#CW: brief mention of cannibalism
msv0id · 5 months
CW:Mentions Of Cannibalism, Cooking Flesh and Flesh burning.
Jung cannot possibly fuck with Eyeless Jack, nothing against the guy, he's a chill man but, Jung cannot stand him nor be in the same room as him whenever he cooks the flesh of his dead victims. It would just remind him of his own layer of skin burning off during the “accident”.
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draconicfool · 3 months
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A Stage of Entertainment
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Let's have a refresher course before we get into the meat of it, shall we? It's important to note that Eros' life has essentially always been ruled over by Aeons. From the beginning of his existence, he was touched by Yaoshi and nurtured as a blessed healer. Under their gaze but not quite an Emanator. And let's recall that because of this, Lài Shoi-Ming was essentially executioner aboard the Yuque. That he was treated far differently than perhaps any other High Elder. Kept essentially caged and watched over near constantly. He longed for freedom and a life where he could truly live. And because of this, there would be nights where he would pray to any Aeon who may listen. And there were nights when he'd beg for it all to end. And spurred onward one particular night, when the hunger took him and his guards were disposed of, he'd make a run for it. And it would be during this escape that he would be smiled upon by the Elation, wrapped in that gaze that felt like love.
It's important to note that Aha does not find entertainment in the curse that has been placed upon Eros. No, they find it in the things surrounding him. There's a joy to stealing away another Aeon's favorite plaything. And there is a joy in stealing an important figure away from those that follow yet another different Aeon. In making those who can divine the future and find anything search for what they want. In making something, someone, start over entirely from scratch to see if circumstance made the man. To see how far one would truly go for the sake of Elation.
But of course there's something to be said about knowing the gist of something an understanding it completely. Because they could know of rebirth and the process that the vidyadhara underwent, but not understand it completely. The egg wasn't perfect, nor was it particularly correct. But it got the job done, certainly. If Preceptors could do it, an Aeon certainly could.
And it wasn't like they were making an entirely new person the way actual rebirths did. No, they were merely resetting this one. Albeit in a way that mimicked that of the actual purpose. After all, how else could he remember their gaze so fervently if he were completely wiped clean? The dreams would come as they did for all vidyadhara, but there was no distinction between this and the last life. There was no last life. No barrier between Amatus Bahre and Lài Shoi-Ming the way there ought to be. No him and me. Only myself.
It's something that Eros is acutely aware of. That those memories are not a past life, but a life that is no longer his. Shackles he was freed from. Its why he can recall so accurately everything that happened on the Yuque, even if as far as he's concerned he died that night.
After all, if it were truly rebirth, how would he retain his High Elder features? His magic? How could another High Elder not present themselves? Because one still lives.
And he follows in a search for Elation that he was never given the chance for before.
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keikakudori · 2 years
any headacanons on Aizen’s childhood?
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Aizen was born to a brothel worker named Aizen Naoko in the east 80th district in the Rukongai. The owner of the brothel wasn't thrilled by this entirely, since she was one of his top earners; Naoko was a beautiful woman. And obviously, he takes his surname from her.
Naoko began teaching Aizen his numbers and letters before her death, which he continued to practice while wandering the Rukongai. Though he did come to the Academy semi-literate, it didn't take long for him to learn much more than he'd already known.
Because he grew up with several women who were older sisters and aunts in his own eyes who were also workers at the brothel, Aizen is very sex worker positive. He will never judge anyone who has done that kind of work.
He learned he wasn't a fan of hard-boiled eggs when they'd be used by other children as things that would hit him. I think that he might've been hit by a few rotten eggs as well and that's why he took years to get over being egg averse.
Aizen was always a beacon for Hollow, though he didn't encounter any until he had begun to circle through the Rukongai in the years following his mother's death.
In fact, it was his first encounter with a Hollow that saw his power really beginning to spark into life. He crushed that one with his Reiatsu, though he didn't know what he'd done until many years later and realized that was what had happened.
Unfortunately, this act kind of ... flicked his power to the on position and it's been that way ever since. Aizen had more encounters with Hollows before he finally made it to the Academy.
Aizen did try, more than once, to settle down with kindlier strangers in the Rukongai who were willing to take in a wild young boy. But that didn't work because every time he did, inevitably a Hollow would show up, drawn to the power that was his soul and those people would wind up being devoured. Enough times of that and Aizen began to realize that it was himself that pulled monsters in and those monsters would attack people; so he began to isolate himself as a result so no one else would get hurt because of him.
While he won't admit it, Aizen's life after his mother's death was quite difficult. His power was only growing as he tried to survive on the streets in the Rukongai district he came from, no mean feat for a boy from an Eightieth district. He was lucky enough to evade those that might've tried to put him in a brothel.
Aizen's power was vast enough that he would sometimes kill or dissolve weaker spirits, which was another reason why he began to sink into self-isolation at a very young age. When that happened, he would steal clothes and any money that they might've had and, if he was hungry enough, well --... you do what you must to survive. He's not proud of it. But Aizen did turn somewhat cannibalistic in the years after Naoko's passing when he was trying to simply survive. He would never eat an entire person, but he did learn that meat was meat.
It's kind of fucked him up a little but given that he learned later that Hollows cannibalize one another, it stopped bothering him years ago.
He's actually surprisingly good at building snares, traps, and fishing. All of this was something he put together himself but it worked out well. In any verse where he leaves the Seireitei behind, Aizen will employ these old skills of his again for his own dietary needs.
While a child, Aizen would also often try to help people if he saw them being hurt or harassed. He was usually lucky enough to avoid any serious injury, but he did wind up with bruises and even broken bones a few times. That's part of what's helped contribute to his aversion to showing any kind of pain. He would hide that as much as he could.
Aizen and Shinji actually met one another before Aizen arrived at the Academy; a Hollow had been pursuing Aizen for almost a full week out of sheer persistence and irritation and Aizen was well aware that this thing was going to kill him. Because of his exhaustion and lack of proper stamina, he inevitably made a mistake and tripped while trying to run from it. The result was him letting out this scream of fear and defiance and anger; I don't want to die though he didn't actually say that. In the next few moments, Shinigami were there to take the Hollow down and one of them caught Aizen for a few moments, though all he got for his efforts was Aizen cursing, biting him, and then taking off running when he finally got free. All Aizen saw of Shinji was the hair and a hint of his face.
Aizen didn't trust Shinigami when he was a child and that mistrust carried through into the Academy. He'd heard too many stories of bad Shinigami to ever really trust them and it took a little while for that to die down, though it never truly went away.
Though it might be hard to believe now, Aizen actually used to collect sick or wounded animals and bring them home to Naoko, hoping that they could heal and survive. Many of them actually did, although not all of them. But Naoko and Aizen often had several animals in their little house.
As a child, Aizen actually didn't speak very often and would merely be quiet while doing something or another to help his mother out. He would often hang out silently and do things on his own or simply watch people. That habit still can be found in him, of him choosing to be quiet and simply watch things, working out his own thoughts, and it's served him quite well over the years.
While it only shows up now when he's drunk or just overwhelmed enough with pleasure, Aizen actually came out of the Rukongai with a very strong accent and quite a foul mouth. It took him years to shave off both accent and foul language alike which was a process he began in the early months at the Academy. It can slip out still, mostly when he's drunk, but sometimes you can hear the slightest hint of it when he's speaking.
He was a really feral kid by the time he showed up at the Academy; cursing, biting, getting into fights, even breaking someone's arm when they said the wrong thing to someone else. He's got that mostly hidden but it's never far beneath the surface of his personality today. There's a reason why Aizen enjoys it whenever Gin is feral. There is a big reason.
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paymechildsupport · 6 months
Teacher!Ryomen Sukuna x Sorcerer!Reader // Teacher!Sukuna HC's <3
Personally, I think it’s an actual crime there isn’t more teacher!sukuna content out there. I’ve only ever seen one fan art of it, and ever since I’ve been scrounging around on my hands and knees to find more
So m’ gonna just do it myself 🙏 
-!! [AFAB + AMAB] READER (HC’s involving reader’s bodily autonomy have both a female and male vers. → brief smut drabble at the end)    [everyone's in on this one👏]
-!! Reader is a rather powerful sorcerer 
-!! CW: Slight possessiveness (mainly for the short smut at the end → overstimulation, dacryphilia, slight size kink(?), mention of double cocks for og form Sukuna)
-!! Veeeery slight nod to manga spoiler if you squint. If you don’t know it 99% certain you won’t pick up on it
-!! Sukuna being a bit of a softy for his SO
3k+ words
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Awhile (around a good few centuries) ago, Ryomen Sukuna came to the conclusion that no, this was in fact not the way he wanted to live his life. He decided to put everything behind him; the bloodshed, the death, the massacres, and cannibalisms— (okay maybe that stayed the same)— all the things that essentially made his staple as the King of Curses. He’s a changed curse, he swears it. Honestly? Human food? Not that bad. Kinda worth changing his world view for 
With a changed work ethic, and a changed heart, Ryomen Sukuna made the conscious decision to become a teacher, — specifically a teacher in sorcery
Ryomen Sukuna works at Jujutsu Tech,-- the infamous King of Curses, who predominantly spends most of his days helping ungrateful brats obtain the necessary skills to kill his kind
→”No, you thick-skinned brat, you’re doing it all wrong!”
    “I’m sorry, Sukuna-sensei! I’m trying,--.. I really am! Could you maybe go over it one more time–”
             “No! You’re going to die all alone as your friends are tortured mercilessly!”
“How could you say that…” 🥺 
Following the fateful passing of Yuji Itadori’s grandpa, the poor kid awakened as a sorcerer with a rather nasty supply of cursed energy; a complete abnormality with an aura suspiciously like that of a certain Ryomen Sukuna… 
→ “The little brat is not living with me” 
“Awh, c’mon Sukuna-!! The kid’s a ticking time bomb to disaster, he needs help controlling his cursed energy, and who better to help than the amazing King of Curses himself!” 
“Shut up, Satoru Gojo.” 
“Ohoho~... looks like someone isn’t happy to become a single mother~~” 
“What-!? Single moth– fool, you yourself are a single mother” 
“...oh, yeah. Hehe… 😚”
“I hate it here…😒”  
Now, with the additional burden of personally attending to Yuji Itadori, there was only one thing keeping Ryomen Sukuna from completely imploding: 
You. His partner, his lover, his spouse, his anchor,-- the only source of light in his miserable, cursed life, – the sole person keeping him from reverting back to his old, murderous ways. 
Meeting a few years back, the ancient curse could’ve sworn the world got a dozen shades lighter the second his eyes landed on your form in the Tokyo crowd. Where everyone was actively moving away from his looming, intimidating hulk of a body, you looked at him with eyes void of the fear reflected off so many others. 
You approached him with interest, recognizing his unmistakable aura for that of the King of Curses, – and, to his utmost shock, – you proceeded to have a perfectly normal, civilized conversation with him. Never once did you look at him like you would a monster. Every time he’d get lost in those eyes of yours, never once did he find anything short of pure love and affection. It was sickeningly sweet. 
There on a mission, you introduced yourself as a fellow Jujutsu Sorcerer. 
Ryomen Sukuna could’ve sworn he’d heard your name before: rather infamous with the higher-ups, you were a well-respected sorcerer. That only aided to his immense confusion: why would a sorcerer of such high esteem and all around regard even remotely think talking to him, the King of Curses, was a good idea? 
Absolutely flabbergasted and entranced from your first encounter, Ryomen Sukuna was practically completely at your mercy. It took very little for you to simply haul him over your shoulder and take him wherever; he’d soon become akin to a lost puppy with you. 
Ryomen Sukuna is absolutely down-horrendous with his emotions. Hah, communication? Never heard of her. 
He’s never felt this deep for anyone before, and it terrifies him to no end. You terrify him to no end,-- the amount of power you have over him could be almost comical. 
At the start, he flat out avoided you altogether. Anytime he’d see you on campus he’d immediately start in the opposite direction. Anytime you’d attempt to strike up a conversation something would come up,-- he’d have to go somewhere, or the brats had gotten themselves in trouble again. And when Satoru Gojo found out about his little “crush”...  oh boy, the teasing was lethal.
It wasn’t long before he craved your touch, and Ryomen Sukuna started to enter withdrawal from your presence. You were brutal, the poison continuously being pumped into his veins, – which was extra ironic, considering he was after all the King of Poisons, – how the actual hell did he end up in such a position? What have you done to him? 
Man, he was cooked. 
With a lot of time, and a heck of a lot of patience, did the curse finally allow himself to reveal more of himself to you. 
It’s never been easy, – even after you two were married did Ryomen Sukuna still suck absolute ass at communicating his wants. 
He craved your attention, your gaze, your approval. You were the drug that he simply couldn’t get enough of. 
He’s not good with words, – in the past everything was just handed to him, – he had no clue how to actually work for someone’s affection. 
Please be patient with him, – he’s trying, he really is 🥺. No matter how much he denies it, no matter how much he complains he hates being dependent on someone, no matter how much he claims how meaningless love is, you both know deep down these feelings of deep admiration and affection aren’t one sided. Sometimes, that fact alone can get you through even his most frustrating of times. He pushes you away because he feels guilty, but almost immediately does he regret his actions and desire your presence more than anything. The things you do to him 
He lost his original form centuries ago, abandoning it after his near fatal confrontation with the sorcerers of the Heian Era. Gravely wounded, he absolved to staying hidden, laying low in the shadows. Sometimes he wished he still had that form, – still had his four arms, his two faces– he felt stronger, prettier in that body. Despite how much you told him how beautiful his current, two-armed form was, he wonders if you would’ve liked his original form– what it could do, how it could please your body. (But most of all he missed his two massive cocks to shove deep inside you–)
Ryomen Sukuna is very insecure about his image as the feared “King of Curses”. He’d be seen as weak, like he’d gone soft, – if anyone found out about you. That did little to deter you from showering him with your affections though <3 Even if he struggled to receive such affections–:
“What the actual hell do you think you’re doing–” 
“What? Am I not allowed to visit my darling husband at his job?” 
“No- ..! Who exactly do you think you are, you can’t just waltz into wherever to embarrass me–” You were in an empty classroom in what would be the normal time for lunch. The students would be out eating, so it was only you and him.
“Is that really all you think I do? Embarrass you?” You fought to conceal the pained expression threatening to bubble up to the surface. 
“Yes! Do you know what they’ll think of me if they see me with you? He snaps angrily
“Are you.. Ashamed of me?” You blink 
“What-? No, of course not” His face contorts into a scowl 
“Then why can’t people see me with you?!” 
“That’s not what I meant–” He hisses 
“Yeah?” you retort, “then, what did you mean by that?” 
“I–....”  Ryomen Sukuna only ever seems to find himself short of words with you
Nodding curtly, “I’ll take my leave then” you make your way to the door 
“Wait-” you pause, he hated seeing you upset. It made him feel hopeless, it made him feel weak. “tsk, nevermind. Leave then” 
Huffing, you step out the door. Your second foot never even leaves the threshold before you’re lifted up by a pair of strong arms. 
“Gah-! Ryomen– what the hell?!” 
“Shut up.” the curse growls, placing you down on the nearest desk with a surprising gentleness, “just shut up.” He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck
You smile, accustomed to his brazenness, knowing this was him succumbing to his own affections for you.
“I’ll be quieter next time.” 
“Mmm… don’t be”
“Oh?” you quirk an eyebrow, “are you no longer embarrassed of being seen with me?” 
“No,” he grumbles, “if any pathetic worm dares to utter something against me, I’ll cleave their head off” 
Chuckling, “charming”
“I’ll do it for you too” that part he whispers, so low you almost miss it. Almost. 
“Awh, you’d slaughter anyone putting dirt on my name? And they say romance is dead 🥰” 
“Shut the hell up.” 
Sukuna Ryomen would have a special ringer set for you in his phone so whenever you’d text him he’d know it was you 
He never responds to anyone’s texts,-- anyone’s that’s not yours. 
The second he hears that notification that man is immediately scrolling. It took him years to figure out how to work a telephone,-- and he still kinda sucks at it. So it takes him a while to respond, – he’s just a slow typer :) 
He’ll be in the middle of sparring with Yuji for his training when he’ll hear your notification and swiftly whip out his phone, – still in the middle of fighting. Poor Yuji will still be sweating his ass off trying his very diddly darn hardest to land a singular punch and he won't even glance up from his phone 😭
It doesn’t matter what he’s doing, – the guy could be in the middle of fighting a Special Grade and he’d start texting you about what he wants for dinner while simultaneously throwing slashes 😟
Not big on PDA, – but alone? Man, you can’t get the bastard off you, – blud’s clingier than a kitten 😭he just really likes being nice and snuggled up in your arms 
Alone, will often call you, – regardless of gender, – doll, (whore), sweetheart (if you’re not being a pain in the ass), – possessive lil’ shit and likes to add ‘my’ in front of any pet name, just to enforce the fact that you’re his. 
Calls you karasu –(Japanese word for raven) 
Sukuna Ryomen is incredibly picky with what he eats, (unless it’s your ass–)     – he needs his meals done in a very specific way, otherwise he’s just not eating. It needs to be your meals too. If bro forgets to bring lunch or you don’t have time to make one for him he just starves. He’s an absolute menace when hangry– super grumpy. None of the students can stand him hungry, – and he refuses to defile his delicate palette with fast food of all horrible things
You got some of those cute cookie cutters for sandwiches and gave him little star sandwiches one day for his lunch. Mans was over the fucking moon. His ass refuses to ever eat another sandwich again unless its cut into cute lil’ shapes 🤏🥺
Be careful if you ever decide to visit him at work after a certain amount of times, cuz he will make you useful: using you as a sparring partner, giving you chores, making an example out of you to the other students. 
You’re strong enough to hold your own against the King of Curses in a quick spar, – which really only means you won’t get immediately eviscerated upon throwing hands. 
You’re strong, but nowhere near as strong as Ryomen Sukuna. 
He’d only give you a cocky smirk, telling you to hurry up and lock in. You stare at the expecting faces of Megumi, Nobara and Yuji – who you naturally have grown a rather close bond to, being around each other so often. He gives you a reassuring thumbs up, smiling with an expectant glamor. You gulp, glancing back at your husband who has the most shit-eating grin on his face. Oh, you were cooked. 
You manage to successfully dodge at least two strong attacks before being thrown onto your ass, the wind knocked out of you. Huffing, you scramble up, irritation giving you newfound determination. The King only raises an eyebrow at you. 
You explode into a sprint, dashing up behind him, seemingly catching him off-guard. You lean in real close to his ear, whispering in a sultry tone: 
“Your shoelace is untied” 
“What, I’m not even wearing shoelaces–” and he gets thrown into the nearest tree, snapping it in half. 
“No way, Sukuna just got his ass handed to him!” Nobara exclaims, grinning
“That was so cool!” gushes Yuji, sending a wave of pride flowing through you at his excitement. 
It is short lived, as your husband comes up behind you, glaring with a burning passion in his eyes. 
“You totally beat him up, you sent him flying–” Megumi slaps a hand to Yuji’s mouth, his rambling getting choked off with a “mmph-!” 
His smile is laced with dynamite as Sukuna dismisses the students early. Confused, but mostly relieved, the trio scurry away, Nobara and Yuji shouting cheery goodbyes over their shoulders. 
Only you were close enough to see the raging lust in the King of Curse’s many eyes. His gaze rakes over your body, tensed in a fight or flight state, predatory. You swallow, hard, chuckling nervously, “Heheheh…”  
Oh man, you were so horribly, undoubtedly cooked. 
(short smut begins below line)
[AFAB vers.]
Sukuna is brutal, hips smashing against yours, large hands gripping so hard large bruises start to form on your hips. You cry out, sobbing, pleading with him to slow the fuck down. Sukuna only clicks his tongue, condescension dripping from his tone, 
“Where’s all that confidence and strength from before, eh?” 
“Tsk,” he grunts, slamming himself particularly hard into your leaking heat, causing you to scream in both pleasure and pain
“S..sukuna-!! P- *hic* please..-! I-..I can’t— I can’t– OHH~” You keel over, knees giving in from underneath you. You stay pressed firmly against the teacher’s desk– his desk–  in his empty classroom, – only being held by Sukuna’s deadly grip. “I-It *hic*.. It– HURTS..- *hic*” 
“You can,...  and. you. will.”  he punctuates each syllable with another unforgivable thrust, “You seemed confident enough you.. *pant* take me in a..- *pant* .. in a fight– fuck–” Warm cum swells, coating your insides white. 
Your eyes roll violently to the back of your head, thighs squeezing desperately against him, instinctively trying to milk him for all he’s got, – despite the excess cum already spilling from your abused hole, kept in only by Sukuna’s massive cock. Was this the fourth or the fifth time..? 
You lost count ages ago, numbers losing all sense of value along with everything else in your head, Sukuna absolutely fucking your goddamn brains out. Dumbed by his cock, you could only limply gaze dreamily through lidded eyes, a look of pure bliss on your face. 
Sukuna grins down at your fucked out face, admiring you as his masterpiece. You looked so pretty impaled on his cock. Pulling your head back by your hair, he smashes his lips onto yours in a sloppy kiss. You truly were the best thing to come of his long, cursed life. 
[AMAB vers.]
Sukuna is cruel, hips smashing against your ass, large hands gripping so hard large bruises start to form on your hips. He fucks you, bent over the desk, – his desk, in his empty classroom,-- and shaking like a pathetic mutt. You cry out, sobbing, pleading with him to slow the fuck down. Sukuna only clicks his tongue, condescension dripping from his tone, 
“Where’s all that confidence and strength from before, eh?” 
“Tsk,” he grunts, large hand closing around your swollen, throbbing cock. Your eyes widen in horror as he begins to jerk you off at a grueling pace, causing you to scream in both pleasure and pain
“S..sukuna-!! P- *hic* please..-! I-..I can’t— I can’t– OHH~” You keel over, knees giving in from underneath you. You stay pressed firmly against the desk only held by Sukuna’s torso. “I-It *hic*.. It– HURTS..- *hic*” 
“You can,...  and. you. will.”  He punctuates each syllable with another unforgivable thrust, syncing with a violent pump to your cock, limpand emptied out. “You seemed confident enough you.. *pant* take me in a..- *pant* .. in a fight– fuck–” Warm cum swells, coating your insides white. 
Your eyes roll violently to the back of your head, thighs squeezing desperately against him, instinctively trying to milk him for all he’s got, – despite the excess cum already spilling from your abused hole, kept in only by Sukuna’s massive cock. You're so drained, already milked dry, a few meager squirts of cum dripping from your cock. Was this the fourth or the fifth time..? 
You lost count ages ago, numbers losing all sense of value along with everything else in your head, Sukuna absolutely fucking your goddamn brains out. Dumbed by his cock, you could only limply gaze dreamily through lidded eyes, the look of utter worship on your face enough for him to harden once again inside of you. 
Sukuna grins down at your fucked out face, admiring you as his masterpiece. You looked so pretty impaled on his cock. Pulling your head back by your hair, he smashes his lips onto yours in a sloppy kiss. You truly were the best thing to come of his tedious, damned life. 
Sukuna brain-rot goes hard-!! He's such a goofy lil' guy, I love him :3
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weepingwillowwonder · 1 month
#10 Hazbin Hotel "Things I ✨️LOVE✨️ the idea of..." (because I can't share these things with people irl...)
[Minors DNI! 🔞] -> -> ->
Rosie x reader x Alastor
CW: Humiliation, Oral sex, Sex toys, Reader on display?, Teasing, Sub!Reader
Rosie and Alastor have tea time with Rosie's new "assistant"
“Oh Alastor, I’m so glad you were able to come by!” Rosie exclaims, putting a friendly hand on his shoulder. “It’s been much too long! Come in, come in!” She brings the guest into the secluded tea room, gesturing to him to take a seat across from her. Alastor nods in agreement with a pondering look on his face, his usual smile seeming genuine to be in the presence of a good friend. “I suppose it has been quite a while...” He trails off as you come into the room with a tray of refreshments. 
While his usual grin reflects no emotions, the slight narrowing of Alastors eyes is the only indication he shows of a reaction of your presence. “Ah, what a wonderful job, dear! Very nice, well done!” Rosie’s hands clasp together in her lap as you arrange the various delicacies and beverages on table for the two overlords. You give her a small smile at her praise and step away to put the remaining tray in the kitchen.
In your brief absence, Alasor wordlessly looks to Rosie with an eyebrow raised questionably. During their past gatherings it was rare to have another person involved, much less someone who didn’t really fit the description of someone who lived in Cannibal town. He had found it strange that he had never seen you before, even more so that Rosie had not mentioned you until now. 
“I know what you’re thinking,” she looks back at him and offers him a sly look. When you come back to the table she introduces you both, “This is my… newest assistant.” She grins as she brings her teacup to her lips, amused by your flustered expression. “You know how being an overlord can be sometimes,” with her free hand she wiggles her fingers playfully. “ It's useful to have someone to help relieve that stress.” 
Alastor easily picks up the innuendo in her tone, although he’s not exactly sure what she means by ‘assistant.’ When your name rolls off his tongue, your breath catches. Of course you’d heard of the radio demon and his history prior to this interaction. Even before Rosie mentioned their close nature, you were well aware of the horror stories that gave him his notable reputation. 
“Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure!” He offers you his hand, in which you return the gesture, timidly shaking it. Your eyes flicker to Rosie when you let go of his hand, watching as she discreetly pulls a tiny black controller from her pocket. She doesn’t acknowledge that you are watching her, immediately going into conversation to catch up with her friend. 
After waiting for sometime in anticipation, you finally relax. Bringing your glass of water to your lips, you follow along with the lighthearted discussion, occasionally nodding in agreement on a particular topic. A sudden humming between your legs makes you jerk slightly, spilling some of the contents from your cup into your lap. The gasp that escapes you from the stimulation, easily could have been disguised as surprise by the cold liquid seeping through your clothes. 
Rosie feigns her shock by your outburst and reaches over to pat your lap with a napkin. “Darling, you really ought to be more careful!” Her motions disguised as an attempt to clean you up, were teasingly stroking the tops of your thighs, dangerously close to the sensitive area between your legs. You hold your breath, hoping that you were hidden by the tablecloth from Alastor’s unwavering gaze. 
“So messy…” Rosie sighs disappointedly before leaning back in her seat. “You’ll have to excuse this behavior, Alastor.” She turns the vibrations up a notch, forcing you to press your legs together. “We’re working on our…edicate. Aren’t we dear?” Both sets of eyes are on you now and you nod, trying to keep your composure. “Yes ma’am...” you answer breathlessly.
Alastor’s eyes crinkle in amusement as he watches your trembling form. Maybe if you weren’t so obvious he could write off the faint buzzing sound as white noise from some nearby machinery. He rests his elbows on the table, fists tucked under his chin as he takes in your appearance. Your hands wring together, seeking some form of comfort in your embarrassment as you fail not to shift in your chair. Eyes glazed over and unfocused, you keep looking to Rosie for approval, small sounds escaping your lips when you don’t get it. His ears pick up on the quickening of your breath, your scent of arousal filling his nose as well.
So odd that Rosie would have her…acquaintance perform such lewd acts so openly in front of him. Surely she didn’t think he wouldn’t notice, right? For a moment things are quiet as you continue your attempts to gather yourself. The sticky wetness growing between your legs provides more and more of a struggle in your situation. Rosie raises the vibrations again, noting the slightest arch of your back in the chair and how your eyes slip close. When they open, your face falls as she slides the remote on the table in Alastor's direction. 
“What’s this?” He ponders, reaching over to inspect the gadget. He takes note of the current setting, looks to his companion as she answers. “That,” she lazily points to the controller, lifting her cup for a sip of tea. “Is what I use to keep my little assistant in line. Isn’t that right?” It takes you a moment to realize she’s talking to you, lost in the pleasurable feeling of the toy nestled inside you. When she calls your name again expectantly, you answer, “H-huh? Oh! Right, y-yes ma’am..!” 
Alastor takes a look at the controller again, half-listening to Rosie ramble on to another topic as if she didn’t just hand him some form of sex technology. If anything he was curious, not usually one to partake in actions of this nature. When he fiddles with one of the knobs, he’s pleasantly surprised at the needy sound that slips from your lips. He feels a slight stirring in his pants, not from the sexual nature of the situation, but from the control the tiny remote in his hand held over you. Before he realizes it, he finds himself speaking, “If I may ask, what exactly is this remote controlling?” 
The glint in Rosie’s eyes and the sharply growing grin on her face almost has Alastor second guessing his curiosity. She turns to you and motions to you to answer him. When his eyes fall on you, you shakily attempt to get up from your chair, knowing exactly where this conversation is going. “I um forgot, I t-think I need to..." you stutter, trying to make an escape. "Sit." Rosie commands, giving you a sharp glance and pointing back to your chair. The desperate noise that escapes you has the other two chuckling as you obediently plop back down in the chair. 
"Your pet listens well," Alastor comments, eyeing your trembling form. Rosie laughs and reaches over to rub a comforting hand on your knee. "Well it's taken some training that's for sure! Such a sweet little thing. Wouldn't know discipline if it hit 'em in the head…” Her nails slightly dig into the area where her hand is placed. “Now...be a dear and answer our guest, you don’t want to be a bad host do you?” 
You shake your head, keeping your head down as your fingers shakily move to unbutton your pants. They watch expectantly as you slowly undress your bottom half, the clothing piling on the floor in front of you. You lift your legs to rest your heels on the sides of the chair you're sitting on and spread yourself wide for them to see. 
The feeling of the cold air coming in contact with your arousal has you burning up, feeling the most exposed in this moment. You can feel your heartbeat between your legs as the vibrations continue from the toy inside of you. The heated gaze of the two overlords has you feeling well past overstimulated, almost as if they had been actively touching you. When your hand reaches down to skim the base of the toy, you let out a wonton moan as the slight bit of pressure. “It vibrates here..” You murmur. Alastor nods silently, absentmindedly pressing the heel of his hand to his crotch to relieve some of the growing sensation. The quiet sigh that leaves his lips doesn't go unnoticed by you or Rosie.
"Oh would you look at the time! I've got to run. I’ve got appointments starting in thirty…can’t be late on the job of course! Sweetie, why don't you help take care of our guest...." Rosie motions over to Alastor as she rises and starts to pick up the dishes on the table, walking into the next room. Immediately you slip off the chair to fall to your knees in front of him. 
The motion presses the toy further in, rubbing perfectly against that sweet bundle of nerves inside of you. Alastor's legs spread wide as he looks at you you with a knowing expression. You look down and bite your lip, rocking against your heels slightly before trying to pull yourself together enough to follow the instructions you were given. 
Knowing very well of his dislike for being touched, you opt to ask politely for his permission before continuing, “May I..?” He waits for a moment, glancing at the little black remote. “Well how can I say no when you ask so nicely? I mean I definitely could…” He brings a pondering hand to his chin, mockingly lost in thought. You can feel your heart beat loudly thumping in your ears as you pitifully beg him to let you help him. “P-please…”
Alastor’s hand slowly drops to his lap, now eyeing you with a predatory gaze. He silently unbuckles his belt, taking his time as he continues on to unbutton his pants. You watch earnestly as his fingers unzip his pants, then disappear under the waistband of his briefs. When he reveals himself, you can’t help licking your lips in anticipation. He slips his pants lower and motions a hand towards you, offering himself.
Being weary of your hand placement, you lean down quickly to take his hardening cock into your mouth. The sound that comes from Alastor startles you, accidentally forcing more of him down your throat. Choking on his cock briefly has you distracted from the task at hand, your eyes flickering to his heated gaze. The look he gives you has you baring down on the toy inside of you, eyes blinking close as you get lost in the pleasure.
At his deep growl, Rosie comes back into the room first gasping in surprise, then letting out a pleased giggle. "Oh my! That certainly isn't what I meant, but I suppose that works too!" Alastor's hand finds purchase in the back of your head, forcing you to take more of him. Your eyes glaze over as you fight your gag reflex, trying so hard to be good for your guest. 
Alastor's hips roll against your mouth, searching for more of your wet heat as he gets closer to completion. His erratic movements have you reaching up to find purchase in his thighs, only to stop right before contact at the sound of the distorted static in the radio demon's voice.  "Don't." Your hands immediately drop to your lap, fists balled up against your knees as he continues to use your mouth as he pleases. 
He doesn't warn you when he cums, but you see the way his sharp smile seems to slightly falter right before his release hits your tongue. Your eyes fall close as your mouth fills with his essence, throwing you into a rapid release as well. Your hips rock backwards as you struggle to swallow it all down. The weight of him against your tongue has you moaning around him, earning a soft chuckle from above you. When your eyes open, they fall on Alastor's, holding contact as he slides out of your mouth and turns off the contraption inside of you. Your tongue immediately flickers against your lips to chase any remnants of him and he gives you a pleased look. 
When you turn towards the table, you notice it's been completely cleared and Rosie makes her appearance again. "Alright, come along now, pull yourself together." She motions a finger to you to come to her as you struggle to quickly dress yourself, tripping over your feet. "Alastor, as always it's a pleasure to see you. I apologize our chat was cut short this time, do come by again soon so we can catch up!" When you look back at Alastor he's already made himself presentable and has a hand extended towards you. 
"Oh and do make sure to thank Alastor! After all he's been quite patient with you...” Rosie raises an eyebrow at you as you accept his assistance and rise to your feet. "T-thank you, sir." You breathed out, looking down to avoid the eyes watching you in the moment. He raises the back of your hand to his lips, the action surprising you enough to glance back up to him. "Of course, the pleasure is all mine."
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zorosdimples · 1 month
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UNDER HIS THUMB ꒰ uraume x reader x sukuna ꒱
minors and blank/ageless blogs do not interact—i will block you. cw: suggestive content. nonconsensual nudity. dubious touching. brief descriptions of cannibalism and violence. suicide mention. reader is referred to as “bride” and “wife.” reader has breasts. wc: 1053. notes: uraume ily—please ditch shitkuna for me <3 (based on this idea)
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A fire blazes in the yawning hearth, bathing your bedchamber in a warm titian. The shadows of flames leap and dance across the cragged stone walls—a solar flare—a cosmic spectacle. Logs and branches resembling human bones sputter and spark, crackling in your ears. You shift in your seat. 
The diaphanous veil remains pinned to your crown as Uraume’s fingers move deftly through your locks, the sweeping gossamer that brushes your ankles now pooling on the floor. They unravel the intricate updo they crafted for the ceremony, your hair a glowing halo in the firelight, head bowed in gentle subservience. The pins that bite at your scalp are crusted in blood; the sharp pain has long-since softened into a dull throb.
“I hate him,” you announce. 
(It’s how you cope with your precarious situation: burying your fears beneath carefully woven layers of disdain.) 
Barren aside from a bed, a wardrobe, and an armchair, your threadbare accommodations are as cozy as a dungeon. No torch, tapestry, or looking glass adorns the walls. Your companion’s expression is hidden as they continue their work atop your head.
Uraume chastises you after a few beats, affectation frigid as ice. “You shouldn’t speak of your husband in such a manner.” 
You snort. This one-sided union will only further scar the ugly face of matrimony; looking upon your captor with respect or affection is as likely as you kissing the cheek of your slain mother a final time. “My ‘husband’ for all of ten minutes.”
“And still your husband, nonetheless.”
“I didn’t ask for any of this,” you snap. 
Uraume pushes you to your feet and fluffs the veil with a hum. They circle you, appraising your body—the flimsy, silken robe that ripples across your curves hides nothing from their piercing stare—then, for what must be the fifth time, they adjust the knot that holds the garment together. When their eyes meet yours, you find yourself falling for the ruse, plucking fresh buds from a field of fuchsia.
How you wish their gaze held more than cool indifference.
Ever perceptive, they reach out to gingerly tuck a wayward strand behind your ear; if you close your eyes and still your heaving chest, you can pretend that it’s an intimate gesture—the touch of a lover. “Rarely do we have a say in our own fates,” Uraume muses. 
Fidgeting with your fingers, you quell the urge to embrace your attendant. (It’s a disgraceful thought for a newlywed. But you can’t spool in the words that unfurl from your lips, the edges raw, frayed with longing.)
“I would have taken my life if it hadn’t been for you, Uraume. I can’t stand him.” 
“Master Sukuna would never allow you to harm yourself.” 
“Tch—that vile brute cares little for my well being.” Hatred flares within your chest, your once-blooming heart now withered with rot. Tears of anguish blur your vision and make each syllable tremble. “If he didn’t want to harm me, he wouldn’t have murdered and feasted on my family.” 
A smile tucks itself in the corners of Uraume’s lips like a secret, though you miss it—misty-eyed and waist-deep in a deluge of painful memories. “You seem to forget that I prepared their flesh at my lord’s behest.” 
“I can’t fault you for being trapped under his thumb; you’re kinder than you give yourself credit for, anyhow.” 
They chuckle darkly. “And what leads you to believe that?” 
It doesn’t occur to you until this moment that you’ve edged closer to Uraume. If you leaned forward, you would smell the frost on their porcelain skin, taste the mint on their breath. Despite yourself, you reach out, cupping their cheek. 
“You’ve been my devoted caretaker since I arrived, patient and helpful at every turn. Your presence is the only constant here—my sole comfort.”
“Oh? Is my blushing bride ready to consummate our unholy union?” A rumbling voice cracks the tense air open like a bone, marrow seeping out, juices staining the tender earth. 
Your neck snaps to the doorway. Your monster of a husband nearly blots out the frame with his inhuman physique, clothed in nothing but a simple pair of black trousers, both sets of arms crossed. Disgust pinches your brow and purses your lips; you sneer. 
“With you? Never.”
Amused by your vehemence, the King of Curses approaches you, both mouths curled into wolfish grins. Uraume bows as Sukuna invades your space, two clawed hands wrapping around your waist, the other two cradling your skull. He demands your attention, irises a wine-dark sea of skeletons and ichor. A cursed siren urges you to plunge into its depths. End your suffering.
“Uraume—has my wife been inappropriate with you in my absence?” 
Without hesitation, they answer: “Yes, my lord.” 
Several sets of eyes—one belonging to Uraume, the others to Sukuna—gorge on your discomfort. You bristle under their scrutiny, and fruitlessly attempt to rip yourself from your husband’s grasp, nails scratching angry lines across his tattooed forearms. 
He clicks his tongue. “My naughty little bride.”  
Bile burns your throat at the mock-endearment, bitterness coating your tongue. For as resolved as you’ve been, you shake with rage, the hulking beast before you stoking the embers of your wrath. He smiles something sharp and wicked before releasing you. You stumble backwards, limp as a ragdoll. 
“Uraume,” Sukuna commands. 
There’s an unspoken agreement between master and servant. When Uraume steps forward and swiftly unties your robes, you shriek, the fabric slipping open to expose your nude form. They proceed to rip the garment from your body; it falls to the floor in wispy shreds. 
Attempting to preserve your dignity, you scramble to wrap an arm around your chest and press a palm between your legs. “This hardly seems proper,” you pant. 
Sukuna snickers as he sits at the foot of your bed, spreading his legs. “How else is a ‘vile brute’ supposed to learn the intricacies of his little wife’s body if not through careful examination?” 
As much as you want to spew poison at him, you gasp when Uraume’s chilly lips graze the arch of your neck, their delicate hands slipping up to caress the swell of your breasts. Unable to stifle the moan that warbles past your lips, you make the sinister decision to revel in this pleasure—no matter how short-lived, underhanded, or wrong it may be.
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diejager · 11 months
Halloween Party
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Pairing: Ghoap x fem!reader
Cw: smut, cunnilingus, drinking, DUB-CON, partying, kidnapping, mentioned cannibalism, locking up, tell me if I missed any. wc: 1.4k
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You’re at a Halloween party with a group of friends, well, coworkers. You all came to this party under the guise of having a good time with the promise of good booze and free food. Who wouldn’t want to go when there was free food? There were neon lights in the dark house, high ceilings with decorative spiderwebs and loud - near deafening - music blasting in the background of the place. In the frenzy of it all, you all separated, one gravitating towards their preferred clique: the wild partygoers, the wallflowers, the dancers, the gossipers or the foodies.
You found yourself lost, between the loud music, the low lights and the shoulder-bumping crowd around you, you couldn’t make heads or tails of where you were, stumbling between swaying hips and screaming voices. You felt lost and confused, falling into the arms of a stranger, strong arms holding you up, big, gloved hands wrapped around your hips. Apologies tumbled off your tongue with awkward shifts, but you didn't expect him to laugh, a smooth voice reaching your ears over the loud music and cacophonous atmosphere, an accent you couldn’t recognize on his tongue.
He presented himself as Soap. Soap, dressed in black rags with his hood lowered, combat boots, leather gloves and a white mask propped to the side of his head, smooth plastic pulled into a screaming face with a thin cloth covering every hole, entertaining you during the first portion of the night. He led you to the kitchen and poured you beer - from the taste - in a red cup, you ate, drank and chatted, from his hobbies to your favourite animal. You slowly gravitated towards stronger alcohol, letting Soap fill your cup over and over again, you lost count of how many drinks you’ve had.
A while into the night, when Soap had broken down your guard and had you relaxed and comfortable around him, dropping hints that he was interested in you, another man peered over his shoulder, making you choke down your drink from his sudden appearance. He called himself Ghost in a low, grumbling voice, British in every sense. He wore tattered clothes, hanging from his wide shoulders and bulky arms, bloodied boots and gloves, and a hockey mask sewn into a black mask covering his whole face. 
Ghost and Soap knew each other, you were certain of it, from the way they faced each other to the way they held one another, Ghost’s arm around Soap’s hip, Soap’s hand on Ghost’s forearm, how close they stood together or how physical they were. You felt as if they were more than friends, more than they told you - or so your drunk mind perceived it. Seated between both men, one nursing a cup and another holding food, they coaxed you into their car, from the stool in the kitchen island to the backseat of their beat-up car, a black, unassuming jeep.
Soap has you squirming and moaning, back pressed into the soft leather of the seats with your panties pulled down to your ankle, legs spread open by his hands, strong and unmoving to your struggle and cries of pleasure. The scruff of his trimmed beard scratched your thighs sensually, the rough texture of his fingers thumbing your pulsing clit and his nimble tongue had you coming a few times, body arched and wound tight, the coil in your navel exploding in white, fiery pleasure. They focused solely on your enjoyment, Ghost driving the jeep with a painful and neglected hard-on, his cock pressing against the seams of his briefs and pants, and Soap’s occupied mouth, tongue and hands left him rutting against the seat, coming in his pants.
The short walk from the car to their room was a blur, ending with you trapped beneath Ghost, his thick and veiny cock pounding you into the mattress, his filthy praises making slick pool out of you, rolling down your ass as he pressed your legs to your chest. Then he had Soap eat you out, cleaning up his mess, moaning and groaning into your lips while he fingered his boyfriend’s ass, thick fingers stretching the rim of his twitching hole.
When Ghost deemed it stretched enough, he had you ride Soap, bouncing on and off his cock while the masked man rocked into Soap, his balls slapping loudly against Soap’s ass, degrading and calling Soap a pup, his puppy. It slipped from riding one to being pressed between them both, being manhandled with both cocks driving into you, fighting for whose cock got to come in you, to paint your walls in his load, ropes upon ropes of white cum. 
Sometime around being pressed beneath them both, to arching over the bed, ass bucking against Soap’s hip while taking Ghost down your throat, roughly fucking your throat, you passed out after a mind-numbing climax, body twitching and whining, used and sensitive. You were too lost to catch onto their quiet conversation, their shared plan of taking you, but then Soap liked you, wanting to keep you rather than cut you up and eat you. 
When you woke up, all you remembered was the incredible night you spent, the heavily sexual moment that left you sore and bruised, you expected to see light filter through the window of their room, but you weren’t laying under a blanket, instead, you woke up shackled by the ankle and naked on a mattress. You were in a dark and damp room, the air humid and the light limited to the small, singular window at the farthest wall of the basement. It was utilitaristically decorated, with boxes and a metal table covered with tools, butcher knives, saws, meat hammers and a variety of sharp and specific knives, and to your far left, multiple freezers. It was like a scene right out of a horror movie with a stupid and horny female character - you.
You panicked, breathing shallowly in rapid puffs, whines tearing through your sore throat, tears bubbling from your lashes and streaming down your cheeks while all you could do was cry and hyperventilate. Your mind raced with terrifying images, the dooming end of your pitiful life and restless death, unable to tell your loved ones goodbye. 
Your cries had attracted the men’s attention, the floor creaking as they walked towards the basement door, you scrambled to your bed, covering yourself as best as you could and stared at the stairs with wide, fearful eyes. Light flooded the room when he opened the door, his feet appearing at the corner of the stairs, the gap between the steps and the railing. The slow walk and the suspenseful silence had you quivering, doe eyes gazing their way until both men stopped before you. 
You let out pleading mumbles, body wracked with shivers from the slight breeze of cool air from the autumn air. You couldn’t fight them, you couldn’t stop them, Ghost and Soap were twice your size in height and weight, muscle-bound forms and specialised strategies. To them, you were the drunk girl they picked up from a party, deeming you fit for their next victim. So all you could do was cry and whimper as Ghost walked closer to you, feet stopping at the edge of your bed. 
He crouched down, his face, now donning a new mask painted with a white skull, meeting your lowered one. You heard him sigh, closing your eyes when his fingers held your chin, forcing you to stare him in the eyes, his pretty brown hues, and you were too terrified to fight against him. Behind him stood Soap, smiling happily, yet unmoving and deaf to your teary plight, he had his hands stuffed into his pockets, his face portraying brightly his happy countenance.
“Oh, don’t cry,” Ghost’s deep, rumbling voice shook you, “We won’t do anything, pet.”
He called you pet, his pet. You were chained and naked in his basement where he probably killed and chopped up people into pieces before burying them in god knows where.
“Aye, we decided to keep ya,” Soap - or whatever his real name was - pushed, closing in to stand by your side, sitting beside you and cradling you in his arms, away from his partner, “I like ya a lot and so does Si, so stop crying, bonnie.”
“B-but you-” you stuttered, voice catching in your throat. “Ple-please, just let me-me go!”
“We're not letting you go, pet,” Ghost - Si as Soap called him - scoffed, his eyes lingering down your chest and bruised thighs, “Johnny and I’ll keep you safe, you’ll be happy with us, yeah?”
At least you knew the names of your captors, the names of the men you screamed last night rather than Soap and Ghost. Your big, handsome and strong kidnappers had normal names despite their unusual hobby: Johnny and Si. 
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
Black Wedding: The True Vow For A Jet-Black Bride - Elbert Greetia
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CW: Brief mention of cannibalism.
Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. What I obtain is what will be translated. If other blogs have translated the stories before I do, I will notate their blogs. Thank you, for you support! ☾.
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One church by the sea was overflowing with attendees.
A traditional, solemn, aristocratic wedding ceremony that I could feel the tension in my fingertips.
(I know it’s a given considering Elbert’s family background, but I’m nervous……)
I sighed at the amount of attention I was getting,
(But Elbert has always lived a life where this is the norm.)
The several gazes that I feel next to him will be felt more in the future.
As I was listening to the pastor, for some reason he kept looking at me.
Kate: ……Elbert? You’re not looking forward.
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Elbert: Oh, sorry……
He whispered with a grim expression.
(…..Maybe you’re trying to be careful not to step on shadows because of the many people here.)
He is kind and is very conscious so as not to step on shadows, no matter who he is dealing with.
(Shadows are now growing into the aisle too.)
One wrong move and he’ll evoke someone’s saddest memory on this happiest day.
(Okay, I’ll guide Elbert so he doesn’t step on any shadows until we exit!)
When I was determined to protect his kindness -
Pastor: Do you swear?
I responded with full force to the vow, which was over before I knew it.
Kate: I do.
Elbert: …..I do.
The moment I said it out loud,
Kate: What!?
Suddenly, he picks me up and my body floats in the air.
Kate: Elbert!
I was confused, as we were leaving the church -
Kate: Ah……
The attendees took advantage of the confusion stretched out their hands, casting shadows on the aisle.
When I tried to hit their hands,
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Elbert: ….Al.
Alfons: Yes, yes. That’s exactly like you……
Alfons who popped up from the pews, slapped their hands away.
Elbert: ….I don’t intend to be touched by anyone but her for the rest of my life.
He gave the attendees the cold shoulder.
Elbert: And I will never forgive anyone who hurts…..Countess Greetia.
He left the church with me in his arms.
He gently lowered me onto the sandy beach and I look him in the face.
Elbert: I’m sorry……for bringing you here on my own without asking, for your opinion…
Elbert: You’re so beautiful, I couldn’t wait any longer…….
I felt a kiss on my left ring finger, and the tension I had felt earlier began to dissolve.
Kate: Frankly, it’s a bit of a relief.
Elbert: ….Why?
Kate: I was nervous…..because I’ve never been in the spotlight like that before.
Kate: It seemed like you were trying to be careful not to step on any shadows.
Taking a breath, he tilts his head.
Elbert: I didn’t have time to worry about stepping on shadows of the attendees because I was too busy looking at you….
Elbert: I just wanted to be alone with you as soon as possible…..I just wanted the ceremony to be over.
The deep ocean-colored eyes that reflect only me, love rushes into my heart and dives into my chest.
Holding me tightly he starts speaking into my ear.
Elbert: …..Now, why don’t we have a ceremony, just the two of us?
Kate: Hmm…so nice to have another wedding.
Elbert: I’d be happy to hold the ceremony as many times as you’d like, as long as you’re willing…….
Elbert: Wearing a different dress each time……..saying your vows over and over.
I looked up when his hand loosens around my back and our gazes meet.
Elbert: Countess Greetia, Kate.
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Elbert: If you die first…..I’ll swallow you up from your toes to your hair…..
Elbert: After we become one…..I’ll follow you.
Elbert: ……so that not even death can do us part.
With the curse of the greedy Queen.
From the moment he loved me, my destiny was sealed.
Elbert: I love you…..and this feeling will never change.
Kate: …….I love you, too. Only you forever.
Unable to withstand the force of him taking my lips, they both fall into the shallow water.
Elbert: …..I want to be with you all the time, no more duties or work.
Kate: Heh,…. I feel the same way.
I close my eyes, and envision the future while overlapping lips.
The future of living in a beautiful bird cage created by his love.
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[Black Wedding Master List] Tag list: @theimaginativelyreticent
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
if the 1k game is still open, I’d like to throw in my two cents!
Ghost (or Ghoap) with Forest and Only (allotted amount of time) to escape before (bad thing happens)
I’m sure there’s plenty of ways to go with that!~ please take your time and remember to drink water today!!!!!
1k game here - no more please!
i will drink water just for you babe. also i did ghoap x reader & forest & trying to escape, but ended up not including an allotted amount of time, hope that's alright!
1.5k of ghost watching soap and reader run from him during a zombie apolocypse. except the apolocypse is really more of a background thing and i just throw in mentions of zombies. no smut! (cw for a very brief mention of cannibalism, a sprained then broken ankle, kidnapping, and very light puppyplay at the end)
"You fucking idiot, Johnny," you hiss. "You're gonna get us killed!"
"Me?" He snarls, whirling around to glare at you, hackles raised. "You're fuckin' shoutin' like you want the bastard to find us!"
"Shhh! Could you be any louder?!"
"You goddamned feartie, I hope he kills you first!"
"What the fuck did you just call me?!"
Ghost just barely manages to bite back a laugh at your offended tone, the way you're nearly spitting at Johnny, even at nearly a foot shorter than him. It's like watching a kitten try and fight a dog - cute, but you know the dog could crush the kitten if things went a little too far.
But Simon doesn't mind watching you hiss and spit at Johnny, certainly doesn't see a need to step in any time soon.
He hadn't expected to find much more than a few corpses when the motion sensor around his property triggered an alarm in his base. He figured it was probably a few zombies, easy enough to deal with.
But then he spotted the two of you - a big Scotsman and his far smaller girl, bickering playfully and totally unaware of him in the shadows.
Originally he'd planned to kill the two of you. He's got enough food stored to make it through the winter, so he wouldn't have to bother with freezing your bodies for later. It would be almost comically easy to kill you, take a couple shots from far enough away that you'd never see them coming, drag your bodies off his property, and forget all about you.
But then Johnny - who's name he only knows because you use it frequently - had spotted him. And wasn't that interesting? It's been a long time since someone managed to spot Ghost while he was trailing them.
He'd noticed Johnny's injury soon after that. The two of you had taken off running - he's not sure why, but apparently you haven't had the best experience with strangers - and Johnny had limped beside you, his right ankle clearly giving him trouble.
That was near sunrise. Now, there's an hour or two before the sunsets.
Simon would like to have the two of you in his base before night falls. No point in risking losing one of you to a zombie, not when you're already vulnerable.
He's been herding the two of you in the right direction since about noon. The two of you had picked the right direction to run, almost making it fully out of Ghost's territory before he started redirecting you. It was easy to land a few shots in the dirt in front of you, send the pair of you scrambling in another direction.
You're closer to his base than either of you realize. Ghost's muscles twitch at the realization, the thought of having the two of you locked up fueling his adrenaline.
He already knows you'll both put up a good fight. He can't wait to see which one of you gives in first. He thinks it might be Johnny, can already picture the man being good after seeing how Ghost might treat you.
He tunes back into your argument as the land becomes more familiar, unable to resist smirking as he sees the path that Johnny's about to walk.
"I told you we should've been more on the lookout for other people."
"Don't even start! Ye know as well as me that the bastard came out of nowhere, don't act like we woulda seen him anyway."
"Well, now we'll never know."
"Exactly! So why're you still naggin' me about it?"
"Oh, really, I'm nagging? Really, Johnny?"
"Yes! What, you think saying it twice makes it less true?"
"Oh, fuck you, honestly, I don't even know why I bother helping you."
Johnny laughs, loud and very obviously fake. "You're helpin' me? Oh, now you've really lost it, lass. I've been dragging dead weight since this whole thing started! You know, I'm getting awful tired of-"
Johnny's just a few steps away, make that final little stretch as he talks, and Ghost holds his breath, waits....
Bam. Before he can finish his complaint, he's yanked into the air. His bad ankle is wrapped up tight in rope, a trap tugging that leg into the air and leaving his torso resting on the ground.
He grunts loudly, though not as loudly as Ghost had expected with his injury.
"Holy shit!" You nearly shout, rushing to Johnny's side and abandoning your argument. "Fuck, are you alright?"
The Scot makes a half-wheezed sound of affirmation, eyes squeezed shut.
"Fuck, alright, don't move. I'll get you out, alright?"
Before you can figure out how to make that happen, Simon steps out of the treeline. You catch sight of him immediately, eyes going wide as you clearly fight the urge to run and abandon your partner. You just barely manage to stop yourself, shifting into what looks like it's meant to be a defensive possession.
Ghost tilts his head, smirks behind the mask. "Where do you think you're goin'?"
Johnny's face is twisted in pain, leaving you to respond. "We don't mean any harm, alright? Just... just let me get him down, and we'll go."
Simon slings his rifle off his back, holds it casually in his arms. The way your hands twitch, the panic streaking across Johnny's expression... fuck, it gets him hard.
"Why would I let you do that?"
There's a little furrow between your brows, and Johnny starts to really squirm in is bindings.
"We won't tell anyone about you," you try, inching around Johnny's prone form. "Promise. You let us go, you'll never have to see us again."
That, Simon thinks, is the problem.
He hauls his gun up, takes quick aim, and shoots the rope tying Johnny up before either of you can properly panic. You both still scream when the branch falls, clattering to the ground on top of Johnny.
You're quick to help him up, your argument apparently entirely forgotten as you let him lean most of his body weight on your shoulders.
Ghost slings the gun back over his shoulder, pulling a length of rope out of his pocket. "Both of you, on your knees. Hands behind your heads, eyes closed."
"Oy." Johnny tries to move in front of you, but his now mangled ankle has to be kept completely off the ground for him to even stay standing. "You can't... we'll go, like she said. Promise, mate."
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed neither of you put up even a bit of fight. But he doesn't complain as he watches you fall to the ground first, letting Johnny use you to help himself.
"Good," Simon hums when you both settle, forms stiff but in the correct position. "Either one of you even twitches, I'll break your legs and leave you for the zombies."
You both shudder at that, and Ghost feels his cock throb in his jeans. He adjusts himself, then steps forward with the rope.
He's quick, not giving either of you time to properly react. You both get a matching loop of rough rope tied around your necks, just tight enough that the skin is already rubbed a bit raw, just from the initial tie.
"Don't move," Simon growls when Johnny jerks away, gripping the man's wrists and tugging them in front of him. "You want to die out here? Watch your little girlfriend get eaten alive?"
He flushes, teeth gritted in what's probably a mix of rage and pain. Sweat drips down his face, streaking through the filth. "She's not my girl."
"Johnny," you hiss, shifting restlessly on your knees. "Seriously?"
"What? Yer not."
"Is that really what you want to be focusing on right now?"
"Oh, would ye rather talk about the goddamn collar and leashes the bastard's given us?"
Ghost gives said leash a rough tug for that, finishing off the loops around Johnny's wrist and moving in front of you. "The bastard's right here."
You sit still, eyes still closed and limbs loose as you let him move your arms around. Johnny's the one who starts squirming, scowl deepening. "Really? Couldnae tell."
"Lotta sass from a man wearing a leash." Ghost yanks it again, nearly sending Johnny sprawling to the ground. He just manages to catch himself on his bound hands, and Simon finishes off yours.
He steps back, holding the length of rope stretching from your necks in one hand. He tugs solidly, smirks when you both stand as quickly as you can. "Up, now. Time to go home."
He doesn't spare either of you a glance, turning around and starting the rest of the journey home. He shows a bit of kindness, keep his pace slow since he can hear the way Johnny's breathing grows more ragged, hear his limp against the dead leaves.
Neither of you tug or try to run away, and Ghost can't help but smile at the obedience. He mentally crosses leash training off his to-do list. He had been looking forward to that one, but he's sure there'll be plenty of other interesting experiences with the two of you.
He's never trained two pets at once. He can't wait to see how it goes.
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qin-qin16 · 8 days
[CW: mention of animal bodies, dead animals, cannibalism, fanon Killer Sans]
Alright! Since many people liked the idea of ​​Hyena coded Killer, I decided to bring some characteristics of these beautiful animals so you can see why so many people like to compare Killer with these creatures.
NOTE: I will comment on some of his canonical details, as well as characteristics that the fandom attributes to him, that is, we will have both fanon and canon Killer here!
First of all, what are hyenas? Hyenas are carnivorous animals from the family Hyaenidae (and during this research, I discovered that hyenas are more similar to felines than dogs, so no, they don't have much in common with dogs or wolves!) that inhabit the African continent and western Asia. They are nocturnal animals, but they can function well during the day as well, and they hunt and live in large groups.
After this brief synopsis, I will now report some characteristics of these curious animals that I, personally, find similar and related to Killer Sans!
Hyenas are very intelligent animals - even with the negative stereotypes surrounding them - and are considered one of the most successful animals in hunting! In addition, they have a very complex social relationship with each other, respecting hierarchies and the leader of their respective packs.
In this excerpt, I can already relate this intelligence to Killer, mainly because many people think that, in fact, he is just a charming, idiotic little guy - but, just like hyenas, he is extremely smart and cautious. About the hierarchy part, I have a divided opinion: in some arts of the creator of Killer, we can see him with Nightmare, but it's not like he respects Nightmare as a leader, but rather as if he fears him or has a certain dislike for him, but also has nowhere to go, so he prefers to stay under Nightmare's "care", acting with false respect so as not to be mistreated so much (?).
Hyenas are scavengers! They can eat animals that are still alive or recently killed, but they are best known for feeding on remains (even bones). And, as mentioned before, they are very successful in their hunts, but unfortunately, these kills are mostly stolen by lionesses - which forces them to keep the remains.
I've already discussed a few times the possibility that Killer has already submitted to cannibalism purely out of curiosity, so it wouldn't be surprising to see him hunting monsters just to devour them (humans too, since Howl brought up a headcanon (I don't know if it was really or if it's something canon) about how Killer doesn't see himself as either a monster or a human with the merging of Chara's soul with his). And I also think that Killer has already tested eating at various stages of body composition.
Due to the high levels of male hormones (such as testosterone), hyenas are also very aggressive animals, which results in many deaths of young hyenas among themselves.
Here I am already relating this characteristic more to the instability between the stages of Killer - like the apathetic change from the second stage to the third, which enters into a kind of aggressive frenzy. I believe that not only triggers in interactions or gestures (such as eating or sleeping), but also smells and Killer's own body are affected by this aggression.
One fact that characterized hyenas as intelligent animals is their complex sociability as a group!
Okay, here comes the fanon part: In many Bad Guy fanfics, headcanons and fanarts, Killer is always treated as the best in social interactions, or the one who breaks up fights and the one who tends to “respect” the certain hierarchy he has in the group. Like hyenas, he has an easier time interacting with others, whether to create emotional bonds or mediate conflicts.
A pack of hyenas can have up to 40 members!
So... Do you know how they like to put Killer in different groups? Well, there's the explanation! His place with the Bad Guys, his partnership with Epic Sanses (more because of Color), his rare appearance with the Star Sanses (more with Ink and Swap). As aggressive as Killer is, he also likes to live in large groups, so he needs to rotate between them to satisfy this social need of his.
Now, some ideas that were taken from the depths of my head and that I won't explain much about:
Many people write/draw Nightmare as a trans woman, so Hyena coded Killer would make much more sense, since in the hyena monarchy, the females lead the pack! And they mostly have more power and decision-making in the groups, in addition to being larger than the males.
The sound that the hyenas can reproduce seems to be a strange laugh. There's not much to comment on, except that I imagine that Killer laughs exactly like that.
Hyenas don't usually lick themselves for better hygiene. Yep. Stinky Killer confirmed!
Now here's a touch of mine: I can see Killer being quite aggressive with his displays of affection, biting, pushing and play fighting, as well as enjoying chasing his friends, pretending they are some kind of prey.
And that's it! I hope you enjoyed it! I accept constructive criticism and more ideas for this headcanon that so many were waiting for!
Tagging people who would like to see about Hyena coded Killer (I guess???)
@howlsofbloodhounds @what-have-i-unleashed @toffeebrew @twinribbonz
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riddle-rosethorns · 11 months
TWST Horror Movie Headcanons
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Summary: It's Halloween, and what better way to celebrate than a horror movie marathon! The only question is, can the Night Raven boys handle it?
Characters: All main NRC students Pairings: None (Rookvil if you squint) CWs: Very brief mentions of horror tropes and subgenres including gore, jumpscares, monsters, murder, torture, insects, aliens, robots, demons, and more.
A/N: Just a fun little thing to celebrate Halloween! If you want to hear more or are curious to know my justifications for the genre choices, feel free to shoot me an ask!
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Riddle Rosehearts
Had never seen a horror movie before coming to Night Raven because of his strict and sheltered upbringing
Easily the loudest screamer out of all the boys and the most likely to knock the popcorn bowl onto the floor
Does alright with high-concept thrillers, but can't stomach anything too gory and is extremely sensitive to jumpscares
Favorite subgenre(s): Psychological thriller, gothic horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Splatter films, slasher films
Ace Trappola
Considers himself a casual horror fan, having seen plenty of scary movies at parties and on television thanks to his brother
Talks big game about being unshakable only to tense up at every scare and then try to laugh it off when questioned
Always easily startled for a solid 12 hours afterward and will jump out of his skin if anyone sneaks up behind him
Favorite subgenre(s): Slasher films
Least favorite subgenre(s): Gothic horror
Deuce Spade
Like Ace, has (unwillingly) seen a lot of horror movies at parties, but he used to pretend to like them to seem cool
Doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's scared because he knows it would still be obvious
Also like Ace, becomes extremely jumpy after the fact and has been known to throw punches at people who catch him off-guard
Favorite subgenre(s): Sci-fi horror, post-apocalyptic horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Home invasion films
Cater Diamond
An avid horror fan (despite what people may assume) and always stays up to date on the latest releases
Isn't usually affected by shocking visuals or jumpscares when watching alone, but will overplay his reactions when with a group
Cracks jokes during the most tense parts of the movie in order to keep himself from being haunted by them later
Favorite subgenre(s): Comedy-horror, camp horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Existential horror
Trey Clover
Doesn't really enjoy horror content, but will watch scary movies with other people if invited
Perceived as very stoic and unreactive, but his secret is that he stealthily takes his glasses off when things get too intense
One of the few boys to be relatively unaffected after the fact, if only because he typically never sees the entire movie
Favorite subgenre(s): Psychological thriller
Least favorite subgenre(s): Cannibal horror
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Leona Kingscholar
Enjoys horror movies just as much as other movies, which is to say he'll take any excuse to sit in one place for as long as possible
Almost never responds to scares with anything more intense than a flick of his tail and a muttered, "Oh shit."
Teases the guys in his dorm that get freaked out by brushing them with his tail or sneaking up behind them
Favorite subgenre(s): Survival horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Gothic horror, arthouse horror
Ruggie Bucchi
Has mostly seen vintage horror movies because they're easier to find for free online or on television than new releases
Enjoys making fun of the hokey effects and stupid plot points of B movies but is easily caught off-guard by genuine scares
Able to brush off most horror clichés by convincing himself that he is resourceful enough to survive them
Favorite subgenre(s): Camp horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Psychological thriller
Jack Howl
Has been subjected to numerous werewolf movies throughout his life and has far more bad things to say about them than good
Startled by jumpscares involving loud noises, which will cause his ears to fold back and his tail to puff up
The one his friends will run to for protection after watching an especially scary flick due to both his physical and mental strength
Favorite subgenre(s): Natural horror, creature features (not involving werewolves)
Least favorite subgenre(s): Werewolf fiction
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Azul Ashengrotto
Fairly squeamish about most types of horror content but would never admit to it
Keeps a flawless poker face throughout the entire runtime of any scary movie despite being internally scared shitless
Always interrogates the Leech twins afterwards about how they would respond were a killer to infiltrate Octavinelle dorm
Favorite subgenre(s): Giallo films
Least favorite subgenre(s): Aquatic horror, cosmic horror
Jade Leech
Finds horror content to be a fascinating way to learn about human culture and its collective fears
Always pays rapt attention to the movie, nodding and saying "Interesting," when something especially gruesome happens
Sometimes he'll bring along a pencil and notepad and pretend to take notes on the killer's methods to fuck with his dormmates
Favorite subgenre(s): Natural horror, cosmic horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Zombie movies
Floyd Leech
Equally as interested in horror as his brother, mostly because he's impressed by all the murder methods humans can come up with
Laughs and claps like an excited child every time someone gets killed or otherwise dismembered on screen
Literally completely unbothered by all manner of violence and has zero issues falling asleep after a scary movie
Favorite subgenre(s): Splatter films, torture films
Least favorite subgenre(s): None (science has yet to discover a trend as to which movies Floyd will dislike)
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Kalim Al-Asim
Isn't necessarily a die-hard horror fan, just enjoys having movie nights of all sorts with his friends and dormmates
Will startle at jumpscares but is always delighted to the point of giggling at being caught off-guard
The type to clap and say "That was fun!" as the credits roll while everyone around him sits in horrified silence
Favorite subgenre(s): Comedy-horror, camp horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Apocalyptic horror
Jamil Viper
Mostly indifferent to horror as a genre, will watch it if asked but doesn't really seek it out or avoid it
Isn't affected by most kinds of scares except the ones involving bugs, which will fuck him up irreparably for days
Quick to crack down on any students that try to scare each other after the screening is over, despite secretly finding it amusing
Favorite subgenre(s): Psychological thriller, mythological horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Natural horror (especially when bugs are involved)
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Vil Schoenheit
Being in film research club, he doesn't shy away from studying films of any genre, including horror
Will sometimes grip Rook's arm hard enough to bruise during especially tense scenes (Rook doesn't mind)
Able to maintain his composure by commenting on and critiquing the cinematography and special effects
Favorite subgenre(s): Arthouse horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Zombie movies, body horror
Rook Hunt
A general film appreciator, but finds the costuming and SFX makeup used in classic horror movies especially fascinating
Finds something to compliment about every killing, whether it's the acting, the creativity of the murderer's method, or otherwise
Often the unintentional source of scares in the dorm after a horror movie screening due to his naturally stealthy footsteps
Favorite subgenre(s): Found footage, arthouse horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): None (he finds beauté in every film he watches)
Epel Felmier
Initially gets into horror due to it being a "masculine" interest, but eventually comes to appreciate the complexities of the genre
Not easily affected by jumpscares, but when he is, he'll shout at the screen and cuss out whatever made him jump
Better at shaking off the creeping feeling of dread afterwards than most of his friends, or at least pretending like he is
Favorite subgenre(s): Folk horror, mythological horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Backwoods horror
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Idia Shroud
Simultaneously a huge horror fan and also a gigantic weenie who is convinced that creatures will manifest in his room at night
Nitpicks the clichés and inaccuracies in science-based horror to the point that it annoys his fellow viewers
Often stays up all night playing video games after watching a scary movie but proceeds to seek out horror content anyway
Favorite subgenre(s): Dark fantasy, sci-fi horror (only the ones about aliens)
Least favorite subgenre(s): Techno-horror
Ortho Shroud
Also a member of film research club and enjoys analyzing movies of all kinds to add to his databases
Doesn't experience fear in the same way other organic beings do, but simulates the typical responses in order to feel included
Likes asking Idia for new gear and upgrades inspired by his favorite horror villain designs (usually the cool robots)
Favorite subgenre(s): Techno-horror, sci-fi horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Slasher films
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Malleus Draconia
Mostly desensitized to horror content due to Lilia's fascination with it, but still enjoys the thrill when a film can surprise him
Doesn't typically react to scares, but there has been at least one instance where he has singed the pillow he was holding in shock
Demonic horror films are banned in Diasomnia because others seeing his shadow after a screening caused too much chaos
Favorite subgenre(s): Gothic horror, dark fantasy
Least favorite subgenre(s): Techno-horror
Lilia Vanrouge
Possibly the biggest horror buff in the entirety of Night Raven and claims to have seen every horror film ever made
Surprisingly quiet when watching scary movies with others so as not to spoil any of the scares
Enjoys pranking other students by spooking them after the movie, especially Silver and Sebek
Favorite subgenre(s): Camp horror, vampire films
Least favorite subgenre(s): None
Not really into movies since he usually falls asleep during them but is familiar with horror as a result of being raised by Lilia
Actually prefers movies with a lot of jumpscares and shock value because it's the only kind that can keep him awake
Accustomed to his father's attempts to scare him but will still jump and reach for his sword when startled
Favorite subgenre(s): Slasher films, natural horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Backwoods horror
Sebek Zigvolt
Despite being exposed to horror at a young age, still very easily frightened no matter how much he pretends not to be
Will put his arm out to shield others in response to scares only if Malleus is present at the screening, otherwise curls into a ball
Second loudest screamer out of all the boys, bested only by Riddle, which makes him a prime target for post-movie pranks
Favorite subgenre(s): Gothic horror
Least favorite subgenre(s): Techno-horror, sci-fi horror
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roxanneslosteyes · 2 months
Spill thy nightmare mode backstories, mootie patootie
I only got some (the rest of nightmares are backstories haven't been thought of yet)
Anyways you are going to hear me yap about these nightmares and their backstories! Anyways I hope you enjoy mootie! ^w^
Tw/cw: mentions of murder, death, brief mention of cannibalism, animal death, cheating and not super detail but mature/suggestive themes (For Zoth that is), implied racism
💀Yan Luo Wang Diyu's backstory🐉
Yan Luo Wang Diyu was born in a small unknown village in somewhere of Ancient China. Her mother was a mortal woman who fell in love with a man who was dragon shifter.
Yan Luo Wang Diyu only saw her father every night, the reason why was her mother being worried that villagers who are bad people would tell bad people about Yan's dad so they can harm him.
One night, A villager saw Yan's father in his dragon form. The villager was happy to see this so they told other villagers about Yan's dad. The villagers saw this as amazing sight to see.
However the rumour of the dragon got to dragon hunters from another country. The Dragon hunters learned Chinese before sailing to the village.
When they got there, the hunters talked to the villagers. The hunters lied to the villagers about how they were interested in the dragon. The villagers didn't think they were hunters so they told the hunters to follow the dragon at night.
The hunters stalked Yan's father to his house where his wife and daughter lived and broke in.
The hunters killed Yan's father in cold blood and cutted off his tail in front of his wife and daughter.
Yan's mother ran for the hills with their 12 year old daughter to keep her safe from the hunters.
Soon they met a hooded figure who saw the crying and stressed mother with her crying child. The stranger offered to help them if she explained what happened.
Yan's mother explained everything, she wanted her daughter to be safe.
The stranger told her "I will keep your daughter safe. However you can't come with me unless you are asleep. Even if you are asleep you can't stay. You are a mortal, my world doesn't accept mortals to live but to visit until they wake up. Your daughter is adragon shifter so she can live in my world."
The mother agreed and the stranger took Yan Luo Wang Diyu away from her mother to keep her safe. The stranger raised her like she was the Stranger's own flesh and blood.
Years later, Yan wanted revenge of her father's death so she hunted down the hunters and killed them in the same way they killed her father giving her the name "The Princess of death".
😇Quachil Uttaus's backstory👁
Quachil Uttaus was once an angel, a very young angel that was childish and naive
She was seen as the most of joyful angel of Heaven. Cheering up angels the best she can!
One angel of the Heavens gates told her she can't mess around with the humans or she will fall. The young angel agreed to this lesson and only went to humans to cheer them up or reward them for their good deeds.
One day, She met a group of kids. These kids were pranksters who enjoyed thr suffering of people with their cruel pranks.
Quachil didn't know they were cruel pranksters, the pranksters befriended her to take advantage of her angels powers.
They told her to play cruel pranks on the people using her angel powers in the name of "fun". They knew she was easy to lie too.
Quachil started to make people do horrible actions with her angel powers. She was causing misfortune to the humans.
The older angels found out about this, when Quachil Uttaus defended herself after knowing the truth. The older angels didn't believe her so she was kicked out of heaven and became trapped in a void world for over 200 years before a worm thing summoned her then leaving her with a vampire.
⚰️Nyogtha Z'Mog's backstory💀
Nyogtha was a human in the Victorian Era, Her real name was "Elizabeth Feathergill". Her family were getting on their feet after centuries of the dark history of their ancestors. Sadly Elizabeth's family had to change their names to "fit in the society" when Elizabeth was very young.
Her father was a musician while her mother was shopkeeper selling food she made or fruits and vegetables to sell. Her mother helped the poor children by giving them her food or fruits.
Her father sang his songs to people of the local places. People of his neighbourhood enjoyed his songs. While the upper classes looked at him disgusted and called him horrible things.
One day, Her mother and her father fell sick. Elizabeth looked after her parents until their last breath.
She knew how the world treated her so cruelty and her people. So she decided to become a undertaker, so she could protect her family or anyone like this after death so no one rob their graves.
People were uncomfortable with her being a Undertaker. One day, a man broke into the graveyard and decided to dig up an older man's grave. Elizabeth saw this and tried to stop him but he shot her. Elizabeth walked to her parents graves for safety until someone find her and get her help.
She sat by her parents graves with a bleeding gun wound. But help never came and she died by her parents graves. Her body got ripped apart by animals after she died.
soon she woke up in a strange world, she was so confused what happened. A elephant told her she is dead and she is in a realm to keep her soul safe. Nyogtha goes to the humans realm to help them bury their love ones because they trust her bury them instead of another human.
👻 Dagda Crom Cruach's backstory👻
Dagda was a just a normal scarecrow on a farm, but the farm had a dark secret. The farm was owned by a cannibal farmer who killed his victims in brutal ways relating to what farmers do.
One day, A couple thought they could have a make out session in the farm because they thought it was "run down". The bloodthirsty farmer found the couple and broke in the car. He grabbed the girlfriend and dragged her away. The boyfriend ran after the farmer and his love one.
But the farmer atabbed her to death with a scythe. The boyfriend ran through the corn fields while a bloodthirsty farmer with a pitch fork.
The boyfriend fell in front of Dagda. The farmer killed him with the pitch fork. The soul of the man went into the scarecrow.
Dagda became sentient due to the possession. Dagda doesn't remember anything of the human's soul past.
Years passed, Dagda was left to rot. Due to negative energy that was left by the farmer, his soul became corrupted.
Dagda started to scare humans who come to the old run down farm.
Dagda only got to Astral Circle thanks to Xezbet due to his interest of Dagda scaring humans. (They are best friends)
✨️Lilith Lilitu Lilit and Anazareth Anazarel backstory🥀
Anazareth and Lilith who was twins in medieval period, Anazareth's real name was "Anastasia" while Lilith's real name was "Lillian".
Lillian and Anastasia was secretly witches. Anastasia would cursed men who did horrible things to their children or to women while Lillian focused on witchcraft as a whole.
The twins came from a big family of witches. They wasn't the only witches in their family.
Soon, the village found out their secret and buried them alive in their cottage.
Lillian and Anastasia hated humans for what they done to them so they continue doing witchcraft against humanity for their sins.
🔪Orcus Dis Pater backstory🐰
Orcus was a mad inventor back in early 1900s. His real name was "Winston Afton"
He created crazy inventions that was literally death traps. Using humans and animals to be in these inventions causing them to die.
He didn't care, he thought they were too weak for his genius mind.
One day, he decided to jump into one of his old inventions which didn't go well and he well die. He thought he was too smart he couldn't die in his own creation which he did.
His creation ripped off his skin and he was nothing but a skinless man.
He woke up in the astral circle and the first thing he did was ask himself "why am I ourple" then forgetting about it before trying to find skin for himself. Orcus only has one brain cell now.
His silly behaviour drawn in Yan Luo Wang Diyu and the rest is history.
🔪Barbatos Barrabam's backstory💀
Barbatos was once a humanoid monster living in his cave with his mother, his father and little brother.
Barbatos and his family never hunted humans, they only hunted animals to feed on.
Barbatos taught his his little brother his hunting skills.
Near their cave, there was a village. Full of humans. The humans saw Barbatos and his family alot. They never wanted to go near him or his family as they were scared of him and his family.
One day, a man who was a famous monster hunter came to the village. He told the villagers he will slay the beasts so they will be free of the endless fear.
The hunter went to the cave with a bow and bag of arrows at the dead of night while barbatos and his family were sleeping.
The man killed his mother first then father then his little brother.
Barbatos woke up to the corpses of his family, At that moment he saw red. He rushed to village, killing everyone.
He grew a hatred of humanity for killing his family. His hatred lured in Exael, Exael felt bad for Barbatos. Exael took Barbatos to the astral circle and they both grew a brotherly bond.
🍷Yog Sothoth Backstory🫀
Yog was always a vampire, he was born a vampire to two vampires.
Yog grew up in a vampire court, he was raised there.
As he grew up, the more attractive he got. Female vampires were dropping at his knees like a fly.
He wasn't getting any human blood to survive off at that time because of the humans putting garlic at their homes
He decided to seduce lonely women, to get the blood he needed. He took advantage of his good looks.
he seduced women left and right to drink on their blood to survive
One day, the town found out about the dead women and decided to hunt Yog down. Lucky he got out unharmed thanks to a lady of the Pests.
🥀Ishtar Ereskigal backstory🪳
Ishtar was the daughter of a god and a monster. She never knew her mother nor did she know what happened to her. She was raised by a god of insects.
Her father was very neglectful of his daughter as he was rather fool around with mortal women and female monsters then look after his daughter
He trapped his daughter in a pit full of bugs so his goddess wife didn't know he had another monster bastard child.
Ishtar was raised by a bug monster, the bug monster taught her everything she needed to know to be a lady of Pests.
Ishtar befriended bugs and animals who were seen as gross.
She slowly broke out of her prison thanks to her new friends. To show the world her powers however the humans found her scary and scared her away
Ishtar hidden in the shadows until a witch came along and took her to Astral Circle to have a better life.
🔪Abducius Morail backstory🫀
Abducius has always been a sadistic masochist. He loved hurting people because he gets off to it.
He was always been crazy ever since childhood or that what he says, he always put himself in danger. There is no explanation for his behaviour at the moment because he doesn't like talking about his past.
🪱Zoth Ommog💀
Zoth was once a human, he was a cult leader for multiple horror gods and goddesses back in Ancient times.
Zoth was known to be a very lustful man, sleeping around with women and men, cheating on his ex wives he had and fooling around.
His real name is unknown, he always called himself "Zoth". He even fooled around with humanoid monsters.
He was good friends with Yog.
Zoth also knocked up multiple women so he has multiple children.
One night, his first ex wife killed him in his sleep out of revenge for cheating. She also cursed him to be a worm thing to reflect hid gross lifestyle
and Zoth became a worm.
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whinesandwhimpers · 8 months
cw; an attempt of forced cannibalism, delusion, captive!reader, v brief mention of murder
yandere!johnny whose had you captive in his cabin in the woods for a while now. you've taken to a new strategy to try to escape. Pretending you're in love with him too. He seems to believe it until one night he ties you to a chair in front of a romantic candlelight dinner and removes the steel dome from the plate that sits in the middle of the table to reveal your boyfriend's head, decorated with salad, and an apple in his open mouth.
It turns out your boyfriend had never given up looking for you and, unfortunately, had come across Johnny and as he told him why he was out here, Johnny snapped.
And now, sitting across from you, he wants you to eat your boyfriend together to prove your love for him.
After staring at the head for what feels like hours but is mere minutes, you look up at johnny.
"I—I can't." You shut your mouth and shake your head, fat tears sliding down your cheeks. you uselessly tug at your restraints.
You can fake affection, you can tell him you love him, you can kiss him, hug him, have sex with him even, but not this.
"Don't ye love me, hen?" There's a dangerous glint in his eyes.
He knows. You start trembling as you realise you're absolutely fucked. There's no point in lying now.
"No," With that he abruptly stands and you panic. "But I can! I can love you! I just need more ti—"
Now having stalked around to your side of the table, he harshly grabs your chin. "Ye lied to me."
"I'm sorry, Johnny! Please don't hurt me!"
He snarls in your face. "It's too late for begging."
He pushes your chair back and undoes your restraints, then throws you over his shoulder and starts walking you towards the bedroom.
Ignoring what he said, you babble on, now crying. "Don't kill me! please, Johnny! I can love you! I'll love you, I promise!"
He chuckles as he drops you onto the bed and removes his belt while he watches you intensely.
"Ah'm not gonna kill ya, Silly," He grins darkly, folding his belt in half. "Ah'm gonna punish ya."
Your eyes frantically flick between his and the belt in his hands as he takes a seat on the end of the bed.
"Now be a good lass and get on my lap and count."
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crayonverse · 3 months
details bout michael n eins dynamic. 2 me (cw physical/emotional abuse, cannibalism, suicide/suicidal idealizations, ableism, self-harm)
michael only refers to himself as eins father when he wants ein to do something, any other time hes just michael .
lets ein not refer to him as sir to make him feel more "special" .
after eins mom broke up w zack she sorta got a bit. out of it. she started neglecting ein and she became depressed. The First Step in ein distrusting others bc his mother stopped paying attention 2 him. michael used a small amount of his magic to control her and make her drown herself in the kitchen sink and then kidnapped ein, making it look like she had killed herself and ein had ran away. .
just as a small thing of me hcing ein as a transguy, michael named him ein bc the meaning of "ian" (which is what his name is just spelled weird) is "God is Gracious" as a constant reminder that michael "saved" ein. .
ein wasnt tested on w forever potions (in the early stages w the other kids) because michael absolutely could not let Zack know he had his other stupid kid. when ein found out about the testing he was extremely upset bc he wasnt "special enough" for it. picture ein 6 years old begging for medical malpractice to be used on him .
he was tested later but as a teen when michael got out, since he didnt have access to the other children. although he wasn't able to use the full potions since he didnt have access to emeralds at the moment, so he used diluted versions of the potions that weren't as powerful via syringes. ein gets a fear needles from it .
when michael n the other two idiots were locked in the pocket dimension ein went through a brief depressive period bc the One Guy he (thought) cared about him disappeared. when michael did get out he didnt tell ein immediately bc he . doesnt like ein but when he found out ein got arrested he told ein that he should stay in jail for a few months to "learn his lesson" .
slightly unrelated but when michael wanted him out of jail he also wanted ein to disappear off the radar so he faked eins death in jail. originally he wanted ein to die in like a riot but ein, sensing an opportunity, asked for it to say he killed himself instead. the opportunity being aphmau half way into her uni course looking up her old high school bullies to see what theyre up to and just finding out ein is Fucking Dead .
the potions michael uses on ein are mainly magic power related (like eins Green Laser) because he likes manipulating ein into doing things rather than using his magic because its "more fun" .
michael subconsciously views ein as his actual son (mcd travis) bc he feels like "this one is a better son" or whatever .
not a specific thing but mother knows best reprise from tangled is a Viewpoint on their dynamic 2 me .
ein is internally scared of michael but he never verbally says that and if anyone asks him if he is he denies it immediately bc he doesnt want pity. you can see it in his eyes though. elizabeth is really the only other person who mentions it but she mostly uses it to make fun of ein because she "doesnt think its that bad" (<- she is unaware) .
bc of michael ein absolutely hates unwarranted physical touch. he reacts violently if anyone grasps his shoulder from behind or touches his upper arms. the only touch he usually allows is people lightly touching his hair/head bc he still registers it as headpats (grabbing his hair usually results in him biting) .
michael usually physically threatens or abuses ein to reprimand him but sometimes he throws ein into the Metaphorical Torture Box for entertainment .
basically most of the things michael does to ein is for his own amusement .
he also heavily dehumanizes ein to convince him to do evil acts, rationalizing it to him as "you arent a person so is it really that bad??" ein does not view himself as an actual person at this point more so as a nameless soldier, a weapon, etc .
i used this for an old fic n stuff too but also michael makes ein commit cannibalism to forcibly dehumanize him more. he wants to make ein feel entirely disconnected from humanity (like michael feels for himself) so ein will basically be a "mini michael" .
ein also consciously copies michaels mannerisms/speech. only really elizabeth n zack notice it however and it just fucking freaks zack the hell out (elizabeth is also freaked out by it but mostly ignores it) .
theres just a general theme of a loss of control for ein in general. he gets a small allowance from michael and hes not allowed out overnight, all his communication is usually internally with the researchers or guardian forces. most of the time ein self isolates from them, viewing them as beneath him and michael. when they try to talk to him its a 50/50 whether he'll tell them to fuck off or he'll hiss at them .
another specific detail is pre s4 ein fucked up a potion and instead of his usual reprimand, michael used pliers to defang ein. in his head its the one thing ein can't rationalize about michaels actions (the one "seed of doubt" he has). he usually makes excuses for michael's actions towards him but being defanged is the only one he struggles with since he knows that michael knows how important his wolf side is to him .
pre s5 and just like at the end of s5 (when ein was seen on the bridge) he was going through another depressive episode bc he missed his ears and tail. he was mainly just going through the motions of his daily life but he was barely holding on. michael repeatedly discouraged ein from committing because the plan would be messed up because of it (michael said that directly to him) and he would imply that ein would be a traitor if he went through with it. .
michael actually flipped between discouraging and encouraging ein to commit to see what he would do. .
he's caught ein self-harming before, w ein attempting to either drown or smother himself. michael doesnt like doing this regularly but most of the time he lets ein hug him so he feels "comforted". other times michael just scolds him and tells him to not do it again. .
i also hc ein as a low empathy autistic (bc # me) and he used to stim very openly and loudly but michael disliked that part of him so he "trained" ein to not stim in public which just results in him being constantly overstimulated, a contributor to Ein being fucking mad all the time. hes like a hair trigger away from a meltdown at all times .
the only method of stimming ein can usually get away w is when he scratches his arms/scabs. unfortunately he doesn't trim his claws and it usually results in ein making himself bleed or reopening scars. michael has attempted to get him to stop doing this but its pretty much a compulsion for ein at this point.
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emeritus-fuckers · 5 months
Yandere Mary Goore?
Yandere Mary Goore Headcanons
CW: cannibalism. non-con. blood. brief, non-descriptive gore. mentions of necrophilia.
They/them pronouns used for Mary Goore.
Sweetheart, you are absolutely fucked.
Sure, Mary's normally pretty chill, bur yandere Mary is a fucking nightmare that makes you understand all the more disturbing lyrics of their songs.
Yes, even the necrophilia ones, if you push them too far.
They're willing to try to be nice!
But they're also really fucking possessive.
To the point of of straight up pulling you to themself while you're having a conversation they don't like and bite off a piece of your neck while staring straight into the eyes of the person you were talking to.
They've got no shame, either. They'll finger you while they're at it.
And then they'll either leave like nothing happened or straight up attack the person you were talking to.
Needless to say, that person is literally killed and mutilated right in front of you before Mary simply drags you away to some alley to make out with you, the blood on their face and in their mouth still warm.
They don't exactly force you to hang out with them or follow them around, they're just... always there with you, even if not invited. And you learn rather quickly it's best to not go against them to avoid being eaten alive. Or worse.
Mary literally lets go completely as a yandere. They will cannibalize and fuck you on the nearest gravestone if you're fighting back too much.
It will, of course, include threats. They will disrespect you completely, insulting you and spitting on your face.
But please, keep fighting them! Sure, it drives them mad with rage, but it also makes them so, so fucking excited. They love the thrill.
And if they one day get too excited and end up biting off too much? Well...
Those necrophilia lines didn't write themselves.
Written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @callmeicaro @thecuriouss @thermodynamic-comedian @greenbirdtrash @vampyrolesbos
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sugolara · 6 months
𝘼𝙣 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙬, 𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙛 & 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙩
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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With every breath that left their mouths, a fog came out. It was cold and the mist around them dampened their hair and clothing. The trees, bushes, and dirt were also wet, the droplets crashed onto the floor. It would have been a nice sight as they passed through the forest. They would probably have taken a stroll if they were in different circumstances. 
Most of their feet ached and they had to hold in a groan when they had a few miles left. They just wanted all this to be over. For Sorston to be free and for the people to no longer die. They knew they were putting their lives on the line, but all that mattered was that they died knowing they were helping the community. 
A few hours ago, while Shota and Toshinori helped Shoto, Izuku, Katsuki, F/n, Denki, Eijiro, Ochaco and Hanta, Gunhead and Yuwara helped those who were staying back to defend the community incase Tomura’s group came unannounced. 
Shota would have had another day to prepare, but he couldn't afford to waste any ammos and he was unsure whether Tomura’s group would come by unannounced. He would much rather catch them off guard than be caught off guard.
“We’re going on foot. Their camp isn’t too far from here, so we’ll have no trouble.” Shota said, eyeing his group. Even with an eye missing, he was still a great shot, “Any dead come by use your knives, not your guns. We want to save the bullets.”
He could tell that his group was nervous, even F/n as he could see her fingers tremble, and maybe a part of it was due to the cold. 
“How did you manage to find their haven?” Eijiro asked the older male.
“We tapped into their radios.” Shota responded, “While we were out, we were able to pass by their community and look around. It’s a small area with big buildings, so finding a way in with little guard watching was easy. It's their blind spot, so their people shouldn't be able to see us coming.”
“How long have you been planning this?” Ochaco question since he had mentioned he began spotting when he was out.
“From the beginning.” Shota thought back to when he first came here and where he met Tomura’s group, “Their place is surrounded by a forest, so we'll have to pass by that first. 
With how the clouds were blocking the sun and how it looked like it wanted to rain, Denki wondered if they would need flashlights, “Will we arrive by dark?”
“No.” Shota said, giving the sky a brief glance, “We should be there before it gets dark.”
Toshinori had come back from getting their duffel bags, Gunhead followed behind as he would be joining them to, “Once the gate closes they’ll begin forming.”
“And the people?” Shota asked, as he eyed the empty streets besides those who were standing by.
“There okay.” Gunhead responded.
“Nezu?” Shota asked as he adjusted the map in his hands.
Tohsinori nodded, “He’s also okay.”
“Good.” Shota then let out a sigh from his nose, looking back at his group, “We’ll be separating once we get in the woods, once we enter the weak spot, we’ll signal the rest to come by. I want F/n, Katsuki, Hanta, Denki, and Ochaco with me.”
Shota would have taken the council team, replacing the group he’s with, with them, but he needed them to stay behind in case Tomura had an extra group go to Sorston. Though even with all he did to teach them to shoot, he wasn’t sure if they had the guts to murder someone. Maybe Eijiro and Denki, but Ochaco and Izuku he wasn’t too sure. 
As of now, their shoes hit the cold pavement. They would be walking on the road until they were almost there, then entering the forest. So as long as Tomura didn’t know what was going on, Shota and his group had the upper hand.
A squirrel running by, causing a ruckus had startled Shota’s group, though thankfully none decided to draw their gun and instead let the critter pass by while they continued.
Ochaco looked up at the cloudy sky. With the help of the trees covering the sky, the forest appeared to be gloomy, giving it a dark aura, “We’re lucky for the forest being dark, otherwise we would have been spotted.”
Hanta hummed as he looked around, he couldn’t see that far due to the mist and of course the darkness, “I’m actually surprised we even made it this far. I thought a dead or an animal would give us away.”
Denki chimed in, his brows furrowed, “It is strange that we haven’t seen one.”
“It's a good thing.” Katsuki had said as he looked forward, his right hand occasionally jolting for his weapon, “It means we’re being quiet.”
The yellow-haired male shivered, “I don’t know, it kind of feels off. Don’t they smell blood?”
“There not vampires, moron.” The blonde rolled his eyes, though they soon landed on F/n as she pretty much kept quiet the entire way.
That changed as Hanta made her way towards her, “How are you feeling? You’re not nervous, right?”
She eyed him, “You did not just ask me that.”
Forgetting their situation, Hanta smiled at her, “I know, I know. I just want to know where you’re at, since…you were kind of born for this.”
She let a sigh come from her nose and shrugged, “I’m ready. Besides, I have an extra gun near my ankle.”
He rolled his eyes at that as he figured she would’ve pulled something heinous. But he shoved that aside as he once again smiled at her, his nervousness soon faded away as she stood by him. Even after saying he didn’t need her protection, he was glad she was with him as his only family member being by his side was all he needed in order to feel safe.
He couldn’t let his smile leave as he was truly happy, with just being with her. 
In the front, Shota had listened to his students conversation. Oddly enough, he found it peaceful to hear their quiet chatter. He would have told them to be quiet, but he wasn’t sure if that would be the last time they would ever talk to each other as they all knew the danger they were facing. He wanted to at least give them the last chance before they forget each other’s voice. 
His thoughts were erupted as his radio on his hip turned on, a static was heard though it quickly went away, “..Weird.”
He pressed a button to where he could talk but when he received nothing, his brows furrowed and he stopped his movements.
“What's wrong?” Ochaco asked as she had almost ran into Katsuki’s back.
As Shota gave them no explanation, only trying the radio, they felt on edge once again. Katsuki had shifted to where his body was almost touching F/n as he looked around, his hand resting on his gun that hung from a holster. 
Denki also looked around as he wiped his eyes and looked into the darkness where he saw something move. The mist had collected on his tear duct, “I see a rotter up ahead.”
Hanta pulled out his knife as he looked to where Denki was looking, “Where.”
F/n had moved to them when she heard them speaking. While Denki pointed ahead, she too could see the figure however, something was unusual about it and it seemed that Shota knew as his eyes widened, but before he could utter out a word flashing lights blinded each of them. 
They let out a groan and shielded their eyes. Their senses had disappeared as they were caught off guard, but the sound of engines running had them on high alert. Unfortunately for them, as they were trying to regain their focus, they were all shoved and hit until they were forced down to their knees. 
“Well, well…” Tomura had to grin, this was so predictable to him, “Looks like I caught you.”
Due to the light blinding them and the shoving they hadn’t realized that Toshinori’s group was there, already on their knees with their mouth gagged by a sheet of cloth and their hands tied behind their back. 
F/n’s eye twitched as she looked at Shoto who was next to her. A fog of breath came out as they both looked at eachother, worried and frightened looks adorning their faces. 
Tomura grinned at every one of them, shaking his head like he was scolding a child. He swung his rusty, bloody ax around like it weighed nothing, “All you had to do was stay put. Keep bringing me what I want, letting me have whatever I want, and you can all live happily.”
F/n had to look away from Shoto as she tried to look for Hanta. He was at the end and she was at the front line. So even if she wanted to protect him with the hidden gun that they didn’t find, she would have difficulty doing so.
“Who planned this?” Tomura looked at each of them, waiting for one of them to respond, though all he could see were worried faces. He had to scoff, he was expecting them to be scared but as he looked at some, that being Katsuki, Shota, Toshinori and Gunhead, all he saw was their hardened glare.
If no one was going to answer, then it looked like he had to threaten one of them as he once again swung his ax and stopped it before it hit Denki, “Who planned this?”
Denki had flinched, his eyes widened as he was terrified. He had to look at the mud underneath his hands to contain his spiking anxiety. 
“You don’t tell me who and I’m going to start killing people.” Tomura said to all them and then looked at one of his men that stood behind. The said male pulled his gun and pointed it at Hanta, making F/n’s eyes widened. Though she didn’t have time to grab her gun as she heard Toshinori.
“It was me!” The male said, his glaring eyes looking at Tomura, “I’m the one who orchestrated it.”
“You and your big words.” Tomura said, eyeing his men so that he could drop the gun. He walked to the male, looking down at him, “I know it wasn’t just you, so who else did it.”
“Honest!” He said, sweat forming on his forehead, “I did it all myself. Nezu doesn’t even know we’re here.”
All their foreheads began to sweat, the mist around them adding to their damp figures. Eijrio had to dig his nails in the wet dirt as his heart was pacing in frightness. He tried to contain his worries, let the fact that Gunhead was next to him ease him, but it was hard with the enemies surrounding them.
The rest noticed the older male lying, though they chose not to say anything. If they did, they feared that they would end up getting Toshinori killed, so for now they stayed quiet. 
Tomura let out a sarcastic laugh, “Bullshit.”
“It’s true.” Shota then spoke after giving a brief glance to Gunhead, ignoring the fact the other male tried to get his attention.
Shota knew he shouldn't even be talking, he had a family waiting for him at home, but he couldn't let Toshinori take the blame. He also had a part to play, a major part, “Nezu would have never agreed to it, he’d never agree to put anybody in danger. The way he sees it..you’re keeping us safe.”
That had made Tomura’s group laugh and as they did so, Shoto’s eyes wandered to his brother's form. Dabi stood in front of him, staring him down. The male had his arms behind his back and Shoto noticed that he kept swaying his head to the side. 
He followed his movements with his eyes though he was unsure of what to look at. It was then he looked behind his back, where his hands were placed. He kept waving three fingers. Shoto didn’t know what it meant until Dabi looked at his friends, his heart dropping when he realized.
Tomura then made his way to Shota, smirking down at him as the male glared back at him “And you thought it’d be a good idea to help? Was losing the eye not enough for you?”
Denki, Ochaco and Hanta had dug their nails into the dirt. They took a good look around, only their eyes did as they worried that if they moved their head a bullet would enter their skulls. They also shook and they weren’t sure if it was because it was cold or they were terrified. 
Since Ochaco was next to Izuku, she briefly glanced at those in front. A fog came out her breath as she noticed that they too were scared. Izuku had his jaw clenched, F/n had her nails digging the mud, Shoto had his eyes narrowed ahead, and Katsuki glared at the ground. 
Shota continued to glare at him to which Tomura did not like as he crouched down to his level, jamming his finger to his forehead, “Just remember, that whatever happens next, it’s on you.”
He stood up and looked at his underlings, “If anybody moves, kill them.”
With a quick shift on his feet, Tomura swung his ax, successfully landing it on Toshinori’s head. The ones one kneeled down let out shrieks and gasp. Their mouths hung open in shock as they stared at the older male.
Katsuki had let out a shaky breath, his face splashing with blood as Tomura pulled the ax out and rammed it back inside until Toshinori couldn’t be unidentified. His eyes began to water as he couldn’t look away, his nails clawed at his jeans as the blood gushed out.
His cheeks were smeared in blood, his black eyes stared at his friend, lying in a pool of blood. Shota’s fingers twitched as he couldn't do nothing but watch as the one holding the ax continued to slam it down with a grunt.
This isn’t what he wanted. All Shota wanted was for Sorston to be at ease, for his daughters to live in a place where they don’t have to fear every night. Was he…ever going to see them again?
Tomura let out a groan as his back popped, he wiped some blood off his cheeks and then let out a satisfied sigh, “This is what happens when you don’t do what you're told, Shota. All you had to do was work for me, but you ruined it. You think I’m going to believe that bullshit story of yours?”
Shoto refrained from also wiping the blood from his cheeks, his eyes kept glancing back at Dabi, pleading him to do something but the older male continued to cock his head to the side almost as if saying, no.
“You did this, Shota.” Tomura let out a shrug walking back and forth, adjusting his gloves while his ax was placed underneath his armpit, “You and your stupid fucking plan. What about your family?”
That caused his breath to hitch as he looked up at him, glaring, “Don’t.”
“Are you really in any position to demand me?” Tomura laughed, his underlings also joining him, “I’m not going to touch them…at least not yet.”
Denki had to bite his lips from throwing up. With all the gruesome stuff he's seen, this one shook him to his core.
Tomura then stopped walking, his head looking down to a pair of eyes that glared at him. He swung his ax side to side, looking at Hanta, undecided on what to do with him. Tomura’s only doing this to make a point. Don’t cross him and he won’t cross you, well only part of that is a lie. But he couldn’t deny he was having fun.
It's not like his job was being a criminal. 
F/n had to blink as the mist began to weld up in her eyes. She swallowed her saliva as she stared at Hanta, holding in from letting out a noise as Tomura just stared at her cousin, swinging the ax.
It felt like she was the only one there, but she wasn’t as everyone else looked Hanta's way. She couldn’t care less about them or the people behind her, all she wanted was for the crazy man to back away. But it was like he was egging her on as he just stood there.
She knows what he could do, so to see him do it to Hanta, petrified her. Her hands only shook in the mud, waiting for Tomura to make a move so she could quickly grab her gun. 
The light-blue haired male finally let out a sigh as he stopped swinging his ax. He smiled when Hanta’s glare had softened, almost knowing what was to happen next, “I’m doing you a favor.”
When Tomura lifted his ax F/n wasted no time and quickly pulled out her gun from her ankle and shot it at Tomura. Izuku and Shoto had let out a muffled groan, flinching as the shot was loud, their ears ringing from the unexpected shot.
 But while they were both recovering, F/n eyes widened and tears began to collect when she realized that she missed. She was panting, realizing her mistake as Tomura slowly looked at her, grinning. 
Toga had quickly disarmed the girl, shoving her to the ground and gripping her hair, making F/n make eye contact with Tomura. The red eyed male, grinned at her, his fingers gripping the ax, “Because of that…he dies.”
“No! No!” She yelled out, the others loudly gasping and looking away as Tomura swung his ax down to Hanta’s face. She let out a breath as she watched her family, her cousin, her best friend, die right in front of her. 
Her mouth was left open, tears streaming down her face as everything of him was disappearing and all she could do was listen as Toga snickered and kept her head in place. She could only watch and watch and watch as Hanta could no longer be recognized. 
The freckle male next to her had his own tears coming down and when he looked at F/n, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her as she continued to weep. He couldn’t help but notice that underneath Toga’s frame, she was shaking, her hands twitched as her head would jerk as she stared at her cousin.
He’s never seen her in this state. For her to just crumble right in front of him was a sight that startled him. A sight that he never wanted to see. 
Tomura let out a pant when he stood back up, he dropped his ax as he stared down below, noticing his shoes had a coat of blood. He grinned as he stared at the rest, wiping his nose in the process, “You’re lucky I’m getting bored.”
He then pulled a gun out of his waistband and shot Shota in the head, where his body fell with a thump. The group didn’t have time to react as it happened fast, so when they looked to see their teacher, someone F/n thought was strong, dead, they could only shed a few more tears, their energy wasted from all the crying and their heart aching. 
But when Tomura hastily made his way towards F/n, Katsuki, Izuku and Shoto shifted in their spot. They weren’t exactly sure what to do, but they didn’t want her to die next. They flinched though, when Toga removed herself and let Tomura grab her hair, making her see him.
He no longer adorned his grin, his ruby eyes piercingly stared at the heartbroken girl. He pointed his fingers to her chest, “You had every part to play for that guy's death. That’s on you.”
A bundle of tears glided across her cheeks as the male roughly let her go, choking on a sob as she allowed her head to fall and look at the ground below her. 
Tomura then looked at Gunhead, the one he allowed to live to deliver a message, “You tell Nezu that I better see more than eighty percent and if I don’t then it’ll be guns blazing. You tell him that if he makes another damn move, I’m going to make him watch as I kill every single person in that shitty place, then I’m going to feed him to the dead.”
He grabbed his bloody ax and placed it on his shoulders, “And if you, or anybody else decides to come after me, then I’m killing everyone you ever loved.” He grinned, “Though I’m guessing they’re all dead by now.”
Before he could leave, he sniffled as he looked at one of his men, signaling to Shoto who glared at him, “Grab him.”
They did so, dragging the boy while the group could only watch, not forgetting about the men that were behind them with rifles in hand. They watched as Shoto tried to stand up, trying to leave the tight grip that was pulling his jacket but he couldn’t catch his feet. Not with his hands tied behind his back.
His last glance before they threw him inside a truck was at F/n, his heart shattering as the girl couldn’t look at him, too busy staring at the mud and sobbing her eyes out. Did she even know he was being taken?
“Remember!” Tomura yelled out as he made his way to the truck with his main men following, “I’m always listening!”
One by one, everyone began to leave in their own set of cars. They took the duffel bags and any remaining weapons, then leaving the group behind, letting them take in all that's happened. 
They left them to their tears, to their memories, to the dead bodies that were on the floor. Some felt bad for them as they too experienced the same thing, but what had to be done, had to be done and they only hoped that the group would listen so that another devastating loss didn’t happen.
 When the final car left, Denki, Ochaco and Katsuki  let out a shaky sigh of relief. They swallowed their saliva, and looked at their dead friends and teachers. None of them decided to make a move, only staring at the blood, their final image of what their friend, their teachers looked like.
It was Gunhead  who first moved, the loose rope around his wrist came undone as he took the cloth away from his mouth. His eyes shutted for a moment, wishing that he was one who chose to speak first instead of Shota as he had people to return home to. However, the black-haired male had beat him first, giving him a shared look to not speak.
 He then shifted to his side, where Eijiro sat, untying his rope, “...We should leave.”
F/n could hear him, but she didn’t care for him. She didn’t care as all she did was stare at the mud below her, her tears added onto the muddy dirt, staining her jeans and her hands. She didn’t care when Katsuki and Izuku tried to help her get up or when the others began to move. 
The sky then rumbled as heavy rain began to pour, drenching their forms.
She took a breath in, her head slowly moving to right, passing by Izuku as she stared at Hanta. Her tears fogged her eyes, but she could see him, at least what was left of him. His smile, his dumb jokes, their fond memories were all leaving her mind as she tried so hard to cling onto them. 
All she wanted was to go back to her home, be in the arms of her family, and be with Hanta.
 Now, she was alone. 
She was truly, terribly alone.
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