#A Seeker's Triangle
tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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fang-wolfsbane · 2 years
Transformers Generation One: A Seeker’s Triangle: Chapter 27: Unwanted Assignment
“So wait, you’re telling me that we have to go out there and deal with an Autobot problem, one that we didn’t even cause in the first place?” Skywarp asked, a half-drunk cube of energon in front of him, generously donated from their last raid on a solar-run powerplant.
Starscream had to admit, out of all the energy sources they’ve raided since arriving on Earth, solar-generated energon was the easiest going down, to put it in a crass manner, but he didn’t care. Ever since receiving a report of both the advantage and disadvantages of their new artificial energon sources, Starscream had personally ordered his brothers to seek solar-energy energon out above all the other options.
Because of its scarcity, no bot could consume enough energon to gain weight, but as much of an inconvenience it was, it was a necessary sacrifice he and all the other natural fliers of the Decepticons had to take. The slimmer their frames, the faster they travelled through the air.
This fact often left them with grumbling tanks demanding for faster refuelling, but it was, as the humans put it, their cross to bear. Perhaps one day, if they succeeded in conquering this planet and Cybertron, then he and his brothers could relax a little and consume all the energon they needed.
It was because of thoughts like these that Starscream often found himself glaring at the sight of Astrotrain and Blitzwing whenever they entered the rec-room and drank the more filling options. Both of them were fliers, just like the seekers, however, they were triplechangers, which not only meant that they needed nearly double the rationed amounts of energon, but that they also needed the ones that would last longer in their systems like the oil-based cubes. Unlike the seekers slimmer builds, the triplechangers needed their bulk more than their speed.
As a flier, he found it hypocritical, but as a former scientist, he couldn’t deny the facts that were right in front of him. There were more times often than not that he gloated about the excellence of his processor’s high intelligence, although there were also times where even he hated its aptitude for logic.
“To put it simply, yes,” Starscream muttered over the edge of his own cube, frowning as he swirled the soft pink liquid around, knowing that he would be lucky if it lasted him two or three Earth days at the most.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Skywarp huffed, frowning to their younger brother, Thundercracker, who, as usual, sat quietly in the corner, thinking over his brother and trine leader’s words through.
Out of all their brothers, Thundercracker had never been much of a talker, but what he was, was a skilled mind of his own. He wouldn’t admit it to any bot, but when it came down to militia strategy, Thundercracker was quite adept at the fine art of it. Starscream had even caught him reading a digitised version of The Art of War by a human named Sun Tzu, a man that had supposedly been as good a strategist as his brother at one point.
Seeking for any sort of advice from a human seemed like a redundant process in his optics, but what he also knew from stellar cycles of fighting against Autobots was that no strategy was worth ignoring, so he had simply let it slide. Out of all of the Decepticons, especially those on board the Nemesis, Thundercracker was the least likely to try and take control over them, and that was all the reassurance he needed.
“Who is this mysterious bot anyway?” Skywarp demanded, leaning forward on the table, nearly tilting it to the side, frowning at the action. Starscream mirrored his expression. Some bot had to be in charge of maintenance but was probably busy somewhere with something else that had nothing to do with their job assignment, or they were possibly recharging in the janitor’s closet. He was willing to bet it was the latter, because despite all the mechs on board the ship, none had seemed all that eager to test their boundaries with each other lately.
Thinking on the subject, Starscream felt his CPU heat up. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had a good frag. If he truly had to remember the last, proper time, was with a mech in a similar field of study as him, Sky Fire.
The last time the two mechs had seen each other was on this very mudball of a planet before they had gotten separated only to reunite millennia later. Their reunion had been fast and heated, and at the time, Starscream had thought that maybe, perhaps if things had been different, that he would have convinced the colossal bot to settle down with him, but then, as usual, the Autobots chose to interfere. Sky Fire had felt more of a sense of duty towards the creatures of this planet than the inhabitants of their own. Their official separation had not been nearly as perfect as their time spent together.
“If I knew, then I wouldn’t be telling the two of you about this, would I?” Starscream asked, his irritation growing over the stupid question. Skywarp only held up a purple servo as if to defend himself. Thundercracker knew better than to copy Skywarp’s question.
“The best thing to do for now is go on as normal, but when you’re out there, I want you two to keep an extra sharp optic out for this bot. We don’t know what his plans are, but if it starts interfering with our mission, then we’ve got nothing but a troublemaker to deal with. If you see him, capture, and return him back here. Megatron wants Soundwave to interrogate him the moment he gets here.”
“Slag, don’t go making it too easy for us now,” Skywarp muttered, earning a jab in the side from Thundercracker’s elbow.
“Just don’t mess this up. There’s something about this bot that has both Megatron and Optimus on edge. Whatever you do, do not underestimate him,” Starscream warned, the only acknowledgement he received were nods from both of them. Understanding nods.
Transformers Generation One, Autobots, Skywarp, Starscream, Thundercracker, Cybertron, Astrotrain, Blitzwing, Nemesis, Sky Fire, Megatron, Soundwave, Optimus Prime and energon © Hasbro The Art of War book © Sun Tzu A Seeker’s Triangle and Starlit Meadow © Fang Wolfsbane
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sterredem · 5 months
All because I liked a boy
Mick Schumacher x Singer!reader
Face claim: Sabrina Carpenter
Word count: really short
Summary: when Y/n and mick get a lot of hate. Based on the love triangle from Olivia Rodrigo, Joshua Basset and Sabrina Carpenter
Warning: Hate
A/N really short, it is more of a blurb. I loved the idea but I don’t have a lot of time. Again what I said in the last few fics, u am working on something bigger. So if you want to see more singer!reader let me know!
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Liked by Mick_Schumacher and 907.375 others
Yourusername Photo dump
User1 What a slut and attention seeker. She can’t even post without her bf in it!
User2 So cute!!
User3 Reveal your boyfriend already!
User5 Omg the soft launch 🫠🫠
User6 So pretty!!
User7 Mick deserves better than a slut and cheater!!
User8 Liala is so much better than her!
User9 kys
Mick_Schumacher ❤️❤️ liked by author
User10 You deserve to die!
User11 why do you even try
User12 Slut!
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Liked by Mick_Schumacher and 3.739.945 others
Yourusername Suprise! My new EP ‘All because I liked a boy’ is out now! This is the story of the last few years of my life, my past relationships and my current relationship. I hope you enjoy it!❤️🫶
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Mick_Schumacher So good love, I’m so proud!
TaylorSwift love it!
OliviaRodrigo So good! Love the album!
SebastianVettal Beautiful songs!
GracieAbrams So proud of you!
Honeymoon Amazing!
Conangray So exited!
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Hate
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Typically hate is thought of as a single emotion. 
But there is reason to believe that hate has multiple components that can manifest themselves in different ways on different occasions. 
According to a triangular component of the duplex theory of hate, hate potentially comprises 3 components. 
As with love, hate can be captured by both feelings triangles and action triangles. 
Feelings may or may not translate themselves into actions, and actions may or may not represent genuine feelings. 
People may interpret actions as meaning different things, depending on their mappings of feelings into actions and vice versa. 
There are 3 components of hate: negation of intimacy, passion, and commitment.
Negation of intimacy - involves the pursuit of distance, often because the hated individual arouses repulsion and disgust.
Passion - expresses itself as intense anger or fear in response to a threat.
Commitment - is characterized by cognitions of devaluation and diminution through contempt for the targeted group.
The 3 components give rise to 7 different types of hate (plus non-hate), based on the particular combination of aspects involved:
Non-hate: No feelings of hate (none of negation of intimacy, passion, or commitment)
Cool hate: Disgust (disgust of negation of intimacy alone)
Hot hate: Anger/Fear (anger/fear of passion alone)
Cold hate: Devaluation/Diminution (devaluation/diminution of decision/commitment alone)
Boiling hate: Revulsion (disgust of negation of intimacy + anger/fear of passion)
Simmering hate: Loathing (disgust of negation of intimacy + devaluation/diminution of decision/commitment)
Seething hate: Revilement (anger/fear of passion + devaluation/diminution of decision/commitment)
Burning hate: Need for annihilation (disgust of negation of intimacy + anger/fear of passion + devaluation/diminution of decision/commitment)
The theory of hate as a story proposes that hate emerges from different kinds of stories. Some of the most common stories, deriving from the work of Sam Keene, Anthony Rhodes, Robert Zajonc, and others, are:
Stranger (vs. in-group) - Negation of Intimacy + Commitment
Impure-other (vs. pure in-group) - N
Controller (vs. controlled) - C
Faceless foe (vs. individuated in-group) - C
Enemy of God (vs. servant of God) - Passion + C
Morally bankrupt (vs. morally sound) - N + C
Death (vs. life) - N + C
Barbarian (vs. civilized in-group) - N + P + C
Greedy enemy (vs. financially responsible in-group) - N + C
Criminal (vs. innocent party) - C
Torturer (vs. victim) - N + P + C
Murderer (vs. victim) - N + P + C
Seducer/rapist (vs. victim) - N + P + C
Animal-pest (vs. human) - N + P
Power-crazed (vs. mentally balanced) - C
Subtle-infiltrator (vs. infiltrated) - C
Comic-character (vs. sensible in-group) - C
Thwarter/destroyer of destiny (vs. seeker of destiny) - C
Instigation of hate covers roughly 5 steps. Not all steps need to occur in order for hate to come into being. Indeed, even one step may start the process. The steps are:
The target is revealed to be anathema.
The target plans actions contrary to the interests of the in-group.
The target makes its presence felt.
The target translates plans into action.
The target is achieving some success in its goals.
Finally, perception becomes reality.
There may be elements of truth in some stories.
Example: A particular opponent may be loathsome in any number of ways.
But the power of stories is that their perception becomes, for the individual experiencing the stories, reality.
The individual typically does not question whether a given story is true. For him or her, it simply is true.
Sources: 1 2
Writing Notes: Love Click "Keep reading" for more examples. Warning: Very long text.
taxonomy of types of hate
The three components of hate generate, in various combinations, seven different types of hate. They are probably not exhaustive, and, because they represent limiting cases, are not mutually exclusive. Particular instances may straddle categories.
Non-Hate. Strangers on the street are likely to fall into this category, as may members of one’s family or one’s friends. But family members may arouse mixed emotions, so there is the possibility that some degree of hate exists toward family members, even coactively with feelings of love. In a healthy society (and a healthy person), most feelings one has toward other people are non-hate.
Cool Hate: Disgust. Cool hate is characterized by feelings of disgust toward the targeted group. The hater wishes to have nothing to do with the targeted group. Members of the targeted group may be viewed as subhuman, perhaps as vermin of some kind or as garbage. Visceral prejudice may be expressed as cool hate. The Sidney Poitier movie Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner depicted the visceral reaction of disgust of parents of a White woman who brought a Black man (her new beau) home to have dinner with her parents. Because the main feeling is a “cool” one, the reaction may be one of aversion rather than confrontation.
Hot Hate: Anger/Fear. Hot hate is characterized by extreme feelings of anger and/or fear toward a threat, and the reaction may be to run away or to attack (flight or fight). Sudden flare-ups of hate, such as road rage, are examples of hot hate. Gang members may kill others if they feel disrespected by the comments or even gestures of others. Riots often are accompanied by hot hate. People who feel only cool hate most of the time may be provoked and stirred up by the passion of the moment and find their hate converting into hot hate. The conversion may be short-lived. After the mutual egging on of the riot is over, those involved in it may revert to feelings of cool hate.
Cold Hate: Devaluation/Diminution. Cold hate is characterized by thoughts of unworthiness directed toward the target group. There is something wrong with the members of this group. Indoctrination often portrays the group as evil, as in Ronald Reagan’s conjuring up of the “Evil Empire” in referring to the former Soviet Union. This kind of use of metaphor invokes a number of free associations, all of which are stereotypically negative. The indoctrination may be against any group – Communists or capitalists in the Cold War (which was “cold” in more ways than one). Cold hate can be instilled even among those who have never encountered members of the target group. For example, it is not uncommon to find anti-Semitism or anti-Islamic cognitions among people who have never actually met a Jew or a Muslim. People are often unaware of their own cold hate. It is simply too much a part of who they are and how they were brought up. The cold hate may lie dormant unless the people are forced or inadvertently come into contact with members of a hated group.
Boiling Hate: Revulsion. Boiling hate is characterized by feelings of revulsion toward the targeted group. The group may be viewed as subhuman or inhuman and as a threat, and something must be done to reduce or eliminate the threat. The targeted group may change from time to time. In the earlier stages of the Third Reich, the Soviet Union was perceived as bad and revolting. Then, when Hitler made a pact with Stalin, the Soviet Union was perceived as good. Then, later, it was perceived as bad again. There was no sense of permanent commitment to any belief about the Soviet Union and Soviets. Negative intimacy and passion were instilled with a distinct absence of commitment. The change was later captured in George Orwell’s novel, 1984, where the identity of the enemy changed from one day or even one moment to another, and people were expected to adapt their hatreds to those chosen for them at any given moment by the government.
Simmering Hate: Loathing. Simmering hate is characterized by feelings of loathing toward the hated target. The targeted individual/s may be viewed as disgusting and as likely always to remain this way. There is no particular passion, just a simmering of hate. Ruthless, calculated assassinations often take this form. There is nothing sudden about such assassinations, which may be planned over periods of time, as Lee Harvey Oswald’s assassination of President Kennedy apparently was. Alfred Hitchcock’s movie Strangers on a Train depicts an individual who has felt simmering hate over a long period of time, and has devised a plan to have a murder committed without his actually having directly to take part in it.
Seething Hate: Revilement. Seething hate is characterized by feelings of revilement toward the targeted individual/s. Such individuals are a threat and always have been. Planned mob violence, often preceded by fiery oratory, sometimes takes on the characteristics of seething hate. The goal is to arouse the mob to violence, as in the Krystallnacht, where mobs were sent to destroy shops of Jewish shopkeepers who were portrayed as seeking to destroy the economy of Germany. In these cases, the targeted group may be portrayed not as subhuman but as more than human, for example, as being engaged in a worldwide plot of domination or conquest. Fears among U.S. militia groups of black helicopters sent by the forces of world government show this kind of hate. The enemy is not subhuman, but superhuman in its massive organization and conspiracy to take over the world. The Left Behind series of novels, portraying a world very loosely based on the biblical book of Revelations, describes the efforts of the Anti-Christ and his allies to take over the world and the people in it.
Burning Hate: Need for annihilation. Burning hate is characterized by all three components of hate. The haters may feel a need to annihilate their enemy, as postulated by Kernberg (1993) for extreme forms of hate. Some years back, Eli´an Gonzalez, a Cuban boy who was found clinging to a boat off the shores of Florida, was seized from his Miami relatives by the U.S. government. There were massive demonstrations in Miami, Florida, and Union City, New Jersey, as well as elsewhere, against Fidel Castro and the U.S. government, which was seen as in league with Castro. The outpouring of hate was powerful. The targeted group may be viewed as diabolical destroyers, and indeed, a poster shown on CNN depicted then Attorney-General Janet Reno with the horns of the Devil.
relations of the components of hate to terrorism, massacres, and genocides
The triangular theory of the structure of hate speculatively holds that hate is related to terrorism, massacres, and genocides through the number of components of hate experienced.
Danger Level 0: No Hate-Based Danger, results when none of the components of hate is present.
Danger Level 1: Mild Hate-Based Danger, results when one of the components of hate is present.
Danger Level 2: Moderate Hate-Based Danger, results when two of the components of hate are present.
Danger Level 3: Severe Hate-Based Danger, results when three of the components of hate are present.
Massacres and genocides are much more likely to result, arguably, when all three components are present. They are also a product of stories.
stories underlying the development of hate
The Stranger Story. The hated enemy is a stranger. Propaganda typically shows the object of hate as very strange looking. One Nazi propaganda poster shows a Jew with a Star of David tattooed on his forehead, with evil-looking squinting eyes, with a grossly asymmetrical face, with a twisted lip and a double chin, and with large ears notably sticking out from his head. No one can look at this poster and identify with the individual depicted: He is a stranger. We usually think of strangers as people we do not know and never have known. But they need not be. Often the stranger is someone who is familiar to us, and whom we thought we knew, but who, on reexamination, now appears to be someone else – someone strange and perhaps incomprehensible. The stranger story can apply to interpersonal relationships. We may be in a relationship with a partner whom we think we know quite well. Then we discover, to our astonishment, that the partner is having an affair, or has a sizable private bank account that he or she has hidden for many years. The person whom we thought we knew well may now come to seem like an utter stranger, and we may find ourselves wondering what other things about the partner that may be detrimental to our well-being he or she has not revealed.
The Impure Other Story. The hated enemy is impure or contaminated. Typically, the enemy is trying to spread this contamination. The enemy must be stopped before the contamination gets out of control (or to stop contamination that already is out of control). The euphemism “ethnic cleansing” may call to mind images of an enemy that needs to be eliminated from a society that otherwise would be pure in much the same way dirt needs to be eliminated from holy relics. In a close relationship, hate may be generated by the discovery that the partner has been contaminated, as by an extramarital affair or a disfiguring disease. In some societies, it is sufficient for a woman to be raped for her elimination to seem necessary to certain men with this story. The woman now is no longer viewed as pure and therefore may be seen as having ceased to serve her purpose. Curiously, and with unabashed sexism, the impurity applies only to the wronged female, not the male who wronged her.
The Controller Story. The hated enemy is trying to control you and perhaps the world. One German propaganda poster shows a Jew riding on top of the shoulders of Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, who is knee-deep in water. The only happy face in the poster is that of the Jew on top. Stories, such as the controller story, may have elements of truth. For example, the Sunnis in Iraq, although a minority, controlled the country for a long time. Some of them built up a system of oppression and repression that was, although brutal toward all Iraqis, especially arbitrary and invidious toward Shiites (Ghosh, 2007). But the stories may also be completely false, as when a group is targeted as controlling a society when in fact they are powerless and persecuted.
The Faceless Foe Story. The hated enemy has no face and indeed has few distinguishing human characteristics. For example, one political cartoon shows a dozen Soviet leaders who all look exactly the same, and have few, if any, distinguishing human characteristics. They are faceless and indistinguishable from each other. In a close relationship, one may reconceptualize one’s partner as faceless – as ordinary – and feel one’s love dissipate and even turn into hate if one feels tricked into having (previously) believed that the partner was special. Sometimes, perpetrators seek to be faceless. Torturers may hide their identities so that their victims cannot later identify them. Other times, victims are made to be faceless. Bombardiers may find it easier to destroy a whole town from an aircraft because, to them, the enemy is faceless.
The Enemy of God Story. The hated enemy is not only your enemy, but also, an enemy of God. The stories, as tends to be the case historically, are created by cynical and destructive individuals who seek to use others as their tools for wreaking havoc and destruction. This story can apply to individuals in intimate relationships in which one or both are religious. If one of the partners comes to be perceived by the other as having committed a mortal sin, then a loving relationship can turn to hate as the couple struggles with the (perceived) sin of the blamed partner. In a religion story of love, a reconceptualization of the partner as of the Devil rather than of God can suddenly turn love into hate.
The Moral Bankruptcy Story. The hated enemy is immoral or must be eliminated on moral grounds (as proposed by Zajonc, 2000). The enemy is doing immoral things, such as praying to the wrong god or gods, or to no god at all. Or the enemy is defiling holy sites or simply insulting the morality of God or humans by its very existence. During the Salem witch craze, one excuse for the elimination of alleged witches was their immoral pact with Satan. In close relationships, a spouse who comes to be viewed as immoral may be hated on account of the alleged immorality.
The Death Story. The hated enemy represents death. One Italian propaganda photo shows the Statue of Liberty carrying its torch and igniting a city. At the same time, it is taking off its mask to reveal a skull underneath. Enemies often do represent death. For example, the Janjaweed militias in contemporary Sudan come as close to representing death as any destroyers can. But these militias, following historical patterns, portray themselves as protecting the lives that are “worth” protecting, and the civilization that they claim to represent.
The Barbarian Story. The hated enemy represents a barbarian. Rome was eventually overthrown by enemies that the Romans viewed as barbarians. Today, the world faces attacks on many fronts from enemies viewed as barbarians. The barbarians, in turn, are likely to view those they attack as morally decadent and themselves as saviors coming to sweep away the decadence they believe they see among those they attack.
The Greedy Enemy Story. The hated enemy is exceptionally greedy. When gasoline prices reached high levels in the United States, one oil company produced a greater profit than any U.S. company in the history of the country. A CEO had just retired from this company with an exceptionally generous retirement package. The problem is that sometimes hated objects act in ways that promote rather than destroy the story that they would wish to have dissociated from them.
The Criminal Story. The hated enemy is a criminal, and needs to be dealt with as such. The hated person or group may have stolen something away from one, such as a loved one or some object of value. Propaganda photos frequently are made to look like wanted posters. One such poster from World War II, produced in the United States, shows Hideki Tojo, Prime Minister of Japan during World War II, in such a wanted poster. In a close relationship, discovering criminal behavior on the part of one’s partner may turn love into hate, especially if the criminal behavior is directed toward oneself. The behavior need not be legally criminal. If one perceives it as morally criminal, that may be enough to generate this story.
The Torturer Story. The hated enemy is a torturer. Some propaganda posters show actual portraits of individuals who have been tortured by enemies. In a close relationship, one may come to conceive of one’s partner as a torturer, and come to feel hate rather than love toward the partner. The torturer story is one of the most powerful stories of hate. In modern day Argentina, Chile, South Africa, and other countries, victims and their family are still trying to come to grips with a long history of government perpetrated torture. And attempts are still being made to identify the people responsible for the torture – both the torturers themselves and those who commissioned them to execute the torture.
The Murderer Story. The hated enemy is a murderer. Sometimes actual photographs are used, such as a widely distributed photo of right-wing students hanging and simultaneously hitting a left-wing student over the head with a chair. The right-wing students are smiling and cheering as the act progresses. In a close relationship, sometimes individuals feel that their lives are threatened, literally or symbolically, by their partners, and may come to feel hate rather than love toward their partners.
The Seducer/Rapist Story. The hated enemy is a seducer or a rapist. One German propaganda poster shows an older, ugly Jew seducing a beautiful woman. An American poster shows unclothed women in cages being inspected by Nazi soldiers. In close relationships, an individual (usually a woman) may come to feel that sex is no longer consensual but forced, and may come to experience hate rather than love for the partner. Unfortunately, many hated targets are rapists. Soldiers in war frequently use rape to satisfy their own lust, and to demoralize and humiliate the enemy. Rapes may occur in intimate relationships as well as in any others. They may also occur in families (incest).
The Animal Pest Story. The hated enemy is an animal pest, such as a germ, an insect such as a cockroach, a reptile, or some kind of a beast. One World War II German propaganda poster shows the Jew as a rat, with the heading “Rotten.” A World War II Italian propaganda poster shows the American G.I. as an ape. In a close relationship, one may come to view one’s partner as animal-like – a pig or a rat – and may come to feel hate rather than love for the partner. These stories become more powerful as those who perceive themselves as victims feel that the violations occur on a repeated basis.
The Power Monger Story. The hated enemy is crazed with the lust for power. A World War II German propaganda poster shows Roosevelt embracing the globe, his face crazed with the lust for power. In a close relationship, one may come to view one’s partner as totally absorbed by power aspects of the relationship, and as seeking total domination. One may feel one’s love convert into hate. The leaders of some countries come to be seen as power mongers. Unfortunately, they may act in ways that promote the stereotype. Whatever their intentions, their efforts to combat hate may then be belied by their own actions.
The Subtle Infiltrator Story. The hated enemy is a subtle infiltrator. One British poster shows a group of Army officers talking while a beautiful woman is sitting amongst them, pretending to be “dumb” but listening carefully to all that is said. Stalin used the subtle infiltrator story to induce hate of certain groups. Beginning in 1927, he staged a series of show trials designed to show that various groups were actually subtle infiltrators in league with the enemies of society. For example, managers, engineers, academics of various kinds, people associated with religious movements – all were portrayed as in league with and in the pay of world capitalists to destroy Soviet society (Mace, 1997). Similar stories are still used today to target individuals and groups.
The Comic Character Story. The hated enemy is a comic character. During World War II, American comic books often portrayed comical Nazi soldiers as being demolished by American super-heroes. A Walt Disney cartoon showed Donald Duck throwing a tomato at the face of a comical Adolph Hitler. Charlie Chaplin played a comic Hitler as well. Nazi propaganda portrayed Jewish women as fat, ugly, and stupid. In a close relationship, one may come to view one’s partner as a comic figure – as a buffoon or a fool – and feel one’s love turn into hate. This story may be less effective in inducing hate than some of the other stories, because it is likely to instill neither anger nor fear. Indeed, it may lead people to view a threat as less serious than it is, and, because of its comical portrayal, to dismiss any danger the threat poses.
The Thwarter/Destroyer-of-Destiny Story. The enemy is hated because of its role in thwarting or destroying a certain destiny. For example, the murderer of a loved one may be hated because the murderer has destroyed what should have been the destiny both of the loved one and of the one who has offered the love.
structure of the stories of hate
Because the stories of hate tend to be simple, some people might prefer to view them simply as negative stereotypes, or as negative images of the enemy.
Why use the story concept at all? Because, arguably, each is associated with an anticipated set of events.
The key point is that the threat represents a dynamic story, not just a static image or stereotype.
Whereas stereotypes tend to be somewhat one-dimensional, immobile, and static over time, stories are multidimensional, fluid, and changeable over time.
1. The Target Is Revealed to be Anathema At some point, often long in the past (and probably more often than not, in the imagined past), the target reveals itself to be worthy of hatred. Perhaps members of the group killed God, or slaughtered members of what is now the in-group, or plotted the destruction of the in-group, or revealed themselves to be dirty or greedy or whatever. Although the events giving rise to the groups’ being labeled as anathema may have occurred long ago, they can remain in a metaphorical sort of Jungian “collective unconscious.” In some cases, the events may never have occurred at all. They may merely be imagined to have occurred, such as when they are part of an oral history of dubitable validity.
2. The Target Plans Actions Contrary to the Interests of the In-Group One may not become aware of this problem right away. But at some point, one becomes aware that for some time, often a long time, the target has been planning actions contrary to the best (and often, any good) interests of the in-group. Whatever the problem is, it is no longer historical in nature; it is current. Because members of the in-group often do not realize they have been “plotted against” until what they perceive to be rather late in the plotting process, they may feel a sense of desperation and urgency. Of course, in many instances, the planned actions are imaginary, which does not make them any less “real” psychologically to those who are being manipulated into hating the members of the target group.
3. The Target Makes Its Presence Felt The story often first becomes perceptible when the target appears significantly on the scene. The target may come from outside, either legally (through legal immigration) or illegally (through illegal immigration, invasion, or imposition by outside powers). But the target also may come from inside. Perhaps it has been there a long time. Indeed, people often feel that they were blinded, and that only now are they realizing the threat that has been there for some time. Now the target is becoming powerful, and hence is becoming a force to be reckoned with, before it is too late. Stalin was notorious for devising elaborate plots that were alleged to have been hatched against the government, which had no more reality than the proverbial will o’ the wisp.
4. The Target Translates Plans into Action Members of the in-group believe they are becoming aware that the period of plotting is over for the target. The target is actively translating thought into action, and thus has become a true threat, not just a hypothetical one. Sometimes the action is now perceived to be already quite far along before individuals realize what is going on; other times the action is perceived to be just starting up. The exact type of action depends on the content of the story. In many instances, the only action is that of the perpetrators against the targets, who were never planning any action in any event. Enemies of God actively work against God. Beasts cause wanton destruction. Rapists, of course, rape men, women, and children. Subtle infiltrators covertly try to take things over. Thwarters of destiny try to make sure that the in-group cannot achieve the goals it deserves to achieve. In each case, the target group works against the in-group. What differs is how they achieve their goals. Often, they may achieve their goals in multiple ways through multiple stories.
5. The Target Is Achieving Some Success in Its Goals Unsuccessful targets may be viewed as pathetic, such as members of very small groups that have dreams of taking over the world. But once the target is not only acting, but achieving some success in its actions, feelings of hatred and perhaps the desire to act upon these feelings become a force to be reckoned with. In sum, the images, in themselves, are the contents that fill in the story schema. In a sense, the precise story is less important than how many of the above steps the target group has (in the minds of the in-group) managed to enact. The more steps the target group enacts, the more of a threat they become, and the “hotter” the hate is likely to be (i.e., the more the number of components that are likely to be operative).
mapping to the triangle of hate
Different stories are likely to induce different components of hate, but which are induced probably depends in part upon the person.
Consider a few examples:
Stories of individuals or groups as vermin or as impure are likely to induce negation of intimacy.
Stories of individuals or groups as murderers or rapists are “hot” and thus are likely to induce passion.
Stories of individuals or groups as greedy or as dominators are “cooler” and thus are more likely to induce commitment.
the relation of hate to love
Often, love is viewed incorrectly as the opposite of hate.
They are thought to constitute just one single dimension on which a person can move from love to hate, from hate to love, and so forth.
Hate is neither the opposite nor the absence of love. Rather, the relationship between love and hate is multifaceted.
Therefore, love and hate can exist at the same time in the same person with regard to the same object.
The opposite of love is rather indifference.
Hate and love have a lot in common. Both involve very intense emotions and attraction of a certain kind.
Love and hate both have three components, which are interrelated.
In one case, the components are inverses of each other. In the other two cases, they are actually the same, but are experienced differently.
Different people have different combinations of these components so, structurally, may experience hate (or love) differently.
The stories of love are also susceptible to turning. Consider some of the stories of love, and how they can contain within them the seeds of destruction:
1. Addiction. An addiction story involves one partner’s feeling addicted to the other, or less frequently, both partners feeling addicted to each other. Addictions are usually, in themselves, love–hate relationships. One feels bound to something or someone, but feels also one’s freedom to escape is restricted. Feelings of love especially can turn to hate if one feels that one’s addiction is self-destructive, as when one feels an addiction toward someone who is abusive toward oneself or others.
2. Business. In a business story, two people essentially view each other as investments, much like they might invest in people in any other business. The difference is that this is a particularly important investment. A business story succeeds by virtue of both partners feeling that the business is equitable and works to their mutual advantage. But if the business goes bad – one partner makes poor decisions that lead to financial or other forms of distress, or if one partner proves to be untrustworthy, the relationship can go bad rather quickly, and turn love to hate.
3. Fantasy. In a fantasy story, the partners view each other much the way characters would in a fairy tale. The success of a fantasy story in love typically depends upon the partners respectively occupying the roles of prince and princess, king and queen, or similar roles. But just as frogs can change to princes, so can princes change to frogs. And just as kings or queens can be perceived as beneficent, so can they be perceived as malevolent or as imperious. The success of the fantasy story thus depends on the partners maintaining positive images in the roles they occupy. Should the images become negative, hate can replace love.
4. Horror. Horror stories are stories based on one partner’s terrorizing the other. Relationships based on horror stories are almost always love–hate relationships to begin with. One is attracted by, and simultaneously repelled by, the abuse that characterizes such relationships. In some cases, the individual who is the object of the terror in such a relationship may come to hate the perpetrator, much as the victim comes to hate the perpetrator in a massacre. There is also a psychological phenomenon called “Stockholm Syndrome,” in which the victim of a hostage-taking develops positive emotions toward the hostage-takers.
5. Mystery. In a mystery story, one partner seems mysterious, and the other acts as a detective trying to solve the mystery. A mystery story gains its interest by virtue of the fascination of one partner with the mystery represented by the other. The individual peels away one layer of mystery after another. But one may find that, at bottom, the story is not a pleasant one. For example, the mystery may be that the partner is exploiting one, or is involved with other people as well. Love can then turn to hate.
6. Travel. In a travel story, two partners travel through life together, trying to the extent possible to stay on the same or at least proximal paths. A travel story can go bad if a partner feels that the other partner has departed from the path they set out together, or has started to regress on the path. If the paths diverge too much, and one partner does not like the path the other is taking, that dislike or even hate may transfer to the partner. This can happen, too, when one of the partners goes through a physical, psychological, or social transformation that changes him or her. When he or she makes new friends his/her partner dislikes or gets on a career trajectory that makes him or her much more successful than the partner and leaves that partner jealous, hate can develop as well.
7. War. In a war story, two partners enjoy fighting with each other. They seem constantly to be at war with each other. Love may turn to hate if the war becomes a serious one, and the partners find that the fights lose whatever good nature they originally may have had. The war story perhaps provides the best transition from a consideration of love to a consideration of hate.
Sources: 1 2
Writing Notes: Love
111 notes · View notes
anistarrose · 9 months
there really are so many symbolic choices, though, that Lucretia made to emphasize the Bureau of Balance and the Red Robes as foils, right down to things that would literally only mean anything to her (and maybe Barry, if he happened to be spying on the Bureau, which I'm sure Lucretia knew that he was).
like. the alliteration and colors are one thing, because any old Regulator or Seeker hearing the story of the Red Robes could pick up on those. but the fact that the IPRE logo is entirely round, entirely made of circles, while the BoB logo is all triangles and diamonds, all sharp angles? let alone the fact that the IPRE's home planet had two suns, while the Bureau created an entire second moon? like. god. she's such a literature major. I love her.
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hp-hcs · 11 months
male, nonbinary, & gender-neutral readers x hp characters
requests: open! (RULES)
join the taglist!
Do you hate it when you find a fic that says “x reader” only for it to have she/her pronouns, as if it’s some inherent rule that only fem people read fanfiction? WELL DO I HAVE A BLOG FOR YOU.
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
am i reorganizing my masterlist for the 10,000th time? yep! i’ve finally written enough that i need to break this down into tinier masterlists!
key: 🚹 = male reader ⚧️ = nonbinary reader 🚻 = gender-neutral reader
☣️ = yandere tw 💥 = violence tw ‼️ = homophobia/transphobia tw 🩸 = blood/gore tw 🧨 = implied sexual content/sexual innuendos ❤️‍🔥 = smut tw
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
mattheo riddle masterlist
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
theodore nott masterlist
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
polyamorous/non-monogamous masterlist
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“Splinched” masterlist • theodore nott 🚹🩸
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“Pansy’s Brother” masterlist • theodore nott 🚹 ☣️ 💥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“lipstick” masterlist • enzo berkshire and draco malfoy 🚻 ☣️ ❤️‍🔥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“watercolors” masterlist • tom riddle 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“The Doll” masterlist • enzo berkshire, regulus black, draco malfoy, theodore nott, mattheo riddle, and blaise zabini 🚻 💥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“phoenix tears” masterlist • riddle brothers 🚹 ‼️💥🩸
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
draco malfoy:
the audacity, i can’t believe this 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
enzo berkshire:
shut up 🚹☣️❤️‍🔥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
ron weasley:
love triangle 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
neville longbottom:
mr. green thumb 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
weasley twins:
common room confessions 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
blaise zabini:
uniforms ⚧️
fiendfyre 🚹
yandere! blaise zabini headcanons 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
narcissa malfoy:
yandere! mother! headcanons 🚻 ☣️💥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
riddle brothers:
June 🚻
crystal 🚻☣️💥 (referenced attempted S/A tw)
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
pansy parkinson:
paralyzer 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
viktor krum:
sibling rivalry 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
slytherin boys hcs:
slytherin boys: gn! muggleborn! reader’s music taste is rather…unexpected 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
random non-reader stories:
❌= implied/referenced child abuse tw 🛑= graphic child abuse tw
“where have you been?”
molly weasley discovers the extent of the dursleys’ abuse ❌
the weasley family and their cinematic adventures
just some funky lil headcanons
Harry Potter and the Amount of Abuse He Suffered at the Hands of His Guardians That Doesn’t Get Mentioned Nearly Enough (aka LET THE POOR BOY BE TRAUMATIZED)
writing prompt: “…jegulus taking in teenage harry after he runs away from the dursleys” 🛑 ❌
untitled tomarry thingy (i just love them okay)
writing prompt: “Touch starved Tom / Voldemort” 🛑 ❌
two thousand words of pure marauders-raise-harry fluff
writing prompt: “regulus black becoming the best seeker ever and harry being his biggest fan and then he finds out that his dad use to date him and he tries (and plots with sirius) to get them back together just so he can call the regulus black his stepdad”
Children Don’t Belong in Cupboards (pt. 1/?)
synopsis: jily comes to the dursleys’ to get their son back 🛑 ❌
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
292 notes · View notes
kitty-tea · 8 months
Like father, like son
(Link to masterlist)
Read part 2 here
Read part 3 here
Summary: Harry and his father James are similar in so many ways. They like Quidditch, they’re both Gryffindors, and they have you in their lives. The difference is that you feel something for James that you’ll never feel for Harry who is younger than you.
A/n: originally supposed to be a single part but it was too long so I turned it into multiple parts.
Pairing: James Potter x reader
NSFW 18+ only!
Word count: 3.8k
Tags/warnings: mature content, love triangle (kind of), masturbation, sexual content, fluff, angst, mentions of death, reader is of age, heavy sexual tension, borderline adultery, one-sided crush, James lives, doesn’t follow the main storyline at all, conflicting feelings, accidental groping, innocence kink, slow burn
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Ever since your parents were murdered by Death Eaters, you had never been in a stable living situation. You never stopped moving in between the Potters’ house, the Weasleys’ Burrow, or Sirius’ ancestral home. Out of everywhere you’ve moved, it was those three places you spent the most time at. When you were an eighteen-year-old in your seventh year, and your friend Harry was fifteen and in his fifth year, you got the news that your childhood home had been burned down. Harry and the surviving adult members of the Order decided it was then that they would introduce themselves to you, and the secret society your parents were a part of. They knew it was the Death Eaters who were responsible for your parent’s demise, but with no evidence of their responsibility, the Ministry had no arrests.
Everything in your life began to change and move too fast for you to keep track of from then on. The pain of losing your parents was easily numbed out by all the studying you subjected yourself to, but it wasn’t until after you graduated that the pain settled into the void that was once filled by academic stress. The members of the Order understood that you were in no place to go out and find a job, so they gave you allowance money for doing house chores for them.
You first met Harry formally when he, as a first year, was introduced by Oliver Wood, as the new Seeker for your house’s Quidditch team. You were skeptical about having a first year player on the team since it was against the rules, but Wood and McGonagall told you to trust their judgment, and Harry had won his first match. You congratulated him, and after that, you’d kind of taken him under your wing. Being older than him by three years, you weren’t close with him in the same way he was with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, but besides that, he never had a big sister, so that’s how he came to see you as. But that was when he was younger.
When you visited his family’s home in Godric’s Hollow over the winter holidays, you met his parents for the first time as they gave you their sincere condolences for your loss.
Another thing in your life that moved at you too fast was the little crush you were starting to have on your little friend’s married father. The moment you met James, you got straight into bonding over Quidditch since the both of you played the same position for Gryffindor. You were eighteen years old, you never had a crush before, your life was a stressful mess, and you didn’t need the guilt of being attracted to a married man to be added to it. You wondered if it was normal to feel the way you felt about having a crush on somebody. You’ve heard the other girls at school giggling and smiling about their crushes, but they were boys their age, not married, and they weren’t dealing with the type of stress you were dealing with.
Out of every family whose house you stayed at you spent the most time at the Potters’. Lily had come to see you as the daughter she never had. James on the other hand, was someone you were so desperate to hide your attraction from his wife.
Since you didn’t have much clothes of your own, you had to wear Lily’s hand-me-downs, or God forbid, whatever Sirius’ mother used to wear in her teenage years. Between those two women’s fashion senses, it was easy to say you favored Lily’s bright sundresses over Walburga’s gowns that reeked of darkness and death.
The sight of you wearing Lily’s old clothes around the house was enough to make James lose it if he wasn’t in front of his family with his wife complimenting you on how adorable you looked. Lose what? His sanity? He didn’t want to know.
That night as his wife was asleep next to him, you asleep on the living room couch, and his son asleep in his own room, all of them blissfully unaware of his racing thoughts, he couldn’t get the image of how you looked out of his mind.
James felt guilt and arousal overcome him as he pictured the way Lily’s dress (now yours) clung so effortlessly to your figure, showing off your thighs, barely leaving anything to the imagination.
Those days that you went to go live with other families were a breath of relief for James as much as it was torture. Relief because his mind wasn’t clouded with his filthy thoughts about you that he had in front of his wife, and torture because he missed everything about the intoxicated feeling he’d get from your addictive scent when you’d walk past him to the fierce pounding in his chest that made him feel the same way he felt about Lily.
Speaking of looking at you, he didn’t think you’d catch onto how his son started looking at you, but he did. He was a boy once, he understood the signs of a lovesick boy, and Harry checked all the boxes. He hoped that he wouldn’t be pursuing a relationship with you. He was a fifteen-year-old boy, and you were a young woman, of course the feelings his underage son had were no less inappropriate than the feelings he had for you as a married man!
To go behind his wife’s back and act on his feelings would not only be a betrayal to her, but to you and his son as well. It would ruin the family dynamic that the four of you had been building up. And he didn’t want to take that away from you. Even though you were an adult, Lily and James referred to you and Harry as “the kids.” Lily might’ve thought it was cute to have herself and James call you that, but to him it made him feel disgusted at himself, for it only reminded him even more that while you were closer to his son’s age, you were not a kid.
The day he’d almost crossed the line of no return was during the hot summer of his son’s sixteenth birthday, when Lily told you, Harry, and James that she was going out to meet friends, leaving the three of you alone. James decided it was a good idea to take “the kids” out for some ice cream in town.
Once the three of you sat down next to one of the coffee tables, taking refuge in the cool air circulating around the ice cream shop, Harry sat on the couch next to you while James took his seat on an armchair across the table from you.
Harry congratulated you on finishing your magical education, telling you how strong you’ve grown after everything you went through in your last year. You then shifted the focus of the conversation onto Harry’s upcoming sixth year, asking him about the classes he’ll be taking.
James watched as you and Harry talked for a while. Even though his eyes never left you, he could sense the lingering looks his son would give you, and it made him seath inside. James didn’t know if it was cute or pitiful that you made it very clear to Harry that when you would tell him you saw him as more than a friend, you meant that you saw him as a little brother.
When Harry had finished his ice cream, he pulled out some Muggle coins from his pocket and told you to join him in the arcade area of the shop when you were done before running off.
Even though you were still in a public space, James felt like he was alone with you.
With the way you were licking your ice cream off the spoon slowly while keeping your eyes on him, it would’ve been easy for onlookers to mistake it as an attempt at seduction. Even he would’ve mistaken it as such if you didn’t know he was married. He thought you might’ve been spacing out, unaware that a drop of the sweet threat had stuck near the corner of your lips as you finished the bowl.
Only when he called out your name to get your attention did you jolt out of whatever daydreams you were immersed in.
That sweet look you gave him with your doe eyes almost made him forget what to say until his eyes fell to your lips.
“You’ve got something. Right here.” He pointed to the spot on his face to mirror where the ice cream was stuck.
You stuck your tongue out swinging it near your cheek and failing to reach that spot which made James chuckle. You looked so silly with your whole face scrunched up in concentration.
“Did I get it?” You asked hopefully.
“Here, let me help you.” He said without thinking as he got up from his seat and plopped down next to you. Right to where your exposed thigh was touching the fabric of his jeans.
He was so close to you he felt like he could get drunk just off the scent of your strawberry shampoo. You looked so small and innocent, looking up at him like a deer in the headlights.
It was as if his heart was possessing his body and controlling his hand that brought itself up to your cheek, his thumb wiping across it. He could’ve just let go of you, or better yet get you a napkin to clean yourself up which is what he should’ve done in the first place. You were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, you weren’t a little girl. That thought still didn’t make him feel like less of a pervert.
He was for sure spacing out because the next thing he knew, he found his thumb had landed on your bottom lip. He miraculously found it in himself to stifle a groan that wanted to escape him as he felt your tongue give out a small, hesitant lick.
“All done!” You let go of his thumb and gave him a cheery smile as if you hadn’t just almost made him cum right there. “I’m gonna go see what game Harry’s playing!”
You stood up with your empty bowl and threw it in the waste bin before running off to join Harry, leaving him to feel disgusted in himself.
He was indeed disgusted in himself for how he had imagined for a split second that it was his cum all over your pretty lips instead of the ice cream.
One of your favorite activities to participate in was dueling. The older adults in the Order thought dueling was something important that should be incorporated into your life post-education. You thought it was interesting how each of them had different styles for training you. With Sirius, he would throw insults to purposefully catch you off guard, to simulate fighting with the enemy, while with Molly, she would tell you what a good job you were doing and to keep it up.
It was Remus who first brought up the idea to have everyone take turns training you. You couldn’t stop blushing as he bragged to James and Lily about how you and Harry were one of the most talented students in your years he saw potential in. And now that you were out of school, it was the perfect time for you to focus on learning how to fight to expand on that potential.
You usually had your training sessions in the Potters’ or Weasleys’ backyard since there was way more space and less risk of property damage than Sirius’ family home in London.
It was a guarantee that Harry or the younger Weasley children would come and watch you, seeing that it would be a good learning experience for them too.
Harry sat next to his father on a bench, giving you a thumbs up as you stood in front of Sirius, preparing for the sparring session in the Potters’ backyard. It was just you, Sirius, and the father son duo out there. Lily was out once again this time at her job.
You and Sirius got to it straight away firing spells at each other. While Sirius used Protego, you knew you weren’t as skilled in the shielding charm, so you opted to move out of the way when he’d blast at you.
“Don’t you know you’re just tiring yourself out with all this moving!” He shouted at you. “Bombar-”
“Arresto momentum! Descendo!” That combination had him slow down his movements before suddenly thrusting him onto the grass.
“Nice one!” James clapped his hands. “You’ve got good reflexes! Keep going!”
“Shut up James, you’re distracting her! That’s my job!” Sirius turned to him, giving you an opportunity to cast Flipendo, sending him rolling backwards.
“I win!” You held up your arms as Harry jumped up and high-fived you. “Who’s distracted now?” You stuck your tongue out at Sirius, who was still on the ground, rubbing his head.
“That’s not fair! James, it’s all your fault! It’ll be our turn after the break!” He pointed accusingly at his best friend.
“I’ll be looking forward to it. You won’t stand a chance against me, old friend.” James smirked.
“Both Sirius and your dad are such show offs.” You laughed with Harry. “Typical Gryffindors.”
“Hey, don’t pretend like you’re not one of those too, young lady!” Sirius snapped his fingers at you.
“Ugh. I’ve got to use the loo. I think she flipendo-ed my bladder.” He groaned, standing up. You and Harry only looked at each other and burst out laughing as he disappeared through the back door.
“You’re getting so much better! I can’t wait until I’m old enough to use magic outside school! We can practice together!” Harry praised you.
“Aww, Harry you’re so sweet! I love you!” You smiled at him, reaching out to ruffle his already messy hair.
“I… love you too.” James knew that one sentence had two different meanings depending on which one of you said it. Besides, what did the young boy know about love? What he was experiencing was a silly teenage crush. He couldn’t fall in love with you, he was too young for you. He wondered if his own son even knew how poorly he was concealing his little crush from him. He might have you fooled, but James knew him better than you did in terms of how he showed his feelings.
“You’re the best little brother I never had!” You opened your arms, letting Harry into your embrace.
“Yeah, thanks.” He wrapped his hands around the small of your back. Both you and James could see the frown forming on his face. James was glad in a way that you and Harry weren’t the same age or else he would already have asked you out, he was completely sure of it.
“What’s wrong?” You innocently asked Harry, tilting your head. You looked as though you were wondering what Harry was thinking as you caught him staring at you.
“Nothing… I’m just-I’ll just be standing outside the bathroom and telling Sirius to stop hogging it.”
It was just you and James now, standing alone in the middle of the grass.
“Is that how you’re preparing for your turn with Sirius? By standing around doing nothing?” You spoke first.
“Yes.” James shrugged. “He’s got no idea what’s coming for him.”
You could feel a blush creep up your cheeks as you thought you saw him wink at you. You awkwardly shifted your weight from one foot to the other, trying to find something to keep the conversation going.
“You did well. You’re still young, and you’ve got so much to learn.” James said. You didn’t know when you had moved so close together to the point of your toes nearly touching. “Show me your stance again.”
You put your wand out in front of your face and flicked your arm.
“Darling, I’m sorry, but you’re leaving yourself open to an attack. Try this.” Your breath hitched in your throat as James got so close behind you to the point his chest was lightly pressed against your back.
He took your fist that was clenching your wand, lowering it slightly so that it wasn’t as in your face anymore.
“There. Now you can see your target much better.” His voice dripped into your ear like sweet honey, making you feel weak in your chest.
You were however more horrified with yourself at the ache that began to grow between your legs as you felt the tips of the fingers of his other hand brush through your hair before tucking it behind your ear.
“Why don’t you try again?” He whispered, his lips almost touching your earlobe. “This time, bring your legs apart more.”
“Wh-What?” That was the only word you remembered how to say at that moment. You were so distracted by his smooth voice you couldn’t stop the image of yourself naked with your legs spread in front of him from forming in your mind.
“To help you balance.” James clarified. Okay, he didn’t mean anything sexual by that. You had to remind yourself as you felt a shiver run through you along with his hands that slid from your arms to your waist and hips before landing on the cotton hem of your shorts.
You could feel the heat between your thighs grow as James gently squeezed the soft flesh that was dangerously close to your pussy. You were glad you wore panties that day or else you would’ve soaked through the thin material of your shorts by now.
You didn’t know what you were thinking when you squirmed and you felt James’ forefinger grazing just the lightest bit against your pussy. You could’ve sworn you heard him whisper a cuss word.
“James?” You tried to bring him back. “How am I doing. Is my stance good now?”
“Yeah… you’re doing excellent.” He breathed out.
You had never felt an erection against your body before, but you were sure you could feel something hard pressing against your ass at that moment.
“I’m going to let go,” thank goodness. You didn’t know how much longer you could take it with him manhandling you like that. “And you’re going to cast a spell with the new stance I taught you.”
You felt like you could finally breathe as the weight of his body disappeared from behind you.
“Engorgio.” The flower nearby ballooned up.
“Good girl.” You didn’t know whether his eyes had darkened or it was the lighting.
James was as equally disgusted in himself as he was intrigued. He had come this close again to crossing the line between what was and wasn’t inappropriate with you. Actually, he was sure he deserved time in hell for how he was touching you earlier as it was definitely considered inappropriate. He was intrigued because he was now sure the attraction went both ways.
The slightest whimpers he could hear coming out of you was something he couldn’t get out of his mind as his hand softly squeezed around his cock, with his other hand planted against the shower wall.
It was like his eyes had suddenly been opened to the glances you’d cast at him that would linger a little longer than what was normal. Speaking of normal, he knew he shouldn’t be shaming or ridiculing you for these feelings you were having. He knew it was normal for young women to catch feelings for older men. He’d seen it in the way Nymphadora Tonks looked at his best friend Remus, even if Remus himself tried denying it with excuses such as, “I’m too poor, I’m too old, I’m a werewolf.”
He imagined that instead of his hand pumping around his cock, that it was yours, or any body part of yours. Your lips, your pussy, your tongue, he wanted it all. He let himself admit it.
He could never go back to telling himself that he only saw you as a daughter. He may be able to convince everyone otherwise, but not himself.
His mind went back to how his finger had accidentally grazed over your clothed pussy, where he could feel the heat of it along with the outline of your inner lips rubbing against the seam of your shorts.
He started wondering how you would taste on his tongue. He imagined you would be an addicting treat to him that he couldn’t get enough of.
He then got curious about how tight your walls would feel around his dick. He deduced from your conversations that you never had sex from the lack of boyfriends mentioned. At this point, he was so desperate for his seed to spill into your virgin cunt, to the point he shut his mouth abruptly as he caught himself grunting your name. He knew no one in the house would hear him over the sound of running water, but he could never be too careful.
With one last stroke of his cock along with the image of you bent over in front of him, water glistening along the soft curves of your body, he let himself go. He wished it was your tits his cum hit not the shower walls. He squashed that thought out of his mind almost as soon as it crept in.
Trying to escape those thoughts, he aggressively yanked the shower head off the rack, desperate to wash away any evidence of his indecent activity.
Even behind your innocence, you had to be hiding a beast that was waiting for the right man to have it lured out. He wanted it to be him, but he couldn’t betray everything he and his family had worked for, he reminded himself for the umpteenth time.
Why couldn’t he just look at you the same way his friends looked at you?!
There was definitely something wrong with James because the way he looked at you was not how any father should look at his daughter.
Then, there was Harry. The way he looked at you was not how any brother should look at his big sister.
Harry’s little crush he had on you seemed innocent, the extreme opposite of James’ sexual attraction towards you.
For a second James envied his son. He was too innocent to have his mind plagued by these wild fantasies of you. All he got was a fluttery feeling in his stomach from looking at you which translated to a poorly concealed blush to other people’s point of view.
He understood Harry’s feelings towards you. You were a beautiful, kind, young woman, how could he not be smitten by you? How could he be angry at his son for feeling something so natural for any boy to feel?
He could just be angry at himself. Yes, he deserved to burn in hell after all.
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casper-spills · 10 months
𝒲𝒽𝓎 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒜𝓇𝑒 𝒥𝑒𝒶𝓁𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝒪𝒻 𝒴𝑜𝓊...
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ᴘɪʟᴇ 1 ~ ᴘɪʟᴇ 2 ~ ᴘɪʟᴇ 3
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ᴘɪʟᴇ 1
Cards: Knight of Swords, Six of Swords, Three of Wands (reversed), The Magician, Ten of Coins, Eight of Swords (reversed), The Sun (reversed), Five of Coins (reversed)
They are jealous because they think that you're incredibly capable of having a sucessful life. They think that you are ambitious, action oriented, driven and a fast thinker. They also notice how adaptable you are and how much you change as a person especially when this change has something to do with certain baggage or traumas you might have. You're not easliy put down or effected by what others project onto you, making you unstoppable. Once you put your mind to something, absolutely nothing and nobody can stop you. You have already manifested your dreams.
They are jealous because they have a goal in mind that they just can't seem to put into action like you can. They may have a similar upbringing to you or they just relate to you deeply and because of this, they get frustrated with themselves when they don't have the same resilience when life brings them down. They wonder how you're always so persistant and motivated even after what you've been through. They can't seem to get themsleves out of this negative energy.
Your physical assets: Unique appearance, birthmarks or scars, appear younger than you are, good nose, flashing smile, rosy complexion or red hair, broad shoulders or slim hips, lean figure
Good traits you have: Adaptable, always changing, open minded, truth seeker, passionate, explorer, unafraid of failure, good communicator, curious, knowledgable
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ᴘɪʟᴇ 2
Cards: Seven of Swords (reversed), Two of Wands, King of Swords, The Fountain, Knight of Wands, Three of Swords, Three of Cups (reversed), Two of Coins, Six of Wands (reversed), Three of Wands, Knight of Cups, Five of Cups (reversed)
They are jealous of you because they know that you are very intelligent and put together. You are in control of your life and you have a certain power that this person cannot even compare to. You might be the kind of person that leads a group or a team. You might be an extrovert and people might gravitate towards you. They know that you are organised,intelligent emotionally as well as academically, open minded, energetic and passionate. This person has also noticed that you don’t really bring others into your problems. You don’t like to talk about your personal drama within this circle and nobody suspects it except maybe thus person. Perhaps this person was once someone you trusted with this information.
This person might be an ex friend or even ex lover or just somebody that you have cut ties with. It seems that there are others that have cut ties with them. Perhaps a third party in the love triangle or this might just be a friend group of three. They’re jealous because the third party has chosen you over them. They prioritised you over them and started to pay more attention to you. This person might try to bring you down by name calling and jabbing at your ego.
Your physical assets: Half smile, high forehead, inquisitive eyes, very tall, long torso, shapely legs, broad shoulders and hips
Good traits you have: Intimidating, calm cool and detached demeanour, a little awkward in a charming way, optimistic, philosophical, responsible, generous, tolerant
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ᴘɪʟᴇ 3
Cards: Strength (reversed), Temperance, Six of Coins, The Fountain (reversed), Eight of Coins, Knight of Cups, The Tower, The Moon (reversed), Five of Coins (reversed), King of Wands (reversed), Seven of Wands (reversed), The World (reversed), Page of Coins (reversed), Ace of Coins
You and this person are rivals and they are jealous of you because you have taken measures to get what you want and it’s working. You are both interested in the same person romantically and they know that you are a ‘sweetheart’ in everyone’s eyes. You wear your emotions on your sleeve, you’re generous and patient except in this particular case. You have decided that now is the time to be impulsive and hasty so you’ve started to use your assets to charm your person.
They know that you’re seen as very feminine, almost as if you’re a princess in need, a damsel in distress, and your knight in shining armour wants to come and save the day. You’ve decided to get close with them, opening up to them and talking about your vulnerabilities and your insecurities. They’re definitely very jealous of you because you have them wrapped around your finger and they can’t possibly compete with someone like you.
Your physical assets: Large round eyes, small and delicate ears, dark hair and eyes, doe eyed, curly hair, symmetrical features, distinct delicate neck, strong posture, distinct voice/manner of speaking
Good traits you have: good communicator, adaptable, witty, quick learner, easily express your feelings, good at conceptualising ideas, organised, analytical
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✧ 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖋𝖔𝖗 200 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖘! ✧
Special thanks to @miawiraclz @artscapismsworld @miraclekay97 @slashercult @swordoftheseeker @visualbutterflysworld @rainychibikko @honnuey @livelythoughts
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masqueradereveler21 · 2 months
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Welp I’m bored and I wanna post something so here’s my contribution for the day:
This is actually the earliest version of Gwendolen I ever created; originally her name was Dalia Atherton and she was a Gryffindor. Her background was generally the same; orphaned, no memories, except this version was from London and raised in a standard orphanage, not a convent like Gwen was. Having her in Gryffindor also meant that she was exceptionally closer to Garreth and Natty in general, and was a member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a Seeker. I also liked having her in the same house as Professor Weasley as it gave them something to bond over. This character, unlike Gwen, was not in a love triangle and instead was in a relationship with Ominis Gaunt; her relationship with Sebastian was more of a brother-sister dynamic, as she reminded him a lot of Anne. Her dynamic with Imelda Reyes was also very different; they had the more traditional Slytherin-Gryffindor rivalry and despised each other immensely.
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I ended up changing this as I wanted to focus on the dynamic between Sebastian, Ominis, and a female Slytherin character….but I lowkey miss this girl and wonder if I should rework her story and start from the ground up with her 😫😫 also just wanted an excuse to post these commissions done for me by @whoisflattery !!!! Their work is incredible and I highly suggest reaching out to them for commissions!
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milk-sharks · 10 months
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my free to use seeker base is here!!!
download [CSP, PSD,PNG]: https://sta.sh/2o1e7z8i6cf?edit=1 triangle pen for edits [CSP]: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1702961
- please don't remove my signature - you may edit the lines however you'd like - you can color in adopts, ocs, canon characters, just please don't sell physical merch using this lol - you don't have to @ me when you use this; my signature is there so it's all good :]
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sallowsunshine · 2 years
love triangle between reader, sebastian, and garreth weasley? Maybe things come to a head during a “friendly” quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor
LOVEEE THIS- Year 6, things have smoothed out. It’s a normal year so far and quidditch is back! I’m going to use Hufflepuff as the house for reader, just so she’s not pulled to support one or the other based on house loyalty (Also posted here)
By Your Side (Sebastian SallowxReader)
The Great Hall was buzzing louder than usual, the students chatting excitedly with one another. Quidditch was back after being canceled last year, and the first friendly match was today, between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Tryouts ended early last week, and you were the backup seeker for Hufflepuff. You wouldn’t see much playing time until you could prove yourself, but you understood. It was only really your second year at Hogwarts, and your second year flying on a broom.
You were sandwiched between Poppy and Adelaide at the Hufflepuff table eating breakfast. “Who are you going to cheer for today?” Poppy nudged your shoulder with a smirk on her face. “Team Garreth or Team Sebastian?”
You roll your eyes. “I’ve decided I’d be a bad friend if I picked one or the other, therefore I am cheering for both of them.”
The doors open with a bang and the Slytherin table starts cheering as their Quidditch team enters. Some boos come from the Gryffindor end. You join in on the cheers, clapping your hands while you search for your friend amongst all the green. You finally spot Sebastian, his eyes searching the Hufflepuff table until they land on you. You smile and give him a little wave. He grins widely and gives you a big wave back. This is the first time you’ve seen him in his uniform. He’d grown a bit over the summer, now standing almost a foot taller than you. You’re glad to see him smiling, as it was so rare these days, after what happened last year. You were the one to suggest trying out for Quidditch. He had made the team his fourth year, it was canceled his fifth, and after everything that had happened, he wasn’t going to try out again, but you insisted if he had something like a hobby to practice and improve at, it would be a welcome distraction.
Before the team even finishes taking their seats, the doors are thrown open again, cheers erupting from the Gryffindor table. You clap again, and immediately spot Garreth’s Weasley red hair from the Quidditch players entering the Great Hall. He catches your eye and winks.
“He’s coming over here!” Poppy smacks your shoulder.
“Ouch! Poppy, quite it.”
Garreth approaches you with one hand behind his back. “How’s my favorite potions partner doing?”
“Hi, Garreth.” you stand up and smile. “Are you ready for the game today?”
“I am, indeed. I’ve brought these for you, hoping your good luck will rub off on me today.” He pulls his arm out from behind him and presents her with a small bouquet of red and yellow roses tied with a gold bow. Some of the girls around the tables gasp.
“Oh Garreth, that is very kind of you.” you smile and take them from him.
“I’ve got to join my team now, but I hope to see you out there.” he winks again and leaves.
You sit back down, a bit embarrassed he gave you flowers in front of your entire house. You knew Garreth liked you, based on the relentless flirting, but he had yet to ask you out. You also had a feeling Sebastian liked you too, but he was a bit harder to read. The two of you had been through so much together from the moment you met, and you cherished your friendship with him beyond anything else. You didn’t want to jeopardize it by telling him you had feelings for him if he didn’t reciprocate them. If Garreth actually asked you out, you would decide to come to the conclusion that you and Sebastian were only meant to be friends.
“How cute!” Poppy gushes in your ear. “Oh, don’t look now, but Sebastian’s watching you.”
You feel even more embarrassed to know that he saw Garreth give you flowers.
Sebastian entered the Great Hall with the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch team, the adrenalin from excitement and anticipation pumping through his veins. His eyes scanned first to the Slytherin table where he sees Ominis and Anne sitting together. They still had not been able to find a cure for Anne, but they found a spell that eased her pain enough to come back to Hogwarts. She still had to take days off to rest, but Sebastian was just glad she could be back at school. They still weren’t on good terms, but he knew it would take time for her and Ominis to come around. Next, he gazes over the Hufflepuff table. He finds you in the mix of black and yellow and sees you. You smile and wave, and he grins and waves back. It’s been hard, his best friend and his twin giving him the cold shoulder. But you- you were a light in the shadows. You were the warmth of the sun. You hadn’t given up on him. He knew you were still hesitant with your trust, but you stayed by his side despite what he did.
Sebastian takes his seat and boos with the other Slytherins when Gryffindor’s team enters the Great Hall. He sees a redhead break off from the others and head toward the Hufflepuff table. It’s Garreth Weasley. Sebastian’s eyes narrow. Weasley is headed straight for you, and from his angle, Sebastian sees the red and yellow flowers behind his back.
Sebastian bought his backup quidditch top in hopes that you would wear it and show your support for Slytherin (and him) but it looks like Garreth beat him to it. He tucks it away, no chance he’ll be able to give it to you now. He eats his breakfast, trying to think about the game and not about you.
“Sebastian, wait up!” You call out. The two teams were heading out to the Quidditch Pitch to start warming up. He stops and turns, looking for who called him. You jog to catch up.
“I didn’t get to wish you luck!” you say bashfully, avoiding eye contact.
“I saw Weasley give you flowers”, Sebastian blurts out. “Did you wish him luck, too?”
“Oh, yeah, he did. And I did. There’s nothing wrong with wishing both of my friends luck.” you say, a bit defensive.
“Well you might as well cheer for Gryffindor, those half-witted gits,” Sebastian grumbles.
“Okay, Sebastian, that was not necessary.” you cross your arms. “You’re my friend too. One of my closest friends. Of course, I’m going to cheer for you.”
“I- thank you.” Sebastian backs out, cooling down for a moment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get upset. Imelda’s got the whole team worked up over this game.”
“It’s okay, I understand.” you smile, and before you can chicken out, you move forward up on your tiptoes to kiss him softly on the cheek.
“That’s for good luck,” you say, backing up. “See you after the match!” you run back towards the castle.
The Hufflepuff is gone before he can find his voice, but he moves his hand to his face, fingertips brushing where her lips touched his cheek. A smile graces his face, and then he mentally smacks himself when remembers the uniform top he meant to give you. That would have been a perfect time.
The pitch is practically shaking from all the cheering, stomping, and yelling. Gryffindor and Slytherin are tied, the golden snitch nowhere to be spotted. Sebastian and the other Beater have been playing good defense, Sebastian sticking by Imelda, their best Chaser (probably the best Chaser to come from Hogwarts), and protecting her from the incoming Bludgers.
Sebastian can’t believe Garreth made Beater for the Gryffindor team.
All game, he’s been taunting Sebastian, knocking brooms with him, or swatting the Buldger at him. It’s thrown his focus totally off, but luckily he has yet to make a major mistake. It’s difficult to do when Imelda keeps threatening him with violence if he doesn’t straighten out and do his job.
Imelda calls out a code for one of their formations and he zips over to line up with his teammates and protect her as she flies with the Quaffle toward the three rings. She scores easily and the crowd’s roars are deafening. The adrenaline high brings a smile to Sebastian’s face. A flash of red zips up by him- Weasley.
“Nice trick, Sallow, but it won’t win the game for you.” Weasley taunts. “Speaking of tricks, I’ve got one that I think our little Hufflepuff friend will like, if you know what I mean, eh?” he chuckles, and Sebastian fumes.
“Don’t you talk that way about her, Weasley. She’s not your girl.” Sebastian calls over.
“I’m only having a bit of fun, lighten up, Sallow. If you care that much, you’d make her your girl before anyone else finds the guts.”
Sebastian’s grip on his broom tightens. “Sallow, on your right!” A teammate calls out, and he barely reacts in time to hit the flying Bludger away towards the Gryffindor Chaser in possession of the Quaffle.
“Pay attention, Sebastian,” Imelda growls from behind him. “We need you at your best if we’re to beat Gryffindor today. Just then, the crowd erupts into cheers, and the two Seekers speed by. They must have spotted the Snitch.
“Go! We need to stop them from catching the Snitch” Imelda commands, and Sebastian pushes forward to pick up speed, his bat at the ready.
Weasley is once again by his side, matching Sebastian’s speed. “You think she’ll give me a congratulatory kiss when Gryffindor wins this match?”
“Bugger off, Weasley.” Sebastian leans in and knocks his broom against Garreth’s.
Chaos erupts with the two Seekers being mere feet ahead, also knocking into one another, their arms extended forward, grasping for the Snitch. Sebastian tries to focus on the task at hand, but Weasley’s struck his last nerve.
His eyes are so focused on Weasley, he misses when everyone else ducks down. Panic raises as he yanks himself down, but he doesn’t quite make it, the tip of his broom catching one of the barriers of the pitch. It throws him off his broom, and he’s falling ten feet to the ground. Everything goes dark.
You’re in the stands with Anne and Ominis, binoculars at your eyes, giving Ominis a verbal playback of everything that’s happening.
“They’ve spotted the Snitch!” you say, grabbing Ominis’ wrist in excitement.
“Sorry, both Seekers are after it. There goes Sebastian and Garreth, I think they’re going to try to clobber the Seekers! Oh- no, I can’t see them anymore, they’ve disappeared underneath the Pitch- oh there they are again- oh wait- I’ve lost them, nope- there they are- and-” You stop suddenly and gasp, wordlessly watching as Sebastian loses control of his broom. You pull away your binoculars but you still see his body fall and crash toward the ground.
“I’ve got to go!” You race out of the stands.
“Wait what happen-” You don’t hear the rest of Ominis’ question, you’re pushing past students, taking the stairs down to the bottom two at a time, hopping over the railings.
You reach the entrance to the pitch, the game continuing since no foul had been called. The crowd’s uproar is deafening, one of the Seekers must have caught the Snitch, but you don’t care. Pushing your way on to the pitch, you’re by Sebastian’s side in an instant.
“Sebastian!” You cry out, scared to touch him, scared of how injured he could be. He doesn’t react, his eyes closed, but he’s moaning in pain, curled up in the fetal position. He stops moving, probably passed out from the pain.
“He needs the nurse! Someone get Nurse Blainey!” you scream, but only a few are paying attention, everyone is focused on the win and the end of the game.
Sebastian wakes up in one of the beds of the Hospital Wing, his ribs and one arm bandaged up. The windows are dark, it must be nighttime. His mind is hazy, and it takes him a minute to recall the last memories before blacking out. The impact rushes back fresh into his mind and he cringes in pain, squeezing his unbandaged hand. It startles him when he realized that his hand isn’t empty, but another is gently holding his four fingers. He turns his head, and there you are, curled up in a chair next to his bed, your hand extended out, holding his. You’re fast asleep, still, wearing the previous day’s clothes, but there’s another addition Sebastian didn’t see that morning. His house scarf is draped around your neck. You had a bad habit of stealing his scarf, claiming it to be warmer than your own, but he didn’t believe you. He never asked for it back the last time you borrowed it, and you must have worn it for the match.
It brings a smile to Sebastian’s face. Garreth was wrong, he’d already made you his girl. Sebastian just hadn’t realized it himself, until now, seeing you stay by his side throughout the night. Until now, seeing you wearing his scarf.
Sebastian squeezes your hand, trying to wake you up gently. Your eyes flutter open.
“Sebastian?” you whisper. “Oh Sebastian, are you okay? How do you feel?” you sit up quickly. “That was a nasty fall.”
Sebastian tries to speak but finds his throat too dry to get words out. Instead, he grunts in pain, trying to sit up.
“Don’t- No, don’t move. Or speak. You might hurt yourself further.” You jump into action. “Let me get you some water.”
Sebastian lays back and closes his eyes. There’s so much he wants to say to you, but he’s in too much pain. Those words will have to wait. For now, he lets you take care of him, and he feels a weight off his shoulders, knowing with you by his side, everything will be okay.
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metalichotchoco · 1 month
Honestly what I’d like to see in more ihnmaims media if we ever get any is the relationships between survivors, here’s my take, picking and choosing from each version of canon.
Ellen is the most stable so her relationships will be saved for another part
In the triangle that is ted, Gorrister and Benny it’s a vicious cycle
Ted and Benny have a complicated mutual hate towards one another they both play to their most deep insecurities. Ted already believes that everyone hates him due to being “better” or not broken the way they’ve been so it’s not hard for him to antagonize people anyways. For Benny’s part ted provokes his complexes about sexuality, animalisticness and the difference between the weak and strong. For as much as ted is a lying narcissistic criminal, he’s shameless about it, about his nature he cares about the consequences not the actions. Benny cannot own his actions at all, there’s a disconnect between the educated, handsome former general and professor and the aggressive,almost feral war criminal he is. Ted is very self centered but doesn’t handle slights to his ego well, Benny in his non mutated form is much more successful and traditionally attractive than him. God he even deludes himself into thinking am changed Benny’s “size” in the book. Both of their moralities are twisted and it’s not hard to imagine them being snippy when they both have the mind to think properly. They are also coincidentally am’s favorite victims.
I do think it would be in character for both of them to make snide remarks about gorrister’s former hippie status, he’d be seen as an extreme liberal since this book takes its characters from the dawn of the Cold War, just after ww2. Most of Benny’s pride and identity came from being in the military so that’s obvious to see how that’d pan out, whereas ted seems like the type to not care about politics unless it directly relates to him. His problems come from the idea of people not centering their lives around money or power.
Individually there’s some fun dynamics to be had. Ted in general would think gorrister is a bore. For a person who likes stories, ted finds non fiction exhausting. Gorrister likes talking about history and politics even though his spark has faded out. It’s a bit funny that Ted believes am has changed Gorrister too despite his symptoms sounding much more like being worn out and becoming depressed. It’s not like he’d really consider that a real condition though. Gorrister just finds ted to be a bit annoying. An attention seeker but he figures ted was always just a weird kind of guy.
Gorrister is mostly ambivalent to his forever roommates, though he would consider Benny a war dog past his prime. A key example of what happens to soliders, men forced to kill and then given power. Then as soon as it’s given, it’s taken away and you’re left with an unstable pitiable person. How could they go back to living a normal life after that. With am being a literal war machine made by the government Benny put so much trust in, he finds it poetic in a sober way. Benny finds Gorrister very confusing, he never understood protesters before anyways. He would’ve found him preachy if he had met him beforehand. Gorrister does threaten his masculinity though, like ted he’s a brand that’s not the ultra traditional that he’s built himself around. Gorrister freely admits that he’s had queer experiences while still carrying a traditional masculine job, a truck driver. He can’t be put into that stereotypical box that’s nice and safe for Benny. It’s also good to mention that Benny is soothed by gorrister’s stories even if in that scene he wasn’t fully there.
Both ted and Gorrister see the clear closet case that is Benny but they don’t act on that knowledge. Both of them believe that being a solider sucks but for different reasons. Ted thinks it’s for suckers who get caught up in manipulation tactics going on about morals. Gorrister also believes they are manipulated but also sees the horrors of war as that, horrors. Basically he takes a more empathic view. Gorrister and Benny both agree that Ted is annoying but not in the way ted himself thinks everyone hates him. He’s very loud and shows off his now eternal youth. They are not even sure if the man did or did not graduate college. Gorrister doesn’t mind breaking laws but he does care about people’s wellbeing whereas Benny’s stricter about following the script but he’s done worse so he doesn’t have room to talk.
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absolutebl · 2 months
ahaha i'm pretty sure you might remember me, since i asked a question not so long ago😭
i've recently started watching bl dramas through your guide, but i'm new to it so it's difficult to find ones that match my taste atm :')
so far i've watched cherry magic (japanese), sing my crush, and cherry blossoms after winter. i was wondering if you could suggest me some bls that have fluff and more emotions, less plot typa vibes? not sure how to describe it but i want something like sing my crush. it wasn't a huge nor complicated plot and the vibes were really cozy and soft, so i'm looking to watch something like that for starters :]
tysm for being my bl savior haha, have a good day/night!!
BLs with fluff + high emotion but less plot
example: Sing My Crush
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Hum, okay. I feel like sing as some angst going on too. This is gonna have some oddball pulls because I'm felling nostalgic after We Are. Because We Are is the first one that came to mind, and that had led me too...
Love Sick
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This was the start of BL in Thailand and basically fills this role for them. It will also give you a grounding in the modern BL genre. I think it's worth watching and love it but it's a decade old and is... something... raw. Plus, what? 50 eps over the two seasons, or something, so it might not be to your taste.
So here's newer stuff that I think may work.
Here's the ones I think most closely qualify:
Love Sick
We Are the series - just ended and is basically the Thai ensemble version of this style bL ( I think quite a few of these will be Korea)
Wish You: Your Melody in My Heart - the adult version of Sing
We Best Love - possibly one of the few i will pull from Taiwan which tends to be less fluffy, and this is, especially in season 2, but delightfully plotless
Mr. Heart - university set early Korean BL exactly on brand
Takara & Amagi - high school from Japan, for this style form them you'll need to stay within the high school sphere
Star in My Mind - what people didn't like about this is what you'll like
Hidden Agenda - play it again JoongDunk
School set, and a bit higher angst but still fluffy emotional plotlessness
Generally, I put the ones I like better towards the top.
Light On Me
My School President
Oxygen the series
Destiny Seeker
2 Moons The Ambassador
Love By Chance (JUST the AePete story line)
My Love Mix Up (both)
Why R U? (Korea's version)
Cooking Crush
En of Love: Tossera
Future the series
If It’s With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’
La Cuisine
My Engineer
Blossom Campus
Not School set
Our Dating Sim - you didn't rule our adult characters, but I don't think I'll be pulling many
Jun and Jun - although...
Our Dining Table
Ingredients the series
Bon Appetit
Oh! Boarding House - love triangle warning
See You After Quarantine?
Some More (short)
The Tasty Florida
A Boss and a Babe
You Are Ma Boy
Here's this list too, which I think is tangential:
You have to come back and tell me if I got them right, tho? Cause Sing My Crush isn't much to go on.
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A/N: Hi! I'm kinda new in the Hogwart's legacy fandom and I've seen so many people sharing their MC and their stories and I just wanted to share mine too!
English is not my first language, and my blogger skills (?) are poor, so proceed with caution!
Meet my MC!
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Name: Tori Lewis
Birthday: 14th June 1875
Birthplace: Turin, Italy
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Acaia wood, phoenix core, 12' length, quite bendy flexibility
Patronus: Jack Russell Terrier
Quidditch position: Seeker; Imelda practically begged her to join the Hufflepuff team because "I need a good competition in order to improve myself!"
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Some extra facts!
Her name
Tori stands for Vittoria. Why Vittoria? Because she is half-British and half-Italian (from her mother's side) 🤌. I chose the name because I like to think that her parents thought about  Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy, both sovereigns by the time of Tori's birth.
Why Turin?
Because well, it's my birthplace! Also, Turin is a special city: it has a lot of esoteric story. In a few words, this city joins London and San Francisco to create the triangle of Black Magic, but also the triangle of White Magic too with Lyon and Prague.
Spouse: Poppy Sweeting (she IS wife)
Career: Auror and Natty is her partner, they're thick as thieves and menace to their superior
I think that Poppy's mission is still saving beasts from poachers, so I headcanon she is a sort of mix of Auror and magizoologist (guys, I have no idea about careers in wizard world lol)
Residence: Hogsmeade (I headcanon that since she is a Keeper, she doesn't want to live far away from Hogwarts, I'm also too in love with Hogsmeade)
My personal headcanons with future wife Poppy 💛
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Even if they're in the same house and same bedroom, Poppy had never spoken to Tori before their first Beasts Class together because the last was often away and Poppy herself is a night owl, visiting Highwing or studying beasts, etc.
Poppy was also sure that the new fifth year will become like her schoolmates. Because sure, why the new cool, brave student will be friend with Peculiar Poppy? But fortunately Tori is such a good egg, kneazles can confirm.
Tori decided to kneel in front of the Graphorn (because we're not a monster, right?) following Poppy's example. It was Poppy that waited patiently for the mother dragon to take its egg back. It was Poppy that put down her wand when centaurs came to her. And of course, you should show respect to an Hippogriff before approaching.
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That's why she chose to kneel. The Graphorn has fought well, it deserved respect.
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Poppy felt in love first. Tori felt harder. Like she is kind of in denial for a while and then BOOM she falls and realises and she is panicking "what? Aaaaah what should I do now?!"
Poppy doesn't need protection but loves how protective Tori is.
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Their love language is physical touch. Every single one. Surprise hugs from behind? Lovely! Forehead kiss? Adorable! Cuddles in the vivarium with beasts? The best!
Should I really say it? Poppy is an adorable little spoon and love to be wrapped in Tori's arms.
Tori is a golden retriever. Already from day one when Poppy asked to follow her in the forest.
Tori feel like she could die because of Poppy's cuteness, often screaming "STOP BEING SO CUTE AND SO KISSABLE I CAN'T FOCUS"
Poppy is a great cook, Tori isn't at all. But a few times she has tried to cook to cheer Poppy up. The result was messy but still edible and Poppy appreciated the efforts.
They're bad dancers but they don't care, they're having fun
I have a very sappy proposal headcanon.
Tori proposed to Poppy after a couple of months after graduation (lesbian couples move fast, okay?) and she decided to be extremely romantic.
She studied where and when to find Mooncalves' dance and saved the day on her calendar. When the day came, she took Poppy and flied on Highwing to the special place.
Poppy thought the surprise was the mooncalves' dance, instead she turned around and found Tori on her knees, with a ring in her hand. A very shining ring that a selvatic niffler has tried to steal before Poppy could say yes, jumping from a bush the moment the ring sparkled under the moonlight. The little beast had caused little chaos but fortunately they catched it before was too late. With the retrieved ring in one hand, and the beast thief in the other, Tori asked grinning "do you still want to marry meee?"
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I've surely more facts and headcanons for my MC, but I think this post is already long enough!
Anddd that was my MC! If you've read so far, thank you so much!
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Unio Mystica (Johfra Bosschart) Talon Abraxas
The mystic is one who is seeking to gain truth and lift the veil by developing the heart side of his nature. The mystic strives to gain by intuition what the occultist searches for by reason. It is the union of these two paths, the mystic and the occult that gives the seeker the balance that is added to this and the student applies his theoretical knowledge, then the eternal triangle is perfected and balanced in man… –Manly P Hall, The Secret Teaching of All Ages
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roselyn-writing · 8 months
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My OCs and Symbols/Shapes I associate them with!
A/N: Some of Symbols/Shapes meaning are made by me, I brainstormed my brain for these ideas and meanings. Also, pic isn’t mine, I found it in Pinterest.
Aliyaa Aepel: Circle, Heart, Black feathers.
Circle means: Unity, Heart means: Love and Compassion, Black feathers represent Darkness in Virginia.
Scylla: Triangle, Daggers.
Triangle means: Stability and Power. Daggers represent pure blood-lust in Virginia.
Arouj Roman: Demon eye, Yin and Yang, Trefoil.
Demon Eye: In Virginia; It represents demons and their ranks. Yin and Yang: Balance between two opposite things good and evil, Light and Darkness.
In Virginia Trefoil represents the seeker of redemption.
Simone Decrōnt: Rhombus/Diamond, Crescent and purple feathers.
In Virginia Rhombus represents Royalty and Prestige, Diamond represent power and Cresent represent the ‘good well’.
Purple feathers represent the reboundness of one’s soul An rising up against the odds.
Hadi Aepel: Square, Oval, Octagon. Arrow with Cirle.
Square means stability, fixed nature of matter, Strong foundations.
Oval represents: Immortality and infinity.
Octagon in Virginia represents good well and honesty. Arrow with Circle represents love for adventure and trips.
Eevie Al’shayle: Hexagon, Arrow, Pentagon, Decagon.
In Virginia, Arrow represents the change of one’s perspective of life; specifically, changes for the better, Personal growth, And the relentless pursuing of one’s true desires and goals.
Hexagon represents Harmony, Pentagon represents: Mutual recognition and good well. Decagon represents sincerity and innocence.
Selviya Levsloky: Infinity, Star, Key. Infinity represents immortality, Star represents hope and good well, Key represents liberation, never giving up.
Derek Monrik: Arrow, Hexagon, Spade ♠️.
In Virginia, Arrow represents the change of one’s perspective of life; specifically, changes for the better, Personal growth, And the relentless pursuing of one’s true desires and goals. Hexagon represents Harmony. Spade represents swords which represent strength and power. Spade In spirituality represents intellect, Action.
Ardin Kayuel: Four-leaf Clovers, Shamrock, Quatrefoil.🍀☘️
Four-leaf Clovers represent luck and fortune. Shamrock represents good well and mercy, hope and love.
Quatrefoil also represent good luck and fortune and well intentions.
Harumi Rose: Mystic Knot, Dragon, Yin and Yang too. Mystic knot represents: A harmonious flow of auspicious energy uninterrupted by any setbacks, misfortunes or accidents, This represents Harumi Rose so much.
Dragon represents: Strength, Wisdom and Power.
Yin and Yang: The balance between two opposite things Light and Darkness, Good and Evil.
Satoshi Hasashi: Chains, Torch, Pagoda, Yin and Yang as well. Chains: Represents connections and attachments, Imprisonment, A shared destiny and Eternity. Which resembles Satoshi Hasashi So well when he becomes the Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu.
Torch: Freedom and liberty.
Pagoda represents: The path heightened awareness and heightened perception, Which Satoshi will learn later on.
Yin and Yang: The balance between two opposite things Light and Darkness, Good and Evil.
I will add more to this post!
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