killuaisaprincess · 1 year
Fuck everyone I love the hunter movies
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i love you , its ruining my life!! // lorenzo berkshire x fem hufflepuff reader
playlist : fortnight - taylor swift
summary : lorenzo berkshire is so completely infatuated with a girl in hufflepuff , its ruining his life!!
y/n used , hufflepuff reader , ttpd was amazing, fluff
a/n : im the queen of slytherin boys x hufflepuff reader lets be honest ,also fortnight is a sad song but i did a different take on it bc fluff is just better !! LMAO
masterlist tppd series masterlist
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its been three months since the very first time lorenzo berkshire saw you in class. he had never seen you before despite your presence being a constant since 1st year, and to say you hadnt gone unseen since was an understatement.
lorenzo berkshire has found himself in nothing but trouble since his little crush on you first blossomed , the very first time he saw you , that fateful day in potions - he had lost 20 points for slytherin in one lesson. and the reasons for his points deduction was simple , he just couldnt focus.
you pushed your hair behind your ear , he dropped his ink pot onto the floor , the loud smash interrupting snapes monotone first lesson back speech.
five points.
you laughed at something your male seat partner said , lorenzo clenched his fist so hard that he snapped his quill as the ink and snapped up feather made a mess of his desk.
five points.
you spoke to lorenzos best friend , theodore , making him misplace an ingredient into his cauldron that caused it to explode back into draco -his seat partner and friends- face.
ten points.
to say his friends and whole house were infruriated with him after that ,was an understatment - enzo had gotten them into points debt on the very first day. thats never even been done before!
but they were even angrier with him a few weeks ago.
it was the day of the highly anticipated , very first, gryffindor vs slytherin match of the year - and enzo bottled it because he was looking at you in the stands.
who could blame him! you were stood in the stands wearing a slytherin scarf with the number 13 on your cheek in green face paint , his number!!
the amount of quaffles he failed to catch and goals he missed completely because of his focus being elsewhere , became too much to count by the end of the match. that slytherin lost by the way.
but even when draco screamed in his face and theodore pushed him into the changing rooms , his mind couldnt leave your happy face as you watched him - and only him.
the most recent incident was when he sat in an exam , not writing a single word because he couldnt stop thinking about how you smiled at him and said hello to him earlier that day. he tried to play it off as hufflepuff friendliness but the red tint in your cheeks and beaming smile blocked out any thought of doubt - and charms knowledge.
that charms test was the first fail he has ever gotten at hogwarts.
all because of you and your pretty stupid smile!
as he stared down at his paper a week later with a horified expression and a sympathetic pansy rubbing his back , he decided enough was enough , he needed to get this off his chest.
so later that day he now found himself sat in the great hall , staring at where you usually sit , except the spot was empty.
his leg bounced under the table as he played with his hands and tie , loosening and re-loosening it every two seconds.
"lorenzo please stop." pansy begged with her head in her hands , trying to will the sound of lorenzos tapping foot to become white noise.
snapping out of it he stopped all movement and looked down with a somber sigh , maybe something happened to you? maybe youre avoiding him? maybe you hate him? maybe youre not hungry?
"enzo chill mate shes just walked in." theodore said looking at something - or someone - by the enterance to the great hall.
without sparing a seond enzo stormed over to you , grabbing your hand softly and stopping your walk to the hufflepuff table.
"please come with me," enzo said as more of a command as you nodded with concern and followed him out the hall and to an empty corridor.
he stopped you so you were stood against the wall and began to pace.
after many seconds of silence you began to question why you were there ,"lorenz-"
"i love you, and its ruining my life!!" he said loudly , stopping in his tracks staring at you , not with anger but instead despiration.
he now stepped forward as you stepped back and hit the wall , "ive lost points , matches , i failed my test for the first time ever!.....please. please say no and let me move on."
you stared up at him in complete shock , "lorenzo you dont know me-"
"i do. oh trust me i do , i know you prefer cats and like muggle classics as well as poetry. your favourite colour is yellow but you dont really tell anyone as to not be called a stereotypical hufflepuff. and...i know theres things i dont know but there is nothing else on this planet i want to learn more about, than you."
you began to beam your signature smile up at him , bringing your arms to wrap around his neck as he melted under your touch, "i failed charms too."
it was his turned to now be confused , "but charms is your favourite?-"
"there was this really handsome guy sat in front of me who i just couldnt stop looking at. he was distracting me."
lorenzo expression fell as his heart broke slowly , "w-who?..."
you looked at him teasingly , "seriously? you enzo!"
he let out a gasp of realisation as you pulled him down towards you for a kiss.
lets just say since that day you both got straight As! but thats not to say enzo doesnt still like to admire in lesson.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 6 months
pLEASE if you could write more of sub!OP men you would feed me for the entire winter (or just more luffy begging if it's no problem to you, love ur writing xoxo)
sorry for answering back so late i was absolutely out of any and all creative juice (lord help me), but i love writing sub!OP men and you guys seem to like it so here we go!! (im supposed to be on hiatus to focus on exams but writing smut never hurt nobody)
"i want to watch you fall apart, baby" ft. luffy <3
ft. (very submissive) luffy x (somewhat dom) fem!reader
set-up: you made a bet with the captain and he lost, now he has an aphrodisiac in his system and you have an insanely submissive boyfriend ;)
warnings: nsfw drabbles; nsfw stuff includes overstimulation, dirty talk, a bit of a meanie!reader, sub!luffy, all that haha; MDNI (thankyou very much)
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^^ credits to the artist!! (found it on pinterest lol)
- you knew monkey d. luffy wasn't okay - it was evident from his strained breaths, reddening face and jittery body - "luffy, you okay?" your words were sickly sweet, cutting through the tension in the room as you looked at his sweet face - it was honestly a miracle he was even sitting still and not pulling you and hovering over you as he fucked you senseless - "ugh" he groaned, palming his borderline-painful erection, "pl-ease come on, please come fuck me" you tut, making a sympathetic face, "i thought we were going to see how long you can hold back?" "yn~" his head is thrown back, features pleading with you helplessly - a smirk crosses over your painted lips, taking in his disheveled self - the menacing captain of your crew was reduced to a animalistic state. his fingers barely skimmed over his pants and even the slightest touch seemed to ignite his skin on fire "yn please, pl-ease c'mere-" his voice was strained, as if he was holding every muscle in his being from pulling you towards him and fucking you senseless till he forgot where he ended and you began - good thing luffy was always quick to react - so he did just what he had been imagining for the past seven minutes; he pulled you towards himself, reeling you in till your chest was flush against his and you teeth scraped harshly against your lips - "lu-" all your attempts to stop him were swallowed by his hungry kisses; tongue lapping against yours, teeth pulling your lip down, spit threatening to dive past his lips - his mouth moved down to your jaw then to your neck, leaving sloppy kisses in its wake, "yn let me fuck you, please. please." - his hands ripped off your t-shirt and his teeth sunk down on the soft flesh across your chest. he hummed against your skin, as if relishing in the softness and the faint citric aftertaste lingering on your skin - he was going insane, harshly tugging on your nipples and pressing his face between the valley of your breasts, licking feverish stripes down, "i wanna fuck so bad, keep going till you beg me to stop, come on please" "re-really? you wanna? what do you- fuck, fu-" - without even lifting his mouth off of your sensitive nipple or opening his eyes, his hands forced yours to skim over his straining cock as if to accuse you, look what you fuckin' did to me - when your hands languidly palmed him, his face contorted till he was gasping and grinding against your shallowest touches - "don't play with me, baby, y'know-" his breath hitched when you increased the pressure and pressed down harder, "yn stop it" you laughed, a cocky sound, "what's wrong luffy?" - his eyes were wide open now, staring you down and as if he had lost of sense of himself, he growled as he turned you around so that you were face down, ass up. - a harsh smack reverberated against your ass and you moaned at the subtle sting, "i've been nice f' too long, huh? let's see how long you stay cocky with my dick down your pretty pussy."
a/n: i have another ask for the sub!op men and i was out of ideas so the others (including ace and shanks hehe) will be well compensated over there!! just hold on guys!!!
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jasmines-library · 3 months
can i send in a request for remus lupin x ditzy!reader?
like remus is trying to do his hw for an exam the next day and reader keeps bothering him for attention and he’s just like “no i’m busY for a test tomorrow” and reader is like “well you can study for it some other time tomorrow” n he’s just like “what?”
it’s okay if you don’t understand it lmao
Talk now, Study Later
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Warnings: none! Fluffy
Word Count: 900 (on the short side, im sorry. It's worth it though for the fluff i promise.)
Remus was busy studying. Or rather trying to. He was hunched over the desk, quill in hand as he read over his notes from class. Slughorn had decided to give all of his classes a test, and it seemed to be taking up all of Remus’ spare time. It felt as though he had been hunched over that little desk for much longer than a few hours as his back began to ache. Still, he made no move to leave as he tried to cram in as much revision as he could. 
You weren’t doing him many favours. You had been watching him from across his room for a while now. You had tried to drag him away from his desk a few times, and each time he responded by telling you that he just needed five more minutes to finish up. At first you had humoured him, but you could see the toll it was taking on him and much more to the point: you missed him. 
“Remuusss.” you whined his name from where you lay on his bed. 
He somewhat hummed in acknowledgement. 
“I’m lonely.” You told him. “Come and sit with me.” You patted the space beside you. 
Remus frowned, sweeping his hair away from his eyes as he continued to write. “I can’t. Dove. I need to study for my test tomorrow.”
You pouted with a sigh, rolling over onto your back to stare up at the canopy. You could still hear the scratching of his quill as the room fell back into silence again. You were half tempted to snatch the quill out of his hand…you had tried that once before. It didn’t end too well on your behalf. It ended with spilt ink and a trip to the house elves to see if they would kindly get the ink out of your shirt. Another few minutes passed of you waiting for your boyfriend, until you finally couldn’t wait any longer. 
Clambering off the bed, you stood behind him sliding your arms over his shoulders and around his neck.You rested your chin on top of his head.  He glanced up at you, craning his head to see you properly.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing” You sang. 
He gave you a look out of the corner of his eye. One that told you that he knew exactly what you were up to. “Y/n.”
“What? Can’t a girl hug her boyfriend anymore? I thought you liked my hugs, Moony?”
“I do-” he sighed, “But I need to study, Dove.”
You pressed a kiss to his forehead. “You can study for it tomorrow.”
Remus frowned, his scars and freckles shifting as he made confused lines on his face. “What?”
“Please Rem?” You asked, moving around to face him. You straddled his lap and he gave you an unamused look. Cupping his face in your hands, you smoothed your thumb over his skin, tracing the length of his scar over his cheek and down to his lips. “Take a break.”
You leaned forward onto his chest, burying your face into his neck. He was warm and he smelt faintly of earl grey tea, part of the remnants from the mug he had left to get cold, pine and his favourite chocolates that he always had stashed in his pockets. You closed your eyes, relaxing into him. 
He sighed, leaning into your touch before pressing a kiss to your head. You perked up looking up at him as he dropped his quill, setting it down besides his pages of loose notes. 
“You’re going to be the absolute death of me,” Remus chuckled lowly. “You know that.”
You grinned. “You know you love me.”
He rolled his eyes playfully. “I’m not sure I will when I fail this test.”
You pouted, to which he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to them softly. “I’m only messing with you, Dove.”
“I know.” You hummed. “I just wanted you to kiss me.”
“You little minx.” Remus laughed, lacing his arms around your back.
“Only for you.”
“You’re going to be the death of me, you know that right?” Remus smirked, trailing a finger along the bridge of your nose as you traced the pattern on his jumper. It was green and hand knitted by a vendor in Hogsmeade. The two of you were passing by when you saw his eyes light up when he saw it. He had considered it for a while, passing the wool between his fingers. It was silky soft with dainty stitches that interlocked with other colours to create rows of shapes. In the end, he had opted not to buy it. But you had seen the way he had sent time pondering over it, so the next day you went back and bought it for him. That night you left it on his bed as a gift alongside some of his favourite chocolates that you had snagged from honeydukes. He put it on straight away, claiming that it was now his favourite sweater. He wore it all the time, and you liked the way that it brought out the different hues in his eyes. That and it smelt like him. Often he would find you wearing it whenever it went missing from his trunk. Not that he ever minded. 
Remus kissed you again. “I love you.”
“Me too, Moony. I love you very much.”
@hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx
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ellaa-writes · 3 months
The Beast Within
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author note: part 8, masterlist here. This is more of a filler chapter, ending coming soon. A lot kind of things happening for a filler lol. barely edited, also think im losing the plot of this series. Next 2 chapters are going to be longer just to tie everything together. Might redo/rewrite this at a later time.
summary: Omegas are rare, in a world full of Alphas and Betas. Being a Omega was not only dangerous but they were highly sought after. After living your life has a Beta in disguise, you meet a scary Alpha, but not any normal alpha. But a gaint Apex Alpha who won't stop at anything to make you his.
tags: Mentions of lots blood, violence and dead bodies. A/b/o dynamics. Vauge and probably incorrect medical terms. No smut and barely any fluff. Lots of Angst.
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The door to the elevator opened, revealing a mess. König's head tilting to the side as the smell of crimson infiltrated his senses.
The Beast perked up, nipping at his skin. Stepping out the elevator he was greeted with an unholy site. Broken pieces of furniture and dry wall laid strewn about, bodies and parts mixed in with the chaos, the once pristine carpets now stained with blood. Stepping over the rubble he made his way into what use to be the front door of his home, busted off the hinges and thrown to the side.
He knew you weren't here, he could smell it in the air. The home was cold and empty, remnants of what use to be, shattered and scattered around. Broken glass crunched under his feet as he walked around taking it all in.
His head snapped down the darken hallway, the heavy oak door barely attached to the frame, cracked and broken, almost like someone clawed their way in. His desk was littered with files, papers and photos. The gun he kept in the top drawer missing, it looks like it was pried off the hinges.
Digging his cellphone out, there was only one person on his mind has he dialed them up. Sitting down in the worn leather chair, laying his laptop across the mess on the desk. He brought up the security footage, watching every second before the line finally picked up. A deep rumble answered from the other end.
"I'm going to need your help, level red." König didn't know where you were but he had an idea. The man on the other line told him not to trust the women. In all hell's fury he wish he would have listened. "On 'm way." it sounded like he just woken up. "It's time sensitive, high priority. I forwarded the details. I want a list of who all will be on your team. Will meet up at 21 hundred." König ended the call abruptly.
Simon sat up from his bed, just having laid down before his Boss called. It wasn't long before he was dressed and watching the security footage over. Roze... He never trusted her, could smell the rot in her lies but the big guy trusted her and he trusted him. Holding his phone to his ear the line eventually picked up.
"Gots' a job fa' you" all he could hear was heavy breathing. "да" and the line disconnected.
You awoke to bright lights and white walls. Your head was pounding and it felt like you were going to throw up. The surface you were laying on was hard and cold, the sanitary paper crinkled under you as you shifted, sticking to your dewy skin. You could barely raise your arms to block out the intruding fluorescent light. Heavy like a stack of bricks, you could feel the medical tape holding down the IV tubes, itchy against your skin.
You didn't know where you were or how you got here. It looked like a surgeons room, the floors were white tile and the cabinets off the side, also white. You could hear voices coming from behind the double doors.
Sitting up you realized you were nude, not even the necklace you always wore, completely naked and cold. Your body sore and stiff, trying to shift off of the exam table, your legs straining to hold you up right. The IV's tugged against you has you managed to stand on two legs, wobbly. You yanked the tubes free, blood dripping down your arms.
Grabbing at the now torn sanitary paper that covered the table, you haphazardly wrapped it around yourself. Using pieces of it to dab at the blood. A shiver racked your body, you didn't know what was happening. Trying to recall the last moments, your mind was foggy but you remember standing in that office but after that everything was fuzzy. You couldn't help but think he had something to do with this. Whatever this was?
The voices abruptly stopped, the double doors to your room swinging open revealing a familiar face. But not a face you expected to see, not here.
Dr. Roze
That's when it all came rushing back to you. The walk you both had, her words about you being pregnant. The images you found in the filing cabinets, all the blood or death spread across those pages. The sound of the front door being broken of its hinges, the shouting and yelling. Glass shattering and gun fire being exchanged. You hid under the desk, König gun in your hand, the one you took from the drawer. Then you heard her voice, telling you it was safe and she was here to rescue you. And that's where it all went black.
You stared at her, eyes wide and lips parted. Clutching the thin paper to your exposed body. "Oh, you’re up?" Dr Roze said in surprise. Taking small steps towards your shaking frame. "Everything is ok, your safe here." she tried to explain and to calm you down. Eyeing your bleeding wounds and discarded IV. "Nothing to worry about dear. Why don't you sir down and we can talk." pointing at the steel chair to your left. You eyed in before slowly sitting down.
"You must have a lot of questions and I'll do my best to answer them all." she explained. She sat in a similar chair but on the opposite side of the room, giving you enough space.
"We've been working on a cure, well not really a cure but a solution to a very serious problem." Dr. Roze paused before taking a deep breath. "When I met you, I knew you could be the key. The key to helping us unlock a gene code we have been stuck on for year’s now." she waved her hands around.
"Why me?" your voice was so quiet and coarse, startling you as you spoke.
"Well when König, your former Alpha mentioned that he had himself an Omega but he was unsure...-" she cut herself off before continuing. "He was unsure about your origins, you smelt like an Omega but didn't act like one. He requested that I observe you, to figure out him your Omega origin was natural or manmade." Dr. Roze had her hands clasped in her lap. Her eyes boring into yours, she had a tight smile on her face, forced and unnatural.
You shook your head, confused. Former? Origins?  None of it was making sense.
"I know this is a lot of information that may seem helpless to you. But I want you to know that without your DNA the surviving Omega population would have come to an complete extinction. You are a true hero, really." the doctor tried to comfort you.
"Where's König?" you shifted uncomfortable in the cold steel chair. Dr. Roze's smile faltered a little but she held it tight.
"You don't have to worry about him anymore." your mind was racing with questions. "Why?" did he just hand you over? Was that all part of the plan. Was that why he was ignoring you? Does this have anything to do with the photographs you found?
"I know it's going to be a hard transition but we have plenty of surrogate Alphas here. You can even choose one if you would like." Choose a new Alpha? What the hell is going on.
"I-I don't want a new Alpha." you whispered.
"Well, we can discuss that later. Nothing has to be done now. How are you feeling?" she brushed off your question.
"I don't know." and it was true. You didn't know how to feel about anything.
"That's fine, I know you’re confused and scared. Why don't I show you to your room and you can have a shower and some fresh clothes? How does that sound?" Dr. Roze stood from the chair, her hand stretched out in front of her. Beckoning you to her, and you went, slowly.
Dr. Roze took your hand and led you out of the room, the hallways were much the same. White and sanitary. She took turn after turn before stopping in front of a locked door. Raising her key card to unlock the door and dragging you through.
She brought you to a room, your new home, she called it. Watching as you walked around the confined space. It had a bed in the corner, a bookshelf, a small table with one chair, a sink and counter, a small open closet and another door leading to your private bathroom.
You sat on the bed, still only in the thin paper sheet. "If you need anything you can push this button right here" she motioned to a red button by the door. "I'll have some proper clothes dropped off for you. Why don't you get cleaned and rest." and with that she left. The door sliding into place with a click.
You felt trapped and doomed. The events replaying over in your head. You didn't believe a word she said, still not trusting her.
Trying to believed that your Alpha wouldn't abandon you. He couldn't, he can't.
The words bouncing around you head. You've heard stories about Omegas being experimented on. Locked up like cattle, their only purpose to behave and breed.
You missed your home, the one you created with König. The smell of the sheets, König's heavy scent filling your nose. The warm feeling in your tummy every time you looked at him.
It's been at least 3 weeks since you saw him last, maybe even longer at this point. You have no idea what day of the week is or how long you've been out.
You took the doctors suggestion and say yourself under the hot water, steaming bellowing around you. Your silent tears mixing in with the water as they danced down your face.
The meeting was brisk, the task easy. He was treating it as a hostage situation. Retrieve the prize and leave unharmed. But the only difference is that it was you. König knee bounced restlessly, up and down. He never had the discipline to stay still, ever since he was a child. The ticking of someone's watch matching his heart beat. He tried to rid his mind of the horrible things, the images of you diced up like meat. Nothing left of you, the only thing he could identify being your sweet smell.
The ride to the warehouse was brief, but it stretched on for what felt like hours. A perfect line of black alarmed vehicles, surrounding the building that housed this "cure". König barked out orders before charging forward, using his whole body weight to slam into the metal door. The weak screws and hinged snapping under his weight. The Beast clawing at his throat to be released, König's eyes turned black and his blood began to boil.
It didn't take them long to find your scent, a trail of destruction behind him like petals behind a bride. He tuned out the call outs coming from his headset, the only thing one his mind was finding his precious Omega.
The Ghost and the Russian stood off to his side, eyeing the giant, their own Alphas trying to hide itself in the darkest corners of the mind. Anywhere to get away from the intense energy of The Beast.
The lights were flashing red, a lockdown initiated. Most doors sealed themselves closed but nothing could stop The Beast. Ripping the reinforced door right off its hinges without breaking a sweat. Your smell stronger now, he was close he could almost taste you.
After a few minutes under the hot pelt of the showers water, your tears long dried up but your eyes still red and sore. You pulled yourself out of the glass enclosure, finding a pair of grey scrubs one size too big resting on your bed. The bed itself was made of steel, loosely wrapped in a sheet that felt like sandpaper against your skin. The thin black like cardboard as you tried wrapping it around yourself.
You don't know how you managed to fall asleep, or how long you were asleep. But the sound of an alarm awoke you. The lights were out, the only thing illuminating your cell was the red light from the button beside the door. Unsure of what was going on and unable to sleep any longer, you pressed your ear against the cold metal of the door. Trying to listen for anything, but all you could hear is the whines and whimpers of the other Omegas locked up here with you.
It wasn't long after when you started to hear the shouting and gunfire. Whatever was happening beyond your door sounded serious and it put you on edge. Not knowing what to expect you tried moving the furniture towards the door but found everything was bolted down. So you grabbing the sheet and blanket off of the steel bed and found yourself cowering in the bathroom. Waiting out the war zone happening outside.
You would think this was your end, but the smell of burning oak engulfed you. Your Omega whining, begging you to go after it, so you did. You didn't know how you ended up outside of the safety of your room. Stumbling over bodies, slipping on their blood. The only thing on your mind was finding the source to whoever that insatiable smell belonged to.
Corner after corner you passed through what use to be a door, it's counter parts laid flattened on the ground. The smell was so close, your nose sniffing the air trying to get just a little taste.
"Стоп! (Stop!)" the voice came from behind you, making you freeze in your tracks. Turning slowly to face a man, an Alpha, in all black wearing what looks like a dog mask. His gun pointed at you, he spoke something to quiet into the mic strapped to his shoulder. His black sunken eyes watching you. His smell was strangely fresh, like ripe lemon begging to be plucked. His stance was wide like the rest of him. It didn't take long for whoever he called for to enter behind him.
It was the skull face man, Simon, you think is his name. Soon as he saw your terrified face he forcefully lowered the other man's gun until he holstered it completely. Both men stepped to the side at the sound of thundering footsteps. The Beast was in charge has he nearly crashed through what was left of the passage. The surrounding walls cracking and buckling under his force. His eyes were red, like blood sap. His aura a bright orange like he tree set ablaze. The smell of burning amber knocking you off balance, causing you to fall on your ass. He was on you, quick and hard. Shoving his nose into your neck, his hot tongue lapping at the skin.
You were trembling, gripping onto his biceps has he manhandled you. This was your König but at the same time it was not. You've never seen him like this, geared up and strapped with weapons.
He was leaving blood smears all over you, his chest heaving like a bull after a fight. His nostrils flaring.
"We ought get goin'" the skull face said from somewhere behind your Alpha. König's grip on you tightened has he curled himself around you, lifting you up and wrapping your legging around his middle as he pushed forward with the two men close behind.
"Have you located her?" he all up growled out, his voice animalistic. It made the hairs on your body stand at full attention. A low ripple of fear washed over you, you don't know what was going on, what was wrong with him.
"да, she been located." the dog faced man moved ahead, gun raised. "Good" you hated it, hated the sound of his voice, the way it vibrated his whole body and ripped from his throat.
"Ooooomegaaa" it didn't come from his mouth, no it came from within your mind. You looked up into his blown out red eyes, he was looking right into your soul. You wrapped your arms around his neck, burying yourself into his chest. Closing your eyes tight, allowing this man carry you to safety.
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Tag list: @plumdreadful @traumaramacenter @kaylp-godly @napalmfairy7 @hisa-plush @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @winters-doll @joyfulfxckery @purebeskar @collete25 @fandomsinthegalaxies @xo-konigs-little-princess-xo @jamieelol @luc1ddreamersatnight @cringeycookies
(sorry if I forgot to tag you, i haven't looked at my tag list in a while and probably needs to be updated)
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murdrdocs · 7 months
hi love, could i please request a mike fic where he comforts his s/o after a failed exam? just happened to me w my pharmacology exam and im super stressed/sad about it :((
i love your fics & looking for some comfort as i sob into my pillow tbh :,)
yes ofc ! im not much comfort when it comes to school and stuff (im a school hter) so hopefully a little ficlet will help :)
mike waits by the phone for your call.
he taps his short and dirty nails against the glass table, picking at his cuticles and hang nails to give him something to do with his hands. he itches to pick up the phone and dial your number, but he wants to give you space and time. patience. he's been practicing it lately.
in the meantime, he ogles at his rough hands, a reminder of how busy you'd been lately. your usual nail day with abby, and recently mike as well, had gone by untouched. leaving abby with chipped polish, and mike with undesirable hands, even though he never minded his nail care before you became a regular fixture in his life.
but he'd been patient, watching –– and sometimes just knowing, having not seen you for a while –– you study. watching you work yourself tirelessly over textbooks and scribbled notes. feeding you bites of food while he went through flashcards with you. waking up cold in the mornings when you left earlier than anticipated to get an early start on studying.
and today is the day. well, today was the day. but hours have passed and your exam surely was completed by now and mike hasn't heard from you. it's a sure sign of how it went, but he refuses to come to a conclusion until he hears your voice.
it's not a moment later until he gets his wish.
the phone rings and the second ring is interrupted by mike pulling the receiver up to his ear. "hello?"
it takes you a second to speak, but once you do, mike's face falls. "hey." your greeting is simple, but he hears the misery in the rasp of your voice.
"oh, baby." he doesn't say anything else, and neither do you. instead, mike reads the clock, 6:26 PM, and he looks into the living room to see abby staring at the TV.
"can we come over?"
it's just a little over an hour later and mike is knocking on your front door with abby behind him. he holds two mcdonalds bags, both soaked with grease on the bottom, in his freehand, and behind him, abby has the drink container.
"don't drop it," mike reminds her, sparing a glance over his shoulder as he waits for you to open the door.
"i won't." she grumbles through a determined frown, but her face brightens as the door swings open. abby squeals your name, and mike turns around, a small smile on his face because he'd missed you, too.
there you are in front of him, face a little puffy and eyes a little red, but you smile down at his little sister anyway.
"abby! it's so good to see you." abby thrusts the drinks out towards you, mentioning the mcflurry that sits in the fourth spot with a wide grin. you gasp, "for me?" and abby nods.
abby walks into your house like it's hers, and you don't protest, instead hovering at the door faced with mike. he doesn't mention the exam, he doesn't mention your appearance. instead he pulls you into his chest with one hand, holding the fast food bags out to the side with the other, and presses a kiss into the side of your head.
"it's good to see you," he tells you, voice nothing but earnest.
you hum and mike feels you take a deep breath, as if you're finally relaxing. he expects you to repeat his sentiment, but he's not upset when you don't.
the three of you end up sitting on your living room floor rewatching 'good burger' for at least the tenth time. at this point, abby says the infamous line, doing so cheerfully to the point where you and mike feel weird if you don't do the same.
mike shares his fries with you when you run out, you pretend to not want to share your mcflurry but you end up doing so anyway. all three of you break out into a fit of giggles when mike takes his first sip of coke and chokes with the unexpected strength of it, and more giggles ensue when abby naively does the same.
by the end of the movie, you're full from carbs and sugar and you're cuddled into mike's side, both of your backs against the couch that abby lies asleep on. the credits start to roll when you speak, voice creaky and leaking pure sadness.
"i failed the exam."
it's silent. too silent. your eyes start to water and your throat constricts and suddenly you want to run into your bedroom and shut the door. but you don't. you stay seated, staring at the black screen as the white text starts to blur.
and when mike pulls you closer into his side, it's almost impossible for you to hold the tears back. so you don't.
mike coaxes them out by rubbing along your back, soothing circles up and down your worn in crewneck. you make a mess of his own sweatshirt, snot and tears mixing into a massive wet spot just below the hood at the shoulder.
he doesn't mind one bit, never ceasing his movements even whenever you start to calm down. abby has woken up at this point, and her little voice above you almost startles you.
"is everything okay?" words small, almost timid as if she's afraid of upsetting you more.
mike's chest rumbles. "everything's okay, abs." and then to you, "it's okay."
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chrisevansonly · 8 months
could i get an oscar piastri x reader where reader is stressed over exams? (its exam season for me rn and im so tired and need motivation 😭😭)
hello my love, as someone who is doing their graduate diploma rn i heavily understand exam stress! make sure to take it easy, drink lots of water and be gentle with yourself in these times<3
“baby? i think it’s time for a break don’t you think..?”
it it wasn’t for the fact that you were so locked into your laptop screen you would have heard your boyfriends question as he walked into the dining room. books, papers, pens and electronics scattered across the oak dining room table
he tried again, clearly getting a bit more worried as you didn’t respond
as he touched your shoulder you jumped slightly, showing him just how focused you were
“oh hey os…sorry i didn’t hear you”
“i know you’ve been pretty locked in on studying…i think it’s time for a break”
you shook your head focusing back on the screen, but oscar was not having it, his hands covered yours and pulled them away from the keyboard, ensuring to save all your documents before closing your laptop screen
“oscar…i wasn’t-i need to study more i’m not ready!”
“baby, you’ve been going at it for almost 5 hours-”
he paused and kneeled down to your level, his hands holding your face gently so he could look at you, your eyes bloodshot which only enhanced his worry
“i’m not going to let you sit here and burn yourself out over this, we’re going to order in some food, and you and i are going to cuddle up on the couch, watch some trashy reality tv and you’re taking a break okay?”
“no buts baby, come on…let’s get you changed and then no more studying for today.”
oscar smiled at you, waiting for you to nod before you fell forward into his arms, hugging him tightly, your body exhausted and you knew he was right. even if it was exam season there was no point in running yourself dry for no reason, you could pick back up where you left off tomorrow
“there we go, let’s get you feeling better”
he helped you to your feet and kept a firm grip on you as you both walked upstairs, he sat you down before handing you some sweatpants and your favourite hoodie of his. when you were changed, he carefully took your hair out of the ponytail it had been in for all those hours, brushing your hair gently before letting his fingers rub your scalp, relieving any tension.
oscar pressed a few kisses to your head every now and again, moving to your cheeks before settling one on your lips, a tired smile on your face as he pulled away
“ready to go do a whole lot of nothing for the rest of the day baby?”
“so ready…”
you don’t know what you would have done without oscar in your life, but what you did know is that you were the luckiest girl in the world to have ended up with the worlds sweetest boyfriend.
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vex91 · 7 months
Im Nayeon - I'll take care of you
Pairing: Im Nayeon x Female Reader
Fandom: Twice
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: can I request a story where nayeon comes home after the tour the second time and see's that reader is sleeping at her desk looking extremely tired, nayeon knows its exam season but she didnt see it turning out this bad
fluff as well please
Summary: Nayeon knew that you were very serious about your grades but she didn't knew it could be this extreme.
A/N: Thanks for requesting <3
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3rd's POV
Nayeon walked into the house, her bags dragged in behind her. Her eyes were heavy due to the intense travel she had with the girls. Their another tour just ended and as much as Nayeon loved spending time with the girls, touring and seeing her fans from around the world, she hated being away from you. So she was glad to be finally home, she was so tired that all she wanted was to lay down in bed and sleep with her girlfriend right beside her to cuddle.
The house was quiet, she expected that since it was nearly 1 AM when she came home. She was expecting you to be already asleep in your bed but instead she walked into the room to the sight of you sleeping on your desk. Books and papers scattered across it. You were obviously studying and it reminded Nayeon that your exams were coming up. She could see how exhausted and overworked you looked and it worried her, especially since she wasn't sure how much you ate.
Your girlfriend quietly changed clothes before walking over to you, she noticed your phone laying not far from you. She could see a lot of missed call and text from your friends so she figured you were studying really long, it only made her feel more worried. She kissed the back of your neck gently "Baby? Wake up" You stirred a little before looking up at her. You smiled at the sight of her "You're back love, welcome home" She smiled at how cute you were but she was still worried.
"When was the last time you ate?" You thought about it for a while "Yesterday night probably, during our call" Nayeon winced at that, she couldn't believe you didn't ate in so long "Come on" She pulled you slowly into the kitchen and told you to sit down before preparing for you something to eat. She was used to helping Jihyo and Jeongyeon around the kitchen sometimes.
Soon she slide over a plate of your favorite food in front of you and sat down next to you to watch carefully and make sure you ate something. You had some small talk as you ate and listened to her stories from tour, laughing at stuff she and Momo did when they shared a hotel room. It was nice to take a break from all the studying, eat something and spend some time with your girlfriend that you missed so much and when Nayeon noticed how more relaxed you were, she was relieved and proud of herself.
When you finished eating Nayeon pulled you to bed without immediately so you wouldn't study anymore that night. You were too tired to argue so you just let her pull you into her chest as you both were laying comfortably in bed, she kissed your forehead lovingly "Just rest love, I'm sorry for not noticing your struggle. I was away for a while but now I'm back and I'll take care of you, I promise" you smiled at her words, feeling content and happy to finally be back in her arms, knowing that she was serious about her words and that she will make sure you'll rest and get enough studying done.
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kleftiko · 1 year
hi i have a request! could you do hawks x reader after a fight? he may have left the apartment to cool off in the middle of the argument and thought that reader wouldn’t be there when he came back cause everyone eventually leaves him so he is surprised/confused when he comes back and the readers is still there
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cw: none, this is fluff with just a little bit of hurt
sorry this took so long, i just finished my last exam and now i’m realizing im graduating and becoming a valuable member of academic society with a degree… anyway here’s hawks !!
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he should have worn his headset. the night air was cold as is, but with the pace he was flying at the wind cut at his now red ears and turned them numb.
it’s not like this was a planned outing where he took his jacket and maybe a snack. he was in his pyjamas for pete’s sake. but he needed to cool off, he didn’t want to raise his voice at you—the image of his father in their old and worn down house immediately came to mind if he even thought about it. instead, he took off of the balcony with the intention of clearing his head.
you were in the middle of an argument, and it probably wasn’t that best idea to just leave, but it was what he did. and as the beating of his heart calmed down, and he could logically think again, he decided to go back.
the apartment would be empty, and maybe he could put away the glasses and dishes on the table to avoid the empty bed that would be there. he didn’t want to sleep alone—as soon as he experienced that first night by your side he decided he would never sleep alone again. but he knew what he was going home to, a locked door, your side of the closet opened and a bag missing along with a few pieces of clothing. he watched enough dramas to know what the scene would be, and he experienced loss enough to expect it now.
so when his cold feet touched down on the balcony, he didn’t bother being courteous as he passed into the living room barefoot. if he was gonna be alone he didn’t care about it being dirty.
“how stupid can you be!” his heart jumped out of his chest and he instinctively raised a few feathers in defence mode before he realized it was you who spoke.
you who was still here, who emerged from the kitchen as he realized you were washing the dishes.
the small bit of relief he felt at seeing you was stomped out when he figured you were going to yell at him again.
“it’s freezing outside! you’re gonna get sick!” his vision became obscured as you tossed the blanket that was previously on the couch overtop of his standing form. needless to say, he was bewildered as you blindly led him to sit down on the sofa. he didn’t speak as you freed his face from the fabric and smoothed over his hair.
your expression wasn’t one of anger, but worry, your eyebrows drawn in and eyes roaming over him to make sure everything was alright. you cupped his cheeks briefly before placing your warm, warm hands over his ears.
“keigo, you’re frozen.” you sigh. “i’m gonna run you a bath and then get you to bed, okay?”
but he grabbed your wrist when you tried to move. “why are you still here?”
“what do you mean? i live here.” you looked at him weirdly.
“but we fought.” he said.
“and we’re probably gonna fight again if you don’t get yourself warmed up.” you huffed and pulled him to stand. you kept mumbling as you pushed him to the bathroom. “you can’t just fly out like that, we gotta talk this thing out, y’know?”
he planted his feet to stop himself, and you almost bumped into his back. one of his hands came up to cup your jaw as he turned around, still wrapped in his blanket as he gazed at you softly.
“thank you.” he whispered.
you sighed and leaned into his cold palm.
“of course, keigo, now let’s get you in the bath.”
“join me?”
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jennaissantes · 1 year
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PROMPT: ‘the hands that tug a little bit closer in a hug, a little bit of both hearts spilling into the same sink, a love that spills’
wc: 0.4k pairing: bf!niki x stressed!reader [fem implied] warnings: reader is implied to be overworked in school. mentions of mental tiredness. genre: comfort, fluff
🧇: thank you sm for requesting this prompt! 💗i turned it into a comfort fic idk why. probably bc i was listening to cardigan by taylor swift 😭 i love her so much. i hope u guys like this <;3 @tyunni hi
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3:46 am
the words on your book were beginning to look a bit funny now.
you had been studying for the past almost 7 hours, with little to no breaks in between. you knew it wasnt good. you needed those grades, but at what cost?
“y/n? youre still awake?”
your boyfriends sound cuts through the silence in your room. hearing his voice feels like comfort. reading about digestion could only get to you so much.
you turn around in your chair to see riki try to rub the sleep away from his eyes when he notices that youre still up.
“hi baby. yeah sorry. i promise im almost finished.” you watch him get up from your bed and walk towards you.
riki pouts and you have to bite your lip from letting out a smile at how cute he looked. “you said that like,” he checks his phone, “..3 hours ago. please come and lie down next to me. im pretty sure you’ve finished studying more than enough for your test.”
he sits on the edge of the bed, pulling you down on his lap and resting his head in the crook of your neck, finally happy to be close to you.
“i know but-“
riki pulls his head up “nope. no buts. you need to rest. and you’ll have more than enough time to prepare for it all afternoon.”
you find it hard to say no to him. you know you need to rest. he notices your silence and pulls you into a hug, his cardigan warm on your skin.
“baby please sleep for a while okay? i know you’ll do well. im really worried about your health. youve been studying nonstop these days. and it worries me to see the girl i love so much not prioritising her health.”
tears threaten to fall from your eyes, but you blink them back. you couldn’t be vulnerable at a time like this.
but how couldnt you be, with rikis warmth around you, his hands rubbing down your back, pressing kisses to your forehead.
your love for each other was reserved for times like these, where no one could see you be yourself, open and a bit broken.
“okay, ill sleep now. im sorry.” the tears have nothing to stop them now.
riki knows that actions matter to you more than words, and it breaks his heart to see you like this, constantly overworked. so he pulls you closer to him, and pours all his love into his embrace.
“i love you. youre so strong for putting up with all this. i love you.”
and he never leaves your side.
not when you run to him in happiness, having passed your exam with flying colours.
not when you collect your graduation certificate.
not even when you walk down the aisle, smiling at him.
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send in a request🕰️
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zbwor1d · 1 year
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Zb1 members as love tropes<3
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🤍 pairing : zb1 members x genderneutral!reader
🤍 warning : cursing, not proofread
🤍 genre : fluff cuz thats all i know what to write, a bit of angst in gyuvin's
🤍 word count : idk tbh sorry
♡kim jiwoong
fake relationship
you were in a same acting project
while practicing the script together, he proposed the idea first
saying that it would help with the chemistry between you two
"are you serious?" you hesitated.
"yeah, what could go wrong?" he simply replied with his sexy ass eyes
after shooting for couple scenes, both of you start to get confused with the relationship
it felt REALLLL
he asked you to meet after the shooting
"i think," he started. "i think, you know, i might fall in love with the idea of us"
♡zhang hao
you were sitting down in the corner of a coffee shop, reading the same page of the book over and over
all because of the overly handsome guy who was sitting across the coffee shop, doing something on his macbook
you swear you could feel him in your memories
while sipping your tea, you try to steal another glance, but he already looking at you
it made you jumped on your chair, frantically trying to flip trough the pages of the book in your hands
you had your head down, eyes focusing on the book hoping that he wont catch you staring
but then, you heard the chair moves, footsteps getting close
"fuck im fucked" you cursed under your breath
"im sorry to disturb you," he softly knocked on your table, "have we met before?"
"huh?" thats what im thinking! you thought
"i know its weird but i think we might have history? i dont know but i could feel you somewhere in my memories but cant pinpoint where" he let out an awkward chuckle
you smiled, amazed by the situation, "its crazy cuz i feel the same too"
"uh, then, can i sit here with you?"
♡sung hanbin
summer's fling
you decided to have a vacation at a beach for the whole summer
everything was doing great, especially with your crazy good looking tourist guide
he was sweet, funny, great at making coffee and got really attractive when his on the surfing board
you two were having popsicles
"have you ever surfed?" he popped a question
"surf? i've never... isn't it kinda scary?" you replied
"well, at first, it was. but then it became my comfort activity. i can teach you"
then here you are, face being hit by the waves countless of time
"it's hard! i think i have low iron or something, i can't stand on this thing" you sulked
he giggled "you're just scared. come on its okay, im here for you, to hold your hand" gazing your eyes
the silence was too loud and your cheeks is burning hot in the summer heat
you avoided his gaze
he smirked "and for the whole summer too"
♡seok matthew
first love
you two were 18
and he was your class monitor
he was the brightest and it was hard to not fall in love
you were having the fattest crush on him and it was kinda- no, really obvious, your friend said
during the midterm exam, you blew off the test so bad
"yo, mr.park wants you at his table" your classmate informed
upon entering the teachers' room, you were a bit taken aback seeing matthew was there too
it was embarrassing to have your crush watching you being nagged for your bad test result
"honestly i don't know what is wrong with you, but if this happen again next exam, you might just give up college" mr.park sighed "but i am a responsible teacher, i wouldn't let that happen. hence, this is why our matthew is here"
"pardon sir?" you heard him, just need confirmation
"2 or 3 month tutoring is not that bad right? i heard our guy here is very good at teaching, right?" mr.park said
during the first tutor was very nerve wrecking, you didn't want your feelings get to him
"are you okay? you look a bit tense" he asked
"i- im f- fine, yeah"
"really? wanna stop a second?"
"no- i really don't understand this part" you quickly changing the subject
"oh this one? let me see" he scooted closer to you
and your reflex was to get away from him, resulting to you falling off the chair
"woah im sorry! you okay?" he went to help you get up, resulting you to slide away from his touch
"i- im okay!" you said, avoiding him
poor boy was confused
but then it kinda clicked, "you really like me that much?" he smiled, "i thought i was the only one who likes you" he confessed
♡kim taerae
love at first sight
you were going out to relieve your stress
just walking around the city
and then you heard a beautiful voice singing accompanying the guitar sounds
you walked to the voice and saw a man doing a busking with lots of people surrounding him
at one point, he smiled so brightly and sweetly that your heart couldn't handle it
while you were falling in love with his smile and voice, he just happened to look at you and his smile brighten
you stayed until the show was over
he started to tidy up his equipments but halted when he saw you
"oh, you... you stayed till the end?"
"yeah..., you have such a sweet voice, and smile"
he smiled again, "ah, i get that a lot"
you said without skipping a beat, just following your thoughts "can i have your number?"
♡shen ricky
childhood friends
you two weren't the closest friends, but for some reason, you had a lot of memories together as a child
you parted ways when high school started, he started to get famous and you just there, being the outsider
but once college life started, you two were miraculously got into the same university
both of you still didn't talk to each other, just smiles and awkward hi's when crossing paths
but one day, while you were eating alone in the cafeteria, he made his way to you
"hey, can i sit here?"
glancing to all the empty spaces in the cafeteria, you replied "yeah"
putting down his food, he started "it has been a while right?"
"i know" you continued "i saw you come to school with different sport car everyday"
"oh, you've been stalking me?" he teased
"wha- no! im just- you're every girl's topic, it's impossible to ignore" you were taken aback
he smirked, "ah the girls, were you jealous?"
you scoffed in desbelief "why- i- you acted like you don't know me wrong the whole 4 years and-"
"i wanna know all about you now" he cut off
♡kim gyuvin
enemies to lovers
you don't know when it started, but the tension between you two are always tense
he just know how to make you mad in every way possible
but in the end, its him you seek comfort to
one day your group friends were having a visit to the amusement park
but eventually all of them can't make it, leaving you two to enjoy the fun
"why is it always you" you sigh
he scoffed "huh, you really think i want to hang out with you? make it make sense."
but not wanting to waste the precious ticket, you guys decided just to take the roller coaster ride
but boy is scared asf
unconsciously, he grabbed your hand and held it the whole ride
after the ride, you seriously wanted to make a hideous remark to his situation that moment but he was really sick
he silently sat down to the nearest wall, head pulled all the way down
feeling a bit worried, you asked "hey, you okay?"
"i told you i hate these rides" he replied with a small voice
"i- im sorry, i didnt know that" you hesitated, but eventually have him small pats on his back
to your shock, he suddenly hugged you
"shut up, i really needed this" he reasoned
"you scaredy baby" you smiled, putting your chin on his head
♡park gunwook
bestfriends to lovers
it was raining hard and you guys were stuck in a convenience store
boy was craving some ramyeon so he called you to go for a midnight run
"i know it was already a bad idea when you ring me at 1 in the morning" you sighed
"well, at least we can eat ramyeon" he responded
looking at your dispirited expression, another stupid idea popped out of his head
he grinned,"hey, wanna do something fun?"
he grabbed your wrist and started to bolt out of the store
"WTF ARE YOU DOING" you screamed after being greeted by the heavy rains
"AINT THIS IS FUN" he screamed back
you two laughed and continue to run aimlessly, hand in hand
after a while, you two sit in the rain, and he looked at you, asking for eye contact
he smiled and you replied his smile
"i love you" he confessed
♡han yujin
boy next door
it has been 2 years since you moved in the current house
but it was kinda hard to be close with the neighbors, everyone was busy with their lifes
but every morning before going to school, you always meet this beautiful boy that lives one unit below you
you two would exchange smiles and nods and thats it
but one day, he knocked your door
"he- hey" he shyly greeted
"oh, um yeah why..?" this is bizarre
"im sorry but do you have some salt..?" he asked
"some what?"
"ah," he scratched his head "i tried cooking and i just realized i dont have... you know, uhh... salt."
you went in the get some salt
"here you go" you smiled "you need more help?"
he hesitated for a second
"oh its oka- i mean- i think i need some help, the bacon is kinda burnt.." he let out an awkward chuckle
ah, yeah of course lets go save the bacon" you laughed
while going to his house, he said "just saying, but i've been wanting to talk to you" he shyly confessed
p/s : yeah i was inspired by Love Struck in the City for shanbin's and Have We Met Before by Sarah Barrios for matthew's ngehngeh plz do send me ideas for me to writes more! -inha🍒
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yelshin · 1 year
An: after several hours of lying down thinking of idea i came up with this
Tw: yelling, cursing, yandere behaviour ig(?), Mentioning of kms(kill myself) blackmailing(?)
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"[NAME]! YOU'RE BACK ALREADY??" Yoimiya asked while you rub your nape "well the store is closed meaning there will be no snacks.."
Everyone frowns and immediately turn their head to Kuni; staring at him. "Hey [Name] did you know that you've been keeping a human all these days?" You tilted your head before sitting with them in the pillow fort.
"im keeping you all...??" "NO!" Hu tao sighs in your innocence opening her mouth to speak but got cutted off by Xiao "Your cat." You stare at Xiao then Kuni and back to Xiao "what about him?" You raised a brow on the teal haired man who just grumble and loon away.
Xiao noticed that Kuni is glaring daggers at him as if he's giving him a "we'll talk later" face at him. You just skip the topic while the others are trying to give you a hint that your cat is a human; not until Childe snaps.
".." in silence everyone stared at Childe with a shocked face "Maybe y'all are just seeing things? Since there will be an upcoming exam im sure everyone is stressed from it.." Ayaka look at you with worry eyes. 'She is not aware of this...' eyeing Kuni 'that cat must be up on something.' she thought
"lets just skip this whole imaginary thing and play some games while waiting for Childe's helicopter to rain snacks for us."
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"And i won! Again" You cheered watching Childe sigh in defeat "Now drop your deathly dares" Hu tao grinned at the gingers words "I'll go first! I dare you too一" suddenly before hu tao could finish her words all of the lights in the house are turned off, more like a brownout
"Ooh! This is fun!" Hi tao beamed in excitement while Yoimiya and you are hugging each other as if you two are gonna die "H-hu tao-! This is not funny at all!" "I SWEAR I DIDN'T TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!"
You stand up and went to the power room fixing it while Ayaka assist you with a flashlight from her phone.
While the lights are off Kuni took this chance to transform into a human again before dragging Xiao out of the house and decided to have a talk in the side of the house.
"delete that video now." He hissed while Xiao raised a brow at him "scared of being caught and ended up on street again?" Scaramouche furrowed his brows, mumbling bad words
"i said. Fucking delete that." "What if I don't want to?" Now it was Xiao's turn to glare at him "Who knows what kind of evil things your planning to her?" "I'm not gonna hurt her. I would kill myself if i landed a single scratch on her. Now delete the video."
Scaramouche knew that Xiao filmed him transform into a human; Scaramouche wanted Xiao to delete thr video because he don't wanna ended up on streets again. Sitting there waiting for someone to adopt him again and treat him right.
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"where's Kuni and Xiao?" You asked Childe and Hu tao who already roamed the whole house finding thoss two "WE DONT KNOW! AFTER YOU FIXED THR LIGHT THEY'RE JUST-GONE!" they both yelled while Ayaka tried to calm them down. "Everyone please calm down一"
"we're back." Xiao opened the door while Kuni followed behind him(in a cat form ofc) You immediately rush up to Kuni and start inspecting him if there's any injuries or anything
"Where the hell you two have been?" Childe look at them suspiciously while Xiao look at Kuni whos snuggling comfortably on your chest "We just go out to see if someone is messing in [Name]'s electricity.." Ayaka knee that something was off; even though she wasn't there she felt like something happened instead of Xiao said.
You sigh before closing the door behind Xiao and lay at the pillow fort "C'mon lets not get tensed up and lets just sleep" the others joined you at the pillow fort
You in the middle while they're arguing whos gonna sleep beside you but Yoimiya and Hu tao ended up on your side while Ayaka lay on your Stomach while the 2 other men slept on the couch outside the pillow fort.
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An:OKAY一 EVERYONE I SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE IT LIKE THIS, I'll bring the spoiling part back ofc ofc (or maybe not, who knows)🤭🤭
Taglist: @thetwinkims @sunsethw4 @etherisy @kunikuzushicandegrademefr @Heiijoxz, @eliciana @naritecs @kkazuyass @itztaki @makilovescofi @louise-rosita-leroux @w9vyy @lystaaa @midoriapologist @lilithticalx @red-chester @yushiu @raideneiari @scaraapologist @kxr0mi @sakiimeo @shizunxie @yanfeimainn
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bwabys-scenarios · 9 months
Fixer Upper
Part 15
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 14
part 16
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They rode by airship for a day, before switching to riding by train.
(Name) stretched as they excited the airship, now wearing a soft blue sweater with a drop shoulder and bishop sleeves, along with a white, pleated skirt. One of her legs had a knitted white and blue thigh high, the other covered in her white cast.
“That flight was so relaxing!” Leorio said, pulling (Name)’s suitcase behind him.
“Well this time we were in first class, not like when we flew during the exam.” Kurapika said, watching (Name) and Gon with a small smile.
“What are we going to do now?” Gon asked as he trailed behind (Name), holding onto her sweater so he wouldn’t get lost on the crowd.
“Now, we need to find a train.” (Name) said, giggling when Gon jumped in excitement.
(Name) followed behind the two, occasionally being helped up steps by Kurapika or Leorio.
Gon opened the door to their first class room, the group gasping.
“So this what a first class cabin looks like!”
Gon jumped onto the red couch. “Oh this is great, it’s so soft!”
He began sinking, Kurapika walking over. “What’s the matter, Gon?”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get out of this thing.”
“You’re injured, so you should be taking it easy.” He turned to look at (Name). “You too, sunshine. Go ahead and rest.”
She sighed, plopping down on the couch next to Kurapika.
“I was hoping we could go and explore the train together!”
(Name) blinked as she began sinking into the plush couch, hearing Kurapika gasp beside her.
“Are you kidding? What makes you think I wanna do that? You always try to poke your nose where it doesn’t belong, no thanks.”
“So what am I supposed to do then?”
“Why don’t you ask Kurapika or (Name)? Maybe they’ll go with you.”
“Hmm… well Kurapika, (Name), what the-“
(Name) had fallen sideways, pretty much all up in Kurapika’s lap. Her upper half rested between his legs, and when he pulled them up to try and hide himself he kneed her in the face.
“Ahh, (Name), I’m so sorry!”
Gon sighed. “Yeah, never mind.”
Kurapika hovered around (Name) as Leorio held her face. “You’re fine, there won’t even be a bruise.”
The blonde sighed in relief, sitting next to her again. “I’m so sorry, (Name). I didn’t mean to, I-“
She shushed him with a finger to his lips. “I already told you, it’s okay. It was accident, you didn’t mean to.”
He pursed his lips, before realizing it looked like he was kissing her finger. She giggled, pulling away.
“… it still hurt you though, and I’m sorry for that.”
He leaned down and pulled her into a hug. “I want to protect you, always be there for you.”
She patted his back. “Thank you, Pika. I know you would never hurt me on purpose.”
The blonde sighed against her shoulder. “You’re too kind, (Name). Thank you for putting your trust in me, you won’t regret it.”
They pulled away from each other, Leorio stepping between them. “Okay, (Name), it’s time for your medicine. You can get all lovey dovey with each other after.”
“Lovey dovey!?” Kurapika exclaimed, face going red. (Name) glanced at the blonde before her face also heated up.
She took her medicine before sitting back down. “Oh, it’s a pretty high dose… meh, you should be okay. You’ll just be a little…”
It took only 10 minutes for the medicine to take effect. “Leorio… my head feels funny…”
She started to sway, before Kurapika laid her down. “Hey, you should lie down before you hit your head.”
The girl whined, grabbing his tabard and pulling him into his arms. “Pikaaa! Don’t wanna!”
He attempted to break free of her grasp, but couldn’t without hurting her. ‘Looks like I’m stuck here.’
But really, lying next to her as she cuddled into him, occasionally feeling her lips brush against his cheek wasn’t… awful.
In fact Kurapika was enjoying himself quite a bit. She was in his arms, gently holding onto him like he was something precious to her. He found himself returning her cuddles, nuzzling into her shoulder.
The girl eventually fell asleep, keeping a tight hold on him even as she slept. “Wow, look at you Kurapika. Got yourself a girlfriend.”
The blonde flipped Leorio off. “Shut up, she’s asleep.”
“What does that mean?” Gon asked, holding up his middle finger.
Kurapika blinked before hiding his face in (Name)’s shoulder to avoid accountability. Leorio sighed. “Gon, don’t do that. It’s an offensive gesture.”
The boy quickly hid his finger. “Oh, I’m sorry!”
When (Name) woke up, she released Kurapika, but still kept her head on his shoulder. That was, until she needed to use the bathroom.
The other two were getting dressed for the day and brushing their teeth, but Kurapika was helping her stand up. “Do you want me to come with you?”
The still loopy (Name) giggled. “Pikaa, why would you come with me? We can’t pee together, it’s the women’s restroom!”
He blushed, but she wasn’t done. “Well… you do kinda look like a girl…”
Leorio interrupted to save his blonde friend the embarrassment. “Go on, (Name). If you’re not back in 10 minutes we’ll come looking for you.”
She whined. “But I’ll miss my Pika!”
Kurapika patted her shoulder. “I’ll be right here. Just go ahead, the sooner you get it over with the sooner you can lie back down.”
She sighed, walking away slowly on her crutches.
“Will she be alright? It’s hard enough walking while… loopy, but with crutches-“
Leorio snickered. “Why don’t you go hold her hand while she pees if you’re so worried?”
Kurapika huffed, plopping back down on the couch. “You’re so crude. Is it so wrong to worry about a friend?”
Gon smiled. “No, I think it’s nice. You gotta protect her after all, right?”
The blonde nodded, a smile returning to his face. “Yeah, I do.”
Gon held up a roll of tape, already wearing several bits of tape on his face like a beard.
“Gon, that’s going to hurt when you pull it off.” Kurapika said, glancing up from his book. The boy tilted his head, looking him dead in the eye as he sticks another piece of tape to his cheek.
“Don’t come crying to me when your face is red and swollen.” Leorio chimed in.
“Be nice to my baby!”
They looked to to see (Name) poking her head in through the door, pouting.
“We weren’t being mean we-“
(Name) huffed, walking in and plopping down next to Gon. “Excuses. Gon, I think your… beard looks great!”
He beamed, before looking down to her cast. “It sucks that you can’t wear your socks on your other leg, now you aren’t matching.”
She sighed, a pout on her lips as she stared down at her white cast. “Yeah, it sucks but what can you do.”
Kurapika patted her hand before standing up to leave. “I’ll go grab us some drinks. I’ll be right back, (Name).”
(Name) watched him leave, sighing. “(Name), no pouting. He’s not gonna be gone for long.”
She crossed her arms, Gon frowning. ‘What can I do to cheer her up..?’
Gon glanced down at the tape, an idea coming to mind.
He held the roll of tape up to her thigh high, seeing the color nearly perfectly matched the color.
“(Name), can I see you cast?”
Kurapika walked down the hallway, holding a few cans of juice in his arms. He smiled to himself thinking of (Name)’s reaction when she saw he’d gotten her strawberry juice.
“(Name), I’m b-“
He felt his cheeks turn a light pink at the scene in front of him. Gon was putting the final touches on his idea, the girl beaming at Kurapika.
“Pika, Pika look! Gon made them match!”
He looked at her cast, seeing Gon lean back after putting on the last piece of tape. He’d made little stripes along the cast, attempting to match her thigh high. It wasn’t perfect, but (Name)’s excited face made Kurapika’s heart melt.
‘This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.’
He walked over, quietly squishing her cheeks. “It’s… it’s cute. Your cast, I mean.”
She giggled, Leorio smacking Kurapika’s arm. “Hey, what are you doing?”
Kurapika blinked, realizing what he did. “Oh-“
He pulled his hands away from her cheeks, the girl immediately reaching out to pull his hands back. “Noo, don’t stop!”
Kurapika’s eyes softened when he saw her lip quiver lightly. “Alright, I won’t.”
He cupped her cheeks again, squeezing gently this time. ‘Soft…’
Leorio groaned. “You two make me SICK! Gon, let’s get out of here.”
The boy giggled, waving to the two before following Leorio out the door.
(Name) seemed perfectly content in that moment, nuzzling against his palm.
And he didn’t mind, not one bit.
They arrived at the town where they would find Kukuroo Mountain. As they excited the train, Kurapika was beginning to realize how much walking they’d be doing.
“(Name), do you want me to-“
She was already being hoisted up into Leorio’s arms. “Come on, princess. You shouldn’t be walking on that leg.”
The blondes eyebrow twitched, and he was a little happy when (Name) began to struggle in Leorio’s arms. “Noooo, I want Pika!”
Kurapika marched over, pulling her into his arms and sticking his tongue out at the taller man. “I’ve got you, (Name). I’m right here.”
Gon tilted his head. “Wouldn’t it be better if Leorio held her, since he’s a doctor in training?”
(Name) teared up, shaking her head. “No! Only Pika!”
“Well, can’t argue with that.”
Gon patted her back. “It’s okay, Kurapika will carry you. He’s gonna keep you safe.”
Kurapika felt his chest swell with pride, his tummy full of butterflies as she chose him. She wanted him, and only him.
He couldn’t deny that it felt good to be the one she sought after when she was in need.
“A tour bus?”
“They really have that?”
(Name) grumbled when she heard them talking, burying her face in Kurapika’s shoulder. The woman they’d asked directions from smiled softly at the sight, lowering her voice as to not wake the sleeping girl.
She woke up when she was jostled by the bumpy bus ride. “Ugh…”
She held her head, looking up at the ceiling of some vehicle, feeling herself jump a little.
“Oh, (Name), you’re awake. Did you sleep well?”
She blinked, not answering his question. “Where am I… how am I…”
She looking down, to see her lower half sitting in Leorio’s lap. “Oh, we’re on a bus. We figured lying across us would be the most c-“
(Name) immediately tried to roll off of them, Leorio pulling her back up by the hips until she was sitting upright in his lap.
“Hey, stay still! You’re gonna hurt y-“
He hissed when she began wiggling around, squeezing the fat of her hips until she stopped.
He let go, instead wrapping his arms around her waist. “You can’t be trusted to not fall and hurt yourself, so I’m going to keep a hold on your until we come to a stop.”
Kurapika smacked Leorio’s arm. “Hey, why is she saying ow? Did you hurt her?”
His eyes flashed red, the girl whining and reaching out for Kurapika.
“Want my Pika…”
Leorio groaned. “Kurapika, trust me, you can’t handle all this.”
He gestured to the girls wide hips, that rested right on top of his crotch. Kurapika raised an eyebrow. “And you can?”
Leorio scowled. “Better than you could.”
(Name) eventually fell back asleep, this time looking miserable. “Ya know, she could at least be a little grateful I’m holding onto her.”
“Well she didn’t want you, she wanted me.”
Leorio didn’t quite like the way Kurapika said it with that smug smile on his face. “Uh huh.”
(Name) whimpered in her sleep, hiding her face in Leorio’s neck. He groaned when he felt her lips brush against his sensitive skin.
“What was that?”
Kurapika gave the blushing man a suspicious look. “N-nothing! Just… ready to get to our destination.”
(Name) mumbled something against his skin, Leorio shivering. “(N-Name)? Did you say something?”
She was quiet, and he could feel that her breathing was steady. “Pika…”
He sighed, glancing at the blonde, he was holding onto (Name)’s hand, thumb grazing her knuckles.
‘Can she feel him comforting her, even in her sleep?’
(Name) woke up again when she heard people screaming. She groaned, eyes fluttering open to see she was outside now.
She was being shielded from something, Kurapika crouched over her as something exploded in the distance.
“There’s not a scratch on it!” Gon said.
(Name) rubbed her eyes, slowly trying to stand before Kurapika offered his help. “(Name)!”
He seemed happy to see her awake, offering her crutches. “There you are, (Name). Can you walk?”
She nodded slowly, standing next to them as two people shook down an old man and took his keys. They entered the small doors, the guard sighing to himself.
“Ahh, now they’re going spike Mikes appetite.”
“Doesn’t that sound like the name of a cat?”
(Name) yawned as people screamed from behind the gate, and only blinked sleepily when a claw dropped off two skeletons through the door.
“Alright everybody, time to get back on the bus!” Coco, the tour guide called. Gon only shook his head.
“It’s okay, you go ahead. We’re going to stay here, thanks!”
(Name) sat in Leorio’s lap again as Zebro spoke to the group. She was trying her best to listen, but her head still felt fuzzy. She was able to stay awake long enough for Zebro to finish his explanation.
The keys were a distraction, the only true way to get into the estate was through the heavy main doors.
Leorio handed (Name) off to Kurapika as they walked outside so he could try pushing the gate open.
When he couldn’t, the old man nodded. “This gate is also known as the testing gate. If you can’t open it, then you have no business entering the Zoldyck property. Now if you’ll please stand aside.”
Zebro took off his jacket and tie before pushing open the gate. (Name) gasped. “Wow, you’re jacked!”
Leorio pouted next to her, before attempting to push the gate again.
“You’re a very clever young man, you know that? Never attack anyone that comes through the testing gate. That’s the other order Mikes been giving.”
He smiled at the girl in Kurapika’s arms, who looked perfectly content. She’d fallen asleep again.
(Name) whined a little when she felt something nuzzle into her side. She heard Gon laugh nearby, slowly opening her eyes to see it was now dark, and some wolf like animal was curling up next to her.
The two older boys had their weapons out, assumably ready to defend Gon and (Name) if needed, but the animals seemed to become tame in their arms, a few even surrounding the girl as she drifted back off to sleep.
“Do you think it’s okay to leave her out here?”
“She should be okay, I can sense that none of these animals wanna h-“
“I’m not leaving her out here alone. Not when it’s dark and she’s surrounded by those beasts. One of them chomped on Gon’s head earlier!”
“Aww, but he was just being-“
He was silenced when they watched the wolf do the same to (Name), Kurapika having to be held back to not kill the animal.
(Name) yelped when she was snatched up, the wolves that had surrounded her growling at the blonde.
“Hey Gon, would you like to go in and meet Mike now?”
“Then I’ll open the testing gate so you can see him face to face this time.”
“I’d like that!”
(Name) felt Kurapika hold onto her tighter as they walked the testing gate. When she opened her eyes, there was a beast of a dog staring at them. “Puppy?”
When it made eye contact with (Name), it faltered for just a second, then tilted its head. Zebro seemed surprised, but didn’t say anything. ‘In all my years, I’ve never seen Mike act that way when taking in the scent of someone new…’
“No, (Name), that is NOT a puppy.” Kurapika said, patting her back. “Go back to sleep.”
“Well, we should probably get moving. The servant quarters aren’t too far from here. We’ll put you up for the night, come, follow me.”
(Name) hummed, spotting Gon next to her. “Gon, sweetheart, you getting sleepy?”
She played with his hair, before squeezing his cheek. Gon laughed, leaning into her touch. “Haha, not as sleepy as you I bet!”
She laughed, before Kurapika readjusted her in his arms for the walk to the servants quarters.
(Name) was sat down once they reached the servants quarters, yawning as Kurapika helped her good foot into a slipper. Zebro moved just in time to catch her when all of the others fell.
“What’s with the slippers??” Kurapika asked.
“Oh right, I forgot, they each weigh 20 kilograms.”
Zebro set her down at the table, fixing the group cups of tea.
Leorio gasped when he took the cup.
“Hey, what’s wrong with you?”
“You’ll know soon… enough! Just try to take a sip of your tea.”
(Name) watched as the two struggled to lift their cups before leaning down to lap at it like a cat.
Kurapika pushed her back a little. “(Name), don’t do that. It’s bad manners.”
He instead lifted her cup to her lips, allowing her to sip. She drank, then smiled up at him. “I love you Pika…”
He blushed, dropping the cup. “Love? I…”
She yawned, leaning her head on the table again. He wasn’t sure what to do, watching the girl sleep with his face as red as his new tabard.
“Wow, was the tea that good?” Leorio joked, elbowing his blonde friend. Kurapika didn’t answer, only leaning down to kiss the top of her head.
Gon and Leorio glanced at each other, the boy smiling wide.
When she awoke again, she was sleeping resting in a bed, the sky dark. She sat up slowly, holding her head.
She looked around, wondering if her friends were nearby, only to be greeted by an empty room.
“Gon? Leorio?”
Her voice became more frantic by the second. “P-Pika?”
She stumbled out of bed, yelping when she fell to the floor. (Name) groaned, reaching for her crutches when she heard the door open.
“(Name)- oh no, are you hurt?”
It was Kurapika. He wasn’t wearing his tabard, just his tanktop and pants. Kurapika rushed over and helped her up, sitting her back in her bed.
“I’m okay… but…”
She began tearing up, pawing at his shirt. “You left me all alone… where did you go?”
He sighed, sitting on the bed next to her. “Zebro thought it was best if you slept in this bedroom. It’s the only room in the house with normal appliances, so you can open the door to use the bathroom easily. Considering you need to use crutches and are still taking your pain medication, it’s only fair.”
She whimpered, holding onto his hand. “But why did you leave me?”
He blinked, seeing that her eyes were still half lidded, meaning she was still not fully there. “(Name), I’m… I’m a man, I was sleeping in the same room as Gon and Leorio.”
Tears fell from her eyes as she tugged on his shirt. “But we’ve been sleeping together most of the exam…”
He attempted to reason with her, holding onto her hand. “But (Name), the exam is over. We don’t need t-“
She began fully crying then, pulling away to rub at her eyes. “Th-then you only wanted to sleep with me b-because you had to?”
His blood ran cold at her tears, the blondes hands hovering around her as he frantically tried to think of what to do.
“N-no! I…”
He pulled her into his chest, holding onto her like she was something precious to him, something he couldn’t bare to lose.
“Being… being next to you is all I could ever want. I…”
He went quiet, simply tucking her into bed before climbing in next to her. She sniffles, snuggling up to him as he soothed her, planting sweet kisses on the top of her head.
“Doesn’t feel right without my Pika…” she said softly as she drifted off to sleep. The blonde felt his heart thump against his ribs painfully, resting his chin on the top of her head.
“Your Pika is right here. So no more tears, okay?”
She nodded before leaning up to give him a kiss on his cheek, barely missing his lips. “Mhm… love you, Pika…”
The blonde could barely contain his excitement, wanting to squeeze her tightly and kiss her all over, but she was asleep again. Instead, he wiped away her tears and tried to sleep too.
But it was hard when his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.
“Oh wow, and he calls ME a pervert. I don’t sneak into girls rooms in the middle of the night, but he gets to!”
Kurapika and (Name) groaned at the loud voice of Leorio, the former throwing a pillow at him.
“Hey! Just because you’re tired from your fun night with (Name) doesn’t mean you get to sleep in!”
The blonde sat up, rubbing his eyes as the girl next to him whined, scooting towards him to cuddle into his tummy. This surprised him, causing him to giggle. “Hey, (Name)! That tickles!”
She giggled as well, sticking her tongue out at him. “Now you know how I felt!”
Leorio groaned. “Come on, it’s time for breakfast. Kurapika, let’s leave so she can get dressed.”
(Name) was suddenly wide awake at that. “Wait, no! Don’t leave!”
She wrapped her arms around Kurapika’s waist, staring up at him. He tilted his head, cheeks beginning to turn pink again. “(Name) I have to leave while you change.”
She frowned, but sighed. “Well… can you wait outside the door for me? Please?”
He couldn’t say no to that cute face. “Alright, but hurry up.”
(Name) nodded, moving to throw her shirt off before the door was even all the way closed. The blonde decided to ignore the fact he’d nearly seen her shirtless, sighing to himself. ‘That girl…’
She pushed the door open, Kurapika pushing off of the wall he was leaning against to greet her. Today, she wore another sweater, this one a lilac color. She wore shorts toady, another pair of knitted striped thigh highs.
Or well, one thigh high, since she couldn’t wear one of her broken leg. She looked cute, but he was frustrated for her. It was winter, and she couldn’t even wear pants to keep herself warm. Thankfully, the knitted thigh high seemed to help a bit.
He helped her walk down the stairs, spinning her around a little when he helped her down the final stair.
“Hehe, Pikaa!”
She giggled as he spun her, the blonde soon joining in on her laughter. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it.”
He pulled out her chair for her when she sat down at the table, almost about to feed her, but she shook her head. “Thanks Pika, but I’ve gotta train too!”
“She’s right. We’ll need everyone’s help if we’re going to see Killua before we have to leave!” Gon said, taking a bite of his breakfast.
For a bit, she struggled to lift up her fork, eventually able to lift a bite of eggs to her mouth. Once she was able to do that, Kurapika sighed and began to eat his own food.
(Name) fell over when they put the weighted vest on her. “(Name)!”
She sat up with a great effort, being pulled to her feet by the blonde. “Maybe it’s best if she doesn’t wear-“
“No, I can wear it! It’s…”
She grunted, holding onto her crutches. “It’s just going to take some getting used to.”
Zebro watched the two with great interest. ‘That girl, they worry a great deal about her, but she seems capable to me…’
He didn’t miss the way Leorio hovered around her, the tall man’s eyebrows furrowed. ‘Something else must be causing his anxieties.’
(Name) began training with the group, but because of her injury, she was stuck doing things that allowed her to sit down.
The girl grumbled as she washed dishes, struggling to lift the heavy glass plates.
“You’re doing a great job, (Name).”
The girl glanced up from her work to see Zebro pulling on his jacket. “With your injury, I’m surprised you’re able to do even this.”
She sighed, placing her rag in the water. “Thanks, Mr. Zebro. I’ll continue to try my best.”
He gave her a friendly pat on the back before he left.
(Name) was tasked with cooking dinner, keeping the downstairs clean, and helping Kurapika with any tasks that he had to do sitting down.
Currently, she was making sandwiches. The girl peeked out the window where the boys were training. “Hey, guys, how do you like your sandwiches?”
“I like ham and cheese!” Gon said, smiling. Leorio agreed with him.
“Yeah, me too but add some lettuce on mine!”
She glanced at Kurapika, who let out a tired sigh before smiling. “I’m not picky, but…”
He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “Could you cut off the crust?”
“Yeah, sure! Gon likes the crust cut off too, Killua as w-“
(Name) went quiet, her face falling. The three exchanged a look before Gon walked forward. “Hey, don’t be sad, (Name). We’re gonna get him back. No matter what!”
She sighed before giving him a smile. “Yeah, no matter what!”
The three continued their work, coming inside to eat lunch.
When it was time for bed, both Gon and Leorio snuck glances at the blonde as he pulled off his tabard.
“Are you you going to sleep with (Name) tonight?” Gon asked after brushing his teeth.
The blonde shook his head. “No, she’s sleeping by herself tonight. To heal properly, she needs plenty of rest and room to move around. I told her as much.”
Leorio snickered. “What did you do to get her to agree to that?”
Kurapika narrowed his eyes, before sighing. “I promised I would… I would cuddle with her before bed.”
His cheeks began to turn pink, Gon laughing. “Aww, you’re so nice, Kurapika. I’m sure she feels nice and safe now!”
Kurapika nodded slowly, climbing into bed. “Yes, I hope she does.”
Leorio pulled off his shirt before turning off the light. “Aight, lights out. Goodnight, guys.”
“Goodnight Leorio!”
They all drifted off to sleep as the moon watched over them.
Kurapika sat in the Kurta Clan Elders room, kneeling on the floor.
‘I’m… here? Why…’
“So, I heard from Pairo that you lied about the outside seeing your scarlet eyes.”
He felt his blood run cold, pale hands clutching at his tabard. “Elder, I… I just wanted to see the outside world, I’d didn’t mean to trick you.”
“You didn’t just trick us, Kurapika. You killed us.”
The man turned around, the blondes eyes going wide with shock and fear. His elder’s eyes were gone, the empty eye sockets crying tears of blood.
“Was it worth it, Kurapika? Was the outside worth getting all of us killed?”
The elder stepped forward, grabbing Kurapika’s shoulder and shaking him. “They desecrated our corpses, took our eyes, killed our children, and you weren’t there. You should have died with us!”
Kurapika shot up, clutching his chest as his heart hammered against his ribs. Tears streamed down his face, the blonde gasping for air as he frantically felt around the bed.
‘Need her… where is she?’
He looked down to the empty spot next to him, remembering he hadn’t slept next to (Name) tonight. Before he could even think, he was walking out of the bedroom door and down the hall.
Kurapika stumbled into (Name)’s bedroom, consequentially waking up the sleeping girl. “Pika? Pika are you alright?”
He didn’t answer, and it was almost like he was on autopilot. Kurapika didn’t fully register climbing into her bed and burying his head into her chest, only able to feel the warmth of her embrace around his body as he sobbed.
(Name) wasn’t sure what was going on, but she knew he was distressed. He choked out a few words, mostly apologies and promises to make things right. She had the feeling he wasn’t saying this to her.
“Shh, shh, just breathe, okay? Deep breaths, Pika.”
He struggled, his breath coming out shaky as he attempted to listen to her instruction. She felt her shirt become wet with snot and tears, but that was the furthest from her mind.
“Breathe with me, okay?”
She cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears as she breathed. It took a few attempts, but he started to follow her lead, taking in a shaky breathe with her and letting it out.
Kurapika calmed down gradually, his racing heart slowing enough for him to breathe normally. After a few minutes, he sighed, leaning into her touch as she wiped away his tears. “There, that’s better.”
Kurapika opened his eyes, seeing her looking at him with those pretty (e/c) eyes. He didn’t realize just how much her presence alone could comfort him, the blonde leaning forward to press his forward against hers.
“You okay, Pika? You don’t have to tell me what happened, but if you want to talk it out I’m here for you.”
He took a moment to respond, his eyelids fluttering shut. “It… it was a nightmare.”
She waited for him to continue, rubbing soothing circles into his back.
“My… as you know, my clan was…”
He began to choke up again, quickly raising a hand to covers his watery eyes.
“You don’t have to tell me, I-“
He shook his head, lowering his hand to give her a soft smile. “No, no I would feel a lot better if I… talked it out with you.”
(Name) allowed Kurapika to take the lead, the blonde gesturing for her to sit up. She did, holding herself back from giggling when he wiggled around to lay his head in her lap.
He stared up at her, those pretty brown eyes seemingly waiting for her to do something.
She giggled slightly before placing her hand in his hair. “This what you wanted, sweetheart?”
He melted under her touch, nodding slightly. In this moment, Kurapika didn’t have the capacity to be embarrassed. All he could feel was the overwhelming need to be comforted.
And she was the only one that could fulfill that need.
“Whenever… whenever my clan was massacred, I was away trying to find a doctor for my friend.”
She frowned, the blonde sighing softly as her fingers combed through his hair.
“Before I was able to leave, I had to go to the outside world and return without my eyes turning red.”
(Name) tilted her head. “Why’s that?”
Kurapika cuddled into her stomach, smilingly lightly when she giggled. “Well, most people fear or covet our eyes, so them being seen by outsiders is considered dangerous.”
She’d forgotten about that. “Oh, yeah…”
Kurapika resisted the urge to plant kisses along her soft skin, instead nuzzling his cheek against her tummy. “Whenever we left, the elder gave us special eye drops so if they turned scarlet they would stay that way until we came home.”
(Name) nodded, brushing the hair out of his face so it wouldn’t get in his eyes.
“My friend switched out the eye drops for water, and when I failed the challenge, my eyes were able to fade back to brown before we got home.”
Kurapika let out a shaky breath, burying his face again. She felt his grip on her tighten, continuing to play with his hair.
This seemed to help a little, and after a few more tears, he was able to speak again. “… in my dream, my friend told the elder about my lie. I… I fear that my lie may have been the cause of their death. The elder… he was angry. He told me it was my fault…”
(Name) pushed him a little so she could look him in the eye. “Pika… let’s talk this out, okay?”
He nodded slowly, giving her his trust.
“Would your friend have done all that he did just to tell the elder you lied about your eyes?”
He was quiet for a moment before shaking his head. “No, that wouldn’t make sense.”
“And would your elder really blame a child for a simple mistake?”
Kurapika shook his head again, his eyes clearing up a bit. “He wouldn’t. The elder was a bit strict, but he was kind. He would never…”
Kurapika sighed in relief, like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders. “(Name), I can’t thank you enough. My mind is much clearer now.”
She smiled, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “No need to thank me. I’ll always be here for you, Kurapika.”
The blonde felt his entire body relax, his eyes softening as he looked up at her. Again, when he was looking up at her all he could think of was how angelic she looked.
“May I…”
He sat up, and fidgeted with her comforter. “May I sleep here tonight? If I get another nightmare, I d-“
She pulled him down again, this time cuddling into his chest. “Let’s get to sleep, or Leorio will scold us tomorrow.”
He wrapped his arms around her, sighing into her hair. “Thank you, (Name). You’re wonderful.”
She laughed, Kurapika unable to keep himself from smiling at the pretty sound. “You are too, Pika.”
As they embraced, Kurapika couldn’t help but sigh. ‘I’m sorry for being selfish, (Name). I woke you up, and now I’m taking up space in your bed again.’
He didn’t say this, though, instead drifting off to sleep as the girl in his arms hummed softly.
8 days passed by, the two now sleeping together every night. It made sense to, since Kurapika had frequent nightmares that could only be helped by (Name), and (Name) didn’t like sleeping alone.
Kurapika was teased a few times by Leorio, but for the most part no one turned blinked an eye at the pair heading to bed together.
They grew closer by the day, now comfortable enough to change with the other in the room. Of course, being the gentleman he was Kurapika always turned away while she changed, but couldn’t bare to leave her alone for too long. He told himself it was for her sake, but even he knew it was a lie. Kurapika wanted to be near her just as much as she wanted to be near him.
(Name) yawned, Kurapika helping her put her vest on after she changed. “I’m getting used to it, but it’s still a hassle.”
He nodded, pulling his own vest over his head. “You’re doing so well, though. The first day, you were barely able to pick up the glass plates, now you lift them with ease.”
(Name)’s face heated up at this comment, her hands playing with the fabric of her knee length skirt.
“I hadn’t even noticed, I guess the change was so gradual that I didn’t register it.”
He patted her head before pulling her to her feet. “It’s hard to notice change in yourself, but others can see it more easily.”
(Name) nodded, grabbing her crutches and standing in front of him. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I can see you changing too, Pika!”
“How so?” he asked, ever curious.
“Well for one, you’re becoming a lot cuddlier.” she teased, pointing to his hand absentmindedly holding hers. Kurapika dropped her hand, cheeks turning red.
‘Wait, when did I grab her hand?’
Holding her, touching her had become second nature. He hadn’t even realized he’d been holding her hand until she pointed it out.
(Name) giggled at his reaction. “It’s alright, I don’t mind!”
She took his hand again, squeezing lightly. “If it’s you, I’ll never mind.”
That fuzzy feeling returned, Kurapika’s eyes softening as she led him out of their shared room. ‘I don’t mind, either, (Name).’
(Name) cheered as Kurapika opened up the testing gate. “You did it Pika!!”
She cheered, the blonde laughing when she jumped into his arms. “Couldn’t have done it without you cheering for me, (Name).”
They hugged, Kurapika taking in her warmth before letting go. “Alright Gon, your turn.”
Gon opened up the gate last, the other three congratulating him.
They said their goodbyes, (Name) following behind the others as they walked towards the Zoldyck manor.
(Name) winced as she struggled down the rocky path. Kurapika was quick to catch this. “(Name), are you…”
He looked down at the path, sighing. “I should have thought about this. Come here, (Name).”
She did as she was told, yelping when he picked her up, holding her bridal style. “I don’t want you hurting yourself.”
She stuttered out a response as he began walking. “B-but I’m way too…”
He tapped her thigh lightly. “Shh, I’ve got you. I’m not going to drop you.”
Now she was blushing, staring at his hand on her thigh. “Ok…”
Leorio rolled his eyes before picking up her crutches. “Stupid blonde and his stupid natural charisma…”
“What was that Leorio?” Kurapika asked, raising an eyebrow at the man.
(Name) poked her lip out in a pout, the blonde laughing. “Oh, don’t pout, (Name). You need your rest.”
But that wasn’t the only reason he was holding her now, only an excuse for his true intentions. He wanted to hold her.
Kurapika knew that their time together would be coming to an end soon, and when it did, he was afraid he wouldn’t seen her again.
(Name) held onto his red tabard, snuggling into the soft fabric. “Alright, but I get to hold you later.”
“H-hold me?”
His grip loosened, the girl squeaking as she began to slip from his grasp. Kurapika quickly repositioned her, giving an apologetic look.
“Sorry, you… surprised me.”
‘What does she mean by getting to hold me?’
(Name) continued pouting as they continued down the path, Gon occasionally trying to cheer her up.
“Look (Name), a ladybug!”
Although she did smile for a moment each time he showed her a new thing, she always went back to pouting.
Leorio saw a girl up ahead, glancing to (Name) and Kurapika.
“Hey, let’s leave (Name) at a safe location. In case…”
He glanced at the girl waiting for them, then back to (Name). “… that sounds like a good idea. I’ll be right back.”
(Name) blinked. “Wait, why can’t I come with you?”
Kurapika placed her down near a stream, smoothing out his tabard. “It won’t be long, once we find out if the girl is a threat or not, we’ll come back for you.”
(Name) tugged on his sleeve, her lip quivering. “But…”
Kurapika patted her head until she let go. “I’ll be back soon, (Name). Stay here, okay?”
She said watched him go before turning to watch the stream.
The three returned around 15 minutes later, Leorio and Gon being injured.
(Name) was quick to help them. “What happened?”
They explained that the girl they had seen was guarding the gate, and every time they stepped over a line drawn in the dirt, she removed them by force.
“That complicates things. Did you tell her we’re Killua’s friends?”
Gon nodded, staying quiet. He was frustrated, she could tell. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, the boy relaxing slightly. “Gon, if anyone can get through to her, it’s you. We haven’t known each other long, but you’re one of- no, THE most stubborn boy I know. If it weren’t endearing it would be annoying.”
Gon cracked a smile at this, glancing at her. “Thank you, (Name). I’ll keep trying.”
“That’s my boy!”
He giggled when she pulled him into her arms, ruffling his hair. Kurapika watched the scene with soft eyes, holding onto his tabard.
Leorio glanced at his blonde friend, face softening when he say Kurapika staring at (Name) with those lovesick eyes.
(Name) spent the next few hours making flowers crowns to cull her boredom. Every once and a while, she could hear the sound of something making impact with something else.
And in her heart, she could feel Gon’s resolve. He was the one being hit, she knew it.
(Name) jolted when she felt eyes on her. “Hello? Is anyone there?”
She grabbed her crutches, ready to use them as a weapon when she spotted them.
There was a child standing on the other side of the stream, staring at her with inquisitive pink eyes.
“… hello.”
(Name) glanced towards the path, estimating how much time it would take her to reach the others if the person decided to attack.
The two stared at each other, the child unmoving. “You are (Name), correct?”
The girl frowned, her grip on her crutches tightening. “Yes, why do you ask?”
The child didn’t respond, continuing to stare at her before turning and leaving. (Name) decided not to question the strange incident. She just kept a good grip on her crutches, hoping her friends would be back soon.
When the sun began to set, Kurapika returned. He gave her a small smile before picking her up again.
“We’re headed to the butlers quarters now. Supposedly we’ll be able to make a direct call to the house.”
(Name) nodded, brushing some dirt off of his cheek. “You alright, Pika?”
He laughed. “Yes, if there’s anyone you need to worry about, it’s Gon. You were right, he is incredibly stubborn.”
This caused the girl to fidget with his tabard uneasily. Kurapika noticed this, sighing. “He’s also alright, just a little bruised and swollen.”
She bit her lip. “Really?”
“Yes, now let’s get going.”
The two met up with Leorio, Gon, and Canary. (Name) chatted with the girl as they walked, Gon joining in as well. The other two stayed quiet, Kurapika’s grip on (Name) tightening occasionally.
‘This could be dangerous. At the first sign of trouble, I’ll run with her.’
He felt a little bad for this thought, but knew his friends would understand.
They arrived at the butlers quarters soon after, being welcomed in like esteemed guests. Kurapika sat (Name) down on the couch, sitting next to her soon after. He kept a hand on her shoulder as he scanned the room.
“Ah, I gotta pee…”
She tugged at one of the butlers sleeves. “Which way is the bathroom?”
The butler gave her a polite smile and pointed to the left hallway. “Thank you!”
Kurapika stood to follow her, but (Name) shook her head. “I’ll be fine! You stay here and make sure Gon doesn’t do anything stupid.”
He wanted to follow her, but wouldn’t go against her wishes. “… alright, but don’t take too long.”
She wobbled away, Kurapika watching her walk away with a sigh. “Oh god if you start sighing again I’m going to throw myself out a window.”
Kurapika scowled at the taller man. “Hmph.”
(Name) walked down the long hallway, occasionally peeking into rooms to see if it was the bathroom. She got a few weird looks from butlers but other than that nothing particularly unusual.
“Weird, there’s no bathroom this way…”
She glanced up the staircase. “Maybe there’s one up here…”
(Name) glanced down at her cast then back to the stairs. “Whelp. Yolo.”
She began walking upstairs, one at a time. It wasn’t easy, but she was slowly getting the hang of it!
That was until her crutches slipped, causing her to lose balance.
As she closed her eyes to brace herself for falling, ready to feel the pain of tumbling down the stairs, she paused.
“Wait, I’m… I’m not falling?”
“Yeah, that’s because I caught you.”
She blinked, opening her eyes to see killua holding onto her arm, looking both mildly irritated and amused.
This expression shifted to one of surprise when she launched herself forward to wrap her arms around him. “Killua!”
He felt tears begin to stain his shoulder, the girl not able to hold back her sobs as she held the boy tight. “You’re okay! Oh my god, I was so worried!”
He held onto the back of his shirt. “… I don’t understand. Why… why do you care about me so much?”
She sniffled, pulling away a little to give him a warm smile. “Because you’re my friend, Killua. Of course id worry about you.”
He didn’t know what to do, how to react. He could only bury his face in her shoulder, taking a minute to compose himself.
She held him gently as he steadied his breathing. Once he had regained his composure, he pulled away slowly. “… let’s go see Gon.”
The two walked downstairs, Killua keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn’t slip again.
(Name) opened the door, Killua right behind her. Kurapika’s eyes widened, the man shooting up to join her. “(Name)!”
He hugged her, burying his face in your shoulder. “I… you took so long, I was worried.”
“Sorry, Pika. I just couldn’t find the bathroom.”
Gotoh, the head butler heard this. “The bathroom? It’s just beyond that door.”
He pointed to a door on the right side of the room. She cast a glare at the butler that gave her the wrong directions. “I see…”
Kurapika followed her to the bathroom this time, waiting outside the door for her.
The five traveled by bus into town, all smiling and laughing. The group was back together again, and just in time too.
“Hey Kurapika, your flight isn’t until tonight, right? We should all spend the day together, since we’ll be going our separate ways.”
Kurapika nodded slowly, glancing at the girl next to him. “Yes… I think that’s a good idea.”
She snuggled closer into his side. “You know, I’m gonna miss you a lot, Pika.”
His breath hitched, squeezing her hand. “I…”
Leorio spoke up. “I’m starving, what are we eating for lunch?”
Killua perked up, about to speak but was stopped by (Name). “We can’t eat chocolate robots for lunch.”
They reached town soon after, the group splitting into two groups to sight see. Kurapika and (Name) were an automatic pair, the blonde not even considering going with anyone else.
“Alright, I’ll go with Killua and Gon. Kurapika…”
He put a hand on the blondes shoulder. “Don’t get her pregnant.”
(Name) began laughing while Kurapika turned bright red. He smacked Leorio’s hand, unable to even speak.
“Oh don’t tease him, Leorio.”
She looped her arm with his. “My Pika would never have thoughts like that. Right?”
He stuttered out a response. “Y-yes of course!”
They began walking away, Kurapika feeling his heart beat against his chest. ‘Pregnant? That’s…’
The image of her, sitting at the kitchen table with a cute baby bump, making cookies appeared in his mind. “Pika, you’re home!”
She kissed his cheek, giving him that pretty smile that he would never get tired of. “Look, she’s kicking!”
She placed his hand on her baby bump, and he could feel tears brimming in his eyes. “She’s saying ‘hi daddy!’”
“Pika? Earth to Pika!”
The blonde jumped when he saw her hovering in front of him, waving her hand in front of his face.
‘Did I really just imagine…’
“Sorry, what were you saying (Name)?”
The two continued to chat as they walked around town. Eventually, they met up with the others for lunch.
(Name) sipped on her favorite milkshake, kicking her feet. Kurapika smiled, his head in his hand as he watched her.
“Is it good?”
She nodded quickly, continuing to sip on it. Kurapika couldn’t help but sigh dreamily. She looked adorable, really, enjoying her milkshake under the little umbrella over their table.
“Man, I wish I ordered one, you’re really selling it.”
Leorio stared at her milkshake, and (Name), being the sweet girl she is, offered it to him. “Here, you can have the rest! If I drink too much I’ll get a tummy ache.”
Leorio cheered, reaching out to grab the milkshake, but it was quickly snatched away by Kurapika. “Hey! Y-“
He watched as the blonde placed the straw in his mouth while making direct eye contact with him.
“Oh, Pika! That’s not nice.” (Name) scolded, but by the time she did, he’d already sucked down the rest of the milkshake.
“Pikaa, you’re gonna get a tummy ache.”
“And a knuckle sandwich you little-“
The waitress approached their table. “Hi, will you be paying together, or do I need to split the bill?”
(Name) paused, her face going pale. ‘Oh crap, I don’t have any money.’
She made a distressed noise as she began to dig around in her backpack, but Leorio was quick to speak up. “It’s together, I’ll be paying.”
Kurapika held up a card. “No, I’ll be paying.”
Gon pulled out a few bills. “Wait I’ve got it!”
But they all paused when Killua pulled out a card that obviously didn’t belong to him. “Here.”
The waitress smiled and took the card. “I’ll be right back with your receipt.”
Kurapika was pouting. ‘I wanted to pay for her lunch…’
(Name) shyly toyed with her napkin. “Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate it.”
The all gave her a smile, Gon stuffing his money back into his bag. “It’s no problem! I know you would have done the same for me!”
She smiled, reaching over to pat the boys head. “Of course!”
Leorio blinked as the blonde walking next to him groaned. “Are you seriously dragging your feet like a child?”
Kurapika huffed. “No.”
“You are. You are and it’s actually pretty funny. Just because (Name) isn’t around doesn’t mean you have to turn into a brat.”
Just a few minutes ago, (Name) parted ways with them to hang out with Killua and Gon for a bit. They were headed to the arcade, and when Kurapika began to pout about not getting to come with her, she pulled him to the side.
“Pika, I need you to do something very important for me, okay?”
He nodded slowly, allowing her to gently pull him down so she could whisper in his ear. “I need you to make sure Leorio doesn’t get into any trouble, okay?”
Kurapika sighed. “Okay, I can do that.”
She patted his cheek. “Good boy.”
His face erupted into a dark red blush at the pet name. “M-mhm.”
Kurapika didn’t want to leave her side, not even for a second, but he would do next to anything to please her.
“What can I do to get you to stop pouting?”
Kurapika glanced at his taller friend, who was giving him a sympathetic look.
“… well…”
He twiddled his thumbs, staring at the ground as his cheeks turned pink again. “I, um… I wanted to get (Name)… a gift.”
Leorio’s eyebrow raised, the blonde quickly waving his hands. “J-just to have something to remember me by! It’s not anything… anything…”
To help his poor friend out, Leorio sighed. “Yeah, yeah. You want to get her a souvenir, huh? Well let’s start looking.”
The two searched all over town for somewhere to shop for (Name), but their efforts produced nothing.
“Shit, this town sucks. Not a single store that sells her size…” Leorio grumbled. Kurapika nodded, seemingly frustrated.
“That’s stupid. How is it fair that she doesn’t get to wear the same clothing other women do?”
He kicked a rock, Leorio nodding in agreement. “Hmm, maybe we’re going about this the wrong way. What besides clothes would she like?” Kurapika asked.
Leorio hummed, spotting a building in the distance. “Pika, I know where we can go.”
“Don’t call me that.”
The two entered the bright pink shop, Leorio immediately leaving his friend to browse.
That was a mistake.
When he glanced back up to see what the blonde was doing, he had to do a double take.
“… yes?”
“She doesn’t need thirty keychains.”
“Also all of those are hideous. How did you find every single one of the worst keychains in the store?”
He helped the blonde put them up, now pulling him around by the arm. “Here, look in this section. Don’t wander off, STAY here.”
The blonde grumbled while he browsed, but he had to admit, the little trinkets here fit her a lot better. “What do you think she’d like best?” Kurapika asked.
“She likes cute things. Like Sanrio products.”
“Sanrio? What’s that?”
Leorio stared at the man. “Are you being serious? Hello Kitty, My Melody, Keroppi.”
Kurapika gave him a confused look.
“Oh my god, just get her this.”
Leorio shoved a keychain into his hands. It was small, pink, and had a cartoon cat holding a strawberry at the end.
‘She does like strawberries…’
It was getting late. The group planned to take a bus together to the airport, and Kurapika was both dreading and looking forward to seeing her again.
‘Maybe… maybe I could ask her if she’d like to come with me…’
His heart thumped against his heart painfully at the thought. ‘No, I couldn’t ask her to put herself in danger like that… but…’
He held onto his tabard, looking into the distance. ‘I can’t bare to be away from her…’
Leorio was having a similar crisis, tapping his foot against the concrete. ‘I need to think of something, quick…’
He looked down at his phone and stared at his ticket.
As Leorio typed away at his phone, the three arrived at the bus station. Kurapika immediately jumped up to greet them, his eyes softening when they landed on (Name).
He seemed nervous, hiding something behind his back. “Hi, Pika.”
She tilted her head at his shy expression. “Is something wrong?”
“No! No… I…”
He fidgeted for a second more before revealing his hands, showing her the small gift bag. “I… wanted to give you this.”
She stared at the small gift bag, her cheeks heating up. “For me?”
He nodded, not making eye contact as she took the bag. She glanced at him before opening it carefully.“Oh my gosh!”
She pulled it out, her face morphing into one of pure joy. “Pika, you didn’t!”
She giggled, dangling the keychain from her finger. “It’s so cute, I love it!”
He let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god, I-“
He turned red when she pulled him into a hug, planting a few kisses on his cheeks. “You’re so sweet, thank you so much!”
He attempted to stutter out a response, but could only pat her back in return.
The five boarded the bus, and much to Kurapika’s annoyance, Leorio was very adamant about sitting with (Name). “Consider it payback for helping you earlier.”
Kurapika couldn’t argue with that, so he left to sit with the two boys. “Geez, can’t you look at least a little happier to see us?”
Leorio and (Name) sat in silence for the first half of the ride. She could sense something was off with him, sneaking glances every few minutes.
She looked up. “Yes?”
He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “There’s no easy way to talk about this. I’ve been trying to figure out exactly how to say this to you since the fourth phase. (Name), I…”
He reached for her hand, trying to keep his tears at bay. “I… saw the letter.”
He could almost hear her world crashing down around her. She went deadly quiet, and eyes now staring at the floor.
(Name) had suspected he knew something, but didn’t think it was that. She thought she did a good job at hiding everything…
He squeezed her hand, attempting to kill two birds with one stone by comforting them both. “I don’t think you’re selfish for your feelings, for your pain, but…”
She stiffened when she noticed tears falling from his eyes. “I don’t want you to die. So…”
He wiped at his eyes. “So hear me out, okay?”
(Name) nodded slowly, squeezing his hand back. “Okay, go on.”
“I want you to come with me.”
She looked up in surprise, eyes wide. “Go… with you?”
“Yes. You can stay at my apartment until you… are feeling better. I… I’m sorry to say this but I can’t in good conscience let you leave by yourself. You don’t have anywhere to go to, do you?”
She sighed, pulling per backpack into her lap to hug. “… no, I don’t.”
He placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “Could you… give life a chance again? If not for yourself, for me, Gon, Killua… and Kurapika.”
Tears were beading at the corners of her eyes. “Do I really deserve to be so happy?”
“Of course you do!”
He pulled her closer as she cried, letting her make his shirt wet with her tears. “You deserve that and so much more, (Name). So much more.”
He shielded her breakdown from the others, giving her a five minute heads up before their stop. She wiped her tears and tidied herself up as much as possible as to not indicate she had been crying.
Leorio looked her over, grabbing her chin to keep her face steady as he touched up her mascara. “There, all better.”
She smiled at him, pulling him closer to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Leorio. I love you.”
His cheeks turned pink before he ruffled her hair so she couldn’t see how flustered he was. “Yeah, yeah, I love you too, sunshine.”
When they excited the bus, Kurapika was waiting for her. He didn’t say anything, but the way he smiled when he saw her made her heart race. “Pika!”
She jumped off the last stair, being caught and spun around by the blonde. They both laughed, holding onto each other for a moment before letting go.
“Thanks for always being there to catch me, Pika!”
Kurapika looked at her lips for a moment, feeling his face heat up before he looked away. “You can always rely on me, (Name). I’ll catch you every time.”
They began their journey to the airport, Kurapika stopping midway.
“I’ll be in York New on September 1st.”
They paused, looking back at the blonde.
“Hisoka… Hisoka told me to meet him there then, that he’d have some information on the Spiders.”
(Name)’s eyes lit up, looking up at him. “That means…”
He nodded, cupping her cheeks. “Yes, we’ll see wa h other again.”
He swiped away her tears, laughing when she started crying. “You’re so mean, why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”
He held her as she cried, patting her back. “Sorry, sorry.”
The walked through the airport, Leorio passing (Name) her ticket. “Got you one earlier.” he whispered into her ear. She nodded, giving him a quick hug.
Kurapika was leaving first, so the group gathered at his side around 20 minutes before he’d have to leave. They exchanged numbers and goodbyes, Kurapika saving (Name) for last.
He stood awkwardly, hand on his arm. “I…”
Kurapika wasn’t expecting what happened next.
(Name) stepped forward, looking up at him with those pretty (e/c) eyes. She pulled him down by his tabard, pressing her lips against his.
She pulled away much too soon, looking away from him. “Goodbye, Pika. I’ll miss you!”
He pulled her into his arms, and she could feel his heart racing against her chest. Kurapika couldn’t speak, couldn’t do anything besides bury his face into her shoulder.
He wanted to do more. He wanted to kiss her back, to pull her in by her waist and pepper her face in kisses, but Kurapika was having trouble thinking with all the heat rushing to his face.
“(Name), we have to go.”
Leorio tapped her shoulder, the girl sighing before pulling away a bit. “Will you miss me too, Pika?”
He stared at her with half lidded eyes, face red. “Yes.”
‘Unbearably so.’
(Name) giggled, giving him one last peck on the cheek. “I’ll call you when I land, okay?”
He nodded, watching her and Leorio leave with a sigh. A sinking, unpleasant feeling settled in his chest.
Gon placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a smile. “It’s just a few months, then you’ll see her again!”
Kurapika smiled back. “Yeah…”
But when he saw Leorio help her put her suitcase up, his hand brushing against her waist, he knew that missing her wasn’t the only reason his chest hurt.
(Name) squealed, burying her face in Leorio’s chest. “Ahh! I kissed him!”
Leorio snickered. “Yeah, I saw.”
The two boarded their airship soon after, (Name) glancing down at her phone with a giddy smile. She swiped through the pictures she’d taken of her friends. Leorio peeked over her shoulder. “Sneaky girl, hit pictures of all of us, huh?”
“Haha, sorry, but yeah. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not, why, I wouldn’t mind you taking some more!”
He posed, and (Name) giggled before taking another picture. “Wow, Leorio, you’re so photogenic!”
(Name) sighed, plopping down on Leorio’s couch after the finally got home. The tall man laughed. “Tired?”
She nodded, groaning against the leather cushion. Leorio pulled her suitcase inside, setting it by his room. “Stay here, I need to get my room cleaned up.”
(Name) sat up, rubbing her eyes as he closed his bedroom door behind him.
Leorio’s apartment was small, having one bedroom and one bathroom with a washer and dryer. There was a kitchen and a living room, and that was it.
The fridge was empty, which made sense. He’d probably thrown everything out before. ‘Looks like we’ll have to go grocery shopping tomorrow…’
Leorio exited his room carrying a trash bag in one hand and a hamper in another. He winked at her before leaving to take the trash out.
When he returned, he was scrolling on his phone. He handed it over. “Here, place an order. I already got what I wanted.”
She nodded, quickly ordering her food before handing his phone back. “Thank you, Leorio. For… everything.”
The taller man plopped down on the couch next to her, allowing her to cuddle up next to him. “It’s no problem, don’t worry about it.”
They were quiet as they watched some TV, waiting for their food to arrive. Leorio wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in closer. (Name) didn’t seem to mind, humming contentedly when he ran his hand over her hair.
‘She doesn’t like being alone. And especially during a time like this, she shouldn’t be alone.’
The two ate when their food got their, Leorio happily trying her food. It was nice, getting to spend time with her. Just the two of them.
(Name) was getting sleepy, and Leorio was having trouble keeping his eyes open. “Leorioooo!”
He blinked at her sleepily, watching as she yawned. “I’m tired.”
He nodded before standing up. “Alright, let’s get to bed then.”
He helped her to his room, which was now clean. He’d hidden all of his… private things. Like his porno magazines, sex toys, and dirty laundry.
She climbed into his bed, snuggling into his sheets. The tall man pulled his comforter over her form. “G’night. If you need anything, I’ll be on the couch.”
Her hand shot out to grab his wrist. “Wait, I can’t let you sleep on the couch after you took me in. I will.”
He shook his head, sitting down on the bed. “No, you need to sleep somewhere comfortable to heal properly. The couch isn’t a good place for that.”
She held onto his arm, looking up at him shyly. “Why don’t we just sleep in the same bed?”
He groaned, running a hand through his hair. “I’m not Kurapika, you know.”
She tilted her head at that, leaning forward to get a better look at her face. “Why does that matter?”
She gasped when he pinned her down, hovering over her form. Even if the girl wanted to move, she wouldn’t be able to, he was way stronger than her. “I’m not like him, (Name). I have urges.”
Her expression didn’t change, looking up at him with those sleepy eyes. “Leorio…”
She reached a hand up to cup his cheek, the man’s lip quivering slightly. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me. You don’t have to convince me otherwise.”
Leorio sat back, sighing as he slid off of her. “How can you read me like an open book?”
She laughed, patting the empty space next to her. “I can’t, I just know you’re too nice to ever do something like that.”
He sat down, eventually allowing himself to cuddle up with her. She was a bit clingy, wrapping her arms around him, but he didn’t mind.
Not when it was her.
“Goodnight, Leorio. Sweet dreams!”
“Sweet dreams, sunshine.”
Kurapika impatiently waited for his phone to ring, tapping against the table he sat at.
Bzzt! Bzzt!
Kurapika snatched his phone up, butterflies when he saw her contact light up the screen.
He blinked when her face also popped up. “Hey Pika! Sorry for taking so long, had a rough day at work yesterday so I slept in.”
It had been nearly four months since the two had seen each other at the Zoldyck Estate. In that time, (Name) had gotten a part time job while living with Leorio, which Kurapika still wasn’t aware of.
“I see. If you need longer to sleep, we can always call l-“
“No, I’m fine! Please, stay.”
The two stayed in touch through the months, calling and FaceTiming everyday.
“I can stay while you sleep, if that would help.”
She pouted, the blonde unable to hold back a laugh at her cute face. “Pika…”
It wasn’t unusual for them to fall asleep on call, in fact it was more unusual for them to end their nightly call before they fell asleep. It annoyed Leorio, who slept next to her, just a little, but if it helped them both sleep peacefully he couldn’t complain.
There had been multiple times Kurapika had awoken from a nightmare, waking up (Name) with his screams. She would calm him down with breathing exercises before humming lullabies to help him get back to sleep.
“Sorry, sorry. Are you almost packed up?”
She groaned, Kurapika watching as she carried her phone into the bathroom, propping up the camera near the sink so she could talk to him as she washed her face.
“Yeah, pretty much. Now all I’ve got left to do is… move to York New.”
She splashed water in her face then began rubbing her cleanser into her skin. Kurapika hummed, leaning back against his chair. “You live in the same area as Leorio, right? Will he be coming with you?”
(Name) shook her head. “No, I couldn’t ask him for that. He’s busy with school, so I’ll be moving in alone.”
Kurapika was quiet for a moment, but she was quick to continue. “Oh, but Ponzu and Pokkle will be visiting me, so I won’t be alone for long!”
He forgot that (Name) and the couple were closer than he thought. She had kept contact with the two as well, occasionally meeting up to chat and catch up.
“That’s nice, it’s been a few weeks since you’ve last seen them, correct?”
“Yeah, Pokkle’s been pretty busy lately, and Ponzu usually follows him around.”
The two continued to chat, until (Name) gasped. “Oh yeah! Did I tell you I was going to whale island next month to visit Gon and Killua? They have a few things to take care of, then we’ll be meeting on the boat there.”
Kurapika blinked. “Really? That’s… nice.”
He had to try his best to hide his jealousy. After all, it wasn’t her fault the two of them hadn’t been able to meet up. (Name) was more than willing to see him, he was the one that was too busy.
After an hour or so, (Name) sighed. “I have to let you go, Pika, I’ve got some errands to run before I leave tonight.”
He huffed, causing the (h/c) haired girl to giggle. “Sorry, I’ll call you back later, okay?”
He nodded. “Goodbye, (Name).”
“Bye, Pika!”
(Name) groaned, setting her suitcase down before plopping down onto her couch. She’d just moved in, with not much to show for it.
‘This is just temporary. No need to decorate or get any new furniture, I just need somewhere to live while I save up for a house.’
She sat up and started to unpack her measly belongings.
‘I really meant it when I said I would get us a house where we could all live together.’ (Name) thought as she looked over the framed picture of her and her friends.
She glanced at the calendar, smiling.
‘Only three months until I see you again, Pika.’
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
TWDG gang reaction to the reader being scary when they’re mad
Homies I’ve fucked up reading so many times today please forgive me! My exams are leaving me brainless :p
This is for my lovely anon that request this IM SO SORRY LOVELYYY 💖💖💖
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Is low key scared I mean holy shit who knew you had it in you!
She was too scared to say anything too you but like her and Louis where just like 👀👀👀
She finds it kinda entertaining though
You go from being all normal and shit then BAM when yer man your a whole new person
A scary fucking person like that
She’ll just sit and watch until you take an insult a bit too far then she’ll tell you to knock it off
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Mans hella shocked
He loves seeing this side of you though
Sometimes he annoys you just to see you all fired up and ready to kill
Also if you get into a fight mans CHANTING for you to start beating the shit out of someone!
He loves how intimidating you can be when your so pissed
He knows your a force not to be reckoned with…but he can’t help himself cheeky man
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First time this man sees you get man, this man has his arms in the air and is slowly walking backwards
He always tries to calm you down or help diffuse the situation if your fighting with someone
But omg you scare this man
Especially if your normally chill
Mans scared to fuck up and make you mad lmao
I get the feeling however there’s a part of him that’s living for the drama
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Was taken back a lot
He up and froze for a second!
Holy shit wtf mad you so pissed
As the leader he has to get involved, even if he doesn’t want too lmao
He tries to keep everyone calm and would try and get you to have a moment to your self too cool down
He’s just scared you’ll have a go at him next
Every time you where mad, he tried to quietly sneak out of the room
He didn’t want to be caught up/ witness whatever shit was about to go down
Man was scared but if you ever talked to him afterwards about it he’d be very scared at first but would admit to you how scary that situation was even if he understood where your anger came from
Little dude just wants everyone to get along :(
When he first saw you get so mad you looked like you where gonna go mental at someone his reaction was to hide behind Mitch
He just CLUNG to him for dear life
Afterwards if you talked to him he would openly ask you about it and would show his dissatisfaction
But this man gets its :( I mean we’ve seem little dude punch assim when he got pissed
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He was totally shocked he had no idea you could get that mad
His first instinct is to calm you down! He just wanted everyone to calm down for once
He’d only use words and values talking instead of arguing so he’d try his best to get you alone and help calm you down
He’s just a wee bit worried about your Safety and everyone elses
Was just silently observing with fear
Holy shit
He’d make sure to never piss you off
Idk what else to say other than this man will do everything to make sure he wasn’t a bother!
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Would be so upset
She’d understand why you got so mad but to see you be this… scary is worrying!
She’d try to talk to you and get rid of the thing that was upsetting you but I think she’d need a moment to get out of the situation
You’d probably make her a bit mad if you ever took your anger out on others and she would have a go at you :(
You haunt this girls dreams/hj
Nah but fr the first time she saw you get mad she SCADADLED
oh my lord she’d never seen anyone be that mad! And she lives with ruby and Mitch!
She was so confused because you weren’t always like this
But when yer mad? Holy shit it’s a totally different person
She will stay out of your way trust me
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brooooswriting · 2 years
omg i love your stories i see other people requesting so thought i’d request one too can be natasha or wanda doesn’t matter but one where they are hanging out in the compound and someone makes a comment towards reader like as a joke and it makes reader insecure and sad and nat or wanda just laugh thinking it’s a joke and you wouldn’t be hurt by it not knowing the affect it had on you and you’re hurt they laughed thinking what was said about you is true until later they catch you crying and if it’s wanda she like reads your negative thoughts cause they’re so loud or if it’s nat she catches you looking at yourself or something and they fix it and explain and it’s just sadness at first then ends with soft fluff im in need of something sad then happy lol sorry it’s so long
Oh darling
Your day had been crap, school took over 90% of your time and to make it worse you fucked up your biology exam. You made your way into the compound and let yourself fall on the couch next to Wanda. “You alright?” She asked as she took her eyes off of the sitcom. “Yeah, long day” you said before snuggling further into her and the couch.
Something about watching sitcoms with Wanda made you feel at home, like nothing could hurt you and everything was alright. She made you feel at home.
You guys were watching for over 2 hours when Tony and Bruce came in. “Wow you guys are still sitting here?” Tony laughed before adding “I have to do that with pepper too”. You and Wanda laughed after she paused the show.
“Y/N, I’ve heard you got a bad grade on your biology exam. We can be lucky you don’t wanna be a doctor like the rest of you family huh?” He laughed, just like Wanda and Tony.
To them it seemed like a funny joke as you always told them that you’d never want to be a doctor but to you it was a punch in the face. Sure, you never wanted to be a doctor and you never wanted to be like your family but it was something they always complained about. It was always like you weren’t good enough, you weren’t smart enough, you weren’t studying enough it was never enough and that hurt.
You forced out a chuckle before standing up making Wanda look up at you. “Hey, where are you going?” She asked, she definitely felt your mood swift but didn’t think about it too much. “To my room, I still have some stuff to do” you answered before disappearing.
So you sat in your room studying the rest of the day. You were scared that you weren’t going to be enough for them, that in the end they’d think about you the way your family did. You were easy to replace as you didn’t have any special powers.
It was late and you’ve been studying for over 3 hours when it knocked on your door and Steve came in. “Hello Y/n, it’s time for dinner, Wanda cooked your favourite” he smiled at you and you smiled back but you realized you didn’t have time to eat. You should be studying. “That’s nice but I’m not hungry. Thanks though.” You turned back to your block which made Steve leave again.
“Steve, where’s Y/n?” Wanda asked when she saw him come down without you. “She said she isn’t hungry and she was studying so I left her alone” he answered as he sat down next to Bucky. Bruce noticed Wanda’s concerned look and said “It’s good. She should be studying more, you know? Keep her grades up she will graduate soon.”
Wanda was more then concerned when you didn’t come down and when she didn’t see you the next day and the day after that it got even worse.
So she decided to walk past your room and she was shocked. She could hear you negative thoughts even if she didn’t want to. They were so loud that they forced themselves into her head and they repeated themselves. ‘I am worthless’, ‘I’m not good enough for them’, ‘they don’t want you if you fuck this up’ and worse.
A soft knock was heard and you just grumbled. You didn’t even look up when Wanda came inside. “Hey sweetie” she said as she walked closer. Your room was only lit up by a small desk lamp and the floor and your desk were full with papers and books. “Hi” you underlined the sentence before shortly glancing up at her. “How can I help you?” You asked.
“We should talk” she answered standing next to you. You only mumbled a hm before scribbling something down. “How long have you been studying?” She asked you but honestly you lost track of time so you only shrugged.
You only really looked at her when she pulled your chair away from the desk and stood in front of it. “Wans, what are you doing? I gotta study.” You complained trying to push her away. “No you gotta sleep or you’ll get ill” you could clearly see the concern but you would rather concern her than being not good enough for her.
And again your thoughts pushed themselves into her head. “You will always be enough. Not just for me but for all of us and you are not replaceable. You are what holds us together and we never want you to leave. We want you to be happy and right now you’re clearly not” she reassured you.
The moment she wrapped you in a hug you lost it and started sobbing. Wanda wasn’t much older than you, she was barely 19, so she knew how hard school could be and that in addition to your family was terrible.
“Oh darling, come on let’s go to bed.” She whispered into your ear and tried to get you up but you didn’t. “No, I gotta do this. I’m fine” you insisted making her sigh. “No you’re not Y/n and it hurts to know that you’re not. I love you and I’ll not tolerate you destroying yourself just because of your grades. In addition to that I haven’t seen you for like three days and I miss you and cuddling. So move your ass into this bed so I can cuddle you” she was energetic and you knew that she meant said.
When you still didn’t move she picked you up and placed you onto the bed before cuddling into your side. You pulled her into you and placed a soft kiss on her lips, you couldn’t deny that you missed her. “I’m sorry for not coming to see you” you whispered into her hair while rubbing her back. “It’s okay, you’re fine. And you’re enough, I’m sorry I didn’t make you feel like it. Just because your family wasn’t smart enough to realize that it doesn’t mean that you aren’t. We all love you!” She said as she placed kisses all over your face causing you to giggle.
“And tomorrow we will find a healthier way for you to study darling” she said sternly so you nodded and kissed her again.
“I love you witchy “ you said between small kisses. “I love you too”
And she did. She helped you find a way to learn in a healthy matter in which the team was heavily involved. Steve helped you with history, Tony and Bruce with math and science and Nat and Wands helped you with English.
Wanda was always gonna be there for you no matter what you were insecure about.
This is my first Wanda x reader and I hope you like this. Keep leaving requests please :)
So I always made fun of people who fell in love with their straight best friend or something like that and guess who got karma for that :/ but I thought about making a story out of that. What do you guys think about that? Not quite sure if happy ending or not.
Well have a nice day everybody
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
smick + jealousy, for your mean prompts? i hope you're okay after your exams, much love!
oooh anon you hit on a thing i wanted to write anyways so imma just tag @antimonyandthyme bcs i told her imma write this after my exams for her :) and im holding on, brain is a mess but we come back stronger or sth 😘
"Your French is really good," Thierry says, and there is a glint in his eyes that makes Sebastian laugh out loud and lick his lips. Thierry's eyes catch the movement and Sebastian feels pure satisfaction over it.
"Not better than your German," he says, shaking his head, "I think it may be better than my German."
"Stop flattering me," Thierry says and takes a sip of his vodka. Seb keeps looking at his throat as he swallows. "I'll start thinking you are serious."
"Ah, but is it flattery if it's true?" Sebastian muses. He pushes at Thierry's shoulder playfully, and watches his eyes flash behind his glasses. "Besides, you've been praising me the whole weekend. Maybe I'm just returning the favour?"
Thierry laughs and pins Seb with his gaze. Seb thinks how he'd like to see his eyes without the glass barrier. He'd like to see them without it very much.
"I'm not embarrassed about that." He shrugs. "You are Sebastian Vettel. Of course I admire you. Only a fool wouldn't."
Seb licks his lips again, just to see if Thierry will look.
He does. Sebastian smiles.
"Careful now, Thierry," he says, "or I'll start thinking you're serious too."
They are sitting close enough that half their sides are touching. It's warm and rowdy in the room, Sunday ROC party well underway. Everyone is drunk already, and nobody is paying attention to them. Thierry shuffles and his bended knee presses into Seb's thigh.
"I am a very serious man," he says, lowering his voice just enough that Sebastian has to lean in. His curls almost touch Thierry's face. "And I am many things, but not a fool."
His eyes are hazel, and they remind Sebastian of someone else. They have the same intensity, but not in the same way. Thierry is older, almost Sebastian's age, and much more decisive than - well. No matter.
Only for a moment, the similarity is too much for Sebastian, and he looks away, covering it up with a nonchalant sip of his beer. Everybody is drunk, and nobody is paying any attention to them.
Well. Almost nobody.
Sebastian knows all the expressions on Mick's face. No matter the media training he received, Mick was always too earnest for his own good, and he never took enough care to hide himself from Sebastian, and now he's looking at Sebastian and Thierry with pure jealousy in every line of his familiar face.
It's endearing. It's too honest. It's annoying.
Sebastian thinks of his last race, where he didn't hold back per se, but he didn't really push either, knowing that a hot tub awaits him. He thinks of racing the red cars of his dreams and hazel eyes burning with intensity and Don't you dare give up, Seb, and don't you ever dare hold back and how he couldn't even if he wished to, and he didn't, not once. He thinks of when he was young and a fool and looking up into a face with ice-blue eyes, much like the ones he's looking into now, but with an edge that was, and will forever stay, unparalleled. He thinks about how good it is to feel wanted; to fill the void that has been bleeding for years. He thinks of how nothing was ever enough to fill it, and how by now, he may almost accept that nothing will ever come close, no matter how similar it - fucks - feels.
He blinks once, and looks away from Mick. He'll deal with that tomorrow. Maybe.
Thierry still hasn't looked away. Sebastian smiles, and hopes it comes off assured, and not shaky.
"That's good. I don't like fools," he says, and moves closer. "Tell me more about rally." He smiles, and he knows there's too many teeth in his smile, but Thierry doesn't seem to mind, if his own expression is anything to go by. "We have all night."
Thierry laughs, and brings his hand down on Sebastian's knee.
"That we do," he chuckles, and Seb knows they are on the same page. "That we do."
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