#One shall NOT challenge her to a duel
little-devil-art · 1 year
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[The Human Exchange Student at RAD]📝
My MC Alice’s RAD Uniform redesign of 2023! I actually identify my sona with Fire Emblem so much (She low-key exists in the FE Verse since 2017) so I thought I’ll keep her roots and it’s basically FE Fates!Alice in the Devildom- Of course, one cannot forget about her crow Fool! I also gave her a sheep form as I wanted to draw this cuddly sheep since forever kekek- (The ribbon’s color is customizable, each Demon’s color is represented but I chose blue because it’s Lucifer <3)
Anyhow, this is something small I did, because I truly wanted to give my girl a new design!! 💙
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maruflix · 3 months
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SYNOPSIS: You spend too much time on TikTok looking at those martial artists who give out fighting tutorials. And what’s a gang member boyfriend for, if not as a punching bag for you to try out your new moves? FEATURING: Umemiya Hajime, Togame Jo, Takiishi Chika x f!reader
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The rooftop door is slammed wide open, causing UMEMIYA HAJIME to jump slightly in alarm. He angles his neck to check out the source of the noise, fully expecting it to be Sakura in another one of his bad moods, but it turns out to be you.
A smile blossoms on his face as he gestures for you to come over. “Heeey, my pretty girl!” 
You’re in front of him in an instant, looking at him intently. Umemiya blinks, confused. He can tell that you’re trying hard not to explode with excitement, but why?
“Hajime!” You point at your boyfriend, determined, “Fight me!”
A long silence follows. He bites his lip and tilts his head, trying to figure out if he heard that correctly. The Bofurin leader has received his fair share of challenges and offers for a duel, but never from his own girlfriend. “Um… wha-?”
“I said, fight me!” You yell out, a smile plastered on your face. “My sensei says that the best way to learn is by doing!”
“Since when do you have a sensei?”
“Well, my TikTok sensei.” You casually shrug as Umemiya stares at you in amusement. “Anyway! I have mastered the art of a 540 kick, and you shall be the first person to witness my glory!”
After practicing messily in your room and hitting your foot in all the sharp edges of your furniture, you feel like you’ve finally perfected your flashy jump kick. It took you perhaps hundreds of tries (mostly ending up with you tripping or falling down) but you finally manage to land a successful hit against your plush toy.
Umemiya whistles. “540 kick, huh? That’s fancy.” He sets down the pot of plants he has been holding while grabbing his coat in one swift motion. “Alright, come at me.” He smiles, getting into a very intimidating stance.
You gulp, not expecting him to actually take you seriously. Your boyfriend still gazes at you with the same gentle look as always, but man is he intimidating. “Whoa, I’m really going against the Umemiya Hajime in his full get up? Coat and all?”
At this, Umemiya chuckles. “Well, it’s not like everyday my girlfriend challenges me to a duel! I have to make sure to humor her thoroughly, right? Don’t worry, I won’t fight back.”
“Okay! Wait! I have to do my warm ups so this one will land! I’ll tell you when I’m done!” You hold up a finger, gesturing for him to wait as you kick at the air, trying to power up your legs. Umemiya watches in interest, his hands folded behind his back, letting out occasional “ooh!” and “aah!”s when you successfully kick high enough. 
You feel quite ready now, your legs feel as light as a feather. Glancing at Umemiya, who’s still watching you intently, an idea flashes through your mind. You know that there’s no way in hell you will be able to beat Umemiya in a fight, but what if you catch him by surprise?
Without notice, you quickly take a step forward and immediately rotate your hips, taking advantage of the momentum it gave you to lift up your other leg and kick it upwards. It feels good when your leg manages to fly up high enough to collide with your boyfriend’s torso… but the impact never came.
Umemiya holds your leg effortlessly before it can come into contact with the side of his chest, giving you a wide smile. “Not bad, you’re pretty flexible! But you didn’t tell me that we’re starting!”
“L-let go!” Flustered, you try to retract your leg but Umemiya keeps it in his vice-like grip.
“Huh? But our fight’s not over yet?” He cocks his head to the side, giving you a playful grin. “If I let go, won’t you try another dirty trick again?”
This man! You try to jab at him in the hopes of him letting go of your leg, but he dodges your fist. “All’s fair in love and war, Hajime!” You swirl your body backwards, trying to pivot your way out of his grip, but Umemiya pulls your leg forward slightly, causing you to stumble. You yelp, closing your eyes, knowing that you’ve lost your balance and you would certainly crash to the ground.
But of course, Umemiya catches you, pulling you into his embrace as he caresses your hair. He laughs in satisfaction when he sees you turn as red as the tomatoes he’s been growing. “You’d make a pretty good fighter! Do you want me to train you?”
“You can’t pull my leg like that! You’re cheating!” You protest, but he merely laughs harder.
“All’s fair in love and war, pretty girl.”
You hide your face in his chest, feeling the tips of your ears burning. You can’t lie, you had wished to successfully kick Bofurin’s strongest at least once after all that training, but being held like this isn’t half bad.
“One more time! I’ll kick you this time!”
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Not a single thing in this world can prepare TOGAME JO for the absolute sight in front of him at this very moment. With a bottle of ramune in his hand, he stares at you open mouthed as you crouch down and jab at the air randomly, jumping up and down all around him.
“Ladies and gentlemen, here we have,” You punch the air next to him while your boyfriend remains unaffected, “a new challenger trying to take the title of Super Champion from the reigning Togame Jo!” You are breathing heavily as you narrate, still jumping up and down, trying your best to replicate those boxers you saw from a highlight video last night.
You’re actually not a big fan of martial arts with flashy moves and big kicks because you thought they looked too showy, but that one highlight video has opened your eyes to the beautiful world of boxing, as you spent all night looking at more and more fighting videos. The fighters look hella cool and their punches look hella deadly. No big showy moves, just precision and killing intent.
“What champion..?” Togame has so many questions running inside his head right now, but he’s distracted at how adorable you look with those weak punches.
You finally stop jumping, huffing to catch your breath, “W-well.. I know you’re technically the second-in-command, but you’re like a champion compared to me!” You put up your fists again, eyes shining playfully, “Anyway, let’s brawl!”
Togame’s jaw drops. “Did you just say brawl?” He runs a hand through his hair, already exhausted by your antics, “As in, you and me?”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean!?” Taking offense in his words, you punch his chest, but your boyfriend doesn’t even flinch. “Yes, you and me! I’m trying to be the next boxing super champion, keep up!”
Togame sighs, finally putting two and two together. You had sent him random links of boxing videos to him all night, waking him up repeatedly. So it’s because of another random hyperfixation. “Yeees, yeees..” He places his ramune bottle on the ground, rubbing the back of his neck. “Don’t complain to me if you get hurt.”
You shiver a bit at his warning. What the heck is that supposed to mean!? You watch as Togame cracks his neck, now feeling a bit scared. “Uh, you know that you don’t have to actually fight me, right? Like… let me land a few hits or something..?!”
Togame stares at you teasingly. “Don’t tell me I managed to intimidate you already?”
You’ve always had a competitive streak in you. You know that it’s going to be the death of you. “HELL NO! Come at me!” You shout without thinking, and instantly let out another scream in terror when your boyfriend dashes towards you with the speed of light.
“JO!” You yell, just in time before he can push you down. “That doesn’t count! I was, like, totally not ready! Doofus! Idiot!”
Togame snickers. You totally flinched. And hey, he’s actually enjoying this a lot more than he thought he will. “Okay, okay, you go first then.” He holds up his hand in mock surrender.
At that moment, you want nothing more than to wipe that smug smirk off his face. You charge at him with newfound confidence, punching and jabbing with all your might. He dodges you each time, even making sure to use the palm of his hands so as not to hurt you.
“Okaay, you need to move faster. Don’t punch in the same two spots~”
Annoyed, you step back, trying to think of a way to give him a single powerful punch. Getting an idea, you finally take a step forward as Togame watches you in interest. After feeling your entire weight rest comfortably on your left foot, you pivot your body towards him, feeling the force gather in your right fist. Oh? That felt good.
This time, Togame catches your fist with his hand, gripping it tight. “Hoo~? That one’s pretty good~” He muses, “Is it my turn now?”
Your boyfriend has the most annoying shit-eating grin as he tackles you down, holding an arm below your body to shield you from the impact. Nevertheless, it knocks the air out of your lungs as you gasp, hands shooting forward to grip the hem of his jacket.
Togame looks down at you, a sadistic look in his eyes. “Oops, looks like today’s not your day. Better luck next time, future super champion~”
Blushing at the close proximity between you two, you can only sputter out insults as your boyfriend laughs.
He’s totally going to make you do this more often.
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Honestly, you don’t know how you even got the courage to challenge TAKIISHI CHIKA in a fight. It is for the laughs and giggles, yes, but since when has your stoic boyfriend been able to differentiate between a joke and a real challenge?
“Okay, come.”
You stare at him, dumbfounded. You’ve tried many times to get him to do weird trends with you, but your boyfriend is usually quiet, only looking at you with the stare he always gives you when he’s done with your bullshit. (If you beg for it hard enough, he still does it, though.) 
But this time, when you tell him that you want to try out a kick at him after watching tutorials from those TikTok martial artists, you’re just saying it randomly, because there’s no way you actually wish to challenge The Strongest Man in Furin History in a fight. Surprisingly, he agrees immediately.
“R.. really? B-but…” You hesitate, unsure of the look he’s giving you right now. As stoic as he may look, there’s an unmistakable glint in his eye, something that only happens when he’s intrigued by something. “Chi-kun, you don’t love me anymore, do you?!” You yell in exasperation, wondering if today is going to be your last day on earth. Why would you even suggest such a thing towards your beast of a boyfriend?!
“Do you seriously think I’m going to hurt you?” Takiishi asks in a resigned voice.
“Okay, you promised! Don’t go back on your word!” You’re still panicking but your boyfriend returns to his quiet self, blinking at you. Sighing, you decide to take a leap of faith — your boyfriend has never so much as pushed you in the time you’ve been together — and take huge strides towards him, heart beating out of your ribcage. 
Takiishi towers over you, looking at you calmly, but his gaze only makes you more nervous. “Come.” He states once more when he sees that you’re still rooted to your spot. “I’ll keep my hands behind my back.”
Huffing, you decide to fuck it and take a big swing at him. He dodges to the side. You take another swing. He dodges that too. Another swing, another punch, but he dodges those as well, his hair barely swishing. He shows no signs of moving, patiently standing with his hands behind his back. At this, your courage grows and you decide to try riskier moves.
You lift up your leg and shoot it towards his hip. To your surprise, he doesn’t move an inch, taking your kick fully. Boy, does it hurt. For your leg, that is. The man is well-built underneath his layered clothes. There’s another glint in his eye when he watches you yelp in pain and crouch down to clutch your leg, your back facing him. 
“Come.” He says again, and you don’t need to be told twice. Still with your back facing him, you rise to a standing position and lift your leg high up before kicking it back towards him.
But your foot comes into contact with the air.
The next thing you know, Takiishi sweeps your footing, catching you as you fall straight into his arms. You look up at him, eyes wide and heart beating like crazy, but your breath instantly gets caught in your throat when you see a rare small smile playing on his lips. “Never turn your back on the enemy.” He states, tightening his grip around your waist.
This is the most chatty you’ve seen Takiishi Chika. And, true to his words, he doesn’t use his hands at all, except for catching you. You slowly start to smile, hooking your hands around his neck. You’re about to tease him that he does love you, after all, when he unexpectedly asks, “So, can I use my hands next time?”
“H-huh!? There’s a next time?!”
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NOTES : This may be a bit OOC (especially Chika because the man barely says anything in the manga) but still I hope I can convey the love I have for these boys!! (these three are my favorite hee hee).
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missrosiesworld · 2 months
Starlight Flutters
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Here are some cute headcanons for Billy Kid when he has a crush:
Starlight Hero Persona: Billy adopts a more heroic persona around his crush, often quoting lines from "Starlight Knight" and trying to emulate the show's protagonists.
Billy: "In the name of justice, I vow to protect you! No harm shall come your way while I'm around!"
Crush: "Are you quoting Starlight Knights again?"
Billy: "Maybe, but I mean every word!"
Over-the-Top Gestures: He tends to make grand, dramatic gestures to show his affection, like showing up with a bouquet or performing a flashy stunt to grab their attention.
Billy, arrives with a dramatic flourish, bowing slightly: "For you, a token of my admiration!" hands over a bouquet of holographic flowers.
Crush, laughs, clearly amused and touched: "You didn't have to go all out, but thank you!"
Billy, his voice warm and sincere: "Anything for my favorite person."
Nervous Energy: Despite his confident exterior, Billy gets nervous around his crush. He fidgets with his hands and his voice may rise a notch higher when he's excited or flustered.
Billy, fidgeting with his hands: "So, um, do you... like movies? I mean, of course you do, who doesn't, right?"
Crush, smiling: "Yeah, I do. Got any recommendations?"
Billy: "Oh, totally! I've got a list! Uh, maybe we could watch one together sometime?"
Show-Off Moments: Billy loves to showcase his skills, especially with his custom-made revolvers, "the girls." He might challenge others to friendly duels or display impressive marksmanship to catch his crush's eye.
Billy, pulls off a perfect trick shot: "Not bad, huh? Just a little something I picked up from Starlight Knight."
Crush: "Wow, that's impressive! You're really good."
Billy, trying to act casual: "Oh, it's nothing. Just, you know, a hobby."
Special Attention: He gives special attention to his crush, remembering small details about their likes and dislikes. Whether it's their favorite snack or a specific hobby, Billy tries to incorporate these into his interactions with them.
Billy: "I remember you mentioned liking spicy food, so I brought you this hot sauce. It's got a kick, just like you!"
Crush, surprised: "You remembered? That's so sweet. Thank you, Billy."
Billy: "Of course! Anything to see you smile."
Protective Stance: Billy becomes protective of his crush, always positioning himself in a way that he can keep an eye on them. He wants to ensure they're safe and will step in if he senses any danger.
Billy steps in front of his crush: "Hey, stay close. I’ve got this covered. No one's getting past me."
Crush: "You don't have to do this, Billy."
Billy: "I know, but I want to. It's my job to keep you safe."
Clumsy Sweetness: When Billy gets flustered, he can become adorably clumsy, sometimes tripping over his own feet or dropping things. He laughs it off, hoping his crush finds it endearing rather than awkward.
Billy, stumbles slightly, almost dropping a package: "Whoops! That was... not supposed to happen."
Crush, giggles: "Are you okay?"
Billy, laughing nervously: "Yeah, just distracted by... something, or someone."
Secret Glances: He often steals glances at his crush when he thinks they’re not looking. 
Crush, catches Billy staring: "What is it? Something on my face?"
Billy, his voice faltering slightly with a hint of nervousness: "No, no! Just... admiring the view."
Crush, teasingly: "Smooth."
Confiding in Nicole: Billy confides in Nicole, seeking her advice on how to approach his crush. 
Billy: "Nicole, what do I do? I can't stop thinking about them, but what if I mess it up?"
Nicole, smirking: "Just be yourself, Billy. And maybe tone down the Starlight Knight lines a bit."
Acts of Service: He goes out of his way to do small, helpful things for his crush. Whether it's fixing a malfunctioning gadget or finding something they’ve misplaced, Billy is always eager to lend a hand.
Billy: "Hey, I noticed your bike was making a weird noise, so I tightened the chain and oiled the gears."
Crush: "You did that for me? Wow, thank you so much!"
Billy, rubbing the back of his neck: "It's no big deal, really. I just wanted to help."
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wondergotham · 25 days
Blades of Destiny
Request: "Hello, if its okay with you, I was wondering if I could request a James!Hook x reader where the reader is new to the school and they meet hook in class and the lesson that day is about sword fighting, and he underestimates the reader but when it comes to them both having to fight each other the reader beats him. He is immediately smitten with the reader and wants to know more about them. Sorry if this sounds silly, please feel free to ignore"
Pairing: James Hook x Reader
Descendants Masterlist
Gif Credits: @ menheim
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You were very nervous for your first day at Merlin Academy. Even though you had met some friends already during orientation it still didn't shake off the nerves rushing through your body.
After being dropped off you waited outside Principal Merlin's office as he had instructed. You were sitting there for a few minutes until the door opened.
"Good morning Y/n how are you feeling?" He asked.
"Good morning Principal Merlin. I'm a bit nervous but it shall pass." You could only hope.
"Don't worry child it happens to the best of us. But! To ease the tension I have assigned a few students to help you get situated. I'm sure you're familiar with them." He gestured to the door.
Before you could ask what he meant Bridget and Ella walked out of his office.
They both waved and had prominent smiles on their faces. You were relieved he had chosen them. The two friends you made at orientation.
▪──── ⚔ ────▪
"I shall leave you ladies now. Bridget and Ella will be helping you get to your classes and obtain any other school supplies you might require. If you need anything else feel free to let me know." He said warmly.
"Thank you, Principal Merlin." You smiled as he walked away.
"Surprise! It's so great to see you again!" Bridget exclaimed as she pulled you into a tight hug which you welcomed immediately.
"I'm so glad you both are helping me out it's already so much to take in." You admitted.
"Bridget and I were new once too. We know exactly how it feels. Just take it easy don't let it overwhelm you." Ella also pulled you into a hug.
The bell suddenly rang causing you to look at each other.
"That means we have 2 minutes to get to class," Ella informed while Bridget pulled out a piece of paper.
Your class schedule.
"Luckily you have Potions with me and Ella. Let's go, it's gonna be sooo much fun!" She exclaimed while pulling your wrist softly to the direction of the class.
Ella chuckled as she followed.
▪──── ⚔ ────▪
To your surprise, the day had gone by quickly. Bridget and Ella were truly the best friends you could ask for. You knew that your friendship would grow even stronger as the time passed.
You also met Charming, he was cool but Ella still hadn't warmed up to him. Which was amusing to you because you thought they would look cute together.
You smiled at the thought before glancing at your schedule. Your last class was Swordsmanship.
"Ooh James Hook is the best student in that class! Every new student has to duel with him on the first day." Bridget informed. A bright smile on her face. "If you choose that class as an elective, of course."
"It's the one class he's good at and that's only because he's a pirate," Ella huffed not sounding as impressed as Bridget.
"What's he like?" You asked. "I know you pointed him and his friends out at lunch but is he really that bad?"
"Well...." Bridget trailed off.
"He loves being mean to other students. He's arrogant, vain, and thinks everyone wants to date him. He struts around the hallways like he owns the place, always cracking sarcastic jokes at the expense of others. His smirk is infuriating as if he believes his looks alone are enough to command attention and admiration." Ella rolled her eyes.
Charming spoke up, "Whenever someone challenges him, he dismisses them with a wave of his hand, convinced that any criticism is just jealousy. He surrounds himself with the other VKs to feed into his ego, laughing at his jabs and affirming his self-centered view of the world. It’s as if he thrives on making others feel small, using his "charisma" to mask his insecurities."
"Yet beneath that polished exterior, there’s a vulnerability he’s too proud to show. Deep down, I wonder if he knows how empty his bravado is—or if he’s just too afraid to find out." Bridget concluded.
All of this information was overwhelming. I guess he really is as bad as his friends.
The realization settled in your gut like a lead weight, mixing disappointment with a sense of betrayal. You had hoped for something different, a glimpse of the person he could be beneath the bravado.
But now, faced with the harsh truth, it was clear: he thrived in their toxic environment, feeding off the same negativity.
"I guess I'll have to watch my back and see how I'm going to beat him." You realized nervously.
"Hey, you told us you've been sword fighting since you were 10. Don't sell yourself short you'll be okay." Charming said confidently.
"Yeah don't let what we told you get to your head. Figure out his weakness and that's how you'll win." Ella winked. "Plus Charming is in your class too so you won't be alone, he'll give you pointers."
Bridget placed her hand on your shoulder, "We believe in you. But please be careful because sword fighting is very dangerous."
A small laugh escaped your lips. "Thank you guys seriously. I'll see you after class?"
They nodded as you and Charming walked into the classroom. At least one of your friends was in Swordsmanship with you.
"You can sit next to me." Charming pointed to the empty desk next to his. "And don't let James Hook intimidate you. Like Ella said, everyone has a weakness."
You nodded before sitting down. But from the corner of your eye, you detect a certain individual staring at you.
James Hook.
Did you already make an enemy without even interacting?
You would soon find out.
▪──── ⚔ ────▪
After introducing yourself to your newest classmates the only thing that kept replaying through your mind was the young pirate that couldn't take his eyes off of you.
He stared at you like you were the only person in the room, his gaze intense and unyielding. It was as if your classmates and professor around you faded away, and all that mattered was that moment. His eyes held a mixture of curiosity and challenge, making your heart race.
There was a flicker of something deeper—an unspoken connection that sent shivers down your spine. You could feel the weight of his scrutiny, as if he was trying to decipher your thoughts, to peel back the layers of your defenses. It was both thrilling and unnerving, leaving you torn between wanting to confront him and wanting to retreat.
In that instant, you realized he was not just the arrogant figure everyone else saw; there was a complexity beneath that facade that intrigued you. It made you wonder what lay behind that piercing gaze, what stories he carried, and what truths he might reveal if you dared to look closer.
But at the same time if he was anything like Charming and Ella had described you couldn't get close to him. He was bad news.
"The best way to practice is by dueling. We'll start with James and Y/n." You were shaken from your contemplation.
You turned to Charming with slight fear in your eyes. The time had come to face the infamous Captain Hook.
"Students please move to the side of the classroom. James and Y/n come to the front and take your marks." Professor Hecat instructed.
"It's okay you got this," Charming said, a reassuring smile spreading across his face. "Show him what you're made of."
As he walked towards the other side of the classroom you made your way to the front and grabbed a sword.
You stood on one side of the mat as James Hook walked up.
"Time for a proper Merlin Academy welcome." James chuckled as he made his way to the other side of the mat. He held his sword in his right hand.
You stood poised, your blade glinting under the silver light. The air was thick with tension as James Hook circled you, a smirk playing on his lips.
You knew this young pirate wouldn't be going down without a long and tough fight.
“Think you can best me, new girl?” He taunted, twirling his sword with practiced ease.
“Confidence won’t save you, Captain,” You replied, eyes narrowed. “You of all people should know, never underestimate the opponent.”
James was taken aback he did not expect such confidence from you. Yes, you were beautiful and intelligent but he was certain he would be able to intimidate you at least a bit.
It didn't seem like it though. This only caused him to become more intrigued.
"I want a fair duel. No cheating. You may begin." Professor Hecat announced.
Focus. Don't let the new girl distract you.
With a swift movement, James lunged forward, his sword aimed at your midsection. You sidestepped, the tip of your blade grazing past him.
He retaliated instantly, slashing diagonally, but you parried, the clash of metal ringing out through the classroom.
Occasionally a few students let out gasps and whispered amongst each other.
You and James danced around each other, swords clashing in a flurry of strikes and blocks. Your footwork was precise, and each step was calculated.
You feigned left, drawing James into a trap, then spun right, aiming a quick thrust that he barely dodged.
“You aren't so inexperienced darling,” he admitted, breathing heavily now. “But beginner's luck won’t win you this fight.”
“Perhaps not,” You said, determination igniting your spirit. “But I won’t yield.”
With that, you unleashed a series of rapid strikes, each one more aggressive than the last. James struggled to keep up, parrying desperately.
"Go L/N!" Charming clapped his hands.
The rest of the class seemed to hold their breaths, the only sounds were the clash of steel and labored breaths.
Finally, in a moment of distraction, James overextended, leaving himself vulnerable.
You seized the opportunity, disarming him with a swift twist of your wrist.
His sword clattered to the ground, and you held your blade close to his throat, “Yield,” You commanded, your voice steady.
James’ smirk faded, replaced by a grudging respect. “Alright, lass. You’ve won this round.”
The air was still, filled with the echoes of their fierce encounter.
"What an astonishing sight. Very well done Miss L/N." Professor Hecat applauded.
The rest of the class started clapping. It was rare for someone to beat James Hook. The only one who had ever done it was Charming. After that no one.
Until now.
"Class is dismissed, everyone. I will see you all again tomorrow." Professor Hecat stated before retreating to her office that was behind another door in the classroom.
"I'll meet you outside. You did amazing by the way." Charming said before walking out.
You lowered your sword, your breath still coming in sharp bursts. James stepped back, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender, a flicker of admiration in his eyes.
“Impressive darling,” he said, a hint of a smile returning. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
You sheathed your sword, the tension easing as you caught your breath. “You underestimated me, pirate. Maybe that’s your greatest weakness.”
Beautiful girls like you are my weakness.
He chuckled softly, the sound echoing through his chest. “Perhaps. But I’ve learned a valuable lesson tonight. Luck seems to be on your side.”
“It's not luck,” You replied, a spark of pride in your voice. “I’ve trained hard for this moment.”
He nodded, his expression turning serious. “We both have our paths to walk. But maybe we can learn from each other instead of fighting.”
You studied him, weighing his words. “Are you suggesting an alliance? After all this?”
“Think about it. We both aim for the same goal, albeit from different angles. Together, we might stand a better chance against the greater threats looming over us.”
You hesitated, the weight of his history with your new friends pressing down on you. “Trust isn’t easily given, James. I've heard things about you already and it's only my first day here.”
“I know,” He admitted, his tone earnest. “But give me a chance to show you who I actually am. If you don't like it then I will leave you alone."
You contemplated his words, the tension in the air thickening as you weighed your options.
The flicker of sincerity in his eyes was hard to ignore, but the memories of what you’d heard about him—stories of arrogance and bullying—loomed large in your mind.
“It's not just about me,” you finally said, your voice steady but laced with uncertainty. “It’s about my friends. They’ve warned me about you, and I can’t just brush that aside.”
James nodded, his expression shifting to one of understanding. “I get it. My reputation precedes me, and I can’t blame you for being cautious. But I promise you, I can change.”
His words hung in the air, a fragile promise that both intrigued and unsettled you.
Could someone truly change, or was it all just a facade?
You thought of the potential alliance—how it could strengthen your position against the real threats you sensed on the horizon.
“Just give me a chance,” he urged, his voice softening. “Let’s work together. If I prove you wrong, maybe you’ll see that there’s more to me than what everyone else thinks.”
You took a deep breath, the weight of the decision pressing heavily on your shoulders. “Alright, James. I’ll give you a chance. But know this: if you betray my trust, I won’t hesitate to cut ties.”
A flicker of relief crossed his face, and you couldn’t help but feel a mix of hope and apprehension.
James took your hand, a genuine smile breaking across his face. “I can assure you love I do not plan on doing that.”
You nodded still a bit hesitant.
As you both stood there, the possibility of something new—an alliance, a friendship—began to take root, even as the shadows of doubt lingered.
Now the hard part. You had to figure out how you were going to tell Bridget, Ella, and Charming.
They were not going to believe this.
▪──── ⚔ ────▪
Thank you to the anon who requested this! I loved writing it. It was my first time writing a sword-fighting scene so I hope I did it justice lol.
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calisources · 6 months
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All of these sentences are mostly taking by my own mind and i'm not joking. It was hard finding material quotes regarding tournaments in historical or fantasy setting. Some are from shows or media but eighty percent is all from my own mind, please give credit if use these. Change pronouns, names, locations as you see fit. All of these involve the medieval event of a tournament and what happens around them.
I fear I am already bending far too many rules just by taking you, my young princess.
Show me your hands, you will have blisters soon.
Lady Eglantine doesn’t believe in love, only lust.
In the world of competition, only the strongest shall prevail.
A true champion is not defined by their victories, but by the obstacles they've overcome.
Victory is sweetest when it's earned through sweat, hard work, and determination.
Will you not participate in the tourney, my lord? 
May I have the honor of wearing your favor today, my lady?
Good luck to you, my Prince.
The tournament is not just a test of skill, but a test of character as well.
Is it always this bloody? Will those poor men die? Someone must see them.
I want him to wear my favor.  Only him. 
If he wins, the knight has the right to name his Queen of Love and Beauty. And at the feast, they shall dance.
Be careful. A tourney is a grand place for courtly love, but also, for blood to rise and affairs to appear.
Call me what you like, say I'm without honor, I don't care. I'm not getting on any more horses to whack you people with a stick.
Kings may be chosen by God, but they still make the mistakes of men.
When even those who rule can sink this low, it is not possible to change anything.
It's my lucky charm, be sure to bring it back to me.
My favorite blue ribbon. Take it.
It will bring you good fortune and you will return from joust unharmed.
I was hoping to ask for the Princess's favor.
How about a kiss, for luck?
Courtly love was the culture around the performance of love at court.
And now, rather than admit these feelings, you're dancing around one another with this mind-numbing and frankly boorish mating ritual.
The knights take on the duties of shadows with pride.
Whoever wins the tournament, shall become the prince/princess’ new betrothed.
You want to marry my daughter? Prove yourself worthy.
Petyr survived only because I begged Brandon not to kill him.
When Petyr heard of my engagement, he challenged Brandon to a duel. 
You do qualify to marry my daughter.
What matters most is who she will give her favor to. 
Her face is one that can create dynasties or crumble empires.
I was hoping for a word before you rode on the tourney, my Prince. 
My brother is the one competing against you, please be gentle with him.
The games are done for the day, please, feast and drink as you wish. 
You have been staring all day, my lord. I was beginning to wonder if I had something in my face.
Any damsel that's in distress - she'll be out of that dress when she meets Jim West.
Great men do not seek power... they have power thrust upon them.
My daughter seems. . .infatuated with you. I have yet to see why.
The princess is naive and thinks any man who is kind means well. A tournament will only show her the reality of life.
You honor the arena with your combat. May your swords and shield preserve the peace.
In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining.
I will be brave for Princess Pea.
As a squire, your first duty is to your knight’s armor. Your knight’s armor is more important than your own life. 
You will be knighted and you will have earned your knighthood.
You are hurt. At least let me tend to your wound.
The men laugh and fight and the ladies search for husbands.
Nothing like a good tournament to find a husband, or a companion for the night. 
Rumors are always spread with ease in these.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die.
We're married now, but we still haven't told your dad. This is the right time.
Are you promised to someone?
My sister's getting married. It's a love match. A rare thing. I’m not so lucky. My husband is to be chosen by who can hold a sword the longer.
Why can’t women participate in the games?
There are games for the ladies, Your Grace. But they are less. . .gruesome. And of course, the dancing.
Princes and Princess all over the realm and across the sea are coming for this event. You must shine brighter.
Let me help you with your armor. It appears loose.
As I promised, I return your favor to you, my lady. 
The Prince never loses a joust. He will crown his queen and then all will be well.
I do not understand the appeal of this. 
I spend days making these favors, let me stay a little longer.
My lady, I do not need your favor to win, but perhaps, a kiss of good faith. 
I do not care who wins these games, your hand is already arranged for another.
Men are scoundrel, specially when blood runs hot after a good battle, stray away from them.
These games are done in honor of the king’s heir.
The lord’s daughter is said to have bloomed, and the man chooses to announce it like this. 
A tournament is for men to boost their strength, fathers sell their daughters like mares and for affairs to happen.
I saw you on the stands today, my lord. But you did not participate on the games.
My brother wishes to dance with you, my lady. He is all too shy to ask himself.
You were injured. Have you allowed someone to heal them or are you too stubborn to let them?
Princess, you must not stray too far away. 
Mother is too drunk and annoyed to care, she won’t mind. 
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spahhzy · 5 months
Weiss: Hey sweetie, can I help you with something?
The little girl pointed to Jaune, her boyfriend.
Lil-girl: Who's that next to you?
Weiss smiles warmly at Jaune.
Weiss: That's my boyfriend.
Lil-girl: He's really cute...
That warm smile on Weiss face turned into a cold frown, and Jaune just inwardly grimaced.
Jaune: Weiss, babe, she just gave me a compliment.
Weiss held up a finger to him silencing him.
Weiss: Kotzbrocken...
Jaune: Oh no, she is speaking in Atlesian..
Jaune: Babe, calm down she just a kid...
Weiss: I'm afraid, although I respect your bravery, I can not take this offense lightly and shall give you full capital punishment under the schnee domain!
Jaune: Weiss, hun, you're not gonna battle a child!
Lil-girl: uhm, miss, I'm seven years old...
Weiss: Seven years to train, clearly a worthy opponent, miss assassin! Draw thy sword! I challenge you to a duel to the death!
Jaune: Put down the stuffed animal, babe! What are you, Darth Vader, killing younglings? You're not about to do this.
Weiss: as they say, "If they can crawl, they can brawl!"
Jaune: N-no one says that...
Weiss: Silence! I draw upon the laws of chilvary where I defend your honor! Your dignity...
Lil girl: I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to make you mad...
Weiss: hmph I expect a two hundred thousand word apology too, and it shall be due no less than by the end of the week. Come Jaune, I demand Uppies on the Jackalope ride!
Weiss with a Jaune in tow left but not before Jaune gave her some tokens for the games and a stuffed bear before leaving.
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
Might I request a Smoked Cheese x reader secinaro?
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“Tonight, we’re honored to have our very special guests with us: the venerated Mozzarella Cookie, Smoked Cheese Cookie, and His Reverence High Priest Cheesenbird!”
“But to really make this occasion of Monster Games special, the Royal Golden Cheese Colosseum would like to welcome its champion, Y/N Cookie!”
You just facepalmed with a sigh as the crowd roared particularly loud after the announcement of your presence, but you still waved to them with the others.
Did they really have to announce you out to the colosseum? When you’re not even fighting any of the monsters here?
You felt a hand drag across your back as Mozzarella Cookie went to your left, giggling as she did so.
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“Hehe! Aw, is our champion getting a little antsy? It would’ve been too easy to bet on you winning!”
Another hand dragged across your back, it was to the right this time. Smoked Cheese Cookie made himself known.
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“It is just squabbles amidst lowly beasts, my champion~ You shouldn’t trouble yourself with this one, it’s beneath you.”
Nothing is beneath you if it means you get to fight something. It doesn’t hurt to keep your skills sharpened, even if your opponent only lasted seconds…
“Do not worry, my champion. If you can wait until the Games are over, then I’ll challenge you to a fight…”
Smoked Cheese Cookie got really close to your face.
“I’d like to see for myself what the Royal Golden Cheese Colosseum’s greatest fighter is really made of~”
You stopped him. You quietly gestured to Cheesenbird.
Hey, Smoked Cheese. Not when Cheesenbird is here…
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“Ahh, poor monsterz. I shall welcome them with open wingz. Everyone deserve healingz! Chirp! Chirp!”
Smoked Cheese got annoyed, but ultimately relented as he walked back to his original spot, with Mozzarella giggling from the exchange.
You stopped him for a moment, as you placed a hand on his chin.
But…you weren’t turning down his offer for a chance at a duel with you. You wanted to know if he had the skills to back up the talk. Or he was not strong enough to handle you~?
Smoked Cheese scoffed as he nudged your hand away, but you can see his clearly flustered demeanor as you chuckled.
You could hear Mozzarella giggling again, causing you to turn your gaze at her, causing her to squeak as she could feel your eagle-like stare, a sinister smile plastered on your shadowed face.
Would she like to join Smoked Cheese in the duel? You could take on the both of them, it wouldn’t matter. The both of them wouldn’t last long against you anyway~
Mozzarella turned away from you, trying to hide her immense blush.
Yeah, that’s what you thought…
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sapphire-writes · 2 years
I have a request. I’m thinking Aemond x Rhaenyra’s daughter. She is a sword fighter and beats him. Do whatever else you’d like I just love this concept.
An Unlikely Opponent ~ Aemond x Velaryon(Strong)!Reader
note: I love the idea of Aemond getting humbled, especially by his niece 😏 hope you enjoy lovely! 💚 masterlist word count: 0.6k disclaimer: reader is described with Strong features (hair/eyes)
Aemond does not believe it at first when he sees her in the training yard early one morning. Her dark hair was braided expertly down her back, and her dark eyes narrowed in concentration as she swung her sword. 
The blade clashes against that of Ser Criston, who is covered in a layer of sweat. The daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen smirks, before lunging at him once more. She is always the aggressor in her movements, a lithe snake cornering a mouse. 
“Come to train, Uncle?” she calls, spotting Aemond’s harsh glare. The corner of his mouth lifts into a smirk, as he walks over to where she stands. He glances down at her and watches her chest rise and fall with her breath. It is this close that he can see the resemblance to that of Harwin Strong. 
“Fight against you would be little challenge, niece,” he sneers and the girl before him blushes scarlet with anger. Ser Criston sheaths his sword, backing away from them. She points her chin up at him. 
“Pick up your sword then, uncle,” she challenges, and so Aemond does. He retrieves a sword and jumps from one foot to the other, preparing. Aemond enters every fight as though it shall be his last, even in the training yard. 
He turns and watches his niece, sword held in front of him as they begin to dance around one another. As he expects, she strikes first, slamming her blade into his. The sound echoes off the walls of the training yard in the early morning air. 
Aemond must admit, she is a fast little creature. She moves like quicksilver through the air, not letting up for a moment. All Aemond can do is block her attacks, and hope she tires quickly. But she does not. The blood of the dragon runs thickly within her veins, the fire within her only further stoked during her years at Dragonstone trained by her stepfather Daemon. 
“If you are on the defensive,” Daemon had told her, “you put yourself at the mercy of your opponent. Shall you put your faith in someone’s mercy, daughter?”
Aemond twirls away from her, her sword nearly missing his head. He spins behind her, swiftly kicking her so she tumbles to the ground. His niece releases a frustrated growl, before pushing herself back to her feet, facing him in a crouch. 
The pair circle each other, and Aemond prepares to attack, having put a pause on her offensive strategy. His sword clangs against hers as he forces her to back up, defending herself. As he spins his sword ready to hold it to her neck and end the fight, she spins, braid flying like a whip behind her. She slams her legs into his and Aemond falls to the ground. She is on him in an instant, her cloak fanning out behind him as though wings. 
She locks his sword-wielding hand under her boot, pinning his wrist to the ground. Her sword is aimed at his neck, the sharp tip of the blade pressing into his flesh. She smirks wickedly. 
“Shall we duel till first blood, uncle?” she asks in a raw voice, as the tip of her blade digs deeper. Aemond’s chest rumbles with a growl, his face a mask of rage. This only makes her grin widen. 
“Surely you do not mean to give up so easily?” she challenges, leaning into him. Her boot nearly cracked the bones in his wrist. A faint blush coats Aemond’s pale cheekbones, his mouth a tight line. Aemond can feel her hair tickling his face as she whispers to him. 
“Shall we spar again?”
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lilbittymonster · 4 days
Day 20: Duel
Read on AO3
A dusting of snow drifted across the roof as Kitali paced listlessly along the top. The camp had decidedly wound down, efforts focusing on healing the wounded and maintaining supplies. Hardly anything she could help with. It didn’t help that the land was so barren there was almost nothing worth seeing.
She pivoted on a heel as she reached the edge of the roof to walk back the other way, and stopped just short of running into Estinien.
“D’you need something?” she asked.
“You’re getting restless,” he observed. “Come spar with me.”
“What, already run through the rest of the camp?”
He shrugged. “There’s no challenge to it if I have to worry about pulling all my punches. I know you can handle me at my worst.”
A smirk pulled at her lips. “Just out of curiosity, how many shinobi have you fought before?”
“None,” he answered. “Why?”
Her smirk grew wider. “You want a challenge, yeah?”
Estinien’s eyes narrowed in suspicion but he couldn’t hide an answering smile. “I do.”
Without another word, Kitali turned around and stepped off the roof, landing lightly on her feet and startling a nearby Serpent. She strode with haste to her quarters and began rifling through her pack for the folded set of clothes she had tucked away, just in case.
Though the cloth was heavy, it felt almost too thin in the climes of Garlemald, not that the cold could touch her as much as it should have. Compared to the weight of her armour, the air on her bare shoulders and through the thin links of the arms was freeing. Her twin daggers at her hips, she made her way back outside into the snow.
Thancred was passing by as she walked to the north gate, and he did a double take at her clothing.
“Going somewhere?” he asked in amusement.
“Estinien said he wanted a challenge, so I’m going to give him one.”
He raised a brow. “Now this I have to see,” he said, falling into step behind her.
Estinien was waiting a little ways down the hill, narrowing his eyes as he saw Thancred behind her.
“Don’t worry, I’m only here to spectate,” Thancred assured him, taking up a post against one of the nearby trees. “It’s not often I get to watch the show, as it were.”
Estinien turned to Kitali again. “Right, then. Best of three?”
Kitali laughed. “Oh, that’s going to be over far too quick.”
“That confident, are you?” he said, backing away from her and taking his lance into hand.
“I am,” she retorted easily.
“One way to find out.”
Once he was a good ten paces away, Kitali summoned up a wind to whip up the snow into a flurry around her, blowing outwards, and in the second of his blinded distraction, she surged forward to punch into his stomach.
“One,” she counted.
Immediately she spun around to tap the flat of a blade against his back.
Completing the circle, she held the back of a dagger up to his exposed throat.
Estinien stared down at her incredulously.
“How in the Fury’s-”
“I told you,” she sing-songed at him.
His nostrils flared indignantly. “So you did.”
“And here I thought I was going to be entertained,” Thancred called sarcastically to them.
They looked at him, then at each other.
“Well, shall we give him a show?” Estinien asked quietly.
“You wanted a challenge, didn’t you?”
Kitali backflipped so there was a good amount of distance between them once more. He followed almost immediately with a leap of his own, the air whooshing by as the blade of his lance cut through it. It felt like dancing the way she would twist and dart to avoid him by ilms, the way he would leap in and away again. It almost reminded her of the way Arienne would investigate anything new brought into the house the way he seemed to be assessing her.
After several passes of her getting within reach and slipping past his defense only for him to leap upward out of her grasp, Kitali was getting bored.
“You said I could handle you at your worst,” she taunted. “I know this isn’t it.”
“Don’t say you didn’t ask for it,” he shouted back.
The outline of him shimmered before shade after shade of himself broke off and launched into the air. Kitali threw her head back and laughed in delight before summoning her own wall of duplicates before her.
“Oh, come on!” Estinien yelled in exasperation.
Kitali blinked across the field while their respective shadows battled each other into dissipation, taking advantage of his distraction to land another blow to his side. The clink of the flat of her blade skidded along his breastplate as he just managed to evade her next strike. He swung out with his arm and caught her against her chest, sending her flying. She landed square on her back, and she used the momentum to roll backwards onto her feet again.
“Got any other tricks up those sleeves of yours?” he called.
Not taking her eyes off of him she slid her body through the familiar movements. Pulling the heavens down to meet the earth was as natural as breathing by now. The bolt struck the ground directly next to him, the resounding clap of thunder stunning him into stillness.
“I see,” was all he said.
With a wicked grin, the familiar red smoke began to surround him as he leapt up into the air. Kitali waited, and waited, and at the last second jumped into the air as he impacted the ground where she was standing not a moment before. She twisted her tail to direct herself back down onto his back, but he managed to flip and roll them so she was pinned beneath him. The snow next to her neck crunched as he stabbed the blade of his lance into it.
“My win,” he said triumphantly.
Kitali gave him no time to gloat, blinking through space to several yalms above him and twisting midair again to land on her feet. He had barely turned to face her when she blew a wreath of flame from her lips, melting the snow and ice around him into a slick surface. With a flick of her wrist the freshly melted water swirled up in ropes to wrap around his legs up to his waist, and then it was frozen again in thick crystals of ice.
“You sure about that?”
He struggled against the ice, the splinters spreading as the ice groaned under the strain. After a moment, and with a sound of shattering glass, he jumped free. Kitali didn’t even bother to deflect the next flurry of blows he sent her way, only dodging and ducking away at the last second.
“Seven hells, Kitali,” he growled. “What did they do to you in Doma?”
She just huffed out a laugh as she sidestepped another thrust.
“Getting tired, yet?” she teased.
In a blink of an eye she was behind him again. She spun on her heel with an arm up to deflect the blow she knew was coming. While she had an opening, she swung around with the other arm to hit his exposed side. Estinien was quick to pull the shaft of his lance over her head and across her chest, holding her snug against him and pinning her arm.
“Got you,” he said smugly.
“Do you, now.”
In a blink she was a yalm in front of him again, already circling back around to his right, neatly dodging the butt of the spear as he swung it up towards her. With an arcing slice, he brought the lance down at her, and Kitali was forced to bring up both knives to catch the blow. The wicked red blade was mere ilms from her, and already her arms were trembling under the full weight of him. Shifting her weight to her toes instead of her heels she allowed herself to slide backwards across the frozen ground.
“You haven’t learned, have you?” she panted before quickly sidestepping out from under him, rolling him forward on his own momentum.
To her surprise, he caught himself at the last second and spun, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her to him again.
“I learn just fine, thank you,” he said as he towered over her.
Before she could protest or move, his other arm locked behind her and he launched them both backwards into the air. Someone was laughing, and Kitali couldn’t tell which of them it was. The world tilted as they reached the apex and began to descend, and a small thrill of fear ran up her spine at not being able to see where they’d land.
Their descent was halted quite abruptly in a cloud of white powder. She kept laughing into his chest, the sound bubbling out of her with an edge of mania tinging it. Estinien’s rare gravelly wheeze of a laugh pressed against her hair as he continued to hold her.
Once the laughter and excess energy finally dwindled, Kitali rolled onto her back, a small cascade of snow falling into her face. Pushing her hair out of the way, as well as another clump of snow, she looked over to Estinien who was looking far too pleased with himself.
“You’re a right piece of shit, you know that?”
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Adorable
 can u do a story where they are about to do the duel with Sneed and Jack when they are about to fight and then Fagin goes instead. Well instead of Fagin doing it can u make y/n do it instead and like Jack gets really upset and thinks she's going to get shot but then doesn't and Sneed gets shot instead? And then after Jack confesses his love for her ❤️. 
I walked out to the coast to meet Sneed for this stupid duel, prepared to fight with him and having freshly refreshed my sword skills in preparation. 
"You're an idiot," Y/n said as she followed along as my second I was going to bring Fagin but as usual he had disappeared when I needed him, so I brought Y/n along really any excuse to spend more time with her, Maybe all the adrenaline with cause me to actually tell the damn girl I like her. But I'd been trying to do that for the last three years and still hadn't gotten anywhere.
"I know," I rolled my eyes, she'd been on this since I told her.
"you're going to die."
"I'm not going to die."
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not. I spent ten years in the navy I'm a master with a sword."
"And what if he doesn't pick swords as the weapon?"
"He challenged me, simple duel rules Challender picks location and time, Accused picks weapons."
"And if Sneed ignores that?"
"He won't. He's a gentleman."
"So are you and you'd cheat him out of choosing if you'd challenged him." 
She did have a point there, "Well he's more a gentleman than I am." 
"And what if he does let you pick and it turns out he's great with a sword."
"I already know he isn't and I am, hence why I shall pick swords." 
"and if he hurts you?"
"He won't hurt me,"
"what if he does?"
"He won't, I will merely scratch the pompous git and this will be over"
"And if he does scratch you?"
"Then I'm a doctor I can fix it."
"if you live, I'm gonna kill you." 
"I know y/n," I sighed, "What will you do if I win?"
"I'll kick your blonde butt for going through with it." 
"And if I lose?"
"I'll kick your blonde butt for not listening to me." She said, 
I stopped for a moment knowing just over this hill was the spot where Sneed and I would Duel, for a moment I did think of all she had said, she was right I was being an idiot but I wasn't going to let him win. 
"You alright?"
"Yeah," I nodded forcing my feelings away, for a moment I wanted to tell her how I felt about her, how even as I looked at her in her grey dress, the hem dirty and torn, her straggly hair pulled back with a bow, her arms crossed over her chest, she looked infuriated with me but still m,y heart fluttered for her. "If I win, Would you kiss me?" I asked, 
She chuckled, "Funny Jack." She rolled her eyes walking on but I held her arm stopping her and forcing her to turn back to me, 
"If I lose, will you kiss me?"
"If you lose, you'll be dead, and the only thing you shall receive from my lips is me telling you I told you so." She said heading up the hill, 
"Well, I am rather ... mostly grateful to have known you Y/n"
"Likewise Jack, life will never be the same without you, you utter idiotic fuckwit." 
I sighed but followed her and soon enough we arrived where Sneed stood with his second some, slimy guy and a priest. "Since when does a priest officiate a duel?"
"Who else is there?" She asked,
"Good point."
"Ahh finally arrived Dawkins. we had a bet you'd be late." Sneed smirked,
"I wouldn't be late, If you hadn't picked somewhere quiet to out of my way." I sighed, 
He ignored me "Miss," He slyly smiled at y/n bowing his head slightly like a gentleman.
"Eyes front Sneed or I'll blacken one." She warned him, 
"Now shall we get on then?" The priest asks, 
"Yes, I think we should." Sneed Smirked,
"Gentlemen are you prepared to settle this amicably," The priest asked and both I and sneed nodded "Wonderful, Now. That being the case, seconds. Ensure the weapons are loaded," he said opening the case to reveal two pistols,
"Uhh... I thought the accused chose the weapons." I spoke up, "The challenged picks the weapons that was always the rule." I said panic setting in, 
"That's Cambridge rules Dawkins, not down here." He smirked,
Ohhh fuck! fuck! fuck!
Y/n and his slimy man took the pistols checked them over and loaded them
"Ten paces each, tun and fire on my signal. All clear? Then let us proceed with the festive Proceedings." He said heading over to the duelling spot with Sneed smirking behind him, 
For a moment my feet were glued to the floor I couldn't move them even if I wanted to, my heart felt like it was racing and slowing at the same time, I felt... utterly empty unsure how I was going to get out of this, even if there was a way out of this. I began to walk over but -
"Ohh for-" She began as she grabbed my jacket and pulled my lips to hers, I was overjoyed fireworks going off in my stomach but I had no time to hold her or even kiss her back before she pulled back, "You absolute idiot."
I wanted to stay and kiss her forever but I walked and stood where I had pistol in hand Sneed's back to mine, 
"One," The priest began forcing me to take my first step I listened as he counted down a million things flashing through my mind, 
"Two" I could run?... I'd never get that far.
"Three" I could turn and shoot him before the count... I'd be arrested for that. 
"Four" I could try and shoot him!.. he'll shoot me first.
"Five" He's gonna shoot me... I can only pray he only gets my arm or my leg something I can deal with
"Six" No he's gonna get my chest or my head just to be a cunt about it
"Seven" I'm really gonna die... and I never told y/n! 
"Eight" She kissed me! and I never even told her I liked her!
"Nine" So this is it... the life I've lived. In a few seconds, It will all be over... at least I'll die having kissed y/n, god knows I'd have wanted more but, I Guess I'll be happy. and I die savouring her kiss
I turned on my heels as quick as I could pointing my pistol and so did he but -
"Cease this immediately!" The Governor yelled, 
Quickly we both looked over as he came over the hill, I saw everyone standing watching y/n with a hand over her face but she peeked out when she heard his shout
"I was told... rather unsportingly, that this town cannot survive without its two surgeons. Lower your weapons." He demanded, I waited until Sneed lowered his but when he did I lowered my own "Good, Now In circumstances such as these, the seconds must assume their place." 
"What!" I yelled,
"No this is not how I want to view a duel." the Slimy man complained, 
"I will not be duelling bloody anybody!" Y/n complained, 
"You can't, she can't she- she's a woman she can't duel," I said, 
"Well given the circumstances we shall allow it."
"I'm from a good family dating back to 1256." He complained, 
"Why should I die because he's an idiot. This can't be allowed!" she complained, 
"I revoke my allegations," Sneed said,
"I apologise unreservedly," I told him, 
"It's too late," The priest said,
"Honour must be served." The governor demanded, 
Sneed handed his pistol over but... I couldn't I can't do this to her, it's not fair, it's not fair, she'll die! 
The priest forced the pistol from my hand and gave it to her,
"Jack?" She pleaded But he forced her to walk "I am never! not going to be angry with you. I swear to god Jack I will haunt your every waking moment! I will be the face in your nightmares and I swear! you will have nothing but nightmares for the rest of your miserable life you idiotic little shit!" She yelled as she walked to the point 
"One," Oh my god
 "Two," this is really happening
 "three," She's gonna get shot and it's all my fault
"Four" I can only hope he hits her arm, her leg, her foot something I can save her!
"five." I'm never gonna see her again
"Six," But- I I never told her I love her!
"Seven," She'll die never knowing how I felt about her
"Eight," I'd sell my soul just to kiss her... just one more time
"Nine" Oh gods no not Y/n! I can't watch! 
Tears filled my eyes so much I could barely even see but I didn't want to see
And I heard two shots. 
The Shots echoed through the sky but I heard only one scream, Sneed dropped to the ground having been shot in the thigh, in fact... given the angle, she had shot him, his second so useless he fired into the air nowhere even here her.  I was so relieved she was okay. 
I rushed over and hugged her as tight as I could, she hugged me too dropping the pistol, I sniffled and tried desperately not to cry into her shoulder, "I was so scared I was gonna lose you." 
"yeah. well... How do you think I felt you idiot." She laughed, 
"You're right. I am so so sorry, that you had to do this... and for not listening to you." 
"It's okay, you're forgiven." She smiled, "So? I shot Sneed that mean I win?"
"I mean technically you were dueling with that guy, but... I do appreciate you shooting Sneed."
"So? do I win or not?"
"I'm gonna say you win."
"Good, So? do I get a kiss if I win?"
"I think you definitely deserve a kiss." I smiled pulling her into a sweet an soft kiss, I felt so happy when I kissed her, like nothing else mattered in this world but the two of us, "I'm in love with you."
"I'm in love with you, I have loved you since the first day I met you, and I was the biggest Idiot in the world for never telling you, It dawned on me... as I walked that, I could have died and never told you how I felt, if you had died I'd never have seen you again and never did I tell you how much I adore you." 
She smiled widely and stroked a tear from my cheek "Awww, Yeah Jack. I love you too you big dumb idiot" she smiled rubbing her nose on mine
"I'm your big dumb idiot" I smiled rubbing back 
"Yeah, But I love you" she smiled pulling us into another sweet kiss. 
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ser3nityst4r · 2 months
Eighth Step
The night before the duel, Yuu tossed and turned, plagued by a dream that felt both familiar and terrifying. In their vision, the Queen of Hearts, a figure of regal yet chilling power, paced a lavish garden, her voice echoing with manic glee. Wanting to wake up from this nightmare but also wanting to stay til the end to see how the story plays out, Yuu realized it was awfully similar to a certain movie from their original world. 'A single rosebud out of place, a crumb on the tablecloth… oh, the tragedy!' she boomed, her laughter echoing like thunder through the dream. Her punishments were absurd, cruel, and completely disproportionate to the 'offenses'. A single misplaced teacup led to a servant being forced to drink an entire pot of boiling tea. A dropped napkin resulted in a swift trial and execution by playing cards. Yuu woke with a gasp, sweat clinging to their skin. The dream felt so real, the Queen’s manic laughter echoing in their ears even as morning light filtered through the dorm window.
Unable to tell if that was just a nightmare or a warning from the universe, Yuu went outside the dorm to get a breath of fresh air to clear their head. Amidst the shadows, they see a gorgeous figure with emerald scaled horns atop his head. Its bright, glowing eyes stared back at Yuu. “Hm? I was unaware that someone had taken a liking to this place as I thought it was completely inhabitable.
“Who might you be?” Yuu asked with admiration and curiosity lacing their voice, wanting to know the name of the gorgeous and unique fellow before them. “You really don’t know who I am?” His eyes widen with shock before recomposing himself, finding Yuu to be extremely fascinatingly. He continued, “You may call me whatever you wish for it might be a bad idea on my part if I gave you my name now. When the time arrives, I shall bestow you my name.” Yuu found him to be utterly ethereal and enchanting, especially his lovely glimmering horns atop his head. “Then, I shall call you Tsunotaro/Hornton!” Yuu beamed, their heart racing at getting to meet and give the enchanting person a nickname to call them by. Little did Yuu know, the fae was beyond joyous to have finally have someone to call his friend.
“Ah… It’s getting pretty late and there’s a duel tomorrow, I better get back inside” Yuu said, their voice shaken and mourning over the lost time with the ethereal stranger. “I’ll see you soon, Tsunotaro!” With a wave and sleepy smile, they went back into their dorm as the fae granted them a beautiful sight of fireflies.
'Yuu! Yuu! Wake up! Today’s the big duel!' Grim yelled, his voice brimming with a mix of excitement and fear.  Yuu sat up, the dream haunting their mind. 'A duel… with Riddle?' they murmured, a sense of dread slowly creeping in. Still wondering if the meeting of the strange man with horns was a dream or not. ‘Was last night a dream? I wouldn’t be surprised if it was. After all, how could someone look so breathtakingly royal visit such a shabby place like Ramshackle…’ The hallways of NRC buzzed with the news, the idea of anyone challenging Riddle Rosehearts a source of amusement and disbelief. 'Riddle? That's like challenging a lion to a staring contest!' one student snickered.  Trey and Cater, upon hearing the news, their faces paled. They knew the severity of the situation. Riddle, in his role as housewarden, was ruthless and unforgiving.   'They’re just underclassmen, they won't stand a chance,' Cater added, his usual boisterous energy subdued. Trey nodded anxiously in agreement, silently hoping Ace and Deuce won’t be too injured after this. The duel was held in a grand hall, its atmosphere thick with anticipation. Crowley, the headmaster, stood poised, a stern expression on his face. 'We are about to commence two challenges for the housewarden position at Heartslabyul House,' he announced, his voice echoing through the hall. 'The first challenger is Ace Trappola. The second challenger is Deuce Spade. The current housewarden they have challenged is Riddle Rosehearts. Now, in accordance with the duel rules, please remove the magic-sealing collars.” Ace and Deuce, their faces alight with a mixture of excitement and fear, cheered as the collars were removed, liberating their magic.  'Enjoy your moment of freedom,' Riddle sneered, his voice as sharp as a knife. 'The collar will be back on soon enough.' 'I could hardly believe it when I heard you two intended to duel me,' he continued, his gaze sweeping over Ace and Deuce, disdain dripping from his words. 'Is this a joke?' Crowley, ignoring Riddle’s arrogance, stepped forward. 'The duel will be decided in a single round. Riddle, you have the right to choose the challenge. Now, choose wisely. The consequences of your choice will be entirely yours to bear.' 
Cater approached Riddle to remind him that one of the rules of Riddle’s own farce was that teatime is at 4pm sharp and that it has already been last 3:30pm. “And you fear that I will be late? All the more reason to end this promptly.” The redhead laughed at the possibility.
Riddle, with a smirk playing on his lips, turned towards the students. 'It appears I have little time to waste. Rather than facing my opponents in succession, I will take on both at once.' Crowley, caught off guard by Riddle’s unexpected move, nodded in agreement. 'Very well, Riddle. Proceed as you wish.'  He held up a mirror, shimmering in the dim hall light. 'When the mirror I’ve thrown shatters upon the ground, that is your signal to begin. Ready... Go!' As the mirror crashed to the ground, shattering into a thousand pieces, Yuu felt a wave of dread wash over them. Their heart pounded in their chest, their eyes brimming with tears, a sense of overwhelming fear taking hold. Their heart writhing in cages and oppression, unknown to the reason behind their distress. Yuu’s intuition screamed at them, urging them to do something, to stop whatever terrible thing was about to happen. But the fear was too powerful, blinding them. They couldn’t see the danger, couldn’t comprehend the terrible consequences that awaited them.  'What is going to happen?' Yuu whispered, their voice barely audible. 'What’s so terrifying?'
As the duel began, Yuu knew they were witnessing something more than just a simple magic competition. They were reading the beginning of Riddle's inked pages, a dark and twisted reflection of the Queen of Hearts' tyranny. And in the depths of Yuu’s fear, a chilling certainty dawned: the dream had been a symbolic warning of what was to come. Splash
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
9 - Secretly Vaella Lannister
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Part 10
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
Lyanna Stark, a person I had never met until the day she wed my brother in secret. 
Jaime and Rhaegar were speaking with sept that my brother had gotten his marriage to his other wife anelled from.  Leaving me and Lyanna together to get changed into our gowns and not be in our sea travel clothes. “I suppose we shall be sisters after this you and I.” Lyanna first spoke to me tying her riding boots instead of wearing heels. 
“Yes, I suppose you’re right.  I must warn you though my brother does snore in his sleep.” 
She chuckled with a smile. “That I can handle.  He already knows I don’t shy away from a challenge.” 
“Apparently neither do I.  For Jaime could have kept his vow entirely and told me I was just dreaming like a foolish princess and that I should be focusing my sights on finding a man fit for my title.” I shake my head playfully smiling back at her.  
She came around the corner twirling in her light blue and white wedding gown with some of her hair styled into a flower crown. “What do you think, Vaella?” 
“You look beautiful.  My brother shall surely think so too.” I hung my mouth open seeing somewhat of the appeal he had towards the Northern Stark daughter. 
Lyanna grinned at me. “Ser Jaime and you shall have beautiful children if that’s ever something you talk about.” 
“Maybe someday we shall have children. But for now let’s both go get married.” Offering her my hand we walked outside together through the grassy area of trees in Dorne.  I was wearing a simple red dress and my black horse riding boots.  Leaving my silver hair not styled and allowing it to just flow naturally. 
"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." The sept wrapped a white ribbon around their intertwined hands. "In the sight of the seven. I hereby seal these two souls. Binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words."
"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crown, Stranger. I am hers ( his )  and she ( he ) is mine from this day until the end of my days." My brother and his secret lover said back to the other before they faced one another and sealed their love with a tender kiss. 
Rhaegar came over to me looping his arm through mine walking me back to the end of the small tree line that we had claimed as ye aisle. “Father may not be here to walk you down the aisle.  So I’ll gladly fill in his place.” 
“Thank you, brother.  I hope you approve of him.  I’d hate to see you two have to duel.” I squeezed his hand in my own, sending him a genuine smile. 
Rhaegar smiled with a shake of his head. “Gods you know how I hate fighting.” 
“I’m fully aware. You’d rather be born a minstrel and move your way through the streets singing to the King's people rather than be the King yourself.” 
He nudges me in the arm with us getting closer to the Septon and Jaime. “And you’d rather be a - I’m not entirely sure what you want.  But you’re surely not one to enjoy being in the spotlight as a princess.” 
“So um - what do you think of him?” I asked him a second time, wishing to know his feelings before we became husband and wife. 
Rhaegar clicked his tongue eyeing the boy with bright blonde hair. “From what I can he makes you happy. Like Lyanna makes me and so that’s all that really matters….Take good care of my little sister Jaime.” He slipped my hand in Jaime’s left. 
“I will, my prince.” Jaime went to bow but Rhaegar still held out his hand. 
“Just Rhaegar. You’re my brother in law now.” 
“I will take care of her, Rhaegar.” Jaime put his right hand shaking it firmly before my brother stepped out of the way when the Sept walked forward to stand in front of us. 
"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." The sept spoke softly, wrapped the same ribbon around mine and Jaime’s hand.  "In the sight of the seven. I hereby seal these two souls. Binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words."
Glancing over my shoulder at my brother who had his arm secured around his new wife’s waist sent me a grin along with a head nod before I heard Jaime ask. “Are you ready, Vaella?” 
“Yes.” I uttered out pouring my eyes into his green orbs looking down on me. 
"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crown, Stranger. I am hers ( his )  and she ( he ) is mine from this day until the end of my days." Jaime and I never took our eyes off of the other. 
The sept took a few steps back once untying the ribbon from our hands allowing me to fling my arms around Jaime’s neck crashing my lips up onto mine deeply.  “I’m officially yours and now always, my golden knight.” I muttered in between deep kisses until he broke it. 
“Lady Vaella Lannister does sound rather good to me. But you’ll always be a princess to me.” Jaime grinned holding me in his and against his chest as much as he physically could without hurting me too badly. 
Rolling my eyes I wonder when the day would come that he would stop using that nickname. “Please enough of that.  That’s my one request as your wife.” 
“Well I’m sorry but I cannot fill that request.  Because I love the look on your face when I do it.” He smirked proudly down at me, looking over to Rhaegar and Lyanna smiling back at us.  For that one and only day we were all happy and together.  Not aware that would be the last time we saw them and it was the last time they’d see us. 
I heard the lock of my chamber door rustling around with someone trying to open it causing me to wake in the middle of the night.  Slowly reaching underneath my bedside I drew a sword out from under it climbing out of my bed. Moving towards the door I raised the sword over my shoulder with both hands clutching the handle of the sword seeing the chamber door creak open very slowly. "Show yourself you twat. I'm ready and armed!" I raised my voice outward holding back tears knowing it was better to show no fear.
Yet my entire conscious state was completely rattled when I heard someone call my name that was impossible for me to not recognize in a heartbeat. "Vae...Vaella ....Jaime...please don't....it's me...it's Jaime." 
"J...Jaime. Is it...is it really you?" I croaked through heavy tears struggling to keep my grip on the blade handle on the off chance it wasn't and the gods were just playing tricks on my mind. Yet sure enough the door creaked open all the way revealing a sight that nearly broke me in two and shattered my heart. 
My gaze focused on his figure when he slowly stepped out of the darkness of the door and into the light being provided by burning candles. He didn't meet my gaze while I scanned over my husband's face.  “Yes, my princess.” 
I wanted to slap him across the face for using the nickname but all I cared about was that Jaime, my Jaime, was finally home to me. 
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buffshipper8490 · 2 years
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Mature (Violence, Language, Smut)
75k+ words, Complete
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A Star Wars Episode IX story using elements of "The Rise of Skywalker" & "Duel of the Fates" with a happy ending
As the Resistance mounts a last ditch mission to break through the transmission blockade on the First Order Capitol of Coruscant, the last Jedi Rey races towards the hidden planet of Exegol to stop the return of the Sith...
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Title Crawl
There Shall be Two Halves of a Whole One to Embody Power and also to Crave it A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... STAR WARS PROPHECY OF THE DYAD The iron grip of the FIRST ORDER has spread to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Only a few scattered planets remain unoccupied. Traitorous acts are punishable by death. Determined to suffocate a growing unrest and a continued insurrection led by GENERAL LEIA ORGANA and her RESISTANCE, Supreme Leader KYLO REN has silenced all communication between neighboring systems and travels to MUSTAFAR in search of a SITH artifact that promises the power to destroy any challenge to his reign...
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starsreminisce · 5 months
I don't think that smelling a bond is as big of a deal. However, I do find it more telling that the only other time where a bond scent affected another male so badly was Tamlin's when he scented Feysand's bond during the Hybern confrontation.
And I knew Tamlin understood a moment before the king laughed. “I don’t believe it. Your bride left you only to find her mate. The Mother has a warped sense of humor, it seems. And what a talent—tell me, girl: how did you unravel that spell?” I ignored him. But the hatred in Tamlin’s eyes made my knees buckle. “I’m sorry,” I said, and meant it. Tamlin’s eyes were on Rhysand, his face near-feral. “You,” he snarled, the sound more animal than Fae. “What did you do to her?”
SJM seems to have explored and quickly dismissed the idea that there are such things as fake mating bonds, especially considering Rhys would have the biggest motive to fabricate such a scenario.
What's also telling is the blatant disrespect Tamlin had towards the mating bond between Feyre and Rhys, and how he spoke for her, not realizing that Feyre had been acting so that the confrontation could end.
Tamlin snarled at him, “I don’t give a shit if she’s your mate. I don’t give a shit if you think you’re entitled to her. She is mine—and one day, I am going to repay every bit of pain she felt, every bit of suffering and despair. One day, perhaps when she decides she wants to end you, I’ll be happy to oblige her.”
Reminds me of this exchange:
Azriel stiffened. Let his cold rage rise to the surface, the rage he only ever let Rhysand see, because he knew his brother could match it.  "What if the Cauldron was wrong?"  Rhysand blinked. "What of Mor, Az?"   Azriel ignored the question. "The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another." He had never before dared speak the words aloud.   Rhys's face drained of color. "You believe you deserve to be her mate?"   Azriel scowled. "I think Lucien will never be good enough for her, and she has no interest in him, anyway."  "So you'll what?" Rhys's voice was pure ice. "Seduce her away from him?”   Azriel said nothing. He hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to.   Rhys growled, "Allow me to make one thing very clear. You are to stay away from her."   "You can't order me to do that."   “Oh, I can, and I will. If Lucien finds out you're pursuing her, he has every right to defend their bond as he sees fit. Including invoking the Blood Duel.” "That's an Autumn Court tradition." The battle to the death was so brutal that it was only enacted in rare cases. Despite being an outsider, Azriel had wanted to invoke it when he’d found Mor all those years ago. Had been ready to challenge both Beron and Eris to Blood Duels and kill them both. Only Mor’s right to claim their heads in vengeance had kept him from doing so. “Lucien, as Beron's son, has the right to demand it of you."   "I'll defeat him with little effort." Pure arrogance laced every word, but it was true.
But thankfully, Azriel didn't seem to even consider the notion of proving Rhys wrong, especially when he saw Elain's response to him in the morning. Instead of the female that he was barred from seeing, he thought of the female who eased his sorrows the night before.
Clotho's pen moved once more. She deserves something as beautiful as this. I thank you for the joy it shall bring to her. Something sparked in Azriel's chest, but he only nodded his thanks and left. He could picture it, though, as he ascended the stairs back to  the House proper. How Gwyn's teal eyes might light upon seeing the necklace. For whatever reason... he could see it.   But Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly. 
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cinebration · 1 year
Got the Rhythm (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader) [One-shot]
Premise: You challenge Rooster to a piano duet.
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: paperjunk
When Rooster walked into the bar, you hardly paid him any mind—not with that terrible mustache, anyway. He had an undercurrent of the same cocky swagger you expected from all the pilots, somewhere on the spectrum between Hangman’s palpable arrogance and Bob’s quiet competence. In other words, he was a flyboy, and they were all trouble.
You glanced back to your girlfriends, noted how their gazes swept the room for the faces they liked the most. One of them elbowed the other as Rooster strode up to the bar.
“How doesn’t love a thick neck and a mustache?”
Your nose wrinkled. “Sometimes I forget you grew up watching Magnum, P.I.”
“Short shorts needs to make a comeback, that’s all I’m saying.”
Shaking your head, you glanced back at him. “He’s okay. “ You effected our best Mr. Darcy impression. “‘But not handsome enough to tempt me.’”
“You never know, maybe he’ll surprise you.”
And then Rooster walked over to the piano and sat at the keys.
That caught your attention immediately. Pianists had always been attractive to you, not least of all because you happened to be one yourself. Leaning back in your seat, you waited for the show to begin, half hoping he would be terrible just so you could laugh about it and not have to reevaluate him.
The first chord struck, and he was off, fingers flying over the keys with the passion of someone who truly enjoyed music. To your dismay, he wasn’t half bad.
And then he started belting out a song.
“Oh dear Lord,” you muttered, turning away from the performance. Your chest constricted with the strength of the cringe you felt.
“I don’t understand you,” one of your friends said. “You can’t even handle it when people sing in movies.”
“It’s just so…” You waved a hand vaguely. “The cringe is strong, ladies. I’m dying here.”
“Then go shut him up.”
Frowning at her innuendo, you twisted your lips at her in a mock sneer and physically cringed again as you listened to Rooster crow. He sang well, but it didn’t change the fact that you wanted to flay the skin off yourself and flee the room.
Clearly you had to shut him up.
Shoving back hard from the table, your chair scraping loudly against the floor, you strode over the piano, interrupting Rooster’s serenade as you hip-checked him across the bench to make room for yourself. His fingers faltered on the keys, the song dying in his throat.
“I thought you might like a challenge,” you answered, gently shaking out your wrists. “An improvised duet.”
His eyebrows rose. His friends that weren’t already circling the piano drew closer, a quiet “Ooooo” echoing in the background.
He laughed. “Dueling pianos?”
“Well, we only have the one, unfortunately. So it’ll be a fight for keys and elbow space.” You flashed your teeth at him, more challenge than smile. “If you think you can handle yourself.”
A chorus of “Oooos” swelled around you.
Hangman leaned his forearms on the top of the piano. “Let me give you a tip, beautiful.” He cast a sidelong glance at Rooster. “He has a speed problem.”
He turned back to you. “He’s too slow.”
“Ohhhhh.” You nodded sagely. “So, he can’t keep up.”
“No, ma’am, he most definitely cannot.”
You watched the muscle in Rooster’s jaw flex.
“Let’s find out, shall we.” And you let loose on the keys.
Jaws dropped as your hands moved with an almost preternatural speed, coaxing surprising melodies from the ivories. You lost yourself in the music, in the feel of your fingers creating and maintaining rhythm. For a moment, you forget it was a competition, that even Rooster was sitting beside you on the bench.
A deeper harmony swelled up alongside yours, not quite as fast but still acting in concert with what you were putting down. You risked a glance at Rooster, jolted out of your musical trance, and saw him fixated on the keys, concentration write large on his expression.
A smirk tugged on your lips.
Your hands flew faster.
Roster increased his pace, sweat dotting the hairline on his forehead. To your surprise, you found yourself straining too, putting your all into the piece, throwing complex melodies at him in the hope he wouldn’t keep up, that he’d get up and leave you alone at the piano.
Yet he persisted, his elbow jostling yours as he laid down a heavy rhythm almost in harmonious counterpoint to yours.
He glanced aside at you, his gaze meeting yours. Despite the furrow in his brow, his eyes were bright, joy and excitement vibrant within them.
You brought the piece to a sudden crescendo and a resounding ending, Rooster echoing it with a few final chords.
You were surprised to find yourself breathing heavily, sweat trickling down the back of your neck in a tiny rivulet. Rooster’s chest heaved beside you, his face flushed with the exertion.
“Well,” you managed to say, your voice thick, “aren’t you full of surprises.”
“Surprise is my middle name.”
Hangman snorted and pushed himself away from the piano, shaking his head.
Rooster leaned forward into your space, as though drawn into your orbit. Surprise flooded through you as his nose nearly touched yours.
You slid off the bench, narrowly missing the kiss. He looked up with a frown.
You turned to leave, then hesitated. Snatching up a napkin, you scrawled across it. “If you want to duet again sometime, here’s my number.”
A stupid grin unfurled across his face.
“I like a man with good rhythm,” you murmured, and you returned to your table of friends, ignoring their snickers.
“See, he did surprise you,” one of them said.
“Shut up,” you groused, but a smile played on your lips.
Rooster stared at you all night. Thankfully, he didn’t resume singing.
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myreia · 4 days
Sketches of Times Lost
Day 20: Duel
a duel between friends, a moment of forgiveness. alisaie, warrior of light. set at an undetermined time during shadowbringers. written for ffxivwrite2024. rating: general words: 2189 ao3 link
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The mid morning sun rises high above Lakeland, nestled between waves of puffy clouds. For all appearances, it is a regular day, bright and airy and cheerful—and completely ignorant of what is happening below.
The fields outside the Ostall Imperative crackle with energy and whoosh with wind, magic searing the air as it passes back and forth between the two combatants. A clash of blades, steel striking steel, then synchronized shouts as they part ways and fly back, catapulting in graceful arcs to opposite sides of the arena.
Alisaie lands on her feet, nimble as a cat, boots scuffing the ground as she skips backward and falls into a crouch. Sweat drips down the back of her neck, hair is plastered to her forehead, breath catches in her throat, and yet her body is thrumming with the thrill of it all. Her rapier slips in her grip and she tightens her fingers, holding fast, her focus balanced above the palm of her other hand. A smirk tugs at the corner of her lips.
One. Two. Three.  
Her head snaps up, bright eyes searching for her opponent, and moves. 
She darts across the trampled grass, careful not to slip—the sun has not quite warmed away the dew. Aether surges within her, a roar of wind and lightning, her focus trailing a line of misty red behind her. Across the clearing, Aureia stands, firm, patient, prepared, waiting with the stillness of a black mage and a stance reminiscent of a dark knight’s. Her outstretched rapier tilts downward, her focus hovers above her head, its rotating beads of fire and ice sparkling in the bright light. She gives no sign of her next move—it is what makes her a daunting opponent.
How do you predict the unpredictable?
Alisaie is determined to find out.
With a yell, she cuts her rush short and pulls to a stop, ramming her rapier and focus together. Blinding red light spirals out of it and bursts across the clearing. Aureia cocks her head to the side, eyes narrowed as she watches the wave of red rush towards her—why isn’t she moving?—rapier still downturned. At the last minute, she sidesteps and lets the magic shoot by her, its impact rustling her clothes in its wake.
“You missed,” she calls, ruby eyes shining with a challenge. “Surely you can do better than that!”
“Ha!” Alisaie grins. “For all you know, that was the warm up and this—”
Her fingers twist, drawing aether from her focus. A crystalized bulb of red blooms above Aureia’s head. 
“—is the grand finale!”
Aureia’s eyes flick upward. Without moving a muscle, a shimmering barrier springs up around her, glistening like a rainbow in the sunlight. A second later, the bulb bursts, its power scattering uselessly across the barrier and evaporating in an instant.
Alisaie’s jaw drops. Though she desperately wishes to shout that’s not fair, she has no choice but to shove the childish part of her down and hold her tongue. To be true, it isn’t fair—that shield’s strength has a whiff of a gunbreaker’s skill about it—but she never specified that their sparring match include only red magic. She has no desire to raise the issue now. That would be something Alphinaud would do. Insist on fairness.
Besides, if Aureia draws on all aspects of her training, it will only make it more satisfying when she finally beats her.
Aureia sweeps her dark hair out of her face. “Then shall we continue?” she suggests, smiling deviously. “A chance to redeem your grand finale.”
“Must you rub it in like that?”
“If you like—!”
She charges forward. Alisaie skips back, feet slipping on the dew, and bends over backward as Aureia’s blade flies overhead. She twists, shaking with laughter from the close call, and spins, grounding herself as she raises her rapier in return, dancing between the choice to cast and the choice to strike.
“You should take care,” she begins. “You never know when—”
Aureia strikes again without warning, forcing her to leap back. Their rapiers clash, Alisaie catching the tip of Aureia’s blade in a parry. The Warrior of Darkness shrugs it off, steel singing in the air, and continues her slow, determined march. “Roll forward and under next time,” she says. “Get closer to your opponent.”
Alisaie twists to the side, dancing on the edge of her range, and brings her focus and rapier together once more. “I don’t want to be closer!” she says through clenched teeth, releasing a jolt of magic. Aureia deftly sidesteps it—as expected—but hitting her wasn’t the point. Aether courses through her, revitalizing her, its power pulsing within her veins. “I want to—”
“You want to control the battlefield, no?” A flash of steel, a clash of swords. No time to release her spell. “Rapiers are like lances, or any weapon with reach. Moving backwards only keeps you in their range, but they are out of yours. They can follow up quickly—”
She presses the attack. Alisaie ducks once more, narrowly avoiding the blow. She didn’t even bother to counter it this time.
“Like that.” Aureia pauses, holding her rapier aloft with poise. This is the difficulty with fighting her—she has studied too many forms, trained in too many ways, become an expert with too many weapons. Her combat style is informed by a myriad of backgrounds; even when she prefers one over another, the lessons from the other always bleed through. “But if you move into them, you are too close for their weapon to hit easily—”
A blue glyph appears above her head, crackling with energy. Lightning-aspected magic rains down around her, striking the ground. Aureia curses and reels back, shrugging off the magic.
“Or I could hit now,” Alisaie says with a smirk.
Aureia meets her eyes. “Your mana is out of balance,” she remarks pointedly.
“And I didn’t invite you here to be lectured, I invited you to spar.” She raises her rapier once again and grins, eyes shining with the thrill. It has been a long time since they have had a proper bout. Not since before they came to the First. “As the others seem to have no faith that a sparring match between us won’t blow up the surrounding area, how about we say enough talk—let’s give them a show.”
Aureia smiles and settles into a new stance, outstretching a hand in an invitation to attack.
A duel of two red mages is like an improvised dance. Harmonized to each other, pushing and pulling, testing the limits. Quiet pauses wherein they take a breath, movement coming to a halt as the next spell is cast. Moments of speed and grace, executed with unerring precision. More than any other combat style, it seeks balance—magic and melee, black and white, attacking and defending.
Alisaie whoops with glee, eyes bright, her ponytail flying behind her as she darts in to strike and darts away. She is faster than Aureia, less skilled, but more reckless. And she has grown stronger during her time on the First. If she can simply wear her down, perhaps she can gain an advantage.
A green glyph appears above her and she leaps to the side, a blast of wind rushing over her. Wind, lightning, fire, and stone—Aureia alternates faster than she can keep track, light wisping around her focus, somehow casting and moving at the same time. How she can so quickly prepare a complex spell without standing still, Alisaie doesn’t know. She still struggles—and remembers the days when she had nothing but a scholar’s codex to reference. She has long since outgrown the need for books and paper, but she has so much further to go.
She turns, throwing a blast of magic at Aureia, and darts in for the attack. Their blades clash and she pushes her back, the well-trampled grass turning muddy beneath her boots. Alisaie grunts, determined to hold her ground, and an idea takes hold. She pivots and pulls back her blade, then dives under Aureia’s blow and strikes, sending a jolt of lightning down the blade—
“Ouch!”  Aureia gasps in surprise, her fingers seizing, and drops her blade. Her focus remains spinning above her other palm.
Alisaie whoops and lowers her blade. “Ha!” she crows. “Admit defeat, Aureia, I finally have—”
Aureia gives her a flat look and tosses her focus. It hits Alisaie’s blade and sends it flying, the silver edge glinting as it tumbles through the air and out of sight. She watches it go, mouth open, too shocked to move.
“That… is not fair,” she says finally.
Aureia throws back her head and laughs, her whole body shaking. Alisaie’s lips twist and she slaps a hand over her mouth, holding back a laugh, but it doesn’t last for long. Soon, the both of them are clutching their stomachs and giggling uncontrollably, their voices echoing right across the clearing. Finally, they flop down on the grass and stare up at the endless blue sky above.
“Call it a draw?” Aureia says after a moment.
Alisaie exhales a breath. “No,” she groans, resting her arm across her forehead to cover her eyes. “No. As ridiculous as that was, you won. We don’t have to call it a draw just to soothe my ego.”
“It was a good trick with the verthunder. I’m sorry. I… got carried away, I think.”
“You were thinking on your feet, using your resources. Countering a dirty trick with a dirty trick.”
“Even so, I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard.”
“To be honest, I was afraid you weren’t going to go hard on me. If you had given me the victory outright, I would be quite cross with you.”
Aureia chuckles. “That’s a relief then,” she murmurs. Alisaie can hear the grass rustling as she sits up. “You have many good reasons to be cross with me.”
Alisaie pauses, her stomach sinking. It was only a matter of time before this topic was broached. They did not part ways on good terms on the Source. Just prior to the fateful Alliance meeting where Thancred’s soul vanished, they had had a terrible fight. Aureia’s secrets had been unearthed at last, blindsiding them all. For years they did not know that the Warrior of Light had roots within the Garlean Empire, nor that she had once been their agent. They didn’t even know that her name was not her own.
Kira quo Theorzen. That was her name once.
How strange how suddenly so much and so little made sense.
Some in the Alliance saw it as a betrayal. Lyse was furious, Yugiri shaken, Hien struck silent. But for Alisaie, it wasn’t the facts that stung. It was the fundamental lack of a trust from a friend. Thinking on it again, she doesn’t care who or what Aureia was in her past, that is all long gone now. But she did—does—care that she never trusted her enough to tell her on her.
She was angry. She was angry even as their friends fell one by one, pulled to the First by the Exarch’s summoning. She was still angry when she herself was taken.
It was a year before she saw Aureia again, and by then things had changed. There is only so long anyone in their right mind can hold onto past hurts when there are more important things at stake, but even if their forgiveness has been unconditional, it has been unspoken. And if they do not speak of it… perhaps the shadow of it will never disappear.  
“I do,” Alisaie says finally, lowering her arm. “But I wouldn’t say I was entirely reasonable on that front. It would be insincere of me not to recognize my own faults while shunning you for yours.”
Aureia nods quietly and pulls her knees into her chest, resting her chin atop them. A breeze picks up, tugging at her loose hair as it rushes through the grass. “I don’t know what I can say,” she says. “I can offer an explanation, if you would like. I can say that I’m sorry. And I am. I have no good reason as to why I hid this from the Scions, but most of all from you.”
“I think you do.” Alisaie pushes herself up on her elbows, gazing calmly across the clearing. A few adventurers have struck out from the fortress, some by foot on the road, others taking flight by amaro. “When you have finally found your place, you are terrified of losing it. I think it’s understandable that anyone would do what they feel is right to hold onto what is dearest to them.”
“Yet by doing so I almost lost you all.”
“And you found us again.” She glances at her, a smile on her face. “That’s the most important part, isn’t it?”
Aureia smiles back. “For what it’s worth,” she says after a moment. “I think our duel does count as a draw.”
“Then I’ll be certain to beat you properly next time.”
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