#I love how the background is looking creepy yet so calm and silent
citowon · 3 years
spring troupe and gender neutral s/o watch horror movies
about time i finally write for this blog... i was hit with the image of masumi watching a horror movie with his s/o, thought how lovely it would be if there was content of that, then realized i have that power now
word count: 1,935
tags: established relationship, non-detailed mentions of horror themes (gore, monsters, etc)
sakuya sakuma
🌸 when the topic of a horror movie date first comes up, he’s a bit scared. he’s only seen a couple, one of which was for mankai play research.
🌸 when it’s actually showing, though, he’s pretty calm! the anticipation was the worst part, and he somehow doesn’t get scared even during the most terrifying movie of the year. he’s great at reminding himself it’s just fictional in the end
🌸 vampires? not scary. aliens? he thinks they’re cute! gore? well, yeah, it’s unnerving at first but it’s all fake, and once he reminds himself of that he’s fine
🌸 he gets scared at the littlest things though. there might be a continuity error where a knife is in its holder on the counter in one shot and then removed the next, and no one in the movie acknowledges it nor is it supposed to mean anything but he can and will psych himself out thinking about just what moved it
🌸 king of predicting plot twists! he might be very good at spotting continuity errors, but he’s even better at picking out little bits of foreshadowing and putting together the mystery
🌸 gets spooked the most by jumpscares. every time he squeaks a bit (on really bad ones he might scream) and every time he always does the same embarrassed sigh afterwards and goes to squeeze your hand to calm himself
🌸 psychological horror is definitely the best pick for sakuya. he thinks a lot about what’ll happen next in the movie and loves to discuss about movies with you regardless of the genre, so with thought-provoking psychological films it fits him like a glove
🌸 and hey, if things ever get too intense he loves b-list horror movies! he thinks the bad acting is endearing and always finds something to compliment even with the trashiest, corniest flick
🌸 if you ever get uncomfortable, he might commentate in the movie and try to poke fun at it- i mean, the killer clown is kind of funny! look how bright and colorful it is compared to the rest of the set! he keeps his voice light and sunny so you have something comforting to concentrate on
masumi usui
🎧 he loves the idea of horror night. cuddling with you, holding you protectively as the suspense rises, stealing kisses to distract you from the monster and erase your fear...
🎧 he’s only seen a few horror movies in his life, less than the fingers he has on one hand, but whatever. it’s a movie. it’s not real. if he got too immersed he could just tell himself it’s fake and be done with it.
🎧 spoiler alert: he didn’t.
🎧 masumi did not, and i repeat, did NOT expect to get so invested??? even if you’re scared, he’s definitely the most terrified
🎧 that’s not to say he’ll show it. he’s doing everything to keep a neutral face, and you’ll probably assume he’s holding to you tighter during the scary parts like he’s protecting you.
🎧 (it’s actually because you’re the one [1] thing grounding him. you’re protecting him, not the other way around! in hindsight, he likes being cared for even when he thought he’d be the one spoiling you, not the other way around. he just wishes it didn’t have to be during such a scary movie, that’s all)
🎧 will take his fear to the grave... unless you ask him directly about it. please hold him and tell him the monsters aren’t real, even though he’s a heavy sleeper he will stay up until 3 am, his mind reminding him how creepy the movie was every time he’s about to drift off
🎧 so does not fuck with ghosts, if he didn’t believe in them before he certainly does now. the poor guy looks up how to ward away spirits and ends up carrying around a salt packet on him for the next two weeks
tsuzuru minagi
📖 tsuzuru’s not exactly a horror fan. he claims it’s brainless and pointless
📖 (admittedly he’s a little scared of them, but he still thinks they’re dependent on shock alone, and have zero rewatch value since the writing is more focused on in-the-moment spooks than actual plot.)
📖 he’ll roll his eyes and tease you a little but eventually he’ll go along with watching a horror movie
📖 to psych himself out of his fear tsuzuru decides to watch them critically and note what plot points to do (or more likely not to do) for future plays
📖 this works out for the beginning but by the middle of the movie he’s enraptured. he can’t tell if it’s actually good or if it’s a car wreck he can’t help but watch
📖 does the corny move where he yawns and wraps an arm around you, and you’d almost buy it from his earlier cynicism but then the killer shows their face and he tenses up like hell and you just know
📖 gets embarrassed every time he’s scared- he even turns pink, and gets even redder if you try to hold his hand or cuddle him closer (even though there’s nothing he’d want more after something that creepy)
📖 by the end he’s got a few new ideas that might go to autumn or winter troupe’s latest plays, and admits okay, fine, maybe horror isn’t so pointless after all
itaru chigasaki
🎮 screw movies, you’re playing horror games instead!
🎮 most of itaru’s horror games are single-player, so one of you takes the controller while the other sits next to the player, but itaru’ll drape his arms around you from behind in a back hug the entire time you play
🎮 he doesn’t really shut up. the entire time, he’s either cracking a joke or trying to freak you out more, if only so he doesn’t get in his head and overthink the creepy atmosphere
🎮 asshole only quiets down when the game gets tense, and then suddenly puts his hands around your shoulders or neck to scare you. regardless if you fall for it or not, he always laughs at himself and just-so-happens to break the tension as a scary cutscene plays
🎮 still commentates when he’s the player, but gasps or jumps even at small atmospheric scares
🎮 itaru definitely overthinks the game. he gets super cautious over tiny details and makes the missions way harder than they should be since he keeps overestimating the enemy line of sight and how noisy the avatar is
🎮 if you happen to be playing a co-op horror it’s a constant “no u” battle over who should do the scariest tasks
🎮 “reader, we need to cleanse the room next. you should do it” “no, you should do it. you have the quartz item remember” “i can give it to you since you have the ghost ward” “the ghost ward doesn’t apply to this quest, besides, you’re better at this ghost attack quick time event than me” “no it does, and you’re more optimized” “i can just give the items to you-“ “no you should do it” “no you” “no you” “no you” “no y-”
🎮 you both lose
🍋 citron loves horror movies! he thinks they’re... comforting?
🍋 turns out he’s only seen movies about cursed dolls and b-horror, which explains a lot- he loves dolls too much to be scared by them and he thinks b-list horror is hilarious- but he’ll still proudly proclaim he’s unflappable and swear to protect you from the bad guys
🍋 when you’re actually watching the movie you can’t tell if he’s faking his reactions or not. he’s very noisy
🍋 he gets scared enough during the gruesome and horrific scenes to hold you close and tight like a teddy bear, and during the worst of it he might muffle a scream by diving into the crook of your neck, obscuring his vision until the scene changes
🍋 and yet, he laughs at the next scene’s unrealism, and manages to poke enough fun at the movie that you giggle and his terror disappears, he loves your laugh way more than he can be afraid of monsters
🍋 can’t do gore for the life of him, but when it comes to the actual plot, he’s rather critical of characters acting dumb. he catches on to nonsensical writing quick, but usually asks you to clarify the plot holes before realizing that he found a loophole in the writing
🍋 whenever you’re scared and not even his goofy reactions and commentary can help, he plants a sweet kiss on your cheek, strokes your hair, and holds you close to his chest until the fear goes away. he’s surprisingly good at protecting you from the movie
🍋 after the movie he’ll say his country has a similar legend to the movie monsters, but he claims the legends are true in zafra, and zafrans have a very specific tradition to prevent the monsters from attacking them
🍋 the movie also gave citron the idea of creepily standing behind you silently until you turn around and get startled, or occasionally chanting in a strange, cultish language and pretending he didn’t say a thing, or making a doll with the same markings as the clown puppet from the movie...
🍋 citron continues to be even scarier than the actual horror movie, but can’t wait until the next horror night! maybe watching it was a bad idea after all...
chikage utsuki
🌙 chikage just doesn’t get the appeal of horror. it’s just a fake movie, why do people get so creeped out by terrible sfx and unrealistic monsters?
🌙 he’s seen scarier things than any werewolf pack, zombie outbreak, or witch coven can throw at him. if you insist on watching a scary movie, fine, he’ll be happy to let you sit on his lap, just don’t expect to creep him out as well, or else you’ll be sorely disappointed.
🌙 he analyzes the movie more than he watches it, but doesn’t speak up even though the fight scenes look pitiful. if this were real life, he’d sweep the whole brood of shambling monstrosities in record time and be back home in time for izumi’s curry
🌙 chikage runs his hands under your shirt whenever the monster’s on screen to scare you. it’s actually really creepy- his fingers are light and quick and always makes you flinch, even if you know it’s just your boyfriend
🌙 he’ll listen to your thoughts about the movie, but doesn’t have strong opinions himself. he thinks the scares are mediocre at best, even without considering his background, but won’t mention how unrealistic it was unless you mention it first.
🌙 psychological horror, however, is a whole different story
🌙 maybe chikage can’t get scared by generic spirit halloween monsters but once you introduce thought-provoking plot, questions and dilemmas, now he’s hooked
🌙 he really likes wondering if the protagonist is actually the good guy and making theories about the origins of the monsters and why they’re so destructive, even if he forgets about them once the movie’s over.
🌙 love love looooves the “the monsters were harmless creatures before humans dished out the first blow” trope. he knows how common it is, but there’s a lot of ways to go about it, especially on a subtextual level, and he just can’t get enough
🌙 the deeper the plot is, expect a longer conversation about the ins and outs of it. they get surprisingly thoughtful and introspective, even if chikage throws in a few bullshit stories related to the movie just to watch you squirm
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stressedoutcanary · 3 years
Hold On - Jason Todd x Batgirl!Reader [PART 3]
What this includes: Violence, a combo of angst and fluff, and just to be on the safe side I’d say language.
Word count: 3.1k
A/N😋: I am so glad it’s finally finished, now it won’t be sitting in my drafts staring at me all day. Also forgive me for any mistakes, half of it is written at 3 AM
Part 1 , Part 2
“This is it”, you breathed out, stopping your bike near a bush making sure that place was obscure enough. You placed the helmet on the handle and hopped off the bike. After taking a few steps forward and scouting the area, you clicked your comms back on.
“O care to give me the layout of what I am getting myself into, ‘cause we all know the last time didn’t go so well”
“Nightwing said you might call me for backup and now I owe him 20 uggh! Anyways onto the problem at hand, I’m picking up a few heat signatures from the basement area and the schematics of the building indicate a vent on the other side which might help you get in.”
“Is there anything else I should know?”
There was no reply on the other end and you assumed she was looking into it. To your bad luck, it was far from it. You heard an all too familiar grunt and mentally cursed yourself for forgetting that it was an open line.
“(Y/N), I thought I made myself clear”, Bruce’s modulated voice came through which low-key made you want to strangle him with your bare hands.
“Oh come on B! Didn’t Alfred teach you that listening in on other people’s conversations is bad manners”
“We are 10 minutes out you will not be going in till we get there”
‘Like Hell I won’t’
“Hello? B? Your voice is breaking up. I can’t hear you! there is some interference in the signal. Batman?”
“Don’t- ” you clicked the comms off before he could finish his sentence and breathed a sigh of relief. ”Note to self after what you just did, avoid showing your face to anyone in the fam for at least a week.”
Snooping around, you came across the vent Babs told you about and you smirked to yourself, “Bless those idiots who decided to make an excess amount of vents throughout Gotham, plus no dumbass to shoot open the lock on any door, huh I’d say it’s going pretty good for me.”
After going through a very, very dusty vent, you silently dropped down to floor behind a goon and cleared your throat to draw his attention. As soon as he turned around, his jaw was met with your right hook, making him plummet to the ground. Grabbing him by the collar you inched closer to his face, which was yet again fully covered by a white mask.
“Alright no-face, tell me where Pyg is right now”, you made use of your deep modulated voice, making the man dart his eyes towards the far right corner of the room. You knew what that meant and without wasting any more time, you knocked him out and scurried over, finding a heavy door at the end. Somehow managing to push open the door, you were faced with a circular stairwell leading down.
“Well Oracle did say she got heat signatures down in the basement.”, you sighed and started taking calculated steps, making sure to check for any traps. ‘Why keep only one person to guard your supersecret creep-house? Either Lazlo is way too overconfident or way too crazy... Probably both.’, you thought, wheels turning in your head, hoping to make sense of the situation. As you went down, you could catch a faint sound of music. ‘Is that Opera?! Well at least it fits his M.O.’
The end of the stairwell opened into a large room. You hid behind one of wooden crates as your mind swiftly accessed the grim ambience; Pyg was sharpening his knife swaying along with opera music playing in the background but Jason was nowhere to be found. Your breath hitched and your blood ran cold, it felt as if the world around you was spinning.
‘What if... what if it’s too late’  Crouching down on the ground with your back to the crate your took in several deep breaths to calm your racing heart. You couldn’t think like that, not when you’re so close. You wiped the stray tear which escaped the tightness of your cowl and had trailed down your cheek. You tried to focus instead of jumping to conclusions.
You frowned upon noticing something odd on the wall in front of you, placing your palms on it, you gave it a slight push. To your surprise it paved way for an attached corridor which clearly didn’t come up in the schematics Oracle told you about. You slipped into the corridor, making sure that nobody saw you. Your feet froze for a slight second on the sight you were met with; cages like prison cells lined up in a row with people inside of them.
“The people who went missing”, you whispered to yourself, still reeling in the shock of it all. Upon hearing a familiar groan you sprinted across the pathway to the source, eyes scanning every inch of the person you found, the person you were here to rescue. You fumbled with the lock for a while, muttering curses under your breath until it clicked open. You dashed to his side and took a batarang out to cut the binds he was in.
“Jay if you die on me again, I swear I will kill you.”
“Been there, done that princess and honestly not a fan of it”, Jason croaked out, his reply came out weaker and voice barely above a whisper. It made your heart clench in a way it hasn’t in a long, long time. You lifted your head up, you gave him a soft smile, gently brushing off the matted hair on his forehead, 
“Jason I..”
‘Just tell him you love him you coward, It’s really not that hard’
“Jason I’m glad you’re okay”, you blurted out in way which was far from normal but he seemed way too tired to noticed. 
“How did you get free?”, he inquired, thankfully interrupting your internal yelling.
“I didn’t? I literally just walked in here to get you out.”
“But I thought-”, Jason looked utterly confused as he rubbed his wrists to ease the pain caused by the rope.
“Well long story short. You got captured. I was saved by Harley and Ivy, had a nice chat with them, and then I might have been responsible for Batman’s high blood pressure, and then I emotionally blackmailed Nightwing into giving me your location and then here I am”
“Wha...Yeah I will just pretend I totally understand whatever the hell you just said.”, Jason sighed, he tried to stand up but his feet wobbled and if it wasn’t for you catching him on time h would’ve staggered to the ground.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Mmhmm”, he hummed lightly leaning his weight on you. “Just a little dizzy, probably from the dehydration, It could also be because of the blood loss from the stab wound I got”
“The WHAT?!”, you looked at him like he was crazy.  
“Oh yeah I think I kinda forgot to tell you that the creepy dude tried to cut me open but my armor got in the way so he stabbed me instead and went away saying he had to sharpen his knife or something like that”, he started to slur and you knew you had to get him back to the cave as quickly as possible. You helped him get up on his feet, slinging one of his arms over your shoulders and wrapping one of your arms around his waist.
“Oh my God! Jay, you don’t just bring this sort of thing up in casual conversation!”, you shook your head and started taking small steps with him towards the way you came from. Suddenly a loud crash was heard followed by a couple of screams making the both of you share a nervous glance.
“What was that?”
“Only one way to find out”, you said as you walked through the door back into the large room. 
It was pure chaos, more like a free-for-all. Nightwing jogged up to you. 
“We did say we were 10 minutes out didn’t we?”, he gave you a bright smile and swung Jason’s free arm over his shoulder to help you support him better.
“Good, now since you are here, hold him”, you shifted Jason’s weight towards Dick.
“Don’t even”, he glared daggers at his elder brother, “What are you even doing? I feel like a baby being passed around”
You ignored Jason’s whining in the background and fixed your gaze on the one person in the room who would soon face your wrath. The rest had already cleared up the goons and Pyg was the only one left. You narrowed your eyes and cracked your knuckles, making your way over to him.
By the time you reached Pyg he was already backing away from Batman and one murderous looking Robin, turning around he tried to make a run for it but was ultimately met with your fist, a sickening crack was heard and no one was quite sure whether it was from his mask, his jaw or both. Pyg was out cold and you shrugged at the duo in front of you while Dick and Jason made their way over.
“Remind me never to get on her bad side ever again.”, Jason whispered as both the boys looked completely terrified of you. You walked over to Bruce and held out your hand. He didn’t seem to catch the drift, for being the world’s greatest detective, he was quite dumb sometimes.
“The keys to the batmobile, unless you want Mr. surprise-I-got-stabbed over here to bleed out.”
After placing Jason into the passenger seat you hopped into the driving one. 
“Also there are people in the back, you know, the missing ones, so good luck with the clean up I guess.”, you called out before before closing the hood of the batmobile. 
You were on the road heading straight for the cave when you realized Jason wasn’t answering your questions anymore.
“Jason?”, you stole a glance at him and he was as pale as a ghost, “Shit!”, you yelled as you jammed your foot on the accelerator. 
Jason woke up to the dull beeping of multiple monitors and by the looks of the place, he concluded he was in fact in the batcave. As he regained some control over his senses, he saw you sitting on a chair beside his bed. You were sound asleep but he could see worry etched on your face even in your slumber. Looking at you, Jason wished he had the courage to say what his heart felt instead he just went ahead taking your hand in his, giving it a little squeeze. You stirred awake at that.
“Hey! You’re up!”, you stood up abruptly and hugged him tightly. To him it felt as if you were actually afraid of what might happen if you let go of him.
“I told you I don’t do dying anymore. It sucks.”
You finally pulled away from him, a smile tugging at your lips. Jason glanced at your hand, taking it in his once again, he ran his thumb over your bruised knuckles.
“I knew you had a mean right hook, guess I just forgot how mean”, Jason said smirking at you. You didn’t pull away from him as he had expected in his head instead you just scoffed at the statement. 
“The next time you forget that, allow me to give you a reminder by demonstration Bird-Brain”, you called him by the name you often used back then. At first it was to annoy your very annoying best friend but then it stuck around but hadn’t used that nickname ever since he came back. You both realized that. A silence fell over the once playful conversation, his eyes found the celling and yours found your lap. After a while you cleared you throat to get his attention and he looked at you, his expressions were borderline unreadable.
“Jason I-I should go now, but don't worry I’ll get Alfred back here”, You got up and moved towards the door of the med-bay, scrunching your eyes shut you released a shaky breath.
‘It’s now or never (Y/N)’ 
“Jason when you get better, there is this place I have been meaning to take you to, with me of course.”
“Sure I’ll go”
“So tomorrow sounds good?”
“Tomorrow sounds good”, he repeated after you breaking into a grin. Your cheeks flushed and you had to take a sharp turn to hide the blush on your face. You mentally smacked yourself for behaving like a teen asking her crush out on a date for the first time. 
The next night Jason met you on the roof of the Wayne tower.
“Please tell me this isn’t the place you wanted to see with me”, he chuckled behind you and you turned around to give him a quick hug.
“It’s not that bad of a place, plus I can throw you off here too if you get on my nerves”, you laughed at his faux scandalised face.
“You wound me”
“In case you forgot you are already wounded, drama queen, plus its your lucky day, this is not where we will be spending our evening. Just follow me and don’t get lost on the way”, you winked and jumped off the edge, him following the suit.
When you both reached the place you had in mind, the place Jason cherished when he was Robin, the expression on his face was priceless. It was like a mixture of awe and surprise with a hint of sadness.
“How did you find out about this?”, Jason inquired after a while of reminiscing. 
“Gee how indeed, ‘cause it cannot be the fact that I am detective who’s life is influenced by at least a dozen detectives and it’s most definitely not the fact that for me, you aren’t that difficult to figure out”
Jason chuckled at your usual playful sarcasm, his eyes were twinkling with something which felt more than just momental adoration and you couldn’t help but crack a small smile of your own. You made your way over to him, looking at the visible skyline for a brief moment, Jason watched as you sat down on the ledge with your legs dangling off, patting the space beside you gestured him to join you. 
“I have a feeling we’re gonna be here for a while, so might as well sit down and get comfortable”, you shrugged as he nodded and sat down beside you, placing his elbow on his bent knee. You both enjoyed the few minutes of comfortable silence, watching cars pass by below and the moon lit starry sky above.
“I am starting to see why you liked it here”
“Alfred told me”
“Huh?”, Jason looked at you dumbfounded, trying to process your words.
“After you...were gone, Alfred told me, he told me that this was your happy place, though I still can’t believe you had a favorite gargoyle”, stifling a laugh you somehow managed to continue, “Anyway so as I saying, ever since I found out about it, I used to come here every night when I got free from patrol, come to think of it I still do, sometimes”
You could feel his heavy gaze boring into you making you immediately regret bringing up this conversation. 
“Why?”, he finally inquired. You didn’t know whether to feel relived or be tense, but it was now or never, releasing a shallow breath you glanced at him, words flowing out on their own accord. 
“Even back then I knew everyone dies at some point and all we can do is try and find some meaning in it, in the memories they leave behind and I guess me wanting to be here, it was a part of me trying to do that and it made me feel somewhat connected to you so I kept doing it; Coming here, spending any time I could spare and leaving before the crack of dawn and before I knew it, it had become a habit.”
“So you did miss me”, he gave you a sad smile and wrapped his hand around your shoulder, giving you a light squeeze. 
“Of course I did you dumbass, I was best friend.”, you gave him a nudge and leaned your cheek on his chest, sighing deeply.
“The reason I avoided you after you came back was because I was scared”, you whispered, hoping it would sound less real that way. Jason pulled back a bit to take in your features and you could hear the strain in his voice, a hint of sadness in it.
“Scared of me?”
“Jason I wasn’t scared of you, I can never be, I was scared for you. I was afraid of losing you again. Every time you come back I lose you all over again and I am honestly tired of it and I thought that maybe if I kept my distance I--”
“Won’t get hurt again?”
“Yeah, something like that”
A moment passed where no one spoke anything, both of you running the scenarios of what might happen next in your brains. An idea clicked in your head and you abruptly got to your feet startling Jason in the process. Offering him your hand and a sheepish smile, you got him to his feet.
“I am tired of being scared Jason. I want this. I want us and for that I am willing to take a chance, are you?”, he stepped closer to you, his scent invading your senses.  
“For you (Y/N), anything. You should know that by now, plus I feel the same way, I have for a while now”, Jason breathed out as he pulled you in for a deep kiss leaving you dizzy for a while after you pulled away for air. Placing your foreheads together, you found yourselves grinning like idiots yet again in the two successive nights. Jason’s stomach growled, sending you into a fit of laughter.
“You really gotta ask?”, raising an eyebrow, he tried to look offended but ultimately melted against you as you pressed your lips on his for a brief moment.
“I know a place”, you murmured, lips brushing against his and before he could register what was happening you already had a grapnel gun in your hands, smirking as you jumped off the ledge.
“Last one there is a rotten egg hoodie!!”
“Hey! But I don’t even know where it is!”
“Not my fault Bird-Brain!”
Jason jumped on after you, smiling to himself. Both of you were thinking the same thing ‘maybe this was finally the start of a new chapter; something new, something scary and something beautiful altogether’
Tags: @ladyperceval
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moonscarsandstars · 3 years
happy birthday @sirrriusblack!! you’re an absolutely amazing person and deserve the worldd :)) i hope you have a super lovely day and a very very wonderful year ahead (or i mean just wonderful life in general you deserve it love), and hope you like this fic!
The bustle of the coffee shop may have been what Sirius loved most about it.
Something about the atmosphere seemed to be noisy yet all too calming at the same time. With the ecstatic chatter of people from Sirius’s classes coming in after school, the hum of the espresso machines at the counter, and the tinkling of the bell that was just above the door. 
In fact, it was that sudden tinkling of the bell that brought Sirius’s attention from whatever chaotic conversation he’d been having with James.
“Oh fuck.”
“What-” started James, before looking at the entrance and grinning. “I think I’ll let you take this shift.”
“Absolutely not,” muttered Sirius before ducking under the counter. There was absolutely no way he was going to tend to Remus Lupin- the exact same seventh year he’d been head over heels with for years now. Not if he didn’t want to embarrass himself by probably spilling coffee and forgetting his own name.
“Pads,” said James, trying to pull Sirius’s wrist. “Get up, you’re breaking at least fifteen rules here. It’s just going to be a few seconds of talking.”
“It’ll be the longest few seconds ever.”
“But it’ll be the best few seconds, won’t it?” Asked James with a smirk.
Sirius stuck his tongue out.
“I’m not wrong, am I?” 
Grabbing the counter, Sirius gave one last scowl at James before pulling himself up.
“Sorry about that,” he said, staring pointedly down at a pair of worn converse. “How may I help you?”
If the scraping of chairs in the background wasn’t so loud, the entire floor would probably be able to hear Sirius’s heart rapidly beating against his chest.
“As many double shot espressos as this can get, please,” said Remus flatly, slamming a crumpled ten pound note onto the counter.
Blinking, Sirius’s eyes widened.
“Exams.” Holding up a history textbook, Remus managed to drop at least a dozen loose papers.
“Ah, I see,” quipped Sirius with a grin. “On the house in that case. Name?”
“Moony,” replied Remus distractedly, trying to pick up all the papers and meet Sirius’s gaze.
God, his eyes were fucking beautiful.
“Yes, M- oh, uh-”
“Moony it is.”
“I- okay, yes, okay.”
“Are you okay?”
Looking at the dark circles under his eyes and the constant yawning, Remus looked either like he hadn’t slept in days, or just woken up from sleeping for days. The irony was, Sirius couldn’t tell which.
“I’ll be good, thanks,” said Remus, wandering off after Sirius’s smile. But Sirius could here him vaguely mumble something along the lines of “even my textbooks aren’t okay” and couldn’t stop himself from chuckling out loud.
Maybe if Remus had any logic, he wouldn’t have deleted the exam timetable. 
Or had to cram in his ten hours of history content into two hours of revision. Or have stumbled into the exact coffee place he pointedly avoided everyday. Or be sitting here with five shots of strong coffee trying to read the same line over and over again.
Sipping on an extremely bitter glass, Remus glared at his illegible notes with an even more bitter look.
“Need any help?”
Remus’s heart skipped a beat.
“I think I’m good, thanks,” said Remus, proceeding to curse under his breath as he knocked over a glass.
“Oh, I should-” started Sirius, before running off and returning with a cloth and a spray as Remus quietly wished he could sink into the ground.
“Sorry about this. I- well- didn’t get the timetable,” he muttered sheepishly.
“You didn’t? Why not?”
“Well I did,” Remus looked away, before continuing. “But I deleted it.”
Sirius stopped what he was doing to look Remus dead in the eye. “You deleted it? The mocks timetable?”
“Accidentally! No- stop laughing!”
But Remus couldn’t stop himself from catching Sirius’s laugh, holding his aching stomach no matter how much he should’ve been worrying.
God, he had such a contagious fucking laugh.
“What’re you studying?” Managed Sirius, after an intense few seconds of holding his stomach and trying not to burst into laughter again.
“I thought you loved it though, I mean, you’re always reading it in the-” Sirius stopped himself, as an almost invisible blush rushed up his cheeks.
“You noticed?”
“I- that was much creepier than it was meant to be.”
Remus chuckled, but there was no hint of discomfort, much to Sirius’s relief. “Love history. Hate history exams.”
“Makes sense I suppose.”
“As for being creepy, I suppose it makes up for me finishing your espresso stock,” said Remus, vaguely gesturing at his messy, half-finished collection of espresso shots.
“Oh please, don’t bother. We stock up for exam season.”
“You’re kidding.”
“And you’re not alone. I’ve a nice collection of coffee at my flat, actually. And history textbooks. Well, art history, but still.”
Raising his eyebrows, Remus quipped, “Careful, that might sound like an invitation.”
“Maybe it is,” said Sirius with what Remus could have sworn was a wink that sent the childish butterflies in his stomach crazy.
“Sirius? Where the hell are you?”
Jumping in surprise, Sirius yelled back “I’m coming!” before turning to Remus. “I’m very sorry, but I’m also very much in trouble.”
And with that, he rushed off leaving Remus flustered, confused and in realisation of just how much he’d put off. 
Reluctantly, after a few minutes of mindless doodling and giddy smiling, Remus came to the conclusion that he’d never finish anything in this particular coffee shop- not the studying, nor the coffee. Definitely not with all the distractions. 
Yet he couldn’t bring himself to leave, not with the memory of Sirius’s wide grin and sparkling eyes. That is, until a voice from behind managed to scared the living daylights out of him.
“This place does close unfortunately.”
Jumping out of his skin, Remus whipped his head around with a start. There Sirius was, grinning like an idiot, trademark apron folded on a shelf revealing his shirt- top two buttons undone, Remus noticed with a start- and black jeans. Suddenly, he felt a wave of consciousness in his overflowing jumper that rolled up at his wrists.
“That- really is tragic. I was planning to sleep here, you see.”
“Well,” started Sirius, a smile playing on his lips. “What if I offered you another place to sleep?” 
Remus silently cursed as his heartbeat raced. He thoroughly hoped that the heat travelling up his cheeks wasn’t as visible as Sirius’s knowing grin made it out to be. Sirius was going to be the death of him.
“But really,” started Sirius, giving a look at his watch. “It’s getting late.”
“Sorry,” said Remus, not at all sorry for every second he spent stalling and spending time with Sirius. “Just give me a second to pack up, yeah?”
“Of course. And my offer still stands.”
“Does it come with benefits?”
Now it was Sirius’s turn to blush, eyes widening and parting his lips in a split second of surprise that turned into that same, ear-to-ear grin. Pointing to the counter awkwardly, Sirius chuckled, “I’ll- I’ll meet you there.”
The way Sirius’s blushed seemed to travel to his neck brought a smile to Remus’s lips, filled partly with some sort of satisfaction and partly fluster in its own way. Heading up to the counter, he dragged his feet in a pathetic attempt to take as long as he could.
“I’ll be heading out now,” said Remus, slapping a pathetic two dollars onto the counter as some form of tip. But his tired expression turned into confusion as Sirius produced another order of coffee, fixing the lid on before handing it to Remus.
“I- I really appreciate this, but the ten pounds was all I had-”
“Oh please, this is complimentary. On me, if you will.”
“I couldn’t,” insisted Remus, finding it increasingly difficult to refuse something from Sirius.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll want it anyway. Really, consider it a gift?”
Sirius had that earnest look in his eyes- the one that reminded Remus almost of a puppy that you just couldn’t refuse. It was infuriating, he told himself as he accepted it. “Thank you so much, I owe you.”
“Don’t worry about it.” said Sirius, leaving the counter and twisting the “open” sign to display the word “closed”. “I’ll see you soon if I’m lucky.”
And with that, he disappeared, leaving Remus confused and heart hammering against his chest. 
But that grin returned to his face as Remus turned to the cup, recognising that familiar scrawl spelling out the words scrawled on the cup read “To moony,” with an address.
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jadoue1999 · 3 years
The X-Men and the member they lost - Chapter 2
Summary: Erik finds out he has a son. But life doesn't like seeing him happy, so it made sure he was already missing when he learned about his existence.
Previous parts: chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, 
Chapter 2: Erik and his rotten luck with family
It had been a week since the 70s episode had aired and no new episodes had shown up since. That left plenty of time for thinking and pondering on what was this WandaVision show. After many theories, they had conceded to Hank’s idea. It definitely seemed like a glimpse into a parallel universe. The mystery of Peter’s implication still lingered in the air. Charles wasn’t sure if he really wanted the answer. This all-powerful woman with the same surname as the speedster could have decided to do anything with him. He had yet to show up anywhere; they had combed the background for signs of him, but they had found nothing. The team went as far as to call it a misleading clue, but he didn’t let himself believe that. It was too strange to simply be a coincidence. The telepath was in his office one night when Raven entered.
“Is this a good time?” Wondered the shapeshifter. The professor nodded his head yes and she closed the door behind her before taking a seat. While he didn’t look into her head, he could sense her determination and hesitation about what she was about to tell him. Finally, she took a breath, “we need to tell Erik. About Peter.”
Erik. How could he have forgotten?
He was the boy’s father after all, even if he didn’t know it yet. Raven had told him as she filled him in with what had happened when they were fighting Apocalypse. She had mentioned Peter’s confession and how close he came to tell his father the truth. He had kept silent since, deciding that no one was in the right to inform the metal bender other than his own son. But now Peter was missing, they had to get him back. Erik needed to know.
Charles agreed with her and they were off to Erik’s room. The man was reading a book in front of the fireplace, seemingly enjoying a moment of peace and quiet. He turned to them as they opened the door.
“Charles. Raven.” He greeted them as he closed his reading. “What’s going on?”
The professor wheeled himself forward to his friend, he knew he had to break it to him gently. “It’s Peter,” he started. The man looked at him, his thoughts echoing his confusion as to why he was bringing up the speedster. “He’s missing. Has been for about two weeks, but I wanted to make sure before telling you.”
“Okay,” Erik replied after a few seconds of silence, “have you found anything?”
He could feel Raven’s frustration growing as the metal bender barely showed any concern. Charles didn’t blame him; the man had only seen Peter for an hour at most in the last ten years. He felt the same level of concern to the boy as he would with any other students at the school.
“We have found something, we’re not sure what it is, but it’s definitely linked to his disappearance.” He paused, trying to see if Erik was starting to understand. He continued when he found no reason to believe so. “Do you remember when he broke you out of prison?” The man nodded. “And when he came back to help fight Apocalypse and was injured in the process?” Another nod, more hesitant this time. Erik clearly didn’t get where he was going with this. “What I’m trying to say is that he’s a very special person, I hadn’t seen his type of power before meeting him and Hank found him fascinating as well. Can you believe he agreed to break you out just for the challenge? Quite extraordinary if I say so myself. But my point is, Peter’s-“
“He’s your son, you moron!” Snapped Raven, earning herself an offended glance from Charles. “What? You clearly weren’t going to tell him with all that rambling.”
The pair looked at Erik, awaiting a reaction. Had they not been aware of the situation, they easily could have believed that he was doing an aneurism. The man didn’t speak, but the metal in the room started shaking. Raven called out to Erik to try to calm him down, but her voice fell on deaf ears. Only when Charles shouted at him to stop that the man gradually calmed down.
“I... I have a son?” He seemed beyond shocked as he finally acknowledged the truth. Charles nodded yes and met Erik’s gaze as the man spoke once again. “What did you gather about his disappearance?”
“Don’t you need a moment to collect yourself and take in the situation?” Wondered the telepath. The man’s thoughts were all over the place, filled with shock and worry. It was obvious he needed some time alone. “Erik, please take some time, join us when you’ll be ready.”
The man didn’t protest as Charles and Raven exited the room. They closed the door and met up with the team, informing them about the situation.
Erik, in all his life, had never considered himself lucky. He had lost his family in Auschwitz and was then used as a lab rat by Shaw. Once the evil man had been taken care of, many years later, he had then accidentally paralyzed Charles, one of his few friends. Then he was wrongly accused of killing the president and imprisoned for nearly a decade until he was freed. By his son. But of course, he didn’t know, because life was just like that with him, and he had gone on a quest to show the world the true power of mutant kind. That, of course, ended horribly; so, he went into hiding. He had built a family, a happy one even. He truly had hope for a better future, but life loved to prove him wrong. Madga and Nina had died, and he had been chosen to be a horseman for a god. He had, in his grief, accepted and it led to Peter having his leg broken. He felt sick to his stomach as he recalled the panicked look on the young man’s face, his eyes pleading him to do something. He didn’t know, why hadn’t he known? The boy had almost died, and he did absolutely nothing.
How could he even consider himself his father when he had already failed him so much?
Still, he might not even get a real chance to properly know him now that his son had gone missing. Erik definitely wasn’t a lucky person.
He looked at the fireplace that had previously given him comfort and suddenly felt like the heat was choking him. He paced quickly through the mansion; the corridors were empty due to the late hour. After getting outside, he decided to walk around the lake. The little waves created by the soft breeze always helped grounding him. His Nina always loved the water. They had installed a bird bath because she had requested that the surrounding animals should always have something to drink when they came to visit her. He wore a small smile on his lips as he sat on the grass in front of the lake and sighed.
“Hello, my darling,” he told the water. “It’s already been a year since you and your mother left. I hope you’re happy wherever you are.” A curious bird landed next to him, looking at the man with puzzlement. Erik smiled, perhaps Nina lived on in all the creatures she loved so much. He held out a hand to the small animal, not really expecting anything. Surprisingly, it flew towards him and landed on his finger. Erik felt his heart grow warm as the bird let him pet his back. The soft feathers felt so similar to his daughter’s hair. “You might not believe it, but I just discovered that you have a half brother. He’s older than you, but I’m sure you would have gotten along well.” The bird chirped at his words. He stopped stroking it, “but I’m afraid he’s gone for now. What do you think we should do?” The bird looked at him with its small eyes and stretched its wings, taking off in the sky to regions unknown. Erik dared a hopeful smile as he watched it fly away. He looked at the sky, contemplating the stars before getting up. “Don’t worry Peter,” he told the wind, “we’ll find you.”
The moment he had gone back in the mansion, he was intercepted by Charles who called him to his office. The wheelchair bound man had a few files open on his desk. He motioned Erik forward as he spotted his friend.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, I take it you want to know what we’ve gathered so far?”
Erik nodded, of course he did. Charles took the files with him and led them out. They entered the room containing Cerebro, he was about to ask him their reason for being there, but he was interrupted by his friend.
“Before we start, I want you to keep an open mind. We don’t know what exactly is going on.”
Erik frowned but agreed to the conditions, nonetheless. The bald man pressed a few commands on the board and the screens lit up.
Whatever he was expecting to see, it wasn’t this. He had expected government videos showing his son dragged out of a car, him being taken or even tortured. He certainly hadn’t expected to see a sitcom that somehow changed decades every episode. It seemed completely irrelevant, but the few cuts and creepy details kept him from dismissing the whole thing as a joke. The third episode was particularly strange. Fear creeped into his veins as the woman menacingly approached her friend. He wasn’t sure what was worse, the cut that showed nothing or the possibilities of what could’ve have happened to the poor woman.
When everything was done, he turned to the telepath. “What does this mean Charles?”
The man sighed, putting a finger to his head for a second before looking at him again. “I’ve called the others; they’ll be here soon.” He turned to the screen that showed the rolling credits. “From what we’ve gathered, this is a parallel universe. The woman, Wanda, seems to either control this world or is trapped there as well.”
“But what does this have to do with my son? As far as I’m aware, he’s never met this woman.” Their discussion was interrupted by Jean, Scott, Kurt, Ororo, Hank and Raven coming in. They had probably been woken up by the telepath’s call, judging by their yawns and sleepy eyes. After a few seconds of questioning from the tired young adults, Charles motioned them forward and opened one of the files he had with him.
“This is Peter’s file, I hadn’t really thought about reading it, since he’s past high school age, but Wanda’s comment made me curious.” He pointed to his personal information, it contained his name, address, and schools he had previously attended. Nothing seemed amiss. “I did some digging and it turns out that ‘Peter’ isn’t his real name. It was changed when he was very young.” He flipped the page, showing a government document authorizing the name change. The team looked at themselves in shock as they read ‘Pietro Maximoff’.
“So, what does it mean?” Chimed in Hank. “Sure, he has the same name as the woman’s dead brother, but there’s no way they’ve ever met.”
Charles scoffed in amusement, “yes, you’re right. But I searched through various archives to find more about him, and I came across this.” He pulled out an old newspaper clipping. It read: mysterious death of a teen leaves the police baffled.
The article had one picture, it showed a teenage girl smiling, like any other child her age. Erik looked at Charles, demanding confirmation about his suspicions. The telepath nodded, “this is a picture of Wendy Maximoff, Peter’s twin.”
The group was silent for awhile when Jean suddenly gasped. “Oh my god,” she covered her mouth in horror. “I once asked Peter why he didn’t like celebrating birthdays and he told me how he used to have two cakes but only had one now.” She looked towards Scott and Kurt. “I- I assumed he was being greedy, but the loss of his twin could explain it!”
Erik didn’t listen to the group’s reaction; he was too busy processing the information he had just learned. How could he miss so much of his son’s life? He should have been there to help him and make sure that he would be alright. Instead, he was too focused on getting revenge and he had missed nearly thirty years of Peter’s life. And with his disappearance, it unfortunately was very possible that he’d miss more. Everyone’s rambling was interrupted by Cerebro lighting up again. Erik watched nervously as the front of a house appeared. The woman and her husband were trying to get their babies to sleep, something they were apparently not keen on. They continued trying, Wanda even tried to use her magic on them, but, surprisingly, it didn’t work. Their neighbor came in, saying how she had heard them and could help. Then it became strange as Vision suddenly suggested that she shouldn’t help. Agnes looked at Wanda for instructions, asking if she wanted to restart the scene. Erik didn’t have to look around to know that everyone here was confused. Wanda brushed it off, to the confusion of her husband. All of a sudden, the crying stopped; the twins were asleep. Except they weren’t in their cribs. A slight panic settled in Erik’s stomach; the loss of a child seemed too dark for a show like this... right? Strangely enough, the twins weren’t missing, they had aged up to five. The screen cut to the theme song.
“Are the children mutants?” Asked Raven, uncertain about the change of event.
Charles has a pensive look to his face, “I’m afraid I cannot say, for now.”
The episode continued, with the twins adopting a dog. Curiously, Wanda seemed tired of hiding her powers, going as far as using it in front of their neighbor. The most peculiar thing happened when the two parents settled that the twins were too young to keep their dog. They suddenly aged up again, now ten years old. Erik had to give it to Charles, this show definitely wasn’t just a coincidence. Were they looking at a new concept for a mutant prison? It certainly seemed like it.
The scene changed to show the husband’s workplace, they were installing computers and people around him were trying to figure out how to make it work. After some corny jokes, an email showed up and the whole room read it together. The X-Men watched Vision wake up his co-worker who seemed to panic about contacting his father.
“That’s mind control,” gasped Jean, “I know that panic, it’s horrible.”
The man screamed about a woman in his head, probably Wanda, and became more and more agitated. Vision zapped him again and, like a switch, he was back to Norm, the friendly co-worker. The group watched in stunned silence as it cut to Wanda and her children. Billy was training the dog and seemed pretty good at it. The twins excitedly got up, wanting to show their father but Wanda told them he was at work. The conversation then turned into a classic “family is forever” speech; telling them how they’ll always have each other, no matter what.
“Do you have a brother, mom?” Asked of the boys.
She looked off in the distance, obviously wondering how to explain her brother’s situation. “I do,” she said, “he’s far away from here and that makes me... sad sometimes.”
Erik didn’t have time to dwell on the possible meanings of her words as the dog suddenly ran out of the door. The twins and Wanda ran out, chasing it. They lost sight of it. Suddenly, the redhead looked up at the sky in anger and told the boys to continue look for Sparky without her. The scene continued with the boys walking alone.
“What do you think she meant by far away?” Asked the boy in green, Tommy, if he remembered well.
His brother shook his head, “I don’t know, but how cool would it be to meet our uncle?”
The boys giggled and continued calling for their dog. Seeing how the episode was significantly darker than the other ones, Erik didn’t have much hope for the poor animal. Turns out he was right; it had eaten a poisonous plant and the boys were heartbroken. After some strange comments about bringing back the dead, they were back at the house. There was tension between Wanda and Vision. He told her about what happened at his work, accusing her of being the cause.
“You can’t control me the way you do them.”
The woman tilted her head to the side, clearly challenged by her husband’s words. “Can’t I?”
There were scoffs of surprise in the room as the credits suddenly rolled. The android didn’t let that stop him as he pointed out the problems with the world, they lived in. He went on to say that he had no memories of his life before the show. That was puzzling, did this place erase people’s memories to guarantee their good behavior? Vision then pointed out the lack of children, something Erik hadn’t noticed but was unmistakable once you realized it. Wanda sat on the couch, trying to explain why she wasn’t controlling anyone. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
“I swear, if Agnes comes in at that moment, I’m going to lose it,” whined Scott.
“I don’t know,” replied Ororo, “usually she just lets herself in.”
The doorbell rang a second time and Vision watched Wanda with accusations in his eyes as she walked to the door. She opened it and was immediately shocked at whoever was at the door. The android asked his wife for the identity of the guest with suspicion. The camera slowly panned over to the person, only showing to back of their head.
Showing his silver hair
The suspense didn’t last much longer, the camera showing that it was indeed the missing speedster. Quiet gasps were heard as Peter walked towards the woman.
“Long-lost bro get to squeeze his stinkin' sister to death or what?” His voice echoed on the walls of the room.
“Pietro?” He nodded his head and the two shared a hug. It lasted a few seconds and Peter pointed to Vision as he walked in.
“Who’s the popsicle?”
The audience laughed at his joke and the screen faded to black, leaving the team stunned as the credits rolled.
“We have to go get him,” said Raven. “I don’t think he’s safe with her.”
Hank nodded, “I think I can find a way,” he pointed to Jean, “I think you could open a gateway to wherever Peter is. I’ve adjusted the machine to focus on the frequency. If you really concentrate, I’m sure it’ll work.”
“Alright, Raven, Erik and I will go,” decided Charles.
Kurt stepped in, “you might need a quick way out, I can help.” He shook his head as Raven and Charles were about to protest. “I’m the one that noticed he was gone; I want to be there when we bring him back.”
The professor agreed and told them to go pack whatever they’d need and to be back as soon as possible.
Jean put on the helmet and closed her eyes in concentration. She held out a hand to better focus her power. Nothing much happened, but she frowned her brows with renewed efforts. Flickers of orange light made itself known, slowly gathering together to form a small circle. She grunted in efforts and the portal grew bigger. She opened her eyes which were now glowing a fiery orange and she let out a screech. The gateway was now big enough for them to go through. They quickly said their goodbyes, Charles leaving Hank in charge for the time he was gone. The four shared a look and took a determined step forward. Passing through another dimension definitely felt strange. Nothing seemed solid as they were suddenly free falling.
They landed on the grass. Erik quickly helped Charles back into his wheelchair and took a look around. There was a military base with soldiers that stared at them with dumbfounded faces. He could hear an alarm, probably trigged when they came in. An older man that seemed to be an authority figure started shouting at them, but Erik didn’t hear him. All he could see was the sign that indicated that Westview was in front of them; and the force field surrounding it.
Notes: I have to say, Erik talking to Nina is probably my favourite part of this chapter. I've also made up a scene of the boys talking together based on the image of them walking alone that was in the SWORD base in WandaVision. Next up: The x-men meet Hayward (Erik doesn't like him) and learn about who Wanda Maximoff is.
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Chapter 6: What Was Left Behind
Snatcher felt his form began to shake as he turned the corner from the stairs, glancing into the dark hallway. He still remember back when he used to walk through these halls, talking with the servants or the former love of his life. Newspapers now littered these halls, black writing all across them. "Happily Ever After" "Princess" "Queen" and "Prince" were a few words he was able to point out.
The small footprints seemed to be heading straight to where the attic should be. That was good, he didn't want to be here trying to chase down who made them. Still, who in their right mind would willingly walk into this place. He did his best to ignore the faint, ice chilling laughter he could hear from under him, going through into the room on his left. Just find out who it is, and get out.
More newspapers and black writing filled the walls as he slowly floated through the rooms, the only different thing he saw being a large bit of blue and green near some switches. He just ignored it, focusing on getting to the attic and getting out. He floated over to the attic door... only to see it was locked. There wasn't a key nearby... how the person got past was beyond him. Looks like he was going to need a key...
He sighed as he floated to the room behind him. Knowing Vanessa, she likely kept the key high up, outside the reach of a normal person- he let out a shout as he saw the red eye staring at him. He braced himself for the icy chill, but nothing happened. He slowly took a second look, finding it to be a painting of sorts. Underneath were some words, a few were hard to read, but he did his best to make it out.
"I" Bad hand writing "it was" More poor handwriting. "I just didn't want you to get" He couldn't tell if the next word was 'unbound' or 'sunburned'. He didn't know which he would consider more worrying. "All I asked was for you to never leave this house."
How did he not see the signs sooner? Expecting him to never leave the house? Didn't she know that would have killed him sooner?
He sighed slightly, floating into the room he first came in from, glancing to his right. He found himself glancing up after catching the words 'Prince AJ' on a random newspaper, and paused slightly. Another sentence was written above him, although he was half tempted to believe they were carved into the wall itself. Ice witch had the claws to do so now, after all. He floated up to get a better look.
"My prince, I'm sorry what happened to your house. If'' Vannessa decided that was the perfect place to write another 'Happily Ever After' message, make those words impossible to read. "it then neither will I."
"My house?" He asked himself, tilting his head to the side slightly. He lived in the manor since he was a child... right? His memory of life was fuzzy. He shook his head, he wasn't here to dwell on the past. He floated back into the main hallway, heading into the door across from a TV on a dresser. This would be a great place to surprise some poor soul...
He shook his head slightly. Many died in this place, including himself. The last thing he should be thinking of trying to get the jump on someone. He floated into the room, then headed straight to the room across from there. He glanced to his left, seeing two bookcases full of books on the wall. The key was up there, out of any normal humans' reach. Luckily, being dead meant he could just grab it even if he was short.
He grabbed the key, and floated into the door closest to where he currently was. The third floor was supposed to have more in it... right. He was pretty sure his bedroom was up here, at least. With how empty it was, you assumed this would be where she kept most of her frozen victims, but he had yet to see one. He floated to the door that was the exit to that room, glancing up. Another message, this one perfectly clear.
He stared silently for a brief moment. The entitlement of this woman... he crossed his arms with a huff. "Well maybe I should have." He stated, shaking his head as he headed back to the attic door. Bacon, the freaking moon!? At this point she likely would have ordered the death of his own family just because he also happens to love them!
He sighed slightly, looking down at the ground as he put the key in the lock, which allowed him to remove said lock. He floated up the stairs silently. He still remembers when they first met when they were young. She was so much sweeter back then... more true to her word. She seemed more fit to rule a kingdom back then.
As soon as he entered the attic, a calming aura greeted him. Like this was the safest place in the whole building. Like it wasn't possible for that demon to get to him... He soon spotted the footsteps that lead him here, coming from a hole in the nearby wall. They kept marking the floor, until they stopped. Stopped in front of the chest in the middle of the room. He glanced too it, slowly floating over.
"Clever hiding place..." He commented to himself. The chest didn't move. He couldn't even here breathing. Maybe whoever it was died while hiding? It would be a shame, do so well avoiding a chilling fate only to die from something as simple as a panic attack. Made him chuckle at the idea.
He heard something. It was barely above a whisper, but he heard it. It sounded like a whimper, or something similar. It had to be the person, or thing in the chest. Oddly enough, that small whimper sounded familiar. He couldn’t place where... "Hey, miss ice witch is downstairs. It's just the two of us. No reason to be hiding away from me." He tried sounding friendly. Maybe he could lure this soul into giving said soul to him later.
"Y-You won't hurt me?" The voice made him on guard. It sounded so... innocent. So familiar. Again, he couldn't place where. It was small... weak. Like it was scared to make any sound.
"Of course not!" Snatcher waved a dismissing hand. He jolted slightly when he heard a creek in the background, afraid he may have just alerted his ex to where he was. But a glance behind showed no one was there... Although it did remind him of the creepy choice in a paint job. Yes, the tale of Moonjumper was a big thing in Subcon, but... he shook his head, giving a reassuring smile to the chest. "Why would I hurt you?"
"I-I saw you, taking some of the icey people away a bit ago. I-I thought you were working with evil lady.." The voice was still shaky, but it seemed to calm down. He could see movement in the chest lid, a little huff as the figure inside opened it slowly. Snatcher watched in curiosity.
Two bright yellow eyes were the first thing he noticed, staring at him in a bit of worry. They were partly hidden behind purple- no, black, no both hair? It was pure black, or close to it, but it glowed purple near the edge. The same could be said for the edges of her face, hands, sleeves, cape, and hat. Her hair also features small little swirls. Her mouth could be clearly seen as one yellow glowing line.
Snatcher didn't know what to make of the sight. This shadow, she looked exactly like Hattie back when she first stepped foot in the forest! Only she looked exactly like him at the same time. The tears dripping down her face where even the same yellow his own eyes would be. Not that he ever cried to find out about that fact.
"What... but how." The child tilted her head in confusion at his words. Snatcher was trying to rack his brain about the whole thing. The only things that ever looked close to this was when he turned into copies of the kiddo to throw her off when they fought. "What's your name? How did you get here? Why are you..."
"I don't know..." The shadow copy looked down slightly, messing with her hands slightly. Similar to what he did whenever he was reminded of those death wishes. Or when he was hiding something in general. "I just... woke up here one day. I've been hiding from misses bad queen ever since..." She seemed to cuddle herself at the thought of the lady.
Snatcher tried to think of how something like this could be possible. She just woke up here one day and just been stuck here? It didn't make any sense. Unless the Hat Girl downstairs was a clone and the real one died by Vanessa's hands, a ghostly version of her should be impossible. A ghostly version that had to run and hide all it's life... like a puppet in Vanessa's show. "Is there... any place or thing you know outside of here?"
The child shocked her head slightly. "No... The only thing I've ever known from the outside is... you." She glanced at his confused expression. "I've seen you about.. this many times before." She held out her hand, showing two up on one and all five up on the other. "Well.. actually this counts... so.." She lifted another finger.
"My yearly trips to the manor..." He didn't notice he picked up the child until she made a small noise of confusion or fright. His body just sort of.. did it on his own. "Seven times... The exact amount of times since she was last here..." He looked down at the child, who was confused by his words. He tried to think of what could have happened to create such a small, adorable...
He recalled watching Hat Kid fight that annoying toilet. Many would assumed he lied about her soul being inside to make her more willing to do the dirty work. But the soul actually did get stuck inside. Still, he wasn't going to deal with it himself. He recalled seeing a faint bit of purple and yellow, like her soul, dash away at one part. He assumed it was a trick of his eyes because the toilet was still bouncing around....
"Are you ok, Mister Noodle?" The young voice, just like the girl's but with a faint echo called up to him. He glanced down at her, and somehow he knew there was sorrow in his eyes. This soul, or a piece of one, has never known anything outside of this prison. That was a fate he wished on no one.
"Oh, I'm fine! It's you I was worried about." He covered his mouth slightly. Did this piece of a soul have some sort of ability? He was just... drawn to her so fast. He slowly removed his hand, giving her a soft smile. "Seven years... I left you here so long..."
"Please don't feel bad!" She was waving her hands in the air, as if to enfenzise her point. "It's my fault, really. I always hid when I saw you... you were a bit scary to me... I didn't want to risk you being bad like her..." She held her head down in shame, garbing her cape and wrapping it around her slightly. It was more pinkest near the bottom, and was torn with holes... was it originally like this or did something happen...
Snatcher and the shadowy child both jolted slightly. There was the sound of some sort of crash downstairs... Snatcher nearly forgot about Hat Girl and Platinum. He needed to go down there and get those two out... maybe the parents as well if they weren't ice statues by now. "Well, I'm not making the same mistake again..." He glanced down at her. "I can take you away from here, would you like that?"
The child let out a gasp in surprise, and a bit of joy. "R-Really, you mean it?" her mouth formed a smile, showing off two little fangs. Just like his own... his own... "I-I would love that! I-I wanna be away from the evil queen.." She then frowned. "But.. The door is locked..."
Snatcher let out a chuckle at that. "She used all the locks she has for doors inside of this place, the fool. It's just some snow blocking the front door. All I have to do is give it a shove and we're home free!" He looked back down at her, seeing she had grabbed a small bit of his mane-thing, as if exsaming it, then reaching for her own neck. "A little funny how we both look so similar, huh kiddo?"
"Kiddo?" The child repeated, pointing to herself slightly. She seemed to be confused by a lot, to which he couldn't blame her. All Vanessa likely did was have whiney fits or shout at her prey. Likely didn't teach the kid a lot. "My name is kiddo?"
Snatcher glanced at her silently for a moment, taking in her statement.
"Did I... say something wrong?" The small shadow asked, tilting her head to the side. She didn't show anymore sights of fear, which was good in his eyes. She was just... naturally confused. He couldn't blame her. If their roles were reversed, he probably would be asking the same questions the little shadow kid was asking. Little... Shadow Kid. "Hey, are you alright? You were... staring blankly for a few moments there."
Snatcher looked down at her with a smile. "I'm fine, Shadow Kid... do you like that name? I think it fits you." He couldn't help but poke at her nose slightly, the ghost child letting out a giggle when he did so.
"Shadow Kid... it's perfect!" The child- Shadow Kid bounces in his arms slightly. She looked up at him with a toothy smile. He could see hope in her eyes, likely the first time they ever had it. She held onto him as he began to float to the exit for the room. "What's your name, mister noodle man?"
"Well, I have many names from the locals around these parts." Snatcher said, a bit of a smug tone in his voice. He had to be quiet though, as he floated back into the third floor, knowing Vanessa could very well be nearby. And the last thing he wanted was to get them both caught when he just promised the young girl freedom. "But the name I personally go by is, The Snatcher. I'm basically the true ruler of subcon." He chuckled at the child's awe.
Platinum held his breath, although he didn't need to breath in the first place, as he pushed himself into the corner. The red and black Elsa being slowly walked down the stairs passed him, a growl in her voice. Lighting stuck outside as he held back a shout, running up the stairs as soon as it was safe. "Hattie!" He whispered-shouted, hoping his sister was alright.
And fell to his knees at the sight. Near a dresser in the hallway stood an ice sculpture. One who bore a familiar ponytail. Her face seemed to be gone, ice covering all it's details. "No...NONO!" Oil tears fell down his face as he raced to the being that was once his sister. She was.. she was dead. Dead and it was his fault because he screamed at the lighting-
There was a tiny crack sound, and then ice flew off the girl's body. She let out a slight gasp as she caught some air, the tip of the nightcap swaying side to side faintly. "It's been too long since I last used an ice hat." She shrugged and looked at her brother, who still had some tears going down his face. "What do you think? Pretty neat."
"I thought you died!" Platinum hissed, trying to stay as quiet as he could as to not alert that creature back up here. He couldn't feel angry from much longer, because another crash of light from outside had him pulling Hat Girl into a hug, shaking slightly. "P-Please don't scare me like that again." He begged, feeling a few gentle pat on his back before she stepped away. "We need to get our Dads, find Snatcher, and get out now."
"You're right. But we need to be careful when we go to leave." With a snap of her fingers, her backpack appeared. She slung it over her shoulder, placing the cap inside once it was open. She then pulled out her mask and headband, placing them on her head gently.
He tilted his head slightly, letting out a brfit giggle. "You look a little funny in that." He stated, Hat Girl rolling her eyes at the statement. The two quietly stepped into the bedroom. She noticed the Mafia Goon was still frozen on the floor, but the closet was back up. Platinum seemed to take note of the closet too, walking over.
She walked behind him, trying to stay quiet. She knew it was likely safe, but she didn't want to risk Vanessa having set up some sort of trap inside it. "Stay behind me." She whispered, pushing her brother back behind her. She could faintly hear something within now that she was closer. With a histiate breath, she swung open the closet door.
Two quick shouts met their ears, and a laser blaster was pointed at them. She looked at the two men, who allowed themselves quick breaths of relief, the cybrog's blaster turning back into a normal hand. "Hattie! Platinum! Oh that was you we heard! What are you doing here?" Reginald asked, hopping out of the closet and hugging the two. Right Hand Man hopped out beside him, although he simply glanced at them.
"Looking for you, clearly!" Platinum stated.
"Ya s'ouldn't 'ave come. We would 'ave gotten ourselves out sooner or later." Right Hand Man stated, shaking his head slightly. Although he and Reginald glanced at each other faintly. The two had faintly heard the kids voices, and knew they had to act sooner or later. They kept fighting about what would be the best way. Mostly because all of the ideas involved sacrificing themselves. Great minds think alike, the saying goes.
"You're right... but you're not hurt, right?" Hat Girl asked, beginning to take a closer look in worry. That's when she saw the crystal-like blue over the cybernetic side of RHM's face. "Papa, your eye! What happened?!" She asked.
Right Hand Man sighed, holding his lover's hand as the group began to leave the room. "Well, we just came out of t'at beer pool place, talkin' about t'e work it will take to drain it out, w'en t'at red mist demon appeared. I tried firin' my laser eye at it, but it just touc' t'e blast 'nd turned t'e laser to ice!" He threw his hands in the air in frustration. "Luckily it only got to my eye before I broke free, t'en we 'id in t'e closet."
"Out of all the places, why the closet?" Platinum asked, a faint smug look on his face. The cyborg rolled his only visible eye.
"There you two... four are" Snatcher called, floating over to the group as they got to the stairs. Hat Girl noticed he seemed to have something close to him, but couldn't make out exactly what it was right now. "Ohh, so your parents aren't human popsicles. Well, isn't that great news!" He let out a chuckle, before noting the glare from the cyborg. "What?"
"Well, at least you brought someone with you..." Reginald sighed, offering the ghost a faint smile, and said ghost simply shrugged. As soon as they stepped onto the first floor, the group paused, they didn't see her, but they knew Vanessa was nearby. They quickly raced under a nearby table as Vanessa entered the hall.
"What are we going to do?" Platinum asked, glancing at where the front door was. "We need to get there, but she'll get us." He glanced back at Hat Girl, who seemed to glance at her hand. She made a small tap at the tips of her fingers, and with a faint green glow, a small stack of cash magically appeared in her hand. "Wait, how did you-" He would have let out a yelp as the thunder came, but Right Hand Man was quick to cover his mouth.
"Get ready to run... or float in Snatcher's case." She said, she glanced at the floor brefitly, trying to find a place to throw the cash. That's when she noticed something... odd. Two shadows were coming from the queen's being. One was of the monster she had become, the second being a reflection of her human self... She shook her head, she couldn't let that distract her. She threw the cash into the kitchen, it blowing up upon impact with the floor.
"AH HA! I FOUND YOU~" Vanessa called, walking past the table they were under, into the kitchen.
"Quick." Right Hand Man whispered, racing to where the front door was. The group falling, Snatcher placing something... someone? He placed whatever on his back as he slammed his arms into the doors, bursting them open. They could hear a growl from behind them. "Run!" He held Reginald's hand, as they began to run down the path they came. They could all hear footsteps behind, the queen's rage was in the air.
"Stay back!" Hat Girl called, garbing her umbrella as they passed the dweller bell, slamming it once she passed by.
Vanessa reached out to freeze them all where they were standing, as a warning to any more cockroaches that dared to go into her home. But it simply slammed agesist that cursed purple wall. She let out a shrike of rage. "I'll get you! No one comes across my path, tries to take it away, and leaves alive!" With a huff, she began to return to her home.
The group was silent, all staring at the purple wall in worry the Queen would somehow break through. It was only after a full minute of silence did they allow themselves to truly relax. They all headed to the bridge, Snatcher picking up the teens as he floated across while Right Hand Man held his Husband close as he did the same. Hat Girl sat on the ground, allowing herself to catch her breath, looking at the snow filled land.
"I'm never going back there again." She stated, and hoped this time it was true. She then glanced over at her parents, the ones who took her in, the ones she just put in danger. "I'm sorry. I should have told you about the manor. I should have... It's..."
"No, before you say it's yer fault, it's not." Right Hand Man said, kneeling next to her and placing a hand on her shoulder, brown eye staring into her sky blue ones. "S'ould've asked ya about t'e place first, I was just in a rush to get some sort of s'elter I didn't t'ink too." he looked at her, giving her a soft smile. "T'e cold wasn't helpin' my thought process either, at the time."
"But it isn't your job to look into the details." Reginald sighed, walking up to them. "I should have known something was off."
"And I guess I shouldn't have screamed when the lightning flashed. But I had every right to be afraid!" Platinum stated, stopping a foot ageist the ground as he pointed to the others, who just gave him a confused look. He was silent for a moment, before sighing. "I.. Thought we were all blaming each other so I decided to join." He looked back at them, smiling as he heard Hat Girl chuckle.
"Well... I'm just glad we're out..."
"Out... Out!" Shadow Kid called happily, hoping off the phantom's back as she fell on the floor. The group glanced over at the sound of the young voice, and found themselves staring in shock at the young girl. She spun around in a slight circle, smiling brightly. "I'm out! It's so pretty being out! Ooo~, what's that loopy thing!"
"W'ot in t'e-" Right Hand Man stated, causing the shadow to glance over, then hide behind the phantom. Must be one of those excitable yet shy types. He glanced up at Hat Girl, hoping she could offer some sort of answer. But she was looking at the creature with the same confusion he had. He turned back to Snatcher, giving him a questioning glare. "Excuse me, g'ost. But can you explain w'y t'ere's a copy of Hattie?"
"Oh, it's quite simple. And please tone it down, you're scaring her." Snatcher said, giving the cyborg his own glare. "I believe she's a part of the kiddo's soul, broken off and taken its own form in the manor. Hat Girl must not have noticed she left it behind..." He picked the shadow child up.
"Well, ain't she the cutest little thing!" Hat Girl gasped, racing over to the purple figure. The child flinched at first, but then looked at the teen in curiosity. The two looked so similar, as to be expected considering they were two of the same soul. She even had the same type of clothing she would wear when traveling all over this planet. "Heya little one! I'm Hat Girl. You.. sorta came from me!"
"H-Hello... I'm Shadow Kid." Shadow Kid introduced herself, and Hat Girl couldn't help but let out an 'Awwww'.
"You're one of the most innocent things I've ever seen in my life." Reginald said, smiling as he walked over to the small group. He patted her on the top of her head, being careful not to knock off the hat, smiling at the giggles he got in return. "It's nice to finally get to meet you, Shadow Kid. Say.. how would you li-"
"No, Reg. The answer is no." Right Hand Man quickly stated, crossing his arms to show his point. Reginald let out a huff, while Hat Girl and Platinum both glanced at each other, shaking their heads. Shadow Kid tilted her head in confusion, as Snatcher held her close. "Platinum 'nd Hat Girl are enoug'. We talked about t'is, no more kids."
"But she's a part of Hattie's soul, so technically we would still only have two kids!" Reginald claimed defensively. Snatcher found himself warping his tail around where Shadow kid was, looking down at her slightly. He watched her garb his tail slightly, holding it close like it was some sort of blanket. She just seemed so lost about what they were talking about. "Besides, look at her! We can't just leave her all alone!"
"T'e answer is still no, Reg. We already had to deal wit' 'er chaos as a child, I'm not relivin' all t'at." Right Hand Man stated firmly.
"But Rightttyyy..." Reginald was just a kid asking for a puppy at this point. Platinum let out a slight chuckle as he watched. While it would be great to have a new sister, even he was able to see now wasn't the best time to be adopting someone. He found himself glancing over to where Snatcher was, seeing a thoughtful look in his eyes. "Where else would she have to go? We can't make her go back!"
"I could take her."
Reginald glanced over, a bit confused. "What?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. Right Hand Man gave the ghost a confused look, although there was a form of relief that could be seen in his visible eye. Hat Girl looked at them both, then smiled as she looked back at the two purple beings. "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean, she appears to be more ghost then living, breathing human." Snatcher said, waving his hand as if taking someone in wasn't a big deal. "She has stayed the same age for Seven years, after all. It would be best for her to be near creatures more like herself. Besides, look at her! She looks like a mini me in the shape of the kiddo!" He grinned slightly. "It only makes sense if I let her stay at my place."
"So... basically yer adopin' 'er?" Right Hand Man asked. He watched the ghost gain a bit of a blank face, processing his exact words. "Ye were basically sayin' ya were goin' to be 'er parental figure, after all."
"You're adopting me?" Shadow Kid asked, looking up at the Prince's ghost slightly. He looked down, processing could still be seen happening in his eyes. Then he gave her a soft smile, and nodded. She gave her own smile in response, nearly hoping out of his hands in joy. "Yay!" She clapped her hands slightly, before pausing and looking back up at him. "Wait, what does "adopin" mean." She was confused when the others giggled at her accent imitation.
"Well..." Snatcher let out a bit of a nerves laugh, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand as he tried to think of what to say. He never thought he would say these words to anyone. "Well, you see how Hattie has her two Dads?" He watched as Shadow Kid glanced over at the two man, Reginald waving slightly, before looking back at him. "Basically, me adopting you means I'll be your Dad. Or Papa or Pops, whatever you wanna call me."
Shadow Kid gasped in joy, hugging him. "My heart-'' Platinum called from the side, grabbing his chest.
Reginald gave a small smile to the two. "Well, I'm glad you two have each other now." He let out a sigh, then glanced at his daughter, who smiled brightly at him. "Well, I suppose we should be returning to the orbital station. The clan must be worried about us. And we need to get to work removing the ice from Righty's eye."
Snatcher glanced back at the cyborg, and had to hold back a laugh once he finally noticed the ice covered eye. "Well, I have to find a place for Shadow Kid to sleep anyway. Along with letting the village know of her arrival." He gave the small shadow a boop, watching her giggle, before he turned away from the group. "I'll see you later, Kiddo and Platinum! Preferably when I find a spell to turn the manor's walls into bacon!" with a laugh, he raced into the woods, gone from sight.
"See you!" Hat Girl called, waving her hand quickly. She heard a sigh, and Reginald passed her as the group began their trip back to the orbital station. She walked up to her Dads, a bit heistaite. "So… you guys aren't grounding us right? You guys aren't mad, right?"
"I'm too tired to really be mad." Reginald stated honselty, wrapping an arm around his lover's shoulder. He glanced at the two. "I won't ground you, since we may not have gotten out of it wasn't for you, if we're being honest."
The two teens looked at each other, giving each other a high five with a chuckle. "But," Right Hand Man's stern tone cut them off, bringing their attention to him. "Know t’at unless we find ourselves in a deat’ trap again, you doin’ anythin’ that could put you in ‘arm’s way again will result in groundin’. Is t’at clear?" He watched the two nod at his words, and only then he allowed himself to relax.
"I still wish we could have kept Shadow Kid..." Reginald sighed, as Hat Girl let out a small giggle at his words. She found herself staring into the woods of Subcon, a smile on her face.
Vanessa was the worst, so that meant the worst had to be behind them. Right?
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misteria247 · 3 years
Chapter Three
WARNING: The following chapter has swears and a few mentions of alcohol. If this makes you uncomfortable then I encourage y'all to check out my other works!
The truck drove through the night, the driver humming softly to themselves with the radio. Tonight had been a rather strange night for them, after having something hit their truck and seeing nothing around other than broken tree branches, rocks and other natural things the driver had been a little bit spooked ever since. Now they were even more desperate to get home, to get back to the city and away from the creepy woods.
"Soon I'll be back in my shitty apartment and away from this bullshit."
The driver grumbled to themselves as they continued the long journey home. After a good ten miles or so the familiar shapes of old houses and gas stations started to show up again instead of trees. The human sagged a bit relieved to see the familiar landmarks when the sudden dinging from truck startled them back into their once tense position. Eyes scanning the dashboard they finally landed on the gas meter and the human cursed.
"God damnit...I need gas."
They growled driving the old truck towards a gas station nearby. Pulling up to the pump they parked the truck and turned it off, searching for their wallet. Once found the driver got out of their truck and slammed the door shut before making their way towards the building.
The sound of a door slamming shut was what woke him up. As silent as a grave and on high alert, he peeked through the holes of the tarp that kept him hidden and blinked rapidly at the sudden bright lights that blinded him. Once the specs of color and darkness were out of his sight he took in his surroundings and bit back a swear.
'Civilization, I stayed too long in the truck. I gotta get out of here before I'm caught.'
He thought in a slight panic before forcing himself to calm down.
'Okay think, is there anyone who could see me? Are there any cameras?'
He looked back through the holes in his tarp and saw no one in sight. He breathed a sigh of relief before looking for any cameras. Seeing that the truck was parked far enough away he took a deep steadying breath.
'Keep calm, stay focused. Move swiftly, stay to the shadows. That is the true way of the ninja.'
The thought rang through his head leaving him slightly confused.
'Ninja? Why would he know the way of the ninja?'
He didn't have time to ponder the questions as he had a time limit. Not wasting another moment he sprang from the truck bed as quickly and quietly as he could bolting for the trees that were still around. Once he was safe under the cover of complete darkness again and out of sight of any humans he relaxed.
'You did well......my.....'
He blinked in a sudden daze as a soft voice echoed in his mind. A voice that sounded familiar yet unfamiliar. It made him feel something, something he hadn't felt in a long time.
It made him feel safe.
Shaking his head to get rid of the whispered voice he continued to run until he was out of sight of the gas station. He didn't know exactly where he was going but he knew better than to stay around here. He'd find some other way to get to a city, he just had to think. Thankfully he wasn't seen, the last thing he needed was for angry humans to go after the freak.
The driver breathed in stunned shock and disbelief. They'd had just gotten done paying for their gas and had stepped out of the gas station building when they'd seen it. Something big running in the treeline before disappearing. The driver could barely make anything out but they could have sworn that they saw something green.....almost like skin......
The driver didn't stick around long after that too terrified already from the night's events. Filling their truck they quickly hopped in and sped out of the gas station lot. Zooming down the road the poor drive didn't look back, instead focusing on getting back to the city. They nearly cried tears of joy when they saw the familiar sign signaling that they were almost there.
New York City, five miles ahead.
"Finally, jesus I hate nature and I hate whatever the hell that thing was."
They said in a spooked tone speeding down the road until they'd finally hit city limits.
New York was a rather crowded city. Filled with people of all walks of life and all kinds of backgrounds it was a melting pot of anything and everything. It was the place where you could thrive in the hustle and bustle of fast living. The city that never sleeps, always awake in some way twenty four hours a day. It was a hectic lifestyle but it was how things were. And wherever hectic things occurred there was bound to be someone who sees it. It was the perfect place for someone who worked in the news to find great stories.
It was a perfect place for people like April O'neil.
April was a rather smart woman, working for big companies and finding the latest scoops to sell to the huge news media stations, she had a keen sense of finding things out that others could never dream of finding. Because of this natural talent April had been the first one to discover the secret of New York City. The secret that protected the city and its inhabitants from unknown dangers and kept the shady groups of people and other criminals off the streets.
The Turtles.
April's precious family. She hadn't meant to find them, it'd been an accident if she was being honest. What started off as one of her normal routine information diggings it'd ended up with her finding out some rather dangerous information involving an underground group that had wanted to destroy the city. Long story short she'd been saved by these mutant turtles and the rat mutant known as their father and master and taken in when she'd needed protection. After that April O'neil became inseparable from them. She'd ended up fighting alongside them in their dangerous battles against all kinds of enemies such as The Kraang, The Purple Dragons, and even their family's most dangerous enemy, The Foot Clan.
Over the years April fought with them and helped them out in anyway she could. She did everything within her power to keep the turtles and their father safe. They were her family and she loved them dearly and the feeling was mutual. Perhaps that's why April had been one of the people who took what had happened the worst out of all of them mentally. Perhaps that is why to this very day she pushed herself for her boys as hard as she did. Perhaps that is why she was currently in the place she was in now. The bar was crowded tonight, filled with all the drunkards and other unsavory types of people who drank away the night with booze and other alcoholic beverages. The red head was seated at the bar station, her stool scooted away from everyone as much it could go as she listened to the gossip and information that was passed around by its inhabitants.
As she stirred her coke, she'd heard a voice speak up from a nearby table.
"I'm telling you guys! It was some kind of monster thing! I saw it with my own eyes!"
A person exclaimed in a somewhat panicky manner, their eyes wide. One of the men sitting at the table with them just laughed.
"Really? A monster? Ya sure you weren't seeing things?"
The man mused before taking a sip of his beer. The person huffed looking slightly irritated.
"I wasn't seeing things.....no one could imagine something like this."
They said sounding a bit unnerved. That caught their companion's attention as well as April's who was quietly tuning into the conversation.
"This thing....it.....it was big....! And it moved so fast! I couldn't make out much of it but I could make out that it....it had...."
They paused seemingly shaken up recalling it. The man grabbed their shoulder and gave them a little shake.
"What?? What did it have???"
The man demanded sounding a bit irritated and on edge.
"It had green skin......I swear to God.....it was green like.....like some kind of frog or lizard or something like that I don't really know but I do know one thing. It....it wasn't natural...."
They finished off. The man meanwhile just stared at them in shock.
"Jesus Christ...."
The man breathed. The conversation seemed to die down for April who sat on her stool frozen dead in her spot. Her bright blue eyes were wide with disbelief. She didn't think about what she was doing next as she suddenly stood up from her stool and made her way to the table that was near her and quickly shot out.
"This gas station, where was it??"
She nearly demanded the poor person who jumped at her sudden appearance. The person blinked before they responded.
"Uh the old gas station outside of the city right before you come into its limits. About five miles out-Hey lady where you going?!?"
The person exclaimed baffled but April was already gone from view. She quickly left the bar, her mind racing a mile a minute.
'There's no way....it couldn't be.....it's been four years.....!'
She thought trying to think about it logically. It just wasn't possible not after.....April slowed her pace down on the sidewalk as she remembered the sobering moment that ruined her and her family's lives four years ago. The one moment that broke up an entire family and effectively broken their spirits. April felt her throat tighten as she thought about the turtles and their father. How they'd mourned and grieved still to this very day. It just wasn't possible.
'But what if it's really him....? What if it's really truly him....? If there's even a small chance that it could be him.....I have to know. I'd never forgive myself if I didn't go and see if it's really him....'
April's thoughts whispered brokenly. She had to know, she had to see if what this person saw was really the one she and the boys believed was gone. With a determined fire that she'd thought had long past died April began speeding up her pace again, her blue eyes alight with something she hadn't dared to entertain since the incident four years ago.
With a practiced motion she reached into her pants pocket and pulled out her cellphone ready to call the turtles when she paused.
"I can't bring them into this, not without knowing if it's really him or not. If it was just something that the person imagined...."
April mumbled softly. The red head knew that if she got the boys involved and it'd ended up not being him......
It'd most likely destroy the family even more than it already was.
"But I can't just go alone! I might need backup! Ugh but who can I call-"
April stopped mid rant her eyes going wide as another person popped into her mind. One who she knew for sure would go with her. Scrolling through her contacts she finally came across the familiar number of the one person she hadn't spoken to in a good while. Pressing the call button she patiently waited for the phone to pick up. After a few short rings it finally picked up.
"Casey, it's April. I need your help."
*Three parts in the span of a few days hot damn I'm on a roll y'all and it feels hella good!!! I'm lowkey pretty proud of this part and I'm just having a blast writing for my boy Leo and this premise that I've got going on. Hopefully y'all are having a blast as well!!!! Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!*
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saladejin · 4 years
Call An Uber? | 02
Tumblr media
BTS x Reader | idolverse au, uber driver!Reader, translator!Reader |  Fluff, flirting, super slow burn, angst and hurt/comfort, mature themes and eventual smut 
Summary:  Your normal life with a normal, yet inconsistent job gets drastically changed when your dreams come true. Sounds boring right?
What happens when all of this occurs, but you’re still doing something you love AND getting a large sum for it? Now there’s something to think about, and it’s definitely not what you’re thinking.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.4k
< masterpost >
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Bold = English
       "You make it sound like we're gonna die." 
"Yeah well you will, if you don't move your ass." I swung open my door, tugging the mask higher on my face and swishing my (h/c) hair around to cover the rest partially. 
Hopefully any lurking cameras wouldn't sneak a peek of my flustered appearance, because that would be embarrassing in itself. I had worn only the lightest makeup possible today. Of course I didn't want to look like a troll in front of my customers, but now that I was breathing right next to two perfect, ethereal human beings, I suddenly wished I’d made a better effort to impress. 
"Quick!" Jimin's abrupt gasp snapped me out of my thoughtless gazing, and I turned around to see Jungkook walking towards me swiftly. Jimin was already heading inside, but had thrown a worried glance back in my direction when he saw my frozen form on the pavement. I instantly started at the sudden pressure on my lower back and jumped forward when Jungkook's large hand pressed me in that direction. 
"Sorry, but you probably shouldn't touch me if people can see," I murmured and led the way through the sliding doors into the cooled administration room.
Jungkook's tentative hand jerked away as if he had touched a burning hot iron.
The weather had been quite warm outside, but I hadn't taken too much notice because of the exceptional air conditioning of my car. I whipped my head around one last time to blow a tiny kiss to my precious baby parked outside, as it was still new and had already been through an exciting car-chase of sorts. Even copping a harsh slap to the ass in the process. 
I'll be back soon Red. 
I turned back around to see the cheeky maknae giving me an incredulous look with one eyebrow raised. 
"Don't judge me, it's new." 
When Namjoon came to fetch his two younger members, he was definitely far from pleased. As soon as he entered the room all three of us were sitting in, he gave me a quick glance up and down with his expression hardening the closer he looked. Despite his misgivings, the tall man still managed to flash me a strained smile while he dipped his head in a sign of respect. He was truly a kind soul, and I knew he’d probably need to make an initial judgement based off this first look.
The professional demeanour continued as his careful eyes flickered to Jimin and Jungkook. He had already gone through the initial apologies and displays of gratitude as soon as he bowed, but now his expression was disappointed as he beckoned the other two members in the room.
"You two come with me." 
Damn, his leader voice was definitely no joke! I felt myself squirm in my seat, probably from the uncomfortable tension suddenly flooding the room. Namjoon looked as good as ever, silvery grey hair styled in a way that just made me speechless, but his usually calm and thoughtful expression was tired and stressed. 
Poor guy, he must have torn his hair out over this. I hope he doesn't think I'm insane or something.
I knew there was absolutely no way he would trust me completely on the first meeting, but seeing as though his fellow band members had mentioned their situation and fortunate escapade, his gaze seemed softer than it could've been.
Thinking about what could've gone wrong made me shudder, and I pushed the thoughts away as the two boys I had shared a car with for the past half an hour jumped to their feet. I was sad, but I mean who wouldn't be? I had fangirled over them so many times and once I’d actually met them, it seemed quite literally too good to be true.
I knew they couldn't stay though, and when it came down to it, I was most likely viewed as just another fan. Just another fan that they had happened to meet coincidentally, but still nothing too estranged from a fan meeting event where girls from various backgrounds would provide them with gifts and words of encouragement. 
Why would I expect anything different from this? 
I forced down the bile rising in my throat and avoided making eye contact with any of the boys, as I couldn't bear to watch them go. Slipping through my fingers, kind of like the moment you begin to wake up from a dream you longed to replay over and over.
The realisation that they’d halted in their movements took me way too long, but as I snapped up to meet Jungkook's conflicted expression, I suddenly gasped. "Oh, sorry!" 
I tugged off the mask he had graciously lent me and held it out with a shaky hand in the younger boy's direction. His eyes flashed with recognition and even surprise, much to my own confusion. 
"Oh, that...I won't mind if you keep it, I have plenty of others." 
I let out a sharp breath and smiled forlornly. "Creepy, you're giving me your clothes now?"
I laughed softly when he rolled his eyes and dismissed me with a joking wave of his hand, bunny smile flashing. Jimin also couldn't help but grin at the maknae's chivalrous attempt and how it had completely backfired.
Someone cleared their throat deeply and I met the pointed look of Namjoon once more, even though his gaze had settled the tiniest bit at seeing his fellow members act comfortably. 
"(Y/n)-ssi, is it?" 
"Yes, I'm sorry to make you wait so long Kim Namjoon-ssi. You must have been worried sick." I struggled to be as respectful as I could, my eyebrows knitting together in concentration as I spoke. Did I even use the correct honorific? Maybe I should have used something higher because he's the leader of the group. Ah, I don't know! 
A chuckle broke me from the horrifying contemplation, and I flinched slightly as Jimin bent down to enter my line of vision. "Don't worry too hard about all the honorific stuff, Namjoonie-hyung will understand." 
I nodded with a cringe alighting my features, annoyed at my own obvious floundering with their language. I had been in the country for a couple of months, so why couldn't I just get my act together and converse properly? 
"Do...you speak English at all?" Namjoon ventured with a smile that made his dimples pop adorably. I let out a big sigh and ran a hand through my windblown hair while nodding. 
"Yep, I'm from (Y/c). But I do understand Korean fairly well, it's just the honorifics and technicalities that trip me up a bit." 
Jimin and Jungkook groan simultaneously at the revelation that I was fluent in the language they practiced the most, and I couldn't help but smirk. They must have had some suspicion, as I did't exactly look Korean anyway, but there was always the notion that I could have been born to foreign parents and grown up here. 
"I never would have known! Your Korean is still great," Jimin whined lowly and I couldn't help but laugh, the look in my eyes eventually shifting to one of apology. 
"That's fine, it's alright to just use 'ssi' anyway," Namjoon nodded and I relaxed my shoulders in relief. The switch back to Korean was somewhat jarring, but it was only fair that everyone in the room should understand the gist of the conversation. 
"But hyung, she told us she doesn't mind if you don't use them for her," Jungkook was next to pipe up, and I was surprised he even remembered such a thing at this point in time. I just smiled and shook my head in response. 
"I don't mind either way. I'm not fussed at all." 
"Yes, well we should be going anyway." Namjoon cut off the conversation and glanced at his watch, looking back around at everyone in the room. 
"Thankyou (Y/n)-ssi for taking care of our members, something like this shouldn't happen again." 
At the sound of their leader's stern voice, the boys both hung their heads slightly, and I knew that even though the situation had worked out for the best, it definitely was not ideal for this kind of thing to happen when their careers could be put on the line. 
"It's alright, Jungkook's mask is the only thanks I need," I decided to joke so that I can see the younger boys smile again, and I was rewarded with the most beautiful pearly white grins yet. Namjoon chuckled and motioned with one hand for the boys to leave the room before him.
Jungkook turned and threw a small wave and bow in my direction. I returned them, and he finally exited the room with a hefty sigh to let out all of his pent-up stress. Jimin followed with the same gestures and I responded with a faintly sorrowful smile. Ah, what I wouldn’t give to just spend a whole day with them. I was then ultimately left alone with the leader of BTS. To say I wasn’t a tad intimidated would be a lie. 
"Once again, you have truly done us a service. We are glad to have a fan such as yourself supporting us,” Namjoon spoke after a few seconds of silent tension.
"Thank you, you have no idea how much you guys have helped me already, so please don't feel as though you owe me anything," I quietly respond and watch as his eyes cloud with admiration and respect suddenly.
Maybe he regretted acting so robotic and cold when he came in, but he was the leader and professionalism mattered so much when you were faced with a situation that called for big demonstrations of leadership. Namjoon smiled and bowed again, reaching out to shake my hand kindly before leaving the room to join the others. I knew all that was left was meeting the CEO of Bighit Entertainment. 
Yeah, because that's something to just brush over. 
God, so much was happening to me today. How could I possibly go back to streaming endless amounts of videos and fangirling over pictures when I had actually spoken with three members of the band itself? I forced down the niggling thoughts of 'that's only three out of seven' and grunted apprehensively. 
You're lucky enough as it is, don't be greedy. 
The thing is, nothing about my long-distance relationship with the boys was normal anymore, and I wondered if the girls who attended fan-meetings felt exactly the same way. The fact that they were just normal guys with normal thoughts had always crossed my mind when I watched them through the screen, but seeing it in action proved to be disarming at the very least. 
Stupid world-famous idols, don't play with my heart like this.
The meeting and disclaimer signage with Bang PD went well in the end, and I was consistently surprised at how kind-hearted and open he was with everything that had gone down. All the staff I had encountered were nothing short of accommodating, and they were continuously apologising for the mess caused. Even though I had told them many times it was truly a blessing in disguise, they remained insistent on the matter.
"Please, I want you to take this as a token of our gratitude." Bang PD smiled warmly in my direction, and before I could refuse he held out a slip of paper. It was a cheque, and my eyes blew wide when my eyes scanned the tiny bold numbers printed neatly on the surface.
"Please, I can't accept this, I already got paid for my service."
Before the short man could shake his head and insist further, a light knock sounded on the frosted glass pane of the office door before opening. In stepped a young woman who bowed repeatedly for her intrusion, her short night black hair bobbing up and down along with her.
"I'm terribly sorry Bang PD-nim, but the donor from Chile has arrived back at the office ahead of schedule."
The founder of Bighit nodded in understanding, clearing his throat to speed up whatever process was happening. He turned back to me with a reassuring glance and I took a deep breath, fully understanding I wasn't really able to refuse his generous offer.
"Right, well thank you once again for your service, I have other things to attend to it seems. It was lovely to meet you."
The cheque still scorching hot in my left hand not going unnoticed, I forced myself to return his smile with a gulp. He gestured softly for the door and followed me out. The young woman looked quite flustered as she shifted from foot to foot just outside the bleak office entryway.
The building's interior was very modern and clean-cut, and I knew it was probably very, very different from the actual Bighit Entertainment building itself. Seeing as it was meant for living arrangements and not vital meetings such as the one mentioned earlier.
I exchanged formalities with Mr.Bang once more before I turned towards the exit of the dormitory building, my big and exciting day coming to a close just like that.
"I'm sorry, but it seems our Spanish interpreter has called in absent today. I've just been informed that the donor came without one," the hushed whisper from the woman reached my ears as I took a couple of steps towards the large glass doors. I heard a sharp click of a tongue and a deep, masculine sigh from behind me. 
"Well what are we going to do? I don't know enough Spanish for an entire face-to-face meeting like this."
"Does anyone else in the company?" The woman's voice was growing frantic, as she was apparently about to drown in her sudden bout of panic.
Bang PD's tone was irritated. "Why the hell was this not scheduled better?"
I honestly could not blame him. What kind of interpreter would just call in absent on such an important event? Even if the sickness was life-threatening, there were ways to notify and organise something to compensate for it, or give some warning to reschedule.
A small smile stretched my lips as I twirled around on one of my heels happily, once again facing the distraught looking woman and CEO who were deep in hurried conversation.
"If I mentioned that I was fluent in Spanish, would that help?"
             Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.   
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mammonspeanut · 4 years
4:24 am
(Idk just something I threw together after waking up yesterday morning. Chubby/fat MC sad)
Sweet pitter patter of rain emitting from your laptop. Back in the human realm many people suggested that those with tinnitus should always have some background noise to cancel out the high pitched beeping/wave sound your body created for some unknown reason. 
You shuffle in bed.
They also always said you shouldn’t be around loud music, something you never cared for much. You’d rather experience a sudden hearing loss than miss out on all the fun. You only used the sound of rain to fall asleep, to be honest you didn’t care if it was that or creepy pasta as long as you could relax to it. 
You roll around, your fingers gently, almost insecurely reach out, searching for his warmth. Yet, all they find is a cold void next to you, a sudden wave of sadness crashed over you. Where is he?
You carefully open your eyes, blinking away the bright light your laptop cast onto your bed as you wait for them to adjust to it. Your eyes take in the crumbled up pillow next to you, illuminated by the artificial blue light you pull it close.
Who was he? You asked yourself as you sleepily reached out for your laptop, decreasing the volume.
It wasn’t like you were dating anyone, so who were you missing?
People don’t date me, you silently whispered to yourself as you open a new tab and overlay music over the sounds of raindrops hitting the patio. With the words of the song, your own thoughts begin to betray you as they whisper all your insecurities into your ear. All the reasons no-one would ever like you and why you will always be alone. 
While taking a long breath in the second wave of sadness broke above you, drowning you in your thoughts. Your eyes become heavy as you lay in bed, listening.
Your toes touch the soft fabric of the rug in front of your bed as you rose out of it. Slowly opening the door you step out of your room, nothing but the quiet pitter patters of your steps echoing throughout the house as you made your way down the stairs. 
Standing in front of the closed door, you wondered what you were doing here. It was childish, a grown woman standing in front of someone's room because they were.. sad? Lifting your hand, you let your fingertips brush over the cool surface of the metal door before pushing it open. You slowly step down the ice cold metal stairs into the void. 
“Mammon,” you whisper as you stood beside his bed. 
“Huh? Levi if it’s you fuck off.” he groaned tiredly as you heard him shuffle. 
“It’s me. Can I- Can I sleep with you?” you whispered, pulling at the hem of your shirt. 
“Mmm.. S-Sure come on in,” his raspy voice invited you as you heard him pull his covers back.
Your feet leave the floor, you feel almost as if you are floating, your thigh brush against the warm covers as you crawl into his bed. You inhale his warm-spicy scent as you let your head sink into his soft pillows. Home, you think to yourself as you drape the cover over yourself. 
“What’s wrong?” he grumbles, the sound of his voice changing directions as he turns around to face you in the darkness. 
Your insecurities whisper into your ear, they want you to tell him a lie, something about how it was nothing, and you just wanted to make sure he was going to get up in time. But you were tired, so tired. You didn’t have the energy to listen to them.
“I just... I suddenly felt sad after waking up..“ you whispered into the darkness, regretting it as you were met with silence. 
“Why?” a simple yet cutting question, pulling open a deep wound you tend to regularly pick at yourself. 
“I-I just felt alone... and I don’t know, unloved, maybe? I know I have no right to feel this way, I mean I am ugly and fat and..” you whimpered as you felt warm tears fall onto his pillows. “I’m sorry I don’t know I shouldn’t be crying. I want to stop but I can’t”, you choke as the tears continue to flow. 
You felt the bed shift under his weight as he came closer, his arms wrapping around you as he pulled you into his warm and inviting embrace. You felt soft kisses on the top of your head as you sob into his arms apologizing for getting your tears onto him. He gently hushes you, squeezing you tightly as if to mend every crack inside of you. 
“Shh... don’t think silly things like that.” he hushed you as he rubbed the back of of your head. “You’re gorgeous, the way you are, so what you aren’t like the others. I can list like 10 things of why I like you and would choose you over anyone else. Number one is that I don’t get tortured as much since you’ve been here.” 
You let out a laugh as you wipe your tears away. He always knew how to make you laugh, even if you didn’t feel like laughing.
“It’s true, honey-lips. Ya wanna know why that is number one?” he asks as you feel his hands mindlessly draw circles on your back. You nod into his chest as he props his head on top of yours. 
“Cuz when I am with ya I’d rather see ya happy and hear your laughter than scam someone for money.” you felt him grin against your forehead as he kissed it once again before he continued “I also love the way ya eyes sparkle when ya look at me be it from laughin' or 'cuz you are planning something again or just 'cuz. I adore your smile even if ya always tryin' to hide it but, it never fails to make me wanna smile with ya. Not to mention the way your eyes almost disappear when your grin becomes so big and you start complainin' ' bout it hurtin', but ya can't stop.”
You feel your breathing calm down as you close your eyes and listen to him spill his thoughts. 
“Ya' know, the reason why I always study with 'chu is 'cuz I like watchin' and listenin' to all the smart stuff come out of the pretty mouth of yours when ya start ramblin' about shit I don't understand. Not to mention the way ya be lookin' when you lean in to explain something I don't understand. It's breathtaking.” you felt his body move as he chuckled at the thought. “I admire ya for just being weird sometimes and being able to laugh about yourself when someone catches you doing it. I may not understand why but I also enjoy it when ya take your time to do things with me. Like normal shit such as cook a dish from scratch and sitting down in the kitchen to eat it and getting to know each other more, ya know the deep conversations thing. Ya think you are ugly and fat but I adore your body, every curve and dip, every imperfection and perfection. To be honest, it doesn’t matter what others think of ya and if someone says something they are wrong 'cuz I know better. 'Cuz I know that you’re everything and more,“ he spoke before realizing what he said in his sleepy state. 
“I- I mean you should feel honored that the great Mammon cares for a human like you..” he stuttered, shifting so you could rest your head on his chest. Snuggling into his arms you chuckle and whisper “Thank you..” as you both intertwined your legs before falling asleep. 
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hisbutlerisahunter · 4 years
Day 15- Peaceful music date
Pairing: Franklin x reader.
It wasn’t often that you got days like these. Days where you could sit back and not worry about your boyfriend getting hurt or what time you had to be at work, you could just relax because he was home, with you. The air is soothingly silent and you feel comfortable as you sit in your living room with your boyfriend.
“what do you want to do today” you hum as you turn to face Franklin, he shrugs and then thinks for a second.
He liked the silence but he had a hobby that he loved a little more. Franklin loved to bring home records hed managed to steal from being inside peoples homes, it was a little creepy but you tried to stay out of troupe business unless it was about the actual drama.
“I found some more records I liked on our last heist you want to listen to them” you consider his words but quickly find yourself nodding and smiling. The peaceful silence could change to peaceful background music for a while. This is what you two did best, sitting and quietly listening, it was a peaceful relationship.
Franklin gets up and places the suitcase record player on the coffee table, its old but so very beautiful and every record Franklin picks up manages to sound amazing.
The music starts up and it makes you jump lightly at the sound until Franklin turns it down. When its down to a decent level of noise it sounds so pretty, its a calming tune, maybe a drawn out piano piece but definitely something from years ago.
“where did you find this one?” you question and Franklin hums, he considers whether to tell you about Troupe business every time and yet you still manage to always get him to tell you. He never lets you down and his storys are always over the top. The plans, the drama, the fails, its always so much and you’re never sure how he comes home in one piece. Your thoughts are cut off by Franklin clearing his throat, hes looking at you like you’ve been spaced out for a while so you flush a little and smile as he starts to talk.
“We had to keep a rich man as a bargaining chip, he struggled a lot, obviously, offered us way too much money and just when the boss was about to give the order, Phinks and Nobunaga started arguing” he sighs before continuing.
“stupid knuckles heads killed him whilst i was looking at this record” he sighs again, heavier this time and you smile.
“you love them though right? thats your family” he looks you over, once, twice. The truth was Franklin wouldn’t want to lose them for the world but if they compromised the spider he wouldnt hesitate but he was not about to tell you that.
“yes, they’re my family” he says before pulling you into his side and resting your head on his chest. You both go back to listening to the music, hearing the melody and feeling it flow through you makes you happy as you hum along.
Franklin takes a second to let your humming distract him, you truly were his everything, he chuckles when your humming goes off key and you laugh with him. He would literally do anything for you and right now all he could think about was, if his world came crashing down tomorrow, hed be okay as long as he had you.
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honeyjxsung · 4 years
Stray Kids reaction to idol s/o competing at ISAC Archery
request: hi, can you do a stray kids reacting to their idol s/o participating in the archery at ISAC, please?
A/N: here it is love! i hope you enjoy, i really need to learn how to make these less lengthy, but i hope this is alright in the meantime
although woojin couldn’t participate, he still went just for the sake of watching you compete
you were doing archery and he knew how much you’ve practiced for it
he watched in the crowd, sitting literally on the edge of his seat.
you were next and as you were getting ready, you searched for him in the audience
when you met his eye, you gave him the brightest smile 
and he gave you a thumbs up 
and it immediately gave you confidence
loading the arrow, you shut one eye and aimed carefully 
woojin held his breath as you released the string and looked at the results.
a 9! 
cheers erupted and woojin clapped his hands,
standing up.
let’s just say that the people around him turned around 
but he could care less, he was busy supporting his girl 
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before the event, chan knew how nervous you were 
you were shaking as you tried practicing and chan told you that it was gonna be okay
and you tried believing him 
it was finally your turn and stood up to take your place
chan was on the opposite side of the area since he was doing the 50m run 
but he still watched through the screen nonetheless
there was a closeup of you, and even though the fans thought you were confident, chan could sense discomfort
chan stared at you and gave a hopeful smile
you couldn’t find chan anywhere and it made you a bit panicky because he was always there to tell you that you would do great
but you brushed the feeling off knowing that he was watching you somehow
you aimed and shot, making a perfect nine
you sighed and made a fist, relieved that you were off to a good start 
chan yelled happily and clapped loudly. 
he was so proud of you 
he knew you could do it
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is probably the most calm 
because he’s also competing for archery he’ll help you 
he has experience too so that’s a bonus
he’ll watch from behind you attentively yet endearingly 
he won’t yell or anything because he doesn’t want to distract you
but he’ll definitely mumble some stuff like
‘come on babe you got this’
‘i believe in you’ 
when you get a high score he’ll break into a smile and wait for you to turn around
and when you do meet his eye, he turns soft and mushy
his members will push him to run up to you
he’d be met with your bright eyes and he’ll fall in love again 
‘minho i did it!’ 
will most likely show you off
like he’ll grab your hand and raise it high to let anyone know that you’re the champ
and you’ll have to hit him because he’s being weird
but he doesn’t care because that’s how he shows his love 
‘you did ’
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will lowkey be more anxious than you 
he’ll bite his nail while watching you on the big screen
his members will probably laugh and tease him saying that he’s overreacting
like the boy is acting like he’s the one competing 
before you go up you give him a quick smile to reassure him 
and that alone makes him at ease
if you’re alright then he should be too right?
you get up and shoot your shot, getting high scores each time
the cheers get louder each time and so does your smile
changbin can see you beaming from the closeup of the screen 
and he won’t realize that he’s smiling too 
his fans will find the way changbin acts so cute
they can really tell that he loves you based on the way he looks at you
and his members can see that clearly too
the entire time he held his breath
and he didn’t realize he was doing it until hyunjin smacked his back to let him know that you got the highest score
and with that, he stands up with widened eyes
his baby did it
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jisung wasn’t competing at all so he had the privilege to sit down and watch everything go down 
luckily he had a good view of his members and you 
you were busy stretching so you couldn’t see jisung eyeing you
it took some time but eventually with the help of some stays, he caught your eye
and he stretched his arms to form a big heart
you could only giggle as you loaded your bow
a few minutes passed and it was now time to compete
you constantly looked back at your boyfriend and he was there to comfort you 
it was now your turn and you took a deep breath and aimed
you shot and jisung flinched 
a TEN!
shocked, you covered your mouth and backed up 
everyone stood up so it was a bit difficult to see jisung
but fortunately the cameraman gave you some help
coincidentally the camera panned to film jisung’s reaction 
and it clearly showed him throw his hands up in a celebratory manner
when he realized he was being watched through the screen, he scrunched up 
just like when he was caught jamming out to got7 during the award show lol 
you could only shake your head and laugh
yep that was your boyfriend
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you and hyunjin were stretching together and all the while you grew antsier
hyunjin noticed and chuckled, ruffling your hair in the process
you both were up to do archery 
and since hyunjin did it once before, he had a gist of what the competition was like
you on the other hand, were new to all this, being a rookie and all 
so to calm your nerves, hyunjin took off his flower crown and place it on your head
minho and felix saw and found it cute
judging by the way your fans and stays cooed, they found it cute too
the flower crown was a bit too big for your head, but felix managed to help you adjust it so it won’t move as you would shoot 
anyway it was your turn 
you loaded your bow and your figure was displayed on all the screens 
hyunjin could be seen in the background, beaming brightly
you shot and the arrow landed on a 9, followed by another 9 and an 8.
your boyfriend clapped his hands once and walked up to you, placing his hands on your shoulders and shook you, causing the crown to get a bit crooked 
you giggled at his antics and he fixed the flower crown, kissing the top of your head
‘i’m so proud of you babe’
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he’s an excited little kid
as he’s watching you his mouth would literally never closed due to him smiling so widely.
he’d be the loudest tbh
cheering you on as you load the bow and shouting when you get a good score
everyone around him would find his reaction hilarious 
and he wouldn’t even notice that other idols are laughing at him 
he’s busy focused on you 
And you only
When you finished all three shots you turn around and immediately try to find your boyfriend
And in seconds you do because all of a sudden he starts running towards you in full speed, slamming his body against you and pulling you into a tight hug
This guy isn’t paying attention to anything else but you
Like all the cameras are pointed to you two, but he doesn’t even notice
He’s busy stroking your hair and panting because he ran too fast
‘You did so- so well today’
And you giggle while kissing his cheek
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He’s gonna be so interested in what’s going on
If one of his members are competing at the same time as you, he would still give you his undivided attention
Like sorry, but you’re the first priority
he’s so immersed in what you’re doing that he doesn’t speak at all
he’s dead silent but that’s because he’s so focused
he’d lean forward in his seat while his chin rests under his intertwined hands.
he’d be so stressed for some reason 
Its like hes in your body
Every time you shoot hed flinch as if it was him aiming
His eyebrows would be furrowed together
Literally, it would look like he’s angry, but he’s not
He isn’t frustrated in any way, and he didn’t even know that he came off that way until hyunjin pointed it out
‘Yo you good? You look kinda mad right now’
When you get a good score overall that’s when he finally lets go and jumps up from his spot
He’d bounce up and down, with a bright smile on his
The contrast between him before and after is kinda creepy
The duality that no one really expected since he wasn’t doing anything besides watching
But you could see from a distance how proud he is based on how jumpy he is lol
You already knew that your puppy of a boyfriend will not stop showering you with love when you come to him
But you weren’t complaining
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He would watch you in a carefree manner
Like whether or not you win this, he would still be proud of you nonetheless
Besides, it was your first time competing, given that you were a rookie idol and all
But he’s surprised when he sees how good you are
He’d watch you comfortably on the big screen, most likely leaning on another member of laying on his lap
But when you hit a bullseye first try and break the camera
That boy will sit straight up
He might stand even 
His eyes would be so wide and his jaw would be on the floor 
Like ig i underestimated my girlfriend
You’d turn around to search for him, and when you do, you can already see him making his way over to you
You mimic him, rushing to him
His arms are wide and you take the chance to jump into his arms like how he jumps into his other hyungs’ arms
He’d spin you around and wrap his arms around your waist while praising you
‘You are amazing’ 
But half of the things he says are incoherent because he’s mumbling them in your hair
But thats alright because you can kinda make them out
‘I love you too, inne.”
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imma-new-soul · 4 years
Say You Love Me (2/2)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x dark!readers
A/N: This is a dark fic based loosely on the Netflix original series YOU. It is dark and creepy but I dont want to give to much away. Readers thought are in italics. It was far to long so there will be a second part to this fanfic... enjoy!!
Warnings: dark content, mention of death, blood and violence
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You followed Bucky in his black Ford for a few blocks till his car came to a stop infront of a small apartment building. Parking on the opposite side of the street you watched as he got out of his car and into the building. You figured this was where he lived and your suspicions were confirmed when you saw his figure move around in the first apartment facing the street.
"So this is where you live James, its historic which makes sence, simple not to flashy which seems to be your style not to many stairs which is perfect for when I move in. I wonder if you'll let me get the top shelf in your dresser or are you more of a closet and hangers guy?" 
Luckily for you he kept his window open allowing you to see everything that went on Inside. He pulled his jacket off underneath was a black short sleeve shirt that exposed his arms. You stared at his metal left arm in fascination. You wondered if he could feel with it and how it felt if you ran your fingers across it.
After spending hours parked infront of his house you came to a realization that even though he was a super soilder that killed hundreds of people he was just like the rest of us. He kicked off his shoes, sat on his couch watching documentaries and even cooked himself a simple dinner. As he undressed and headed to his bedroom you also realized another thing. That he was alone. Lonely and probably still confused about the modern world he was forced into. He needs someone who could comfort him, someone he could talk to, someone he could love, he needs YOU.
You stood watching Bucky in his apartment all night, so tempted to let yourself in and confess your undying love to him but you knew that wasnt the way to go about things. You were smart you planned to learn his schedule, accidentally bump into him, and make him fall in love with you. You just had to be patient
6:30 am - Gets up , brushes his teeth
6:45 am - Morning run
8:00 am - Back home for a shower and breakfast
8:30 am to 2:30 pm - Buisness in the Avengers tower
3:00 pm - Lunch with Sam
5:00 pm - Back home
Everyday was the same routine like clockwork he never missed a beat. You figured the best time to execute your plan was in the morning during his morning runs. This morning you parked at the end of the street, dressed in your running clothes. At 6:45 am Bucky began running in your direction, you set off infront of him keeping your distance for a half a mile. Pretending to twist your ankle you fell to the ground wailing in pain. Bucky runs up to you being the gentleman he is to check if you were ok. After making sure you weren't to badly hurt he told you his name was James but everyone calls him Bucky and proceeded to asked you for yours in which you told him.
"James or as you prefer.. Bucky This is how we met, you dont know it yet but I'm going to be the greatest love you'll ever know. I'll tell our kids about this moment, How you were so gentle with me coming to my rescue, my knight in shinning armor, how you felt this spark between us after only just meeting for a moment"
Bucky lifted you up from the floor bridal style putting one hand on your back and one under your legs to sit you down on the nearest bench. He evaluated your ankle reassuring you it wasnt broken but you insisted that you must have sprained it and you could no longer walk. Bucky told you to stay where you were while he ran back to his house to pick up his car and drive you home.
Step one of your plan was already working perfectly and a rush of excitement shot through you. After a quiet 20 minute drive the two of you pulled up to your place and he helped you to the front of the building.
"Do you mind helping me into my apartment, I dont think I could make it on my own" you said pretending to wine at the imaginary pain in your ankle. Bucky agreed and held onto you as you approached the door to your apartment. The warmth of his body pressed on yours felt like ecstasy. The smell of his skin and softness of his voice danced in your ears like a sweet song. You held the key to the hole slowly turning it as he lead you inside.
You locked the door behind you and shoved your keys into your pocket. You offered Bucky to stay and have some coffee, he opposed at first but you insisted again and not wanting to be rude he stayed. Now that he was right were you wanted him to be it was time for part two of your plan.
As you limped to the kitchen to start a fresh pot of coffee Bucky looked around the livingroom. Watching the hands on your wall clock tick and read the titles of the books that sat on your shelves.
Sitting on the coffee table directly infront of him, your laptop screensaver bounced around the black background till a notification pinged off of the speakers. The screen lite up with photos and folders spared out across the screen. Photo albums of pictures you took of Bucky while you watched him on his day to day. Jogging, walking to the cafe and running regular everyday errands. even his schedule was plastered on the screen.
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Shock waves ran through his body, his heart rate sped to a mile a minute and his body fell numb. The air felt twice as thick and panic coursed through him. In one swift move he lunged towards the door not aware of your presents. His hand shook the knob to your apartment door but it didn't budge.
A burning heat rose from the back of head with a splitting pain. Bucky's vision faded to black and his body fell to the floor with a deep hard thud. The graze of a cold breeze chilled his body waking him from his sleep. Blinking slowly trying to adjust his eyes from the harsh light that shined above him he was only able to hear a slow drip of water that fell from the ceiling and hit the floor in a perfect rythem.
When Bucky regained all of his sences he was sitting in a large steel chair, his arms bound with tightly wrapped ropes that entwined with the ones restaining his legs. Beside him stood a small table that held two metal prons and wires that lead to the outlet on the corner. In front of him a dark figure walked slowly towards him.
You stood infront of him with a calm demeanor although your nerves were a wreck. You were furious, furious that your plans were unraveling, furious of how careless you've been. With a shaking uneasy voice you spoke breaking the silence in the room.
"Why why .. did you have to do this?.. you ruined everything."
"What's going on, where am I, let me out of this? Bucky shouted frantically over and over again.
A stream of blood rolled down his neck wetting his shirt. All you could do is shake you head tears now rolling from your eyes.
" say you love you me" You demanded in a harsh voice. But Bucky just stood silent.
"SAY YOU LOVE ME" you shouted one more time
"What no I dont even know you" Bucky hissed back starting to feel dizzy from all the blood he was losting.
Your anger boiling over at this point, you reached over to the table and pressed each side of the device to his temples. They admitted a strong electric pulse causing Buckys body to jerk and convulse violently. This torture went on for hours each charge higher then the one before till his memory was completely wiped clean.
You planted the idea in Buckys head that you loved him and he loved you with all of his being and that he would never leave you. And he complained to every single word you said. Your plan was finally complete, it wasnt the way you wanted it to be but it worked. He loved you and that was all that mattered to you.
You untied his arms and legs releasing him from all of his restains and sat on his lap.
"Do you love me?" you whispered in his ear
"Yes...yes..I do.. I love you so much" Bucky said with such passion and conviction.
He was finally yours and you're never going to let him go .
@honeyvbarnes @aar-journey @sebbbystaaan @mushyjellybeans @criminal-cookies @babiiface95 @silentcoyote @this-kitten-is-smitten
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gobydana · 5 years
Could you do a reader x Jason where when he’s with the outlaws he comes across the reader who was his ex that he never got over and finds out that due to an accident she lost all memory of him.
Hope you enjoy. This got way too long but I think it turned out well. (side note, next time you might want to mention happy ending cause damn I had fun with this.) 
Simple coffee shop stakeout, that was all this was supposed to be. Instead it landed him down a rabbit hole of memories once he saw her. Y/N looked as gorgeous as always as she drank her coffee and wrote. The memories, good and bad, were floating into his mind. No doubt he would regret it later as he got no intel on the store clerk who was suppose to be selling drugs. That’s why he came here, to watch that person. Not his ex, who he still very much loved. 
He kept tabs on her when they first broke up/she left him with his heart in pieces since he was never around. He stopped because he knew it wasn’t good for him, but at this moment he thought elsewise. Quickly, he shot a text out to some mutual friends to see how she was doing. It was creepy he knew, but he just had to know she was okay. What he didn’t expect was to get a phone call that might change everything. 
He exited the cafe to answer the phone, no use her hearing. Their mutual friend broke it all down for him, the accident and the memory loss. In fact he was worried about their friend being out as she still got loss sometimes walking home. Afterall, she didn’t move to Gotham till shortly before meeting Jason, so she doesn’t remember the city as well. Jason took that as a cue to keep an eye on her. 
That night, Jason took his patrol of Red Hood towards the apartment she moved into after she moved out of his. It was a small flat with not a lot in it. Her job kept her traveling a lot. Now though it looked more lived in. Not like someone just using it to crash once in awhile. What was missing though was anything showing a story of the person who lived there. No pictures of her or anyone. She use to keep a picture of her family hung up but even that was gone. 
In between patrol and gigs with the outlaws, he kept an eye out on her. He debated with Roy a lot. This could give him a chance to start over, fix the mistakes he made the first time. Yet somehow he couldn’t do that, knowing he was lying. If she gave him a second chance, it had to be on her own terms knowing what happened. Turns out though, fate had other ideas. 
One night he was patrolling when he saw her. Two thugs had her pinned against a wall asking for money she kept saying she didn’t have. Anger burned in him as he got closer in full Red Hood gear. The thugs saw him and decided to run letting her go. It was no use as he slammed the first thugs ahead against the wall and shot the second thugs kneecaps. He turned around to see her still glued to the ground and shaking. 
He couldn’t stand to see her hurt and scared. Blood was coming from an arm that got cut. He silently cussed while walking towards her. Quickly he bandaged her up and offered to walk her home. While this town still confused her foggy memory, she had heard of Red Hood often. Knew he wouldn’t harm her, so she took up his offer. 
The walk home was quite. Jason felt awkward near, something that had never happened before.  Her though, she kept the chatter up. That was something he missed about her, always keep a conversation open. SHe talked about her new job and how odd Gotham was. It wasn’t until they reached the apartment that he finally talked. He bid her goodnight and walked away. As he left, she thought she did something wrong. He left suddenly and had barely talked the whole. She chalked it up the hero lifestyle. 
For the next few weeks he would follow her home, making sure she got home safe and then would go to normal patrol. If he wasn’t there, Dick or Barbara would watch. They knew it would help Jason. Both could see the hurt in his eyes though, the pain that was very present after the breakout not that long ago. 
He thought he was sneaky, but her memory lost did not stop her ability to know when something was up. It didn’t take long before she figured he was watching her walk home. After a week, she decided to test her theory. For some reason she pegged him as a cookie type of person, so she left a plate on the fire escape. That night after Jason watched her walk into the apartment and turn her lights on he turned around. IT was the sound of the window opening that got him to turn back. A plate of cookies was left. 
He laughed and debated going but he knew those cookies anywhere, they were his favorite she made. He decide to go check out, maybe she remembered. 
“So is this like Santa? Put a plate out and get catch a Red Hood?” She asked while holding out a cookie towards him. 
“Yep, just don’t let Black Mask catch on,” He joked back while shoving a cookie in his mouth. Same recipe and just as good as he remembered. “Why though?” 
“Thought you might need it with the extra activities of watching me.” SHe mentioned. 
“Well not many walk in this part of town at night alone. Not wise.” He stated. 
“Yeah well I am not from here. Plus don’t remember much. My friends suck and don’t let me go anywhere alone, so the only chance I have?” 
“What happened?” He found himself asking before he could stop himself. “Sorry don’t answer that if you don’t want.” He quickly added. 
“It’s okay. Doctor says talking may help. I got in a car accident and hit my head badly. Lost memory of the last few years. My friends are annoying since they are always like do you remember? Like I can’t just please let me be. The worst thing is I only know what is told to me. For instance I know I was in a serious relationship but they won’t talk about it. Like keeping part of my life from me and ugh.” She said while sitting down in defeat on the window. 
“I am sorry.” Was all he could say. 
“Sometimes different things trigger it but lately I don’t know. Honestly I am trying to piece it together but need people to stop hiding stuff from me.” She said and then yawned. She wished him good night and went back in leaving him with the cookies. 
That night he was munching on cookies while crashing with Roy. His head was so deep in thought that he didn’t hear Roy until a cookie was waved in his face. 
“This is Y/n’s recipe, I know it.” Roy about shouted. 
“Yeah I saw her tonight.” Jason said and then explained about his night. Of course this resulted in Roy jumping and demanding he should take his chance. Jason shook his head and told him he needed to get away. It was dumb following her. 
It wasn’t until a week or so later that things took another change. Red Hood was doing his best at avoiding her, hell he was even at the opposite side of town. The Gotham rain was coming down heavier than normal and gloomy Gotham looked horrible. He was focused on a drug deal at the docks below when he heard the scream. It was a sound he only heard in his worst dream. 
He ran towards the sound as quick as he could. THe rest of the bats could deal with the drug issue at the moment. He was running towards it with full force praying to every god he knew she was okay. A small part hoping the scream was all in his head, but that thought would soon be proven wrong. For as he ran around the corner, he saw her bleeding out under the dim street light with a thug rushing the opposite direction. 
Roy, who he didn’t know also abandon the drug deal came up behind him. Without words spoken, the archer knew to chase the thug while Jason tried to stop the bleeding. The flash of red was the last he saw of his friend before he knelt down next to the person who first showed him what love was truly about. 
He used his jacket to push against the wound in hopes the bleeding would stop. While thankfully the bullet went straight through, so not left somewhere for more damage, it created a second hole. More blood was soaking though and soaking the dark ground beneath them. A quick shout over the comns let him know that medicis were on their way. 
He took off his helmet, hoping to see her better and give her some comfort. The sound of his robic voice through it was not helping them stay calm. He kept whispering words of sweet nothings truly hoping they would grab onto something and stay awake. Every time he saw their eyes about to close he would beg her to stay awake. He didn’t care if they remembered him or not at this moment, as long as they stayed alive. 
“Y/N please just stay awake. Stay with me.” He kept asking. Most of the time they didn’t do much more than look at him. But if they did that, at least it meant the cruel world had yet to take them. 
“It hurts too much.” They whimpered when Jason put more pressure on the wound. In the background, the faint sound of sirens could be heard. Help was finally coming if they hung on long enough. 
“‘I know sweetie. Nightingale, I need you to hang one for me please.” He begged, letting his nickname for her accidently slip up. 
“Jay,” she said while turning to face him, recognition in their eyes for a brief moment. “You came.” They whispered with the last bit of energy left. With that, their eyes closed and their heartbeat weaken. 
“Please don’t,” He said as paramedics came up behind him and took them away, out of his arms. As they left, he could still feel her in his arms as the rain came pouring down. It was Batman who finally came to get him. Yet Jason couldn’t ask, too scared he already knew the answer. 
Tagging: @the-shadow-of-atlantis @superwhoteen @batfam16
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afterreign · 4 years
lovers is plural pairing: implied akeshu/shuake, background ann/shiho & ann/mika beta reader: @jubilantscribbler a/n: no p5r spoilers summary: The Phantom Thieves, an infamous name that empowers the young and instills fear in the corrupt, hold their most important meeting yet. Just who is Takamaki Ann, code name Panther, dating?
Today, Akira is not nervous. There are no battle strategies to discuss, no infiltration route to go over. He is free, not having to relentlessly plan out solutions for all of the potentially bad outcomes that could come to fruition in their next palace escapade.
(Although, he should do that, Morgana’s incessant pleas to sleep be damned.)
No, today is a day he can breathe easy. Today, he is confident.
Akira slides a 100 yen coin.
“Ann is definitely going out with Shiho.”
The response between the Phantom Thieves—sans Ann, of course—is mixed.
“Dude,” Ryuji deadpans, “for real? We’re makin’ bank, yet you’re only gonna bet, like, a coin?”
The weight, or lack thereof, to Akira’s wallet disagrees completely. “It’s fair,” he reasons, internally stomping away at the compulsion to present how truly empty his wallet is to everyone else. “Plus, we’re still high schoolers. College funds and stuff.”
The word “college” attracts the local student body president like a moth to a debt-filled flame. Ugh, third years. “While I would agree that saving up for college is admirable,” Makoto says with a laugh, “I believe we need to backtrack a little.”
Akira sucks in a breath when the brunette places an unwrinkled 1000 yen bill on the table. Makoto’s eyes shine a little. “I am placing my bets on… Mika-san.”
“Thank you!” Futaba, the resident shut-in, erupts, throwing her hands in the air. “I’m glad there’s some common sense here.”
This, of course, ensues verbal chaos. Ryuji, lovely Ryuji with a heart of gold, slams his hands down on the table, protesting all of Futaba’s points. (“Have you seen her look at Shiho?!” the blond exclaims. “Hell, I want someone to look at me like that!”) Futaba spouts something about common media tropes and otome games and other concepts that fly right over top student Akira’s head. Makoto is somehow the mediator and instigator in all of this, proudly showing the group a selfie Ann and Mika took not too long ago. Haru smiles, looking a little too apologetic for wear, before presenting an even more recent photo of Shiho and Ann going on a stroll at the nearby park. And Yusuke, passionate as ever, presents their close-knit group a highly detailed pencil drawing of Ann and Mika looking deep into each other’s sparkling eyes, and okay, this is getting weird. Possibly bordering creepy, and—
Akechi is sitting there with a pained expression masked poorly. He is sipping his coffee cup. It has been empty for the past ten minutes.
“—I feel inspired gazing upon two colleagues enraptured with one another,” Yusuke finishes confessing. Akira, admittedly, hadn’t caught the earlier half. A none the wiser Yusuke nods sagely, eyes closed. “There is no doubt in my mind… Ann and Mika-san must be together.”
“But,” Haru starts, “I can’t help but see Ann and Suzui-san in a relationship. Is that odd? I haven’t had any time to talk to Suzui-san lately, but when she attended Shujin, the two seemed close.” A fond smile crosses the third year’s face. “I can’t help but be a little jealous actually!”
Akechi politely raises his hand. His laugh sounds like it’s being played straight from his TV interviews. “Aha, well. I see everyone is getting along today. But… considering we are not discussing anything Phantom Thieves related, do you mind if I go along my way and head home?”
Everyone rightfully ignores him. Akechi remains stuck in the table booth, likely resenting the fact he came in the first place.
(Akira almost feels bad for him. Almost.)
“Well, that’s that,” determines Akira. He’s not sure what he’s actually determining, though. There is a tone of finality in his voice, and Akira simply goes along with it. He glances at both sides of the booth they’re huddled in and surmises his thoughts aloud. “Me, Ryuji, and Haru think Ann is dating Shiho. Makoto, Yusuke, and Futaba believe she’s dating Mika.”
Ryuji looks pumped. “We need a tie-breaker!”
Makoto frowns. “You… are aware that we’re taking individual bets, correct? It doesn’t matter if one ‘team’ has more people than the other.”
“Matters to me,” grumbles Ryuji, and Akira pats him on the back.
Out of the corner of Akira’s eye, he catches Haru’s glossed lips making a perfect little “o.” If the thieves were in some classic cartoon, Akira has no doubt in his mind that one of those thinking light bulbs would be flickering just above a bed of curly locks, a stubborn screw you to the laws of gravity. “Oh, Akechi-kun!” Haru turns to the detective, a curious look on her face. The light bulb is all aglow. “What are your thoughts on the matter?”
Call it a hunch, but Akira is sure that Akechi is swimming in many thoughts by now. Just… not anything helpful. Instead of voicing out the worst of the worst, the brunet smiles a pleasant smile. It’s strained all the same. “Well,” he begins, “before I give you my answer, mind if I express my own questions?”
Futaba minds, apparently. She groans and dives her head between the safe space of her arms. Some of the others restrain themselves to do the same.
“Is it not strange that all of you are placing bets on Takamaki-san’s love life? Does this not feel all a bit too personal?” inquires Akechi, arms crossed. Despite how light his tone is, his stare bores straight into Makoto’s eyes, judging. “I’m especially surprised that you are participating in this as well.”
Akira always felt that there was some camaraderie between Makoto and Akechi. Hair color and motivations aside, both are at the top of their grades, high marks on all of their exams. The two teens are cunning and have a similar interest in law and speak softly when it matters most. They’re arguably the most mature of their group, but… they slip.
Right now is not one of those times.
Makoto doesn’t flinch. “You… must not know me well then, Akechi-kun,” she states. “I admit that once the rest of the Phantom Thieves proposed—” Makoto quickly waves a hand at everyone. “—this, I thought it was… immature, at first. But I soon came to understand that we do this because we care about Ann.”
“And it’s fun!” adds Ryuji. Yusuke is beside the blond, humming in agreement.
“Ann is always looking out for our feelings,” Haru explains, smoothing out her skirt. “Think of this as if… we’re looking out for hers. Ann is one of my dear friends, so of course, I want to support her in a happy and healthy relationship.” Graciously, she covers a giggle behind her hand. “Although, I do think we get carried away.”
Murmurs of agreement surface between the team. And of course, Akira knows this isn’t about money. This isn’t about who’s right or wrong. It’s about Ann’s infectious laugh, about her overflowing sympathy for other people. It’s about Ann because Akira cares about his friends, and he wants the best for her—
“But are we not certain that Ann is dating Mika?” Yusuke asks, pure confusion in his voice.
—but he can still think his friends are factually wrong.
Before the debate has a chance to start up again, Akechi cuts in with a clean, “First, let’s get that tie-breaker vote in, shall we?”
“Oh, now he cares,” Ryuji scoffs.
Suddenly, Akira hears a small gasp. He turns his head to the not-so-mysterious source and finds a shocked Futaba gaping at no one in particular. “We forgot to ask Mona!” she yelps, startling everyone else from the calm. The shut-in whips her head away from everyone and begins shouting at the staircase. “Hey, Mona! Mona!”
For once, Akira is glad Sojiro decided not to stay and make the gang lunch.
It takes a few moments before Akira hears the creak of Leblanc’s wooden stairs. Slowly, Morgana’s nose peeks out from behind the rails before his head and his furry body follow suit. He moves down each step, one careful paw after the other, before dragging his dark tail across the white tile floor and hopping onto the table.
Oh, the bespectacled boy thinks belatedly.
Morgana is sulking.
Triangular ears are flat against his head. “Yeah, yeah, I’m here,” the feline-but-not-really says with a sigh.
Ryuji makes a low whistle and leans back into his seat. The booth does not bother to budge. “Damn, and I thought you liked talkin’ about your ‘Lady Ann,’ Mona.”
Akira does not miss Morgana’s withering look. In an effort to placate him, the teen reaches over and strokes Morgana’s favorite spot on his head despite the not-cat’s silent protests. Akira then leans over and speaks low into Morgana’s ears. “You don’t need to be here if you don’t want to. I know you wanted to skip out since…”
The silence speaks for itself. Morgana looks at him, and the former appears deep in thought, tail swaying as if searching for answers. Eventually, the tail comes to a halt. “Thanks,” he purrs, and Akira isn’t entirely convinced if it’s intentional or not. “But I got this.”
Akira feels a tug at the corners of his mouth. Satisfied, he leans back, watching Morgana take center stage.
“As someone who knows Lady Ann the best,” Morgana declares, chin held high, “I think it’s important that we consider other options. What if she isn’t dating any of them?”
Leblanc’s resident dyed blond groans. “You’re only saying that ‘cause you like her!”
“Am not!”
“Uh,” Futaba butts in, “are we gonna ignore the fact that none of us updated Mona on what we’re talking about, yet he still responds like he’s been here?”
Morgana seethes out an impatient “I live here,” while Akira says effectively the same thing, only with a switch of the pronouns. Okay, that didn’t work. Clearly, Akira needs a new plan—one that involves less bickering with an animal so they don’t all look insane when an innocent customer decides to walk in and witnesses the incarnate of chaos and more… amicable relations. More bets, perhaps.
Curiously enough, it’s Haru who takes the reins, sending Akira a small smile before speaking up. “Maybe if Mona-chan understands why we think Ann has a significant other, he can decide for himself.”
Akira may be a heathen, but God bless Haru.
As Akira is internally singing his praises, the conversation thankfully segues back to Ann and a hyper analysis of her love life. Futaba mentions how she first found out about Ann’s secret romance after forgetting to debug the café. (Akechi then sends Akira an alarmed look the latter chooses to dutifully ignore.) Haru continues that line of thought, recalling Ann’s inquiries regarding the language of flowers and the like, and Akira makes sure to ignore that tinge of jealousy stirring in his stomach even though he knows that Ann knows his hard work in memorizing a bunch of flower symbolism for his job in the underground mall.
He sighs and mentally sweeps his slight envy under the rug. Priorities, Akira.
It’s not until Makoto clears her throat and poses the daunting question of “So, do you believe us?” to Morgana that all eyes fall back on the not-cat, waiting patiently.
The sway of his tail falters. “... Yes,” he bites out. Morgana’s face contorts like he’s devoured a lemon. “Guess this is what you unrequited love, huh?”
Luckily, Ryuji has the decency to stay quiet as Haru breathes an apologetic “Oh, Mona-chan…” and pets the not-cat’s torso.
The group falls into an almost comfortable silence, save for Morgana’s drooping ears that nearly makes Akira leap forward and shower him with many affectionate head pats. Akira otherwise lets his mind wander. He drifts between the scent of Sojiro’s curry ingrained in the dark walls of Leblanc and his daydream of a flustered Ann grasping the hands of a faceless lover, rotating from Mika to Shiho to a mixture of the two’s features. The arch of the rival model’s groomed eyebrows and the doe eyes of the ex-Shujin student are rolled into one.
Features, Akira absently thinks, and for some reason, his eyes linger on the jaunt of a certain detective’s chin, the curve of his lithe neck, the way he carefully tucks a chestnut-colored lock behind his ear. His eyebrows, not unlike Mika’s, are furrowed. Dark, gloved hands hold a gray smartphone that is definitely not bugged by someone that rhymes with Fakura Sutaba, and hazel eyes—red, if you catch them when the glint of the sunlight hits them just right—are fixated on the screen.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise when Akechi of all people, the same Akechi who never dares to back away from a challenge, continues the conversation, not bothering to look up from his phone.
(But it does come as a surprise, oddly enough. Because Akira, jolted out of his daydream and thrusted into reality, is looking, and he feels like he shouldn’t be.)
“Have we come to a conclusion about our findings then?” Akechi questions, a thoughtful look on his face.
“Pardon me,” Yusuke voices, “but I assumed you held no interest in Ann’s love life like the rest of us.”
Akechi, lo and behold, bears another classic (read: fake) smile of his. “I don’t particularly. However, it seems like you all are stumped, and I do enjoy a good mystery. After all, I am a detective, aren’t I?”
Akira resists the urge to point out how the unknown identity of Ann’s girlfriend is a far cry from a good mystery, much less anything more than petty gossip when not discussed amongst friends. Instead, he motions the brunet to continue with a flick of the wrist.
Finally, Akechi looks up. “Have any of you considered the antithesis to Morgana’s hypothesis?”
Ryuji frowns. “The… what?”
“I believe Akechi-kun is talking about the opposite of what Morgana initially thought,” clarifies Makoto. “Which means…”
The gears in Akira’s head turn by the end of Makoto’s unfinished remark. His mind swims around antithesis and Ann and the underlying yet unknown connection between the two, trying to grasp at a lost thread he’s determined to find. (Anntithesis! his brain unhelpfully supplies a beat later before he dismisses it completely.) He thinks back to what the group assessed before: selfies, flowers, the like. Selfies, flowers, the like.
… Were they selfies?
Akira is backtracking now, attempting to recreate the images Makoto and Haru had shown the rest of the group earlier in his head. He closes his eyes and thinks. Mika and Ann’s picture can be excused as a selfie, sure. The two were pressed close together in the photograph, shoulders bumping and heads tilting inward to stay in frame. A part of Ann’s arm was cut off from where they took the picture. Sly smirks on both of their photogenic faces.
By all means, it’s a regular, old photo. A selfie, likely.
Then, what about Ann and Shiho’s? Akira recalls Inokashira Park as the backdrop of the image, an abundance of green flooding his vision. He’s quite familiar with the area, too; jogging with the former track star there whenever his body can endure the brutality of cardio is one form of torture Akira will never forget.
If he recalls correctly, the photo was awfully similar to its counterpart. Heads inclined towards one another, shared smiles, and⁠—
Ann and Shiho were holding up peace signs, both pairs of arms visible in frame.
It’s a cliché to gasp. Akira knows this and does it anyway because one, he is surprised and two, he loves being dramatic. The act earns a rather bemused look from Akechi that’s immediately disguised as a roll of the eyes.
The rest of the thieves follow suit as realization dawns on them. Makoto nods. Futaba blinks. Ryuji’s jaw drops. Haru, polite as ever, raises a hand to mask the shock evident on her face. Morgana’s eyes go and widen to the size of Kamoshida’s golden medal, round and shimmering and unbelievable.
Yusuke is the last one to come around, and he barely manages to gather his bearings in time to ask, “Can it truly be…?”
A delightful ping rings in the still air.
“See for yourself,” Akechi says, voice breezy, and slides his phone down on the table.
“Do you think they’ve seen your Instagram post?”
Shiho asks this while peering over Ann’s shoulder, watching the likes accumulate at a rapid speed. The end of her ponytail brushes against the blonde’s nape. Ann struggles to suppress a giggle.
“Oh, maybe?” It comes out unsure, reluctant. Ann taps her chin. ”But my phone hasn’t blown up with text messages yet. And trust me, I would know when my friends saw it.”
The other model waves it off, nonchalant. “They’ll figure out soon enough anyway." A pause. Then, Mika sighs. “Looks like the entire population of Tokyo will, too. I don’t know why you wanted to do this, but I’m sure our agency is going to love capitalizing on it…”
“Ugh, agency shmagency!” Ann, who has no concept of personal space when it comes to these two, gathers both of the girls in her arms and gives them a tight squeeze. “How can I hide away my two amazing girlfriends from the world?”
Mika rolls her eyes, but the dust of pink coloring her cheeks gives her away. “Is she always this corny?”
Shiho snickers. “Oh, one hundred percent.”
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
Trust Is Like A Piece Of Paper
Tim & Steph & Cass, Fluff, Angst, Arguments, Mending Friendships, Hugs.
Summary: Tim's recently been ignoring all of Steph calls, too bad Cass won't let him get away with it any longer.
A/N: This is done for Amuk on AO3 for the Robin Christmas Exchange 2019. 
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D
He was laughing so hard that he couldn’t breathe. Tears were rolling down his cheeks, his stomach was beginning to cramp and his cheeks were hurting from where he was smiling so much. He was beginning to wheeze just because he couldn’t take a big enough breath to get air back into his lungs.
Opposite him Cass seemed to be in a similar state, though not as bad as he was. After all it was her fault he was so breathless to begin with.
He and Cass were sat in his apartment after a rough patrol. They hadn’t meant to be together, just halfway through the night they bumped into one another and stayed together. Good thing too because they came across a gang war which got messy pretty quickly. Cass had come away perfectly fine, not even breathless, while Tim was sporting a few new bruises and a small stab wound in his upper arm. He may be slightly sleep deprived which may have affected his performance.
After that fun adventure the two of them called it a night and ended up going back to Tim’s apartment. Before he could even say anything Cass was there pushing him down on the couch and going to grab his first aid kit. Knowing it wasn’t worth the fight, Tim allowed his sister to sew him up without much complaint.
Once he was sewed they got cleaned up, ordered some food and chilled out in his living room. It was nice and Tim was thoroughly enjoying himself, it’s been a long time since he last saw Cass and had a good catch up with her and he certainly can’t remember the last time he had a night like this after patrol.
While he was in the middle of his laughing fit, his phone starts to ring. As he pats around for it as he tries to get himself together enough to answer it, he takes a few deep breaths, but couldn’t help the occasional giggle as he does so. By the time he grabs it he’s calmed himself down enough to be able to breathe normally and hopefully to be able to talk properly without sounding breathless.
When he sees the caller ID he immediately sobers up, suddenly unable to find it in himself to even smile at that moment. He stares at his phone as it continue to rings, unable to make himself answer it. It’s when it finally stops that he turns it off and looks at Cass who was watching him with a steady glance. He sends her a smile despite knowing that she’ll be able to read straight through him.
He puts the phone on the coffee table in front of them and shrugs noncommittedly. “It’s nothing,” he lies, “just an unknown number.”
His sister doesn’t look convinced. He sits back into the sofa, not as relaxed as before, and tries to start up the conversation again with her. She wasn’t having any of it however, she stares at him for a long moment before glancing at his phone and back at him again.
Tim pouts and waves his hand around uselessly, “It’s fine Cass, it’s nothing.”
She’s still not taking his bullshit. Wordlessly she leans forward and reaches for his phone, before he could think it through and almost in a panic, Tim also reaches forward in order to stop her. As he should have expected it doesn’t go according to plan, in one quick movement she had his wrist locked between her fingers and his phone in her other hand.
Tim blinks at her in astonishment, just trying to comprehend what had happened. He loves Cass, he really does, but sometimes she scares the living daylight out of him.
As she lets him go she looks almost apologetic, together they both lean back into the sofa and Tim watches her closely as she opens his phone up and starts going through it. Whatever emotion she was feeling she doesn’t show it, or at least Tim couldn’t read her. He wasn’t as good at reading body language as she was.
A moment later she was looking up at him over the phone, this time she was letting her emotions show on her face. Confusion, worry and questioning. “Why you ignoring her?”
Tim looks away, feeling both ashamed and embarrassed. There was a lot on conflicting feelings he had and he had no idea on how to describe them, especially since they’re mostly all based around her.
He shrugs, “I – Its nothing.”
“It’s not nothing.” His sister replies back simply. “Nothing doesn’t have you like this.” She places the phone back down on the coffee table.
He refuses to make eye contact with her and shakes his head. “It’s complicated Cass. I just can’t speak to her right now. Our relationship, well whatever of it is left, is all kinds of complicated. After what she’s done and what I’ve been through its just…” he trails off not knowing how to finish the sentence.
His relationship with Steph was currently very bumpy. Before everything that had happened, they were fine, great even, but now he doesn’t know what he feels for her. For the past couple of weeks she had been trying to contact him outside of the capes, but every time he either ignores her calls or brushes her off with a ‘Sorry, I can’t, I’m busy’. He feels slightly bad for it but he just doesn’t know if he can face her and talk about everything between them.
It wasn’t surprising that Cass knew though. His sister just knows everything, it was creepy as it was enduring. Then again Steph has probably been talking to her, so Cass was getting her side of the story. That thought makes him a little uneasy, who knows what she’s been saying to his sister about him.
His leg getting nudged gets his attention, he looks over at Cass to find her staring at him. He turns away, frowning at the floor, “Cass I don’t think I can. I just can’t see her right now. With everything’s that’s happened, we won’t be the same. I don’t know if we can rekindle some kind of friendship once again, I mean I know I’m in a better place than what I was but even so…”
“You don’t know unless you try. Speak to her.”
She firmly nudges his leg this time, almost pushing him off the couch. “Do it.”
He raises an eyebrow, “What? Now?” At her firm nod he looks at her incredulously. “Cass I don’t think I can.”
Clearly his sister has had enough of him because she’s suddenly leaning over and grabbing his phone off the coffee table once again.
He reaches over to try and snatch his device back but Cass keeps him away with a painful grasp on his wrist. He watches helplessly as she begins to call someone.
“It’s Cass, hello, fine, come over now to talk. I’ll keep him here. Yes. Please, bye.”
Cass looks completely unapologetic as she lets him go and hands his phone back to him. “She’s bringing pizza, will be 10 minutes.”
Tim sends her a pleading look, “Please Cass come on, don’t make me stay.”
“You need to talk.”
Tim sighs heavily and melts into the back of the couch, resigning his fate. This is something he hadn’t planned for, something he hadn’t wanted to face yet.
It’s 15 minutes of anxious waiting until there was a knock at the door. Cass is the one to get up and answer it and soon enough Steph’s bubbly voice could be heard through the halls.
“I got PIZZA.”
A ton of feelings hit Tim as she rounds the corner and enters the living room. Happiness, giddiness, anxiousness, dread, guilt. He had no idea what he should be feeling as she places down the boxes of pizza on the table and grins at him.
He gives a weak smile and an awkward little wave. “Hey Steph.”
“Hey Boy Wonder, how are things?”
Things go quiet and very quickly it becomes awkward. Tim looks down at the boxes while Steph shuffles uncomfortably from where she’s standing. Thankfully that’s when Cass, the saviour that she is, steps in and says, “Pizza?”
Steph picks up again then. “Oh yeah! Sorry I’m a little late, the pizza guys were taking forever in making them. I got two figuring that should be enough to cover us.”
That’s when she opens up the boxes and moves around the table so she’s sat on the couch with Tim, thankfully on the opposite side, Cass comes along and settles between them. They each reach in and grab a slice and start munching.
“So what happened to you guys tonight? Tough patrol?”
“We handled it,” Cass states firmly, but then she glances at Tim with a small smirk, “Well I did.”
He jabs his sister in the ribs, “Rude. Nothing more than a gang war, some idiot got a lucky shot in.”
Steph hums in agreement, understanding what he meant. The three of them fall silent again as they continue to eat. They easily demolish the first pizza and get started on the next. By then Tim was more than ready to run away. The silence was heavy and tense, it was starting to get to him. He figures he should turn the TV on or even the radio just so there was some sort of background noise because the quietness between them was super unsettling.
It was when they were halfway through the second pizza that the silence was finally broken. Cass jumps up between them, steps around the coffee and glares at the two of them, putting her hands on her hips and everything.
“You two need to talk. Now. Settle things. This is more harm than good.”
With Cass glaring at them like that, it made Tim feel like he was in school once again and was being scolded at by the teacher. He glances over to the side to find Steph staring back at him and quickly averts his gaze.
“Right…” he says meekly.
There was too much and too little for them to talk about. Even so what was he supposed to start with? I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you? I don’t know how I feel about you? What can we piece back together?
He’s saved though because it was Steph who talks first. “I know things are different, way different, to what they were before. But Tim, I’ve been trying to contact you, trying to fix what’s happened but you’re the one that’s been ignoring me, not the other way around.”
Tim swallows thickly, nosing slightly. “Yeah I know. Things are different and I – I have been ignoring you Steph.”
“Why?” She demands. She’s pissed off and hurt, Tim could hear it in her voice.
“Because I don’t know what I’m feeling Steph!” He says, almost shouting. He looks at her sharply. “I don’t know what to feel around you anymore. You betrayed me, you didn’t trust me. It was the wrong time, when everything was happening. I lost my dad, you faked your death and didn’t tell me, Bruce died, both Conner and Bart died, Dick took Robin away from me and then you guys all came back but then you betrayed me because Bruce told you so! I can’t forgive you for that Steph!”
“I was trying to protect you Tim!” She yells. Her anger is apparent in the way she jumps up to her feet and starts wildly gesturing. “Everything I did was to protect you! Bruce wanted to protect you!”
“What you did was wrong!” He shouts back also jumping to his feet. He was feeling hurt, angry and betrayed. “You betrayed my trust, went behind my back just so I could be a ‘better Robin’. You worked with the enemy, you faked your death and didn’t even tell me.”
“I did what I thought was right! I never wanted to hurt you Tim, I was only-”
“Well you did Steph! In the worst way possible.”
He was shaking now. His hands were trembling from where he was getting emotional with both frustration and hurt. He takes a few deep breaths in an attempt to control his breathing to try and calm himself down.
When it doesn’t really work, he’s way to wound up now for it too really work anyway, he shakes his head. “I can’t do this.” He mutters to no one. He couldn’t do it. Doesn’t want to do it. Wordlessly he turns away from Steph and starts making an exit, planning to leave and get some fresh air, just so he’s away from this situation, but a hand on his chest stops him from going.
He startles at the contact and looks wide eyed at Cass who was looking at him sympathetically. He had completely forgotten she was there.
His sister shakes her head, “Keep talking.” She demands gently.
“It’s not like you’ve been innocent this whole timer either Tim! Remember telling me to never get back in the costume?”
Steph says almost venomously behind him, another wave of anger washes through him but before he could retort she was speaking again, this time softer. 
“But we’ve moved past that now, I want to make things right Tim! I’ve been trying to earn your trust back ever since, I thought we were getting better. What can I do to make this work? I know that you want it to work also, we can do this if you give it a chance to. Please.”
Most of her anger has left her voice now, she’s pleading him, begging him, but he still doesn’t know what to think or feel.
He turns away from Cass and glances at the blonde with an almost resigned sigh. “Steph, I love you, I do, but I don’t think I can trust you anymore, or at least to the extent I used to.”
She opens her mouth to speak up, he cuts her off before she could. “Trust is like a piece of paper Steph. Once it’s crumpled, or in this case ripped, you can try and flatten it out but it’ll never be perfect again. You lost my trust and I don’t know if I can ever trust you again.”
“I get that Tim. I do. Let me earn it back, however long it takes, I will try and get it back.”
Tim shakes his head disbelievingly, “Steph…”
“What about us being friends? Do you trust me enough that way. It doesn’t have to be capes Tim, our relationship doesn’t have to be that way. I want you in my life Tim, if this is the way we go about it then fine, I just want to be there for you, and you for me.”
Tim blinks at the floor trying to work out what’s going on. It hurts him to say that he doesn’t trust Steph, or if he will ever be able to again, but deep down he knows it’s true. He wants her in his life but just not the way they were before, would they be able to keep up some kind of relationship outside the caped community? That’s how they met after all.
Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea, if they both want it, both put in the effort, maybe they could get it to work after all. Maybe…. Well you never know until you try.
He turns to Steph, “Yeah okay… friends – just friends – outside of the caped community. We can give it a go I guess.”
Her face lightens up, looking hopeful and Tim suddenly feels nostalgic. “Really? You want to give it a go.”
He swallows thickly, “We’ll take it slow, things won’t go back to the way they were right away, probably won’t for a long time, but we’ll take it slow and see.”
Steph nods, “Yeah that’s right, exactly.” She steps forward then, towards in and holds up a hand. “Friends?”
He looks at her hand for a moment, hesitating. Was this a good idea? Should he do it? What if it all just blows up once again. He peers over his shoulder at Cass who was watching their interaction with an eagle eye, she catches his look and gives a firm nod. He turns back to Steph and grasps her hand.
“Friends.” He agrees.
She smiles at him and he couldn’t help but smile back. There’s still a part of him which thinks this is a terrible idea, after everything they’ve both been through they were not the same as they were at 14 and 15. On the other hand he’s getting more into the idea of giving it a go, considering how close they were once before they might make it work in the end.
Still holding onto his hand she slowly pulls him in and starts to wrap her arm around him, she does it so there’s plenty of time for him to pull away if he doesn’t want the hug. He surprises her though, he steps the rest of the way and wraps his own arms around her. They hug for a moment before Steph was pulling away but not letting go. She looks over his shoulder and makes a gesture with her hand, after a couple of seconds Tim feels a second body press up against his and he sees his sister fitting into the hug.
He smiles at her, and wraps one arm around her and the other over Steph and holds them both. Things weren’t good before but hopefully now they’ll get better.
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sick-raven · 4 years
Ghosts of the past - Chapter 1
Batman fanfiction
Characters: Jonathan Crane, OC - Miranda Bradbury, Bruce Wayne, John Constantine
About: Miranda Bradbury moved to Gotham for a few reasons - to enjoy her career as an assassin, and to face her fears. Who else should help her with hallucinations that follow her than the fear expert Jonathan Crane? However, the doctor-patient relationship is very unstable one as both of them have to fight with their past, their present, and Batman.
Author note: I was trying to figure out some fancy way to describe the story. It's just a porn with a plot about two sick freaks. Enjoy.
Fair warnings: Suicide attempt, rape mentions, nsfw, violence, light bdsm
Status: Finished, will post next chapters when in mood.
Can also read at AO3.
Chapter 1
It was a dark evening in Gotham. Now, every evening was dark, but in Gotham with its never-ending mist of smog, it was especially dull and uncomfortable. Street lights wouldn’t break the darkness, windows only shined TV light out and painted pictures of entertained families, or dining families, or, as most common in Gotham, arguing families.
Gotham was also loud and Terry Borrows hated that fact. They’ve never got used to constant car noises – revving of engines and horn honking that all coming back twofold in echoes bouncing from walls of thin streets. Annoying, headache causing. Terry would rather listen to their boss shouting all day.
They were hyper focused on the noise. On their check-up doctor said it’s nothing weird and then asked for payment in amount of Terry’s two-month salaries. Thief.
That’s when they heard it. Soft, almost silent ding. As if you try to get attention at the wedding table and you hit the crystal glass with a spoon. Once. Carefully. It sounded almost magical in this grey place.
Terry stopped. At the end of the narrow street they saw a shadow. It was a person kneeling next to something on the ground. Terry didn’t see any details, but dread climbed on their back. This is Gotham. Terry should run. It doesn’t matter what were they witnessing, the logical thing is to…
The person looked his way. Every little move was followed by that soft jingle.
And then Terry realized they can’t move anymore. The jingle dinged louder. And louder. The sound vibrated through the streets catching them right by the soul. Terry realized they can’t breathe. Their heart was racing like crazy and their head hurt from wave of sound around them.
The person… a woman… walked straight to Terry, bringing the sound with her. In the dark Terry recognized a scarf on her face and… oh god… bloody knife in her hand.
Run! They tried to move their legs. Nothing.
The sound. The fear. The knife.
Finally, Terry’s body gave in and they fainted. They didn’t see the woman touching their neck for pulse. Nor did they hear the sound stop as the woman left without hurting them.
In the street, there lay another body.
Miranda Bradbury really liked Gotham. She felt like a character in gothic romance. Darkness, never-ending mist and bad weather, creepy architecture and constant danger. She enjoyed Gotham since she’s moved here two weeks prior. This city was crazy. Mental even! During the time period she tried to adapt to her new environment, she’s already seen the clown terrorizing city, the Riddler enslaving a whole block and some maniac with knives kidnapping people trying to lure in the Bat.
Oh, yeah. Batman. Before she didn’t understand. How can the police just let mask vigilante on loose? She understood after two days. This city…
This city also ruined her business right away. She moved here, opened a toyshop and that was it. The empty place flourished under her care, filled with toys, decorations and joy. The shop was in pretty good part of town, and yet – no customers. Too late she found out this used to be a toyshop of some crazy guy – calling himself the Toymaker – who tried to kill the city with explosive teddy-bears and sentient Barbie dolls.
Yes. This city was mental.
And she loved it. She always tried to blend in, be the grey mouse in her warm turtleneck and messy brown hair. After witnessing crazy punk-rock fashion of this city she realized she stood up more like this. At least she can pass for naïve outsider. That’s always a plus in her line of work.
The fourth day and finally two guys entered her shop. They looked around with deep uninterest in their eyes. Walked through isles touching stuffed toy here and there or picking up a toy car and putting it back two seconds later. Miranda waited patiently at the counter, small smile on her lips.
They finally stopped in front of her. She suspected they are twins as their expression were the same – dull and bored. They were dressed like gangsters from twenties. Gotham was weirdly stuck in time.
“G’morning, lady,” said one of them despite it being deep afternoon. “We’ve come to talk.”
“How much?” Miranda asked.
“Excuse me?”
“How much?” she repeated not losing her patience. She adored the confused looks. “This isn’t my first rodeo, gentlemen. How much is the protection fee?”
“Straight lass, huh?”
“Partially,” Miranda joked. “I hate beating around the bush.”
“Don loves people like you. Right to bus’ ya know? It’s ten percent if you don’t want’cha place to burn.”
Miranda overlooked the empty store. Ten percent of nothing is… probably not suitable for Don Falcone, one of the mafia leaders of the city. Before setting the shop, Miranda made her research on the city’s bad guys. Always ready. Don Falcone won’t care, he will just want his cash. She started to think she underestimated the marketing. Be better PR, Miranda, it’s not that hard.
“Tell me, friends,” she started with a nice voice, “how does Don Falcone feel about illegal businesses?”
Miranda moved to Gotham for various reasons. One of them was the fact she was constantly on the move. She’s never spent anywhere more than two years. The last city she was in was Star City and that didn’t go well for her with all the supers around.
The second reason was that she’s always heard about Gotham as this sick place. The city corrupted by illness eating itself out like a wounded animal. That intrigued her and she felt as if this is the proper place to hide and never be found. And if she is, it will be probably in the dumpster behind some chemical plant. She could live with that future in mind.
The third reason… the main reason she wasn’t afraid to admit, she just didn’t want to deal with it… was him.  Professor Jonathan Crane. Miranda took years of stupid, non-working, useless therapy to end up here. Her… could she even call them fears?... were crippling. And she needed the best. Jonathan Crane was the best. The fear specialist with shady background. But that’s Gotham for you. You might do inhumane experiments on your students and don’t get your licence revoked.
Miranda should probably be afraid of someone like that. Ridiculous idea. He was still running decent psychiatric office and all reviews threw him five stars. She will be careful. She just really needed help.
This was the part she hated. Explaining. She sat in front of the professor. He was fairly young for the title. Miranda’s looked through his files too, though he has been careful keeping most of the information hidden. Star student, at least he used to be. Those climb the leader fast. He wasn’t even forty yet, his ginger hair hid possible grey hair very well. He was watching her with his intense blue eyes and almost never blinked. He waited for her to get everything out. Miranda hated those stories. Repeating them again always made her feel crazy. She probably was.
“It’s complicated. I will try to make it short.” Now, Miranda, where is your hate for beating around the bush, huh? Just tell the nice doctor you are a fucking madwoman.
The professor was silent. Waiting. Even sitting he was very tall, and she noticed his fingers being thin and bony, just like his whole appearance.
“I have a problem. I’ve seen tons of shrinks about it already. Most of them gave up on me or drugged me to no avail. The thing is I have this weird… I don’t know… Phobia. Causing me panic attacks, crippling me.”
“That is not uncommon for deep fears,” said the professor. Miranda wondered how can shrinks be so calm. If someone told her they are crazy, she would probably joke about it right away.
“Yes, I know. I was told that hundred times already. There’s a catch.”
“Do tell.”
Miranda shuffled in her chair. No matter how many times she has talked about this it still made her uncomfortable and she felt like an idiot. But she had to fight this. Or she might…
“It’s ghosts. I panic around ghosts.”
The professor opened his mouth to say something, but Miranda quickly stopped him.
“No, I don’t believe in ghosts. That’s nonsense. I just call these things ghosts. It’s like… hallucination I keep having. They appear and it’s like someone caught my heart and pulled it out of my chest. I feel dead. I cannot move, I cannot act, think, anything. But according to all the doctors, I am sane.”
“When do these ghosts appear?” Professor didn’t even flinch. Nor blinked. He heard crazy talk daily why should she be any more interesting?
“They first appeared a little over a decade back. This is when the first attack happened. Then I got a charm, see?” She touched her necklace. Simple round silver ball that jingled softly when moved. “It keeps them away. When I take this off, I see them. I get attacked right away.”
“May I see?”
She held the pendant firmly. “Sorry, I don’t take it off on the first date.”
Her joke created tiny smile on his face. “Understandable.”
He asked more questions and she tried to answer as truthfully as her crime record allowed. By the end of the session she felt like dried out sponge.
“Don’t be afraid, miss Bradbury. We will figure this out,” professor said when she was leaving.
“Funny you say that. I can’t really feel the fear,” she smiled and that ended their first meeting.
Terry Borrows way lying in the hospital bed. They hit their head during the horrid night which caused a mild concussion. The doctors were also worried about their heart because it showed signs of arrythmia.  It disappeared a day after the incident, but everyone was head over heels with this situation.
“They keep me here because they want to blame it on me,” wrote Terry to their friend. “Because they have nobody else for the murder.” Terry believed that. This wouldn’t be the first time Gotham has fucked them over. At least they survived. Witnessing murder first hand was like being sentenced to death.
So, they were bored on the hospital bed, half asleep, half awake, back hurting from cheap bedding. Eyes closing and opening again just to see how far the sun has moved or whether the food was ready.
Closing. Opening. The sun was setting.
Closing. Opening. Darkness.
Closing. Opening. Shadow.
Terry’s heart nearly stopped. They shouted by surprise. They are definitely going to die now!
“Terry Borrows,” said the shadow with a deep voice. “I have few questions for you.”
Terry was struck by fear. The rational part of their brain wanted to scream. They didn’t. They watched a man dressed as giant bat and their voice trembled.
“What did you see at the crime scene?”
“I already told the police everything.” There was panic in their voice.
“Tell me.”
“There was a woman, she killed someone. She had some sort of mask. She… ah!”
The door opened. The nurse stepped between the doorframe, looked at Batman and then strategically left closing the door behind her. Terry swallowed a curse.
“Continue,” demanded Batman.
“The sound. It was the sound that made me faint.”
“What else can you remember?”
“The jingle. She was jingling like some fucking Christmas tree.”
“What about her movement?”
“What about it?” asked Terry. Batman just waited to let them figure out what he means. “I don’t know. I saw her just for a few seconds. She was hidden in the shadows.”
“Thank you, Terry.”
“You are welcome?” answered Terry unsurely. Then the door opened again, and doctor stormed in ready to shun the uninvited guest.
But he was already gone.
Chapter 2
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septicwriters · 4 years
Happiness- Chapter 2
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! It just kind of appeared in my mind last night lol
Well here's chapter 2 I hope you enjoy!!
Pairing- Chase Brody x OC
Warnings- swearing, sadness, mentions of divorce, pretty much just Chase's story
(I am so sorry about the picture)
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"MARVIN WHAT THE HELL!" Chase yelled as he burst through the door to Marvin's room.
Both Marvin and Jackie stared at him with wide eyes, seeming rather scared of his wrath for whatever it is Marvin did.
Marvin very quickly smiled at him, "Hello to you as well Chase, can I help you with something?"
"Marvin you know exactly what you did,"
A smirk played on the magician's mouth, yeah he could definitely play this game.
"I'm not too sure about that Chase. None of my magic has involved you recently,"
"Stop playing dumb. This dude is kind of creepy and I know you're behind it. He said you were friends!" Chase raised his voice slightly, now was not the time for Marvin's games. He didn't enjoy the entire experience with Adriann and him suddenly having his number out of no where was creepy.
"Oh? Who are you talking about?" Seriously, Marvin? Stop messing with him like this. If the magician is seriously confused then there's a much bigger problem here.
"Adriann obviously,"
"God save the prom queen only 18...." Adriann trailed off as the song continued. Slightly dancing around the room as he awaited yet another text.
For a moment he stopped, eyeing a small plant on a shelf nearby. The pot it's in is bright and colorful, the plant itself having soft looking rounded petals. Each petal the color of a fire, it's unlike any other plant.
Adriann smiled as he gently picked off one of the petals, making sure to not burn himself on its heat as he slowly began to tear it into pieces. He spoke quietly and slowly as he added it into a small bowl with the other ingredients.
"One for hope, two for peace, three for love. Heat it slow for all to come," He breathed out slowly. He'd never done this spell before and hoped for it to work. Its likely that it won't upset the energy balance, which is good. No need to upset the balance or throw off other magic users.
Adrian didn't approve of intruding in other's lives so he hopes this goes well. The consequences wouldn't be dire, but the thought is something he'd rather not toy with. His own fate is a different story. Maybe this'll turn out good, then again, Karma is a bitch.
The liquid within the bowl turned a bright red before vanishing all together in a puff of pastel colored smoke. Of course it didn't work. Or maybe it did. Adriann wasn't sure what the result of that one was supposed to look like.
He continued to just listen to the music in the background and ponder what went wrong until his phone went off. Picking it up, he looked at the notification to see it was a text from Marvin.
Marv: I told you that you'd meet him ;)
He snorted upon reading the message and composed a decent response.
Adriann 🦄: I hope I didn't scare him or anything. I didn't want to overwhelm him.
Adriann: Btw he's very cute 😉😁
"Chase calm down, Adriann is just very out there. He doesn't mean any harm I assure you. I had nothing to do with you two meeting the other day,"
Yeah, because Chase has every reason to believe that one.
"Marvin please just tell him to back off,"
"Not until you give him a chance,"
"What are you guys talking about ?" Jackieboy chimed in. He'd been oddly quiet while trying to figure out what they were talking about, but at this point he's completely lost.
So Chase decided to explain.
"One of Marvin's friends met me and he's really really weird and I really don't want him around me. He's very creepy,"
"Why don't you just get to know him then?"
Will every attempt at this always lead back to that? Seriously?
Marvin once more turned to Chase, a smile on his lips.
"I can't say anything about it, but please just give him a chance. You won't regret it in the long run," He finished, looking hopefully at Chase. Maybe Adriann will go as planned, maybe not. They both need it though.
Chase sighed, "Fine, but if he keeps being creepy then I'm out, got it?"
Marvin nodded, seemingly content for now. Since when is he so persistent anyway?
He walked out the room and downstairs to the living room. Chase sat down on the couch pulling out his phone to text the embodiment of crazy.
Chase: Hey
He was shocked to get a message almost immediately.
Adriann🦄: Hey there friendo! How are you on this lovely April day?
Adriann pursed his lips anxiously as he awaited Chase's reply, he really can't mess this up.
Chase: Oh you know, the normal. Just texting a crazy person and wishing I were in bed
Adriann 🦄: I'm sorry
It dawned on him how overwhelming he must've seemed the other day. Well that's not a good sign.
Chase: Huh?
Adriann 🦄: When we met I was being very, me. Ik I'm a bit much sometimes. I'm sorry
That's a proper apology, right? Its been a while since he's done one of those.
Chase: Its fine dude, I've just had a rough time and I wasn't expecting that
Adriann🦄: Well, how about another round of coffee again sometime?
Chase: Hell fucking no.
Well that escalated quickly. Adriann hadn't expected that. Did Chase hate being with him that much?
Chase: Don't take it to heart dude. I'm not gay in the slightest, I'm stressed as fuck, and I'm still trying to get over being divorced. The last thing I want to do is go on a date with you. Its not ever happening.
Well then. Adriann sighed, throwing his phone to the side. That's definitely enough talking to living beings for tonight.
He just met Chase, he wants to get to know him better, but its obvious he's on guard. He mentioned to Adriann he's getting over being divorced, that definitely must be rough on him. Maybe he should just leave Chase alone? But then maybe he will just stay sad? Adriann doesn't know how long ago this divorce was, but he does know he can help Chase feel better.
So that's what he'll do.
As he lay on the couch Adriann made a silent promise to the man.
'I'll make you happy Chase, or I'll die trying.'
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