#Neurological disorders
vm-sys · 7 months
shout out to clumsy people.
shout out to people with coordination issues.
shout out to people with dyspraxia.
shout out to people with apraxia.
shout out to people with muscle weakness.
shout out to people with paresis.
shout out to people with paralysis.
shout out to people with arthritis n/or joint deformities.
shout out to people with chronic pain whose pain makes it hard to control their movements.
shout out to people with chronic fatigue whose fatigue makes them hard to control their movements.
shout out to people with balance issues.
shout out to people with other conditions that make hard to control body n/or movements.
shout out to people who are undiagnosed n struggling with control movements.
it's not your fault. it's not your carelessness. you deserve support n accommodations. you shouldn't be judged or mocked. you deserve respect. your struggles deserve respect.
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themonsterthing · 11 months
Being disabled or chronically ill means being terrified of your bad days.
No, really. Terrified.
It is genuine terror when you forget something important. It is true fear when you miss a step and fall. It is horror when you realize you never texted your friend back about something exciting. Because, a bad day for an able-bodied person is just a bad day. For the disabled, it’s: “am I having a flare? Is my illness getting worse? Who knows where I am if I hurt myself and need help? Is this it? Is the life I’ve been trying to build over? Should I see another (fucking useless) doctor? Have I documented my symptoms enough that they’ll care?”
Because for us, it’s that little. A mysterious bruise, forgetting to send an email - it could be just a bad day. Or it could be a recurrence of our worst symptoms , signs our health is deteriorating: because at the end of the day, we have no real control over our health, hard as we try. We can do everything right, and it will still not be enough.
You don’t get to have bad days, as a disabled person.
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zebulontheplanet · 1 year
See posts from people saying things like "If i can do this, so can you!''
What if we can't? What if we can't learn a new sport, what if we can't be valedictorian of our school? what if we can't learn a new language? what if we can't excel in some areas? What if we can't?
Your posts about "Oh i did this so you can definitely too" are plain weird because i bet someone read that and CAN'T do the things you're saying they can. Stop it. Just stop with your takes. Maybe look at a bigger picture.
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mad-pride · 7 months
I made an Auditory Processing Disorder flag based on the awareness color (lime green) and how it personally feels for me :)
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
Hi everyone,
Since its epilepsy awareness month, I wanted to share an interesting study about its connection to autism. According to the abstract:
Autism is more common in people with epilepsy, approximately 20%, and epilepsy is more common in people with autism with reported rates of approximately 20%.
However, these figures are likely to be affected by the current broader criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which have contributed to an increased prevalence of autism, with the result that the rate for ASD in epilepsy is likely to be higher and the figure for epilepsy in ASD is likely to be lower.
Some evidence suggests that there are two peaks of epilepsy onset in autism, in infancy and adolescence. The rate of autism in epilepsy is much higher in those with intellectual disability. In conditions such as the Landau–Kleffner syndrome and nonconvulsive status epilepticus, the epilepsy itself may present with autistic features. There is no plausible mechanism for autism causing epilepsy, however.
The co-occurrence of autism and epilepsy is almost certainly the result of underlying factors predisposing to both conditions, including both genetic and environmental factors. Conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and sleep disorders are common in both epilepsy and autism. Epilepsy is generally not a contraindication to treating these conditions with suitable medication, but it is important to take account of relevant drug interactions.
One of the greatest challenges in autism is to determine why early childhood regression occurs in perhaps 25%. Further research should focus on finding the cause for such regression. Whether epilepsy plays a role in the regression of a subgroup of children with autism who lose skills remains to be determined.
I put the text in paragraphs so it’s easier to read and not jumbled up. I hope you all find this informative and interesting. 💜
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a-sassy-bench · 11 months
spent the morning with my neurologist explaining to me how i might need brain surgery and now I have to pretend everything's cool and go to work or i won't have insurance for brain surgery
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bpod-bpod · 2 months
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Neuron Membrane Shaper
Vital role revealed of a BAR domain protein called FAM92A1 in remodelling neuron membranes during brain development, particularly at synapses, the structure that allows passage of signals from one neuron to another. Insight into the risk of FAM92A1 mutation leading to human neurological disorders
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Liang Wang and Ziyun Yang, and colleagues
Mental Health Center & National Chengdu Center for Safety Evaluation of Drugs, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China; Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, July 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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"I hate religion. I think it's a neurological disorder." -- Bill Maher
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newhologram · 1 year
Thinking about how at my sleep study 10 years ago, I didn’t fall asleep once and the tech monitoring my graph was Concerned. Instant severe insomnia dx to go with the narcolepsy. 😝 And doctors won’t give me sleep meds so I have to zoot, chug, dryl, herb, and xanny my ass on a rotating schedule (small doses with 2-4 week tolerance breaks; perks of being a light weight). Anyway, not getting actual medical treatment is why we wither away and die.
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'Nothing Without Us'- Gordon, Cait. Johnson, Talia C.
Disability Rep: Multiple; Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Deaf, Sign Language, Genetic Disease, Cane User, Mental Illness, Seizures, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurological Impairment, Bipolar, Spinal Injury, Chronic Pain, Walking/Mobility Impairment, Chemical Sensitivity, Neurodivergence, Physical Disability, Multiple Personality Disorder, Amputee
Genre: Multi-Genre; Speculative, Apocalyptic, Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Realistic, Contemporary, Horror,
Age: Young Adult, New Adult, Adult
Setting: Multiple- Possibly Canada
Additional Rep: Queer, Non-Binary, Neo-Pronouns, TBD
For more information on summaries, content warnings and additional tropes, see here:
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vanivisualsart · 1 year
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Epilepsy, POTS, and brain fog ko-fi
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facts-withjayy · 11 months
Expanding on my post on my main blog
(@written-by-jayy), about RLS
So before posting this, despite having RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome), there is still much for me to learn about it. I'll be crediting any articles, posts, etc. in the comments (please don't hesitate to add on in comments, reblogs, or asks if I missed anything, or if you have any questions. If I'm able to verify them as true, I'll add them onto this and credit you and link your post/account in the comments. Thank you!). Anyway, without further ado...
RLS has no known cause or cure, though there are ways of providing relief for yourself. Some of which include: apply heating or cooling pack, moderate exercise, massage, warm bath, iron supplements, etc.
RLS is a diagnosed neurological disorder that causes feelings and sensations such as aching, burning, itching, cramping, etc., primarily in the legs but can also occasionally occur in the arms, chest, and neck.
This disorder must be diagnosed by a professional, but some signs and symptom/affects include "A strong and often overwhelming urge to move your legs that is often associated with abnormal, unpleasant, or uncomfortable sensations"-1. Along with difficulty sleeping, frustration (this one's a personal addition. It causes very much frustration for me :]), etc.
Bending, stretching, massaging, pacing, etc. are all ways of providing temporary relief-2, as well as what I previously mentioned.
Some other things to note about RLS:
Can happen at any time of the day but is worst at evening and night or during rest or inactivity
There is not a test for RLS, so it is diagnosed with a doctor's evaluation
Before trying medicine or supplements to help, please talk to your health care provider
Again, if I missed anything please add on or let me know so I can update this and credit you! Thank you!
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zebulontheplanet · 1 year
if you think that disabled people who arent contributing anything to society are leeches then you are Ableist. Disabled people who arent able to contribute much, or anything to an already fucked up society are worth it and are amazing.  Disabled people with higher support needs are told constantly about everything wrong with them instead of being told about everything thats right with them. How about instead of constantly tearing disabled people down, you instead love them because they’re HUMAN. 
I see time and time again. “Go outside and do something. Everyone can do SOMETHING.” What if they cant? WHAT. IF. THEY. CANT? Then what? They arent worth any less. They arent moochers, or leeches, or anything like that. They are disabled. Stop being ableist, take disabled people into account with your language because your privilege shows. 
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wormonastringtheory · 8 months
So Tumblr, certain things cause my face to just like, go slack, specifically like certain medications and such. It's like this to some degree all the time, where one eye is a little more open, for example, but when i am on any kind of relaxant for pain management (in this photo case, a relaxant was taken, also important to note I cried a lot today so my face feels weak and tired and my eyes hurt) my face goes super slack on one side and asymmetrical almost like the muscles are too weak. my question to you all is is this noticable to you? It's not something that bothers me about myself at all, I'm just fully curious if anyone can perceive this and further more if anyone can relate to this. I'm especially curious if it's related to any neurological thing as I have tourettes
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gabrielora · 1 year
I was questioning if I had ADHD bc both of my parents are diagnosed and I have symptoms, and then I realized every time I see a video relating to ADHD symptoms I relate to it and my brain just filed it as “oh yeah no shit?” Instead of thinking “oh.. that’s not normal but I do that.” Like i did for my Tourettes and my physical symptoms. I already have Tourettes and most likely Autism so I’m afraid to ask for a diagnosis bc people are REALLY gonna accuse me of faking.
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mistahjs-jester · 1 year
Some of us can't help hyperverbalism, oversharing, emotional dysregulation, rambling, etc... And that's valid. Some of us are neurodivergent and have no one that understands that. Some of us are misdiagnosed or were never diagnosed. Some of us live every day beating ourselves up about it and it sucks. It sucks so much to feel we can't communicate "normally" as a neurotypical does... It really does. And we keep apologize for being ourselves and it hurts so much. I can't even begin to describe how much self hatred I have for my symptoms. I can't... It makes me sad and it makes me overestimulated so badly that I want to hold my ears, close my eyes, rock and hear no noise, not have the lights on me (because that's too much sometimes) and I've been so overwhelmed today by having to do loads of communication with so many people at once that my mistakes are haunting me- aka social cues i may have missed, expressing "too much emotion" at once, not enough eye contact.... Asking questions about things that were probably already answered because "overstimulated", having a panic attack because social situations can be "too much" .... I'm honestly tired of my own brain right now and am constantly trying to "improve myself" to fit "normal" but I'm NOT "NORMAL"... I'm neurodivergent.... My brain processes things a certain way. Still, I feel the guilt. I feel the pain. I experience the shame. It's depressing and I'm trying to incorporate self love more into my daily agenda. I want structure and long for things to be told to me about what will happen so I don't freak out but I can't make myself have a structured environment because it's too much. It's tiring. I'm tired. I'm so freaking tired... I'm trying... Why isn't that enough? When every day I'm trying to be what others say I'm "supposed" to be.... I either shut down or have moments where it all screams at me inside and sometimes I can't even verbalize when it happens. Sometimes it's too much to process just like my racing thoughts... and that's hard. I don't talk about it all the time. I actually keep a lot to myself but this is... A lot and I just want to be able to know I'm not alone. I want someone to understand that I'm not trying to make them uncomfortable, annoyed or otherwise to make them "feel sorry for me" because I'm allowed to not be okay with the symptoms of what I'm going through... Sorry not sorry
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