#He’s adopted so he probably has siblings he doesn’t know
makedonsgriva · 2 days
SQQ muttering and writing notes about safe sleep curse configurations, while doing a terrible job of hiding her plans from LBH, and LBH is just “Oh! She’s trying to adapt her black magic/curses to act as a sleep aid! How clever. 🥰”
The more I think about it, the more hilarious SY both ‘accidentally’ and on-purpose making actually super helpful curses is.
Finds out a servant woman’s husband is a drunkard, makes a handy curse that makes him vomit up any alcohol he drinks.
LMY sighing over people only caring about her looks? SY curses her face to be veiled/obscured to anyone who doesn’t love her as herself.
SY’s step-nephew, ZZL, hates conversing with flirtatious girls and wishes he could hide from them? SY curses him to turn into a little snake (with very tough scales) when flustered. (Scares off most girls, and makes him damage resistant enough they don’t hurt him with their flailing).
SHL annoyed by the frippery and expectations of noble women, and rarely being invited to actual fun things like hunts? SY curses her to be a were-creature of some sort, so she can freely run around at night and viciously murder prey animals to her heart’s content.
Some optional ‘evil’ step-siblings possibilities/thoughts:
Ning Yingying probably follows the common Cinderella adaptation trend where the younger step-sibling isn’t so much a bully as troublesome in other ways. In her case, she would be the type who constantly pesters her new sister when LBH is trying to do chores, accidentally breaks things LBH worked hard on, unknowingly tattles on LBH whenever she does something OG!SJ forbade, somehow gets hurt on LBH’s watch, etc. You know, pre-SY NYY things. :P
For Ming Fan, I’m thinking she may have been another step-daughter (unlike NYY, SJ’s one bio daughter), but her somewhat sickly father had SJ formally adopt her after marrying him. MF really looks up to SJ and dotes on NYY, so she has major insecurities about LBH possibly replacing her as the family’s responsible older sister. (That and she’s plain faced compared to LBH). Why she got so into the bullying and mistreatment.
These ideas are all so delicious and I don’t know if they are coming from the same anon or not but whoever is the mystery Cinderella lesbingqiu anon pls pls dm me!!! Let’s work on this fic together please <3333
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pistachi0art · 2 years
Making Tommy some siblings based on CMY color model. :)) (2 specifically, based around magenta and cyan)
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riverside-lavender · 2 years
it’s so funny when people are like “omg do you remember when your sister was adopted”
considering i wasn’t alive yet… no. i do not.
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lovelyney · 9 months
CHARACTERS: freminet, lyney, neuvillette, wriothesley.
SCENT: headcanons
WARNINGS: mentions of nsfw on everyone’s but freminet’s.
FLORIST’S NOTE: wow !! took me long enough ☹️ im so sorry for the wait pookies. also how are we liking this new layout for these ?? ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2023 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: As we know, Freminet's quite shy; he doesn't have much experience with romance, but he tries his best !!
𖠵𝟎𝟐: He wouldn’t hear the end of it from Lyney when he first started crushing on you. . . He kept on asking and asking when he was going to confess.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Doesn’t like going out very much, but if it’s at the expense of your happiness and being with you, he’ll try and push through.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Bought you a handmade plush of Pers since you always like to cuddle the robotic one while he’s away.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Loves whenever he sees you wearing his clothes. he’d probably give you his entire closet if he could.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Has a bunch of pictures of you and him that he keeps hidden in his dressers.
keeps one on him for good luck !!
𖠵𝟎𝟕: I honestly can’t tell if he’d give you a pet name ?? It’d probably be something like “nestling,” “my love,” and “baby/bébé.” (/ Meaning he uses both the English and French ver.)
❝H—Hey bébé. . . If you aren't too busy, would-would you maybe want to accompany me to brother’s magic show tonight ?? I-I could really use your company and I know we haven't been a date in a while. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Crafts you all kinds of trickets🫶🫶
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Brings you the prettiest stones and little things that he finds when he goes deep-diving.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Lyney “adopted” you into the family the moment you and Fremi started dating.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: He cringes whenever Lyney calls him a nickname, but he melts when you do it.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Isn’t a big fan of PDA (he’ll obvi hold your hand) but in the confines of his room, he’ll cling to you.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Will sometimes get pouty when you’re cuddled up to Pers and not him.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Doesn’t get jealous like at all, he’ll just get annoyed and nervous at most.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Didn’t pay much attention to his appearance initially, but ever since you started lovingly thumbing, kissing, and counting his freckles, it’s become his favorite thing about himself.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: I can imagine him liking his hair played with.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Silently protective over you, you know ?? Like he’ll squeeze your hand if he senses someone you’re around is dangerous or unnerving. Or if he wants to leave and doesn’t want interrupt your conversation.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Strangely warm !! He isn’t sure why you enjoy hugging him so much, but never complains, hehe.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Likes to be both the big and little spoon !! If a day comes where he’s just exceptionally tired, he’ll want to be the little spoon. But if he wants to feel like the bigger person or you need comforting, he’ll be the big spoon.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Lyney, as we know him, is very incredibly playful and can be very charming !! He uses this to his advantage.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Was obsessed with you before you started dating and is still obsessed with you now 😭
𖠵𝟎𝟑: The complete opposite of Freminet. He will not shut up about you to his siblings. . . (Sometimes he might mention you to “father.”)
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Wants nothing but for you to be safe and protected. (Bonus points if it’s in his arms.)
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Going back to the Knave, Lyney might share the relationship you two have with her but won’t give any explicit details about who you are as a means to protect you.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: “Darling,” “gorgeous,” “lovebug/bug,” “my (love)/mi (amour),” “my sweet,” and “sweetheart/chérie.”
❝Thank you so much for coming to today’s show, my love! It always fills me with so much energy seeing you in the seats, staring up at me. . . I ought to put together a show just for you, hm? How does this Friday sound?❞
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Loves to tease you !!
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Does not like waking up in the mornings, especially when you’re lying in bed with him.
loves to hide his face in your neck whenever he’s lying with you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Loves PDA. He cannot give a single fuck if you guys are in public. If anything, he’s proud to show his love for you to everyone.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Can sometimes be unintentionally flirty with other people without realizing it. Don’t get it twisted, though; he’s incredibly loyal to you.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Many people (of all genders) find him very charming, and as much as that might sting you, Lyney always finds a way to bring you into the conversation to dismiss their advances.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Can be a little feisty sometimes. Examples are: biting your lower lip when he’s kissing you, biting your ear and nibbling on your neck in public, and placing his hand dangerously close to your thigh.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Uses incredibly cheesy pickup lines and one-liners.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: If someone is continuously making advances towards you, then he’ll get jealous.
he’ll walk over to you, put a hand on your waist and act overly affectionate towards you hoping it’ll drive the person away.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Seems innocent (enough), but if he sees you’re upset by someone’s actions, he’ll flip that fatui switch on immediately just to see you smile again.
sometimes asks Lynette and/or Freminet to comfort you while he’s taking care of the person.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Surprises you by showing up in the most unexpected places in your house.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Hates being away from you for long ): That’s the main reason why he hates arguments between you two.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: (↑) Although he lowkey can be petty sometimes. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟗: His hands are really soft !! Sometimes you’ll gently caress them, and he’ll literally melt on the spot.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Also one who loves to see you in his clothes !! 𖠵𝟐𝟏: Really wants to have matching outfits with you. 🫶
𖠵𝟐𝟐: Loves whenever you dress yourself up !! He just adores seeing all sides of you.
𖠵𝟐𝟑: You have a whole bouquet of rainbow roses from the amount of times he’s randomly pulled one out and gave it to you. . .
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: The most gentleman to ever gentleman, I believe ?!?!
idk man, it’s something with the dragon guys in Teyvat. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟐: I’d like to believe that when he started liking you, the Melusines caught on, because he seemed to always be lost in thought. . . 🤭
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Despite him being absolutely stunning and incredibly smart, he somehow felt like he didn’t have a chance with you. . .
the Melusines and Furina were not having any of that !! they devised a plan where she talked to you, and they talked to him. it all worked out in the end.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Being in love with a busy man has its pros and cons, obviously; Neuvillette always tries his best to balance them out. ☹️☹️
𖠵𝟎𝟓: You guys tried to keep your relationship hidden for as long as you could with how Fontaine loves its drama. . .
and when you it got out (guess how), rumors, whispers everything spread like a wildfire. it was incredibly overwhelming for you, and he tried his best to quiet everyone down and comfort you 😞☹️ you can imagine the weather. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟔: (↑) Some people were muttering how you didn’t deserve him or weren’t “pretty enough” for him, which really pissed him off, but he had to remain civil (for the most part, lolz.)
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Your emotions have an incredible impact on him ?!?! If you start crying or if you’re sad, it’ll domino effect onto him. He loves you so much that it physically hurts him to see you distraught.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: All the Melusines adore you !! They absolutely see you as their other parental figure since you guys started dating.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: (↑) MELTS whenever he sees you interacting with kids. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟎: “Cherie/sweetheart,” “honey,” “my (dear/dearest)” and “my (love)/mi amour.”
❝I’m home, mon chéri. . . I must apologize for coming home later than usual—an issue in the case I’m looking into has presented itself and I went to personally deal with it. Hm, what was that, love? Ah, what was the ‘issue?’ Don’t worry about it, my dear. What matters is that it’s been dealt with. Now, have you had dinner yet?❞
𖠵𝟏𝟏: His trust in you runs pretty deep, so he trusts you when others are flirting with you. However, when people aren’t leaving you alone or are masking their interest behind innocent actions, he’ll get pissed.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: God forbid anyone lays their hands on you. . . Neuvillette doesn’t take people hurting you lightly at all.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: (↑) He isn’t a big fan of people touching what’s his in general, but he knows he (unfortunately) can’t have you all to himself. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟒: (↑) Safe to say, he’s quite territorial. . . He is a dragon, after all. They are quite protective over their treasure..
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Wrio likes to bring you up in conversations over tea !!
𖠵𝟏𝟔: This man has always been head over heels for you. Whenever you two are shopping together, he’ll follow you around like a puppy—always insisting that he holds your bags and pays.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Pretty gentle with you. . . The farthest thing he wants is to hurt you, but sometimes his primal instincts kick in and he can’t help but want to mark what’s his !!
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Spoils the hell out of you. He literally can’t help it. He’ll see something that he’ll think you’ll like or something that reminds him of you and gets it without another thought.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Really doesn’t like that you can tell his mood based of whether or not it’s raining. . . He hates worrying you.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Furina loves to ask about you !! She thinks you two are so cute together.
𖠵𝟐𝟏: Loves whenever you visit him in his office while he’s working !! He’ll always try and persuade you to stay with him while he works—coaxing you to sit on his lap and such.
𖠵𝟐𝟐: He’s still relatively new to understanding human emotions, so he really appreciates you being patient and helping him out.
𖠵𝟐𝟑: Whenever you’re mad at him or giving the silent treatment, he’ll just look at you with the most saddest eyes ever. Guarantee heavy downfalls until you two make up 💔
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𖠵𝟎𝟎: Literally the almost perfect definition of my type 😭
𖠵𝟎𝟏: He’s smart, cocky, and hot. You’re in for a wild ride with this one 💔👍
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Secretly a deep-rooted hopeless romantic at heart, he just hasn’t had the time to explore that part of him because of his duties in the fortress.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Like Neuvillette, this man is head over heels for you. It’s just that he’s better at hiding it (most times, anyway.)
𖠵𝟎𝟒: A big teaser !! He loves to get under your skin.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Can and will protect you at any cost. He loves you so much, it’d kill him inside if something were to happen to you.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: A bit of a sadist, I think. . . He’ll watch you struggle for a bit before actually helping you with something.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Before you two started dating, Sigewinne kept on insisting he confess to you because of how obvious it was.
Clorinde also gave him shit for it.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: “Baby/babe,” “doll,” “my (darling),” “my (dear),” “my (love/lovely),” “pretty/my boy/girl,” and “sweetheart.”
❝Oh? I wasn’t expecting you to stop by for a visit today, doll—not that I’m complaining, of course. . . Lucky for you, I just finished up all my paperwork for the day, so I’m all yours ~ Wait, what? What do you mean you’re only here to deliver more papers? Please tell me you’re joking, babe. . . Archons sake, please at least stay for tea. I haven’t seen you since this morning.❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Roughly smells like freshly brewed tea with a mix of his cologne—it’s a rather comforting smell, actually.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Hates whenever you’re gone too long above ground. He gets grouchy (more so than usual) whenever he hasn’t seen you for a certain amount of time.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Surprisingly like a sloth when you two aren’t at work. . . He loves clings to you, doesn’t matter what you’re doing or where you’re at.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: I’d like to think he doesn’t give a shit about what people normally think of him, so he’ll love you on wherever and whenever.
loves to rub his cheeks/stubble against yours despite your whining !! i’m weak
𖠵𝟏𝟑: One of his favorite things about the two of you is your size difference. He finds it adorable his hand can comfortably envelope yours and somehow perfectly fit around your throat. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟒: A waist holder !! He loves to have a hand on your waist one way or another. Whether it be him pressed against you from behind or simply just a hand on your waist while you’re standing next to each other.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Protective and possessive !! Not too much to the point where it’s toxic, I think. He’s just very territorial, and does not like when people get too close to you. He always denies he doesn’t get jealous, but he isn’t fooling anyone.
he doesn’t want your future to repeat his past, so he tries desperately to protect you from those kinds of people.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: (↑) All for marking you in obvious places if he sees this is a frequent thing. . . He’s far from shy with it, as well.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Always prepares an extra cup of tea for you just in case you were to stop by his office.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Nearly suffocates you if you’re in bed facing him—he’ll smoosh your head against his chest so you don’t have a chance to leave.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: People were genuinely shocked when they found he was dating someone !! Some didn’t believe you until Wrio proved them wrong.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Is a mixture between gentle and rough with you. . . He doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you or you know, break you.
𖠵𝟐𝟏: He claims he’d be fine if you two broke up but in reality, he’d be a complete mess. (Sigewinne knows this without a doubt.)
𖠵𝟐𝟐: (↑) Pouts whenever you spend too much time with her and not enough with him </3 He can be a literal manbaby sometimes.
𖠵𝟐𝟑: Literally doesn’t know what to do with himself whenever you ignore him or give him the silent treatment.
goes to Clorinde for help if he’s really stuck. which may or may not be proven helpful depending on her mood. . .
𖠵𝟐𝟒: Adores whenever you’re resting on top his chest !! He always says that’s where you belong, lol.
𖠵𝟐𝟓: (↑) Also likes it when you rest on his lap when he’s sorting out paperwork. He claims you “give him the energy needed to make it through the day.”
𖠵𝟐𝟔: The one for you if you have a praise kink and the one for you if you have a degrading kink !! Two birds with one stone, amirite ?? kill me
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yaksha-lover · 1 year
I've been thinking about the twst guys + mainly wondering who'd be most likely to get baby fever,,,
Malleus is definitely high on the list imo, as is Kalim... I think also Deuce and Rook?
Leona might not. He's already tired of dealing with Che'ka, he's probably not interested in the idea of raising a kid himself lol.
This is aged-up/set in the future where all of them are at least mid to late twenties and thinking about having children!
Most to Least Likely to Get Baby Fever:
Most Likely
Kalim had so many younger siblings growing up that he loved. That, combined with his friendly and social nature, makes me think he would love to have kids and a lot of them too. He’d be so excited to have his own family so he’d definitely get baby fever once he had a partner.
Malleus doesn’t have a lot of experience with children, but I think having a family of his own is something he would like because of his desire for closeness and a sense of domesticity, especially once he has a partner that he loves. You can’t stop this man from sweet talking you into having the next royal heir (and many more, after that).
Rook, despite what his proclivities might suggest, is very loving and dedicated to his family. He’s surprisingly domestic with his ability to cook and clean, and he loves children. He’s the most likely to have baby fever and randomly come home one day with a bunch of orphans for you to adopt.
Lilia already has Silver, of course, and I think he’d be very nostalgic for Silver’s childhood when he was still just a young baby. I imagine he’d love to relive that eventually, especially if he has a partner by his side to help him give Silver some siblings.
Jack’s wolf beastman thing about having only one partner his entire life makes me think that he’s much more domestic than he lets on. He wants the whole mate for life and have a family fantasy, and he’d definitely start to feel the baby fever once he had a partner he’s settled down with.
Deuce also has a domestic fantasy of sorts, I think he’d want to have children, but he’d also be shy about it. When he sees you playing with the neighbourhood kids, he can’t help but think about having kids together. His mom also bugs him about grandkids, so he’s encouraged by that too.
Trey is absolute househusband material, so he definitely gets baby fever once he’s settled down. I think he’d love to have kids and is pretty confident he’d be a great father, so he doesn’t feel the need to repress his desire to have a family once him and his partner have settled into their lives.
Cater wants children, probably gets baby fever from all the family vlog content he sees. You really have to sit him down and ask him if he knows all the responsibility that no one talks about. He’ll need some time to learn, but once he does he’s game on again and wanting to be a dad.
Ruggie is ambivalent because while he’s used to taking care of the kids in his town (and it comes naturally to him), he knows how insanely expensive kids can be. Once he gets a good enough job to only have to work one, I think he wouldn’t want to go back to working multiple all to have a kid. Thus, has baby fever occasionally but the cold hands of capitalism drag him back to reality.
Vil is someone I think would like to have a couple kids someday, but he’s in no rush considering his career. As he gets older and starts to see everyone else his age have a family, he would start to romanticize it more and more in his mind until he’s coming to you and asking to have a baby with his blond hair and your beautiful eyes.
Silver is relatively levelheaded, so he may get mild baby fever once he has a partner that he’s settled down with, but it’s never a huge priority in his mind. May daydream about it occasionally, but it’s a ‘see as we go’ type thing, not a decided plan.
Sebek is pretty traditional because of his upbringing, thus he does want kids with his partner eventually. At the same time, Sebek and kids don’t exactly mesh. He’d be a lot more mature at this point which would help, but his interactions with children do lessen his baby fever occasionally.
Jade is pretty relaxed about it, while he might want to have children, it’s more planned than anything. He’s aware of the responsibilities and fine with them, he just wants to wait for the right time. Also, he doesn’t care too much for other people’s children, so it will be more the situation with his partner that makes him eager to have his own family.
Floyd does get struck with moments of baby fever, but his mood swings mean it’s often just a passing thought that will dispel as soon as he remembers that kids aren’t just fun and rainbows 24/7. He finds kids fun, but can’t handle the responsibility of a lifetime commitment. Every time he starts to hint that he might want kids with you again, you just have to show him a picture of a diaper and he’ll be like ‘oh wait nvm.’
Epel is kind of in between, he doesn’t hate children but he doesn’t particularly love them either. He would want a family eventually, but doesn’t get struck with the urge to have babies particularly often, only when he’s feeling nostalgic for his own family.
Riddle is pretty self-aware about his trauma, and it scares him away from having children. He does want his own child, but he’s too afraid to become his mother. If you reassure him enough, he’ll let the domestic fantasy overtake his fear, and start to get excited about having a child in the future.
Azul is too busy working to really think about having a family. He wouldn’t mind having one or two eventually, but he doesn’t really dream about having kids when you and his work keep him busy enough.
Ace doesn’t have the patience for kids or the desire to have them. He’s happy to be the fun uncle to his brother’s kids and give them back once they need actual parenting. He might want to have one kid eventually, but he’d much rather it just be him and his partner for now.
Idia knows he can barely take care of himself, how can anyone expect him to take care of a kid? He’s happy with his little family of you and Ortho, no baby fever for Idia.
Jamil’s already had a child to take care of his whole life (Kalim) so he’s disillusioned with the fantasy of domestic bliss and having kids since he knows all its pitfalls. He won’t be getting baby fever anytime soon.
Leona explicitly doesn’t like kids, so I think his placement here is pretty self-explanatory. He’s aware just how difficult it is to raise a child and he honestly has no interest in it for now. When he’s feeling a bit sappy, I think he might fantasize about having a family from time to time, but he knows he only would enjoy the ‘good’ parts and not any of the work, so he wouldn’t want to go through with it.
Least Likely
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c0ld0utside · 8 months
Yandere Drider Dad
First fic! 
WARNINGS: Overprotective behavior, kidnapping, child neglect, child abandonment, spiders/spiderlings, possessiveness, reader gets gagged
Yandere Drider Dad who found you, a human, tangled up in his webs and covered by his kids who were crawling all over you. Half of them thought you were food, and half of them insisted on waiting “Until Dad gets home!” 
Yandere Drider Dad who wonders how you even got here and looks up to find a hole in the cave roof. It’s dark outside, tree tops and stars peering back down at him.
Yandere Drider Dad who tells them no, you’re not food, and no, you’re not staying. 
Yandere Drider Dad who despite their protests and whines, pulls his kids off of you (hissing at one of them when they accidentally cut you with their talons from trying to cling on to you) and cradles you in his arms for a moment. 
…You look…terrible. At first, he thinks it’s from the fall, but you look thin and to him, you feel like glass in his hands. Your hair is matted- why is it matted? He has some knowledge of humans, and he knows that they’re not stupid and that they usually take good care of their young. So why wasn’t this the case with you? 
Yandere Drider Dad who jolts when you wake up and start screaming. It startles him and he quickly webs your mouth shut, shushing and chittering at you. He’s not the only Drider on this mountain, and you don’t want to put your younger sib- his kids in danger, do you? 
Yandere Drider Dad who after thinking for a moment, patches your cuts and scrapes up with his webs, wraps you in in a cocoon so you can’t run off- to keep you warm, and places you back onto the webs. He tells his spiderlings to keep away from you so you don’t freak out even more and to stay put before leaving the nest.
Yandere Drider Dad who comes across a cabin as the sun starts to rise. He can’t keep you. He can’t. You’re a young human. You already have parents who are probably freaking out and wondering where you are. 
Yandere Drider Dad who stands there in silence when he finds an empty cabin, tire tracks and the smell of older humans still somewhat fresh. Did they leave you?
They left you.
Yandere Drider Dad who feels both relieved and angry. He takes back what he thought about humans. They’re all stupid. He searches around, looking for tracks or signs that they at least tried to look for you. There’s nothing. No signs at all. They simply packed up and left. He’s angry that humans would just leave their children for no reason at all. 
But also relieved that he can keep you now. 
Yandere Drider Dad who won’t leave you and ignore you like your spawnpoints did. He’ll take better care of you. He’s the only option you have left, and he’s not complaining. 
Yandere Drider Dad who “adopts” you into his family. You have so many younger siblings to play with now! Sure, they don’t really understand personal space just yet, and they may bite you from time to time, but they love you just as much as your Dad does. They got attached to you the moment you landed in their home. 
Yandere Drider Dad who goes out of his way to cook your portion of dinner, even though he and your siblings eat it raw. Don’t eat meat? He’s concerned, but goes out at night to collect some nuts and berries for you. Allergic? Never mind the nuts then. Do expect to be hand-fed if you try to make a fuss. 
Yandere Drider Dad who refuses to let you leave the cave. It’s dangerous out there, after all. Other Driders aren’t as kind as he is, and there’s also wild animals- and what if you got hurt- what if someone tried to take you away- like a harpy- those things will snatch up spiderlings- he's already lost one-
What if you ran away? 
…Yeah, no. You’re staying in the cave with your siblings. 
Why would you run away? Why would you leave them? He cares about you. Your siblings care about you. He doesn’t understand why you keep fussing. Why do you keep screaming and shouting at him and your siblings? He loves you, but please. Stop. It’s hurting your throat and your family’s sensitive ears, and it puts everyone in danger. He keeps your mouth webbed shut unless you’re eating and until you finally stop. 
Yandere Drider Dad who wraps you up tightly in a cocoon to keep you nice, warm, and safe. And to make sure you don’t try to run away again. Why would you want to go back? The other humans obviously didn’t care about you. Who needs them? Especially when you have him and your little siblings, all who cuddle up together on the web when it’s time for bed. 
With you in the middle. 
Right where you belong. 
Surrounded by your real family. 
Do tell me if I missed some warnings + criticism is welcome
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queeniecamps · 3 months
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Camp of 2002!
Since we know nothing about the other campers from when David and Jasper were kids, I took it upon myself to give them some pizazz! (With some additional help from @jinjuomo, @cherryanimates, and @chettyspagetti for helping me develop them further from my initial concepts!)
We don’t have any names settled yet, but personality wise-
Horse rider: The only girl at camp (besides counselor Darla), but she’s super cool! She knows a lot of cool moves and tricks to use on the horses at camp, and probably calls everybody Partner. She speaks specifically in western slang, and she’s quite close to Darla, being the only other girl at camp.
Canoeing/“yacht” kid: spoiled and flamboyant rich kid, he’s the youngest kid of the president of the local yacht club. He got grounded for probably wrecking his very own yacht, so he was dumped at camp for the summer as a punishment. He thinks he’s better than everyone else (he’s not), and is very often being knocked down a peg by everyone else.
First aid kid: a fairly cautious kid, he’s often getting injured in one way or another but, luckily, both of his parents are doctors! Wanting to follow in his parents footsteps, he takes on first aid camp to begin his medical journey. If he’s not worried about his own health, it’s everybody else’s.
Archer: very ambitious and very competitive, this kid has decided everything is a competition and needs to win, no matter what. First to breakfast? He’s gotta win. First to swim all the way across lake lilac? It was never a competition to begin with, but he’s gotta win! If he’s not the best at something, he gives up entirely on it to focus on the next major thing. He personally saw Jasper as his arch nemesis, then he saw David when he became the best camper. (Side note: as an adult, one of his siblings got married and had kids before he could, so he never had kids of his own or got married, but at like the 15th camp Campbell reunion he came to camp, saw space kid as a personal challenge, and wound up lowkey kidding/adopting him?? But he doesn’t see him as his kid, but he sees him as his roommate?? It took 2 weeks for the counselors to realize he was missing LOL)
Bug catcher: sweet lil guy! Autistic, kind of a menace, knows a lot about bugs and Pokémon. He had a crush on Davey before he dropped the bad boy persona, he’s only into bad boys lolll. If you mess with him, he will absolutely flip his demeanor and put a buncha bugs he found in your cot, so don’t make him angry.
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ynscrazylife · 1 month
Hi Jess! I have a request similar to the paternal BAU fics you’ve done about if they were your parents, but can I please request a ‘Spencer as your big brother’ type list - idk what the sitch would be that he would end up being your guardian for but it probably made him extra protective and brotherly and yeah I would love that a lot thanks Jess!!!
spencer being your big brother (spencer reid x little sibling!reader)
i couldn’t really think of how to fit in spencer being your guardian so i’m sorry it’s not in here!
In the BAU’s eyes, Spencer is a total nerd. He’s a kid. The youngest of the group. To you, however, he’s your hero. You adore him and you look up to him for guidance on just about everything. Yes, sometimes his never-ending spewing of facts can be a bit annoying, but mostly you appreciate his wisdom and how much he seems to know about everything. It’s useful whenever you have a problem or some issue and you don’t know what to do.
The team is still shocked when one day, you waltz right into their headquarters and go right up to your big brother. Usually the most attentive one, Spencer drops everything in the moment to make sure you’re alright.
“Who is this kid??” — Derek, probably.
Spencer proudly introduces you as his little sibling, the light of his life, as well as the most important person in his life.
JJ and Garcia absolutely adore you. The rest are soon to follow, with Hotch and Derek in particular also taking a liking to you (especially Derek since Spencer’s already like his younger brother).
Even though he enjoys having you hang out with the team, Spencer otherwise prefers to keep you away from his work. He doesn’t often divulge the details of anything really that he does.
Of course, the BAU gets you to tell them stories about Spencer and show you old photos, which you’re more than happy to do.
Spencer is not happy when he finds out and that’s when the BAU sees his stern side. He very much adopts a stern parent persona, his hands on his hips, a disappointing frown, the whole thing. He has an authoritative voice that the BAU’s never heard before that immediately gets you into line.
“Why have you never talked like that on missions?” — Hotch
Even when he does have to get firm, he never stays angry with you. It’s impossible for him. He never wants to upset you, either.
If you ever have an issue, Spencer’s the one to go to. He’s a great listener and he will ask if you’re looking to rant or if you’re looking for advice/a solution.
He will protect you from anything and everything. When it comes to you, he forgets all about his fears.
Even if he is away for work, he makes sure you know that you can always call him. He will always pick up your phone call, no matter the time or day. He hates when he’s stuck in meetings or is away from his phone, because he always wants to be around in case you need him.
If you ever decide to be in a relationship with someone, Spencer’s your number #1 supporter. He will, however, go to Derek to ask for advice on how to be intimidating. He will scare your partner and make sure that they know you’re not to be messed with or left heartbroken.
And if you end up heartbroken, Spencer’s there with boxes of chocolate and his shoulder to cry on (if you don’t stop crying, he’ll call Garcia or Penelope in a panic).
Spencer’s a great tutor!! If you ever need any help in that area, he is patient and thorough. It’s very important to him that you understand the process and he is very in tune to however you learn best. There are no dumb questions.
You’ll often receive random texts from Spencer if he ever needs to rant about something that he’s interested in.
You are the first person he goes to whenever he wants to announce something! He wants you to hear any good news he has first.
Spencer may be your big brother, but he’s also your best friend. He’ll listen to any gossip you wanna share, he’ll go on Target runs with you, he’s up for pretty much anything.
But that means that you also have to be willing to go to the bookstore with him. That man can spend hours going through the shelves.
He’s a very fun and kind brother. He takes his role very seriously.
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were-wolverine · 5 months
my take on the Reverse Robins au
damian - bruce met talia and trained with the LoA a few years before becoming Batman. a couple years into being Batman, talia leaves a 7-8 year old damian on bruce’s doorstep. he has to help damian unlearn years of violence and lets him become Batman’s sidekick as an outlet. not sure what his hero name would be yet tbh but i’ll probably just go with Batboy. he becomes a vigilante at 9 y/o
duke - he’s 10 when his parents are jokerized, and he runs away from foster care. he uses his powers to try and become a vigilante but he’s still ten and untrained. batman finds him losing control of his powers and helps him calm down (he works with the justice league, he knows how to deal with super-powered beings). bruce takes him in and while at first damian (14) is wary of being replaced, duke grows on him rather quickly. bruce takes him to the JL and barry & clark help him learn to control his powers. eventually, after being trained by bruce and learning to control his meta abilities, he becomes Signal (at around 13 y/o)
tim - once bruce wayne officially has two kids, the drakes ask him if tim can stay at Wayne Manor whenever they’re out of the country. the boys know each other from galas and get along well, so bruce agrees (he can also tell tim doesn’t have very many friends and is quite lonely). so tim ends up spending a lot of time at the Manor and ofc connects the dots of bruce and his kids disappearing whenever Batman and his partners appear. he basically just tells them he knows and asks if he can do anything to help. so they give him access to the Batcomputer and he directs them on missions and helps with cases. he starts staying at Wayne Manor when he’s about 10 (damian is 16 and duke is 12) and figures out their identities a year or so later. over comms he goes by ‘T’ and later ‘Rumor’. eventually his parents die in a plane crash and he (15) is officially adopted by bruce
steph - she starts out as Spoiler at 13 (damian is 19, duke is 15, tim is also 13). damian has become his own hero at this point: Leviathan. steph works with Signal the most but will work with Leviathan on occasion. damian is a reluctant older brother figure to her and pretends to find her annoying but is secretly very protective of her. she tended to avoid Batman until damian pestered bruce into reaching out and offering to train her which she happily accepted. when they reveal their identities to her she finally meets tim (who is usually just on comms with them) and befriends him immediately. they become besties and an unstoppable duo
cass - same origin of being raised a weapon and running away. she shows up in gotham one day and stays in hiding for a while before letting Batman see her and confront her. she ends up going home with him and the others just accept that they have a sister now. her and damian are the closest because they understand each other best, but tim is her favorite sibling. she is a few years younger than tim and steph. she is 14 when she arrives in gotham (tim and steph are 16, duke is 18, damian is 22). she goes by Orphan and later Black Bat
jason - same origin of stealing the batmobile’s tires at 12. he is three years younger than cass (15). damian (23) has been his own vigilante for years now so jason takes up the Batboy mantle (duke is 19, tim & steph are 17). he is killed by the joker at 15, and returns as Red Hood at 17
dick - same origin of parents death and bruce being at the circus. he is 9, jason is 13, cass is 16, tim & steph are 18, duke is 20, damian is 24. jason and cass are dick’s favorite siblings (and the only ones who still live in the manor). jason is Batboy, cass is Black Bat, tim is Rumor, steph is Spoiler, duke is Signal, and Damian is Leviathan. dick becomes Robin at 10
babs - dick’s friend from school, they’re on the mathlete team together. she is a year younger than him, but they are both very smart. has yet to get into the vigilante business but probably will eventually. knows dick is Robin. her and dick once hacked into the pentagon because they were bored. absolutely terrifying duo. they become friends in middle school- dick is 12, babs is 11
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remotepixel · 8 months
headcanons for platonic peter parker who wants to be your brother sooo bad
AAAA ok i want to say thank you so much for requesting !!!!!! i was literally so excited when i saw it lol.
I set this around Homecoming but didn't specify too much.
TW: yandere themes!
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I imagine Peter always wanted a sibling.
-As a bullied, ‘weird’ kid, he grew up wishing he could have someone to hang out with when no one else wanted to.
-Of course, his parents always said no (since it obviously isn’t as simple as young him thought) and he never pestered May and Ben about it, too busy grieving and learning the struggles of money, but the idea lingered well into his teens.
-And, when he met you, he couldn’t help but think maybe God was granting him his wish.
He would be very clingy (to put it simply).
-If you’re in the same school, he’ll make you sit with him and his friends at lunch, walk you to and from lessons, anything to keep himself glued to your side.
-If not, he’ll be constantly checking his phone, texting you 24/7 (or calling you if he can), to the point I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a couple detentions for it.
-He acts like being away from you is the worst thing to ever happen to him.
-Like if doesn’t get a constant reminder that you’re not ignoring him and you’re just busy he’s gonna drop dead.
Outside of school, he would normally invite you around his house to build lego Star Wars or binge old movies no one else your age knows.
-I think he’d really like having things only between you two - like an inside joke or a project you work on together - both because he has an excuse to talk to you, and because it makes it seem like you’ve know each other your whole lives (something he wishes desperately was true).
I imagine Aunt May seeing you two hanging out one day, squabbling about how to properly ensemble the last piece (he’d probably go with your judgement no matter what though), and tells him something along the lines of ‘stop fighting with your sibling’ as a joke.
-The way Peter’s face would just be 😯 before breaking into a massive smile that permanently stays on his face for the next month.
-Like, even Aunt May agrees that he’s your brother, that's basically the same as her adopting you, yeah? no-
Peter is a bit delusional if you couldn't tell.
-Like, the way he constantly called Happy because he convinced himself that it was gonna go through eventually? Yeah, you’re getting the same treatment.
-He assumes you feel the same even if you so much as look at him (I bet he’ll think it’s some ‘sibling secret code’ and look at you in the same way so it looks like he understood).
That isn’t to say he’s ignorant to your emotions though.
-He copies your feelings in a way - like, if you’re sad, he’ll be as well, if you’re angry at something, he’ll be angry, etc.
-He isn’t one for violence but I don’t think he would care if Spiderman webbed/roughed up a few people who were annoying you (I don’t think he’d do much more unless you were in serious danger or he got too caught up into his feelings like in no way home).
I can’t believe I didn’t mention this before but he would be so jealous if you actually had (a) sibling(s).
-Like, he’s supposed to be your brother, but now he has to compete with people who know you so much better than he does? People who get to live with you and say you’re related without getting funny looks?
-(He lied to MJ once and it immediately backfired- he just wanted someone to actually think you and him were siblings, ok? Is that really a crime?)
-I don’t think he would have it in him to be outright mean to them, but he wouldn’t be overly nice either, just neutral enough to hide any jealously and not get banned from seeing you.
He tries not to come across as pathetic (don’t tell him he lowkey is-) but he’s never had much of a family before. Sure, he has Aunt May but everyone else? Dead, just like that.
Siblings is a whole new world for him and he just wants to be there for you, be your role model like Stark is for him, and prove that he can be the best brother ever.
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I have re-read this but my tenses might be messed up </3
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laelelinae · 3 months
I hc Kenma that he's someone who very attentive and would notice the literally the smallest things ever. So Kenma as an attentive and acts of service kinda guy gets me all blushyy. hope you make something out of it.
Attentive!Kenma x reader HC!
Honestly I think he would be attentive too,literally. Nothing the SMALLEST THING EVER!
not really proof read😭
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Let’s start of simple first!
You would use some character you like as your profile and Kenma would somehow get a gift for you likeeed
Can tell what you like and don’t like!
Often online shops things for you
Can tell how you react when he talks about things
Examples like,scrunching your face,eyebrow raise & your mouth moving a bit as a face reaction yk?
Probably has you on his mind 24/7 😭
Always thinks about what you do often
Can tell your mood switches INSTANTLY!
Also remembers where you put your stuff all the time likeee
If you ever lose your phone.. he would just go like “check the kitchen ,and you would find it
Probably can read your mind (literally)
“Ken,can we adopt a-“ before you can finish’s your sentence.. “a cat? Nuh uh,not yet”
Now a bit more of acts of service
Whenever you accidentally hurt yourself, like one time you cut your finger while you were cutting some food. Kenma literally notice how your face a did a little movement and he would ask
“Did you cut yourself?” And he would go grab some bandages and just clean your small wounds
Can tell you don’t like it when he doesn’t pay attention to you while he’s playing games
Sooo whenever you whined about it and before you can even get the chance to, he would be like “no whining,one sec” and just give you an hour of cuddling 😭
One time he peeked over your phone and saw you looking at the IKEA fat teddy bear plush and the next day he went out and brought you your favorite food and the teddy bear from IKEA 😭😭
Probably goes on your phone and checks your online shopping list
Next weeks it arrives and he would surprise you
Even if he brings you out to shopping ,whatever you look at with sparkling eyes and looking at it for a bit ,he would just grab it and buy it😭
Also probably notices your skin changing like from dry to smooth,he would buy you products for your skin
Like whenever before your period starts,he would buy pads and sweets for you😭
If he notices a little pimple on your head and you didn’t yet,probably hands you pimple patches.
Even knows what your hair type is!! He would buy the products for your hair😭
Like example,your mom loves bags and your dad loves watches and he buy them that whenever you two visit your parents.
Same for your siblings if you have!
Can tell if you have good friends or not,if he can notice one of your friends is doing something shitty. he would tell you privately and tell you to dump them
If they are a good friend,he doesn’t say anything about it
Keeps on track when your period starts or when it ends
Knows whenever your products will run out soon and would buy them!
Keeps on track what songs you start liking or dislike (the artist/band)
And he would buy you their each 😭😭
He just loves you and wanna make you happy :)
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I love babies, so i wanna talk about beasty babies!
Riddle is a headgehog creature in my mind, so I’m picturing him helping his baby through the itchies of growing in their quills since they’re not born with them (thank goodness!) taking a bristle brush and helping scratch their little backs so gently, and the lotions do they don’t end up with any irritations! Once the baby has their quills fully grown in he calms down, but until then he’s a nervous wreck!
I can only see Trey as a centaur since a friend said it, so picture a half centaur baby, maybe just the two legs like a faun. Since they’re half human I feel they would take longer to walk and run and stuff, but they would sit up super fast. Trey and his family keep trying to help baby stand when they’re still too little and he’s such a worried papa!
Leona is like « I’m not a kid person, I don’t wanna be a dad » as he’s playing tea party with his cubs. No more than two, honestly wanted only one but somehow ended with twins. Tries to lick them but they always cry cause his tounge hurts! But eventually they try to lick him and his heart melts.
Jack is petrified during every moment of his child’s life, that one who is like « don’t climb that! Be careful! I CANT look ! » wants to bubble wrap all of his pups up so none can get hurt! And don’t get him started on shots! He can’t be in the room with them during, so good luck to you!
Azul probably doesn’t have kids till a bit later than everyone else, so he’s atleast got a lot of second hand knowledge, that all goes out the window when his babe is born. That baby has him wrapped around each tiny tentacle! He’s still a big powerful boss man, but he’s very strict now on coming home on time to be the soft sweet daddy man he is also meant to be.
I feel the twins stay so close their own kids think they’re actually siblings! They call the other dad « uncle daddy » and it’s a tight knit group! Floyd always is there with a game, or roughhousing to get any excessive energy out, while Jade is there to help with mental stimulation with board games, or reading! Family hikes/swims become weekly activities, and the kids all love it. It also gives the other parents a break from the gaggle of children (that includes the Leech twins!)
Kalim is a cockatoo harpy, so happy and excited to be here! His baby and him sing from birth, or…Kalim says they’re singing but really they’re just babbling back to him. I think Kalim ends up only having one or two kids, he remembers not seeing his parents much, and how he never got to know all of his siblings that well and how even though it was a full house, he was lonely. He wants to give his all to a few babies, since he’s grown up quite a bit now.
Jamil doesn’t want kids unless he’s free, so he and Azul both end up having kids a bit later. Only after he’s free, and gone through enough therapy to start speaking with Kalim again will he think of having kids. He and Kalim are on speaking terms, but Jamil is still keeping his distance, until the babies are born, then he’s calling Kalim every two minutes to ask questions, completely forgetting that Kalim is a different species! Naga Jamil for life! Bet his babies all inherited his beautiful hair.
Idia also seems like he has to warm up to kids, but he remembers how much he loved hanging with Ortho and wants to provide that for some kids. He ends up adopting I bet cause he doesn’t want to pass his flame hair down, adopts a pair of siblings, who torment him day in and day out. But he loves them! And besides, he has enough legs to hug you, Ortho and those two with some to spare!
Malleus is ready for babies the second you say hello to him, he’s down bad! Wants atleast two since he was lonely as a kid. Since he’s king now, he does have to keep up airs sometimes, but his kids know when he is King Draconia of Briar Valley vs King Daddy of PillowFort Land! I bet they sneak into cabinet meetings and sometimes you can hear a small giggle, or see the movement of the table cloth, but by the end they’re all asleep, snuggled up on papa Malleus’s tail.
Lilia could take or leave kids, but if he had to choose he would want to adopt again! Ends up basically running an orphanage, full of laughter and smiles. Really it’s more of a foster home since he does try to find better families for them, but while they’re with him they’re all family! How he can handle 50+ kids, be close with them all, have all of their likes, dislikes, hobbies, friends, teachers, enemies and everything else memorized you’ll never know. He loves all the kids, and helps them grow into their best selves! Many still return to hang out and catch up after they’ve left the home and he always gets a bit teary eyed seeing them go, but he’s so proud of them!
Sebek has one child, a spit fire from birth! An angry baby who yells right back at Sebek whenever he tries to scold them. Says yucky to Sebek’s Malleus painting and Sebek cries in the corner. Eventually the kid gets over the terrible toddler years, but still a stubborn kid, who only listens to their other parent! Sebek and his kid are fighting for your affection 24/7 including back stabbing, black mailing, and somehow a glitter bomb.
I like a lot of these, I think with the getting shots thing though Jack has to leave the room cuz he's unintentionally scaring the doctor and growls at doc if the kid makes a sound of pain/cries during.
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hangmanbrainrot · 2 years
more than this
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a/n: HI. Me again! After talking with @rosiahills22, I simply HAD to give this idea a whirl. I hope y’all enjoy! Reader’s callsign is Van Gogh (to be explained) and I don’t use Y/N. :) special thanks to @bradshawsbitch​ for the encouragement. :’)
warnings: so much mutual pining, dash of angst toward the end. Generally, all my posts are 18+ because I don’t want minors interacting with my page! Probably naval inaccuracies.
word count: 3975
summary: You and Jake have been best friends for years now… Why mess with a good thing?
pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader, Jake Seresin x Aviator!Reader — callsign: Van Gogh
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“Vee, you aren’t seriously wearing that to Family Day.”
You glanced down at your striped sleep pants and faded Navy t-shirt, then whirled around to look up at the oh so familiar source of the question. Lieutenant Jake Seresin, in the flesh. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, jeans, and black leather-banded watch on his wrist. His signature toothpick was missing from its usual post between his lips. 
“You clean up nice,” you retorted, ignoring his initial remark. “And I thought we agreed, no call signs today.”
You ‘tsk’ed at him and turned back toward your laundry basket, then bending to pick it up and hold it at your hip. 
“You have one of the coolest callsigns, besides mine, of course. What’s wrong with Van Gogh?”
“I got it because I dropped my books and everyone saw all the doodles in the margins of my notes. And it doesn’t even make sense, because Van Gogh was a painter. At least yours has a cool story, I mean—”
He said your name, low and sweet, to cut you off. The two of you weren’t about to rehash that story again. 
“Better.” This earned you a smile. “I told you, I’m not going this year. I’m just gonna hang out here, take advantage of the empty lounge, and chill.” 
“And I told you, my mother demanded to see you. In fact, I’d dare say she’s more excited to see you than she is to see me.”
“Can you blame Mrs. Seresin for having taste?” you replied easily, the teasing lilt to your voice unmistakable as you flashed Jake a megawatt smile. 
“I’m absolutely telling on you, when I see her. ‘Mrs. Seresin’ instead of Sandy, as requested.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” you shot back, mock horror covering your features.
“Can, could, and would. Get dressed, Vee. Families will be here before you know it!”
The way that Jake departed after speaking let you know it wasn’t up for debate.
You heard Jamie and Courtney before you saw them, their familiar, slightly shrill voices carrying over the crowd of people all waiting for their own aviator to make an appearance. Jake’s older and younger sisters had always treated you like the additional sibling they’d never had, but on a day like today, it made your heart ache. You knew, of course, not everyone was lucky enough to find a kind family to adopt them the way the Seresins had adopted you. Even Robert Seresin himself — gruff as he was, he had a you-sized soft spot, much like his son. Though good luck getting either of the Seresin men to admit it. 
You smiled as you spun on your heel, ready to retreat. Content to revel in the knowledge that you were loved, but too heavy-hearted to witness it today. You’d beat Jake here, somehow, so maybe you could slip out without his notice, either. Come up with some feeble story about suddenly coming down with a migraine, and nurse your ache alone, with your mounds of freshly laundered clothing, once you were sure he and his family had departed for the day.
But instead of proceeding forward, you collided with navy cotton and ginger and leather and… Jake. Had he always smelled this good?
“Hi, I was just,” you pushed out, before being interrupted. Why were you so nervous, all of a sudden? It was just Jake. 
“Trying to ditch me. Darlin’, my feelings are hurt.” The tips of your ears burned red with embarrassment, even as your stomach did backflips over the way his accent thickened on the word ‘darlin’.’ 
“Sorry, Jake.” You didn’t even have the wherewithal to hide the giggle leaking into your words. But you were smart enough to play it off. “I was just going to get a jacket.”
“Vee, it’s July.”
“Yes, I do have a calendar and I can read!” Your eye roll was practically involuntary. “I just get cold sometimes in the AC.”
A lopsided grin slid onto his features while he aimed a pointer finger at himself. “Human furnace. Let’s go!”
Before you could protest, he was slinging an arm around your shoulders and all but crushing you into his side. “I think this outfit is much more appropriate for a trip off base.” It sounded like he was testing the compliment. And, truthfully, you liked this particular combination of white cap-sleeve blouse and jeans quite a bit yourself, too. But it was nice of him to notice. Then again, you couldn’t recall a time when Jake hadn’t noticed you, not since the beginning of your friendship. He was just always so checked in with you. Always so present. If you squinted, you could call it attentiveness. 
“Jacob Michael Seresin, it is rude to keep your mother waiting! And where is — there she is, there’s my girl.” 
Before either of you could inhale, a head of blond hair identical to Jake’s came bounding toward you, Sandra Seresin bundling you up in her arms like she hadn’t seen you in years, rather than the months it had been since the last time she had seen you via FaceTime.
You hugged Sandy a little tighter, as if you were afraid you would disappear if you let go. If it weren't for this woman and her family, holding onto you — in more ways than one — you often feared no one would remember you at all. No one to be on the receiving end of a phone call or a folded flag, if you didn't make it home one day. You would just… cease to exist. Quietly. Perhaps that was fitting, considering that was exactly how you lived your life.
You were your parents' only child, and they were gone. Well, your father was, anyway. Your mother never recovered after his sudden death, and had taken to self-medicating to ease the pain of his loss. Which, sure, you got, once you were old enough, but you were still small and new to the world, when the light that was your father went out. No one is ready to lose a parent they're close to, but certainly not when they're five. And it felt like you'd lost her, too, by the time you were 10. Moved out by the time you were 16. So, she wasn't gone, but there was no relationship to be had. You knew, of course, that if something did happen to you, they'd find her. But who would she be mourning? You had lived a whole life she knew nothing about; you had become an entirely new person. Someone she knew nothing about, but that the Seresins knew like the backs of their hands. Courtney was filling your hands with your favorite candy on the walk to the parking lot, and Jamie's kids were telling you about how they were doing in school. 
Maybe someone, maybe a few someones would remember you. And fondly, you hoped.
At the height of the day, the sun was relentless, but as you walked beside Jake in the parking lot, you couldn't help noticing it made his hair the perfect shade of blond, and rendered his eyes the color of sea-glass.
"You know they just missed you," he chirped, misreading your expression and mistaking your melancholy for annoyance.
"No, no," you said softly. "It's nice to be missed. I just.."
"Today is hard," he finished your sentence matter-of-factly, and without any sort of air of pity. You heard, in its place, respect. He had no idea how you felt, but he'd always left space in your friendship for you to feel it. And, in true Jake fashion, he'd tried to fix it, by introducing you to his family, all those years ago, now. You'd only known each other a few months, then. But he didn't want you to be alone. And, the truth was, you hadn't been. Not since the moment you met him. All you ever felt when you were with Jake was ease. Comfort. 
Your hand found Jake’s without thinking, eyes burning with unshed tears. “You’re my best friend, Jake. And I will not hesitate to kick your ass if you tell anyone how soft I got.”
You glanced over at Jake just in time to watch an unreadable emotion cloud his expression. Before you had time to think it over, he was squeezing your hand. “I’ll always keep all your secrets, Vee. Including that you prefer green Jolly Ranchers, even though blue are clearly superior.” 
The Seresins took you and Jake to a small diner off base, and it was today that you learned it was Jake’s favorite. You all sat in a booth toward the back, bunched up together in the cushioned semi-circle bench. Jake’s warm thigh brushed against yours, and you’d be lying if you didn’t notice the jolt that went through you, every time those thick cords of muscle pressed against you when he laughed, or when he reached forward to grasp one of the menus wedged between the matching salt and pepper shakers on the table. 
With an arm lazily draped on the booth behind you, fingers loosely grazing your shoulder every so soften, Jake opened a menu for you to share. 
“Well, what do you think, darlin’?”
“How did I not know this was your favorite place?” You asked, ignoring the question he was obviously asking you.
But he indulged you. “This was the first year I actually convinced you to come with us.”
“Convinced? I felt slightly bullied, Seresin.” You grinned, in spite of yourself. 
“Forgive me for wanting to spend a little time with you, darlin’.” He sounded almost coy. You glanced up at him, at the same time he looked over at you, and found that ‘butterflies’ were an understatement for what that look was currently doing to your insides. It felt like a cross between adoration and desire, but what was even wilder was that Jake’s expression seemed to mirror your own — which was absurd because it was Jake. Jake, who always made sure you never got left behind; Jake, who sometimes pulled his punches with you when he was ragging on you over the comms. Yeah, that Jake, your Jake was looking at you like… that?
But then you heard Jake’s dad clear his throat from across the table and you and Jake glanced up like you’d been caught doing something far less innocuous. Your mind worked overtime trying to decipher what just happened here but the moment flickered and burnt out before you, and the conversation moved on like a film unpaused.
Despite the fact that his entire family was here, it felt like Jake couldn’t bear to take his eyes off you for a moment, not that you were complaining. And it was something his mother noticed, too.
“So, between the two of you, who do you think is the better pilot?” Courtney teased, a mischievous glint visible in the hazel of her irises. 
But then Jake said your name at the same time you said his, causing you both to turn to each other in surprise, mouths agape. 
“Stop being modest,” he accused, almost immediately. Part of you wanted to make special note of this moment, record it somehow. So that the next time Jake decided to have a pissing contest with some other pilot, you could chime in and remind him it didn’t matter, since he thought you were the best anyway. You went to shove at his chest, but your hand — and your heart — stuttered with you made contact. He was so solid. Just firm muscle and warm skin. When your gaze dared drift upward, he was blushing. Your comment, voicing the observation, would die on your lips, as your server returned to the table with a tray full of milkshakes. Leave it to Jamie to secure dessert when you weren’t looking.
When the meal had run its course and everyone was preparing for the trip back to base, you couldn’t help but hang back a little bit, just to take it all in. Jake was indulging Courtney in one of those rare, long bear hugs, while Jamie and his mother ran off to the bathroom, and his dad made small talk with another patron seated at the diner’s counter. In spite of your resistance, this family had yanked you, kicking and screaming, into their lives. Whether you’d found them or they’d found you didn’t matter, what mattered was the moment unfolding before you. You wished you could wrap it around you and let it warm you from the inside out. 
You weren’t sure when Jake had released Courtney to return to your side, or when the rest of his family had filtered out the diner’s front doors, so you jumped when you heard his voice from beside you. 
“You okay, sugar?” He was close enough that you could smell the tang of his cologne — softer than before, but still present — and feel the body heat rolling off of him in waves. You practically ached with the desire to move, to be touching him in some way, and the ferocious way this feeling roared to life within you startled you. Instead of giving in to that yearning to touch, you spun around and put some distance between you, eyes trained on him. You were desperate to find out what had changed, but when you gazed into Jake’s eyes. You just saw him, you just felt him. Nothing else had changed. But maybe nothing had needed to. High stakes situations meant you were constantly filtering out your emotions: keep, alter, discard; keep, alter, discard. You rifled through feelings often before you took a breath. It felt silly to question whether or not you’d simply overlooked or ignored your feelings for your best friend all along, but what else could be true? It wasn’t the way you felt about him that was new; no, it was the sudden impulse to do something about it that felt like an unscratchable itch.
You took a nearly imperceptible step closer, and Jake mirrored your actions. He said your name softly, cautiously. 
But then, from behind: “Hey, is everybody else outside?” 
Jamie’s voice was like cold water to the face. Still, you nodded, regaining the distance between yourself and Jake. You blinked a few times, as if you were hitting some sort of invisible reset button in your mind.
Keep, alter, discard.
You were silent, the entire ride back to base. You went through the motions of ‘see-you-next-time’’s and ‘take-care’’s, and stood in the parking lot until Robert’s truck was completely out of view.
“Thanks for today,” you mumbled, without looking up at Jake, then spinning on your heels to head back inside.  There was still enough of the day that you could get your laundry done if you headed straight in and got to work, you just had to —
Jake’s hand on your wrist stopped you in your tracks. Your skin was tingling where his fingers were wrapped around you. Jaw set, you clenched, mouth forming a straight line. You were back on base now; you were back to being naval aviators. There wasn’t any room for these silly little schoolgirl feelings Jake inspired in you. You didn’t get to twirl your hair and bat your eyelashes and fall head over heels for your best friend. Instead, you got to linger somewhere painfully between ‘duty bound’ and ‘already in over your head.’
“What is it, Jake?” You hadn’t yet turned to face him, and that was an offense he didn’t take lightly to; though instead of waiting for you to rectify the situation, he does so himself. It was so very like him. 
“Look at me, please.” The raw edge to his voice startled you into compliance. 
You turned and regretted it immediately.
“What did I do?” His eyes were so soft, so entirely unguarded. A fear you didn’t recognize was plain on his face. “How can I fix it?”
“It’s nothing, Jake.”
But he was not convinced by your sighed syllables. “That’s bullshit.” Even the way he spoke was gentle, like he was afraid you’d evaporate from the sheer force of his words if he spoke too loudly.
“Something changed, after lunch, something… Something happened,” he continued. “Did Jamie say something to you? Court?” 
A short burst of laughter punched out of you, but it sounded colder than you imagined, and Jake stepped back like you’d slapped him. Fear was replaced by irritation. You recognized that particular crease in his brow, but you resolved that this was good. Maybe he needed to hate you a little, so you could get over whatever was most definitely not happening here.
“What?” You laughed again, though this time it sounded more forced than before. “Did you expect me to go all weak-kneed because you saved me, Jake? Showed me what a real family was like? Would you like me to grovel with gratitude now, or can I save that for later?”
And you regretted the words the moment you said them, instantly spiraling. It was vicious and careless, but a low enough blow that it would end things — it would fix things, once and for all. But then that feeling from earlier returned, that burning at the back of your throat and the sting in your eyes. You understood now that what you were feeling was loss; you were preparing for the loss of your best friend. Prematurely, perhaps, but if you knew Jake at all, you knew it wasn’t that premature. He let the others think he was a jerk and a blowhard but, to you, he admitted to the real softness of his heart. The purity of it. It was you he sat beside, shaking with worry after Phoenix and Bob went down after a bird strike. You, he called when his niece got a case of the flu so bad she was hospitalized and he couldn’t see her. You, he pleaded with for help when he’d mouthed off too much in class and was pretty sure everyone hated him now. You knew everything he did was so startlingly fucking earnest. To question how genuine he was, to question his integrity, was the kind of wound that could only be delivered intimately. And you had done it so very well. A real stab and twist.
You mumbled an apology, just desperate to escape Jake and that angry, but somehow still pleading look in his eyes. It was when your back was turned that Jake finally spoke.
“God, I have to be so fucking stupid.” 
“Jake, don’t,” you said, stilled but not turning back around. Your pride wouldn’t let him see you cry.
“No, I must be. I must be a complete fucking idiot to have misread all the signs that you… That we want the same thing.”
You didn’t dare speak at first; you couldn’t. And then, when you did, the ragged nature of your breathing startled even you. “And what is it that you think we both want?”
“More than this, Vee!” He sounded exasperated, and you didn’t need to face him to know that Jake had run a frustrated hand through his hair. “More than tiptoeing around each other and how we feel about each other, and trying to pretend like, like…” 
“Trying to pretend like what?” The words ripped out of you like a sob and you couldn’t will yourself to be still anymore. Your body angled toward his like you were fucking magnetized. 
“Trying to pretend like I am not in love with you.” 
The words landed like lead around you, and you had to bite back a sob. When that wasn’t enough to muffle the sound, you slapped a palm to your mouth. 
He had done it. He had taken that big thing, wrestled it into submission, and then laid it bare in front of you. But, more than that, he’d laid himself bare in front of you. He was more naked now than he’d ever been in any locker room. This was Jake at his most honest.
And you could feel yourself teetering so dangerously on the edge of giving in. Your breaths heaved in and out of you with great effort. 
What if you ruined this? What if he left you? What if, what if, what if…
God, but what if you didn’t? What if, for once, something just fucking worked out, and someone just stayed? If there was anyone in your life who was capable of staying, wouldn’t it be Jake? Who else could it be? 
Your resolve was so thin, so fragile; when you finally spoke, it was: “Jake, I’m scared.” 
He took a step toward you. He could’ve closed the gap between your bodies in a singular stride, but he was giving you an out. One last chance to walk away. You remained anchored to your spot on the pavement. When he took the final step toward you, he had a palm raised to frame your face — he was shaking, but he rested his forehead against yours, too. And that was Jake, in a nutshell. Scared, but pushing forward. It was one of the things you admired, one of the things you loved most about him. 
“Don’t be scared, Vee.” The plea was soft, softer than a prayer. “Don’t be scared. Whatever there is to figure out, we’ll figure it out together. We can make this work.”
“And if we can’t?”
“We’ll figure that out together, too.” 
Even as your every survival instinct was telling you not to, even as all you wanted to do was run, you leaned in. The kiss was a little clumsy — he hadn’t been ready, you were too nervous. But then your hand found purchase against his chest, and one of his at your hip. And then you were practically tugging each other closer; your lips fitting together more seamlessly. How had you held out this long? How had you deprived yourself of this? 
Jake retracted, eyes wild and bright when he looked at you. As his lips sloped into a grin, you knew something was coming. 
“Ma’am, I’m not sure if you heard me, but…”
“Oh, you mean your little love confession?” you reveled in the flush that crept up his neck and the laugh that fled your now kiss-swollen lips as a result.
Though realization seemed to darken his expression, and his eyes left yours. The loss was one you felt immediately. 
Jake must have felt the tension begin to seep into your body, because his thumb began to press slow, soothing circles against your hip. 
“Vee, I know you don’t need me to save you. You have never needed to be saved by anyone.” His brow furrowed a moment, and the hand still cradling your face dropped to meet the other at your hips. “But if you want to be… If you want someone else to help you carry all that weight on your shoulders. Well, that would be okay, too, alright?”
You weren’t certain, but when Jake met your gaze once again, you were almost positive there were tears welling in his eyes. The sight of his vulnerability rendered you speechless, so you nodded mutely, then managed a small ‘okay.’ It was instinctive for you to rest your forehead against Jake’s chest and allow his arms to envelope you in his embrace. More so than ever before.
You weren’t sure how long the two of you had been standing there when you finally spoke up again. “Hey, Jake?”
“Yeah, darlin’?”
“I love you.”
He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t need to. Instead, he dropped a kiss on the top of your head, and tightened his arms around you. And maybe, just maybe, you thought… this wouldn’t be so bad. Whether it was 20 minutes or 20 years, you wanted as much of Jake as he was willing and able to give. 
Keep, alter, discard? You were definitely keeping this feeling.
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blackreaderfics · 1 year
Checking In | Dick Grayson x Black!BatsisReader
↳ Pairing : Dick Grayson x Black!AFAB!BatsisReader
↳ Rating :  E (18+ minors dni‼️)
↳ Summary : After your brother Jason’s death, Dick Grayson keeps “checking in” on you. But as far as you’re concerned, he no longer has any right to be a part your life.
↳ W.C : ~5.2k
↳ Tags+Warnings : faux incest - step siblings (direct mentions), mild angst, hate(?)to love, sexual tension, not Titans DC!verse I just like the actor lol, canon divergence: set after Jason Todd’s death and before Red Hood, reader is a model (body type unspecified), referenced stalking, oral (f receiving), P in V sex, degradation (slut, whore), implied daddy kink, porn with plot!, special guest appearance by Booster Gold
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“Hot date tonight?” 
You felt your eyes roll back into your head at the sound of the male voice that trilled like a mosquito in your ear. Fucking hell, you muttered a curse under your breath. After your shift of late-night vigilante duties, you always seemed to forget to take out your in-ear receiver. 
What was that thing Alfred always told you about breathing exercises? You took a deep breath, allowing yourself to quell your irritation.  In. 1. 2. 3. Out. 1. 2. 3. 
“No action tonight, dick?” You rebutted. 
“I can hear when it’s a lowercase ‘D’, Y/N. ” Unlike yours, his voice betrayed no hostility, rather, he sounded quite amused.
You and Dick Grayson had never been close. In fact, you thought of him as more a stranger than a stepbrother. Bruce Wayne had adopted you into the family after Dick had already packed his bags and moved out of the manor to Blüdhaven. The only times you saw Dick was when somebody died and you had to attend the funeral. 
You didn’t grow up with him like you had Jason. And now that Jason was gone, it was suddenly like the golden “boy wonder” had been trying to squeeze himself into your life to make up for it. Ever since the detective had arrived in Gotham last week on “private business”— whatever, you didn’t want or care to know—he’d been “checking in” on you a bit too often.
“Are you making small talk ‘cuz you’re bored or are you just being annoying?”
“I’m in the middle of something actually.”
You stilled to listen closely, and now that he mentioned it, it did sound like he was in the middle of a fight. 
“Well, I would offer to help you but— ”you paused, wincing at what sounded like a man being punched in the gut. “—seems like you got it covered.”
“More than covered, sweetheart. Unlike what you’re wearing.” He made it sound like he was joking; though, the remark itself had bite.
“What?” What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
“That dress. Seems a little much for a first date don’t you think?”
You heard a yelp of pain in the background. Dick probably had some guy’s arm twisted around. 
“How the fuck would you know what I’m wearing? Or that I’m going on a date?”
You eyed the room while putting on the other half of your earrings. The idea of privacy wasn’t exactly a thing at Wayne Manor. That was the whole reason you moved out and into your penthouse apartment in the city. 
If for some reason he had seen you, he would’ve seen your figure in a slinky black mini-dress. A tasteful, but still unapologetic show of legs, cocoa skin, and cleavage all in one. 
“That guy plastered you on a billboard in the middle of Gotham. So, y’know, doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. And relax, your comms was on. You ever notice that you talk to yourself? Like a lot.”
He was about to be talking to himself if he didn’t shut the fuck up soon.
Ok, breathe. In. 1. 2. 3. Out. 1. 2. 3.
You were violently broken out of your breathing exercise when a screaming welp and cracking of bones sounded through the earpiece. 
Dick spoke again, slightly winded. “Bruce say you could wear that?”
“Yes, Dick. Actually, he’s the one that bought it for me,” You deadpanned, voice dripping with sarcasm. Besides the fact that the old man would not give a flying fuck about your wardrobe, you were way too old to be slutshamed or worse, babysat.
“Now I know you’re fucking with me. He has way better taste than that.” You could hear the mirth in his voice; he was clearly just trying to banter with you.
“Oh like you would know anything about taste, Discowing.”
You got him there.
“Just make sure—”
“Good night, Richard.” You closed the line before he could give you another lecture and pocketed the listening device into your purse. 
You regarded yourself in the mirror one last time. It was a certified banger of an outfit, went quadruple platinum in all the clubs in Gotham’s nightlife scene. But that’s not where you were going tonight.
Feeling a little paranoid, you quickly scanned your apartment for any sign that you’d been bugged. Finding nothing, you shut the lights and locked the door behind you. Tonight you did have a date, with one of Gotham’s most eligible bachelors at that. So you were going to look hot and that annoying buzzing in your ear was just going to have to deal with it.
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A sleek Tesla was waiting for you at the curb in front of your apartment building. You gave a small wave to a handsome blonde-haired man leaning against the sports car.
Your date was Michael Carter, some hotshot tech CEO you’d never heard of before until his company, Goldstar Inc. blew up out of nowhere. From what you knew of him he wasn’t as famous or rich as your billionaire adoptive father, but what he lacked in influence, he made up for in boundless persistence.
For the past month and a half, he’d been courting you with bouquets of roses, designer shoes and handbags, and more recently a billboard of you in the middle of Times Square asking you out. The billboard was what made you finally go out with him, not particularly because you liked grandiose gestures from douchebags, but mostly so he could leave you alone.
When you approached Michael he let out an appreciative whistle, and you let him wrap his arms around you in greeting. He looked down at you, appraising you and probably getting an eyeful of your tits at the same time.
“You are an absolute knockout. Who’s the lucky guy?” He quipped, eliciting an eye roll from you. 
Yes, he was also very corny but you decided you liked that about him. You’d dated too many men before that reminded you of the men in your family, and this Michael character was a blonde spark of life, a welcomed change from all the brooding and the fucking bats.
“Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.”
“Oh, I don’t mind waiting. Got a lot of time on my hands.”
You smiled up at him, steadying yourself on his arms and feeling the muscle underneath your fingertips. You had to admit, even though he was corny he was complete eye candy. Built like a football player, dimples, pretty face…Yep, you were definitely going to fuck him tonight.
Your eye caught sight of something from over Michael’s shoulder. You shuddered; not because of the temperature—It was a warm enough summer night— but because you could feel that you were being watched. There was… a shadow… lurking on a nearby building.
Michael followed your line of sight to peer over at the dark, confused at where you were staring. 
“Something the matter, princess? You cold?” He rubbed some heat into the goosebumps pebbling your arm.
“N-no. It’s nothing. Sorry,” You shook your head, breaking away from him to climb into the passenger seat, swiftly shutting your door before he could offer to close it for you. He scrambled back to the driver’s seat, clearly caught off guard from your sudden change in demeanor.
“How about we—” Michael turned toward you, mouth open in mid-sentence.
“Drive.” You cut him off.
“Excuse me, what?” He blinked in confusion. 
“A-alright.” He paused, perplexed, then quietly obeyed, gripping the steering wheel as he pulled away from the curb. 
You fished into your purse, opening your messaging app to type out DON’T FOLLOW before hitting send. You didn’t need to see the reply to confirm your suspicions you were being stalked, and you knew Dick Grayson well enough to know he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t. 
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You frowned at the empty seat in front of you. You had already arrived at the restaurant and taken your orders, but your date had been taking a “business call” in the bathroom for over 20 minutes now. You were starting to think you had been ditched.
“This seat taken?” 
You looked up but instead of your date you were greeted by the sight of Dick Grayson in a crisp navy button-down rolled up at the sleeves. He looked like he could be a CEO in his own right, like the kind of CEOs people read in romance novels.
His forearms looked extremely capable, courtesy of his rigorous training; Broad shoulders and dense muscle made his shirt fit slightly too small. He cleaned up nice, a bit too nice since other women kept sneaking glances at your table. 
Dick was an undeniably handsome man, but you would never admit that to him. Instead you gave him a withering glare.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing but whatever it is, I didn’t ask.”
“So a guy can’t catch up with family after work now?” He sat down in front of you with a look feigning offense until it melted into a playful grin. He looked a bit too smug taking the spot of where your date would’ve been.
“You’re really shameless y’know that? You showing up and expecting me to just welcome you with open arms does not make you family.” You leaned back and crossed your arms. “What the hell did you do with Michael, Dick?”
“What did I do? What, you think I killed him? Like on some mobster Falcone shit?” 
“No, like on some Bruce Wayne shit. Real chip off the old block.” You scoffed. “I know you paid him off. It’s the same story with every other guy I’ve dated.”
He was silent as if mulling over whether or not to own up to the accusation.“I gave them an option and they took it,” he said simply as if there wasn't anything wrong with what he just confessed.
“And here I thought I was the problem.”
“Might be. If you keep choosing guys that’ll walk out on you at the whiff of a few bucks.”
“Fuck you, Dick.” You shot him two middle fingers and gathered your things to go. You weren’t gonna stay and hear this shit.
“They were all full of shit and you know it.”
“D-did anyone order the steak?” 
Dick broke his serious gaze from you and flashed a dimpled smile to ease the nervous waiter.
“We’ll take it to-go, thanks.”
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You watched your 5th Uber request get denied and sighed. You really didn’t want to have to resort to getting the Wayne driver, but these were incredibly desperate times. Maybe if you faked being in danger, they could get to you fast enough to escape from Dick.
You were in the middle of dialing the number up when you felt something heavy across your back; The smell of leather, wood, and spice interrupted your thoughts. You didn’t refuse the warmth; it was welcome. Somehow it had gotten colder than you had originally accounted for.
“Really good thing I was here. Looks like someone needs a ride,” you felt Dick whisper into your ear. He gave your shoulders a playful squeeze and walked ahead of you to his car. You looked up just in time to see him, head turned and smirking back at you.
“Shut. Up. Just take me home,” You gritted out.
“Your chariot awaits.” He tipped an invisible top hat your direction, bowing theatrically as he opened the passenger door to his car. God he was annoying. You slipped past him, and kicked off your heels as soon as you hit the plush leather seat.
The drive back to your apartment was quiet. You weren’t surprised that he seemed to know exactly where you lived. Which, due to the nature of your job was to be expected. Bruce probably had you all chipped anyway, but you appreciated the illusion of privacy at the very least.
You turned your head to stare thoughtfully at his side profile as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel, the other arm resting on the shift. It was oddly intimate to watch him from this perspective. Gotham City’s lights waxed and waned across his face as you passed through the night streets.
“What?” He seemed uncharacteristically conscious under your gaze. 
“So…you’re saying I need to date some sort of incorruptible and righteous superhero. That would be good enough for you, right? Someone that can’t be bought or bribed?”
He glanced at you brow furrowed before returning his attention to the road. “Wasn't saying that.”
“Now that I’m thinking about it Hal Jordan’s kinda cute.”
“Real classy, Y/N,” He said, visibly irritated now.
“What? What’s wrong with Hal?” You pressed, knowing you’d struck a nerve. Dick was terribly predictable and fun to annoy when he wasn’t busy annoying you.
“Uh I don’t know, maybe the fact that he’s Bruce’s friend?”
“Please, they’re barely friends. Coworkers at best.”  Since when was that an issue for the dude who hooked up with the commissioner’s daughter anyway? The hypocrisy was truly baffling.
“Fine,” You pouted at him. “Everyone cares about money, Dick. It’s Gotham. And you don’t even live here anymore, so who else does that leave that money won’t sway? Alfred?”
He gave you a pointed silence, not in any more mood for the topic of conversation. “We’re here.”
You blinked, surprised. Sure enough, you were in the familiar surroundings of your parking garage. Maybe you’d been too busy staring at the cut of the older man’s jaw to notice you were already home.
“You’re not gonna walk me up? ‘Cuz If I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought you were my personal bodyguard.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” 
“Cockblocker.” You muttered under your breath as you scuffed your heels back on. You shrugged out of his jacket and exited the car.
“Hey, wait! Keep the jacket on, it’s cold,” He called after you, but you only waved him off dismissively. You heard his car door slam shut and in a few strides, he was next to you again, draping the jacket over your shoulders.
He wordlessly joined you in the elevator, pushing the button to your floor like he'd been there before. At the door of your apartment, he passed along the plastic bag filled with restaurant takeout.
You briefly considered the raven haired man and then the takeout bag in your hand. “I’m probably gonna regret this, but…you hungry?”
“I could eat,” Dick shrugged, following after you into your apartment. 
You kicked off your heels and made a beeline to the kitchen. “Bathroom’s on the right. Just make yourself at home. I would give you a tour but, you probably already know your way around.”
“Thanks, but it’s the first time I’ve been in here, Y/N.” He replied drily, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Look, I know you don’t trust me, but I wouldn’t do that, ok?”
You only hummed, not really believing him. Dick Grayson wasn’t the type to lie, he was the type to withhold. 
You set down your bag on the kitchen table, reaching into the cupboard. “Wine?”
He jingled his car keys as an answer. 
“Ah. Right. ‘Protect and serve’ not ‘drink and drive’, got it.”
Dick seemed to be paying a lot of attention to the knickknacks on your shelf. You watched him pick up a few photo frames, inspect them closely for a bit and then carefully set them back In their places.
“You’re making my living room look like a crime scene, officer.” You chided strolling in closer. “What, are you gonna need a baggie for that evidence too?”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, humored. “I didn’t know you liked photography is all.”
“Yea well, there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.”
“I know enough.”
“Like what?”
He looked around the room and then settled on the books and magazines stacked on your coffee table. “You’re into fashion.”
“Well yea, I’m a model, Dick. Not exactly breaking news,” You scoffed. “You sure you’re a detective?”
He broke into a grin, the kind of grin that made the dimples in his cheeks deepen. It was like he genuinely liked when you made fun of him. “Well, I also know you also have terrible taste in men so…”
“Have you considered that maybe I just wanted to get laid?”
“No, and I hope that never crosses my mind." He made a face like the very thought disturbed him. "Besides, you don’t want that.”
You chose to ignore the blatant patronizing. “Not a want; It’s a need. A biological one. Girls have those too y’know.”
“Ugh alright, can we change the subject now, please?” He wrinkled his nose, cheeks faintly flushed. It would’ve been so easy to tease him about how cute he looked blushing.
“You’re the one that brought it up.”
“I did not bring that up. I’m…just saying that I know you’re not that type of girl.”
“Not that type of—And what would that be?” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“The one-night stand type. That’s not you.”
“How would you know what I am and what I’m not?” You retorted, agitation building. Getting date-ditched was one thing but getting mansplained to about your sex life was just the cherry on top of a shitty Saturday night.
“I know you,” He spoke slowly with an edge that confirmed your suspicions; The tone in his voice was backed by knowledge of your history—who you were before Bruce rescued you out of that hell and scrubbed your background clean.
“More like you’ve been stalking me. That’s not fair, Dick. You can look up all the data you want on me on that supercomputer but you don’t get to know me. It’s—it’s too late for that.”
You thought about Jason and how he was ripped away from you too soon. Tears fell faster than you could stop them. One second you were ok and the next, Dick had crossed the room to bring you into his arms. You fisted his shirt as you cried into his shoulder.
“You weren’t here. You left. You left us.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” He comforted softly, tightening his arms around you.
“That’s not fair, Dick. It’s not fair.” You can’t remember the last time you cried this pathetically. He was rocking you gently now, whispering apologies in your ear.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Y/N. I’m gonna make it right.” 
He gazed at you now, a sadness in his eyes. You wondered what exactly he meant by that. The only way to make it right was to bring Jason back. 
He gently held your face in his hands, thumbs swiping away stray tears. Years of training had calloused his fingers and you could feel them now against your cheeks.
“Let me make it up to you. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
His soothing voice released flutters in your stomach—a bubbling concoction of fear, anticipation, and…something more. 
Inhale. 1. 2. 3.
Your breathing became shallow as he brought his head down, lips hesitant before yours. When you didn’t move away he brushed against you, softly first, waiting for permission until your eyes fluttered closed and you finally let him in.
Your cheeks burned. Something about kissing him made you embarrassed or maybe you were ashamed, like you knew you were doing something you shouldn’t.
You fumbled out of his jacket, now too hot, and pawed frantically at the buttons on his shirt. He kissed you with more passion, swallowing your moans as his hands shamelessly roamed your body, groping and grabbing handfuls of your ass. 
“Bedroom. My bedroom.” You said quickly between fraught kisses. If you hadn’t, he would’ve probably taken you right there on the sofa.
He nodded in agreement, picking you up with ease and swiftly treading to your room with you in tow. He set you on the bed and resumed where he left off until you were lying under him. That’s when you could feel him, all of him, pressing against you. 
“‘m gonna make you feel good.” 
Ripples of abs and lean muscle ground against you as he kissed down your neck. You gasped softly when his hand moved to rub you over the cloth of your panties.
“Wanna see you. Please, let me see you.”
He tugged the top of your dress down, undoing the clasp of your bra and revealing to him the peaks of your tawny nipples. You inhaled sharply, watching him take your breast into his mouth, eyes on you, as he licked and sucked.
You writhed under him, already overwhelmed by everything he was doing to you. He snaked his hand back into the front of your now-soaked panties, rubbing at first and then inserting a finger, then two until you were stretching around him.
“So wet for me, my pretty girl. Look at you milking my fingers in this slutty little dress. You were gonna let him do this to you, right? You were gonna let him finger your pussy too huh, baby?”
You whimpered his name, eyes wide as he continued to speak with his fingers squelching in and out of you. Normal, everyday Dick Grayson had the image of being a “nice guy”. He was probably that neighbor you’d ask to borrow sugar from; You would never expect to hear such dirty words coming from his mouth.
He hiked up the skirt of your dress some more and brought your hips to his face.
“Let me take care of you, huh? Let me take care of this pretty little cunt.”
You cursed softly, as he began to kiss and suck around your clit as he fingered you.
“Fuck,” He groaned, “You taste so good, baby.”
He lapped at your cunt, making lewd slurps and noises. When he removed his fingers, he replaced them with his tongue and the sensation made you squirm.
“Quit moving so much. Didn’t you say you wanted to get laid? Don’t you want me to eat you out?”
“Y-yes. I want—Mmhfuck.” You nodded, finally finding some semblance of language. The way he spoke down to you was so agonizingly frustrating. It reminded you how patronizing he'd been earlier that night, telling you to cover up and dictating your life for you.
“You haven’t been fucked in a while, huh?” He mocked. “That’s why you were gonna let some guy you met today fuck you—Such a fucking slut that’s why you wore that, right?”
You whined at his words, bucking to earn some more friction from him.
“Holy shit, you like that? You like when I call you a slut.” His smile grew as if he just made a huge discovery. “Yea, ‘course you like it. Should’ve spread your legs on that billboard that guy bought. Let Gotham see how much of a fucking whore you are.”
Your cheeks warmed in embarrassment. You felt betrayed by the physical reaction you gave with how crudely he was speaking. He'd figured you out; You liked being treated like a cockdumb slut.
He planted a few more kisses on your thigh, unbuckling his pants with a free hand.
“Wait for me, babe. Touch yourself and wait for me like a good girl.”
You obeyed, rubbing at your throbbing mound to no avail. Your fingers didn’t feel as good as his did. 
He freed his cock from his underwear and you could see it now, leaking beads of precum from the tip, swollen and bobbing up against his well-defined stomach. Your mouth watered, you wanted to feel all of him on your tongue. But when you reached for him, he brought your fingers up to his mouth instead, sucking the pussy juices off your fingertips. He kissed your knuckles and returned your hand to you.
“Keep those pretty fingers busy, sweetheart.”
He stroked slowly, watching you tentatively squeeze one of your breasts, your other hand rubbing and dipping between your folds. 
“Fuck you’re so fucking beautiful.” He groaned before he kneeled to position himself between your legs, aligning himself at your entrance.
“You just need a cock to fill you up, doesn’t matter which one, huh? That’s what you wanted, right?”
He rubbed himself against you, tip occasionally catching on a soft divot, but not fully being inserted inside.
“You’d even let your stepbrother fuck you, huh? That’s how much of a dirty little slut you are.”
You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, a mixture of humiliation, frustration, and desire. How could your body like it so much when he was being so vulgar, so mean?
“Please, I need—“ You panted, trying to push yourself onto his cock for release.
“Mmh? Speak up, princess. What do you need?” 
“F-fill me up. I need you to fill me up.” 
“Only good girls get filled up Y/N. But you’ve been talking back to me all day like a fucking brat. You gonna be a good girl for me, baby?
You nodded dumbly in agreement. He pushed inside you a little deeper, only to take it out again.
“P—lease, I’ll be good. Just—need you inside.”
If only the patients at Arkham Asylum could see you now. They’d probably grab front-row seats to see you pathetically begging for some cock. 
“You could barely take my fingers, princess. You sure it’ll fit?”
He was right. It was a tighter fit than you anticipated, but you could feel him now hot and pulsating as he stretched you out.
“You’re doing so well for me, baby. C’mon you can take it.” He cooed, muttering curses to himself until he finally bottomed out, fully seated inside you.
You moaned, holding onto his forearms as he rutted in and out of you. You could see his length disappear and reappear with every thrust, gathering a ring of your cream around his base.
“How do you feel princess?” He grunted out, pace quickening. “How does it feel to have me balls deep inside that tight little cunt?”
“It. Feels. So. Goo—Ahmmhfuck.” You clenched around him, voice vibrating with every thrust.
“Fuck, you’re milking me, sweetheart.” He laughed, voice smug. “You’ve thought about this before, haven’t you. Fuck, you’re so fucking dirty. You been thinking about my cock filling you up huh? Being my personal fleshlight? It’s everything you ever dreamed of right?” 
You could tell he was enjoying this, enjoying degrading you as you laid helpless underneath him, your release depending entirely on him. It was infuriating that he had this much power over you, but the amount of pleasure he was currently giving you superseded your pride.
He pushed your thighs back as he went deeper into an unforgiving mating press, knees by your ears, not caring that you weren’t as flexible as he was. 
“Such a good girl taking my cock so well. Wanted this for so long. You’re so pretty. You’re so fucking pretty. You feel so good; so good for me.”
He moaned into your ear, placing sloppy kisses at your mouth and jaw.
“This pussy’s made for me. You’re made for me. I’m the only one who can make you feel this good.”
You felt his balls smack heavily against your ass as he continued to pound his fat cock into your sensitive cunt, reaching your G-spot.
“Whose is it, baby? Whose pussy is it? Please, baby. Say it’s mine. Just for me.”
“I-it’s yours. O-only. Yours.”  You gasped out, feeling a warmth blooming at the apex of your thighs as you came unraveled underneath him.
His length twitched as he unloaded thick ropes of cum inside you, some of it leaking out and down your ass as he thrusted deeper.
"That's right, take my cum. Take it, it's yours. It's all yours."
He continued to fuck his cum into you until your walls squeezed around him, coaxing out every last drop.
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It was morning now and sunlight peeked out from between the gaps in your curtains. You grounded yourself back into your senses. Your satin pillowcase cooled your cheek, but there was an unfamiliar warmth pinning you down—an arm wrapped around your waist.
He was half-hard now, erection resting lightly against the plump of your ass. You could feel his chest rising and falling, warm against your back as he slept. Deep breaths in. 1. 2. 3. Out. 1. 2. 3.
You liked the way you fit together, your soft curves snug against his hardened body.
You turned a little to try and meet his eyes but your stirring only prompted soft kisses at your shoulder, and a strong arm pulling you ever closer, willing you not to leave the bed.
“Good morning.” He said between nips and kisses, intertwining fingers in yours. “What do you want for breakfast, beautiful?”
“Hmm? You’re still here.” It was more of a statement than a question.
“‘m still here.” He mumbled against your neck. His morning voice became noticeably deeper when sleep still clung to it. 
“Not a one night stand type of guy?”
He chuckled softly, the contented sound losing itself in the groove of your shoulder. 
“Nope. More like one night and one morning stand.”
You smiled at the terrible joke but willed it away quickly before he could see it. 
“I saw that smile,” He accused.
“No, you didn’t.” You tried to smother the corners of your mouth downward again. “You know for someone so smart you say a lot of stupid shit.”
“Aww, you think I’m smart, babe?” You didn’t have to look at him to know he probably had the dumbest smile plastered on his face. 
You rolled your eyes. “You also realize you talk way too much right?”
“You weren’t saying that last night.” He palmed your breast, kneading it softly. “Got so turned on you were literally begging me to fuck you. You were all like ‘Please daddy, please fuck me.’”
“I did not say that shit, weirdo.”
“It was implied.” He simpered.
You couldn’t help it; you were giggling now too. “You are such a dumbass.”
“First I’m smart, now I’m a dumbass. Which one is it, hm?” 
“Hmm, let me see…Which one is the quiet one, again?”
“You wouldn’t like it if I was quiet, though.” His voice had a hint of challenge in it.
You pursed your lips. He wasn’t entirely wrong.
“See? I know that filthy shit gets you going. Wanna test that theory, baby?” He murmured, kissing the shell of your ear. “See if you’ll call me daddy?"
Evidently he wasn’t the only one who got off to dirty talk. His cock was now fully hard and pressing against your ass.
He rolled on his stomach, pulling you closer to him by the thighs. Your eyes fluttered closed as he nuzzled into your sex, laving and sucking, deep blue eyes locked on you. His lips curled into a smile against you when you moaned and sighed with pleasure.
Dick pulled up briefly, pussy drunk, wearing his spit and your essence on his face like a badge of honor. He peppered a languid trail of drowsy kisses from your mouth and up your jaw as you spoke.
“Wha-what happened to breakfast?” Your question spilled out breathlessly from the way his mouth worked, a futile attempt at remaining coherent. Losing face now meant inflating his ego, especially if you proved his little “theory” a bit too quickly. 
“How about I eat you out first, then you let me fuck my cum down your throat later, yea?” 
His suggestive whisper sent a heavy wave of arousal straight to your heat. 
Your bodies became a desperate tangle of limbs; your legs wrapped around his hips as you bucked up to grind against him, wanting—no, needing— him back inside you. Breakfast was definitely going to have to wait.
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©️ blackreaderfics // credit to cafekitsune for the dividers
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doctorsiren · 9 months
ok but like!!! i was just thinking about how with my last ask that nick would probably be a lot closer with Apollo than feenie because Apollo’s already having A Time with “my childhood idol is two childhood idols and they both just lied to me and even though it was to avoid getting convicted for a murder they didn’t do they still had me commit perjury”
but whereas feenie feels really terrible about it and is kinda avoiding apollo, nick kinda has to get over it and keep working with apollo and apollo prefers nick because he’s not trying to apologize or be all smiley about it or pretend it was ok either, he’s just moving onto the next thing work-wise, and that’s the kind of reliability and stability that apollo needs at the moment. apollo’s sick as hell of kristoph’s fakey smiles and the ways he’s realized that kristoph is all lies, and he just wants to get some fucking cases done. and nick is all for that, even though he also feels bad, this way they don’t have to talk about it.
basically imo if trucy is more of feenie’s favorite and feenie is more trucy’s favorite then apollo is nick’s favorite and vice versa :)
just like,,, nick giving apollo compliments and apollo actually taking them and taking them well. feenie’s jealous because “how come you get to spend all the time with our adoptive son who doesn’t really actually know he’s our adoptive son” and nick going “we are literally doing lawyering besides it’s not like he’s going to bake a pie with you like trucy does and if you’re too forward you might make him suspect that trucy’s his sibling and we can’t have that secret getting out”
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Okay so like
Nick’s like “Finally! Someone as cagey as me!”
But in the end, Apollo still ends up being a pawn of sorts as Feenie and Nick fight over him, so he’s still being thrown around essentially
There’s supposed to be a sunflower in Feenie’s hair but I need to learn how to draw them better so I just didn’t on this one
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halfagone · 1 year
So here’s a unique twist of a common prompt. Danny is the son of Bruce Wayne, whoever his mother is is up to you. However, Danny wants nothing to do with Bruce or his family for whatever reason, whether it’s because Damian treated him badly as a child or maybe he just doesn’t like how Bruce operates. Either way, they meet and the meeting ends badly. What do you think?
There are actually a lot of reasons why Danny might not want to stay with Bruce or stay away from Bruce. There is, of course, the usual "Danny has billionaire trauma" route that works for some arguments (although not all (but I'll leave that ramble for another time)). You could always go with Danny and Damian didn't get along (if we're doing a Demon Siblings AU). But I think the route that goes best is just that... Danny has a lot of Trauma™ and he's not ready to join another family.
Unfortunately those kinds of AUs would probably be the sadder ones because that can mean that he has problems and/or is cut off from Jazz too. Because as much as I love Jazz, she was never the bastion of perfection and older sisterhood that we sometimes like to paint her as. She tried, just like her parents did, and sometimes she failed. ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ
In those AUs Danny is probably trying to live on his own. Maybe he's emancipated, maybe he's turned 18 already (I do have a fic idea where Danny moves out of the house after turning 18 despite not graduating yet, which is a thing you can do. Plenty of kids' birthdays pass before June graduation in the U.S., after all.) He's just started to stand on his own two feet and probably move past the neglect, both physical and emotional, that came with living with the Fentons.
Enter Bruce. Bruce, who has abandonment issues and is one paranoid motherclucker (and yes, that was intentional), who has just found out he has an unknown son from either a past relationship or one-night stand. Of course he's going to want to know more about Danny and catch up on all the time he lost with Danny. And the thing about Bruce is that sometimes he acts like a bad father purely because he doesn't know how to communicate his feelings and does all these things that come off as insensitive and/or overbearing.
Sometimes Danny might be able to make it work. But depending on the downturn his life might have taken... sometimes he can't. And for a Danny that might have just gotten that hard-earned independence... it likely won't be pretty.
Danny doesn't know what to make of Bruce Wayne. The man seems nice... enough. He's a bit too excitable, tries a little too hard. It's clear as day that he's trying, much more than Danny's adoptive parents could ever bother to sometimes, but it's... Danny would appreciate it more if Bruce just gave up.
He's happy to see that Bruce didn't willingly give Danny up. No word yet on Danny's bio mom, but at least he's got that going for him. He could do without Bruce's meaningful attempts to introduce him to the rest of the family or find out more about him.
Danny absentmindedly tugs at his collar. He really wishes he'd just turned Sam down when he had the chance. Tucker had balked when she extended the invitation out to him. Usually Danny would be her first choice, since he had some semblance of High Society Table Manners™ which usually Sam wouldn't give a shit about, but well, Tucker had gone once, got embarrassed to hell and back, and pretty much sworn off against it ever since.
He'd only moved out from Fenton Works three weeks ago. Danny could understand why she didn't want to ask him while he got settled in.
But well, she was his friend. And with the risk of her parents trying to openly marry her off to some rich guy (as opposed to subtly trying to marry her off, like they were doing now), Danny had taken one for the team and agreed.
If he knew this was going to happen, he would have just stayed home and figured out how to cook scrambled fucking eggs.
"I'm not very comfortable with this conversation right now, Mr. Wayne," Danny said plainly to the man. They were off in a side room at this point, tucked away from the rest of the crowd that would usually gawk at them otherwise. Already he'd turned heads when people recognized him as familiar.
To be honest though, even if they hadn't gone to a more secluded room, Danny still would have told it to the man straight.
"Oh, is it because your friend isn't here? I told you you're more than welcome to-" Bruce started again but Danny cut him off with a sigh.
"That's not the problem here, Mr. Wayne," Danny deadpanned. "I don't know why you're expecting me to be on board so quickly but I- I just turned eighteen. I have an apartment, I have a job. I know I'm still a kid in your eyes but I haven't been your kid in- ever. No matter what any paternity test ends up saying, which I still haven't agreed to by the way-"
"You're not even willing to try?" Bruce asked in return, like he'd been struck across the face.
It seemed genuine enough, like he was sincerely hurt by Danny's standoffish attitude. And Danny would feel guilty if he weren't so tired right now. He'd been tired for the past four years and he didn't need this on top of it all as some twisted cherry on top of the shitty whipped cream that was his life.
"No, I'm not," Danny told the man, straightforward. People had said no to Bruce before, right? Surely, someone had.
He began to doubt when Bruce just stared at him, dumbfounded. Danny didn't let the silence linger because he didn't linger, just moved on and left the side room. He could feel Bruce's eyes on him as he went, and then some of the other Waynes' eyes on him when he came into view. He ignored all of them and tried to find Sam.
Maybe her parents would even be willing to let him go back to the hotel room, after the huge 'scene' he'd just caused.
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