#Dad Rocket moment
theminimani · 10 months
Hear me out-
I just want a post gotg 3 fanfic where the entire plot is just like this
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shriggisick · 2 years
DHMIS X Monster High AU where Tony is Robecca Steam's adoptive dad. Just. Just think about it.
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt.1
[Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5][Pt.6][Pt.7]
As someone who lived in the middle of nowhere, Amity, the ocean both terrified and enthralled Danny Fenton.
The first time his parents took him to the beach, it was the middle of the day and he’d been stuck in the prototype GAV for hours upon hours on their “quick, ghost rumor hunting field trip.”
It wasn’t quick, and they caught exactly zero ghosts. When Danny saw the expanse of sand underneath the summer sun, he and Jazz both bounded out of the van like feral little monkeys. Danny and Jazz sprinted down the sand, their parents ambling behind them with their arms loaded up with towels, a first aid kit, and an ungodly amount of mildly ecto contaminated food that they already fought before getting onto the beach.
Danny had splashed into the water, yelped at the freezing temperature, and then promptly found a shell to keep. His mom taught him how to swim with the waves, having come from Surf City herself, and his dad taught Jazz how to dive.
It was a day full of fond memories, especially the memory of the Great War of Sand-Castle Crushing he and Jazz waged against each other.
They stuck around for the sunset, the ripples of colors and peacefulness that swept across the vast waters caught Danny in its hold.
He hadn’t forgotten that moment. Not even when he died.
After a particularly hard day as Phantom, Danny would fly to the coast and loose hours just sitting on the sand and watching the waves lap against the shore. And when those nights were clear? It felt like a slice of his own personal heaven, with the stars shining on his shoulders and the encompassing crash of the waves sheltering his heart.
And on some days, when being Danny left him frustrated, Danny would fly out to the coast and use his intangibility to walk beneath the waves. Near the coast, it’s cloudy with swirls of moving sand and disturbed waters. He walked, and walked, and floated and floated beneath the waters, taking contentment from the way the moonlight of his stars filtered through the water. He admired the way light would glint on the scales of fish and crustaceans alike as he floated beneath the surface. On those days, Danny would pick up trash and polluted things and bring them to shore, to place in the trash cans and all of the recycling cans. He picked up shells and decorated the beaches he frequented, because if it were decorated, perhaps people would refrain from chucking their waste into the sea.
Well, usually, it’d be trash.
Danny watched speechlessly, jaw cracked open just a smidge, as an explosion happened right over his head. The distortion of the water did not hide the fact that there were large chunks of plane pelting down at him, a different figure flying away from the explosion. Danny went invisible and intangible as large metal pieces plunged into his current water space.
“Gosh, people these days,” he huffed. “This is gonna take forever to…”
Danny trailed off, seeing a humanoid shape crash into the water, clearly unconscious. Danny didn’t hesitate before shooting towards the drowning person, glowing green and fully visible again. The stranger’s eyes- holy shit, that’s Batman- turned towards him before closing behind cracked open lenses. Batman slumped falling unconscious. That’s not good.
Danny rocketed out of the water with the vigilante in his arms. If it weren’t for his supernatural strength, there’s no way lanky teenage Danny would have been able to carry Batman’s grown ass built like a tank self to the shore. Likewise, if it weren’t for his strength, Danny wouldn’t have been able to start chest compressions through the layers of armor.
Danny leaned back with a sigh as Batman coughed out only a bit of water, because Danny hadn’t taken all that long to get to him, and held up his hands in a “I don’t have weapons” way as Batman whirled to him.
“Hi. Are you alright?” Danny asked, ectoplasm and instinctive ghost speak fuzzing his words a bit. Damn, Batman must have nearly died a lot. He’ll freak out about meeting Batman later.
“You saved me,” an awkward pause. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. The other guy went that way.”
Danny waved vaguely.
“…What are you?”
“Oh my god, Batman, you can’t just ask someone what they are!” He immediately replied, inwardly smacking himself for the joke. He watched Batman’s face, watching for any sign of discrimination against ghosts, or any sign the man had a sense of humor.
Neither, apparently, was the answer.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just here to clean up the beaches. You humans really like to pollute the beaches. It’s quite rude, you know. That plane of yours, well, it’s not your fault,” he amended. “But it’s gonna damage sea life. And I don’t know if you’re in the habit, but please don’t litter on the beach or in the water, especially with your unconscious body. It’s tedious to clean.”
“…I see.”
“Stay. I’ll take out your plane. Make sure it doesn’t stay on the sand, alright?”
With that, Danny stood. Unaware of the way the moonlight lit up his hair like white flames and accentuated the sharp points of his ears, Danny turned away and flew back to the plane site, dragging the pieces up with ease.
Batman sat on the sand, likely exhausted from his fight, and watched him carry the pieces of the aircraft up.
“Here. All done. I gotta get going,” because Danny has school and this just lost him two hours. “Will you be alright?”
Batman nodded once, sharply.
“Good.” Danny went invisible, watching Batman sat up straighter, glancing around in a suddenly visible awareness. Oh, well. Tucker’s gonna freak out.
Three years later, Danny’s moved to Gotham for university.
And after midterm season, Danny went for a ghostly walk, but this time, in the waters surrounding Gotham.
When he surfaced, Batman was crouching on a lamp post, waiting for him.
“Oh, it’s you,” Danny said. “Hello. Did you know that people are polluting these waters with bodies too?”
“Yes,” Batman said, graveled voice resounding on the shipping containers around them.
“You should do something about that. Do you like places that are polluted?”
Batman sighed. “What are you?”
Danny hears a small, tinny voice by Batman’s ear, coming from a comm.
“Oh my god, B, you can’t just ask someone what they are!”
Mind flashing back to the night Danny drug a waterlogged Batman out of the ocean, Danny cracked a smile.
“Phantom,” he said, decisively. And, because this isn’t Amity anymore, “the Beach Clean Up crew from the flip side.”
Bruce, waking up on the sand: wtf
Bruce, seeing a child next to him who probably saved him: wtf (in “adoption”)
Bruce, seeing Danny’s skin glitter like stars, hair aflame, and pointy ears: wtf (in “I can adopt fae folk, right?”)
Bruce, seeing that Danny doesn’t leave any footprints: wtffff (detective mind goes brrrr)
Bruce, after Danny leaves: *donates 20 mil towards beach clean up efforts and anti-pollution causes*
Bruce’s Goggle Search History, documented by Oracle:
Sea spirits
Sea vampires
How to parent supernatural kids
How to thank your sea child
Are shells a good gift?
Ocean conservation efforts
Sea spirits that glitters under moonlight
Sea spirits that cleans up beaches
Wayne corporation waste disposal
Companies that dump trash into the sea
*outgoing call to Lucius Fox*
What is “mean girls”
Bruce, learning “current pop culture” from his kids:
Bruce, remembering the kid who saved him and realizing he’s probably as old as his own kids are: *adoption tendencies intensifies*
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p1nkshield · 1 year
Jason found out that the easiest way to get the things he wants from Bruce and Dick is to be the slightest bit cute. Chaos follows.
Bruce: Tell me again why you let Jason drive the Batmobile behind my back?
Dick: [mumbles]
Bruce: hn?
Dick: He called me big brother okay! He said please! He pulled the little wing card! I caved Bruce! I caved under the pressure!
Bruce: You can look Darkseid in the eye and crack jokes but the moment Jason says please you crack under pressure?
Dick: like you wouldn’t crumble into dust if he said “Hey Dad can I have a rocket launcher please?”
Bruce, thinking about it: … yeah I would fold like laundry.
Dick: Exactly!
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verstarppen · 9 months
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summary; mercedes is a just a tiny bit worried about your dates with their archenemesis
pairing; max verstappen x fem! mercedes admin! reader [ no faceclaim ]
a/n; EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU ROOMMATE/BEST FRIEND FOR HOTSPOTTING ME MOBILE DATA SO I CAN POST THIS GOD BLESS and thank you to christian barbeque anon i hope you like this [ series masterlist ]
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liked by totowolff, lewishamilton, maxverstappen1 and 350,900 others
ynusername out with the boys
view all 55,010 comments
totowolff What did I say.
ynusername he's been fed, learned two dutch words and pet stray kittens what more do you want
julyestie mad max? more like dad max
yukinator holy shit i fully forgot they've only been dating for a couple of months and midway though the 5th slide it occured to me that is in fact a stolen toddler
orangleclerc imagine getting told by a lil kid to "box, box" when you stop for gas
lewishamilton Do I need to get used to these types of posts or will y'all be responsible
maxverstappen1 No promises ynusername THE FUCK YOU MEAN NO PROMISES
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liked by christianhorner, maxverstappen1, totowolff and 178,563 others
view all 24,012 comments
ynusername george burner account just leaked
maxverstappen1 Fun times!!
ynusername all u did was pet the cats danielricciardo And ogle you christianhorner When will the torment end. ynusername BUT WE BONDED. CHRIS C'MON. WE HAD A MOMENT. christianhorner I dropped the sauce bottle and you picked it up. ynusername THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ME
checo_slayrez I wish my dad loved me as much as Christian loves Max
lovely_simply33 NO MAX PHOTO?? UNFOLLOWED
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liked by ynusername, christianhorner, charles_leclerc and 2,495,201 others
maxverstappen1 Constructors Champions of the world!!! 🏆
What an unbelievable season we’re having 🙌 I couldn’t be more proud to be part of this @ redbullracing 🙌 Everyone working on the track and back in the factory, thank you so much. What a rocket ship 🚀
It’s amazing to achieve this milestone here in Japan 🇯🇵 Thank you everyone for your amazing support 👏
view all 915,111 comments
ynusername god i wish i was that trophy
maxverstappen1 You are my greatest trophy landonorris hey maxverstappen1 Leave.
vanillatauri LET'S GOOO 🧡🧡🧡
dannyavocado EAT THEM GIRL
redbullracing @ mercedesamgf1 thoughts?
mercedesamgf1 ate mercedesamgf1 This message has not been approved by our social media team. mercedesamgf1 girl I AM the social media team wdym WHO IS THIS
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pic credits: instagram and pinterest
tell me if you want a taglist for this series!!
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caramelberzatto · 4 months
sunshine baby // c. berzatto
pre-fatherhood dad!carm, loosely inspired by the fact it's so hot in australia that it regularly feels like i'm sweating my eyeballs out of my head <3 enjoy!
- clarke xx
(warnings: mildy suggestive content, pregnancy. fem!reader, use of fem pronouns.)
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The temperatures in the past week had sky-rocketed, leaving you sweating with even the slightest amount of movement, and that wasn’t taking into account the hot flashes that came with pregnancy. At least the air-conditioning unit hadn’t given up yet, though it rattled ominously every hour-or-so. Whenever it happened, you’d glance at it, expecting it to blow up or break down. But it never did.
Until this afternoon, when you’d just gotten comfortable on the couch, ready to watch some television. The unit had spluttered and hummed, trying its very hardest to work, but eventually let out a long, stuttering creak and fell silent.
You sighed, briefly wanting to sit on the floor and cry. Instead, you dragged yourself to your closet, picked out a simple t-shirt dress, and pulled on some sandals. Braving the heat armed with your sunglasses, keys, and a sudden desire for the world's largest iced latte, you hopped in the car and headed for the nearest drive-thru. While you waited in line, car idling, you thought of Carmy. 
He’d left the apartment at five, as he usually did on Friday’s to over-prep for what was usually a particularly chaotic lunch rush, and you’d mumbled a sleepy goodbye, cradling your small bump tenderly. If you’d opened your eyes, you would’ve seen him linger in the doorway, a soft smile on his face.
The bell above the door announced your arrival as you swept into The Bear, balancing two cardboard trays of iced lattes. 
Now, in the drive-thru, your hand rested on your stomach, and you smiled as you felt soft kicks against your palm.
“You alright?”
“Coffee’s up,” you called as you stepped into the kitchen, narrowly avoiding Richie storming by in a tuxedo, megaphone in hand. Some things never changed.
“Cousin! Can you watch where you’re fuckin’ goin’, please?!” There was Carmy, his hand on your hip, as he shouted across the kitchen at Richie, who was already out in the back alley, not hearing a word.
“Yeah,” you nodded, setting the coffee down on an empty section of the counter. “The AC broke at home, and I wanted something cold, and then I thought of you, and wanted to see you.”
“Fuck, the AC broke? I’ll get Fak onto it this afternoon.” Carmy cupped your chin, kissing you gently, a stark contrast to the urgency with which he ran his kitchen. “Stay here a while? I’ll make you somethin’, yeah?”
“Okay, Bear, thank you.”
“Nat’s in her office, she’s got the best AC. I’ll bring you a plate soon.”
He kissed you again, a little harder this time, and lingered a little longer than he should’ve. His hands skimmed your stomach, drifted to your waist, holding you against him. To anybody else, it’d just look like a moment of tenderness. But to you… Damn him, he did it on purpose. He knew your hormones were fucking whacked out. And from the look on his face as he pulled away, the subtle smirk, the little glimmer in his eye…
“Mean,” you muttered as he walked away, but you were smiling. That smile only grew as you stepped into Nat’s office, relishing in the fresh wave of cold air that enveloped you instantly. With a sigh, you sat down on the grey couch against the wall, clean fabric soft against your fingertips. You groaned in appreciation, sinking into the cushions.
“Hi, sweetie,” Nat said, smiling. “Comfy enough?”
You hummed, grabbing one of the throw pillows and hugging it to your chest. “I think I dream of this couch sometimes.”
Nat nodded along, knowing exactly how you felt, having spent many hours on the same couch when she, too, had been pregnant. “I’ve just got some paperwork to do, honey, but just let me know if you need anything, okay?”
A dim light filled the room, emanating from the lamp on Nat’s desk, but Nat was nowhere to be found. Blinking sleepily, you rubbed your eyes and propped yourself up on your elbow, wincing at the slight pain in your lower back.
You nodded, adjusting yourself so you were propped up a little better. Fak came in, delivering the coffee you'd brought, and you hadn’t realised until that moment that you’d forgotten all about them. Sighing at your brief lapse in memory, you sipped your iced latte and closed your eyes.
“There’s my girl,” Carmy whispered from where he sat at the opposite end of the couch, his hand resting protectively on your calf. “I didn’t want to wake you.”
“What time is it?” Stifling a yawn, you lifted yourself up, back resting against the end of the couch.
“Just past one, baby.”
“One in the morning?”
You groaned, letting your head fall back. “You should’ve woke me up, Carm. We need to go home, you need sleep, too. God knows we won’t get any in five months' time.”
Carmy shook his head, sliding his hands up your shins, rubbing softly, soothingly. He moved to hover over you, resting his forehead against your own. The soft press of his lips was enough to shut you up.
“It’s Saturday, sweetheart, I don’t have to come in until after midday. I just wanted you to get your rest.”
You kissed him back, cupping his jaw in your hands, smoothing your thumbs over the light smattering of stubble. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“S’okay, baby.” he murmured, peppering your face with kisses. One on your forehead, two on the tip of your nose, one on each cheek. And he descended, pressing a particularly delicate one to the side of your neck, just below your jaw. One against the tender spot beneath your ear.
“Carm,” you whimpered, and part of you was embarrassed at how easily he’d set you alight. 
He persisted, sliding his knee between your legs, the fabric of your simple dress riding up with the movement. His hands found their way beneath, skimming up your sides, fingertips brushing over your cotton bra. You arched up, already breathless at the slightest touch.
Carmy pulled back, and the way his messy curls fell in front of his face, shadowing his eyes, the way his chest heaved through the tight fabric of his white shirt… It made you want to take back everything you’d just said. To hell with morals.
“So sensitive,” he mused, the reverberation of his words against your skin like the low bassline of some song you’d never heard.
“Carmy,” you whispered, not wanting the moment to end, but knowing it had to. “Carm, baby, I’m not having sex on your sister’s couch.”
“Yeah, no, yeah. You’re right, that would be weird. Disrespectful and stuff.” He ran a hand through his hair, sighing. You couldn’t help but laugh, gazing up at him with a soft smile.
“God you’re pretty,” you muttered, propping yourself up on your elbows. Carmy climbed off the couch, taking your hands as you reached out for him, a faint blush staining his cheeks.
“Is that right?”
“Mhmm,” you nodded sleepily, kissing his lips once, twice. “Let’s go home.”
Carmy rubbed your back as he led you out of the restaurant to his car, placing a gentle hand on your stomach as he reached over and secured the seatbelt over your lap. After pressing a kiss to your temple, he shut the door and walked around the hood of the car, running his hand over the cool metal. 
The drive home was quiet, accented by the quiet hum of the radio as the city lights flashed by, streets and alleys rolling by. When he finally turned onto the home stretch, you sighed, eyelids heavy.
Yawning, you leaned on him a little as he let himself into the apartment, the jingle of the keys echoing down the entry hall. And so began the nightly dance of winding down together. Carmy started the shower, adjusting the water to the perfect temperature, while you headed to the bedroom and grabbed pyjamas, turning down the covers on your way back. Your fingers threaded in his hair, massaging shampoo into the roots, while his hands rested on your waist.
You drew hearts and stars on the foggy mirror as Carmy finished off, spending an extra minute under cold water. He towelled off your legs so you didn’t have to bend down, despite your argument that your belly wasn’t too big yet and that you could manage just fine.
“Doesn’t matter, I like doin’ it.”
And finally, once you’d brushed your teeth and made sure the door was locked, you climbed into bed. Carmy pulled you into his side, making sure you were comfortable, careful not to put any pressure on your stomach.
The moonlight filtered through the crack in the curtains, and you lifted your hand, letting your fingertips drift through the silvery glow. Carmy slid his hand into yours, holding it to his chest, and you could feel the steady thump of his heart against your knuckles.
“Sleep, baby,” he murmured against the top of your head, pressing a kiss there. And because he asked so nicely, you did as he said.
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inkdrinkerworld · 6 months
Dad!remus being stuck in the middle of a cuddle pile with his girls and ‘complaining’ that he can’t escape. (He loves it. He isn’t even trying to move.)
Remus is sandwiched between his two tired babies.
You’d both had long days- your daughter, Charlie; Lottie if she was being sassy, and Charlotte Carys if she was in trouble- at prek, running around all day and doing no work was exhausting apparently, and you who had the longest 8 hours known to man.
Remus had had the day off and wasn’t as tired as the two of you and that naturally meant he was caretaker- which he adored.
Remus had helped you guys shower and change into soft jammies and then instructed, “Go lay on the sofa lovies, we’ll watch something nice, ‘kay?”
He’d returned to your daughter sucking her thumb and your eyes heavy and struggling to remain open as you looked at the tv.
“Daddy wanna cuddle,” is the demand of the littler version of you and it makes Remus smile.
“I’m coming, Charlie. Do you want warm milk?”
The two year old beside you smiles wide and makes grabby hands for the bottle with rocket-ships on them.
Remus smiles, he doesn’t think there’s ever be a moment in his entire life when he wasn’t full of love for her.
“What do I get?” You ask moodily as Remus opens the bottle and gives it to her and sits next to you.
He only pats at your bum with his free hand as you sit in his lap and you grumble; until he pulls the mug in his hand closer to you.
“S’lavender and honey,” he murmurs, only allowed a minute alone with you before your daughter climbs into his lap.
“Me too daddy.” Remus hums, helping her into his lap as well; both his hands on your backs, rubbing up and down as you both drink your warm drinks.
Remus realises a couple seconds later, when you’re both lethargic and sleepy eyed that he’s trapped under the two of you.
“Have I just become a human cushion? What if I needed the lou?” He asks the two of you, Charlie giggles and you smile.
“You’re not allowed to move daddy, you’re too comfy.”
You snicker at Remus’ appalled gasp.
“So I must just never move? What about tea? Do neither of you want something to eat?” He receives grunted ‘no’s. “What if I wanted something to eat?” He tacks on playfully.
Charlotte pulls back from his chest, “Well you should’ve made something to eat daddy. The movie is on and there’s no more moving.”
Remus smiles as she kisses his cheek and lays her head on his chest again.
“Or talking Remmy, you’ll make us miss the good parts.”
You’re not even awake for the ‘good parts.’
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astonmartinii · 1 year
lewis x accountant!reader if that's ok, pretty please 😋
get the bag | lewis hamilton social media au
pairing: lewis hamilton x accountant!reader
sometimes the perfect pair is a millionaire f1 driver and a top accountant.
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liked by georgerussell63, yourusername and 1,123,878 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton: holiday lovin 🌊
view all 118,459 comments
user89 alert alert lewis is cuffed wtf is going on
georgerussell63 ahh y/n has finally gotten the esteemed instagram post
yourusername had me rotting in the basement
lewishamilton i just made our relationship public and the first thing you say is i have you locked in the basement ???
yourusername oops ... love you 🫶
user48 the end of the slag era ... i need a moment
yourusername added to their story
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[caption: working lady needs enough caffeine to fuel a rocket]
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liked by lewishamilton, pierregasly and 10,673 others
tagged: lewishamilton
yourusername: weekends are for racing (and winning) ;)
view all 923 comments
user77 okay i've come to the conclusion that she slays
lewishamilton much easier with a lucky charm in the garage
yourusername pretty sure you were a seven time world champ before i met you but yeah i'll take the credit for this one xx
user12 i'm so glad he has someone who celebrates him as much as he should be
user65 literally thank the lord
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liked by 1,078 others
tagged: yourusername, lewishamilton
f1wagsupdates: this is y/n y/ln, lewis hamilton's new girlfriend. not much is known about her except that she's an accountant at a big firm in london, she's reportedly been with lewis for five months and the pair met in a cafe in south kensington.
view all 101 comments
user47 oh god smart and pretty? leave some for the rest of us
user21 call me crazy but i'm ready to defend this relationship with my life
user66 real question is whether roscoe likes her or not
roscoelovescoco i loves y/n very muchs
user90 LMAOOOO
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liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and 554,003 others
tagged: yourusername, roscoelovescoco
mercedesamgf1: two lovely guests in the garage this weekend! @redbullracing maybe you could get some advice from y/n, make sure no more catering budget mishaps 😉
view all 71,093 comments
yourusername i'm not quite sure they have the budget for my expertise
redbullracing way harsh y/n
user71 i love y/n this just confirms it
lewishamilton my two favourite people
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and 1,302,776 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton: spending time with princess
view all 201,788 comments
yourusername love you bub xx
lewishamilton love you more
user57 god. i need this in my life
georgerussell63 so when is this double date carmen and i have been promised?
yourusername next weekend work?
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton and 13,567 others
tagged: lewishamilton
yourusername: happy birthday baby!! you've been the best thing to ever happen to me and i'm so grateful i get to live this life with you xx
view all 2,078 comments
lewishamilton i love you too, thank you for always being there for me
yourusername always
user57 gonna stargaze on the train tracks tonight
roscoelovescoco happy birthdays dad !!
user90 i love them so much
note: hope you enjoyed!! it's a bit shorter than i wanted it to be but i hope you enjoyed xx
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try-set-me-on-fire · 8 months
Okay, fuck it Friday! Thanks for the tags @forthewolves @lover-of-mine @devirnis @rewritetheending @daffi-990! Here is a silly little fic I’m adding to the soft prompts collection!
Eddie pats down his jacket, making sure his wallet hasn’t magically teleported out of it in the hour or two since he took it off.
“The mint kind, dad, remember.”
“I got it.”
There’s the sound of glass clattering in the kitchen, ringing as loud as the laughter that accompanies it. In the living room there’s sudden cheering as one of the kids gets ahead of another in whatever video game they’ve set up. Beside him, Chimney is counting on his fingers.
“It’s-Its, mint kind. Drumsticks. Rocket pops. Bobby wants neapolitan. Those caramel chocolate bar things for Hen and Karen.”
“Are you going to have room in your freezer for all this?” Eddie wonders, thinking about how packed his own freezer is. He should really clean it out. Maybe Buck’ll come over next day off and help. He loves leftovers, and organizing.
“I’m fully expecting everyone to eat themselves sick so it won’t be a problem,” Chim shrugs. “Rocky road for you, yeah?”
“Okay.” Chimney squints. “I can’t remember what Buck said.” He squints more specifically in Eddie’s direction, clearly waiting for a response.
And Eddie could say Well, Buck cycles through ice cream favorites every few weeks because he likes to try new things. It’s been white chocolate raspberry recently, but he might be ready to switch it up, it’s been long enough, and the kind he likes is sort of expensive so he would never ask you to get it for him, but that feels like the kind of statement that would get him that sort of raised eyebrow flat mouth look he doesn’t understand so he goes with “Uh, I’ll ask.”
Buck is leaning on the counter sandwiched between Hen and Bobby, half full drink in his hand entirely forgotten and listing a little dangerously to the left as he listens to Karen talk about a new project at work. He’s smiling like he doesn’t know he’s doing it, and his eyes are wide in the way they get when he’s absorbed in a story, and Eddie doesn’t want to interrupt but his son has no such qualms.
“Buck, are you gonna come take your turn on mario kart? Nobody can beat May.”
Buck’s smile turns into his Christopher smile, wide and eyes crinkly. “I’ll be there in a minute, bud. Save rainbow road for me.”
“Buck, what ice cream did you want?”
Buck’s attention flicks over to him. “Oh, I’ll just take one of the drumsticks or something.” A beat or two passes while Eddie makes an unimpressed face and Buck laughs, ducking his head. “Fine, I’ll- uh, if they have something coffee flavored that looks good I’ll take that.”
“Oh, Eddie, while you’re there will you pick up more Doritos?” Maddie asks, waving cheesy fingers over an empty bowl.
“Ooh, and barbecue chips?” Hen asks, head tilted to the side imploringly.
“Yeah, okay-“
“If you get an avocado or two I think there’s everything to make guacamole,” Bobby says thoughtfully.
Buck grins at him. “I’ll text you a list.”
“Thank you,” Eddie grins back, and then turns to Chris. “Alright mijo, we’ll be back in a bit.”
“Okay,” Chris says. “And can you get butter popcorn?”
“They’ve got the kernel kind, and a popper and everything.”
“I like the microwave kind,” Chris says, pouting a little. “It’s a party, dad.”
Eddie snorts, but also immediately gives in. “Fine. See you in a minute with your nasty popcorn, sir.”
He leans down to kiss Chris' forehead, leans up to kiss Buck, pats his pocket one more time (wallet still there) and then heads down the hallway. Chimney is standing there frozen, so Eddie steps around him towards the door. He’s probably trying to think of his own chip preference, like he’s not as big of a Doritos fan as Maddie is. Eddie wonders if the corner store they’re going to will have the salt and vinegar chips Buck likes-
Eddie feels a strange sensation like all his muscles locking up for a moment, before he slowly turns around.
“What did I… just… do?”
Chimney — who, there it is, he’s making the face, eyebrows raised and mouth flat, though it looks slightly more hysterical than usual — shakes his head and throws up his hands in a shrug. Helpful. Eddie stumbles the few steps back towards the kitchen. Buck is talking to Karen now, though everyone else in the room is also making the face with varying levels of giddy intensity. When Bobby sees Eddie come back in the room he has to hide his expression behind his glass of orange juice.
“-never knew that worms played such an important part in-“ Buck’s voice suddenly squeaks to a halt mid sentence, and he whips around to stare open mouthed at Eddie in the doorway. “Did- did you?”
“Uh huh,” Eddie nods, eyebrows furrowed. “Is that- uh. Is that okay?”
“Y- yeah, Eddie- yeah.”
Buck moves towards him and Eddie is pulled in his direction like a magnet. They meet in the middle of the kitchen and grab each other’s hands. Eddie is vaguely aware of Maddie’s muffled giggling somewhere to his right, but it doesn’t seem to matter very much at the moment.
“Should-" Buck looks and sounds absolutely confused, and is clinging tight to his hands. "Should we get married?”
“What?” Eddie laughs, remembering the time he’d held Julia Stanton’s hand in kindergarten and she’d told him that meant they were husband and wife. “I- we only just-“ but, suddenly, he imagines it. Being married to Buck. Waking up to him every day, and doing taxes together. It’s all he wants, it’s what he wants more than anything. “Okay,” he says, nodding his head in a frantic yes. “Yeah. Alright.”
“Oh, lord,” Bobby laughs in the background, setting his glass on the counter so he can rest his hands on his knees. Hen rubs his back, other hand covering her face as she tries not to lose it.
“Yeah?” Buck asks, looking stunned, a smile slowly spreading across his face.
“Yes, I’d- I want- you’re beautiful.” Eddie lets go of one of Buck’s hands — oh, he thinks he’d like to hold his hand forever, why did they never do this before — and puts his palm on Buck’s cheek, tracing under his eye with his thumb. “I gotta go get ice cream first though.”
“Oh my god,” says Karen, voice strangled.
“I’ll go with you,” Buck decides, but then Chimney is there with his hands on Eddie’s shoulders.
“Oh no,” he says, “We let the two of you go and we’ll lose you in the night, and then there will be no ice cream and the children will riot.”
“You’re the one who was demanding drumsticks in the first place,” Eddie points out, not even looking away from Buck’s face.
“And I will join the mob with the pitchforks. Let’s go, lover boy.” Chimney leans over to pat Buck's arm. "I promise I'll get your- jesus, are we accepting that as an actual proposal- yeah? Okay- I'll get your fiancé back swiftly and in one piece."
Eddie can do nothing but grin dumbly back at Buck as Chimney all but drags him outside. There are stars out, sort of, as many as you ever get in a city as big as Los Angeles, and Eddie feels a strange urge to write poetry about them.
"Did you know I was in love with him?"
"Had a pretty good idea," Chim says, voice strained.
"Why didn't I know that?"
Chimney hacks a cough into his elbow. "I- I really couldn't possibly answer that."
It's taking Eddie a tremendous amount of effort to put one foot in front of the other in the right order. "I feel like I'm drunk."
Chimney claps him on the shoulder. "You're going through a lot of change."
Eddie thinks about it for a moment. "No, I'm not."
Chimney spins around to face Eddie as he stops walking all together. “It’s… I mean, we might get to kiss now,” Eddie says, pulse suddenly feverish as he considers that for a few seconds. He shakes his head to get back on track. “But… It’s Buck. Haven’t… I mean… It’s always been like this. My life is his already.”
Chimney is making a new face now, still a smile but it’s twisted up sideways and his eyes are a little watery. He throws his head back with a wet scoffing sound and hooks his arm through Eddie’s, tugging him along again. “Well, what the fuck, I’m stupidly happy for you. Unbelievable.”
“Thank you,” Eddie laughs, leaning into him a little. “Oh shit, I- I have to get a ring.”
Chimney cackles into his shoulder. “Might be a difficult find at the corner store, but I’ll keep my eyes peeled.”
When they stagger through the doors of the 24 hour market a few blocks from Maddie and Chimney’s place the bored clerk looks at them like they are drunk, and Eddie tries to take a few steadying breaths. “I’ll get ice cream, you grab snacks?”
Chimney nods, and they split up. Eddie stares down at the freezer and tries to remember any list of anything he’s ever learned in his life before his phone buzzes in his pocket.
Buck 8:43 PM Mint It’s-Its, drumsticks, rocket pops, neapolitan, caramel bars, rocky road, coffee ice cream?, Doritos, barbecue chips, avocados (and tortilla chips please), microwave popcorn
Buck 8:44 PM also I didn’t say it but I love you Eddie
Buck 8:44 PM sorry I should have waited for you to get back to say it maybe but
Buck 8:45 PM I just wanted you to know it. I didn’t want there to be any more time where you didn’t know it.
Eddie’s breath catches somewhere between lungs and throat. He’s standing close enough to the freezer box that he can feel it’s hum in his knees, or maybe that’s just Buck.
“Hey, Diaz.”
Eddie turns in time to catch the small package Chimney tosses at him. Peach rings. Eddie laughs a little helplessly.
Eddie 8:47 PM i am going to be back so soon and tell you in person but me too buck
Eddie grabs all the ice cream in record time if anyone ever recorded the time for such things, and the rest of the trip feels like a race. He taps his foot as the poor clerk scans everything while shooting him vaguely unimpressed looks, and he’s at least a few feet ahead of Chimney the whole walk back. Finally, the door, finally the hallway, finally Eddie is bursting back into the kitchen. Buck is standing with Bobby’s arm around his shoulders and Chris leaning against his side and he looks lit up with happiness, smile practically glowing. Eddie feels an answering one on his own face.
“Here,” he says, holding the ice cream bag out sideways and hoping someone will take it. Karen does, with a snort. “Oh, uh, wait-“ Eddie leans over to dig for the bag of gummies, grabbing his prize and grinning at her. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” she laughs, leaning forward to kiss his cheek before starting to dig out the ice cream for distribution.
When Eddie looks up Buck has moved to stand in front of him. “Hi.”
Buck ducks his head like his smile is too heavy to hold it up anymore. “Hi, Eds.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, taking the half step necessary to press close to him all over. “Hey, I love you. I love you, too. I didn’t realize, but I absolutely do.”
Buck laughs, what a wonderful sound, and wipes his eyes with one hand. “I love you so much, Eddie.”
“Okay!” Laughter goes up around them. “Okay, I have-“ Eddie tears open the plastic, fishes out a single peach ring. “It’s the best I could do short notice.”
“What…” Buck looks down at the candy, and then starts laughing and crying harder as Eddie grabs his hand and does his best to roll the gummy circle onto his ring finger. “Wait, I- I was the one who proposed.”
“There’s a whole bag of them,” Eddie says, waving it around. “You wanna-“
“Yeah, uh huh-“ Buck takes a peach ring of his own, slides it onto Eddie’s finger, and it’s truly ridiculous but even in this Buck treats him so gently, cradling Eddie’s hand like it’s a precious thing. It makes Eddie feel a little lightheaded. The sugar of the gummy is gritty against his skin, and he has to hold his fingers weird to accommodate the bulk of it, but Buck is looking at them like they’d just exchanged diamonds, and Eddie isn’t sure he’s ever been in a more perfect moment. But then Buck leans down and Eddie moves forward and they’re kissing, really kissing, Buck’s arms sliding around his waist like they’re meant to fit there and Eddie cradling his face between his hands, and Chris shouts in delighted disgust and there’s cheering and more laughter around them, and Eddie thinks, stunned, that he might get a life of perfect moments with this man.
They are surrounded by friends and family, so Buck pulls back before either of them can really get lost in each other. “You’re sure?” He whispers. “You don’t have to- I was just- you actually want to get married?”
“Yes,” Eddie says immediately. “And also come home, please. Every day, like- move in with me. You don’t have to use the couch.”
Chimney snorts behind them. Buck nods, and they’re close enough that his nose almost pokes Eddie in the eye. “Yeah, yeah- I wanna come home.”
Eddie kisses him again — perfect, the way their lips fit together is perfect — and then looks for Chris. “Hey, mijo, you wanna have a sleepover?”
“Sure,” Chris says, “With who?”
“Uh.” Eddie cranes to look around Buck at anyone else in the room.
“We’ll take him,” Hen says, raising a hand and looking extremely amused and entirely fond.
“With Denny,” Eddie says to Chris.
“Okay,” Chris says, crunching his face up. “I don’t want to be there if you’re going home to make out.”
“We absolutely are,” Eddie says, as Buck sputters a little. He disentangles himself from Eddie and crouches in front of Chris.
“Chris… I just want to make sure this is okay with you. I- I love your dad very much, and I love you so much, and if it makes you uncomfortable-“
“Buck,” Chris says, slightly exasperated, as he wraps his arms around his shoulders in a hug. “I love you, too. And I kind of thought you were married for awhile when I was little, so you’re just catching up.”
“Oh,” Buck says, watery. “Yeah?”
“You take care of us,” Chris says, leaning back to look at him. “And you’re at our house all the time.”
Buck laughs, and Eddie’s lungs stutter along with him. “Well, okay then. I’ll keep doing both of those things. Sounds good?”
“Sounds good,” Chris says, already looking towards the living room. “Are you going to play Mario kart, now?”
“Uh,” Buck says, looking up at Eddie. “Is it okay if I take a rain check on that?”
Chris heaves a sigh. “Fine, but you better practice for next time. May still hasn’t lost.”
“And I’m not going to!” She calls from the other room. “Also, congratulations!”
“Thank you,” Buck and Eddie call together. Buck gives Chris another hug, and Eddie squeezes him tight as he makes his way to the living room.
“Bye, Superman. We’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.”
“Love you too, dad.”
Buck takes his hand again. Eddie wants to kiss him again, but he thinks once he starts he might never stop. “Anybody mind if we duck out early?” He asks the room at large, fully planning on backing out the door no matter what the answer is.
Chimney pats his arm. “Please for the love of god leave my home.”
“Got it,” Eddie says, pulling a giggling Buck towards the door.
“Paperwork!” Bobby calls. “Monday! And don’t get married until I can get everyone the day off!”
“I-“ Eddie looks into Buck’s eyes, kisses him once on the cheek because they’re in the hallway and no one can see them anymore probably. “I’m not gonna make any promises about that.”
“Bye!” Buck calls, cheerfully, and then they’re out on the front porch.
And, well, they’re really out of sight of the others now, so Eddie pulls him down for another kiss, intent on finding out what his molars taste like, but then the door is opening again.
“Gross,” Chimney says. “Take your ice cream with you.”
Rocky road and coffee, still cold but getting warmer, land not entirely gracefully in Eddie’s arms. The door closes again. “I told him he wouldn’t have freezer room. These are gonna melt.”
Buck takes his tub, grinning a mile wide. “We better get home quick, then.”
“For the ice cream,” Eddie nods, cheeks hurting with his smile.
“Yep.” Buck says. “The ice cream.”
They clasp their free hands together, and then, breathless and laughing, run to the car.
It’s kind of late but if anyone is still around and has stuff to post (you could also consider this as being tagged for inspiration Saturday if you want) @callaplums @shortsighted-owl @buckactuallys @shitouttabuck @wildlife4life @eddiebabygirldiaz @bigfootsmom @henswilsons @homerforsure
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totheblood · 9 months
begging for rain. (three)
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󠁐# THREE; the harder that it takes to undo
PAIRING: ex!ellie williams x nextdoorneighbor!reader
SUMMARY: moving to a new town can be tough, especially as you are trying to hold everything in your life together. after you meet ellie, your life completely changes, but for the better? well that's still up in the air
WARNINGS: mentions of death, grief, related subjects; cursing, mentions of drinking/drugs, mentions of s*x,
A/N : ok this was the longest chapter i've written to date so... please enjoy.... ONE AI AUDIOS IN THE FIC ! please please please like and reblog/reply/send asks, comments, the whole nine yards… it is so appreciated!
It felt weird to be in Ellie’s house.
Ellie opened the door to a cozy living room with warm beige walls and wicker furniture that had been well-worn by time. An old acoustic guitar leaned against one wall and a record player sat atop an end table, surrounded by piles of vintage vinyl. The air was thick with the aroma of coffee and old books, creating a comforting ambiance. Family photos and posters dotted the walls, giving an insight into Ellie's life that made you feel like a intruder but also made you want to know more. 
"Nice place," you said, removing your shoes at the door.
"Thanks," Ellie smiled, leading you to the living room. "You can drop your stuff there. We'll study at the table."
You took a seat at the sturdy oak dining table and ran your fingers over its smooth surface before settling into it. Scattered papers littered the table, some lined with handwritten lyrics, others with doodles intertwined in colored ink. You opened up your English books and laid out your homework, feeling a sense of warmth emanating from the room. The aged furniture added an air of familiarity, like you were being invited into Ellie's private world. Ellie seemed to be working on physics homework, while you had an English essay on Shakespeare to tackle. The juxtaposition wasn't lost on you—Ellie with equations and you with Elizabethan English.
You both settled into your work, the atmosphere tinged with concentration. Occasionally, your eyes would drift towards Ellie, watching her brows furrow in thought or her lips move silently as she read through her notes. Each time, you'd catch yourself and refocus on your own work.
"So, how are you finding the essay?" she finally broke the silence.
"It's... okay, I guess. Mrs. Porter has a way of making Shakespeare sound like rocket science."
Ellie chuckled. "Ah, the age-old struggle. To be or not to be confused, that is the question."
You laughed, and for a moment, the tension of the day seemed to lift. "You're not so bad at this, you know," you said. "Maybe you should consider a career in stand-up."
"And give up my dream of becoming a rockstar physicist?" she feigned surprise. "Never."
You smiled at her enthusiasm. "A rockstar physicist, huh? That's a first."
"Well, what about you? Any grand plans?"
You hesitated, thinking about your dad for a moment. You blinked, looking down at the book in front of you before looking back up at Ellie.  "I'm not sure. I used to think I had it all figured out, but now... everything's so uncertain."
Ellie put down her pen and looked at you, her green eyes softening. "Uncertainty isn't always bad, you know. Sometimes it's just room for something new, something better."
You looked at her, really looked at her, and felt something shift inside you. "That's pretty wise for a 17-year-old."
She blushed a little, turning her attention back to her notebook. "Well, don't spread it around. I have a reputation to maintain. Plus, I’m almost 18."
The rest of the study session went smoothly. You’d occasionally sigh and drop your head in frustration, making Ellie stifle a giggle and demand you get back to work. You had only known her for a day and was already falling into a rhythm with her. You didn’t want to go home, but the sun was beginning to set and you wanted time to rest. Time to think about the day you had and try to make sense of it. When it was time to leave, Ellie walked you to the door.
"Thanks for coming over. It was fun," she said, her hands twisting together.
"Yeah, I had a good time too," you replied, feeling a strange mix of happiness and reluctance to leave.
As you stepped out into the cool evening air, Ellie's words echoed in your mind: "Uncertainty isn't always bad... it's just room for something new, something better." And as you walked back across the dirt path to your house, you couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, something new and better had already begun.
You walked into your room, shutting the door behind you as if to seal off the world outside. It was your sanctuary, a little haven where you could breathe, think, and just be. You tossed your backpack onto the bed and sank into your chair, letting out a sigh as you looked around. Your room was still a mix of unpacked boxes and half-arranged furniture—a physical representation of your current state of mind, unsettled yet hopeful.
Picking up your phone, you noticed you had an unread Instagram DM. Your heart skipped a beat; could it be Ellie? Unlocking your phone, you saw the message was from Ingrid. Curiosity piqued, you opened.
ingrid.xoxo: Hey there, newbie. How was your first day?
You felt strange reading her message. Like it was something you weren’t supposed to be doing. Was she just being friendly or was there something more? You quickly typed back.
y/nsworld: hey! It was a little overwhelming but good overall. how was your day? 
Almost instantly, she replied.
ingrid.xoxo: Same old, same old. But seeing a fresh face around made it more interesting. 😉
The winking emoji caught your attention. Was she flirting? A little flutter of excitement mixed with confusion settled in your stomach.
Before you could process it further, the front door opened and closed loudly. It was your mom, finally home from work. You heard her footsteps coming up the stairs, and a few seconds later, she knocked on your door.
"Come in," you called.
The door swung open and your mom stepped in, her face tired but lighting up when she saw you. "Hey, sweetheart. How was your first day at the new school?"
You looked at her and smiled. "It was good, Mom. Made some new friends, and Ellie from next door is really nice. I went there and studied after school."
"That's wonderful," she said, her eyes shining with relief. "I was so worried you'd have a hard time adjusting."
"I mean, it's still the first day, but so far, so good," you said, shrugging. The relief on your mom’s face made you uneasy. You wanted to make this transition easy for both of you, but there was a newfound pressure building inside of you. You had to make it work here, even if you were unhappy. There was no escaping this place, and you suddenly felt trapped. Before your mind could go any further, she was speaking again. 
"That's my brave girl," she said, coming over to give you a hug. "I'm so proud of you."
As she left the room and wished you a goodnight with a firm kiss pressed to the top of your head, you sat back and sighed. Your phone buzzed again. Another message from Ingrid.
ingrid.xoxo: So, got any plans for the weekend? Maybe you'd like a tour guide to show you around. 😊
There it was again, that undercurrent of something more than just friendliness. You found yourself smiling, both intrigued and uncertain. It was as if life, in its own whimsical way, was presenting new possibilities, each more complicated than the last.
You glanced back at the door, then at your phone, then at the unpacked boxes still sitting in your room. Everything felt like a question mark, and as Ellie had wisely noted, maybe that wasn't such a bad thing after all.
Lying back on your bed, you stared up at the ceiling, pondering your response to Ingrid, your new friendships, and the unpredictability of life itself. Uncertainty, as it turns out, could indeed be the room for something new, something better.
And so, with a mix of excitement and apprehension, you typed out your reply to Ingrid, hitting send before you could second-guess yourself.
y/nsworld: a tour guide sounds fun. i'm in. :) 
When Ellie's text popped up on your phone two days ago, you almost deleted it without reading it. The mere sight of her name on your screen was like a splinter you couldn't remove—small but persistently painful. She wrote that she missed your friendship, and though you wanted to scoff at her audacity, a part of you hesitated. Her words, "Can we at least talk? Just as friends?" echoed in your mind. Against your better judgment, a wave of nostalgia washed over you, and before you knew it, you found yourself typing, "Fine, but this doesn't mean anything." Now, as you stepped into the quaint coffee shop where so many of your past memories were brewed, you questioned that decision.
"You're early," Ellie remarked, her voice as flat as the expression on her face.
"I had nothing better to do," you responded, matching her tone as you stepped into the coffee shop. It was almost empty, the aroma of freshly ground coffee mingling with the subtle tension that had settled between you two.
"Of course, you didn't," Ellie sighed, sliding a cup of coffee your way across the wooden table. On it was marked with your order, two pumps of hazelnut, two pumps of vanilla, and one pump of almond, extra cream. 
You looked at the cup, then back at Ellie. "You remembered how I like my coffee."
"I'm not completely useless."
You rolled your eyes, taking a sip while simultaneously biting your tongue. You had every right to tell her she was useless, but you refrained. It was perfect, just the way you liked it. "What do you want, Ellie?"
Ellie sighed, looking uncomfortable for a moment before speaking, "I wanted to talk. About us."
You almost snorted into your coffee. "Us? There is no 'us'. Not anymore."
"I know I messed up, okay? But can't we at least—"
"Messed up?" you cut her off, feeling the familiar surge of anger rise within you. "You didn't just 'mess up', Ellie. You broke something. Something that can't be fixed."
Ellie flinched as if you had slapped her. The look on her face almost making you feel guilty. But she didn’t have that right anymore, and you weren’t about to let her back in.
 "I know. And I'll regret that for the rest of my life. But can't we at least try to be civil? For the sake of our friends, if not for us?"
You looked at her, really looked at her, and for a moment you were back in her living room, struggling with physics homework and discussing the uncertainties of life. Back when things were simpler, easier. But that was a different time, a different you, and most importantly, a different Ellie.
"Being civil is a far cry from what you're suggesting," you said finally, breaking the silence.
Ellie sighed. "I know I don't deserve a second chance. Hell, I don't even deserve your friendship. But can't we at least try to be... something?"
You stared at her, pondering her words. The Ellie sitting in front of you now seemed so different from the girl you had fallen for. And yet, there were moments, fleeting seconds, when you could almost see traces of the old Ellie—the one who made you laugh, who made you think, who made you feel like you were the only person in the world.
But those traces were just that—fleeting and insubstantial. The real Ellie, the one sitting in front of you, was a reminder of a chapter you had painfully closed.
"We can try," you said finally, "but I can't promise anything."
Ellie nodded, a mixture of relief and regret flashing across her face. "I guess that's all I can ask for."
As you both sipped your coffee in silence, the weight of what was left unsaid hung heavy in the air. And yet, for the first time in a long time, it felt like you could both breathe a little easier.
But as Ellie's eyes met yours, you couldn't help but wonder: in the quest for something new, something better, had you both lost something irreplaceable? There was something substantially broken between the two of you now, innocence on both parts lost. 
You found yourself standing in front of your bathroom mirror, staring at your reflection as you pondered what to wear for this so-called 'tour' with Ingrid. You wondered if you should aim for casual or if Ingrid, with her meticulous style, would expect something more. After rummaging through your wardrobe, you settled on a simple pair of jeans and a loose-fitting white shirt. Casual, yet presentable. You threw on a light jacket, considering the morning chill, and took one last look in the mirror. Satisfied but not entirely confident, you grabbed your phone and headed downstairs. Your mom was sitting at the dining room table, bowl of cereal in front of her with her spoon in one hand and phone in the other.
"Going out?" Your mom looked up from her phone, her eyes scanning your outfit.
"Yeah, a girl from school is showing me around town."
"Ah, great. Text me if you need anything." Her eyes returned to her phone, but not before you caught the fleeting look of relief. There the pressure was again, and in turn your sinking stomach. 
"See you later, Mom," you said, heading for the door.
"Have fun, sweetheart!" she called out as you closed the door behind you.
As you approached Ingrid's car, you noticed her already leaning against it. She was wearing what could only be described as the epitome of 'casual chic'—ripped jeans, a designer top, and a pair of sunglasses perched effortlessly on her head. She looked up from her phone and greeted you with a broad, almost rehearsed, smile.
"Ready for your grand tour?" Ingrid inquired, her eyes lingering on you for a moment longer than you were comfortable with.
"Ready as I'll ever be," you replied, cautiously optimistic about the day ahead.
The interior of Ingrid's car was as meticulously maintained as her appearance. The leather seats were pristine, and the air was scented with something floral, bordering on overpowering. She started the engine, and you were off.
The first few minutes were filled with awkward silence. You sensed that Ingrid was waiting for you to initiate conversation, but you were too wrapped up in your thoughts to open your mouth to speak. Finally, she broke the ice.
"So, first stop, the infamous Longview Park. You'll love it—it's where everyone hangs out," she said, her voice tinged with enthusiasm that sounded slightly rehearsed.
"That sounds fun," you responded, forcing a smile.
As you drove through the town, Ingrid began to pepper you with questions. They started off harmless enough—questions about your old town, your interests, your favorite movies. But as the drive continued, the questions began to probe deeper.
"So, why did you move here? If you don't mind me asking," she added hastily, as though realizing she might be venturing into sensitive territory.
"My dad passed away. We couldn’t afford to live there anymore, so we had to move," you replied, trying to maintain composure. You had rehearsed this response, but it still felt like you were ripping off a Band-Aid every time you said it.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Ingrid responded, her voice softening for the first time that morning. But before you could reply, she was off again. "Are you seeing anyone?"
The abrupt switch in topic caught you off-guard. "Uh, no, not right now," you stammered.
"Really? Someone as hot as you? I find that hard to believe," she said, her eyes briefly meeting yours before returning to the road.
"Um, thanks," you muttered, not entirely sure how to interpret the compliment.
Ingrid seemed to take your discomfort as a cue to change the subject. "We're almost at Longview Park. It's truly the heart of our community," she declared, as if rehearsed.
As you pulled into the parking lot of Longview Park, you took a deep breath. It was time to see what this 'heart of the community' was all about.
he car rolled to a stop, and Ingrid switched off the engine, her eyes twinkling like she was unveiling a secret treasure. "And here we are—Longview Park. It's like the social hub of our high school world."
You opened the car door and stepped out, looking around. The park was sizable, dotted with large oaks and willows that offered generous shade. A playground occupied one corner, bustling with the laughter of children, while a pond shimmered peacefully in the mid-morning sun. People were everywhere—jogging, playing Frisbee, or simply lounging on the grass. It had a communal feel.
Ingrid led you along a gravel path, her steps confident and rehearsed as if she'd walked this path a thousand times before. "See that gazebo over there?" she pointed, "That's like the unofficial meet-up spot for parties and hangouts. And over there is the infamous 'Lovers' Lane' where couples go to... well, you know."
Her words were punctuated with a suggestive wink that made you feel slightly uncomfortable. You chuckled nervously, trying to dispel the awkwardness.
As you walked, you couldn't help but notice the way people looked at Ingrid—long enough to show interest but not too long to risk her noticing. She seemed to command attention effortlessly, and you couldn't tell if it was her charisma or if you were completely missing something
"Everyone loves to be here on weekends," Ingrid continued, her tone casual but her eyes scanning the area, as if looking for someone or something in particular. "It's a great place to catch up with friends or make new ones. Like we're doing right now."
She shot you a smile, the kind that was meant to be endearing but felt slightly off-mark. You returned it nonetheless. "It's a nice place. Very... lively," you said, choosing your words carefully.
As you neared the pond, you spotted a familiar face sitting on one of the benches—Cat. And next to her, unmistakably, was Ellie. They seemed engrossed in conversation, their faces inches apart. A pang of something—was it jealousy?—stabbed at you, but you quickly brushed it aside.
"Hey, look who it is!" Ingrid's voice brought you back to reality. She had followed your gaze and was now staring directly at Ellie and Cat. "Want to go say hi?"
You hesitated. The last thing you wanted was an awkward run-in, but before you could voice your concerns, Ingrid had already started walking toward them.
"Hey Cat, Ellie!" she called out, her voice unnaturally high. Both heads turned in your direction, and the range of emotions that crossed their faces in that brief moment was unsettling—surprise, confusion, and something else you couldn't quite put your finger on.
"Hey Ingrid," Ellie finally spoke, her eyes meeting yours for a fleeting second before returning to Ingrid. "What brings you here?"
"Just giving our new resident a grand tour of Longview Park," Ingrid replied, her arm casually draping over your shoulder. You felt a shiver run down your spine but chose to ignore it.
"That's nice of you," Cat chimed in, her eyes narrowing slightly as they settled on you. You couldn't tell if she was being sincere or just sizing you up.
"Yeah, it's been fun," you said, forcing a smile. But your eyes met Ellie's once more, and the unspoken words hung heavily in the air between you.
"Well, we won't keep you," Ingrid said abruptly, as if sensing the tension. "Lots more to see. Come on," she tugged at your arm lightly, and you followed her back to the path, leaving Ellie and Cat behind.
As you walked away, you felt Ellie's gaze burning into your back. You wanted to look back, to catch one last glimpse of her, but you resisted. Whatever was or wasn't happening between you and Ellie would have to wait. Right now, you were on Ingrid's turf, and you couldn't help but feel like a pawn in a much larger game.
"Shall we continue?" Ingrid asked, breaking the silence.
"Sure," you replied, but your thoughts were already miles away.
The door clicked shut as you slid into the passenger seat, your thoughts still reeling from the encounter at the park. Ingrid revved up the engine and pulled away, humming softly to the beat of the song playing on the radio. You looked over at her, everything about her seemed staged. 
"How did you like the park?" she asked, casting a quick glance in your direction.
"It was... interesting," you said cautiously. "It's a nice place, very lively. Lots of history, I imagine."
Ingrid chuckled. "Oh, you have no idea. It's like the theater of high school drama. Anything and everything happens there."
Her words hung in the air, and you couldn't help but feel like there was a deeper meaning behind them. But before you could ponder it further, your phone buzzed. Glancing down, you saw Ellie's name flash on the screen.
Ellie: hey. can we talk later?
You felt a mixed bag of emotions, but you were mostly nervous. You hadn’t taken the group's warning and hung out with Ingrid anyays. It wasn’t like she was two fingers deep inside of you, but with the way Cat and Ellie looked, it seemed that way.  You were about to type a response when you noticed Ingrid's eyes flicking toward your phone screen, then back to the road.
"Who's that?" she asked, her tone casual but her eyes betraying a hint of curiosity.
"Just a friend," you said, choosing your words carefully. "We're supposed to catch up later."
"Oh," she responded, but you could sense a change in her demeanor, a tightening around her eyes. "Well, I hope I'm not keeping you from anything important."
"No, not at all," you reassured her, quickly typing a response to Ellie. "Sure, let's talk. Text me when you're free."
As you pressed send, you couldn't help but wonder about the timing. Why did Ellie want to talk now? And what was it about? Your thoughts were interrupted by Ingrid turning up the volume on the radio, her fingers drumming rhythmically on the steering wheel.
"So," she began, breaking the momentary silence, "we've covered quite a bit today. Any highlights?"
You pondered the question. "Well, the park was a highlight, I guess. It's always good to know where people hang out. Makes me feel less like an outsider."
Ingrid smiled, but there was something about it that made you uneasy. "You're not an outsider, you know. You're just new, and new can be exciting."
"Thanks," you said, your phone buzzing again. This time it was a text from your mom asking about your day.
Feeling the need to switch gears, you asked, "So, how long have you been living here? You seem to know everyone and everything."
"Born and raised," she declared proudly. "It has its pros and cons, but I like it. And yes, I do know a lot of people, but it's not hard when you grow up here. Everyone kind of knows everyone."
"That must be nice," you said, though a part of you wondered what it would be like to have that much history in one place—so many connections, but also so many ties that could bind you.
"Yeah," she paused, her expression turning serious. "But it can also be a bit suffocating, you know? Sometimes you just want to break free, start fresh somewhere new. Like you."
You looked at her, intrigued by this sudden glimpse into her thoughts. "Well, starting fresh isn't as glamorous as it seems. It has its own ups and downs."
"True," she conceded. "But at least it's a blank slate."
Before you could respond, your phone buzzed again. Another text from Ellie.
Ellie: i really need to talk to you. it's important.
This time, you couldn't ignore the urgency in her message. Something was up, something significant. You looked up to find Ingrid watching you, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly.
"Is everything okay?" she asked, but her tone suggested she already knew the answer.
You hesitated, weighing your options. "Actually, I might need to cut our day short. Something's come up at home."
Ingrid's eyes met yours, and for a moment, you saw something flicker in them—disappointment, perhaps, or maybe something else.
"Of course," she said, finally breaking eye contact. "Life happens. Let's get you home."
You stepped out of Ingrid's car, waving goodbye as she drove off. Your phone buzzed as you approached your front door, another text from Ellie.
Ellie: can you meet me at the grind? it’s about two blocks away from our house. i can drive us back. 
 You texted back a quick "on my way" and made your way over.
Ten minutes later, you walked into The Grind, the local coffee shop where the whole town seemed to be at this moment. As you scanned the room, your eyes met Ellie's. She was seated at a corner table, her phone face down and her fingers nervously tapping a rhythm against her coffee mug.
"Hey," you greeted as you approached, pulling out the chair across from her.
"Hey," Ellie replied, her eyes meeting yours briefly before averting. "Thanks for coming."
"No problem. Sounded like it was urgent. What's up?"
"I saw you today," she began cautiously, "with Ingrid."
A knot formed in your stomach. "Yeah, she was showing me around. Why?"
Ellie hesitated, looking down at her mug, and tapping the handle. She closed her eyes for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "Be careful with her. She's not what she seems."
"I mean I heard what you guys said about her at lunc but," you replied, taking a sip of your coffee. "She seems harmless."
She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. Cut right above her shoulders, the choppy layers suited her face. "Ingrid has a way of getting close to people, and it's not always for the right reasons. I just don't want you to get hurt."
Your eyes met, and you felt a strange warmth spread through you. Ellie was concerned for you. But why? She had only known you a day. You searched her face for an answer, for anything, but you came up short.
"Do you have something against her?" you asked, not hiding your skepticism.
"No," Ellie was quick to respond, "it's not like that. I've just seen her ruin friendships, relationships. She's manipulative."
"You seem serious," you remarked, detecting a tinge of something in her voice—was it jealousy?
Ellie looked down at her mug, her fingers ceasing their tapping. "I just don't want history to repeat itself, okay?"
"History?" you questioned, leaning forward. "What happened?"
She looked up again, her eyes meeting yours again, but this time they were vulnerable, exposed. "Ingrid and I had a thing once. And it felt more serious than her ‘things’ with Cat and Dina. And let's just say it didn't end well."
Now it made sense. The hints, the caution—it was personal for Ellie.
She held your gaze, her eyes searching yours for something you couldn't name. "Also," she paused, as if weighing whether to continue, "You’re my friend now. I care about you. And I don't want to see you get hurt."
For a moment, neither of you spoke. The air was thick with unspoken words.
You finally broke the silence. "Thank you for telling me, Ellie. I appreciate it."
She nodded, her eyes never leaving yours. "Yeah, yeah. Of course"
As you left The Grind, your thoughts were a swirl of confusion and clarity. Ellie's concern had added another layer to the already complicated dynamic of your new life. But through it all, one thing became clear—Ellie cared about you, maybe more than she was willing to admit.
And as you replayed the conversation in your mind, you couldn't shake the feeling that Ellie wasn't just warning you about Ingrid. She was also staking her claim, marking her territory in a landscape that was becoming increasingly complicated.
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gaycragula · 2 months
Hello there
Please could i request a child male reader (around 9-12, maybe younger idk you can choose) x 141. Platonic obv. Reader is being held hostage for reasons and they have to go on a rescue mission. When reader is saved he’s scared of them all except ghost who he just clings onto LMAO
cheers mate 🙏
Lost and Found
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Pairing: 141 x Child Male Reader (Platonic!!!!) Warning(s): Heavy implication of parent death, politician family, child reader, locked in a basement, he gets fed i promise, i have no idea how the military works, angst? Word Count: 2069 Masterlist
The walls were an ugly, cracks running along them, and you’re sure there was mold growing in one of the corners. The only light in the room was a small lightbulb in the center of the room that was rarely left on. The only door leading out of the room was locked from the outside. You’re not sure you exactly wanted to leave the room. Not with the heavy thumps of feet that stomped through the first floor of the home.
It was a nice summer day when it happened. You’d just finished a nice dinner with your parents when the sirens began to blare. The sound cut your ears and you covered your ears, trying to block out the noise. You were whisked out of your chair by your dad before  you could get up yourself.
Hushed words were shared between your parents as they rushed through the home to the basement. Your father’s grip was tight on you as he toted you down the stairs, your mother right on his heels. 
Dad set you down in a corner, trying to keep you out of direct sight of the stairs. He pressed a loving kiss to your forehead, your mother doing the same. 
“Be good and stay here,” your mom whispers, giving you a pained smile. Her lip quivered as she pressed another kiss to your forehead. “Mom and Dad love you. We always will.”
. Then, they left you, footsteps receding back up the stairs into the home. You heard the door shut and a silent darkness covered you. The silence only lasted for a moment. 
Something crashed upstairs and loud bangs made you cover your ears again. You curled further into the corner, trying to make yourself as small as possible. More crashing and something heavy hitting the ground sounded before it fell silent again. It was over… right?
The basement door slammed open and you gave a full body flinch. A flurry of steps rocketed down the stairs. Way too many to be just your parents. 
Five or six men came into your sightline. Each of them looked like they were armed to the teeth and it sent a jolt of fear through you. These men just ran through your house. Where your parents were. Where were your parents? 
They scoured the basement, flashlights leading their guns as they searched. For what? You weren’t quite sure but you hoped they would just look over you. The fear surging through your body was almost unbearable. It was hard to breathe, each breath fighting to force its way out silently. You tried to stay hidden for as long as possible but their flashlights soon exposed you.
They said something you couldn’t understand before moving on and returning upstairs when they finished. You heard the faint click of the lock to the basement and you were left in the basement by yourself again. You tried to fight the tears that began falling down your cheeks as you curled in on yourself. It wasn’t a very long fight and your face soon became wet with your tears. It hit you then that you’d probably never see your parents again.
It had been a week since it had happened. The men would leave food for you at the top of the stairs. You spent the majority of your days sitting under the light in the room, playing whatever you could find. Trying to distract your mind. You were suddenly happy your parents kept a chunk of toys down in the basement for storage.
Totes of toy cars that you pretended to race with, some toy dinosaurs you’d gotten years ago, left forgotten in the basement until now. There were planks of wood you’d dragged over that you drew on with some chalk your parents kept down there. The chalk worked well on the walls as well.
Drawings littered the small walls of the basement. Cars and dinosaurs littered the floor. Your house.. Your home, your family. Where did it all go?
You’ve tried to talk to the men on multiple occasions but they only either looked at you with disdain or spoke in a language you couldn’t understand. 
On the eighth day of the occupation, you heard those loud bangs and the shouts of men again. You started crying again, you didn’t even have a chance to try to stop it as you scrambled  back into a corner in the room again, hopefully out of sight. Out of mind.
It felt like ages before the house fell silent again. You heard the doorknob wiggle, muffled voices coming from the otherside. Light filtered into the basement as the door creaked open. “After you, Sergeant,” a gruff voice huffs, a hint of teasing to the tone.
A short laugh followed the words before steps were coming down the stairs again, flashlights dancing over the walls as they descended. “Ohhhh hell, look at this, LT,” a second voice whispers, a light lingering on the drawings on the wall. Silence fell again as the sound of more boots started down the stairs, flashlights whipping around the room before one fell on your form. 
Clearing the home was easy. The bastards inside weren’t expecting an attack for a while. A home far outside any city line would surely work as a temporary base, right?
They thought so at least. So when the Scotsman barged through the door followed by six others, the occupants weren’t prepared. The firefight was short. The men inside scrambling to get to their weapons as fast as possible. 
It was Roach who’d noticed the door to the basement, calling over the rest of the team. “What d’ya thinks down there?” Soap chuckles as Ghost takes a hand at picking the lock. “More guys? Prisoners they been keepin’?”
“If I had to take a guess, probably prisoners. Family who lived here was big in the political field here. Probably kept them as hostages for ransom,” Price says, gesturing for two of the guys to stand guard at the front and back doors. 
The door clicked open and slowly swung open with a nasty creak. “After you, Sergeant,” Ghost huffs, nudging the Scotsman forward. Soap let out a short laugh before starting into the dimly lit basement. Ghost close behind him. Soap’s flashlight scanned the floors and walls. He noticed dinosaurs and cars littering the floor around the bottom of the stairs. He initially thought nothing of it. They knew a young kid lived here. 
He was almost to the bottom as his light scanned over a big drawing of a home and a family of three drawn in chalk. 
He felt his heart drop at the image. Soap was no master in chalk or anything, but the drawing looked pretty new. “Ohhh hell, look at this LT,” he says, nudging the other. Ghost went rigid for a second before gesturing back up the stairs for the other three to come down quickly. 
Flashlights scoured the basement, Soap wandering towards the darkest part of the basement. His light danced over the stone floor before the body of a little boy was illuminated.
“Over here,” Soap calls out, almost missing the way the kid jerked in response to his words. Soap handed Price his gun before crouching down next to the boy. Your eyes were locked onto him, tear stains evident on your cheeks and fear clouding your eyes. “We’re here to help ya,” Soap says, trying to offer his hand to you.
“Back off the kid, Soap,” Ghost mutters. “He’s scared shitless.”
Soap let out a quiet, barely audible sigh as he stood back up and stepped back to join the rest of his team. 
Your eyes shot from man to man. Your breath was heavy in your chest and you could hear yourself wheezing because of it. “Where are my parents?” You almost sobbed. Your voice was hoarse, throat tight as you waited for an answer.
The men felt their hearts drop at the pure pain in your voice. This kid, no older than 11 or 12 had his life turned upside down in a matter of fifteen minutes just a week ago. 
It was Ghost who made the first, well technically second, advance towards you, much to the surprise of the rest of the team. Just as surprising was the way you sat up to be face to face with him as he crouched down. 
He pulled a small picture out of pocket and handed it to you. It was a picture of your parents and yourself that you’d never seen before. “I don’t know where your parents are, but I do know that if you remain here, you’ll never find them,” Ghost spoke lowly. Just loud enough for you to hear. 
You nodded in understanding, shoving the picture in your pocket as Ghost stood up. He went to turn back to the team but paused when your hand grabbed his. You avoided his gaze when he looked back at you but didn’t pull his hand away. Instead, he picked you up and maneuvered you onto his back. 
“Thank you,” you mumble, laying your head down on his back.
Ghost turned towards his team who were all gawking at the scene before them. “Get goin’ and quit starin’ at me like that,” he huffs, nodding towards the stairs before turning to speak to Roach, Gaz, and Soap. “Get the kid some clothes and we’re gettin’ out of here.”
“Aye, L.T,” Soap almost stutters, pushing Roach and Gaz towards the stairs. Price chuckled to himself before heading up the stairs after the three, rounding up the other two that he’d stationed up there. 
“What’s your name?” Ghost hears you ask quietly.
“They call me Ghost,” the man answers as he heads up the stairs. He felt you nod against his back and you fell silent for a moment. “What’s your name?”
You tell him your name, which he already knew but he wasn’t going to tell you that. That started a short and quiet conversation between the two of you. You asked how long he’d been in the military, where he was from, what his family was like and Ghost answered you and asked you the same questions in return. 
It was a stark contrast to what the 141 was used to. Ghost was generally quiet on these kinds of missions. “It’s gotta be the kid,” Gaz whispers to Soap who nods in agreement. 
“Yeah but what about this kid is different from others we’ve found?” Soap whispers back, rubbing his jaw as he watched you and Ghost interact. Gaz shrugged in response before Roach chimed in.
“Maybe he reminds him of a family member? Younger brother or nephew?” Roach suggests and it was like a lightbulb went off in the other two’s heads.
“That’s gotta be it,” Soap nods. “Does anyone know anythin’ ‘bout his family?” 
Gaz and Roach shake their heads and Soap sighs. He opened his mouth to say something else, stopping when he saw Ghost shoot a look over his shoulder at him.
“Quit chattin’. Be on guard. We’re still in hostile territory,” Price mutters, ignoring the noise of complaint the three made before begrudgingly doing what they were told.
It was your first time on an aircraft. You were glued to Ghost’s side, eyes locked on the floor in front of you. Soap had tried to get your attention a couple times to no avail. If you did make eye contact with him, you were quick to look away as quick as possible. 
The others didn’t have much luck either. Roach had tried to speak to you while Ghost was carrying you and all you’d done was bury your face into the fabric of Ghost’s shirt. 
Price had been the most outward about it, asking to actually carry you so give Ghost a break. That was the only time you’d spoken to anyone besides Ghost. “No,” was all that came from your mouth as you shook your head. Ghost had chuckled and told Price he was good to carry you the whole way.
Ghost had given you his hand to basically ‘play’ with. You braided his fingers, bending them and whatever else you could do to keep your mind calm. The rest of the team couldn’t keep the smiles off their faces at the sight.
Who would’ve guessed. The big bad Ghost had actually a big softie.
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satocidal · 5 months
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𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭Destination(!): Middle of Nowhere — Toji Fushiguro
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Synopsis: A long drive—a little crush and a hot dilf, not much can wrong- only that you were drunk and he was no less of a bastard.
— Word count: 2.2k
— A/n: Nobody come at me ok? This was meant to be full smut and just a drabble but here I am 💀 and this is like a piece I’m writing after a decent while so stfu ok- as is Toji ain’t my boo
— Warnings: smut!! MDNI!! Toji x Fem! Reader (reader is at least 19); age gap (reader is the age of Megumi and they’re not in college <3); stupidly fucked sense of alcohol consumption and hangover (for the sake of plot); degradation; spanking; idk basic nonsense- exhibitionism; usage of word "daddy" (twice)
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“That’s what you fuckin’ like huh?” A sharp slap landed on your ass, whimpers barely contained as you sobbed as his fast-set pace—“Gettin’ fucked at the side of the highway?”
Days spent saving the money so carefully, so long—it had to be a night well spent.
“Gumi’!” You sounded out again, the skirt rested so low on your waist—the top barely holding up too, you grinned as your friend made his way to your car, disgruntled a face.
“Why the long face lover boy?”
Not a word, motioning just his head for you to focus on the body in the periphery—it was similar to your Friend, well, at least by the face of it and some mannerisms.
Megumi’s father after all, was the book definition of what a dilf is—you couldn’t help but giggle at the way the older man flicked off his son—usual banter, you presumed.
“What happened now?”
“I was running late, so I made eggs—he wanted to eat some cereals or whatever,” you chuckled at the annoyance his tone held still—“and he couldn’t have made it himself?”
A deadpan that Megumi passed you, “is it not obvious the only thing he can make is women pregnant left and right.”
Another gaze, yours flickered to his father- shyly looking away immediately when your eyes seemed to catch—he was, in most senses, scary.
But hot—because how else would you explain the sudden flutter of the nerves as your eyes caught sight of Him, pants resting low on his hips—no shirt, fuck was he hot.
Another laugh, unassuming as your car revved away.
The concert was fun, mostly.
Besides the time that you lost sight of Megumi, besides the creeps that you caught along the way, besides getting your drink almost spiked- yeah.
What wasn’t fun, it was simply realising that you did not in fact have a ride to go back anymore. But as it was, absent father or not, he made for a decent chauffeur- because there at 11:30 at night he stood with his car.
“How the fuck do you lose your car keys?” His voice was rushed, Megumi’s—staring daggers at you, you simply chose to giggle, too drunk to register anything properly.
“I lost you at the concert- I think losing is a simple concept,”
A scoff- Megumi could not deal with this anymore.
“Remember when we lost our virginity-? That motel was so shady, and the bitch you were with-” words punctuated with hiccups and giggles, Megumi groaned, ears burning when his dad replied with “Hah?” To your words, apparently having heard everything.
A hand shoved to cover your mouth, Megumi grimaced-“don’t mind her, she’s drunk, I need you to take her home- ours,”
A short silence followed the info, “take her? Where will you be?”
Megumi paused, “I’ll stay off at a friend’s t’night—need you to take her back,”
A scoff—Toji’s, “can’t the brat stay with you too? M’busy,”
“He wants to get railed,” you hollered from behind—warning yourself a gruff smile from Toji, not that you’d care at the moment- “off y’er rockets, both of you,” a mumble Toji passed, then a scoff.
“Alright,” he finally muttered, not without making Megumi beg thrice, compensating the night drive by leaving the apartment alone to his father for three days further, “stay with her while I back the car- don’t lemme catch ya fuckin’ some whore when I get back either,”
“Don’t ya worry Mr. Fushiguro—ain’t gonna let him get STD so fast,”
Another short chuckle, hm, the ride could after all be fun.
“Thanks dad,” Megumi muttered another his breath- fastening your seatbelt, not daring to meet his dad’s eye, all too aware of the smirk on his face.
“The chick’s hot,”
“That’s why I’m leaving with her and not- oh,” Megumi paused mid-statement realising it was you his father was referring to, not the girl he was leaving with, he bit his lip hard.
“Don’t try your shit with her, don’t mess with her,”
A smirk, “how would you know,” Toji shrugged, “I could fuck her roadside and you wouldn’t know,”
A lick of his lips, “which is why I’m asking you to simply not do it,”
Flick of his head, “I’ll do what I want,”
Megumi watched as his father’s gaze lingered upon your form, it was simply too easy- especially the way Toji’s eyes held a hungry look.
And just like that, you—half passed out, beside Toji swerved away, Megumi would’ve perhaps minded a little more, had the girl beside him not been actively trying to kiss his face off- not that he minded.
Ps. One thing about Toji, he did do what he wanted after all.
The ride back home was smoother, partially because you were almost passed out, and there was no traffic to hinder your way either—and yet, hours it took the both of you to reach.
After all, there were stops made continuously, here and there- “ya hungry?” You muttered suddenly, 15 minutes into the ride, the silence all so overbearing—a mindless “huh?” Toji passed, a mere snicker you offered “hungry? I am,”
Toji stared blankly at the road—he wasn’t sure, a small smirk made its over still, “you don’t typically talk so much,” and true he was of course—but that was mostly because Toji always shivered your timbers, which rarely mattered when you were as drunk as you were.
“I’m typically never this hungry either,” a gruff scoff he passed, “Gumi’ didn’t feed ya or what?”
A silence you let pass over the two of you- he sighed taking the worse of the cases, “whatever I’ve got me some cash, sure, whatcha’ wanna eat?”
“Whatever pops up on the road first,”
A smirk, Toji looked over the convenience store that seemed to be approaching—“I like decisive girls like you,”
A giggle you passed, so drunk, “wanna know a decision I’ve made?”
A cocked brow met your gaze as Toji pulled the car over the side of the road—“you’re one man I wanna fuck,”
A cough and a widened set of eyes fretted Toji before the smirk could even wipe you across the floor, a short silence met you- sober you would’ve already climbed over the lay on the road ready to be run over, the sheer embarrassment.
A small chuckle the older man offered, “y’er not so bold usually eh?”
“You’re scary,” your voice came out as half a whine,
“eh? And I’m not scary right now?”
A giggle again—“you’re much more fuckable right now, especially with how you were in the morning- been on my mind since,”
The vision of himself in just a vest and grey sweat-pants, understandable, he shrugged—“gotta be honest doll, you look way more slutty than I did,”
An amused smile he held as you giggled again—“yeaaaah?” Your words dragged, “S’pretty skirt ain’t it? Gumi’ thought it was too short,” a small pout that you held with end of the statement.
A snort Toji passed—“Gumi? An idiot, a doll like you deserved to flaunt that ass in as short of a skirt you like, don’t ya?”
Your head bobbed in compliance, slowing only when his hand came to rest way too high on the plush of your thighs—it felt hot.
Hot in the way it seemed to creep up your skirt, hot in the way the hem of your skirt tickled you—hot in the way his gaze held yours, hot in the way Toji knew exactly what he was doing.
A lick of your lips, a lean in from him, a lean in yours—“you were hungry, yea?”
And just like that, Toji did exactly as he pleased.
Toji stared, jaw stacked as his eyes remained stuck on your form, bent over—legs spread, all just to tease him while you pretended to be confused about flavour sandwiched you wanted to grab.
A hum entered his ears, you bent over further—your panties, the fishnets all on display —“I don’t like the mayo they used in this,” a whine as you wiggled your ass, his eye twitched.
A step forward, he stood directly behind you, crotch pressed to your ass, a hand on your back which kept you in position—“and I don’t like the way you’re acting,”
The store was empty, you smirked—grinding back into him, “you seemed to like how I was back in—”
A sharp inhale, yours, a sting that you could feel building up on your ass—“hey! What are you-”
-another harsh slap fell on the same spot, the fat of your ass squeezed suddenly, “what do you think y’er doing?” Almost a growl—the store was empty, he was using it to his advantage.
A smile rested on your lips—“trying to decide on what I wanted to eat but…” despite the dull warmth you’d just felt you grind into him yet again—your intentions were clear, all too drunk to even care about being humped in the middle of a convenience store—as you seemed to be at the moment.
Toji realised all of this— in the sound of your gasp as he pulled at your hair roughly, back arching as he brought you close enough to his mouth as he leaned down himself—you could feel his hardening dick pushing against your ass—“but what?”
A smile, almost innocent that you flashed, “I don’t think I’m hungry anymore…” a bite of your lip—then another hitch as you felt him spank you yet again, all too done with you.
The heat radiated through your body, “you think it’s funny huh? Grinding’ into me like a whore?”
A moan escaped you, his fingers roughly pushing at your clothed pussy, skirt hiked up- your face heated up at thought of someone walking in—fingers feeling around your wetness as it spread, “wearing such a fuckin’ short skirt—I can practically see your slutty pussy when you bend,” another sharp slap, you whined at the absence of his fingers from your cunt.
“Ofc Gumi’ let ya go—such a whore, poor boy had to take care of you huh? But that’s ok—daddy’s better than him at dealing with bratty ones like you,”
Shameless, in the way you moaned—not caring about the store manager who was probably watching through the store camera—you smirked.
“Yeah?” You grinned up at him, “what’ll you do hm? What does “daddy” do?”
A hard stare he passed, suddenly pulling away from you entirely, let alone for the hand that grasped your hair, “think I prefer you better when you’re quiet and crushin’ on me,”
A mischievous smile that you held—“you should gag me then,” he couldn’t help but roll his eyes, and smile at your words—you were adorable, he wouldn’t deny that—he pulled you away from the shop slowly, back to the car, not without winking at the guy working at the store—all too aware of the breathy moans he’d let out stroking himself, watching the two of you too.
As for gagging you, Toji would.
Fifteen minutes the both of you rode in silence—sheer fear that his words had held, “not a peep,” he’d whispered as he closed the door for you, a hard glare followed as the engine was turned on.
Fifteen minutes gone by, you were wet—turned on simply by the silly ministrations in the store, your cunt was practically begging to be touched.
But ah—for someone too afraid to even breath loudly at the moment, to touch yourself seemed off the plate, but the thought may enticing nonetheless.
“Feelin’ horny?” His voice rasped—and oh boy, you were—“same,” a short smirk has evident in his voice, “no touching or sounds till you’re at home though,”
And quite Instantly and regrettably, “Please…” you whispered, hand reaching over to stroke his thigh once —just as quick the car was pulled aside, Toji’s face remained blank.
“Get out,” he murmured, breaking the moment of silence—his gaze was hard, “huh?” Was all you could manage, “ya heard me doll, out. Out and your hands on the hood,”
And as if on a spell, there you were- bent over, it was chilly, pleasantly so—waiting all so impatiently, squirming, he sat in his seat, light shining all upon you- his star of the night.
Slow, taking forever it seemed, that he stood up- walked off, you dared not to move, staring in the little awkward position that he held you in, as he stretched in his leisure.
He didn't seem to come close, not once- or at all, not a single word —“Mr. Fushiguro…please?”
A smirk- fast spread to a grin- “shy again? We gettin’ sobered up? Not so quick doll,” and yet, with all his teasing words, not a single step taken to help- you squirmed, ass sticking out, it was tempting but Toji was a man of will power.
“Please,” you muttered meaninglessly- and the moment continued for a decent two minutes- nothing made sense, you knew he was merely teasing- but oh how the riddle onto whatever that would make him crack was unrelenting.
And perhaps, when he couldn’t take it further, “what’s my name?”
A hesitant, “Mr. Fushiguro,” you dropped off yours lips- he smirked, a step closer- your panties, soiled already we’re almost dripping now and you were sure no piece of groundbreaking porn would ever get you this worked up again- “No. What is my name?”
And as if a light bulb got switched on- “Toji,” you whispered- he was finally close enough though, close enough with his hands on your tits, roughly squeezing and slapping them, “what was that?”
You purred softly, the way his hands pushed your spine, arching your back further- fingers brushing against your hip, “Toji,” his name rolled off your tongue again, louder- he snickered.
“That’s the name you’ll be screaming alright? Why will you scream it doll?”
And yet again, all logic flew off you as you felt his hard-on press onto your ass, “because I’m a slut who deserves to be fucked shamelessly on a highway,”
A final cackle that Toji held- a slap to your face, soft- “such a good fuckin’ whore.”
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All of this work is original and entirely my own—please refrain from copying or reposting.
Likes and Reblogs highly appreciated!
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megalony · 8 months
Don't You Dare
This is an Eddie Diaz request from Anon, it inspired me and I hope this is what you wanted. Enjoy, feedback is always great.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@butlegendsneverdie@langdonzvoid@jennyggggrrr@rogmeddows@radiob-l-a-hblah@rogertaylorsbitontheside@chlobo6@rogertaylors-lipgloss@sj-thefanthefan@omgitsearly@luckytrashgooprebel@scarsout@deaky-with-a-c@killer-queen-ofrhye@bluutac@vousmemanqueez-blog@jonesyaddiction@milanosaurus@httpfandxms@saint-hardy@7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls@mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway
911 Masterlist
Summary: When (Y/n) starts to miscarry and her health deteriorates, Eddie takes her to hospital but he won't let her leave him. He can't lose her, at any cost.
Warnings: Descriptions of miscarriage.
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The sound of the door opening brought (Y/n) out of her thoughts and she tilted her head back on the chair. Her eyes remained closed but she strained her ears to listen in when she felt Chris move beside her and make a beeline for the front door.
Eddie was home.
She could hear Christopher's excited squeal and the impact he made when he barelled into his dad before he managed to step one foot in the house.
"Hey bud, how was school?" Eddie leaned down and scooped Chris up in his arms, swinging him round before he turned to let his son see who he had brought home as a surprise.
"Good- uncle Buck's here!" Chris reached out a hand until Buck took the hint and grabbed his hand, grinning over at him. He had been working a lot recently and for the past two weeks he had barely gotten to see Chris, Buck thought it was about time he stopped by.
"I am, I've missed you," That was all he had to say to have Chris squirming in Eddie's hold to get down and move over to hold onto Buck instead.
"Where's your mum?" Eddie kicked off his shoes and headed in the direction of the living room when Chris idly pointed behind him, too focused on dragging Buck inside to give his dad a proper answer. He had done a night shift into this morning and finished around lunch time and Eddie couldn't pass up the chance to go out with Buck for something to eat when they had both worked up an appetite. Their night had been non-stop from the moment they walked through the station doors.
But Eddie knew Chris wouldn't long be home from school and he didn't want to stay away from home too long when he hadn't had much time with his boy this week and he knew (Y/n) hadn't been feeling too well today. And Buck couldn't pass up the opportunity to come by for tea and spend some time with his closest friends.
"Ola mi amor, how you feeling?" With a sigh and a smile that could stun even the coldest of hearts, Eddie crouched down to his knees in front of the sofa, wedging himself against the coffee table so he could be level with his wife.
She didn't look too good. Her skin was flushed and coated in a light layer of sweat, her lips were cracked and dry and she could barely keep her eyes on him when she tried tiredly to open them. Eddie reached a careful hand out and brushed the back of his hand against her temple and trailed his fingertips down the side of her face, smiling softly when her lips curved at his touch.
"Rough," (Y/n) moved her arm and brushed her thumb against Eddie's jaw, feeling a shiver rocket down her arm when he tilted his head to kiss the pad of her thumb.
Eddie folded his arms on the edge of the sofa and perched his chin up on his arm, looking up at her with a smile that creased his eyes. They both knew she looked more than rough, she looked worse for wear but he would never say such a thing and (Y/n) didn't want to admit it. He moved his hand that was closest to her and slowly dragged his fingers across her stomach, a habit that had become so automatic when she had been pregnant with Chris. A habit he had picked back up from the moment she told him she was pregnant again.
"Why don't you go lie down in bed? Me and Buck have got Chris,"
(Y/n) bit her lip before she nodded, managing a smile when he leaned across to peck her lips. She could feel Eddie moving in front of her and he carefully reached over to hold her arms and help her sit up when she tried to move.
She had been relieved when she brought Chris home and he was perfectly fine with her lying down on the sofa because she didn't feel well. He sat on the floor in front of her for the last hour and did some colouring with the tv on in the background until Eddie came home. All day (Y/n) had felt horrid and as soon as she lied down, she felt like she was melting and becoming worse. Whatever cold or sickness bug she had, it was working its way through her system quickly.
She braced her hands on Eddie's shoulders when he grabbed her hips and slowly pulled her up to her feet and she could feel him smile into her neck when she buried herself in his chest for a hug.
His arms cocooned around her waist, slowly rubbing up and down her back while he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck and pressed his lips to her shoulder.
"I'll come check on you in a bit," When (Y/n) pulled back, Eddie cupped her face in his hands, tilting her chin up so she was looking up at him so he could kiss her. He felt her hands smooth up and down his chest and she nodded against his hands, kissing the side of his palm before she turned around and smiled across at Buck who had Chris attached to his leg.
"Hi Buck,"
"Hey," He nodded his head at her and gave a short wave when she turned to head down the hallway.
She knew Chris would be fine with them, he was already telling them which video game he wanted to play and how he was going to beat them. She could manage a small nap and try to rest before it was time to try and get herself to eat something.
A groan murmured past (Y/n)'s lips when she tried to open her eyes but they felt like they were weighed down and made of stone. When her eyes finally managed to open, nothing would come into focus and everything became blurred like a droplets of rain ruining a painting.
How long had she been asleep?
When (Y/n) tried to move and flop an arm behind her, a bubble of disappointment welled up in her chest when she realised she was alone in bed. Of course she was; why would Eddie be here with her when it wasn't even time to sleep? He would still be with Buck and Chris in the living room and (Y/n) nodded to herself as if confirming her thoughts when she heard the distant sound of the video game on the tv.
She couldn't have been asleep that long, Eddie would have woken her if they were about to sit down and eat.
Sitting up proved to be more of a challenge than (Y/n) had ever faced before. She couldn't seem to hold her head up properly, it felt so heavy and it wobbled from side to side and her body felt groggy.
With stiff hands, (Y/n) cradled the glass of water from the side table and drained it completely, feeling like her throat was made of sandpaper grating together and becoming raw. Why did she feel so rough? Surely she hadn't been asleep for that long? She could feel the groggy, sluggish waves slowly starting to depart and roll off her when her senses started coming back to her.
The uneasy feeling she had felt all day started to come back but it was when her stomach churned and rotated in an awful twist that (Y/n) felt like she was waking up properly.
She threw the cover to one side and slowly heaved her legs over the edge of the bed but she couldn't seem to liven herself up, all she could do was wake up. Every movement felt limp and heavy right until a shooting pain ripped through her abdomen and had her doubling over with one hand supporting her on the bed and the other pressed to the source of the pain.
Something wasn't right.
(Y/n) tried to take a deep breath and stand up, she wanted to talk to Eddie; she needed to see Eddie. But as soon as she was up on her feet, all the blood left her head and went swimming down to her feet.
Her knees collided roughly with the floor and she hurriedly coiled an arm tightly around her stomach that was starting to throb with each rush of blood that circulated through her system. It felt like her head was spinning around and she wasn't sure whether her balance was off or if it was her eyes moving rapidly when everything seemed to tilt from left to right.
"No… no, fuck," (Y/n) hated how quiet and pathetic her voice sounded and how croaky it felt passing through her lips; it didn't sound like her at all.
She tilted her head down until her temple pressed against the carpet and she tried to take some deep breaths to make everything right, but it wasn't working.
Eddie ruffled Chris's hair and handed him a glass of juice in his favourite cup; his plastic cup with dinosaurs painted around the sides and a straw curled around the outside of the cup. But he leaned his weight against the side of the sofa and locked eyes with Buck when both of them heard a thud from down the hallway.
"I'm gonna see if she's alright," Eddie whispered quietly, trying to hide the frown pulling at his lips while Buck nodded and set up the Mario Cart so he and Chris could have another game to keep the eight year old distracted. "Mi amor, you alright?" He called out as he walked down the hallway towards their room. It wouldn't surprise him if she had knocked something over or walked into one of the cabinets.
A slither of fear crept up the back of his neck and tingled through his blood when he didn't hear a response.
"Mi amor?"
Reaching their bedroom, Eddie lightly tapped his knuckles against the door before he slowly opened it and walked in.
"Shit." His heart jumped into his throat and he quickly fumbled to turn the light switch on before he crashed down onto his knees in front of (Y/n)'s limp form curled up on the floor. "(Y/n)? Mi amor what's wrong?" He brushed her hair behind her ear before he pressed the back of his hand against her forehead. Her skin was burning hot and clammy from sweat.
He curled his fingers tightly around her upper arms and gently tried to lean her back up so she wasn't sat doubled over on herself and he could have a look at her. When he got her leaning upright, he felt her hands move to grab his shoulders and steady herself but he could see tears falling down her face and worry light up her eyes.
"Talk to me,"
"My stomach… I- I don't feel right," (Y/n) tipped her forehead down against Eddie's shoulder and groaned into his neck when another rippling pain shot through her. There were so many thoughts and reasons and rationalities coursing through her mind and none of them were good. This could be any number of things and each of them had a grave outcome.
"Alright, mi amor let go for one second and I'll talk to Buck… then I can take you to hospital, okay?" Eddie pressed a desperate, sloppy kiss to her burning temple before he prized her hands off his shoulders and stumbled into a jog down the hall.
There was no way he was calling the doctor or staying here when there was something wrong with his wife. And he didn't want to cause all the fuss and stress of ringing 911 when he had Buck here. If Buck could stay and watch Chris or if he could take Chris home with him then Eddie could get (Y/n) in the car and go without having to worry or think about bringing their son with them to A&E. That would only cause more panic and trouble and Chris didn't like the hospital; nor did Eddie want his son to see his mum in this state.
"Everything okay?"
"No." He grabbed Buck by the shoulder until he got the hint and leaned away from Chris so they could talk quietly. "(Y/n)'s got stomach cramps and she doesn't look good… I gotta take her to hospital Buck."
"Shit, yeah go, go. I'll stay here and watch him."
"Thank you! I- don't let him see her when I bring her out or he'll panic," Eddie grabbed his phone and keys from the coffee table before he bent down in front of Chris and patted his knees to gain his attention. "Buddy, me and mum have to pop out for a bit, you okay to stay here with uncle Buck and get a takeaway for tea?"
Eddie couldn't let Chris hear the panic in his voice or deduce that his smile was fake and full of anxiety. And when he got (Y/n) out and took her to the car, he couldn't let Chris see her and how ill she was or he would know something was wrong and he would panic. If he thought they had to run an errand and he was having a fun games night with Buck he would stay happy and settled and it would be easier on all of them.
"Yeah! I'm winning anyway," Chris pointed to the tv but when he looked over at Buck he grinned cheekily. It had been a while since Buck had stayed over for tea and getting a takeaway meant it was going to be a fun night for them at least.
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit. Love you,"
"Love you too daddy,"
"I'll call when I know what's going on," Eddie patted Buck's shoulder and kissed Chris's forehead before he headed back to go and get (Y/n).
He was going to have to be stealth and quick about this, if (Y/n) couldn't walk it would be easier and he could carry her out and make sure Buck kept Chris's attention on the tv so he didn't notice his parents leaving. If she could walk, Eddie would need to shield her from view and pretend everything was fine. Chris wouldn't let them leave if he knew (Y/n) was ill, he would attach himself to her and have a meltdown for the rest of the night if Buck had to hold him back and make him stay away from them.
"Mi amor, let's get you to the car I'm taking you to hospital,"
Eddie crouched back down in front of her and tried to smile but it didn't reach his eyes and they both knew it. He curled his arms around her middle and pressed their chests together, taking (Y/n)'s weight for her so he could pull her up and get her to her feet. But the moment she was stood up, her hands fisted his shirt and her forehead pressed into his chin like she was trying to give him some kind of secret message he couldn't understand.
"I-is… did my water just break?" (Y/n) croaked out, keeping her eyes closed as tight as she possibly could while her fingers burned into Eddie's shirt to try and stop herself from screaming out.
Something had happened, she didn't know for sure but it felt like her water had broken and it was trickling down between her thighs.
Oh God, if it was her waters that meant she was either miscarrying at five months or there was something very wrong with their baby.
She could feel Eddie's fingers puncture into her hips and he tilted his chest back so he could look down between them and see what it was. But his sharp intake of breath and the way his chest suddenly tensed and went very firm and stiff against her told (Y/n) he wasn't happy.
"Uh, no, no it wasn't. Let's go mi amor." He shuffled back and turned them round towards the door but he could feel her resistence against him.
"Eddie, what's wrong?" (Y/n) moved her hands down to his biceps and gripped tightly as he walked her down the corridor and when they got near the living room, he gripped her tighter. He was trying not to make her walk too fast but he wanted to be quick enough to get out without Chris seeing them.
Panic bubbled up inside (Y/n)'s chest when they got out the front door. It felt like a switch had flipped and Eddie went into some kind of frantic, stern, in-control mode that she hadn't seen since she went into labour with Chris. She squeaked when he moved one arm lower down to grab a fistful of her thigh and his other hand snaked down to her lower back. As quick as anything, he lifted her up and headed over to the truck.
She gripped his biceps harder when he lifted her up into the truck but when he went to pull away, she didn't let go.
"What's wr-" A tightening sensation clawed at her stomach and she cut herself off, smothering a groan by pushing her chin down hard into her chest but it seemed to be the wrong thing to do. She had been wrong. It wasn't her waters breaking that she had felt, it was the start of a haemorrhage; she was bleeding.
Eddie's name clawed past her lips along with a few Spanish profanities she had learned from him over the years. Her hands started to shake against his arms until he leaned over her and cupped her face tight in his hands. His thumbs brushed away the tears that started to fall and his brows rose as a sudden calm but stern look washed across his face.
"We're gonna get you help, I'm here with you, I'm not leaving you mi amor. Please try and stay calm with me, alright?"
She couldn't speak. Even when he kissed her lips, her cheeks, her nose and her temple, all she could do was watch him.
This wasn't how things were supposed to go.
"I need help!" Reaching his hands out, Eddie grabbed the end of the stretcher and turned it in the direction of the truck he had hazardly parked up as close as he could get it to the emergency room entrance.
"Sir you can't-"
"I'm firefighter Diaz, my wife is in the car she's miscarrying and she's already started to haemorrhage. I need you to get her inside and get a doctor, her pulse is dropping."
Eddie kept his fingers curled tight around the stretcher and continued to pull it towards the truck, but the pain in his eyes was what stopped the nurse from calling security on him. She had been heading to help get a patient from a different department but this seemed to be an emergency and it wasn't like she could say no. Not when Eddie was in a state and he had already comondeered her like this. Saying no would cause a scene and he had a patient who needed help.
"Okay," Her voice was soft and she pushed the stretcher quicker to keep pace with him until they reached the truck he had started to point at.
The nurse waited worriedly by the stretcher as Eddie climbed up on the edge of the truck and curved his arms around his wife. He didn't like the amount of blood he could see and every minute when he reached over to check her pulse on the way, he could feel it fluctuating and now it was starting to drop.
"Come here baby," He mumbled quietly as he lifted her out and moved over to the stretcher.
(Y/n) kept her arms locked around his neck until Eddie gave up and kept his upper body doubled over her with their chests touching. He held the stretcher on either side and started to push as the nurse steered it in the right direction to get them in the emergency room.
"How far along is she?"
"Twenty three weeks."
At least this way Eddie didn't have to run up to the reception desk with his wife in his arms and demand someone help him. The nurse guided them straight past the waiting room, scanned her ID and took them straight into the back where the emergency cubicles were.
"We can use this room, let's get her on the bed." The nurse pulled the stretcher up beside the bed in the middle of the last room on the left. And she leaned over to try and help but Eddie didn't give her chance. He looped (Y/n)'s arms around his neck and lifted her up bridal style and moved to the other side of the bed so he could carefully ease her down.
He had been worried on the drive down that (Y/n) was about to pass out but he knew now that the pain was too consuming to let her fall unconscious and that went in his favour. He needed her awake and somewhat alert.
"I've got you mi amor, stay with me," He mumbled the words against her hair when he felt her muttering his name when he tried to unravel her arms from his neck. He held her sides tightly and buried his face in the crook of her neck, perching himself on the side of the bed so he could cradle her close. He couldn't get in the way when the doctor came in but he couldn't just stand and watch either, he had to be touching or holding her to calm them both down.
He kept his arm looped around (Y/n)'s waist, hating himself when he let his hands rest on her stomach for a few seconds but he didn't know how to stop himself. Eddie had already accepted that this was a miscarriage, there was nothing else it could be and he had given up on the thought of the hospital being able to do anything for their baby.
They weren't at the viable stage yet, the ICU wouldn't be able to do anything for them and Eddie could handle that. He could handle losing this baby, as long as he didn't lose his wife too.
He rattled off her name and information, too shaky to write it down so the nurse did it for him before she practically ran out to get a doctor in here.
"Eddie… i-it's happening," One of (Y/n)'s hands dug into his bicep so fast and tight that her nails punctured into his skin and started to draw blood but her other arm suddenly pinned down on her stomach before she let out a guttural cry that had him shaking.
Where was the doctor?
"Alright… alright I've got you. You're doing so well," He pulled back and slipped out of her arms so he could stand up and move to lean over the end of the bed. He couldn't stand around and do nothing, he had been an army medic, he knew the basics.
He had to stop himself from crying when he tugged her leggings and underwear off her hips and down her legs and he took a second to close his eyes and pray.
He wasn't used to doing it like this.
The times he took- or sometimes tore- off her bottoms was for intimacy, not life threatening conditions like losing a baby.
"I need some fucking help in here!" Each word echoed and vibrated off the glass walls and his voice roared, demanding to be heard by someone, anyone who could help. He found a box of gloves and snapped on a pair before he started rooting like he was raiding the place. He threw a few drawers open until he came upon sheets and gauze and at least one towel that he threw all onto the side of the bed before he leaned his stomach back on the end of the bed to see what was happening.
It was exactly as he thought it would be, if a little quicker than he expected. There was so much blood that Eddie could barely see anything and cleaning away the blood with the sheet he found wasn't helping. he was desperate to ransack the medical trolley in the corner but it would most likely be locked and he would get in trouble for administering the hospital's meds without their permission.
He had been crying with happiness and concern when Christopher was born, they knew something had gone wrong but they had been blessed that he had been alive and relatively okay at that point.
The only tears Eddie shed now were ones of anguish and sorrow when he held such a tiny, limp form in his arms, wrapped up in a towel.
"Alright mi amor, you've done it. I'm so proud of you," Eddie pressed his lips to part of (Y/n)'s inner thigh that wasn't caked with blood and he smoothed his hand up and down the back of her knee for a second. He needed to calm her down, she was trembling from shock and when he pressed his fingers against her ankle for her pulse, it was dropping again.
"She's in here…" The nurse Eddie collared outside came tumbling into the room but worry and uncertainly flashed across her face when Eddie turned round to face her, mumbling a quiet yet heartwrenching 'stillborn'.
The burning fury in his eyes was like nothing she had ever seen before and she gasped when he thrust the towel into her limp arms, coating her gloves in the blood he had lathered all over him.
"Page the ICU," The doctor nodded at the nurse, silently telling her to leave the room.
As quick as anything, Eddie spun round on his heels and bolted back over to (Y/n)'s side but when he took her hand and hovered his fingers against her pulse, he shivered.
"She's gonna code!" He hit the emergency button at the end of the bed while the doctor moved round, trying to work three jobs at once. He strapped an oxygen mask over (Y/n)'s nose and lips, placed a clip on her finger to monitor her heartbeat that was steadily fading and swiped the pillow from behind her head. He lowered the bed down so she was lying flat and wheeled the defibrilator across just as two nurses rushed into the room.
Eddie couldn't force himself to let go of her hand, not when her eyes rolled to the back of her head or when her fingers lost their grip on his hand and her arm was left hanging limply in the air, held up by his fist that wouldn't let her go.
It took the male nurse grabbing Eddie by the shoulders and forcibly moving him to the other side of the room to get him far enough away so that they could shock (Y/n)'s heart.
"Don't you dare." For a moment, the nurse thought Eddie was shouting at him until the firefighter leaned over his shoulder to try and force his way back to his wife. "Don't you dare fucking leave me! No te atrevas!"
Don't you dare.
"Eddie," Moving a trembling hand out, (Y/n) gently raked her shaking fingers through her husband's hair to try and get his attention.
She felt stiff, beyond tired and unusually weighed down which she realised was because he was practically laid on top of her. His head was nestled just beneath her neck with his face smushed up against her chest. He had his left arm coiled tightly around her waist, half of his chest was leaning onto her lower stomach and legs and his feet were hanging off the end of the bed they were laid in.
(Y/n) used her free hand to pull the oxygen tube from her nose and threw it off to the floor. She didn't want that on. Something glimmered in her eyes when she saw the canula in her hand had been bandaged up; Eddie had told them. He told them she had a tendancy to take them out or catch them unless they bandaged it which always made her feel better so she couldn't see the needle in her vein.
There was deep-rooted urge to push her palm down on her stomach but (Y/n) fought it off and kept her eyes firmly on her husband instead of the lower part of her body.
Looking would only make the water works start and she didn't feel like crying, she felt like she had gone three rounds with a tornado. Crying wasn't going to help just yet.
"Eddie, carino, wake up." (Y/n) moved her hand from his hair to brush against his cheek and jaw, tickling the stubble that he was trying to grow.
His cheek nuzzled into her hand automatically and a gruff noise vibrated from his chest through to hers until it seemed to click in his mind who it was waking him up. With that, his eyes blinked rapidly and locked up on her and his head pulled away from her chest so fast he left behind a sudden aching gap wanting to be filled.
"Oh, mi amor! Estaba tan- worried, I was so worried. Don't do that to me again, please, please don't." A few more Spanish ramblings fell from his lips as he tried to shuffle and move but his body was sluggish and uncoordinated.
He managed to lean up on his right elbow and shuffle a bit higher up the bed until they were level again. His left hand was already cupping her jaw and he barely scraped his thumb across her lower lip before instinct took over and he was kissing her feverishly. Her plump, chapped lips had never felt so enticing and he kissed her again and again until he was biting her lip and pulling her closer.
"I'm sorry,"
"No, no I-" He nudged his temple against her cheek and pecked her jaw before he tried to look at her again. "I don't want you to be sorry, fuck, don't be sorry for something like that, I just… I don't want to do that again." He wasn't trying to guilt trip her or make her feel bad, the exact opposite.
Eddie wanted to show and tell her how much she meant to him, as if she didn't already know. He couldn't come that close to losing her again, he couldn't do it. There was no setting for him to function without (Y/n) by his side or in his life. He couldn't look after Christopher on his own, he wouldn't be able to look after himself or cope day to day life if he didn't have (Y/n).
She meant far too much to him.
All through the night and into this morning, the only plausable thing Eddie could think, feel and convey was,
'Thank God she's alive.'
He had no other thought process. He watched her heart get shocked back into rhythm and he nearly got detained for pushing the nurse down to the floor so he could get back to his wife. He didn't let go of her hand, he stayed on his knees beside the bed kissing her arm and crying until they moved her into the ICU to be closely monitored through the night.
Their baby was different. That was a loss Eddie could learn to deal with, it was a life that hadn't started yet, someone he hadn't gotten to know. Losing a baby was something Eddie didn't want to do, he didn't want to have to know what that felt like but he would take it every day for the rest of his life if it meant he kept (Y/n).
His wife was his other half, Eddie couldn't live as half of one person. He had to have (Y/n) to be him and live this life.
"I can stand losing a baby, I'd be able to function and cope with that loss even if I didn't want to," He kissed her jaw again before he brushed his nose against hers and looked down into her eyes. "But not you. You can't leave me like that. I don't work without you, my heart can't beat on it's own."
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fhrlclln · 2 years
older!mechanic! eddie x fem! reader pt. 2
screwing your older hot neighbor is the key to your thirst. 😵‍💫
—> pt. 1, pt. 3
nsfw/smut under the cut
it started from innocently staring at him because he’s hot. which he is, you never knew your sex life would sky rocket to the moon the moment you invited him in your empty home. out of horniness and the desire to satiate the sexual tension for the older man. it was wrong to do this, he’s like old enough— well, not old enough to be your dad, old enough you’d call him ‘mr’. but here you are, in your bedroom, him screwing the shit out of you. like he’s been dying for it. which he totally is, (and so was you.)
“mr. munson!” you cried out, gripping his hair with one hand while the other was planted on the surface of your sheets, gripping tight for leverage as you tilted your head back feeling his cock fuck your cunt up from below. he’s big, both in width and length, abusing your pussy so good. he’s so cocky right now underneath you, he still has that ass-eating smirk on his face as he stares at your bouncing breasts before him. littered with his bites that trails up to your neck.
“this tight fucking pussy’s gripping me so good, sweetheart. you’re such a good girl.” he praised breathily, arms wrapped around your waist, balls slapping against your wet cunt. he’s dreamed of this, fucking up your innocent persona. he’s currently corrupted you with three orgasms, two by his tongue and fingers and the other one with him just sliding in your overstimulated pussy. it felt like heaven.
“mhm— right there! oh, god, mr. munson.” he pounds in to you harder. calling him mr. sounded like he was a old creep (he probably is), but it had him hooked the second it came from your lips. he loves it, loves the way you’re so cock-drunk from him. your other arm moves, wrapping both around his neck as you eagerly kissed him. tongue and all, him dominating your mouth with such ferocity and greed. felt wrong but so right, who would screw your own neighbor? you apparently. you didn’t care anyways what your broken morals are now, you’re going to hell anyways…
with him. he seems reluctant as well.
“gonna cum, fill your little cunt up. make you mine.” he groans against your lips, roughly standing up to his knees.
“oh!” you squealed as he grips your waist tight, bruising your soft flesh. cock pounding in and out with an immense speed that him feral. he sounds so animalistic fucking you, the sight of his blown-out irises made you clench around him. his hair dropping down his face, sweat beading both of your bare bodies. your moans filled the room, mouth agape a bit, looking like a dumb whore that he liked to see on you. you cried out his name this time.
“please, eddie.” you cried out as he leaned down to roughly catch your lips. calloused hands caressing your sides now, as you felt yourself cumming. the tip of his cock rubbing perfectly on your spot. his balls tightened, his brows furrowed in concentration, you whimpered against his soft lips before your belly snapped. your back arches, nails digging on his buff shoulders, his chest hair brushed against your nipples. the euphoric high got you so dizzy, you could now feel his own cum start oozing into you as he bottomed himself in, filling you up to the brim with a sigh. fuck, was it perfect.
“jesus, that was fucking good. you with me, baby?” he kissed your heated cheeks. you nodded slowly, still blissed out at such an intense orgasm, you whimpered now feeling him pull out of you sloppily.
“‘m with you, mr. munson.” you smiled sheepishly like you were drunk. just cock-drunk and fucked out good.
“eddie.” he corrected you, smiling sweetly as he kissed your sweaty forehead. you hummed, liking his attention and affections. a different side of him you see than what you presumed to be intimidating knowing how he looks. tattoos and all. he stands up from his place, you watch him lazily, placid glistening cock swinging a bit in every move he made as he kneeled down to get something from his overalls. cigarettes and a lighter. typical. he needed the nicotine after a good fucking.
he looks over to you, placing a cigar on his lips. “can i smoke, sweets?”
“just open the window a bit.” you agreed, rolling to your stomach, liking the post-sex haze of the hour. the cool air hitting your bare ass as you snuggled against your pillow with a relaxed sigh. he almost pounces on the bed seeing your little oblivious stunt, but he held himself back as he lit the cigar, opening your window a bit as requested, careful not to flash himself from the whole neighborhood. a scandal for the christian neighbors, he’s already painted as a devil-worshipper back then.
he stares at your bare figure, blowing a smoke out through his nose. god, are you beautiful. your head pops up from your pillows as you lazily looked towards him, earning a smirk from the older man. he looked absolutely hot smoking while naked. you can clearly see his chest tattoos, body hair on his chest and his happy trail. you blush, grabbing the pillow to snuggle it against your chest, resting on your side now, facing him. fuck, was he done for.
“such a pretty girl.” he murmurs, walking over to you as he places a sweet kiss on your lips.
“i think you’re pretty as well.” you whisper bashfully making him blush now. no one’s ever called him pretty.
“mhm. guess i can’t solve that staring problem if you think of me like that, sweets.” he chuckles, sitting down now as he puffs a smoke away from you. a moment of silence transpires, your doe eyes held in a generous affection as his heart thumps against his chest. something in him riled him up to ask you now as unexpected it may be. nervous he is.
“wanna go out sometime, sweetheart? you know, a date and all.” he offers making your heart flutter as your eyes widened. you sat up quickly, breasts bouncing, not believing for a moment that he’s asking you out now. though he seems to pull back, feeling a little ashamed, he hasn’t been on the field lately for dating. women these days in his age seemed to prefer less old ones and he wasn’t sure if he’d be your type for something else than sex. “i-it’s ok if you don’t wanna. me being fucking not your age and all—“
“i’d love to, eddie. i’ve been dreaming about it.” you cooed, straddling him now as he gripped the flesh of your ass. “i really like to get to know you more.” you shyly added.
“really, sweets? what’s there to know for an old man like me?” he teases, kissing your chin. you rolled your eyes at his degradation of himself.
“there’s plenty. and hey, there’s nothing wrong being 35.” you grin making him gasp dramatically at the accusation of his age.
“you wound me, 35?”
“if it pleases you, i think it’s hot you’re nearing dad age.” you whispered seductively, as you grind yourself on him. he groaned, slapping your bum making you giggle. you squealed seeing him toss his cigar somewhere as he flipped you down to the bed again, boner springing to life. hovering above you as he cocks a grin.
“let me show you how this old man works again, ey?”
is this who we are? is this who we represent? yES.
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brights-place · 5 months
Can I request queen barb with a cute subby soft reader sfw & nsfw headcanons pls.
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Barb dating an SUB! Reader
Pairings: Barb X Reader Warnings: Fluff, NSFW, SFW A/N: I LOVE BARB SHE IS SO AWOOGAAAA! I love this so much it's everything to me and plus I need to write some of this so I don't cry cause matpat is quitting...
Sfw Headcannons for barb
- When you first met your interaction was sweet "hmm. I like your ears" You said smiling "M-Mine?" You nodded "Mhm!" "Thank you! I-I like your spots...!" You tilted your head blushing "Really? I use to cover them up but Y'know" you shrugged - She is always by your side and making sure you are ok in public areas.
- Would flex about having an partner to everyone mainly to other rock trolls but when she introduced you to her dad she was so shy but she knew he was supportive literally nearly teared up but sucked it up quickly seeing her two favorite people together - Barbs father is such an important aspect of her life so being introduced to him is a major privilege so meeting him is an whole thing its important to her and him accepting you makes her happy - She likes holding you close to her knowing your beside her makes her relax - she wrapped her tail around your own tail she would wrap your hair with hers but I don't think they use their hair a lot like using it to catch themselves so they just wrap each others tails together - if your an different genre of troll she'd love you and try to listen your own music even though she finds it weird... but she'd do her best but if your the same genre with her that's just an bonus - out of all the rock trolls you were the most soft hearted and welcoming which was what made her fall for you - On trolls world tour you didn't really like the idea of taking all the other genres and making them all - Barb is very hands-on and at times quite hyper so the two of you seem to always be doing something but when needed to you might have to walk over and tug her arm to make her relax for an moment - Barb lives in the moment, never really taking too much time to think about the future. - She makes sure to make you flustered whenever she can at any moment. - She loves having you either sitting on her lap or you being on top of her in general to hug you She just can’t have you away from her too long she's clingy - Loves how you melt into her arms if she shows you the slightest bit of affection or compliments you
- When you're in public, Barb is touching you. - Whether a subtle touch or not, she's either holding your hand or having her arms wrapped around you
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Nsfw Headcannons for Barb
- SHE IS AN DOM! I TELL YOU SHE IS AN DOM! - Thighs and Boobs woman she loves them so much squish them against her face she'll giggle and please the shit outta you - She loves how you submit to her so fast when she glides her hands on your waist and whispers lustfully in your ears - She’s an rough kisser and would pepper your face with kisses whenever she can - I BET! She has an tongue piercing that would eat you out so well! - This chick is an HUGE teaseee - She’ll grab you by your waist and say the most gut retching and suggestive thing in the world while holding you
- If you ask her to man handle you or hurt you in the process of the doing the devils tango SHE WOULD DO IT! - Literally loves teasing you any chance she gets but would wanna be reassured every once in a while to make sure she’s not hurting you too bad and would make sure you feel alright - Hate sex and jealousy sex is everything like have you seen her? She gets mad real easily!
- What are her turn on's? Biting, Kissing her neck or cheek, challenging her, and affection - What are her turn offs? talking about your ex regularly, Cheating, bad breath, and Poor hygiene - favorite positions are the slider, the lean in, the rocket, Cowgirl and doggy (When she wears an strap on) - Her kinks would be BDSM, Marking You, Biting, Bondadge, over stimulation, and anything else she is open to anything to do - she loves how you melt into her arms moaning and whining - When she overstimulates you she smirks and enjoys how your eyes roll back - She traces her fingers down your cheeks and wipes away your tears. she whispers gentle words that will comfort you and make you feel at ease while making you feel good. - When you cum on her tongue she smirks and makes sure to overstimulate you more gripping onto your thighs as you moan loudly gripping her hair - When done she praises you with an huge smile and hugs you - She carries you to the bathroom to clean you up for after care. Makes sure to give you her shirt for you to sleep in
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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sagaduwyrm · 6 months
Infinite Realms World-building
So I have a lot of thoughts over why their aren't that many ghosts in the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms and how other afterlives fit into the situation so here.
The Infinite Realms aren't an afterlife. They're not a place any mortal soul is supposed to reach. They're the lining between afterlives, the wall holding them apart, the cradle holding all those places souls are meant to go. The Infinite Realms aren't anything, just a no man's worthless land.
The Infinite Realms weren't anything.
But. Picture this.
You are dead.You are dead you are dead you are deadyou aredeadyouaredead
It hurt. It was the worst thing you've ever felt, that moment when the bindings between your mortal body and your immortal soul were sundered beyond all recovery. You're disoriented and in pain and crying, weeping wails echoing across the metaphysical expanse.
But then a hand reaches out to you.
Hands, really.
They whisper in your ear. Come home, one says, offering gentle, glittering love. You've earned this, screams another like it’s a battle-cry. A dozen voices like hellfire and damnation offer atonement, if that's what you seek, although the punishment they offer varies. One voice that is not a voice but is the void offers the rest of non-existence, the creak of a wheel suggests reincarnation.
These gods and demons and spirits and entities want you, is the thing. Their grip is like chains around your ankles, dragging you down, and you have to choose, you hAVe To cHooSE, or It Will Be Chosen For You.
And this is what's supposed to happen, isn't it? The next step. Your eternal rest. Getting to pick is a greater mercy than a little mortal deserves, even.
You aren't a little mortal. You refuse to be.
You are the woman who revolutionized school lunches.
You are the greatest hunter in the world.
You are Romeo and Juliet, except they were a tragedy and you are not because you can bet your ass you went out laughing.
You are the world's next rock-star whose voice no one ever got to hear.
You are a man who loves boxes.
You are a clever wish-granter, the greatest magician in the world..
You are a Queen with people to protect.
You are the master of technology.
You are a boy who died too soon, too young, and hell, you should give up, but you never got to see the stars. You never got to see the stars, or what your sister looks like graduating from college, or how your friends look when they change the world. You'll never know if you'll be an uncle, if you'll have your dad's shoulders or your mom's wiry strength, what it feels like to kiss someone, whether or not Dash will ever get that stick his ass and become a decent person again. No one will ever read your paper on the genesis of stars, or fly to Pluto in a rocket ship you designed, or welcome you home after you've fulfilled your life's dream and gone to space.
It's a goddamn tragedy is what it is.
And dying hurt, so bad you're not sure if you'll ever be the same. But. All your chains are broken now. Your soul is free, in a way that it's never quite been before. You are a butterfly, broken free from your cocoon.
And they want to chain you.
They whisper so sweetly, so gently in your ear, even as they tear you apart in a child's game of tug-of-war. You have to choose.
Fuck that.
Fuck that. Dying hurts but it also freed all the potential of your beautiful, brilliant soul, and you aren't going back. Maybe you’re Icarus, flying too close to the sun, but you have wings now, and you won't let them be pinned.
You take the plunge. Through brimstone, through the river with its eternal ferry, through light and dark and a thousand different afterlives that want you like they have any damned right to your soul.
You fly, and you aren't sure if you're running forward or fleeing, but you fly. And it takes forever, a century and a day that lasts less than the beat of a heart, but then you burst free of all those grasping hands and you see green.
The green is infinite and it's empty. But it's free. It's beautiful and bright and you breathe it in, this base stuff of reality, this entropy in motion, and your soul comes to life. You aren't bound anymore, not by the base practicalities of your body, not by the laws and hunger of the gods, not by anything but your own willpower and trust in yourself.
Once the Infinite Realms were empty, once they were nothing. Now there are ghosts singing their exultant freedom. With them they bring ideas and movement and life, and the eddies they stir become whole new beings, spirits that never lived as anything other than what they are. These empty currents now hold whole worlds, ghosts and spirits and monsters.
And one day some strange being comes and tries to take your freedom and he calls himself Pariah Dark. Maybe he was a determined mortal just like you, maybe he was a demon, something sent by the gods to punish you for daring to be more, but it doesn't matter. Regardless of how hard he tries, how many lands his armies invade, how deep he digs his clawed hands in, it doesn't matter. 
No one can conquer Infinity.
And then the Ancients awake. Even in a realm of equals, there are still those who are more. And what is the point of power if you can't protect your fellows?
So they shut him away, this fool who doesn't care for the freedom the Infinite offers, put him in a sleep so deep even his dreams can't disturb others. And when he wakes up there is a boy, small and young, but with more determination in his body than most could dare claim, and the tyrant who steals freedom is sent straight back to sleep.
The Infinite Realms need no King, but this boy is small and clever and kind, and when two people war, he is the first to come and mediate, the first to shove himself between their fury and make them remember themselves. They don't need a King, but the Infinite Realms are so big, with so many people, and they wouldn't mind a Speaker. Someone to connect them all, regardless of how far they lay apart.
And this boy with stars in his eyes and gentle hands grumbles, but he loves the Infinite as much as they love him, and he's almost meant for this, existing between Ancient and New, Living and Dead. They would never chain him, but he was always meant to explore, and who wouldn't want to meet and see and know everything?
The Infinite Realms are green and free and beautiful, and no god can ever change that.
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