#Bigender positivity
gray-ace-space · 7 months
being bigender: a glitter text poem
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xxcalicofemmexx · 2 months
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bigender wallpapers!
requested by anon
Bigender: Identifies with two genders, either fluidly or at the same time
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lgbtq-userboxes · 8 days
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Requested by the-one-of-the-rats
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coagulatedink · 2 months
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Attack #7 for @ultrainfinitepit@!! See cut below for my thoughts on it!!
Oh man. OOOOOH man. This sort of stuff I both love and hate bc I allow myself to get creative and try new things and get all abstract but also endlessly annoyed at myself for not adding in more details or colors or whatever I can think of after the fact (even if that would go against my attempt at not spending hours and hours on these). The painting, I guess its more mixed media, was done on cardboard! I used a lot of gouache and watercolors with some colored pencils, markers and pens for lil details. There wasn't much planning, I kinda just had an idea and went for it! Below is how the process panned out and the final version!
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In May of 2024 I made an illustration that payed homage to ultrainfinitepits Pride Angel series. When I saw most of the concept at the time, and the older designs, I had been pretty unfamiliar with many of terms. Curious, I took the time to research each and ever one and suddenly found myself resonating with multiple entries/designs/flags in a very new and eye-opening way. Even though its not the only angel/flag I now carry, the Bigender angel is perhaps one of the most comforting of the designs as it very easily encapsulates my current gender identity. To show this, I painted my sona (his name is Guy) proudly basking/lifting up the angel in gratitude and joy. Guy is the first sona I've ever had thats been fat (I am also fat) and seeing happy, fat, not f3tishised characters/sonas/people who are queer isn't something I often see. When I worked on this I worried he would be too off putting, too weird, too bright- things I worry about myself when I go out into the world. What if someone notices me? What if they make fun of me? What if what if. Eventually it dawned on me that I..really shouldn't care! This was all about trans joy- bi gender pride! Pride in myself, the joy in finding more of me! This is for me- no one else. I am allowed space to feel that joy. I am allowed to share it. I am allowed to exist. ANYWAY!! Thank you for taking that time to read this! I may doodle a few more pride angels going forward (their designs are fun) but I think this will be my last art fight one-- and last deep art fight art for now LOL! If you feel like attacking me, or seeing more of my attacks, I'm Untitled_Grave on AF!! Later!!
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nostalgiclittlespace · 3 months
Agere Pride Board (Day 29: Bigender)
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your-queer-dad · 3 months
Represents people who have two or more genders (bi = two/multiple)
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Pink: feminity
Yellow: outside the binary
White: agender
Purple: fluiditiy between genders
Blue: masculinity
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beartitled · 4 months
i love the pride bears so much! Is it alright if you could potentially do a bigender one? its fine if not! /nf
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Aww glad you enjoy pride bears ❤️
(I drew an alternative version of the flag, turns out the old (most popular) version became controversial bc of the flag’s creator :( Found this info here)
Thank u for suggestion and happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈
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redtail-lol · 1 year
Shoutout to multigender people who are primagirls and primaboys and prima-anything really. You aren't less multigender for having a primary gender and not seeing your genders as equal to each other. Shoutout to multigender people who feel like they're half of one gender and half of another or some other split and shoutout to multigender people who feel like they have multiple whole genders. Shoutout to multigender people who have one whole gender and one half gender.
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rocambolestim · 6 months
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Non italo/euro disco related stimboard: Bigender/Trans stimboard bcuz y'all are cool
(I will not be id-ing any gifs like my other blogs so i can save time,sadly)
Requests open 24/7!
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lavend3r-stardust · 2 months
Lace bralettes and chest scars whew 👀 gender muse for sure 🙏🙏
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xxcalicofemmexx · 1 month
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bigender asexual wallpapers!
requested by @januscorner
Bigender: Identifies with two genders, either fluidly or at the same time
Asexual: Someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction; Has no desire or urge to be in or seek out a sexual relationship; An umbrella term for people who identify with part of the asexual spectrum. Commonly abbreviated to ace
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lgbtq-userboxes · 2 months
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Requested by fateofthestarz
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Ngl, the more I think about it, I get massive gender euphoria from the idea of people not being able to tell what gender I am/identify as
Like, I guess for example, if some random a-hole demands me on telling them if I'm a boy or a girl, I'll just tell them; "Whatever pisses you off more."
I dunno if I'm explaining this right, but yeah
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sea-glass-demon · 3 months
My bigender experience is loving these 'how i look like with he/him pronouns in my bio" memes because I love dressing fem but using masc terms! And both of these things are gender nonconformity for me! Like hell yeah im a dude but I look like Madoka Kaname
Oh absolutely same
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bigender-butterfly · 4 months
Hi to anyone that followed me and my journey. I stopped posting because I did eventually get kicked out of my house. It's been 3 years now and I can proudly say that I am very happy with my life.
It was rough the first year I got kicked out. I ended up working at an amusement park because they provided housing for cheap. I was shoved into a world that was very harsh but I made a lot of friends along the way. They supported me in my gender identity and always called me by my prefered name.
I'm Alec. While I still need to change it legally, everyone calls me Alec and makes me so happy to be who I am.
I haven't talked to my mom since the day she kicked me out but my dad supports me and even calls me Alec. Though, I haven't told him I'm bigender. I plan on when Im comfortable.
In other news, I figured out I'm transmasc. I plan on getting top surgery in a few years. Not only for my gender identity but to also help with my scoliosis. I have triple D's so they strain my back a lot.
All in all. I'm very happy with my life and I might start posting more. Just to document my journey.
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iwanttobebackhere · 2 years
Hey uhm this is my first post on this blog but most certainly not my first on tumblr. I need to write this I don't know if I wil blog again or not but please listen to this:
You deserve to show yourself to set boundaries becuase of your gender. And if the oter person feels offended that is their problem you do not have to apologise or fix anything.
No matter if you're a trans woman a trans man, non-binary, genderfluid, bigender, agender, genderqueer or any other gender (if you want me to add anyothers I can't think of at the top of my head just comment amd I edit the post).
You deserve to be heard and respected you can be loud and open and proud and base your life around your gender.
And this goes without saying BUT:
TERFS/truscum don't interact.
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