#Endo has done his research
cresneta · 9 months
「Family Portrait」
In case anyone is looking for more evidence that Anya is likely younger than six, in the first mission in Family Portrait, Anya gets lost because she gets her right and left mixed up. I just checked, and most kids don't learn to tell their right from their left until they're six or seven years old. I suspect that Endo has done some research on childhood development and is sprinkling in some hints about her true age here and there. I also think there have been some hints about her age in things like the way she draws.
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sysmedsaresexist · 4 months
As someone with OSDD (if I’m right) what’s the worst misinfo about DID that us endos discuss in our spaces? /genq
JCYDJFCYS I love this question, I want my mods to jump in, too, but I'm going to spice it up with the worst misinformation from both sides.
For me, Dude, the worst I've seen in endo circles... is that DID is the same thing as mediumship. This is going to seem like I'm vagueing one of two people, but it's not you two (you'll know who you are). There's actually someone from before them that gave me the worst taste for that discourse, and probably made me a lot more angry about it.
In anti circles, it's got to be that dissociation is solely trauma-based. It's the most fundamental misunderstanding that leaks into everything else
I think those are my two biggest peeves.
Mod Quill here to say FFFFFF I HATE MISINFO. Gosh it really is in all the communities, too.
In endogenic spaces, it’s hard for me to decide, but I think it’s the idea that the ToSD is ableist because “it supports final fusion” (which is its own can of worms, which I think Mod Robo might touch on, if my guess is correct). The ToSD doesn’t even fucking mention final fusion get off it. I hear about the ToSD being ableist constantly, and genuinely, it seems like just being medical at all in any way is considered ableist…
Meanwhile, anti-endos? Good lord. The worst misinfo I see is the gatekeeping of trauma. “You can’t develop DID from XYZ” — congrats! You’re a fakeclaimer who doesn’t understand how trauma works. I pray no newly discovered systems find you.
Mod Robo here! Oh gosh, what misinfo haven't I seen? I swear I've seen the wildest shit!
Some of the worst stuff from pro-endos was them claiming or implying that CDDs are just the "broken" versions of endogenic plurality. I've seen people claim that DID doesn't require trauma, that the DID diagnosis only exists to stigmatize endogenic plurals, and that CDD systems who use terms like "parts" or "alters" just want to dehumanize ourselves and others.
Around 2019, a pro-endo started spreading a rumor that MPD was renamed to DID in order to stigmatize plurals which is just so horribly incorrect. Multiple dissociative disorders were renamed at the same time to have the word 'dissociation' in them, and it was done by a team of researchers. The pro-endo used the previous DSM chairman's ableism to spread lies and drag innocent DID systems into discourse.
Like mod Quill said, there's been a ton of misinfo from pro-endos over ToSD (theory of structural dissociation). I've seen people claim that it's completely bunk because one of the researchers who worked on it (there were multiple) lost his medical license for abusing a patient. I've also seen pro-endos try to apply ToSD to endogenic plurality and conclude that ToSD must be bunk because it doesn't fit? It just makes no sense to me because the theory was created to explain trauma-related dissociation caused by disorders like PTSD and DID, etc... It has nothing to do with plurality.
I've also seen tooons of horrible shit from pro-endos AND anti-endos about final fusion and fused alters/systems. I've seen people say it's comparable to grooming or suicide, or that these systems are just secretly "pluralphobic" and trying to become singlets. Honestly, the hatred and misinfo I've seen people say about fused systems is some of the worst.
As for anti-endos, I've seen lots of bad misinfo too... One of the worst things is gatekeeping common CDD things based on trauma type. For example, saying that nonhuman alters are only possible in systems who experienced ritual abuse. Other common CDD things I've seen anti-endos say can only happen due to ritual abuse: gatekeeper alters, subsystems, polyfragmentation, alters with number names or color names, switching due to triggers, alters who feel loyal to their abusers, alters that other alters can front through, certain headspace stuff like checkered floor tiles, having a headspace in general, etc.
I could say more but my reply is already longer than both Dude's and Quill's combined. I'll just leave it off here!
Mod Signal: I like this ask a lot lol. It shows genuine curiosity and a desire to improve spaces. Misinfo collects like dirt around syscourse. We all have to sweep regularly to make sure that shit gets thrown out.
On the pro-endo side, the worst I've seen is endo systems attempting to lean into the fantasy model of CDDs to support their own plurality. That model has been debunked for quite a while, and it has hurt so many goddamn people. CDDs are trauma-based, we don't have to reverse scientific progress or fakeclaim some of the first cases of recorded CDDs to support endo systems.
On the anti-endo side, my least favorite bit of misinformation is the idea that the TOSD shows how different people's trauma ranks in the trauma Olympics. The idea that someone with polyfragmented DID must have had things worse than an OSDD 1B system who must have had things worse than someone with BPD, etc. The level of dissociation required for each label in the DSM relies on so many more factors than just "who had it worse". There are biological dispositions to dissociation to take into account, there's the reminder that what's traumatic to a child isn't always considered traumatic to an adult, there's attachment styles to take into play. There is so much more to the science than "I had it worse than you and I have the diagnosis to prove it".
Everyone is welcome to reblog and add their own. This could be a good learning opportunity for people to go, "wait, that's not true??"
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saturns-rings-sys · 2 months
Octocons recent statement on privacy and their stance on non traumagenic systems posted to discord:
Hi, I'd like to do a bit of clarification here. There's word going around (especially on platforms such as Tumblr and TikTok) that we're "anti-endo" and are going to go on "user crusades" to ban non-traumagenics like certain other SP/PK alternatives did.
**This has not happened and will never happen.**
We consider our community to be *traumacentric*, in the sense that our platform was designed specifically for people with traumagenic/medical DID/OSDD in mind. We explicitly develop our platform to accommodate symptoms such as dissociative amnesia. We are **not** going to stop anyone from using the app or bot, we just ask that our *Discord community* sticks to that theme so we can form a proper support group around that demographic. Going on "endogenic crusades" would be uncouth, childish, against our values, and quite frankly absurd.
**We have a neutral stance on systems not caused by trauma. Our platform just isn't designed for them nor around them.** If you came here with the intention of sparking discourse regarding this subject, please leave.
A part that bothers me in particular is that this also implies that we would violate user privacy (or have *already* violated it, which is even worse). As stated in our [privacy policy](https://octocon.app/docs/platform/privacy), this is also **not** the case. We will **never** look into someone's account unless we are legally forced to do so under U.S. law, or that person volunteers to share some information to help us fix a bug, at which point we will **consensually** collect as little information as possible.
I ask that anyone who notices this kind of rhetoric going around on external platforms help us to clarify any misinformation. It would help lessen our workload immensely so we can focus on developing features, fixing bugs, and stabilizing our community. For those of you I've seen who have already helped with this, **I thank you** from the bottom of my heart.
\- Atlas
(This is copied directly from the discord server, I do not have any claim to this information, I am just sharing it)
Apologies for spreading misinformation about them being anti endo, I had seen it posted everywhere and so believed it, I should have done more in depth research sorry.
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
hi yeah lmao, im ⌛🌟 and im not whatever random ass person you accused me of being 💀💀???? nice try lmao
also you know that. trans people. can be transphobic right. just like how disabled people can be ableist.
but im not gonna be responding to anymore of ur dumbass shit sophie, the majority of what youve done is spout some transphobic shit and told me the history i alr know because i am trnas and lived through it!! crazy. hope you have fun harming random ass people on the internet!!! cant wait until youre left empty inside and broken bc of constantly harrassing people and constantly giving out hate where its not justified <3
Wait! Who did I accuse you of being?
Do you think this post commenting on a timing coincidence was meant to imply that you were the anti-endo who posted about the word "sysmed" at the exact same time as me? 🤣
also you know that. trans people. can be transphobic right. just like how disabled people can be ableist.
Of course. Transmeds themselves being an example of that. And system medicalism is similarly rooted in ableism and sanism. Especially when it comes to mixed origin systems, who sysmeds will straight-up deny a right to religious beliefs based on their disability.
My issue with this isn't that "trans people can't be transphobic."
It's that trans people can't be transphobic for comparing the pain they've suffered from transmeds to what they've suffered from sysmeds.
And also that transgender people can't "STEAL" their own terms.
Accusing trans people of stealing their own terms is implying that they're an outgroup that is coming in to steal the words. Frankly, it's trans erasure. You have to actually erase their transness to make this argument work. Which, IMO, is actually transphobic of you.
Once we get past the absurdity of "trans people are transphobic for stealing trans terms" the only thing your argument is left with is... what? "Transphobic people are transphobic for comparing transness to a mental disorder?"
But this point, you know, is a lie. If you've spent any bit of time in syscourse, you should know that the pro-endo position, along with the position of every psychiatrist and psychologist who has weighed in on the debate, is that you don't need a disorder to be plural.
See again, Eric Yarbrough's Transgender Mental Health, which was reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association.
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So the whole "this is transphobic for comparing being transgender to a mental disorder" point is null. Being plural and being a system are not inherently mental disorders.
But I'm sure you're going to make some excuse about why this book, published by the American Psychiatric Association, is totally not valid. You know, just like how transmeds have historically dismissed all the doctors and research saying that you didn't need dysphoria to be trans.
Are you going to try to call me transphobic again for pointing out how your arguments and tactics are exactly like those of transmeds?
constantly harrassing people
This is beside the point, but I feel like this would be a bit more effective had sysmeds not watered down "harassment" to the point of being meaningless.
Like, I just saw a post from a sysmed who was asked why they were putting "doctors" in scare quotes to imply the authors of articles cited by pro-endos aren't real doctors, and the sysmed accused the anon of harassment just for asking the question.
Like to me, harassment means namecalling. Threats of violence. Bullying. Fakeclaiming. Personal attacks.
But it seems to most sysmeds, harassment means questioning them. It means having a different opinion and stating it where they can hear. It means linking sources or saying that they're wrong.
I've seen sysmeds, always desperate to play the part of the victim, complain about being asked "loaded questions" (the question was what punk values meant to them) and beg for death threats in the same post.
It's just so hard anymore to take sysmeds complaining about harassment seriously when it's clear they're just calling everything harassment so they can win victim points.
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owo-writing-man · 5 months
Do you guys know how much I actually hate the fucking transgender mental health book? Like actually. Because this guy who's only ever done help for the queer community writes a book hoe other mental illness affects being trans. And I don't want to discredit him. I'm sure he knows some of his stuff. But be used 4 sources to research did. And like you hav3 never done this shit before. And you're coming with 4 sources? Also the entire layout of explaining the goddamn disorder is the same as the plural resource article he linked. Which is a pro endo sight. Like his resources were from 2006,1992,the article and the dsm5 which he states he's not quoting. Cause he literally puts the definition of plurality this website has over the definition of the dsm5. Like seriously. This is the info you're using to prove yourself? A man who clearly doesn't know his shit? I know I said earlier not to discredit him but stay in your lane. As someone who is trans and a system it's actually disgusting to see this misinformation spread like that.
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samkerrworshipper · 25 days
hi bby! same anon here who did the request for the endo fic, i have some more thoughts for the smut in it (again, only if you’re interested of course)
i forget how much i said in my initial ask but r is having a really horrible period with cramps etc and ale is really attentive
r is worried that it’s ‘gross’ to have sex on her period but alexia assures her, calls her beautiful, makes her feel better about it
she’s also been really cute and done research about endo, so she knows that sometimes it can cause pain with sex, so she’s really making sure that r is never in pain throughout the whole scene
also a really sweet aftercare scene where ale makes sure that r is all cleaned up, has painkillers, heat pack etc
again sorry if this is way too much!!
+ some of this and more of it coming in part 2
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coochiequeens · 1 year
So sorry to post another article about the Kardashians but I really wanted to highlight the term “Vanity Surrogacy”
Everyone thinks Kim Kardashian didn’t want to get fat but actually, she didn’t want to die. 
A hole in her uterus caused by the ripping fingernails of a medical professional was the last straw in a macabre conga-line of fertility issues for the woman who has everything. 
An emergency after the birth of her first child, North, meant: "My doctor had to stick his entire arm in me and detach the placenta with his hand, scraping it away from my uterus with his fingernails," she wrote. After that, everything about her second pregnancy was complicated.
Threatened miscarriage. Endo. Pre-eclampsia. Placenta accreta. Failed surgeries. 
It’s a list that would leave a lot of women – ordinary, feet-of-clay women – thinking that two kids were enough kids. 
But Kim Kardashian is not an ordinary woman, and she wanted more babies. And so, she called someone. And she started researching and, two children later, she’s the self-confessed surrogacy whisperer for Hollywood’s elite. 
Her sister, Khloé, sought her advice when her obstetrician told her that having a second baby would be complicated and risky for her health, too.
"I'm not gonna get into specifics on camera," Khloé said on an episode of The Kardashians. "But they said it's an 80 per cent chance I'll miscarry... [My doctor] said she would feel terrible putting [an embryo] in without warning me that most likely I wouldn't be able to carry."
And Paris Hilton, who was once Kim’s boss, but now inhabits an entirely different world, called her when she got married, and wanted a baby, but didn’t want to get pregnant or give birth.
“Kim told me about (surrogacy) as well,” Hilton told Glamour magazine. “I’m using the same doctor, Dr Huang, who’s the best, and he has a concierge team that deals with everything.” 
She’s helpful like that, Kim. She’s a get-s**t-done kind of woman, and she has strong opinions on the right way to treat the person who’s going to be implanted with your embryo and carry them to full term. 
You should give them extra money for organic fruit and veggies, so you know what’s going in (sister Kourtney thinks you should get to dictate what kind of TV your carrier watches while she’s pregnant, but Kim thinks that’s woo-woo), she said in the same episode of The Kardashians. Kim knows you need to negotiate out all the details upfront, and that you should be mindful of your gestational carrier's feelings.
"I think the right thing to do is get them to come and see the baby at some point before they leave [the hospital]. You have to make decisions like do you want them to pump and send the milk to you every few days." 
Luckily, what Kim also knows is that in Los Angeles, you don’t have to think of all this stuff yourself, because it's a town full of surrogacy attorneys, and surrogacy concierges. In the "surrogacy capital", it's a multi-million dollar business, and although we may never know how much the Kardashian sisters pay for their babies to bake, with all the discretion and extras required, we do know that a more basic model would set you back around $150,000 US. 
Here in Australia, it’s entirely different. 
Surrogacy as a business model is illegal. People who want or need to use a surrogate are only allowed to compensate for expenses incurred. And, although rules vary from state to state, most places in Australia require proof that a surrogate is needed, not only wanted. 
So Kim and Khloé yes, but Paris, probably not.
Back in LA, there are no such boundaries, unless fertility clinics choose to put them in place. And there are two schools of thought about how appropriate that is. 
On the one hand, reproductive science has made parents out of armies of people who might otherwise never have become parents, never experienced parental love, and never have built families they now couldn’t imagine being without. A selfless act of service, to carry a baby for someone who desperately wants one. The most beautiful gift. 
On the other sits a discomfort with the idea of the rich renting the bodies of the less-rich to do the undoubtedly difficult and often risky business of carrying their children. Avoiding the physical toll of pregnancy for a variety of reasons, and the one that people can't shake a suspicion about is... vanity. 
Vanity surrogacy, or Lifestyle Surrogacy, is a contentious issue to some. 
And it doesn't matter how many times Kim or Khloé talk about why they made the choices they made to build their families, there's a bubbling argument that they – and other celebrities, like Hilton – are normalising surrogacy at scale, and it's not to be celebrated by all. 
For example, Proud Fertility, a surrogacy clinic in Canada, declares its opposition to the process on its "about" page.
"Vanity Surrogacy does away with honour and the sole purpose of being a surrogate. It is when a woman who is medically capable of carrying her own baby refuses to do so for cosmetic reasons such as maintaining their body shape. Vanity Surrogacy can only be described as renting the womb of another woman... It is similar with putting up babies for sale or even breeding animals for the market. A woman who chooses to be a Surrogate Mother should do so from her own willingness to give the gift of family to those who are not able to have it."
While others insist it's not anyone's business why a woman chooses not to carry a child, or why another chooses to carry one for her.
“I don’t have issues with it,” Dr Vicken Sahakian from Pacific Fertility Centre in Los Angeles, told The Guardian. “What’s the end result here? Somebody wants to be a parent. I’m facilitating that."
He says that it's not usually superstars like Kardashian who would use "vanity" surrogacy anyway, but mid-tier actresses and models whose livelihood depends on their bodies, and whose schedules will not allow for breaks to get pregnant and give birth. 
"I understand that it’s controversial, it’s borderline unethical for some people, but put yourself in the shoes of a 26-year-old model who is making her living by modelling swimsuits. Tell me something – is it that unethical, to say let’s not destroy this woman’s career?
“If you’re a 28-year-old model or an actor and you get pregnant, you’re going to lose your job – you will. If you want to use a surrogate, I’ll help you.” 
Thanks to Hollywoods sexism and ageism the average of a model is 21 to 23. Using fear of losing jobs to postpone the aging out of a highly competitive industry is a disingenuous reason to exploit another woman.
That's a reality felt by Jamie Chung, an American actress who had twin boys via surrogate in 2021 because she felt she couldn't risk pausing her career. 
"I was terrified of becoming pregnant," she said at the time. "In my industry, it feels like you're easily forgotten if you don't work within the next month of your last job."
For Paris Hilton, her fear wasn't work or money, but birth itself. She has spoken about being assaulted in faux-medical exams as a teenager at boarding school, and said her fear of blood tests and examinations is overwhelming. 
"When I was in The Simple Life," she said. "I had to be in a room when a woman was giving birth and that traumatised me as well. But I want a family so bad, it’s just the physical part of doing it. I’m just so scared… childbirth and death are the two things that scare me more than anything in the world.”
After listening to Kim's advice, Khloé Kardashian did go ahead with surrogacy, and brought her son, Tatum, home in July last year. Just last week, she spoke about how hard it was to go through that process, even with all the concierges in the world.
“A surrogate process – Kim knows – is very hard for me. It’s a mindf**k. It really is the weirdest thing,” she said, on The Kardashians. “People do say it takes a minute to feel connected, but Kim said hers was easy. This is not easy.”
As no choices women make about fertility ever are. However and why ever they make them. 
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can you do a debunk on these sources? https://at.tumblr.com/debunkingsystemscringe/mind-if-i-can-get-some-pro-endo-research-from-you/yihxbmcgdly4
I've already debunked all of these, but sure, I can do it again, let's see if @debunkingsystemscringe will actually respond this time
So, the carrd
The card is extremely bad, it's misquoting an incredibly important paper by Ross. His was the first to acknowledge that not just abuse caused DID, but trauma. I hate seeing this one used by endos because it was a MASSIVE step for DID systems, and it's being misused and misquoted here.
"These individuals often did not report abuse history and often reported experiencing little psychopathology."
This was one of the first papers to look at functional multiplicity as a treatment path and "smaller" trauma as a cause. It's not meant for endogenics.
"About 2% of people may be natural multiples who do not have dysfunctional posttraumatic MPD. They may simply have a highly dissociative psychic organization’ (Ross, 1991, p. 510)."
This was a theory that was debunked with the idea of trauma as a cause, and "highly dissociative psychic organization" doesn't mean "alters". I don't even think that's the correct quote, which is hilarious.
What's funny here, is that they're not actually quoting Ross, because his paper doesn't say that shit. They're quoting a college dissertation by McClure, quoting Ross, because you have to double twist it in order to make it work.
McClure's paper also doesn't imply anything about endogenic systems. Here's my debunk on her and Ross.
Next: Transgender Mental Health
I've talked about this one before, and how it's being touted as more important than it is. It's actually a really good book! I support this book and the stuff in it. But a lot of people are blowing it way out of proportion.
First, it has one chapter on "plurals" and how to treat them for gender related issues. Cool. That's true, it happened. I support the book.
However, it's not supported or endorsed by the APA, it wasn't published by them -- it's an independent book and everything in it is the opinion of the author. Same with the next paper by Isler. Like, it's useless, it means nothing. It doesn't talk about how or why, it says, "these people say they exist and it's going to make treatment harder because of the intricacies." That's it. Still a good book, check it out.
Next: Tulpas and Mental Health (it’s a PDF, be careful opening on phones)
I’m trying to find my full debunk on this. Jacob Isler is a practicing tulpamancer and has done some REALLY shady stuff-- Reddit has basically turned on him and disowned him and all of his work. As soon as I find the sources, I’ll add. Just give me a bit.
Alright, we’re going to have to redo it, here we do.
Jacob Isler has a severe nonresponse bias. Survey sent to 365 people and only 68 got back? That’s too small. Negligible read. The entire paper is about how tulpamancers are mentally ill in other ways, and that creating a tulpa has a positive impact on their mental health. Fine and dandy. It discusses how those mental health issues might play a huge role in the tulpamancy phenomon, but purposefully tries to twist the connection between the two to be unrelated on a pathological level. It also states: “Additionally, self-reported data gathered through online surveys, regardless of the care taken to ensure objectivity and accuracy, is bound to be influenced by biases and misconceptions. And, of course, the observational nature of this study means that causality cannot be proven. The intent of this paper is not to provide definitive assertions on the psychology of tulpamancy. Rather, the purpose is to accentuate outstanding associations and suggest further research into them.“
It’s basically admitting it’s own failure as an unreliable paper and simply calls for more research.
As for reddit disowning Isler: Isler is Fordaplot. Here’s the ban note from the mods
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Next: Multiplicity: An Explorative Interview
We all know how much I love this useless article. Here’s my debunk. It’s based on 6 people only, admits it’s limited by not being able to verify their claims of functionality to make the point of the article, and then goes on to claim that online spaces for multiples are harmful, doesn’t discuss how and why, and only discusses the fact that they claim to exist and calls for more research, so. Kind of useless.
As for the cultural exclusion in the DSM and ICD, it’s specifically in regards to religious practices in cultures that someone has been raised in. As per the DSM, the difference between DID and these forms of “non-pathological possession trances” is that the non-pathological possession is short-term and occurs in specific cultural and religious ceremonies-- which is the opposite of what endogenics are experiencing (long-term, occurring continuously and not only in ceremonies (which they are not participating in to begin with)). It’s not excluding these experiences because they’re “endogenic”, it’s excluding them because it’s not plurality as we (endos and DID systems) describe it. Claiming that exception is for endogenics is hugely disrespectful to the clinicians and researchers who put an absurd amount of work into keeping religious experiences out of the DSM.
It’s just not for you.
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clownrecess · 2 years
Hi! I have done some research in plural and multiple stuff, but am not plural myself so obviously I don't have 1) firsthand knowledge or experience and 2) some of the sources seem very contradictory. I wanted to ask, and my intention is not rudeness at all and if my ask is upsetting or triggering, please feel free to delete- but I am a little confused about endo identities vs trauma? What I seem to be reading indicates to me that an endo could have been born plural, or is that not the case? Are they (endo identities) saying they have developed plurality later in life with no trigger? Again, I don't want to be triggering in any way, but after googling and honestly now knowing more definitions but not being less confused, I thought it might be a good idea to ask someone who is informed and has experience with this. I see lots of endo DNI blogs and I'm starting to wonder if it's a thing I should be thinking about or not. Thank you!
(Tw for endo and tulpa mentions)
It really depends on the person. Some claim they are plural by chance, some claim they purposefully made themself plural.
The first one is just fully untrue, and the second one is appropriative.
Endos claim they are plural without trauma, tulpas claim they became plural through purposeful spirituality.
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starscatteredsky · 1 year
Green and black incubus moodboard
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[image description:
a moodboard with 8 images. the two leftmost images are larger than the rest, with the other twocolumns containing three images.
image one (top left): a black silhouette of a masculine figure with small demon horns and a blurry background of green light.
image two(bottom left): white sheets or fabric, with two hands as black as coal or shadow resting in opposing directions.
image three (top middle): a green and black malachite stone, swirling green and black in a random pattern.
image four (middle middle): a picrew done of a demon or incubus with shadow black skin and pure green eyes. it is a bust shot. they have white freckles on the bridge of their nose that look like stars. they are smiling, and have small pointed canines. they are wearing an open leather jacket and no shirt. they’re wearing a black necklaces with stars and a moon pendant in the middle. they have pointed ears with black ear cuffs, and long ridged black horns that slightly curve inwards towards each other. they have a black bridge piercing. the image has a watermark saying “crowesn”, the maker of the picrew.
image five (bottom middle): a mostly black image that’s hard to make out. a few white highlights reveal scales and the shape of a nightfury’s head, and two glowing green eyes stare from the middle of the image.
image six (top right): a grey background with a half unfurled black leathery wing coming from the right side of the image.
image seven (middle right): a picture of a nightfury laying in the sand looking upwards, making eye contact with the “camera” or source of the image. his wings are half covered in sand and relaxed at his sides.
image eight (bottom right): a closeup of someone’s face, mostly only showing the eye. a small part of the eyebrow is visible. the eye is a glowing, swirling, magical looking vibrant green that is casting a greenish light across the rest of the face.
end description]
Made for our incubus alter!
Themes of nightfurys, green, black, and ofc demons!
Requests open!!!
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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paigelts05 · 1 year
Renegade AU Lore Dump: Burntrap and the Mimic.
Burntrap is the real world William Vessel.
Mimic is the Faz Ent VR Environment counterpart. (See my other lore dumps; If it’s Faz Frights Tales of the Pizzaplex, it’s in the VR Environment)
The endo picked out by the execs was just some glamrock endo with nothing special going on; the only special thing is that William and the Execs had Ness fuse what was left of Scraptrap onto this endo.
Mimic is the VR Environment counterpart, as the execs working on the environment needed William, or at least a substitute of him, else the whole ordeal would be pointless (they are trying to revive him after all).
William has no interest in going into the VR environment, but created algorithms so that his VR environment counterpart could copy his mannerisms, mimicking himself, so he can focus on creating and preserving Burntrap, whilst the research division can get their research done without needing constant assistance.
Some execs who work on the VR Environment sometimes call Burntrap Mimic and Vice Versa, much to William’s chagrin, and Adelaide’s amusement.
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randowriters · 2 years
D&F: Here is the last fic out of the three! Hope you all enjoy it!
DJ was amazed upon entering the basement. The decorations, the wallpaper scenery, it all felt like he had walked outside into the docks. Though, he couldn’t help but wonder why Freddy looked a bit…hesitant. “I really love what you’ve done with the place!” The music man grins, “I can even see a carnival from here!” The animatronic bear chuckles, “I am glad you love it, the S.T.A.F.F. Bots worked hard to arrange this setting for us.”
The disc jockey stares down at the casing in the glamrock’s hands. “Is that the movie?” He asked. The sense of nervousness made its return within the lead singer upon hearing the question. “Ah, well…yes.” He averts his gaze, “It…it is a horror movie.” A horror movie? That’s new, wonder where the robotic bear got his hands on it. “I know it is strange, I meant to grab a romantic one to match everything here but I was…distracted.” There is a hint of disappointment as Freddy explained. Almost as if he had already ruined their date.
DJ lowers himself down and offers an assuring smile. “Hey, that’s cool! I’m excited to check it out!” He said. The smaller animatronic looks up at him, “You do not mind?” The robotic spider lets out a small chuckle, “Nah, it never hurts to spice things up.” Couples tend to watch horror films on their dates. At least, that’s what he picked up on from overhearing the casual conversations of the employees. Besides, he’s curious as to what the movie has in store. Freddy couldn’t help but return the gesture.
“Alright. However, at any point if you ever feel afraid to continue watching, let me know.”
The animatronic spider tenderly wraps an arm around the glamrock leader. “That’s very sweet of you, but if you feel scared, know that we can end it and I’ll be right here to comfort you. ” He replied. The orange glamrock laughs as he nuzzles against the music man’s cheek, “Thank you, my brave Titan.” The robotic spider returns the gesture. 
“Anything for my Melody Bear.”
The movie started out slow at first, like all horror movies usually do. Getting to know the characters, setting up the scenario, and the whole foreshadowing thing that will make the terrifying scenes more interesting. Freddy found himself favoring the older scientist, who seems to have an interest in space-related research. DJ gravitated towards the space station pilot with a love of music. The cast was likable enough, besides one that was obviously the jerk of the group.
What the two didn’t account for was how GRUESOME the scenes would be. Small monstrosities crawling all over the human victims, the way the victims are devoured offscreen, even that scene with the pit was a lot. It didn’t even help that the monsters of the film are spider-like in design, which cause a chill down the music man’s endo. The robotic bear sits very close to the animatronic giant, leaning against his cheeks while glued to the screen.
“I did not know spiders could do that…” mumbles the glamrock. The disc jockey’s hug tightens a bit. “Me neither…” DJ agreed. They both jump as another jump scare occurs. “Ah…fake out.” He chuckled to lessen the tension. The glamrock bear  places his hand on the robotic spider’s other hand, “The-they have done a fantastic job on the outer space sections of the movie.” The music man can feel the smaller animatronic’s grip massaging his finger.
“Yeah, I’m learning a lo-” He begins but is immediately interrupted by another horror scene, “NO, NOT CARRIE!” The sudden attack of one of the crew mates caught the animatronics off guard. The previous victims were at least hinted to be next, but to see this one yanked away by one of the creatures was a shock. “Noooo….” Freddy whines, “Please, let her live.” The disc jockey took notice of how much the orange glamrock snuggles against him. It’s comforting in a way.
…Now that DJ thinks about this. This must be what the employees were talking about. Wrapping around the date when they get scared, being a sign of comfort, all of it to get closer in a romantic sense. He glances at the distracted lead singer. What else did the human workers say? Just act all tough and brave, and one can easily get to some kind of base? Whatever that “base” is. He opens his mouth to speak when another jump scare startles the both of them.
Maybe he’ll try again when the movie takes a break from the terrifying stuff.
In the end, the spider animatronic didn’t get his chance to act tough or brave. He was so absorbed in the scientist’s explanation in destroying the monsters that, by the time he stopped conversing with Freddy on the effectiveness of it, the movie had returned to the action. Since then, each attempt led to constant failure as DJ held onto the glamrock for dear life.
“That was incredible!” exclaimed the bear animatronic. While the smaller animatronic was afraid at first, he grew more and more excited after the plan devised by the remaining crew started to work.
“And the way they vanquished the monsters without destroying the space station was amazing!”
“Yep…it was.” The robotic spider sounds a bit disappointed the more he replies. The lead singer takes notice, “Is everything alright?” DJ snaps out of his thoughts and forces a smile. “I am.” He answers as the smaller animatronic frowns, “Really.” The orange glamrock didn’t buy it. Sighing, the music man scratches his cheek.
“I remember hearing some of the employees talking about acting tough to impress your date, and…I decided to try and do that during our movie watching.”
He lightly laughs, “I just realize how silly it was now that I said it out loud.” More than silly, the attempt was pretty dumb. He should have just enjoyed the movie like he originally did. The giant animatronic pauses when he felt a gentle touch against his face. “You did not need to impress me by acting tough.” Freddy stated. His face softens. “Everything that you have done for our relationship is impressive.” a genuine smile forms as the animatronic bear continues, “From the gifts you had given me, to all of our dates!”
The glamrock plants a kiss on the disc jockey’s nose, “You have given me so much when I asked for so little.” DJ blinks as he takes in everything that the smaller animatronic said. Blushing, he tenderly pecks the glamrock leader’s forehead.
“That’s because you deserve the world.”
Freddy giggles as his cheeks flush. “I am not sure about that.” his ears wiggle lovingly, “What I am sure about, is how lucky I am to have you.” The music man caresses the smaller animatronic’s face.
“I feel the same.”
The robotic bear raises his eyebrow. “Is that a line from the movie?” He asked. The animatronic giant smirks, “Maaaybe~.” The two chuckle as they snuggle together.
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singnorequiemtonight · 7 months
Just sent my endo a message through mychart about finasteride because I did some research after seeing some other transmasc people's posts about it last night.
I know I won't get a response until at least tomorrow since today is Sunday, but I wanted to get that message done before I forgot about it.
As a non-binary person attempting to grow my hair back out to my old shoulder length for the first time since I began transitioning, and as someone starting to see some section of hair thinning ( I had super thick hair even in my late 20's before I buzzed it off ) it would mean so much to me if this is a plausible option for my treatment.
I'm not worried about any antiandrogen side effects as fully transitioning to male has never been my intention; so I think that would actually work in my favor. One of my main reasons for not stopping T at the point I am at now, having had top surgery, is primarily because I don't want to go back to having periods.
Plus top surgery was already really scary to prepare for ( and then everything went smoothly and it wasn't scary at all lmao ), I don't know if I'm ready to take the hysterectomy step yet. Plus my partner wants a hysterectomy much more desperately than I do for Severe Trauma Reasons so I would much rather he get to have that surgery first. Especially since he cared for me through my top surgery ( my boob dysphoria was also trauma-rooted ). It should be his turn to have the next trauma-healing surgery while I help him through recovery. 💜
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
On Moving Goalposts and More!
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Let's look at what Moving The Goalposts actually is:
Description: Demanding from an opponent that he or she address more and more points after the initial counter-argument has been satisfied refusing to concede or accept the opponent’s argument.
Logical Form: Issue A has been raised, and adequately answered. Issue B is then raised, and adequately answered. ..... Issue Z is then raised, and adequately answered. (despite all issues adequately answered, the opponent refuses to conceded or accept the argument.
If anything, the reason I have the two arguments prepared that I do is because of the anti-tulpas moving the goalposts. Or at least not having the same goalposts.
The first argument is that the modern tulpa is appropriation because it's based on a Tibetan Buddhist practice. To this, I point out that basically nothing of Tulpamancy, including the name, is actually based in Tibetan Buddhism.
The next argument they make is that the roots of the tulpa are appropriative. This, I counter by pointing out the involvement of Lama Kazi Dawa Samdup in forming the ADL tulpa, and that it's a result of an exchange of two cultures.
Tulpamancy is not based directly on Tibetan Buddhism, but a new concept that was created by the sharing of different cultures.
This is not moving the goalposts and the points are not contradictory.
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I... think this has gotten taken out of context.
So far, there aren't any ethnic Tibetans from what I've seen who have commented on the tulpa.
I did write that I'm skeptical of information coming out of the region, but the context was about any surveys or statistics about opinions of the Dalai Lama and how he's regarded there. It wasn't about the tulpa itself, but about the claim that the Dalai Lama isn't an authoritative source on Tibetan Buddhism.
What I mean is that if I were living in Tibet, and somebody came up to me conducting a survey about whether I supported the Dalai Lama, and I knew other people who had been arrested or disappeared for displaying pictures of His Holiness... I might not answer that survey honestly out of fear that it might be some sort of trick to round up dissenters or at least to put them on watch.
My problem with this whole debate is that everyone is speaking for the Tibetan people. I cite the Dalai Lama's statements as an example to other non-Tibetans as to why it's probably not appropriative, since the Dalai Lama is an actual authority on Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism.
Of the voices who have weighed in, there are Tibetan Buddhist on both sides, some claiming it's appropriative and other claiming it's not.
But of all of these Tibetan Buddhists, I don't think any have stated that they're ethnically Tibetan. They're usually people of other ethnicities who adopted and practice Tibetan Buddhism.
(I think a huge part of the confusion in this conversation stems from people thinking "Tibetan Buddhist" is a Buddhist who is Tibetan, rather than a specific school of Buddhism, or several schools of Buddhism, that originated in Tibet.)
The whole debate is just non-Tibetans arguing about what's harmful for Tibetans, and has been spear-headed by anti-endos looking to make up reasons to attack one of the most-researched and scientifically-backed forms of endogenic plurality.
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How do you expect to prove somebody's internal experiences with current technology?
You're missing the point of the papers I cite. It's not about proving that endogenic plurality exists. The types of brains scans necessary to even start this process hasn't started yet. It's about demonstrating a scientific consensus that it does.
MPD was acknowledged as a real disorder for a century before the first brain scans could be done.
It was acknowledged as a real phenomenon because notable psychiatrists looked at it and believed their patients were experiencing what they said they were.
Likewise, the fact that many psychiatrists are looking at endogenic plurality today the same way puts us about on the same level of validity as DID had in the 80s before the neurological evidence started stacking up. Except where DID was controversial in the psychiatric field, endogenic plurality is considered a real thing by nearly every psychologist and psychiatrist who has researched it aside from the ones who deny all multiplicity.
The mounting academic support from educated professionals IS the evidence.
But don't worry. The brain scans are coming too.
And yes, I do also cite studies that refer to hallucinatory voices in psychotic hallucinations as dissociative parts of a person's system and suggest using DID treatment in addressing those voices.
Hallucingenic systems are valid and sometimes fall in the endogenic spectrum.
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I sincerely hope that's not true.
Part of the reason I cite sources is so others can read them and educate themselves on plurality.
I realize not everyone has the time or the attention, but I would hope that people actually take the time to look at many of the articles themselves. I encourage people to not blindly take my word on anything scientific and to read the sources directly.
I even try to mention Sci-Hub for viewing papers that are behind paywalls, but I'm nervous about linking directly to Sci-hub since anti-endos have tried to get me banned before and would definitely jump on me linking to what's essentially pirated material as a way to get rid of me.
Also, just for the record, I never cite the tulpas and mental health study as evidence of endogenic systems existing. The author isn't a psychiatrist or psychologist, so their opinion isn't really to that fact.
I do cite it when people claim tulpamancy is unhealthy because the survey is useful in that specific context.
But if I'm looking for academic support of endogenic plurality, my go-to is Variety of Tulpa Experiences. The author is a psychiatry professor at McGill University, and the book was peer reviewed and published by Oxford University Press.
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I have no idea what this is talking about and don't think I ever had a paper like that on my Studies and Research page.
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hazedxhealing · 9 months
i am now super curious why you thought you were a system, what brought you to believe you were a system, and why you stopped believing you were a system. do you still experience "system-esque" experiences but consider them singlet experiences now?
also my comment about you sounding like a detrans individual is like a comparison of apples to oranges, similar in my brain although obviously different in other ways. just because you were mistaken about your plural experiences does not mean that everyone else is, which is similar (not equal or the exact same, but similar) to some detrans people assuming everyone else is actually not trans and was deluded / misinformed.
and i will seethe, because it's frustrating to see singlets spread judgemental nonsense when the science doesn't conclusively say shit. the science doesn't say "there's definitely no way to experience multiple people in the brain without trauma", it says that the disorder labeled DID is the primary way they see it and treat it, since IT'S A DISORDER. if its not a disorder for someone, why would DISORDER specialists CARE? most research of systemhood (that isn't "aww look at this sad person who was hurt so so bad and cannot function :(( they need to become Whole again <3 i hope they become Normal and One Being instead of being InSaNe") is still in its 'childhood'. just like... a lot of science relating to the brain, imo.
anyway i will block you after you respond to this ask, it's just annoying to see singlets in syscourse. you cannot speak for us. you do not speak for the system community unless you ARE a system or are a professional that is trustworthy and fact checked to not be an ableist shitbag.
I’m going to preface this, again, with how I’ve done my own extensive almost decade long independent research, where I dug up literal studies, done by medical professionals, and cross referenced that with the multiple versions of the DSM-5 and psych textbooks I was studying. I then took that information, complied a list of questions, and asked my own psychiatrist these questions after my appointments off record, and cross referenced that with what information I’d already had. And then I took all of that multiple years worth of research I’d done and took it to my best friend who is a LITERAL CERTIFIED PSYCH WHO WENT TO COLLEGE FOR IT, and we cross referenced all of that with her own textbooks and DSM-5 variations.
I’ve done enough research to know what I’m talking about. I’ve gotten enough confirmation from medical professionals to know what I’m talking about. Science, and psychology, say that the only way to be plural outside of cultural differences is severe and repetitive childhood trauma. There is no other way to break the psyche down enough to cause fragmentation of one’s personality.
I thought I was a system for multiple different reasons, one being I fit the criteria including severe repeated childhood trauma as well as a few other factors that can be comorbid with other disorders.
I would have to completely trauma dump to explain where the line between what I thought it was and what it actually was happened.
But for a good bit of my formative years I’d had these symptoms, and lived my life as a system. Flash forward to being with my ex husband, who WAS FAKING DID HIMSELF, who had me brainwashed, who Munchhausen by proxy-ed me multiple times before, was using the same logic endos have and willing alters to appear. He was MAKING alter, the same way endos do, and even with his own, he used them as a crutch to abuse me.
So, I went to my - again, medically certified - psych best friend, and was like, hey (insert big long text about how my plural experience seems fucky and I’m kinda confused) and she came back with (insert long message about how it’s not DID, it’s BPD and my ex husband definitely forced the DID dx on me but I didn’t know it was forced into me because, again, brainwashed, MCBP)
I have enough of an experience with how DID does and doesn’t worth, I have enough of my own experience, plus watching my ex husband faking, plus multiple medical professionals confirming the research I’d done, plus the research itself, to have a leg in this conversation.
If you don’t like that I am advocating for people to STOP FAKING SERIOUS AND DEBILITATING MENTAL ILLNESS then that is a you problem, not a me problem. If you would rather people continue to make it harder for you to be taken seriously, or to be treated in times like medical abuse, or make it even harder to be evaluated because of the culture around DIDOSDD they are laying down, then go for it but I’m not going to continue to let people use a disorder caused by the most horrific childhood experiences for clout.
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writingwithcolor · 2 years
Am I fetishizing my Japanese character?
noedandelion asked:
Hello ! I’m currently writing a comic where my main character is a mixed Asian/white man, to be more specific, he is half Portuguese half Japanese. And it’s there that i’m asking myself a question.
I’m consuming a little of pop culture from japan (I say little bc it’s not the same as when i was younger) and because of this i’m kinda worried that this could be seen as fetishism of Japanese people, he’s not the only Japanese character in the comic bc i have a lot of characters and i try to include several characters who share the same ethnicity. As my mains, he is the only one, not the only Asian character but they are not Japanese (he is not not the only main protag but he is more central, i hope i’m clear sorry).
I’ve never have any people told me it was not okay but bc i’m white, i’d like to have feedback. I don’t remember why i make him Japanese because i have him for a while, but i know it has nothing to do with worshiping of Japanese people. I’m writing him as fully developed character, he as flaws, qualities, things he likes and his development is not related to the fact he is miked or anything, i’m learning Japanese culture, tropes etc for writing him respectfully (and i ofc don’t use anime as reference of representation).
I’ve always seen people tell “as long as the character is written respectfully it’s okay” but maybe there’s things I don’t know that are fetishization, like well writing a Japanese character when you’re white and consume a little of Japanese pop culture/like to learn about Japanese history culture etc. (i’m actually learning about a lot of different culture not just the Japanese one but still).
I was thinking also that if it could be seen as such, i could change the fact that is half Japanese and make him from an another Asian country as ethnicity (east or south-east Asian), i don’t want to whitewash him (i will rework my character of course to be accurate bc it will not be the same culture), but i don’t know if it’s okay.
So should i keep my character the way he is ? (and be careful of how i’m writing him as I do with every character i have) or should i change it ? Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day. (I’m sorry for my english, I’m italian so my first language is not english)
When people say “Write a character respectfully”, they often mean “Write the character as if you were treating that character with the level of respect you would want accorded to a character from your background.” 
In my experience, many individuals from European countries, like their American counterparts, do not have the requisite knowledge of cultures outside of their own background to create characters from many other cultures in this fashion. This is rarely bad intent. Rather you can’t know what you don’t know. Fetishization, particularly, is often the result of lazy/ ignorant writing, and ignorance is often linked to poor research or limited education. Japanese pop culture, for instance, does not remotely qualify as education in Japanese history or culture.  It’s hard to write a well-developed character if you have difficulty understanding the way their culture and background might (or might not) affect who they are. 
If you are new to this blog, you likely haven’t yet heard that:
We are not a great source of information for people in the early stages of research (These are called Google Scholar and Wikipedia)
You will often only be able to ask good questions after you have done considerable research
Are you planning on distributing or sharing this comic to others at this stage? My advice is that if you have all these doubts about what is or isn’t fetishization that you keep this character to yourself and play around with his development on your own while you do more research:
Read notable literature by Japanese writers in Japan
Read literature by members of the Japanese diaspora (ex. Kazuo Ishiguro, Shusaku Endo, Ruth Ozeki)
Consume nonfiction content on or by mixed Japanese people (Eg. Hafu: film, 2013, Naomi Osaka: 2021, docuseries, When Half is Whole: book, Stephen Murphy-Shigemitsu) 
Becoming familiar with a wide range of Japanese experiences is the easiest remedy for fetishization. I’m also going to make the unusual suggestion that you read up on Japanese food culture (Knowing the number of Italians I do, food is something that weirdly helps us understand each other very quickly). 
A common in-joke between me and the other moderators is my suggestion that if an asker is unsure whether or not they should write something that they should: 
Create a secret room with a door only they can open
Wear a disguise that hides their identity (I often suggest a plague doctor’s mask)
Write their story in invisible ink from the comfort of this environment. 
This is obviously an absurd idea, but who will judge you for something they don’t know about? Similarly, who is harmed if no one knows what you are doing and it doesn’t affect anyone else? The purpose of this blog is not to tell you what is right or wrong, but rather to help you create content that a wide variety of individuals can appreciate, regardless of their background. Whether you think that is important is purely your choice. 
In summary: If you worry about whether or not you are fetishizing your character, do more research. This applies to all of your non-Italian characters, including the Asian ones. Learn as much as you can about their backgrounds as you develop them, and then consult us again when you better understand what else you want to ask us. 
- Marika. 
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