#I think Captain price would get a kick out of it
10millionotters · 1 year
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Pickup time at Ms Kate’s Daycare
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babygirl-riley · 8 months
Welcome Home
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You surprise Simon at the base instead of being at home. You also think about how far he has come to acceptance.
Warnings: mentions of sexual acts, fluff, dad!simon, angst, pregnancy
“I’ve fallen for it, I’ve fallen for it somehow.”
A/N: THE PART TWO DAD!SIMON FROM @ave661 IS KILLLINGGGG ME! Seriously chokehold she has me in ALL the time with her art. 😭
simon x reader guide
simon x reader family edition
You called Price beforehand, asked him if it was alright to surprise Simon. You wanted to show up at the base with your baby girl waiting for him. Like you always do. Thankfully and full heartedly he agreed, he even added that he is excited to see his niece. On the way to the base you felt excitement as you played music for both you and your baby.
Your baby gabbles as she plays with hanging baby toys on her car seat. Simon has been gone for a month, it has been so long and you were so excited. He missed having her first tooth, which he will be so excited to see.
Once you got you and your child out of the car you headed to the inside of the base. “141 will be landing in 5 minutes ma’am.” A man said guiding you to the tarmac. “Captain Price said to meet them there.”
You followed the solider to the direction of the tarmac. You knew very well where it was at, a year ago you were on the team for 141 but decided to retire once you found out you were pregnant. Memories littered the hallways as you held your baby close.
“No.” He mumbled as you both stood in your room. He didn’t move for a moment, you thought he was going to leave and not come back for hours. Simon doesn’t do well with emotions but the last couple of months, he has been able to open up more. Now this. You didn’t know how he was going to react let alone what he was going to do.
It was clear, two lines, one word, 6 tests. You and Simon have been in secret for 2 years, established a relationship in a year. You played with your hands as nerves started to kick in. “I thought you were on birth control.” Simon said looking up at you, his eyes only to be shown. The skull mask looking at you.
“I am.” You said your heart slowly hurting, you knew that he never wanted a kid. You knew of his past so this was a joke for the both of you. It was frowned upon when a lieutenant would be sleeping with their sergeant. Hell damn near court marshaled.
Simon looked back down at the tests. He can’t. He won’t. His mind racing a million miles an hour. How could he explain this one to Price? How could you hide a belly on the force? Is there a way for it to be a secret anymore? He cursed himself for loving the fact that he could breed you. It was a new found kink, with him thinking of his cum coating your walls. Simon never broadcast it to you. Telling you that seeing a belly got him feral, thinking about how your body would react to his gift. But…It’s just…is it too soon? Was he ready? Surely he couldn’t be.
“I can get…”
“No,” He cut you off before looking up at you. “This…Not that. ‘M,” his voice trailed. No abortion, he won’t put your body through hell just because both of you didn’t want to wrap it. “I just-I don’t know what to do.”
“I don’t either,” You whispered walking slowly up to him. “But we can figure this out?”
Simon nodded once still looking at the tests. You waited as he stood there and sighed. “We have to tell Price now.”
“Here is the tarmac,” The solider said breaking you from your thoughts. “It looks like they have just landed.”
You mumbled a thank you as soldiers came out one by one from the plane. All covered in dirt or blood, tired written on their faces. You frowned knowing that Simon felt the same, it couldn’t have gone the way it suppose to.
You smiled as you walked out watching Gaz come out first, happy surprise on his face. He looked to the side of him to see Soap, who smiled at you nodded. Price smiled, heading towards the direction you were before stopping. Simon, walked out last, almost stopped in his tracks.
Smile beaming on his face underneath the skull mask. His girls. He be-lined to you and your baby girl. His heart beating quickly, as excitement coursed through his veins.
Price stood as both of his teammates broke the news. He had his suspicions of them fucking around but not together. He itches his beard as your tears start to mellow out. Simon was not looking at him but folding his arms while leaning against the wall.
It was like two of his kids came home after school to get hounded at. It was amusing if Price wasn’t angry. Yes. He was at first, his lieutenant and his best sniper in a bit of a bind. She has to be discharged no way will Price NOR Simon let her go out in the field. Especially since they voiced they are keeping the kid.
“We keep it low,” Price finally spoke watched as both of you looked up. “We have to slowly discharge you, not try to have eyes on the situation until then. No missions for you.”
You nodded, first time every has he seen you so shy. Timid. Usually you had confidence written all over you. “Yes sir.” You mumbled looking away.
Price looked at Simon. “I want to have a discussion with you,” He looked at you as you stared at him. You both are young, younger than him anyway. He seen how Simon’s demeanor changed throughout the years when you came on the force. Of course no one else saw it, but Price did. He always knew. “Dismissed Sargent.”
Your baby squealed with delight as she bounced in your arms. “Da! Da!” She yelled as Simon walked over, having heads turn to see the little baby showed her excitement. Simon did take note that she knew who he was and in fact used ‘dada.’
Simon almost damn near sprinted as he walked up to both of you. You let him take your baby as he grabbed her, she screamed laughed, as he rose her to the air. Holding her sides gently but firm. She is so tiny compared to him, she kicked her feet softly in the air, laughing her little head off. Simon loves that sound, the sound of pure joy coming from her. To the point he didn’t give a damn who was around them. Simon was never a shower when it came to his private life, but when she was around wow, he would make sure everyone knew who she was.
Simon sat across the table from you, your bump more noticeable, 6 months to be exact. He still couldn’t believe that what was growing inside you was his. Part of him. Something that he would have never thought would be done. Or have. You have become more aware and accepting of having the child. Yet he still hasn’t.
“I know it will take time Si,” You said knowing always what he was thinking. Simon snapped his eyes up at you, he felt guilt for sure. You were just honorable discharged and he stayed in the force. “I can’t make you feel happy about this. But…But I know eventually you will.”
He didn’t believe you until one night he laid between your legs as you rubbed the back of his head. Simon chuckled lightly at the tv show you were both watching right when it happened,felt a small poke to his head, he froze, you felt him tense. “What…what that?”
You giggled lowly as you rubbed your belly. “It’s the baby,” He still didn’t move when he felt it again. “She moves a lot when you make any sort of noise.” Simon rose slightly, looking up at you, curiously. You grabbed his hand and placed it where she was. His eyes trained on his hand. “Say something.” You whispered.
Simon looked at you unsure before clearing his throat. “Uh, hello baby girl.” It took a second before he felt the bump move to his hand. A soft graze. He snapped his eyes up at you and tears brimming your eyes, nodding. Encouraging him to continue. Simon’s eyes started to water, everything hitting, even when she isn’t out here she was wanting him. Knowing that he is her dad. And she was his baby.
His hand rubbed your belly. “‘Ight ass kicker. I’m happy to hear ya too.”
“Hello my angels,” He said as slowly held her close to him. Her head cradled inside of his neck. Her hands gripping his uniform. He placed a hand on the back of her hand holding her close. You smiled as he placed his other gloved hand on your cheek. “Why ya ‘ere?”
“I couldn’t wait at home,” You stated as people passed the both of you. “She couldn’t either,” you bumped your shoulder against his. “Told you it was dada.” You teased talking about the last time you both were on the phone. Her screaming ‘da da da,’ knowing damn well it was her daddy on the phone. Simon would tease and say that she got your intelligence since she was only 5 months.
Simon chuckled rolling his eyes, turning his head as she rose from his shoulder. She started towards his skull mask gripping the bottom of it. “Not yet sweethear,’” he whispered gently grabbing her hands. “We are gonna debrief it shouldn’t take too long.”
“Lass,” You laughed as the scottish came up from behind Simon. Slapping his back. “Oh well hello little miss.” He scratched softly underneath her chin. She laughed again shaking her head as she clung onto her dad. “Yer playing hard to get now?” He teased and looked at you.
“Hey Johnny,” You laughed reaching for your baby. She came to you with ease, which you mentally sighed in relief, hoping that she wouldn’t ball her little eyes out when she watched her dad leave. “We will wait on the cafeteria.”
Simon placed his forehead against yours. “It will be quick.” He whispered.
You nodded as you watched them all file into the base. Your baby holding onto you cooing. “Why don’t you ever get that excited to see me,” You playfully glared poking her stomach. She giggled swatting your finger away. “Brat.” You laughed taking her and you to the cafeteria.
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
Dad!Simon who insisted you go on the vacation, because of course he can handle his baby girl and his six year old (almost six, but Ollie rounds up)
Simon who knew he had it in the bag....
for about two hours
Simon who made bagels for dinner; wassss this close 🤏to making Ollie eat dirt because WHAT DO YOU MEAN you don't like bagels now you were begging for them in the store!
Simon who made it about forty hours before he gave him and called Johnny
Simon who had no idea why Ollie was being so gosh darn annoying
Simon who had previously made a bet with Price that he wouldn't need help so therefore he would rather die than call Price even though Ollie idolizes his 'grandfather'
''s Johnny, missed ya but leave a message at the lil' beep."
"John MacTavish I swear to god if you don' call me back in ten minutes I will personally post thos' pictures of ya in Afgan."
two minutes later-
"ya know that's a real low blow-"
"I need you to take Oliver to th' park- Tessie isn't goin to sleep with him 'roun."
"Call the capn, he's closer to ya."
"I will not do that."
"Ugh, fine- lemme tell my girl then'll be there in twenty."
Simon who told Oliver to behave for his uncle and then happily sent them away- which finally he would be able to put the exhausted newborn to sleep
Simon was finally able to doze off on the sofa, the baby happily snoozing away on his chest and everything seemed perfect with the world
"MISTER RILEY UNCLE JOHNNY IS IS-HES-" The thundering slam of the door being swung open not only woke up Simon but the baby who aptly began to sob to the sudden change of pace, Oliver however did not care "UNCLE JOHNNY SUCKS."
Uncle Johnny told Ollie not to kick the ball into the river
Simon who is flabbergasted because even Johnny looked shook to his core, sure they had been at the park for about five hours but like-???
John MacTavish...brought down .... by Simon's six year old
Simon who, after ten minutes of the baby screaming for their mother and refusing to take their bottle with disgruntled wails of pain and Ollie so tired he can't think straight so he's also a sobbing and angry disaster and Johnny's just standing there by the door waiting for answers and everything is so loud-
"Oh! Hi, sweetheart," John's wife answered the landline and he could hear her voice call for her husband, "Hi, how are you and lil' ones?"
Simon looked at Ollie who was currently in time out for stealing his sisters binkie for the tenth time, "Not great."
"Simon." Price's voice cut in and it took about five seconds to get everything account for, "Ya already called Johnny right?"
"Did you try Kyle?"
"No sir, he's on his honeymoon."
'"Ah-that's right, that's right."
"Sir I would like your help."
"Ha! Knew it! Alrighty, missus and I'll be there in...i dunno- you boys hungry? She made that-honey whatcha make?" indistinct conversation, "Ma'am said it didn't matter, she'll bring it anyway. Forty minutes?"
Simon looked at Johnny, who was on 'keep ollie in said time out' picking up the kid whenever he would try and run off. "Can you make it twenty, sir?"
Simon and Johnny who, out of habit, stood at attention as soon at the captain let himself into the house
Simon who looked a bit worse for wear, even with his non existant sleep scheulde in the military he had never looked so fatigued
Simon who had the baby out of his arms by Price's wife within two minutes of them being there
Simon who loves his son, he loves him (internal mantra) but he is making him look bad to his captain so the little twerp better get his act together.
"How long is your block?"
"Two kilometers around."
"Two laps."
faltering silence through the house, Simon stared at the captain as he helped Ollie tie his sneakers by the door. The silence did mean Tessie had finally fallen asleep but he was- "I'm sorry?"
"Two laps, you, Johnny, and Oliver." Price looked to the kid, who looked more angry at the world than anything else, "Go. Dinner will be ready when you get back."
Simon was about to argue but Ollie beat him to it, "I don't want to run."
"You don't want to run?"
Oliver seemed a bit taken back, "No. So I'm not going to."
"Okay. You can clean the entire house- including your sisters nappy's, for a week, yeah?"
A pause.
"Fine, i'll go on the stupid run."
Simon who might as well be walking with the pace Oliver chose to keep
Johnny who took off sprinting because lord knew that man was starving and Mrs. Price's food was heaven on earth
Simon who sat down on the side of the road when the little guy was out of breath
Simon that mostly ran in silence until Ollie broke it
"Why did mom leave?"
"Mom she-she just...she left us, wh-"
"Whoa-whoa whoa, mum didn't leave-mum didn't leave us wh-whoa, Olls," he had collapsed to his knee when the boy started to speak just to look at him in the eyes and he tried to read the boys expression, "Mum would never leave you, she loves you so much."
"Then where did she go?? Why didn't she say goodbye?"
"She's with her friends, and her flight left 'fore you woke up, Olls. Laddie, she wouldn't leave you."
Simon who had called you, even though there was time difference as everyone was sitting down to eat dinner
"oh...wow the gang's back together," You grumble as you rub your eyes, having been dead asleep, only for the camera angle to change suddenly and it was just a close up angle of your son's face, "Hi baby."
"Mom guess what Uncle Johnny did."
"Hey mom?" The boy was easily distracted and then looked down at the phone again.
"Yeah baby?"
"Never go on away again, dad said so."
You stay silent for a moment, blinking, because in all three years you and Simon had been together Ollie had never referred to him as 'dad' or anything remotely close. "Your...right, yeah-I'm pretty bored here anyway."
Simon, who was fine with you going on little getaways just not anymore how dare you try and leave him alone
"You sure it's okay if I stay a few more days?"
With a short laugh he looks over the living room, where Johnny and Olls were fast asleep watching some cartoon he didn't know the name of while John and His wife had chosen to stay in the guest room for the night. It would hell if you stayed for a few more days.
"Of course, luv, I got the boys an' Tessie needs to learn who they are anyway."
"I guess. Okay, the ride is here. I love you."
"I love you more."
(annnnway that's it <333 any comments you wanna leave or anything like that makes my day!)
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soapybutt17 · 2 months
The Ex and Why's
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Summary: No one knows much about Simon’s life aside from what was listed on his files. The family that had died a tragic death, the trauma that came with his actions, and the rank that made him what he was today. No one had realized that behind the balaclava wearing man from Manchester was a man that once had a heart and signed divorced papers he had constantly regretted signing all those years ago.. Character: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Ex Wife!Reader. John Price. Kate Laswell. Johnny "Soap" MacTavish. Kyle "Gaz" Garrick Word Count: 9,787 Chapter Warnings: Angst with Happy Ending. Miscommunication. Mention of Minor Character Deaths. Mention of Divorce. Life threatening Injuries. Mention of Simon's tragic past and trauma. Not edited (sorry!) AN: I can now sleep in peace. If you enjoyed it why not visit my mini celebration and post your own requests I can write just like this.
Masterlist || Request are Open || 500 Followers Celebration
When you had learned about this new job, one thing you had so gotten used to doing was letting Simon know about it. But not this time, something about letting him back into your life wasn’t something you should do anymore. You were no longer married to him by your own choice and no one else’s. So you know it was time to wear your big girl pants now and stopped letting him know about it.
You no longer had any reason to give your ex-husband any updates about your life. A more selfish reason was how you just wanted to start a new life, away from him and away from anything that was related to him.
“Ms. Riley?”
You turned smiling at the man that would now be your new boss. You learned his name to be John Price, a Captain.
Being married to a man like Simon Riley once upon a time, you know some thing or two about what goes on inside of a military base. Even when he hasn’t talked much about it with you during your relationship or if he even gone as far as mention your existence to the people he had once worked with. You chalked it up to overprotectiveness and fear that they would get to you, and some night thing that he was simply embarrassed about you. Maybe it’s another reason why you had opted out of telling him about this new job of yours.
“Captain Price, it’s good to finally meet you.” You firmly shook the man’s hand. A good first impression was the best thing for you to do if it meant making sure you work for the man for the foreseeable future.
“Likewise, Laswell as spoke great things about you and I’m hoping to be able to experience it firsthand.”
You nodded with a smile. Working for Kate’s wife for nearly a few years beforehand, you had appreciated the suggestion for this new role as a secretary for the Captain ever since your divorce. She had understood you needed this change in pace in your life and this was much of a welcome change.
“I do hope it’s all good things.” You quipped right back earning a deep resonating chuckle from the older man.
“Well I think now that introductions as over and done with, let me show you to my office. I do hope you’re up for dealing with a handful of documents for me on your first day.”
“More than happy to.” You beamed following the man, his larger hand holding onto the small of your back as you began your journey into the heart of the base.
All throughout the walk, he was giving your directions to where most things were. You were warned how some men could be rowdy at time and he was more than happy to help in the off chance that any of his men would give you problems.
All you could do was smile, not wanting him to know that you were more than well equipped to punch or kick anyone that would get too handsy with you. One of the perks of having an ex-husband working for the military.
He continued on with how things go around in the base. Schedules for meal time and the curfew in the event that you would be staying in the base overnight. He had also showed you to where your new room would be located in.
“You would be a few rooms away from my own as well as the Lieutenant and Sergeants that I trust most. In the event that I’m unavailable, they will be more than willing to lend you a hand if you need it.”
You nodded before you finally arrived in his office. Opening the door for you, you were greeted with a spacious office. Even in the chaos of the military base, the man’s office was pristine, a few knick knacks and photos that littered his walls, as well as a bookshelf that housed an array of military strategies books. But the most alarming thing about his office was the other table that housed stack upon stacks of folders, papers practically spilling out from each and every single one of them.
“I may or may not have underestimated the help I truly need in this situation.” The Captain said sheepishly as you began opening the folders and gasped that most of them weren’t even ordered correctly even with the page numbers printed on them.
“I think I can manage this.” You blinked hoping you didn’t bite more than you could chew in this moment.
For the next few hours, your time was spent removing staplers upon staplers from the papers for each and every single one of the folders while you were inquiring to John the calls you would be fielding for him from now on and how he would want you to deal with it.
You had learned so much about the man in the few hours being in the same room as him. He was a man that wanted to ensure the safety of the world, even if it meant bloodying his hands up a little just to make sure of it. It showed with some of the missions reports that you may or may not have accidentally read too much into. You’ve also learned how much he hated talking to upper ranking officials if not needed, he was a man that hated authority yet he was working in the field that he was in right now from the way his comments about letting calls from upper ranks go to voice mail if possible.
“Will there be anything or anyone that I should be worried about for now?” You inquired making sure that you did not stir anyone in the wrong way if possible.
“I’m sure Laswell has told you enough to understand our work. Some men are more scarred than sane and if possible, I want you to make sure that you do not give anyone the wrong impression if possible.”
You know what he was implying and with your own experience you know far too well that getting yourself involved with another man in uniform would lead into.
“I’ve done my fair share, Captain. I don’t think that would be much of a problem with me.” You reassured him.
“Laswell told me you were divorced.” He began, huh, who would have thought the man would be the gossiping type.
“It’s been a few years,” You shrugged attention solely on rearranging the files at hand. “It took months before my ex-husband signed the papers, I wanted to think it was because he was deployed but I knew otherwise.” You muttered.
When you had made the decision to finally break things off with Simon, it was like pulling teeth with the man and his near avoidance about the discussion or where you would be sending the divorce papers. You had enough of it, leaving the home you once shared instead with everything you owned and left nothing more of you than the divorce papers alongside the wedding ring and engagement ring he had given you all those years ago.
“He was military too?”
“Something like that.” You nodded not wanting to think too much about the man. Even after everything, you still worried about you giving the man too much information in the event that he works for the opposing side if the chance may have it.
“Well his lost is my gain.” He snorts turning his attention back to the freshly arranged folders courtesy of you that were now ready for his signature. “No offense.”
“None taken, Captain.”
Eventually the man had excused himself for a meeting and had instructed you that no one would be allowed inside aside from him. He had also reminded you about lunch which you could head on out first or you could join him once his meeting was done. You’ve decided it would be best to join him for lunch for now, just to get a feeling of anyone that you would get into contact with on your first day.
With a quick goodbye, you were left on your own and you all but groaned at the folders still stacked up and yet to be touched. It truly made you wonder how the man could be so good in his job yet be so horrible with his paperwork. You will never understand.
Your eyes fixated for a moment on one of the pictures on the wall. It was your boss with three individuals. A blue eyed man with a horrible cut Mohawk but the biggest beaming smile on his face, his arm wrapped around a much younger man with darker skin but a bright eyes that twinkled with happiness for whatever was going on when the photo was taken. But amongst the camaraderie and enjoyment was a man in a skull balaclava mask that had such an empty but somehow familiar eyes, the man stuck out like a sore thumb even with the Captain’s hand resting on the taller man’s shoulder and beaming smile and a cigar between his lips. It was an odd mix of people but it was like family—it made you miss Simon for a moment before your attention got right back to the paperworks.
You can’t think of him now. Not anymore.
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After the events of Las Almas, Simon Riley had truly fought the urge to call you, to tell you how much you mean the world to him and how he was now more than willing to give you the compromise you had always longed from him. But a part of him, the bigger and much darker part of him had refused, slamming his own phone onto the wall in the sheer anger of everything that had occurred in the moment. You had made your choice because of his own action and he would be cruel to take that away from you.
“Heard Cap had a new Secretary, old man’s gonna finally keep his paperworks in check now.” Soap had ruining Simon’s sulking in the cafeteria.
It’s been a grueling few days. With new recruits he was forced to deal with in the morning and nightmares that you no longer could vanish for him at night. His life was nothing more than misery personified and he has no one else to blame but himself.
“Can’t say I’m surprise. Laswell probably set it up for him.” Simon muttered being more than within earshot when he heard both Laswell and Price arguing about the man’s need for necessary help with files. It was Laswell’s decision above anything else, it’s just a matter of time if the secretary would actually last with how everything goes around here in the base.
“Still, hope we’ll have a new bonnie around. Getting sick and tired of seeing Bampots all around.”
Simon didn’t even had the energy to question the man’s slangs, his attention solely back on his cup of tea and lunch—how horrible it was compared to your cup and cooking, but he never truly appreciated it until it was gone. His tea was too bitter even with the sugar and cream he added and the food that didn’t have the special kick compared to your own cooking. Even years after the divorce he was still so miserable without you in his life.
“Steamin Jesus.”
Simon could practically hear Soap melt from where he sat in front of him, his eyes directed at whoever was behind Simon. His curiosity got the better of him and his head turned and he was welcomed with the last person he would have ever believed to be walking besides one John Price.
“Yer lookin’ a bit peely wally.” Soap pointed out breaking Simon from his trance.
“English, MacTavish.”
“You look a lil’ pale, Lt. Like you’ve seen a fucking ghost.”
Simon could have at this point. As you walked besides Price towards the table he sat in. He noticed how unaware you were even at the sight of him only for him to realize that you had never seen him with his mask on, or in anything that has to do with his line of work—until now.
“Right, I think it’s time to introduce this lovely lass.” Price cleared his throat but he should have known by now that both Simon and Soap’s attention were already on them both. “This is Y/N Riley, my new secretary.”
Simon’s brows rose at that little tidbit. You still had his last name. He understood to a degree why you did so—your family that you had long cut off from your life after what they had done to you, but after everything that had happened between the two of you he wouldn’t have expect you to choose the lesser of two evils—being his last name.
“Riley? She a sister or wife to you, Lt?” Soap’s quick remark earned him a glare from Simon before his attention was back to you, how your brows furrowed before your eyes finally widen in realization.
“Purely coincidence.” Simon muttered.
“This is Sgt. Johnny “Soap” MacTavish and Lt. Simon “Ghost” Riley.” Price introduced almost realizing at this point the similarity of the last name you both shared in this moment.
“Nice to meet you two.” You smiled, quickly to compose yourself and shaking both men’s hand.
Even with the glove Simon wore, he could still feel the all too familiar electric shock of your touch against his own. He looked at you how easy your eyes dilated at his touch. It scared him still how you had so much of an effect on him even after the years apart from each other.
As you and Price excused yourselves to get lunch, it left Simon wondering if this was the world finally punishing him for everything he has done in his cruel life. Give him the very thing he had wanted the most only to pull it away at every instance.
“Bloody fucking hell.”
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It’s been two weeks since you’ve began your new job as Captain John Price’s secretary. Two weeks since you had tried and succeeded in making sure you had avoided the man known in the base as Ghost—or to you, simply known as Simon Riley, your ex-husband. Every single instance that you were both placed in the same room (mostly in Price’s office), you both acted like you didn’t know each other, it was hard knowing just how close the man was after so long of a separation from each other.
But as much of an avoidance you’ve made for the Lieutenant, the same could not be said for the two Sergeants that had been dead set in making themselves both your companion while in the base but as well as your guard dogs from the ballsy few that would dare ask you out on a date. You appreciated the effort as much as it was not needed knowing it earned a dangerous glare from your ex in the process.
“Looks like you’re right at home.”
You jerked your head up from the files you were arranging at the voice of an all too familiar woman. A smile rested on your face at the sight of one Kate Laswell, your former boss’ wife.
“Kate.” You smiled an exhausted sigh escaping your lips at the sight of the woman. Both her and her wife had been the pair that knew what you had been through since your divorce and she was one of the two people that saw behind the façade you had decided to show the world.
“How are you holding up?” She inquired.
“Doing better.” You assured her. “Just a slight problem but nothing I can’t deal with now.”
“Oh no. Is your ex-husband bothering you again? I told you to just say the name and I’ll find some dirt on him in a heartbeat.”
You chuckled, knowing how that would be close to impossible with the man’s stand and rank in the Taskforce.
“Simon Riley.” You said instead and watched the way her eyes widen upon realization.
“Why did I not put two and two together?” She snorted realizing the small misjudgment on her part. “Does John know?”
You shook your head. You didn’t know how, but in the weeks of working at the base, you had been successful enough not to let the small detail spill. It was for both of your sakes and you feared that if you told the man, you would be fired and not him, not that you would want him to choose between the two of you.
“It would be a shame if John couldn’t keep you working for him because of your past with Ghost. I’m actually able to see his files being sent to me on time for once and he’s less stress in this past week for once.”
You blushed, knowing that that was a compliment, something that was rarely spoken by one Kate Laswell in the years of working for her wife.
“I genuinely don’t want to go either.” You spoke honestly. “Even with the situation.”
“Will you keep the information to yourself for now?” She inquired. “What does Ghost think of this?”
“I haven’t talk to him since I’ve gotten here.” You spoke honestly. “And I think it would be better if don’t talk to him about it either.”
“Talk to who about?”
Both of you had jerked your head towards the owner of the voice and it was Price with your husband, Soap, and Gaz in tow. You looked panicked at Kate hoping she could help you out this predicament with the man in the very room with them.
“My wife’s been asking how she’s been holding up since the divorce and if she’s gotten around to talking to her ex.” Kate brushed off and you wanted to face palm yourself, not the answer you were hoping for her to give.
“Wait you were married?” Gaz piped in with surprise.
“Was.” You corrected, eyes glancing towards Simon for a moment before turning your attention right back to the younger man. “But it’s nothing to worry about, you know how Kate’s wife is.” You tried your best to reassure everyone.
“Well that bloke lost something good that’s for sure.” Soap quipped right back with a flirty wink. You’ve learned this was the default with the man. “Right Lt?”
Both you and Kate found yourself looking at the man and it somehow clicked to him that you both were now more than aware of the currently predicament that fell before you and without another word left the office, slamming the door behind him.
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To this very day, Simon still can’t understand why he had signed those papers. Why didn’t he just talk with you and made a compromise. Instead he became an asshole that avoided any forms of communications with you until he was left with no other choice but divorce papers waiting for him at home and every single trace of you no longer in the home you two once shared.
In the deepest depths of his bedside drawer was the divorce papers that officially separated him from you, the two ring boxes that housed his wedding ring and the engagement ring he had bought for you. Around his neck, alongside his Dog tag was your wedding ring—the same wedding ring you had left on top of the coffee table of your home, with the divorce papers right under it.
It was his fears that finally came to life and he truly didn’t know why his body automatically signed without even reaching out to you first. To this day, in the years that has passed he still wonder what his life and relationship could be if he fought for your marriage.
Would he still be married to you right now? Would the two of you finally have the family you had always wanted? Maybe by now your first kid would have been three, he had always dreamed of having a daughter. A darling little girl that was a spitting image of you, a daughter he would protect with his life over and over again.
That could have been his life, but he was far too stupid for his own good. He was too much of a bastard that ruins everything good that comes into his life. He pays the price every single night he comes home to his apartment—empty and lacked the warmth that only you could ever give to someone like him.
He made his bed and he was sleeping in tears because of it.
“There he is, good you’ve got your arse here, LT.”
Another one of the mistakes he seems to be making in his life was joining the rest of the team in the pub and realizing that you have come to join them this time around.
Bloody fucking hell you were as beautiful as the first day he had ever laid eyes on you. There was the twinkle in your eyes he had once thought he had diminished as you continued on with whatever conversation you were having with Gaz with Price listening on. You had on your favorite red crepe dress that slightly showed some cleavage but not enough to be indecent, with your favorite locket that he had brought for you while you were still dating, and the first ever expensive Cartier watch you had brought for yourself (which Simon would have more than willingly bought for you if you allowed it) while saving up your checks.
Fate was nothing but a cruel sick man for giving this sight of you in front of him and never allowing him the taste he always craved. A gift that wasn’t his to accept—anymore.
“You know how traffic is, Johnny.” He muttered finding himself sitting beside the man and in the process finding himself sitting right in front of you in the process.
“Bullshit,” Soap snorted. “Stopped by a bonnie we didn’t know about?”
Simon glanced towards you, the momentary hurt that passed through your eyes before you continued on with your conversation with Gaz, now hearing you were both talking about your Uni days and how you found yourself involved with working for Laswell’s wife all those years ago.
“Don’t have the time nor the energy for another headache in my life.” He spoke realizing that it was the wrong thing to say with you in front of him. He could have said it if you were not here, but not in your presence, it diminishes every single thing he had ever had with you.
It wasn’t what he meant but he couldn’t truly take it back.
“I can second that.” You spoke finally meeting his eyes this time. An unrecognizable look in your eyes as you stared right at him. “And this is coming from someone that’s already made a mistake of ever getting married to a man in the military.”
This has opened the floodgate for everyone in the table to question you about your apparent divorce. He had no one else to blame for this than himself. He listened in now as you continued on answering questions about your relationship with him and the eventual divorce, but made sure it was vague enough not to have fingers pointed at him.
“So, you loved the man more than life itself and all that, why divorce?” Soap had asked the million dollar question.
“It’s gets tiresome to love someone that doesn’t want to help himself.” You spoke honestly. “Year of trying to understand him, only to push shoved away over and over again, it hurts and it gets tiresome. I just had to go before the love turns to hate.”
In the years since the divorce, there was never closure between the two of you. The forms of communications that you both had were mostly about him being deployed again or of you and your plans of moving around or changing careers. Never did either of you had the much needed closure that you both deserved—until now, not directed at him.
“If any of you ever attempt getting involved with a guy or girl make sure you’re serious about the relationship a hundred percent, not fifty, not seventy-five, not even fucking ninety. Because that small fraction you’re not giving them might be the very reason why everything falls apart.”
Simon finds himself blinking at the words that now escaped your lips. The downright resentment that still lingered in your tongue even after everything that had occurred between the two of you. He shouldn’t have signed those fucking divorce papers.
Marriage Counseling, they should have had marriage counselling like you had begged from him all those years ago.
He stood, excusing himself to order the next round of drinks. He doesn’t have it in him anymore to listen to your words cutting him to the very core.
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One of the biggest mistake about accepting Price’s offer of going out with the rest of the team for a quick drink was forgetting your non-existing alcohol tolerance. As the drink was now swimming through your blood stream, your lips become looser and there were few moments were you had almost spilled the fact that your ex-husband just happens to be sitting in front of you in the table you shared with the rest of 141.
“You sure you’ll be alright to head home on your own?” Your boss has inquired the moment it was announced the pub was closing up for the early morning.
You nodded with a smile, but the warmth that you were certain painted your skin and the dazed eyes, you were all too sure that it would be a big mistake for you to do. Go knows how dangerous it would be for a drunk like you to head home all on your own.
“I’ll take her home.” Simon announced and before you could protest, John had nodded agreeing that it would be the best thing to do and you couldn’t protest or show even a smidge of irritation as you were given a death glare by your ex-husband.
“Thank you for letting me join you guys.” You spoke towards your boss, the giggly duo of Soap and Gaz. “I’ll text once I get home.” You promised them following Simon out of the pub.
You took a deep breath as the cool morning air sobered you up for a moment as you waited for the man with his car. Frowning when you realized the man didn’t have his car with him but rather his death machine known as his motorcycle.
“Here.” He muttered practically shoving an all too familiar helmet towards you.
Like quick work, you had put on the helmet, ensuring to adjust the strap before the man does. You were still unprepared to be in close proximity with the man but here you were.
Watching him pull down the foot peg, he turned to you waiting for you to ride him—ride his motorcycle. With a deep breath you rode behind him, the skirt riding up your legs and he was quick to pull it down for your own decency before revving the engine on.
“Hold on tight.” He ordered and your body was on autopilot as you wrapped your arms around his waist as he sped off.
You know it was the alcohol but you find yourself smelling him, the all too familiar smell of his musk and cologne—the same cologne you had given him when he told you were promoted to Lieutenant. Your head rested on his back, cheek squished against the expansion of his back, feeling the way his back tense at your touch as it had the same effect for you feeling his warmth all over again.
“Where?” He questioned you as the bike halted at the stoplight.
You slurred your words, but you did your best to tell him directions to where your apartment was. Your sober self would have slapped you at the back of the head for letting Simon know about your whereabouts, knowing it wasn’t something he needed to know anymore.
For a moment as the winds blew against your cheeks, you were brought back to the memories of your time together. How you feared his driving and his bike more than anything else in the world but every single time he made sure you were at your safest with him, always did even in this moment.
You remembered the dates you would both have at night when he was at his most sleepless. By the park, your arms wrapped around him as his head rested on your shoulders. How you had carried so much of his nightmare even when you truly knew nothing but what he would let you know which wasn’t much and would only be in the instance that you would have accidentally heard during his nightmares.
You remembered how tired you were as much as you loved him, how much he had meant the world to you in that very moment but slowly but surely it wasn’t the same anymore. You felt the resentment before the anger for everything he wasn’t willing to give you. You gave him everything thing but he could barely give you anything in return.
“We’re here.” Simon announced, pulling away from him you turned and he was right. You were back in your apartment and you didn’t realize how fast time has flown since as you were deep in your thoughts.
Hopping down the bike with the man helping you, you turned to him and your mouth moved before you could stop yourself.
“Want to head inside—for coffee at least as a thank you?”
“I think coffee and a conversation would be the best thing for the both of us to do at this point in time, Love.”
You felt your pulse quicken as everything single thing you had talked about in the pub was coming back to bite you in the ass. Simon has his ulterior motive after all for wanting to escort you back home.
All you did was nod, heading to the door with the man following closely behind. You felt your hands shaking but you had succeeded in keying the door open. Opening the door for him, you walked further inside, opening the lights and toeing off the flats you had on.
You placed your wallet and keys on the coffee table and found yourself sitting on the couch waiting for the man to follow you.
You heard Simon close the door, the sound of the lock being turned and the sound of his leather jacket had you worried for what was to come.
“I fucking take you seriously with the bloody helmet still on your head.” He pointed out as he stood right in front of you, unclasping the helmet from your head and for the first time in a long time, you saw him up close and the way the darkness of his eye bags was the most prominent about him—it had gotten so much worse than when you were still married. Was it because of you?
“Sorry.” You mumbled as you watched him place the helmet on top of the coffee table alongside most of your things.
“Where’s the kitchen?”
You pointed towards you left and the man had made himself at him. The sound of cupboard being opened and the all too familiar muttering of horrible instant coffee you always wanted was heard. You wanted to let out a giggle but the sudden fear of the reality of your decision brought back something you never thought you would ever relive.
You sigh elbows digging onto your thighs, as your slumped your face into your hands. Why did you offer to have him here? Why did you accept the offer of him taking you back home? Why did you accept Kate’s offer of working for John? Why did you decide to divorce Simon?
In your own mini-panic attack, the smell of vanilla latte had you pulling away from your hands and you saw the cup of coffee already in the table and Simon was already sitting in front of you, without the surgical mask and without the figurative mask he was wearing at the base.
“Why are you doing this to me?” He questioned.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Of all the places you could work why the base?”
“It’s not like I knew you were working for Price.” You snort. “It was Kate that suggested I work there—a new environment for me after everything that happened.”
Kate had called it her own version of exposure therapy. You truly appreciated her help even after knowing your ex-husband was working there in the same vicinity as you.
“You could have left?”
You snort. Aside from everything that came with the military, the money was too good to leave—but that was not something you would want to discuss with Simon knowing his intent to still provide for you even with the ink on the divorce papers were still drying.
“Why would I? You and I have nothing between us.” You spoke, knife sharp as his own words of calling you a headache to him.
“What you said to the team is that the real reason why you filed for divorce?”
All you could do was nod.
“You could have talk to me that you weren’t happy anymore we could have made it work.”
“No you won’t, Si.” You shook your head, arms crossed against your chest, you feared the words that would be thrown between the two of you now especially at your state. “I would have made it work.”
“What do you want me to do then? What could I have done then? You say one thing but mean something else?”
“Because every single time I wanted you to open up to me, you closed yourself up even more!” You spat right at him now. “Do you know how hard it was for me to bare myself to you about the shit in my life and in my family only to be reciprocated with how your family was fucked up but not an explanation for it?”
“That’s none of your business.” His voice grows dark, it was a sensitive topic.
“Then why were we even married if it wasn’t my business?” Your voice growing louder now, exasperated by this conversation. “What was the use of our vows if you would keep the smallest things a secret from me?”
“It’s not fucking small!” He screamed right back at you and you instinctively flinched at his voice then. Why was he being so cruel to you now?
“When I married you, I accepted you for who you are, I accepted that you can’t truly tell me what your missions were about or about whatever details about your deployment were. But even just something, anything that would make me believe that I was something more than a whore you could fuck and a maid that would take care of the house and cook you fucking food would have been appreciated.”
“You were my wife, wasn’t that enough?”
“No it was not, Simon.” You spat. “You never made me feel like I was truly your wife when you shut yourself down after coming home to me. You weren’t the same man that I had accidentally spilled coffee on when we first met.”
“If you knew me for the things I’ve been through you wouldn’t look at me the same way.”
“And how would you know that?” You questioned him. “How could you think for me when you don’t even know what I would think of you after everything we’ve been through?”
“You want to know the truth?”
“Yes. Maybe that way I can finally move on from anything that has to do with you.”
You know that was the wrong thing to say as the man cracked his neck and began to talk. About his life, about the abuse he had to endure at the hands of his father. He began to talk about the new beginning of his life when his father died and everyone tried their best to recover. He told you of his mother that he loved more than anything else at that point, of his brother, of his sister-in-law, and of his young nephew Joseph.
He told you about how he was finally at peace with the trauma of his life back then before things gotten to hell and back. He told you of the man named Roba, he told you of the abuse he had to once again go through at the hands of Roba’s men, physically, mentally, and sexually. He told you why he hated confined spaced after being buried alive in a coffin with a man named Vernon, a rotten corpse that he had to use the jaw of to escape death.
He told you of the death of his family, of Marcus Washington killing his family. Killing his mother, his brother, his sister-in-law, and his nephew that didn’t deserve being involved in anything the mission was about. He told you how he had to burn the bodies of what was left of his family and his identity in the process. You learned then why he was called Ghost and what it had meant for him and his past that continued to haunt him.
You were left stunned, unable to form words about everything that has happened to your husband. But it was the fact that now everything about him made sense. All the little things about his personality of why he was the man that sat in front of you today. It all made sense and it scared you that he was right. How you truly didn’t know what to say or what to feel now that you’ve learned of his past that he tried so hard to hide from you.
“Don’t be cruel, Simon.” You whispered now, the tears were slowly forming from your eyes now, you wanted to cry for him, to mourn the family that he had lost and for adding yourself into the pain he was now enduring.
“Cruel?” He laughed, no humor in his words, malice was more evident. “What’s cruel is you still using my last name and airing out our dirty laundry to the men I work with instead of talking to me first.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore.” You shook your head, stung by his words. He was right but you weren’t going to admit it right now. A small ounce of pride still clawing its way out of you. “And you know why I still used your last name.”
It was your family. You wanted to erase was little traces of your family remained. Even in the divorce, you always had it in mind to remain a Riley. It was better than having to be the ghost of your former self all over again.
He stood now, knowing it was all he needed to know. He walked away but somehow a lingering thought had you opening your lips all over again.
“Why didn’t you fight for me, Si? Why did you sign the papers back then if you truly didn’t want to break up?”
“Because no matter how much I loved and needed you in my life, I will always choose your happiness before my own.” He answered, opening the door and leaving.
The sound of his bike echoing as you were left to mourn the closure of your relationship with the man that had meant the world to you. With all the regret finally coming full force you were left knowing that you had broken the man more than he already was and there was no turning back from it anymore.
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It’s been well over a year now since you have been hired as Captain John Price’s secretary. Things were slowly but surely getting better for you and your career. Since the day you had talked with Simon, you wouldn’t say things between the two of you were getting better but you were civil with each other. You’ve interacted with him a few times, especially when it came to paper works but nothing more was said between the two of you.
Even with Price’s rule of not getting yourself involved with anyone in the team, it was becoming a mission for both Gaz and Soap to set you up with people on the base. Doctors or medics were somehow their number one target for you, but every single time, you find yourself relenting to just one date but never pushing for something more.
After knowing the truth about your ex, you didn’t have the heart to be so cruel to him more than you already were working in the base as him. Your free time away from base were spent with hobbies you had while still being married to Simon, baking and journaling, it was relief to be able to do it now with a new light was shed to the events of your marriage failing. You’ve also come to accept the offer of Kate’s wife’s therapist. It was a big help to be able to talk to someone else about everything you’ve been through.
You’ve learned to accept that you had your own mistake in the failure of your marriage just as much as Simon did. But your therapist has also come to mention that you needed to begin your own journey of healing from the what ifs of it, and live in the aftermath as painful as it was for you now.
“That dangerous?” You found yourself fearing for the worse at the conversation you were having with your boss as he explained to you the vague details of the upcoming mission him and the rest of the Task Force had for today.
With the chaos of prepping and planning, your boss was constantly on his feet and you were following him every step away for most of it to field calls and handle most of the paperworks to be sent out to sign and shipped to the higher ups. But to know a glimpse of what was happening and how your ex-husband would be involved in all of this worried you more than you would like to admit.
“It is what it is, if it meant a safer and better world, we would do it over and over again.” He explained.
“Just be careful, I still want to keep my job and I can’t if you’re dead, Boss.” You teased.
“Laswell can still be able to deal with you if I’m gone.” He retorted right back earning a quick laugh from you.
One thing that you had gotten so used to was his humor and how you had showcased your own as time went by working for the man. You appreciated him for being one of the two best bosses you had ever had in your career.
“Shouldn’t you be preparing for the mission?” You quipped right back.
“I should.” He chuckled standing right up in his full height. “Can you go check on the boys for me while I do?”
You could have refused, but a small part of you wanted to check up on Simon. Standing up, you had made your round, first stopping by Soap’s room to check up on him and notify him about the mission. Soap being the man that he was already suggesting you another man in the base beforehand.
“How about Micah? Pretty bloke that just joined the Medic team.” He began shoving the rest of his things into his duffle bag.
“Johnny, for the last time, I’m not into those pretty type you think I’m into.” You tried to indulge him in the conversation for now knowing it would ease him from the mission.
“What is your type so me and Gaz could actually find someone for you?” He pouted.
“Tall, blonde, dark and broody and with a heavy Manchester-accent.” You indulged him with description of the only man you actually loved.
“Why the fuck are you describing Ghost?” He snorts. “You got a thing for him? I thought you swore off anyone from the military?”
“Never said it was Ghost, Johnny.” You quipped right back. You hugged him and have him wrap his arms around you right back. “Be careful for me will you, I can’t live my life here in the base knowing you or Gaz aren’t here trying to set me up with anyone and everyone in the base including the married ones.”
“Hey we didn’t know Wilson was married.” He protested as he pulled away to look at you in offense.
“At this point I’ve already had dinner with half of the base, let’s keep it to a minimum when you get back. I might show you my ex so you can have an idea of what my type is.”
“Deal.” He grinned kissing you on top of the head before leaving to head to the meeting room.
You next stop was Gaz which wasn’t much of a journey with how close his room was to Soap’s. Knocking inside, you were immediately welcomed into the arms of Gaz. Unlike Soap that had been fixated with setting you up with someone in the base, Gaz was more focused on the next get together you could go to after the mission.
“I think me and Soap could convince Price to have a weekend in his vacation house in Cornwall.”
You nodded knowing it wouldn’t take much to convince Price if it meant helping the rest of the team with de-stressing and ensuring everyone has recovered mentally from the mission. But it also meant that you would be in charge of cooking knowing you and Price were the only ones that knew how to cook and you wanted your boss to actually have time to recover himself in the process.
“As long as you help me with grocery and prepping then you got a deal.” You winked pulling away from him with a smile already excited to bake them your famous apple pie they constantly beg you to make for them since the first time making it for them.
“Deal.” He grinned kissing you on the cheeks and just like Soap, finding himself heading out with his bag already at hand.
It now meant you had one last person you needed to stop by before the mission prep. You took your time somehow rehearsing what you could probably say to the man for his upcoming mission. You had your worry and you knew this was a dangerous mission.
Knocking on his door, you heard the gruff response from the other side of the door.
“Simon?” You called and immediately heard the door being unlocked.
You were faced with him wearing his skull balaclava mask. This was the side of him that you never gotten used to see but it was a part of him that you could never truly erase from him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you allowing you to walk inside.
“Price told me to notify you about heading out for the mission.” You explained. “And I just—I just wanted to ask you to be careful on the mission.”
“Always.” He nodded.
A moment of silence has passed between the two of you before you were reminded of your therapist’s words. There was nothing wrong if you extended an olive branch to the man after everything was out in the open.
“After the mission, I would love to have you join us in Price’s cabin in Cornwall for a quick vacation too.” You added. “I know you’re busy with whatever you need to do to distress after a mission, but I would think it would be good to you if you joined. I can opts this one out if you’re more comfortable with that.”
“I’d go.” He nodded. “But I want you to join along and I want you to make me that lovely cheesecake you always make for me after I come home from deployment.”
You smiled knowing that it was always the same, a way to a man’s heart is always through his stomach.
“Anything else you want?” You asked wanting to give in to his all too simple request.
“And I want us to at least be friends, you’re part of the team now and they care for you and it wouldn’t do anyone good for us to act like we can’t stand each other.”
You nodded, heart aching a little at what he wanted. Friends. That was all he wanted and you would gladly compromise this time for him if that was what makes him truly happy.
“Friends.” You smiled, taking a hesitant step towards him for a hug but stopped mid movement as he pulled you right into his arms. The all too familiar warmth that consumed him.
“I wished things would have been different between the two of us.” He whispered kissing the top of your head. “I’d give you the world when I couldn’t give you myself fully.”
You closed your eyes wrapping your arms around his broad back.
“I wished I was strong enough for the two of us.” You whispered the tears slowly forming your eyes. “I wished I stayed a little longer for the two of us.”
“I never stopped loving you, Love. We might not be married anymore but you will be the only woman I will ever love truly with all my life and with all my soul.”
“You too, Si.” You whispered looking up at him allowing the tears to flow freely from your eyes now. “After everything that had happened between us, I will always love you.”
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It was the middle of the night when you heard the familiar ringtone of your old phone. The same phone that only Simon knew the number to. You blinked away the sleep as you pulled the phone right out of the bedside table.
An unfamiliar number took you by surprise and for a moment you wanted to not answer it thinking it might be a telemarketer—but something had pushed you to press the answer button and hear whoever was on the other line.
“Hello?” You whispered clearing your throat.
“Mrs. Riley?” The familiar voice of John had you tensing. You found yourself sitting up from the bed as he began to introduce himself and why he had called.
“What happened to Simon?” You questioned checking your bedside clock to see what time it was.
It was just past midnight, three weeks since they had left for their mission and this was the first time you had gotten any contact to any one of them.
“As of right now, we are not sure if he would make it through the night. If you want we could have you someone fetch you to see him.”
You felt your world still at the news. Just when things were finally moving into the right direction between you and Simon.
“I’ll be there as soon as possible.” You assured hanging up and changing into some sweatshirt and sweatpants.
The travel to the now familiar base was a daze to you as you drove. You weren’t much of a religious person, but your lips did not stop moving as you prayed. You prayed that your husband would be alright, you bargained that you would make things right with him if it meant he would stay.
“Don’t leave me, Simon.” You whispered over and over again until you arrived to the base.
You had ignored most of the surprise that the soldier on duty had shown at your sudden appearance—the fact that you were in just your ratty clothes was also something you chose to ignore as you made a beeline to where the infirmary was.
Huddled in front of the door was your boss, John, Soap, and Gaz. Each and every single one of them injured in their own way—mostly superficial from the bandages that plastered all over their beaten faces.
“John.” You called having three heads turning to you in question. “How is he?” You questioned as the tears begin to fall from your eyes at the reality of the situation coming to crush you. “How is my husband?”
The realization washed over all of them, of the secret you and Simon had hidden from everyone. The weight was too much as you were wrapped in the arms of the family you had found yourself becoming a part of.
“Will he be alright?” You pleaded, holding onto John’s vest. “Please tell me he will be alright.” You begged falling to your knees in front of him.
“The doctors are doing their best, Love.” John reassured kneeling in front of you, wrapping you into his arms as you continued to sob. “But Simon took most of the impact from the explosion.”
The reality scared you so much. You tried you best to remember the last interaction you had with Simon, the hug, the promise of a new beginning, and everything else in between. It all came crashing down to this very point.
There was a very big chance that you will finally lose Simon and it scared you so much more than anything in this world. You couldn’t lose him, not like this, not when there was so much left between the two of you to make up for.
“He can’t leave me, John.” You whimpered. “He promised me he wouldn’t leave me like this.” You screamed at the top of your lungs.
You were made aware of the vows you had made to each other when you got married at the court house. Of how he had promised to the best of his abilities that he wouldn’t die in the line of duty before he could have the chance to retire. He promised you a family, he promised you the world, and he promised you your happiness. He was your family, he was your world, and he was your happiness that you realize only when it was too late.
For the next few weeks, the world around you had become blur. You were now much of a permanent fixture of the Taskforce’s base. Morning and the afternoon was spent still working for Price, especially with the piling number of paperworks the mission had caused and your nights were spent in the infirmary, watching over Simon that has yet to awake from his slumber.
When the doctors had given you the green light that you can see him—it took you hours before you did. Even after John, Soap, and Gaz had finished with their own visit, it took so much of what little strength you had to finally see him in his state.
Broken bones, laceration, head trauma, blood loss and amongst the other injuries that the doctors has informed you should have killed him but he was still alive even in his current state. He still had fight in him, he was still fighting to keep alive.
“I’ve come to realize that post-mission Price was a whole different breed of a grump, more than he usually is.” You began talking to your still unconscious ex.
The doctor had told you about him being able to hear your voice and you took the opportunity to talk his ear off with him unable to give his usual sarcastic comments or grunts as response. There were days you told him about your day at work, days where you told him about what you had been doing since you left your home and tried and failed to move on from him, and there were days where you apologized to him, regretting the divorce and everything else that been the reason for the demise of your marriage.
“I think since the divorce I’ve realized a lot of shit about us.” You sighed leaning against the uncomfortable plastic chair. “If you wake up, I’ll try to do my best to convince you to take me back.” You mused arms crossed against your chest. “I know you don’t have as much of a happy memory after what happened to your family, but when you wake up, I want to make sure we make as much happy memories as we could together, I want you to tell me about what your Ma was like, what kind of brother Tommy was like, and how adorable Joseph was, I want all of that and more with you.”
You wiped away the tears that have yet to fall, you didn’t want to cry. You thought that you didn’t have any more tears to shed. The gravity of almost losing Simon was the wakeup call you needed and now it was nothing more than a waiting game until he wakes up.
“I fucking can’t be your friend, Si.” You admit. “I can’t be happy with just being your friend. I want you to be my husband again, Si. After almost losing you I know I can’t live knowing we haven’t fixed our relationship. I’ll do anything and everything to make it up to you, all the pain and hurt I’ve caused you.”
You almost jumped from where you sat at the sight of the man whose eyes were now focused on you.
“Am I just high or did you say what you did?”
“That you would make up for everything?” He muttered groggily.
“I did.” You nodded blinking in disbelief that he was here, awake. Alive.
“Then marry me. Let me make it right this time, Love. I promise I’ll make it work, I’ll do my best to make you happy the way that you deserve.”
“Yes.” You answered almost immediately, finding yourself giggling about how ridiculous his second proposal was with his current state—but you didn’t want it any other way.
He requested for you to take his dog tag around his neck off and only then did you notice that your wedding ring enclosed around his necklace. Even with the years that passed, he still had it with him. The very same ring you two had brought together before you had headed to the courthouse for your marriage.
“Can I add another stipulation?” He held onto your free hand.
“Anything.” You smiled rubbing your hand against the callousness of his hand. “Anything to make it work, Si.”
“No more blind dates from the Sergeants.”
“They could never hold a candle to you, Simon.” You giggled leaning in for a kiss, the weight that rested on your shoulders slowly easing away.
You were home, you were back in the arms of Simon after all was said and done.
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joonieskinks · 21 days
johnny!soulmate au where you see grey your whole lives, right up until you first make eye contact with your soulmate - then suddenly the floodgates of colours finally begin to appear.
Johnny was still a Private in the military when you joined up to aid those injured, you eventually earned quite a name for yourself as a nurse on bases. You even got to pick after a couple years and settled on Captain Price’s base after helping him a few years back. He was always kind to you and so you figured, maybe his men would be too.
Johnny then became a Sergeant with the 141, Graves was still in full swing when Johnny received a nasty shot to the shoulder. Upon his return to base, he was quickly transported over to your station for aid. He was laid down in a bed, given injections for the pain, his shirt cut off, leaving his chest bare. You opened the curtain to see your patient squeezing his eyes shut in pain as the injection punctured his skin.
“Hi, Sergeant. I’m nurse y/n, I’ll be taking care of you. Gonna get that bullet out and get you all sewed up, okay?” You introduced, eyes glancing over his vitals.
“Aye, got it lass.” He murmured, finally relaxing in the bed as the painkillers started to kick in. Your eyes finally landed on him, his wound but also his figure. Sure, you see a lot of guys like this but you couldn’t help but look just a little bit longer than usual. Even like this, you think he looks rather good. It makes your insides flip inside you at the thought.
“Right-“ you start and settle down on a stool next to his shoulder. “Those painkillers should be working overtime now, but let me know if it gets to be too much.”
For the first time Johnny looks to the side, eyeing who is actually aiding him. And he’s met with the prettiest woman he’s ever seen in his life. The way your hair frames your face, your kind eyes and beautifully shaped lips- ones he’d very much like to kiss for all your help. You’re stunning and definitely his type, it makes his heart rate rise.
“Easy there, Sergeant. You’re in good hands, I promise.” You pause from tending to his bullet wound to lay your hands on his chest. Your eyes glance over his blushing face, and you smile a little. He’s definitely handsome, your type too.
Johnny’s eyes glance up to meet your own, desperate to recover and say something smooth- but he’s at a complete loss for words as your eyes stand out in the most peculiar way. They look different, they are vivid, clear and coloured.
“Bonnie…” he mutters out, rising up out of bed to look at you closer, and you’re unmoving. In shock, unable to look away from the man in front of you, as his eyes turn blue, as his hair turns brown, as your whole world springs to life.
“Are you…?” You trail off, taking your gloves off to touch his face. Johnny brings his hand up to yours to cup your cheek, tears starting to swell in his eyes.
“I finally found ye.” He chuckles, swiping his thumb lovingly over your cheek over and over. His eyes running all over your features, taking you in, smiling like crazy. “And yer gorgeous too! I’ll be damned.”
You laugh at the flattery, tears starting to leave your own eyes. You can’t wait any longer and bring your lips to meet his. Johnny wastes no time wrapping his arms around you, a hand on your waist and another on the back of your neck. God, you feel good, how he couldn’t wait to explore all of you.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Sergeant.” You murmur against his lips.
“As much as I like that, lass, the names’ Johnny.” He smiles, bringing his lips back to yours.
Honestly if he had it his way, he’d already have you naked in this station, moaning his name. But alas, you’ll have to reign him in so it seems- and finish sewing his wound shut for crying out loud.
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princessbrunette · 8 months
kinktober : oct 10th
captain price x thigh riding
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“need you t’do some of the work, darlin’.” he speaks in a low voice. you could just die.
you’re not sure if you’re humiliated or just more unbelievably aroused than you’d ever been, but your body felt like it was on fire. cramped in his small but well kept office, you straddle john prices leg, totally naked.
if you had to pin point where things had really kicked off, it would have been a few nights prior when the captain had taken everyone to get drinks and you’d had a little too much cheap house wine. you don’t remember much, just that you’d been pawing at him all evening, slurring out how ‘nice his thighs are’ and how often you think of sitting on them. the next few days of relentless teasing was all but torturous, but now the man was finally caving to what you wanted.
a coarse hand slides up your stomach all the way to your left tit, squeezing it and running a thumb across the hardened nipple as you timidly move your hips. “gone all shy now?” he tilts his head, nudging your chin back towards him when you look away. “giving you exactly what you wanted, maybe this’ll get you to focus better when i talk to you.” he gruffs, leaning back in his seat and adjusting himself lazily. at the movement, he jolts his thigh up between your legs and you mewl, gripping at him and rolling your hips a little harder.
he smirks, running a hand over his beard— the only sounds in the room momentarily being the faint wet clicking of your cunt on his clothed thigh, and his beard bristles against his palm. “there y’go. comin’ out your shell.”
he places both hands on your hips deciding he is infact going to have to help you out in order for you to really let go. he uses his grip on you to help you grind against the large muscle, all whilst slowly bucking his leg up beneath you. you let out this devastating whimper, brows all furrowed and pathetic and teeth suckling onto your bottom lip and he knew he’d got you where he wanted you.
“poor thing, aren’t you? not even begging for my dick, just happy to hump me like a dog. what a grateful, pretty girl.” he praises and you shudder, gaining confidence in your own movements and wrapping your arms around his neck, humping harder as you whine.
“thats captain to you.” he teases lightheartedly, but in your hazed arousal you take him dead seriously.
“c-captain, sorry — think m’gonna cum.” you cry, chin dropping to your chest to catch a glimpse of the wet patch you’d fashioned on his cargos.
“thats alright doll, make a mess on me, tha’s it.”
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Part 7
Content: sparring and injury
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Sparring is one of your favorite activities. With your team, it’s a chance to learn and improve, to keep from falling into old habits. And yes, okay, it’s also become something of foreplay. Especially with your captain, who seems to delight in tossing you around and pinning you with his bulk.
(And Keegan, who came in his pants once when you had him in a chokehold, one your thighs between his. But no, no, now is not the time to think about that…)
You’re not the best hand-to-hand operator on the team, sure. That title belongs to Nikto, who hits so hard and fast you’re down before you even realize he’s swinging. But you’re certainly a force to be reckoned with.
Not this much though.
If you were in the mood to give them credit for anything — and you’re really not — they’re at least subtle. You don’t catch on during the first round with Soap. Your brain has completely transitioned into the comfortable rhythm of practice combat. Something to be taken seriously, but not the high-stress of victory or death in a mission.
No, Soap gets away with it in the moment. You only notice as you’re taking your water break, rotated out with the uneven numbers between your teams. You’re surveying the pairs and notice him sparring with Keegan.
There’s something decidedly more intense about it. Like… like he’s putting real effort into trying to beat Keegan. An effort he did not put into fighting you.
Rage burns through you, hot and thick, buzzing in your head.
Does he think you’re not worth any real effort? Does he think you can’t handle a proper fight, that this is just playtime? Is he really treating you like some fresh-faced recruit that needs to be babied after all this time?
When you captain finishes wiping the floor with Gaz, you go to his side. One look at your face and he knows.
“Whose head is rolling?” He asks, plucking your bottle from your hand for a sip.
“Soap threw our match.”
His eyes flare before he closes them, swallows the water in his mouth and sighs.
“How do you want to handle it?” He asks.
“Wait, wait,” Gaz interrupts. And the look your captain gives him… Christ. To his credit, he doesn’t back down though. “He probably just thought it would be good, yeah? To… let you get some anger out.”
You run your tongue over your teeth, a mean laugh slipping out. The captain arches his eyebrows in what could almost be sympathy. Or arousal, hard to tell when he’s got such a good poker face. (Mix of both, you figure)
“Oh, he wants me to get some anger out?” You roll your shoulders. “Sounds like a great idea.”
Ghost is your last match before reset — before you’ll get a chance to show Soap just how much steam you need to let off.
Except now that you’re looking for it, you recognize almost immediately that he’s throwing the match. Probably especially because it’s Ghost. You never stood a chance against him before leaving, even now you didn’t have optimistic expectations for a fight with him. So the fact that it doesn’t feel like you’re working for every inch you gain…
The final straw is when you try a move from before. Something he never fell for once and always reprimanded you for using. He “falls” for it this time. You don’t pull your punch when it goes directly into his face.
Know immediately that he’s feeling it, that wicked hook Keegan always whistles over. Blinking past his mask. And you don’t let up, pressing and pressing the advantage. Take him down to the ground using all your built strength, twisting into a vicious arm bar and pulling, pulling, pulling—
“Bloody hell, I yield!” He snarls, palm slamming against your thigh.
You release him, but not without one last nasty kick to the soft spot beneath his ribs.
The gym has gone silent. You don’t care, pushing to your feet with hands still balled into tight, angry fists.
“You ever throw a fight with me again, I’ll break your fucking jaw, Riley,” you snarl.
Price, expression stormy, takes a step forward.
“He threw the fight?” He asks.
You scoff, “Either that or the 141’s quality is lacking nowadays.”
You step off the mat to join the rest of your team, exchange a frustrated look with your captain. Nova comes to your side, curling a finger into your belt loop in solidarity.
“Gotta say, Price, I’m disappointed,” your captain says. “This is getting out of control. I won’t have my team put at risk because yours can’t keep it professional. I’d rather just tell Laswell to get you a different support team.”
You’re almost surprised to see how the 141 jolts, four pairs of eyes flicking to you in panic. What in the actual hell?
“Take it easy,” Price says, eyes flashing. “I’ll have a word with them.”
You glance up at your captain, see from the twitch in his jaw and the tightness around his eyes that his patience for this is wearing gossamer thin.
“See to it. In the meantime, we’ve got work to do.”
He turns his back on the 141, and you’re all too happy to follow suit, pressing a kiss to Nova’s cheek when she sends you a worried look. Whatever weird issue the 141 is having, they need to stop making it your issue.
“Keegan, with me,” your captain says. “Nikto, you’re up against the girls.”
Nikto tilts his head in a nod, then jolts as you and Nova take either side of him.
“Gonna show us a good time, Nik?” You coo.
“Always love a tag-team,” Nova purrs.
The captain grins. “Have fun you three.”
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lovifie · 3 months
Lift Me Off My Feet
Chapter 8: Training Session
Original Thought - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12
W: Price x Reader, just a filthy act of love, Price gets a bit intense sometimes, but thats okay, we love him that way.
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The next morning, you wake up when you feel Price's arm press you against him. You hum, twisting to get comfy, resting your head on his chest; and you feel it rumble when he says: “I was scared of waking up alone again…” You feel his lips against your hair, and you hug him back as an answer. You raise your head to look at him when he cups your face, caressing your jaw. “I'm sorry, John.”
“It's okey. I understand, love” He says, again hugging you tightly against him and kissing your forehead. “Just don't do it again, please.”
You quickly shake your head, hiding your face on his neck and breathing in his smell; a mix of tobacco and aftershave. Makes you want to bite down thinking of last night's events.
“But it wasn't okay.” You mumble. “Was an absolute dick move” He chuckles, caressing your back, but not disagreeing with you. “I didn't even left a note, a phone number, anything… I'm sorry.”
“It's okay, doll, really.” He says cupping your face with his other hand. “It just made me worry, I thought I had pushed you to do it; that I didn't read you correctly.”
You quickly shake your head. “It wasn't that, I promised. It was just…” you sigh, looking for the right words. “Fuck, I have been in years long relationships before and I have never felt as loved as that night with you, I felt… stupid when it hit me.”
“Stupid?” He asks, brows furrowed in confusion.
“Yeah, that I was reading feelings that were not there. When I woke up I thought that you were going to kick me out the moment you woke up, and I wanted to save myself the embarrassment.” You admit, noticing the way he hugs you tighter as you talk.
“What? Who in their right mind would do such a thing? Who kind of person kicks someone out after doing it?” He asks looking at your face, and just with your eyes you try to make him understand that there are people who would and that there are people who had already. It dawns on him, confusion no longer on his face, instead there is outrage clear as day. “Who?”
“What?” You ask, sceptical of his intentions.
“Tell me their names, love.” He says keeping your face locked, focusing on you. “If they are the reason why I woke up empty handed… I'll take care of them.”
You raise your eyebrow at him, instead of answering you get close and kiss him on the lips. “Calm down, Cap. I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere.”
There is pure and unaltered devotion pouring out of the captain's eyes, and something tells you to be careful who you badmouth in front of him. 
The two of you exchange more sweet kisses and comforting words, before he speaks again. “I have something planned for today.” He says, and laughs when you look at him with a brow raise. “It's not that, you insatiable girl. We are teaching you some self defense moves.”
“Yeah, the four of us. Since we are all here, there is no point in taking you back home. So the boys and I are training you today, if you are not already sore from yesterday; you'll be tomorrow.”
You groan making him laugh, and he turns you around so he can get up. He's still naked from last night, and your mouth waters at the sight. He catches you staring at him up and down and chuckles. “You have no shame.”
“Says the one with his dick out. Plus, why should I be ashamed?” You ask turning to lay on your side, head resting on your hand as you continue to look at him.
He sighs, trying to keep his mind clear but his hardening dicks betrays his look. “The boys are waiting…”
You smile mischievously. “I'm sure they will understand, Captain. And it is not proper to meet your team with a raging boner, now is it?” You ask, using the hand your are not resting your head on to pull his hand softly, he could pull back easily but he doesn't, instead he lets you win as if you were an unmovable force.
“That is true, doll.” He groans. “Such a good girl, aren't you? Offering your help to your naughty captain.”
He sits back down on the bed, moving your head to rest on his lap as his hand find his way to your hip. You are face to face with his dick, too heavy to stand on his own but hard enough to dribble precum out of its tip.
You stick your tongue out, licking the tip humming at the taste; so turned on for pleasuring the man to even feel embarrassed. Price groans as well, his hips bucking the smallest bit from the sensation and petting your head.
You continue to give wet kisses all the way to the base, latching as his heavy balls when you reach them, making Price moan loudly as he throws his head back, a droplet of precum falling on your cheek as you do. 
Price moves his hand from your head to your crotch, lifting your leg and leaving you, still on your side, exposed to him. He shoves his fingers inside of your mouth when you open your mouth again, pressing down your throat harshly to make you gag and smearing the new spit on you mouth around your lips groaning at the sight. 
His hand goes back to you cunt, caressing around the area, teasing you and not quite giving you the attention that you crave. So you try to focus on the formidable piece of meat in front of your face, opening your mouth and sucking his tip in making him hiss. His finger finally starting to rub against your clit, slowly, awakening it. 
You bob your head up and down, taking more and more as you go. Moaning against his length when his finger find his way inside your cunt, slowly thrusting in an out on tandem with your head. He then pulls your head, peeling you away from his dick. He smiles at you hungry, like a wolf who just catched his prey, he gets a second finger inside of you making you moan; and the second you slightly open your mouth his other hand catches your jaw keeping it open right under his face. He spits into your mouth, just before crashing his lips against you. It has to be the filthiest kiss you have ever gotten, still you can hear the wet sounds of your arousal being fucked in and out of you pussy with Price's fingers. 
He pulls back from the kiss just an inch before saying. “I wanna hear you gag on my cock, babygirl. I wanna feel your throat strangle my cock, get your mouth stuffed, cum all over your face, mark you mine, sweet girl. My sweet, sweet girl.” You can only moan back, unable to talk back with the way his hand is fucking you, the flat of his hand clapping against your clit, your juices wetting his hand and dripping down your tight. 
He lets go of you jaw, and you quickly go back to drowning on his dick. It is such a filthy act, there is drool falling down his dick, soaking his balls. At some point his hand stops moving willingly, just twitching, unable to focus on pleasuring you when be is so close to finish himself. He is thrusting up into your mouth, head back moaning as he feels your throat spasms around his dick. He never expected himself to be this rough, even less with you, but the moment you lay a touch on him he loses every bit of common sense, the urge to feel you being to hard to ignore and needing to fuck you like an animal.
He pulls the hand from your crotch back, using it to fist his dick while he uses the other the keep your head press against his thick thigh. He moans your name shamelessly when he pulls himself over the edge, the first spur of his cum falling on your face before he pushes his red tip back between your plush lips to cum inside your mouth, groaning again when you open your mouth to show him how you swallow it all.
He takes just a second to collect himself, pupils still blown by lust, before he picks you up sitting you on his lap with your back pressed against his chest, his softening dick wetting your ass and he plants your feet on his knees letting you spread-legged for him. An arm grabs you by your middle, supporting you as his hand plays with you nipple making you squirm and the other hand quickly find his way back to your pussy making you moan his name.
He hides his face on your neck, getting high on the smell of sex pouring out of you. His fingers piston in an out of your pussy so fast it is just a blurred image making you moan his name, and Price may have come already but his mind is still going, pouring filth into your ear. “Such a good fucking pussy, always ready to take it. I bet when I was fucking Kyle in you, you were hoping I would slip inside along, hm? Feel the two of us inside this tight pussy.” You clench around him, the mental image too filthy not to 
“Who would you like to fuck you with me, him? Simon?” He asks, and you clench bitting your lip. The thought of getting sandwiches between the two broad men, unable to do anything but to get fuck. The dirty talk between the two of them would turn you into a puddle in mere seconds, and Price can tell how exited that gets you. He chuckles behind you, seeing the fading mark from his bite last night and he bites you again, making sure the mark stays visible for the rest of the day. 
The stinging pain from the bite in comparison to the pleasure of his fingers stuffing you and his palm constantly slapping agains your clit being enough to drive you over the edge. But Price doesn't relent, instead he gets his fingers out and starts to rub rapidly against your clit making you cry out and to try and unsuccessfully close your legs.
“I can't” You cry out, a laugh the only thing you get in return. “I can't, John, I can't again.”
And Price smiles, teeth still bitting down on your shoulder, he can hear your cries but he can also feel your hips grind his hand back. It only takes him another minute before you are coming undone again, his hand getting soaked and your juices dripping down to the floor. 
You legs shake as he finally let you close them, his hand still against you pussy moving slowly letting you ride out your orgasms. He stops bitting, licking the reddening skin and kissing it softly. “See? I knew you could do it. My good girl, him?” 
You mumble back, unable to even think let alone talk back. He chuckles looking at you and says. “Better get you cleaned up, you still need to have breakfast to have energy to fight the guys, hm?”
You look back at him like he is crazy, because there is no way in hell he can expect you to move when you don't even feel your legs anymore.
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“Again!” He shouts, after Soap has you pinned to the floor again.
You groan, using your hands to get back on your feet. You know is only going to take Soap a second to have you flat on the floor again, but you still follow Price's orders. You stand how they explained to you, Price nodding with approval while Gaz and Ghost look invested on the “fight”.
“It's not fair.” You say between heavy breathes.
“What's not fair?” Ghost asks, amused with the situation.
“I'm exhausted, and the four of you keep switching whenever you get tired. I'm going against four!” You exclaim, stepping back when Soap steps forward.
“Hm, but you can take the four of us.” Gaz says, laughing to himself.
“In a fight, right, Gaz?” Ghost ask, indulging his joke and patting his back.
“Sure, that too.” He says, before busting laughing. 
You get distracted just for a second, but time enough for Soap to have you lying flat on the mat with him sitting down on your chest not letting his whole weight in, his crotch mere centimetres from your face.
You are annoyed at this point, the line between frustration and just plain anger blurry from half an hour ago. And when Soap flaunts you, trying to get a rise from you he gets it. In the shape and form of a headbutt to his dick with as much momentum as you can manage. 
He grabs his crotch fast after the hit, hitting you on the face by accident and Price calls an end to the fight with an exasperated groan. Soap rolls off of you, kneeling down and pressing his forehead to the ground as he grabs his crotch to help with the pain, meanwhile you roll on your stomach, grabbing your mouth in pain as well.
You can hear Ghost and Gaz laughing loudly at the stupidity of the situation. Price enters the ring, picking you up to sit you down straight and crouches down to look at your face. "Are you fine?" You nod quickly, even though you taste blood of your mouth; Soap's cries of pain making you feel bad to complain.
“Good hit, birdie.” Ghost says stepping close, giving you his hand to high five which you do, feeling like it is the biggest compliment.
Gaz goes to check on Soap, struggling not to laugh at him. And after a minute, Soap manages to sit down, taking deep breath to calm down. 
“Let's all take a break, seems somebody is getting a little irritated” Price says trying to look serious, but a devilish smirk appears on his face side eyeing you.
“A little irritated?!” You exclaim, completely falling on his trap. He gets on position, just to tease you because you are not standing up, and you do the unbreakable, unbeatable and unstoppable hit that is taking off your shoe and throwing it full force at his crotch, so fast he is quickly on the floor just like Soap was a second before. 
The other burst out laughing at his captain, half impressed with your sped, and Ghost sits you on his lap; immobilising you with a leg over yours. 
“I don't know why we are training you, you seem to be able to defend yourself quite nicely, birdie.” He chuckles behind you.
“Yeah, until I run out of shoes.” You admit, moving your feet making him chuckle.
After a moment, each men find their way on a different corner of the rink, Ghost taking you along and you using his bend knee as an arm rest.
“We look like the Hungry Hippos game thing, you know what I mean?” Soap ask chuckling, exhausted still.
Gaz snorts, and you already know he is about to say something stupid. “Yeah, but birdie is the only one who get balls on her mouth.”
You immediately take your shoe off, Ghost only chuckling not even thinking of stopping you when Gaz starts to scream, the kind of scream of when a sibling is following you with a knife. The shoe hit Gaz on the head, luckily covered by his hand; for some reason these men at the top of the military chain that could stop a bullet with their teeth seems to be unable to grab a shoe. 
“See? Now I'm defenseless.” You tell Ghost, moving your feet again. 
He cups your jaw, making you look up to him. “How's your mouth?”
“Haven't had any complaints jet.” You say smiling, teeth pink with the slightly bloody spit. “Right, Cap?”
He laughs back, Ghost and Soap smiling in mutual understanding and it makes Gaz frown. “Wait a minute… am I the only one you haven't… That's not fair!”
“That's what you get for breaking the truce.” Price answers simply.
“She's started!” Gaz complains, trying to defend himself.
“I don't know what you are talking about, I have never done nothing wrong on my life.” You say, raising your chin and turning to cuddle against Ghost's chest. 
“I believe her, sorry Gaz.” Ghost says, his chest rumbling as he does. You turn your head when you hear Gaz complain and you show him your middle finger. 
He immediately starts to trash again, snitching to Price about your antics, the Captain completely ignoring the Sergeant just for the sake of annoying him. 
Ghost chuckles behind you making you look up to him, and he meets your gaze. “Are you sure you wanna be a part of this, birdie? You still can run.”
You laugh back, and raise yourself a bit to kiss him over the mask. “I'm more and more glad each day, Ghostie.”
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“Hey, bonnie.” Soap calls you, walking up to you once you are all done tidying up the gym. “You're free this weekend, right?”
“Yes I am.” You smile at him. “Why? Got any good plans for me?” 
“Yeah, I had an idea.” He hugs you, keeping his hand at the small of your back. “Do you like camping?”
“Camping?” You ask a bit surprised, resting your hands on his shoulders. “I don't know, I have never gone camping.”
“Bullshit!” He says, compley shocked by the fact you never been. “Then that's it, we going camping. I'll pack everything, make some food, find blankets, get you warm clothes, we'll make a little fireplace. I'll be fun!”
You laughs softly, contagious with his cheeriness. “Sure, Johnny boy. When?” You ask
“Tomorrow, I'll pick you up. It's a date then?” He asks, and smile widely when you nod. “Come with me.”
He takes your hand in his and walks you outside of the gym, seeing the training camp and the mountain behind it.
“You see the little ledge on the cliff?” Soap asks you, pointing with his finger, and when you nod he adds. “That's where I'm fucking your ass tomorrow, bonnie.”
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Hii~ 🩷🩷
How are you guys? Got any plans for the weekend?
Not a date on this chapter, it was originally a bit different, but then it turned really horny and I'm sorry I'm not.
If there are any asks you would like to send I would love to read, I got one this morning and I'm already working on it hehehe. I LOVE IT 🩷
Love your guys 🩷🩷
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vixen7243 · 2 months
Undivided Attention: Gaz
Gaz X AFAB!Reader | TF141 X AFAB!Reader
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Masterlist | John Price |Ghost
Y/N was Task Force 141's combat medic, a sweet little thing that barely ever since joining had seen the light of day in a fight, they sheltered you to the base and that was it, the most action you had seen ever was on the rare occasion that Price okayed you to get on the helicopter with Nikolai to pick them up and that was it. At first Y/n was unbelievably annoyed with them when they had started developing feelings for you and started to slowly shield you from the tainted things in the world, or so they say but whenever they would throw that stupidly lame excuse around in front of you a hearty laugh would erupt from you. "Tainted world? Guys, the amount of dead bodies that I've had to leave in my wake before joining you all is enough to fill hell alone. I'm parted of that tainted things in this world."
The angry glances and scoffs that followed your attempt with reasoning with them made you hold your tongue after John's following statement. "You won't ever be apart of that world anymore, not while I'm still breathing."
It had taken a while for the team to warm up to you, the thought that General Shepard was the one to specially assign you to them didn't sit well with them till they had seen the back handed way you would openly shame him and degrade him with annoyance and slight humor gleaming in your eyes. "No wonder you have been working so well with them, rabid dogs always know how to stick together." Barking a laugh at him you made quiet the spectacular come back on his embarrassing attempt to hit on you and get you into his bed, only for you to make an impotent comment to him and his age. After which, with the brightest red face, being sure to always avoid your presence whenever possible. After that, Soap, Gaz and even John eased up on their ignoring and slanted looks, having small talks with you eventually enjoying long chats with you late into the night if you or them, couldn't sleep. Ghost still gave you hard stares every once in a while but he would at least respond back to you when you asked him anything or talked to him.
Somewhere along the way of slowly easing you out of the field and keeping you at the base, the men had even started leaving lingering touches, longing glances and sweet nicknames that would make your stomach flutter. It was one late night in John's office, you were yet again up late with him, mostly keeping him company, he sat at his desk, papers scattered, his bourbon abandoned long ago while you were insisting he drink tea after 7 if he needed to drink something, this being better for his liver. You sat in a chair on the other side of his desk, legs kicked up while you read a book from his mini library, bored mostly but you always were curious of the books he read so you pushed through, a night that was the same as any other when you would sit in his office, the sound of the clock ticking, his pen scratching along the papers and the occasional turn of a page from you. Finishing the last page you slammed the book shut, making John look up at you, stretching back into the chair you groaned loudly, "Good lord Captain, can't you read mor entertaining books? Maybe ones that also have a happy ending, thought I was going to fuckin cry, why do authors always kill the character that draws out the best in other characters?"
John set his pen down as he also leaned back cracking his back as he settled in, "You still finished the book, I would say it was entertaining enough. Would you rather I read one of your books this time maybe?"
A blush dusted your cheeks as you thought about your stash of books in your room that you kept locked in a footlocker, they were definitely dirty and maybe more sick minded than what John was used too. "Uh, no, we'll stick to your books, you definitely couldn't handle my books." A small chuckle left your lips, a smile coming up thinking about how John might blush at some of the things you've read, or even are currently reading. You wonder how he would even react to knowing that you read about girls getting absolutely destroyed in bed, so sore they can't even barely move after, even passing out because of how good it feels. Sucking your bottom lip between your teeth, you glance up noticing that he was watching your lip.
"You don't think so?" You watched has his hand ran over his beard that he hadn't gotten around to trimming, or more or less you haven't, he had you take up the dutiful job of keeping his facial hair trimmed and kept up, you sometimes sitting in his lap, doing your absolute best not to grind near his crotch when seated. "What do you read then? Enlighten me." Looking away from him you tried to think if you should lie or make up an excuse and leave, to embarrassed not to tell him the truth of the filth that you read. Hearing him clear his throat, you glanced up through your lashes watching as he pointed to his lap. You had gotten so used to sitting in all their laps, your ass barely ever sat the seat of a proper chair or couch, especially in the rec room, Soap and Gaz loved to pull you up into their laps, their hands massaging your thighs or back as your fingers massaged their scalps, necks or shoulders. Ghost sometimes would push you to one side of the couch, throwing himself down, resting his head in your lap while your fingers played with his blonde hair, you hadn't gotten a chance to see his face but he does now wear sometimes a surgical mask, black. Getting up you made your way to him, sitting in his lap, feeling like a little doll, you belonged to all of them, you knew that, they knew it. As soon as you straddled his lap, his hands crept up and down your sides and thighs, you were trying to find the words you wanted to use to get yourself out of this but looking into his eyes, you were stuck.
That night, through soft words, guided affection, and encouraging embrace, John set claim to you, later in the morning notifying the rest of the lads you walked out to the rec room Gaz and Soap the first up and right in front of you like puppies. You all had a very long chat about boundaries and limits, safe words and commitment that morning. After all was aired out, you were officially locked down to the base, and eventually, surprisingly fast just accepted it.
Soap was the handsyiest, even around base, he always had his arm wrapped around your waist, face buried in your neck, there was no reining him in, this was him holding back. In the rec room, he would beg you to cuddle on the couch, which would lead to cockwarming, then eventually down right fucking, he loved having you around him, you did nothing but praise him, words he barely ever heard but yearned for. You handed them out to him like candy, without a second thought, sometimes admittedly yes, you should have told him to stop, not in public, no PDA but god, his puppy eyes always made your heart clench, you just couldn't say no to that face, the bastard.
Ghost was more reserved, having to be careful do to him being a superior officer, as well as John. That's not to say that he didn't follow you around the base when Soap wasn't glued to your hip, whenever he found his chance, he would stick to you, happy little glances his way making him preen. Getting you to the rec room where you two could be slightly more open with affection, Ghost was almost, almost unrecognizable with his little whispers, your praises making him blush, his softened eyes quietly begging for more of your attention. Once he has you in his room, god, he has you pinned under him, sometimes even holds you above him, just begging for more praise, his voice uncharacteristically cracking from emotion, your gentle hands smoothing over scars that make him flinch, whining as he thrusts into you, body breaking as you just keep giving him everything, telling him that he deserves everything, even forcing him to say he deserves this, as you kiss his body gently, caressing him, handling him as if he was the finest piece of glass that could break from even a breath. You really did enjoy giving Ghost your attention, especially when you knew at times it was helping him heal wounds that he refused to ever heal, he was your delicate flower, even if to all them, you were theirs.
John got you most nights and mornings due to how busy he was, it was unspoken but agreed upon, you slept in his bed, unless one of the others truly needed you after a bad day, or dream. Sometimes when he could spare a moment in the day away from the confines of his office and work, he sauté you out, like his own little personal mission, and you would go back with him to his room, or his office, which ever was the closest. After making sure the door was locked he would hold you, your words ringing in his soul as you held him tightly, whispering the sweetest love you could offer him that wouldn't make him rebuttal that he was too old for you, that he was being selfish in holding you the way he does. That if he was a better man, half the man you praise him to be, he would stop his advances, let you go, close himself off again, but he couldn't he was filth, worse than filth for keeping you so close. You would hush his negativity with kisses, massages and words so sweet you would see the broken captain that tried so hard to stay strong for his team, for you. You held him together as he found the warm and love he didn't believe he deserved inside you.
Gaz, sweet, patient, caring Gaz, he let you be, he never followed you, never looked for you, he gave you space. He knew you would come to him, you always do, you always make sure to divide up your days for all of them, giving them all the attention and love you could possibly offer them while trying to give yourself some in small increments whenever possible. Gaz watched as you would coddle Soap, giving in to the grown mans pleas of just the tip before absolutely destroying your little cunny on the couch, both of you spent and panting when Ghost comes in to lecture Soap on keeping that to his room. While also noticing on the rare occasion when Ghost wouldn't close his door all the way, seeing as he begs under you, quiet tears slipping down his lieutenants cheeks, your sweet words and encouraging praise breaking the man down even more before the two of you flip over, Ghost's head resting over your heart, the both of you taking a short nap in each others embrace. Seeing when his captain would take you to his office, and then hear him confined in you his fears, failures and short comings, all which you counter softly, Gaz would walk away hearing his Captain break down with you as well, before he's sure, as you had done with Ghost, hold him.
Gaz was patient, but to a point. For lords sake, he was a man too, he had needs, desires, problems, and he was apart of this team. Whenever he would notice in the past fortnight that you were making your way to him, his body would tense, a pent up of emotions flooding him, ready to be released into your caring embrace only for you to be dragged off by one of the others. Never, not once did he ever speak up with his annoyance, or aggravation, he kept quiet, waited, but, today was it, he couldn't be patient, or your good boy while Soap was dragging you away from his path to take you to his room. Gaz stood up abruptly and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder, "Damnit no, it's my bloody turn with her, the lot of ya keep out my room for the night." Huffing ignoring their questioning gazes, not quite used to Gaz having that kind of tone, he carried you to his room slamming the door shut and locking it before setting you on his bed gently, he wasn't trying to take his annoyance out on you truly but he was at his limit.
"I'm sorry Kyle."
"Not you that should be apologizing, come here." Kyle got up into the bed after kicking his boots off, waiting for you to do the same as you curled up into his side, resting your hand on his chest, head over his heart listening to it pound heavily. There was a beat of silence as you stayed on his side before pushing up slightly and looking into his eyes.
"Talk to me, you have me all night I won't go anywhere."
Kyle let loose everything, everything he was feeling, had been holding in, the things that had been happening, people that had been pushing him, his desire for you, and finally he broke down to his loneliness of being without you for so long. You listened, unjudging as he started to fall silent, bring your hand up to his cheek you cupped it as you kissed his other cheek lightly, the soft look in your eyes making his heart wrench, he really did miss having you in his arms. You reassured him, changing positions as you cradled his head into your lap, breaking down everything he told you, lifting up his soul with your loving gentle touch, words lighting up his world.
After a comfortable silence befell the both of you, Gaz turned squeezing your thigh, while he moved your body where he wanted, slotting himself between your thighs, groaning as he dragged your body down the pillows. He kissed your stomach as he undid your pants and dragged them down your legs, kissing and nipping your thighs and ankles before going back down and nudging your underwear to the side laying a soft kiss to your clit. "Kyle" Wrapping your fingers into his curls you moaned, feeling his smirk against your cunny as his tongue darted out and dragged up your slit before he started grabbing at your shirt and pushing it up. Taking it from him you slightly pushed up and tugged your shirt off, feeling him moan into you you flinched as he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked. Feeling your juices start to coat his lips and drip down his chin he sat up and pulled his shirt off, guiding his hand back down tugging on your underwear while undoing his belt and pants. Tugging on your underwear you kicked them off wrapping your legs quickly around his waist when he freed his aching cock, wrapping your arms around his shoulders you kissed him, your tongues sliding into each others mouth, reexploring each others bodies, his hand groping, mapping, feeling your body under him, his cock bobbing at your entrance, pearly beads of precum dripping onto your clit.
Pulling back, he looked between your bodies, gripping the base of his cock before lining himself up, and pushing in slowly, giving short, slow thrusts as you squeezed the back of his neck moaning into his skin. When he bottomed out inside of you the both of you groan, he was slotted in right at your cervix, fixing his position, he set either hand on each side of your head before pulling back just enough to where his tip was resting inside and then slamming back into you. Setting that pace, the neither of you could hold your moans back, the sound of skin slapping on skin echoing, carrying out into the hall. Reaching your hand down you skimmed your fingers over your clit rolling it between your fingers, your back arching up, and your walls clamping down onto Kyle's cock, your orgasm washing over you quickly. Kyle fucking you through your first one smirking down at you, "First one, many more to go gorgeous."
Kyle pulled back and grabbed your hips turning you onto your stomach, yanking your hips up before sliding back in, your sensitive walls fluttering around his cock, a whimper sliding out of your mouth, his pace was quick and harder. You were sure that by the end of the night, your cervix had to be bruised but god, it was feeling amazing and you would welcome the arch for the following days. Kyle grabbed a fist full of your hair before pulling back, your back arching deliciously, pushing up onto your elbows you cried out when you felt his tip sliding against your gummy spot making your toes curl and a broken groan fall from you as you gushed around him for the second time, a cry fall out of your lips as he continued to pound into you. "Kyle, fuck, I-I can't..."
Smiling he pulled out and turned you over, pushing your knees up to your chest, both legs thrown over his shoulder and he guided his cock back in, "One more for me gorgeous, I know you can do it, come on." Crying out he relentlessly pounding into your swollen cunny, pushing his forehead against yours, sweat falling from him to you mixing with your own, your skin stuck together, your cum connecting the two of you when ever he pulls out for a moment before he pushes back against you.
Feeling him twitch inside of you, you kissed him, massaging his back and scalp feeling his hips stutter when you started, lifting your head as much as you could, you whispered sweet praise into his ear, your voice hoarse from crying and moaning. Kyle couldn't hold back, slamming his hips back into your sweet spot he pushed the both of you over the edge a groan mixed with a whimper pushed out of his chest while you cried out using whatever strength you could must to hold him as close as possible.
Slowly pulling out, he rolled beside you pulling you into him, both of you smiling exhausted, his hands rubbing your lower back and kissing your forehead. You intertwined your legs, and rubbed the sides of his neck before scratching the base of his head humming. The moment was sweet and quiet between the two of you, content with just the presents of the other. You had fallen asleep after a moment, Kyle figured he would be nice and let you rest for a few before you woke you up with his head between your juicy thighs, and his fingers restuffed deep inside you. Besides, the night was young, you guys could rest for a bit.
John Price |Ghost
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faith369 · 5 months
ghost x sweet!reader. shes prices daughter and come to the base to visit her father with fresh baked goods for all his military friends too of course ! She catches his eye and might end up in his bed.
I really hope you like this and thank you sharing this cause its making me think unholy things
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader
Warning: mdni, nsfw, p in v, orale (fem receiving)
Ghost knew the Captain had a daughter, what he didn't expect was for you to be such a sweet girl, way too pretty for your own good. He watched you laugh at one of Soap's jokes, shifting in his seat, trying to ignore the confined feeling in his pants. The sound of your laugh sent a shiver down his spine. He originally didn't mean to stay, as he wasn't in the mood to engage in conversation. But when he saw you in the break room motioning for him to come in with a sweet smile on your face, he couldn't resist, especially not after you shook his hand the polite girl you are, and he couldn't stop thinking about how soft they are and how they would feel around his cock. You had even managed to convince him to try one of the cupcakes you had baked, and as much as he liked them, they were the last thing on his mind. The dress you had on made your thighs more delicious than a cupcake could ever be. The Captain, who was the whole reason you came here, had left about 30 minutes ago after Laswell had called him about some meeting and because Simon knew how long these could last, he offered him to take you home, something that Price couldn't turn down.
Simon was more than aware that looking at his captain's daughter the way he did wasn't exactly okay, but he couldn‘t stop himself. And it wasn't like you didn't look at him just a tad bit too long for it to be appropriate, to your luck, however, Gaz and Soap were way too occupied with the backed goods to notice it. You found yourself unable to concentrate on the conversation, too busy thinking about your father's Lieutenant. His face was bare, no skull mask in sight. Something inside you made you want to reach out to feel the light stubble that grazed his cheek under your fingers. You were only able to shift your focus when Soap and Gaz started arguing about the last cupcake. Simon kept his eyes on you while you convinced them to share. You were so eager to make everyone happy, he started wondering whether you'd be such a good girl trying to please him.
Simon had a tight grip on your hips, keeping you still while he sucked your swollen clit. Your slick spread around his mouth, as he ate you out like a man starved. Your mewls only spurred him on, making him stick two of his thick digits into your aching cunny. "So wet just for me huh" he dragged his fingers along your walls, painfully slow but still hitting the spot inside you that made you feel dizzy, sweet pleasure just an inch away, but before you were able to grab it, Ghost had pulled out his fingers. You glared at him through half lidded eyes as he licked them clean. Your anger made him chuckle. “I know you wanted to cum, but I also  know that you're a good girl, so you've got to be patient for me”
You wanted to kick or scratch him, but you had a hard time getting your brain to do something other than watching him pull his length out of his boxers, its tip red glistening with precum. He ignored your whines about him being too big and just slipped his cock inside you, trying to keep himself from cumming on the spot at the heat of your tight walls. It felt like he was filling out every inch of you, leaving you no room to breathe as he settled inside you, his tip almost kissing your cervix, before starting to move at a pace that made you dig your nails in his back. "Fuck, we shouldn‘t be doing this.“ Ghost's hips were snapping against yours, the pace he had set turned any coherent thought that you had left into thin air. It didn‘t really matter anyway you had lost the ability to properly act the second simon pressed you against the door and kissed you when you just wanted to ask whether he was ready to bring you home. He was merciless in the way he fucked you, probably out of anger at himself for giving into the temptation of taking you. The growls that left his lips were animalistic, covering the whimpers and mewls that left yours, and still he told you to be quiet.  "Don't want your Dad to hear what you're doing, huh? Seducing his lieutenant to make him stuff you" his hand snaked its way between your hot bodies to play with your swollen almost abused clit. His movements were less controlled than before, he wouldn't admit it, but he was way to deep in pleasure to form a lot of thoughts himself. His skilled hands made your eyes roll back into your head. „Didn‘t sed… y..I“ It felt like he consumed every one of your senses, his big body over you blocking your view , his faint smell of cigarette smoke and sweat in your nose, his cock burried inside you. It was getting too much the knot that had started to form in your stomach a while ago felt constricted.
"Can't even talk anymore, huh?" You clenched down at his words, reaching your breaking point as the orgasm shook through your whole body. You arched your back, somewhere in the back of your mind, you hoped no one heard the way you moaned Simon's name like you were drowning, desperate for air. Simon couldn‘t keep himself from cumming at the way you constricted around him, grunting your name as he filled you up with his hot seed.
-Requests are open loves <333
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ohmygraves · 4 months
Hello! I've got a little writing idea if you want to do it. Reader and the rest of 141 are at a bar and reader keeps getting hit on throughout the night. Ghost/Soap getting jealous and feeling protective/possessive over reader and intervene. Just a little bit of a guard dog trope really. Scary man privileges. Hope this sounds a little interesting to do, have a good day :)
hello!!! thank you sm for the idea 💖🫶🏻 please enjoy this humble writing, i love the idea 💛 i wasn't sure if i want to do it with ghost or soap so i did both lol have a good day yourself!
scary dog privilege — ghost/reader/soap
warnings: creepy guy being pushy, alcohol mention, swearing
your little outing at the bar tonight seems to be quite unsuccessful.
actually, no, someone else would argue that you had a very successful day at the bar, since you're currently being hit on left and right by the other patrons. that's the purpose of a bar, right? to maybe find someone to kiss or hook up with one night, and hopefully not catch anything along the way.
but no, you're actually getting quite annoyed right now, as you want nothing more than to sit back, relax, and just get a few drinks with your friends from work. that's all. you want nothing to do with these people who want to get into your pants, or even ask you what's under it.
after a job well done, your captain had wanted to treat the team a few drinks to celebrate. this gets everyone excited, especially because he's not giving any price limits, and he's quite generous. besides, who would miss out on getting free drinks?
maybe you, because you're actually thinking if it was better if you'd just stayed behind, maybe read a book or watch some movies. hell, you could've even spent time at the shooting range, which you actually hated! (because ghost would nitpick at every single thing you did wrong when shooting, and he won't leave you alone until you get it right)
poor you, being such a people pleaser, not wanting to offend the person trying to hit on you, giving them a chance to speak and you'd listen attentively before turning them down because you're not here to hook up, you're here for some drinks and maybe to catch up with your friends. work has been so awful lately that the five of you haven't had the chance to even speak about anything other than mission, work, training... it's slowly getting annoying.
unfortunately, it seems like the others are not so interested in catching up, seemingly leaving to do their own thing. gaz went to the bathroom after downing a few pints, captain went out for a smoke as it is a non-smoking bar, and ghost and soap were somewhere near the billiard table, competing for something stupid again likely. and you? you're left alone in the booth the team always sat in, alone, taking sips of your drink waiting for kyle to come back from his pee break.
you've turned down two men so far, who fortunately was smart enough to sense that you're uninterested in their idea of a good time. you have to admit, you felt quite bad turning them down, especially since they seem to be quite courteous.
this fucking bloke, however...
he was very drunk, very pushy when talking to you. you could literally smell the alcohol off of his breath, it was a surprise that no one has tried to kick him out yet. he kept pestering you, trying to sit beside you and touching you, and your politeness is growing thin everytime he tried to get you to drink with him. you tried to tell him you're not interested, but he was too drunk to even register a "no", apparently.
seriously, where the hell is kyle? why does he need to piss out his two pints of beer immediately after drinking them?
you cursed at kyle, wondering which bathroom he went to for his pee break. did he go to the bathroom in the fucking philippines or something, what's taking him so long?
quickly, someone else scooted over beside you, leaning against your shoulder. soap.
"aye, this lad bothering yer, hen?" he asked you, arms slung behind your shoulder. you thanked whatever gods sent him your way.
the man who tried to hit on you seemed offended, was about to give soap a piece of his mind, before he was yanked out of the way by ghost, thrown aside down on the floor. it made a huge commotion, people were now looking at you.
ghost sat down quietly in front of you — where the man just sat after he tried to touch you, "reckon we should give him 'piece o' our mind, johnny?" he asked the scot.
"mmmaybe. what yer think, lt?"
now the man was fuming, being humiliated in front of the bar when he was trying to flirt with someone?
to make matters worse, now soap decided to kiss you!
he gently held your face, pressing his lips against yours, and to make it believable, even slipped his tongue in-between your lips, his eyes glaring at the drunk bloke. the man who tried to flirt with you was dumbfounded, too surprised to even say anything.
soap pulled away from you for a moment, letting you catch your breath. but before you could say anything, ghost pulled you over the table, his hands gripping your collar as he kissed you too, following what soap did, but much more intense. you didn't even see him pulling his mask up.
"see? lass's taken. shoo." soap held you close after you kissed ghost, basically telling the guy to fuck off. somehow, he left, still fuming though at the two guys who claimed you just like that.
you? you were a little dazed. confused. whatever. your two work mates kissed you after saving you from a random bloke who did not know what no means because he was too drunk off his arse. and strangely enough you didn't mind, they were the best kisses you've ever gotten in your life.
"why'd you two kiss me?" you asked, somehow. you felt stupid right after asking, clearly the answer was to help you get away from that creep!
ghost let out a sigh, taking a sip of his own glass of bourbon. "think we did ya a favor there, love."
you thanked both of them, but you still feel soap's hand squeezing your size, pulling you close to him.
"ye see, lass, can't have 'nother blether hittin' on ye."
you didn't seem to mind, you were getting tired and too drunk to even care. at least you're safe with them.
soap lets you lay your head on his shoulder, talking to ghost about something as you three waited for price and gaz to return.
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soggyriceee · 1 year
Right Next Door | Simon Riley
| female!reader, Simon Riley, Public Sex, unprotected p in v, dirty talk cuz its smut |
summary: honestly I wrote this(took like two days) to try and stop the writers block so this might be shit, but Simon pulls you away during a meeting with the rest of 141 and fucks you right next door. a little bit of subby Simon(?) idk, dry humping
Simon was never one for public sex. he didnt like the idea of such an intimate moment between him and his lover being completely ruined. and he hated even more the idea of someone other than him seeing you naked, hearing those pretty little moans and whimpers. he wanted that to be something you both shared, and wanted it to remain a secret.
however, today was different. maybe it was how you styled your hair, or how tight that tank top looked. how your hot pink laced bra seeped through the thin cotton of the white tank top, your low rise jeans showing off your hips perfectly. or maybe it was your makeup. you looked different, a good different. a different that made him want to kick everyone out the room, bend you over and fuck you on the table where your captain sat now. his dick was painfully pressing against his pants and he couldnt wait anymore.
clearing his throat, he grabbed his phone and pretended to look at a text on it. "uhh if you'll excuse us, one of the rookies asked if we could go unlock his room door." Simon said, standing and gripping your forearm gently, pulling you up from your chair. looking up at him confused, you tried to speak but Price gladly did that for you. "isn't that a one person job, Riley?" he asked, tilting his head, a small smirk across his lips. however Simon ignored the question, quickly dragging you behind him.
"simon! thats a really important meeting." you told him as he shoved you right into the next room. he followed behind, locking the door and turning the blinds closed. " you think your cute, huh?" he said, turning to now face you, walking over in two strides. you tumbled back a bit, your hands resting on top of the desk behind you. "w-what?" you chuckled awkwardly, looking around the room. his hands gripped your hips and hoisted you up onto the table, a small yelp coming from you. "s-simon!" he quickly hushed you, pushing your legs open to stand between them. " wearing that fucking shirt.. that fucking bra. you're such a tease. bet you want Captain to see, don't you?" he mumbled, his hands moving up to your covered breasts, squeezing them.
you moaned at his sudden action, shaking your head quickly. "n-no Simon you know its laundry day." you quickly responded, trying to get him to look at you but he was too busy undressing you mentally, thinking of all the things he wanted to do to you. "fucking liar." he eventually mumbled before gripping the neckline of your shirt, pulling it apart. your jaw dropped, a bit of annoyance washing over you as this was unfortunately your only shirt you brought. cause why would you need another shirt? "Simon!" you gasped but his right hand quickly covered your mouth, his eyes finally meeting yours. "didn't I say be fucking quiet?" he growled, his other hand slapping the inner of your thigh. you moaned at the painful bliss, nodding quickly. "so then be quiet."
his eyes moved down to your covered breasts, faint hickeys littering the tops of your boobs. he smiled to himself at them, applauding his artwork. he removed his hand from your mouth, moving down to grip one of your boobs, feeling the squishy flesh in his hands. he loved them, was his favorite body part from you. he loved watching them bounce as he fucked you, thats why he often keeps his eyes shut during sex. looking at them bouncing would make him cum way to fast for his and your liking. he pulled his mask up to his nose before licking his lips.
"so fucking perfect.." he mumbled to himself, pulling the bra down slowly, watching your breast plop out, bouncing a bit. he moaned at the sight, feeling his dick twitch hard. he was sure the wet spot he felt in his pants was the pre cum. or maybe he really creamed his pants. he was growing more and more impatient, he needed you now. " I need to fuck you lovie.. you look so beautiful.. I cant wait till we're home." he whispered, leaning into your neck. he pressed a gentle kiss first, then a rough one. he sucked the skin between his teeth, nibbling the skin softly. a whimper left your lips, your hands gripping the edge of the table. "s-simon~" you breathed out, your eyes fluttering closed.
he let out, what you argue, was a whimper, his hips beginning to jut into you. his lips still worked on making those red marks along your neck, slowly forcing you to lay down on the table. his thrusts grew more needy, completely dry humping you against the table at this point. it was deeply embarrassing for him. he never, ever, showed his need in such a desperate way before. he always kept it hidden, wanting you to show your wild side a bit more. but he needed you, now. and you found it more than hot. the way his moans grew in pitch and consistency the more he rammed into you. "are you close daddy?" you whispered in his ear, his head lodged into your neck, hands wrapped around your waist. he groaned, a small nod coming from him.
never had he thought or imagined himself cumming in his pants, especially not from dry humping. especially not with his team right next door. but he couldn't help it, the way you'd meet his hips half way, adding to the friction against his tip. his teeth sank into your skin as he felt warmth fill the middle section of his pants, pretty little whimpers leaving him. his grip on you loosened, his chest heaving heavily. he lifted his head from your neck, a bright red filing the color of his face. you smiled up at him from below, cupping his cheeks. "that was so cute." you whispered, looking down at his pants.
"s-shut up." he groaned, hands already working at removing your jeans. he was quick to drop them to the floor, your panties quickly coming after. "need to fuck you.. for real." he said, falling to his knees. his arms wrapped around your thighs as he jerked your body forward, his lips quickly latching to your clit. you gasped at his quickness, your head falling off the edge of the table. his tongue moved in circles against your clit, humming softly at how your body reacted to him. "gotta be quiet baby.." he said from below, looking up at you through your thighs. you tried to muster out an 'okay' but the way his lips moved against your pussy, all you could do was slam your hand over your mouth, silencing your moans.
his right hand slowly moved up your thigh to your entrance, two fingers slowly sliding into you. your thighs squeezed around his head harder, only earning a growl from below. "s-simon~" you whimpered into your hand, your eyes squeezed shut. his fingers moved quicker, curling up the second he found that soft, squishy g spot. "fuck this pussy.. so fucking good." he moaned, pulling your labia gently.
if Simon was good at anything other than combat, it was eating your pussy. it was like he was the God of pussy eating. and what was most embarrassing was the others knew too. you knew, Simon didn't. a few months back, Gaz had walked into your bedroom by mistake, catching Simon between your legs completely devouring your pussy. it was embarrassing, but also really hot. so now, whenever the guys see Simon and you together, they always ask Simon, "did you have cat for dinner?"
stupid, immature joke really. and Simon got very annoyed with their childish antics, but also because he was so genuinely confused. the jokes didnt stop at him, your female friends on the base came up and asked you about a week after getting caught how good it feels, to make Simon talk to their boyfriends. you were sure Simon knew, but he wanted to protect your embarrassment similarly to how you wanted to protect his.
your hands gripped his shoulders, feeling his tongue dive deep into your hole, replacing his fingers that now worked against your clit. "f-fuck daddy.. keep going~" you whined, grinding your pussy onto his face. one thing about Simon, he loved loved loved sloppy head. giving or receiving. he wanted spit, your juices, his cum whatever it was everywhere. so when you began to grind your face harder onto him, he let out almost an animalistic growl, pulling you closer onto him. "thats it baby, fuck my face. feel good for me." he moaned below, looking up at your body as it jerked and twitched.
you went cross eyes as he went back to sucking on your clit, adding his two fingers back in your hole. at this pace, you were bound to coat his face in cum and were beyond worried at the noise you'd soon be making. but Simon didnt care. not this time at least. something about fucking you next door while important meetings were happening was thrilling to him, made him grow hard in his pants, the cool wet spot nor pressing against his tip. "d-daddy..m'gonna c..cum" you cried, hands going back to gripping the edge of the table. "come on princess. fucking cum.. show daddy how good you feel" he said, his grip on your tightening.
his praises kept coming and soon, your cum covered his lower face, his lips leaving open mouthed kisses on your pussy as you came down from the high, occasionally sucking your clit. your body twitched above him, your hand practically suffocating you as you tried to silence those whimpers. he rose from between your legs, licking his lips clean of your cum. "so fucking tasty baby. makes me wanna fuck that tight little cunt of yours on this table. you want that?" he asked, unbuckling his pants, his hard on springing free. his tip was still slightly wet from the little incident in his pants, more pre cum pooling at the tip. it was beyond hot, and you subconsciously spread your legs apart. "please daddy~" you cooed, looking up at him innocently.
he cursed under his breath, pumping his dick. " say it again baby." he whispered, moving his tip up and down your pussy. "please daddy, please fuck me~ im so desperate for it daddy pl- fuck!" his hips slammed into yours before you could even finish your sentence. his hand was quick to find your throat, pulling out before slamming back in. " so fucking sexy baby. so fucking desperate." he moaned, his free hand gripping your boob. your legs were quick to find his hips, hugging him closer. "fuck daddy you feel s-so good!" you cried out, no longer ashamed of the people next door.
usually, Simon would be very anxious about that. but now, he didnt care. he wanted them to hear. his hips moved quicker into you, looking at your boobs bounce. as much as he told himself not to look, he was beyond horny and wanted to cum inside you so. fucking. bad. "taking my cock so fucking well baby.. gonna fuck my kids in you.. get you fucking..fucking pregnant with the boys next door." he groaned, almost too loud.
you clenched around him, your pussy pulling him back in every time he slid out. he was obsessed. the way your pussy squelched every time he slid back in, your pussy clenching around him every thrust. the way your whimpered 'daddy', clutching his arms. " k-keep going daddy im so cl..close~" you cried out, your back arching off the table. "im not fucking stoping baby, gonna keep fucking this wet pussy" he groaned, holding your hips down on the table, moving his hips at the same fast, deep pace.
the table began to shake with each thrust Simon gave you, only adding to the hotness of the situation. his head fell back into your neck, muffling the whimpers that came from him, his dick twitching inside you. he was close and he was trying his hardest to hold back. "s-shit baby im close.. gonna fill this pussy up.. make y-you walk back into that meeting fucking.. stuffed with my cum" he groaned, his grip on your growing tighter.
the knot in the pit of your stomach let loose, Simons hand quickly finding your mouth to silence the loud whimpers that slipped from you. his teeth dug into your skin yet again, his breath hitching as he shot his cum into you, quiet quiet whimpers coming from him. your legs tightened around his waist, wanting all of his cum inside. he gave slow thrusts, fucking his cum back into the deepest parts of you. your eyes rolled back, relaxing on the table. "s..shit." he whispered, hugging your body as he softened inside you.
"w-where can I get a shirt?" you mumbled, peeling your eyes open slowly. he slid out, watching a small amount of cum come out you. " here. take my hoodie." he said, standing up and off the table, pulling the large hoodie off him. under, was a tight white shirt and his dog tag. "they're probably about done in there. lets go get some food, yea?" he said, pulling you up slowly and helping you with the hoodie.
you smiled at the gesture, nodding. when you had it on you looked up at him, smiling. " we should do this more." you winked, fixing your bra over the hoodie. "dont count on it." he quickly replied, helping you off the table. he grabbed a paper towel, cleaning some of the mess that was on the table, and the rest that slid down your leg. pulling his mask back down, he took your hand, placing a soft kiss. " if the boys ask, you walk away from them." he said, walking to the door and slowly opening it. sure enough, Gas and Soap waited outside, resting against the wall.
" sir. I dont believe the dorms are in there." Gas said, tilting his head to the side, a small smirk on his face. Ghost was quick to turn away from them, speeding away from the both as they made the same joke they always did,
" I guess he had cat for lunch."
| I honestly hope you guys like this, I just have a random surge of writers block. I have so many drafts but I cannottttt seem to like them or like the theme so I really hope this was okay for you guys. feedback is always welcomed xoxo |
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wildechildwrites · 3 months
Attitude Adjustment
Simon "Ghost" Riley/Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Light angst, violence
No use of Y/N
Summary: Ghost beats the shit out of you no I will not elaborate
A:N: Ghost's hands are rated E for everyone
AO3 Link: Attitude Adjustment
You're sitting in furious silence during the mission debrief, Gaz and Soap shooting you sympathetic glances that you pointedly ignore, Price's anger filling the room like natural gas, smothering you. Ghost leans against a wall, shadowed and silent. 
Price finally dismisses everyone else with a bark, and you’re left alone with your fuming captain and his silent lieutenant, haunting your peripheral. 
“You ignored a direct order.” Price’s voice is gruff, leaving no room for argument. You know you should apologize, but you can’t stomach it. Not when you saved his goddamn life.
“You think I was just going to let them kill you?” You ask, indignant. Price glares at you.
“I think, corporal, that you ignored a direct order from your commanding officer.” Price’s tone is sharp and dismissive. 
"You put yourself and the rest of your team in danger. You could've been killed. You almost were."
“But sir–” You object, still trying to justify yourself. If he would just listen– Price shoots up from his desk, stabbing a finger towards the door. 
“Don't fucking argue with me," He growls, chest heaving. "Get out."
You stand, stunned, feeling your traitorous tear ducts begin to sting. Ghost has offered nothing, and you catch his cold gaze before spinning around and storming out, slamming the door behind you. 
You knew you were out of line, had vaulted out of order the moment you ignored Price, the moment you ignored every instinct the military had beaten into you, but it wasn't fair. He would’ve pulled the same stupid bullshit if the situation was reversed. You scrub angrily at your eyes, potent rage bubbling in your chest. He was singling you out on purpose, angry at you for something he would’ve excused had it been anyone else. You turn a corner, stomping down the hallway. 
Soap is lingering near your room, acting far too interested in the leaky ceiling tiles. He spins around to face you when he hears your footsteps, opening his mouth to say something, but you cut him off before he can speak.
"Just don’t Johnny.” You snarl, aiming for a biting tone. It comes out as a plea, and the Scotsman gives you a pitying look that just stokes the rage curling in your chest. He steps in front of you, trying to slow your momentum, and you purposefully slam your shoulder into him, ignoring him as he calls after you.
You make a beeline for the gym, heading for a punching bag. Your fingers are numb, and you can’t stop shaking, so you throw yourself at the bag, hurling punch after punch. 
“Price ripped into you good.” Ghost calls out from behind you. You jump, throwing him a sour look over your shoulder in response. You hadn’t heard him come in, unsure of how long he’s been standing there.
“You ripped into him right back.” He observes. His gaze is cold, prickling along your spine. You bite your tongue, landing a hard kick on the bag. 
“Heard you also barked at Johnny.” He adds, as if an afterthought, his tone deceptively casual. You know then that you’re in real trouble. You’d been a bitch to Mactavish, and now Ghost was here to defend his honor. You roll your eyes, giving yourself that small amount of defiance before turning to face him. 
He’s wrapping his hands, standing on the sparring mat closest to you. He cocks his head, eyes flat and expressionless, but the challenge is clear. You're angry enough to take the bait, abandoning your punching bag. 
Ghost wordlessly gets into a fighting stance. You mirror him, waiting for the lecture, and the first blow almost knocks you on your ass.
You’ve sparred with Ghost before, but you don't think he's ever hit you that hard. It's staggering, and you double over slightly. Simon doesn’t give you a second to recuperate, throwing another punch. You barely dodge it, sliding under his arm, aiming for his ribs. You’re sloppy, and he blocks you, adding a shove to throw you off balance. It’s a dirty move, one that pisses you off even more, and you’re back on the defensive, protecting yourself as Simon throws another punch, harder than the first. You block it with more success, then move closer, aiming low. He blocks you again. 
You’re panting, already exhausted from the mission, heat in your cheeks, anger building. Ghost has the advantage, twice your size and fucking mean, and you’re just trying to defend yourself. That’s all you’ve been doing all fucking day, defending yourself from your own goddamn team. 
You kick him hard in the stomach. Ghost seems unaffected, those cold eyes unreadable. You throw another punch, putting all your weight into it, and he grabs your arm, using your momentum against you, flipping you over his shoulder. You slam onto your back on the mat. 
“What the fuck Si-” you snap, and he kicks you in the ribs. You scramble backwards, trying to regain your footing as he advances on you. 
“Price is too relieved that you’re still alive to give you a proper punishment for insubordination.” He says. "I have no such scruples." 
Ghost’s blank expression doesn’t change, not even when he slams his boot into your shoulder, sending you tumbling onto your back again. You glare up at him, your chest heaving.
“Fuck you.” You spit.
“You need to remember who your superiors are,” Ghost continues evenly, ignoring you. 
You go to stand, and he knocks you over once again. You practically snarl at him, shooting out and grabbing his leg. Using his body weight against him, you bring him crashing down onto the floor next to you, then slam your knee into his stomach, knocking the air out of him. Your victory is cut short when Ghost grabs you and flips the two of you over, pinning you to the floor with his body weight. 
“You scared all of us,” he says. His eyes are still flat and cold. “Pull something like that again, I’ll pop your shoulder out of socket.”
You grapple against him, cursing, but he just tightens his grip, pinning your arms. It hurts, your shoulders and ribs screaming, the air being crushed out of your lungs by the weight of the giant man on top of you, but you keep fighting him.
“Get off,” you rasp. Ghost leans down, his face inches from yours.
“Are you done being a brat?” He asks lowly. You manage to twist one of your hands enough to dig your fingernails into his stomach. In response, Ghost grabs your wrist, pulling your arm behind you with enough force to wrench your shoulder. You’re completely immobilized.
It’s all too much. The exhaustion and pain, the anxiety of the mission, the humiliation of being reprimanded, the indignant rage that’s been bubbling inside of you. Everything comes crashing down, tears you’ve been fighting all day suddenly pouring out. You let out an involuntary sob, and Simon lets up, just enough to allow you to breathe, keeping you pinned beneath him as your tears build up steam.
“There’s our girl,” he says, his gravelly voice uncharacteristically soft, almost frayed. It only makes you cry harder, keening wails muffled by the large man on top of you.You're confused at the sudden switch, overwhelmed and disoriented. He rubs comforting circles into your wrist, and you’re falling apart, coming unspooled.
You sob until you run out of tears, your cries trailing off into sniffling, and only then does Ghost let you up. The anxiety and anger is gone, leaving tender exhaustion, the soreness from the fight a tangible sensation, grounding you. 
“I think a hot shower is in order, corporal” Ghost says gently, helping you to your feet. You’re wobbly, trailing after him on unsteady legs as he leads you to the locker room.
He leaves you to it, disappearing back into the gym, and you strip, letting the warm water wash off the rest of the day, standing under the stream until your eyes are drooping. 
To your surprise, Ghost is waiting for you when you get out, eyes closed, head resting against the wall. He looks tired, his dark circles a bruised shade of purple, showing through the half smeared off black paint. He opens his eyes, expression unreadable, and you sit down next to him.
“Apologize to Soap, will ya? He’s gutted. Sensitive, that one,” Ghost grumbles, rolling his eyes, but there’s real warmth behind the gruff, dismissive tone of voice. “And the next time you want a lashing, come straight to me instead of stomping about.” 
Heat rises unexpectedly to your face, and you open your mouth to protest. 
Simon holds up a finger, silencing you before you can say anything. 
“Don’t fight me on it, we both know that’s what you needed. Price would've gladly taken you over his knee, but I figured you’d bite our heads clean off at the suggestion."
Your brain short circuits, your mouth opening and closing wordlessly as you stare at Ghost. He holds your gaze unflinchingly.
“I should, um,” you stutter, stumbling to your feet, “I should go find Soap.” 
You practically run to the doors, and you swear as you step into the hallway you hear quiet laughter, echoing behind you.
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sheeluvsme · 1 year
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Let’s talk about how price is literally husband material …
CAPTAIN JOHN PRICE HEAD CANNONS 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ I love this man sm …. I normally hate facial hair on a guy BUT GOD DAYM COD MEN PULL THAT SHIT OFF..
Mix of sfw and nsfw blurbs bc I’m a silly guy. I really enjoy writing this shit bc I literally will be kicking my feet twirling my hair .. ( warning fem body parts used!) as I write this shit LMAOO enjoy!!! Ps. Not proof read..I wrote this at like 4 in the morning
He literally is so good to you , you can’t even be like mad at him over ANYTHING.
There was a time he accidentally dropped his cigar and it caught the bare skin of your leg AND HE FELT SO BADDDDD
He literally can not stand the thought of you being hurt..
Being gone for so long he always takes a shirt of yours DRENCHED in your most used perfume so when he sleeps he can trick his brain into thinking your there.
He would be a king of taking care of your son your period!!!
Your sitting there curled up trying to not wake him up but you are just in so much pain :// and his ass senses it through his slumber?:!:?:?
“ you alright love?” He mutters into your shoulder. GOD HIS MORNING VOICE IS HOT. He woke up from feeling you tense up and sigh and whine quietly from the pain. “ yeah. Just my period.” You mumble into your pillow. He carefully pulls his arm around you , “ where” he asks. “ what-?” You ask confused. “ where is it cramping now love? I’ll massage it for you.” He whispered. You can’t help but swoon because you got the best husband in the WORLD “it’s my stomach right now-“ and immediately he takes his hand rubbing your stomach. The pain is suddenly being soothed and you can finally un-tense. “ theree you go love. I got you.” He kisses your shoulder softly. “ I’ll stay like this for a bit and then ill grab your heating blanket and a cup of tea hm? “ you feel him smile against your shoulder.
He’s very caring towards you but let’s not forget how you treat him like royalty fr
He always comes back with SOMETHING wrong with his back , and he whines about it to you every time so you’ll massage his back for him. He always wins you over.
He thinks he’s def undeserving  of you, your so sweet to him! He’s not used to women liking him just because you love him as a person himself. He’s had past girlfriends that just liked him for money benefits. Not you though, you literally freak out when he spends WAY too much on you “ John price!?— how much was this necklace??” And he always smiles and says “ don’t worry about it. “ he has learned lots of money saving tricks from you , he calls you a penny pincher LMAOO, he thinks it’s cute though you worry about him spending to much money like he doesn’t got enough.
He absolutely adores when you wear his hat , he thinks your the cutest thing on planet earth but dear god he’d never let you near any of the shit he does😭
You get along with 141 pretty well and it makes price really happy.
You’ve all been to the bar numerous of times and he likes watching you and soap bicker about stupid shit “ you..you eat lamb stomach?” “ ITS CALLED HAGGIS AND ITS GOOD!!”
Ghost and price giggling in the background.
They know how much you mean to there captain so they also would do anything to protect you
Your at a bar with them and some guy try’s talking to you and grabs your shoulder THEN HE JUST SEES A BUNCH OF TALL ASS GUYS GLARING HIM DOWN LMAOO let’s hope Buddy wore brown pants 🙏🏻
Price lovesssssss eating you out , LITERALLY ANYWHERE IN YOUR FUCKING HOUSE. Especially if you had a shitty day at work , your in the shower trying to rinse off the day and suddenly you feel your not alone anymore..
He’s more dominant but he doesn’t mind you taking lead AT ALL
Man goes insane when you ride him
He can’t sleep , but you know he needs to. He hasn’t been sleeping much sense his last mission, he’s clearly stressed. Your hugging him..hugging turns to kissing. Kissing turns to groping, and then it turns to you ontop of him grinding against his bulge. “ fuck..let me take care of you, yeah?” You simply shake your head “ no captain. It’s time I take care of you.” He can’t deny your request when you look heavenly ontop of him. Helping each other slip off each other’s clothes, he loves looking at your tits , he finds how they feel so nice in his hands. He can’t help but grunt when you sit down on him and slowly begin to move your hips. His hands are gripped TIGHTLY against your hips. He can’t stop himself from using his hands to help move you and fuck you , he wants to be able to hit the deepest parts of you because honestly he fantasizes about getting your pregnant. He loves shooting a full load in you and praying you get pregnant, be there to take care of you , and most Importantly get to see a little baby made by you and him!!! Makes him go nuts , that’s why you and him fuck way too much around your cycle.
He is BIG into photos and videos of you.
He records videos of him fucking you and then watch them while he’s away, or he’ll take pictures to look at when he feels lonely on a trip!!!
He keeps a nude picture of you in his wallet ;)) soap was traumatized when price asked him to get something out his wallet and he found something HE DID NOT WANT TO SEE , soap has you and him down in his phone as ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ seeing that was horrific for him 😭😭
Thank you for reading <33 commissions open!!!
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d0youc0py · 1 year
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“Her and Soap would make a good couple, no?” Alejandro smirked, watching as you and the Scot took turns drowning each other in the pool.
“No they wouldn’t.” Ghost said quickly. A little too quick. Price chuckled knowing exactly what was running through his head.
“Why not? I don’t think I’ve seen Soap laugh so much and they seem pretty affectionate with each other.” Alejandro continued. It’s true, you and Soap were a bit touchy touchy but in a headlock and kick each other type of way.
“They’re friends- nothin’ more.” Ghost was growing annoyed of this conversation. He couldn’t blame Alejandro though. From outside eyes you and Soap could be seen as a good pair. Simon hated the thought of anyone thinking you were with anyone but him- yet he did almost nothing to make it seem like you were with him. Only the most observant people- such as Price- noticed the little things Ghost did for you. The way he always carried extra of your ammo in case you ran out. The way he always made extra of his breakfast for you to have some too. The way he would put up a fight when Price wanted to send you on a mission without him.
“I’d have to agree with Ghost on this one.” Captain sighed, standing up from his chair. He patted Ghost on the shoulder. “I’m gonna get started on lunch.”
“I’ll go with you!” Alejandro and Rudy were quick to stand up.
“What you don’t trust me?” Price raised a brow.
“Well I don’t know if you brits are very well known for you food.” Alejandro chuckled, wrapping an arm around Prices shoulder.
“You kiddin’? You know how many cooking show take place in England?”
Ghost sunk down in his seat and tugged at his balaclava. The heat was getting to him. Plus the way you, Soap and Gaz splashed around in the pool looked so refreshing.
“Hey Lieu?” You swam up to the side of the pool, resting your arms on the hot surface. “You sure you don’t want to come in the pool? I could use some back up in here.” God how he loved your smile. It was almost enough for him to rip his clothes off and hop in. It wasn’t that you hadn’t seen his face before. You were a jack of all trades- one of the trades being medicine. You had treated him for a head injury a while back and the way you accidentally called him handsome made it easy for him to take his mask off in front of you. It was the rest of him he was worried about. The bullet wounds on his abdomen. The burn mark across his chest. The deep angry scars all over his back- and all over him really. He wasn’t ready for you to know how fucked up he really was. He didn’t- couldn’t scare you off. So here he was. Sitting in a lawn chair, drinking a bourbon, in a pair of jeans and a grey t-shirt.
“Lieu?” You repeated. He knocked himself out of his trance.
“No, I’m alright.” He took another swig of his drink trying to drown out your pouty lip.
“Alright.” You sighed. “I was hoping we could’ve formed an alliance. I’m getting tired of Bubble Boy and his attitude!” You yelled the last part, causing Soap to shoot you in the head with a water gun.
“You’re just mad cause I’m winning!” Soap yelled.
“She’s kicking your arse.” Ghost shouted. His comment caused a whole new wave of competitiveness between you and the Scot- so much so that Gaz stepped out not wanting to get a black eye.
“I feel like we should be filming this.” Gaz chuckled, pulling out his phone. It was quite entertaining watching two highly trained soldier go after each other with water guns.
About an hour later Alejandro announced lunch.
“Thank god! I’m starving!” You groaned, pulling yourself out of the pool. Ghost suddenly decided the sky was much more interesting to look at than your dripping body. When he looked back down, he had to stop a groan from leaving his lips. There you were- wearing his shirt. His shirt. It was plain black- but had L.T Ghost printed on the back. His insides were swarming, and he barely had any time to process as you ran inside to start eating. He needed to stay there for a moment. He needed to calm down. He wasn’t use to this. Such little things completely throwing him off. He looked down, noticing how his bag and your bag were so close, that’s when he noticed another black clothing item. He grabbed it, holding it up. It was another entirely too big for you black shirt. The one that was probably suppose to be your cover up. So it was a mistake. You meant to grab yours but instead you grabbed his extra shirt. That helped ease the tension in his eyes. He should’ve known you were too good of a girl to be such a tease.
The sun had finally started to set. All of you were still coming out of your food coma, and spread all over the house to digest. Times like this were your favorite. Eating delicious food. Hearing and sharing stories with your almost chosen family. Now here you were sprawled out on the tile, your feet dangling in the water as you stared at the pink sky.
“You against company?” Simon asked. You lifted your head to see him sticking his head out the door. You quickly shook your head, giving him a smile. He grabbed a chair and sat down next to you. He followed your gaze and looked up at the sky. Your eyes left the sky in favor of his jawline. He had taken off his mask to eat and couldn’t be bothered to put it back on.
Feeling your eyes on him he looked down to meet your gaze. The mask wasn’t able to hide his emotions anymore- not that you caught the obvious adoration across his face. Your eyes traced over the scar that extended from his cheekbone down to the corner of his lip. He watched you watch him- knowing exactly what you were looking at. Yet he didn’t feel insecure. You had a glint in your eye, it wasn’t judgement or pity. The closest thing he could compare it to was understanding. You didn’t feel sorry for him. You didn’t look at him with any disgust. You just admired it. Like people would a painting that they couldn’t quite understand but enjoyed the feeling it gave them nonetheless. You enjoyed the feelings he gave you. The security you felt with him. You knew instinctually that he would always be there. Guiding you. Watching you. Protecting you. Making your day better- even in the smallest ways. His scars were assurance of that. He’d always fight his way out to be there.
The look in your eyes made it possible for him to say something he’d wanted to all day.
“Wanna go for a swim?” He asked.
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bunnys-kisses · 12 days
the blue
capt. john price
cw: romance, smut/pwp, oral sex (f & m receiving), pet names & praise (good girl), semi-dom!price, smoking & drinking, authority kink, fingering (f receiving)
The first time you saw Price smoking, you thought your eyes were going to roll back into your head and you were going to collapse. You felt like a fiend watching him lazily exhale as he leaned back into his chair and kick his feet up.
For a man of such high status, he didn't mind getting his expensive wooden desk covered in the mud from his boots. A moment you wondered what it would look like to have your tongue on those boots. But you shut down those thoughts quickly as you placed the paperwork on the other side of the desk.
"For you, Captain." You squeaked in an effort to not sound like your mind was polluted with horrible, horrible thoughts.
He took another inhale and nodded as he exhaled. He coughed a little into his fist before he said, "Thanks, love. I know I can always count on ya." And gave you such a gentle smile.
You wanted him to put that cigar out on your back.
Before you could linger on the thought any longer, you turned on a heel and exited out of his office. In your quick exit, you didn't notice his blue eyes on your behind as you walked.
You did hear his soft chuckle as you closed the door behind you. Your cheeks burned and your cunt ached.
God you needed to get laid.
The bar was alive on a Saturday night, every soldier and their gran was packed into the place. You had the misfortune of being sandwiched between two of your fellow officers. They reeked of cigarettes and the stale beer they had spilled down their civilian clothing.
You sipped idly at your beer and occasionally reached for the chips at the center of the table. You dipped them in some ketchup and ate as you slowly got a headache from your colleagues insistent yelling.
You could see in the corner of the bar, taskforce 141. even the sight of all four of them together was a little intimidating. Each of them were trained killers. While you have never actually killed someone on the field, you could only imagine what it took for them to do that.
It was a little scary.
"Hey!" You heard. You looked over and was met very close to your fellow officer.
"Can ya get us some more beers?"
This was your chance to get away from the table, so you nodded and skittered off. Your ears burned when you heard their sneering comments about you as you headed to the bar.
"Can I get two Heinekens, and a Tennents." You heard.
You stood beside the one they called Soap. He had his elbows rested on the wood of the bar. You tried not to make eye contact with him or the large bandage that was covering an upper side of his head.
"Are they botherin' ya, bonnie?" He asked, not making eye contact with you.
"They're not too bad. I think they're just drunk."
He shrugged, "Well, if you want to get away from them." He turned to look at you. His eyes were so blue, they almost struck fear into you. But his smile at you softened your fears, "You can join us. I don't think the captain will mind."
His attention was brought back when he heard the bartender's voice. He gave you one last look out of the corner of his eye and tilted his head in the direction of his table, "Go now, before you're 'friends' notice anything."
Without thinking about it too much, you headed towards the taskforce's table and looked at all of them.
Price was the first to smile, "seems like our sargent got you out that situation." He shifted over on the bench he was seated on, "C'mere." His voice made your heart skip.
You carefully sat down beside him at the end of the bench and he threw his arm over the back of it, almost touching your shoulders. You froze when you heard his voice in your ear.
"You should've asked Soap to get ya a beer." He chuckled.
His chuckle made you gooey on the inside. Like melted caramel on the pavement. Sticky and heavy in your chest. You tried not to show too much expression at his sweet words.
"I'm not a big drinker." You replied.
"Aw." Price said as he carefully played with a strand of your hair, "Are ya a real party animal after a few too many pints?"
"The opposite. I get a headache and fall asleep."
Price laughed. His shoulders tense and his mouth wide as he did so. He then shook his head, "Well aren't you just the sweetest thing since jam."
You spent the rest of the evening so close to Price. His hand was so close to touching your back. You wanted those large, rough hands all over your back. On your breasts and down your thighs.
Working man hands.
Any time he laughed at a stupid story, you felt it right in your core. You pressed your thighs together and tried to laugh along to the story.
You quickly noticed that he wasn't drinking either, he had been nursing the same beer most of the night. And after that, he switched to water.
It was late when the soldiers started to file out of the bar and head back to base.
"Well, I'll need a good walk after tonight." He said as he got up. His eyes on you as you got up from your seat.
"Not takin' the Uber?" Kyle asked.
"Nah. We won't all fit." Price remarked, "Me and the officer will walk it back." He looked at you, "If she chooses too, of course."
You swallowed and nodded, "I'd love to. I think I need to stretch my legs out."
Price and Kyle shared a glance. Kyle laughed into his hand as he left to find his teammates who were searching for the ride home. Once Price was away from the table, he held his hand out for you.
"C'mon now. Before it gets too late."
"It's almost past midnight." You remarked.
He gently took your hand and led you out of the bar, "Well you missy, need some sleep at some point. Can't have ya fallin' asleep on your feet tomorrow. Soldier's mind has to be sharp."
The hand holding felt intimate, or maybe you were thinking too much about it. But you enjoyed the feeling.
You pressed your luck, "I don't think I'll be able get up on time tomorrow."
He looked at you, under the orange glow of the street lamps. He replied, "Then I guess you'll have to sleep with me tonight, birdie."
Your brain turned off at that point. You remembered nodding like an idiot and that the walk felt like it went on forever. But when you came back to planet Earth. His hands were on your blouse.
"You look good in blue." He remarked as he undid the buttons with such grace.
"Not as nice as your eyes." You replied softly.
He took the shirt off your arms and his hands cupped your breasts briefly before he started to undo your bra. He then replied, "Blue like the ocean, and well, I want to explore all of ya."
You almost choked on your tongue and your eyes went wide. You replied, "Well... Not much to see."
He chuckled, "Well, love. You're wrong. Not get out of that skirt and let me show ya how badly I want it."
He didn't have condoms in his room, he wasn't sleeping with the entire base. So you two would have to get creative. First it started with him eating you out. Then you sucked him off. And finally you could sleep soundly in those strong arms.
It was a simple plan. You liked simple.
Once you were nude, his hands roamed your body. His fingers were so dry and calloused, that the scratchiness of it made your nipples hard.
"Been thinkin' about ya lately." He said softly. His voice still has a gruff to it that made you warm all over, "Since you came into my office. The way you looked at me, it was like you were tryin' to undress me with yer eyes."
And you thought you were being cool.
"I'm sorry." You instinctively apologized.
"Don't be. I like when you do it." He hoisted your thighs onto his shoulders. He gave them flesh a heart squeeze before he gave you a look, "Because then I can undress ya for real." Then planted a kiss on your pussy lips.
You put your hand over your mouth to keep yourself quiet. The feeling of his warm tongue on your clit made you choke back louder moans. The feeling was euphoric, his tongue was talented. It left you wanting more.
And more he was willing to give.
He knew exactly what tricks to play to made you feel good. His nose against your clit and his tongue licking around your entrance. He held your hips up and he worked on your cunt.
He had you holding onto the sheets because you couldn't yank on his hair. He was so strong and domineering. It was an intense feeling. He wanted to make sure that you felt good.
When your hole fluttered at the feeling of immense pleasure, he took great pleasure in himself. While he was shirtless, his pants were still on as he keeled on the bed to eat you out like the finest pastry ever constructed.
"Ah! Price!" You said through your hands.
"So good for me." He said between licks, "I knew ya would be. Eager to please, be a good girl." His accent sounded heavier as he became drunk off the sensation of eating you out and the pain in his pants.
You nodded, "I'll be good for you."
"That's what I like to hear." He purred in response.
Price's tongue was an intense feeling. He played with your clit with a precision that took the wind out of you. You felt soaked between your legs and could do very little about it. You tried to keep quiet but the intensity of his worship left you unable to hold back much.
Your heart pounded, you felt the rapid rise and fall of your chest. Your pussy ached, you wanted, no, needed Price. The captain, the big strong man who thought you were just the sweetest thing.
"I take good care of ya, love, eh?" He chuckled against your sex, "Make ya feel good. Don't get thinkin' I do this to every officer. No, no, only the good girls who listen to me."
You made a small 'eep' noise when he facial hair brushed against your pussy lips. You curled you shoulders closer to your face. And all Price did was chuckle.
"Atta girl." He purred, "Such a good listener." He gave a slow, lazy lick across your pussy. He tasted your wetness like it was fine wine. He made a pleased noise, "I think I'll be keepin' ya for a while." He already heard wedding bells in his ears as he went back to eating you out.
You were far from a weak woman, a tad on the quiet side. But far from weak. Price liked that, a woman who could hold her own. He held your thighs to his head and pressed them to his cheeks.
His cock was painfully hard, pressed against his slacks as he continued his movements. With a quiver of your thighs to his head, he knew you were getting close.
He took his thumb and rubbed it against your clit as he put his full attention to your hole. The new noises you were making elated him. He continued to push and push you.
"i. I'm close!" You whimpered.
"Good girl." He purred. His facial hair wet with your slickness. He felt your thighs press against his head, for a moment he wished you'd crush him. And you came hard with your toes curled and your head thrown back. The drop back to reality from the height of pleasure was intense.
He pulled away and wiped his mouth. He knew he'd have to do a full clean of his beard later. As much as he loved the taste, the smell would draw a few glances come morning.
You looked to him, you could see the noticeable bulge in his pants. You reached for him, but he took you by the arms and placed you beside him on your hands and knees at the bottom of the bed.
He rubbed your hair gently, "You did this to me." He remarked. He got his cock out of his slacks and the size made your hole clench.
You looked at him, "I've never taken anything this big before."
He chuckled, "Aw don't worry, love. I'll take good care of ya. That's what a captain does to a good girl like you."
"And what if I was bad?" You curiously asked. Heat spread in your cheeks.
He smiled, "Well, you wouldn't be able to talk for a few days when I was done with you. Hold your head down while you choked on my cock."
Your eyes went wide, you let him guide your head as you placed your lips around his cock. You were glad that you were a good girl. Your pussy felt so slick as you began to suck him off.
He held you hair gently, there wasn't much force to his movements. Just a guiding hand as he raised and lowered your head onto his cock. He was impressed by how much you knew already. But almost eight inches of cock was a bit much for anyone.
And he knew you weren't some slut. You were his good girl after all. But he'd teach you everything you needed to know.
He switched his hand in your hair and leaned over so he could finger you while you sucked him off. The feeling of his hands all over you left your head feeling heavier. But you were determined to make the captain proud.
Saliva coated your chin quickly as you tried to take more of his size. You gripped onto his sturdy thigh and let him do what he wanted. Your eyes were shut but if you were open they'd feel like they were in the back of your head.
"Good girl." He said softly, his voice rough, "That's a good girl. You know exactly what you're doin'."
You whimpered in response. You felt the curl of passion in your gut as you continued to pleasure him. He was good to you, a good man.
"Ah, John." You grumbled with his cock in your mouth.
He leaned in and kissed you on the top of the head, "Careful, don't choke." His words were encouraging. But they only made pleasure pool in your gut.
He was so gentle with his touches, even as his fingers plug your hole. He continued to guide your mouth on his cock. The feeling was immense, it bled through him like molasses.
He rolled his hips ups a little and pushed his cock a little further, just barely nudging the back of your throat. He groaned under his breath. With a few more movements of your head, he tilted his head back and let out a groan.
He came into your throat. You were shocked for a moment before you swallowed it greedily. He was panting heavily as he let go of you and rested back on his elbows.
You looked up at him with blurry vision. He reached for you and wiped your eyes lovingly. You pouted your bottom lip and he pulled you in for a soft kiss.
He held you face so delicately, your wetness got on your chin from his fingers inside of you. You moaned into the kiss, the saltiness on both of your lips.
When he broke the kiss, he led you further up the bed and wrapped his strong arms around you. He kissed at your cheek and neck with a sweet kind of love.
"How was that, baby girl?" He asked.
You nodded, "Perfect." The words felt heavy on your tongue but it was a great feeling.
He kissed the top of your head as he pulled you to his hairy chest, "Good girl."
"I'm sorry I made a mess." You mumbled.
He stroked your back, letting you melt against him. He assured you, "Don't be, love. I love when good girls make a mess." His words curled around your brain.
He gave you gentle kisses and admired the feeling of you against him. He let you rest, in the back his mind he pictured you in picturesque white, a glowing smile and a ring around you finger.
His eyes were warm when he gazed down at you. He continued to rub your back. Mrs. Price was all he could think of as he held you. <3
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