#Honestly the joke's on him there
thegoddesswater · 10 months
Hello, there! Just stopping by to hear a little about your WIP! What, in your opinion, makes your WIP unique? What makes your WIP stand out?
Hello! Thanks for the ask!
Not counting the fanfictions I decided to dust off a while ago, I've got two main WIPs: Miadhachain Legacy (ML), and the Talentless/Wild Card duology.
Miadhachain (pronounced: MEE-otch-in) Legacy takes place in a slightly sci-fi, political dystopia with Zaria Miadhachain and Adair Rios as our MCs. - Zaria is a former heiress who lost her birthrights and freedoms when her father turned her into a political pawn as a teenager. Years on she's not afraid of getting her hands dirty and is prepared to do anything to get back what she lost. - Adair was never meant to be anyone important, just a poor kid from the slums snapped up by the poverty-military pipeline. After a "training accident" leaves him wounded, he's considered a prime candidate to become the military's first cyborg: young, generally unassuming, and - most importantly - expendable.
Honestly, I don't know that there's a lot really unique about ML anymore, other than the fact that no one is going to execute this story the same way I will. A lot of ML sounds inspired by 2020, but this thing has been hanging around in my brain since the late 2000s. My personal "standout" for ML is the characters, but I can say that about any of my stories.
Talentless/Wild Card is LGBTQ+ fantasy. The Royal family of Prylea has been cursed and only a select few know. In a last-ditch effort to break the curse, a knight of the realm is sent to locate a mage powerful enough to free them from the curse. The MCs here are: Robward "Maggie" Blackwill - the previously mentioned cursebreaking mage, and James Gallagher - the knight tasked with finding them.
Unique things about Talentless/Wild Card is that I once had a document I was using to keep track of my rules of the universe and almost every single character demonstrates some kind of minor exception to those rules - not in a "Chosen One" kind of way, but just in a 'reality is messier than the textbooks will ever tell you' way. Again, I think that the characters are what really shine in the story, but one distinct stand out element has to be Sleepshine. Because instead of a noble equine steed, James gets a Tortoise the size of a crossover SUV.
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Vanny thinks the new FNAF plushies are cute,,
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a couple scribbles i cleaned up. also i think i like drawing him in varying states of distress
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comradekatara · 2 months
> be zuko
> try desperately to ingratiate yourself within the avatar’s friend group (to no avail, of course, because you have terrible social skills, and previously tried to kill them, also)
> try to fight off the human wmd you previously hired to blow them all up
> fail miserably, because he is indestructible
> watch as sokka effortlessly kills him with a very precise boomerang throw to the brain
> suddenly recall every single time you got hit in the head by his boomerang
> feel immense gratitude for what you had previously dismissed as uncle’s obnoxiously stringent and paranoid over-emphasis on the importance of helmet safety
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Don't Wormy About Me.
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aesthetic-uni · 1 year
Misha Collins is the funniest straight man ever. He’s the only person to arguably queerbait in real life. He had to come out as a straight. He was told by WB to just stay bisexual. He’s living every homophobe’s nightmare scenario but the only difference is that everyone actually loves it for him
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qcomicsy · 1 year
"As a child of a divorce–"
"Richard for the last time, Kent moving on from his weird friendship with father and getting married does not qualify you as a child of a divorce."
"It felt like a divorce to me–"
"Listen I'm all up for dragging Batman to the ground (not that he really need help with that)." Jason intervened. " But, who are you to judge weird friendships again? Ever looked at you and Jon? For a while I thought you two were glued together by the side or something."
"You should see when we were in the league." Tim said. "Every superhero and their sidekick would look at them and say 'Hey Jon– Damian.'"
"Damian–Jon." Damian rebutted maturely.
"No, no, I'm pretty sure it was Jon–Damian"
Damian made a face.
"Said the Superboy sidekick."
Tim narrowed his eyes.
"I was never–"
"Superboy sidekick I was–"
"Keep telling yourself that."
"The literally the leader of the young justice–"
Jason made an amusement sound at the circus forming which grabbed Tim's attention to him like a very pissed off shark.
"What are you laughing at?" He shouted. "You're friends with Bizarro."
Jason stopped laughing and looked seriously at Tim, the most serious he ever looked at him before.
"Bizarro is the little brother I never had."
Damian and Tim looked at him.
Jason looked back.
"Okay–" Said Dick, but Damian was faster.
"I wish the crowbar was infected."
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essektheylyss · 1 month
I'm also still laughing that he really showed up, introduced himself as an Archivist of the Cobalt Soul, and then insinuated that they were going to go extrajudicially hunt down, capture, and "interrogate" a Cerberus Assembly Archmage. Sir, archivists do not do that kind of thing, least of all on their own, LEAST OF ALL with a bunch of random hooligans they were just sent to collect for an unrelated excursion. Quite honestly, that was the thing I kept going back to in evidence of, there is absolutely no way this is a legit archivist.
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quasarifxxy · 1 year
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Kazuki paused. Slowly, he approached Rei, a concerned look on his face.
"Of course, she would."
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dizzybizz · 6 months
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please consider jellyfish john,, for me 🥺?
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anghraine · 15 days
While I'm on my disruptive Tolkien opinions kick:
Yes, obviously, he was a conservative Catholic and this was really important to his understanding of the world and pervades his work and so on and so forth.
But I'm a bit "..." about reducing everything he thought and felt about the world to that. Like, yeah, there's a tradition of conservative pastoralism that meant the context of his environmental opinions was not inherently progressive in the way it can mistakenly seem in 2024. Do I think he was Like That about trees because of conservative pastoralism, or his Catholicism, or that the particular form taken by his TREES TREES TREES #OLDMANWILLOWDIDNOTHINGWRONG TREEEEEEEEES ethos much resembles most of his contemporaries' feelings?
Not really.
I mean, he would never have said it, but I kind of doubt whether his very sincere and deeply felt veneration of the actual figures of his religion was truly comparable to how he felt about things like That One Oak on the Corner That I Liked Got Chopped Down by Evildoers. I've read other conservative British writers of this era who have their own forms of pastoralism and most of them are way less intense about it. I truly don't think Tolkien loved trees the way he did Because Catholicism or whatnot. I genuinely think he just really loved trees.
Basically, I can imagine some alternate universe in which alternate Tolkien ends up with really different beliefs about religion, about politics, about all sorts of things. But I can absolutely not imagine a universe in which any version of Tolkien did not take the part of trees against all their enemies.
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Man “Battle Nexus: New York” was a great episode but I do have one major gripe with it.
Like. Raph being paired up with Ghostbear? Makes sense. Works great. Works amazing, even.
Mikey being paired up with Meatsweats? Yeah that checks out!!
Donnie getting…Hypno…? I mean. I guess Donnie doesn’t like magic so it kindaaa works but Kendra would have been a much better choice to me personally. Maybe Big Mama didn’t wanna include a human or something…
And Leo getting…uh…one of the Sando Brothers???? Of all villains? Nah let’s be real, his main villain is more Big Mama herself (or Leo could be considered his own worst enemy lmao-). Hell Hypno would have probably worked better here considering their shared love for magic tricks and stuff, but Carl Sando????
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chasingthestarss · 2 months
Ok but think “but daddy I love him” as Regulus singing “but Siri I love him” talking about James. Trans Reggie saying “I’m having his baby” and Sirius freaking the fuck out and Regulus just saying “no I’m not but you should see your faces”
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daily-hanamura · 9 months
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vic-does-battlecats · 2 months
Minor spoilers for the already revealed chapters of the next A Starless Clan book Wind
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scrapnick · 4 months
What I apparently fucking look like according to my man of 13 years…..
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