#DC x oc
pookiebeary · 10 months
Go Little Spider
Spiderperson! Reader in Gotham
Gn!Reader x Batfam(?)
Heavily inspired by "Peter the Pizza Guy" and "Dark Matter" on AO3
ATSV spider-reader
Taglist: @rl800
Back | Part 2
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A pained groan and rustling from the dumpster caught the attention of some passersby but such was the norm in Gotham. No one came forward to help, merely glancing a second longer before going on with their lives.
You tried not to gag at the smell of rotting food surrounding you and instead focused your attention on trying to climb out of the pile of trash bags. It didn't help that your suit was soaked with whatever filthy water was in the bag of molding McDonald's.
The putrid smell violates your nostrils and you try not to breathe as much as you need to, which is impossible when every little action you make causes you to suck in a breath because it hurts like hell. Each breath you take makes your chest hurt, like something was squeezing your lungs and stabbing it with a needle repeatedly. With shaky hands, you slowly climb up and out the dumpster, landing with a small thud on the concrete ground.
You let out a small oomph as your back hits the ground.
You're frozen on the ground as a wave of pain floods your body with it mostly concentrated on your left shoulder blade and ribs. The only positive thing about the situation is that nothing seems to be broken and the only thing there is the pain and horrible pounding headache like you've just drunk a bottle of vodka.
As you lay immobilized on the floor, you feel your vision blur as tears pool in your eyes. You quickly blinked and rolled your eyes in an attempt to stop the tears from falling down. You weren't sure why you were crying; you've been through worse than this. In all honesty, this was but a scratch compared to the injuries you've had on your line of work.
Still, you find some tears pooling on your eyes as you look up to stare at the dark and gritty alleyway you find yourself in. It reminded you of the first time you met Peter dressed as Spiderman; He had confronted the man who cornered you after you left school and dealt with him properly. And after the man passed out from the one sided fight, Peter webbed him up for the police to take him away before checked on you. You were grateful for his help and that was your first meeting with the amazing Spider-Man....
Lips pressed into a thin line as you recall the memory, you look at the hazy night sky as police sirens echo in the background. Smoke and the putrid smell of rot clung to your nose, causing you to scrunch up in disgust but also sobering you from further dwelling on the nostalgic memories.
Your hand clenches around your spider mask, with fingers tracing the webbing details on it before you start sitting up, there's no point in dwelling in the past.
You have to move on. Ignoring the cascade of pain as you move your body, you manage to drag yourself to lay on the dumpster after much effort. Okay, swinging on your web is definitely out of the question. Your eyes fall onto the occasionally glitching screen of the interdimensional watch settled on your wrist. It looks broken, but the painful feeling of your atoms slowly disintegrating wasn't there so at least it's still doing its primary function- stabilizing your atoms to settle in this dimension.
You tap on the screen of the watch, inspecting the other hardware to see if you could salvage it; Parts of the monitor were cracked but other than that nothing seemed to be too broken to repair.
Okay, you can probably try and fix it once you get your hands on some tools and replace some of the wiring. You can do this, you think. Probably. Maybe? You weren't confident given your first attempt at reverse engineering the watch ended up with you being flung to an unknown dimension, but that wasn't so bad. Honestly you were expecting it to fail and disintegrate you instead when you jumped to the ominous portal. (You've calculated the probability and it definitely wasn't in your favor.)
Frowning as you fiddle around with the internal hardware of the watch, you feel sweat rolling down your temples as you let out a frustrated groan when you try and salvage some of the more broken parts.
There goes your only chance of knowing what dimension you're stranded in, for now at least. You take a long look at the buzzing streetlight across the street, the gritty and dark unwelcoming atmosphere didn't seem like any version of New York you've encountered. Added with the fact that your spidey senses have been thrumming softly in warning did not help with the horrible first impression this dimension gave you.
Letting out a sigh as you look down to check on your sorry state of a spidersuit, you start walking towards the streets despite a lack of destination in mind. You don't know where to go but any place is better than a dumpster in a shady alley. Plus, you didn't forget that now you had the spider society hot on your trails. Hopefully, they are being misled by the fake trail of breadcrumbs you left behind after messing around with the watch.
With your heart in your mouth, you trudge along the pavement like every step was a pain and arduous task.
You'd think that an injured guy wearing a ragged up spandex costume with the theme of a spider would elicit some sort of question but you were proven wrong when the few people that walked past you didn't bat an eye. Though to be fair, they looked drunk or high as hell- which should’ve been the biggest warning sign that you're stranded in the bad side of the city.
Well, that realization came very late to you and it didn't do much to ease the low thrum your spider senses gave you. It buzzed off uncomfortable at the back of your head the further you walked into the city. The wind blew coldly against your face and you felt exposed without your mask. You hesitantly placed your sweaty spider mask back to your face and gagged from the horrible smell. Unfortunately, even after all those years of wearing it, you've never gotten used to the smell of your sweat-soaked mask after a long day’s work.
After making sure the mask was firmly secured, you look around the growing darkness. The street lamps ahead were broken or flickering like it was running on sheer will. Your spidey senses were buzzing wildly at the thought of continuing the walk.
Yea, there's no way you're walking down a dark alley alone in the middle of the night. That's just asking for trouble.
You turn around, walking towards one of the buildings, wondering which building you should climb and travel through the roofs. You didn't notice this before when you were too focused on trying not to agitate your injuries during the walk but god damn the buildings have seen better days.
Some were crumbling and had dozens of bullet-sized holes, most were covered in graffiti and broken wood planks and metal pipes with suspicious goo oozing out, it seemed like a chemistry experiment gone wrong while constructions of the building were canceled halfway.
Seriously, your spidey senses are going ballistic right now it's actually unnerving. (You swear you'd heard gunshots ring in the air and this time it's louder than the previous one as police sirens echo in the background.)
It's rarely acted this way before, except that one time you visited Hell’s Kitchen for a field trip. Only this time, the annoying constant thrumming at the back of your head was louder and more in-your-face than the one at Hell’s kitchen.
Right as you stood staring at the weathered billboard sign hanging from the shoddy building of what was once a fast food diner contemplating if you should just travel from the roof, you hear a cry for help.
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solarplanet2 · 2 months
This is an OC insert DC ficbit :p Pls ignore it if you don't want to read it :)
Allergic to feelings
Simon is the new bat, a meta human who has the ability to sense the dead/ghosts.
Tim: How does your ability work? How did you make songs into spells?
Simon: you wouldn't understand.
Dick: and why not?
Jason: Yeah. Why not, Spectre?
Simon: *Dramatically* Because it involves FEELINGS~
Batfam: EW
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
The New Heir - Chapter 1
And here we go everyone. Again, feedback is greatly appreciated. Warnings: mentions of bullying, kids can be cruel, minor violence, stalking Word count: 1.5k
Prologue, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
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Elias blinked a few times, looking at the board. His last period was math and as much as he loved the subject, he didn't like the last period of the day, regardless of what subject it is. He forced himself to focus, looking at the fractions.
He wrote down a little note next to a certain example, making sure that he wouldn't forget how it's solved. Elias' eyes went straight to the clock.
3 more minutes. Just 3 more minutes and he would be free. He just has to make it for 3 more minutes. His eyes travelled over the classroom. His best friend stopped writing a minute or 2 ago and was just watching the clock.
Elias' eyes travelled over the people in the classroom. Everyone was just ready to go home and rest. Everyone was tired. Some were following along and some were just mentally not there.
And Elias' eyes fell down on the one and only Damian Wayne. He still remembers how shocked the Gotham public was when it was revealed that Damian was Bruce Wayne's biological son. Him and his mom remember being shocked about it.
And she was more shocked that he went to public school and not private, but Bruce Wayne often said that he wanted his children to have a normal life, despite their celebrity status that they obtained by default.
But Damian Wayne was the first kid of the four sons that was biologically connected to Bruce. Elias didn't know what to think about him at all. He was stand offish at school, but he was polite towards the teachers.
And he seemed closed off, as if he put a very strong wall around himself. Why would a 12 year old had to put up walls around himself? Elias didn't want to judge, but it was strange for a 12 year old to be so closed off.
His eyes travelled back to the clock, seeing that there was a minute left. He subtly put his pencil in his pencil case, along side his eraser. When the bell rang, everyone decided to pack it out of here.
Elias' heard something about don't forget the worksheet for the Monday. He gave it out at the beginning of the subject so Elias already had it in his notebook.
" Come on Elias, " Theo said, trying to hurry up his friend.
" Give me a moment. " Elias said, putting the last of his stuff in the bag.
" You are slow as hell. " Theo remarked, laughing at the the middle finger he got from Elias.
They left the classroom and went to their lockers to get their stuff. Elias didn't put a lot of stuff in it, he just stuffed his jacket in there. He took his jacket out and put it on. It was the end of September and it was getting progressively colder and colder.
There were some cheers and some howling. What the hell? Theo and Elias looked at one another. It was the bully of the school, Mark Johnson. Elias hated him.
He never liked bullies. Mark was an 8th grader and thankfully it was his last year here, but he was taller than the rest of the kids and that gave him a certain edge. Not to mention his 'friends'. More appropriate term would be lackeys. Maybe even sheep.
" Is that Mark? " Elias asked, rubbing his eyes.
" Yup. He is bullying Damian Wayne. He is holding something above his hand and Damian looks like he is going snap. "
Elias sighed as he watched it. Why would Mark bully a Wayne? Out of all people in this school, the biological son of Bruce Wayne? Nope. Not happening. Anybody who has a brain would see that that is a bad idea.
" Hold my bag. " Elias said, shrugging the said bag off of his shoulders.
" Elias, what are you going to do? " Theo asked, tilting his head.
" Just watch. " Elias said, giving his friend a smirk.
" Oh God, Eli don't do it. " Theo said, seeing already what was going to happen.
" Don't worry. " Elias assured Theo.
" I don't want you to be suspended. " Theo called out after him as Elias made his way, through the crowd. Theo sighed. Elias was to brave for his own good.
" Mark, give Damian his- " He stopped, looking up to see a sketchbook, then dropping his eyes lower to meet Mark's eyes " Sketchbook. " He said, making sure to keep his face neutral.
" Or what? " Mark said, smirking at Elias, leaning his head down. Damian was glanced at Elias. Now what?
" Or we will have a repeat of the last time we were in this predicament. " Elias said calmly, watching as the smirk disappeared. The crowd let out an ooh, clearly knowing what Elias was talking about.
Damian, in fact, didn't know what Elias did. He watched Mark's wheels turn inside his head. Elias just raised his eyebrow, silently asking him ' and what is it? '
Mark held the notebook even higher. Elias sighed, shaking his head.
" Don't say that I didn't warn you. " Was the only warning that Damian and Mark got before Elias swung at Mark's jaw. Mark grunted and stumbled back into the wall. Elias grabbed the notebook back and smacked Mark with it across the face. The crowd was laughing at Mark and Elias handed Damian his sketchbook.
" Thank you. Did you really punch him in the face before? " Damian asked, opening the doors to get out.
" I have. And damn, it felt good. " Elias said, taking his bag from Theo.
" It was a pretty sight. " Theo confirmed, moving out in the fresh air.
Damian and Elias followed too. Elias closed his eyes for a moment. He sighed, feeling the harsh wind against his face. Fall came to Gotham.
Damian went straight to the car waiting for him.
" He has a butler Elias. " Theo said, watching the car.
" He is rich. " Elias said back, walking down the stairs of the school.
" I know, but still! Imagine, a butler that does everything you want on a whim. " Theo dreamed as they walked side by side. Elias laughed at that. He didn't need a butler.
" Why are you laughing at me? " Theo whined, walking next to him as they were walking home.
" Because. Just because he has a butler, that doesn't mean that the butler does everything. I would bet you that he still gets stuff on his own. " Elias said, looking around as they stopped at a traffic stop. He didn't have a good feeling.
He saw a tall man, with black hair and green eyes, dressed like any other Gotham resident, but something was off. Way off. He was across the street from them and he was looking at them both. Elias' hunch went off.
" Theo, follow my lead and don't panic, " Elias said, grabbing Theo's arm.
Theo stayed quiet, guessing that Elias got a hunch. Elias had a detector for danger and that was a very useful skill to have in Gotham.
" Can I get an explanation? " Theo asked as they were walking quickly.
" I think a guy is following us. " Elias said quietly, seeing a subway. It was busy so they could lose him there.
" A hunch? " Theo pressed, walking down the old metal stairs.
" Yup. " Elias said, still not letting go off Theo's arm.
" Oh God. "
Elias stayed quiet, moving through the crowd. He looked back for a moment and he saw that the man was looking around. Elias pushed on forward, seeing the exit. Elias had a tight grip on Theo's arm and he moved him to go up the old metal stairs, making the run around the corner.
They have lost him.
" Come on, lets go. " They had around 10 minutes to their building.
" Elias, I can't run that fast. " Theo said, huffing.
" Well, I don't care. You are going to thank me one day. " Elias said, sighing in relief as they saw their building. He took his keys from his pocket and unlocked the front door.
Theo and Elias took deep breaths.
" Oh my God. " Theo said, panting.
" I know. "
" As much as I love this city, I hate it at the same time. " Theo declared, going to the elevator. He pressed the up button and Elias moved to stand next to Theo.
" I feel you. "
They stepped into the elevator once it opened it's doors. Elias pressed 2 and Theo pressed 3. The doors closed and the lift moved upwards.
They stood in silence and Elias said goodbye to Theo. He stepped out and unlocked the apartment door. Whew... This was insane. He took his jacket off and took his shoes off. His mom was going to be home soon and he would be able to tell her.
Who even was that man?
He went to the bathroom to wash his hands, sighing quietly. He went back to his room after drying his hands. A nap would be in order first.
He was tired beyond belief.
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super-luna-fic · 2 months
Camp Justice - Chapter 2: The First Day Part 1
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On the Batplane...
The trip to the camp began early in the morning. As Bruce said, their senses were blocked by J'onn aka Martian Manhunter. However, blocking Cal's was a bit more difficult than blocking Dick's. Somehow she was able to fight off the effects and just about everything he did wasn't working. At some point, Bruce was tempted to physically knock her out himself but knew the repercussions he would face later were not worth it. Martian Manhunter was eventually successful and they were able to continue on their journey. They were able to get there at a reasonable time in peace with the occasional complaint from the two. But it wasn't anything Bruce wasn't used to.
When the Batplane landed, their senses slowly came back to them. They were then led off the plane by J'onn and the first thing that hit them was the smell of fresh. Not that sewer smell that is common in Gotham. The next thing to hit them was the view and it made them speechless. There were so many beautiful trees and flowers that they as though they were in a fairytale. Between school and patrol, they never have enough time to travel so all they saw were skyscrapers and dirty streets. This was a nice change.
"Dude this view is so beautiful, mom totally needs to see this" Cal said as she took her phone out.
"Hey! What the-"
"What part of top secret location did you not understand? Besides I told you you're not allowed to have any electronic device. How did you even get this back?"
"… willpower?" She answered sheepishly.
He glared at her but then focused his attention on Dick.
"And you?"
"Me!? Why would I do that? I'm the golden child, remember!"
"… hand them over."
"But I- I- fine," he said as he took his cellphone out of his pocket and placed them in Bruce's outstretched hand.
"And the ones in your shoes."
Dick looked at him in shock, "How did you know?"
"I trained you, didn't I."
"Tortured is more like it" Cal grumbled under her breath.
After Dick handed him the last of his technological devices they headed toward the entrance of the building labeled 'Check-in'.
"Wow, you guys really went out for this theme, whose idea was this anyway?"
"It was my idea, during the renovations of course," a voice said behind them. They turned around to see the source of it and saw a familiar green-themed superhero standing with his hands on his hips.
"Uncle Ollie!" Cal exclaimed as she ran to give him a hug.
'Uncle Ollie' J'onn mouthed to Bruce. He chose to ignore him and stare at the scene in front of him.
"How's my favorite niece and nephew?" he said as he ruffled Dick's hair.
"You do realize we're not actually related," Dick said as he swatted at Ollie hand.
"Well kid if you knew just how much I know and how long I've been involved in your family you just might rethink that statement"
"You tell'em, Uncle"
Dick abruptly walked up to her face, "Shut up!"
"Make me shorty"
"Shorty?? You're only a quarter of an inch taller!"
"Still counts," she replied smugly.
"You-" Dick made a move to pounce but was held back by the scruff of his uniform by Ollie.
"There will be none of that just yet, you guys need to get settled in while tall, dark, and gloomy, and I start getting ready for first-day introductions."
"Batman is going to be participating?!" Dick asked.
"Yep, and not only that. He's also going to be a counselor for one of the boy's cabins and overseeing all your camp activities!" he replied gleefully.
Cal and Dick stared at Bruce bewildered by what Ollie just said. The Batman is going to be a camp counselor. They stared at him to confirm what they just heard but all he did was look ahead, avoiding all eye contact. Now, the average person wouldn't think much of it however they knew he was slowly starting to get ticked off. They decided not to push his buttons… for now.
"So! When do we get to go to our cabins?" Cal asked.
"Right now actually, Martian Manhunter is going to be taking both of you to your cabins. Then after you get dressed, you'll be making your way to the mess hall."
"The mess hall? This place has an actual mess hall? Wow, you guys went all out."
Ollie snapped his head to look at Dick as if he just threatened to blow up the camp. If he had gone any faster he surely would have broke his neck.
"I went all out, they had nothing to do with making this feel like an authentic summer camp. I mean yea they helped with putting things together but they just wanted to make it look like a regular smegular facility. I wanted you guys to get the summer camp experience that my fellow colleagues did n-"
"Okay uncle we get it"
Ollie looked at her a bit out of breath from his rant and noticed the perplexed looks he was getting from everyone including Bruce.
He quickly put himself together before clearing his throat, "Very well then, Martian Manhunter if you wouldn't mind taking them now while we prep".
"Of course"
Batman and Green Arrow made their way back inside while Martian Manhunter started to guide them down a pebbled path.
The walk to the cabins was quiet and short. Martian Manhunter wasn't much of a talker when it came to them and there wasn't much to see besides the trees that acted as a division for the boy's and girl's cabins. Dick was dropped off first to his (which Wally was conveniently staying in) and Cal last.
"And this is where you will be staying. Your clothes will be on your bunk and you should hurry. We'll be starting in 10."
"Sure thing, I'll try my very best sir." She said as she saluted him.
Instead of entertaining her foolishness he simply walked away. She giggled and made her way through the wooden door. The cabin surprisingly did not have anyone in there but it was obvious that at least three other girls had laid claim to certain bunks. She chose the last top bunk and placed her bag on it. There she found a short sleeved black t-shirt with the words 'Camp Justice' written in blue with the year 1950 and two sets of three letters under it.
"Sweet," Cal said as she replaced her uniform top with the camp t-shirt. After rolling up the sleeves, she started to take her dark brown curls out of the ponytail she had it in when she heard footsteps approaching.
'Ooo I get to finally meet one of my roommates, I wonder who it could ever be…' she thought as the door finally opened and their foot stepped through the threshold.
With a smile she greeted her roommate.
"Hello there my name is- What are you doing here?!?!?"
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the DC characters or universes. The only characters and universes I own are the ones I create.
For those who don't know, yes Ollie is Green Arrow.
A/N: Chapter 2 is finally here! We're now discovering that Cal seems to have an enemy of some sort, I wonder who it could ever be >:). I hope you guys enjoy and I'll try to post the other part by either the end of this week or the beginning of the week after :)
Also, there's an Invader Zim reference in here (I'll dm the name of Cal's "enemy" to the first one who tells me what it is. Good luck!)
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misssharrington · 3 months
— ✧ ˚ · bad luck !!
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wattpad | playlist
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summary: Catalina was an orphan - a stray cat. She didn't even have a last name. She was no one, invisible. Until she wasn't. Until she finally broke, and decided to make a name for herself, make everyone know just exactly who she was; a wildcard. An unknown, unpredictable factor of the world she lived in. She loved the chaos she brought. She loved it up until the day she was arrested, and loved it even more while she rotted in jail. Her mark was left on the world, and she was proud. But now the family who abandoned her have come crawling back, asking for her help. So, does she say no, and continue to live the rest of her days in prison, or say yes, and have a second chance at life?
remember to like and reblog !!
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thewrittingratt · 6 months
Jo here with the Rules For Requesting!
Things I won't write
homophobia, Transphobia, anything hateful to the lgbtq community
smut(just a personal preference as writing it makes me uncomfy)
Requesting x oc
things to include in your request
the show/movie universe the request takes place in
what they look
their lifestyle
their personality
if it's romantic or platonic
who you are shipping them with(can be multiple characters) or who they are friends with(if it's for a platonic request)
Requesting X Reader
the show/movie universe it takes place
if its romantic or platonic
who they are being shipped with(can be multiple characters) or who they are friends with(if it's for a platonic request)
Fandoms and characters to request from
The Batman 2022
Suicide Squad movies
Stranger Things
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
One Piece Live Action
Norman Bates
Otis Driftwood
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer
Chop Top Sawyer
Stu Macher
Charles Lee Ray
The Lost Boys
Art The Clown
Thomas Hewitt
Stardew Valley
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta
Charles Boyle
The Umbrella Academy
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
Scooby Gang
Fred Jones
Shaggy Rogers
Scooby-Doo 2002 and 2004 Movies
What's New Scooby-Doo?
Mystery Incorporated
Basically all the animated 2010s movies
Spiderman ATSV
Hobbie Brown(SpiderPunk)
Pavitr Prabhakar(SpiderMan)
Johnathon Ohnn(The Spot)
Patrick O'Hara(Web-Slinger)
Ben Riley(Scarlet Spider)
Spider Noir
Extra Characters
John Bender(The Breakfast Club)
Andrew Clark(The Breakfast Club)
Brian Johnson(The Breakfast Club)
Cameron Frye(Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
If a fandom or character you would like to request for is not listed feel free to request for that character or fandom anyway and I'll see what I can do!
Prompt list!
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the-batcats-mder · 3 months
Description of Book
About Her
Chapter 1 The Start
Chapter 2 Ok
Chapter 3 What!?
Chapter 5 Happening
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First time posting: [july 1st, 2024]
Chapter 4 Stayed
Third person pov.
Violet did not expect her day to turn out this way.
She didn't expect Damian Wayne to corner her in the kitchen of Mount Justices and basically explain that he was on to her for being his soulmate; she didn't expect to enter the main area in Mount Justice to come into a semi packed room with her other soulmates, and her other other soulmates.
The other other soulmates are referring to the ones that mainly do not live in Gotham city, the ones she hardly gets to see in person. They mainly live in New York areas.
She semi did and didn't expect her to be left behind on this mission when they said they needed anyone they had here.
She also didn't expect that one of her soulmates would have tricked the others by 'going' with them, but really, it was his clone that got on the jet with the others. His soiled form had stayed in Mount Justices with her.
This left just the two of them alone in Mount Justices now.
He was smart and made sure that he was hidden and only showed himself when he knew the others were fully gone.
Violet knew right away that he was still here, so she kept her masks on even when they left and just waited for him to show himself to her.
Loki, the son of Odin and the son of Freya, walks slowly over to his masked up soulmate with his devilish, handsome grin on his face. "I'm compelled to know why you weren't allowed to come on this mission? Your teammates made a big deal to keep you off the field." He was curious about what would cause that.
Loki knows Violet can handle herself in most situations. The mission they were off to, she would be a great help to it, so seeing her not go with them makes him wonder why.
He knows a lot about her. The dreams that the two share tell him enough. Soonish, those dreams will become more between them.
Violet shrugs her shoulders and pushes off the wall she was leaning up against, "'Got hurt' on my last mission, so I can't go on this one," she said bluntly to him.
She is trying to act like she isn't his soulmate. Like she does with her other soulmates, like she did with Damian.
She can tell by what's happening right now, Loki was very similar to Damians' ideas. She did and didn't want him or the others knowing who she was for their safety. So acting like she didn't 'belong' to him was what she was trying to do. Though she is fifty percent sure, this won't even work on him. It's Loki, after all.
Loki can see through her little act and just ignores it and continues on.
"Do you still hurt Love?"
The mental freak out when he called her love was so fucking strong, but she kept herself in control. Somehow... it's just... Loki.
She was lost for a few seconds because of him, "Uh, what? Oh, um, no, I'm doing better now," she said.
She looks past him to the empty room and then back to him, "Why aren't you with the others, I mean fully with the others. Do they know you're here?" Again trying to play everything off as friendly talking and nothing more than that.
"No..." Loki started but stopped and thought for a few seconds, "Thor might have figured it out already, and the witch would have figured it out, other than that, no."
Violet nods her head, "Ok... My question still stands waiting for the answer that I asked," she waits for his answer.
Loki shakes his head. He has the same grin on his face as he spoke. "Love, don't even try. We both know why I'm still here."
Violet went to start to play what he said off and say something like she was confused about what he was saying, but just looking at him, she knew it wasn't worth it.
Looking around the empty room, she sighs and shakes her head. Even if it was empty of people, aliens, gods, and so on, there's cameras.
She walks over to her soulmate and places a hand on his shoulders, and they aren't in Mount Justices anymore. "I don't know why I even tried with you. After all, you're the God of mischief, " she mumbles out and flings or waves her hands around a bit.
That was true of her. She didn't really understand why she even tried lying or acting with him. He was the God of mischief; what did she expect?
Yes, her mind is very strong and hard to crack open, but with soulmates, that's kind of a different story.
Plus, if Violet made a list on who would be able to figure out who she really was, it would be Loki and Wanda.
Those two are powerful in both physical and mental powers and it wouldn't be long until they try to tap into the source of her magic; and feel their soulbonds when the others don't even feel it even if they're in the same room as her.
But they didn't need to do any of that. The fact that they are so strong in their field of magic, they were able to see their soulmate face right away when the two started dreaming of their soulmate.
They didn't have a blockage when it came to seeing her true form and some of her past life. Not much with the past life, but they were able to see some of it.
Loki chuckles, "I can see why you would try. You've been lying for quite some time now," he said.
Violet felt guilty with those words. She didn't enjoy lying to them, but she did. "I'm sorry," she grumbles out.
"Like I said Love, I can see why" he said.
Violet wanted to know how much stuff he knew about her. She wanted to know why he would understand her?
It's Loki. He, out of all of them, would understand her more. He'll just have to explain it to her.
Loki looks around himself. He can see he was moved to another living quarters. It felt homey, a place he's seen in his dreams maybe once or twice. "Is this your place?"
I hope you like it.
I’m sorry for any short chapters.
I'm also sorry for any bad grammar or spelling errors.
I would very much like to say thank you for taking the time to read my chapters, I really appreciate it.
There's warnings ⚠️ for a reasons. If you skip them, that's fine, but not my fault if you're taken back by what I write for.
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Chapter 1
A Rose By Any Other Name
Would Feel As Frigid
Warnings: mentions of underage smoking and drinking, other questionable activities, theft, and the American school system
Notes: a little over half of you said to name Reader, so that's what we'll do!
Meet Casey, our little OC/reader insert. Gender neutral name, they/them pronouns, and as always, you can change these in your head as we go along.
I figured giving a name to 'em would just help me as a writer keep track of stuff. Idk. If it doesn't work I'll just change it.
Each of us was assigned to a different inmate by our friendly neighborhood guardsman, Bob. Probably not his real name, but he's not exactly relevant. Brown hair, angry eyes, late forties. Just like two of the other guards I saw in the Pen.
I watched Jackson, one of the football team's linebackers, visibly pale when he was assigned to Blockbuster.
Will got Icicle Senior, and seemed even less excited than Jack. We'd heard more about Senior's stunts than Blockbuster's, and they weren't exactly pretty.
Poor Will.
Lainey pulled some lady named Devastation. When Bob pulled up her profile, Laine grinned.
"She's the one that broke the Brooklyn Bridge last winter. Put a car through it when Bane held out on a Venom shipment."
I winced slightly.
"Seems excessive."
"Does it help that he was on the bridge?" Lainey's smile widened, glinting canines matching her beanie.
"Didn't know you were so violently inclined." Daniel pulled his hoodie off and handed it to security, bumping my shoulder with his own.
Laine rolled her eyes. "You've played bouncer for me. You get how deals work."
"Pay up or get tossed, I know." The other jock looked the screen over again, then nodded. "She's hot."
"She's also twenty." Jack shoved between Dan and I, dropping his belongings into the tray. "And has more muscle than the whole Varsity team put together. Don't get killed," he offered Lainey.
"It'll take the whole punishment's mood down." Dan rolled his eyes at my quip.
"Like it's not bad enough already."
Rachel got paired with some lady named Shimmer. Similar hair styles, but Bob didn't seem to notice.
Olivia ended up with someone named Psimon. Pale, with an odd, clear dome for a skull and visible brain beneath.
"If it wasn't for your little business, none of us would be here!" Olive snarled at Lainey.
She snickered. "We could see your smoke from the stairs! If those two knuckleheads hadn't asked Ray for drinks," the gestured towards Jack and Dan, "we'd have been fine."
Before the trip, us seven and Parker, the yearbook kid, had to take home permission slips for our parents to sign. The typical "if anything bad happens, whoops but it's not on us" deal. My mom wasn't going to let me go, but as soon as she heard the charges for the lock picking and camera would be dropped, she was sold.
How rude.
I glanced up.
Bob's scowl deepened.
"You're assigned ta Cameron Mahkent, Icicle Junior."
His profile popped onto the screen, forcing Psimon's out of view. I could feel my eyes widen as another teenager came into focus.
White hair, blue eyes, long sideburns, and a sharp jawline like Dan's, but with less width.
That was just his mugshot, though. Next to that photo was one I recognized from the news - a pointy chinned, blue skinned kid with angled edges everywhere - his shoulders were broader, fingers longer and sharper, and even his ears seemed a bit more pointed; almost like he was chiseled from ice.
"He sued to be tried 's an adult an' be placed here with his father," Bob said. "Then he helped try 'n stage a breakout. Rap sheet longer'n some adults I've seen - tons 'f injuries, break ins, obstructions of traffic an' justice. We figured you'd be th' best fin," he grinned, "'cause yours is one'a them crimes. The res', though? Normal teenage nonsense."
I could feel my own lips curl into more of a snarl than a smile as I took my coat back from the other guard. The rest of my stuff was shoved, along with everyone else's, into a drawer behind the counter.
"Oh, joy."
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writingplenty · 10 months
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Harley Quinn x Reader: Girls Wanna Have Fun
Someone explain why Birds of Prey is my comfort movie rn?
Description: Reader is at a Halloween party and is miserable. The city's crazy lady criminal takes an interest in her.
Gender: neutral. Slight lean toward fem but doesn't have to be.
WARNINGS: drunk!Harley, gun, drinking, idk like strongly BOP themed
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You sit in a corner of this ridiculously crowded bar your friends dragged you to for a halloween party.
Your costume is a Flash t-shirt that you cut short to make it "sexy," as your friends asked you to do. So now you're uncomfortably holding your arms around your ridiculously overexposed stomach, crammed into the only free corner you found.
Everyone else had abandoned you to go hit on some guys. You decided to play it easy this evening, you're already a nervous wreck and talking to new people would probably make you combust.
"What're you doing in the cerner?" A very drunk voice interrupts your thoughts. "Cernor. Cornor. Corner. Yeah, that's the one."
You look up to see none other than Harley Quinn, a criminal. Oh this is just great. Still, despite the fact that she is a murderer (which is such a bad mindset to have), she doesn't kill innocent people. So you find her pretty.
She trips trying to sit in front of you on the floor. "Corner?"
"Oh, um," you look around to see if there's a way out of this. Physically, there is not. "I'm just chilling."
"Chillin'?" She laughs. "Why aren't you partying?"
You shrug.
"M'kay." She grabs your arm and without a warning, harshly pulls you to your feet. "I'm gonna dance with you."
It is a stumble to the dance floor where her grip on your arm never releases. She accidentally flings you into an embarrassing number of people.
If only you'd picked a different corner.
Suddenly, Harley whips you around, throwing her arms over your shoulders, literally falling into you. She violently starts swaying—more like launching herself—and you awkwardly try to figure out what to do with your hands.
Harley pulls you into a tight hug-ish thing, bringing your arms over her shoulders now. "You're rlly- rrrlley- rreaally pretty."
"Thanks," you can feel a blush heating up your cheeks.
"You like girls or just guys?"
For a moment, you have to process what she just asked. ". . . either, I guess."
"Mm, good. Caussse I like you." She puts her head on your shoulder. "You got a boyfrriend?"
"No," you almost giggle. "Thought you did."
"Nah," she stands herself upright (kinda). "I decided it was time to moooove on. Puddin's real sad though."
"Do you still love him?" You don't know why, but curiosity strikes in your mind. The power couple of the city broke up? If the Joker really is upset, that could mean a bad crime spell for civilians.
"No!" Harley shouts loudly, laughing when people give her mean looks. "I wanna date you. Whas your name again?"
She never asked for your name. "Y/N."
"Yeah, that's a nice name." She giggles. "You having fun?"
"Not really," you admit with a shrug.
"Lez go get pizza."
She doesn't give you a choice, dragging you out of the club and to the pizza place next door. You send your friends a quick text, not that they're concerned where you are anyway.
She is a strong but really clumsy drunk. That's a great combination right there.
"Do you like olives?" Harley asks as she pulls you up to the counter.
"Yeah," you fish around in your purse for your wallet.
"You actually like olives on pizza? No waaaaay!" She tries to jump but kind of just trips. "Can we getta olive pizza, like a small one?"
The cashier looks miserable while he takes down the order. You pull out your wallet.
"I got it." Harley pulls a gun from her waistband.
"Harley, no!" You pull the gun from her hand. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Here's my credit card."
The cashier leans over the counter. "Are you safe?"
You laugh ironically. "Should be."
"Pizza's on me." They whisper. "If you're sure you're okay."
"I'm fine." You give them a smile.
They shrug, taking the order slip to the back and you lead Harley to the safety of a booth. She falls onto her seat.
"I like your costmume. No. Costuuuuume." Harley gives you a big smile.
"Oh," you compare your t-shirt to her grand, sparkly outfit. "Thanks. You look nice, too."
"Mm, I know." She closes her eyes as she smiles again.
"Here's your pizza." The cashier calls to you. You go grab the box and give him a huge, grateful smile.
You open the box and Harley squeals. You can't help but smile a little bit. No one else on Earth would be that happy over a pizza.
The pizza is oily and gross but Harley eats it like its a gourmet meal. You both eat in total silence, you're not sure why Harley is suddenly so calm. Well, calm for someone who fell in a vat of chemicals.
"Gimme your number." Harley pulls a marker from her pocket and offers you her arm. You hesitate for just a moment but then realize she's not going to care about marker on her arm.
She then stands up, having eaten her half the pizza.
"Mind if I take the leftovers?" Her voice is very slowly sounding a little less drunk.
"Oh, are you leaving?" You feel just a bit hurt but her sudden abandonment.
"I gotta go feed my hyena."
"Hyena?!" You actually yell, but she never turns around to explain.
Idk what that was. Anyway don't steal. Like & save for later. Happy fluff/spooktober day 2.
Buy me a coffee?
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pookiebeary · 10 months
Go Little Spider
Spiderperson! Reader in Gotham
Gn!Reader x Batfam(?)
Heavily inspired by "Peter the Pizza Guy" and "Dark Matter" in AO3
ATSV spider-reader
Part 1 | Next
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You're Spider-Kid, sidekick and protégé of the late amazing Spider-Man. It didn't take long before Miguel O'hara and his band of spiderpeople recruited you in their little elite force after you took the mantle of your late mentor.
It also didn't take long for you to realize how despite the so-called elite force consisting of all the other variants of your late mentor- they all seemed to fail at being the one thing they claimed to be. They all failed the one golden rule Spider-Man lived by. You couldn't believe your ears when you heard about the Arachno-Humanoid Poly-Multiverse and canon events. Allowing some people to die because that's their fate? That was some messed up shit. You couldn't sit by idly knowing their destiny was to die, so you did what your Spider-Man would've done; you broke the canon.
Well, more like tried to.
You had planned to save the Gwen Stacy of this universe (because you're not going to let another version of your mentor go through the pain he did), but of course you were caught before you could save her from the fall. A great force tackled you and broke your grip as you climbed the tower of the Brooklyn Bridge.
The sweet and tangy smell of iron fills your mouth when you're thrown from the tower and far off against the incoming metro. A pained groan escapes your lips upon impact and you feel an unbearable ache on your chest when you try to get up. You take your ripped mask off for a breather and spit out the blood from your chapped lips. You manage to sit up after gritting through the pain- you've been through worse, you mutter to yourself.
"Stop whatever you're trying to do, kid. You can't risk breaking the canon." You heard the familiar and condescending voice of Miguel warning you, but his words only further infuriated you.
A look of disbelief flashes over you and you feel your anger getting the better of you,"You're telling me… that I'm just supposed to let them die because that's their fate? How could you..?"
" HOW COULD ALL OF YOU?!" You bark at the other spiderpeople in the surrounding.
" And we're supposed to be the good guys?! Spider-Man would never let someone die just because that's their fate!!" You let out a faint sardonic laugh, "If this is what it means to be Spider-man, then I want out. "
The other Spider-people, the other versions of the Peter you know tenses at your words; you're going rogue. You narrow your eyes at them, they look like a younger version of Peter you know but they could never live up to yours.
"It's not like that, kiddo," You hear one of them tell you in a disappointed tone.
You couldn't believe that all of them gave in so easily as you gave them an even more menacing glare, "So all of you are fine with letting innocent people die because that's their fate? Because some fucking simulation said so?! You're all fine with that??"
They all shuffled and looked at each other as if they've only just started thinking that maybe- maybe they were wrong. If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under with the way Miguel looks at you but you could say the same for him. If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under too.
As the group of spiderpeople seemed to hesitate, you quickly take advantage of this opening to make a run for it before Miguel could bark out another order. You speed along the metro to put some distance between you and your pursuers, bearing through the pain on your legs and chest as you keep running.
"Fine." Miguel gruffly replies, his eyes glaring with a menacing red hue as he starts chasing after you like a feral animal.
Curiously, you took a quick peek behind you and the sight almost made you wet your pants. He looked like he was out for blood with the way he was running on all fours and snarling at you-
Well you weren't wrong. Miguel was out for blood and you found out the hard way when he managed to web you, pulling you backwards as you tumbled from the sudden force. He then grabbed your head and smashed you against the ground mercilessly, leaving a crater in its wake from the sheer force. Blood trickled down your head and nose as you start seeing black spots dance around your vision.
You hear the other Peter speak up to defend you on your behalf as you struggle to get up with ringing ears and a few bones you were sure are broken.
"Go home (Name)." He commands ever so sternly as if he hadn't just incapacitated you. He towers over you as he holds a tight grip on your wrist where your interdimensional watch rests. As he's about to take your watch away, you remember you've tampered with the watch before and set a contingency plan in case this rogue act of yours went wrong. Not that said contingency plan was complete yet but something's better than nothing.
Immediately, you pressed the special switch you've installed in your watch and Miguel's surprise is clear as you start glitching and fading away.
"Fuck you." You spat before kicking him away, taking advantage of his surprise and jumping to the ominously glitching dimensional rift that suddenly appeared behind you.
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gcthvile · 1 year
Felicia Quinzel-White
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Name: Felicia Quinzel-White
Age: 28
Date of Birth: May 15
Personality: Felicia is a cunning and manipulative individual, with a razor-sharp intellect. She possesses a dark sense of humor, finding amusement in chaos and unpredictability. Her mind works in mysterious and intricate ways, making her a formidable opponent. Despite her villainous nature, Felicia has a charismatic charm that can be both captivating and unsettling.
Jack Oswald White (Joker) - Father
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Harleen Frances Quinzel (Harley Quinn) - mother
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Felicia was born into a world of madness and crime, raised by her notorious parents for a time being, until she was at the age of 16, then she was raised by Joker, even though she didn't really like him because of what he's put Harley through. Nonetheless, growing up in the twisted environment shaped by Joker, she developed a fascination with chaos and an uncanny ability to think like a criminal mastermind. Felicia's intelligence was nurtured through exposure to her parents' schemes and her own insatiable thirst for knowledge.
Felicia's primary goal is to establish herself as the most notorious criminal mastermind in the world. She aims to create chaos and disorder on a grand scale, leaving her mark on society.
Felicia is driven by a desire to surpass her parents' (mostly her father's) legacy and prove herself as the ultimate criminal genius. She craves recognition and thrives on the thrill of outsmarting others. She possesses exceptional intelligence and strategic thinking. She excels in planning elaborate schemes and manipulating others to do her bidding. Her ability to analyze situations quickly and adapt to changing circumstances gives her an edge.
Her obsession with chaos can sometimes cloud her judgment. She can become overconfident and underestimate her opponents, leading to potential vulnerabilities. Felicia's emotional detachment can also hinder her ability to form genuine connections with others. Her need for control can sometimes make her impulsive and reckless. She can overlook crucial details in her pursuit of chaos, which can lead to unexpected setbacks.
Felicia has honed her skills in deception, manipulation, and psychological warfare. She is an expert in crafting elaborate traps and creating diversions to achieve her goals. She possesses exceptional deductive reasoning and is skilled in hand-to-hand combat. She also has a penchant for collecting antique playing cards, which she sees as a symbol of her parents' legacy and leaves them behind as signature calling cards at the scenes of her crimes, often in the form of playing cards with her unique symbol. And has a habit of humming or whistling when she's deep in thought.
Enjoys challenging puzzles and mind games. She has a fondness for classic literature and finds inspiration in characters like Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes.
Felicia believes that chaos is the true essence of life. She sees order as a mundane and restrictive force and believes that chaos is what pushes humanity to evolve and adapt.
Hope you'll like her :)
@msrochelleromanofffelton @hanlueluver @blueboirick @jackiequick @meiramel
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riotlain · 2 years
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forgot to post my funny dc oc Lydia (They/He)
they arent gonna be shipped with anyone (they aromantic💪💪) he just here to be silly
All you really gots to know about them
They got Autism + Adhd and also the NPD
He friends with Tim and got beef with Damian
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thefanpov · 2 years
How would they react if there's a spider in the shower while they're showering:
Jason Todd ( Redhood ):
Jason who's scrubing his hair while mumbling his favorite song and open his eyes to see a huge spider to the wall: "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!"
Roy who rushed in with a flamethrower: "What's happening?!"
Jason who is shaking: "KILL IT!!!!"
Roy looked at him in confusion as Jason pointed the spider: "Oh my god- don't worry I got this!" Roy click a button to the flamethrower
Jason realizing: "Wait- Roy-"
That is the second time Roy shot fired Jason from, the shower with his flamethrower
Dick Grayson ( Nightwing ):
Dick was entering the shower at a sudden blink a spider jump from his face: "SCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!-"
Luna suddenly woke up and look around her room and turn to her pet cat gone and look up to the ceiling to she Faust: "Hey Faust, did you heard something?"
Faust who littery shaking from the recent scream as her nails dugged to the ceiling and letting out a whimper: "Merroww..."
Luna: "Faust?"
So Luna decide to leave her pet cat for the rest of her mission and for Dick... well... let's just say... it really didn't get well...
Damian Wayne ( Robin ):
Damian holding his Katana and pointing it inside the shower: "What a disgusting fragile creature, tsk..."
Tim calling outside of his room: "Damian! We're gonna be late!"
Damian blink at the spider as it already dissappear: "Drake! Inform the others that we'll be evacuating!"
Okay so... I have no words to say...
Timothy Drake ( Red Robin ):
Tim is lack of sleep, he spotted a spider at the sink and didn't hesitate to just smash it with his fist: "... I need coffee..."
Luna Midnight ( Smiley ):
Luna is scrubbing her body with soap as she notice a huge spider: "Oh my- why would you be inside here?"
Luna gently grab the spider with her wet hands and open the shower curtains and gently put the spider to the counter of the sink: "Please stay there, it's really rude to just enter the shower with someone inside, so please stay out there..."
Luna petted the spider before going back showering humming:
This is the time the spider finally met a peaceful freedom
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misssharrington · 3 months
— ✧ ˚ · girl of steel !!
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. . . ࿐ྂ ❝ one | the morning after ❞
wattpad | playlist
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The creaking of the train echoed through the emptied carriage of the early morning. Passing lights of tunnels and the sunrise shone through the windows, softly coating my face in faint warmth. I sat in the seat closest to the door, resting my aching head against the glass as I took in my reflection.
My black bra was perfectly visible through my barely-there top. The mini-skirt I wore had ridden up more than you could possibly imagine, lace stockings unclipped and hanging around my shins. I held my black heeled pumps in my hands. Any makeup I had worn the night before was rubbed off, the only remaining remnants being the black eyeliner smeared over my eyes, and glitter along my cheekbones and all in my hair. I couldn't tell if it was the train glass making my reflection all distorted or what was leftover in my system.
I sat with my legs tucked into myself, fading in and out of sleep. I rubbed my eyes with my hands groggily, debating whether I should stay on this train instead of going home.
There were a handful of people in the same carriage as me. A middle aged man seemed to wear a perverted smirk as he ogled me. I stuck my middle finger up at him, and his expression turned sour. I laughed at his reaction. Across from me, a concerned mother was trying to keep her son as away from me as possible.
The carriage doors opened and a ticket inspector came walking through. I cursed under my breath and went to get up, but there were too few people around to distract him from my movement. 
"Ticket?" He asked me. 
"Um, yeah." I replied hesitantly, feeling around my non-existent pockets for a ticket.
The inspector stood impatiently in front of me, tapping his foot on the metal floor. The pervert smirked at my obvious trouble. 
"Miss, if you don't have a ticket, I'm going to have to fine you." He told me. 
"Please don't do that." I asked tiredly, my voice hoarse from last night. 
He sighed. "If you pay for a ticket now, I won't fine you."
I groaned. 
"What's the problem?" He asked. 
"I don't have any money." I told him, cringing my face at his reaction.
"I'm going to have to fine you." He told me sternly. 
"Listen, man-" I began, before I was interrupted. 
"I can pay!" A boy not so far from me intruded on the situation. 
"Young man, this is her problem, not yours." The ticket inspector told him. 
"No, really, it's okay. I can pay for her ticket." The boy insisted. 
The inspector looked between him and I suspiciously. I shrugged at him, just as confused as he was. 
He sighed. "Alright." 
The boy paid for the ticket, and the inspector begrudgingly left. The boy handed the ticket to me with an awkward smile. 
He looked about my age, with dark hair and a dorky lopsided smile. 
"Thanks..." I trailed off, waiting for his name. 
"Tim." He told me sweetly. 
"Tim. Thanks, again." I said. 
"No problem..." He waited for me to do the same. 
"Bianca." I told him. 
"Bianca." He repeated, the name sounding melodic on his lips. 
"That was really nice of you." I said to him truthfully.
"It was really no problem. Don't worry about it." He told me. 
We well into a silence next to each other. The only noise between us was the train bumping on the old tracks. 
"So," I began, "where are you headed?"
"School." Tim told me. 
"Cool." I nodded my head. "Me too."
He tilted his head in slight confusion. "Does your school not have a dress code?"
"Watch." I told him, standing up. I put on the jumper I was carrying with me, which covered my whole chest. I pulled my skirt down so it wasn't so short, clipped my stockings back, and put my shoes on. 
"Ta da!" I said in a sing songy voice, my appearance now more presentable. 
"Cool party trick." He said, grinning. 
"Thanks!" I smiled back. 
The train pulled into my station. I felt a pang of annoyance that my conversation with Tim had to be cut short. 
"This is me." I said. 
"Oh." He hummed lowly. "Well, have fun at school."
"See you round Tim. I owe you. For the ticket, I mean." I told him, smirking. 
"Yeah, you do." He retorted, a glint in his eyes. 
I chucked to myself, stepping off of the train and into the dingy station. As it began to leave, I looked back to the carriage. He was looking back at me. I sucked in my cheeks, watching the train leave, butterflies in my stomach. I shook my head at myself, snapping out of my own silly thoughts.
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As I entered the school's office, the lady who worked there didn't lift her head to acknowledge me. She continued to tap her long-nailed fingers on her keyboard in front of her. I cleared my throat, and she looked up. 
"Hi." I waved at her innocently. 
"You're late." She told me blankly. 
"I know, I'm here to sign in." I told her.
"You can only sign in if you have a reason to be late." She said. 
"I had a doctors appointment." I said, lying through my teeth.
"Did you now?" She replied sarcastically. 
"Yeah?" I said, unsure of how well this was going. 
She said nothing, and handed me a plastic ziplock bag. 
"Aw, why?" I moaned at her.
"You're late. Again." She ground through her teeth, tapping her pen on her desk in annoyance.
I huffed as I emptied out my pockets. I put my phone and lipgloss into the bag, and handed it back to the lady. She raised her eyebrow at me, and crossed her arms. 
"Fine." I sighed, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter I had hidden in my bra. I put them in the bag and sealed it up. The lady snatched it out of my hands. 
"Collect it at the end of the day." She told me, before turning her back on me, and continuing to do her work. 
I rolled my eyes at her, and walked to class. 
The hallways were empty and dim. Lifeless is the word I would use. This was Bakerline Prep, a reform school for troubled teens. I had been expelled from school a couple of months ago, and admitted into this institution not long after. It was a prison for sixteen year olds - literally. Everything was clinical. All the rooms were white. All the desks were metal. Any sharp edges were harm proofed. There weren't even locks on bathroom doors. 
I came up to the classroom, and peeked through the glass of the door. I debated running away and hiding in a closet somewhere. Sighing, I opened the door with a creak. 
"Bianca, you're late." The teacher told me. 
"Yeah, yeah, I know." I grumbled, and made my way to my seat through a maze of sullen faces. 
The teacher continued to speak, and I sunk down in my seat, overcome with boredom. I hung my head backwards, looking at the boy behind me. 
"Hi." I whispered to Luke. 
He leaned forward, smirking at me. 
"You should be paying attention." Luke teased. "You've already missed the first half of the lesson."
"You should be paying attention." I said. "Otherwise you'll get held back another year."
He kicked my chair and I giggled. 
"Pass these around the classroom." The teacher began. "Please write your name and age. Read through and tick the boxes of what sounds interesting to you. We will do our hardest to get you placements according to your preferences." He droned on, reading the lesson plan from a sheet of paper through his thickly rimmed glasses. 
The sheet of paper was passed back to me. I wasn't paying enough attention to know what was happening. I looked back to Luke for help. 
"Placement year forms." He told me. I continued to stare at him, not knowing what that was. 
"Work experience." He simplified it. I made an 'o' shape with my mouth, understanding. 
I read the form in front of me, tapping my pen on the metal desk. The chairs and desks were firmly screwed into the ground, so no one can try and throw them. I learned the hard way. 
I began to fill in all the forms. Name: Bianca Romano. Age: 16.
I put my hand up, and the teacher came over. 
"Can I have a pen reader?" I asked him. 
"Yeah, sure." He told me, and handed me one from his desk drawer, with some headphones.
I plugged them in and dragged the reader over each word. It repeated them into the headphones, reading the words out to me, rather than me trying to struggle through my dyslexia. 
Write reports. No.
Work in an office. No. 
Work with animals. I ticked that box.
Take care of children. Hell no.
Act in a TV show or movie. I didn't tick it. I wouldn't like those many cameras on me all at once. 
Write for a newspaper. Newspaper? I stared at that option, hesitantly ticking the box. I didn't even think people read newspapers anymore. Maybe the workload would be minimal. 
I made my way through the rest of the list, leaving the remaining boxes blank. These were all terrible, but I didn't expect any respectively good companies to want troubled children with criminal records working for them. 
I looked around once I was done, realising I was the last one in the empty classroom. I stood up and handed the paper to the teacher, and left. 
"Hey." I heard someone call me. I turned around, to see Luke following me into the school garden. 
"Hey yourself." I said, sitting on one of the tables outside, resting my feet on the seat attached to it. 
He came to stand in front of me, and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. Luke offered me one, and I accepted. He lit it for me with a grin. I eyed him cautiously. He was tall, and handsome, and he had a sharp smile that cut like a knife. 
"What did you do to your hair?" Luke asked, brushing his fingers through my blue streaked blonde locks. 
"I dyed it." I told him, bored. 
"It looks... distinctive." He struggled to find the words. 
"Thanks." I said dismissively, having no care for his opinion. 
"What did you pick for your placement?" He asked me, switching the conversation.
"Animals and newspaper." I told him. 
"Newspaper?" Luke laughed at me. 
"What?" I asked.
"Why would you pick newspaper?" He asked, confused.
"Like Sex In The City!" I defended myself.
"You know that involves, like, actually doing something." Luke teased me.
"No, really? I thought I would tick the box and suddenly the newspaper fairies would appear and carry me to an office far far away." I replied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at me. 
"I didn't realise I don't meet your standards for work placements." I told him, feigning innocence. "God forbid I'm even seen with you in public." I said, getting up to leave. 
"C'mon, I was only messing around." He said, moving in front of me so I don't leave. I tilted my head at him, annoyed. He brushed his hands over my shoulders, down to my waist. 
"I'm only playing, don't be mad." Luke said charmingly. His cropped brown hair glinted more auburn in the midday sunlight. 
I gathered the material of his shirt in my hands and pulled him forward, so his face was close to mine. 
"Don't be fucking rude." I told him sweetly.
I put out my cigarette on the sleeve of his jacket, and went to leave for the cafeteria. I felt my stomach begin to rumble in hunger. Luke stayed where he was, but gave me some money for food. 
"Drop me home later?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes. 
"Always." He told me. 
I smiled, pleased with his answer. I wasn't exactly asking. 
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I thanked Luke with a kiss for driving me all the way home. He had asked to come up to my room, but I hadn't let him. It wasn't that I didn't like him - I was just embarrassed of what my life would look like compared to his. Luke was from the Luthor family - his father was the CEO of LexCorp. They shit gold. 
And me? They wouldn't touch my gold with a ten foot pole. 
It was something I didn't want to think about. Luke lived with his father in a penthouse apartment that had more bathrooms than I could count on one hand. And I lived in one small flat with my family of eight, with three bedrooms between us. 
I made my way up the stairs to our apartment, and bumped into Camilla, my younger sister. 
"Where are you going?" I asked her, eyeing her blue and yellow cheer uniform.
"I have a pep rally." She said, brushing her curly brown hair out of her face, barely looking at me. 
The sound of Luke's expensive car leaving the street echoed through the tattered building doors.  We watched the car drive away through the glass. Camilla scoffed at his obnoxiousness.
"Why do you even hang out with him?" She scoffed. "Oh, that's right. He's rich, and single, and male. Of course you'd throw yourself at him." My sister smirked at me viciously. 
I held back my anger at her comment. "Good luck at your pep rally, Cami. And good luck on the top of the pyramid. Hopefully you don't slip, fall and break your neck." I told her sweetly, venom lacing my tone. 
"Whatever." She said, storming off down the stairs. 
I arrived at our door, and knocked, not having my keys. No one answered. I tried the door handle, and it was unlocked. If we ever get robbed, we'd probably deserve it. But I pity the robber that comes into our apartment looking for anything nice at all. 
I walked into the kitchen, sighing when I saw Tina, my older sister. 
"You look like shit." She told me, eyeing my appearance like a vulture. 
"Not all of us can be perfect like you." I told her, looking her up and down. Her hair was straightened, dark silky waves falling down her back. Her makeup was perfectly done, and her workwear was pristine. 
"Where were you last night?" She asked me. 
I got a bowl out of a cupboard and poured myself some cereal. I huffed when there was only scraps left in the bag for me to have. 
"I was at church." I told her sarcastically.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes at my lack of an answer.
"I ran into Cami in the hallway." I mentioned, pouring some milk into the bowl. Tina nodded uninterested. "She still hates me." I continued. 
"You did have sex with her boyfriend." She bit back. 
I slammed the milk down on the counter angrily, splitting the bottom of the plastic bottle. 
"He is not her boyfriend!" I shouted. "He never was!"
"Jesus, Bianca-" Tina began.
"I had sex with someone she wanted to and she's still sore I got there first, and now she's a massive bitch to me every second of my life and everyone defends her!" I continued to shout. 
Tina stared at me, quiet. "Having tantrums about your mistakes won't fix things." She told me lowly. 
I sucked my cheeks in with anger, pursing my lips and sticking my middle finger up at her. She rolled her eyes at my behaviour, ignoring me. I turned to storm out of the room. 
"Your cereal?" Tina reminded me. 
"Why the fuck would I want the scraps left for the least favourite child?" I retorted, hurt lacing my words. 
I got to my room and slammed the door shut, loudly. 
I was so overcome with anger, I grabbed a pillow from my bed and screamed into it. I smashed it with my fists until I became tired, and lay on my bed in defeat. Everything was so shit. The world was tinted in a permanent grey. I didn't know how much longer I could take it.
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Istg im finna fight not someone but Grayson bro @addison-wayne-al-ghul
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