#Phantom Islands
holycatsandrabbits · 2 months
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In the mood for some creepy tales of the sea? Want to write one of your own?
There are 8 ocean mysteries on my Weird Wednesday blog, with writing prompts!
The Flannan Isles Vanishing: The Mysterious Disappearance of Three Lighthouse Keepers
Phantom Islands: The Isle of Demons, Fata Morgana Land, and of course, Atlantis
Carroll A. Deering: 1920’s Ghost Ship (pictured above)
Megalodon: Monster Shark
Superstition and the Sea
The Mary Celeste: Famous Mystery of the Sea
Vanished Planes: The Loss of the Star Tiger and Star Ariel in the Bermuda Triangle
The Devil Whale: Island or Sea Monster?
Prompt for the Carroll A. Deering:
What is that thing? Possible paranormal explanations: sea monsters; the bad luck of a run-in with another ghost ship like the Flying Dutchman; or the ship secretly transporting something paranormally dangerous, like a piece of an alien craft, dead bodies, or dead bodies which unfortunately turn out not to be entirely dead (vampires, zombies, etc).
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forgottenbones · 3 months
The Phantom Island of Google Maps
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Mat Muntz - Phantom Islands - chamber skronk?
Bridging the worlds of contemporary composition, classic free jazz, and obscure folk traditions, Phantom Islands employs diverse sounds to construct a unified, ethereal landscape. The record is the leader debut of New York-based composer, bassist, and bagpiper Mat Muntz (of The Vex Collection), whose use of the unique Croatian bagpipe primorski meh serves as the music’s centerpiece. The instrument’s brazen timbre and alien tuning are anchored by ghostly, microtonal orchestrations for winds, guitar, and percussion, executed with sensitivity and dynamism by a skilled cast of improvisers.

 The band features up-and-coming luminaries of the East Coast scene, including Yuma Uesaka on clarinet (Marilyn Crispell, Anna Webber, Ocelot) and Xavier Del Castillo on tenor sax (Adam O’Farrill’s Stranger Days). Guitarist Alec Goldfarb, oboist Pablo O’Connell, and drummer Michael Larocca complete the sextet to create richly textured collective improvisations. The title Phantom Islands refers to nonexistent landmasses which were recorded on nautical maps for centuries, often with bizarre, “here be dragons” associations. By using this concept of “haunted geography” to channel maritime mythologies from around the world - Croatia, Bahrain, Okinawa - Muntz’s compositions render a correspondingly haunted musical vocabulary: a folk music from nowhere.            
Mat Muntz - primorski meh, bass, compositions Xavier Del Castillo - tenor saxophone Alec Goldfarb - guitar Michael Larocca - drums Pablo O'Connell - oboe Yuma Uesaka - clarinets

Art by C.M. Kösemen
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mionkings · 11 months
Wrong Twin Bozos 🙄
First ever DC x DP prompt because I've been getting brainrot reading yall prompts and I need a nap :> this is crac–
A classic twin Damian and Danny AU, where Danny ends up with the generic fuckery of having the GIW/Bad Parents!Fentons after him from a bad reveal gone wrong, Vlad outing him, or escaping after getting vivsected and injured badly.
Who Knows? But Danny's GOTTA GO-
Now in some scenarios, we get Danny hitting the deck and going to Gotham, to Batman and Robin aka Damian for help and revealing himself. But some au prompts I've seen of Danny ORIGINS about leaving the League of Assassins is via fake death, help or the pit, etc. Danny left for a reason that got him away with a new life- he's FUCKED if he goes to his bio dad and his twin brother, he tells himself =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇).
Going to Gotham aka the BatFam would blow Danny's cover, getting the attention of the League of Assassins after all this time is definitely not on Danny's to-do list. He's got enough on his plate, thank you :']
So instead, while Danny leaves Amity Park with the help of his friends, he doesn't aim for Gotham, he instead goes to hide in other cities such as Star City, Keystone City, or Central City. Honestly, doesn't even have to be a city, he straight up leaves the country if yall feel like it, guy deserves a break dammit. Can't have laws of legal torture affect you when you're in open seas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now cue Danny's pursuers scrambling to find the Halfa, a constant chase- that is until they finally get a photo of Danny, scowling with his green eyes, trying to hide his ghostly traits that mustve leaked through when the photo was taken in Gotham.
They begin to get ready.
It's time to capture the creature once and for all.
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emacrow · 5 months
First, It was Barb was doing night checks on wayne manor cameras surveillance pt 2
Previous post pt 1
She was in a bit of awe when she saw the newest very rare exotic flower Alfred got bloom under the light of the full moon, revealing beautiful crystallized like petals blossom, only for her widening eyes to take noticed of a tiny little pixie like child to pop his little head out of the center of the flower.
His hair was unnatural white fluff like a dandelion in her opinion, eyes glowing an otherworldly green, freckles that sparkle like the stars themselves, ears a bit long and pointy, wearing a odd clothing with a needles strapped to his back, that she could barely catch in camera, the static buzzing sound from her cameras was making it a bit difficult to hear what sound the tiny little fairy boy made as he floated above zooming around the garden a bit like he was excited.
It made barb's inner child squeals, screaming, flipping her tiny princess table at the possibly of Nederland being possible.
Curious little bug, floating around like the fairies in Disney like except of the Glow pixie dust like she seen on the movies, he left a trail of blueish green light that faded away rather quickly with the way he was flying into the slightly opened kitchen's window...
Wait a goddamm minutes..
Barb immediately switch cameras to the kitchen, looking around, only to see it went through the hallway already, switching cameras again, checking the living room, the hallways, only to catch a glimpse of trail glow zooming around.
Crap crap. OK, no need to panic Barb. What do curious pixie like fairies out in the human world.. bring the season right?!, play with children like that Bell fairy did? Finds and take lost things and secretly repair lost things?..! Fairies are weak without pixie dust, they don't live long without it, each fairies has a different part of the seasons, and if you don't believe in them then they immediately die and that cause imbalance in the world without their influence unless you truly believe in fairies to bring back one fairy.(she went through a whole fairy obsession phase as a kid, she still mourns the lost of the create your fairy open world game)
The fairy must've Found a new type of pixie dust to fly without wings if she could recall that one sequel with the new pixie dusts colors thing..?
It was like a game of Where Waldo except where the little mythical fairy boy that couldn't possibly- no no barb don't think about the taboo words, if you think about it and this poor mythical being dies due to your words then the guilt will haunt you Forever.
3 hours in the catch the glimpse of the fairy boy, flying back at to his little flower holding a tiny cube of sugar, a shiny tiny object that she can't get a clear of, and a plump blueberry the size of his little hesr as he lands in the petals that were closing around him. Crystallized back close as if to guard this little fairy being with its own life.
Right when the full moon glimpse was gone out of the sight of the garden from the sky when the smog cloud from the city covering once more.. Barb is writing that down in her notes..
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james-p-sullivan · 10 months
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my favourite cartoon goth girls pt. 1
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Oliver Adopts Danny
(Note: I have no idea what exactly happened on the island and made up my own thing. Also I had no plan when making this and it shows)
So! When Oliver landed on that Deserted Island, he wasn't alone.
On the Island, there was a Little Kid.
He was about 7, and he was just as confused as to why he was there. Apparently he had been sleeping at home when all of a sudden he felt himself falling, and seconds later he hit the ground in the forest. He couldn't remember anything past that, or really anything before that as well. He had seemingly lost his memories.
So, Oliver was stuck helping a Random Kid while trying to survive on the island.
He did learn that the Kid was a Metahuman with the ability to make Unmelting Ice, but the kid seemed disappointed by his powers. It was like he expected them to be stronger than they were. When asked, he said that he didn't actually know why he felt that, like it was something else he had forgotten.
And that was how the situation stood for a few years. He and the Kid, who he eventually learned was named Danny, became closer. He took up a paternal role in the kids Life, trying to keep him safe from the dangers of the island.
Danny was also a huge help on the island, his Ice was useful during Hot Nights, and the fact that it was Durable and Didn't Melt made it a good material for their tools. He also knew a lot of random skills, like the basics of how to shoot a Bow and how to set up a Campfire.
By the time they had been there for 3 years, Oliver already saw Danny like a Son. He had decided long ago that when they finally left the island, he would adopt him.
Then, on the 4th Year, Oliver found something strange. There were tracks in the Dirt on the less explored side of the Island, Human Tracks.
Following them, he found the source, An Illegal Slave Trading Ring.
The Base seemed to be new, so they had probably set up shop a few weeks ago at most. He and Danny must have missed them because they didn't usually go to that side of the Island.
He returned to the Camp that night and contemplated what to do.
It took another few days for him to resolve himself to go and save those people.
It took another few weeks to prepare himself.
It took less than 30 minutes to get the Job Done.
By the end of that night, every Slaver on the island was Dead, and the slaves were set free. They still didn't have a way off the island, since a few of them had managed to sabotage the boat before they died, but Oliver and Danny were there to help them.
By the 5th Year, they basically had a Small Village set up back there their Camp used to be. It was a community of all of the people Oliver had managed to save that night, all working together to survive on that Mysterious Island.
Then one day, finally got some luck. A Fishing Boat had gotten lost on their usual Route, and had spotted the SOS Signal that they had set up on the Beach.
After that it didn't take long for everyone on the Island to be saved. Oliver asked the former slaves to keep his heroics a secret because he wanted to keep him and Danny safe from the press, and they all agreed.
So, Oliver went home and adopted Danny.
He also decided to become a Vigilante.
And then eventually he joined the Justice League.
And one day while showing his son around the newly build Watchtower he ran into Constantine, who then proceeded to ask "Why the hell do you have a mini-death god holding your hand?"
I have no idea what this was supposed to be. I wanted Oliver to adopt Danny, and I wanted it to be on the Island, but I had no idea how to do it.
My basic idea for it is that Danny accidently wished for a Good Dad one day and Desiree heard him. So she turned him into a Kid, sealed away most of his Powers, and sent him to the Island with no memories past age 7.
Maybe this was "Ghost King Danny"?
Idk, I like it more as "King Danny who rejects the Throne but is still basically the leader because he keeps helping people no matter what" but that's just me.
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Danny: I feel sad
SpongeBob: I have emotional jumper cables, I'll boost you! Just attach like so...
Danny: This is just a hug
SpongeBob: Is it working?
Danny: ...Yeah
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cosmicsponge2004 · 3 months
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I beat Volcano Island, this is the entire game
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loudlittleecho · 4 months
Danny Phantom Prompt: Too Late to Save Them
Ok! There are similar concepts floating either around here or AO3 (or both), but I haven’t been able to find this particular angst path. (Though I’m sure it’s around)
Canon Divergence After TUE (The Ultimate Enemy)
Danny fought his evil self, but was too late to save his family. Clockwork didn’t reverse time to save them— they were always meant to die. It was their “time.”
Danny was flown backward from the explosion, his body hurtling along with the rubble. 
The rubble. 
When the dust settled he heard sirens in the distance. Saw. . . a torn red beret beside his foot.
His. . . 
Distraught, confused, exhausted, Danny notices a woman crouched down beside him. She’s speaking to him, but he can’t hear her; there’s a dull buzz all around him, and the world seems more. . . narrow. It’s hard for him to focus on what he’s seeing. 
And then she. . . freezes. 
The world freezes in time. 
The ghost, Clockwork, is floating behind her. He has his hand out, waiting for something. His expression unreadable, but Danny understands. 
His fingers lightly grasp the thermos holding his future self. As though in a trance, he lifts it up to Clockwork. Gives him the thermos. 
Clockwork accepts it, continues looking at him impassively. 
Resumes time. 
. . . 
The days go by. He is released from the hospital in the care of a caseworker. She is talking to him gently, but he doesn’t hear what she’s saying. 
He's had many people talk to him, so many people gazing at him with pity. He can't be bothered to care.
He is led to a car, someone buckles him in. The car begins driving, and soon is parked in front of Fenton Works.
His home. 
The caseworker is saying something. . . Something about his aunt Alicia. He ignores her, walking into the house. 
Into the lab. 
He hears her scurrying after him.
Ignoring her cries of alarm, he goes into the portal. 
He floats in the ghost zone. A few ghosts attempt to banter with him, push him around; but noticing his non reaction, leave him be. 
He can’t go home. Can’t go to Vlad. He has to keep his humanity to prevent becoming a monster. 
But how can he keep what he can’t feel?
He’s lost them all.
But he can keep his promise. 
“Don't worry. I won't turn into that. Ever. I promise.”
He floats further and further into the ghost zone. 
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euthyami · 4 months
Danny, SpongeBob, Timmy, in their alternative costumes from Volcano Island for the doodle requests :)
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...and done!! i love their alternative costumes sm !!
doodle requests are still open btw!! thank you for requesting :Dd
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holycatsandrabbits · 1 year
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Want to write about a haunting? Learn about three haunted places on my Weird Wednesday blog, and get writing prompts!
The Flannan Isles Vanishing: The Mysterious Disappearance of Three Lighthouse Keepers
Phantom Islands: The Isle of Demons, Fata Morgana Land, and of course, Atlantis
The Deadly Dyatlov Pass: What happened to nine hikers on a snowy night in 1959?
Sample prompt:
Putting the phantom in phantom island. Perhaps a certain island is a gathering place for phantoms of all kinds: ghosts of the drowned from vessels lost in the area, sea monsters, wormholes through space/time, zombies, or demons. Perhaps someone has literally cursed the place, or maybe it’s the site of an evil relic or graveyard of the damned. It could even be the home port of the ghost ship Flying Dutchman.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 294
Danny has found an… interesting corner of the Realms, avoided by all. There’s a bunch of ghosts, and a couple demons, angels, and a couple things that he’s never seen before. It’s actually really fun, and no one else ever comes so it’s kind of peaceful even with the chaos the family there does. There’s even a couple doctors who are happy to help him out, and apparently several dozen of them were vigilantes during life. Honestly this shadow area of the Zone is great!
Or, Danny stumbled across the Realms area where the bats of Every world and timeline have set up. He hasn’t realized the only reason he’s not already ghost-adopted is that the different versions are arguing over who gets to be the first to do so. 
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 35
Amity park is a town with an info blackout. They are fed lies regarding the government, the Giw is just apart of the scheme.
When the fentons open the portal. There is fear that citizens will try to leave hence the GIW. They are there to make it seem like they have outside help.
Vlad is fully aware of it. He doesn’t care all he wants is Maddie. The Fenton parents are also aware. They don’t care they just want to hunt ghost. No one expected the Fentons to succeed.
The group planned on doing something with amity. Not to sure what. Something nefarious.
One day Danny overhears this. Him not having the brain cell for the day. Hides in the random persons trunk and leaves amity behind. Literally didn’t tell anyone. Just went for it.
Thus enters a world with hero’s. Dudes shell shocked.
He gets caught up in a fight between a villain and hero actually on accident. Ends up panicking and knocks out said villain.
Hence how he meets a hero and finds out humans are a lot more squishy then ghost. He wasn’t even using his ghostly strength.
He gets help for amity. And whatever the scheme is gets stopped.
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stingray-art · 6 months
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collab with @riribbit for @greedislandchallenge!
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weepingtalecowboy · 19 days
Fanfic prompt : Considering how important the hero of the wind was to the rito
What if they actually started war shipping Wind
Who kind of didn’t notice that and just thought they were happy he saved their dragon
Like Valoo is definitely someone they honor greatly because he gifted them his scales and gave them wings in their need to escape the Dead Sea
And he was extremely upset recently and nobody knows how to help him
Till a kid blessed by the wind gods appears and saved him
While also calming him down again
Inspired the son of the chief to try earning his wings
Then the one rito who could speak to Valoo was sent with him to go to an ancient temple called the earth temple where she reconnected with their ancestors
Also the dragon went and burns down a random fortress for his savior
And then the hero went on an adventure to find new land for all of them to live in
And also gained even more power in the form of seeing ghosts and stop time (phantom hourglass)
Succeeded at finding land
And everyone moved
And considering that breath of the wild has outright named him when speaking about the heroes of the past when they thanked the winds ,the twilight and time while Flora sounded like she couldn’t care less)
I am kind of surprised that the Rito and the Zora don’t care about someone who reunited them with eachother
Like imagine if the chain gets dropped off in rito village and the rito (who already were shown to not care THAT much for hylian heroes but still remember revali)
Just ignored everyone else but the ancient hero of their people (if the hylians get to remember the hero of time then the rito definitely remember someone as important to them )
The Zora too would just warship him because they would have never seen their sister race if not for the hero of winds
Like it would have been so funny if the random races had remembered the hero of winds
For all he did for them
Like they got to consider him the next best thing after sliced bread
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