, making your jaw clench “k-kill me bastard” you hissed,  eyes clenched feeling his cock bury into you with a wet squish.
Alastor’s body vibrated as he let out a laugh “Kill you? Oh darlin no. then there wont be a pretty face to look forward to see everyday. I have no desire to paint the walls red with your blood haha no I want to paint your walls white” 
You leaned into his body, pushing your hips back to meet his thrusts. Your fingers dug into his skin and out of anger for the onslaughter of pleasure you sunk your teeth into his neck.
Alastor’s cock twitched as his hips snapped into yours as a response. 
Fuck! He eyes rolled slightly into his skull “careful baby. I hate to put a baby in you so soon” he chuckled.
Then the light bulb went off in his head
On second thought… 
You shouldn’t be doing this as much. 
This was so wrong! On so many levels. 
Many many violations. 
Hell you could lose your job!
You almost hoped that another guard would come by and see what was happening so you could get out of here…but that wasn’t going to happen.
This is your floor and yours alone.
”OooH fuuuuccck, p-please! don’t… stop” you whined, throwing your head back, body leaned back with your arms trying to support your body as Alastor rammed up into your pussy. You hadn’t given much thought to sex, but he must be what girls in college use to call ‘packing’. His dick felt like it was splitting you in two, hitting that spongey nerve just right.
The man let out a gruff laugh beneath you, one hand on your hip to bounce you on his cock and the other holding that stupid gun against your clit. The cool metal sending shocks through your cunt. ”Oh you’ve made such a mess darlin” he tsked, eyes focused on his cock disappearing into you. A frothy cream coated the base of his cock, making both of your inner thighs sticky.
“But you’re so pretty when you’re messy.” He smirked, tilting his head
”I-I hate you!” You cried as he pinched your clit, slowly drawing tight circles on the bud. He hummed, kissing up the column of your neck “But your cunt says otherwise” he purred as he started pulling you down harder into his thrusts. Your eyes rolled as loud moans and whines left your throat. You might didn’t realize, but you had been fucking him back since the very beginning.
All that pent up frustration and tightly bound moral code snapping the second his cock breached your virgin walls.
Your cunt fluttered around him as he sucked a tit into his mouth. He released the sore nipple with a pop,tonguing it as he watched your face distort with pleasure as he had you met his thrusts.
“You’re everything I imagined and so much more” he whispered. He couldn’t help but admire you like this.
You opened your mouth to say something snarky, but he caught your lips as he sped up his pace, swallowing your gasps as he hit the sweet spot that had you mewling.
He felt your cunt clench and contract, allowing him deeper access to nirvana.
“Don’t you wanna cum baby? Because i know i do fuuck! Be a good little slut for me baby” Alastor hissed, feeling his dick twitch.
Your orgasm must have been approaching because you started to push against him, hips trying to raise and get off his dick.
Oh you weren’t going anywhere.
A gasp escaped you, your eyes wide as he tightened his hold on your hips “N-no no no no Alastor stop! Dont!” You pressed your hands against his chest to try and lift off him, but to no avail.
He laughed in your ear wickedly ”you are going to cum on my cock whether you like it or not baby ”
He wrapped his arms around you, forcing you to take the full force of his thrusts, wanting to break you from his cock.
You whimpered, eyes clenching as you buried your head in his shoulder. Your orgasm hit you like a truck, making you tense and hips grind into his to instinctively ride out the pleasure 
“I’m cumming ooh fuck fuck fuck! Alastor!” You whined loudly, body slumping as you shook against him.
Alastor kissed your shoulder as your cunt fluttered, hips stuttering and with a groan he cummed inside you, pressing you down to take all his dick as he painted your walls.
His dick twitched before he pulled out of you, smiling as his cum slowly leaked out of you as you slipped off his lap, glaring at him as he smiled at you.
Your eyes widened as he pulled a small tape recorder from his pocket.
”I think your boss would be very surprised to hear you fucking a criminal heheh”
tears welled in your eyes as you reached for the device, but he held it out of reach, opting to grab your hair and pull you flush against his cum covered cock.
”but don’t worry my dear, no one will know your little secret…as long as you play nice” his teeth split through his smile as he tapped the tip of of his dick against your lips.
”After all I wouldn’t want to lose my assistant again after breaking her in finally don’t you agree?” He hummed as he pushed his dick into your mouth, sighing as you gagged around him.
“That’s my good girl”
He never forgot about you. 
How could he?
You were his favorite doll after all….
Remember to comment on pinned post to be added to taglist!!!
@doggone-devil @popamolly @yourdoorisunlocked @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 @amurtan @th3-st4r-gur1 @alastor-simp @destinys-dreamer @purplecatsandhearts @alastorsgirl48 @alastorsaries @alastwhore666 @alastorsdear @alastors666creampie @tojirights @okay-babe @altruisticalastor @southern-bayou-beau @confessioncassette @markster666 @strawberrypimp666 @horrorartsworld @citrussmootee @sassuguru @callmeoncette @yunimimii @theveiledlibrarian @karolinda007-blog @rulesareshadesofgrey @nanami1chu @thewinchestah @sincerely-lorely @catherine1206 @jellibean2018 @luzzbuzz @for-hearthand-home @hazelfoureyes @siiv3r @smoky000 @certifiedcrybabyyy @ivebeenthearchersstuff @evedenn @polytheatrix @lunaramune @h3llenwrites @satoruscumslut @kiralaufeyson84 @stawberrypimpsimp @nightshadelm @midnightnoiserose @bontensbabygirl
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diejager · 8 months
Okay so this is a character I have in the works but I'd love your interpretation.
What about a BunnyDragon!reader being introduced into the monster!141? Long drooping ears, a friendly temperament, spewing green flames that bring life and heal things rather than destroying them. But their claws and teeth just as sharp and deadly as any other dragon.
Rabid Cw: reader being a menace, fire, pyromaniac, tell me if I missed any.
Laughing, you dashed off, away from the mess you four created out of sheer boredom, green flames sparking and lingering on the corner of your lips were the only proof people had to link you to the few burning heaps around the base. Your ears flopped as you ran and hopped away, a skip in your feet and a bright smile splitting your face, flashing sharper than usual teeth at people who stood in your way. They all parted, little chuckles leaving their lips when they saw you, all used to your little pranks, the sly and mischievous gleam in your eyes when you got bored and the loud steps that followed you closely, either Price, Laswell or another superior chasing after you to scold you.
“Spread out!”
You separated from the others, taking your own path from the fork. Spreading out meant that it’d take more time to catch each and every one of you to bring to Price’s office, wasted time meant that you stalled your punishment and burned through Price’s anger and disappointment. You would rendezvous back on the roof or the airfield once you’d waited out long enough, or Price would hound you back to his office for a verbal lesson on behaving and not giving him and Laswell paperwork.
Which seemed to be your situation after he sent the others to find you, Soap brought back by the scruff by Ghost, Gaz by a stalking Horangi, Rudy by a snickering Alejandro and you by a touchy König. You sat on the armrest of the worn couch, giving space for your wings to breathe and flutter behind you, occasionally moving to soothe the small ache; and your tail to sway, moving back and forth on the floor like a dog wagging it’s tail. There was a slight excitement in your body, to see how Price would react to this stunt you pulled, bigger in scale and more obnoxious with the bright flowers and lively faun that bloomed after your flames died down.
“Want to explain it to me before we start?”
You all shared a look, seconds spent staring to convey a silent message that you all agreed on and that left you to work your magic. You gave him a cheeky grin, watching his eyes narrow and his arms cross before you stared your little explanation, going onto the blandness of the base, the sheer boredom you all felt and having to find something to occupy yourself with. You could feel disappointment ooze off Price in waves, his furrowed brows and shaking head to the small snickers and laughs from the men who caught you.
“You’ll be the death of me,” Price sighed, stepping away from his desk and moving towards you with big and quick strides.
You only smiled up at him, gazing at him through squinted and amused eyes, head perked up to his bowed figure, face nearing yours with a stoic expression.
“But you love me,” you let slip out, feeling especially cheeky and proud of your work, bringing life to a grey area.
“But I love you,” he agreed with a small smile, hitting your horns with his, a display of love and affection for dragons, “Doesn’t mean you’re not getting punished, any of you.”
Taglist : @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @angelcakes-22 @cassiecasluciluce @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @mul-pi @danielle143 @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @luvecarson @petwifed @randominstake @heartelysia @jggykhug09090 @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @call-me-nyxx @sans-chara @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
can't catch me
for @corrodedcoffinfest warm up round prompt 'on the run'
rated t | 666 words 😈 | cw: language | tags: grown adults being ridiculous and getting into situations, that's it that's all any of these will be
Being late was allowed.
Being so late the venue considered canceling the show altogether was not.
"I don't fucking understand," Eddie was pacing the floor of the back office of the hotel, ignoring the screams coming from the lobby. "Security was supposed to be posted the entire time we were here."
"They were! We had someone at the back exit, someone at the emergency exit, and someone at the main entrance. But one of the guests was apparently a fan and spread the word and things got out of hand quickly," the hotel manager stated as calmly as possible.
"And now we're stuck here."
"We're doing our best to work with the local authorities to clear the lobby so you can make a safe exit."
"And how are we supposed to explain this to the arena?" Jeff asked when Eddie sat down on the floor in the corner of the room, head sinking into his hands. "This is our first show of the tour. Our manager is gonna lose his shit."
"Your manager has been contacted and made aware of the situation."
"And how did he take it?" Gareth asked, smirking at the thought of Steve losing his shit on this hotel manager.
"He threatened to get me fired."
"Sounds like him," Jeff said before joining Eddie on the floor.
They were a lot alike when it was crisis time and right now was just about the worst crisis that could happen.
"We could just run for it?" Frankie suggested.
"We aren't even making it out of this room, man," Gareth sighed, falling into the desk chair next to him. "We're stuck."
"There is no fucking way I'm missing our first headlining show." Eddie stood up and looked at them. "You're gonna pull the fire alarm and we're gonna run to the bus."
The hotel manager held her hands up, silently begging them to stop. But Eddie had already riled them up, already made the plan, set it in motion.
"Sir, I cannot allow-"
"You can allow it, actually. You allowed security to fail so now we're gonna do what we can to not let our actual fans down," Jeff argued.
He walked over to the lever on the wall and tugged it down.
The alarm rang out immediately, and the lights in the corner of the ceilings flashed.
"Run!" He yelled to the guys, who were quick to pull open the door and rush out to the lobby.
It was still chaos, but now there was confusion as well. It looked like everyone was struggling to figure out if they needed to run out of the building because of a fire or risk it to catch a glimpse of the band.
They didn't stay to pay much attention.
Eddie and Frankie were already nearly to the front door, and Jeff and Gareth had managed to slip down the hall to the back exit. They'd meet at the bus and be on their way, only an hour and a half behind schedule.
Their opener would be taking the stage any minute.
When they all managed to get on the bus, they all collapsed on the floor.
Eddie's shirt was now torn in two places, Jeff's jacket was missing, and somehow Frankie's cheek had a lipstick print on it.
Gareth seemed unscathed.
They made it to the venue just as the openers were wrapping up the last song.
Steve was standing at the door, hands on his hips.
"It'll be fine if we just stay at a hotel! Better than the bus. We won't have to worry about being late because it's right down the road!" Steve rolled his eyes. "You have 15 minutes to be show ready. No hotels without me vetting them next time."
They all saluted him as they rushed past him.
He shook his head and turned to Robin and one of the people in charge of the security at the venue.
"This is why they aren't allowed to make their own accommodations."
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demonsword586 · 3 months
Abyssos pp headcanons! (Just the nobles)
I apoligise this took so long. I been super busy with school ending. But anyway,I am free now and the continuation of the cock theorizing should go faster now. Anyway,please enjoy your penis and don't forget to take care of yourself!
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- Very similar to Beel's. This was actually one of the first things he changed on his body to be more like Beelzebub.
- Speculating from that one time where it was said Bael can change back to his usual appearance before he tried being like Beel and that he looks way diffrent normally....Does that mean he can change his body with magic?
- That would explain how he manages to look so similar to Beelzebub. But you know what else that means?~
- A changing penis. I think he can change his body at will,meaning he can change a specific part of himself,meaning he can make a monster co-....I apoligise for that.
- But yes,he can change his pp but not by a lot. Just small details though. For refrence,if he wanted to change the size he can do so but only for a few cm. That goes for the color,shape and size. But he normally stays on what Beelzebub is having.
- The vains are semi-visible on the shaft and balls (he's a pent up man,okay?),21 cm kicky-wicky. Also has a slight curve going upwards.
-The color is just a tad bit lighter than his skin. He probably tans but with his undies on so it leaves a mark on his whole lower region. It's actually quite goofy at the first sight but after awhile it becomes a bit charming.
- Has a tattoo of 666 on his shaft,located on the right side of it.
- Suprisingly smells very manly. His scent is strong and musky but not unplesant. It's the kind of scent that makes you feel reasurred. (He's an alpha.)
- The best thing about this cock is it's owner. Bael prefers being slow and sensual. If he changes his size this particular night,he will also adjust his pace accordingly. (However he only shapeshifts it if he is not too tired and with a lot of pleading on your part.) He is however...always trying to make you enjoy sex to the fullest with taking everything very intimadly. He may or may not be taking his frustrations out that way. Bael won't finish unless you are an absolute mess under him.
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- Damn,this man got his whole gaying instrument out in the open. Seriously,how thin are those clothes? No underwear? Why? So Beel can have easier access when he-
- Anyway from the penis silhuette,I assume he is on the leaner side. He is very smooth and the shape is...slightly bulkier in the center but going towards the end and on the beggining he gets slimer.
- His tip is shaped like a mushroom. Slightly bigger than his shaft. Very good for streaching out begginers too! His tip can make you feel a little more prepared for when he sinks more of himself inside of you but still suprise you with the thicker part of himself. ❤️
- Now this thing looks like it can come up to his belly button,so you know damn well he is long. I am guessing between 17-19 cm.
- When out in the open,his rod stands lazily in a 90° angle. You know how normally a very hard cock can stand on it's own againt the owner's pelvis? Well unfortunatelly Amon is so out of energy,even his wiener acts like it's being overworked. Normally. If he had a very good day with Beelzebub or with you,heck if he got both of you in the same day,his energy is restored and the little Amon works better than before. Seriously,he can get HARD hard,please be carefull.
- He keeps a steady bush down there. Of course he trims it but only after it starts to annoy him. Now for that to happen,it takes a long time. His pubic hair is really soft and fluffy! Almost as fluffy as his hair. And of course the carpet maches the drapes.
- Now you know how he sells his hair for tailors to make clothes out of it? Well he does the same with the lower hair. He can take good care of his hygene so there is no real issue. Now you know how Stolas got a sweater made from Amon's hair? Well he is working on making him a matching pair of pants. Working very hard...
- Going a step back to the pp,I belive his tip is a slightly darker shade of magenta. The kind of shade that may seem a little swollen,but in reality that is just his usual color.
- He doesn't have any tattoos or piercings down there since he belives the only person that can pierce or tattoo him,is Beelzebub. But he has to do something really impressive for his king to tattoo him and he is a bit too shy to ask for another piercing,even though he dreams of his king putting a frenum piercing on him. However the only other person he would allow to put something as intimate and devious as this on him,is his darling.
-Also please don't forget to warm his pp in cold nights.
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- ....sir that is a rifle,please take it out of your pants.
- He seems to be quite big if we are judging from his bulge. However we have to account the angle and anathomy. His pp should be located where the darker patch ends and a lighter starts. You can also see a glimpse of his ballsack under it. Now if we follow those details,his dick isn't really that big. He just keeps it against his thigh. Abyssos devils don't seem to be wearing any undies,so I can understand Stolas's pp placement. With pants this tight,his penis is probably sticking to his thigh like glue.
- In other words,I think it's 22 cm
- It's shape is a bit flaccid. He doesn't have any curves on it. It's a pretty nice penis. However he does have a mole on his shaft. It's on the upper part of it,just a little bit under the head. It's actually a little cute when you look at it,but don't tell him that. He is afraid of having his penis called cute.
- Speaking of head,his has tiny bumps around his head. They are very tiny,aeound 3 or 4 mm. But they do their job right. Sometimes after he cums,once he pulls out,his head helps scup up the semen and the small bumps can give extra stimulation.
- His head is also a very pale pink color,almost the same as his skin.
- For some reason,his musk is a bit sweet,especially when it comes to his bodily fluids. His precum smells quite pleasant,almost like some kind of baked good. It even tastes sweet! His cum tastes almost like vanilla and gives the a yummy scent of it too. Amon says,it's because he's eating too much sugar.
- There is one very freaky thing about him tho... His pubic hair is feathers. Instead of a nice patch of black hair,he has a nice bush of baby,black feathers. They're very small and soft. It can be hard not to just kneel infront of him,pull down his pants and just go straight to ruffling his little feathery puff. It's like petting a fluffy bird! He will however,try to shot you. So please keep the pubic petting in the bedroom.
- Has a reverse prince Albert piercing. He actually got it along with his nipple piercings from Beelzebub. After Stolas asked him if it would be okay,Beel just laughed. It's been awhile since he saw a devil be so bold on his first piercing sesson,so he allowed it. So yea,while he could make his life easier with the check ups by just opening his pants,he doesn't wanna look like a weirdo with his cock out in public.
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- ...dog penis
- Okay hear me out here.
- The shaft is pretty normal if we ignore the two visible bumps towards the end of it. It's head is sharp unlike a normal human one.
- The only human part about it,is that he still has humanish foreskin covering it.
- His meat stick is on the pinker side. It looks a little goofy when you see him naked since his genitals are so diffrent from the normal,kinda buffy him.
- Yes his dog form does have 3 penises,stop asking him about it.
- All of them are on the shorter side tho. Around 16 cm each. They are however....pretty thick.
- It's a well known fact that he has three. You know how he towers over everything while transformed?...Well try to imagine how the people under him feel like,especially the ones under his legs.
- No one is really sure ig he keeps them in his human form as well and no one dares to question him about it. They don't wish to be tea-bagged.
- Hairy~
- One of a few devils with a thick bush. His bush is bushy. His hair is light brown and curly. It's also very soft. Very fur-like if you will. He does shave it every once in awhile but his hair grows back quickly. Especially after he transforms and with how much trouble Abyssos is having with the angel attacks,he has to transform a lot.
- Yes,he does keep the 3 wieners in his human form but only for about half an hour after transfroming. The other two also slowly grow back.
- His cum is a bit thicker in consistency. Not only that but there is quite a lot of it. His balls are fuller as a result. They look a little bit swollen and each ball stand out more. His load shooting is also a bit more powerful. I mean it,he has some kind of powerdrill in there. His cum can shoot up from his pp.
- His balls are also fluffy. They have a soft coat of fur on them.
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starmocha · 3 months
call me master (and i'll call you mine) Sylus/MC | 666 words | AO3 Lines blur between the hunter and the hunted, fantasy and reality. A/N: No, I will not explain myself. MDNI.
There is a hunter in Linkon City who has set her sight on him as her prey, not knowing that she is about to fall into his trap.
Under the dark cloak of night, the city sleeps, lulled to a deep slumber by harsh raindrops. Within his bedroom, Sylus lays upon cool, soft satin, unperturbed by the distant rumbles of thunder, his own mind occupied with endless thoughts of the woman pursuing him and his organization.
How cute, he thinks, that she believes he is the prey.
“Fuck,” Sylus hisses softly, his fingers wrap around his cock, his eyes closed as he envisions this sweet little prey in his grasp. His mouth parts, letting out little gasps, as his hand strokes the hard member in a slow steady rhythm, his mind already drifting away.
Gonna dress her in the prettiest little lace just so he can rip them apart. Have her body on display beneath him, her every curve just waiting to be memorized and mapped along with his kisses and touches. He groans softly, imagining his hands traversing across her smooth skin, eliciting gentle gasps. Pepper kisses along her neck, feel the swell of her breast within his hand, a soft squeeze as she writhes beneath him, her control slipping as she begins to whine for him, her words becoming incoherent the more he taunts her.
Gonna make her his, her eyes will only see him and her body will only crave him. Spread her soft thighs, sink slowly into her wet folds. Look at me, he murmurs, grabbing her chin and forcing her to face him, Keep your eyes on me, sweetheart.
Let her get used to him, the feel of him buried deep inside her. Teasingly slow, he pulls out and thrusts into her again, the languid movements enough to make her resolve begin to slip away. Memorize her expressions, watch her fall apart because of him, her resistance weakening before she breaks, finally begging him to take her completely. He laughs, her desperate pleas awakening a desire within him. His hand finds hers, fingers interlocking, as his hips rock against hers, building a faster rhythm.
What sweet begging, he croons, his hands trail down to her hips, fingers digging into her flesh as he pulls her to him to meet his thrust. Is this what you want, my sweet little hunter?
Gonna wreck her until she cries and comes undone by him. How sweet her voice will sound, spilling soft mewls and pleas for him, his name a desperate prayer on her lips as he takes her like a beast, fuck her hard and make a mess of her.
Sylus lets out a deep groan, his heart and breathing quickening as he opens his eyes, the evidence of his aimless thoughts on his hand. He sighs and leans back in bed, his head cradled by the soft pillow as his eyes wander up to the ceiling. The little hunter continues to linger in his mind, his idle fantasy of her still has him ensnared with images of her covered in him, lips bruised so prettily by him, her mouth still calling for him, aching for him.
He laughs, mirthless, the very thought stirs something within himself. To be needed in such a way, why, he could perhaps let himself be addicted to this feeling, to have a sweet little thing helpless for him.
Thunder continues to rumble outside, the rainstorm showing no sign of passing any time soon. Fatigue takes over and Sylus could feel sleep calling for him now, his body relaxing under the cool satin cover as he allows himself to drift off into a deep slumber.
The soft patters of raindrops mingle with her gasping cries, resounding within his mind. What a sweet lullaby, he thinks before he dreams of her, perfectly flushed and helplessly trapped in his embrace.
In Linkon City, there is a hunter pursuing him, but little does she know, he is waiting for her.
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