#I want Timmy to look the most like his mother out of all of the kids
nat-without-a-g · 25 days
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Already trying to figure out how to draw the NPCs— starting with a handful of the children I expect we’re going to be seeing again. I’m excited to see how much my designs for them change as we go along!
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scekrex · 3 months
Okay, okay, okay, ANOTHA ONE. Winner!reader who got lost in Heaven on his first, because Adam forgot that he was supposed to give him a tour and simply kept walking while Reader got distracted and went after something shiny that he thought would look nice on Adam. Now cue in Brandon Rogers skit with a "mother" looking for her son Timmy. Just Adam running around and screaming "Y/N!!!!" and asking around, cause he's totally shitting himself. He lost a soul IN HEAVEN of all places. After some time he sits down on a bench in a park or something, completely exhausted and distressed, when suddenly the reader appears behind him, placing a shiny little tiara between his mask horns saying: "✨👸🌺You're a fucking pretty princess!🌺👸✨" while holding ice cream in the other hand and Adam just looks at him like:
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You can end it however you want, cause honestly you're gonna nail it either way 💁🏻‍♂️
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Babes, I fucking love you for that request. I feel like I'll write so many crack fics for Adam n Reader just bc of you and I'm fucking ready for it
Lost and Found
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, this is a crack fic (kinda)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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When you had first appeared in Sera's office you had been confused and overwhelmed, the little girl, her name was Emily, was full of energy that you weren't able to deal with at that point. She had been all in your face and while you were aware that it was all good intentions, it made you feel like stumbling right into a panic attack.
So Sera had made a call with some guy named Adam, she hadn't explained who he was and why she called him and not someone else but once Adam had arrived at Sara's office, you understood. The guy was a lot more chill than Emily, sure he could talk a lot - that was the first thing he had proven once he had entered the office - but he wasn't draining you by doing so. He wasn't all up in your face either and you appreciated that a lot.
So once you two had introduced yourself to each other, the two of you took off.
The streets weren't as full and crowded as you had expected them to be. Heaven was painted in bright colors, pastel blue, white and gold were the most common colors you came across. Adam was currently rambling about some chick that he had fucked a couple weeks ago at one of his gigs, you weren't really paying attention though, you were too focused on all the shiny lights that surrounded you.
So your attention was on many things, on everything but Adam, the person you probably should've focused the most on considering that you had no clue where exactly in heaven you two were. And when the two of you walked past a jewelry store you couldn't help but walk right through the door. In your mind you thought Adam would notice and follow you - or wait outside the store.
Well, Adam didn't even notice you were gone at first, he was too caught up in his storytelling. So he continued to walk through the streets of heaven for a good twenty minutes without you. That was until the man stopped to look at you - or at least that was why he turned around. But you weren't there.
For how long had he been walking alone? Where were you and why weren't you following him anymore? A wave of panic hit him. What if Sera would find you all alone without him in sight? He'd be in so much trouble if that were to happen.
So he walked in the direction he came from, checking every back alley he had walked past but he couldn't find you. “Y/N?” he called out for you as he entered yet another back alley, hoping he'd get a response. He tried to remain as calm as possible, that wasn't easy considering that he had just lost a fucking soul in heaven. Oh he was so fucked if he weren't to find you by sunset. He was so fucked if Sera were to find out.
Another wave of panic shot through his body as he rushed out of the alley. He grabbed an angel who just went about his day by his shoulders, shook him slightly as his voice filled with panic got louder and louder, “Have you seen my-” Adam stopped for a moment. His what? You weren't his. Ah, fuck this, “Have you seen the dude I'm supposed to watch? He's about this tall,” he raised his hand to show the angel - who was slightly frightened by Adam's behavior - how tall you were, “clearly gay and has a thing for me, but we haven't had the talk yet.” The second the angel started to shake his head Adam was gone, calling out your name over and over again.
“You fucking little shithead, get your sexy ass over here,” Adam yelled, earning himself a few strange looks from bypassing angels, he couldn't care less though. A panicking expression was visible on his mask as he continued to walk all the way back to where you and him had come from. He opened a door to one of the countless stores you two had passed, “Y/N are you in there? You better get the fuck out if you are!” The customers inside the store looked at Adam in confusion and disgust for yelling so loud. He slammed the door shut and crossed the street to enter a park, maybe you had seen some kind of animal or whatever bullshit it was a soul like you were interested in.
“C’mon you little bitch, I'll let you fucking do drugs if you move your ass over here right now,” that was a total lie, obviously it was, but Adam was trying to get you back and he really had no idea how to do it properly.
Another angel walked up to him, she seemed slightly worried about the situation that was playing out, “Have you tried retracing the steps?” Adam shoved her out of the way, “Fuck, you think I'm stupid? Of course I have!” The lady who just had wanted to help flinched away from the first man and was quick to take off once his attention had shifted away from her.
He rushed through the entire park, even looked at the entire thing from above in hope he would be able to spot you, but nothing. Once his feet were back on the ground he broke down on a park bench, his hands were covering the LED face that was displayed on his mask and he was done with it, there was no way he'd find you before sunset - which was when Sera was expecting the both of you to return.
He was completely fucked, there was no way he'd be able to explain to Sera what had happened. And even worse: what if you got hurt? Shit, he didn't even know why he cared about that, you were just some random soul he had met a couple hours ago but yet there he was, worrying about your fucking ass.
Adam flinched when he heard the sound of metal clicking against his mask and turned his head around. There you were. A soft smile was curled around your lips and you held a cone of ice cream in your hand as if nothing had happened, “Y’know,” you started to speak up and pointed to the thing that was resting on top of his mask now, “For someone who talks about ‘fucking bitches’ a lot you're a fucking pretty princess.”
Adam reached for the object you had placed on his head and looked at it closely. It was a fucking golden tiara. It had tiny purple gemstones attached to it and it surprisingly fit his aesthetic pretty well. He stared at the shiny accessory for a moment before he put it down on the bench, got up and lifted you over the bench he had been sitting on. Before you knew it your ice cream cone landed on the ground and Adam pulled you into a bone crushing hug, your feet still dangling in the air, you simply decided to wrap them around his waist. The taller man didn't seem to mind it all that much.
“Don’t you fucking dare to ever run off again you little shithead,” he whispered as he held you, the face of his mask was pressed flush against your neck. “And I thought I was the one having a thing for you when clearly it's not one sided,” you teased the first man, your hand playfully grabbing his horns and pulling him away from your neck to look at him. “You heard that?” he asked in a mix of anger and embarrassment. “Yeah,” you shrugged, “Next time when you're looking out for me, do better.” Adam couldn't help but simply stare at you in pure disbelief. There was simply no fucking way he had missed you. “Also,” you looked down on the ground where your ice cream cone was melting, “You owe me ice cream, idiot.”
“I swear I'll fucking get you a shirt that says 'If lost, return to Adam' or some shit in case that ever happens again,” Adam mumbled and even though he sounded slightly annoyed, he seemed pretty happy you were back. “Oh, it will happen again, trust me,” you simply grinned.
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hanihazeljade · 2 months
TikTok Tim
TikTok has been a blast and of course, Richard has been bothering Tim to make an account for siblings bonding. But Tim got himself a newfound confidence and a new way to irritate Lex.
(CW: thirst traps, TikTok, possible femboy content, swearing)
"Can we just talk about Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne?" A TikToker with million followers said, "Like this dude is seventeen turning eighteen in like 3 months and what he done in his almost 18 years of existence?" It showed a screenshot of a headline way back when he was attending grade school that he skipped two grades, "He skipped 2 years in school and even though he dropped for two years, because some tragedy happen in his life, he still managed to graduate high school the same year in his age range." Which is true, but with all hacking the school systems, he graduated.
"And I also discovered that he is emancipated from his foster parent, Bruce Wayne. Like at first it was insane because you got the Wayne to finance you but look at him, he is one of the biggest shareholder in the Wayne Enterprise and he already got so many praise especially from Lex Luthor," and then screen showed a clip of Lex saying, "I commend the young Drake-Wayne, even he doesn't have any degree in business, he knows how to handle one unlike some people that I know that have bachelors degree. But if you think about it, it must be in his blood after all his mother is Janet Drake, that woman is the scariest socialite in Gotham." And the screen turned back to the TikToker, "Dude doesn't have any degree yet get a praise from Lex Luthor? He is a genius I tell you." and with that the TikTok video ended.
It all started with that one video on how perfect and genius Timothy Jackson Drake. And it snowballed to edits, a thirst trap if you will, of Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne. One TikTok video and the whole internet has been sleuthing every single picture, video of the new most eligible bachelor of Gotham City. And with that, #tim drake on TikTok have millions of views in span of 2 days. And it also doesn't help that Tim's life has been exposed in the different tabloids since he was a kid, being a member of a elite society especially in Gotham. He doesn't really know and care but with so many people doing a deep dives in his life, it kind of unsettling.
He scrolled again and it was a thirst trap edit. And he decided to exit the app, enough internet for the day.
"Timmmyy." Dick whined as he was begging Tim to make a TikTok account for 1, he can do those trends with Tim and two, he wants Tim to see those thirst traps edit of himself and it has been seven days straight. And Tim's patience has been wearing thin.
"I will, once I finished these reports." he said with no intention of doing it and gonna said that he forgot about it.
"No, do it now. I know your schemes, Timmy." Tim sighed with the insistence, "Then come back here later for you to remind me then."
"So, my brother Richard has been keep bothering me to make one of this account and apparently, many people tried to make a little clout so I am going to make one to gather all the clout." Tim said with a blank stare but let out a snort at the last part. "I will probably never upload anything again but yep, hope you are happy, Richard." and with that the video ended. 2 hours later after that video got uploaded, his account boomed to 2.3 million and his first video got featured in some internet forums and articles were being published online.
"And he finally succumbed to the Tiktok." Jason said as soon as he walked to his penthouse and Tim rolled his eyes.
"What are you doing here, oh mighty Jason?" Tim rolled his eyes, sarcasm is dripping to those words.
"I thought you are better than Dick but it seems like I was mistaken."
"Pot. Kettle. Just because I was on the side of edit Tiktok and you are in booktok doesn't make you the top. You are giving pick-me vibes, ngl."
"Did you really just said ngl instead of not gonna lie?"
"Did I stutter?"
Tim thought it will be cool if he just upload another Tiktok video after months of abandoning his account. He look at the trends and some old trends and he particularly got stuck in the transition videos and he took liking on the one audio edit of Jade West saying, "What's the prob, dog?", and he is a gremlin for a reason.
So, he was there chuckling at himself with the thought of the internet will never know what's gonna hit them.
Tim likes to do a little bit of thirst traps in his content but he also like just to gave his audience what he does in his free time whenever he is done reading and signing the needed papers, like typing in his computer or solving a rubiks cube. And he keeps getting millions of views every time and it is such a ego boost for him.
But he also likes the videos with prominent people in United States, most is just him and Lex Luthor doing stupid shits and every time it will happen, both the stocks of WE and Lex Corp is going up and somehow that made both Tim and Lex being close yet hating each other so much.
The Justice League, specifically Superman, is very much annoyed and not happy about Tim's association to one of the prominent villains in the existence. But all Tim does is send them a lip sync video of him with the audio of, "Do I give a fuck? No, not one. How many fucks do I give? Zero. Exactly, so therefore your comment is irrelevant." And he called it a day. He is still fucking salty of about his worst year of his fucking life. He will not going to forgive those assholes when they didn't even apologise.
But somehow the limit of his TikTok freedom is having him doing a thirst trap in a form of being a femboy. Listen. Tim knows he will never be a brickhouse like Jason and Bruce but god forbid his BMI doesn't go up to 20 even in his peak body mass. He was always has been a twink and he also doesn't like that but apparently, that type of body is a perfect "bottom/submissive" material based on the different manhuas he having been indulge himself the past month.
Dick was scrolling at his fyp page that was full of animals, gymnastics and Justice League edits - because, and he got in a video of a guy sitting on a red couch doing a simple transition of throwing his black shoe and then changing his casual fit to a more formal attire and it was a smooth transition on Dick's observation and he subconsciously goes to the comments because he wants a laugh at the thirsty comments.
Did anyone notice how smooth that transition is?
Lol, that is a big ass shoes
He is a mighty fine fella
Dick blinked once at that comment. And he blinked again. He closed the comments and swipe left. And the comment is right, it take him on Tim's verified account with now two videos.
When did Tim had a 5.6 million followers?!
Tim already on the same following count as him and he was still definitely gonna get more. Dick is now kind off regretting his decision if putting Tim in TikTok.
The next month was shown that Tim doesn't have any schedule that follows his uploading, it seems like he upload wether he like. But the ones that broke the internet is the one thirst trap that Tim posted.
Ashley, look at me
Tim made the hand movements for the transition and from the Saint Laurent sweater, it is Jason's, Dick knows because he just saw Jason wear it like two days ago and it was paired with a black slacks and it turns into a oversized silk dress shirt and it looks like nothing underneath and Dick hopes that there is a boxers underneath because God forbids, he will delete Tim's TikTok account. In that video, it showcases Tim's long, pale, scarless legs, which is a fucking lie, he doesn't how Tim did it but that is a fucking lie. And oh boy was the comments are wild.
He is a sugar baby with the money of a sugar daddy
I'm straight but damn
yeah that's it, I'm bi now
I can hit that any time if he hit me up
Am I.. into this?
bottom vibes ngl
Dick stops reading the comments. TIM IS HIS LITTLE BROTHER! Sure he's nineteen but Dick felt uncomfortable looking at his brother's thirst trap, that he made himself. He immediately message Tim to stop posting thirst traps and Tim just reply with, 'Well, you have to face the consequences of forcing me to this damn app'.
He will be damned, he thought.
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kteezy997 · 20 days
Daddy’s Boy- Part Ten
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Warnings: mention of sex, cum, and impregnating, otherwise just lots of fluff!
two years later
It was finally here. The week of your wedding to the love of your life. You were officially going to be Timothee's wife and share the same last name as your son. This was a time that you thought only dreams were made of.
You had been showered with gifts and hugs and sweet wishes from family and friends. Your soon to be mother and sister-in-law threw your bridal shower. It was a beautiful day, though it was strange to have the party be all about you. You were used to spending your days working and hanging out with Theo and Timmy, which you loved, but it was special to be treated like such a princess by all the women in your life.
Your bachelorette party was another rarity for you: a night out on a party bus with all of your friends, drinking and dancing the night away like some college kids. It was a lot of fun, but you were even happier to see Timmy when he picked you up at a random bar at the end of it all, at nearly two in the morning. His parents had graciously agreed to keep Theo overnight so Timmy could collect you after the party bus. You ran to your fiancé and leaped into his arms, ready to go home and fall asleep under the covers with him.
That night, he helped you get out of your dress and into your cozy pajamas as well as taking your makeup off for you. You were too drunk and silly to do it yourself.
"Hold still, y/n, I can't get it all if you don't stay still." he'd say, wiping your eye with a cotton pad as you giggled.
When you finally go into bed, you snuggled up with the blankets, closed your eyes and felt his lips kiss your forehead.
"I'm glad you had a good time tonight, baby." Timmy cooed.
Your wedding itself was set to be big and beautiful, but still somewhat private, as private as the wedding of an A-List actor could be. There would one hundred guests, but your wedding party was small. The most important thing to you and Timmy was to have your family and closest friends there. It wasn't a social event for paparazzi to find or for other celebrities to show off their designer dresses and suits.
Theo was probably the most excited that his parents were going to be married. You were already a family, but the wedding was a time to celebrate it being official. And Theo figured this was the next step towards getting a new sibling. He wanted a little brother or sister to play with and look after so badly.
As the big day drew closer, you started to feel different. You were nauseous at times, and your breasts started to hurt. With all the planning and excitement of the wedding going on, you didn't pay much attention to how you were feeling. But you finally realized that you hadn't had a period in two or three months.
You didn't want to cause a fuss with Timmy and Theo, just in case you weren't actually pregnant. You didn't want them to get excited over nothing. You wanted to find out for yourself. Because maybe it was just a fluke, maybe your stress level had messed up your hormones instead of a pregnancy.
The boys were busy playing video games, so you ordered a few different pregnancy tests from CVS Pharmacy online and had them delivered to your door.
That night after Theo had gone to bed, you told Timmy to come into the bedroom. You waited for him, and he had a silly grin on his face when he walked in.
"Baby, what's going on?" he smirked, tilting his head as he looked at you.
You were nervous, not because of his reaction, but because of the news being so close to the wedding. Everything was all mushed together and there was just such a feeling of unknown, which was scary.
"Come here, sit down." you said to him, gesturing toward the bed.
Timmy did as you told him to do, biting his lip as he sat down and said, "Is it sexy time, my love?" He put his arms out to you.
You let him softly grab you and pull you close. You petted his hair, smoothing it back as he gazed up at you lovingly. "Well, I wanted to give you something first." you said. You hoped that your nerves weren't causing you to shake or tremble to the point of him noticing. You really didn't want him to worry about you.
"Oh, you don't have to get me anything. You've given me everything I could have ever wanted. I love you so much, y/n.” he smiled wider, “I can’t wait for you to be wife." he replied, hugging you tighter.
"I got you something anyway." you backed away from his embrace, "Um, close your eyes and hold out your hands." You watched him as he followed your instructions. Though he had his eyes closed, he still kept a look of bewilderment on his face.
"Should I be scared?" he asked as you had walked away to pick up one of the pregnancy tests from the en-suite bathroom.
You giggled, "No, I don't think so." You walked back over to him, placing the stick onto his palms. "Okay, look now."
Timmy opened his eyes, squinted at the pregnancy test in his hands. You watched him as he read the small print on it, which read, “pregnant.”
He looked up at you, wide eyed. He took a deep breath and shuddered softly; you could see a glimpse of fear in his eyes. After the initial reaction, he stood and grabbed you, hugging you tightly. He whispered in your ear, "My love, we’re gonna have another baby. I'm so happy, I could just hold you forever."
You ran your hands up his back, squeezing him back affectionately. "Oh, please do. I love you, baby." you cooed. As you pulled away from the hug, you put your hands on his cheeks, "Are you okay? It's normal to be nervous." you said, looking in his eyes, trying to gauge his mental state.
Timmy let out a little sigh, nodding. But he looked down at your stomach, placing his hand on you there.
You felt an instant warmth from his touch, and somehow in that very moment, you knew that everything was going to be okay. It would be more than okay, it would be perfect, your own kind of perfect.
"Our second child, I can't believe it." he said lowly, rubbing his palm over your tummy. "Well," he looked at you with the smirk you knew all too well, "I can believe it, but still, this is such a crazy feeling, babe." He then pressed his forehead to yours.
You saw his bottom lip quiver ever so slightly, then a single tear fell from his eye. "Aw, my sweet boy." you wiped his tear, "Don't worry. You're an amazing father. This baby will love you and obsess over you just like Theo does." You kissed Timmy's cheek for reassurance.
"I know, I know we'll be fine. It's just," he looked down at the ground, "I feel like since I met Theo when he was three, that was kind of an easy age, you know? But a baby is totally different, like there's so many ways to screw it up."
You put your fingers under his chin, forcing him to look in your eyes. "Don't think like that. I don't believe that there is such a thing as an "easy age" when it comes to raising kids. It's all hard, and we will both screw up, but it will be worth it. You're going to be wonderful with this baby."
Timmy smiled softly, kissed you, then said, "That you babe, you always know how to make me feel better. Theo is gonna freak out! We have to go tell him." he grabbed your hand, trying to pull you out of the bedroom.
"No, no!" you squeezed his hand but kept your feet planted though he was pulling you. "He's in bed and it's still really early in the pregnancy. We have plenty of time to tell him." you insisted.
"Okay, you're right." he said, calming himself. "Should we wait until after the wedding to tell him?"
"Yeah, I think so. I love him, but I don't trust him to keep it to himself." you giggled.
"Yeah, he'll be too excited, he'd have to tell someone." he grinned, pulling you into him again. "Hmm, I wonder if it happened on Valentine's Day. We really went all out that night." He leaned in, nuzzling his nose onto yours.
You laughed, "That's definitely possible. But I mean, you don't like wearing condoms, so it really could have happened anytime."
Timmy hummed, put his head down into your chest. He started to kiss your neck. "You make a good point." He spoke in between kisses. "You like that I put another baby in you? You like that my cum is gonna make you so big and round and pretty."
He was practically purring as the words danced into your ears. You grew weak in his arms. "Yes, I'll have as many babies as you want, Timmy."
He suckled on your throat, stopping briefly to say, "Oh, don't worry, I plan on getting you pregnant again and again and again. The world will know how good I fuck you."
You felt his lips on your skin as they turned up into a grin. You giggled, putting your arms around your man. Your feet left the ground for a moment as Timmy picked you up and took you over to the bed.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @elloise0 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @mel-vaz @sammy-halpert @iwishchalamet @briefkittenearthquake @that-one-fangirl69 @jindongdongie
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bitethedustfools · 9 months
New sagau idea? Part 2
Decide to make part 2 because i have bunch of ideas that probably might inspire you and i do feel these kind of stuffs need to be explored more. Fyi, I don't play genshin but i do know some from watching people gaming. Apologizing once more of these kind of idea/au exist as well.
Decide to make part 2 because i have so many ideas.
1) A violent and heartless player
You play Genshin Impact to pass time and are also a very violent and aggressive player where you'll always yell and throw items to vent or throw insults under your breath, and then back to gaming. In short, It's like a Call of Duty toxic player went into Genshin Impact.
Falling to death or drowning angered you to the point of banging your head and cursing. Not to mention, walking in the game angered you too because the characters were too slow!
You suck at first; impulsive action is not the best choice when you're angry, but you are in some way adaptable. You decide that your anger will be the source of your motivation to go through everything, so everything works out in the end.
Insulting is your mother tongue, so that means the characters and even the NPC are not spared as well. Most of your vicious, colorful insults and hurtful comments went toward people whom you hated and annoyed the most.
You remember the time when you laughed at Timmie's dumb dead birds and wished you had an option to push him off the bridge. His dad probably sensed he was a little b*tch back when he was a baby and went out to get some milk and never come back.
You sometimes intentionally let them die in a fight or or do something all in the name of experiment. You would even build a prison for them in the serenitea pot and just do the f*cked-up stuff that's possible in this game.
So one day, you broke your gaming setup due to your outburst, and somehow you woke up in Teyvat.
You didn't believe it was reality, and you still treated them as characters. Besides, they looked stupid with those stupid clothes on. They would stood out like a sore dumba$$ if they walked around in your world like that.
Anyway, killing Hilichurl or other small enemies is no problem for you. Committing a crime doesn't bother you. You probably don't bat an eye on killing people as well. Besides, all of this is just a game to you.
They're not real to you.
Their death is their fault for picking a fight with you. Should have just looked away instead of approaching you. Not your fault their feelings hurt.
Archons wanted to smite you, and somehow you managed to escape them and deal a few harmless blows. Not that it matters; you will be the one to seek them out and fight them when their backs are on you, and the cycle will repeat.
How you're still alive using a measly weapon because you don't know how to use claymore, polearms, and etc. is beyond you. But hey, anything is a weapon as long as it deals damage and even if it don't, you are still satisfied from letting all your anger out.
Nevertheless, all of the nations are in turmoil, and the culprit is none other than you.
The characters will definitely hate you, or maybe they feel ashamed and insecure about themselves because they want to fix themselves. Some acolytes and the people who believe in justice and peace had 'kill on sight' pinned on your back. They don't even believe that you are a god. God don't act like this.
The Wanderer 4th betrayal definitely happened, and Dottore clones definitely got hunted for sport because they annoyed you Does the Fatui wants to recruit you? You don't know, depends. Do they believe you are the god they worshipped? Also, don't know. Not like you care though.
No one can wreck havoc and commit more sins than you. You, a single person, broke Teyvat's peace and order effortlessly than the fatui with just impulsive anger and chaotic energy.
And if one day you realize that you actually have blood on your hands, you'll probably shrug it off and say it doesn't matter.
If you go back to your own world, no one knows what you have done. Who's going to tell the police? The dead people you stabbed out of annoyance? Those fiction characters that had animosity toward you?
No, will there even be someone alive in Teyvat if you were to return?
2) Streamer and gamer player.
In which you are transported into Teyvat along with some game skills, menus, and anything relevant to a game. That includes the chat box.
You learned that you were still streaming when you got sent to Teyvat, and everyone in the chat can see you. Cool, so it's not a dream; it's real, and instead of playing, you are the player! Where's Aether/Lumine? Why are you here? "AIYO!?? We got to see DAT CAKE!"
You are not aware that you looked like an idiot talking to yourself unless pointed out by the chat. It seems that the chat sees you as part of the game, which means that they can see the characters and NPC thoughts and words while you see them as a normal person.
Cool. Now you have to have the chat got your back, or else you're doomed. Dead. Unable to be revived. You're not sure if you can do that, but you're not willing to try.
Another problem that arises is that the chat tends to troll you or bombard you with loud sounds. It makes it harder to trust them or focus on what the characters are saying when they did this.
Sometimes you beg the chat, like they are some sort of sadistic god looking down at you from above the clouds with their chins high and a sneer.
All because you want some goddamn money because apparently, if they donate money, it instantly becomes moras and you're broke as fuck like cmon, help a fricking clown out.
Strangely, despite everything looked real, you have the physics of a game. The things you find in the game work if you try hard enough. For example, glitching under the Mondstadt's land. With these kinds of things, you don't need to walk when you can just glitch and get sent flying across the nation. Just making use of this bug makes your life easier.
Oh, how did you get stuck on this cliff while you were trying to use another entrance to Sumeru? That's right, it's an experiment to see if it works.
"Don't laugh, chat; I'm doing this out of curiosity and for you. Youre the one whos suggesting this."
The characters in Teyvat thought you were a rather peculiar person, talking to yourself at random times, and you seemed to know too much even though you didn't do any research, merely fighting hilichurls and robbing back the bandits–
–Oh Great Archons! You can fly!? No? It's a glitch? Well, they don't understand enough to understand you, but hey, that's so you. Keep up being weird, player.
Maybe the things you do are… unique and can be considered divine in their eyes. After all, who could walk on air like you do? Or bringing people back to life and knowing so much? No one could do that, so you must be a god!
As a matter of fact, you remind them of a certain figure. That's right! The creator! The creator acted like you too. Always talking to this thing called "chat"
"Um, no, I'm a gamer and chat is chat."
You fail to take into consideration that while everything looks like a game in your eyes, the people are definitely real, and this is what they thought of you.
3) Killer player
You don't play Genshin Impact, but you are quite resourceful, cunning, and deviously smart. You know this game is quite famous, and coincidentally, the prey you aimed to take life is playing it too.
In order to get closer to your prey, you must be fluent in their language. You listened to all that your prey blabbered and what they showed with an interested smile. You even question them once in a while to get them going all for the sake of learning the prey's personality and schedule and how you want to unalive them.
When you did kill your prey and accidentally broke their computer/laptop in the process, you got transported to Teyvat. In a way, you had stolen your prey's fate instead.
(The characters had mistaken you for their creator before but dismissed it because you lacked a certain presence. However, you do feel familiar with them because you sometimes watch over the game when your prey has played before.)
Now, you heard interesting things about this game, and you grew more interested when the characters interacted with you. How amusing! The characters had no idea you were a very sinister and cunning person behind a weak and polite persona.
In terms of healthcare, they are leaning toward supernatural stuff, and the medicine using materials found in this world is also effective. However, they seem to be lacking in a certain area that needs surgery.
Most deaths were common due to hilichurls and bandits, or those whom they called the Fatui, so they wouldn't be examined too closely. You doubt that they even have something that closely resembles fingerprint identification, judging by the lack of technology..m
…Which means hiding and killing is much easier than in your previous world.
Teyvat is such a nice place to have entertainment. It didn't take too long for you to settle here and get comfortable.
Monstadt is a city known for freedom and peace; however, once you arrive here, every night, no doubt a single person will go missing or be found dead. You are normally a silent killer, but you couldn't resist letting them know. Their expression thrilled you.
All those knight roaming around at night, and they couldn't even save a single person. What a pity.
In Liyue, the funeral parlor became rich all thanks to these crimes you were committing. Does a certain acolyte know what you're doing? Maybe not, afterall, there are more ways to kill a person than just a sword and poison.
Accidents could happen, you know? falling off a cliff, in the wrong place at the wrong time, being mauled by animals where people conveniently are not near, or dealing with the wrong person.
Inazuma is much more easier; their deaths could be pinned on one person who is also the source of the nation's tense atmosphere. Hatred, anger and fear rose with each crime you committed, but there is no evidence that you did it. After all, what could a weak and polite person who looked like they couldn't wield a sword do?
Plenty actually. Not that they know.
Sumeru is quite nice. Full of gifted scholars and intelligent individuals. You thought it will be a challenge seeing as you have similar minds and yet, most disappointed you.
All these smart people, and they couldn't string the murder together. Maybe you don't kill the right one which mean the don't care. Oh? Then should you kill the one with that grey hair? He seems to be someone of importance.
You made Akademiya your target. You must admit that you learned quite a lot of precious knowledge in this place. While youre here, might as well pretend to be one and use this time to gather infos.
They did not know and realized how you got into the Akademiya or how you had disguised yourself as one of the scholars. They don't know how you got through security or how one by one are slowly not attending the class or the expedition.
They said that acting confidently like you belong there and becoming part of the background like a plain NPC is always the key to infiltration.
And oh, even if they get suspicious and point that out to you, you know what to do. Lying, speaking half the truth, and gaslighting are also languages you are quite good at.
And Fontaine, oh, Fontaine. A nation that is known for justice when, in fact, it's not always about justice but entertainment. It is a nation that indirectly challenge you as well. Entertainment? Why, you know what kind of entertainment you shall give! It will be something that everyone remembers for the rest of their life.
You are like Jack the Ripper, never caught and never punished. Did the Archons ever suspect you? Who knows. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.
All you know is that you have an alibi to back you up and a likeable and underestimated personality.
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maladaptivewriting · 4 months
marauders era characters and their favorite movies
if they lived in the muggle world circa 2024
remus: little miss sunshine brutal and disturbingly human, but intertwined with themes of love, family, support, and healing
james: talladega nights the theme of this movie is that friendship is magic. you know james was saying "if you're not first, you're last" for years after seeing this movie. also he tried to create a shake-and-bake thing with sirius
sirius: howl's moving castle "that howl is so fucking hot" "he literally just looks like you" "exactly" sirius sees himself as this main love interest (howl) and he sees remus as sophie, especially when she's an old woman that howl has to take care of. all he wants to do is take care of remus
peter: bridge to terabithia peter seems like the kind of person to find stories of tragical childhood friendships really compelling. he also loves josh hutcherson (who doesn't)
regulus: the secret life of walter mitty he relates to the main character - a man who is controlled and meticulous but longs to go on an adventure. he also wishes that sirius would pull him out of his monotonous life and into the unknowable but with complete acceptance of who he is.
lily: little women in the way that i feel like i've been shot every time i watch a movie involving complicated mother/daughter relationships, lily would be deeply compelled by stories about sisterhood. especially jo and amy who always feel second to each other
mary: princess mononoke she would relate to the main character and be very enthralled by ashitaka. definitely a comfort watch for her.
marlene: raising arizona or zoolander she loves absurdist comedies with lovable and endearing characters. she is also low-key attracted to nick cage when he was young, but don't tell anyone, it's a secret.
dorcas: arrival or parasite dorcas has unequivocally good movie tastes. she likes high concept stories with heavy thematic writing and devastating plots. she talks about them in detail for weeks afterward
pandora: midsommar and pan's labyrinth she loves movies with comically intense violence. she finds high control groups fascinating. she definitely loves pan's labyrinth because of the freaky monsters and the fact that it sounds like it could belong to her
xenophilius: the twilight saga he knows every detail and loves to examine the story from all sides. he and pandora bond over the fact that carlisle is a joseph smith archetype.
evan: deadpool evan sees deadpool as barty and loves the character because of it. he is also envious of the characters freedom to be himself
barty: the mummy he just thinks that everyone in this movie is really fucking hot
snape: pride and prejudice (2005) finds it super romantic and loves the way characters talk and deliver lines. he listens to the soundtrack as background music while he works.
frank longbottom: spiderman (no way home) no one was more excited than he was when the three spiderman characters interacted. he cried a lot when watching this movie
alice: narnia it was her sexual awakening ;)
narcissa: glass onion she loves a who-done-it story, she reads mystery novels all the time and she thought this one was the most exciting
bellatrix: barbarian or bones and all she watches bones and all like "when is it my turn to be happy?" and she watches barbarian like "what is it like to have a mother who loves you?" everyone thinks she's crazy
lucius: dune or the king he sees himself as the king. that scene where robert pattinson's character is slipping around in the mud and timmy's character is standing there unbothered - that's how lucius pictures himself and arthur weasley. he also thinks of his own family when he watches dune
also this came from a question that @wolfpadx asked in the discord and i just had to elaborate on my thoughts.
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Jason wanting to be a dad before he finishes high school so he hunts fit the most fertile pussy he can and finds it in the pudge middle school kid who lives next door.
Soft tits and tummy, chubby cheeks, wid whips and thick ass, and the kid looks like he’s seen a celebrity when Jason starts talking to him. Perfect, easy to convince.
Maybe also depraved Bruce and dick too who’re completely fine with Jason bringing the kid over and fucking him constantly I front of them? Not that they’re necessarily into it, but the boundaries between them all and fucked, they don’t bat an eye while Jason barebacks Timmy’s pussy during family movie night, or eats him out while he’s eating his chicken nuggets, etc. Tim’s free for Jason to use whenever wherever he wants, they fuck constantly.
Tim does wind up pregnant after a couple months, and that’s about all I can think of rn
jason selecting tim as the mother of his child in the same way as his ancestors did generations ago- by choosing the plumpest little wife who would make lots of little todds that would survive the winter 😍😍😍😍😍
tim is easy and eager because he's just so amazed by the fact that jason is even talking to him so getting him to start coming over to jason's house is easy and then from there spreading tim's soft legs is a cakewalk. tim is soft and pretty and he smells like marshmallow and vanilla. his mouth is soft and his cunt is even softer, tim doesn't even care that jason came almost instantly the moment he was inside him. tim doesn't try pulling bullshit coy games like the girls at gotham academy. all the girls jason's age all tried some 'reverse psychology' bullshit where they'd treat him like shit or act like they didn't know him in front of their friends and jason wasn't about to put his baby is someone like that so he'd looked elsewhere.
older women had the tendency to see jason and try to use him as a tool to get to dick or bruce and girls his own age were clearly a bust so jason had no choice but to go younger. its not hard to figure out who in the grades below him have started their periods. the middle schools in gotham still adhere to like freak-levels of archaic and finding the record of girl's who have started menstruating based on which ones have gone to the nurse to ask for pads is easy. from there jason has his pick of the litter only that...a lot of them suck.
it's by chance that he finds tim. even though tim was their neighbor he didn't attend gotham schools, he went to boarding school out of state and had only recently returned since the semester finished early. tim was smart, he was well read (jason had snooped on his grades). he was artistic based on the small photography awards he'd won, he was well behaved given he'd never served a day of detention, not even for being tardy. he was an only child and his parents were out of the country most of the time. he'd gotten his period a year ago based on jason checking tim's credit card statement and he. was. perfect.
jason hardly needs to come up with an excuse to visit tim next door. he just knocks on the door and tim nearly trips over himself to invite him in.
it's the meeting that solidifies jason's resolve. tim is sweet as pie, he offers jason a variety of snacks and chips from what is clearly his own personal stash. there are toys in tim's room and jason recalls the notes from the school counselor on tim and how he was still clinging to 'vestiges' of childhood to cope with his social isolation because little timmy had a hard time making friends. which was good for jason because that meant his offer of 'friendship' was latched onto with the steady desperation of a sweet little thing that would do anything to keep jason.
jason had to admit it gave him a bit of a big head. the way tim stared at him with such starry eyes and reverence like he couldn't believe jason was talking to him.
tim is perfectly built for pregnancy, he's soft and plush with little tits that will perfectly fatten up with milk. it's fun fucking him. his cunt is as pudgy as the rest of him and so pink and sweet it makes jason want to bury himself in it and die. jason likes how hard he can fuck tim, how warm and soft he is. he likes that tim gasps while jason fucks him, making it easy to slip his tongue into his mouth so jason can make out with him while hammering his cock against his cervix.
when tim gets pregnant a few months after jason has started regularly fucking him jason is the happiest he's ever been. he knows that bruce won't be upset with him because bruce is pretty lax on most non-robin related things. besides bruce liked tim, he thought he was cute and that jason was very lucky to have him (though jason thought that was said with a bit of bitterness given that selina had been ignoring him lately and the most action he was getting was listening to his son fuck on the couch while a movie played).
tim being the mommy to jason's baby before he's even entered highschool <333
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roxygen22 · 1 month
Still Here (Chapter 12)
Summary: Timothée spends Christmas with you and your family. A happier chapter than the last two.
C/W: Brief mention of parent's death
Catch up on previous chapters here.
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Both you and your mother insisted that Timothée come over and spend the night on Christmas Eve so he would not wake up alone Christmas Day. It had only been three weeks since his father passed, and you knew the holiday was going to be hard for him.
Timothée showed up as you and Madison were making cookies in the kitchen. Long past the days of knocking, he let himself in. "Where are my favorite girls?" he called out in a sing-song voice as he made his way through the house. "Aha! Found you!" he shouted when he popped his head into the doorway, sending Madison into a fit of giggles.
He gave her a side hug and a kiss on the top of her head, then walked around to your side of the island counter. "You, uh, got a little something right...there," he said as he swiped the dot of flour on your nose with his index finger.
"Oh yeah?" You grabbed his face with your flour-coated hands and pulled him in for a kiss. "You have something - there," you snickered as you gestured to his entire face. Madison's laughter continued to fill the air.
"And what are you laughing at, missy?" You turned to her. "Seems like you are the only one with no flour on them. I think we should fix that, Timmy."
Timothée grinned ear to ear. "Seems only fair." You each grabbed a handful of flour and playfully stalked toward her. It turned into a messy game of tag as you all chased each other around the kitchen island.
You skidded to a stop when you spotted your mother standing in the kitchen doorway. She stood with her hands on her hips, just shaking her head.
"Oh, uh, hey Mom."
"We'll get this cleaned up, Mrs. [Y/N]," Timothée added, ducking his head in embarrassment.
"Where's the fun in that?" She quick-stepped to the flour jar to grab a handful herself and dumped it on your head.
Madison gasped, "Nana!"
"What? She was the cleanest of all of you. Figured she needed to be brought down a peg or two." She looked at you and winked.
You narrowed your eyes playfully. "By that logic, you're next!" You and your mom stalked each other around the island until until you caught her in a big hug and patted flour all over her back. You both could barely breathe from laughing so hard. The two of you had gotten much closer since you moved back in, and after Timothée lost his dad, you were determined to make the most of the time you had left with your parents.
After you got yourselves and the kitchen cleaned up, it was time for Madison to get ready for bed. She came prancing out of her room in her footie pajamas to give goodnight hugs to her grandparents. She stopped at Timothée.
"Will you be here in the morning?" she asked.
"Of course! There's no place I'd rather be."
The girl smiled. "Good." She hugged him and headed toward her room. You started to follow when she turned back. "Can Timothée come, too?"
You looked at him and shrugged. "If he wants to." You held out your hand to help him up from the couch, knowing he wouldn't turn her down. He was wrapped around her little finger.
The two of you followed Madison to her room and flanked each side of her bed. You tucked her in as Timothée sat on the edge of the bed. She held out her arms for one more hug from each of you, to which you gladly obliged.
"Now, you better go to sleep or Santa won't bring your presents," Timothée said cheekily.
"Silly. Santa's not real," she stated.
He faked a gasp and pulled a horrified face. "He's not?! Hmm, I guess that means I can have the cookies you left out for him."
Her hand shot out from under the covers. "NO! No. Please don't, just in case I'm wrong."
"Uh huh, that's what I thought," he said as he booped her nose. "Good night, kiddo." He leaned down for one more hug, then stepped out of the room. You kissed her forehead, turned off her lamp, and followed suit.
You spotted Timothée at the end of the hallway where apparently your mother had sneakily hung some mistletoe while the two of you were occupied. He pointed upward and smiled at you. "Join me under the mistletoe?" You sauntered up to him, not expecting him to spin and dip you before kissing you yearningly. "Our first Christmas together. Again."
"Merry Christmas, love," you replied as he stood you upright again and nuzzled his nose against yours.
The next morning, Timothée sat next to you on the floor by the couch, coffee in hand, taking in the scene as Madison dove into her stocking and the first of her presents. He leaned over and whispered to you, "I never quite understood why my parents got so excited about Christmas morning, even more excited than me, until now. All that joy on her little face. It's addicting." You squeezed his hand and leaned your head on his shoulder.
After a bit, once everyone had opened at least one gift, Timothée brought out a package that he had been hiding behind the couch and set it in front of the girl. "Don't try to pick it up. It's heavy. This one...," he paused to clear his throat, "is from my dad." She looked at him, then you, puzzled. "He was going through some boxes in the shed a couple of months ago and came across something of mine from when I was a boy that he thought you might like to have. He...he asked me to set it aside for Christmas."
Madison gingerly opened the wrapping paper to find a round brown leather bag.
"Go on, unzip it," Timothée encouraged her. She slowly unzipped the bag to reveal a blue bowling ball. "You'll need to grow into it a little, but it's yours if you want it."
Madison's lip wobbled as she wiped her tears with her sleeve. "This...this is perfect." She launched herself into Timothée's lap for a hug. When she pulled away, her face lit up as she looked at you. "Mom, help me find my present for Timothée! Please!"
"That's okay, kiddo, it can wait until we get down to it."
"No, it can't. You'll see." You and she dug through the piles of presents until she spotted what she was looking for - a rectangular present haphazardly wrapped in shiny blue paper and three different colored bows on top.
"I wrapped it myself," she said proudly.
Timothée carefully slid his finger under an edge of the paper in an effort not to rip it. Once he opened one side, he gently slid the gift out. It was a picture of him and Madison together at the bowling alley in a frame that she decorated herself. On the back was a short, handwritten note:
Dear Timothée,
I'm glad we found you at the grocery store. Merry Christmas!
Love, Maddy
Timothée wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "I love it, and I love you, too, kiddo." He pulled her in for a hug and buried his nose in her hair. "So, so much."
Chapter 13
FYI: I am expecting for Chapter 13 to be the last one.
Tag List: @croatianprincess, @bluizh, @jindongdongie, @groovyqueer
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thebetawolfgirl · 7 months
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An Award Show Romance
Pairing: Timmy x Reader
Warnings: Smut, some good hearted Kylie Squishing!
An Award Show Romance
Y/n smiled as her man stood on the stage praising director Martin Scorsese as he presented him the Innovator Award, he was all in black with his hair in neat waves but still a bit messy. She wasn’t able to sit with him because he was sitting with Kylie Jenner who was also receiving an award for something fashion related.
Timmy had been extremely annoyed and agitated he had to hang around Kylie again after weeks of being away from her.
‘This isn’t fair!’ He whined while fixing his sleeve in their shared hotel room, she walked up behind him and fixed his collar, straightening it a bit. ‘We will find some time together afterwards my love. I promise.’
‘What if I choke during my speech?’
She looked at him raising her brow at him and he rolled his eyes sighing ‘Fine, but I just don’t understand why I can’t innocently be sitting next to you’
Y/n smiled and placed her hands flat on his chest ‘If you do find yourself stalling, just look for me in the audience, take a deep breath and you will feel how proud I am of you.’
Timmy smiled and sighed nodding before resting his head on her shoulder. ‘I love you’
‘I love you too’
He moved slightly and caught her lips in an open kiss which she giggled into before pulling away smiling ‘Come on, we will be late.’
They walked down to the lobby and left in separate cars.
They arrived separately to the event and y/n took her seat at the designated table near the middle of the room. A waiter came up to her and set a drink in front of her saying it was from the front table, she flicked her eyes over to the table and noticed Timmy hadn’t been seated yet, so it must’ve been Kylie that sent it over and rolled her eyes and handed the drink back to the waiter
‘Please tell the sender no thank you.’
She decided not to tell her boyfriend until later, he was nervous enough without him worrying about her being bothered by that family.
Kylie had been messaging her recently, asking her if she would want to go for drinks or even lunch. Y/n, utterly confused showed Timmy her phone to which he rolled his eyes ‘She was asking me about you at Haider’s dinner.’
She blinked at him perplexed, when it hit her, and she took a deep breathe ‘Because of who I am.’
Timmy nodded sighing and looking at the floor.
Y/n was the daughter of America’s most beautiful woman in the modelling industry in the 90’s so she was used to people coming to her, wanting to get close to her, just to be associated with the family name.
Timmy was different though, when they met at a charity fundraiser all the photographers and reporters were interested in was her family, what her mother was doing now. She could never do anything on her own without the family name being mentioned. Timmy just saw y/n, the woman who was trying to make the world a better place. He was interested in what she had to say, her opinions and her passions in life.
Once they started chatting they never stopped. They sat together all night until closing, before moving onto a small diner in the East Village until nearly morning.
Y/n smiled at the memory before Timmy brought her back to earth with his lips on her neck. ‘You’re back at the Charity Fundraiser, aren’t you?’
‘You know me too well!’
When the texts wouldn’t stop and Kylie tried to involve her older sister Kendall in her obsession she blocked Kylie’s number altogether and told Kendall to have a word with her.
Because it wasn’t just about her family, when Kylie saw that they were dating during the contract meeting, Timmy said he had never seen a person go that pale in his life. Since then it was like she was trying to make peace with y/n for practically stealing her boyfriend for the sake of staying relevant.
When y/n found out about the contract she was heartbroken, she knew Kendall Jenner and the woman never said a word about Kylie’s plan. She cut ties with Kendall, and that’s when the texts from Kylie began.
But y/n had zero interest in talking to this woman, not even about the weather.
She looked up and around looking for Timmy and was surprised to see Kylie approach her hesitantly. The young woman looked terrified.
She was fiddling with her napkin, as she lowered herself onto the chair beside y/n.
‘Congratulations on your award’ y/n began not looking at her.
Kylie nodded in quiet thanks.
‘Y/n, I had no idea-‘
‘Don’t.’ Y/n waved her away. ‘Just return to your table Kylie, have a nice evening.’ She saw Timmy approaching her table his eyes on both women.
Kylie deflated and turned to leave before turning back ‘Kendall really misses you.’ Y/n closed her eyes taking deep breaths as Timmy knelt in front of her taking her hands in his. ‘My love, what did she say to you? Are you ok?’ Y/n nodded breathing deeply to stop the tears from falling.
‘This woman stabbed me in the back in the worst way and she thinks a drink and a teary eyed apology will fix everything!’
Timmy pushed her hair back from her face trying to smooth her and brought her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles gently.
‘I know my Queen, but just remember, this is the first event we’ve been seen together in weeks, people already think it’s over. And it WILL be over soon and you and I can live in peace!’
She nodded relaxing from his words and stood up ‘I’m just going to the ladies room and freshen up.’ He nodded standing with her and kissed her knuckles again before letting her go and walked to his own table and sitting down next to Kylie who had been watching them.
‘Timothée I’m-‘
‘After we’re done, I do not want you anywhere near my girlfriend again. This little obsession you have ENDS now.’ He whispered this in a deadly calm voice making sure she got the message but also making sure no one overheard them. She paled slightly and nodded quickly and looked to the front.
After five minutes he got up again saying he was going to check on his girlfriend and headed to the ladies room.
Y/n dabbed her neck and face gently with the facecloth careful not to ruin her makeup and began reapplying her mascara when she heard the door open and looked into the mirror seeing Timmy looking her and she smiled ‘I’m okay baby, and you shouldn’t-‘ she was cut off when he came up behind her running his fingers down her exposed back and she went still watching him through the mirror and tilted her head slightly to one side as he wrapped his arms around her running his nose along her shoulder and up her neck and back down before trailing his tongue back up making her gasp gently letting her head fall forward.
‘Timmy’ she breathed moving her hips back against him feeling his breath hitch warm on her skin. He spun her to face him and lifted her onto the sinks before grabbing the back of her neck crushing their lips together in a passionate kiss.
She unbuttoned his two top buttons and ran her hands over his skin making him shiver against her as he pushed her dress up her past her thighs while she made quick work of his black pants pushing them down his thighs before he slammed into her hard making her squeal and bite his bottom lip. He continued slamming into her hard and with force, she leaned back throwing her head back before moving forward again wrapping her hands around his neck and kissing his skin leaving small marks.
‘Y/n!’ He whined and let his head fall forward against his neck as she continued to leave wet kisses on his skin as he slammed into her ‘Mine’ she whispers against his throat and wrapped her arms around his shaking body.
He honestly couldn’t care less if they got caught at this point or who by. Right now all he felt was her, all he heard was her claiming him with her whispered words and the marks now on his skin. No one would see them once he buttoned his shirt again but to know they were there, to know he belonged to her and only her. That’s all he felt at this moment as they came together in a sticky panting heap of a mess.
He held her against him around her waist resting his head on her chest trying to catch their breath, as she pet his hair. ‘We should get going baby’
‘Must we? So comfortable’ he mumbled back against her skin and she chuckled ‘No one is comfortable in this position, now get up your Majesty’ He raised his head slowly a smirk growing on his face and looked at her ‘THAT is new.’
‘And it shall continue, when you get up’ he rose slowly and helped her down watching her intently before looking at the marks on his skin all over his neck. ‘Now I am yours for real.’
She smirked and noticed the necklace and yanked it off making his eyes widen. ‘A King does not wear peasant jewellery made by witches.’ He grabbed her jaw and kissed her hard open mouth shoving his tongue against hers before moving his tongue down jawline and back up her neck before going to her lips where she bit him hard and pulled.
‘Button up your shirt my King.’ She smirked and lay the broken necklace in his hand ‘and tell your plaything your pretty necklace broke by accident’ she made a pouty face then pecked his lips before leaving the bathroom.
He smirked and fixed himself before leaving behind her not caring who saw him anymore coming out of the woman’s restroom and made his way back to his seat.
Y/n went back to her table before Timmy did and saw Kylie watching her and waved her fingers at her smirking as Timmy came out behind her and pecked her cheek before returning to sit with Kylie tossing the necklace to her ‘This broke while I was using the rest room, I said it wasn’t real Chanel.’
Kylie looked at the chain and saw it had been snapped at the clasp
‘But my mother said- ‘your mother is as cheap as you I’ve had my diamond chain for nearly 8 years and it’s never broken. I don’t know where you got that from but it wasn’t Chanel.’
He looked back at y/n and winked as Kylie tried to figure out why the chain snapped.
She smiled and sipped her wine, her favourite wine that Timmy had sent over and enjoyed the rest of the evening.
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mayiwritesomething · 2 months
Love Is an Unfamiliar Name (Pt. 4)
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Wordcount: 3,4k
A/N: What do you do when the line begins to blur? A bit longer chapter that got quite a cheesy 80s vibe (sorry haha), as the reader finally stops holding her back 🥹
Warnings: a very brief teasing moment but no big deal.
…That is Jupiter
After five months of nonstop work, the sound department finally received a much-needed week-long break. Considering your team has been working even during periods without shooting, everything was running smoothly. With the change in location, your strategic planning, and most of all: teamwork, you were all able to take a well-deserved rest. Timmy had joined the set this month to provide assistance, adding to the familiar faces of Jenny and your as you call; new best friend, Pedro. You were pleased to see that Tim and Pedro got along.
Excitement bubbled within you for the upcoming weekend. With Timmy staying over, Amy planned to visit while her mother looked after the kids. Maria couldn't make it, as she was in Paris, living her second love story over the past five months. Despite her absence, you were not mad at her, as this time, you genuinely believed things would work out, especially since her new girlfriend seemed like a good person.
There was one person more excited than you—Jenny, the queen of event organization. In addition to assisting you, she had managed to arrange a Saturday night out, discovering a small pub in a neighboring city hosting an '80s/New Wave night. Jenny ensured that the entire group would attend, including Pedro, who then persuaded May and Lauren to join. What started as a casual night out for four people quickly escalated into an event that overwhelmed you, causing you to abandon checking the group chat upon seeing over ten people confirming their attendance at Jenny's Mad Night.
"Jenny, what the fuck?" You exclaimed, slightly irritated. "I thought we were going for a low-key night out, not this big event shit. Come on, I'm too old for this; I just want... you know... Sit down, sing, drink a little bit, and relax." You sank back into the sofa.
"Come oooon, the 30s are the new 20s," Jenny retorted, still typing away. You noticed she had mentioned you in the group chat and posted a picture of you lounging on the sofa like melted ice cream, with the caption, "Night at the retirement house."
"Stop being so grumpy! Even Pedro, who always finds an excuse to skip our outings, confirmed he is going," she paused, a mischievous smile forming on her lips. "Quite coincidentally, right after I mentioned that you were going too."
Rolling your eyes, you heard the group chat notification sound. Jenny giggled in anticipation. "There she goes," you muttered. Another message popped up, this time from Pedro: “Sounds great, may I join in?”. You blushed and responded with the sleepy emoji.
"Poor guy," Jenny mused to herself before turning back to you. "Why did you do that? Sending a sleepy emoji? You just left the poor guy hanging in a group chat with like ten people."
Another message from Pedro appeared—a broken heart emoji. Panicking, you attempted to explain to Jenny, "No! I meant the sleepy emoji, like I was actually sleeping. You said it was a retirement house, so I thought... 
Another notification chimed, this time from Jenny: "Pedro, there's always space for you. We can kick her out, you're much nicer."
One more notification, a private message from Timmy: "Are you kidding me?"
Amy's message then appeared: "What's your problem?”
Suddenly, a message popped up in your girls' group chat. Jenny had sent a screenshot of your response to Pedro, captioned "no mercy for the wicked." Maria's reaction was a simple "OMG," while Amy expressed confusion with an "I wish I could understand."
Feeling foolish, you decided to send him a private message. "Hey, you don't have to ask to join, as my friend, you can always drop by," you wrote. His response was a simple, "Ok, buddy, got it." 
Part of you struggled with the realization that the line of your friendship was starting to blur, and you were hesitant to accept it, fearing it could ruin the amazing relationship you shared. Yet, another part of you felt that shit already went down, and you actually wanted him to be by your side on the same sofa where you now lay. After checking your phone repeatedly, there were no notifications. Five minutes passed with still no word.
"Shit!" you cursed as Jenny retreated to her room, leaving you alone.
As Saturday night approached, you hadn't seen Pedro yet, but Lauren informed you that he and the girls would meet you at the pub, as you all needed to arrive early to secure the reservations. "He won't go," you thought to yourself. "He's too stubborn not to," you added. Either way, what are you going to do about it? 
Sending a blurry road picture to the group chat with the message "On our way," you actually intended it for Pedro alone, as you both shared a habit of exchanging random daily situation pictures.
“Still waiting for Princess May.” Lauren said.
“We’ll be leaving in 30 minutes.“ Jeff, one of your crew members, sent.
However, there was still no sign of Pedro.
You were feeling yourself this night, wearing a black long-sleeve short dress paired with fancy combat boots and a windbreaker. Your hair was left loose, you wanted to feel comfortable singing along to all the Tears for Fears and Depeche Mode songs that would be played. But you couldn’t stop thinking about the fucking sleepy emoji.
Upon arriving at the pub, you, Jenny, and Amy raised your glasses in a toast to your friendship, Maria’s new lover and Amy's rare day off from the chaos of motherhood. Jenny, the beer nerd, was deep in her hops, while Amy preferred the smoothness of gin. Despite not being a regular drinker, you opted for an old-fashioned that you knew wouldn't last long in your hand. Minutes later, the rest of your crew arrived, but Pedro and the girls were still nowhere to be seen, fueling the anxiety coursing through your veins. However, the mood shifted as the cover band kicked off their set with Alice Cooper.
Jenny had chosen the perfect spot, where you could blend in without drawing attention. On the other hand, Timmy was stopped twice by fans, but he handled it with ease. The music ignited something within you—a primal urge to scream along with the chorus, the whiskey fueling your veins as you felt Alice was talking to you through the lyrics. Amy joined in, screaming with you:
“I wanna love you but I better not touch (don't touch)
I wanna to hold you, but my senses tell me to stop
I wanna to kiss you but I want it too much (too much)
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison “
You were headbanging to the music, caught up in the moment, and instinctively hugged Jenny as she joined in.
"I should hug you more often, Jen," you felt the need to say.
"Are you okay?" She asked with a laugh. "You've had like two drinks and turned into a lovey-dovey girl... What's going on?" sensing your disappointment.
"Physically, I'm feeling great. Emotionally... well... it hurts, Jen," you admitted, drawing closer as she struggled to suppress her laugh, knowing you were being sincere. The alcohol had a way of making you more vulnerable. "I can feel he won't show up."
"If he doesn't come, that's his loss. Tonight is about us," she reassured you, pulling you into a comforting hug. "May said they were coming," she observed, studying your expression. "You know, you don't always have to keep up this icy facade. It's okay to show your true feelings. It's better than self-sabotaging. If he does show up, talk to him."
"He ignored me, Jen," you confessed, feeling a bit lightheaded.
"Let's not forget who dumped him in a group chat," she reminded you.
"I didn't mean it that way. I texted him, and he just brushed everything off with an 'huh okay, got it buddy,'" you imitated him. 
"Then talk to him. It's not like you'll lose a limb or something. It could be good for both of you," Jenny suggested.
"You don't know how it feels, Jen," you said, now looking at your hands and gesturing. "One part of me wants to express my feelings, even if I can't understand them, and see where it leads. The other part doesn't want to risk losing what little I have now as being his friend" Tears welled up in your eyes. "It hurts too much, you know, the thought of losing it," you concluded as you took a sip of the remaining whiskey, now watered down with melted ice. "Gosh, I'm so stupid," you chuckled, a nervous laugh escaping your lips.
"You're just scared. We do silly things when we're terrified," Jenny reassured you, pulling you into another hug, her only desire to see you at peace.
Pedro and the girls arrived a few minutes after your heart-to-heart with Jenny. May seemed to need this night out as much as you did, and she wasted no time joining your group. Pedro, on the other hand, greeted everyone, including you, before heading over to the table with your crewmates.
As the night progressed, you and your friends belted out the lyrics to new wave classics, losing yourselves in the music. Determined to be responsible for your actions, you decided to go without any more drinks and opted for regular Coke to boost the sugar in your blood. Jenny's words about it being ”Girls night" echoed in your mind. 
However, you couldn't resist peeking over at the table from time to time. It seemed like Pedro was having a great time without you, and you couldn't help but feel a hint of disappointment. Deciding to take one last look, you noticed "Blue Monday" playing in the background. The universe has a twisted sense of humor.
“How does it feel, to treat me like you do?”
To your surprise, he was also glancing in your direction. You raised your glass, offering a smile, but his response was a cold raise of his own glass. So fucking stupid.
“Are you happy now?” Amy teased, breaking the tension.
“Well, kind of,” you replied, chuckling as you turned back to your friends.
“Hey! Look, now's your chance,” Jenny urged you on as if she were coaching you for a competition.
“What for?” You were puzzled.
“He just went outside, stupid! Probably for a smoke. Go after him!” Jenny insisted. “I just saw it! Go.” She was more observant than you.
“I don’t want to smoke, didn't even bring anything.” You hesitated, feeling nervous.
“That's not a problem,” Jenny assured you, effortlessly securing a cigarette from a nearby guy. "Now, go!" She handed you the cigarette, taking on the role of a matchmaker. You felt like a teenager.
Despite your initial hesitance, you summoned a false sense of confidence and left the circle of girls to follow him outside. In that moment, you momentarily forgot about his public persona as you sought him out in a quiet corner, where he stood gazing up at the sky. Approaching him slowly, you finally stood by his side and nervously asked, "Got fire?" 
At first, he appeared annoyed, but as he recognized you, a wide smile lit up his face. "Here you go," he offered you the lighter.
"Oh, I don't need it," you declined, gesturing with your hand. "I just wanted an excuse to talk to you, silly," you admitted, mustering up the most confident expression you could manage.
"As my friend, you can always come by," he replied with a chuckle, returning his gaze to the sky. You felt the ironic tone. "The sky here is out of this world,” he said. “You can see every single star."
"And some planets too," you added. "I can see Mars," you said, focused on the night sky. "Jupiter... and Venus, I believe."
"Really?" He seemed genuinely surprised. "Can you show me?" One thing you admired about him was his curiosity for learning from others, a trait you initially misjudged as mere flattery. But over time, you came to realize his genuine interest in people.
"Yes!" Your excitement was visible, as the night sky was your passion. “Excuse me,” you said, moving quite closer and extending your arm by his side. "Look,” you pointed. “Just follow my finger. Do you see that one of those stars seems to be red? That’s Mars, near Sagittarius. And that bright light is Venus," you explained, his attention fixed on you. "Jupiter is a bit trickier, but see that spot right after the moon?" Turning to face him, you noticed his mesmerized expression at you. "Well… uhm… That... that is Jupiter," you concluded, your eyes turning back to the sky.
"Wow," he said, genuinely impressed. "You're like a fucking walking encyclopedia. Is there anything you don't know?"
"Aparently, to make you understand me," you whispered, looking down. "I know I can be messy and mix things up. I understand if you want to... or if you don't..." Your words seemed to falter, as if you had forgotten how to speak coherently.
"No, I'm sorry if I... I mean... that..." he struggled to find the right words, mirroring your own confusion. In your mind, you feared he was trying to gently dump you.
Taking a deep breath to gather your thoughts, you finally spoke. "I like... you know… being your friend. I don't want to ruin it,". Finally, a confession.
"I guess we already have," he replied, looking deeply into your eyes. With a shy smile and a lingering gaze, he added, "I mean... ruin it… It's been a while already." What the hell?
So at this very moment, your heart raced so rapidly that you could feel your face flush. Little did you know, he was experiencing the same feeling, as both of you remained locked in a silent, intense gaze. The desire between you was palpable, yet mingled with apprehension—were you risking it all?
Your body rebelled against your mind's caution, yielding to impulsive impulses. Taking a step forward, you found him still fixed on you, his gaze flickering to your lips briefly, yet he made no move. "Fuck it," you cursed internally as your hand gently landed on his shoulder, met once again with no response.
"Forget it," you murmured, getting closer and closing your eyes as your lips brushed his tenderly. Upon opening your eyes, you saw his were still shut. Sensing his gentle hand on your back, bringing you closer, you felt a smile grace his face. "Forget it," he echoed, cupping your neck and leaning in to reciprocate the kiss. This time, his embrace tightened, and you instinctively wound your arms around his neck, surrendering to the sensations—the touches, the gazes, the escalating intensity of the kiss. Starting leisurely, it soon ignited into a fervent exchange, each moment feeling both like the first and the last, punctuated by shared gasps for air and tender interludes between fervid kisses.
In that transcendent moment, you both lost yourselves in each other, oblivious to your surroundings and the passage of time. What ensued felt far more enduring and profound than a mere shared smoke break.
“Is this a dream?” He said, giggling between kisses, “You have no idea how long I’m expecting this,” his hands playing around your back.
"Pedro, you don’t have to play this ‘I always had a crush on you’ role,” you said, trying to maintain sanity. “I don’t believe a word.” You pretended to be mad, but you couldn’t stop smiling.
"Oh, I forgot you're the cold one,” he said as his hands went a little further down your back, giving you goosebumps. “You almost got me gaving up you know. Lucky for me, I didn’t…” You could feel his heat on your core.
“And I forgot you are aaalways the charmer.” You moved your hips into him, teasing back as he kissed you again.
Lost in the moment, a sparkle of apprehension appeared. “Pedro!” you stopped.
“Whatever you want,” he murmured.
“Let’s keep this between us, right?” You asked aprehensively, “At least for now.”
“As you wish,” he was in ecstasy by the situation, so you were sure he didn’t understand a word.
"Pedro,” you said, stepping back. “I’m real! Just imagine if people find this out while we're still filming; I’ll be the one they'll talk about—It took me a while to be taken seriously, and I don’t wanna mess this up.” 
"Babe,” he said, dragging you back to him. “Why do you rationalize everything?” He kissed your neck as you were melting in his arms. “Could you just enjoy the moment?” You could feel his smile as he whispered to your ear, “Do you want to go somewhere else?”
You turned to face him again. “I don’t rationalize. I just…” You couldn't resist the puppy eyes waiting for your answer, so you kissed him back again, but this time you heard your name. Amy. Fuck.
"Oh my fucking god, Timmy!" she exclaimed, as she and Timmy were frozen in place.
"I told you, baby! I knew it!" Tim seemed as if he had just won the lottery.
"Guys, look..." you began, trying to explain as you adjusted your hair. "This is not what you're thinking. We were just… talking, that's all."
"Babe, they are not blind," Pedro said, looking a bit dazed as his hands rested on your waist. Sensing his touch, you took a step back, away from him. He chuckled.
"Did he just call you babe? No way." Amy was still processing the situation. Tim laughed at your sudden movement.
"We definitely are not blind, and no one takes a 40-minute cigar break kiddo... and I see no cigarettes here," Timmy remarked, taking a sip of his beer.
"40 minutes?" You were taken aback. You glanced at Pedro, who simply shrugged and tried to draw you back into his arms. "Wait," you told him firmly, and although he seemed a bit out of it, he respected your request.
"40 damn minutes since you left, then Timmy suggested that maybe you both were here making out, so we came to check," Amy said with a giggle.
"But relax, guys. This was just between us. We didn't say anything to the others," Tim reassured, his tone serious.
"Damn," you muttered quietly. Pedro's gaze lingered on your body as if he could see right through your clothes. "Hey, look at me!" you demanded, now feeling annoyed.
"Sorry," he turned to face you, smiling, his head spinning.
"Well, guys, if you want to continue your make-out session, you should finish at the hotel," Amy suggested. "It will seem weird if both of you just disappear."
"Yeah, Pedro here waited six months; he won't die waiting a few more hours," Timmy added, patting Pedro's shoulder. They both laughed, and you felt yourself blushing. Wait! How did he knew that?
"You see how mean she can be, man? The day didn’t even got to an end and I already got dropped in a group chat, and now I'll be left here," Pedro teased, looking at you. 
"Here he comes," you said, rolling your eyes. "He needs to provoke me, or his day isn't complete."
"Because I love to see you getting angry," Pedro said, hugging you. "It's soooo easy to get under your skin," he whispered in your ear.
"Get a room, you two," Amy joked, glancing at the door to see if anyone was coming outside. Spotting Jenny and Jeff leaving together, you and Amy received a message in the girls' group chat. "Leaving with Jeff, loved the night, see you tomorrow ;)"
Feeling the need to leave, you decided to go back inside as if nothing had happened. The pub was buzzing with excitement as Depeche Mode blared through the speakers. You and Amy rejoined the girls, while Pedro followed Timmy and sat back at the table. You both chose to keep your distance as the night progressed.
As the evening continued, all of you enjoyed the rest of the night at the small pub. The staff eventually approached you, kindly asking you to leave as they needed to close up.
You left with Amy and Timmy as everyone made their way home, including Pedro, May, and Lauren. In the car, you felt your phone vibrating. It was a message from Pedro: "My room or your room? We have unfinished business." Considering the location of your rooms, his seemed like the better option in case there was any noise, as he was on a way better side of the hotel. "Yours. I'll drop by when I arrive. Friend," you replied, holding back the urge to express how much you already missed his touch, choosing to convey it in person instead.
“You don't have to dream it all, just live a day
Don't say a prayer for me now
Save it 'til the morning after”
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butttterball · 2 years
Damian Wayne HeadCanon-
Damian went through a HUGE culture shock when he moved through the states. Even though he lived with the greatest detectives on earth, not one even thought of explaining ANYTHING to him.
For example, a lot of Arabs don’t celebrate birthdays. Most don’t even remember the exact date they were born (especially if they are older) with Ra’s being like 500 years old. This mofo probably didn’t even know what a Birthday is. He most than likely can not tell you the day he was born. But here in America, We celebrate birthdays so when everyone would be talking about a so called “Birthday Party” he would just call it useless. They just brushed it off as the league training. Dick Grayson being himself would try to pry out when Damians Birthday is and Damian would just shrug. The conversation usually went like this...
“don’t shrug your shoulders at me! I just want to know when my little Baby Brothers birthday is so I can give him a gift!” “Grayson, No, Go Away”
This lead to a lot of problems especially in the future when Damian would just shrug to anyone asking his birthday. Bruce, trying to get custody papers settled, was pissed off when Damian wouldn’t say his birthday. Damian sat there confused like you guys remember it.
The person who figured out that Damian didn’t know his birth date was surprisingly Steph who out of the whole Family wasn’t famously known for outsmarting the bat like Tim Drake.
She took Damian out for Waffles. She decided if she could guess his birthday it would make it easier.
She just asked just generally “is it before or one of ours like month wise not year obviously”
(We are gonna say Tim was born in December)
“Around Drakes”
“REALLY! dEcEmBeR bAbY! After before.”
“I’m not quite sure”
“Well, Timmys is the 14th sooooo before or after.”
“You imbecile I know drakes birth date”
“Just answerrrrr”
“I’m not sure”
Steph is not as blonde as she looks. She finally realized
“You don’t know the date you were born.”
“It is not important brown. Back in the Middle East most didn’t celebrate their birth along with my affiliation with the league. It was never mentioned.”
Steph realizing it was a culture difference. Explained the American custom.
“oh how fucking confused were you” steph laughs
“Brown, We live in a manor filled with detectives and not one of those dumb mother fuckers could THINK to tell me it was an American tradition.”
BOOM -> cultural shock
Or something common is small talk isn really done in a lot of countrie around the world but it sure is in america
Informality is something americans have while other countries wouldnt dare. For Damian, perfect example
The amount of different languages utlized in Americ although not an issue could be really surprising.
The fucking Climate is a great one too. Its hot ass hell in arabic countries and you move from hot as balls to freeze your tits off. Its just gonna be. Shock.
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kteezy997 · 1 year
be my baby daddy-part two// T.C.
Warnings: cursing
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The very next day, bright and early, there was an urgent knocking on your door. You opened it to see Timothée, looking slightly disheveled and tired, like he’d been awake all night long.
“Let’s do this. I’m in.” he said firmly.
“Timmy, here, come in.” you said, opening the door wider and stepping aside. “You look like a wreck, what’s going on?”
“I stayed up all night thinking about what you asked me, and it makes so much sense. But…” he sat down on the couch and ran his hand through his hair.
“Timmy you don’t have to make a decision so soon. I don’t want you to regret anything.” you pointed out, kneeling beside him, and placing a hand caringly on his leg.
“I could never regret anything when it comes to you, y/n. Except if I don’t do this. I think it’s a great idea. And I insist on helping you financially.”
You were quick to stop him, “No, Timmy, I don’t want your money. Like I told you, that’s not why I picked you.”
“I said I insist. And that’s the end of the discussion on that topic.” he declared.
You rolled your eyes and huffed as you got up and sat down with him on the couch. “Okay, I won’t argue with you about it now. What else did you wanna say earlier?”
“I think… I think I wanna be a father to the kid. Like be a part of its life. I haven’t really thought about kids or a family because I have been so fucking busy with work for as long as I can remember.” He took a pause, and licked his lips. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. “Y/n, I didn’t know it at first, but this is perfect timing. I’ve been thinking about slowing down some in my career and fuck," he sighed, "I’m not getting any younger. I think having a kid at this point in my life would be wonderful.” he grinned.
“Wow, Timmy, are you absolutely sure? This is a big decision, this is real life, you know?” you asked, not wanting him to be too hasty with his choice.
Timmy turned toward you, taking your hands in his. “I want this. Okay? And I want it with you. I couldn’t dream up a better mother for my child. You’re one of the best people I know, y/n. You’re one of my closest friends and I love you.” He then leaned in, so tenderly, and kissed you on the cheek.
As he grinned at you, so tired, but probably wearing the most genuinely happy smile you had ever seen on himtiyou felt warm and tingly. It was like everything was falling into place. And you knew you weren't crazy when you came up with this idea. You were going to have a baby with Timothee.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
karen jackson and debbie gallagher.
something i’ve briefly mentioned before is how similar the characters karen jackson and debbie gallagher are, and i’m going to try to articulate my views the best i can, but it’s kind of hard to explain because there is so much to say.
big tw for rape
so, i’m not going to start off with the heavy stuff, just the basic similarities. for the record, i like debbie a lot more than karen because despite them doing similar things, karen’s intentions were always much more malicious.
a basic similarity between them are their parents. sheila and monica and frank and eddie aren’t very similar, but they are in the basic ways. karen and debbie were both raised by mentally ill mothers who were never able to do enough or be there for their daughters. their daughters ended up parenting them more than they parented their daughters. as for their fathers, they were physically present, but never emotionally present. eddie was more financially stable, and i don’t remember if he was an alcoholic, i don’t think he was, but regardless, they were both that type of father. and, they were always fighting with their wife, giving their daughter an unhealthy relationship with the men in her life.
karen lost her virginity at 11, debbie at 14. karen sexualized herself a lot, and so did debbie. both of them most likely attached their worth to their bodies, we know that debbie did. this doesn’t really count, but both girls are queer (karen is bi and debbie is a lesbian).
then, the rape. or the, as matty calls it, “statutory raping yourself”. for karen, she had the intention of raping frank. she saw him stumble into the basement, drowsy due to the pain medication (that he actually needed for his injury), started recording, and had sex with him, despite him begging her to stop. she recorded it to not only piss off her own father, but so that when someone with authority would stumble across the recording, frank would be arrested for statutory rape, because despite what happened, legally, karen was raped. for debbie, she doesn’t mean to. she’s told by people like mandy, (kind of lip), holly, and ellie that consent is something it isn’t, and she assumes that consent is basically just him being erect. she doesn’t even know what statutory rape is, or that when you’re drunk you can’t consent (i mean for fuck’s sake, look at frank and monica, who was going to tell her that?). but, karen and debbie basically did the same thing. guy much older than them is intoxicated, and then they have sex with them. the intentions were different, debbie wanted to lose her virginity and pursue a relationship with matty, and karen wanted revenge + frank to be arrested.
then, the baby-trapping. i have mixed emotions about them both in this case. for karen, she gets pregnant with a child that isn’t lip’s, and technically she doesn’t say it is lip’s, but she doesn’t deny that it is, either. i honestly wouldn’t consider it baby-trapping had she not said in 3x09 that all she needs to do to get lip back is “poke a hole in a condom” because it worked last time. debbie did mean to baby-trap derek, but her intentions were different. debbie heard from derek’s sister-in-law (or whatever the fuck she was lol) that if she had a baby with derek, she would get to be apart of a new, loving family. something that at the time, she didn’t really have (of course the gallagher’s love eachother, but season 5 was not a good time for them). so, she lies about being on birth control to derek (just like karen did to lip/timmy wong because according to lip, she was on the pill), has sex with him, and gets pregnant with franny. she’s so excited, and tells derek, and tries to start planning a family with derek, but derek runs away, and ditches her. the big difference is that karen didn’t want hymie, and debbie really wanted franny. plus, derek didn’t want franny (until later on but like fuck you derek), and lip really wanted hymie, (until he found out that hymie wasn’t his).
and we know that karen used to be a sweet little girl with a good relationship with her father, who fell victim to the world around her and was ruined. does that sound familiar? does the scene where karen destroys the basement in her dress, screaming about how she hates her father while her mother comforts her remind you of debbie hitting frank while her family watches in shock? it should.
they both get shitty endings, too. they started off as great characters, and then just were ruined. i love debbie’s character arc, especially in season 11, and i don’t necessarily think her story was ruined, but as a person she was. for karen, she was literally just ruined. like, they sent her off of the show by giving her brain damage and having her move to arizona to get some weird fake healing thing. debbie was just given a shitty, dangerous girlfriend who could probably hurt her or franny and also intends on leaving her and going to texas.
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BTAS Scarecrow meets Salecrow part 2
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"So, this is your lair?" John asked. The place was very dark. Almost everywhere you looked, there were dolls, toys, plushies, and at least one crow. All the way at the back there was a door that led to a lab downstairs. Salecrow led John to a large table with dolls seated at it.
"Cake? Tea?" He offered.
"I'm alright, thank you..." John told him. Salecrow shrugged and served himself. "So, um, may I ask why you have so many... toys...?" John asked, a little unsettled. Salecrow finished a bite of his cake before replying,
"Mother never let me play or br happy as a boy, so I never had friends, among other things..." His voice was solemn. John's eyes softened and his body relaxed. Salecrow looked back up at John with a smile before continuing, "So I got rid of her and now I can play, have friends, and be happy all I want." before sipping his tea. "This is Tammy, that's Tommy, that's Timmy, that's Sally, that's Cindy, that's Sandy and that's Jimmy." He said pointing at each of the dolls. Some of the dolls had blood on them.
"Do say hi to them please, most of my guests don't and it makes them sad." Salecrow told him.
"Um, sure. Uh, hello, little dolls..." John awkwardly greeted them. John felt a little uncomfortable talking to toys, but he felt bad for his other self and didn't want to upset him. Salecrow smiled at him warmly, nobody ever played along with his games willingly before.
"They sit at the table because they're my favorites. The chair you're sitting in is usually reserved for playmates from outside. The human ones that I give my Fear Toxin to." He said with a smile. "Do you also make Fear Toxin? I've never met another me before." He admitted.
"Why, yes, I do, although I prefer to call them test subjects, not playmates." John told him. Salecrow clapped his hands out of giddiness.
"Would you like to exchange recipes? Maybe we could work on a new variant together." Salecrow proposed, excited.
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ginnyluvstimmy · 5 months
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timothée chalamet x fem! reader
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y/n's pov :
It was my first time.
It was all new, actually, and it all started a few months ago.
My best friend, after many excuses and useless motivations, convinced me to sign up for an acting audition for Hollywood recruits.
I took it a bit lightly, given that, in my opinion, there wasn't even a 0.1 chance of me passing.
And instead...the stage manager said that my acting skills were exhaustive, that I immersed myself in situations and behaved like an opera singer in front of the audience.
All this exaggeration was a little jarring and disgusting, to be honest; and when he started complimenting me I almost choked on the water.
The director and I arranged to meet at the same time for the coming weeks: he said that he soon wanted to make me participate in one of the films he was working on.
That's where I met Timothée.
Or rather, I already knew him. My walls, full of posters, my phone, with its full memory, and my mother, with her exhausted patience, knew it well.
He was talking to a staff member, and I stumbled to hide and not be seen.
At the beginning we acted in the same time slots but for different films, and luckily we didn't have time to meet or exchange a few words.
One time I caught him at the coffee machine, and thank God he was too busy on the phone to pay any attention to me.
My films had their importance and recognition, I was happy and satisfied.
My parents as well, and my friend either.
More companies asked about my presence in other top films, and having lost control of my schedule, I agreed.
"You know, you're making a great progress here, my friends really admire you," Timothée chimed in one day, paying for an energy bar from the vending machine.
"I... well, thank you" how awkward I must have seemed to him, maybe he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
The last straw for actors like me is that, even doing it for living, I can't even maintain a reputation by pretending I'm not that shy.
Lord...I must improve.
Days passed, and the big day arrived.
Probably my most important and beautiful day ever, I like to remember it that way.
The director and screenwriter was my hero and savior from that moment on. As the new film was announced, I ran to the list of actors I would meet during filming and who would work with me.
My finger slid across the paper until I found my name and... Timothée? TIMOTHÉE?? WOULD TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET HAVE BEEN IN THE SAME FILM AS ME?!
My legs turned to jelly and if the staff hadn't come by I would have actually kissed that paper without hesitation.
The rehearsals with Timothée were the best.
We laughed, we made stupid jokes that only we laughed at and we had a lot of fun. We were kind of in our own little world and even though we seemed crazy, we were crazy together.
I was the protagonist and he was a kind of secret lover, because in the film I was engaged. According to the script we would get together because my boyfriend would turn out to be a cheater, and I was fine with Timothée being my new partner.
When the film was released in theaters my joy was uncontrollable. The views rose to a thousand, all thanks to Timothée. The tickets disappeared within a few weeks, it was incredible.
Social media indulged fans, saying the footage was amazing.
And then...the red carpet.
God, I dreamed it.
I had dreamed of it in my small room at home, with the posters and signed books.
Now the room had transformed into my stage with the lights, the spotlights and the audience.
The posters had become reality and Timmy was by my side.
On the day of the gala I was nervous, I couldn't stand up and not even a wink by the previous night.
He, however, was an angel, as always. His hair was curly and looked incredibly softer. He had a black shirt with pitch-colored pearls and underneath he revealed his bare chest accompanied by a silver necklace. I got out of the car and a crowd of paparazzi jumped on me with flashes and microphones. There were screams of amazement, thuds of those trying to make space among the people and in the general noise I didn't know how to react. It was all so fast and blurry that when the limo sped away I looked desperately for my manager. We passed the journalists and within minutes the dressing room door was within reach so I rushed inside. "It's our turn soon, ready?" a familiar voice laughed and it was silk on the ears...I would have listened to Timothée's voice all my life, his accent, his delicacy. This time I responded with a nod, I didn't want to stutter, there was no room for shyness now.
I don't know if my attraction towards him was that visible, but that little smile he gave me always seemed to tease me, to play with me. I meticulously fixed my hair and before I could reach the handle he turned and gave me his last smile. My heart ended up in my throat, it was beating like crazy but I was so anxious that it was like I couldn't hear it at all. My veins pumped and I wanted to pass out there, in that dressing room. I breathed slowly and regained my stability. Timothée's hand slipped into mine, squeezing it as if to keep me from collapsing right then. The door opened and...crowd, chaos, flashes and anxiety.
All at once: I wanted to escape.
It wasn't like in the dreams, now everyone was really hanging on my lips, now I was really famous and I had to react.
“It's okay, I'm here,” Timothée whispered in my ear, and his warm breath brought me back to life. We got on the red carpet and he indulged me in some static poses and contained smiles. After the photos some journalists went up and blocked our passage.
"Timothée, what an honor! The new film is on everyone's lips, what do you think?"
I looked at my companion, and he smiled.
"It's a good film, we put a lot of effort into it and I thank everyone who collaborated"
"And tell me Timothée, the protagonist is actually the person you will love until the end of the film. Her name?"
The microphone was now two centimeters from his full lips.
"Mrs. Chalamet" he smirked.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Your tweets got me thinking of an au where Tim is Dick's bio brother but everything still happens the same way except slightly twisted.
What if on the day the Graysons fell the Drakes still went to the circus. Maybe they can't have children, don't want to try or Janet simply doesn't want to give birth, but they see this little orphan boy all by himself with no one paying attention to him and are like yes, he'll do. So they grab him while everyone is looking elsewhere.
Dick was a bit too busy with his parents dying in front of him to notice that his baby brother wiggled away from his minder to watch his family's act and is now gone. He's devastated when he can't find him. Of course, Dick blames his parents murderer for snatching his baby brother and is ready to do whatever it takes to get him back, but even after searching high and low as Robin, he can't find him. Bruce convinces him that Tim has most likely been trafficked and is already out of the country by now, so they put the case on the back burner instead of actively pursuing it.
The irony being if he had only looked next door as Dick Grayson, he'd find Tim locked up while being "trained" to be a Drake.
Que not as stable Dick who imagines only the worst has happened to his brother. Tim becomes this open wound for him because at least he has his parents bodies to bring him closure.
When Dick finally finds out Tim Drake is the baby brother he thought gone forever, he becomes insanely possessive and refuses to let Bruce or anyone have him ever again. Tim is his, and if the Drakes aren't dead by the time Dick finds out, well...
Bonus if one of the last things Baby Tim said before their family fell apart was that he wanted to marry his big brother!! And Dick takes that As A Promise. XD
😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢BABY TIMMY BEING KIDNAPPED!!!!!!! no because i can't even count the amount of times i read and reread this!!! just the angst!! the turmoil!!! the gut clenching fear!!! dick really does get the short end of this stick in this AU. as a character that values emotional connections, bonds, and family, this hits HARD.
like dick is just getting kicked while he's down. finding out his parents died, blaming himself for it, and losing his brother as well as being taken away from the circus that he considers an extended family.
it really does turn out to be the worst day of dick's life! he loses his, parents, his brother goes missing, and only he's left. he has nightmares, horrible visions of the terrible things that could've happened to tim and they only become worse when he becomes robin and sees the reality that some kids live through. and some that don't.
tim is soft. sweet. gentle. he has the kindest hands in the world that dick loves to kiss as he carries the toddler around on his back. timmy's giggles bring smiles and butterflies to dick's gut.
tim's far too young to begin training with the rest of the graysons. an exception had been made for dick because by the time he'd been 3, he'd been climbing up on dressers and trailers and leaping off to imitate his parents. teaching him how to safely tuck and roll was just a measure to make sure he didn't accidentally break his neck when no one was looking.
but timmy was a rule follower. he was the troupe's littlest helper. always eager to follow directions and be rewarded with soft caramels or little chocolates. so he listened to their mother when she stressed that he had to wait before they could teach him to fly.
during their shows, timmy would be in the stands seated by one of the stagehands and cheering louder than the next 10 people around him. dick would always dedicate a flip for him during every show, a quadruple somersault. it was tim's favorite move and dick happily indulged his little baby brother.
that night...on that night.
dick made a lot of mistakes.
he and his parents usually did photo ops a half hour before curtain call. greeting and posing for families and their children. tim would be beside them, munching on the bit of cotton candy he managed to beg out of meghan, haly's circus' confectioner.
she had a sweet spot for tim's bright red, chubby little cheeks. most people did.
dick would proudly puff up his chest when other parents with their kids would coo over tim standing with their family and waiting for the stagehand to come get him to take him to the stands.
one of the familes, a couple, smiled at tim and softly asked him his name. when they posed for their picture they asked to include tim in it. dick didn't mind but he did notice how his parent's expressions shifted slightly when the man knelt down and picked tim up without them saying it was okay.
dick had been confused at how his mom had quickly taken tim into her arms after the photographer snapped their shot. the phot op had ended after that couple and despite the smiles on their faces dick could tell his mom was upset.
he didn't get a chance to ask why because tim was quickly handed to him and he was instructed to take tim to dan, who would still be helping set up the control board for the lights.
but dick listened. he walked through the backstages, bouncing a giggling tim in his arms as he passed through several people warming up or putting finishing touches on their costumes.
"who dat?" tim asked him, sweet voice thick with the smell of sugar. dick could see where a bit of the blue dye from the cotton candy stained tim's lips. tim was looking over their shoulder and staring back at their parents.
"'who was that?' you mean, baby?" dick asked, smile tugging at his lips as tim furiously nodded. honestly, dick was pretty sure that his timmy was the smartest baby to ever live. he already spoke so clearly and pointedly even though his mouth was uncoordinated in the way all babies were.
"they're here to see your big brother, timmy!" dick exclaimed. "they're here to see me do flips!"
tim perked up at the word and immediatly clashed his little baby fists to dick's cheeks to he could stare at his face.
"qwadouple sowmersault?" he asked intently before breaking into a brilliant smile at dick's nod. tim's clapping attracted some attention, a few of the performers looking over with small smiles and grins.
tim is dropped off quickly beside dan who is scratching his head over why the opening lights are red instead of yellow.
"if the wrong color lenses were put on we'll just have to do the show like this- it's too late to change them."
dick hears them mutter as he walks away. it's 10 till curtain call and dick is speedwalking to get into position. the backstage is near vacant and he passes someone he knows shouldn't be there.
a lost guest perhaps. normally dick would stop. normally he'd tell them they weren't allowed this far back into the tent.
but it was 7 to curtain call and dick hurried away before he could be late.
someone else would spot him and lead him away.
dick had so many chances. so many opportunities to tell a stage hand, an equipment handler, anyone. all he had to do was say a guest was backstage and might be lost.
then maybe they would've seen the bulge in his pocket. they would've noticed that it was part of the safety gear from the trapeze rig.
obviously, one piece wouldn't lead to the equipment breaking down immediately. it took time for the strain and pressure to be too much and for the swings to snap.
it was just bad luck that it happened when they took down the safety nets.
red was all dick could see. red that seeped into the knees of his suit as he knelt beside his parent's bodies. red from the lights above him casting a crimson glow.
there was screaming. the crowd was stampeding to vacate the stands and leave the tent.
the big top of haly's circus could seat 1,900 people. rarely did they have a full house. but that night they did.
haly didn't have an electronic set up, they were still saving up for one and when dick was a kid most people paid with cash rather than card. they had a booth, a cashier, and a big roll of pre-printed tickets.
haly's circus didn't ask for ID only that anyone under the age of 13 be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or someone over the age of 18.
there was no record of who bought a ticket that night.
dick would live with the shame for the rest of his life but he wasn't the one who noticed tim missing.
"the crowd was like a wave!" dan was frenzied. he was explaining to the GCPD officers that showed up. "they just swept him up! carried him away! please! he's just a baby!"
but the GCPD had a more important matter to deal with. two dead people took precedence over one missing child who was probably just wandering around lost and confused after being separated from his guardians.
half an hour. that's how long it took for them to start looking.
forty five minutes. that's how long it took for them to call for backup in the search.
an hour and thirty minutes. that's how long it took for them to start casing the neighborhood, handing out descriptions of what tim was wearing.
dick had already been crying but his sobbing got worse when he heard they still hand't found tim.
tim was so small, he had these little baby legs that desperatly tried to keep up but he was just TOO small. dick carried him everywhere otherwise tim would be ten paces behind and bobbing after him.
'like a baby duckling' his mom would coo. she had her little robin and her duckie.
dick felt like the air had been ripped out of his lungs. he was bent over, fingers digging into his stained knees. veins were visible in his throat as he tried to hold back the vomit with wanted to rip a burning trail out of his throat. his abdomen was cramping from the force of his sobs. dick was crying so hard he could barely get a breath in.
the paramedics that arrived from some hopeless idealism that his parents could be saved had to put an oxygen mask over his face.
bruce explained to him that paramedics are only supposed to use sedatives to calm violent patients but that night they decided to inject a hysterical dick with something to make him 'easier' to deal with.
bruce said it with clear displeasure on his face.
the decision of those paramedics was why dick hadn't been able to get up and go looking for timmy himself.
he could've still been close by. he could've been hiding. maybe he would've come out if he'd heard his big brother dickie calling out for him.
dick would never know. it was just another horrible 'what if' from the worst night of his life.
dick hunts down zucco with a fury.
it's not a logical conclusion that he was the one that took tim. bruce pointed that out to him afterward. zucco had been heading away from the tent when dick spotted him.
by the time the rig gear failed he'd probably been long gone. witnesses could account for tim being present up to about 2 minutes before dick's parents fell.
dick, deep in his heart, knew zucco didn't have tim. but zucco had already taken so much from him he didn't know what else to do but blame him for that as well.
haly's circus can't get custody of dick and even if they could dick would refuse to leave gotham. not when it was the last place timmy had been seen.
"gotham's a hub for traffickers" bruce explained to him. they had airports, train stations, bus stops, and ship ports that were all used to move product into gotham and to the rest of the country. but sometimes...they were also used to move things out. but that was rare. gotham underground wasn't a big 'producer' they were more like a market to buy, sell, and trade whatever.
meaning tim could either still be in the city or he could've been sold to someone else.
it's rare for children to be snatched up and trafficked. more often it's family members. neighbors, and friends that sell a person out to be used. it's always the person you know. the person you've met. the person who's face you trust.
for them to snatch tim up?
they had no way of knowing that tim's parents had just died. that meant they'd taken advantage of the chaos and singled tim out. that was a BIG risk for someone to take.
"someone you know or met might've taken him. that might be why he didn't scream or fight back."
haly's had only been in gotham for 2 days before that horrible night. he and tim were forbidden from wandering away from the circus grounds without an adult.
gotham was a city they didn't know. they couldn't just go off to explore.
dick was friendly but even he didn't strike up conversations with strangers in a strange city he'd never been to.
bruce tries. he pulls on every lead, follows every string. nothing.
it's like tim just vanished into thin air. bruce puts as much time as he can into tim's case, every spare moment he has he tries to help dick look for his lost family member.
but crime in gotham never stops and with no new leads...
dick never stops looking for tim. every toddler with dark hair and a wonderful giggle is his timmy. every unaccompanied child is tim.
dick sees tim in his dreams, in his nightmares. he sees his timmy crying out for him and begging for his big brother to save him.
dick wakes up covered in sweat and shaking from images of big hands grabbing his sweet baby timmy.
gotham is not a nice place.
every case that involves children has dick returning to the cave and throwing up.
his face goes white and he can't stop shaking for the rest of the night because he keeps imagining tim in their place.
dick cries himself to sleep sometimes, terrified and afraid for his timmy. he's seen the things that sick and depraved people do to children. bruce starts keeping the cases away from dick once he sees what they do to him but dick still seeks them out.
every pedophile, molester, pervert, murderer, or kidnapper could be a lead to tim.
years pass.
the hole in dick's chest never stitches closed. it always feels as fresh as the day he realized no one knew where timmy was. sometimes dick has good days. days where he's so happy he almost forgets. but then other days he can't even get out bed, the pain is just too much to bear.
dick becomes a hero. he meets magic users, heroes with abilties, a man who can identify anyone in the world by just their heartbeat.
dick has the resources to find tim now. he tries.
more dead ends.
dick's not in a good place when jason comes into the picture. he's just off another failed attempt to use his blood to find and locate any close relatives with zatanna.
robin. his colors. dedicated to his family. colors that tim would know to trust if he ever saw them. even if he was just a baby when it happened dick was absolutely certain tim would recognize the colors from the suits his parents and brother wore when they performed.
dick's not proud of how he reacts. there was no way jason knew the meaning or significance behind that suit.
he yells at him regardless. he screams at bruce as well. because he knew. he fucking knew what that suit meant to him.
dick throws himself into looking for tim with a new fervor because fuck bruce fuck bruce fuck bruce. dick will find his real family.
jason dies. in his colors.
dick has lost yet another brother. the pain brings him to his knees when he hears.
dick is distant from bruce afterward. he stays in san francisco with the titans.
until a little thing squirms in close.
dick doesn't hear his soft voice and gentle pleading at first. he just stares at his face. those long lashes, dark hair, and blue eyes. sweet button nose and perfect peachy lips.
his name is tim. dick tries his best not to let the pain of that name show on his face.
dick's had years of practice.
tim talks about...that night. how his parents took to the circus, how he saw dick's flip, how he recognized it on the news years later.
tim becomes the new robin. dick tries to do for tim what he didn't do for jason but it's..hard.
a boy with dark hair whose name is 'tim' wearing that suit and those colors.
dick catches himself falling into a fantasy. a fake reality where tim was never taken and bruce took them both in. a reality where dick was teaching his baby timmy all the acrobatic moves that fascinated him so much.
tim is a good kid. sweet and shy. his parents are world travelers and he talks about them with so much brightness and affection even though they're gone most of the year.
"they send me presents in the mail!" tim brightly tells him when dick asks about Christmas and his birthday. he gets a saddened look for a brief moment before shaking it away. "i wish they'd stay home sometimes though, they used to do that a lot when i was smaller."
dick likes tim. after a while he barely even feels that empty twinge in his chest when he catches sight of him or hears his name.
tim is smart and clever, quick on his feet which more than makes up for his small size.
tim's also a good partner to bruce, the two of them work in tandem and develop a better dynamic than the one dick had with bruce.
tim takes good care of bruce and it lifts a weight that dick hadn't noticed he'd been carrying. dick can't be the one to lift bruce. not anymore.
dick always searches for his timmy, but just like in the beginning- there's always something that needs to be dealt with.
tim experiences problems with robin. at one point he needs to quit at his father's insistence. jack drake is a protective man.
he becomes hostile, not worried when he discovers that tim is robin. he threatens bruce, and dick, and alfred to not come near their family again.
that doesn't seem to matter because he dies soon after and leaves tim heart broken, confused, and wrangling with unsure feelings about their relationship.
so much spirals and dick cannot dedicate the time he usually does to searching for his timmy. he has a consultation with constantine that keeps getting put off when red hood and then damian enter their lives.
dick's grief is amplified by the loss of bruce and he makes mistakes.
he and tim have an odd tension between them when he returns from europe with the proof of bruce being alive.
things never quite settle to how they were before. tim doesn't trust him as much, he's wary about dick just as he is with damian and jason.
but the four of them get through it. it's slow going, they hit rough patches, they fight, they forgive.
but they're brothers.
dick doesn't talk about his timmy often. the pain of that night is unlike anything he's ever felt. dick's parents are dead and he will always carry the weight of that. but it's a different pain from what he feels for his timmy. because at least dick knows what happened to his parents.
only bruce and the people dick has reached out to in his search know about timmy.
he's not sure how they get onto the topic but jason mentions how much of a...dick dick had been when he found jason wearing his suit.
but dick apologizes.
"it's not so much that you were wearing it that made me angry but the fact that bruce handed it to you when he knew what it meant to me."
jason nodded.
"yeah he told me about your parents and the suit."
dick shook his head.
"no, it was more than that... it-"
dick takes a steadying breath before he tells them about the third victim of that night. his timmy. sweet baby timmy and how he'd been swept away just a foot away from the sound booth where someone had been minding him. how neither he nor bruce nor anyone knew what happened to him after that night.
his brother's faces go from confused to shocked.
"i...i didn't know that." jason shifted uncomfortably, looking down with furrowed brows.
haly's circus grounds had pitched a tent right outside crime alley.
as good of a job as jason had done cleaning things up, things had been horrendous back then and dick knows that the most likely theory he's developed so far is that timmy, when he was swept away with the crowd, stumbled in and was swallowed by gotham.
bodies are dragged out of the gutter every few months, fished from the harbor, or reported from homeless camps. hundreds of people die unindentified in gotham every year and as much as dick wanted to believe that tim was alive...chances are he was one of them.
the thought never fails to bring tears to dick's eyes. he wipes them away discretely and clears his throat while his brothers avert their eyes.
"you've never found evidence of what happened to him?" damian asked, eyes oddly intense. dick knew damian had a fondeness for him and appreciated the concern and likely determination his younger brother had at helping dick with this.
dick shook his head.
"me and bruce reviewed the files so many times i have it memorized. no security camera, no witnesses, nobody ever came forward."
flyers and missing person's posters had covered gotham for four months. before they'd been replaced by another person. dick was lucky that bruce had kept paying for people to keep printing and putting up flyers.
tim's brows were furrowed.
"what was his name?" he asked, voice soft and comforting. two other sets of eyes flickered to dick with thinly veiled interest and dick bit back the startled choked sob that almost left his mouth.
"his uh.." dick sniffled, "his name was timmy." dick's voice cracked and he couldn't hold back the fresh wave of tears that burned like they were made of vodka.
tim's forehead creased in guilt.
"n-no tim, it's okay!" dick insisted knowing his younger brother's tendency for guilt.
"i've uh...i've had years to get used to it. when i was a kid-" dick let out a strained clucky laugh, "- i used to chase after every toddler with dark hair and i'd uhm hyperventilate if i heard the name 'tim'."
dick had been a wreck those first years. he didn't even remember his first few months at the manor and both bruce and alfred got a distant, haunted look in their eyes when dick asked about it.
dick bit his lip, and roughly wiped away another flow of tears. he hadn't wanted to ruin the mood.
jason's brows were furrowed, displeasure on his face as he probably worked through the likelihood of what had happened to dick's little brother.
"how old was he?" jason's question was thick with tension and dick felt another pulse of pain throb in his throat.
"three. he was just three."
jason cursed viciosuly.
"that's a fucking baby." he spit out. "swear if it ever find out that somebody laid their hands on the kid-"
dick swallowed back a whimper and tried to ignore the slideshow of horror that started playing behind his eyelids. damian was hesitantly patting dick's knee in comfort when-
"wait. i was three."
eyes flickered to tim whose brow was furrowed in thought.
"that day in haly's circus, it was my 3rd birthday and we got a picture with your family as a treat."
tim straightened up while damian turned to him.
"are you saying you were there that day?" damian asked, brows furrowed. jason was similarly frowning. tim turned to them both with a surprised expression.
"uh yeah? i mean i told dick and bruce about it, it was how i found out they were batman and robin, the day at haly's cicus was like my earliest memory."
tim shook his head for a moment before turning back to dick, an analytical look in his eye. it was the same look he got when he found a break in a case.
"i have a picture." tim's lips spread into an eager smile. "it caught a good amount of the crowd because the line was right behind us! if we can track down even a few of them we've got a good pool to start with!"
tim was up and pushing to his feet, darting out and likely racing to his room where he kept a bunch of his his from his old house.
dick felt a ball form in his throat.
"bruce and i were never able to track down anyone who'd been there that night."
a few dozen people had tried filing lawsuits against haly's circus for emotional damages for what they witnessed but it was gotham and unless you were willing to pay for your case to be seen by a judge it was all thrown out.
both jason and damian straightened up at dick's words and all three of them turned when a widely grinning tim carried in a blue photo album. he opened to the first page.
"right here!"
dick barely covered his mouth to muffle the sob that burst out.
timmy. it was his timmy.
held in the arms of a broad-shouldered man that dick instantly realized was jack drake.
but that wasn't what mattered. what mattered was the toddler in his arms whose mouth was stained blue from cotton candy.
"oh timmy, there you are-" dick felt his tears blur his vision as he shakily stroked a finger against the soft curve of that chubby cheek he'd kissed so much.
dick sniffled and let out a shaky cry as he stared at that picture. the last picture of his sweet baby timmy alive.
tim was right about the line of people in the background but dick was only focused on one thing.
"there's my dad," tim pointed, showing jason and damian who were also crowded around the album, "there's my mom, and there's me."
tim pressed a finger to dick's timmy.
dick frowned.
three pairs of eyes turned to a frowning dick.
"no, that's not you."
tim frowned.
"uh..yeah it is dick? see, that's my dad, that's my mom and there I-"
"no." dick stressed the word. "that's timmy, that's my timmy. i remember that night! this couple took a picture with us and wanted timmy in the photo, mom was upset that they picked him up without permission, she told me drop him off with dan right after."
dick pointed to how upset his mom was, a small bit of tension in her brow. dick's dad's eyes were pointed away from the camera but still smiling, although tightly. and timmy, who was confusedly looking at the stranger holding him.
when dick looked back up all three of his brothers were staring at him, thin veils of concern in their eyes.
"uh...dick," jason began slowly, "that's pretty clearly tim."
tim shifted. his face flashed with discomfort as dick flickered over to him.
"i mean...it was a pretty bad night for you." tim began "it's understandable if you...don't remember things perfectly-"
no. no. dick knew exactly what happened that night. he remembered every detail. some people's memories faded by not dick's.
he remembered timmy's candy sweet breath, remembered dropping him off with dan, kissing his nose, and promising him another-
"you promised me a quadruple somersault, remember?"
dick froze. his guts suddenly clenched oddly as tim's big blue eyes stared at him with some sympathy as he tried to 'jog' dick's memory.
dick stared at tim.
really stared at him.
he took in his eyes, his lips, nose, his eyelashes. looking at tim had hurt in the beginning, he was so soft and young. he looked like-
"timmy." dick breathed. "timmy"
dick didn't notice he crawled over the photo album between them until tim let out a startled noise as dick wrapped both arms around his shoulder.
"timmy, i-it is you o-oh shut, holy fuck, oh my god- here, let me look at you-"
tim's eyes were wide staring up at dick.
"timmy." dick breathed breathlessly. "i found you."
they freak out. dick's brothers are sure that he's lost it and they keep glancing over at dick as he's strapped down in the medbay.
bruce is frowning down at the photo album in his hands.
"-might have gotten dosed? or hit his head? or maybe just talking about it made him...uhm-"
"tim's trying to say he thinks dick snapped."
jason is tense standing beside tim and dick who's tied down to a gurney. he'd been the one to pry dick off of tim even though dick clearly hadn't wanted to.
jason had scratches on his arm, some of which were sluggishly bleeding.
"this is jack and janet." bruce said. "and you're say that dick thinks this-" he points at the cotton candy-stained baby. "-is his brother."
tim nods uneasily before listing more suggestions, that perhaps because tim is in the appropriate age range that dick is just projecting memories, maybe the pain of remembering has forced him to cope by seeing his brother where he isn't.
damian remains silent, staring down at the photo album. he hasn't said a word so far until-
"why are there only two tickets?"
a pair of tickets printed with 'admit one' are pressed into the protective sleeve beside the picture.
"a family of three attended the circus that day so why are there only two tickets?"
tim stared at damian blankly.
"i was a kid damian, some places admit people under a certain age range for free."
"not haly's circus." bruce interjected. "it's a production geared towards children, they'd lose a lot of profit if they didn't charge the kids."
tim turned his eyes to bruce, expression blank.
"are there no other baby pictures of you drake?" damian asked, ripping the book from bruce's hands. no one said anything. "the cover says 'my first memory book' and yet the first page starts with a picture of you at the circus of all places."
tim's jaw tightened.
"i don't like what you're implying." tim's words were tense.
damian's eyes flickered up to him.
"and what am i implying, drake?"
tim's teeth clenched, and he breathed harshly through his nose.
"if you must know, i wasn't, stictly speaking, born in the U.S"
bruce turned to look at him, eyes narrowed on him even from behind the cowl.
"you have a U.S birth certificate, a social security, i saw nothing in your documents that-"
"my parents paid for some...expedited paperwork. i'm not sure it was fully legal but customs wouldn't let them back into the country with me unless i had a U.S passport so..."
tim shrugged.
"i was already a year or something old by that point and digital cameras didn't exactly exist yet so no baby pictures."
tim shot damian a narrow eyed look.
"is that a good enough explanation for you?"
damian glared at him.
"your birthday is coincidentally the day that grayson's sibling disappeared, that's not odd to you detective?" the way damian said detective edged a little too close to mocking.
bruce frowned at him.
damian cut his father off.
"by your own mouth you admit that your earliest memory is seeing the flying grayson's perish, that's not odd to you?"
"hey demon-"
jason was similarly ignored as damian flipped the album around and lifted it close enough to tim's face that he couldn't look away.
"and it's not odd to you that your parents were seated at R-34 and R-35, four feet away from the sound booth that timothy grayson disappeared from?"
damian went down like a sack of rocks from the force of tim's sudden punch.
both bruce and jason let out similar shouts.
scoldings were on the edge of bruce's tongue, his hand reaching out to grab tim and ask what he thought he was doing when tim was suddenly yanked back with a startled yelp into dick's arms.
"don't even think about it!" dick half turned away from the three of them, body covering tim's as a snarl creeped on his face. "don't you dare lay a hand on timmy! he's a good boy!"
dick's eyes were dark as they glared at bruce. glared at him like he was...a threat.
a dna test confirms it all quickly.
tim is devastated. inconsolable. he locks himself in his room and dick stands outside of it, begging for timmy to let him in.
bruce can't get an inch close without dick's head whipping around to face him and barking at him to back off.
both jason and damian were similarly treated and bruce laid a comforting hand on damian's shoulder when he saw his expression crease in hurt at the rejection.
not even alfred could get more a few feet away before dick eyed him with suspicion.
the only reason that dick hasn't barged into the room is because he can hear that tim is on the other side crying. that's the only thing stopping him because bruce is certain that he'd be inside with him otherwise.
bruce understands the behavior. he knows it's rooted in over a decade worth of nightmares, fears, and imagining the worst-case scenario for that little baby dick lost.
still. it hurts to be treated with such blatent suspicion and distrust.
"sickos." jason shakes his head beside bruce, scowling down at tim's birth certificate with the day he was taken as his date of birth. "what kind of pieces of shit do this?"
bruce asks himself that question every night. he and jason are doing a bit of a dive into jack and janet. they're both long dead so there's no chance of ever bringing them to justice but...it's good to get perspective on their son and brother's kidnappers.
the more bruce looks the worse it looks.
"look at this shit," jason hands him a print out of jack and janet's financials from one of the many boxes that tim had pulled out into the hall when he though he was going to help break the case of dick grayson's missing baby brother.
hypnotherapists, electroconvulsive therapy, and child psychologists. office visits and billings for sessions that were paid in cash and off the record.
"they put a toddler through ECT." jason's grip on the paper tightened and bruce's chest felt much the same.
he knew there was a gap in tim's memory. he'd learned about it the first day he'd met him. he'd thought it a bit strange but never lent much thought to it.
tim's first memory had been when he was 3. it'd been the night at haly's circus. his next memory had been when he was 9, the night that he saw dick perform the quadruple somersault on the news and discovered his identity as robin and bruce's as batman.
6 years in a dissociative state was sign of massive mental trauma.
tim had no memory of life before batman. he had no memory of life beyond robin.
dick holds his timmy tenderly, as soft as he used to. his timmy has grown bigger, so much bigger.
he's shaking like a leaf in the wind as dick holds him.
he whimpers like a hurt dog at every stroke dick passes through his hair. he's buried under his blankets while dick lays on top of his bed and tries to soothe hust like he used to on the night there were thunderstorms and timmy would run to dick instead of their mom and dad.
"i'm here now timmy, it's okay, it's okay now i promise nothing bad will ever happen you you again-"
timmy sobbed.
the sound stuck a dagger through dick's heart and he crawled closer, hugging the lump that was his baby brother.
"i'm sorry, timmy-" dick rubbed his forehead against where the crying was coming from. "i looked for you, i looked for you everyday i'm so sorry that i let those horrible people take you."
there was a lump in dick's throat that burned like he'd swallowed vinegar. rage unlike anything he'd ever felt before pulsed through him when he realized that jack and janet were the couple that had creeped out his parents. they were the ones who had taken his timmy.
what had they done to him in that time? dick can't even imagine the horrible things that'd been done tim, things he'd kept silent about because he'd spent the last few years in bruce's care and he hadn't felt anything off.
not one thing.
dick could've had timmy back years ago. he could've been helping his sweet baby learn to be soft again, to open up just like the darling little flower he'd been when he chased after dick like a little duckling.
tim was secretive. tim kept a lot to himself and pulled away from people. he was nervous about attention and didn't like to be put into situations he couldn't control.
dick's timmy hadn't been like that. dick's timmy had been tender. he'd laughed out loud and pressed kisses to dick's cheeks while asking him to play with him and begging him to teach him how to fly.
but bruce had dropped the ball. 'world's greatest detective' dick's ass.
bruce had hurt tim as well. as robin. jason too, he'd slit his throat, he'd nearly killed him and damian...if help had gotten to tim to late he could've bled out.
timmy wasn't safe here. not with these people.
dick had lost part of himself that day. that horrible day.
and now timmy was here, in his arms again.
and he'd grown up so beautifully. his features are soft and dick can see the hint of their mom in timmy's lips and eyelashes.
they both share the same coloring as their dad.
staring down at teary eyes and dick can even scout out a few features he shares with dick. they have the same small ears and high cheekbones. tim's much smaller. not as muscular or tall as dick. he got mom's height it looks like.
dick tightened his grip on tim's hips, squeezing them in comfort as tim sniffled while staring up at him with tearful eyes.
"oh timmy." dick nuzzled their foreheads together, just like he did when they were young. when they were both innocent and unscarred.
tim whimpered and dick pressed gentle kisses to tim's soft cheeks and brows.
one on his left cheek, one on his forehead, one on his right cheek, one on his nose, and one on his lips.
just like when they were kids.
timmy would always giggle when dick did that and press his face up to kiss him back. as the youngest members of the troupe and the only children, the two of them had really only had each other for company.
when timmy had disappeared he'd taken half of dick's heart. half of his soul.
now they were together again and dick could start rebuilding.
"it's you and me timmy," dick whispered against his lips. "just you and me."
dick would never let anything happen to timmy ever again.
a knock echoed from the door that dick had locked behind him when he slipped in.
dick turned his head and stared as the brass doorknob tried to turn with a chair propped under it.
dick was going to look out for timmy from now on.
nothing and no one would ever touch him again.
another knock followed the call of his name.
dick stayed quiet. answering didn't matter. the people on the other side of the door didn't matter.
all that mattered was timmy.
dick could hear his baby timmy's sweet voice in his head again. usually, that only happened when he was alone.
"yes? timmy"
'we stayin towgehder?'
dick nodded.
"yes baby, we are."
timmy shifted under him, making a soft noise.
'like-like mommy an daddy, dickie?'
"yes timmy, just like mommy and daddy."
an angel's giggle rang in dick's ear as he pressed a kiss to timmy's soft forehead. timmy used to love their pretend weddings, draping a sheet over his face like a veil and waiting for dick to lift it up and kiss the bride.
timmy used to cheerfully tell their parents and the other performers that he and dickie were going to get married when he grew up.
they'd all coo and pinch his cheeks because tim was every inch adorable as a baby could be.
dick could still see the image in his head. little chubby hands holding a bundle of fake flowers usually kept in a vase as a bedsheet covered tim's head like he was a ghost.
'you gon kiss me, dickie?'
dick carefully peeled back the sheets covering tim's face, exposing his red face and tear-streaked cheeks. his puffy stared back at dick with misery thick in his expression.
dick leaned down.
'noooo! you gotta say 'i do'! dickie you gotta!'
"i do." dick pressed his mouth to tim's, humming in contentment as some ripped, raw edge of himself began to stitch itself back together. tim's lips tasted salty from his tears. he made a muffled 'mph' sound as dick pressed closer, letting his vody cover tim's.
'i do' dick thought. 'i do i do i do'.
he pulled away with a quiet 'smeck', staring down at tim's hazy expression and starlight eyes. tim's mouth was slightly open, exposing the pink waterline of his little mouth.
"till death do us part baby brother."
and dick leaned down again.
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