#A spectrum
batri-jopa · 1 year
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I love my life highly satisfied just being myself
(Check the OTHER VERSION too✌️)
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snakeskinass · 1 year
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i swear only confused ace or aro people will be analyzing relationships and their attraction to people like its a science investigation.
be aware soon folks cause ill be onces again sharing my sexuality dilemma and will want your opinions soon!
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solidwater05 · 5 months
I'm greyplatonic. I've been greyromantic, too. And I realized that being a grey aspec is lonely
I don't fit in with allos, so I go to aspec spaces, but I don't fit in with aspecs either. When the aro community in general talked about not having crushes, I felt left out as a greyro who had crushes. When the apl community in general talks about not loving their friends, I feel left out as a greyro who, very rarely, loves some of their friends.
So, I'm making this post for all aspecs who feel too aspec for the allos, and too allo for the aspecs. For aspecs who love too much for aspec communities, but not enough for allos.
For all aspecs who feel attraction. For aspecs whose attraction is abundant but weak, rare but very strong, and everything in between.
For all acespecs who have sex and arospecs who date and all other aspecs who engage in activities without attraction.
For all aspecs who worry that their attraction and existence inherently support oppressive social structures.
For all aspecs who have never seen someone else like them. For aspecs who feel invisible.
For aspecs who feel like they don't belong.
I'm making this post for all shades of grey aspecs, no matter how light or dark, to let them know that we belong.
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entropy-sea-system · 10 months
ppl who actually include atertiary, aplatonic, afamilial, etc. when you say 'aspec' please reblog this if you are ok with reblogging
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aroacearchangel · 1 year
hey who wants to hold hands and play with my hair and be so gentle with me i might shatter into a million pieces
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archivomeow · 4 months
** i personally as an asexual don’t, but I feel like my biromantic identity brings me closer to the lgbtqia, the aspec community to me feels like a whole separate community, even though it is not. **
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Sunshine Aromantic
A label for when you're on the aromantic spectrum and want to date people.
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Moonlight Aromantic
A label for when you're on the aromantic spectrum and don't want to date people.
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Eclipse Aromantic
A label for when you're on the aromantic spectrum and switch between wanting and not wanting to date people.
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Starlight Aromantic
A label for when you're on the aromantic spectrum and aren't sure if you want to date people.
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shk0lstun-flagz · 6 months
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An Alloromantic Asexual
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An Aromantic Allosexual
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Left AlloAce and Right AroAllo
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BODIES are not inherently sexual. you can be naked and have nothing at all to do with sex. this is a lesson i think most media and people need to learn
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npc-tess · 3 months
It's crazy being an aroace on tumblr nowadays.
Not only do aroaces still have to fight for acceptance (like every other a-spectrum identity, we all struggle together) but now they are also the ones being bashed on & disrespected by their own community. Now that we finally see breadcrumbs of representation, it feels like the a-spec community turned against each other.
People are acknowledging our existence and just happen to understand/accept/tolerate aroaces more than other a-spec identities. Which is actually a very good first step but also not barely enough. And it seems that especially aros and aces separately feel neglected. Which is very valid. Being aroallo or alloace or non-sam means being overlooked and frowned upon. I understand that. Hell, being aplatonic, afamilial or any other a-spec identity is sometimes even harder, I understand that. But starting to fight against your own people? I will never understand that. It’s aro posts including sentences like “don’t reblog with ace or aroace” or ace folks jabbing against aros in passing. It’s posts screaming in capslock that “being aro and ace are two different things!1!!”. This is the hate and negativity aroace people see.
I personally can’t scroll through the aro tag anymore without feeling unwelcome. Posts I relate to and would love to reblog are clearly stated to not be meant for me. Because I am aroace, an identity they don’t… like? don’t want to engage with? I don’t know. What I know is that it feels like aroace people and the experiences they share (which happen to reach allos), are the reason only aros (or only aces) are oppressed.
Why is there a need to hurt your own community? You are allowed to vent, to feel ignored, be angry and sad. But why do people go out of their way to hurt their own community while doing so? What did aroace people do that aros and aces started to push them away?
There was a big Community of A-spectrum identities once. Nowadays it feels more like everyone desperately wants nothing to do with the other. Which is the most counterproductive thing we can do.
I am proud of being aroace. I adore my community. They just seem to not adore me anymore.
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batri-jopa · 10 months
Growing up as aromantic / asexual:
In my childhood and adolescence
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After 10 years of desensitization by watching popular media...
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...and after few months on Tumblr
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I did not even realize how much fed up I already was with all the cisheteronormative couples struggling with stereotypical "gender roles" dilemmas, "traditional family" conflicts and "social expectations" of patriarchal world...
I mean how many times can you watch the same issues over and over again when none of it ever was part of your own not-partnering single life in the first place?
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leonardoeatscarrots · 9 months
Whether or not "a spec" refers to the aro/ace spectrum, or the autism spectrum may be confusing to YOU.
But to me, who is part of both, it's perfect.
Idk. Maybe I'm just built different.
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the sacrifices i do to be put in awkward 3rd wheel positions so that my friend’s can have passionate moments with their crush
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solidwater05 · 1 year
My take on the aspec flag!
[PT: My take on the aspec flag! /End PT]
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[ID: A flag with 6 horizontal stripes, divided in four sections by a white compass rose in the middle of the flag. Each section has 3 stripes that form a gradient that gets darker towards the middle of the flag. Clockwise, the sections are in red, green, blue, and purple hues. /End ID]
The 'main' aspec flag only includes the ace and aro spectrums, and I didn't find any inclusive flag I liked, so I made my own. This flag focuses on the diversity of the a-spectrum.
None of the colors have meaning on their own. The dark purple and dark green are taken from the most used flag, just a little fun fact.
The colors are separated in different sections because the a-spectrum is vast and individuals within it can have wildly different experiences while still being under the same umbrella.
But they're also grouped in gradients, because multiple different 'colors', or individuals, can still belong in the same space and have similar experiences!
The white compass rose is a tribute to the most used flag; it still represents how different individuals feel or don't feel attraction.
However, I also kept it white because for some, white is the absence of hue or saturation, representing a lack of attraction, and for others, it's what you get when you combine every color, representing wholeness even without 'traditional' colors.
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
If you're alloace you need to understand that you enjoy more rep than aros. If you're aroace you need to understand that you enjoy more rep than non-ace aros including alloaros! If you're alloaro, you need to understand that rep for non sam aros, neu aros, etc. Is practically nonexistent. And so on.
If you're aro and/or ace and allotertiary you need to fucking understand that atertiaryspec ppl like aplatonics are also not represented at all despite being part of the aspec!! Yes we all need rep. Yes aspec rep as a whole is needed more regardless of the identity! But please don't erase the fact that some of us literally have way less rep than some other aspec identities and respect that we are allowed to be upset about how we are ignored in favor of another aspec identity all the fucking time.
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