#Cat Nap Expert
dazzlesizzle · 2 months
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Check out the new product Cat Nap Expert
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sh1-n0bu · 8 months
𝔫𝔬𝔟𝔲’𝔰 𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔣 2023!
day 12: somnophilia with jing yuan from hsr
warnings: somnophilia, they consented beforehand, wait would it also count as cnc??? nipple stimulation, handjob
notes: i think my favoritism towards hsr is showing
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‘dozing general’
what a truly fitting nickname for your lover as he continues to sleep peacefully in the comfort of your shared bed. well, not entirely peacefully as he lets out whines and soft moans of your name in his sleep, rubbing his thighs together as his tip leaks precum, smearing it all over his sleeping gown.
he seems to be having a wet dream. from the sounds he was producing as he desperately tries to hump the air. whining when nothing touches his cock to help him relieve himself from the lustful dreams of his.
you two have talked beforehand. due to his workload, whenever he falls asleep, jing yuan tends to sleep like the dead. whether it be a simple nap or a full on deep sleep. and of course, he can’t always be energetic to get himself fucked stupid.
so he brought up the concept of somnophilia. perverted as always as he eagerly consented to being touched in his sleep. allowing you to use his cock or hole or even his large chest however you please to relieve the both of yours’ stress. perhaps this time, you should put the consented perverted action to the test and see how he fairs.
hugging him just a little bit tighter from behind — he always insists on being the small spoon when cuddling — you slowly push a leg between his own. easing his tightly shut thighs open, your leg hooked inside his to keep his own two legs open.
a hand coming around to wrap him in a hug. but that was just a guise before your fingers tease his pretty pink nipples, rolling and pinching the soft buds gently between your thumb and middle as your forefinger messes with his hardening bud. jing yuan let out a louder moan in his sleep at that. hips bucking back in whatever wet dream he may be having.
placing soft kisses to the back of his neck, you continue to torment his nipple, feeling the usually soft bud turn hard and perky under your expert fingers. jing yuan could only whine and whimper in his sleep. sometimes letting out moans whenever you would pinch just a little bit too hard or pull at his nipple.
slowly your other makes it’s way down. pulling apart at the slit of his usual sleeping gown to reveal his muscular thighs. thighs that are already covered in old bite marks and bruises from your lovemaking a few days back. you may or may not have become a bit too harsh on him.
as an apology to that, your hand gently gropes and squeezes at his thigh without shame. easing your hand up and up, on his upper thigh until your hand slips deeper into his v-line, fingers touching his happy trail.
or maybe it was to make him whine louder, almost mewling, as he tries to make your hand finally touch his aching dick. he was already so hard and leaking pre all over his sleeping gown, making him almost sob from frustration in his sleep. whatever wet dream he may be having, he seems to have forgotten. proven by how his still slumbering body was craving and chasing your touch.
finally, finally, your hand comes to wrap around his shaft, making his hips buckle. a soft moan of relief is heard as he tries to fuck himself into the tight enclosure of your fist. he sounded so pathetic. needy whines, soft mewls and moans of your name falling from his lips as he pants heavily, slight drool already slipping past his open mouth.
rubbing your thumb over his weeping slit, you smear his pre all over his tip. of course, that wasn’t enough to be a lube to properly fuck his painfully erect cock. if you were to let go of him to get a lube from the nightstand, jing yuan would probably wake up. and you didn’t wanted to wake him up. you wanted him to continue to have his much needed rest while providing him pleasure.
with a reluctant sigh, you let go of his cock, making your sleepy lover whine loudly, brokenly like a sad cat being denied of their favorite treat. in a sense, he was.
gently shushing his sleepy whining, you spit all over your hand, making sure that there was a hefty amount. enough to at least work as a makeshift lube for now and to not hurt him.
taking his neglected dick in your hand again, you slowly move your fist. jing yuan lets out happy sounding moans in his slumber, weakly bucking his hips to little to no avail due to his sleepy nature and exhausted body.
peppering kisses and leaving lovebites on his exposed neck, pulling and twisting his poor abused nipple between your fingers as you continue to fuck his sensitive angry red cock into your tight fist — you absolutely reveled in the sheer power you hold over your lover. jing yuan may be the general of the xianzhou luofu but when in the safe space of your shared home, he would gladly turn himself into your toy.
unable to control yourself, you leave a bite to the sensitive crook of his neck. one that made his cock twitch in your hand before cumming over your fingers, soiling your skin with his thick, creamy seeds.
“b-beloved… do that again…” jing yuan calls out, words slurry and eyes heavy with sleep as he slyly smiles at you.
this cheeky bastard. he had been awake all along!
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otto-s-alskling · 3 months
John Price X Reader
Fluff. Just. Freaking cotton ball fluff.
Captain John Price was never one to go aggressively court a lady, no no. He's too old fashioned for that Gen Z energy. But he definitely is one for the long game. Always praising you casually with "Nice job" and "Well done" and "Couldn't have done it without ya." Which slowly evolved to "That's great, sweetheart" to more questionable ones like "Nice one, Lovie." It lowkey made you wonder how many endearments can one man use before he uses "that phrase."
It was hard to know when really. It was a slow night at the office and Price was busy with the last of the paperworks. Of course, the little sweetheart that you are, you stayed behind as well and brought him coffee.
"Hi, Cap... Thought you'd want a bit of coffee for a lil pick-me-up?"
Price smiled at the sweet gesture, immediately putting out the cigar that he had and waving away the smoke that linger.
"Thanks, Lovie. Can you put it here?"
You nodded and approached his desk, putting the cup of coffee (black with just a bare hint of sugar to cut the full bitterness) when he gestured for you to come closer a bit. I complied, glancing at the files that he needed a bit of help with, some french files that needed translation. Being the linguistics expert, you immediately moved to his side.
You were looking down on the papers to try to read it when his hand landed on your waist, making you sit on the armrest of his chair as you translate the papers for him. That's how you worked that night, sitting on the armrest with his arm around your waist on the last one hour you two are there, his thumb drawing circles on your waist as you diligently translate the papers on his tablet there.
This became a routine until one night he just straight up pulled you into his lap when he was extremely tired, using your back and shoulder as his pillow and his arms are wrapped around your waist tightly. You let the poor Captain be, your heart unable to say no, not when he asked oh so nicely to use you as a pillow for a bit. So he snoozed as you sat on his lap, trying not to think too much of it as you worked on the tablet. You did suggest him sleeping in the couch on his office but he didn't want that because that meant not being close to you. He doubted that you'd want to let him cuddle you at that stage anyway, so he was fine with this.
Thus the new addition to your routine. He'd get you on his lap at wee hours at night, both of you working, sometimes him napping, and that's basically it... For now anyways. It got a few eyebrows raised, especially to Gaz who's curious on how slow can a slow burn be. And you never get up from his lap either unless he had to actively talk with the other person on the room. You just stay on his lap, perched like a pretty little cat as you type and whoever was delivering some paperwork to Price would see it and you just... Don't seem to care, especially when Price tightens his hold whenever anyone arrive.
Then came a time when YOU were the one exhausted and against better judgement, fell asleep on his lap, curled up on him upon his insistence. This one really takes the cake because some Taskforce members, Gaz, Soap and Ghost had to be there for a small discussion and had to awkwardly talk in hushed voices because Price refused to wake you up and maybe convince you to go to bed. No, no, that would mean you'd be far away from him and he wants you to get used to being with him all the time. Gaz fought a snicker halfway into the discussion when you nuzzled closer to Price and he blushed. The man himself blushed and you had no clue it was happening.
Lowkey, it was entertaining and kind of weird to see, the three members choosing to face each other instead so they wouldn't have to get caught up in trying to stare at you and him and wonder if you're even aware of the Captain's feelings or if you're just going with the flow with him.
Things did suddenly change when the team got back from a hard mission and Price immediately looked for you after getting rid of his gear. He found you in his office, doing some filing. After locking the door, he just pulled you into his arms and laid down on the couch with you with a soft gruff "Come here please". You looked at him as he held onto you, his head on your chest, before slowly hugging him back, running your fingers through his hair as his ragged breaths changed slowly and he relaxed, the tension leaving him as you gently played with his hair.
It felt intimate and reassuring to him, and he just stayed there, using you as a pillow as he tried to forget and let go whatever it was that happened on the field. For the first time, you two actually cuddled and fell asleep together, the exhaustion claiming Price fast while you slowly dozed off after watching him sleep for some time.
After a few hours, he stirred awake. Price knew that this is wrong. That he is your superior and that he shouldn't even be looking at you like this but how can he not when you looked so sweet sleeping underneath him? He couldn't help but smile, couldn't help but plant a soft kiss on your cheek before going back to sleep again and hope you wouldn't mind the surprisingly high amount of comfort that he's getting just from holding you close like this.
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This man has me on a chokehold and I've watched too many shows and movies with him in it. #shameless
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riririnnnn · 1 month
Disclaimer: This piece of writing isn't supposed to be looked through the lenses of a cat expert. Everything is just for fun.
Cat Lock! Blue Lock characters as Cats!
-> Michael Kaiser
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❍ You found him in a dumpster. I don't make the rules, it's canon—trust me, Kaneshiro-san himself told me.
❍ High maintenance. Doesn't eat low quality cat food, but will munch the leftovers from your plate as if it were the last meal he is having.
❍ Will hiss at anyone who isn't you.
❍ Will not allow anyone to touch him except you.
❍ Glares at you when you smell like any other cat.
❍ Your lap? No, it's his lap since the day he first touched them with his paws. He has claimed it for himself and even Gods can't change his mind.
❍ Bites you during minor inconveniences, but at the end of the day, he always leaves his bed to sleep on your fucking face.
❍ Very photogenic.
❍ Headbutts to ask for head pats and looks at you as if they are his birth rights. (They are.)
-> Mikage Reo
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⊂⊃ Pathetic wet cat. Very pathetic (affectionate).
⊂⊃ Whines a lot.
⊂⊃ You smell like some other cat? Whines. You smell like someone else? Whines. You came one minute extra late from your work? WHINES.
⊂⊃ Will collect coins or any circular coin-like thing and proudly gives them to you.
⊂⊃ Cuddling 24/7. Will knead biscuits on your cheeks.
⊂⊃ Will lick your face 24/7.
⊂⊃ Stays by the door and whines, "Meow? Meow?" for a good 10 minutes after you go outside and leave him alone.
⊂⊃ Will not appreciate you bringing a lover home 'cause that way, you don't give him attention 24/7.
⊂⊃ Will get in between of you and your lover's cuddling time.
-> Kurona Ranze
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⛧ tiny.
⛧ Sharp teeth and claws.
⛧ Nibbles on your fingers daily. Don't worry, he is very careful.
⛧ However, if you fake hurt, he'll stop immediately.
⛧ Then will look at you with a sorry expression and give little licks on the bite marks. Will also bring his favourite plush toy and give it to you as an apology.
⛧ Loves your warmth and wants to stay nestled against your chest.
⛧ Patiently waits for you to get back home and always greets you at the door with a small, "Meow~"
⛧ Never refuses your head pats.
⛧ Loves to watch TV with you, especially those TV shows related to Sharks.
-> Bachira Meguru
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ღ Very energetic.
ღ Doesn't understand human furnitures much, so he bonks himself into them during his zoomies.
ღ Doesn't understand the concept of personal space. Will barge into the bathroom while you try to take a dump.
ღ Will try to slurp your bathwater.
ღ Treats! Treats! Treats!
ღ Snuggles up at the crook of your neck to take a nap.
ღ Will proudly bring bugs, lizards, mice and some snakes to you as a gift.
ღ Wakes you up in the morning by jumping all over you and licking your face.
ღ Will try to feed you his cat treats and cat food.
Hope everything is in character.
Might make more for other characters.
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jamesisasimp · 2 months
Marauders men as cats
soft little prince
aloof boi
do not pick up or will scream
will forcefully burrow into your arms at three a.m. and demand cuddles tho
likes one brand of food and one brand only and the occasional saucer of milk
sassy bitch
will attack ankles
has sensitive ears
the sweetest man
but for the love of god get this bitch a cat wheel he loves to ruuuuun
if you leave the room he'll follow you
lays on your keyboard when you're trying to work
plays fetch despite being a cat
snuggle sess at least once an hour
will sit in the window and observe neighborhood tea
tired boi
snuggly boi
the best boi
he's usually sleeping in one of his favorite cozy, quiet spots
but will come out to make biscuits on you while you read
likes to watch tv
and have licks of ice cream
if you bought him a baby sling, he would stay in it and nap on your chest
super chill
do not pet after a bathing session
do not
only likes those cat treats that come in a tube
will steal your hairties and hoard them under the dresser
it's his collection
hides under blankets during storms
sings at the top of his lungs while you're sleeping
refuses to wake up until after 10 a.m.
brings you dead things and stolen artifacts directly to your bed
a gentleman
but will occasionally knock your shit off the counter while making eye contact
he likes smol bites of watermelon
and bird watching
if a bug or mouse is in the house, will hunt and murder with expert precision
feral bitch
literal agent of chaos
biites after giving kisses
fights his own reflection
will attempt to eat anything
actually very smart but refuses to use a single braincell
will watch you shower (perv)
talks a big game, couldn't harm a fly
he's tried
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ohimsummer · 5 months
sashisu general hcs.ᐟ
— minors dni bc there’s nsfw/suggestive mixed in with these, sashisu x fem! reader, random hcs, reader has a septum piercing, horny gojo (derogatory), mentions of drugs, this got way longer than expected bc i was going a little insane
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⟡ prepare to have your space invaded at every turn. gojo is a serial offender, he has to be touching you every time you're around because how else will you know he's super totally infafuated with your being if he's not laying over you like a cat.
⟡ arm around your shoulder, hands on your waist, chin on your shoulder with a cheek against yours, hugging you from behind. in your bubble all the time but hates when you call him clingy
⟡ says your lap is the best pillow and he will pout if you don't let him nap there. just say yes, it'll be easier on everyone. sleepy satoru can get very grumpy.
⟡ anyway, geto also likes invading your space but of course in a more subtle way. letting an elbow or knee rest against yours. if he’s sitting next to you, he likes to rest a chin in the hand nearest you just so he can lean a bit closer
⟡ lowkey they’re jealous because shoko gets Girl Bestfriend Privileges so she doesn’t have to try as hard to disguise some interactions as something platonic. she can lay her head in your lap or give you a big, tight hug or play with your hair and you just see it as things girl bsfs do with eachother.
⟡ gojo is….obsessed with your piercing. you catch him staring at it sometimes with a slight hint of red on his cheeks. he feels the same way about your septum as he does about geto’s snake bites + gauges (horny)
⟡ eavesdropped on a conversation you had with geto about getting the same piercing or an industrial and the visualization of you with snake bites made him so flustered gojo had to leave the (next) room
⟡ you have a matching tattoo with geto, an inside joke between the two of you inked on both your ankles. you and shoko were joking about getting matching tattoos the week before and in those 7 days, he smooth talked you into getting one with him first
⟡ sharing your sweets with gojo is second nature. you’ve gotten so used to him holding out a hand for your snacks, that now you’re offering him half before he can even ask.
⟡ it warms his heart, how you just automatically hold half your pastry or candy bar out for him to take. the fact that you think of him every time, even if it’s mostly because he was so annoying about it initially.
⟡ his heart skips when you guys meet up and you hand him half a bag of candy. ‘here, satoru, i saved these for you.’ now he can’t focus, he’s thinking about taking your hand in marriage <3 starts bragging to shoko and geto that you love him more.
⟡ you could stay up with suguru all night. in your apartment, their apartment, or on a call. he’s so easy to talk to, an expert at lighthearted debate or keeping the conversation flowing.
⟡ he also just loves loves hearing you talk. reassures you that your rambling is fine, tells you to keep going, he’s listening the entire time and he also remembers everything you say.
⟡ so when you mumble ‘i’m thinking of adding some more decor to my apartment, maybe some cute succulents or a different theme in general’ one night while half asleep and then he shows up from a mission a couple days later with a tiny succulent cactus in his hand, do not be surprised.
⟡ trips with them are never easy to plan. and the places gojo recommends almost make your eyes bug out, it’d take you years to afford a vacation like that…utter nonsense in his eyes, he’ll gladly pay for you, now pack your bags!
⟡ they like coming over to your apartment to chill because (again) they love being in your space. shoko has a literal spare key to your apartment, gojo has his own spare key (it’s called a lock pick). geto will usually just come over when you’re home. he’ll resort to picking your lock before he asks shoko for the spare because she makes them both beg for it </3
⟡ so sometimes you come home and it’s any or all of them. whether or not you get a heads up is totally random. shoko or geto will ask if they can come over, or (if you’re expecting them) just text they’re on the way.
⟡ a heads up from satoru is basically nonexistent, you just come home and he’s in your living room. has your snacks in hand and is wearing one of he or suguru’s t-shirts they left behind. placates you by shoving snacks in your mouth and distracting you with the movie he’s playing (your fav) or a TikTok he wants to show you
⟡ it’ll be something cute that he knows you’ll latch on to immediately. a pair of cuddling kittens colored the same as your hair and he goes “look this reminded me of us” so now your face is warm and you’re cheesing goin “awwww!” he's so cute
⟡ it’s a running joke that you and shoko are married and she is your wife. she gets sooo smug towards geto and gojo when you playfully talk about the “marriage”, especially if one of them just said something rude to her.
⟡ “umm, satoru, don’t you dare talk to my wife like that!” and when he points out you two aren’t even actually married: “i’ll have you know we’ve been married for decades, and I refuse to let you treat the woman I love like that! Now shut up.”
⟡ shoko doesn’t usually like to share you with them if she doesn't have to but the thought of letting suguru be your “husband” and pissing off satoru was too funny to pass up. so geto very kindly asked for your other hand in marriage and now you have both a husband and a wife and gojo is the dog (according to them)
⟡ which he absolutely didn’t accept, and the next day he was demanding an annulment of your recent hitching. shoko was bad enough but suguru? you spilled the news and his jaw clenched immediately LOL
⟡ approaches you with a bouquet of flowers (that kept making you sneeze) the next day and a very pretty, very expensive ring. brags that he’d buy anything for his now wife and shushes you when you ask about the price (shoko told you later it was in the triple digits)
⟡ it’s a pretty, dainty little ring, has your initials on it, even. you wonder how he got it custom made in less than 24 hrs (the truth is gojo already had it hidden in his room and was too shy to give it to you). you wear it all the time because it’s genuinely beautiful and gojo smiles whenever he notices it on your finger.
⟡ it’s of course not a real wedding/engagement ring but…he thought about it. gojo definitely thought about it. anyways now you have two husbands and a wife but shoko is sure to remind them that she was your first love
⟡ on a related note, you do bully utahime about it. (“keep your hands off my wife, she doesn’t have time for a side piece/mistress”)
⟡ geto smokes on chill nights where you four are just hanging out, and you got high off his secondhand smoke once. it was an accident, but you actually liked how it felt, now he lets you smoke with him sometimes so you can build a tolerance.
⟡ another down bad satoru moment,,,watching geto take a hit and breathing out the smoke for you to inhale…geto totally out of it, head back, legs spread, and you giggling and cuddled up under his arm…god help him
⟡ gojo doesn’t really get high but he’ll sit on your other side and sometimes you sort of cling to him and zone out, his arm around your shoulders with your head lolled back on it. bricked the entire time, geto knows his red face isn’t because of the smoke
⟡ geto went to use the bathroom once so you turned your attention to gojo, legs over one of his and rubbing a hand over his chest as you were tucked under his arm. he almost imploded, shoko took a video and was smirking the entire time.
⟡ on walks, it’s you and shoko in front and the boys behind you, bickering or horsing around. you like to make a game out of taking obvious peeks at them and then whispering to shoko to get a reaction (gojo being very nosy and thinking you two are gossiping about them)
⟡ you probably borrow suguru’s clothes most just because he’s so lowkey about it. he’s the most observant of the three and if he sees you shivering or just wanting to cover up a little more, he’ll slide his jacket over to you. insists that you keep it, the only way he’ll get it back is if gojo takes it from you and replaces it with his own (definitely not out of jealousy)
⟡ they also steal borrow stuff of yours. gojo likes to wear your hats, his favorite is your pink beanie on cold days. you and shoko swap various clothes regularly ("is that my jacket? i've been wondering where it went for months.")
⟡ if a plush on your bed has went missing then suguru is the likely offender. takes one at a time, maybe two if he really likes it. he just likes to have a piece of you at their place.
⟡ he's waving goodbye on his way out the door and totally ignores you when you question why your stuffed bear is under his arm. laughs all the way down the hall when you call his name.
⟡ names it too. you're over at their apartment and spot said bear on the couch, ask about it, they've given it a random name. geto making jokes about it being your adopted son, laughs when you cover his mouth with a hand because you don't also need gojo stealing your plushies.
⟡ both boys like just throwing you over their shoulders like some kind of ragdoll. gojo will spin you around while you're squealing and laughing for him to stop. gets you both dizzy and then geto and shoko have to hold you both steady (or geto just lets him collapse on the ground)
⟡ sometimes you neglect your health and don't get enough sleep and in that case mother suguru will toss you over his shoulder and take you straight to bed. you're getting rest whether you like it or not.
⟡ gojo pinches you on the cheek before bed whenever one of you is falling asleep around eachother. geto too if he wants to get punched.
⟡ he asks you to do his dirty work for him and if you oblige then suguru scrunches his face and gives you the most unamused look and also bites you on the shoulder so...carry on at your own risk :3
⟡ if you pester either of them enough they'll wrap their arms around you in a bear hug (usually pinning your own arms to your side) and hover you in the air so the other can subject you to tickle torture. shoko's next if she tries to save you. rip, sawry <3
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tagz: @anthoosies @hellkaiserinphoenix @staryukis :3c
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crazyforbarbatos · 1 year
Obey Me! Brothers take care of their baby while you’re away
Warning: possible heart attack from cuteness
Y/C/N = Your Child’s Name
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you know, his baby was pretty well behaved
but was pretty restless after you left
a day without you was lonely
not just for your baby but him as well
you just always knew what to say and do
“I know you’re not going to want to sit with me at my desk for hours, so let’s go find something that you’ll like.”
honestly he would try different things to see what your baby seemed to enjoy
cats? anime? reading? sleeping? different foods? money? shopping?
he was a bit prideful when his baby seemed to relax when he put on some music on his record player
“A fellow Mozart enthusiast? Excellent taste.”
he also realized that his darling child also really adored Cerberus
and Cerberus really was fond of Y/C/N, even lifting them up when they stumbled over
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it was never a fun time when you had to go somewhere
it wasn’t that your baby didn’t like him, it wasn’t that
just why do you have to go? can’t you take them?
they miss you, come back
like father like baby
but the credit card teether seemed to calm them down fine
honestly Mammon would try to find something to keep them busy for the day
“Why don’t we make something for mama/papa?”
and just like that, the two would spend the day finger painting or coloring with crayons
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Luckily he was prepared for this
not to mention he’s played lots of games where you had to take care of a baby
not to mention your whole theme for this baby was them being your player 3
he would have a box of toys in his room for his baby
he always made sure that his prized collectables were no way in reach or had the possibilities of falling
He would pull up a nice game like mario or sonic and set them on his lap
he would give them their tiny baby controller and he’d have his
“You’re the expert, Y/C/N, ready?”
he’d be watching their tiny fingers hit buttons and would play accordingly to his baby’s playstyle so they’d think they were really playing
but he’d also help them win
“Woah, Y/C/N! You’ve beaten my highest score!”
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honestly you going out gave him the opportunity to take his baby out of a father-baby day
he would have his baby carrier strapped to his front and he’d be carrying a diaper bag full of everything that was surely needed
he even had a guide to babies for dummies daddies
he knew what he was doing, but just in case
he would take his baby to a cat café and then to a local library where he could a picture book about cats softly
“Which kitty do you like best Y/C/N?”
he might even been conned into getting a kitten for your child
as if he could resist the hopeful eyes and charming smile
“Y/C/N, do you wanna go prank Lucifer after this?”
he would only get a devilish giggle from his child, but he knew that it was a yes
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his child was in need of the latest fashion
and frankly so was he
“You’re the best dressed in the whole world, Y/C/N-besides me of course.”
he would even ask his child what shade of certain makeup he would think fit him for the day
honestly this trip would be a great way for people to see him
and lord does he love the attention
and luckily for him, his child did too
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Beel would be on a mission to make sure that his little one was entertained while you were gone
breakfast together and then it was off to say hello to the other uncles
he got a baby book from Satan who he’d asked to get for Y/C/N
he asked Levi to sew Y/C/N’s favorite teddy back up after being used as a teether
a brief nap with Uncle Bels was needed as they had a long day yet
he would take them to the park so they could play on the swing or go down the slide
he would be grateful to Mammon when he agreed to come along
“Y/C/N? Want some ice cream?”
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he would feed his baby and change them if need be
he’d change them into their little cow onesie & wear a matching one himself
and then it was off to have a bit of a rock in the comfy rocking chair
if they were lucky, they’d sleep right there and wait for you to get home
if his baby was as restless as you, he would sing to them softly and cuddle them in your shared bed in the attic
when you’d get home, you’d find both of them snuggling together on your pillow
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littleether21 · 8 months
Miguel O'Hara Caregiver Headcanons!! (COMPLETELY SFW)
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Nervous man, very nervous because he's always a little afraid he's gonna screw up. But he's surprisingly good at being a CG!!
He actually sees it as a huge stress reliever to take care of someone like this. He doesn't have to worry about the multiverse when he's taking care of his little, he just has to take care of them.
He has always had that protective/paternal instinct. He is basically like a cat to his little--he will come along and pick them up by the scruff of their neck to get them out of trouble
Very good with toddler and older kiddo regressors, though he's not against littles who go younger than that
Most common nicknames for his littles are gonna be "bebita/o" or "Príncipe/Princessa"
A little more on the strict side. Has a few easy rules in place and he is very fair with any punishments he gives
Has a nice little routine for both him and his little. That way neither of them gets bored and they don't have to worry about unexpected things happening--it makes him feel better knowing what's ahead.
Carries a little care bag with him that has snacks, drinks, some fidget toys, and a kid's tablet whenever the two of them go out just in case.
Likes cooking with his little!! Lets them try the ingredients(when safe) and of course allows them to stir and mix stuff. He prefers handling any sharp things or the stove.
CHAMPION of naptimes. He knows how to make the atmosphere calming enough for his little one want to go down for a nap, he knows the best sensory videos to put on, and YES--this man will lie down too and cuddle until his little falls asleep. He's an expert. (He is also prone to napping with them because he's that good)
Has a swear jar in place. Not for his little--though he'd consider it if they slipped up often enough--but for him. Every time he cusses on accident around his little he has to put a dollar in. When the jar is full, the little gets to pick out a thing they want to buy
Really good at pretend play games!!! Give him a plot and he'll go right along with it
Loves watching his little get all excited about a movie or cartoon. Actually pays attention to what it is, what it's about, so that way he can understand what they're talking about
Doesn't always get the opportunity to spoil his little but when he does it's well thought out and personalized for them!
If ever his little starts slipping and he's not around Lyla will babysit a little bit until Miguel shows up :3 and she's very good at that!! (I'm gonna do a whole post about her tbh)
Miguel isn't perfect though, sometimes he lets his emotions get the better of him especially if it was a rough day at HQ. He might raise his voice or slam something, but it's never on purpose to scare his little.
If he does screw up, he feels terrible. Lyla sometimes takes over caring for them so Miguel can get himself in check, and then he'll very calmly get on the Little's level and apologize for how he acted. He never means to upset them in any way.
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dovand · 6 months
i am as always thinking about 14 and the nobles... specifically 14 & shaun. CRIMINAL lack of 14 & shaun content . excuse me that is my emotional support deranged lovers-in-law prongs of a queerplatonic throuple V. that is my little scrinkly wet cat and his chill saint bernard friend. that is my symbiotic relationship weirdos who sleep back-to-back to 14 can a) leech his body heat b) cuddle donna c) not fall off the bed. that is my favourite “both wake up early but one of them is being clung to like they are a teddy bear and it is Not Shaun, who is making ‘too bad’ faces at 14 and tiptoeing away” dynamic.
(14 either ends up dozing again after he wakes up early or just lays there curled up thinking—but, either way, when shaun shows up with breakfast in bed every sunday, he is treated to the beautiful sight of the two huge autism creature eyes peering up at him from behind the most bedraggled mop of hair ever seen. whether there are any thoughts behind those eyes depends on whether their owner has been napping or Pondering)
(yes this is all made up in my head!!! yes i am dismayed by there only being FOUR FICS (4!!) using it as a tag and none of them (afaict) doing it in a qpr way. where is my deranged weirdplatonic polycule!!!)
further insanity under the cut pleasseee please please read. please i need to be insane about this with people
(also btw this post is about queerplatonic doctordonna, doctordonna shippers i love you and you are welcome to contribute but it is a Little squicky for me so if tag ur additions (so i have a heads-up) that would be so lovely and i would adore you forever <3)
shaun likes listening to people ramble and 14 likes rambling so it is a regular occurrence to find the two of them like. standing in the kitchen holding cups of tea except one of them is actually drinking the tea and one of them is talking too rapidly about equivalent exchange to remember to blink, let alone have a sip of earl gray that has veered violently past lukewarm and is headed straight for room temperature
if 14 is in a not-wordy mood tho… thru shaun’s expert tutelage he has mastered the art of the Dad Nod. he passes shaun in the hall and gives him a little nod. shaun gives him one back. 0 words are spoken but they understand each other on a deeper level than if there had been.
they go on a Family Outing to a thrift store. rose and donna disappear to the dressier sections. shaun creeps along the racks of trousers, solemnly comparing seemingly identical pairs of jeans. 14 follows him and stares for a while, then silently hands him a loudly patterned pair of shorts. shaun takes them without question and adds them to his basket & sylvia loses her mind just a little bit when she sees him wearing them
(^ this inspired by going thrifting w my friend and looking @ everything and then finding her dad looking thru the racks of shorts comparing two beige ones, and my friend handing him a pair of pink shorts with penguins on and him buying them. because he has some . i think plaid shorts? at home and when he wore them his wife said he looked gay. so he’s trying to do it More) (it's an incredible family dynamic there. i have no idea what is going on)
god jesus. 14 learns how to cook so he can be the housething (as opposed to housewife or househusband. he is just a weirdgenderthing. little creature). someone buys him a nice apron and he wears it with so much delight. chases everyone else out of the kitchen so he can concoct something lovely. runs out into the garden to stick something into an oven in the tardis kitchen because “i am not working with enough ovens, here, people!”. organises the pantry and gets this crazed look if anyone tries to stop him. “how will i know where things a—” “it will be LABELLED.” brandishes a label maker that DEFINITELY is not from modern-day earth given that it seems to take dictation as input and can print in colour and has not needed a refill of paper even though he has extensively labelled EVERY PLASTIC BOX of stuff in the pantry
sometimes he gets into Moods where he needs to solve a problem before it makes his head explode and that used to be a like. tinkering in the tardis thing. where he’d have himself and whatever poor companion he was with just floating in the time vortex for a week while he tries to make this bit of the tardis do what he wants it to. now it’s a day or two spent almost entirely in the kitchen trying to find the scientifically optimal method by which to make meringues. he starts gesturing dramatically with a spatula forgetting it is not a sonic screwdriver. makes a sonic spatula. realises he doesn’t often need to like. scan a pancake for malware. sadly puts the sonic spatula away
he is absolutely a nightmare to watch movies with btw bc a) can’t sit still b) so tall. either he is bouncing his leg and shaking the whole couch or he is stretched out across the entire sofa. no in between. donna buys a thick rug so he can just lay on the floor. the rug is TOO comfortable and he starts just spending time laying on the floor which would be fine if he thought to turn the lights on because people keep almost stepping on him while he’s having 4am Floor Time (on the nights he's not drooling all over donna's pillow)
if anyone else has thoughts about Them PLEASe share i will love you so much and forever. doctor~donna/shaun weirdcule is the only thing in my head
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whorangi1104 · 5 months
Ghost AU: Frozen Hearts and Electric Souls
Chapter 1: FNG
Ghost observed the Scot chatting with Garrick from across the room. He noted how his mohawk seemed to crackle with light - maybe some sort of energy gift - and the glint in his bright blue eyes, possibly trouble, especially since he was a demolitions expert. He’d have to trust Price on his judgment for this one. He watched as he introduced himself to the team, striking up conversations easily, until his eyes finally landed on Ghost.
“Name’s John Mactavish. They call me Soap.” said the Scot with a smile and a slight accent, extending a hand.
“Lieutenant Ghost.” He responded and shook Soap’s outstretched hand briefly.
“Nice mask. Fits yer name.”
“Suppose so.”
“See ye around then, LT.” Soap said as he walked away to be given his room by price.
Ghost took a mental note to look into the Scot’s file sometime.
As Soap walked to his new room in the barracks, he noticed it was next to the one marked “Lt. Simon “Ghost” Riley”. Maybe he could try to crack his lieutenant’s cold exterior over time. As he pushed open the door to his own room, He put down his duffel bag and carrier on the floor and saw a simple setup with a bed, dresser, a desk in front of a window, and a few shelves along the walls. After closing the door, he opened the carrier door and watched as a streak of yellow and black fur flashed around the room once and settled on his shoulder, licking his face.
“Hey buddy, been pent up too long?” He stroked the cheetah cub’s head, static crackling at the touch. Of course, it wasn’t really a cub, he had no idea how old his prowler was, as there had never been a way to track their age since they seemed to shift however they wanted. Soap fed him a few pieces of dried beef from his bag before flopping on the bed and pulling out his sketchbook and started outlining the view from outside his window.
Simon stepped into his room, which was now unfortunately next to the new sergeant’s. It was plain, scarcely decorated and a few stray masks here and there, probably his prowler’s work as he had been away meeting the new recruit.
A cat the color of night with slightly frosted fur and eyes the color of ice came out from under the bed, another mask being dragged in its mouth, to be gently taken by Simon and put on the dresser. As Simon sat down to finish some paperwork, Phantom curled on the bed for a nap, calm, soft breathing, being the only sound in the room.
A while later, a knock sounded on the door, and Ghost paused his work and answered the door to be greeted by Soap with a regal-looking adult male cheetah on a leash. The cheetah had dark eyes like obsidian and a handsome mane running down its back that Ghost wondered if that was what Soap had modeled his mohawk after. 
“Felt like I never got to get in a proper introduction with ye as I did with the rest of the team LT, so maybe ye’d like to be the first to meet my prowler?” said Soap
“...Why is it on a leash? As far as I know, prowlers are loyal to their gifted?” questioned Ghost.
“Aye, but he’s more the energetic type, meetin’ strangers often excite ‘im,” answered Soap.
Ghost sighs quietly and opens the door further to let them in, observing the pair and taking note of the lightning-shaped markings on the cheetah’s wrists.
“So where’s yer prowler? Mine usually likes bein’ in view.”
Ghost looks over at the bed and notices Phantom is gone, and is now observing from one of the shelves, and swiftly leaps onto Ghost’s shoulder when she sees him looking.
“Here. Her name’s Phantom.”
“She seems nice, an’ a way better name than mine. Did I introduce Cheeto?”
Ghost raises an eyebrow, “... you named your cheetah prowler… Cheeto? After something that was named after cheetahs?”
“I thought it was cute, it was supposed to be temporary. Besides, he won’t respond to anything else now.”
Phantom eyed the cheetah with a suspicious look that could rival the way Simon eyed Soap and leaped off onto the desk where the cheetah followed in the form of a cub now, trying to get her to play. 
“What can you do? Your gift?” asked Ghost after they watched the prowlers interact.
“Electricity. Think it’ll work well with the team? Yer ice gifted right?”
A sudden knock interrupted their conversation as Gaz stuck his head inside.
“You two done here? Price is calling us to the debrief room for another mission, better hurry it.
“Aye, be there in a sec. Comin’ LT?”
Ghost nods. “Give me two minutes.”
“Olright, we'll be waitin’ for ye.”
Ghost closes the door after they leave and makes sure Phantom is situated and the masks put away before going to debrief himself.
short chapter since I want to post chapters on Sundays (soapghost Sundays lol) with a chapter a week, and I just started mid week.
also I’m going into this work blind but I’m planning smut and angst.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
GOTHAM CITY SIRENS (generalized canon)
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“Harley-napping” (Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy x Selina Kyle x Fem!Reader)
| Stealing Harley from the Squad and then having a fun night out.
| SFW, mature language, criminal acts (duh), -platonic!reader/though there’s hints of something more with Cat
| You’re a thief, demolitions expert, and have EOD training in this one. Pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic source - Batman: Arkham City video game)
| 1k+ words
| part: one of two (part two)
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When you come to all that’s taking up your vision is green.
“What…the…hell?” You whine. “I didn’t steal from Black Mask again, did I?”
There’s a sound off to your left that makes you freeze but you can’t lift your head enough to see in any direction let alone that one and you groan unhappily.
The grass beneath your head seems to dance while you're forced to wait but you feel no chill. There’s no breeze against the exposed parts of your skin, just the crisp Gotham air.
“Y/n L/n.”
Deep. Feminine. Spoken with a smoothness that screamed of self assurance and superiority.
Your nostrils flare.
“Ivy,” you sigh.
A chuckle.
“Hello, Little thief.”
The dancing grass seems to perk up, listening, before the green blades start to thicken and grow longer. You eye the tendrils wearily as they come up behind you, lifting your lower body and head enough that you can finally watch Ivy standing over you from upside down.
Her face is stern, a haughty eyebrow raised as she looks into your eyes. So as charming as ever.
“I’m in need of your…expertise.”
Her words come out strained like someone’s hysically holding a gun to her head and you bite back what you immediately want to say. She wants your help as if the last time you worked together was all hugs and kisses.
“Which would be what exactly?”
You scrunch up your face, upper lip making a valiant effort to block your nostrils, while shaking your head.
“Nah, I’ve never been anywhere near a bomb before. You got the wrong bitch, sorry,” you shrug.
Now she looks irritated.
“If you’re no demolition expert then why did Cat insist I find you?”
You shrug as best you can upside down
“Don’t know? You tell me-” you abruptly stop shaking your head. “Wait Cat?”
The woman turns her head, ignoring you.
“This is ridiculous.” She looks up at something in the distance. “Why are we wasting precious time kidnapping her again?”
There’s a sigh from the direction she’s addressing and you tense up, the grass near your throat applies pressure to the side of your neck in warning. You grit your teeth, fuck tonight so much. All you wanted when you left your apartment was some damn food, and now you're hungry and tied up.
“Y/n, stop being a smart ass.”
Great. You knew that voice too.
“You know, when you’re out stealing shit I don’t call you by your civilian name.”
A chuckle right next to your ear alongside a puff of breath that makes you shiver.
“And I applaud you for such restraint considering how vocal you can get, but right now I need you to be serious.” She moves, walking till she’s standing over you side by side with an Ivy who’s trying to glare you to death. “Now let’s talk business.”
- - -
“No. Fuck no! Are you fucking crazy?”
Something that suspiciously sounds like a growl leaves Ivy and Selina looks up to the sky.
“Listen-” you cringe at the more demanding press of the plants against your neck. “Just listen, okay? Blackgait’s systems are hard to crack on a good day, but with the Squad out on a mission you know Waller’s on high alert, and I’m not Batman.”
“No. You’re better, or else we would’ve gone to him with some bullshit excuse. Uh uh-” she cuts you off as you open your mouth. “You are, and you’re going to help us get the Clown.”
“What about ‘I’m not Batman’ isn’t clicking?”
Your response makes Selina huff and she goes to answer before Ivy simultaneously cuts her sentence and your breathing off.
“Enough,” she intones.
The vines curl around the entirety of your throat in seconds, meticulously closing off your airway. You gasp, mouth and eyes widening in your shock.
“If you insist on acting guileless I will treat you as such.”
The other women’s voices disappear as your ears start to buzz, blood cut off from them in a dizzying effect. A weak sound squeezes its way past your lips before your body’s meeting the floor and your airways are free enough once more to take gasping breaths.
You cough into the prickly ground, racking heaves that shake your body so much your arms, which have gone numb from your upside down hold, give out. You gasp into the grass, each breath scratching down your trachea as your head pounds away.
It takes you what feels like hours with zero awareness of anything outside of your body to pull yourself to your knees. Everything still has a dull buzz about it, except for your body, that just pulses.
Your hand zips toward your throat.
“Fuck you, Ivy.”
She scoffs at your hoarse tone, turning and walking off.
“Not without Harley’s say so.”
You cough. Sometimes you hated Gotham and all her rampant rogues.
Selina lowers herself beside you and then she’s touching.
“You were supposed to be civil,” she says pointedly.
She tilts your head up and the leather of her gloves is gentle against your face.
“Don’t-” you jerk away. Selina makes an aggravated sound then she’s pulling you more firmly against her, hand resting on the small of your back.
“Let me see, Slick.”
“Mmmph,” you mumble but you let her other hand ease your chin up.
“She’s fine,” Ivy says.
When you glance over at her she’s poking at a particularly ergonomic looking tablet.
“How,” you stop and lick your lips, swallowing in a fruitless attempt to smooth the burn in your throat. “How are you gonna tell me?”
Ivy hefts a sigh and then looks to you.
“You are alive are you not?”
You stare after the woman, eyes widening and jaw clenching with a cock of your head.
“Okay!” Selina cuts in before shooting a look you can’t see over at Ivy. “I can’t believe I’m the mediator here, but let’s all just take it easy.”
“As long as you do it fast.”
You sneer quietly at Ivy’s words.
“This is why I stopped working with you guys.”
“I know,” Selina murmurs, brows pinching together. “Help us out anyway? We’ll all owe you one.”
“I agreed to no such…” another look gets thrown Ivy’s way and she and Selina stare one another down. It takes a few beats of stillness but she eventually scoffs. She looks over your form coolly before sighing. “Fine. One favor if you help us get Harley out safely.”
The two of you lock eyes. Ivy’s are green, and it’s only you remembering the first time you came face to face with them and Harley’s freely thrown out whimsy that gets you to unclench your jaw. Plus, you could do a lot with a favor from one of Gotham's best rogues. Let alone three.
“Fine,” you rasp out.
You look away from Ivy as she nods and shifts her attention back to the tablet. Selina helps you up looking like she wants to touch you again, but stops herself, eyeing you apologetically.
“It’ll bruise but it shouldn’t leave any permanent damage.”
“Lucky me.”
Your head and throat were killing you. Selina gives you another apologetic look before squeezing your forearm and going to collect a duffle bag from a park bench near you all.
You press softly at your throat, wincing some at how sensitive the skin feels. By tomorrow there’ll be mulberry welts circling your neck.
Selina comes and sets the bag down in front of you, bending down to dig through it.
“Now you might be a good thief, but I’m a better one, so I’m in charge of getting Harley.”
You nod. “And you want me to work with…?”
Ivy’s suddenly right in front of you and handing you the tablet. You suck in a sharp breath at her silence then tentatively take the device from her hands. It’s wrapped in a protective case that gives it some heft. You start swiping through it. Hm.
“Are these bomb schematics?”
“Yes, and we’re gonna need you to get two of them out of Harley’s body before Waller or the team notices she’s gone.”
You glance up at her without moving your head up.
“That’s a big ask. Do you even have an approximate time that I’ll have to work with?”
“No,” Ivy quietly admits. “That’s why we got you and not anyone else. We trust you…I trust you.”
You chew on your lip for a second, swiping up at another complicated looking schematic.
“Alright. You let me look over these for a few minutes and then we should be good to go.”
Ivy nods at you before Selina stands and hands you an armful of your stuff. You roll your eyes to the sky.
“You’re horrible. How’d you even get in my apartment?”
She gives a small one shouldered shrug.
“Just because your security systems are Batman proof doesn’t mean they’re me proof, sweetie.”
She winks at you and a smile finds its way onto your face as you put on your gear. Ivy starts speaking.
“Since you’ve got your things, let’s discuss the goal. The Suicide Squad was dropped into their current mission at exactly 10:00 tonight and have been at their destination for under forty minutes…”
As she’s describing the details of the plan to you two plants slowly emerge from the ground and into her hand. She kneads patiently at the leaves, harvesting sludgy and oily substances from the respective plants into her cupped palm.
Still listening to her you pull on your elbow, knee and shin pads. Ivy kneads the plant in her palm with nimble fingers all the while. Quick extraction, take out the bombs, slip away as undetected as possible.
After that, putting on longer black pants over your exercise shorts and pads then lacing up your boots once you’ve kicked off your sneakers is all it takes to get yourself fully ready. Selina stuffs the clothes you discard into the duffel, simultaneously going back and forth with Ivy on her role.
When you’ve got your long sleeve on, gloves slipping on next, and you're dressed in all black you glance up at them both.
“Ready to go?” Selina asks.
You nod and she smiles at you before slinging the bag over her shoulder and moving towards her motorcycle. Ivy comes up to you, feet deaf in the voluminous grass.
“Eat this.”
You look hard at the hand she holds out. There’s a dollop of pale sludgy substance on it, the thing you just watched her harvest up in her palm.
When you continue to stall she cuts her eyes at you.
“I’m sorry, but I find it hard to believe you’re doing something for my benefit.”
“The plants were happy to produce for you. Are you going to make their efforts in vain, or no?”
You kiss your teeth at her dry tone before opening your mouth. She inclines her head and then shoves the mush into it. It’s just about the nastiest shit you’ve ever eaten but you're not exactly operating at 100 so you keep chewing.
“Now, me and Cat will deal with getting Harley out. But while I can handle most of the squad while Selina slips her out without tipping off Waller, someone's got to take care of the crocodile.”
NOTES: After tons of consideration I’ve decided that this’ll be my first post of the new year, so hope you enjoyed!
Btw: Comments would be appreciated if you wanted to leave one! I read all of them, I only don’t respond cause this is a side blog.
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Troublemakers and Pestcatchers
I had just finished saying “Don’t let her claw you,” when the cat’s paw connected with the waving head frills of my crewmate.
“Ow, that’s sharp!” Blip exclaimed, pulling her head back to a safe distance while her brother pointed and laughed. I didn’t see any blood, so that was good.
“I did mention the claws,” I said patiently, adjusting my hold on the barely-a-kitten who was intensely fascinated by all the motion in the hallway. I’d brought her out with harness and leash, taking turns acclimating the cats to more than just my room on the ship. So far they were doing well. Only clawing the really tempting stuff.
“You should know better than that!” Blop said, waggling his own fins from a safe distance. He made broad gestures with both arms, filling the space with muscles and flowy blue silks. “Don’t stick your face next to the tiny predator!”
“It didn’t hurt before!” Blip objected. She folded beefy arms in indignance, stepping farther away when this earned another swipe at her sleeve.
I caught the kitten’s paw and gave it a gentle squeeze. “The claws only stick out when they want them to,” I said. “See?”
The Frillian twins crowded close despite everything, and were quietly impressed. I let up on the squeezing but kept hold of the paw. When the twins stepped back, I stroked the kitten and murmured praises for holding still.
This one was my favorite, not that I would admit such a thing when the plans were clear that I had to find homes for all of them soon. I’d made sure to give them simple names for the most part, since their new humans would likely rename them. While the mom cat was Tapestry and the gray one was Mimi (named after our engineer), the others got names like Cloudy, Classy, and Casserole.
This one was Telly. Short for Teleporter Malfunction. Because she was one of the very few chimera cats I’d met in person: her face was a perfect split between orange with a golden eye, and black with a piercing blue eye. The rest of her fur was a fascinating mix of the two. I’d explained the rarity of embryos fusing in the womb to more than one alien crewmate, but none of them seemed to appreciate the striking beauty. All the cats were weird little predators to them.
“Have you found homes for more yet?” Blop asked. “There’s not many humans at this stop, but maybe at the next?”
I nodded. “I called ahead to put the word out to somebody I know, and I may have a taker for a couple at once at the big station. Soon I won’t have to kitten-proof my quarters anymore.”
“Have they fallen on your face while you sleep?” Blip asked with a grin.
“No,” I said, “Because I put a proper shelf there, instead of just the pipes. And more shelves so they can climb up without knocking anything off the wall.”
Blip nodded. “Wise.”
The intercom binged at that point, with the captain calling me specifically to help load up our next cargo. She didn’t specify why, but we all knew. I was the animal expert. This cargo had hooves.
“Have fun!” Blop said.
“Best of luck!” Blip added.
“Thanks,” I said. “C’mon Telly, back to the room with you.” I took my leave and returned the kitten to her family, most of whom were napping on my bed, then I hurried off to the cargo bay.
It was space goats again. Not the exact same ones, thankfully, since those had been masterful escape artists, but only time would tell if these were just as bad.
At least there’s only three of them, I thought as I joined Captain Sunlight and Mur. It sure would be nice if somebody provided their own livestock carrier, though. Mur was holding three leashes in three different tentacles, looking like a particularly grumpy squid while the captain finished signing for the delivery. The space goats ambled in circles, sticking their long necks in every direction and fondling anything within reach with the field of orange tentacles on their backs. It still looked like fur at a glance, even though I knew better. A very confusing glance.
“It’s a pleasure doing business with you,” said Captain Sunlight with a nod of her scaly yellow face. The delivery person, another Heatseeker with green scales, nodded back and took his leave. “Say hi to the family for me!” Captain Sunlight called after him. He waved. She hit the button to shut the cargo hatch.
It was a bit loud in closing, and the three goats immediately sent up a chorus of whining bleats that echoed through the ship.
Captain Sunlight’s tail drooped. “This is going to be a long trip,” she said. “Let’s get them to the pen. Are the vent covers still in place?”
“Oh yes,” Mur said firmly. “Fused the bars myself. And I checked the camera too.”
“Good,” said the captain.
“Here’s to a trip with no shenanigans,” I said. “Do you want me to carry the supplies?” I gestured to the box of food with a red ball that looked like a dog toy on top.
“I’ll handle those.” Mur thrust the leashes toward me. “You take these. I’m tired of being licked.”
I couldn’t argue that. My reach was longer and so were my legs; these beasties were small bundles of trouble. And of course they didn’t want to go. Not when they could do a maypole tangle of leashes around my legs instead.
“Is that an enrichment toy, by any chance?” I asked, stepping over yet another leash.
Captain Sunlight plucked it off the box and held it out to me. Definitely a dog toy. I held all three leashes tightly in one hand long enough to toss it down the hall. “Hey goats! Fetch!”
Tangled leashes or not, they ran for it. I did my best to keep up, with Mur and Captain Sunlight following behind me, trusting that I knew what I was doing.
I was definitely making some of this up as I went, but they didn’t need to know that. Alien creatures or not, these were still animals, and I knew animals. Reasonably well.
The ball rolled to a stop before we reached the right storage hold, and I managed to hold the goats back long enough to elbow the door-opener button, then kick the ball through. They bounced in eagerly, rebounding off three crates and getting more excited by the second.
While two of them were having a hilarious tentacle slapfight over the ball, and the other was chewing on it, I got the door open to the large clear pen that dominated the room. A nudge of the ball with one shoe was enough to get everybody moving into it. Throwing dignity to the winds, I knelt by the door, holding it mostly shut with one knee, but open enough for my arms to fit through and unhook the leashes. The goats bounced in excitement. None tried to climb my face to freedom, and I shut the door in triumph.
“Success!” I announced to Mur, holding the leashes up.
“Well done,” he said. “You get to put those back on when it’s time to offload them.”
“Ugh,” was all I had to say to that.
Mur chuckled as he stowed the box of food in a low cubby. “You know, the nicer models of that pen come with an airlock.”
“And they cost as much as a new set of thrusters,” said Captain Sunlight from the door. “Good thing we’ve got you to stand at the ready with a capture net instead, right?”
Mur sighed. “I look forward to it.”
The rubber ball thwapped against the wall of the pen, followed by tiny hooves. I turned see that these three had picked up the knack of skating across the anti-climb surface even faster than the last ones had. “Quick learners,” I said.
Mur just sighed again.
“I’ll keep an eye on that camera from the cockpit,” said Captain Sunlight. “Be ready to come running if they pry the bars off or something.���
“They will not,” Mur said, jabbing a tentacle in the direction of the goats, as if they were listening instead of enacting an elaborate low-grav roller derby.
“Here’s hoping,” I said. “Are we ready for takeoff?”
“Just about,” said the captain. “I’m going to check in with Kavlae now. We should be in the air soon.”
She left, and we followed, with the goats having a grand old time behind us. Blip and Blop peered through the open door in curiosity.
“That looks like a handful!” said Blip.
“Who spilled food?” asked Blop.
“What?” Mur demanded, spinning in place.
I spotted the pile of food pellets, right next to the bin Mur had just carried in.
Mur scowled. “That wasn’t leaking a minute ago.” He tentacle-walked over to glare down at the offending bin. Then he made a noise that was probably a swear word. It sounded more like a fart to my Earthling ears, but either way, it was rude in polite society.
And when I got close, I saw why. “Those are toothmarks,” I said.
“Toothmarks that appeared while we were standing here,” Mur said, pulling the box out and opening the lid just a crack. Nothing jumped out. He opened it all the way, then shut it and began looking through the cubbies. “Everybody grab a flashlight, and shut the door,” he instructed.
I hit the button while Blip and Blop hurried to a supply cabinet. “Any guess what we’re looking for? Is this station known for pests?”
Before Mur could answer, Blip called, “No, but they are!” She pointed at the space goats.
Learning something every day, I thought. “What kind?” I asked.
“Little fast things the same color as their backwhips.” Blip held her fingers apart for size. Dinky. “Grabbers for holding on, and they’re really good at chewing through stuff.”
“Great,” I said. “Hey, did we not scan these guys on acceptance?”
Mur shoved a crate aside, punctuating his sentences with effort. “No. Old client. Trusted friend. In a hurry. Gonna scan ‘em in the air. Never had a problem before!”
Blop shone a light into a far corner. “Captain’s gonna have strong words for that friend as soon as she hears.”
“Should we tell her now?” I asked.
“There!” shouted Blip, launching herself fist-first across the room to where something zipped along, an orangeish blur. She dealt the floor a mighty hammerblow with bodyslam to follow, but fell just inches shy. The thing scuttled to the door where it wriggled through a tiny gap that I hadn’t realized was there.
Blip pounded the floor again, then scrambled to the button that Mur was already pressing. Judging by the exclamations and lack of further violence, they didn’t see a trace of it out in the hall.
“Now we tell the captain,” Mur said. “I’ll go. Keep the door shut, and look for more.”
I looked back at the goats. “We should get Eggskin’s medscanner in here right away.”
“On it,” Blip said. She exchanged nods with her brother, then shut the door from outside.
Blop tossed me a flashlight. I caught it and started looking near the doorway. “I’m surprised there’s a gap here,” I said. “Did the door shut on something?” It looked slightly warped.
“There’s a long story to that,” Blop said, head in a cabinet. He stepped back and moved on. “But it can be summarized as ‘Pockap.’”
“Ah. Gotcha.” The former captain of this ship was an endless source of grievances even now. He’d probably wanted to run a power cord into the hall or something, and dented the door on purpose.
“There!” Blop yelled, then did a series of angry stomps the led to nothing more than probably some annoying echoes in the engine room. “Where’d it go?”
“I don’t see it,” I said, moving closer and shining my light around. The goats in the pen were bleating in excitement, but a glance showed them just watching us, which wasn’t helpful. “I’m pretty sure there’s a better way to do this.”
“Like what?” Blop asked.
Before I could explain my bright idea to him, Eggskin arrived with the medscanner that I hadn’t fully learned to use yet. Blip towered over the little Heatseeker, talking a mile a minute about the pests. Eggskin ignored her and went right for the pen, the picture of businesslike efficiency with booger-yellow scales. Eggskin was both the medic and the cook, very levelheaded.
“Hm. It’s a good thing this pen closes with a tighter seal than that door,” they said, nodding toward the entrance without looking away from the screen. “All three of them are carrying multiple external parasites.”
Various exclamations of displeasure filled the air just as Captain Sunlight joined us. “How many?” she asked as the door shut behind her.
“In this pen? Fourteen,” said Eggskin calmly. “Outside, I can’t say.”
“I saw one over there,” Blop rushed to say. “Plus the one the got out.”
“I’m pretty sure I saw it in the lounge as I passed,” said Blip, pointing to the right.
Mur said, “I feel like we would have noticed if any dropped off between here and the cargo bay.”
A distant shriek echoed from the hallway to the left. Paint yelled, “What was that?? There was a thing!”
Mur draped a tentacle over his face. “Or I could be wrong.”
I winced in sympathy, remembering Paint’s phobia of small scuttling things, and tendency to hyperventilate. “Do we have a way of catching these animals that I don’t know about?”
There was a heartbeat of silence, then Blip said “Smashing,” Blop said “Squishing” and Captain Sunlight said “Not a good one.”
“Next question,” I said, turning to Eggskin. “The medscanner has records from when we scanned the cats. Can you tell me if these pests would be toxic for them to eat? Or at least bite?”
There was a lot of conversation at that point, but I ignored most of it while Eggskin tapped buttons on the medscanner. They answered promptly. “Nontoxic. Assuming the cats don’t try to swallow any bones or such, I see no problems.”
“Excellent. Captain!” I turned and stood at attention. “Permission to put my roomful of tiny predators to their time-honored use.”
“With supervision, my permission is granted,” she said. “Just don’t make any new problems.”
“Understood! One room at a time, starting here.”
Captain Sunlight nodded. “Proceed. Everyone else, help by guiding the tiny predators, not by smashing.”
Blip and Blop grumbled, “Understood.”
“I can help narrow things down,” Eggskin said, waving the medscanner.
“I’ll check the camera records to see if I can spot when any jumped off,” Mur volunteered.
“And I’ll inform the rest of the crew,” said Captain Sunlight. “Blip and Blop, you guard the door to prevent any further spread of the problem.”
“On it!”
Everyone split and got to work. I returned to my room and scooped surprised kittens into the carrier with promises of exciting new toys to chase. They didn’t understand me, of course, but that had never stopped me before.
“You too, Mama Kitty,” I said to Tapestry as I lifted her from her nap spot on the bed. She protested sleepily, but there was enough space in the carrier for everyone.
I grabbed a bag of cat treats in case I needed bribes, then carried the awkward load back to the storage hold.
And there, I got to show my alien crewmates why humans had brought cats into their homes in the first place.
“Did you see that jump??” Blip exclaimed. “Right up the wall, then turning to land on its feet!”
“Oh, cats are masters at landing on their feet,” I said proudly.
A squeak and a scuffle behind a crate caught my attention, then Tapestry proudly trotted out with a small orange shape in her mouth. She dropped it in front of two kittens, who watched intensely. It wiggled, and she demonstrated pouncing technique.
They caught on quickly.
They also caught four of the pests in the storage hold, two in the lounge, one in the cargo bay, and five in the kitchen. And they found a pen someone had lost behind a table, batting it out into the open like the best of toys.
I doled out treats every time they caught something (ushering them away from decorations and electronics), and showered them with praise. All the crewmates were appreciative, even the ones like Trrili who had joked that the cats looked like food.
“Mighty predator,” Trrili said to Casserole, holding out the tip of her pincher arm to sniff. “You do your ancestors proud. And I hear you are skilled in attacking your human’s ankles with no warning; well done.”
I smiled. “This one’s a master of stealth, that’s for sure. Did I tell you about their larger cousins that have been known to kill humans by jumping out of trees at them from behind?”
“Magnificent,” said the terrifying bug alien, who was herself fond of jumping out at coworkers for fun.
“That they are,” I agreed.
Eggskin appeared at the doorway with the medscanner and did a sweep of the room. “All clear!” they announced. “I can safely say that every escaped pest on this ship has been dealt with.”
“What about those still on the hosts?” asked Captain Sunlight.
“I’ve administered a repellant to the animals in the holding pen,” Eggskin said. “To great success.”
“Did you need help keeping them from getting out the door?” I asked anxiously. “You could have called me.”
“Oh no, I just threw it in the vent,” Eggskin said. “It’s a gas thing. Perfect for this kind of pen, really, since it didn’t dissipate right away. All the pests loosened their hold, and got shaken off to the floor by some lively dancing by the host animals.”
“It wasn’t bad for them, right?” I asked.
“Not at all. Made for them. This is one of many things I keep on hand for animal cargos.” Eggskin turned to the captain. “We should bill the client for a replacement, by the way.”
“Oh yes,” Captain Sunlight said. “We will definitely be doing that.”
Something rolled past my foot that I recognized as one of Blip and Blop’s favorite shrimp sticks. A two-toned blur of fur tackled it and gnawed with vigor. Out in the hall, I heard Blip enthusing over another cat’s speed. We’d relaxed the “one room at a time” rule now that the whole crew had turned out to watch the kittens.
Telly trotted up to me with the shrimp stick in her mouth, showing off her catch. I scooped her up and gave her scritches, then held the stick for her to chew on.
“You know,” the captain said, “If for some reason it might be hard to find homes for all of them, it might not be a bad thing to have a pest-catcher onboard.”
I smiled. “They’ve certainly served my people well.”
“And they’re cute and fluffy? I understand that is a bonus.”
“Oh, for sure. One of the best.”
“Well then,” Captain Sunlight said. “See that they behave themselves, and who knows what the future holds?”
“I’ll keep a close eye on them,” I said, looking down at the kitten in my arms. It was definitely the shrimp dust, but she kind of winked at me. I winked back. I could see many good times ahead of us.
The ongoing backstory of the main character from this book. More to come!
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soranihimawari · 7 months
1/100th of a Second
Or how a poor college student became the sweetheart off a popular rookie athlete in his debut season…
Warnings: none? Just a meet cute at Noehbi…?
Pairings: Bokuto Kotarō x (fem!)reader
Ratings: reunitedbest friends!->lovers
Based on this image i had commissioned from @/rrabittt
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Love, as scientific experts say, can change the chemistry of your brain. Love, some romantics who write in the genre, say can happen as often as a clap of thunder in the storm. Love, as you know it, walked into the classroom of your fifth grade class and you feel your young heart fall instantly within 1/100th of a second when your eyes meet the most talkative boy in your class.
Sure, for the next four years, until you enter different high schools, you were inseparable. Taking naps, going to support each other’s sporting events, you name it, he was there for every win and you were there for his. It wasn’t until your middle school year was ending that you had to break the news to him up weren’t able to join him in at Fukurodani. He was devastated and he seemed to visibly deflate and poke around his bento.
“But it’s not like I’m going to be too far away, Bo,” you remind him. “You can always watch my games when I start the season in Hyogo. My mom went to Inarizaki too before moving here to Tokyo for university and she met my dad instantly and kicked off their love story…”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same! You’re gonna be 12+ hours away by bus even more so my walking…”
“The scouts saw me out perform everyone on the team this year even if we didn’t make it to the girls’ junior nationals…’m really sorry bokkun.”
That summer, before you packed up and left, you don’t let the fight you two had nearly three hours before you leave with your parents who would drop you off in another city, stop you from marching to his house in the pouring rain. You pounded on his door and when his older sister answered the door, she leans over her shoulder and you don’t wait for her to return with a towel. For once, you put your heart on the line and in true story book fashion, you bully your way into your best friend’s room:
“Bokuto Kotaru!”
He’s never heard you yet at him, but you at 14 years old knew how to get his attention without the yelling. He hit his growth spurt this year and is now at a comfortable height difference for you to reach up, cup his face and humble him with his first kiss being stolen by you.
“You’re insane,” he mumbles.
“Absolutely stark raving mad,” you jest back before hugging him. “Thought you should know I’ve been wanting to do that since we were ten.”
And so, you leave when he wishes you luck in Hyogo.
Almost a full three years later, you’re back in the city that bared and raised you. Tokyo was ever growing, ever expanding. It would be the same across the country in Hyogo. Sure you were a bit timid even in the past, however ever since your parents decided to split, you find yourself back in your hometown.
It's a weird feeling hearing your old friend in your new high school's gymnasium. Apparently, though you were studying at Nohebi (because they were still accepting transfer students right before the year had started), you happened to join a classmate to oversee her boyfriend's volleyball club training. That's when you see a few of the guys clad in ivory. The third team that were invited were a den of cats, and you seem to pick up this was a pre-pre season face off. Noehbi's vice captain nudges one of the others whom your girl friend from class waves toward and you are introduced to Daisho Suguru. His rival, the tall guy in red, still insults him, but you sort of laugh at their banter. However, your attention goes to the third young man clad in the ivory and gray practice uniform. Sure, you haven't seen each other in three years, but you can tell he sort of filled out: chest and torso was worked out on a weekly focus rotation; his legs were covered with compression leggings which only accentuated his...other assets; and oh my god, you realize he's walking toward you.
"Excuse me," you smile at Daisho and his-your-girl friend, and you respond when you know Bokuto's voice has changed to a little raspier one than before. "Bo?"
You both chuckle and you let Daisho make the call to have the first practice match be between Nekoma (red team you found out later) and Nohebi, begins. WInner of that match will square off with one of the five top aces in the year.
Hours later, you're seen walking in the opposite direction of your own home, reconnecting with the boy you stole your first kiss from at 14. You fill him in on your life, even your parents divorce, "so the judge agreed I was old enough to choose who and where I wanted to live, so I came back home...with my dad."
"Cool, but y'know, 'm sorry they split," Bokuto says, holding your hand and giving it a squeeze.
"Me too, but I'm glad they're living their own truths now," you reply, shyly combing a piece of your hair behind your ear. “I’ll be here through the end of our third year. So, I’ll be seeing you more I guess.”
He hums, nodding along. 
“Once an old friend, always an old friend,” Bokuto beams. 
You don’t bring up the time you literally gave him his first kiss, that memory could burn for all you care. Awkward and all, however that was three years ago and as his house comes to view, he asks you something a bit…sweet?
“Want to come in?” 
You, who think nothing of it, agree, stepping across the threshold of the front door you’ve came through so many times. His house is lively with with sisters and even the eldest one now is finally expanding the family. Her sweet smile invites conversation, but thankfully after you had said your greetings, she understands her kid brother more than anyone else. The middle sisters are gushing over the latest sonograms of their eldest sibling while Bokuto chimes in with being named a godparent almost immediately.
“Well, if I make Koutaro a god parent, then,” his expecting sister glances at you. “I’d have to make you one too I guess.”
Your cheeks are burnt sunset orange when Bokuto pulls you away from the kitchen saying something about homework.
“They are as lively as ever…So, your one-san is expecting? That’s something I wasn’t expecting when you told me she was gonna come home for a few months and travel back I think before she gets too far along…You an uncle? That’s also great too,” you ramble a bit. You take an opportunity to see the achievements he made with being the ace for the volleyball clubs since your move, spotting the article framed of him and his near perfect posture for a pipeline spike. 
“Bokuto,” your voice is gentle. “Why did you invite me inside?”
He places his things down at the corner of his bed before sitting on the edge of it.
“Because I missed you way more than I imagined.”
Considering you’re standing by his desk right now, you arch an eyebrow, but you shrug your shoulders. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t write or call,” you confess. “I didn’t have enough time to ask for a computer at the time. I mean, I had tablets, sure, but we didn’t make it a point to trade social media.”
“Come here,” he holds your hand. You listen to him and walk toward him until you’re close enough he hugs you; a hand of yours rustles his hair. You chuckle slightly amused when he nuzzles his cheek against your torso. 
“Affectionate as always,” he hears you say. His eyes light up and he chooses to ask you something a bit bolder. 
“Mind if I do something?”
You shake your head before asking if he’s attempting to flirt with you (again).
“So what if I am,” Bokuto loves it when you tease him a bit. His lips find yours after he guides you to sit on his lap for a bit. There’s a smile you feel post him pecking your lips as he finally decides to take a chance for you both. For the boy who cares and emotes too much to find the person who inspired him to return after some time, having you return his affections meant the world to him.
So when future you had honed your skills in obtaining your degree in public relations, you stand in the press room with the rest of the rookie volleyball players from the Monster Generation, a sparkly stone shines on your finger when just a regular ace answers a question from the press.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Here's the other one! Selective mute lover mc (separately again) who hasn't actually spoken a word to the boyfriend, when the bf has the worst day says "I love you" verbally (Lucifer, diavolo, barbatos and Simeon, ((again if you want beel and Satan((I feel like Satans would be specifically cute since you know he's wrath and going near him when he's ANGRY is dangerous))
Hi, welcome back! I'm doing the same format as before if that's okay. Enjoy!
Mc tells them they love them after a rough day
-> lucifer, barbatos, diavolo, simeon, satan and beelzebub x mc
important: I am no expert on selective mutism, if I mess anything up, let me know
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: drinking in lucifer's part, (mild??) violence and screaming mentions in satan's part
lucifer has had bad days, but never like this
some last minute important paperwork came up, asmo and mammon accidentally destroyed the potions lab, the house has a leak in the bathroom and beel ate the router again, guess who's paying for all the damage
lucifer flopped into his office chair, completely filling up a wine glass
that was when you walked in, the first thing you did was take the alcohol away from him
he felt terrible, drinking is in no way a coping mechanism, he should have known better
just as lucifer was about to apologise, an 'I love you' came out of you
this man is so proud of you, enjoy your week of being spoiled
today was a day filled with meetings with the driest devildom nobles
also there was a lot of paperwork due this same day, plus rad needs a new potions lab since it got destroyed by two clowns who mixed every substance together
in short: the day was filled with stress
when diavolo came home after the 3am meeting, he went straight to bed
the prince didn't even greet barbatos or chance his clothes, just hopped under the sheets right away
you were chilling in the same bed before, though, and jumpscare aside, you could tell diavolo was unhappy
you tried your very best to get over the anxiety and told him you loved him
diavolo carefully held you, you made his night better
barbatos is proud of the flawless work he always manages to do, but today wasn't his day
he accidentally knocked a vase over and burned dinner, making the smoke alarms go off
although diavolo insisted everything is fine, it didn't feel like that for barbatos
the butler was clearly mad at himself for messing so many easy tasks up in the same day
you want him to feel better, so you went over to him to just spend time by his side
and eventually you got the courage to say you love him
it seems like all negativity evaporated from barbatos, he knew you loved him but hearing you verbally say it, he's so proud
'I love you too, dear'
there was a lot of drama going on in the celestial realm for a while, so simeon had to go up there
and when he came back to purgatory hall, he found out solomon had cooked food while luke was taking a nap
simeon acted like everything was okay, but on the inside he was screaming and fighting
hopefully tomorrow will be better, right?
little did he know you were going to make the rest of the day better
before he went to bed, simeon went to the house of lamentation to wish you good night and to see you because trust me after the drama of the day, he needs to see his favorite human
it was really quiet, but simeon's pretty sure he heard you say 'I love you'
he's so happy! but he knows that was probably really hard for you, he'll stay the night if you want
the rad professor put him and lucifer together to work on the next project, the cat cafe was closed and he dropped the book he was reading in the toilet
satan can be really good at keeping his anger under control, but the amount of things that went wrong today was too much
he went to his room, closed the door and started throwing stuff in all directions
when you were walking past his door with levi, you could hear the noises from inside
levi was too scared to go in, but you were worried, so you opened the door
satan was about to scream at you for coming in, since he could have hurt you, but he didn't in fear of scaring you
he sat on the floor, head in hands when you approached him and told him 'I love you'
every drop of anger vanished, he'll thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone for him
it was a lot of small stuff that piled up
first, he couldn't find belphie for a good while in the morning, then the rad cafeteria was closed, later at akudonald's the ice cream machine was broken, also the sole of his shoe came off randomly and it rained the whole time during sport practise
he just wanted to go home and eat in peace on his bed
you were with him the whole day, actually, you saw everything go wrong
poor beel doesn't show it but he's annoyed to the max right now
you really want to comfort him, but how? time to leave the comfort zone
beel thought he imagined it at first, but smiled widely when he realised you actually said you love him
he tries his best to not squeeze you too hard when hugging
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sequinsmile-x · 7 months
The Final Say
Emily wants to put the Christmas tree up in mid-November. Aaron does not.
It's a good thing Emily is an expert at getting her husband to see her point of view.
Hi friends!
This fic came from a conversation I was having with @cloudlessly-light, who after seeing my Christmas tree in the background of a photo of my cat, told me off for having it up so early haha
Naturally my brain went to 'imagine Aaron and Emily having differing views on when the tree should go up'...and that then turned into a smut fic.
I'm sure I say this every time I write smut, but I truly think this is the filthiest thing I've written so far.
Let me know what you think <3
Words: 3.5k
Warnings: Smut, 18+ (oral sex, a smidge of dirty talk)
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily loved Christmas. 
She always had, ever since she was a kid. It was something that had always been the same wherever she was in the world, a piece of home that followed her and her mother no matter where they lived. She knew it was for show, she’d known that even when she was young. The tree and the decorations weren’t for her, but for the parties her mother would host, for the dignitaries that would always seem to be in their house, but that never diminished her enjoyment of it. The sparkly lights and brightly coloured ornaments never failing to warm her from the inside out. 
She’d always hoped that one day she’d decorate a tree with her own family. Pulling the same ornaments and decorations from a box they stored in the attic every year, not new ones in every city, and placing them on a tree they picked out together, not one that seemingly appeared one morning. 
She loved Christmas, and that meant she felt the pull to put the decorations up as soon as the days ticked over into mid-November. She wanted to sit on the couch curled up with her children and her husband and look at the tree. She wanted to bathe in the warm light the string lights emitted, a hot chocolate with whiskey in her palms. 
She was even more excited this year than usual. It was Issac’s first Christmas, and even though she knew the 3-month-old would have no clue what was going on, she couldn’t wait to include him in all of the traditions they’d come up with since she’d moved in with Aaron and Jack. 
The only issue is, that no matter how much she loved Christmas, Aaron did not. 
It’s not that he hated it, far from it. As it got closer to the actual date he got involved in the festivities. He’d walk alongside her at the Christmas markets, one hand in hers and the other in Jack’s, letting them drag him from stall to stall. The debate about the Christmas tree would always begin as soon as she started to think about it, making sure she dropped not-so-subtle hints that would make him raise an eyebrow at her. 
It was during their first Christmas together, their relationship only a few months old at the time, when she realised she could use his inability to say no to her when she was naked for her own gain. She’d seduced him easily by walking into his bedroom with nothing more than his favourite lingerie on, and once he’d fucked her into the mattress he’d agreed to her putting the tree up whenever she wanted to. 
It had become a tradition in itself. A game between the two of them that would always end with her winning, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t have some fun along the way. In fact, she’d just laid the evidence of last year's fun down for his afternoon nap in the nursery. 
Issac was asleep, Jack was at a friend's for a sleepover, and she had Aaron all to herself. 
She finds him in their bedroom, focused on putting away laundry, and she wraps her arms around him from behind. She kisses his shoulder through his shirt, and he stops what he’s doing to place his hands over hers on his stomach. 
“Did he go down okay?” 
She hums and nods, “He’s fast asleep,” she says, kissing his shoulder again before she encourages him to turn to face her, her hands on his hips, “Which means we have some time to ourselves,” she says, looking up at him through her lashes. 
“Oh really?” He asks, his hands skating over her waist before they land on her lower back, “What were you thinking?”
She pretends to think about it, her teeth sinking into her lower lip, “We could…put up the tree?” 
He groans, shaking his head at her as if he hadn’t known this was coming, “Em, it’s too early.” 
She pulls him towards the loveseat they keep in the corner of their bedroom and she pushes him down onto it before she sits on top of him, placing her knees on either side of his hips. She pouts as she settles into his lap, purposely making a point of grinding against him as she does. She bites her lip when she feels his hands tighten on her hips almost involuntarily. 
“But it’s Christmas,” she complains as she frowns at him.
“It’s mid-November,” he quips, raising his eyebrow at her. He knew how this would end, that he’d end up giving in like he did every year, but it didn’t mean he was going to give in easily. Especially when it usually ended well for him. 
“The boys will be excited,” she says, cupping the back of his neck, making him shiver as she runs her fingers across his skin, “They love Christmas.”
“Jack is 8, he knows when Christmas actually is, and Issac is 12 weeks old, he isn’t even aware it’s Christmas. Or that he has feet.” He replies, watching as she attempts to suppress a smile, “The only things he’s aware of are your breasts and when it’s the most inconvenient time to wake up from his nap.” 
She leans in to stamp her kiss against his, smirking when he chases her as she pulls back. She cups the back of his head. “Well,” she says, kissing him again, “Then we’d better hurry up and make sure we don’t give him a chance to interrupt us.” 
Aaron groans when she rolls her hips against his again, and he grasps her waist, his thumbs pressing into the bottom of her ribcage. 
“We’re not putting the tree up,” he says, the challenge weak even to his ears, and she leans in, her lips against his ear as she responds. 
“We’ll see about that.” 
She kisses him fiercely, her tongue sweeping through his mouth as she tightens her hold on his head, her nails scratching at his scalp. He groans and his hands slip to her hips, holding them tightly as he pulls her closer. He pushes his hips up into hers and she whimpers at the feeling of him half hard under her. She only pulls away when she needs to, sucking in a breath before she sinks her teeth into his lower lip, tugging at it before she lets it go. 
“Let me convince you,” she says, kissing him quickly before she shifts back in his lap, her fingers reaching for his shirt. She unbuttons his shirt, kissing and nipping at his skin as she reveals it, paying close attention to his scars like she always did. It was something they’d done for each other since the beginning, lips and fingers delicately pressed against the raised skin. Neither of them ever forgetting to worship the other where they’d been stitched back together, proof of what they’d survived to make it to each other. 
She gets out of his lap and kneels in front of the loveseat, her hands reaching for his belt buckle and she looks up at him as she undoes it and his pants. He lifts his hips just long enough for her to pull his pants and boxers. She kneels in between his legs and takes his cock in her hand and clenches her thighs together, desperate for some friction, at the punched out groan that escapes him the moment she touches his heated skin. 
“Fuck, Em,” he grunts, his eyes fixed on her as she leans forward, maintaining eye contact with him as she licks the tip of him, a smile flashing across her face as his hips twitch towards her face. 
“Impatient,” she teases, slowly pumping him up and down, her breath skipping over him, her smile turning into a smirk as he all but growls at her. 
He’s cut off as she takes him in her mouth, his words lost to a moan as he feels himself hit the back of her throat, the sound of her gagging sparking a fire in his gut. He pushes his fingers through her hair, tightening them in the strands as she bobs up and down, using her mouth and hands in tandem. 
“Fuck, baby,” he says, “You’re so fucking good at that.” He says, and the praise makes her stomach flip, forcing her to once again press her thighs together. She takes him as far down her throat as she can, only spurred on as she chokes around him and he thrusts up into her mouth. He feels a familiar tug in his gut, and he stops her, gently tugging at her hair, smiling as she lifts her head and looks at him with a dazed look in her eyes, a line of spit trailing from her lower lip to his tip. 
He cups her chin and encourages her upwards, steadying her on her feet as he pulls her in to kiss him, groaning as he tastes himself on her lips. When he breaks the kiss he smiles at her.
“Take your clothes off and get on the bed,” he says, his voice low and raspy. She follows his instructions without really thinking about it, shedding her clothes with little fanfare as she watches him finish the job she’d started by taking off his clothes. 
He’s on her the second she’s on the bed, pressing her into the mattress by laying on top of her, finding his place in the cradle of her hips. She groans as he kisses down her chest, his touch turning gentle as he skates over her breasts, well aware that was his youngest son’s domain for now. He licks along the length of the scar beneath her ribcage, mapping out each line of it from where he’d memorised it long ago. The topography of her body his favourite thing, each hill and valley of her skin somewhere he could happily get lost in. Since she’d had Issac he’d taken the opportunity to learn the ways her body had changed, every part of her infinitely more beautiful to him now she’d carried their son and kept him safe. 
She’s squirming beneath him by the time he reaches her thighs, his hands surprisingly gentle as he pushes them apart. He feels pride swell in his chest at how wet she is already, how she glistens in the light of their bedroom, and he breathes her in. 
“So wet for me already, sweetheart,” he says, nipping the top of her thigh with his teeth before soothing it with a kiss, smiling when she bucks her hips, “I’ve barely touched you,” he says, turning his head to her other thigh and giving it the same treatment, “You like being on your knees for me, don’t you?”
She whimpers at his words, her heels finding their place on his shoulders, digging in as a silent form of warning, “Please.” 
As much as he enjoyed teasing her, he knew their time was limited. The baby would be up soon and he didn’t want this to finish before it had really got started. 
Aaron leans in and licks through her, his groan at the taste of her matching the one that escapes her at the pleasure that rushes through her. He pushes two thick fingers inside of her, curling them upwards as he does so, smirking against her skin when she rolls her hips just as he hits the right spot. 
“Oh god yes,” she says, trying to keep quiet, “Please don’t stop.” 
She pushes herself up onto her elbows to look down, to see his face buried in her, the tension in his arm as he moves his fingers in and out of her. The burning in her belly starts to build, crackling through her nerves as it’s ready to ignite. He looks up at her, and as their eyes meet she falls over the edge, the intimacy of it giving her the final shove she needs. 
He’s on her in a second, his lips against hers as he captures the moan that escapes her, pushing his tongue into her mouth, sharing the taste of herself with her. It’s only when she comes down from her high that she realises her legs are still over his shoulder. He’s bent in her half, something that a few short months ago she would have thought was a move that was now beyond her, and his cock notches over her sensitive and swollen clit. 
“I didn’t know I could still bend that far,” she says breathlessly, smiling when he grins at her, his eyes blown black with desire, “Thought I’d lost that ability around the time my hips got wider.” 
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” he grunts, pushing forward so he enters her, both of them groaning at the familiar stretch, “You’re fucking perfect.” 
She clenches around him, the angle, the fact she’d barely come down from her last orgasm, making everything seem more sensitive, closer than it usually did. He stills his hips, clearly trying to give her a moment, but she doesn’t need or want it.
All she needs is him.
“Move,” she insists, purposely clenching around him, the breath knocked out of her as he does so involuntarily, “Please move.” 
He never could say no to her, not really, so he does as he’s asked, his rhythm unforgiving as he thrusts in and out of her. She grasps his back, her hips matching the rhythm he has set, one she was as familiar with as she was with every inch of his body. Even back when they did this for the first time there had been a sense of familiarity about it, something that felt like coming home. 
She eventually feels the spark in her belly again, and she can tell he’s close too, his hips slowly becoming more sporadic. 
“I’m going to come,” she says, clenching around him again, “I’m so fucking close.”
“Me too, baby,” he replies, burying his face in her shoulder, his hand drifting down to her clit to draw soft but concise circles over her, “Let me feel it.” 
She comes, her teeth sinking into his neck to stop herself from screaming, and it triggers his orgasm, the feel of him coming deep inside of her making her sigh. They lay there for a moment before he pushes himself up on his hands, his palms on either side of her head before he leans down to kiss her. He sits up just enough that her legs slip off his shoulders, slumping against the bed in a way that made her feel as light as a feather and as if she was made of lead at the same time. She pats his chest as he lays back down next to her, still desperately trying to suck air back into her lungs. He kisses her cheek and then turns her head just enough to kiss him. She smiles as she pulls back, her hand on his cheek.
“Okay,” he says one of his hands trailing down her side, smiling as she shivers, “We can put the tree up.” 
She chuckles as she kisses him softly, a gentle press of her lips against his, “I always win, why do you even fight it?”
He shrugs, “Why would I when we have so much fun along the way?” He says, and she shakes her head at him as he waggles his eyebrows at her, and she presses her thumb into his lower lip, feeling the familiar plushness. 
“You better not have gotten me pregnant this year,” she jokes, well aware it wasn’t a possibility, that she was on her birth control and they weren’t actively trying like they had been last year, “We barely sleep as it is.” 
Aaron laughs and shakes his head at her, “No one can ever know Issac is the product of last year's Christmas tree debate.” 
She smiles as he kisses her thumb, but her response is cut off by a cry from down the hall, “Speaking of Santa’s little helper,” she quips, “He’s done with his nap.” 
“I’ll get him,” Aaron says, stamping one last kiss to her lips before he stands up and walks over to his dresser to get a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
“Good,” she replies, resting on her elbows to look at him, throwing him a wink from where she was still lying on the bed, “Because my legs still aren’t working.”
They have the team over for Thanksgiving. 
Everyone took turns hosting, even though Dave did most of the cooking every year, and this time it was decided it made the most sense for everyone to come to their house since they had the youngest kid. 
Emily smiles as she glances over at Aaron, Issac in his arms and Jack excitedly talking to his father and Dave, before she walks over to join JJ, Derek and Spencer who are all standing around the tree. Derek smiles curiously at her as she stands next to him.
“How did you convince Hotch to put up the tree, Princess?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he looks back at it, “I thought he used to have a strict ‘not before December’ rule when it came to decorations.” 
JJ chuckles, cutting Emily off before she can reply, “You don’t want to know, Derek,” she says, taking a sip of her wine, “Penelope made the mistake of asking last year and she still hasn’t recovered,” she leans in closer as if they are conspiring, “Plus, Hotch has a hell of a hickey on his neck. Do the math yourself.” 
Emily feels her cheeks go red as everyone looks over at her husband, the bruise on his throat not quite covered by his shirt collar. 
“Oh, gross,” Derek says, and Emily rolls her eyes. 
“Oh come on, Aaron and I are married. We have a baby, it can’t be a surprise we have sex,” she shrugs, looking back over at her husband, smiling as he continues to talk to Dave whilst he bounces Issac in his arms, trying to soothe the slightly cranky baby, “Besides, I know how to get what I want. And what I want is the Christmas tree being put up on November 15th.” 
“So this happens…every year?” Spencer asks, the question escaping him before he really thinks it through, and she looks over at him, her eyebrow raised. 
“I’m sure I’ll regret asking this question,” she says, “But why do you want to know that?” 
“If you always put the tree up on November 15th that means you put it up 53 weeks ago,” Spencer says, and Emily’s eyes go wide as she realises what he’s figuring out, the maths pulling together in his head before she can stop him, “And you were pregnant for 39 weeks and 3 days, and Issac is about to turn 14 weeks old-”
“Okay,” she says, cutting him off with a glare and a raised hand, “That’s enough.” 
It’s too late, and she hears JJ laugh and Derek groan in disgust, “Oh God,” he says, scrunching his face up, “You’re telling me that Issac exists because you wanted the Christmas tree to go up in Nov-”
“Please don’t say anything to Aaron,” she says, almost begging. She knows JJ would never say anything, and that Spencer would be too afraid too, but Derek lived to wind her up, solidifying his place as the brother she never had or asked for, “He’ll never have sex with me again if he finds out you know.”
Derek raises an eyebrow at her, “Is that meant to deter me? If you never have sex again I never have to hear about it again.” 
“How about if you tell him I’ll kill you and no one will ever know it was me,” she says, narrowing her eyes at him, “We all know I’d get away with it.” 
Derek swallows thickly, clearly taking her seriously, and he nods, his silent agreement coming just in time as Aaron walks over and hands Issac to her. 
“Someone wants Mommy,” he says, looking back and forth between his wife and their friends as they all go deathly silent as he arrives. 
“Hi sweet boy,” Emily says, securing Issac to her chest and turning so he can see the tree, his face lighting up with a smile as he sees the lights. Aaron kisses her forehead and walks away as Dave calls for him, “You like the tree, huh?” She says to Issac, kissing the side of his head. 
“Just like his Mom,” Derek adds, hiding his smirk behind his glass as he takes a sip. She looks up at him, her glare firmly back in place.
“Derek I swear to God.” 
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blooming-violets · 4 months
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[TASM Peter Parker!Werewolf AU]
Story Summary: Kraven and his guild of hunters have been tracking and quelling the werewolf population for centuries. The time has come for Aylin to complete her first solo hunt to prove herself to the guild. It was supposed to be simple. One wolf, one death, one victory. She never expected to end up with a secret hostage on her hands.
Chapter Five Warnings (spoilers): mild sexual exhibitionism (fondling an exposed breast) in front of an unwilling person, being unknowingly drugged
[link to chapter index]
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The familiar scent of pine soothed her worried soul as she stepped through the threshold of her home. 
Their little, brown cabin, with its sturdy fireplace of stacked, gray stones, and pine needle covered roof gave off the illusion of a safe haven. She might be back in her guild’s territory but this was her house. Her home. Here, she could find respite. 
It was quiet as she stood in her cozy living room. Everything was still. By mid day, her mother would have been in the communal kitchen preparing meals for anyone who might want to stop by for a free lunch. Their guild supported their members and made sure no one would ever go hungry. They functioned as a bunch of tiny parts all moving in unison to form a single, powerful behemoth. They worked on the bartering system and the good will of their neighbors. If something was taken, something else would always need to be given. 
Mrs. Harkner, down the road, gave her time to teach the children academics, in return, the children would pick the crops from her garden so her focus could be spent on lesson planning. Mr. Jacobson, at the other end of town, couldn’t aim a gun to save his life, but was an expert in construction and could fix any housing issue that arose. In return, the hunters would make sure he was always provided with fresh game and a well stocked freezer. Eight year old Christopher Lennings would sell freshly made apple juice from the apple tree in his front yard every Saturday morning and all it would cost was the coolest looking rock you could find. Everyone had a job and everyone was taken care of. 
As long as they followed the rules. 
Aylin had formulated a plan during her five mile hike back home. She knew she would have the house to herself at this time. If she could quickly pack her car full of gear, staying out of sight, then she could head back to Peter for the next few days. During that time, she would get every bit of information she could about Kat’s pack. When she finally returned back to the guild, she could trade that information as an apology for not completing her ritual to become a full time hunter. Trading was how their guild functioned. Information could be traded for a lighter sentencing. Sergei would be more focused on taking action against an entire pack than dealing out punishments for her defiance. She could right all the wrongs before the situation got too out of hand. 
It wasn’t a perfect plan but it would have to do.
The old floorboards creaked under foot to alert the only available member of the household to her presence. Her large, sleek black cat lazily rose his head off the sofa to see who dared to disturb his nap. When he caught sight of Aylin, his ears perked up and he gracefully leapt to the floor to greet her by weaving between her legs. He gave a piercing whine, begging for attention. 
“Yes, yes. I missed you, too, Kedi.” Aylin bent down to scoop him into her arms where he proceeded to be carried like a baby up the stairs to her bedroom loft. “Has mom been worried about me? Have you been looking after her?” 
Kedi purred, his golden eyes squinting up at her. It was a rarity to find him inside their cabin. He preferred to be out hunting for his next meal or clawing his way up the highest tree. Finding him willingly behind walls meant that he knew something was wrong. He had probably spent the night curled up next to Nesrin. Sometimes Aylin swore that he was actually a person trapped inside the body of a cat. She imagined him to be a grumpy, old man who would yell at innocent children to get off his lawn but secretly loved the attention they gave him. He was fearless, tenacious, and a ferocious serial killer of all rodents. 
A family of killers. Is that all they were?
Peter’s words from this morning still buzzed around her thoughts like an annoying gnat that refused to leave her personal space. 
“We’re not in a cult, right? I’d know if I was in a cult,” she mused down at the cat in her arms. 
He responded with a deep, guttural purr that vibrated his entire body. 
“Sergei isn’t Jim Jones or Charles Manson. He has a reason behind what we’re doing. There’s a purpose. A meaning. We’re helping people. We’re…” She paused and gave a long sigh. “My father wouldn’t have been best friends with a cult leader. He was smarter than that. He was a good man. Peter’s wrong. He doesn’t know us, does he, Keds? He’s a stupid, low life, pathetic, disgusting werewolf. He’s-” 
She stopped to listen to the words falling from her lips. No one was around to hear them and she was still holding deep prejustice for a man who had done nothing but show her kindness and grace despite her attitude. 
Lycans. That’s what Peter referred to himself as. Not a werewolf. A lycan. A person with the ability to shift into a wolf. 
A person. Not a monster.
Good and bad people. That’s what Peter had said. There were always good and bad people regardless where you stood in the world. 
Which one was she? 
Aylin carefully dropped Kedi onto her bed so she could pack a bag, trying to pull her thoughts away from Peter’s grasp and focus them back onto the task at hand. Some extra clothes, camping supplies, her crossbow, and more food would be on her list of needed items. She quickly changed out of her dress and into something more practical for forest living. She began tossing clothes out of her drawer and into the waiting duffle bag. As she turned around to pack them more neatly, she stopped to see Kedi curled up under the growing pile. 
“You’re not helping, Ked. You’ll suffocate under there if I zip it up,” she smiled softly down at the stubborn cat who merely squinted back at her. He was always able to lift her mood. “Okay fine, you can stay but I’m going to keep packing around you.” 
She grabbed an unopened pack of spare toothbrushes and ripped it apart. Carefully, she glanced over the colors, selecting a red and blue striped one for Peter. She felt like he would suit those colors…and he really needed to brush his teeth. It had probably been a while since he had a toothbrush of his own. 
With some basic grooming items taken care of and a duffle full of spare clothes, Aylin shooed Kedi out of the way to finish her getaway bag. He followed as she made a handful of trips from the house to her car, filling the trunk with everything her and Peter might need to survive for the next few days. She slammed the full trunk closed, tucking her keys into her pocket, and put her hands on her hips. A sense of determination settled over her. 
“There! We have a camping stove, some canned food, extra water…I think we should be all set for a couple days,” she spoke down to the cat waiting patiently at her feet. “If you would like to come with me, Keds, I would be more than happy to bring you. I don’t think Peter would mind the extra company.” 
Kedi’s fur raised along his back, his ears flattening, and he gave a long hiss before darting to the safety of the darkness under her car. 
“Wha- he’s not that bad, jeeze,” she frowned at his sudden change of attitude, wondering what had set him off, when she heard the crunching of footsteps making their way up her dirt driveway. 
“Going somewhere, Aylin?” The familiar baritone voice caused her skin to erupt in goosebumps. Her heart leapt into her throat as a wave of nausea overtook her. She suddenly felt faint.
She wasn’t fast enough.
The only other time she had seen Kedi display fear like that was when a black bear broke through their screened in porch one afternoon to try and grab a bite of his cat food. Even then, he had darted back out from under the safety of a chair to claw the bear across the snout before running away again. Today, he stayed hidden. 
Aylin straightened her back, attempting to fix a warm smile onto her lips, and turned around to face Sergei standing in the middle of her driveway. He was dawning his signature werewolf pelt draped over his shoulders and giving her a grin that was stretched far too thin to be anything but forced. The sight of the pelt made her sick to her stomach when she thought about the person who it once was ripped from. Barbaric. He might as well be wearing a pelt of human flesh.
Where was she going? She tried to steady her fluttering heart as a million potential answers swirled around her panicked thoughts. 
“I’m planning on going to the Catskills to hike along the Devil’s Path like I do every year,” she lied, thinking quickly. With the way her trunk was currently packed, it easily resembled a hiking trip. She could fake this scenario. 
“Isn’t it a little early for that?” He raised his scraggly brow at her. He was starting to get flecks of silver among his dark hair. The silver stood out more prominently against the midday sun and made him look closer than usual to his age. It was rare to catch signs of him aging. He seemed to always be in his prime despite how many years have passed. “Don’t you typically do that hike closer to the summer?” 
Aylin shrugged, trying to play it off like it wasn’t a big deal, “Last summer was too hot. Thought I’d go early this year.” 
“In the rainy season, I imagine parts of the hike would be really dangerous?”
She held firmly onto her bluff, knowing he was trying to break her, and kept her eyes locked with his to help sell the lie, “Sure, but isn’t that part of our training? To overcome difficult feats despite the challenges that face us? Besides, it’s not called the Devil’s Path for nothing. It’s meant to keep you on your toes. I think I could use a good challenge. ” 
Sergei squinted at her with a hard glare, “Yes. About that. I think we need to have a talk about exactly what challenges are facing you. Something seemed to bother you the other night, did it not?” 
She could tell from his tone that he was carefully keeping his voice steady. Under the surface, he was boiling. He wanted her to pay for the other night. There had to be consequences. Aylin had not only gone against his direct orders but, in her defiance, belittled his authority in front of the guild. If there’s one thing to never do to Sergei, it would be to embarrass him. She was now caught in an unwanted game of cat and mouse and she was terrified of losing. 
She widened her eyes like it was a shock to hear that and not a conversation she had been dreading, “Oh? You mean when I ran from the ceremony? I’m so sorry about that. Really. I must have eaten something weird. Probably undercooked meat. I got really sick. I spent the night on the toilet. I had to run before I had an accident in front of everyone. You know how it is. When you gotta go, you gotta go.” 
He took a step closer, a dreadful smile flicked at the corner of his lips, “Really? I stopped by your house to check on you later that night. I wanted to make sure you were okay after that shameful display you pulled in front of everyone. Your mother told me you weren’t home. Poor woman was worried sick about you. She thought you might have run off and done something stupid.” He paused, closing the gap between them. The cold metal of her car door pushed against her back as he towered over her. He propped an arm against the roof of her car to pin her in place. “Well? Did you? Do something stupid, I mean.” 
Her stomach flipped with nerves as she shook her head. She was going to lose this game. The cat was ready to pounce and she had nowhere to hide, caught in place, forced to face her demise. Sergei went in for the kill, sensing he was gaining the upper hand in their silent standoff, and threw a heavy arm around her shoulders. He had her locked tightly in place against his side and gave a loud, dark laugh as if that would expel the thick tension between them. She couldn’t run. Couldn’t hide. He had her exactly where he wanted. 
“Why don’t you come take a walk with me, Aylin?” He started to drag her down the driveway. “Cal made rabbit stew earlier. We can have some tea and lunch and discuss our futures. I have a proposition for you. What do you say, kid?” 
Despite his question, there was no choice to be had. She was going to be coming with him even if he had to throw her over his shoulder and carry her there. 
“Uh, yeah, I guess that’s okay. I should go leave a note for my mom so she knows where I’m at when she gets back…” Aylin tried to dig her heels into the dirt but got shuffled along like she weighed nothing. Any resistance would be futile. She had lost the game. The cat had caught the mouse and was now boastfully parading her squirming body down the road as he carried it proudly between his salivating jaws. 
“That won’t be necessary. I’ll inform her exactly where you are should she come asking. There’s nothin’ to worry about. You’re safe with me. You know that.” The weight of his words hung over her like a rapidly approaching storm. There wasn’t a single ounce of truth behind anything he said. 
It was only a matter of time before the cat clamped down, piercing her flesh with his razor sharp teeth. 
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The Kravinoff residence was the largest house in their town. A two story cabin with breathtaking floor to ceiling windows to let in all the natural light. The eaves of the red gabled roof were decorated with ornate wooden details. They had been handcarved by Sergei Sr. when he rebuilt the Kravinoff home many years ago before his passing; his final gift to his spoiled son.
Their kitchen was larger than the floor plan of her entire house with brightly painted, red cabinets to match the color of their roof. A pot of yellow sunflowers brightened up the room to soften the red and create an inviting atmosphere. Calypso lounged against the double wide, walnut island wearing nothing more than a skimpy, silk robe. Her dark, tight curly hair haloed around her head and she flashed Aylin her infamous, pointy toothed grin. 
“Ah, the weakling has returned, I see,” she slinked over to the younger woman, standing tall in front of her. “Such a disappointment you gave the guild last night, was it not? I don’t know why Sergei holds you in such high regards. You don’t look like much to me.” 
Sergei placed a possessive hand over Aylin’s shoulder, “Now, now, Cal. Enough teasing. Everyone makes mistakes. She says she wasn’t feeling well. Ate some bad meat. Happens to the best of us. Aylin is our guest and should be treated as such. She’s here for a chat over drinks. Why don’t you make us some of your special tea?” His eyes flashed into his wife, giving her a silent command. “The kind we save for our very important guests. Aylin needs to be reminded how much her community values her.” 
Calypso smiled and bowed her head, “Of course, dear.” 
Aylin was led into the dining room with the sounds of Calypso rustling through the cabinets following her out the door. A long, black cherry dining table, lined with tall chairs, greeted them. At the head of the table was a throne, carved out of the trunk of a tree and adorned with giant wolf claws at the end of the legs. Kraven sank down onto the pelt covered seat. He looked like a true king of his castle. He waved a large hand for her to sit in one of the normal chairs beside him. 
She took a hesitant seat, having stayed quiet this whole time, terrified that speaking the wrong words would get her further into trouble. It was better to play defense with Sergei. Let him take the lead so she could match his energy. 
“It’s been a while since you’ve been in our home,” he mused, lazily scratching at his beard. “You used to visit all the time with your father. I believe the last time you stepped foot inside these walls was when you were merely 16 years of age.” 
After Samuel and Emir’s funeral. 
Sergei had held a repast at his home after the burial service. Everyone in town had attended, each bringing a dish of food or drinks, to show their support for the fallen members. Nesrin was too busy weeping in the bathroom to know her daughter was getting wasted off some stolen liquor. Aylin had snuck away from the guests with her bottle in hand to hide in one of Segei’s guest rooms. The rest of the night was a blur but she distantly remembered him finding her tucked away in the corner behind a bed and holding her while she cried. Everything after that was dark. That entire year had been dark. 
She remembered a time when she felt protected in his arms. His presence used to come with a warm safety. Now, it came with a foreboding sense of danger, like stumbling upon a sleeping rattlesnake. If she was careful enough, she might get away without a fight. If she took one wrong step, all it would take was a mere second for the snake to strike. 
“Things got bad after-” She stopped. She didn’t need to say anything else. 
Sergei gave a solemn nod, “Yes. I can imagine. Sam was my good friend. He was an important, valuable member of our guild. It was hard for everyone.” 
He was studying her face, trying to read every micro expression she held, but she kept her features stiff. She should have left sooner. Maybe if she hadn't spent so much time doting on Kedi, she would have escaped before Sergei arrived. She wished she was already back with Peter and wondered how long he would stay in her trailer before he started to wonder if she’d ever return. 
“Who’s Peter?” Sergei asked with an air of innocence, as if he had directly read her mind, but kept a close eye on how she responded. He was carefully studying her every move. 
Aylin’s eyes widened in shock for only a split second before she softened her face but there was no doubt that Sergei had caught it. Had he read her mind? There was no other way he could possibly know about Peter…was there? Her stomach churned with nerves at the question but she raised her eyebrows in feigned confusion, “What do you mean?” 
He shifted on his throne, leaning towards her, and placing his arm on the table, “When I came to pick you up, I heard you say ‘I don’t think Peter would mind the extra company.’ So, who’s Peter?”
That’s what she got for speaking out loud to a cat. She should have kept her mouth shut. 
“He’s my friend,” she lied, thinking on her feet. “Works at the gas station a few miles out. He works nights. I’ve met him a few times and we got to talking. He enjoys hiking as much as me. He was planning a trip of his own so I invited him on mine. I thought we could both use the company.” 
“Is he your boyfriend?” Sergei’s tone was light but his tense shoulders gave off the impression of a possessive, jealous lover. Aylin was beginning to see him as an overgrown child who refused to share his toys with others. She felt like she was nothing more than his property. 
She repressed a gulp, refusing to let her eyes wander from his, “No. He’s a friend.” 
He ignored her statement. “After Leah Rivera, I thought you might not be not interested in men. It’s good to know you appreciate both sides,” Sergei leaned back to give off the illusion of someone who was casually lounging instead of someone fishing for information. They were both playing a difficult game of chess, each crafting their next move, while simultaneously trying to find their opponents weakness to exploit.  “Cal swings both ways, too.” 
“He’s not my boyfriend. He’s just someone who enjoys hiking as much as me,” Aylin’s jaw tightened, giving him a stiff reply. She desperately hoped the heat burning behind her cheeks wasn’t outwardly noticeable. Her racing heart spiked at the mention of Leah. That was a name she hadn’t heard spoken aloud in years. “I don’t swing any way. Leah was nothing more than a friend, too.” 
Liar. Leah was more than a friend. She was Aylin’s childhood best friend, her favorite person, her first crush, her first love. Leah used to be her everything. 
Until she was nothing. 
“Right, right,” he chuckled. “Cal and I were just friends once. I get it. But, Aylin, you know how this guild feels about outsiders. You can not trust them. It’s best you let that friendship drift away before it’s too late. I don’t want you going on a trip with that boy. It’s too dangerous. Cancel it. Stop seeing him. There’s more than enough eligible men here for you to attach yourself to. I can think of at least three off the top of my head who would love a chance. Stay within the guild.” 
She had tried to stay within the guild until Sergei caught on about her and Leah’s relationship. She remembered his eyes flaring with hatred when he saw them share a quick kiss behind the school house one afternoon. Neither of the girls could understand why he would care what a couple of sixteen year olds got up to. It wasn’t long after that Leah’s entire family disappeared in the middle of the night. One day they were there, the next they were gone. Banished. No explanations given. No goodbyes said. Their empty house was demolished, as per tradition, whenever someone leaves the guild. Erase everything and build back up from scratch without the tainted memories. They were to never speak about the Rivera’s again. Every ounce of Leah’s existence in Aylin’s life was gone overnight until it was almost as if she never existed at all. If it wasn’t for the pictures hidden in a shoebox in the back of her closet, sometime’s Aylin might wonder if she dreamed up the entire thing. First, her best friend disappeared, then, her father and brother were slaughtered by wolves. Sixteen had not been kind to her. 
But that was years ago. Leah was gone and so was the person Aylin used to be. She didn’t want Peter to become another pained memory added to the ever growing pile of forgotten people. She would protect this one. She wouldn’t let him be another soul for Sergei to steal from her. 
Even if that made her a traitor. 
She fixed a pleasant smile onto her face, “You’re probably right. I don’t know him that well anyway. I was just looking for a hiking buddy. Not a big deal and I’d better be safe than sorry. You never really know what those outsiders are like. Although, I do think I would be able to overtake him if it ever came to that. I’ve taken down werewolves. I think I can manage to get the upper hand on a random gas station employee. You’ve trained us well.” She threw Sergie her best attempt at a cheeky wink despite the anxious tightening of her throat. Her desperation for him to believe her was suffocating. 
Outsiders. Traitors. Banishment. 
Maybe Peter was right. She might be in a cult. 
The truth hit her hard. She forced a smile onto her face despite wanting to slide under the table and crawl away. 
Canceling fake plans with an imaginary boyfriend was easier than the truth of her deception. Outsider Peter was better than Werewolf Peter. One was a simple mistake at the hands of a lovestruck young woman. The other was direct treason against everything she ever knew. 
He didn’t look impressed with her response.
Earthy, herbal smells wafted out from the kitchen door. She caught notes of lavender and chamomile mixed with some kind of sharp spice she was unfamiliar with. Sergei noticed her analyzing the scent. 
“It’s not something we grow here in the mountains,” he remarked, blatantly ignoring her attempts to butter him up. “Calypso has family in Haiti. They send her all sorts of home grown products she can’t get here. She likes to think of herself as a bit of an alchemist when she’s in the kitchen. She makes the most wonderful tea. You’ll love it.”
As if on cue, Calypso burst through the doorway with a tray in hand. A clear teapot was placed on the table in front of them. Bits of loose herbs floated around inside the amber liquid. Skinny, swirling trails of hypnotizing white steam rose from the spout. She lifted the pot to pour out the delicious smelling tea into the delicate china cups. Aylin was handed the first one. 
“For our guest,” Calypso smirked. “Made with love.” 
Aylin ignored the snarky edge to her words and gave a polite smile. She took a small sip, happy for the distraction. It burned her tongue but slid smoothly down her throat. It was like nothing she’d ever had before. Warm and cozy with a sharp tang of spice as a lingering aftertaste. She took another big gulp as it gave her something to do with her fidgety hands. 
Calypso perched on the thick arm of Sergei’s throne as she watched her guest drink, “How is it?” 
“It’s wonderful. Thank you,” she feigned a smile. She wasn’t lying. It was delicious. She just struggled to make her voice sound genuine when her and Peter’s lives hung on her every word. 
“Pleased to hear it.” 
Sergei patted his wife’s thigh, “Aylin was just telling me about her gas station boyfriend. An outsider. They’re already planning a trip together.” 
Calypso leaned against him, running her fingers through his hair, “A gas station boyfriend? Even she can do better than that.” 
“He’s not my bo-” She was cut off by Sergei. 
“I already told her that it would be best to let that relationship fade away. I think we could find her someone better. One of us. I would be doing Sam a disservice if I let his daughter run away with an outsider.” 
Aylin bit her tongue and refused to mention that her mother was once an outsider. The longer they stayed on the topic of her lie, the more anxious she became. She didn’t want to have to keep thinking on her feet. It was exhausting her psyche. 
“I said I would. It’s not a big deal,” she huffed, taking another sip of her tea. “He means nothing to me. I just thought it might be fun to have someone to hike with but I prefer being on my own anyway.” 
Calypso smirked, “That’s what I like to hear. Outsiders are nothing. They don’t deserve your time of day. You have everything you need right here.” She shifted her body to lean forward, her deep brown eyes penetrating into Aylin’s very soul. “We’re all you need.” 
She was most definitely in a cult. How could she have ever been so oblivious? 
She might be the stupidest person alive. 
This would be her downfall. The people she loved and fought to protect were the one’s holding the knife. They would be the ones to fatally stab her. Not the Lycans. 
Before the realization could overtake her, Calypso’s loose robe had fallen open when she moved and her right breast had pushed its way out from the silky material. The sight of the woman’s freshly exposed skin caused her spiraling mind to halt. Sergei’s arm wrapped around his wife to grasp onto her breast, absentmindedly flicking her dark nipple with his thumb, as they both stared in her direction. Aylin’s ears heated up with a mixture of disbelief and horrific embarrassment. She quickly averted her gaze to the table. She got uncomfortable watching people kiss in public. Watching someone blatantly fondle his wife in front of her made her want to claw out of her own skin. They had always been overly affectionate with each other but it had never been as in her face as it was now. This was different. New. It was like they were challenging her. Like this was some kind of sick test she’d have to pass. From the moment Sergei showed up behind her, she was being tested. Her every move was stuck under a microscope and picked apart with a watchful eye. 
These were not the people she once thought they were.  
A new found hatred wrapped around her like a warm blanket. They were toying with her. Teasing her. Playing with her. They were getting off on watching her squirm. They liked this. 
This was who they really were. 
Aylin focused on her tea to keep herself distracted. She heard Calypso stifle a laugh under her breath. They were getting off on her discomfort. Her head was starting to feel dizzy and her heart felt like it was pounding in her ears. She suddenly felt very sweaty like there was a fire igniting in her stomach and spreading up her chest towards her throat. She hated them. That much was clear to her now. The guild was not a safe place. It never was. It had only felt that way because she was drinking the Kool Aid along with everyone else just like Peter said. Her whole life she had been fed a lie which she happily lapped down. Her world was crumbling down around her. Piece by piece it fell with deafening crashes and she was beginning to suffocate on the smokey rubble filling her lungs. 
A headache was rapidly growing and her vision blurred for a millisecond before she blinked it back into focus. 
“Ms. Aylin was just about to tell me what happened last night,” Sergei spoke, still massaging Calypso without any hint of embarrassment. His tone had flipped, losing the fake lightheartedness from earlier. He was serious. There was no more time for games. “She was going to explain exactly why she refused to kill a wolf in front of her entire guild.” 
She was?
“For someone who claims to have killed two on her own, without any proof, you’d think a malnourished, caged bitch would be easy,” Calypso remarked. “It sounds to me like there might be a little white lie hiding somewhere in your story, dear girl. Don’t worry, darling, you can tell us. We won’t judge. We just want the truth.”  
She took another sip of the tea to avoid having to answer them right away. Was she the only one drinking? Neither of them had touched the stuff. 
Aylin didn’t want to look in their direction to check. She didn't want to watch what they were doing. They were making her uncomfortable on purpose. A power play. A way to prove that she was nothing but inferior to them. She didn’t want to be here. Her head felt like it was swimming with a million thoughts but none of them were making it to her lips. Her body was refusing to function. She couldn’t make her mouth and brain work as one. 
“I, uh,” she stuttered over her words. “I…” 
Her mind was starting to feel like it was slowly filling with sand. An hourglass at the verge of tipping. Her mouth felt dry so she downed the rest of her cup. 
“That girl- she…she…was just…so…so young…” Aylin gave a slow blink, her chin bobbing down to her chest before quickly steadying her head back upright. “I…feel…”
She was suddenly exhausted. The empty tea cup slipped from her hand to shatter into pieces across the floor. She finally turned her attention to the couple, fearing that she was coming down with an illness. She was seeing double. Their forms wavered like rain in a puddle. 
“Something’s not right,” she whispered.
“That would be the tea,” Sergei spoke, his voice steady. “Don’t worry, my dear. You’ll be fine.” 
He pushed himself up from his throne to walk over to her. Aylin slumped into his arms, feeling paralyzed, as he easily lifted her to his chest. He cradled her there while he moved through his house, each room flashing slowly before her lagging eyes, until he stopped in front of a large bookcase. 
“Wha-” she tried to speak but words were useless to her. 
Sergei kicked his foot at something hidden against the side of the bookcase, tucked away from view, where the wall meets the floor. 
With a low grumble, the bookcase slid slowly to the right to reveal a set of wooden steps leading underground. They creaked underfoot as he carried deeper into the abyss. 
The musty smell of mildew and copper hit her nose. 
“No…” Aylin managed to whisper, in a last ditch effort to protect herself before the drugs completely captured her mind. 
“Sleep now,” Calypso purred over Sergei’s shoulder. “We have some important business to discuss. You’ll need your strength. Shh, drift off, little one. We’ll keep watch over you. Sleep.” 
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[CHAPTER FIVE (part two)]
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