#It really is no surprise that Toffee is coming back
lil-oreo-cookie · 2 years
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Background information regarding Ovelia is complete, it’s time for the true protagonist to take his place… it’s time for the story to begin
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
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Best Intentions - Chapter One
Pairing: Tom Bennett (World on Fire) x femme Warnings: Angst. Smut. Mentions of shell shock and trauma. Word count: ~4.3k
Summary: An overview of how Tom and her came to be friends, and the set up for the story now that he's returned to Longsight. Series masterlist.
Author's note: I don't have a tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
The imposing red brick building of Plymouth Grove Primary School is gigantic and intimidating to her as she enters through the gates to the playground, the thought of being left here for the entire day makes her clutch at her mum’s hand with tight desperation.
Her first day of school is one she’ll never forget, forever imprinted in her mind, owing to a big pair of blue eyes filled with mischief, and a grin with a pair of front teeth that remind her of a rabbit’s.
It’s morning break as she surveys the playground nervously, trying to decide if she feels brave enough to join in on a nearby game of hopscotch. It’s then that she feels a warm puff of air ruffle the back of her hair, and she spins around to see a sandy haired boy running back towards a group of laughing lads.
“I did it! I gobbed in her hair!” He shouts.
Humiliation warms her skin as tears prickle her eyes, and she hurries inside to the girls’ toilets to unsuccessfully try to locate where the offending spittle has landed, all the while sniffling back sobs.
It’s when dinnertime comes and she sits unhappily sipping her milk that she sees him again. He sidles up to her, alone this time, a sheepish look on his face.
“I didn’t really,” he shifts awkwardly from foot to foot, “Gob in your hair, I mean. I was dared to, so I pretended,”
“Oh,” is all she’s able to manage, not sure of what else to say.
“I’m Tom. Mates, yeah?” He says with his bunny toothed grin, and she can’t help but smile back.
He sits himself next to her, opening his own milk and they spend the remainder of the hour getting to know each other.
She’s surprised to learn that it’s his first day too, she had assumed from his confidence that he would be a couple of years above her. He lives with his dad, Douglas, who works as a bus conductor, his mum - Josie, and his sister, Lois, who is a couple of years above them.
He learns all about how she lives with her mum, and it’s just the two of them as her dad had passed away when she was a baby. Her mum runs the shop off of Stamford Road with her uncle, who lives in the flat above it.
Tom’s eyes light up at the mention of this. “The one with the jars of sherbet straws?”
“Yeah,” she smiles, “And treacle toffees!”
By half past three that afternoon, as the children file back out of the school gates, her and Tom are firm friends.
Her mum and Josie stand waiting to collect them, and they discover that they live only a few streets apart, so the four of them and Lois walk home together, chattering excitedly about her and Tom’s first day of school.
From that day forward, the thought of being at school for the entire day fills her with excitement. Tom makes it a less scary place to be, and is quick to defend her if ever anyone tries to give her trouble.
Their friendship remains solid as the years pass, as does Tom’s compulsion for finding trouble. He adores showing off and being the centre of attention, but it’s always her he runs to when it’s time to face the consequences. She is a privy to a side of him that nobody else is, she has seen his fear, his sadness and his doubt.
They sit on the wall adjacent to her mum’s shop, a paper bag rustling between them as they help themselves to sherbet straws. Tom and Lois had walked home with her and her mum. Josie hadn’t been there to pick them up, she hadn’t been for a few days now.
“Should probably go home soon,” she slurs around a mouthful of sweets, “Need to do my homework.”
Tom nods slowly, moving his own sweet around in his mouth. “D’you…d’you think you could help me with mine?”
“Why?” She chides, “‘Cause you spent all lesson mucking about?”
“Come on,” he pleads, “Me mam’s not well, last thing she needs is me getting into trouble because I can’t do sums.”
She clicks her tongue and sighs. “Fine,” she says, jumping down from the wall.
“Smashing,” he grins, following after her.
She smiles over her shoulder at him. “What are mates for?”
Josie’s illness worsens and she passes away around the time that they start secondary school.
Tom’s behaviour becomes more uncontrollabe, exacerbated by his mum’s death, but with her and Lois at the all girls school, and him at the all boys, there is little that can be done to stop him.
Things come to a head one day when Douglas opens the door to an angry neighbour, who berates him for Tom having stolen the milk from their doorstep, running away laughing, before dropping and smashing it when they’d chased after him.
He’d come to her after Douglas had given him a stern telling off, head bowed and looking sorry for himself.
“He hates me,” Tom had said sullenly.
“He doesn’t hate you, Tom, you just need to behave yourself. Why’d you do it?”
“Was dared to,” he says with a shrug.
“Like when you spat in my hair?”
He presses his lips together, lowering his eyes. “I dunno why I do it. It’s just hard since mam’s gone, dad doesn’t understand me like she did.”
It’s then that she notices the tears that rim his eyes, and she pulls him into a hug.
When had he gotten so tall? He feels massive compared to how he used to.
“Thanks,” he whispers, “I’m glad we’re mates.”
The next few years follow a similar pattern; Tom gets into trouble and immediately runs to her each time, basking in the safety of her presence and comforting words.
As they grow older, Tom’s misbevaiour evolves into petty crimes which soon attract the attention of the police.
She also begins to notice the smell of cigarette smoke clinging to him each time she pulls him into a hug, a troubling new habit he’s developed, no doubt to impress the older boys. 
He now seems impossibly tall, and with every inch he grows it feels like he pulls a little bit further away from her. It makes her heart ache.
She grows used to seeing him walking home in the mornings looking bedraggled, a cigarette perched between his lips, after having spent the night in the back of a pub to avoid the police, who would no doubt have been knocking at the door of the Bennett household the previous evening.
When news of war having broken out in Europe reaches them and lads Tom’s age begin signing up to the draft, Tom decides he’s having none of it.
“Signing up as a conchie!” He tells her, as they sit on the wall together, waving the green booklet for emphasis.
“Your dad was a conscientious objector,” she says, narrowing her eyes in disbelief, “Your beliefs are suddenly the same as his are they?”
Tom tuts, flicking his lighter absentmindedly. “Just don’t wanna sign my life away for a load of bollocks that’s got naff all to do with me,”
His mind soon changes once the police come knocking again. He enlists in the Navy, action he considers less direct than fighting on the front lines.
The night before he’s due to ship out, he has a rowdy celebration in the local pub, jeering and clinking glasses with those who’ve not yet joined the draft. She watches on with a heavy feeling in her chest, she knows behind all his claims of how many Germans he’s going to kill and how he’ll have a bird in every port that he’s terrified of what’s to come.
That much is proven as he walks her home later that night, unsteady on his feet and reeking of beer. He sways in front of her once they reach her front door, big blue eyes misty and filled with emotion.
“You okay, sailor?” She asks with a soft smile.
“Can I– can I stay the night?” He asks, suddenly seeming like the little boy he was back when they were in primary school and he’d apologised for pretending to spit in her hair. “I don’t wanna be alone.”
She’s never shared a bed with Tom before. They’ve always been just friends. Her throat runs dry at the thought, but in that moment he seems so vulnerable, she can’t deny him anything.
They creep up the rickety wooden stairs to her bedroom, careful not to wake her mum, and squeeze into the single bed that occupies the space. He clings tightly to her, long limbs wrapped around her, like a drowning man grasping onto a lifesaver.
“I’m so scared,” he whispers into the darkness.
“You’ll come back,” she reassures him, “You have to, who else would be my mate?”
She feels him smile against her shoulder. “Yeah, who else would put up with you?”
They giggle, before shushing each other as she elbows him in the ribs, and they fall asleep curled around each other.
Tom’s gone when wakes up.
They write letters back and forth to each other, but each one feels distant and lifeless. He’s writing with the mask he shows to the rest of the world, giving an emotionless recount of each of his days. She supposes he might be afraid or whose hands his words may end up in, and he doesn’t want to embarrass himself, so she clings to every letter, vapid as they are, grateful to still have a connection to him.
She visits the Bennett household once a week, to share the letters they’ve been exchanging - to her disappointment, the ones she receives are much the same as the ones he sends home to Douglas and Lois.
Over time, her mum and uncle join her on her visits. Her mum brings cakes and her uncle gets into the habit of playing cards with Douglas. She is glad for the closeness between their two families, it makes Tom’s absence seem less daunting.
It’s at the Bennetts’ house where she learns the news of the attack on the HMS Exeter, the Naval ship that Tom is stationed aboard. Her blood runs icy cold at the news, though the Exeter was victorious it is not without deaths and casualties.
The weeks spent waiting for news are agonising, and it’s Tom she’s thinking of as she leans against the shop counter, eyes fixed on the large front window, but too lost in her thoughts to see through it.
“Quarter of sherbet straws when you’re not away with the fairies,”
The familiar voice startles her out of her reverie and she looks up wide eyed at Tom’s smiling face.
God, he’s grown into those bunny teeth. Has his smile always been so handsome?
“Tom!” She squeals, rushing from behind the counter and throwing her arms around his neck. “Do your dad and Lois know you’re back?”
He hugs her warmly before pulling back. “Yeah, popped home first to say hello. Left me new bird there, actually, thought you’d wanna meet her?”
She hates the way her heart sinks at this, but nods regardless, flipping the closed sign on the shop door and locking it behind her.
Tom tells her all about the Battle of the River Plate as they walk back to his house. He grows solemn when he’s finished, glancing sideways at her.
“I saw people die,” he says quietly, “I thought I was gonna die. Can’t believe there’s so much of my life I’ve pissed up the wall.”
It’s then that she notices how much more mature he seems, wise beyond his years. He’s seen things that no man his young age should have seen. She reaches for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, a gesture which he returns.
“So, this is Vera,” he gestures towards the kitchen table as they head inside.
She laughs, relief washing over her, when she sees the little canary sitting in her cage.
For a few days it feels like everything is back to normal, until Tom gets a new posting and has to leave again.
“I’ll come back,” he tells her, taking her hands in his, “who else would be your mate?”
She can’t help but smile. “No one else would put up with me,”
He’s away longer this time, his letters are fewer and the worry gnaws at her with more intensity than ever before.
For the second time in her life she cries over Tom Bennett when she hears that he’s been declared as missing in action on the beaches of Dunkirk, a suspected capture by opposing forces.
Lois falls pregnant, and for a time the advancing stages of her pregnancy and eventual birth are a welcome distraction, a reminder that there is life amongst all the death that surrounds them.
Her grief is amplified when bombs fall over Manchester, a bottomless pit opening in her gut when she finds out that there was a direct hit on the Bennett house. Her uncle and Douglas had been inside playing cards at the time, neither had survived.
Her mum moves Lois and her baby into the flat above the shop, with her uncle gone the space is no longer occupied and it makes sense for them to have it, considering they no longer have a roof over their heads.
It’s comforting to have them so close, a little piece of Tom to hold onto until he comes back, if he comes back. She hates herself for thinking it.
When Tom next steps through the shop door, there’s no trace of his grin from last time. He looks skinny, haunted, he’s aged. There’s an anger within his blue eyes that replaces the mischief that used to sparkle there.
He doesn’t need to ask for her to know what he’s after. There will be no hugs of greeting this time.
“She’s upstairs,” she says softly, her stomach tied into knots.
He simply nods and walks towards the back to go up.
It doesn’t take long for her to be able to hear the muffled sounds of arguing and not five minutes later he storms back downstairs and out into the street. She follows after him, grabbing the quarter of sherbet straws she’d bagged up for him.
He’s sat smoking on their usual spot on the wall, and she hops up beside him, placing the paper bag between them. He doesn’t touch them. She wonders when the last time he ate anything at all was, he looks so thin.
The silence between them feels painful, she doesn’t know what to say, but she can tell from the way his hands shake and the urgency with which he drags on his cigarette that if she doesn’t say something then he certainly won’t.
“You can’t be angry with Lois, y’know,” she says gently, “it’s not her fault,”
“Then whose is it?!” He snaps angrily, eyes narrowing as he looks at her.
He’s never spoken to her like that before and she shrinks away from it. “It’s not my fault either,” she whispers sadly.
His face softens, a look of shame replacing his anger as he averts his gaze, his lips twitching. “Sorry about your uncle,”
“Sorry about your dad,”
His return is brief, only a couple of days this time. Enough time for him to visit Douglas’ grave, but not enough for them to talk, not properly anyway. He reveals that he was taken to an American hospital in Paris, after being shot in Dunkirk. A woman named Henriette had helped him to escape France and he’d made his way home via Spain. It’s all so matter of fact the way that he recounts it, but she only has to look into his eyes to see the turmoil he’s feeling. It crushes her.
He looks fearful and uncertain when they say goodbye, the urge to cling to him and beg him not to go is overwhelming.
“You’ll still be here when I get back, won’t you?” He asks.
“Course I will, I always am,” she replies with a sad smile.
He cups her cheek, his large palm engulfing her face and leans down to press his lips to hers. She startles at first, they have never kissed before, but she quickly reciprocates, moving her mouth against Tom’s. His lips are so soft and there is a tenderness behind the gesture that brings tears to her eyes.
She’s breathless when they part, his forehead resting against hers, his hand still cupping her cheek.
“Mates, yeah?” He whispers.
The word makes her heart twinge. “Yeah, mates.”
Her fingers trace lightly across her mouth as she watches him walk away, kit bag slung over his shoulder.
Tom sends no letters at all the third time he leaves, so eventually she stops writing to him. She figures it can’t be nice for him to hear about how life is carrying on without him, how his niece has started to walk and talk, a new house built in place of his old one with a new family living inside it.
She can’t bear how the world continues, while she feels stuck in place, waiting for his return. It isn’t fair that there are people getting to laugh and love and live their lives, while he’s sacrificing his so that they may have the privilege.
With the exception of the morning paper sort, her mum has taken a step back from the shop, needing more rest than usual, and without her uncle around to help out, she’s taking on more hours in order to keep things ticking over. The sweet jars sit empty, rationing is difficult to get used to. She’ll never be able to come to terms with sending people away without the food they want and need, simply because the shop either doesn’t have enough stock, or they have already used their allotted portion for the week.
Her mind drifts back to how skeletal Tom had looked when she’d seen him last. She hopes he’s managing to eat.
It’s the beginning of September, the dying embers of summer glow dark orange on the horizon, as the evening battles the day for dominance in the increasingly earlier darkening of the sky.
Lois is on an evening shift, so her mum is round at the flat looking after the little one. She has the house to herself, and has lost count of the amount of times she’s read and re-read the same passage in her book, unable to take the words in.
She frowns when she hears the door knock, unsure of whether she should answer it or not, she’s not expecting anyone. Her hesitation provides enough time for a second knock, more urgent this time, so she relents, going to the front door and opening it.
It feels as though time freezes when she sees Tom standing there, gaunt and tired looking.
He doesn’t give her time to react, dropping his kit bag to the floor as he closes the door behind him and presses a bruising kiss to her lips. His hands pull at her clothes as he backs her towards the living room sofa, and she lets him.
She just needs to feel that he’s real, that he’s really back, so she loses herself in the moment, allowing him to climb on top of her, her own hands moving to strip him as he does the same to her.
Her fingertips stroke down his back and she’s shocked to find she can feel every vertebrae in his spine, and all the ribs that protrude through the skin. She’s never touched him in such an intimate manner before, but she knows he’s never been so emaciated. He feels hollow, yet there is strength to how he manhandles her.
Pulling her thighs apart, he settles between them, pushing her open with the thickness of his cock. She gasps, arching against him, clutching tightly to his shoulders as he pistons his hips in quick succession against hers. This is no gentle lovemaking, it is filled with raw animalistic need, a desire to feel something, anything.
His breaths are ragged against her neck and he finds release quickly, spilling inside of her with a grunt before collapsing and pulling her tight to his chest.
They lay quietly on the sofa together, nothing but the sounds of their heavy breathing filling the space. She has a thousand questions she longs to ask him, yet none of them seem appropriate. Despite the fact that Tom has just brutally had his way with her, she’s still in shock that he’s returned.
“I’m sorry I never wrote,” he says eventually, “was tired of never having any good news to tell you,”
“You’re back now,” she says quietly, fingers tracing over the bullet wound scar in his shoulder, “that’s all that matters,”
“Still mates then?” He asks.
Her heart lurches at the word. Is that all they are after what’s just happened?
“Yeah, still mates,”
He drifts to sleep in her arms and she holds him, until his thrashing pushes her from the sofa. She lands with a heavy thud on the living room carpet, watching in horror as Tom’s sweaty body writhes and cries out in terror in his sleep.
She kneels beside the sofa, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder to still him and coax him awake. He startles, wide eyed, before clutching at her, burying his face in her neck and sobbing until he drifts into unconsciousness again.
As Tom settles back into life in Longsight, he goes right back to wearing a mask for everyone.
“Are you a hero?” Children shout as he walks down the street.
“Always have been, always will be,” he says with a lopsided grin.
Yet each day ends with him muffling his cries into her neck after she’s soothed his night terrors, she knows better than the act he puts on for everyone else’s benefit. She suspects that Tom may be suffering from shell shock, but doesn’t dare to bring it up. Knowing his father had the same, it is likely a sore subject for him.
His return sees a new development in their friendship, them sleeping together the night he came back isn’t a one off occurrence, yet each time he still continues to refer to her as a mate. It’s confusing for her, but not an issue she wishes to push, knowing that Tom is struggling with enough already. He’ll figure it out when he’s ready, she just needs to be there for him.
Tom gets a flat nearby, and finds a job at the local garage. Having served in the Navy has imparted mechanical skills to him, and he can easily work his way around an engine.
She sits perched on the workbench of the garage, admiring the view. Tom’s sandy coloured hair is pushed back from his forehead, his navy overalls tied around his waist, leaving him in just the white vest he wears underneath. His first customer of the day has yet to arrive, so he’s clean for now. She bites her lip at the thought of how dirty he’ll be by the end of the day.
It has become routine for her to spend a few mornings a week watching him work - her mum has never gotten out of the habit of insisting she wants to open the shop and sort the morning papers before heading home, so she is left to her own devices most days until the early afternoon. Tom doesn’t seem to mind having her hang around the garage.
When a car pulls in, a portly gentleman stepping out, Tom walks to greet him.
“It keeps overheating, I can’t understand why,” he explains to Tom.
“I’ll take a look for ya, mate. Come back in an hour, yeah?”
The man looks over at her with slight concern. “Will she…uh…be assisting you?”
Tom grins. “Nah, she’s just a mate, won’t let her near your motor, don’t worry.”
Just a mate.
She thinks back to how he’d knelt behind her not long after they’d woken up, just a couple of hours ago, pulling her hips back to meet each of his thrusts.
Just a mate.
Mates don’t do that.
Tom’s voice breaks her out of her thoughts. “Stupid old sod, just needs to put coolant in the engine. Gonna tell him I replaced the fan belt and charge him extra.”
She giggles, shaking her head. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
He gives an easy shrug. “He’s loaded, he can afford it.”
She sighs, looking at her watch. “I’d better push off, mum’ll be expecting me at the shop. I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Probably not,” Tom says. “Booked solid tomorrow, but come round to mine after?”
She nods, waving and walking away. She’s used to Tom letting her know when the garage will be busy, so makes a point to stay away so he’s not distracted.
It’s not until the end of the day, when she fishes around in her pocket for the keys to lock up the shop that she realises she has Tom’s lighter. She’s too tired to pop round and drop it off at his, so decides she’ll swing by the garage in the morning to give it back.
Her fingers wrap around it in her pocket, preparing to take it out to hand back as she approaches the garage the next morning.
She stops in her tracks when she sees a sleek black motor car parked in the vehicle bay, a tall, sophisticated, beautiful woman standing beside it. Her perfectly manicured nails stroke down Tom’s bare arm as her ruby red lips pull back into a smile.
Her heart lurches in her chest as she watches him reach out to tuck a strand of the woman’s long, dark hair behind her ear.
Her throat tightens, nausea bubbles in her stomach as she turns and walks away, the lighter long forgotten. It feels as though the bottom of her world has been ripped away. She angrily swipes at the wetness that rims her eyes.
Just mates.
Fine, if that’s what Tom wanted then that’s all they’d ever be.
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
I had this idea that, what if Y/N one day just got SLIGHT baby fever from hanging around Sorbet cookie, Custard Cookie III, ect, alot around the kingdom and how all the young cookies love them...One day they mention how they want a kid themselves one day, and word gets out to the whole kingdom...I imagine all of the Y/N simps rushing to their residents acting all like "I VOLENTEER!! I VOLENTEER AS TRIBUTE!!" Because they wanna be the other Parent/Mother/Father to Y/N's future kid
(I don't know how kids come about in the cookie run kingdom world since their is obviously a mixing of genetics, but on the same side they're COOKIES LOL)
Dough from both parents, mix them together, bake it in a mini-oven, one child cookie is made!
“Ha ha! I’m glad to have such great subjects!”
“Oo 0oOo0o00!”
“Let’s have another tea party soon, Y/N Cookie. Pompon agrees with me…”
“I’ll bring even more shroomies next time, Y/N Cookie…!”
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You waved the little ones off with a smile as you returned to your bedroom in the castle, Financier Cookie was standing guard next to it. She greeted you politely with a snake on her face.
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You thanked Financier Cookie for safeguarding your living space, she didn’t really have to, this castle is the more secure spot in the kingdom.
“It was my pleasure, Your Majesty. I’m always available to assist you in any way I can, the young cookies in this kingdom need someone like you to watch over them.”
Yeah, taking care of the kiddos filled you with a sense of pride and joy. You did miss that feeling when it came time for the tea parties and play times to end, sometimes you wish you had a child to watch over, you’d do nothing but spoil them!
“I’m sure you’d make a wonderful parent if you do decide to have children, Your Majesty. The cookie who has you as the other parent is a lucky one from my perspective.”
Around the corner, someone was listening in. Y/N Cookie? Wanting a kid?! This was surprising news, but good too. Having a child with Y/N Cookie will be ultimate proof of the love they and the other cookie shared!
“I will not allow you to enter Their Majesty’s quarters! Stand back!”
“Let me speak to Y/N Cookie! They’ll clear up everything! Please!”
“You are trying to get in without their permission! I suggest you leave now!”
You woke up to shouting outside your room door to see a line of cookies in anticipation, Financier in a defensive stance as she glared at them.
“My deepest apologies for having woken you up, Your Majesty. But these cookies have disrespected you by trying to sneak into your room, I was just about to tell them that-“
You patted her shoulder, telling her you’ll take care of it from here. Financier looked at you with concern, but ultimately nodded her head as she went to your side.
The first cookie, eager with their proposition..
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“Y/N Cookie darling! I’ve heard you were in need of a child and I am here to grant you that wish! Please treat me and our child with all of your kindness!”
Y/N Cookie + Kumiho Cookie = Marshmallow Fudge Cookie
Marshmallow Fudge Cookie, having both Y/N Cookie’s charisma and Kumiho’s charm, means they’ll be in a cookie’s good graces in no time!
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“Y/N Cookie, it would be the greatest honor to have a young child with you. I’ve seen you take care of the ones in the kingdom, I’d love to travel that path together with you.”
Y/N Cookie + Caramel Arrow Cookie = Toffee Cookie
An honorable Cookie who’s a natural born leader that inspires his fellow cookies with courage and bravery!
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“I promise, with every piece of dough I have, to protect both you and our young one, Y/N Cookie. Nothing will get past me.”
Y/N Cookie + Lilac Cookie = Olive Cookie
Olive Cookie will take after Y/N Cookie’s traits of wishing the best for others and friendship, but she will resort to the swift and deadly tactics of her father if things go south.
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“Our kiddo is gonna be the hardest working cookie in the whole kingdom! Please give me a chance, I promise to make you and our child the proudest!”
Y/N Cookie + Carrot Cookie = Hutspot Cookie
While Hutspot does have that farmer side to her, she actually wishes to be a scientist instead. She does promise her mom that she’ll still have a garden to tend to for her!
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“My heart is at the warmest when I see you, a young one with you will make me the warmest I’ve been since forever. Y/N Cookie, I cherish you and I want our young one to be proof of my affection for you..”
Y/N Cookie + Sea Fairy Cookie = Pure Water Cookie
Pure Water Cookie will carry the torch for her mother when the time comes and the same for Y/N Cookie. Land and sea will have Pure Water Cookie, a responsible and dedicated cookie who watches over both with all her strength.
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babydollmarauders · 11 months
au masterlist
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liked by tofff73, jackhughes, and 266,359 others
y/ndevils00 🚨🚨 NEW UNCLE HAT TRICK 🚨🚨
TYLER ‘TOFFEE TRUFFLE’ TOFFOLI GOT HIS FIRST DEVILS HAT TRICK!! just coming off his first goal as a devil, too! GO NEW UNCLE!! YOU SLAYED TONIGHT, QUEEN! first slide was my reaction to his empty net hatty goal!!
but before those three goals could happen, we had to kick off the scoring somehow! and what better way to do it than with a Holtzy goal!! congrats on your first of the season!!
and squished in there between those three goals, CAPTAIN SWISS GOT HIS FIRST GOAL OF THE SEASON! TWICE! one goal WAS taken away for goalie interference— but don’t worry your slutty lil mind, Neeks, because it still counts in my heart!
my not-so-sweet, bff4l-ttylxox, maraschino cherry got a penalty for roughing— i missed what he actually did because i was climbing into the penalty box (btw if you have pics of that, please delete them, i can’t have evidence of me breaking into jail), but i’ve decided in my head that he punched a guy to defend me. and if he didn’t… what a bitch
and of course, who would i be if i didn’t point out that MY BOYFRIEND IS THE FIRST PLAYER TO GET 14 POINTS IN THE OPENING 5 GAMES OF A SEASON SINCE MARIO LEMIEUX IN 1992! whew, try saying that 10 times fast! the love of my life had FOUR primary assists tonight (on all 3 of uncle Toff’s goals and on captain’s goal!)! MY MAN, THANK YOU TO MY MAN!
p.s. i swear i feed him
p.p.s. we have no enemies of tonight, because none of the habs really played great… so i would just like to point out that, though not pictured here, I SAW MY TEDDY BEAR, COLE CAUFIELD TONIGHT! he seemed happy to see me! until i showed him my french? idk why that upset him so much
tagged dawson1417, holtz_10, tofff73, nicohischier, jackhughes, and john.marino97
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holtz_10 thank you, y/n!!
y/ndevils00 well this is awkward
holtz_10 i’m not sure i understand how
y/ndevils00 you gave me nothing to work off of. how am i supposed to show my personality if all you say is “thank you”?
holtz_10 oh, i know! Nico gave me answer to this one: you don’t.
y/ndevils00 @/nicohischier am i a joke to you?
dawson1417 I MADE IT
y/ndevils00 you’re such a meme, i love you 🫶
dawson1417 thanks, i was born this way!
y/ndevils00 never change, sugar muffin!
user19 so who has the pics of y/n climbing into the penalty box?
y/ndevils00 well yeah, but i said “JE T’AIME, mon petit tête de chou.”
colecaufield saying you love me does not make it better
y/ndevils00 yes it does?
colecaufield how?
y/ndevils00 because i said so?
colecaufield @/jackhughes take her home. i don’t want her in my country anymore
john.marino97 i wish i could say i was shocked when i got to the penalty box and you were sitting on the floor, but nothing you do surprises me anymore
y/ndevils00 awww that’s so sweet!
john.marino97 that wasn’t a compliment
y/ndevils00 it’s okay to not act tough <3 you can compliment me
john.marino97 i’m beginning to worry you don’t know what compliments are
nicohischier i wasn’t worrying at all, but nice to know. it’s appreciated ❤️ love you
y/ndevils00 love you too! hey, i have a picture of you bent over, do you wanna see it?
nicohischier i take it back, please move back to canada
y/ndevils00 well that was mean :( you could’ve just said no :(
nicohischier fine, i’m sorry. no, thank you
y/ndevils00 okay! i just sent it to you!
nicohischier why do i bother?
user83 i would do anything to see Marino’s face when he walked into the penalty box and just saw y/n there waiting for him
y/ndevils00 it was a little like this: 🤨😐😑🙄!
jackhughes YOU don’t even feed me. i feed YOU!
y/ndevils00 that’s cause you make the money and i look pretty and make jokes!
jackhughes and you do such a good job!
y/ndevils00 thank you, i know!
jackhughes well that’s a bit conceited
y/ndevils00 you’re one to talk, mr. mirror ***
y/ndevils00 IT WAS YOUR IDEA
jackhughes AND YOU LIKED IT
y/ndevils00 yeah, i did *insert debby ryan gif*
tofff73 Cat says i did indeed “slay tonight” ?? whatever that means
y/ndevils00 ask her to marry me
tofff73 she’s MY wife?
y/ndevils00 okay and? what, are you against love?
tofff73 no, i’m against you stealing my wife
y/ndevils00 you are no longer slaying tonight. you ran out of slay. you are flopping. you’re in your flop era.
tofff73 i kissed your boyfriend a few days ago and then got a hat trick, what did you do?
y/ndevils00 i did other things to my boyfriend and i’ll get a hat trick tonight
tofff73 you don’t even play hockey?
john.marino97 how are you so innocent? you’re 31
tofff73 @/john.marino97 i’m so lost
dawson1417 probably better if you keep it that way, dude
trevorzegras can’t believe you saw Cole before you saw me
y/ndevils00 not my fault we played the french before the quackies 🤷‍♀️ take it up with buttman
trevorzegras it’s *bettman
y/ndevils00 oh, i know
trevorzegras how do you still have a job?
y/ndevils00 nepotism
trevorzegras oh yeah
user68 this is the second time y/n has used this joke, WHO IS SHE A NEPO BABY OF?!
lhughes_06 you yelled at me
y/ndevils00 you knocked down my teddy bear
_quinnhughes you said i was your favorite fake canadian!
y/ndevils00 @_quinnhughes and you are!
_quinnhughes you just said Cole is your favorite!
y/ndevils00 @_quinnhughes no i didn’t
_quinnhughes are you trying to gaslight me? when there’s literal proof?
y/ndevils00 @_quinnhughes no! (is it working?)
_quinnhughes yes, you are! (no)
y/ndevils00 @_quinnhughes (damnit)
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sleeplesssmoll · 8 months
Analysis: Another perspective into Sonetto and Vertin's complicated childhood relationship using new information from Green Lake.
We know Vertin and Sonetto were not on good terms after the frog event in the hallway but after playing through Green Lake, I think Vertin still tried to befriend Sonetto. She didn't give Sonetto things from the outside world, but instead she shared her toffees. Even if they didn't speak much (Vertin mentions this when Sonetto gave her notebook. It's rare for Sonetto to talk to her first), this says volumes about their relationship to me.
Vertin, who's love language is giving/providing, found a way to give Sonetto things without making her mad. Perhaps it was more than her being nice. She wanted to befriend Sonetto, but she didn't know how to bridge the gap since her interests are the main reason they don't get along. They had nothing to bond over, but Smoltin did her best to build something. Sonetto also didn't hate the brat, but she didn't like the rule-breaking. She accepted the toffees because they didn't break the rules.
During the Green Lake event, we see Sonetto decipher Jessica’s learning style and modify her lessons around it. Sonetto is very observant.
Back to Vertin and Sonetto's childhood, What if Sonetto knew Vertin was trying to bridge the gap because giving is how she shows affection? She didn't care about the flavor. In fact, she admits she can't remember what they tasted like. But they were a gift from Vertin and she accepted them instead of breaking her heart again.
Vertin was trying to mend things but she wasn't the charismatic Timekeeper then. She was a kid who really wanted the girl sitting next to her to talk to her. She's genuinely surprised when Sonetto comes to her first after the Parade Protest, which ngl breaks my heart.
She couldn't fathom Sonetto checking up on her because she assumes Sonetto doesn't like her. Placing that into context, she “knew” Sonetto didn't like her, but Sonetto “likes” the toffees she shares with so she continued to share. The pining is real.
Unlike everyone else at the Foundation, Sonetto isn't a victim of her cheeky comebacks. Vertin is unusually quiet and soft spoken when she talks to Sonetto by time the Parade comes around. There's no playfulness in her tone or dry humor.
But her efforts were not in vain. Sonetto was highly aware of her deskmate.
When Vertin was hurt, what did Sonetto do after they spoke again?
She gave Vertin her notebook.
Sonetto isn't like Vertin with a bunch of random crap in her pockets to share, but she shared something very dear to her and wrote little notes to her in the margins. While Vertin was in a coma, Sonetto annotated her notes with the intention of Vertin reading them (can be found in Ch3 Atlas). She even left a little get-well-soon message at the end. The highly focused, no nonsense Sonetto wrote annotations in a way someone like Vertin would understand by associating them with things she might be familiar with. She's trying to speak Vertin's language because she gets that one part of her deskmate.
She is trying to wrap her head around Vertin too, even if it's not obvious in her interactions.
Vertin still has the notebook Sonetto gave her.
Moving on, Vertin might learn in a similar fashion to Jessica. Afterall, Sonetto's notes were effective at keeping her out of the guardhouse.
Vertin is a tactile person. Sonetto teaches Jessica about tangible cognition in a way similar to the notes she gave to Vertin through associations.
It's frustrating to think how much these two understood each other yet kept missing the mark because of the Foundation! Also, we can see Sonetto was distracted in some of her notes when Vertin was no longer at her side. Vertin was always a distraction, especially when she's not around.
Sonetto wanted Vertin to succeed. She wanted her to stop getting punished and just listen to the Foundation. However, once Vertin's made up her mind to leave Sonetto fights by her side, because she in fact does care about Vertin. She doesn't understand her completely, but she gets that this is important for Vertin.
And maybe at the back of her mind, seeing Vertin shot down in front of her finally planted that seed of doubt.
Sonetto never tattled in game, but she threatened to. Why? Because Vertin was going to get punished and she wanted to prevent that. Unfortunately, she couldn't. I wonder if that frustrated her? Did she see the bruises when Vertin shared her toffees after seeing Tooth Fairy? Did she feel helpless? Angry? If she's observant, she must have seen them.
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lynxsz64 · 5 months
Kabocha!Fang x reader
semi tenderness|| Brawl Stars x reader!
" lost in the forest, it would seem the forest.."
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Today is Halloween night, you bet with your friends that this very night you will go to look for one of the legends, because you will check whether it exists or not.. And now you are already in the forest, but accidentally got lost and don’t know where to go next, in your hands is a small a bag with candies inside, maybe to calm the spirit, a beautiful night sky and something faintly glowing in the distance, but noticeable, and the rustling of leaves on the ground... you're a little scared.
The cold wind ruffled your still warm skin.
The deeper into the forest, the darker and eerie the sky becomes, and the rustling of the leaves stops for a moment, only to become louder again... Then after a while, a voice comes from somewhere,
“Hey, hey, do you have some sweets with you?
with a sharp chill throughout your body, you turned back.
And here he is, a tall man in a pumpkin mask, his appearance is quite frightening and even seems deadly, but there is something attractive about him. He looks at you with his green piercing eyes, which are now glowing a little more than usual.
“I see you have candy... Can I have some?” This voice seems very familiar to me...
“yeah..i guess.? ”
You stood up, completely forgetting about his request. what a sadness.
He comes a little closer to you, reaches for your bag of candies, but stops, and grins friendly and says in a familiar voice*
“Can you just give me a couple of candies?..” That’s right, you have a feeling that you know him.. And there is a strange feeling that you can trust him*He just smiles and carefully grabs your bag and pulls out two toffees. He puts one in his mouth, offers you another, looks at you expectantly, as if waiting for you to eat yours.
“What’s your name?”
*He just smiles at you again and says* “What a beautiful name you have. You know... I know who you are."
It scared you, honestly.
*He pauses, as if he didn’t expect that you wouldn’t remember him. He sighs and looks away for a moment, then looks back at you. “Your eyes are really beautiful and familiar... Can I take off my mask and tell you who I am..?”
“Yes. ”
You answered incredulously. In your thoughts, you beat yourself for trembling from a simple conversation. although this wouldn’t be exactly the case... you’re literally alone in the forest, and here’s an incomprehensible... man?
He freezes for a moment, he didn’t expect you to recognize him at all. But then he smiles again with the same friendly smile.
“Yes..it's me..”
You seemed to remember him... you immediately rushed into his arms.
He's surprised by this but happily hugs you back, his warm breath touching your cheek as you're in his arms, it feels like it's been a long time since you last saw each other. He breaks away from the hug and looks at you, his hands on your waist.
“I missed you...”
He gently grabs your chin, turning your face towards him, and touches his forehead to yours, looking into your eyes. Now you see nothing but the beautiful green of his eyes, making you shiver. His lips are now inches away from yours, and he utters just one word in a whisper*
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SORRY FOR SOME WRONG POINTS... It’s night now and this idea came to me that I immediately ran to write this. in a semi-mortal state.
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chiskz · 2 years
▶️ [슈취타] EP.5 SUGA with CHICHI
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♡ 일본의 위대한 사랑의 함정에 빠졌다! / 게으른 고양이 vs 작은 호랑이 ! ♡ caught in the trap of Japan's great love! / lazy cat vs small tiger!
-> Suchwita (슈취타) is a variety web series starring SUGA (BTS). The series features him chatting with guests while enjoying alcohol.
《♡》 Chichi's SUCHWITA Profile:
choreographer, main dancer and oldest member of Stray Kids
"Who wouldn't take the opportunity to get drunk for free in good company?"
♡ A charming choreographer straight from Japan. ♡ Don't be fooled by her deep voice and muscles!
《♡》 [ xxxx ] - editors' note
Chichi enters the room bowing to the staff. She stops in front of Yoongi.
"Ah, should I bow? Or shall we shake hands?"
"Ah, no, no, I should... I should... should I?" They both laugh and bow their heads briefly.
"Of course, I didn't come empty-handed!" She bows with her head a second time, handing Yoongi the pink box.
"Pink, I could have expected that!" He laughs and opens it carefully to reveal the contents - a bottle of Hibiki (name is censored) Whiskey. "You really want to get drunk tonight!"
"I rarely get the chance!" She laughs loudly and they finally sit down. "And it's actually a collector's edition, you can't drink it!" [ whiskey, not for consumption! don't touch, just look! ]
"We've met before, so you seem relaxed!" [ big meeting of two introverts! ]
"Yes, that's true. But we shouldn't talk about the circumstances of our first meeting."
"That's right... we really should take this to the grave." [ great mystery shrouded in an even greater mystery??? ]
"Should we get rid of the honorifics on this occasion?"
"Did we ever use them at all?"
Yoongi looks straight at the camera as Chichi laughs in the background. [ SUGA's thoughts: she keeps exposing us ]
"This is my second tiger visitor in such a short time." [ first was HOSHI! ]
"Yeah, but Hoshi and I are different tigers. He's... a real tiger and I'm just... a big cat?"
"No, I wouldn't say that. I've watched a lot of your shows, a few before you came here. You're both wild on stage, but you seem really dangerous. You are a tiger."
Chichi covers her mouth with her hands, editors draw her blushes. [ is that the dangerous tiger??? ]
"I also listened to your solo digital album, Member Branding. Your voice is as impressive as they say."
"Aren't you praising me too much?" Chichi laughs, trying to hide her embarrassment. "But wow, you really did some research."
"Of course, who do you think I am?"
"A lazy cat?" [ CHICHI, straight to the point! ]
"So quests bring the drinks?"
Yoongi blinks in surprise.
"She really wants to drink now!"
Chichi laughs and pulls out the second bottle of whiskey today, Hibiki Whiskey - "regular" edition.
"For you, so you're not sorry you can't drink the one I bought you as a gift!"
"Wow, now I can not touch it at peace!"
"This is my favorite whiskey. I got it as a gift from a good friend in Japan once. It's a light whiskey, with mild dried fruit, a bit spicy, but everything is in balance. I brought a flavor with toffee in it. It's good when you want to relax and not necessarily get drunk, so I thought it would be a good start."
"If this was an advertisement for this product, I would definitely buy it!"
"Oh, thank you! I don't have many opportunities to drink alcohol for fun, so sometimes I just drink something light, mostly with Minho."
"With Lee Know... with Minho. Yes, we know each other!" [ Lee Know, one of BTS' past dancers! ]
"Of course you know him. He was a good dancer, wasn't he?"
"That's right, I remember that. He was really good."
Chichi leans her elbow on the back of the chair.
"So he's even better now!" [ tiger mom attacks! ]
"You're studying."
"Yeah, law. I'll probably be graduating by the time this episode airs."
"Then Chichi from the future, congratulations!" [ lawyer and choreographer! ] "What made you do this? I'm not saying it's bad or super weird, but most idols like to live in the moment. College takes a lot of time, and you didn't seem to have much time with your activities."
"I understand, I had fears too. I didn't think I could do it, but I thought to myself... The future is very fragile and uncertain. I want to be an idol as long as possible and enjoy it as much as possible, but the time will come when I will leave the stage. I want then to know that I still have something to do. It required a lot of self-denial and a lot of sacrifice from me. But I wasn't alone, I had my members."
"Yes, BTS members are also my strength. I understand that perfectly." [ two cats deeply in love with their members ]
"It's often forgotten, but you're the oldest in the group, right?"
"Yeah! I forget that a lot too. I don't feel it at all unless Seungmin painfully reminds me."
"You've lived your whole life in Japan. I also know that you're really popular there."
"Thank you! You're really praising me a lot today, I'll think you want something from me!"
"It's not like that, really! I was just wondering why you didn't decide to pursue a career there."
"Ah, a career in Japan? I don't know, now you've made me think about it... J-pop is a good genre of music, but I feel like it's still more entertainment-oriented, which of course is great! But still, I was more intrigued by the k-pop groups' system. There's a lot more place to display here, more opportunities to create something like a little spectacle every time."
"Speaking of the spectacle, you also have an acting career on your account!"
"I wouldn't call it that!" Chichi immediately waves her hands in embarrassment. "But yes, I'm also interested in acting and I managed to get a role in some interesting productions. I think that playing different roles has always interested me, mostly I showed it on stage. But I'm not thinking about switching to acting completely, it's more my hobby."
"I also looked up some articles on the internet to get a better point of view from ​​your fans. I can say for sure that you have become a great support for them. I don't know how to put it correctly, but according to many, you don't fit the idol stereotype. When people think of an idol, they don't have someone like you in mind."
"Ah yes, I've seen that opinion too. I'm not trying to stand out by force, although most people think that's what I do. Why a male group if I'm a woman? Why did I force myself to go somewhere I didn't belong in? But honestly, I don't care about such opinions. I fell in love with Stray Kids and their music, and music is universal for everyone, I wish everyone would think in those terms, in terms like Does this make me happy? Do I like it? Do I love these people? Do I feel good doing this? Instead of thinking Is this for women? Is this for men? What will other people think? Others will not live your life. They will judge you, give you an opinion and forget about you. You are the person who will be with you all your life, not them. Do everything to make you feel good."
"I know J-HOPE shares your view of the world."
"Yes, I think that's why we immediately understood each other and became friends. Please look forward to our collaboration with DIOR!"
♡taglist: @g4m3girl , @smh-anon
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 2 months
Some original work
‘Always thought there was something off about her,’ said Dunk later as they drove up to his cabin on the moors. ‘Seems the type to ‘have you tried’ you. Oh gods she has a kid doesn’t she. Poor sod. Y’know once I had a lady in a pharmacy tell me retinol would probably get rid of this?’ he pointed to the port wine stain. ‘I told her to fuck off.’
‘Not surprised.’
‘Hot chocolate? I’ve got orange, toffee, classic and white and raspberry. You must be freezing, sorry it took so long to get to you.’
‘Raspberry sounds good.’
‘It’s pink!’
Dunk’s place was cluttered and cosy, fake wood floors (‘for the noise’) in deep brown and exposed beams in the low ceiling. It was like stepping back in time, a feeling only accentuated by walking into the kitchen. Bunches of dried herbs were garlanded around the oak cabinets, a copper pan simmered on the stove with thyme and orange slices. As she stepped in, Dunk dropped a few crushed juniper berries in too. ‘Energy has to be right,’ he said. ‘Purifying shit.’
‘What Yule plans so far?’
‘Party, obviously.’ He turned with a mug of chocolate. ‘Here you go. We’re doing gift giving and all that too. I think we’re all cooking? Can’t remember. I know it’s duck, and maybe a whole salmon. Any ideas?’
‘A pie? Might be nice. A savoury and a sweet. Pork pie and then blackberry and apple?’
‘Lush. Come sit down, I need to make notes.’
They went into the living room, which was dominated by a beat up leather sofa, its burgundy surface cracked in places. As Dunk went hunting for a beat up notebook in the bookcase, a small furry face peeked out from behind a stack of tabletop games shoved haphazardly into a corner. ‘You got a cat?!’
‘Yeah, mate!’ Dunk grinned and knelt down, reaching. The kitten approached, butting its head against his hand. He gathered it up and settled next to Arianne. ‘This is Tara. She’s technically a Yule present from dad, but he wanted her to celebrate with us.’
‘How is your dad?’
‘Oh, y’know. Still kicking.’
‘Hey Tara,’ Arianne sat on the floor and let the kitten sniff her hand, grinning when she stepped into her lap and settled. ‘Aww. She’s adorable.’
‘Sure you’re not a druid, mate? She doesn’t normally do that.’
‘I wish I could have a pet sometimes. They’re just lovely.’
‘Yeah, say that when you’re breaking your back cleaning the litterbox.’ Dunk was clearly head over heels for Tara; he had a sparkle in his eyes she hadn’t seen in a long time. ‘She’s the best though.’
‘Did you consult the cards about her or anything?’
‘Nope. She just dropped into my life. Sorry we weren’t like, in contact or whatever. Adi said you wanted space so like… yeah. Sorry.’ He sat heavily on the sofa with the notebook and a chewed pen. ‘What did we say? Savoury pie and a sweet pie, duck, salmon…’
‘It’s alright.’ A wave rose and broke in her chest, leaving her bereft. ‘I mean I didn’t. Want space, I mean. I was actually in a really dark place. Did you know that?’
Dunk frowned and turned fully to her. ‘How dark are we talking?’ ‘I was suicidal,’ she said. Even she heard the brittle, casual denial in the nonchalance. ‘It’s fine.’ Tara started purring in her lap. It seemed to neutralise the knot in her gut.
‘I’m sorry.’ There was nothing else to say. They sat in silence, one crushed under the weight of guilt, the other almost gratified by how much pain that seemed to cause. The silence stretched, yawned into something tangible.
‘Not your fault,’ she said finally. His shoulders dropped.
‘What happened?’
She shrugged. ‘Everyone trying to fix me I guess. It’s like I just wasn’t good enough as I was. I mean I know mum and dad don’t think that, but I can’t help feeling that way. I talked to mum for ages about it. She said it would do me good, and I should go for it, but when I tried out the surgery it didn’t even work. I was telling Adi a few days ago. It’s why I hid away I guess. Just felt like there was no point being here. Or well not that exactly but just there’s a risk every time you have surgery isn’t there? Like the last time I had surgery as a kid I dreamed I didn’t wake up. I didn’t want to go through that again.’
‘And hospitals are the worst.’
‘Yeah. Anyway I’m sorry. For hiding. I just dunno what anyone could’ve done.’
‘Well, you’re here now. Got to meet Tara, which honestly is the best. I knew you’d be friends.’
Arianne scratched the tortoiseshell behind the ears. Outside, rain pelted the windows. She burrowed deeper into the sofa and smiled as Dunk took her mug to make another chocolate. The silence was broken by the gentleness of Hozier’s ‘De Selby’, its lilting guitar a cocoon of sound. Dunk sang along, and for a brief moment she wondered how she could have ever wanted to leave the world, she felt so safe within it. ‘I don’t actually want to leave,’ she said, when Dunk returned. ‘I mean, the country. This thing Adi was talking about. I don’t know.’
‘You want to stay in the starting tavern, is that it? I mean I can’t blame you. It’s comfortable. Warm against the cold outside, there are friends, probably a dog, routine. You have to decide if you want to stay there or not.’
Arianne scowled. ‘That’s manipulative.’
‘Why?’ Duncan had a twinkle in his eye. ‘Just telling the truth.’
‘You’re an asshole. You know I can’t resist a call to something like that. Fine. I’ll do it, but only a few months. Six at most.’
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25 Things That Surprised Me as a Brit Living in Japan
1) Shops and supermarkets change their stock regularly. One day you buy ice cream, and when you go back three days later to get some more, it’s gone and there’s no evidence they ever sold it. No “sorry this is sold out”, no empty space where it was.
2) So much single-use plastic. Cookies, cakes, fruits and vegetables etc are individually wrapped, or wrapped in packs of two. To be fair though, Japan is much better at recycling all this plastic. Which leads me nicely on to...
3) PET bottles go in one recycling bin, the plastic labels and bottle tops go in a different one. You can’t just put them in together.
4) Multipack crisps are not a thing. Or if they are, I’m yet to find them. I’m used to getting 24-bag multipacks and adding crisps to my lunchbox, taking them with me in case of sudden hungries and using them to get me by between meals. Here you only really get crisps in sharing-size bags, and there’s much less variety. (Although you can buy chocolate-coated crisps, which sound like a cardinal sin but are pretty tasty)
5) There are lots of varieties of plain yoghurt. There’s not a lot of variety of flavoured yoghurt, especially when it comes to large pots. In the UK I can get strawberry, strawberry wholegrain, raspberry, blueberry, mango & passionfruit, mango & apple, mango & vanilla, vanilla, coconut, lemon curd and so much more in 500g pots. Here I’ve found vanilla, honey and blueberry in 350g pots.
6) Even in the winter when the snowstorms came, there were many non-coniferous trees that remained green. I cannot begin to explain how jarring the sight of such vibrant greenery amongst white snow is when you’re used to winter being a sea of brown and grey.
7) Cars actually stop to let you cross the road. Even if they’re turning into a side-road or at a junction, they stop for you to cross, holding up traffic. In the UK, you would annoy a lot of drivers if you started crossing a junction they were turning into.
8) Squat toilets. They’re not just a thing; they’re a commonplace thing and almost every public toilet seems to have at least one. I’ve never seen anyone opt to use one (apparently it’s easier for pregnant women though)
9) When the emergency services are called, they really show up. My neighbour left her keys in her door, someone called the police, two of them waited for her to return home. That same neighbour accidentally used a dish that wasn’t heat-resistant in the microwave and while there was no fire, there was a bit of smoke. Three fire trucks showed up, as well as police. Not a chance anything like that would happen in the UK.
10) You’re not supposed to thank the cashier after buying something; you’re supposed to just bow and leave. I cannot do this; I am culturally conditioned to thank cashiers and find myself doing it anyway.
11) 99% of (non-sliding) doors open outwards. In the UK, the opposite is true. I assume this is because, in the event of an earthquake causing structural damage, it’s much easier to barge your way out of a door when it opens outwards. In the UK, we’re more worried about people breaking in, and so doors open inwards such that we can barricade them (or so I’m told).
12) There are differences between some fruits and vegetables here. Cucumbers are tiny green wrinkled things that look like alien fingers. Radishes are enormous white monstrosities. Spinach is rarely baby leaf. Pumpkins are green. Sweet potatoes are white inside.
13) There’s not much in the way of caramel or salted caramel, but strawberry-flavoured things (especially chocolate) is very common (as is macha flavour). Things that are caramel flavour are more like burnt toffee flavour.
14) People wear coats when it’s 25ºC outside because apparently that’s not warm for them.
15) Convenience stores have printers that you’re welcome to use any time. You have to pay, of course, but for A4 paper it’s 10 yen per black and white page or 50 yen per coloured page, which is basically nothing. You can also print out things on A3, B4 and B5 paper, as well as photographs and postcards.
16) The stairwell for blocks of flats is typically outside, and then you walk along a walkway outside to get to the door. You don’t typically go into a block of flats. The opposite is true in the UK: you have to go into the building (which is typically locked, so you have to buzz the flat of the person you’re visiting and they’ll open it electronically for you from their flat) and then go up the stairs inside.
17) Bread is not sold with the end slices. It’s also usually sold in loaves of 6-8 slices, all of which are thick-cut and much sweeter than English bread. Typically only white bread is available.
18) Vending machines crop up everywhere in the seemingly most random places. I stg if Erebor were in Japan in the years of Smaug, it would have a well-stocked and fully functioning vending machine.
19) There’s no such thing as pepsi max, although there is pepsi zero. Typically you can’t get pepsi zero from the convenience store (although you can get coke zero) and have to go to the supermarket, but it costs like half the price of coke zero if you can be bothered to make the journey.
20) There are cars/vans with megaphones that just drive around advertising things. One time one passed us by and I asked my friend what the deal was and he said “oh, it’s advertising gas”. They’re also used in election campaigns. I’m still confused by these things.
21) Exposing your bare shoulders is a no-no. Even when it’s 35ºC with 90% humidity, people wear tops with sleeves that cover their shoulders (some even wear long sleeves to stop them from getting a tan). It’s okay if you’re going out on the town, but not as everyday wear.
22) “Milk” and “butter” are flavours. Personally, I think it’s redundant to describe cream as “milk-flavoured” or cake as “butter flavoured”, but it would seem Japanese people disagree.
23) Cash is still used everywhere. I pay my bills at the convenience store in cash.
24) Prices of produce are REALLY volatile. One day you pay 88 yen for a tomato. The next day that same tomato - now slightly mankier thanks to being a day older - is 198 yen. Two days later tomatoes are 98 yen. The next week they’re 128 yen.
25) Shoes off! In the classroom, at the doctor’s, at the office etc, shoes come off at the door and you change into provided slippers. This is now so deeply ingrained in me that I feel uncomfortable when my UK friends send me pictures/videos and they’re wearing shoes inside.
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stridersdiner · 1 year
Bergamot. Oak. Linen.
Three scent profiles that never meant much to you before he did.
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Eau Pour Le Jeune Homme, Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier. Top: Orange, bergamot. Middle: Nutmeg, coriander. Base: Sandalwood.
Like lazing across from each other at the dinner table. Steam billowing over mugs of earl gray tea, cookies that one of the nice old women in town had shoved into your hands just earlier that day stacked haphazardly on a plate between the two of you. Clear vase of purple catmint, yellow coneflowers, and whorled milkweed sitting at the end of the table runner to your left.
His chuckle turns into a snort as he scribbles onto a sticky note, peeling it back and slapping it down next to your mug as he turns his attention back to his phone. He's been doing this the entire time you two settled down at the table. You regret influencing his Instagram algorithm. Messy blue ink sprawls out the yellow piece of paper.
betray, belittle, boytoy
Gentleman Reserve Privée, Givenchy. Top: Bergamot. Middle: Chestnut. Base: Whiskey, amber.
Like special occasions. You sit on the bed, watching him rubber band between the bathroom and the bedroom to get ready to leave. You've been ready for at least ten minutes, but he insists on looking his best for this party your parents were throwing, and that meant rummaging through his fancy fragrances. He's never overbearing with it- always just enough cling to him and his clothes. Neck, inner elbows, wrists- always, like clockwork.
He has no idea what the fancy words on the bottles mean, but he does know that he doesn't want to smell like anything resembling 'toilet', so eau de parfum is the next best thing. You can catch wafts of it lingering in the air as he moves, before he finally stands proudly before you, hands on his hips, and a proud wide-toothed smile on his face.
Lin Blanc, Jeanne en Provence. Top: White flowers, pear. Middle: Lavender, cotton. Base: Vanilla, white woods.
Like freshly dried sheets. He dedicates Sunday to laundry day. The washer and dryer in the house are still pretty new and practically pristine, but he will always air out and pin up the bedsheets and pillowcases on the clothesline like Ma did when he was younger. It makes him feel better to shake them out and flatten them out against the line outside in the backyard- nostalgic, really.
Sometimes he lays down in the grass beneath them after a few hours. He stares up at the bright blue sky. Sheets dance along the cool breeze, like the fluttering fabric of a waltz. You watch curiously through the window the first few times, and eventually, you convince yourself to go outside and lay next to him.
And he welcomes you happily.
"That cloud looks like a cow."
The Most Wanted, Azzaro. Top: Cardamom. Middle: Toffee. Base: Amberwood.
He pulled the bottle out of the box and buried it in his sock drawer in the walk-in closet. You're half sure he got it just because it looks like a revolver cylinder. You've test-sprayed it on your wrist before- sickly sweet caramel, strangely spiced- and you scrunched your nose at it. He laughed from the doorway.
It was supposed to "settle," he had said. Whatever that means. It had been maybe a month since he hid it away, so imagine your surprise when he finally pulls the bottle out. You cringe a little as you recall the scent while he mists it onto the collar of his button down, watching the fragrance just hook onto the fabric. He chuckles at your expression as he affixes one of his watches to his wrist. You take a half step back as he comes towards you, but the smell isn't nearly half as bad nor domineering as it first was- suddenly subtly sweet and tangy. He simpered as your expression mellowed.
"Better now, ain't it?"
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Babes that wanted to be tagged:
@mockerycrow @kivino
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lollipencil · 7 months
In The Pale Moonlight Part 7
Honestly, I'm struggling to write a traditional chapter for this AU. Then I remembered the introductions I did a while ago. So, @harleyification, let's see if I can recapture the magic?
Enjoy and be gentle ---
(Martha Kent (Marc))
When Clark called home asking for a pie that "a young teen might enjoy", Martha wasn't too sure what to think. "I'm helping a friend with his new kids," was all he'd say over the phone, but with that tone that hinted at something related to Work. So, Martha shrugged and got baking.
It was pretty late when Clark appeared in his suit, as did a little tag-along. "Hello dear," she warmly greeted her son before turning to her guest, " and what's your name, sweetheart?" "Moon Knight," The teenager in mummy bandages blinked glowing eyes in mild surprise. "Batman asked me to help teach him and his brother how to fly," Clark explained, "There is another, but he can't fly at all, so..."
"Oh, and where is he?" "Want back home," Moon Knight muttered, "Went first." "I'm going to drop him back tonight, but figured a little pick-me up before would be best," Clark smiled like the sun. "Of cource," Martha nodded and silently planned to send the rest of the pie home with him, "Come on in, I've tried something new this time: Toffee Apple pie sound good?"
Those glowing eyes perked up slightly. Near-silent footsteps followed her inside as Martha wondered if they still had some custard left.
--- (Martian Manhunter (Steven (and the others)))
J'onn might have missed the meeting where they were introduced to the whole League, but he knew Batman's new sons. Or, at least, one of them.
It would seem that something in the universe had conspired so that everytime he visited, only Mr Knight was visiting. Not that he really objected. The young lad was a sponge for knowledge, and was happy and eager to hear about Mars in its prime. It warmed his heart to be able to share his planet's history with another.
So, when Batman called him into a private meeting with Mr Knight, J'onn had no clue as to why. "Hello J'onn," Batman stated calmly, genuinely, "Mr Knight wants to share something personal with you." "Oh?" J'onn had not expected this. "Yes, I already know what. But before that, I want your word that it does not leave this room." And there was the batgrowl they all know and love. "Of cource. I will maintain the secrecy of whatever is revealed here and now."
Batman nodded and turned to Mr Knight. He hesitated, before his mask shrinked into its domino form. "I want to tell you, I've not told anyone before. Everyone else who knows found out and- I trust you," he stammered past his nerves, "And it's best that you know. Two birds one stone, innit?" "Ok," J'onn calmly nodded even as he filed the proverb for future reference.
Mr Knight swallowed. For a few moments, J'onn waited. Then he felt the invitation. He looked up at Batman who nodded, and made his way inside his mind.
And finally met Mr Knight's brothers. J'onn had never felt a mind like their's, multiple yet natural. His face smiled while a mental handshake was extended to the boys.
Keeping this secret would be no problem.
--- (Khonshu (All of them))
It had been an whim. Khonshu had been about to approach a very promising individual about becoming his avatar, when he felt it. A call. Had it been anything else, he would have ignored it, but someone was calling him.
So, Khonshu left Arthur Harrow, and appeared somewhere he was not expecting.
A child's bedroom. Hand-drawn pictures splattered in blood, the source of which lay trembling close by. For a moment, Khonshu was stunned. It was far from the first dying child he'd seen in his long existance, but how had this child managed to summon him?
The child's hand twitched on a slightly crumpled drawing, a artistically pleasing depiction of himself, albeit in cheap felt-tip pen. Looking closer, he could see them all: Marc Spector who still fought even in his despair, Jake Lockley who was trying to take the pain from him, and Steven Grant, asleep and blissfully unaware of his approaching fate.
Khonshu made up his mind. "Little ones," he greeted, "Do you wish to live?" "What-?" Marc weakly answered, using every last bit of strength to look at Khonshu. "You have undergone great suffering. But I am here. If you wish it, I will shield you from harm, and in return, you can help others like you, others who live in fear of harm. So, I ask you, will you protect the travelers of the night?" "...yes." "Then rise my Moon Knight, and come back from the brink."
As flesh healed, the relief of life carried Marc and Jake to sleep. Staring down at his new avatar (or was it avatars?), Khonshu knew what he must do. After all, they had called to him as travellers first.
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(Sorry for the late submission 😭) but I would LOVE #8 with the one and only Ms. Lyla Winston!
Toffee and Rum Raisin
Contains: Fluff
1.0K words
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy Ice cream and that’s basically the same thing.' - Unknown
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"What are you going here?"
You sighed, "It's so hot, the AC at went died and I know for sure it would still be running here."
Lyla chuckled, "It is. I'm editing so I could use the company anyway."
She walked you through the set and into the editing studio before waving at the couch for you to sit, "What's on the agenda today?"
Lyla smiled, "Custom video, a guy who's really into cake and sprinkles. No nudity so I don't get to see you all flustered."
You shook your head, "Hey, the only T and A I want to see is yours. It's different for you because it's your job, our roads are paved because of your excellent production skills."
Lyla shot you a look, "You're laying it on thick, what do you want?"
You shook your head, "I told you what I wanted, I want to hang in the cool with you."
Lyla tapped the seat next to her, "Well come and make yourself useful and help me. I'll show you how to edit the sound so the background noise is gone."
You huffed, "I thought I was helping by sitting here and looking pretty." Nevertheless, you did as she asked and sat beside her.
Lyla moved in close enough that your arms touched as she showed you how to isolate the audio for the film, it seemed easy enough and after twenty minutes of you asking every question you could think of, you were well on your way to helping her get the video up, "I'm surprised you trust me with this."
She smiled, "I keep telling you that you should come and work with me, you'd be good at this."
You shook your head, "I love my job." You paused, "But if it wasn't there I would be here in a heartbeat."
"That's good to know. How are you doing over there?" You noticed she had stopped taking glances at your screen after a while.
You pointed at the progress bar, "I'm further along than you. I've got a few more things to remove here before I go onto the next scene."
Lyla sighed, "Wow you're fast, are you sure you haven't done this before?"
You nodded, "Yep, positive. I just have a great teacher."
Lyla leaned over and pecked your cheek, "You're too sweet to me."
One video turned into two, which turned into six and by the time the sun was setting, you and Lyla had gotten enough done that she could take the weekend off, "I'm impressed, you're really good at that."
You sighed, "I did enjoy it." She opened her mouth to speak but you stopped her, "But I'm going back to my day job, if I have to listen to the same lines over and over again, day in and day out, I will go nuts.
Lyla smiled, "Ok them, what do you want to do?"
You tapped your pocket, "I have ten bucks in my pocket and a craving for ice cream, you wanna come with?"
She nodded, "Hell yeah."
You hopped in her car and she drove you to the park where they had the best ice cream stand in all of Charming, with its blue and white pinstripes and big twisty ice cream cone sign. You could hear the milk bar music from the speakers as you walked closer. There was a flash of little legs and blond hair as a child ran up to you, "Auntie, auntie, are you here for the picnic?"
You could see Jax and his wife waving from the distance and Abel pointed over to the stand, "Can we get ice cream?"
Lyla shook her head and pointed to his shirt, "I think I can already see some chocolate ice cream on your shirt, little man, I don't think your mummy and daddy would like it if you had any more."
Abel seemed unfazed, "Ok, but are you here for the picnic?"
You sighed, "Well, Auntie Lyla and I are going to get ourselves some ice cream and them we'll see if we have time, is that alright?"
He nodded, "Yes ok." With that, he was off again, running back towards his mother and father on the grass.
You chuckled, "He is such a cute kid."
"I know right." She nodded towards the stand, "What do you want my dear?"
"The usual, Toffee in a cup with caramel sauce and chocolate shavings." You took her hand with a smile, "I think I know what you're going to get."
She rolled her eyes lovingly, "Yeah, and what is that?"
You held back a smile, "Rum and raisin because you're a little old man inside."
Lyla elbowed your rib, "I am not an old man, it just tastes good."
You walked up to the stand hand in hand and ordered before sitting down at the picnic tables, "We're going to have to go over there and sit with Jax for a while."
You sighed, "I know, it's just we see them every day. It would be nice to have some time to ourselves."
Lyla chuckled, "It will hurt his little feelings. Plus, we're Abel's favourite aunts anyway and I don't want to lose my spot."
"Alright." You pointed to her ice cream, "It looks so boring, you didn't even get toppings."
She blinked and took her spoon before taking some from the scoop and holding it in front of your face, "Just try some."
You gave it a sniff, the cold dessert giving only sweetness then leaned in and ate it, "So?"
You shook your head, "Nope, it tastes like creamy rum. If I wanted to relive my twenties I do it in style and drink whiskey."
Lyla huffed, "I find it hard to believe you got drunk in your twenties."
You held back a giggle, "Hey, there were many nights where I was three sheets to the wind singing the backstreet boys out of a car window."
"I bet that was a sight to see." There was such fondness in her eyes, "Jax is waving us over, we better go and say hello."
You nodded, "Alright, but when we got home, I digging up some photos I have of me on Bourbon Street on mardi gras. You'll see, I was wild."
Lyla grinned, "I can't wait."
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grassyhorizon45 · 6 months
Saw you looking for microfic requests… feel free to ignore, but what about a first-date style microfic in Hogsmeade or something? Thinking like year 6 or 7? Not sure if you’ve done one of those before and sorry if this is too broad. Any character(s) would be cool!
aaaa this took me a while to brain but I hope it's what you were looking for 👀
oh and my friend gave me three words to try and incorporate in this too 😅👍
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the way he immediately switched to bomb and death :sob:
word count: 1113
The bell above the door chimed, announcing my entry. 
“Welcome to Honeydukes,” the owner, Mr. Flume greeted me. I responded with a subtle nod, not wanting to say anything but not wanting to be rude at the same time.
I scanned the nearby shelves; toffees, chocolates, some Fizzing Whizzbees……
There it was, carved neatly into the wooden sign board were the words ‘Special Effects’.
My gaze was followed by none other than the owner himself.
“Ah, the special effects section. Might I recommend you the–” I stopped him, smiling. 
“I've already made up my mind, thanks Mr. Flume.”
Not at all offended, the lovely Ambrosius Flume nodded and left me be.
I grabbed a blue box off the top shelf and brought it to the cashier.
“The finest sugar quills,” he said, taking one look at the box of sweets. “You my dear, must have an eye for confectionery, no?” 
I blushed, not taking compliments well. 
“It's for a friend,” I explained. To which he replied with a knowing, “I see.” 
I never did like giving people chocolates, they were too common. But sugar quills? They're my signature go-to when it comes to gifts, my own little flair you could say.
I left Honeydukes with the box of sweets neatly bagged, roaming the streets of Hogsmeade a while before finally settling down in the Three Broomsticks Inn, giving my watch a quick glance……
Ten more minutes.
“Someone's early.”
His silky voice took me by surprise. I looked up and smirking gray eyes met mine. I smirked back, rolling my eyes. 
“Sit down, Malfoy.”
Never in my life would I have expected this. Draco Malfoy, the very guy that tormented me for years, was now on a freaking date with me. 
Though it was true that Draco was the one who initiated the date, deep down I knew I too had developed feelings for the boy.
Draco was an absolute player, every soul in Hogwarts knew that; and as the silence between us dragged on, I started to wonder why the heck I was here in the first place. 
“Y/n– You okay?” His voice drew me back to reality. “Madam Rosmerta just asked if you'd like to order anything.”
“Oh, huh– I'll just have butterbeer, th-thanks.” Draco only continued staring at me intently, like I was a mystery yet to be solved. I avoided his gaze, mumbling a quick, “Sorry, I zoned out.”
It felt so out of place when he just grinned back. He wasn't making small talk, we weren't talking at all. Was it because of our history with each other? Was this whole thing just a joke to him?
“Hey,” Draco spoke in the most casual way possible, gaining eye contact with me.
“Hi?” Was the only thing I could think to blurt.
He smiled at this.
“First time, love?”
How did he know—
“And I bet you've been on tons,” I slipped, echoing the negative thoughts in my head.
Draco tilted his head. “And why would you say that?”
I looked away, “No reason.”
He grabbed my chin and forced me to face him. Draco's touch was gentle but unfamiliar, sending shivers down my spine.
“I know you think im some asshole that loves messing around,” his voice was stern, the very kind he used when he was actually being serious. “But I really want you to trust me on this. You and I, this isn't a little fling I'm playing at.”
The man in front of me knew me more than I knew myself. At times I saw it through his insults and bullying, but at times I saw it through the way he secretly cared for me…… Maybe that was the reason I'm here.
I nodded, “Okay.”
His stern face melted away and was replaced with an indifferent one. “So tell me about yourself,” he tried.
“Seriously? I've known you since year two…” I mumbled.
“Well, tell me something I don't know then, y/n.” There was a tinge of harshness to his voice but that somehow only turned me on even more. 
“I don't think I could live a day without you.”
Shocked, Draco was completely speachless. And I only realised the weight of my words after I'd blurted it. 
“I-It's true… I don't know what I'd do without your daily snarky remarks and insults… Th-They give me a sense of hope that somewhere under all that,” I gulped. “Y-You cared.”
It was a strange feeling, wanting his attention. It was even weirder that I was admitting all of this to him but that's just how I am, an absolute pushover.
Our drinks arrived just then and I dived into my mug of butterbeer without a thought, wanting to wave off the bomb of awkwardness I had just dropped.
“Look, y/n… I do care,” he stated. “I care about you way more than you know. It's just something I don't find easy to show, I've never felt this way for someone before.”
I smiled at him, he smiled back, and I felt blush creep all the way up to my ears.
“Oh! I almost forgot–” I pulled out the lapis blue box I had bought from earlier. “I got you something…”
“Hm?” Draco took the box from me, “You didn't have to...”
I caught him take a quick peek at the sugar quills inside.
“Just something small, I didn't want to show up empty handed.”
He chuckled, putting the gift aside. “Thanks.”
Secretly, I was relieved; I didn't want to see his reaction anyways.
Draco and I chatted as we slowly drank our butterbeers, touching topics like school and family, basically filling the empty silence we would otherwise have between us. 
But as our drinks neared their end so did our conversation burn out, leaving us to sit there silently in each other's presence. 
The silence this time round was oddly soothing, knowing there wouldn't be any judgment from either party. We were already close before this, taking this ‘date’ as a progression in our relationship from enemies to lovers.
Draco got up to pay short after, leaving me alone at the table. The box of sugar quills was open in front of his seat and it looked like he'd already gone through one over the course of our conversation. I smiled, I think this relationship is gonna work out just fine.
Two gentle hands found themselves on my shoulder from behind. I tilted my head upwards and was once again met with his loving gray eyes. 
“So, what do you say? You, me, we make this official.”
I smiled back at him. “Deal.”
He grinned. “Alright then……
Till death do us part.”
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phanfictioncatalogue · 9 months
Fics Named After Foods (3) Masterlist
part one, part two
All It Took Was Ice Cream (ao3) - ExclusiveGorgeousGeek
Summary: Dan buys Phil some ice cream and things get a little....messy.
Apple of His Eye (ao3) - sundaechii
Summary: Floor 6 is a restricted floor with one security personnel that changes every few days. Everyone says that it is haunted and Dan and his friends made a mistake of going there.
Better Than Pizza - camisadan
Summary: Dan and Phil are sitting in their lounge doing their own thing, when Phil surprises Dan by kissing him, and one thing leads to another.
Cake (deviantart) - CassieTellsYourFate
Summary: Phil learns his lesson, never eat Dan’s cake
Cake In The Face - dxnhowell
Summary: It’s Dan and Phil’s wedding, and they have a little too much fun with the wedding cake, and forget that their friends and family are watching them.
Cereal (ao3) - nolifetrash
Summary: Dan punishes Phil for stealing so much of his cereal...
Cherry Pie (ao3) - GoodGollyMissYollie
Summary: Dan and Phil are on a plane with Ed Sheeran.
Cherry on Top - adayinthelifeofphan
Summary: Dan and Phil meet for the first time (set in 2009).
Chocolate - mermaidstailonmyface
Summary: possessiveness/collaring, Dan and Phil have a three-way with chocolate sauce.
Easter Candy - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil take their son Noah to an Easter egg hunt for the first time, and aren’t surprised when at the end of the day, he has a tummy ache from eating all of his candy. Plus, a kickthestickz appearance.
Ice Cream and Jealousy (ao3) - thatonereallyweirdlesbian
Summary: Dan and Phil go into an ice cream shop where Dan meets his ex, Chris. Phil isn't happy.
Midnight Milkshakes (ao3) - thelandofphan
Summary: "Well, this is a different first date," Dan initiated as they began to follow the sodden pathway ahead, "I turned up late, looking like a tramp then we ditched the original plan and now I've stolen your beanie when we've only just met. Sorry." He concluded, sucking his lip nervously, peering towards Phil.
Mint Chocolate Dick - chocolatesaucelester
Summary: Dan works at a small ice cream shop: one day Phil comes in and orders a vanilla ice cream cone, the seductively licks it and stuff - and then blows Dan in the back.
Nutella (ao3) - hshoecrab
Summary: Phil comes home to find a needy Dan and an open jar of Nutella.
Piece of Cake - linguistphil
Summary: If there was one thing Dan loved to do with Phil (besides sex, obviously) it was making bets.
Pumpkin Carving & Proposals - dxnhowell
Summary: It’s two days before Halloween, and Phil wants to carve pumpkins with Dan, but not for the reasons you would think.
Pumpkin Spice (ao3) - ThoughtaThought
Summary: Winter 2009
Something's Fishy Here (ao3) - emptyswimmingpools
Summary: In which PJ owns a restaurant, Dan just really needs to keep his job as a waiter there, Phil is a customer, and a lot of puns are made.
Something Sweet (ao3) - jfcmartin
Summary: Dan, Chris, and PJ celebrate Chris’ birthday in a fancy restaurant that gives cakes to customers on their birthdays, or maybe when the customer is cute.
Strawberries & Chocolate (fanfiction.net) - uhnonniemiss
Summary: Fem!Phan. Pippa thinks her sex life with Danni has lost its spark, so Danni decides to spice it up a little.
Toffee Sauce (ao3) - goldfishsunglasses
Summary: Dan thinks they're shooting a baking video, but Phil has other ideas
vanilla softserve sort of day (ao3) - zsunsetz
Summary: dan doesn't want to go outside today, but when his best friend and crush phil lester turns up at his doorstep...well, he had to change his plans a little
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hazelthevixen · 9 months
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Laura The Chicken (Somewhat Old Art)
This is my bird oc Laura :3 She is a light sussex hen and an old character I've had since 2017. We don't see enough chicken ocs so at the time I created her, I thought why not ^w^ It's nice to have characters of not so common species sometimes :3 I use to own chickens back when I lived in the countryside. I really like chickens, the bird, the eggs, and the meat. But I would never eat my friends ofcourse, just the eggs but that's about it really. I think one of our birds was also a light sussex like Laura is Recently my offline friend treated me to a surprise :D We went out to big town to check out some of the cool shops before going to the surprise, when we arrived, that's when I found out what the surprise was! ^-^ We went to see Wish at the cinema and I had lots of popcorn and irn bru ^w^ We both had popcorn :D My friend likes toffee popcorn while I like sweet and salty, yum! The movie was good too! I really like Star, he is actually alot funnier than Valentino who was suppose to be the funny one, but both are adorable ofcourse ^w^ I love the meaning of the movie, make sure to follow your dreams and make all your wishes come true! :D I also met an adorable tuxedo kitten on the way home, it had the cutest mews and I gave it some cuddles :3 It reminded me of Zack's cat form, who also looks alike ^w^ Anywho, please enjoy this really old art of Laura :3 This character and artwork was made all the way back in 2017, I'll maybe see about drawing her again when I have the time ^w^ For now I am hard at work on other artwork I am trying to get ready before the year ends, I've also been trying out different toy slimes and enjoying playing with them, aswell as enjoying other hobbies too like cooking, watching cartoons and anime, roleplaying with friends, and even playing Pokemon Scarlet and Violet with my good friend Wolfypoof :D We find it's easier to talk on voice call when we play games, it's fun ^w^ lol have a cute bird sneeze X3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTH1Sn23rIo
Please do not steal my character(s)! They belong to me, not you. Don't add offensive tags cos ya know, it's just unnecessary.. ­ ╮(╯-╰)╭ And please do not criticise! I refuse to be criticised so please accept that. Oh and don't steal any of my artwork in any sort of way. ‾ʌ‾ Pleease be nice when commenting! Yep, fanart is welcomed as I truly appreciate gifts! ≧◡≦ Feel free to check out my other works too! I work so hard but it's always fun :3 If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all. Thanks for checking out my works! meep meep! ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ I'm on other places too! ^-^
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helianskies · 2 years
frukspa; 875 words; teen; for @maivalkov
"You'll be fine. You've worked hard to get here," Arthur assures him, and Francis joins in, saying, "We believe in you. Just try not to stress too much."
It is the best they can do for Antonio who, smiling rather nervously at them, they have brought back once more to the driving school in order to take his practical exam. This will be his third attempt to pass and get his licence. And they know that each time he has to come back, he only feels worse and worse about it.
In some ways, Arthur and Francis feel a bit like parents dropping off their child at school for the first time. They want it to go well for him. They want him to enjoy it. But Antonio is now twenty-six, and… while he wants those things, too, his efforts have yet to bear any fruit.
"Here, before you go," Francis says as hesitation (or even retreat) threatens to settle in, gesturing for Antonio to get closer, which he does. And when he's just close enough, Francis grabs him by the face and gives him a peck on the lips. "A kiss for good luck," he remarks as Antonio warms up. "Come back from your fierce battle unscathed, you hear?"
The laugh he receives is almost giddy. Antonio finds such things cheesy, but in a good way, and often encourages it. In fact:
"Well, Arthur? Do I get a good luck kiss from you, too?" he asks their third piece, their younger partner, and Arthur naturally rolls his eyes and tuts before going ahead and giving Antonio what he wants (and what he wants to give Antonio, anyway, despite his outward theatrics).
As Francis watches them, he smiles. He used to worry that they would not click in the same way that he did with them individually, but they have truly surprised him, and he's glad. They make each other happy, and so make him happy in turn…
Perhaps trying to stall, even if only for a moment longer, Antonio thanks them both and pulls them into a hug. Francis doesn't mind, deep down; he sets an arm around the brunette as Arthur does the same, and his other arm duly falls around the Brit, too. For a moment, they enjoy it. For a moment, they are alone, in paradise, living a quiet eternity in each other's arms. It's perfect. It's all Francis has ever wanted.
"I love you both," Antonio then tells them, as if they don't already know it, or feel it, "and I promise you, I'll make you both proud."
Francis pulls back and assures him, "You will make us proud no matter what," and, God, he really does sound like a parent, but… but he means it. They will be proud. The fact that he has not yet given up is admirable. "We'll be here waiting when you get back," he goes on.
"Speaking of which," Arthur then pipes up, "you'd better get going. Better to be a few minutes early, see if you can start sooner."
Antonio nods. He thanks them again and accepts the final reassurances that Francis and Arthur are able to give him, before he sets off.
While they have a short window, Francis and Arthur take it upon themselves to prepare, and head into town. From the local florist, Francis picks out a beautiful yet not-too-extravagant bouquet (Arthur rightly reminds him that Antonio prefers simplicity); down the street they reach the chocolatier from whom they purchase a small box of toffee, actually (because Antonio's sweet tooth is insatiable); and they even find a spare ten minutes in which to search for a gift more personal, more intimate, just to really spoil their partner (he'll no doubt need something to help him relax after such a stressful afternoon…).
The card, they already have. It has been sitting in the glovebox of Francis' car ever since Antonio took his first test, waiting patiently for its moment.
When they return to the driving school, it is only a matter of minutes before Antonio emerges, a piece of paper folded in his hand and flapping about in the wind. Francis and Arthur get out to greet him—they're ready to pounce, ready to embrace, ready to shower him with congratulations and gifts and kisses aplenty!…
Antonio does not smile—not a real, Antonio smile.
Francis' heart sinks.
"I, uh… I guess the good luck kisses didn't work," the brunette says feebly. Although he tries to keep it light, he looks like he is in fact on the verge of tears.
"Oh, Toni… I'm sorry…"
"Do you want to—?"
"No, no. It's— It's fine," he insists. "I can try again in a bit…"
And that is what they all agree to do and work towards together. They'll support him, no matter how long it takes, because they know this means a lot to him. They're still proud. They still shower him with love, if not congratulations, and Antonio still thanks them for spoiling him with so many gifts, even if he feels he hasn't earned them.
His card will continue to wait in the glovebox in the meantime. It will simply have to be as patient as the rest of them.
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