#I hope we still get to destroy his ass in the end
violenciorp · 8 hours
What if...? The Super Soldier Serum doesn't work and Steve doesn't become Captain America?
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There is a 'What if…?' inspired (?) game ("""immersive story""") on the apple vision now. I have not played it (who the hell would buy an apple vision lmao) but I watched some lets plays (on youtube) and while I don't think the full experience is…. all that great, it does look very nice, seems congruent (canon-compliant?) with everything else from the What if...? show, AND there is a Steve plotline featuring Bucky, Hydra, Red Guardian and kinda Red Skull that has some interesting plot points that I feel are interesting both as character studies or as AU starting points, so I'll summarise and provide some badly screenshoted pictures as evidence 🥲 I'll put this under the read more just in case soemoen here does have 3.5k for useless equipment and wants to experience the 'game' themselves.
Basic set up of the little interactive experience/game; You get recruited by the Watcher to collect all infinity stones for… reasons, and to do that, you get zapped around different multiverses. To collect the power stone (purple), you get put into Siberia, where you learn the following: During the second World War, the allied forces tried to create a supersoldier to put a stop to the Nazis/Hydra -- just as they did in our universe
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Unforunately, though, shit goes wrong, the serum doesn't work, and the machines explode, so that Steve doesn't become the hunk of a man we know and love but… well, red skull.
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Don't get me wrong, he's still a good guy, but, in his own words: 'The allied forces had an ideal vision of a super soldier -- and that wasn't me.'
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They basically didnt use them as propaganda because he's uggo now, lmao. Without touring as a motivational piece doing little shows, though, he also never really becomes Captain America.
And without a force to put their bundled hopes in, the allied forces fall apart, and Hydra wins (!) without a super soldier to stop them.
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The timeline gets more fuzzy now, it is not clear to me if some/most/all of the events are meant to be happening at around WW2 time, or much later. 'Siberia 1988' was thrown around, but I'm honestly not sure if it's meant to be the date, or just some reference. However, one character shows up significantly aged at the end of the show, so it actually might be 1988, implying that Hydra did rule most of Europe (?) for 30-40 years. Either way, Hydra does start creating Super Soldiers using the purple Infinity Stone, the Power Stone. Steve, either on a solo-mission or sent by Shield (unclear), goes to Siberia to retrieve the stone, that is guarded by Red Guardian. Red Guardian refuses to give the stone to Steve, as 'the powers of the stone make monsters out of men', using it is "nothing to be proud of" and 'you don't look like scientist. you don't sound like scientist… well, uh… no, you have skull for face' (literal quote, lmao, love it), so they fight.
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Steve looses the fight, BUT --- sees Bucky in one of the tanks, before he has to flee the scene, as he is just about to get his ass whooped.
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Wanting to save his friend, Steve now helps you to collect all the stones, yadda yadda, intergalactic multiverse bullshit happens, blabla, i dont care. Once you do collect all the other infinity stones with some other marvel characters, there is a bit of a twist, a big showdown, and then you have two choices: Either, you give each hero the stone that they were after, or you "do the right thing" and destroy the stones.
If you go for the good ending and destroy the stone, Steve goes back to his universe. Without the stone being there to create all these Super Soldiers for Hydra Steve and Red Guardian team up to free Winter Soldier Bucky.
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and together they form a 'nation-less alliance of superheros' to fight some bad guys which the red guardian calls the… musketeers.
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[[It is unclear to me where Steve got a shield, considering that he absolutely didn't have one up to this point. I also wonder if 'nation-less' means that Steve rejects being an American here? Red Guardian not being American makes sense, Bucky not easily being allowed to return also makes sense with all the war crimes he committed, but I do like the idea of Steve doing the right thing here leads him to be a lot less patriotic than in our canon.]]
However: If you do give Steve the infinity stone, he brings it to SHIELD ---- which seems to be represented by the aged What if? model of Howard Stark from the second season of the show, making me believe that it might in fact be playing in 1988 --- which does lead the US to win the war against HYDRA, but also "unleashes the super soldier threat back home" with there being hundreds of supersoldier chambers being shown.
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I'm assuming the implication is that shield = hydra or maybe just super soldiers = bad no matter where they are? Interestingly, there is no more mention of Bucky in this ending, so I guess Steve was too busy acquiring world domination or something to still care about him. Considering that Howard is his old-model here, this does imply that Steve only retrieves the power stone by the late 80's. Not sure what he has been up to for the 40 years until then -- was he also somewhere frozen? Do red-skull-supersoldiers just not age? --- but it does imply that Hydra was (openly!) in control of at least most of Central Europe for this entire time period, before the US finally had a chance to beat them.
They are definitly using the same models/assets as in the TV show, so I do wonder if we will see some of these elements in the next season, too, considering they already announced an episode featuring Bucky and Red Guardian. Overall, while I feel like it doesn't really fulfill the criteria of a good interactive game/experience, I found this plot line quite interesting, and having the serum fail Steve, and he therefore nor being the Golden Boy and rejected by the allied forces, plus the potential 40-year long rule of Hydra are super intriguing to me. Bucky and Red Guardian also not being created by the serum, but by the powers of the infinity stone also seem like an interesting starting point for some musings, AUs and fics. I also wonder what Hydra had been doing with Bucky for those 40 years for Steve not having known/heard about him in the mean time. Ie. if someone writes fanfic based on this, please send it to me haha. Or TL; DR: It's basically a "What if Steve was ugly?" (in the words of @tinaxpow )
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yourqueenb · 1 year
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The nerve. The audacity. The unmitigated gall of this bitch is astounding.
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meara-eldestofthemall · 7 months
Gee, thanks DC! You Just Turned Bruce Into An Irredeemable Ass.
So, at the end of Gotham War Bruce has officially lost everything. Alfred is still dead, Selina is "presumed dead" and Bruce is both financially and morally broke. Why, you may ask, is Bruce so much worse off this time? Let me count the ways.
He preformed a psychic lobotomy on Jason
The "it's for your own good" excuse only makes the mental rape undertaken by Jason's own father that much more heinous.
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Just when you think Bruce can't sink any lower he does. When Dick recognizes that Bruce has lost it, he attempts to use a failsafe disconnect that Bruce himself built into the system. How does Nightwing get thanked for that? Well that brings us to number two on the list.
Batman attacks up his eldest son for doing what he's supposed to do when Batman has gone rouge.
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Bruce beats him up because nothing proves you are in control of your sanity like hitting your children. While Dick is holding back, Bruce does no such thing. He hits Nightwing hard enough to send him flying. It could have gotten even worse if Tim hadn't shown up.
Tim arrives and attempts to talk some sense into Batman.
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Tim tries to talk Bruce down. It doesn't go well. When Robin is trying to help, as he always does, Batman uses the attempt to reason with him to put the smack down on his son. Bruce could have killed Tim but apparently feels no remorse or guilt.
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If there was any teeny tiny little doubt that Bruce will not win the Father of The Year award in 2023 it died a horrible screaming death when Batman abandons his children to potential arrest. Yes, he left a batarang for Dick and Tim but any glimer of possible hope associated with that action was instantly extinguished by Damian's reaction to Batman's callous betrayal.
Bruce abandons Damian.
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Look at Dami; he's devastated. Since he came into Bruce's life, Damian has struggled with feelings that he can never earn his father's love and respect. Well, that negative self-image was reinforced in way that may never be repairable. Bruce just utterly destroyed a 13 year old child because of his inability to feel any kind of empathy.
And how does this all end? The best part is that Bruce takes all of his parental responsibilities and dumps them onto Dick.
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Thank you Chip Zdarsky and Trini Howard. You've taken Batman from being an edgy anti-hero and made him into a callous monster. Part of me hopes that Bruce never comes back because he doesn't deserve his family.
The only positive aspect in this convoluted mess is that Damian and Tim will be far better off with Dick than with Bruce. Yes, Tim is mostly independent but he still needs guidance (particularly since Tim's first instinct is to try and save Bruce). Damian is essentially Dick's son emotionally anyway so this might help to sustain the positive character growth we've seen in him as of late.
The point of this rant is to wonder what on earth DC thinks they're doing. This story arc has been pure character destruction as far as Bruce is concerned. It's bad storytelling too; rushed, frenetic and massively disappointing.
Hasn't the popularity of Good Dad Bruce in Wayne Family Adventures proved that fans are tired of Bruce being a dark depressed and brooding edge lord? We all accept that Batman is a character with deeeeep issues who is in desperate need of therapy. I, however, draw the line at Bruce being an abusive a**hole.
In years to come when fans wonder when Batman jumped the shark, this is the plot line they'll point to.
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allocnddits · 5 months
welcome to my new obsession: F1
long ass thoughts about daniel x alonso!reader (daughter) im talking like 4k
warnings: SMUT (oral – M and F rec–, fingering, anal fingering, PinV, danny being kinda rough) with barely any plot, danny and reader being sluts, not proof read in lazy, AGE GAP (reader is like 20) size kink
"Are you not gonna kiss me?" you asked after dancing with him for what felt like the entire night.
"How old are you?"
"Old enough to be in here"
"That's good enough"
He lowered his head to reach your lips and kissed you hungrily. It was messy and you both tasted like alcohol but you couldn't care less.
You weren't so sure of how you ended up waking up in his hotel room with your dress unzipped, bunched up around your waist and no underwear. You sat up for a second, trying to remember who you left the club with, luckily, an alpha tauri racing shirt was laid on the chair next to the bed. Considering that you had a 50/50 chance, you were pretty lucky to get it right. "Daniel?" you called from the bed.
"Good mornin" he smiled as he came out of the bathroom, still damp, hair wet and a towel around his waist.
"Not so sure it's a good morning when I don'tremember what happened last night. Did we fuck?"
“You better hope not cause i don't see any condoms around here."
"Daniel, are you fucking serious right now?" you ask, before putting on the t-shirt he just threw at you.
"I'm kidding, alright?"
"Then what the fuck happened? Why aren't my panties on my body?" you asked almost angry at how calm he was about this.
"Hey, hey, no need to freak out. I just ate you out, alright? But I guess you were too drunk because you fell asleep almost instantly after you came on my tongue and told me I was 'too fucking good'
"Oh god, I'm sorry, this is so embarrassing. How can you be sure that happened? You were drunk too"
"Well, you were quite unforgivable, babe, pulling my hair and grinding on my face. That and the fact that I can handle my alcohol." he chuckled.
"Don't fucking laugh about this, s'not funny" you hit his stupid smile with a pillow. "God, my dad is gonna kill me. He was afraid i'd get with stroll, you know, but this? This is so much worse"
“Why am I worse than stroll?”
"Cause you're like, almost 20 years older than me. this is so messed up. How am I gonna get out of here, there are people outside." it was your home town after all, people knew you.
“I'll figure this out, okay? just wait a second and stop freaking out."
You got up from the bed, taking the rest of your dress off before walking to the bathroom. the second you saw yourself in the mirror you started washing all that old make up off, you looked destroyed. as you looked through daniels things, trying to find a face wash or a moisturizer, you heard him on the phone
"Hey, Lan, can you do me a favor?"
"Sure, mate, what's up?"
"Is your girlfriend with you?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Do you think she could borrow yn some sneakers and like, training shorts or something?"
"Why on earth are you calling about yn?"
"Well, we kinda had a thing last night and now she's like, stuck in here, only in her party dress."
"Are we fucking talking the same yn mate?"
"I would think so, yeah"
"Are you taking a fucking piss?"
"Not at all"
"Oh this is so messed up. you fucked your coworkers daughter?"
"Kinda, and i don't see how this is messed up"
"Mate, how old is she?"
"She was old enough to be in the club"
"Can you just cut it? who the fuck are you telling about us?" you came out of the bathroom, done with his conversation.
"Just Lando, I'm trynna help you out here" he told you before talking back to his phone "can you just please ask your girlfriend for the clothes? Thanks, I'll be right there." he ended the call, laying his phone on the bed as you stood right in front of him. "Don't be mad at me, alright?" he pulled you closer, in between his parted legs, and kissed your love handle, over the shirt. you ran your hand through his wet curls, locking your fingers in them when he grabbed your ass. "Dan?"
"Yeah?" he looked up at you with bright brown eyes.
"Think i can make up to you for last night?"
"Would love that, yeah"
You straddled him, hands meeting his cheeks as you kissed him. His arms wrapping around your waist, making you grind down onto his towel. You could feel him growing against you as you let the texture of the towel catch your clit. You really tried to drag out the making out but after a couple of minutes his tip as aggressively poking your thigh. “That was quick" you tease and you slide off his lap, going on your knees in front of him. You unfolded the towel that hung around his hips and almost didn't believe what you saw. "Fuck" you sighed.
"What's wrong, baby?" he teased, looking down at you and brushing your hair off your face.
"You could've given a warning" you joked before wrapping your hand around his base, leading it to your lips, you spit on the tip, using your other hand to smear it all over him, his cock so thick he fit perfectly in your fist. You started pumping slowly, looking up and holding direct eye contact with him, starting to feel hot under his stare. Your hand moved loosely around him, your palm feeling all the prominent veins of his cock before stoping at the base so you could leave a kiss on his tip.
"Stop teasing, love." he complained, slightly bucking his hips up so you took his head into your mouth. You did, gladly, sucking hardly on it before going all the way down. You couldn't quite take all of him in your mouth but you came close, the move making you slightly gag around him. You pulled away, pumping your hand while you recovered from it. You swirled your tongue on his tip, watching as he threw his head back, hands becoming fists that propped him up on the bed, you let your mouth slide down on him, always taking everything you could. Every time you had to pull away to breathe, your hands made up for it, either pressing your thumb down on his slit or running your palm against his sensitive head.
"Fuck, baby, feel so good, 'm so close" he groaned as you popped off his length with a disgustingly erotic sound, string of saliva connecting your bottom lip to his tip. "shit"
"Want you inside me. please?" you asked, taking your spot back on his lap.
“If someone ever says no to that question, love, they're going insane." he smiled against your neck before kissing down to your shoulder. His hand went back down to your ass, lifting the shirt you wore and spreading your cheeks apart, his long finger reaching for your opening. he circled it, spreading your wetness around before dipping into you, making you wiggle your hips till you got used to the feeling. As much as you just wanted him inside you, he barely fit in your mouth so you knew this was necessary. When he slipped the second finger in, your head fell onto his shoulder and as a gagged moan fell out of your lips you felt him smile against the skin of your neck.
“Think you're ready, baby?" he whispered in your ear and you nodded. Daniel pulled his fingers out of you, reaching for a condom on the bedside table and putting it on before lifting your hips till his tip tapped your hole. His hands on your ass started lowering you onto him, you were unbelievably tight compared to his girth and it had you squeezing him so good.
"Dan" you called, face buried in his neck, hands running through the short curls at the back of his head, "so fucking big." you sighed as you tried to make him bottom out inside you. he couldn't help but chuckle against your neck, he already knew he was too big for your petite figure but you were not giving up on taking him whole. You felt bad enough for using him the previous night, you needed to make him feel good.
"Don't need to take it all if you can't, baby" he said before laying back on his elbows, watching you struggle as you took him in, a smirk never leaving his face. When he finally watched himself bottom out in you he sat back up.
"Doing so good, didn't think you'd be able to take it." he whispered to your lips before crashing them against his.
Daniel lifted your shirt till he met your tits and started to give them attention, kissing and sucking, kneading and bitting, all of it borderline overwhelming as you were still getting used to him inside you. He had both of his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you as close as he could as you started grinding against him. He was sucking on your tits so hard, making you wetter by the second, as he moved his hips to meet yours.
"Dan, fuck, feel so good, so big" you whispered against his lips before kissing him, it being so deep and intense that you slowed down your hip movements. Daniel, however, made sure to increase his movements, fucking up into you. even though you were the one trying to make up to him, he was the one who seemed to be doing everything in his power to make you feel good.
With a particular thrust, you let a moan out into his mouth making him part the kiss and take his lips down your chest again. the attention he was paying to your boobs was driving you insane, all the kissing and sucking being almost too much. your moans becoming louder with every thrust of his as he let out groans against your skin.
"fuck, so fucking close, cmon, baby, don't stop." he said in your ear, making you shiver. you sped up your bouncing on his lap and started clenching on purpose around him. it wasn't long before he came with a deep moan in your ear. Barely taking time to enjoy his release, he flipped you over onto the bed, one hand beside your head, holding himself up and the other right down to your clit, circling it as he trusted a few last times into you, his softening dick still making you feel full. "come for me, baby, need to make sure you're done too" he whispered.
"so close, just a little more, please" you begged and he thrusted into you one last time, making you cum. he immediately fell on you, burring his face in the crook of your neck as you came back from your high. “‘kay, get off, still need to get out of here."
"yeah, okay. i'll just get dressed and i'll get you some clothes." He flipped off you, pulling his towel to cover himself again.
"have you seen my phone?" you asked, looking around the room. he handed it to you, along with a charger and pointed to the outlet by the bed.
You watched him get dressed as you waited for your phone to turn on, his muscles on display for you, gradually being covered by some shorts and a tshirt, leaving most of his tattoos uncovered. You couldn't help but let your eyes wander around his body, his muscles, his hair and his nose, you pressed your thighs together at the thought of riding his face and pulling his hair, having his beard scratch your legs, god, you wish you weren't so drunk the night before to remember how good he was.
"be right back" he warned, pulling you out of your daydreaming before leaving the room. as he left, you decided to get up to take a shower, you still smelled like alcohol and daniels cologne from the night before.
While you were in the shower daniel headed to landos room, knocking on the door when he reached it. "mornin' mate"
"did you fucking do her again?" Lando accused as soon as he opened the door, noticing his friends smile and his flushed cheeks
"none of your business, dude." he pushed lando on the shoulder. "thanks for the clothes, though, really saving my ass here. see you later, yeah? still coming with me?"
"sure, see you" he said, clearly just trying to get rid of daniel.
and he did leave, walking back to his room with the shorts and shoes in his hand. "m back, got your clothes" he laid it on the bed before starting to collect his things from the room.
"thanks" you said after coming out of the shower in your towel. you got dressed, annoyingly going commando since you couldn't find your underwear anywhere in his room, and started collecting your stuff too. “think i'm good to go"
"wait" he stopped you "here" daniel placed a cap on your head, tightening it and handing you sunglasses. "ll make sure you get your dress and shoes back, 'kay? will you be in spain?"
"course, but only on saturday. ill text you the place when i get there, so, like, check your dms or something" you commented already going out the door and checking your phone to know where you'd be meeting your dad.
the next time you saw daniel was on monday afternoon.
you went to a coffee shop at the airport after saying goodbye to your dad for a week. he was walking past and stopped immediately when he saw you, approaching your table and asking if he could sit.
"sure, go ahead" you weren't exactly happy about the situation, still afraid this would get to your dad, he wasn't opposed to you dating anyone but, this was his coworker and he was 15 years older than you.
"i got something for you. was gonna wait to give it to you later but i thought you might be needing it." he pulled a small piece of fabric from the pocket of his jeans and bunched it inside his fist before giving it to you.
the second you realized what it was you kicked his leg under the table. "daniel! for fucks sake, have you completely lost your mind?"
"just thought you'd wanna be wearing this again next time you throw yourself at me at the club."
"don't worry, won't be doing that ever again. wasn't really worth it, too much effort, not enough pleasure, you know?" you teased before taking a sip of your coffee.
"sure, keep telling yourself that. listen, i gotta go, see you in like, what, three days?"
"five" you corrected, also getting up from the table.
your next encounter was on saturday night.
Daniel had gotten pole position on quali and as of mandatory gone partying. It was actually insane to you how he managed to end up in the same club as you in a city as big as barcelona. maybe he saw your story and found out where you were but you didn't mind to check.
You were just sitting on the bar, mindlessly flirting with some guy that didn't have a single chance when you saw him. You decided to ignore, not minding his presence while you talked to someone else, but he reached you first. He walked over to you from behind so you didn't notice till his hand was discreetly on your waist, the guy your were taking to left as soon as he realized who daniel was.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me" you said, loud enough so he could hear it, slipping out of the stool
"Hello to you too." he smiled
"what are you doing here?"
"Celebrating. Got fucking pole position" he said, taking a sip of his drink.
"Are you gonna be able to maintain it drinking like this?"
"First and only" he lifted his beer bottle. "Wanna dance?"
Now Daniel wasn’t the best at dancing – though he did love to –, but when your hips caught his he knew exactly what to do, they followed yours to the rhythm of the music and his hands roamed through your body with yours on top. You danced through a few songs as Daniel tried kissing you, you denied, knowing that as soon as you kissed him, you’d want to go home with him.
“Just a kiss, c’mon” he whispered, beard scratching on your neck.
You shook your head, turning around to face him and taking his hand. “Just dance with me, yeah?” you smiled, starting to fold your knees and using his handhold as support, in seconds you were on the floor, twearking as you stared at him. You caught his lips moving as he cussed at the view, now if he didn’t go home with you tonight he would go insane. Daniel helped you up, watching you come up from the floor while swaying your hips.
“Stop playing me, we’re gonna do this or not?” he asked you with some level of dominance, something you found extremely hot on that moment. You nodded, pulling him away from the crowd by the hand, when you got out he just looked at the valet and in matter of a minute his Aston Martin was by the door. Daniel helped you into the car before settling himself.
“We can go to my apartment, it’s a bit messy cause i just got there today but, no cameras.” you suggested
“Is it close?” you nodded “lead the way.”
In about 15 minutes you were inside your house, he looked around as you kissed what you reached of his neck, his hands sat on your ass cheeks. “Danny, come on” you groaned against his chest as you unbuttoned his shirt.
“Just looking for somewhere i can fuck you, baby. Think i just found it.” he picked you up from the floor, caring you over to your couch and laying you on it. Daniel easily climbed on top of you, kissing on your neck and visible parts of your chest. Your legs wrapped around hism, making your dress ride up and pool around your waist.
“Dan” you whispered in his ear, hoping it would make him act faster. It just made him quickly grind down on you before going on his knees.
“Gotta make sure you remember how good i make you feel in the morning this time, baby.” he teased as he spread your legs, placing himself between them. Daniel hooked his arms underneath your thighs, settling you to be face to face with your heat. He blew against your aching core, sending shivers down your spine making you close your knees. “love the reactions your body has to me, baby, but keep these apart, wanna make you feel good.”
You threw your head back as your hands went to his hair, you ran your fingers through the curls and pulled him closer to you.He kissed your clit through your thong, smirking as he pulled it to the side and swiped his finger between your lips, guiding it to his lips and sucking on it. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you watched him do it.
“Daniel, stop teasing. Just eat me out already, please” you cried out.
He smiled as he pulled your panties down your legs. Daniel kissed and licked your thighs, ignoring your wish, the teasing driving you insane. Two of his fingers split your lips open, your wet cunt now completely exposed to him, he kissed around it, the creases between your thighs and your middle and the bottom of your stomach before planting a kiss right on your lips, anticipation killing you by the second.
“Danny, please. Need you now” you groaned not even thinking about how desperate you sounded, when he had barely touched you.
“You talk a lot less when you’re drunker, love. Maybe I should get some more alcohol in you before fucking this pretty cunt” he whispered as his fingers circled your hole, a sigh of relief leaving your lips immediately.
He grinned at your reaction before his lips met your heat again. They kissed your hole, tongue slightly dipping into you before making its way up. His flat tongue traced from the bottom of your vulva all the way up to your clit, lapping at it. His hand made their way up your waist under your shirt, trying to reach your chest but your shirt was too tight. “Off” he mumbled against your skin.
“what?” your question made him lift his head, letting you catch a glimpse of his lips, glistening with your wetness.
“Off. Take your shirt off.”
You pulled your top over your head, throwing it to the side before your hands made their way back to his hair. His fingers tweaked your nipples between them before palming your boobs entirely. He started fucking you with his tongue, penetrating it slowly as the bridge of his nose caught your clit, giving you the lightest of pressure whenever he moved his face around. His tongue left your hole when you stopped giving him reactions, mouth now working on sucking your clit.
“Danny, please” you moaned when his lips left your clit and started teasing by sucking on your lips. Your begging made him give up the teasing.
The tip of his tongue circled your clit before liking up and down your hole, his nose hitting your sensitive nub again. A soft moan left your mouth as he moved his head side to side, using his nose to stimulate your clit but he stopped as soon as you did. You looked down at him, about to complain but you caught a challenging look in his eyes and understood what he wanted. You started grinding your hips against his face, the pressure of his nose just perfect and in a couple of seconds he had you uncontrollably humping on his face.
“Dan, ‘m so close” you sighed.
He let you use him for your release as his tongue lapped at your dripping hole, the noises his mouth was making so unholy. His pants were getting uncomfortably tighter by the second, he needed you on his cock. Gladly, you, too, were desperate to have him. You came the second he penetrated you with two fingers, ridding down your high as he curled them inside you. His head left the space between your legs and came up to face you.
“Don’t go sleepy on me this time” he joked “wanna fuck you so bad.”
“Fuck, Dan. Let’s go to my room, please, need you.” you mumbled as he kissed your neck, hands snaking under your ass to lift you up. he effortlessly carried you inside, opening the door he guessed was the main bedroom and threw you on the bed. You giggled, watching as he unbuckled his belt and undid his pants before pushing his already unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders and taking off the tshirt he had under it. His hands looked for the zipper on your sparkly skirt and pulled it down, sliding it off your legs, leaving you completely bare in front of him. You pulled him down making him lay over you, holding his torso up with his forearms beside your head.
“Wait, wait, wait” he mumbled into the kiss, getting up again to take off his pants for good after kicking his boots away. He then laid over you again, kissing every single inch of your neck as you tried desperately to grind up onto him and feel his hardness. “so fucking impatient, you are. Have you got any condoms here?”
“Probably” you turned on your side, reaching for your bedside table and found a single one, handing it to him after checking the expiration date. You watched as he opened and put it on, mesmerized by how hot he looked in agony. Seconds later he was lowering his hips, finally penetrating you, his thick cock spreading you up and making your walls burn. “Fuck, Dan, so fucking big” your legs wrapped around his hips, driving them deeper inside of you.
Daniel groaned in your ear when he bottomed out inside you, the feeling of your cunt swallowing him being ridiculously overwhelming. His lips met yours as he started to grind onto you, hips building up the pace till he was pounding into you. All you could do was moan uncontrollably, if you saw the state you were in you’d be embarrassed but when you had his dick buried inside you it really didn’t matter.
“Daniel, please, faster” you begged, making his hips start snapping against yours. You smiled, feeling every thought slip out of your mind as he fucked your pussy, it hurt so bad but so good, you could feel the tears running down your cheeks.
When he lifted his face up from the crook of your neck he finally saw the state you were in. His hips slowed down reluctantly as he starred at your face. You were about to complain but he cut you off. “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, shit, don’t stop, Daniel, please.” you kissed him to show that you were fine, making him speed his movements again. He tried carrying the kiss but your mouth started falling open in pleasure, just whining and mumbling in his ear, you needed more, apparently. So Daniel lifted his body up and threw your legs over his shoulders, shoving a pillow under your hips, you cloud feel every single inch of him as he snapped into you.
“Do you ever shut up?” he teased, annoyed with all the options you had to give on his performance. He then took his two middle fingers and pushed them past your lips. The sight of you sucking on the fingers of his tatted hand driving him crazy. Daniel felt possessive and controlling and you weren’t complaining, felt great having someone wreck you completely. His right hand traveled down from your thigh to your clit, circling it ferociously because he could see and feel how close you were. You came with a embarrassingly loud moan just after a few seconds of his fingers on you, squirting on him and yourself. It dripped down your folds wetting his cock and down the back of your thighs that stamped on his as he still snapped inside you.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me.” he admired the view in front of him. His fingers were still in your mouth but not sucking anymore, your hands loose above your head, all your muscles shutting down as you let go of the tension that had been building up inside you. He pulled his fingers from your mouth, and his cock out of you before straightening his back “Flip” his hands each side of your hip helping with the transition.
He pushed himself inside you again, the burning sensation less intense now that he had already stretched you on his cock. His thrusts started slow, taking his time to pick up the pace and fixate his eyes on your body. Your head was laid flat on the bed as you arched your back to the maximum, he took notice of your hair splattered out on the covers, of your waist and how small it looked with his hand around it and lastly of your asshole. It was wet from your arousal and release, glistening under the lights and calling for him, he could see it clench around nothing.
Daniel moved his hand from your waist, taking it to his mouth and sucking and spitting on his thumb before folding over you, your back to his chest as he circled the finger around your hole. “Breathe” he whispered in your ear watching you nod before pulling away to watch as his thumb entered you. “Shit” he moaned, felling how tight you were around him, the overwhelming sensation of penetration making your cunt and asshole clench around him in a synchronized motion.
“Daniel, please, just cum, can’t do it anymore, too much.” you groaned against the pillow, feeling overstimulated and used. “Fuck, cum on my ass, Daniel” you whispered, knowing it would drive him insane.
“Fuck” he sighed before he pulled out and ripped the condom off of him, watching your gapping hole clench. The hand that had a finger inside you pulled you closer by the ass, making it rest against his thighs and he pumped his fist around his cock till his cum painted your back with ropes of white. “Shit, shit, shit. Don’t you fucking move” he reached for his pants and pulled out his phone, his thumb immediately making its way back to your hole so he could snap a picture. “That might be the prettiest sight of all, babygirl.”
Daniel pulled out completely, pushing your hip so you fell on your side, your body immediately curling up and shutting down on the mattress. You were a mess, spit covering half of your face, your thighs slippery with arousal and now your back covered in cum.
“Dan?” he hummed “there’s a small towel in my suitcase, right on top. Can you wet it a bit and bring it to me? Please?”
“Yeah, don’t worry i’ll clean you up. Just let me sort myself out first.” he was slightly out of breath too, you could hear it in his voice “Fuck, baby. You okay?” you nodded against the pillow. “Too week to shower right now, yeah? We can shower in the morning.” he said after seeing that your thighs were still quivering.
He got up from the edge of the bed where he was sitting and grabbed the towel from your bag before leaving the room. He came back a few minutes later with a bottle of water and the dampened towel. He dragged it against your thighs, lifting the right one so he could get to your messy middle. Being extremely careful with it he cleaned you up entirely, making sure to leave his cum for last to not spread it all over you.
“Here, got some water.” you sat up against the headboard taking the bottle from his hands. As you drank your water you watched him put his boxers back on and pick up his clothes from the floor, folding them messily and putting them on top of your dresser, his keys and wallet beside them.
“Daniel, just leave it. Turn off the light and come here. ‘M tired.”
He did what you asked and got under the covers, bringing them up to your chest as you laid with your back turned to him. He scooted closer and pulled you in easily with an arm around your waist.
“I’m a cuddler, gonna have to deal with that.” he smiled against your neck, leaving a small kiss before tucking your head right beneath his own so you were comfortably fit in his embrace.
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lmk-aus-galore · 3 months
Needed to make this post because I keep seeing this-
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I keep seeing people mistake this scene where Macaque smiles at Wukong during the Specials as a sign that he forgives him.
No, he does not, he’s still trying to trust Wukong again. You can see it in the beach scene. They still bicker slighty after this scene, and during the beach scene, Macaque looks at Wukong briefly believing his words before doubting him again. Or at least still getting a bad feeling.
Macaque and Wukong are far from forgiving each other, they’re still trying to trust each other again. However Season 4 is pretty much a start.
Even though Wukong seems to like forgive Macaque, I’m pretty sure it’s because he just survived a series of self-loathing and guilt, he’s probably not fully recovered.
That being said again.
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This doesn’t prove Macaque forgave Wukong yet.
People who see this completely forget the conversation MK was having with Wukong.
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Prior to Macaque smiling at him, MK tries to lift Wukong’s spirits up, give him hope like Wukong did for him. Encourage him even. He makes a whole speech about getting Wukong back on his feet and becoming the Monkey King again.
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However, Wukong doubts it, so he looks to Macaque.
Again some people forget the whole context of this entire scene and just miss out on crucial details BECAUSE WUKONG ISN’T EVEN ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS HERE.
Wukong knows that MK is his biggest fan, that MK looks to him with rose-tinted glasses, that to a fault, the kid sees too much good in Wukong, he WANTS to believe Wukong is good, Wukong knows that’s his one flaw about his view of him.
So he doesn’t take the staff immediately after MK encourages him, instead he looks to Macaque.
Why? Because he’s asking him, Macaque KNOWS Wukong. He knows Wukong far too much than probably Wukong himself. Macaque can see his faults, his mistakes, he knows Macaque HATES him. HATES the Monkey King, he’s honest about his doubts, his views on Wukong. Despite Azure’s praise, Macaque sees him for what he is.
Prior to this scene, Wukong was suffering with the curse of the scroll, reliving his mistakes and we know one of his mistakes that is most definitely going to play in his head is the scene where he broke off with Macaque. The scene where he yells at Macaque and seemingly destroys his friendship with him forever.
‘No that’s you! You’re the one always running off! Looking for more power! More sources of immortality! You’re the one who wouldn’t quit while we were ahead! Not the Great Sage! He’s always trying to drag everyone into his mess!’ Macaque was right. It was him that lost his sights on power, on why he was even gaining power in the first place, it was him who tried bigger and bigger until he couldn’t carry the load anymore. He’s the one who was reckless, not Macaque.
And he was right, he dragged Macaque into this. And only hurt him, the brotherhood and MK by dragging them into the mess he created. By letting MK fight his battles, by letting Macaque get injured over and over again just because he wanted him to help regardless of Macaque’s opinion on the matter. He dragged the Brotherhood into this false sense of justice and power that they ended up getting killed or sealed away.
He hurt them. He hurt them as the Monkey King. All he ever did as the Monkey King was hurt people. That’s why he looks to the one guy that can tell him, tell him honestly.
He asks the one guy that hates his guts, that has every right to hate his guts.
If it was alright for him to BE that guy again.
The reckless, egotistical, self-centered Monkey King again. He asks Macaque, who so negatively views Monkey King’s role as a hero if he should BE that hero again.
He asks Macaque if MK is right. This time, This time he’ll listen. Just tell him if it’s okay for him to BE that guy, if he needs to take a step back, he will no questions asked.
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Macaque smiles at him.
He assures Wukong that he’s okay with it. Yes he can be that guy, flaws and all. He’s willing to give him that chance.
Macaque was giving Wukong not only permission but assurance that Wukong is allowed to be that hero again. The one that everyone adores and loves and the one that people NEED right now.
Only then does Wukong stand and take the staff once more.
Macaque and Wukong still need to trust each other again sure.
But this whole scene is just Wukong at his DEEPEST and LOWEST he’s ever been. The usually loud, cheery and expressive Monkey King was reduced to the unusually quiet, sad and barely even audible Wukong who had been beaten down by his guilt and shame. He can barely look at MK…he can barely raise his voice. And judging by how quiet he was he might’ve been crying until his voice gave out. Paired with Macaque holding grudges yet still reminiscing their good times together. Seeing THAT must’ve been so disturbing for him.
Again, Macaque has this view of Wukong. The same way he notices MK’s despair and loss of light, he notices Wukong’s change in personality. However, unlike MK, there’s a chance Macaque has never SEEN this side of Wukong. He’s always seen Wukong so confident and unbreakable. So much so he doesn’t hold back against him at all. But seeing THIS must’ve done something to him- like scared him, disturbed him.
And now he’s looking at him like that? He’s so low on self-esteem that he looks to the one guy that hates his guts more than anyone else for permission to be that guy again? It probably frightened him more than anyone ever realized.
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genevawren38 · 15 days
At the end of this all, looking back I think my favourite memories surround Team BOLAS in Purgatory.
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Don't get me wrong, the Death Family will always be my favourite dynamic and POV but god I still think about the found family that formed in bloodshed.
It seemed rigged from the start, half their team hadn't been seen in months and the remaining people had about the collective knowledge of one Philza Minecraft on a sick day.
Despite how many times they were destroyed, over and over, they kept getting back up due to their 'fuck it, we ball' attitude. My god, I don't think any of us saw their first win coming and then they just kept doing it.
Someone would come along and kill them, deleting hours of work in seconds and they would laugh it off and get back up. It was seriously impressive from both a character and creator standpoint to watch their dedication. Their shenanigans and light-hearted attitude did so much for their morale long-term. They seriously pulled up their bootstraps and kicked ass.
They outlasted the dissolving of the third team among the remaining two. They were constantly in earshot of one another, moving as a pack and spending every moment of those short hours together in voice calls of just existing.
It was hell and it was sancutary.
It gave Cellbit a figure to look up to and work to better himself to make him proud.
It gave Baghera and Jaiden a family, something neither had experienced due to *lore*.
It gave the mourning father Slimecicle a place to accept the fact his daughter was dead.
It gave Foolish something to fight for and a fighting partner to work beside in the form of an old crow hybrid, with barely a word spoken between them they won BOLAS a day event.
It gave Carre a place to just be silly while also being a goat.
Everyone on the original team who logged in plus the second round of BOLAS members pulled their weight and did incredible in such a stressful event. The amount of clips, art and writing that were created following the interactions exchanged under those red skies will far outlive the short fortnight the event existed.
It was very bittersweet watching the two remaining members, Cellbit and Baghera, put on gas masks and wear them to the end in honour of their family formed out of circumstance that evolved into genuine growth and affection between them. They carried that respect onto that plane and to freedom, they hold the memories of the people who held them at their worst. They will fondly reflect at their best, hoping they were proud [spoiler, they always will be].
BOLAS came to mean a lot to both the characters and us, the audience.
I will remember you forever, my chaotic cult of creators. You were a delight and I am excited to relive the content whenever I feel like returning to a series that became a comfort one for me.
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bumblesimagines · 5 months
i had a great time.
maybe you should go.
Maddy Perez
maybe you should go.
i had a great time.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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You and Lexi shared many similarities as twins. There was the shared love for literature and theater, the longing for Suze's attention, the bitter resentment toward Gus for leaving and never saying goodbye, the feeling of constantly being in Cassie's shadow, and of course, similar physical features.
But, like other siblings, you and Lexi were also vastly different.
Lexi preferred her solitude. She could spend hours alone in her shared bedroom on her laptop creating screenplay after screenplay in an online document. She was clumsy and awkward and despite her writing skills, she had trouble speaking to others without stammering or tripping over her words. Behind nearly every decision and action Lexi made had been a thought-out plan filled with 'what ifs'. You preferred leaps of faith into the unknown where the end destination wasn't visible until the last second. More often than not, you were left scrambling to ensure your ass wouldn't be toast.
Like the night after a party at a classmate's place when you woke up at home in your cozy bed with the slim body of your sister's closest friend cuddled up at your side and you left to stare at the ceiling debating your choices.
On one hand, Maddy Perez was bitchy and confident enough to pretend nothing ever happened between you and her. On the other hand, Nathaniel Jacobs had enough privilege to get away with murder if she ever let it slip. 
So, there you remained, staring up at the ceiling and rethinking the life choices that led up to that moment. If only you hadn't agreed to go to the party with the girls. If only you hadn't agreed to Elliot's stupid challenge of flirting with Maddy to see what the school's queen bee would do. If only you'd encouraged the girls to head to their respective homes instead of crashing at the Howard residence. Then maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't be wondering what the hell Nate Jacobs would do to you if he ever found out you slept with his girlfriend. It wasn't as if you could sneak out and play dumb if she asked. She was in your bed, in your house.
Craning your neck to take a peek at her when she began to stir, you finally noticed her messy appearance. Her maroon lipstick had smudged considerably and from the red markings scattered across your skin, you could only assume how it'd happened. Her glittery, silver makeup appeared in a similar state, and the glitter smudged against your skin, twinkling with the sunlight that poured in from the window. Her hair was in the worst state you'd ever seen it in, and you found your gaze drawn to the light markings on her neck and shoulders. Her dark eyes fluttered open and for the first time since entering high school, you found yourself hoping for some disgust or repulsion in them. But instead, a yawn escaped her lips and she tiredly rubbed at her eyes.
"Morning." You murmured a bit awkwardly and dragged yourself up to rest your back against the headboard. She snorted quietly and brushed her raven hair out of her face, somehow still looking like a model. "About last night-"
"I had a great time. I never thought Cassie's little brother would have it in him. " Maddy began with a coy grin and you waited for a 'but' to follow. "We should do this again sometime." She purred instead and planted a kiss on the corner of your lips. You could practically feel your ego growing, but they weren't the words you wanted to hear from someone whose boyfriend had no problem with destroying the lives of those who even looked at her twice.
"Right." You forced a chuckle. Fuck. "I had a good time too, Mads, but I-I think maybe you should go or at least sneak into the girls' room before they wake up. I just... I think Cassie might get upset if she finds out and I, uh, I don't want to get you in trouble with Nate either." 
She blinked at you and then blinked again. Her perfectly plucked brows slowly furrowed and the tips of her lips dragged downward. You couldn't quite tell what the look on her face meant. Was she disappointed? Hurt? Sad?
"You're kicking me out?" Ah. Of course, she was offended. Maddy getting turned down was an occurrence that only happened on blue moons and even then, whoever rejected her would only end up taking it back moments later. 
"Maddy, I really think it's for the best. This will only end up hurting us both in the end." You tried again, speaking softly as if it'd do anything to convince her.
"And what if I don't care? What if I want to continue this?"
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come-into-my-parlour · 2 months
I'm boarding the train in rush hour. It's packed with so many bodies, it seems impossible we're all fitting in. And yet we all do.
I scooch my way across to one of the poles to grab before the train takes off. I settle and wait. The compartment usually starts to clear off about halfway through, so maybe I'll get a seat then.
The train starts to leave the station and I sway. I think I hit someone because I get shoved back. I squeek and move even closer to the pole. I soon realize that was a mistake because several people are making their way across the compartment now and their movement is causing people to push me further into the pole.
I'm being pressed so firmly next to it that I have to spread my legs. The pole is now between my legs and breasts. I'm so embarrassed but I can't move so I just stand still. I get pushed again and my clit rubs on the pole, which causes me to moan somewhat audibly because it took me by complete surprise.
Maybe I shouldn't have edged all of last night. If I had cum already, I wouldn't be so horny right now. I'm so embarrassed. I hope no one heard me.
A few minutes pass and I breathe a sigh of relief. No one heard. Good.
I start to stare off into space and am completely oblivious to what's aorund me. If things go as usual, it'll be a while before it gets less crowded.
As I'm trying to decide on what to get for dinner later today I feel a hand on my thigh. I gasp and try to whirl around but I'm not in the best position to do that, so I just end up wiggling on the hand as if I'm actively rubbing myself on it. As if I like it. I don't!!
I hear a quiet chuckle behind me and the hand moves to squeeze my ass. It massages my cheeks for a while and stops. I'm just starting to relax when I feel my long skirt slide upwards. Oh, no.
"Stop." It's still going. "Stop what you're doing. Right now!" I'm whisper-yelling but he's still going. I try to move away but I'm completely sandwiched between all the people around me and the pole that's still pressed against my front.
I feel his hand on my ass cheeks over my underwear.
"What are you doing?" I try to whisper behind my shoulder without even seeing who's doing this to me.
"Whatever I want." He whispers in my ear and I gasp at the closeness. I didn't expect him to be this close. He tugs my underwear and I hear it rip. I think there's a large hole in it now because I feel much more of his palm, but I'm still wearing my now ruined underwear.
He licks my earlobe, then starts kissing my neck, sucking and biting me. As he's doing this, he's massaging my ass cheeks and he's pushing me further into the pole, causing my clit to rub on it deliciously.
"We. Need. To. Stop." I try to calmly say but I seem to stutter and stumble through the words.
"Why? You like it too much? Be a good doll and take it."
I open my mouth to respond but I feel his finger slide into my asshole. I gasp and clench on it.
"Yes, doll. So tight." He keeps his lips on me. His finger starts to move in and out of me and I'm dangerously close to moaning. It feels so good even though it's not supposed to. I absentmindedly start moving my hips and rubbing my clit on the pole.
"Good girl." he whispers in my ear. "Im going to fuck you now. Take it."
"No. Stop. Don't." but before the words are even out of my mouth, I feel the top of his cock align with the hole his finger was just assaulting. He doesn't prep me, doesn't give me any time to adjust. He just starts to push in. Slowly my asshole gives in and lets him in me. Inch by inch he slides inside, and I'm doing my best to keep a straight face. I'm trying to be quiet but it hurts. It's embarrassing and it's hurts.
I'm looking around to see if anyone is seeing what's happening, but noone seems to be aware of my asshole being fucked in the middle of this compartment.
I feel him bottom out. He groans on my neck.
"Be good for me and be quiet while I destroy your asshole, little girl."
Then he proceeds to fuck me into the pole with each harsh thrust. My tits are bouncing against the pole and I don't know what to do.
"Stop. Stop, please." I try to whisper but it comes out too soft. I'm crying even though my pussy is wet and hot.
"No, man. Don't stop. We're enjoying the show."
I look around me in horror and the entire circle of people around me are staring at me. They know what's happening. I'm mortified.
"What a pretty blush."
"What pretty tears."
"What delicious fucking noises."
"Mind if we share, man?"
That last comment brings me out of my stupor.
"No! Stop! Don't."
No one is looking at my face anymore. As the man's fucking my ass, he grunts "Sure." and then it all happens too fast.
I feel my shirt get pulled down, my tits are grabbed and taken out of my bra. Hands are caressing my flesh, rough fingers are pinching my nipples. I'm being touched and squeezed all over by a crowd of people while a stranger fucks my ass.
My tears start to fall faster. I feel hands wipe them off, lips kiss them away. A man puts one of my nipples in his mouth, while the other goes into the mouth of a woman. They start sucking and biting me, and I feel nothing but pleasure and shame.
The rough ass fucking has long lost its bite and is now nothing but pleasure. My tits are groped, licked and sucked, and I'm starting to moan loudly. More loudly than allowed apparently.
"Someone occupy her mouth. She's too loud."
I feel fingers down my throat. My brain goes on autopilot and I start licking them. I close my eyes and give into it.
I give up. Do what you will. I will take it.
"Let's see how wet she is." And I feel fingers move under my skirt. "The bitch is drenched."
There are some snickers, some praises, and more hands. Everyone is reaching for my dripping hole and my clit.
I'm groped more. My ass is fucked more. I feel so hot, so wet.
"I'm going to fill your ass with my cum, slut. Are you ready for me?" the stranger grunts next to my ear. I moan around the fingers still in my mouth.
He thrusts a few more times and then pumps me full of cum. I feel him pull out after and his cock is moving up and down between my ass cheeks.
"You look good with my cum dripping from your hole. In fact.. I want to do it again."
He moves his dick to my wet and ready pussy hole. He begins to thrust in slowly, so I feel every inch.
"Hey, I was playing with that."
"Yea, man. Not cool."
I hear several people complain but the man only grunts as he bottoms out and says "Find your own toys to play with."
I moan harder as his thrusts get harsher. I still feel strangers' mouths on my tits, strangers' fingers in my mouth, strangers' hands on my clit, I'm leaking a stranger's cum from my asshole as he's fucking my pussy.
I moan and whimper and start to move my hips in tandem with the stranger's fucking.
He grips my neck and bites my ear.
"Good little whore. Do you want more cum, pretty doll? Can't wait for me to fill you, can't you slut?"
I can't even think anymore. I just want to cum. Please, please, make me cum. I'm so close.
He must feel my walls begin to squeeze him tighter because he suddenly stops. I cry out despite all the fingers still in my mouth.
"What's wrong with her?" one of them asks.
"She wants to cum but whores don't cum. They get the cum."
The others must agree because my clit is no longer being touched. They're still devouring my breasts and touching me everywhere but they've left my clit alone.
Tears fall down my eyes.
"So pretty when you cry." the stranger caresses my neck from behind. He slowly starts to move in me again. I've lost my orgasm though. He's giving me pleasure but it's not enough.
He's fucking me like a doll again and I'm swaying between everyone's hands and mouths.
I feel several wet spots on my body and look to see several men have pulled their cocks out and have sprayed me with their cum. The woman still fondling and licking my left breast has her other hand in her trousers and she's panting on my wet nipple. They're using me as a cumrag. Why the fuck is that so hot. I'm getting close again..
But before I can reach my bliss, the stranger fucks his cum deep into me. He pulls out shortly after finishing. I feel his seed leak out of both my holes. It's dripping down me mixing with every other man's release. All the men who used me.
They used me to cum and I'm still not even close.
I get both my ass cheeks squeezed enough to bruise. The stranger leans in and bites my neck hard.
"Tonight when you fuck yourself with your toys and cum, think of me."
Everyone seems to be finished with me because they all pull away and start to fix their appearance.
I pull my tits back inside my top and try to straighten my hair. I have to check my makeup before I get off the train. I drop my skirt to cover all the cum on me and in me. I don't try to move anymore. I just stand still, feeling a crowd of men's cum continue to drip down my legs.
The next stop comes and a lot of people leave. The compartment is half empty now and there are even empty seats. The crowds have shifted so much that I don't even know if any of the people who used me are still here. I never even saw the stranger, I wouldn't recognise him.
I sit down on an empty seat and feel my pussy make a squelching noise. I decide that maybe I can take another long edging session again tonight. Maybe I'll hold off on cumming until tomorrow. Maybe I'll see what happens on the train again tomorrow.
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azaleaniath · 1 year
aonung x reader
nsfw and spicyyy please!
he lowkey (highkey) has a degrading link which is why he’s always mean to you or an asshole in general, almost like he’s challenging you just to have you say something mean back to him.
reader finds this out on accident somehow and heavilyyy uses it to her advantage
i just feel like since he’s such an asshole, finding out he likes to be degraded would actually be the biggest turn on LOLLL
thank you!
Thanks for your request anon! I had a lot of free creative space with this one but I hope it's to your liking!
Little secret
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includes: spicy content, insults, dirty talk, kinks, degradation, physical touch, sexual touch, aged up to 18 for legal reasons
1.6k words
As Tuk had told you that once again, Ao'nung had bullied her, you decided that it was enough. Someone had to teach him a lesson and you didn't want any of your siblings to get into trouble, so you took the matter into your own hands.
You went out to look for him, finding him and his two other friends a bit further away from the village where they could gossip in peace.
"Ao'nung you bitch!" you roared from afar, nostrils flared in anger.
His face switched from a bored look to full amusement as he turned to face you, watching you stomp over to him.
"That would be me" he grinned, as if he was excited to see you.
"You're a fucking pussy! Stop picking on my sister when she's all alone!"
The other two guys only chuckled as they saw how you came dangerously close to the chief's son.
The young man smiled to himself as he fed on your rage.
"Don't you freaks deserve that?" He purred and crossed his arms as if he was only waiting for you to say something back.
"Listen here you disgusting cunt, if I ever catch you doing that to my family again, I'm gonna destroy you. I will make you regret the day you were born. Did I make myself clear?"
At your words, his expression only grew. With one hand, he signalled to his friends to leave you two alone. Only hesitantly did they follow his request, but in the end they turned to leave.
Ao'nung came another step closer, eyeing you carefully.
"A worm like you doesn't even stand a chance against me."
"Watch your tongue, fucker."
Yet the man just grinned and bit his lower lip before he reached out to graze your neck with a few feathery touches.
"You know", he cupped your face with one hand, "you're cute when you get mad. I like that~"
Without any second thoughts you leapt at him, making him stumble backwards. Rage coursed through your veins at his words, causing your impulsive side to take over.
His back crashed into the ground unpleasantly while you yelled, throwing yourself at him angrily. "You're nothing but a coward and a disgusting bitch!"
You knelt over Aonung with narrowed eyes, hitting his face with full force. He tried to block your fists, but the expression on his face didn't change. His amused look didn't cease on bit.
"(Y/N)!" you suddenly heard your brother's, Kiri, Tuk and also Tsireya call out for you, which made you lose you focus for a moment and you looked up to see them all coming closer.  His friends also turned back, now that the fight had escalated.
Ao'nung quickly used the opportunity to hold you by your wrists so you couldn't hit him anymore.
You tried to get off of him, as his hands quickly switched to hold you in place. His nails dug into the flesh of your hips causing you to flinch before he gave you a serious look all of a sudden. It almost looked as if he was scared.
"(Y/N), I-I didn't mean it, please-"
"You scared of my brothers, stupid bitch? Your friends won't be able to save your wothless ass this time!"
"Really, that's not helping right now, we should talk this out."
Your siblings stormed over to help you while you still struggled to get off of Ao'nung, yet his grip around your hipbones got even tighter.
"Talk this out? I'm gonna smack your lights out!"
"Seriously, (Y/N)."
He bit his lower lip while you struggled to get off, until he swallowed his pride and pressed you down onto his lap.
Your breath hitched at the feeling, now that you understood why he couldn't let you get up. He was rock hard beneath you.
You looked up into his eyes with a triumphant smile as he got all silent and he tried to look away from you.
He swallowed heavily, still clawing into your skin.
"Not so tough now, are you?" you mumbled, watching his cheeks turn dark.
"You can't let them see, please..."
"You disgust me..."
He sighed softly, his manhood twitched at your words.
"Not helping..."
As your siblings and his friends came closer you thought about what to do. Let everyone see his bulge? Ridicule him? Play along?
"Aren't you ashamed of yourself, getting turned on like that, grinding your needy cock against me like a desperate whore." Your voice was herely a hiss.
"(Y/N), you're only making it worse..."
You could feel his erection press against your core through your loincloth.
"Get your hands off my sister!"
Lo'ak yelled as he and Neteyam got closer to pull you away from him. The fear and shame in Ao'nungs eyes was clearly visible.
You sat up straight, letting go of Ao'nung. His eyes widened as you rolled your hips against his erection, causing him to swallow a moan.
"All good, I don't need your help."
The genuine smile you gave your siblings was pretty suspicious to them. "I got this. He just wants to talk."
"And you have to sit on him for that?"
Neteyam asked, eyeing the situation carefully.
"Sure, to hide his boner~"
Ao'nungs grip got painfully tight as you exposed him. Yet the way you said it got everyone huffing, thinking it was a joke.
"We're good. You can leave."
"Are you sure?" Lo'ak asked, but you just nodded. Slowly but surely your audience withdrew from the scene, leaving the two of you alone again.
He was too proud to thank you verbally, but he did it with his eyes.
"Who could've guessed you're so fucking disgusting?" you asked him, teasingly grinding your hips again.
"The mighty future olo'ekytan, so weak..."
He panted ever so lightly, trying as hard as he could not to buck his hips against you, even if he would've loved to do so. He couldn't show his weakness now, there was no way, and yet his body betrayed him.
"How many times have you touched yourself already after an argument with me, huh?"
His grip around your hips softened a bit at your question. He refused to answer, being way too proud to do so.
"You want me to call my brothers back here? Maybe your friends too? I'm sure they would be amused about seeing you so hard and needy? Answer me, or I'll make everyone see what a disgrace you are."
He visibly panicked at the threat.
"They can't know!"
"Then answer me, bitch."
You watched him swallow hard before he hesitantly spoke again.
"Maybe once or twice..."
You rocked your hips against him, causing him to whimper in shame.
"Alright, alright! ... A few times..."
It was fun to see him like this. So ashamed and almost obedient all of a sudden.
"If only your friends knew, or your parents... You like being a pain in the ass, huh? Get's you off real good, does it? To get degraded like a little slut..."
Hearing your words almost sent him into a trance of pleasure. Without even intending to, he subconsciously moved his hips against yours.
"Fuck, look at yourself. All hard for a few words, and now this... Are you that needy?"
Ao'nungs eyes fell shut, he hated to admit it but hearing your words while  having you sit on his erection felt like heaven. His whimpers got more frequent with each of your words.
He shivered at the streams of saliva which you spat across his face in disgust, it only worked like oil to his fire. Unable to hold himself back, he pressed your hips down at each desperate thrust.
You watched him lick your saliva of thr corners of his mouth.
"Don't tell me you're into that too, huh?"
Instead of answering, he just continued and his body shivered beneath yours.
Deciding that he had enough fun, you used his trance to get off of him, just as he was about to reach his high. Once he felt the friction being removed, he looked up only to see you slip away quickly.
"(Y/N), you can't just go now! H-hey!"
He got up onto his shaky legs, following you until he had caught up. Ao'nungs hand clenched around your wrist to stop you, and so you did.
"Promise to leave my siblings alone, or I'll spread your little dirty secret all around in the village." you cursed with narrowed eyes, to which he agreed panting.
"I'm not gonna pick on your siblings ever again, I promise, just...please... "
He bit his lower lip and pressed your hand against his crotch. Even if he hated to admit it, he needed you to finish him.
"Swear it, and you'll get your redemption." you mumbled, then grabbed onto his length through his loincloth.
Without hesitation, he answered, wishing for nothing more than you freeing him from his lust.
"I swear it, I'll never insult them again. I'll leave them alone, really!"
You nodded at his words, then rubbed your hand against the precum-stained bulge.
"What an obedient slut you can be..." you mumbled, rewarding his vow with the last few touches that he needed to cum into his loincloth.
Ao'nung panted heavyily, tried to suppress a last loud moan while holding onto you, still shivering from his high.
"You're a disgrace to your own clan."
With a disgusted groan you smeared the semen that had seeped into your hand across his face, to which he sank onto his knees. His legs couldn't carry him any further right now.
"Go wash yourself. Not gonna help with how ugly you are but at least you'll stop looking so damn used."
taglist: @luvlykrispy
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ghostsvacuumcleaner · 11 months
Shades of Red
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art in the cover by @ave661 and @shkretart !
chapter one | chapter two | ao3 | masterlist ✦ Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x civilian f! reader ✦ Summary: The sole survivor of a terrorist attack that killed over a hundred. The soldier responsible for saving her. He wants to help you, but his own trauma make him withdraw when he wants to get closer and intoxicate when he wants to remedy. He kisses your scars and hopes you'll runaway. He wants you to run away. But you won't. ✦ TW: NSFW, explicit, f!reader, little to none f! physical appearence descriptions, canon typical violence, mentions of abuse and trauma/PTSD, bit of gore, mental illness mentions, slowburn;
A/N: Hello girlies! This is the very first time I get the courage to actually post something I wrote. I've been reading y'all fics behind my screen for so much time now I figured I could start postingggg; so please be gentle with the feedbacks, but be also sincere ♥ also, English is not my first language and although I'm fluent, there might be a mistake or two along the way. Don't feel shy in pointing it out if you see any! Moreover, this will be a long ass one I'm pretty sure, but I might get myself some more courage to post my smut oneshots in some near future. Hope you enjoy! x
Chapter 1 - The Incident | 3.3k
There was ash in the air everywhere. That scenario didn’t frighten him – in fact, Ghost was absolutely sure that at that point in his life, almost nothing could fright him. He had seen much worse things before, he thought silently as he walked towards the building completely destroyed. There was debris everywhere – the building had not collapsed completely, but some parts did not survive the flames and now there seemed to be not even a little bit of life in that place. There were still small portions of flames spread through a few heaps of debris, a terrible smell of wood and burnt concrete; but nothing of that could be worse than the smells of dead, flattered human flesh that once or again invaded his nostrils.
His eyes rolled around in search of any record of life. In vain, he knew: there was no chance that any civilian had survived that. A cruel, dark bombing, a violent and destructive terrorist act. The only goal was to destroy any form of life that could inhabit there, and possibly it had been obtained without any further circumstances. When Price sent the radio search order to all members of the 141, he made it very clear that those efforts were in vain. They would find nothing. We lost today, he said. We could not foresee this, nor can we remedy it. It was a burden they had to cope with on a daily basis - the often inability to do something, to act, was a burden that a soldier should carry. It was part of the job.
Ghost pressed the point button in his ear. “Is anyone listening?” He asked, his eyes checking the entire perimeter of the building behind the skull mask that covered his face. “Have you found something, LT?” Soap answered, his voice hushed by the efforts. “No. I’m making an entrance, there’s nothing out here.” the lieutenant stated, kicking off a few remaining pieces of concrete from the front of his feet and laying the rifle in his hands. Ghost stood in front of the main entrance to the building – that place that should have looked like a reception at some point in the near past - and the movement of his boots against the ground caused the roof above his head to shake a little, and some ash particles fell onto his helmet. He observed the movement, standing still for a few seconds, only for warranty; he did not want to end up becoming one more of those burial victims. 
When the concrete whisper finally stopped stirring his ears, he entered. The lamp of his helmet lit up, and he looked around. His eagle eyes did not lose an inch of that entire perimeter, his ears attentive as those of a bat. He was looking for a sign, whatever it was: a presence, a scream, voices, calls for help. Anything. Anyone.
All he could hear were the sounds of the structure of the building, apparently ready to give in. Ghost tried to enter one of the apartments; his boots sole hit the semi-destroyed grinded surface of the door, and he broke in. He looked around. An enormous smashed chandelier rested violently against the bloody body of a child. 
Many people said Simon was the type of man to have no feelings anymore. That time, scars and trauma had taken from him all and every kind of humanity. He had become a soldier—one of the good, one of the invincible, but nothing aside from that. Nothing but a soldier.
Perhaps that sentence became so repetitive that at some point, he, himself began to believe it. His face remained motionless. The sound of the blood drops hanging on the floor filled his ears, and he snorted for a moment, pressing the point into his ear. “First floor, apartment 102,” he said, coordinating other operators to head to start collecting the bodies. 
His eyes went up to the ceiling, facing the huge blunt in the structure that caused the luster to fall. Maybe the parents' bodies were still there somewhere to be found, he thought. But that wasn’t his job, and unfortunately he didn’t have all the time in the world. He then traced his steps out of the apartment, looking around. As he kept going upstairs, the lantern lit up one hand or another thrown out of a pile of debris. Broken legs, the kinds of horrors that haunt the dreams of ordinary people. 
As Price had said and as he imagined to be fact, there were no survivors. Even when he reached the last floor, without any hope that he would find any movement that were not spasms of lifeless bodies, he tried. He tried to find someone, to do his job with all the mastery he could. His voice echoed through the entire floor, looking for anyone who could answer, but as expected, there was no response.
All that was left was the subsoil, the garage. When he came down the lobby again and found a portion of the staff dragging out some bodies, placing them in black bags, one of the doctors caught his attention. “Lieutenant. Have you finished checking around? Nothing up there?” The man asked, pulling his glasses from the tip of his nose. Ghost is negative. “No, nothing,” he said bluntly.
The doctor seemed to bite his own jaw with some strength, in disappointment. He has baffled. “You don’t even have to check down there. If those above didn’t survive...” he said, giving on his shoulders. Ghost watched him in silence for a few seconds, before finally answering, “Focus on your work, doc. I’ll finish my own.” He said in a nod before starting to push with his crude hands the stones that covered the entrance to the stairs that led to the garage.
His steps echoed. Ghost walked through the parking lot, passed pillar by pillar, checked every car. There were bursting pipes releasing hot steam, a gas leak as well he could tell – and he didn’t want to be there to see what would happen if some kind of ignition occurred. He hastened his steps. He took a deep breath; he was about to press his point and give up, claiming that there were no survivors, but a stifling sound interrupted his action. He looked around, looking for the source of the heavy breath and the little grumbling of pain he heard. His eyebrows cracked almost instantly and he turned around himself, looking around. All his senses were activated at that moment – he began to walk through among the few cars there, following the sound he had heard and then, a hand hitting the air dropped debris to the side of what seemed to be a body. He approached cautiously, throwing the light from his helmet’s lantern in the direction of the sound, and to his surprise, although not perceptible, there was the only survivor of the bombing: you.
A small, female frame shrunk from a pile of debris. Your hair was covered in ashes, your face - the dirty cheeks with the blackness of the material, your arms painted in the scarlet of your blood flowing freely to the ground, glass blades attached painfully to your soft skin. There was a cut down from the top of your forehead until the beginning of your left eyebrow. The completely messy strands of your hair fell against your face, opaque, bright. The expression of fear on your eyes turned into pure terror the moment they met his own, those small cold orbs inside the mask. You instinctively tried to move away from him, push your body away from those debris, away from that huge and frightening man.
When you threw your body to the side, all you could feel was your back against the cold floor, your left leg refused to work. You felt nauseous, stupid, your head turned. Your mouth trembled in a failed attempt to say something, the silence already lasted for seconds enough for you to fear his frame standing ever so tall and quiet. “Please don’t hurt me.” You managed to say, your voice engulfed in a cry that refused to go out. It wasn’t as if it was going to work; if he was one of the terrorists who caused this incident and really wanted to hurt you, then you were at his mercy and there was little you could do about it.
Maybe, if you were in a better mental and physical condition, you’d be able to identify that the rifle in the hands of the man in front of yourself was of a military model. That all his gear pointed out that he was an operator, someone willing to help. Your mind could not process all the necessary information about him at the given moment, although.
“I will not hurt you, lass.” He explained, and for a moment you felt your chest swell in air and it was hard to contain the immense desire to cry. The heavy steps of the man were made against your small, wounded body. He lowered himself, letting the rifle rest next to him quietly. You gulped in dry, still nervous with your eyes raised to his, now a little closer to you. He wasn’t looking at you — he was looking down, seeming to assess how hurt you were. “I’ll tell you what’s happening now. Okay?” He asked, slowly and calmly, his cold eyes now facing your own, visualizing your soul behind the cover of this hurt shell of yours. You stumbled, and he continued. “I’ll take that away from you, and I need you to help me helping you. Alright? You will be well. I just need you to hold your leg and when I push it over, you roll. Understood?” The man asked, his firm and deep voice being the first source of human contact you had since the lightning caused you to wipe out unconscious hours before. You came in for confirmation.
Ghost nodded back and raised his fingers, counting to three. Contrary to what you might have imagined, he didn’t need to do much to lift the huge concrete block that blocked his left leg from moving — he even had some ease in doing so. He held the concrete above his body, his arms backed over you, he sat down. “Roll.” he commanded, and you obeyed as you could. You leaned her hands on the ground and gave a boost; one of your hands instinctively went to the wounded leg, in an attempt to warm up the pain now felt by finally having released it from the rubble. You couldn’t hold a moan of pain, but he was quickly stifled by the sound of concrete hitting the ground when Ghost let it fall back.
You mentally begged that you could endure that. Your eyes were filled with tears, and a certain despair arose through your throat, your mouth. The anguish of finally feeling the unpleasant smell of the environment, the nervousness of realizing that very possibly, few other people survived that disaster, it was overwhelming your already troubled mind. 
Ghost didn’t lose a second in time; he finished positioning the rifle around his body and you felt his arms wrapping you by the waist and the folds of your knees, and he lifted it up with immense ease – it was as if you were featherweight. The gloves in his hands were rough against the sensitivity of your skin, but his touch was as cautious as possible. You could say without a doubt that this soldier of at least twice your height was doing his best not to hurt you any more than you’re already wounded.
“What is your name?” He finally asked, his rifle resting on his back, and you resting over his arms. He wasn’t looking at you – his eyes were fixed ahead, in the direction he was carrying you to, the exit. You answered, and he nodded in acknowledgement. “You can call me Ghost. I am a soldier, yes? We will take care of you.” He said in a clear tactical attempt to calm your nervousness down.
You sat down with your head. “Amelie Miller... Did you find her? My friend, she... did you find her?” You asked, your body trembled as you came to realize his eyes were now boring into yours.
He seemed to look for words that would not hurt you as much as the ones he had to say, but he for one, was not good with words or comforting.
“I’m sorry, girl,” he whispered, in a sigh. “there are no more survivors. You were the only one.”
~ x ~
Your head hurt. Everything hurt; body, arms. There was a blanket around your shoulders and a bottle of water still sealed in your hands. The look in your eyes was empty, blurred; there were a lot of people there. Many doctors, many operators - soldiers like Ghost. One of them wore a mohican, the other had thick eyebrows. The captain was talking to them in an isolated corner, the doctors were talking to each other about your condition, about what should be done from now on. There were agents from the British intelligence surrounding the site, and there were about hundreds of black bags stretched on the floor, closed. You still felt pain, although the healings now prevented blood from flowing freely through your forehead as before. The glass pieces had been removed from your arms, your face was clean now and even so, you never felt so dirty in your entire life.
Every time you dare to blink, you could swear that you would faint. Your hands were getting weaker, loosening around the bottle. The sudden sound of the bottle falling to the ground caught the attention of one of the men there – the captain. As far as you could realize, he called himself something Price.
“Miss.” He said, coming closer to you. Suddenly, there were eyes on you from every angle possible; all of the other soldiers turned to the ambulance where you were sitting now. You slowly raised your face to look back at Price, and he continued. “I’m not going to ask if it’s okay, this question is rhetorical. You need to be hydrated.” He was bowing down in front of you, taking the bottle he dropped and opening it, offering it to you. Your eyes checked at the bottle for a few seconds and your trembling hand finally grabbed it, drinking until the last drop you could - all at once. You could feel your throat burning, your skin seemed to be in living flesh. The appearance of your wounds was not as unpleasant as the feeling of having them, but you knew that all that would leave you some ugly scars.
You could not care about it now – in fact, couldn’t care about anything at all. Your mind was empty and you never felt so apathetic in such a distressful situation. 
“What am I going to do now?” You asked, in a whisper, your eyes completely lost. “I—what am I going to do...?,” you repeated, and there was nothing but an absolute feeling of raw pain and loss in your voice right at that moment, for as much as you tried to hide it.
Price swelled his chest, and his lips compressed into a line. “You don’t have to worry about anything now. We’ll take care of everything,” he assured. “The government has a great defense program for disasters like this, you won’t be without a roof,” he finished, trying to calm you down. You closed your eyes and shaken your head, but you did not respond. There was nothing to say, nothing to do; what could be done besides trusting that everything would go well? Trust that they would have a plan for you, a shelter, doctors, a chance of living after you were supposed to die in such a horrific way?
You didn’t even know if you wanted all that. Didn’t even knew if you wanted to be the only survivor. Surely not: at that time, you would rather have died among the other more than a hundred people who were now in black bags scattered on the floor in front of you. You felt so much - you felt gratitude for their work, for saving you, but at the same time you couldn’t help but to feel like a fraud for surviving while other died. Others that, somewhat, deserved more than you to live. There was so much in your mind now, but little that you could really synthesize and make sense of.
You drowned your face between your hands, unable to cry, but wanting so deeply to hide from them, from those men, from doctors, from the press, from everything. Wanting to be away from everything, wanting to be dead for once.
A little further away, Ghost observed you. His broad arms crossed, his posture relentlessly perfect as always. His eyes looked at your gestures, scanned your body —all those wounds, poor girl, he thought. Although he was sure there was no more of a heart in his chest, he felt comprehensive towards your emotions. The horrors you had lived in such a short space of time, the unbearable consequences that that meant for your poor mind. The trauma. The pain.
He could not help but think that he saw a bit of himself in you. Not a bit of Ghost – a little bit of Simon. A little bit of the little Simon who felt an immeasurable strain in his chest, a void that could not be filled. 
When the doctors finally helped you to get up in the ambulance and sit on one of the available chairs, your face turned over your own shoulder and you found his eyes stuck to yours. It felt intimidating in some way; perhaps the way his confidence didn’t allow him to look away while you stared at him, or something in the way he seemed capable of reading right through you like a good book of his. He was a savior to you, and somehow it still seemed his persona was conflicting with the one of a savior. He was something else, perhaps still a benefactor, but somehow, a very dangerous man.
There was not a single feeling in his eyes, quite the opposite. There was pure coldness, and yours on the other hand carried some gratitude and ingratitude at the same time. You felt grateful that he had saved you, but at the same time, felt angry at him for not having let you die. You entered the ambulance, and your eyes continued to lock a gaze against his until the moment someone closed the car door from outside.
Ghost turned his eyes at last, and saw Price approaching.
“Fuck.” The captain whispered, laying his hands on his waist, looking at all the misfortune that the incident had caused to that place. “How many bodies?” He asked, looking at Simon with the corner of his eyes.
“A hundred and two so far.” Ghost answered quietly.
“And have you found the bodies of the sons of bitches who did this?” Price said with some disgust and hatred attached to his voice. Ghost assented positively, which made Price crack the dust almost instantly into a distressed expression.
“Motherfuckers.” He grunted, turning to the rest of the team. Soap, who had been remaining in silence for thorough all the search, dared to finally speak.
“We have a lot to report, hm?” He raised his eyebrows, and received a Price assent in response.
“To the headquarters." The captain ordered, making his way to the helicopter that awaited for them, and they left.
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serene-faerie · 12 days
Fall of Númenor Dashboard Simulator
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🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
I don't know what kind of propaganda everyone's been drinking lately, but some of y'all are really starting to scare me.
So friendly reminder:
We're not. Meant. To be immortal.
We already have a longer lifespan than most normal humans. Stop being so entitled, y'all.
💎 immortal-warrior Follow
How is it entitled to think that it's unfair that we don't get to be immortal? If it weren't for us, Sauron would've conquered all of Middle-earth!
We deserve immortality for kicking Sauron's ass!
🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
This is exactly the kind of entitlement I was talking about.
#my posts #the gift of men
( 23,456 notes )
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🔥 priestess-of-melkor Follow
You became Melkor's acolyte to gain immortality.
I became Melkor's acolyte to
✨ fuck Zigûr ✨
We are not the same.
( 560 notes )
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🛡️ lordofandunie18 Follow
This will be my very last post.
For the sake of Númenor, I have to try and appeal to the Valar, just as Eärendil did back in the First Age. If I fail to return, I want all of my followers to pack up and prepare to leave. It's only a matter of time before this island comes to ruin.
Before I leave, I must spread the truth about the king. Though it pains me to do this, I cannot stand by and let his cruelty pass anymore. Here's the truth about Ar-Pharazôn, King of Númenor.
TW: rape, incest, domestic abuse, blasphemy against the Valar, violence.
Read more
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🌾 farmgirlofnumenor Following
Okay, anyone else seriously angry about this new temple that the king's building right now???
Before anyone yells at me, I'm not a Faithful, but I'm not one of the King's Men. I'm just sick of the king's overspending on stupid projects and his obsession with becoming immortal.
There are food shortages in the countryside! People are starving to death and all the king cares about is building this temple! But all these nobles care about is immortality, and I'm just so tired of it all.
Oh, and if you come at me about how I should be blaming the Valar or worshiping Melkor, I will block you.
🌿 forest-lover Follow
Well said, my friend!
All the people criticizing you in the notes must be city people feeling so called out for spending their money on cheap makeup and fake treatments. If you feel insulted by this post, then you're part of the problem.
Quit focusing on making yourselves immortal and focus on helping your people for once!
( 150 notes )
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👑 jewel-daughter-miriel Following
The storms are growing worse. The ground is shaking beneath my feet, and I can see smoke coming from the Meneltarma.
This will most likely be my last post. Númenor is lost, and there's no hope of saving it.
I can only hope that the end will come quickly.
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🕊️ pelargirl Mutuals
Istg the King's Men are so entitled.
They all act like they deserve immortality because they happen to have longer lifespans than most humans.
But you're all ready to sacrifice innocent people and wage war in the south, all because you kicked Sauron's ass thousands of years ago.
You're all awful people and I hope that Eru smites you all.
#i'm so glad i fled to pelargir #to all my faithful friends still in romenna #please stay safe #vent posts #do not reblog
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🦂 harad-traveller Follow
Reblog if you want a giant wave to swallow Númenor
Likes to charge, reblogs to cast!
💠 long-live-westernesse Follow
Wow, this is so rude. We literally introduced so many things to you Haradrim and this is how you thank us???
And y'all wonder why we destroyed your cities.
🏜️ deserts-of-the-south Follow
Anyways, reblog to destroy Númenor!
#entitled numenoreans
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⚔️ soldier-of-armenelos Follow
*kicks down door*
( 5,650 notes )
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🐋 nostalgic-numenor Follow
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The coastline of Hyarrostar, before the Shadow
#vintage photos #numenor #faithful #elendili #hyarrostar #nostalgia
( 365 notes )
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🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Is it bad that I actually kinda enjoy watching Númenor sink? I mean, it sucks that my home is gone, but after everything that Ar-Pharazôn did, I'm just glad that the trash took itself out.
I hope Sauron also got swept up in that wave.
🌊 maidenofandustar Follow
Bro people are dying wtf is wrong with you???
I say this as someone whose sister was sacrificed by the King's Men. I know we all suffered, but not all of those people were King's Men!
We should never celebrate innocent people dying, or we're no better than Ar-Pharazôn and Sauron.
🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Girl my entire family was sacrificed in the Temple of Melkor.
I really don't care about 'being the bigger person'.
I just hope Ar-Pharazôn and all of those pathetic King's Men are drowning like rats right now.
( 115 notes )
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🗡️ isildur3209 Following
We finally arrived in Middle-earth. It was a rough journey, but we're all safe, if not a little tired.
My brother, wife, and son are safe and sound. However, we got separated from our father's ship thanks to the waves. Don't know what we're gonna do, but for now, I'm gonna take some time to rest and grieve for my home.
#personal #numenor
( 45 notes )
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Previous post here
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rose-pearls · 1 year
You're losing me
Inspired by the song You're Losing Me from Taylor Swift, that completely destroyed me.
Warnings: angst, cursing, men
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Part 2
Top Gun. 
Your father had talked about it every chance he had and now here you were ready to join the new class. Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell had always been a mystery to you, the only time you saw him were at your birthdays and sometimes at Christmas. Your mother would tell you that he had another family, that he preferred and that you shouldn’t hope for him to come back.
And in the end, you did stop, birthdays coming up with only a postcard and after time you didn’t knew what he looked like anymore. The only reason you still heard about him was because of the Navy, everyone knew him and just for that you were getting judged. 
Getting the callsign Fire didn’t help either but slowly you started showing what you were made of and the captain’s stopped comparing you to your father. 
Now heading into Top Gun, you knew it wasn’t going to be easy, even more cocky pilots who thought they were better than you just because they were men. But you had fought that your whole life, not time to stop now. 
The Hard deck was filled with people as you entered with Steph by your side, the two of you had been flying together since the Academy and by some luck got called together. The pool table is surrounded by pilots, and you know immediately that they will be with you. Dress whites and cocky smiles, that will certainly be your class.
Penny introduces herself before telling you that if you have any issues, you can always come to her, and she will handle it. 
“Ready for your first day tomorrow?”, she asks with a knowing grin and the both of you smile at her slightly nervous.
“Not sure what to expect but excited.”, she smiles and before she can answer a costumer arrives.
Steph takes you to the pool table and the other pilots, already getting to know each other. A blond man is talking to another dark-skinned pilot, and you can’t help but admire him, the man is truly handsome. 
“Well, well would you look at that. Two new recruits”, the man says, a cocky smile on his lips and you can’t help but blush slightly under his gaze as he looks at you. Steph scoffs before looking at him unimpressed.
“And you are?” he smirks at her reaction and turns towards what you assume to be his friend.
“Hangman, and this here is Coyote.”, Coyote smiles in response and you nod back.
“What about you two pretty ladies.”, even if he seems to be quite the asshole you can’t help but feel butterflies in your stomach at the sound of his southern accent.
“I’m Thunder and this is Fire.”, that seems to surprise the two of them, just for a moment. It’s the typical reaction, your last name was quite known just like Steph as her father was Cyclone.
“Two legacies then. We’ll see what you ladies can do in the air and if you didn’t just get in because of your father’s names.”, he smirks, like a cat that got the cream, and you can’t help but scowl at his insinuation.
“I don’t know what you are insinuating Bagman but don’t go there.”, you tell him, and he looks at you surprised for a moment, the quiet chatter around the pool table has stopped and everyone is looking at the two of you wondering what was going to happen.
“Hangman.”, he tells you with a smirk as he comes incredibly close to you, which means you have to lift your head in order to look him in the eyes.
“Whatever.”, you say before turning around towards Steph who is smiling like a proud mother.
Hangman leaves to join his friends again and even if you do not like the man after this first meeting you can’t help but feel butterflies at the sight of him. The butterflies needed to die fast.
“He can be a real pain in the ass.”, a voice tells you and you turn around to see another female pilot.
“Hadn’t figured that out.”, Steph says sarcastically, and you shoot her a look before turning towards the other pilot.
“Well hopefully we won’t have to do this too often. I’m Fire.”, you tell her, and she smiles at your words.
“Unfortunately, he doesn’t give up easily. And I’m Phoenix.”, you had heard about her before but just in passing, you knew about her training accident that gave her, her call sign.
The next week had been hell, you thought you were a decent pilot, but your instructors were kicking your ass, it didn’t help that Hangman had somehow decided that he wanted to torment you every day.
“What do you want?”, you can’t help but ask in frustration as you see Hangman waiting for you outside the changing rooms, he has a smirk on his face, and you can’t help but think he looks handsome like this.
“Relax, just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out and drink something.”, the words surprise you and you must be showing your surprise as Hangman looks at you with a knowing smile.
“Common, I know you find me attractive, and honestly who could blame you.”, his smirk widens at his words, and you can’t help but blush at the thought of him having seen you checking him out.
“You really are confident aren’t you.”, the stupid smirk doesn’t leave his lips as he comes in front of you, one of his hands going against the wall, trapping you against his body.
“I just know. So, what do you say? You, me tonight?”, you try to focus on the words, you really do but the closeness is just a lot, the smell of his cologne is soft after having worn it all day long, but it still smells the same.
“Sure, why not.”, you try to say confidently but your voice quivers a little and Hangman’s smirk widens.
“Perfect, let’s go.”, he doesn’t give you time to react before leaving the spot and turning around, leaving you there trying to regain your senses. After a second or two you start moving and following him towards his car. 
The ride is awkward at first before he starts talking about today’s hop and you can’t help but start talking about the instructor and how he was getting on your last nerve, making him laugh.
The Hard deck was quieter then the first day and as you enter it you see Penny looking at you curiously, but you ignore it, instead following him to one of the tables.
“So, tell me about yourself.”, he simply says as Penny gives you your drinks and you look at him slightly surprised.
“There isn’t really anything to know, I’m an only child, grew up in California with my mother and when I was old enough, I decided to enlist in the Navy.”, Hangman nods at your words and looks at you with curious eyes.
“Common, I’m sure there must be something that you are hiding.”, he says with a smirk, and you roll your eyes.
“What do you want to know?”, this makes him smile and he takes a moment to think before answering.
“What is something that practically no one knows.”, the question was quite intimate, but you guessed that it was normal to move quickly towards these types of questions.
“I have two tattoos, one on my ribs and the other on my ankle.”, he seems to take a moment to process the information and you can’t help but chuckle at his silence before a smirk appears.
“Aren’t you full of surprises.”, you roll your eyes at his words before asking him the same question and he looks unsure for a bit.
“I lived in Texas, on a ranch my whole life and before I decided to join the Navy, I had never seen a real plane before.”, this makes you look at him in surprise and for a moment he seems sheepish.
“I need to hear all the stories of you at the ranch.”, he laughs in answer before thinking and starting a story of one of the horses.
The rest of the night is spent talking, laughing and reminiscing about your childhood. Hangman, or Jake as he had asked you to call him seemed to be a completely different person after a few hours. More relaxed, less trying to put on a front and you couldn’t help but like the person that you were seeing in front of you.
“Well, this was fun.”, you say softly when the two of you get back to your housing and Jake smiles softly, there is something in his eyes that you can’t decipher but you let it go.
“It was, we should do it again.”, he says, and you can’t help but smile brightly at the idea of him wanting to do this again.
“I would love to.”, you tell him, and a small smile appears on his lips.
“Are you free tomorrow?”, you can only nod in answer, too busy looking into his green eyes and before you know it, he kisses your cheek softly. 
“Good night.”, he whispers softly, and he seems to be ready to leave before you stop him.
“Leaving without a good night kiss.”, you tease him, and he looks surprised for a moment before a small smirk appears.
“Your wish is my command.”, he tells you and you can’t help but laugh at the words before feeling his soft lips on yours. He is delicate, sweet even as he kisses you and the two of you stay there for a moment before he stops the kiss.
“Sleep well.”, he tells you softly, and you nod slowly and tell him to do the same before entering your room and silently jumping up and down in excitement after that night.
It had all been going well, the two of you were seeing each other every two days and it was going well until one day you didn’t see Jake and decided to go to his apartment.
He answered at the first knock, but he looked worn out, dark bags under his eyes and he was looking distressed as he stood there.
“Are you okay?”, you ask him softly and Jake takes a deep breath, probably to say that he was but you take a step closer and take a look at him, making sure he was alright. 
“I’m not.”, he manages to whisper, and you whisper his name before taking him into your arms and letting him break down. 
The sobs were breaking your heart and he was holding you as close as he could, like he was somehow scared that you would leave but you held him just as close. 
After what felt like hours he started to calm down and you looked at him with worried eyes.
“Do you want to talk about it?”, you asked slowly, and Jake shook his head, rubbing a hand over his face.
“I’m sorry, you didn’t have to do all of this.”, he says, his voice breaking over the words after crying.
“What? Comfort you? Jake that wasn’t an issue at all, I’m here for you.”, you whisper, and Jake closes his eyes at the words.
“I just-”, you let him figure out the words, knowing that he needs to find them on his own and after a moment he lets out a sigh.
“I’m not used to someone doing that.”, he whispers, so quiet that you nearly don’t hear it but when you do you can’t help but get closer to him.
“it’s scary at first to open up to someone but I’m here to stay Jake, talk to me.”, he looks unsure but after a moment he lets out a shaky breath and you take his hand in yours.
“My parents were never really the cuddling type; my mother preferred a bottle of wine as company and my father his mistresses. Most of the time my father would ignore me and the times he didn’t it was to tell me some stupid shit.”, the words make your blood go cold and you squeeze his hand in reassurance.
“I left immediately when I was able to, haven’t seen them since then but sometimes I still have nightmares.”, a tear rolls down his cheek and you immediately bring him back into an embrace, holding him close and trying to reassure him.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, you didn’t deserve that. If there is anything I can do just tell me.”, you whisper, and Jake holds you tighter.
“Just stay.”, he whispers and clings to you as if he is scared that he was going to lose you.
You spent the rest of the night there, holding him until it was time to get ready, but he stayed close to you all day long. It was weird seeing him like this, but it showed you a more vulnerable side to him that you will always protect, make sure that no one would hurt him again.
The final hop was close, and Jake had gone back to his cocky self, flaunting his points to everyone and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes and smile at his antics. 
Sure, he wasn’t perfect, but he was Jake, and that was enough for you. Somehow you believed it had been enough for him too.
What an idiot you were. 
“So Seresin when are you going to drop the girl?”, you hear someone say and you can’t help but freeze in your steps, you had wanted to get some fresh air, but the words made you stop.
“What do you mean Cody?”, it seemed like some of the boys had gotten together to talk, recognizing Coyote, and two other pilots in your class.
“I mean that you won the bet, you asked her out and kissed her. I think it’s time you let the poor girl go.”, the words hit you like a knife in the back, a bet. 
“Didn’t you tell him that he would win 50 dollars more if he got her to go to bed with him? Maybe he is waiting for that.”, Coyote says, and you feel sick at the words.
“I don’t think I will go that far. She is nice and all but not really my type.”, you hear Jake, no Hangman say, and you feel anger coming up as the conversation plays over and over again in your mind.
“Well, at least you got fifty dollars out of it and our respect.”, the two other pilots say, and you want to throw a punch at one of them.
“Fifty dollars? That’s low for you Fishman.”, you hear yourself say and the four of them turn to look at you, eyes wide in fear as your look at them with cold eyes.
“Fire, good to see you.”, he tries to start, stammering over his words but you scoff at his words.
“Don’t bullshit me, get the fuck out of here before I make sure you don’t have any balls left of the small ones you have.”, the two men seem to take that as their cue to leave and hurry back into the Hard Deck. 
Hangman and Coyote are looking at you with mixes of horror etched on their faces.
“I can explain.”, Hangman starts but you let out a laugh, as cold as the ice you had pressed against one of his wounds just a few days ago.
“I’m sure you can but let’s see if I got it right.”, you say before stepping down the peer and approaching the both of them.
“You made a bet about me, betting fifty bucks that you could swoop me of my feet and kiss me before Top Gun was over but later on, they saw that you did it and thought why not add fifty more bucks to see if you could get me to sleep with you. Am I wrong?”, you ask him, and Hangman looks at the ground, shame in his eyes.
“Am. I. Wrong?”, you ask, this time raising your voice, unable to keep your emotions in check any longer. Hangman and Coyote both flinch at your tone and you glare at them.
“No.”, Hangman barely whispers, and you scoff at his answer. The silence following is long, and Hangman opens his mouth multiple times, but nothing comes out.
“Was any of it real?”, you can’t help but ask, your voice wrecked from all of the emotions running through you.
“I’m sorry. It was a bet at the beginning but then I got to know you and-”, he continues to ramble, and you shake your head.
“Stop.”, you whisper, feeling tears in your eyes as you close them, trying to regain your strength.
“I know it was wrong alright, from the moment I saw you.”, he tries to say but you scoff and turn to look at him.
“You had a choice! You had one and chose to still go through with it. You chose to talk shit back there and tell them I wasn’t your type.”, he flinches at your words, but you can’t stop. 
“You lied, made me believe you had feelings for me when in fact you did not. And for what? Fifty fucking bucks.”, you yell, tears brimming in your eyes and Hangman takes a deep breath, but he doesn’t say anything else. 
You wait for him to say something, but he doesn’t, just stay there and you can’t help but feel helpless. 
You leave, unable to still look at him and as you leave you silently hope for him to stop you, to try and win you back even if you wouldn’t take him back. But he doesn’t say anything.
And I'm fading, thinking
Do something, babe, say something (say something) Lose something, babe, risk something (you're losing me) Choose something, babe, I got nothing (I got nothing) To believe, unless you're choosing me
Steph is the one to hold you that night, trying to console you while probably plotting his murder in her mind. 
“I should have listened to you.”, you whisper at one point, and she looks at you with sadness in her eyes.
“For once I wished, I hadn’t been right about this.”, she whispers, and a sob leaves your lips at her words. Unable to stop the memories from coming back with him, trying to push them back but ultimately you fail.
You could’ve stayed in bed that morning, trying to mourn something that wasn’t real from the start, but you couldn’t give them the satisfaction. It was after all the last hop; it would be now or never to prove yourself. 
Steph stayed by your side, looking at you with worried eyes but you ignored her. Moving towards your plane, ignoring everyone who was looking at you.
Hangman hadn’t done well on his last hop, not that you were watching but you had heard everyone whisper about it. You managed to get full points, the anger making you even more brutal than you usually were in the air. 
Admiral Cain had congratulated you as he gave you the Top Gun trophy, but you didn’t feel a single emotion, still feeling like someone had pushed you under water and you couldn’t get out.
The time you did come back was when Hangman tried to approach you, but you turned around to try and leave but he quickly stopped you.
“Please.”, he whispers, and you look at him, he looked like shit but at that moment you didn’t care. You just wanted to hurt him just as much as he had hurt you.
“I’m sorry, I know I did something unforgivable, but you have to believe me when I tell you that it wasn’t all a lie. I fell for you through the hours we spent together, and I know I fucked up but please, give me another chance.”, he was pleading, nearly with his knees on the floor but you looked at him, eyes devoid of emotions.
You take something out of your pocket, fifty dollars. 
“They gave it to me after you refused it. Said that I at least deserved to get it.”, he looks pained at your words, but you don’t care.
He tries to say something, but you shake your head.
“It’s too late.”, you whisper, and he shakes his head at your words, looking at you with sad green eyes.
“You just need to think about it, just for a moment.”
“I don’t, we are done. You made your choices now you need to take responsibility, accept it and move on.”, you whisper, and he looks destroyed, but you ignore it, taking his hand and putting the fifty-dollar bill in his hand.
“This is yours.”, a tear rolls down his cheek but this time you don’t comfort him, you let go of his arm and turn around to leave. 
“You promised you would stay.”, he whispers, and you feel a tear leaving your blinking eyes.
“And you told me you had feelings for me.”, you say, unable to look at him.
“Guess we are both liars.”, a sob leaves his lips, but you turn around, seeing Coyote arriving, knowing that someone was there to take care of him.
Rain started falling as you entered your car and a sob left your lips as you gripped the steering wheel. You knew you had made the right choice, but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell.
You're losing me Stop (Stop, stop), you're losing me Stop (Stop, stop), you're losing me I can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Big girls don't cry (5)
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Summary: You are no stranger to heartbreak.
Pairing: CEO!Steve Rogers x Plussized!Reader
Warnings:  angst, strong reader, mentions of former heartbreak, regret, fear of commitment, abandonment issues, fluff, mistaken identity, hopeful ending, a little fun, talk about therapy
Big girls don’t cry masterlist
Part 4
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“I wish you love. A love that will give you everything you’ll ever need…”
You fist his shirt, desperate to tell Steve how you feel. Yes, he hurt you deeply but maybe there is a chance that you can work things out. 
There is love between the two of you. A love you don’t want to give up easily. 
You didn’t know he struggled in the past too, believing he always was the self-confident man he is. You understand now that he is insecure sometimes - just like you.
“Steve, I don’t want someone else to love me. I only wanted you to love me,” you hide your face in his chest, wetting his shirt with your tears.
“I ruined our love. I destroyed what we had because of my insecurities,” Steve cries now too. He hiccups and buries his face in your neck. “You will never love me again. I threw the best thing ever happening to me away. What else can I do but let you go to find someone better?”
“Steve, love doesn’t die easily. It’s stronger than you give it credit for. Love isn’t always strong from the beginning. It grows if you give it the chance to do so. Every touch, kiss, or gentle gesture let it grow,” you choke out a sob. “Even after a storm, it can grow if you find a way to forgive each other.”
“I love you so much it hurts not having you around. That day, I wanted to ask you to move in with me,” he sniffs, “I wasn’t sure how to propose, but I got the ring, and then…”
“You messed shit up, Stevie,” you whisper against him. “Why did you have to say these things? Why?”
“Sam and Bucky said I’m whipped, and I got scared that you will make me fall in love even more only to break my heart. Everyone just left me, and I kind of sabotaged our relationship to not get hurt. Instead, I hurt the only person who meant the world to me. I hate myself for it.”
“You’ve got abandonment issues. I don’t think you’ll be able to have a healthy relationship if you don’t seek help. Maybe you need a therapist to help you come to terms with your past. I’d gladly help you, but I don’t think I’m the right person.”
“A therapist,” Steve whispers. “Will you help me find one? I-I trust you and…”
“I won’t give up on us yet, Steve. I’m still angry at you. But mostly, I’m hurt. You didn’t trust me enough to talk about your past with me.”
“You didn’t talk about your past with me either, doll,” he lifts his head to look at you. “I guess we both should try to come to terms with our past. Maybe we can do it together?” Steve looks at you like a kicked puppy. “Please…”
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“So…” You sit on Steve’s sofa, looking at the notebook in your hands. “What do you think about the therapist and the homework he gave us?”
“I’m not sure,” Steve places a cup of tea and some cookies on the coffee table in front of you. “It felt good to talk about the things bugging me. But I didn’t like the way he stared at your chest.”
You giggle. Steve is not wrong. Dr. Hansen poorly hid his attraction toward your boobs and ass. Maybe he wasn’t the best choice, but he had the best reviews. 
Steve sighs and opens his notebook to reread the instructions Dr. Hansen gave him during their private session. “He told me to tell you how much I love your body. With my tongue and body.”
“He told you to have sex with me?” You wrinkle your nose. “You’re lying.” Steve yelps when you snatch the notebook out of his hands to get a look at the instructions. “Did he draw me?”
“Uh-that was me. Dr. Hansen was talking about you, and that you’re a beautiful woman. He wanted me to cherish you. I couldn’t help myself and draw you.”
“You’re very talented Steve,” you grin. “Just draw me with clothes on next time…”
“He didn’t see a thing. I swear,” he starts to sweat. “It’s just that the was talking about you, and your appearance all the time and my mind wandered.”
Sighing again you close the notebook. “I don’t think Dr. Hansen will help us. He’s a pervert.”
“Hmmm…” Steve nods in agreement. “I don’t understand all the good reviews. Maybe they are fake.”
“Let me check again,” you grab your phone to search for Dr. Hansen. “Hmm…” You frown deeply. “Crap.”
“What?” Steve looks at you, brows furrowed. “Doll? What’s wrong?” He worriedly places his hand on your thigh.
“I think…uh…I messed up this time,” you giggle as your cheeks heat up. “I noted the wrong address. I wanted to go to Dr. Hanson, not Dr. Hansen. We kinda ended up with a sex therapist.”
Steve snorts. “Well, we never had a problem in that department. Our sex was extraordinary, kinky, sweet, hot, and satisfying.”
“You are telling me,” you groan loudly. “Great. Now I know why he was talking about my sad vagina all the time. I believed he was a creep when he wanted me to tell him about my masturbation routine.”
“He asked you how you touch yourself?” Steve’s head snaps toward you. “I swear, I’m going to kill him. Right now. I’ll go to his practice and murder him.”
“He only did his job,” you point out. 
Steve pouts. “I still don’t like that guy. He accused me of not taking care of your muffin. I don’t know what he meant, but I didn’t like it one bit.” 
You snort, as you watch Steve. “Oh my god. Stevie! You can’t be serious.”
“I’m damn serious.” He slams his fist into the couch. “I always ate your muffins and cupcakes. How dare that man to say I don’t like the food you make.”
“Steve,” you giggle as you place your hand on his shoulder. “He was talking about my vagina, not pastries.”
“What?” All color drains from Steve’s face. His features harden and he’s about to kick the table. “How can he say such a thing?”
“Uh-I kinda told him that you disappointed me. I guess he believed I was talking about your qualities in the bedroom.” You start laughing at Steve’s pissed expression. He grunts as you hold your stomach. “This can only happen to us. We seek help and end up with a sex therapist.”
“Stop laughing,” Steve struggles to not laugh. “Doll, stop laughing. We should talk about our relationship, not laugh about our therapist.”
“I wanna laugh,” you giggle and kick your feet. “That feels,” you snort while laughing, “so good. Stevie…”
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After the incident with Dr. Hansen, and your flash of laughter you decided to talk things out with Steve in private. If you need professional help, you can still look for a therapist.
It’s been two weeks, and you are slowly making progress. You talked about your childhood friends and slowly got closer to the core of your problems. Distrust and the fear of getting hurt again.
“You can take your time,” Steve softly says. “I told you about Peggy and the others hurting me. Uh-and my first girlfriend. You know that I’ll not judge you or laugh about you.”
You inhale sharply. It’s been years since you thought about your first love. “It was because of one of his friends’ comments. We were good, and I believed he liked me. One false word from his friend and he decided that I was not the girl he wanted to take to prom. Since then, I never trusted someone with my heart. Until you.”
“And I broke your trust in me,” Steve sighs deeply. “I know I said it before but I’m so fucking sorry. What happened in my past shouldn’t have influenced my life and my feelings for you. If I could turn back time and take the words back, I’d do it.”
“Now that we talked about our past, we should address the elephant in the room. Where do we go from here?”
“I don’t know,” he honestly says. “All I know is that my feelings for you never changed, and that I love you. I just don’t know if that’s enough for you.”
“What about your job? You quit and gave up your career,” you move a little closer to Steve to take his hand in yours. “What do you want to do now?”
“Bucky, Sam, and I are thinking about starting our own business. That was my dream for years. I hated working for that asshole.”
You interlock your fingers with Steve and lean your head against his shoulder. “You’ll stay in New York, right? I don’t want you to move miles away.”
“Of course, I’ll stay close to you, doll. It’s only a vague idea so far. We still need to talk about the details,” Steve leans his head against yours, sighing. “Do you want me to stick around?”
“Hmm…I could get any guy, you know. Including Dr. Hansen,” you grin hearing Steve inhale sharply. “Every guy wants a taste of me.”
“Y-ou wouldn’t go out with Dr. Hansen. Right? He’s still a creep,” Steve stammers. “Please don’t go out with him.”
“I could have any guy, but I only want you, Steve.”
Steve nods. He knows that you’ve got a long way ahead. Both of you need to heal, but if you are willing to give him the chance, he’ll show you what love is…
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People have said it, but I’m so frustrated I gotta say it again. In my opinion I feel that if Tim was being genuinely supportive of Lucy he wouldn’t have let the crime scene be compromised by the sprinklers. A) this is his role and duty as sergeant and a police officer who wants to see murderers be brought to justice and B) in not telling her it resulted in her being embarrassed in front of the entire precinct, dressed down by Wesley of all people and could have had real professional ramifications on her career if a murderer got away for her mistake.
I see the comparisons to Plain Clothes Day, and I definitely think it was intentional on the writers part. But my issue is that on plain clothes day Tim is the TO and Lucy the rookie, and he still ensures the vehicle is impounded so not to risk the crime scene being contaminated. She still learns the lesson and the criminal isn’t at risk of walking free. But that isn’t what happened in 6x01, if Lucy hadn’t been paying attention or sitting there they never would have solved it. Tim just lets the sprinklers go off? Let’s a crime scene be contaminated for what, to teach Lucy , a P2 and resident badass and oh ya his girlfriend… a lesson? I almost feel like a better word than undermined to describe what happened is “sabotaged.” I feel like if I was Lucy I’d feel sabotaged too. In the height of anxiety spiral your amygdala is firing so rapidly it is extremely hard to make any rational choices, Tim didn’t try to stop or help her (which we have seen him do!!! Many times! And he does it well!! 5x01?! Her rookie days!?) and just lets a crime scene that his girlfriend is in charge of be completely destroyed. 😭
I really hope it’s addressed in 6x02 cause I feel like this is OOC for Tim. He has never been shown, that I can remember at least, to risk the solving of a crime and finding justice to simply to teach a rookie or fellow officer a lesson. Plus they are no longer TO/ Rookie they are a couple, where is the equal footing we witnessed when they went undercover and Lucy was a bad ass UC? Lucy got lucky with this case and I am back to just hoping we get to see competent bad ass detective Lucy. I’m also hoping the show and writers use this as an avenue to explore what Tim actually being supportive looks like (knowing what to say to talk her out of a spiral about the dirty needle for just one small example), his reservations and own dishonesty around Lucy going UC and more of the argument at the end cause I, like many others, LOVE it when they give Tim and Lucy meaningful, angsty material. One of my fave scenes of theirs is the 2x01 fight Oof that was 🔥🔥🔥
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I need to gush about Origins and discuss Duncan okay, listen- DAO is so good for a plethora of reasons but it’s the origins, the thing that it’s literally named after. Which origin you play is the important decision on the players part that has an impact on everything you do, especially if you go hard into the roleplaying of it all, it makes me want to scream. I adore it so much.
So Duncan, right? Great character, love that dude. I read The Calling and he's one of the best parts of that book. If you haven't read it, I recommend it just for Duncan alone.
I enjoy reading opinion pieces on Duncan, especially when the poster mentions which origin their warden is. I find it so interesting because your origin can change your entire perception of him.
Playing as Aeducan or Brosca? Duncan has great respect for dwarves just as the dwarves do for the wardens. Duncan’s your hero. He saved your life. You would’ve been executed or left to rot in the Deep Roads if not for him. And since the wardens are so respected, it’s honestly an honor to join them, no?
Playing a Cousland? You’ve lost everything. Duncan not only does what he can to keep your father alive long enough for you and your mother to find him, but he saves you and gives you a shot to avenge your family by becoming a warden.  
Playing as Amell or Surana? Your best friend lied to you about being a blood mage and chances are you tried to help him escape rather than turn him in, and now he’s gone and Greagoir demands you be punished. But here comes Duncan to conscript you, to take you away from the prison known as the Circle of Magi.
And I know this can vary depending on how you play or what kind of character you’ve created, but I believe you’re waaaay more likely to have a better opinion of Duncan in these origins… but if you play as Mahariel or Tabris?
Mahariel’s more obvious, here. You’re Dalish, and odds are, you and Tamlen are on the same page about humans. Duncan, a human, dragged your ass back to your clan after the eluvian gave you the blight, and sure, that was nice of him… except when you go looking for Tamlen and Duncan destroys the mirror, he’s so dismissive. He doesn’t care about Tamlen. There’s no point in going looking for him, he’s dead. Also you have the blight and Duncan’s taking you away from your family to make you a warden and no, you have no choice in the matter. He'll force his hand if he needs to. Say goodbye, forget about Tamlen, you’ll never see your family again, you’re a warden now. Hope you have fun involving yourself in all these human affairs while everyone points out how different you are!
First off, I think most Mahariel players would agree that they’re still not over Tamlen. How many of you had the thought, “If we look just a little longer, we could find Tamlen and make him a warden, too!” only for Duncan to ruin that? I don’t blame any Mahariel for throwing a fit when he and the Keeper agree you need to go, nor do I blame them for any ill feelings toward him.
And Tabris? This one is personal; my canon warden is a female Tabris, Rosalie, and Duncan really gets to me.
Rose's already being made to marry a man she's never met, some human nobles made their first attempt to crash the wedding, and now here’s this other human waltzing in. Duncan is such a little shit here, too. When you try asking him to leave, he actively tries to push your buttons just to see what you’ll do. But that’s nothing. When Rose and the other women are taken by Vaughan and his buddies, Soris and Nelaros go to Duncan who pulls his bullshit “wardens can’t get involved, they must remain neutral, best I can do is give you a sword and crossbow, good luck.”
Duncan KNOWS what will happen to those women but nope, can’t get involved. Wardens must remain neutral, can’t upset the nobles. I firmly believe that if Duncan had gone with them, Nelaros wouldn’t have been killed and maybe they could’ve made it to Shianni in time, and that infuriates me.
And yeah, in the end it’s Duncan who saves Rose from the guard, but you expect me to be okay with going with him? Alone? After everything that just happened?
It almost feels like Duncan was more interested in testing you, to see if you COULD get out of that situation or what you’d do when the guard showed up. That gives me a lot of complicated feelings about Duncan, and the way the Grey Wardens do things in general. Because let me tell you, Rose hurls that “Wardens must not involve themselves, they must remain neutral” out the fucking window, even post DAO after the blight is over and things return to “normal” for the wardens.  
Side note, I like to think that the wardens out at Weisshaupt or wherever contact Alistair at some point like "What the hell is Warden-Commander Tabris doing over there??? She's breaking every rule we have??" and Alistair's just shrugs like "My wife killed an archdemon to end the Blight and survived, she gets to do whatever she wants forever and honestly, I love that for her."
But anyway-- I get it, Duncan. The Grey Wardens were booted outta Fereldan once before and we don't want a repeat of that. Sure. Fine. Makes sense...but also Rose doesn't give a shit about that? She may come to understand it eventually but that doesn't mean she accepts or forgives it, or would ever be willing to adapt the same attitude.
And I'm not even going to get into everything with the Joining and Ser Jory, because oh my god.
Everything Duncan does influences Rose's views on the Grey Wardens and their duty, like if there was ever anything she and Alistair have straight up argued about, it's Duncan and the concept of "being a warden is an honor."
And I think that's neat. Duncan's a consistency in every origin and even though he dies so early on, his influence remains with the warden no matter who they are.
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kzmi-j · 2 months
Okay, so Wish SUCKED ASS, I think we can all agree on that. The concepts were a ton better than the actual movie, there was so much missed opportunities and ruined potential, and I'll said it many time and I'll say it again :
MAGNIFICO WAS A GREAT CHARACTER, and he had SO MUCH potential, and I'm SO angry, but I love him SO much.
The part about his family? Ruined potential, it could've been an insane backstory for him. And I feel like it created a huge plot hole in his character.
His wife turning against him? Ruined potential, the concept of the evil couple was amazing! Why didn't they stick with it, I don't know, but it sucks.
Him being the villain in the first place doesn't make any sense. He's not a villain, antagonist to Asha sure, but he isn't a bad guy at all. The point in all Disney movies is that every character says what they think when they sing. Even Hans in Frozen when he sang with Anna did throw some hints about his true intentions, but not Magnifico. I listen to At All Cost so many times, and there is not one hint that he was evil from the start.
In his mind there was a war coming to Rosas, he felt threatened, and he wanted to do his best to protect his people and they were still ungrateful. It's the whole point of This is the Thanks I Get?, he felt betrayed. The part that he's a narcissist? It's so irrelevant. It hasn't been mentioned once before (beside the "you're right, I am a handsome king." Can you blame him? He is handsome.), and they put it here to excuse their decision of making him a villain. 'Bou-hou Magnifico loves himself more than anyone else, that's why he's bad'. No? All he did during YEARS was to protect Rosas, and I couldn't agree more with him when he says that some wishes cannot be granted because they may be dangerous in the future. He thinks of his people over everything else, because he knows their wishes, and they don't. He protects them from themselves. But he doesn't destroy their dreams, he keeps the wishes safe and keeps their hopes up that one day their wish might be granted.
So, why didn't he grant Sabo's innocent wish, then? Because he felt pressured. Asha barely stepped into his office and asked him to grant her grandpa's wish. When he explained why he wouldn't grant it, she insisted. He cracked, and this one line made him the villain. "I decide what everyone deserves." Well, yeah? He's the King? And he has been a GOOD king until now.
Not to mention that he wasn't evil until he opened the book. Really, like I said, This is the Thanks I Get? is a bullshit song that justifies his 'evilness' and makes a giant plot hole, but in the end, it was just him panicking. His people are ungrateful and unhelpful, Rosas is still in danger and he's frustrated. He decides to take the book because it seems like the only choice left. You can clearly see the switch. He becomes happier, crazier, his emotions are out of control, because he's controlled by the book. From then on, Magnifico isn't himself, and THEN he is the villain. Not before. Only from here.
The people of Rosas are good. Magnifico included.
I'm a huge Magnifico defender as you can see, change my mind. He's my baby and I love him.
I didn't mean for it to be that long buuuut
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