#Dick visiting for the very first time since he left home: Why the FUCK is it so peaceful here
fanaticalthings · 4 months
Jason being the easiest kid is super funny. Bruce looking at Jason and remembering Dick at 18: “we can work through this. He’ll come around if I don’t give up on.”
Bruce, watching over a freshly street-snatched Jason: Why is he so calm
Having Dick as the rambunctious, feral, and unhinged first child must've given him SO much whiplash once Jason entered the picture. Lil guy just vibed in his own world. Just reading books and doing schoolwork. Baby Jason hurt nobody.
Bruce will just be going over the ground rules of the manor, remembering all the chaos Dick brought upon the household.
Bruce: No swinging from the chandelier.
Jason: ?? I wasn't planning to?
Bruce: No murder.
Jason: What? That never even crossed my mind-
Bruce: And please, for the love of God, don't sneak out and try to beat up the nearest criminal on our block
Jason: WHO is responsible for these rules being created??
Bruce will just come home from a long day of work. He's tired and just wants a nice, quiet evening, but he's subconsciously psyching himself up to prepare himself for the chaos he'll witness once he enters the manor
but then Jason's just quietly doing his own thing, maybe even helping Alfred with some chores, reading, or just lounging about in the manor. In general, just causing no trouble and Bruce just turns to Alfred, all worried like, "Is he sick? I don't think children are supposed to behave this way."
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lolabangtan · 2 years
04 | itching
President Kim comes down with a cold, and since it’s kind of your fault, you feel responsible for him. While you make sure he’s resting properly at home, Jimin leaves you in charge of the office.
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Word count: 6k
Warnings: be prepared to fucking MELT.
# fluff, awkward parent meeting, hurt/comfort, sick chapter, nursing sick!Tae, kinda rough nursing tho, feverish dreams, he endures the worst chicken soup ever, you can feel a certain je ne sais quoi in the air 😏, it’s like they’re being driven by some mystery force but still cringe at their own vulnerability, Jimin is very mysterious and kind of a dick.
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Another shrieking, dry, mind-wrecking cough echoes across the office.
You stop yourself from rolling your eyes as you take the last sip of your coffee. When you put it back on the desk, perhaps a bit too harshly, it sounds as if you almost broke it into pieces. Luckily, the mug remains in one.
Then some loud sniffling.
With a groan, you get up and quickly walk down to the nearest break room just to get some warm water and come back.
You knock on the door. “Mr Kim? May I come in?”
Goodness, he looks miserable: puffy nose, swollen face, droopy eyelids, and a toilet paper roll that only could look unsuspicious in this specific situation.
Yes, your boss has come down with a cold, and he’s making it everybody’s problem.
But it’s your fault, or so you think – maybe Kim Taehyung would be all right If you had not forced him to walk you down to your bus stop and share an umbrella. It’s been a week since then, but who knows? He could have some sort of, uh, delayed constitution. And, as an additional benefit, you would’ve never started to feel so awkward around him. Which is way worse than a fucking, unimportant cold. You have to go to work on your period! Why are men such weak creatures?
“You’ve been coughing and sniffling all morning,” you say, crossing your arms. “Hadn’t you better go home?”
But Taehyung shakes his head, adamant and so fucking cute— “No, I… I can work. It’ll go aw—”
The loudest, most vociferous sneeze makes the windows tremble, cutting him off as he rushes to grab some toilet paper. You’ll pretend you didn’t see the shiny string of snot before he wipes his nose with an embarrassed blush.
“Just go home, sir.”
“I gotta finish reading these reports,” he murmurs. “It’d be unfair to waste someone’s time by ignoring their hard work… right?”
You look at him with a grimace of half-pity, half-disgust, pondering the idea of just kicking him out of the building and sending him home; he can’t work like this. What he needs is to rest, heal his cold, and come back even stronger. It’s a waste of time and energy for everyone else to drag a day of work just because he feels guilty for leaving.
“Okay, I’ll come back later to get the reports,” you say with an annoyed tone.
“Thank you…”
Even the way he speaks, weakly, dragging the words and losing focus, shows how tired and sick Kim Taehyung is. His pale skin, usually a healthy bronze, and reddened nose only confirm this.
But you get to the door and leave; there might be another way to do this. Obviously, you get what the president means, as you also hate to leave when there are loads of work left, but you’re also rational enough to understand that it usually backfires.
After that, the first part of the morning flies by; you make coffees – for yourself mostly – review documents, prepare meetings, discuss with some of your colleagues about your favourite series, and answer the phone. You can’t deny that you don’t really dislike the job, although you miss being in charge, especially when one of your bosses demonstrates their clear ineffectiveness in management. But nobody’s perfect, unfortunately.
Also, you are concerned about way too many things right now, starting with Kim Namjoon’s visit the other day.
Who’s to say you’ll have the same luck next time and won’t come back along with Seokjin? Then you will have completely screwed up – because maybe Namjoon is wise enough not to comment on the fact that the one sitting in your chair is not Jeon Miyeon, but Seokjin would never hide his surprise at seeing you here.
Understandable, of course, since you are ‘on the other side of the ocean’.
But why didn’t Kim Namjoon say anything? Did he do it, perhaps, to protect Miyeon? Maybe he figured out that your role here is to cover for her while she’s away and he kept it to himself.
Obviously, if you ever dropped by a dear one’s office expecting to see someone and found a completely different person— you don’t know how you would have reacted. By calling the police, most probably. This time you got the right end of the stick.
Although, again, aren’t you doing all of this actually to help her? It would be bad enough if, in addition to having to pretend to go on holiday and being forced away from your business, you now had to deal with a latent danger of imprisonment. Not unlikely, for now. You have to remain vigilant.
At the first opportunity, you escape to the bathroom and take out your phone to call Miyeon. It takes her a while to pick up, but you finally hear her voice.
“Hi, darling,” you greet her.
“Hello! How’s my little criminal doing? Too much paperwork—? Oh, I forgot; you actually like that.”
“Very funny,” you say, rolling your eyes even though she can’t see you. “Uh, everything’s good, uh, but I was wondering… Has your father called recently?”
“Hm, he hasn’t— why? Is he okay?”
“Yeah! Just wanted to check…” You go silent for a second, and that’s all Miyeon needs to know to figure out something is off. “Well, I’m just a bit concerned about Kim Namjoon’s visit. My bet is that he’s covering for you, but you never know… I guess it’s just this whole thing making me anxious—”
Miyeon cuts you off. “Why would he be covering for me? Isn’t he Kim’s cousin?”
“I think he just doesn’t want to get your father in trouble.”
“Oh.” She sounds disappointed by your lie, and you fight a silly grin. “Yeah, that makes sense. Namjoon looks up to him a lot… So, Kim Taehyung isn’t acting weird since then, is he?”
“Nope. Totally normal. Just being his cute self.”
Damn it, it slipped off your tongue.
“Cute, huh?”
“Well, I mean, not—”
“Last time we talked he was a jerk and a dick.”
“Don’t you have a mud bath session to go to or something?” you bark. “Leave me alone.” Miyeon chirps a goodbye, and you hang up, regretting the call instantly. At least now you can be anxious about something else.
Maybe Miyeon thinks you have feelings for your boss? That would be totally wrong, but she is capable of believing something like that.
Well, whatever, you have other things in mind at the moment— like finding a way to send Kim Taehyung home, you think as another sneeze makes the walls tremble.
You could tell Park Jimin and try to persuade him to get off work.
Convinced, you get up from your desk, making sure there is not too much commotion in the office, and head for the lobby. From there it’s not long before you reach the wing where Park Jimin’s office is located; you greet his secretary and knock on the door.
“Come in.”
You walk in and close it behind you.
The room is dark, barely lit through the drawn blinds. There is a lamp lit in the corner, and the computer screen glows in the gloom, illuminating Mr Park’s face. His dark eyes are fixed on you, expressionless, eerie.
“Can I help you, Ms Shin?” he asks, and his voice takes you by surprise.
“Uh, yes…” At his gesture, you enter the room, leaving the door behind you. “I came to tell you that President Kim has got sick, and to ask if there is a way to get him to go home.”
“Have you tried… asking him if he wants to go home?”
For a moment, you forget your faux position in this room, the fact that you’re technically just a secretary, and frown; cheeky and snobby because of course, you’ve already contemplated that idea. Does he think you’re an idiot? He must do. Otherwise, he’s a fool and wants to come to blows with you, you know, pick up a fight.
You arch an eyebrow and let out a scoff. “Of course? But he refuses.”
“I see…” Jimin says, looking away. “Well, Ms Shin, then there’s nothing you can do about it. Bear with the sneezes as best as you can—”
“He’s just going to get worse.”
“If Mr Kim stays and overworks himself, not only will the quality of his work deteriorate, but his health will worsen as well. It’s counterproductive,” you continue.
Park Jimin stares at you for a solid five seconds, completely silent and eery-looking.
“Are you always this… logical?” he suddenly asks.
His body is completely turned towards you now, giving you all his attention. You feel like until now, Park Jimin was just messing with you like a twisted sort of Cheshire cat, a mere amusement, but finally, he’s willing to mind your words.
“When there’s a need for it.”
A silence settles between the two of you, so you decide to thank him, albeit reluctantly, for his time and leave. His secretary bids you farewell with a sympathetic look, promising to buy you a coffee later. The rest of the walk back to your desk feels absurd, humiliating, and tedious, and you have this feeling that you’ve got nothing from it.
You have a missed call on your landline to Taehyung’s office. You look at the number and head for the door to let him know.
“Mr Kim—”
He’s already walking out when you stop before bumping into him. “Yes?”
“Where are you going?” you blurt out, stepping back so that the man can get out. He looks as sick as he did this morning. “Is everything all right? I don’t recall any meetings scheduled for—”
“My brother just called me and told me off for coming to work sick,” Taehyung explains with a stuffy nose.
You watch him put on his elegant coat; there was no need for him to explain why he was going home, actually. You’re just his secretary, you only need to know whether he’s going to need his car or write a memo to remember to get some medicines for him.
It’s peculiar, and kind of funny, how he can be the coldest and warmest person at the same time. Always so sharp and dashing, looking at everyone with a harsh eye, keeping quiet, maybe even not bothering to waste his breath. A thick shell protecting him from the outer world. But then he sometimes looks at you, and he speaks so softly, almost like a murmur, and his round cheeks frame his smile in a way that makes your heart skip a beat, and it feels like you’re looking at the most delicate creature the world has ever made.
“Ms Shin?”
You snap out of your thoughts. “Uh— yes, sir?”
“Thank you for worrying about me,” Taehyung says then, and you swear, he looks candid. “I mean— I know it’s kind of your job… Uh, just forget about it. I’ll be going now, I already sent for the car.”
“Don’t mention it,” you decide to reply with a smile just as tender and fix the shoulder of his coat.
The blush on his cheeks is most likely due to his cold, you think – there’s no reason why Kim Taehyung should be timid and demure in front of you. In fact, you don’t think he’s the kind of man to act like that, even if sometimes it feels like he is. He’s aloof, not coy, you think— he’s indifferent, not shy.
“Oh, I don’t want to keep you.” You step away to let him walk past you, and you say on his way out: “Get plenty of rest… and get well soon.”
You then watch him leave and head to the hall. There he meets Park Jimin. They push the button to get the lift when Jimin suddenly beckons you to come, and so you do, frowning in confusion.
“I’ll be taking President Kim home, so… can I leave you in charge of the office while I get back?”
Oh, easy-peasy.
“Yes, of course,” you accept.
“Good, that’s a weight off my shoulders,” he thanks you. “Well, we better get going – Mrs Kim is going to force-feed you chicken soup when she gets back, and I don’t wanna be there when it happens.” You chuckle at his words, amused by the mental image of a burrito-wrapped Taehyung being fed against his will, and he sneers at his brother. “Have a good day.”
“See you on Monday!”
In charge of the office, huh? What could they possibly mean by that? Do you get to sit on the Big Girl chair and boss everyone around? Do you get to stick your nose into every single project and improve it with your outstanding mind? Oh, you have so many ideas—
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Turns out that being in charge of the office just meant having to solve everyone’s problems.
Luckily, you love a good problem.
Your phone has been ringing non-stop from lunch to the very second the last person got up to go home; it’s nice to have your input so respected and valued. It’s good to be useful.
As always, you’re one of the last to leave the office. You say goodbye to the janitor and the secretaries at the entrance, swipe your badge and leave to head to the bus stop. It doesn’t take you longer than twenty minutes to get home, during which you also answer messages and work calls.
“Well, I do think President Kim should be the first to know,” you reply, closing the fridge door with your butt and opening a soda can. “Yeah, yeah, I totally get it— I know, I’m in— Jesus, just listen! I am in charge, but I do not have at all the authority to change from one project manager to another. You must get to Mr Kim, or your department chief— uh, yeah, I can call him, and so can you—”
After the beep, you look at the locked phone screen, totally shocked that she dared hang up on you.
You throw your phone on the bed and slump into the mattress right afterwards, eyes glued to the ceiling; that’s a problem – a problem that needs to be solved. Why are you feeling so wary of calling Kim Taehyung?
In a jiffy, you’re back on your feet and messing with the kitchenware, taking this and that, turning on the electric hob, pouring some water into a pot, and calling it a day.
You look at your soup with the eyes of a proud cook.
Yes, this will totally cover it. If you drop by his place with a bowl of bone broth, the perfect remedy for colds, it won’t look like you’re just coming to make him work. Besides, Taehyung was really ill, and you’re a bit worried; he won’t die, of course, but there’s a heavyweight in your chest that fills you with silly concern, making your belly flutter whenever you think about him.
Once you’re done, you grab your coat and go to your car, holding the warm plastic container in your hands, eyeing it with care. You’re not much of a cook yourself, so you wouldn’t want to trip and drop it, and have to make it all over again.
You hail a taxi once you stand on the street and tell the driver what the address is.
After about fifteen minutes, the taxi drives into the heart of the Hannam district and drops you at the door of a huge complex of luxury flats.
You pay under his curious gaze and thank him for the ride before heading inside; a friend of yours used to live here, but then she married and moved to her husband’s apartment. Maybe you could drop by and say hello, but Rose Apple wouldn’t like that, knowing how skittish she is about her privacy. At least the guard remembers your face, or so you find out when he nods at your ID as he lets you in.
After a few minutes, you manage to locate the Kim residence, wondering if Kim Taehyung actually lives with his family.
The loud ringing of the intercom makes you cringe.
The camera turns around as it focuses on your face, and it fucking creeps you out.
“Uh, hello, this is—”
“O Y/N, isn’t it?” What? Who is this woman and how did she recognise you? “Don’t, I know this young lady— sorry, that was our housekeeper. I’ll open the gates, do come in!”
Without even telling what for? Jesus.
“Hm, thank you, madam.”
You walk into the pristine entrance hall and get on the lift, and soon enough, you’re stepping out into the living room; it’s modern and elegant, magazine-like, like your childhood home used to be. Clinical, lifeless, spotless, dignified.
An old woman, whom you quickly recognise as the housekeeper, greets you by the lift.
“Good evening, Miss O—”
“Please, just Y/N,” you rush to request with a shy gesture.
She nods. “Of course, Y/N-ssi— Mrs Kim would like to thank you for your visit and invite you to tea in the garden.”
“I’m, uh…” You take a look around as you follow her down the ample, radiant corridor. “I’m actually here to see Kim Taehyung? I brought him bone broth, a family recipe—” you murmur but quieten down as you notice the housekeeper’s confused look. “But, of course, I’d love to have some tea first.”
You’re led to a peaceful, traditional garden with a pond and a stone path. There’s a woman sitting quietly with a cup of tea in her hand, and she looks up at you as soon as you walk out into the garden.
“Oh, such a lovely surprise!” she says. “I wasn’t expecting you to visit, Ms O.”
“How is your grandmother? Chairman O said you’d be out on holiday, for rest and relaxation and all that… How was Busan? It was Busan you went to, wasn’t it? – oh, please, take a seat— you see, I have a few relatives there, but it never is quite the right moment to pay them a visit.” Your phone suddenly rings in your purse, and you excuse yourself to take a look. “Is it work? Should I leave you alone?”
You shake your head with a polite smile. “Oh, it’s just—” The text is from your co-worker insisting that you make a choice. “Nothing important,” you say then, putting it back in. “I actually came to see—”
A burrito-wrapped Kim Taehyung suddenly walks out into the garden, instantly shivering when the cold air sneaks into his pyjamas. His face is puffy, as well as his eyes and nose, and there’s a soft blush on his cheeks as he sniffles.
Then his eyes fall on you, and his entire demeanour changes.
Taehyung immediately looks away from you with one last sniff as he takes off the cover and folds it. “Mother, my health has improved significantly. I will be returning to the office shortly.”
“Aren’t you going to say hello? We have a visitor.”
“Ah, yes,” he murmurs. His hopes that you were a hallucination are broken. “Y/N-ssi, what are you… doing here?”
Mrs Kim merely rolls her eyes and beckons the housekeeper. The tea party soon is dismantled, and they both leave the two of you alone in the cold. You look away, suddenly taken over by an odd sense of embarrassment; you feel silly all of a sudden. You could have just sent him an email, there was no need for you to come all the way to his house.
“I brought you soup.”
He looks at you with a confused face, so you hand out the warm plastic bag to him; the plastic bowl is still hot on his palms, but Taehyung is still processing.
“I…” There it is, his customary blank face, but this time— the blush intensifies. “Thank you.”
You tilt your head. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Uh, yes, I think I’ll be back tomorrow,” Taehyung replies softly.
Silence takes over the two of you, and you take a look around, hugging your arms to fight the cold. He notices and yelps, “Sorry, I— should we go inside? You must be freezing out here. Uh— I’ll give this to Mrs Go.”
Shouldn’t he be concerned about his health first, though…? Rather than worrying about whether you feel cold, you think as you follow him into the house.
It makes you chuckle, somehow.
Taehyung leaves the bag on the kitchen counter and meets you in the ample living room; he catches you taking a look at some pictures, some even dating back to when he was a child. In one, he appears with another boy you think is Jimin, playing in the snow with folded arms and a grim face. Some with his parents, his younger siblings or friends, and some others where he does not appear. Decades of family history. And suddenly, you come across the image of Mr and Mrs Kim posing with your parents, and it makes your heart shrink.
You move away from the row of pictures and stand up. “Sorry, I was just looking.”
There are no comments from him, though; Taehyung is too busy staring at you in silence. You look away and suddenly remember why you’re actually here, so you shove your hand into your purse and take out the papers.
“Sir—? Actually, I came to see you about something else… I’m really sorry to bother you when you’re sick, but Mr Park left me in charge—”
You shrug. “Uh, Park Jimin said I was in charge until you recovered, so Mr Lee called me and asked if it was possible—”
“I can’t believe it!” he grunts and takes out his phone. “He should’ve stayed since he was the one who insisted that I go home,” Taehyung continues, typing aggressively.
“I asked him to,” you cut him off with a guilty feeling in your chest. He stops typing and looks down at your hand on top of his. “You wouldn’t listen to me, so I asked Mr Park to persuade you to go home and rest. I don’t mind being in charge – I like it.”
Taehyung stifles a grin at the sound of you saying that you like being in charge, almost forgetting that his brother is a smartass and took advantage of the situation. Then you realise you’re still grasping his hand, and you jerk it away from him, mumbling an apology. You don’t know if his blush is due to the cold or something else.
“Tell him to email me, that’s not something—”
“Taetae! I’m leaving!”
The door opens, and Mrs Kim walks into the room as she puts on a pair of gloves.
“I see my son is in good hands,” the woman says. “Honestly, Taetae pretends to be carefree and easy, but he’s hardworking – sometimes even too much.”
“Mom, she’s not here to take care of me, don’t—”
“You better do everything Y/N-ssi does, huh?” his mother continues. “Since she was kind enough to drop by and bring her family broth. That’s a privilege, Taehyungie.”
You nod with a soft smile and bid her goodbye in the entrance hall as the housekeeper helps her into her sturdy winter coat. Taehyung murmurs a ‘goodbye’ next to you and turns around as soon as the door is shut closed.
“Taetae, huh?”
He gasps. “It’s a— it’s my nickname from when I was a child. Nobody calls me that anymore.”
“Really? That’s a shame,” you retort. “I think it’s cute.”
The silence in the room feels heavy on your shoulders as you look at each other. Taehyung is actually mortified at the mere idea that you might feel forced not only to stay but also to take care of your useless boss. The last thing he wants is to be a nuisance to you, he thinks as a coughing fit takes over him.
“You’re still too weak, Taehyung-ssi,” you say, putting your hand on his shoulder. “You’d better get back into bed.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, you can go home—”
But you take him by the shoulders with a big smile and exclaim, “It’s the least I could do for my boss. Now, go to bed! I’ll figure out how to heat up the broth, all right?”
Honestly, it’s not like you have anything else to do – you don’t really have a life outside your jobs, neither of them. They’ve taken away the good one, the one that makes you rich and privileged, so what else are you supposed to do? Go home and binge-watch a series just to get depressed on your uncomfy little bed while you devour a musty bag of crisps—? Not today.
As you watch Taehyung head back to his bedroom with the blanket folded around his arm and an unsure step, you finally relax; you would have never imagined that Mrs Kim would recognise you, but then again, it’s quite normal for any mother with a child of marriageable age to have complete control over the opposite gender population of his shared demographic. Your own grandmother knows the face of every single bachelor on the continent.
The microwave beeps, and you take the steaming bowl from inside.
You were lucky that things didn’t go wrong. Mrs Kim could very well have mentioned your real identity, or Kim Taehyung could have talked about work. That’s a weight off your chest, you guess.
In a hurry, you leave the burning bowl on the worktop before it burns your fingers. You blow on them and turn on the cold water until the burning subsides, and then take the bowl away with a cloth. Now, where could be Kim Taehyung’s room? You didn’t think about that.
You’re too embarrassed to ask any of the staff, so you just wander around the house while the broth cools down.
After three restrooms, a pantry, and a cloakroom, you finally knock on a door and hear a weak ‘come in’. “It’s me,” you say, pressed against the door. “I— I can’t open by myself, could you—?”
Finally, the door opens.
Seeing you smile with the steamy bowl in your hands, Taehyung steps aside and lets you in. While you settle on a neat desk near his bed, he follows you closely and stands awkwardly by your side, waiting for you to say anything. He feels guilty enough that you’re wasting your free time taking care of him for some odd sense of responsibility of yours, and now he’s starting to feel guilty for enjoying your martyr-like company.
“Are you sure you don’t mind staying with me?”
You look up at him while setting the tray on the bedside table. “Uh, do you want me to leave?”
“No!” he rushes to say, and your stomach flutters. “No, I mean— I just don’t want you to feel forced to stay and look after your silly boss.”
You let out a chuckle.
“Believe me, sir, I wouldn’t be here if I—”
“Taehyung.” His voice makes you stop, almost making you drop the spoon as well. “Please, call me Taehyung, just Taehyung. If you don’t mind, of course,” he rushes to add at the sight of your wide-eyed bashfulness.
As soon as you’ve come around again, you nod slowly, murmuring that of course, you don’t mind calling him by his name. He can call you by yours as well, with a bit less formality if he wants. That’s all you say as you finish fixing the not-so-delicious-looking broth on the tray for him to put on his lap.
“Isn’t this awkward? For you, I mean,” Taehyung mumbles out of the blue.
You watch him get into bed. “What is?”
“I don’t know, seeing your boss in his pyjamas, seeing him stuffy, snotty. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate it. It’s just that I can’t stop thinking about you being forced to just because my mother thought—”
“If you don’t feel comfortable with me here, just tell me,” you say. “But I’m glad to see you’re feeling better, and—” Maybe you’re just insisting too much on skirting the shore with indifferent formalities. Maybe that’s what’s making Kim Taehyung think he’s forcing you. So, you take a sit on the chair next to him and lean into him. “I’m very happy to look after you… Taehyung.”
He just stares at you, and you feel like an idiot for even speaking.
The thing is, you don’t notice the way Taehyung grips the edge of the blanket while his stomach flutters like crazy. You don’t notice him, but he feels the same kind of embarrassment towards himself for getting excited about such a silly thing.
But, then again, you’re very happy to take care of him, aren’t you? Didn’t you just say that?
“Smells good,” he blurts out, desperate to change the subject. “T-the broth, I mean— did you make it yourself?”
“It’s a family recipe,” you say.
Taehyung chuckles softly, almost tenderly, and then watches you raise the spoon on your way to feed him. His brain freezes immediately, arms fidgeting without a clue what to do – until you crack up a laugh.
“Come on, be a good boy and suck it up,” you insist.
He obediently sticks out his tongue and opens his mouth, and you have to fight the urge to rub your thighs together. As a result, you shove the spoon into his mouth.
“Fuck, sorry!” Taehyung keeps coughing with a grimace. “I’m sorry, Taehyung, really! Are you—”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he murmurs, still frowning in disgust.
You let out a relieved sigh and put the bowl aside to inspect the spilt broth on his pyjama shirt; the greasy liquid has stained its neck, advancing through the fabric. You click your tongue and grab the cloth to wipe it, but this only spreads the stain. You’re starting to panic when you feel him shake, and when you look up, you realise he’s laughing.
“I thought I’d hurt you,” you groan as you throw the cloth on the table. “Since you were making faces…”
“I’m okay.”
“Is it hot?”
His eyes soften. “A bit.”
You get up, but only to move the armchair closer to his bed. You blow on the next spoonful before feeding him the spoon this time. There is no need to comment on the fact that his arms work perfectly and that you’ve been spoon-feeding him by instinct.
“Thank you,” he murmurs before taking it into his mouth and swallowing.
Taehyung grimaces again when the strong, bitter flavour kicks his tastebuds but rushes to soften his face.
“Don’t pretend it’s good,” you tell him off with a genuinely amused chuckle, drawing away the spoon, “I know it’s disgusting. It’s supposed to be bad.”
With this new info, he finds it easier to finish the broth.
You chat about trifles for a while longer, telling him what’s been going on in the office while he’s been away, and discussing the big project that’s been on everyone’s mind lately. The launch is barely a week away and there is still a lot to do; especially now that everyone is coming to you for answers and guidance. Luckily, that is your major asset.
“You look sleepy,” you whisper. Taehyung is barely able to keep his eyes half-open. “Get some sleep, I’ll clear this up.”
You get up and start stacking the bowl with the chopsticks and the herd of empty glasses he has accumulated on the bedside table throughout the day. With it in your arms, you quietly leave his bedroom, meeting the housekeeper, who kindly takes it to the kitchen. Now, bored and with nothing to do – because watching Taehyung sleep seems to cross a line – you wander around the house.
The entrance door closes suddenly.
Park Jimin is standing in the middle of the living room as he walks in, dusting the hoarfrost off the sleeves of his thick coat. He’s just as surprised to see you there.
“You really are a stickler.” Jimin is the first to speak. “Did you come to talk about the project? I’ve already discussed it with—”
“I came to see how President Kim was doing.”
“Oh, I see…” he murmurs, still grinning. “How did you find him?”
“Better than this morning. He’s eaten and taken some medicine, and now he’s asleep. I was just stretching my legs,” you say, looking down at your feet. It does feel like you’ve run a marathon.
“Are you after his money?”
You turn around, quiet, as he takes off his scarf and crosses the room, giving you a side-eyed glance.
But the idea is so far-fetched that it doesn’t even offend you. “I actually prefer to make my own money, sir,” you reply.
“I know you’re not,” Jimin suddenly says as he stops right in front of you. For some reason, you don’t feel the need to fight him on this – since you’re pretty positive you don’t need any man’s cash. “Sorry if I upset you, I was just pulling your leg.”
“You care about him,” you say with a soft smile.
“He’s my brother.”
Jimin then looks at you in silence, and he tries to say something else, you can tell he does before the housekeeper bursts into the living room, wanting to know who has just arrived. Surprisingly, her body goes stiff as soon as Park Jimin enters her visual field, and the woman bows her head with little enthusiasm or even respect.
“I’d better go now that Mr Park has arrived to look after Taehyung, I guess,” you blurt out, crossing your arms.
“Oh, I’m not here to stay,” Jimin says, glancing at the housekeeper. “Don’t worry, madam. I just popped in to drop off some snacks for Tae. I know Mrs Kim doesn’t like him to—”
“Mrs Kim knows how to take care of her son, sir.”
Jimin sighs and lowers his voice, “You don’t mind staying a bit longer, do you? I don’t like leaving Taehyung alone with her.” You nod at his words and take the plastic bag he hands you before wrapping his scarf back around his neck. “Thank you, Y/N-ssi.”
You watch Mrs Go carefully on Park Jimin’s way out; you notice her contracted, almost contemptuous face, and how she does not relax until the man disappears through the door.
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By the time Taehyung is back in the waking world, his bedroom is awash in the amber light of dusk. Everything is utterly silent, even the city seen through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Then he notices a pressure on his left arm, and he finds you asleep over him, your body rising and falling quietly.
You’re a hard worker, he can totally give you that. Maybe he allowed you to overwork yourself.
You are a very peculiar woman, he is sure of that; diligent and intelligent, but also secretly sweet. Although he is somewhat embarrassed to talk about himself like this, his surroundings have always taught him that most people, especially attractive women, would approach him to take advantage of him, his money, or his position. But you, on the contrary— you’re too straightforward, too abrasive to be one of those people, aren’t you?
Maybe he went out of his mind thinking that you like him.
Ah, silly, silly Taehyung, soft-hearted Kim Taehyung, like his aunt used to say. Some things never change, no matter how hard he tries to become colder. He was a silly boy, and now he’s a silly man.
His hand moves on its own when a strand of your hair slides down your cheek, brushing it behind your ear with his thumb. Your skin feels warm.
You’re his secretary, for God’s sake. He can’t be that stupid – he can’t stoop that low.
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Don’t hesitate to like, reblog, and leave some feedback if you liked it! It’s always good and encouraging to know what you think <3
“LOVE: undercover” is copyright ²⁰²³ Lola Bangtan, all rights reserved.
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harmooniaa · 3 months
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Marina sneaks out of her bed to visit Rex after the Lizard League battle in s2
if you want you can watch me infodump below the cut (mentions some stuff abt Atom Eve, one line abt Monster Girl, and obv Rex) 💚❤️
Marina gets very overstimulated in medical settings since she doesn’t get fatally hurt often (until the lizard league fight we see in s2) and because she’s been isolated for most of her life (you’ll understand when I post her backstory).
During the lizard league battle, her vocal chords undergo extreme strain and damage to the point where she can’t speak or use her powers afterwards, her wings get shot up while trying to protect her body, and she gets shot a couple times in the torso because she couldn’t protect herself with her wings anymore.
While she did majority of her healing in her hospital bed, she received visits from the other Guardians (mainly Amanda, who would do her best to comfort her and explain that the nurses and doctors aren’t there to hurt her and bring Marina her favorite snack: strawberries). Not only did she get to see familiar faces, she met some new ones as well. Eve was about to deliver more home decorating magazines to Rex when she got a glimpse of Marina lying in bed. When she entered the room, Marina was confused at first since she didn’t know who she was but then quickly recalled who she was based on an old photo Rex had shown her a week or two prior. Before meeting Eve (so basically based on the photo), Marina thought she was really pretty and admired her but never knew a lot since Rex avoided talking about her. While Eve was in Marina’s room, she introduced herself and they both got to know each other (Marina has to communicate with a notepad in order to let her voice heal). The two quickly became friends and led to Eve also visiting Marina whenever she came to visit Rex (at one point, Eve made a bunch of new clothes for marina to wear with her powers when she found out she didn’t have a lot to wear back at the Guardians of the Globe hq).
One time, Marina asked why Eve was always carrying the magazines and she spilled the secret about Rex being into home decor and how he never had a home (similar to what she tells Mark when he sees her). Their original conversation likely turned to talking about Rex and Marina finding out a lot about him through Eve. Before the Lizard League fight, Marina had cared for Rex the same way she cared for all the other guardians, maybe sometimes more than she should when they would have their moments together, but she never thought much about how she felt. They fought well together, he helped her loosen up during fights, and he was a good friend outside of superhero stuff, he got a little arrogant at times, but Marina would always be there to humble him. Overall, Marina thought Rex was a pretty good guy.
After knowing what he’s been through, Marina felt sad for him. It kind of explains why he could be a dick at times, but obviously doesn’t excuse it. Despite feeling bad, she kind of got the ick when she found out that he cheated on Eve. Noticing that Marina had gotten the ick, Eve quickly explained that his behaviors are improving a bit after almost dying in battle which made Marina feel better about him. After moving on from that topic and talking about other things before Eve left, Marina was left in her hospital bed, her mind drifting back to Rex. She thought about their friendship, then about her feelings for him.
Now whenever she thought about him, she’d get this urge to give him the affection and security he’s lacked for most of his life, she wanted to be the one to give him another chance. All of these feelings, along with the pain from her wounds, and anxiety of being in a hospital, it all fucked with her mind a lot. Marina was debating if she had romantic feelings for Rex or not. When she knew she was ready to get up and start walking around again, Marina sneaked out of her hospital room and went to go visit him. It made her heart ache to see him in such a state, still recovering from removing the bullet in his head and losing his hand. They continued bonding with each other like they normally do and this one time secret visit soon turned to Marina sneaking out of her room everyday to visit Rex. After a number of visits, Rex began realizing that he’s had feelings for Marina for a while now. He knew he wanted to change from his old ways and thought that Marina might be able to take him a step closer to that goal. He wants to treat her well, better than he’s treated his past relationships. Rex wanted to give Marina the best, because that’s what he thought she deserved. After mustering up a lot of courage (I feel like he has trouble talking about his feelings sometimes), he sat Marina down and told her everything. To his surprise, Marina reciprocated his feelings and from that point on they decided to go into a relationship.
So for the drawing, I saw a photo of two parrots cuddling and got inspired to draw Rex and Marina. A cute concept I had fun thinking about was Marina having bird-like tendencies, such as whistling (her equivalent of chirping ig), her wings getting ruffled if she’s going through an intense emotion, etc. I thought it would be adorable if Marina tried cuddling Rex like a parrot would (I provided a reference photo) while he was in his hospital bed. She was probably overstimulated since she had just finished receiving new wraps for her wounds and a check up and went to Rex for comfort. Another cute detail I added was that Marina is wearing one of the outfits Eve had made for her over her chest wrap (which is why you can’t see that cast/bandaid thingy).
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Tim is the perfect victim to Dick's grooming. He has absent parents, and later they both died. His introduction to the family was during one of the most difficult times. Bruce was harsh, too harsh towards Tim. Bruce and Tim are still learning how to navigate a healthier relationship than the one they first had. Jason and Damian tried to kill Tim multiple times. Alfred always stays silent. There's a reason why he maintains his position as a butler. He may be family to the Waynes but he will always remain at a distance so that he can continue being the loyal butler.
Tim was and always will be alone. At least until his big brother Dick comes to visit from Bludhaven. Dick is his only true ally. Dick is the one who cheers him up and cares for him. He is the only one who loves Tim. So he should pay Dick back, shouldn't he? Dick says he only wants to do it because he loves Tim. Dick is such a good big brother, it's only right that he fucks Tim's cunny and fill it up with Dick's babies. And Dick rejoices. At last, Tim is his.
Then Bruce dies. And Dick makes a mistake. He was too forceful. Years of grooming and getting to know Tim yet he forgot that Tim responds best when gently coaxed. In his defense, Dick had to shoulder a lot of problems since taking the mantle of Batman. The death of his father and mentor had Dick confronting the mortality of everyone in the family. If his dad can die, then so can Tim. And the incident the night before was proof of that. A rogue was so close. So close to harming his Tim. His baby bird. Then after being benched for only a day, Tim comes to him with tales of Bruce lost in a time stream. Tim was in danger. He was hurting himself. Then Damian had decided it was the best time to come out in the Robin uniform when he told Damian that he can only patrol after he has a talk with Tim. Dick didn't have any plans to start that very night. And now Tim is gone. He left Dick alone in Gotham.
He'll coax Tim back to him when he comes back. He has to come back. For now, Dick contents himself with imagining what he'll do to Tim when comes home. All his apologies and punishments.
That's all I have (⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠). But I like to imagine Tim coming home either pregnant or no longer pregnant because he lost the baby. Any scenario is good for angst and I can't decide. But the pregnancy might mean gentler punishments and the loss meant harsher ones. The loss of pregnancy might mean a much more susceptible Tim but the alive baby might not because it means Tim was right and good enough to protect his baby.
!!!!!!!!!!!! dick is prime groomer matierial!!! he's well-liked, social, attractive, and tim already likes him. and tim- tim is already 45% groomed just as he is. the way he's isolated, the way there's no strong parental figure in his life, and the fact that dick is the only one in his corner. dick comforts tim and holds him after he's reprimanded by bruce, hurt by damian and jason, or burned by alfred's silence.
tim had to be eased into the touching, he had to understand that dick being able to fuck him makes him very happy and if tim wants to repay all of dick's kind words and late night comforts this was the way to do it. the trick of it is to make sure tim enjoys himself as well. if tim dislikes it, if it scares him, or hurts him then dick will have to try even harder the next time to convince him to let dick fuck into his little princess hole.
when tim gets pregnant dick is ecstatic because now tim will be connected to him forever!! even if tim hates him or leaves him like so many have before, dick will always have a leash to him through their baby that's half his.❤️❤️❤️❤️
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emchant3d · 8 months
Though the keysmash WIP intrigues me, I gotta ask about "sigh" (although if you feel like you want to share about both, I certainly won't stop you)
congratulations you picked what might be the angstiest options on the list and that's a talent! "sigh" is actually the one fic on there that isn't steddie I think - it's a royjamie fic from ted lasso lmaoooo but! here's a snip!
Jamie isn’t a stranger to taking a hit on the pitch. Can’t be as good as he is, as big a prick as he is, without getting accustomed to the taste of grass in his teeth. 
He sees it coming this time, at least - feels the heat bearing down on him from right field as he moves the ball across the turf, knows if he can just get around this little dick from Man City and send the ball to Dani they’ll score before the impact comes, and he’s moving as quick as he fucking can which is fucking saying something–
But it comes faster than he thought it would, and this shit - it ain’t about the game, is it, can feel the edge of real anger in the way the guy’s shoulder bashes into him, legs tangled with his and sending him slamming down hard and something in him pops and his chest is all pain and he can’t breathe and there’s red and–
And then everything goes blurry.
the keysmash one is steddie but it's VERY heavy so it'll go under a cut. I wanted to play around with the idea that I've seen circling around that after all the upside down issues are resolved, Steve struggles to find a place in the group when he's no longer needed as muscle or a tank, and it got dark.
Warnings for suicidal thoughts, self harm, discussion of an overdose, and a suicide attempt. Anyone reading this PLEASE take care of yourself and do not click this read more if those topics are triggering for you. Please note that while these warnings are relevant, Steve will not die. This will have a happy ending. But the happy parts will not be found below this read more.
He’d thought about a gun, but it would be too loud - and he doesn’t own one besides, and what’s he going to do, ask Nancy? No way. He could buy one, but he’d have to leave the house for that, and if he’s not left for groceries in weeks, he’s definitely not leaving for something as stupid as buying a damn gun. 
Rope, maybe, but he’s never been good with knots and he doesn’t know what in the house is structurally sound enough, and that sounds like way too much effort anyway, and so - this will do. 
He has a plan. He’s got it all figured out. He didn’t know when he would do it, but well. Tonight seems as good as any other night.
No one is coming. No one cares. No one thinks of him and so why is he putting it off? Why is he delaying the inevitable?
He decides the tub is the best place. Only place, maybe. If he fills it first, makes it so the mess falls into the water and can easily drain away, that’s best. He’ll be careful - he’ll do his best to keep it all in the water, to not drip red on the porcelain. He knows how badly it will stain. And he doesn’t want to cause trouble, not with this. He wants this to be quick and painless for his friends (can he call them that? They haven’t spoken in weeks. He and Eddie were never close and the kids don’t come visit anymore and Nancy has Jonathan and Robin–
He can’t think about Robin.)
He doesn’t want this to be traumatizing. He wants to slip away from them like he’s slipped out of the group, mostly forgotten. He’s cleaned the house top to bottom, emptied the fridge and the pantry, left everything pristine. The bathroom will be the only mess, and he wants to keep that as minimal as possible, so. This is the best way. The only way.
He thinks it’ll probably be his parents who find him, eventually. If they make their way back home any time soon. He opens the bathroom window to help with the smell since it will probably be a while, but when it’s time he’ll keep the door closed, keep it contained.
He starts the hot water and goes to get a knife from the kitchen.
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anchoeritic · 2 years
「 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐮𝐬. 」
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: college!bucky x fem!reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ only // minors dni // nsfw content, unprotected sex, vaginal sex (p in v), toxic relationship, "breakup" sex, fingering, clit play, pants ripping(?), degradation, praise, ongoing cycle of toxicity.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: every time you try to leave, he always manages to lure you back into his arms.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this might be one of my favourite pieces. reblogs and feedback are appreciated but never pressured, thank you so much!
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he was your last resort, but always your first option. tipsy friends left your side after a crowd of drunk college students came raving their way down the street, pulling your buddies in with a game of cup pong.
your sober ass was sat on the side of the road, the sidewalk waiting for bucky to show up. your ex boyfriend. first and last lover, definition of heartbreak fuckin' maniac.
he was an asshole, everyone said it. even yourself. it wasn't very hard to admit. he was a dick to everybody, made sure they left his sight with tears in their eyes. everything he said was a jab to the heart. he was the type of boy your mother would always warn you about, yet he was such a mommy's boy.
taking care of his family, working that 9-5 shift at his mom's cafe. oh, did i mention, he plays the role as the barista at that 9-5 job? yup. serving cups of hot tea to the elders that visited the cafe, sitting down for a few minutes to talk to them.
seen as the golden boy amongst the elders, he occasionally came over to your home, checking up on your grandma. his best girl, he called her by. brushing her hair, buying her cute little gifts. his spirit was so warm, god, don't get me started.
pearly whites, pink tinted cheeks, a metal-fucking-arm, who wouldn't fall in love with him? trying to change his ways was one thing, being blinded by his lies was another.
you were too blinded by the way he treated your loved ones to realize how bad he was treating you. telling you he loved you after every hookup just to leave the morning after. brushing your hair behind your ear, telling you that you were his only love, only to find his fingers interlocked with another girl's.
feeling embarrassed was an understatement. he played you insane. he had you wrapped around his finger like a damn puppet, stringing you along just to fuck and dip.
you thought he could mend the hole in your heart, but he ended up digging deeper.
"b-bucky?," you mumbled through the phone, sniffling quietly. "are you here yet?" he was supposed to be here right now. did he really just-
the sound of a car rolling up infront of you spun you out of your thoughts, making you look up. bucky's car. leaning over to the passenger seat, he rolled the window down, looking at your sat-down body.
"y/n." he breathed out.
this was the first time he's ever seen you since your "breakup", and damn did you look beautiful. the last time you had sex with him really. you stopped feeding into his thirst, holding yourself back. even with tear stains on your cheeks, you looked absolutely breathtaking.
he got used to seeing your eyes glossy. as much as he hated it, he couldn't help but admire them. as much as he wanted to pull you close to his chest and wipe the tears away, he couldn't. at least not anymore.
walking up to his car, you pulled at the handle, sliding into the passenger seat, wiping your tears away with your other hand. why was it so hard to face him now? for god's sakes, y/n, get it together. you dated him, he broke your heart, get over it.
he started up the car, eyes not leaving your stiff body. it felt weird, he thought, nibbling on the inside of his cheek. "just go, bucky." you whimpered, feeling tears brim your eyes again. "please, i can't do this anymore," clutching the hem of his sweater tightly.
"just drive."
he reached his hand out, pressing it on your shoulder. "y/n, please, just listen to me-"
"no, you listen to me!" moving away from him. "this, this vicious cycle is driving me psycho." you sat the edge of the car seat, with your head resting in your hands, starting to let the hot tears roll down your cheeks. it was true. one call led to two bodies against each other, and those three words flowing into one ear just to slip out the other.
"one minute i'm leaving, the next i-i forgive you," you sobbed, pulling at the roots of your hair. "we never figure shit out, we just,"
"we just fuck, bucky." turning your head over to him. his eyes softened at the sight of your swollen eyes and quivering lip. his teeth sunk into the tip of his tongue as he refused to reply to you.
every time you called, every single time, you swore it would be the last. you made a promise to yourself, yet seemed to break it every single time.
"i-i keep running back and you keep letting me collapse into your arms like i'm some lost puppy- god, bucky, my heart aches." he flinched at the volume of your voice, but seemed to lean closer to you. his hands found their way to your cheeks, squeezing them softly, causing you to cry even harder.
you grabbed onto his wrists, letting your eyes wander around away from the piercing look of his. "i don't know how long i can keep this up for. i just want to be free,"
"i want to be able to sleep without hearing the beating of your heart." your words coming out as a whisper.
even if it was for a few minutes, you cherished every moment you had with him. laying your head on top of his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
bucky sighed, swiping a thumb over a fallen teardrop. "then let this be the last." was it really worth it? "one last time, y/n."
your eyes widened, a shaky breath leaving your lips as you shook your head. "i'm just going to run back, there's never a "last time"-"
his lips crashed onto yours into a wet kiss before you could finish your sentence, quite literally taking your breath away. your teeth clashed together as he roughed up on you, hand sliding down from your face to the centre of your throat, pressing on the sides gently.
you moaned quietly against his lips, the feeling of his hand around your throat sending you back to the last time you two made love on the beach after a fight, and boy was that rough.
shuffling off away your seat, you quickly rushed over to his lap, lips still attached to his. one last time. your thoughts completely ran off your mind, the only thing that mattered right now was the sweet taste of his lips colliding with yours.
pressing your forehead onto his, you pulled your lips away, letting out a few light pants. his hands travelled to the bottom of your ass, hoisting you a little higher. he smiled at the sight of you; delicate, beautiful.
"i'll stop picking up your phone calls." he mumbled. "just let me make you feel good one last time, and i promise i'll leave you alone."
you wrapped your arms around the base of his neck, brushing your nose with his. tears continued to stream down your face, you didn't know if it was out of joy or sadness anymore. you wanted him gone, out of your life, why did it feel like he stabbed your heart once more?
no more fake "i love you"'s, random pickups at 3am in the morning, shouldn't you be happy?
“one last time.” and with that your lips connected again, the roughness of the kiss sending shivers down your spine. the sound of his grunts turning you on, making your stomach flip.
if this was going to be the last time, you two better make it damn good and worth it.
no more gentle ex boyfriend, no more teary broken hearted girl, forget it all just for one night. your last night spent together. in his benz, sat on his lap, capturing his bottom lip between your teeth.
your hips grounded into his as he kissed the life out of you, trying to match his pace. he was so irresistible, look at him. he squeezed at your ass, digging his nails into your skin.
"let it out, baby." thrusting up slowly, "let me hear your beautiful moans just once more." slipping his tongue into your mouth, swirling into yours as you two fought for dominance.
his fingers reached the valley between your ass cheeks, stroking your wet slit through the thin material of your tights, earning a heavy whine from you.
his other hand came striking down, landing a harsh smack to the palette of your ass causing you to jerk forward. he let out a chuckle against your lips, grabbing a handful of your ass again. "shit, i could just cum to your cries alone."
and just as you were about to release another whimper, his fingers dung through the fabric of your pants, stretching the hole he created and ripping the thin material, leaving your panties exposed.
you clenched at the sudden coldness of the air hitting your sex, the familiar wind tingling your clit. “fuck, bucky-“ you didn’t care that he just ripped your favourite fucking pants in half, that was the last thing to be angry about at the moment.
the only thing on your mind was the madness of your entire relationship. the cons overbearing the pros, the love he swore to you turning out to be pure filth. you were going to make him regret everything. flirting with you, talking to you, hell, fucking you.
“such needy lil thing, huh?,”. he murmured, ripping the hole wider, getting easier access to your cunt. his hand slid down your ass again, cupping your pussy tightly before sinking his teeth into your lower lip. he tugged at the flesh, fingers tracing circles over the wet spot of your panties. “my neediest little slut, right?”
he let go of your lip, planting another rough kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth again. the rhythm of his fingers quickened making you moan into the kiss.
you always loved when he did that.
your hips rocked against the pads of his fingers, trying to increase the pleasurable friction between the two. "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" you cried out, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck.
fuck, you two probably looked fucking crazy through the windows. car bouncing, you on top of him with a big ass hole in your tights as he continues to play with you through your panties.
"we have time for that. don't we, sweetheart?" bucky grinned evilly, feeling your thighs start to tremble around him. incoherent words left your lips, a wave of ecstasy ready to crash over you, you were nearly over the edge.
"cum all over my fingers, dirty girl,". he added another finger, rubbing even faster over your bundle of nerves. "fuckin' soak them, baby"
"can't wait to taste you on my damn tongue."
that's what did it for you.
a loud scream escaped your throat as it finally hit you. your stomach doing flips, thighs shaking violently. you swore you could see stars. your wetness came pouring out of you, covering every inch of his fingers, coating them in you.
bucky's cock stirred in his pants, the sight in front of him causing him to get harder. how was he able to lose this? how bad could he have fucked up, shit.
with the face of an angel, thoughts of a sinner, you were absolutely perfect. body sculpted by the gods themselves, lips swollen from the devil's kisses, you somehow still looked like such a dream sat on his lap.
so beautiful, so sweet. he couldn't take it anymore.
"i need to be inside you," zipping down his zipper in a quick motion, and pulling his cock out of the cover of his boxers. his cock stood up straight, brushing over your sensitive clit, drawing out another wail from you.
"gonna fuck you dumb, baby," pumping his cock with his hand, holding your jaw with the other. "gonna fuck you 'til you cry for me to stop". he gave your cheek a light smack, jerking your head the other way, only to grab you back and make you face him again.
slipping the tip into you, he threw his head back at the pleasure. finally, his cock was getting some type of attention. being wrapped around your warm velvety walls was one way to soothe the ache. the best way.
without a warning, he thrusted his hips up roughly catching you off guard. the way his cock stretched you out had you feeling dizzy, you felt so lightheaded. the pain mixed with the pleasure, it felt too good. he felt too good stretching your tight pussy out.
he rutted in and out of you from under, hand still cupping your cheeks together tightly. an evil chuckle fell from his lips, observing the way your face scrunched up in pleasure.
"you really think this is the last time, sweetheart?" running his thumb over your clit. "you thought i was really going to let you fucking run?" your back arched, hands finding the tops of his broad shoulders.
"you're never gonna leave me, baby." you were too tired to reply, drunk on his cock, you felt like you were floating. "you'll always be mine, sweets."
"i'm never gonna leave you alone. ever. you'll always run back to me."
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selenesheart · 3 years
dazed // d.m.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: smut, rough sex, praising kink, titty fucking, single dad!draco, single mom!reader, tension, cursing, unprotected sex, a bit of wine, a bit of spit, post hogwarts, modern au
summary: the tension between your son’s best friend’s dad and you was unbearable.
“they said they’d be here by ten!” draco heard little scorpius’ voice coming from downstairs as he made his way down. draco smiled at scorpius’ enthusiasm, remembering telling him that you and your son would be there at any moment.
draco remembered when you two agreed on you bringing your 9-year-old son to the malfoy manor to spend time with scorp a few days back.
your son had told you that he wanted to visit his best friend at the beginning of the week, who was none other than scorpius malfoy, draco malfoy’s son.
after making plans with the malfoys, you mentally prepared yourself for what was gonna come. prepare for that cocky smirk and that harsh personality that you haven’t seen in at least ten years.
as your son mentioned the name “malfoy”, your memories rushed back in, all the glances, and flirty looks. you had to admit, draco malfoy was attractive, but you knew he was nowhere near good. well at least back then.
a couple of minutes later, an expensive-looking car arrived at the manor’s entrance. you and your son were inside of this car, looking rather excited, or at least your son was.
“merlin” the slytherin whispered as soon as you stepped out of the car, draco’s eyes landing on your figure, a figure of a goddess. malfoy examined every inch of your body, he couldn’t take his eyes off you, like he was being hypnotized.
but draco wasn’t the only one being hypnotized at the moment. you, too, were admiring his tall figure, from his perfect features to his arms that appeared to be noticeably muscular. he had changed.
you took a deep breath as the children greeted each other. blinking repeatedly, your vision rose to the blonde in front of you, giving him a polite smile as if you two haven’t spent more time looking at each other than usual, taking each other in.
taking a few steps, you extended your hand to greet the older malfoy, he took your hand in his rather big one, shaking it. his tall body hovering over yours, making your mind foggy.
his eyes lingered on your small, slight shaky hands, smirking at the slight size difference. your body had changed over the past few years, as well as your gorgeous face, he noticed. his face didn’t move at all as he scanned your face, it was like he was blocking any emotion from showing.
after backing away, you greeted the younger malfoy, bending over to reach his eye level. it took all of malfoy’s self-control to not let out a strangled groan, he adjusted his collar, letting out a low breath as he tried not to let his eyes wander down, which he miserably failed to do, letting himself catch a glimpse of your covered backside.
you got back at your feet, as draco took an unsteady breath.
“why don’t we all come inside the manor?” the tall man suggested as he opened the big, black door. with one last eye contact, you made your way in, the boys coming right behind you.
your breath hitched as you entered the enormous manor, mesmerized by the elegant chandelier, you examined the room, the many floors, the ridiculously long table in the guest room.
you chuckled lowly when you heard the little “woah” that escaped your son’s lips. smiling slightly at the cheeky smirk of the two malfoys. like father, like son, you supposed.
“let’s go to outside, ‘wanna show something!” scorpius spoke to your son excitedly. after checking with you if he could go to the garden, your son ran behind scorpius. giggles were heard from outside, making you smile slightly. then, it hit you; you were in the manor with a very tall, attractive man behind you. alone.
turning around slowly, you let yourself explore him with your vision. his sleeves were rolled up to his forearm, a couple of buttons undone, veiny hands in his trouser pockets. he looked so handsome, you thought.
“so— would you fancy a cuppa?” he offered, his deep voice breaking your train of thoughts. you looked up to him feeling embarrassed, he was smiling politely down at you. you returned the smile as you responded with a soft “yes, please”.
walking down to the kitchen, you felt draco's hand brush against yours, suddenly feeling hot, even when the room was freezing. you also took notice of his kind and polite personality, he wasn’t that rude 17-year-old boy that treated everyone like garbage.
“can you help me get those glasses on the top of the drawer?” he said as the two of you arrived at the large kitchen. you hummed a response while approaching the drawer that he was referring to just a couple of seconds ago, draco leaving to get a bottle of red wine.
you placed a hand on top of the counter besides the dark drawer, lifting yourself a bit to reach the said cups. your fingertips could touch them but it was no use, you huffed, the glasses were unnecessarily high.
you jumped slightly as you felt one of malfoy’s big hands on your waist, his tall figure— once again— hovering over you, reaching his arm to the top of the drawer. your backside pressed against his front, making him close his eyes slightly, trying to remain calm.
he grabbed the cups like it was nothing, using the hand that was in your waist to turn you around. draco raised the glasses to your face with a lazy smirk spread on his face, making you roll your eyes playfully, although your self-control was slowly getting out of your reach as his long fingers were spread out, sending a shiver down your spine.
“I could’ve reached that” you joked as his long fingers slowly let go of your waist, making that spot feel empty. “it seemed like it was too high for you” he responded along with a chuckle as he made his way to the kitchen counter, where the expensive wine was located. the blonde opened the bottle easily, while you sat down in the kitchen’s chair.
draco placed the glass in front of you, pouring the red wine inside of it. your eyes betrayed you as they made their way to his long fingers full of rings, unconsciously you bit your bottom lip softly, you let your imagination wander.
imagining how his fingers would feel, so deep inside of you, stretching you. how it would feel to have them in your mouth, preventing you from making any sound as he entered you from—
“is that good?” he asked innocently, breaking you from your naughty thoughts. you took a deep breath as you mumbled a “yes” to his question. you were extremely embarrassed, all things you were thinking of the man you haven’t even seen since high school.
the two of you chatted for hours and hours, drinking, enjoying each other’s company. laughing and just chatting about each other’s life in general.
“mum! can i stay for the night, please?” your son asked with his big doe eyes after you told him that it was time to go home. a sigh left your mouth, “in that case, i’ll come pick you up first thing tomorrow, alright?” you responded to his question, he nodded, a big smile on display.
“why don’t you stay with him?” malfoy spoke taking you off guard, turning around you saw that he was already in his pyjama pants, your breath getting heavy as you caught the sight of his exposed chest. you were about to decline his kind offer until you heard your son’s voice “yes please! stay in the manor with me!”.
“well— if there’s any room, i could stay for the night,” you sighed, “but, where am i going to stay, and besides, i have nothing to wear for bed,” you said worriedly. you furrowed your brows as you saw draco playfully roll his eyes.
“you could sleep in my room, and i’ll give you one of my shirts for you to wear” malfoy spoke softly, mentally smirking, already forming a plan in his head. your hands felt sweaty at the idea of sleeping in the same room as draco malfoy, in his clothes.
after the older man and the kids tried to convince you, you finally agreed. giving both boys a good night kiss on their foreheads, you rushed to malfoy’s room. finding no one in the room, you quickly grabbed his big white shirt and his boxers, making your way to his luxurious bathroom. you used a spell to help you clean your undergarments.
once you were done, you exited the bathroom just to find draco waiting for you in the darkroom. malfoy was mesmerized by the sight of y/n l/n wearing his see-through shirt, making your bra to be shown, causing his thoughts to go wild. all he wanted to do was rip his shirt off you and roughly massage your breasts until— he took a steady breath, containing himself.
soon enough, you were washing your face in the sink, ready to call it a night. draco stepped behind you, he extended his arm to his toothbrush in front of you. the once big room suddenly felt small.
once he was done brushing, he placed the toothbrush where it was before, causing his growing cock to make contact with your backside. you gasped as he gulped slowly, making eye contact through the bathroom mirror. hard, lust-filled eyes looking back at you.
biting your lips slightly, you turned around slowly to get a better look at his face. your vision rose to his eyes, innocent eyes looking up at him. draco had lost control. he got ahold of your cheek, bringing you up to a heated kiss. you moaned against his mouth as your fingers travelled through his hair. it all felt right.
any respectful or friendly behaviour towards each other was gone as you held tightly onto his broad shoulders, digging your nails into his skin.
the next thing you knew, the two of you were kissing, biting, licking each other like desperate animals. one of his hands travelled from your face to the end of his shirt, desperately taking it off your body, along with his black boxers.
draco groaned at the sight of your perfect body in a black set of undergarments, the sight of you looking up at him oh so innocently, the constant brushing of his erect dick against your clothed cunt. it was all driving him insane.
you arched your back off the bed, taking off your bra eagerly, breasts flowing free. malfoy wasted no time on grabbing your soft mounds, playing with them, kissing them, almost worshiping them.
“merlin— ” he breathed against your chest, the vibrations adding to the pleasure “i can’t wait to see your tits bouncing up and down” his words alone made you even wetter if that was possible. you were dripping.
you cried out as he took one of your nipples in his mouth, biting it softly. your hands were once again located on top of his head, your fingers threaded through his silky hair.
“‘m gonna fuck your tits, alright?” he asked—more like demanded— as you moaned softly at the thought of malfoy in top of you fucking your breasts. your panties started feeling uncomfortable now, you couldn’t control your arousal. you should’ve pushed him away, and tell me to stop, but you couldn’t, you didn’t want him to stop.
and now, here you were, your son’s best friend’s dad on top of you, ready to gain an orgasm from your tits, it felt like you were in heaven. he looked divine. his sweaty hair going everywhere, his dark pupils, toned body. such a beautiful sight.
he positioned himself on top of your torso, his muscular legs on either side of you. you looked at his face, waiting for his next move. he spat between your breasts, as he placed his throbbing cock in between. you grabbed each one of your boobs, bringing them together to create friction.
“that feels so good, darling argh—” draco groaned as he started moving his hips, front to back, causing his dick to leak some pre-cum across your breasts. his breathing got heavier as you stuck out your tongue to lick his red tip.
he moved faster while you moved your tits up and down, following his rhythm. it felt like he had died and gone to heaven, the feeling was unmatchable. he couldn’t wait to have your aching pussy stuffed with his dick. plus, the look in your face had him almost cumming right there and then.
but he fought the urge to cum in your tits. malfoy suddenly stopped and lowered himself to play with your folds, teasing you with his twitching tip.
“i want you inside me, please” you don’t know what took over but you pleaded like your life depend upon it. the infamous smirk was back at his face, a low chuckle leaving his pink lips.
“what do you want inside, darling?” he rubbed your desperate clit with one of his fingers, making you cry out in desperation “do still want my fingers?” he asked, causing you to furrow your brows. what was he talking about? still?
“oh don’t play dumb on me now. just a few hours ago you were wishing my fingers were inside your panties, fingering you. did you forgot about the legilimency spell, already?” he scoffed leaving you dumbfounded, he read your mind while you were thinking about him having his finger deep inside of your cunt. you gulped loudly as you looked deep into his eyes, looking for some type of sign that would tell you that he was trying to embarrass you.
but there wasn’t any.
“don’t you worry princess. you’re gonna get something even better” draco whispered as he winked down at you. your excitement level growing by the minute.
draco sucked on your sensitive breast as his hand made its way to his erect cock, gripping it while he teased your tight entrance. his other hand coming down to your thigh to expand your legs more. one of his thumb traveled through your glistening folds, smirking at how wet you were.
“i’ve never wanted to fuck someone so bad, until now” he breathed against your collarbone, your hands gripping his muscular forearms tightly. his words made you let out a soft moan before you realized.
he entered you as his mouth filled with praises, praises that made you clench around him in the most delicious way possible. after years of not having sex, this was all you needed.
“fuck— you feel so good, princess” he moaned lowly, your moans getting louder as he thrust in and out of your tight hole. one of your hands was placed on top of your mouth, trying to be silent.
“these walls are pretty thick. which means we can be as loud as we want” he spoke to you as he took your hand off your mouth and started thrusting his hips even faster. his grunts were the most arousing things you would ever hear.
his thrusts got harsher, making your tits bounce up and down repeatedly. loud whines and moans were heard coming from you as you dug your nails into his soft skin. his balls slapping against your skin while he circled your clit rapidly.
“you look so pretty with my cock inside of you, sweetheart. see how i’m filling you up?” he said with a hoarse voice. you whined ‘yesyesyes’ as he lifted your leg to his waist, the new position making him hit your g-spot repeatedly.
“you’re doing so good f'me baby— shit” the attractive man swore as he felt you clench around him. he fisted the bedsheets from the pleasure. his thrusts were getting rougher, balls slapping against your skin.
“are— ” malfoy breathed “are you clo—close?” he asked before he connected his lips to your overstimulated nipples once again. he roughly massaged the other breast, slapping it once in a while. his main goal is to make you cum before him.
“yes!” you gasped when draco’s big hands suddenly held your hips, lifting them to reach even further into you. he was going at an animalistic speed, you couldn’t even keep up.
“c’mon, come for me baby, show me how good you feel” he breathed against your lips, you grabbed the back of his head, pushing him down on you, kissing him roughly while you were thrown off the edge.
the two of you moaned against each other’s mouth as you squeezed malfoy’s cock tightly, milking him down. draco kept thrusting into you, his cum spilling out too, riding you out of your high. the blonde man disconnected his lips from yours as he pulled out.
the sensation of pulling out made you both moan softly, both cums dripping out of your hole and onto the bedsheets. draco was quick to collect the dripping cum and shove it inside of you with his fingers, causing you to arch your back off the bed and moan softly at the feeling of his fingers.
after catching your breath, you opened your eyes just to see the 27-year-old man that you just fucked beside the bed, who was already looking down at you with a sweaty face. and you would be lying if you said that his next words didn’t make you wet.
“i’m not done with you, yet. get in all four for me, darling”
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Hello! can you do a scenario with fem!reader and father's best friend!namjoon? I totally understand if this is a concept you're uncomfortable with. All the armys are going crazy with the dilf!bts concept so I need to have this 😭
Tbh that's a hard concept (like absolutely don't do this irl y'all plss it's not okay if it's not fiction– go in the notes to read my PSA pls) so I had to write a bit of plot at the beginning just because I wanted to make it as less weird as possible lol
Namjoon wasn't the type of family friend you got to see a lot growing up. He was, however, the type of friend you got to hear about a lot. Your dad had spent his high school years being in a band that never really had its break, and Namjoon had apparently been the youngest member and your father's favourite. He kept talking about how he "raised" him, meaning he helped him get his first kiss and taught him about girls. Then your dad got your mum pregnant right after graduating, and they both decided to move to the US to find a job and start their family. Your family. And so your dad lost touch with his best friend.
He talked about him quite often, and you knew he had even visited once when you were still too young to have a memory of it. You had only ever seen a couple of pictures of them together; Namjoon looked like a very cringy 13-year-old with a terrible haircut. Not that your dad as a teenager looked any better. But that's beside the point. It doesn't matter what he looked like back then, today you probably wouldn't be able to even recognize him even if he passed you on the street.
"Did I tell you? My best friend moved here from Korea! The band kids are back together!"
Namjoon came back into your father's life at around the same time as you left it– moved away for college. And you kept getting all these updates on how great it was that they found each other again, how many things they did together and in general how happy your dad was. When you visited home for Christmas, Namjoon was away so you didn't run into him. And almost a year after he had moved there, you would finally meet him during the summer. Your father invited him for dinner one hot evening in July.
You opened the door to find him standing outside, your mother just a step behind to greet him. “Joonie! So glad you could make it. Come on in, come on in... Ah! As you know, this is our daughter.”
The man was tall and handsome, nothing like the pictures you had seen. And familiar. His eyes met yours and he smiled, making your blood run cold— you had seen that man before. Not even a week ago, staring at you at the bar while sipping his whiskey until you decided he was too hot and couldn’t be older than 30, so you walked up to him and gave him a napkin with your number and a lipstick stain of a kiss on it. He never called.
“Wow,” Namjoon said without his tone matching his words. “She has grown up so much.” And he looked you up and down again, checking you out kind of like he had done that night. Your entire face was burning, turning on your heels to get away. What the fuck kind of luck was that? He was your dad's friend? You hoped– you begged that he didn't recognize you. He wasn't saying anything, though his eyes kept on stealing looks, and so you thought you might have had a close escape. Until you run into each other in the kitchen. Alone. "Come here, young lady," he said in a deep voice that sent shivers down your spine. You already felt like you were in trouble. "Does your father know you go around giving your number to men almost twice your age?"
He was so close, eyes travelling lazily down your form with a smirk on his lips. "No," you choked. "I– I don't– You were staring at me, that's why I thought..."
"I was staring at you because I was trying to figure out if you were my best friend's daughter."
Hearing him say the words made your cheeks burn. Defeat. He had a logical excuse and all you had was that he was a little too much your type. And he sounded like he was scolding you, reminding you of your place. You lowered your head, really wanting to get out. "Please don't tell him."
Don't tell him I hit on you. Don't tell him I wanted to fuck you.
Namjoon didn't reply right away, but late that night you got a text from an unknown number. "I won't tell him anything."
He won't tell him anything. Perhaps that could be applied to what had already happened, or what would happen in the future.
You didn't text frequently, but you did nonetheless. And even though you were sure both of you would say they were simple, innocent texts, how innocent could they really be when the man already knew how you felt about him? Maybe you were crazy, but you thought he might like you too. Maybe he liked the fact that you liked him. It wasn't evident in anything he did or say, just the vibes you got from him those days he visited your house, or the way he looked at you when you were left alone for a second. The summer passed by so fast when every other day you met your father's best friend in one way or another.
When it was time for you to move back to the city where you attended college, Namjoon just so happened to be going there for some work too. And your parents were grateful that you had someone to travel with. The car ride was long and mostly silent. You had never been left alone for so long and suddenly you realised how hard it was to keep a conversation going without talking about how horny he made you feel just by being in the same, tight space with you. But the farther away you got from home, the less you cared about keeping your good reputation up.
"Where will you sleep tonight?" you asked him after he helped drop off all your stuff at your apartment late that night and was already at the door, ready to leave.
"I'll find a hotel," he told you, hand still on the door handle.
"You can stay here if you want to."
"Don't–" His plea was soft-spoken, in contrast to the intense way his eyes were piercing yours.
"Don't what?" you acted dumb. "All I'm saying is I'm sure dad would rather you stay instead of paying for a room. You're like family, anyway."
You noticed how he took in a deep breath, grip around the knob getting harder. "Don't bring him into this."
Saying that you two shouldn't mention your father was like admitting what was going on right now was beyond innocent. And even though your stomach clenched at his harsh tone, you bowed your head and whispered. "I'm sorry."
"This is so wrong," you heard him call loudly all of a sudden, making you look back at him. He was chewing on his lip desperately. "I was there when your dad got your mom pregnant. Do you know what I said? Fuck, man, how are you gonna get out of this bullshit? I shouldn’t be…"
You blinked at him, waiting to hear the end of the sentence. "Shouldn't be what?" You weren't gonna let him slip away that easily. You would push him until he had to say what he wanted to say. It was your only chance, anyway.
Namjoon sighed. He pushed the door closed and walked up to you steadily all while he was staring straight into your eyes. "Why did you give me your number that night?"
Your breathing was already getting heavier. You wouldn't back away. What was the point? He knew already. "Because you were hot. And I wanted you to fuck me."
He chewed his lip for a few seconds, watching your face as he contemplated his next words. "Why do you want me to stay over tonight?"
You gulped. He was so close, closer than ever. "Because you're hot," you whispered. Glance down on his lips. "And I want you to fuck me."
He closed his eyes momentarily before he was exhaling loudly. "Fucking– hell!"
And he instantly moved forward, one hand grabbing the back of your head as he brought your face to crush on his, mouths smashing against each other after all the times you had dreamed about it. It was so much better than you could have imagined, lips full and soft parting yours for his tongue to slip in between, making you moan. And you were trying to get closer and closer, almost tripping as you walked blindly further into the apartment. His jacket was discarded on the floor before your shirt joined it, and Namjoon was growling before attacking your neck with his teeth.
"Daddy..." The word truly slipped out of you, and he was pausing for a moment, pulling away to look at you.
"Really? You're really gonna call me daddy?" Your eyes were wide and cheeks burning, squirming away from him before he grabbed your wrist to keep you close. "Shit," he grunted, not sounding mad at all. "Alright, baby. Show daddy where your room is, need to get you in bed right away."
And you mewled at his words. You were there in no time, pulling the rest of your clothes off as Namjoon undressed too. Big and thick, he was even hotter like that, making you press your legs together as you took the sight in. And when he removed his boxers too, you got to found out his dick matched the rest of his body perfectly, long and thick and so hot it made your mouth water.
"Daddy," you whined as he started crawling over you. "You're so big. You're gonna tear me apart."
His large hand grabbed your jaw. "That's what you get for playing with big boys." And he kissed you ruthlessly again. His other hand travelling down your form until he found your pussy, fingers playing with your folds and humming in satisfaction. "So wet. Is that all for me, baby?"
"Yes, daddy," you moaned, hips trying to grind on his hand for some more friction. "I've been wet for you since I first saw you."
"Fuck. I know, baby," he breathed into your ear, two fingers slipping slowly inside you and stretching you out. "I could tell. You weren't hiding it very well, baby. How much you wanted me to ruin you. Which is why daddy's been hard for you all this time, too." Your breath was hitching as he was moving his hands slowly, not even trying to fuck you like that, just trying to get you ready for his cock. And he stopped. "Are you gonna let daddy fuck you raw, baby?"
You almost screamed. "Fuck, yes, daddy, please! Fuck me open with your cock."
Namjoon was growling as he retrieved his fingers from inside you. "What a dirty mouth! Who taught you to speak like that, you dirty, little whore? I thought you were a good girl."
Your nails were scratching his back as you whined and squirmed underneath him. "Oh, daddy, please! I need you! I'll be good for you."
And you felt the tip of his dick press against your entrance as he shushed you. "Alright then. Be a good girl for daddy and take this big cock like the good, little slut you are." And he shoved himself in you.
"O–oh my god!" you yelped. Namjoon didn't go easy on you, didn't go slow or gentle, he started pounding you fast and hard right away, truly fucking you open like you had asked him to. You were squirming underneath him but his body was so big and strong, it was caging you completely. And just to shut you up he kissed you again, tongue so deep in your mouth he was choking you. Namjoon was fucking you so hard he brought tears to your eyes, and you felt euphoric being used by him like that.
"My dirty, little cunt," he rasped after he freed your mouth. "Like taking my cock like that?" You were nodding, mewling, unable to speak. "What a good girl. Letting daddy fuck her as hard as he wants." He leaned back, grabbing your arms until he had your wrists pinned above your head and the new position gave him the ability to piston his hips against yours even faster, diving even deeper.
"Fuck, daddy, I'm gonna cum," you cried, legs shaking as they fought against his abusing thrusts between them.
"So easy," Namjoon panted with a smirk. "So easy to please you. Gonna cum cuz you've never had dick like daddy's before, huh? No one's ever fucked you this good? Those little boys your age, I bet they don't know shit about pleasing a nasty girl like you." He spat on his free hand and brought it right down on your clit, pressing on it hard. And you were moaning even louder. "There you go, baby. You can cum on daddy's dick now."
"Namjoon–" you yelped, and you felt your orgasm pop, gushing all your juices over him as he kept fucking you through it. He slowed down a bit, coming down to kiss you sloppily as you continued to whine with each thrust against your sensitive, tight walls.
"That's my good girl," he whispered, kissing you almost lovingly. "Don't worry, baby. We're not nearly done yet." And his thrusts slowly got deeper and deeper. "You really shouldn't have let me fuck you, baby. Cuz now I don't ever plan on stopping."
Masterlist | Part 2
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holypapaya · 3 years
Peaches (Konro Sagamiya x Reader NSFW 18+)
Fem! Reader
Konro and his girlfriend run home to escape the rain. When they decide to eat sweet peaches as a snack.
Warnings: age gap, denial, rough sex, oral play, begging 
Skip to ** for sexy time. 2,000+ words. 
God, how is she so beautiful? And, how in the hell didn't I notice her before? 
These were the two questions Konro would ask himself repeatedly whenever he took Y/N out on their weekly dates. Unfortunately, the morning was a sweltering and humid day that overwhelmed the Great Tokyo Empire. Konro suggested that they have their date later in the evening to avoid the rain and the burning hot sun. Y/N's clothes hugged her glamorous curves as her skin glistened from a thin veil of sweat. The lantern lights that hugged the walls to local businesses created a soft glow.
Staring at her in awe was not a part of the plan. Well, none of this was a part of any plan, actually. Not even his life plan. They've been dating for a little over a month since Konro first met Y/N. His typical routine trip was to see Seamstress Granny to fix any rips in his uniform. That day he tore his pants while rebuilding Asakusa after the most recent Infernal attack. With his uniform in hand, he walked through the door, the bell ringing as it slid open. Just as he was about to call the elderly woman, he noticed the most beautiful, enchanting woman he’d ever laid eyes on. Konro was so stunned by her beauty that he didn't hear her greet him or ask what he needed to be done. Since then, he’s gotten to know Y/N well over time.
Before running her Granny's store full time, Y/N would visit Asakusa three times a week to help around. That’s why Konro found it unbelievable that he never noticed her before. Honestly, it was probably because of the increase of Infernal activity, but that was no excuse in his mind. Y/N stood slightly taller than most women in the empire and was curvier than other women too. Her full breasts always pulling at her shirt and plump ass tight, giving a slight jiggle as she walked. Despite all of this, Konro still towered over her. Don't misunderstand this, though; he is dating her not for her body but because he earnestly enjoys Y/N's company. Y/N made him feel things he hadn't felt in years or even within his lifetime.
Y/N's thumb gently rubbed the back of his bandaged hand as they held hands while walking down the street. Y/N was smiling greatly as she continued to talk. Konro wasn’t exactly the talkative type, so hearing Y/N talk brought him immense joy. The self-proclaimed hermit has found a friendly, outgoing puppy to love day in and out. Being with Y/N even made Konro feel young again. He's heard that having a significantly younger girlfriend can change a man's energy levels, but Konro didn't expect to feel this young. Especially his sex drive.
Being overwhelmed with work duties almost made him forget what a sex life was. Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. This was his routine for many years. However, when he was younger, Konro always managed to find time to "express his sexual desires" is a polite way of saying it. In other words, straight-up fucking. But as the years flew by and seeing Benimaru become captain of the 7th, Konro had more distractions, to say the least. With Y/N, it was different, though. She sparked something deep inside of him. In his many years of life, Konro never had the animalistic urge to make a woman cry, scream and mess them up during sex as much as Y/N.  He almost had the chance too. Almost.
Last week, Y/N and Konro decided to go back to base for some privacy. During that time of day, mostly, everyone would be out making rounds or going out to eat, so it seemed like the perfect time. Right in front of him, Y/N laid bare. Her head bobbing up and down his shaft, her right hand moving in sync with her head, her left hand gently caressing his hip. Konro's deep blue eyes stared at Y/N, hypnotized by her beauty. Carefully, he placed his hand on the back of her head, adding a slight pressure, silently asking her to deep throat him. Which she happily obliged. That's when he heard it -the Infernal alarm. Y/N's eyes grew wide as she met Konro's. She released his now soft dick from her mouth as she watched Konro get up and hurriedly dressed himself.
It's only been a week since they've last had time for each other. Yes, they would greet each other outside or maybe have a small lunch if they had the time. But, they were never truly alone, just two people immersed in a chaotic world. Konro couldn't help but think  about if he would ever get a chance to redeem himself. He could kill a man at this point to see Y/N's lush body naked in front of him again.
Y/N let out a sound of confusion, "Konro, I think it's going to start raining," she looked up at the sky after feeling something damp hit her face.
"Hmmm," he mused, still lost in his train of thought.
That's when he felt it. A sudden shower washed over the both of them. Y/N pulled Konro by his arm, leading him down a side street. 'Let's go back to my place,' she called back behind her. Konro followed her, watching droplets run down her soft skin.
'Please, one more chance,' Konro chanted in his head all the way to her apartment. As they entered the one-bedroom, Y/N handed Konro a fresh towel. Then, she walked over to the refrigerator, asking her boyfriend if he liked peaches.
** "Yeah," he said, watching her pull out the fruit and a knife to cut it. Y/N cut the delicate fruit in half, pitting it, and proceeded to slice it. With every movement, her hair stuck to her neck and shoulders. Konro walked over to Y/N, pushing her damp hair to her shoulder, exposing her neck and collar bone. His calloused fingers massaged between her shoulder and neck. He saw goosebumps wash over her skin and grinned to himself. Leaning forward, Konro kissed Y/N's jaw and noticed a slight coat of pink on her cheeks. Y/N pushed a peach slice towards his lips. As Konro was just about to take a bite, Y/N took it back and put half of it in her mouth. She looked up at the older man with what he thought was a look of innocence and lustful hunger.  Y/N offered the other half of the peach that was sticking out of her mouth. With his large hand, Konro tilted her jaw up and took in the fruit.
On Y/N's bed, Konro propped himself up on his forearms to make sure not to put his total weight on Y/N. She laid beneath him in nothing but her bra and underwear. Konro was already halfway undressed with only his pants remaining. They kissed each other for a long time. While feeling his tongue slowly go in and out of Y/N's mouth, Konro imagined his cock doing the same thing inside of her. Konro continued to grind his hard cock into Y/N’s clad pussy.
Y/N let a long feminine sigh followed by a moan, feeling pressure onto her wet lips. She gently ran her nails down his abdomen, feeling his chiseled abs, before finally reaching his belt. She pulled at the material, hoping to touch his dick directly. Just the thought about touching it again caused her pussy to throb with excitement. Konro released her mouth from his and grunted in her ear,
"Not yet, baby," Konro nibbled on her earlobe, "Just wait a little longer. I'll treat you just as good as you treated me last time".
Konro moved Y/N's bra strap down her shoulder to have access to her collarbone. Then he nibbled and sucked until he left a light mark on her skin. Konro snaked his arm behind her back, unclasping her bra. Removing the material, he threw it onto the floor. Konro grabbed one of Y/N's full tits in his hand, gently but firmly. He flicked her nipple with his tongue, causing Y/N to inhale sharply. Frustratingly slow, Konro then started to suck her nipple, flicking it now and then. Y/N whined in frustration how Konro was still dressed.
He released her nipple, and while undoing his pants with one hand, he still massaged her tit with his other. Konro smiled down at Y/N almost wickedly as he watched her flushed face looked directly at his crotch. He kicked off his pants with one swift movement and found his way to Y/N's underwear, taking it off. Konro pulled down the thin material, excitement further boiling in him, realizing how wet Y/N was. She wasn't just wet but soaked. While kneeling, Konro grabbed her slender ankles, bringing her legs over his shoulder. Y/N's glistening lips in direct view of his face, and of course, his mouth. With a big lap of his tongue, Konro tasted Y/N's pussy greedily. He wasn't just licking her but also sucking on her drenched lips and swollen cit. Slurping and sloshing filled the room.
Y/N stared at Konro hazily, pleasure surging through her distracting her from any thought. She gripped her sheets tightly as her moans echoed. Seeing her boyfriend liked this not only made her feel wanted but happy. Konro has always been a very giving man. He gave up everything for Asakusa and Benimaru. So when the demon Infernal came, Konro didn't have to fight it alone. Instead, he chose to, for a simple but heroic cause. To protect the people he cared for. So seeing him eating her out hungrily and groping her body greedily made Y/N realize that Konro could express what he truly desired. He could tell her what he wanted and how he wanted it openly. Of course, in Konro's mind, he was primarily doing this to pleasure Y/N, but Y/N enjoyed seeing a different side of him.
Taking one last swipe at her clit, Konro lowered her legs, peering at his lover. A deep shudder swept across his body as he saw Y/N's face. Her cheeks flushed pink, lips slightly parted as her eyes stared at him dreamily—her chest lifting with every breath she took. Y/N looked absolutely decadent. However, she wasn't ready yet. Only eating her out wasn't going to be enough to stretch her for the pounding of her lifetime. Again, he grasped her lips with his own, tongue snaking into her mouth. Y/N let out a feminine sigh as her eyes fluttered shut as she was engulfed with pleasure. Her arms found their way around his neck, holding his closer. Carefully, he lowered his weight onto Y/N, causing her to open her legs further.
One hand trailed down her abdomen, finding its way to Y/N's sweet drenched hole. He flicked her inner lips teasingly before sticking one digit in. Next, he curled his finger upward, finding her g-spot. Y/N ended to kiss to arch her back in pleasure. Konro chuckled at her reaction, slowly rubbing the inside of her pussy.
"Just a little longer, baby. I need to open you up cause you're so tight."
He inserted another finger. He spread the two as far as they could, expanding her walls. Then he would bring them back together rubbing the top of her velvety walls. This went on in a pattern, almost like he was massaging the inside of her pussy. His rough fingers thick fingers felt so right inside of her. But there was something else that she needed with urgency. Something else belonged inside of her. Y/N grabbed his thick biceps, her head turning to the side. She bit her lip, begging Konro.
"Kon, please, please-"
He ignored her pleas, "Are you gonna coat my dick with your cum like you're doing with my fingers," he felt her walls tighten around him.
"Yes, I wanna cover your dick with my cum. Please", Y/N cried.
"Say my name, the way I like it."
God, he's so cute, Y/N thought to herself.
Looking at Konro softly, she said, "Kon-Kon."
Konro smiled with satisfaction removing his fingers.
He wrapped Y/N's thighs around his waist as he watched her quiver. Cock in hand, he rubbed the tip along her slit. Y/N's juices slicking his thick tip as pre-cum drooled out of Konro. Then he gently pushed his cock into her slowly as her walls stretched around him. Konro tilted his head back, moaning, feeling Y/N's velvety warmth grip around his pulsating member. Then, as Y/N let out a cry of pleasure, Konro stayed still just for a moment, letting Y/N get used to his length.
 Gently, he caressed Y/N's face with his large hand, cupping her cheek. Konro rubbed her lower lip with his thumb. 
"See, baby," he practically purred, "You're so wet you took me in one thrust." 
Konro shallowly thrusted into Y/N's tight pussy wanting to see her reaction. Y/N rubbed her cheek into his palm, letting out a soft moan. To Konro's surprise, Y/N opened her mouth slightly, inviting his thumb inside. Then, she gently sucked. Konro took in a sharp breath, feeling his cock twitch with excitement. His Y/N was always full of fun surprises.                  
 Y/N released his thumb, eyes glazed with sexual desire, "Kon-Kon, I'm ready."
Say no more.
Konro pulled his cock out before slamming back into her. Y/N dug her nails into his back as her eyes widen with surprise. She felt a knot in her stomach as her pussy clench down on his thick cock. She couldn’t hold back her voice anymore. A load cry escaped her lips. Konro looked his lover with a sensual but firm gaze. He was in complete control. He was the dominant one. Each thrust reached further and further back to her cervix. 
Y/N’s loud moans matched the rhythm of each thrust, echoing in the small apartment. Her pussy aching in the most pleasurable ways. She moved her head to side as Y/N felt her body heat up further. Konro gently cupped her cheek again, turning her gaze over to his. 
“Look at me, baby.” 
Oh no. That was a fatal mistake. 
Y/N felt her pussy clench as Konro’s deep blue eyes met hers. The slight curve of his dick ran over her G-spot mercilessly. His body warm, skin soft, muscles tensed. How did Konro go untouched for so long? There had to of been someone in the whole empire that tried to sleep with him. It’s unbelievable that no one had tried.
Y/N gently wrapped her arms of Konro’s thick neck, bringing him closer.
“Kon-Kon. Hold. Me. More. Go. Deeper. Please”, Y/N moaned between each thrust.
Konro smiled, kissing Y/N’s forehead. How could he say no to such a cutie. She even said ‘please’. Konro wrapped one arm around Y/N’s mid back, clutching her body to his. As his thrusts became deeper and wilder, Konro cooed soft nothings into Y/N’s ear as her pussy tightened and her moans grew louder and louder. Then her body grew tense, a small gasp leaving her lips. Y/N’s urgent moans came to a stop. Konro felt the wet walls that cloak his cock spasm as his girlfriend’s body arched up. Y/N dug her face into Konro’s shoulder, orgasm ripping through her body. 
Swiftly Konro removed his dick to coat Y/N’s soft abdomen with his cum. He placed soft kisses all over Y/N’s flushed face, asking her if she was okay. Konro knew he wasn’t a small man, both in height and cock-wise. He cared about the well-being of his little puppy. Y/N ran her fingers through his jostled hair as she kissed his neck. 
“You can go rougher, you know.”
Konro smiled. Noted: can go rougher next time.    
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yoonpobs · 3 years
dilf (and love) | knj | m
pairing: kim namjoon x oc
genre: fluff, domestic fluff, smut, established relationship, marriage and kids lol
warnings: light dom/sub themes, pregnancy kink, penetrative sex, oral sex (f & m receiving), DILF JOON
words: 6, 702
summary: it's been too long since you and namjoon had time to yourselves
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“God take that thing away from me!” You whine as you smother your face with your hands.
Jin pins you with a dry look as he catches a glimpse of ‘that thing’ who is looking up at you with big eyes and a toothless grin.
“That thing is your child …” Jin says blandly.
“That thing is ruining my sex life.” You narrow your eyes at Chanmi as she babbles some incoherent words with her ten-month-old vocabulary. You’d think as the daughter and apple of Kim Namjoon’s eye that she’d be able to read, write and speak sixteen languages at the age of one.
You still allow Chanmi to wrap her chubby fingers around your thinner ones and you can’t help but coo at your daughter. While she may have been the one thing that disrupted any intimate moment between you and Namjoon, you would fight anyone that would ever dare to mess with her. Your own husband included.
“Please, spare the details,” Jin mutters under his breath as he watches Chanmi fondly as she attempts to tug at your sleeve in hopes of getting your attention. You squeeze her cheeks before lifting her up in your arms and hold her close to your chest. You whine because she smells so … fresh. Just like a little bread baby that was all yours.
God, you loved her.
“My old sex life brought me this angel.” You grin up at your daughter who just smiles at you, unknowing of the context of your words.
“Can you stop using such vulgar words in front of your child?” Jin scolds you but doesn’t do anything much to take Chanmi out of your grasp.
You roll your eyes.
“She’s like 300 days old. She doesn’t even know how to shit at a decent hour let alone understand what sex is. Penis in vagina. Destroying pussy. A hole in one. Railing—”
Jin slaps his hand over your mouth to get you to stop talking as he glares at you.
“Why did my brother marry a heathen like you.” Jin seethes.
You shrug nonchalantly as you turn your head to see your dumbhead yet smart-ass husband that was attempting to glue back the shards of glass from the wine glass he broke earlier in hopes of you not realising.
“He needed to put his 148 IQ to good use and I’m the best investment his finance major ever got him.”
“The only good thing that came out of your marriage is this cutie.” Jin coos at his niece and you have half the mind to withdraw his Chanmi visiting card because whenever he was over all he did was berate you and your … unique ways of parenting.
But Jin would still say he cared for you as far as a brother-in-law would but with the added benefit of the fact that he was your best friend before he became your brother-in-law. You were an interesting character, to say the least, and the only reason you managed to befriend Jin was due to the fact that you didn’t know what boundaries meant and had invaded his personal space on the first day of lectures when you leaned over him to throw something at a know-it-all. Jin had been annoyed, but then an unlikely friendship bloomed out of the mutual distaste for ‘Howard from Accounting’.
He introduced you to Namjoon just because he thought that it was hilarious that you and his brother were polar opposites. Jin didn’t even expect the two of you to get along with each other let alone fall in love, but life had a funny way of saying ‘fuck you and your expectations’ to Jin when he least expected it.
The only thing that he regrets is the fact that now he had to listen to both you and his brother whine about your sex life, or lack thereof after the two of you became parents. Being a mother was hard because there was no manual to tell you what was right or wrong when it came to your baby but the experience itself. When you first fed Chanmi softened shrimp in her meals and caused an allergic reaction; you cried for hours straight because you felt like you should’ve just known.
Namjoon was a good partner and an even better father because he was understanding. The first few months postpartum he respected the fact that you weren’t ready to show your body to him because of the way it changed after giving birth to Chanmi, and he never told you that you were in your head for feeling that way. He validated all your feelings through all the rough edges that you gave him when you were going through your own things.
You finally felt comfortable to get naked around Namjoon at the five-month mark where your sex drive returned to that of when you were in your early twenties and just begun knowing how to truly enjoy sexual intimacies with a partner, but a five-month-old baby didn’t allow for much intimacy with your hot ass husband either.
It sucked because Namjoon had always been broad and very dad-like, and after he officially became a father to Chanmi you just felt like salivating over him every waking second you got because … God … Namjoon was a gift from the God’s themselves. Whenever you saw the way he handled Chanmi with absolute gentleness and care you felt like dropping to your knees and sucking the soul out of him. It didn’t help that he wore his glasses every night when he tucked her into bed and read her Shakespeare because it would ‘help with development’. You loved your husband but he was a little excessive.
“Oh God stop drooling over my brother!” Jin grimaces when he sees the bedroom eyes you were shooting Namjoon from where the two of you were with Chanmi.
You sigh dreamily and lean against your palm as you check out Namjoon’s ass.
“I can’t help that your brother and my husband has an ass like that.” You click your tongue.
Chanmi giggles again and it’s like a bell chiming at your favourite cafe when you cuddle her closer, feeling comfort in her scent. She smelt just like home and bubbles.
“How about I give you a sibling, huh?” You whisper to Chanmi who just opens her mouth to babble. Jin on the other hand facepalms himself and sighs.
“You’re insufferable.”
“I’m horny.” You shrug.
“Correction: you’re insufferable on a daily basis but absolutely horrifying to deal with when you’re horny.” He sneers.
“I just need to bed him and I’ll be fine.” You drawl, as your husband who spent the better half of your conversation fixing the wine glass grins to himself with his dimples when he finally placed the last piece of glass back into place. He was so meticulous and cute for the wrong reasons.
“Jesus, stop …” Jin groans.
“Jesus would definitely tell me to go get that dick because I deserve it.” You pat yourself on the back and wince slightly when you smell the telltale signs of Chanmi’s poop permeating the air.
“Say … would Yoongi mind having Chanmi over your place for the weekend?” Jin recognizes the devious expression you have on your face and knows that there’s no way out of it.
“I don’t have a choice do I?” Jin sighs.
You shake your head.
“Nope. Cause’ I texted Yoongi yesterday and said he totally wants to see his niece. The baby bag is all ready to go and it’s in the nursery.” You cock your thumb to the room down the hallway and Jin thinks to himself of all the reasons why he shouldn’t have introduced you to his brother at all seven years back.
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“It’s weird without her …” Namjoon frowns as the two of you stand in the nursery as if you were mourning the loss of your child. It felt a lot like it, though.
The two of you never spent more than a few hours away from Chanmi ever since she was born and it felt weird to not smell her vomit from the kitchen or hear her giggles as you cooked dinner. You missed Namjoon and the spark you had in the first years of your relationship but you also felt a little empty without Chanmi’s presence with you.
“I miss her.” You whine into Namjoon’s chest and he clutches you tightly as if to say that he mirrored your sentiment.
“Should we call them?” You look up at him with wide eyes and he smoothes the frown lines on your forehead and chuckles, offering a gentle kiss to your temples.
“We called fifteen minutes ago, remember?” He chides you gently.
You huff, “I just … it’s so quiet. Where are my baby babbles?” You pout.
Namjoon sighs and rubs his thumb comfortingly on your arm when you look around at the purple nursery with reminders of your daughter that wasn’t currently with you.
“Let’s enjoy what we have, okay love?” Namjoon offers, “I miss Chanmi too but I miss this too.”
You smile at him the way he first fell in love with you years ago and leans down to place a peck onto your lips.
“I miss having you all to myself.” He whispers against your lips and you shiver at the way his broadness is clouding all your senses.
“You always have me Joon.” You tell him in a tone as soft as his.
His chest rumbles when he laughs and you feel so warm in the comfort of your husband's arms and you felt it too. Besides the physical aspect of having sex with him, you missed holding him like this without a care in the world. Most of your cuddle sessions were left to the nights you slept next to each other in bed because the two of you were either exhausted with work or trying to care for Chanmi. It’s been a long time since you could just feel Namjoon’s presence with you.
“Besides … we can finally, you know …” He mumbles shyly into your hair and the devil horns that you hide most of the time reappear.
“What, Joon?” You smirk up at him, hands trailing slowly down his chest.
Your husband was so big that every room he walked into he basically commanded the attention of every single person that would come across him. That’s what happens when you’re six foot and broad like him. But you loved the fact that you were the only one that got to see the much softer side to him that he didn’t just show anyone. The fact that he was the CEO of his own company made his persona ever more intimidating than he actually was but you knew he was a huge softie on the inside.
The two of you were very different in many senses. From your personalities to the way you approached conflict. Namjoon was very diplomatic but you were anything but. He was truly the most empathetic and understanding person you’ve met in your entire life and you’ve seen a total of ten therapists in your teenage years. Namjoon was the balance that levelled your temper and uninhibited tendencies to always be the loudest person in every room. With every time you snarked at someone who pushed your buttons came Namjoon that placed a gentle hand on your back with a soft whisper of comfort.
In fact, most people thought the two of you would have never lasted. You heard those mean girls in college that made petty bets on the fact that you’d probably end up leaving him because you were too much of a bitch to deal with someone as kind as Namjoon. You remembered most of your fights being about your insecurities and how you always thought that Namjoon deserved better and with him telling you that you were the one for him.
Looking back, you laugh because the two of you were theoretically horrible for each other but exactly what the other needed. Namjoon needed someone free-spirited enough to manage his meticulous tendencies and you needed someone willing to see you for more than your erratic behaviour.
“What’s that pretty head of yours thinking about?” Namjoon hums when he realises you’re not paying attention to him anymore. He clasps your hands together to bring back your attention to him as you look up at him with eyes so full of love.
“Just reminiscing on the old days.” You tell him and he snorts.
“You say that as if we’re ancient.”
“You’re not fooling anyone. I heard your joints cracking when you bent down to pick up the strands of hair on the floor.” You tease.
“And who’s fault is it that I’m constantly bending over to pick up strands of hair because she sheds like a cat?” He retorts playfully.
“We’re both old.” You pout, playing with his fingers and admiring the glimmer of his wedding ring. You can’t believe you bagged a man like Namjoon.
“I still got it, though.” He adds thoughtfully and you raise an eye at his comment.
“Got what?”
“My game.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you suggestively and you burst out laughing because it was so on-brand for Namjoon to make a comment like that but blush when you got a little more touchy-feely with him when he least expected it.
“How about you show me then?” You whisper as you turn around to press yourself against his chest, ensuring that your cleavage was on full show to his line of vision when he looks down at you.
“Did I ever tell you how much I love your tits after the pregnancy?” He tells you breathily and you snort.
“So you didn’t like my tits before I gave birth to your child?”
He rolls his eyes and reaches his hands below your thighs to lift you up so that you could wrap your legs around his waist. The way he could effortlessly carry you and lift you up always made your heart and nether regions flutter because he was so big that he basically towered over you. Especially when he became a dad it was like his hot factor exploded exponentially. He basically became the epitome of a dilf.
“You and your mouth,” He tsks as he carries you out of the nursery and into your bedroom, “I just may need to shut you up.”
You whine into his chest before he tosses you down onto your mattress as he towers over you, looking over your body like you were the finest piece of art he’s ever seen. Namjoon always had ways to make you feel like a million bucks even though you were in an old camisole and your old college varsity sweatpants.
“Why don’t you do it then?” You tease back.
You were different from the women that Namjoon has been with prior to your seven-year-long relationship as most of them were pliant and quiet, and took whatever he gave to them. Don’t get him wrong, he loved playing the dominant character in bed but he also needed a brat to push his buttons and it was exactly what you were. Even if the two of you were so fundamentally different in personalities, the two of you were definitely sexually compatible.
“Flip over.” He demands and you whine before reluctantly turning over.
“I want to see you.” You whine petulantly.
You feel him rather than have him verbally respond to you because he delivers a tight slap to your ass as you gasp at the impact. He rubs his hands soothingly over your butt cheeks and squeezes them as he leans over your body, crowding your back with his body heat.
“Don’t be a brat ___.” He sneers into your ear and the moan is stuck on your throat when you feel him drag his hands all over your body until it reaches under your body to reach for your tits.
“Fuck. I love your tits.” He groans.
Namjoon’s hands immediately trail down your body until they reach the hem of your shorts and you wiggle your ass back at him teasingly. You hear him growl and you always knew that Namjoon was an ass man and your ass made him weak.
“Need I remind you that you’re in no position to tease, sweetheart?” He whispers into your ear and you feel the goosebumps erupt on the surface of your skin.
“Fuck. Please—Joon, touch me.” You gasp as you feel him pull down your shorts to be greeted with a cheeky pair of panties that left little to imagine of what hides underneath. Your husband had the talent of getting you obscenely wet without doing much and it’s proven again when you feel the uncomfortable ache between your legs as he flips your body over once again to get a good glimpse of your heaving body, as well as the stain on your panties.
His knuckles trace the inner side of your thigh carefully as he avoids the place you need him the most while you feel more wetness pool at your entrance. You’ve been deprived of his touch for way too long and that caused your sensitive reactions to anything that he did. You missed his fingers so much and having him so close yet so far away from your pussy was destroying your restraint.
“Namjoon p-please!” You cry when he finally cups your mound with his large palm.
He digs the heel of his palm straight into your clit as you arch your back and let out a low moan.
“So wet baby and I’ve barely done anything.” He taunts you with the low baritone of his voice.
“You make me so wet Joonie.” You pant when you feel him grind his palm into your clit some more, providing the satisfying friction that you’ve been craving.
The feeling doesn’t last long because he’s hastily removing your panties from your legs and tosses them somewhere over his shoulder. His face is directly in front of your pussy and you can’t help but feel flustered at the proximity of his breath to your hole. You’ve done this a million times before but the familiarity is slightly lost due to the time between the last and the present.
“Where’s the brat that couldn’t shut her mouth before, hm?” He mumbles and you feel every breath against your pussy. You squirm and feel his large hands wrap around your thighs, locking you into position so you wouldn’t be able to move.
“It’s just been so—ah—long,” You tell him breathily.
“Too long. Missed this pussy.” He says as a parting gift before he dives straight into your clit and begins to lap rounds over the hardened bud. You let out a high pitched moan at the pleasure he was providing you with just his tongue alone, and the way that he knew just where to focus on your clit with tense figure-eights.
“Ah—ah, fuck—Joon!” You groan as your hands wrap around his hair to tug at it. You feel him moan against your pussy, which sends vibrations up to your core and causes more wetness to pool at your centre.
Namjoon is relentless when he digs his hands harder into the meat of your thighs to prevent you from moving too much as he continues to suction on your clit, focusing his attention on it as much as he could. After years of being together, he just knew what you loved and this was it.
You liked it messy. Wet and fast, and Namjoon always gave it to you good. He pulls away momentarily so he could look up at you with a hooded gaze and you let out a high pitched whine when you see the glistening of his chin all the way up to his nose with the signs of your wetness staining him. His fingers run up your thighs teasingly and you shift under his ministrations only for him to smack your right thigh harshly.
“If you move you don’t get to cum.” He threatens you and you immediately still your body with the impossible threat.
You feel his fingers run up and down on your slit as he gathers all your wetness into one place, hovering slightly over your clit. You have to keep your whine to a minimum because Namjoon got real mean when he wanted to. But he was a good lover—so good.
Your hole is throbbing with a need to be filled, and your husband picks up on that immediately as he prods your entrance with the tip of his index finger. You attempt to grind down on him as you make eye contact with the dark eyes that threaten to take away your orgasm.
“I said. Don’t. Move.” He reminds you.
You whimper in silence as he teases your hole a little more before he decides to return home into the warmth of your walls. The moment that barrier was broken, you feel him go straight for the hook as he reaches his index finger all the way up until his knuckles. You hear Namjoon hiss under his breath as he begins prodding your walls until he finds—
“Fuck—there, Joon—ah!” You gasp, head tilting backwards when your husband finds your g-spot.
Namjoon smirks to himself and slides another finger in to hook them upwards into your g-spot, unmoving as he stills himself against the area; causing pure, unaltered pleasured to run through your veins. You’re vibrating and twitching all at once because you can’t control the involuntary response that comes with your husband's demon fingers that are causing every possible pleasurable feeling to run through your system.
You can’t keep the moan to yourself either as Namjoon looks at you with awe, but you miss it because your eyes are too busy being rolled to the back of your head at the way Namjoon skilfully thrusts into your pussy.
“H-Harder, p-please Joon—wanna cum so bad.” You moan and run your fingers through his hair to bring his mouth closer to your mound.
He lowly chuckles and shakes his head at your sex drive. And the next thing he does next nearly makes you cum on the spot.
The way he gathers his spit at the back of his throat was borderline pornographic as you see the way his throat revs up. He drops the glob of spit directly onto your clit and uses the hand that wasn’t in your pussy to spread the lubricant all over your slit. He purposefully grazes your clit but doesn’t apply enough pressure to make your head spin, but just enough for you to whine in want.
“Your pussy is so pretty love.” He coos, leaning into your mound to deliver kitten-licks to your clit, and the warmth of his tongue with the added addition of his fingers feels all too much.
“J-Joon!” You gasp when you feel him thrust his fingers rapidly in and out of your pussy that your body hitched up the surface of the bed. Every thrust was accompanied by the direct assault of his tongue on your clit as he presses down on the hardened bud with the purpose to drive you closer to your orgasm.
You were painfully close, and the precision of his fingers at your g-spot allows you to revel in the way the coil in your body is ready to snap, so close to release. Namjoon leans down so that his head is where you love him the most, between your thighs as he scores the final goal and presses his tongue against your clit.
“Oh my god Joon—fuck—s-so good—I’m gonna cum!” Your back arches off the bed uselessly because of the way that Namjoon uses his other hand to pin you down, arms wrapped tightly around your stomach.
“Come for me pretty girl.” He coos against your clit and the vibrations is what sends you over the edge.
He fucks his fingers into you as you orgasm, kitten licking your clit with just enough pressure for you to whine as you buck your hips up into his mouth involuntarily.
“Fuck. Baby—hurts.” You whine, pushing his head away from your pussy when the overstimulation gets to you.
Namjoon places one last teasing peck on your clit, which causes you to twitch and pinch his neck as he chuckles, dragging his hand up your body to bring you closer to him.
“Still got it, hm?” He whispers against the column of your neck as you roll your eyes.
“Just kiss me you fool.” You pull him in for a kiss, and your tongue immediately finds its place home in Namjoon’s mouth.
It’s probably because it’s been so long since the two of you could feel each other like this, without any rush to get it over with but with the freedom to enjoy each other’s bodies as much as you’d like. Namjoon’s hands were the truth of that as he trails his arms down the sides of your waist and tugs you closer to him by your hips until he reaches for the hem of your camisole to tug it off your body.
He grabs the mounds of flesh in his hands and squeezes them hard enough to cause another gush of wetness to drip down the side of your thighs and onto his sweatpants. Besides the fact that he delivered a mind-blowing orgasm to you, the stained wetness of his sweatpants from his pre-cum and your slick is enough for you to push him down onto the bed.
“I’m gonna suck your cock.” You kiss him on the lips one last time before you’re leaning down to palm him over his sweatpants.
He hisses above you and grabs the back of your neck lovingly that it has you snorting.
“You know if you’re laughing at my dick my feelings are going to be very hurt,” Namjoon says from above you.
“It’s just …” You shake your head and giggle as you clench your fist around the outline of Namjoon’s cock as he lets out a low breath of approval at your action.
“You used to shove my head onto your cock the moment I reached your pants and now you’re so soft.” You tease.
You hear his breath hitch and the grip on your neck tighten at your taunting words. The excitement already pooling in your stomach at the roughness that would ensue from your husband.
“Me? Soft? Is that what you want baby?” His tone is warning and you know he’s serious.
You shake your head as you look up at him with innocent eyes, a stark contrast to the hand that continues to fondle his balls over his sweatpants.
“Don’t be a bitch and take my cock out.” He sneers, and you smile to yourself cheekily—knowing you hit a sore spot.
You happily oblige as you pull Namjoon’s sweats down to be greeted with your husbands cock. The visual itself has your pussy throbbing, and every time you’re faced with it, you always burn with the prospect of his thick cock pounding into your pussy.
“Now suck it like a good girl.” He guides your head towards his dick but you’re proactive enough to fully start licking at his tip, tongue teasing his slit as you hear him let out a low groan.
Your eyes are locked on his figure, as his head is thrown back. You want to grind on the sheets but you know that would delay him fucking you so you decide against it. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t appreciate the visual that your husband was giving you from where you were.
Namjoon had always been handsome. But there’s something about seeing him throw his head back in pleasure because of you that has your stomach churning with pride. You’d shamelessly admit that you were more on the possessive side, purely because you knew there were many men and women out there who desired Namjoon in more ways than one; and you didn’t like sharing one bit.
You spit onto his dick as your hands worked the rest of the length that you didn’t engulf in your mouth as you hollowed your cheeks to create a suction. Your tongue begins to tease the underside of his shaft, the way he likes the most and you know he’s enjoying your focus there because the hand that grips your neck is now tightly clutching your hair in a fist.
“Fuck. That’s it, baby.” He groans.
Motivated by the praise, you sink deeper, hands resting on his thick thighs as you push yourself until your nose reaches his pelvis. You’ve taken his cock like a champion on many occasions, and you can only thank him for that like the numerous times he had to guide you down on his cock were probably the only reason why your tiny throat could welcome his thick girth.
The sounds of you chocking on his dick was a lot for Namjoon, mainly because he couldn’t get enough of his wife but also because he’s been waiting out to bust a nut down your throat—actually your pussy—so long that he can’t handle the onslaught of pleasure your mouth brings him.
“Baby—baby,” He tugs you off his cock and the redness around your cheeks with the tears that pool at your waterline is enough to make his heart soar. Even though you were nasty in bed, he loved every single part of your forwardness.
“Your mouth is amazing but I need to cum in your pussy.” He tells you.
You whine at his declaration and allow him to manhandle you until you were face down ass up, ass pressed tightly against his pelvis as you grind your wet cunt over the hardness of his dick.
“Fuck—you’re so wet, baby. You like sucking my cock?” He growls, arms reaching around your stomach to pull your body flush against his chest.
When you reach your hand to wrap around his head to balance yourself, you see a view of your bodies together in your mirror. Courtesy of when you first moved in and due to you and Namjoon’s egocentric tendencies of wanting to see you guys fucking each other.
“S-So much Joon.” You garble.
His hand reach down to cup your mound and digs his palm into your clit as you grind down against his hand. You feel him loosely trace over your clit to gather your wetness into his hand to lather it over his dick.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good.” He whispers in your ear when he lines his cock against your entrance.
You whine, excitement erupting inside of you—until he finally slides it.
It definitely takes you by surprise because your husband was big. And the fact that you haven’t had his dick in you for months made it much more of a pleasant surprise when he bottoms out completely in one swift thrust of his hips, which causes your body to fall forward as your hands grip the sheets beneath you.
“Fuck. This tight pussy’s mine, right?” He growls.
You nod your head into the sheets as he begins with a few experimental thrusts as you adjust to the slight, yet pleasurable, sting in your lower half.
Until you squeeze his hand on your hip to give him the go, Namjoon settles for slow thrusts into your pussy, but it’s enough to prod at your pleasurable spot because not only is Namjoon smart, kind, funny, handsome and ridiculously a great father—he is phenomenal at sex. Probably why he knocked you up on the night of your honeymoon with your bundle of joy.
Namjoon begins snapping his hips into yours relentlessly like a man starved, and starved he was. He’s missed the wet heat of your pussy; and God did he love your daughter—but he missed this—your pussy.
“F-Fuuuuu—” You’re heaving.
Namjoon continues to thrust into your pussy, angling his hips upwards so that he’d reach places deeper than ever as your eyes roll to the back of your heart in pleasure.
“Fuck—this—tight—pussy—” His words follow the sharpness of his thrusts and you don’t even know where to grab because all your sensations are heightened, especially when Namjoon reaches a hand down to your clit to begin rubbing it vigorously.
You’re so wet that the squelch of his thrusts is echoed in your bedroom, and the only thing you hear besides that is your loud moans and the heavy breathing coming from Namjoon.
It’s only when he plants his knees firmly into the mattress and brings your hips to meet his thrusts is when you feel your pussy clench uncontrollably around his cock as you wail out his name.
“Fuck, baby—you’re clenching—so—hard.” He groans, pushing his hips deeper into your pussy.
“Love your cock,” You moan, “Fuck—Joon, please—fuck your cum into me.”
“Yeah?” He grits his teeth and flips your over effortlessly, dragging your leg over his shoulder as he begins pounding into you even harder as he admires the way your face contorts in pleasure.
“Yeah.” You nod your head like a sex-crazed maniac because your husband was just too good with his hips.
“Gonna give you another baby.” He whispers when he leans down into your face as your eyes widen at his declaration. Your pussy reacts too, gushing out even more wetness as it becomes tighter around Namjoon’s cock.
“Fuck. You like that idea? A sibling for Chan’?” He grinds his pelvis into your clit as his words spur your second orgasm for the night on.
“No shit?” You gasp when he revs up his spit in the back of his throat, looking at your mouth invitingly.
“Yeah,” He says breathlessly, and you open your mouth to welcome his tongue when he drops the glob of spit down your throat.
You whine, feeling your orgasm coming so closely.
“Fuck Joon—I’m gonna cum.” You gasp.
You feel Namjoon’s hips stutter and you know he’s coming soon too.
“Me too baby.” He tells you while giving you the set of most adoring eyes ever. Even as he’s fucking you into the next dimension, Namjoon makes you feel so utterly loved and whole that you can’t imagine spending the rest of your life with anyone else.
He snaps his hips the hardest he’s ever done throughout the entire night, and you feel your pussy throb so much; signalling to you and Namjoon that your release was right there.
“Baby—I’m gonna—I’m gonna c-cum,” You grab onto his shoulder to pull him closer to you.
He welcomes it and leaves open mouth kisses onto your mouth as he fucks into you like a mad man.
That’s all it takes for you to reach an explosive orgasm, one that quite literally causes you to blank out for a second because while Namjoon’s hot cum spurts into your pussy short after you came, he feels your body go limp in his embrace; causing his eyes to widen.
Only until you’re blinking up at him dazedly is when he holds you to his chest, as you feel his chest rumble when he chuckles.
“Baby … I thought you died.” He cards a hand through your hair and you smile at him, stupidly in love.
“If I die because of your dick I’d be happy.” You grin at him cutely. And he scoffs at the way you look so cute after you’ve been fucked to hell and back.
“My horny little monster,” He flicks your forehead as you bring him close to your chest, his dick still settled inside of you. But there was a sort of intimacy that you couldn’t quite put words to, but welcomed the gesture nevertheless.
“Were you serious?” You ask after a while of sharing a few intimate pecks to each others’ lips.
He finally pulls out to roll on his side as he reaches over to pull your close to his chest. He raises an eyebrow at your expression when you feel his cum leak out of you.
“God you really didn’t jack off recently, did you?” You ask.
He pecks you on the nose as he quickly tugs clean boxers over his legs and disappears into your on-suite. You sigh to yourself dreamily, thinking of how lucky you were to be with someone as loving and compassionate as Namjoon was.
You weren’t necessarily unlucky when it came to your relationships prior to him, but there would always be dealbreakers that caused splits to be more bitter than neutral. Namjoon was the only man in your life that you could speak to without fearing any judgement from because he wasn’t like that. He knew how to make you feel wanted and also how to want yourself, all while being your best friend and partner.
When he returns, he returns with a damp cloth and immediately begins cleaning up the mess between your thighs, even as he cheekily mentions how there was more from where that came from as you slap him on the shoulder.
Once he ensures he’s satisfied, he tosses the cloth into the laundry basket and grabs a big t-shirt of his to slip it over your body. You hum in satisfaction as his scent overwhelms you, even more so when he tugs you close to his body and he looks at you with all the love in the world.
“You asked if I was serious earlier?” He repeats your question and you nod your head looking up at him.
“Yeah.” You let out a breathy smile when he leans down to pull your face towards his own as you admire all the freckles and pores on his skin, fingers tracing loosely over the wrinkles that come with age.
“I know it’s sudden but … I’ve been thinking about our family and—I want our family to become bigger.” He tells you like it’s a secret. You know he’s been mulling over it for quite a while because he looks a little unsure of himself, but all you can do is smile widely at him.
“Really?” You ask, playing with the hair on the back of his neck when you feel his fingers trace over the skin on your back.
“Of course. I love you, and I love Chanmi. I’ve always wanted kids and you brought the best gift in my life to me and … I can’t explain how happy I am when I’m with the two of you.” He smiles at you gently.
You don’t know if it’s because he just fucked you so good, or was it because you were lovesick, but your eyes water because Namjoon was Namjoon.
“But—if you’re not ready then I understand and we can—”
“Yes.” You interrupt him.
His eyes widen as you see the excitement begin to pour into his irises.
“Wait—really?” He asks innocently.
You nod your head and kiss him on the lips softly, no rush as he returns the gesture, holding you close onto his chest where you feel the best in his arms.
“Yes really. I want what you want. And I think it’s about time Chanmi gets a sibling, no?” You tease.
He groans like you’re unreal as he buries his head into the crook of your neck as you caress him gently. Namjoon was really just like an oversized baby and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“When?” He asks.
You tease your fingertips down to his chest and offer him a knowing look.
“Now?” You feign indifference but you can see the wide grin he sports on his face.
“Fuck. Don’t say that. I think my dick is going to fall off at how hard I fucked you just now,” He whined.
“You’re getting old,” You massage his shoulders as he sighs.
“I am …” He acknowledges, “But we’ll grow old together, right?”
The prospect of a future of unknowns with Namjoon only makes your heart bloom. You nod your head, not another word need to be uttered as he holds you in his arms, excited for what’s to come.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝐷𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑦 (𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Warnings: NSFW content including marking, lactation kink, pregnancy sex. Older Ateez but age differences is still within legal boundaries. Allusions to infidelity (which I do not condone nor encourage)
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"Y/N. Come on. You gotta focus."
In a futile attempt to try to get his favorite student to get divert her attention back to the screen in front of her, instead he was met by her arms which suddenly wrapped around him.
"Baby, this assignment is due in two days and you haven't even gotten one paragraph down."
Frowning and in need of affection, Y/N didn't budge and instead attempted to pull Hongjoong on top of her.
"I want you to cuddle me!" She demanded.
Hongjoong quickly caught himself before he toppled over her and accidentally put all his weight on the bump that was growing in her.
"And I'll cuddle you all you want.... but can you at least finish part of this?"
Realizing she wasn't going to give up anytime soon, Hongjoong reluctantly gave in and finally settled her on his lap, one arm wrapped around her shoulders while the other caressed the top of her swollen belly.
Not thinking too much about the tiny kisses she was placing along the side of his neck, Hongjoong tilted his head back to rest on the couch and closed his eyes, his body succumbing to the exhaustion of having to teach back at the school in the morning and coming back to help out his pregnant girlfriend. Taking advantage of his unguarded state, Y/N smirked before she latched her mouth onto a certain spot on his neck, sinking her teeth down and sucking on it harshly. Once Hongjoong realized what was happening, his eyes shot up and he carefully tried to pry Y/N off him, proving it to be more difficult since he couldn't use force in fear of hurting her.
"What the fuck Y/N?!" Hongjoong exclaimed when he came back from the bathroom, hand touching the very obvious mark left on his neck.
"I'm sorry. Couldn't help myself." She feigned an innocent smile.
"How am I supposed to go back to the school tomorrow with this on display for everyone to see? How will I even explain it?" He could already imagine the other teachers and students staring at it, the first group no doubt would be nosey and ask about it.
With a cocky grin, Y/N opened her laptop up again.
"Maybe now some of those hags will back off after they realize you're taken."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Coming back after a long day at the courthouse dealing with all the divorce shit, Seonghwa felt like he needed to release some stress or he'd go insane. Coming into the kitchen, he found you quietly standing over the stove, no doubt making food for both of you to eat. You giggled when you felt his hands embrace your large belly, you weren't that far along, but holy hell, carrying twins was something else.
"Have I ever told you you're so beautiful?" He whispered in your ear, teeth grazing against the shell of it. Of course your body was more reactive and sensitive to any touch because your hormones were all over the place. Seonghwa knew that as well and he loved playing with that fact.
Pulling you away from the kitchen, he guided you over to the couch and sat you down. You didn't even question him as he pushed your dress up and slid your panties down, you knew what he was aiming for. You simply inhaled deeply when his mouth began kissing along your inner thighs.
"I hope you don't mind babygirl, but I just really wanted to eat you out."
You nodded at him, resting your elbows on top of some of the cushions so it'd be more comfortable for you. Prying your legs apart as much as they could, Seonghwa carefully placed his mouth on your clit. Starting off with gentle suckles, they soon progressed to more sloppy and intense tongue movements, his lewd slurping sounds mixed in with your soft panting and moaning, setting the mood across the room. Another thing you loved about Seonghwa, he was an expert at oral sex, none of your younger past lovers compared to him in the slightest bit.
Seonghwa let out an accomplished groan when your juices stained all over his face and chin. Pulling away, he himself was panting by how breathless he was left, and he felt proud to see you in an equally similar state as him. Chuckling, he came up and kissed you hungrily, wanting you to taste yourself on his lips. He only pulled away momentarily to tease you.
"I didn't mean to eat my dessert before the meal, but I'm not sorry in the slightest bit."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Yunho didn't even know how to react. Coming home and finding it quiet as usual, he guessed you probably took a nap as you normally did around this time, the pregnancy causing you to become more tired than usual. That's why when he came into the room he was shocked to see you moving underneath the blankets. Your frustrated moans give a big hint as to what was happening.
Your eyes shot wide open and your head peeped out from under the covers. You suddenly felt so embarrased, your face turning bright red. You tossed over to the other side, hiding your face away from Yunho. Being the sweetheart he was, he went over to your side and caressed your figure.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you." He apologized although he wasn't in the wrong.
Whining loudly, you punched the mattress underneath you.
"Stupid hormones driving me crazy. And my stupid fingers can't get around this huge belly." You complained as you looked down at the mound that stuck out through the blanket.
Not able to keep himself from smiling, Yunho's hand rested itself on your covered belly.
"It's cute though." He assured you.
Looking up at him, you bit your lip before asking him.
"Yunho.....could you please just......you know..?" You don't know why but you felt shy asking him about it especially given that you were pregnant by him nonetheless.
Yunho looked hesitant. He had fears about being intimate with you in your state, but he also felt bad that you had to go through this. Sighing softly, he scratched the back of your head.
"On our next visit, let's ask the doctor about if it's safe or not? Ok?"
Expecting your pouty face, Yunho pulled the covers off you, swallowing hard when he saw your beautiful, round pregnant body on display for him.
"But for now, are you ok with me using my fingers?"
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
Looking down at the pot filled with who knows what that Yeosang stirred which was bubbling rather oddly, your best bet was that he definitely didn't. The reddened cheeks that formed on his face was another telltale sign.
"Trust me honey. I got this."
Right as he said that, some of the contents spilled out, nearly burning the both of you. Luckily Yeosang draped an arm protectively around your barely noticeable bump and moved you back so neither of you were harmed. Instead, the floor became the victim. Having enough shenanigans from your caring lover, you reached over and quickly shut off the stove before anymore accidents happened.
"There goes my chances of wooing you over with my cooking skills." He snorted softly, but he felt bad that he couldn't even make a simple meal for you.
Wanting to cheer him up, you hugged his waist, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
"You've already won my heart over Mr. Kang, there's nothing left for you to claim."
Although he felt comforted by your words, there was something else he needed to hear.
"You know how I feel. Now go on... say my name." He commanded you.
Pecking his lips, you gave in. "Yeosang."
You let out a squeak when he pressed you against the counter, pulling you into a deeper kiss that was getting more and more heated. Your moment was interrupted when someone suddenly came into the scene, startling you both.
"Oh God Damian! You scared me man." Yeosang let out a relieved sigh when he saw it was only his trusted butler.
"Rest assured sir, I saw nothing and heard nothing." He smirked at them.
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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You grunted as you stripped yourself out of your shirt, the material feeling too confining and making your breasts feel more sore than they already felt. Standing in front of the mirror, you noticed how your breasts were practically popping out of the top of your bra.
"Sannie! Could you come help me out?" You called out to him.
"Yes my lovely baby mama?" He poked his head into the room, always ready to help you out if you needed it.
"Could you please unhook my bra, I can't reach."
Happy to help you, he came up behind you, eyes focused as he began undoing all of the hooks.
"Are they hurting you baby?" Looking up at the mirror, he saw your pouty face nodding at him.
"Would you like me to massage them for you?" He offered.
"Please." You begged, loving how gentle his hands were whenever he touched them.
Releasing your breasts out of their tight confinement, both you and San were in shock when tiny droplets of liquid gushed out of your nipples.
"Holy shit Y/N, are you already lactating?"
San stared at your breasts in amazement. Keeping his eyes focused on the mirror in front of you guys, his hands came up to gently squeeze your breasts, that tiny action making more milky substance to come out of you. You saw how San licked his lips and it gave you an idea. Tilting your head, you gave him a kiss on his jaw before telling him:
"Wanna suck on them?"
San looked shocked at your suggestion, but then he returned you around and pressed his face against your chest.
"Fuck yeah."
Not even thinking twice, San took one of your tits into his mouth, humming in pleasure as he sucked some of your milk into his mouth.
"We should make this a regular occurrence."
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi released soft and blissful sighs as he felt your body move on top of him. His hands held onto your hips, helping you set a slow and sensual pace as you grinded against his dick.
"You feeling good baby?" He asked, making sure you weren't uncomfortable or in pain.
Your only response was your head being thrown back as you spewed out moans from your throat. It seemed the pregnancy heightened your sensitivity, so every move against Mingi's pelvis felt absolutely amazing, especially when he reached a hand over to rub at your clit. He always made sure you felt as much pleasure as possible.
"That's it, there you go babygirl." Mingi himself was enjoying the change in your sex life. Ever since you both found out you were pregnant, you had to halt your rather kinky and intense fucking sessions and replaced them with more soft and romantic love making. Which neither of you minded, it felt much more intimate and helped you both bond even closer to each other.
"Are you close my little lady? I can feel you squeeze tighter around my cock."
Although you were indeed close, you didn't want to cum just yet, not without asking you something first.
"Mingi......please....spank my ass." You turned your head so you could partially see his face from behind you.
Mingi blinked slowly at your request, unsure of what to do. Wanting to please you, he took one hand off your hip and used it to lightly spank the top of your ass. Although it was a rather tame slap, it was enough for you to start cumming on top of him. Mingi of course held you up, continuing to bury his cock inside you, sliding in and out so he could help make your high last longer til eventually he himself was cumming up into you. Making sure both of you were satisfied, he pulled you off him so he could clean you up.
"So I see you still become a mess when someone spanks you." He teased you, moving some hair out of your face so he could properly kiss you.
"Hey, I'm still your little brat even if I'm carrying our soon to be brat."
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Wooyoung slid the tip of his cock against your folds. Although he was anxious to be inside you once again, he had to make sure you were all right and not uncomfortable in any shape or form.
"You sure about this baby? We could try something else if you'd like." He assured you, one hand coming down to gently press against your pregnant belly.
"I'm fine Wooyoung. I just wanna feel your cock inside me again. It's been too long and I need it." You whined out, desperate to get some sort of release through something that wasn't from Wooyoung's tongue or fingers, although they always left you satisfied.
Wooyoung was extremely careful and slow as he plunged himself into you from behind, both of you moaning out loud when were connected once again after a long time. Pulling out once more, Wooyoung made sure to go easy on you, his fingers kneading the soft flesh of your hips and ass as he moved to and fro with leisurely yet deep strokes into you.
"Fuck! You feel so good!" You couldn't help but exclaim as you felt every vein and ridge of his dick hitting deep inside your tight walls.
"You missed this didn't you babygirl? Missed being my little toy?" He couldn't hide the smirk on his face as he went slightly harder against her but not so much. Reaching one hand over, his fingers rubbed at her clit, knowing it would drive her crazy.
"Y-yes! I missed this." You gasped out, unable to think about anything except Wooyoung's dick inside you.
"You dirty girl, even after I get you all knocked up, you still want to get fucked by me."
Rubbing his fingers faster against your clit, his other hand held onto your hip so he could angle himself to hit against your g-spot, brushing his tip over and over again on it so he could send you cumming all over him.
"But that's ok, I'll make sure to fuck another baby into you if that's what you want."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Opening your eyes, you smiled shyly as you woke up to your husband's face sleeping soundly next to you, one of his buff and strong arms was thrown over your body, laying protectively on your bump. Gently prying his hand off you without disturbing him, you quietly got out of the bed and walked out into the balcony of your hotel room, not bothering to cover up your naked body with a robe or anything.
You felt free, truly free as you gazed out at the beautiful scenery of the beach in front of you, a quick getaway place you and Jongho chose as your honeymoon destination after you both literally eloped not even 2 days ago. You wondered what were your parents and former fiancee thinking now, no doubt they were probably looking all over for you or were barely finding out the secret you two had kept for so long.
But you couldn't bring yourself to care. You didn't regret anything, if anything you would have regretted everything if you hadn't escaped with Jongho, whom you hadn't noticed had woken up until you felt his hands on your hips.
"Look at you little vixen coming out here wearing absolutely nothing. What? Did you want anyone passing by to see you standing here all nude?" His tone let you know he wasn't mad, he was simply poking fun at you.
"Hmmm maybe? Would it make you jealous to know someone who isn't you saw me like this?" You joked back at him, pushing your ass back onto him, a grin on your face when you felt his dick poke at your hip, letting you know that he too came out with no clothes on.
"On the contrary my little vixen, you wanted to give them a show?" You bit your lip when he began kissing your shoulder and neck, aligning himself at your entrance.
"I'll make sure we both give them a show."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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ellana-ravenwood · 4 years
“Mom got lost again” - Batfam x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : Little snippets about how “Batmom” (reader) will never find her way in the Mansion. But it’s fine, really, because she can always count on her husband and children to “save” her.  //DRABBLE
So. I was watching one of those “Architect’s digest” video on YouTube where they visit houses that are millions and millions of dollars worth, and besides the fact that I was thinking “wow look at all those beautiful things I’ll never be able to afford”, I couldn’t shake another thought off…and that was that I would totally get lost in many of those houses. Like, the way some are designed, they’re literally Dedalus’ labyrinth my dudes. So anyway, here’s not-really-a-fic-nor-a-drabble for you, a sort of snippet kind of thing, about this. Hope you’ll like it : 
My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Before the kids
“Hey Alfred, where’s (Y/N) ?”
He asks, one early evening as he just got home from work and knows you were going to meet up with him at his place.
“Oh Lady (Y/L/N) wanted to go see the library, so I took her there.”
“Thank you.”
Bruce arrives in the library, but you’re nowhere to be found. Wondering where you went he calls you but it seems like your cell don’t have any battery anymore. He starts to walk around the West Wing, looking in every room and…Finally, he finds you.
You’re sitting down against a wall in the corridor, looking discouraged, staring at your dead phone. You spot him and jump to your feet, looking very relieved. You then rush in Bruce’s arms, he catches you in extremis and you exclaims :
“Oh my god ! Bruce ! I love you !”
Insert a lot of kisses on his cheeks a really huge hug, as if you haven’t seen him in ages. But I mean, getting lost any place is sort of distressing, and you looooove that man. So much.
A little confuse, although always happy to have your affection, he asks : 
“What…is going on ?”
“I got lost…”
“You got lost ?”
"You have a very big house.”
Highly amused, Bruce responds : “I do.”
“So I got lost.”
“Ah. And what were you doing sitting there ?”
“Well…My parents always taught me to stay where I was, if I ever got lost somewhere, so when they’d came to look for me we’d be sure to see each others instead of passing right next to each others a thousand times…”
Bruce can’t help but burst out in laughter. Even more so that you genuinely looks like a kid that got separated from her parents. And oh, oh you love his laughter. 
It’s always a feat, when you can hear it. Especially when it comes from the heart like right now, when he genuinely laughs this deep beautiful laugh, because he’s happy. Because you make him happy. 
He’s not laughing at you, he just laughs because...You’re too much sometimes. 
And exactly what he needs. Too much is good, for a man like him.
He takes your hand and shows you around one more time. 
But he can see that even so, you can’t seem to remember the layout of the house, and you getting lost will happen again for sure. 
And he’s right. He showed you around his manor so many times, yet it seems you just can’t remember certain places. Like you memorized the places you go the most, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, access to the Batcave...and most of the time you find your way around easily (albeit sometimes still a little lost). 
But there’s entire areas of the house you try not to venture in or...it ends with Bruce coming to your rescue. Or Alfred. But he usually leaves Bruce to do it, as the man just...loves the way you two love each others. 
It’s always rather cute. And it warms the butler’s heart. 
Never in his wildest dream would he ever have thought that his Master Bruce would find someone like you. Someone accepting and understanding, and loving him unconditionally. And someone that Bruce loved fully in return, and whom he cherished above all. 
Yes. Alfred often let Bruce go on the hunt for you across the Manor, simply because he shipped you both since the very first time he saw you together, and he thoroughly enjoyed when his Master Bruce was acting like a lovesick puppy around you. When he was acting like a “normal” man, just hopelessly in love with his wife. 
And it was so pure, and beautiful.
So what if sometimes you’d wait a little long, lost in those endless corridors ? Alfred knew that Bruce would find you. Always. And that when he did, as usual, you would make Bruce’s heart melt, and he’d feel happy just by seeing you and...honestly it was all wort it. 
Bruce sometimes suspect you do it on purpose. That you get lost just so he can find you. And honestly ? He really doesn’t mind... 
Saved by the little bird
"Over a year of living here, I swear I still can’t...where...wait, didn’t I just pass this damn yet-again-another-living room ?! Aaaah what the fuck why is everything looking the same. Fucking shit. What a shitastrophy. Fucking cockburger son of a bitchtits little f-”
“Um...Are you ok, mom ?”
Oh sssshhhh...Alfred wouldn’t be happy with you for swearing around your young son. Dick was only eight, after all. 
He had started to call you “mom” since very recently, and it always made your heart skip a beat. Made you feel utterly happy. 
As the boy came in behind you from the corridor, you were about to kick a potted plant out of frustration (another thing that Alfred wouldn’t be very happy about). You turn around, slowly get your foot back on the floor, and say : 
“Um. I got um...Lost...” 
“Lost ?” 
“Yes...I just...can’t get used to the size of this house. I wanted to get something that Alfred said was in the East wing, which is somewhere I never really go. And um...”
“You got lost.”
“Yes. Don’t make fun of me ok, your dad is already enough.” 
“I wasn’t going to make fun of you !” 
Your son says, a little virulently, as if offended you’d ever think such a thing ! You smile at him, because how sweet could this kid get really ? 
“Alright little buddy, sorry I ever made such an assumption. So, if you’re not gonna mock me...maybe you can save me then ?”
“Save you ?” 
“Well, I’m lost. And you don’t seem lost.” 
“That’s because I’m not, I always found my way out of the labyrinths in fun fairs very easily !” 
He tells you, smiling widely, excited at the prospect of helping you. 
“Where do you need to go ?” 
“Let’s try to get to the kitchen.” 
“I know the way ! Come on !” 
He takes your hand in his little one, and drags you behind him, leading you across corridors and rooms up until...
“Here !” 
He tells you, smiling widely. And it’s so cute, because he’s missing a few teeth and his smile is just so pure...You just want to squish his little face and hug him to death. 
“Ah my savior ! What can I ever repay you with ?” 
You ask, taking an overdramatic tone of voice, knowing little Dickie always loved when you two played pretend and such. He takes the gruffest voice he can and says : 
“Well, my lady can repay me with...um...Cookies, yes I think cookies will do !” 
“Cookies ? Well this sounds fair, for this dashing saving you just did ! Macadamia or chocolate chip ?” 
“Both ?” 
“Both it is !” 
It happened many times, that you paid your oldest son with cookies, after he saved you from getting lost in your own house...Even as an adult, he’d demand payment of fresh cookies, and then would go show them off to his siblings, refusing to share, as the “good” older brother he was haha. 
Lost together
You find Jason in one of the many gaming room, while you were trying to get to the kitchen. You know for a fact that there are no gaming rooms on the way to the kitchen, but you can’t really figure out where you messed up...Was it when you went left after the third bathroom ? Or when you took the stairs down right before one of the mezzanine ? Wait, did that mezzanine have a piano ? Because if it did then it was the right way, if it didn’t, then you were on the other side of the damn house. Or maybe just right next to...Yeah ok. Lost again. 
But you found Jason. 
Maybe he could help ? 
The boy was sitting in a huge comfortable leather armchair, reading a book. When he heard you come in the room, he snapped his head up and a huge smile illuminated his cute little face. 
“Finally ! Mom !” 
He jumps off the armchair, putting down his books, and goes to jump in your arms. Then he says : 
“I was trying to go to the arcade room ! Because I wanted to beat your high score on Tekken, but I always only followed someone there, and I can’t find it anymore...” 
Ah. The arcade. One of the only room you sort of knew where to find...If you started from the front door. Or your bedroom. Not from a random room god knew where in the mansion. 
Why was this house so big ??? 
“I’m sorry to bother you with this, I know I should’ve paid more attention when Alfred showed me, but it’s just-”
Oh no. Oh no the little one was looking at you worryingly, probably because you weren’t responding, and he thought he was being a pain. 
Little Buddy always thought he was bothering people...So hurriedly, you said : 
“Oh no no Jason, you’re not bothering me at all ! It’s just um..I’m um...I’m sort of lost too.” 
“You are ?”
“I am.” 
“Really ?” 
“Well damn.” 
“Haha right ? Usually your father or Dick would save me. Or Alfred.”
“Yeah same.”
“I actually rarely walk around alone now that I think about it.” 
“Yeah same !”
There’s a short pause, where you look at each others and smile at this little moment. And then, as you slowly both realize that you’re lost, IN YOUR OWN HOME, and the ridiculousness of the situation down on you, you explode in laughter. 
You end up getting back to the armchair, and Jason settles comfortably in your lap as you continue to read the book he was reading, out loud, and he listens to you happily. Nobody ever really read him stories before you and Bruce... 
Bruce finds the both of you later in the day, fast asleep in the armchair, Jason latched on your arm as you hug him to you. 
He finds the sight so adorably charming. He sits down next to the two of you, enjoying this moment of quiet and peace. And then he picks up the book you were reading, reading it himself...Ah. It’s one of his favorite childhood book. 
He reads it, waiting for you two to wake up, not wanting to disturb your sleep. 
It’s rare, that he has some free time. And he really doesn’t mind spending it watching over his sleeping wife and son, waiting for them to wake up and guide their way back to the part of the house they know...
Damn. Damn he loves them so much. 
"I memorized the blueprints” 
“And see, here’s a secret passage !” 
The boy says excitedly, as he shows you and Bruce a hidden door in one of the wall, behind a heavy tapestry. 
“...Wait...I didn’t even know that was there...How did...What ?” 
Your husband asks, half-confused, half-impressed, with maybe a little hint of hurt pride in there as well...it’s his house after all. 
“I memorized the blueprints of the house that are in the library.” 
The little one says, smiling widely at his new father. Bruce responds : 
“I have those blueprints, I never saw this secret passage ever in my life.” 
“You must have the “official” blueprints, the one Allan Wayne gave to others. The blueprints in the library, the ones I found, were tucked away inside one of the book and showed more than the “official” ones. Your great-great-great-great-great grandfather was a very paranoid man, I assume he pulled a Madame Winchester on the builders.” 
“Madame Win...Huh ?” 
“You know, famous Winchester mansion ? Super haunted ? She gave instructions to many different people to build certain things and there isn’t really blueprints that shows a correct layout of everything ?”
“I assume you were too busy building the bat cave to really pay attention to the house. But it’s quite a wonder ! There’s so many new secrets I haven’t discovered yet !” 
A soft, tender smile spreads on your husband’s face as he looks down at Tim. Bruce says : 
“That’s quite a discovery you found there my boy, and you say you memorized it already ?” 
“It was easy, I just had to keep in mind the-”
And then Tim started to get lost in long complicated explanation that you didn’t understand, while your husband seemed very interested. 
You couldn’t help but smile. How cute...
Today, you were sort of glad, that you got very lost in your own home again, and got saved by little Timmy. He hadn’t lived in the house for very long by that time, but already knew it even better than Bruce, apparently. 
It was so nice, to have such a sweet little on in your life again...Dick hadn’t been by in a while, busy with the titans. And Jason...
You didn’t want to think about Jason. 
Or at least, not in the way you would end up thinking about him. You wanted to remember his smiles, and how he always got lost too in this house. Not...Not...the broken body Bruce brought back...You...
You shooed the memory away, and focused on your son. 
Tim was now going on and on about how he found really cool places that weren’t on the normal blueprints, and how he wanted to show Bruce and you. 
And Bruce was smiling. For the first time in ages. Your husband was smiling, faced with such an excited little one. 
So yes. Yes, today you were glad you got lost in your own home, and that your tiny son found you and showed you the way. That it lead you to ask him how the hell was he that fast in memorizing the house’s layout, and then him explaining things about the blueprints. 
And consequently, how Bruce and him started to truly bond, started to talk about the house and about the Wayne legacy...
It was nice. To finally see your husband smile again. Propelled by a sudden surge of motherly love, you hugged Tim tight, and the boy, a bit confused at first, hugged you back without much questions. 
And this sight. 
His wife and his son hugging. 
It warmed Bruce’s heart in a way his heart hadn’t been warmed since he lost Jason. 
Yes. It was good, that sometimes you’d get lost in your own damn house. 
This is a fun game
By the time Cassandra came into your life, this “mom got lost again” thing became sort of a game. It was about who would find you first, when they realized you were lost. 
You’d be gone a little too long after saying : “I’m gonna go get the ice cream in the freezer”, and they knew. It was time to set a party to find you. 
“3, 2, 1...GO !” And they’d run in each different direction, searching for you. 
The winner gets cookies. Baked by you... 
Cass liked that game. 
Because even if she lost, she would’ve spend quality times with her family. Fun times. Looking for her beloved mother. 
The only mother she ever had. 
It’s a word that always easily rolled off her tongue. 
“Found, mom.” 
You jumped a little in the air, as your only daughter suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She was looking at you upside down, and it took you a little bit to realize she was actually dangling off in a very spider-man way off of the floor just above. She must’ve heard your footsteps (or more likely, your growls about being lost again). 
She jumped off, and you felt your heart stop, suddenly fearing she would fall down but..Not, she agilely jumps over the rail, and is in front of you, smiling. 
Finding you was Cass’ favorite game. Because when she did, you’d always look at her fondly, give her a hug, and praise her for being the best.
And for someone like Cassandra, who grew up treated like an emotionless machine by a man who never viewed her as more than a weapon...it felt nice, to have such a loving person in her life. 
When Cass thought of you, her mind filled with bright colors, and her heart with warmth. Because she grew up never learning how to speak, her thoughts didn’t quite work in words like most people, but in colors and temperatures. 
And you, you were reassuring colors and soothing warmth. 
Such a simple word. Yet it took her a while to be able to even say it. 
Now she could speak, in big thanks to you. And her father.
She loved you guys so much. So much. 
She loved you. 
She says, reaching a hand for yours. And you take it, smiling once more, shaking your head and apologizing that you made her look for you...Oh. 
Oh but she doesn’t mind. None of them do. 
Because when they find you. When they “save you”, you always look at them with such unconditional love. No matter what. 
Finding you is Cass’ favorite game. 
It always leaves her feeling nice and warm, loved and safe. 
Finding you is Cass’ favorite game. 
And one day, she’ll be able to tell you all of that. One day, she’ll be able to tell you to never apologize, because she loves to look for you. She loves you. 
One day. One day she’ll talk to you about all of this. 
But for now, it was fine for both of you that her feelings translated in only smiles, affectionate touch, and one very important word...
“I won’t let you get lost !” 
Damian hated the mere idea of you being in any kind of distress. 
ANY kind. 
So when he learned that you would often get lost in the Manor, and even as everyone assured him it just sort of became an inside joke within the family, your youngest son took it upon himself to make sure you’d never get lost again. 
He started to put up signs everywhere in the house, giving indications as to where you were and where was what. Detailed little maps, arrows and such. Drawn by himself. It took him WEEKS to finally cover the entire Manor. 
It’s something no one ever thought of before because...Although you often got lost, it was always nice to try and find you, and well, you would still know your way around the part of the house you’d most go to. 
In fact, when you got lost, it was often because you’d go in a wing you didn’t know much for whatever reason, and they’d know where to look for you. 
So they never really saw a reason to make signs telling you the right way. Or yeah, they never really thought about it. 
But Damian...Damian was set to make the house “lost proof”.
As a result, you definitely didn’t get lost as many times. Which was...nice ? 
But once, at dinner, Dick was reminiscing of that one time you got lost in the attic for some reason, and couldn’t find your way out, and him and Jason had to get you, and how they laughed a lot and you praised them for saving you...
And Damian grew quiet. And upset. When you asked him why, he refused to answer, but the next day, you ventured in a part of the house you rarely went to so you could go fetch something and...
All the signs telling you which way to go were gone. Which didn’t worry you much, you knew you’d be found by one of your family member before long, or would just find your own way out after a while. 
But it was odd nonetheless. 
It’s only when Damian found you, and “saved” you that you understood why the signs weren’t on anymore. 
Damian too, wanted to “save” you from getting lost. Wanted to laugh with you because it was silly that you got lost in your own house. Wanted you to bake him cookies as a reward for saving him. Wanted to share those bonding moments with you...
It was so cute, and showed how far Damian really went since Talia first dropped him on your door, that you couldn’t help but hug the hell out of your baby. 
He was a little embarrassed, but hugged you back nonetheless. 
Yes. Yes Damian had come along way, since he first came into your life. He learned how to love, how it felt to be loved, and how...how sometimes he would crave for your attention. 
And so he took down the signs. So he could save you. So he could share this with you, just like you did share those moments with all his other siblings. 
He took down the signs, because you getting lost was an important inside joke of this family...And because he was, now, part of this family. 
What even is this place...
Duke thought he would never EVER find his way back in this new house. 
His bedroom was in...east wing ? West wing ? ...SOMEWHERE. 
The first few days of living there were overwhelming, and he constantly had to make sure he wasn’t far from one of the other family member because he was so afraid to get lost. 
He couldn’t remember the right way to anywhere. This was all too big. 
He grew up in a small two bedrooms apartment, in the heart of Gotham’s sludge. He could find his way in this gigantic city easily, knew the place like the back of his hand but...
The Manor ? 
It was uncharted territory. In every sense of the term. 
First it was on the outskirt of Gotham, in the hills, a place he never set foot in.
And then the house, but also the land around it was bigger than his neighborhood ! It was so foreign for him... 
But he hid this well. He hid the fact he was overwhelmed well. And just made sure he’d always be with someone when walking around the manor. 
He tried to remember the way they took, he really did. But every time he thought he got it, they’d use another way and he was totally lost again. 
Alfred showed him around the first day, but it was too many informations at the same time. Him and his ADHD couldn’t process it.  
What would you guys say, if he mentioned he was getting lost in the house ? Surely, you’d mock him. Or just feel sorry for him ? 
He wasn’t sure, and he didn’t want to know. Acclimating to this new life was already hard enough, what with discovering his meta-powers, having to deal with what happened to his parents, and living in this all new environment. 
You made it comfortable and easy for him. You were just so welcoming and loving. But it was still hard...he was only a boy. 
And so he said nothing. And now...now, lost and walking through corridors that all looked the same, he dearly regretted it. 
He turned a corner, and...there you were. 
“Oh, hey Dukie”. 
He smiled shyly, afraid you would know he was lost, and said : 
“What’s up ?” 
“Nothing, I was going to- I was exploring the house.” 
He was about to say he was trying to get to the movie theater, where Damian  and Cass were surely waiting for him by that time, so they could watch a movie. But what if he was totally off ? Far from where the home cinema was supposed to be ? 
“Exploring the house” sounded like a safe thing to say. 
“Oh, careful not to get lost haha. Happens to me all the time...” 
Wait...What ? Were you joking ? He wasn’t sure. 
“Actually, I’m lost right now. I wanted to take a shortcut from the kitchen to the bat cave to see Bruce -I miss him- -Yeah I know only saw him couple of hours ago-, but I must’ve taken a wrong turn...Somewhere...”
You were holding your chin in your hand now, trying to remember where you could possibly have taken the wrong turn. And Duke realized you were serious.
“You’re lost ?” 
“Yeaaaah. Go ahead, you can laugh. I know I’d laugh at myself too haha. I just could...never quite figure out how this house worked ? I grew up in a one bedroom apartment, sleeping in the living room with my brothers. And then when I moved in on my own I had an even smaller place. So. It’s a change. Even after all those years I’m still not quite used to it.”
“Ah me too ! I mean, I just can’t figure out the layout of this place !”
“Ah ? Hey, for you too, sometimes you think you definitely know where you’re going and then you find yourself outside in the garden and you just have no idea how you got there ?”
“Yes !!!! I was sure of my way so many times but then one wrong turn and...here I am.” 
“Well Duke, believe me I get it. I get it haha.” 
You then proceeded to tell him all the most embarrassing stories of you getting lost, including that one time at a charity event held in your house, someone asked you to take them to a certain place, and your asshole of a husband let you do it just because he knew you wouldn’t find the way, and because you getting lost with their guest was the only fun entertainment of the night. 
And this. 
This simple shared thing, of you two getting lost...
It was amongst the first time Duke really felt home. Really felt like he wasn’t alone. 
Those past few days had been difficult for him. This was all so new. 
And yet, with a few smiles, silly stories and support..You made him feel like he was truly home. And he didn’t even notice the hours you two passed, sat on the floor in that corridor, before Bruce found you and took you back to where you initially wanted to go...   
Saved by the littlest bird
Thomas is about eight, and you’re about to have a heart pinching flashback as he’s going to remind you of your first baby...
Dick was going to be almost thirty, by then. He was married, and with a kid on the way (I’m not here for ship wars, you chose with who he is, wether it’s Babs or Kori, or whoever else). Oh, how long ago it was, that his little eight years old hand would hold yours to guide you across the manor...
Too bad. Because right now, you definitely needed some help navigating around. Lost again. Ugh. T’was getting old. 
“Mommy...You’ve been living in this house for over 15 years now, how can you still get lost ?” 
Your littlest baby. Thomas. Appearing from around the corner, and as he saw you, rolling his eyes like never before. Yet smirking, in a very “Bruce” way. Ah. Like father, like son. 
Is your only answer. 
You avoid his judging gaze, but did it in a way that was overdoing it, so he knew you were just pretending to be embarrassed haha. He rolled his eyes, and then takes out a walkie talkie and says : 
“I found her Damdam, she’s in the West Wing near one of the drawing room. Over.” 
“Ok, thanks little buddy, let’s meet up in the kitchen, over.” 
“Ok cool, be right there, over.” 
This little exchange made you smile, oh those two were very close. Well, all your children were close. But Damian and Thomas had a little something, because they were the youngest, and because Damian took to heart his big brother role. He was also the only one still living in the manor by that time, all your other children having their own place in Gotham, going to college or already working...a wave of nostalgia threatened to take over you, and you quickly thought of something else. 
“Little buddy”, Damian called Thomas. Copying you for sure. How cute.  
“Come on mommy, I’ll take you back to the kitchen. You can make us cookies then, yes ?” 
“Of course my baby, any flavor you want.” 
“Well Damian will surely want the white chocolate chip ones, so I’m good with those too.” 
Thomas was such a sweet consilient boy. He didn’t really mind anything, and would follow you guys anywhere...as long as he could be with his family, and enjoy their presence, he just never minded. 
He definitely had a stubborn and strong personality, but he was still oh so sweet. And nice. Even if he did mock you a lot for getting lost in your own home...
“Where did you get the walkies ?” 
“Dick gave it to me last time he came, so we could cheat at hide and seek. Don’t tell Tim.” 
You chuckle, imagining how nuts your kids would get because Dick always goddamn won...
Ah and of course Dick would give a talkie to his littlest brother. To be honest, Thomas reminded you of Dick in lots of ways. 
They were both gentle, funny, sweet and nice...with outburst of anger and pride sometimes. Ah quite like Bruce too. You loved them all so damn much. 
“Now come mom, I think dad will be home soon too ! We can watch a movie before the patrol ! With cookies !!” 
You smile, and you take your son’s hand. Your youngest boy. Reminiscent of when Dick used to do this. All those years ago. 
Reminiscent of a time you didn’t feel so weak... 
And if you’re wondering who the hell Thomas is : Polichinelle, “Go away, you’re confusing my baby”, Shaky steps and bad teaching, Master of Diaper, How do you make babies ?, What it means to be a big brother - By Damian Wayne and After Batmom’s death)
Bonus : There’s a moment, in one of the video I watched, where the guy showing the house off is basically like : “You might think this is a beautiful dining room…but it’s not, it’s a breakfast room”, and I had random flashes of Alfred showing the manor to one of the kids, or even to Batmom as she first comes to the house, and him talking about the “breakfast room”, and the boys/Batmom just not being able to get over the fact there’s a room that exist just to eat breakfast in…(wait till they see the personal SPA floor uh). Only Damian would be like : “Tt. Only one breakfast room ?” XD. Anyway. I thought I shared, because it made me laugh to imagine how ridiculous Wayne Manor is. Wait worst, in one of the video the people living in it had a room bigger than my entire apartment that existed for the SOLE PURPOSE OF CUTTING BOUQUETS OF FRESH FLOWERS ??????? That I’m sure they wouldn’t have. I mean, a garden that Alfred would cherish, for sure. But...an entire room just to cut FRESH (the dude really put an emphasis on that) flowers...My guy...what...
Ok the end. Hope you liked whatever my thoughts were on this Saturday night. I didn't put as much effort in this as I usually do and wrote it rather fast, hope it’s still ok, I just wanted to share a little something that wouldn't leave my head up until I finally wrote about it :). 
PS : Also it’s all sort of a joke I thought about, I know most people would probably find their way after living for ages in the same place, but ah you get what I meant haha. Also I get lost in my own basement sometimes because of how the layout is, so ya know...hahaha. 
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
Imagine Dr Ren seeing grey hair for the first time on his head and him having an absolute breakdown because of it while all you can think of is how you going to suck his soul through his dick.
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I cannot wait for the House of Gucci to come out, I am frothing at the mouth for silver fox Adam Driver. But now-lets talk about silver fox Dr. Ren who is without a down the best thing ever.
TW/CW: known age gap (14 years), oral sex, Dr. Ren is yelling, but it sexi, NSFW, this is pre-Odin, he's very stressed out, he has gray hair okay, my age gap kink really jumped out here. can't wait to write more older man / younger woman w White Noise & Gucci bc my god. Daddy issues much?
"Mother of fuck!"
You blinked awake slowly, brow furrowed in confusion. What time was it? There was no sunlight drifting in through your blinds, and you were still curled in a burrito of blankets. You shifted in bed, rolling slightly to your right shoulder into a warm crease in the mattress.
Thats weird... usually when you woke up, Rens' side would be cold because he leaves at the crack of dawn. It's never warm from the remnants of his body heat, you nuzzled into your pillow. Drifting off to sleep once more from the smell of his shampoo, in and out in rhythmic waves as they brought you back to dreamland.
The slamming of a door woke you again, shooting out of bed in a blur. You blinked rapidly now, trying to get rid of the sleep that was seeping into the edges of your vision. All you could see was your dark bedroom, even the hallway was dark, aside from a dim glow from the left...
"Fucking fuck! Can't believe this shit."
"Babe?" you croaked, your voice was laced with sleep , "Everything okay?"
"Go back to sleep!"
You popped your lips, debating listening to him or investigating the cause of his swearing. The neighbors already didn't like him, and yelling in an overpopulated apartment complex wasn't going to win them any support at the next condo board meeting. "Okay," you spoke a little louder, "So everything's good?"
"Yes!" you heard cabinets slamming shut and things falling off the sink in what you assumed was the bathroom, followed by more swearing, "Go the fuck back to sleep! It's 5 in the morning."
You nodded, laying back into the warm spot to curl in a ball. If he said everything was alright, then it was. Surely he wouldn't mind you visiting the office today, since everything was fine.
Ren hadn't texted you all morning, even when you asked what you could bring for food.
Usually, he jumped on that opportunity, he may be a grumpy old man but he never passed up free food. It was very unlike him to be so cold to you, if he was. It would be in a teasing way, like snatching blankets from you when you were on the couch or edging you for hours after catching you touching yourself without permission.
This was much different, he was ignoring you.
You walked into the waiting room of his office, giving a soft smile to the nursing staff as you lifted up a bag of food. Rey, the head nurse, waved you in through the doors. Giving you a weak smile in return before rushing to the front.
"They must be busy," you mumbled, weaving past a couple patients walking back to their rooms from the radiology room. Almost every suite was filled, and there were dozens of nurses around. Some you didn't recognize, was he doing okay?
He was the only practitioner in this wing of the hospital, this seemed like a lot. Even for him, he seemed fine at home... Why didn't he tell you he was so busy? Granted, you'd been busy too, finishing up your last year of school, finals, and planning for graduation.
Ren had been nothing but supportive for you, even helping with studying the harder classes with you, while you didn't ask about how work was going.
You felt worse the closer you got to his office, seeing how stressed out everyone was in his department. All while you had a crying fit over a Genetics exam with Ren two nights ago, and he just fed you food and rubbed your back. His back probably hurt, being that much older than you, having to shoulder your stresses, and all this?
You looked down at the food you brought, regretting not bringing more for him. Maybe you'd make a big dinner tonight, so he knew how much you loved him and appreciated him.
A soft knock on his door was met with a grunt from inside, you opened it slowly. Met with the sight of Ren hunched over his desk, laying his face on the surface and eyes staring at his desktop. He looked up at you and quickly looked away, letting out a long sigh.
"Shouldn't you be studying for your exam tonight?"
You shook your head silently, closing the door and flipping the lock before padding over to him. You set the food down on the corner of his desk and moved to his side. Ren sighed again, sitting up and running a hand through his hair, you focused on the movement.
"Why is your hair pulled back?"
Ren froze, looking up at you with glassy eyes. He scooted out from his desk, patting his lap for you to sit down, "It was in my face."
"You never pull your hair up at work," you straddled his lap, allowing him to settle his arms around your back and hug you to his chest. You played with his hair, he had it pulled in a half bun, not very professional for a man in medicine. If he were in his twenties it would be expected but Ren was almost forty. He didn't wear his hair like this, not even at home.
Only if he was at the gym, and never in public where he would see patients.
"What did you bring me for lunch?" he rumbled into your chest. lips pressing a few lazy kisses before attempting to tug his head away from your hands.
You snatched the bun, tugging it harshly so he would stay still. Ren growled at you, "Stop, my hair is greasy it needs to be up."
"Shut up," you snapped, pulling it out of the tie, "I heard you showering the morning."
"Love," Ren growled again, pushing you from his lap and onto the floor. You fell back onto your back, glaring at him as he gathered the stray hairs you revealed. "Stop touching my hair."
You watched him re-tie it, opening his lunch without a thank you as you sat there. Looking at him to find the source of his hostility, he always let you play with his hair. And wanted you to braid it if he did have it in a bun, he was hiding something.
Ren leaned forward, briefly, and the light on his desk caught something bright on the crown of his forehead.
"Holy shit," you whispered, jumping off the floor to your knees. You grabbed his shirt collar, yanking him from shoveling more food into his mouth so he was half bent before you. Forehead right before you, you searched his slight widow's peak, finding the shimmer again.
"You have some gray hair!"
"No, I don't."
Ren pulled from you quickly, leaning in his chair enough to shield the offending area you were staring at, "Thank you for food, it's time for me to get back to my patients."
"Kylo," you cooed, "Are you hiding your gray's from me?"
He glared at you, puffing his cheeks before speaking through his food, "I do not have gray hair, I am 37."
"(Y/N)," he sighed, "I'm very busy today, so it's time to go."
"I don't have gray hairs, but you're going to give me some if you don't get out of here."
You shrugged, stepping away from the desk innocently. Walking as slow as you could to the door of his office while he ate behind you, grumbling under his breath.
"I think you'd look sexy with some gray hair."
Ren choked behind you, slapping his chest as he tried to catch his breath, "Excuse me?"
Looking over your shoulder, you smirked, met with his wide eyes. Darting across your face as you moved back over to him. You planted your hands on his desk, looking at his forehead as the glints of gray that he was trying so hard to conceal.
"I said," you reached across, snatching the hair tie and yanking it out before he could move. Ren's hair fell onto his face, fanning across his forehead and shielding his eyes from your view. But that's not what you cared about, no.
What you cared about was the streaks of gray that were weaving across his part, moving along his hairline. Peppering the black hair with beautiful glints, like stars in the midnight sky. You drew your fingers through it, watching it slip through like silk.
Ren purred at the touch, briefly leaning into it before he realized what was happening. He shot off his chair, pushing your hand from his hair with a snarl, "You don't know what you're talking about, I look like an old man."
"Kylo," you sighed, rounding the desk to stand in front of him and reaching for his face. You cupped his cheeks and tugged down, planting a kiss on his pink lips. Trying to soothe away the scowl he was determined to wear. "You are an old man."
"I'm 37-"
"I know you have hair dye under the sink," you whispered, kissing him once more, "I'm guessing you ran out this morning?"
Ren eyed you quietly, before releasing a slow puff of air across your face. "I might've," he kissed you back, "I don't like looking like an old man."
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck. The two of you kissing lazily back and forth as you spoke, "How long have you been hiding it?"
"Love, I've been going gray since I was 25."
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Mhm," his lips moved to your jaw, pressing open-mouthed kisses towards your ear lobe before nibbling on the tender skin, "Just on my temples, it's never been on my crown until yesterday. I'm surprised you've never noticed."
"Is it because of me?"
"Yes, you stress me the fuck out, Love. Every goddamn day-" Ren pulled you with him as he sat back in his chair. Forcing you to stand between his open knees, "From your whining, crying, teasing, everything you do. And I fucking love it."
You were pushed to the floor, falling to the tile on your knees. Ren scooted forward on his seat, putting your chest between his thighs. Both of you looked down, "Are you going to help me from stressing out, Love? Or do you want me to get more gray hair?"
You pursed your lips in thought, imagining a Ren with even more silver. Streaking through his black hair, shimmering in the sunlight as you walked around together. People would stare at the two of you together, thinking that he was so much older than you. Robbing the cradle, like a dirty old man, fuck.
You tugged him out of his slacks quicker than ever, immediately sucking the tip of his cock into your mouth. Wrapping your lips around the head and suckling a few times as he hissed. Placing a heavy hand on the back of your head, nudging you down his length.
Ren bucked a few times as you mouthed at the skin around the tip, tasting every ridge with your tongue. You wanted to tease every bit, twirling the tip under the head, lapping at it until it was soaked with your spit. You popped off, watching the string of spit that connected the two.
Briefly looking up at Ren, his free hand was buried in his hair, pulling it back from his eyes so he could watch with an open mouth. You smirked, looking up at the few strands that made you tingle from your head to your toes. Plunging his cock back to your mouth, gagging a bit as you tried to take him completely.
No matter how many times you sucked him, it was always hard. The sheer girth of him tugged your lips around him tight, vacuuming into your throat with each slurp. Ren twitched in your mouth, fingers digging harder at your scalp. You grinned as best you could, swallowing a few times and taking a breath through your nose.
Worming a hand to grip the base of his cock, you moved in sync. Pulsing him in hand with your mouth, taking as much as you could while he moaned above you. Whispering under his breath how good you were, "Taking Daddy's whole cock in your pretty little throat."
"What am I going to do with you," Ren mumbled, canting his hips forward until your nose crushed again your fist. Gasping and choking on spit and the bitter taste of his pre-cum, tingling the back of your throat. "Daddy's gonna cum down your throat," he choked, "And when he gets home tonight, he's going to fuck your pussy until you can't walk."
You moaned at the thought, wanting that to be a reality, but he was too busy. He had to get back to work soon, there was no telling when a nurse would come knocking.
Ren's hands circled your head, taking control of the tempo along his cock. Up and down violently, chuckling at every sputter and cough you tried to stifle. You hand your palms on the tops of his thighs, nails digging into his slacks to hold on for dear life.
He held you at the base, pulsing against your tongue in time with his breaths as he choked through his climax. "Shit-you're so good my love," twitching as he coated your throat. The taste was sticky as he slid in and out a few times before growing soft.
You smacked your lips, swollen from the face fucking, trying to lick up anything that slipped out. Ren tucked himself away quickly, rubbing your cheek with a soft hand. He helped you onto his lap. grabbing some tissues and offering them.
"I love you," you choked.
"I love you too."
You grinned, looking at his hair before his eyes. "Let me braid it and then we can fix it when you get home, that way you don't feel like an old guy while at work."
"Thank god," he sighed, "Because I'm really not ready to be a silver fox yet, I've read what women say about them online. I don't think I'll ever be ready for that objectification."
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​​​ @onlykyloscenes​​​ @candycanes19​​​ @historyandfandoms50​​​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​​​ @ghoulian13​​​ @mrs-kylo-ren​​​ @millenialcatlady​​​​ @relationshipwithmybed​​ @dancingmicrobes​​​ @wayward-rose​​​ @contesa-lui-alucard​​​ @daydreamsofren​​​ @insufferablelust​​​ @ohdamnadamm​​​ @mariesackler​​​ @caillea​​ @jalexunderthestars​​​ @shesakillerkween​​​ @glassythoughts​​ @zimmermansbrat​​ @not-the-teen-witch​​ @jynzandtonic​ @roanniom​ @celestiasin @glassbxttles @cornmousequeen @driversmutbucket @blowthatpieceofjunk @reyloaddict55
Here is the link to my Mega Masterlist, the Dr. Ren Masterlist, and look out for Freakin' Out, the Dr. Ren crackfic coming this week!
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itsmadamehydra · 4 years
My Savior || Wayne McCullough
A/N: Just some teenage girl trying to write the story inside her head, hope u like it.
Pairing: Wayne McCullough x oc
Warnings: rape, intention of rape, harassment, blood mention, bullying, language (a little strong)
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I've always like to watch him by far, he just seems different from the rest (and oh boy, he is).
The first time I saw him I was in 7th grade. I was just one more girl of the many others that her tities just had started to show and my period started to visit me. I remember that day clearly, I was sitting at the hallway with my bestfriend at the time, eating infront of our lockers when I saw him.
"Am telling ya girl, the answer of number 5 was c." I said trying to reason with her about the science test answers "I told you that if u needed help to study, I could help ya." I smile at her and move my arm upward to touch her shoulder
"Yeah, yeah, I know...are you sure it was not D?" she said frowning her eyebrows once more. We stayed in silence for a sec before bursting into laughter and tears
Little by little our laughs started to fade, allowing ears to hear the background and aswell some loud voices, it sounded like an argument but by the hears of it a fight was going to start soon. "What you think is happening over there?" Cassie murmured, I stared at the end of the hallway where apparently was were the voices were coming from.
"I don't know..." my lips formed a thin line while I was thinking about what could have been happening in there, "You wanna, you know, go and see?" I looked back at my friend
"Freak yeah" she laughed grabbing my hand and running down the hallway to see the soon to be fight.
Once we got there, there was a mass of students surrounding what appeared to be the ones who where arguing. "Ugh, I can't see, I hate been so small." I said, "Hey, that smallness is beautiful and you know you can use that in your own benefit" Cassia said and winked at me.
"I mean, yeah but I can't-" my word stopped at the moment I heard a want sounded and I believe to be a punch in the face. "You saw that!?" Cassie said, "That was freaking awesome, please tell me you saw it!" "Um, nah Cassie, I cant see a crap" i said while trying to find a whole where to see through.
It was only a matter of seconds until more punches were heard. I started pushing people more frantically, I wanted to see what was happening. When I get pass a few amount of studens I almost slipped, looked sown to see what was it and it was stains of blood, only a few but still.
"Oh gosh, disgusting." When I look up only a few students are still in the cafeteria and a guy wearing a grey hoddie was just there, staring at the bloodie face of another guy. I stared back at the hoddie guy and noticed a little hammer in his hand, and the words just came out of my mouth without even noticing, "Why the hammer? Want to be a constructed or something?" He just stared at me and pass by me without saying a word and keeping a neutral face.
"Who the hell was that crazy ass weirdo?" I hear Cassie's voice behind me. "I don't know" I responded, "But I will know...one day."
"Ok,ok, am not going to get in between your little search thingi but am sure he is not good news." Cassie said, "You saw what he did, and he has a FREAKING hammer, y/n! Covered in blood y/n!" She grabbed my shoulders from behind, "I think we all understood the message, stay the fuck away from him, honey."
And I just smiled.
Months later I learned his name. Wayne, Wayne McCullough. Fits the ring if you ask me. Everyone was speaking about how violent, crazy and wierdo he was, about how he was going to show up at your house to beat the hell put of you.
I just observed him by far, well, I like to think that I noticed him. I noticed how he usually beats up those who are some assholes jerks that have only one brain cell as much. Noticed that he is not much of a talker and a shy boy. Noticed how he makes his lips thin when he gets lost in thoughts. How he closes his fist when he is about to do something. His strangely high pain tolerance. His pale skin and dark hair appeared to me to be very llamative and aswell his strength. He was and is skinny but somehow has a great strength, maybe do to the unincredible amounts of fights he gets in. Experience makes the master is what the say...right?
Years went by, we entered to highschool and the nervousness along with the fast beating, sweating and butterflies were still there every time i either tought about him or saw him walking around.
Cassie stayed with me for a while until she decided to join the group of nasty ass bitches with no brain cells who believed no one was better than them. While I...well, I stayed small for a big part I guess, always with good grades, teachers love me and try to be nice with every one I guess.
Everything was going great until Cassie along with some guys recorded me somehow while being drunk and them trying to overpass the boundaries, and let me tell ya.. that was just the start.
The had videos of me at the school bathroom, pictures of my underwear under my skirts and dresses, them trying to touch me. I had to learn to defend myself, stopped using skirts, dresses, shorts even do I loved wearing the. Replace my shoes with tennis and always had hair ties.
"Y/n, wake up! You're going to be late for school, don't think ama wait for you!" I mom yelled.
"Yes, mom! Dont worry, am up!" I run down the stairs with my backpack, went to the kitchen, grabbed an apple and went straight to the car.
"Oh for God sake, y/n" she said went she looked at me and noticed my new hair style.
"What? You don't like it? I just cut it a little." I satered at her innocently
"Your father is not gonna like it and you know it." She said and the stress lines appeared in her forehead, "You know this is his weekend and-"
She couldn't finish her sentence because I started taking, "Am not going to that dickheads house, mother." I said strainly, "Don't want to see his and face of that bitch he cheated you with..." i lowly said but loud enough to hear.
"I know, honey but you have to and besides you get to see your brother!" She patted my thigh, "Haven't seen him in a while right?" She said with a sad tone
"You should be the one seeing him...not me." I stared outside the window, there were just some trees and houses and garbage.
Mom and dad divorced a while back, he cheated on her. The house was a mess that day, screams and broken glass everywhere. Sammy was lucky, he was at grandma's but I was home...listening to every single word. That was also the first time a sneaked out and the first time I sort-of spoke to Wayne.
"What are you doing here?" I heard someone said behind me, I looked and it was fucking Wayne
"Just trying to have some quietness i guess..." I stared at my fingers and started playing with them because of my nervousness, "...What are you doing here?" I asked softly
And he stayed silent...the whole time after that. Either way, his company was nice and the side profile, ufff, amazing.
"Ok, we are here." I stared at the building for a sec before giving my mother a kiss in her cheek and entered to the building.
"Hey y/n! Nice ass!" That was the jerk of all jerks, Jonathan.
I turned around and stared at him, "Oh yeah?" He nodded, "Want to see me shop of your dick?" Changed my tone while saying that into a lower and more serious tone. He just stared at me with sealed lips and left.
I continued walking to my locker and I come to see tgat my freaking lock is broken, I search in all the spaces but nothing is missing.
"Come on! They had just changed me of locker!" I silently yelled. Started grabbing my books for the next few classes when I felt a hand in my shoulder, by instinct I grabbed the wrist, pushed the person against the locker and added pressure in the throat with my other arm.
"Hey y/n" Orlando smiled, "New move?" I chuckled and removed my arm, now, standing face to face I respond
"You know you shouldn't do that Orlando bunny." I laugh st the nickname I gave him a few time ago. Orlando was one of the few FEW people who talked to me, well, he talked to everyone but still.
"I know... I just forgot I guess man." He looked down, "Y/n...have your tities grown bigger?" His face looked confused.
I slapped his head and punched his shoulder, "Could you please stop looking and thinking 'bout tities when am around you?"
"I mean, yeah sure...and sorry about your lock." He points the locker, "Wayne thought it was still his but since-" I cut him off before he could continue
"Wayne?" I asked confused
"Yeah, Is tha-" i cut him off again
"Why did he tho?" I murmured staring at my lock in hand.
"It used to be his locker but oh well...he missed school for 3 weeks and yeah." He grabs his backpacks laces after explaining.
"Oh...ok, is he still here tho?" I looked at Orlando
"I guess..." he was about to say pther thing when the bell ring and we started to go toour classes, "See you later gorgeous!" He yells from the corner of the hallway.
I stayed there...just staring at my lock for a while, then order my things fast and left to class. What I didn't know was that someone was watching at me.
Three days later, i was walking back home and i heard s car going at full speed and nasty comments were started to be listend. I kept walking trying tk pretend they didn't exist when the car is suddenly over the sideway and infront of me.
"But...you are bot dead right, bitch?" Jonathan said getting out of the car. There were five, 2 guys and 3 girls. "Don't prefer to suck my dick and be my slut, promise I'll pay a good amount." He said infront of me,
"She is already a slut baby." Veronica said
"I bet she has sleeped with half school, wouldn't surprise me if you haven been org*e or something." You know, comments are comments, you are the one who decide what hurt you and whats does not, but being Cassie the one who said that...broke my freaking heart.
I couldn't stand it anymore, wanted to leave the place so i came up with a plan very fast. I walked closer to Jonathan trying to be the most seductive I could, touched his chest, abs and got closer to his ear and said, "You are going to regret everything" Punched him with all my strenght in this genitiles, stomp on his feet, punched his nose and ran the faster I could out of there.
"You bitch!" I heard from far but i continued running, I couldn't stop, i was scared, didn't know what could happen if the get me. I could hear the car engines behind me, but i didn't stop.
I was close a bridge, ran underneath it, passed some houses but i could still hear the voices and car. My legs hurt, i needed to catch my breath, i could hear my heart beat, my body felt on fire. When I less expected am suddenly trapped, there were some abandoned buildings and warehouses but no way to get put of there. This was it, my end.
"Couldn't escape from me you nasty little bitch!?" I heard his voice, i was never one to pray but believe when i say i begged to God to save me. "You ain't going anywhere...bitch" he was behind me, I could sense it.
My hair was pulled, he pulls me by my hair to his car and i notice that it's just him and another guy. Am not getting out of here.
"We are going to have so much fun!" He licks my cheek and i try to kick him wherever.
"HELP!" I yelled, "SOMEBODY PLEASE, HELP!" my voice sounded horrific, like if i hadn't drank a single drop of water in ages, "please" y murmure my last pledge before he finally puts me over the capo of his car.
"No one's gonna help you, you slut." He says, the other guy was just watching and standing still, doing nothing.
I gave up, didn't even notice I was crying until I tasted the salt in my lips. I felt him over me, unbucking my pants and then...i didnt felt his weight anymore, instead, i heard a cry of pain, and then another cry, and another and another.
I lifted my head and there he was, grey hoddie and little hammer in hand...my savior. I smiled.
My smile just grew bigger and bigger every second I saw that boy swing that motherfucker hammer, every second that Jonathan's blood was spilled. I lool around in search pf the pther guy scared that he might try to grab but I get calm when i see him unconscious on the floor.
A few minuts later th cries stop and i look up, Jonathan was missing 3 teeths and face covered with blood, i think he could even have a brocken rib or something.
Am sitting on top of the car's capo when a feel a slight, fragile touch.
"You ok?" Wayne askes pulling a string of my hair behind my ear.
"...now I am." I smile to him and he returns a little small tiny one with a grin. I was about to say something else when he suddenly speaks
"Want to be my girlfriend or whatever?" He says looking exhausted, I chuckle
"Try a little harder and I might be." I say soflty with a small thin smile and he avoids my eyes but I still get to notice a small blush.
Hey! So, yeah. This is my first ever published thing. Hope you enjoyed it and if you want a part two or to keep writing, am open to any suggestion! Am not very good with the warnings section so if you could help me with it, i would totally apreciate that!
Thank you for reading,
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 28: Summer Changes (School)
A week after the Disney movie marathon, Marinette was finally back on patrol. No thanks to her dad though. If it was up to him, she’d probably never patrol again. Luckily for her, (unluckily for him) her brothers were adamant on her coming back to the field. Which led to her current problem. Hanging upside down from a gargoyle near Wayne Enterprises.
“Ukht, what have you done?” Damian asks, and though she can’t see his face, she can tell by his voice that he’s exasperated. Join the club, she thinks, at least you’re not upside down.
“Why do you automatically think I did something?” She asks, trying desperately to turn around so that she can talk to him. It was really awkward talking to someone when you couldn’t see them but you knew they were near you.
“Because you are the one hanging upside down,” Damian says flatly. She huffs.
“It’s not like I want to be, Robin. It just kind of happened,” She says.
“And how exactly did it happen? I have never seen your yoyo betray you like that before. Not even in the videos when you were still very new.” Damian says, and she swears he’s smirking. He’s definitely laughing at her on the inside, and as much as she wants to be frustrated, she can’t. It wasn’t easy amusing her little brother (unless you were an animal) so she wasn’t about to ruin it.
“Hood made a bet relating to this exact gargoyle and I’d never been this way before and I just, I don’t know. Somehow I misjudged where my yoyo was going and next thing I know, I’m tied up and Hood is gone.” She says, sighing.
“Where did he go?” Damian asks.
“Over here so I could record the dumbass trying to untie herself.” Jason says with a snort, she manages to turn just enough so she can see him and stick her tongue out at him. He chuckles. “You’re the one who somehow tied herself up with a magic string, I’m just getting the proof so I can show Wonder Woman.” He says and Marinette’s jaw drops.
“You wouldn’t dare!” She screams, struggling against her yoyo, finally able to get the string to loosen slightly.
“Oh, I’d dare.” Jason says and Marinette just knows he has a huge smirk underneath his stupid helmet.
“But Wonder Woman is the coolest person ever and she can’t see me like this!” Marinette complains, trying not to grin when she feels the string start to move the way she needs it to. She ignores Jason’s next remark, instead focusing on the string and- yes! She free falls for a moment, laughing at her brothers’ panic before she swoops up and jerks Jason’s phone away from him.
“You little shit!” He calls after her, starting to chase her.
“You’ll get it back once I delete the videos!” She calls back, laughing as she continues swinging through Gotham, a warm feeling in her chest as she looks over the city that has quickly become her second home.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” A voice screams, making Marinette jump out of bed with a yelp. She clutches her hand over her heart, glaring at her oldest brother.
“Are you trying to make sure I don’t make it past my fifteenth birthday?” She asks with a huff. Dick just grins.
“Happy birthday kiddo! I can’t believe you’re already fifteen!” He exclaims, picking her up in a giant hug. She wants to complain, ask him to let her down, but it’s nice, so instead she returns the hug the best she can. Until she glances out the window.
“Richard Grayson.” She says in a tone she usually reserves for enemies. She feels him stiffen, the hug turning into more of a restraint than a cuddle.
“Yes?” He says.
“Did you honestly wake me up, before the sun, because it’s my birthday?” She asks.
“Yes?” He says, his voice cracking slightly. She purses her lips and lets out a long sigh.
“Dad has a no killing rule.” She says, and suddenly she’s back on the ground.
“Oh would you look at the time, Mar’i needs another bedtime story loveyousomuchgottagobye.” Dick rushes out, practically sprinting out of her room. She just smiles and shakes her head. She’d learned intimidation tactics from Jason and Damian, who both claimed her size made her an easy target against bad guys. They were right, of course, so she was fine with a few extra lessons. Seems they were working. Deciding to call her Maman and Papa since she’s already awake, she frowns as it goes straight to voicemail. It would be nearly eleven in Paris, so the bakery shouldn’t be too busy. She quickly checks the Akuma Alert App to make sure she hadn’t missed anything while she slept. Nothing. So why weren’t they answering? She had assumed they would be waiting for her call since it was the first birthday she’d spent without them. Sighing, she lays back down on her bed, closing her eyes and trying to fall back asleep.
As she lays there, she frowns as a realization hits her. This was the anniversary of her birth mother’s death. Her mood instantly sours and her stomach churns. It was the first year that she could do something about it, the first year she could visit her grave. Quickly making a decision, Marinette throws on a pair of black leggings and an oversized black hoodie. Hopefully no one would spot her.
“Kaalki.” Marinette calls out quietly, not wanting to wake Tikki (who had somehow slept through Dick’s intrusion).
“Oooo, Guardian, are we sneaking out?” They ask, an amused smile on their face. Marinette frowns.
“Yes, but it’s for a good reason.” She says, and Kaalki snorts.
“Whatever the reason, I’m happy to be of assistance.” They reassure her. Marinette smiles and calls the transformation, opening a portal in the cemetery where her birth mother is buried. Her Maman had taken her once, right after telling her she was adopted. It was extremely hard to avoid being akumatized that day, and Marinette steels herself before dropping Kaalki’s transformation. Today would probably be even harder. Pulling the hood over her head to try and hide her identity, she glances around the cemetery, unsurprised to see the small place empty. Despite its small size, it was well taken care of, with beautiful trees adding shade and creating a melancholy feeling. Taking a deep breath, she walks over to the tombstone in the far corner, underneath the Willow tree. Bridgette Le. Died July 9th. Marinette barely notices the tears that start to form as she sits down, tucking her knees into her chest.
“Hi Mama. I-I’m sorry I haven’t really been by to see you much. Did you know I’ve been spending the summer with Dad? Sometimes, I wonder if you would’ve been okay with that. None of us really know why you left, why you didn’t tell him. I’m not blaming you, I just wonder if you would’ve been okay with me knowing him.” She talks, though she knows she’ll never hear a response. And she tries to pretend that fact doesn’t hurt her. “I have brothers. Four of them. They’re all great in their own ways, but they all also make me want to rip my hair out. Three of them are older, Damian’s younger than me. He kinda acts like a big brother at times though. And I have a big sister, Cass. She doesn’t say much, but she’s awesome. She’s in Hong Kong right now, so most of our conversations have been video calls. I have a niece, too.” Marinette stops, wiping furiously at her eyes. She didn't want to cry. At all. But knowing her birth mother would never be able to be part of her life, would never know any of these people like she did- it was hard.
“Guardian, please breathe.” Kaalki says, floating up to sit in front of Marinette’s face. Marinette blinks at the Kwami before listening to them. If they were worried, then Marinette was more lost in her head than she originally thought.
“And today’s my birthday. I was excited at first, and then I remembered the other thing that this day was. Remembered that it’s also the day you-” Marinette pauses, and grits her teeth. “I am so sorry, Mama. I am so sorry that I caused your death.” She chokes out, dropping her head onto her knees, trying to suppress the sobs threatening to break out of her chest.
“We need to go. Marinette, we need to go.” Kaalki urges, patting her cheek urgently. Marinette calls the transformation and falls through a portal, closing it quickly to keep the butterfly that was surely after her from following. She definitely didn’t need to test how far the victim had to be to be akumatized. The second she lands, she lets the transformation drop and the sobs break out.
“Shit Pixie.” Jason curses, and suddenly she’s wrapped in a warm hug, sobs tearing through her as she continues to apologize.
Jason Todd had been through a lot of weird shit. Waking up in a pool of green water after being fucking murdered by the Joker, was weird. Emotional baby sister falling through a portal into the room and sobbing? Also weird. But also heartbreaking. He grabs onto her and just holds her, desperately trying to give her some type of comfort.
“Shhhh, it’s okay Pix. I got you.” He mumbles, holding her close. Damian rushes in, sword drawn, face scrunched up when he sees them. Jason shakes his head, this wasn’t something that they could fix with a sword. He wasn’t exactly sure why his baby sister was crying so hard, but he had caught a couple of muffled apologies, so whatever it was, he didn’t think it was something that he (or Damian) could kill. Or, rather, maim, since she was against murdering people that were against her for some reason.
“Has anyone seen Mars, she’s not in her room-” Replacement starts, freezing as he walks into the room.
“Excellent situational awareness, Drake.” Damian mutters, glaring at him. Jason shoots both of them a glare, now was not the time to be fighting. Especially since the kid’s other parents were on their way to celebrate her birthday. If they showed up and she was sobbing, they’d take her home and never let them see her again. And Jason was NOT going to let that happen.
“Anyone know if M’s decided to not kill me yet?” Dick asks, walking into the room with a huge grin that falls the second he sees what’s happening. Jason resists the urge to roll his eyes. Apparently none of his brothers could read a fucking room. Instead of staying at the edge of the room like Damian and Tim, Dick walks over.
“Hey kiddo, it’s okay. We’re here.” He says softly. The kid pulls away from him, though he can tell it’s a little reluctantly, before launching herself at Dick, her sobs starting to die down. Jason lets out a short huff, running his fingers through his hair as he tries to think of what could have set her off. There were no akuma alarms, but she fell out of a portal. Which means she was out of the manor when she got upset. He watches as Dick pats her hair gently and whispers to her. God, he’s such a dad. Then again, he’s been mother henning him and their other brothers for years, so it’s not really a surprise.
“I’m sorry guys.” Marinette says suddenly, her voice small as she stays hidden in Dick’s arms.
“No need to apologize, Pixie Pop.” Jason reassures her. She finally pulls away from Dick and Jason’s heart, honest to god breaks at the broken look on her face.
“She died in childbirth, you know.” She whispers, and suddenly it makes sense. Why she was sitting there sobbing on her birthday, why she’d fallen out of a portal.
“That is not your fault.” Damian says firmly, walking over and standing face to face with Marinette, something Jason knew annoyed the girl. Damian was two years younger, but a little taller than her. She didn’t seem to mind now, though.
“But it was. If I hadn’t been born-” She starts and Jason frowns at the thought.
“The world would be a much shittier place.” He says with finality, not leaving room for her to argue. “Pix, you’re amazing, and the world would really suck without you. Never be sorry you were born.” Jason says firmly, stumbling slightly when she launches herself at him, wrapping her arms around him tightly.
“Thank you Jay.” She mumbles, and he can tell she’s crying again, but this time it’s not sobs, so he thinks it’s fine.
“Come on, let’s all watch a movie.” Repla- Tim suggests and Jason raises an eyebrow at the idea, briefly wondering what kind of movie he’d pick. They all pile on the giant sectional that Bruce had bought specifically for impromptu movie nights as Tim sticks the DVD in. Jason just snorts as the title card for “The Addams Family” comes on, settling back in the couch, ready to watch one of the greatest movies ever.
“Thank you again for flying us out here for her birthday.” Sabine says, smiling at him. Bruce returns the smile and nods.
“Of course, thank you for letting her spend the summer here. I know she’s appreciated the break from her classmates.” He says, his smile quickly fading at the confused look on both Sabine and Tom’s faces.
“What do you mean?” Tom asks.
“Marinette hasn’t told you?” Bruce asks, suddenly regretting bringing it up. Why hadn’t she said anything? They were her parents too. Sure, she’d made it clear they couldn’t know about Ladybug, but her class wasn’t a hero problem. They were a civilian problem.
“We knew that she wasn’t hanging out with them as often, and that she didn’t talk about her class as much as she used to. We just assumed that she was busy.” Sabine says, her face a mixture of sadness and anger.
“My apologies, I assumed she’d talked to you.” Bruce says, feeling as if he had crossed a line. Would they be mad at him, for her telling him something she hadn’t told them?
“She’s always looking out for others first,” Tom finally sighs, a tired smile on his face. “She probably thought she was saving us from being akumatized.” Bruce’ jaw clenches. Had Marinette really suffered in silence to avoid being forced to fight her parents?
“We can continue this conversation later, right now we should focus on her birthday.” Sabine says, placing a hand on Tom’s arm. He nods and Bruce makes a note to talk to the two about the possibility of her switching schools.
“She’s probably in her room.” Bruce says, leading the two towards the stairs.
“Actually, Master Bruce, the children are all in the informal sitting room. I believe they snuck down to have a movie night after Master Dick woke Miss Marinette to wish her a happy birthday.” Alfred says, Bruce watches his face and knows that’s not all, but doesn’t press. It had to be something that he couldn’t talk about in front of the Dupain Cheng’s.
“Of course they did. Thank you, Alfred. Alfred, this is Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain, Marinette’s parents. Tom, Sabine, this is Alfred Pennyworth. He’s the man who raised me.” Bruce says, smiling at him. The three exchange pleasantries and soon Bruce is leading the two to the sitting room. He pushes the door open gently, careful not to let it slam. He spots a sword on the floor near Damian and quickly grabs it, moving it away. If he was woken up suddenly, he would still panic and attempt to fight his way out.
“She looks so peaceful.” Sabine whispers, and Bruce smiles, a genuine smile, he didn’t have to fake a smile when most of his children were together and safe and happy. Or, quiet, at least. It was rare.
“I’ve found them like this several times.” Bruce admits, pulling out his phone to show the two all of the pictures he’d taken of the kids piled together sleeping. Sabine and Tom smile widely at the pictures and Bruce quickly sends them their favorites.
“B, I swear to god, I can sense you in here. Let us sleep.” Jason mumbles grumpily.
“Sorry Jason, Marinette’s parents are here so it’s time to get up.” Bruce says, amused at the way his son’s hair was attempting to defy gravity. Jason looked around sleepily, waved lazily at Sabine and Tom, and then collapsed back on the couch. Bruce sighs. “Would the two of you like to have a cup of coffee while we give them a few more minutes to sleep?” He offers.
“That would be lovely.” Sabine says, and Bruce leads the two to the kitchen, hoping Tim (who had sat straight up after Jason flopped down) would take the hint and wake up the others.
Marinette sighs happily as everyone sits down at the table for dinner. The day had been amazing, despite the rough start. And her Dad had even flown her Maman and Papa out to spend the day with her. They couldn’t stay for long, they had the bakery to run after all, but it was still nice to see them. Marinette glances at the end of the table where a place was set, but no one sat.
“What’s with the extra plate?” Jason asks, turning to Alfred who was sitting in the chair next to it instead of his regular seat.
“It is for Miss Le.” He says, and she can almost feel everyone freeze. Her throat tightens, but she still smiles at him with watery eyes.
“Thank you, Alfred.” She says quietly. He nods.
“You are quite welcome, Miss.” He says. She clears her throat and looks back at her Maman, noticing that her smile was also a little sad. It had been all day, but Marinette was certain it wasn’t anything to worry about. Bridgette had been close with her Maman, surely she was just mourning her today, openly for the first time in a long time.
Marinette groans at whoever is trying to wake her up.
“Five more minutes.” She mutters, burrowing deeper under the covers. It was summer break, why wouldn’t anyone let her sleep?
“Come on sweetheart, your Papa and I want to talk to you and Bruce.” Her Maman says, and she immediately sits up. Was she in trouble? Had her Maman figured out the whole Batman thing? Had she figured out the Ladybug thing?
“Uh, okay.” She says, sliding out of bed and stepping into slippers. She wasn’t sure how serious the conversation was, but since her Maman didn’t stop her from walking out of the room in her pajamas, she relaxed slightly. It couldn’t be that serious, right? She follows her Maman into her Dad’s study, glancing wearily at the clock in the corner. Her Maman was often too observant. Hopefully she didn’t notice anything odd about the clock. They all sit in silence for an entire minute until Marinette can’t handle it anymore.
“Am I in trouble?” She asks hesitantly, looking between her parents’ faces.
“Of course not, we just- We noticed how different you are.” Her Maman says and Marientte frowns, furrowing her eyebrows. Different? She was different?
“How?” She asks.
“You’re happier than I’ve seen you in months honey. Your smile reaches your eyes, you talk freely, you seem peaceful.” Her Maman says softly, and Marinette blinks in surprise. Had she really been so easy to read in Paris? Had her parents really been able to tell? She’d wanted to hide it from them, not let them see how everything was piling on her, crushing her. She didn’t want to worry them.
“What do you- how-” She stumbles over her words, trying to figure out where she messed up.
“We didn’t know why until we talked to Bruce.” Her Papa says and she turns to glare at her Dad, feeling a little betrayed. He holds up his hands in surrender.
“Marinette, you didn’t tell me not to tell them about your class.” He reminds her, and she huffs.
“Guess we can cross mind reader off the list of things you can do.” She mumbles, making her Papa snort.
“It wasn’t just that though. We’d seen how restrained you had become, how you never went out with friends and you stopped talking about them.” Her Maman says softly. Marinette grits her teeth, hugging herself to try and hold herself together.
“I didn’t want to worry you.” She says, her voice barely audible. That wasn’t the main reason though. She didn’t want to fight her parents, and if they knew everything going on with Lila, they’d definitely be akumatized. She couldn’t fight them. Not if she could help it.
“What would you say about transferring schools?” Her Maman asks suddenly, and Marinette jerks her head up, looking at her with wide eyes. Transfer schools? It would be great, amazing, fantastic, but- but her classmates would still come to the bakery. Still give her the same odd looks they’d been giving her since they found out that she’s a Wayne.
“What school?” She asks, because yes, that makes a difference. Chloe had transferred schools not long ago, and Marinette did not want to trade Lila for Chloe. She’d rather not deal with either of them, if she was being honest.
“Gotham Academy.” Her Maman says, and Marinette feels lucky that she wasn’t drinking anything, because she would have definitely done a spit take. Gotham Academy? As in, live in Gotham year round? What-
“Are you giving me up?” She asks, suddenly hurt. Her Maman’s eyes widen and her Papa pulls her into a giant hug.
“Of course not honey.” He says, rubbing her back gently and squeezing her lightly.
“We asked Bruce if he thought Gotham Academy would be a good school for you. He offered to let you fly home some weekends, and any of the breaks you want. Or to fly us out here if you have time off school. You don’t have to say yes, and you don’t have to make a decision right now.” Her Maman reassures her as her Papa lets her go. Marinette turns to look at her Dad, his face unreadable.
“Would you really be okay with that?” She asks, and he nods.
“We all just want you to be happy, Marinette. Wherever that may be. And we’re all willing to work together to do that.” He says and she smiles, letting out a soft sigh.
“I- I’d need to think about it a little more,” She says, running through the idea in her head. It seemed perfect, besides the whole ‘bouncing back to Paris for attacks’ thing. But she’d been doing it all summer, it had been fine so far. And maybe, maybe, Hawkmoth would even be defeated by the end of summer. No matter what, things were changing and Marinette was trying her best to keep up.
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nanatsumu · 3 years
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pairing: iwaizumi hajime x f!reader, oikawa tooru x f!reader
synopsis: iwaizumi has strung you on long enough and you’re finally at the end of your rope.
genre: heavy angst... like make your heart wrench in pain heavy, one sided pining
warnings: manga spoilers, bad grammar (didn’t know it was that bad until i used grammarly), MATURE themes, drinking, smoking, alcohol, iwaizumi being an asshole (he’s also a frat boy because surprise! frat boys should never be trusted), subtle hints at sex, bittersweet ending
word count: 6.7K
series masterlist
part one | part two | part three | part four
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“y/n we know you’re in there, someone told me they saw you run in here.”
you slowly sit up from the toilet, dragging your feet across the bathroom tiles until you make it to the door and begin unlocking the lock at a snail’s pace. but before you can even get a chance to twist the doorknob, somebody is already doing so on the other side of the door and the next thing you know, reina’s screaming ‘HURRY UP’ and you’re assaulted by the bathroom door.
“REINA!” you scream as the result of the door flying into your face has you clutching your head.
“geez, why are you so fucking slow,” oikawa complains as he sucks his teeth, pushing the door in a little wider so that you can see standing him behind reina as well. “did iwa-chan’s kiss mess you up that bad?”
“your friend is a prick, oikawa!” reina jabs him in the side, eliciting a grunt from the poor man. “it was supposed to be a quick smooch but that guy had to be extra and start using tongue!”
“what kind of guy kisses a girl who he’s only met once like that?!” your female friend cries.
“only someone as ballsy as him would even try and do that,” oikawa stops scratching his head, his eyes widening like saucers as if he’s just realized something. “and don’t put all the blame on iwaizumi! y/n, you literally moaned! and i even saw you kissing back!”
“don’t make me feel shittier than i already do oikawa!” you jeer.
“he...” you sigh and you can feel the tears start to prickle your eyes. “i feel so humiliated, and embarrassed.”
“and i-i felt so... so exposed.”
oikawa’s playful expression falters as he hears the hurt in your voice and manages to squeeze his way past a protesting reina before kneeling down so that he could meet your glossy eyes.
“listen, i’ll apologize on his behalf for now and i’ll take him about it later, alright?” he awkwardly pats your shoulder, not sure what to do as he’s never been in a situation where he’s had to comfort a girl bawling her eyes out.
“y-you... don’t have— t-to do that,” you whimper. “i’m just being a big crybaby, it’s just a silly kiss.”
“no it’s not!” reina blurts out a little louder than she intended to. “that prick completely disrespected you and embarrassed you in front of everyone! it wasn’t even a matter of him kissing you, it was a part of a game, but that dude took it too far and crossed the line!”
“listen, this is why i told you to stay away from him in the first place,” your roommate shuffles closer to you and pulls you in for a hug. “let’s go home alright?”
“let me walk you guys home, it’s getting late outside and even though you two are together, you never know what’ll happen.” oikawa offers, and while you are quick to accept, reina wavers momentarily.
“how do you know you’re not gonna take advantage of us, hm?”
“please, if i wanted to i already would’ve given the circumstances but i haven’t because i. do. not. want. to!” he smiles patronizingly which irks reina.
“whatever, but if you even think about trying anything then i’ll cut your dick off and feed it to my lizard.” she threatens but oikawa doesn’t take it to heart.
you finally get the last of your sniffles out as you stand up to your feet and exit the bathroom with oikawa and reina trailing along right behind you, similar to an assembly line of ducks— a very... tall duck, a crying duck, and an angry duck.
the walk home was rowdier than you had expected it to be. while you were quieter than usual and still in a bad mood from earlier events, that didn’t stop oikawa and reina though from causing a ruckus on the way back to the dorms.
“you’re telling me, that THAT’S hajime? like hajime iwaizumi? the notorious playboy of irvine?” reina gapes as she stares at the photo of iwaizumi back in high school that oikawa had saved in his phone.
even you were surprised to see what iwaizumi looked back then when reina practically shoved oikawa’s phone in your face, the brightness radiating from his phone screen only further irritating your bloodshot eyes.
while he still had a bit of muscle on him back then, he looked a lot lankier in comparison to his university counterpart who had grown twice in size. his once pale skin had become almost a sun-kissed tan color that complimented his features. but what shocked you the most was that the iwaizumi shown to you in the photos was free from any blemishes on his arms and his ears weren’t dressed in dangly silvers or studs.
“that’s iwaizumi?” your jaw dropped and oikawa was quick to make a teasing remark about how your mouth was wide open enough for flies to fly in.
“what happened to him?!” reina cries.
“sometimes i wonder why he hasn’t visited japan in the past 4 years but when i look back at this photo and then compare it to present him, i would piss my pants too if i were him and had to go back home to my mom.”
“does his mom not like tattoos or piercings?” reina questions as you and oikawa give each other a look before turning back to the girl.
“i don’t know about iwaizumi, but my mom is pretty strict about tattoos and piercings,” you start to explain. “she’s the ‘girls shouldn’t get tattoos!’ and ‘guys shouldn’t get piercings!’ type of mom, so she’s not completely against it, but if i came home with a huge ass tattoo like iwaizumi then she’d sure as hell chop my arm off.”
“japan’s pretty strict about piercings and tattoos, especially when it comes to students because tattoos are kind of a sign of the yakuza in japan,” oikawa adds in addition. “piercings aren’t as frowned upon as tattoos but it’s usually the younger kids who have ‘em.”
“like a gang basically? or a mafia i guess.” you answer reina to the best of your abilities.
you start kicking a pebble around and breathe in the crisp california air, watching as a puff of smoke escapes your lips with every exhale.
“you alright?” oikawa asks as he begins growing worried since you haven’t said anything in the past few minutes.
“yeah, just thinking,” you stuff your hands into your pockets and continue kicking the pebble beneath your feet. “california is a lot hotter than japan.”
“you think california is hot? just wait ‘till you spend a day in the summer heat in argentina.” he counters.
“maybe one day,” you say in consideration. “maybe when i graduate university i’ll consider traveling somewhere before my life completely revolves around paying taxes and bills.”
“if you do come to argentina one day then just give me a call and i’ll be more than happy to give you a tour around.” he beams.
“my cousin is playing volleyball in brazil, i think?” you say, remembering your mother telling you that hinata had gone to play beach volleyball in brazil. “he’s blood-related but he lived in miyagi while i lived in aomori so we never really got to see each other that much.”
“miyagi? i used to live in miyagi too!”
“huh? really? do you know a hinata shoyo then?” you ask, intrigued at the newfound information. “i heard from my mom that he started playing volleyball in high school so he’s probably played you once in a game if you played volleyball in high school too.”
“i did actually, his team beat mine during the qualifiers for spring nationals my last year of high school and man, i think i probably broke the record for most bowls of ramen eaten in one sitting that day.” he chuckles but it comes out sounding more half-heartedly in your ears, almost like he’s recalling an unpleasant memory from the past.
“so what made you go to argentina?” you ask and oikawa answers like he’s been asked this countless of times (which he has.)
“when i was a kid, there was this volleyball player i really looked up to,” oikawa starts. “his name was jose blanco and there was a tournament happening in sendai that i went to where he played against japan, and at the time there was a young ace on the team who was a fledgling star,”
“he made a big impression during the first half of the tournament but he started getting worse as things progressed. he was kind of off for the rest of the game and i thought that he was gonna be subbed out but it wasn’t until they switched setters that i noticed the ace was getting back into his groove. jose was a veteran setter, 38 years old i think? and if you were to be asked who the star of the game was then you’d probably say the ace since he was the one who scored most of the points right? but if you ask me, i think the setter was the star of the game!”
“he was so cool too! like he was so calm the entire time and he inconspicuously helped the ace get back on to his feet and just simply left the court,” oikawa continues to ramble. “i even got an autograph but that dumbass iwaizumi took the paper that i bought and got the autograph of some dude on the japan team so i had to give jose the jersey i bought earlier that day instead. although it did end up getting washed though....”
“hah! desperate much?” you laugh as you bump shoulders with him.
“desperate time for desperate measures! no way was i gonna leave without getting the jose blanco’s autograph!” he emphasizes.
unbeknownst to you and oikawa, a cheeky smile creeps upon reina’s face as she watches you and oikawa converse with each other like you two were long-time friends catching up for the first time in forever.
you, on the other hand, were starstruck by the man that is oikawa tooru.
the story he told you left you feeling heart-warmed because you noticed how his eyes sparkled and his lips curved into a genuine smile as he talked about his idol and the sport he is so passionate about. oikawa was many things: a flirt, a smooth talker, a sly fox, and he could get a little handsy sometimes— but you could tell the love he had for volleyball was like no other and you respected how committed he was to the sport, even going as far as to going to argentina in order to follow his long-time idol.
“i think it’s really cool that you’re so passionate about volleyball,” you smile as you peer up at the night sky. “in my opinion, i think being committed to one thing your entire life is a bit hard depending on who you are, but at least there are guys like you who are one-in-a-million.”
your words strike a chord in oikawa and reina is quick to notice the way his lips part as he holds his gaze on you.
“oh would you two quit flirting!” reina lets out an inhumane noise that startles you and oikawa.
“you scared me!” you take a deep breath and frantically clutch your heart.
“just say you forgot that i was here because you were too busy getting chummy with oikawa!” she groans while pulling her face.
“you’re just jealous i’m stealing your roommate away,” oikawa sticks his tongue out at your roommate before stopping in his tracks and pulling you into a hug. “but don’t worry! i’ll take extremely good care of her.”
“no way buddy,” reina takes a hold of your arm and uses all of her strength in order to pull you away from oikawa. “she was my roommate before she was your friend!”
“wow i feel so popular,” you say sarcastically, accompanied with a roll of your eyes. “it’s 1 now and i think i would very much rather be at home right now in my jammies instead of listening to you two bicker back and forth.”
“you don’t mean me do you, y/n?!” reina wails as she clings onto you.
“oh look! it’s a bear!” you point out to the other side of the street and reina snaps her head in the direction you’re pointing in.
with her attention off of you, you take this chance to slip away from her and run towards your dorm building along with oikawa who’s right on your tail.
“you’re... really... fast!” oikawa pants as he speaks in-between breaths. “like a lo— WOAH!”
he trips over a slab of concrete that was out of place and out of reflex, he latches onto the nearest object— and unfortunately, you were the closest thing he could grab onto.
“H-HEY!” you screech when you feel yourself being pulled down onto the ground.
with the split second that he had of clarity, oikawa took advantage of the opportunity and moved his hand under your head so that it wouldn’t make contact with the concrete and his hand, would instead, cushion your fall.
you hit the concrete with an ‘oof!’ and while you were awaiting the sharp pain in the back of your head to come, it never came. instead, you open your eyes only to see oikawa’s brown ones staring right back at you with an astounded expression that mirrored yours.
“so, how are you doing this fine night?” he grins.
“pretty good, up until your dumbass tripped and pulled me down with you,” you snort.
reina gasps dramatically when she catches up to you guys and sees the position you two are in.
“you deny your chumminess with him and then you run off to get all handsy with him!”
“this idiot tripped and then thought it would be a good idea to pull me down with him,” you stand up after oikawa offers to pull you up. “what kind of thought process do you even have to think that i could catch your fall?”
reina squeezes his bicep, triggering him to let out a yelp.
“oh it’s hard alright.” reina smirks as oikawa yanks his arm away.
“do you work out a lot?” you sneak up behind oikawa and put your hands on his broad shoulders.
“yup!” he flexes his arm and gives you both a cheeky smile. “i gained 10 kilograms of muscle mass!”
“1-10?! isn’t that like 20 pounds?!” reina gawks at the volleyball player.
“yeah and guess what, i only grew one centimeter so it was all me baby!” he laughs almost mockingly.
the rest of the walk home was full of laughter and heartwarming bantering between the three of you and you were happy that you were able to meet reina, an amazing roommate, and oikawa, who was a cocky shit but still managed to squeeze a laugh out of you.
it was going to be a long 4 years away from home, but just as long as you were surrounded by the right people, you were sure that these 4 years would fly by in a jiffy.
when you guys finally arrived at your dorm building, you notified reina that you would stay outside and chat with oikawa for a bit and so she gave you the okay and headed up to your room first so that she could get ready for bed since she was about ready to knock out right then and there.
“thanks for walking me home, oikawa,” you pull him in for friendly hug that he didn’t expect, but nevertheless, he hugs back anyway because who is he to decline a hug from you? “i feel bad for having you walk me home even though you probably want to hang out with iwaizumi.
oikawa feels his stomach churn at the mention of his best friend and guilt creeps upon him like bile rising in the back of your throat.
oikawa had turned a blind eye to iwaizumi’s bad habit of playing around with girls and leaving them after he’s had his fair share of fun because iwaizumi was his best friend and despite the drastic transformation he had gone through within the 4 years that they’ve been away from each other, oikawa knew deep down that he was still the iwaizumi he knew and loved— the iwaizumi who had stuck with him through thick and thin during his adolescent years.
however, now that he’s taken the time to familiarize himself with you personally and grow to learn what type of person you were— someone with a good heart but isn’t afraid to voice their own opinions and stand their ground when people try to walk all over them— he can’t help but be greedy and want you all for himself.
“say, y/n,” you give him a soft hum in response which prompts him to continue taking. “you wanna grab some milk bread with me tomorrow at the cafe you were talking about?”
“are you asking me out on a date right now?” you wheeze. “you’re pretty bold for asking out someone you’ve only met twice your entire life.”
“it’s not a date unless you want it to be.” he wiggles his eyebrows.
“a platonic date sounds good to me, don’t you think?”
“there’s no such thing as a platonic date, y/n.”
“maybe not to you since you’re probably used to girls flocking around you all the time,” you say and he’s visibly upset at the fact that you think he’s a casanova or something when in reality he still hasn’t had his first girlfriend yet. “so you in? i’ll even call it a date if you’d like.”
“yeah i’m in,” he puts his fist out for a fist bump, which you are content with returning, and he beams at you with the biggest smile you’ve seen him give you. “does the afternoon work for you?”
you pull your phone out of your jacket pocket and open up the contacts app before handing it to the male.
“just give me your number and we can go over the specifics over text tonight.”
he punches in his number, saving the contact as “tooru👽” before handing the device back to you.
“an alien emoji?” you laugh as you read his contact name displayed on your phone. “you’re a dork.”
“like you’re any less of a dork than me.” he playfully rolls his eyes as he pulls his phone out and gives it for you to return the favor.
you clumsily put your number into his phone, accidentally pressing some random digit one too many times, and save your name as “y/n :3” before handing his phone back to him.
“a bunny face?” he threw his head back and let out a humorous laugh.
“shut up!” you give his shoulder a gentle push. “as if an alien emoji is any better, at least my emoticon is cute!”
“yeah yeah, whatever you say.” he slips his phone back into his pocket before giving you one last final hug that feels a bit warmer than the ones he’s given you before.
“get home safe, oikawa.”
his eyes linger on your face for a bit longer than he would’ve liked.
your eyes were crinkled and your smile lines were more prominent up close, but it didn’t stop oikawa’s heart from skipping a beat.
“sweet dreams y/n.”
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you awaken the next morning to the sound of your phone ringing and reina’s abnormally loud snoring (you’re surprised that the girls in the next room over haven’t come knocking at your door telling your roommate to snore a little quieter.)
with the sleep still present in your eyes, the brightness of your phone screen causes you to squint before your vision clears up and you’re able to make out the numbers ‘7:30 A.M’ displayed across your screen.
when the haziness finally leaves your system, you take a look outside your window and realize that the only speck of sunlight present at all is the sunlight that’s provided by the rising sun, peeking out from across the horizon.
you mentally curse oikawa out in your head as your fingers dance across your keyboard to type out a brief response to oikawa’s suspiciously ominous text message.
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you reluctantly get up from your bed and slip on your fuzzy bunny slippers before treading over to your door, unlocking it, and then swinging it open, revealing your tall, brown-haired friend standing right where he said he would be.
“nice jammies,” he lets loose an unrestrained, boisterous laugh as he reaches out to fix the strap of your tank top which slipped off your shoulder. “i dig the bunny slippers by the way.”
you haphazardly shuffle your feet, gaining a smile from oikawa as he chuckles softly.
“can i come in?” he peers into the room by leaning over a bit where he sees reina sprawled out in a weird position on her bed, snoring loudly.
“uh, reina’s actually asleep,” you sheepishly scratch the back of your head. “the dorms don’t have separate bedrooms, everyone just sleeps in the same room with their respective roommates.”
“so movie night’s no longer in question?”
“i guess if you don’t mind reina being a plus one,” you shrug as you gesture for him to come in, letting him enter the room first so that you can close the door on your way in. “she’s a heavy sleeper so don’t worry about waking her up.”
oikawa throws himself onto your bed, even going as far as to slipping under your covers and making himself right at home, which, you don’t hesitate to scold him for doing so.
“what’s the point of coming all the way over here just to go back to sleep?” you cross your arms as you walk over to your bed, your knees hitting the edge of the mattress.
“the bakery opens at 8:30 so i wanted to pick you up since the walk there is 25 minutes from here,” oikawa pulls his phone out and checks the time. “it’s 7:37 now so hurry and get ready!”
you shuffle over to the worn-out dresser that has been with you since the day you moved into the dorms and pull out the drawers that contain a majority of your most worn pieces. taking into account the outfit that oikawa was currently sporting— an oversized hoodie, a loose pair of sweatpants, and some sneakers that looked to be on the pricier side— you decided that wearing something similar to that would suffice.
“can you turn around?” you ask as you grab a pair of black sweatpants, not bothering to check the design since they looked all the same anyways, and an oversized hoodie that you forgot you even had in your possession.
“hm? why?”
“i’m gonna change?” you shrug. “unless you don’t mind staying here by yourself? or you can just step outside for a minute if you want to.”
“oh yeah, sure.”
you watch as he heeds your request and begins to turn around to face the wall before proceeding to take off your pajamas, making sure to keep a close eye on him just in case he decides to be a peeping tom.
“you know, you’re pretty credulous trusting a guy you’ve only met last week.” he says as he rocks side to side, head still turned facing the wall.
“well i don’t have to worry about you peeping because i’m already done changing,” you pull down the rest of the bunched up fabric of your hoodie that’s around your waist before slipping on a random baseball cap you saw laying around. “even if you did turn around, i have a 5-pound textbook and i’m not afraid to use it.”
oikawa’s about to make a snarky remark in return to your futile threat when suddenly a loud snore escapes reina’s mouth, encouraging the two of you to give each other a flabbergasted look that leads to you both erupting into a fit of hushed laughter.
“let’s go before reina wakes up and gets a heart attack after seeing you in here.”
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“no way!”
after exiting the dorm building and beginning your journey with oikawa to the designated cafe, you two arguing about whether or not milk or cereal should go first after oikawa mentioned to you that he was a firm believer of “milk first, cereal last.”
“if you put milk in first then you’re just gonna get less cereal and who the fuck eats cereal just to drink the cereal milk?” you shoot him a grimace.
“when you pour in the cereal after the milk, then it’s just gonna float there and who takes satisfaction in seeing that shit?” you add. “that’s why cereal first is way better because you get a bowl full of cereal and it’s just... perfect!”
“but your cereal is gonna be soggy by the time you put the milk back in the refrigerator!” oikawa retorts.
“then just wait until after you’re done to put it away? how long do you even take to put the milk back in the refrigerator that when you come back your cereal gets all soggy?!”
“and aren’t you supposed to be an athlete? i’m seriously concerned if it takes you at least over 15 seconds just to put back a carton of milk.” you take a jab at him.
“i will not allow this oikawa slander from you!” he stops in his tracks before abruptly picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
“h-hey! put me down! i’m heavy, oikawa!” you squirm around in protest, but oikawa shows no sign of letting you go anytime soon as he starts to pick up his pace.
“i didn’t gain all of that muscle for nothin’ baby!” he laughs maniacally as he’s practically full-on sprinting down the street now.
luckily enough, the cafe was just around the corner of the street that oikawa started running down from which meant there was finally a reason for the male to let you down, despite the fact that you had been punching his back for the last minute or so but you couldn’t seem to crack him, his arms, nor those broad shoulders of his.
you let out a huff of feigned annoyance once you’re down on your feet while oikawa is still laughing his ass off as you two walk into the establishment.
“not funny! i almost dropped my hat when you pulled that stunt!” you complain as you’re frantically trying to fix your hair: when oikawa abruptly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, the baseball cap on your head was about to fall off but thankfully with your reflexes, you were able to catch it in the nick of time— however, at the price of your own hair.
“here, i got you,” oikawa extends his hand out to your head and starts to brush away at your mess of a hair. “if it makes you feel better, it’s on the house.”
“i was gonna make you pay anyways.” you stick your tongue out at him playfully, feigning annoyance.
“pft, and you brought your wallet anyways?” he grabs your wrist and pulls it up so that you could see the object in your hands.
“it has my id in it you doofus,” you roll your eyes but there’s a hint of blush on your face as you realize he’s practically holding your hand. “and what if you forgot your wallet, hm?”
he lets go of your wrist before slipping his hand into his sweatpants pocket and pulling out a black wallet.
“i never forget my wallet sweetheart,” he winks and you laugh. “especially if i know i’m gonna be going out with a pretty lady— don’t wanna leave a bad impression y’know”
“i think you’ve already left quite the impression on me from your stunt earlier.” you bump shoulders with him.
“so see anything you like on the menu?” he puts his hand on the small of your back and guides you over to where the menu is so that you could get a closer look at all of the options the cafe had to offer its customers.
“we’ll... we did come here originally for milk bread,” oikawa notices how deep in thought you are over something as trivial as baked goods and he can’t help but smile a bit when he notices the little pout on your face or the crease that forms on your forehead when you scrunch your face a little bit. “but i wanna try their matcha bread! and their boba looks good, or is it a little bit too early to be drinking boba?”
oikawa’s so lost in thought (*correction: staring at you) that he doesn’t even realize that you’ve been trying to grab his attention by calling his name 5 times— and it’s only when you physically have to shake him a bit that he snaps out of his little daydream.
“oh, sorry!” he gives you an apologetic smile. “what’s up?”
“i was asking if you wanted to share one of their drinks with me but you were too busy staring at me to hear.” you sneer. “do you have a crush on me or something? heh.”
“pshhh, no way!” he has a sheepish look on his face that you can’t stop yourself from laughing at.
“you better not go falling for me anytime soon, you playboy.” you jest while nudging him with your elbow.
“i’m pretty sure i should be the one telling you that,” he rolls his eyes playfully. “i’m surprised you haven’t confessed your undying love for me yet.”
“i don’t fall in love that easily, pretty boy, and i certainly do not fall in love with someone i’ve only recently met.” you snort at his comment.
“hi there! are you two ready to order?” a voice startles you and oikawa as you both turn your heads towards a woman standing behind the counter.
“oh i’m so sorry about that! i’m sure you didn’t come to work just to see the two of us play around.” you giggle as the woman mirrors your action.
“it’s nothing new to me, it seems like this place is a hotspot for couples to come and hang out so it’s kind of the norm for me now.” she reassures you.
“are you a college student?” you ask the cashier, taking note on how she looked to be around your age.
“i actually graduated from culinary school about 2 years ago,” she starts off. “my parents supported me throughout my 4 years of culinary school, but when it came down to actually opening this cafe, my boyfriend— well, fiancé now— helped me look for a good place to rent out and it was history from there!”
“it was a bit hard at first since i was still fresh out of culinary school and i could barely start this business with the funds i had saved up, but thankfully my boyfriend was able to pitch in and help make my dreams come true,” she continues and you feel your heart grow fuzzy at how whenever she mentioned her boyfriend, her face would soften and a small smile would make its way onto her face. “i honestly cannot imagine a life without him, he’s been with me since high school so he’s always known about my longtime dream of owning my own cafe. he’s always been my rock during my hardest times and— oh my! i started rambling didn’t i?”
she starts to apologize for burdening you with her life story, but you dismiss her worries by waving your hands in front of you, oikawa laughing and copying your motions.
“i think he’d be really happy to hear that you think so lovingly of him.” your lips curve into a gentle smile, which the woman reciprocates.
“what’s your name?” she asks.
“i’m y/n! and this big guy is tooru.” oikawa waves at the woman, her following suit.
“ah i see! well y/n and tooru, my name is maia and it’s so nice to meet you two!” she brings her hand out for a handshake, which you and oikawa return. “are you two college students?”
“yeah! i’m actually a student at the university of irvine!” you answer enthusiastically. “tooru is just visiting from argentina at the moment so i wanted to take him around the area before he left.”
“argentina, really?” her mouth forms an ‘o’ shape. “it must be hard doing long distance, huh? i couldn’t even imagine if my fiancé and i had to live that far away from each other.”
you and oikawa turn to look at each other in confusion before an invisible lightbulb goes off in both of your heads and you bring your attention back onto maia, who’s now equally as confused as you two are.
“we’re actually not dating!” the pink hue from earlier creeps back onto your cheeks and from the corner of your eye you can see oikawa fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie. “i met him at one of the frat parties i went to last week and we kind of just clicked.”
“i’m so sorry for assuming!” she has a distraught look on her face and you’re quick to tell her that it was just a misunderstanding. “you two just look really cute together, plus i’m also really used to a lot of couples coming here that i was quick to assume that you two were dating!”
“i mean, we’d be a cute couple right, y/n-chan?” gone was the nervous oikawa you saw just a second ago, and back was the cocky oikawa you all know and love.
“you wish!” you scoff, not bothering to shrug off the arm he slung around your shoulder.
“anyways, is it alright if we can get two of your milk breads as well as a matcha bread and a oolong milk tea with boba?” you order and maia quickly input the order into the tablet in front of her.
“will that be all for you today?”
“anything else you want, oikawa?” you ask him but he shakes his head in response. “i think that’ll be all for us today then, maia.”
you’re about to insert your card into the chip holder when suddenly oikawa grabs your arm and plucks the card out of your hand.
“h-hey! what are you doing? give me my card back!”
“didn’t i tell you that it was on the house earlier?” he looks at you with a teasing smirk on his face and before you could protest again, a pleasant sound comes out of the machine, signaling that the transaction was successful.
“such a gentleman! you should snatch him up before someone else does, y/n!” maia coos.
“i think it’d be best for someone else to snatch him up, i don’t think i could handle all of... this.” you motion to his entire body.
“are you flirting with me?” oikawa had a shit-eating grin on his face that you were so tempted to wipe off, but his actions from less than a minute ago still caught you off guard and you had to admit, you were glad he wasn’t a cheapskate and offered to pay in your stead— well, more forced you out of paying.
“thanks, oikawa,” you didn’t know what you had the other day to make you act so bold, but you stood on your tiptoes and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek out of gratitude. “for being the only gentleman on campus, even though you’re technically not a student here.”
out of instinct, oikawa’s hand immediately flys up to the spot where your lips touched his skin and starts to graze it.
“heh, i like your spunk, y/n.” he shows you a cheeky smile.
“don’t let it get to your head, it was just a complimentary kiss.” you laugh and it sounds more melodious than usual to oikawa’s ears for some reason.
“so...” he starts and you let out a small ‘hm?’ which prompts him to continue. “do you have any plans for the rest of the day?”
“i don’t think so? i have the dorm all to myself from when reina goes to her blind date and up until she comes back, so if you wanna do something then i don’t mind squeezing you into my schedule!” you reply, but a thought suddenly resurfaces in your mind. “no frat parties though, i heard one of iwaizumi’s friends are hosting one tonight but i don’t think i can think about another frat party without having to gouge my eyeballs out.”
“got it, no frat parties,” oikawa chuckles. “if it makes you feel any better, i never liked those frat parties anyways and i only went because iwaizumi is the only person i know here which meant i was obligated to follow him around everywhere but now that i know you, it changes the whole game!”
“i’m just as new to california as you are oikawa, don’t get your hopes up too high.”
“but that’s the fun part about it, right? we get to explore california together! it really feels like we’re a couple don’t you think?” he blurts out in the heat of the moment but quickly comes to realize the weight of his words. “oh shit— sorry... i hope you’re not uncomfortable hearing me say that out loud.”
“not at all!” you look down at your shoes for a fleeting moment before looking back up at oikawa. “it’s quite... endearing? i’ve never really had a lot of ‘guy friends’ and mostly hung around with girls so this is the first time i’ve ever really had a guy show any interest in me— platonically of course!”
“and you’ve never ever had a boyfriend before?” oikawa lifts an eyebrow.
“nope, never even had my first kiss,” you say but you think back to the events that took place last night. “well, up until yesterday...”
you tried to hide the grimace on your face as the memory of you and iwaizumi kissing kept playing on repeat in your mind, but oikawa was able to see right through your mask and clenched his fists as he recalled the distressed look on your face when he and reina found you crying in the bathroom.
oikawa believed that you should have deserved to have your first kiss taken by someone who truly loved you, but instead, it was taken away by his scum of a best friend, who, he was currently disappointed in for treating you the way he did last night.
oikawa is about to open his mouth up to say something, but he’s interrupted before he even gets a chance to say anything when maia announces that your order is ready.
“it smells so good, maia!” you say after you skip over to the other side of the counter and take a whiff of the freshly baked pastries.
“oh you’re making me blush, y/n!” maia cups her cheeks bashfully while you laugh at her antics.
you shake up the cup of boba so that the pearls were evenly distributed throughout the drink before taking a straw and puncturing a hole through the film on top of the cup, taking a small sip after you mix the drink around one last time with the straw.
“mhm! so good!” you lean back, not realizing that oikawa had moved to stand right behind you, resulting in you crashing into his chest.
“shit, you scared me oikawa!” you laugh as you slap his chest. “want some?”
you hold the straw up to his lips, and you notice the way his eyes widen by a fraction.
“you wanna share?”
“well yeah? unless you’re scared of getting cooties or something, what are you? 12?” you tease. “or are you worried that it’s an indirect kiss? i can always get another—”
your rambling is cut off when his lips wrap around the straw and he takes a long sip of the drink in your hand.
“there, we just indirectly kissed!” he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before shooting you a goofy grin.
“pft, how childish do you have to be to be freaked out over an indirect kiss.” you mumble, but it doesn’t cover up the blood that rushes up to your face, painting your cheeks in a pinkish hue which oikawa finds endearing.
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part one | part two | part three | part four
@katsukibabe • @thecaptainyuri • @satorisflatass • @daphnxy • @aonenthusiast • @felixsamour • @literaleftist
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