#I'm in the refinement stage with her
HOW am i meant to find photo reference for my stupid underfed old sweatshirt too-short jeans currently living his sad backstory 17-year old looser boy? What are the search terms for this?
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Wellness surveillance makes workers unwell
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TORONTO on Mar 22, then with LAURA POITRAS in NYC on Mar 24, then Anaheim, and more!
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"National conversation" sounds like one of those meaningless buzzphrases – until you live through one. The first one I really participated in actively was the national conversation – the global conversation – about privacy following the Snowden revelations.
This all went down when my daughter was five, and as my wife and I talked about the news, our kid naturally grew curious about it. I had to literally "explain like I'm five" global mass surveillance:
But parenting is a two-way street, so even as I was explaining surveillance to my kid, my own experiences raising a child changed how I thought about surveillance. Obviously I knew about many of the harms that surveillance brings, but parenting helped me viscerally appreciate one of the least-discussed, most important aspects of being watched: how it compromises being your authentic self:
As I wrote then:
There are times when she is working right at the limits of her abilities – drawing or dancing or writing or singing or building – and she catches me watching her and gets this look of mingled embarrassment and exasperation, and then she changes back to some task where she has more mastery. No one – not even a small child – likes to look foolish in front of other people.
Learning, growth, and fulfillment all require a zone of privacy, a time and place where we are not observed. Far from making us accountable, continuous, fine-grained surveillance by authority figures just scares us into living a cramped, inauthentic version of ourselves, where growth is all but impossible. Others have observed the role this plays in right-wing culture war bullshit: "an armed society is a polite society" is code for "people who make me feel uncomfortable just by existing should be terrorized into hiding their authentic selves from me." The point of Don't Say Gay laws and anti-trans bills isn't to eliminate gender nonconformity – it's to drive it into hiding.
Given all this, it's no surprise that workers who face workplace surveillance in the name of "wellness" feel unwell as a result:
As the Future of Work Institute found in its study, some technologies – systems that make it easier to collaborate and communicate with colleagues – increase workers' sense of wellbeing. But wearables and AI tools make workers feel significantly worse:
Workers who reported these negative feelings confirmed that these tools make them feel "monitored." I mean, of course they do. Even where these tools are nominally designed to help you do your job better, they're also explicitly designed to help your boss keep track of you from moment to moment. As Brandon Vigliarolo writes for The Register, these are the same bosses who have been boasting to their investors about their plans to fire their workers and replace them with AI:
"Bossware" is a key example of the shitty rainbow of "disciplinary technology," tools that exist to take away human agency by making it easier to surveil and control its users:
Bossware is one of the stages of the Shitty Technology Adoption Curve: the process by which abusive and immiserating technologies progress up the privilege gradient as their proponents refine and normalize dystopian technologies in order to impose them on wider and wider audiences:
The kinds of metrics that bossware gathers might be useful to workers, but only if the workers get to decide when, whether and how to share that data with other people. Microsoft Office helps you catch typos by underlining words its dictionary doesn't recognize; the cloud-based, "AI-powered" Office365 tells your boss that you're the 11th-worst speller in your division and uses "sentiment analysis" to predict whether you are likely to cause trouble:
Two hundred years ago, Luddites rose up against machines. Contrary to the ahistorical libel you've heard, the Luddites weren't angry or frightened of machines – they were angry at the machines' owners. They understood – correctly – that the purpose of a machine "so easy a child could use it" was to fire skilled adult workers and replace them with kidnapped, indentured Napoleonic War orphans who could be maimed and killed on the job without consequence:
A hundred years ago, the "Taylorites" picked up where those mill owners left off: choreographing workers' movements to the finest degree in a pseudoscientific effort to produce a kind of kabuki of boss-pleasing robotic efficiency. The new, AI-based Taylorism goes even further, allowing bosses to automatically blacklist gig workers who refuse to cross picket-lines, monitor "self-employed" call center operators in their own homes, and monitor the eyeballs of Amazon drivers:
AI-based monitoring technologies dock workers' wages, suspend them, and even fire them, and when workers object, they're stuck arguing with a chatbot that is the apotheosis of Computer Says No:
There's plenty of research about AI successfully "augmenting" workers, making them more productive and I'm the last person to say that automation can't help you get more done:
But without understanding how AI augments class warfare – disciplining workers with a scale, speed and granularity beyond the sadistic fantasies of even the most micromanaging asshole boss – this research is meaningless.
The irony of bosses imposing monitoring to improve "wellness" and stave off "burnout" is that nothing is more exhausting, more immiserating, more infuriating than being continuously watched and judged.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
A reader who loves singing? Does Alator let her sing his radio show?
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being petty, Alastor eating people, Vox being bullied
Description: ☝️⬆️
Alastor loves having an wife who can sing, any talent of yours he celebrates but singing especially is his favorite
Alastor is the type of husband to brag to a room of strangers about how good his wife sings
Even the other overlords are SICK of hearing about you and your beautiful, heavenly, mesmerizing voice
Except maybe Zestial and Rosie, the two of them actually genuinely interested in hearing you sing
Alastor is absolutely embarrassing to take anywhere that there is a live band/music
Mocks any other singer on stage just to get a reaction out of people so he can get you up there instead
He loves your voice best 👌
"They're a fine singer, sure, I'm only saying that I've heard better~"
Not him throwing you on stage
Is your biggest fan, making sure everyone claps and cheers for you because he will eat them if they don't
You're going to be blushing the entire time on stage because he's going to be giving you the most sinful look while you sing
Even if he doesn't necessarily like the song you're singing, Alastor is content to just admire your vocal talent
He won't let anybody try to make deals or contracts with you over your voice, usually just giving people a terrifying grin as he pulls you close
Vox has asked you a few times to perform for his show, but Alastor is proud to say that his wife has better taste than that
He also exaggerates the story of how you turned him down, claiming you kicked Vox in the groin and shattered his screen
"Alastor! That's not how that happened-"
"No? Funny, that's how I remember it~"
And he usually does something funny to get back at Vox for even trying
In Alastor's opinion, there are only two ways to enjoy your voice
Either in person or on his radio show
Putting you on TV would only dull your natural sparkle and talent, take away how special it is to really listen to you
That's his opinion anyway
Will ask you to sing at the hotel instead, but really what he's asking is if you'll sing for him
Because if you perform at the hotel then he's not missing a single moment of it, each performance from you is a gift
Will have brief intermissions in his broadcast so that you can sing to all his listeners
Treats you as the Lilith figure for his show, believing that your singing does have some power to it but also just so he can rub his woman in Lucifer's face
"Seems as if her majesty wasn't the only one with a pretty voice~ Aren't we all so lucky to have Y/N~?"
Alastor, maybe don't piss off Lucifer by shit talking the mother of his child?
He'll play piano as long as you promise to sing, the two of you would have the BEST DUETS
If you sing him a love song, then he can't resist singing along with you and pulling you in for a dance
"You should serenade me more often, my dear~ I think I deserve such a treat from you every now and then~"
"You ate like six people today, I think you should think again."
Little nose boop for your husband
Not him biting your finger playfully as you go to pull it away
"You two are so fucking sweet it's making me sick, I'm outta here."
Sorry Angel
Sometimes he hums along with you if you're singing while you're working, content to harmonize with you
Lowkey gets jealous when other people sing with you but gets irritated if someone who can't sing tries to sing with you
He has gone so far as to threaten them for singing badly and ruining your song
"If you're going to open your mouth, it would do you well to mind the shit that comes out of it."
If you ask him for it, Alastor will pull all the strings he can to get you a place just for you to sing
It'll be his shrine to your voice
No Mimzy, you can't borrow Y/N for your own business
Only people with refined tastes such as his own will be allowed in, Alastor makes sure it's the proper clientele
Oh and Husk will be the bartender
Alastor likes taking your voice to it's limits, likes hearing all the different sounds you can make
And that includes in bed
Even if you sing a wrong note or mess up, he'll call it an artistic choice and praise you
He still cuts in on just about every song you sing because he can't help himself, music and Y/N? It's Alastor bait
Plus, the two of you get to show off together, compliment each other, and make everyone green with envy
Y'all are just too fucking cute
It's a dream come true for Alastor to have a wife who can sing
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Oops! This became another Wife!Reader one...sorry... 🫡
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faeryarchives · 8 months
heartslabyul with a furina-like female reader! the "regina of all waters, kindreds, peoples and laws" is deeply loved by all. under her flamboyant and imprudent facade, lies a girl holding an unbearable weight and guilt on her shoulders to save her people. note: contains major spoilers about fontaine story quests (you have been warned) !! furina - like female reader series: savanaclaw recent fics: you feel like home & octavinelle with a fischl like female reader! & i'm not jealous !! (savanaclaw x gn!reader)
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-‘๑’- riddle rosehearts
"who are you people? and why are you all dressed suspiciously? no, don't come near me, i am warning you!" "calm dow- where did these water familiars came from?!" "stay back i said!"
riddle was taken aback by your sudden behavior and your ability to wield a sword as well as commanding your familiar like it's your second nature! but weapons are still not allowed on school grounds 🤬
after the incident, riddle thought he wouldn't interact with you again when somehow manage your way to the dorm and stepped in when he was about to collar his dorm mates
"i don't think it's appropriate for you to chain your subjects like prisoners, mr. riddle. that is not a proper way of to rule." "don't stand in my way, what do you know about ruling?!" "... you have no idea."
and you proved him so wrong after overhearing your conversation with your heartslabyul friends. it's not like he intended to eavesdrop but it just happened that he was passing by
"after 500 years of acting on stage - i am finally free to live as a normal human again without the need to act as a strong and more god-like version of myself. but the problem is, i don't know where to start."
riddle made it his mission to always make you feel welcomed in the heartslabyul dorm and gradually became close friends with you
who knew that the two of you are similar to each other? from ruling over a community to having tea parties and your love for sweets
"riddle, you can enjoy sweets as much as you want. you dont need to follow such suffocating rules." "...what a pleasant surprise, truly an extra slice of joy."
believe it when i say he is very fond of your salon members and even went out his way to always give them a proper greeting and send them invitations for the unbirthday parties.
it was like he is healing his inner child along with you + very comfortable to the point that he doesn't even hesitate to ask you for advice 🫡 rather than an older sister you were like his twin
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-‘๑’- trey clover
it is bad to have favoritism but trey clover took the cake immediately after watching him bake the most delicious cake you ever tasted
sorry to all fontaine patissier or fontaine in general but maybe you might as well stay in this world ... kidding 🧍🏻‍♀️
out of everyone you met, trey's firs impression was the second best (kalim being first for obvious reasons) he was like your dear friend who adores tea time but more laid back verion of them
"what a rich aroma and delicate texture... i didn't expect you to be such an accomplished cook... with refined taste, as well!" "a compliment from the regina herself is such a worthy praise for someone like me." "nonsense, trey! you are the best one out there!"
with curiosity getting the best of you, you always try to help out during the unbirthday parties and learn how to cook and bake from the vice dorm leader
... after all having pasta everyday is not very healthy 😭
listens to your rambles about the novels you've read befora and suggests you some that he have on hand! at this point he might as well be your guardian angel
despite being smaller than most of the student at nrc - you shocked the whole heartslabyul group after fighting off the known bully group of seniors trying to scare some freshmen
"now go along and never show your faces to me again. capiche?" "woah, i thought you said you are not used to battling!" "mmm, i did. but it's different from my abilities, no?"
you were the opposite of trey, rather than being embarrassed, you know your strengths and weaknesses and use it to your advantage
"trey, don't tell me you are just an ordinary person, you liar. you can't fool me with your downplaying talk!"
he can't fool you with that but trey pulls some harmless pranks on you by tricking you in putting a different recipe in the pie orsomething
he learned his lesson after you really followed his instructions and became the first victim to his own prank
you always seem to pride yourself as a strong and capable woman and how despite everything you are going through you always go for it headstrong
"now look at you, getting sick. i told you not to overwork yourself right?" "mmm, sorry big brother..."
did you just say 🥺 older 🥺 brother? after that he wears that title like a cape everyday and even brags it to cater 😭
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-‘๑’- cater diamond
oh cater absolutely adores you the moment he saw your outfit because it is so well made?! 🫨 not only that - you were like giving the total celebrity vibes
"you have an eye for discerning people! yes, i am once the most beloved star of my country... but that time already came to an end."
sometimes while he tags along whenever you, grim and the adeuce duo hangs out - he always had this feeling that you are staring deep into his soul 👁️👁️
as much as he puts up his usual cheerful facade to fool you, it was like arguing up to a wall and you finally pointed it out one day during your tea parties
"you know, you don't have to force yourself to eat sweets. i cooked some habanero pepper cream pasta earlier with
you might as well become his favorite underclassman 🥺
no wonder you were able to read him so well because you revealed that some how seeing him act in such way reminds him of yourself in the past
"sometimes acting for so long can make you wonder if people can really see through you or was it all fake." "but that is how it is right? how can other people know us when we don't even know ourselves?"
anyways! every now and then, cater would appear right on your doorsteps with small clothes and hats in shopping bags to give it to the salon members
it was funny to see your salon members have a new member and they treat him like their own son 😭🤍
as much as he want to tease you sometimes - he try not to over do it after seeing you let the salon trio chase after ace and grim all over the maze with threatening looks in their eyes.
"wow, mademoiselle crabaletta looks so energetic when she got to hit ace at the back of his head." "well, ace did pissed her off by playing rock paper scissors with her." "... did she win?" "i don't know, you tell me big brother cater."
... he will never let it down after owning his title as your big brother 😭 get ready to receive random gifts every now and then because this big brother cater is ready to spoil you to rotten
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-‘๑’- ace trappola
having to get sprayed and hit by multiple bubbles in the face was certainly not on ace's list 😭 remind him to never play rock paper scissors with mademoiselle crabaletta ever again
he really like to be your friend genuinely 🙏 not that you mind though because ace is fun to talk too + you were able to adapt and learn about this world thanks to him, deuce and grim
but sometimes, he can be a little too reckless in roping you in trouble
"woah! (name) put mr seahorse down and let's talk about this!" "oh so you prefer my sword instead?" "it was just a harmless prank!" "then why is there an anemone on grim's head, again?!"
after you were comfortable enough to tell your story - ace thought he was actually dreaming because how did you stay sane after that 500 years?!
will ask you to help him with his studies and practicing magic + probably thought you were clueless but after years of searching every nook and nanny in your nation's library, you were like a walking dictionary
"how come you get a higher score than me in animal languages?!" "i was wondering how on teyvat did you get a lower score than me?"
omg you traitor 👩🏻‍⚖️
your number one buddy with midnight snacks + everytime he would sneak out of the dorm he always bring some sweets as a bribe to let him stay
there are times that you always fool ace by acting especially in front ofriddle when he accidentally dropped your cake in accident
despite the shenanigans between you two, he always trusts you to have his back
"(nickname) cover for me!" "alright! let the world come alive, hehe!"
whenever the salon members feel silly, they will go and chase after him and you just let them be - even they shower him with love in unexpected ways.
"recently, i've been wondering if Iife been a little too hard on myself in the past. i never got the chance to enjoy my life." "then let's go grab cater-senpai and go shopping!"
he will not let you experience such loneliness again! not when he is one of your first friend here in wonderland.
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-‘๑’- deuce spade
opposite to ace, he is mademoiselle crabaletta's favorite for some reason or even the whole salon members are fond of him !
while he is more on the less troublesome side - he still make some troubles but you can see how much he was trying to not get you involve in it 😭
"deuce, you could've just told me earlier about this..." "i'm sorry, i don't want you to get involve again." "you are really a jester. we are friends! how can i not help you when you are facing problems?"
just as you listen to his problems, you were surprised that deuce is a great listener 😮 its not sarcasm !!
it first came to you during the octavinelle incident when deuce found you crying behind the ramshackle down, hugging your knees and being surrounded by your salon members, trying to calm you down
"i still couldn't do it... i do not belong in this world now i don't even have a place to stay..." "(name)..." "d-don't look at me like this! just give me a second." "no it's okay, let it out. i am so sorry for putting the pressure on you."
the sweetest guy??? ever??? he will try to include you in discussions about this world itself and wouldn't let you feel out of place
you even found him taking down notes whenever you get the chance to talk about your nation and people
"you have a dragon as a friend?!" "yea, don't let the dragon title fool you though. he is very kind but all he eats and drink is water every break time."
while ace had your back, deuce got your sides covered + knows fully how capable of being the front liner
"how dare you!?" "ah, (nickname) don't go to far!" "... remind me to never mess with her again."
remember the phantom back in the mines? you encountered one again and after it made one of your salon members disappear - the trio watch you literally annihilate the monster
seeing you all impatient and having a childlike temper made him laugh because you weren't so different from them after all
but please do not rush in battle so suddenly, you might as well give him a heart attack 😵
don't tell the others but deuce really looks up to you as an admirable person + not only you were able to endure everything for a long time, you still have the heart to forgive everyone who doubted you.
"do you know that you are really a respectable friend?" "...? oh my god, did you eat mushrooms for breakfast again?" "i'm serious!" "oh is that so? well i am proud of you. don't you know you improved a lot too?"
it's 7 am in the morning are you trying to make him cry? 🥹
having you with him during his high school life is an unexpected but wonderful experience - learning other things together + being interested in the same things? he had never felt such comfort before
deuce just hope that even though he and ace are seen as troublemakers, you won't hesitate to let your walls come down when times get rough 🫂
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reidmoony-toast · 8 days
Strawberry Wine. ౨ৎ
"If I was empty space, and you were a formless shape we'd fit"
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Spencer x fem singer!reader
The two times they miss each other, and the one time they don't
content: no use of y/n, fluff, pining galore
cw: lil suggestive? (She sings Chappell Roan)
wc: 2.4k
an: I've been cooking this up for a while, but life has been super busy, so I haven't yet finished the other parts. I'm very sorry if they take a few weeks to finish :[ Anyways, hope you enjoy! <3
| pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | series masterlist ౨ৎ
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He really wished he wasn’t here. He never should have begrudgingly agreed to Penelope’s crazy plans, no matter how much she bugged him about it. This was about as far opposite to his kind of thing that you could get.
The lights were bright–unbearably so; flashing so much he feared he would have an epileptic episode (if it weren’t for the small fact that he didn’t actually have epilepsy, but he digressed).
The large room was also deafening, filled with fans, all of them buzzing in anticipation. Penelope was not an exception–she bounced up and down like a rogue ball, shrieking in excitement close to every thirty seconds. He would know. He had been counting.
Although he would rather be at the very back (if he had to choose anywhere in this wretched place), Penny had physically forced him into the very front row, only a barrier separating them from the stage.
He didn’t know and definitely didn’t want to know how Penelope had acquired such tickets and at such short notice before the show. He had found that he was better living in ignorance of the borderline illegal habits of his best friend.
He had just endured half an hour of what Penny had called the ‘openers’. He was dismayed to hear that the performance was not the actual concert; he learnt that the hard way when he had asked Penelope if they could leave, which she replied to with a cackle, stating that the band that had just exited the stage was, in fact, not the main event of the evening.
He had buried his face in his hands and let out a loud groan. He only had himself to blame for being caught up in the ‘Garcia puppy eyes’ trap, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t whinge at least a little bit–or a lot bit.
He didn’t know much about this singer girl, only that Penelope was obsessed with her, bringing her up in conversation many a time. He admitted that he often didn’t fully (if at all) listen when Garcia gushed over her–he seemed to always zone out.
He had never properly heard her songs, only in passing when Penelope would blast music in her cave, and he didn’t even have a clue what she looked like.
He was mentally preparing himself for the next few gruelling hours, with Penny jumping up and down beside him, when the lights dimmed, sending the whole room into a frenzy.
He winced at the screaming and whooping coming from all around him. Smoke machines started emitting mist, covering the stage and fogging up the colourful lights. The crowd continued to roar, Penelope squealing next to him and gripping the railing of the barrier.
A figure emerged through the haze, the silhouette showing locks of hair cascading over their shoulders, clad in a silk slip dress that ended at the mid thigh, hugging their curves.
They started singing–a smooth, silky voice wrapped around him, making the room suddenly feel more bearable. He swallowed hard. The singing was beautiful. Sweet and rich, wrapping around him like a cosy blanket.
He raised his eyebrows with pleasant surprise. It was, admittedly, not bad in the slightest. He hated to say it, but he was enjoying it, a lot. More than he should, given that it was new-age pop, not the refined tones of classical music–his favourite genre by far.
All thoughts of music flew out of his head as the owner of the angelic voice stepped into the stage lights, allowing him to properly see her for the first time. His breath left his body as he took her in.
She was gorgeous, stunning–almost ethereal, as her other-worldy voice filled his cochlea, transmitting electrical signals through his nerve pathways to his primary auditory cortex.
Her hair shone in the light, giving her a halo of the highest grade, her bright lips curled into a perfect smile around her words, and her eyes shone with a million glinting stars.
He was utterly enamoured by her–every facial expression, every movement she made, every note she sang was all absorbed thoroughly by his wide eyes.
In no time at all, the first song was over, finishing with loud cheering and clapping from the audience. The angel grinned out at the sea of fans, soaking up the feeling.
Unlike Spencer, she was well and truly in her element, looking as though there was not where else in the world she would rather be.
He gazed in open-mouthed awe at the way she floated effortlessly about the stage–and, of course, that breathtaking smile that scrunched her nose and revealed the prettiest dimples he had ever seen.
He was snapped back to reality with a sharp poke in the side from Penelope, centering his gravity away from the girl on stage and back to where he stood.
“What?” He said loudly, an exasperated look adorning his face as he tore his eyes back to his best friend. She was smirking at him, arms crossed in front of herself.
“You have such a thing for her, I’m surprised you're not drooling right now,” she answered mockingly. He scoffed, dismissing her words with a wave of his hands as he faced the stage again, not wanting to miss a moment of the show. He heard Garcia laugh deeply at his half-hearted denial.
All thoughts of Penelope soon left his mind as the heaven-sent saint started to sing again, striking chords in his heart at every note.
The song came and went again, and Spencer wished they would not go by so fast, so he could see her for as long as possible.
The next song started with a more upbeat track, and the angel laughed, running back down stage, scarily close to where Spencer stood. “She was a, Playboy, Brigitte Bardot,” she started to sing, “She showed me things, I didn't know.”
She stuck out her tongue playfully, shaking her hips, making the satin fabric hugging her curves sway.
“She did it right there, out on the deck,” she bit down on her bottom lip as Spencer’s face heated, realising what the song was about. “Put her canine teeth in the side of my neck.”
She gestured with her fingers to a spot on her neck, pretending as if her fingers were the teeth, tipping her head back with imaginary ecstasy. He swallowed heavily, face hot.
“I'm in the hallway waitin' for ya,” she sang, “Mini skirt and my go-go boots,” on those lyrics, she bent over, running her free hand from her heeled boots and up her legs, jutting her ass out.
Spencer’s mouth fell open in shock. He had never felt like this from only a few minutes of meeting someone, let alone just laying his eyes on them. This was completely out of the ordinary for him, and it left him reeling.
Songs flitted by like the butterflies in his stomach, and his gaze was permanently fixated on the captivating women centre-stage. He couldn't tear his eyes away even if he tried–and he most definitely didn't.
A new song started, fading in with a catchy guitar riff, and the crowd went wild, sparking a wide smile on the angel’s face.
The drum beat started, and she strutted down the stage, tipping her head back and shaking her smooth curls out in the dim lights before she began to sing. “Midnight,” she dragged out the end of the word.
“Come and pick me up, no headlights,” she blew a kiss to the fans in front of her, winking as she made her way down the stage towards where Spencer was situated.
Penelope grasped his arm tighter and tighter as she neared, buttery voice washing over him.
“Watch us go ‘round and ‘round each time,” she stretched out the note, rolling her head to the side, eyes landing exactly where Spencer was standing. He froze, dumbstruck, as he locked eyes with her.
He gulped heavily as a cheeky grin adorned her face, soft lips framing perfectly white teeth. She straightened up, continuing the lyrics as she floated even closer to him, never breaking eye contact.
“You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye,” She knelt down on the stage in front of Spencer. His breathing stuttered as his gaze remained on her, utterly entranced.
“And I got that red lip classic thing that you like,” she dragged her thumb across her lip, singing to him through a happy, if not slightly teasing, smile.
“‘Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style,” He could see her mouth curving around each syllable as she sang into the microphone, eyes still, somehow, on him.
He most definitely looked like an idiot in that moment, with his flushed cheeks and slack-jawed awe of the ethereal woman only a few feet away, but he didn't have it in himself to care.
She had seen him, and not only that, she had actually come over and sat, right there on the stage in front of him. No matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise, she was–without question–looking, and singing, straight at him.
She leaned impossibly closer, leaving only a few inches between their two faces as she crooned the words into the microphone. His eyes flicked across the features of her face before they settled on her own.
Up close, they were mesmerising– long, thick lashes framed bright irises, sparkling with the light of the night sky– he could almost map out the constellations he knew off by heart from the incandescent twinkles in her eyes.
“You got that long hair, slicked back-” She moved her free hand to hover over the collar of Spencer's shirt, seemingly asking silent consent to touch him.
He shook out of his trance long enough to nod vigorously. She let out a short chuckle, grabbing his collar and carefully but firmly pulling him closer by his shirt. “-white T-shirt.”
His breath hitched as hers ghosted his lips with every exhale, noses almost touching, with hardly any room for the microphone as his heart raced impossibly faster.
“And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt.” At that, she pulled away, letting go of his collar as she leaned back to run her free hand over her skirt, smirking at Spencer and his flaming-red face.
“And when we go crashing down, we come back every time,” she repeats, still serenading him. “'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style!” She finally stood, winking and blowing a kiss at a thoroughly flustered Spencer as she strutted to another part of the stage.
Spencer stood there, dumbfounded. He couldn't believe she had not only noticed him, but also sang right to him. His shirt was crumpled from where she had gripped it, but he didn't dare fix it. If possible, he would never smooth the rumpled fabric if it meant he could have a reminder of her always.
A rough shake of his shoulder brought him back to the present, Penelope standing astonished next to him, incredulous smile playing on her lips and she all but shrieked in his ear–something along the lines of, ‘You're so lucky!’ and ‘You're so down bad!’.
He didn't pay her any mind, instead keeping his still-red face on her, and her only.
She wandered to different parts of the stage during the remainder of the song, but Spencer didn't miss the more-than-occasional glances she sent his way throughout the next few songs, smile growing each time they locked eyes.
When they did, he matched her smile with his own goofy grin, his heart feeling as if it was beating out of his chest, breathing becoming erratic as he clutched the railing with white knuckles.
All too soon, the concert came to an end, accompanied by raucous applause from the crowd. He clapped like a mad thing too, finally understanding why her fans acted the way they did.
The version of him from two hours ago would have teased him relentlessly for this, but he didn't care. It was another completely different version of him, a version that had not yet laid his eyes on her.
It certainly felt like a life-altering moment in his existence. His being was now split into ‘before’ and ‘after’. Before and after her.
She waved and blew kisses enthusiastically as she made her way off stage. He deduced that she would have to walk right past Spencer to get there. He pathetically hoped she would look at him one last time–prayed she cared enough to seek him out once again.
Electricity jolted through his entire body, head to toe, as she locked eyes with Spencer when he was in her direct line of sight.
She gave him a wink and a little wave, biting her lip through a larger-than-life grin; he felt giddy, hand coming up in an awkward half-wave. He silently cursed himself for the stiltedness of his actions.
She, however, didn't have such qualms as she blew him an air kiss, giggling as she turned away, skipping the rest of the way off stage. The screaming continued as the heel of her shoe disappeared behind the side-stage curtain.
He felt oddly hollow as the venue lights came back on, signalling the end of the show. He kept staring at the spot where she had last been, silently hoping she would come back out and sing again. Look at him again.
He blinked hard, finally re-orienting himself, glancing around to see a few people staring at him, whispering to themselves.
They were talking about him–about his encounter. He turned away again, ducking his head as his cheeks burned again.
As quickly as they came, the stares went again, and his eyes flicked back to the stage again. He so badly wanted to meet her, talk to her, even just lay his eyes on her again. That would be enough.
Penelope cleared her throat next to him, and he hummed in response, still not looking away. She snorted. “Come on lover boy, time to leave.”
He turned his attention to see her nod in the direction of the exit.
He gazed back at that spot once more, heaving out a melancholy sigh, before turning away, heading towards the door.
“Yeah, let's go.”
· · ──────────── ·𖥸· ──────────── · ·
Thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated x
Tags: @reidology13 - Comment to be added!
Masterlist ౨ৎ
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sleepynegress · 6 months
*sigh* Featurism...
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So, I woke up to this shit on the Twit app and I've only hit on this issue before, but today I'm digging in. Colorism is something that is not addressed often enough, but intersected within that and even more rarely spoken about, is the issue of featurism. The young actress above just got cast as Juliet in the latest big staged prestige production of Romeo and Juliet, opposite Tom Holland. And as usual the blue-checks, everybody else including "black", and even Black regulars are all-in on the cruelty.
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...But I want to breakdown a nuance that is too often skipped over when this happens. The two people named with her, give away the featurism game, here; a particularly nasty form of often internalized racism. I guarantee if the young actress looked like this?
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She'd definitely still get racist attacks, but the particularly nasty shit I'm seeing attacking her looks wouldn't come. In fact, I could see some people thinking they are defending her with "but she's pretty!" or more specific... "obviously she's mixed" comments. -Something pretty much every Black woman with features that don't align with a narrow perception of blackness hear often (and we'll get to why I specified women in a minute). And don't get it twisted...
These aren't exclusively nor standard white features either (see: the many ethnic features w/in white ethnic groups that also get hit to a lesser and non-racialized degree such as large "hook" and/or Romanesque noses for example, which is definitely about anti-semitism, anti-Romani sentiment, and other disparaged/discriminated against ethnic minorities in Europe) and yes, blue eyes are naturally occurring within non-mixed and dark-skinned Black people due to a mutation called Waardenburg syndrome. But there is a REASON why fetishizing even certain ethnic features within the African continental diaspora has been a thing for a long time...i.e. "the dopest Ethiopian" from the Tribe Called Quest lyric is pictured as this:
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and this:
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and not this:
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...despite them all being Ethiopians of various tribal ethnicities.
A wide-nose, a tighter curl, coil, or zig-zag pattern of hair, fuller lips and often, but not always (because I've given examples above where features "mitigate" skin color) darker skin. Zendaya is grouped with Tracey and Francesca Amewudah-Rivers, despite being both lighter in skin color and having a Black parent and a white parent because her nose isn't what has become the standard surgical look...that too many celebs have. This includes the ones who got so-called "ethnic" work or just a slight 'refinement'. No, her nose is born w/it, made for that good African air, as I call it. Nostrils prominent, nose bridge wide:
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I went make-up free as well, because even make-up practices these days, go for that narrowing highlight technique i.e. just below it's subtle.
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Sza is a an example of it taken to extremes, even with the Hollywood standard "ethnic" refinement she did get.
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The thing is... I don't blame or attack her for that. Because you see above that is just a taste of what happens. Lil' Kim was relentlessly bullied by the men in her life for her ethnic features for her whole life...and that is why she is off-limits to this day for me when it comes to all the work she's had done.
...And this is where I explain why I specified men being mostly exempt. It's because "Blackness" including all the physical features associated with it, is by default masculinized. ...Which is why Idris Elba is considered one of the most handsome men in the world, w/o the caveats that even Lupita Nyong'o often gets. Nobody calls Samuel L. Jackson ugly. He is even idolized and fetishized by a specifically white male gaze for how culturally "Black" he is perceived to be for all the wrong reasons, his signature "motherfucka" for example (and I could go off on a whole other tangent here, but digressing). All this to say... Featurism sucks. It's not talked about enough. Blackness in all variations is Beautiful. Tracy Chapman looking as young she does?? Hell, mark it down to both her dark skin (a natural UV protector) and not messing with her given features (and being a lesbian, men will age you. lol -I got jokes-):
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P.S. THANK GOODNESS for Tems and her rising prominence as a beauty as well:
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P.P.S. Even Jay-Z the billionaire rapper has had the comments over the years about his lips and nose, hence that lyric in Beyonce's Formation.
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the-offside-rule · 2 months
Jensen Ackles - exile
Requested: yes
Prompt: "Can you write a fic related to that last story you did with Y/n being a singer? Maybe like Jensen helping her write a song or something cute??"
Warnings: not really, no
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The gentle rustle of sheets and the soft hum of a distant piano woke Y/n from her sleep. Blinking groggily, she reached over to Jensen's side of the bed, only to find it empty. Confused, she sat up, listening intently. The soothing sound of the piano playing drifted through the house, luring her out of the warm embrace of their bed. Quietly, she slipped out of bed, wrapping a robe around herself as she padded towards the source of the music. Peering over the banister, she saw Jensen seated at the piano, his fingers moving gracefully over the keys as he hummed a tune softly to himself.
With a soft smile, Y/n made her way downstairs, the wooden steps creaking slightly under her weight. Jensen seemed lost in his music, his brow furrowed in concentration. She approached him gently, not wanting to startle him. "Hey." She whispered, sitting down beside him and placing a kiss on his shoulder. He jumped slightly at her voice. "Couldn't sleep?" Jensen looked up, his green eyes meeting hers with a sheepish smile. "Yup." He admitted. "Started messing around with this tune. Not sure if it's any good, though. Probably going to scrap it." Y/n frowned, sitting down beside him on the piano bench. "Let me hear it." She insisted. "Play it for me." Jensen hesitated for a moment before nodding. He began to play, his voice low and melodic as he sang the words he had been working on. "I can see you standing, honey. With his arms around your body. You're laughing but the jokes not funny at all."
He turns his head slightly, glancing over at Y/n's focused face as she listened to the words. "And it took you five whole minutes. To pack us up and leave me with it. Holding all this love out here in the hall." Y/n shifted in the seat. This almost sounded like a breakup song, but as far as she was concerned, they hadn't been anywhere near a breakup stage for years. "You're not my homeland anymore, so what am I defending now? You were my town, now I'm in exile seeing you out. I think I've seen this film before." When he finished, she turned to him with a soft smile. "Whats it about?" She asked. "Well, I wrote the first part when we nearly broke up at that party like ten years ago." He chuckled. "The other bit just happened." Y/n let out a chuckle. "That's beautiful, babe." She said softly. "You can't scrap that. It's too good." He chuckled, a hint of relief in his eyes. "You really think so?"
"I know so." Y/n replied firmly. "Let's get to work." He arched a brow. "Right now?" She nodded. "Come on, what's the worst that could happen? If it turns out bad, we could always just keep the song secret." Jensen smiled, handing her his notebook and going back to playing the piano. They spent the rest of the night huddled together at the piano, adding lyrics and refining the melody. The hours passed quickly, filled with laughter and whispered words of encouragement. As the first light of dawn began to filter through the windows, they finally finished the song.
Y/n stood and stretched, her stomach grumbling softly. "I think it's time for breakfast." she said with a grin. "I'll make us something to eat." She smiled, getting up and heading towards the kitchen. Jensen stood staring at the words scribbled on his notebook. The song was finished, and it's honestly one of the most beautiful things he had ever written; not only that, but he managed to write it with his wife. Jensen then stopd up, walking towards the kitchen. He leaned against the doorframe, watching her hum a tune and fuddle with the pan on the stove, the delicious smell filling the room as the sunlight poured in the window. He finally pushed himself off the frame and walked up being her, wrapping his arms around her waist as she cooked. He nuzzled her neck, pressing a gentle kiss to her skin, whilst one of her hand reached up behind Jensen's head, moving his messy locks around. "I love you, Y/n." He murmured.
She leaned back into his embrace, smiling contentedly. "I love you too, Jensen." Just as Jensen was about to whisper something else in Y/n's ear, the patter of small feet echoed through the hallway. "Well, they're up." Y/n joked. "I liked the peace we had a few minutes ago." Jensen sighed. Their children, drawn by the enticing aroma of breakfast, burst into the kitchen with bright, eager eyes. "Mommy! Daddy! What's for breakfast?" Their eldest, a little girl with Jensen's green eyes, asked as she ran up to them. Y/n chuckled, turning in Jensen's embrace to greet their children. "Good morning, loves. I'm making pancakes." She said, bending down to scoop their youngest into her arms.
Jensen smiled warmly at their children, ruffling their son's hair. "Did the smell wake you guys up?" The eldest grabbed her youngest sister and brought her towards the kitchen table. "Yeah! Pancakes!" Their son cheered, jumping up and down with excitement. Y/n glanced at Jensen, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Looks like we'll have to finish our moment later." She winked, patting his chest gently. " Jensen shrugged. "If we open the back door they'll be outside for at least a half an hour." Y/n laughed at the suggestion that didn't seem all too bad an idea. "Fine, later." He agreed with a smile, then turning to their children. "Who wants to help Daddy set the table?"
The children eagerly volunteered, their excitement palpable as they scrambled to grab plates and utensils. "Hey! Wash, your hands first!" Jensen guided them, his laughter filling the kitchen as they worked together. Y/n watched them, her heart full of love and gratitude. Despite the interruption, she wouldn't trade this chaotic, joy-filled moment for anything. As she flipped the pancakes, she hummed the tune of their new song, feeling content and blessed by the life they had built together. Jensen caught her eye from across the kitchen and mouthed a simple "I love you".
Y/n smiled back, mouthing the words in return before turning her attention back to the pancakes.
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archandshri · 3 months
28th June ‘24 - [arch] One Page Limitation??? - My process for Traffic Zine #5
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Hello All!
A couple months ago, I got accepted to @trafficzine, a digital anthology of pieces by a large group of artists and writers based on the most recent season of the Life Series. I made this piece back in April, but thankfully I kept some notes of my process. 
Heads up - this contains spoilers for Secret Life :D
We were able to choose our own prompt from a list! For this project, I wanted to push my comic making - especially how to communicate a lot of information in a small space. I went through and watched a few clips from the series to see which prompt would fit a comic and settled on Scott’s death.
As usual, I began by getting some reference images and going ham on some big paper. This gets me excited about the project and helps generate ideas. I go for whatever interests me in terms of medium and subject matter, but I try to use a process that doesn’t let me control too much (in this case brush and ink)
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initial sketches for fun and vibes :D
During this, I also took the time to transcribe the scene - I wanted to use the dialogue directly, and see how much I could fit into the single page that I was allowed for the zine.
In these early planning stages I make sure to do warm-up sketches to remind myself of the energy I want to communicate. This also keeps things fun and fresh so I'm not ONLY thinking about page composition and making things 'good'. (the expectation for it to be 'good' kills a project prove me wrong)
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Dialogue from the clip + warm up sketches
Next up, I started to plan what panels I have on the page. At this stage, some panels might just be a box with some words, and some may have a sketch if I have a clear composition in mind. This stage is mostly for pacing and plot, so instead of focusing on what the panel and page will look like, I will think about:
what will happen in the panel
it's purpose and
what it will communicate
Sometimes I'll illustrate a string of panels that tell the story and fit them on a page after - but this depends on the project and my confidence with the size of it.
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After messing around with these and coming up with a pretty clear direction, I draw a bunch of boxes to see how the panels could sit nicely together. At this stage I might realise I have too many panels, and need to cut a few or come up with a creative solution. Nothing is set in stone at this point.
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sketching panel layouts
Now begins the fun! I decide on the layout I prefer and I can start putting planned compositions into the boxes. I often do this digitally, or a digital editing process will be involved.
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Once planned, I print these out to do a more refined sketch over. I find that my traditional drawings have a lot more life and character to them than digital ones, so I try to keep the majority of the process traditional, with passes of scanning and digital editing.
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I tried a version with her looking out at the distance - ready to face the oncoming battle. But it still felt off. So I turned to my slides to ask myself some questions!!
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I tried to think of more things that were working - but I really felt like it was lacking a lot. I was going for this slower emotional feeling because that came more naturally to me, but it just wasn't working for this image. The original clip is quite rushed and chaotic - which would be harder to communicate in a comic format but the challenge interested me. Either way, I knew I wasn't happy with this direction so... i decided to start from scratch! Back to the drawing board!!!
In the previous version, I had cut out a lot of the dialogue, but I decided to go back to the original clip and use AS MUCH as possible. Since passing the bow was my favourite part of that first composition, I really wanted to lean into it as the emotional height and final goodbye before Scott's death. It's a moment to slow down and absorb the vibes :D
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I made a list of panels along with their descriptions to refer to when trying to figure out the order of panels. there were SO MANY and it was VERY CONFUSING when they were too small to read.
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These thumbnails were super small and would not have made sense without my list, I swear.
I printed this tiny thumbnail out at A4, so I could sketch over it and get a clearer sense of flow. Then began a loooong process of printing out tiny photocopies and rearranging the panels to be legible. It was a difficult balance of communicating busyness while making sure the hierarchy/reading order made sense.
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After some tweaking, i printed out an A3 copy to draw my panel borders and text.
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Doing this on a separate piece of paper means I don't have to worry so much about messing up the text or borders when drawing the characters. This allows me to be more free and expressive with my illustration.
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Woah! Quick trip back in time!! During the thumbnailing process I drew these warm up sketches! I looooved the way the linework came out. I drew this on an A3 piece of paper - and the shocked Gem would, in theory, be one of the smallest panels. So I decided to do a crazy thing.
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I touched up the sketch digitally, compiling some of my favourite warm up sketches, some traditional sketches made for the panels, and filling the rest in digitally. Then I printed this image out in QUATERS at A3!! This meant the final sketch layer, printed out was A1!! (aka very large, considering the final file would be at A4, about 8x smaller)
I did this so I could get fairly small detailed lines with my pencil while being quite expressive and firm with my mark-making. Slowly, I dlined all of the panels traditionally and scanned them in. Then I assembled the finished linework on Photoshop, along with the text and panel borders and got to colouring :D
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final linework :D
For colouring, I played a little bit with halftone but I found the texture made it feel a bit too busy - the panels are already doing enough. Because of this, I also decided to use a limited colour palette. Here are some images of the colouring process, which I won't go into today.
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I'm really happy with how this came out - I think it captures the chaos of the moment, while taking time to linger on the emotion of it. Keeping that bow moment really made it, I think.
I think the last panel is still quite weak. Earlier in the process there was a low-angle shot of Gem about to kill Scott which may have been more powerful, but I think I was struggling with my actual drawing skill when it comes to perspective. A lot of learning how to draw, and in particular with comics, is about knowing where your skills are at, how to utilise them best and how to test and push them.
I'm glad that I started again, instead of finishing that composition I wasn't happy with. It was a tough project but I learnt sooooo much from it, and it's been essential skill-building for.... the current comic I'm working on (stay tuned!!! :0) Thanks for reading this incredibly long post! Go check out @trafficzine and look at all the other cool art Cool vibes and silly men,
Archie :D
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py-dreamer · 1 month
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so if anyone's concerned, no I'm not dead.
Thankfully the digital studio is intact this year (thank god I would've had another mental breakdown istg-)
to all my lovely marshiemallows, thank y'all so much for your patience omg!!!!
(and to all my mutuals, @furornocturna and @violetjedisylveon in particular I'm so sorry I haven't been responding or active online at all, I'm so sorry-)
But to sum it up:
I'm on holiday in my home country rn and have been having a blast personally. Meeting relatives, childhood friends, the food, familiar places ect.
and I'll admit I do have a lot of free time outside that but honestly I do feel a wee bit burnt out ngl.
And with my spare time, I've jumped down the demon slayer rabbit hole
(huh who would've guessed)
Basically it's all been a huge break for me.
But I will still post lmk stuff dw. Though don't be surprised if you see a kny thingy pop up somewhere in the dreamscape!!
And for those curious about the fic:
I'm sorry I haven't updated at all, the wips are still in my drafts. I have no formal posting schedule but after returning and getting some work sorted out I'll see what I can do! But no promises!
Regardless, about the pic then.
It is a WIP. It's a sketch for a shadowalkers piece (Wooh! Haven't heard of that au in a while eh?)
I have redesigned mostly Bai He's outfit and added a little pouch for Macaca. The change was mostly so I had more freedom to do different top designs for the new members of the fam!
If anyone has suggestions for outfit designs or accessories or jewelery, hair, anything! let me know pls!
This is just the WIP stage and I really want to achieve that semi-wild, untamed but mysterious and refined gypsy look.
(Also its a guilty pleasure of mine to dress up my characters in aus or just for the fun of it lol)
And fun fact: Wukong's the only one in the fam wearing shoes lol.
Another fun fact: That brick pattern rag he's wearing? Was once a part of tripitaka's cassock from their days on the mountain. (see shadowalkers lore summary for context)
I didn't forget their tails this time! Wheeee!!
Oooh! Ooooh! Also the top half of Wukong's body? I did that myself sans references!!! Woooooooh!!!
Not that there's anything wrong with references of course. Pros and beginners use them and I do recommend them for poses, ideas and such.
Though I am proud I could think of something off like memory and make it work! I think...you can tell me otherwise lol
(BTW this is the after of the main plot where shadowpeach reconciles, they escape the town and Bai He gains a new stepbrother!)
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cool-fancier · 10 months
A Dance of Synergy
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Requested by anonymous
Synopsis: Passion for dance ignited at a young age led you to WayB and a close friendship with Bada. A surprise battle ensued at Street Woman Fighter 2, showcasing your hidden connection. The shared synergy while dancing together left fans curious about the unspoken bond between you and Bada
A/N: I did rush this so please don't mind and I'm sorry if like the timeline doesn't make sense
Word count:2.6K
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Your passion in movement as a child inspired you to pursue a career in dance. You found comfort in the rhythm of music from the age of five, your body responding easily to every beat. It felt as if the songs themselves were telling stories that could only be expressed through dance.
Your enthusiasm expanded immensely as a result of your unwavering dedication. Hours spent mastering each step, pirouette, and leap became a tribute to your unrelenting dedication. Dance wasn't just a hobby for you; it was your soul.
You caught the attention of local dance communities as you refined your skills, leaving a lasting impression with your mesmerising performances. Acclaim didn't come easily—countless hours of effort, pushing your body to its limits, and battling self-doubt constituted the foundation of your journey.
Then came the key moment when your sister, Noze, entered the competitive dance world for the first time. She saw your brilliance and strong commitment and realised she needed you at her side. WayB, Noze encouraged you to join her crew with her contagious enthusiasm.
Joining WayB wasn't just about dancing; it was a decision that changed the trajectory of your career. Together with your sister, the crew took the dance scene by storm, your synchronized movements leaving audiences in awe. Noze's energy blended seamlessly with your finesse, creating a dynamic duo that captured the essence of every performance.
Your partnership with WayB elevated your profile in the dance industry. Recognition followed as your talent caught the eye of choreographers and artists alike. It was during these collaborations that your expertise as a choreographer flourished, carving a path that eventually led you to the pulsating heart of the K-pop industry.
WayB's reputation paved the way for their entry into Street Woman Fighter, an electrifying dance competition. Your sister, Noze, encouraged the crew to embrace the challenge, sensing the opportunity to showcase your collective talents on a grand stage. The experience not only solidified WayB's position but also propelled you further into the dance industry's spotlight.
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Your chance meeting with Bada at her dance lesson was a memorable experience. You recall approaching the studio anxiously, the slight fragrance of sweat mingling with the excitement of learning from one of the finest. Bada's enthusiasm filled the room as she effortlessly lead the class through the difficult choreography.
With your exact techniques and contagious excitement, you drew Bada's attention as the class progressed. Her compliments at the end of the lesson seemed like a reinforcement of your commitment to dancing. You had no idea that was just the beginning.
After the class, while you were catching your breath, Bada approached with a warm smile. "Wow the famous Y/N from WayB ,You were amazing in there!. Are you new to my classes?"
You chuckled nervously, grateful for the compliment. "Thank you! And stop I'm not that famous , this was my first time here. I couldn't miss the chance to learn from the legendary Bada Lee."
Bada's laughter was music to your ears. "Legendary, huh? Flattery will get you everywhere! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope to see you in more classes."
From that day on, you became a regular at Bada's classes. Each session was an opportunity to learn from her and share a few laughs along the way. Your admiration for her talent grew, but so did your friendship.
Your interactions expanded beyond the dance studio as the weeks evolved into months. Coffee dates, casual lunches, and even spontaneous dance-offs became common. The relationship between you and Bada was undeniable, the shared passion for dance forming the foundation of your bond.
As your friendship with Bada grew, so did the moments of discovery. You found yourselves plunging deeper into each other's worlds amid dancing rehearsals and late-night hangouts.
Bada recounted stories about her experiences in the K-pop world with magnetic passion. Her eyes twinkled as she described the joy of choreographing for some of music's biggest stars. You listened closely, enthralled by her passion for dance and the industry insights she gave.
In turn, you opened up about your experiences with WayB, detailing the high-octane moments on stage as well as the creative process behind some of your most memorable performances. Bada was an attentive listener who asked probing questions about your craft.
You discovered shared interests and variations as your chats progressed beyond dance. Bada's taste in corny romantic flicks mirrored yours, and spontaneous movie nights became a favourite hobby. Every shared laugh and meaningful conversation enhanced your friendship, from arguing the best dancing styles to playfully criticising each other's dress choices.
There were also times when you both confided in one other about the difficulties you faced in the competitive dancing scene. In those moments, your mutual support and understanding established the cornerstone of your new partnership.
There were glimpses of something more in the midst of the growing friendship. The lingering looks, the unintentional touches that sent sparks flying, and the butterflies in your stomach when you were together—it was an emotional dance that neither of you could resist.
It was during a spontaneous outing to a bustling street food market that the unspoken tension between you finally surfaced. Amidst the aroma of sizzling delicacies and the ambient chatter, Bada turned to you with a thoughtful expression.
"You know, spending time with you has been incredible. I feel like I've known you for much longer than we actually have. There's this connection between us that's hard to ignore."
You nodded, feeling the same way but also unsure of where to take the conversation. "I feel it too, Bada. It's like we just... click."
The air between you held a silent question, a mutual acknowledgment of the unspoken feelings that lingered beneath the surface. It was a defining moment—a crossroads where friendship and something deeper converged.
With a soft smile, Bada reached out, gently taking your hand. "How about we explore this further? Take things one step at a time and see where this journey leads us?"
Your heart skipped a beat at her words, relief flooding in as the unspoken tension dissipated. "I'd love that, Bada. Let's see where this dance takes us."
That moment marked the beginning of a new chapter in your relationship. From there, the transition from friends to partners was a natural progression, solidifying the beautiful connection you shared.
Amidst the bustling street food market, the conversation lingered in the air, a silent understanding hanging between you and Bada. The playful banter and shared laughter seemed to create a cocoon around the two of you, shielding you from the outside world.
As the evening sun cast a warm glow, Bada leaned in, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "You know, there's one thing we haven't tried yet."
Your heart raced, anticipation mingling with a hint of nervousness. "And what might that be?"
With a playful grin, Bada teased, "A proper goodbye for the night, perhaps?"
A shared chuckle punctuated the moment, the air thick with unspoken anticipation. Without a word, you leaned in, your lips meeting in a gentle, playful kiss. It was a fleeting moment, but one that spoke volumes—filled with the promise of something beautiful blooming between you.
Pulling away, both of you wore matching sheepish grins, a hint of color dusting your cheeks. "Well, that was unexpected," you chuckled.
Bada, her laughter infectious, replied, "I blame the romantic atmosphere of the street market. It's making me do crazy things!"
The shared laughter dissolved any remaining tension, the ease of the moment reinforcing the comfort you found in each other's company. With a knowing glance and a playful wink, you both continued your stroll through the market, the echoes of your laughter mingling with the vibrant ambiance.
That spontaneous kiss became a cherished memory—a moment that sealed the unspoken feelings and added a touch of whimsy to your budding relationship. From that day forward, the warmth of that shared kiss lingered as a silent promise of the affection and connection between you and Bada.
— — — — —
The Street Woman Fighter 2 concert was a highly anticipated gathering of dance crews, and in a surprising twist, you had managed to secure a spot for an unexpected 1vs1 battle against Bada. It was a sneaky decision, known only to the organisers, because you didn't tell anyone, especially Bada, about your participation.
As the evening progressed, the crews showcased their abilities, and each performance was welcomed with deafening acclaim. The electricity in the air crackled with excitement, as the battles grew, leading up to the final act of the day.
Bada, as Bebe's leader, had captivated the audience with her crew's dazzling performances. She had no idea that an unexpected opponent was waiting in the wings—a challenger who was more to her than just another dancer.
Bada's amazement was obvious as the emcee announced the surprise 1vs1 match. As you went onto the stage, the spotlight illuminating your silhouette, her eyes opened in surprise. The audience murmured in confusion and excitement, unaware of the backstory behind this sudden face-off.
The emcee's voice rang out throughout the venue. "Ladies and gentlemen, a surprise addition to today's battles! Joining us for an impromptu 1vs1 against Bada Lee is none other than Wayb's Y/N!"
Bada's expression was priceless as the music began, signalling the start of the battle. You took a position opposite her, a teasing smile on your lips. The expectation of the crowd contributed to the intensity of the event.
As you began your routine, the first few beats of the song boomed throughout the venue, your motions flowing and precise. Bada, taken aback but never one to back down from a challenge, matched your intensity with her own trademark style, the dance floor serving as a canvas for an unexpected battle of styles.
As the battle progressed, the tension between you and Bada crackled in the air. Each move was a silent retort, a playful challenge to the rumors that had been circulating within the dance community. The audience, caught in the exhilarating showdown, cheered for both of you, unaware of the deeper connection that existed between the two dancers on stage.
In the midst of the battle, a playful wink and a mischievous grin were exchanged between you and Bada. The unspoken understanding added an extra layer of amusement to the competitive atmosphere.
The battle reached its climax, both of you showcasing your best moves. The audience erupted into applause, thoroughly entertained by the unexpected showdown. As the music faded, you and Bada stood facing each other, panting but wearing matching grins, a shared secret concealed beneath the surface.
The atmosphere in the arena erupted with energy after your heated 1vs1 bout with Bada. Sensing the heightened energy, the emcee introduced a surprise segment: a collaborative dance between you and Bada. As the familiar chords of a popular song filled the room, you both exchanged a shocked look, your unspoken connection sparking a spark of anticipation.
As you and Bada took your places on stage, the audience erupted in applause, the spotlight casting an ethereal glow around you. As the music grew louder, you began to move in perfect unison, each stride mirroring the previous one, as if your bodies were speaking a same language.
The chemistry between you and Bada was undeniable, the unspoken bond manifesting in the synergy of your movements. Fans were mesmerised as your diverse dancing styles merged effortlessly, producing a mesmerising tapestry of motion.
The earlier battle's humorous banter and competitive edge had been replaced by an effortless harmony, with each move complementing the other. It was as if you both anticipated each other's movements, a monument to your friendship's unspoken understanding.
With each elegant turn and intricate formation, the audience, entranced by the exhibition of unity and delicacy, shouted louder. Whispers and gasps flooded the room as your and Bada's chemistry transcended the dance floor, creating a lasting mark on everyone in attendance.
As the music reached a climax, you and Bada finished the dance with a magnificent final posture, the audience's cheers echoing throughout the venue. The shared moment between you two lingered in the air, a silent testament to the deeper connection that existed between you.
The emcee, beaming with enthusiasm, approached the center stage amidst the thunderous applause. "Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for Y/N Y/LN and Bada Lee! What an incredible performance! The chemistry between these two dancers is simply undeniable."
Fans, who had been speculating about the nature of your relationship, couldn't help but notice the palpable connection between you and Bada. The synergy that had unfolded before their eyes left an impression that was impossible to ignore, sparking a renewed wave of curiosity and excitement among the audience.
The emcee, sensing the electric atmosphere, approached with the mic. "A spectacular showdown! Y/N, Bada, any words for our audience?"
You stepped forward, the smile on your face concealing the deeper sentiment. "Thank you all for the love and support. It's been an incredible experience sharing the stage with such amazing talent."
Bada, her eyes gleaming with excitement, added, "Absolutely! The energy here is electrifying. Thank you for being a part of this journey!"
The crowd cheered, unaware of the hidden dynamics at play between you and Bada. As you left the stage, the playful banter and shared glances remained concealed, adding a layer of intrigue to the rumors that continued to circulate within the dance community.
The crowd cheered, unaware of the hidden dynamic between you and Bada. As you left the stage, the playful banter and shared glances between you remained concealed, adding an intriguing layer to the rumors that continued to swirl within the dance community.
— — — — —
In the hushed aftermath of the concert, the backstage area embraced a serene ambiance. You and Bada found a secluded spot away from the bustling crowd, the shared moments on stage still vivid in your minds.
Bada's smile was soft, filled with the remnants of the exhilaration from the performance. "That dance was something else, wasn't it?"
You nodded, a smile mirroring hers. "Absolutely. The synergy between us was incredible."
A comfortable silence settled between you, the weight of the unspoken emotions adding a layer of depth to the moment.
The shared glance between you held a silent agreement, the bond you shared extending beyond the confines of words. In that quiet space, amidst the fading echoes of the concert, a mutual understanding lingered between you and Bada.
As the quiet lingered, the intimacy of the moment heightened. Bada's gaze softened, her eyes searching yours for a shared truth. Without a word, a gentle yet purposeful movement drew her closer, and in that silent invitation, you felt a warmth envelop both of you.
The world around seemed to fade as Bada's lips met yours in a tender, sweet kiss. It was a moment that felt suspended in time, a silent celebration of the bond that had quietly grown between you.
When the kiss gently parted, the serenity of the moment remained, a shared intimacy that transcended the public eye. Bada's eyes met yours once more, a depth of emotion conveyed in that silent exchange.
"Thank you," Bada whispered softly, her voice carrying a weight of gratitude and affection.
You smiled, a warmth spreading through you. "For what?"
"For being here. For understanding. For this moment," Bada replied, her eyes shining with sincerity.
In the quiet embrace of the backstage, amidst the remnants of the concert, you and Bada stood, hand in hand, the unspoken intimacy of the night weaving a tapestry of shared memories.
It was a moment that etched itself into the story of your relationship, a moment that celebrated the beauty of dance, friendship, and the love that had quietly blossomed within the rhythm of the music and the unspoken language of your movements.
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tosomeonessomeone · 4 months
words・ 2.1k /pairings・ Bang Chan x reader / genres・ fluff / warnings・ none
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A spacious meeting room crackled with anticipation in the heart of the JYP Entertainment building. Seated at the head of the table, JYP himself beamed with enthusiasm, introducing you, an internationally acclaimed visual artist, to the members of Stray Kids. "Everyone, I'm thrilled to have [your name] here with us. She's an incredible visual artist known for her unique aesthetic," JYP announced, gesturing towards you.
You expressed your excitement, "Thank you, JYP. I'm thrilled to collaborate with such a talented group." The members of Stray Kids turned their attention, curiosity, and excitement evident in their expressions. Standing beside JYP, Bang Chan welcomed you warmly, "Hey, [your name], glad to have you on board." You acknowledged with a smile, "Thank you, Bang Chan. I'm honored to be a part of this project."
JYP set the stage for the collaboration: "Now, I've brought [your name] on board to collaborate with all of you on the aesthetics for your upcoming album. Her vision will bring a new dimension to the visual storytelling of Stray Kids." Felix chimed in, expressing his anticipation: "That sounds awesome! I can't wait to see what we create together."
Han asked, "So, [your name], any hints about what you have in mind for us?" You shared your vision, "Well, I was thinking of exploring a fusion of vibrant colors and abstract elements to reflect the dynamic energy of your music." Seungmin approved, "That sounds intriguing. I'm all for it!"
JYP concluded, "Great! Let's make this collaboration one for the books. Now, let the creative discussions begin."
As the meeting wrapped up, the stage was set for a creative journey that would redefine not only Stray Kids' visual identity but also the connection forged between you and the members in the artistic tapestry of their new album.
As days went by, the collaboration unfolded between you, an acclaimed visual artist, and Stray Kids, creating a masterpiece in the making. The studio walls resonated with beats and melodies as their music production set the backdrop, guiding the strokes of your creative vision.
One night in particular, the studio was alive with the rhythmic pulse of Stray Kids' latest track, each beat resonating through the air. You were seated among the members, your eyes focused on the speakers while your mind translated the music and dance into vibrant images. Excitement filled the room as ideas flowed freely.
Lee Know nudged you. "What do you think of this beat? It's like nothing we've done before."
You smiled. "It's incredible. I can already see a visual story unfolding with this rhythm. Maybe we can play with contrasting colors to highlight the dynamic shifts."
Chanbin nodded. "That sounds cool. Let's experiment with that."
The collaborative energy was palpable as everyone contributed their thoughts, blending the worlds of music and visual art seamlessly. As the night progressed, members excused themselves, leaving you and Bang Chan engrossed in refining the visual concept.
Bang Chan leaned back. "It's amazing how your ideas add a new layer to our music. I feel like we're creating something special."
You expressed gratitude. "Likewise, your music is so inspiring; it's like a canvas waiting to be painted."
Hours slipped away, and it became apparent that the two of you shared a dedication that extended beyond the project. Others left the studio, leaving just you and Bang Chan surrounded by the quiet hum of creativity.
Bang Chan leaned against the mixing desk. "We've been working together so closely, and I just realized we're '97 liners. That's pretty cool, huh?"
Smirking, you replied, "It is. No wonder we click so well. It's like there's an unspoken understanding between us."
Bang Chan smiled. "Maybe it's the '97 connection. We should celebrate being part of the same year."
You both laughed and in that shared moment of realization, the connection between you two deepened. The conversation flowed effortlessly, not just about the project but about life, dreams, and the shared experiences of growing up in the same era.
As the months unfolded, your collaboration with Bang Chan evolved into a friendship beyond the studio walls. The dynamic energy of Stray Kids' music parallels the camaraderie blossoming between all of you.
One evening, after a productive day in the studio, the group decided to grab dinner together. The casual outing marked the beginning of a tradition; over time, it became a regular occurrence. The laughter and shared stories flowed effortlessly, creating a tapestry of memories that linked you to each member.
As the bond deepened, you and Bang Chan found yourselves spending more time together outside of work. The formalities of addressing each other by your professional titles gave way to the comfort of first names. Christopher became "Chris" in a moment of fondness; he bestowed upon you a playful nickname that echoed through the group.
Chris shot you a sly grin, "From now on, you're officially 'Peanut.' It suits you."
You burst into laughter, loving the vibe. "Alright, Chris, Peanut it is."
Chris, still grinning, leaned in, "Perfect! Now, you've got a nickname that fits."
You playfully rolled your eyes, "Fits, maybe. Legendary? Doubtful. So, do I get to give you a nickname in return?"
Chris leaned back, totally up for it, "Oh, you're up for the challenge? Bring it on, Peanut."
You thought momentarily, then smirked, "How about 'Captain Crunch'? Because you're the leader of this ship."
Chris erupted into laughter, "Captain Crunch, huh? Not bad, not bad at all. I can get behind that."
The nickname banter kept going, each name more ridiculous and hilarious. It became a symbol of the easy camaraderie that defined your friendship.
The banter continued as the night rolled on, and the group found themselves in fits of laughter. Stray Kids, a family on and off the stage, reveled in the shared moments that solidified their bond.
Seungmin teasingly chimed in, "Peanut and Captain Crunch are the duo we never knew we needed."
Felix nodded, "The legends of nicknames! You guys should start a business."
The vibe stayed playful, turning even the most mundane topics into sources of amusement. The inside jokes and shared laughter became the glue that held your tight-knit group together.
Later, as you all split, Chris pulled you aside.
Chris, still grinning, said, "Captain Crunch, it's been a great night. Let's do it again soon." You chuckled, "Count on it, Peanut. The nicknames will keep coming."
The shift in your relationship didn't go unnoticed. Stray Kids' members and fans began to pick up on the growing closeness. The term "power couple" started circulating among the fans, playfully acknowledging the unique chemistry within the group.
Seungmin teased, "(teasingly) Looks like Peanut and Chris are taking over the world." Felix grinned in response, "(grinning) The power couple vibes are real!"
The Stays, known for their keen observation skills, passionately shipped the friendship between you and Chris, filling social media with playful comments and fan art. This transformed your collaborative project into a shared narrative extending beyond the studio and stage.
Inside jokes and shared glances fueled speculation even during fan meetings and events. The bond between you and Chris became a topic of affectionate banter, firmly rooting the power couple narrative in the hearts of fans and within the close-knit circle of Stray Kids.
Lee Know chimed in, "(grinning) Hey, [Your Name], make sure you keep up with us. You're hanging out with the young and wild crowd now." You rolled your eyes with a smile, replying, "Young and wild? I can handle that."
Chanbin smirked, "Bang Chan is practically ancient compared to us. And now you're here too. Are we forming a seniors' club?" Chris laughed, "(laughing) Watch it, Chanbin. I may be a bit older, but I can still outdance you any day."
The banter continued, creating an atmosphere where age was merely a number, and the shared laughter became the universal language. You embraced the teasing with good humor, occasionally firing back with playful retorts.
Han grinned, "(grinning) [Your Name], I bet you were around when dinosaurs roamed the earth, right?"
You said, "Well, I did attend their farewell party."
Seungmin smirked, "(smirking) It's like having two older siblings. You and Chris are the wise elders guiding us through the chaos."
You chuckled, "Wise elders? I'll take that as a compliment."
Far from being a source of discomfort, the age jokes became a bonding ritual that reinforced the sense of family within Stray Kids. The members teasingly dubbed themselves the "young and reckless" crew while you and Chris took on the roles of the seasoned mentors.
Even the Stays, ever vigilant and participative, joined in on the fun, creating memes and fan art that playfully exaggerated the age difference. The fans affectionately dubbed you and Chris the "Eternal Youth Duo," embracing the humor and warmth that defined your connection with Stray Kids.
In the heart of Seoul, amidst the bustling city, your private art studio became a haven for creativity during the collaborative project with Stray Kids. With long days in the recording studio and nights spent perfecting the visual aesthetics, the studio transformed into a shared space for art, music, and genuine camaraderie.
Han, Chanbin, and Bang Chan, the Stray Kids' producing trio, often found solace in your art studio. The walls adorned with your vibrant creations provided a backdrop for their brainstorming sessions and moments of relaxation. Hyunjin, with his passion for the arts, joined the mix, creating a dynamic environment where creativity flowed freely.
Bang Chan, in particular, often lingered after the others had left. His supportive presence became a constant in the studio, where the echoes of music and art intertwined. As you painted, he would sit nearby, offering encouraging words and genuine admiration for your work.
Sitting on a stool nearby, Bang Chan observed your latest work in progress, his eyes tracing the delicate strokes, appreciating the intricacy of your art.
He remarked softly, "You know, every brushstroke tells a story. Your art has this unique way of capturing emotions."
You smiled in response, "Thanks, Chan. Sometimes it feels like I'm chasing perfection, and I get frustrated when it falls short."
Nodding understandingly, Bang Chan replied, "I get that. The struggle to create something that truly resonates can be overwhelming. But trust me, what you're doing is already extraordinary."
As the conversation shifted, you found comfort in the shared vulnerability. Bang Chan opened up about his challenges in the studio—finding the right beat and crafting lyrics that resonated. The exchange became a dance of mutual understanding, where the struggles of art and music were laid bare.
You gently remarked, "It's funny, you know? I see you as this incredible producer who effortlessly weaves music, yet you also face moments of doubt."
Smiling, Bang Chan replied, "The creative process is a journey, and every artist, no matter how experienced, has moments of uncertainty. It's what makes the final creation so special."
The intimacy of the conversation deepened, the vulnerability weaving a bond that transcended the boundaries of collaboration. As you both faced the challenges of your respective crafts, the studio became a sanctuary for shared struggles and triumphs.
Reassuringly, Bang Chan said, "We're in this together, [Your Name]. Your art inspires me, just like I hope our music inspires you."
You replied gratefully, "Likewise, Chan. Let's keep creating, even when it feels like we're stumbling in the dark. Maybe that's where the most beautiful things come to light."
The shared understanding lingered in the air, turning the art studio into a cocoon of creativity and companionship. In those intimate moments, the struggles transformed into stepping stones, paving the way for artistic excellence and a connection that resonated beyond the strokes of a brush or the beats of a song.
After weeks of intense work in the warm glow of your art studio, the air filled with the comforting scent of paint, Bang Chan sat, his expression clouded with frustration. Lyrics eluded him, and doubt cast shadows on his usually confident demeanor.
Noticing his struggle, you set aside your brushes and walked over to him, reassuringly touching his shoulder.
"Hey, Chan, it's okay," you said softly. "Everyone faces creative blocks. You're a brilliant producer, and this moment of uncertainty doesn't define you."
Bang Chan sighed, looking up at you with gratitude. "I appreciate the support, [Your Name]. Sometimes, it just feels like I'm not doing enough."
You smiled. "You've created incredible music, Chan. Remember the impact you've had on people's lives. You're not just a producer but an amazing human being."
Your sincerity sparked a warmth in Bang Chan's eyes. The term "power couple" that fans playfully threw around seemed to carry new weight, and he was struck by the realization of the connection you shared.
"You know, [Your Name], we make a pretty good team," he reflected.
Smirking, you replied, "They're not wrong about that."
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aspoonofsugar · 6 months
Ruby and the Splendor Solis
Here comes a quick alchemy meta! Alchemy is an ancient practice, whose goal is to create the philosopher stone. This stone gives immortality, transmutes lead into gold and creates new life (homunculus). From a philosophical point of view, alchemy's aim is to nurture the spirit and to make it perfect.
As @hamliet has explained in several metas, RWBY is an alchemical story, which metaphorically illustrates the procedure to create the stone (RWBY/Ruby).
Today's post will explore Ruby and Maria's interaction in volume 6 episode 8 (Dead End):
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As a matter of fact the scene references the 6th plate of the Splendor Solis.
The Splendor Solis is an alchemical text, which describes how to make the philosophical stone through 22 illustrated plates:
4 introductory plates present the protagonists of the alchemical journey
7 parables illustrate the alchemical death and rebirth
7 flask plates explore the alchemical process from a practical point of view
4 final plates describe the alchemical process from a spiritual point of view
How does Ruby and Maria's scene reference plate 6?
Let's begin with describing what plate 6 is like:
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This plate has three philosophers under a tree with golden fruits. The tree is a metaphor for the alchemical process as whole. It is the philosophical tree and if you climb it you reach the golden fruit (perfection/the philosopher stone).
The three people embody the phases of alchemy:
The young man climbing the ladder is nigredo (black)
The man who wears white outside and red inside is albedo (white)
The man who wears red outside and white inside is rubedo (red)
Citrinitas (the yellow stage) is instead symbolized by the yellow flowers and by the golden bough the men are pursuing. The scene as a whole represents a transformation, which is why the birds that fly in the sky have some green shades. Green is, thus, the color of transformation.
How does all of this rely to Ruby and Maria?
First of all, the two silver eyed warriors speak under a tree:
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With golden fruits:
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Secondly, this scene frames Maria as the teacher and Ruby as the student. Maria is initiating Ruby to very important knowledge, so that our young alchemist can continue her journey.
Ruby: I don't know… I don't know anything… What do I tell Jaune and his team when we don't even have a plan? Qrow's out drinking, Ozpin hasn't come back and even if he did, I don't know if I could trust him. And there's always Jinn, but… we only have one more question we can ask her. I feel like I'm letting everyone down… Maria: If you're tired of not knowing anything, how about we discuss those eyes of yours?
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Maria embodies the archetype of the old wise woman. She is a mature version of Ruby (an older silver-eyed warrior), who comes in our protagonist's life to offer guidance. She is the more expert alchemist:
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Maria grabs the golden fruit. Symbolically, this shows that she is far ahead of Ruby in the alchemical quest.
This is made clear by her:
Preflexes lets Maria sense everything better than others. Metaphorically, it means she has a better understanding of reality than others. This ties with her having wisdom.
Life and Death is made by two kamas that can be combined in a staff:
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They can be separated (solvet) and united (coagula). Solvet and coagula is the mantra of alchemy, as this process aims to create the philosophical stone by separating and uniting the elements. Over and over. Until perfection is obtained. Metaphorically, it means a soul is refined through creation and destruction. Life and Death.
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Ruby is young and ignorant. She doesn't know what to do and she doesn't know about her eyes. She is the alchemist apprentice, who is going through a transformation:
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Differently from the Splendor Solis plate, there are no birds in the scene. However, the scenery is full of butterflies, which are another symbol of change. Of death and rebirth:
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As far as the nature of Ruby's transformation is concerned, the setting gives us some hints, as Maria and Ruby are speaking in a garden full of white snow. That is because RWBY is approaching albedo (the white phase). In particular, volume 6 climax marks Ruby's passage from nigredo to albedo. This process if metaphorically foreshadowed in Ruby and Maria's conversation thanks to a specific visual cue:
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Let's look at Maria's plate:
The grapes are purple/black = nigredo, the black phase
The plate is white = albedo, the white phase
The lemons/oranges are yellow = citrinitas, the yellow phase
The strawberries are red = rubedo, the red phase
The kiwis are green = transformation (plus prima materia, aka the beginning)
In short, the plate and fruits are a metaphor for the alchemical process as a whole. What's interesting is that a little butterfly flies on them:
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It pauses for a little while on top of the grapes (nigredo) until Maria gently takes it and has it fly forward (towards albedo). The meaning is clear. Maria acts a mentor, who helps Ruby leave the black phase and enter the white one. She gives Ruby the knowledge she needs to face her "trial of fire":
Maria: The light will only work in the presence of Grimm. Meaning the only practice you'll get will be a trial by fire.
Ruby faces her trial by fire in the climax of volume 6, as she fights the Leviathan:
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There she uses Maria's teaching and the relic of Knowledge to defeat her foe through her internal light. This moment is when Ruby and the group leave Mistral and the Black Phase once and for all. They are ready to face Atlas and the White Phase.
Still, this isn't the only trial by fire our Little Red Riding Hood has to go through. She struggles through a second one in volume 9, as she and the group leave the White Stage (Atlas) through the Yellow Stage (the Ever After), so that they can enter the Red Phase (Vacuo). Once again this passage is shown through the Splendor Solis.
There is a giant tree:
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A wise woman:
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Once again, Ruby is given guided by an older and wiser woman under a tree. This time she has to make a choice to go through a transformation. A process of death and rebirth:
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In volume 6 Ruby learns about her internal light, whereas in volume 9 she discovers her inner shadows. In volume 6 she is given knowledge, while in volume 9 she is offered a choice. At the same time, in volume 6 the Splendor Solis reference is focused on a single meaningful scene, while in volume 9 it is more pervasive and present throughout the entirety of the season. In volume 6 the Splendor Solis comments Ruby's journey (the microchosm). In volume 9 this alchemical texts conveys RWBY's adventure (the macrochosm).
However, this isn't the only difference between the two transformative trials.
Volume 6 has Ruby become an ideal:
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Volume 9 has Ruby grow into herself:
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Similarly, in volume 6 she latches on an idealistic idea of Summer (the Huntress), whereas in volume 9 she accepts Summer as a person (the Mother):
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This passage from ideal to real isn't something unique to our heroine's arc, but it ties to everyone's story. Here come two examples.
Jaune's arc
In volume 6 Jaune is inspired by Pyrhha to push forward no matter what:
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He wants to become more like Pyrrha, his ideal self.
In volume 9 Jaune is taught by Weiss to stop and accept a loss:
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He realizes he is good as he is, despite his flaws.
Chemical weddings
In volume 6, Bumbleby goes through their second chemical wedding, where they kill Adam. The focus of Yang and Blake's relationship is that both girls have to become "worthy" of the other:
And now I know I'm worthy of you (Oh can't you see, you could be with me) With every smile you told me, "I love you" (I am your dream, I love you)
They push each other to grow and to become their ideal selves. Yang has to overcome her anger and abandonement issues to stay with Blake. Blake has to stop running away to be by Yang's side. Their fight with Adam tests their progress on their respective flaws.
In volume 9, White Knight has their second chemical wedding, where Jaune dies and is reborn thanks to Weiss. Their bond is about letting go of childish fantasies (the charming prince and the beautiful princess) and to accept the other for who they are:
Weiss: I think you’re asking too much of yourself. We’ve been telling ourselves that failing means we’re no good. But I can guarantee even the best Huntsmen in history… they’ve all lost. But they were still incredibly brave… and good.
They let go of paragons and come to love their real selves with both strengths and flaws. Their conversation in front of the Genial Gems conveys exactly this.
Interestingly, Bumbleby and White Knight foil each other in another way, when it comes to alchemical symbolism.
Bumbleby focuses on death and separation. They represent the "solvet" part of the process.
White Knight is linked to rebirth and union. They explore the "coagula" part of the process.
To be clear, the solvet and coagula parts are present in both relationships. Yang and Blake go through destruction to come back stronger and more beautiful than ever. Similarly, Weiss and Jaune have to face death, so they can be reborn.
Still, the focus of BB's weddings is on death/destruction:
Adam cuts Yang's arm and impales Blake
Adam dies
Whereas WK's weddings climax in resurrection/creation:
Weiss is reborn
Jaune and Ruby are reborn
This is because the two relationships are complementary and illustrate different sides of the alchemical process. However, there is a third ship meant to embody both parts.
Ruby and Oscar's wedding is kicked off by their first meeting, when Qrow (a bird) brings Oscar to Ruby and unites the Solar King and the Lunar Queen:
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Ruby and Oscar's wedding references the imagery above.
It is a union of opposites. The scenery of their first scene together has Ruby marked as fire and air, whereas Oscar is associated with earth and water. Moreover, both the moon and sun are present.
In general, Ruby is moon, silver, red and air, while Oscar is sun, gold, green and earth. They complement each other and are perfectly balanced. So, they don't need a specific focus on neither death nor rebirth because theis arcs are gonna explore both the solvet and the coagula. They are the whole.
This complementarity shows also in Oscar paralleling Ruby during the trials of fire.
While Ruby is talking with Maria and going through an internal transformation, Oscar goes through an external transformation (he changes clothes). Ruby connects with Summer (coagula), while Oscar is free from Ozpin (solvet). Both their transformations are tested in volume 6 climax, where Ruby grows into a leader (macrochosm), whereas Oscar grows into himself (microchosm).
While Ruby struggles with herself in the Ever After, Oscar struggles with Ozpin in Vacuo. Ruby separates her perception of the self from Summer (solvet), whereas Oscar is merging with Ozpin (coagula). Ruby is in a fantastical world symbolic of the inside (microchosm). Oscar is in the real world, which is going through big changes (macrochosm).
Right now, Ruby and Oscar are bound to meet again through Raven (another bird), which might kick off their second alchemical wedding. Not only that, but Raven herself might play the part of the Nevermore, as she wears a Nevermore mask and her name alludes to The Raven, Poe's famous poem and the inspiration for the Nevermore Grimm. If so, this meeting might be Rosegarden nevermore wedding, which for RWBY ships is about overcoming grief and death through love. Another declination of solvet and coagula.
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dreamingcricket · 1 year
Hi Cricket! I soaked up your Tav/Halsin snippet, about them being injured and shrugging off Halsin's advances, it's absolutely sweet! I kindly request another Tav/Halsin if you don't mind... My Tav is a naive little sunshine and as a tiefling bard loves to dance, sing along and play on her fiddle, I imagine her having skirts that flow around her feet whenever she danced and plays around camp or inn's for some coin. Halsin being in love with Tav and like totally unable to hide it and it's obvious to everyone but Tav themselves. I would love for him to join her dancing, maybe something slower, more intimate with meaningful touches. He loves seeing her so at ease in rare moments like this, even when he's a clumsy dancer. 🤭
I'm so happy people are enjoying these!
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Halsin was unused to revelry. 
He couldn't speak for every druid, of course, their kind ranged far and wide in both calling and temperament, but the Emerald Grove was prone only to subdued rites. He certainly couldn't fault the refugees for wanting to release some tension, however, and he wanted to show his appreciation to the small band that had saved him and his grove alike. Her, especially. 
And of course she was at the center of it all.
She reminded him of a celestial center, the hub of a wheel around which everything else turned. She glowed in the firelight, all orange and gold and purple, skirts flying as she fiddled. Music seemed to follow her everywhere. She danced like water, one pattern to the next without pause. It was beautiful. She was beautiful.
“You’re staring.” Shadowheart was difficult to read, as she appeared behind him, goblet in hand. He couldn't tell if her observation was meant to be an admonishment or not.
“I know.” He was usually reserved, if not stoic, and his developing feelings bubbling to quickly to the surface was alarming, but it would do no good to deny it.
"We all know. You're not subtle, Halsin." 
His attention was drawn back to Tav as she laughed. The sound was like the sun on his face.
Shadowheart followed his gaze. “Nobody blames you, Halsin. But she should know.”
“I don’t want to rush her.”
“Under any other circumstances, I’d agree. But we’re running out of time, and…” She shakes her head, clearing the morbid thought. “Just… everyone knows.
She finishes her number with a bow, and yields the stage to Alfira, who begins to pluck a lively tune. Her eyes lock onto Halsin’s and she bounds over, holding out her hands.
“Come, dance with me?”
He could feel the eyes of the camp upon him. Knowing. Halsin coughed. “I’m not much of a dancer. I may trample your feet.”
“That doesn't matter!” She giggled, and leaned in conspiratorially. “Everyone’s too drunk to notice anyway.”
Suddenly, she was pulling on his hand, tugging him to the wide patch of dirt that served as a dancing circle in the middle of camp. His heart hammered against his ribs, and it wasnt from embarrassment. 
He could vaguely recollect the steps, some hazy memories of his youth floated back to him as they began to whirl. A tavern dance, not refined in the slightest, but light and fast, more momentum than intent. While there was something to be said for his particular brand of ursine grace, it didn't lend well to dancing, and he let her lead. Her hands were so small in his, and she flitted around him, almost birdlike. 
“You’ll have to slow down, Tav, I’m not as young as I used to be.” 
She giggled, twirling under his arm. “I think you’re a fine dancer.” 
“The wine has apparently gone to your head, as well.”
“Perhaps. Or maybe it's just good company.”
The music slowed, and their pace changed. They circled each other, hand in hand. She held his gaze, not defiantly, but with tender trust. He hoped beyond hope he wasn't reading too far into her gaze. 
There was an ease to her here he hadn't seen before. The weight she carried throughout the battle at the goblin camp (and how fierce she had been, she had torn through their ranks like a diving hawk) had seemingly lifted. She wasn't a warrior, her hands were gentle as they gripped his, and so small. He loved her already, but even more so like this, when she was unburdened.
He wondered if this was what she was usually like, sans tadpole. There’s a terrible pang in his chest at the thought: that her days were numbered, that she might be doomed. It's quickly followed by a wash of righteous fury. It wouldn't happen. He wouldn't let it. 
She stepped in close. Their palms pressed together, chests nearly touching, and he nearly stopped breathing. She was so close, if he only leaned down, their lips would touch. He was halfway to her, his rational brain screaming to stop and his instincts screaming to kiss her until she couldn't breathe.
And then she pulled away, dropping into a curtsy. The song was over. 
There was already a  buzzing flock of people vying for her attention. Halsin released her hand and bowed out of the center of camp, excusing himself as she leaped onto a rock to begin a new number. 
It had been a long, long time since anyone had made him feel this way. 
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He rolled into the grass, reveling in the coolness against his heated skin, and prepared to trance. 
Halsin smelled her before he saw her. Lilac and honeysuckle and musk, and the scent of the open road. She moved to lay beside him in the grass, and whispered, "Can I join you? Everyone is quite drunk, Karlach is sleeping in my tent for some reason, and I’m getting really tired."
"Of course."
He didn't expect her to nestle into his side, his heart began to hammer in his chest, his skin became hot. 
She gazed upwards, and pointed into the sky, at a smattering of stars. "That's the huntsman." Her hand drops back down. "At least I think it is. We didn't have much time for stargazing at home, and the city lights are so bright. But here? I feel I can see every single one."
Halsin pointed upward himself, “The… spine of the dragon? I realize… I don’t know exactly how to say it in common, that’s as close as I can get.”
She hummed. “I can see it. With the wings, there.” She gestured lazily, and he became aware of how close she was for the second time that night. He was less intimidated by his own feelings here, without the watchful eyes of the party, and only the music of night time insects, the grass rising around them like a shelter. She turned her face toward him, blinking slowly, and clearly holding back a yawn. “I think… I’ll just sleep here.”
“That’s fine by me.”
The rhythm of her breathing slows and evens out, and he brushes a stray lock of hair away from her cheek, running his thumb over the apple of her cheek. 
Tomorrow, she would take up her burdens again. She would brave her future with the noble ferocity he had come to admire, he was sure, but he would miss this carefree night. 
Whatever it took, he’d ensure she had many more to come.
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chubs-deuce · 1 month
Hello, how you done any doodles we haven't seen yet? I would like to see that.
not a lot! I've been fairly good about posting pretty much everything I draw :D
I'm sure there's older sketches I haven't posted but I'm ngl I have zero overview about which ones of those I haven't already posted at some point sdkjhdsfh
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here's some doodles from the last like 2 or 3 weeks lol
the cores are character concepts I have yet to refine and flesh out but plan on including in the later stages of my fic, they've technically existed in my head for years already but I had yet to really settle on any sort of designs and I'm still not settled on them 100% but feeling it out is just part of the process :D
the Tessa eating bread was requested by @hazbinhobo and I felt like giving her real, fresh food after all she's been through would make her cry lol
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bedrockfactory · 3 months
What's the tovoxran(?) society like, is it comparable to how it is or was anywhere on earth?
Thanks for asking! Sorry for extremely late response too, I needed some time to think about it.
I think Tovoxran society can be comparable to that of humans to a certain extend. Here are some facts about it, the first ones can be about their overall civilization tho:
- First of all, the term "Tovoxrans " is pretty much how humans and a few other species call them. The original name of their species (and how they call themselves) is "Tharr". This is totally not a trial to change their name
- Mainly before they invented technology for space travel and colonization of other planets, they lived in large, densely populated cities built around volcanoes. Later, their technology allowed them to build gigantic heat generators instead of having to settle around volcanoes.
- Due to their economy (and kind of their whole civilization too) being heavily industry-based, their cities and pretty much their whole planet is extremely polluted. Their planet's nature has always been the last thing they cared about, hence their civilization' expanding has forced various animal species to retreat from their natural habitats.
- They were forced to enter the space stage for various reasons, the main ones being massive overpopulation and a shortage of resources on their home planet.
- They have a council-based government, which was supposed to rule the whole Empire, but in practice, their management is limited to their home planet and a few closest colonies. The vast majority of the Empire's territory is ruled by corporations and industrialists.
Bonus illustration of a Tharr factory
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  Now some facts more regarding their society:
- Underage Tharr (I'm now going to be calling them like this I hope it's not a big problem) is raised by one parent, usually of the same gender as them (son is raised by his father and a daughter is raised by her mother). There can be exceptions, for example when the parent of the same gender as the kid has died or can't take care of a child from another reason.
- They are a gregarious species and tend to stick together. A Tharr leading a completely solitary life is a rare sight.
- Their society and way of thinking is extremely ultilitarian, hence they tend to avoid to produce or use things that aren't that much necessary for their lives. It also means that for example, there aren't multiple brands producing bottled water or things like this. Water is water after all.
- Majority of their population inhabits mining colonies on various planets belonging to the Empire.
- Tharr society is still very stratified and divided to 3 main classes. 1st class are the most educated and important individuals, including industrialists, exceptionally important scientists and diplomats. 2nd class are mostly Tharr with more common jobs and service proffesions. Main occupation for the 3rd class with only basic education is usually a soldier or a "workforce" like an industrial worker, like a miner, factory or refinery worker (don't forget that Tharr supply many other Empires with raw and refined materials so it's kinda necessary). Also the class doesn't necessarily define the respect an individual receives, it's more like a division in terms of living conditions. In most cases 2nd class and 3rd class are very similar.
- Individuals getting the least respect from others are definitely the ones unemployed from choice. They are considered lazy and unnecessary by others.
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blueskittlesart · 11 months
hi :] this isnt really a reqest cuz it'll prob be a longer answer but im rlly curious abt ur comic process
i love all ur comics and somehow they always manage to gutpunch me- and ur composition and the way they read is always so beautiful and adds so much to the message youre trying to get across
yeah lol let's get into it! Ive spent maybe 5 or so years refining this process to the point it's at now so it's pretty much my standard procedure now. I'm going to use Now that you're gone as my primary example here since i still have most of the planning stages associated with it (my laptop does not have a whole lot of storage left so i usually delete my planning once the comic is finished lol) but i'll try to throw in some other examples too!
I almost always start with a written script. (the exception for this is longform oc comics which i find easier to write in the moment, but for my shorter character studies I almost always write first.) I use discord to write because it's convenient, but before i had a dedicated discord server for my stuff i was using txt files on my laptop which i do NOT recommend. anyway, this is what the written script for ntyg looked like:
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note that some small elements changed in production, like the amount of time that had passed since link's death. the lines "I look at her and i am only afraid. i remember all the ways in which i hurt you. She's almost as old now as you were then. I cannot stand the thought of outliving her, too" were also added during the rough stage because i felt like there wasn't quite enough emphasis on aryll in the initial script, and since this was a major change that necessitated a whole extra page in the comic I went back and edited those lines into the script so I wouldn't forget them. (both these changes were made during the rough stage. i'll almost never make major script adjustments after the roughs are finished.)
more examples of my scripts; specifically the original script for totk: failure and two versions of oot: adulthood (one before some major refining and one after.) with comics like these, where i have a very clear idea in my head of the imagery i want to go along with the words, i'll sometimes include it interspersed in the script, either spolier-marked or denoted with brackets.
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with ntyg and some of my other more. canon divergent? i guess? comics, there's sort of a mini phase in between scripting and roughs where I do some minor character studies to get designs nailed down in the early stages. with ntyg I already had a clear image in my mind for aryll, but the central character was link's dad, whose design wasn't quite so solid in my head. I really wanted to make sure that his design was well thought-out and consistent throughout everything, so i did a few mini sketches and studies to ensure I had his design memorized and could execute it consistently:
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these are sans hair and accessories because nailing down consistent facial features was my main focus with them, and both these sketches ended up getting used as references for certain panels later on. This isn't a step I ALWAYS take with my comics, but if there's a central character that i'm not super used to drawing i find it helpful to get some practice in before jumping into the real thing!
after the scripting and design phases i move on to roughs, which I consider to be the most important stage in my process. roughs are very very quick approximations of what I want the final pages to look like. they usually don't take me more than a few minutes per page to create, and their sole purpose is to help me visualize the flow of the page and the placement of major elements like panels, characters, and dialog. this is what the 1st page rough for ntyg looked like compared to the final page:
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as you can see, all i have laid out is the major text and visual elements, but it really helps me to visualize how the finished comic is going to flow. i do the roughs for every page before i start on the finals so that i have an idea of what the entire comic is going to look like before I really start finalizing it. it's important that these roughs are FAST--i almost never draw fully-fledged characters unless the pose or expression is particularly important to the scene, and that's because the goal is to allow everything to flow quickly and easily from panel to panel and page to page, and getting too caught up on one panel or element often breaks that flow. Nowadays, i have a pretty good idea of how much room my writing takes up so i don't write out the entire script in my roughs, but back when i was a little less experienced i took the time to write everything out in this stage to ensure that my dialog would fit into the space it was given without getting cramped or cutting off other important elements. doing that really helped me build awareness of how much dialog and panel placement matters and how i could use it, so this rough stage is non-negotiable for me even now!
after the roughs i go straight into finalization. I never enjoyed lineart back when i was learning to draw digitally so i basically built my art style to be understandable and visually appealing after one sketch phase, meaning there's legitimately no in-between stage between that rough and that final page, i just sort of. go for it. this is what works for me, but i think most normal people would probably find a second sketch phase helpful LMAO i'm just crazy and i need everything done as fast as possible. the finalization stage usually doesn't contain any major adjustments of script, composition, etc; i make it a general rule to keep most of the major adjustments confined to the earlier stages, for my own sanity. One thing that DOES occasionally change in this stage is my plans for color--ntyg in particular was originally planned to be completely black-and-white with no grays added, but when looking at my completed pages i found them sort of empty and unengaging without the gray, so i added it. usually if my color plans DO change it's something small like that--I'll almost never switch between full-color and grayscale on a whim because the way that i sketch for those two versions differs significantly so it isn't an easy switch to make.
anyways i hope this is what you were looking for! I'm very passionate about making comics and this process is a result of years of experimentation & finding what works for me, but i hope it's of some use to you as well!
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