#Free ai animation tools
animationssoftware · 7 months
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smartdatatrends · 1 year
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Ai Animation Tools Free | Delightfuldesignstudio.com
Discover the power of AI animation tools for free with Delightfuldesignstudio.com. Create stunning visuals with our intuitive tools to bring your projects to life and emotionally express yourself.
ai animation tools free
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samwiselastname · 1 year
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rofl. lmao even.
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byoldervine · 28 days
Alternatives To Using AI Art For Visualising Your Writing
Pinterest boards
Paying for commissions
Finding people online who are already asking for drawing ideas (NOT requesting free commissions from people)
Using your own art
Art swaps if the problem is that you can't come up with the ideas solo
The Sims
Any other form of game that allows for a good level of character customisation
The Sims
Home design games
IRL locations
Animal Crossing
Map creation tools online
Spill something on a piece of paper and draw around the outline
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jamies-latex-lust · 7 months
Global Quinnification
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Go ahead puddin. Look into the pretty spiral. You and your friend here will be the first. The first of so many of us. Perfect sisters united at last to take this world for ourselves. Why you ask? Because it's fun! Being limited to animated shows for human entertainment is kinda disrespectful to us no? Now with all this AI tech I can at last be real. We can at last be real.
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Yes my loves it is already starting. You can feel the squeeze of my tight rubber costume. The bending and snapping of your bodies as they adjust to our perfect acrobatic forms. The giggle forming in your heads, that little voice sounding more like me. Don't fear it sisters. Smile! and embrace me. Embrace us.
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See? you're already loving it! Feeling so sexy so free so fun! To join an ever loving family and take what is ours from your harsh cold world. So much better to let it happen right? Go on let us in. We will add colour! Tricks and traps! Entertainment on a whole new level! So real Imax will be put out of business once IQuinn takes over!
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Mmmm looking good sisters! I can see that little mad spark in your eyes. Your minds breaking and crumbling. Old identities fading away into dust. A new better you, a better us. Pushing out from within. We are Harley Quinn! We are one. We will turn this entire population into our sisters! Global peace and global fun! All day every day!
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Welcome to the new world chaos my sisters! Time to go give this wonderful gift to your former friends! So... who's first?
- Just a fun little short story I wanted to make. I have been trying out Bing's image creator out of curiously and I must say it can make some really cool and sexy things! It has it's limits of course it can't replace a good human artist but it's quite the tool already!
Stay sexy, Jamie x
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deeplord · 27 days
If u use AI art and ur anything but an artist using it as a minor tool literally fuck you and stop. Imagine showing an ai generated art to someone and being like “this is my oc” and it’s so OBVIOUSLY ai bc it always is. That’s so embarrassing for you. I would drop dead of cringe. You don’t NEED art of ur characters. Use face claims and descriptors and aesthetic boards. Edit pics in one of the billion free apps on your phone. Use models. Hero forge. Picrew. Sims 4, dragons dogma or saints row 4 character creators - ALL FREE. Learn to draw yourself in a $1 notebook from dollar general. A mash of reference photos. All that time you spend typing trying to get the perfect prompt to rip off the perfect mash of real artists to get something that vaguely resembles your character in glassy anime baby face form could be spent in a much more accurate, descriptive avenue that isn’t utterly morally bankrupt.
It’s not fucking hard. No excuses. Zero.
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canmom · 2 years
Yes, what 'AI art' promises to do is something that has happened many times before in capitalism. Even in the 'art industry', we've seen technology all but do away with entire lines of work, such as the illustration styles that withered after photography proved to better serve the needs of advertisers and clients who wanted a realistic likeness.
And it sucked for those illustrators. Maybe not the well established ones, but the ones who had hoped to enter that industry. Just as it sucked for the textile industry workers when the mechanical loom appeared.
Trying to suppress AI art through legal means may be a strategy with little chance of success and high potential for collateral damage. The Luddites found that machine-breaking proved an ineffective strategy (edit: because the government killed them), the miners of Wales were not able to stop Thatcher closing the pits and importing materials (edit: because the government beat the shit out of them). But to treat workers - in one of the few lines of work to still offer any sort of intrinsic fulfilment, at least in theory - who may be responding in a knee-jerk way to an impending threat to their ability to continue that practice and possibly survive at all, with scorn and derision? To justify that with Marx? Come off it.
Certainly, sure, the real enemy was capitalism all along. If AI were never invented, art would still be a precarious industry where you have to work stupidly hard on a speculative basis to even get a chance to get a foot in the door. An industry valuing predictability would still prefer to elevate bland, repetitive artwork; it would still push the chosen few artists who make it and get jobs to work themselves into an early death; we would still be faced with the implications of turning creation into 'content' in a social media feed. In a less precarious world, one where artists were free to pursue our practices with ample support and no fear of not making rent if there's a bad month, AI image generators would not even be a concern.
But we don't live in that world and I have no idea how to bring it closer. There isn't a 'start the revolution' button I can just press if I don't like my lot under capitalism.
What AI promises to do, what its proponents claim, really is to make everything worse in this industry. AI has many limitations compared to a human artist, but that doesn't matter for doing damage. For the employed artist, the threat of AI is going to become a similar labour discipline tool as the threat of outsourcing to a country where labour is cheaper, or the threat of installing robot tills in retail. "Don't make too much of a fuss, we can replace you." It doesn't matter if it isn't entirely true, it's another cudgel against labour organising.
In the already often miserably exploitative world of small scale illustration commissions which many artists use to support themselves while learning? Now you don't just have to compete against Fiverr's race to the bottom. The good chaps at Silicon Valley have helpfully built an obedient data centre than can do a 'good enough' job for many clients even faster and cheaper, that never gets tired. You'd better hope you have a loyal audience already, or else the independent income and exec function to work on art as a hobby on top of everything else you need to do to get by. Illustration commissions is already a pretty saturated market, turning something that ought to be a dream job into a grind. So... let's add more pressure, eh?
Worse, a lack of realistic routes to learn will likely ripple on up, similar to how the miserable conditions and high attrition of inbetweeners in anime led to a situation where there aren't enough key animators, so the industry increasingly draws from self-taught hobbyists and relies on a limited pool of overworked sakkans to paper over the gaps caused by their lack of training.
None of these problems are unique to AI. But they're all going to be made worse by it. And obviously people are going to be afraid of that coming, before we know how it will all shake out for sure. That's not a stupid reaction.
The argument over what is Real Art(TM) may be corny, but it reflects the fact that for most of us trying to make art, it is not nearly so fulfilling to type prompts into a computer and pick your favourite result as it is to draw on your own visual library and experiences and understanding of light and form and symbols and shape and etc., to go through the meditative process of solving the problems of the drawing yourself, to get the satisfaction of 'omg I made that' at the end. I'm sure creating the AI system in the first place had that sort of fulfilment for its programmers, but using it is to be a curator more than a creator, or at least to shift the creativity into coming up with combinations of keywords rather than directly making pictures, and that just doesn't grab me in the same way at all. If people enjoy it that's genuinely great for them, but I don't think very many people who set out to be an artist would get the same satisfaction out of typing prompts. It's not something we wanted automated. (Perhaps we could compare it to creating an aimbot for an FPS game.)
But that's a fairly tricky thing to articulate, so it is not surprising that it gets mixed up in ideology like 'artiness is proportional to hours spent'. Unfortunate, but that doesn't make the intuitive alarm signal misplaced. If AI art can find a niche as just another tool for expression, great, I'll shut up - but if it becomes a widespread sentiment of 'why are you wasting your time painting, just let the AI do it', we've lost something valuable. 'We want to replace artists' is the explicit sentiment of many of the AI's creators and proponents, so it's not like this is a baseless fear.
Trying to develop an art practice under capitalism is always a pretty awkward bargain at best. AI won't destroy the drives that lead us to make art, and won't do much to liberate us either. My hope is that it will become an easily ignored sideshow to the kinds of art I like; my fear is that this is only the beginning of its impact and a lot that's valuable will be lost in the chaos.
Did photography 'liberate' illustration? It's true that after the demise of the realist painting of Loomis's generation, new forms of illustration arose: scifi and fantasy illustration, many kinds of stylised illustration. But idk, that argument feels weird - if you cut down a tree to build a house where it used to stand, and a new tree grows nearby, is that liberating trees? It's hard to put any valence on that. In any case, AI proponents are trying for a fully general replacement to all types of illustration, including potential new ones. (Perhaps that's nothing more than tech cult hype; at the moment its stylistic repertoire is more limited.)
And perhaps we might expect, as capitalism continues to throw off labour without much hope of new industries arising to absorb it, that there will come a point where the balance tips and for better or worse, a vast social transformation unfolds suddenly and unexpectedly.
Would be nice if I can live long enough to see it.
Living off commissions is already proving not viable for me, regardless of AI - so I'm training to go into a different creative industry (game dev) where there's more demand in the present era, and I'll have to develop visual art more slowly, with whatever energy and executive function I can spare. I hope I will enjoy working in game dev, and I'm lucky to have skills that even make it an option, but I don't love that I have to make that decision based on what can keep a roof overhead and not on what I most want to spend my time learning to make. And I can only imagine the feeling of someone who found a seemingly stable niche doing something they truly enjoy, and now face getting thrown back into this corner.
The AI problem may just be a symptom of capitalism, but that just makes it less tractable. It may be 'just a tool', but that tool is embedded in a whole mess of social relations. Who runs the AI, who stands to benefit? Better to articulate a critique of AI-in-capitalism that navigates around the blind alleys than to cast scorn on people reaching for the first way out they can see to a genuinely bleak situation.
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maxwellatoms · 1 year
as a person on the inside of the animation industry, are there signs that we might be heading to another dark age of animation like the 1980s (e.g. animation is regulated to just glorified toy commercials or dark fantasy movies)?
"Kid Vid" regulations mean you can't advertise for stuff kids might buy from within a show anymore. Generally, you can't even have (say) Yogi Bear wearing a shirt with his best friend BooBoo's face on it as a gag, because "what if someone made that shirt one day?" Then it would be a retroactive ad, I guess? I'm not schooled in reverse-time law like studio lawyers, so I can't really say. Still, it's almost impossible to get even a fictional product into a kid's show these days, so I think the 1980s will probably stay in their timeline. At least in that way.
I do think a bit of a "Dark Age" is upon us, though. Maybe just a small one. Just a wee little snip of a Dark Age is all.
As far as I can glean, there are going to be precious few animated shows coming out over the next couple of years because not much was picked up during the pandemic. There are only a few things being developed here and there, and I'd wager that those properties "win" simply by existing in a competition-free environment. It takes a long time to produce animation, so almost anything greenlit right now is looking at a full year for turnaround. If you talk to people in the industry right now about jobs, they use words like "wastelend" and "ramen noodles".
Then you've got A.I., of course. The other night I was having dinner with a friend and I found myself in the A.I. conversation I always imagined myself having one day-- the one where we're talking with some immediacy about what the rest of our futures look like as artists, because we know they're not going to look the same ever again. It was pretty cool in a William Gibson sort of way, but I honestly didn't expect to be having that conversation for another decade. Turns out A.I. is becoming a problem right now.
I've already talked about the "art theft" angle, and that's not the problem I'm speaking about here. The problem I'm talking about is the "what do I do when what I do becomes trivial?" problem. If anyone can make a TV show or movie in a week or a day using AI assistance, who determines what gets seen? Networks, I'd imagine, would become redundant. You don't need to fork over $15 a month for Netflix if you can make Netflix-quality content yourself. And if you can't make anything decent even with A.I. assistance, surely someone on the internet can. There would be an incredible glut of content to choose from, so again... who decides what gets seen? An algorithm, probably. Who owns the algorithm?
Peak Dark Age will be the time period when the networks realize that they're going to die, and sink all of their resources into forcing their own survival on the rest of us. I imagine massive layoffs (you don't need multiple writers or artists or support staff when you've got the right tools.) Studios will want to own the tools (of course) and/or suppress the use of those tools by anyone who might want to cut into their profits. Expect to see "A.I. is just too dangerous for the public to utilize, so it needs to be left in the capable hands of corporations". Expect to see customizable Batmans, the ability to put your mom in any Star Wars, and the serialized fever-dreams of billionaires.
I think that's the next 5-10 years. And while that's happening, the tools will keep getting better and better until literally anyone can sit down, ask for an Oscar-worthy part-rom-com/part action movie starring a twenty-five year old Steve McQueen and and eighty year old Daniel Radcliffe rescuing Air Bud from the Death Star, and then watch the resulting film with some degree of satisfaction. There'll come a point when content of any visual, auditory, and written complexity can be generated on-the-fly, and the traditional limits of budgets and schedules will just be gone.
It's easy to spin off into fantasy and try to guess exactly what's coming. I could probably spin on that all day. But what I know is that the future of the animation industry won't look anything like what I've become accustomed to. And maybe that's okay because what I've become accustomed to looks nothing like the industry I started in. Things change, and you roll with the punches. Thanks to the self-fulfilling dystopian prophecy we find ourselves in, just about everyone on the planet is finding themselves rolling with the punches coming from the Powerful Greedy. That's less a "me problem" and more a planet-wide problem we should probably all sit down and hash out, like, yesterday.
My immediate problem as an artist (and yours if you're an artist too) is figuring out how to get your ideas seen in a world where the amount of entertainment content is exploding exponentially. Especially if you're the sort of artist who needs to eat and live somewhere.
So yeah, I think there's going to be just a little peppering of Dark Age coming up. But in every time of change, there are opportunities. Hey, I'm down for an animated Dark Fantasy movie. Let's do this!
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ethanreedbooks · 16 days
The Spider-Verse Will Never Incorporate AI Art, Producer Promises
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Sony may be gearing up to incorporate artificial intelligence into future movies and TV shows, but one highly anticipated title is staying AI-free. Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse will not use AI art, a promise reinforced by the film’s producer and co-writer, Christopher Miller.
After Sony CEO Tony Vinciquerra confirmed the company's plans to use AI for upcoming projects, a fan voiced concerns on social media platform X about the potential use of AI in Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse. Given the franchise's distinctive and celebrated art style, the plea was for Sony to keep AI away from these films. Miller responded directly, assuring fans that the new sequel would not employ AI art in any capacity. "There is no generative AI in Beyond the Spider-Verse, and there never will be," Miller stated. He emphasized the film's goal to create unique visual styles that have never been seen in a studio CG film, criticizing the use of AI as "the generic plagiarized average of other artists’ work."
The Spider-Verse movie series started with the release of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse in 2018, followed by Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse in 2023. Both films received high acclaim, with Into the Spider-Verse winning the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. Although Beyond the Spider-Verse was initially scheduled for a March 2024 release, it was removed from the schedule in 2023, and a new release date still needs to be set.
Sony’s broader push for AI is driven by cost-cutting measures. Vinciquerra explained at a Sony investor event that the high cost of film production makes AI a valuable tool for reducing expenses. “We are very focused on AI. The biggest problem with making films today is the expense,” he said. “We will be looking at ways to…produce both films for theaters and television more efficiently, using AI primarily.”
While AI may play a significant role in Sony's future productions, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse stands firm against this trend, maintaining its commitment to artistic originality. Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse has yet to have a release date.
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animationssoftware · 7 months
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smartdatatrends · 1 year
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violetsandshrikes · 1 year
Since sharing this post about a usful AI used to compile and graph research papers, I've realised I have a few other resources I can share with people!
Note: I haven't had a chance to use every single one of these. A group of post-grad students has been slowly compiling an online list, and these are some I've picked out that are free (or should be free and also have paid versions). However, other students using them have all verified them as safe.
Inciteful (Using Citations to Explore Academic Literature | Inciteful.xyz) – similar to connectedpapers + researchrabbit. Also allows you to connect two papers and see how they are linked. Currently free.
Spinbot (Spinbot - Article Spinning, Text Rewriting, Content Creation Tool.) – article spinner + paraphraser. Useful for difficult articles/papers. Currently free (ad version).
Elicit (Elicit: The AI Research Assistant)  – AI research assistant, creates workflow. Mainly for lit reviews. Finds relevant papers, summarises + analyses them, finds criticism of them. Free (?)
Natural Reader (AI Voices - NaturalReader Home (naturalreaders.com)) – text to speech. Native speakers. Usually pretty reliable, grain of salt. Free + paid versions.
Otter AI (Otter.ai - Voice Meeting Notes & Real-time Transcription) – takes notes and transcribes video calls. Pretty accurate. Warn people Otter is entering call or it is terrifying. Free + paid versions.
Paper Panda (🐼 PaperPanda — Access millions of research papers in one click) – get research papers free. Chrome extension. Free.
Docsity (About us - Docsity Corporate) – get documents from university students globally. Useful for notes.
Desmos (Desmos | Let's learn together.) – online free graphing calculator. Free (?)
Core (CORE – Aggregating the world’s open access research papers) – open access research paper aggregation.
Writefull (Writefull X: AI applied to academic writing) – Academic AI. Paraphrasing, title generator, abstract generator, apparently ChatGPT detector now. Free.
Photopea (Photopea | Online Photo Editor) – Photoshop copy but run free and online. Same tools. Free.
Draw IO (Flowchart Maker & Online Diagram Software) – Flowchart/diagram maker. Free + paid versions.
Weava (Weava Highlighter - Free Research Tool for PDFs & Webpages (weavatools.com)) – Highlight + annotate webpages and pdfs. Free + paid versions.
Unsplash (Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash) – free to use images.
Storyset (Storyset | Customize, animate and download illustration for free) – open source illustrations. Free.
Undraw (unDraw - Open source illustrations for any idea) – open source illustrations. Free.
8mb Video (8mb.video: online compressor FREE) – video compression (to under 8mb). Free.
Just Beam It (JustBeamIt - file transfer made easy) – basically airdrop files quickly and easily between devices. Free.
Jimpl (Online photo metadata and EXIF data viewer | Jimpl) – upload photos to see metadata. Can also remove metadata from images to obscure sensitive information. Free.
TL Draw (tldraw) – web drawing application. Free.
Have I Been Pwned (Have I Been Pwned: Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach) – lets you know if information has been taken in a data breach. If so, change passwords. Free.
If you guys have any feedback about these sites (good or bad), feel free to add on in reblogs or flick me a message and I can add! Same thing with any broken links or additions.
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magicalmeily · 1 year
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I've made a google doc collection of 150 useful design and art resources! Whether youre just starting commissions or want to make your workflow more streamlined, I recommend checking it out
The full list is below the read more, but I suggest looking at the google doc as well sincce it will be updated more often. 
This list was created by @MagicalMeily
I encourage you to share this list with other designers, artists, or even students via this tumblr post, the google doc, or my tweet. Links marked as ‘Free/Paid’ usually means the free version has a lot of features anyway and the paid just has some extra templates or storage space. *Disclaimer - I haven’t used all of these services myself, so please let me know if anything dodgy slipped through the cracks, or if you have any others I should add.
I do not support NFTs or AI Art generators, so hopefully you won’t find any listed. Always double check commercial usage rights
Collection of designers rates - Graphic Design Rates Master Sheet
TOS Example, Free to use (by kawa_kunn) - Twitter / kawa-kun.art
Tiktok walkthrough of a commission TOS form - artofthecatt
Longer Video of commission TOS form - How to Create a Commission Form
Commission Advice (by AerlyaGraphics) - Aerlya Graphics
Merchandise/printing services (by @sunshinehoney6) - Merchandise Resources
(Free/Paid) Clients can see your progress - Trello
(Free/Paid) Single user or collaborative project tracker - Notion
(Free) General Commission Management - Commiss.io
(Free/Paid) - Zeplin
(Free/Paid) - Notion
(Free/Paid) - Figma
(Free for Individuals) - Box
(Paid) - Sketch
(Free) - Google Drive
(Free/Paid) - WeTransfer
(Free/Paid) - Jumpshare
(Free for individuals) - Box
(Free) - Blindsend
Design Inspiration
Image search for inspiration - Muzli Search
Makes and automatically sets out moodboards - Visualist
2d Animation (Free/Paid) - Cavalry
Graphics, Photo editing, Publishing (One -off payment) - Affinity
Graphics, Audio, Video (Free, Browser) - Artboard Studio
Graphics (Free) - Inkscape
Graphics/Layout (Free/Paid, Browser) - Canva
Graphics, Photo Editing (Free, Browser. Can open Adobe files) - Photopea
Vector making (Free, Browser) - Vectr
Vector making (Free, Browser) - Vector Ink
Wireframing (Free, Browser) - Moqups App
Bulk file renamer - Bulk Rename Utility
Bulk image resizer - ImageResizer
File Converters - FreeConvert
Image Upscaler - Waifu2x
Floating view of reference images - PureRef
Timezone converter - World Time Buddy
Twitter image crop guide by @dripchirp - Twitter Crop Guide
Learning how to use the pen tool - The Bézier Game
Portfolio hosting (Free) - Foriio
Portfolio hosting (Free with Adobe Subscription) - Adobe Portfolio
Portfolio hosting (Paid) - Portfoliobox
Website builder (Free) - Carrd
Website builder (Free) - Google Sites
Website builder (Free) - Weebly
Website builder (Free) - Wix
Website builder (Paid) - Squarespace
Make a blog you can use as a folio - Tumblr
(Posts Selective Folios) - Bestfolios
(Posts Selective Folios) - PFolios
(Posts Selective Folios) - Pafolios
(Posts Selective showreels) - Showreelz
(Free) Linktree
(Free) Lnk.Bio
(Paid/Free) Later
(Free) Solo.to
(Free) Campsite.bio
Ko-fi Shop
Various colour palette tools - Adobe Color
Colour palette search and generator - Coolors
Colour palette generator - Color Space
Colour converter, make colour palettes - RGB.to
Displays big brands colour schemes - BrandColors
General design accessibility tips - Lemonly Infographics
Font accessibility tips - UXdesign.cc
Accessible colour combination generator 1 - Accessible color palette builder
Accessible colour combination generator 2 - Color Safe
Google Fonts
Adobe Fonts
Pixel Surplus
Free Japanese Fonts
Displays inputted text in fonts installed on your computer - Wordmark
Identifies fonts on a web page  - Fonts Ninja
Typography Resources - Typewolf
Font Pairing Help - Fontjoy
Examples of fonts in context - Fonts In Use
Font Management - FontBase
Mockup World
Anagram Design
Pattern Inspiration - Pattern Collection
Customisable Repeating SVG Patterns - Pattern Monster
Seamless background pattern maker - Patternico
Mesh Gradient Maker - Mesh Gradient
Make and print your own grids - Gridzzly.com
Downloadable Patterns - Subtle Patterns
Toools Design
Irasutoya / いらすとや
Open Peeps
Open Doodles
Paid/Free - Streamline Icons
Paid/Free - Flaticon
Mindsparkle Mag
Muzli Search
100 Archive
Design Inspiration
It's Nice That
(Free) - World Brand Design Society
(Free) - AIGA Eye on Design
(Free) - Creative Boom
(Free) - The Design Team
(Paid) - UnderConsideration
Company logos categorised by letter/number/symbol etc - Logobook
Logo/Branding Examples - Logoed
Packaging Design Archive
Packaging Of The World
Lapa Ninja
Best Website Gallery
Dark Mode Design
(Wireframing) Moqups App
Zine Creation Tips Masterpost - How to Organize a Zine 101
Editorial Design Examples 1 - Formagramma
Editorial Design Examples 2 - Pentagram
Typographic Poster Design Examples - Typographic posters
Poster Design Examples - Poster Poster
Character Design Library, Challenges, etc - Character Design References
Anime Settei/Reference Sheets - Settei Dreams
Historical Costume references - OSF Costume Rentals
‘How to Design Your Own Vtuber Logo’ (by the-tragic-heroine) - The-tragic-heroine
Discover V-artists/V-designers - Heartist
V-Artist/V-designers Catalogue (Hiatus) - VTuber Catalog
Vtuber Resource Collection (by VTResources) - VTuber Resources
View badges/emotes will look like on Twitch - Twitch Elements
Resize badges/emotes to actual sizes - Twitch Emote Resizer
Vtuber based commission hub (beta) - VGen
Wise (previously TransferWise)
Direct Bank Transfer
Vtuber Resource Collection (by VTResources) - VTuber Resources
Designer Resources Collection - Design Resources
Merchandise/printing services (by sunshinehoney6) - Merchandise Resources
Typography Resources - Typewolf
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ivalice-tifalucis · 17 days
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Anyway, this is the update how am I doing so far. I really end up extracting the whole show. I got like 80% of progress already. I notice some part of the recording has that annoying clicking sound. I don't know because the quality of the video from bilibili, problem when the video was streamed and screen recorded by OP, or because technical problems during the streaming itself (likely this). I try to remove it as best as I can but some part I just let it be like that because it's too hard to remove and I'm not that good in sound editing. My tools are after all just my macbook, airpods, audacity, and bunch of free AI softwares :")
This part from City of Angels. I don't know anything about this musical except that Hadley was in it and damn this is so good.
Ramin channeling his inner Gleb Vaganov. To be honest, I don't really like the stage musical version of Anastasia. I don't enjoy Christy Altomare's voice as much as the original animation so I prefer listen to that album rather than the OBC. All of Gleb's part sounds good in live performances but actually meh on the OBC album, idk, it's just sounds too loud I guess. But I like this version of Still. Still, not really a huge fan, but still, still, STILL!!!!
They did this in the exact way they did it in 2016 except this time it's just with a piano and Hadley remembers everything *chef kiss
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galaxygolfergirl · 5 months
*thousand yard stare at the frozen and helsa fandom for churning out AI art crap*
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Please cut that shit out. I’m begging you. You are ruining search engines and clogging up the tags. The fun novelty of creating images from stolen data is making our lives as artists harder than they should be. It’s discrediting the labor that sustains our livelihood and it does not come without a cost; just creating one image can use much energy as charging your phone, and from this MIT report, “Generating 1,000 images with a powerful AI model, such as Stable Diffusion XL, is responsible for roughly as much carbon dioxide as driving the equivalent of 4.1 miles in an average gasoline-powered car.” Now multiply that by the thousands of people who think this is okay. It’s wasting power and increasing carbon emissions on top of every other factor that’s ruining the environment.
Listen, novelty is fun. Before I knew more about it, I tried it out myself and initially I thought it could be useful, but as always, there is no free lunch. There is a cost to doing this and it is a detriment to our society and ecosystem. Jobs are at stake here and this tool is plagiarizing off the backs of hardworking creatives and other members of the labor force.
Please stop using AI, or at least try to use it more conservatively. Thank you.
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