#Famine In Africa
karemandohan1999 · 2 months
🙏😔Stop, please 😔🙏
Don't ignore me, listen to our sad story💔🥹🍉
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My name is Kariman Dohan, I am 25 years old. I was a committed and diligent teacher, and my husband, Ayman Olwan, 30 years old, is a business administration graduate, but due to unemployment and difficult conditions in Gaza, he was forced to work as a fisherman. We have a wonderful son named Hamoud, who is one and a half years old. We live in Gaza, specifically Khan Yunis, where the fishing boat, fishing equipment and the school where I worked were damaged🥹🫂💔😭😭😭😭
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We have been displaced several times, and our tragedy has reached the point that we now live in a tent that is unfit for living. We desperately need your help, I have launched a donation campaign but I cannot get the funds so I can get $50000 to get through this current crisis.
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Before the war and after the war, this is what happened to us😔💔
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I know that the world is full of people who want to help others, and you are one of them. Please be with us in this ordeal and share your donation to help us get out of these difficult situations🫂🥹🥹🙏🙏🍉
Donate, share and be the reason for our happiness 🙏❤️🫂🥹🍉😭🇵🇸💔😣
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sayruq · 6 months
In a unanimous decision, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) said Israel had to act "without delay" to allow the "provision... of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance".
The latest ruling by the court in The Hague comes after South Africa asked it to bolster an order issued to Israel in January to take all measures to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza. South Africa said it had an obligation to act to prevent genocide as a signatory of the UN's 1948 Genocide Convention. The country has been highly critical of Israel's military operation in Gaza and its governing African National Congress (ANC) has a long history of solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
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vyorei · 7 months
Live coverage of the 6th of March 2024 is now closed.
Here is a recap of today's major events.
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It is 12am in Ireland now so I have to go to bed.
I'll be back to resume live updates on Friday, as I've started back at work again after last month's injury.
For continuous updates while I'm gone, click the link below:
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Please help this family get to safety. The situation in Sudan worsens every day. Please give what you can & reblog this post!
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nuroful · 7 months
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”In the more optimistic scenario, 200,000 people will die”
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zatdummesmadchen · 3 months
Dear friends and supporters,
My name is Nada, and I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a sense of urgency. 
Here in Gaza, there is a small tent standing alone in the corner of a refugee camp. Inside it, I sit with my young children, trying to protect them in every way possible and provide them with comfort and safety despite the hardships.
My children and I are now in great danger and need your help to evacuate from Gaza to safety. The situation worsens every day with limited access to drinking water, food, and medicine, along with facing the horrors of war. 
The war has swept away our homes and dreams, and now we live in a tent, surrounded by hunger, fear, and diseases. My youngest son suffers from hepatitis due to pollution and lack of healthcare.
The days pass very slowly, and the situation deteriorates further each day. The need for food, medicine, water, shelter, and safety has become nearly impossible.
I have launched a fundraising campaign to facilitate our evacuation to Egypt and to start our lives anew. The ticket price to enter Egypt is $5,000 for each adult and $2,500 for children.
Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a significant difference in our lives and give us a chance for a brighter future. With your donation, you can be the light that illuminates our lives.
Please save my children; I do not want them to die in Gaza. If I cannot survive, please do not forget them. Protect them after I am gone.🙏🏼❤️
Please consider reblogging and donate what you can to help someone in need !!!
Tag chain ⛓️ [please keep it going guys] : @battlebabebeulah @nomoresympathy-eh @lemedstudent2021 @abla-soso @timetravellingkitty @importals99 @redpinejo @kuch-toh-garbad-hai-daya @curtwilde @germany-is-straight @attractivesteaminghunkofflesh69
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mileenaxyz · 7 months
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sbrown82 · 8 months
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The Global Crisis Ignored By The World | What's Happening In Sudan
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holy-shit-comics · 2 years
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immaculatasknight · 6 months
Palestine solidarity in Ireland
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
Turkiye to join South Africa's ICJ genocide case against Israel 👏🏼👏🏼
The mass murder must stop.
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gryphona · 3 months
To my home country of the United Kingdom,
Do you deny that you enslaved Africans and placed them in concentration camps when they revolted?
Do you deny that your exportation of food from India caused several famines that killed millions?
Do you deny that you imprisoned and tortured Malayans suspected of working against you, even going so far as to keep the heads and scalps of the executed as trophies?
Do you deny that your exportation of food from Ireland and refusal to stop it worsened the Great Famine?
Do you deny that you continued to torment the Irish all the way up until the late 1990s?
Do you deny that you massacred both Native Americans and Aboriginal people, both of whom continue to be oppressed today?
Do you deny that you are the main inspiration behind the politics that make the USA so fucking corrupt!?
Do you deny that you only fought against the Nazis because they were hoping to take power from you and NOT because they were committing fucking GENOCIDE!?
Do you deny that you are the reason for which India and Pakistan are always at each other's throats!?
Do you deny that you are the reason for which mainland China won't leave Hong Kong and Taiwan alone!?
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eaglesnick · 4 months
“While communism is the control of business by government, fascism is the control of government by business." Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
During the BBC Election Debate, hosted by Mishal Hussain, the candidates were asked how our country would be kept “safe from another major conflict?” We had the expected answers regarding increased spending on the armed forces, a commitment to maintaining our nuclear deterrent and increasing the number of military personnel. Carla Denya, the co-leader of the Green Party, however, took a different tack, pointing out a less obvious, but perhaps the most dangerous threat of all.
“The biggest threat facing the UK and the world is climate change"
Ok, this is exactly the answer the leader of the Greens would give. No points for working that out. But the fears she voiced were not that we would all die of heat stroke, or burn to death in forest fires, nor was she unduly concerned about increased rainfall or flooding per se. She didn’t even mention rising sea levels due to melting icecaps.
Having put forward climate change as the biggest existential threat Britain is facing she went on to tell us:
” And militaries, interestingly, are taking this threat extremely seriously.”
The reasons hardheaded military authorities all over the world are taking climate change so seriously is because it will create food and water shortages leading to famine. This in turn will cause conflict as millions of people literally fight to the death trying to access these diminishing resources, which in turn will lead to massive migration and refugee problems.
Africa will be one of the worse affected continents.
“17 out of the 20 countries most threatened by climate change are in Africa." (uneca.org: 02/11/23)
Africa has a population of nearly 1.5billion souls, 60% being younger than 25 years of age. According to Statistica, 45% of Africans are Muslim while Christians make up the majority of the population.  In sub-Saharan Africa 36 of the 42 countries were at war with each other between 2018-2022.
These wars involve Muslim and Christians alike, and according to the German Institute for Global and Area Studies, “religious violence in Africa has become frequent and is increasing”. Most of the theological conflicts involve Sunni Islamists, but Christian fundamentalists are also responsible for a number of deadly conflicts.
 As climate change impacts more and more on the environment, expect further conflicts as all sides battle for control and access to the vital resources of food and water.
The developed western democracies are historically blamed for global warming due to industrialisation. More recently, China and India must share some of the responsibility for rising CO2 levels. However, when millions of Africans are on the move trying to escape the inevitable increase in conflict in their geographical region, it is not America, China or India they will be heading toward – it will be Europe. This will cause massive social tensions. Even if these refugees were of the same ethnic and religious persuasion as we native white Europeans this would still cause resentment and resistance. Indeed, this is already happening.
The far-right in this weeks European elections, have played the “immigration card” to great effect, stoking peoples fears to their own political advantage.  The sad fact is, there is some truth in what they say. Mass migration has led to lower wages – it was meant to!  That is simply the law of supply and demand. An influx of tens of thousands of migrants in a short period of time, does lead to housing shortages and strains on health and education services. Only a fool would deny these potential problems.
How much migration contributes to these problems - rather than under-investment and budget cuts -   doesn’t really matter if people THINK migrants are the sole problem. Across Europe the far-right are successfully laying ALL of the blame for failing public services on excessive migrant numbers. At the moment numbers are relatively low compared to what is to come.  Imagine how much more traction they will gain when the existing conflicts in Africa worsen due to climate change and millions more young Africans head for Europe’s shores.
ALL of the far-right political parties in Europe are hostile towards migrants but they also are highly critical of the green agenda and policies aimed at mitigating climate change. Nigel Farage stated a few days ago that decarbonising the grid by 2035 is “unaffordable”. What's more, he claims green policies are "sacrificing economic growth". According to Farage, "net zero is a bad policy and is bad for people.” 
If the Greens are right, then continued global warming will result in a massive increase in African migration as their continent is hit by chronic food and water shortages, and resulting regional conflict.  For Forage and the rest of the far-right in Europe, growing the economy (and making the already wealthy even richer) by the same old polluting industrial practices is far more important than mitigating the inevitable increase in African refugees seeking safety in Europe.
If they were genuinely concerned about migration numbers they would be supporting the green agenda, not opposing it.
The really cynical might be forgiven for believing that without the emotive issue of migration then the political parties on the far-right might have nothing with which to appeal to their electorates. After all, none of them offer alternative economic policies to the ones we already have, and for the vast majority of Europeans, and certainly here in Britain, these policies have been failing ordinary working people for years.
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head-post · 10 months
UN warns 50 million across West and Central Africa facing hunger
The UN on Tuesday suggested a record 49.5 million people will go hungry in West and Central Africa next year due to conflict, climate change and high food prices, Reuters reports.
This figure is 4 per cent higher than in 2023. In coastal countries, the number of people suffering from acute hunger will reach 6.2 million in 2024, up 16% from this year, according to a new regional food security analysis published by the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and other humanitarian organisations. Margot Vandervelden, WFP’s acting regional director for Western Africa, noted:
Acute hunger remains at record levels in the region, yet funding needed to respond is not keeping pace. Insufficient funding means the moderately hungry will be forced to skip meals and consume less nutritious food, putting them at risk of falling back into crisis or emergency phases, perpetuating the cycle of hunger and malnutrition.
Read more HERE
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Climate change and conflict have led Africa to face the biggest food crisis ever seen — here’s what we know
#Earth #Environment #ClimateCrisis #NowThis
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