#More wings <3 It took a bit longer but it is fun to draw that nest haha I'm really gonna have to sit down with a proper study sometime
sysig · 2 years
For a request, would you please draw something with Shmee and Scriabin interacting? I always find the idea of their constant bickering and 'You're not my dad, don't tell me what to do' 'well apparently SOMEONE needs to' relationship funny and potentially cute, and i wish we got to see more of it. And it being a reminder that Scriabin can do stuff that humans can't typically (like talk to the other Voices) is always a fun bonus.
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Day 22 - Hey!
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the-sky-queen · 2 months
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March version drawn by @estellardreams
With my tumblrversary (and new sona design 👀) coming tomorrow, I thought it would be fun to look back at all the different versions of my sona throughout the years!
July 2023 version
December 2023 Version
March 2024 Version
Closeups and breakdown under the cut! :D
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Version 1! This was the original drawing of my sona that I made for a story I was writing with my friends wherein we ourselves were the main characters. This drawing has the same straight cut bangs that I had back then. I designed the dress to be simple and not overly flashy. It's supposed to be white with gold borders. Then we have the wings, which have always been my favorite part of my sona, the gold feather necklace, and the gold band hidden under my bangs which was supposed to act as a crown. I also hid my hands behind my back because I didn't want to draw them. XD This design was supposed to mimic my irl appearance and it did fairly good job! The only thing missing is my glasses from back then.
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Version 2! This one was an updated take on the first version. My art style had changed a bit, so I wanted to draw a better looking picture of my sona. Other than the art style, not much has changed here. The design is still essentially exactly the same. My hair got longer though.
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Version [????] I didn't include these in the history pic because I forgot them, but these were two iterations that I did in between version 2 and 3 for thumbnails on my YT channel. They're both once again trying to be an accurate representation off my irl appearance (though once again my glasses weren't included. The first one was an attempt at a chibi art style which I never did again. The second one sat unfinished in my sketchbook for a while before my cousin visited one day and offered to help me color it. We took a picture of it on her ipad and then traced and colored it in whatever drawing program she was using. I played around a bit with the shirt, making it a white into black gradient and brought back in the feather motif because I've always liked feathers. This one stayed my profile pic on yt for a long time.
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Version 3! Massive skip in time and drawing style here! This one was designed specifically so I could have an updated sona for when I joined tumblr. (I planned getting my account for months before I finally worked up enough courage to actually do it.) Once again, I wanted this sona to be an accurate representation of what I look like irl. Though THIS time I'd finally gotten contacts so the lack of glasses finally made sense! I'd also gotten a new style of bangs so I incorporated that into the design as well. I brought back the feather as a necklace because I've always liked it. Though for whatever reason I got rid of the wings???? Why. Why did I do that. I love them so much! I shortened the length of my hair back to something closer to version 1 as well. And fun fact about this one! By this point I'd gotten decently good at drawing Sonic characters, so I used my knowledge of how to draw them to draw this version of my sona. XD I wasn't concerned anymore about drawing in a realistic way and leaned into a more cartoony artystyle.
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Version 4! honestly, this one was just me wanting to do a Christmas version of my sona. XD Gave myself a cozy Christmas sweater and a Santa hat! I also took my favorite golden feather and tucked it behind my ear. I honestly really like how it looks! (I also messed up the shade of brown for my hair, but oh well.)
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Version 5!! Estelle drew this for me and I still love it so much!!!!! I didn't request this of her, she just drew it! I mentioned in a post that I needed a new icon since it was MARCH and I was still using my Christmas pic. XD Next thing I know Estelle is kicking down my door asking me if I wanted her to draw me a new icon. I made sure to specifically request that she include my wings since I'd finally realized how dumb it was that I'd taken them out. But other than that, I let Estelle do what she wanted and I'm SO happy with how it came out!! I really wish I'd used this one for longer, but then April Fools came along and I hopped on the pointing Sonic icon bandwagon. XD But anyway, I'm still very happy and thankful to Estelle for drawing this for me. :D
Annnnnd that catches us up to the present! What will the new version look like? You'll have to wait for tomorrow. :D
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Here's part 4, a-thank you for waiting~.
And yes it is longer because Parts 2 &3 were kinda short
I really can't help myself with this story
One Week Pt. 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
1 day. The seconds were so close to amounting to 1 day. 
103,373 last time Hero checked. They calculated it down to 1 day, 4 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds. It was now down to 96,378. When it reached 86,400 there would be only 24 hours left. Less than that would mean it was the last day.
The fact it was so close worried Hero. They had no clue if it was good or bad. It could be either from the way Villain had been acting. They had been rather...friendly. It was slightly unnerving how upbeat they'd been, and gentle. 
"Hey, lunch time. Oooh, have you added some more sketches by the math problems?" Villain said as they dropped by with some food. Hero nodded as they got up from their position on the floor. They had been laying on their stomach, drawing random things. Scenery, objects, people. Whatever came to mind. It was another fun way to pass the time.
Villain shut the door and put the container on the ground that held the food by a drink they'd also brought and knelt down next to Hero, getting shoulder-to-shoulder with them, looking at the drawings. There were several stars, some plants, things that vaguely resembled people but had been left unfinished.
"You know, you've got quite the talent for art. These are amazing for not being able to undo any strokes," Villain complimented. Hero smiled and their wings naturally shuddered with delight, a habit they decided not to hide. Villain laughed hearing them shake, and it was surprisingly euphoric. 
They looked up from the drawings and at Hero, saying, "Well, I should probably let you get back to drawing, just don't forget about the food over there, wouldn't want it to get cold." Villain ruffled Hero's hair. It felt soft. But Hero looked kinda worried.
"Are you okay? You have dark circles under your eyes," they said. "Hm? Oh, yeah, just excited for tomorrow. Couldn't sleep last night cause I was thinking about it," Villain replied. Hero squinted slightly, eyes narrowing a bit. 
Before they knew it, Villain was pressed close against them. Hero had snuck their wing around Villain and now held them close, hand pressing Villain's head against the soft spot by their shoulder. "Sleep," they commanded. 
Villain squirmed a bit before lightly pushing away. "S-sorry. As much as we both agree I need a nap, I can't. I have things to prep. I-i'll take your offer later, b-but not right now," they said. The stuttering was cute, but Hero couldn't place why or how. And what intrigued them more was the fact it was there at all.
Both were silent as Villain got up and left the room, a bit frantically too. Hero decided not to think anything of it as they went over to the food and drink by the center of the room, still waiting for them. They opened the lid, and were excited to find spaghetti, it was one of their favorites. They wondered if Villain knew that as they took the small tub of spaghetti and the yet to be known drink over to the nearest wall and started eating. 
They leaned up against it, making sure they situated their wings in a way it wouldn't hurt the joints as they ate. The timer, clipped to their costume via some crafty configuration of feathers, clicked comfortingly. The drink turned out to be a fruit punch. 
It turned out the wall they had leaned against was the outer wall, the one connecting the room to the hallway outside. They knew this when they heard some muffled sounds of speech and perked up a bit. Upon realizing it was just the people of the base, they continued the meal rather peacefully. That was until the sounds got closer and less muffled and they could tell people were yelling.
Now they stopped eating. They pressed their head back, closer to the wall, trying to make out conversation. Then they could hear it. Their teammates had ambushed the base. It made them happy, yet also not. 
For one, they were getting rescued, and their team had probably finally seen the value in having them around. But on the flipside, they kinda liked it here. Not because of Stockholm. But because, despite being held captive, they had been treated well and respected for the most part. And they had made a genuine connection.
They tried to push past it though and look at the bright side, they were being 'saved'. But they soon realized that wasn't true either, as the yelling got closer, and could be formed into words. "Where are they?!?" Superhero yelled angrily. They could hear Villain grunt nearby. "I'm not telling you if you plan on doing anything with that knife!" They yelled back.
Kill. The team had come here to kill them. Hero's heart sank. Their team truly didn't care for them. "As long as they're in your hands they're considered a danger!" Sidekick bit back. "Oh, as if the law doesn't apply to you too! Just because I break it as a job doesn't mean you're free from its grasp either when you hunt me down over it!" Villain shouted. This banter was not friendly, and it really showed. 
"Hah! Got you now!" Spy said, also very near the door. From the small yelp it seemed like they snuck up behind Villain and caught them in some way, restraining them. "Now tell us where they are so we can finish the job!" Superhero demanded. Villain let out a laugh. "Over my dead body!" They retorted. 
They're protecting me? Hero wondered. They knew that Superhero, and all the others too, were definitely going to torture them and beat them while they're down, yet they were willing to go through that to keep Hero safe? 
They hadn't even realized how huddled they'd gotten, wings pressing against their sides. They were starting to worry about whether Villain would be okay or not, having the urge to get up, open the door, and put their ex-teammates in their place. But they couldn't. Not only could they not figure out where the door was, let alone how to open it, their wings were very sensitive, and would only prove to be a downfall when molting.
Instead, they started eating again, wanting to drown out whatever horrific sounds they could with their chewing. Instead came nothing. Just silence. No screaming, no shouting, no fighting. Then when Villain acknowledged Right Hand, they knew why. The heroes had all been frozen in place, courtesy of Right Hand's power. "You're gonna wish you never thought of killing them in the first place," they heard Villain growl at the people who probably surrounded them. 
It was strange. Quiet. Calm. Sinister. Protective. That last one made Hero's heart flutter. 
This was quite possibly the best meal they'd ever had.
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chai-tealattae · 4 years
Pen Pals
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soul mate /ˈsōl ˌmāt/
noun; a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.
✒️ Pairing: Taehyung x reader
✒️ Genre: Fluff
✒️ Word Count: 2.4k
✒️ Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This is my first fic pls be nice AKSDK
You tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. Tomorrow was your 21st birthday, the day your soulmate connection would be revealed to you. You’d heard stories from your parents, family friends, and even some of your friends that were a year or two older than you about the different connections. What if you got one that would make it damn near impossible to find them? What if your soulmate was older than you, and already knew, but gave up since you were too young? You sighed and laid flat on your back, staring at the ceiling, giving up on your futile attempts at a decent night's sleep, your mind hot with the different scenarios baking within it.
The next morning, you groaned and begrudgingly swung your legs over the side of your bed, stretching as you opened the curtains, the mid morning sunlight flooding into your room. You cringed slightly at the brightness, your eyes struggling to adjust. Yawning as you walked into your kitchen, deciding on a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Scrolling through your phone as you ate, you smiled as you read the birthday wishes from your friends and family. After replying to as many as you felt like doing, you opened Twitter to see what fresh hell awaited you on your timeline. Surprisingly there wasn't really anything bad being mercilessly tweeted about.
The one thing that caught your eye was the lovely photo on your screen, tweeted a couple hours ago, staring back at you. It was embarrassing how infatuated you were with a certain man by the name of Kim Taehyung. He was the perfect man, in all honesty, by your standards at least. He was devilishly handsome yet charmingly adorable from the tip of his nose down to his toes, the smallest details all adding to the things that caused him to worm his way into your heart.
You smiled as you saved the picture to your camera roll before setting your phone down on the table. Your smile quickly turned into a surprised squeak as you felt an oddly ticklish sensation on your wrist, and you stared down at it in shock. Appearing on your skin before your eyes was writing, but it wasn't just any writing. It was a greeting.
This must be it, your soulmate bond. You didn’t know anyone personally with this particular bond, but you’d read about it through your countless nights of curiosity and excitement driven research.
You nearly tripped on your own feet as you scrambled to find some kind of writing utensil, eager to respond to the stranger. Not just a stranger. Your soulmate. You felt your heart rate quicken just at that thought. You found a pen on your counter, quickly scribbling a response below their message.
“Hello!” You wrote back. Not 30 seconds later, you felt the tickling sensation again, impatiently tapping your pen on the counter as you awaited their response.
“It’s you! You’re finally getting my notes!” You smiled to yourself, your late night suspicion confirming itself. They were definitely older than you, but hopefully not by much. You’d hate if you left your soulmate waiting for too long for you.
“How long have you been trying?” You wrote, a little smaller this time near the ditch of your elbow, so you wouldn’t take up too much valuable space on your skin. You bit your lip as you felt your skin tingle again, hoping it wasn’t too bad-
“Four years” Four years. Four whole years they’d been writing on themselves with no response. You sighed, feeling awful. Well, at least you knew how old they were. Twenty-five, twenty-six tops, if their birthday was coming up sometime soon.
“I'm sorry you waited so long… today is my 21st birthday” you wrote back, twisting your arm at a slightly awkward angle as you did this. You smiled softly, growing familiar with, and anticipating the feeling as they wrote.
“Happy birthday :)” Was written there. You smiled and wrote your thanks, not really sure how to proceed with finding them. You’d read that there were specific guidelines when it came to the different connections, things you weren’t able to do, since that would make finding your soulmate too easy. Things like their exact location, names, things of that nature. The catch is, you were able to reveal that when you were in the same vicinity. As if trying to find them wouldn’t be hard enough.
Over the next month or so, you’d learned that your soulmate was a man that was born in South Korea (you didn’t know how you’d ever be able to swing a trip there, or vice versa). You learned that he enjoyed drawing, painting, photography, singing and dancing. He was fun to talk to (at least until there wasn't any more space on either of your bodies for more ink). He had a pretty time consuming career from what he told you, but he still liked to draw you pictures to wake up to, or write you little good morning messages. You found yourself becoming incredibly fond of him, even without ever seeing his face.
One day, you found yourself staring at your laptop and phone screens, focusing excruciatingly hard on trying to score tickets to see BTS in your city. After nearly missing the opportunity, and a decent amount of money you’d surely have to pull quite a bit of overtime to make up for, you scored a decent seat for their show in a couple months. Eager to share the news with someone, you wrote on your arm.
“I just got tickets to see BTS!!” You wrote with a shaky hand, your already poor penmanship suffering even more. This would be your first time seeing them, seeing the man you’d had your eyes on for so long.
Taehyung smiled when he felt you were writing or perhaps drawing something for him. He loved reading your short messages about your day, getting to know you. Over the past months he was growing more and more impatient, half tempted to fly to the States and wing it. His heart nearly thudded out of his chest when he read what you wrote.
“I just got tickets to see BTS!!”
Holy shit. This was good. This was great, actually. Now he knew you were a fan. Jimin looked over when he saw the stupid grin plastered on his bandmate’s face.
“What is it, Taehyung-ah?” He asked. Taehyung didn’t answer verbally, just angled his arm so Jimin could see what you wrote. He broke into his own smile. “Oh this is good! Maybe you're closer to meeting her than you thought.” He said, patting the younger man’s back. Taehyung smiled with a nod, you being the only thing occupying his mind at the moment.
It was the day of your concert and you could barely contain your excitement. You barely slept the night before, knowing you would be exhausted, but couldn't find it in yourself to care all too much. You’d been waiting for what seemed like forever for this day, and weren't going to let anything, not even your lack of sleep, ruin it for you.
The day seemed to drag even longer than usual, before you figured it was a good time to start getting ready. You got dressed in an outfit that you purchased specifically for this event, a more affordable version of the Dior outfits Rap Line sported during their performances of Tear, and you put on your TaTa headband as the final touch. You know, so everyone knew specifically who you were there for. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time, smiling and letting out an excited squeak as you grabbed everything you would need, before you made your way to the venue.
The venue was absolutely packed. There was no way you’d be able to even get any merch without missing half the concert standing in that line. You sighed quietly to yourself and went to your seat, busying yourself with syncing your lightstick so it would light up with everyone else's. You looked around from your seat, in awe about how many people were here. Crazy how many people could fit into one space.
While you waited for the concert to start, you decided to write him a message about how excited you were, and that you would keep him updated throughout the show. You decided to draw a small heart on your hand, in the space between your pointer finger and thumb, just because. You smiled when you saw his words appear on your arm.
“Have fun <3”
Oh, you would. You would have the time of your life. Little did you know, in more ways than one.
Taehyung knew you had to be here somewhere. You just had to be. He ran a hand through his perfectly groomed hair, effectively rendering his stylist’s hard work useless. He couldn’t help it. Not when he knew his soulmate was in this building. His mind started to race. What if you didn’t want to be with him? What if you liked one of the other members better than him? What if you couldn’t deal with his lifestyle? He was pacing now, and everyone but him seemed to notice.
“Taehyung-ah, relax. I’m sure everything will work out fine.” Namjoon smiled reassuringly. Taehyung nodded and let out a breath, sitting down. They were called to start getting into position, and Taehyung knew he had to do it, now or he wouldn’t have time, and you would slip through his fingers. He pulled out his pen, writing one word on his forearm in larger than usual letters. He put his pen in his pocket, heading to where his microphone and earpieces were waiting for him, hoping you would see his message.
When the concert started, you could barely focus on anything else other than the men on stage in front of you. You felt the familiar tickle on your arm that your soulmate had written you, though you ignored it for the time being. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of Taehyung, witnessing his incredible stage presence and the massive amount of fan service he was giving was mesmerising, to say the least.
When time for the intermission came around, and the VCRs played on the big screens, you took a moment to see what your soulmate wrote to you. You gasped when you saw the big, capital letters spread along the length of your forearm.
There was no way. Absolutely no fucking way. Kim Taehyung was not your soulmate. You had to have been some sort of saint in your previous life to deserve such treatment from the universe. You stared at your arm for a few more seconds in complete disbelief, before taking your pen out of your pocket, writing your name under his on your arm. A minute later, you felt him writing, and you anxiously chewed at your lip as you awaited his response.
“Where are you?”
You hurriedly scribbled your section and seat number, your brain barely able to process what was happening.
Within 5 minutes, there was a man approaching you, asking you to confirm your name. When you did, he told you to come with him, you did without asking any questions. The man led you backstage, and you looked around, frantically trying to find the familiar face in the crowd of stage hands.
When your eyes finally met his, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. Was it anxiety? Excitement? A spicy mixture of both? You couldn’t really tell, but there were some things you needed to see. His long legs effortlessly closed the distance between you, until you were standing toe to toe. You looked up at him and he looked down at you, neither of you truly believing you were here at this moment. You studied his face for a moment, then without a word, you took his hands, inspecting them. There it was. You brought your hand up and compared, the tiny heart you drew on your hand matching the one on his. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing the messages you’d written to each other throughout the day.
“Y/N…” He said quietly, only loud enough that you could hear. “I finally found you. You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.”
“I can’t believe it’s you.” You said as you looked up at him, tears beginning to form in the corners of your eyes.  He smiled and brought his hand to gently cup your cheek, his thumb lightly brushing against your cheekbone.  
“Are you disappointed?” He asked with a chuckle, his tone teasing. You shook your head, letting out a quiet laugh.
“Not even a little bit.” You reassured him, smiling softly. He gave you a toothy grin before leaning down and closing the small space between you, and you couldn’t help but melt when his lips finally met yours. The kiss was soft and careful, as if he was testing the waters. When you pushed slightly against his lips, he deepened the kiss just a little more.
He was the first to pull away, seemingly remembering his surroundings, and you caught the faintest tint of pink creep onto his face. It was almost time for him to go back on stage, and he rested his forehead against yours for a moment, his eyes locked with yours as he intertwined your fingers with his.
“Wait for me? I plan to talk to you for hours, now that I can finally hear your voice.” He said, and you nodded without hesitation. He smiled widely before pressing a kiss to your forehead, jogging off to wherever it was he was needed. You sat on the couch that was there for the members beside the stage, running a hand through your hair. Never in your wildest dreams did you think something like this could happen. Not to you, at least. You felt him writing again, and this time, you paid full attention to the words appearing along your arm.
“I love you.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you read those 3 words, pulling out your pen and writing your response.
“I love you too.” You wrote, carefully, easily readable. Never had you meant something more in your life. You couldn’t wait for him to come back to you, for him to execute his plan. After what felt like a very long time, you couldn’t wait to finally begin your life with the man you happily called your soulmate.
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thewheezingwyvern · 3 years
For Arcane April, maybe Shinso w/let’s say number 12? I’ve really been loving any Siren!Shinso stuff I can find. Thank you for your writing! It’s a pleasure to read 💕
This took longer than I thought but then again this ended up longer than I thought. I wanted to try and take like an urban fantasy spin on this but go a bit...grittier? idk. This was just where my brain took me so I hope you like it! <3
Gossamer Web
Siren!Shinsou x Thief!Reader (a bit of sexual tension)
Warnings: Brainwashing, Dubcon (kissing) and blackmail
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It was just another party, a gathering for some fundraiser or another that he honestly couldn’t even remember anymore. When you held a position like Hitoshi, seated among the rich and influential, a certain degree of public relations was necessary. And doing events for charity in the eyes of the public was just another part of maintaining his image.  While Shinsou couldn’t remember what party he was even throwing anymore, his assistant would inform him later, he did like to think he knew the face of every important figure in the city. And plenty abroad too.
So his surprise was quite palpable when he saw you.
His lifestyle constantly had him around pretty people, coiffed and waxed to perfection, top of the line brands to smooth over any flaws that could possibly be present. Pretty faces to hide pretty fangs and pretty paint to coat their pretty claws before sinking them into someone. However, yours was a very different sort of attractive. Naturally at an event like this your makeup was applied and done so artfully, but it was in such a way that it enhanced what you had rather than attempted to bury whatever perceived flaw could be seen.
Most women attended these events hoping to look like the most beautiful one in the room, while the men sought to look the most powerful. But you moved and spoke and looked with a different purpose. You were searching for something. Indigo eyes slipped down to eye the gossamer threads of your dress, a stunning thing of spun shadow that fit your body like a glove. But it was only more exquisite whenever you moved, showcasing the elaborate enchantment that was woven into the very threads. Stars would wink and burst from your body, along with tufts of purple black clouds. But strung on a simple silver chain was the bespelled glow of a crescent moon. 
HItoshi found himself breaking away from whatever boring conversation he was caught in to approach you, eyes glinting with interest. You were even more stunning up close, showing that you held a natural glow all on your own. With every step closer, the wink of starlight woven into your hair like constellations would catch his eye, beckoning him further to you. Whatever witch had magicked your clothes and hair was very talented and knew what they were doing.
“You look a bit lost.” he said to you after drawing very close to your back, close enough that it pulled a startled squeak past your lips, “Can I help you find something?”
Hitoshi deliberately laid the smooth demeanor on thick, a crooked smirk quirking on his lips. If he wasn’t so good at reading expressions, he might have missed the string of emotions that flitted across your face and in your eyes but he caught them. First surprise followed closely by recognition which melted to a look of worry or fear. And then it was gone beneath the smouldering curve of a coy smile.
“Hmmm and what if I just found it?”
A line he’d heard before but there was something lacking behind the delivery. Shinsou couldn’t quite put his finger on it but there wasn’t enough spice between the lines that gave the tell tale sign of someone looking for a quick fuck. Curious. A charming smirk wormed its way onto his lips, hiding the way his mouth had already began watering at the prospect of finding out more of what you were looking for. Anyone who came here with a purpose usually intended to use something against him. 
“Well I guess that depends,” Hitoshi purred lowly to you, “what was it you were planning to do after you found me?”
This would have been the perfect opportunity for you to make another pass at him. To hint at how you wanted to be pressed against him in the throes of passion or whatever other way that it could be worded. But you completely skipped over that chance. One of your hands drifted up to toy with the luminous crescent moon that hung around your neck, deep and thoughtful eyes assessing him carefully.
“I guess I just wanted to see the man behind the name in person.”
A predatory glint sparked in his eyes, indigos boring into you as he drew impossibly close. Even through the well made fabric of his Armani suit, Hitoshi could feel the warmth of your body. He tilted his dark lavender head, drinking in the sight of you and how you seemed to fidget with him drawing nearer. The CEO decided he was going to make use of a power that he had at his disposal that very few people knew about. 
He tipped your head up to look into his face before purring out, “Tell me your name.”
The magic woven into his very vocal cords twisted around you, bewitching you, until a glaze had fallen over your eyes, pupils swelling beneath the grip of his enthrallment. It was almost unfair how easily he could twist people to his whim with the power of his voice, have them spill their deepest secrets and desires to him. So to hear your mouth and tongue curl delightfully around your real name, it sent a surge of satisfaction.
“A beautiful name, Kitten.” a thumb traced along the curve of your jaw, “What were you really looking for tonight?”
“You keep the Wayfarer’s Orb here, third floor behind a wall of several enchantments and and a summon from the Infernal district,” you recited to him almost dreamily, “I’m going to steal it.”
Hitoshi tilted his head, dark smirk on his lips, “And what else? I know you didn’t risk pissing me off just for that.” he pressed a taunting kiss to your temple before leaning back, “Tell me the story while you walk with me, I want to hear all about it.”
He pulled your body close to his, your side pressed up against his as he led you away with an arm wrapped around your waist possessively. To anyone else, it would just appear as if he had found a new play thing that he was taking off to have some fun with. And in a way that was true. Indigo eyes swept over your delightful body and he couldn’t help but think how satisfying and how it would be to see you a broken little mess under him. A wet tongue snaked out to lick at his lips, arousal spiking in him. You’d look so pretty arching your back, column of your tender throat bared for him to bite as he speared inside of you.
“The orb was just a bonus and a way to cover my true intentions. I’ve already begun uploading valuable intel from your security databases and placed trackers so I can find more information about you and sell it.”
“What a clever little thing…” Hitoshi hummed down at you, fingertip tracing small circles on your hip, “And I’ve no shortage of enemies so you could charge whatever you wanted and they would pay it.” He led you deeper into his mansion, guiding the way up to the wing where he kept the stone you had planned to take, “You looked scared when you saw me...did you know that I’m a Siren?”
“Suspected but wasn’t sure.” 
The dry drone of your voice was so satisfying. It was a song in and of itself, tongue curling around your forced submission to him anything he wanted you to. Hitoshi only stopped guiding you when the both of you reached the room which held the Wayfarer Orb on a pedestal. It was a smooth, polished stone of milky white with flashes of crimson red flecked throughout its surface.  He had acquired it at least a year ago, an ancient stone said to help bring protection to the owner. It seemed necessary given how rapidly he had grown his empire.
“Look at me Kitten.” he yanked you to him, the sweet swell of your breasts pressed against his front, “Would you like it if I kissed you?”
He would be lying if he said that he asked this question with completely innocent intent. The thought of claiming your mouth was tempting but he wanted to know if you had at all been tempted by him in the brief time he spoke with you. Or while you did your research. Hitoshi swept a thumb along your lower lip, parting your mouth for him as you stared blankly at him.
Shinsou dipped his head and brushed his mouth faintly against yours, murmuring, “When did you start feeling attracted to me?”
“We’ve met before. Enji’s holiday gala. We danced together.”
Now that was interesting. He pulled back, brows shooting up as he looked down at you. Despite how closely he studied your face, the sweep of your cheek bones, the hue of your eyes, he couldn’t remember you at all. Indigo eyes lidded lazily, a stray fingertip dragging along the arch of a brow.
“Why don’t I remember you then?”
“I spiked your drink with a memory potion.”
Shock zinged through him then. It had been proper years since the last time anyone had gotten the jump on him and yet there you were, speaking only honesty for his ears as his voice compels you. Had this encounter never happened, he never would have known. If you could pull a stunt like that then the skills you have were unspeakably valuable and he had every plan to use them. Shinsou chuckled softly before dropping the enthrallment of his voice around you. 
The world came spinning back then, awareness creeping into the edges of your thought as you tried to grasp just where you were. By the time your pupils had refocused, he was crushing his mouth down onto yours. A muffled squeal was his answer along with you pushing at his chest. But the sensuous way his mouth moved against yours had you melting in his arms, soft moans humming in your throat as he kissed you.
When he finally broke the kiss, both of you were panting while you glared daggers up at him.
“What the fuck?!” you ripped yourself free of his grasp, staggering backwards with a hand clutched to your mouth, “What’re you doing?!”
The look of frustration blended heavenly with your flustered expression. Mirth spilled over in his open mouthed smirk. Casually he slipped his hands into his coat pockets, cocking a brow and half lidding his eyes at you. Tilting his head to the side, a soft laugh rumbled in his chest, drinking in your more outraged expression.
“Nothing you don’t want me to do, Kitten.”
“And how do you work that out?”
“You told me yourself.” Hitoshi gestured out towards the vault, hand showing you the glint of the Orb you came to steal, “Along with your goals. Your suspicions proved right.”
“Now here’s how things are going to go,” he slowly advanced on you, “you’re going to put those skills of yours to work for me.”
You glared at him, “And if I refuse?”
“Well, I use my abilities and have you out yourself to every powerful figure here tonight.” that smirk widened, “You’re that one thief that’s been targeting all the high rollers, aren’t you? I imagine that they would all love to meet you.”
Fear flooded your eyes then, “You...you wou-”
“Wouldn’t I? If you’ve done your homework about me then you know how much of a dangerous man I can be.”
You had done your homework and that was truer than you would like to admit. Hitoshi’s public image was great but if you dug a little deeper, strange disappearances that surrounded him. Brainwashing you and having you out your secret to some of the most influential people of the city who would love to see you punished for your work. It would be the end of you and he knew you would have no choice but to work for him. 
And that was how you, The Firefly, thief of rich assholes extraordinaire, came to work for Shinsou Hitoshi. Through blackmail and the threat of one of the most powerful men in the city ruining you.
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So. I decided that since we’re a few hours away from the new banner from dropping, I would do some manefestation. I deicded to copy Yuri’s makeup. Is it perfect? No. But I like it. So this is a completely not asked for mini-tutorial of what I did.
First: No, I did not try to copy what Alejandro Saab/the person who eventually fixed his makeup did in the Anime Impulse video. It was a fun video but it was hard to really gather what to do from it due to the chaotic nature of it, plus I don’t own the same palette bc 1. it’s expensive as fuck and I am a college student who currently doesn’t have a job and 2. I would rather not purchase anything from Jeffree Starr on account of his rather…icky behavior that has come further into light over the past few months. So i just pulled up his pre-timeskip portrait and copied it the best I could with what I have.
Second: I am absolutely not a professional. I think I’m semi-decent at makeup but that comes from a decent amount of trial and error and smacking colors on my face and hoping that it works. This is what worked for me, and since everyone’s face is different, results may vary.
Now here’s the sort of tutorial!
Products recommended/used:
Makeup Revolution Reloaded Euphoria Palette (it’s pretty good for $8.00, if you already have a palette with shades similar to what I used then you can go ahead and use that instead)
Eyeshadow primer (the writing on mine faded a bit so I can’t really tell you what exactly I used, but if you can PLEASE use primer for this if you are using the previously mentioned palette, certain shades that I used don’t show up well if you aren’t putting it on on top of primer.)
Eyeshadow Brush and a Small Angled Brush (I used the Eyeshadow “C” Brush and the Small Angled Brush from e.l.f.)
Here’s the diagram I made (the program I used doesn’t have color picker so I just matched the best I could. The colors on the palette are numbered in the order of use. Also I promise that it looks better in real life than it does on the diagram, I just can’t draw. I would show an irl picture of it but I would rather not post anything that involves my face, even if it is super close up). I’ll include written instructions underneath.
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Before applying eyeshadow: Get a little bit of primer (a little goes a long way!) and pat it on you eyelids and crease (the crease is the area between your eyelid and browbone). This helps the eyeshadow stay for longer and helps the pigments be more visible!
1. Take your eyeshadow brush and get some of the light purple shade in the top right corner and dust it onto your eyelids.
2. Wipe off your eyeshadow brush and use it again to get some of the hot pink shade that is to the right of the bottom left corner shade and lightly dust it on top of the light purple.
3. Wipe off your eyeshadow brush again and use it to get some of the purple shade in the bottom left corner and dust it into the crease of your eye.
4. Now to line your eyes (I didn’t draw this part on bc the lashes on the diagram I’m using were too thick to show anything). Tbh this is more of an optional step, and there are multiple ways that you can do this, but what I did is that I took my small angled brush and used the black in the bottom left corner to line my eyes along the top lashline. If you’re feeling risky then you can try to wing the eyeliner too. Alternatively you could also use a pencil eyeliner, or if you want a darker and sharper line you could use a felt-tip eyeliner pen or liquid eyeliner.
And yeah that’s what I did! Hopefully this might help get Yuri home, I hope y’all liked this and happy summoning!
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grabthemhorns-old · 4 years
Can we ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ get a nsfw alphabet for Simeon
Hope you like :3 I tried my best for our angel of angels.
Smut Alphabet - Simeon
I’m a bit nervous about this, but it’s been a LOT of fun :3
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
- Angels orgasms last a long time. Longer than humans or demons. It’s a trade off in that it can be quite difficult for angels to reach their climax, so when they do, they are rewarded. So after the times Simeon cums, he revels in the bliss with you, holding you close, making sure you’re a part of it, using all his senses through the orgasm. Taking in your scent; tasting the wetness of your lips; hearing your sweet words; feeling your skin against skin as his body moves with the motions of his peak. It’s often a very intense moment and can sometimes overwhelm Simeon, and at times like that he’ll just enjoy lying next to you, holding your hand as you both quietly talk about something inane, or listen to each other breathing, placing a soft kiss on your hand, until one or both falls asleep. You’re happy to let him sleep afterwards as he deserves and needs it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
- Simeon likes his hips, thighs and waist. He enjoys showing them off with his clothing, with jewels or accessories. If you pay particular attention to any of them, it makes him quiver. Even something as small as setting a hand on his waist while out walking, the small curl of a finger tracing the jut of hip bone, exposed, can make the the angel submit. Or command. He moulds to you. 
His favourite part about you is probably your hands. He loves how expressive humans can be with them. With the type of angel Simeon is, their wings often express their emotions, so that’s a part of why he rarely has them on show. But the way that humans can rarely hide their hands is something Simeon loves. He lavishes attention on them. Kisses, touches, making sure he’s holding them during sex, oral - they’re grounding to him. 
Also - your ass. Simeon’s a biter. And there’s no-where better for him to sink his teeth into than your ass. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
- Simeon at first was self conscious about finishing inside you, because of how long his orgasms can last. He didn’t want you to be stuck with him inside while he’s writhing in pleasure. But you quickly soothed his doubts, reassuring him that you love being with him, no matter what. Because of the difference in your orgasms, you both adapted. Learning each others pace, how to prolong your orgasms, or how to join in and give back, during his. He doesn’t spill cum for the whole time of his orgasm, but angels do give more than humans or demons. Giving Simeon oral for the first time was an experience. Simeon grew to absolutely love finishing inside your mouth though and extending to on your face, smothering you, watching it drip down your beautiful skin as he basks in his orgasm.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
- He writes TSL dark fic under a pseud and fantasises about the brothers in the roles.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
- Simeon’s old. He’s had experience with several angels, with humans - but demons? Not yet. He wants to, but he knows he’d most likely be stripped of his rank and role in the Celestial Realm for it. Friendship is fine. But when they know what your feathers feel like against their skin? As for does he know what he’s doing? Oh, yes. I don’t view the angels in the Celestial Realm as a whole as pure. Far from it. Sure, there are many who are celibate by choice, or others who are asexual with varying levels of sexual interest/desire/repulsion. But as a whole, the angels like humans and demons are a hugely diverse bunch - probably changing a bit depending on the hierarchy. There’s many who the angels or god would consider ‘good’ and ‘pure’ and ‘light’ - but fall under fanaticism, obsession, with views of cleansing and order etc. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
- Simeon likes any position that prioritises your pleasure. He wants to make you orgasm as many times as you can or want to before he does - or if he can, in that session.  Personal favourites of his though are doing you from behind so he can grab onto your ass, and go and go and go; and you riding him, close against his body, while he’s sitting, and his wings out, so you can see his wings shift and change with his emotions. It’s a very vulnerable position and moment to him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
- Simeon is a bit more of a serious boy, and that comes through a lot in your sex together. But he does learn to loosen up a little more with you the longer you’re together, and it shows more through his wings when you start to notice they’re out more and more when you’re together.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
- Simeon is completely smooth. Although if angels do have pubic hair, it matches the colour of their wings instead of their hair colour.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
- At first, being one of the only two angels in hell, he felt the intense need to protect you. And that came through during your sex. He often took the lead or control - but gently - prioritising you over himself, and it was intense, his feelings that he couldn’t quite vocalise, imprinting all over your body instead. He was stronger than you realised too, with arms able to hold you so tightly you did feel protected; hands so firm, but gentle, they led you to the Celestial Realm without taking a foot outside your bed. Then as your trust grew and feelings began to unravel, things changed. Simeon became more vulnerable, he started to sink into your arms instead, bright, beautiful eyes seeking your guidance, as he let slip his mantle of guardian and basked in your love.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
- He doesn’t do it so often, as the orgasm angels experience with someone else are infinitely better than by themselves. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
- Being tied up/shibari - both him and you, but especially you. Simeon much prefers being the dominant sexual partner. He loves seeing your arms and especially hands bound above or next to your face, seeing the struggle against the rope as it digs into the skin. And on the flip, he loves having his wings bound in the same way by you, to feel like his emotions are under your control, and nothing can happen without your say. He especially loves to kiss at the marks and bruises left by the ropes on your hands and wrists afterwards, tending to them like you’re the most precious thing in all the realms - because well, you are. Aftercare after BDSM for Simeon is something that is so important and gentle and lasting. And he often does it from his knees if you’re not on the bed. -Biting/marking. He loves to bite parts of your body. Especially thick, fleshy parts such as your thighs and ass. Drawing blood isn’t necessary, but when he’s particularly horny, heavens yes.  -Praise. Tell Simeon how good he is. How great his tongue feels against you; how good he’s taking that cock deep in his ass; how beautiful his waist his beneath your hands; how soft his feathers feel; how much you enjoy hearing him moan, moan, moan. And please do it when his wings are out for the full experience. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
- Simeon isn’t fussy with the surface or location as long as you have guaranteed privacy. Although he does love your bed as it is intimately yours. Doing you from behind on a table is a favourite of his too.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
- Simeon loves your laugh. He loves to listen to you talk about things you love, your passions and dreams. He’s an observer. Watching you from afar, at times he can’t have you, really does it from him. Seeing you talk to someone as you lean on a desk, the edge of your shirt exposing a lick of skin; your hands restless, and playing with your hair; your legs crossed, and your thick thighs tight against your trousers.  -Simple things like touch. Cuddling, running hands through hair, a kiss here, there. And when you become a lot closer, the wings. Oh god, the wings. Touching there helps speed up Simeon getting to his climax sometimes.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
- Threesome. Simeon is quite protective of you and it spills into a little bit of possessiveness. He can’t really see himself sharing comfortably.  - He isn’t into being blindfolded, mostly because Simeon is a very visually stimulated person.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
- Simeon much prefers to give, since compared to him, you can have several orgasms. He also loves to feel you against his tongue, and the way your human body loses control and moves. He has always preferred to give even with other angels too, so he’s very good at it. It takes a while to admit, but Simeon loves the taste of cum too.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
- Simeon loves both. Slow is often his preference as it works with the build up to his orgasm, but it can be rough or sensual depending on the mood. If you like fast, he will do fast. Simeon just loves to please you - but to be in charge of that pleasing.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
- Quickies have never really been a thing for Simeon. But he is more than happy to give them. The fact he doesn’t finish doesn’t bother him at all. Having control of a quickie session, being completely in control as he fucks the hell out of you in the kitchen while you’re in the middle of making dinner, hand over mouth to silence you while someone walks by, actually made him come really quickly once. It was a little bit of a problem trying to hide it when company joined them afterwards.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
- You’re the one to suggest more riskier things at first. Simeon is nervous about exposing himself and therefore his feelings to too much at first, but as things start to open up, he also starts to open up to more.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
- As established before, angels last for a long time before they finish. And can pretty much keep going for as long as you need or want. Their stamina is on par with a demon’s too. It can be frustrating for the angels sometimes that they don’t come as easy as their partners - sometimes worrying that their partner might worry they feel they’re not satisfying them, or not good enough. But for Simeon, nothing has been further from the truth.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
- Simeon owns a lot of stimulating toys to help sometimes bring on his orgasms quicker! And for you too, to give you more, and more, while he enjoys his own lingering climax. For feeling you orgasm against him while he’s still climaxing is to Simeon, one of the best feelings. You also start introducing some toys to hold you back so you last longer with him, and he’s so touched, he wraps you in his wings and kisses you until you both can’t breathe.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
- He loves to tease a lot when you’re in bondage. He plucks a feather from a wing and traces it along where the shibari ropes are bound against your skin, circling it around your wrists, between your fingers, then around your nipples, before his lips suck tightly.  -He likes to play with your hands. To suck your fingers and kiss along the edges, especially at times when he knows there can be no follow up. He just sometimes loves to watch the way you react to him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
- Simeon likes to be loud - but he knows when to be quiet. He loves making noises that you enjoy and that bring a rise out of you. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
- When Simeon learns more about how to use technology, he absolutely loves to film you both when you fuck.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
-Angel cocks are closer to human cocks than demons. Although sometimes like the type of angel Simeon is - like on their body - they will have silver, bronze or golden scales on the shaft, more concentrated on the base. Not all of them are straight up and down, either, and often they can mould to fit their partner if they want.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
- His sex drive varies. It’s tied a lot to his mood and when he’s with someone, it’s a lot higher.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
- If Simeon has climaxed, he’s very quick to fall asleep after - spent and exhausted. And it’s one of the moments where he loves to be vulnerable and curled up in your arms, sometimes his wings out, wrapped around you, timid and tender, quivering as he breathes in, and out. -If only you have, he watches and waits for you to fall asleep, holding you, stroking you softly, encouraging you to lay with your head in his lap, enjoying the soft pressure of your head against his stomach as he surrounds you both with his wings.
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theaviskullguy · 3 years
Ink and Petals
@dapple-dualies-propaganda here's the au
Tattoo artist! Rider x Florist! Goggles
hope you enjoy!
When was it not busy at Squid ink?
It was one of the top Tattoo Parlors in Inkopolis. and it was also on a pretty busy street. So, it got a lot of customers. Also the fact that one of the artists was a famous turfer.
Rider hadn't formerly retired, but he had eased out of playing Turf Wars. He had found other interests outside of the sport: Theater, art, reviewing old movies online... He still did Turf from time to time, albeit the adult league. He was too old for the more popular teen division.
So, he found a job as a tattoo artist. And he rather loved it. Not only did most of his friends consult him for tattoo advice (from where the best places are to good designs), but he also knew some gossip. One of his regulars had beef with her neighbor because he has a pet raccoon who keeps stealing her trash and Rider could NOT wait to hear more about this story.
Another thing was, well, Rider had seen some shit. From people covered head to toe in tats, to people eagerly wanting their first tattoo, even to shyer folk who wanted one to defy controlling parents or to mark something important.
None of that prepared Rider for the news he got when tattooing one of the customers. More specifically, Gloves.
You see, Gloves had been coming in for the past few days. They had wanted a pretty complicated butterfly tat, so for the last 3 days Rider has been exchanging stories with the resident enby about... pretty much anything.
This is how this exchange happened;
"So you remember Goggles, right?" Gloves asked.
Rider rolled his eyes. "What, you think I'd forget the guy who kept pulling down my pants?"
"Oh ha ha. Anyways, apparently he works at that flower shop now."
"...He what?"
"You heard me!" They said. "I went there yesterday to get something for a project and there was Goggles! He misses you, 'ya know!"
Rider was just. quiet. He hadn't talked to his crush in a while, contact dwindled when Rider stopped doing Turf as much. Never once did he think Goggles would miss him, but that was probably the self hatred talking.
"...I'll think about it." Was all Rider said.
The conversation continued like nothing happen; Gloves saying multiple cursed things and Rider sharing interesting stories he heard on his job. Time flew by and soon, the tattoo was done; a butterfly with the bi colors on one wing and the nb colors on the other. Rider was quite proud of it, and Gloves seemed to like it. They waved, and left the store, humming to themselves.
Rider looked at the clock. His shift ended in just a few minutes. He knew he had no other appointments that day, so he took to watching old recorded matches in his phone.
Those were over a decade ago. Yet he still remembered everything. His favorite part was still learning he won a match by such a small margin. It was just... amazing.
He sighed. Rider missed those battles. But he has to say, he missed his crush a bit more.
He clocked out, saying goodbye to the other employee-Cherry (business relationships were easy to maintain when your coworkers were your siblings), and headed towards the flower shop for more reasons than one.
Army had a performance the next day. And yeah, Rider knew it was romantic, but platonically giving your best friend flowers was always nice. Plus, he wanted an excuse to see Goggles again.
He looked into the shop-the blue inkling was nowhere to be seen, but then again neither was the front desk. So, Rider shrugged and stepped in.
The floral scent was strong, but not overwhelming. Plenty of blossoms lined the stands, along with tags of what the flowers were and what they meant.
Rider looked around, trying to remember which flowers Army liked again, when he heard a familiar, youthful voice.
"Hi! Need any help?"
The inkling turned around. Goggles had definitely changed since Rider last saw him; his tentacles were longer and in an actual bun, for once. His blue eyes still had that clarity, and he still had that goofy smile. Though he didn't seem to recognize Rider.
"Uhh... I'll be fine. I'm just trying to remember what flower my friend likes the most." He said, hoping his accent didn't give him away; there weren't many in Inkopolis with an Australian accent.
But, Goggles didn't seem to notice or care. "Oh, okay!"
Rider internally breathed a sigh of relief. That would have been awkward if Goggles recognized him.
He looked around the shop, before spotting a bouquet of lilies. He knew Army liked lilies. If they weren't his favorite flower, it'd be close enough.
Rider took a few of the bigger ones, and a few white roses for variety, and took them to the counter.
Goggles smiled. "This a special occasion?"
"Not exactly. Just, my friend's doing a performance for a musical and I wanted to get him something for it." Rider explained.
"What musical?" Gogs asked, arranging the flowers with a sheer, white ribbon tying them together.
"Hadestown. He got Eurydice."
"Oh! I went to go see it last night! Army's amazing at that role. He's your friend, right?"
Rider internally panicked, but calmed down after remembering he wasn't Army's only friend. "Yeah. We've been friends for a while now."
"Well, tell him I said hi!" He handed the bouquet to Rider. "On me, alright? It's for a friend anyways!"
Rider nodded. "Thanks, mate."
"You're welcome!"
A few weeks went by. Rider occasionally stopped at the flower shop and got flowers for...well, no real reason. He'd use them to add color to his house, or give them to friends. He just wanted an excuse to see Goggles.
He'd talked to the blue inkling a bit more, too. He'd gotten into the business since, well, he really liked flowers, and he wanted a job where he could just...relax! He still did Turf, of course, but the Adult league was more serious than the teen one, and he just wanted to have fun instead of be expected to take a game seriously.
He still didn't recognize Rider. The yellow-green inkling was a bit hurt by this, to be honest.
Though, it was a bit startling when Goggles actually walked into Rider's work. And Rider was assigned to give Goggles his first tattoo: A blue jay on his shoulder, taking off from a branch.
This time, it was Goggles' turn to ask questions as Rider worked.
"Sooo.... you've been coming into my shop for a while and I still don't know your name!" The blue inkling stated. "I mean, you can probably recognize me though!"
Rider shrugged. "Well, who can forget Goggles of the Idiot Blue team?"
Goggles giggled. "You do know me! I still don't know you!!"
"...I can assure you, we've met before that day I got Army flowers." Rider said.
"Ooh! Can I try and guess who you are?"
"Ehh, why not."
"Okay! Umm..." Goggles thought for a moment. "Clams facemask?"
Rider shook his head. "Nope."
"Eging Jr?"
"Not even close there."
"Stealth Goggles?"
"Getting closer, I'll give you that."
"....Rider?" Goggles asked.
Rider chuckled. "Took you long enough, idiot."
Goggles smiled wide. "I finally found you! Hi Riri!"
"Hey, Gogs. It's been a while."
"Yeah! I'm a bit surprised I didn't recognize you, since we were pretty close!" Goggles stated.
Rider shrugged. "Well, I'm not the most memorable person anyways."
"Riderrrrr don't say that!" Goggles said. "You're still really popular!"
"To some people, maybe. Not everyone."
There was a tense silence, other than the hum of the tattoo needle as it made the drawing.
"....So." Goggles started again. "How's life?"
"It's...well, better than it was." Rider said. "Got my own place, for one. Though it gets a bit lonely.. You?"
"I'm still living in an apartment. I really want a roommate!" Goggles proclaimed. "Maybe we could move in together?"
"..I'll think about it, Gogs. Though it might be fun being your roommate."
"Really? Thanks Rider!" Goggled smiled.
The conversation grew more casual. Rider enjoyed it; turns out Goggles had his fair share of gossip. It was kinda cool.
And as the next few days passed, Rider looked forward to each of those sessions. His crush seemed to go from "this person would be fun to date i think" to "hOLY MOTHER OF THE GODS IM IN L O V E", and it didn't help that during those meetings, Goggles had to be shirtless.
The days turned into weeks and months. Goggles moved in with Rider, and the two became incredibly close friends.
And, it came to a head near valentines day. Goggles' shop was very busy, as expected. Luckily, Squid Ink wasn't as much.
So, on his day off, just before Valentines, Rider headed to the flower shop and got a bouquet of roses. Cliché to confess on Valentines day, Rider knew, but he's a pining gay cut him some slack.
And Rider came home right as Goggles was leaving for his shift. So, that left Rider with a good 3 hours to practice his confession.
"Alright, Rider. This has to be CASUAL. 'Hey, I've liked you for over a decade but just now had the confidence to confess!' No, too creepy sounding. 'Yo, Gogs. I really like you and maybe we could go out to dinner sometimes?' ...Too casual."
....Yeah, this went on for a while.
Rider groaned, collapsing his his bed. "I wish feelings were fucking easier...I should just call Army."
So, he grabbed his phone and selected the contact, Veronica Sawyer Kinnie
"C'mon, Army... pick up."
And not one ring later, "Rider, what is it?"
"...I need romantic help. Please." Rider asked.
"Look, just because I'm married to Aloha, doesn't mean I know how I ended up here."
"Yeah, I kinda know that." He stated. "Still. I really need some help."
Army sighed. "Who is it? It's totally that one person with the raccoon story-"
"Actually, no. It's, um.... It's Goggles."
The octoling on the other end of the line could be heard sighing. "Still a morosexual I see."
"OI! You're the one who married a fuckin himbo!"
".....Touché. Still, there's a difference."
Rider huffed. "Just... give me some advice. I wanna confess to him tomorrow but I've got no idea how. I'm giving him roses, but like, there's gotta be something more I could do, y'know?"
"Have you tried asking Prince?" Army suggested. "He is the one with the obsession with rom coms and romance novels."
"This is his exam period, Army. I'm not about to potentially interrupt a cram session by asking for romantic advice!"
"Fair enough. I'd say...well, just rip off the band aid. Like... 'Hey, Goggles, I really like you and was wondering if you'd like to be my boyfriend.'"
"...Thanks, Arm. I'll, uh, give it a try."
Rider couldn't sleep that well. Mainly out of anticipation.
He was gonna confess to his crush of...over a decade, at least. He didn't fuckin know what was gonna happen!
Like, would Goggles reciprocate? Would he hate Rider after it? WHAT THE FUCK WOULD HAPPEN-
He sighed. He needed to get his mind off this shit.
Rider looked over to his bedside clock: 5AM. 5 hours before his shift. 5 hours to get his shit together and plan for confessing to the world's cutest but also dumbest man later that night.
C'mon, Rider. Think. Army said to rip it off like a band aid, but Goggles might find that a little sudden and out of the blue. He could write a letter and leave it for Goggles when he went to his shift (The flower shop was closed on Valentines day). That would be a safe option.
Rider sat up, and got out a piece of paper and pencil, writing a note.
"Hey, Goggles.
There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. I really, really like you. As in, a crush.
I totally get it if you don't like me back, or think I'm weird, but hey, I was wondering if you'd wanna go out to dinner or something. Probably not tonight cause of Valentine's day but maybe tomorrow night or something.
Quickly, he folded it and wrote Goggles' name, putting a little heart sticker on it. It was corny, but hey, Rider had to use up those stickers somehow.
Rider attached it to the roses, and kept it on his desk.
And so, the morning went as normal. He had breakfast, got out of his pjs, put his hair up... the usual.
But as Rider left to go to work, he left the note and rose on the table, and left the house quickly.
During the day, he nearly forgotten all about it; He caught up with the gossip-Apparently the neighbor with the raccoon and the regular were now dating. So that was a nice little end to the story.
Squid Ink wasn't AS busy-probably because it was Valentines day, people were spending it with their lovers, not getting inked up (unless they made the appointment when single)
And it was near the end of Rider's shift when he heard his name mentioned. Probably someone making an appointment before he heard the familiar voice of Goggles going "Okay!!"
The blue inkling walked over to his station. "Hi Ridey!!"
"...Hey, Gogs. Getting another tat?" Rider asked, trying to keep his cool.
Goggles nodded. "Yeah!!!"
"A'ight anything specific in mind or-"
"Can I get just a simple quote one?"
Rider nodded. "Where do you want it?"
Goggles pulled down the collar of his shirt slightly. "Right here, please!"
"Okay. Just try to keep holding that down so I don't mess up.
And so, tattoo conversations ensued.
The quote Goggles had wanted was a simple Pride one, that said "love is love". It was discreet, but a bit of it could be seen poking out if Goggles ever wore a v-neck.
"So, any plans for tonight?" Rider asked, trying to keep things subtle. Maybe Goggles hadn't read the note yet.
The blue inkling nodded. "Kinda! I had mental plans buuuuut nothing serious."
Rider raised an eyebrow. "Who with?"
"..I m-mean, I still have to ask him.." Goggles' face turned a shade of blue, and he averted his gaze.
"....Can I guess who he is?"
"If ya can!"
He smiled. "Does his name have an R in it?" Rider had a guess it was himself, but it wouldn't hurt to check.
Goggles nodded. "Yeah!"
"Got an accent?"
"Is he doing your tattoo?"
"....y-yeah?" Goggles sheepishly smiled. "I'm n-not that discreet, am I?"
Rider chuckled, but on the inside he was screeching. "Honestly? I had no clue myself."
"Really? I've been dropping the most obvious hints!"
"...Like what?" Rider asked, now a bit curious.
"Welllll I've been picking movies you like during movie night, I've made sure to get your drink on coffee runs, Oh! And I offered to cook dinner that one time!" Goggles stated.
"...Damn. I'm just oblivious then." The former dynamo user laughed, before turning off the needle. "There. It's all done." Rider held up a mirror for the blue boy.
Goggles' face lit up. "Whoa! It looks amazing!!! Thanks Riri!"
Rider smiled. "You're welcome. Now, uh, ...did you read my note?"
"..Y-yeah, I did. And, um...I like you too Rider!!" The blue man pressed a small, quick kiss to Rider's cheek.
Rider blushed. "S-so, you'll let me t-take you out?"
Goggles nodded. "Yeah!!!"
"I...thanks, Gogs."
"You're welcome Riri!!!"
but like. hope yall enjoy!
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Okay thanks! Then can I request a Shijima Mei with a female reader who starts to see her as an older sister. The reader also draws (but she isn’t as good) so when she saw Shijima’s works she was just in aw.
She is also really bubbly around her and can act a bit childish loving hugs, head pats, and other fluffy stuff! She also go to Shijima when she’s sad and want to vent about life
The reader is alive and also Hanako assistant so they met at the fake world she made and she just stuck with her! (Confused Hanako wondering why reader isn’t like that with him lol)
Thank you! Headcanons please!
(platonic) shijima mei and f!reader
a/n: sure thing!! I haven’t written for her yet (despite my undying love- no pun intended), so let’s hope it turns out alright! You’re so very welcome, and thank you so much for requesting, especially such a cute prompt-!!
warnings: none <3
word count: 1,001
Shijima, at first, is a tad bit confused. After all, she doesn’t typically associate with very many humans. You managed to know the world she created was fake, so she knew it was safe to assume you were close with Yashiro and Kou- but a part of her found you somewhat interesting. Especially when you seemed so enthusiastic to meet her.
Nonetheless, once you returned again and again, she took you under her wing. She even looked forward to your visits, as they always seemed to brighten up her day.
Your cheerful childishness is definitely a reason that she starts to appreciate you as a sister more than just a human. Being alive is one thing, but you somehow just… feel alive? Your grins and giggles warm her heart, and honestly make her want to protect you. The way that you’re childish, especially in how you enjoy such simple acts of affection, brings out some sort of “big sister instincts” in her. Or maybe… you even remind her of the “true” Shijima?
One thing that Shijima also found interesting about you, a reason out of many that she became fond of you, was your interest in art!
While Shijima sees flaws in her own art, when you point out flaws in yours, all she sees are rooms for improvement- not mistakes. As she gives you encouragement and advice for your art, your enthusiasm towards hers makes her smile, even if she doesn’t agree with all of your statements. It really just… warms her heart.
Shijima would feel rather proud of herself should you incorporate her art advice into your art. Every time you bring her a piece, showing it to her with a half-nervous-half-excited grin, she’ll praise you, ruffling your hair affectionately. Should you be especially proud of a piece, she won’t be able to resist hugging you- most likely to your delight. She definitely returns your enthusiasm about your art, often tenfold since you’re bound to criticize your own art.
Offer to give the art to her, and she won’t hesitate to accept, placing it in a spot where she can look at it whenever she so desires.
While she, when upset with her art, grows frustrated and ends up destroying it, Shijima would feel a bit saddened if you did the same. She appreciates the stage that your art is in, and tells you to save it- especially since, as you get older, you’ll be able to look back and see even more improvement.
“It’s an amazing feeling, I’m sure,” she’ll tell you, smiling and trying to remember a point at which she could appreciate improvement in her own artwork. No, she never really got that… but the true Shijima certainly did. This Shijima, the supernatural girl, was sure that she was glad to see those little changes. You had every right and deserved to enjoy that feeling as well.
If you go to Shijima, informing her that something made you feel upset, she’s all ears. Vent as much as you need- raise your voice, cry. Let it all out, because she’s going to actively listen, and most likely get worked up alongside you. Once you finish venting, she’ll offer advice, and comfort you. Hug her as much as you need, as tightly as you need, for as long as you need- she won’t let you go until you’re feeling better.
Even after you’ve calmed down from venting, she usually prefers for you to stay just a tad longer. She’s honestly worried that you’ll leave, then start to think about it and feel sad again. Shijima’s a bit protective over you, and doesn’t want you to feel upset- so, she does anything within her abilities to make you happy/feel better.
She gets so genuinely angry if someone has done you wrong and caused you to need to get it off your chest. If you’re angry about it, she’ll voice her anger as well, eyes narrowing as she tells you that the person that did that is pure garbage.
“I promise you, (Y/N), send that jerk my way. No, no, for real- or send them Number 7’s way. I don’t care if your friend’s an exorcist- tell him to-”
Having someone understand your emotions regardless is nice, and Shijima is glad to be that person. She’s honestly very glad to have you as a little sister figure, and is glad that you consider her as a big sister. Shijima was made to be the more perfect version of the previously living Shijima, so she never personally got to experience family. You gave that joy to her, and she’s so happy that you found her interesting during those fateful events.
(Call her big sister, and she may cry about it later- actually, no, she definitely cries about it later. Then, she’ll proudly refer to you as her little sister. As if treating you like one was where her admiration for you ended!)
Overall, Shijima really is a 10/10 big sister. She cares about you so genuinely, and sees you as a big light in her afterlife. While at once, all she had were her fake worlds and art that never seemed to be good enough, she now had a real person from a real world. You made her feel alive- you gave her a reason to still love the world the original Shijima had been born into. Plus, there’s not a doubt in her mind that, if you met the Shijima Mei who once lived, she’d love you as dearly as the “idealized Shijima”, Number 4 does.
“I’m done sweeping!!” You exclaimed, putting the broom up, then turning to Hanako.
“I’m off, bye-bye-”
“I just don’t get it, Yashiro. What does Shijima have that I don’t?? She’s my assistant, not hers???? She doesn’t get the opportunity to clean in Shijima’s boundary :(( is that really any fun?? :((( wouldn’t she be bored????? :((((”
Poor Yashiro would sigh, suddenly somehow deemed Hanako’s therapist, while you had the kind Shijima to talk with……
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bard-llama · 3 years
New Fics/Fic Updates
I’m going through and uploading some of my WiPs that have Part 1s done, so have some fics lol
The Greatest Form of Love  (Witcher games)
When Geralt suggested that they stop to see Emhyr on the way to Bald Mountain, he wasn't actually expecting more than a brief drop in. Ciri, after all, was very much not a fan of her birth father. But when Ciri's mother is seemingly resurrected from a watery grave, things become a lot more complicated.
Tumblr media
Chapter 11
Ciri worries about Avallac'h.
New fics:
Be My Bad Boy Chapter 1 (Thronebreaker)
As the fight against Nilfgaard draws to a close, the end in sight, Meve asks Gascon about his plans for the future. She does not want him to leave, and so she has an offer for him.
Unfortunately, she does not anticipate his response.
I'm not trapped with you, you see (You're the one who's trapped with me) Chapters 1-3 (mix of canons)
The Vizima Convention Center is Temeria's pride and joy and boasts the latest in all magical and technological advances. The new-fangled elevators that the convention center uses are powered by magic and make getting around much faster - but they also have a tendency to breakdown and leave one stuck in a small, sealed box with only strangers for company.
Hedgehog Man in Wine Country (Witcher games/mix of canon)
When Gaunter O'Dimm decides to entertain himself at Geralt's expense, Geralt is rather surprised to find himself hosting not just twenty-two of his 'closest' friends and family at Corvo Bianco, but the Emperor of Nilfgaard himself, Emhyr var Emreis. Except Emhyr isn't just there for fun - he's there because he's been cursed once more and cannot show his face in public any longer.
Like Roses, Relationships Blossom Over Time (Witcher games)
A flick of his fingers was all it took for the servants to shuffle out of the way until the coat of arms over Emhyr’s own chest could be seen. Over his heart, of course, there was his family crest, that of House var Emreis. But over the center of his torso was a black shield with three symbols in a triangle. At the top, the Great Sun was embroidered in gold and silver thread that shone in the light, but no less eye catching was the silver wolf, detailed with golden eyes, and the outline of an elegant swallow, wings stretched in flight colored with bright threads of a thousand different colors. It was an expensive crest, as these things went – and yet it was an unmistakable one.
This was not just the ascension of Cirilla var Emreis, nor was it simply the crowning of Princess Cirilla, The Lion Cub of Cintra. This was the coronation of Cirilla, the Lady of Space and Time, Zireael, The Swallow, The Vanquisher of the White Frost, The Witcher. As much as Emhyr may have hated it, Cirilla was every bit as shaped by her Father of Surprise as she was by her blood family, and it was only right that her crest reflect all of her history.
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Angel (Pt. 4)
Harry Styles x Reader
A/N: This one was inspired by Harry’s song Only Angel. It’s five parts in total. If you like it, be sure to give it a reblog and check out the other parts linked below. Thanks, and enjoy <3
Warnings: Slight jealousy, some making out. Swearing. It’s long. Seriously. 
Part 1  -  Part 2  -  Part 3  -  Part 5
Forty-five minutes later, I was all dolled up and in a cab on the way to the house where the after party was being held. Now that the situation with Harry was resolved, I was free to relax and fully enjoy my accomplishment. I had been working toward becoming a Victoria’s Secret Angel since I was eleven years old, and now, eleven years later, I finally was. 
Giddy with excitement, I pulled out my phone to text Harry and tell him that I was close. He replied almost instantly, like he’d been waiting for me.
‘Good. I’ll be out back by the pool.’
I nodded to myself and put my phone away since the cab was pulling up to the house. Thanking and paying the cabbie, I stepped out. My stomach filled with nervous excitement, and I couldn’t help but grin as I looked up at the bustling house.
It was a modern two story with large windows that allowed me to see the party in full swing inside. Music could be heard thumping at the windows, and people could be seen walking around and mingling. I caught sight of Elsa on the second floor, looking out the window at the city, and waved when she saw me. Her face split into a wide smile, to which I smiled back, and she motioned for me to meet her downstairs. Nodding at her enthusiastically, I made my way to the large front door.
The music was louder inside, the deep bass thumping through my heart immediately. I smiled and waved at a few of the girls and other people I knew as my eyes searched for Elsa. It didn’t take me long to find her quickly descending the stairs, eyes searching for me.
“Elsa!” I called when I spotted her.
She squealed and rushed to pull me into a hug, “Y/N, you made it!”
I chuckled at her enthusiasm and returned her hug, “Ya, sorry I’m late. I had something I needed to take care of.”
“Oh?” she asked, pulling back to look at me, “Is everything alright?”
“Oh ya, it just took a while,” I said with a reassuring smile.
“Good, now let’s get you a drink.”
Elsa kept me close to her side for the next hour, insisting on getting some alcohol in me and taking me to see the other girls. Every time I tried to break away, telling her I was supposed to be meeting someone, she protested and demanded that I stayed with her a little longer. Knowing how she could get when she drank and not wanting to upset my best friend out of the girls, I stayed. But time was ticking and I knew Harry had to be wondering where I was, if he was still waiting at all.
Finally Elsa became engrossed in a conversation with some photographer, and I was able to slip away. I knew she wouldn’t miss me so I didn’t feel bad about ditching her, especially since I had Harry waiting for me. 
I moved quickly through the crowd in the house, making my way out to the pool. The view caused me to pause in my search for just a moment, insisting that I take in the lights in the trees and the fields in the valley below. Shaking it off before I could get too sucked in, I searched the crowd for my childhood love.
There was a makeshift dance floor and a DJ booth set up to one side of the pool. A large crowd was dancing, and I briefly wondered how all these people got invited before moving my attention the the couched and chairs around the pool. Some groups were smaller than others, and there were even some people in the pool, but I couldn’t find Harry anywhere.
Sighing, I moved closer to the dance floor, hoping that he was over there. After a few moments of scanning the crowd, I was about ready to give up when I spotted his soft brown curls.
I realized that the reason I hadn’t been able to see him before was because he was laying down on one of the couches that had its back to me. Now, I saw that his head was on the lap of one of his band members, the woman who had played the drums. In fact he was surrounded by women, models to be precise. I rolled my eyes at how the young women leaned forward and ogled him as he spoke. Harry just basked in the attention, the exact same attention whore he had been since we were younger.
As Harry laughed, pushing himself up and out of his bandmate’s lap, I considered turning around, going back to Elsa, and getting black-out drunk. Harry was the same as he’d always been. He had always loved attention, especially the attention of pretty women, and right now, he had the attention of a lot of pretty women. I honestly didn’t know how I could compete with that, and I was jealous. I was now willing to admit that I was jealous of the attention he gave those women because I still loved him, and because of that, I didn’t want to be sober anymore.
Just as I was about to turn around and go drown myself in a bottle of vodka, Harry caught site of me. His entire face lit up, granting me with a large, genuinely happy smile and a view of his dimples. Looking away only briefly, he made a quick excuse to his group and in turn earned a knowing smile from his bandmate. Then he was pushing himself up and practically bounding over to me.
I couldn’t help but laugh, my heart melting at his enthusiasm. He was like a big puppy, so happy to see his person after a long day away. I realized that I was that person he was so excited to see, but refused to think about what that meant.
“Angel, you finally made it!” Harry called over the music, engulfing me in a giant hug as soon as he reached me.
“Hey, Harry,” I laughed, hugging him back.
I could feel the eyes of the models Harry had just left watching us as we stayed connected a few seconds longer than appropriate, but I didn’t care. Harry’s hugs had always been my favorite. He held you so close and secure, you just couldn’t help but feel safe. His hug brought out all of the feelings I was never good at hiding and didn’t want to deny anymore.
All too soon Harry squeezed me tighter then released me, pulling back to look me over. He whistled lowly and appreciatively at what he saw.
“Damn,” he swore, biting his lip, “you look gorgeous.”
I blushed a little but smiled. Alessandra and Elsa had helped me pick this dress months ago when I was first told I’d be walking as an official Angel, wings and all. I was worried that it was too much, but they both insisted that I looked amazing and this was the perfect place to wear it. Now, seeing Harry’s face, I was glad I did.
The dress was essentially simple, all tight black material clinging to my curves and stopping mid thigh. The stunning part was the neckline. A black collar twisted around my neck then parted at my chest, remaining open in a deep V that stopped just above my belly button. A harness shaped chain of crystals held the two sides closed and wrapped around my shoulders to drape delicately down the open back. At first I was self-conscious about putting so much skin on display, but considering I had just walked a globally broadcasted fashion show in nothing but lingerie and heels, I decided it really didn’t matter.
“Thank you,” I answered, giving Harry the same inspection he gave me, “You look pretty good yourself.”
He took a step back and did a little spin so I could see his outfit fully, making me laugh. He was wearing fitted black jeans and an open black suit jacket. Underneath was a loose fitting sky blue shirt with little white flower-like symbols on it. The shirt was halfway unbuttoned, leaving his smooth skin and a simple silver cross on display. When he moved, the swallows on his chest played peek-a-boo through the opening. His short hair sat as messy chocolate curls, a perfectly styled mess. All in all, he looked every bit the heart throb we both knew he truly was.
“Thanks, angel,” he grinned.
“Of course, but that sure is a lot of skin on display tonight, Mr. Styles,” I teased, trigging on the lapel of his jacket.
Harry laughed, dimples on full display, “You’re one to talk. Aren’t you afraid you’ll get cold wearing this dress in December?”
I shrugged, a coy smile tugging at the corners of my lips, “No. I figured if I got cold it’d be easy enough to find a man willing to lend me his jacket.”
“You’re not wrong there, love,” He said, glancing around, “you’ve already got them all starin’.”
I rolled my eyes internally, knowing full well that this wasn’t even the most revealing outfit here. It was obvious to me that Harry was jealous, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me kind of giddy. Seeing Harry again and resolving our past was bringing up feelings I’d been burying since I saw pictures of him and Taylor Swift for the first time. I had missed him and all the fun we’d had together. I was scared to admit it, but I hoped that the way he was acting, his choice to release that song, meant that he missed me too. Most of all, I hoped he wanted me back too.
Deciding that teasing Harry was fun, and that I wanted to see more of his jealous side, I looked around, “Really, you think so? ‘Cause I haven’t had a boyfriend in a long time, and I wouldn’t mind finding a cute one.”
“Well I might know of a pretty cute guy who’s been looking for an Angel,” Harry hummed, pulling me against his chest.
“Ya?” I grinned as I placed my hands on his shoulders.
He nodded, “Ya, and right now he’d like to ask that Angel to dance.”
“I don’t know,” I teased, “if it’s who I think it is, this Angel might not want to dance with him.”
“And why the hell not?” Harry asked, pulling away in mock offense.
I grinned at him, disconnecting myself and preparing to run, “Because if I remember correctly, he’s not a very good dancer, and I have a reputation to uphold.”
He growled and lunged after me, but I just laughed and took off running toward the house the best I could in six inch heels. Harry caught me in no time, picking me up from behind and spinning me around. I squealed and giggled, drawing attention to us but not caring. Harry growled again, nipping at my ear as he carried me toward the dance floor. I laughed again, stilling in his arms so he didn’t accidentally drip me as he walked. 
“We’ll see about me being a bad dancer,” Harry growled, placing me down on the edge of the dance floor and spinning me around to face him.
I chuckled as I stumbled against him, “Whatever you say Mr. Styles.”
Turning back around, I pressed my back against him front. I took a second to listen to the music, letting the heavy bass take root in my heart, before I started moving against him. The music guided my hips, prompting me to roll and dip with the beats. Harry stood behind me, stunned for a few moments, but quickly recovered and placed his hands on my hips. Matching the movement of his hips to mine, he danced with me. With a smile on my face, I slid my hand up to tangle my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. He pulled me closer and buried his face in my neck, pressing a kiss there. I closed my eyes and basked in the feeling of Harry dancing against me. 
It had been a long time since I had danced with Harry. The last time was when I was 17, the same night we slept together for the first time. He had rented out the club with his bandmates and thrown a party. I tagged along with my brother, hoping to blow off some steam after a hard week, but never expecting that my crush would tell me he liked me back. I wore some skimpy shorts and a top, typical club attire, and Harry was pissed. He didn’t like all of the male attention I was getting, especially since a lot of it was coming from his bandmates. So when I moved to the dance floor and started dancing, he followed me. 
That night Harry was quick to press against me, immediately matching my moves and whispering in my ear that I was asking for trouble. I just turned around and asked him how I could get into trouble with him always around to protect me. After that we danced for hours, and at the end of the night he kissed me and told me he’d been waiting to do that for years. I went home with him for the first time after that, and even knowing everything that happened after, I’d do it again in a heart beat. 
“So,” Harry spoke up, pulling at my side to get me to turn around to face him, “still think I’m a bad dancer?”
I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, “No, I never did. I was just teasing you.”
“Of course you were,” he huffed, pulling me even closer, “You always were a tease.”
I shrugged, “Your reactions are funny.”
“Hmmm, you think so, angel?” Harry hummed, leaning down to press his forehead against mine.
The music changed, playing the first slower song I’d heard since arriving. I didn’t recognize it, but it was obvious that Harry did because he smiled down at me. I realized why a few moments later when his voice drifted through the air. Rolling my eyes at his obvious pleasure over them playing his song, I allowed him to sway us to the beat. We danced in silence, simply enjoying each other’s company. I laid my head on Harry’s chest and listened to the words of his song. It was soft and sad, but still good. I began to realize that I had been missing out by not listening to his album before.
“What’s the song about?” I asked, propping my chin on Harry’s chest to look up at him.
“This one?” he asked as he looked down at me.
I rolled my eyes but smiled at him, “What other song would I be talking about?”
He shrugged and returned my smile, “I don’t know what goes on in your crazy mind.”
I rolled my eyes again and nudged him, “So what’s it about?”
“Just drifting apart from an old girlfriend,: he answered with a sheepish smile.
I frowned, beginning to get suspicious of his avoidance of the question. Why didn’t he want me to know who it was about?
“Which one?” I asked, pulling back to look at him better.
Harry averted his eyes but answered, “Taylor.”
I made a face, old feelings of jealousy and resentment rising to the surface. I loved Taylor Swift’s music, and I thought she was an amazing person, but thinking about Harry’s relationship with her still upset me. She was, after all, the woman I thought he left me for. She was definitely a sore subject. Clearing my throat, I untangled myself from his arms and moved off the dance floor. 
“Angel? Where are you going?” Harry asked, following close behind me.
“I don’t feel like dancing anymore,” I answered as I made my way to the back door, “I’d rather get a drink.”
He frowned, “I’m sorry, but I wan’t going to lie to you.”
Turning back over my shoulder, I shot him a small smile, “I know, Harry. It’s ok, I just need a drink.”
“Well, then let me get my angel a drink,” Harry said, taking my hand and moving in front to lead me to the kitchen.
After weaving through the crowd in the interior of the house, we made it to the kitchen. Harry didn’t ask what I wanted, but went ahead and made me a Malibu and Sprite.
“You remembered,” I laughed as I took the cup from his outstretched hand.
“Of course,” he said, leaning on the counter beside me, “It was the only thing that didn’t make you gag.”
I shrugged, no longer ashamed by my intolerance for the taste of alcohol, “It’s not my fault alcohol tastes so bad.”
Harry chuckled and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a call of my name from behind us. We turned to find one of my fellow Angels in the doorway, a large smile on her pretty face.
“Hey Romee,” I said, turning my body to face her more fully, “what’s up?”
She held her empty cup as she moved further into the kitchen, “Just needed a refill.”
I nodded, but didn’t say anything as I watched her mix a drink. Romee was a relatively new Angel too, having been added just two years before me, but we weren’t close. Ever since I had been announced as the newest Angel she had been cordial, but somewhat cold. I had tried to show her that I wasn’t there to replace her, but it didn’t matter, we would never be friends.
“So,” Romee said after taking a sip of her freshly made drink, “are you going to introduce me to your friend?”
I fought the urge to role my eyes, unsurprised by her request. It was no secret that I grew up with Harry, and it would be obvious to anyone who had seen us together tonight that we were close. It was also obvious that Harry was a very handsome, very eligible young man, so of course Romee wanted the chance to properly flirt with him.
“Harry, this is Romee Strijd,” I said, “and Romee, this is Harry Styles.”
Romee smiled as she extended her hand out to Harry, “It’s nice to meet you, Harry.”
“You too, love,” Harry answered, giving her a charming smile as he bowed slightly to kiss her hand.
She giggled and twirled a strand of hair around her finger, “Wow, what a gentleman. Where have you been all night?”
This time I did roll my eyes, taking a giant swig of my drink as Harry answered, “Oh you know, just looking for an angel.”
Romee smirked, taking a step forward so she could rest her hand on his chest, “Well lucky you, you found one.”
Jealousy reared its ugly head in my chest, flooding my body with heat and urging me to grab that bitch by the hair and haul her away from my man. But then Harry shot me a look over her shoulder that calmed me down. His eyes were playful, telling me that he knew what she was doing, and he wouldn’t fall for it.
“You’re right,” Harry said, smiling and stepping around her so he could wrap an arm around my shoulder, “and she’s right here.”
A smug smile slipped onto my features as Harry pressed a kiss to the side of my head, and Romee’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. She definitely wasn’t expecting that.
“I see,” Romee said, her features relaxing into an obviously fake smile, “you’ve stumbled across the newest addition to our ranks.”
“I wouldn’t say stumbled, more like finally found what I’ve been searching for,” Harry answered without taking his eyes off of me.
I smiled up at him and laughed when Romee just huffed and walked away.
Harry made a face at me, “Oops, did I just get you in trouble?”
I shrugged and turned so that I could wrap both hands around his waste, “I don’t care. The look on her face was worth it.”
He chuckled, leaning down to bump his nose against mine, “It was pretty great, wasn’t it?”
I scrunched my nose up and nodded. It was great to see him chose me over Romee. It was even better to hear that he had been searching for me. He may have thought I’d given up on him, but he hadn’t given up on me.
“So,” I started, my tone teasing, “you’ve been searching for me?”
Harry blushed but didn’t deny it, instead closing to tuck a piece of hair that had fallen from its place back behind my ear.
When he didn’t answer, I chose to keep teasing him, “So what is it about me exactly that you’ve missed enough to search for me?”
He rolled his eyes, “Definitely not how much you love teasing me.”
“Hey!” I protested, smacking his chest with my hand, “You like it when I tease. It means I’m giving you attention.”
“I guess that is true,” he conceded with a smile.
“You still haven’t answered.”
Harry sighed and looked up at the ceiling, “Well, let’s see. Your smile…” He paused to trace my lips with his thumb, “your laugh…” This time he tickled my sides, causing me to giggle, “your voice…” He paused again, a smirk tugging at his lips, distracting me from the path his hands were taking, “your ass.”
With that he smacked my ass causing me to screech out his name. He just laughed, letting me slip out of his arms as I pushed away.
“Harry Styles,” I said, hands on my hips and a stern expression on my face, “just what do you think you’re doing?”
He shrugged, still smirking as he took a step toward me, “Just answering your question, angel.”
I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest, “I was giving you the opportunity to be sweet but you ruined it.”
“C’m on angel, you know I’m just a dirty boy at heart,” he said innocently, still advancing toward me, “I can’t help it.”
Rolling my eyes, I took a step back, trying to keep distance between us. I knew from experience that we were treading in dangerous waters, and keeping our distance was probably the best option. Unfortunately for me, the kitchen didn’t agree, and the next time Harry took a step forward, my back made contact with the other counter.
“Shit,” I breathed as Harry crowded into my space, securing his hands on the counter on either side of me.
“You’re mine now,” he growled playfully, face only a hair’s width away from mine.
“Oh ya?” I asked, my eyes glued to his lips, “and what are you going to do with me?”
“‘m gonna kiss you,” he breathed.
He waited only a second to make sure I wasn’t going to protest before closing the distance between us. Our lips crashed together, each of us pouring years of pent up emotions into the kiss. Without missing a beat, I opened my mouth for him as I ran my hands up his chest to tangle my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. Harry moaned lowly when I gave a sharp tug, chasing me to grin into the kiss. This only spurred him on more, as he pushed himself against me harder and deepened the kiss.
I moaned when Harry bit my lip, and he responded by grabbing my hips and lifting me onto the counter. My legs parted for him naturally as he slotted himself between them. Now that I could feel his hardening member pressed up against me, I couldn’t stop my hands from wandering down. Panting against Harry’s lips, I stroked his clothed member once before gripping it tightly. He moaned again, this time louder than before, stoking the fire inside me. Matching his moan with a small whimper of my own, my hands scrambled for the button of his pants.
“Angel,” Harry moaned, his voice sounding pained.
“Harry,” I answered back with determination as my fingers finally managed to pop open his button.
“Angel, wait,” he said more forcefully this time, covering my hands with his own and stopping me from unzipping his zipper.”
“Why?” I whine, still trying to accomplish my goal.
Harry chuckled lowly but didn’t move his hands, “Angel, we can’t do this here.”
Frowning, I looked up at him with pouty eyes, “Why not?”
“Y/N,” he raised a brow and took a step back, “I really don’t think you want to risk someone walking in on us.”
With that minuscule distance, the lustful haze lifted from my mind just enough for me to remember where we were. My eyes widened comically and I cursed, causing Harry to laugh.
“That’s what I thought,” he chuckled, buttoning his pants.
“I can’t believe I almost fucked you in the kitchen of a house where there are at least a hundred people partying,” I blinked, still a little dazed from that kiss.
“Me neither,” Harry said, clearly amused as he helped me down from the counter and covered me while I fixed my dress, “I would never expect such deviant behavior from my angel.”
I rolled my eyes and slapped his chest, now fully back to reality, “Shut up! It’s not my fault I got carried away. I haven’t been fucked in five years.”
“Wait, what?” Harry stopped, eyes wide at my admission, “You haven’t had sex in five years?”
I blushed, but nodded, “Not since the last time with you.”
“Why not?”
I blushed even harder, “No one ever came close enough to you to catch my attention.”
“Is that right?” Harry asked with a smug expression, gathering me back into his arms.
I rolled my eyes, “Well that and the fact that I was always too busy to really look.”
“Well it sounds like you, my angel, are in need of a good fucking.”
I scrunched up my nose at his crude way of putting it, but didn’t bother denying it. Instead I said, “Think you could help me out with that?”
Harry grinned, lust lighting up his eyes, “It would be my pleasure.”
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 3, Ch. 5
I rushed down the stairs as fast as I could as I didn't want Bill questioning me about Penny any longer! As much as I felt my cheeks go red, it would be a miracle if he doesn't realize what is going on with Penny at this point.
She didn't even admit to me that she has a crush on Bill and I already have to do damage control!
I was running to the Quidditch pitch as fast as I could, hoping Charlie didn't already finish and leave for breakfast; I really wanted to catch him alone.
As I was getting closer, my confidence started to shrink. Bill's words were quite encouraging and I am so glad I've decided to talk to him and ask him for advice but it didn't make the matter any easier for I had to do the talking to Charlie part alone.
I ran to the Gryffindor tent and listened for voices. I couldn't hear anything but then I heard a whistle coming from the pitch. They just finished!
I took a deep breath and blinked a couple of times. I hope Charlie won't notice I was crying.
“Nova! You're alright!” He spotted me immediately. He dropped his broom and ran to me. He squeezed me in a hug so tight that he could give Molly a run for her Galleons. He kept me in a tight hug as his teammates passed us, giggling.
“Where have you been?” He pushed me away and poked me in my shoulder. “I was worried sick! I thought you got hurt at the tryouts so I went to the Hospital Wing but you weren't there. I went to the Courtyard in case you were drawing there. I rushed to the Owlery but was only greeted by Pip. Library...empty, well except for Penny. Went to Hagrid's, you weren't there either. Not down by the Black Lake.” He stopped for a second. “But I still waited there for a while just to be sure the Giant Squid didn't take you. And I ended up sitting next to Tonks in the Great Hall and she said she hasn't seen you either. Neither has Bill. So...” He frowned. “Where...have...you...been?” Poking a finger in my shoulder with every word.
It was for moments like this that I cried in the Owlery this morning. Just imagining doing something that would tear our friendship apart and not seeing his worried freckled face made me want to be fed to the Giant Squid.
“I'm sorry I disappeared like that. I was in my dormitory the whole day.” I scratched the back of my head.
“Tonks was right. Should've asked Tulip.” He had a bewildered expression on his face. I think he was thinking just how many times Tonks has been right or given good advice this year.
“But why were you in your dormitory? Did the tryouts go so badly?” His worried face made me want to just lie that I didn't make the Team but I had to focus! I had to tell him.
“No, the tryouts weren't so bad.” I started slowly. “And I kind of hid from you.” My cheeks started to burn.
“From me?” He looked confused.
“Well, let's just say that the tryouts didn't go as we daydreamed about all Summer. I didn't become a Chaser.” I bit my lip, stopping myself from saying anything else. Why was it so hard to tell him!
He looked me deep in my eyes and I could see he was going through several scenarios of what could have happened differently than what we talked about during the Summer.
“Oh...” Was all he said. He gestured to follow him, grabbing my hand and we went up the stairs to one of the stands and sat down.
“You became a Seeker for Ravenclaw, didn't you?” He asked softly.
My eyes started to water but I blinked the tears away. I didn't want to cry in front of him. I nodded, looking down at my lap.
He gently lifted my chin with his finger and looked me in the eyes.
“And you thought that I was going to be mad?” I nodded quickly, trying to avoid his gaze.
“Why?” He asked with a rather confused voice. “You know I will support you no matter what you do! I just wanted you to be on the Team, no matter which position they assigned you!” Now he looked mad. Well, more disappointed than mad.
“I can't believe you would think that I would be mad at you for working hard and getting on the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team.” He frowned at me. Now, he was mad.
“Yes I knew you would be happy for me but Char, we are both Seekers, we will have to compete against each other. Fly around and chase each other after the Snitch!” I tried to explain my worries, which to be perfectly honest, seemed like nonsense to me now.
“So we chase after the same ball. So what! It's one game per year and you have to admit it's going to be fun competing against each other!” He put his arm around my shoulder and squeezed it, a smirk on his face.
“And besides, imagine the look on your face when I snatch the Snitch right in front of your nose!” He grinned at me.
“Not before I do the same to you! You have some competition now, Weasley!” I ruffled his hair.
“See,” he grinned, “that wasn't so bad was it?”
“Oh, stop it! Your reaction could've gone in a totally different direction.” I poked him in the ribs.
“Really? You really think I would be mad at you?” He winked at me. “We talked this over. We leave our friendship in the tents. At least Madam Hooch is going to be happy when the Seekers don't try and kill each other for once.” I giggled.
“Now,” he turned to me rather hastily, “tell me how in the bloody hell did you go from trying out for a Chaser to becoming the Ravenclaw Seeker!” His eyes were glowing. I could tell he couldn't wait to hear about my tryouts since yesterday.
I told him all about it. About Skye and Orion and Andre's rage and how everything went awry in a second and how before I knew it Orion was asking me if I was going to be able to compete against him.
Charlie laughed a couple of times as I was describing our Friendly as if telling an unbelievable story. I was relieved that I didn't lose my best friend and mad at myself for thinking that something like this could break our friendship.
Charlie, of course, couldn't hide how proud he was of me and said that Ravenclaw might actually have a chance to be second this year.
“Second? What do you mean second?! We're going to beat your arses, Weasley!” We both started laughing.
“Oh, this is going to be so much fun!” Charlie clapped excitedly. “And we can compare the strategies that we learn during our practice matches and during Summer we can practice catching the Snitch together!”
“I think our Captains are not going to be happy about that.” I chuckled.
“Eh, I don't care, we can say we were doing it to beat the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs.” We both laughed again.
“Nova?” His face turned serious.
“Promise me you will never overthink our friendship like this again, okay? I was really worried when I couldn't find you yesterday.” He said with a sad expression on his face.
“I promise.” I smiled at him, my cheeks pink.
“Alright then! What do you say I get changed and we get some breakfast. I'm starving!” I chuckled and we went back down to the tents.
We hurried to the Great Hall as we only had half an hour to catch breakfast. On our way there we already went through several scenarios of how he catches the Snitch, how I catch it instead, and how awesome it will be to be on the Quidditch pitch together, even if on the opposite team.
“Look who made up.” Bill grinned as we sat down next to him. At first, Charlie looked confused but then he knew exactly what I have done before talking to him.
“Did you go to Bill for some brotherly advice?” He mocked me.
“Well, thank Merlin I did because if it wasn't for him, I would hide from you forever!” We all laughed.
Tonks, Tulip, and to my surprise, even Penny joined us. Penny asked me about the tryouts to distract herself from looking at Bill as soon as they sat down. I told them all about it and just as I was finishing the story, an owl dropped a long package right in front of us.
I recognized it at once!
“Waffle, what did you bring me?” I petted him on his head and he hooted happily.
“Well, open it!” Tonks thought we were observing the package for way too long.
I tore the paper and revealed a brand new broom. Charlie, Penny, and Bill gasped.
“Is that the Comet 260?” Asked Bill, finally closing his mouth.
“It is!” Charlie said excitedly.
“Who is it from?” Penny started to look for a card.
“There you go, Nova.” Tulip who was also searching for the card handed it to me.
A big grin appeared on my face as I read aloud.
Dear pumpkin,
a little birdie told me that you've made it on the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team. I can't express in words how proud mum and I are of you! Here is a little present for you. Now, beat Gryffindor for me, will you! Mum would be so jealous if you do!
Love and lots of hugs,
“Hey!” Charlie acted offended when I read that Ravenclaw should beat Gryffindor.
“A little present, huh?” Chuckled Tonks.
“Bill, were you the little birdie again?” I looked at him, smiling.
“Not this time no. However, I do wonder who was so quick to tell your parents?” He narrowed his eyes, thinking.
“That would be me, Mr. Weasley.” We all turned around to see Professor Flitwick standing behind us.
“Professor, you?” I asked in shock. “But why?”
“Mr. Amari told me that you were the only one who didn't bring your own broom to the tryouts. As I taught your father and he was as excellent at Charms as he was at Quidditch and a proud Ravenclaw too,” Flitwick beamed, “I took the liberty to write to your parents, telling them to send you your broom. I had no idea they were going to buy you a new one.” He clapped excitedly.
“I didn't own one, Professor.” I said.
“That would explain it. Congratulations on making the Team Miss Blackwood.” He grinned at me. Then he turned to Charlie. “To you as well Mr. Weasley. Even though I am sorry to say that you have picked an unfortunate year to join as my Ravenclaws will beat Gryffindor for sure!” A proud smirk on his face. “Go, team!” He swung his arm into the air and walked away, leaving Charlie with an open mouth.
“Who would've thought that our Heads of House were such big Quidditch enthusiasts.” We all laughed as we remembered Professor McGonagall last Summer when Charlie tried out for the Gryffindor Seeker position and she was more than happy when he made the Team.
Winter was approaching fast and so did our first trip to Hogsmeade. We were all so excited that I really can't tell who wanted to go more.
Tonks, Tulip, and Jae couldn't wait to go to Zonko's Joke shop. Charlie and I couldn't wait to try Madam Rosmerta's Butterbeer as it was rumored to be one of the best and Penny couldn't wait to buy some sweets.
Overall, I knew we were all just waiting to spend some quality time together as we were so busy with school that we have barely seen each other. Tulip and I made a pact to only talk to each other in our dormitory to have time for other friends. Charlie and I were busy with Quidditch as we both had practice two to three times per week. Penny spent most of her time in the Library and already started to nag us about exams.
Tonks, Tulip, and Jae were Merlin knows where most of the time and the free time we did have, we visited Hagrid, or I drew or we were down by the Lake. Which didn't mean hanging out at all as our noses were in books or writing essays for classes, or reciting potion ingredients or translating runes.
Penny was handling her crush on Bill very well lately. She rarely excused herself anymore when he sat down next to us in the Great Hall or joined us by the Lake. She turned less pink and she even helped Bill with his Potions homework once. Bill was happy to see Penny was talking to him again and I wondered if he ever got around to talk to her about why she was avoiding him.
With all the work our professors gave us you can imagine how happy we were when we read about the first trip to Hogsmeade announcement!
I woke up on a Saturday the Hogsmeade trip was scheduled and I shrieked as I saw that it was snowing. That, of course, woke Tulip up, who sat up so abruptly that Dennis jumped out of the bed and hid under it.
“What is going on?” She rubbed her eyes.
“Tulip, look! It's snowing! And we're going to Hogsmeade today!” That was all I had to say and she was wide awake. We got dressed and took our hats, scarves, and gloves with us.
We were surprised to see Tonks fully awake when we sat down at our usual spot in the Great Hall. I guess all you need to do to wake her up is allow her to go to Hogsmeade. As we ate breakfast, we were making a plan to have a snowball fight by the Lake on our way back to the Castle.
Just walking there was beautiful and I was grateful that I put on the jumper Molly gave me for Christmas in my First Year as it was freezing. Once we arrived Jae, Tonks and Tulip ran to find Zonko's at once. Bill, Penny, Charlie, and I were standing in front of Three Broomsticks, ready to go inside.
“Nova, could I talk to you for a mo?” Penny grabbed my hand, stopping me from going inside. Charlie and Bill looked at us.
“We'll join you in a second. Order two Butterbeers for us, will you!” I said and allowed Penny to drag me away.
We started walking down the street and she linked our arms.
“Penny, are you okay? What do you have to talk to me about?” I looked at her. Her face was so red that I didn't know was it from the cold or was she blushing.
“Listen, Nova. I know we didn't have that much time to talk in private these past few months.” I nodded as I agreed with her. I was busy with Quidditch and Advanced Transfiguration and she was busy hiding from Bill and studying in the Library.
“I know! I am so jealous of Tonks and Tulip as they always find the time to be together. I feel like I haven't seen you all year. I miss you, Penny.” I couldn't deny it.
“I miss you too and I've been meaning to talk to you about something and I feel bad and I hope you don't think I'm avoiding you or something.” She wasn't making much sense until it dawned on me.
“Is this about your crush on Bill?” I mocked her.
“Shhh!” She put her finger on my mouth. “How do you know I have a crush on Bill?” She whispered and looked around if anyone heard that.
“Oh, c'mon Penny, it's super obvious!” I giggled.
“Does everybody know?” She lowered her head.
“I think, Penny, and I mean no offense when I say this, that you are the only one thinking about crushes. So no, I was the only one who noticed and even I wouldn't if we weren't alone that day at breakfast when you blushed when I mentioned him.” I reassured her.
“Oh, good.” She nodded. “Because I wanted to let you know that it's not a big deal, I will get over it and nobody else needs to know, promise!” She pointed her finger at my face. I giggled.
“I promise, Penny. I was thinking about talking to you about it, you know, to see if you wanted to get it off your chest but you have been in the Library hiding so much that I really didn't get a chance to do so.” I smiled at her.
“Was it that obvious?” She frowned.
“Again, only to me.” I reassured her again. “Tonks and Tulip are too busy planning pranks with Jae, Bill is too busy being a Prefect, studying for O.W.L.s and his Career Advice Meeting and Charlie is so oblivious to these things that I think not only would he not notice if a girl had a crush on him and wouldn't believe a girl even if she told him straight to his face. But I am also pretty sure he wouldn't even know if he had a crush on a girl either.” I chuckled.
“Well, that certainly puts me in a better mood. I am getting a hang of myself around Bill.” She said proudly.
“I have noticed. Well done!” I tried keeping a straight face as I didn't see this as a problem.
“And thank you for wanting to talk to me about it. I just really didn't want to make a big deal out of it.” She blushed, playing with her braid.
“It's not, Penny. So you have a crush. It can happen to anybody and besides, Bill is kind of cute, I guess.” It was hard to imagine Bill as anything else but a friend, especially after the talk we had in the Owlery, I began to think of him more like an older brother.
“I know it's not. I just didn't want anyone to find out. I wasn't going to act on it. I'm too young for that and Bill probably likes someone else anyway.” She looked at me hopefully.
“Oh, don't look at me! I wouldn't know anything about that. We don't talk about these sort of things.” We stopped in front of Three Broomsticks.
“Ready to go inside?” I smiled gently.
“Yes, I want to try the Butterbeer already!” She hugged me and we joined Bill and Charlie.
I have only had Butterbeer once before but I can tell you Madam Rosmerta makes the best one as we were already ordering another round.
Penny started a conversation about O.W.L.s with Bill. I really didn't want to think about my Fifth Year yet so I turned to Charlie and we started to discuss our first Quidditch match that was happening right after the holidays. It was the first game of the season and we were playing against Hufflepuff.
After about half an hour Tulip, Tonks and Jae joined us. Their hands were so full of stuff that Charlie joked if Bilton was left with an empty shop. As Bill decided to head back early and check on the Gryffindors that stayed behind, Charlie, Penny, and I decided to get some sweets from Honeydukes. They had so much candy to choose from that I got a little bit of everything.
Now as our hands were as full as Tonks, Tulip, and Jae's before, we were ready to head back to the Castle. We decided to skip the snowball fight as we were all freezing and we didn't want to lose all our stuff in the snow.
The next morning at breakfast both Charlie and I got the same letter from our mums. My mum wrote to me that she arranged with Molly to spend Christmas with them and Molly wrote to Charlie that he and Bill have to come home for Christmas this year and that he needn't worry as I was joining them as well.
I was happy to spend Christmas with the Weasleys even though I couldn't help but feel sad that my dad couldn't get time off work again. I was relieved, however, when I found out that we would have one more Hogsmeade trip before the holidays, as I had to go Christmas shopping for quite a lot of people this year!
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quaintqueer · 3 years
I don't know what you think about labels, maybe you are the kind of person who watches shows like Marie Kondo where they organise people's houses and put sticky labels on everything so that you can easily identify the contents. Maybe you're the kind of person who does not like to be labelled or stereotyped. Maybe you prefer to be just yourself.
I have had a very complex relationship with labels and identity. You could say that I started off on the wrong foot. My mother went to a Baptist church on Sunday morning and a Charismatic/Pentecostal hands-in-the-air, shouting and screaming, spiritual warfare kind of church on Sunday night. And my dad had his Holy Communion as a kid and then went to mass on Easter and Christmas.  So to begin with my labels were numerous and incongruent which did cause some issues for younger Zoe.
And I want to share with you about where God has led me through the understanding of this topic. I am not entirely sure where to start and I'm not sure how vague to be here but let's just say that at least the draft will be an explicit and partly chronological one.
12 year old Zoe I went to church most Sundays with her family and she was very very lucky to have a wonderful Christian friends in her life and at this point the label attached to her as a daughter was the unproblematic child and at school she was the sweet and friendly member of the God Squad or Singing Christians depending on how you asked. But those were the kind of labels that existed around that time.
What happens though to 12 year old Zoe is that she falls madly and instantaneously in love with her best friend. And almost immediately she thinks ‘am I in love with this girl? that must make me gay.’ And being a part of the circles that I was in a fairly conservative Christian family and a fairly conservative Christian School with Christian friends in that Christian school, I said ‘absolutely not. I don't want to have to deal with that.’ I was never hateful towards gay people in general I just thought I just didn't want to deal with it myself. My mum and I had had conversations about it when the plebiscite happened, and whenever we spoke about it, it was very much about ‘the gay people’ as opposed to anyone we knew or loved, let alone a Christian person, and so this whole gay thing wasn’t really thought about. Ao a few times over the next 2 or 3 years so I would ask, ‘am I in love with this girl’ And I always concluded ‘no no no you can't be in love cos you're not gay’.
By the time I’m about 14, I’ve been awoken to all different kinds of social justice movements, I took sociology, I’m going to save the world. THe labels I proudly wear are things like left wing, passionate, an ally to many different communities, in particular the lgbtq+ community.
Zoe at one point goes ‘frick frack, I'm definitely in love with this girl’. and because of the way that this world really loves labels, this was completely synonymous in my mind with being gay. My first response was probably because I'm bisexual so now that is an importand confusing label Zoë is wearing. I have somewhat fond somewhat mortifying memories of sitting on the Shinkansen, the bullet train, from Tokyo to Kyoto next to my dad doing every single ‘Am I gay’ quiz I could find online. Throughout this trip to Japan, I’m really testing the waters and every single younger woman I saw I was like ‘Is she cute? Am I attracted to her? Would I kiss her?’ and so that experience made me very nervous because I had still grown up with the mindset that if people were gay it was ok but they weren't Christian. And I was a Christian, so I just ignored it really. And this turned into a time of me hypersexualising sll of the boys that I had ever thought I had a crush on. I can quite confidently say that I didn't actually have a crush on many of them, I just thought that that was something that I should do. So there was a lot of ignoring this feeling.
We then reach year 10, 2020, a glorious year. In the first Lockdown, I finally caved and downloaded Tik Tok. The thing about Tik Tok is that it comes with its own world of labels, and I really would enjoy the kinds of conversations about what side of Tik Tok you are on. I loved that your For You Page automatically gave you certain labels to wear as a Tik Tok user, and I loved that those applied to real life. I quite quickly ended up on gay Tik Tok, among other things. I was also very firmly on Black Lives Matter Tik Tok, on disablrf Tik Tok, on Indigenous Tik Tok, so on and so forth. But much of my content was about the lgbtq community and this opened a ahole can of worms. I, at this time, carried a lot of shame for my attraction to women. For a bit of a backstory, I had been so severely heartbroken by this girl - not by her own intentional actions, I think that she was never going to feel about me the way that I felt about her and that was not her fault - but I was so seriously heartbroken that not only did I hold this moral shame but also this like emotional shame of my attraction to women. I felt like it was not a good thing morally and it didn't feel good emotionally because I had to still been really hurt about this girl and I have never really gotten over that. So for the first time on gay Tik Tok, I saw queerness and same-sex attraction as a positive thing not only in terms of ‘hey look these are women loving woman relationships that are working well’ but also ‘whether or not you're dating someone, queer identity is good for you and it's fun to talk about’. And as a type 4 on the enneagram, I love to feel special - not to say that I fabricated these feelings or that any queer person is queer for attention - but I think a big part of me felt validated or special because of my feelings and my queeness. It was like a new club that I could join. And so the labels that 15 year old Zoe wears largely consisted of queer. We had it dropped bisexual a little bit because at this point I was not sure if I like men at all and so we identified as queer or sapphic or bi or lesbian or gay - many of these words along with the left wing, Pro Black-lives-matter, pro-feminism, pro-lgbtq+, anti-colonialist anti-capitalist etc. etc. And I don't want to demonize any of those things - they are not at all negative things, I'm just painting a picture of the different labels that I wore.
Through out starting to come out to my friends and existing for longer periods of time not only on gay Tik Tok but now really searching all through the Internet for more LGBTQ+ identity - as I tried to confirm my traction for women, as I tried to decide about my attraction to men, about what label I should wear, and what it's like being in the LGBTQ+ community different, spaces where we interact, different identities and labels and experiences of queerness. So I really tied myself to this identity and it is I think so much because of the way the world sees labels as I said and so my first response was ‘well if I like girls I must be gay and if I'm gay I must identify that way and that has to be the most important thing about me’ because all the people I was seeing online really loved being gay. They were proud of their identity in their queeness. In the world as much as I think that we like to think we’ve got this ‘your sexuality or your gender identity doesn't matter. Gay and straight and bi and pan and whoever you are, we’re all human’, I think it often the world does like to draw those lines on both sides. Within queer communities there was - obviously ironically and satirically - this heterophobia honestly. (I'm joking!) But there was a real pride in this identity of whichever specific label you wear as well as the wider lgbtq plus label which led me to believe my sexuality was who I was. And that proved really quite awkward because I knew that my church and my family and many of my Christian friends believed that same sex marriage and romance was sinful. Because of the strong connection between my identity and my sexuality, if my sexuality was sinful, that meant that I was inherently and completely sinful and I didn't like that. It wasn't a fun feeling. After all of the years of learning about God’s gift of grace to us, kind of I lost in the crevices of my mind and whenever I thought about God I was met with feelings of shame and fear and dread and resentment sometimes even anger and I grew to be so despairing.
Eventually I tried the various progressive Christianity movements that teach that ‘God doesn't actually say the being gay is a sin, the Bible is pro queerness and don't even worry about it, God made you exactly the way that you are and he loves you the way that you are, go forth and have that lesbian relationship that you so desperately want’. But that never really sat right with me. It brought up other questions of ‘well if the current translation of the Bible says things like marriage is between a man and a woman, God made man and woman, any sex outside of marriage is sinful, or even the parts that say that ‘homosexuality is sinful, or man lying with man in certain translations, is sinful what happened to that part of the Bible?’ And of course I heard the response about how at the Bible was written by man and not by God and that it is fragile and can be manipulated and basically King James ruined the whole Bible when he wrote that translation and you don't have to listen to it. But that really didn't work for me. If that part of the Bible had been mistranslated how could I know that the rest of the Bible hadn't been mistranslated? If words like homosexuality weren't in the original text and they had been added there or mistranslated how could I understand the words like grace and love and hope and patience and kindness and peace and righteousness and holiness and justice? What if they were mistranslated? What if the whole Gospel was not how it was written in the Bible because the Bible was man-made? Pretty immediatelyI decided I couldn’t really understand a Christianity where homosexuality is not a sin because Christianity is written in the Bible and the Bible says that quite clearly. I believe that the Bible is directly the Word of God, that it is perfect, that the way that it is translated - obviously different translations vary - but that it is right from God’s mouth so imediately was like I can't believe in it Christianity where homosexuality is not a sin and so I've got to pick Christian or Gay.
And I didn’t want to choose Christian because I had this point has grown quite fond of being gay and I mean, I was truly just attracted to women, right, like I wanted a girlfriend and so I tried really hard to ignore God. I was still going to church, twice or three times a week and all that, and I could not shake the existence of God. I knew God existed. I knew that He created the world, that He was good and that they was the thing called sin that separated us from him. I knew that sin led to death. I knew that He had sent His Son to bridge the gap between himself and sinners. I knew that Son was Jesus and that He died on the cross and he rose again and I knew that if you believed in him you would spend eternity with God which was a really good thing. I could not shake those feelings, all those beliefs, and I absolutely praise God for that. I'm so beyond grateful that God did not leave me, even when I hated him and resented him and felt so much anger towards him. Praise Jesus!
All this left me thinking, well some people could go to heaven, but God hates me because of my feelings. He does not want me part of His kingdom if I'm gay. I can't ever go to heaven because I'm a sinner, and sinners don’t go to heaven. I truly don't know where all my years of learning about the grace of God had gone. This led me to a really distressed position, probably one of the lowest ever my mental health had been. I was just not coping and I ended up being kind of forced to tell my mum. I don't really want to say too much on this part of the story but by the middle-ish end of year 10 I ended up coming out to my mum and she told my dad, ‘cause I refused to do it myself, and then I got a therapist. Finally, now that my mum knew, I could ask her what I had so desperately wante to ask her - if she could please buy me some books about being gay and Christian. And so she did. And I slowly but surely started to read them, I started to read my Bible more and I started to really search for what it meant to have faith trust in God’s grace and not in your own work, not in your own actions or thoughts or words. The first book I got in particular was really hard to read it was based more on specific Theology and not on personal experience and I needed that foundation in what God really said because I had just had conversations with my mum and she had reminded me ‘God is real and he loves you and he sent his son to die for you and that is an option for you as much as it is for anyone else, your queerness does not separate you from Christ's death and resurrection’. There is a wonderful bible verse that became very important to me at this time. Romans 8, the very end of the chapter, says ‘for I'm convinced that neither death not life neither Angels not Demons need of a present or the future and or any Powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in All Creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord.’ So with this in mind, I decided that I could trust God and now I just needed to learn how. so I worked away through different books, through different parts of the Bible, praying really hard, searching online and asking really hard questions to some really awesome Christian women in my life, and asking God to reveal to me exactly what he thought about me and about queerness and so eventually we get to the present moment. I by no means know everything that I wish I knew, but now I can say that I wholly trust God with my next life - I trust that he has the power and the strength and the holiness to overcome even my sin which sometimes feels like the biggest there is. and I trust him with this life - that life with him is so much better than any lesbian affair I could ever experience.
I want to personally apologize to any one who the church or the world has ever made believe that they are somehow exempt from God’s love because of who they are or what they've done or how they’ve felt. That is false. There is no one that does not sin, no one that is not inherently separated from God. And there is no one who is too far from Jesus' power to be saved from that sin. God is bigger than your sin, I promise you.
I want to take this time to mourn for the lives lost and the joy and peace forfeited because of the way people who claim to know God treat queer people. I'm sorry if you have been made to feel less than because of the church. In the process of overcoming of guilt and shame that I have felt over the year, one more verse that I found really important. 1 John 1 says that ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.’
So for me, I don't identify with my sexuality. I don't want to say that I'm straight now, that's not really true. but my sexuality is not what makes me who I am. I am a person fearfully and wonderfully made by God and I am a daughter of God in Christ. I am not ashamed of my feelings. I do think that it is worth mentioning that an attraction or a desire or an impulse is not the same as a sin. The Bible tells us that Jesus himself was tempted in every way and the Bible also tells us that Jesus is blameless and never sinned. And so I think it's worth the clarification that same-sex attraction or anything like that is not sinful itself and also that being gay is never worse than anyone else's sin, and it is never ever bigger than God.
I just want you all to know that there is nothing that you have done that makes you exempt from God’s love for you, to know that he is trustworthy, that the Bible is trustworthy, and I encourage you that your value is inherent as a person made in God’s image and that with Jesus, you can have identity in his son alone. When he sees you, he sees the goodness and perfection of Jesus if you believe in him.
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sabine-leo · 5 years
Light my fire... Part 1 of 2
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Summary: Tom is one of your best friends for years now. After his stint on Broadway he is back on home soil and accepts Benedict's invitation to join him, Sophie, you and 3 other friends on a long weekend getaway in Scotland´s Highlands. Are the both of you ready to notice that you have missed each other more than you might have wanted to admit to yourself?
Genre: Friends to lovers, FLUFF, Fun and Flirtation
Author: @sabine-leo​ 
Part: 1 of 2
Wordcount: 2573
Note: Thank you for all the comments, notes, pm´s and reactions to the little teaser of this story. I do hope you like Part 1 !! Comments, likes and reblogs are soul-food and very much appreciated! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Even though he had wanted to decline this invitation at first, he had to admit that he was happy to be here now. The setting could not be more oppositional to his bygone living arrangements in New York the past months. He had loved the buzz of the never sleeping city, the walks with Bobby in Central Park, the excitement before going on stage on Broadway or the view he had out of his apartment window. But breathing in the crisp, clear air that smelled of nothing but natures purest, unpolluted breath was cleansing and calming in a way that was very welcomed by his body and soul. With a smile on his lips and a visible puff of air out of his lungs he saw six figures approaching the deck of the cabin he was standing on. Laughter carried a great length when no noise besides natures own music was there to distract the ears from it. Tom hid his hands in his pockets and watched his friends come closer, the smile on his features getting bigger and more earnest in its depth.
He had missed them all!
The tallest figure of the bunch stopped short for a second and Tom could hear the deep chuckle before a happy statement made him laugh.
“Look who finally made it! Mate you missed one hell of a hike!”
Tom started to move and went down the few steps to greet Benedict with a warm hug.
“Seems like it. I already unpacked and got a decent nap in while waiting for you bunch. Did you get lost in the Highlands?” Tom grinned and patted his friends back.
Benedict leaned in with a laugh and stage whispered “Remind me not to give the map of trails to (Y/N) next time.”
Both men laughed when they saw your slightly flushed face.
“I got us back in one piece, didn´t I?!” You asked with a grin ruining your try on a stern face.
Ben chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“Yes, you did, but only because this is the only smoking chimney around.”
Tom hid his laugh and hugged you next.
“Hey Tom!” You smiled into his embrace and he inched you a bit closer against his warm, snuggly jumper. Taking in a deep breath.
“Hey (Y/N)!” He responded with a smile and whispered
“Good thing I lit a fire then…”
Laughingly you wiggled out of his embrace and swatted the chest of your dearly missed friend.
His following laugh warmed your half-frozen body.
“Make fun of me as much as you like. I am going to take a hot shower and snuggle close to the fire for the rest of the night!”
“WORD!” Sophie jumped in and greeted Tom as did the other three who had already arrived this morning. Ben kissed his wife and lead the way into the big cabin that would host them for the next 4 days. “You lasses go take that shower. Lads we are going to prep Dinner and start the night with a good bottle of Covo Bianco.”
“Oh god no!” Tom laughed and followed his friends inside.
Ben hugged him again. “Glad to have you back on home soil my friend.”
Showering did take a bit longer than usual but finally your legs stopped feeling like getting pinched by thousands of needles. The prospect of good food, lovely company and a lit fireplace made you get dried and dressed instead of jumping into the cosy looking double bed directly. 
Well, hopefully good food. There were 4 men cooking after all, two of them probably knew how to PLAY a chef but besides Bolognese Toms skills in the kitchen remained more useful for breakfast than Dinner. At least he said that himself. When you walked into the open space kitchen you started to laugh nearly directly. Sophie was already taking over and banning the men to set the table, stir the sauce and stoke the fire. Tom tried to set a foot in front of the oven to look at the steaks but the stern looks on Sophies face made him surrender with raised hands, retreating slowly with a charming grin. When he turned, he stood directly before you and tilted his head. 
“Quick. Let me safe you!” His hands softly grabbed your arms and pushed you backwards out of the kitchen. You chuckled. “I think I would have survived.”
Toms smile got even more handsome.
“You don´t know that. Plus, I´d rather have you help me find the wine cellar before Ben really breaks out the Covo Bianco!” Before you could argue Tom had your hand in his and headed towards the stairs. “Really? You did hear that I nearly got us lost in the Highlands today?” You asked with a laugh.
Tom stopped short with a chuckle and you ran into his chest.
“This is a cabin…” he started with an amused look down on you, keeping you close with a hand on your hip.  
“A big cabin…” You interrupted.
“Agreed. A big cabin. But it is not as vast as the Highlands.”
The face you made teased a chuckle out of him.
“Come on (Y/N). Help a friend out…”
“There are probably spiders down there…” you whined.
Tom laughed out loud.
“Undoubtedly. Highland-spiders are monstrous. Now follow me into the darkness. I swear to protect you with my life.”
“You are an idiot!”
Tom turned and squeezed your hand. “An idiot you choose to befriend years ago and one that missed you after your too short a visit to Broadway.”
“You could have missed me 5 more minutes and explore the cellar on your own Hiddleston!”  
All you got was a dark chuckle and a squeeze of his big hand that held yours in a firm but tender grip while he led the way downstairs.
Benedict grunted when he sat down, a glass of wine in his hand.
“Blimey, could you hold my wine for a second dear?”
He handed his glass to Sophie and grinned.
“Good thing that we all know each other so well and don´t have to be all prim and proper!”
“What are you doing Ben?” Sophie looked at her husband who just that second opened up is belt and the first knob of his trousers. With a relieved grunt he took back his glass and winked at his wife.
“SO much better!”
Tom chuckled from his spot on the sofa.  “I see you threw composure out of the window for tonight…”
Ben huffed but before he could answer to Toms quip you leaned over Jack, who sat in the middle, a little bit and lifted Toms jumper. “Don´t get all patronizing Hiddleston. I saw you open up your own button before dessert!”
And right you were. His trousers had two open knobs letting his Calvin Klein´s peek out.
Tom grabbed your wrist. “You did not…how could you betray your best friend like that?” he rumbled darkly with a glint in his eyes.
Benedict, grinning broadly, lifted his glass. “Always remember Tom: The only substitute to good manners are fast reflexes!” Laughs that erupted from everybody and Jack leaning forward to grab his own glass broke the contact between you and Tom but you felt his eyes linger on you when you got up some minutes later. Ben and Sophie were talkatively prepping a game of Pictionary. You walked behind the sofa to grab yourself a glass of water in the kitchen when suddenly Toms big hand closed around your wrist and tugged you down. “Teasing me, (Y/N)?”
You snickered. “You started it when you pretended, I had a spider on my shoulder down in the cellar.”
Toms thumb ran circles over your pulse. The waft of his cologne and his chuckle did not go unnoticed by you. He tugged you down even further and placed a quick peck on your cheek. “I missed that.” He whispered and let go of you slowly. You smiled and touched his shoulder while standing up straight.
“Missed you too scamp!”
“Banana! Moon!... Fruit bowl?” Christine jumped up and down hectically. Tom lifted an eyebrow.
“Fruit bowl?! Seriously?”
“Na-ah. No talking.” Ben chastised and you could not hold back your snorted-out laugh.
D-I-N-G. Time was up. Tom fell back onto the sofa with a roll of his eyes.
“Who´s idea was it to draw upside-down?”
“Yours Mister Hiddleston. You wanted to -up the challenge- after you and (Y/N) beat us all bloody.” Ben grinned. Tom started to smirk and laugh. “I did not know that we also had to switch partners at this time. No offense Christine…” Christine smiled. “Non taken. But what did you draw there?”
“Lokis helmet…” You said while nipping at your drink, sitting opposite Tom with Sophie by your side. Christine frowned and turned her head sideways. “Oh dang.”
Tom beamed at you and you winked with a soft smile.
It was the last game for the night. Ben and Sophie bid their good nights with grins on their faces, stating that this would be their first kids’ free night since months. The rest moved closer to the fireplace. Enjoying quiet conversations or the crackling of the fire accompanied by the soft music Tom had put on. Christine, Jack and Philipp shared the sofa. Tom lounged in a wing chair closer to the fire and you had made yourself comfortable on the ground with a cushion. Your back leaning against Toms chair in between his legs. The warmth of the fire made you sleepy after the day outdoors and a phenomenal dinner shared with the people you cared about. Your head fell back against Toms leg. The soft chuckle when he leaned forward and his long fingers brushing your hair to one side made your eyes open up again. “Come on darling, I´ll walk you to bed. Otherwise you might get lost in this big cabin.” He teased and chuckled when you ungallantly snorted.
“I´ll find my room, thank you very much!”
Tom smiled and breathed a kiss into your hair.
“Alright, then help me find mine?”
“Can´t move…too tired…” You responded with a little grin and closed eyes. Tom rolled his beautiful blue orbs in playful exasperation and flung a leg over you to get out of the chair. Bending down he grabbed your hands with his and tugged. “Arise oh trail-finder. It will get cold down here when nobody is there to keep the flames crackling.”
With a moan you let Tom tug you up. Unsteady and tired as you were you bumped into him.
“Sorry!” You mumbled but Tom only laughed and turned you into the right direction.
“Good night everybody.” He said and followed you out into the hallway.
When you had found your room -after you accidentally opened up the door to the storage closet- Tom leaned in and hugged you close for a lingering moment.
“Sleep well darling.”
“You´ll find your room?” You asked sleepily and held on a second longer.  
His chuckle vibrated through your body.
“Yes, it is right next to yours.”
“The storage closet?” You grinned against his chest.
“The other door…” he chuckled again. “…Stop teasing me and get some sleep.”
“You´d have to let go of me for that.” You looked up and the twinkle in your eyes made Tom bite his lip. “Reluctantly…but ok.” He smiled and stepped back a bit rubbing your arms before walking towards his door.
“Tom?” you said halfway into your room.
“Glad you are back…and decided to come here.”
Tom smiled and tilted his head. “Me too…sweet dreams darling.”
 Morning came too soon and with it the crisp, chill air through the slightly open window that woke you. The sheet was heavy and warm. So much so, that you did not want to part with it when you climbed out of bed to close the window and grab some clothes before you´d head into the shower. Reluctantly you parted with it three minutes later and quickly tiptoed your way into the hopefully warm bathroom. Still sleepy, you placed your fresh clothes onto the heating unit and got rid of the worn Loki shirt Tom had gifted you some years ago.
It was your favourite shirt to sleep in.
The click from an opening opal glass shower door did not at all sound alarming to your still sleep-hazy brain. But when a deep voice cleared it´s throat with an unmistakable glee to it you turned around with a shocked expression. Your hands desperately grabbing the Loki-shirt to cover your naked breasts.
 “Good morning darling. Would you pass me a towel please? Or did you come in here to join me?”
 Toms grin got bigger when he saw the shock on your face and his alter ego currently pressed against your breasts.  He had gotten a good look on your naked back and the flimsy material covering your fine behind…even when he really had tried to be a gentleman and avert his eyes but failed miserably in nanoseconds.
You could not help but notice his wet hair dripping onto his lean torso. His groin was still covered by the opal glass door by the way he was leaning out sideways.
“Oh my god I am so sorry!” You blurted out.
Tom laughed a soft little laugh and looked into your eyes.
“I don´t think that this god is particularly sorry…I rather thinks he likes the place he´s being pressed at.” I know I would like it…he thought.
“What?” You got out not very eloquently.
Tom laughed again, this time a bit more mischievous and with an accompanying wink when he nodded his head towards the Loki-shirt.
“OH!” You looked down on your shirt and blushed.
“So, towel or joining me?” He dared to say with a grin on his handsome face.
You threw him the next best towel in your reach and missed the playful sad huff he gave before he disappeared fully back into the shower. He stepped outside the next second. Still dripping wet but the towel wrapped around him. Low. Very low. The V shape of his hips in good display…as were his trained abs. You stood there, still clutching the shirt against your front and stared when he walked over and leaned towards you to grab his stash of clothes on the stool behind you. A drop of water fell out of his wet hair directly onto your collarbone and slowly made its way down your still dry skin. From the feel of it you could have sworn that it would evaporate any second because your skin felt as if it was on fire. When he straitened again, he grinned at you and gave a quick peck to your cheek, tugging softly at the shirt you were holding onto like a life-jacket.
“Pick me up in my room before you head for breakfast?” His quiet, deep voice caressed your ears. The breath from his spoken words tickled your shoulder.
Tom smirked and walked to the door. He had almost closed it behind him but lurked in again.
“You know…That is a rather glorious purpose he is burdened with!”
Your brain really was not working properly this morning because you threw the Loki-shirt towards Toms face. When you noticed your mistake, you made a run for the shower and yelled.
“Close the damn door Hiddleston!”  
“From the inside or the outside?” Was his laughing reply before you heard the door fall close.  
@nonsensicalobsessions @hopelessromanticspoonie @just-the-hiddles
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namsjunies · 5 years
infatuated // jjk
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anon requested: can you write a nsfw blurb of nerd virgin jk losing his virginity to his female crush who’s like popular and he thinks is super hot lmao?
pairing: jungkook/female reader
word count: 3,059
tags: loss of virginity, handjob, face sitting, safe, penetrative sex
this goes way beyond being a blurb but i hope that makes it worth the time it took me to write it. please enjoy <3 also this is unedited so please excuse any typos hehe
Jungkook doesn’t know what it is about you that made you so appealing to him, aside from the obvious: your appearance. He’d spoken to you in passing, more in a group conversational context than one on one and he’d heard you speak in a single class he’d miraculously shared with you during his third semester. You’re nice and smart as far as he can tell, but you hang around in the same circles as Taehyung and Jimin who are whispered about all over campus, as vast as it is, because of their looks and their charming personalities. 
Jungkook doesn’t get around much in terms of parties and clubbing, he promised himself he’d be diligent with his studies even if it meant sacrificing a lot of what people claim shapes a college experience. But Jungkook thinks much of what shapes a college experience is actually graduating over flunking out. It’s not that he doesn’t do anything at all, but he has priorities and he’s not going to sacrifice his ambition for the consequences of questionable actions.
Yet somehow, Jungkook becomes close to Taehyung after taking a number of classes with him over several semesters and suddenly he’s navigating through social circles he’s not quite sure he fits in well with. But, it brings him closer to you, who he’d been slowly developing what feels like a high school crush for the more he sees of you and the more he hears of you from his new friends. They talk about you so casually, and Jungkook just finds himself wishing he knew you like that.
Jungkook thinks Taehyung is trying to take him under his wing, help Jungkook become more open and social while still allowing him to maintain his focus on what he considers the most important. So it’s only after midterms end that Taehyung invites Jungkook to a big party rather than the more casual settings they usually hang out in. Jungkook is apprehensive at first, he’s not so sure about being somewhere unfamiliar around so many people he doesn’t know, but he receives reassurance from Taehyung that there will be plenty of people who Jungkook considers friends (and hearing that you will be there is enough reason already).
So maybe Jungkook puts even more pressure on himself to look nice for the party in an effort to impress you. He pushes his hair back away from his face to expose his forehead rather than settling for his normal look, and dresses himself in a blue satin button up and some black jeans. He feels like he might be just slightly too formal for a college party, but he’d rather look good than be underdressed. But upon arriving, he doesn’t feel bad, because Taehyung is dressed in his normal semi-formal attire--loose slacks and a dress shirt--and he offers Jungkook a grin and a clap on the back of his shoulder when he catches sight of him.
“Jimin and Hoseok are on the couch, I’ll get you a drink and then head over there,” Taehyung tells him before nudging him in the right direction.
Jungkook makes his way through a number of people hovering around drinking and talking and swaying in beat with the music permeating through the house before he spots his friends and the only place that he’s able to take a seat is on the armrest next to Jimin. Jimin then just offers him a warm smile. “I’m glad you made it, JK. Tonight will be fun.”
Jungkook is happy to be around his friends, and when Taehyung comes back and presses a cold beer bottle into Jungkook’s hand, their conversation carries on for a while pleasantly. Jungkook loosens up slowly, between all the talking and the music he’s vaguely familiar with and the alcohol. But despite how content he feels, he can’t help but wonder where you are after Taehyung had emphasized quite clearly that you would be around that night. Jungkook is sure that you’re surrounded by other friends in some other part of the house that he has yet to explore, but as soon as the thought enters his mind, he catches sight of you across the living room by the staircase. You keep getting caught up in brief conversations, but you’re clearly making your over to Jungkook (and the rest of your friends too, he supposes). He wonders if tonight he’ll finally be able to grab and maintain your attention. Sometimes, the way you would look at him and talk to him, so attentively with your eyes wide and sparkling welcomingly, he would feel so special and his cheeks would heat up under your gaze and he’d struggle to continue a conversation. All a part of having a crush, but it didn’t make Jungkook feel any better about making a fool of himself in front of you. He likes to think that he’d gotten more comfortable around you since Taehyung befriended him, but that thought could just be Jungkook’s own wishful thinking.
Eventually, after minutes of stealing glances over to you to measure your distance away, you’re finally standing in front of him. Jungkook’s anxiety tells him that you’re scrutinizing him, but you’ve only glanced at him for a second and then you’re smiling as you compliment him.
“Jungkook, I’m so happy to see you. I was hoping you would make it. I feel like I never see you outside of campus, I’ve been waiting for the chance to really talk to you.”
Your words alone are enough to make Jungkook’s heart drop into the pit of his stomach, but in accompaniment with your tempting tone, he feels like he might pass out altogether. His hand squeezes tight around his half empty bottle and he smiles uncomfortably wide.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t miss this. I’ve been putting off Taehyung’s invitations long enough. Plus, getting to see you makes this all the more worth it.”
Jungkook himself is amazed by how easily the words leave his mouth, and he feels somewhat triumphant when you smirk at him and tilt your head in response. A second later, Jimin is offering you his seat on the couch and as you sit, you drape your hand casually over Jungkook’s thigh as you peer up at him expectantly.
You’d always found Jungkook attractive, more than you care to admit to yourself. His eyes are always bright, glimmering with kindness, and of all the times you’d spoken to him briefly, you’d never once found him boring and honestly you ended up wishing that you saw him more often. But it’s also easy to catch on to the way he blushes and smiles shyly around you, even if now he sounds so confident.
You’re pleased with the way the night continues, being able to really talk to Jungkook for longer and learn more about him, with brief interruptions from Jimin vying for attention when Taehyung walks away every once in a while. But as time passes, you become more distracted by the way his pink  lips part when he speaks or licks his lips, or how his arm flexes as he stretches or adjusts his grip on the empty bottle she’s pretty sure he’s keeping as a form of decoration. Your hand is still braced on his thigh almost possessively, and every time you move it up so much as a centimeter, there’s a new wave of blush blooming over Jungkook’s round cheeks. But you’re getting impatient, and you’re confident enough in his feelings for you that it gives you the courage to ask, “Do you want to go home with me?”
Jungkook sighs in what sounds like relief and nods, “Yes.”
The next 20 minutes pass in a blur with you reassuring him that yes, you like him a lot and you know he likes you too during the Uber ride to your apartment and as you’re unlocking the front door you ask if he’s sure to which he answers you with an urgent kiss as soon you’ve shut the door behind the both of you.
“The only thing is,” he breathes out as you’re pushing him down on your bed, and you pause then, wait for him to finish speaking before you even attempt another move on him. “I don’t really have, um, any experience,” he stammers, and all in the next breath he continues, “Is that a deal breaker? Is that something I should’ve mentioned earlier? I’m sorry I just really like you and, and I was hoping that it wouldn’t matter anyways-” he’s cut off when you lean down to kiss him again briefly.
“Jungkook, that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you’re comfortable, okay? Let me know if you start feeling uncomfortable or something, I want this to be good for you,” you mumble with another soft kiss against his jaw.
You kiss him for a few minutes, it turns wet and sloppy quickly but the way that he breathes out a quiet moan against your lips just encourages you and you pull away only to start down the length of his throat. The loose fit of his shirt allows you to slide your hands underneath his shirt, feeling up the smooth expanse of his taut stomach until you reach his nipples. Your teasing draws out a whimper from him and you pull back to look at him as he blinks up at you shyly, eyes wider and darker than normal. “‘M sensitive,” he mumbles before you kiss him again hard.
“Cutie,” you giggle to yourself. “I wanna play with you a little bit more. Do you think you can undress yourself?”
After you receive a nod from him, you get off of him and stand so you can slip out of your own clothes, and once you’re left in your underwear, his awed expression is enough to make you shy as well. So you recover your confidence by gesturing for him to lie back again.
“Y’know, I don’t do this a lot either. But, I’m more than happy to be with you,” you tell him as you straddle his thighs, enough space in front of you to be able to slide your hand into his underwear and pull his cock out, already fully hard with the slightest touch of precum beading at the tip.
“Fuck,” he hisses softly as you swipe your thumb over the head of his cock to drag his precum down the length before you wrap your hand around the base.
“Already so hard and I’ve hardly even touched you. With how responsive you are, it’ll be so easy to learn everything you like,” you coo lovingly as he flushes with embarrassment and throws his head to the side.
You pull your hand away from him, still not satisfied with how wet he is and you don’t want the friction to hurt him, so you get off of him one last time to lean over to your nightstand and pull out a bottle of lube.
You’re on top of him again before he’s able to process that you’d gone at all, stripping him completely of his underwear before drizzling a surplus of lube over his cock before you’re taking him into your hand again and stroking him slowly, coaxing a reluctant moan from his throat.
“Such a nice cock, Jungkookie. Dripping and waiting for me. I’m going to make this so worth it for you.”
Jungkook doesn’t know what he did in his previous life to deserve having you on top of him, gazing down at him so lustfully and touching him in ways that he didn’t even know could feel good. He’s not sure if he’ll ever stop blushing again, but his embarrassment escapes him immediately, the same as the whine he lets out, as you squeeze your hand around him briefly before you keep sliding your hand up and down his cock.
He keens as you continue to touch him, and you’re mesmerized by his glistening eyes and his slick lips as he peers up at you. Minutes pass with his soft whimpers only increasing in volume as you tease his cock and his nipples, his hips are twitching and stirring eagerly underneath you.
“I’m, I’m close,” he stutters, fingers curling tight in the sheets and he squeezes his eyes shut as if he’s bracing himself, but then you’re pulling your hand away and letting his cock lay twitching and neglected against his stomach. He lets out a whine that almost makes you want to finish him off but you shake your head instead.
“ I can’t let you cum just yet. Don’t worry, I won’t tease you for too much longer,” you whisper with a playful grin blossoming across your lips.
“Can I touch you?” he asks after he’s able to catch his breath and recover from his orgasm that never was.
Your smile only grows wider, fonder, and you nod. You take his hands and guide them up your sides until they reach your breasts and he reacts immediately. He shakes your hands off his wrists and he sits up as he toys with your nipples so he can slot your lips together in another sloppy kiss. He’s satisfied with the noise you make as his left hand closes over one of your nipples and his right hand slides down your torso until he can press it flat over your cunt.
“In my experience, this is not virgin behavior,” you manage to exhale. Your underwear is damp with your arousal and as he pulls your underwear to the side so he can drag his fingertip over your clit, a whimper leaves your lips.
“Fuck, you’re so wet. All for me,” he sighs happily and you struggle to imagine what he’s seen or read that has prepared him for this moment but you’ll just ask him later. He mouths down your throat before he captures one of your nipples in his mouth just as he presses one of his fingers into your entrance. The palm of his hand is pressed deliciously up against your clit as he touches you tentatively, and it’s one of the only times you’ve noticed how unsure of himself he is.
“Jungkook. That’s good, it’s good. Keep going,” you breathe out encouragingly and one of your hands moves up instinctively to grab at his hair. You’re surprised when he pulls his hand away entirely and you’re more than disappointed by the loss until he looks up at you.
“Sit on my face,” he breathes out with a slight chuckle in his tone.
“Oh so you’re really feeling brave,” you tease him. “Are you sure?” you add, to which he just nods eagerly and both of his hands rest on your hips, urging you up again as he lies back.
That’s all the convincing it takes before you’re sitting up. You pull your underwear off completely and a second later you’re hovering over his head with your thighs spread welcomingly and he braces his hands against your thighs, pulling you down until he can press his mouth against you.
You can’t help the moan you express as he licks eagerly into your entrance, whimpering intelligibly about how good you taste, and when his lips close around your clit and he sucks enthusiastically, you feel like you’re about to collapse on top of him.
“Ah, juh, just like that, Kook,” you whimper as your hands tighten in his hair and your thighs shake, threatening to close around his head. His fingers feel like they’re pressing into your hips so hard that they might leave bruises but you can’t bring yourself to care when his mouth alone is making you feel so good.
You pull your hands away from his scalp and you lean forward involuntarily, your hands catching in the sheets to keep holding yourself up the best you can.
“Okay, fuck, okay, Jungkook, Jungkook,” you gasp, reluctantly and weakly lifting yourself off him to straddle his hips once more. “Not that that wasn’t good,” you mumble as you push your hair away from your face, and look down appreciatively at his face, shining with your wetness. He licks his lips contently and sits up again, props himself up on his elbows. “But I want your cock,” you finish.
Jungkook was feeling proud of himself for appearing to be doing so well for his first serious experience, but he supposes that you’re both old enough and you’re doing a well enough job telling him what you like that it doesn’t have to be as messy and terrible as others make it out to be.
It’s definitely not terrible as you sink down on his cock as soon you roll a condom on, and the warmth and tightness of your pussy is enough to take him to the edge of his climax again. “Feels so good,” he whimpers as you steady yourself with your hands on his chest and create a steady rhythm lifting and lowering yourself back down on his cock.
Jungkook’s hands are squeezing your thighs or your hips as you ride him, and he lets out a series of bated breaths and stuttering groans as you fuck him. You grab one of his hands and pull it down to press his fingers against your clit, letting out your own noise of satisfaction as he takes the initiative to press his thumb against the bud and rub it in tight circles.
He can feel his orgasm building up hotly in the pit of his stomach within a few minutes and he tells you this verbally: “I’m close.”
You’re pleased that you’re right behind him when he says this, your tummy tightening pleasantly with all the sensations coming down on you. “I’m, ah, I’m cumming, baby. Cum, Jungkook, you can cum,” you moan out, losing most of your ability to continue fucking yourself down on him.
Jungkook feels overwhelmed as you clench around him, his orgasm coming down on him like a tsunami at the same time, and even when you’re recovering, laying down next to him, his body still feels like it’s pulsing.
But you feel the same, and it takes you a minute to speak.
“How was that?”
Jungkook blinks once or twice as he registers your words and he lets out a content sigh. “I didn’t think it would be like that.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment… Why don’t you stay the night?”
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Chapter 3: Oaths
.  .  .
Only in the sensible blackness did he remember that he couldn’t have run. It would have killed them. Slade might not even have chased him if he escaped the base. He might have let him run, and then let him return to the Tower to find four dead friends.
Dick drifted in and out of consciousness, losing count of the slow, bleary hours.
Time crawled without any way of measuring it, but the next time he stirred awake his stomach was pinched and complaining. He hadn’t eaten since breakfast, his mouth was sandpaper dry, and his head felt stuffed full of throbbing wads of cotton.
He needed to get into the bathroom, for the water, to smear the cold wetness over his face until the crusting blood washed away, to gulp it down until it cleared his throat and his head.
But he felt so heavy, and he didn’t need to do that just yet.
He could wait...
and let his eyelids fall closed...just one more time...
 . . .
 The next time his dry eyes drifted open, he forced himself to move. It wasn’t quite as painful as the night before, but as he pushed up onto all fours he had to stop and wait for a cold shadow of dizziness to pass before rising the rest of the way and making his way haltingly over to the door that he knew would be locked. He checked it anyway.
He pressed his forehead against what was definitely a locked door and waited for the room to stop turning before making his way to the little bathroom.
Everything seemed gray through the mask lenses’ artificial light, and the mirror seemed almost black--save for the glowing white eyes that stared back at him. That at least was a relief. He pulled his gloves off with clumsy fingers, twisted the faucet, and plunged his face under the icy stream, gulping it down until his stomach threatened to send it all up again. Only then did he scrub away the flakes of blood caked along his left jaw and cheek, and pry his mask away from his face just far enough to splash water against his still hot, dry eyes. Knowing Deathstroke, he could be watching even now, even in the dark.
He braced his forearms against the porcelain sink, the water only just beginning to cut the weight of exhaustion away.
It was sinking in that for the first time since this ‘apprenticeship’ began, he didn’t have his hours dictated to him. With that door locked, he didn’t have to go out, listen to Slade, obey Slade, and pretend to not care. In theory, he could now do whatever he wanted.
In theory.
His room was bare, without even an assignment to distract from the dim silence. But at least it was better than having to look Slade in the eye after...that.
He took another chest-stabbing breath, willing himself to relax, and it was in that silence that his memory conjured up Slade’s voice as clearly as if it had been spoken into his ear.
“It’s as rigged over as you are.”
With ragged, painful motions he stripped off the top of his uniform and flung it onto the floor before starting on the pants. When he wore only his undershirt and shorts he sank down against the edge of the shower base. The underground labyrinth was as chilly as ever, and he rubbed his fingers briskly over his bare arms. He could tolerate the cold if it meant Slade didn’t get to read his system like a book.
But there was a blanket on the cot. He made his way across the room and settled under the blanket in the position that hurt his ribs the least.
It really was quiet, wasn’t it? He could hear his own breathing and the low steady thud in his chest, but beyond that the room was as soundless as a sealed tomb. Though he knew better than to think that Slade would keep him in there long enough for it to become a literal one, Dick began psychologically steeling himself for what could be a hungry few days. If necessary he could slow his breathing and heartbeat to essentially hibernate through the empty hours, but until then, all he really wanted to do was sleep.
  . . .
  He managed to ruffle Jason’s mop of coarse black curls before the kid ducked away with a growl of protest. Laughing, Dick dropped down beside Jason on the edge of the tower roof. The kid scooted away to put a full three feet between them.
Despite the mere two years between them in age, Jason stood a full head below Dick in stature. The teasing over that had stopped after Bruce explained that it was due to childhood malnutrition.
Jay scowled down at the trees surrounding Titans’ tower, but his lips were twitching treacherously.
With a renewed grin, Dick leaned forward just enough to catch his eye. “You know, we could do this more often if you’d just come over to the Tower. It was fun today, wasn’t it? Being part of the team?”
Jason’s masked gaze shifted away from him. “He doesn’t let me go out alone.”
Dick’s grin slipped. “Oh.”
He watched Jason fiddle idly with the corner of his cape; it was the same butter yellow that his had been before his work with the Titans had driven him to make a few alterations to his Robin costume. It still felt strange seeing his colors on someone else, even if he had grown past the discomfort.
Jason was a good kid. It had hardly been his fault when Bruce suddenly decided that his first Robin wasn’t doing the job well enough anymore.
“...But he might if you were in Gotham,” Jason continued suddenly. “If you came I could show you some cool tunnels I found by the docks. He never lets me explore with him, but together we could...” his gaze slanted toward Dick again, and he shrugged, “y’know, have fun.”
Dick could hear the barely reined eagerness in his voice.
He should have agreed. He should have gone home. But just the thought of facing Bruce again was enough to shut that option away altogether.
He kicked back against the Tower wall. “I dunno. It’s just that the HIVE called a hit on the team recently, so we’ve got this mercenary to deal with. I’m still working on a plan to draw him out, and...I think I must have mentioned some of that earlier.”
“No. You didn’t.”
“Well, I promise to stop by as soon as I can, li’l wing.”
He reached to ruffle Jay’s hair again, but the boy slapped his hand away and pushed to his feet.
“You know, Bruce said that we’d be brothers,” Jason bit out. “That’s a real joke. It’s been two years and I barely even know you.”
Something gripped Dick’s throat. “Jay--”
"I should get going,” Jason interrupted, not even looking at him. “Bruce and I are planning on going to a Knights’ game tonight. Unless he’s busy too.”
Jason leapt off the roof, arms spread like a bird as he fell. Dick jolted to his feet, to call after him, to catch him--but below the tower was nothing but a black void, he couldn't see Jason anymore, and all of a sudden, he knew that he wasn’t on the tower.
He never had been.
Dick’s phone was ringing. But he didn’t have his phone, not anymore. Still, he took it out of his pocket.
The caller ID said Jason Todd.
He tried to answer. He couldn’t.
The ringing finished, transitioning to the answering message.
“So...hey. It’s been a while, so this is me, calling that number you gave me. You must be busy or something, but I wanted to ask if maybe, when you have time later, we could hang out...or something. So, uh...see ya, I guess.”
The phone was ringing again. Agitatedly, he tried again to answer, futilely jamming his finger into the button repeatedly until the next answering message began.
“Hey. Last time didn’t work out, I get it, but Bruce and I are going to go up to the cabin in Vermont next week, and he said that I should ask if you’re interested in coming with. If you’re still busy with the Titans...that’s cool. No biggie. Bye.”
Dick’s throat tightened with guilt and foreboding. He nearly screamed in frustration as the ringing resumed, until the message brought Jason’s voice again, this time quieter, more tense. Dick stopped breathing.
“Dick. I...need to ask you something. Do this for me and I swear I’ll never ask for anything again, but there’s something that I need to do. I can do it alone, but I was wondering if...maybe --Oh hell, nevermind.”
Dick’s heart was hammering in his ears.
Oh God. Not this. Not again. No.
The ringing came and passed again, uninterrupted.
“I called, Dick. Before Joker, before I even left the manor. And I’ll bet that Bruce still doesn’t know.”
This time, the voice came from a shadow he could just make out through the inky black, caped in butter yellow with gleaming white accusing eyes.
The ringing began again and this time--finally--when Dick’s desperate finger slammed on the button, it stopped. He pulled the phone to his ear.
“Jason?” he asked, breathlessly.
Shrill, manic laughter screamed into his ear, almost but not quite drowning out the gut-lurching crunch of metal slamming into flesh and bone.
He yanked the phone away from his ear, hand slapped over his mouth and fighting back the bile that was pushing up his throat.
Jason’s voice from the shadows, again.
“‘Brothers’. What a joke.”
  . . .
  He jolted awake with Jason’s name in his raw throat. He was on his side facing the wall, a blanket wrapped tightly around his shoulders, and gradually his true location sank in. He pressed his hands over his eyes and waited for the lingering sensations of the dream to pass. The adrenaline. The tremors.
His sandpaper tongue and twinging abdomen were the only indicators for how long he had slept. It had been too long. He made himself return to the sink for water. Once satisfied, he turned on the shower.
He jumped back at the sharp hiss of the water, only to flush with embarrassment. He sincerely hoped that Slade hadn’t seen that.
The water, though tepid as always, still helped soothe the bruising patched across his torso, back, and jaw. The water cut off abruptly after five minutes, and sullenly Dick stepped out and scrubbed the damp out of his hair with the towel on the rack.
Unable and unwilling to sleep any longer, he dressed and put himself through a series of bends and stretches to gauge how far he could push through the pain.
Far enough, he decided once sweat was pouring from his temples after what should have been a basic warm-up. He would be easy pickings next time Slade decided to teach him a lesson, and that thought brought a prickling of the old anger back. He was sick of being treated like a student, a toy, and a prisoner in turns. It was like the man couldn’t make up his mind.
He sat stiffly against the cot with the silence still ringing in his ears, and waited. Perhaps he should have been using the time to ruminate over a new plan, but for now his mind was a blank.
He waited, and dozed, and tried not to dream.
 . . .
 A clack jolted him back to consciousness and the door swung open to pour blinding white light into his eyes.
He flung his arm across his eyes, hastily deactivating the night-vision lenses, and peered through the fading pain to see a familiar silhouette standing out stark against the doorway. He stood stiffly before Slade had a chance to tell him to and forced himself to glare into the cutting brightness.
“Get dressed,” said Slade. “I’ll be waiting in the training room.”
“I’m not fighting you like this!” Dick shouted before Slade could leave, hating how his voice cracked at the end. “You’ve already made your point.”
Slade paused, half-turned in the doorway. Dick glimpsed the man’s profile; he was unmasked.
“Who said anything about fighting?” Slade asked dryly. “I’m not going to repeat myself, Renegade. Do as you’re told.”
Slade left the door ajar, and Dick stared after him for a few seething moments before snatching his (still torn) uniform off the bathroom floor. When he stepped into the hallway, the floor seemed to sway under him. He braced against the wall just in time. He hadn’t felt this weak for a long, long time.
He made his way down the seemingly endless hall and entered the gym, half expecting to see Slade waiting on the mat, no matter what he had said. But he wasn’t. He was standing on the right side of the room beside one of the work tables, with something in his hands.
Deathstroke’s sword. Dick recognized it by the elaborate brass hilt as the one Slade always wore strapped across his back. Fending off a twinge of foreboding, Dick approached.
Slade lifted the naked sword so that it rested across his open palms and then extended it toward Dick, who glanced uncertainly between Slade and the weapon.
“Place your right hand over the blade,” Slade instructed, and waited for Dick to comply. “Now,” he continued smoothly, “I’m going to straighten a few things out for you: You are my apprentice now, not Batman’s. You take orders from me alone. You are no longer a Titan, neither are you a sidekick dressed like a parrot, and you will only continue to make life more difficult for the both of us until you learn to accept that and afford me a little trust.”
Dick’s glare hardened. “You don’t honestly expect me to--”
“Trust will come in its own time, but until then, I want you to learn the weight of your word, once given.”
Suddenly knowing exactly what Slade wanted him to do, Dick tried to pull his hand away from the sword. Slade’s hand clamped over his, pinning it in place. Dick pinched his lips together and tried to think.
“What ‘word’?” he snapped.
“You know exactly what I mean.”
 . . .
  “This is the oath you took?”
Bruce paused, froze, for just an instant. “We’ll share this vow,” he said at last, and if that wasn’t exactly an answer Dick was far beyond caring. “If there is anything about it you would like to change--”
“No.” His fingers trembled over the paper with reverence and anticipation. “It’s perfect,” he whispered.
 . . .
 With frustration Dick waited for yet another wave of dizziness to pass.
“So,” Slade prompted. “Do I have your word?”
Dick met his gaze with as much defiance as he could muster. “Those words won’t mean anything. Only one thing is keeping me here, and it isn’t words.”
 . . .
  Batman stood over his bed, holding a single candle.
Dick’s clock read three minutes to midnight. He didn’t even think to change out of his pajamas before bounding after Bruce through the hall, down the stone stairwell, and into the cave that was dimmer than he’d ever seen it. All the way down, the oath worked silently over his lips and then, over a fraying Bible and the light of that single, gleaming candle, he raised his right hand and looked into Batman’s piercing white eyes.
“I’m ready.”
 . . .
 “Maybe you don’t understand the importance of a vow yet, but one day you will,” Slade said. “Now, say it. What is your name?” When Dick stiffened, Slade wryly clarified, “Your title.”
A moment passed, and Dick knew by the shift in Slade’s expression that something in his eyes must have betrayed his answer.
“Robin,” he answered, and the conviction in his voice was the first solid thing he’d felt in days.
Slade’s hand whipped across his face.
“I’d rethink that answer if I were you,” Slade hissed. The clamping grip over Dick’s hand returned, this time squeezing until the bones of his hand ground together, dangerously close to snapping. Dick held his cry behind his clenched teeth, refusing to break eye contact. “...Or do you need some more time alone to think it over?”
“My name,” Dick repeated, voice level but dangerously tight, “is Robin.”
Without another word the sword ripped out from under his hand, slicing across his palm.
This time Dick didn’t resist as Slade grabbed his upper arm, hauled him down the hall, and flung him like a ragdoll onto the floor of his room. His conviction barely wavered, even as the door slammed shut and locked behind him with a finality that stirred up dread in his gut.
He took one deep breath, let it out, and took another. He activated his night vision and set about cleaning and wrapping his hand with the med kit under his cot. He could handle this, and it was worth it. While in this room, he couldn’t be Slade’s tool. He couldn’t hurt his friends. He couldn’t steal, or kill, or break any of the vows he had made to Bruce and to himself.
In here, he was buying precious time, time that the Titans or the League or Bruce could use to sort out this mess before it got any worse.
He could handle this.
 . . .
 He couldn’t sleep.
He waited, even used the slowed breathing techniques he’d been taught to use in extreme emergency to bring him close to a coma, but the closest he came to sleep was dreams that he flickered in and out of so quickly and so frequently that it was difficult to discern between them.
“Enough, Jason,” he whispered under his breath. The physical sound touched his ears, pulling him just an inch closer to reality. “I know that I messed up. I should have been your brother, and I should have protected you. I KNOW.”
He flinched as his own shout rang shrilly through his skull--and through his ribs, and then he was coughing, uncontrollably even though the pain spiked through him like claws through his chest, the suffocating fluid wasn’t in his throat it was deep inside his chest and no matter how hard he coughed he couldn’t get it out, he couldn’t breathe...
He didn’t know how much time passed before he was laying limp on his side, sucking in shuddering, painful, but hungry breaths. Slowly, his heartbeat stopped thundering against his ribs.
He should never have left either of them, not the way he had, and the guilt of it clung to the inside of his chest, just as suffocating. But...Bruce had been...different, after Jason came. Suddenly nothing his first Robin did had been good enough for him, Bruce had changed and he still didn’t know why, whether it was Gotham or...or him...
Moving into Titans Tower had been his choice, his hot blooded retaliation against Bruce’s passive-aggressive maneuvering, but he had wanted Bruce to make him come back home. Or ask. Anything but the disconnect that happened instead. In the end it had been Alfred who came to see him, bringing only a question of why.
Slade wasn’t as wrong as Dick wanted him to be, but Dick hadn’t been the only one abandoned. Because where had Dick been when Bruce needed him, when Jason needed him. And now Jason was six feet under and somehow Dick was buried even deeper, leaving Bruce alone, more alone than he’d been since Dick first met him.
When it ultimately came down to the question of blame, each time he torturously cycled through it the answer was always, always, anyone but Jason.
 . . .
 How many hours had it been, now? Twenty-four hours? Fifty?
Had Halloween passed yet?
Gar had been looking forward to trick-or-treating, wasting hours trying to convince Vic and Raven to come with him. Gar had never had the opportunity to go before, and his enthusiasm had blinded him to the realization that Vic would never agree to treat his cybernetic parts like a costume and that Raven would rather drop dead than put on the Batgirl costume he had bought her in a futile attempt at bribery. It probably hadn’t helped that Gar had been planning to go as himself.
Gar had even bought a Batman costume for Dick...who had been too busy to even consider wearing it.
At the time, he had been utterly preoccupied with his work--that had largely circulated around Red X. His futile plan to draw Slade’s attention by assuming the identity of a skilled thief. Stupidly, Dick had been following the logic that Deathstroke might seek out a replacement for his former partner, Ravager, the boy Deathstroke had cried over as he died at their feet.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Not only had Deathstroke been humoring him the entire time, when the Titans ultimately learned the truth they hadn’t understood at all.
He had made a mistake, he knew that now. But back then, all that wasted time had seemed the most important thing in the world.
Dick remembered Gar’s crestfallen reaction to his apologetic rejection, and winced.
Kory had of course embraced Gar’s plans with her usual wholehearted zeal. When Gar had given her the Wonder Woman costume he had picked out for her she had embraced the much shorter boy in a bone-crushing hug and proceeded to join him in pestering their teammates.
Dick had found it much harder to say no to her cajoling, faced with wide, hopeful green eyes that glimmered with unspoken concern...but he had done it anyway. It was already difficult enough to focus on the mission without her smiles turning him into a distracted, blushing mess.
Though a selfish part of him wanted his team’s first priority to be getting to the bottom of this charade...he did hope that Gar and Kory had still gone trick-or-treating.
Right now he wanted nothing more than to get back home to the Tower and apologize to all of them for being such an ass for at least the past month...but first he would need to get out.
He would get out. Of course he would get out.
Any time now would be good, he thought earnestly, with just a hint of panic as once again the walls pressed down on him from all sides, as though by sheer force of will he might get Raven to hear him.
A voice whispered back, but it wasn’t Raven’s.
“No one ever comes, Dick. No one.”
Dick pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders and pressed his forearms against his ears. “Please, shut up,” he whispered. “Please.”
 . . .
 The crack of an opening door and the immediate onslaught of piercing brightness flooded his senses again before Slade’s hulking silhouette cut between him and the light.
Slade grabbed and hauled him upright and then out the door without speaking a word. Dick tripped over his own feet more than once, a blinding bout of dizziness nearly dropping him, but Slade’s iron hold on his arm kept pulling him along. His feet were a little more steady under him by the time they finally reached the gym.
He smelled the food on the worktable before he saw it, and the aroma curdled a confused mixture of nausea and desperation in his smarting stomach. He glimpsed sweet potatoes and stewed oats before forcing himself to look away.
Slade, masked this time, halted exactly where they had stood before. He reached over his shoulder, drew his sword from its sheath, and then slapped Dick’s bandaged hand down on the blade. Slade stared down at him until Dick forced his dry eyes upward.
He was so tired. He saw a chair behind Slade at the table, and wanted nothing more than to slump down into it, already drained by the brief walk from his room.
“Let’s try this again, shall we?” Slade said coldly. “What is your name?”
Dick said nothing, his teeth clamped tightly shut. He wanted this over with. He wanted Slade to send him back into the dark. He also wanted to eat, and he wanted to spit into Slade’s one good eye. But mostly he was tired. He knew what his answer was, but this time he was too weary to say it.
“Do not make me wonder if I’m wasting my time on you,” Slade said in a frigid near-whisper. “Or did I not make it clear that your friends will only live as long as I have a use for you?”
Dick’s heart stuttered in his chest. For the first time he looked into Slade’s face, saw the man’s brow furrowed under the cloth mask, and fresh, almost-forgotten fear curled around his gut.
“I’ll do it,” he mumbled, gaze drifting down to his hand on the sword.
They were just words. It didn’t matter. Not really.
“Look me in the eye when you’re speaking to me.” Slowly, wearily, Dick obeyed the order. “Your name?” Slade prompted him.
He forced the name out. It felt like ripping something out of his chest, something he could never put back. I’m sorry, Jay. I’m sorry the title had to die with me.
“And what do you swear to do,” Slade asked, “on the lives of your friends?”
He could have sworn he could still smell the burning wick, feel the leather binding fraying under his fingers, still hear Bruce’s baritone voice overlaying his own as they spoke the oath together, ‘I swear to fight against crime and corruption, and never to swerve from the path of righteousness--’
“I swear to,” he swallowed, “serve as your apprentice.”
“To follow your orders.” Words. Just words, he told himself, even as frustrated tears pricked at his eyes. “But--”
“No,” Slade barked. “No conditions. That isn’t how this deal of ours works.” Slade pulled the sword back and slid it back into its sheath. “We’re done,” he said shortly, and waved a hand toward the tray of food that Dick had given up on looking away from. “When you finish that there’s medication in the kitchen.”
Dick watched Slade walking away, fully confident that he had won, and what was left of Dick’s anger reached its boiling point.
“What about you?” he burst out. Slade stopped, and turned slowly. “If this is a deal, then what’s your oath?”
Slade surveyed him for a long moment before he spoke. “You have what I’ve already promised you, that I’ll teach and train you to the best of my ability...and that your life from now on will only be as difficult as you make it. You have my word on that. And I do keep my word, Renegade.”
He turned, then stopped as though something had occurred to him. “Oh, and I fixed you a new uniform top. You’ll be wearing it tomorrow night.” Slade grabbed something from the table beside him and tossed the black and orange bundle of kevlar beside the food tray before starting for the hall. “I’ll be going out tonight,” he called back. “If I were you, I’d use the time to ensure I was in shape for my first encounter with the HIVE.”
As soon as the doors closed behind Slade, Dick dropped like a stone into the chair by the table. His stomach was doing uncomfortable things at the sight of the food, and it was all he could do to make sure that he ate slowly enough to keep the food from forcing its way up again.
Finally he finished and leaned back in the chair. Slade had left an ice pack beside the tray; Dick carefully pressed it against his ribcage, and was musing over what medication he should take before proceeding with some semblance of a workout when Slade’s final words finally sank in.
The HIVE? They were going to ‘encounter’ the HIVE?
The one mystery that had haunted him beyond that of Deathstroke’s identity had been the HIVE’s location and intentions. The Titans had known that Ravager had been hired by the mysterious organization, but beyond that Dick hadn’t had a clue of where to start an investigation. That had left the team completely vulnerable to whatever attack might come next, and it had been driving him mad.
But then Deathstroke had proven himself a more immediate threat, and the organization had lost its priority.
What was Slade planning now? He had as good as said that first night that he planned to hold the HIVE accountable for what had happened to his son, and that he intended for Dick to help him do it. Well, that was one thing Dick would not object to.
Dick’s gaze drifted toward the new uniform lying on the table, forgotten until now. A little curious, he reached to pick it up
--only to drop it like a burning coal.
A familiar emblem, a golden ‘R’ that he hadn't expected to see again, was attached to the kevlar over his heart.
R, for Renegade.
  + - + - + - +
  A flurry of thin screeching and leathery wings heralded his return. Long, weary steps, hindered by the tattered cape tangling around his ankles, carried Batman from the landing bay toward the main computers and past the enshrined uniform.
His fingers skimmed a feather touch across the glass casing in answer to the youthful greeting whose deafening absence hollowed the cave out into a tomb, as it should. He settled heavily into the computer chair, and exhaled as much of the weight as would pass out of his lungs, while the gravity still dragged him down.
Familiar clipped footsteps approached his seat from behind, and then paused. “Welcome home, Master Bruce. I trust that you return uninjured?”
Bruce didn’t push back his cowl, didn’t turn. In keeping with their nightly routine, he activated the computer before Alfred would inquire further.
“Sir,” Alfred began again, hesitantly, “during your absence Lucius Fox made multiple attempts to contact you. I...must insist that you listen to what he had to say.”
“I’ll look into it,” Batman said, and his voice came out like gravel. He swallowed, and then out of basic duty, and debt, he forced out the rest. “...Thank you.”
Alfred opened his mouth briefly before resigning himself to pensively pinching his lips together.
Batman pretended not to notice.
Alfred’s concern was ironic, to say the least. If patrols had been ending with more injuries than usual, even Alfred must understand how little that mattered now. With that shrine erected in memory of a child’s life cut short while the father’s inexplicably lingered on, it was impossible to believe otherwise--or to be selfish enough to wish that the still-living child might return to the city that would only eat him alive too.
He prepared to review Gotham’s recent activity. It was inevitable that an excursion with the League, no matter how rare or how urgent, had resulted in him being cut off from his city. He had told the League to contact him for nothing less than an emergency of intergalactic proportions--and they had then proceeded to summon him for exactly that.
Grimly, he braced for the inevitable. The unanswered signals, the damage, the deaths...
An alert flashing across his screen interrupted his search, and in an instant he was viewing surveillance footage of a recent theft from Wayne Tower.
At his shoulder, Alfred sighed. “Perhaps the messages shall be unnecessary,” he said, a note of tension coloring his tone.
Batman didn’t have time to wonder why before the screen came to life. A figure in orange and black emerged from a hatch and darted across the rooftop--with the Teen Titans hot on his heels. At one end of the roof the figure halted, hand pressed to his ear, as if listening to an earpiece.
Bruce’s finger slammed down on the keyboard to freeze the screen. He zoomed in. The intruder was clearly a teenager, whose long dark bangs nearly obscured the domino mask that left his identity unmistakable.
Bruce lurched to his feet, shoving back his cowl, eyes glued to the screen as he searched desperately for a contradiction to what he already knew to be true.
But the recording played on, and Bruce watched as Dick took on his own team single-handedly, his attacks clearly restrained, yet marked with the ferocity of a battle he could not afford to lose. By the time the clip ended the Wayne sign’s lettering was scattered in smoking shambles across the roof, and Dick had vanished with the dissipating smoke, leaving Bruce with a hauntingly familiar hollow forming in his chest.
“Is the lad alright, sir?” Alfred asked softly.
Was he? Bruce should know, he should have watched his surviving son more closely because he recognized those colors, that pattern--
and, already, it was happening again.
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