#I'll go write it it's a fun story I just keep getting distracted
You seem like an incredibly well read person, plus someone with a lot of insight into intimacy because of your work. So, in light of your romance book reviews, which are an absolute highlight on your patreon, do you have any insight into what is needed/suggested for a good romance novel?
g o d this is so fucking hard and also really fun to chew on. I want to preface this by saying this is ENTIRELY subjective and based completely on what I *PERSONALLY* find that I enjoy in a romance. this isn't, like, an objective guide on how to write a romance that doesn't suck. that doesn't exist because people like different things, and I'm speaking from one perspective.
also I should say that my preferred flavor of romance novel is solidly contemporary. I haven't read many historicals, certainly not enough to opine well on them, I don't do those mafia dark romances or whatever the fuck, and I've barely dabbled at all in any kind of fantasy romance, whether they're full high fantasy or witchy urban fantasy stories. (although I'm about to do one of the latter next month, you can vote for a book on my patreon rn!)
having gotten all of those caveats out of the way, here's some shit I like and dislike:
there are exceptions to this but broadly, I prefer a POV for everyone involved in the relationship. to me a romance where we're only seeing events from the POV of one member of the relationship automatically makes it seem like one person matters more in a dynamic where everyone should be of equal importance. also, god, if the plot's really going to hinge on not knowing what's going on in one partner's head suggests that miscommunication is going to be a pretty critical part of the plot, and I hate that shit. TALK TO EACH OTHER. I'LL KILL YOU.
on that note, there needs to be an actual compelling reason why the characters can't be together, okay? the #1 driving tension of every romance is "why the fuck can't they be together yet" and you BETTER have a good answer. whether it's interpersonal or external forces, if there's a very easy solution to what's keeping them apart then your characters look dumb and I'm bored. one of the most frustrating romances I've ever read involved two characters who were mutually attracted to each from the JUMP, who refused to act on it because they were coworkers (neither of them in any position of authority of the other, nothing unprofessional or inappropriate about it) and they were "only" living in the same state for A YEAR. A FULL YEAR !!! shut up. get a grip and kiss each other.
now, having said that: whatever your bullshit reason is for these two characters to be interacting with each other, you need to COMMIT to that shit so hard that I, the reader, will feel silly for even questioning the logic. the worst offender I've ever seen on this front is D'Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding, which pulls its protagonists together via a reality TV competition and then just... promptly loses any interest in really dealing with the actual realities of being filmed 24/7? it's insanely distracting how little the book engages with its central hook, and was a huge point deduction for me. whereas you have, like, The Bride Test, a book with a premise that skirts dangerously close to a little bit of human trafficking but embraces the whole premise so wholeheartedly that you completely forget about the potentially horrific elements in there. who cares that Esme was bribed here with the promise of a green card if she seduces a man she's never met? there's whimsy happening! we've moved on! it's literally fine and she's in no danger except the danger of a BROKEN HEART.
this one is going to seem SO obvious but like. I need them to be actually like each other. I'm not saying they can't be mutually bitchy while they grow to like each other or anything, they don't have to always be NICE to each other, but there are so many M/F romances where the dude is just flat out fucking MEAN and condescending to the girl until he decides he wants to fuck her. and sometimes even after that! stop it! after a certain point I don't want her to fuck him I want her to run him over a car!!!! there's suuuuch a line between "guy I butt heads and exchange banter with but could fuck if we just got to know each other" and "man who hates me and is for real fucking bullying me."
"kisses only," "doors closed," whatever term they use for a romance novel without any sex scenes on page, I don't like it. listen: I know that they're not everybody's cup of tea, and I FULLY recognize that a lot of romance novel sex scenes are unfathomably cringe. and yet, I need them. partly because they're funny, but also because if this book wants me to be invested in the developing relationship between two adults who are supposed to be WILDLY sexually attracted to each other, then I want to see the damn sex. no matter how many bad similes or unfortunate adjectives it entails. and if you're not going to show me the sex, don't you dare have the characters gushing about how great it is. I'll be the judge of that, thank you very much. (I'm looking at you, Sorry, Bro.)
related: there's this thing that I call "Horny Wolf Syndrome," which is derived from this tweet:
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initially I used it to refer to when previously sweet-tempered male romance protags inexplicably started talking like horny wovles during sex scenes - "LET ME SEE YOUR PRETTY CUNT ON MY COCK" and the like - but now I more generally use it to refer to scenarios in which characters of any gender completely dispense with their established personality while they fuck in order to fulfill a more broadly appealing, one-size-fits-all sexual fantasy. I hate that shit; if your characters act like completely unrecognizable people during sex, you didn't write very strong characters. one of my favorite things about writing sex scenes is that it's so SO interesting to see how their the characters' personal quirks translate into a setting that's very different from most other contexts, and it's deeply disappointing when authors take the easy route in favor of some pornhub dialogue.
one of the things that actually won my most recent read, Raiders of the Lost Heart, a HUGE amount of points with me was how frank the female lead was about initiating sex for the first time. it was completely in character for her and felt really different than any other book I've read, and honestly? it was a breath of fresh air.
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quintinh43 · 6 months
a blurb/fic of Quinn and elem school teacher and them “fighting” over paying for something!
Thank you for requesting, I had so much fun writing this 🥰
It was an unnaturally hot day in mid-April in Vancouver. People were treating it as of was a summer day in July. Everyone was out in shorts and dresses, having picnics or tanning, or swimming in spring chilled water of the Pacific.
You and Quinn were no exception. The beautiful day had coordinated with one of Quinns' rest days, which had all miraculously fallen on a Saturday. Meaning you didn't have to work. All in all, it was a very happy coincidence that you and Quinn decided to take full advantage of.
Quinn had proposed going out for breakfast, which had turned into going out for brunch because Quinn kept getting distracted by how gorgeous you looked in your floral printed sundress. He had eventually just tossed you onto the couch, bunched your dress around your hips, and ate you out till you were shaking beneath him.
Brunch was amazing. Quinn took you to an outdoor rooftop restaurant that served the best waffles you had ever eaten. When you leaned across the table with a piece of waffle on your fork for Quinn to try, he grinned and winked at you as he closed his lips over the fork suggestively.
Your cheeks flush all the way down to your chest and it made Quinn's grin grow even wider. After brunch the two of you decide to walk the coastline. You hand is wrapped around Quinn's arm as the two of you walk the park, playing the game of trying to decipher the detailed life stories of strangers.
"Oh, ice cream!" You jump excitedly pointing at the ice cream stand that has a long line, "please, Quinn, can we?" You ask, eyes glittering with hope.
Quinn chuckles, "of course we can baby," he says pressing a kiss to your forehead. It's the moments like this that make him wonder why it took him so long to tell you he loved you.
You tug him over the the line, chattering excitedly about the prospective flavours. Where you were always down to try a new flavour, Quinn stuck with what he liked. He would never tell you, but one of the reasons he did it was so if you were disappointed in the flavour you got, he would trade with you because he knew you also liked his flavour.
"Ooh Quinn! I think they have raspberry white chocolate!" You grin shaking his arm eagerly.
"That what you gonna get?" He asks, unable to keep the smile off his face. Seeing you happy makes him happy. And with the combination of the sunny weather, he can't keep the smile off his face.
"I don't know yet, I'll decide when we get there. What are you getting?"
"Take a wild guess," he snorts, flicking you in the forehead.
"Meanie," you huff, bumping his chin with your head playfully.
Soon enough it's your turn to order, "I'll have a scoop of strawberry cheesecake in a waffle cone, and he'll have a scoop of cookie dough in a waffle cone as well, please."
The poor teenage girl who looks like she hates her life, scribbles down your order with a nod. You shuffle around your purse for your card, but Quinn is already slapping a twenty dollar bill on the counter.
You snatch it off the counter quickly with a glare, and slap your card in its place. Quinn grabs your card off the table and replaces it with another bill thats gone just as fast as the first one. The girl looks ready to strangle you both. Quinn pulls out another twenty, and half wrestles you out of the way while he hands it to the girl directly.
"Keep the change," he mumbles apologetically, dragging you out of line to wait for your ice cream.
"Quinn," you turn on him with a glare, "what was that for?"
Quinn plays confused, "What do you mean?"
"I was going to pay!" You huff, crossing your arms over your chest. Quinn rolls his eyes, mimicking your position.
"Babe, please, not this again." He groans
"Quinn, I asked you to get ice cream, that means I have to pay." You grumble.
"I say this with all my love babe," Quinn says squishing your cheeks between his calloused palms, "That's a stupid fucking rule. I'm your boyfriend, I'm always gonna pay."
"But I don't want-"
"I have a strawberry cheese cake, and a cookie dough in waffle cones?" The girl calls out, cutting your arguemnt short.
You smile, at her thankfully while Quinn grabs the ice cream. He hands you yours and slings his arm over your shoulders as the two of you continue your walk.
"Why does it bother you so much when I pay for things?" Quinn asks seriously, taking a lick of his ice cream.
"I'm a grown adult." You say grumpily, "I can pay for my own things."
Quinn flicks your ear, "Don't give me that bullshit. Tell me why it bothers you so much."
"I feel bad," you mumble.
"Why do you feel bad?" Quinn pushes, offering you a lick of his ice cream. You take it gratefully, offering yours in return. Quinn happily takes a lick, humming in approval.
"Dunno, I just do" You shrug, "I don't want you wasting your money on me."
Quinn looks slightly offended "Baby, its not a waste. I love paying for you. If you wouldn't kill me for it do you know how long ago I would've given you a credit card on my account?"
"Oh God, please never do that," you groan, covering your face with your free hand.
"You still haven't given me a real reason as to why you don't like it when I pay." He says again, fingers tracing comforting shapes on your collarbones.
You sigh, head dropping against his shoulder, "I don't want everyone to see me as a the girl who's with you cause of your money."
Quinn looks at you incredulously, "are you serious?"
You nod sheepishly.
"Babe, who gives a fuck what random strangers think? You're my girl, I wanna spoil you in every way possible."
"I know, I know, but for some reason, it really gets to me." You sigh.
"Well, you'd better stop letting it get to you because I'm paying for everything for the rest of our lives," Quinn says dramatically.
You snort, elbowing him in the ribs lightly, "ok, hot shot."
"Seriously baby, if that's the only reason, don't let it bother you."
"I'll try," you say, taking a bite of your cone.
"You'd better." He says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Suddenly, there's something cold sliding down your cheek. You can help but screech, jumping away from Quinn. He's laughing as you thumb a glob of cookie dough ice cream off your face.
"How dare you!" You gasp, licking the ice cream off your thumb. You dip your finger into your ice cream to retaliate, but before you can wipe it on his face, he's grabbing your wrist and sucking your ice cream coated ginger into his mouth. Your brain short-circuits, cheeks turning a brilliant shade of red.
Quinn smirks around your finger and lets it fall from his lips. "What's wrong, baby?" He teases, like he didn't just do what he did in public.
"You are so bad," you mutter, still blushing.
"Only for you baby," he grins, pressing a kiss to the side of your head, "only for you."
A blurb from this universe
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Do you have any advice for writing with adhd? I can craft these elaborate storyline in my head, but the minute I try to write any of them down I get bored. (Or is that just regular writer block?) It's really discouraging, because I feel like my mind is moving faster then my head, and any time I try to bring any of my ideas to life it just disipates.
Writing with ADHD: 5 Game Changers for Me
Here are some things that have been game changers for me as a writer with ADHD: [Edit: everyone's ADHD is different. This is just what works for me. It may not work for you...]
Planning: It's different for everyone with ADHD, but for me it's essential to spend time planning my story before I start writing. I like to flesh out as much as possible concerning plot, timeline, setting, world, characters and arcs, subplots, and themes.
Summary, Outline, and Scene List: Three items that are critical for me to have in hand before I sit down to write are a beginning to end summary of the story detailing all plot events as far as I know, an outline loosely based on the story structure template/s that feel right for the story (for example, I may use elements of Save the Cat! and some elements of of the Six-Stage Plot Structure), which helps me navigate my plot and hit the relevant plot points. And finally, I need a detailed scene list/timeline combo which lists chapter, scene, date/time, POV character, location, and a one to two sentence summary of what happens in the scene, including the character's goal in the scene, the scene's conflict, and the scene's resolution or how it carries into a later scene.
Gamifying: When I'm struggling with a particular time period or project, it can help me to gamify things. You can do this using a game board strategy, the Yahtzee Method, making a list of bench marks that serve as "levels," race against yourself by trying to bet the previous day's goal, etc. The key to gamifying is to set reasonable benchmarks and give yourself periodic rewards. Rewards can be anything from buying yourself a boba, watching a favorite TV show episode, an hour of playing your favorite game, or going to a movie. Some people like to go to the dollar store and buy a lot of small fun things and use those as rewards. Whatever works for you! Sometimes, turning it into a game with tangible progress and rewards can keep you motivated.
Setting Up a Routine: Although I have my general daily routine, I am without a doubt more productive when I can stick to a more specific routine that includes writing time. For me that works out to writing early in the day before other distractions start ramping up. When I put on my music, sit down with some coffee and a snack, and pull up my manuscript, my brain knows it's time to get to work. That doesn't always mean the work happens, but it's much more likely I'll get something done.
Minimizing Distractions: Anything that can be a distraction when I write is problematic. For that reason, I only listen to music without words and advertising. I turn off my phone or leave it in the other room. If possible, I try to use placeholders for things I need to look up. If I absolutely have to look something up and I get distracted by headlines, interesting articles or videos, or other things, I bookmark them in a special folder and immediately close the window. That way, I know I can go back to them later (I almost never do...) And, for me, as much as I love Scrivener and the ability to organize by chapter, have quick access to character profiles and photos, toggle between scene cards and my story... it's just too distracting for me. I'll sit down to write a chapter, then decide I need to re-do my scene cards, or cast characters, or do mood boards for every location in my story.
For that reason, writing in Word works best [for me] It's simple and there's nothing to distract me. Any story references I might need while writing, such as character profiles and photos, mood boards and aesthetics, setting inspiration photos, etc. are all organized in a special folder, categorized into sub-folders, so I can go straight to the required reference.
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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no-nameno-face · 1 year
Taken Care Of Audio (read story first)
Pairing: Reader x Ellie Williams
Summary: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, minors do not interact. You will be blocked. Ellies had a long, hard day on patrol, and after stitching her up she requests some TLC. 
Warnings: Smut heavy, sub!reader, dom!ellie, face riding (E!receiving), oral (E!receiving), masturbation (R!), cum eating (kinda)? Praise kink, minor blood kink, pain kink, stitches, boob play (E!receiving), first time smut writing, did not proof read (but probably should have...)
Author's Notes: Soooo I've never written smut before, lmfao. I made the audio first, for my thirsty Ellie girls on tiktok but this audio got a bit… out of hand (wayyy too graphic) so I didn't want to post it on there. I had a whole scenario in mind with the audio so I figured I might as well write it down and share it here. I am also very obsessed with Ellie receiving so I subconsciously brought that to life while editing the audio. I know it's not great, but it was very fun to make and write soo.. Please be nice to me, I'm sensitive. Lol. (I put in the story when the audio clip applies, the story starts with context) I’d like to improve my writing cause this was a good time so any advice would be appreciated!!
I hear the door downstairs creak open and shut, a bit louder than normal. I can track the footsteps marching to the stairs and I listen with a small smile as the thuds make their way up. I hear soft profanities getting closer. Ellie is home. 
Sitting on our bed I turn my head right in time to see the door open, grinning at her as she walks in. She has that crease in her brow that I recognize as her tell-tell sign that she had a shit day. She shoots me a sly glance before looking away to take her flannel off leaving her in a white tank, dirty and disheveled she pulls it over her head. 
My eyes trace down her back, scarred and bruised. Muscular, and toned. Heart flutters, and a familiar heat builds. It's crazy how after all these years just seeing her still triggers these primal feelings. She just does something to me. She always has. My eyes stop wondering when I see a deep fresh cut following the curve of her hip. 
“Shit els? What happened” I get up and pace towards her keeping my eyes on the wound. 
She bends over pulling her shoes off, losing her balance a bit and mumbling a frustrated “fuck” under her breath. Now behind her, I prod at the gash and she swears again. I can feel her flinch. 
“I'll go get the stitches, sit down.” I say pulling her to the bed. She hits the bed with a thud and leans her elbows onto her knees.Shaking her head “it's not that bad babe, im fine.” She looks up at me and gives a half-hearted smile.
“I know you're fine,” I say, giving her a gentle look “I just don't want it to get infected, okay?” 
“Anything you say doc” she says with a smirk before turning to address the cut herself. She touches it lightly and winces when her fingers make contact. I head to the bathroom across the hall from our room and grab the small white kit from the medicine cabinet, and make my way back to our room. She's still sitting at the end of the bed, now rolling her neck side to side. 
I plop on the bed behind her, “okay, are you gonna tell me what happened now?” trying to distract her as I begin stitching the gash closed. Her back flexes and I hear her sharp intake of breath. Heart flutters. 
“Fucking stalkers. I hate those things” she says, shaking her head and looking up to the ceiling. “I was on patrol,”
“With Jesse right?”
“Don't remind me,” she says with a scoff that is cut off by another huff as I add a new stitch. Damn. Every breath in sync with the sutures releases a morbid butterfly into the pit of my stomach.  “Yeah, I was on patrol with jesse. We were checking out that one restaurant by the lodge, and I found an entrance to the attic. That place has been cleared out for like forever, so I went up on my own and got jumped by a stalker.” she shrugged her shoulders. “Fucking thing nailed me into an old piece of plywood. Piece of shit.” I tie her last stitch off, and give her a gentle pat to tell her she was finished. I got up and made my way to the bathroom to put the kit back.
I turned in the doorway on my way out, “Maybe you should’ve been more careful.” She swings her head at me with squinted eyes. I shrug and turn, heading to the bathroom “just saying!” 
“Fuck off” she calls back, I lightly laugh.
Back in the bedroom, she's lying on her stomach, head resting on her hands. “And then of course Jesse had to give me a fucking lecture about not going anywhere on my own, team communication! All that bullshit.” She turns onto her side propping herself up with one arm, “I’m just so fucking over it.” she looked absolutely exasperated. Oh how I love her dramatics. I sit facing her and her free hand falls to my hip. She looks at her hand, then up to me. Those green eyes, familiar and warm. Home. I smile at her. 
“That sucks. I'm sorry. I mean Jesse should know by now, there's no getting through that thick skull of yours. What's a lecture gonna do?” I smirk at her.
“Ouch.” she sneers at me, one brow up. She lets out a quiet laugh, and looks back down to her hand on my waist. “Thanks for stitching me up babe.”
“You know I don't mind.” I say casually. She smiles, an inside joke painting a picture on the walls of her thoughts. 
“So weird that you're into that.” she chuckles
“I'm not into that.. I just..” her eyes darted to mine. My heart pounded in my ears. She's right, but it was just so blunt. “There's just something about a strong woman who needs my help.” I say fawning innocent eyes, partially joking, but subconsciously egging her on. She sees right through me.  
She raises her eyebrows, taking her hand from my hip and pushing herself up so she's sitting opposite of me. She smiles, “so stupid.” her eyes drift down to my lips, then back to me. I feel red flush my cheeks. Her gaze darkens slightly, noticing. She tilts her head looking at me. “I mean it's okay that you are, i'm not kink shaming” Her hand meets my thigh, electric, and she gives me a sideways smile. I gape at her, trying to make light of the tension building between us.
“So you like taking care of strong women? Yeah?” she says quietly with a smile in her voice as her eyes trace down my body to her hand. Her thumb started circling the sensitive skin of my inner thigh. “Funny, you're normally the one that begs to be'' she looks up at me teasingly “taken care of.” Fuck. I feel heat pool in my belly. My knees squeeze together by their own volition. She feels it and her teasing gaze turns to something else as her eyes shift to them. She bites her lip subtly. This woman. 
Her hand moves to the button of her pants, “well i did have a hard day,” she undoes it and glances at me with an evil smile. “And since you enjoy taking care of strong women” she pulled on her zipper. “Mind doing me a favor?”
Jesus Christ.
“What do you have in mind?” I say, wide eyed. I try to sound cool but my voice comes out hungry. Starved. I watch the switch flip in Ellie's eyes at my words. 
“Take your shirt off.” she demanded with raised brows, and before I could think I was pulling her baggy shirt I was lounging in over my head. I'm left sitting there topless, with nothing but my black underwear on. She rolled famished eyes over my bare skin for what seemed like an eternity. Her eyes settled back on mine. I fidgeted my hands in my lap, feeling suddenly too vulnerable. She leans in slowly without breaking eye contact and my breath catches. Inches from me she whispers “Take off my pants.” 
Immediately I am in her service, at her beck and call. She knows all she has to do is ask. I'll do anything for her. She leans back onto her hands and lifts her hips slightly as I peel her jeans down the soft, yet lean, curves of her hips. Down her thighs, over her knees, and then calves, my eyes tracing every line of her legs. I toss them on the floor, and look back up to her awaiting further instruction. Her eyes are smiling with a dark inflection. 
“Lay down.” I looked at her confused, thinking I was the one taking care of her. Her tone was not a question however, so I obliged. I centered myself on the bed and pulled the nearest pillow under my head, keeping my eyes on her as she stood up and took her white boxers off. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of her. Pretty, untamed. My knees squeeze, I don't try to hide it. She looks at them, and scans back up to my eyes. She stares into me as she walks around the bed to my side. I bite at my nail anxiously. 
“I want you to take care of me, make me feel good m’kay? Can you do that for me?” she asks with a small smile. I nod.
She looks over me once again (START OF AUDIO) “fuck, you look so pretty.” She climbs onto the bed, looking at me like prey to a predator. “Be a good girl for me” she whispers, as she swings one of her legs over my head. Shit, I get it now. Her pussy meets my lips and she lets out a soft “fuck” at my eager mouth. My arms wrap around her thighs, hands gripping soft flesh. She starts to move, pleasuring herself on my tongue. She moans softly, “needed this” she says desperately as her eyes drift close and her head drifts to the ceiling. Her taste envelopes me, her wetness growing by the second with the addition of my saliva wetting her folds. 
“Okay,” she moans, picking up her pace, grinding against my face. She looks down at me, before her eyes dart shut “There!”  I feel her body pulse at the peak of her thrusts and I know she's found her spot. Her bud flicking roughly over my tongue. “Oh shit.. There. There we go” she continues at her pace for a moment. Her pulsing getting stronger. Her eyes snap open and peer at me “Jesus, you feel so good.” she says as her head rolls back and her eyes closed again. She continues her rhythm as I pull my arm from under her leg and skim my hand up her body “okay” she says lost in the sensation. My palm cups her right breast and I squeeze impatiently, then rub a loving thumb over her nipple, circling it. “Damn… yeah” she sighs then her hand meets mine and squeezes the sensitive flesh with me “Baby just like that.” she bites her lip with a whispered “fuck” as she rides my face. 
Her moans and the graphic sound of her wetness fill the room. I reach my other hand down into my underwear and begin circling my own clit firmly, unable to avoid the tension building within my own body. “Fuck me.” she whines into the air, before looking down to me with adoring eyes, “that's my good girl.” her eyes tighten, “lets go” she whispers as she begins to grind harder and faster into my mouth. “Come on.” My hand on my core meets her pace. “Good. There. Okay. There we go” I love how she talks mindlessly when we fuck. Her voice is enough to bring me closer to my own apex. I begin moaning beneath her, unable to contain my own pleasure. She looks down at me “shhhh shh shh shh” she hushes as she pulls my hand from my aching clit before I can reach my undoing. I whimper in disappointment as she pulls my arm from beneath her leg and takes my other one from her chest before pinning them above my head in her strong hands, deepening her weight into my face. “Shut up” she corrects. 
Her rhythm continues and I can tell the new pressure she's added is building her quickly. “God damn.” she says as her eyes squeeze shut. “Okay” That same wrinkle between her eyes deepens again, this time out of pleasure. She rides harder pushing the back of my head further into the pillow. Her moans grow louder, more animalistic. her hands on my wrists tighten to the point that I am sure that there will be a mark. “Holy fuck” she gasps. She pushes hard against me and I can feel the pulse intensify, her sounds grow and grow until suddenly her hands let go of my wrists and bury deep into my hair, pushing me even further into her just at the right time when her head falls back in quiet breathy moans, she rides out her high on my mouth. Her legs shaking and clit pounding as I suck against it,  encouraging her. Tasting her. Worshiping her. She lets out a whimpering breath at the end of her climax and looks down at me beneath her. “Oh my god babe.” She slowly lifts off of my face and I see her flinch slightly at the air touching her sensitivity. She takes a breath before looking at me with a lazy smile.
 “All right. Your turn.”
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slayingfiction · 2 years
How I push through writing when I don't feel like writing.
Here are some of the techniques that I use to help me write more often or more consistantly when my laziness/depression/anxiety starts to take over.
I watch TV. I don't do it with the purpose of zoning out though. I watch something popular and well-liked such as the LOR or Harry Potter to get new ideas on how I can develop my story and apply their in-depth world-building ideas to help develop mine. Without plagarizing of course!!!!
Zoning out and daydreaming. As I have mentionned before, daydreaming is a huge part of my story outlining and world-building process. I'll stand in the shower, or take a walk and think about how my charcaters would act/react/behave in situations, mundane or not. Doing this gives me a better sense of my characters, and sometimes gives me ideas for scenes I use later on.
Work on writing related projects. These work well at keeping me distracted while still being productive on my writing goals. Example, I have one story I am working now, I made a new language (alphabet and numbers included) to include as a cool and fun component for the book. So, at times when I don't wan't to write, I continue creating the dictionary (very fun, 8/10 would recommend). Also, for the same book, my characters don't work off the Georigian calendar and 24 hour clock, so I've been working at creating a new calendar (harder than it seems, 2.5/10 dont recommend). These are side projects that help my story, without having to write.
Reading. You saw this one coming, I know. Reading is great, especially when you're editing, your writing style will unconsciously change to be more similar the author you were just reading. Also, most importantly, I'll be reading and think, "this story is really good, but you know what story I like even better? Mine." then change to writing.
This one is my biggest life saver!! I learnt about a year ago that sometimes I'll get bored of writing a story, and have difficulty keeping on track. That's why I finished my first book in 2016 and just started editing the first draft last week. The solution for me was to work on multiple projects at once, because it was much harder to be bored of multiple stories. I stick to 2, but will sometimes add a third. This is easy for me, because I have a list of over a dozen series I want to write. Don't abandon one project for another, use them as a distraction/ motivation for each other, so you're always furthering at least one project. I've never heard someone say, "oh no, i accidentally worked on this other writing project for three months instead of the other writing project I was doing. Dammit." No, we're just happy we have written something. Be sure to have well outlined story lines before starting, don't just start writing randomly or you'll reach a point where you don't know where to go from there.
Author/ writer projects. Maybe this is building a following, or community to share your projects and engage with. Tumblr, Insta, Reddit, whatever it is. My hope this year is to start up my website to offer publishing services (editing, graphic design, short writing courses) and build a following as a writer. (See what I did there? Never a bad time to self-promote ;) ) Having your own projects like this will help you in the future when you're going to try to publish and sell your books!
Talk with friends and a writing community. Never underestimate the passion that will burn inside you when talking about your story, or when others are talking about theirs. Surrounding yourself with a positive writing community can be the best thing for you as a writer.
Write or read (your story) every day. I'm not going to be one of those people that say you need to write 1000 words a day, that's a lot. But maybe try for 100? That could maybe only take 5 minutes, and at the end of the year that's still over 36 thousand words of a novel. Or just read your story, and I've always found it helped me get in the creative mood.
Make a playlist of songs that remind you of your characters, your story, or just puts you in the mood to write. Then play it ONLY when you're having trouble writing. Playing it while writing will not help, you'll get annoyed with the songs.
Just really can't do it today? That's okay, take a break. You deserve it. There's always tomorrow.
Does anyone else have ways they push themselves to keep writing? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Writing!
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hippiegoth97 · 5 months
Into the Fire: An Eddie Munson x Reader Story Pt. 3
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Collage by me :)
Pt. 2
Tag List: @rafescurtainbangz @voyeurmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @mediocredreams
@slowandsteddie @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
@eddie-van-munson @msgexymunson @munsoneightysixx @impmunson @mysticalstar30
@jenniquinn @oneforthemunny @succubusmunson @ddeadly-succubus @prettyboyeddiemunson
@sanctumdemunson @stalactitekilla @s6raphic @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne
@ohmeg @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever @ahoyyharrington @micheledawn1975
@costellation-hunter @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @yourdailymemedelivery @spacedoutdaydreamer
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: Swearing, smoking, light smut, drug use, angst, anxiety, mentions of vomit
Word Count: 4.8k
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Divider by @strangergraphics
Part 3: Get Nervous
Sunday, March 12th, 1989
Sunday. Fucking Sunday. You've been dreading this all weekend. It’s the final day of the Hellfire Club campaign, and you also have a paper due for biology. You didn't mean to put it off, but a certain sexy metalhead has distracted you this entire time. You don't blame him, you didn't tell him you had homework. You're sure if you just said so that he would've let you focus. Given the length required for your paper, you decide to tell Eddie you can't sit in today. You don't want to spend all night rushing your work. You could easily write a passable essay over the course of the day.
"What do you mean you can't watch the end?" Eddie asks, surprised you'd deny him your company.
"It's nothing personal, baby. I promise. I just have a big essay due tomorrow. I should've mentioned it earlier, but I didn't want to ruin our fun. Though I think I've done that now anyway." You look down at your hands, leaning against the entry to the livingroom. Eddie's standing close to you, playing about with the hem of your shirt to tease you. He lifts your chin up with his finger.
"It's no problem, angel. I understand." He smiles kindly at you, but his eyes still read as hurt. He knows you'd sit in if you could, but he can't say he won't be missing you the whole time. Even though you're just going to be down the hall, all he'll want to do is run to you and never let go. "Who knows, maybe you'll finish early, hm? And then you can come see me." He says lowly, leaning down for a kiss. Your lips meet, and you wrap your arms around him. You pull him close, moving your mouth against his gently. He's so addictive, the taste of tobacco on his tongue makes you want to never stop kissing him. But it’s already 11am, you'd all slept in late so you have to get moving.
You break away from him, and he whines. "Eddie, relax. I just need time to write a decent paper so I don't fail, okay?" He nods, pouting playfully. "Believe me, I'd rather spend the day with you. But I can't let my grades slip. If I do, Mom will have a cow. And then she might not be so keen on me seeing you." You poke a finger into his chest.
"Are you saying I'm a bad influence, baby?" Eddie asks slyly. He enjoys being a rebel just a little too much sometimes. You roll your eyes.
"You just might be, Munson. Now come on, go tend to your club. And I'll be in my room. You can come check in on me when you're done if I haven't finished yet." You give him another quick kiss, and turn away to go work on your paper. You hear him let out an annoyed sigh, rolling your eyes again at him being so childish. You walk into your room, already regretting sticking to your guns about your assignment. You close the door, but leave it unlocked in case Eddie comes to you later on. You put your record player on, music helps you concentrate. You keep it low so as not to disturb the campaign, and you begrudgingly open your notebook to begin writing your paper.
Hours go by, and it's almost 6pm. You haven't bothered to look at the clock much, you just want to get this damn assignment done. You have about two pages left, but your hand is starting to cramp up. You flex your fingers to relax your sore muscles, when you hear a knock on the door. "Y/N?" Eddie calls to you. "The game's over, Erica claimed a victory for everyone. I'm gonna take the kids home, but I'll be back, 'kay?" You jump off your bed, running to open the door. You're greeted by Eddie's smiling face. "Hey there, beautiful. How's the essay coming along?" He leans against the doorframe, looking you up and down. Your hair is a mess from running your hands through it constantly. It’s one of your nervous tics. His expression drops slightly, worried about how your assignment has been treating you. "You doin’ alright?" He asks, reaching for your hand.
"Yeah, it's just kinda stressing me out. But I only have two pages left. It's not very good, I'll probably only get a B on it. I'm having a hard time concentrating." You downplay the situation, ignoring the alarms going off in your head. For some reason, this paper is kicking your ass. You can't help your anxiety overtaking you, your body begins to tremble uncontrollably. Eddie squeezes your hand to comfort you.
"Sweetheart, you don't have to be so wound up. I'm sure it's a good paper, it'll be okay." He puts his other hand on your shoulder to steady your tremors.
"I guess. I keep reading it over, but it all feels jumbled now. And my eyes hurt." Your breath shudders, and you pinch the bridge of your nose as your eyes squeeze shut. You feel one of your infamous migraines coming on. Perfect. Those last two pages will really be a challenge now.
"Hey, hey. C’mere, babydoll." Eddie pulls you into him, holding you close. Your arms wrap around his middle, and he strokes your head. You try to focus on him so you can steady your heart pounding in your chest. But you can't calm down, you're having a full-blown panic attack. You feel silly having one over a stupid essay, but you can't do poorly on this. You won't allow it. You cannot fail. Ever. Your breath comes out rapidly, chest rising and falling as you wheeze. Eddie loosens his grip, looking at your face. You've gone pale, like you might faint. "Shit. Are you alright? What can I do?" The worry in his eyes only exacerbates your anxiety. You're hyperventilating, and your head feels light. Eddie picks you up in his arms, carrying you to the bed. "I-I don't know what to do, Y/N. I'll get your mom. Just try to breathe. Fuck." His own voice is shaky now, you've scared him. He runs out of the room to the kitchen, frantically telling your mother what's happening.
You hear multiple sets of footsteps rushing down the hall to you. Eddie, Mom, Dustin, and all the kids file into your room. Mom and Eddie help you sit up, you feel like you're going to pass out. You can't steady your breathing, it’s as if you're suffocating. Mom holds out a paper bag to you. "Honey, we gotta get your breathing steady, okay? So just try to breathe in the bag for me. And then I have a Valium you can take to settle your nerves. It'll be okay, sugarpuff. We're here for you." You take the bag, inhaling and exhaling as best you can into it. It seems to be working, your breath slowly returning to you. You hate having everyone staring at you like this, you must look like such a freak. You wish they'd all go away, and leave you alone. You put the bag down, and Mom hands you the pill and a glass of water. You down it quickly, chugging the entire glass.
"Take it easy, angel." Eddie advises, stroking your arm. Mom takes the glass from you and walks out, quickly shooing the others away. Eddie stays with you, holding you close again. You're still trembling, but your heart slowly regains its normal pace. "Do you want to lay down, sweetheart?" He quietly asks. You just nod. He lays you down, caressing your cheek as you position yourself on your side. "Is there anything I can do?" You shake your head, feeling a tear escape one of your eyes. He tuts, wiping it away. "It'll be alright, baby. Just try to relax. I'm gonna take the kids home, but I'm coming right back, ‘kay? And I'm not leaving your side for the rest of the night." He plants a kiss to your forehead before standing up to leave. He walks out of the room, giving you a caring glance before shutting the door.
As soon as he leaves, you can't hold back the tears anymore. You begin to sob, drawing your legs up to your chest. You feel so stupid, losing control in front of Eddie like that. And to have your mom, and everyone else staring at you? It’s so humiliating. And over what? A stupid essay? You really are just a scared little girl that can't handle anything. You imagine Eddie won't actually come back, because he's too freaked out by your little episode. He only says he will in order to spare your feelings. And all the kids will tell everyone and their dog about how you crumble so easily under pressure. Dustin’s bound to have a field day rubbing it all in your face. And you’ll have Mom doting on you every second of the day over this, maybe she'll even throw you in the looney bin.
You lay stewing in your thoughts for what feels like hours, and the sun had set outside your window. You never want to move from this spot again, never look at anyone or talk to anyone. It’s all too much, and you just want to hide, or maybe even die. You hear the front door open, probably Eddie stopping by to tell you he can't see you anymore. He can't possibly go out with a nutcase like you. The door to your room opens again, and Eddie walks over to you. "Hey, angel. How are you feeling?" He asks with a smile, which disappears when he sees how red your face is from crying.
"Terrible. But I don't expect you to care." You blubber, wiping your eyes with your sleeve. He scoffs at your statement, confused at your change in mood.
"What do you mean? Of course I care. Where's this coming from?" He asks, moving closer to you. You turn your back to him, you can't take that concerned look on his face. He sighs. "Y/N. Please, look at me. Did I do something wrong?" You groan, rolling back over to face him.
"You didn't do anything. I just figure you don't want to hang around me since I'm a basketcase." You reply bitterly. You know he's given you no indication of what you're saying, but you can't believe anyone would possibly want to be around you now.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks, shocked and slightly annoyed. "You're not a basketcase. And even if you were, I wouldn't care. I really like you, Y/N." He furrows his brow at you, trying to figure out where your head's at.
"You can't mean that." You shake your head, refusing to make eye contact with him.
"Why not?" He crosses his arms, searching your expression.
"Because you can't see me like this, all shaky and pale over a stupid paper, and still want to be around me. It's so embarrassing." You start to tear up again, and you curse your eyes for working against you. "And everyone was staring at me, I'm sure they'll tell everyone they know about it. And Dustin will tease me. And my mom will worry about me all the time. She might even have me committed." Eddie's eyes widen at your words, realizing what's happening. He lays down next to you, but lets you have some space.
"Y/N, I can tell you right now that you're wrong. About all of it, 'kay?" He reassures you, and you glare at him.
"How do you know?" You cross your own arms now.
"Well, for one. I'm still here, aren't I? What did you think I was gonna do? Just leave and never come back?" He's slightly angry with you doubting his true intentions.
"I guess I did. I didn't want you to, but I didn't think you'd still like me after everything." You answer, realizing how silly you sound.
"Well, I do. I'm right here, ‘kay? Look, it scared me. But I was worried about you. I wanted you to be okay. To be honest, it felt like I caused it, since I kept you from doing your work all weekend." He explains, sounding guilty.
"No, Eddie. It isn't your fault, I didn't tell you about it, and that's my own problem." You reassure him, reaching for his hands. He lets you take them in yours.
"Well, that's good to know, princess. And another thing? You're wrong about everyone else too. Again, they're concerned for you. But the whole time I was driving them home, all the kids talked about was coming up with a way to help you feel better. They care about you, Y/N. We all do. I don't know what negative voices you have in your head telling you otherwise, but you shouldn't listen to them." You nod, and he continues on. "And Dustin? He swore everyone to secrecy about your anxiety. He said he'll smother anyone who spills your private business in their sleep. And your Mom? She told me you've been dealing with a lot for a long time. She said she felt something like this coming on, because you work yourself to the bone constantly. You never take a break, and you refuse to ask for help when you need it. Obviously, I knew some of this already, given how Friday went. But she said she hopes having me in your life will help you. She still thinks it could, which is flattering, I guess." He chuckles, and you let a small smile form on your lips. "There's that smile I've been missing today!" Eddie coos, pulling you into his arms.
You sniffle, wiping away all your tears. Your eyes feel irritated and red. "I'm sorry, Eddie. It's not fair of me to think the way I was about you. Or the others. I just...it's like I know those things aren't true, right? But, it also feels impossible that anyone would actually like and accept me as I am. You know? That probably makes no sense." You chuckle, slapping your forehead in embarrassment.
"No, it doesn't. But I understand what you mean. Listen, I'm here for you no matter what. I won't, however, let you wallow all day. You have a paper to finish young lady." He pokes your chest, making you giggle. "How about we go have a smoke outside, clear your head? Then you can finish your essay. And then, we can spend the rest of the night together. Sound good?"
"Sounds perfect, Eds." You both climb out of bed, making your way outside. You bypass Dustin and your Mom, they seem surprised to see you in a better mood. They look at each other in confusion, questioning one another if they know anything about what Eddie might've said to you. But they end up shrugging, chalking it up to Eddie being the right man for you.
It isn't until you light up that you feel the effects of the pill your mother gave you earlier. You begin to feel dizzy, almost falling over. "Shit, I've gotcha." He catches you, gently leading you to sit in the grass. He sits beside you, rubbing your back with his hand. "You feeling alright, Y/N?" He looks into your eyes with concern.
You try to get your head to stop spinning, but you can't. "I'm not feeling so hot, Eddie. I'm really dizzy, everything's spinning." You groan, clutching your stomach. You lean away from him, and vomit into the grass. He tries to help you, but you push him away. You manage to stand, bending over as you throw up again. You keep yourself steady, bracing your hands on your knees. The stomach acid stings your throat, making you cough. You stay in place, waiting for your stomach to calm down. You dry heave a few times before you're finally empty. You spit any remaining bile out, wiping your mouth. You stand upright, almost falling backwards. Eddie grabs your shoulders to steady you.
"I'm sorry, angel. Have you ever taken Valium before?" He asks, stroking the sweat-soaked hair out of your face. You feel slightly better now, but also very tired. You just shake your head, before burying it into his chest. "I'm guessing you had a bad reaction. You didn't eat much today, either. I know your mom was trying to help, but I wish I had known you hadn't had it before. That shit is not for the faint hearted."
"She takes it to help her sleep, she's always had bad insomnia." You state, muffled by Eddie's chest. You can barely keep your eyes open at this point, you just want to sleep. You know your paper needs doing, but a small nap could help. You could always get up early tomorrow to finish it. "I'm really tired, Eds. Can you take me to bed?" You ask, nuzzling your face against him.
"I will, but I don't think you should sleep right now. You might get sick again and choke. And you need water, and something to eat. I'll get you something, and I'll stay with you until the pill wears off some more." He sighs, lifting you into his arms. You groan, your stomach still hurts. "Sorry, baby. I'm trying to be careful with you." He brings you inside, and your mother immediately panics when she sees you in Eddie's arms.
"Oh, God! What happened? You look awful, sugarpuff!" She says, rushing over to you.
"She's fine, mostly. She had a bad reaction to the pill you gave her and painted the yard with her breakfast." Eddie snips. He continues walking, bringing you down the hall. He plops you on the bed, making sure you sit up against your pillow. "Stay put, baby. I'll be right back." You hear him say as your eyes have fallen shut. He leaves the room to get what you need. You overhear him talking to Mom, their words swirling around in your dizzy head. Eddie calmly explains to her that she shouldn't have given you the Valium. She doesn't sound offended, more so she's ashamed that she inadvertently made you sick. He reassures her, saying it was just a mistake and that he'll help you through it. But he makes a point to tell her to never do it again under any circumstances. You drift off near the end of their talk, hearing the fridge door open as Eddie finds you something to eat.
A while later, you feel Eddie shaking you awake. "Mooooooom, just five more minutes." You whine, your eyes fluttering open. You see him chuckling at you thinking he was your mother. "Oh, it's you. Sorry, silly me." You giggle, trying to keep your eyes open.
"Hey, sleepy head. I brought you some dinner, and a nice tall glass of water." He sets a tray down next to you.
"Not hungry." You shake your head, and Eddie frowns at you.
"You have to eat, Y/N. You'll feel better, I promise." He insists, getting in bed next to you. He sets the tray on his lap. You lazily scan your eyes over what he’s brought you. A PB&J sandwich cut in half, and some apple slices. "It's not too much, I don't want you to barf it all up later. But it's enough to help you."
"Ugh, don't say barf." You wince, feeling ill again.
"Shit, sorry." He hands you half of the sandwich, and you reluctantly take it in your hand. You bring it to your mouth, taking a small, apprehensive bite. You immediately want to spit it out, but you know you have to get something down. You gulp hard as you manage to swallow it. It hits your stomach, and you start to feel hunger overtake you. You take another bite, and another. "Take it slow, Y/N." He says to you quietly, gently stroking your leg as you chew. You swallow again, looking into Eddie's eyes.
"Thank you for taking care of me, Eddie. You're a good man, you know." You smile kindly at him, taking another bite of your sandwich. "Did you make this?" You ask him as you chew.
"How'd you know?" He quirks an eyebrow at you, impressed you can tell he made it.
"Easy, Mom uses grape jelly. But I think it's too sweet. And you...used raspberry jam. My favorite. I don't know how you guessed it, though." His eyes widen, a smirk spreading on his lips. "What?" You look at him suspiciously.
"Raspberry is my favorite, too." He replies, wiping a smudge of jam from the corner of your mouth with his thumb. He brings it to his lips, licking it clean. You stare at him in amazement, he really is something else. "What? Like you said, grape is too sweet. But raspberry? It makes the whole thing come together."
You don't know what to say, so you let slip the first thing that comes to mind. "I think I could be falling in love with you." You gasp at your own words, registering what you’ve just said to him.
"Over a sandwich?" He asks snarkily.
"Well, no. You're just so...." You search for the right words. "Good. To me." You gaze at him seriously, driving the point home that you care deeply for him. He gets the message, receiving it with enthusiasm.
"Well, I'm glad you feel so strongly for me, Y/N. And lucky for you, I just happen to feel the same." Eddie looks deep into your eyes, before glancing at your lips. He's breathing heavily, unsure if he should go further. He doesn't want to push you in your vulnerable state.
"Are you gonna kiss me already?" You say impatiently, his eyes snap to yours again. You can't help smiling like an idiot, closing the gap yourself. Your lips meet, both of you humming lowly into the kiss. You break away quickly, covering your mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure my breath is terrible right now." Your cheeks heat up, but he's unphased.
"It's fine, Y/N. You just taste like sandwich. I don't mind either way, not if it means I get to kiss the most beautiful girl in the world." He pokes your nose, making the both of you laugh. You finish the first half of the sandwich, drinking some of the water to wash it down. You reach over to take an apple slice from the tray in his lap. Eddie sits with you quietly while you chew, still stroking your leg. He watches as you manage to eat everything off your plate, kissing your forehead when you finish the last bite. "That's my girl." He says sweetly, taking the tray back to the kitchen. You sip on the water, feeling just full enough for your stomach to stop hurting. You can't stop smiling, seeing Eddie care for you makes your heart swell and gives you butterflies. He comes back shortly, plopping into bed beside you once more. "Better?" He asks, holding your hand.
"Better." You reply, planting a kiss on his plush lips. You cuddle up to him, laying your head on his shoulder. You still feel pretty tired, but you just might be able to finish your paper now. "I should probably finish my essay." You say reluctantly.
"You sure?" Eddie says, worried about you working yourself up again.
"Yeah, I have to get it done. But...stay here with me, okay?" You place a hand on his thigh, caressing it gently.
"Of course, Y/N. I'm not goin’ anywhere." He places his hand over yours. Your head leaves its resting place, and you reach over for your notebook and pencil. "C’mere, sit between my legs." Eddie says calmly, and you do as he asks. You put the notebook in your lap, reading the last page you were working on to remember where you’re going with it. You feel Eddie running his hands up and down your back, and your eyes can't help fluttering closed at his touch.
"Watcha doin' there, Eds?" You ask breathily.
"I'm keeping you relaxed, angel." He replies lowly. His hands go to your shoulders, massaging them firmly. You moan at his touch, your head falling to the side. "Does that feel good, baby?" He asks in your ear, his warm breath fanning over you.
"Mhm." Is all you can manage to say as his hands continue to work your flesh. His thumbs press into your back, working the knots of stress that have resided there for who knows how long. You wince as they hurt a little.
"I know, baby. Just let me help you, you'll feel better when I'm done." He presses a kiss to your neck, setting your skin aflame. You know he's not intentionally turning you on, but you can't help leaning further into his touch. He draws small moans from you as he loosens up your sore muscles.
"How are you so fucking good at this?" You ask lustfully, making Eddie's cock twitch. Under any other circumstances, he'd be going further than he is. But he doesn't want to push you when you're not feeling well, it wouldn't be right.
"Practice, sweetheart. I'll keep going, but you have to work on your essay." He kisses your neck again, before setting your head upright so you'll concentrate.
"Alright, alright. Just please keep going." You almost whine at him.
"I'll go as long as you want me too, babydoll." He chuckles quietly. You turn your attention back to the book in front of you. You reread the last paragraph to refresh your train of thought. Once you remember where you’re going, you begin scrawling more words on the page. The ideas come easy to you, and Eddie's hands travel up to your neck. He gently rubs out a large knot that you're sure has been there for months, but you remain focused on the task at hand.
About thirty minutes later, the infamous essay is finally finished. "Done!" You clap the book shut, tossing it away.
"I knew you could do it, baby." You blush at his praise as he kisses your cheek. Eddie had stopped massaging you ten minutes earlier, but he kept caressing you in a non-distracting way. He loves touching you, it seems he'll never get enough. You leave his grasp, turning to face him. He looks so tired, and you feel bad for stressing him out today. He peers at you, raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"
You straddle him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You look into his eyes, biting your lip. "Nothing's wrong, baby. I'm just sorry for making you so worried today. Let me make it up to you." You lean forward to kiss his neck, lightly biting down on his skin. He groans, his hands going to your waist instinctively. You look at him again, but his expression hasn't changed. "What?" You ask, scrunching your face.
He sighs, pressing into your hips with his fingers. He shakes his head. "It's nothing. It’s just...you don't owe me anything." You open your mouth to protest, but he stops you. "Don't get me wrong, you're sexy as all hell. But you should be taking it easy, sweetheart. It wouldn't be right for me to ask anything of you right now." Eddie cups your face, looking at you meaningfully. "But, what we can do is get cozy and cuddle in bed. I'm fuckin' exhausted, and you need rest before class tomorrow." He pulls you into him, pressing his lips to yours passionately. You return it, grabbing the sides of his face to deepen it further. Eddie quickly catches on to what you're doing, breaking away. "Easy, tiger. Man, even when you're sick, you're insatiable." He jokes, moving you off of his lap.
"What can I say? You really bring out my appetite." You smirk slyly at him, hopping off the bed to shut your bedroom door. You both quickly discard your clothes. Eddie's in his boxers, and you're in some panties and his Hellfire shirt. You flick off the light, and climb into bed with him. You scoot under the covers, and he snatches you into his arms to spoon you. You share a quiet laugh, the feeling of his arms around you gives you a warm sense of safety. You turn your head to look at him. "Goodnight, Eds. Thank you for being here with me." You whisper, giving him a peck on the lips. He smiles kindly at you, his eyes hooded from drowsiness.
"It's no trouble at all, ‘night, princess." He slowly shuts his eyes, holding you even closer to him. He nuzzles his face into you, sighing in contentment. You face forward again, closing your eyes too. You let your mind wander off to dreamland, feeling safe, warm, and secure in Eddie's arms.
To be continued...
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
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Pairing: Benny Miller x ofc "Lily Morales" (21 year old daughter of Frankie Morales)
Word Count: 9000+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Listen, I’ve had this in my head for a long time and I just had to get it out. I know the dbf trope may be overdone, and it’s not a trope I normally read, but I just…they kept talking and I had to get it out. Sometimes the fic writes you. Thanks to @mermaidxatxheart for reading this over and helping me get unstuck. And to @avengers-fixation and @rayslittlekitten for also beta reading and giving me some excellent feedback to help this take a better shape!
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Benny Miller Masterlist
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"What do you want to do for your birthday, mija?" 
I shrug, popping another blueberry in my mouth. "I don't know. Wanna order pizza and watch a movie?"
My dad gives me a look, pointing his fork at me. "Is that what you want to do?"
I don't know. What do 21 year olds want to do besides get shit faced on their 21st? 
"I don't know, dad."
"I think you should go out with your friends."
"Are you really telling me I should go get shit faced on my birthday?"
He chuckles. "No, but you're turning 21. You don't wanna hang out with your old man."
"I always want to hang out with you."
"I love you too, but you're young. You should hang out with your friends."
"I'm fine here with you, dad."
"Look," he sighs and sets his spoon down, looking at me. "Be safe, call me if you need me to come get you or something, but go out. Be 21." 
He won't let up, I can see it in his eyes. "If it means so much to you, I'll go out."
God, I'm bored. My friends all squealed when I finally caved in and said we could go out drinking for my birthday. They picked me up and brought me to a bar, claiming a booth on the side. They had me place the order for drinks, my first at 21, and then paid, splitting the bill amongst themselves. But while I nursed a drink, they kept slamming them back, getting increasingly more drunk. Eventually, they all got up and hobbled onto the dance floor. Well, not an official dance floor, more like a space they drunkenly cleared out while putting on songs on the ancient jukebox in the corner. Some other patrons joined in and soon there was a small group of men around them, laughing and swaying along while I stayed seated at our table. 
"You look bored as fuck, Lil."
This week had been rough. Hell, this whole month had been rough. Another girl that just wanted to use him for a fun time had come and gone, leaving Benny feeling a little more than hollow. They never stay long, always wanting his fun side. If he let down his mask for just a moment, showing them all of him, they run. It hurts but if he's being honest with himself, none of them felt right. Like they were placeholders, just someone to pass the time with. Or distract him from the girl he really likes, the one he can't have. 
He takes another swig from his beer, the one he'd been nursing for a while when this large group of about 10 college aged girls comes in the bar, squealing and talking loudly. They make a big deal of securing a booth, practically yelling about how it's someone's birthday. And then, he sees her. 
Lily, his Lily being shoved forward from the group of girls, her short, pleated skirt fanning out as they tell her to go order drinks and they'll pay. When did the feelings for her start? His mind goes back to a specific moment, a BBQ at Frankie's, when Lily was nearly 20. She was walking past the pool, fully clothed and slipped in, a little yelp leaving her just before the splash. But before anyone could move, she was pushing to the surface, makeup sliding down her face and she was laughing, her head tilted back as she made her way to the edge and Frankie pulled her out. Her clothes were soaked, hair sticking to her forehead, mascara covering her cheeks along with the purple eye shadow she had been wearing. Most girls would've flipped out, cried and screamed and gotten angry, but not Lily. She made some quip about not seeing the pool there and then she looked at him as he laughed, her eyes lit up not with embarrassment, but something else that Benny couldn't quite place. But now he saw her in a whole new light. Lily. His Lily. 
Wait, not his Lily. She can't ever be his Lily because she is Lily Morales, Fish's daughter. He couldn't do that to his friend. 13 years isnt too bad of a gap but Fish's daughter? She's too smart for him, too creative, too good. She wouldn't want his old PTSD ass anyway. 
He watches her bring the drinks back and pass them out, her friends pounding them back as Lily takes small, infrequent sips from the glass she's holding, her smile dropping lower and lower as her friends get more and more drunk. 
God, she's beautiful. Her dark brown hair frames her face, loose waves cascading past her shoulders, her shirt hugging her tits the right way and Benny shifts in his seat as his mind wanders, eyes roaming over her body. She can't see him anyway, what would it hurt? 
But as the night continues on, he sees her friends get up, forming a makeshift dance floor, some other young college guys coming to join them. But not Lily. She doesn't join her friends, opting to stay back and take another slow sip from her drink, her fingers drawing a mindless pattern in the condensation on her cup. 
He takes a deep breath, drinking the last swig from his beer as he stands. He won't have her looking so sad on her birthday. He must put a smile on her face. Benny strides over to her, pushing through the crowd. 
"You look bored as fuck, Lil."
Her eyes go wide, her cheeks flushing as she looks up at him, a smile appearing on her face. Surely that's not just for him. She can't possibly feel the same way. Can she? No, she's Fish's daughter. Cut it out, Benny. 
But he can't stop himself from sliding into the seat next to her, hoping like hell she doesn't spot his half hard boner from her thigh barely touching his jean clad one. 
When he looks at her, he knows why other women haven't worked out for him. Because she is the one he wants. And the one he simply cannot have. 
My body springs to life as his voice washes over me, my eyes looking up into his bright blue ones, the ones that I see in my dreams. My cheeks warm and it's not from the half a drink I've had. It's from the fact I've been in love with this man for years. 
He smiles at me, his eyes crinkling slightly at the sides and my stomach lurches. He waves his hands, silently telling me to scooch over. I do and he sits next to me, his thigh nearly pressing into mine. He leans in close, speaking into my ear as the girls have turned the music up way too loud. 
"Happy birthday!"
"You remembered?"
He's so close, his face inches from mine, his eyes boring into me. "Of course I remember. You're one of my favorite people." 
God I hope he can't hear my heart pounding through my chest. 
"But why are you sitting here by yourself? Shouldn't you be out there?" He points his thumb over his shoulder towards my group of friends, who have now mingled with a group of college boys, all grinding on each other. 
"Hard pass."
"You mean, grinding up against sweaty young men isn't your thing?" His eyes light up with laughter.
I shake my head. "I like older men." Shit, did I just say that? He looks at me, a curious look in his eyes.
"I doubt they'd be able to keep up with you."
"I think one might."
"Sounds like you have someone in mind."
"Maybe I do." Shut up, Lily!
Before he can reply, a loud whoop sounds from the dancing throng and we both look as one of the drunk men try to impress my friend by doing the worm. Benny leans in to me again, his scent filling up my nose and suddenly I'm feeling warm between my legs. 
"I'm hungry. Wanna get out of here and get a burger or something?"
"God, yes. Please save me."
He smiles, sliding out of the booth and extends his arm to me as I get up. I take it, my skin tingling as it brushes against his, feeling his muscles constrict as he guides me through the crowd and out of the bar. I catch my friends eye as I walk past them and nod my head towards Benny, telling her silently I was going with him. She gives me a wink and thumbs up before making a lude gesture that I'm glad Benny misses. I expect him to drop my arm when we're outside, but he doesn't. Instead, he looks down at me, towering over me. 
"Did you drive or?"
"What? Oh, no. Ironically, I was not the designated driver. Don't worry, we took Ubers."
He chuckles. "Smart. Alright, my jeep is around the back. I've only had one beer, is that ok?"
"You're asking me?"
"Yeah. I mean, I'm fine to drive but whatever you're comfortable with."
"I trust you." Am I seeing things or is he blushing? 
He guides me to his jeep, opening the door and helping me inside. He drives us across town to a little diner we've been to before, although it's never been just the two of us. Usually my dad or Benny's brother Will is with us. We sit and order giant burgers and a plate of fries to share, and a couple slices of what Benny calls "birthday pie" that we eat first. 
"So why did you agree to go out with those friends if all they did was ditch you?"
I chuckle. "I blame my dad. He made me."
"Fish wanted you to go out drinking?"
"He said I should "go out and be 21". I told him I just wanted a pizza and a movie with him."
"Why didn't you tell me you wanted pizza? We could've gone to get pizza."
"No, this is perfect, really." My hand covers his on the table and I see just how small it is in comparison to Benny's and I swallow hard. "Thank you, really. You saved me."
Benny asks a zillion more questions as we eat, always interested to hear my opinion on things. I've never had a man be this interested in what I had to say, almost as if… there's no way he could feel the same for me, right? I know there's an age gap, but it's only 13 years..
He links his arm with mine again as we make our way back to his Jeep, helping me in before coming around and climbing in himself. 
"I'll take you home."
"No!" Oh shit, did I yell that? I don't want this night to end so soon. Not when I have an excuse for it to just be us.
His eyebrows are raised. "No?"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be loud. I uh.. I mean no. My dad expects me to be home late or crash at a friend's. If I come home now, he'll think it's weird."
"I don't think he'd mind you coming home early. Then he knows you're not out causing trouble."
"Please Benny?" I hesitate a moment before reaching out to place my hand on his arm, squeezing it a little. "Can we… I don't know.. just go back to your place and hang for a bit?" His skin is warm under my palm and I feel him shift slightly in his seat, eyes fixed on the road before he glances sideways at me.
“You’d really want to hang out with an old man like me?"
“You’re not old.” I sit back, reluctantly pulling my hand from his arm. “Besides, didn’t we establish that I like older men?” What the fuck is wrong with you, Lily?
He shifts in his seat again and clears his throat, fighting back a smile. “Have anything in mind?”
“We could watch a movie?”
“Alright, you talked me into it. But only because it’s your birthday.” He smiles before reaching over and poking me in the side. I flinch back, a giggle erupting from the back of my throat. “Oh, you’re ticklish?”
“I don’t like the look on your face, Benjamin.”
He’s smiling wide. “No look. Just tucking that information away for later.”
We pull up to his place and get out. I follow him up to his front door, my eyes taking in his broad shoulders, beefy arms, and tight ass. He's so tall, much taller than me. I'd love to climb him like a tree…
Heading inside, I kick my shoes off and leave them by the door, hanging my purse on one of the coat rack hooks. I follow him into the living area. He gestures to the couch and I sit, Benny sitting at the opposite end from me. 
"Want something to drink?" He asks and it may be my imagination, but he sounds nervous.
"S-sure." Way to sound smooth, Lily. 
"Beer ok? I think I have water somewhere."
"Beer will be fine. Thanks."
"You got it. Can't believe I can officially give you this now." He disappears into his kitchen and remerges with 2 bottles of beer, popping open the top and handing it to me. He holds up his bottle to mine and we clink them together. 
"Here's to a birthday!" He says and smiles, taking a swig when I do. 
"It's certainly been one of those."
We flip through the channels, stopping on some trash reality TV to make fun of them, cracking up at the stupidity of the show. We've had a couple of beers by now and I'm not drunk by any means, but definitely warm and I feel myself loosening up as I become more comfortable around him, passing quips back and forth.
"I don't know why she's picking Jason when clearly Porter is the better choice."
"What?" I say, shocked. "You can't mean that. Have you looked at Porter?"
Benny squints at the tv. "Yes?"
"Need your glasses, old man?" 
"Be careful. You don't wanna poke the old man."
I scoff playfully, smirking. "Maybe I do."
In one swift move, Benny sits up, putting his bottle on the coffee table before he turns to me, his eyes full of mischief. He lunges for me but I jumped up, somehow missing his grip and I smirk, turning towards him. 
"You'll have to be faster than that, old man." He tries to get up and I run, trying to move around the back of the couch, but somehow he's there, leaning over the back, his strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me back over the couch as I scream. He pushes me back down onto the couch, his large form hovering over me as his fingers dig into my sides. I squirm under him, unable to do anything but squeal with laughter as I writhe about. But the mood changes suddenly, his fingers slowing as he looks down at me, his blue eyes dragging down my face to my lips. I can feel him pressing into me between my legs and heat rushes there to meet him. He leans closer, our lips almost touching, but then he's pulling back and I can't take it. We were so close, I can't go back to how it was, not knowing that he wants this as much as I do but is stopping himself, denying him and me a chance at happiness. 
My fingers grasp at his shirt, tugging to get him to look at me. When he does, his eyes are wide, a combination of lust and conflict behind them. My finger traces his cheek and I decide to go for it, leaning up while lightly pulling him towards me with the tip of my finger. His lips are nearly on mine, his breath fanning out over my face, but he stops. 
"We can't, Lil."
I nod. "We can." I feel him grow harder against me and it's all I can do to not moan, the weight of him grounding me to this moment. He still doesn't move. 
"I don't want to take advantage."
"You're not. I'm sober."
His lips are so close to mine, his breath filling my own as my lips remain slightly parted waiting for him. 
"He'd kill me."
"I'll protect you."
"Lil," he whispers, his breath heating my lips.
"Ben." I touch my lips to his and oh, his are so soft and warm, tasting slightly like the beer he'd had earlier. He doesn't move for a second and maybe I've pushed him too far. His lips move above mine, responding to my gentle touch with a more heated one, a slight moan at the back of his throat as he glides his tongue into my slightly parted lips. A small groan comes from my chest in return and I hum into his kiss, deepening it as Benny presses on with more urgency, my legs wrapping around him, squeezing him slightly. 
His hands are on my face, pushing my hair out of it as a large hand engulfs the side of my face and neck, holding my chin in place as he kisses me deeper, pressing into me harder, his hips slightly grinding of their own accord. Then he breaks the kiss, leaning up to reach over his shoulder, gripping the back of his shirt as he pulls it over his head, tossing it on the coffee table. I've seen him shirtless before of course, but this is different. A patch of hair is nestled between his pecks, soft but strong muscles flexing as he holds himself up, a small trail of hair disappearing beneath his pants. Fuck do I want to see where that goes. I scramble to grip the bottom of my shirt, lifting slightly as I twist my body to take it off, Benny's hand coming to help. My shirt joins his, Benny's fingers sliding around my back to take off my bra, tossing that on the table too. His eyes dip to my chest and they look hungry. 
"Fuck, look at you, Lil." 
Before I can reply, he leans back down, pressing his chest to mine as he kisses me again, his warm skin so soft against mine. He feels so good, comforting, grounding, I can hardly believe I'm here. He kisses a path down my neck, pausing to suck one of my nipples in his mouth. I whimper, my back arching off the couch towards him, my fingers automatically coming up to tangle in his golden hair. 
"How do you want it?"
"Wh-what?" Is all I can manage as he starts to lick at my same nipple. 
"Do you have any favorite positions? Any you hate?"
"I don't know."
He chucks into my skin. "Should I give you a moment to think?"
I shake my head. "I really don't know. I've never done this before."
Benny drops my boob with a plop, pushing himself up so fast it makes my head spin. "What do you mean you haven't done this before?"
I know I'm blushing under his gaze. "I mean… I haven't.. I just… I've never…" I gesture between us.
"Be clear."
"I'm a virgin, ok?" I'm not that embarrassed, but everyone I know has had sex long before me. I just never felt the desire to. Probably because none of them was the man above me, who is now trying to untangle my legs from behind him. 
"I didn't know you were… didn't you have boyfriends?"
"Yeah but I've never done anything past boobs."
"Shit, Lil. I can't do this to you. I-"
"Do this to me?"
"Yeah, take your…" He gestures between my legs, still trying to wiggle his way out from between them. 
"I want you, though, Benny."
"I can't. Not when you haven't…you should do it with someone your age. You should've done it with a boyfriend-"
I let out a frustrated huff. "But none of them were you, Ben!"
He stops moving, his eyes studying my face. "What?"
Too late to not say anything now. "I.. ok, I've liked you for a really long time. Like, really liked you. I tried dating people my age but they all suck. None of them were you. I guess I've been waiting, hoping you'd feel the same. But I won't force-"
"You waited for me?"
I nod, suddenly unable to look at him, my cheeks on fire. "I hoped one day I'd have the courage to tell you how I felt. Or something. I knew it was a long shot. I mean, look at me. I'm… me."
His eyes soften, looking down my body and back up to my eyes. "You say that like it's a bad thing. You're fucking gorgeous, Lil. And..I'd be lying if I said I never thought about us. But me? Why would you want anything to do with me?"
I muster up the courage to look him in the eyes. "Because you make me feel seen. Like I matter. That I'm not just some piece of ass."
"I've been through some major shit, Lil."
I reach up, my hand caressing his cheek, fingers scratching at the stubble. "I want that too. I want all of you, Benny. I want you."
His lips press to mine again, urgent, desperate, his large hand pressed on the side of my neck, the other bracing him. He breaks the kiss for just a moment, pulling back enough to make sure I'm looking at him. 
"Are you sure, Lil? This isn't a small thing, even if you weren't a virgin."
"I am so unbelievably sure, Benny. Please just, show me. Make me feel good."
He smiles at me, his eyes darkening with a glint. “I’m about to ruin you for other men, sweetheart. But not here."
My brows furrow together. "What?"
He taps my thigh to get me to unlock my legs. I do and he stands, stretching briefly before he extends a hand to me, helping me up off the couch. He tips my head up, hooking my chin with his finger, pressing his lips to mine, his other hand coming up to lightly pinch my nipple. I gasp at the sensation, arching slightly into his palm. Then he stands straight, holding his hand out to me, giving me one last chance to stop things. I lace my fingers with his, my hand feeling small in his large one and he smiles, walking me down the hallway to his bedroom.
Once inside, he pushes some things out of the way, and sits on the edge of the bed. He beckons me over and I stand between his outstretched legs. He pulls one of my boobs in his mouth and I moan, heat and wet pooling between my thighs as he kisses his way down to my skirt line. He pauses, eyes turned up to mine, as his hand gently glides up my inner thigh, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind it. Once he reaches my panties, he stops, barely brushing a finger over my clothed clit and I jolt, pleasure momentarily shooting out from where he touched me. 
"You're so fucking wet," he says with awe.
"Is..is that a good thing?"
He touches me again, grinning when I gasp out loud. "Such a good thing."
He pulls his hand from under my skirt, hooking his fingers into the waistband and pulls them down slowly, kissing the skin that appears as my skirt and panties slide down my legs. I kick them off, foot shoving them somewhere behind me as I stand there, completely bare in front of him. I'm nervous, hands automatically coming up to cover me, but he grips my wrists, holding them apart as his eyes slowly move over my body. 
"So fucking beautiful, Lil."
He switches places with me and tells me to lay back, scooting up the bed. He kicks off his pants but leaves his boxers on, which do nothing to hide the tent in his pants. My eyes grow wide. Are all men that large? He crawls over my body, slotting himself between my legs, kissing me deeply for several minutes. My legs wrap around him, feeling him hot and heavy against me. But then he's kissing a path down my body, scooting lower and lower until he's level with my pussy, pushing my legs apart further and putting his broad shoulders between them to hold them apart. 
"Fuck, you have a pretty little pussy. Can't believe no one has touched you here."
I don't respond, my head swimming with a whirl of emotions, mostly nerves and how bad I want him to touch me, push himself inside of me. I want-
"Oh!" A cry erupts from me, my thighs clamping around the side of Benny's head as his tongue makes contact with me, licking a line up me before he taps at my clit. "Oh, God, Benny!" My fingers tangle in his hair, tugging on him and holding him in place as he laps at me, gliding his nose up my seam before I feel him press a finger to my entrance, rubbing small circles there. I can hear how wet I am, my other hand flying out to grip the sheets as he pushes his finger in slowly. 
"Fuck you are so tight, Lil."
He slowly moves his finger in and out of me, my body warming quickly before he adds a second finger, this time tapping around inside of me. He hits some spot and I yell, thighs banging against his head again.
"There it is," he smirks, his fingers rubbing and tapping at that spot as his mouth returns to my pussy, licking and sucking. I feel tingles, all over my body, racing towards where he's touching me and then I explode, my head pushing into the bed, thighs tensing as I pulse around him, whining and moaning as I come. Benny guides me through it, making sure I feel every ounce of pleasure I possibly can.
And then he does it two more times. 
My entire body is warm and loose, my brain swimming with the pleasure of it all as Benny removes his mouth from me, wiping his face on the back of his hand, grinning ear to ear as he hovers over me, tasting of me as he presses his lips to mine. 
"You feelin' good, sweetheart?"
Benny chuckles. "Do you want me to stop?"
My eyes fly open as I find his. "No. Please I need you inside of me."
He nods. "I think you're ready for me. But stop me if it hurts or you want me to stop, ok?"
He scoots back off the bed, standing and pulling his boxers off. He springs up and holy shit is that supposed to go in me? He settles between my legs, pushing my thighs apart, sliding himself through my soaked folds and I whimper at his touch. He's heavy at my entrance, his eyes on my face as he slowly pushes in. 
"Oh!" Is about all I can say. It burns for sure, and is uncomfortable, but not painful. And as he pushes further in, I feel him rub up against that spot he made sensitive with his fingers moments before. My fingers dig into his biceps, his muscles strong beneath my nails as he slowly slides back out. 
“Are you ok?” He asks, his eyebrows pulled together in concern. 
“I will be once you’re back inside of me.”
“Fuck you’re gonna kill me.” 
He pushes back into me, still slowly but a little faster this time. When he can go no further, he waits, holding his hips still to give me a moment. I feel so full of him, my head swimming with his scent while I relax and stretch around him. He must feel the tension leaving me, as he pulls back out and pushes back in, more quickly. After about 5 more of these, he pushes in rather quick and I yelp as he hits a spot at the back of me. 
“Fuck! Do that again!”
He smiles, one side of his mouth pulling up as he complies, thrusting into me harder and chuckling when he hears the breathy sounds coming from me. He keeps going, making sure to angle himself to thrust into that spot every time, eventually speeding up more, rutting into me as I come unglued beneath him, writhing and moving my hips to meet his, my vision going hazy at the edges as my body tingles and I come, nails digging into him as I chant his name over and over. Benny grunts and pulls out, spilling himself across my lower stomach, little breathy grunts coming from him as he comes. 
He takes a second when he’s done before getting up and grabbing a wet cloth from the bathroom. He cleans me up and returns with another cloth, wiping my overstimulated cunt, and chuckling when my legs twitch. He tosses the rag in his hamper and crawls on the bed next to me, pulling the sheet over us. Benny props himself up on his elbow, his finger tracing lines down my chest before using a finger to turn my head to him. 
“How are you feeling, Lil?”
I sigh, feeling the corners of my mouth pull into a soft smile. “Honestly? I’ve never felt better.”
He presses his lips lightly to mine. “The best you’ve ever felt, huh?”
I nod, turning on my side to face him. “You were right though. You’ve ruined other men for me. Good thing I only want one man.”
A yell rips me from sleep and I sit up quick, my head rushing slightly as I look around the unfamiliar room, blinking a few times before remembering I was still at Benny’s. In his bed. A whimper echoes in the dark space and I look down, seeing Benny tangled in his sheets, curled up and sweating, eyes jammed shut and his mouth muttering words I can’t catch all of. I may have never seen it on Benny, but I am familiar with the nightmares. My dad has them all the time, one of the many reasons why I’m studying to be a psychiatrist and intend to reform the VA mental health unit. 
I gently place my hand on his bare shoulder, his skin warm and sweaty under my palm. “Benny, it’s ok. You’re here. I’m here.”
He whimpers once more before his eyes pop open, wet with unshed tears and he gasps, hand reaching out for something I can’t see. He blinks and turns his head, seeing my hand on his shoulder and he follows it up to my face.
I smile. “Hey, Ben. Are you with me?”
“I…” he pulls his shoulder from me and sits up, pulling the blankets around his waist. “I’m sorry.” He’s wiping at his face, trying to push the tears away. “Just lock the door on your way out.”
“When you leave, just take the key and lock the door. Slide it under the mat.”
“I don’t…I don’t understand? You’re kicking me out?”
“You want to leave, right?”
“No? Why would I?”
“Because I’m fucked up! I told you, Lil. I have so much shit with me. No one wants this.” 
“Ben. Look at me.”
He shakes his head. "I can't. Just.. lock the door on your way out."
"I can't. I can't see that look on your face too, I just can't, Lily."
"Ben, please look at me." 
He sighs and turns his head, a hard expression on his face and I see it, all the hurt he’s had to endure from the women before me leaving him once his guard slipped. And I want to fight them all. I take his hand, lacing my fingers through his and bring it to my lips, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand. 
“Benjamin Miller, unless you kick me out, I’m not going anywhere.”
His eyes water a little and he shakes his head to stop them. “But, the nightmares-”
“You think this is the first time I’ve seen a nightmare? Do you not remember who my dad is?”
“Fish gets nightmares too?”
I nod. “All the fucking time, Ben. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked him down. Why do you think I’m going into psych?”
“You’re…you’re really not wanting to leave?”
“No. I’d really rather stay here with you, make sure you’re ok, wake up next to you. As long as you’ll have me?”
He squeezes my hand and presses his forehead to mine. “I’d love that.”
I lay back and beckon him to me, placing his head on my chest as he cuddles into my side. He sucks one of my boobs in his mouth, claiming it’s his comfort toy. But soon after he’s sound asleep, his face peaceful and he doesn’t wake the rest of the night.
He brings me home the next day and I wave to him from the front steps as I walk through the front door. 
“She’s alive!”
“Ha-ha, dad. But I’m doing fine.”
“Was that Benny I saw dropping you off?”
“Oh. Yeah. He was at the bar last night.”
“And he brought you home this morning?”
I nod, kicking off my shoes. “Yeah. I was pretty drunk and my friends still wanted to party. His place was closest to the bar and I asked him to take me there. Didn’t think I could make it home.” I mimed throwing up, which is exactly what I wanted to do. I hate lying to him. 
“You could’ve called me. I would’ve picked you up.”
“I know. But Benny was already there. No sense in waking you up.”
“You know I don’t sleep.”
“Which is why you’re always so fun to be around.”
He looks fake hurt, pressing his hand to his chest. “I am a damn delight….but I’ll have to thank Benny for taking such good care of you.”
I hide my smirk before replying. “Please do.”
The next few months pass and we keep us a secret, going on dates in the next towns over, meeting up whenever we can. I feel bad for lying to my dad and not telling him, but it’s not the right time. 
Benny is everything I thought he was and more. He makes me laugh, even cracking jokes as he’s pressed between my thighs. He makes me feel safe and I think I make him feel safer too. His nightmares, while still present, seem to happen less often, his body relaxing into mine as he sleeps deeply. 
Then there’s the sex. Oh God the sex. I know I have nothing to compare it to, but the way my friends talk about it, it seems like it’s often a chore. They talk about faking orgasms or men that are only concerned about themselves. Not Benny. He says he loves the sounds I make as he pulls orgasm after orgasm out of me, pressing his body against and into mine against every surface of his house and his jeep, anywhere we can get away with it.  
About 6 months in, it’s our turn to host the monthly BBQ for all the boys. Will usually brings his wife and kids, Santi just himself, and Tom brings his family, so it’s a pretty big to do. I remember at BBQ’s in the past, sometimes Benny would show up with some girl and how jealous I was of her. And this time, I’m still jealous, because they got to be with him in the open. No passing touches or whispers, no hiding glances or anything. But I’m feeling bold, so I put on my favorite sundress, the one Benny had hitched up around my hips as he bent me over his kitchen table the last time we were together. And judging by the look on his face, he too has this same memory when he sees me in the dress. 
Everyone is outside, the kids screaming and running around, everyone else chatting, keeping an eye on the kids as my dad starts grilling. I feel Benny’s eyes on me as I set a few bowls of chips on the table, bending over just a little more than normal to expose more of my cleavage to him. I glance up at him and wink, turning and heading back into the house. I hear him come in behind me a couple minutes later, his eyes on me standing in the doorway to the hall. He silently follows me upstairs to my room, closing the door behind us and locking it before taking 2 steps towards me, pulling me to him and kissing me deeply. His hands fist in the sides of my dress, pulling it up higher on my hips. 
“You think you’re so slick wearing this dress?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“You know exactly what I mean.”
I pull him down on me, parting my thighs to let him settle between them as my back settles into my bed. My fingers twist in his hair, his hand trailing up my bare thigh as I whimper in his ear. 
“Wanna fuck in my bed. We haven’t done that yet.”
“Your dad’s outside.”
“So what if he hears us?”
“I’ll deal with that then. Please fuck me Benny. I need you to fuck me.”
And so he does, pushing my panties aside and thrusting into me, one hand clamped over my mouth. I try to push him into me more, my hands gripping his ass, digging little marks into it when I come, legs spasming as Benny’s moans come right after, his hips rutting into mine as he fills me up. 
“Let me get something to clean you up with.”
“Don’t. I want to feel you inside me.”
“Fuckin’ hell you’re gonna kill me.”
My chest heaves as Benny rolls off me and lays on his side, trying to catch his own breath. He slides his hand across my body and gently squeezes one of my boobs, his thumb grazing over my nipple. 
“You can’t possibly want to go again?” I ask, eyebrows raised. 
“What? This is my emotional support tiddy.”
Laughter erupts from me and Benny joins in, his smile making me feel warm all over. This is nice, this is comfortable. Benny makes everything in my life good. 
“You hungry? We did miss our dinner reservations.”
I chuckle. “Totally worth missing them.”
Benny props himself up on his elbow, his hand leaving my boob to start sliding down my bare stomach. “Oh I agre-”
My stomach has decided enough is enough and the sound it makes is loud in the quiet room. Benny laughs again, his head flying back with it before he brings his lips to my stomach, speaking to it.
“You hungry, girl? Should we get some food in ya?”
I ruffle his hair and he turns, his cheek resting on my stomach as his eyes meet mine. We stare at each other for a few moments before he chuckles. “Your stomach is so loud.”
“Ok, fine. I’m hungry,” I smile.
He sits up, giving me a quick kiss before rolling off the bed. “I’ll go make us something. You can shower if you’d like. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.” He leaves the room, sliding some pants on before he does. I make my way to his bathroom across the hall and take in my appearance, fixing my hair so it’s not too wild before sliding one of his shirts on. I make my way down the hall and stand in the entrance to the kitchen, watching Benny move about the kitchen, no shirt and sweatpants hanging low on his hips. He tosses a kitchen towel over his shoulder as he flips a pancake, one of his specialties, humming to himself as he does. His hair is sticking up at all angles, looking like he’d just rolled around in bed for hours. Which I guess, technically, he did. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, kissing his back before resting my cheek against it. 
“You want strawberries or chocolate chips in yours, Lil?”
“Do I have to pick?”
He pauses for a moment. “Shit, why did I never think to combine those?” He adds both cut up strawberries and chocolate chips to his mix, pouring out another round of batter on the griddle. “I may have to steal one.”
“I’ll fight you for it.”
He slides the pancake off the spatula and spins, gripping my wrists before I can move. “I’d like to see- are you in my shirt?”
He drops my wrists and slides his hands around my hips, feeling for something. “Are you..are you not wearing any underwear?”
“How else am I supposed to feel you dripping down my legs?” Benny groans, gripping my jaw and pulling me in for a heated kiss, but the sound of a key jiggling in his front door lock kills the mood. In one quick motion, Benny is shoving me back through the doorway and down the hall, motioning for me to hide. I step into his room and close the door almost all the way just as the front door opens. 
“Hey, Ben.”
The door closes and I feel the color drain from my face. My dad is here and almost walked in on us fucking in the kitchen. 
“Hope it’s ok I used my key? Normally you complain about having to get up and open the door.”
“No, no that’s fine. What, uh, what are you doing here?”
“Lil is at her friend’s studying this weekend so I thought we could watch the fight?”
“The fight?”
There’s a slight pause. “The big fight? Between Samson and Jueng?”
“Oh right. The fight. Yeah, I think the neighbors in 2B are having some kind of party.”
“That explains why the parking lot is slammed.”
“Yeah, yeah. Hey listen, Frankie, I uh…I’m a little…” There’s a pause where Benny fumbles for words. 
“Oh shit, I should’ve called, Ben. I just got bored and I remembered you said you were staying in this weekend. Thought we could hang.”
“No, no. It’s uh, it’s ok. Did..did you want some pancakes?”
“For dinner?”
“I already made some.”
“Sure, sounds good. Bathroom useable?”
“It’s clean, fucker.”
Dad’s chuckle gets closer and I step away from the crack in the bedroom door, like he could see me through it. When I hear the bathroom door close, I yank on some pants and grab my shoes, tiptoe running down the hall and meet Benny at the door. 
“I’ll let you know when he leaves.”
I nod. “Sounds good. I still want pancakes.”
“Ok ok but you have to go now,” He’s practically pushing me out of the door, but just before it closes, he reaches out and grabs my arm, pulling me back and kissing me before letting me go, a smile as the door closes and I hear my dad’s voice coming back down the hall.  
That was close.
Several weeks later, I decided to grab some dinner on my way to Benny’s, neither of us feeling much like cooking. I wait at the counter of the diner, studying the pie menu while our burgers cook. It’s hard to pick out pie for Benny because he loves them all. Even Rhubarb. I decide on a slice of apple and a slice of buttermilk pie, placing the order with the waitress.
“No pecan?”
I jump, my head jerking to look at my dad, leaning against the counter, menu in hand and looking at me. 
“You’re favorite?”
“Oh. Yeah I thought I’d try something new.”
He nods. “So, you weren’t going to tell your old man you were getting shitty food before coming home?”
“You’re here too.”
He laughs. “True.” His eyebrows furrow together as the waitress brings 2 large bags and reads off the order. I try to cut her off but she plows through, smiling at the end. 
“Anything else, dear?”
“N-no. I’m good.” She walks off and I can feel my dad’s eyes on me. 
He nods towards the bags. “There’s enough food there for two. Especially with that last burger. Double cheese, double bacon, and extra pickles? That’s exactly what Benny orders so I know it’s entirely too much.”
I laugh nervously. “Uh yeah. That’s..that’s mine. Period.” He looks at me, understanding. 
“And the other burger?”
“Uh surprise! I was going to bring food home.”
He smiles and I feel terrible. “We must have been thinking the same thing. Thanks, mija. Need some help?”
He takes the burger bag and I take the other, walking me over to my car. He waits for me to get in and hands me the bag. 
“See you at home!” 
When he’s turned away and solidly heading to his truck, I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Benny. 
Me: No burgers tonight. Dad came in. Had to tell him I was buying for us.
Benny Baby: Oh shit! Did he know?
Me: He recognized your order but nothing past that. I’m sorry! Can I come tomorrow?
Benny Baby: Oh I plan on making you come many times 
It was a couple weeks before we could manage to see each other again and we wasted no time in making up for it. Benny pressed himself between my thighs over and over, pulling as many sounds from me as he could before I just couldn’t take anymore, completely over stimulated. Only then did we get dressed and head out to dinner across town, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we walked into my favorite Italian restaurant, laughing and sharing breadstick puns as we waited for our food. After force feeding ourselves some dessert, we walked back around the building, Benny pushing me against the side of his jeep, slotting his leg between my thighs as he pushes his tongue in my mouth, my hands fisting in his shirt. I can feel him getting harder against me and I wonder how unoccupied this parking lot is or if I even care. 
“I thought that was you. You got a secret girlfriend?”
Benny freezes at his brother’s voice, pulling back slowly and looking into my eyes, fear and apologies swirling around in his baby blues. He tries his best to turn around without showing me, but the angle is weird and he can’t quite hide all of me, no matter how I try to angle myself. 
“Wait…Lily?” Will says, completely shocked. 
I sigh, stepping out from behind Benny. “It’s me.”
He’s not smiling, gripping the takeout bag he has in his hand a little tighter as he looks at Benny. “That’s Fish’s daughter, Ben.”
“I fuckin’ know, Will. Don’t you think I know?”
“You’re making out with Fish’s daughter. His daughter.” 
“Yeah. And you’re not gonna tell him.”
“Why the fuck shouldn’t I? You shouldn’t be fucking around - shit, are you fucking around with her?”
I feel Benny’s body tense and I gently lace my fingers through his, a motion that doesn’t go unnoticed by Will. 
“That’s Lily, Ben! You shouldn’t be…I gotta call Fish.”
Before he can move, I step in front of Benny and grip Will’s arm gently. He looks down at me, his grey blue eyes studying me as if he’s trying to see if I’ve been coerced. 
“Please don’t, Will. I promise we will tell him. Eventually.”
“Tell him what, exactly?”
I glance back at Benny, giving him a small smile before looking back at Will. “We’re together. I am the secret girlfriend and the reason he hasn’t been around as much.”
Will looks from me to Benny and back. “He put you up to this?”
“Hey fuck you, man!”
I put my hand up, touching Benny’s chest. “No. If anything, I convinced him.”
“You’re Fish’s daughter, Lil.”
“I’m aware.”
“One of our best friend’s daughters.”
“That’s me.”
“I don’t know, I…”
“Will… please? I promise we will tell him. We’ve just…been enjoying each other and seeing where this takes us.”
He cocks his head slightly. “So it’s really not just sex?”
I shake my head. “No.”
He looks between us again, looking like he’s doing some mental math. “Alright but only for you, Lil. Benny knows better. But you have to promise you’re gonna tell him.”
I nod. “Yes, of course. Thank you, Will.” I give him a hug and he returns it with one arm, the other still holding a heavy bag of take out. His eyes never leave Benny’s and I watch as they grow hard. 
“I love you, Ben. But if you hurt her, I’m not gonna hold back Fish.”
Benny nods. “That’s fair.”
I love him. He tried telling me I’d grow out of him, but I didn’t. If anything I fell more in love with him as time went on. Benny let his final walls down, telling me how much he loves me, how I accept him, all of him, and how he thought he’d never find that. I don’t know how we made it 8 months without telling anyone or anyone figuring it out, aside from Will. 
It wasn’t until my dad came home early, finding Benny and me making out on the couch that I remembered why we were keeping it a secret. Thank God he didn’t come home 2 minutes later. 
“What the fuck is this?” He slams the door behind him, the walls rattling and Benny and I spring apart, Benny jumping up as my dad storms towards him. “SHE’S MY DAUGHTER, BEN!” 
Benny has his hands out in a placating manner. “I know, but-”
“My daughter! She is not for you!”
“No, but-”
Anger rises up from my chest. “You have no say over who I get with!”
He looks at me, his dark eyes fuming. “I do when it’s my best friend and my daughter! You’re only 21, Lily!”
“So? I am not some thing you can pass around! My life is my own! I can date and fuck whomever I want!”
His eyes go wide, cheeks flushing with built up anger as he turns his rage towards Benny. “Wait…have you slept with her?”
His voice raises, loud enough I know the neighbors are listening in. “Have you fucked my daughter, Ben?”
The color drains from Benny’s face. “Let’s talk about thi-”
BAM! My dad’s fist collides with Benny’s face, his head flying back. Luckily, Benny knows how to take a punch, thanks to his days as an MMA fighter. He straightens up, dodging the next swing from my dad, his hands still up trying to placate him. 
“Dad!” I push past him and stand in front of Benny, turning his face towards me to inspect his lip, which is now bleeding, a dark circle starting to appear under his eye. I round on my dad.
“What the fuck dad?”
“Don’t dad me! You’ve been lying to me for months! Sleeping with Benny? He’s my best friend, Lily!”
“I know, but-”
“You just never stop to think about the consequences. What did you think was gonna happen? He’s 13 years older than you!”
“Yes, but-”
“He’s done some shit, but putting his hands on my daughter is the thing I’m gonna kill him for.”
“Ok, dad. Kitchen. Now. Benny? First aid kit in the bathroom.” I push on my dad’s chest, willing him to move. He glares over my shoulder at Benny as he moves into the kitchen, but doesn’t sit. 
“What the fuck, Lily?”
“I know, but let me explain.”
“I love him, dad.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, his other hand on his hip in his typical dad pose. “I know you think you love him mija, but it’s just infatuation. You’re young.”
“Do you remember a few years ago, you asked me why I had boyfriends but none of them seemed to stick? And I told you I didn’t like them or want any of them?”
He thinks for a moment. “Yeah.”
“What did I say after that?”
“I said maybe you haven’t found the right person and you said no it’s because…” I raise my eyebrows at him until he continues. “...because you were in love with someone else.”
“You told me to go for it and I said I couldn’t because there’s no way he likes me the same way and it would be complicated.”
His shoulders slump, a little bit of the anger seeping from him. “Benny?”
“How do you know he feels the same way?”
“Didn’t you tell me a few months ago how good he looks? That he said he was seeing someone but wasn’t ready to bring her around everyone yet? But that he hasn’t looked this happy in the entire time you’ve known him?”
“Fuck. It was you?”
“Me. We love each other, dad. We have for years, but didn’t say it until my birthday.”
“Wait. You told me Benny let you stay over because you were drunk. Did he-”
“No. I barely drank. My friends ditched me and he saw me. We went for dinner and then back to his place where..confessions were made.”
“You lied to me?”
“You didn’t ask me if I slept with him, dad.”
“Dammit. I hate when you’re right.” 
“Are…are we going to be ok?”
He pulls me to him in a bear hug, kissing the top of my head. “I’ll always love you, mija. But your boyfriend I may have to warm up to. God that feels weird to say.”
Benny pokes his head around the corner. “Is it safe?”
Dad turns his head to him, hugging me tighter. “I haven’t decided if I want to kill you yet.”
“Well while you’re deciding, can I just say how much I love her? She’s smart and funny, and she makes the world bright again. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
“You’re damn right she is. So what if I told you I don’t want you dating her?”
“Sshh. I’m asking him.”
“With all due respect, Fish. I’d tell you to go fuck yourself and date her anyway. I love you, you’re my best friend, but she’s the one for me and I won’t let anything come between us unless she wants it to.”
He lets me go and stomps up to Benny, who is a few inches taller than him. He glares up at him for a few moments before extending his hand out. 
“Just do me a favor and don’t kiss in front of me?”
“Speak for yourself, Ben. I plan on making out with you whenever I can.”
A year later we’re married, both of us eternally grateful for my friends ditching me on my birthday that night.
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fivie · 8 months
I keep thinking about how well grantaire and anna would get along (before she gets re-brainwashed)... i know you've moved away from spn canon with UMW but do you have thoughts on how your characters would theoretically interact with spn characters?
ah yes, the re-brainwashing was very unfortunate 😔
my main headcanon re. UMW characters meeting SPN characters is that if Enjolras and Grantaire met Sam and Dean, based on Enjolras's personality and him having the sword, they would absolutely assume he was the angel of the pair 😂 Dean would probably commiserate with Grantaire about the challenges of hanging out with a socially challenged angel, and Grantaire would absolutely go along with it. Then Cas would show up and be like 'hello brother 😐' and spoil his fun.
I think Enjolras and Dean would butt heads, but Sam and Combeferre would probably get along quite well. I hope the spirit of Victor Hugo can't see me typing this.
Ages ago I actually started writing a little crossover story just for fun but I found it really weird 😂 I don't know if I'll ever write any more of it so I'll put what I have under a cut here if anyone wants to read it lol
(it is definitely not UMW canon 😂)
Grantaire is in a long-abandoned barn in rural Belgium, idly sweeping up the ashy remains of the shapeshifter that had been terrorising the nearby village in the guise of a local cryptid legend, when Combeferre pops into his mind with a bemusing prayer:
Don't come back to my apartment right now.
Grantaire pauses, awaiting further details. If Combeferre were in danger, he's sure he wouldn't bother beating around the bush, so Grantaire isn't overly worried, but Combeferre has never told him to stay away before and so he waits, curious. A minute or so later, an even more bemusing continuation:
Or if you do, make sure you come in through the front door like a human would.
Sometimes Grantaire desperately wishes that the prayer communication line went both ways. Combeferre feels distracted, like there are many other things demanding his attention and he is snatching at quiet moments to send Grantaire fragmented intel. Finally:
Other hunters here.
With that, the pieces slot together. Grantaire personally thinks it would be kind of funny for him to drop in on a room full of Musain hunters, especially the ones who'd written him off as a drunken waste of space years ago, and he could always erase their memories after if it was going to cause problems, but he supposes that Combeferre's solution of just keeping him away for a while is simpler. He finishes his clean up and is just about to return to Jehan's house when Combeferre reaches out again.
Could use your expertise for this. Come back if you're able? But please be discreet.
Grantaire snorts. He thinks he'll enjoy having a conversation with Combeferre later about why it's okay to pretend that he's human to other hunters, but not to Enjolras or Combeferre himself. He's well aware of the difference and the reasoning, of course, but he does like watching Combeferre wrestle with a moral quandary.
Enjolras is here, too.
This last part sounds like a warning, and Grantaire supposes it is, and one he should be thankful for. He braces himself before flying back to Combeferre's building, going up the stairs with pointed emphasis and hoping everyone in the apartment can hear his very normal, very human footsteps approaching. He opens the apartment door, calling out a greeting, and he steps inside and the world stops.
The other angel in Combeferre's living room stares at him, his human face registering only mild surprise even as his luminous true form roils and sparks in shock and alarm and, of course, horrifyingly, recognition. Grantaire stares back for a wild, world-tilting moment, and then he flies in a mad flurry, grabbing Enjolras and Combeferre and taking them to the furthest side of the room, pushing them behind him. Combeferre, who had just expressly told Grantaire to be on his best and most human behaviour, calls his name in confused dismay, and Enjolras is saying something too, demanding to know what he's doing, and there are two other humans here too, making their own noise, but then—
"Hello, brother," Castiel says, and all the humans in the room fall deathly silent.
Grantaire doesn't answer. His hand instinctively twitches to curl around the handle of a blade not currently in his possession. He can feel the presence of his sword burning in Enjolras's coat pocket and he wonders if the split second it would take for him to get to it will mean fiery death for all of them.
Three thousand years, he thinks. Three thousand years he successfully kept his head down, and then Combeferre goes and invites another angel into his living room—!
"Aw no, brother?" one of the new humans repeats. Grantaire doesn't dare take his eyes off Castiel, but the human sounds exasperated. He also sounds American, which raises many questions but also answers the one of why they are all here and not at the Musain. Grantaire can only imagine the Musain hunters' reaction to Americans descending upon their home base. "Cas, are you serious?"
"He's pretty clearly serious." The other human puts himself in Grantaire's line of vision, stepping between him and Castiel with one hand raised placatingly. He's uncommonly tall and more than broad enough in the shoulders to be considered physically imposing by human standards, but his posture and expression are currently extremely non-confrontational—he looks nervous, and sort of concerned. He looks at Grantaire first but then, clearly finding no invitation in his stony face, tilts his head to look past him at Enjolras and Combeferre instead. "So, uh. Got yourselves an angel."
"As do you, it would seem," Combeferre says with measured calm. It's strange to hear him speak English. Out of the corner of his eye, Grantaire sees him take half a step forward and hisses back at him, "Don't."
"Hey, who are you? Do we know you?" the first human says suddenly. "Are you an old douchebag in a new meat-suit?"
"Dean," Castiel says in quiet admonishment.
"What? It's not like we can tell."
"You don't know him," Castiel tells him before turning back to Grantaire. "This isn't necessary. I'm not going to harm you or these humans. You should calm yourself."
"And if you want to harm Cas then we're going to have a problem," the tall human says.
Grantaire makes no attempt to calm himself. "Are you alone?" he demands of Castiel, whose vessel affects a faintly puzzled expression.
"I'm here with Sam and Dean," he says slowly, and Grantaire scowls.
"I mean," he says, "where is your garrison?"
"I no longer serve Heaven, Rachmiel," Castiel says in oddly gentle tones, as if he's just realised why Grantaire would be so horrified to see him.
"Do not call me that," Grantaire snaps with a sharp shake of his head. "You—what do you mean?"
"I am...fallen." There's a strange mixture of pride and shame in Castiel's voice as he says it. "My loyalties were tested and I found them to lie more with humanity than with our brothers and sisters."
"You…" Grantaire's mind, emerging from the initial shock, starts to piece things together, starts to remember. "I saw you. Last year. You were killing angels and humans. Hundreds of them."
"Hey, that wasn't Cas," one of the humans, Dean, starts to protest, while Grantaire hears twin sharp intakes of breath from Combeferre and Enjolras as they apparently make the connection between the God-Monster they'd seen on screen all those months ago and the mild-mannered man standing before them now.
"Look, okay, let's...We didn't come here to fight," says the other human, whom Grantaire assumes, through elimination, to be Sam. "It's complicated, okay? But Castiel is with us. He's not the bad guy. He's saved our lives more times than I can count and—hell, he helped us stop the apocalypse."
"Did he say the apocalypse?" Grantaire hears Enjolras mutter behind him.
"What did you two have to do with the…?" Grantaire looks at the two strangers properly for the first time and feels a fresh wave of hysteria. There is a lot to be read from their souls that he will unpack later, but most pressingly, he can see who they are—what they are. "You're the vessels." His undoubtedly wild-eyed gaze swings back to Castiel. "You're walking around with Michael and Lucifer's vessels? You brought them here?"
"Michael and Lucifer are both in the cage," Castiel says. "I do not expect they will be coming looking for their vessels."
"And they already know that they do not have consent to take either of us for a ride," Dean says with a grimly sardonic smile.
Grantaire's head feels like it's going to explode, which wouldn't kill him but would undoubtedly be very distressing for Enjolras and Combeferre to witness. He wills his vessel to hold it together.
"Grantaire," Combeferre says quietly—even that makes him jump. Combeferre speaks to him in soft, rapid-fire French that the Americans clearly do not understand and that Castiel politely pretends not to hear. "If he's really broken with Heaven, isn't that a good thing? For you to not be the only one?"
Grantaire casts a somewhat tortured glance back at him, not anywhere near ready to accept the idea that running into anyone from his family could ever be good, before looking inevitably back to Castiel, unable to keep his eyes from returning to the perceived threat in the room.
"It is good to see you," Castiel says, horribly earnest. "I believed you dead."
"Yeah, that was the idea," Grantaire snaps. Castiel tilts his head to one side like a confused puppy, a crease appearing between his eyebrows.
"You've been in hiding," he hazards finally.
"Pretty successfully, up until now," Grantaire says.
"Hey, just like Gabriel," Dean remarks. "You gotta wonder how many other angels flew the coop."
"Gabriel," Combeferre repeats in tones of disbelief that match Grantaire's own feelings. "The archangel? He also…?"
"Gabriel is dead," Grantaire says bluntly.
"Yeah, but he had a good run hanging out down here pretending to be a trickster god," Dean says with a smile that suggests not-so-fond remembrance. "What've you been hiding out as? Some other deity?"
There's an agonising sort of pause, and then it's Enjolras who says, not without bitterness, "A human."
Dean whistles. "That's a bold choice."
"Rachmiel," Castiel says, and Grantaire wants to scream. "Heaven will not hear of any of this from me. You and your humans are safe. Please. I—Here."
He puts one hand up as if in surrender while his blade falls from the sleeve of his coat into his other hand. He holds it up, slowly and demonstratively, before setting it down on Combeferre's coffee table and stepping back.
There is a very strange, very awkward moment where Castiel and his two humans look at Grantaire expectantly, waiting for him to return the gesture and disarm. Finally, Enjolras steps forward. He catches Grantaire's eye questioningly and, at his nod, takes Grantaire's blade out of his own coat and lays it next to Castiel's. Dean and Sam's eyebrows shoot up and Castiel gives a slow, considered blink, but mercifully all three of them refrain from saying anything about the matter.
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May I please request that Hailee and reader are in a secret relationship, and hailee is on instagram live, fans can hear movement and voices in the background and keep asking hailee whose with her.
meet me there, i'll give you your roses [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
summary: just because you two are supposed to be keeping your relationship a secret doesn't mean you can't have some fun with it.
warnings: none, just fluff; secret relationship shenanigans; weird descriptions of an instagram live chat; still can't write endings :)
wordcount: 1k
a/n: full disclosure, the title has nothing to do with the fic at all, i'm just spreading the måneskin agenda. i sort of messed around with the point of view in this fic, it might not be noticeable but just wanted to point it out in case it's confusing. it's more hailee-centric than my other fics instead of it just being about R's thoughts. you'll see what i mean, hope you enjoy! <3
* * * * * * *
Hailee’s eyes are trained on the screen of her phone while she tells the most ridiculously random story she could think of. It’s been far too long since the last time she did an Instagram Live and her excitement at getting to interact with her fans again is more than a little obvious.
Free time has been harder and harder to find between all the photoshoots and interviews, especially considering there's only one person she wants to talk to when her schedule allows it.
“And then y/n had to come in and-”
You look up at the sound of your name. You hadn’t been paying much attention to her story, too busy looking through food delivery apps and trying to decide what to have for dinner.
The original plan was to cook something for dinner but a certain someone decided to do an impulsive Live instead and so the plan was scrapped. Not that you mind. Hailee’s skill in the kitchen is…a work in progress, at least when it comes to potato peels.
Her eyes meet yours almost as if she knows exactly what you’re thinking about. You half expect her to stick her tongue out at you but doing that would only lead to more questions she can’t answer.
You offer her a smile instead before the two of you go back to looking at your respective phones.
Hailee resumes her story, pretending she got distracted by one of her dogs and not her lovely girlfriend. It’s practically impossible to act like she can’t see all the questions pouring in about who she was actually looking at but she manages. (It’s not like acting is her job or anything)
The questions and comments flying by her screen should be annoying or at the very least overwhelming but she ends up finding them quite entertaining. She’s not about to pretend like questions about her sexuality or who she’s dating are anything new but at least now they’re less straightforward (no pun intended) than when she was on Dickinson.
At least she's not actually trying to keep things a secret this time. She's just waiting for the right time. Although the waiting gets harder every time you look at her like she's the most beautiful thing she's ever seen. She'd be upset if she wasn't aware that's exactly how she looks at you.
She tries to keep your name out of her mouth for at least a few minutes to not look super obvious but she fails miserably. “Where’s y/n?” She reads the question out loud before she can stop herself. “I don't know, probably burning down the apartment.”
An offended gasp comes from the side of the room where you're standing and you know you're kidding yourself if you think her phone didn't pick up the sound.
The look she sends your way says as much and you mentally curse yourself. Although, to be completely honest, if there's one thing you both love more than each other it's feeding the theories about your relationship.
The both of you should definitely be more careful if you don't want to get found out but creating chaos within her fandom is just too much fun. Plus, the only reason you two are sneaking around is because Hailee wants to come out ‘the right way’. Whatever that means.
(You're pretty sure it means a song and a music video featuring you but your girlfriend has been very tight-lipped about her music since SunKissing came out. A song that very well serves as a coming out announcement in your opinion.)
You decide to fix your mistake by turning people's attention elsewhere so you open up Instagram and click on Hailee’s profile. You can hear the chuckle she tries to hold back once she reads your comment.
yourusername: are you insulting my cooking skills again, Steinfeld?
The chat explodes into a flurry of comments that a certain pair of brown eyes can't keep up with.
“I'm just telling people the truth,” she replies. “There's a reason you always order food instead of cooking.”
yourusername: yeah. you never wash the dishes
“Oh, that's low.”
She forgets the game you're playing for a second, looking up to glare at you. Her eyes don't end up meeting yours since you're too busy staring down at your phone.
A small smile spreads along her face as she admires you. Even in the middle of teasing her in front of her fans, you're the most amazing thing she's ever laid eyes on. Eyes that give away the fact that she's not home alone like she originally said she was.
She looks back at her phone just in time to catch sight of the many questions she has to avoid. Such as,”Who are you looking at? Is y/n at your place? Are you having dinner together?”
She ignores them all except the one that comes from the person who owns her heart.
yourusername: so, what are YOU cooking for dinner, chef steinfeld???
The response she comes up with is definitely a bad idea but it slips out anyway. “I don't know. What do you want for dinner?”
She tries to cover up the sound of your laugh by ‘accidentally’ kicking some of Martini’s squeaky dog toys. It's a bad coverup but it's the only choice she has. It would be a lot more believable if her dogs weren't asleep in the bedroom.
yourusername: too late, i already ordered cheeseburgers
“Marry me right now,” she replies, her smile turning into a slight smirk.
You know she's messing around but your heart still skips a couple of beats as you type out your response.
yourusername: i'll think about it ;)
The doorbell rings just in time.
You let her wrap up the Live as you pick up your food. By the time you come back, her phone is gone and she's already curled up on the couch scrolling through Netflix for something to watch.
“That was fast,” you say.
She shrugs. “Thought I should help you reconsider my proposal.”
“Food first, proposal later.” You hand the bag holding your dinner over to her.
“Seriously, y/n, could you be any more perfect?”
The laugh that escapes you is enough of an answer for her. You're everything she's ever wanted.
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alcazarofthestars · 7 months
Hi, hi! I have a request~ What about Yandere Blade x reader who was a part of astral express? The reader is close friend of Dan Heng, so they are always together because their personality is similar. Like, Blade fall in love with them, but they hate him because he's Dan Heng's enemy. That's it. Anyways, nice to meet you~ :3
Oooo~, so like enemies to lovers or a one sided romance? That's interesting! I really liked this idea so I tried a different writing style, please tell me whether or not you like it! It's nice to meet you too btw!
Summary: After leaving the Luofu due to certain unknown reasons and joining the astral express along with a close friend, [Name] had met a rather mysterious man who called himself Blade. After their encounter, they keep feeling watched... Thankfully their dearest friend, Dan Heng, is always there with them to help! (Takes place after Loufu story quest.)
Warnings: ooc, Yandere, yandere content, stalking, unrequited love, one sided romance, unhealthy obsession, obsession, fighting, bad writing, blood, mc is Stelle, gender of reader is unspecified etc. If any of those scare and/or make you uncomfortable please leave.
Suggested to read in dark mode!
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Being a member of the astral express has its own pros and cons even more so since you have the ability to manipulate blood, why don't we go through the pros and cons of being in the astral express crew in [Name]'s point of view?
1. You get to travel the galaxy with friends while also going on fun adventures together!
"March, call everyone to come here! We're almost arriving at our next destination!" A cheery voice called out to a light pink haired girl who started joyfully skipping down the astral express' halls with glee. After a while March had come back with two other people one with dark black hair and the other with long grey hair. "Finally," The [HairColor}ette started. "We're nearing our next stop!" They said excitedly while turning to her pink haired friend who shared the same level of excitement as they do while imaginary stars surround the happy duo. Seeing this, the black haired male just sighed while the grey haired girl only hummed in response. "We're only stopping here to get some supplies, remember?" As the male said this, the stars surrounding the duo shattered and fell to the ground. "Really? Aw man, I really wanted to look around..." [Name] pouted as they turn their attention onto their black haired friend. "... Fine, I'll ask Miss Himeko to give us a few days to explore, happy?" He sighed unable to resist his friend's pouting face. "Very, thanks Dan heng!" They said as they hugged him. "Wanna try some of the food there? I heard it's very good!" March chirped happily. "hm... I heard so too. Sure why not." The taller grey haired female responded. "Seriously? You two want to spend the time there?" Their black haired friend deadpanned at them while [Name] went between the two to stop any chance of a conflict. "Ahaha, how about me and Stelle go check out the food while you and [Name] go sight seeing?" March suggested as all the others nodded. "Great! It's settled then! We'll regroup back at our hotel at nine, deal?"
2. Meeting new friends and making new connections while helping others in the process!
The black and [HairColor] duo walked around a historical sight while taking pictures and reading the history of said sight. "Ne ne, Dan heng... Are you hungry yet? We've been walking and looking around for one and a half hour..." They complained to their close companion to which he only hummed in response. "Sure, let's go get something to eat." He said as his dear friend cheered as they took his hand and dragged him at a quick speed. "Hey, calm down. I can walk on my own." He grunted as [Name] finally let go of his hand. "A-ah, right... my bad..." They apologized as Dan heng turned around to dust off some dirt on his shirt, but when he turned around again his dear friend had disappeared from his sight. Meanwhile, [Name] had got distracted by a spiderlily that shouldn't be able to grow on this planet. Intrigued, they went to investigate it only to find a trail of said flowers growing. Curiosity kills the cat they say as when [Name] followed the trail, they found an injured stranger who had many massive wounds all over his body. The unconscious injured stranger had handsome features; like his long silky black hair that fades to red covering one of his eyes, broad shoulders, his ears that both carries an earring one that's shaped like a tassel and the other is shaped like a piercing(?), bandages covering some parts of his body, his strong hands-... 'What am I thinking?! Get it together, [Name]! Stop staring at the stupidly hot stranger and help him!' They thought as they finally stopped gawking at the feature that adorned the injured stranger. 'The nearest hospital or clinic is miles away... But... The hotel we're staying at isn't far! And I think I have some medical supplies in my bag to help him, time to put all those lessons with Miss Himeko to use! Great thinking, [Name]!' They thought happily while trying to carry the stranger.
After a while, they were finally able to get the stranger to their hotel room but to do so they had used an unused long coat and a dark shade of glasses along with a black masker to hide his injuries and disguise him so that [Name] wouldn't get reported by onlookers to the police for kidnapping. Thankfully, by some miracle, it had unexpectedly worked. They placed him on their bed and used some alcohol from their bag to clean his wounds before using their ability to manipulate blood in order to stop more blood from flowing out of his body then patched it up using the stuff she had prepared from her bag and lastly took off his top to place bandages on then placed the blanket on his body. 'I did it! Miss Himeko would be proud!' Happy with their work, [Name] let out a breath that was unintentionally held in due to the stress and sighed before looking at their phone to send Dan heng a message that they're fine and went to explore a bit by themselves while also telling him to meet up at the hotel lobby just as they planned together. Looking back at the stranger, [Name] couldn't help but feel as if they had met/knew him before in the past... (Pls bear with me I don't really know how to bandage a person..)
Not that long after [Name] had gotten very tired to the point they were fighting to keep their eyes open but soon fell asleep while sitting on an armchair that they dragged from under the lamp and moved it beside their bed so they could watch over their patient. Soon, the stranger woke up and the first thing he saw was a gorgeous [HairColor]ette sleeping so peacefully on a chair right next to him. The sight of them made him speechless, breathless even and wonder how such a perfect being exists in this cruel world. He couldn't help but be attracted to the said person who looked like they were blessed by the aeon of beauty herself, expecilly with those features of their's that make you want to keep looking for hours on end. Snapping out of his thoughts he shuffled around the bed to get out but ended up waking up the sleeping beauty (that's what he named you) beside him as they let out a yawn. "Haah... Are you awake...?" They mumbled while stretching their arms up, "Mhm... Do you need anything...?" [Name] asked while offering a smile. "... Where am I? and who are you?" He asked. "Ah, right. Well first of all, we're at a hotel located in St. Freya. Secondly, I'm [Name]. Nice to meet you... uh..." They responded. "Blade, my name." He answered. "Ah! Alright, nice to meet you Blade!" [Name] said as they gave him a closed eye smile to which he only nodded "Likewise." He said while looking at the person that saved him. "That reminds me," They started. "is there anything else you need?" [Name] asked clearly worried about their patient's health and need. "... Why... Why did you save me?" He questioned in a monotone voice, if you didn't know any better than you would've thought he was angry but due to a a friend who is as cold as ice most of the time, you have learnt to read people's expressions and body language to understand a persons true feelings. "A-ah... Well you see, I was traveling with some close friends of mine and we were going sightseeing but I kinda got bored so I went to look around, that's when I found you in a small alley... It wouldn't be kind of me to just ignore you, but since the nearest hospital or clinic was miles away I took you here. I apologize if I did a bad job at cleaning and patching your wounds, I'm not that skilled in these types of stuff... But if you do need anything else just ask me, alright. I need to go out for a while to meet up with some friends, will you be alright here?" What came after their question was nothing but silence that was cut by Blade's answer "... No, I'll be fine." He said with an unsure tone. "... Alright then, please rest while I'm away...!" [Name] said as they took their bag and left from the hotel room door.
"Yes, I'm very sure, March." While looking for her friends in the now crowded lobby she heard the voice of her closest friend, Dan heng. "Hey! You guys! Over here!" [Name] shouted to grab the attention of her dear friends who instantly turned their heads in [Name]'s direction as soon as they heard her voice. "There you are, you idiot!" March angrily said as she ran in [Name]'s direction followed by Dan heng and Stelle who shook her head at March's childish antics. "Whoa there, calm down, March." [Name] sweatdropped. "Do you know how much you scared us? Don't do that again, you hear?!" She said as she lectured [Name]. "Did I really...?" They asked in denial. "Yes, yes you did." Dan heng sighed. "What were you even doing, [Name]?" Stelle asked. "Huh? Oh, I found someone who was injured and helped him." They answered. "Oh. Alright. Wait.... WHAA?!" March exclaimed. "Is he here?" Stelle asked pushing March out of the way affectionately. "Yeah, why?" [Name] responded making Dan heng face palm. "Why didn't you take him to a hospital or clinic?" He sternly asked with a glare that made March snap out of her dazed state. "Ooh girl you're in trouble now...~" She teased making you glare at her to which she sticked out her tongue. "Uhm... Well you see... Uh... the hospital is... too far and I thought he wouldn't make it..." they answered in defeat. Dan heng sighed. "Alright, let me check up on him. You two can go ahead and we'll catch up later." He said to March and Stelle to which they responded with a nod and walked off. "Come on, [Name]. We're going." Dan heng stated as he walked towards the elevator "R-right!" [Name] said before following him, unaware of the pair of eyes that have been staring at their figure for a while leaving the hotel building.
When they arrived at [Name]'s room the stranger was no longer in their bed which made [Name] shocked. "Huh?! Where is he...? I could've sworn I told him to stay here... The wounds wouldn't have healed properly if he walked too much..." The [HairColor]ette panicked. "Hm... It seems that our injured stranger has left a note before leaving." He said pointing out the piece of paper on their bed before picking it up. "H-huh? what does it say?" They asked in curiousity. "It reads; thanks for the jacket, glasses, masker, and help, sleeping beauty. I'll probably visit the astral express in the future to return those, but maybe not. If you're ever in danger call me. -Blade..." A loud silence engulfed the duo. "You... You meet Blade...?" Dan heng broke the silence with his question and wide eyes. "Uhm... Yes? What's wrong...? are you mad...?" [Name] said in worry. "It's-... just-... I'm not mad, just please don't get anywhere near him. He's... dangerous. Alright?"
3. Having a fellow member protect you, even if you aren't aware!
Lately, you have been feeling watched but there wasn't any evidence to your claims. You tried to tell March and Stelle, but they only said "Huh? Really? You sure it isn't just your imagination or something?" and "Maybe it's the angry ghost haunting you for eating my ice cream." You had also thought about telling Himeko and Welt but decided against it afraid that they'll overthink things and make the situation more complicated than it actually is. So as a last resort, you told your best friend for his suggestion and prayed to whatever god that he'll help you out. "And that's it..." You explained to Dan heng who has been listening to you rambling about feeling watched and the chill you feel whenever you leave the astral express for the past hour or so while he sorted out some information on the traditions of different planet that you had collected from your latest solo adventure to a new planet. "Hm... I'm not able to do much, but if it makes you feel better then I'll look out for any watching eyes and unwanted visitors." He hummed. "Really?! You're the best!" [Name] chirped happily. "yes yes, now go to sleep or else you'll be tired for your expedition tomorrow." He ordered which you complied with. Happily skipping down the halls, [Name] has started feeling a bit safer thanks to the previous conversation they had with Dan heng but one thing has been bothering them for a while... "Don't get anywhere near him. He's... dangerous."
On your next exploration trip, Dan heng had advised a plan to help you with your (not so little) little problem the troublesome part is the fact that he didn't give any info or told you about it. As you happily walk around the planet that the astral express had stopped by to gather supplies to find some snacks for March, Stelle, and Pompom while also stocking up on perishables and blankets thanks to Stelle who built a pillow fort during a blackout and accidentally trowing them all away after she was no longer using them since the lights had turned back on. While looking around you had stumbled upon many happy couples out on dates while looking into each others eyes that are full of love, kids happily playing with each other laughing and smiling together as they all ran to hide while playing hide 'n seek, a mother and her son who was helping her carry their groceries as he told her what had happened at school today, and much more. You contently stared at them from afar not noticing the small genuine smile that was appearing on your face, but deep down inside you admit you felt a bit jealous of the happy people spending time with each other wishing you could be like them one day where you don't feel alone. Snapping out of your trance you continue to find what you came here for, the reason you came here in the first place, to help out your mentor, Miss Himeko and your close friends on the astral express. Once again, walking around in search of the items needed, you had started to feel that cold chill and watching eyes once again but when you looked back, there was only two kids playing soccer with each other in the far distance. Brushing off the feeling of being watched as being paranoid, you continued to walk around unbeknownst to you that there was some drama happening not too far from where you were...
"I'm not letting you get anywhere near [Name], and that's final." A familiar stern and serious masculine voice stated, judging by the tone, he must be angry at the person he's talking to. That person being none other than Dan heng. "Is that so?" Another voice chuckled in amusement at his statement. "Do you really think you're strong enough to defeat me? No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to defeat me. I will get them, and you won't stop me, Imbibitor Lunae." The other voice said, knowing well that all he said was true.
1.Getting Injured During Missions, Whether It Be A Small or Big Injury
"Ooh! Look over there! Isn't that Mrs. May's purse?" March happily exclaimed while pointing in the direction of a small purse covered in snow. Today [Name], March, and Stelle had gone to look around Belobog as the other members of the astral express went to stock up on supplies once again. While travelling, the group had stumbled across Mrs. May, a very nice elderly lady who lived in a nursing home along with her cats, searching for something. It turns out that one of her pet cats had taken a liking to her purse and would play with it, but then one afternoon the said cat had taken the purse outside without her knowing and returned home without it. Worried, Mrs. May has been searching for it since yesterday without any progress thus she ended up asking the group to search for it. After a few hours of searching all over Belobog, and stopping Stelle from digging through random trashcans on the side of the road, you had found a few signs of the purse such as a strand of light pink silk sticking out in the snow along with some other stuff like money, coins, and a grocery list. "I think it is, at least from the descriptions Mrs. May had given us before we left." [Name] explained as the group went to investigate the purse. "I wonder how it ended up here though... This place is quite far from the nursing home, and I highly doubt a cat would travel this far in this extreme weather..." March voiced out her concern. "I think you're overthinking again, March. It has been days since the purse first went missing, the weather must've been warmer that day." Stelle turned down her thoughts. "Well whatever... As long as we found it it's time to return the purse to Mrs. May now!" March exclaimed. "A-ah... How about you two go first, I'll stay behind for a while. There are some things I want to check out to put in the archives back in the astral express." [Name] explained as the other two nodded their heads at their friends words and turned around towards the direction of where they came from. "Alright then, see ya later, [Name]." Stelle said already walking away. "Bye! Don't forget to call me if anything happens!" March happily said as she too left and tried to catch up with Stelle.
As soon as the duo was no longer in sight, [Name] let out a loud sigh that they were holding in for a while. 'This feels off...' They thought as they started to look around the area for some clues and crouched near a tree to take a short break. 'I swear I felt something off... My mind is playing tricks on me again...' Just as they stood back up, an unexpected force forced them to get blown away into the snow and landed on their hand to stop. 'A... Voidranger...? Wait a minute... What is it doing here?!' [Name] panicked. It's unusual to see a Voidranger in Jarilo VI of all places, after all. Looking at their hand [Name] realized that they were bleeding... sighing then taking out their weapon of choice, [Name] went into a defensive stand. Facing the enemy, [Name] closed their eyes for a second and when they opened them, the Voidranger had already been taken out. Right behind the Voidranger is a familiar figure with long black-ish hair, Blade. "It's you..." [Name] whispered softly, but Blade was still able to hear what they had said but all he gave them was a small nod and said; "If anything happens, just call my name." before disappearing leaving [Name] alone.
2.Getting Lost During An Exploration Trip.
"Aaaaaah....! I hate these types of expedition trips... Why are we even doing this in the first place?!" March groaned as she dragged her feet to follow her fellow comrades who were looking around in some abandoned ruins. "There's some treasures here that we need to retrieve. So just hang in there for a while longer, we're almost there." [Name] explained to their tired friend as March pouted in return. "Well can you please carry my bag? My back is starting to hurt... I mean, why did we even bring these bags in the first place?" March complained yet again as she handed her bag to [Name] who is now carrying it. "And can you believe how-" All of March's words didn't register in [Name]'s mind as everything she says starts to sound like gibberish along with everything else. Soon, [Name] finds themselves zoning out and when they have snapped out of it, they realize that they're now lost. They were in a room with a lot of dust and some... weird purple gas around the room. Looking at their surroundings, [Name] isn't able to find or hear the group. After a while, [Name] had decided to walk around in search of their friends. After a few hours, they were still lost. Hell, it felt like every hallway was the same! Not to mention how [Name] had started to feel dizzy after walking for a while, and this dizziness has not gone away. Frustrated, [Name] plopped themselves down a wall and hugged their legs. "I wish Dan heng was here... or March... or Stelle... or anyone else..." [Name] whispered to no one in particular as they start to sob. "Hic... maybe not Miss Himeko... or Welt... they will definitely be disappointed or tease me..." They tried to calm down. "Alright, [Name]... focus... calm down. What do I do..." they said the theirself and placed a hand on their chin. '... Help... Dan heng... Blade...!' They thought as their vision becomes fuzzy due to their dizziness from before, drowsiness takes over them.
"B-.... Blade...!"
Just as [Name] whispered that, a mysterious figure and fog appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The figure soon became more clear, long black hair that fades to a reddish color, a lean body build, and broad shoulders. Without a doubt, that is the one and only Blade. "You called?" He asked. But unable to keep their eyes open, [Name] had fainted right in front of Blade. "Huh, guess the gas worked better than I thought." Blade mumbled as he crouched down to reach [Name], carefully playing with their hair while enjoying looking at their delicate features. After a while of silence, Blade had placed his hands around [Name]'s body, and slowly picked them up in a princess carry and walked away not noticing the small bag that was left behind.
3.Getting Kidnapped By Your Friend?
When [Name] had woken up, they were no longer in the abandoned ruins that they were in before. Sitting up from the bed, [Name] looked around and realized that they were in an unfamiliar surrounding just as they were about to get up, something was stopping them from doing so. It was a chain on their foot that was locked on both their foot and the bed. Seeing this, [Name] panicked. Not long after, Blade had entered the room. "Blade...?! Great timing! Now come and help me get this chain off my foot-" they said before getting cut off "That won't be necessary. Why would I do that if this is everything I've ever wanted? Having you in my arms, your full attention, your everything!" He exclaimed. "What...? Blade... You're crazy...!" [Name] shrieked as Blade only grinned in response. "Maybe I am. But just know this, I'm only this crazy for you, dear [Name]." He said as [Name] could only widen their eyes in response, afraid of him and his obsession with them.
"You'll be mine, and mine only. Why would you want to separate us?"
Extra HCs:
Whenever you and Blade cuddle he would hug you so tight that you'll barely be able to breath.
You and March would paint each other's nails whenever you have the time.
Himeko can be super strict sometimes when teaching. (Welt having war flashbacks.)
Stelle got scratched by one of Mrs. May's cats
The group was searching for [Name] but only found your small bag and March's bag.
Blade didn't tell Kafka or Silver Wolf cause they would tease the living daylight out of him.
Authors note: I got so lazy at the end... BUT thank God my exams are finished! I'll start accepting requests again. This has been rotting in my drafts since December... I finally finished it!
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uva124 · 4 months
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Emmmmm how the hell do these types of blogs get started?
This post is just going to be me rambling on about what I want to do with Asha.
So let's get started?
INTRODUCTION: -As I said before I'm still developing this story (damn I don't even have an outline) but I wanted to start this rewrite (or plan it a little) because of something that really frustrates me about Wish, literally in a movie that commemorates 100 YEARS OF THE MOST IMPORTANT STUDY OF ANIMATION IN THE WORLD and the topic of art has not been given the importance it deserved, you know? It's like, yes, Asha shows her sketchbook in certain scenes, but then what? It literally seems like it's just for decoration, damn, Disney could have done the same thing as with the Miles Morales sketchbook in Spiderverse, but I'm already getting distracted from the topic, so one of my goals with this was to emphasize how important art can be , and not just the drawing, but all the forms that exist of it.
-So Asha is a little different from previous Disney princesses.
CHILDHOOD: Yup! I'm joining the angst ship, I don't really blame anyone *cough* *cough* Flicker *cough* Bo *COUGH* *COUGH* ANNY *cough*, damn my allergies are getting worse. So Asha at this stage is quite cheerful and positive, basically like Rapunzel, Moana, Anna and this princess trope, however this takes place in the modern world (the movie would be set like in the princess and the frog movie only the world It's a little more modern) Asha discovers her passion for drawing, and as she grows up she wants to dedicate herself to that and is full of a lot of dedication and determination, but what would happen if we corrupted her dreams?
PUBERTY: “It's fine as a hobby…but it won't work Asha”, “Don't you like doing other more…useful things?”, “Come on, you have so much talent, are you really going to waste it on this?” , “Have fun without having a future” “Really this is more important than your other things Asha?” ,Yes, I am adding this, Asha wants to dedicate herself to animation, so Asha at first, like every Disney princess with character, ignores these types of comments, which came from anyone in general, some said it with good intentions and in a calmer mode and others in a more aggressive way (you know, being idiots), but when you receive this type of comments your entire life, it will somehow affect the protagonist, and it will only get worse *Insert evil laugh*
ADOLESCENCE: I didn't mention it but I plan to include Asha's family, or at least at the beginning, she was living with her parents Sakina and Tomas as in the official movie (I'm still debating whether to add Sabino or not), her father gets sick as in the original movie, so Sakina and Asha do their best to help him, then Asha has less and less time to concentrate on practicing drawing and in general her hobbies (I also want to emphasize that here Asha was doubting more and more about drawing as a professional way and started to despise her talent a little bit, not completely but that little seed had already been inserted in her head), her father was her biggest motivation, he was a dreamer like his daughter, her mother was more down to earth but equally supportive of her family, Tomas was always the first to see his daughter's drawings.
So continued the life of our protagonist, studying, working a little and drawing in the little time she had, and in those jobs she met Magnifico and Amaya, I'm still debating how I'm going to write them, but I'm sure I want them to do a scene with Asha that I'll explain later, for now let's continue.
One day Asha's father can't take it anymore and dies…….. all Asha could do was watch her mother running to her room because she really didn't want her daughter to see her in that state.
With that you're probably wondering, “Well, Asha can get a motivation to keep being a dreamer and pursue her dreams to follow her father's legacy rigth? “ Well actually………no, Asha in my Au unfortunately had already endured TOO many comments that referred to her dreams of being an entertainer or artist, even her mother had referred to it in a not so positive way (no, Sakina is a good mother, she's not perfect, but she cares like every mother about her daughter's future) , and without her major support in life, that…..eso ended up deciding that she would just give up on those dreams… or at least until a certain day.
CURRENTS: In the movie Asha is presented as a girl who studies a career that she does not like for the most part, but she says to herself “It's too late to redeem herself, there is no turning back, I just have to continue and everything will be fine, for me and my family”, she also works as an assistant to Magnifico and Amaya, during years of having met them she was getting closer little by little, in fact they knew the protagonist's family for some years but they had distanced themselves, they also “tried” to help with Tomas' illness, but as it was shown before that did not work out, now they gave Asha this job opportunity and she is not going to waste it, since she still has to help her mother.
Let's say that Asha doesn't draw much anymore, she still makes small sketches because, well, when you are really passionate about something you keep doing it despite the adversities, right? Even unconsciously (you're understanding what I'm trying to say, right? ), besides, it's not like she still deep inside has not stopped wanting to fulfill her dream, although she every time says that making drawings will not lead her to anything or just saying “it's a hobby that will not lead me to anything useful or important” is just to have a constant reminder that she might not make it, that it's not worth it, that no matter how much she loves to create and draw, it just doesn't make sense anymore.
Remember I told you about a scene between the villain duo and Asha? well this is what I have in mind:
Asha somehow or another is going to end up asking Magnifico and Amaya for help, which would lead to Asha maybe not working with them anymore or something so she can pursue a small glimmer of hope of fulfilling her dream of being an animator (as I say before, this post is just me rambling), the villain duo simply proceed to manipulate the poor girl by making snide and manipulative comments about her “insignificant goals” and her “wasted talent”, if Asha herself was already quite doubtful about these issues, this just makes her worse, she's lost, she doesn't know what to do, she's afraid of her future, she doesn't want to let her mother down, she doesn't want to end up being a disappointment (maybe I overdo angst, it doesn't matter, it's important for ✨character development✨).
Now a multiversal cosmic thing happens (that I'm still thinking about) but the point is that my Starboy (Haedus) and his 2 protégé/small brothers (Nembus and Naos) arrive, at first Asha is VERY SCARED AND CONFUSED, I mean, this is not possible right, she must be confused from crying so much - I mean this only happens in the movies and fantasy stories she saw as a child right?! (lmao)
At first she doesn't get along with Haedus, not at all, with the little ones at first she is a bit distant, but little by little she starts to develop a great appreciation for them, the little starlets (and then Haedus) throughout the story bring back to Asha that dreamy and positive side of her.
Also Asha is not the type of person who makes derogatory comments when it comes to the goals or dreams of other people and her friends despite having received them all her life, no, she is not that type of person, of course everything she has lived through makes her more sarcastic or pessimistic at times, but she doesn't want someone else to feel like her, she doesn't want anyone to go through what she went through, and this is only reinforced with the arrival of the stars.
I have to mention that Nembus and Naos make Asha remember how she was as a child: cheerful, positive, dreamer, and seeing how the antagonists want to hurt them, how that can destroy the hopes and illusions of the little stars, that just makes her more determined to defend the little ones at all costs.
“They still have dreams, and they can still fulfill them, that's why I won't let others destroy those dreams, not like me.”
-Sarcastic -Negative to a certain extent -Empathetic -Indecisive -Calm -Organized
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That's all I have for now, I hope I haven't bored you, as I said before, this is all just my rambling, I still don't have an outline or plan for this, anyway, I hope you had a good time reading this, see you next time!✨✨✨
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dragons-and-art · 7 months
well i think it's finally happening
i think i'm finally starting to let go of pokemon as my main crutch of inspiration
I have grown too dissatisfied with it, and the stories i make are so detached from he primary concept of pokemon it has become too distracting for me, like my current set of characters barely look like the pokemon they are supposed to be lmao
for a while i've been thinking how i would translate my characters into my own lil world of dragons as a fun side idea, i kinda already did that with my current lizard trio plus Zack and Ylvi but now it has gotten to the point i wanna keep developing this idea more, smash it with the things i keep getting attracted to and run with it.
I don't think i'll immediately stop drawing pokemon stuff, i still like the way my characters look, but probably expect to see more drawings of them in my OG setting as i develop more of their world.
and as for the comic
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I'll just take my L and all i managed to learn through the experience, and start again when the idea is solid enough |'D sad but every time i work on it, it keeps reminding me of all the things i don't like of its setting and there's already too many things i wanna fix about it to continue. at least i've managed to learn a lot through the process and i feel way more confident about my abilities to tell a story with the themes and concepts i like so it wasn't all in vain, it's just something i'm gonna have to accept
but anyways, i'm not really sure why i'm writing this down, thought you guys would like to know what's going on with me and my work, maybe hear what you think about it, i don't know!
I'll just be drawing my weird creatures and melodrama and current times with a fun splash of modernized fantasy
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see ya around ;v
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stressed-and-queer · 1 year
Hey, so here's a little story inspired by a prompt made by @aeagle624 (i really hope you like this)! I've never really done anything like this before and it was a fun challenge.
Prompt: A drunk Merlin finds himself in Arthur’s room, Arthur takes care of him. Merlin is very affectionate when drunk
The room was quiet, the only sound being Arthurs quill dragging across the paperwork that lay in front of him. Every so often Arthur would look out his window and see the empty streets of Camelot, well mostly empty. Maybe one or two people scurried past the town square. It was way too late for anyone to be wandering about, hence why it was so quiet. Also why Arthur decided that now would be the perfect time to catch up on his paperwork. Without the chattering of the townspeople down below, or the utter distraction that Merlin was for a number of reasons, Arthur could finally concentrate. Could finally focus on the important documents that he had yet to review, or that speech he was supposed to write. 
“Unhand me,” came a drunken shout from outside his door. It came from a voice the king knew all too well. He could already feel the annoyance start to rise as he put his quill down, the ink staining his wooden desk. Well there goes the peace and quiet he had had. 
There's a knock at the door, it wasn't loud at all, but Arthur still heard it. If he were asleep like he was supposed to be, he doubted he would have woken up from it. And that seemed to be the point, it was so obviously cautiously soft. Arthur stayed quiet for a moment, debating on if he wanted to speak up or just continue on with his paperwork. There's a laugh from the other side of the door, Merlin's laugh. 
"Stop it will you or we'll skip Arthur's chambers and go straight to the cells to sober you up," came a growl. Arthur sighed to himself as he put his head in his hands. Then came another knock, this one a bit louder than before and cut off abruptly. 
"Come in," Arthur said reluctantly, looking up at the door. He wasn't about to let Merlin spend the night in the cells, although it would probably do him a bit of good.The door creaked open, the light from the hallway seeping into his chambers. And there, in the doorframe, was a guard holding a very drunk Merlin. To be honest it looked like the knight was the only thing keeping Merlin from meeting the floor, with the way the servant was swaying.
"Arthur, tell this man to let me go," Merlin slurred, his accent a bit thicker in his drunken state. Arthur sighed, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"How much trouble did he get in," Arthur reluctantly asked. 
"None," Merlin chimed in. Arthur glared at him, regaining focus on the guard.
"He's actually telling the truth, sire, he hasn't gotten into trouble yet. But he was talking to one of the dog statues in front of the castle. I was going to take him to the cells to sober up but one of the guards said you'd have my head if I did that so I brought him here," the guard explained.
"He has his own chambers, you know," Arthur growled, glaring at the guard. The guard shifted uncomfortably, his grip on Merlin's arm tightening causing the man to let out a soft "ow". 
"Sorry sire, I'll bring him there now" The guard apologized, bowing his head.
"Wait," Arthur said reluctantly, raising his hand. 
"He's already here so why bother. Let him stay," Arthur said and the guard nodded. He let go of Merlin, who rubbed his arm where the guard had been holding him. As he stumbled into Arthur's chambers, the guard closing the door as soon as he could, Arthur sat back in his chair and took a better look at his manservant. His hair was a mess and his jacket was gone, leaving him in his blue tunic. He was wearing his red neckerchief at the moment, he had been wearing the blue one earlier in the day. Arthur chuckled at the thought of Merlin changing his neckerchief to go out to the tavern. The neckerchief was crooked, tilted a bit too far to the left. 
Arthur got up and went over to Merlin as he saw him sway. As comical as it would be to see Merlin fall flat on his face, Arthur just wanted to get back to his work. The quickest way to do that was to help Merlin to his bed and to keep him away from any important documents that could possibly be ruined. Merlin smiled at him as Arthur grabbed his arm and draped it over his neck, wrapping his own arm around Merlin's torso as he led him over to his bed. 
"What're you doing outta bed," Merlin asked as they stumbled, his hand gripping Arthurs side. He rested his head on Arthur’s shoulder, leaning into Arthur as they walked. 
"What're you doing so drunk," Arthur retorted, Merlin sitting down on his bed, nearly sinking in. 
"Gwaine, took me out to have some fun," Merlin smiled, resting his head on Arthur's pillows. Arthur rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath, because of course it had been Gwaine who had gotten him this drunk. He wasn't even surprised, the knight had an insatiable love for mead that Arthur just couldn't understand. 
"Just how much did you two have to drink," Arthur asked, part of him afraid of the answer he may get. Merlin frowned as his brows furrowed in thought. He started to count on his fingers before shaking his head and counting on his fingers again.
"I don't know, I lost count after like…5," Merlin says, his voice raised in question. Arthur takes a deep breath, making a mental note to talk to Gwaine about taking his servant out to drink. He watches as Merlin hiccups, nearly falling backwards as he does. Arthur shakes his head, turning around and walking towards his desk to finish his paperwork. Arthur picks up his quill,using his shirt to clean up the ink that had spilled from the quill when he had set it down. 
It doesn't take long before the sound of the quill scratching on paper fills the room. Arthur picking up where he had left off. There's the sounds of sheets rustling and Arthur only glances at his bed to see Merlin laying down. His head sinking into the pillows, one hand down by his side the other up near his head. His knee bent to the side and his head looking towards the window. The man doesn't look comfortable though, and the sounds of the sheets rustling once more as Merlin tosses his body in an attempt to get comfortable confirms that.
Arthur blocks out the noise easily enough, keeping his eyes focused on the paper in front of him. Currently he was working on a speech he was to give in about a week or so. The Kingdom of Camelot celebrating the new alliance they had made with a kingdom in the north. Usually this was Merlin's job but the servant hadn't the time to get around to it, so Arthur had to write the speech himself. He knew whatever he wrote would inevitably be rewritten by Merlin anyways, but just in case that didn't happen, he was prepared. 
He was halfway through the second page of the speech when he noticed the rustling had stopped. He glanced at the bed, expecting to find Merlin out cold by now. To his surprise, Merlin was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching him intently. Arthur blinked, the two sitting in a moment of silence.
"What," Arthur asked, setting his pen down in the ink pot. Merlin blinked, waiting a moment before shrugging. Arthur nodded his head slowly, not knowing what he expected from the drunken servant. He attempts to go back to his work only to find that he can feel Merlin's eyes on him. Feel his servant watching him so closely. Being a king, he was used to having eyes on him, watching his every move. It shouldn't bother him but this….somehow this was different. It made him want to squirm in his seat for some reason. 
"Merlin, just lay down," Arthur says, and to his surprise, Merlin does just that. He falls backwards on the bed, his head hitting the pillow and his arms stretched out wide. And Arthur finds that with Merlin's eyes off of him, he can work again. 
"The dog called me a bitch you know," Merlin says with a frown. Arthur's eyes widen from this seemingly random outburst. Until he remembers that the guard told him he was seen arguing with the stone dog statues outside the castle. 
"Oh did it now," Arthur says, feigning interest in his voice. His eyes never leave the paper but he finds he's only half as focused on his work as he was before. The other half was curious as to what Merlin was going to respond with.
"Yeah. Called me other mean things too! I was about to show him," Merlin says with a huff. 
"Oh I bet you were," Arthur says, playing along. He's glad the guard got him when he did, he didn't want to see what a fight between a drunk Merlin and a stone dog would lead to. No matter how entertaining the idea seemed.
"Was about to punch him," Merlin continues. Arthur looks up from his papers, side eyeing Merlin in disbelief.
"You would punch a dog," he asks.
"It was being mean to me," Merlin says in a whine. There's a pout on his face as he sits up and crosses his arms.
"Uh huh," Arthur says slowly, reminding himself this is a stone dog they were talking about. He shakes his head, wondering just what he’s gotten himself into allowing a drunk Merlin to stay in his room. Arthur gives up on writing this speech, finally admitting to himself that he was going to get nowhere with Merlin around. He turns in his chair so he was facing Merlin, who was still laying down in his bed.
“C,mon Merlin, let’s get you comfortable,” Arthur says, standing up and walking over to his closet. Merlin, literally, rolls out of bed, Arthur turning around with a start as he hears a thump to see Merlin laying on the floor.
“Merlin,” Arthur says, the concern leaking from his voice. Merlin looks up at him with a lopsided smile and lets out a chuckle.
“I’m fine!” He says. Arthur helps him up, muttering under his breath as he wraps Merlin's arm around his neck to give him stability. Sober Merlin was clumsy enough, Arthur dreaded to see drunk Merlin try and walk on his own. Merlin leans his head on Arthurs shoulder, leaning into him as the two make their way to Arthurs closet.The king opens his closet, grabbing his white shirt off the rack and closing the door.
It’s now that Arthur realizes that Merlin is refusing to let go of Arthur. His hand grabbing at Arthurs side as if they were trying to do some weird side hug. His fingers gripping the shirt tight, Merlin making a whine in protest as Arthur tries to get him off.
“Merlin, you do realize you’re going to have to let go so I can dress you,” Arthur says.
“I don’t want to let go,” Merlin whines, burying his face in Arthur’s neck. The king finds the heat rising to his cheeks at this action. Merlin has never been this affectionate with him before, and Arthur finds he isn’t completely opposed to it. His heart skipping a beat as Merlin nuzzles his neck, he can feel Merlin's breath on his skin, making goosebumps pop up on his neck. His blush only deepening as he realizes certain feelings rising to the surface. He shakes his head, pushing those feelings down as he pries Merlins fingers off of him, successfully removing Merlins grip from him. Merlin pouts as he stumbles backwards, his arms crossed in protest.
Arthur reaches his hands to the back of Merlins neck so he can untie his neckerchief. Merlin's eyes widen, a soft blush filling his cheeks as he bites his lips. Arthur notices his eyes glancing downwards, lingering before his eyes reach Arthurs. He smiles, a giggle escaping him.
“What’s so funny,” Arthur asks, finally getting the knot undone. 
“I was just thinking about what it would be like to kiss you,” Merlin replies, wrapping his arms around Arthur and pulling him in for a hug. Arthur can feel Merlin rest his face in his chest and he finds himself frozen in his place. His hands gripping Merlin's neckerchief in his fingers, his face heating up as his mind races with what Merlin just said. 
“I bet your lips are soft,” Merlin continues.His hand moves upwards, his thumb grazing Arthurs lips. Arthur's eyes widen, a blush spreading on his cheeks from the intimate touch. Those feelings he had just pushed down threatening to come back up to the surface. 
“Merlin,” Arthur begins, not knowing what else to say. Merlin hums in response, looking up at Arthur with a smile. Arthur clears his throat, looking away from Merlin for a moment.
“Lift your arms, I'm going to change you into something more comfortable,” He says, peeling Merlin off of him. Merlin stumbles backwards, lifting his arms up as Arthur grabs the bottom of his tunic, lifting it up and over his head.He tosses it on the bed, sliding the white shirt over his head and helping his arms get into the sleeves. Arthur takes a step back, the shirt fits loosely on Merlin,the sleeves went just past his fingertips. But, Merlin looked comfortable and that’s all that mattered to Arthur right now. 
“There. I’ll go tell one of the guards to get a glass of water so your headache isn’t so bad in the morning,” Arthur says, going to his door, he's speaking to the guard when he feels arms snake around his torso from behind  and a head resting on his shoulder. The guard looks from him to Merlin.
“He’s drunk,” Arthur says as an explanation.
“I see,” the guard says, slowly nodding his head. Arthur closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“If you tell anyone about this,” Arthur begins, a threat in his voice. 
“Your secret’s safe with me sire,” The guard says and Arthur can hear the slight amusement in his voice. 
“Just…go get me that water will you,” Arthur says with a groan.
“Of course, sire,” the guard says with a bow. Arthur closes the door, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Arthur, I wanna lay down,” Merlin says.
“Then go lay down,” Arthur replies.
“I don’t want to lay down without you,” Merlin whines. His grip on Arthur tightens as he hides his face in Arthur’s back. Arthur lets out a big sigh and looks down to the ground. 
“Merlin,” He says with a bit of force in his voice.
“Please,” is all Merlin says. It’s short and just barely a whisper but the word reaches Arthur’s ears and he knows he’s lost. 
“Alright,” He says softly. Merlin smiles as he lets out a soft “thank you” which causes Arthur to smile. He lets go of Arthur, making his way to the bed and laying down in it. Arthur follows him, feeling the familiar softness of his sheets as he lays down. He hasn’t noticed how tired he was until now, His eyes growing heavy as Merlin wraps his arms around Arthur, pulling him close. Arthur doesn’t even think about it, he wraps his arms around Merlin and rests his head on top of the others. He’ll blame that on being tired in the morning. What his mind will be focused on is the soft kiss he laid on the top of Merlin's head, how it felt to have him in his arms and how it made him smile. 
“Arthur,” Merlin mutters just as Arthur is about to fall asleep.
“Yes Merlin,” Arthur hums.
“I don’t know if it's the alcohol or not, but I think I may have feelings for you,” Merlin says and it’s as if the world stops. Arthur doesn’t know how to process those words that echo in his mind. He opens his mouth to speak but finds that no words come out. He lets go of Merlin and sits up, Merlin looks at him confused.
“Have I said something wrong,” He asks, leaning up on his arm. 
“No Merlin, it’s just,” Arthur begins before pausing. 
“We’ll discuss it in the morning,” Arthur decides.
“When you’re sober,” He adds. Before anything else can be spoken there’s a knock on the door. 
That must be the water Arthur thinks to himself as he gets out of bed. Merlin reaches for him as he gets up.
“Don’t worry Merlin, I’ll be right back,” Arthur says, going to the door and opening it up. Sure enough, there’s the guard with a glass of water in his hands. Arthur takes the glass of water and nods his head in thanks, closing the door. He turns around to see Merlin already sitting up in bed.
“Here, drink this,” Arthur says, handing the drink to Merlin. He keeps his hand on the glass, making sure Merlin doesn’t drop it, but also to make sure he doesn’t drink it too fast. 
“There, now your head won’t hurt as bad in the morning,” Arthur says when Merlin is finished. He sets the glass on the table next to his bed, glancing over at Merlin just in time to see him yawn. He climbs back in bed, Merlin already reaching for him. Soon, they’re back in eachothers arms without even a second thought from Arthur. Arthur can’t help but think about how much he likes this, laying down for bed with Merlin in his arms. It’s confusing really, the feeling it invokes has Arthur rethinking about every interaction with Merlin he’s ever had, including the time he tried to take his head off with a mace.This newfound feeling has him viewing those memories in a different light, trying to pinpoint exactly when the feeling first started. He looks down at Merlin who’s fallen asleep in his arms, his mouth parted and his breathing even. He takes a deep breath, wondering how one man can cause him so much confusion. Part of him even wonders if allowing Merlin to stay with him was a bad idea. If he had allowed the guard to take Merlin back to his chambers like he had suggested, none of this would be happening. There would have been no drunken love confession that made him question everything. 
But it did and there was.
And Arthur could deal with it in the morning. For right now, as he held Merlin in his arms just a bit tighter than before, he allowed himself to close his eyes and fall asleep.
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animesmolbean · 7 months
A World of Pure Imagination
Author's Note: Wonka was released on Max yesterday (March 8th)! Whoo! I started watching it last night, and I couldn't help but feel so giddy while watching it! It's such a sweet and endearing movie! I stopped after "For a Moment," and I'll watch the rest later. Maybe I'll watch it as I write the rest of the story. That probably won't happen, though, because I love this movie so much, lol. .
Anyways, this chapter was so much fun and surprisingly easy chapter to write! But picking who sings what was a bit difficult, but I got it! 😁
I love this song! It's so catchy, and it shows the impact Wonka's chocolate is having. It's such a fun dancing song, too!
Also, I had to put two GIFs in this time. I couldn't choose between the two, lol. They were both too good!
Hope you enjoy the chapter! ♥️
Chapter 7: You've Never Had Chocolate Like This
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Yin felt the excitement course through his body as he, Willy, and Noodle discussed their plan for the day. After talking about plans all night, the whole team was ready to sell chocolate.
As Noodle talked to Willy about what to do when they spot the police, Yin was distracted. He couldn't help but stare at the beautiful chocolatier. He was dressed as a waiter for a restaurant, part of his disguise, and Yin couldn't keep his eyes off him. Not only was it a bit strange seeing him dressed so formal, but it was a change that made Yin's heart skip a beat.
"Yin! Are you there?"
The boy snapped out of his trance and looked at the person talking. "Yeah. I'm here, Noodle..." His words trailed off again as he felt himself blush with embarrassment.
"You're clear with the plan?" She asked.
"Yeah..." Yin muttered with a nod, still looking dazed.
"You have to be ready to catch Willy when he goes into the storm drain. Got it?"
Yin just nodded with a hum.
Noodle sighed and shook her head while smiling fondly. 'He's hopeless.' She thought to herself.
Willy chuckled at the interaction. "You'll do great." He told the slightly flustered boy.
Yin nodded at the curly haired boy. "Okay."
They heard the church bell ring, signaling the start of the day.
"All right. It's time to sell some chocolate!" Willy said with excitement. Noodle nodded and got into position. Before Willy could go, Yin grabbed his wrist. "Wait, Willy." He said, his voice soft.
"Yes, Yin?" Willy looked at him.
Yin bit his bottom lip shyly and ran his fingers through his hair, feeling a blush bloom onto his cheeks. "You look great." He said softly.
Willy felt his cheeks warm up at the compliment. He looked to the side for a second before turning back to the adorable boy in front of him.
"Thank you." He said with a soft smile. He took his free hand and placed it on Yin's cheek, his thimb caressing the area. The action made Yin blush more, but he smiled sweetly. "Good luck." Yin whispered, releasing Willy's wrist from his hold. Willy smiled more and nodded at the boy before he pulled away and jogged over to where he needed to be. He already missed Yin's touch.
Yin jogged over to Noodle, who was smirking at the lovestruck boy. "You're so in love." She teased. "Shut up." Yin muttered with a chuckle. Noodle laughed at her friend.
The two started to watch Willy as he approached a man who just got rejected by his partner. Ouch.
"Monsieur, can I help you?" Willy asked the man in a French accent. Yin had to keep himself from giggling uncontrollably.
The man replied, "Hello waiter. Do you have anything for a broken heart?"
Willy (Purple)
Yin (Blue)
Ensemble (Black)
Noodle (Green)
If you see parentheses around a repeated line before it, the two people are singing it together. But if it's in parentheses AND slanted, it's said right after the first time.)
🎵So the taxis never stop
The girls think you're a flop
You're wet and cold, you're getting old, your confidence is shot🎵
"It's true." The man admitted.
🎵When people look at you
They seem to look straight through
Or, like you're something brown they found upon the bottom of their shoe🎵
"Have you been following me?"
Willy moved to being in front of him. He put a napkin on the table and like magic, when he pulled it away, underneath it was one of his new creations.
🎵But this should lift the gloom
My giraffe-milk macaroon
Just take a chance and you'll be dancing to a different tune
Goodbye to feeling small
And frightened of it all
Just eat a few of these, and you'll be feeling ten feet tall🎵
The man tried one of the treats. Then, he had a second one. He felt a transformation happen, and suddenly, he was feeling more confident.
Customers watched as Willy and the man, with his newfound confidence, got onto the tables and started to dance.
🎵Wеll, there's chocolate
And thеre's chocolate (and there's chocolate)
Only Wonka's makes your confidence skyrockelet (Only Wonka's makes your confidence skyrockelet)
Put your hand into your pockelet
Get yourself some Wonka chocolate🎵
Customers clamored over to Willy, paying to get his chocolate. The man, feeling more confident than ever, walked up to his partner, Barbara.
🎵Madame, just one kiss
Yes, please🎵
The two kiss.
Yin and Noodle watched the scene with smiles on their faces. Then, Yin saw the police coming from a distance. He tapped on Noodle's shoulder. "The police are coming." Noodle looked before nodding. Yin ran to where he needed to go.
🎵You've never had chocolate like this
No, we've never had chocolate like this🎵
Noodle whistled, signaling to Willy that the police were coming. Acting fast, Willy got off the table and ran into an alleyway and jumped into the open storm drain.
Yin was already at the bottom, and he caught the chocolatier as he fell. Piper closed th storm drain, hiding them. Yin looked at Willy, his hands on the man's waist.
Willy smiled widely. "It was a success. They were buying the chocolate!" He replied with excitement. "Yay!" Yin said happily. Willy laughed at the cute boy.
The two stayed put for some time, enjoying the delightful silence until Yin spoke up.
"Hey, um, Willy?"
"When we do this again tomorrow, can I do it?"
"You want to sell my chocolate with me?"
Yin nodded, smiling. Willy matched his smile and placed his hands on Yin's shoulders. "Of course you can! How can I refuse?"
Yin's smile got even bigger.
It was a new day, and two ladies were discussing Willy Wonka's latest creation. Word was being spread now.
🎵Have you tried his new one?🎵
🎵Oh, you've got to have a go
Just pop one in, and everything becomes a Broadway show🎵
Yin, disguised as a ticket collector, gave the ladies the chocolate after paying. They started to sing and dance.
🎵The news that makes you gasp
The jokes that make you laugh
All that you say and do all day will be choreographed
(All that you say and do all day will be choreographed)🎵
(Transition to nighttime)
It was now nighttime, and Willy was disguised as a barber, attending to a balding customer, along with two others.
🎵Lost your hair, can't think where
Feeling fairly bare up there
Don't despair, I come prepared
Behold my hair repair-it claire🎵
Willy showed the three men the treat, who wolf them down eagerly. A hairless cat ate the leftover one.
🎵It's made from ground vanilla
From the markets of Manila
Take heed, eat more than three, and you'll end up like a gorilla🎵
(Transitioning between the two)
🎵Well, there's chocolate🎵
The passengers on the tram were dancing like they were on Broadway.
🎵And there's chocolate🎵
The three balding men now were sporting full hair-dos. Even the cat now had full fur.
🎵Only Wonka's makes you hop around the clockelet🎵
Yin watched with a big smile at everyone enjoying the chocolate. Until he heard Lottie ring the bell to warn him. Knowing who was coming, Yin ran towards the back of the tram where Abacus opened a hatch into the engine compartment. Yin slid through it and down into an open storm drain below.
Willy was at the bottom, and he caught the boy, arms around his waist. Yin's hands on Willy's shoulders.
"How it go?"
Yin smiled widely and reached into the pocket of his disguise and showed Willy the money he collected. "All of them bought it!" He said excitedly.
Willy laughed out of excitement and hugged Yin. "We're doing it!"
Yin blushed hard at Willy, hugging him, but he smiled and hugged the chocolatier back. The two embraced excitedly, hopping on their toes as the passengers sang. Even hearing the police chief and Officer Affable sing joyfully about how great Willy's chocolate is.
"By the way... you look great dressed like that." Willy said as he pulled away to look at Yin. Yin felt his cheeks warm up, but he smiled shyly. "Thank you."
(Transition to nighttime)
After a successful day, everyone retired to their rooms in the wash house.
Meanwhile, the main trio was in Noodle's room. Noodle wrote the word "Cat" on a blackboard. Willy was seated in a child's school chair, learning to read. Yin was standing close by, watching.
🎵Well, there's literate and illiterate
Can you tell me what this word is?
Not a bit of it🎵
Yin snickered at the two. Noodle sighed but continued.
🎵Well, that's a vowel, and that's a consonant
What's that now? You're talking nonsenense🎵
Yin laughed this time. Willy looked at the young man with a soft smile. Noodle sighed in exasperation.
🎵I should call it quits🎵
Abucus appeared with a jar of money.
🎵But you've never sold chocolate like this🎵
He was right. They were making a lot of money. Yin looked over to Willy, seeing he was creating something out of the paper on the desk.
"What are you doing?" He asked curiously.
Willy smiled. "You'll see in a moment."
Yin waited patiently as Willy finished and showed him what he created. An origami rose. "For you." He said, handing it to Yin. Yin blushed lightly as he took it. "Thank you."
Days went by, and Willy Wonka was making more profit with his chocolate. The three chocolatiers were in the vault, berating the Chief. Fickelgruber started.
🎵Well, there's chocolate🎵
"I understand that." The Chief said.
Prodnose joined in.
🎵And there's chocolate🎵
"Totally true." The Chief agreed.
Slugworth came in, equally annoyed as his two colleagues.
🎵Only Wonka drives a hole right through our profilets🎵
Slugworth's secretary, Mrs. Bon Bon showed their profit charts. They were going down exponentially.
"Yes, but what I'm trying to tell you is that -" The Chief tried to explain, but he was interrupted by Fickelgruber.
🎵If we don't get on top of this, we'll go bust,🎵
The other chocolatiers joined.
Fickelgruber added.
🎵We'll cease to exist🎵
The Chief finally got to talk.
🎵But fellas, you've never had chocolate like this🎵
He hands them each a Broadway chocolate, as they are called. They taste it despite their fury, immediately breaking into a joyful song and dance.
🎵No, we've never had chocolate like this🎵
Willy and Yin are in the town square, back where it started selling from a little cart. A huge crowd surrounds the pair, buying chocolate as fast as they can.
🎵Well, there's chocolate (well, there's chocolate)
And there's chocolate (and there's chocolate)
Only mine'll find you buying wedding frockelets (only his will find you buying wedding frockelets)🎵
The man, named Colin and Barbara, came out of the cathedral, just married.
🎵We have just tied the knot, and it's
All because of Wonka's chocolate🎵
The crowd celebrated this occasion.
🎵Off to a life of bliss🎵
Yin walked to the front of the cart, handing out chocolates to paying customers.
🎵You've never had chocolate like this
No, we've never had chocolate like this🎵
Willy joined Yin in front of the singing and dancing crowd.
🎵Have you ever had chocolate like this?🎵
The pair joined the dancing.
🎵No, we've never had chocolate
No, we've never had chocolate like this🎵
The pair were dancing, hand in hand, and spinning each other. Then they heard Larry, and then Noodle whistled. The police were in sight. Willy motioned Yin to go to the storm drain. Yin nodded and weaved through the dancing crowd to get to it. He made it and jumped down, landing on his feet. He saw Willy, who jumped down, closing the storm drain. Yin caught him. However, in Willy's panicked state, he didn't give Yin enough time to prepare to catch him.
So, when Yin caught Willy, the pair fell down, Yin on his back and Willy on top of him. The two groaned at the feeling.
"I'm so sorry, Yin. Are you hurt?" He asked, looking over and checking him for injuries. Yin sat up and placed a hand on Willy's shoulder.
"It's alright." Willy looked at the boy. Yin felt a blush bloom onto his cheeks. "I'm... fine." He said slowly. He got lost in Willy's hypnotizing hazel eyes.
The two stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds until Willy sighed softly in relief. "That's good." He got off of Yin, and offered his hand out to the young man.
Yin, flattered and feeling butterflies in his stomach, took Willy's hand. Willy pulled him up onto his feet and helped the boy dust himself off.
Once they finished, Yin looked at Willy with a big smile. "This is working out. I can't believe how successful this has been!"
"You didn't think it would?" Willy asked, looking a bit sad that Yin didn't believe in the plan.
Yin quickly shook his head no. "No, no, no. I was just worried about...."
"Worried about what?"
"You. I was worried about you. Getting caught by the police. I didn't want you to get hurt."
Willy's look softened at Yin's concern. "Oh, Yin, that's so sweet of you to think that." He took Yin's hands and gave them a squeeze. "But you don't have to worry. I'm a magician. They won't catch me." He said with a playful smile, reaching up and booping Yin's nose with his index finger.
Yin giggled at Willy's silliness. "I believe you." He said, returning the playful gesture to Willy. Willy scrunched his nose a bit at the action but laughed along with Yin.
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thewulf · 2 years
Hey love, I just discovered that you are also writing for Criminal Minds? Well I've got a story mind, if you don't like it, it's totally ok. You're the writer and these should be your stories and how you want to express your creativity. Just let me know if you don't like my idea 🤍
The reader is a member of BAU, but nobody knows her dark past. She's running from her abusive ex. Once he hurt her so bad (fractured skull, several severe injuries) he left her to die in their apartment. Nowadays she keeps that past hidden, as good as she can. Nowadays she suffers from terrible migraine attacks (dizziness, nausea, great deal of pain) because of her fractured skull. One day she gets mysterious text messages on her phone and her fear that her ex found her is resurfacing. Lack of sleep and the stress make her migraines more frequent and worse. Hotch notices that she is often distracted and during a case she does a mistake which puts her life at risk. Hotch is furious (because he is attracted to her since day one and always worries about her) and confronts her first thing back at the bureau. Her lack of answers just puts oil in to the fire of Hotch's anger and he screams at her. She has a bad migraine and can't stand his screaming which spirals her into a bad panic attack. Pleading not to hurt her Hotch's notices that his behavior was more than wrong. He tries to calm her down but she hallucinates and just sees her ex. Well... In my mind he can calm her bit down. Maybe she throws up in his bureau and he takes her to his apartment to keep her safe and to take care of her. Fluffy happy ending maybe? 😇
some protective morgan, Spencer and Rossi into the mix....
Let me know if you hate it 👀🤍
Oh my gosh I LOVE it. Why was I super anxious reading through it?? Hahaha I'm obsessed and am so pumped I'll finally be writing Hotch!! He's been my forever crush. I've been way to in love with Criminal Minds for far too long.
So, I have three requests ahead of this one but I'm hoping to get 1-2 out this week. So hopefully I can get this out in a week or two!!
Thank you for the angsty to fluffy request! This is going to be challenging but so much fun to write. :)
Link to story here!!
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bonefall · 11 months
Ask Etiquette
HELLO sorry for the intimidating post lmao, I just need something to toss up on the masterpost because I feel bad deleting asks and then people will never really have an idea of why I never answered them
I get a ton of asks (usually anywhere from 10 - 20 a day!) and I'm not able to get to them all! I try to answer as many as possible but I'm still just one guy. So with that in mind, there are some sorts of asks I will simply not answer, and some 'requests' I have for people who send them in;
Please keep your asks short PLEASE try not to send me essays if you want a response; I still love reading them! But if you send me walls of text/analysis you are asking me to write a lot in response, which I'd rather spend on actually writing or designing cats. (On that note if you send a bunch of questions at once, the likelihood I respond goes down.)
Do not send me personal questions Listen... I'm a stranger on the internet. I'm overjoyed to see when my art connects with people and helps you realize things! But don't ask me sensitive questions like how to move out of your abusive parents' house!! PLEASE learn internet safety and get less comfortable with volunteering that kind of information to people you don't know!
Do not ask me personal questions you do not need to know what i study or where i work. get less comfortable asking these sorts of questions to queer people on the internet, especially when they talk openly about having previously been abused or stalked. (not that a person should even need to be as open about that as i am)
If I don't have a good response I won't answer Especially for suggestions I don't vibe with. I try to only say "No" if I have a particularly interesting "No" to talk about, if that makes sense! If I had to write a full explanation for every veto or idea I don't vibe with, this blog would be 90% what isn't in BB.
No AUs within the AU. "What if Hawkfrost survived his impalement? What if Firestar never joined? What if Tigerstar was never born?" Listen, buddy, you're creating an exponential distraction for possible ways the story could have gone and I'm not looking to write several essays for the literal hundreds of alternative ways Clan history could have been written. It takes you 5 words to ask "What if X never died" but it takes me paragraphs to answer. (This isn't about suggestions btw, I very specifically mean ppl asking hypotheticals for fun.)
Don't be rude. I feel like this should go without saying but please mind the parasocial gap. Especially if you're on anon, I don't know you, your backstory, or your cadence.
No "Fight Baiting" You're free to ask me to speak about fandom trends, or for my opinions on general ideas, character discussions, and popular arguments! But it crosses a line if you're linking someone's posts with their uncropped usernames, sharing unsolicited google docs, youtube videos, etc, with the intention of getting me to attack a third party. We can talk about ideas without making it a PVP battle.
And, lastly, CLANMEW ASKS!!
I make a hard effort to get to everyone!! Those are published on Clanmew Day (WHICH IS NOW JUST GOING TO BE THE 30TH OF EVERY MONTH SO THAT IT'S LESS CONFUSING) but PLEASE understand I get a ton of them.
As I write this I have more than 26 tabs open of unanswered Clanmew asks, a lot more in my inbox, and 9 already in the queue. So that you understand the sheer volume of asks I have there.
If I didn't get to you that month, chances are that I'll get to you on the next, but please understand why I ask for folks to not re-send asks
So here's Clanmew-specific requests;
PLEASE just try a translation on your own first! Don't just send me raw lists of OCs to translate, give it a go first using the Lexicon, just so I can see you tried. I will happily and gladly make more specific words for you when I see you try!
When you send OCs you've translated, ask me for a new word at the end if you didn't already in your list. Just in case I can't think of a witty comment or a word suggestion, you will help me a lot
Please try to format with lists like this one Folks will send me double or triple-indented lists and it will take up my entire screen when they've only sent like, 5 names. Remember that posts you send to me go on people's dashes, be considerate please You can open a list like this by starting a new paragraph, typing -, and then an immediate space. Hold Shift + Enter to indent without adding another bullet.
If you could put "Clanmew" somewhere in your ask, like even if you open up with "Clanmew: Here is my question blah blah," it would help immensely I physically can't get to every ask I receive on Clanmew Day, so if you have "Clanmew" in your ask somewhere, it makes it a lot easier for me to find it when I can finally answer! I really wish Tumblr had ways to sort asks, but currently, I've just gotta make due with Cntrl + F.
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