i will never understand how people have the heart to hate Jason even after they found out that his Ambrosia tastes like fucking sawdust. Ambrosia being tasty is like one single happy thing a demigod can have despite their tragic lives, because it reminds them of the home they once had, but lost. And Jason doesn't even have that, he doesn't even have a home to lose in the first place.
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kindlingkeen · 3 days
you know those instances when the pain of losing someone is too much and you consider forgetting them altogether? that, but Bruce chooses NOT to forget. instead, he'd rather remember Jason incorrectly. gaslighting himself is his coping mechanism. it's literally the opposite of honoring the dead
Oh, anon, you are really tugging on my heartstrings with this one. I completely agree. Honestly, to me, Bruce’s response to Jason’s death is unforgivable (not the immediate grief, but the way he rewrote the narrative). He destroyed Jason’s legacy, the piece him that should have lived on forever. Fifteen year old Jason Todd hardly had a chance to make a mark on the world. As Robin, he made a difference, he gave everything he had to making Gotham a better place, to standing up for people who didn’t have anyone else behind them. The public didn’t (couldn’t) know about Robin’s death, so the only keepers’ of that memory, of that legacy, was Jason’s family. And for completely selfish reasons, Bruce didn’t just obliterate it, he tarnished it beyond recognition. And he spread that poison to the next generation. As you said, it’s the opposite of honoring the dead.
To me, the true tragedy of Jason’s story is not that he died, that Batman didn’t save him, that he was a collateral damage in Batman’s crusade, that even after he came back begging for his Dad to choose him he still lost, that ultimately his death meant nothing. It’s that his father, the person that was supposed to love him most in life, made it so his life meant nothing. It’s heartbreaking.
I will never understand how dc decided to go from these two boys who loved each other so much (Batman #383):
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To a father, who, almost in the same breath, could say his son was responsible for his own death (Batman Hush):
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And then turn around and claim his son knew how much he loved him:
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To a father, who claimed his son was nothing more than rage (Batman 614).
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and recklessness (Detective Comics 790).
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That is tragedy.
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thecruellestmonth · 6 days
"Jason isn't the only one to die and return from the dead. He's not special, so he shouldn't be treated as special. He's not the first, and he's not the last."
"How could Bruce ever anticipate that Jason would return from the dead? Bruce coped how he needed to. The dead aren't supposed to judge how the living treat their memory."
🗣️📣 You can't pick both.
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azuree1733 · 10 months
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Thanks to this post on Reddit, I realized when one (1) unreliable narrator Jason Peter Todd was born. Is it any surprise that it was when he died :)))))))))
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Your whole life??? I can count on one hand the number of times you got angry. Right now you’re hoping Sheila will make it to Heaven after she got you killed,
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And you still consider her your mom. You lived and died an angel.
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You had no clue what was going to happen. You were a child who never should have been left alone by his parent.
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You and me both, Boston.
Deadman: Dead Again issue #2
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Bruce- Murder is wrong, even if many people deserve to die.
Dick- Murder is wrong. Most of the time. Unless it the joker.
Jason- Murder is necessary to stop the deaths and suffering of innocents.
Tim- Murder would make me weird-gun batman.
Stephanie- Murder is *checks notes* ...would upset the big boss :)
Cassandra- Murder is wrong. full stop. nobody deserves to die.
Damian- Murder is simply a loss of a potentially evil person, however I will not indulge in it.
Duke- I'm too lazy for murder idfk.
Alfred- I have a shotgun, and I'm not afraid to use it. However i might avoid it, as it would get my carpets dirty.
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betterthanbatman1 · 8 months
How do you think jason would feel if the joker died in some random accident?
Okay, I had to think about this ngl.
He would definitely have mixed feelings about this.
Firstly, having the Joker dead is a positive, obviously. He could finally allow himself to be happy. Happy the Joker can’t terrorize anyone anymore and happy that he can finally live in peace without the constant dread that the joker is looming over him.
On the other hand, this complicates matters with the family. We know how much Bruce killing Joker would mean to him. Bruce killing Joker is killing his son’s murderer (ofc) but it’s also proving to Jason that Bruce did care about him and did love him. Because right now Jason thinks that his death was not enough and that he himself was not enough for Bruce to kill the Joker. In my mind, Jason lets himself get close because of the hope he has that Bruce still can fix his mistake ie killing Joker. But once Joker dies randomly, that hope is gone and then it truly is clear that Bruce didn’t care or love Jason enough to break his moral code. This kind of reminds me of the cycle of abuse and how abuse victims will stay with their abusers because of the hope they have that things will get better.
Then there’s also the fact that Jason himself deserves to beat the living shit out of Joker and watch as Joker dies under his hands. It would be very gratifying and therapeutic for him (and the readers, in my opinion)
Ultimately though I feel that Jason would be glad because now The monster is gone for good and there are much more positives because of that.
This is excluding the joker war and any possibility of there being different jokers because that’s just ridiculous
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kingmlem · 2 years
I don't care what anyone says.
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Is a literal sweetheart. Y'all are just mean.
No, I will not:
Be taking criticism
Shut up about this
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littlefankingdom · 3 months
Red Hood & Arsenal is about Jason going through shit mentally, about how he wants to help people SO BAD, he wants to be a hero SO BAD, he wants to be Batman, he wants to help kids LIKE HIM, he wants to DO GOOD, but he feels like shit, he doesn't feel good enough like his family is, and he tries, he tries to help this teenager, angry and hurt just like he was, he wants to help her SO BAD, but it doesn't succeed, and he takes it as a sign that there's no hope for him, that he isn't good, he cannot be good, he cannot be a hero, and Roy is using all their money to build weapons, not helping in the slightest.
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I'm actually appalled at how gatekeeping, aggravating and Percy obsessive the pjo fandom is when you say you like Jason as a character or say ANYTHING good about him at all. I've had such horrible experiences, like why the dirty look ffs? I'm not a "true" pjo fan if I like Jason?? Bffr it sounds like something an 8 year old would say
Like I came across a YouTube comment appreciating Jason and Nico's closeness as friends and the replies HAD to be "oh L take. Imagine liking jason. Percy was much more brotherly and affectionate with Nico than Jason was" like ??? This is isn't about Percy?? Not everything revolves around him?? People can like and appreciate others too? How come I NEVER see these comments in a Leo or Nico post?
Or those stupid Instagram reels where ppl go "The people who like Jason isn't one of us" like this ain't a cult ma'am you aren't special for for making Jason lovers feel unwelcome. It seems to be some kind of trend.
Liking Jason isn't a fucking disease and people aren't obligated to have Percy as a favourite. Get over it, the world isn't going to end. I swear I didn't want to come off so aggressive here but this is seriously a very toxic and offputting trait the fandom has that NEEDS to fade over time.
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godofstory · 4 months
killing off Jason makes absolutely no fucking sense!
why tf did they split up? it makes no sense because they already decided they couldn't kill the immortal Emperors and they had a whole chapter about calming down Meg about the whole thing and then Jason suggested it? when he KNEW him or Pipper would die? and it gained nothing!they didn't bring down ONE character from the other side if the story! why tf would you go knocking on his door of someone you know that won't die instead of sneacking to the other side of the ships and stealing the boots??like the damn plan? it's so stupid! Rick just wanted an emotional moment and he knew he had to kill one of the established beloved characters that he wouldn't get hate for killing off
and the prophecy was "if you and Pipper go alone looking for it then one of you dies" and they weren't alone!?
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it's been like a decade since i last read a pjo book but jason grace haunts me to this day. he was genuinely such a good character with so much potential and NOBODY SAW THE VISION HOW COULD YOU KILL OFF A CHARACTER LIKE THAT
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anditwentlikethis · 8 months
Clarke killed Bellamy for a book that she ended up not getting, to protect Madi that ended up dying anyways, and then it turns out Bellamy was right all along. So Bellamy literally died for nothing
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 2 years
I feel betrayed but it’s Fine
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andichoseyou · 2 years
top characters on the chopping block TO ME
owens and brenner
max or will??? i hope not oh god
vecna for sure
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intrusivepng · 3 months
Been putting off reading the burning maze but alas I’m starting tonight ( I am already so not ready )
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