#Depression help
Nobody is “too young” to be cynical or jaded or hate their life. There is no appropriate age for that. If someone is experiencing that at any age, their mental health is at risk. Doesn’t matter how young they are, or how easy their life seems. Just because existential dread didn’t hit you until later in life, doesn’t mean everyone else gets to be so lucky.
“You think life sucks now? Just wait until you’re grown” okay grandpa what if they don’t make it to adulthood? What if it gets worse until they only see one way out and they take it? Stop being dismissive. Stop forcing your problems onto young people and start taking them seriously about things. Period.
(Inspired by this post)
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this is a really long shot but does anyone know how to clean a depression room? like any tips? i haven't cleaned my room in a year and there's bugs in it and now im being told that i have to have it clean by july 4th or else something bad that i'd rather not talk about is going to happen to me. and i really do need to clean it, and i want to, but it's really hard for me and i was going to start after exams are over but now that i've been given this time limit i'm not going to be able to start after exams because i'd only have like a month to clean it all. so if anyone has any tips or anything at all that could help, please dm me or send me an ask or put it in the notes or anything. i can't even start on it i just end up sobbing because it's so overwhelming and there's so much and i just don't know where to start. so yeah. if anyone can help me. please.
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ohfallingdisco · 1 year
my friends with depression: keep your birthday cards. i am begging you. i have mine in a drawer and when i start to feel especially worthless, i read through them and there’s my lost grandpa saying i love you, my favorite aunt’s funny cards, my parents actually writing heartfelt things, and doodles from friends from all throughout my life, usually with something innocent like “you’re cool, like your style.”
keep your birthday cards.
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sunrisethoughts02 · 1 year
Depression food tip: if you’re struggling to eat and you can get your hands on some fresh watermelon, do it. Easy to chew so doesn’t take much energy, incredibly hydrating, high in some good vitamins, and usually Tastes Good.
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sarahhgabrielle · 4 days
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I just want to feel comfortable with someone.
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astillnight · 11 months
soft boy for anyone having a bad day 💖
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portraitsofsaints · 9 months
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Saint Flora of Beaulieu
Feast Day: October 5
Patronage: the suicidal, depressed, abandoned, victims of betrayal, single laywomen, converts
Saint Flora of Beaulieu was born in France. As a teenager, she entered the Hospitallers Sisters of St. John of Jerusalem. She had many trials and hardships including being ridiculed and betrayed by her fellow religious sisters. Because of this, she suffered from depression yet kept the faith with fortitude. In spite of this, she experienced the gifts of levitation, the stigmata, and prophetic knowledge. She shows us the importance of forgiving our persecutors.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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sshonuu · 3 months
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blue-eyed-author · 1 year
My life motto:
Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re failing.
I always use to think that I was failing because of how much I struggled. After learning of this saying, I felt much better about myself and my life. I hope it can help someone else the same way. ♥️
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Simple Things You Can Do If You're Feeling Really Bad!
-Stand up, if you're standing, sit down.
-Drink water!
-Stretch a little.
-Listen to your favorite music!
-See if you're up-to-date on your meals for the day, missing lunch or some-such can really knock the wind out of your sails.
-Make sure if you're on any medications that you haven't forgotten to take any.
-It doesn't hurt to have a little treat every now and then, nutrition aside, if you're feeling sad, a good taste in your mouth might help with that.
-Have a small cup of tea or other hot drink.
-If you're in a position to, maybe a short nap will do you some good.
-Take off your shoes, take off your socks, at least just briefly. Removing layers like jackets, gloves and scarfs may work as well.
-Go outside for a bit, take in a breath of fresh air and enjoy the sounds of nature around you.
These are really simple and basic things, but I understand when you're feeling depressed or seemingly inexplicably feeling irritable, tired or achy it can be hard to come up with a way to deal with these random bad feelings. The human body has its own engine check lights and warning signals, and it's important to listen to them!
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I wish I had know this so much earlier in life, but thoughts like “my childhood was super normal and pleasant why do I feel so broken” are symptomatic. They scream repressed trauma.
If you find yourself wondering things like that regularly, you could very possibly have (c)ptsd or any number of other traumagenic mental health conditions. You should consider at least doing a little research on your own if nothing else.
If you feel chronically miserable or broken or isolated or lost that suffering is valid, always. You must have lived though something awful in order to feel that kind of darkness.
You are a survivor even if you’re not sure what you survived, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
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upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset upset
Why I don't know but I am.
Tips for fixing the upset:
1. Have you chomped sustenance?
2. Have u drank the splashy stuff?
3. Have u socialised
4. Have u spent time alone
5. Have u slept enough (8hr+)
6. Have u showered? #hygiene time
If you haven't done these things they could be affecting your mental state. And doing one will assist in its good vibes. Go forth and tick off the list
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Out of all the Yu-Gi-Oh Anime I have seen (DM, 5Ds, Zexal, Arc-V), the song that I use as a mantra of sorts is Take a Chance
It's the first intro song of Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal.
Take a Chance especially helped in my higher depressive spikes, mostly because the lyrics have such a good message I could relate to:.
If anything, it's just a nice pick me up when I feel sad. Maybe it will work for some of my moots and followers...
Lyrics and song link below:
Song link
If life is a game, they say I can't win
I'll never amount to nothin'
Tear me down before my life begins!
I won't be afraid to challenge myself!
They won't ever break my fire!
My dreams will never die
If I hi-five the sky!
Spread my wings, take off!
It's time to fly!
Take a Chance to make it all the way!
Take a Chance forgetting yesterday!
Take a Chance believe
Nothing will bring me down!
No retreat when I leave all my fears behind!
My future's still alive inside!
Take a Chance and chase my doubts away!
Believing gets me through my darkest days...
Take a Chance to make it all the way!
Take a Chance forgetting yesterday!
Take a breath, my heart will lead the way...
Take a Chance! I'll take a chance today!
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xenogenderbunnykid · 6 months
smile precure/glitter force changed my life <3
they're just such good friends. and they stay positive. and they help each other. and they don't give up. I didn't often get to see good relationships or optimism as a kid, and it's still nice to remember now!! ^//^
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sarahhgabrielle · 25 days
If I saw you again
We would be two ghosts engaged in a beautiful dance
Fueled on faded and foggy memories
When did you first start loving me?
Why did you ever stop?
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