#College Student gift
rozeliyawashereyall · 3 months
Some more bleeding heart in the college AU!! +Starhopper★
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Question time because it's been a while!
What would your bug major be in the college AU? And what's their favourite class?
@willowve01 @keyaartz @asmrbrainrot @iistxrmyskyii @astralbulldragon13 @piffany666 @littlesiren79 @aspenm00n @kaiamtt @stxph-artist @rustycopper4use @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @tiefling-chaos @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @not-5-rats @itsargyle @ccstiles @puffin-smoke @aces-oceans
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elizabethhood · 13 days
Biology Notes
A minute by minute summary of my thoughts during bio class.
Countdown begin.
This ain’t gonna be fun.
Only two min in.
She’s late.
How am I already bored?
That guy’s late.
Cal/Boba handcuffed together, working as allies?
Melidaan joins Mandalorian Empire?
I’m bored.
Clones’ first time hearing music
Clones eating real food for the first time?
Clones tour temple? (Where they hear music/eat real food for first time?)
I was right. This isn’t fun.
Soulmate AU for Charles/Erik?
Erik’s POV for first meeting?
Immediate aftermath of said first meeting?
Erik and Raven visit after Cuba?
They meet babies Kurt, Warren, Jean, maybe Scott.
They miss the sign, don’t realize it’s a school? 
‘Did Charles have kids?’ moment, especially after realizing Jean’s a telepath?
Jean recognizes them from memories? All recognize them from photos and/or stories?
All the guilt when Erik sees Charles.
Cells. The powerhouse of, mitochondria is.
Phospholipid. Now there’s a word to make people flip a Scrabble board with.
Nigh impossible, you’d need lipid down first, then add phospho-, but a girl can dream.
Kurt and Warren would be adorable as childhood friends
That guy’s playing Wordle.
That guy is really, really, really bad at Wordle.
People realizing how insanely dangerous Charles is?
Erik realizing how lucky humanity is for Charles’ morality? and being very attracted to that?
Quiz on Friday, 45-50 questions, 50 points. Study slides.
Erik getting attacked by another telepath, Charles going territorial, has other telepath screaming/crying on floor, living worst nightmares, clutching head and begging for it to end, while Charles is gently comforting/fussing over Erik?
That girl is texting.
Is that guy watching Gravity Falls? Great taste.
Aw, why’d you turn the screen that way? Now I can’t see it.
Quinlan switching out Fox’s caf with decaf, letting him fall asleep, tucking him into bed?
While Fox’s asleep, using Shadow Training (TM) to do paper work? (Forgery/Ability to have multiple styli (plural of stylus) filling out multiple data pads simultaneously? (Force use?)
Quinlan leaving five min before Fox wakes up. Fox finding his paper pretty much done, crying because he’s still out of it and doesn’t want to wake up?
Quinlan making this a habit when he’s on Coruscant? Stone finding out, not telling? Fox scared if he talks about it, it’ll go away? Unable to believe it’s real?
That girl’s doing a crossword. Badly.
The answer is Lobelia. “She stole Bilbo’s spoons” is Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. 
Where in Middle-Earth did she get Tauriel from? Even if she hadn’t been added solely for the purpose of paying less in royalties to Tolkien’s family, even if she had existed in the book, when in the name of all that is precious and beautiful, would she have stolen Bilbo’s spoons?
I might kill myself. This is why I shouldn’t have sat in the back row.
Only 6 min left. Heh. +60, Execute Order. I know I’m not funny.
So close, yet so far. So unbearably bored.
Is this what stream-of-consciousness notebooks look like?
I have a very odd stream of consciousness.
We get to leave early? Hallelujah!!
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soup-scope · 1 year
i think as a community we deserve a freelancer and gavin anniversary audio
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Gifted: Introduction
"Looking at their work I would be expecting 8s or 9s"
My biology teacher said that when I was in year nine. It was not the first time someone had said something to that effect, and it was not the last.
The fact of the matter is that I spent most of my time, up until year 11, being told how far I would go, how high my grades were expected to be and how I could do anything that I wanted. I would say, I just about nudged into the gifted category, not like some of my friends who passed everything with their eyes closed, I definitely had to work, but I was honestly doing well.
My first set of mock GCSEs in year eleven came back and I was broken. Not one of my grades was above a six. This continued through year 11, I was not living up to the expectations that were set. This all came to a head on results day when I discovered that I had only just scraped a 6 which was not enough to do maths A-level, and without maths, I couldn't do physics. This was an issue. I want to be an astrophysicist, however, I have always been in a complex "situationship" with maths, and honestly, I think we might need couple's counselling, but I'm stretching this metaphor too far so suffice to say, I was not too proud of my performance.
So here I am, the day before my first day of college and getting set to do Biology, Environmental science, and Geology. And I will be the first to admit, I am still bitter, I am still upset, I am not over it, but if I could do all the subjects I wanted too, they would be next on my list after physics and maths. The idea is that I will retake my maths GCSE and then go back after college to do physics and maths, so really, in essence I am just taking the scenic route, and maybe, I will end up somewhere wonderful that I could never have dreamed of.
take it easy and good luck to everyone starting this new year
written: 03/09/2024
posted: 03/09/2024
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disast3rtransp0rt · 2 months
A guy I interviewed at work today "crossed me off his list" when I told him about my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (we were talking about in-person vs. remote jobs and I mentioned I preferred remote due to my disability). I was incredibly confused for a few moments before he realized how rude and weird that sounded and half-shouted:
"Sorry!! I'm a biology and physiology major!!! You're an incredibly rare specimen and my friends will be jealous I talked with you!"
I almost snorted cause I certainly wasn't expecting that. And just to make his day told him, "Wanna know the best part? I did contortion with a travelling circus."
He legitimately squealed.
Sometimes working in HR is pretty fun.
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timdrake-yumm · 1 year
Tim: hey why is the saying “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” when that’s what led to the fall of Troy? Should the saying be “look a gift horse in the mouth”?
Jason: Uhh good question, why ISN’T it “look a gift horse in the mouth”?
Babs: it actually has nothing to do with Troy. The etymology behind “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” actually refers to how you can tell a horse’s age by it’s teeth, and therefore how valuable it is. So, if you got a horse as a gift and then looked at its teeth to see how old it is, it’d be the same as getting, say, a watch or necklace, and asking how much the person paid for it
Damian: t-t I would much rather have the horse
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amloveabledeathmo · 2 months
back to you: Do you have a topic you can give a speech about with no research? Would you like to share the speech?
i think the school system in the United States is done absolutely terrible. I think we need to vastly revamp standardized tests and use them as entrance to classes not as marks of intelligence.
I think we need to get rid of grades and have students test at the beginning of the year to put them in classes that will best match their level.
There also needs to be more teaching styles taught to teachers because students all learn so vastly differently. That also needs to factor in to the classes somewhat. I almost always learned better when sitting in groups and we were encouraged to discuss amongst ourselves while doing the work instead of when we were not supposed to talk or even look around and just do our individual work alone.
I think group projects should never be group grades, students should have to show their individual contributions. If not that then I think group projects should never be assigned members, you should be able to choose if and who you want in the group. Those were usually the groups where work was more evenly distributed and not just one or two kids getting screwed over and having to do it all.
There should be practical skill classes again that include basic cooking and cleaning, beginning sewing and mending, how to do taxes, how to open a bank account, how to get a credit score and credit card, how to handle debt if you end up in it, things like that.
School should start later in the day closer to 9 or 10 am and there should be plenty of time to go to the bathroom between classes and to get to class on time. You shouldn't have ask to go to the bathroom or get a tissue. You shouldn't be banned from snacking in class.
School should not be a horrible institution that traumatizes good and bad students. People should not be having nightmares about school as adults or children. People shouldn't learn to hate learning and dread going to places that are supposed to teach you.
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sheisanimposter · 1 year
One of the best pieces of advice a mentor has given me is that perfectionism is just a pretty way of saying "bad at collaboration".
I'm trying to translate this lesson into my student habits now that I've returned to academia.
Perfectionism eliminates opportunities for others to give feedback or contribute, it reduces your opportunities to learn a new perspective, and it limits your final results. Don't be so quick to assume the value of someone else's input even if you're super well informed on the topic.
Ask that question, get that second opinion, schedule that brainstorming session. Be so brave, your mind and soul will thank you.
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starry-studies · 3 months
I made this blog many years ago now, when I was struggling to graduate first highschool, and then college. Both were an insanely uphill battle for me- I struggled with the social aspect and the academic aspect, later finding that I qualified for a diagnosis for not only ADHD but also autism, and after three years of waiting, I finally got prescribed medication in the last semester of college.
Medication is like not having to search everywhere for your keys before being able to leave the house and start the car. I would have gotten where I did without it too, but without it I would have had to expend so much energy that it would have burnt me out- I would have suffered more. I am very lucky that my symptoms present themselves in a way where this much is possible, and I am so incredibly lucky to have access to something that helps even that.
This is all to say that after struggling to graduate highschool, failing and dropping out of college after 3 years, working and saving up for a year, repeating my third year and finally finishing my fourth, I'm graduating with a 3.5 GPA in engineering. And fuck it, a Masters sounds like a pretty good next step.
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shirtcreekink · 6 months
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COOL NEW SHIRT ON AMAZON! Easy purchase and delivery for PRIME MEMBERS!
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strawberri-draws · 11 months
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Silly oc sketches … old ladies having their romcom yuri moment
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festivemoments1 · 5 months
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It was 'RUFF, but she finally made it.
▷▷ Follow on PINTEREST for more.
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lucidcreates · 16 days
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List of Ways to Support These Extraordinary Talented Stars…
List of Relatives Cash Apps:
Thank You!!!!!
I will add more relatives, mostly my nephews and nieces Cash App in the future. Support the young and talented who are contributing to the world and making an impact with their skills of excellence.
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Chef Kyrelle - Talented, Skilled, Phenomenal Chef Cooking Up Delicious Delectable Sublime Creations.
My nephew Chef Kyrelle, we call him KP, recently cooked for the repass of his Stepfather, cooking for 100 people. A 5 star high quality feast for loved ones and to honor the memory of his Stepfather. Such is the quality of his cooking, and also of Kyrelle, who is a father of two wonderful children.
Bless this young Chef's Cash App: $KyrelleLee https://cash.app/$KyrelleLee
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Kyara - Artist and Poet
My talented niece, Kyara G.
Instagram: @kyara.psd https://www.instagram.com/kyara.psd
Bless her Cash App: $kyaraprincey https://cash.app/$kyaraprincey #Artist #Talent #Talented
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Krystian also Known as GeneralStasis - Phenomenal Creator and Artist
Krystian builds computers from scratch and plans to study Computer Science in school.
"I am an artist, editor, & streamer…making nice artwork for my channels online…it's like hosting your own island online on the internet."
Bless his Cash App: https://cash.app/$knalla
His streaming site: https://www.twitch.tv/generalstasis
Full post via link…
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Kye is Going to College!!!
My niece Kye is going to college and we, the family, are so proud.
Kye's Major: Data Science
Bless Kye's Cash App: Kgaymon6 https://cash.app/$KGaymon6
Please support Kye via Amazon college registry. https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/OK7NM6STUQW9
Thank you for your support.
Pinterest board which includes individual posts regarding my relatives, board is called Stars, highlighting "Every Day Heroes, Extraordinary People, Superstars, You Are A Star."
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raretiste · 2 months
Black Backpack - " Be Water "
Bruce Lee Blue
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$49.99 Excl. Tax - @printify
Have you got room for all that? With our roomy and durable backpack, you will! This bag is made from spun polyester and weights 1.3 lbs, just enough to be light, strong and long-lasting. Grab it, stow it, throw it onto the seat next to you, this backpack can take it, and so will you, wherever you go!
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Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.
.: Assembled in the USA from globally sourced parts
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******Seize the opportunity now******
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.: 100% polyester
.: Lightweight and waterproof
.: Adjustable shoulder straps
.: Custom name tag sewn inside
.: NB! Size variance +/- 0.5"
.: NB! Dashed lines used in the cut & sew process may be visible in the front pocket's interior
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golden-letters · 1 year
how does it feel to not have to crawl for every achievement in your life
how does it feel to call it success instead of survival 
how does it feel to live in the moment and not scramble for the next second
how does it feel, to be so lucky
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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Perfection is Pink
↳ Gosei Sentai Dairanger - Rin - HououRanger
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