#I literally have no context I just always had a hc
candyunicornsateme · 2 years
New hc that suddenly came upon me is that I think Craig would mess with DJ stuff and might do a kinda DJ gig or two, and Tweek and Co. would be like, you’ve been a DJ??? What??? 
But it’s less about the music and more about Craig being interested in the cool tech, so he just messes with it for fun and had the equipment to do it, so he was like, sure. Otherwise he’s waaay too low energy for that atmosphere 
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lamnwar · 4 months
Hey me again, lmao
Could you do Kiyoshi + Gom as husbands, If so thank youuu xxxx
Hi there, love! 💕 love love love this request!! I spend all my time daydreaming abt being married to these boys LMAO it's embarassing 😭 alsooo ik I took long before getting to your request but I wanted to finish all the big os requests first before working on hcs bc it's more heafty so sorry for my shitty habit of taking too long for simple stuff :((
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Context: what I imagine married life to be with these characters. 🥰
Pairing: GOM + Kiyoshi x gn! Reader (gender not specified)
Warnings: mainly fluff and crack, can get a bit suggestive in Aomine's (of course it's always him 😭) so mdni!
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Rich, handsome and a gentleman!!! Literally the Holy Grail of husbands
The kind to spoil his pretty spouse out of love
Takes you out on a date at some fancy restaurant at least once a week
He's also very independent!! Now, I think he's the kind to hire people to help around the house but that doesn't stop him from doing chores
He'll always help you doing stuff for the house if you need
He has amazing taste!! Take him furniture shopping and you'll end up with on of those houses you see in AD
Brings up the subject of you dropping your work so you can stay home while he's the breadwinner
He's a bit traditional in that sense because he really doesn't want you to work if it's unecessary, you know?
I mean he's crazy rich so does that even make sense to make you work?? (Unless you absolutely want to)
Wakes you up every morning with a kiss!
He always had the proudest smile when he introduces you to people as his spouse <3
This man takes marriage very seriously, listen
He most likely did a deep analysis of your birthchart before deciding that you are the right one for him
Naturally, as your husband, he gotta get you your lucky item of the day everyday
You don't even believe in that stuff but it's his love language, I guess
Not much one to go on dates unless you want to, then he'll be up for it
He's more one to enjoy time with you at home
Something like having a nice diner and cuddling while you read
The kind to love going grocery shopping with you
Every once in a while, he'll buy a fancy bottle of wine just to share it with you
A very supportive husband!! Every project you have in mind, he's already done the research to find the most efficient way for you to accomplish your plans
Not a PDA guy but he'll happily hold your hand when you're at gatherings together
May not be very vocal about his love for you but you better believe that he talks proudly of his spouse to every one he knows
He is OBSESSED with you
Man never left the honeymoon phase, he's so crazy about you
Takes you to his fancy modelling events and shows you off to every one he meets
He also buys you lots of clothes and acessories
Dare you say something is cute, he's already inside the shop buying it for you
Tries his best as chores but it's not really his thing
Will help as much as he can, though!
Breakfast in bed kind of guy hihi
And it happens a lot because let's be real, that man isn't the kind to let you sleep at night
Like I said earlier, he's never left the honeymoon phase so... yeah
Wants to be the kind of husband that gives you his credit card and tell you to do what you want with it but you have to decline
It's ok though, he'll fine plenty of other ways to spoil you
You have that cute habit every week of taking baths together
The kind to miss a day of work to take care of you when you're sick!
Daiki never thought he'd ever get married, but then he met you
Not the best at being a husband but he really tries!
Like he makes an effort of not being too lazy and messy
Leaves the chores to you mainly, but will give a hand
Like if you're cleaning around and need to put stuff on the top shelf, he'll do it for you
Not the best cook so he lets you make food while he does the dishes
I'm trying to delay the obvious but that man never stops being horny for you
Literally sits and daydream of fucking you on every surface of your home
Gets so riled up at the sight of that ring on your finger, he can't believe your all his
The kind to follow you everywhere you go, even if it's for some stupid errand
Takes you out to the beach or for a picnic as soon as the sun is shining outside
Buys you clothes he thinks you'd look good in and surprisingly, he's got amazing taste
Loves when you refer to him as "husband" in conversation!!
So casual about being married, most likely because to him that doesn't change a thing about the way he feels about you
Likes that now he gets to have you with him all the time
Cooks for you! Buys you snacks! Takes you out on restaurant dates!
Sharing is caring so he only ever shares his snack with you
I can see him being into matching outfits (if you can find any that fits both him and you)
A bit lazy so he doesn't help around that much unless you tell him to
And even that, he'd do some chores before getting distracted
But listen, it's ok though because he makes up for it in over ways
He's very caring, only because you're his spouse
Cuddles in bed, at all time! He just feels clingy sometimes
He smiles softly when he plays with your hand and sees the ring on your finger
He likes to sit you on his lap often
Basically being a husband doesn't differ much from how he was as a boyfriend
Very casual about calling you his spouse all the time, even in front of others
Kiyoshi Teppei was born to be a husband!!
Because he grew up with his grandparents, he's got the habit of taking care of a household and the people living in it
So he naturally took in most of the chores and he's good at it!
Doesn't want you to get tired either so he'll do most things
Pays attention to all the little things so you're always comfortable
He also likes going for a run/the gym with you and he's so encouraging!
Has the stupidiest smile on his face everytime he looks at you
He holds his grandparents as a reference so he really hopes you'll both grow old together, still madly in love
Don't get that man started on building a family, he just gets too excited at the idea of being a parent!
He'd be a great one too, but the final decision is up to you. Either way, he's just happy being with you.
I don't know what else to say because he's just made to be a husband, yk?
Yeah, probably the best person to marry <3 (I'm very biased)
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electricsynthesis · 1 month
keith galraisms post
physical characteristics
-his hair grows like 3 times as fast as a normal persons. it grows unusually thick and weirdly layered and textured. i imagine it having a texture that isnt curly or wavy or straight, but is sort of coarse and pointed. dense hair. this is why he has a weird mullet. he cuts it and then he wakes up a week later and the mullets back. i reblogged a post with this exact hc like 2 days ago but i stg ive had this opinion for years
-somewhere around 19-20~ his canines fall out. literally like humans' teeth do with baby teeth. they get wiggly and then fall out. and then he grows extremely pointed fangs in their spot. when he tells coran this, coran explains that this is common in galra to lose their milk canines and grow adult fangs. lance compares it to wisdom teeth and keith gets annoyed
-on a similar note, the reason keith has a full set of teeth despite being a troglodyte child who beats people up when pissed off is because he just grows his teeth back once theyre knocked out. this didnt happen with his baby teeth but once his adult teeth grew in, he would just. Grow new teeth. this unsettles him deeply everytime he thinks about it because humans are born with both sets of teeth. how is he doing this .
-he can see in the dark
-he has prey animal hearing. his ears perk up when he hears sharp distant sounds
-obviously i think he growls when hes pissed and purrs when hes happy. Who do you take me for. i do think this is one of those things keith assumed was normal until he was older and someone he was fighting made fun of him for "growling like a dog". i think, pretty vitally, he does not sound like a human growling andor purring. i think he sounds like a cat. he also hisses but texas kogane trained him out of that as a kid. as an adult (post galra-heritage arc) he sometimes does it anyway. connecting with his inner child <3
-more generally i think his voice toes the razor's edge of sounding like a normal human's. i think it lowers to registers and heightens to heights that sound only just like a human could make that sound
-his ears have always been pointed enough to be noticeable (texas kogane had him trained to keep his hair relatively long so it would cover them) but they only get pointier the older he gets. they never stick out or anything but one day in their twenties allura sees them and is like hey! youre like a baby altean! and keith doesnt live this observation down for the entire rest of his life
-his stupid purple eyes are canon and go without saying. and the whole "go yellow and slitted when hes pissed" is also canon and goes without saying. im bringing this up because in home again's 'verse, by the time the events of the fic are happening the only people whos actually seen this happen are lance and shiro, because keith got a little upset at some enemy combatants on a mission with them once, and when they told him he was like. what the fuck are you talking about. fuck no. you imagined that. and they swear UP AND FUCKING DOWN that no, keith, your eyes literally turned yellow. they went slitted. we didnt imagine it that really happened--
-he bites people. in all contexts. violent. affectionate. sexual. if left unsupervised he will bite hard enough to draw blood so if its a lovebite you have to slap him away. unless youre into that i guess. this is one of those things he didnt notice until adulthood and he sat there like. head in hands. why is me being galra so fucking obvious in hindsight
-whether or not keith's temper and violent tendencies are the result of a childhood of violent bullying and general social neglect or if theres a genetic factor is entirely conjecture and everyone has a different, private opinion on the subject (keith's opinion is that it doesnt really matter), but its generally agreed on that his ability to power through lifethreatening injuries on pure adrenaline is a Galra Thing
-climbs trees like a spider monkey. generally likes being in places that are both high up and enclosed . if left to his own devices will start climbing around on shit. in the castle this is generally fun because theres big empty rooms that are entirely unused. but they all collectively realize this goes beyond castle exploration once they get back to earth and find keith on top of the fridge at 3 am. im talking completely relaxed while shoved as far in the upper corner of the room as he can possibly get
-hoards random shit he finds sentimental and keeps them shoved in various corners of his room. like a dragon. after they get together (sorry for sudden klance bias) lance is constantly accidentally finding his shit scattered around their room shoved into little corners. this is a love language to keith. hes hiding their beloved belongings in safe places. lance finds it EXTREMELY annoying because its early and he needs his moisturizer, keith, if its wrapped in my jacket underneath the bed again im gonna explode
the eternal question
-pidge: have you ever considered talking to a psychologist about you having autism keith: no. the orderly at the orphanage was convinced i was. but i'm obviously just galra. pidge: [exasperated silence]
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n3ptoonz · 6 months
Could you do some mk Headcanons (anyone you feel motivated to write about) where their meet the dark version of reader from Dark!Shang Tsung’s timeline, maybe their conflicted because their version of the reader died
randomly selected mk1 character hcs: how kitana, kenshi, mileena, scorpion, li mei, and shang tsung react to the version of their s/o's dark clone post death
this is creative asf ty anon 🫢
warnings: canon typical violence and angst that's about it (gonna hit y'all with the punk tactics)
the dialogue portions are meant to be read in the context of before you and character fight
When you appeared in her line of vision, she was immediately heartbroken. She couldn't believe her late partner came back like this after so many years
You died sacrificing yourself for her to live in this timeline. you worked for the royal family for all these years, just to have to take an arrow to the chest due to an assassination attempt
Your skin now had cracks all over it and your eyes glowed red, standing by dark shang tsung's side with a mocking smirk behind your mask. Kitana could barely recognize you and you were only intrigued that she wasn't dead in this timeline
Kitana looked at you with tears in her eyes. The same person who took an arrow so she could live on. She had already taken out clones that looked like her, hell even ones that looked like her own sister and mother. Second pain to that was seeing you approach her with mischievous and evil intent.
"You...gave your life for me...and now you live on as an evil pawn for a man like Shang Tsung?"
"I did? What an idiot. In my timeline, I'm the one who assassinated you, and I still have no remorse."
Kenshi Takahashi
Post losing his eyesight, he could only ever think about how he lost you. How he wasn't quick enough in getting you out of being involved with the Yakuza. How he was one step behind
You died a brutal death simply because you were his partner, and they couldn't risk leaving you alive to tell the story of them torturing you for information, so they took care of it themselves to send a message. And boy, did it send a message
So now, in dark Shang Tsung's timeline, you are resentful of him and want your revenge. However, it was very conflicting for Kenshi: Did he take this version of you out now because he knows you don't actually feel like this? Or...die by your clone's hands to be reunited with the love of his life?
Kenshi stood before you with Sento in hand, but frozen in place. The sound of your voice, the complete change in your demeanor, and even down to how you used to walk (he always knew when you were coming because of the way your footsteps sounded), he was utterly devastated. He only had himself to blame for this moment in time.
"I'm...I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. It's all my fault."
"No need to apologize, past love, I took you out in my timeline, now I've come to finish the job in yours."
You died in Mileena's arms. How? Well, you were a little too late in grabbing the serum that calms her down and she went crazy on the closest person to her, literally
Upon barely clinging onto dear life you were able to inject her, but you had lost too much blood. So by the time she came to you were gone. She hadn't cried and wailed this much since her father
Now, as she pointed her Sai at your neck, she didn't know what to do. Even if she turned right now, she couldn't handle killing you in the same exact way two times in a row. Even if evil you was trying to kill her
Mileena breathed heavily as she could feel herself turning, desperately trying to stop herself from mauling you to death. But the way you taunted her made half of her want to turn even quicker, knowing full well this is the dark version of you spewing nonsense to piss her off.
"Come on, Empress, turn. Rip my face off like you did before."
"I don't want to...but if my hand is forced, so be it!"
You guessed it. The classic partner and son loss. You fought tirelessly to defend your home and the Shirai Ryu, but it just wasn't enough. Kuai was also just one step too late
Once he got to you, there lied your lifeless body clutching your son in your arms with a sword through your back. If he just hadn't gone on that mission that day when you said you were worried of being attacked...
Now, the dark version of you relished in the pain and sorrow in his eyes. In your timeline, he was the one that died and you trained your son to be a killing machine
Scorpion's head hung low upon hearing what you've done in your timeline. All this time he promised if he could just see you again, he would apologize profusely and even give his own life for you to come back. But looking at you now, seeing you again with an evil smile and empty eyes you've never worn before made him want to take it all back.
"Want to know something funny? You were the one that died in front of me, and I got our son to do it."
"Training Satoshi to be a killing machine is a sin that not even hellfire can take care of."
Li Mei
You died while on a mission in Li Mei's place to find and gather information that would be of use to the royal house and their next moves on taking down a clan that was after it
Li Mei hasn't properly recovered since. Even to the point where she'll go on solo missions just to avoid anybody else getting hurt. She took extra shifts and extended her personal training time just to keep her mind, but at the end of the day she still crumbled
Now the evil version of you isn't even in the Sun Do. In fact, you actively try to take them down every chance you get just to get to the Li Mei in your timeline--which worked
Li Mei took a fighting stance as soon as you showed up. A piece of her heart broke at the thought of intentionally having to hurt you, but she knew you were long gone now with no shot of saving grace. You dangled your weapon in front of her and showed not one sign of fear.
"You were an esteemed member of the Sun Do, and now you are proudly a disgrace."
"I'll do it again one thousand times over and you can't stop me."
Shang Tsung
Surprisingly, he didn't betray you or kill you himself. You captured the sorcerer's heart, and that was the problem. His followers didn't like how much attention you got, so they formed an organization and took you out when they followed you on a mission
Since then he was on a rampage. He wreaked as much havoc as he could, convinced it was some outside source that held something against him. He only got stronger with anger and deep rooted sadness he couldn't process
Now you blamed him for letting you die when he could've prevented it. Hell, sometimes you felt like it was his idea and his way of getting rid of you as if you were a hindrance to his plans
Shang Tsung couldn't believe his eyes. You, who started walking towards him after you linked arms with his own dark clone. Every emotion he had ever felt bubbled to the surface the second he saw your face. Hurt, anger, sorrow, but mostly confusion. However, knowing the kind of man Shang Tsung was, he wouldn't think twice to rid of your evil clone for good.
"Whoever took you from me will pay, but I will kill you myself before I die by your tainted hands."
"Aw, how the evil sorcerer calls the dark soul 'tainted'"
thank you for reading! man this was SOMETHING but it was fun i don't typically write angst
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faerievampling · 3 months
awesome! thanks for the request info~
you talked a little about Astarion decorating you with jewels in a modern au (can't find the post now :(
do you think he's active in socials? does he post you frequently? paint his nails w you? does he expect something ornate or flashy for valentine's?
I'm so curious to know what you make of him in any modern context really (*^‿^*)
I love modern astarion <3 everything here is based on our sweet spawn btw (but I do have some of Hcs about a take on the ascendant in a modern au…) this is 18+ and female reader in mind
here’s the ask I think you’re talking about if curious buttt…i went crazy here anon. i hope you enjoy ♡
I think Astarion would def be the type to post a lot about his girlfriend. Tons of pictures of the two of you, never unflattering though. Like let’s be honest, that vampire would be extremely photogenic if only that king had a reflection lol so in modern AU, oh man. Imagine the most flawless selfies ever: imagine the naughty pics he would send you.
Astarion knows how to use the camera on his phone. So throughout the day, he’s just gonna be sending you naughty messages and pics because that’s just how he is. Astarion is a tease, and you absolutely love this about him.
Astarion will be cringe and send you shirtless mirror selfies. Like a dad. Or a frat boy. And he will look good doing it. It will always be a joke when he does, but you’ll be blushing nonetheless.
You and Astarion def have a streak on snapchat. it’s like, ridiculously long. it doesn’t even matter if you’re 18 or 35, Astarion insists that you maintain this. It’s more important to him than he would care to admit lol
um okay but Astarion who knows how to fix cars. Mechanic Astarion! I’m kidding he would hate the mess 😂 but i love the idea of him being really good at using his hands, and I think Astarion has a vast knowledge of totally random things that will shock you when you first start dating him. I don’t think modern Astarion is beneath fixing Tav’s car or checking her oil (he might even pump your gas for you if you’re nice enough) but he will complain. Probably a lot.
Astarion hates the state fair(I’m an American from the South). I’ll say no more.
I might have said this in the other ask but i do think Astarion loves holidays, especially Christmas: he just loves getting presents (and buying you presents, but he hates buying them for anyone else). Omg You doing elf on the shelf for Astarion. Every day, you move that damn elf, probably putting the poor thing in inappropriate positions, and Astarion makes it his mission to find it. He’s so annoyed by it lol but he loves it and you always do your best to make him laugh. And it works, because ultimately he just thinks you’re so fucking adorable.
Easter – yeah Astarion doesn’t care for religion, so you will be his god on Easter Sunday <3 🥠=*your luck will be high this day. Expect worship and pleasure*
Valentine’s day – I think Astarion will def take this opportunity to do something intimate and meaningful with you, but I think the more effort you put in, the better, because Astarion will appreciate it. He probably doesn’t want anything too gaudy or over the top, (it has to be tasteful)
Um Astarion is def into the high tech sex toys. He literally loves playing with you, especially if the toy connects to his phone, so he can control you from across the house. He will beg you to wear your lovense in public (that’s up to you if you want that ;) just so he can watch you squirm. i’m a believer that he loves using his tongue and then his cock (in this order of top favorite things Astarion loves doing to your desperate body) on you, but when he starts to discover all these new toys…he’s so game.
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luvsturniolo · 8 months
hi!! i was thinking since halloween is almost here you could write something for vampire!matt? sorry for the very vague request, this is my first ever one. totally understand if you scrap this idea. love your stuff!!🥹
ー ★ !! vamp
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pairing : vampire!matt sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis : what it would be like to date matt as a vampire
a/n : i decided to do hcs instead of a fic because i wasn't given much context and i wanted to get this req done before halloween , also im sorry it’s so short </3
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- when you guys would met, matt was so into you that he had absolutely no intention on telling you that he was a vampire. he thought you would leave him if you knew the truth
- ofc, you found out eventually and at first you were taken aback and a bit scared…
- but you quickly realized that he’s the same man you fell in love with — regardless of what he’s been through
- you made an effort to reassure him that you don’t have any intention of leaving him. you told him over and over that you loved him regardless
- the moment matt heard those words come from your mouth, he broke down
- he was so convinced that being who he was made him unlovable. so he never even considered the possibility of you being okay with him being what he is
- matt cried on your shoulder, repeating that he loved you and that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him
- your guys relationship was very lighthearted — which is kinda surprising considering the fact that he’s a literal vampire !!
- whenever you get hot, you know his body temperature is super cold so you’ll snuggle up on him to cool off
- you also love to do his make-up because his skin is super pale and all the colors show up beautifully against his face
- since his worst fear is you leaving him, matt’s always touching you; not in a sexual way. he just genuinely craves your touch because he knows that if he’s holding you, you’re not in danger
- you feel incredibly safe when you’re in his arms. it’s actually crazy how secure he makes you feel
- you know he could beat anyone’s ass and that he would never do anything to hurt you, so you know you’re in the safest place in the world when he’s holding you
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tags : @kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @uhnanix @deadxrx @kitaysworld @slaysturniolo @wilmalovegood @ladylokilaufeyson5
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chosoniisan · 7 months
A risk worth messy reward ↠ kamo choso
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↠alternative title: swapping spit with choso, literally
↠pairing: kamo choso | sorceress!reader
↠setting: post canon, not at all compliant
↠genre: nasty, nasty fluff
↠caution: suggestive; height/size difference ("my" choso is over 6ft); unhealthy-ish/complicated relationship; kinda owner/pet dynamics; coercion (?); lots of tongue
↠summary: after yet another rural-steeped mission, your first priority is finding the nearest bed to fall into; conversely, choso has other things on his mind
↠authoress' notes: my initial plan had been to write a hc about the oddities of choso, how he has some bizarre and inexplicable habits, but writing hcs (without plot) isn't my strength, so I opted for what could be considered "snapshots" instead :')
also, the context, setting-wise, for this is that once the dusts settles post canon, the high-ups (the smattering of them still kicking), let choso live conditioned on you acting as his controller at all times, lest you risk ending up on the execution chopping block, too. . .
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A ripely full moon, and the air’s refreshed with a slight chill:
by all means the sort of mid-autumn night you’d want to bottle up and take with you.
You might just have to overlook the chunks of entrails sticking to your soles, though. And maybe you can pretend that it’s the crickets droning in the grass and not the crisping of bone dissolving into nothingness. As if on cue, you resist the urge to sigh to keep the tang of death, thoroughly worn over, from invading your lungs any more than it already has.
It’s not quite how you’d envision your evening—but beggars can’t be choosers. And on the bright side, at least you’re fully intact, all your limbs present and accounted for despite enough close calls to last you a lifetime. Sure, you might have said the very same thing last time (i.e. a handful of days ago), and you’ll no doubt mirror that sentiment next time too (i.e. in another day or so), though you take your blessings when you can get them.
Granted, your good luck quickly runs its course since there’s hardly anything fortunate about the strain of curses the far-flung reaches of the countryside seem to breed to no end. Who would have thought that the higher you climbed the rankings the more acquainted you’d become with woodland critters the size of your hand (excluding cursed spirits, mind you). Then there’s the persistent feeling of otherness crawling over you like a second skin the longer those prying eyes rake and rove over you. (If only they knew that a city girl and her dutiful charge were the last bit out of place in these parts.)
“I mean it when I say that you’re a lifesaver, Choso.” Your poignant ring is all the encouragement he needs to scrap making sure that dead is actually dead this time around and squeeze himself back into your sphere again. Crunch, crunch, crunch goes the tall grass giving way to your missing piece because obviously solace by another name is your side. Leave it to him to be over 190 centimeters of delicately endearing. “I wasn’t expecting that other special-grade, but, of course, you’re always covering for me in a pinch—I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.”
In that moment, you’re the stargazer of him; a face lighting up the pearly night beyond measure. “I’m always following your lead, though. You’re a lot more experienced than me, too, so the best I can do is try to keep up. Because I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.” A dash of sheepishness colors the downward wisp of lashes brushing against his cheeks, but that isn’t enough to distract him from the sway of you in his shadow (even if he has to really drop his head to horde that eyeful for himself). “I’m glad we make a good team,” his brief lull is beseeching, the tilted head even more so, “at least I think so.”
For the sake of his tenderly bleeding heart, your nodding doesn’t miss a beat. “Yep, we sure do. . .! And every good team needs some rest, so I should go ahead and text our supervisor and let him know we’re finished up here.” Another thwarted attempt at a sigh, so you settle for a mild quirk of your lips amidst reaching into your pocket for your phone spared from the fray. “We’ll have to stay the night in town, which isn’t ideal, but we can take the first train back home in the morning.”
The faster you can confirm the rendezvous spot, the faster you can sink into a warm bath and then beneath a cozy comforter, so you’re already a few rapid-fire texts deep when Choso pulls on your sleeve.
“Wait. Before that. . .” he begins, slow, measured as if he’s taking the time to taste every word before it leaves his lips. Like that’s not enough to prod at your attention, you’re especially perceptive to rose stain swashed across the expanse of his face, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think him too innocent to sell his soul to the devil for a life of strife alongside you. Though perhaps innocence in its purest state is wetting his hands in blood, bearing your burden of nocturnal calamity with the occasional slip of diffidence. “Can I. . .” Gulping down that lump in his throat. “Can I have my reward now?”
It's your turn to sound things out for good measure.
“Your. . .reward?” (Emphasis on the furrowed brows there.)
He bobs his head once, meanwhile you’re rifling through the pages of your mental archives in search of this reward, whatever it is. A contemplative hum sifts through you at the recollection of saying something in the realm of treating him once this mission wrapped up; admittedly, it was the sort of remark made in passing, but if it’s Choso, you don’t mind staying true to your word. Besides, you have an inkling of what he might have in mind (or you hope you know him well enough to make that guess. . .there’s only one way to find out).
“You’re talking about the souvenirs near the station; I think you were looking at the sweet dumplings, yeah? I don’t know if that shop is open this late, but we can go over and check—”
“No, not that.” Vehemence strums in his tone, so much so that you start a bit, setting off the ripple effect of him offering you a repentant look in return, one that’s still very clearly brimming with fervor. “I did a good job, right? And you promised I could have a reward if I was really good.” As a matter of fact, he’s not wrong, but his moonstruck gaze, expanding, plants an unnamed sensation between the open spaces in your chest. (You’re not daunted by him, it’s just that unpredictability has never been your forte.) “. . .So I was thinking that I wanted you.”
Doesn’t have a chance to click together in your brain until the warmed heart of his palm envelops your entire cheek, and even then you’re still too many steps behind by the time he’s level with you: face-to-face, eye-to-eye, lips. . .dangerously close. Inhaling a mingling of dried copper and powdery musk doesn’t help you figure out what he means by wanting you, having you; rather, with each fanning of his breath over you in crests, you’re gradually unraveling into something entirely unlike you. Something a lot more nerve-ridden.
If you had intended to chime in after scrambling to make sense of the situation (or not), the reality is that you’re simply opening the door for him to carve a place inside you. Literally. Considering it’s not the sound of a mildly articulated concern that echoes in the air, but a muffled squeak when he catches his lips on yours, inviting himself into the niche of your mouth before you can try to recoil. Even when you do think to reel away, his arm is already circled around your waist, seizing you into the bulk of him to the point that you can’t tell where one of you begins and the other ends.
You’ve long given consideration to the fact that Choso’s spent more time sealed than unsealed, that to this very day he’s still working out the kinks of what it means to be mostly human—but this. This goes beyond his idiosyncrasies of not knowing the particulars of kissing. No, this is nothing of a kiss and everything of devouring you whole.
As susceptible as you are, he has no trouble crowding his tongue against yours, which is the difference between tasting him and choking on him. Testing the waters is the last thing on his mind (you suspect it had never been there in the first place) when he’s using the anchor of his hand to steer you right where he wants you, because how else could he map the ridges of your palate without you shrinking like the violet you’re steadily flowering into. Intrusive is him eating away at your lips like a man starved, but it’s also the blooming of heat curled through your insides with a particular penchant for the midst of your tummy.
The compulsion to stagger back is second nature to you, except he’s unnaturally folded into you, so there’s really nowhere for you to skitter off to, especially not with the fixation given to a mesh of sticky pink. And it feels foreign, sinfully so, as he overwhelms you with broad, saliva-rife sweeps of his tongue, undeterred by your stagnate self, too paralyzed by the knotting in your core, the blistering up of sweat at your temples, and the uncut wildness—or is that obsession?—of him before your very eyes. Either way, it’s just the push needed to send you over the edge of quiet bleating. . .that finds its premature end swallowed into him for safekeeping at the bottom of his stomach, just like every other morsel of you.
Heady appreciation is quick to follow on your heels by way of a long-winded moan from him, to you by virtue of his snare. The stammering in your chest is the clear mark of being caught off guard, and Choso in all his fevered glory capitalizes on your lapse of self to plunge his tongue as deeply as it’ll reach. Nevermind the fact that there’s no stifling the stuttered heave around him or the full-bodied quaking against him, either, he’s still singularly focused on partaking in the mess of you. Willingly or not, you can’t help but indulge him when you’re varying shades of fluster, and it’s the gilt reflection of your disarray that has you clamping your eyes shut. Too bad for you, darkness doesn’t temper the dizzying sensation clambering through your veins that’s becoming more, and more, and more intertwined with him.
(You don’t know how much longer you can weather the storm of him, or if you’ll even be able to mend what he’s already bitten through, and maybe it would have been preferrable if he had taken your skin & tissue with him. He took something far more softly perverse.)  
Though in the end, it’s of his accord, only, that he spares you of the kind of smothering that’ll have you icesheet cold against him in no time flat. And you use spare loosely because he simply moves to sucking and nibbling on your bottom lip as if parting from you means imminent death. If he’d give you a chance, you could assure him that his fears of relenting are unwarranted, but in the thick of hungry fascination, he’d rather stripe his tongue along the corner of your mouth to gather up a stray bead of slick. Whether yours or his, you don’t know—you do know that when he’s done, it’s every bit of his tacky memento etched on your skin.
His gift to you for letting him have one of your deepest intimacies.
As expected, he doesn’t keen over from unlacing himself from you—truthfully, his hand is still palming at your cheek, so it’s not a full untethering—though you’re certainly not boasting a modicum of stability yourself. If that unyielding hold around your middle is anything to go on, you suspect that he doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest; you might even say that he’s savoring in the ruby-rich reliance of his handler.
“Uhm,” Reticence returns with a vengeance despite having just rooted through you mere moments ago; the moonlight glancing off traces smeared across his lips a testament to that. “. . .Do you we could see about those dumplings now?”
And of course you’ll oblige him—even knowing you’re complicit in preserving his devotion.
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
Ahhh if maybe I can request a continuation from the Guinevere!Reader request? Like after the events of 7DS when Arthur gained Chaos he slowly starts to change to how he is in 4KOA. She gets worried and Arthur assures her that he's still the same but seeing as the change becomes worse she soon after escapes and goes into hiding in hopes of finding a way to save him until after the incident in Liones (4KOA) and later is brought back to Camelot. (We'll assume Guinevere!Reader has the same power as...the loli but did a better job in hiding her powers.)
OoohhhOHHhoo this is very interesting! Specially with the trailer of the Anime recently🥺 Thank you for the Request ❤️❤️
Arthur Pedragon King of Chaos x Guinevere!Reader: 4 knights of apocalypse.
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: SPOILERS FROM THE MANGA OF NANATSU NO TAIZAI AND 4 KNIGHTS OF THE APOCALYPSE!! Arthur with chaos, Angst- some comfort, some soft yandere?? rather Arthur in 4kota being his own warning, reader has the power of a kaleidoscope (can see the future), mentions of death, somewhat long work, I think that's all.
You didn't like to remember what happened during the holy war. Neither of the you two wanted.
All the humans who died, the friends lost, how Arthur had died, even if it was temporary, it was something that would remain forever in your mind and heart.
only for the total destruction of Camelot to occur shortly after.
The war was won, yes, but at what cost...
It took a toll on both of them.
A part of you felt guilty for not having been able to prevent this future scenario with your power, but Arthur was always quick to tell you you didn't have to feel that way, after all going against destiny was much more dangerous and unpredictable.
Arthur, even with all the loss he had suffered in that time, was happy that you were safe and by his side, he wouldn't change that.
Even if the words of support felt good, you could see right through him, and how the situation had definitely damaged him severely.
not only for his lost arm, but for his damaged spirit.
and it was something else that changed him...
The chaos.
Of course, at the time you did not accept that Merlin used Arthur as a vessel for that thing, but it was not in your power to decide, now, with things as they were, you could see more clearly how Chaos affected Arthur.
Even if it was in his general aura, it made him more threatening, colder...menacing.
He did not direct this attitude towards you! With you, in general terms, he was still the same Arthur that you fell in love with, that you married... but he started to change little by little.
Arthur became considerably more clingy after all the trauma he had gone through in the holy war, at first you even considered it normal, if it weren't for the fact that later it could have been seen as a warning sign.
Arthur is more clingy with chaos, he slowly clings to what he has left in the war, in this case, YOU.
For this reason, he begins to show certain tendencies or amplify those he already had, for example, his protection over you.
I have the personal hc that at first Arthur's outbursts due to the chaos only came to light (initially) in moments of high tension(like in the anime), so the first stage of "infection" so to speak passed quite unnoticed.
However, it does not mean that it did not have worrying moments.
Related to the above, Arthur would literally have quite serious fits of rage if you went on, for example, a small reconnaissance mission with Knights and ended up injured.
and I'm not talking about just "getting angry" I mean he might even deploy his sword with them (you'll have to do something if you want the Knights to come out alive, another warning sign...).
At this point, Arthur begins to show more of the side we see in 4kota, although quite Lowkey.
but it doesn't mean he doesn't say some pretty dark things.
For example, his dislike of other races is becoming more and more evident. especially demons.
Even if you want to understand what's happening to him, you can't, not when you see it and you KNOW that this will end very badly...
I don't think Arthur is confrontational, but you definitely don't sit back and watch him talk bad about the races he fought SIDE BY SIDE in the war. Didn't that matter to him anymore? Now they were all the same to him. the?only evil beings who want to harm humanity?
Arthur has the ability to not shout or take fights to extreme levels, but the worst thing is that he also does not deny anything or leave the argument halfway. which only confirms that his ideas are becoming increasingly solid and dangerous.
Unfortunately you cannot see a future where you change his ideas permanently. at least not now. while Arthur becomes more radical day by day.
but at least you know VERY well what this change is due to: Chaos.
It's the first step in undoing the damage, but it's difficult to do it on your own while Chaos has more and more control over Arthur.
He continues to be a good and loving husband to you... I listen to his opinions and ideas... you don't know what to do.
By the time he has the whole plan to use Britannia to rebuild Camelot at the cost of the lives of the other races and to destroy EVERYTHING in favor of an "eternal kingdom"... that's when you start planning.
you need to find a way to get Chaos out of Arthur.
But first you should get away from him, no matter how discouraging it may be. You love your husband, but for that reason you must leave him to SAVE HIM.
Using your Kaleidoscope, you were able to find the perfect way out of "Camelot" before anyone noticed.
and as soon as you were out of that bubble, you began your journey towards Britannia.
To say that Arthur was distraught at first would be an understatement.
Let's say that at first Arthur thinks you were kidnapped, it's that serious.
He has his knights rushing out to go look for you (fearing for their lives when they return without you or clues to your whereabouts) and Arthur is VERY tempted to go on his own to look for you in every corner of the continent.
but he cannot leave the kingdom for too long. Plus he doesn't want to scare you (when he realizes that you left of your own free will).
and Chaos in a way operates a little on their thoughts so that the following happens.
In the time that follows, you continue traveling to various parts of the continent in search of a cure for Arthur.
Have you tried to go with fairies, with giants, alchemists, magicians, etc.
but you can't find anything useful.
apart from the fact that you are constantly avoiding Arthur's Knights, whether they are specially sent to look for you or they are simply there for "recruitment".
You were able to easily keep a low profile, hiding your Kaleidoscope power from people knowing that that would be what could (probably) give you away.
Having seen everything the small towns had to offer, and unable to return to Carmelide safely by Arthur's knights, you made a hasty decision.
You went to see the deadly sins to ask them for help. but first of all, to King Meliodas.
without knowing that that was precisely what Arthur wanted.
Arthur knew you well enough to know that even if you knew you shouldn't avoid the future, he had to be cautious about when he wanted to bring you back.
From there, he wouldn't care much about the matter of destiny, but definitely with the prophecy of the Knights of the Apocalypse around, he saw the perfect moment to start his plan.
NOW, during this time, Arthur became the version we know of 4kota, deceptively friendly but very lethal, more sadistic, but more relaxed so to speak.
He sees this situation as even fun now (being completely infected by chaos), and he honestly can't wait to have you back and see what trick you had up your sleeve.
The Knights know it, "Merlin" knows it, all of "Camelot" knows it, he misses you. and he is anxious for you to return to him.
He was definitely anxious because you did a good job hiding for so long, he lost track of you many times (it's not like his Knights had it easy), but at least now that he's sure where you're going, he can send someone who KNOWS finish the job at once.
After a while, you arrived in Liones, determined to reach Meliodas, when you saw the vision...
you being taken to Camelot by a knight named IronSide.
change of plans.
There wouldn't be time to find what you originally came looking for, but maybe you could warn them about Arthur, change things, for the better.
but it would be difficult to keep a low profile, especially knowing that Arthur's Knight would be lurking. It took you a while to get close.
Meliodas was happy to see you after so long! but he definitely got serious when you said your reason for coming was for Arthur. that he was planning something against Liones, that he had to protect the children from the prophecy (especially Percibal).
and not kill Arthur before you could find a cure for him...
It was at that moment that Megagaland attacked.
oh geez, you have to hide again. you thought and went to your current hiding place.
You weren't that surprised to see that someone was already there...
Arthur could feel when you and Ironside entered Camelot, he could only think 'finally'.
finally someone does their job well, finally everything is back to normal-
You are finally back with him.
The feeling he had before of anticipation becomes more palpable, he is anxiously waiting for you to get to where he is, in the throne room.
and he feels calm, knowing that now he not only has the tactical advantage in this little war, but that he has his dear companion with him. What more could he ask for?
He's anticipating what he's going to say to you... after so much time.
Surprisingly you are also anticipating. You don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
You have closely followed the atrocious acts that Arthur has done in the past and continues to do. He is even willing to kill children in order to follow this "everlasting kingdom" for the love of God...
But you know he won't hurt you. He didn't do it before, he won't do it now. no matter how much it changes.
and even if it is difficult to admit. you miss him. He is your husband after all.
but you also miss how everything was before Chaos intervened.....how you would like to help him-
No, you're going to save him...somehow.
even if now you'll probably have to help him with your kaleidoscope...
is what you think as you go with Ironside to what appears to be the lair of the Knights of Chaos.
You (without Ironside, apparently) are transported to the throne room, and see, for the first time in years, Arthur.
He's barely changed physically, advantages of chaos, you suppose, he looks so deceptively innocent...
and meanwhile Arthur can only be grateful that you are finally here...
Do you have any idea how much you worried him when you left? with nothing to say, just leave... but you came back, he can't be mad at you, not when he's been waiting so long to have you this close again...
Far from being angry or minimally irritated with this "act of rebellion," he seems rather amused, even touched, as if what you had done was adorable...he seems happy.
and in some ways, it's contagious. You don't let your guard down, but you can allow yourself this little moment with your husband...
But when he stands up from his throne, he turns towards you and with an expression that reminds you of when everything was fine, he tells you:
-"welcome home, my queen"-
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
@cattivedonne i hope You like it✨thank You very much for the Request ❤️
Now i'm going to sleep bc i have doctor tomorrow morning😭
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blue-thief · 3 months
misc. isakainess/kainessagi hcs bc there needs to be more stuff about them
isagi and ness were actually the first to get together first
kaiser always demands to be in the middle when cuddling
ness started off as the main cook but isagi decided to get into the kitchen himself cuz no one else was gonna make him japanese food lmao
you know it's bad when he starts missing natto of all things
kaiser can't fucking cook. he's not allowed in the kitchen.
not that he's complaining
stuff about meeting each other's parents:
i'm gonna be honest, kaiser's backstory could go in literally any way so i cannot imagine wtf his parents would be like so i'm skipping his parents for now
isagi's parents would probably be shocked that 1) their son is gay, and 2) their son has two bfs??? but they'd be super supportive and shower kaiser + ness w tons of love and food
meanwhile, isagi and kaiser meeting ness's parents.....
i think they would actually be surprisingly progressive despite... everything so they wouldn't be too bothered by the fact that ness is queer & polyam
they WOULD have a problem w the ppl he chose as partners though lmao
they would high-key be judging kaiser and kaiser would be super snippy back at them
isagi would try to be nice but the moment it came out that his least favourite subjects in school were math and science?
nahh bro's cooked
i feel like ness's siblings would be single and ness would be like "you may have mom and dad's love and approval but i have two partners while you both have NONE. BITCH"
safe to say they won't be spending christmas with ness's family
actually now that you think of it
do any of them celebrate christmas
ness's parents are def the type of science-obsessed atheists to scoff at all religion so they DEFINITELY never celebrated christmas lmao
kaiser... i really don't fucking know what his family was like but the ONE thing i'm sure of is that bitch was raised catholic
he's probably no longer religious though so as an adult he never really bothered doing anything special for it
deep down ness has always wanted to experience the magic of santa and stuff or whatever but he never had the courage to bring it up
the one who spurs everyone into celebrating christmas is isagi actually 😭😭
bro's literally the one most removed from the context of religion
but yk how kfc in japan somehow convinced everyone that eating kfc on christmas is a holiday tradition
on dec 25 isagi just said "heyy it's christmas we should go eat at kfc"
then ness and kaiser just stared at him like "wtf do you mean"
and they both have to explain, no, eating kfc is not in fact a christmas tradition in the west, that's a capitalist lie
they go to kfc anyway and that's the extent of their christmas celebrations lmao
i lingered way too much on the christmas thing for three characters who are currently not religious at all
anywayyyy this is getting long and i can always make another set of hcs another time <3
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jonglo · 6 months
Hi💕 can i request a headcanon with Sehun just boyfriend things
hi!! omg i've been wanting to do hc but i didn't know on who. also sorry it took awhile work has been beating my ass..
Sehun as your boyfriend !
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Warnings: brief nsfw?? not explicit
where do I even start LMAOOO
I feel like he's the silent love type at the beginning but as the relationship continues he just can't contain it
like shy and just wanting to be near you to playful bickers and being a complete brat
he makes sure to get his way when asking you for anything.
but he will literally fold and do anything for you if you asked
the type to say no and do it anyway just to keep the "image"
you also turn into his target audience
anything to make you laugh
if hes with the members and they don't laugh at his joke. he will be telling you the story in full context just to end with the joke.
you also turn into his hitting target for when he laughs at his own jokes.
honestly i think he's the type to leave "i love you" for more intimate moments
like his texts always end with a care message rather an ily
if it's cold? "make sure to layer up"
if it's hot? "make sure to bring water"
traveling long distance? "be safe, tell me when you get there"
now this doesn't mean he doesn't say ily, its just he feels it shows more sincerity in person.
in person he definitely ends every sentence with i love you
it slips off the tongue always.
"you know i love you, right?" everyday
no literally, everyday.
so everyone knows he doesn't like sleeping alone... get ready for that.
hes always whining asking for you to come over and go to sleep with him
literally every night that you two aren't already together hes spam texting you.
you always end up coming over.
if you play with his hair while he sleeps, you are his soulmate.
omg and little pecks on his face
he's obsessed
as for dates
i feel like he prefers more of a "lets sit and make each other laugh" type of date.
or maybe just a casual lunch where you two just catch up on more intimate parts of your life.
just wants to show you everything
you are literally his personal hype person
oml god forbid you don't pay attention to him when he shows you something
the type to fake his own demise at that very second
if he shows you a picture of him, you have to thank him for giving you a chance to see his beauty while kissing his feet.
just kidding LMAOOO
he just wants you to acknowledge the picture and maybe call him the sexiest man alive thats all! not so hard!
i think the only arguments would be from misread sarcasm from his side that causes major miscommunication.
after the first fight he does explain himself more often.
he just doesn't separate play from seriousness sometimes.
like if you show him a new outfit or hairstyle he will just say ew
out of habit of course
but truly he thinks you are the best looking person ever, just second to him of course
he actually shows you off all the time
on a schedule, everyone knows each and every outfit you had on for the last year.
the type to send you pictures of anything and everything.
pictures of the road.
"what am i looking at" "street" "nice"
kind of like his instagram.
literally mid conversation too just pics of a empty cup.
say omg wow and you can continue the conversation.
now as far as nsfw...
ill leave it at power bottom
and mirrors.
mirrors every single time.
thats all
if you want i can do a nsfw part two
but overall he's a shelled lover. you just gotta push him out and he will love and worship every single part of you.
he wont admit it but he thinks you are the number one most beautiful person on earth. before him, of course.
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heartsoji · 1 year
kenma + cuddles + stormy weather + only one bed
a/n: writing more comfort for myself bc there have been too many thunderstorms i hate this someone move me to antartica with the penguins and no thunder ALSO sorry if the grammar is wrong or smth i didn't proofread lol
you sighed.
"this sucks."
kuroo, the outdoorsy one of the group, decided that it would be fun to go camping. however, knowing that the two of you preferred the indoors and hated bugs, he decided to rent a cabin. (which was actually kinda sweet and considerate gj kuroo)
however, he made a little misclick and accidentally ordered a cabin with one bed. for the three of you.
so he called up the owners of the cabin and asked if they had any futons or anything, to which they told him to go buy himself a bed or a futon lol
so kuroo, being the prideful idiot he is, decided to drive AN HOUR AND A HALF back to civilization to buy 2 WHOLE ASS BEDS when it was 1am (nvm kuroo ur an idiot)
now, the two of you were stuck in a tiny little cabin that kuroo was going to jam TWO WHOLE BEDS in
tbh at this point u were ready to just SLEEP and kenma was literally melting onto the floor
buuuut there was only one bed and the two of you were too scared to sleep on it bc ur both v observant people and noticed that the other looked dead
so after these like rly awkward 15 minutes where there was no talking and no sound, you both sat on the couch (that literally felt like cardboard wtf kuroo) and you watched kenma play games on his game boy bc there was NO SERVICE and also you genuinely enjoy watching him play games bc he has the CUTEST EXPRESSIONS when he plays games
however, at some point, it started raining and you two got a text from kuroo
from 'rooster' to you and 'kenma':
The rain back here is rly bad so I have to wait it out. Be back tmrw :)
the two of you decided to suck it up after joking around and insulting him for a good 5 minutes (were ugs rly joking ?) and grabbed a blanket and sat back down on the cardboard couch.
you liked the rain. it was nice that there was more sound in the cabin that just the sound of buttons being rapidly pressed.
however, at some point, the rain turned into a thunderstorm.
you were terrified, to say the least. thunder has always been one of your absolute worst fears.
however, you didn't want to make a scene. especially not in front of your crush.
but ofc kenma being the observant man he is, noticed that you were gripping onto his shoulder a little tighter, and that you slightly tensed up whenever the thunder in the background roared. (for context you were holding onto his shoulder to see his game)
when he eventually came to the conclusion that you were terrified of thunder, he wasn't really sure what to do. comfort you? turn off his game? have you go to sleep? play some music? like what was he supposed to do
lucky for him, you figure out what he has to do for him. when a particularly loud and boomy thunder (they're all loud and boomy but this one was VERY loud and boomy) roars, you instinctively curl yourself close to him, eyes shut in terror.
he knows what to do now.
he turns off his game boy, sets it aside, and gently holds you close as he rubs your back.
"it's ok." he whispers soothingly. "it's all ok."
you're veryslightly embarrassed by the fact that you're literally curled up with your crush right now, but you don't really have time to think about the embarrassment with the thunder in the background
however, he provides you the sweetest comfort (contrary to my thunder comfort hcs lmao) and just wordlessly rubs your back and runs his fingers through your hair (bc he knows how good it feels lol)
his comfort is so nice that you end up falling asleep curled into him.
after your breathing steadies and he knows you're asleep, he lets his emotions show a bit more. the stupid smile that he's been biting back unleashes itself and finds its way onto his features. he gazes down at your sleeping figure, all curled up and snuggling into his chest, and feels his cheeks heat up a little. he lets himself drift of to sleep too.
you both end up waking up bc the couch is hard as cardboard about an hour later. he sighs and offers you the bed but you refuse immediately. the couch was uncomfortable af, the floor was worse and you were not about to let him sleep on it.
however, the same went for him. it would appear that both of you were incredibly stubborn.
kenma was the one to propose the "how about we both sleep on the bed? it's a queen so there'll be enough room.."
he may look calm and cool as ever when saying this, but if you look at his ears, they're bright red.
you nervously agree, and the two of you slowly climb into the bed.
the bed wasn't super comfortable, but it was much better than the couch. you slowly drift off to sleep.
you and kenma were both woken up at the same time by a rooster (not kuroo, an actual rooster) cock-a-doodle-doo-ing. when you opened your eyes, you were met with kenma's face about two inches from yours.
"AH!" you both screamed and tried to jump away, but couldn't. you looked down and realized that the two of you had intertwined legs and hands at night in your sleep.
to say the least, you were embarrassed. you could feel your cheeks burning up, and you saw kenma's ears turn bright red.
"uhm.." kenma started. "i.."
"I'M BACK!! D'YA MISS ME?" kuroo (the actual one, not his twin who woke u up)
you both whipped ur heads around and tried to untangle yourselves before he saw, but it was too late.
"oya?" (I NEVER PUT ANYTHING DOWN IN JAPANESE BUT IT JUST FELT SO APPROPRIATE) he had the biggest smirk on his face.
"ding a ling ling! whoa look at that i have a call be right back~!"
that cheeky brat.
"so, um, kenma.." you started, not really knowing what to say.
he cut you off. "how about we have this conversation after the trip is over?"
"yeah. lets do that."
the rest of the trip was actually decently fun, especially knowing that your crush liked you back and that you could look forward to that conversation after it was over. and as much as you hated to admit it, it was all thanks to kuroo and his idiotic brain.
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shi-bxnii · 10 months
i will get hate for this likely but TWST HC's/Character Writings that annoy me and/or i feel are OOC
(check below cut) (all dorms/staff) (note: these are my personal opinions, do what you want, these arent for "Hey dont do this >:(" , im literally just saying what i personally feel, GO CRAZY AAA GO STUPID)
👑 Riddle HC: He's uptight and doesn't know fun
My take: He can be uptight and arguebly doesn't have fun in the same way others do but its been shown a few times riddle is a bit feral in his own way
♣️ Trey HC: Sweet mama friend whos done no wrong and needs a break
My take: He is a sweet mama friend but he has been shown quite a few times to do some (harmless) underhanded things for his own gain (Starsending Event: Getting a new blender/juicer/whatever it was)
♦️Cater HC: Bubbly guy whos secretly depressed with an internet addiction and THATS IT
My take: though not inherently wrong a lot of ppl dumb down his character to be very vague and two dimensional, Cater is also very alturistic in some cases and has shown to have a variety of skills (maybe not Trey/Ruggie lvl but its still skills)
♥️Ace HC: Mean as hell even in pranks(? this isnt one thats blatantly stated but written on a lot)
My take: Ace CAN be an ass but a lot of the time he will backout or realize his fuck up and make up for it, hes not jus sum ass that ppl talk too, hes a bully in the most loving way possible (lookin at deuce about that one LOL)
♠️Deuce HC: Oblivious dumbass
My take: Now in the context of School or sayings/confusing wording THIS IS VERY TRUE, but ppl make Deuce an all around idiot ive noticed and it annoys me, Deuce is very streets smart both in literal and just like,, hes a dude that knows things, and it annoys me so bad when they jus make Deuce a dumbass
🦁Leona HC: Hes heavily self interested
My take: also another that isnt inherently wrong but also is taken way outta context, Leona can and will be self serving but hes also shown to be kind and considerate and willing to help (even if he tries to deflect by saying it wasn't on his mind/not that it was truly within his heart), hes just a more intense Tsundere than Jack
🍩Ruggie HC: Same as leona with heavy self interest
My take: now this is more true then leonas but theres been a few times where ruggies done things for no/little gain, especially when it involves some level of danger, he may still joke about it but hes always pulled through
🐺Jack HC: this is also not a stated HC but ppl seem to forget how territorial/aggressive Jack gets so in writings hes usually just sum laid back guy
My take: Dude has been shown countless times to be headstrong and be aggressive and territorial, maybe not in the Adeuce, Tweel way but he in his own right has been shown to be aggressive (even if playful or more tamed then the formentioned)
🐙Azul HC: Dark skin (visual HC)
My take: I AGREE AND DISAGREE, ive seen ppl give some characters vitiligo but NEVER to azul, if anything it WOULD be Azul, not only that Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease with factors such as stress, and who stresses more than anyone? AZUL, i usually consider most Visual canon to be just that with very little HC's but if Azul is to be interpreted with dark skin, mf has vitiligo
😈Floyd HC: Older of the twins and a variety of romantic HC's/writings i cant all list
My take: Its been shown in either a viginette or an event (i think an event) that despite being born within the same timing, Jade was actually first before Floyd (Jade makes a joke about keeping him around so im guessing the mf murked all his other siblings eggs djebdjsb ???) // As for romantic HC's writings what annoys me most is that he will usually be interpreted as very loving + his mood swings, i know damn well if Floyd had a gf/bf hes sTILL abiding to himself, now there are some factors that wouldnt keep this true to a default but floyd is floyd
👿Jade HC: He's just as seen in game//no real depth
My take: Its shown during the camp vargas event that Jade is actually extremely excitable and even (according to those around him (i think Cater says it)) that he even shouts in excitement about the natural Oven he was gunna make to cook the fish, Jade is very mannerly and a bit hard to read and its been stated as true, but Jade is also just a fucking nerd as well when you peel back the layers he isnt just that same guy as before
🎉Kalim HC: Both in HC's and writings a LOT of people drive on the fact of kalims "obliviousness"
My take: NOW THIS ONE MAKES ME THE MOST ANNOYED, Kalim may be happy go lucky and sunshine like, but that motherfucker is AWARE, now you may try and ref Jamil in B4 but- BUT- Jamil is his literal lifelong friend and even if he was blatantly backstabbing at some points Kalim gave him the benefit of doubt, because hes known him all of his life and ik you mfs LYIN if you said you wouldnt for a life long friend... // Also Kalim despite his delivery being happy/sunshine like, Kalim has been shown to have a more feral (similer to Ace) side and even a more snarky side, though rare and playful at most hes not just some 🌞 fr
🐍Jamil HC: Transfem
My take: NOW BEFORE YALL GET MAD, its not the inherit fact that ppl will HC this, do what you want have fun, but i hate that a lot of the reason ppl will HC this, is simply long hair more fem aligned appearance.,,, suddenly men can't have shit,,,, again if you want to i dont really care it just a random irk of mine at most
👑Vil HC: similar to Jamil's and self interest once again
My take: Similar to Jamil, a lot of ppl will HC Vil transf/m due to the fact that within the JP ver, Vil uses a pronoun/self identifier commonly used for/in feminine use, but also for masc use,,, this one is also jus a random irk and i truly do not mind at all but i hate when ppl base of very little things (ik i sound stupid these r jus my opinions LOL)...// Self interest again but Vil's literally in B5 shown to not only not tell anyone but do it on his own whim to post Epel's family product so they can buy out to the point Epel had to give back the crates of Juice his family got him, Vil did that himself, he may be cunt(y) but hes also very considerate
🏹Rook HC: N/A
My take: Surprisingly i see very little HC's of Rook and when i do they make sense to me (Ex: Dark skin and coily/wavy hair, mf was born n raised in Afterglow savanna so even if he has whiter genetics, mf DEFINITELY having darker skin, hes a hunter hes oUTSIDE)
🍏Epel: Transmasc (but for the wrong reasons)
My take: Now of all characters to HC as trans DOES make sense, but also at the same time Epel normally doesnt mind who he is, its only when its used negatively/to mock him or something that he knows ppl will think "less of him" for it,,, this one irks me way less but a lot of ppl will HC/Write epel way more sensitively about himself then he is whether with a trans HC or not, overall though this HC does make the most sense to me
💠Idia HC: N/A
My take: Same as Rook, i dont see a lot i dont disagree with or aren't too far from Canon, i will say my fav Idia HC is that hes a complete weeb and has a body pillow of some sort, man wants to be a non normie so bad but fell for the normie weeb traps (body pillow and prolly owns a figurine of the waifu) LOL
🌐Ortho HC: N/A
My take: i dont see a lot of Visual or normal HC's in general for ortho which makes me sad, give my son more swag,,,, i will say i did see a HC that orthos normal body (robo) his shoulders are white boards and people will write stuff on them and that ppl will normally decorate him with stickers :3
🐲Malleus: HOO boy theres a lot
My take: way too many to write on this post but i will say that for rom! HC's and writings... MF THIS BITCH GOT NO RIZZ NO SWAGGER, everyone writes or HC's him to be the most romantic mystery dragon prince... brotha this man dont know how to use a phone you think he knows what talkin to a romantic interest + being good at flirting is like?? nuh uh you know damn well that mf askin lillia in near tears what the hell to do
🦇Lillia: Also a lot :(
My take: Doing rom! HC's/Writings again.,,, i feel like in general Lillia would actually avoid personal romances, he wouldn't be like EW ICKY, but considering his past and current responsibilities (Looking after his two sons Mal and Silver and then their cousin Sebek), i think it would be much harder for him to actually be involved in romance
🐊Sebek HC: Also a LOT GAHHH
My take: Now for this one i feel like ppl make Sebek similar to deuce and make him an oblivious dunce, Sebek is smart as hell but he jus doesn't understand customs outside of Fae, hes from Briar valley where most people are fae, and also dont have internet, you cant blame him for being bad at lingo and oblivious to what we would normally know by like age 8../// Also funnily enough i feel like Sebek and Mal get rev for rom HC's (Mal being filled with Swagger while Lillia helps sebek),,, i feel like despite not knowing normal customs,, if Sebek ever pursued someone romantically he would actually not be bad at it, sure a bit lost here n there but i feel like hes got swagger
⚔️Silver HC: That he takes things passively
My take: Silver has been shown to act against others wishes even those with authority (Even more so in B7 but i wont spoil),, Silver often acts as a voice of reason to Sebek as well in those moments but due to Sebeks tunnel vision up until B7, mf wont hear it, and since Silver basically has known Sebek all his life, to see him not press on the matter more in certain aspects is normal, ppl with headstrong siblings know this especially, sometimes you jus gotta be like "okay fine"
In general i feel like a lot of people forget THIS IS AN ENTIRE SCHOOL the game is set in, teachers can take on different classes,,, but theres more teachers than just Vargas, Crewel and Trein, YOU SEE THAT BIG ASS SCHOOL? Theres a least 20 more teachers runnin around that bitch other than the ghosts, but since its a game and not like a series, Obviously they cant jus throw a random teacher every scene
✨Crowley HC: N/A
My take: A lot of HC's are usually just addition to canon or within character so i have no complaints
🐱Trein HC: Also N/A
My take: a lot of HC's for trein r very in character so i honestly dont have any annoyances
🐩Crewel HC: STRICT
My take: as a teacher? yes duh, but as a person? Crewel is definitely cheetah print joint smokin leggings and hello kitty tattoo aunt and classical and fancy wine aunt fusion, soon as mf off the clock hes MESSY in the auntie way
🥇Vargas HC: N/A
My take: now this isnt a HC/Writing but the way EVERYONE CLOWNS VARGAS ATTIRE..... the costumes for crewel n vargas in camp vargas were not bad at all imo, they werent spos to look like runway models or the latest trend that was GOOD costume design for something that was only spos to be VAGUELY seen cuz its DARK
🔮Sam HC: N/A
My take: I rarely see HC's of Sam :(
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nightcolorz · 3 months
I must confess something, I do not understand white Vox lol is it just his VA? He may be just a TV with a body but his eyes seem to be drawn as east asian and thats his most prominent human feature. Majority of the time I see people draw him as a human they actually erase his real eye shape to (I assume) make him look more white. There's no real canon so people can hc whatever but I am so intrigued by how people are interpreting him white. I promise there are nasty tech/media ceos that overwork their employees all over the world... maybe im reading too much into it because the show is otherwise verrrry western-centric. Just curious how you view it, you're definitely in the majority and i realize people like me are the outliers but just saw your post and had to ask (if you didnt mind sharing).
Anon is referring to this post btw for context: https://www.tumblr.com/nightcolorz/746235899544813568/my-hot-take-is-that-i-think-that-a-vox-human?source=share
Anon ur hella polite and ik u got good intentions so I was stressing a little over how to respond without invalidating ur headcanon cuz like, I never want to be the guy saying “this character is white and u can’t headcanon them as a racial minority” cuz that’s pretty shitty no matter what. We definitely have different takes but when I’m explaining my interpretation I don’t wanna sound like I’m trying to boss ppl around and say there’s only one way u can see these characters. This is just my personal interpretation and I was being funny in my og post implying that my interpretation is the “correct” way. But since u asked I’ll explain my reasoning why I (and prob other ppl) see Vox as extremely white lol.
I don’t take Vox’s physical appearance into account at all when thinking about his ethnicity cuz in a show were everyone is pretty racially ambiguous design wise Vox is one of the most ambiguously humanoid characters, like my guy literally has a tv for a head with eyes and a mouth, and that’s it. I don’t see ur point about his eyes at all tbh, to me Vox’s vaguely slanted eyes have always come off more like a devious squint than an ethnic feature. Even still I don’t read slanted eyes as Asian automatically so it never occurred to me.
I don’t read as Vox as white bcus of his VA being white or him being a tech bro billionaire (but ig they play a part). I read Vox as white mostly bcus I see his background as a former religious extremist/cult leader from the 50s with a skill in life and in death for male manipulating ppl and using them for his own gain as very white and western. (I got this info from his official reference sheet for auditioning va’s, here that is)
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His capitalistic ideals and business practices r meant to mirror (extremely white) billionaires like Musk and Bezos, which adds to my perception of him. Of course being a billionaire tech guy is not a western white man exclusive thing, but I feel that if we were meant to perceive Vox as someone not from America that would definitely be coded or in some way communicated. And I say this with as little ill will as possible, but for me I wouldn’t want to perceive Vox as an East Asian tech bro billionaire specifically bcus there r negative stereotypes and connotations attached there. East Asian men have a history of being negatively stereotyped as corrupt tech business owners. I don’t think u are trying to imply those stereotypes with ur head canon (frankly it’s hard to avoid negative stereotypes in fiction a lot of the time bcus stereotypes encompass such a vast range of things that its hard to take them all into account). But regardless, it’s smth we should try to be conscious of.
Anyways, I also usually take these character’s personalities and values, self image, etc into account when im thinking about race, bcus race is more then color, and especially for characters with lives and personalities based in much less tolerant time periods, it’s significant to consider how race would play a role in forming the way they navigate the world. Based on how Vox behaves I can’t see him as being racially marginalized. I’m gonna compare Vox to alastor a little cuz alastor is canonically creole and I think he serves as a good reference for someone I perceive as not white in comparison to Vox and how I think he differs and contradicts the experiences of a racial minority.
Vox to me comes off as someone who thinks he is entitled to power, respect, privilege, etc, which is a very standard type of attitude for a white man who was alive in the 1950s to have. He’s very emotionally immature and volatile, doesn’t seem to concern much over his public image beyond petty dick measuring contests with alastor (he regularly publicly has angry tantrums and doesn’t break a sweat over how this will affect his status). He obviously cares about it (scolding Valentino for embarrassing him and such) but he doesn’t seem to worry about loss of reputation in any sort of real way. I get the impression that Vox has always had at least a standard amount of social standing and privilege and can’t see a life for himself without the fundamental privilege he feels owed there to support him. He’s basically a man baby, a man baby who still manages to garner power and respect effortlessly (it comes naturally to him) while remaining whiny and insecure. Very white man of him! White man behavior!
in comparison, Alastor, (who I do not read as white) is always frantically clinging to his composed self image and his power as if it will slip away from him if he loosens his grasp at all. He has an extremely firm grip on his composure to the point where he never allows anyone to see him slip at all, let alone frown (despite his mental health and emotional well being being equally fragile as Vox’s). Alastor understands deeply how little the world owes him and how difficult and unreliable his acquiring of status actually is. He is borderline neurotic about retaining his power and staying on top. Despite the smile, Alastor is always defensive and fearful, picking fights with anyone he thinks might be a threat like a small dog or a prey animal would. Meanwhile, Vox conducts himself like a man with nothing to loose. I feel like Vox grew up with money and doesn’t know poverty or a lack of privilege in any intimate way that would drive him to guard it in anyway beyond flippant. To Vox power, status, and privilege are inherent. Same can’t be said for alastor.
tldr in conclusion Vox’s brand of bad feels very specific to a white man, alongside his emotional immaturity and his attitude, mindset, and behavior. This is why I see him as white asf, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong or it’s in anyway less correct to headcanon him as a different race. That’s just how I see him. Thank u for sending the ask anon it was pretty interesting to write! Have a good day! (btw i love Vox he’s one of my fav character lol me calling him a white as shit privileged entitled man baby douchebag is out of love and all I find interesting and fun about him)
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starrylayle · 2 months
been thinking abt how the marauders era relationships would pan out in every universe and here are my thoughts!!
Wolfstar — lowkey controversial but I don’t think they’re soulmates — they’re more, kinda-wrong person, right time. I think they’d only end up together when things go to shit. Which is part of why I love them so much and why I love them in the canon universe. James and Lily are dead, Peter is a traitor, remus is unemployed and sirius….poor sirius. So yeah, They’re just two fucked up lads trying their best to love despite the world being against them. In universes where they don’t fall in love, can imagine they think the other’s a little off-putting or perhaps no really strong emotions. I think that’s why their connection in the canon universe is so special to me, because I just don’t think they’re relationship would be as prominent if circumstances were different (in other universes).
Prongsfoot — they’re literally soulmates. In every fucking universe. Sometimes, it’s platonic (tho never strictly), sometimes, romantic, sometimes an intense sexual bond as enemies?? Either way they’re always a little bit in love with each other. I do hc James as straight in the canon universe but yeah they definitely made out. And in other universes where James is queer they’re having the time of their lives. Anyways so yeah. Soulmates in every universe.
Jily — Love Jily! I see them as a first love situation. Some universes (like the main one) their love becomes immortalised. However, in others, maybe they move on and find other people, but since they were each other’s first love they always have a special place in their heart for each other <33
Jegulus — …………………………………………………………..
Prongstail — always doomed in the long run. Kinda childhood friends to lovers to ……. . A bit of unrequitedness because I don’t think James could ever love Peter enough. And in every universe Peter always has an inferiority complex and bottled resentment. They’re relationship rarely ends well.
Snily — ooh this is an interesting one. Similar to prongsfoot, I think they’re also a kind of doomed childhood-friend-to-lovers. Except I think that in the universes where Sev does not end being a bigot, they could probably date for a bit. They wouldn’t last tho and would remain as friends. In one universe Lily is an out and proud Lesbian and Sev is a closeted t-girl and they date for a bit but eventually decide to become friends (Lily still supports transfem!Sev in her transition tho). Canon universe tho,,, Sev had a crush on her and maybe Lily did too, but fifth year and James lol.
Nobleflower — ooooh love me some sapphic friends-to-star-crossed-lovers! I feel like in every universe they’d be on opposing sides, depending on circumstance.
Marylene — Friends to lovers, right person wrong time in the canon universe, but in other universes they’re thriving. They still would have had some sort of codependent, homoerotic friendship leading up to it lmaoo.
Dorlene — I like to think they’re always rivals in some context. Sometimes it leads to a fiery relationship, and sometimes it’s just aggressive sexual tension while they’re on opposing fields.
Jeverus — oooh people hate this but. Toxic rivals/enemies to lovers. Sometimes it works out, most of the time it doesn’t. The hate they hold for each is very strong but so is the sex
anyways this was fun!! Lemme know what u guys agree/disagree with! Maybe I’ll do a part 2 lol.
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lesfir · 1 month
This is the kind of post that become a flight of thought and reasoning with a bit of hc. The Break Up with Lord Astarion Like: Asc Astsrion dickpic photo of a drunk ex - behavior nah well if drunk... still nah+meh Astarion has centuries of seduction experience. His brains aren't so smooth as to send Tav a "dickpic" in hopes of attention and success. He'll come up with a really nice and neat plan to get Tav to come to him on their own. He's got time. It's AU meme modernity ofc. It's hard to work. Without context, Astarion loses a lot. The medieval, vampirism and slavery is a big context. Depends on how painful it was. Let's say it went okay, a little uncomfortable, but normal. In modern times, if Tav was kind, he'd be something charitable, showy. For Tav and good for building influence, too. For love of the people. If Tav was more evil. He'd be doing something extravagant, still logical. Looking like a fool is not a best seduction tactic. For a good Tav, he'd create parks in the city, and support the arts, charities. For the evil Tav, he would seek influence in closed circles so that those she knows about (admires) would talk about him and his deeds like new skyscraper-hotels with casinos. In any field he would quickly become famous: a beautiful man with refined taste. Speaking of the Middle Ages, in Faerun. Depends on what Tav is interested in, it's magic - the best relics from around the world in Baldur's Gate. New opportunities for mages from all over Faerun. Come to Baldur's Gate. Warfare - don't even ask. Fella will climb into any dragon lair on his own to get to impress. (And have some fun). Astarion despite having goals, would quite enjoy and discover new things in the world. In general, he would get his way. I don't think it's even canonically obsessive, that you can't get off once, like a frenzy, nah.
He'd remember his personal plans, he'd party a lot, he'd be sad sometimes that Tav couldn't share the fun with him. Eventually he was able to taste the food again. There was so much around that he couldn't for 200 years. Seriously he would eat 10 kinds of desserts and enjoy them, forgetting everything. I prefer it when Tav loves everything and shares eternity, pleasures and decadence, the line of play. In this line-breakup I'm more interested in the “partners in crime” that Lord Astarion suggests. That's the fun line of the game.
Here, if Tav friendly agrees, he definitely:
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Kinda Friendship Zone. But Astarion is ok with it.
-- Everyone on the Sword Coast thinks they're having an affair. -- He very often emphasized in the beginning that Tav was his friend, like a little poke. But he stopped doing that when Tav returned the favor. -- Astarion feels the need to touch Tav's hand. In general, touching Tav makes him feel better. This Tav is also tactile, she needs to touch someone she likes, someone she is friends with. -- That Tav is a druid. She turns into a frog if Astarion goes too far. And starts croaking. A thing that makes him angry, sad and happy. -- Astarion crosses the lines of edgy flirting while dancing. -- Sometimes Astarion thinks dark thoughts, but he always just thinks them. He has time. To lose her smile is to be a fool. -- He always sulks for about three days when their temprs clash. But that doesn't happen very often. This Tav is as calm as a toad in the sun. -- Surprisingly. He was so greedy for her time, literally, but he'd only gently invite her to join him - for a party, a walk, on a ship to Calimport. Tav had said no a few times. Needing to keep her distance, not to spoil the greedy dragon. And he'd just go like a cat and she'd be bored while he got the fun of traveling. He brought back souvenirs. But she would have liked to see his smile the first time he looked at this town. -- No friend in the Realms gets gifts like Tav. -- His legions of crows are on duty outside her house. Tav didn't mind, she didn't have the best opinion of the world anyway. They were showing up together, these rumors... who need to prick him, will prick her. -- At sunset they often walk together in the parks in the Upper City.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
TLDR: the shepards are immigrants from haiti who escaped from this dictatorship and found themselves in tulsa, tim made himself to be this intimidating guy because he wanted to protect his family, especially angela and curly, and that's also kinda how the shepard gang came to be
ALRIGHT SO QUICK CONTEXT, In the late 1950s, haiti was already facing political instability and economic challenges, so in the 1960s in haiti, this guy named papa doc came into power. He was ur average politician, when trying to get into office, he would cater to the needs of poor people and other marginalized groups, promising to address to their needs. Skipping past some electoral fraud, papa doc won through bribery, intimidation, and all around manipulation. When he was in power, he quickly made sure to try and keep that power and grow it, even creating this paramilitary force called the tonton macoutes. Anyone who opposed him were crushed,LITERALLY ANYONE who went against him were mostly jailed, tortured, or even killed, civilians, other haitian politicians, activist, ANYONE. And as you would guess, he would also censor the media, and made sure people were only glorifying his rule, and papa doc would essentially steal resources for himself, and ignore the needs of the haitian people.
NOW THE SHEPARDS IN HAITI, i would imagine that they of course had to flee, in fear for their lives however, of course it wasn't easy to do. Bc of papa doc, there were restrictions on immigration. Papa doc viewed immigration a threat to his power and would heavily surveil ppl who he saw as his enemies (aka people who went against what he wanted them to say). NOW i hc the shepards mother to have been this activist or AT LEAST someone who spoke out against what he was doing. Before she say him as this hope, but she quickly realized what was happening, tried to speak out against him, and got on his bad side, and was now not only heavily censored, but also bc now she wants to leave haiti, she's also being watched by papa doc's people. To make it clear, (NOT DOING MY MATH JUST GOING ON MY HEAD), tim is like AROUND a tween and angela and curly are like idk 9 or something, curly and angela dont really understand what's going on because their mom is changing, she's less outspoken and more depressed, but tim understands because he's been reading what his moms been saying and listening into her conversations with other activist. But back to what I was saying, their mother wants to leave haiti but papa doc's people is harassing not only her but her family, trying to stop them from leaving the country and spreading what's happening. At some point, their mom pulled tim aside and told him to protect angela and curly and that's just always been engraved in his mind. Now skipping over some other things that would really just deter me from what I want to do in this post, immigrating to the US was HARD, because of papa doc, but also bc the us is just SHITTY. It was literally just hard for haitians who wanted to move to get the legal documents the legal documents they needed to get to emigrate legally and even if they did, it would always jut be a very lengthy and complex journey, with NO guarantee of success
now up to this point, you can either see the shepards as legal immigrants or illegal immigrants, however because they get into a LOT of legal problems, im gonna say that they are legal immigrants cause they def would've been deported or somethin
NOW WHEN THEY GET TO THE US, haitians MOSTLy moved to states like florida or new york, and some other states I can't name off the top of my head rn, but I think they did have someone in the US who was willing to help them and that's how they got there, if i didn't just imagine this shit, the shepards canonically have a step father, and so I feel like that's how they got to america, maybe their mother married him for a green card or whatever, Im not fully fleshing this idea out, maybe ill do it later, but y'all get what i mean, someone helped the shepard immigrate out of haiti, and either their mom, their bio dad, or their step father got the job, and so they found themselves in tulsa
obviously theyre facing racial discrimination, its the 1960s in america, its like dead middle of the civil rights movement, noirisme in haiti is still popping off and goin strong, so while the shepards are in a VERY racist time, they themselves, dont feel down or bash themselves for being black, they are VERY MUCH comfortable being who they are and wouldn't change that, and because people stereotype that in black people as being "rude" and "aggressive" sometimes, that's exactly what happened to the shepards, ESPECIALLY because theyre dark skinned I wanna make that be known right now
Going deeper into how this impacted tim, curly, and angela now!!!
So obviously, they have thick haitian accents, how they pronounce their r's isn't really pronounced, they speak kinda slow bc they have to translate what theyre saying, and they get laughed at for that, and that's where tim like, wanted to prove himself and wanted to protect his family. Even before moving to the us, tim HAD to step up and take care of angela and curly because his mom was really caught up in other things, so when their in a COMPLETLEY NEW ENVIORMENT??? that ramped tf UP, tim tolerated absolutely no disrespect from ANYONE about his family, and like I said, because of those stereotypes about black people, ESPECIALLY dark skinned black people, he was basically villanized, ADDING ONTO THE FACT NOBPDY REALLY UNDERSTOOD HIM BECAUSE HES A HAITIAN IMMIGRANT AND COULDNT EXACTLY COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE THE WAY HE WANTED TO?????? yea he was villanized BAD, and this would happen with curly and angela too, dont think it didn't, and that's how the shepards started building this idea of being 'intimidating' and people you 'shouldnt mess with', they knew the area they were in was really dangerous, and so they used this system that was already against them to protect themselves and their family, but also because they can be really intimidating people and WILL beat a bitch up
And long story short since this post is ALREADY long as shit, but that's also how the shepard gang came to be!!! as they got more and more used to being in america, they made friends with the people they could trust and started out as this group of friends like the curtis gang, but then they saw how important it was to have a gang in these times, especially when it came to greasers vs socs, and became this scary gang
ANYWAYS YAP SESH OVER, i didn't really spell check or flesh out some ideas or anything like that cause im running off of my asthma medication rn and im very shakey but omggg if y'all have any questions about this do tell me this is very fun for me to do
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