#I had one good teacher who was good at guiding me toward stuff I wanted to try but I was still never really taught any even basic skills
filmorgue · 1 month
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Flint and Seth strolled into the main hall, where they spotted a cluster of students huddled together. Flint recognized the group from orientation and made his way through the throng to reach them.
D: Hey, there you are!
R: We were searching for you!
F: Funny, because I distinctly remember you two abandoning me. Traitors!
Laughter erupted, followed by their apologies.
R: Looks like you’ve made a new friend!
F: Indeed! This is Seth. Seth, meet the crew: Rhiannon, Daphne, Leona, Mack, and Xen.
S: Great to meet everyone! So, we’re all freshmen here?
D: Seems that way smirks.
F: So, did you all discover anything interesting today?
D: Not much. I hit the library and found some fascinating books about the magic realm, even for seers like me.
R: I chatted with a few teachers. I think I might dive into alchemy and poisons. A werewolf with sorcery skills? Call me a hybrid!
The group burst into laughter, and then Leona chimed in.
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L: That sounds awesome! But I’m keen on joining some clubs. What do you think, Mack?
M: I suppose I could consider it.
X: While you all are busy with your clubs and learning, I’ll be focused on serious stuff. I want to become the ultimate duelist!
Mack crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, while the girls giggled. Just then, another bell rang, followed by someone clearing their throat.
H: Welcome to all freshmen and returning students. I trust that you find this initial orientation engaging as you embark on your semester here. For those of you who are returning, you are already familiar with the expectations, and I eagerly anticipate witnessing your achievements this year. However, I sincerely hope we do not encounter a recurrence of last year's incidents. The faculty and I will be monitoring the situation closely. Freshmen, you have been provided with a guide and a map detailing all Filmorgue facilities within the mortal realm. Additionally, your accommodation details and the courses you will be enrolled in this quarter are included.
Tomorrow is designated as a free day, so I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to finalize your course selections before classes commence. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any headmaster. I wish you all the best for a successful year filled with exploration and learning.
A hush fell over the room, signaling that Mr. Hellstring had finished his speech, and soon a booklet materialized in everyone's hands. The audience began to murmur among themselves as some started to drift away. Flint glanced at the magical tome and realized that she was primarily enrolled in basic beginner courses. More like "So you wanna know magic 101" aspect not quite hands on. I guess being mortal you have to start the lowest of the low.
F: Not even one potion making course, lame
D: I think it's common for folks that can't...wield magic plus it's only the first quarter.
R: You have plenty of time to learn the more "difficult" stuff
F: Yeah yeah *rolls eye*
X: Alright I'm ready to check out this housing before all the good rooms are taken
Before he could take one step towards the door, two jerk powered through the crowd and bump into him causing him to fall on the ground
R: Hey watch where your going idiots!
?: Pfft, you're fault. Shouldn't have been in our way
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Leona growled under her breath but Mack hold her back.
L: You losers could have also walked around us. There was plenty of room
?: Where's the fun in that?
They smirked before going on their way out the exit. Mack bend down to offered Xen his hand for help
M: You know when I said you'll get your comeuppance. This isn't what I had in mind
F: Are you okay Xen?
X: Pfft, of course I am. Jerks just caught me off guard
L: Well no school is completed without bullies. Ugh so high school
D: Everything was going so well
R: Let's not worried about those idiots, we should all start getting settle in while we still can
The group made their way towards the exit.
Chapter 7 "Comeuppance"
Rhiannon (@sadraccoon061), Leona & Mack The Starnes (@invisiblequeen), and Xen (@xstardustbatsx)
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belle-of-a-time · 6 months
Because the rot consumes here’s
Batfam-Soul Eater AU
Bruce is a weapon and he’s a gun. And he fucking hates it like Despises it
Talia turned him into a death scythe but lord death never makes him transform. He’s just a strategist and a teacher now.
Talia is a witch but she hid it until after she made Bruce a death scythe.
Also Bruce’s like honor code is a little different here since “no killing” is kinda silly when the only reason the academy exists is to kill kishins he thinks A: everyone is constantly teetering on the edge of madness all the time. And B: it is a moral failing if you succumb to the madness. Which is why he didn’t go after the joker after Jason, because doing so would have been giving in to the madness.
Dick is a meister
He bounced back and forth between Barbara who is a grappling hook and also a meister and Kori who is some sort of lava cannon or something.
Barbara got Severely hurt during a fight while wielding Jason and had to stop for a while. She’s back at it though, helping Bruce as a strategist and as like “Mission Control” Bruce is guiding her to take over for him someday.
Dick now fights with Wally who is his like electric escrima sticks because speedster=lightning in my mind.
Jason is also a gun but he thinks it’s Very cool. Barbara was with Jason when they were assigned to take down the joker who is a kishin egg. He killed Jason and severely injured Babs.
Jason was revived by Talia because obviously, using the black blood and he was overtaken by the madness for a while before being pulled back towards sanity by his friends.
Hes partnered with Roy now who Does have A daughter Lian. Teen pregnancy stuff. You get it.
Tim is a meister. He can resonate with anyone but he really struggled to find a weapon he really clicked with. So he fought by directing his soul wavelength for a while.
He met Bernard who is a bo staff and they clicked and are now partners.
Steph used to fight by herself using a non person weapon, no one is really sure where she got it. But now she and Cassandra are partners and No One but Steph and maybe Bruce and Barbara know what kind of weapon she is all anyone can tell is that she’s something small, she can also see soul wavelengths.
There’s a good chance though that when you see Steph alone that Cass is actually transformed and concealed somewhere on her person
Duke is a weapon who fights alone (like Justin law) I don’t know what kind of weapon but it’s something weird and COOL he’s got to be really super cool. It definitely glows and he can like “enchant” (not really the word I’m looking for but it works) it with his soul wavelength to like resonate/boost his own attacks.
Duke is the closest to becoming a death scythe of the batfam.
Damian is PISSED that he wasn’t born a weapon. He really really wants to be a death scythe, so it bums him out that he can’t.
I think it’s really funny if he Is actually a weapon but he’s even more repressed than Maka so literally no one knows.
That or Talia tried to ensure he’d be a witch and it backfired somehow and locked away his weapon transformation instead.
He’s partnered with Jon who is a sword
Damian is absolutely determined to make Jon into the youngest death scythe ever
Jon does not particularly care either way he definitely wants to become a death scythe but isn’t super bothered by timeline but if that’s what Damian wants god damnit he’s going to try his best!! Jon is very Tsubaki core to me. They are the tsu/blackstar combo of the batfam.
Back to Jason, Bruce understands Jason’s struggle with the madness and just really really wants his son to talk to him but he never ever gives ANY indication that he’d react well or even Want to talk to Jason about anything. Especially when he keeps reacting so high and mighty and preachy when Jason is Worse at dealing with the madness than anyone else.
Other—non batfam—headcanons
Clark and Lois are a death scythe/ meister combo In that order. They’re off doing shit constantly and Kon ends up basically taking care of Jon most of the time.
J’onn is a teacher (also a weapon) at the academy in my mind the like struggle with madness is split off onto Bruce but the like rest of stein is in J’onn mixed with Sid’s like dad energy.
J’onn is the teacher that Everyone goes to for advice about basically anything.
Also J’onn is a weapon who can change form like Tsubaki can but he’s got A Lot more forms. He can see wavelengths. And attack with his own wavelength. He’s basically super overpowered but he hardly ever has to fight.
Barry is a death scythe nuff said
All of the like magic users in the justice league including aquaman because… fish. Are witches
Zetanna’s witch form/animal form is a lion because she gives me ringmaster vibes? Idk.
Constantine’s animal form is the wettest saddest rat you’ve ever seen. It’s also huge. Also he is Literally trading off pieces of his soul and he looks SUPER freaky to anyone who can see souls
The main villain of the arc is the league of assassins. Run by witches. The academy and the justice league witches team up to take them down. They’re trying to turn the joker into a full blown kishin using the black blood which is a stand in for the Lazarus pits. I’m thinking like full on Pits of the stuff and everyone has to donate blood to the pits every time they walk past. All these assassins are Covered in self inflicted cuts so they can donate their blood.
When people displease Ra’s they get bled out into the black blood. Like draining an animal style. So ominously hanging over the pit by the ankles bleeding out into it are like a lot of bodies. And in the center in like a cage half submerged in the blood is the joker and they bring him all the souls after the people bleed to death.
They do kidnap J’onn at some point, also Tim, and Bernard, and idk Lian for the drama
So rescue mission! Also kill the joker! Is the main finale.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
Could you write a Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates x f!student reader? Laurel starts working at Nevermore, while she starts planning her revenge on the outcasts Reader tries to make her feel welcome and Laurel is a bit surprised, they start spending time together and they bond, as time passes Laurel realizes that she cares about Reader and thinks that she might love her but pushes the thought aside because she can't love an outcast. More time passes and Laurel resurrects Crackstone, while he's destroying the school Reader attacks him but he defeats her, as he is about to k*ll her Laurel remembers all the times Reader has been nice to her and decides to protect her, they defeat Crackstone and it ends with Laurel and Reader kissing and running away so that Laurel doesn't go to jail
Thanks if you'll write it <3
Yesss!!! Here it is!!! I hope you like it, and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))
I don't care
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates x Fem, Student! Reader
Warnings: Bad decisions, unconditional love
Word count: 4,503
Summary: You love her, and you think she loves you… You don’t know how far you can go just for her…
 N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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You were sitting on a bench inside the school, as usual. Your Ipod played songs while you read the boring books that the literature teacher told you. You moved your head following the rhythm of the music. It was ideal for a rainy afternoon. You wanted to lose yourself in your thoughts. Your ice generating powers were dozing while your body enjoyed the relaxation that being like this provided you. You loved those quiet afternoons.
“You'll see how comfortable you'll be here, Marilyn. They don't look like it, but they're good, I promise.”
Principal Weems was walking with another woman, one you had never seen before. You normally didn't pay attention to strangers walking into Nevermore, but that innocent-looking redhead caught your eye from the first moment. She was carrying a suitcase and several potted plants in her arms.
“Thank you for this opportunity, Larissa,” the stranger said, nodding happily.
You watched the two women over the top of your book. You tried to go unnoticed, but Principal Weems knew all the students at Nevermore very well, and that included you.
“Oh, (Y/N), it's nice that you're here,” she told you, guiding the other woman towards you.
“Principal Weems,” you greeted politely.
“(Y/N), this is Marilyn Thornhill,” she said, pointing towards the redhead, who was staring at you. “She is your new botany teacher.”
Marilyn nodded in greeting and smiled, feeling unable to reach out to you.
“Oh, glad to meet you Miss Thornhill,” you said, getting up.
“She is (Y/N), one of our best students,” Larissa said, proud to boast of your good grades.
“I'm glad to meet you. I’m sorry I didn't shake your hand, I'm a bit... Loaded right now,” she said amused, moving things from one side to the other.
“Wait, let me help you,” you said, picking up one of the pots. She looked at you as if that gesture was something strange, but she nodded gratefully.
“Wow, thank you very much, you are very kind,” she said smiling.
There was a strange little moment of silence, as if time had stopped. Larissa cleared her throat to interrupt the curious tension that had built.
“Well, I'm afraid I have to go now. (Y/N), if you would be so kind as to accompany Ms. Thornhill…”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” you said, nodding profusely. You were always this nice to everyone, but somehow you felt the need to be even nicer with your new teacher.
Larissa turned and walked away from her, leaving them alone.
“Well…” Marilyn said, a little nervous.
“Well…” You repeated. Suddenly you felt that words were unable to come out of your mouth. “Do you want me to show you Nevermore?”
“I would love to, but first I would like to leave all this stuff in my room. It weighs a little,” she answered you, putting on her glasses with an almost angelic gesture.
“Of course, of course…”
The two of you walked silently through the school. Your presence did not go unnoticed by your classmates, who whispered as you passed near them. Your cheeks flushed red as you understood what the conversation would surely be.
The week before, Larissa informed you that a new teacher would be coming. It wouldn't be strange news if she hadn't commented on a small detail. That woman, Marilyn, was a normie. All the students seemed very surprised, even disgusted to hear it.
Normies and outcasts had always been in constant struggle. The ones hated the others. It wasn't surprising that the situation was somehow awkward, but it didn't affect you personally at all. You didn't believe in generalities. There was good and evil on both sides, the yin and yang.
“Sorry for asking…” You said, when you reached the door of what would be her room. She turned and dropped some things on the ground. “But what is someone like you doing in a place like this?”
She sighed, understanding the meaning of that question. You began to regret having asked it.
“I see that you already found out,” she told you, pretending that she hadn't minded the question. “Do you read minds or something?”
“What? No. Larissa told us that... Well, you aren’t... I mean, you're...”
“Normi,” she said, finishing the sentence for you. Her look didn't evoke rancor or anger, but there was something in her voice that told you that somehow it hurt her to admit it.
“Yeah, well… Larissa told us, just in case,” you said, wanting to run out of there. She nodded and smiled.
“I see…” She said in a breath, putting the key in the lock.
She tried to turn it several times, but without success.
“What's wrong with this damn door?” She protested, a little nervous. You immediately snapped out of your pensive and stunned state and approached her.
“The same thing always happens. The lock has a trick. Allow me, please,” you said kindly, taking the key with your hand. In doing so, you brushed your hand against hers and that gave you the willies. Your feelings were going much faster than your thoughts and you didn't like where they were going.
With your other hand you lifted the door a little, adjusting it so that the key turned smoothly, opening at last.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” she told you, picking up some things and entering the room. Are you going to stay there?
You shook your head and reached down to get the rest of her things, going inside as well.
“I'd swear it's smaller than mine,” you commented, placing a box on top of the dusty desk. Marilyn looked at you curiously as she looked at one of her plants.
“I think I'll have to talk seriously with Larissa,” she said, joking. You laughed
“Good luck with that. Lately she's too busy with her scams with Mayor Walker,” you said, sitting on the bed.
“Did you say Walker?” The redhead asked suddenly. You stirred, a little scared of her reaction.
“Yes... The mayor of Jericho, do you know him?” You wanted to know. She relaxed her face and shook her head.
“Oh, no. I thought he was other person,” she said. You didn't know why, but it seemed to you that she was lying. “And answering your previous question, the truth is, I don't know what I'm doing here.”
The days passed and you had your first classes with her. Everyone in Nevermore seemed not to be as satisfied with her presence as you are. You noticed how the other teachers ignored her. She was always alone. She ate alone, she dined alone. Marilyn spent most of her time alone in the conservatory. You couldn't help but feel bad for her. Normi or not, she was a kind woman, and a good teacher. Gradually that opinion ceased to be completely objective.
You were one of those fools who believed in love at first sight. Of course, she was everything you wanted, and the small inconvenience that it was clearly an impossible love didn't matter to you at all. You didn't want to keep seeing how she was rejected by the majority of people in Nevermore, and you took advantage of the little trust you had after your first meeting to spend some time with her.
“That's why they say I'm too cold, do you get it? Too cold,” you said, giving another one of your ridiculous bad joke shows.
“I think so, I get it,” Marilyn answered you, amused, while she watered some of her plants. “Aren’t you tired of spending time with me?”
The question caught you by surprise. Her tone was serious and somewhat melancholic. You frowned and shook your head.
“No,” you answered. “Why?”
“Well, I'm sure your friends are having fun out there.”
“Bah, they can have fun alone. They only need me when they run out of ice,” you widened your eyes at that statement. She was kind of like your friend, but she was still your teacher. “For the soft drinks…” You tried to fix it.
“Careful, (Y/N), don't make me have to call Weems,” she told you, like a false threat. “You have not answered my question.”
“What question? Oh yeah. Well I… I'm fine here,” you said, shrugging. “I'm hopelessly in love with you and I want to spend as much time as I can by your side” didn't seem like the best answer.
“You seem to be the only one, (Y/N),” she said grimly, as she set the watering can down.
“Crap. Weems appreciates you a lot,” you said, feeling a little pang of jealousy in your chest.
“She is my boss,” she answered coldly. “In any case, forget it, I don't want to go around being sorry.”
“I think you're cool, you know. And many of my classmates agree with me,” you said, blushing at that direct confession. It wasn't a declaration of love, but it was an honest opinion.
And so the months passed.
Your relationship grew, and you barely hung out with your friends from the Nightshades. You only had time for her, and she for you. The insipid and trivial talks you had in the conservatory turned into deep and philosophical conversations. Marilyn confessed to you how difficult it had been for her to fit in somewhere, that the world of the normies didn't want her, and neither did the world of the outcasts. You felt so identified. You had a lot of friends, yes, but you never felt strong enough to be completely honest with them. Only your roommate, Divina, knew about your preference for girls. Society still retained old prejudices.
“Hey, this is nightshade, right?” You said, looking at a plant you didn't think you'd seen before there. Marilyn walked up to you and nodded.
“You're good, (Y/N),” she whispered to you. You smiled, and your cheeks no longer returned to their normal color, they stayed a constant red.
“Wow, this could kill us all,” you commented, looking at the sinister plant.
“Precisely for this reason it is important that you know it, even if you don't need to,” she told you, winking at you and moving away a bit.
“Sure, academic interests,” you said, making a gesture of quotation marks with your fingers.
“I thought you would have a secret meeting tonight,” she told you in a slightly ironic tone. You turned around, surprised that she had any idea about your little student society.
“How do you know?” You asked. She just shrugged. You snorted at her mysterious and mocking attitude.
In that time some strange things had happened in Nevermore. A new student, Wednesday Addams joined the academy. A strange, quiet and sinister girl. Soon after, a rumor began to spread that a bear was on the loose. Divina told you that this bear was not a bear, but a monster. A student had apparently disappeared.
“Do you think we're in danger?” You asked, thinking how terrible it was to have a monster stalking the school grounds.
“Why do you say that?” Marilyn asked, leaning next to you and tilting her head.
“Well, the rumors about a monster... The thing about that boy... Rowan,” you said, finally showing some humility with her, some of the fear you really felt.
“(Y/N), you don't have to worry. Nothing is wrong. Also remember that Nevermore is well protected, you know, by people like you.”
While she was talking she did something you wished would last forever. Gently, she brushed her hand over your cheek. Silence fell suddenly, while her hand caressed you. You couldn't find words, or anything you could think of. Everything was calm, peaceful. You were confident, but she had never done anything like this.
“And… And don't forget the nightshade,” you said stupidly, interrupting the best moment of your life. She smiled, but she didn't take her hand away, she even seemed to get closer to you.
“Yeah, the nightshade too,” she whispered, too close.
It seemed like one of those moments when lovers kiss. You felt her breathing, your eyelids closed slowly, just like hers. You noticed her lips on yours, fleetingly, like a light touch, not like a kiss. Her breathing quickened but she didn't move. You didn't do anything, you just stood there still, finally wishing that that contact would intensify.
Marilyn sighed and moved away from you, pretending nothing had happened.
You were blocked. You opened your eyes to see that she was now turning her back on you, moving some things on her desk. You didn't know what to do, or what to say. You were afraid to hear words of regret.
“(Y/N), it's late, you better go back inside. Weems will get angry if she sees you around at this time,” she said with a very different tone than her voice used to have. It was a cold, distant tone. You nodded, knowing that she couldn't see you.
You left the place with your head down, feeling bewildered and disappointed. She was going to kiss you, you were sure. Not even the winter cold could take away the feeling of her lips touching yours. You looked back. Marilyn was with her head buried in her arms, apparently crying over something.
You were about to return, but something, or rather someone, interrupted your path.
“(Y/N)! May I know what you are doing wandering around the school at this time of the night?”
Principal Weems appeared, obviously upset. She was more concerned than annoyed, apparently.
“I… I was helping Miss Thornhill and I was leaving just right now,” you said, running your hands over your arms, beginning to feel the cold. Larissa seemed relieved to hear your excuse, and she put her arm around your shoulders.
“You scared me. I don't like you guys going out alone at night. You leave me calmer knowing that you were with Marilyn.”
The weeks passed and your relationship with the redhead cooled. You didn't talk about that night. She was obviously avoiding the subject. You didn't say anything either. Now it was clear to you that the chemistry was mutual. That was much worse. Knowing that she might have feelings for you but not want to show it was much harder than dreaming of the impossible.
After many terrifying events and companions being attacked by that mysterious monster, things didn't get any better. You were scared. You no longer went out at night to see Marilyn. She didn't seem to bother about that too much either, she barely talked to you.
That day they had expelled Wednesday from Nevermore. It seemed that she had tried to kill someone, or something.
You were lying on your bed, face up, daydreaming about that kiss that never happened, when your roommate suddenly walked into your room.
“(Y/N)! Wake up! You have to come, something has happened,” Divina said, shaking you roughly.
“My God, Div, what's wrong with you?” You said annoyed. Her face was truly terrified.
“It's Thornhill, she was behind all of this.”
Your eyes widened and you shook your head.
“Behind what? What are you talking about?” You asked, getting up immediately.
“The monster, the murders. Thornhill is the murderer. She wasn't even called that, she's Laurel Gates, remember the family that wanted to murder all the outcasts?”
You were hallucinating. You would never believe that was possible. You had a cold mind and you did remember the stories that spoke of the Gates family. You nodded, feeling your heart begin to pound.
“She is the little daughter. She wants to kill us all!”
“Have you gone crazy, Divina?” You asked annoyed in case it was some kind of practical joke. You thought so because the close relationship you had with Marilyn did not go unnoticed by your friends.
“There is no time! You have to come!” She said, grabbing your wrist.
Marilyn wasn't Marilyn, she was… Laurel Gates? A murderer? Impossible. It was simply impossible for you to believe. She would never hurt anyone. You replayed it in your head over and over again as you walked down the stairs. It wasn't possible, it had to be a joke, a misunderstanding.
It was obvious that something was happening in Nevermore. Students and teachers were running through the corridors, running from something.
-Come on, we have to get out of here.- Your friend told you when you arrived at the door. You looked at the sky. In what appeared to be the courtyard, a kind of sinister glow had arisen, as if something was on fire. You couldn't help it, you had to go see what was happening, you had to make sure that it was all a lie, that Marilyn was Marilyn, not a murderer, that she wasn't Laurel Gates. “(Y/N)!”
You ran against the current, without looking back. There was no one there when you got to the patio, just two figures that it took you a while to make out. Wednesday, she was recognizable. She seemed to be wrestling with some kind of pilgrim, a demon. You had spent enough time in Jericho to guess who it was, Joseph Crackstone. You didn't bother to wonder why he lived. The fight they were waging seemed to come to an end, and Wednesday seemed to lose.
The young woman fell to the ground and you ran to her aid, without thinking about the possible consequences.
“Wednesday!” You yelled, crouching down next to her. She seemed hurt. She looked at you strange and scared, a very rare feeling for her.
“On his heart… You have to stick it on his heart,” she told you, hissing in pain, bringing an old sword closer to you.
“Great, more witches to burn in hell!” The pilgrim screeched behind you. You turned and brandished the sword at him. You don't know how, but you managed to dodge his blows. He carried some kind of staff that seemed much stronger than that cracked sword.
“Fuck, fuck...” You muttered, finding yourself unable to dodge his attacks any longer.
Finally, your sword collided with the staff, breaking as you feared, into a thousand pieces.
“You can't do anything, damn witch. I'll send you all to Satan,” He told you, pointing that object towards you, sending you away just by shaking it.
You landed with a crash, doing terrible damage to your arm. Crackstone approached you, slowly, enjoying his victory.
“Pray if you still can, you monster,” he whispered. You could barely move. The fall did you a lot of damage. You tried to drag yourself across the ground, but it only served to have his foot slam into your hand hard, making you cry out in pain.
It was your time. Everything had happened very quickly. You didn't even think of Marilyn as the culprit for all of this. You were going to die, and you preferred to do it believing that she was good, and that she... loved you. You closed your eyes, waiting for your sad end.
“Stop! Leave her alone!”
A shout stopped the pilgrim. You recognized that voice. Marilyn.
You opened your eyes to see a woman completely unknown to you. It was her, your beloved, but she didn't have that tender and innocent look. The absence of her glasses only emphasized the evil that ran across her face. Your subconscious came to the horrible conclusion that your friend was right. She wasn't Marilyn, that woman was Laurel Gates.
“You!” Crackstone yelled, turning on her. “I thought I told you to get out of my sight, or I'd tear your tongue out.”
You managed to support yourself on one of your elbows, looking horrified at a scene of two people who seemed to have some confidence.
“She's not in your plans,” Laurel said, darkening her gaze.
That horrible demon laughed evilly. The redhead looked scared and she looked at you in a panic.
“Please! Let her go,” she begged, getting to her knees. “Please.”
“I have a better idea…” Crackstone whispered. “I was wrong about you… You are a dishonor to my lineage. You will die too... But first I want you to enjoy the views...”
“Please…” The redhead insisted, crying desperately.
The pilgrim turned to you and smiled, his eyes wide.
“Die, witch!” He yelled, raising his cane towards you again.
You managed to put your arms in front of your head and closed your eyes again. There was no blow, an explosion sounded suddenly. You opened your eyes to see that it had not been an explosion, but a shot.
Laurel was no longer on her knees, she was on her feet, gun in hand. The bullet hit Crackstone, causing him to stop.
“I told you to leave her alone,” she hissed, inching closer.
“Marilyn…” You whispered, still shaking from being about to die.
Crackstone snarled in anger and made a swing at her, but she kept firing. Unfortunately her progress only slowed.
You had to do something as soon as possible. You preferred to be you, you preferred not to see the woman you loved die. Yes, you loved her, whoever she was. Despite everything, you loved her and she loved you, she had shown it by saving your life.
A click told you that there were no more bullets left.
“On his heart…” You whispered to yourself, getting up from the ground. The pain you felt was comparable to thousands of blades digging into your body, but you didn't care. You took a breath and concentrated. The familiar chill your powers caused passed through your hand.
A fine frozen icicle formed in your hand. It was your last chance. You ran towards that monster, just when it seemed that the redhead had accepted her fate, dropping the weapon to the ground.
“Go to hell!” He yelled, raising the staff at her. “Ahhhh!”
A horrible cry of pain filled the courtyard. That makeshift ice stake pierced through his chest, causing a black mist to begin to surround him.
A shock wave hit the place, causing you to fall back to the ground. Then came the calm. The flames that devoured the place vanished together with that demon. It's over.
Laurel moved toward you and knelt down, helping you to sit up.
“Marilyn… Why?” You said, already unable to hold back the tears. “Why?”
“My love... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry. I didn't want anything to happen to you,” she told you. You didn't even notice the way she called you. You were broken with physical and emotional pain, but still, you couldn't help but hug her.
“Why did you do it?... I... I...” You sobbed, embracing that horrible woman, the culprit of everything, a murderer, a murderer you felt unable to stop loving.
“Forgive me, please…” She said, sobbing too. “You are the only one who has always been with me… I started to feel things for you and… And… I didn't know what to do… My God, please forgive me… I love you…”
Those words caused your heart to stop. She had just told you, she had said that she loved you. You no longer had a choice.
“Laurel… That's your name, right?” You said. She nodded. “I love you too…”
After that strange confession, you kissed in the most romantic way you could do under those circumstances. It was a deep, passionate, sincere kiss. Your conscience was screaming for you to come to your senses, for you to remember all the horrible things that had happened, that she did. You didn't hear its call, you could only hear your heart.
“Please... Forgive me,” she whispered while she kept kissing you.
Wednesday's dark voice interrupted your statement. She was behind you, and she wasn't alone, Principal Weems was next to her, putting a hand on her neck for some unknown reason.
“Laurel Gates…” Larissa whispered. “I've notified the sheriff, he won't be long in arriving,” she said, serious, more serious than you've ever seen her. The redhead kissed you once more and got up. You did the same, without thinking that the Nevermore’s Principal had seen you do what you were doing. “You will pay for everything you have done.”
Laurel nodded, resigned, taking your hand.
“It's the right thing,” she said, not letting you go for a second.
You looked at her scared. She was going to give herself up. If half the things they said she did were true, you'd never see her again.
You weren't going to allow it. Not now that you knew she had feelings for you. You squeezed her hand hard, causing her to frown at you.
“Calm down, honey… Everything will be fine,” she told you. No one seemed to want to get in the way, but both Larissa and Wednesday couldn't hide their faces of disgust at seeing both of you in that romantic attitude. It was normal, it should be prohibited.
“Turn yourself in right now,” Larissa demanded. “Taking advantage of a student like that will only worsen your sentence.”
Your eyes burned furiously. She hadn't taken advantage of you, she even hesitated to kiss you that night. You didn't know if it was because you were an outcast, or because it was immoral for her to kiss you as your teacher. Any of the reasons was worth it to you. She never asked you for anything, she never used you for anything. She loved you sincerely, despite the terrible internal struggle she had to go through in doing so.
“That's not true…” You hissed, earning the attention of everyone present.
“(Y/N), what did you say?” Larissa asked, looking at you with concern.
“I won't let you lock her up!” you yelled, grabbing the redhead tightly. “Run! Let's go!”
Laurel seemed to doubt her, but she followed you, partly also because you were dragging her.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Come back here immediately!”  Larissa shouted, following you along with Wednesday.
“Are you crazy?” The redhead asked, not knowing where to go, just like you.
“I'm not going to let them take you away from me. Not now that I know you love me,” you said panting.
They were chasing you and your forces were beginning to fail you. You decided to use more radical methods. You stopped suddenly and crouched down, resting your hand on the ground.
Quickly, the ground under your hand began to freeze, causing your pursuers to slip and fall to the ground.
“Dammit, (Y/N)! Reconsider!” Weems yelled on the ground.
You didn't answer, you just smiled and kept running.
The redhead turned on her car and soon you were leaving Nevermore behind, and Jericho.
“I can't believe what I've done,” you said, scared, but not sorry.
“You're crazy, (Y/N). Running away with me is not what is best for you…. I want the best for you.”
“Don't keep talking, I want to.”
“It will be dangerous, (Y/N),” she told you, constantly looking in the rearview mirror, in case the police were after you.
“I don't care.”
“I've done horrible things...”
“I don't care,” you answered.
“I wish I had told you earlier how much I love you, (Y/N).”
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caitwrites · 1 year
A Girl's Guide to Ending Rape Culture - Chapter 1
"What's your name, sweetheart?"
I look towards the direction of the voice and push down the urge to vomit. The voice had come from an older man, old enough to be my dad. He's wearing a white wife beater and running a hand through sweaty hair that is matted to his forehead.
I answer him anyways, since everything I do matters for my image. I never knew who was watching.
"Emilie Hanley."
"Sing us a song, Em, honey."
I hate when people call me Em, hate it even more when people call me honey, but I ignore it and start to sing one of the original songs I had written.
It was a song about getting too comfortable in a relationship and the feelings slowly dying. It was one of my favourites that I had written; I felt it was realistic.
At the end of the song, I got a fair amount of applause. I didn't get as much applause as some people, but I was always happy with what I got.
"Thank you," I say to the small crowd. Most of the crowd had already turned back to what they were doing: drinking coffees and chatting with the person across from them.
Sometimes, I wished I could catch people's attention for longer than the time it took to complete a set. There were the occasional people who were interested in my CDs, but it never usually went any further than that. I was grateful, but isn't it human nature to want more?
I walk towards the Campus Commons: the grassy area surrounded by the four buildings on Campus. The usual lush, green grass was now a dry brown color; the kind that when you sat down, it would stay flat rather than spring back up. I couldn't wait till Summer when the grass would be green again.
My eyes search the area for my friends, Ani and Lucas. I see them, laughing as they walk the path that went around Campus. Ani notices me and waves.
I walk over to Ani and Lucas. I give Ani and hug, and Lucas a side hug that feels more awkward than friendly.
There's always been this tension between Lucas and I. Not necessarily a bad tension; we don't have any negative energy between us, but it's not quite positive either. Awkward is the way I would describe it.
"How are you guys?" I ask. I resist the urge to look at Lucas when I say this. I always feel the instinct to look at him when he speaks, to see how he reacts to the things I say. Instead, I focus on Ani.
Ani smiles warmly. "I'm good, w were just heading back from English. You missed a lot of important stuff," she says, rolling her eyes in a way that suggests I really didn't.
I suppose I hadn't; Mrs. Peters tended to go on and on about her life before it seemed to occur to her that she was, in fact, an English teacher and should probably be teaching English. By that time, the class was mostly done. I had considered dropping the class before, but it was the only class I had with both Ani and Lucas, and Mrs. Peters usually got so caught up in her life stories that she didn't really mind us using the time to talk amongst ourselves.
"Sorry, I was just at the cafe, I had a set."
"That's okay," Lucas says. "We get it. How was the set?"
I brighten and look over at him. "It was okay, the usual. The occasional wanted attention, then the unwanted attention. You know how it is."
They both did. I'd told them both about the unwanted attention of men (and sometimes women) before.
Ani looks disgusted by it, as usual. Lucas looks disgusted, too, but there's something else in his expression. Annoyance, maybe?
I raise an eyebrow. "What's that face for?"
His face straightens. "Nothing."
Ani looks between us, probably sensing that tension that's inevitably occurring between us again. "Okay, you guys. If you're done staring at each other, let's go do something fun."
I break eye contact first, and look at Ani. "Fun?"
"Yes, fun. Let's go to a club or something. Do some dancing," she says, shimmying her shoulders towards me.
"I don't know," I say. "We're not even old enough to get into a club."
"Come on, Em. They barely even check IDs here. It'll be fun. And I'm sure there'll be a karaoke contest or something."
She had me there; she knew I never turned down an opportunity to sing. "Fine," I say. "Let's go get ready."
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bundaaisyah27 · 1 year
August 5, 2023
It feels like it's been ages since I last scribbled down something. I know I am the most sluggish writer ever existed, but that's okay. I kmow I am continually trying my damnedest to be more consistent and I think that's what really matters. It doesn't matter how frequently you stumble, fall, and crash—as long as you're keeping yourself going, isn't that good enough? So yeah, I am coming back. After going on a hiatus for some time, I think I am now in a better frame of mind and am ready to continue writing with upgraded level of enthusiasm and gusto. Now, let me tell you about what happened today, because if not now, when? If not me, who? And if not here, where?
This afternoon something completely unprecedented happened and I just didn't know what to do with it. Have you ever had an unexpected experience with an uncontrollable kid? No, not with the chatterbox one, not with the weepy one either, but with the emotionally 'troubled' one? Today I had to deal with a kid that did something extreme which reminded me about my younger self—I had done that fourth times in my whole 19-year-old life, admittedly.
In a nutshell, I was in the midst of eating my lunch in the school's kitchen. Surprisingly, I opted for the outer space of the kitchen with no apparent reasons. I just felt like it was the right option so I just did it. While placidly eating the nasi kuning(a prominently delectable Indonesian food), I saw a kid passing by and he was about to get out of the school through the back gate. He swiftly showed me(and one school stuff) his shoes and I thought he was just doing it for fun—I am not a mind reader so I am incapable of predicting what one is about to do. And oh boy! Do you, by any chance, now have any clue what he did? He ran away! Yeah, you heard that right. He was right in the edge of the road and so I instinctively followed him and attempted my best to catch him. No, I don't think he was suicidal(thank God) but what he did was extremely dangerous. He noticed me so he continued running, he was running towards the nearby forest and dang! He ran insanely fast and I couldn't catch up with his pace. He then ran towards the road again, but thankfully, there was a fellow teacher who was capable of grabbing him. It's unimaginable what could've happened if she wasn't there, it was such a relief that she could save that kid. We eventually came back to the school and I heard through the grapevine that actually, it wasn't the first time of him running away. He had done that several times already and that's when it clicked. I've been there, frankly speaking. I wouldn't tell you the nitty-gritty of my past story(ies), but I can understand him. I know what it feels like and I know that he didn't do it for nothing. He must have some reasons and I am determined to find out his why(s). I want to approach him. I want to get to know him better. Eventhough I am only a totally inexperienced teacher and am full of blemishes, but I have the blazing desire to help this innocent kid. I want to help him heal, as best as I possibly can. I just hope Allah will give me the opportunity to get closer to Him and I hope He will guide me to help this kid. Hopefully.
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queen-vv · 2 years
Question: Did anyone here actually get taught anything in school art classes? I had to teach myself everything (and incompletely at that) despite taking art for literally my whole time in school, and I’m wondering how universal that is.
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peteyprecious616 · 3 years
Divine deception
Pairing: Anakin x Jedi!reader
Summary: You were too good for the Jedi to have. So he had to save you from their lies. He would take you with him. He had no choice. You didn't either.
Word count: ~1.1k
Sentence prompt: You must know... surely you must know it was all for you.
A/N: oh hey everyone...sorry for disappearing. College has not been fun these past few days and weeks. A lot of work towards midterms but I gotta do it. This was also somewhat of a writing exercise because i've been struggling to come up with ideas for new content, so if you want something specific let me know.But until then, i guess here is some darker fic than my usual stories.
Warnings: Major character death; just a dark, angsty anakin fic. Different than my usual stuff ;)
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Your former master’s blood slipped through the rifts of your hands. Dripping off your fingertips mixed with your tears as they stained the rug beneath your knees.
“How could they do this? He was our friend Anakin!”
He was the only person who looked after you when you needed comfort. He was your master, your mentor.
And your only other friend, next to Ani.
“I assure you. It's going to be okay.” He whispered as he kneeled behind your weak body. Your knees just touched your master's cold side as you sat next to his stiff form.
You couldn’t see the glossed, darkened eyes that drilled into the back of your head, the hatred that seeped towards his former teacher. It’s moments like these where he knew there was no going back.
The Jedi were frauds; stupid people that believed everything would fall into place. The galaxy was on their side, theirs to control.
To manipulate.
You were one of the many that fell with the cause. Your mind and body radiate that belief that the star systems could find peace. You wanted to do right by the council, by everyone. It was why you wanted to follow Obi-Wan and his ways.
His influential words had clung to your brain easily like a virus as you spewed the written Jedi way. It was the only way for you. Everyone believed it.
Even Anakin at one point believed in it.
He was weak then.
He was taken from his mother to be a part of something that could easily be seen as a protecting divinity for others. The guiding light for others to follow to become the best possible being.
To create unity.
It was a sick way of bringing people together; Anakin loathed to be associated with something so vile.
He had to pull you away from all of the nonsense and brainwashing the council did to everyone else.
Too far gone.
Dead to change.
But you were about to slip. He had been creeping along, waiting patiently for the right time to save you from this place.
This horrible world.
He believed what he was doing was going to make the Jedi beg for mercy. They forced him into submission. The council made him believe that he was the problem, the darkness that slithered through the precipice of his mind, that would control his actions someday.
They couldn’t fix him. So let's just cast him out of the group. Keep him on edge, to make him believe he was “worthy enough” to be one of the greats.
That's what Obi-Wan forced him to believe since he was young. All teeth and tongue spitting cunning words of false belief to his younger self.
The other “great” minds chanted the same prayer. Till they believed the same lies that spewed from their lips. It might have been a way for them to force a sense of comfort into their lives.
They knew the truth about the future. The greatest prophecy of the one they call Anakin Skywalker.
Darth Vader was just hidden in the obscurity of the present studies of Anakin. He wouldn’t have learned the real truth about himself.
Because they were afraid of him. He was too “naive”; too young.
They could change him. His fingers indented with the contrived comfort of a lightsaber.
He was a force of good.
To save others from the dark hands of the taboo "other" side of the force.
It was only spoken of in feeble allusions and phrases. To be whispered in the dimness of the library corners.
To be diminished from the teachings for others. It needed to be “forgotten”.
To be rid of. Not a problem.
So why couldn’t he bring the untouchable, precious Jedi to their knees? He had their cowardness breaking through the cracked skin of their delusive lips.
He had the power. The right to choose his fate.
You did too.
But you have been perceiving it the wrong way.
He couldn’t let you fall away. He had you. He could have you. All you had to do was pick the right choice.
Listen to a better voice of reason.
All those nights of you studying for training with Obi-Wan. Anakin slumped in the chair next to you, listening to you talk about what you were learning. Even years after schooling and training, your melodic voice that talked about what made him angry the most, made him think it was okay to settle.
To be force-fed lies from your lips.
Because even though he would be stuck here in the vicious place, he would still have you.
But after those long days of grueling training, now a trained Jedi, you came to him, wanting someone to look after you and keep you safe. Away from the cruel reality of the fighting galaxy.
Your bruised fingers gripped onto the back of his robe like he was your salvation. His lips brushed over your ears, promising you love and claiming you as “his” own liberation. He was a new person because your soft hands hovered over his drained face like he was a fragile piece of glass.
Something to cherish and preserve from shattering
Or at least that’s what he made you believe.
He was burned raw before he met you. Nothing left to protect but his plan to repay the council for what they deserve.
And to kill them for ever letting them lay a finger on you. Pulling you towards an already established destiny. Feeding you utter lies about the future.
He was your future. And you were his.
Whether you knew it or not he couldn’t tell.
So as he held your tired fingers in his hand, as you laid next to the cold body of your former master, he had to tell you.
You had to get ready for what was to come. Your new future layed in his damaged, aged hands. You just needed to be held, to be comforted because he could take care of you now.
Obi-Wan was a menace to society, to think he could control your and Anakin's way towards independence.
He had to kill him.
Confused and distraught, you fell back into his arms to seek comfort. Never knowing the true cause of death. He would never tell you he did it. But he would pull you into his arms and keep you close as you walked towards your new journey with him.
You must know... surely you must know it was all for you.
But you had to figure that out for yourself...with him by your side.
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letarasstuff · 4 years
Normal People don't know their IQ
(A/N): Inspired by me, who recently discovered normal people don’t know their IQ, while I was tested two or three times already...
Summary: A certain someone is the only way to get the UnSub. But there’s also something different that makes her special.
Warnings: Angst (fluffy end, I swear), language, mentions of rape and torture, mention of dead people, the usual CM stuff I guess Wordcount: 2.0k
✨Masterlist✨ _________________________________________
“Garcia, I need you to look into high school teachers, who are suspended or fired for inappropriate behavior towards students and live in the area of the kidnappings”, Hotch orders in a stern voice. But you can’t blame him, after all there are currently six dead teenage girls and one missing. One can only hope and work as fast as possible to get her back to her parents alive.
The team is working a case in Sacramento, California. Teenage girls get abducted on their way home from school, are held for exactly a week and are killed by a simple cut to their throat. The torture they have to endure beforehand isn’t as simple. The last two also show signs of rape.
The dumbing sites are different parks all over the city. The placing happens overnight only to have the girls found the next morning by a clueless jogger or stroller.
“Let’s go over the profile again, I feel like we are missing something”, Rossi commands. His gut feeling tells him only that much, he just has to find out what it is.
“It’s a white male in his mid thirties to late forties. He blends in, so he has to be or has been a teacher. Someone who looks like they belong into a school isn’t suspicious”, Spencer counts the facts.
“The victims all look similar, probably resembling an ex-wife or girlfriend”, Morgan adds. Before he can get into the depth of the torture a phone rings.
“My lovely crime fighters, I got an address. Charles Collins. philosophy and history. Got suspended for suggestive talk towards his female students. He is also said to stare at them and certain body parts for way too long and way too obvious. Gross. Annnd that- wait”
“What is it, Garcia?” Hotch asks after a moment of silence, which is unusual for the ever bubbly tech analyst.
“You got your profile wrong. Collins doesn’t take these girls because of an ex flame.”
The team looks at each other in confusion. Garcia always stresses how she isn’t a profiler and can’t judge over people, because she only wants to see the good in them. How is she able to tell that the profile is off?
“Shoot baby girl, we don’t have much time left”, Derek urges her. He wants nothing more than to have this SOB finally behind bars. The whole team wants that.
“He has a daughter. Technically it’s not his daughter, it’s someone else’s, but he is her foster father. Go and please save both girls!”
Penelope doesn’t have to say it twice. After a brief thank you and goodbye the team is on their way to the given address. As soons as they get there, everyone notices the absence of a car in the driveway. Hotch sends Spencer, Emily and Derek through the back door, the rest goes in from the front.
It’s needless to say that nobody opens up. There is no other way than kicking the doors down.
After entering the house and clearing the first floor, Rossi points towards the stairs that leads to the first story. There are only two rooms. A bathroom right hand and a closed door left hand.
Morgan counts quietly down before also kicking this door down and screaming “FBI!” But he seemingly talks with air, because there is no one to be found. Once again the team swarms out to look for evidence or clues.
As Spencer looks through the room they cleared last, he sees various things that make him smile. Several bookshelves are flooded with all kinds of genres, authors and covers. At first he can’t make out in which way they are sorted. But a closer look makes him realize that they are sorted by the author’s birth year. The doctor is kind of impressed, because that means the person knows when they are born in order to find a certain book. He likes the idea, it is a nice little challenge.
While he investigates further a sound makes him stop. He sends a text to Emily and waits for her. When she enters the room Spencer gestures to her to keep it quiet. Then he points to the bed.
They lower themselves down to the floor at the same time on each side of it. A girl, no older than 14 years, lays there shivering in angst. With big doe eyes she looks at Spencer and whispers:
“Please don’t hurt me.”
A while later the team is back at the station with the girl sitting in one of the interrogation rooms. The temperature is already set down, though Hotch feels really bad for it. Still there is another girl out there waiting to be safed.
“Baby girl, what can you give us on her?” Morgan sets his phone in the middle of the table and switches the speaker on.
“Our little girl’s name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), fourteen years old. Parents were deemed to be unable to look after her since they are both heavy drug addicts and didn’t even register her crying for two hours straight. Since the age of six months she bounces through the system with nobody wanting to keep her longer than two years. They claim she is too smart for them and want somebody to look after her, who can challenge her intellectually.
“Collins took her in one and a half years ago. He got her signed up in several activities after school, like chess and academic decathlon. As of right now she is a junior with an opportunity to graduate next year. Her teachers describe her as incredibly bright with a complicated way of thinking.”
“Complicated way of thinking? Her intelligence was neglected for years, so she gave herself her own challenges. I found her books sorted by the birth year of the authors. She found ways of making things more difficult for herself, that’s why she fabricated strange ways of thinking. This is often found in children with high intelligence, who are not boosted enough by their environment”, Spencer explains, getting more and more furious.
His colleagues feel that this is a sensitive subject for their resident genius. JJ comfortably puts a hand on his shoulder, making the tense go away.
“Emily and Dave, I want both of you to interrogate her. We need to know where he hides the girls. JJ, try to hold the press off for a bit longer. Morgan, Reid, I want you to watch and look for tells or anything else”, Aaron orders.
Everyone works on their given task immediately.
You don’t need to be a profiler to see that (Y/N) is scared out of her mind. She has her feet on her chair and her head lies on her knees. When the two agents enter, she tries to at least fake some kind of composer. But she fails miserably at it.
“Hello (Y/N), may I call you that?” Emily begins in a soft voice. The teenager nods shyly. “Good, (Y/N). My name is Emily Prentiss and this is David Rossi. We are agents from the Behavior Analysis Unit from the FBI. Do you know why you are here?” The teenager shakes her head.
“Ok, let’s cut the chase”, David's voice booms through the small room. “You know exactly why you are here. From what we saw in your room you are an incredibly smart girl. How high is your IQ? 130? 135?”
“147 a-actually”, she nervously corrects the agent, never meeting his eye. The team notices this fairly quickly.
“Even better, normal people don’t know their IQ. So you know what your forster father does. You saw the news, you read the papers, you heard your classmates talk. In addition to that, the girls look alarmingly similar to you. And all of the sudden Charles is more often out than usual. So do us a favor and come clear.” Then he pulls out a picture from a manila folder on the table. Emily tries to intervene.
“Rossi, don’t. She is not the UnSub. (Y/N) is just unfortunate to be at the wrong place.” “She might as well be another UnSub if she doesn’t do anything to help us. Do you know how long you are going to jail for helping hi-”
“I don’t know anything. I- of course I saw what is h-happening. A-and I connected the dots a long time a-ago. You know, Charles lost his job and that’s a stressor. T-then Child Service was investigating him, because of the suspension’s reasons. I-I couldn’t do anything. I had no evidence, the police wouldn’t believe me. I asked him once wh-what he thinks about, you know, what’s happening. He slapped me and told me to not talk about it again. I’m so sorry, I wanna help. The only thing that comes into my mind is an old cabin he once mentioned when I first arrived at his. B-but I don’t know if it helps you. P-please, I don’t want to go to jail or juvenile, I-” Then (Y/N) breaks down into tears.
Emily is in an instant by her side trying to calm her down, while Hotch gives the information to Garcia. As soon as she finds the location, JJ takes a seat next to (Y/N) and the rest of the team flies out.
“You don’t have to be scared of him anymore, Sweetheart. My colleagues will find him and he will be tried and convicted. He will never be a threat to you again”, the blonde tries to comfort her.
“Whenever I leave an abusive home, there will be another one that’s exactly the same. The only difference with Charles was that he seemed to understand me. He helped me. There’s nobody who is willing to do what he did for me”, she admits sadly.
It breaks JJ’s heart, because her words are true. Even though he is a killer, Collins did help her. But she is also determined to show the young girl that he isn’t the only one who can do that. That there are more people out there, who are kind and as helpful if not more.
Not long after this the team brings the man into the station, Morgan guiding him with a deadbolt-like grip.
Rossi spots (Y/N) in a break room with a hot drink in her hands. While making his way over there, Spencer follows him. He wants to talk with her as well.
“(Y/N) I’m sincerely sorry if I hurt you earlier. I didn’t intend to scare you, we just had to act quickly and you were the only source of information available. I also wanted to tell you, that your achievements are astonishing and I guarantee you a bright future, maybe even at the FBI”, he winks at the end of his last sentence.
“I understand, Agent Rossi. But doesn’t everybody know their IQ? I assumed everybody gets at least tested once in their life in some way”, she asks with surprise in her voice.
At that the older man is speechless. Of all things she could accuse him of legitimately, (Y/N) goes with the most innocent question.
“Actually, not everybody gets tested. A reliable test has to be done by a psychologist and most people don’t go to one. Furthermore there has to be a valid reason to do one, that’s why a great part of the population doesn’t know their IQ”, intervenes Spencer. He has to infodump, since the last time was over half an hour ago.
“But you also have to differentiate between the several kinds of intelligence, because intelligence is way more than being good at math. There…”
Rossi stopped listening to the excited interaction between the two geniuses. Instead he watches their body languages and facial expressions. He hasn’t seen both of them more at calm than they are now.
After all there might be a way for (Y/N) to get a little Happy End.
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tom-holland-parker · 4 years
Lets get Married
Summary: On a class trip to Vegas, Peter is determined to make this trip a memorable one, even if it means doing something crazy. 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word count: 2911
Note: If you’ve never heard Lets get married by bleachers you are missing out.
Taking a bunch of 17/18 year olds to vegas probably wasn't the best idea. Between Flash's constant suggestions on going to a strip club and being stuck on a crowded bus in 90 degree weather, it was already turning out to be terrible.
"Well someone doesn't look too happy" Peter joked as you rested your head on his shoulder. You could feel a headache forming in your head and the heat was only making things worse. "If Flash doesn't stop talking I'm going to stab him" you groaned trying to block out his loud voice.
Peter chuckled, giving you a kiss on your forehead, "sorry to burst your bubble but it's my job as Spiderman to make sure you don't do that"
You rolled your eyes, "but it's your job as Peter AKA my boyfriend to let me get away with it"
"You do realize you're joking about murder" Mj interrupt as she poked her head above her seat in front of you. "I know you're thinking the same thing Mj". She shrugged before returning to the book.
"I’m very glad we finally got a peaceful field trip I don’t think I can handle another Europe or Washington" You joked looking up at Peter. He chuckled, “Don’t jinx it. I don’t want any sort of trouble to happen”
"Well we could always cause some trouble" you smirked, "I've been researching some casinos"
"Since when do you know how to gamble" He laughed. "I'm Tony Stark's daughter doing risky stuff is in my blood. Plus my dad left me with his credit card" you opened your wallet showing Peter the shiny black amex that was tucked in the pocket.
“I don’t know about this,” He said nervously. You scoffed, “You’re telling me that I made all of us get fake IDs and you’re not even going to let me gamble” 
Peter rolled his eyes, remembering the exact day you were talking about. It was almost a month ago when you tricked him and your friends into taking photos that they thought were for the yearbook but turned out to be fake IDs that you needed to get into a party. “I never wanted that fake ID” 
“Yeah but you’re beautiful girlfriend got you one anyway” You leaned over placing a soft kiss on his neck, “Please baby let have some fun. You know what they say What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”
"If you guys are planning on sneaking out, count me in" Mj interrupted, not bothering to wait for a reply before ducking her head back over the seat.
Peter sighed as he shook his head, "Fine but only because Ned has been studying the art of poker for weeks". He pointed to the row next to you where Ned sat reading The Poker Players Bible
“He’s learning poker from a book?” You shook your head in amusement, “He’s gonna lose” 
Peter chuckled, “Have some faith in him. I think he’d make an excellent poker player”. You rolled your eyes, glancing at Ned again before looking back at Peter. 
"Wanna make a bet?" You smirked sitting up from your slouched position. Peter smiled and nodded. "We'll let Ned play three games of poker. If he wins at least twice I'll do whatever you want but is he loses twice then you have to do whatever I want"
He hesitated trying to figure out whether or not you were joking. He rolled his eyes when he realized you were serious, "deal". He shook your hand, "I need to talk to Ned''. You rolled your eyes and put on your headphones as Peter got up and walked to the row besides you.
You didn't notice but Peter had been nervous ever since the plane had landed in Vegas. He knew you'd always wanted to come here and he wanted to make your first trip here a memorable one. "Hey Ned" he whispered, glancing towards you to make sure you weren't paying attention, "I need your help"
"I thought you said you wouldn't have to do Spiderman things on this trip" he replied in a worried tone.
Peter shook his head, "no it's not that" he reassured, "Y/N and Mj are going to come with us tonight to the Casino, but I've made a bet with Y/N and I need you to win two of three poker games tonight"
Ned smiled, "don't worry I've got this I spent the whole plane ride playing in small online competitions and I've won a few games so I'm pretty much a pro"
"great" Peter chuckled nervously, "I'm just nervous. I still don't know what I'm going to do to make this trip memorable for her" he glanced at you watching as you stared out the window.
"Why don't you just cross out number 4 on her bucket list" Ned said as he looked at his book again.
"What are you talking about?" Peter questioned. Ned sighed putting down his book again, "do you remember last summer when we all hung out at her place and she stole a bottle of her dads tequila and she started talking about her bucket list"
Peter nodded waiting for Ned to explain, "well number 4 was get married in Vegas even if it's just a joke"
A burst of laughter exploded from Peter, "are you insane? I can't do that. Her father will kill me" he whispered trying to avoid the strange looks he was getting from his sudden outburst.
"Oh come on I'm sure he'll find it funny" Ned smiled.
Peter nodded, “Ok yeah I’m gonna do it. I'm gonna marry her”. Ned chuckled, "Great. Now I need to study or else you’re going to lose this bet” He returned back to his book as Peter, who was now lost in his thoughts returned back to his seat, letting you rest your head on his shoulder for the rest of the bus ride. 
“Ned if you don’t quiet down we’re going to get caught” You whispered as you and your friend piled out the hotel room. It was nearing 11 and all the teachers had forced the students to stay in the rooms for the rest of the night. “Your heels are making more noise than me” Ned joked as you all entered the elevator. 
You rolled your eyes grabbing Peter wrist to look at the time on his watch, “Alright we all need to be back by 4:30” 
To your surprise the casino wasn’t crowded, then again who is going to a casino on a Monday night. “Ok babe, me and Mj are gonna play craps. I'll leave Ned to practice before you lose this bet” You kissed his cheek before grabbing Mj’s hand and guiding her to the dice table. 
“Don’t you think your father is going to question why there are charges to a Vegas casino on his credit card?” Mj asked as you took money out of the ATM. You shrugged, “That’s a problem for another day”. She chuckled as you moved to the table and placed your bets on the game. The dealer handed you your chips as well as the dice signaling to you that the game had started.
It was only an hour later when Peter met up with you and Mj. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you placed your betting chips in their spots, “Are you winning?” He whispered as you grabbed the dice from the table. 
“I’ve done pretty good so far. I need a 7” You shook the dice in your hand before turning to him, “Kiss for good luck?”
He chuckled and gave you a quick kiss, watching as you threw the dice. He could sense your nervousness as the dice moved down the table hitting the wall before landing on the lucky number 7. 
Everyone at the table shouted cheerfully, happy that they had won the round. You gather your chips from the dealer, “Alright Jerry it's been nice playing with you I hope to do it again sometime” you waved goodbye as you all walked to the poker table where Ned sat waiting for the group to join him before he started another game. 
“Alright Ned three games I betting on two loses but Peter thinks differently” You teased as he rolled his eyes, “Prove me right”
If you were being honest you didn’t exactly know what was going on. You’d seen you father and the other avengers play poker before but they never let you in on the game so you hardly knew anything about it, but so far you could tell that you were losing the bet. 
Ned was in the middle of the second game and according to Mj, who didn’t have a biased opinion on this bet, things were looking good for Peter. Ned had won the first game and it looked like he was going to win this one. You sighed in annoyance, hating that you had to admit you were wrong. 
Peter smiled, wrapping his arms around you, “Don’t worry babe I think you’ll actually like that i have planned”. You rolled your eyes watching as Ned cheered clearly happy that he won the game. You sighed, “Ok what do you want” 
“Give me 3 minutes. Stay here” He smiled, grabbing Mj’s arm, leaving you alone at the table with Ned. 
“Ned what does he have planned?” You smirked hoping to wean out whatever Peter was going to do. He shook his head, “Y/N I love you but Peter’s my best friend and I can’t just give away the surprise” You rolled your eyes, turning around at watch as Peter talked to Mj. 
“Please Mj” Peter begged, “I want to make this trip memorable and i'm only asking you because her father doesn’t know” 
“You’re insane” her eyes widened at the thought of you and Peter getting married this young, “You guys are 18 do you seriously think getting married is the best idea” 
“It’s been on her bucket list for years” He pointed out trying to justify his plans. “Please Mj if not for me then do it for the happiness of your best friend” 
She took a deep breath, “Fine I will walk Y/N down the aisle”. Peter smiled pulling Mj into a tight hug. “You’re the best” 
“Guys I don’t appreciate surprises” You joked as Ned guided you through the crowded sidewalk. “Don’t worry we’re almost there” He reassured you. You sighed and kept walking as all your friends laughed. 
You came to a sudden stop as Peter grabbed your hand, “Ok Ned you can uncover her eyes” he chuckled. Ned took his hands off your eyes stepping back as you looked around in confusion. Peter was on one knee with a nervous smile plastered on his face. “Y/N I love you”
“Peter what are you doing?” You looked up noticing the small chapel you all stood in front of, “Please don’t tell me-”
“I love you and I know this is on your bucket list so” he kissed you hand, “Will you marry me?”
You stood silent for a moment, shock taking over your body, “Peter-” His face dropping, thinking maybe this was completely ridiculous. You smiled through as sigh, “Yes I will marry you” 
He stood up quickly, pulling you into a hug. “Alright well we better hurry because it’s already 3 and we need to be back at the hotel soon” 
You nodded your head as everyone walked into the small chapel, “Hi I made an appointment online” Peter said nervously as you walked to the front desk hand in hand, Mj and Ned trailing close behind you.
“Peter?” The short lady said. He nodded, grabbing his ID and handing it to her. You did the same as she typed the information in the computer. “Ok boys you can go through there and stand at the altar, girls you can come with me” 
She smiled guiding you and Mj into a separate room, “Ok so we have different dress and veil options for you to pick from but you don’t seem like an extremely flashy girl so I'm going to suggest the little white dress option” 
She handed you a hanger that held a body con white dress with glitter details, it actually looked like something you had in your closet at home. You nodded your head moving to the dressing room to put in on. You locked the door behind you taking this time as a moment for you to take everything in. You were about to get married. Even if it was just a joke it was still a crazy thing to do. You weren’t nervous that you’d regret it, you loved Peter with all your heart, but you were nervous about everyone else's reactions. I can do this, You whispered to yourself putting the dress on before walking out the small room.
“Alright here goes nothing” You smiled nervously and you grabbed Mj’s arm. The song over the speaker began to play as you slowly walked down the aisle. Peter turned to look at you, shocked at how good you looked in all white, a color you rarely ever wore. 
"Wow" he muttered as you stood in front of him, handing your bouquet of fake flowers to Mj as she stood behind you. "You look amazing" You smiled grabbing his hand. 
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Peter Benjamin Parker and Y/N Y/M/N Stark, in marriage. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife" the short lady read from the thin book in her hands. "Do you Peter Parker, take Y/N Stark to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
Peter smiled, looking you in the eyes, "I do"
"Do you Y/N Stark take Peter Parker to be you lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part"
You nodded your head enthusiastically, "I do"
"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" the room filled the applause as you pulled Peter into a quick passionate kiss. Only pulling apart when you realized your empty fingers, "wait we don't have rings"
"Oh i got that covered" Ned said cheerfully as he pulled out two contained of rings, the ones you usually get from the quarter machines, "they were the only ones I could find on short notice"
"they're perfect Ned", you chuckled, pulling out the pink and purple rings, "Dibs on pink"
Peter rolled his eyes forcing the small ring onto his finger, "I don't think I'll ever be able to take this off" he joked
"That's the point of a wedding ring" you grabbed his hand, "you can't get rid of me that easily"
"Alright time for pictures and then certificate" the short lady appeared with a Polaroid Camera snapping pictures of you and Peter.
"Are you happy?" You looked up and smiled. "I'm married to my favorite girl in the whole world. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Peter smirked before giving you a quick kiss.
Time flew by so fast. After the certificate was signed, a bottle of champagne was popped leading you to get extremely tipsy. By the time you all got back to the hotel it was already 5. Peter carried you up the stair bridal style watching as you moved sleepily in his arms.
"What the hell" Flash said loudly startling everyone. You all turned around watching as Flash stood in the hallway in his bathrobe surrounded by two girls who definitely weren't students. "Go to bed Flash" you mumbled, cuddling further into Peter's arms.
"You guys snuck out?" He said in a shocked voice, "Oh I can't wait until you guys to get caught"
Mj chuckled opening the door to the hotel room you shared with her, "Flash do those girls know that you're 16" she lied. The girls gasped quickly walking away from the angered boy. He took a deep breath before stomping back into his room. "Gosh I hate that dude" Ned said as you all walked into the hotel room.
Peter placed you in bed, taking off your shoes before tucking you in, "I'll see you tomorrow morning Mrs. Parker"
You smile tiredly, "I love you Mr. Parker"
"Well well well if it isn't the newly weds" Your father said angrily as you walked through the elevator doors. You kept your composure not wanting to give you and peter away
"What are you talking about?" You said through a smile
"Don't act dumb" you father said as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, "I'm the one who gave Peter the emergency credit card I can see everything he buys"
Your eyes widened, Peter took a deep breath, "Mr. Stark-"
"Im gonna give you ten seconds to run" Your father said as he threw down the paper. 
"I'll talk to you later babe" Peter quickly kissed your cheek before rushing out the room. You father quickly trailing behind
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sunflowerim · 2 years
If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Wolfstar au. Word Count: 2341.
Sirius was seriously considering retiring from his job as an Auror. No joke. As much as he wanted to be a part of the force that kept the wizarding world safe, he’d also seen enough violence to last a lifetime. Plus, the ministry was recruiting more and more young people and things were safer now since you-know-who was gone for good. It would be okay if he retired. He’d come so close to losing everyone he loved and now that the war was finally over, he didn’t like it when he had to be away from home for days on missions. His and Remus’ home.
Remus being a teacher at Hogwarts, was given quarters at the school itself which he only used when Sirius was away for work or when he had something important at school. At other times, they’d both come home late in the evening and not let each other go until it was dawn and Remus had to leave for school.
Today Sirius was coming home from a two-week mission. Remus would probably be home too. Merlin, he’d missed him so much. Sirius would never admit to being miserable without his Moony but anyone with eyes could probably see. Hence, for the sake of his sanity, he needed at least a temporary retirement to sort his feelings.
Sirius checked the time on his phone. 7 p.m. Remus would be back soon. He could try to make dinner but it’d just be a disaster. Better to leave it to Remus.
Sirius turned the key in the lock and the smell of food wafted into his nostrils as soon as he stepped into their apartment. Remus was already home and was cooking for them. Merlin, he loved this man.
Sirius dropped his stuff near the door and made his way to the kitchen.
“Oh hey,” Remus poked his head from the kitchen. “You’re back!”
Sirius ran towards Remus to hug him but was left confused when Remus put his palm on his chest, stopping him abruptly. He was confused further when Remus took one of Sirius’ hands in his and guided Sirius’ other hand around Remus’ shoulder, and lastly slipped his free hand around Sirius’ waist.
“Moony what?”
“Shh,” Remus shushed him as he led them to the living room, swaying them to a silent rhythm.
As they passed the record player, Remus turned it on and a mellow tune started playing. Sirius’ favourite slow track.
“Someone’s in a good mood today,” Sirius smiled as Remus twirled him around.
“Uh huh.”
“May I know why?”
“Just because.”
“Liar. Just say you missed me and go,” Sirius teased.
“Fine, I missed you. Sue me.”
“Merlin, no need to get so defensive. You know you can miss me right? I’m the love of your life after all.”
“Someone’s narcissistic today,” Remus teased.
“When am I not?” Sirius wiggled his eyebrows causing Remus to laugh out loud.
Remus sighed happily and rested his forehead on Sirius’, pulling them closer, all the while still slow dancing to the lazy rhythm. Sirius happily obliged and closed his eyes, letting himself get lost in everything that was Remus.
“I’m glad you’re back,” Remus sighed again.
“Me too,” Sirius moved his head to rest it on Remus’ chest as Remus rested his cheek on Sirius’ head. As much as he teased Sirius about his height, he was secretly glad about it because Sirius’ height fit perfectly with his own. They danced silently for some time before Remus started,
“Waking up to kiss you and nobody’s there, the smell of your perfume still stuck in the air,” Remus hummed in a low voice.
Sirius chuckled lightly, “Feeling romantic are we?”
“It’s ha-a-a-ard,” Remus continued.
“Are we gonna pretend it’s a Moony Original and not a famous song by a famous singer?” Sirius started teasing him again.
“Yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running round, it’s funny how things never change in this old town,” Remus continued without replying to Sirius.
“I’ll take it as a yes. Ah, singer Moony is deep in thought I see. Ignoring his one and only listener. Well, forgive me for asking questions, sir. New lyrics get me curious.”
Remus smiled but continued singing anyway, “So fa-a-a-ar from the sta-a-a-ars.”
“Except you are in front of a literal star,” Sirius chuckled.
“And I-- hmphh,” Remus struggled to bite back a laugh at Sirius’ words, “and I wanna tell you everything, the words I never got to say the first time around.”
Remus waited for a comment from Sirius but it never came because the latter was busy smiling. So he continued,
“And I remember everything, from when we were the children playing in this fairground. Wish I was there with you now.”
At this Sirius hugged Remus tight. “I’m here Moons. I’ll always be here.”
Remus could only smile widely and hug Sirius tighter as he swayed them to the music and his singing.
“If the whole world was watching I’d still dance with you, drive highways and byways to be there with you, over and over the only truth, everything comes back to you.”
Sirius looked up and placed a chaste kiss on Remus’ lips, smiling softly at his boyfriend.
“I love you Moons.”
“I love you Pads.”
“But I have a question for singer-lyricist Moony.”
“We’re just two private people. Why would the world watch us dance?”
It was a stupid question, but Remus indulged him.
“I mean even though we’re private, we WILL invite people when we get married right? And it’s only appropriate to have the first dance as a married couple in front of everyone.”
Sirius threw his head back in laughter, “Yeah right.”
Remus grabbed Sirius by the shoulders, stilling him in place.
“No, I mean it.”
“Huh?” Sirius was confused again.
The confusion changed to almost shock as Remus knelt down on one knee and produced a box. Even before he could open it, Sirius wailed.
“What the heck Remus?”
Now it was Remus’ turn to be shocked.
“‘Remus’? What happened to 'Moony’?”
“I can’t believe you,” Sirius stomped his foot.
Remus panicked. Did he miscalculate? Did Sirius not want to be in this for the long run? Or did he just not want to get married?
“Wha-what happened?” Remus asked, his heart racing.
“You stole my lines, my thunder, my moment to shine!” Sirius almost screamed and stormed off to their bedroom.
Remus stood dumbfounded in the living room, right where Sirius left him. His panic started to slowly shift into pain and embarrassment as he wondered what went wrong. He wanted the earth to swallow him whole. How was he ever supposed to move past this? But before he could dwell on it any further, Sirius was back.
“I was going to propose, you idiot,” Sirius said, shoving a tiny ring box in front of Remus.
Remus felt paralyzed for a few seconds and then burst out laughing.
“Fucking hell Pads, why are you so dramatic, you almost gave me a heart attack.”
“What do you mean?”
“I thought you didn’t want this or something..” Remus trailed off.
“Well, now that is stupid. We’ve been together for like two decades, why would I back out now?”
“I don’t know, you should have told me that before storming off,” Remus said, before plopping down on the sofa. This sudden roller coaster of emotions had drained him. 15 year old Remus would have never imagined that adult Sirius would still be this dramatic.
“I had this whole speech prepared, but now I can’t remember shit, thanks to your dramatic ass,” Remus rubbed his temples.
Sirius sat next to him and enveloped him in a hug.
“Aw Moons I’m sorry. I got carried away. It’s just I spent so much time discussing things with Lily that I couldn’t process–”
“Wait you discussed with Lily?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I discussed it with Lily too. Wow, she’s really good at keeping secrets.”
Sirius laughed, “Well it’s Lily, what do you expect? I bet she had a crush on Prongsie her whole school life and only talked about it in our last year.”
“Now that’s a reach.”
“Is it though?” Sirius quirked an eyebrow, “we’ll never know. Anyways, we’re getting sidetracked here.”
“Yeah, I'd even prepared a good dinner but I guess we ruined it all.”
Sirius gasped, “What do you mean 'ruined-it-all’? Does the offer not stand anymore?”
“What offer?”
“To get married duh,” Sirus stated matter-of-factly.
Remus smiled, “Do you want to go first?”
“Ah no I’m not that petty, you can go first.”
Remus turned his body to face Sirius.
“Since I don’t remember what I originally planned, I’m just gonna wing it. Umm, so Sirius Orion Black. Padfoot. My Pads,” he paused to smile. “I don’t think I can pinpoint the day nor the reason I fell in love with you. It just happened slowly and easily. Loving you has always been easy and I don’t think I can ever stop. You’ve gone out of your way to make me happy and comfortable since we were children and I hope you know it meant a lot. That kid who was struggling to adjust to his, you know, condition and the prejudices, found a home in you. And now this man sitting in front of you wants to make sure that it never changes. That you’ll always be my home.”
“Fuck you.”
“I mean later of course why no-” Remus laughed as Sirius punched his arm lightly while trying to hold back tears.
“Why would you make me cry before my speech?”
“Stop blaming me for everything challenge.”
“Challenge declined.”
Remus summoned a glass of water from the kitchen to give to Sirius and wiped a single tear that had fallen across Sirius’ cheek despite trying so hard to hold them back. Sirius quickly drank the water and cleared his throat.“
"There’s something I need to tell you first.”
“Ah, don’t tell me you fell in love with someone else on your mission Pads.” Remus sighed dramatically.
Sirius stared blankly at the man in front of him. The man he was about to propose.
“Why can’t we have a single conversation without joking about it?”
“Must be the trauma. It’s a habit now Pads. You can’t break it.”
“Okay that is true, but I need you to be serious for now. And don’t you dare make the joke about my name right now. Focus.” Sirius waggled his finger in front of Remus effectively shutting him up.
“So I’ve decided to quit my job as an Auror.”
“What now?”
“Listen to me first.”
“It’s just, I came so close to losing you guys. James, Lily, and even Harry. And you. The war has been so cruel and it has taken so much from us. Not gonna lie, I am exhausted. So now I’d like to steal every moment and spend it on people I love.”
“I’ll support you with whatever you decide Pads.”
“I know. So, remember that one time Minnie asked me to take her transfiguration class because she had to go out on a mission? Now, I’m not a fan of teaching but it was fun. I’ve always loved transfiguration so I think it was easy to share it with the class.”
Remus’ mouth was gradually forming an 'o’ with every word Sirius spoke.
“Now that Minnie is going to be the Head of Hogwarts, her former spot is going to be vacant. She wrote to me about it a few days back and I was confused back then, but I think I’m gonna do it. But I won’t be able to call her Minnie anymore. Sad.”
“Oh my god Sirius, that is so amazing. You’ll be a great teacher,” Remus’ face shone with joy.
“Uh huh I’ve heard you’re a student favourite, Moony. You will have competition now.”
“I hate competitions but if it means I get to be with you every day, I’m in. And you can see Harry more often too.”
Sirius nodded in agreement.
“The students would be thrilled. Their DADA and Transfiguration professors dating. Imagine the gossip,” Sirius chuckled.
“No thanks.”
“Mhmm. Party pooper. Now back to what I was saying before you rudely interrupted.”
Remus snorted.
“The war has left many families broken. And I cannot imagine what I would have done had anything happened to you. I have loved you for a long time too, Moons. I think it happened in the little moments when you didn’t flinch at the sight of my scars, when you trusted me enough to show yours, when you gave me chocolates after my nightmares even though chocolates are like your most prized possession and you will share anything in the world but chocolates,” Remus smiled as Sirius went on, “when you let me steal your sweaters every now and then, or when you, a peaceful hermit, almost fought with Reggie for my sake. You’ve just been there. Always.” Sirius took Remus’ hand in his before continuing. “And even today, I can smell that you’ve cooked my favourite meals. You just know what I need. I’m not a fan of the word "forever” but I think I’d like you around for a long long time.“
They gazed softly at each other and in a silent agreement took out the respective rings from their boxes.
"Padfoot, you will not change your mind will you?”
“Moony, may I remind you that my animangus is a dog? I’m quite literally the epitome of loyalty.”
Remus laughed, “So will you do the honours of marrying me?”
“Only if you say yes first.”
“Yes, Sirius Black, I will marry you.”
“And I, you.”
They barely put the rings on each other’s fingers before Sirius all but crashed into Remus’ frame, throwing them backwards on the couch, hugging him tightly and Remus hugged him back that much tighter.
“Dibs on James as my best man,” came Sirius’ muffled voice, his face being buried in the crook of Remus’ neck.
“Yeah?” Remus responded, “I was gonna pick Lily anyway.”
A/N : Wolfstar proposal au because why not. My babies lived happily ever after and no I will not be taking any arguments. The song that inspired this is 'This Town'. And yes, in my universe, Niall Horan and wolfstar exist at the same time.
Aaaand this fic is a gift for a very dear friend. Zehvia, happy birthday bub <3
My Other Works
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tongue-tied like we’ve never known || h. styles
warnings: dad!harry, swearing, not really proofread
word count: 2.3k
summary: two single parents try to start their lives again...
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Mornings were always the worst for you. Trying to pry Tommy out of bed, and even yourself for that matter, was always an incredibly stressful task. But you’d learned to live with it and quickly come to accept it. After all, he was only young now. He’d be old soon enough and you knew you’d miss these youthful years. 
You stood by the school gates, waiting for little Tommy to come bounding out of school to tell you all about his latest adventure. You always looked forward to hearing how his day went. As small children scrambled out of the doors after their teachers and straight into the arms of their parents, your eyes fell onto Tommy. He was with a boy you didn’t recognise. “Look, look! Meet my new friend,” Tommy grinned as he stood before you excitedly. “This is my mum.”
“Hello,” the little boy, dark-haired with perhaps the most striking green eyes, smiled. “I’m Oscar.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Oscar,” you smiled. “Are you new?”
The boy nodded, his cheeks flushed slightly. You couldn’t help but smile at the fact that Tommy had made a new friend. He’d been kind to the new kid and offered him a form of friendship. 
You were tugged away from your thoughts as you heard a voice behind you. You quickly turned to see a man, a little taller than yourself. You figured this was Oscar’s father from the dark hair to the green eyes. “There you are,” he smiled warmly and it seemed to make your heart flutter, as if he was smiling at you.
“Daddy, this is my new friend, Tommy,” Oscar grinned excitedly. 
For the first time, the man shifted his gaze from the two young boys to you. Your stomach lurched as you made eye contact with him. “You must be Tommy’s mum,” he said, extending his hand for you to shake. “I’m Harry.”
“Y/N,” you smiled, shaking it gently. You hadn’t felt like this since you first met Tommy’s dad. It was all of eight years ago now on a night out with your university friends, most of whom you didn’t even speak to nowadays. He had been kind then and polite and the sort of man you’d always envisioned yourself marrying. So, you ended up getting together and everything seemed great for the first year and a half. But then things began to decline and you both seemed to lose trust in one another and you felt as if you were putting all of your energy into this relationship. It was killing you. But then you fell pregnant with his baby and he broke up with you anyway. You went back home to live with your own parents for a while before you eventually found a proper job and moved into your own house. 
Anyway, you found yourself walking down the street, Tommy and Oscar running ahead slightly, with Harry. You had Tommy’s light bag clasped between your hands, listening to Harry tell you about Oscar. “And yeah,” he concluded, “we moved down here a couple of weeks ago, just the two of us.”
“What about Oscar’s mother?” you couldn’t help but find yourself prying. 
Harry seemed to tense slightly, before shrugging, “She was never really around much. Her parents thought she should have gotten an abortion but she didn’t want one and had the baby anyway. So, they kicked her out and she left Oscar with me and moved to Dublin with her friends.”
“That’s shitty,” you sighed. “At least you have Oscar, though, right?”
He nodded, smiling, “Exactly. What about Tommy’s dad then?”
“He was a dick. He broke up with me a couple of months after I told him I was pregnant,” you replied. 
“Yeah,” Harry chuckled, “sounds like a dick. Does he see Tommy then?”
You shook your head, your eyes caught between Harry’s and your son's lively figure running up and down the path ahead of you with Oscar. “No. He’s tried to reach out a couple of times but I haven’t let him see him. I just feel like introducing him to his dad six years later could just, you know, fuck it up. Besides, if he didn’t want to be with me through all the shitty, difficult stuff, then I don’t think he’s allowed to enjoy all the joys of being a parent.”
“Well,” he smiled, “good on you.”
And that was how you met Harry Styles. Over the weeks that followed, you would walk Oscar and Tommy to and from school with him. Tommy would spend time round at Harry’s and Oscar would spend time round at yours. And it felt like every time you saw Harry, you felt simultaneously more comfortable around him but more and more nervous. 
But you hadn’t dated anybody since Tommy was born. Having a young child seemed to be a deterrent for a lot of people. Or maybe had more to do with the fact that you didn’t have time for a relationship between work and raising Tommy. Sure, you’d been on plenty of dates and it wasn’t as if you weren’t ready to get back into the world of dating and relationships. If not for yourself, for Tommy. You wanted him to have some kind of parental figure that wasn’t you. 
You found it difficult to focus on the book you were reading when all you could hear was the two boys laughing loudly upstairs. Oscar was round for dinner and Harry was due to pick him up any minute. And as a knock at the front door finally snapped you into a new state of consciousness, you got up to answer it. Harry stood happily on the other side, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you. “Evening, Y/N,” he smiled. 
“Evening, Harry,” you mocked. “Do come in.”
You opened the door wider, allowing the man to step into your home. You called down Oscar and Tommy, only to be met with groans. They appeared at the top of the stairs, their faces twisted into bitter scowls. “Why?” Tommy sighed. “Can he stay for a bit longer?”
You exchanged a glance with Harry, who shrugged. “Fifteen minutes,” you sighed. Really, all you wanted was to go to bed. They grinned and dashed back into Tommy’s small bedroom. You guided Harry into the kitchen, letting him sit himself down at the table. “Do you want a drink?” you asked.
“I’m okay, thanks,” he smiled.
You grinned, pouring yourself a glass of orange juice, “Suit yourself. So, how was your day?”
“Stressful,” he sighed. “Thanks for looking after Oscar.”
“Anytime,” you shrugged. “He’s delightful. Besides, you’ve looked after Tommy so many times, I kind of owed you.”
“Nonsense,” he laughed. “We’re not exchanging favours. We’re just… helping out a friend.”
You couldn’t help but let yourself deflate at ‘friend’. You had known all along that you were just two, young single parents that only knew each other through their six-year-old sons. But a tiny fragment of you hoped what was happening meant something more to Harry, like it did to you. There were instances of harmless flirting and subtle glances. “Right,” you nodded, forcing a soft smile. “Well, thanks for helping out a friend.”
His fingers drummed mindlessly on the table and your eyes wandered from their tips to the tattoos that peeked out of the cuff of his jacket. “Got any plans for tomorrow?” Harry asked and you almost cringed at the small talk. 
But alas, you shrugged, “Not really. I have some work to catch up on, so an action packed day for me tomorrow. What about you?”
He shook his head, “I wish I had plans. Could go out for drinks or something, but I can’t because I have a needy six-year-old.”
“Treasure it while it’s still here,” you said. 
“Believe me,” he grinned, “I am. God, I’m so scared for the day he just… stops needing me. You know, the day he just sort of realises that he no longer needs me to wash his clothes or walk him into town or buy him things. And it took me ages to get used to putting somebody before myself, I don’t think I could imagine living without him now. Like, one day he’ll go off to uni and get a job and only come home every other birthday or Christmas.”
You smiled gently. You were sure he’d never been so vulnerable with you before. “It’s weird to think that’s what we’re doing with our parents now. We fear the day our kids stop needing us, but our parents are living that day.”
He hummed in thought for a moment, “I should probably go see my mum soon. I haven’t seen her in months. And my sister.”
“You have a sister?”
He nodded, “Yeah. Gemma is her name. She’d love you.”
“I’m sure I’d love her if she’s anything like you,” you said. 
You took a final gulp of your orange juice, your eyes beginning to feel heavy. You looked at the clock on the wall, noticing twenty minutes had passed since Harry arrived. “Right,” you smiled. “I’ll go get Oscar.”
And as you walked towards the kitchen door, Harry quickly said, “Wait!”
You turned back to look at him, your heart pounding heavily. All kinds of questions and hypotheticals raced through your mind as he paused for a moment. “Do you think you’ll ever meet somebody else, Y/N?” he asked. 
“Meet somebody else?” you repeated, though you were sure you knew exactly what he meant. 
“Yeah, you know… like somebody to replace Tommy’s dad. Somebody for you to settle down with and raise Tommy together. Do you think you’ll ever meet them?” he asked. 
You were utterly confused as to what had prompted him to ask such a question. But you’d be lying if you said you couldn’t hear your heart in your temples or taste your blood in your mouth. “Maybe,” you shrugged. “Do you?”
“I hope so,” he said. “I’d like Oscar to have a mum.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I think that would be great for him. I’ll go get him.”
That night as you lay alone in your bed, you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to share your bed with Harry. To feel his body beside yours on cold nights. To be woken up by his lips peppering your face in light kisses in the morning. To discuss all the trivial things when neither of you can sleep at night. Maybe he was trying to tell you something that evening…
Oscar had become ill over that following weekend. Nothing too serious, but something that warranted a day or two off school. So, after you picked Tommy up from school, you drove to Harry’s to check if they were both okay. Tommy sat at the end of Oscar’s bed, recounting everything the young boy had missed at school, while you busied yourself in Harry’s kitchen. You were heating up some of the soup you had made for the poor boy. “You’re really too kind. You didn’t have to do this,” Harry told you as he made you a cup of coffee. 
You shrugged, “Well, Oscar’s like my second son at this point.”
He smiled, albeit his cheeks a little red, “I’m glad you think that. I’m pretty sure he thinks of you as a mum at this point too.”
Now it was your turn to turn red. Your face heated up at Harry’s passing comment. Did he really think of you as a mum? “That’s sweet,” you said. “About what you said the other night… about meeting somebody, my friend says she knows a guy she thinks I’d get along with. So, I think I’m really going to try dating.”
He stiffened slightly, “Oh yeah? That’s great, Y/N.”
He hugged you and you couldn’t help but feel so safe in his arms. The hug was perhaps a second or three too long, but neither of you pulled away. And, as your bodies were pressed together, it was almost as if you shared a brief but looming epiphany together. “But,” you began again, “why try dating a stranger when I already know somebody?”
“That’s a good point,” he whispered softly, finally pulling away to make eye contact. He explored your face and you felt his warm breath on your cheeks. 
“I mean, this guy that I know, he’s sweet. Really sweet. He’s super funny and caring and so, so generous. And he has a kid himself, so he won’t be put off by the single parent thing.”
He understood what you were trying to tell him, “Sounds like an angel. Who is this fine man of whom you speak?”
You grinned, “I don’t know if I should say. He has tattoos and green eyes.”
“So he’s incredibly handsome as well as being an angel?”
“I suppose you could say that,” you chuckled. And, as if the sky were falling down, Harry wasted no time in pressing his lips to your own. He kissed you and you kissed him back. All of your prior dating worries just seemed to slip away as you buried your fingers in Harry’s soft hair. It was only when you heard a quiet ‘mum?’ from the doorway did you jolt apart. Tommy stood in the threshold of the kitchen and suddenly the microwave went off, notifying you that Oscar’s soup was ready. You and Harry turned back to each other, finally registering Tommy’s presence, “Shit.”
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itsdanii · 4 years
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To the person whose ask won't go through and decided to drop me a dm, here's your request ♥️ I hope you like it, bub! Have a good day and stay hydrated!
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genre: slight angst fluff
warning/s: insecurity, self doubts, mentions of che*ting (He didn't do it, just a thought)
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason.
prompt/s: "sleep at my place tonight", "i don't like the idea of you walking down the streets alone", "please talk to me about it".
ft. matsukawa issei, f!reader
you've always been secured about your relationship but with the way matsun was acting, you weren't so sure any more. how can you, when he doesn't even bother hiding the fact that he was avoiding you?
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You weren't a possessive girlfriend nor were you a crazy psycho bitch who would glare at every girl who would get close to your boyfriend.
No, you were understanding. In fact, you were too understanding to the point that you refuse to confront your boyfriend despite several days of not eating lunch with you, only to find him having lunch with another girl just behind the school's gym.
Despite the countless doubts swimming inside your head, you forced yourself to be positive, to think that the interaction was only between two friends who would eat lunch together.
Eating lunches with your friends was pretty normal anyway, right? Everybody does it and so can Mattsun.
Throughout the whole day, your attention in class was at its lowest point. You were too distracted that one of your teachers even pointed it out, telling the whole room that you were somewhere up in space.
"Y/n-chan! You okay?" Oikawa asked as he came out of nowhere, his bag carelessly dangling on his side as he held a volleyball with his hand.
"Mhm, just not in the mood," you answered with a small smile.
Suddenly, Oikawa put an arm over your shoulder and leaned down beside your ear. "It's about Mattsun, isn't it? It's written all over your face, y/n-chan."
You didn't have the energy to deny so you only gave him a nod before sliding his arm off your shoulder dismissively. "It's just that he's been too busy lately. I mean, I'm not trying to eat up all his attention but I can't help but feel lonely, you know? He's my boyfriend yet he spends his time more with that girl from his class."
"Ooh, is our dear y/n-chan jealous?" he teased, poking your side which eventually made you gasp.
"So what if I am? I'm still his girlfriend," you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
As the two of you continued gossiping with random stuff that happened throughout your day, you both decided to get some icecream since it had almost been a week since you and oikawa catch up.
However, the moment you entered, the first person you saw was none other than your boyfriend who claimed that he was going to go home early because of some emergency. A chocolate icecream was placed on top of his table along with a strawberry one that obviously belonged to the person he was sitting with.
Mattsun's lips parted, looking like a deer suddenly caught in headlights, and the moment your feet moved to run away from the store, Matsukawa instantly stood up to chase you.
You only managed to run a few distance away from the icecream shop when a hand suddenly clasped around your wrist. You struggled against his hold, trying to take your hand back as the tears started streaming down your cheeks. "Let me go, Issei!"
"Love, please. Listen to me. It's a misunderstanding, okay? I wasn't-"
"Shut up, I don't wanna hear any of your excuses," you spat at him and forcefully pulled your wrist back, successfully this time. "I'm going home."
"I know you're mad and you probably want your space but, love, at least let me walk you home. You know how much I don't like the idea of you walking down the streets alone." Matsukawa looked at you with pleading eyes, his hand clenching and unclenching on his side at the fear of losing you.
You stared at his hand for a few moments before finally muttering a low "Fine."
The two of you walked quietly, a small distance between the both of you which you knew Matsukawa obviously hated. Everytime he would try to reach for your hand, you would take it away and pretend as if you were sctraching something or playing with the ends of your hair.
It was 10 minutes during your walk when he finally had enough of the looming silence. Without saying anything, he slid an arm over your waist and pulled you to him. "I wasn't cheating on you if that's what you're thinking," he immediately said as soon as you were wrapped around his arms.
You felt yourself relax a little upon hearing that but still, you were hurt by how cold he treated you. "Then why?" you asked, voice almost cracking as you held yourself back from crying, your hand fisting the back of his jacket tightly as if you didn't want to let go.
"I guess I really have to ruin the plan," Matsukawa muttered with a sigh. "She's actually my cousin and I asked for help since your birthday is coming up. I... don't know how to choose something a girl would like."
Oh no.
He didn't cheated on you. He wanted to buy you a gift.
And you ruined it.
On top of that, you basically accused your boyfriend of cheating on you when he only wanted to make you happy.
As if sensing the way your body suddenly became stiff, Matsukawa unwrapped his arms from around you. "Hey, love, it's okay. I understand where you were coming from."
You shook your head no and looked up at him with trembling lips. "It's not okay, Issei. I'm sorry. I just thought that I was going to lose you and I-"
You were silenced by the feeling of Matsukawa's lips on yours, his hand making it's way to your nape in order to guide you. At the feel of his lips moving against yours, your eyes fluttered close, savoring the feeling.
As he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, lips still hovering over your own as you both panted for air. "Fuck, I missed you," he whispered before giving your lips another peck. "It was my fault for acting cold towards you but please, the next time you feel insecure and need reassurance, please talk to me about it."
You nodded in response, still caught up with the kiss you both shared. With your arms still wrapped around his neck, fingers playing with the tips of his hair, you opened your eyes to stare at him. "I love you."
"And I love you too." Matsukawa pulled away and gently pat your hair down, chuckling at how it was slightly disheveled. "Sleep at my place tonight. Let's watch some shitty movies you love watching. It's weekend tomorrow anyway."
Smiling at him, you took his hand and interlocked your fingers together before answering, "I'd never say no to that."
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I've never felt so single 👁️👄👁️
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Howdy! I have some cute fluff in mind. Levi has to attend a stupid ball with Erwin to gain support for the corps. The problem is... he can’t dance. The night before, fem reader innocently walks in his office to give some paperwork and finds him practicing horribly. Like he looks like he’s having a seizure or something lol! She cracks up and he pouts. She takes his hands and guides him. At the ball, Levi is graceful and charming. He’s sure to offer a dance to reader too, which she gladly takes.
C/n: how sweet! Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Two Left Feet. (Levi x Reader)
Apart from the fear of his teacup handle breaking again, Levi Ackerman had one other fear:
He could not dance. There was no need to know how to! He was a Captain in one of the most hardcore regiments and badass man who had better things to do so why dance?
“Because this ball is the key to us having a long supply of goods for the Survey Corps, Levi. You cannot deny coming. You’re partly one of the reasons why many want to attend.” Erwin smiles smugly and Levi groans. “I wish I killed you when I was in the Underground.”
“I know. But you didn’t. So know you have to go to a ball tomorrow.” Erwin remains smiling and Levi gets up and leaves his annoying superior. But, much to his dismay, Levi knew Erwin was right. The Survey Corps needed new stuff and equipment and tea. Dancing couldn’t be that hard right?
Levi stood in the middle of his office and looked at the floor. “Fucking ridiculous.” He mutters and puts both arms out as if to hold shoulders and begins to move. He tripped twice and fell on his couch once. He groans but begins to try again.
“Got some paperwork for yo-“ Y/n softly says and stops when she sees Levi tripping all over the place. “Uhh, sir? Are you…okay?” Y/n asks and Levi turns and trips again. “Jesus Christ.” Y/n bites her inner cheek to stop from laughing but fails miserably and giggles loudly. “Shut up, brat.” Levi says after he gets up.
“Levi. What on earth are you doing? Having a seizure?!” Y/n says in between laughs and Levi furrows his eyebrows and pouts. “For your information, I was…dancing.” He trails off in the end and Y/n stops laughing and stares at him. “Dancing?! That was dancing?!” Y/n asks with a smile and he scoffs. “Tch. If you’re going to make fun of me, leave.”
“No no. Im done I promise. You’re attending the ball tomorrow, aren’t you?” Y/n asks as she closes the door behind her and places papers on his desk. “Yes. You are as well?” She nods. “So if youre attended first a ball, I think you need a couple of lessons of dancing before, don’t you think?” Y/n smiles and he eyes her. “What are you implying, Y/n?”
“Let me help you. I know how to dance. I can teach you!” Y/n happily says and steps towards him. Levi hesitated for a bit but then allowed her to. “What do I do?” He asks softly and Y/n looks at his hands.
“Ok, so. You take one hand,” she takes his right, “and place it here,” she rests it on her hip and he gasps. “What?” She asks and he shakes his head. “N-Nothing. Carry on.” Smiling, Y/n continues her lesson. “Then you hold her other hand,” she takes his and cups it with hers and lifts it up so both their postures were proper.
“Good! Now for the hard part. Your feet should follow hers. Like this,” Y/n steps to left and Levi immediately follows. Then she steps back and he follows but accidentally steps on her toes. “Shit. Are you okay? I’m sorry.” Levi says and Y/n chuckles. “It’s ok. It’s your first time. Again.” She steps and he follows, step and follow. Levi tramped her a few more times but after a couple of rounds, he got it without looking down.
“Always look at her. Don’t overthink it. Just follow and feel it.” Y/n says and Levi stares at her. When the stop in the middle of the room, Y/n hesitantly pulls away and steps back. “You’ll do fine tomorrow, Levi. I hope I was of help to you.”
“Yes. Yes, you were. Thank you, Y/n.” Levi says and if Y/n’s smile couldn’t get any bigger, it would’ve. “You’re most welcome. Goodnight Captain.” Bidding farewell, Y/n leaves his office and faces to her room where she leaned against the door and held her chest to feel her racing heart.
The ball was alright. Bit boring, but at least some people weren’t too much of a bother to speak with. While he spoke to some royals with Erwin, the band starting playing.
A hoard of girls came racing to Levi, begging him to dance with them. He took one girl and said to the others that he will dance with them after and moved to the dance floor with a young girl. She was blonde, pretty. Her breasts were spilling out of the corset she used and her hair was curled. Pretty, but no Y/n.
He flowed gracefully with the girls and even though he looked at them, he saw Y/n while he danced. It was around the fourth girl did he realize that he didn’t see her yet. With a quick twirl of the girl, he looked around until his eyes landed on a h/c woman in a beautiful, sleek gown. When the song ended, he bowed to the girl and escorted her out of the dance floor and then made his way to Y/n.
She saw him walk towards her and she met him halfway. “I see you moving like a professional on the floor, Levi. Well done. You didn’t step on their dresses or their toes!” Y/n jokes and Levi chuckles. “I had a great teacher.” He looks at her to see her blush. “Oh stop it.” She bashfully says and continues to speak with him.
The band came back from their break and began to play again. Levi held his hand out to Y/n and she looked at it. “Can I have the honor of dancing with you, Y/n?” Levi asks and Y/n smiles. She takes his hand in hers and nods. “I would love to.”
The pair made their way to the dance floor and begs to sway to the music, their eyes never leaving each other’s. Levi’s hand held her waist gently yet firmly and Y/n held his shoulder. They moved in sync with each other, eyes of every royal on them as they watched the lovely pair glide through the floor.
They easily stole the attention of everyone.
Levi, deciding to be brave, pushed her away and then twirled her into him and dipped her as soon as the music ended. A round of applause was sounded, with the occasional wolf-whistles of a happy scientist.
Y/n and Levi stayed in that position for a few more seconds before getting up and holding each other. “Where’d you learn that?” Y/n asks in a hushed tone, her eyes watching his pink lips part.
“Improv.” He whispers back and lays a gentle kiss on her red stained lips. When he pulled back, he smirked and Y/n chuckled.
“For a man with two left feet, you really are such a charmer, Levi Ackerman.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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munsnz · 3 years
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐯. — 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞? Overview: Y/N tells Mike information to help their lost friend, she also heads to the search party for Will with Victor. As they explore, the past unravels and there is an odd occurrence that happens. Navigation & Mixtape
Tag: @samiyamuntaha @thepowerstoner @ughgclden @mqyfield @cooperdaysgf
“So right by Mirkwood right?” Mike Wheeler’s voice peeped after listening to Y/N’s remark of details about what she heard at the Hawkins Police Department a few hours ago. It was around 7 pm, right around to where the girl was getting ready prone to the search party being held with a few of the residents of the town.
Y/N hummed a positive response to clearing out his doubts just in case he was confused by any means, this wasn’t going to help Mike, it was going to help Will get a faster chance to be retrieved to his home again.
Although Hopper disapproved the request of letting young people in the search, Y/N and Victor were eventually allowed to come along, “Yeah, but remember you have to be somewhat far from the real search group okay? We don’t want you to get caught.”
”Mike! What are you doing?” Nancy’s faint voice was caught on the other line of the phone, leading Mike to leave the phone out, Y/N overhearing them argue over the dumbest things.
Prior to the noises of Mike pushing Nancy out of the basement she guessed, the boy came back on the line, sighing loudly, “Sorry about that, Nancy gets so annoying, I still don’t know why you still hang out with her.”
”She could be a priss sometimes,” She responds, breathily giggling, clenching the ceramic telephone tighter, “But she’s still my friend if you could say.”
Continuing with their conversation based on the plan, it was perfectly assembled, safe with a high possibility of finding Will, even if it had been a day. Will couldn’t have gone far anyways. Y/N was about to speak, but was suddenly caught off guard as soon as she heard her dad in the hallway, getting prepared for the search.
”Oh shit! I have to go now,” Y/N hushed in a subtle tone, trying her best to keep away Hopper from listening to their discussion, “Remember to be home by 9 at least with flashlights. Stay safe Mike.”
The line went awfully silent, placing back the phone to its regular position on the handset, while it being attached to the wall. Rapidly, spinning to look at her father, trying to act as normal as possible, his brows furrowed at her.
”What were you doing?”
Shrugging it off calmly, Y/N breathily giggles while she put her hands on her hips saying, “I was just checking in with Victor, that’s all.”
Hopper’s eyes widened at her point, clicking his tongue as he started grabbing on his sweater for the frosty night ahead, “Funny, but I just called his mom to let him know that he was coming.”
”Right..” Y/N casually crossed her arms, cursing under her breath before she showed any subtle reaction to what she was up to. Play it cool.
In the silence of her looking around the messy home by the front door, Hopper sharply whistles while slinging the car keys in the air to catch them, making Y/N follow right behind me, pretending as if the few minutes didn’t occur. Feeling the breeze of the autumn air, both the relatives made their way to the vehicle, on their way to the small yet important search for this boy, Will Byers.
As the road got narrower and narrower, the car drove deeper into the dark woods, where Y/N could see the slender trees and branches surrounding them. The starry sky lit up the place with a soft tone of dim blues and grays painted across it on the chilly night. Watching out the window, Y/N squinted her eyes to see a figure from afar waving towards the vehicle, a familiar figure to be Victor. Hopper drove nearer, the headlights being able to guide him to the stop where a small crowd of people were surrounding along with the patrols.
Hopper cleared his throat, while he pushed the breaks down and turned to his daughter, “Hey kid, remember don’t be-“
Without hesitation, Y/N swung the car door open to step out of it, hustled her way to her so called “acquaintance”, Victor. It was more like a friend but she didn’t want to be that close with the boy. Victor wearily smiling at her.
“You seem tired,” Y/N creeps up next to him, watching the small groups of people around the mounds of dead leaves and twigs gathered for the search.
Victor’s voice brings the girl’s attention back to him, he clears his throat, “I mean dealing with Flo is already a lot for me to handle, so I suppose I am.” The two silently chuckled, the frost getting to their noses, “I heard there’s gonna be a chance of rain.”
“Yes really! Haven’t you seen the forecast? I’m even wearing a jacket!” Victor squinted his eyes, his eyewear raising up on the bridge of his nose and the girl shrugged aimlessly.
Y/N scoffed, shoving him slightly, “I think there’s way more important things we need to focus on instead of the weather.”
From afar, Hopper and the policemen indicated all the volunteers to gather around on the sidewalk, near the entrance of the forest. The flashing blue and red lights were turned off from the cars, everyone else preparing for the upcoming search.
”Okay guys!” The chief shouted to direct everyone, “We need to stay in the 5 mile radius from where Will was last scene! Everyone please be careful and remember to blow the whistle if you find anything at all!”
Heads were nodded, agreeing to the directions, Officers Powell and Callahan guided two separate groups from different directions, Y/N having to come along with the third group including her dad. Although the girl was 16, her father wanted to take the best care for her, after Sarah. He wanted to keep her as close as possible, but he knew she was getting older. It was just for today, he can protect her for today, now being aware of a kid disappearing in their town. Maybe one of them was next.
“I guess that’s your call genius,” Y/N told Victor as she pointed towards Powell’s group who were walking to the right side of the woods, the people disappearing one by one into the darkness.
Not budging at all, Victor stood his ground saying, “I think I’ll stick with you for now, there’s just soccer moms hoarding the group for Powell, he has a fan club.”
“You’re not wrong Vic,” She sniggered quietly but failed miserably, letting out a subtle loud laugh, both of the teenagers walking behind their group, down a steep hill leading to the inner nature.
Rushing down first to the bottom, the tall brunette reached his hand out for Y/N who was still at the top, to help her come down to his level, “M’lady?”
”Why thank you, what a gentleman!” Y/N sarcastically gasps, gripping onto his hand to steady herself below, after they jogged closer to the group, flicking their flashlights on to carry on.
Everyone glanced above the branches, the moon shining as the crickets chirped. The crisp wind running across their faces, making the trees shuffle loudly. As flashlights led them with its brightness, they all searched and searched, for any trace of the boy around the area.
Half an hour later, the air became cooler than usual, almost bringing a frostbite to their bare hands. The sound of branches and dead leaves crunching over the few people above them. In the silence, Y/N stayed near Victor and her father, hearing shouts for Will. The realization hit the girl, they were looking for lost Will, Will hasn’t appeared, he was probably in some sort of danger. She fastened her grip on the flashlight, looking around more closely, along with the rest.
”He’s a good student,” Someone decides to break the silence of the leaves and twigs crunching under their feet, Victor and Y/N turned their attention to him as they strolled in the woods.
Hopper cocks an eyebrow up and looks towards the teacher’s direction after the statement, “What?”
”Will. He’s a good student. Great one actually,” He elaborates, smiling sheepishly to lend his hand in front of the chief to introduce himself, “I don’t think we’ve met, Scott Clarke. Teacher, Hawkins Middle. Earth and biology.”
“Don’t you remember he was my teacher back in the day?”
Victor nods agreeing with Y/N’s statement from behind, Hopper reluctantly trying to remember his daughter’s middle school teacher, still not recalling since in those past years where fighting for Y/N’s custody between the parents, “I always had a distaste for science.”
”Well maybe you had a bad teacher,” Mr. Clarke remarks, checking if his flashlight was still operating, trudging closer to the group of three ahead of him.
”Yeah, Ms. Ratliff was a piece of work,” Hopper scoffs jokingly, Y/N doing the same as well, remembering his shitty science teacher from his past years while he studied at Hawkins High.
”Ratliff?” The teacher ponders, realizing that the same teacher still resides in Hawkins after all these years, “You bet. She’s still kicking around believe it or not.”
Victor elaborates in between them, sliding his hands onto his pockets, “I had her when I was in eighth grade a few years back.”
”Oh I believe it Victor. Mummies never die, so they tell me,” Hopper smiles, trying to get his daughter to notice but she dozed off beyond the sight of the woods, ”Sarah, my youngest, galaxies, the universe whatnot.. She always understood all that stuff. I always figured there was enough going down here, I never needed to look elsewhere.”
Y/N flickered her eyes towards her father’s direction after hearing the special name, it wasn’t so special to one, but to her, it was. Sarah, Sarah Hopper her little sister, but soon enough the teacher interrupted, “Maybe I’ll get her in my class I-“
“No, she uh.. she lives with her mom in the city,” He cuts the man off from his statement, Victor widening his eyes on Y/N’s side, knowing fully that wasn’t true.
The girl beside the tall boy looked back at his dark eyes, signaling him to be quiet, Y/N was aware of the fact that everyone in Hawkins knew Sarah’s death. Just because of her own blabbermouth, Steve told everyone including the parents her little secret the young female confessed to.
As much as her dad still wants to deny the fact the little one was gone and resting in peace, staying of his delusion Y/N wished she could have. It was a promise. A promise that everything was okay and there wasn’t nothing to worry about, almost some sort of fairy tale where everything had its happy endings with a happy family which wasn’t it.
“Thanks for coming out, Teach. We really appreciate it.” Hopper clears the air, trudging past them farther into the dark eerie woods, Y/N and Victor repeating his steps behind him.
Once they were  out of the picture and range from hearing, a middle aged woman spoke up next to the teacher, in a hushed tone saying, “She died a few years back.”
”Sorry?” Mr. Clarke shifted his head in bewilderment towards the lady for any clarification from the inadequate statement given.
”His kid.”
The teacher’s eyes widened, observing the two family members mumbling inaudible words behind the brisk trees of the cool night. He didn’t know the Hoppers hid their family, they never talked much about family when it came to projects when Y/N was younger. It seemed like something ever so private not like where many kids shared experiences with their loved ones, they always kept everything about their family closed up. Almost a mystery.
Y/N could hear the soft mumbles of the quiet conversation being exchanged by the lady and her former teacher, she felt sick knowing that her father stays in the delusion of her sister being alive, lying. Lying wasn’t so hard for her, Y/N was almost a professional at it when it came to helping the party in situations. But lying to her dad was different, it was the both of them against the horrid place called the world.
“Is Sarah going to be back?” A small girl walked over to the grown adults who stood at the front door, puffy eyes showing on their faces, as they held a plastic wristband and stuffed tiger after a long day from not seeing her sister. It was already near midnight.
Without any move, the woman, who to be seen was the girl’s mother, bursted into tears, her husband catching her into his arms. The youngling worriedly watched her parents shed tears, a middle aged woman got up from the couch to comfort both of them. Whispers and mumbles being shared between the adults, bringing more tears.
”Mommy?” The girl steadily crept next to her mom’s leg, wrapping her short arms around her waist, pressing her cheek against the woman’s body, “Don’t cry, I’m here.”
Sobs were still heard from the mother, the two of the women held each other tightly while the tall man let go from their hug, kneeling next to the girl’s level, “Y/N, kid-“
”Dad, where’s Sarah?!” Y/N shakily shouted, her stomach feeling uneasy, with her sister not being found. What happened to Sarah? She knew Sarah was going to get better. Why was mom crying? So many questions filled her head, eyes welling up, her father hugging her tightly with all the hurt and love. Y/N noticed the wristband that her father was holding, she peered closely to see a sloppy handwriting shown as the name Sarah, written all over it with the date when she was sent to the hospital.
”Sarah is... gone.”
The little’s watery eyes widened, her bottom lip trembling, she threw her arms around her father, her head leaning onto his shoulder. Her little sister was gone, she was alone now, her heart crumbling into a million pieces. Sarah, Sarah wasn’t here anymore. But it seemed so surreal, it was only yesterday the two sisters laughed about one of the nurses dropping her cup of coffee while getting chemotherapy.
“Dad.. Can she come back?”
Sadly grinning, Hopper wiped the girl’s chubby face from her tears, shaking his head, “I’m sorry kid, she’s not coming back.”
”But she has to! Sarah has to come home with us,” Y/N choked in her tears, her eyes becoming swollen, grabbing the wristband from her father’s large hand, “Sarah can’t leave me alone here. She promised she would stay.”
”Y/N, I know this is difficult but your sister left us. She’s in a better place now.”
Making her cry even more, Y/N’s mother rapidly kneeled next to her husband and daughter, she sniffed, grabbing onto her daughter, “We promised Sarah we would love each other and always stay safe. Forever.”
Both of the girl’s parents joined in for a tight hug, Y/N fastening her arms around the two others, “Promise. We promise you sweet pea.”
”Y/N! Y/N!” A familiar voice boasted in the ears of Y/N, she focused her attention back to the voice. There was no one beside her by the time she looked around, it was the sounds of the wind and her alone. Her flashlight flickered in her hands, she shook it vigorously to try and turn it back on, but there was nothing coming out of it, just a dimly lit tone guiding her way. Nothing else in her sight except for the trees and moonlight, she tried her best to not overthink this and make her way back to the group.
Every turn she made in the paths, it led her to nowhere, noises filled the aura. Slowly, she began to worry, she wasn’t coming back to the group. Y/N’s head filled itself with thoughts, there was no way she could be lost, last time she was with Victor, rambling about the weather. Where was she? Looking up, she felt small droplets of water dripped onto her face above, Y/N squinted her eyes to avoid the drizzle. The water fell down slowly until it started raining heavier in the air, she wiped her face to dry it off and continue to try to find her way back.
“Dad!” Y/N shouted, wrapping her arms over herself, her hair becoming soaked along the time. She kept shouting and shouting, worry filling her in. The girl was afraid. What if she went missing like Will? Oh no.
Without a precaution, a branch from behind was heard. Y/N whipped her head to the direction, seeing a small human with a white gown rapidly run off to opposite direction, the rain blurring her eyes. Was that Will? Curious, she picked up speed to follow the boy, it may be Will. A chance of relief rushing in as her adrenaline sped up, almost running faster. “Will! It’s me!”
The boy didn’t stop, sprinting faster with his bare feet. Y/N still yelled, slowing her pace down, then picking it back up, going through the trees. An idea came to her, tugging at her metal whistle to her lips, blowing on it. The sound coming off it, maybe attracting people to find her and the boy, it has to be Will. Using her arms to run faster, she suddenly trips over a thick log after not seeing below her because of the wind, sending her to the floor. She whimpers as she felt her ankle burn in a pain, whistling even more.
From the distance, few people to what she could tell came forward to her, rain soaking over her head. Thunder being heard far away, Victor came into the picture to kneel down next to Y/N.
”Hey are you okay?” He worriedly checks on her, receiving a nod. Victor looked around for any possible wounds since he found her on the ground, “We couldn’t find you!”
Y/N hardly paid attention to him and looked afar to see if the boy would turn up again. She held Victor’s jacket to pull him closer, “I think I saw Will! He was running through there I-“
”Chief Hopper coming through, excuse me,” A voice from the crowd of people called in, Hopper bringing himself forward to find his soaking daughter on the ground pointing toward another direction. “What’s wrong?”
Victor moves to tell Hopper while being next to shaking and wet Y/N, “She saw Will.”
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
If the World is Ending, I Want to Fuck You First
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Summary: You need to do one last thing during the zombie apocalypse.
Pairing: Kyle Orfman (MGG character in Life After Beth) x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: swearing, smut, blowjob, praise kink, sub!kyle, gun violence (used against zombies), vaginal sex, choking, fluffy ending (let me know if i missed anything)
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: okay i know this is a lesser famous mgg character but i beg of you to give this fic a try because i think it’s my best smut yet and i love the ending. you don’t need to have watched the movie to understand (i give a few visuals).
“Open the goddamn door, Jacob,” you pounded on your ex’s door, “I want my shit back.”
A car with sirens pulled up in the driveway. Great, you thought, the cops. But when you turned around, it was just an old tan sedan with ‘Briarwood Security’ written on it.
You turned back around, “Jacob, I know you’re fucking home, you cheating son of a bitch.
“What seems to be the problem here?” a tall, lean man with a slicked back undercut dressed in a beige security uniform approached the front door.
“My cheating ex won’t give me my stuff back,” you continued to pound at the door, “I have a laptop in there!”
He sighed and spoke quietly, “This is technically still trespassing because he didn’t necessarily steal it but let me see what I can do.”
“Jacob Peterson,” he knocked on the door, “This is Briarwood Security. I need you to open the door or I have the clearance to break it down.”
He whispered to you, “I actually don’t,” and you giggled.
Jacob swung open the door with your bag of stuff.
“Take your crap and go,” he shoved the bag into your arms.
“Gladly, asshole,” you checked to make sure everything was in there.
You nodded to the security guard and Jacob slammed the door once again.
“Do you need a ride home?” he asked, noticing your lack of a car.
“I live like a mile away so I just walked here but yeah, if you don’t mind, that would be great,” you accepted.
He opened the trunk for you to put your bag of belongings inside.
“Kyle,” you hummed, looking at his little name tag.
“And you are?”
“Y/N,” you stuck out your hand for him to shake and he accepted it.
“Kyle, I have a proposition for you,” you said as you entered the passenger side of the car.
“Okay…” he looked at you.
“Let me suck your dick.”
Kyle stared straight at you for a minute, not moving.
“Hello?” you asked, waving your hand in front of his face.
“Sorry, what did you say?” he snapped out of his daze.
“Let me suck your dick,” you repeated, “I don’t want his,” you pointed to Jacob’s door, “to be the last dick I sucked and I want him to see your car still parked out here, knowing exactly what we are doing. Plus, you get an orgasm out of it.”
“I’m on the job,” he tried to resist.
“If you really don’t want to, that’s okay. I’m not trying to pressure you. I just think this could be a mutually beneficial agreement.”
Kyle nodded, putting the car in reverse and starting to back out of the driveway. He made it about halfway before he braked and put the car back in park.
“Yeah?” you asked.
“Please,” he begged.
You looked down and as your eyes adjusted to the evening darkness, you could see the obvious bulge strain in his khakis.
You leaned over the center console, untucking his uniform and unbuckling his belt. You slowly unzipped his fly to tease him as he squirmed underneath you.
“Patience, my sweet boy” you hummed and your warm breath fanned out across his dick.
His needy whines were beautiful. You sat back up and removed your shirt, leaving you in just a lacy bralette.
“Please,” he pleaded again.
“Because you asked so nicely,” you leaned back down and licked a long strip up from the base of his dick to the tip, swirling your tongue at the top.
“Fuck,” he groaned, his hands moving to your hair.
“Hands off,” you ordered and he whined but complied.
You took him in inch by inch. He was certainly the biggest you’ve ever been with. You gagged when he bottomed out in your throat.
You could feel him using all his self-control to restrain his hands to his side.
You bobbed your head up and down, taking up a quick pace. His melodic groans filled the car.
“I’m gonna-” he panted, “Can I please cum?”
“Yes, you’ve been such a good boy for me, baby. Let go. You can touch me now,” you spoke.
His hands moved to your hair just as his hips bucked up, shooting his load into your mouth. You accepted it all with a moan and swallowed.
You took a few more gentle sucks before releasing him from your mouth. As you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, Kyle stared at you adoringly.
“Ummm, thank you? I’m not really sure what to say,” he finally spoke.
“Just drive,” you laughed.
You woke up to a loud crashing sound coming from downstairs. You reached for your cell but it was dead even though it was plugged in. The power must have gone out. You grabbed your emergency battery-powered flashlight from underneath your bed and your bottle of pepper spray.
You quietly snuck down the stairs but when you turned the corner, you came face-to-face with your old kindergarten teacher who died a couple of years ago. She was definitely dead but still walking somehow. You screamed as she tried to grab you as you ran for the door.
You burst out of the door to see the street crawling with zombies of dead people you used to know. You ran towards the direction of the police station. You got about a half a mile until the deceased retired high school football coach tackled you to the ground.
You fought and kicked and screamed, trying to avoid him biting you. You thought it was over until you heard the sound of a gunshot and the zombie limply collapsed on top of you. You pushed it off with a yelp.
A hand reached down to help you up, you looked up to see Kyle standing there in a slightly bloody orange jumpsuit.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You nodded slowly.
“We should get off the street but I’ve cleared this whole neighborhood so we should be okay,” he grabbed your hand.
You looked down at your interlocked hands, “I don’t know if it’s just the adrenaline talking but if the world is ending, I want to fuck you first.”
Kyle smiled softly, “It would be a hell of a last memory but I won’t let anything happen to you.”
He pulled you towards his house and jumped the fence to his backyard.
“I don’t think zombies can climb,” he said, looking up at his childhood treehouse.
“This is a first,” you laughed softly as you headed up the ladder with Kyle right behind you.
“I can feel your eyes staring at my ass,” you said as you climbed the ladder.
“It’s right in front of me! Where do you want me to look?” he defended himself.
“Didn’t say it was a bad thing,” you smirked.
Immediately upon crawling into the treehouse, your lips were on his.
“How do you want it, baby?” you whispered into his ear.
“Ride me, please,” he whined.
You put a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back onto the wooden floor. You unzipped his jumpsuit hastily, ripping your shirt and shorts off in the process.
You released his dick from the confines of his tight black boxers and stroked it a couple of times.
“You ready?” you asked as you lined yourself up above him.
“Yes,” he nodded enthusiastically.
You sank down on his dick, adjusting to the feeling of him inside you. Kyle’s head fell back in pure pleasure.
You wrapped a tentative hand around his neck, only applying more pressure when his moans increased in volume.
His hips were bucking up to meet yours at a ferocious pace.
“Ah fuck! I think I just got a splinter in my ass,” he yelped.
“Shhh baby, you can take it. You’re fucking me so good, my sweet boy,” you continued to ride him and guided his hands up to your boobs.
Kyle groaned at the praise, “I’m close-God, I’m so close.”
“Give me a few more seconds. I know you can, baby,” you frantically rubbed your clit in order to finish with him.
“Okay, fill me up like a good boy,” you whispered into his ear.
Kyle’s hands grappled at your hips as he bucked up into you one last time. As you both came down from your highs, you collapsed on top of him.
The two of you just laid like that for a while. Catching your breath while soaking up the skin-to-skin contact.
“You know I was going to go back to your apartment and ask you on a date? You know…before the whole world went to shit. Besides giving me the best blowjob of my life, you just seemed like a really cool, beautiful girl,” Kyle admitted.
“Too bad you didn’t get the chance, I would have said yes.”
“Can I leave you here for just a second?” he asked quietly.
You hugged him closer, “I would prefer it if you didn’t.”
“Well, I would prefer it if you stayed up here where I know it’s safe. I need to get supplies and I’m armed,” he reasoned with you.
“Promise you’ll come back,” you had tears in your eyes.
“I promise,” he held out his pinky and you wrapped yours around it, both of you kissing your fists.
You and Kyle got redressed and you watched him climb down the ladder and head into his house with his gun fully loaded. And then, you waited. You counted the seconds. You were at 381 when he finally returned.
“Thank god,” you let out a sigh of relief.
He started to unpack the bag he brought with him. He pulled out a blanket and set it on the floor for you both to sit on. Then, pillows. Next, he pulled out leftover cold pizza.
“Ah, gourmet,” you jokingly smiled.
He pulled out red solo cups and placed one in between you both, putting in a rose he plucked from his mom’s rose bush.
Finally, he pulled a very expensive bottle of whiskey from the bag and filled your cups.
“My dad was saving this for a special occasion, I think zombies coming back from the dead and the world ending qualifies,” he grinned.
The world didn’t end. In fact, you were just starting your new life with your future husband.
taglist (just ask to be added or removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187
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allthingsarmin · 3 years
Hello, can i please request an armin x reader but it’s a modern au where armin is a nerd and the reader is popular, feel free to ignore if you don’t like the idea :)
Thank you for your request, anon! I really hope you like it, and I can always rewrite it if it’s not the way you imagined. Also, sorry it is a little long - I think I got carried away with this prompt haha.
The beginning might be a little angsty, but the ending is cute ^_^
Warnings: one cuss word, mentions of self-doubt, kissing
Word Count: 2,346
Things change - sometimes for the better - like how Armin finally cut his bob-length hair and now has a handsome undercut that suits his jawline and like how you are finally growing taller since it seemed like forever that Armin was the taller one.
Things change - sometimes for the worse - like how you and Armin used to be so close in grade school, but now in college, your relationship is made up of awkward smiles in the hallways, small waves when passing each other in the library, and unfinished conversations on SnapChat.
Things fade - relationships come to an end, people move on, and that’s just life. Look at you now, from a quiet person to a popular student known for your humorous remarks, angelic facial features, a delightful sense of style, and your beautifully color-coded notes. You capture hearts with your smile, and you never fail to make anyone laugh with your stupidly funny puns and nonsense. To put it simply, Armin is a bit different - well, you could say nerdy. Quiet, polite, and has as much passion for the world as he does intelligence. Always heavily invested in school and studying as you could almost always find his nose in between the pages of a book or study guide. Poor Armin - not known for his sweet personality or his above average intelligence. Definitely not known for his sense of style but always comes to class dressed in a rather dashing blazer and keeps a couple Kleenex tissues in his left pocket. Armin barely has any friends, - if any - but he always makes sure to hold the door open for strangers, smile at teachers when entering the classroom, and send you a “Happy Birthday!” text every year.
Some things don’t fade - like Armin’s feelings for you even after you two grew apart and he was forced to watch you from the sidelines. How could he not be so deeply in love with you? When you two were close, you coddled up with each other and read books about the ocean, learning about sharks and so naively believing in the theory of Atlantis. You stayed over at each other’s houses and studied together as well as comforted each other if one of you didn’t do as well as you expected on a test. You used to braid his long blond locks as he told you stories about his grandfather. During the summers, you would use chalk to draw a picture of you two on the blistering sidewalks outside his house, and he would give you handmade bookmarks as a present. Even though you two have grown apart, he is still in love with you, watching you laugh from far away. The way your eyes squint out of happiness and the sound of your hearty laughter makes his body heat up and his cheeks rosy. The way you sometimes send him “Good luck!” texts for when there’s a big test in a class you both are taking makes him smile with teary eyes since it seems that you have in fact not forgotten about him and his intense anxiety when it comes to test-taking. The way you ran up to Armin and gripped his arm when you unexpectedly saw him in the campus coffee shop that one time sent a euphoric tingle throughout his body that made him forget how to breathe properly. How could he not love you when you were always there for him, when you remembered every personal detail he told you during late-night childhood sleepovers, when you tried your best to make him love himself? Armin wants so badly to tell you how important you are to him, how he wants to protect you from everything bad in the world, how he wants to wrap his arms around you and listen to your heartbeat… you are just so hard to reach. He is a nerd, a loser, and you are so popular, surrounded by endless amounts of friends… he’s sure your contacts are completely full and DMs flooding with people who are interested in you and are a lot better than him. What was the point in even trying?
Luckily for Armin, you feel the same way. To be honest with yourself, your stupid jokes, loud laughter, and wide smiles were really just a cover-up for how deeply sad you are. No matter how many friends you have or instant messages you receive from strangers online, you feel incredibly alone because none of them are him. Popularity doesn't matter to you anymore - you just miss your best friend so terribly. You missed walking on the beach together, splashing each other with the salty waves, making study-flashcards together, and being able to touch his beautiful blond hair whenever you wanted. Armin’s birthday is coming up, and you want to make your move and do something big for him that would let him know how special he is to you. This time, it wouldn’t involve loads of friends or a loud party with that overly social and fake personality of yours.
You text Armin: “Hey Armin! We haven’t talked in awhile, but your birthday is this Saturday, and I would like to meet up with you. Are you free to go to the beach on Saturday? I want to give you a present, and I just want to catch up with you. I miss my friend!”
Armin read the text with relief. Even if he couldn’t have you the way he wanted, he still wanted more than anything to reconnect with his old friend. “It’s good to hear from you, y/n! I have no plans for Saturday, so of course we can meet up… around 7pm if that’s okay. I want to watch the sunset! And I miss you too…”
It is November, which means it’s cold. At the beach in November? Even colder, so you make sure to dress warmly.
It is 6:59pm, and you trudge through the moist sand, the harsh wind bearing itself against your face making the tip of your nose turn a bright pink as you grip your hoodie close to your body. In the distance, you see Armin sitting on the sand, shoes off and wearing a dark green sweatshirt with a black beanie. Sitting next to him was his backpack - of course he was the type to bring his school work with him while you always brought your violently vibrating phone with you everywhere.
You release a tired breath as you sit next to him in the sand, setting the bag of presents down beside you and keeping your cold hands in your hoodie pocket. A big smile is on your face as you ask him: “Aren’t you cold, Armin? Why don’t you have your shoes on?!” Armin laughs as he turns his face toward you. At this point, you can see how red his cheeks really are, and this is really the first time you’ve noticed how handsome he actually is. The softness of his blond eyelashes beautifully contrast with the sharpness of his jawline. His smile is soft, and his deep blue eyes pierce into yours. “Hahaha, I don’t know. I just haven’t been to the beach in a long time…” he trails off. “It’s ‘cuz you’re so popular now that you don’t have time to hang out with me,” he states in a playfully butt-hurt tone though you can sense that he is indeed a little upset about it. The waves hitting the shore fill the awkward silence between you two. “I know,” you softly say, “but I think about you all the time. I miss you, and I hope we can be close friends again,” you confess. Armin feels his heart flutter when you say that you miss him. He wants to tell you he loves you and wants to reassure you that he’d always be there for you, but instead he pats you on the back. “It’s okay! I was just joking,” he awkwardly laughs. “Of course we are friends, and I hope we can be even closer too.”
He glances to your side. “What’s in the bag?” he inquires. “Oh!” you exclaim, seemingly as if you forgot about it. You rush to give him the bag and shove it into his arms. “It’s just some stuff I got you for your birthday.”
He rummages through it, going through the endless amount of tissue paper on the top. He pulls out a light blue sweater first.
“It’s almost winter, so I figured I’d give you something warm. I think this color…” you pause and hesitantly reach up to adjust his beautiful blond bangs, “... would look good on you.”
You both make eye contact for a second and quickly look away from each other. “Haha, it’s beautiful, y/n. Thank you!” You are just about to say ‘no problem’ before he is quickly taking off his green sweatshirt and replacing it with the light blue one, his very toned abs peeking through the plain white t-shirt he had on underneath the sweatshirt. You feel your cheeks grow warm and instantly look away. Armin notices and chuckles to himself. He would honestly never mind if you wanted to look at them or even touch them.
“Now, onto the second one,” you say, trying to change the subject. Armin pulls out two matching, homemade bracelets that feature a seashell on both of them. He looks at them silently and intently.
“I made matching bracelets!” you say proudly. “They’re like friendship bracelets, so we both have to wear them all the time! You aren’t allowed to take it off!” you joke.
“They’re so pretty, y/n,” he whispers as he stares at the shells, a sparkle in his eyes. He immediately puts it on and gently takes your wrist to put yours on.
“There,” he says contently, carefully placing your wrist in your lap.
You two sit silently next to each other, shoulders brushing against one another and watching the waves as the sun casts a dull orange and purple glow across the sky. The sounds of waves crashing against the shore and the squawking birds in the sky cancel out the noises of Armin softly crying.
Once you notice, you quickly snap your head around. “Armin, are you okay?” you ask, extremely worried.
“Thank you for the presents, y/n,” he sniffles. “You have always done stuff like this for me,” Armin continues as he gets flashbacks of you two running across the beach and gawking at beautiful seashells, telling jokes to each other in grade school when it was supposed to be reading time, and making funny drawings of each other. “I’ve never told you thank you - for being there for me and comforting me all those times, and just letting me be myself. It’s been such a long time since we’ve done anything together. I miss making you laugh, and I miss going to the library with you and asking you about your day.”
At this point, you feel like crying too because you feel the exact same. You spent so much of your life wanting to fit in, and you finally became popular but at what cost? You nearly forgot about the most important person to you, the one person that actually cares about you.
“I love you,” Armin suddenly blurts out, a tear running down his face. “I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine,” he says so quietly that it’s borderline pathetic. You swear your heart stopped when he said that. You feel a burning sensation all along your body as you forget about the cold air hitting your face, and you feel your breathing stop. The uncertainty you felt that kept you awake every night about whether Armin thought of you the same, all the self-doubt, all the guilt about leaving your friend behind, had been erased in an instant.
The silence between you two is unbearably awkward, and with confidence you seemingly pull out of nowhere, you throw yourself onto Armin’s lips, your arms enclosing his broad shoulders, and both of you falling sideways into the wet sand. Armin, at first shocked, passionately kisses back and links onto your soft lips. The tips of your noses are cold, but you both eventually succumb to each other's warmth. You both pull away to catch some breath. Armin gently wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him as you bury your head in the crook of his neck. Even after all this time, he still smells the same - vanilla and cedarwood. “I love you too,” you softly say. Noticing that you both are practically wallowing in the sand by now, you apologize. “Also, sorry I ruined your new sweatshirt. There’s sand all over it,” you laugh.
“Oh, it’s okay,” he reassures, shyly placing a kiss on your forehead. “Want to watch the sunset with me?” You nod your head enthusiastically, a smile you couldn’t help leave your lips.
“Oh, fuck,” you quitely exclaim.
“What’s wrong?” Armin asks in a concerned tone.
“I forgot I have an essay due at 11:59 tonight.”
Armin busts out laughing - a sound you wouldn’t mind hearing for the rest of your life even though he’s laughing at your poor planning.
“When the sun finally sets, we can go back to my dorm, and I can help you with it if that’s alright with you,” he politely offers.
“Sure!” you happily reply.
You both sit up and face the horizon. The sun was almost gone, and the sky was a heavenly pink color while the sea began to look indigo. Your hands were linked with Armin’s, and for the first time in a long time, you felt warm despite the air getting cooler.
Getting ready to go to Armin’s dorm, he grabs his backpack and his dark green sweatshirt. You get up and check your phone, not at all caring that you have nearly fifty missed text messages and missed calls asking why you didn’t come to the weekly campus party.
You finally have all that you need.
I really hoped you liked it! Requests are open ~ I have another request that will be posted soon.
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