#Planet Minecraft New Servers
incorrectbatfam · 7 months
Damian being a gen alpha implies in gen alpha Jon too ...
[at a sleepover]
Damian, whispering: Jon?
Jon: Yeah?
Damian: Our planet is doomed.
Jon: Yeah, it is.
Jon: Wanna sneak downstairs for snacks?
Damian: Sure.
Steph, as a Batburger cashier: Sorry ma'am, that product was discontinued months ago.
Jon: *secretly starts recording*
Margie: You didn't even bother to check! What kind of lazy service is this? No wonder the world is the way it is with your generation. I should call the corporate hotline right now and report you for refusing to serve a paying customer. See how you like it when you lose your job.
Damian: Hey Karen, she said they don't have it anymore. Either get something else or leave. Some of us have places to be.
Margie: And who do you think you are?
Damian, pointing to Jon's camera: The best friend of someone with 150,000 followers.
Jon: Say hi to the internet!
Damian and Jon: *putting up hand-drawn posters around town*
Comm. Gordon: What are you kids doing?
Damian: Advertising our joint channel.
Jon: We're gonna have an epic Cheese Viking and Fortnite mashup tournament.
Damian: Proceeds go to the Wayne Foundation.
Comm. Gordon: *scribbles a note and hands it to them*
Comm. Gordon: If anyone asks you for a permit, it's on me.
Damian and Jon: *huddled around the Batcomputer*
Jon: I think we should sort it by distance instead.
Damian, typing code: Good idea.
Barbara: What's that?
Jon: Our new website.
Damian: It allows people to report stray animals they see without the risk that comes with physical contact.
Barbara: Oh, cool. Carry on.
Kara: What do you want to drink?
Jon: Mountain Dew. Dami, you want one?
Damian: Depends. Is it vegan?
Kara: *starts typing into Google*
Jon: Hey Alexa, is Mountain Dew vegan?
Jon: Dami, get on Discord.
Damian: Why?
Jon: Live-action One Piece streaming in the Gay Minecraft server.
Jon: Ms. Kyle, check it out!
Selina: What is it?
Damian: TikTok added a set of Catwoman stickers.
Selina: Show me.
Kate: I still think you are far too young for things like Instagram.
Damian and Jon: *snicker*
Kate: What?
Jon: Well, Ms. Kane, how should we put it...
Damian: No one uses Instagram anymore.
Jon: *takes a 0.5 of him and Damian with Dick in the background*
Damian: You're in our BeReal now. Deal with it.
Dick: What's a BeReal?
Damian, handing Jon a rock: I would like to buy this playhouse.
Jon: Too bad, the economy just disappeared.
Lois: What are you doing?
Jon: We're playing Society.
Damian: Alfred, we're hungry.
Alfred, on the phone: *makes the thumb and pinky gesture and mouths "I'm busy"*
Jon: Huh?
Alfred: I'm on the phone, boys.
Damian: I think he meant this.
Damian: *puts his palm to his ear*
Jon: Parkour!
Jon: *hops over a log*
Jon: Parkour!
Jon: *climbs a tree*
Damian: *recording*
Clark, to Bruce: That's one way to play.
Bruce: Mhm.
Clark: Do you ever get worried about, you know, how these kids are turning out?
Jon: Parkou—
Damian: Wait, stop, there's a bird's egg here. I wonder what species it is.
Jon: I have an app that can scan it.
Bruce, to Clark: I think they're gonna be alright.
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(Murder Drones Episode 8 spoilers!)
Space. The final frontier.
Poor robo-roaches always getting tossed around and killed.
They just left Braiden and Rebecca's corpses there??
Honestly the Teacher is such a mood, I can't believe I never realized it before.
Solvedcalculus reference???
Nori you can't say that this is a Christian Minecraft server.
It's amazing how they're able to make her still convey emotions when she's only got one eye.
Well she did tell you to "Die Mad" about it, so...
Kiss. Kiss! KISS! KISS!! KISS!!! KISS!!!! KISS!!!!!
New cute date idea: Skydiving from space and burning up in the atmosphere together <3
Why no kiss tho :(
Dang it, that was Thad's only good pipe.
No!! Bad dingo!!! We do not eat our friends!!!
So did J know the whole time or was she kept in the dark at first and only recently found out? Not entirely clear on that.
You really think it's not gonna dispose of you once all the universe is dead?
I was fully expecting her to chuck N into the core for a second there. But TBH I don't think continuing to destroy the planet is gonna fix it.
Y'know J thinks pretty highly of herself for someone who's literally never killed a single person on-screen in the entire time that this show has existed.
Huh, I guess those theories about Uzi not having a core icon were wrong.
You get a panic attack! You get a panic attack! EVERYBODY GETS A PANIC ATTACK!
Wait which part of this is the trap?
Uzi is not beating the bisexual allegations.
Nori I don't think most people call their daughters "babe."
Playing Nightcore during a final battle is the most anime thing ever.
And the J abuse continues.
*teleports behind you* Nothin personnel, kid.
Okay bye J, thanks for literally nothing.
Thad is confirmed the coolest dude on Copper 9.
Sorry y'all, Khori divorce real.
Man Teacher don't wanna deal with none of this, same TBH.
Everybody gangsta til the cowboy robot dinosaurs start driving buses
Nah you're not damaged you're just autistic and edgy.
Polyclue shippers low-key getting fed tho.
My heart goes out to all the Doll fans, y'all got done dirty. 😔
He's learning how to draw anime!!! His art is getting so good!!!
He finally got to play rummy with the WDF!
They're gonna passionately make love on that bed later.
Wow what did Rachel ever do to you. Also who's Rachel.
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lakesbian · 1 year
the undersiders need to play minecraft together so bad. heres my opinions on undersiders minecraft server as someone who effectively never plays minecraft
taylor: having an autism moment (beating the game in the most terrifyingly efficient manner possible and then clearing out mass amounts of terrain for resources in what is also the most terrifyingly efficient way possible and then creating an excessively large chest library of the obtained resources but forgetting to actually build anything because she is having so much fun creating a very large square hole in the ground)
brian: also having an autism moment (helping taylor with her square hole and then meticulously building an endearingly poorly designed house and then spending several consecutive hours carefully doing interior design and traveling the world to find ideal flowers for his front lawn)
rachel: collecting one million dogs and nametagging every single one and feeding them every day and then getting really upset in real life and quitting when one of them dies in battle
aisha & alec: "redecorating" brian's endearingly poorly designed house and making fun of him for how it looks bad and cringe (which makes him mad and flustered because he recognizes the merit in their critiques so he spends 6 hours looking for minecraft interior design hacks online and then redoing the entire house but good this time and then he tries to show aisha the new house to prove he can be good at video games too but she's too busy using cheat commands to fuck around in caves with alec to come look and it makes brian kind of sad. 🙁.) also they build the world's least aesthetically coherent little house on the planet together and brian gets really mad when he sees it because it demonstrates that CLEARLY they have NO BASIS to insult his.
lisa: the one who set the server up. i know she's Spectating Things and standing there watching taylor's autism moment like. are you having fun. but i know not what Funny Thing she would do. lisa understanders please assist
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the-roo-too · 1 year
minji fluff alphabet pls
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candy -> kim minji ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- you’re the only person on this planet who laughs along when she calls everyone ‘bro’ and she says that’s true love 🫢🥶
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- minji the typa girl to love wrapping her arms around your waist and just back hugging you, i don’t make the rules 💪
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- you’re a mess ima be honest, when cuddling you’re not sure if you’re laying on her arm on her leg 🦈
dates (what’s her ideal date)- hear me out, taking minji to a lego shop and getting each other’s customised mini figure….. me thinks yes!!!!!:!,!,!.!! 👀
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- idk if you can call that ‘expressing emotions’, but you know something’s up when she stops calling you ‘bro’
family (does she want one)- maybe? it’s a yes but also a meh 🦧 minji does want some type of family with you but children are sooo annoying………..
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- she LOVES to hold hands, especially in her dorm like 🤭🤭 hanni automatically fake gags every time she sees you with minji 🥶
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- my girl bends down, picks you up and usain bolt’s to the nearest hospital 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
jokes (does she like to joke around)- i mean… let’s not forget the fact that she calls you ‘bro’ on daily basis…. minji is secretly a part time comedian, although she takes 80% of her jokes seriously
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- hear me out, minji loves to give you forehead kisses! they’re so soft too :((
love (what’s her love language)- minji strikes me as a person who’d enjoy building legos sooo 🤭 (not the flowers, the flowers are lame) YALL CAN DEFFO BUILD THE BONSAI TREE TOGETHER
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- when you first came to the newjeans dorm and you beat hanni at mario kart because she was whining about how clingy the two of you were 👁️ (to this day hanni holds a grudge because of that)
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- if you snore minji will wake you up for the first two weeks sleeping together and go “bro…….. thats not kewl….” and go back to sleep 😭 if you don’t snore, she just cuddles you, arm wrapped around your waits and all that stuff 🫶
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- calling your s/o ‘bro’ (with affection) is quirky by itself, minji wins this round 100% thank you for coming to my ted talk
pet names (what does she like to call you)- try as you might, you won’t convince me miss kim minji doesn’t call you princess, end of the discussion (she goes bro mode on you too)
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- either building legos (y’all are making a whole city 🫡) or playing minecraft 🤡 alternatively, you can build lego minecraft…..
rush (does she rush into things)- i mean… first thing she did asking you out was placing her minecraft bed next to yours, i’d say that’s moving fast…
secrets (how open is she with you)- she tells you NOTHING about comebacks, but overall, she’s pretty open? i feel like minji wouldn’t share everything from the begging of your relationship, but she willingly talks about things if you ask her about them
time (how long did it take for her to confess)- how long does creating a new server in minecraft, forcing you there with her, building you two a cute lil home and finishing it by dramatically placing her bed next to yours take? because that’s how she confessed 🫡
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- she’s a bit confused, why are you sad? if she’s the cause, my girl goes out of her way to earn your forgiveness :(( she ain’t the cause? minji will beat up the actual cause of your sadness (yes, even if it’s a jar you couldn’t open)
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- kinda? minji wouldn’t be the one to propose coming out to public, but if you really wanted that, she would make sure you’re protected and stay away from all the potential hate the two of you could be getting
warrior (how often do you fight)- actually, small fights with minji happen a couple times a month. it’s usually nothing big, just about how she didn’t wake you up before she left for practice etc. most of those banters get resolved with a kiss mwah 🫢
x-ray (is she able to read you)- y e s; she squints her eyes as if she needed glasses, uses her magical superpower (she makes you laugh by looking silly with her eyes squinted) and checks if something is wrong 🫦
yes (how would she propose to you)- now very important, i think minji doesn’t really like change. for now, it’s cool as it is! maybe in the future one of you could propose, but for now? minji’d rather stay as girlfriends
zen (what makes her feel calm)- just quietly enjoying each other’s presence, like sitting side by side and scrolling through y’all’s phones, showing the other some funny stuff
part of [the fluff series]
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lifestealupdates · 16 days
Lifesteal Season 6, Week 9 Recap
Another exciting week! Before we get into the lore, the Lifesteal Updates admins would like to congratulate the Pink Parrots, a team made up of Squiddo, PrinceZam, Ashswag and Blockfacts, for winning MCCR on Saturday! Weirdly enough, this actually had impacts on Lifesteal lore...
As usual, major spoilers under the readmore, Lifesteal members please do not interact.
Early Week Shenanigans
The main lore earlier this week involved Kaboodle giving up on pacifism. Kaboodle has been acting as Lifesteal's news reporter recently, investigating various server-wide events and putting them on a billboard at spawn.
Whilst exploring the server, she spoke to Wemmbu, who convinced her to kill Planetlord after Wemmbu trapped him in cobwebs. Planet was at 3 hearts at this point. Kaboodle told chat that they actually enjoyed killing, and later threatened to kill Midmysticx if she didn't give up a heart. After Planet then died in lava, she and Wemmbu then camped spawn to try and extort another heart out of Bacon with the threat of banning Planet. (Planet was actually on 2 hearts at this point, having crafted a third again).
Mane then killed Kab (on Mid's orders, unknown to Kaboodle), Kab killed Planet again thinking Bacon had put the hit on her, and was once again killed by Mane. Kab later claimed to chat that they were peer-pressured by Wemmbu into killing Planet.
Wemmbu also revealed to Kab that, because he doesn't have a base, he doesn't have anywhere to regear. This means if he was killed once, he'd be made harmless, but the amount of pacifists on the server means this is unlikely.
During the same day, the Spacewaffles team spoke about the war ongoing with spawn being griefed. Neither of them are entirely sure what Gaia's Hand is (Zam's team, dedicated to repairing spawn to annoy Flame) despite being members.
4C has also been spending much of this week working on his plans to build Lifesteal City / Downtown Lifesteal. This is currently a creative world plan for a giant city he eventually wants to build on the server.
Sunday Session
The session this week was postponed to Sunday due to three Lifesteal members playing in MCCR. As a celebration of their win, the fourth Pink Parrot member Blockfacts and their coach Feinberg were invited to the server for the day as guests.
The Empire decided they wanted to get lots of kills, and started a fight with Flame which became increasingly chaotic when it was revealed that Flame has an army of hundreds of dogs. During this fight, Flame killed many innocent bystanders including Bacon and Blockfacts.
Whilst this was ongoing, Hannah killed Derapchu for his role in leaking the Mice' Base location, which eventually led to it being blown up by Manepear.
Kaboodle, Blockfacts and Squiddo decided to escape Spawn and eventually made their way to Peace Island after a brief detour to Kaboodle's Box.
Spoke managed to get a dripstone kill on Leowook from height limit at this point. Pentar and Leo had joined the fight on Flame's side.
Mapicc and Spoke then created a huge network of sky bridges and tried to drop dripstone on the players below them, using Minute's instructions who was on the ground speaking to Feinberg and other players. They were unsuccessful, and after running out of dripstone resorted to dropping TNT minecarts on players, which was still unsuccessful and only annoyed Minute.
On the way to Peace Island, Blockfacts had given all bar one of his hearts to Squiddo and Kaboodle as prizes for giving him Minecraft trivia. This led to him being extremely vulnerable.
Bacon had told everyone about Kab killing Planet, and Kab was upset by this as they were planning on giving Planet's hearts as an apology.
Eventually, they got both Blockfacts and Feinberg to Peace Island, and decided the two VIPs should play dodgebolt on one heart to mimic MCCR. Hannah had arrived by this point. They did so, and Blockfacts banned Feinberg on accident. After discussing reviving Fein and deciding against it, Squiddo killed Blockfacts in another dodgebolt game, banning him. Squiddo, Kaboodle and Hannah then shared the 8 hearts they'd won between themselves, agreeing to keep it secret and claim they buried the hearts.
Post Session
Bacon is basically broke, having died multiple times and having no gear.
Zam was upset by the state of spawn after his absence for MCCR training, hoping his new teammates would have helped keep it in a good condition but finding it instead littered with explosions. He is also unhappy with Kaboodle leaving pacifism behind, as he used to think he could trust her.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
it's my humble opinion that the board of education should work closely with public libraries in the county to host event that kids can attend and high schoolers can volunteer at.
I volunteered at a library for one summer in high school, and they had some new event every week or so. someone from nasa come in and talk about space and planets for all ages. we had local musicians come and perform for little kids. we had events were a lan server was set up for kids to play minecraft together. we had events where kids would come and make slime. idk if we ever had drag queen story times, but I know for a fact that kids in my area would have loved that.
all these events are to entertain kids and get them interested in learning and coming to the public library. and all of these events also need volunteers to help set up and monitor and help and clean up afterwards. idk about other places, but my school required a certain amount of community service hours or you didn't get your high school diploma. if the schools were involved with the library and helped plan events, students could super easily earn those hours by volunteering at the library and it would help them become super involved and connected with their community.
idk just some of ramblings from a crazy teacher.
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thetreestumptherapist · 2 months
Life needs mystery
Something I've been thinking about recently, is how following our curiosity and finding things out changes our lives forever. Like, for ages you drive by a long driveway and wonder who or what is down there, but then by some strange circumstance you end up there for an event or something and that mystery is gone. You know what's there now. And it could be a really fun place to be, but is it more fun than the mystery and speculation when you didn't know? And I never got to watch CaptainSparklez growing up because of my limited/restricted access to the internet. But, I would read the Minecraft handbooks and read about him and he was always this mysterious Minecraft legend. But, now that I watch some of his videos, I know who he is, and some of that mystery is gone. (Due to trying to keep up with Hermitcraft/life series and trying to live my own life I haven't actually watched a majority Jardon's videos yet, so a lot of that mystery is still there.) Same with Paulsoares jr. I watched I think it was his first video, but never continued. I would like to at some point though.
This also ties in to why I don't like Solo a star wars story. Yes, we were curious about Han's past, but he was supposed to be a man of mystery, with a questionable background. And now we know what his past was like, and he's not so mysterious anymore. It's also why I am extremely glad with, albeit infuriated by, the fact that no one will reveal Yoda's species. No one knows what to call his species, but it perfectly fits the "mysterious swamp wizard" thing he's got going. Like, in universe, no one knows what to call him. They wonder what species he is, so us not knowing adds an immersive aspect to it.
So, in exploring and following our curiosity, we lose a lot of mysteries. When you know every little thing about something it stops being fun. It's why the best shows often don't answer all the questions and leave room for speculation. It's also why cliffhangers are so annoying. Because the big obvious suspenseful question isn't getting answered, there's no resolution, and we don't see the little questions as much because we are so focused on the big question. Also, cliffhangers feel like betrayal but that's a different issue. The little questions are more wonderment and fascination where as cliffhangers are eternal suspense and frustration.
Life needs mysteries in order to be fun. Sometimes it's finding our own mysteries, other times creating mysteries for other people. Like, finding and exploring the secret garden and then keeping it a secret so it's a mystery for others.
My advice for this post is enjoy life's mysteries, stay curious, don't be afraid to learn something new, and also don't be afraid to be ok with not knowing everything.
Short story: the first Minecraft youtuber I ever watched was Thinknoodles, starting with old diversity episodes then Noodle Planet both of them being on the minecraft channel on Pluto tv on the roku. His tree house on the Noodle Planet inspired me to build above ground for once. Then when I wanted to improve my building skills I looked up tutorials on youtube and found Grian's build school. I remember him saying he was going to be joining hermitcraft and how he would have to get used to playing in survival. Then I followed him to hermitcraft and that remains my favorite server to this day. At some point I went and found his evo series and I haven't finished that either... (I'm really good at starting things, I'm not so good at fini
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project-isles · 1 month
Aga Minecraft rp thingy update
Alrighty things are bad right now well not too bad just I'm mad lol. Got pizza tho, pizza makes me happy.
Good things,
One, possibly discovered why my game crashes when I try to load essential with it. Need new computer parts. Not surprised really.
Two, if the whole multi player thing doesn't work I have a back up plan, well kinda still working on it.
Three, there's an alternative mod to essential but it's smaller and I don't know if it's good.
Bad things,
the skin creater I use is unavailable (it's the skindex btw. I'll probably just move to planet Minecraft cuz it's similar.)
And the discord server for the project is kinda dead that's my fault tho-
did post on it today though.
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since I've seen people do this I'm also going to. if I made the minecraft movie, it would be:
completely animated except for one guy in a cosplay greenscreened in (he is not important to the plot and appears for like three seconds)
steve. is. B R O W N . like he damn well SHOULD BE.
universe kind of thing where the different planets are different servers (implied there's another universe with all the singleplayer worlds) (implied that herobrine is a curious astronaut in the singleplayer universe)
people dream of modded worlds
every couple decades an update happens and the world shifts
uhh okay story. main plot is that continents are shifting. rivers are being closed. something happening EVERYWHERE and cracks in the ground are slowly appearing and spreading all over the planet.
endermen are scarce, and they seem to be targeting specific blocks when they do show up. beacons, netherite, end rods, redstone and copper
they'll even stay out in the rain for a bit to get these blocks sometimes. it does hurt them but they power through when they can
getting a close look at one a character notices its hands end in gnarled, sharp claws that endermen didn't use to have. their spines are lined with small gray spikes and their eyes glow more intensely than before
there's something in the distance
the endermen all seem to leave in the same direction, they're going towards something. "should we go there?" asks someone. "it seems...dangerous" the people answer
interplanetary communication is invented. they immediately get a message from someone dealing with a demonic red hivemind plant
"I dunno, have you tried fire?" "YES IT DOESN'T WORK!!" "..soul fire?" "oh shit thanks"
are those eyes in the fog? there's something in the distance. there's something in the distance. th
eventually someone goes to the end. the dragon is gone. the egg is gone. the endermen are gone. the portal home is unlit. the island itself feels changed
new rumors and stories of something called The Eyes of The World appear, where seeing twisted towers full of eye-shaped holes heralds attacks none who witnessed would survive
someone mines into a cave and sees intricate but almost natural-looking tendrils of deepslate and tuff snaking through a cross-section of where it opens up. dozens of bright purple eyes are the only light in this place and suddenly-
a large city comes under attack from none other than the Ender Dragon. those that aren't panicking are wondering how it got to the overworld. they fend it off and someone follows it back to its new lair
it roars and something spreads. the cracking of ground is deafening and drowns out even the dragon's cry. something's wrong with the dragon
"hey, one of our satellites is detecting a change in the planet. what the fuck is that"
ice at the pole, gone. structures, gone. heightmaps, going crazy.
they fly planes out into the unknown, with powerful cameras in the noses
one gets attacked by the dragon. then another. then another. only one ends up being able to record what it's guarding before it too gets destroyed
satellite report. it's expanding.
they see what's out there and think the camera might have malfunctioned. they hope the camera malfunctioned. it didn't.
the endless expanse of confusion, that which the dragon and the endermen are bringing upon this overworld
it looks like something out of a nightmare. a massive fault in the land that encircles the entire planet, the far lands are slowly closing in on what's left standing.
is the dragon's tail supposed to be that long?
strange machines line the top of the far lands, made with redstone, copper, netherite, end rods and beacons
someone gets a flashback of killing the dragon. there was something watching them in one of the towers. they left without the egg
eventually the world's armies gather together to take down the dragon. what they find may look like a dragon but it does not move like one
they realize no one has ever seen the end of the dragon's tail, it goes all the way into the far lands
the dragon is eviscerating the armies, this is the world's last stand and it's falling quickly
that is not a dragon
a group of adventurers (detectives? soldiers?) find their way into the far lands, but now the dragon always knows where they are
they can never rest or slow down here. they sleep on flying machines in small tunnels as the monster tries to follow them
eventually they make it to the place it started spreading from. there is a massive alien palace with a design that makes it look like its blueprints were generated with one of the first ever AI art models (before everyone started hating them, think this[blank]doesnotexist websites)
the dragon's tail leads inside
one of the adventurers severs the dragon's tail from the palace. back at a city where the dragon is it starts disintegrating from the tail. sure it's dying but that could take a while so the battle's not over yet
back to the palace. there's a gargantuan creature that really can't be accurately described
it lost its planet and needed a new one with landscape fit for it so it decided to replace the world with far lands (its native home)
classic story where an eldritch monstrosity gets defeated by a group of like 4 people /hj
oh yeah and
Don't Put Piglins In The Fucking Overworld
maybe a few in some nether hazmat suits but any that aren't or didn't put them on properly WILL ZOMBIFY !!!!
end poem is like. religious texts or something idk I never read it
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katiekatdragon27 · 3 months
It has been a criminally long time since I've posed teensies (no it hasn't I'm greatly exaggerating)
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This was actually a fun exercise lol. Taking an oc, one of my favorite characters, and some stolen skin from Minecraft Planet and making them interpretive characters was really fun to do. (Similar to how people drew DSMP and Hermitcraft ppl)
I did this b/c of a childhood Minecraft series that I'll describe below lol (along with progress photos):
Recently I felt this urge to watch a really old Minecraft series called Seedlings. I remember watching the first season when it first dropped on Game Time (I think it was called that???) and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. Rewatching it as an adult, I see how the existentialism is shown and being comfortable with your place in the world is felt. (I relate to Mark so heavily and I have no idea if that's a red flag or not.)
ANYWAYS, I had an interesting hypothetical Season 3 where the NPCs show their intelligence and sentience to the Marked Ones and come to a resolution to the whole violence and massacre thing. It would most likely be leave the server alone and let the NPCs do whatever without interference lol. Thing was I had no ideas for how these hypothetical Marked Ones skins would look. You would think I would try to be basic with it, but I wasn't in the mood to draw a buncha anime peeps. So, what better idea than to use my own Minecraft skins!
The two taller skins are my OC Katelyn, and my interpretation of Goth Teensy both translated into the Minecraft style (which is funny cuz Katelyn was originally a Minecraft character anyways soooo 💀💀💀). Then they are translated out into these new designs lol. Their users would probably be KattoDrago27 and GTeensyGuardian lol
The "Tiny Minumus" as I've deemed him is called King Teensie Grand Minimus Rayman Legends Origins by SnaKke on Planet Minecraft. Go check out their skins they're pretty good. His user would probably be TheGrandestMinimus001
But ye, if you have questions feel free to ask me lol. Have a lovely day <3
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New patch for the Bedrock Edition release of Thickly Be-Beveled Buttons is now available on Planet Minecraft! Featuring fixes to some things I missed before and also the flicker on the sidebar button! Plus some small tweaks to the VDX: Desktop UI compatibility.
Pack now affects the Realms Button on the Title Screen and the "SUBSCRIBE NOW" tab in the Realms Plus section of the Marketplace. (Added textures, JSON)
The text on the "Add a 10 player Realm" button on the "Choose a Realm Server" screen and the "SUBSCRIBE NOW" tab in the Realms Plus section of the Marketplace are now the correct color when using the "Classic Blue" subpack. (Added JSON)
The button at the bottom of the expanded sidebar should no longer flicker when changing states for the first time in a session. (Added JSON)
'Accessibility' Button now looks the same using VDX: Desktop UI v3.0 and above as it does using Legacy Desktop UI v1.2.9 and below. (Added texture)
Cross Button now uses the correct shade of white on its X when using VDX: Desktop UI v3.0 and above. (Added textures)
Added textures for the 'warning' and 'error' exclamation marks on the World Select Screen (with VDX: Desktop UI v3.0 and above) for pixel size consistency. Not sure where CrisXolt put them, but they seem to be used somewhere.
Fixed some slightly miscolored pixels on the textures for the Java Edition report button (VDX: Desktop UI). (Edited textures)
Tweaked bevels on the Java Edition Recipe Book Button to more closely align with similar graphics in vanilla Java Edition. (Edited textures)
Remembered to actually change the pack's internal version number. It should no longer be read as v1.2.1. (Edited JSON)
Tweaked sizes of vanilla button textures, custom sidebar button textures, VDX: Old Days UI button textures, VDX: 4JD UI button and slider textures, and their associated nineslice information to avoid slices with a size of zero (Edited textures, JSON). Have not yet tweaked custom VDX: Old Days UI button textures due to issues with Menu Buttons of Stone.
Tweaked sizes of all ninesliced Java Edition textures and their associated nineslice information to reduce file size. (Edited textures, JSON; added JSON)
Cropped all old Java Edition sprite sheets to reduce file size. If this causes any issues, please let me know. (Edited textures)
Removed old Java Edition sprite sheets for the report button and the Server Selection Screen, since VDX: Legacy Desktop UI doesn't seem to use them. If this causes issues, please let me know.
Removed Java Edition crafting and furnace overlay textures since VDX: Desktop UI doesn't seem to use them. If this causes issues, please let me know.
Global variable "$cb_is_thick_menu_buttons_v1.2.2" is now "$cb_is_thick_menu_buttons_v1.2.3". It should be apparent how I will continue to update this variable, so I will stop putting it on the changelog now. (Edited JSON)
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thaumium-block · 1 year
1) if you Had to pick a favorite out of ur minecraft ocs who would it be.
2) tell me abt galu!!! (if ur favorite isnt galu)
Hardest question,,,,,,,
But given how much lore I've done for the Galuverse over the years and how essential it is to my minecraft canon, yeah Galu is probably suitable as favorite.
Have some lore dumps taken from my lore doc :]
[...] Galu was enamored with writing the moment he came across it. Few of their people knew of its true power, and at first, neither did Galu, but he would learn swiftly the value of the written world.
Pages upon pages of glyphs, all hand-bound into leather folios, each book a portal into a world of Galu’s own making. At first, this was metaphorically, but soon, power entered every symbol he wrote, and the portals became literal, tangible. He became a seasoned traveler, diving into their books and encountering all manner of self-made wonders and civilizations.
It was not long before They took notice of the countless worlds being created without Their input, and so the Primordials converged above Fifth Shard, blotting out the light sigil that served as its sun. They called for Galu Terwyn the worldsmith, and when they arrived, They didn’t scold them, but rather praise them, for creation is something to be proud of.
They rewarded Galu with a mystical blue box slightly larger than a Fifthling. It was special, They said, and had the power to take Galu to infinite worlds. This box was called a TARDIS, and They had recreated it from a distant past.
So Galu traveled, leaving Fifth Shard behind, considering the TARDIS his new home. In their journeys, they learned more of magic, and became a technomancer; integrating magic into the scientific process, and devising mystical machines. At length, though, they grew lonely.
Endless travel not solving feelings of being alone, Galu decided to learn more about the creation of life. So determined, he decided to begin creating and cultivating clones of himself - imperfect clones, for having someone exactly the same as them would be boring. The first clone remained by his side, an assistant, but all the rest, he cared for until they were mature enough to go out on their own, at which time their minds were erased and they were sent off to a random world.
[...] Appearance Details
Violet eyes, sky blue skin, long, pointed ears, slightly curly, short auburn hair through which two navy horns sprout, each forming a half-circle pointing inward. 6 feet and 6 inches tall.
And here's a clone
This Galu was dropped onto the planet Aure after battling his creator, causing his once majestic horns to be nearly gone (his mind was erased). He trained for a few years as a monk, while studying thaumaturgic alchemy on the side. At length, they came across a quite solid ghost [...], who spoke to them of a “swamp hell”, and so it became their mission to gain access to this realm. During the course of the servers life, this guy formed a knockoff crimson cult with the ghost, worshipping Praetor B. Root and bringing the wisdom of the beetroot to the village their tower overlooked. He also mastered monk skills, and dove deep deep deep into the void side of thaumaturgy, carving a hole through the nether into the endless void, charging into Their domain with the holiest of holy swords, and waging war against Them for ultimate power. The goal of swamp hell was met soon after, with the ghost eagerly exploring the swamp dungeons with them, eventually entering the sewer dungeon and defeating the sludge boss. Eventually, this Galu was tricked by the ghost, whereby the ghost took his body and effectively became him, and Galu themself became an Eldritch Warden as payment for trying to fight Them.
Appearance Details
Sunken red eyes, grayish blue skin, long, pointed ears, stubs of navy horns that look like they were violently torn off peeking through an untamed mane of auburn hair. Dresses in a brown outfit practically encrusted with gold based on how many decorations are on it. Over it, similarly decorated void thaumaturge robes are often worn, the hood often down unless it needs to be up, revealing a headband of curiosity.
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charcherry-weekly · 2 months
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 207
Heya everyone, Mage of Light Nick Card here. I just sorta wanna lay down for a while.
Continued Progress
The efforts to repair the starter planet pokedex network have been continuing all week, with participants in the archipelago program playing their respective games diligently. For some, perhaps a little too much. Rogue of heart Charles, who admins the pokedex network and has practically put a piece of himself into their work, has been putting in some serious overtime on the repair efforts. As a personal aside that I feel I must voice here, Charles, you've been lobbing pokeballs at pokemon at high speeds in emerald version for too many hours now. Give yourself a rest. I've been taking a few days off from my own game to be played after a certain... incident. While the game room's vr setup may not be as dangerous as expected in this time, it still affects the user to some degree, often involving motor control.
My incident started out relatively mild. Having been playing A Short Hike, I felt the desire to take on a moderate hiking trip of my own. So I set out for the relatively near landmark of Mt. Phoenix. Being roughly a single mile away, it was a nice relaxing walk along the lakeside path, even with the survey work being done to potentially build a tram line between Unity and Charcherry. Only briefly walking through New Charcherry, I made my way to the trailhead. One thing that I wasn't prepared for, was the incline. It turns out going up hills on foot is a workout! To most who actually engage in physical exercise more often, this fact should be more obvious. There were a few pokemon trainers up there training their pokemon. Noticeably, they had reported to me that the pokedex network outage had made it more difficult for them to engage in pokemon training. Having made sure to bring a few of my pokemon along (Slope the slowpoke and Sunburst the Larvesta, Orb and Deer stayed home this time), I did engage in a few trainer battles. There were two relatively newbie trainers that my team was able to beat, but my pokemon were squarely defeated by a more successful trainer pretty quickly afterwards. Out of decency, I handed the trainer some cash and made my way back down to town to get my pokemon healed once more. Just a routine visit. A minute after, I resumed my journey up Mt. Phoenix.
The second attempt was rather peaceful. I eventually found a spot slightly off the beaten path to eat lunch and relax for a while. I ended up taking a nap for most of the day. Fortunately, my pokemon kept watch for any danger pretty much the entire time, though I think slope slept for most of the time too. Regardless, when I woke up, it was clearly later in the day. The remaining leg of the journey was pleasant, though still had a steep incline. Eventually though, I reached the summit, which just so happens to also be where the home of Korosian President Heir of Time Thoren Emit is located. When I reached the top, they were just getting home from work. They were less than pleased to see me there, but there was minimal incident and I was allowed to continue on my way to the launch-off point. Using the elytra that I had obtained a few years ago when the game room had hosted a Minecraft server, I launched myself off the cliff and glided my way down on the breeze. I soared to the southeast, back towards unity village. I could see charcherry forest far below, bathed in sunset hues from the main sun. Lake River rose reflected back the deep sky above, in contrast to Purity Caldera's fiery glow. Soon enough, the rocky outcroppings of Unity greeted me. Home was within reach. However, there was something I was not prepared for. The landing process. Perhaps it was a lapse in concentration, maybe it was physics being more complex than expected, but your dear newsletter writer managed to crash into their own front yard. granted, there is a decent amount of plant growth that was able to soften the blow slightly, but that wasn't enough to prevent injury. Fortunately however, Page of Mind Samm arrived on the scene and handed me a dose of Pilk, which managed to heal a considerable amount. It didn't taste very palatable, but then again medicine isn't supposed to taste good anyways. I thanked her for her support and walked the rest of the way inside to rest. For the past few days I've been avoiding strenuous activity and taking a break from A Short Hike, to avoid further incident. Also, apparently most of my remaining checks, of which there are few, only send out relatively insignificant items anyways. pearls and tiny mushrooms and the like. Regardless, when I am ready, I will return to finish my game, but not until my body and mind are back in proper shape.
In related news, a private individual returned from a few years of absence and joined the archipelago team to play paper mario. I wish him the best of luck.
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This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
DTA train ticket stand
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand
Brae's produce stall: - Potted vegetables - Jarred vegetables - Various jams - Hisuian herbs (medicinal leek, pep-up plant, king's leaf)
Charcherry cherries stand
Blacksmith stand: - Shortsword (10 gp) - Key, skeleton (85 gp) - Chain (10 ft.) (30 gp) - Lock, good (80 gp)
I think that does it for now. I managed to finish that flash animation, but the panels beyond continue. It'd be nice to share a bed with a certain someone. Perhaps one day. For now though, I need to prepare myself for the last few tasks in A Short Hike. https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/444/charcherry-weekly-issue-207
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darkxmartcom · 8 months
Wellcome friends in this article I am covering Minecraft Game.
then feel free to read this article and don't forget to press the follow button.
Minecraft, a peculiarity in the realm of gaming, has enthralled a huge number of players overall with its boundless conceivable outcomes, blocky scenes, and open-world sandbox. Created by Mojang Studios, Minecraft rises above customary gaming standards, offering a vivid encounter where players can investigate, make, and get by in a pixelated universe. This article digs into the far-reaching universe of Minecraft, investigating it's starting points, ongoing interaction mechanics, various local areas, and the perseverance through advance that has made it one of the most famous rounds in recent memory.
The Starting Points and Development of Minecraft:
Minecraft was first made by Markus Persson, otherwise called "Score," and delivered in 2011. Its initiation as an independent game with simple designs and interactivity mechanics immediately developed into a worldwide peculiarity. The game's prosperity lies in its straightforwardness and the artistic liberty it manages the cost of players. From its unassuming starting points, Minecraft has gone through various updates, presenting new elements, biomes, and animals, persistently improving the player experience.
The Ongoing Interaction Mechanics:
Minecraft's interactivity is revolved around investigation, inventiveness, and endurance. Players think of themselves as in a huge, procedurally created world comprised of blocks addressing different materials like soil, stone, and wood, and the sky is the limit from there. These blocks can be mined and gathered, giving assets to creating apparatuses, weapons, and designs.
Inventive Mode:
In Imaginative Mode, players have limitless assets and can zoom all over the planet, zeroing in exclusively on building and exploring different avenues regarding their inventiveness. This mode is great for individuals who need to release their creative minds without the imperatives of asset social affairs or endurance challenges.
Endurance Mode:
Endurance Mode presents difficulties like appetite, antagonistic crowds, and the need to assemble assets to make due. Players should mine, art, and construct a haven to shield themselves from beasts that arise around evening time. The day-night cycle adds a unique component to the interactivity, requiring a key intending to securely explore the world.
The Different Minecraft People group:
One of Minecraft's champion elements is its assorted and energetic local area. Players of any age and foundation add to an always-extending universe of player-made content, including multifaceted designs, custom mods, and far-reaching virtual universes. The cooperative idea of Minecraft has led to innumerable servers, smaller-than-normal games, and changes that take care of a great many interests.
Customization and Mods:
Minecraft's modding local area has prospered, permitting players to change the game to suit their inclinations. Mods range from stylish improvements to completely new interactivity mechanics. This degree of customization plays had an essential impact on keeping the game new and connecting with both new and veteran players.
Minecraft Commercial Center:
Notwithstanding client-produced content, the Minecraft Commercial Center gives a stage for makers to sell their remarkable skins, surface packs, and universes. This commercial center encourages an innovative economy inside the game, permitting gifted people to feature and adapt their manifestations.
Instructive Advantages of Minecraft:
Past its amusement esteem, Minecraft has earned respect for its instructive potential. Instructive renditions of the game, like Minecraft: Schooling Release, are utilized in homerooms overall to show subjects going from history to science. The game's vivid climate cultivates cooperation, decisive reasoning, and critical thinking abilities, making it a significant device for instructors.
The Getting Through Allure:
Minecraft's getting-through allure can be ascribed to its immortal plan reasoning, consistent updates, and how it supports player office. The game's unassuming nature takes into account boundless conceivable outcomes, guaranteeing that every player's experience is remarkable. The effortlessness of its visual style joined with the profundity of its ongoing interaction mechanics, makes an ideal equilibrium that reverberates across ages.
Minecraft's Social Effect:
Minecraft has risen above the gaming scene, making a permanent imprint on mainstream society. Its notable pixelated taste is in a flash unmistakable, and references to the game have large amounts of different types of media. The game has turned into a social peculiarity, motivating innumerable images, YouTube channels, and even shows inside the Minecraft world.
Minecraft remains a demonstration of the getting through force of imagination, investigation, and local area inside the domain of gaming. Its basic yet significant plan has permitted it to rise above generational holes and dazzle players, everything being equal. As Minecraft keeps on developing with updates, extensions, and a consistently developing local area, it stays a virtual universe where as far as possible is the endless creative mind of its players.
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dungeondensmxm25 · 9 months
Master Your Competencies with Remarkable Minigame Servers on Minecraft Serwery Minigame
Are you an avid Minecraft participant aiming to take your competencies to the subsequent stage? Glance no further! On this page, We'll explore the whole world of minigame servers on Minecraft Serwery Minigame And the way they may help you grasp your abilities. No matter if you are a novice or perhaps a seasoned participant, these servers supply A selection of enjoyable video games and problems which will take a look at your capabilities and keep you entertained for several hours on finish. So, get your pickaxe and let us dive into the planet of minigame servers!
Master Your Skills with Interesting Minigame Servers on Minecraft Serwery Minigame
Minigame servers are specialised Minecraft servers that target only on providing various fun and complicated mini-video games throughout the activity. These servers present a unique experience the place gamers can contend in opposition to each other or operate jointly in groups to complete goals and win benefits.
What are Minigame Servers?
Minigame servers are dedicated Minecraft servers that host a group of mini-online games built to entertain and challenge players. These mini-video games can range from parkour races and survival worries to PvP battles and treasure hunts. Every single video game has its possess set of principles, aims, and gameplay mechanics, furnishing a diverse gaming expertise for players.
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How Do Minigame Servers Perform?
When you be part of a minigame server, You will be transported to the specified place in which the online games happen. The server will have several sport modes available for you to choose from, enabling you to definitely Check out diverse troubles depending on your preferences. Once you've selected a activity manner, You will be placed within a foyer with other gamers where you can interact, strategize, and prepare for that upcoming activity.
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Why Do you have to Play on Minigame Servers?
Playing on minigame servers delivers quite a few Gains for Minecraft players of all talent degrees. Here are a few explanation why it is best to Kliknij tutaj give them a try out:
Skill Development: Minigame servers provide a platform that you should hone your skills in several aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Regardless of whether It really is mastering parkour jumps, perfecting your PvP battle abilities, or strategizing in crew-dependent video games, these servers offer A selection of troubles that may thrust you to improve.
Community Interaction: Minigame servers attract players from everywhere in the world, developing a vibrant and active community. By taking part in on these servers, you will have the opportunity to connect with fellow Minecraft lovers, make new buddies, and collaborate with others to achieve victory.
Endless Entertainment: Having a big variety of mini-video games offered, minigame servers supply limitless hrs of entertainment. Whether or not you're in the temper for speedy-paced motion or relaxed exploration, there's often a game to suit your Tastes.
Rewards and Achievements: Many minigame servers include reward methods and accomplishment monitoring to improve the gaming knowledge. By participating in online games and completing aims, you can generate Digi
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
no closer could i be to god
by Blackholeca
“I’ll take you to see all the best views the universe has to offer,” Tommy starts with a shit-eating grin, “And I’ll do it for half the price.”
Tommy didn’t have plans on becoming an impromptu tour guide immediately after escaping the wastes of the planet 2b-2t. But the money’s good and Tommy’s got the experience to make it a better trip than his new clients have ever had before.
Words: 5371, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF, Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Space, Outer Space, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) on 2b2t Server (Minecraft), Spaceships, Captain TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Winged Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Human TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Human Wilbur Soot, Elytrian Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Tour Guide TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Tommy’s spaceship is called Clementine, Sleepy Bois Inc as Found Family, They’re going on a trip in your favorite rocketship, zooming through the skies SBI, MCYT Fic Fight 2023, MCYT Fic Fight Team Phantom, MCYT Fic Fight
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