#Danny floats up to her and is like yo what's up?
illya-roma · 1 year
DP X DC PROMPT- (Fic that I'd totally probably might write)
Jason had learned from being a Robin to being Red Hood to expect a lot of things, from fighting the deranged to expecting the unexpected like daina (WONDER WOMAN!) being mind controlled.
But he never expected this.
He usually doesn't come here to begin, not after- after it happened, but he does each time whenever the pits wants to remind hims of what he could have lost. (What he lost, how it hurt hurt hurt. How HE hurt them. He knows that even if they forgive him, they'll never trust him again. The pit laughs from behind)
But tonight, in front of him sat someone?something? what appears to be a teenager from 14 to 16, with red hair that flickers similar to a flame and skin too pale and ears too pointy.
But it?she? sat on one of the headstone with her eyes glazed, too deep in her own thoughts.
A series of bubbles cut her off. She proceeded to put the baby (that seemed completely human) on her shoulder and allowed him to burb. Then cocooned him in blankets and hummed him to sleep.
Right now, he isn't red hood (or Robin). And his gun may not affect her, that is if the child belongs to someone else. (Did the parents give them to her? Or is she related? Have any alarms of a breakout occur that a meta? experiments? escape?).
(He sounds like Bruce.)
"A penny for your thoughts?"
The girl had her eyes on the child, with a small sad smile and flickers of flaming hair. "Just..."
"Just wondering what my grave would have looked like."
He sucked a breath.
"That ones yours...right?"
The girl (child ghost holy fuck!) nodded her head to his own grave. "Y-yeah...it's mine."
"It's beautiful... And well cleaned...They must've cared a lot, mister Jason."
He never thought about that. A well taken grave describes a caring family wouldn't it? (They do care! How is it still clean though?)
"Yeah...but uh...um...What's up with the..the baby?" Is the baby alive?
"Oh...Noone will take care of my baby boy... So.. I had to come back..."
She pushed back a few strands of black hair with tender eyes and the lightest touch. As if he where the most fragile crystle.
Jason could see himself in the child. All loved to the point his own mother would give up everything just for him. Except it was Bruce, it was Bruce that took him in and loved him. Standing beside his bed during nightmares when he cried and taking away the monsters. Sitting with Alfred, cooking together and exchanging stories.
(His family loved him. His family loves him.)
"Would you like to fly with me?"
Robin made me magic
He keeps wiping his face while she put the baby in a safer position. "We can have a brawl for fun after I put little Danny in his bed a-" she stopped mid scentence when looking at him
He sputtered. " Is something wrong?"
With fear in her eyes she floated, creating distance between both of them. She shaked her head in disbelief.
"You...you died..."
He took a step farther, not wanting to scare them away.
"But..b-but your... nononono why do you look like that?!"
He wanted to ask like what, but she disappeared before his eyes. (Did she know he wasn't safe? That he hurt his family?)
"Hey Jaylad, is the pit be-
"Jason, what's wrong? Are yo- what happend?"
"I'm sorry, I'm s-so sorry, I'm sorry! Dad I'm sor-"
"I'm coming, hang in there."
"Little Wing what's wrong?"
"Todd, who hurt you? Who should I kill?"
"Jason, back ups close. Breath with me, alright!"
(His family loves him)
(The pits were silenced)
In an alternative universe the Fenton are still driving around and setting up traps, unfortunately Jazz is the one who removes them and got caught.
Since jazz is the one that doesn't wear hazmats and dany is still a baby (she makes sure is far from their experiments with ectoplasm), she becomes a ghost who decides that she doesn't want Danny to get hurt and takes him somewhere near a lot of ectoplasm.
Gotham: sweet baby girl, little baby harley.
Let the drama begin.
Chapter 2
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ghost-pasta · 8 months
thinking about a Dani headcanon
I like to think Dani is wayyyy more at home with her ghost abilities. But not in an overt kind of way. But like, of it came to sitting in a group meeting I think Danny would be more likely to sit in a chair and Dani would start floating. You get what I mean?
Like, Danny's just more subconsciously used to "passing as normal" and "human concepts of how physics works"; meanwhile Dani is defying gravity at any given opportunity unless she's actively in danger from doing so. She's just being silly and *existing* with it.
Jazz: "I thought I heard Dani talking to you in here?"
Danny: "She's laying on the ceiling."
Jazz: (looks up) "oh"
Dani: ("laying" with arms crossed behind her head) yo ✌️
you see my vision.
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alittledoseofchaos · 5 months
Come Again?
Part of the 'Marvelous Miracles (Please Disregard the Ghosts)' AU
It was an early, drowsy morning in Wayne Manor. Limited sunlight flittered through the manor's windows. A few chirps came from outside, while Titus' barks harmonized along. Alfred had errands, so Bruce stood by the coffee machine as he read the morning paper. There was a faint crash sound from somewhere in the manor. Like I said, a drowsy morning in Wayne manor.
Briefly looking up, Bruce noticed one of their most recent visitors walking in to kitchen. Despite the faint eyebags under them, his blue eyes sparkled with mischief. His black hair was messy and his mouth pulled back in a giant grin. Bruce could practically hear the incoming puns. For a single moment, Bruce is younger and staring at his recently acquired ward, Dick Grayson. Joyful warmth fights against ice-cold fear for one, nostalgic moment.
His reminiscing was cut short by the boy calling out.
"Morning, B." He smiles as he is brought back to the present. This is Danny, not Dick. Sometimes that can be a hard thing for Bruce to remember. Though similar, the two boys were not the same person.
"How are you, Danny?"
"Oh, I'm in high spirits, like that of a shellfish mollusk." Danny chirped as he grabbed an apple. He took a large bite out of the apple as he floated through the floor. Bruce stared at where Danny had once stood.
They are definitely not the same person. Oh, who is he kidding, Danny is just as unhinged as Dick.
In a dark cave a figure sat at a large computer. The computer left an eerie glow across his face. He typed away quickly, and occasionally sipped from a green can. The person only glanced away once a figure floated through the ceiling. He continued to type as the being got closer.
"Yo, Tim! I heard you were down here all night. What gives?" Tim glanced over.
"Big case, lost track of time. Could you power down, you're too bright." He replied. He started to consider the case again. Maybe they used a secret entrance? No. Maybe they were phasers like Danny? But there aren't any metas on town other than Danny who can do that. So a new player?
A snap brought him out of his musings. He turned back to Danny.
"I swear, you and Mars get distracted at the fall of a cap."
"Yeah, mhmm... wait what?" Tim turned back, only to find Danny gone.
Why does his family get weirder with each addition?
Bookshelves lined the walls and began at the floor, reaching for the ceiling. Dim moonlight shone through the gigantic windows. Armchairs and footrests littered the room in all different sizes and colors. In fact, one of the bookcases that didn't quite reach the ceiling had various purple, pink and blue cushions on the very top. This was Danny's planned destination as he flopped onto one that had galaxy patterns embroidered on it. He leaned back and stared up at the ceiling, where accurate constellations stared back.
Mentally tracing the patterns, he let the soft "who's" of owls flying about soothe his soul. He began to faintly "who" back as a pink cushion beside him shifted. He didn't acknowledge the person. Light humming flew out of the person. He felt his lips twitch when he realized the other person was swaying in in tandem with the owls' swoops.
"Nightmares?" Marinette asked. Her blue-grey eyes remained fixated on the owls flying around the bats. Her fingers dug into her skin. He furrowed his eyebrows. There was only one reason either of them would come up here this late.
"....What did you really want to ask?" He assumed that her fingers twitched, like they normally do when someone's a little too blunt, but he didn't bother checking. He heard her breathe in deeply.
"Do you think life would be easier if we were," She hesitated. The humming resumed as she tried to figure out what to say.
"...normal?" He provided.
"Yeah." Her voice was small, and he couldn't help remembering Ellie.
"Not really. Our lives would just be a different type of hard, but without eachother." He hummed thoughtfully, "lawn growth is constantly a better shade of jade on the contrary edge of the yard partition, and all that jazz."
For the first time that night, it was completely silent.
"Danny, what the heck does that mean?" Realization crossed his face as Marinette sat up straight. "I mean the first part made sense, but what was this about a yard?"
His lips quirked up into a genuine smile and he turned to explain it to her. A playful glow filled his face as he explained.
"My english teacher back in Amity kept getting on my friends and I for using the same idioms all the time, so we decided to mix it up."
"So that was just a rare eniglish idiom?" She continued to stare at him in confusion, and a hint of exasperation. He laughed.
"Not exactly, we used the same idioms, but with synonyms instead. He thought it was funny at first, but quickly changed his mind. Guess it became a habit, huh?"
"So this is a case of you being weird, not the english language?" She stared at him for a second. His grin grew as he shrugged. A small, disbelieving laugh filled the silence.
"Sooo, what brought the sudden case of the gloomies?" He asked. Her smile dimmed and she turned to the windows again.
"I was thinking about home." His eyebrows furrowed in sympathy. He placed a hand on her shoulder.
"You miss Paris?"
"Yes... No? I don't know." He's caught off guard for a moment. She continued, "I do miss it, but I don't want to go back there. Atleast not to stay? I feel so relaxed here, but everytime I portal home, I feel this dread. Does that make me a bad daughter? A bad friend? That even after the rumors blow over I don't want to go back? I mean what kind of per-"
"Whoa, whoa. Secure your stallions, lady." He winced. Not the time. "You aren't a bad person for wanting to be in a place that make you feel safe, instead of one where you've fought for your life on multiple occasions. You need to remember that, okay?"
She opened her mouth to argue, but he covered it with his hand. He shook his head at her.
"I'm serious Mars! You have a right to want something better than that!" He slowly removed his hand, quickly returning it when it looked like she was going to argue. She grumbled something. He raised his eyebrow and slowly removed his hand.
"Alright! Alright!" She waved her arms infront of herself. Relief seeped into her veins. "Just stop with the terrible replacement idioms!"
Danny gasped.
"Terrible!? Says you! You use the most ridiculous replacement cusses!"
"It was an act of solidarity with Adrien!"
"And? 'What the gosh flippin darn?' is what you settled on?" She rolled here eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips.
"We have never said that!"
"Like 'What is the name of camembert cheese?' is much better." Her eyes narrowed. He stuck his tongue out in response. They stared at each other for a long moment.
"You want to help me make cookies?" She asked as she climbed down the book case.
"Heck yeah." He replied.
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Fanfic - Desynced: Chapter 2
(Ao3 Here) (FF.net here)
Tucker tried to pay attention in math class, he really did. It was just… so boring. The way the class was taught just didn’t work for him. Oh, he did enjoy it, it was one of his easiest classes so that was great. It was just that once he learned the formulas he needed, he simply programmed them into his calculator. Once he had figured out how to do that, the rest of the class was easy.
So that left him sitting here. Bored.
He glanced over at Danny who was staring at the board like his life depended on it. He had offered to hand over his programs to Danny, but he had declined. He had said that if he were in space, he might not have access to a calculator. He needed to understand this.
Tucker could respect that. Understand that, no, but he could respect it.
Tucker glanced back at the board as their teacher – a brand new teacher to school named Ms. Angelis – continued to explain to the class how to solve the quadratic formula. She was standing at the front of the classroom and conducting the class in singing a little ditty to help remember the formula.
Tucker dutifully sang along with the rest of class (even though he didn’t need to ‘cause computers are awesome), “X equals negative B, plus or minus the square root, B squared minus four-A-C, all over two A…”
There were some giggles as some of the other teenagers felt uncomfortable singing in the middle of the class. Ms. Angelis walked over to her desk to turn a couple of her dozens of plants and push them closer to the glass to let the uncomfortable kids relax a little bit.
But something didn’t sit right with Tucker, and it took him a second to realize that Danny was not singing. He should have been able to hear him, he could always hear Danny, even in the lunchroom. He stole a glance at his friend to see that he was still staring at the board. Danny had to have been breaking a staring contest record.
If Tucker hadn’t seen him breathing, he’d have thought he died.
Then Tucker realized Danny wasn’t breathing.
“Dude?” Tucker whispered.
Danny jerked suddenly and he turned. “What?”
“You good man? You were staring pretty hard there…” Tucker asked quietly.
Danny tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. “What?” he asked. “I was singing along with the rest of you?”
Tucker knew for sure that wasn’t true. There was no way he wouldn’t have been able to hear him. Danny had a unique sound to his voice, hell, he had a unique way about him. Danny sometimes felt slightly elvin, like Brickolass or whatever his name was from Lord of the Rings. Sam was the one who loved fantasy. Tucker was more of a sci-fi kinda guy.
The only series they could agree on being good was Star Wars.
The point being that Danny was unique and impossible to ignore. Danny had not been singing.
“Uh… dude? You feeling alright?”
“Yeah? Wh–” Danny gasped suddenly. Both Tucker’s and Danny’s eyes widened as a very clear trail of vapor left his mouth and began to float up in front of him. It was quite obviously not smoke, it was too thin for that. It was just like his breath had become visible for a second.
Like the temperature had suddenly dropped.
Danny’s head then snapped toward the window, as did most of the class a second later as everyone saw one of the planters on the outside shift. It fell off the outside of the window, falling the few feet to the ground.
Ms Angelis rushed over to the window and opened it. “Oh dear,” she said, looking down. “Give me a moment kids… I thought I had screwed that in pretty well! That’ll be the last time I buy from that store…” She rushed out of the classroom, leaving the students a moment to relax and stop thinking for a little bit.
Tucker looked back at Danny, who was still staring at the window. He now had a clearly pained expression on his face, like he just bit into a vegetable. Tucker glanced at the window before focusing on Danny again. “Dude… you’ve been out of it for a bit. Like, you were staring at the blackboard, and you were definitely not singing.”
Danny swallowed before leaning towards Tucker. “I… I was singing, or at least I thought I was. It’s been… weird.” He chewed on his lip and looked at the door Ms. Angelis had not quite ran out of. “It’s… I dunno. It’s like lately I’ve been feeling like I’ve been getting pulled out of the back of my head…” He shook his head. “No, it’s more like I’ve been slipping out. Like I’m just being poured out. I usually don’t even notice it at first but…”
“So… you’re not okay?”
“I’m fine,” Danny said, shaking his head vehemently. “I’m fine it’s just–”
Tucker reached over and rubbed Danny’s shoulder. “Hey man, I feel ya. I get the same way after gaming sessions sometimes.”
Danny gave Tucker a weak smile and Tucker let it drop. Danny was saying he was fine, so he probably was. If Danny wasn’t worried, he wouldn’t be. The image of Danny lying on the floor with his skin blackened and Sam performing CPR flashed in his mind. Tucker shook it off and focused on his friend’s smiling face.
Danny was fine.
Tucker rubbed Danny’s shoulder as Ms. Angelis appeared in the window and started looking at the planter. She picked it up and inspected it, frowning and then looking down and picking up a screw meant to affix the planter. “What do you think happened?” he asked, mostly just to change the subject.
“I could see my breath…” Danny whispered quietly. If it had been anyone else, there would have been no way for someone to hear him, but Tucker’s ears were quite attuned to his best friend’s voice. “It was like a chill just went through me…” He chewed on his lip again before looking at Tucker. “When ghosts show up, supposedly sometimes they make the temperature drop…”
“You’re saying a ghost did it?” Tucker joked, turning toward his friend.
And Danny turned haunted ice blue eyes toward him. “You saw my parents’ basement...”
Tucker did. He saw the room bathed in green light, so blinding that he had thought the silhouette of his best friend falling out of it would be burned in his eyes forever.
Tucker would not think about that. Not anymore. Danny was fine.
Tucker smiled. “Yeah, okay, I guess if magic is real, ghosts can be too…”
Sam held onto her paper tightly. Her knuckles were turning white as she tried to ignore how crinkled the paper was. She needed a distraction. She knew that there was a possibility of being asked to present the proposal to the principal, but she had expected to be brushed aside. Apparently though, Mr. Lancer liked her idea. So she was sitting here, waiting for Hannah to finish her pitch, alone in the hall.
She couldn’t help it. She was nervous. Especially looking at the first page of her paper.
All the red ink that Mr. Lancer had left on it was staring back at her. He was telling her she was heavy handed, that she was appealing to emotion too much, that she would push people away with her phrasing. It was all doled out and explained in a striking red pen.
Sam refused to change a single word of it. She could have. Mr. Lancer had suggested to her and Hannah that they’d make updates based on his suggestions before they gave the proposal to the principal and the other teachers.
But these were her words, her feelings. Not his.
The door clicked open, and Hannah walked out. She gave a goodbye to Mr. Lancer before walking away, leaving the door open for Sam to go in. Sam hesitantly walked up to the door. When she got close enough to the door that she’d cast a shadow in the entryway, she heard Mr. Lancer call her in. She stepped in and walked up to the teachers, who were all sitting in a semicircle.
“The floor is yours, Ms. Manson.”
Sam nodded and took a deep breath. She didn’t need to look at her paper to recite it. She had already memorized it before she had turned it in. “I believe… that all life is sacred.” Mr. Lancer rolled his eyes, obviously upset she didn’t listen to his corrections. He didn’t say anything though, instead he shifted in his seat, making himself comfortable. She tried her best to ignore him and continued. “For me, the thought of eating meat, which had once been a living breathing creature like me, is a disturbing thought.
“I want to convince you all that we shouldn’t be serving meat at the school cafeteria. Eating meat is eating an animal that could have lived a long and fulfilling life that we humans cut short for our own selfish desire to consume.” Sam’s throat closed up as she remembered the feeling of Danny’s ribs bending under her hands. She licked her lips and continued, “They have a right to life, just as we do. Living my life, knowing that I could die tonight in a freak accident is a terrifying idea. Society attempts to make life safer for all of us. With laws to punish those who drive recklessly, programs to keep people from being desperate to attack others, a requirement of healthcare to keep me healthy, but society is failing the animals that live among us.”
Sam could see the teachers’ eyes glazing over as they rapidly lost interest in her proposal. A few glanced at Mr. Lancer with raised eyebrows. Only the principal remained focused on her, which was fine by Sam. Only she mattered here.
“But I know that most people do not care as much about animals, about life, as much as I do. So, to them, I bring them a different argument, one that does not appeal to our sense of righteousness. The average vegan meal is twenty-five to thirty percent cheaper than a meal that contains animal products. They’re also easier to prepare, with less risk of foodborne diseases from undercooked foods. The school meals here are about three dollars, and twenty five percent of three dollars is not a lot, only three quarters, not quite pennies but close enough for many.
“But, that’s not looking at the bigger picture. It's not looking at the community instead of a single individual. There are about eight -hundred students in the school. If only half of them have a meal each day of the week, which I know is a low estimate. In my own experience, my friends sometimes buy more than one lunch. Also, over the week I wrote this just in my own lunch period, I’d on average count only twenty students out of a hundred bringing their own lunches. That’s over four hundred students a week, three quarters per student per day comes out to about three hundred and twenty dollars per week. With thirty-three weeks of school, the school's total savings would come out to just over ten thousand dollars.”
Sam felt a little piece inside of her break, as that’s when the teachers perked up. The teachers began looking at each other with more interest. Mr. Lancer cleared his throat. “For comparison's sake, that’d cover the cost of updating the football team’s equipment.”
Of course that’d be what the teachers cared about, about sports not the cause of life. Sam wasn’t surprised. She hadn’t been that much better up until recently.
The principal smiled brightly. “That’s quite an impressive number… I guess that’s what they mean by a penny saved is a penny earned. I do want to look into this more. You’re right, more than half of the students buy lunches. It’s closer to eighty percent. So that’d put it at what… fifteen thousand about? That’ll save us quite a bit in the long run.” She turned to Mr. Lancer and nodded.
He nodded back before turning to Sam. “Very good, Ms. Manson. You’re free to go. Congratulations on your extra credit!”
Sam nodded, lips tight as she tried not to let her frown show. She had hoped one teacher would have cared about the life aspect of her proposal, but for the life of her, she didn’t know why she bothered to hope. Life was all about the money as her parents had demonstrated so many times.
She turned and began the long walk out of the school. By the time she got to the car, her disappointment had just turned to anger. She wasn’t wrong. Life was sacred, and she had to make people see that.
She got into the back of her car. Her mom was picking her up today. She was in the front seat talking to someone on the phone. She paused the conversation. “How’d it go, Sammykins?”
“Fine,” Sam said, as she threw her backpack across the back seat. “I got the extra credit.”
“That’s great! Why do you sound so upset?”
“They only cared about the money part, not because eating meat is wrong,” she said, folding her arms and leaning against the car door.
Her mom gave her an amused look from the front seat. “Well, the important thing is you got your way. Sometimes the wrong reason for something works just as well as the right one.”
Sam tried not to react. She really didn’t, but she couldn’t stop her mouth twisting. Her mom raised an eyebrow as she backed up the car. Sam huffed. “I guess, I just don’t like it.”
Her mom patted her knee before pulling her phone up again. “Sorry about that, Oswald, I just got my daughter from the school,” she said as she went back to her conversation. Sam let out a sigh and stared out the window the entire ride back.
Which meant that as they pulled up in their driveway, she looked on with horror as she saw her dad standing by the grill on the patio. Sam’s mom didn’t even pull all the way into the garage, choosing to stop right by her dad and rolling down the windows.
“Heya, ladies!” her dad said, waving at them with the spatula. Besides the shine of the metal, Sam could see some sort of liquid smeared on the metal. The sight of it made bile rise up in her throat long before she could smell the meat cooking. “I’m thinking burgers tonight!”
“That’s great, honey!” Sam’s mom cheered, before pausing. “Oh, but…”
Sam unbuckled her seatbelt. Her fingers shook as she fumbled for the buckle. She winced as the hard surface compressed under her hands and she jumped out of the car. “I’m sorry!” Sam said, running past her dad, trying to cover her mouth and nose.
“Sweetie! How long is this phase going to last?” her dad called out after her. “It’s been months!”
Sam didn’t answer, but she could hear her mom consoling her dad as she ran past. Her stomach heaved as the smell assaulted her, and she felt sweat form on her neck as the sizzling sound came from the grill. “Dear, we can just order some food for her. You don’t need to take it personally.”
Fortunately the door opened for her as she approached. Her grandma moved out of the way and shook her head. “That idiot son of mine…” she muttered as Sam ran by. She might have wanted to say something else, but Sam ran right past her.
Sam dashed up the stairs, slamming the door behind her. She didn’t go to her room. No, she ran to the bathroom. She threw herself at the toilet and heaved. The scent of chemical cleaners cleared out the smell of the grill. They slowly chased away her heaving breaths, keeping her from vomiting into the toilet. Her reflection stared back at her in the waters, and each breath into the bowl made the water ripple. The ripples let her pretend there weren’t tears running down her face, and the chill of the porcelain was a grounding force bringing her back into the present.
When she was no longer at risk of throwing up, Sam stood up and turned on the fan in the bathroom before sitting against the door. She tried to keep her sobbing quiet and muted, so as not to let anyone know something was wrong.
It was better than letting her mind wander, because she knew exactly where it’d go. It’d go right back into that basement, with her lips pressing to Danny’s cracked and bleeding ones as the sizzling of his flesh echoed over the constant thrumming of that damn device.
She’d never get that taste or smell out of her head.
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ravenstakeflight · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
respect our humanity (for we were once that which we shall never be again)
for @phicphight
humanity. such a funny thing, don't you think? four little syllables. one small thought. hum-an-i-ty. the condition - or the quality - of being human.
A sigh escaped Danny, taking air colder than ice with it. This felt like Ember, maybe; the taste of electricity probably meant a team-up with Skulker again.
"I'll take your pelt for my wall, you whelp!" Yup. There it was. Skulker crashed through the wall, screaming his trademark. Danny sighd, standing and let white rings envelop him until he was comfortable in his skin [jumpsuit?] again.
"Skulker," Danny greeted. "Do you really wanna do this right now? I have math homework due!"
"Wait." Skuler paused mid-punch. "You still do math homework?"
"Uh, yeah, dude!" Danny exclaimed. He shook off the hold of gravity and floated up to meet Skulker's eyes. "I really don't have time for fighting you right now, but I don't really think you care, do yo- oof!" He pushed tangibility off of him at the last second. Getting punched into a ceiling (or a door, or another person, or walls, or one memorable time straight through Dash) was not on his list of things to do before he kicked the bucket again. (Considering that he was functionally immortal... Yeah, it was a good thing that his bucket list was so long.) "Wow, rude!" He said. "You know, this really isn't product- Ember!"
Ember blasted him from behind, guitar letting off waves of ghostly supersonic force.
"Oh, come on!" Danny said, wincing after she let up. "Really, Ember?"
"Okay, look, babybop, I didn't really wanna do this, but then Skulky over here-" she gestured to Skulker, who frowned at her nickname "-said that you were free and didn't have anythin' to do, so we thought we might as well drop in!" She tried to slam her guitar into him. Danny rolled his eyes and shot an ectoblast straight at it, deflecting it (because no one wanted to deal with a guitar-less Ember McClain. Ever.)
"Oh Ancients, did you guys really have to team up right now?" Danny said, screeching indignantly when they chased him through the rooftops (and definitely through at least one apartment, and maybe a couple people. Danny saw far too much of his townspeople). He dodged one of Skulker's ectobeams, weaving around one of Ember's screams and shooting ecto-rays right back at them. "I have a bunch of stuff due in a couple days!"
"Can't-cha come on an' stretch your legs for a bit, bop-pops?"
"No, I can't!"
"Why not, whelp-?" Skulker cut himself off, staring at Danny. "What is it?"
"Shush, Skulker." Danny said. With a flick of his wrist, the Crown of Fire appeared over his head, the Ring of Sorrow glowing into existence on his left hand. His jumpsuit flickered into a tunic and breeches, a cape settling for a second over their shoulders. Their being flicked in and out of existence, glow stuttering as they pulled power from the Infinite Realms. "I do believe we have a... situation." They floated forward. Skulker quieted, thankfully. Danny's being flooded with power, their eyes shimmering an otherworldly green. He looked around, looking into the Realms, then turned toward the park.
Ember and Skulker followed quietly, respectfully. Danny swooped down in Amity Park's gardens. They looked down at the soul, the Form newly created, and felt some pity rise in their Core. They floated over to the poor soul quietly, settling next to them when they looked up.
Phantom? The soul, unfettered to a body and still mostly ambient ectoplasm, has a small gatehring around them. Phantom's presence next to them helps their formation go a little faster, though, and soon their body has solidified into an actually body-shaped puddle of ectoplasm, and Skulker and Ember quiet even further as Danny begins speaking to the newly-formed ghost in low, melodius tones. Neither has been witness to a Coming in far, far too long; Pariah's reign had been dark and desolate and most souls had decided to go on, journey through the paths to the After.
Phantom looks up at the two ghosts, and thinks that maybe they will be good Guides.
They beckon over to the two, and Skulker and Ember float up to the poor, new Form.
"Hunter Skulker, Ember McClain," Oh, they will be true Guides. "I present to you this Form. I trust you will find them a Lair suitable to them?" Both Skulker and Ember nod, quickly, and the Form is sent through a portal that Phantom creates with a wave of their hand and a smile. Before Ember and Skulker follow, tough, both ghosts hug Phantom to them.
When they get back from the Form's - Carna's - new lair in the Far Frozen, it's to a desolate Danny Phantom floating on his back, looking up at the clouds. They meet him up there, and pull him gently into gravity's hold in the park. [Ember, Skulker, and Danny all ignore the curious townspeople in the garden; this isn't about them, it's about Danny.]
He looks up at their faces, soft and caring, and knows that no matter what happens when they are fighting, when he needs them there - Paraiah Dark, Nocturne - when he really needs them to be there they'll be there at his side, with quips and snark galore, but there nonetheless. It's the same reason he knows that he can break.
He lets out a sob, then another and Skulker presses him into Ember. Her clothes are softer than he'd expected them to be, and she hugs him close. Skulker's metallic body is close behind him, caging Danny in, and he feels so so safe, because that was his first Coming and he hadn't expected it to be so hard, reliving a part of his accident and his death, because that's aparently what happens when you're welcoming a new ghost into your care.
Because Danny Fenton is fourteen and holds the responsibility of the balance of the Infinite Realms.
Because Phantom, Danny Phantom, hasn't even had five death days pass him by.
58 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
hey so who's gonna write the abandonment issues alex claremont-diaz fic??
63 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
draconic boy
Hiccup and Toothless are inseparable.
Hiccup may be small and physically weak, but he bites.
Seriously, what do they feed the Norsemen over there?!
His teeth are sharp.
Neither of them will die.
Ever. We're pretty sure they've made some kind of deal with the Norns, because what the fuck they've survived being set on fire at least four times and amputations and nearly freezing to death but they're still alive
Berkians in general are... completely insane?
They were willing - and happy - to fight the dragons that hurt them instead of just... leaving.
One of them literally popped the head of a Monstrous Nightmare off of its body when he was a baby.
For Berkians Specifically: When your chief-heir is visiting other villages - with or without other people or his father or his riders - please make sure that he doesn't speak to his dragon too much.
It freaks many of us out.
How did he teach himself how to speak to dragons like that I don't think human voice boxes are supposed to be able to do that????
But if he must, at least refrain from swearing in Dragonese around our children?
Please let Chief-heir Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III know that while he can apparently eat fish raw, it's really fucking gross to watch him do so when in the Halls.
Many Norse settlements are willing to build him a seperate hut-space for his dragon if he needs it, they don't need to live in the trees and sleep upside down.
Seriously, if Hiccup Haddock human or just- not??
Please for the love of Thor have some kind of fire safety that isn't just "make a bigger fire that cancels out the first one"
Same for waves, minor dragons, and the fucking Thorston Twins.
66 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
"No." Bruce said, frowning down at the social worker. She had a hesitant smile on her face, one that quickly disappeared at his refusal.
"Mr Wayne, I'm afraid I cannot allow you to keep this child-" A frown directed up at the kid, who hid behind Bruce's uncomfortably-uncowled-but-still-reluctantly-existing bulk. "With you! He belongs with his family, in the circus!" And Bruce doesn't miss the way she looks at him, the way she says circus and the way she shies against actually looking at Dickie, and the way his kid is small and doesn't know the ramifications of having not-white not-pale skin in the United States.
"I'm sorry, Miss-" except for the way he obviously isn't. "-But I've called dibs on young Richard Grayson, over here, and unless he really wants to" -have to emphasize that it's Dick's choice, not Ms Parrish's, whether he ever leaves Wayne Manor while under Bruce's care, and after he grows up too- "he will be staying here." Bruce watches Dick's blueblueblue eyes widen, meeting his eyes and baring his intentions out in front of him, because for a kid with the experience of all of nine years, Dick is surprisingly perceptive, and Bruce already loves him, even a week into having the kid at his home. Ms Parrish concedes with a huff and a condescending flip of her hair.
As she flounces out, Dick loudly asks Bruce - probably just to anger her - about what just happened.
"Oh, nothing, chum." Bruce will happily go along with his son's - his son, he has a kid now - fun if it pisses off the rude lady now walking out the front door. She stops. Bruce thinks her eyebrow might twitch a little bit. "Just a littl- Ms Parrish." He looks at her back, which is shaking in rage. His smile grows a little. "If you are having trouble finding the door, please look a few steps ahead of you to the large cast iron and wooden doors."
"Can we ge-"
"I have chocolate and cookies-n-cream ice cream," Bruce says. Dick's smile grows, wide and missing a tooth. "Let's go!" Dick jumps onto Bruce's back. Bruce automatically curls his hands around Dick's tiny little feet, holy sh- crap, and then they're off.
"IVY!" Dick calls, running toward the green-skinned woman. She's looking down at a small red bundle, a boy. It's a hoodie that Robin knows really, really well, it's Jason's hoodie. Jason who's dad is a Joker goon and in jail or dead, Jason who's mom overdosed three years ago, Jason who's finally bulked up a little after months of carefully-hidden feeding and care. Jason who is- "That's my little brother, Ivy, you CAN'T TAKE HIM FROM ME!" He rolls to a stop in front of her. "Besides." Dick feels a shaodw lands just behind him, feels a cold hand on his shoulder and knows that his dad - Bruce - doesn't know what's going on or why Dick's so scared-confused-annoyed, but trusts his Robin. "I called dibs!"
The bundle shifts, and then black hair and blue eyes peek out of red fabric. Dick can tell that Jason's mouth is turned up, and he softens. Ivy can probably feel Jason's body trying to push itself toward Dick, because she puts him down, and blinks as he scurries to Dick's side. The thirteen-year-old nudges him behind him, into a midnight cloak and turns to face Ivy.
Ivy, slowly, miraculously, tentatively, smiles.
"Well, then." She says. Her plants are withdrawing now, crawling up her body and disappearing. "I can't argue with dibs, now can I?" Before she turns, she looks to Batman. "Oh, don't worry, Batman, I'll stay on the DL for a few months. Gotta let you adjust to the newbie, after all." And with one last grin and a flick of glitter in Robin's direction, she's gone.
DIck sighs in relief, melting onto Jason. Jason clutches at him too, and they can feel Batman's - Bruce's, those are Bruce's not Batman's - arms encirlcle them and lift them both into the air.
Well. Guess he has a brother now, one in law and not just in their hearts.
Jason jumps his weight a little higher, grappling down very slowly. Wouldn't do to drop a child from a six-story building and not be able to catch him because Jason's legs froze off. Thankfully he'd been able to fight for skin-color leggings to be added to the suit ("As much as i love you, Dickhead, I don't want to freeze my butt off when winter comes around!"  --  "Aweee, you love me, Little Wing?") and a slightly warmer cape so that he could finally jump off the fire escape, disengage his grapple, and then wrap the kid - and that stupid fucking camera - in the cloak. Taking the cape off means sending B a ping - because first the cape then their armor then their masks -  so soon the Batmobile comes rolling up with a terrified Bat in the front seat. As soon as B realizes he's not in danger, he tucks Jason and Stalker Kid into the passenger seat and Jason can finally, finally go bonelessly relaxed.
Bruce is here, Dad is here.
He'll handle it.
He'll keep them safe.
He always has, and Jason thinks he always will.
When they get home, it turns out the kid is Timothy Jackson Drake, the son of Jack and Janet Drake. The archeologists.
Who work in digs around the world, and a half-hour's worth of digging reveals that they've only ever bought two tickets.
Tim has been left behind.
Every single time.
Jason, Dick, Alfred, and Bruce look at each other. A single unspoken line of communication occurs.
(It works out. Gotham runs on its own laws, its own life, and dibs count as a valid fucking reason to have guardianship transferred to Brucie Wayne.)
Tim shakes with rage.
He looks down at Damian.
Damian who is thirteen, Damian who should be able to go on a walk in his own fucking city without having to be worried about fucking ninjas attacking him out of nowhere. Damian who is Tim's little brother, Damian who has been kidnapped by ninjas. Fortunately Tim had the forethought to put his own tracker in Damian, or nothing good would've come. Nothing good ever comes from ninjas in Gotham.
See the full post
69 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
For the “Dibs” would Batman be trying to be like “Dibs” on Billy Batson”? If you don’t mind me asking
yes yes yes
man would be on billy so fast??? here:
Bruce sniffed. There was a child somewhere in the building. He could smell the perspiration. He looked around at his fellow Leaguers.
When his eyes met Captain Marvel's, his eyes widened imperceptibly behind his domino.
As soon as the meeting was over, he melted into the shadows and then to the Captain's side.
"Marvel, come with me," Oops. The growl should not have been that deep. The child looked frightened. "It's okay, you're not in trouble. I just wanted to ask you something?"
"Of course, Batman, go right ahead." The Captain looked nervous. Bruce couldn't imagine why.
"Can- Has anyone called dibs on you yet?"
"Can. I. Take. You?"
"I'm sorry, Batman, I'm not sure what you mean?"
"You're a child, Captain, can I call dibs on you?"
This... would be a long process.
Thankfully, Bruce was prepared.
125 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
0 notes
arashikitten · 4 years
Why has no one made a Yu Yu Hakusho x Danny Phantom crossover yet?
?I mean, honestly, look at these two shows! Look at them! How is it that no one (that I know of) has made a crossover with them yet? There’s so much potential!  I mean honestly! Both are about a 14-year-old who died in or before the first episode, came back to life through some sort of shenanigans, and ended up with supernatural abilities as a result. Both Danny and Yusuke have a very close knit friend group comprised of people who know about said supernatural abilities and help them fight all form of malicious supernatural entities (Danny fights ghosts, Yusuke fights demons). Both Yusuke and Danny have a rival/arch-nemesis who, at the start of the series, is leagues above the protagonists in terms of power, but ends up being surpassed by the main protagonist sometime during the second season of their respective show. Both Vlad and Toguro serve as foils to Danny and Yusuke respectively, and while they may feel some sort of kinship with them for some reason or other, they tend to see the young protagonist as someone who is below them in terms of power, intelligence, and skills (even after that is no longer the case). Both Danny and Yusuke are snarky and seem like delinquents to all but their closest friends, but secretly they have a heart of absolute gold. Both would (and have) died for any one of their friends, and they likely have a metric fuck ton of trauma from the many, many, many times they almost watched their friends and family die right in front of them. And of course, both Danny and Yusuke are likely to become kings of their own supernatural realm (if you disregard DP’s canon in favor of the fanon like I do).
So then the question becomes this: how would a crossover between the two shows go?
Here’s how I see it playing out:
Sometime after the last episode of Yu Yu Hakusho, and right after the events of Reign Storm, Yusuke (who I would say is about 18-19 years old now) gets a call from Koenma for the first time in almost 4 years. Koenma tells Yusuke that he needs him to come back for one final case: investigate a small town in Northeastern America for recent spikes in spiritual and demonic activity. 
When Yusuke asks why Koenma wants him to look into what is seemingly a tourist trap town, Koenma tells him that the town was recently encased under a dome of spirit energy, disappeared for almost 24 hours, and then suddenly reappeared again, and Koenma suspects that someone- or something- from spirit world might be responsible.
Three calls and four plane tickets later, Yusuke and the gang land in Illinois and make their way to Amity Park. Kuwabara takes one (1) step into the town and immediately freezes. He’s always been the most spirit-sensitive of the group, and this town is setting off all of his proverbial alarms. Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke also notice something off about the town, like everyone here has way higher spirit energy than normal. 
The four make their way through town, noticing more and more as they continue. They notice the massive craters that litter the streets. They notice the constant smell of spirit and demon energy that drenches the town like a fog, covering everything and everyone. They notice the small, silvery-grey and green devices that almost everyone seems to have on their wrist, and Yusuke can’t help but think about how similar they look to the spirit-detecting gadgets he used to have back during the beginning of his detective career. They notice the metal panels that every store seems to have hanging above their windows, waiting to come down and defend from some unknown beast.
They notice how, whenever they appear in an area, everyone in the vicinity goes silent. Tense. Wary of them. Like they know three demons just appeared, even if all of them look human.
Yusuke and his team split up to search through the town and cover more ground, agreeing to meet by the local highschool in two hours. Things just get even weirder from there. 
 Kurama finds a patch of wild blood blossoms growing near the forest, despite the fact that they were declared extinct more than 200 years ago. Hiei sees a pair of burly men wearing all white suits and dark sunglasses dragging a young man with white hair and sunglasses away for questioning. Kuwabara is surprised when a small, glowing green puppy appears in front of him, only to vanish when he leans down to pet it.
Yusuke finds a massive stone brick building with what almost looks like a UFO perched on top, and huge neon sign with the words FentonWorks on it. Here, the spirit energy is almost suffocating, and it feels like molasses, thick and heavy and dense on Yusuke’s senses. He feels something else though, something that just barely manages to break through the thick ambient spirit energy that swamps this entire block: a ghost. And a powerful one at that.
By the time the group reconvenes at the high school, everyone is tense. They’re sure that there’s something sketchy in this town, but none of them have gotten any concrete leads on what caused the town’s sudden disappearance and reappearance. Almost none of the townsfolk give them any answers, and the few that do are vague and confusing, or outright lies. Kuwabara firmly believes that this town is haunted by ghosts, and that they’re what caused the sudden disappearance, but Yusuke, having been a ghost himself at one point, is less inclined to believe that. Yusuke is convinced that the house with the weird UFO thing and abnormal spirit energy has something to do with it, and the gang agrees that would be the best place to start.
Before they can do that though, they all suddenly sense a MASSIVE spike in spirit energy, coming from the center of town. Yusuke and the gang book it to where the spike is, hoping to get some sort of lead.
Meanwhile, Danny is having a fight with Skulker, made slightly more difficult than normal due to the fact that he’s still recovering from the whole Pariah Dark fiasco. He’s been on edge all day, ever since he sensed that weird ectosignature near his house. He’d felt the typical chill of his ghost sense, but the typical puff of blueish smoke wasn’t present like it usually was. On top of that, he’d felt a small jolt of electricity, too big to be chalked up to static electricity and carrying with it a hint of... something. Something not entirely human. 
But when Danny had tried to investigate, he’d come up empty handed. Which as you can guess, made Danny My-friends-and-family-have-all-almost-been-killed-by-a-ghost-disguised-as-a-human-at-least-once Fenton more than a little nervous.
So Danny’s fighting Skulker when he feels that not-quite ghost sense again, except this time it’s even stronger than before and waaaay the hell closer. And now Danny goes from nervous to flat out terrified, because whoever or whatever is triggering his not-quite ghost sense is really fucking strong, and oh fuck are there four of them?! Are they getting closer?!?! Whatever it is is really strong, like almost stronger than Pariah Dark and Danny was barely able to take him down at 100% strength with the enhanced suit, and he no longer has the suit and he still has not fully recovered since then, so how in the fresh hell is he gonna fight four beings who are at least on par with Pariah? 
Skulker notices the sudden power spike as well and immediately bounces, leaving Danny to panic over these four insanely powerful entities. 
Yusuke and the gang make it just in time to see Skulker leave while Danny hovers in the air, looking like he’s about to blow a gasket. Kurama takes one look at the panicking ghost kid floating above him, notices the weird spirit energy around the kid, and immediately puts two and two together and realizes the kid is a ghost, and a really powerful one. Yusuke, who if you remember spent about a week as a ghost at the age of 14, is confused because I thought ghosts couldn’t be seen by living people? But these bystanders are clearly seeing this kid? 
And then Yusuke senses that strange spirit energy he felt when he went by FentonWorks, and he’s like “You were the reason for the weird spirit signature!” at Danny, who panics and flies off because now he thinks these super powerful guys are working for the GiW, and he’d rather not spend the rest of his afterlife on an examination table.
So Danny flies off, hoping to lose Yusuke and his gang, but Yusuke I-used-to-fight-demons-who-could-move-at-the-speed-of-sound-for-fun Urameshi and Hiei have absolutely no problem keeping up with the panicking halfa, and they end up fighting. Yusuke and Hiei want answers, Danny is terrified of being caught by what are possibly government agents, and finally Kurama manages to trap the halfa with ghostly vines.
Unfortunately for Danny, these vines are phase-proof, meaning he can’t escape, and he’s already hurt and exhausted and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold his ghost form.
Yusuke picks up on the ghost’s nervousness immediately, and again assumes that this ghost is the culprit for Amity’s sudden disappearance, demanding to know why he abducted an entire town.
Danny is confused, because what the hell are these people talking about? He never abducted the town? He’s not nearly that powerful?? Before he realizes that oh, these people are trying to figure out why the town disappeared for 24 hours because literally no one outside of Amity Park has any idea why.
So Danny starts to explain what really happened, when his time finally runs out and he detransforms. 
Right in front of what he believes to be four government officials.
There are five different reactions.
Hiei goes still. He’s completely silent. This shouldn’t be possible. He wants to believe that this is all a trick, but he can hear that fifth heartbeat that wasn’t there ten seconds ago and he smells that fear scent that only humans have and glamour can only do so much.
Kurama has the calmest reaction. He leans back a little, eyes wide, and lets out a soft “oh”. Yes, this is a surprise to him, but then again, Kurama himself is a demon hiding as a human, with a human family, so he immediately sympathizes with Danny a bit.
Danny is panicking. He’s just revealed his biggest secret to four complete strangers, all of whom are absolutely powerful enough to take him out on their own, and he is terrified that they’ll turn him in to the government. He’s about five seconds from a full-blown panic attack.
Kuwabara freaks out. He’s trying to wrap his mind around this whole thing, because he is 100% sure this kid was a ghost, that he was dead, but now he’s not sensing much of anything and how the hell is this possible???? How can someone be a ghost and a human at the same time???? WHAT????? He’s pulling at his hair as he tries to put the logistics of it together, pacing back and forth.
Yusuke freezes. Suddenly he’s 14 again, floating as he watches his body get carted off as he tries to come to terms with the fact that he’s dead. Then he’s in the temple of the four saint beasts, fighting with everything he has as he watches the love of his life get attacked by monstrous zombies. Then kneeling next to Genkai’s broken and bleeding body, begging her not to go even as she draws her last breath because he couldn’t bear to lose the woman that he’s come to see as family, as the closest thing he’d ever have to a grandmother. Then he’s watching Toguro plunge his hand into Kuwabara’s heart, watching as his best freind gasps for breath because Yusuke wasn’t good enough, he wasn’t strong enough, and he just lost Genkai he can’t loose Kuwabara too-.
And when he looks down at this small, skinny teenager with deep shadows under his eyes and knuckles covered in scars from god-knows haw many fights, he sees himself as he was in the beginning: Just a kid who was thrust into the world of the supernatural without any warning, desperately trying to stay alive and protect the human world despite the fact that he’s only a teenager, and he shouldn’t have to be fighting for his life against these ancient and powerful demons because he’s a kid, dammit!
Yusuke kneels down to get to eye level with the kid. He can’t help the painful twinge in his chest when the kid looks up at him with wide, icy blue eyes, and quietly begs him not to tell anyone, because this kid can’t be much older than he was when he started out as a spirit detective and he sounds absolutely terrified, and Yusuke can’t help but wonder why he sounds so scared of people learning about the whole ghost thing. 
“Listen, kid. We’re not going to hurt you. We were sent here to investigate something, and we were hoping you might know something. Can you tell us your name?”
“Danny. D-Danny Fenton.”
“Ok, cool. Don’t worry, none of here are going to tell anyone about... about whatever this is. We just want to know about something that happened here a week ago, and we were hoping you could give us some answers.”
Danny agrees, and Kurama frees him from the vines. After a couple of moments, Danny calms down as he realizes that no, these guys won’t rat him out to the government, and he agrees to answer some of their questions.
The group make their way to the outskirts of the forest, and Danny tells them about his status as a half-ghost: he tells them about his parents, how they were building a portal to the ghost zone (Everyone is more than a little freaked out at that, because now there’s a permanent portal to spirit world that Koenma doesn’t know about), how he’d gone inside to see if he could figure out why it wasn’t working, how it’d turned on while he was inside (Yusuke clenches his fists hard enough to draw blood. Both of the times he’d died had been excruciatingly painful, but at least they’d been quick. Getting electrocuted to death would be beyond agonizing, and getting caught in a portal like that...). He tells them about how his parents despise ghosts, believing them to be cruel, malicious, and emotionless, incapable of feeling pain. He tells them about how he’s TERRIFIED of telling his parents the truth, of telling them that he’s Danny Phantom because that seems to be the ghost they want to capture the most, and he’s seen what they do to the ghosts they capture (Kurama and Yusuke feel sick at that. No wonder the kid was so adamant about keeping this a secret.). 
“Does anyone else know? Anyone at all?”
Yusuke breathes a small sigh of relief when Danny tells them that his sister and his two best friends know. That sigh of relief is rescinded when the kid tells them that oh yeah, all the ghosts that are constantly attacking the town? Yeah, they know my secret identity too.
Yusuke has to force himself to move on from that last tidbit because he’s about five seconds from adopting this kid despite being only five years older.
“Ok, neat. That’s... that’s ok. Moving on to why we’re here. We were hoping that you would have some information regarding the sudden disappearance and reappearance of Amity Park a week ago? Do you know why or how it happened?”
Danny talks about how, one week ago, ghosts started pouring out of the portal in unprecedented numbers. How they were terrified, running from something in the ghost zone. How Fright Knight had appeared, declaring the reign of Pariah Dark (Kurama and Hiei suck in a breath. Had... had this kid seriously fought against the fabled ghost king?), and the massive green dome had appeared over the town. How he’d tried to fight Fright Knight off, how another ghost by the name of Vlad Plasmius had shown up and admitted that he was the reason for Pariah Dark’s temporary freedom, how Plasmius had decided to have a temporary truce with Danny in order to defeat Pariah, how Danny had pulled Fright Knight’s sword from the ground and accidentally teleported Amity Park into the Ghost zone, how the entire town had gone under lock down. How he’d stolen the power suit from his parent’s lab to go and face Pariah on his own, and bring Amity back to Earth. How he’d just barely been able to shove Pariah back in the sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, how the power suit had almost completely drained his life energy, how the town had been back on earth when he’d woken up (Again, Yusuke has a flashback to the Temple of the Four Saint Beasts. What is it with the powers that be and sending kids to do life-threatening missions like that?).
Kurama records the entire thing before sending it to Koenma. 
When Danny is finally done, he notices that everyone is staring at him. Yusuke is the first one to speak.
“Damn kid, you really fought the king of the Ghost Zone, huh?” Danny stutters for a moment, because this guy is saying it like Danny fought a god or something. Like yeah, it was difficult, but it can’t be that big a deal right?
Then Kurama speaks up. “Danny, I don’t think you understand. There are two ways to crown a king of the Ghost Zone: either the ghost zone itself must choose someone, or the current ghost king must be defeated in battle. You defeated Pariah Dark in battle. Meaning....”
Everyone goes silent for a moment, processing.
Then several things happen at once. Danny, who at this point still hasn’t fully processed that oh yeah, I defeated one of the most powerful ghosts in existence, freaks the hell out because I barely have time to protect one (1) town, how am I going to rule an entire dimension? Kuwabara is flipping his shit again, Hiei is contemplating, and Yusuke.... Yusuke decides screw it, I’m having an apprentice now, and after calming Danny down, he offers to help train him up a bit (Somewhere in spirit world, Genkai starts quietly laughing).
Danny agrees after a moment of deliberation. Yusuke hangs out in Amity for a bit to help Danny. His first interaction with Sam and Tucker is.... interesting. Yusuke snuck up on Sam and Tucker, and Sam promptly punched him in the face and almost broke his nose. But after a bit they start to warm up to him, and eventually Yusuke starts teaching Sam some hand to hand along with Danny.
Vlad makes one appearance while Yusuke is there. He sensed some sort of foreign presence in Amity and wanted to see if he could exploit it, only for Yusuke I-haven’t-slept-in-a-week-and-I-refuse-to-start-now Urameshi to wipe the floor with him. When he asks Danny who the new ghost is, he is surprised to learn that no, Danny is not the only half-ghost in existence, and also that guy is a famous millionaire and also knows my secret identity so maybe let’s not break into his mansion to fight him please? (Yusuke agrees not to after a very lengthy argument. Still, the whole situation reminds him a little too much of Toguro and the Dark tournament, and he quietly asks Koenma to open an investigation into this Vlad Plasmius guy.)
Yusuke’s introduction to Danny’s parents goes... surprisingly well, actually. Aside from one small incident where one of the Fenton ghost detectors lock on to Yusuke’s signature, everything goes fairly well. Jack and Maddie take a shine to him almost immediately, when they see him curb stomp Skulker with a practiced ease that only a professional should have, and within the week Yusuke is an honorary member of the Fenton family.  
There’s a lot more, but this post is waaaay too long as it is. Feel free to add on!
83 notes · View notes
sagaduwyrm · 2 years
Yo, I wrote something.
It Matters to Have this Ghost Clan Near (This Family I Never Knew)
Held prisoner by an alien god-monarch, the only way the Justice League is getting out of here is by proving they have family waiting for them. This is easy enough for Clark and Bruce, but of Diana's family her mother isn't exactly easy to contact, and her relationship with the rest of her family is... complicated.
Luckily, just because he's dead, doesn't mean Kronos doesn't still care about his granddaughter.
"Clark. Bruce. Leave me here." Wonder Woman snarled the words as fierce as her heritage had taught her, and it only made Bruce more furious about the entire situation.
"Well? Have you made a decision yet? We won't wait forever." The alien monarch lounged on their throne, an ugly, amused glint in their eyes. It made Bruce want to break something, but the trio were outnumbered and far from home, and they were only getting out of here at all by the grace of the monarch's will.
He hated foreign gods. The ones on earth were tolerable, some, like Diana, he even liked, but gods from other worlds didn't push his buttons so much as they stomped on them with soccer cleats.
Wonder Woman was becoming visibly panicked. "Friends. Shield-brothers. Leave."
Bruce ignored her and tried to think of a way past this. The mrydonians and their god-monarch were fond of keeping people they found interesting. Anyone with any kind of power who stumbled into their lonely corner of the universe tended to find themselves stuck. They had even managed to trap gods before; the god-monarch reigned over the very concept of mrydonian space, and it allowed them to win out over gods of lesser or more distant domains. Diana, as the goddess of heroes, was below such a powerful genius locus, and the sun wasn't the kind that could fully power Clark up, preventing them from fighting their way out.
Thankfully, there was one loophole. The mrydonians held family sacred, even above their only god, and if they could prove they had family waiting for them they would be let go.
A quick call back home had settled the matter for him and Clark. His kids had answered the phone immediately, as had the Kents. Unfortunately, what little of Diana's relatives she considered true family were out of contact. They just needed one person who could claim her and mean it, but although she was close with a number of people, including his family, they had always labeled it as a friendship. He was kicking himself for that now, but how was he supposed to know—
"You can not find family for her then?" The alien's smarmy voice interrupted his thoughts as the being's smile widened. "She will just have to stay here then. We are so glad to host her—"
The doors, enormous and more literal incarnations of the god's power than physical objects, slammed open with a bang that echoed through the room. The god's head jerked around and they began standing up. One of the priests screamed, "Who dares intrude upon this sacred space?"
Between the open doors stood a boy. A teenager really, with floating white hair and inhuman green eyes, wearing a black and white suit. He waved. "Hey. I'm Danny." His bright smile was incongruous with the tense atmosphere, and every fiber of Bruce's being screamed with wariness. "That's my cousin over there. You know, the one you're planning on keeping prisoner."
"What. Diana—"
Clark was turning to her as Diana kept her eyes on the new threat, and she hissed back. "I don't know Clark. You've met all of my family. I don't know this boy."
The teenager in question stalked forward down the court, stopping between the god and the three justice league members. He moved oddly, too flexible and not as affected by gravity as he should be, and Bruce carefully took notice of what he saw. Oftentimes, when a being was non-human, the weak spots Batman depended on in a fight were in different places, so close observation was necessary if things dissolved into a battle.
The monarch's next words were an affronted rumble that did not lower Bruce's worries about a fight. "She does not know you, boy."
"No," Danny agreed. "We haven't met. Old family disagreements, you know the drill. Grandfather didn't want to impose, and I followed his lead." He tilted his head like a cat. "Doesn't mean I can't claim her, though."
"Grandfather?" Diana muttered next to Bruce in confusion.
The boy turned to her. "Mmhmm. He would have come himself, but by the time he saw what was going on, he was in the middle of something that would be dangerous to put down. He couldn't get a hold of your father, so he sent me instead." His face morphed into something bashful for a moment. "Sorry, I'm so late."
"It does not matter that you are late," the alien monarch snarled. They were fully standing up now, holding a dangerous-looking spear in their hands. It didn't look like the rest of the mrydonian weaponry Bruce had seen. He wondered if it was stolen just like they stole people. The god continued, "She does not recognize you as family, it is not mutual, it does not matter."
"See, that's where you're wrong," Danny exclaimed cheerfully. "By your own words, you 'respect other cultural understandings of family than your own.' Well," the boy bared his teeth in a grin. He had far too many of them, and they were far too sharp to fit in the reality Bruce knew, making him wonder which branch of Diana's family tended towards the Eldritch. As the boy spoke, the words began to gain a hint of static. "In the culture of my people, one can claim another as family without it being mutual and it still holds up in a court of law as long as the other does not outright refute the relationship." He swiveled towards Diana. "I assume you're not?"
She shook her head even as her eyes remained hawk-fierce on him.
"So, I may not be her cousin, but she is mine, and since that would be accepted in my culture, you have to let her go, by your own rules."
"Do not patronize me in my own domain, boy." The ground shuddered with the god's words.
The teenager snarled right back, a deep rattling thing that reminded Bruce of an avalanche, and he lifted off the ground. He had a cloak that looked like someone had woven the night sky into armored cloth and a sword of black ice on his hip. Neither were there a couple of seconds ago, yet they felt like they'd been there the whole time. "Try me," Danny snarled. "My own domain isn't as far as you think."
The air grew tenser and tenser before it finally snapped. "Fine! She is your family. You may take her. Leave now or my generosity may not hold." The alien god stormed out with their head held high, but there was a definite sense of loss in the way they retreated.
Danny turned back to them. He landed on the ground in front of Diana, missing his war regalia again.
"Sorry that took so long! He was surprisingly stubborn."
"It's fine," Diana said warily. "Thank you… cousin."
The boy's eyes widened before he started to beam.
Diana continued. "Can I ask who is the grandfather we're related to?"
"You know him as Kronos."
All three of the Justice Leaguers froze. Diana's mouth gaped open and closed like a fish, but Clark at least managed to keep his wits about him. "Kronos is dead."
Danny turned to him curiously. "So?"
"So he's not alive," Clark stressed. "He couldn't have sent you."
Danny looked at him for a moment and burst out laughing. When his laughter calmed he said, "A god is still a god when they are dead, and the soul of a god is not nearly so easy to destroy as the body. Who do you think has been repairing the time stream after all the time travel you heroes do?" he asked wryly.
"If Kronos was still existent," Diana said firmly, "we'd know. He'd have already tried to take the cosmic throne again."
The teenage… being's gaze was inscrutable. "Would he? Really? Where are you getting that information?"
Diana sputtered. "It's common knowledge!"
Danny said dryly, "So you don't even have a first-hand account?"
"Well I certainly haven't seen any evidence to the contrary," she snapped back.
Danny was suddenly the most serious Bruce had seen him since he entered the palace. "He likes baking. He makes amazing persimmon cookies, and he's been trying to figure out a cinnamon roll recipe he likes. One time when I was upset he tricked the Observants into dying their capes rainbow. None of them ever figured out it was him, but he still brings me back to that moment when I need cheering up." The boy's expression softened as he looked at the woman who he had claimed as a cousin of his own accord. "When he realized he wouldn't be able to come himself to help you, he was furious. He had to use a lot of power to get me here on time, but he would have thrown away twice as much if it was for family."
Diana's face was working its way through a series of emotions, and Danny seemed to grow embarrassed by everything he'd said. "I should go so you can get home. I hang around in Illinois if you ever want to find me." He lifted off the ground, reaching out to tear some kind of portal open in the air. He turned back for a moment before he left. "Grandfather goes by Clockwork, nowadays. He'll answer to that if you ever need him." Then the boy was gone.
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phantoms-lair · 2 years
For the crossover roulette, 28?
New Combo: MSA, Danny Phantom
Danny was exhausted. He'd been flying himself, Sam, and Tucker around the country trying to not get caught by the GiW AND recover the stones from Freakshow (because of COURSE his Dad hadn't gassed up the ATVs) and he was pretty much at his limit.
This might be it. He was running out of steam and the agents were closing in. He crashed to the ground, unable to fly anymore and without hesitation Sam and Tucker picked him up and began carrying him along.
"Leave me." he protested. "They're going to catch me anyway and you still need to save our parents. If they have me they won't come after you."
"Nice try, but you're stuck with us." Tucker said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "Friends to the end." Sam swore. "No matter what."
There was the sudden sound of squealing tires and a yellow van peeled up alongside them. The back swung open and a man dressed in yellow with hair out of an anime reached out his hand. "Get in."
Danny could feel Sam and Tucker's hesitation, but it was this or the GiW. "He's the best shot we have."
They dragged Danny up to the van and the man pulled him in while a blue woman with a small dog helped Sam and Tucker. But it wasn't he was all the way in that he felt a familiar cold on his breath.
"Ghost!" He cried in warning just the blue woman yelled "Gun it Lewis!"
There was the familiar sound of a gas pedal hitting the floor and the van exploded in purple flame.
They were moving fast now. Faster than normal vehicles should go. It felt almost like flying. Then suddenly the fire fades and they were still in a moving van, but it had become black with glowing purple accents. "Everyone okay back there?" a voice called from the front. "We're fine, Lew." Blue lady called back. "Speak for yourself." Tucker grumbled. Yellow man frowned at the changed walls and blue lady bopped his should lightly. "You know you're getting it back to normal and we never could have evaded the agents otherwise." "The van's my baby, so sue me." Yellow man rolled his eyes. "Excuse me." Sam interrupted. "But what was that?"
"What? You think you're the only one who's friends with a ghost?" Blue lady smiled. "I'm Vivi, this is Arthur, Mystery, and Lewis is driving." "Yo," said the ghost up front, waving, but not turning back. "And you're helping us why?" Sam allowed her normal distrust for adults to come through. "Because the government declared open season on a kid for the crime of not being human and we said fuck that." "Language!" Lewis called from up front. "They're kids." "They're teens," Arthur pointed out. "They've probably used worse. Tone down the big brother vibes." Big brother. There was something about him that reminded Danny of Jazz and he felt himself relax a little more. Then Lewis suddenly sat ramrod straight and pulled over. "Lew?" Arthur asked.
Lewis turned around. Any resemblance to Jazz was gone as his mostly human appearance fade into a fiery skull floating above a suit. "While my power flows through the van it counts as my domain. And I am very aware of what's going on in my domain. Including the presence of those who are uninvited."
Small pink blob ghosts appeared out of nowhere and seemed to latch on to his, Sam, and Tucker's backs. "Get Off!" Danny yelled, wishing he had enough juice to at least turn intangible. Then with a muted ripping feeling the blob ghost fell back, holding a struggling green bat in it's claws. "Those are Lydia's!" Sam stopped struggling and let the blob ghost pull the rogue tattoo from her back. "You meant to harm these children?" The dog none of them had paid attention too suddenly grew a lot larger with much sharper teeth. Great. Cujo had a cousin. "They're spies for Lydia. She's helping Freakshow hold our family hostage." "Your families!" Lewis's voice became more distorted and his fiery hair flared and spat. "Take them away." He ordered the blob ghosts who pulled the tattoo ghosts off...somewhere." "There's more to this than we knew, but okay." Vivi sat down. "We're they Mystery Skulls and we're here to help."
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angelic-ish-phantom · 2 years
“TUCKER, GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!” Sam yelled as Tucker rattled a bag of take away in her general direction.
As the two squabbled, Danny gazed out the window. It wasn’t Christmas just yet, and he hadn’t seen any hint of Valerie in the sky. He also knew his parents were home. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to start his patrol now. It had just been such a quiet day; it felt ominous. It would be good to make sure nothing was going to-
Danny was snapped out of his train of thought as a pillow hit him in the side of the head, making him startle and fumble as though he wasn’t this town’s only real line of defense against ghosts. Danny threw an offending look Tucker’s way.
“Don’t blame me! You had that look on your face; you were totally about to bail.”
“No, I wasn’t!” Danny sputtered.
“Liar.” Tucker said as he started unpacking the Nasty Burger meal he’d picked up on the way, including the separate bag for Sam’s food.
“I’m not lying.” Danny lied. Like a liar.
Sam plopped down next to Danny, pulling him into a half hug that felt a little to close to a chokehold for comfort. “Danny, you are going to sit here and relax. This is a threat.”
“Fine.” Danny said, pretending he had any choice in the matter. He wrestled out of Sam’s arms as Tucker split the meal. Sam slapped his hand as he tried to edge a burger towards her share.
“Fine. Danny can have this one, because he is a man of culture.”
“Tuck, I literally don’t care as long as it tastes good.”
“Savages, the both of you.”
And as the three of them teased and joked, Danny felt himself properly relax, happy to just be able to enjoy some free time without having to worry about school or ghosts or anything else. He smile to himself.
He loved his friend.
“Yo, Val.” Dani greeted, knocking on Valerie’s window.
The older girl, opened the window and yanked her inside.
“Hey!” Dani yelped.
“You can’t just float outside my window! What if someone saw?” Valerie stressed, rather overdramatically in her opinion.
“I’ve seen you do your whole huntress magical-girl suit up through the window, and I was literally just standing there.” Dani corrected, before adding, “or well, flying there. Like a normal human person.”
“You are insufferable. And I’m careful when I do that!” She finished flushed, changing to her Red Huntress suit then and there as if to prove something.
“Are you assuming I don’t exercise caution in everything I do? Including loitering outside your room. In the sky. In broad daylight.” Dani accused with mock offense.
“I hate you.”
“You love me.” She grinned, “Now, lemme show you this awesome place just a state over-“
“What.” Harriet said. It was less a question, and more a statement of incomprehension. Vlad had actually never heard someone sound so confused.
“I’m hiring you. As my new secretary.” Vlad repeated.
Nobody had ever actually pieced together he was a half ghost. Nobody was smart enough—nor stupid enough—to come come to such a conclusion let alone act on it.
And it’s not like Vlad hadn’t noticed his ex-reporter, former classmate stalking him for the passes month. He’d been careful. And hostile.
And yet she’d still manage to piece this together.
Vlad thought had thought that if this ever happened he’d be contemplating the better option between murder and blackmail. She had the singular tool that could topple his business empire, could have him put in a lab.
She could ruin him.
And yet, Vlad only felt intrigued. Because, she was competent, cutthroat. And it wasn’t often Vlad hired humans to help with his personal affairs.
“We can discuss your contract over lunch.” He decided, “Is this suitable Miss Chin?”
Her expression flattened into something more contemplative, “You’re buying?”
“Naturally.” He answered, before adding, “You couldn’t afford me.”
She grinned, “Then consider us partners!”
“I’m your boss.”
Vlad’s eyebrow twitched, but all things considered he wasn’t that annoyed. He let his face slip into false smile (One that wouldn’t be fake for much longer).
This would hopefully shape up to be a very tolerable relationship.
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aeonchangeling · 2 years
Tumblr media
“So, what time is lights out?” Luz asked as they set their plates onto a cart. Said cart was being pushed by one of the floating bronze robots, collecting dishes, glasses, utensils and the fabric napkins to be taken back and cleaned.
“Eh, ten to midnight usually,” Danny shrugged, “Breakfast starts getting served at around seven for the little kids and eight for us teenagers.”
Hunter gagged on the last bite of a dinner roll.
“Wait… what time are we supposed to be up?”
“Yeah, don’t most classes start at eight AM or earlier?” Luz was now confused herself.
“Yo, at a normal school maybe,” Jake interjected, “But in case you haven’t noticed, nothing about this place is normal. The teachers ain’t gonna force a bunch of cranky teenagers, most of them with crazy weird powers, to wake up before sunrise.”
Hunter seemed to be staring in stunned silence and muttered something about six AM and his palisman chirped at him.
“I… guess it makes sense,” Luz put a hand to her chin, “Then what time do classes start?”
“Get this!” Randy had a semi-wild grin as he began to answer, “Nine o’clock! Crazy am I right?”
“That’s… late,” she didn’t know how else to phrase it. She’d never gone to a school that started later than eight in the morning, not even Hexside! “Well, it’s also in case anyone has a night terror and wakes other people up,” Danny shrugged. “Night terrors? What do you mean?”
Danny paused and stared at her for a moment, as if the answer was obvious.
“...Luz, most of the kids here have saved entire worlds, been in fights where the stakes were life and death, saw things that shouldn’t physically exist, met gods, and went through horrifying stuff… Post-traumatic stress disorder kinda runs rampant around here.”
“...oh… when you put it like that…” “Heck, I’m pretty sure I count as being dead already.” “Que?!” “Yeah, you saw my powers earlier right? They’re ghost powers!” “He literally said “Going Ghost” and “I’ll use my ghostly wail” when we were fighting the goblins,” Jake smirked as he leaned back, “Didn’t you figure it out from all that?” “It happened so fast I didn't process either of them!” Luz slammed her hands on the table and leaned in closer to Danny, “Ghost powers! Explain! Now please!” He blinked, staring in surprise… and then laughed. “Damn, I think my parents would like you. They’re always trying to learn more about ghosts!” “They are?” “Yeah, but not in a good way,” Randy butted in. “What do you mean by “good way” exactly?” Hunter finally decided to join the conversation. His palisman was now trying to get him to take half of a cherry it had pecked in two. He took it without looking away from the others. The boys looked at each other with the same exasperated expression, Danny sighed and explained, “They’re ghost researchers/ghost hunters. They want nothing more than to catch a ghost to dissect, vivisect or…” “Tear it apart molecule by molecule.” All three of them recited it in such perfect unison it reminded Luz of an old horror movie. She wondered if it was a case of them practicing, or they just genuinely heard it often enough.
“...wait… your parents are ghost researchers… but you’re a ghost? How does that…?” “Lab accident,” Danny shrugged like it was the most casual thing in the universe, “They actually made a portal to another world, but it didn’t work right away. When I checked it out later, it turned on while I was inside and ZAP! Next thing I know, I’m stumbling out, phasing through my best friends’ hands when they tried to catch me, and there’s a swirling green portal behind me!” It was now Luz’s turn to stare, her eyes the size of their dinner plates and jaw hanging wide open. “Your parents… made a doorway… to another world?” “Yup,” he nodded, “It’s called the Ghost Zone, Ford classifies it as an “Underworld” and apparently, it has more doors leading in and out of it than most other ones he’s come across.” “Really?” “Yeah, but they open and close at random, so unless you build one yourself, it’s next to impossible to know where one’ll be. And apparently it’s one of the places people actually go when they die, but it isn’t the only one.” Something slammed on the breaks in Luz’s brain, the wheels screeched loudly and crashed into a concrete wall. “Wait hold on! Did you… did you just say… it’s one of the places… implying there’s more than… oh man… are you saying there’s more than one afterlife?” “That’s what we’ve found so far, yeah, but Ford’s only done a little bit of research into it so we don’t know a whole lot yet. Let alone how someone ends up in one place over another after they die.” Luz could feel her head spinning, overwhelmed by such reality changing information in what had to be, at most, a minute and a half of conversation. “...is that a big deal here?” Hunter’s voice pulled her out of her head and back to reality. By all things good, sane and reasonable… he had no idea how loaded his question was.
“Hunter… humans have been fighting and debating over what happens to us when we die since before recorded history… it’s… saying it’s a huge thing doesn’t even come close to how big it is. The idea of there being more than one afterlife is earth shattering! Entirely new  religions could spring up from this fact alone! Wars could-”
“What do you mean spring up? What, do you have multiple belief systems or something?”
She was a little annoyed that her tangent about potential conflict had been cut short, but her brain was still spinning inside her skull. She decided to focus on the conversation in front of her and remain grounded, rather than try to go further down the rabbit hole. She took a long, deep inhale through her nose, folded her hands together and exhaled her answer.
“Yes, actually.”
At this, his eyes visibly grew bigger. In an instant she realized that such an idea had never occurred to him before.
“Wait… what? But… don’t you know what made you? Who made you?”
“Not… exactly? Some religions believe a god or multiple gods made us, but scientifically speaking, we probably evolved from some basic life form over the course of millions and millions of years… it’s… it’s not like it is with the Titan.”
There was an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air between the two of them.
“…but… Danny-that’s your name right?”
The boy in question nodded.
“Danny said the others have met gods, so those beliefs have to be right.”
“That’s where it gets complicated.”
Their conversation was interrupted by a familiar redhead.
“Theodora!” Luz exclaimed, happy to see the pink girl again.
“Hey guys, glad to see you made it here safely,” she tossed her hair with a small giggle, “Sorry but I just couldn’t help overhearing what you were talking about.”
“Sure you couldn’t,” Danny frowned, “Just like you don't intend to brag about all the places and things you’ve seen.”
“Oh Danny, you hurt me! Honestly, Strickler told me their tour was interrupted because of you boys-he’s looking for you by the way, Jake- and asked if I could finish showing them around! I was just coming to get them when I caught what you were talking about. And as a globe trotting heroine, I think I can offer some uniq-“
“Oh for the love of cheese just get to the point already!” Randy exclaimed as he threw his arms out over the table.
“Hmph! Fine. Long story short, I’ve come across all sorts of creatures from different parts of the world, from very different religions and whose stories have something to do with that area’s beliefs. You know the story of Medusa right?”
“Well, yeah,” Luz nodded.
“I don’t,” Hunter looked frustrated at the question.
“Okay, well, she was once this beautiful woman who was a priestess in the temple of Athena, the virgin goddess of war and battle strategy. As one of her priestesses, Medusa was expected to stay a virgin as well, but being Ancient Greece, one of the gods couldn’t-“
“Don’t finish that sentence!” Luz yelled, covering King’s ears.
“Hey!” the tiny demon flailed, “I wanna hear the story!”
“Trust me buddy, you don’t wanna hear this!”
Hunter went noticeably pale as he slowly began to realize what was about to happen in the story.
“Ahem… anyway,” Teodora sat down to continue, “She was… “attacked” by Poseidon, god of the sea, and because of the fucked up way the ancient Greeks viewed stuff like this, Medusa was the one blamed for the assault. As punishment, Athena cursed her, turning her into a horrifying monster with snakes for hair, and if you gazed upon her, you would turn to stone.”
“…and what does this have to do with our conversation exactly?” Luz questioned, holding a squirming King in her lap.
“Don’t you remember what I said when we were at your house? My friends and I met her.”
“Well, okay, it was her ghost but still. Point is, us running into her proves at least two Greek gods exist, or used to anyway. Where it gets interesting is why we were in Greece in the first place.”
“Which is…!”
“We were on a trip around the world to stop Quetzalcoatl.”
Her arms suddenly went slack and King squirmed free, before glancing back at her in concern.
“I… I’m sorry… did… did you just say… Quetzalcoatl?”
“…the Aztec god… that Quetzalcoatl?”
“The one and only!”
“…I… should I be worried about the lack of human sacrifices or-“
Hunter and King both leaned back in unsettled confusion.
“Nah, things are cool with him now, don’t worry, but it does prove that multiple gods from more than one religion do exist. Oh! And we also met Fenrir, ya know, the giant wolf chained up under Yggdrasil, AKA the World Tree? So you can throw the Norse gods in there too for good measure!” “...that’s three pantheons of gods… how does that even work?” “Well, best we can figure is each pantheon has a limited area of reach, and not every god that we have stories about actually exists. For example, the earth isn’t trying to eat us all so Cipactli probably isn’t real.” “...what’s a Cipat- Cipact- Ci- whatever you just said, what is it?” Hunter asked in noticeable frustration. “In the Aztec creation myth, Cipactli was a primordial monster that the earliest gods had to kill, otherwise it would eat anything they created. They then turned its body into the land but since it kept trying to come back to life, the gods made blood sacrifices to keep it from destroying their creations. It’s something the Aztec people later did as well… including cutting out people’s hearts.” “...human… I have a feeling she’s lying but you-” “She isn’t,” Luz squeaked, “I… I’m not an expert on all the details of the Aztec people but… yeah that’s all pretty much right.”
“…oh Titan I think I’m going to be sick.”
King laughed a little, but it sounded half-hearted. After a moment, Hunter piped back up.
“Wait… if you have multiple belief systems-“
“Religions,” Teodora corrected.
“Whatever-if you have more than one, then why aren’t there fights about them? About which one is correct or-“
“There are and have been. Even full on wars have been fought over it.”
Hunter looked like someone had smacked him in the face.
“…how do you humans survive?”
“Sheer numbers and being very hard to kill in general,” Jake shrugged, “Either way, no one really knows the answers to any of those questions so we just do what we can to survive and enjoy it.” “...that’s one way of phrasing it,” Luz groaned, supporting her head in her hands. “Hey, all I know is that yokai like tengu are real and I’m leaving it at that,” Randy put his hands up, “My suit is made from the feathers of one.” “Tengu?” Hunter questioned. “One second, I know this one,” Luz put a finger to her forehead, digging through what she remembered of her favorite series, “Tengu, tengu… a Japanese demon, or yokai,  associated with birds of prey like crows, they’re also associated with mountain tops and the wind. Theatrical masks depict them as having long noses, um…” “...how do you know that?” Randy asked in surprise. “...I…uh… like anime… and it isn’t always accurate… so I did my own research.”
“Damn… you’re good at it then.”
“You think so?” “Yeah, you got it pretty much right, though uh, the tengu connected to the suit seems to be the only one of its kind, we haven’t found any others like it.”
“Anyway!” Teodora was examining her nails as she interrupted, “We should probably get going if we’re gonna finish that tour. You boys wanna join?”
“Sorry, I got English tutoring in a bit,” Danny groaned, “I hate English.”
“I still gotta talk to Strickler and I’m supposed to be on playground duty so I’ll have to jump to that right after, sorry dude,” Jake shrugged.
“Ninja practice,” Randy rounded it out.
Teodora groaned, “Fine, I’ll show them around, on my own. C’mon guys.”
She hopped up from her seat and gestured for them to follow. They hesitated for a second before hurrying after her. “So, how are you guys liking the place so far?” Teodora questioned, boots clicking on the floor. It was the same question they had been asked in the doctor’s office. “It’s… definitely something,” Luz stated, “I kinda love it, dragons and all that, but it’s kinda crazy.” “Oh yeah, I heard about the goblin attack. How’s your leg?” “Well it doesn’t hurt anymore, Dr. Lake did a great job.”
“She gave us candy!” King chimed in excitedly.
Teodora chuckled warmly, “Yeah, she may be a doctor, but she’s a total mom first. Woman’s an angel on Earth, I tell ya.” Luz smiled at this. “Is she the only member of medical staff here or are there others?” “Well… kinda,” she did the so-so gesture with her hand, “There’s at least one other guy here, but he’s not an actual doctor.” Luz’s mind instantly went to an anime she liked, one of the characters was a back alley doctor who did several illegal medical procedures for a pharmaceutical company as well as the mob… oh and how he was in love with a Dullahan who rode a motorcycle! “...Teo… is there an unlicensed doctor working here?”
“Psh! What? No, nothing like that! One of the guys just has healing powers is all! Not a perfect cure all for every medical thingy out there, but it’s good to have it on hand if there’s ever an emergency.” “...there’s someone here who can use healing magic?” Hunter asked, seemingly intrigued. “Yep, he’s a total sweetheart too, but he can only heal injuries and that’s it. Things like infections and viruses are completely outside his ability to do anything about. That’s usually why we go to Dr. Lake first before asking him for help. Like, if someone has a blood clot or something, his powers would risk making it worse.” Luz’s eyes widened, she had never considered that. When you hear “healing abilities” you think of cuts and broken bones, not nuanced medical issues. “What’s a blood clot?” They both stopped and stared at Hunter, she mentally noted this was starting to become a pattern. “...you seriously don’t know?” Luz asked, looking mildly concerned. “No… why, should I?” “...I guess it makes sense you don’t know, the Boiling Isles didn’t exactly have the right tech to start understanding clots or how they’d work. I think I remember my mom saying something about doctors only starting to get an understanding of them in the 1920’s-” “And she’d be right,” Teodora had pulled out her phone and was quickly scrolling through what was probably a medical history article, “But to grossly over simplify for you Blondie, blood clots are how our bodies stop bleeding, close wounds and basically start the healing process.” “Doesn’t that take a long time though? Why not just use healing mag-” He stopped himself when he remembered where he was. His cheeks and ears went bright red for the second time that day. “Uh, nevermind.” “Okay, now there’s something I gotta ask!” King raised his arms up high, “How the heck do you guys deal with boo boos here? If you don’t have healing magic, how do you make them go away?” “...we just put bandages on them and wait,” Teodora answered. “...but band aids come from the Healing Coven, don’t they?” “Not ones in the human realm buddy,” Luz scooped him up, “They just go over the boo boo and our bodies heal on their own with time. The band aids are meant to stop the bleeding and keep it clean so it doesn’t get infected, which would be even worse.” She noticed Hunter lightly touch the scar on his cheek.
“Okay, so, enough medical stuff, we’re here on a tour aren’t we?” Teodora announced, “C’mon, I’ll show you to the playground, I bet this little cutie would just love it!” She booped King on his little skull nose, making him giggle. “That actually sounds like a great idea,” Luz smiled, “Are there a lot of other little kids here?” “There’s some, most of them are here with an older sibling but there’s a few exceptions.” She looked at King… yeah… yeah, that tracked.
“Just be nice to the other kids when you play with them,” she told him as Teodora led them through the mansion and to the backdoor. Luz didn’t know what to expect when they walked out, but it certainly wasn’t this. The backyard was truly massive, and like the front of the mansion was surrounded by the towering wall fence. However, it was not nearly as impressive as what was in the center, like some prominent gem in a crown. The entire playground was new, in a way she had never seen before. She had seen new equipment be added to parks and playgrounds at the schools she attended, but she had never seen one where absolutely everything was new. There were no signs of rust, age, wear or tear, the paint was still strong, saturated and vibrant, nothing sagged, it had barely been touched. It had everything you’d expect from a playground, swings, a slide, a seesaw, monkey bars, and a single large structure in the middle that was perfect for games of tag or hide and seek. There were fewer than twenty little kids running around, ranging from early elementary school to middle schooler age. A good number of older students meandered around, keeping an eye on the children. She could feel King get excited as he tried to squirm from her grasp. “Yes… YES! This will make for an excellent kingdom to rule over!” “Later King, we still need to get the layout of the rest of the school first,” she cooed, “We can play tomorrow though!” “Hmph!” he crossed his tiny arms in a pout and squinted his eyes, which allowed him to notice something between the gaps in the playground equipment, “Hey, what’s that? Behind the playground.” He pointed a claw in the general direction of whatever it was that he saw. “Oh, that, c’mon, over here,” Teodora said, walking a few dozen paces to the right. From this new angle, they could see something… unexpected. A hole. There was a massive, crumbling hole in the back of the wall fence, debris and rubble was scattered on the ground from whatever had caused it. “...you… are aware that’s a massive security breach… right?” Hunter asked slowly, physically feeling his brain struggle to process what he was seeing, “Not to mention a general safety hazard.” “Well, yeah, technically, but nobody’s stupid enough to try and attack us. Besides, it makes it so much easier to get in and out of the forest this way. As for the safety thing, we just avoid the rubble, there’s a clear enough path in the middle.” “Is it that big a deal or something? The forest I mean,” Luz asked. She kind of liked the hole, having such easy access to the forest reminded her of the Owl House and eased some inner part of her that she couldn’t name. “Well the school may be weird, but the forest has all sorts of crazy stuff! Oh, and right past the wall, there’s a downward incline, and at the base, there’s a small clearing, so you don’t hit the treeline right away. We use that spot for target practice, projectile attacks, weapons, and our more… dangerous stuff. There’s more room there than the sparring ring, so it’s less dangerous for potential bystanders.” “Dangerous?” King questioned, suddenly very interested, “How dangerous?” “Well, if you got lucky, the worst you’d deal with from some of those attacks is broken bones, tinnitus, lost limbs, disembowelment, just to name a few.” “And that’s more than enough details for us to hear!” Luz interrupted, “Sorry to keep circling back to this, but you said that stuff in the forest was crazy, right? What kind of crazy?” “Ah right, sorry, got sidetracked. Well there’s a colony of gnomes, fairies, size-changing crystals, the “Jurassic Sap Hole” as Stan puts it, manotaurs-” “You mean minotaurs?” “Nope! There’s also an enchanted meadow you can summon that has unicorns-” “UNICORNS?!” She grabbed Teodora by the lapels and pulled her in way too close. “THERE ARE UNICORNS OUT THERE?!” “...okay one, chill, two, back up, and three, yes. Yes there are.” The squeal that followed was almost high-pitched enough to shatter glass. “Don’t get your hopes up though,” Teodora tacked on, “The unicorns that live around here are grade A jerks!” “JUST KNOWING THAT THEY’RE REAL IS ENOUGH!” Luz had seemingly lost all control of her volume and was even bouncing on her toes and flapping her hands. “...you’re really into this kind of stuff, aren’t you?” “Well uh, yeah! Sorry, is that weird, I-” “No no, it’s just… Most new arrivals don’t get this excited about all this stuff. They’re usually too overwhelmed by everything.” “Oh uh… well… I kinda always wanted something like this to be real, and after what happened on the Boiling Isles… I didn’t know if I’d get any of it back at all, let alone… all this!” She turned and gestured to the school. “...ya know what? Fair enough,” Teodora had a sauve smile, “You’re definitely more lively than most of our new arrivals, especially for one who was attacked by goblins not even three hours ago, but I like it! We always need a little more weird around here.” Something in Luz’s chest fluttered like a small bird. “That’s… really close to something my mentor told me once,” she rubbed her arm awkwardly, “She said… “We weirdos need to stick together” and… it resonated with me, ya know?” “Oh man, I like her already! And I’m pretty sure everyone else here would agree with her on that too!” Luz smiled and she felt King hug her. “Anyway, there’s still more to see, c’mon!” Teodora next led them to a heavily reinforced room, simply called “The Rage Room.” It had been made as a place for the students to vent their frustrations and trauma in a destructively cathartic way that was safe for all involved. She explained that sometimes the best way to deal with internal strife was to get violent, and rather than get into an actual fight, destroying a bunch of the robots that did the chores around the mansion was the best alternative the staff could come up with. The room was heavily padded, white cushions covered every inch of the floor, walls and even the ceiling! Two panels were left unprotected, one was in the upper right corner, the robots would apparently fly in through. The other held a large window for supportive loved ones to watch through, and to wait out the storm. She also explained that when someone’s trauma was triggered and those around were able to recognize it in time, it was common curetsy for them to guide the person to the room as quickly and as safely as possible… And then she showed them the construction grade noise canceling headphones. Apparently, screaming was common during some of these sessions and despite the room being heavily padded, it wasn’t enough to muffle the screams of some particularly powerful and/or heavily  traumatized students. Luz had originally thought they had been overkill, until Teodora mentioned one of the students was able to scream so loud it cracked stone… It was also that same student had punched the hole in the wall fence… However, the part that disturbed her the most was the fact he had apparently been holding back on that particular incident. Luz was curious but also very scared of this individual. The next room they were shown was the communal TV room, where a single, massive, wall mounted screen kept company with a couch, a love seat, a coffee table and more pillows, blankets and bean bags than they could keep track of. Apparently, the students had regular movie nights, which regularly turned into sleepovers as they fell asleep huddled together and covered in snacks. It was currently occupied by two little girls playing video games, one in a pink dress with a yellow flower on it, shiny black shoes that matched her headband, and with blonde hair that curled up into a horn-like shape. The other had purple hair in a bob style that curled to frame the edges of her face, eyelashes so thick none of them could see her eyes, she wore a dull blue t-shirt with an 8-bit video game character, a pleated gray skirt, dark gray leggings and boots. This duo of Mandy and Gaz, as Teodora so helpfully named them, shot surprisingly terrifying glares at the intruders, as if warning them to leave. They wisely chose to comply. The room after that was locked up tight, because apparently, new students needed to prove they were responsible enough to be let into the Armory. King scratching at the door at the promise of weapons for his “new army” made Luz agree that rule was probably a good idea.
The next room Teodora wanted to show them was one she was clearly excited about, even running ahead a few times. This room was high up, requiring them to go to the top floor and into a hallway that was otherwise unimpressive. The only thing of note was a small door in the ceiling, the kind that led up to an attic. The pink girl astral projected herself up to the ceiling to open it and pulled down a ladder before swiftly returning to her body.
“This way~” she sang before climbing up quickly. The trio looked at each other before following her lead, Luz being curious, King excited and Hunter skeptical. What should have been a dusty old room full of boxes and forgotten possessions was instead incredibly clean… and held perhaps the coziest structure Luz had ever seen. It was a massive blanket fort.
There was no other way to put it, what stood before them was simply the biggest blanket fort any of them had ever seen, with the room being lit by fairy lights that hung from the walls. The fort took up a massive amount of space, the main body of it vaguely reminded Luz of a circus tent, with the whole structure seemingly supported by something within, and had seemingly grown outwards from there. “This is our personal project. Everyone loves this thing and sleepovers are pretty common in there,” Teodora explained. “It’s… huge!” Luz exclaimed, spreading her arms wide, “How did you-” “Some trial and error, iron willed stubbornness to make it work, and just finding the whole thing fun!” “Can we sleep in it?” “Probably not tonight, there’s still a little more for you guys to see, not to mention showing you your actual rooms.” Luz had honestly forgotten about them having dorm rooms. In her paperwork, she had confirmed she didn’t mind the idea of having a roommate, but now she wondered if she’d actually get one, if there was one even available, and what they’d be like. King would obviously be rooming with her, she wouldn’t bunk somewhere and leave him alone for anything in the world at this point! She also worried about Hunter, he had made his desires of a single room painfully clear, saying he had to focus on finding a way home over chatting with an unwanted bunkmate. He sometimes added that he was the Emperor’s right hand man and therefore was used to sleeping alone, even going so far as to sleep on the couch back in Connecticut when King and Vee had been more than happy to share her room.
“Now c’mon, there’s a few more rooms left for you to see.” Teodora’s voice pulled her back to reality and as much as she wanted to crawl into the blanket fort, she made herself follow. Exploring it could wait until she had a full lay of the land as it were. She led them to a door on the first floor and opened it, smiling brightly as she said, “This here’s the library.” The smell of old books filled the air and Luz smiled brightly. The library was on the large side, not as big as the one back in Bonesborough, not by a long shot, but it easily dwarfed the ones in her old schools. The room radiated with warmth, helped in no small part due to a fireplace with a stone hearth with a small fire flickering away. Bookcases filled the room, all carefully organized and sorted, with signs making it clear what each section was. There were the typical “Fiction,” “History,” and “Manga” genres, but the inclusion of “Magical Studies” and “Supernatural Phenomena” were far more eye-catching. It was all so cozy one could easily doze off and she loved it!
“...this is… quaint,” Hunter frowned, “Not nearly as impressive as the library back at the castle but-” “Sh, let me have this moment,” she shushed, “This is better than most human schools ever get.” “Ugh, books,” King groaned, “Boring. Nice place for a nap though.” “You say that as if we didn’t write a bestseller together,” she smirked down at him. “Writing is one thing, actually reading is another.” “Buenas noches!”
A Mexican woman stepped out from behind one of the bookcases and she was a vision of beauty! She wore a light green blouse and pink skirt with frills at the end with bright red high heel shoes that matched her lipstick perfectly. Long dark curly hair cascaded down her back like shining obsidian and her brown eyes sparkled like diamonds! Freckles danced across her rosy cheeks and gold hoop earrings complimented her face. Luz wondered for a second if she might be some sort of nature goddess in human form, she was just that beautiful. She instead settled on the idea she was just the kind of person who was naturally that stunning… and more than likely a favorite teacher to elementary school students, she just had a feeling about that one. “Buenas noches Maria,” Teodora smiled, “Don’t have a lot of time to talk tonight, I got wrapped into showing the new kids around and we still have a few more places to go before we’re done.” “Oh, that’s a shame,” the woman, Maria, said with a hint of disappointment, before looking at them with a smile as warm as freshly baked cookies, “Good evening children! My name is Maria Rivera, I’m the head librarian here at the school, but please, just call me Maria. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Luz fumbled with her words for a brief second before physically shaking her head to get it screwed back on right before saying, “Buenas noches! I’m Luz Noceda, i-it’s very nice to meet you ma’am!” Her laughter was bright, like the jingle of bells. “No need to be so formal, cariño. I know the school is a lot to process, but you can relax here. It’s very calm and grounded here, it’s an important part of settling in after all.” She would have chuckled nervously if King hadn’t decided to climb up onto her shoulder to introduce himself. “I’m King Clawthorne! Question: Is it alright if I take naps in here?” Maria chuckled at the forwardness of the question. “Only if you don’t snore too loudly.” “Yes! Perfect napping spot acquired!” Hunter rolled his eyes at the display before calmly approaching. This woman was the furthest thing from a threat that there could possibly be. Plus, he respected librarians, and he had no doubt he’d spend a lot of time here, reading whatever material he could get on the matter of returning to the Boiling Isles. Might as well ingratiate himself to her while he had the chance. “Good evening ma’am, my name is Hunter,” he held out his hand politely, “Golden Guard and right hand to Emperor Belos, it’s very nice to meet you.” “It’s very nice to meet you too,” she smiled at him and shook his hand. She opened her mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by a very boisterous and theatrical voice. “Maria, my good woman, have you seen my copy of a Brief Reconfigulation of Troll Lore, I swear I had it here just a moment ag-”
The trio froze when they saw the owner of the voice emerge from behind the bookcases. It belonged to a creature that was in no way, shape, or form, human. It was big, very big, roughly seven feet tall, with light blue skin, long ears, dark blue sideburns but no hair on the top of its head, instead having a pair of horns, and a flat orange nose that went up and down the center of its face. This did nothing to distract from the fact this thing had six eyes, all of which were a matching soft red-brown color with yellow sycra! It also had a slight underbite, causing its lower canines to stick out of its mouth. It had four stubby arms, equally stubby legs, old brown suspenders with a pack on each hip, and its body seemed to be covered in strange carvings. It was almost cartoonish looking but at the same time intimidating.
There was just a brief second of surprised silence from the creature before it smiled, opened that massive mouth and spoke. “Ah, hello! You must be our newest students! Welcome! I am Blinky, and I will be your Magical History teacher!” “...you’re a teacher?” Luz managed to squeak out. “Indeed! And what might your names be?” They were too stunned to answer, this Blinky creature had caught them so off guard that while trying to process what they were seeing, they briefly forgot their names. Their guide seemed to be snickering at their stunned reactions. Maria, quickly catching on to what was wrong, answered for them. “Blinky, this is Luz, King and Hunter,” she gestured to each one as she spoke their name, “Teodora here was just showing them around the school!” “Ah, excellent! Exploring the halls of academia! We always need more eager young minds! Never enough of them I say!” King, the first to snap out of his shock, pointed a claw and demanded, “Okay, what in the hecking name of the Titan are you!?”
A human might have found this question exceedingly rude, and taken offense, but Blinky, being anything but human, merely laughed jovially! “Oh I like you! As for what I am, I, my good creature, am a troll!”
“Wait… a troll?! As in the kind of fairy tales and stuff?” Luz asked, her brain finally catching up to the situation.
“To an extent, though, some of your human stories aren’t always accurate. Pleasure to meet you all!” “It’s nice to meet you too Mr Blinky sir!” she reached out and eagerly shook three of his hands before gasping, “Is your skin stone!?” “Indeed it is! All trolls of my kind have skin as such, though some other variations have flesh just a little less squishy than your own! Much like… oh what do you call them again? Calluses?”
“Whoa…! Wait, going back to what you said before… you’re going to be teaching us about magical history?” “Indeed, there are many major events that have taken place around the world that were kept hidden from as much of the world as possible, including the very fact that we exist at all! Not out of malice mind you, but for our own safety, and for humanity’s as well.” The way he spoke held an incredible weight that Luz couldn’t properly describe, but it was clear that whatever reason these creatures had to go into hiding was a good one. “...I’m assuming this is all stuff you’re gonna go over in class?” “Why yes, of course! Do not worry now, I’ll be more than happy to get you caught up with your new classmates!”
“Yes, even more jabber from him! My brother does love to hear himself talk.” A new voice joined the conversation, and another troll lumbered out from behind another bookshelf. He was shockingly similar to Blinky, being green instead of blue, with hair on his scalp, including a single shock that was snow white. However, the major point of notice was his six eyes were milky and unseeing. He was reaching his arms out to find his way, his head turning left and right. “Been that way ever since we were whelps, you could not ever get him to stop! Even Mother struggled to reign in that tongue of his!” “Ha! You’re one to talk, Dictacious!” Blinky growled, “You were worse than I could ever hope to be. And watch your tongue in front of my new students! Why if I were not so kind, you’d be exiled, out on your own a long time ago, don’t think I’ve forgiven you for your treasonous ways!” “Oh, you wouldn’t! We are family!” “Try me!”
The light blue troll threw himself at his mint-colored counterpart, knocking him flat on his back and began to wildly smack at him. Dictacious desperately tried to hold him back with his lower pair of arms, and fight back with the upper set. However, as it was clear neither of them were warriors, any attempts of hand to hand combat were reduced to the most basic attack possible! It was a nerd troll slap fight, and it was a hilarious sight to witness. “Oooooo~ the girls are fighting!” Teodora exclaimed in giggling delight as she took pictures, “New reaction images abound~!” “I thought this was a library,” Hunter stated as they rolled into a bookcase, “Are they supposed to make this much noise in here?” “Oh Dios mío,” Maria sighed, “No, but with trolls it’s hard for them to do anything quietly. You children should continue with your tour, I’ll break these two up.” “Aye aye Mama Rivera!” Teodora saluted before taking a few more pictures, grabbing the others and leaving, slamming the door behind them. “...are those going to be okay?” Luz questioned. “Yeah, they just have some bad blood between them. I never got the full story but their fights are always fun to watch!” To get to the next room, she led them to a massive bookshelf in the hallway, and she chose to make a point of how big and heavy it looked… Before swinging it open like a door on a well greased hinge, revealing an antiquated elevator behind.
“The last few places for you to see are down below,” she smirked, and Luz felt herself getting excited again!
Once they were all inside, Teodora pulled on the lever and they went down, down past the ground level, past where a normal basement should be, and kept going. As they continued downward, they noticed there was a small panel with about half a dozen buttons on it, going up and down in a single line. The bottom button stood out, due to the large number of notes stuck around it, all shouting warnings of “Do not press!” “Under construction!” “Incomplete!” “You will probably die if you press this button!” They finally stopped at an odd room, it was poorly lit, coming in shades of black, gray-purple and largely lit by computer monitors. The only brightly lit spot in the room was a large work table, but it was far too similar to a surgical table one might see in a hospital for Luz to find it comfortable. “First, we have the lab of our very own mad scientist, Jack Spicer-” Teodora began, only to be loudly interrupted. “That’s “evil boy genius” to you missy!” The red-haired boy from the sparring matches leaned out from behind a large console, looking miffed at the description of himself. In one hand he held the head of one of the school’s robots, in the other was a blow torch that was still very brightly lit and Luz tried not to look directly at it. “Oh c’mon Jacky, “boy genius” isn’t quite as grandiose as “mad scientist” now is it? Plus, I’m pretty sure your eighteenth birthday is due soon, if not already passed.” “What do you want, Teodora?” the boy, Jack, sounded like he was extending his patience already, “I have a lot of work to do and don’t have time for your dumbass games!”
“I’m just showing the new kids around is all,” she said in a teasing voice that was knowingly faking innocence.
“Yeah right,” he finally turned off the blow torch before turning to the newcomers, “Did she tell you I made the robots who do all the crappy chores around here?” “...no,” King admitted bluntly before Luz could even think to stop him. “Well I do, they’re mine, my own design and everything. If you break them, I’ll send a bunch of them after you and disable the killswitch.” “...what about the ones in the rage room?” Luz questioned, brow slowly raising. “Those are bought and paid for by the school. Once they pay me, it’s out of my hands. If they get smashed, they get smashed. Just means I have to build more so I keep making a profit.”
“...I guess that makes sense,” she said, “So… you’re really a mad-I mean-evil boy genius?” “You got it! Remember this face kid, because one day, IT’LL BE RULING THE WORLD!” Jack then cut loose with a shriek-y, high-pitched laugh, that made it very hard to take him seriously. “HA! You think that’s impressive?!” King pointed at the young genius before raising his arms over his head, “I’ll have you know that one day I, King Clawthorne, will be the king of all demons! I will be a great and powerful despot, my enemies will cower before me and my armies shall ravage the land in a wave of fire and brimstone! You can have this world though, it doesn’t have any demons.” “Oh, is that a fact, Fluffy?” Jack slammed his hands down on the table and leaned over the tiny demon in what should have been an intimidating manner. “Yeah!” “Oh yeah?!” “Yeah!” They glared at each other, leaning in dangerously close and squinting as they got closer until Jack broke the silence.
“...I think I like you.” “I think I like you too! Wanna be friends?” “Oh absolutely!” The two shook hands, leaving the teenage onlookers very confused. “...what just happened?” Luz asked after a moment. “Nonsense in its purest form,” Teodora sighed and placed a hand to her forehead. “Shouldn’t we be worried about him proclaiming he’s going to take over the world?” “Nope. He is exceptionally bad at it, he can come up with schemes or whatever but they always fail in the end. So we kind of just let him do his thing and then karma stops him for us. Despite that, Jack’s one of our super geniuses around here, when it comes to fixing things like cars, TV’s, consoles and computers, he’s the one we go to. However, he doesn’t do anything for free. You need to pay a price.” “And what price is that?” Hunter asked, his hand instinctively shielding his palisman. “Favors usually, get him some supplies he needs, some positive reinforcement if he’s down, maybe help him bribe someone… or just give him a few pudding cups, that always works.” “Hey I like pudding,” Jack meekly defended.
“We know Jackie, we know. Anyway, we have to get going, we have two more sub-levels before the tour’s over.” “Then can we finally retire to our quarters?” Hunter sounded a bit grumpy. “Yes Blondie, I’ll take you to your rooms once we’re done, don’t worry.” “C’mon King,” Luz sighed as she scooped the demon up, “Oh, and Jack? My name’s Luz, it’s nice to meet you.” She held out her hand to shake. He looked surprised for a second before smirking in a malicious way and shaking her hand. “Likewise.” She had a feeling he was going to be chaotically fun! They returned to the elevator and went down to the next level. This room looked like it came from another planet! There were strange computers and consoles in various shades of blue, with strange lights that seemed to be more decorative and aesthetic in nature than having any function. The monitors for the machines seemed to be panes of glass with unfamiliar programs on them, and odd, angular symbols floated in the air. The room resonated with loud rave music, making Hunter cover his ears as a strange orb that seemed to be omitting the music flashed in different colors as it floated past. At the main console was a latino boy, with curly brown hair that stopped at his shoulders, and he seemed to be dancing to the music as he worked. He wore a bluet-shirt with a soundwave on it, black sweatpants and white sneakers, a surprisingly mundane outfit compared to what they had seen so far.
Teodora was smiling as she tapped the multi-color ball, suddenly stopping the music and surprising the boy enough to make him notice them.
“Hey to you too Krel,” she smirked, “I just needed your attention since we have some new kids that I’m showing around.”
“Aye aye aye, you had to mess with my music to do that?” he had a lovely hispanic accent, in Luz’s opinion anyway, “A simple hello would do!”
“You’d be too caught up in your music to hear me. It’s happened before and you know it,” she poked him in the chest for emphasis. “Ugh, can we just make this quick? I have a lot of work to do and three new songs to finish for my next DJ gig.” “Yeah yeah, relax, we’ll be out of your hair in a minute,” she then turned to the others, “Introducing his royal pain in the ass, Prince Krel Tarron.” “King-in-Waiting! King-in-Waiting! You know what I am! Get it right!” At this introduction, the trio has very different reactions “He’s royalty?!” Luz exclaimed.
Hunter fell to one knee in a genuflex, followed by saying, “Your majesty.” As for King, he scampered up onto Luz’s shoulder and excitedly exclaimed, “Yes! A fellow monarch! We can be tyrant buddies!”
Without missing a beat, Krel pointed a finger right in the tiny demon’s face.
“I do not know who you are or what you are but I will have you know that I am no tyrant! I had to save my people from a coup and my sister and I will never subject our people to the horrors General Morando made them suffer!”
“Chill your royal britches there buddy,” Teodora stepped forward, spreading her arms to separate them, “He’s only a little kid, Krel, he’s just playing a game or… something.” “No I’m not!” King protested as Luz put a hand over his mouth. The King-in-Waiting raised a brow at this. “Look, we just got off on the wrong foot,” she said before pulling the young demon off her shoulder before extending her hand out, “Can we start over? My name’s Luz, this is King and… uh… that’s Hunter,” she looked down at the witch in question, who was still on one knee. Krel looked them over, silently, before allowing a small smile to grace his features and took her hand, “Krel Tarron. King-in-Waiting of Akiridion-5.” “Oh cool! ...I… have no idea what that is.” “It’s another planet.” Luz stared blankly for a second. Three seconds. Five seconds. Fifteen seconds. Repeating the process she had done back in the dining room, she folded her hands together, pointing her index and middle fingers up as she took in a very long, very deep breath through her nose. “You’ve been to other planets.” “Yes.” “...and you’re the… King-in-Waiting of one?” “That is correct.” “...you went to another planet… not another realm.” “HA! Earth is the other planet to me! Akiridion-5 is where I’m from!” “...so you’re an alien…” “Yes.” “...I’m storing that information away to process later… but at the same time-” “Oh no!” King covered his ears, it was the only warning they got before Luz squealed in delight, though this time she had the forethought to cover her mouth with her hands. “...well isn’t she exciting,” Krel groaned, wincing at the muffled, high-pitched noise.
“Huh, she’s gonna lose her voice if she keeps this up,” Teodora stated, hands over her ears.
The excited latina took another deep breath, and with her voice shaking said, “Okay… Okay I’m good… but I’m going to have a bunch of questions for you later!” “Just make sure they’re intelligent ones, please! I get a lot of really stupid ones when you humans find out I’m from another planet!” “I make no promises! Such as… wait… this school has more than one super genius?” “More than one…? Ha! If you mean that hack, Jack Spicer, he’s barely a genius at all! I could outsmart that gloober at anything any day of the week!” “Okay… but why do you guys need your own labs? Wouldn’t it make sense for you both to share one?” “Again, HA! Double HA! Never in a million years would I ever share a lab space with that bumbling buffoon! He’s a threat to himself and everyone around him!” “That and super geniuses don’t like sharing~” Teodora half-sang, “It makes them cranky and they argue over who’s turn it is to use the wrench!” “THAT IS NOT IT AND YOU KNOW IT!” Krel shouted as she shot him the most smug grin she could possibly manage. “Not to mention their stuff is totally incompatible. Ever seen what happens when alien tech from another planet is haphazardly slapped onto magitech because two super genius idiots can’t keep track of their own projects? It makes space fold over on itself, the school ends up in a pocket dimension, and the teachers need to fix it so we can return to regular reality… oh and they both end up in detention for three weeks.”
There was a long, heavy pause. “...did that actually happen or is that just a hypothetical?” Luz squeaked. “You understood all that?!” King exclaimed, “Those weren’t even words!” “Of course I understood it! I’m a nerd of all colors, including sci-fi!” “Huh… I knew there was a reason I liked you,” Teodora smiled, “But to answer your question, it came close to happening. Ford realized what was going on and shut it down but it was a close call.” “Once! It only happened once!” Krel protested. “Yeah yeah, whatever,” she waved her hand dismissively, “Anyway, we had to add on a second lab before the two of them accidentally got us all killed. Now, we have one last stop before I can take you to your rooms, so let’s move it people!” She grabbed Hunter by the back of his shirt and with a hard jerk, began to drag him along the floor. She pulled him towards the elevator door despite his yells of surprise and protest at the indignity of it all! Luz watched the sight for a moment before turning back to Krel and offering a meek wave. “It was nice meeting you!” She scampered off after the others, and caught a glimpse of the young royal waving back before the elevator doors closed. Their final destination was the second to last button on the elevator’s panel, and was even further underground than the two labs. It came to a stop with a cheery ping as to a room that was different from anything they’d seen in the entire school. Large consoles lined the walls, many of them with bright glowing screens that showed some form of data being analyzed and processed. Others showed strange locations that were unlike any they had ever seen before, slowing all of them to a stop and making them stare. Among them were strange futuristic cities, a cave of fire, rolling fields of saturated colors, a black realm of swirling green energy and floating islands, an endless wood with strange lights and a world made entirely of chalk drawings. “Whoa…” “Those are just some of the worlds we’ve found,” Teodora smiled at their reactions, “Which brings me to why we’re here.” She walked to a doorway that had another, much larger console, covered in buttons and levers. It was connected to a massive black screen, indicating that whatever machine they were connected to was clearly turned off. Nearby was a window, looking into a massive chamber, but they only had a second to glance inside before Teodora led them into the chamber itself, which was seemingly made from an underground cave. Rock and dirt made up most of the walls, ceiling and flooring, but it was the machines that caught their attention. A few more consoles lined the walls, wires stuck out of them, connecting from one to another, pipes crawled up the walls and disappeared into holes drilled into the stone ceiling.
In the center of the room, a pole stood out, a single, bright red button stood atop it. Beyond it was a series of steps, leading up to a strange, upside down metal triangle, with a large hole in the center, that was ringed by strange symbols and markings. The strange machine was horrifyingly massive, almost the height of a two story house, a cable was hanging from the top of it, and a familiar figure was strapped into it, using a soldering iron on some internal wiring. “Hey Ford! You guys missed dinner again!” Teodora called up, pulling the man away from what he was doing. “Oh, good evening Teo! Sorry I completely got lost in my work and I-” He looked down and spotted the trio. “Oh-Oh my! You three! You’re here! Lemme just-” he banged on the machine with his fist, “Fiddleford, get out here! Our new students are here!” A panel suddenly swung open, and a wild-looking man peered out, releasing an equally wild laugh. He was wearing an old brown pair of overalls, a cast that covered most of his left arm from the elbow down with only his fingers poking out, a large brown, and brimmed hat sat upon his head. He also had a long white beard, almost as long as he was tall! “Hoo-wee!” he exclaimed in a southern accent, “Nice ta meet’cha kiddos!”
“Children, this is my partner, Fiddleford McGucket, he owns this building! We couldn’t have the school without his cooperation!” McGucket climbed out of the hole in the machine, crawling across it like some sort of strange gecko, and revealing he also wore no shoes. He made his way over to Ford and grabbed onto the cable that supported him. They lowered themselves down to the floor and quickly walked over to the students. “Our deepest apologies, we got caught up with our work and completely lost track of time! How long have you been here fo-” “Hours. They’ve been here for hours,” Teodora interrupted, “They already had a run-in with goblins, they’ve had the usual tour, met some of the others, and all that’s left is to show them to their dorms.” “Ah, gracias, Teodora,” Ford stated awkwardly. “We also saw your brother,” Luz added, “At the sparring ring!” “Ah, so you’ve already met Stanley!” “Well, no, we didn’t talk to him, we were watching and didn’t get the chance to actually speak to him, but we did think he was you at first.” “You two look way too similar!” King snapped, pointing at him. “Heh, well, we are twins, it runs in the family,” Ford smiled with a shrug, “Anyway, it’s thanks to his efforts that I was able to return to this dimension after being gone for twenty years. So if you see his less… pleasant side, please, just remember that he does mean well.” “Less pleasant side? What do you mean by that?” Hunter asked, suspicion dripping off his voice like venom. “That’s sibling talk for annoying habits,” Luz smirked. “We should know!” King proclaimed as the two of them fist bumped. “That and uh… he does have a bit of a criminal record,” Ford scratched his cheek awkwardly. “Pft, c’mon man, what did he do?” Luz smirked, “Speeding tickets? Loitering? Maybe a drunken brawl or two?” Ford looked very uncomfortable, McGcuket and Teodora however cackled with wild laughter. “...I’m nowhere near right am I? My mentor set a uniquely high bar for me.” “T-Try regular tax fraud,” their guide choked on her laughter, “Counterfeiting, shoplifting, voter fraud, reckless driving, resisting arrest, escaping police custody, trespassing, stealing from government property-” “WAIT WHAT?!” “And that’s just some of the stuff he did last summer!”
“Oh he would definitely get along with Eda!” King’s tail became an excited, wagging blur. “So he’s a menace to society!?” Hunter exclaimed in disbelief, “How can you let a man like that near your students?! He should be locked away to be reformed!” “Now now children,” Ford put out his hands to calm them, “Yes my brother has a checkered past but these days he focuses his efforts on the school and our students. If there’s anyone I’d trust your safety with, it’s him. Now then,” he clapped his hands together, “Enough about that, I’m sure you’re wondering what this is.” He gestured to the large machine he and McGucket had been working on, and a sense of great importance seemed to radiate from it. “This is the portal. It’s an improved version of the original one that sent me away all those years ago. This model is made with newer tech, and a better understanding of how the worlds work! Twenty years makes so much difference, but with the information we’ve learned from your fellow students, we’ve made progress faster than I ever could have predicted!” “Wait… this… this is it… this is the thing that’s gonna get us back to the Boiling Isles?” Luz asked, pointing quietly at it. “Yes, it is. It's the culmination of a lifetime of work and research, and once we can locate your world, you’ll be able to use it to return.” “It… It does work… doesn’t it?” Hunter asked, his voice choking. “Yes, it does, it just needs time to power up first. Obviously we have to turn it off when making repairs or improvements, and those take time, but it does work.” “...where did you get the Titan’s blood to make it work?” “Titan’s blood? I don’t know what you’re referring to, young man, but we use toxic waste to power it.” “TOXIC WASTE?!” Luz exclaimed in disbelief, “Isn’t that dangerous?!” “Well the kind we need is largely inert. You’re alright so long as you don't have prolonged and unprotected exposure to it. It’s like taking an X-ray, a single exposure won’t hurt you, but doing it twenty times a day for forty years will definitely destroy your cells and give you cancer.” She stared in disbelief at his analogy. “Spending too much time with Rick Sanchez there Fordsy,” Theodora said with a disgusted look, “Could have left out that last bit.” “Ah yes, sorry, the company I kept during my time in other dimensions wasn’t anywhere close to what you would call normal.” “Apparently not.” “Either way, once we have our current modifications to the portal done, we’ll fire it up and start looking for the isles. However-” Of course, there was always a catch. “We need as much information the three of you can give us about the world as possible.” …okay that wasn’t nearly as bad as the trio had been expecting. “Didn’t you go there?” King piped up, “You should know what it’s like.” “I only saw a small part of a singular town,” he explained, “And that was years ago, things can change very fast in a very short amount of time. If we opened the portal to that world but it showed us a location none of you were familiar with, we might not realize it’s your world and we’d continue the search elsewhere.” All of their stomachs dropped at that implication. “That’s why we need as much information as you can offer, any tiny bit of extra information might be the key to helping us recognize it.” “I… what do you need to know?” Luz asked, only to muffle a yawn as soon as the words left her mouth. “Oh, nothin’ right now youngin’,” McGucket piped up, “We ain’t even got the thing up an’ runnin’ yet! And ya’ll still need ta see yer rooms! Ya can tell us what ya’ll know later! Fer now, why don’t cha all head on topside to get some rest? It’s been a long day for ya and yer probably dern near ready ta collapse!” Luz had to admit he was probably right. They had been up early that morning, rode a plane across the country, had the worst car ride of their lives, went on a tour, gotten attack by goblins, met dragons, ghosts, ninjas, saw a fight, had an amazing dinner, and were only just now finishing the aforementioned tour. She was probably going to fall asleep the moment she laid down and the adrenalin had the chance to leave her system. “Teo dear, could ya-” “I’m on it!” She grabbed the trio again and pushed them towards the door. “Let’s get you guys to your dorms and then some sleep huh?” “I don’t need sleep!” Hunter protested, “I need to learn about getting back home!” “Trust me buddy, it isn’t going anywhere, and tackling the problem with a clear mind will be a lot better than doing it when you’re half asleep!” “...Luz…” King tugged on her legging as they walked, “Is that thing really gonna get us home?” There was a twinge of painful hope in his tiny voice. “...of course it will,” she had tears stinging her eyes as she said that, and a lump forming in her throat. She hoped it would. Teodora took them up to the second floor and to the hallways with the dorm rooms. They could hear others talking and laughing beyond some of the doors, some early to bed early to risers maybe? “This is your room Hunter,” she gestured to a thick brown door, “A single, just like you asked.” “Thank you, Teodora,” he said stiffly but politely before entering, “Goodnight.” He closed the door with an audible click, soft enough to not be disturbing to others on the floor but loud enough that the three left in the hallway could hear some force in it. “Hmph, Mr. Personality right there,” she frowned. Luz’s room was in the other hallway. The door was the same as all the rest, but just standing there, staring at it… it felt heavier somehow, without her ever touching it. She took a deep, shaky breath, before reaching out and opening the door. It wasn’t quite as simple as she had been expecting it to be. To the left was a queen sized bed with pale blue sheets and a matching comforter, decorated with at least six pillows and drawers for clothes underneath. A small bookcase sat at the foot of the bed, waiting to be filled, and the wall beside it was also bare, ready to be decorated and personalized. Her bags were sitting next to the bed, as if they had been waiting for her this whole time. On the right hand side was a loft bed, with a small desk under it, books and clothes were scattered haphazardly around that half of the room. A short string of fairy lights hung around a small cork board that hung on the wall that the desk was pressed against, a small lamp stood on it, illuminating a small collection of books. They seemed to primarily be on coding, but there were also a few textbooks on advanced math Luz couldn’t quite recognize. “Oh, hey, you’re here.” From the top of the loft bed, a smiling face looked down at them before heading to the ladder and hurriedly climbing down. It was a girl, maybe a little younger than Luz but she couldn’t be sure due to her height. She had autumn red hair tied back into a ponytail, black framed glasses, was wearing a red and tan letterman jacket over a burgundy hoodie and blue jeans. “You must be my new roommate!” “Uh, yeah, I’m Luz Noceda, and this is King Clawthorne.” “Hiya!” the little demon waved. “Whoa, talking stuffed animal!” “I’m a demon!” he corrected. “Ah, demon, got it, sorry. I’m Tulip Olsen, nice to meet you both,” she smiled, holding her hand out, Luz was happy to shake it. “I’ll leave you guys to settle in and bond,” Teodora smiled as she headed for the door, “Get along guys!” She closed the door behind her and they were alone.
“So…” Tulip looked at them awkwardly. “Um… before we talk or anything, is it alright if I call my mom first? I promised her I would and it’s getting late back home, she’s probably worried by now.” “Oh yeah sure, go ahead.” “Thanks…” Luz opened up her bag and pulled out her phone. She quickly opened up her contacts on FaceTime and tapped the one for her mom. It rang only twice before it was answered. “Hello?”
“Ola Mamá!” “Luz! How are you mija? Are you alright? Are you settling in?” “Mom, Mom, I’m okay, really! I just got a bit caught up with some things and only just now got to my dorm room.” “Only now? Haven’t you been there for a while? Was your flight late? I checked online but everything left on time.” “No nothing like that Mom, we actually had a private jet pick us up, don’t ask me how that got arranged, I have no idea. As for why I’m so late, we had to get the grand tour of the school, find out where everything is, meet a few of the other students, had dinner… had a small run-in with some local pests but it was alright in the end!” “Local pests?”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m alright, we’re all alright. Oh! This is my roommate, Tulip!”
She turned her phone so the redhead could be seen on screen.
“Hello,” she greeted politely.
“Ola,” her mom said with a small wave, “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too ma’am.”
“Anyways Mom,” she turned her phone back to show her, and let out a yawn, “I… I kinda wanted to apologize. For the whole fireworks and snakes thing back at school. I… was so caught up in my own head with how it would look that I didn’t realize how dangerous it was. I kinda got a wake up call when I got here and just… I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for that.”
“Luz… oh mija, you look so tired, do you need to go to bed?”
“Not yet, I still need to unpack my stuff. I probably will as soon as I’m done though.”
“Alright, you can tell me more in the morning love, I’ll… I’ll leave you to settle in.”
“Alright Mamá… I love you.”
“I love you too mija.”
It took a moment for her to work up the ability to hang up, but when she did, she began to feel choked up. King hugged her tightly as she did.
She hadn’t heard Tulip walking over towards her, but now she was standing by her bed and holding out a box of tissues.
“Gracias…” Luz took a handful and wiped her eyes.
“So… your mom knows the truth about this place?” the redhead asked softly but awkwardly.
“Y-Yeah… w-why wouldn’t she?”
“It’s just… well… Not all of the parents who send kids here do.”
“They… they don’t?”
“Nope, if they don’t know about the whole other worlds thing, or if they don’t believe it, Ford portrays the school as some specialized therapy school for kids with trauma or behavioral issues or something like that. My parents certainly don’t know.”
“Yeah, they think I just ran away… which I kinda did, I just wanted to go to Computer Camp, ending up on the Train wasn’t part of the plan.”
“I’ll tell ya later, c’mon, I’ll help you unpack.”
“...thanks Tulip.”
For the next half hour, the two girls and the tiny demon put away most of Luz’s more vital belongings; decorative and personalized belongings could wait until tomorrow when she was more awake. King only a few minutes before the long day finally caught up to him and he fell asleep on one of the pillows. Luz sat down on the bed a few minutes after they finished, rubbing his back and humming Spanish lullabies to him. The exhaustion caught up to her all at once and before Tulip even realized it, both of her new roommates had fallen asleep within five minutes of each other.
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qoinq-qhost · 3 years
home - dannymay day 2
my unplanned continuation of day 1 
Danny floated aimlessly through the endless green void. His head was bandaged, still slightly throbbing, as he moved slowly through this strange world. He hoped to see anything that would jog his memory, but the swirling scenery looked helplessly unfamiliar.
Whatever this place was, it didn't feel like home.
He was told that he belonged here, with the other dead things. He still could barely process what had happened. He didn't feel dead. Sure, he didn't feel great — his head still hurt like hell and the gaps in his memory frustrated him to no end — but he didn’t feel dead.
What he did feel was hurt. Confused. Betrayed. The words still echoed clearly in his mind: You don't belong in this world. His own mother told him to get lost.
And of course, Danny knew how his parents felt about ghosts. Even though the couple had never actually seen one, the conviction with which they spouted anti-ghost rhetoric made it clear in Danny’s mind ever since he was a small child; these creatures were ruthless and to be feared. Ghosts were horrible things, not bound by physics or morals.
And now he was one of them.
He had hoped that him being family would have meant something to his mother. He may have died and come back, but he was still her son.
But the way she looked at him made it clear: this was not the case. He could feel a distance between them that wasn't there when they spoke before as mother and son. Her patience thinly veiling a deep distrust. And she even corrected him when he called her “Mom” — I’m not your mom. I’m Dr. Fenton. That hurt worse than any injury.
And then once she patched him up she basically shooed him out of her laboratory, through the gaping hole to another dimension so conveniently placed in the basement of his family home.
She told him he belonged there, in the Ghost Zone. He made no argument. His brain refused to cooperate, to think of any rebuttal. He let himself be guided towards the octagonal hole in the wall and braced himself as he ventured through.
Being in the Zone unsettled him greatly. He felt off, though it was hard to pin down what exactly was causing it. It could have been the place itself, unfamiliar and foreboding, or the dizziness he still felt from his injury, now graciously paired with the feeling of floating through this endless abyss of a realm, no way of orientating himself amongst the endless swirling scenery.
More than anything, he wanted to go home.
And at this point, he wasn't really sure where that was anymore.
After drifting in the Zone for god knows how long, he came across another ghost. He wasn't really sure if it was safe to approach, but once the other specter noticed him she called out.
“Yo, Phantom!”
This ghost appeared to be holding a guitar, her hair mimicking a roaring blue flame, flaring up as she spoke.
Danny then remembered that he was called Phantom. The ghost was talking to him. She noticed his delayed reaction.
“Damn, what's wrong, man?” She noticed his bandaged head and asked even though she knew the answer, “You hit your head or something?”
She didn't seem particularly worried about him, more curious than anything. Danny figured he could talk to her. She wasn't outright attacking him, as he had feared, so he was taking that as a good sign. But still, he was cautious. He didn't think it was smart to reveal to this stranger that he was essentially helpless right now, with his memories gone, but just talking to her couldn't be so bad, right?
“Um, yeah, I got kinda turned around.” He tried for a casual chuckle. It did not sound casual. “I was wondering if you could just point me in the direction of my, um, ghost house.”
The ghost narrowed her eyes at him.
“Your... ghost … house.”
She looked him up and down once before her eyes went up to his bandaged head again.
“Tell me something, Phantom,” she paused again to examine his face. She noticed the way his eyes seemed a bit unfocused, his face showing no signs he recognized her. “What’s my name?”
Yeah, he had no clue.
“Um. Debbie?”
The ghost sighed and brought her hand over her eyes. “Okay, why do I gotta deal with amnesiac Phantom.” She met his eyes again. “You don't live here, dipshit. You live with your stupid ghost hunter parents out there in the human realm.”
Now that didn't make sense.
“Wait, wait, wait. My mom just told me I live here. In the Zone.”
“Ugh, dude, I don't know what you want me to say. You literally stay out there in the human world all the time just cuz you can make yourself look human or something, then you get mad at us any time we try to do the same thing. It's so annoying.”
“Look human?”
“Ugh, yes!” The ghost was growing more frustrated. “You do that thing with the lights and the rings or whatever.”
“I have no idea how to do that.”
“Well, figure it out or something. That's probably the only way you’ll be able to go back home.”
156 notes · View notes
Out of Time (8)
Read on AO3
Word Count: 4108
Previously: "Dan Phantom grew up to be one of the worst ghosts in the history of the Ghost Zone; he destroyed the world, and the ghost zone, multiple times over. In meeting you, he inadvertently created the one ghost powerful enough to stop him. He would have continued to raze the world if I hadn't saved your family, leaving no one left to stop him." Clockwork's smile fell, and dread started to pool in Danny's stomach again. "This paradox is the best shot of defeating him once and for all."
Danny nodded, feeling the crushing weight of his powers and responsibility. "Three outcomes?" he asked, bringing it back to Clockwork's original conversation.
"Three outcomes," Clockwork confirmed, frowning.
"One favourable," Danny finished, closing his eyes. Silence descended on the pair for a few minutes, Clockwork watching Danny's body stiffen as he slowly realized what that meant. "Clockwork," he said eventually in a small voice, looking up at the Time Master. "I'm not… I don't… survive this…. do I?"
Now: Danny meets with Valerie, Dani and Vlad.
Link to the next chapter will be in the replies once posted. As always - please let me know what you think!
"Okay, spill," Tucker said, glancing at Sam from the corner of his eye as he worked at the console. The girl in question looked at Tucker with wide eyes. "You've been mopey and distant ever since you came down here. Something must have happened." Sam sent him a weak glare of annoyance. Tucker chuckled quietly as he continued to type in code at the computer. He paused, looking at the screen in thought as he pulled up the shield schematics.
"Any luck?" Sam asked, breaking her silence.
Tucker sighed. "Kind of – I think we have the energy to create a shield of this size, but separating Danny's ecto-signature from his jerky self is difficult. I thought if we just used the sig from the booo-merang, it would be enough, but using that will either keep Danny out of the town or allow Dan to manipulate his way into it." He put his hands under his glasses and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "I mean, it would help if we could get Plasmius' ecto-signature and try and figure out ratios, but something tells me that's an even worse idea at the moment. The only good thing about all this is we know that they have different ecto-signatures. We still have no idea why or how… but the fact they do means we can figure this out." Tucker swivelled his chair to face his best friend beside him. "Now, what's eating you? I could use the break and your presence is dampening my mood."
Sam sent the boy another glare, but sighed as she realized he wasn't going to let this go. "I was upstairs looking at some photos, ran into Danny…" she said, blushing slightly at the memory.
Tucker sat straighter in seat, eyes gleaming with excitement as Sam shifted uncomfortably. "Wait – you told him!?" Tucker exclaimed, gathering a few strange looks from the ghosts in the basement.
"No!" Sam yelped back, her face completely pink from embarrassment. "And would you keep it down?!"
Tucker held up his hands as an apology and gestured for her to continue. "So what happened?"
Sam sighed. "We were talking, next thing I knew he was bringing up Nocturn and…" she trailed off, suddenly crestfallen. "I stopped him before he said anything he was going to regret."
Tucker blinked, mouth opening and closing from the cluelessness of both of his friends. "Let me get this straight… Danny, our Danny, the most clueless idiot on the planet when it comes to his own feelings, was about to tell you how he felt about you and you stopped him?!"
"Of course I did!" she shot back. "He has no idea what he's feeling right now with all of that time energy and the visions going through his head. Didn't you hear what Mrs. Fenton said? He's reliving parts of a timeline where we all died, Tucker. I don't want –"
"To get your hopes up," Tucker finished, pointing a finger at the girl. "Sam, all three of us know how you and Danny feel about each other. I've known longer than probably both of you even realized it. You've been doing this dance for almost two years. If he's finally coming to his senses, regardless of whatever is happening, I think you should be jumping for joy. Or whatever Goths do when they're happy."
Sam sat silent for second before sighing. "I asked him why now," she admitted quietly. "He said he wasn't afraid anymore." Tucker made some excited gestures in victory as she continued. "If Clockwork hadn't interrupted, I'm fairly certain he would have said something."
Tucker watched as Sam looked down, lost in thought. "Sam," he said kindly. "Do you want things to change?" Violet eyes met teal ones as Tucker pressed on. "Danny just told you he's not afraid anymore… so what are you afraid of?"
"Of him not coming back," she said softly, looking away. Tucker's eyes widened as the words tumbled out of her mouth. "He's choosing this moment, the one where he's about to face off a big enemy, to tell me. Why would he do that if he didn't think he'd make it?"
Tucker sighed, annoyed. "You idiot." Sam's head whirled back to her best friend at the insult. Tucker's face was serious, but his eyes sparkled with amusement. "The both of you. Sam – he knows what's at stake. Danny's not trying telling you to fulfill some stupid self-sacrifice ritual. He's trying to tell you to make sure he comes back. Sure he has a bazillion reasons but there's only one person that gives him the hope to fight through anything. He wants someone to fight for."
Sam stared at Tucker as his words sunk in. Tucker sighed as he turned his chair back to the screen in front of him. "Besides, if anything goes down, we're going out there to save his ass. The both of us - not just you lovebird. He's my best friend, I'm not going to let him lose to some jerkface. So stop being a Negative Nancy, go upstairs and tell our clueless Ghost Boy you like him."
Sam smiled, feeling more confident than she felt in a long time. "Thanks," she said quietly. Tucker smiled, not looking away from the screen and waved her off. She stood up, walked a few steps towards the staircase before stopping. She turned back to Tucker with an eyebrow raised. "Did you just say 'Negative Nancy?' What are you… 80?"
Tucker grimaced. "Shut up," he said, embarrassed. "I said what I said."
Sam chuckled a bit, turning, and came face to face with Clockwork. "Whoa!" she said, taking a few steps back. Tucker looked up at the pair, turning to face the mysterious time ghost with a small frown. "Clockwork! Is Danny still upstairs?"
Clockwork's red eyes looked over the human carefully, his face emotionless as ever as he floated toward the ground. "No," he said simply. Suddenly, he sighed. "I'm being summoned," he said, a hint of disdain and promptly vanished.
Sam and Tucker looked at each other in confusion as the world continued around them.
Green light illuminated Danny's face as he flew through Amity Park. He sighed, looking down toward the town; it had taken a lot for his parents to convince Vlad that the town was in danger and had agreed to up security. Now to add some more he thought as he continued to fly into the outskirts of Amity and into Elmerton, just under the shield.
There are only three possible outcomes here – only one of them is favourable.
Danny frowned as Clockwork's words came across his mind once again. It wasn't like he expected anything different; he knew that this battle would be difficult. He was literally his own worst enemy – powers, strategies everything. Well, almost everything. He shivered slightly as he remembered the coldness of Dan's voice threatening him. If there were three outcomes there had to be one of Dan winning. The jerk could take him out; in fact, he almost did a couple times already. There was also a possibility of him defeating Dan – though with the shield around the town and time energy attacking his core, that was looking pretty slim. Resignation filled the teen as he mulled over the last possible option before he shook his head; right now he had to focus.
Green eyes scanned the apartments below as he attempted to find the right building. Valerie's apartment should be around here somewhere. Danny landed onto the roof of the nearest building, crossing his arms in thought as he tried to remember her address. Without warning, blue sparks of energy coursed through him. Surprised, Danny let out a sharp groan of pain as he fell onto his knees, curling into himself. "Really?" he asked, annoyed as more time energy moved through his body.
The last time he had seen Valerie was the funeral. Why did she get to be so free? Why was it his burden? The hunter would pay; If his family was gone, maybe hers should follow.
Danny gasped as the vision left him, feeling ill as he tried to let the vision pass. He breathed hard, putting one hand out to steady himself as he felt more electricity come to the surface. "Not now," he said, pushing back against it. His core responded, flaring slightly as the energy started to dissipate. A few minutes later and Danny was left panting on the rooftop. "Still… not loving this," he grunted, finally regaining his bearings.
A whine of an ecto-gun from his right made him stiffen on instinct before he sighed heavily. His body relaxed slightly, feeling slightly more in control as he still knelt on the rooftop. "Hello Valerie," he said softly, not looking in her direction.
"Phantom," Valerie replied curtly, as she stopped the charging weapon. She floated in full ghost hunting gear, the red and black sled bobbing up and down in the wind. She put the gun in her holster, flying down to the rooftop and retracted her sled. The ghost in front of her still held his position on the ground, making her frown in confusion. "We've been looking for you."
Danny's head whipped up, looking at her through tired, confused eyes. "We?" he asked.
Valerie crossed her arms and cocked her hip. "Yo kid!" she yelled. "I found him!"
A grey and black blur flew upward toward them, landing next to Valerie gracefully. "Danny!" Danielle yelled, running over to her cousin quickly. "You're okay!" She threw her arms around the stunned boy in a large hug.
"Dani!" Danny exclaimed, standing slowly as the girl released him from the hug. Danny frowned worriedly as he looked between Danielle and Valerie. "What are you doing here? Are you okay?"
Valerie rolled her eyes, annoyed. "She's fine, I didn't hurt her," Valerie told him evenly. Dani frowned as she looked between the hunter and her cousin. "She got stuck here when you put up this stupid shield. She's staying at my place to avoid Plasmius."
Danny's eyes widened slightly, still frowning as he looked Danielle over. "How long have you been here?"
Danielle shrugged. "Almost a week," she said nonchalantly. Before Danny could protest, she pressed on. "Are you okay? We saw your fight on the T.V. yesterday. Who was that ghost? Why did you put the shield up? Who were the ghosts that helped you?"
Danny sighed tiredly, crossing his arms. He looked over at Valerie, who was surprisingly content to observe them. "I've been better," he told them cryptically. Valerie shifted and Danny saw her eyes move up and down, assessing him for any lies he may tell. "Had another run in with him last night too." Danny put a hand on Danielle's shoulder. "I'm glad you're here – honestly we could use the extra fire power." The younger girl beamed at him.
"Who's attacking the town?" Valerie asked bluntly, causing both ghosts to turn back to her.
Danny's face darkened. "A really long story," he replied. He caught Valerie's eye as the two teens stared at each other. Danny broke their gaze first, staring up at the shield. "He'll attack again tomorrow and I don't think this shield will last much longer."
Both Valerie and Danielle looked at him worriedly. "Danny, what are you talking about?" Danielle asked, confused. "The shield's been up for days! There's no way it'll break that easy."
Danny ignored her, looking directly at Valerie. "I need your help," he admitted. Valerie looked at him questioningly. "This ghost is something you have never faced before and will not hesitate to take out the town. If my shield goes, for whatever reason, I need you to protect it."
"I always protect the town," Valerie replied with a huff, looking away. Danielle looked at her quizzically, remaining silent as she looked between Danny and her new friend.
Danny sighed. "Valerie," he started, getting her attention again. "Regardless of what you think I am, Dan is much, much worse."
Valerie laughed. "Dan?" she asked. "Really? There are more of you named Danny Phantom?"
"Hey!" Danielle exclaimed indignantly. "I didn't ask for this name! Besides, I like it!"
Danny brought a gloved hand to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying not to lose his temper. "We don't have time for this," he told her urgently. His hand hands flew outward, moving quickly as he tried to press on. "If my shield goes down tomorrow, take whatever weapons you have, and defend Amity Park. You need to destroy him; take him down with whatever means necessary."
Danielle gasped as Valerie looked at him with wide eyes. Phantom never destroyed a ghost in a fight – Valerie had been stopped by him multiple times for trying to do just that. The fact that he was here, almost begging her to do just that was a testament of how desperate he must be. They were silent for a long time, Danny's words weighing heavily. The ghost boy looked away from the two teens in front of him, while all three tried to figure out what to say next. It was Valerie who broke the silence.
"Where will you be?"
Danny laughed darkly at the question. "It doesn't really matter where I'll be," he said bitterly. "If that shield goes down, it means I failed."
Both girls gasped at his tone. "Danny, no!" Danielle cried, grabbing him around the middle. Danny looked at her, surprised. "Let me go with you!"
Danny smiled gently at his cousin and knelt beside her. "It'll be okay," he said reassuringly, hugging her back. "I need you here – Amity Park needs one Phantom that can kick ghost butt." He heard her laugh into his shoulder. Pulling away, he put his hands on her shoulders. "The Fentons are working on a shield to keep Dan out; you should be safe because they have your exact ecto-signature from the last time you were here. If my shield goes down, their shield will go up. I'm not alone in this." He looked at Valerie once more before looking to his young counterpart. "Stick with Valerie. She'll protect you."
Danny stood again, patting Danielle on the shoulder affectionately. Green met green as Danny locked eyes with Valerie once again, the latter finally realizing the gravity of the situation. "Hey Dani," she called. "Can you give us a minute?" Danielle glanced at both older teens apprehensively, Danny giving her a small nod of approval before she agreed.
Valerie waited until she felt Dani was far enough away before she addressed the boy in front of her. "You were right," she said directly. Danny's eyebrows rose in confusion. "About Vlad – I went back after I released you that night… he really is Plasmius huh?"
Danny observed Valerie carefully before letting out a long breath. He didn't look her in the eye. "Does he know?"
Valerie shook her head. "If he does, he hasn't come after me," she told him. Danny's shoulders relaxed slightly but said nothing. "You've worked with Plasmius before, haven't you?" Danny nodded. "Are you going to him next?"
Danny's arm found the back of his neck awkwardly. "Unfortunately," he said. "Vlad might be an insane mastermind, but he is mayor of the town and powerful to boot. The Fentons have already reached out to create a security plan – I'm headed there to ask him to defend the town too. I doubt he would give up a chance to be the 'Saviour of Amity Park.'"
Valerie took off her helmet, her long hair dropping to her waist as she regarded the ghost in front of her. Neither teen spoke for a few moments, just staring at each other from across the rooftop. "I've seen that look in your eye before," she said softly. Danny looked at her, confused. "During the Ghost King attack - you took my mask off in front of my Dad. Back then, I thought you wanted me out of the way to trick the town. I went looking for you afterwards, to kick your ghost butt back to the Ghost Zone… but you were gone for almost a week afterwards." The two teens locked eyes again. "You're going to face this…Dan, aren't you? Just like the Ghost King." Valerie shifted her tone into an accusation. "You're not here for another team up, you're here in case that ghost wastes you."
They stood in silence for a few minutes after that, before Danny wordlessly nodded. The dark skinned girl was taken aback by his honesty, how much older and tired he looked in that moment. He was injured, almost begging for her help. Snow white hair moved softly in the wind, making his green eyes spark with determination through whatever he must be going through. He was the reason she became a ghost hunter and vowed to destroy... willing to risk his afterlife for a town of humans. She didn't understand –couldn't understand - but regarded him with determined eyes anyway.
"Okay Phantom," she assured. "I'll protect Amity Park and Dani from anyone who wants to hurt them. If that shield goes down, I'll go after this Dan with whatever I got."
Danny's entire body relaxed as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Valerie observed him carefully as he masked any uncertainty he must feel in her presence. "Be ready," he told her before teleporting away.
Valerie stood tall as she scanned the shield around the town. The mantle was passed – all she had to do was wait. It wasn't until Danielle came back to the rooftop and asked her what's wrong that she realised she was crying.
Clockwork sighed heavily as he watched many Observants fly off in different directions. He moved slowly, hovering feebly as he made his way inside of the Observant Tribunal Headquarters. As he entered, many more Observants flew about, often yelling about the 'end of the world.'
"Clockwork! There you are!"
The Time Master sighed again as an Observant came into view. The large eyeball seemed to be more accentuated by the deep black collar of his robe. Clockwork kept his staff on the ground, holding himself in place as the Observant came toward him.
"Is there any news?" the Observant asked desperately.
"As I have told you the previous seven times you've summoned me here – no," Clockwork replied firmly. "There has been no change to the time stream, nor the events that are to come."
"Are you sure Clockwork?"
Clockwork scoffed irritably. "If I could see past a paradox, believe me, I would have told you by now." He gestured to his appearance. "Or at least make myself younger – these trips are becoming tiresome."
The Obersvant's eye narrowed. "Your powers are fading – just like ours." When Clockwork didn't respond, the Observant continued. "So this is truly the end of time? The boy will lose and Dan Phantom will rule the world once more?"
Red eyes rolled in exasperation. "How are you so sure he'll lose?" Clockwork asked, ignoring the question. "He's beaten him before."
"Because of your interference!" the Observant snapped. "Even you can't stop a paradox Clockwork! Once these two face off, your powers will be locked until it is all over."
Clockwork turned his back toward the Observant. "I know my role during a paradox," Clockwork said dangerously. "The next twenty four hours will determine the pathways to the future. Will the Observants face the future head on or run away like the cowards they are?" Clockwork looked up at the Observants flying frantically in every direction. "How many times have you all asked me to intervene to save the timeline? How many times I've refused? You have no right to lecture me when I only interfered because the Observants asked." Clockwork pressed a button on his staff, engulfing him in a blue light. "I will be there when Time recovers, as I have been for centuries – regardless of what happens in this paradox."
The Observant scoffed at Clockwork's tone. "Your fondness of the boy has clouded your judgement," he accused.
Clockwork's red eyes narrowed as he looked back toward the Observant. "My fondness has done nothing," he replied coldly. "Danny Phantom will face his future self once more and once it is all over, I will return to my duty as the Master of Time, regardless of the outcome. You, however, will continue to be blinded by your fear and hatred." Clockwork looked up at the frantic ghosts one last time in disdain before he disappeared.
Dan's eyes were closed as he felt more shadows appear in front of Amity Park. His army was growing, made more powerful by his undeniable rage he felt for his younger self. How has the boy scraped by so easily, Dan thought angrily, eyes opening as he flew upward. He could see the shadows at the shield, ready to attack once he gave the signal.
The boy still had twelve hours left before they attacked. He observed the shield calculatingly, trying to find a weak point to destroy any pitiful resistance that the humans of Amity Park would attempt.
Danny will rue the day he locked me in that infernal thermos.
As he touched down in the Mayor's office, Danny grabbed hold of the closest solid object he could find and doubled over, gasping. His vision swam slightly, vaguely seeing a mass of ghosts attacking the shield as he tried to desperately focus on the task at hand. He felt the sparks of electricity run through his body again, grimacing at the now common event.
"It's about time, Daniel," the annoyed voice of Vlad Masters brought him into focus. Vlad turned at his desk, glaring at the young ghost. "Now, care to tell me what the hell is going on?" Danny said nothing, not quite catching his breath. He fell onto his knees, transforming back into Danny Fenton in the process. Vlad's face shifted from annoyed to concerned quickly, standing up slowly as he regarded the boy in front of him. Danny blinked rapidly, shaking his head as if he was trying to focus, panting from exertion. Vlad could sense the exhaustion the boy felt from where he stood, and sighed heavily. The man walked over to the wall and turning his hand intangible, he stuck it through, pressing a button. In an instant, the wall parted, revealing a steel blue safe. Vlad opened it and pulled out a small black pouch with Phantom's logo on it.
Finally making his way over to the teen, Vlad knelt in front of Danny. "Here," he said gently, helping the boy into the armchair that he was currently gripping for dear life. Once seated, Danny deflated slightly, finally starting to calm down.
"Vlad?" Danny asked, confused.
Vlad frowned as he watched Danny closely; the young half-ghost's breathing finally became normal, but was still quite weary. "Daniel," Vlad said softly. "You've had the shield up for four days now. It's exhausting your core; if you keep this up –"
"I know," Danny said, cutting him off. "But I need to keep them out."
Vlad's frown deepened at the boy's insistence. "What's going on?" Vlad pressed again.
Danny sighed heavily. "Apart from an evil version of me from the future trying to kill everyone I care about and the end of time?"
Vlad blinked, nonplussed, before regaining his thoughts. "You mean to tell me that the evil ghost that's been causing havoc both here and the ghost zone is you? Goody two-shoes Danny Phantom?" he asked incredulously.
"It's a long story," Danny replied ominously, looking away. "A lot had happened."
"Really? Did someone steal your thermos?" Vlad asked sarcastically.
Danny's head whipped forward and glared at the man in annoyance. "More like an explosion killed my friends and family, got sent to live with my cheesehead arch-enemy, asked you to rip out my ghost half who went crazy and merged with your ghost half and destroyed the world," he told the older man darkly.
Vlad blinked as the boy's words sank in, leaving a small silence in its wake. "And you know this how exactly?"
"The Master of Time?" Vlad asked incredulously. "You do get around, don't you."
Danny ignored him. "I stopped him once," he continued. "In an alternate timeline. But he exists out of the time stream-"
"Creating a paradox?" Vlad surmised. Danny nodded. "How far in the future are we talking here?"
"10 years."
"Meaning he also had my powers for 30 years," Vlad mused. He looked at his rival young again, noting how rigid the boy was in front of him. "How did you beat him last time?"
Danny looked away slightly, avoiding the question. "Vlad…" the younger half ghost gripped the arms of the chair harshly. "If the shield goes down… I need you to protect the town."
"Daniel?" Vlad was worried at the sudden shift in tone. Steely blue eyes watched as Danny shifted tiredly, grimacing at some unseen force wracked his small frame.
"Promise me," Danny said, looking at the older hybrid desperately. "He'll go after my parents, Jazz, Sam, Tucker. If I'm not strong enough-"
"Not strong enough? Daniel what on earth-" Vlad stopped, wide eyed as he realized what this was. "Daniel, no - I don't care what infernal complex you may have, but facing that ghost the way you are now? That's suicide."
"It's the only way," Danny said softly, shaking his head. Vlad scoffed at his tone. "Vlad, he basically has my ecto-signature. There can't be two of us in one time stream. The only way time can move forward again is if I face him."
"Alone?" Vlad sneered. "Contrary to what you believe little badger, the world does not rest on your shoulders."
"Vlad," Danny started, letting out a large breath. "He has an army – look at me. You and I both know I have no chance alone. Mom and Dad have a plan, so all I need to figure out is to get past to face him - just to make the time lines restart. When that happens, hopefully we'll figure out how to destroy him once and for all."
Vlad raised an eyebrow, questioningly. "We? Are you asking for my help?"
"Dammit Plasmius!" Danny exclaimed, stunning the billionaire at the outburst. Vlad took a few steps back at the sudden volume. "You think I want this? You think I like knowing there's an evil version of me waiting to destroy my friends and family and me? You think I wanted to come here today to beg you to save my family?" Danny's eyes lit up green in frustration. "Fine! I'm begging you, please: When my shield falls; protect my family and friends okay? Happy?! Do what you can to destroy him. You hear me? Whatever it takes."
They sat in stunned silence for a few moments, Danny's chest heaving from his outburst as he started to calm down.
Vlad recovered first, swallowing slightly.
"You said when," he said quietly. Danny looked away from the man. "Danny, you said when your shield falls. Not if." Danny stayed quiet, confirming Vlad's suspicions. The white haired man sighed, resigned to the boy's decision. "You have my word."
Danny deflated, nodding in acceptance. A heavy silence enveloped the room, neither half-ghost speaking. Vlad moved tentatively toward Danny, kneeling next to the boy once more. "Here," Vlad told him. He offered the small pouch he took from the safe to the teen. "I had these created after our run in with the Ghost King."
"What are they?"
"I call them Ecto-Enhancers," Vlad explained. "Think of them like an energy drink." He unzipped them and showed the teen three syringes, all glowing neon green. "They'll give your powers a bit of an extra boost when you're exhausted or hurt. It'll give your body a chance to recover if you're using a lot of energy. Only use them for extreme circumstances; use one every few hours." Danny nodded, taking the pouch. Vlad stood up, turning his back to the teen. Silence descended on the pair once more for a few minutes before Vlad broke it. "Daniel…" he started, before sighing, shaking his head. "Are you sure about this? Facing him?"
"Not like I have a choice," Danny mumbled. Vlad heard the teen grunt behind him. He turned to see to boy standing. "I should get going. Thanks for the Ecto-Enhancers."
"Danny wait," Vlad said, stopping the younger halfa in his tracks. They stared at each other for a second, neither speaking. There was so much Vlad wanted to say to the boy; they were so similar and yet so different. Eventually, Vlad broke the silence with a sigh. "Be careful."
A look of confusion washed across Danny's face briefly before it changed into a sad, guarded mask. Vlad saw it now; Danny's reserved acceptance of his fate, the understanding that he'll probably never make it out of whatever disaster awaits him. A small nod was all Vlad got as Danny transformed and flew out of the office.
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redhoodedwolf · 4 years
A Week-ish of Sterek Fics
Hello all! So I recently accidentally fell back into my AO3 bookmarks and have fallen down a rabbit (fox? eh?) hole that leaves me entirely unproductive and sleep deprived but full of feels, so I thought I’d share all of the fics that I’ve rerereread thus far in the last week (it’s over 75 guys) (since friday 😬). Each has the fic name and description, length, and year pub/finished because it makes me feel old. Also all of these are complete because I am weak and cannot handle WIPs. 
Note: I’m not adding any tags to the descriptions, so make sure to read the tags and ratings on each fic first before reading!!!
Teaching Derek How to Text (and Other Shenanigans) by neilwrites | 9K  | 2018
yo derek Who’s dying
I see your 'Derek doesn't have a phone' line and raise you 'Derek has a phone, he and Stiles text all the fucking time.'
The Hoodie by ladiekatie | 1.7K | 2017
“You shouldn’t be able to see me. What are you?” The guy in the hoodie says, the ball of energy grows hotter under Derek’s chin.
or the one where Derek is just trying to talk to the guy at the back of the subway.
Nothing You Could Say by SylvieW | 13K | 2016
Stiles’ second year of college is not working out as he planned. He rarely sees Scott, his job is exhausting, and to get home after his shift, he has to walk at three in the morning. Nearly getting mugged is the icing on the cake, but luckily a gruff stranger is there to rescue him. But now Stiles can’t seem to shake the feeling that he’s not alone in the dark.
Old Traditions, Werewolf Edition by Footloose | 3.6K | 2014
Stiles does not work his Omega ass off to attract frat boy Alphas. Absolutely not. He's at college to get his degree. If he's crushing on an Alpha who never crosses the lines of propriety, well, no one needs to know, right?
Stiles Stilinski, Boyfriend Extraordinaire by MereLoup | 14K | 2016
“Beacon County Sheriff's Department, this is deputy Mahealani speaking.”
“Oh thank god!”
“I, uh, I need some advice.”
“Yeah. So, hypothetically, say you met your boyfriend’s mother and sister for the first time ever. Completely by accident. In the grocery store. And they convinced you to help them make a dinner to surprise aforementioned boyfriend when he got home after work. What would you do?”
Danny paused, and then, “Stiles, you don’t have a boyfriend.”
“That’s not the point! And I said hypothetically.”
“Stiles...what are you doing right now?”
Stiles never imagined he’d be in Derek’s kitchen cooking a surprise dinner with Derek’s family while they waited for Derek to get home from work.
Partly because their visit was a complete surprise.
But mostly because Stiles didn’t have a boyfriend.
Or even know who Derek was.
But he’d already come this far and Papa didn’t raise no quitter!
third time's the charm by stilinski | 4.9K | 2016
 Sure, Stiles has a mark on his chest that belies the depth of his feelings, but it's not something anyone can see unless he decides to show it, or unless werewolves suddenly have x-ray vision.
 Which—worrying. And probably-definitely-likely a possibility – if it was to manifest anywhere, Beacon Hills would be top of the list.
 Stiles almost turns around there and then to ask Scott how his visual acuity is but is stopped by the teenager at the register finally looking up long enough to spot Derek. Stiles watches her mouth fall open and her expression—studiously blank but with a faint flush rising in her cheeks—is one Stiles knows far too well, particularly when faced with Derek in all his snug-fitting-jeans, v-neck-wearing, canvas-jacketed glory.
 Stiles is pretty sure he invented that expression.
Ukochany by VincentMeoblinn| 34K | 2016
Derek comes home to find a mail order husband and two amused betas waiting for him. When he realizes their prank was far from harmless he ends up saddled with a husband who barely speaks English but insists Derek is the love of his life. He's also determined to win him over.
only if for a night by stilinskisparkles | 3.2K | 2016
“I’m Stiles,” he says breathlessly.
“Derek, hi, do you—”
Derek doesn’t let him finish, kisses the words right out of his mouth.
Hypothetically by alisvolatpropiis | 6.6K | 2015
Stiles holds his hand up to shield his eyes from the sinking sun, its orange-yellow light reflected infinitely across the vast, calm ocean. As utterly stunning as the sunset over the Pacific is, especially while floating leisurely on a surfboard a few hundred feet from shore, it’s a mere backdrop that pales in comparison to who he’s looking at.
Derek Hale, whose eyes are their own oceans that Stiles feels like he’s been floating on since the first time they met. The older man’s eyes are as ever-changing and colorful as the sea they’ve spent the day on, a palette of greens and blues filigreed with gold around the pupils. And if that weren’t enough, the rest of Derek is also transcendentally exquisite: high, arching cheekbones and a chiseled jaw, although that particular perfection is a bit obscured these days by his ever-thickening beard, night-black like his hair, nearly shoulder-length but almost always knotted in a messy bun at the crown of his head.
sincerely, derek by stilinskisparkles | 8.1K | 2016
September, 2009
Hi Stiles, it’s Derek. Derek Hale, from space camp. I’m writing this in English because my teacher Ms Grady said I had to write about my summer, but I spent my summer with you, so I decided to write to you, instead.
Please write back. Love from Derek.
Pancakes and Murder by Amethyst Shard (AmethystShard) | 14K | 2012
Stiles' life has been a roller-coaster filled with awesome highs and terrifying drops ever since his best friend Scott got bit by a werewolf. The ride hits a bump when a dead body turns up at the Hale house (again) and Derek's only alibi is Stiles. Which would be fine, except that Stiles' dad is the sheriff and has no idea his son has been hanging out with the former fugitive. Awkward.
The Witching Hour by MellytheHun | 8.2K | 2016
The radio host AU no one ever asked for but I have written anyway because sometimes when DJ’s play several sad songs in a row, I worry about their mental health and then this AU was born
Derek Hale, The Hero Beacon Hills Needs (Series) by MellytheHun | 11K | 4 Works | 2016
This series started with this Tumblr prompt, "it’s the middle of the night and i’m walking home alone in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s starting to gain on me and i found this phone booth with a lock on the door and i tried to call my best friend but my hands were shaking so badly i accidentally dialed the wrong number and i don’t even know you but help me” au
Stiles is walking home when he's stalked by a dangerous stranger and an even more dangerous stranger comes to his rescue.
Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill | 32K | 2013
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
You are the Moon by skoosiepants | 10K | 2012
Stuff Stiles doesn’t like to deal with first thing: hot, moist dog breath in his face, a cuddly werewolf creepifying his perfectly normal morning wood with shades of bestiality, and his dad holding his service revolver up against the skull of his bedmate, never mind the fact that his bedmate could possibly be a vicious unhinged rogue omega.
Baby, you should stick around by ElisAttack | 9.5K | 2016
Derek's driving along a stretch of highway when an unusual sight makes him slow down, the engine of his old pickup rattling in protest.
There's a kid standing by the side of the road.
It's the middle of nowhere, the goddamn apocalypse, and this kid is standing by the side of the road with his thumb pointed skyward. Like he's playing at being a hitchhiker.
Or the one where Stiles thinks he's all alone in a post-apocalyptic world, until he meets Derek.
Don’t Be Anything But Okay by skoosiepants | 4.8K | 2016
“Oh my god.”
Ben pops open the car door and says, “Please don’t embarrass me, Dad.”
Stiles flaps a hand, still staring at the magnificent sight before him. There are glistening arm muscles and a sweaty tank top and then the vision bends over and holy god. He has to look away; it’s too much to take in all at once, he might swoon.
Stiles has a teenager and Derek has a plant nursery.
covalent bonds (Series) by HalfFizzbin | 9.2K | 3 Works | 2015
Derek's a hot nerd. Stiles is a nerdy jock. A LOVE STORY FOR THE AGES.
Disappear Here by AgnesBlue | 28K | 2016
Stiles was quiet. “What?” Derek said again. “My first heat is coming up soon,” Stiles said at last. Derek closed his eyes, disinterested. He knew where Stiles was going with this. “I was thinking…hoping, really,” Stiles said. “Maybe you could stay with me during that time.”
AU in which wounded in a fire that killed off his entire family, Derek wants nothing more than to be left alone as he finishes off his senior year in high school. That all changes when omega Stiles Stilinski asks him to help him through his first heat.
Money Isn't Everything by TroubleIWant | 6.3K | 2015
Stiles slurps at the dregs of his iced hazelnut latté, pretending he doesn’t need a refill just yet. Supporting your local business is great and all, but Isaac charging $5 for a coffee with syrup is highway robbery. He’s already cut his expenses down to the bare minimum, and splurging for foofy drinks is not in the budget. Except that he can’t really help himself: black coffee is plain gross. Maybe I should plan on marrying rich, he thinks darkly.
Stiles has a huge crush on the super-hot guy he always sees at Isaac's coffee shop, but when he finds out that they guy's an unemployed orphan he has to decide if the difference in their financial situations is a deal-breaker, or just a bump on the path to true love.
So Shed Your Skin and Lets Get Started by halfhardtorock | 21K | 2014
He's sixteen and in the woods on the wrong side of the town-line and he's so fucking fucked.
He knows he's not supposed to run, they teach that to you in preschool (don't run from a Were, back away slowly and walk with care), but they never told you how it would feel, standing alone in the dark with your heart beating in your throat as those glowing eyes tracked you from the shadows.
you and me (and my best friend) by trilliastra | 1.5K | 2016
“Come on, I shouldn’t be the only one having orgasms. Let me help you out.”
“Uh –” someone clears their throat and Derek jumps, startled, hits his elbow on the wall and curses, “am I interrupting something?” Stiles asks, cheeks red.
Derek looks up, sighing. Of all the people working in this damn school, Stiles had to be the one to catch him and Erica talking about sex. It’s just Derek’s luck. He spills juice on his pants? Stiles walks into the classroom; Laura starts yelling at him about something that happened when they were kids? Stiles is right behind them, waiting for his coffee; Boyd accidentally throws a ball at his face? Stiles is at the E.R. when Derek gets there with a swollen face and a broken nose.
The universe hates him.
Easy Alpha by interropunct | 4.6K | 2012
Easy A/Teen Wolf AU. Wherein, Derek Hale is the high school hussy, Jackson and Scott really need to learn to use their inside voices. And, contrary to popular belief, everyone is still a virgin.
Body Language by LadyMerlin | 2.3K | 2016
In an alternate universe, soulmates exist, and they can communicate with each other by writing on their own skin.
The catch? No one knows their soulmates' name. It could literally be anyone under the sun, and Stiles just doesn't have that kind of patience.
chantes une nouvelle chanson pour moi by pr1nc3ssp34ch (dallisons) | 13K | 2013
Stiles Stilinski has been at Hogwarts since his first year, okay. That's six years of experience. He knows how Hogwarts works, how it operates. He's not quite an expert or anything, but he's pretty damn sure he knows this school.
So why the hell have they waited like a million years to start taking transfer students?
And why is he the only one who can't get a French date?
C’était Salement Romantique by Swing Set in December (swing_set13) | 2.2K | 2015
The Triwizard tournament is really about fostering wizarding relations. Ask anyone. Just not Stiles, he’s busy French kissing Derek.
Hogwarts really should teach some linguistic classes.
The Long Way Home by MyChemicalRachel | 19K | 2016
Stiles didn’t plan to sleep with his best friend’s dad. It just kind of happened. And then it happened again. And again. And again…
All that once was, remains. by countrygirlsfun | 8.8K | 2016
Life is only a long list of constants.
Being a part of a royal family, being a prince, has been a constant in Derek Hale’s life since he was born and swaddled in silk cloths.
Wherein Derek finds himself in love with a stable boy who is more than he seems.
Driver's Education by arrowofcarnations | 9.2K | 2014
This is the moment he realizes he can never have Derek Hale – that he was stupid to ever think he could. Maybe their moms made them hang out when they were little and maybe they’ve managed to get along these past few weeks, but they’re too different. Derek’s cool, he plays a million sports, he drives a Camaro, he’s friends with Jackson. Stiles doesn’t fit into the equation and he never will.
Letters by ericaismeg | 8.9K | 2014
“Stiles, this is getting ridiculous. Can you please do something about it?” Lydia demands. “Do anything. I don’t care. Go up and kiss him, ask him to prom this year, write him secret admirer love letters, whatever. Just do something.”
OR: The one where Lydia sets up an email account for Stiles to "confess his love" for Derek. And as fate would have it, they also end up becoming friends in person at the same time.
We're One of a Kind (Like Dip Da Dip Da Dip Do Whap De Dobby Do) by orphan_account | 3.5K | 2012
Derek is your classic greaser—with a leather jacket, a hot rod, a hot bike, and a duck butt. Genim “Stiles” Stilinski a total fream—he’s too cool to be a poindexter but he’s so far from a cat that Derek almost feels bad for him. All that’s missing in this love story is some oddly perfectly timed musical numbers.
do it for our country  by HalfFizzbin | 936 | 2012
In which Derek tries to play it cool but Stiles is totally hep to his jive.
Fast Times At Clairemont High by MonsieurBlueSky (MyChemicalRachel) | 6.9K | 2016
Stiles is stoked when he's chosen for an undercover operation to take down a drug ring. He's less stoked when he discovers that he'll be posing as a seventeen year old student at the High School where Derek teaches.
It's Too Early For This by thepsychicclam | 4.9K | 2016
Derek loves his job at the coffee shop, especially because Stiles comes in for coffee before early Saturday morning lacrosse practices. The problem is that Derek is too shy to do anything about his crush, and the situation is not helped by the rivalry between the basketball and lacrosse teams.
A Tentative Truce by Inell | 8.5K | 2016
Stiles and Derek have a long standing rivalry that has extended beyond the Beacon Hills High School theater department to every other area of their high school lives. With the announcement of the winter production, their competitiveness has to be set to the side so the musical can be successful. With a tentative truce in place, Stiles unable to ignore his growing infatuation for his co-star.
we keep living anyway by bistiles (alis) | 10K | 2015
“Oh, damn, my manners. What an example I’m setting, am I right? I’m Stiles Stilinski, but call me Stiles, please,” Stilinski extended his hand for Derek to shake, and Derek took it, feeling the solid grip and the long fingers around his own hand. For some reason, he blushed on the spot.
“Derek. Derek Hale. Call me just Derek,” He answered, still holding Stiles’ hand in his.
By the look on Stiles’ face, he felt much the same as what Derek was feeling, whatever that unnamed reaction was.
“And this little barnacle attached to me,” Stiles continued, letting go of Derek and flushing pink, “is Leigh.”
Stiles is struggling to raise his only child all alone, while dealing with financial problems, a new job, and Adrian Harris, the worst boss in the world.
But then he meets Derek Hale, a dreamy co-workers, and what is a terrible situation becomes considerably less grim, when he has Derek by his side.
Don't Judge a Derek By His Cover by captaintinymite (augopher) | 4.5K | 2015
Stiles doesn't care about the rumors surrounding Beacon Hills High School's resident bad boy, Derek Hale. In fact, he thinks the rumors are total crap. Of course, being secretly in love with someone has a way of clouding one's judgment.
However, he knew for a fact that Derek liked books. So when the two paired up for a final English project, he was excited (but also a little terrified).
But you know what they say...never judge a book by its cover. The same goes for people.
sometimes fate is like a small snowstorm by thepsychicclam | 8.1K | 2014
In a coffee shop two days before Christmas, Derek meets Stiles. Despite neither of them being interested in relationships, they spend an unforgettable evening together, but then part ways. During the following years, Stiles competes in the Olympics, Derek tours the world - and neither of them forget. Then twelve years later, two days before Christmas, Derek finds Stiles in that same coffee shop.
aka a kinda sorta serendipity au
should the pillars of memory topple out of my reach by bleep0bleep | 4.3K | 2015
If Stiles didn’t know any better he’d say that look in Derek's eyes is adoring, but he does know better, and also amnesiac Derek thinks they’re married. Which is the only fact he hasn’t questioned so far, which is the weirdest thing.
Just High School by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 4.5K | 2015
Derek and Stiles have been dating for some time.
The only thing is, nobody else really knows.
Tis The Season Baristas Fear The Most by stilinskisparkles | 5.4K | 2012
Scott is hands down the worst barista Derek has ever hired. But it's Christmas and apparently that means something to some people.
Mind Reading Can Be Such a Pain in the A** (Series) by Fanhag102 | 21K | 2 Works | 2015
Derek Hale can read minds. If he could have chosen a mutant power for himself instead of being given one by random, genetic happenstance it's safe to say mind-reading would not have been his 1st, 2nd, or even 96th choice.
Maybe if he'd gotten the power of invisibility he wouldn't be sitting in a senior Economics class next to a hyperactive kid with a buzz cut who won’t stop thinking about dicks.
A Criminal and His Lucky Charm by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 5.9K | 2015
Please forgive yourself.
For what?
For allowing yourself to let someone in. For letting me love you. I didn’t deserve it, but that wasn’t your fault. Derek, please, just do it. Please— please don’t drag this out.
Derek Hale valued Stiles above everyone—everything. And Stiles betrayed that. In the end, he figured if he had to die, dying in Derek’s arms wasn’t so bad. He could at least have that.
the things you said when we were the happiest we’ve ever been by foxerica (ericaismeg) | 4.8K | 2015
Derek and Stiles meet again at their high school reunion.
From Dirty Paws by Surreal | 9.9K | 2014
Stiles finds a wolf in the woods. Well, it's more like the wolf finds him. Either way, he's happy to have a new friend in his otherwise boring social circle.
flawless by bibliosexual | 4.9K | 2015
“I know you and I are, like, werewolf-married, but dude, if I ever met Lydia Martin in person . . . All bets are off, is all I'm saying."
It's not like Stiles really means it (does he?), but it still makes Derek’s hands clench into claws on the steering wheel.
"Yeah, if," he says, and keeps his eyes on the road.
Those Hidden Places by Mimiminaj | 18K | 2015
He doesn’t belong here.
It’s the first thought that crosses Derek’s mind as he watches the new inmates spill into the cafeteria. The kid stays close to the wall, eyes scanning all the exits and skimming over the tables. If he’s trying to get a barring for his surroundings he’s doing a shit job of it, something made completely evident as Lewis shoulders him from behind and the kid almost jumps to flatten himself against the wall.
Stiles is the new inmate at Derek's prison. He really didn't expect to fall in love with the mouthy little brat.
Baseball Pants by thatfamoushappyending (betsytheoven) | 2.8K | 2015
Scott shows Stiles a picture of the new pitcher for the Dodgers, and Stiles is suddenly an avid Dodgers fan.
While You Were(n't Quite) Sleeping by mikkimouse | 13K | 2015
Scott’s mom, Melissa, had given Stiles the basics on Derek’s condition when he’d first come over here a month ago. Derek had been here six years, the only survivor of a horrific house fire that had killed the rest of his family. It had left him burned, half his face puckered with scars, and he’d been in a catatonic state the entire time. Stiles couldn’t even begin to imagine how awful that would be, being trapped in your own body for years on end, all alone.
Stiles had an inkling of how much being alone sucked, anyway.
(An AU in which Derek is the one who was trapped in the fire, and then in the hospital, based on a set of pictures from littlecofiegirl.)
dhale25 by ericaismeg | 8.1K | 2014
Derek Hale is an actor in Los Angeles, Stiles is a fanboy in Toronto. When Derek posts his Snap Chat username on Twitter, inviting people to add him, Stiles gets brave and adds him.
They develop a snapping relationship, and it gets intense.
I Settle for Long Distance Calls by iamursforevrmre | 4.3K | 2014
Derek is the guy who Stiles met on some random band page on MySpace because Derek made a ridiculously hilarious comment and with a spurt of confidence, Stiles had messaged him to tell him just how hilarious it was and they got to talking. Derek is the guy that made a FaceBook account just to talk to Stiles on the messenger so they could talk more when MySpace was slowly dying out. Derek is the guy that changed his text message plan to unlimited when he finally sent Stiles his cell phone number. Derek is the guy that has been on the phone with Stiles at any and all hours through the day.
And Derek is the guy that Stiles is in love with.
You look like my next mistake by Vendelin | 15K | 2015
“So, are you dating someone new? Someone who doesn’t mind that you’re frigid?” Kate cocks her head to the side, smiling as though she just asked him about where he bought his shoes.
His entire body sighs in defeat as his shoulders grow square. Just as he opens his mouth, someone comes up to stand beside him, snaking an arm around his shoulders. When he glances to his side, expecting to see Isaac, his brain seems to malfunction. Because it isn’t Isaac. It’s Stiles Stilinski, the lacrosse talent of the year, a senior who Derek has seen multiple times from far away, but never ever talked to.
In which Derek is a nerd jock, and Stiles is a frat guy, and Derek falls for him even though he knows he shouldn't.
Coaches Cupcake Coffee House by ChildOfTheRevolution | 4.8K | 2013
Danny looked at him as if he were crazy, ‘It means he wants to ride the dick Stiles.’ He said slowly, as if talking to the mentally insane.
‘Ride the dick, my dick?’ Stiles asked weakly.
‘Figuratively speaking of course, Derek looks more like a topper to me. And you, my friend, are a twink of the most twinkiest standards, but I’m not one to judge.’
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ Stiles admitted, finding himself in a weird crouch-like stance that he apparently now adopts when he’s overwhelmed about finding out Derek Hotcakes wants to bone him three ways to Sunday.
Gladiator AU ( Series) by HaleHole (SweetFanfics) | 9.9K | 2 Works | 2013
He looks up at the door and waits. He hopes that whoever it is, they will be go easy on him. Werewolf he might be, with superhuman healing, but that does not mean that he will not be sore the next day. And he is scheduled for a fight.
Let it be someone easy to please, Derek hopes. Someone who will be quick to take their pleasure and even quicker to leave. He keeps hoping this as the door is pushed open. A voice murmurs a quick set of instructions to whoever has hired him for this session. It is cut off half way through by a familiar, impatient voice that makes Derek strain against his bonds. -- Rome based, Gladiator AU
Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves by owlpostagain | 35K | 2013
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.”
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. 
Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding: 
DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
Theory of Overprotective Canines by rosepetals42 | 11K | 2015
Stiles is totally looking forward to living alone in his super cool apartment off-campus. He is. He is also very excited to bike to school every day, ready to set up an awesome game room, and definitely over his crush on Derek Hale. Completely over it.
Or at least he is until Derek decides he's moving in with him. And then turns out to be the perfect roommate. And then starts attending all his classes. As a wolf.
This is not going according to plan.
Hot for Teacher('s Aide) by linksofmemories_archive | 8K | 2013
“He invited you to his apartment.”
“To do a lesson plan.”
“Yeah and to probably lesson your plan while you’re there,” Scott said, waggling his eyebrows.
“That made no sense, but you still managed to make it sound dirty,” Stiles said. “I’m impressed.”
The healing touch by devilscut | 96K | 2015
Stiles loses his temper with the rest of the pack when they all make excuses not to volunteer to help their Alpha. Deaton has instructed that for the next 24 hours Derek can't use his hands after he seriously injures them in a magical entrapment. Seeing the emotional hurt that Derek's selfish pack has inflicted on him when they argue and try to get out of it, Stiles volunteers to stay and then proceeds to give the rest of them a verbal ass-kicking. He then takes care of his friend, the Alpha, Derek Hale, while trying to work out what his feelings are towards the werewolf.
Quit Dragon Me Around (Seies) by WonderWolf | 17K | 3 Works | 2015
Stiles makes the mistake of taking Derek’s sword and now the grumpy werewolf seems determined to stop him from stealing and landing himself in jail.
Stiles is not pleased. He’s also starving.
(Or the one in which Derek has good intentions, but little understanding of how Dragon biology works. He just wants the cute mole-speckled kid to be safe). -----
“Five meals, Scott. Derek Hale has stopped me from eating five meals. I can’t believe he’s really trying to kill me over stealing his sword. That’s so petty of him. It isn’t like I meant to steal it,” Stiles complains.
“You kind of did mean to, dude,” Scott adds unhelpfully.
“But you don’t understand, Scott. It-”
“Just smelled so good? I know, you’ve said that like fifty times over the past two weeks,” Scott says.
“This is the equivalent of him stealing my lunch money, right? Thanks to him, I didn’t have a meal this week. Or last week! He’s a bully, is what he is. A nice smelling, douchebag of a bully.”
You'll See Me Again by matildajones | 10K | 2015
Stiles is standing there in his uniform, hair long and hands behind his back. There’s a blush on his cheeks and he can barely look Derek in the eye.
“Hey,” he whispers. He’s wearing the medal Derek had presented to him.
Derek stares. He doesn’t think he’s breathing anymore.
Stiles is the soldier who saved Derek and brought him back home. He doesn't seem to care that Derek's a prince or that he's a little bit broken. Derek falls, quick and sure, but it's not easy knowing that Stiles will soon have to return to the war.
Thousand by ericaismeg | 4.2K | 2014
“Seriously, Erica, I could tell him a thousand times in a thousand ways and he's never going to understand what I mean.”
“I thought I told you to spell it out to him,” Erica says. “Derek's has trust issues. I told you this would be difficult.”
Stop Crossing Oceans by greenleaf | 11K | 2015
“There are no absolutes, Scott! No hard rights or hard wrongs! The world doesn’t fucking work that way and we can’t afford to think like that, because people are going to die! We signed up for that the moment we got involved with all this!”
“We? We?” Scott hisses. “Don’t you think you? Don’t forget that you’re the one who dragged us into that forest the night it all started, Stiles. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.”
Something inside Stiles cracks, so strong and so deep that he practically hears it.
The Wolf that whispered into Stiles' Heart by ElStark | 9.9K | 2015
Basically the Union of the prompts:
Mute!Stiles + Wolf!Derek + Soulmates/Mates AU
“Don’t you have a pack?” Stiles asks him –by then he had discovered that the wolf was in fact a male wolf –“I mean, wolves move in packs, right? Lone wolves don’t make it on their own. I read it yesterday.” He says while they’re both sprawled on the fallen leaves in Stiles’ secret-thinking spot in the woods. Derek licks his face, and Stiles laughs. “Is that your way to tell me that I’m your pack?” Derek licks him again on the nose, making the boy’s face scrunch up, “Ugh. Gross, dude!” he wipes his drool covered face with his sleeve and then gives the wolf a pointed look, “I’m not a wolf, you should have noticed, you know, I don’t exactly have fur and I don’t growl and I don’t have glowing eyes…” He says leaning in to look them closer, “Are you even supposed to have those kind of eyes? I couldn’t find anything about wolves and glowing eyes on the internet..” The wolf snorts.
Aftermath by GhostwithShotgun | 11K | 2015
Stiles suffers from PTSD and insomnia after the events with the nogitsune. He has nightmares, gets at most one hour of sleep every night and has daily panic attacks. He tries his best to hide it because they all have their own troubles and he doesn't want to burden his friends further.
Meanwhile, Derek has made a habit out of checking all pack members every night to make sure they're alright.
Cross a Canyon (with a broken limb) by theroguesgambit | 18K | 2015
“You never graduated,” Stiles says, just to say it. To test it out in the open air. That's... huh.
Stiles spends his senior year battling troll-gremlins, taking on an unexpected tutoring job, and definitely not falling for a certain sourwolf (even though everyone else seems to think he is).
It's a Schlong Story by floatingstark | 33K | 2015
"Do you like him?"
"Of course I do, he’s great!"
"Then what is the fucking problem?"
"My dick!"
Ex-Porn Star Derek Hale has a lot of issues but Ice Cream Parlor Owner Stiles Stilinski is not one of them.
Bad Dog Bakery and Café by Boom | 27K | 2015
Stiles saves an Omega from wolfsbane poisoning. Said Omega now won't leave Stiles alone. Stiles doesn't really have a problem with this.
Beat The Blues by lilpeas | 2.9K | 2015
Derek and Stiles have been childhood friends since the sandpit. When Talia realises Stiles is in love with Derek, she knows Derek has to stop seeing him: Derek’s a werewolf and Stiles is human. It can’t be.
But things never go according to plan.
Red Light's Already Off by orphan_account | 3.3K | 2015
Stiles isn't a hooker. He just plays one on TV.
Noteworthy Observations by LadyDrace | 3.7K | 2015
In which Derek recieves complimentary notes in his locker from a secret admirer, and though it turns out they weren't actually for him, things turn out pretty well in the end.
One Hale of a Sandwich by whatthehale | 10K | 2014
Stiles in bed isn’t really something Derek should be thinking about.
Because the person who normally picks Lily up from school? Is Scott.
Lily’s other parent. And Stiles’s partner.
Not to mention the entire source of Derek’s current misery.
AKA, the one in which Derek thinks Scott and Stiles are in a relationship and that they want to threesome with Derek. Spoiler Alert? They aren't and they don't.
Choice by Omni | 8.6K | 2015
Derek knows what it feels like to not really have a choice, what it's like to be manipulated. He'd never take away someone's right to choose freely. The fear of even accidentally doing so is enough to hold him back from acting on his own feelings.
Stiles has never had a problem making his own choices, and fuck anyone who would try to tell him he can't.
(Or: Stiles gets bitten by a different alpha, but of course would prefer to have Derek as his alpha. And also just, you know, have Derek.)
Emergency Love by Kedreeva | 13K | 2012
Wherein Derek is a firefighter and Stiles is a paramedic, and they just keep meeting.
gave your smile to me by Sarageek16 | 4.7K | 2013
In which Stiles is a hooker (but not really), Derek wants to feed his skinny little body, and there is soup. Not necessarily in that order.
103 notes · View notes
five-rivers · 4 years
Do you have any tips on writing the trio? Or anyone, really, but they show up the most so they probably have the most defined personalities. I have never seen the show and don't really want to, but the headcanons and fanon is just so cool and it makes me want to Write Things but I also have anxiety and don't want to mess them up aaaa
Yo, the personalities of the main trio can vary wildly between phan writers, and their phanon personalities and canon personalities don’t always line up.  Mainly because the phandom likes to ignore episodes we consider to be out of character.  Also, we have an almost masochistic appreciation for crack.  So, you are unlikely to do anything that will get you jumped on.  Unless you make them all insanely homophobic or something, which seems unlikely if you’re hanging out here.
That being said, I’ll tell you how I write them.  (This is going to get long.)
Danny’s main motivation is keeping his people safe.  He’ll drop everything else for this goal.  
His secondary motive is staying safe himself.  He’s constantly in very dangerous situations, and he sees a lot of his life in terms of how threatening something is.  A lot of the time, he under or overestimates threats to himself, but it’s still on his mind.  He’s paranoid sometimes.  
The third motivation Danny has is being liked.  Depending on where in his character development he is, I tend to vary the strength of this one somewhat.  Sometimes he really, really wants to be popular.  Sometimes he’s only concerned about family and friends.  No matter what, though, he needs some positive attention!  Feed the boy!
Danny’s state of mind varies between ‘I’m invincible!’ and ‘error 404 self confidence not found.’  Because he’s a teenager.  I usually write the latter, because I like angst.  
Other than that, his personality has three parts: heroism, witty banter, and softness.  
He loves his friends and family SO MUCH (no matter what certain episodes would have you think.  We don’t talk about those).  He’s also incredibly forgiving.  I’ve pointed it out a couple of times, but almost all of his friends and close allies have tried to kill or significantly injure him at least once.  He never holds it against them.  (Except once, during a nasty fight, and it work out alright in the end.)
A lot of people write Danny as being somewhat fatalistic, but I tend not to do that as much.  I prefer Massive Space Nerd Danny.
Her main motivation is often KEEP DANNY FROM DYING (again).  Yes, this is kind of a satellite motivation that revolves entirely around another character, but considering that it’s partially her fault he died the first time...?
Other than that, Sam wants to show off how unique she is.  She wants to be different!  Different is good!  Different is cool!  Yes, this can be problematic at times, but she’s a teenager.  
Finally, and I think this one gets overlooked somewhat, Sam wants to make the world a better place.  Yeah, she’s not always on base about how to do that, but she tries.  
Sam’s sort of the person who tries to be dark- and she absolutely does like dark things!- but is actually sort of optimistic, even when she’s angry.  
She’s also angry a lot.  
On the surface, Sam’s very secure in who she is and what she wants, but if you look closer, you can see that’s a bit of a facade.  She doesn’t tell people about her family’s wealth, because she worries that people would only like her for that.  Yes, she’s confident enough in herself to say she’s not going to rely on wealth, and to say that she doesn’t care about being popular, but, still...  
I tend to write her as feeling just a little lost, especially when outside the trio’s comfort zone (their comfort zone includes ghost hunting).
Again, Tucker wants to keep Danny alive.  It is a noble endeavor.  
He also just wants to hang out a lot of the time.  His two friends just have so much energy.  Tucker just wants to chill.  With his friends, of course.  It’s no fun without them.  
Tucker also seems to have a bit of an issue with power (or money).  Every so often, Tucker will say, ‘I am no longer baby, I want power.’  He also has a certain amount of desire for things, like technology and meat.  
Tucker’s pretty straightforward.  I also find him to be cool.  Maybe he screws up and winds up the butt of jokes in canon, but he also is really good at making stuff and getting things to work, and he’s super smart.
Another important thing is that Tucker is ride or die for his friends.  I think at one point he took a sword to the chest for Danny, and he will sacrifice any power, item, or personal comfort for his friends.  (See, blood blossoms and throwing his PDA at a ghost that kidnapped Sam, giving up Dulamaan’s power, etc.)
Trio in general:
*Slaps trio on the roof* You can fit so much banter in here!
No, really.  Imagine any friend group, but one of them uses jokes as a defense mechanism, the second is trying out for Ultimate Goth Sarcasm Showdown (tm), and the third lives on the internet.
I also like it when they’re incredibly sassy and incomprehensible to anyone not in the know.  
Sam and Tucker ‘fight’ a lot, and Danny plays the peacemaker, but it’s usually just a big game.  
They also take turns being the ‘leader’ of the group.  Not, like, explicitly, but they all have their own strengths. 
I’ve also got a post about the trio’s character flaws floating around somewhere.  I’ll find it and reblog it later.  
I hope this answers your question!  Have fun Writing Things!
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ravenstakeflight · 2 years
respect our humanity (for we were once that which we shall never be again)
for @phicphight
humanity. such a funny thing, don't you think? four little syllables. one small thought. hum-an-i-ty. the condition - or the quality - of being human.
A sigh escaped Danny, taking air colder than ice with it. This felt like Ember, maybe; the taste of electricity probably meant a team-up with Skulker again.
"I'll take your pelt for my wall, you whelp!" Yup. There it was. Skulker crashed through the wall, screaming his trademark. Danny sighd, standing and let white rings envelop him until he was comfortable in his skin [jumpsuit?] again.
"Skulker," Danny greeted. "Do you really wanna do this right now? I have math homework due!"
"Wait." Skuler paused mid-punch. "You still do math homework?"
"Uh, yeah, dude!" Danny exclaimed. He shook off the hold of gravity and floated up to meet Skulker's eyes. "I really don't have time for fighting you right now, but I don't really think you care, do yo- oof!" He pushed tangibility off of him at the last second. Getting punched into a ceiling (or a door, or another person, or walls, or one memorable time straight through Dash) was not on his list of things to do before he kicked the bucket again. (Considering that he was functionally immortal... Yeah, it was a good thing that his bucket list was so long.) "Wow, rude!" He said. "You know, this really isn't product- Ember!"
Ember blasted him from behind, guitar letting off waves of ghostly supersonic force.
"Oh, come on!" Danny said, wincing after she let up. "Really, Ember?"
"Okay, look, babybop, I didn't really wanna do this, but then Skulky over here-" she gestured to Skulker, who frowned at her nickname "-said that you were free and didn't have anythin' to do, so we thought we might as well drop in!" She tried to slam her guitar into him. Danny rolled his eyes and shot an ectoblast straight at it, deflecting it (because no one wanted to deal with a guitar-less Ember McClain. Ever.)
"Oh Ancients, did you guys really have to team up right now?" Danny said, screeching indignantly when they chased him through the rooftops (and definitely through at least one apartment, and maybe a couple people. Danny saw far too much of his townspeople). He dodged one of Skulker's ectobeams, weaving around one of Ember's screams and shooting ecto-rays right back at them. "I have a bunch of stuff due in a couple days!"
"Can't-cha come on an' stretch your legs for a bit, bop-pops?"
"No, I can't!"
"Why not, whelp-?" Skulker cut himself off, staring at Danny. "What is it?"
"Shush, Skulker." Danny said. With a flick of his wrist, the Crown of Fire appeared over his head, the Ring of Sorrow glowing into existence on his left hand. His jumpsuit flickered into a tunic and breeches, a cape settling for a second over their shoulders. Their being flicked in and out of existence, glow stuttering as they pulled power from the Infinite Realms. "I do believe we have a... situation." They floated forward. Skulker quieted, thankfully. Danny's being flooded with power, their eyes shimmering an otherworldly green. He looked around, looking into the Realms, then turned toward the park.
Ember and Skulker followed quietly, respectfully. Danny swooped down in Amity Park's gardens. They looked down at the soul, the Form newly created, and felt some pity rise in their Core. They floated over to the poor soul quietly, settling next to them when they looked up.
Phantom? The soul, unfettered to a body and still mostly ambient ectoplasm, has a small gatehring around them. Phantom's presence next to them helps their formation go a little faster, though, and soon their body has solidified into an actually body-shaped puddle of ectoplasm, and Skulker and Ember quiet even further as Danny begins speaking to the newly-formed ghost in low, melodius tones. Neither has been witness to a Coming in far, far too long; Pariah's reign had been dark and desolate and most souls had decided to go on, journey through the paths to the After.
Phantom looks up at the two ghosts, and thinks that maybe they will be good Guides.
They beckon over to the two, and Skulker and Ember float up to the poor, new Form.
"Hunter Skulker, Ember McClain," Oh, they will be true Guides. "I present to you this Form. I trust you will find them a Lair suitable to them?" Both Skulker and Ember nod, quickly, and the Form is sent through a portal that Phantom creates with a wave of their hand and a smile. Before Ember and Skulker follow, tough, both ghosts hug Phantom to them.
When they get back from the Form's - Carna's - new lair in the Far Frozen, it's to a desolate Danny Phantom floating on his back, looking up at the clouds. They meet him up there, and pull him gently into gravity's hold in the park. [Ember, Skulker, and Danny all ignore the curious townspeople in the garden; this isn't about them, it's about Danny.]
He looks up at their faces, soft and caring, and knows that no matter what happens when they are fighting, when he needs them there - Paraiah Dark, Nocturne - when he really needs them to be there they'll be there at his side, with quips and snark galore, but there nonetheless. It's the same reason he knows that he can break.
He lets out a sob, then another and Skulker presses him into Ember. Her clothes are softer than he'd expected them to be, and she hugs him close. Skulker's metallic body is close behind him, caging Danny in, and he feels so so safe, because that was his first Coming and he hadn't expected it to be so hard, reliving a part of his accident and his death, because that's aparently what happens when you're welcoming a new ghost into your care.
Because Danny Fenton is fourteen and holds the responsibility of the balance of the Infinite Realms.
Because Phantom, Danny Phantom, hasn't even had five death days pass him by.
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datawyrms · 4 years
Dannymay2020 Day 31: Free Day (ghost sword fight lets go)
It was for science, a good cause. His life would be so much better if he didn’t have to hear his parents gleefully discuss ripping apart some mindless ectoplasmic scum molecule by molecule. Right now though, he was remembering the other reason he flinched in horror when having to take his parents anywhere. Complete embarrassment. One extra downside to ghost powers: knowing you actually can just have the ground swallow you up in shame, but knowing you really, really shouldn’t. When your dad is sitting with sodas strapped to his head and waving a foam finger with your friend’s name on it, it got very tempting.
He’d almost prefer dealing with an ecto gun. “Dad, you’re actually going to pay attention, right?”
“Course I will Danny-boy! That goth friend of yours will kick that ghost right back to its own dimension, and I’ll be watching.”
The half ghost groaned, crossing his arms. “Dad.”
“And totally see if it’s actually a fight with rules. I did listen, son! It’s just good to see young people taking up ghost hunting!”
“This isn’t ghost hunting!”
“Right. Your friend is just going to clobber a ghost with a sword. For Science!”
Well he wasn’t wrong exactly, but it wasn’t helping him not regret every second of this stupid plan. “It’s more Sam’s doing the ghost a favour, and Sam’s doing me a favour by letting us watch. Sooo don’t go calling the ghost scum or anything. Please.”
“Hmmhm. I did read your notes son. You think I’d come with no weapons if I thought your observations were shoddy?” he clapped the boy on the back, who had to struggle to not fall over. “Still gotta root for your friend kiddo!”
Yes. Yes he did, actually. Yet asking his dad to maybe be a little less enthusiastic was like asking the sun to maybe be a little less bright. Pointless, and possibly amusing to anyone overhearing you. “She manages without a cheering section most of the time,” he felt the need to point out before heading down the hill to check in with Sam.
“I don’t know what I expected. Not that, that’s for sure.”
“Tell me about it. I didn’t think he’d do anything but scowl from the hill because he’s worried about a dastardly ghost. Sorry.” he rubbed the back of his neck, eyes flicking between his friend and the bright orange blight on the hillside.
“Nah. Arlas will probably get a kick out of it anyway, she likes having an audience,” Sam shrugged, fiddling with the lightweight wooden sword. “I have a few new tricks. Who knew Star of all people would like fencing?”
“Did she swear you to secrecy?”
“Bought my silence by being a pretty good practice partner,” her grin faded somewhat “Guess I’ve been buying into their ‘popular’ shtick too. She’s not that bad.”
“Then I’ll pretend you didn’t tell me. You don’t think she’ll try and talk to Dad, right? That could get ugly real quick.”
“She might. She knows to keep the whole met in the ghost zone thing quiet, but I can’t promise much else,”
“Well I can’t promise he won’t call her putrid protoplasm so we’re totally doomed.”
“Maybe we can make it sound like good natured ribbing?”
“With what ribs?” Danny smirked in spite of himself
“Oh shut up you. Go worry about not turning invisible trying to hide from your dad or something. I’ve got this.”
He nodded, backing off to head back to his expected spot. He wasn’t meant to know the ghost well, after all. He did notice the ghost showing up before anyone else, but forced himself to act oblivious.
“Oh, there’s the spook! You mentioned the heavy leg armor, these ones can’t do the leg shapeshifting thing, right?”
Danny blinked. He’d actually read and paid attention to all of it? “Yeah, that’s right. It can be pretty heavy since they don’t have to walk much with the whole flying thing, apparently.” his eyes flicked to his Dad’s face, trying to figure out how the man felt about Sam and this ghost greeting one another in friendly terms. He didn’t look angry, so maybe it was a good sign?
“First to three hits is what you said, right?”
Man this felt weird. Answering things about ghosts without constantly worrying he’d be called a ghost for it. “Sam’s pretty sure five would take too long. Either because she gets tired out, or a ghost hunter barging in.” Something he had almost done three times, but he couldn’t mention that bit.
Jack kept his eyes fixed on the two, leaning forward even as he slurped from the ridiculous soda contraption. “That’s how she wins, right son?” he pointed as Sam blocked a swing and danced backwards, forcing the knight to give chase. “She outruns em and can go for smaller openings.”
“How did yo-yeah. That’s usually how, since she can’t just fly after her…” How could he pick up on that and not his son literally falling through things for a month?
Arlas looked as if she might have caught on to Sam’s usual plan as well, backing off instead of pursuing after another failed clash. He honestly had zero idea what to do in that situation that wasn’t ‘shoot ecto blast’, but his friend seemed to have a decent idea, feigning a left swing before jabbing forward at a much greater speed.
“Ha! Lookit that, already winning!”
“You’ll distract her if you cheer louder.”
“Nah, your little friends are tough!”
He did seem to be right, the boisterous cheering when Sam had the upper hand not earning as much as a glance from the fight. Sam did shoot Danny a look at the boo his Dad made when Arlas managed to turn a block into a strike Sam couldn’t defend against in time, and he could only shrug. Hopefully the knight wasn’t too annoyed at the blatant favoritism. Or maybe she expected it, being a visitor and all.
Still, making it through the combat without having to stop his Dad from trying to capture or hurt the ghost was pretty good. Even if it was still really weird to have him just watch. He personally didn’t even need to watch the fight, watching Jack was more than enough indication on how things were going. Okay, maybe he was a bit paranoid, watching just in case he had to do some split second overshadowing. Moreso now that the ghost apparently wanted to say hello to the watching human, to his complete dismay.
“Oh, so it is a family thing! What interesting armor.” Arlas said, looking at the bright orange jumpsuit. 
Jack did seem a little surprised at the possible complement, hiding it with a nod. “Always need to be prepared!”
Danny manared to peek out from behind his fingers. Dad hadn’t threatened her. That was progress. That was good! Him possibly wondering why she thought jumpsuits were a family thing was not good! Sam’s advice of remembering not to turn invisible suddenly seemed very useful.
“Still I hope it was a good show. Sir Manson is still a bit too fast for me, but I’ll figure out a way around that soon, you’ll see.”
“You could just lose the armor, you’re way better at planning than I am.” Sam pointed out, earning a laugh from the ghost.
“If I plan to work in it, I must be able to beat you in it! The extra preparation can only be a good thing. That, and I can use the same trick on the others if they get overconfident.”
“So you consider being a knight as a job? You could do something else if you got bored of the sword swinging gig?” Jack asked, hand on his chin as he watched the floating knight.
“Of course! There are plenty of things to do back home, but who wouldn’t want to help protect the Queen? It’s not like I cannot retire when I no longer wish to do it.” she paused, looking up at the sky as if searching for an example. “I suppose you do not really have proper communities of ghosts over here, just the stronger sorts or the occasional animal?”
“Nope. We just get the town attacking beasties”
“Ah, well who doesn’t? Troublemakers will be troublemakers.” she shrugged easily, apparently not considering herself a ‘beastie’.
Jack considered the answer, the loud slurping sound rather at odds with the pensive look on his face. Surely he didn’t think this ghost would make up an entire fake backstory, or be perfectly fine with losing to a human in a fair fight while being ‘mindless’. “So the Fentons are known over in your world then?”
“Well I wouldn’t say unknown. The outfits are pretty memorable! Yours more than your son’s. He is your son, I think. That’s the right term?”
Of course she had to bring up his jumpsuit. That he never wore. Because it was on his ghost form. Sam’s wince in sympathy did not help.
“See Danno, even the ghosts think you need more colour! Even Jazz’s is blue, maybe we should get you an orange one.”
“Maybe. Mine’s fine, thanks.” he managed to speak, hoping he didn’t sound too much like he’d been internally choking.
Sam took up damage control before her friend managed to be more suspicious than a wolf in a sheep pen. “Well, I’ve got stuff to do, and Arlas does too. See ya Mr. Fenton.”
The ghost did seem a little put out to not continue to chat, but took Sam’s lead, turning invisible before making her way back home.
“Not even going to try and scare anyone while she’s here huh? Interesting.” Jack commented. “Certainly a lot to think about kiddo! Our little researcher,” he ruffled Danny’s hair, earning a grunt from his son. “You think you might be able to arrange talking to some of these other ‘non-violent’ ghosts?”
“Oh. Yeah. Probably? Not right away, but sure.”
“Great! I want to see for myself if the stories line up. If they do, then we’ll need to figure out why only the blobs and animals showed up before the portal.” he got to his feet, apparently wanting to go write things down in the lab right away.
“Because they were the only ones dumb enough to leave the ghost zone without a portal to go home with.” Danny muttered “The smart ones wouldn’t risk it,”
“Right, you scrawled that on the back of your folder. Which ghost told you that again?”
In truth? Frostbite. Yet he didn’t have a way to explain that. “Phantom.”
“Well you can’t use yourself as a primary source son, that’d be considered speculation.”
Danny could only stare. Whoops.
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