#Black Brazilian child
maulfucker · 8 months
Random thing that annoys me for no reason is when people make human au Maul and they make him white. Why would you do that to him. What do you have against brown punks who kill.
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eyesthecolorofarson · 3 months
Soul healing
Damian was angry.
He was one of their best fighters, knew the layout of Arkham like the back of his hand, AND was on good terms with both Riddler and Ivy! Why wasn’t he allowed to help in the breakout? What was the point of making him babysit!?!
Father had said he was to keep the child safe but he’d neglected to say why. And honestly, the child was three months old. Who would be hunting down an infant, why would they be hunting down an infant, and what would they do with an infant? If anyone was after the child, that is.
The infant in question was babbling incoherently and rolling around on her stomach. She squealed and he huffed. All he knew about her was the information in her file, which was surprisingly little. Three months old, no name and orphaned, she was of Brazilian heritage and her blood tests located her place of origin as Blüdhaven. She was moved to Gotham to be fostered, which is one of the stupidest decisions he’s ever heard of.
The foster parent in question was Daniel ‘Danny’ Nightingale. Nightingale showed incredible intelligence, graduating upper primary school two years early and high school in two. Currently a student at Gotham University Nightingale was double majoring in chemistry and aerospace engineering when he decided to apply for a New Jersey foster license, which he was given due to already having one in both Wisconsin and Ohio as well as his incredible record.
Nightingale was in the room with him and the infant. He was 14 years of age and had short black hair much like himself, but Nightingale was disturbingly pale and had almost ultramarine blue eyes. Nightingale was sitting with the child in front of his place on the couch. There was a gate in a circle connected to each end of the couch that contained a multitude of children’s toys and a few books. The infant was currently playing with a keychain-like toy while Nightingale entertained her.
One part of him wanted to sit and stew in his contempt, but the other, the son of the Bat, was deeply curious. What was so special about this child that it warranted him–an Al Ghul, Robin, heir to the mantle of Bat and Demons Throne–to act as bodyguard? Was it her heritage—correction, what was her heritage, because there was no other reason for her to be hunted. What else could it possibly be?
But when he began paying attention to the infant, it made him realize that the child was not the oddity he was sent to watch, but Nightingale. Nightingale acted normal for the most part, but when the infant made a certain sound–a loud shriek–his pupils would retract and slit before expanding again, like a cats. That wasn’t the oddest thing he noticed.
Nightingales teeth were sharp, and the more he babbled and cooed at the infant the more teeth Damian could see. It appeared all his teeth were canines except for the teeth in the normal place for canines. Those four teeth were long and thin, like a vipers. When the light hit his eyes his pupils shimmered, like a cat or an owls. His ears, which were slightly pointy, twitched every now and then. His nails were noticeably sharp as well, and his voice would sometimes distort. As if a record player were malfunctioning. And the infant would respond! Respond in that same distorted tongue. That loud shriek would turn into a two second wail that made his heartbeat rise to his ears and his vision blur. Then she would giggle or coo and it would end. He had to do something. Those wails were coming more and more often now, and she was starting to lose shape.
“What is this?” Damian snapped. “Don’t worry,” Nightingale told him gently, “this is normal for her species.” He blinked and processed his words. Species. She wasn’t human. “I’m surprised the Bat picked up on it,” Nightingale continued, “Humans aren’t usually susceptible to this sort of thing. But I also sorta expected it? Because he’s, y’know, Batman.”
Nightingale smiled sweetly as she shrieked again, her outline blurring and walls shaking. He could feel his teeth rattling in his head. Suddenly Nightingales jaw unhinged with a quick clicking sound, as if his bones were straining and breaking, and an even louder whistle-hissing sound came from between his now many, many teeth. She stopped, her mouth in an ‘O’ and her eyes wide. He didn’t notice before, but an infant her age shouldn’t have teeth. Especially that sharp. And her eyes were a light yellow color, like straw.
Then she giggled, and began babbling like she didn’t just use a sonic voice ability similar to Black Canary’s. “Dawww,” Nightingale cooed, tickling her, “she’s developing quickly! Garalings usually only start fawning when they start walking.” Damian watched warily. He didn’t want to get any closer, in all honesty. His ears were ringing.
But he was curious, so, so, curious. What was a Garaling? What was fawning and why did they do it after they began walking? Could all Garalings do this ‘fawning’? Compared to other Garalings, exactly how fast is she developing? Is early development common?
Start with the most important. “What is a ‘Garaling’?” Nightingale smiled at him again. “Garalings are an extradimensional species that reside in a place called The Valley. They act as lords of nature and patrons of a chosen plant or animal. Her fawning,” he tapped her nose and she giggled, “will soon turn into either an animal sound or a sound of her own.”
“Fascinating,” he muttered, “is it an attack?” “More like a call to arms,” Nightingale leaned back, relaxed, as the infant shook her toy. “Gathering her chosen animal or plant for whatever she needs.” Damian watched her chew on the toy, drooling and babbling.
“What are you?” “I’m dead. Well, sort of. How to explain this…” He thought for a moment. “Think of me….as the line between life and death, but not exactly limbo. More like I move the line. Sometimes more dead, and sometimes more alive. But always a bit of both.” Damian couldn’t help but be reminded of Todd. And himself.
“Your not from this earth.” Nightingale smiled sadly. “I used to be. But not anymore. Even so I can’t bring myself to fully leave, though I probably should.” “Why? What makes you stay?” Nightingales eyes drifted away, back to the infant. “I want to continue the life I never got to finish. Experience the things I never got to experience. Do what I always wanted to do, even if it’s too late.”
He could understand that. Nightingale looked to be his age. To be ripped from life so soon was something he worried about constantly. Knowing that Nightingale was…..He understood wanting to stay, to pretend to be alive.
“What brought her here?” Nightingales face tightened. “Cultists.” He sounded annoyed. “They exist in every world and their always fond of sacrificing children. Even though my summons specifically say if I’m offered children or anyone unwilling I’ll destroy the cult.” It took Damian a moment to understand the implications.
“….who are you?” Nightingale smiled at him again, and for a second his outline wavered like the infants had. “I am Danny Phantom, High King of the Infinite Realms, the afterlife dimension. I rule over everything and everyone who’s died, if they’ve stayed dead or not. I am The Warm Winter, The Space Between, The Brightest Star. I act as Defender Of The Undead.”
“And what do you plan on doing with her? Why did you take her if you do not accept living offerings?” It was suspicious. Even though Nightingale–Phantoms titles painted him as benevolent, and his stance on sacrifice was very pacifistic, Damian knew better than to trust him just on those facts alone.
But he was being very honest, and it made him wonder why. Compared to Phantom, he was microscopic, a nuisance even. Why was he answering all his questions with seemingly endless transparency? “Because her parents were apart of the cult that offered her, which is unfortunately a common case. I had to bring her here because I already have another offering child going to school here.”
“Another?” He tilted his head, eyes narrowing. “How many children have you kept?” He suddenly had a feeling. Not a bad one, just…a feeling. Phantom thought for a moment. “Well the first was Sirius, she’s from a dimension where people are made completely out of star matter. She doesn't live with me anymore since she’s all grown up now, but she’s a really popular singer in the Realms! I can see if she set up her inter dimensional and universal site, her music is great!”
“Casey is my second, he was offered when he was about ten and he’s from a universe that’s essentially the same as this one but everyone has magic. He’s currently in his home dimension in school as well. He specializes in hydrokinese but he’s trying to learn Essokineses. He’s a really quick learner but has a tendency to either give zero or a hundred, no in between.”
“A few months after that I was offered a pair of twins in their twenties. Well, they were built to look to be in their twenties, their actual age is, as of now, seven. Their from a world where hyper realistic androids have no rights and are destroyed if they develop sentience, so when they did they were offered to me because they thought it would get through my rule. They named themselves Poppy and Posies. They don’t like to leave the Realm so their being homeschooled. They really enjoy learning and playing, and Poppy’s favorite thing to do is dance and Posies is jewelry making.”
“I got another infant from a dimension where everyone’s a centaur a few weeks ago. I named her Amaranthe and her lower half’s a sheep! She’s so cute. She’s not the best at walking yet but she loves jumping whenever she can. She likes playing perk-a-boo with the handmaidens. And the child going here is Aiden, he was offered a few months ago. He was originally from Kentucky but everyone in his hometown was apart of the cult and Lady Gotham likes me so we’re here now. He’s still rattled but being on earth helps him so he can stay as long as he likes. He wants to get into a trade school.”
“And this—“ Phantom tapped the infant on the nose, who giggled and grabbed his finger. “Is Velvet! Like I said she’s a Garaling from The Valley. I literally got her two weeks ago so her fake identity is pretty rushed and I think Batman could tell which is why you’re here. But I need to be here for Aiden, so she’s probably going to stay with me for at least another four weeks or until her room in the Realms is ready.”
“You have an adoption problem,” He groaned. God forbid his Father learn about this even though he knew he had to show him the footage being collected from his mask. Phantom laughed. “Probably. But it’s not like I could just give them away to someone else. Well, I could. But I don’t want to. I don’t have any family other than my sister, and she’s still alive. So it’s nice to have people running around the castle.”
He respected it. Even though he was suspecting Phantom was older than he appeared, his physical appearance was probably the age he died at, he was still going out of his way to take in not only traumatized adults and children but infants. He’d never dealt with infants but he had no doubt that they were a handful, even though Phantom said he had handmaidens he didn’t seem like the type to let them do everything.
“Have you had any problems with vigilantes such as myself? I know Batman can be quite forceful and rude if he encounters something he does not understand.” Phantom allowed Velvet to shake his fingers with surprising strength. “Nope! I’m very good at staying under the radar. That’s why I was so surprised when Batman sent you. Like I said, humans aren’t usually capable of picking up on things like the undead. But it’s probably that contaminated ecto you and him are covered in. Can I ask you about that, by the way?”
Contaminated Ecto? “Whatever do you mean by ‘contaminated’? What is this ecto?” Phantom held his hand up and Damian watched, fascinated and horrified, as Lazarus water bled from his skin and rose into a ball. “This is ectoplasm! Every ghost is made of it. It’s our blood, flesh and atoms all in one. Judging by the look on your face you’ve seen it before?”
Damian cleared his suddenly dry throat. “Uh, yes. We call it Lazarus water, and it comes from Lazarus Pits.” Phantoms eyes narrowed. “Pits? Like, a natural or artificial hole in the ground? It doesn’t move or flow in and out? It just sits there?” Damian told him yes and explained the way the League used the Pits, the effects of being revived or healed by the water. By the end Phantoms carefree attitude had left and in its place was someone who held himself like a king.
“Let me put Velvet to bed.” He waved his hand and the gate and various toys began to float and put themselves away as he picked up Velvet and walked away. He was alone for a few minutes, watching as the toys stacked neatly in a toy box and thinking. There was a whole species of people made out of Lazarus Water. Ectoplasm. Pure ectoplasm. What he’d experienced, had contact with, was apparently so corrupted that Phantom had noticed it.
Phantom came back and sat next to him, running a hand through his hair. “Ok, so; ectoplasm has a mind of its own. It connects with and enhances emotions. That’s why a lot of ghosts are angry or sad. Because the ectoplasm connects with the feelings they had when they were dying, and that’s why ghosts are so emotional. It’s all we’re made of. Some people don’t become ghosts but their emotions do. We call those blob ghosts.”
Phantom looked disturbed. “Ectoplasm can’t just sit there or else it’ll start to deteriorate, mold. It’ll become poisonous, borderline radioactive. It needs to be moving and connected with more ectoplasm to filter it out. Yes it does having insane healing properties but it’s not supposed to hurt you. Never supposed to hurt you. Again it has a mind of its own. Most ectoplasm wants to create new life, heal and help. If this Lazarus water is hurting people, it’s because it wants to. And that’s really, really bad.”
“You said it was boiling?” Damian nodded. “That’s also not good. Ectoplasm is supposed to be cold. That’s why most people who contact ghosts feel cold or the temperature drop. I’ve never heard of ectoplasm boiling before.” Phantom looked very troubled. “You said these pools are controlled by the League of Assassins?” At his nod he waved his hand and a small white circle appeared next to him.
Through the circle he could see only what appeared to be a bookshelf. Phantom traced the spine of a few before pulling one out and closing the circle, flipping through the book. Damian leaned over to read. It seemed to be a list of people. At first he didn’t recognize them, but then the name The Sensei appeared at the top of a page labeled ‘The Demons-Al Ghul’
It was a family tree. One he’d seen and studied more than a million times. It showed his ancestors, great grandfather, Ra’s, his Mother, Dusan, Nyssa, even Mara and I’son. And him. Phantom pointed at his name. “Is this you?” He swallowed.
There wasn’t any real point in lying. He already knew, but if his Father found out he’d get in trouble despite the recording showing Phantom had figured it out himself. “Uh, yes. Yes it is.” Phantom nodded then flipped more pages before coming across a map. He folded the page out and Damian saw it was seven small but detailed maps. Maps of the locations of the Pits.
“Holy shit,” he muttered, “Phantom you can not let anyone find this book. If this got into the wrong hands—“ Phantom laughed. “Don’t worry, Damian. These kinds of books are only in the castle library. No one other than me and my family can get in there.” He flipped through a few more pages before coming across one with a sketch of the Lazarus Pits. Phantoms eyes scanned the pages quickly, growing more concerned the more he read.
“Do you have any of these symptoms? The anger, lost time and enhancement?” Damian bit his lip. “I…used to. The Pit rage and blackouts faded after time and I have no enhancement that I know of. But, one of my brothers, Jason Todd…” Phantom muttered the name, opening another circle and pulling out another book. He flipped through it quicker than before and pointed at a page near the back.
“Jason Peter Todd-Wayne?” Damian nodded. Phantom sighed again. “He’s a revenant, an angry spirit that was put to rest and then forced back into life. It’s no wonder these symptoms stuck with him; this Pit probably attached itself to his barely formed core. It’s a miracle his body’s still functioning.”
“What’s a core?” Damian leaned over and red more names in the book, all unrecognizable. “A core is a ghosts soul. Each core has a sort of unique elemental power or structure to them. I have an ice core.” Phantom opened his hand and Damian watched as wisps of ice and snow rose out of his palm.
“Ok, so; a ghosts age depends on how long they’ve been dead for and how developed their core is. So someone who dies at a hundred will suddenly become a newborn ghost. Ghosts get more powerful with time, and depending on how violently they died they might become newborn ghosts who are already really powerful. I was one of those instances.”
Phantom opened another circle and pulled out another book. “Every new ghost will usually search for or be found by an older ghost who’ll become their caretaker or ‘parent’. These ghosts are supposed to teach the new ghosts about their powers, what type of ghost they are, how their religious beliefs will affect their afterlife. I had a really, really old ghost named Clockwork.”
Phantom flipped through the pages again and showed him one. It seemed to be a medical diagram of a ghost. It was fascinating; they didn’t appear to have muscles or organs, but rather this core acted as not only their stomach and heart but their brain. In fact their whole body seemed to be one big vein, the whole thing circulating this ectoplasm throughout it.
“Finding a new ‘parent’ is really, really important. Like I said before ghosts are nothing but emotions. So when we get lonely, it’s like a major depressive episode. We start hurting ourselves and others, we do things that go against our beliefs or moral codes, we do anything to bring any sort of attention to ourselves. Is this similar to anything Jason went through after being forced back?”
“I believe so? I don’t know what he was really thinking, but he definitely did horrible things that he would never have done before.” Damian didn’t miss the wording Phantom used. Forced. Todd didn’t come back to life, he was dragged back. Ra’s wanted to come back, his Father wanted to come back, he wanted to come back. But Todd had been put to rest somehow. Todd had moved on.
“If Todd had moved on before being forced back, why would he react so violently? If he’d been at peace, why all the anger?” Phantom closed the book and pulled out another, flipping through it to another diagram, but this time it was of a core. It was cut up the way he’d seen cells be in schoolbooks. “I honestly don’t entirely know, and I would have to see Jason or take him to one of my doctor's, but I think it’s because of the Pit.”
“As I said, ectoplasm is slightly sentient. But if this Lazarus water is working the same way normal ectoplasm does but maliciously, then Jason’s entire core might be made out of this corrupt ecto. It might have connected with one of his dying feelings, anger, and blew it out of proportion.” Damian bit the inside of his cheek. Todd would not be happy to learn his new soul is made out of mold and corruption. He’d take it the completely wrong way.
“How would we fix something like this? If a core is every organ, how would we get rid of the Lazarus water his very soul is now made of?” Phantom thought again. “Maybe we could flush it? Like, get him pills or an IV of pure ectoplasm and try to push it out. I don’t really know, but I know a doctor who might.” Damian hesitated before speaking again.
“…Would the Lazarus water fight back? Is it sentient enough to do that? What if by doing this it inadvertently harms him?” Phantoms made a displeased sound. He snapped the book closed and put it back in the portal before turning to him. “I don’t know, but I can find out. The book said there’s one of theses Pits in the Batcave, is that true?” He saw where this was going.
“My father would never let you in,” he started, “But you can bring me some.” Phantom finished. “I can get you some transport-safe tubes from one of my doctors, and they can look it over and find out how it works. If we find out a way to purify it, we may be able to use that to purify all the pits.” It was optimistic, but hell, he could use some hope in his life. And if he got caught, the mask footage would be his saving grace.
“If it is for the purpose of curing Todd of his Pit madness, then I will do whatever needs to be done. Where will you get these containers?” Phantom smiled and opened another portal, this time showing what looked like a laboratory table filled with beakers and containers with a green tint. Phantom grabbed five vials with stoppers and tongs. He handed them to him, and then grabbed a rack and gave him that as well.
“Want me to open one to the Batcave?” “If you wouldn’t mind.” That’ll make it far easier to get to and from, and lessen his chances of getting caught. Phantom stood and opened a much larger white circle, and it showed the closely guarded Lazarus Pit that was deep in the cave. He quickly filled the vials and went back in the apartment. “What now?” Phantom secured the tops with ice before replying, “Now I take this to the Far Frozen. That’s where the best doctors in the Infinite Realms are, they’re a group of Yetis.”
“How long will it take you? How long will it take for them to test it?” “I don’t know,” Phantom opened a larger portal, showing a frozen tundra. There seemed to be a large cave of ice in the distance. “But I’ll be back as soon as possible. We’ll find a way to get rid of the Lazarus Pits, and purify your brother. I promise.” He said it with such certainty and confidence that for a second Damian fully believed him.
In a flash of white Phantom’s hair had turned a snow white and his eyes Lazarus–ectoplasm green. He was wearing a black suit similar to a superhero’s with white gloves and boots, and he had what looked to be a crown of northern lights. He had a white cape that’s inside showed stars, and the absolute power he radiated almost knocked Damian down. Phantom smiled at him, reassuringly and calm, then stepped into the portal. It closed without a sound, and Damian was left with his thoughts.
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natureismynature · 11 months
Vegetta wondering why people in the server are afraid of him as if he wasn’t the strongest player before the Brazilians arrived and then proceeded to instill the fear of mines to the Brazilians and French at their first week and day at the server respectively. 
My man. My dude. No one sees you, you’re almost like an urban legend but they can’t Hatsune Miku you like they did Wilbur because 1) you have a child and husband who always gets involved in cheating allegations 2) they actually saw you on their initial arrivals 3) you blew them up with mines for the gags 4) you pranked ALL of them with alarms and black signs and 5) Foolish has so many things that they don’t even know where to get because of YOU
Vegetta, sweetie, I’m sorry but you really can’t blame them for being terrified of you sgfys
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So some fuck ass mom posted on tiktok about her 14 y.o CHILD getting a Brazilian wax/waxing on her body bc it’s “hygienic” (she obv didn’t post the it actually getting done but I digress).The woman who re-posted the video onto twt is having to argue with brain dead women who say “ITS HER CHOICE” and saying she’s a weirdo for being concerned and that they don’t have a problem with a child getting waxed more so than the mom posting the video to begin with, as if we can’t fucking multitask. I think I’m officially black pilled I’m so serious.
No wonder why women fall for the dumb shit men do bc y’all are working with room temp IQs and ZERO critical thinking. The funniest part is when the consequences of not being critical end up happening the feminist who’ve been telling y’all to think more than two seconds will be blamed/“why aren’t so called radfems talking about this!!” And then it fades bc no one wants to read anything or make actual change, I don’t even think a toddler getting lip filler will make y’all use your fucking brain for once.
Y’all are on your own I can’t deal with this shit anymore. The fact that women are fine with the bar being in hell and are allowing these men to get them pregnant when roe v wade has been overturned tells me everything I need to know. We can argue internalized misogyny till the cows come home but the bottom line is that there’s a fuck ton of y’all that don’t wanna be saved and frankly speaking, I don’t wanna save your annoying asses either.
Women should be outraged, should be disgusted and repulsed by the way we’re being stripped of our rights and sense of self not just in legislation but personhood via these traps they’re setting for girls. Robbing them of their youth and innocence bc of the porn addicted moid goblins they go to school with and societies penchant for pedophilia towards girls.
But nah, instead yall break your backs to say “LETS NOT DEMONIZE ALL MEN” after hearing about a horrific tragedy inflicted upon a woman after someone’s comments “I fucking hate men.”Like I’ve said before men don’t have to lift a finger to keep patriarchy alive and running when women get on their knees for free lmao.
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blingblong55 · 9 months
Money, Money, Money- 141 X Reader X F1
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Based on a request:
Idk if i can put in two requests but please. PLEASE I fucking love f1 Give more cod x f1 I dont care who and what and where, i just need more fics like that Thx for everything bestie(Feel free to ignore) --- GN!Reader, 141 x reader x f1
So I must leave, I'll have to go To Las Vegas or Monaco And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same
The fame, the women/men that wanted you to date them, and the adrenaline, are all worth it and all possible if you drive in Formula 1. Twenty of the best drivers in the world, all in ten separate teams, every other weekend for 23 times a year you race around the globe to become the desired World Champion of that season. There was something that was missing, your friends, the military men you met years ago when one got lost and they ended up finding you.
"R/N!" Soap called, running to you for yet another exciting weekend. They were home from a mission and all seemed to be in a good mood. Ghost and Gaz even made sure to bring their caps to support your team. Soap played the role of the boyfriend so other women/men would not bother you. Price made it look like he was your father figure and Gaz and Ghost were always suspected to be your siblings or best friends. Of course, Ghose became loved by your fans, a man who wore a cap and a black surgical mask had become attractive to them. He never cared for it, would sometimes give the camera the bird and soon they learned to never show him again.
The four men had become your luck charm, the drawings of a bar of soap, cap, skull and a bonnie all on your helmet for every race. In a way, they became the second family whilst on the road. It was nice, you got to keep real friends close and have fun and good memories with them.
Soap for some reason played the role of your partner far too well. Suspicions amongst drivers and the media grew as the time went by. Truthfully, if he was your partner, he'd be as supportive as he is now. Maybe even more. Some of the other drivers need police escort whilst all you need is your best mates. Race after race, they would either hear your answerphone or you'd be on screen pointing at your helmet, your four drawn luck charms on it.
This race was one you were looking forward to, the Brazilian GP. All honouring the late Ayrton Senna, the favourite driver in Brazil, Hamilton and rooting for your two current rivals, Verstappen and Sainz. By Tuesday, you met up with Price, he was alone, which was weird. Soap was usually the first hug of the day. "So, where are the rest?" you kindly ask.
"Getting some rest, they had a rough flight." a lie he told that you believed. In truth, they had used this visit for a mission, most people would be focused on the race and that meant they had time to execute some mission. You believed him because the only lie he had told years ago was that they were just pub mates on a weekend out, never that they were trained soldiers who happened to be in the elite military force that is known as SAS. Brutal, strong and agile, that is who they are, not pub mates.
As the day went on, Price disappeared from sight. Instead of the usual welcome lunch they'd have with you, you walked around the paddock, wandering like a child.
Hours went on, but no text or call. Just a greeting from the answerphone, "It's me, just leave a message." But that's the problem, you never left a message, They knew how nervous this race was for you, Soap would always answer but why not now? You needed his usual comments, the banter Ghost gave and the shoulder pats Gaz gave you.
Somewhere in the country, the men executed their mission with absolute perfection. Few bruises and scratches, nothing new except this time they lied to you, if it wasn't for their mission to be in Brazil and your race to be happening at the same time, they would have not shown up. They'd be elsewhere, fighting for a good reason but not visiting you at the track. Gaz felt awful, having to lie to his best friend about what he was doing, even after them confining in you about what they do for a living, they still wouldn't and don't expect you to actually understand their reasoning for not telling you about this mission.
There you were, on the big screen as you answered questions over the best qualifying session you've had all season. They sneak in, trying to pretend like they didn't just kill the enemy and its soldiers.
"A perfect qualifying, what do you say to that R/N?" the interviewer said. You sigh in contentment, "Yeah, well it is amazing to have had such amazing times at each lap, I'm sure the team and I will want to keep these numbers and maybe go faster for tomorrow's race." You say and most of the crowd cheers in agreement. Soap should know but this time around he is lost, how great was your time? Did you go for pole position or are you just in the top three? Gaz definitely feels like a bad friend, not there to actually watch you like he always did.
After each qualifying, you'd greet them, run up to them and hug them but because you thought they weren't there, you just went towards the team and hugged them. From a distance, the men saw you celebrate as if they never existed in your life. It was them who you were supposed to hug, them who you should run up to. Soap was supposed to pat your helmet and you'd complain about it later.
Usually after the hug, you'd greet fans then the usual interviews or meetings with the team would take place. It wasn't until after 8 at night that they saw you again. They learned that you broke a new record for the team. Your speed was impeccable, and they weren't even there to witness such a memorable moment for you.
A/N: I think I went off my original idea to this...sorry
Tags: @agasawit
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irlpretear · 3 months
100 more trans/genderqueer musicians
a pt.2 to my last post
Problem Patterns (riot grrl) (x)
Et On Tuera Tous Les Affreux (hardcore punk) (x)
Speedy Ortiz (indie rock) (x)
Foxtails (punk rock) (x)
Come To Ruin (deathrock) (x)
Arabella (hardcore punk) (x)
Flummox (metal) (x)
Dream Sequence (emo, post-hardcore) (x)
Escuela Grind (grindcore, metal) (x)
Buggin (hardcore punk) (x)
The Aquadolls (indie rock) (x)
Vile Creature (black metal) (x)
Caustic Soda (punk) (x)
Go! Child (indie pop) (x)
Tribe 8 (punk rock) (x)
SeeYouSpaceCowboy (hardcore punk) (x)
NARC (hardcore punk, sludge violence) (x)
BRAT (hardcore punk) (x)
[ctrl] (power violence) (x)
Strawberry Milk Cult (punk rock) (x)
.gif from god (metal) (x)
CyberGirlfriend (indie rock) (x)
Vermin Vendetta (metal) (x)
Pretty Frankenstein (glam goth) (x)
Doll Chaser (punk) (x)
RENT STRIKE (folk punk) (x)
Tears for the Dying (goth rock) (x)
Himbo (math rock) (x)
Out of Sight (hardcore punk) (x)
Morta (metal) (x)
Girlpool (indie rock) (x)
Life of Agony (metal) (x)
Mashrou' Leila (indie rock) (x)
Basketball Divorce Court (post punk) (x)
Bad Waitress (art punk) (x)
Rural Internet (hip hop, electronic) (x)
The Crystal Furs (indie pop) (x)
Blind Tiger (hardcore metal) (x)
Atomic Broad (punk) (x)
tote bag (tender punk) (x)
Pansy Prep (indie rock, emo) (x)
UT/EX (metalcore, screamo) (x)
Your Heart Breaks (indie pop) (x)
Yam (punk rock) (x)
K's Choice (rock, alt pop) (x)
Elderberry Industries (noise, synth) (x)
Qi.x (kpop) (x)
The Mermerings (folk punk) (x)
Refractory Period (synthpop) (x)
fenix (rock) (x)
Solo Artists
Tape Girl (hyperpop, ska) (x)
Titica (kuduro, pop) (x)
Lauren Bousfield (synth punk) (x)
Liniker (r&b) (x)
TRVDWIFE (grindcore, cybergrind) (x)
Stomach Book (electronic, indie rock) (x)
Coyote Grace (bluegrass) (x)
Jake Zyrus (r&b, soul) (x)
D'Nayzja (hyperpop, electronic) (x)
Adeem the Artist (country) (x)
Renee Goust (pop, cumbia) (x)
Linn Da Quebrada (club, Brazilian funk) (x)
The Reverent Marigold (folk) (x)
Çağla Akalın (arabesque) (x)
Jessie Chung (Malaysian pop) (x)
Spike Fuck (post-punk, smackwave) (x)
Shea Diamond (soul, r&b) (x)
Vivek Shraya (pop, dance) (x)
Mocchi (folk, alt rock) (x)
SuperKnova (indie pop) (x)
Creep-P (hyperpop) (x)
Aljas (rap) (x)
Sylvia Baudelaire (rap) (x)
London Jade (hip-hop, rap) (x)
Susy Shock (tango) (x)
Slugwife (hyperpop) (x)
Jupiter Fiction (singer-songwriter) (x)
Mrs. Yéyé (punk) (x)
Lady Charles (glam rock) (x)
Mily Taormina (indie) (x)
Dope Saint Jude (rap, hip-hop) (x)
Imbi the Girl (hip-hop, rap) (x)
187 (drum'n'bass) (x)
zombAe (experimental hip hop, electronic) (x)
The Official Bard of Baldwin County (folk) (x)
Skylar Rose Stravinsky (singer-songwriter) (x)
hard Tiddies (country, singer-songwriter) (x)
Bunny Danger (punk) (x)
Ataru Nakamura (pop) (x)
Anjimile (folk) (x)
Villano Antillano (rap, urbano) (x)
Lauren Auder (indie pop) (x)
Justin Vivian Bond (cabaret) (x)
Namoli Brennet (folk, indie rock) (x)
Mya Byrne (Americana, folk) (x)
Quinn Christospherson (indie rock) (x)
Jayne County (proto-punk, glam rock) (x)
Katie Dey (experimental pop) (x)
Electra Elite (electropop, dance) (x)
Quay Dash (hip-hop, rap) (x)
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kookies2000 · 11 months
Because I feel like it.
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Yellow sky? Bare footed characters? Mostly a mess? Over exaggerating some of the Hispanic features. I saw the first episode, and it was just poorly written in general. And what mother calls their son "cochinada." Roughly translates to dirty or trash.
What's good Latino/Hispanic representation?
Colombian 🇨🇴
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In the Caribbean region of Colombia, they light up candles and lanterns on December 8, before sunrise. So the candle giving them magic was a wonderful detail. Generational trauma is a thing for us Latinos, and this film handled it in a healthy and matuer manner. And I love how they didn't shy away with how Spaniards attacked and colonized latin lands.
Mexicans 🇲🇽
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Yes, us Mexicans love death. 🤣 But hey, I was always taught to respect death, La Muerte, and our ancestors. So, it makes sense that many Mexican films talk about death. But I also like that Maya and the Three have Aztec, Mayan, and Incan mythology. Natives to Mexico.
Dominican Puerto Rican 🇩🇴🇵🇷
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Luz mom is Dominican, and Luz dad is Puerto Rican. I appreciate a good interracial couple and a mixed child. Luz name also translates to light, and some Latinos are known for doing witch craft. Or at least knowledgeable about witches and demons, and no, we aren't evil. We just know how to handle this stuff. Plus, the owl has many meanings in Latino culture. To some, I believe the owl is a messenger of death and is telling everyone that death/danger is near.
Afro Latino. Puerto Rican 🇵🇷
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I am a massive sucker for interracial couples and mixed kids because of this. I was working at a hispanic store as a cashier. This woman walks past me and starts talking to the bagger. The bagger has blond hair, blue eyes, and white skin. The bagger looks at me worried because she doesn't speak English. So brown skin, black hair, me has to tell the bagger that the lady wanted ice in Spanish. I then talked to the lady in English. Her reaction? "YOU SPEAK ENGLISH!" Same for a dark skinned man. So many people skip me and talk to him in English. He's Dominican, and he only spoke Spanish. I appreciate films that show Latinos in different skin types and features. We're not all brown. So yeah, the mass diversity in this film is just beautiful. And I love how they wrote Miles relationship with his parents. Realistic conflict and healthy communication. Not falling into toxic stereotypes.
Spainard Puss 🇪🇸 Mexican Kitty & Perrito 🇲🇽
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Spaniards are considered Hispanic but not Latinos like Mexicans. And again, interracial couples for the win. And I love the realism in their romance that heals through healthy therapy. Many people see Mexicans as toxic, so having Perrito as a therapist and the one helping everyone emotionally, it's nice. Not every Mexican is toxic. And I love how you can tell their Spanish and Mexican even though their animals. Puss Spanish accent, Spanish actor, him being a ginger like some Spaniards, flamingo dancing, and gazpacho. Kitty, Mexican accent, Mexican actress, black fur/hair like most Mexicans, quinceañera, and I love how they gave her a luchador mask. Something that originates from Mexico. Also, my brother and I joke how we as Mexiacns can't swim and Kitty nearky drowns in the 1st film. 🤣 Perrito, he's a chihuahua with a Mexican actor. Enough said. I also want to say death is Brazilian because of his actor.
I don't know much about Spanish culture, but someone said the wishing star has a connection to Spanish culture. Is that true? If so, COOL! Because death is connected to Mexican culture. So, Dreamworks finding a way to combine Spanish and Mexican culture in one film is 100% magical.
There are many more, like Beverly Hills Chihuahua 🇲🇽. 🤣 That film is better than Primos. Emperor's New Groove, Peru 🇵🇪, and Rio, Brazil 🇧🇷. Not Hispanic but Latino culture. But this post is getting long. Primos! A huge step down in Latino/Hispanic representation. Especially since we have so many good films and shows that have proper representation.
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brazilianism · 1 year
lol, so today (finally, thank fuck) we had Lula’s inauguration
Bolsonaro decided to behave like a child and flew the country a few days ago so there wasn’t anybody oficial to hand Lula the presidential sash... Bet he thought it would make things real awkward
But Lula made the most of it and decided that representatives of the brazilian popularion should do it, then
Congress members? politicians? oficers? nope. People, commom people, which resulted in one of the most beautiful inauguration moments this country has seen
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And from the hands of a cook, a metalworker, an indigenous 90-year-old leader, a garbage colector, a disabled activist, a teacher, and a 10-year-old black boy came the sash
(and please also note his dog. yes that is Lulas dog. she wanted to participate)
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You can hate Lula all you want... But you can’t say the man hasn’t got style
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cherryxcadbury · 1 year
You know that drake song "childs play"? In the intro of the song a guy says something along the lines of "if your girl asks you to go to a nba game.. she is probably fcking some guy on that team". My idea for you: how would ney react to you asking him to acompany you to a man city game? Idk maybe mix in some sweet jealousy and him being excited when haaland loses?
Love ya take care xoxo
love love love you xx
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I used to not understand anyone’s attraction to Neymar, bc he’s a bit older than me. but now, I get it, I really do.
2nd person pov
“Look what I got!” You smirked as you walked into the sitting room where your boyfriend, Neymar was lying on the couch, scrolling through his phone.
He quirked an eyebrow at you.
You flashed him two tickets, Manchester City vs. Arsenal.
“Come with me to the Man City game! They’re going to be playing in London, Emirates Stadium.” You begged.
Neymar sat up, his phone barely hanging onto the sofa.
“Why do you want to go watch this game? It’s just a regular premier league match.” Neymar questioned.
You rolled your eyes at his question.
“It’s going to be such a good match. Arteta, Jesus, and Zinchenko against their old team! And I finally get to see Haaland live!”
Neymar narrowed his eyes at the last part of your sentence.
“Haaland eh?”
You nodded enthusiastically, “He’s so good! Honestly better than Mbappe.”
Neymar furiously shook his head, “There is no youngster better than Kylian.”
You had to stop from laughing. It was clear he was a bit jealous.
“Whatever. So you coming? Or are you too jealous?”
His eyes bulged out of his sockets.
“I’m not jealous.”
You rolled your eyes at his clear lie before he pulled you to sit on the couch with him. He cupped your face, and kissed you deeply.
You pulled away at a loss for words, while he pulled away with a smirk.
“Still want to go to that match? We can just stay here you know…” He suggested.
It was your turn to smirk now.
“Of course! I spent a fortune on those tickets. Come on!” You had decided. ***
“Right here.” You gestured to a set of two seats in the fourth row.
Despite your wishes to wear a kit from one of the teams playing, your boyfriend had convinced you to wear one of his many Brazil hoodies. You wore a gray set of leggings underneath, paired with the viral ugg booties. Neymar on the other hand, wore a plain white hoodie with some branding, and tight black jeans with slight rips in them. He of course paired this with a baseball cap and some trendy Jordans.
Once a fashion icon, always a fashion icon.
You both sat down into your seats and got comfortable. The match was just about to start.
“I’m thirsty.” You whispered to Neymar, signaling for the bottle of water in his hand.
“Thirsty?” He smirked.
“Why didn’t you say so earlier we could’ve just stayed home in Paris an…” He began to say.
You slapped his leg and shot him a look, “Get your head out of the gutter idiot.”
“How am I supposed to when you’re sitting there looking like that in my sweatshirt?”
You rolled your eyes at his lack of self control.
Within a few minutes, the match had begun. Manchester City was very clearly dominating, as expected. Haaland had several chances courtesy De Bruyne but had been unlucky thus far.
Neymar had told you he’d be rooting for Arsenal. This was a bit strange to you because he’d never been an Arsenal supporter in the slightest. He claimed it was because Arsenal had a more overwhelming number of Brazilian players than Man City so he needed to support “his boys.” To you however, it just didn’t add up.
He was enjoying the game though. When Arsenal went up 1-0, thanks to a Jesus goal, his grin became wider. Neymar would constantly look over at you to see what you were thinking, what you were feeling.
Things changed however in the 86th minute, when Man City scored on a Haaland goal. Like many other away fans, the terrific strike brought you to your feet and you cheered as loud as possible, much to Neymar’s disappointment. You’d figured he was a bit jealous. And if he wanted to play this game, so be it.
“COME ON!” Cheers were heard all around you.
Neymar face curled up into a scowl as he watched you clap for Haaland’s goal. Once you finally sat back down, his arm was again around your waist, trying to bring you as close as possible to him. Your head rested on his shoulder while his head rested on yours.
“City’s gonna win.” You whispered to him.
“Not if my boys have a say in it.” He mumbled back, kissing your cheek.
You turned to face him and stuck your tongue out at his smug look.
Truth be told, on the inside, he was praying Arsenal didn’t lose. He couldn’t bear watch you cheer for City again.
In the 89th minute, his wish came true. City defender Nathan Ake was unable to track back fast enough, and was so match for Bukayo Saka who received the ball and banged it in the net.
Your mouth had fallen open, and Neymar had gone to his feet, cheering as loud as possible.
He looked down at you in your seat and shot you a wide smirk while you gave him a pissed look. He sat back down and grabbed your chin before kissing you again. The stadiums cameras had been able to find you two meanwhile.
After pulling away, you and Neymar had realised you were on the cameras (pretend they do this at the Emirates, idk if they do). You looked down and blushed while Neymar shot a wink at the camera. Eventually, the cameras found someone else to bother and the match ended, with Arsenal winning. Neymar had a smug look on his face when you two were leaving the stadium.
“Just say it.” You sighed.
“Haaland was kind of invisible today, don’t you think?” He smirked.
“He still scored Ney.”
“Yeah but they lost.”
You shrugged your shoulders, “He’s still a star.”
Neymar furrowed his brow, “And me?”
His jealousy was insane.
You turned to face him, and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You’ll always be my superstar.”
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as a spurs supporter, writing abt an arsenal win was quite painful.
as a side note, thank u sm for ur requests! I’m writing them based on which ones I’m feeling! but at some point, they’ll all be done.
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
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Okay, now let's look at these five now that we know that at least three of them have some kind of deep connection with the Federation.
Briefly, let's recap our Federation Three:
ElQuackity- Federation employee, high-up, seemingly very important. Possible q!Quackity clone. Bad Dude.
q!Foolish- Member of the q!Brown Family/q!Fooligetta Family, aka the Federation's Favorites. Is currently technically a Federation employee as a detective. Has been pursuing Cucurucho for months trying to get a cloud. Wants to be Employee Of The Month. He's got a crazy strong connection with the Capybaras, which are basically confirmed to be Federation employees/creations in some way.
q!Baghera- Former Federation child experiment, escaped. Presumably the reason the French Plane was brought down onto the island. No memories of anything before the plane, including her own torture.
But then let's look at the other two:
q!Etoiles- Federation Anti and Codebreaker. The literal only person out here able to defeat the Codes. Survived multiple assassination attempts. French.
q!Felps- The OG Kidnapped Brazilian. Frozen in ice like the 'new' islanders, was broken out by the Federation's Employee Of The Month, came back with a weird black mark on his arm. Disappeared, reappeared 'frozen' along with the 'new' islanders looking completely different.
So three of these guys have confirmed connections with the Federation, leaving Felps and Etoiles to the side... right?
Well, let's look at Etoiles first. He's one half of the Codebreakers, and he has the Shield that the Codes/maybe the Federation desperately wants. He came onto the island saying he wouldn't get attached to Pomme, but now he's the eggs' number one protector. Only two people have ever managed to murder him, q!Baghera with a Gun and then q!Willy with his mines. He's basically the island's 'Chief of Security'. He's chilling.
So, nothing there that we know of. Like Baghera, he doesn't seem to have a lot of his memories, but none of the French really do. They're like the English and Spanish speakers: none of them really have any memories of anything before the island except for q!Bad and q!Slime, who are hinted towards having unknown connections with the Federation. (See: the og character teasers where Jaiden, Bad, Slime, and Wilbur were all teased. Jaiden is confirmed to have an unknown past as a possible Federation employee, Wilbur is liked enough by the Federation to be able to leave the island basically as he pleases for his tours. Bad and Slime have memories of their lives before the island- Bad knowing about his time loop thing and Slime remembering having a bunch of siblings [including little orphan q!Mike] and terrible parents.)
Now let's look at q!Felps. He drove, and crashed, the Brazilians' cargo ship onto the island. He was the first character to get kidnapped (he's a real trendsetter), and he was frozen in a block of ice for a month as the Federation did... something to him. He was murdered by f!Cell in prison prior to the QSMP. q!Cellbit is his best friend, and he broke Felps out of the Federation through the literal Power of Friendship. Felps came out with a weird mark on his arm and a fear of Cucurucho. He spends his time digging a square, which is just What Felps Does. His skin for a bit was the exact same construction uniform as the Federation's Faceless Workers with the minor addition of pants, but tbh he probably wouldn't wear those either if he had a choice. He's also got a major connection with the capybaras. He disappears for a bit, but nobody questions it because he's. Felps. But, when he comes back, he's in a little icebox of a house near spawn and he's gotten a pretty cool makeover.
Felps is Felps. It's hard to look into his character too seriously because he's Felps. But it stands to reason that, out of all the Brazilians, he's the one most likely to have a previous connection with the Federation. (Let's put aside the Manager's Son!Forever headcanon and the Agent 03!Cellbit headcanon.) On his own, it's easy to think that he's just being Felps. But stick him on a screen with three confirmed Federation People and then Etoiles, and it's pretty clear that he has something to do with the Feds.
My personal theory is that Felps was a laboratory experiment that became sentient and fucking Left. He's an enigma. Only one person understands him, and it's his son. Even his best friend Cellbit can't really get him, mostly because He Is Felps. He's the server's resident cryptid. After he escaped from the Federation, it took them a While to realize, oh, shit, they lost the guy that gets lost all the time. And then he managed to crash his boat onto the island however many years later just as a coincidence and in such a sudden way that even the Federation was like "Bro what the fuck". This could explain why the Federation, who doesn't exactly like random people snooping around their island, never actually got rid of the Brazilians: Felps was back, and they couldn't lose him again, and keeping his friends around is the best way to keep him around.
That leaves Etoiles, who might actually have some kind of connection with the Codes. They might hate him and he might hate them, but they have some sort of weird Homestuck-y connection going on. It's a mutual hatred, and a mutual respect. If the theory that the Codes are renegade Federation employees who were turned into monsters as a punishment for trying to leave, then there's a real possibility that Etoiles is another one of those runaway employees. But, unlike them, he managed to escape. He got away, and they hate him for it even if they can't recognize why through their scrambled little data brains. But they can't help but respect him because he got away. This makes him another potential reason for the French Plane being shot down: the Federation realized that someone got away, and that he was on the same plane as their runaway experiment. He doesn't remember the Codes, but the Codes could remember him.
So let's finish this theorizing off with a brief recap:
ElQuackity and q!Baghera are confirmed Federation employees/experiments. q!Foolish is a new Federation employee, but his weird grey way of dealing with the Feds make him Sus
q!Felps has had a lot of weird Federation shit happen to him since he crashed the Brazilian Boat onto the island, so he could be another escaped experiment. Unlike Baghera, however, he randomly came back, and the Federation couldn't let him or the other Brazilians go because he came back.
q!Etoiles doesn't have an obvious connection with the Federation, but he does seem to have some kind of connection with the Codes. Because of this, it's possible that he has some kind of past with the Federation that has made him and the Codes have some kind of Homestuck-y kismesissitude(?) going on
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iridescentpull · 4 months
Ramón can feel his eyes get droopy.
He stifles a yawn, rubbing his tired eyes. He doesn’t want to go to sleep– he can’t remember the last time he had this much fun! The day can’t end yet, they still have to keep working on the pool of the egg mansion and clean the snowman in the favela more! But when Ramón goes to voice these problems, a yawn overtakes him.
Pai Pac laughs softly, running a hand through his curly brown hair. “I have to head back, I’m getting tired too.” He says, running a hand through his own black and blue hair. “Ramón, do you want to spend some time with Tío Mike or are you done?”
The dragonling wants to spend more time with Mike, he wants to see his chocolate factory! But he’s so tired, he feels like he’s gonna fall asleep at any moment. So with a bit of sadness, he shakes his head. ‘Im very tired, sorry Tío Mike.’ He signed.
After a bit of teasing from Mike, the pink-haired male hugs both of them before going off his way, probably to work on his chocolate factory. Pac turns to Ramón and smiles. “You heading off on your own, Ramón?”
Ramón paused, before shaking his head. ‘Can you take me home, Pai?’ He asks shyly, blushing when Pac’s dark, brown eyes brighten.
“Of course!” He exclaimed, pulling out his warpstone, Ramón quickly following suit. “Ramón’s house, right?” Pac asks, with Ramón nodding.
After the cloud of purple particles disappeared around them, the pair were standing in front of Ramón’s quaint, little home. The Brazilian started to walk towards the door when Ramón grabbed his sleeve of his blue hoodie, pointing to the elevator hidden between the bamboo. Pac hummed and let himself be dragged by the dragonling.
The pair arrived at the bottom of the elevator shaft and Ramón yawned once more, scratching his tired eyes. Pac smiled softly before grabbing Ramón and pulling him onto his arms, carrying him through the hall. Ramón’s eyes widened, staring at Pac with disbelief. He doesn't remember the last time someone carried him, it’s... very nice.
“Where to, nenê?” Pac asks, humming when Ramón points to the security door to their left. He taps the door and gasps when it opens, glancing at Ramón who gives him a tired smile.
‘I added you to the allowlist.’ He signs, and Pac’s heart melts.
He still can’t believe this beautiful baby trusts him so much that he’d write his name on the allowlist. Pac would rather die than break that trust, he wouldn’t dare. “Thank you Ramón.” He says earnestly hugging the small body close. “I’m so honored.” He says, smile widening when he feels a pair of small arms hug back and a tail wrap around his waist.
Pac places Ramón on the bed gently, helping him remove the meathead and goggles from his head and placing them on top of the crafting table nearby. He helps the child get into comfier clothes and tucks him into the red bed.
Ramón gives him a tired grin. ‘Boa noite, Pai!’
“Boa noite, nenêm.” He says, smiling when the dragonling hums. “Do you want me to sing you a Brazilian lullaby?”
The child nods excitedly and Pac sits on the bed, Ramón shuffling so he could lay his head on the older's lap. The Brazilian smiled, helping him get into a comfortable position and being mindful of his prosthetic leg. Once they’re in a perfect position, Pac starts running his hand through Ramón’s soft, brown locks. He grins when he hears a quiet purr coming from the dragonlings chest. He closes his eyes and starts singing.
Dorme neném
Que a cuca vem pegar
Papai foi no roça
Mamãe no cafezal
Bicho papaõ
Sai de cima do telhado
Deixa o meu bebê dormir sossegado
Pac opens his eyes and smiles warmly when he notices the young dragonling sound asleep, still purring. He carefully moves them so Ramón is now lying on the bed comfortably, wrapped in the red blanket. The Brazilian stands up, giving one last look at Ramón, before he gives in and kisses Ramón’s forehead.
He goes to move when he feels a small hand grab his wrist. Pac turns to see Ramón's eyes opened slightly. ‘Pai?’ He signs, causing Pac to internally freak out.
Did he cross a line? He knows Fit isn’t the most touchy person, so is Ramón the same? But the dragonling always asks for hugs– unless that’s the only physical contact Ramón allows. Fuck, he needs to apologize–
‘Obrigado.’ Ramón signs, and Pac stops. At the look Pac gives him, Ramón looks down, embarrassed. ‘For the lullaby... and for the kiss.’
And God, Pac wants to wrap this baby in his arms and protect him from every type of harm that’s trying to come for them.
“No problem, Ramón! Anytime.” Pac says, hugging the dragonling before pulling away. “Boa noite, neném.” He says, smiling when Ramón nods and closes his eyes, his small chest going up and down slowly.
Pac leaves the room, and all he can think about is how much he loves this baby so much.
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aingeal98 · 4 months
Shiva really is just the DC version of Chuck Norris but better. Shiva can get a black belt in Tang Soo Do, Brazilian jiu jitsu and judo while asleep but Chuck Norris could never reach the level of badass required for his child to come out of the womb with their first language being Fighting. Shiva herself wasn't even born that way it was just the lifetime of accumulated badassery that transferred into her placenta, gave Cass nutrients and made her capable of throwing shuriken at a target before she could even walk.
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keirawantstocry · 4 months
Something with poly morning crew in prison? Please? Maybe something sweet and funny
am i caught up with prison lore? absolutely not but here's my best attempt :)
Ever since the first day Tubbo had woken up in prison he felt ill. Maybe it was the air or maybe it was something to do with having to see his daughter in a tiny prison outfit. It was perfectly fit and sized for a child. What kind of prison carried uniforms for children? 
The large rimmed black sunglasses she always wore were the only thing that she had kept. “You look beautiful, poppet,” he said, pulling her into a hard hug. She squirmed out of his grip, signing pa pa pa over and over again. 
His heart clenched at the sound of the familiar deep voice. “Fit?” 
Quite before he knew it he was being gathered up in strong arms. “Guess who's finally awake!!” 
Tubbo squirmed out of his grip, suddenly understanding how Sunny felt when he did the same to her. “Who?” 
Fit stared at him with a dopey grin. “Pac.” 
Speak of the devil, Tubbo thought as he was pulled into another hug, this time by a much smaller but equally as strong man. 
Tubbo laughed. “Hey Pac.” 
“The weird little duck is offering us contraband!” the Brazilian proclaimed pulling back and at that moment Tubbo noticed a duck crouching behind Pac staring up at them. 
A shrill voice came out of the duck's beak a moment later. “I LOVE LOVE. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.” 
Pac turned to him with a pleading expression. “Kiss me?” 
Tubbo couldn't help but laugh loudly before grabbing the other man's face and placing a kiss on his lips. 
Fit laughed his ass off behind them as the tiny duck thing cackled and cheered. 
“Aren't you jealous I'm kissing your boyfriend?” Tubbo teased glancing over at Fit who shrugged. 
“He can kiss whoever he wants. Still my Brazilian boyfriend.” 
“Whatever you say big man,” Tubbo said with a roll of his eyes. It was still prison and it still sucked major ass but at least he had his daughter and best friends with him.
i wrote half of this at work! im sorry if it sucks! ill hopefully be able to write a more cohesive prison fic once i get caught up on the lore better LMAO
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kcyars99 · 9 days
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[Verse 1]
Dear Adonis
I'm sorry that that man is your father, let me be honest
It takes a man to be a man, your dad is not responsive
I look at him and wish your grandpa woulda wore a condom
I'm sorry that you gotta grow up and then stand behind him
Life is hard, I know, the challenge is always gon' beat us home
Sometimes our parents make mistakes that affect us until we grown
And you're a good kid that need good leadership
Let me be your mentor since your daddy don't teach you shit
Never let a man piss on your leg, son
Either you die right there or pop that man in the head, son
Never fall in the escort business, that's bad religion
Please remember, you could be a bitch even if you got bitches
Never code-switch, whether right or wrong, you a Black man
Even if it don't benefit your goals, do some push-ups, get some discipline
Don't cut them corners like your daddy did, fuck what Ozempic did
Don't pay to play with them Brazilians, get a gym membership
Understand, no throwin' rocks and hidin' hands, that's law
Don't be ashamed 'bout who you wit', that's how he treat your moms
Don't have a kid to hide a kid to hide again, be sure
Five percent will comprehend, but ninety-five is lost
Be proud of who you are, your strength come from within
Lotta superstars that's real, but your daddy ain't one of them
And you nothing like him, you'll carry yourself as king
Can't understand me right now? Just play this when you eighteen
[Verse 2]
Dear Sandra
Your son got some habits, I hope you don't undermine them
Especially with all the girls that's hurt inside this climate
You a woman, so you know how it feels to be in alignment
With emotion, hopin' a man can see you and not be blinded
Dear Dennis, you gave birth to a master manipulator
Even usin' you to prove who he is is a huge favor
I think you should ask for more paper, and more paper
And more, uh, more paper
I'm blamin' you for all his gamblin' addictions
Psychopath intuition, the man that like to play victim
You raised a horrible fuckin' person, the nerve of you, Dennis
Sandra, sit down, what I'm about to say is heavy, now listen
Mm-mm, your son's a sick man with sick thoughts, I think niggas like him should die
Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest they life
He hates Black women, hypersexualizes 'em with kinks of a nympho fetish
Grew facial hair because he understood bein' a beard just fit him better
He got sex offenders on ho-VO that he keep on a monthly allowance
A child should never be compromised and he keepin' his child around them
And we gotta raise our daughters knowin' there's predators like him lurkin'
Fuck a rap battle, he should die so all of these women can live with a purpose
I been in this industry twelve years, I'ma tell y'all one lil' secret
It's some weird shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to police it
They be streamlinin' victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em Tinder
Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas
To any woman that be playin' his music, know that you're playin' your sister
Or better, you're sellin' your niece, to the weirdos, not the good ones
Katt Williams said, "Get you the truth," so I'ma get mines
The Embassy 'bout to get raided, too, it's only a matter of time
Ayy, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away
To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away
They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away
I'm lookin' to shoot through any pervert that lives, keep the family safe
[Verse 3]
Dear baby girl
I'm sorry that your father not active inside your world
He don't commit to much but his music, yeah, that's for sure
He a narcissist, misogynist, livin' inside his songs
Try destroy families rather than takin' care of his own
Should be teachin' you time tables or watchin' Frozen with you
Or at your eleventh birthday, singin' poems with you
Instead, he be in Turks, payin' for sex and poppin' Percs, examples that you don't deserve
I wanna tell you that you're loved, you're brave, you're kind
You got a gift to change the world, and could change your father's mind
'Cause our children is the future, but he lives inside confusion
Money's always been illusion, but that's the life he's used to
His father prolly didn't claim him neither
History do repeats itself, sometimes it don't need a reason
But I would like to say it's not your fault that he's hidin' another child
Give him grace, this the reason I made Mr. Morale
So our babies like you can cope later
Give you some confidence to go through somethin', it's hope later
I never wanna hear you chase a man 'cause his failed behavior
Sittin' in the club with sugar daddies for validation
You need to know that love is eternity and trumps all pain
I'll tell you who your father is, just play this song when it rains
Yes, he's a hitmaker, songwriter, superstar, right
And a fuckin' deadbeat that should never say "more life"
Meet the Grahams
[Verse 4]
Dear Aubrey
I know you probably thinkin' I wanted to crash your party
But truthfully, I don't have a hatin' bone in my body
This supposed to be a good exhibition within the game
But you fucked up the moment you called out my family's name
Why you had to stoop so low to discredit some decent people?
Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn't reach you
And I like to understand 'cause your house was never a home
Thirty-seven, but you showin' up as a seven-year-old
You got gamblin' problems, drinkin' problems, pill-poppin' and spendin' problems
Bad with money, whorehouse
Solicitin' women problems, therapy's a lovely start
But I suggest some ayahuasca, strip the ego from the bottom
I try to empathize with you 'cause I know that you ain't been through nothin'
Crave entitlement, but wanna be liked so bad that it's puzzlin'
No dominance, let's recap moments when you didn't fit in
No secret handshakes with your friend
No cultural cachet to binge, just disrespectin' your mother
Identity's on the fence, don't know which family will love ya
The skin that you livin' in is compromised in personas
Can't channel your masculine even when standin' next to a woman
You a body shamer, you gon' hide them baby mamas, ain't ya?
You embarrassed of 'em, that's not right, that ain't how mama raised us
Take that mask off, I wanna see what's under them achievements
Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in
'Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery
You lied about your accent and your past tense, all is perjury
You lied about your ghostwriters, you lied about your crew members
They all pussy, you lied on 'em, I know they all got you in 'em
You lied about your son, you lied about your daughter, huh
You lied about them other kids that's out there hopin' that you come
You lied about the only artist that can offer you some help
Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself
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Yeah Drake is done ATP just hang it up dude you’re better off doing mainstream pop rap or something
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erinsintra · 5 months
The wild world of Brazilian folklore
Been a while since I write anything with more than three lines for the five people who bother reading them. Well, I'm bored and too lazy to start looking a job today, so here you go.
I've seen a lot of people here talking about American folklore, Greek mythology, African mythology (and they always call it "African mythology" as if it's one country - seriously, imagine if we called Irish folklore "European mythology". it makes no sense), but I'm yet to see anyone talking about Brazilian folk myths. So here are some of the ones I like the most.
I encourage you to look for more on your own, because there's a shitton of them and I can't fit everything on a single post.
Saci Pererê
Perhaps the most famous mythological creature throughout the country, the Saci is a mischievous, fae-like being commonly depicted as a short black man with one leg wearing a red cap. He is famous for his pranks, which are usually mostly harmless, such as switching the contents of sugar and salt pots and tying knots on horses' hair. He's also said to control the winds and ride dustdevils, escaping faster than a regular person can run.
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In some versions of the legend, the red cap on his head is the source of all his powers, and by stealing it, a person can control the Saci as they please. They can also be trapped inside a bottle with a cross drawn across it, and one can also make a deal with him by offering booze and tobacco.
An immortal eldritch being that roams the forests of the countryside, usually depicted as a giant flaming snake. Merely looking at it is enough to drive a man mad, and the only way to escape it is by standing completely still with one's eyes closed. It is said that once, when the world was plunged into darkness, the Boitatá feasted on the eyes of those who could not see.
Isn't it weird how every pantheon ever has an evil snake on it? The Boiúna is a giant sea serpent with shapeshifting powers that feeds on the vessels that try to approach it by mimicking the shape of a human ship.
In some versions, he's also said to shift into human form and once had an affair with a human woman. More on that later.
Bruxas (Witches)
Brazilian witches tend to be quite different from their European counterparts. For starters, they are not women who made a deal with the devil - a witch is born as a witch, and depending on the version, she's either the seventh child of a family or the offspring of a priest and a pagan (i.e, nonchristian) woman.
Witches don't fly on brooms, they don't need to. Most can turn into a moth at will, and they're also said to be able to pass through small spaces by stretching their bodies like a cartoon character. Have you ever seen a Brazilian moth? They're bigger than some birds.
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Witches are also said to drink the blood of pagan children by landing on their bellybuttons while they sleep and drinking it up while in moth form. A big-ass moth inside your house is usually a bad omen, and you better not touch it with your bare hands. But witches also really love their booze, and you can make a deal with one by offering her some alcohol.
There's also the Cumacanga, a little known variation of witch with a detachable head and hair made of flames that scares of people during the night. In order to figure out her identity, one must gift her a needle, and she'll soon arrive at your doorstep in human form to return it to you when morning comes. I don't know why, but some of those creatures are very polite.
Mula sem Cabeça (Headless Mule)
If there's anything those myths have taught me, is that you shouldn't fuck a priest. At all.
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The headless mule is - rather obviously - a large equine with a flaming bonfire for a head that roams around destroying everyone it sees. If a priest breaks his vows and marries a woman, she'll become a headless mule the next Friday night (the legend is very specific about the day for some reason). In order to protect yourself from one, you must lie down and cover your teeth and nails, for they're attracted by shiny things. You can turn a mule back into a human by stabbing it with an iron knife.
Lobisomem (Werewolf)
Brazilian werewolves, like witches, are very different from the Hollywood version. While it is common for a human to become a werewolf by being bitten by another one, most werewolves are born that way - either the seventh male child of a family or the offspring of a priest and a pagan woman, pretty much the boy version of a witch - and awake their powers during puberty. Moreover, they are rarely true wolves: most are a combination of various farm animals and a few do not resemble canines at all. As with the Hollywood variant, werewolves are weak against silver and holy water, and they can also be cured of their condition by - and I have to quote this - "being impaled by a thorn from an orange tree planted on a cemetery during a Friday". No idea how the fuck they figured that out.
It's oftentimes said that, in order to prevent a seventh son from becoming a werewolf, he must be given a female name - and the opposite is true for witches.
The Labatut is a beastial figure with a boar-like face, prominent tusks and a single large eye that roams through the Northeastern countryside. He was apparently based on Pedro Labatut, a French mercenary who fought for the Empire during the independence war and gained a reputation for being quite ruthless against his opponents.
Corpo Seco (Dried Corpse or Dried Body)
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The Corpo Seco was born as a human boy. Though his name varies from tale to tale, every version agree that he was an absolute asshole - if he were alive today, he would most likely be a moderator for an incel forum. He once tied his mother to a chair and beat her up after she yelled at him, and friends and family alike were terrified of him. It is said that, when he died, not a single person wept for him, and no one attended his funeral. More than that, the Earth itself spat out his corpse after they'd buried him, and neither Heaven nor Hell claimed his wretched soul. He still wanders the country, neither alive nor dead, occasionally weeping in the distance. Some versions also claim that, since he's technically not dead, his hair and nails never stopped growing, giving him a rather gruesome look.
Loira do Banheiro (Blonde girl of the bathroom)
Oh, that one used to scare me shitless as a kid. The blonde girl of the bathroom is a Hanako-esque ghost that haunts schools and public bathrooms alike. Most versions differ when talking about her past, but she was either a victim of bullying who committed suicide in her school's bathroom or a girl obsessed with her own appearance that got sucked inside the mirror whilst gazing at her own reflection. Either way, she's a spirit that can be summoned in a public bathroom.
Again, every version has a different way of summoning her - yelling curse words at the mirror, flushing all the toilets at once, turning on all the faucets, etc. Where I grew up in, they used to say you had to yell her birth name three times whilst looking at the mirror. If you managed to successfully summon her, she would either kill you, grant you a wish, or just scare your ass.
Apparently, her story was based on the life of Maria Augusta de Oliveira Borges, a real woman who died under mysterious circumstances back in imperial times. So, uh, if you want to summon her or something, there's her full name.
Cobra Norato and Maria Caninana
Remember when I said that the Boiúna once had an affair with a human mortal? These two are their kids.
Abandoned by their mother on the side of a river, the two giant snakes soon learned how to talk by mimicking human fishermen. Norato was a kind soul who helped those who came near the river, but Maria was a greedy bitch who saw humans as little more than food. At some point, they fought each other over their disagreements, and Norato ended up killing his sister.
Norato desperately wanted to be a human, but lifting his curse was no easy task: in order to turn him into a man, one would have to feed him three drops of breast milk and pat him with an iron stick while he slept. No, I am not making this up. Luckily, he found a hunter willing to do the job.
Boto Cor de Rosa (Pink Dolphin)
In case you didn't know, pink dolphins are real. They can be found in the Amazonas river and its surroundings, though they're in risk of extinction due to overhunting.
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But this guy is no mere dolphin, he is THE pink dolphin. He can talk, he can shapeshift, and he wants to bone a hot lady.
The boto will often turn into an attractive man with a bald head and a fancy hat, which hides the breathing hole thing dolphins have. I personally like to imagine him as a tan-skinned Walter White. Any woman who meets him will soon be charmed by his looks, and he'll frequently involve himself romantically with the locals for quite some time. It never lasts for long, though: he will sudden disappear without a trace, presumably back to the water where he belongs, always right after the woman he's involved with finds out that she's pregnant. Sadly, none of the versions of the legend ever mention what happens to his child. Imagine if your dad was a talking dolphin.
So, uh, that's it. There's probably more creatures I forgot, so I again recommend you to search for more stuff on your own.
Also, if you want to use any of these in a fantasy setting or anything, feel free to do it! I am so fucking tired of works whose mythology is just a one-to-one ripoff of Greek or Norse myths. If anyone starts bitching at you about cultural appropriation or whatever, show them this post and tell them I gave you my permission. Now, back to our usual shitposting.
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islandtarochips · 24 days
Call of Duty OC: Agnes "Blast" Falagi 💥
A crazy Samoan (and Tongan) girl who is OBSESSED with bombs and would explode anything in her path. She is the second one that the Captain had picked to join the team. If you need anyone to make some CRAZY explosives. She'll be the gal to do the job.
💥 Name: Agnes Falagi 💥 Alias(es): Blast, Aggie, Sergeant Falagi, Sergeant Blast, Blasty (Squirrel nickname her that) 💥 Gender: Female 💥 Age: Early or Mid 20s 💥 Birthday: February 11th 💥 Nationality: United State National 💥 Place of Birth: American Samoa 💥 Home: Utulei, American Samoa 💥 Spoken Languages: English, Samoan (main language), Tongan (conversational) 💥 Sexuality: Heterosexual 💥 Occupation: Sergeant in the Marines, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Specialist and Sergeant for the Warriors Task Force
💥 Eye Color: Brown 💥 Hair Color: Light Brown 💥 Height: 5'3/160 cm 💥 Scars: No scars 💥 Face Claim: Teilor Grubbs
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💥 Color: Black and Red 💥 Food: Manapua and Koko Laisa 💥 Drink: Mountain Dew 💥 Flower: Hibiscus and Teuila 💥 Hairstyle: Messy Bun (when she's off-duty) and French Fishtail Braid on duty (Kanoa surprisingly knows how to do it when she asked him)
💥 Myers Briggs Type: ENFP Blast is a very enthusiastic person. Always up for a new adventure, meeting new people and places, even making new things and memories with her team. She always supports her team no matter what they choose. She's VERY friendly (TOO friendly...) and she always find ANYTHING inspirational that got her interests. She might pointed at every small little things. Like, leaves, sticks, small little bugs- ANYTHING. Whenever you give her new projects (even the boring ones), she would gladly do it. She would find nothing boring than getting the projects done! 💥 Playful: She's always playful with her words. From teasing someone or flirting with someone. She always knows how to use her words into someone's heart.😏 💥 Creative: Blast is very creative. Even create things out of scraps. She even draws beautiful arts too! She has a notebook of it and she takes it everywhere she goes! I could imagined that her and Soap will be drawing things together! (If it is true that Soap DOES draw) 💥 Fast-Learner and Good Memories: She can pick up things pretty quick whenever you teach her and she'll do it really quick too. Like, when you teach her how to load a difficult weapons. She will do it faster. Since she has good memories of how it works. Negative Traits: 💥 Blast can be a bit clingy at some point. She couldn't help it. She always loves to stick to someone sides no matter what. Squirrel, Tiala and Kanoa doesn't find that a problem but the other teams...finding it ANNOYING. 💥 She's VERY talkative too. Asking questions too much. She won't be quiet for ONLY a minute. Unless someone ask her nicely to but if not then she'll just keep yapping on and on about random things.
Skills and Abilities: 💥 Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 💥 Weapons: XM7, M1014 and M203 💥 Distinct Weapons: SIG Sauer M17 and Strider SMF knife 💥 Special Skills: Can defused the bomb faster under 10 seconds. For she may be a chaotic gal in the team but she is a fast learner and knows how it's done. Also can memorize pretty easy and quick. Family:
Malohi Falagi (Father, Deceased)
Mele Finau Falagi (Mother, Alive)
Safaia Finau (Aunty, Mele's Sister, Alive) Trivia:
💥 Agnes is the only child in her family. 💥 She started to be obsessed of making something exploded when she was a little girl. She finds it very fascinating. 💥 "Blast" is the name that Kanoa gave her when she first joined in the WTF. 💥 She's a SWEET tooth. LOVES to eat some candies most of the time. 💥 And if you even THINK of stealing her food. Please don't. She doesn't like it when someone steals her food even if you ASK for some from her. Backstory:
Agnes was born on the Island being happily raised by her loving parents. She was the only child in the family and her parents had spoiled her at some times. She even mostly looked up to her dad. The man who had created fireworks as a side job for special events.
She was very amazed to see her father's creative work. Seeing his creation of making such a beautiful display makes her feel like she wanted to create some too!
She started to make something small. Like small firecrackers. She successfully did it but it almost burnt down the banana trees that were in her backyard. And her mother gave her a good ear folding for that.
But her father was VERY impressed. So he started to teach her how to make explosives as much as he could.
And when Agnes turned 15, she noticed her father was getting ill and knew that they didn't have enough money to get the medicines that the doctor had prescribed. Until she saw a poster about a science fair that will give out money for the students.
She started to feel excited and has hope that this will help her father. So she signed up and started working on her project. Which it's related to fireworks. Getting every detail right of how her father taught her about the fireworks.
Her project had really got the attention of the judges and was very impressed by this much knowledge from a young student. So she won the prize and finally got the money for the medicine.
But...when she arrived home to tell her parents the news. She saw her mother was crying in the living room and her aunty, her mother's older sister named Safaia, was there to comfort her. And she knows why. She knows that her father was gone before they could even call the ambulance. She was devastated and broken to hear her father had passed away.
It took a while for her family to get over their grieves and Agnes stayed strong to help her mother out. When she's a senior in her high school days. She noticed that the school has a special guest coming to explain about Military work.
She went to the gatherings and saw the presentation and the amount of money that they'll be giving. Which gives her great ideas of trying to sign up for it.
Her mother didn't agree to this when she told her about the marines. Afraid that she'll lose her only child and part of her husband's creation. But Agnes had reassured her that she will spend as much time when she comes back from her deployment.
So...her mother let her go and let her sign up for the military after High School. It took Agnes a while to get through the training until she had made it through enlisted. She was also interested in joining the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) as a specialist.
And her work had paid off when she was picked to help Kanoa and Tiala to assist in one of the missions that is related to bombing. Hostages were used with bombs around them by one of the terrorists.
Kanoa could see how fast and swift Agnes did of disarming the bombs and making new ones to defeat the enemies. So, he decided to pick her to join the WTF. Which she gladly took. She knows that her knowledge and skills of being a bomb expert is a blessing to her. And giving her enough passion to save the people around the world.
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