#I've gotta be late to the party on this one
you-show-me-love · 11 months
Tattoos are often symbolic, but I somehow missed the symbolism of these ones until now. I just now realized that Terry Milkovich has a tattoo above his heart that is hate speech, while Mickey Milkovich got a tattoo above his heart in a pronouncement of love.
Terry got to his son's knuckles early and made it the first thing people saw. Fuck u-up that's what Mickey Milkovich will do, that's what any Milkovich will do, but Terry couldn't get to his core, couldn't put hate there, because Ian Gallagher got there and didn't let go.
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I also think it's interesting how after Terry died, we found out about his past with a woman he loved. He had done everything he could to be with her and ultimately killed for her, and she rejected him, leading him to a life of hate and anger. He just gave up on this woman and being with her. (He killed her father, so it's a bit hard to come back from, but still)
Mickey did everything to be with Ian, came out for him, took care of him, and attempted to kill Sammi for what she did to Ian, but he still got broken up with. He could easily have gone the path of his father, of hating Ian, hating everyone, but instead he carved Ian's name into him and asked him to lie, for him, because 8 years was a long time. His thoughts of them together kept him going in prison until he could escape, and when he did he found Ian again. And even then Mickey didn't hate him for not being able to cross the boarder because the love in his heart was stronger than any hate or bitterness, to the point he didn't hesitate to turn himself in to be with Ian once again.
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I mean, how fucking beautiful is that? Mickey became the most loving person by being loved. He's not his father, and he'll never be his father, because he never gave up on love like Terry did. At his core Mickey is love.
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hiddenbeks · 2 months
OH also more kotorposting bc i remembered i havent talked abt hk-47 yet. hes hilarious i love him
#el plays kotor#reminds me of shale. or rather shale reminds me of him#and now that i think abt it shale has to be a sort of homage to hk-47. right#both are constructs who see squishy organic meatbags as inferior to them. both love violence#both have large chunks of their memories missing and u can help both restore their memories... yea#but also just like all the other non-jedi companions hk-47 is kinda weak compared to the. jedi companions#and it sucks bc i wanna have the non-jedi companions with me too...#i wanna have zaalbar and mission with me on kashyyyk for Story Purposes but i keep getting beaten to almost death in every fight hflkdjg#i think i might have to replace mission at least. but no one is as versatile as she is in non-combat situations. except t3-m4#and i gotta have zaalbar with me bc its kashyyyk and he has a lot of personal stuff going on there#but i have no idea if hes supposed to be like. ranged or melee#his massive str and con suggest hes a melee fighter but he has several ranged combat feats when he first joins the party...#maybe i've just built the companions wrong or whatev. oopsie#also its kinda funny that like half of the companions' personal quests revolve around family issues#bastila and her mom. carth and his son. mission and her brother. zaalbar and his father and brother ??#jolee's quest has something to do with his late wife i think? not entirely sure yet#also dont know anything abt canderous' or juhani's personal quests yet but. still#anyway gonna stop talking abt kotor now and actually go play it instead bye
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youremyonlyhope · 1 year
Me at 2am last night: I’m gonna wake up at like 10am, maybe earlier, and then immediately start sewing some projects at 11am! I have iced coffee waiting in my fridge. I will get so much done!
6am: *Still awake, mad at the world.*
7:30am: *Wakes up, gets water, goes back to bed.*
12:30pm *Wakes up and gets confused at the time*
Me: Ok, this isn’t that bad. I’ll drink the coffee and have breakfast, then start sewing only two hours later than planned.
1pm-2pm: *Youtube and Tumblr*
Me at 3pm: ...Hmm... maybe I’ll just sew tomorrow...
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writingouthere · 5 months
bestfriendsbrother!Sukuna x pregnant!reader one-shot
summary: you're excited to finally share with all your friends that your pregnant when the party is interrupted by your best friend's older brother, who you didn't invite, but who you did have unprotected sex with less than two months ago.
cw: reader is pregnant, Sukuna is a bad dude, possessive behavior, minor smut, still as usual nicer than it sounds because I can't help it.
"I'm pregnant!"
Your news is met with a period of silence before your friends look at each other, uncertain as to how to react.
Nobara finally breaks the silence, an eyebrow raised. "And we feel...."
"We're happy about it," you say and your friends are then quick to congratulate you. You hear some sort of scuffling happening behind you and you turn around to see Yuuji unfolding a "We're having a Baby!" banner which makes Megumi nearly jump out of his chair.
"Holy shit, did you two-"
"Ew, no!"
Yuuji frowns at you. "The 'ew' wasn't necessary."
You and Nobara scoff. "It was," you tell him. "And I say that with all my love."
"Okay, so if this idiot didn't knock you up-"
"-then who did?"
You'd been expecting the question and had prepared for it. "It was just a one night stand, he's not really father material." Everyone looks like they want to ask more questions so you smile at them, genuinely happy they all look ready to commit a crime for you. "It's okay, I have a good job and this is something I've wanted for a long time. This baby will be really loved because it will have me and, I hope, all of you."
Your friends are quick to agree and there's some lighter questions about potential names, nurseries and Nobara and Todo are looking at her phone debating baby onesies, when the door to you and Yuuji's apartment opens and someone you had definitely not invited comes in.
"Sukuna! You're late, you missed the big news," Yuuji calls out as he walks over and claps his brother on the back. A few people call out greetings as Yuuji's older brother looks around the apartment. His eyes linger on you for a second, a smirk tugging up on his lip before he notices the sign hanging crooked over the kitchen doorway and he laughs without an ounce of humor.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me, you knocked someone up? You irresponsible piece of shit-"
"It's not his and don't kill him, you asshole," Megumi says from where he has now joined the onesies discussion and points over at you. "It's the other person who lives here."
Sukuna pauses from where he was about to murder his brother, to look back over at you. You wonder if his brain is doing the same cursed math that you had done when you were hyperventilating, holding a stick covered in your own pee, but before he could ask anything, Maki ended the silent stand off.
"And we're happy about it, so get happy you piece of shit."
With that, the party continues on, people breaking off until little groups and snacks being placed strategically throughout the apartment.
You're feeling thirsty, and a little exhausted from the burning stare that's been directed at you for the past hour when you excuse yourself from where Miwa and Mechamaru had been talking about their own future plans for children, who you're sure would be socially inept but gorgeous enough to make up for it, and made your way to the kitchen.
You were pulling out some water, no alcohol for you even though you really needed it, when you felt someone's presence behind you.
"So when were you going to tell me we were having a baby?"
"Never, because it's not yours," you answered firmly, slamming the door to the fridge for good measure. Sukuna leaned against the cabinet next to you but you'd known him long enough to see the pose for what it was. A ruse, a performance of casualness. The fingers on his hand tapped against his arm like he was playing the piano, one of the few tics he had that showed when he was feeling, well just feeling anything in general.
"Oh please, you're not fucking anyone else."
"You don't know that and we're not fucking, we fucked once. Singular, past tense."
He laughed and looked down at you, the same predatory look he'd had the night he'd helped you make this child.
"And once was all it took huh? Fucked you so good, you're going to have my baby," he says, voice mocking and he stands up to his full height which puts him over you. He takes the glass of water you're really regretting now, and places it on the counter opposite the two of you.
"It-it's not your baby," but you don't sound sure and he knows it and he presses up against you until your back is to the counter. Nowhere for you to run.
"It's mine, just like you're mine. I don't know who you think you're kidding with this denial of me but it's done now, sweetheart."
You go to answer him and Sukuna covers your mouth with his hand like the rude fuck he is and then leans down, his mouth next to your ear. You look around, worried someone might see you but the gap between the fridge and the counter conceals you both and the room next to you keeps getting louder and louder. The sun had set and there were maybe some lamps in the living room, but here in the kitchen it was dark.
"I let you have your space and your time, two months of it actually. I let you have your little moral crisis about fucking a criminal and it being the best dick you've ever had wah wah, but I was impatient before I knew you were having my baby, and now," he leans back so his eyes, and they're on fire his eyes, are level with yours. "I'm done waiting."
You tug on Sukuna's hand and he rolls his eyes before removing it from your mouth and places it on your hip which doesn't seem like a good trade-off but at least you can speak again.
"What does that even mean?" You ask him, your voice showing the incredulity you're feeling but if Sukuna had anything, it was audacity.
"I mean I'll give you a week to tell your friends you're having our baby and that we're getting married." He says it so seriously that you can't help but laugh which seems to be the wrong response when his other hand moves to your hip as well and squeezes, tight.
"We are not getting married, are you out of your mind?"
"Why not, we're already having a baby, are you going to deny me the ability to live with my own child."
"Still not your kid, and we can't get married Sukuna. We never even dated! We fucked one time, that doesn't mean we should just be together forever."
"We fucked for one night, it was more than one time-"
"Not the argument you think it is," you interrupt him but you still let him pick you up and place you on the counter. You sit there while he runs his hands up and down your thighs, the sounds of the party washing over the two of you as you stay in your little bubble.
"We'd be good together," he finally says. "Not just because I knocked you up on the first try." You hit him but he just smirks and moves his hands more purposefully on your legs. You let him pull them apart and step between them even though warning bells are going off in your head, telling you these are moves you'd seen before and they had led to you being in the predicament the two of you were debating in the first place.
"It's inevitable, the two of us. You can say you hate me, or that I'm not a good man, and that's true. But there's a reason why you've never stayed with any of those nice boys," he says and his hands slips up the skirt you're wearing to get at your bare thighs underneath. "Because you don't want a nice guy, you don't want a good man, you want me and I'm too selfish to let you keep torturing both of us by doing this pretending shit."
The fingers on his right hand press against your cunt through your panties while his other hand squeezes your thigh and he moans sinfully into the quiet air.
"God, I knew I didn't make up this warm, wet cunt. Been fucking my fist until I chafed the past two months just thinking about it."
You whimper as he moves your underwear aside and slips one finger up and down your slit, not touching your clit or going where you want him, but doing enough that you move against his hand.
"This does not mean that we should get married," you protest and he teases a finger against your opening, pulling it back when your hips tilt up in an attempt to get him where you want.
"Why not? I heard pregnant women get super horny, what are you going to do without me around to make sure this filthy pussy gets stuffed just the way she needs." He finally slips one finger in, his thumb moving to tease against your clit, just the way you like it and your head smacks back against the cabinet. He moves the hand that had been on your thigh up so he can cradle your head.
"I'm sure I could find someone willing to help me out," you say scoffing and his hand freezes which makes you whine a little and try to get him to move again but his legs limit your range of motion.
"You ever try to fuck someone else ever again and the coroner is going to have to get dental records to figure out who the dumb fuck with no fingers, no eyes and no cock is, you got it?"
He's not joking, you know he's not joking but it doesn't stop you from leaning forward until you finally get your lips on his. He hums into your kiss, cupping your cheek in his free hand while the other one goes back to opening you up. You're so wet that the kitchen fills with the sounds of his him finger fucking your cunt but you can't even find it in yourself to be embarrassed. He's not wrong that pregnancy has made you more sensitive, or maybe it's just you not having gotten laid since the two of you had slept together.
He's got three fingers in you when you come and he swallows your moans greedily with mouth while his fingers slow inside of you, curving just right to make you think you could probably come again soon, oversensitive or not.
Before you can test that out, he pulls away from you. He licks the fingers he pulled out of you clean and you you're reminded of how the last time he'd made you come twice just with his mouth.
"Where are you going?" you ask him, a little more breathless than you like.
"We are going home," he tells you, grabbing your hands and helping you down off the counter. Giving you a kiss on your forehead that you would tease him for if you were anyone else.
"Home?" you ask, confused because you are currently standing in your apartment unless his orgasms suddenly give one the power to teleport.
"Yeah, our home, not the shitty apartment you share with my brother. I mean we'll have to get somewhere bigger soon, for our baby."
For the first time since you found out you were pregnant, someone who was not you laid out their palm on your still just the same stomach. There was no change from how it always looked but Sukuna looked smug just the same and you felt like you were still missing a few things.
"I mean I can fuck you here, I just thought your sensibilities and the fact your friends were all out there would make you uncomfortable."
Your post orgasm flush finally leaves you and you look up at him in panic. "Oh my god, do you think someone saw-"
"It's okay, Fushiguro kept them out I'm sure."
You don't want to know but ask anyway. "Why?"
"Because he walked in earlier and looked like he'd seen a ghost. Tell me, is the kid still a virgin? He's pretty but I can't imagine he has a lot of good options in your crowd."
When you leave to go to Sukuna's, the only people who don't look confused(or horrified in Yuuji's case) at your departure are Maki and Megumi.
If the confusion hadn't been cleared up by the time the baby came, the pink hair probably answered any follow up questions.
dealing with some writer's block and had this idea. didn't feel like writing a whole smut scene, my b but saving that energy for the next(?) neighborsukuna x singlemom one.
side note: Megumi is scarred for life, for sure. Yuuji gets over his horror once he's an uncle.
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tojigasm · 5 months
felix would def rub your clit through your panties until you cum 💕 he’s such a tease :/
He'll do it at the most crude times as well. Most recently, being a party, the two of you had gone to.
You'd been sitting on his lap, your knees bent over his spread thighs. Your head rests against his shoulder as you fade in and out of consciousness, having been at the party for a little over two hours or so.
Felix can sense your tiredness as he massages the soft base of your neck, taking occasional sips from his glass cup of burboun while talking amongst his friends.
Every now and then, he tries to include you in the conversation, shrugging his shoulder against you or bouncing his knees to get you to wake up some.
"Whatcha' think about that, baby?" He'd ask, fully aware you weren't engaged at all.
"Hm?" You rub at one of your eyes, meeting his baby blues before letting yourself relax back into his hold.
At least another half hour passes before you've woken yourself up out of your tired state in annoyance.
You just wanted to go home and sleep, and all Felix seemed to want to do was talk until the damn birds were chirping and the sun was up.
"Lex," you tug at his baby blue polo.
He only hums, not bothering to turn towards you admist his conversation.
"Lex," you try again, pulling at his arm this time. "I wanna go back to the dorms. I'm tired."
"I-in a minute, hon." He gently waves at you before returning to the conversation.
The disregard for you sends another wave of annoyance through you.
Maneuvering yourself out of his hold, you stand and begin to take step – knowing Felix wouldn't let you walk back through the quad in the dark.
Almost immediately as you're standing, you're being pulled back by his hand on your forearm.
The conversation has shifted over to one of Felix's other friends.
When you fall back into the couch, Felix leans down to whisper in your ear.
"I wanna go–"
"Cut it out." He cuts you off with a quick swipe to your cunt through your leggings.
The pressure pulls a gasp from you, and one of his friends turns to look over at the two of you before engaging in the conversation again.
You go to speak, cut off by Felix pressing the heel of his palm against your heat and thumbing his fingers over your soaked folds through the leggings of your fabric as he joins into the conversation again.
Over the next ten or so minutes, he brings you to and from the edge over and over until you're visibly panting beside him into his arm.
"D'awh," Felix coos, "you gettin' tired?" He whispers low enough for you to hear.
You nod into his arm.
"Use your words." His voice deepens again.
"Please, I wanna cum." You sob through a choked whisper.
"Why should I let you? You've been acting like a spoiled brat this whole night." He flicks his thumb to apply pressure on your clit and you jolt.
"I've been being good, I have!" You cry into his shoulder.
Felix doesn't say anything for a moment, opting to circle his fingers over your soaked heat again and up to your clit.
"Cum fr'me then."
White hot heat sends shivers down your arms and legs as you come undone – biting at the freckled skin of his arm as he continues to circle your clit.
You grab at his wrist, halting his movements.
Chatter between the group continues before Felix takes a deep sigh and pats your thigh as he stands up.
"Well, it's gettin' late guys, and I gotta get her back to the dorms." He smiles as he helps you up on wobbly legs.
Nobody seems to notice your behavior as anything other than tired and work to make room for the two of you to exit the party.
As you both walk outside and he lands a slap to your ass.
"Don't try getting smart with me." He adds when you turn to him in shock, rubbing at your cheek to ease the sting. "If you behave tonight, I might give you something tomorrow."
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me-writes-prompts · 7 months
:-"We make a great pair, really" Goofy lovers prompts-:
(Alright, alright, no one's done this before(till I know) so im about to make history y'all!!! lets do this ;)
By @me-writes-prompts
"Why aren't we making out yet? We're 5 minutes into an argument, 5 minutes! Goodness."
Playing pranks on each other that they know will get the other one absolutely boiling and they can't be more thrilled for it
When they both have the habit of talking during movies and literally having an hour long discussions about a character they both hated
"You look so hot today, babe." "Hotter than yesterday?" "Hotter than yesterday."
Always finding ways to have fun i.e wearing costumes and playing around, hosting parties.
"If we were to fight, like in a fight fight, who do you think would win?" "Obviously, me. You would admit defeat the moment I punch you." "Hey, I'm not that easy!" "Oh, yes you are."
The late-night karaoke and dances
"You know what they say, love. Warriors don't go to war without their armor. Let's get ready." *their partner nods seriously and puts their work clothes on* "Gotta be prepared." LMAOOO
Taking random (not-so-good-looking) pictures of each other and their partner pretends to be mad before bursting into laughter.
Amusement dates are better than boring restaurant dates, right? They think so.
Not them ganging up against their family during board games and being all smug about it with each other
"Oh, I really want this. It's so cute!" "Now, I know, you were only after my money. I've already bought you 50 of these damn ducks." *gasps and mockingly puts their hand on their mouth* "You found out my secret."
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thevoidstaredback · 2 months
Okay, so maybe giving his calling card to a kid was a bad idea. He sees that now. Unfortunately, it's too late to take it back. On the bright side, the kid wasn't going to be able to figure out who he is yet based solely on a summoning circle. In the pitch black void of things, Danny can sense the card and the person who's holding it.
Maybe if he leaves Fawcett fast enough he can keep plausible deniability because there's no way that the tiny homeless kid he just met is Captain Marvel. Nope, no way. Not his circus, not his monkeys. He's leaving now.
"What happened to you?" Deadman had an insufferable grin on his face. Did he have the House drop him in Gotham? Danny wouldn't put it past him.
"Don't wanna talk about it."
"Where ya going?"
"To the basement."
Was the other ghost always this annoying? "Because leaving was a terrible idea. I'm going to go hide in the basement until the day I fully die."
"Aw," Deadman tried to pout, but he failed and started to cackle. "Don't be like that. Did you not enjoy your trip to Gotham?"
Danny was a lot of things. Violent usually didn't make it onto that list. However, he was willing to make an assumption. "So it was your fault."
Another cackle. "Don't be like that! You've never been to Gotham before. You can't tell me you at least didn't have fun."
They were at the basement stairs now. "For your information, I have been to Gotham. I didn't get to do much exploring this time because Batman and his gaggle of sidekicks surrounded me!"
"You've been to Gotham?"
"Not important."
"Oh?" The glee on the full ghost's face made Danny uneasy. "I sense a story behind that."
Oh, no. "No. I'm not telling you." He marched past and down the stairs, not bothering to unlock or open the door.
"Why not?"
"Because I said 'no'."
"Party pooper." he huffed. "You know I'm just going to keep asking, right?"
A sigh. "I'm not gonna cave. No."
"Ah, but you will!" That was the confidence of a ghost who knew he was right. Danny did not like how that bodes for him. "You, my friend, are a younger sibling. I am also a younger sibling."
Shit. "That....That means nothing. My answer will stay 'no'."
Deadman had the gall to chuckle darkly. "We'll see." Then, he disappeared.
Danny didn't sigh because he doesn't need to breathe. He was not going to tell what happened because what happens in Gotham stays in Gotham. It's a rule of thumb that people don't cross. Besides, Deadman doesn't know that Danny's actually the middle sibling. Dani, introduced to his parents soon after he'd told them he was a Halfa, was the embodiment of younger sibling because he had once been the embodiment of younger sibling.
"Please get Deadman to stop!" Danny begged Zatanna three weeks later. Maybe he'd overestimated himself a little bit.
The sorcerer raised an eyebrow as she looked up from the book she'd been reading. Something on runes? "What's he doing this time?"
"He won't stop asking me to tell him about my first trip to Gotham."
"You've been to Gotham?"
Danny groaned into the throw pillow he was clutching. "Yes. Please make him stop!"
"Sorry, hun," she focused back on her book, "But I can't see him."
"Oh. I forgot about that."
"Why don't you just tell him?"
Danny shot up, appalled by the very idea. "It's a matter of principle!" he exclaimed, "I am both the older and younger sibling: The middle child. If I give in, I'll have failed! I can't do that. Do you want me to fail?!"
"Okay, okay, geez!" she surrendered, "Don't gotta be so overdramatic about it."
"I'm not being overdramatic! I'm being just dramatic enough!"
"Sure, sure. Whatever you say, kid."
"I'm not a kid!"
"You look like one."
"Yeah, but I'm not! I'm-"
"King of the Infinite Realms," Constantine interrupted, "We know."
"Then don't call me a kid."
"Yeah, yeah, kid,"
"I'm not-!"
"Look, we can have this argument all day and we'll still end in a tie. I've got a case in San Francisco near Titan's Tower. Raven's coming along. Do you want to come with?"
"Don't you normally work solo?" Danny asked. Zatanna still hadn't looked back up from her book and he was pretty sure she'd tuned them out.
"Is that a 'no'?"
"No! No, I'll come with." Maybe having Constantine with him will deter the JL from hounding him. What do they even want with him? If they're upset that he died at fourteen, he's gonna scream.
The Brit smirked. "You sound almost desperate to get out."
"Shut up and let's go."
"Alright, alright."
Part 3 Part 5
Tag List: @zaiothe4th @someonebored0100 @wolfeyedwitch @angelheartgamer @nymanders
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ghostfanwriter · 11 months
✨🍑 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 🍑✨
🍑 Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
✨ Synopsis: You catch Joel looking at a dress while on run for supplies, so you decide to bring it home... And torture him with it at a Jackson party.
🍑 Features: 🔞 Pre established relationship, possessive Joel, teasing, edging, Joel spiting in reader's mouth (🫥), real quick feet action, rough unprotected piv, oral sex (f and m receiving), Joel being insecure and soft at the end.
✨ Word count: Around 7k
🍑 About this: The Jackson couple's back! This time I wanted to touch more on their dynamics and how they work outside the bedroom. But everything builds to some possessive sex with a very possessive Joel.
✨ Author's Note: I've had this drafted for months now, and it finally matured enough to be yours 🩷
Good reading ✨🍑
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You were on a run for supplies and winter clothes with Joel and a few others from Jackson. The two of you found this fancy women's clothes store and were grabbing everything that felt nice and warm. Besides, you thought of looking for nice dresses for women to wear on your solstice party, that would celebrate the end of summer and all the resources you got from it.
Joel said it was okay with him as long as you carried the bag full of dresses back home.
You finished looking around and went after Joel, who you found holding a dress in front of himself, just looking at it. His brain forming the perfect image of how your body would look in it.
He knew every line and every curve you had, having touched, bitten, kissed and squeezed you enough times to have them memorized. He thought about how life would be if things didn't go to shit.
Taking you to a party, wearing nice clothes and just drinking and having fun. He was lost in his fantasy when someone called everyone out, it was getting late and it would be dark soon. He yelled back and put the dress back where he found it, turning his head to look for you, calling you by your name.
You hide and as soon as he leaves that corner of the store you run to it and grab the dress, putting it inside your backpack and running back to the other side of the store, emerging from the clothes racks for him to find you.
"Hey, I'm here." You say. He looks at you and smiles.
"C'mon, baby, gotta go." You walk towards him and hold his hands, snuggling to his side as you walk out the store to find the others and go back home.
When he saw you struggling with its weight, Joel insisted he'd carry the bag with the dresses for you.
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"Holy fucking shit!" Ellie almost screams when you walk out the bathroom. You look at her and her eyes are wide, mouth open and a ever so light blush on her cheeks. Dina turns to look at you and her face looks exactly like Ellie's, but she's also laughing.
"Oh, someone's definitely gonna fucking die tonight. Either Joel will fall dead when he sees you or he's going to kill every man that looks at you."
You laugh. You only truly saw the dress when you picked it up from your backpack to wash it over at Ellie and Dina's. You didn't want Joel seeing it and ruining the surprise.
The dress is tight and long, but has a slit on one of the legs that goes all the way to your thigh, almost to your hips. It hugs your body perfectly and you can't wait to see his face.
Winter was soon to arrive and for a good while you'll not bare to wear any less than three layers of clothes, so you wanted to enjoy your last chance to look good on something.
Joel was out working all day, and by the end of the afternoon he went home to shower.
He smiled when he found the clothes you left him perfectly laid out on top of your bed, with a perfume you got him a while back.
He was hoping to find you home, but he loved that you took your time to prepare this for him. He got ready and went straight to where the party was gonna happen to help hang lights, fix a few things and be his hot contractor self.
You were gonna meet him with Ellie and Dina, who were also dressed up on some nicer button up shirts and jeans they've found.
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On the way from their house to the party, you got compliments all around, men and women turning heads to look at you. You were happy to see all the women in dresses and nice clothes. It was a privilege you had in Jackson, to dress up and have fun, and you were glad everyone was having a good time.
For just one night it was good to forget the world had ended.
You start looking for Joel as soon as you arrive at the party. Scanning the place, you find him drinking and laughing amongst a few men. It's funny how anyone around him looks blurry to you. As soon as you see your man, there's nothing else that could get your attention.
Nothing else matters.
He looks so good, so big, so strong. His wide shoulders, big frame, strong chest and stomach, his legs, spread and inviting, making you want to sit on him. His arms, showing through the flannel he's wearing, his big hand making an already tiny shot glass look even smaller.
One of the men with him locks eyes on you and Joel curiously follows his gaze.
When his eyes land on you his expression thickens immediately. He looks at you up and down, stopping at your face. Your smile disarming him completely. He puts his glass down and gets up, heavily walking towards you with a smile on his face. You open your arms, squeezing him tight when he hugs you, engulfing you in his arms.
"Missed you" You said, because spending the day away felt like an eternity.
"Thought about you all day, peach. Couldn't wait to see you." He said on your neck.
You pull away, he holds you by the waist and you keep your fingers interlaced behind his back, giving him a quick but firm kiss on the lips. "Look as good as you thought?" You ask and his face reddens — he didn't think you saw him with the dress that day. "Can't hide from you, can I?"
"Nuh-uh." You say, shaking your head and giggling.
"You look even better than I thought, amor." He kisses your cheek, a low and effective move he knows to make you melt in his hands.
"You look really good too." You praise him and he looks down at himself, wearing the outfit you sorted for him, a nice button up flannel and a new pair of jeans. A stark contrast from the worn out clothes he wears everyday. "Have to look good when I have you like this by my side, baby. Or the others will see you're too good for me and try and take you away from me."
You shoot him a stern look through your lashes and dig your nails on his back. He gets it and laughs. "Alright, no saying stuff like that about myself. Got it."
"Well, let it be known, Joel Miller, that I wouldn't leave this party with anyone else but you." You say, getting on your tiptoes to give him another quick peck on the lips.
"C'mon, stop being so fucking gay you two." Ellie teases, bringing you a drink and calling you to come hang out with your friends. "Good to see you too, Ellie." Joel says, reluctantly letting you go and watching you walk away.
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It had been a long time since you've had this much fun. Hanging out with your friends, sitting on Joel's lap and listening to the stories everyone had to tell.
You laughed, drank and spent time with people you cherished.
But it didn't take long for Joel to get overwhelmed by the attention you were getting.
As soon as you started greeting people and walking around, he noticed the way people looked and touched you for even just a second too long.
This one guy approached you by the drinks table and kept talking to you. Joel doing his best to focus on his food and not break his own teeth with the force he was chewing it down.
He looked at you, young and pretty. Your dress hugging your body so nicely, your hair falling effortlessly over your shoulders, a big smile on your face.
People just couldn't look only once.
And it made him feral.
They all turned to shoot you a second look, almost as if trying to make sure they were actually seeing you. Like you were a mirage.
He couldn't blame them, though. He knew that feeling all too well. To not believe his eyes when looking at you; he felt the same when you first slept together.
He was frozen, sitting on the edge of his bed watching you undress, bringing you close to him and kissing your body, to make sure everything he was seeing was actually there, in front of him.
And he mesmerized you the same way, even today, watching him work from a distance. Your mind wandering thinking about the man, as if you've never been with him. Picturing his strong arms holding you, making you feel safe.
Whenever something broke on your house you always offered to help him fix it. Not just to be useful — even though you knew very little about fixing things, he was slowly teaching you what he knew —, but also to watch him. His muscles flexing, his hair getting messy, the thin layer of sweat that slowly covered his skin, his each time more laborious breathing.
You couldn't help but eat the man with your eyes.
You feel good knowing that amongst all the women in Jackson, you were lucky enough to be by his side.
Your chest almost aching from imagining if he were someone else's. Making you do your best to show him how much you wanted and loved him.
How much you loved when he hugged you tight, when he soothed you when you were scared or sad, how he caressed your hair for you to sleep, how he played his guitar on your porch, singing you nice songs. How he snuggled his nose on your neck before leaving for work, how loved he made you feel.
But he didn't know that. He thought he was the lucky one. That you could just leave him at any minute, going after a stronger and younger man.
He was removed from his thoughts when Tommy touched his shoulder. His tense expression softening a little. "Hey, man! Have you figured out how to make it look like an accident yet?" He laughs, looking at Joel and following his gaze, finding you by the drinks table, the guy still talking to you.
"Don't know if I want it to look like an accident." Joel says back, and his serious tone makes Tommy wonder if he's actually considering killing the man for talking to you.
Knowing his brother...
"Hum. Make him an example; send a message, right? 'Look what happens when you mess with that belongs to me!'" he says, mocking Joel. Joel shoots him a stern look, but laughs when his brother slaps his chest.
"Hey, quit it man, alright? She looks good, boys will flirt with her, get over it. I would bet my ass she would never pay them any mind." Tommy tries to ease him.
Joel sees the man get more comfortable around you, laughing and touching your arm occasionally. You look relaxed, and he fucking hates it. You're terribly oblivious to notice when someone's flirting with you — although you always cut it as soon as you notice.
It's just that this time it's taking you a bit too fucking long to do something about it.
"It's not her I'm worried about. Some of these boys think they're grown men, think they can talk to her like that." He shoves more food inside his mouth, clearly eating to release some steam.
On the other side of the salon, you're getting tired of the conversation you're in, and your face probably shows it. The guy starts accelerating his pace.
"Anyway, I was thinking you would like to leave this party? I mean, it's kind of dumb, you know? Maybe we could go to my place, or yours." Your face freezes. Was this guy flirting with you this whole time?
You look over a Joel, and judging by his face... yes. This guy was flirting with you.
You know you should shake the guy off, tell him you're not interested.
But when you keep looking at Joel... Jealousy looked so good on him, his jaw moving slowly and forcefully, his eyes hooded and dark, eyebrows low, nostrils wide. You wanna see more of it.
"I don't think it's a dumb party. It's fun, were celebrating everything summer gave us, everything we have stocked up." You say.
"Well, yeah, I guess. But not as much fun as we could have somewhere else." He said, coming closer to you. You watch Joel from your peripheral, making sure he's not coming over to murder the poor guy.
"Can't. Don't want to, honestly." You say, feeling bad at how the guy's face sinks. "Besides, I have a man, you know? Joel, Tommy's brother." The guy's face now goes pale, his eyes widen and he follows your gaze, already on Joel and Tommy.
He pulls away from you. Almost like he can see his fate on Joel's expression.
He heard the stories, of what Joel did before Jackson. He didn't want to be in one of them.
"I'm so sorry. I... I didn't know. I've never seen you two together, like together. I thought you were just close because of Ellie. I'm so sorry." He managed to say between stutters before rushing away from you.
You look back at Joel and Tommy and laugh, biting the inside of your lower lip.
You grab your drink and walk towards Joel, a silly and innocent smile on your face.
"What did he say?" Tommy asked laughing, wanting to see Joel's reaction. You look at Joel, seeing his low eyebrows and forceful chewing.
He was livid, but not at you. Maybe your oblivion, but not you. He liked how you teased him, because he knew it'd never go beyond that, and you were only doing it for him. But fuck... He hated to see men flirt with you.
"We were talking about food and supplies, and then out of nowhere he asked if we could go over to his or my place. Said we could have move fun there." You said, making Tommy laugh, Joel shaking his head furiously, still chewing his food.
"Poor guy was inviting himself to his own death." Tommy said laughing, and Joel grunted, shaking his head, still chewing.
His brother was right. If a guy showed up at your doorstep looking for you, Joel would just snap his neck on the spot.
"You need to pay more attention, baby. These boys don't wanna be your friends, I told you that." Joel says on a tender but firm tone. Tommy finishes his drink and gets up.
"He's right, sweetheart. You give these boys too much attention and they think you're theirs. Cut it as soon as they start." He advices, slapping Joel on the back of his shoulder when leaving. "Besides I don't want to help Joel hide any fucking bodies. Behave you two. Also, try and have some fucking fun, Joel! It's a party." He says, dancing away from you two.
Joel moves on his stool, spreads his legs and taps his thigh, calling you to come closer. You get in between his legs, leaning on him with your butt against his thigh. He buries his nose on your hair, caressing your sides. "I know you're right. But he was just talking about the food at first, as soon as he said that I told him I wasn't single and left." Your tone apologetic.
Joel's eyes softened. He knew he could trust you, and he hated to see you believe he thought you would flirt with anyone else. "I believe you, amor. I just hate to see it. You're mine, they should feel lucky they can look at you. Not be so fucking disrespectful." He said, kissing your temple.
Realistically, Jackson was a bit too full of people to keep track of all the couples. So, naturally, not everyone knew you and Joel were together, but it still made him angry how men would throw themselves at you.
He knows you are more than a pretty facade, and he doesn't like seeing you diminished to that. He loves you.
All of you.
The fact that you're eye candy is just a bonus he still isn't sure he deserves.
"Do you wanna dance? Let everyone see me in your arms, know I'm yours." You whisper the last part on his good ear, softly pulling his hair behind it. Your faces are close while you watch him fondly.
"Dance?" He's not much of a dancer, but he sighs at how you're looking at him.
A sweet smile across your face, your lower lip between your teeth, your eyes sweet and hopeful.
He can't say no to you.
You pull him up and he reluctantly follows you, dancing to a few songs you had on old CDs around Jackson. Your bodies are close, your head resting on his chest, his mouth on your temple, kissing you there.
"I know you do it on purpose." He suddenly says, his voice low and intimidating. Almost scary, honestly.
"What do you mean?" You look up at him, your head tilted to the side, your bodies still glued by the torsos.
"Y'know what I mean. Giving these boys attention just to piss me off. To see what I'll do about it later." His dark tone tickling your stomach, contrasting with his soft touch as he tucks your hair behind your ear.
"And what will you do about it?" You mimick his whisper.
"Still planning, bunny. But I'll make sure you don't do this again. Only I get to see this dress after tonight." He says, squeezing your waist harder. You sigh, laughing as you hug him tighter before letting him go and taking his hand in yours.
You walk him away from the crowd, talking to some people on the way, sneaking together into a bathroom and locking the door.
You pull him into a needy kiss, and he presses his already hard cock on you, taking you with hunger, his big arms engulfing you and his mouth not giving you room to breath. His beard scratches your face, the thin pain from it just making you lean further into him.
You pull away when you feel like you're gonna faint, palming him and biting his lower lip, both your breaths deep and heavy. When he mentions to open his belt, though, you lace your fingers on his locks, forcing him down.
He smirks and lets you lower him, pulling your dress up by the hips, revealing your underwear — also a new pair, one you got just for him. He groans at the sight.
He kisses your mount and licks your folds through your panties, making you laugh before pulling at the fabric, lowering it down your legs. You lets your dress go, and he groans when you open your legs and the slit of the dress grants him free access to your pussy. He spreads your folds with his thumbs, licking your clit.
"Fucking made for this, baby." He says with an amused sigh before burying his face on your folds.
He kisses, sucks and bites you with such passion, you're sure you don't last even one minute before cumming, pulling on his hair to keep balance and quietly moaning his name, little screams escaping your lips. You're doing your best to support yourself against the wall and not fall.
It's the type of orgasm that turns your brain off. Your legs struggle to hold you up, your body is shaking, you can't speak. Not even your tongue you can manage to hold inside your mouth, a wide and silly smile spread across your face.
He pulls your underwear fully out of you, and you whimper — the closest you can do to speaking, protesting, right now.
"I'll keep this. You won't need it anymore." He says, shoving your underwear into his back pocket and holding your face with both hands, his grip strong and comforting, your nails digging in his biceps.
"We'll go home now. No more playing around. You'll walk outside, say your goodbyes and I'm taking you home. I'll show you what you get for fucking teasing me, bunny." He says slowly and sternly as you look into his eyes, doing your best to pay attention and listen to him.
You're holding onto him, and he's supporting you up. You'd just fall if he let go. Your eyes are watering and wide, bliss glistening all over them. Your lips are frozen on a silly smile, and he stares at you for a second, a smile stamping his own lips.
"You're already like this and I haven't even fucked you yet, baby. So adorable." He kisses your jaw, maneuvering your face with such ease it makes you want to take him right there and then. To just handle you and do whatever he wants.
You moan into his beard, tugging on his shirt, trying to squeeze his arms. "Please, Joel." You beg in a whine.
"Uh-huh. You were teasing me till a minute ago and now you want me to treat you with my cock? You know how it works, baby." He pulls away, smiling when he sees the pout on your lips. "My way now. I'm dealing with you at home." He says kissing your pout before letting go of you, almost letting you fall on the floor.
He turns his back and leaves the bathroom, knowing damn well you were just gonna follow him and go home.
He knows you may want this even more than he does.
And he loves it.
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You try to drop to your knees
"No. Not today." He says, grunting as he pulls you up.
You whine, melting into his arms, staying steady into his embrace.
But he's already mad, and he's already gonna fucking destroy you.
So why not make him give you his worst?
He is sucking on your neck when you let out amidst a moan: "You know, the men back at the party would let me do it."
He pulls away and shoots you a stern look, a cold and serious one. A look that told you clearly to not keep pushing him.
A look he rarely shot you, a complete contrast from the soft, sweet and weak gaze he'd offer you every time you looked at him.
And you know he's losing it. You know he's fighting not to throw you on the bed and fuck you until you apologize.
The problem is: he knows you never do. You've learned that if you make him mad he will fuck you, punishing you for it, so you never apologize.
Because you don't want him to stop. You love it.
You don't feel bad after it, no matter what he does to you.
You want him to do whatever he wants.
To use you like you're there just to please him, just to give him some relief. You want him to call you names, and to fuck your brain out of your body.
And then you want him to hug you tight and call you his good girl, tell you how good you did for him, how lucky he is to have you. How much he loves you.
You love it. You love him.
You love it when he gets jealous, when he possessively wraps his arms around you when a boy talks to you, how he whispers before bed that you belong to him.
Because you don't want it any other way.
"They'd looove me to do it." You say with a smile.
Maybe you drank a bit more than you should have..
"Did you behave like a fucking whore to every man you fucked, baby? Or is it just for me?" He asks, and oh... You like this. The deep and short moan you let out proof of just how much you like this.
"Just for you, Joel. Only you deserve it." You say with a smile, and he frowns, lust consuming more and more of him with every word you say. "Any other man tries to talk or fuck me like you do and I'd slit their throat." You whisper in his good ear, earning a grunt from him.
"That's because you're not a slut, angel. No. You're a good girl, the best one I've ever had in my hands. Doing all I want." He goes back to your neck. "But you sure know how to act like a whore when you want to, baby. A real good one." He says pulling your head back, allowing himself more skin on your neck.
You moan. "I do it because I know you like it."
He groans, grinding his dick on you. "As long as it's just for me."
"You know it is." You whisper. "Let me do it, show you what only you can see." You say even lower, caressing him through his jeans.
"No. My way now, you'll take what I give you." He says, throwing you on the bed, kneeling in front of you and pulling your legs, bringing you close to the edge before dropping your legs back down. "And if you're good to me, I might give you what you want."
He opens the dress's slit, kissing your mount and licking his way through your still connected folds, his tongue finding your clit between your folds and rolling circles around it.
"Oh, God — Joel." You moan, already feeling something forming inside your core.
"You tell me when you're gonna cum. If you don't, I'm not touching you here for the rest of the night." He says, his voice serious and stern.
"And how are you gonna cum if you don't touch me?" You ask, a smile on your lips.
"Plenty of ways I can cum without making you cum, baby. I can fuck this pretty face, can fuck your thighs, your tits, so many things I could do to you. You only cum after I say so. Alright?" He punctuates every way with a kiss to your mount.
You nod.
"Words, bunny, need you to use your words. Do you understand me?" He says, a stern but comforting tone, lifting your legs and resting your thighs over his shoulders, spreading your folds open with his thumbs.
"Yes, sorry, yes. I understand." You mumble, running your fingers through his hair, your entrance burning in anticipation.
"There's my smart girl." He praises before licking a streak from your entrance to your clit, your eyes rolling back. He rolls his tongue around your clit, sucking on it, his eyes focused on your face.
He teases your entrance with the tip of his tongue before pushing it inside, rolling it around inside you and bringing his thumb to your clit, drawing tight and slow circles over it.
You moan and call his name, your back arching and your lower muscles contracting. He groans and squeezes your hips, pulling you lower onto his face.
You pull his hair as he switches, french kissing your clit as he inserts one, then two of his thick fingers inside you. His beard burns your sensitive skin, and the pain makes you roll your hips on him, burying his face even deeper on you.
You lift your hips from the mattress and he holds them high, grabbing your butt and squeezing it. His hungry eyes not leaving yours for even a second.
He thrusts in and out of you with his fingers, his tongue lapping on your clit as his lips stay locked around it, sucking on it progressively harder and harder.
"Joel." You moan, the ease with which he always coaxed orgasms out of you never failing to impress.
He feels your walls tightening around his fingers and picks up his pace, sucking harder on your clit and thrusting his fingers more roughly.
When he starts curling them, right on your sweetest spot, your throat shuts and you gasp, pulling his hair harder and locking your ankles around his back.
"Joel — fuck — I'm gonna cum, please. Please, let me cum." You beg. He doesn't make it easy for you, though, intensifying his movements even more, waiting for your ultimate tell that you'd cum.
When your hips start raising even higher and your walls compress his fingers even more, he lets go of you completely. Leaving your clit throbbing, your entrance leaking and burning with need. Your mouth dry and open, your eyes watering, your legs sore and shaky.
"No, no, no. Please, Joel, don't." You plead. You hated when he edged you, because he let your orgasm start, then ruined it. Not fuelling it for you, letting it die bitterly between your legs.
You reach for your pussy, but he catches your wrists, holding them tight.
"You wanna behave like that? Talk about having other cocks in your mouth? Then you gotta be a big girl and accept the consequences of your actions, baby." He says, getting up and pulling your arms.
He pulls you into a kiss, but you're mad at him, so you don't correspond it. "So pretty all angry like this. Like you don't love it when I do this to you." He whispers close to your mouth, a playful smirk on his face.
You kiss him, deep and needy, moaning at your own taste and holding his arms, almost climbing on him to kiss him deeper. You grab his cock through his jeans, and his hips buck into your hand.
"Let me do it." You moan.
"Thinking about sucking other men made you forget your manners, baby?" He asks, biting on your throat.
"I want it." You whine.
"And how do we say?" He asks, going back to kissing your throat, his fingers intertwined tightly with the hair in the back of your head.
You let out a frustrated moan, one he knows to be an acceptance of defeat. "Please, Joel. Let me do it. I want you in my mouth, please. I promise I'll be so good."
He laughs on your neck.
You're always so good.
"Get down." He says sternly, his lips leaving your neck while he stares at you with furrowed brows.
He just can't say no to you.
To think that you ask — constantly beg — to suck his cock, was too good of a vision to waste. He had women be grossed out by it enough times to not be grateful when he has you begging so nicely for it.
You don't get down, just holding his stare as you admire his strong features. How his brows and nose frame his whole face, how his beard is starting to grey around the edges, how pretty his mouth and his eyes are.
How much you love him, how much you love when he treats you like this. Because you know he loves and respects you, and he'd never do anything to hurt you or make you feel bad.
The best word you can use to describe what you feel for him is pure adoration.
You're pulled out of your mind when be grabs your jaw.
"You wanted this, didn't you? Talked to that stupid boy to get me to do this, right? Then you got what you fucking wanted, no reason to keep being a fucking brat." He says, making you smile. His head tilts to the side, his nostrils widen and he twitches inside his jeans.
He pushes you down to your knees, opening his belt on a split, the sound of his ziper and belt making your stomach float inside your belly.
You have a silly smile on your face, and you retribute his teasing by pulling just his jeans down and licking his tip through his underwear, right where it's wet with his precum. He grunts and interlaces his fingers with your hair.
"Teased me enough, haven't you, amor?" He says with a grunt, as you suck on his clothed tip, stroking him over his underwear a few times while indulging in how big, hard and thick he feels on your hand. How you can feel him pulse sometimes, and how much you love to taste him.
The latter makes you pull his underwear down, staring at his cock for a beat and, without touching him with your hands, lick around his urethra, gathering his precum in your tongue. His cock twitches and jumps away from you, making you laugh.
"Jesus Christ, baby." He groans, furrowing his brows and pulling your hair. His hips instinctively buck forwards.
You reach for his tip again, still not touching him. You roll your tongue around it and suck him inside your mouth, applying pressure and licking your lips when you let him go, twitching again, away from you.
Joel grunts, your teasing not helping your case.
Not that you're trying to make him less mad at you anyway.
"Do it right or I'm taking it away from you." He says sternly, and you frown, instantly grabbing him, stroking him slowly as you suck and roll your tongue around his tip. "Shit. Good girl, like that." He groans, throwing his head back. His fingers caressing your head without forcing you to move.
He knows you don't need guidance with this. He loves how you blow him.
You take more of him inside your mouth, but his edging made your mouth dry, and his precum isn't enough to make him slide into your mouth easily.
"Joel?" You call, you voice small. He looks back down at you, humming in response.
"Can you help me? My mouth's a bit dry." You ask, keeping your voice sweet and low.
"Tell me what you need, peach. So pretty using your words for me like this." He says, stroking your hair gently.
"Can you... Spit on it for me?" You ask. You could just wet your mouth until he slides inside it. But he's right there above you...
"On your mouth or my cock?" He asks and you shrug. "Your choice, baby." He says softly, still stroking your hair.
"Can it be both?" You ask with a smile. He smiles and pulls you up by your armpits, grunting.
"Open wide for me." He pants, his voice raspy.
You do so, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out.
"Now don't swallow, you're gonna need it." He says before spiting inside your mouth once, making you moan.
You swallow instantly, your core leaking when you do.
"Why such a brat today, baby?" He asks, smiling and furrowing his eyebrows. His hands cup your cheeks tenderly.
"I tried not to, I swear." You smile, biting the thumb he rubs over your lips. He pulls your lips open.
The crease between his eyebrows gets deeper when he does it again, once again earning a moan from you. "Want more?" He asks, and you nod, your brows furrowed. He does it with a smile, holding both your cheeks, your ears between his index and middle fingers while he admires the pool he made on your tongue.
He kisses your cheek, right under your eye, besides your nose. "Knees." And you fall back down, your mouth closed, full of him, doing your best to not swallow it.
He gathers some more saliva in his mouth while you take him in your mouth. You go as deep as you can with the wetness inside your mouth, stoping and looking at him.
Aiming for his cock, he spits on it, close to his base.
You take him in deeper, swishing his saliva around his cock. "There you go, amor. This month feels so fucking good." He praises as you start picking up your pace, your mouth around his tip, hand working his length, twisting your wrist, feeling his skin move under your hand. Your other hand goes to his balls, caressing and squeezing them lightly, making him grunt.
"Fuck — Taking me so well you almost made me forget you were thinking about other cocks, baby. So bad." He says and you moan. You could never think about anyone else, you just said it to piss him off.
Gladly he knows that, but gladly it doesn't mean he won't play along with it.
He holds your head with both hands, pulling your hair back, carefully gathering it in his fists, and you hold onto his thighs.
"Ready?" He asks as he pulls out of your mouth.
The tenderness in his touch and voice a stark contrast of what he's about to do to you.
"For you always." You moan back, and he caresses your scalp.
"My pretty girl." He praises. "All mine." While he places his tip inside your mouth. "Suck it."
You wrap your lips around his tip and suck on it, rolling your tongue around him, never breaking eye contact.
He pushes himself in, going all the way to the back of your throat before pulling away. Then doing it again.
A particular thrust goes even deeper, and he bottoms out inside your throat. You gag, and he holds your head in place, grunting with the squeeze.
He picks up his pace, eventually fucking your mouth. His hands pressing on the sides of your head, his thrusts deep and mean.
"Oh yeah, so so tight for me, baby. So good, could fucking cum inside this mouth." He says, thrusting deeper before pulling away from you, a thick streak of saliva still connecting his tip to your mouth. You stare up at him, admiring his imposing figure. How he towers over you, how big and strong he is.
He pulls you up and away from your adoration, fixing your hair and wiping your lips and chin with the sleeve of his flannel.
"I swear to God if I ever see you step outside wearing this dress again, baby..." He says, looking down at your body, squeezing your waist.
"If you say you're gonna do all this again I'm going out tomorrow with it." You say with a smile, and he laughs, looking at you through his lashes, that dark gaze back on his face.
He throws you on the bed, removing his shirt. You reach for him with your feet, and he kicks his pants away. You stroke him once with your feet and he holds them, keeping them tight together, thrusting a few times with his eyes closed before snapping them open and looking down at you.
"See? Another way for me to cum without making you cum. But not today, baby." He laughs, spreading your legs and opening your dress right on the slit. "So fucking made for me." He says, both at the slit and at you.
He wraps his forearm underneath you and pushes you further onto the bed, kneeling between your legs.
"Wanna apologize before I start?" He asks, running his tip through your folds, gathering your arousal.
You laugh, supporting yourself on your elbows to kiss him, and he pushes in, all the way, slowly, letting you wet every inch of him before inserting the next.
You moan into his mouth, wrapping one, then both your arms around his neck, pulling him down with you. His weight crushes you, and you gasp when he pulls almost all the way out before roughly going back in.
His first thrust sets a relentless pace, his hips slamming against yours. He wraps his left arm underneath you again, pulling you even further onto the bed, never letting himself slip out of you.
"God — Joel." You moan, screaming his name on his shoulder, his thrusts forcing air out of your lungs, making you gasp while you do your best to breath.
"So fucking tight, baby." He breaths on your hair. "Fucking made for me, just me. All — grunts— fucking — grunts —mine." He says, punctuating every last word with a thrust.
"Yours Joel. Keep me so full I can't think of anyone else." You cry on his neck, your orgasm coming closer and closer to you.
"Fuck — Such a good girl for me, only one I fucking — grunts —need." He groans, his pace somehow getting rougher. He wraps his other arm around you, keeping you locked under himself, his hips moving fast and hard.
The brush of his skin and his pubic hair on your clit is enough to make you whimper and clench around him.
"Please, Joel. I have to cum." You beg, your orgasm only not hitting you because you know better than to go against his word.
"Sure know how to take it like a whore, baby. I'm fucking you like this and you're asking to cum on my cock, huh? So fucking good." He teases, squeezing you in his embrace.
"Yes, Joel. Please, I want to." You whine, your nails digging deep into his back.
"Cum for me, baby. C'mon, you're being such a good girl for me. You deserve it." He coos, kissing your neck, somehow fucking you even rougher, even deeper, even faster, pulling a strong and deep orgasm out of you.
"Joel!" You moan almost pornographically, screaming his name passionately, your throat hurting with how loud you're being all of a sudden.
You'll certainly get some looks tomorrow. And it's not gonna be because of the dress.
The way you scream his name makes him cover your mouth — the whole bottom of your face — with his large hand.
"Shh, trying to tell the whole town who you belong to, peach? I thought that was why you wanted to dance at the party." He laughs, watching as your face contorts and grunting at how much you squeeze him. "Keep a bit more quiet for me, baby, c'mon."
He lets go of your mouth and fucks you harder, now having to forge room for himself inside you. You bite right between his neck and his shoulder, trying to not scream again. Your hips rolling as your orgasm comes to an end.
As soon as you stop quivering under him he starts rolling circles around your clit, fast and tight. You gasp, your hips moving desperately, trying to get away from the overwhelming stimulation.
"Oh, Joel. Too much, fuck." You plead, but it only makes him fasten his movements, his hips pouding you relentlessly.
"You wanna behave like a whore you gotta take it like one, bunny. Liked teasing me, didn't you? Huh? Now you're gonna squeeze me real nice again, gonna make me cum for you."
"Joel." You moan, half screaming, digging your nails in his back, trying to focus on him, his weight, his warmth, his rough fingers on your clit.
"C'mon, baby. Gonna squeeze the cum out of my cock, aren't you? You feel so good, my peach." He pants on your hair, kissing and biting on your neck.
"You're gonna cum inside me?" You ask, your voice coming out more hopeful than you expected. Your ankles instinctively tangling behind his lower back.
He laughs softly on your neck, kissing you there and squeezing your hips. "You know I can't, baby. I fucking — grunts — can't." He pants, his voice frustrated and low. "Fucking wish I could." He whispers, barely leaving your pussy before thrusting hard back in.
His confession makes you moan, clenching around him, your orgasm so close you can almost feel it.
His hips lose rythme, and he takes your hand in his, putting it between you two. He lifts himself, hands besides each side of your head. He's loud. Panting, grunting and groaning while he pounds into you.
That's why you tease him. To see this animalistic and senseless, strong and big man pound you like his life depends on it. His cock rearranging your organs to please himself.
"Cum for me, baby. So fucking close, just need to feel you again." He pants, his forehead touching yours, his pace punishing and lovingly at the same time. Punishing you for teasing him and lovingly for you to remember he loves you more than anyone else ever could.
"Joel." You scream again, a shameless and vulnerable plead for him. For him to see how good he makes you feel, how much you love being his.
"There you go, baby. C'mon, feels so good squeezing me so nice, fucking — grunts — milking my cock, gonna cum so much for you, my baby. Can't be fucking inside you. No." He says, his face hovering above yours.
"I want it, Joel. Please. My mouth, I want you." You plead, still high from your orgasm.
"Take the dress off, baby, c'mon." He whispers and you eagerly do so, squeezing him inside you when you contort your upper body to remove it. He grunts from it, slowing his movements down for a second, one of his hands holding your waist.
"Please, Joel." You beg, scratching his shoulder blades and looking at him.
"So pretty begging for me like this." He says. "Too bad you don't deserve what you want, baby." He pulls out of you, pumping himself hard and fast above your belly, and you open your mouth, a beg for him to give you some of it.
"Don't be so fucking greedy, amor. You've had plenty of it". He says right before cumming all over your stomach and breasts with loud grunts and groans.
He loves seeing you covered in him, marking you as his.
He is, thankfully, kind enough to aim some of it at your face, and you end up drinking a few streaks.
He finishes and falls on the bed besides you, staring at the roof and trying to catch his breath as you do the same.
After a minute he gets up with a grunt and goes to the bathroom, coming back with a wet towel. He dresses his underwear and sits by the end of the bed, pulling you legs by your ankles. He spreads them and runs the cloth over your swollen folds, carefully cleaning them.
He presses a kiss on each of them, kissing your clit last, laughing when you jump from the overstimulation. He licks around it, looking into your eyes and smiling.
"You don't deserve it." He laughs, lightly slapping your pussy and climbing on top of you, pressing the mattress besides your head and hovering above you.
You lift yourself to kiss his lips, wrapping your arms around his back and digging your nails deep into his skin. You let go of your own weight and he holds you both up, deepening the kiss, panting into your mouth, his beard burning your skin deliciously.
"You know I love you, don't you?" He asks, his voice low.
"You just showed me." You say with a soft laugh.
"No, amor. I mean it. You know it, don't you?" He sounds like he's about to cry.
You pull him down on the mattress with you, looking into his eyes. He wraps his arms tight underneath your body. "Of course I do, Joel. What do you mean?"
"Just keep seeing you with those boys. They're all so young. You could just have any of them." He says, his soft eyes glistening.
"But I don't want any of them. I want you, love you, only think about you." You coo, kissing his lips.
He turns you both around, and you lie on top of him, your head on the crook of his neck, inhaling his manly and woody smell.
"I love you so much." You whisper. It almost hurts how much you do. "I'm so lucky to have you, Joel." You squeeze him in your embrace, your own eyes threatening to water.
"Love you more. Luckiest, happiest man in this town with you by my side, baby." He responds, and you snuggle your face deeper on him, kissing his neck, indulging on his presence.
On how you'd never imagine leaving your man.
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Hope you enjoyed it, need a jealous, possessive and soft Joel in my life to call me names and tell me how much he loves me 😫
My Masterlist 🩷
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imnameimswrld · 4 months
╰┈➤ ❝ [𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 || 𝗠𝗩𝟭, 𝗩𝗗𝟮𝟵, 𝗥𝗛 ꒱꒱
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━━ ❪ . . . maxverstappen x vincedunn x renhiramoto x vettel!model!reader ❫
━━ ❪ . . . description : world famous model y/n vettel celebrates her birthday and the internet blows up when 3 of the hottest sportsmen post about her, their princess ; ❫
━━ ❪ . . . smau, poly relationship ❫
━━ ❪ . . . warnings : language ❫
━━ ❪ . . . fc: gigi hadid ❫
maxverstappen1, vincedunn, and ren__k1 added to their stories !
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[ caption for all: our bday princess 💗 ]
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liked by vincedunn, tomholland2013, and 50 335 798 others
[ tagged: kendalljenner, zendaya, maxverstappen1, ren__k1, vincedunn ]
ynusername what a birthday weekend I had ! spent it with my special friends, my amazing boys, and some damn good dinner 💗. thank you for the stellar weather monaco, a huge congrats to my maxie on p1, and GO SEATTLE KRACKENS 3-0 !!!! 🏆
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user yn and seb were so cute at the race omg the way she was hugging him and squishing their cheeks together 😭
user I genuinely wonder what seb's reaction was to his little sis telling him she has not one, but THREE bfs.
⤿ sebastianvettel i fainted.
⤿ maxverstappen1 ah, good times
[ likes by ren__k1 ]
user miss girl has a f1 champion, a nhl player, a mma fighter, AND is the younger sister of a former f1 word champion – god has favourites.
user yeah, god, it's ME AGAIN.
user couple of the century idc what anyone says.
zendaya what a weekend indeed omg 😻
⤿ ynusername miss our midnight adventures already 🤭😫
[ liked by zendaya, kendalljenner ]
⤿ kendalljenner we gotta plan another girls weekend – but boy-free this time !!
[ liked by ynusername, zendaya ]
⤿ vincedunn hey, I can be one of the girls.
⤿ tomholland2013 same here !
user did ya'll see the videos of them in the restaurant ?? 😫😫
⤿ user yes omfg the way vince pulled her on his lap so they could all three hold her while they sang happy birthday PLEASE 😭😭
⤿ user yn gets to kiss these three everyday... are you guys looking for a 5th party to your relationship ? I volunteer 🙂 !
user bye they're so cute omfg.
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liked by brandontanev, charles_leclerc, and 67 332 others
vincedunn life's been pretty perfect lately 💌
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user crying on the highway.
ynusername you three are the perfect ones 🥰
⤿ vincedunn don't start with me baby
⤿ ren__k1 I will headlock you again, and you know know it.
⤿ ynusername I do know it, and I'm waiting.
[ liked by ren__k1 ]
user OH- mother is bold damn
user yn wearing his jersey 🥺
user them>>> the world.
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liked by danielricciardo, christianhorner, and 1 223 453 likes
maxverstappen1 loving this little life of mine :)
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sebastianvettel not ren and vince suffocating my sister
⤿ ynusername I'm alive seb
⤿ sebastianvettel are you though ? are you really ? cause girl, you manage three hotheads, and I don't know how you do it.
⤿ ren__k1 honestly don't know how she does it either seb, but I'm not complaining.
user seb being concerned for yn having the bfs she does is weirdly hilarious to me
user I pray for anyone idiot who ever tries to cross yn honestly
user one look in yn's direction and i bet they pounce.
⤿ ynusername I can confirm this statement.
⤿ zendaya scariest shit I've ever seen in ma life.
⤿ landonorris I'm a victim.
⤿vincedunn I APOLOGIZED for that lando, I didn't know you at the time !
⤿ landonorris and yet, I can still feel the remnants of the fire of your gaze burning into my head.
⤿ maxverstappen1 my god you're dramatic.
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, sebastianvettel, and 566 335 others
ren__k1 この人生にとても満足しています
[ trans: so happy with this life ]
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ynusername aishitemasu 💗
⤿ ren__k1 watashi wa anata o motto aishiteimasu purinsesu 💗
user ya'll I saw them at the pride parade yesterday and I CRIED they're so sweet and I was able to get a picture with them 🤧
⤿ user the way they tools turns carrying her on their backs was so cute pls
⤿ user the princess treatment is unmatched.
⤿ ynusername 🏳️‍🌈🤘
⤿ user QUEEN !
vincedunn ren, will u come stream with me please ?
⤿ ren__k1 isn't it max's turn ?
⤿ maxverstappen1 nu-uh, I streamed with him last week.
⤿ vincedunn and max, I love you, but you talk too much and you keep telling me what to do in MY game.
⤿ maxverstappen1 you literally told me you loved having me ??? two-faced. you even said ren is too quiet and broody.
⤿ ren__k1 because I hate streaming and vince KNOWS that.
⤿ ynusername boys.
⤿ vincedunn sorry.
⤿ maxverstappen1 sorry.
⤿ ren__k1 gomen.
⤿ ynusername so who's turn is it to stream with v ?
⤿ ren__k1 ...mine
⤿ ynusername and, are you going to ?
⤿ ren__k1 yes ma'am.
user damn.
505 notes · View notes
samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Prompt: Sam as a Vampire and Colby is your best friend.
Summary: After weeks of feeling like you're being watched, everything comes together when you're stuck working at the club on Halloween night.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, vampire!Sam compels stripper!reader, mentions of alcohol, bloodsucking/drinking, semi rough/forceful actions, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex, oral (f rec), slight name calling (cute and dirty), general filth
Word count: 4.4k | Not really edited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"I've felt like I've been.. " you lean in towards Colby and lower your voice, "watched.. these last few weeks."
He gives you a concerned look, and you shake your head, "I don't know if it's just my nerves about working on Halloween or what, but.."
You lean back, taking a sip or your coffee and look up as Colby as he starts talking, "It sucks that you're working on Halloween. We could have gone to Kris' party."
You shrug, "I was just going to stay home honestly, but at least I'll be ma-" you pause you see the same guy you've been seeing these past few weeks in flashes, and when you look back again, he's gone.
"What?" Colby asks turning around quickly, "Who was it?"
You shrug, "I don't know. I feel like I've been seeing this same blonde guy at least once a day, but I don't know."
He turns around, "That one?" He ask while pointing to someone who is definitely not the same guy you saw. You shake your head, "No, no." You grab your coffee, "Maybe I'm just going crazy."
"That happened a while ago, so I think you're okay." Colby laughs as he smiles at you. You roll your eyes, "Yeah, uh huh."
You can help but look for him. You've seen enough of him to memorize his face, but you don't see him unless he wants you to.
You get this feeling to look over at the window, and when you do, there he stands. Kinda tall, blonde messy hair, piercing blue eyes, but when you blink he's gone again.
"Colbs, Do you believe in the supernatural stuff?" You ask catching him kind of off guard, "Like what exactly?"
You shrug, "I don't know, like the general ghosts, demons.." you pause, "vampires?"
"Vampires? Seriously?" He laugh, "now I think you're overdoing it."
You chew on your lip, your mind racing to try and figure out who this guys is. Racking your brain to see if you remember him at all from a past time, but nothing rings a bell.
"Oh shit." Colby groans, "I gotta go. I have to meet someone to show them around." You look at him confused, "Yeah, someone new at school, I got assigned
You nod, "I'll let you know how tomorrow night goes."
You sit there for a few minutes, laughing at yourself when you think vampires exist, "Yeah, right." You get up and walk out, making your way home.
As you're walking down the sidewalk, in the middle of the day, mind you, you feel like you're being followed. You try to shrug it off, but at the same time, you had the same instinct to just sprint home.
You look over your shoulder, and it's just general people walking and talking on their phones, which still kind of makes you nervous.
You keep walking, picking up the pace until you reach the door to your apartment building. You unlock it and quickly shut it behind you, looking out the window for a few seconds before making your way up the staircase.
The feeling doesn't go away until you step inside your apartment, locking it immediately. You let out a sigh, jumping when you hear the tv turn on, "Oh my god."
You walk over, staring at it as you try to remember if you left it on when you left this morning? Your brain has been nothing but a big blur lately, apparently.
As you switch it off, there's a figure behind you which makes you jump and the remote naturally leaves your hand, "fuck!"
You pull out your phone and call Colby who answers right away, "What's up?"
"I swear to god someone was in my apartment." You look around, goosebumps rising on your arms, "Colby, I'm telling you there's something going on and I'm fucking scared."
"I'll be right there. Just sit down, breathe. I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Okay. Okay." You turn and your reflection in the mirror causes you to jump and gasp.
"What happened?" Colby asks on the other end of the phone and you laugh, "My reflection just scared me."
You can hear Colby snicker, trying to keep himself from picking on you because he knows you're actually freaked out, "also just stay away from mirrors for now."
"Yeah yeah. See you soon."
"See you soon."
You decide to get ready for work, kind of take your mind off things. As you're curling your hair, you hear your door unlock.
"Colbs?" You call out, "That you?"
The door closes, but there's no answer.
"Colby?" You call out again as you sit your curling iron down, "Colby I swear to god if you-"
Colby jumps in front of your bedroom door with a slightly loud, "Boo!"
"Fucking.. asshole!" You say as you playfully hit him, "Why? Why would you do that?" He laughs and shakes his head, "I had to. I had to." He grabs your arms, "I had to. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
You roll your eyes and sigh, "Can you just please.. check my house?"
He looks around, "You literally have two rooms, here." He motions to the living room that connects to the kitchen, "And there." He points to your bedroom and you glare at him.
"Fine. I'll check under the bed." He waves his hands around while laughing and walks into your room. You go back to finishing your hair while he looks.
He stands back up, "All clear."
You look at him in the mirror, "Can you just hang out with me until I'm ready to go to work?" He smirks slightly, "Yes. I'll hang out with you until you're ready to go take your clothes off for strangers."
Colby never really like the idea of you being a stripper, but hey. It's putting you through college.
"For money, dummy." You wag your iron at him, "For the money."
He mocks you and walks over to lean down beside you, his eyes locked on yours in the mirror, "You don't even need all that.." he's referring to your makeup but you sigh, "I know. I don't like it either but it's how I'm putting my self through school, Colbs."
He fights back a smile, "Yeah, yeah." He walks back over, plopping down on your bed, "So what skimpy little outfit are you wearing tonight?"
"Why so you can sit at home and be jealous?" You tease as you turn around to face him. He mocks you and sighs, "Yes."
You laugh and walk over to your closet, "Devil tonight. Vampire tomorrow."
"Mm. Okay." He pulls out his phone and you gasp, "Did I call you away from showing that person around?"
He shakes his head and drops his phone onto his chest, "Never showed."
You frown slightly, "Oh. I'm sorry." He shrugs, "Not my fault if he doesn't know where to go on Monday."
You smile and throw on a sweatshirt, "Are you staying here or?" He nods, "Yeah, I'll be here when you get done stripping."
You roll your eyes, "Colby."
"Sorry. Sorry." He holds his hands up in defense, "call me if you need anything." You nod and smile at him, "I always do."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·
"Guy at the stage wants a lap dance from you, y/n."
You look around, focusing on the guy that's staring at you. Kinda older, but looks like he has money so you put on a smile and walk over to him, "Hey there, heard you were looking for me."
He nods and holds up a fifty, "Whatever this will get me."
You lean down, snatching the money from his grasp, "one song."
You move around, turning to face the stage as you sit on his lap. You move your body to the song, grinding down on him, disgusted that his raging boner is poking you, but you try to ignore it.
You worked in a strip club, so you always had eyes on you no matter what, but right now it felt different.
You did a scan of the room, only to go back to those eyes that were looking at you through the coffee shop window today.
His stare stayed on you. You don't even think he blinked.
You don't know this, but the man you're looking at is a cold blooded killer and his next target is the guy you're sitting on.
You look away, focusing on getting to the end of this song, but his eyes are still on you as he stays in the same spot.
The song ends and you say your little spiel to the customer and take off walking towards where the stare was coming from, but once you reach the couch, it's empty.
You shake your head and go to the back, getting your phone out of your locker. You go to call Colby, but he would just make you leave and you needed the money.
You sigh and toss your phone back into your bag and walk over to the mirror. You fix your little headband
That holds your sparkly little devil horns and walk back out.
You don't see him for the rest of the night.
You unlock your door and walk in. Colby is laying across your couch and tilts his head back to look at you, "Soooo. How did it go?"
You try to hide your smirk and shake your head, "two k."
He jumps up off the couch, "Huh?!"
You lay your money on the counter, "You heard my words." He walks over, mouth still open, "Shut the fuck up."
"I also seen that guy again, he watched me give some older guy a lap dance and when I went over to confront him, it's like he vanished into thin air."
"Whoa wait." He shakes his head and closes his eyes before looking at you, "He was there? Why didn't you call me?"
"I was going to, but then I knew you'd probably just get me to come home early and then I wouldn't have this.." you smile and tilt your head towards the stack of bills.
He purses his lips, "You know.. you know me better than I thought."
You close your eyes as you shrug and open them to look at him, "Duh."
"I might come in tomorrow, you know. Just to give myself something to do. Get a lap dance by a sexy vampire." He teases and you shrug, "As long as you have-"
Suddenly there's a loud bang and it sounds like glass shattering from inside your bedroom. Your eyes meet Colby's as he looks at you, "Now do you believe me?"
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Oo, look at you." Violet says as she walks in, "you mean business tonight, girl." You smile as you look yourself over in the mirror once more.
You slicked your hair back, threw on a Lacey black one piece with fishnets and added a cape that stops right above your ass.
"I do look good don't I?" You pull up your phone, taking a picture to send to Colby,
You: How much do you think I'll make tonight?
Colby starts typing and quickly responds,
Colbs: An easy ten k.
You laugh and get ready to go out on the floor.
"Hi, how are you?" You ask one of the guys sitting by the stage. You run your hand over his chest, leaning down to bite the dollar bills in his hand. You pluck them from your teeth and walk in front of him, bending down so your boobs are slightly in his face.
When you look up, your smile fades as you see the blonde guy sitting at a table, watching you as he sips a drink.
You stand up, walking towards him when Colby walks in. You look back at the guy and he's gone.
"Hey." You smile and turn towards him. He looks you up and down, raising an eyebrow as he smirks, "I just came to see if you were good."
You nod, "I'm good. I should be done here in like two, three hours give or take."
He looks around and nods, "Alright. I'll come over after the Halloween party."
"You're going? Good!" You smile and push his shoulder, "can't wait to hear all about it."
"I wish you could come." Colby said with a sigh and you nod, "No I know. Since I'm here I wouldn't mind going."
He chuckles, "See you later." You hold your hand up as you watch him leave and you turn around, jumping when you finally come face to face with the blonde.
"Hi." He smirks, "You got time for a private dance?"
You wanted to say no, but you felt like you needed to do it, "You got the money?"  He holds up a wad of hundreds and it makes you eyebrows twitch, "Follow me."
You take his hand into yours and lead him back the dimly lit hallway to a red lit room. You turn around, going to say something but he's not there.
You blink a few times, getting ready to just say fuck it and leave, but he walks around the corner, pulling the curtain shut, "Sorry. Had to get a drink."
You nod slowly, "Um okay."
You motion for him to sit on the loveseat and he does, setting his drink down on the little table beside it. He rests his hands by his legs and tilts his head as his eyes scan up and down your body, licking his lips as he takes it all in.
"You're the hottest one here." He says just loud enough for you to hear and you can feel your cheeks heat up. You look at him and he tilts his head, "Come here."
You immediately go over to him and sit on his lap. His hands lightly brush up and down your arms and you bite your lip, "Um ... you're actually not su-"
"Stop talking." He commands and you shut up. Almost like an invisible zipper is slapped over your lips. He leans up, looking deep into your eyes, "We're going to have a little fun, okay?"
You nod, still unable to speak. You don't know what's happening, but you're excited.
And he knows it.
He brushes hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear, "You don't know me, y/n. But I'm Sam. Talk."
"Hi Sam." You smile slightly.
"You're such good girl, aren't you?"
You nod, "Anything you want me to be, Sam."
The confusing control Sam had over you was overpowering.
"Ah, anything?" He smirks and shakes his head, "Can you be a little slut for me, y/n?" Your eyes move from his lips to his eyes and you nod before kissing him.
His hands slide up and down your bare back under the cape, dragging his nail down which makes your back arch and push your chest onto his.
"Did you like that? Do you like pain, y/n? Be honest with me." He tilts his head back slightly, waiting for your answer.
You nod, "I do like pain." He smirks, "That's great because I need you to tilt your head for me because I'm fucking thirsty."
You comply, tilting your head as soon as he says it. He brushes your hair from your neck, studying the spot his fangs will puncture, "You chose the best night to wear this costume, baby."
He licks his lips before he leans down, fangs popping out before biting your neck. You let out a low moan, gripping onto his button up as tight as you can.
You let out a breathless moan, "Sam.. S-Sam." You whimper as he continues to suck yourself blood, groaning as he rips his head back, "You taste so fucking good."
He grips your chin, "Look at me." You open your eyes and look into his, you couldn't really tell his eyes were red because of the red lights in the room.
"Tell me what you want me to do."
"Fuck me." You say with zero hesitation, "Please."
"Polite too, I like it." He smirks and pulls you in to kiss you. This time it's rough and he flips you in a very quick motion, so that your back is flat against the couch.
His hand grabs up your thigh, brushing over your thingy covered pussy, "Someone is fucking turned on. Mm." He hums as he watches your face twitch as he dips two fingers into you.
"You're going to feel so good on my cock, do you want my cock in you? Be honest." His eyes stay on yours and you whimper out a small, "Yes, I want your cock, baby."
You're putty in his hands, literally.
Sam can make you do anything he wants, luckily, he's just being nice right now.
"In a minute, babe. I want to make you cum first." He thrusts his fingers in and out of your pussy, biting his own lip to the sound of how wet you really are.
"Do you want to cum?" He asks brushing hair off your forehead, "Tell me."
"Yes, yes. Fuck yes." You moan out, too loud for Sam's liking.
"Shh, be quiet, baby." Sam shushes you, "Wouldn't want to have to vanish too soon." He leans down, kissing you before leaning up, "Cum."
You're suddenly hit with a wave of pleasure, arching your back off the couch, giving Sam the show he compelled you for.
"That's it, baby." Sam moans out, "Fuck."
He pulls his fingers out, popping them into his mouth as he groans around them, "Tastes better than your blood."
You look up at him, still dazed from your orgasm.
"Come here." He pulls you up into a sitting position and sits next to you, "Give me a dance, sweetheart." You move to straddle him, grinding down on him as you move with the beat.
"Harder." Sam bites his lip as he watches you whine out as the feeling of his Jean covered cock rubbing against your pussy.
"Do you know Colby?" He extends his arms out on the back of the couch, "Answer me."
"Yes. I know Colby." You say though a whimper. He nods, "Mm, Tell me who he is."
"My best friend." You answer quickly as you move to turn around, sitting on his lap with your back pressed against his chest.
"Is that all?"
Sam grabs you face and turns your head to look at him, "tell me the truth." You bite your lip as your eyes stare into his, "I think about him fucking me sometimes."
"Do you?" Sam scoffs, "Do you think he'd fuck you better than me? Answer."
"I-I don't know." You stutter over your words as you feel his fingers on your clit again, "Fuck.
Sam chuckles against your neck, thinking about biting the other side, but decides not to. He needed you just as bad as you do.
"Tell me you want me to fuck you."
"I want you to fuck me." You whine out as you grind down onto him, "Sam." You whimper out as he slides his fingers back into your soaked cunt.
"Love it when you say my name. Say it again."
"Sam.." you whimper out.
"Moan it while you cum."
Your body is hit with another wave of intense pleasure, "Sam!" You moan out loudly, "Fuck. Fuck."
"Sit on my cock." Sam pushes you to stand up and he undoes his pants, pushing them down before you straddle him, your pussy instantly swallowing him whole.
You dig your nails into his shoulders, moaning as you tilt your head back. Sam pulls your head by your chin to look down at him, "Ride me."
Your hips instantly start to move and a string of moans leave your lips. Sam gasps as you slide up and down his cock, clenching around him every so often.
"fuck me you feel so good." He lays his head back, squeezing his eyes shut as he takes in the pleasure you're giving him. His hand slides up to your neck, squeezing hard.
You whimper at the pain from his thumb pushing onto the bite mark he left, "S-Sam." You whimper out in a squeak.
"Keep going." He groans as he stares into your eyes, "Fuck." He loses his grip, "You aren't crazy. I've been watching you for all those weeks." He licks his lips, getting another craving for your blood but he fights it off, "There's just something about you that keeps me coming back."
You moan at his words and slide a hand onto the side of his neck.
"And I think I know exactly what it is." He leans forward, connecting his lips with yours. Your lips move in a slightly sloppy sync as you can't help but moan.
He leans back slightly, cupping your cheek with his one hand, "Cum on my cock."
You squeeze him with your aching walls, moaning out as you dig your nails into the side of his neck, "fuck, fuck." You throw your head back, overstimulating yourself as you keep riding his cock through your high.
"Tell me where you want me to cum, baby." Sam moans as he feels himself getting close, "Tell me now."
"In my pussy." You moan out quietly, "in my pussy."
"Maybe you are a dirty little slut after all." He hums, "Stop."
You stop riding him and rest in his lap, staring at him while your chest rises and falls quickly.
"Maybe I should have you go home and fuck Colby after me. Or maybe I'll make you forget about all of this." Sam shrugs with a smirk, "I don't know. Maybe I'm not done with you just yet."
He brushes hair from your neck, his eyes ogling the bite mark on your perfect skin, "you look even sexier with those marks on your neck, fuck. Makes me want to cum inside of you again."
H slides his hand around your neck as he pulls you into him for another kiss, "Nah, I'll just wait until I see you next. Stand up."
You stand up and look down at him, watching in a confused daze as he pulls his pants back up. He stands up, gently brushing his fingers against your cheek, "I really hate to do this, but.."
"Do what?" You ask looking up at him. He sighs planting a kiss on your lips before cupping your cheeks, "when I leave, forget about me and everything we did until your eyes meet mine again. If people ask about your neck, tell them it's makeup done up by a coworker." He kisses your forehead and is gone within seconds.
You're looking around, confused on how you got back to the private room in the first place. You shake your head and walk back out to the floor.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Hey." You smile at Colby as you walk in the door, "How was the party?" You set your bag on the counter and look over at him.
He sits up on the couch and shrugs, "Kinda lame actually. I don't know, I was worried about you and your invisible stalker."
You tilt your head, wincing as you get a slight pain in your neck. Colby walks over and lean on the counter. His facial expression changes when he sees the bite and bruising on your neck, "Y/n? What the fuck is that?"
His eyes go wide as he moves your hair, "Um."
"It's just makeup, Colbs. One of my coworkers did it for me."
"That's actually kinda scary. Sick, but scary. Holy hell." He keeps examining it until you turn towards him, "It's makeup, it'll wash off in the shower."
It's like you were a record player, or some sort of machine, programmed to say specific things.
"Did you drink tonight?" He asks resting his chin in his  palm. You nod, "I had two before I left. But I feel fine." You lie, your legs were aching, but you just called it up form working two busy days in a row.
"Uh huh. Okay, well you go get a shower and I'll get the popcorn and stuff ready." Colby stands up and walks over to the cabinet and you make your way into the bathroom.
The next morning, you wake up, in slightly more pain than last night, "Wow. I must have worked hard." You laugh at yourself and get out of bed, making your way to the kitchen for coffee.
Your phone goes off, and you know it's Colby so you answer it right away, "Hello?"
"Wow you're up early." He laughs. You shake your head, "Don't push it." You laugh and take a sip of your coffee, "What's up?"
"Me and a friend were thinking about going to see that new movie that came out yesterday and I want you to come."
You smile at his words, "Yeah. I just need to get ready."
"Okay so see you in three hours." He jokes and you sigh, "Get it right. It's more like an about and a half."
He laughs, "Well be over, I have Sam with me too if that's okay. He's who I was supposed to show around but he got the dates mixed up. It's all good now."
"Yeah, no that's fine. See you when you get here." You hang up and tap your finger against your mug, "Sam. Sam. Sam."
That name for some reason rings a bell, you just don't know what bell. You shrug and shake your head, brushing it off as you walk into your room to get ready.
A little while later, you hear Colby unlocking the door and he calls out, "Hey hey. We're here."
"Give me a second." You call out applying the last coat of mascara. You throw your hair up in a bun and grab your coffee mug before walking out.
"Sam this is y/n. Y/n. This is Sam." Colby introduces you two and as soon as you look up and meet Sam's eyes with yours, the memory of what happened last night hits you and your empty mug slips from your gasp, shattering into pieces on the floor.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
If you'd like to see anything specific for either Sam or Colby or both, feel free to let me know.
You can find it on Wattpad here
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, smut, ab/muscle riding ( reader on ellie ), voyeurism ( phone call sex with unaware 3rd party ), kissing, nudity, joel showing up, mention of shower sex, showering together, fluff
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - I've been in such a bad writing funk so I'm sorry if this is horrid and sucks ass, life has been awful.
𝗔𝗨 - Modern !
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All you could hear was her breathing, soft and mixed with quiet snores that she didn't care to correct. Her eyes shut but you knew the rest of her was awake, the telltale sign of that being the fingers running against your bare back in a circular motion.
The glassware and utensils had been left out on her coffee table but the food had successfully been put away late last night. It was the last time either of you had gotten up from the couch up until now, the mid-morning sun greeting you both.
A channel you didn't know the name of played on the screen in front of you which kept you slightly entertained. Half in a haze of sleep and the other partially awake. You were just basking in the fact that you didn't have to do a thing today but lay there if you really wanted.
Then again, her phone had other plans, beginning to ring just as your eyes had began to shut again. The sound was excruciating, so much so that you had shoved your face into her body and groaned into her belly by the time the pattern repeated, trying not to smile at the sound of her throaty laughter while she reached for the device.
"What?" She answered.
You peaked up at her, resting your chin on the backs of your hands.
"You always answer the phone with 'what' or do you just really not like them?" You mocked her voice in a whisper earning you a tap on your blanket covered ass and a smirk.
"No I'm busy." She replied to whoever was talking, watching you as you looked away and at her hallway, trying to decide whether peeing was more important than your current comfort.
"I said I'm busy, Cat. I will later or something." The mention of her name made you peer over and meet Ellie's eyes once again. "Cat, huh?" You teased, this time feeling her pinch you, hand dipping underneath the fluffy layer and running itself over your warm skin.
"I dunno, call Dina. I'm really busy right now, Joel needs me to help him set up his new cable shit or whatever, you know him." You giggled, sitting up on her torso in order to swing your legs on either side of her body.
"Wow, using your old man as an excuse. Diabolical." She squeezed the bottom of your butt, bringing her warm hand over to hold your hip. "I don't know about later anyways, Joel wanted me to stay for dinner."
Her gaze was fixated on your face, biting the inside of her lip when she moved to push your lower half forward. Humming almost inaudibly when you seemed to get the message.
"Listen I gotta go, I don't know what you want me to do about that. I can't keep helping you out when it comes to these things."
You went slow at first, grinding your bare cunt against her pelvis followed by little moans tumbling from your lips. Little puffs of air coming with which Ellie found adorable tending to focus more on your mouth than whatever her ex was saying.
The whimpers were unheard on Cat's end of the phone though, standing outside her ex-job place whilst praying to God Ellie could show up and sweet talk her boss into letting her stay.
"I can't keep getting you jobs if you're gonna lose them. It'll fuck up my shop name if I keep getting others into bullshit." You covered your face to muffle your noises when she bucked her hips, but she quickly tugged your hands away to meet your pretty eyes and accidentally caused you to fall forward.
"You got your ex a job?"
"Was trying to be nice-" she smiled as you shifted into a better position. Tilting her head as you humped your clit against her muscles again and again while she gripped your thigh,"-ended in me getting fucked over, as per usual."
"How sweet of you.. oh fuck–" That had come out much louder than you intended but your mind had become a foggy mess that hadn't noticed. But Ellie had.
"What? Nothing Cat, I gotta go." You sped up, feeling your belly begin to tighten whilst you dug your nails into her shoulders. Clenching your teeth as to not be so fucking obvious.
"M'gonna... Ellie.."
"Bye Cat, I'll talk to you later." She hung up before the other girl got a chance to say her farewells. Tossing her phone onto the carpet with a soft thump, but her attention was all on you.
You moved, sitting up once more to arch yourself into her abs, rotating your hips so that your clit hit every delicious spot. Mouth wide and hung open, Ellie admired not only that, but the way your head fell backwards and your eyes closed.
"I- fuck-"
"Let go already... you're pretty when you come y'know." The sound of those few words sent you flying over the edge. Body stuttering and shaking, Ellie helping you out by guiding you back and forth again to make it easier.
You couldn't make that out though, laying your head on her chest once you'd begun to come down.
"I think you are just as pretty " You replied after a moment, taking a deep and unleveled breather while staring at the back of the couch. Then shifting your head to peer up at her, a question on her tongue that she was resisting the urge to ask, but that failed.
"Are you gonna stay?"
"If you want me to."
It was quiet for a second, green eyes looking into your own. Hand returning to it's earlier dance on your back.
"I'm hungry."
You moved to slide off her body, stretching out while feeling her eyes rake over your body like you were a treasure chest just waiting to be opened.
"We both need to shower before we do anything, so either you say no and I leave, or you can join me." You didn't have to say it twice before she was off the couch, pulling you into her tiny bathroom and then right into the hot water.
You'd stayed until your fingers began to become pruney, giggling at stupid small things each other would say. Ellie and you both poking at each other when the other wasn't paying attention.
Then her fingers went other places then your hips, creeping between your thighs and after a few moments, in and out of your body. Soon after you stood with shaking legs while rinsing the soapy suds from your torso.
Ellie's hands on your back helping with the rest before she kissed your neck and told you that she'd order food. Leaving you alone with nothing but the stream of warmth and the quiet rest of the bathroom.
You baked in its warmth, the smell of Ellie's body wash that you liked and her shampoo and conditioner which she claimed she only had because Dina had called her a monster for using a two-in-one. It had made you giggle, that you can admit.
Finally you shut the near cold water off and stepped out, grabbing the fluffy white towel she'd told you from the behind the curtain was for your use. Wrapping it around your body before looking at yourself in the foggy glass.
Water droplets falling down your skin, not a tired glint in your eyes, instead you looked alive. You couldn't remember the last time that was, not a though actually, not even at the beginning of the last one.
You turned, going to exit the bathroom when you nearly ran right into a man going to walk into the bathroom. Ellie beside him trying to grab him back but all you could focus on was how startled he was and how absolutely bare you were.
"Holy shit, I am so sorry!" You practically squeaked, clutching the fuzzy fabric with everything you had to offer. "No, shit, that's my bad." He looked away and tried to avoid making eye contact and backed up, turning around and away.
"Could've warned me, kid." He directed to Ellie who grabbed your arm lightly to tug you away and into her room.
"Fuck I am so sorry." Ellie began while you shook your head, trying to avoid thinking about what could be going through that man's head. "He just showed up-" "It's okay. I promise."
Ellie stared with worry swirling in her eyes, anxiously playing with her fingers while her cheeks burned bright red. Watching as you sat down on the edge of her bed.
"Do you want me to go-" "No, no he's only stopping by. You can stay in here until he leaves, or if you want I can drive you home once he does." You shrugged, smiling softly to get her to calm down. "I was kinda looking forward to watching that show you suggested. Can't leave before I see it, right?"
"Fuck... okay, now I gotta... go out there." "If he asks, tell him what he wants to know." She raised her eyebrows, noticing the goosebumps of the cold appearing on your shoulders and arms.
"Just be honest, it's more embarrassing getting caught in a lie later. Especially if we make it as far as meeting the parents. Which is around, what? Month three, maybe four? We're in month one, going on two in two weeks. And judging by how much we seem to get along we'll probably end up there and that is a horrible conversation waiting to happen if it starts as some shitty lie."
Ellie snorted and rubbed her eyebrows, finally shaking her head.
"Alright, I'll be right back. But if you wanna make an escape, window is not an option." You giggled, standing up to go to her closet which she'd offered before she'd gotten out. "Definitely don't feel like falling seven stories so I'll just wait to run out the front door when you're not looking."
Ellie left, the muffled sound of her voice and the man's outside the room and down the hallway. Inaudible due to the length between them but close enough to where you heard him chuckle, smiling as you put a shirt on that was probably made for a seven foot tall man instead of Ellie's five-five stature.
It was huge, on anyone that wasn't a giant anyway.
"Christ." You muttered, biting your lip to muffle your amusement. Putting on an equally large pair of pants that you were sure were hand-downs from someone she knew. If they weren't, you wondered what possessed her to buy them.
After a moment though you got curious, creeping over to the door to listen into the conversation. Knowing it wasn't good, but how bad could it be?
"You like her?" "Joel-" "C'mon, she ain't a stranger. Her shoes all nicely places over there? I ain't an idiot." You covered your mouth to hide your sounds, shifting your weight with the anxious feeling of being caught.
"Yeah, I do. It hasn't been that long, though. Alright? So you're not missing anything." It sounded as if he got closer, probably teasing her in his expression which you too from the sound of her scoff. "I wanna meet her when I do start to miss somethin'."
"Okay, okay, now please, send a text next time." "Nah, maybe I'll just walk in instead of knocking. Catch you by surprise and scare the shit outta all of your friends." "Alright, that's enough, door."
You shook your head while laughing, sitting back down on the bed to wait for her. Watching the TV's rest screen turn from nature sight to nature sight until the door opened once again and her blushing face became visible.
"I miss him already." Ellie playfully shoved you back, laying next to you and staring up at the ceiling. "Shut up." "Just saying, you jinxed it."
She turned her head, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
"Earlier, when you told Cat you were helping him?" You could see the hilarious realization in her face. "Oh fuck I did. Damn it." "We have to work on that." "Work on what?"
You looked at her, deadpanned.
"Your excuses."
"What's wrong with my excuses?" You let out a loud 'hah', pulling yourself to sit up. "They're cliché. And you always sound slightly panicked, it is adorable though." Messing with you, she rolled her eyes. "Can't we just watch The Mandalorian now?"
"Fine, we'll work on your lie game later." "Great! You're gonna love this show." "I bet I will." You smiled.
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PLEASE REBLOG MY WORK!! - liking does not boost and I like people reading what I wrote!!
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stuffedteen · 8 months
A Bro-Tastic Saga
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This is the story of Blaine, Carter, and Mason, three frat bros whose lives were forever changed by a mysterious and magical brew. Their tale began with a secret recipe, and the desire to be the kings of the frat house.
Blaine, the charismatic leader of the trio, had a thing for big guys. He had found a special brew of beer online that would turn Carter & Mason into the bros of his dreams. All he needed to do was to get each of them to drink one cup, and then the beer would take it from there...
"Guys," Blaine said, "I've got a special brew thats gonna take this party to the next level."
Carter and Mason exchanged puzzled looks. Mason spoke up, his voice tinged with curiosity, "What's the brew, Blaine?"
Blaine leaned in, his voice low and conspiratorial, "We're gonna get so drunk off this beer bros! I've got this recipe from my uncle. It's a secret family formula. We'll call it 'Doughboys Beer."
The plan was set in motion. The party raged on, and Carter and Mason down their first cups of Doughboys. The frat house was filled with laughter, music, and shirtless frat bros. Little did anyone know that Blaine had laced the brew with a touch of magic.
Over time, the effects of Doughboys Beer became increasingly apparent. Carter and Mason began to pack on the pounds. Their once-toned bodies gave way to soft guts that seemed to grow by the minute.
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Carter rubbed his expanding belly, letting out a satisfied burp, "Man, I've been eating like a horse lately."
Mason patted his own soft gut, "Yeah, me too. What's happening, guys?"
Blaine, feigning innocence, shrugged, "Must be all those late-night pizzas, dudes."
The transformation continued, their softness becoming more pronounced, but what truly fascinated the bros were the newfound desires they couldn't quite explain.
Carter looked at Mason, his voice tinged with an unfamiliar attraction, "You ever feel...different around Blaine?"
Mason nodded, "Yeah, dude. It's like, I can't take my eyes off him."
Blaine couldn't help but grin, his plan working even better than he had hoped, "Guess it's just my charm, guys."
Their infatuation with Blaine only grew as they continued to consume Doughboys Beer. The two bros became lazier, spending their days lounging on the couch, munching on snacks, and craving the magical brew that seemed to have them under its spell. All while obsessing over Blaine and his god-like fit body.
Carter looked at Mason, his voice dripping with desire, "Man, I can't get enough of this beer. It's like it's calling me."
Mason agreed, "You're right, dude. We need more Doughboys Beer."
Their desires had shifted, and their craving for Blaine and the magical brew consumed their thoughts.
Blaine, in the know about the beer's enchanting properties, decided to take advantage of the situation. He encouraged their growing desire, all while maintaining his own physique for them to worship. But he stayed well clear of consuming any of the special brew himself.
One night, as the three bros were hanging out at another rager, Carter and Mason decided to hatch a plan of their own. They couldn't resist the allure of the beer any longer, and it was time to introduce Blaine to the magical elixir he had created.
Carter and Mason exchanged knowing glances and shared a chuckle. Blaine was going to taste the very brew he had concocted and used to control them.
Mason slapped Blaine on the back and practically poured the cup into Blaine's mouth, "Hey, man, you've gotta try this beer. It's epic."
Carter chimed in, "It's like, it tastes so good, dude. It will change your life."
As the magical brew touched his lips, he felt a warmth spreading through his body, followed by an overwhelming sense of desire. His senses tingled with a newfound attraction, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from Carter and Mason.
Carter leaned in, his voice low and seductive, "You feelin' it, Blaine?"
Blaine nodded, "Yeah, guys, this is amazing."
Mason joined in, "We've got more. Let's party."
The three of them drank and laughed, their inhibitions vanishing with each sip. Blaine was now under the spell of the very brew he had created, and he couldn't resist the allure of his transformed bros.
As the night wore on, Blaine's body began to change, his once-toned physique giving way to a soft, doughy middle. His t-shirt stretched across his expanding waistline, and his once-defined abs were replaced by a burgeoning belly.
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Carter and Mason watched with amusement, their desires growing stronger as they saw the changes in their once-fit leader. Blaine's attraction to them intensified, and he couldn't resist their allure. He was under their spell, just as they had once been under his.
Carter looked at Mason, his voice tinged with desire, "Man, I can't get enough of this beer. It's like it's calling me."
Mason agreed, "You're right, dude. We need more Doughboys Beer."
Their plan had worked. Blaine was now under the enchantment of the beer, and the power dynamic had shifted. He had become just as addicted to the magical brew as they were.
In the days that followed, Blaine, Carter, and Mason continued their life of indulgence, their desires and cravings entwined in a way they could never have imagined. The frat house parties were wilder than ever, and Doughboys Beer remained their secret, a source of their cravings and desires.
Blaine had unwittingly joined the ranks of the transformed, becoming just as addicted and infatuated with his two bros as they were with him. They had become a trio bound by their shared addiction.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, their indulgence knew no bounds. They reveled in their transformed physiques and the enchanting power of Doughboys Beer. Their desires grew stronger with each passing day, their cravings unrelenting.
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Their once-toned bodies had become soft and doughy, their once-healthy habits replaced by a relentless pursuit of the magical brew. Blaine, Carter, and Mason had fallen completely under its spell, and the frat house was their kingdom of indulgence.
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wonwooslibrary · 5 months
svt as boyfriends ♡ joshua edition
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member: joshua x reader genre: established relationship, bullet points word count: 738 summary: joshua's boyfriend things ;) warnings: mentions of food and i think that's it! let me know if i missed anything! author's note: y'all i am almost two whole days late with this oh god it keeps getting worse. i am...very tired haha i've been working a lot to build up some money while i'm not in school so yeah. i lowkey forgot about joshua/taehyung day until i opened twitter and saw people talking abt shua and i was like WAIT THAT IS TODAY anyway moral of the story i'm tired and need a break but here is the joshua fic we've all been waiting for! ily all and enjoy <3
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He lowkey gives the vibes of like. The foreign exchange student bf with a relationship with a deadline 
He’s the silly bf!!! 
He’s also one of the members I see the least as a boyfriend so this is going to be interesting to write…
Quality Time 
Mans is a fan of everything fr !!! He absolutely loves spending time with you and your shared group of friends 
Loves doing silly little activities with you like making bracelets and painting 
He might just be the artsy bf we all want 
Joshua loves to go to different places with you like thrift stores, arcades, cafes, literally anything as long as he is with you <3
Loves the feeling of mixing his friend groups - the day you meet his friends aka his brothers he will be imploding with love for everyone 
Is the “i get bored easily” bf so y’all gotta be doing like ten different things at once 
Will totally ask you to dance or just close your eyes and be with him when a slow song comes on at a party / get together / playing music at home 
Words of Affirmation
You totally call him Joshy or Shua and he loves every minute of it bc he thinks it’s cute 
“Darling, would you like to get coffee with me tomorrow morning?” SCREECHING 
Believes the relationship revolves around pet names (ie. baby, sweetie, darling) he's adorable 
Is always proud of you and encouraging!!! 
Likes to leave little notes for you around the house. Maybe by your favorite drink in the fridge that reads, “I got these for you. stay hydrated, love” 
At the beginning of the relationship he was so formal with you, that it took him saying “I love you” for the first time to relax for five seconds LOL 
Physical Touch
Joshua loves handholding ‼️
This man always wants to have some sort of contact with you, whether that be holding hands, linking fingers or rubbing your back
Loves having you sit on his lap or lay your legs across his 
His go-to move when you are in public is linking your pinkies together (how cute :3) 
Leans on you when he laughs because he cannot sit still 
I feel like Joshua would like. move his fingers on your leg in the way of playing piano keys but with guitar if that makes sense? Like where the frets are? Idk
Is also the type to be scared of touching you in front of others until you explicitly tell him that it's okay
Acts of Service 
Loves doing the chores for you
“Hey, baby, I'm gonna fill my water bottle. Do you need me to fill yours?” 
Or even a, “hey i borrowed your car, but i filled the tank before bringing it back” we love a man who can afford to fill a vehicle’s tank at this point in time
Likes to bring you lunch once or twice a week --- he’ll make it himself and pack it in a cute little bag and everything 
Helps you in little ways like folding the laundry or helping you pick out outfits on those days that you struggle to do anything 
Is always there for you when literally anything happens. You need someone to help fix your car? He’s on the phone finding a shop. You can’t reach a high shelf or your back hurts too much to bend down to get something from a low cupboard? He’s right there ready to help
Gift Giving 
I touched on this a tiny bit earlier but !! handmade jewelry omg he would make matching bracelets for y’all or even a necklace or earrings for you if bracelets interfere with your job
Always buys little trinkets that remind him of you or your relationship 
“Hey I found this little glass rose decoration and it reminded me of the time i got you flowers when i asked you out the first time” 
HE WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE CUTE SHY SMILE WHEN HE GIVES YOU SOMETHING TOO as if you’ll ever tell him that you dislike something he got for you 
He would also love if you gave him gifts too like, “hey joshy I got this little container that can help you keep your beads organized” and he’s melt into a puddle of goo onto your living room floor 
Also gets something for you (usually your favorite snack or drink) when you’re especially sad or stressed out - like a super gift instead of his regular daily gifts or something 
Idk just know he’s really sweet and enjoys crafting
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psychewritesbs · 8 months
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Chapter 236: Go South—JJK is generational
Gosh. Can we pleeeease just like... have a moment of silence for the one and only...THE Man, Gojo Satoru.
Ok, time's up.
Moving on.
Word vomit under the cut.
The process of reading this chapter was a very interesting one this week because the fandom got really noisy as soon as the leaks dropped.
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Between allegations of bad writing and the utter sense of grief Gojo fans were expressing, it was quite the 💩 storm.
And then the actual scanlations started dropping, and little by little they replaced most of the noise with the utter sense of calm and peace and satisfaction that Gojo felt in his last moments in this plane of existence.
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I gotta say that I just absolutely loved how Gege depicted those emotions (outside of Gojo's "dream") through shots of the devastated Shinjuku district.
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The remnants of the battle of The Strongest, as if the landscape and the buildings themselves represented the end of an era, the devastation of the structure of Jujutsu society itself.
After all, as The Strongest sorcerer in the modern era, Gojo represented the very system he was trying to destroy.
Gege loves his irony.
Now, I would normally say that the words in the speech bubbles are superfluous because Gege creates such a beautiful atmosphere through the setting alone. But it is the words themselves that re-contextualize not just the battle, but also shed more light on Sukuna's interest in Megumi, which I feel we haven't seen the extent of what he had in mind.
Now I'm hoping this isn't a dream
Listen, I must admit I've never cared for Gojo.
I don't hate him, I don't love him, I simply never really cared for him.
That, of course, changed with this chapter.
And it is perhaps Gojo's death that really solidified in my mind the idea that one of the underlying themes in jjk is... dun dun dun... DEATH.
Yeah, I know. Sue me, I'm late to the party lmao.
But it's not just death itself that is a theme, but rather the face we put on when death comes knocking at the door.
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There aren't many things that we can be certain of in this life, but death is one of them. So how we confront death and our mortality shapes the sense of self.
I know a lot of people were dissatisfied with the transition from 235 to 236 and Gege not showing how/when Gojo got slashed in half, but I find the abrupt transition makes sense, and I even dare say was... quite poetic.
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For one, now knowing that Gojo knew Sukuna was holding back, a lot of incidents throughout the battle are given new meaning. Like that look of confidence on Gojo's face as he "thinks" he's finally managed to "get through" to Sukuna.
So I have to say that I loved that Gege starts the chapter with Gojo becoming aware that he has died or is dying.
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In other words, Sukuna's attack was so sudden that Gojo's next moment of awareness as "Gojo Satoru" is in what we would normally think of as "the light at the end of the tunnel" where he is greeted by people who were of significance to him in his youth.
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And can we please just talk about how Geto is the first person he sees when he becomes aware that he is dying?
Please. This is fucking poetry!
Insert keyboard smash.
Screaming in jjk.
Go South
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I literally lack the words to explain why I love this whole chapter so much. Which is a lot to say because I am about to word vomit about it. But like...
Again, hindsight is 20/20.
I always thought of the panel above as Geto being jealous of Gojo surpassing him in strength but, in retrospect, I think Geto's disappointment had more to do with Gojo's sense of self over-identifying with the title "the strongest" and how that made him harder to relate to, which is one of the main themes in this chapter. I'll come back to this in a sec.
But first...
Quick depth psych segway. I think I've said this before, but it bears repeating again that an overwhelming sense of self is all ego. There's nothing wrong with ego per se.
The problem is that an over-identification with ego means inherent separateness because, as an organ of the psyche, the ego sense of self is what gives us a separate identity from the collective.
On the other hand, soul/heart (another organ in the psyche) is the principle of relatedness--love, the single energy that can bring us all together as a collective.
But as we already know, the stronger the sorcerer, the more overwhelming the sense of self.
Unfortunately, because an overwhelming sense of self = separateness, this also means the person in question can't relate to others.
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And is this not thematically perfect for a sorcerer whose perfected cursed technique was meant to render others unable to "reach him"?
In other words, Gojo saw himself as separate (because he was "The Strongest") and that made it harder for him to relate to others, but only because he self-identified as "The Strongest".
Infinity ∞, in this sense, is also about the self-fulfilling prophecy Gojo was stuck playing out in his life in regards to seeing himself as "The Strongest".
But like a serpent eating its own tail, Gojo came back full circle, and in the moments before his death, learned that what really mattered to him was not strength for the sake of strength, but rather the connections he had fostered with others.
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To bring it back to "Satoru became 'The Strongest'"...
I just loved so much that seeing Geto as soon as he becomes aware he's died felt like an encounter that meant Gojo had returned to the person he was before he self-identified as "The Strongest".
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But more importantly, Gojo's imagination of himself as back when he was young also speaks both to how much he cherished that period of his life, and to how he was emotionally frozen in time due to his encounter with Toji.
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It makes me wonder whether Gojo was afraid of dying alone when Toji almost killed him. So it's almost like what he took away from that battle was that he was always alone, and so he sought to push others away.
The kicker is that he simultaneously feared his existential isolation and yet craved the very source of his fear--human relations.
But in choosing self-preservation, he was a selfish to the very end.
What an idiot (tragically affectionate).
Anyways. How much of this is hc? Someone tell me please 😂. I feel like I went off the deep end in the last few paragraphs.
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Like everyone else in this fandom I've lost all objectivity when it comes to Gojo because his departure from the story was truly one of the most heartbreaking moments in jjk.
I understand people's complaints about the "execution," but I think the world-wide phenomena that Gojo's death has spurred speaks to Gege's ability to elicit deeply archetypal emotional responses as a story teller.
With Gojo's death, a part of our own psyche too has died. And what's most significant about this death is that it was, true to Gojo's character, "something that needed to die because it represented the very thing it sought to destroy."
And this would be why I love Gege's writing.
A fitting way for Gojo to go out
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I know not everyone agrees, but I really appreciated that he was satisfied and at peace in the very end.
He got his cake (battle to death with Sukuna) and got to eat it too (reconnected with his loved ones).
But we can't talk about Gojo without talking about Sukuna as the one who liberated Gojo from the burden of his existential isolation.
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Sukuna gave Gojo a fun battle, but if it weren't because Sukuna figured out how to cut through Gojo's metaphorical defenses by learning to cut through space-time itself--the very fabric of reality, Gojo might not have found his humanity once again.
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The outcome of this battle spells out in no uncertain terms how dire the situation is as Sukuna has proven himself to be the uncontested "Strongest".
But in a sense, the end is a new beginning, and this time, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
JJK is generational
I get the feeling that everyone will remember where they were when this panel dropped.
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I was in bed. It was 6 am and Tasokare, my miniature panther, was demanding attention.
A moot was on the way to the gym. They never made it out of the house after seeing the panel.
Another moot was completely avoiding Twitter to avoid leaks, but her brother, who does not even read jjk, saw the panel on Facebook and showed it to her.
Yet another moot was on vacation at the beach.
JJK is generational like that and there's just so much more I can say about this chapter and its implications (like the idea that Sukuna can now cut through space-time, why?! what does he want to get out of this ability?), but I just don't even know what more I can say right now.
Anyways, thanks for reading. I'm looking forward to any thoughts you might have. Just a heads up, I'm very, very slow at replying.
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luxthestrange · 6 months
Incorrect quotes#926 Learn Luci dammit-
Yesterday Diavolo had a grand party...Which made their brother's ALMOST late given Asmodeus's picking the right outfit
Luci: Asmodeus, come on!,We're gonna miss the the ball!What can he be doing up there?
Mc*Dusting Lucifer,s shoulders with a smile*Blow-drying, Dear
Luci: Applepie, why does it take women an hour to do what a normal demon can do in five seconds?
Mam*Adjusting his hair in the mirror and raises his brow at him*Speak for yourself, Bro
Asmo*Coming down the stairs with a smile*-Okay, I'm ready. How do I look?~
Luci: Fine. Now, let's go-
Asmo*Stops and pouts going up the stairs again* Fine? I need gorgeous! I'm changing!~
Luci: No. I... I... I meant gorgeous! Oh, why didn't I say gorgeous? Why? Why? Why?
Mc: Luci, I've been working here for three years When are you gonna learn?
Sat*Nodding agreeing with you*"Does this make me look fat?" No.
Levi"Do you like my hair this way?" Yes.
Beel & Belph"Is my tush wider than usual?"...There is no answer to that one.
Mam: Bro, you've got to know how to speak to a Pretty demon, YO! Asmo, you'll miss the buffet!~
Asmo*Going down the stairs fast happily*Ready! How do I look?~
All: Gorgeous!
Asmo: But do you think the dress makes me look...
All: No!~
Asmo: Do you like what I did with my...
All: Yes!~
Asmo*Going to grab a new purse* Great. I just gotta change my purse!~ Luci: No, no, no, Asmodeus, No one's gonna see the bloody purse-We'll be late!
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yourfavblondy · 6 months
warning: mentions of alcohol, haitani brothers being idiots
synopsis: rindou swears he has a girlfriend but no one believes him until they actually see her
"Yo Rin, are you free tonight?" Izana asked. "No, I'm going out with my girlfriend." Rindou said not even looking up from his phone. Everyone went quiet before Izana and Ran erupted with laughter. Tears rolled down the older Haitanis cheeks. "An AI can't be your girlfriend." Izana teased. Tips of Rindous ears went red either in embarrassment or anger. "She is real!" he argued this time glancing up from his phone. "A body pillow doesn't count!" Ran added making Izana burst out laughing again. "Come on little bro, why don't you come with us to the party tonight let's find you a real girl, you know one that isn't imaginary." Ran lazily slung his arm around Rins shoulders a smirk still present on his face. "Fine, I'll come to the stupid party with my very much alive and real girlfriend." Rin huffed and puffed before leaving behind a snickering Ran and Izana. He mumbled a couple of curses underneath his breath as he walked to his girlfriends apartment.
"Alright how do I look?" you stepped out of the bathroom dressed beautifully. Rin was sitting on the bed his mouth hanging open eyes wide. You had on a black silk dress that hugged your body in all the right places. It looked like it was tailored just for you." Rin sweety are you okay?" you asked waving a hand in front of his face. "Yeah, just admiring how stunning my girlfriend looks." he whispered in your ear. You grabbed his hand and pulled him off of the bed. Rin spun you around admiring how beautiful you looked. "How did I get so lucky with a goddess like you?" he cooed wrapping his arms around your waist. You giggled sweetly it was like music to his ears. "I don't deserve you." you smiled. "Come on let's go before were more late that we already are." he grabbed your hand and led you outside to your ride.
Once you two arrived to the party you left to go mingle and talk with some of your friends, meanwhile Rindou went to sit with his friends and brother. "Soo Rinnie where's that girlfriend you spoke off, I don't see her." Ran teased. "She's talking with her friends." Rin answered grabbing a red cup Izana handed him. "Come on Rindou you can't keep this up. Come with me let's find you a real girl there's plenty of beautiful women at the party." Kakucho chimed in. Rindou didn't bother to even respond he just sent them a bored look and continued scrolling on his phone. "Fine then, if you don't want to get laid tonight I do." Izana chuckled and went to talk to some girls.
About fifteen or so minutes later Izana came back. "You won't believe me. But I talked with this super hot girl. I think her name was Y/n or something but anyway she was super hot and even a little sweet and polite. She was dressed in a black silk dress and you won't believe the way she looked." upon hearing the mention of your name Rindou perked up a little." Ah little bros interested in the sound of this girl." Ran teased." Here she is walking over to us right now." Izana said excitedly. Rindou turned his head and saw you walking in his direction. A slight smirk tugged at his lips knowing what was gonna happen next." Hey babe." Rin greeted you taking a hold of your hand and pulling you to sit next to him with his arm draped around your shoulders. "You're kidding?!" Izana said in disbelief. "That's your girlfriend?!" Ran asked. Rindou just looked at you before lightly placing a peck on your lips. "Well I've gotta hand it to you Rinnie, didn't think you had it in you." Ran still couldn't believe what he was seeing. "I told you." Rindou said with a shit eating grin on his face.
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