#Rooibos Mangoes
gremlinmodetweeker · 13 days
TF 141 and their Morning Drink Preferences
TF 141 Dump
TF 141 Headcanons
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Obvious tea drinker
Or is it that obvious?
Painfully British of the whole lot of them
Will only drink black teas, absolutely despises herbal, green or rooibos teas
Of the black teas avoids anything floral because he thinks it’s a bit too frilly for his palette
Never adds sugar to teas, says it ruins the flavor
Will add milk to help cool a tea, but only just slightly
Claims drinking a freshly made cup of tea on a hot summer day helps cool him down
How this works is beyond me, but he claims it anyways
Thinks adding cream is a vile concept and anyone who does so should be interrogated by the CIA
He’ll drink a cup of tea with Ghost, but he’s really more of a coffee person
Prefers medium roast with a heavy serving of cream
He can’t stand adding milk, but will use it if there’s nothing else
Adds sugar when he gets a chance
Despises sweeteners and will make little digs at anyone who does use sweetener, usually citing health reasons
Don’t try arguing that adding two spoons of sugar is just as bad, he won’t hear it
As for tea he prefers rooibos, which drives Ghost up the wall
Is down for anything, really
Doesn’t like hot beverages
Prefers either a cool glass of water or juice
Does not understand caffeine addiction whatsoever
Claims the drinks are healthier and more refreshing
People just think he’s incredibly dehydrated in the morning
Will take orange juice from concentrate without batting an eye, but really enjoys more exotic juices if he can get his hands on them
When stationed in foreign countries he’ll try juices made from native fruits
Really likes cactus and mango juice, but is not opposed to papaya
Dislikes southern lemonade with a passion, claims it’s far too sweet
Is surprisingly peppy in the morning despite only drinking juice
Whatever’s there will work
However, he tends to prefer teas
He’s especially fond of green teas
He goes on about how healthy they are for the mind and body
Also will go on about how easy they are to transport and keeps a small sachet of matcha powder (the cheap stuff) on him to prove his point
He thinks Ghost is a snob and should just get over himself
Has tried to sway the others, but they all tell him matcha tastes like grass
He thinks they’re all idiots
Coffee only
Does not fuss over his coffee whatsoever
Whatever’s in the canteen will do
His one gripe is adding cream or sugar
He will only take his coffee black
Some have tried to win him over with coffees made with cream/milk/sugar, and he’ll be polite enough to drink them and thank them, but he really doesn’t like it too much
He will tell them to not fuss too much if they get him another coffee so they don’t do it again
Cannot stand people whining about how they take their coffee and how the military doesn’t give out the good stuff
He just considers them weak whiners
This includes Ghost when he complains about not having enough black tea in the canteen
Price glad to say it to his face
He could not care less about age or temperature
He’ll pull a day-old cup straight out of the fridge and down it like there’s no tomorrow
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saw you talking about tea the other day and now i'm intrigued 👀 any flavors you're particularly fond of? asking for a friend also. please do ramble about it bc it's delightful :D
Jay! Hi! Fellow tea lover?
Hm… I love lots of teas, but really I prefer simple teas to anything super decadent or elaborate. I don’t ever add anything to my teas unless I’m sick (then I’ll add a bit of honey).
My go-to is just a simple green or peppermint tea, though I’m also a huge fan of spiced chai and earl grey. I adore jasmine tea - jasmine is probably my favourite, but it has to be a good jasmine, so I don’t have it all the time (again, it gets expensive). I always have some green or peppermint tea on hand though - a quality cup is always nice but I don’t as much mind if these are the cheaper kind.
I’m not a huge fruit tea person, though I did have a peach white tea once - that one was lovely cold - and of course a good lemon ginger is always nice. If I’m having bubble tea though, I always go for a mango or lychee green tea if they have it!
I have to say that I can’t remember what pu’erh tea was like - I know it was interesting and I liked it, but I’d need to try it again I think to recall it properly. I haven’t found a rooibos tea I’ve been particularly crazy about, but it’s nice too, just not what I’d gravitate towards.
If you want a sweet or dessert type tea, then any oolong is great, but I think I’m spoiled for that wuyi oolong now hahaha. I’ve had a vanilla black tea - it’s really good. I’d highly recommend that one. I also have this sweet apple-cinnamon tea with nuts. I don’t have it super often, as I’m not a fan of sugary teas but this one is a nice dessert on its own. It’s very nutty which makes it pretty unique.
When I’m sick, I’ve had a couple good teas. One I have for colds is a eucalyptus-mint. I recommend having this one only when you are very congested because boy is it strong. Tastes amazing though. Also my mom had several Korean friends when I was little, so I have fond memories of her making yujacha at their urging when I wasn’t feeling well as a young kid, and boricha for us to put in the fridge and drink cold. I love both.
I don’t usually have chamomile at home, but this is largely because on days when I’m really incredibly stressed (like, shaking with anxiety, actively spiralling, kind of stressed), I like to go for a walk in the evening and pick up a chamomile from a nearby café to take back with me. It’s an indulgence that way.
Other cool teas I have tried:
Butterfly pea flower tea: More of a novelty than anything but this tea is bright blue and changes to red when you add citric acid. It’s a natural pH indicator!
Lavender black tea: Incredibly good. This was another gift from my mom a few years back. Very nice in the evening.
Mushroom tea: These tend to be incredibly overpriced due to purported health benefits so I’ve only ever had samples but honestly? The ones I’ve had are very nice, a smooth, rich flavour. Not convinced they’re worth that price though.
Dandelion tea: People say this can be used as a coffee substitute. I’m not entirely sure I agree with that but it does have a dark roasted flavour that is similar to black coffee. It’s a little sweet though. I like this one a lot, but I only have this with food because if I don’t have anything in my stomach it makes me cramp a bit (as I found out the hard way) :/
Matcha green tea with roasted rice: Okay a friend of mine got me some of this as a gift when she went back to visit family for a bit and. Um. This tea is so incredibly good. We had some together and it was fantastic. I’ve been saving it and only having it at times I know I can really savour it because I want it to last. If you can find some good quality stuff I highly recommend it.
Aaaand sometimes, admittedly, I will enjoy an orange pekoe. It’s nice on occasion. I make it pretty strong hehe
I hope this was fun for you your friend! 😆
What are your favourite teas, Jay?
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wafflefries13 · 1 month
Twisted Teas
I don’t know a lot about tea, only that I usually like it iced and sweet, a casualty of growing up in the south. But I’ve been wanting to learn more about it, especially blends. I found this cool website, Adagio Teas, that have a bunch of fan made fandom blends for a ton of different books, movies, video games, and tv shows (#notsponsored). So I thought I would try my hand at making teas for the Twisted Wonderland cast. I tried to go off vibes, color schemes, and their favorite food. Hopefully my train of thought makes sense. If anyone wants to actually try any of these let me know how they taste. 
Adagio Teas: Signature Blend
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Wild Strawberry 
Summer rose
Extra scoop: Rose hips 
Dewy cherry
Fiery cinnamon spice 
Vanilla oolong 
Extra scoop: Cherry 
Green rooibos blueberry 
White blueberry
Kentucky whisky 
Extra scoop: Blueberries 
Passion Fruit 
Pomegranate grove 
Extra scoop: Orange peels 
Cocomint green 
Assam melody 
Pu-erh hazelberry 
Extra scoop: Cocoa nibs 
Pu-erh dante 
Tiger eye 
Turmeric bliss 
Extra scoop: Marigold flowers 
Ceylon sonata 
Extra scoop: Safflower 
Lapsang souchong 
White pear 
Almond Oolong 
Extra scoop: Ginger root 
Earl gray lavender 
Black cherry 
Chocolate truffle 
Extra scoop: Lavender flower 
Forest berries 
Almond oolong 
Toasted mate 
Extra scoop: Raspberry leaves 
Autumn mist green 
Oriental spice 
Extra scoop: Cloves 
White eternal spring 
White tropics 
Coconut grove pouchong 
Extra scoop: Coconut 
Cinnamon rooibos chai 
Masala chai 
Mango melange 
Extra scoop: Aniseed 
Cherry green 
Rooibos jasmine 
Extra scoop: Cornflower 
Assam melody 
Earl gray bravo 
Extra scoop: Lemon verbena 
Spiced apple chai 
Candy apple 
Rooibos vanilla chai 
Extra scoop: Apple pieces 
Maple cream oolong 
Almond cardamom cake 
Honeybush banana nut 
Extra scoop: Cocoa nibs 
Chocolate chip 
Extra scoop: Candycane 
Earl gray moonlight 
Black cherry 
White chai 
Extra scoop: Cherry 
Forest berries 
Pu-erh hazelberry 
Almond oolong 
Extra scoop: Lemon balm 
Green chai 
Chili lime green 
Extra scoop: Lemon peels 
Dragon fruit dream 
Citron green 
Extra scoop: Hibiscus flowers 
Earl gray bravo 
Extra scoop: Pink peppercorn 
Irish breakfast 
Extra scoop: Raspberry leaves 
Vanilla oolong 
Extra scoop: Apricots 
Masala chai 
Fiery cinnamon spice 
Spiced mate 
Extra scoop: Cardamom seeds 
Green rooibos key west 
Citron green 
Extra scoop: Lemon peel
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which-item-poll · 6 months
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Ingredients for Potion of Healing: blended with green rooibos tea, black tea, orange, hibiscus, rose hips, marigold flowers, natural orange flavor, natural hibiscus flavor, apricots, mango pieces & natural lemon flavor
Ingredients for Rose Quartz Tea: blended with black tea, rose hips, hibiscus, honeybush tea, apple pieces, rose petals, natural strawberry flavor, rose flavor, strawberries, natural vanilla flavor & raspberry leaves
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o-craven-canto · 9 months
Words borrowed from other languages in English
Very incomplete list, based mostly on The Languages of the World (3rd ed.), Kenneth Katzner, 2002 + a heavy use of Wiktionary. some notes:
Many of these words have passed through multiple languages on their way to English (e.g. Persian -> Arabic -> Spanish -> French -> English); in that case I usually list them under the first language that used them in the same acception as English.
I generally don't include words whose ancestors already existed in Middle English, unless their origin was exotic enough to be interesting.
The vast majority of borrowings are terms very specific to their culture of origin; I generally only include those that are either very well known amng English-speakers, or of general use outside that culture.
INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY (West and South Eurasia)
Hellenic Greek: angel, chronometer, democracy, encyclopedia, geography, graphic, hieroglyphic, homogeneous, hydraulic, meter, microscope, monarchy, philosophy, phobia, photography, telephone, and way too many other scientific or technical terms to count
Germanic Afrikaans: aardvark, apartheid, fynbos, rooibos, springbok, trek, veld, wildebeest Danish: Lego, simper Dutch: brandy, bumpkin, coleslaw, cookie, deck, dock, dollar, freight, furlough, hodgepodge, landscape, maelstrom, noodle, Santa Claus, waffle, walrus, yacht German: aurochs, bildungsroman, blitzkrieg, cobalt, dachsund, eigenvector, ersatz, gestalt, glockenspiel, hamburger, hinterland, kindergarten, kohlrabi, lager, poodle, quark, sauerkraut, wanderlust, yodel, zeitgeist Icelandic: eider, geyser Norwegian: auk, fjord, krill, lemming, narwhal, slalom, troll Swedish: lek, mink, ombudsman, rutabaga, smorgasbord, tungsten Yiddish: bupkis, chutzpah, kvetch, putz, schlemiel, schmaltz, schmooze, schtick, spiel, tchotchke
Slavic Czech: robot Russian: fedora, glasnost, intelligentsia, kefir, mammoth, pogrom, samizdat, steppe, sputnik, troika, tsar, vodka Serbo-Croat: cravat, paprika
Celtic [many of these words are shared between the two languages] Irish: bog, galore, gaol, geas, glen, orrery, shamrock, slob, whiskey Scottish Gaelic: bard, bunny, cairn, clan, loch, ptarmigan, ?scone, slogan
Italic-Romance †Latin: [way too many] French: [way too many] Italian: allegro, aria, balcony, bandit, bravo, calamari, casino, cello, chiaroscuro, crescendo, contraband, contrapposto, fresco, gazette, ghetto, gusto, inferno, lagoon, lava, mafia, malaria, pants, quarantine, tempo, umbrella, vendetta, volcano Portuguese: baroque, brocade, cachalot, cobra, creole, flamingo, petunia, pimento, zebra Spanish: abalone, armadillo, bolas, bonanza, canyon, cargo, chupacabra, cigar, cilantro, embargo, gaucho, guerrilla, junta, manta, mesa, mosquito, mustang, patio, pueblo, rodeo, siesta, tornado, vanilla
Iranian Persian: bazaar, caravan, checkmate, chess, crimson, dervish, divan, jackal, jasmine, khaki, kiosk, lemon, lilac, musk, orange, pajama, paradise, satrap, shawl, taffeta
Indo-Aryan †Sanskrit: brahmin, Buddha, chakra, guru, karma, mantra, opal, swastika, yoga Bengali: dinghy, jute, nabob Hindi: bandana, bungalow, cheetah, chintz, chutney, coolie, cot, dungaree, juggernaut, lacquer, loot, rajah, pundit, shampoo, tom-tom, thug, veranda Marathi: mongoose Romani: hanky-panky, pal, shiv Sinhalese: anaconda, beriberi, serendipity, tourmaline
Kannada: bamboo Malayalam: atoll, calico, copra, jackfruit, mahogany, mango, pagoda, teak Tamil: curry, mulligatawny, pariah Telugu: bandicoot
URALIC FAMILY (Northern Eurasia)
Finnic Finnish: sauna Saami: tundra
Samoyedic Nenets: parka
Ugric Hungarian: biro, coach, goulash, hussar, puszta, tokay
VASCONIC FAMILY (Northern Pirenees)
Basque: chaparral, chimichurri, silhouette
TURKIC FAMILY (Central Eurasia)
†Old Turkic: cossack, yurt Tatar: ?stramonium Turkish: baklava, balaclava, bergamot, caftan, caviar, harem, janissary, kebab, kismet, minaret, pastrami, sherbet, tulip, yoghurt Yakut: taiga
MONGOLIC FAMILY (Mongolia and surrounding areas)
Mongol: horde, khan, ?valerian
SINO-TIBETAN FAMILY (China and Southeast Asia)
Tibeto-Burman Burmese: ?marzipan Tibetan: lama, panda, tulpa, yak, yeti
Sinitic [Chinese languages closely related, not always clear from which a borrowing comes] Hokkien: ?ketchup, sampan, tea Mandarin: chi, dao, dazibao, gung-ho, kaolin, oolong, shaolin, shanghai, yin-yang Min Nan: nunchaku Yue (Cantonese): chop suey, dim sum, kowtow, kumquat, lychee, shar-pei, ?typhoon, wok
TUNGUSIC FAMILY (Eastern Siberia)
Evenki: pika, shaman
Korean: bulgogi, chaebol, hantavirus, kimchi, mukbang, taekwondo
Japanese: banzai, bonsai, dojo, emoji, geisha, ginkgo, hikikomori, honcho, ikebana, kamikaze, karaoke, koi, kudzu, manga, origami, pachinko, rickshaw, sake, samurai, sensei, soy, sushi, tofu, tsunami, tycoon, zen
AUSTRONESIAN FAMILY (maritime Southeast Asia and Oceania)
Western Malayan Javanese: ?junk [ship] Malay: amok, cockatoo, compound [building], cootie, durian, kapok, orangutan, paddy, pangolin, rattan, sarong
Barito Malagasy: raffia
Phlippinic Cebuano: dugong Ilocano: yo-yo Tagalog: boondocks
Oceanic Hawai'ian: aloha, hula, luau, poi, wiki Maori: kauri, kiwi, mana, weta Marshallese: bikini Tahitian: pareo, tattoo Tongan: taboo
Fore: kuru
Dharug: boomerang, corroboree, dingo, koala, wallaby, wobbegong, wombat, woomera Guugu Yimithirr: kangaroo, quoll Nyungar: dunnart, gidgee, quokka Pitjantjatjara: Uluru Wathaurong: bunyip Wiradjuri: kookaburra Yagara: dilly bag
AFRO-ASIATIC FAMILY (North Africa and Near East)
Coptic: adobe
Berber Tachelhit: argan
Semitic †Punic: Africa Arabic: albatross, alchemy, alcohol, alcove, alfalfa, algebra, alkali, amber, arsenal, artichoke, assassin, candy, coffee, cotton, elixir, gazebo, gazelle, ghoul, giraffe, hashish, harem, magazine, mattress, monsoon, sofa, sugar, sultan, syrup, tabby, tariff, zenith, zero Hebrew: amen, behemoth, cabal, cherub, hallelujah, kibbutz, kosher, manna, myrrh, rabbi, sabbath, Satan, seraph, shibboleth
NIGER-CONGO FAMILY (Subsaharan Africa)
unknown: cola, gorilla, tango
Senegambian Wolof: banana, fonio, ?hip, ?jigger [parasite], karite, ?jive, yam
Gur-Adamawa Ngbandi: Ebola
Kwa Ewe: voodoo
Volta-Niger Igbo: okra Yoruba: gelee [headgear], mambo, oba, orisha
Cross River Ibibio: calypso
Bantu Lingala: basenji Kikongo: ?chimpanzee, ?macaque, ?zombie Kimbundu: ?banjo, Candomblé, gumbo, macumba, tanga Swahili: askari, Jenga, kwanzaa, safari Xhosa: Ubuntu Zulu: impala, mamba, vuvuzela
KHOE-KWADI FAMILY (Southwest Africa)
Khoekhoe (Hottentot): gnu, kudu, quagga
Greenlandic Inuit: igloo, kayak Inuktikut: nunatak
ALGIC FAMILY (Eastern Canada and northeast USA)
†Proto-Algonquin: moccasin, opossum, skunk Cree: muskeg, pemmican Mikmaq: caribou, toboggan Montagnais: husky Narragansett: ?powwow, sachem Ojibwe: chipmunk, totem, wendigo, woodchuck Powhatan: persimmon, raccoon
SALISHAN FAMILY (Pacific coast at the USA-Canada border)
Chehalis: chinook Halkomelem: sasquatch Lushootseed: geoduck
IROQUOIAN FAMILY (Eastern North America)
Cherokee: sequoia
Lakota: teepee
Choctaw: bayou
UTO-AZTECAN FAMILY (Southwest USA and north Mexico)
Nahuatl: atlatl, avocado, chili, cocoa, coyote, chocolate, guacamole, hoazin, mesquite, ocelot, quetzal, tamale, tegu, tomato O'odham (Pima): jojoba Shoshone: chuckwalla Yaqui: ?saguaro
MAYAN FAMILY (Southern Mexico and Guatemala)
Yucatec Maya: cenote, Chicxulub
ARAWAKAN FAMILY (Caribbeans and South America)
†Taino: barbecue, cannibal, canoe, cassava, cay, guava, hammock, hurricane, iguana, maize, manatee, mangrove, maroon, potato, savanna, tobacco Arawak: papaya
CARIBAN FAMILY (Caribbean coast of South America)
unknown: curare Galibi Carib: caiman, chigger, pawpaw, peccary, yucca
Quechua: ?Andes, caoutchouc, coca, condor, guano, jerky, llama, mate, poncho, puma, quinine, vicuna
Aymara: alpaca, chinchilla
[borrowings are often shared between these two languages] †Old Tupi: ananas, arowana, Cayenne [pepper], jaguar, manioc, piranha, tapioca Guarani: cougar, maracuja, Paraguay, petunia, toucan
CREOLE LANGUAGES (worldwide, mixed origin)
English-derived Chinese Pidgin English: chopstick, long time no see, pidgin, taipan Jamaican Creole: dreadlocks, reggae
Chinook-derived Chinook Jargon: potlatch
EDIT 08-01-24: added lots more examples, especially African, Asian, and North American languages. Still not done. EDIT 17-01-24: finished adding examples, more or less. EDIT: 18-02-24: apparently not (cheetah). EDIT: 20-05-24: nope (mosquito); 30-06-24: jerky, mukbang, cello, glockenspiel, hodgepodge; 06-06-25: marzipan, lagoon, contraband, artichoke
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Bride of Discord Chapter 6: The Decision
the next day, now the beginning of the next month Kimono knocked quietly at the door of the hut. The gentle roll of her hoof on the oak door gave way to the clinks of hanging metal decorum and the rattles of wood hanging next to the shiny wind chimes. There was the audible announcement of her dear friend. The door opened, notably without creaking.
"Kimono dear, please, come in! Sit down with me and let's begin."
The pony loved her peaceful greetings. "Thank you very much for inviting me here. I'm sure that you can give me all the facts without bias, from outside of ponyville."
"In that case, please be wary, what I will tell you is quite scary! Discord has angered me too, so unbiased fact I cannot give you!"
Kimono snorted. "If I get caught with fake news you're coming down with me!"
"no my friend, you're sorely mistaken! If you are caught I won't be Forsaken!"
They howled in laughter as they pretended to square up, before they stopped only because zecora nearly knocked down a jar of roots.
"Ive known the week's chaos as the product of discord's reign throughout equestria from letters. I wrote much down whilst touring ponyville. But I have no idea what happened at the canterlot castle, nor do I know what is happening in this forest."
Zecora spoke slowly, so as to give the pony across from her time to write it all down for the archives. kimono was the keeper of all pony history, and did her best to upkeep her reputation as the mare to go to for knowledge. Zecora looked on as she scrunched her face, stuck her tongue out, and attempted to focus and knew she could be a pony that learns around her. They were mutualists and learned from each other.
Her train of speech of interrupted with Kimono's questions.
"and what of his demands?"
Zecora tensed and scratched her chin. "A bride he demands, as well as land. His next demand is awfully unique. They can't use the elements to defend the meek."
Kimono sipped her Rooibos mango tea.
"and what would he want- in a PLOTTING manner, with a bride?"
"A "plotting manner" is precisely the issue, to hurt his bride I don't think he'd wish to. Perhaps it's love the creature seeks? I don't know, to me he won't speak."
"it has to be somepony... Somepony who can handle prolonged isolation."
"Applejack sent a letter a while back, saying that fluttershy's about to crack. She considers marrying the draconequus. Apple's trying to disparage this wish."
Kimono frowned, her eyebrows screwing up into a sympathetic expression. "Maybe fluttershy thinks it'll bring her purpose. When ponies make big decisions such as this, a sense of inferiority or insignificance is the root cause."
"if that's where the decision resides, she should know she's made great strides."
"Let's send her a letter, I will help you!"
Another 30 minutes passed and betwixt tea, parchment, and ink the ponies sent Fluttershy a letter of comfort and as much advice as they could give. Zecora advised Kimono to sweep the path leading up to where she lived, for fear of evil forces affecting her. Of course, not before sweeping her own porch and blowing up on it cinnamon from her hoof.
"Applejack, some pony has to go with him. What choice do I have?"
"There are plenty of ponies in Equestria! It doesn't have to be you!"
"But how many do you think would be willing to go?"
"This is my choice, Applejack. I can take care of myself."
"I know you can, Sugar Cube. I've seen you face up to a manticore and a full-grown dragon. But Discord…" She sighed. "Look, I just don't want you to get hurt, and I know the others don't wanna lose you to that…"
"If I don't go, no one will. The sun will never be in your pastures again!"
Applejack stared up at her friend with blurry eyes and then hung her head. "I can't stop you shug. I want'cha to be happy with the rest of your life, y'know."
"I can be happy this way applejack." The mare lifted her friend's head with her gentle hoof, caressing her Cheech as gently as she could while a small tear soaked into her coat.
"Just…promise me you'll write. And even if he don't let ya see the letters, just know I'll still be writin' em."
The cold and unyielding castle they housed felt warmer.
Fluttershy embraced her friend. "I knew you'd understand, Applejack." When she pulled away, she smiled smugly. "So what's this with you and rainbow? You've both been going to Rarity's more often!" The farm pony bolted upright
Applejack turned beet, (or rather apple,) red. "It ain't nothin'! Really! It's just an idea!"
"What would THAT be, applejack?"
"Rarity really likes us both real bad, but she dont wanna date just one mare. It's this poly-whatsit thing..." her very ears seemed to flush red. "Me and dash ain't dating, but we're both... goin steady with Rarity. It's kinda embarrassin'. Ya can't tell any pony, ya hear?"
Fluttershy giggled. She squealed in awe "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! You're just like a filly again!"
Applejack nudged her shoulders.
Fluttershy said nothing and headed towards her room. Applejack caught up with her before she could close the door.
"Fluttershy," she called, "whatever you choose, I just want you to know…"
She turned to her. "Yes?"
"You…you just might be the bravest pony I've ever known."
Fluttershy smiled, knowing that it was always the truth with her. "That really means a lot to me, Applejack."
That night, she slept lightly, slumped over a large circular pillow, and a small parchment wrapped in her hooves. of, and the words that her friends had written: "He may not be an angel from above,but perhaps what he needa is love" The words soothed her. The more she thought about it, the less worried she was. She was scared, but never terrified. She liked to think it was all true. Discord is an animal just like her, so he surely has a heart, doesn't he? And hearts are the symbols of love.
Twilight gazed out her window. The sun hadn't risen in the week leading up to this month. The moon seemed to fly away from the earth. There was nothing left amongst the clouds. There was nothing. This was the before, the dreamscape.
A cry from Rainbow Dash interrupted her thoughts. "YO EVERYONE! Twilight! You'se not gonna believe it!"
"What is it?" the princess demanded.
"It's Fluttershy, she's gone! She freakin' did it!!"
Twilight didn't waste a second and followed the pegasus to Fluttershy's room. Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack and Spike surrounded the empty bed. The dragon held a note in his claws. The unicorn removed it with her magic and read it aloud:
"Dear Fluttershy,
Do not let the needs of the few outweigh the needs of self. In turn, the needs of your mind being filled will save everyone who matters. Go to the draconequus, if it's truly what you wish. He's not be an angel from above, but perhaps what he needs is love."
Every pony turned suspiciously towards Applejack, who bore the expression of a foal who'd eaten a lemon for the first time.
The cowgirl stomped her hoof. "She did it! She gone and did it! I tried to talk her out of it, I really did! She made me Pinkie Promise not to say nothin' before she did it!"
"Calm down, Applejack. What happened?"
What would've been daybreak. The sun should've illuminated the foggy dew kissing the plants that reached towards the great pink-orange heavens. Instead, there was what only looked like night.
She took a deep breath and looked up at them with tears in her eyes.
"Hello?" she called out weakly. "Anyone home?"
Fluttershy stood at the cave entrance. A part of her was telling her to turn back, but another was telling her to go in. She had to do this for her friends, for the princesses, for Equestria. She inhaled deeply and walked in.
It was dark, but that's not what frightened her. She had the feeling that he was going to jump out at any moment. Stop it, Fluttershy, she told herself. You need to be brave.
"Well, well, well."
She yelped in surprise and spun around to find the draconequus standing over her.
"If it isn't the Element of Kindness herself? How nice of you to drop in!"
Suddenly, the ground beneath her disappeared and Fluttershy screamed as she fell through a hole. She landed with a thump and looked around to find that she had landed in the same spot that she had fallen.
"How did…?" she stammered.
Discord laughed maniacally. "Oh, that was priceless!" He wiped away a tear. "So what brings you here, horsey? Come to negotiate some more?"
Fluttershy struggled to stand, as her knees were shaking. "Well, I have come to negotiate something…" the term "horsey" made her blood boil.
"Strange that Twilight would send you to try to reason with me. Well, you can tell your precious princess that I will only take a bride and that's final!"
"And a bride you shall have!"
Discord stared at her, shocked at her sudden outburst. "Is that so? Well, where is the lucky mare?" His outfit appeared as that of a game show host.
Her teeth started chattering. "R-right…h-here."
He blinked. "Say again?"
Fluttershy closed her eyes and straightened up. "I will be your bride."
For a long while, there was silence and she opened her eyes to see his face full of confusion. Then he erupted into a roar of laughter.
"Oh, I get it! This is a joke, right? Alright, who put you up to this? Twilight? Maybe that prankster Pinkie Pie?" She did not respond. "Rainbow Dash?"
"They…don't even know I'm here. Well, they should by now. I left them a note."
"Why would you leave them a…? Nevermind!" Buzzers and Foghorns pelted her ears. Flashing colorful neon lights and confetti brightened up the scenery.
He would have never expected her, the pegasus afraid of her own shadow, to accept his offer. Actually, he was beginning to think no pony would come forth at all.
"And no pony put you up to this?"
She shook her head. "This was my decision. But…" She backed away nervously. "If you'd rather have some pony else…"
"Now hold on!" She jumped as he appeared behind her. "I didn't say I wasn't interested."
He circled her, studying her carefully from every angle. Comedically, of course; with an oversized magnifying glass he examined her like a crime scene. He'd never stand there and check her out like a pervert. He lifted the mare's hoof and studied her well kempt horseshoes. Her hooves, which had been through so much for years, perfect because of this hunk of metal.
"hey now, where'd you get that made? And does it come in more sizes?" He popped off his hoof and showed her the size 13 mens' label.
Discord had to admit, for a pony, she wasn't that bad to look at. Her silky pink mane was well-groomed and smelled of honeysuckle, her big teal eyes, though closed now, were almost adorable, and her voice was sweet as honey. This must have been a trick of some sort. There was no way this pony could have come out of her own free will, but he knew she wasn't a trickster. Besides, when was he going to get another chance to do this!
He poofed a giant boom box now held above his head as he stood there, in a white snapback, open white button up shirt, and baggy white pants. The boom box blasted throughout the air, making the nearby corvids fly away in sheer awe of the smooth R&B caressing their pathetic bird lives.
"You'll do," he said with indifference. "But are you certain this is what you want, my dear?"
°°I vow, To never call you out your name
I vow, To treat you as me the same°°
Fluttershy looked up at him boldly. "If I were to go with you, you will keep your promise and let the princesses go?"
"My dear," he said with a bow, "you have my word."
°I vow, To cover that with love actions and words
I vow, To talk to you sincerely°
"And…my friends?"
"Will never hear from me again."
She gulped. "Nor me?"
He stooped down to her, his face just inches from hers. "Of course they can talk to you! It's just that I would have to send you back, and that's against our agreement! So, letters will have to do. Don't you want your every need catered to?"
°°To bow down at your feet, Not to worship you as a God, But as a queen°°
"Catered to my every need?"
"If we are to be married, what's mine is yours. If it is in my power, I shall give you whatever you desire. Call it a prenup."
She could not tell if he was serious. Being offered whatever she desired did sound tempting, but why would he do that for her? Perhaps Zecora and Kimono were right. Maybe he was desperate for a companion.
Seeing that he was getting to her, he placed his hands on her shoulders. "So what'll it be, my dear?"
It didn't matter. Equestria needed the princesses returned. She breathed in.
"I'll marry you."
"Excellent!" He leapt excitedly into the air.
"Now where are the princesses?"
Instead of answering, he smirked. "Why don't we make it official?"
He snapped his fingers and a box materialized in his paw. He opened it to reveal a sparkling diamond ring. Intricately carved within it was words.
"Oh dear," Fluttershy muttered.
He chuckled. "I'll ask again. Will you marry me, my dear Fluttershy?"
"Fluttershy, don't!"
The pegasus turned to see Twilight racing towards them, the others running behind. The song
°Me and you Against the world, No matter what comes up before us baby-° the music abruptly stopped.
"DUDE I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING!" Rainbow shook fluttershy. Applejack carried dash to the ground and kept her as close as possible.
Discord stopped them all with his magic. "Do you mind? I'm in the middle of a proposal here!"
"Put them down!" Fluttershy begged. "Please, just let me say goodbye to them!"
He rolled his eyes and released them from his spell. Fluttershy rushed to Twilight's side.
"you shouldn't have come after me, I'm grown! I know what I'm doing!"
"We couldn't let you go with him!" the unicorn bellowed, pointing accusingly at the draconequus.
"You don't understand. I have to do this."
"No, you don't! There has to be another way!"
"If I don't do this, Equestria's doomed for all eternity. I'll be doomed! This is the safest option."
"But do you have any idea what this monster might do to you?!" Pinkie shouted, "he might just lock you in a tower!
"Now, THATS A harmful stereotype-"
"No pony chooses my fate but me."
"Fluttershy," Rarity pleaded, "you can't possibly marry this…beast!"
Discord dramatically clutched his pearls.
"I'm sorry, but this is my decision."
"But Fluttershy," Pinkie sniffed. "We'll never see you again."
She looked at her friends sadly. "I know."
"We'll find another way to get the princesses back!" Twilight insisted. "I'll even go in your place! We'll…"
"She's right!" Applejack interrupted. They all turned to her in shock. "Fluttershy's the only pony in control of her destiny. If her decision is to save Equestria, we should respect that decision." She walked up to her friend. "You take care of yourself, ya hear?"
Fluttershy nodded and embraced the earth pony. "Make sure my animals get everything they need."
"Of course, Sugar Cube."
"Fluttershy," Rainbow started to say as she flew down to her. "You can't…you won't…"
She hugged her childhood friend. "You stood up for me so many times. Now I can return the favor."
She hovered over to Rarity. "You can keep my clothes, if you like."
The unicorn was astonished. "Darling, you can't expect me to…" She stopped as she too received a hug. "Don't be silly. I'll send them over."
Fluttershy then turned to the pink earth pony. "Pinkie Pie, I…"
Pinkie let out a wail and flung her hooves around her neck. "Don't forget us, okay? I mean even if you'll never see us again, don't forget our names! I mean it's easy to forget a pony's name after not seeing them for a while and…"
"I won't forget you, Pinkie."
She sniffed and hugged tighter. "I know."
Once Pinkie had loosened her grip, Fluttershy turned to Spike. Before she could say anything, he wrapped his arms around her legs with a whine. She then looked up at Twilight, who was on the verge of tears.
"I'll be fine," she assured her. "I promise."
How can you possibly keep that promise?" the unicorn choked.
"You know how good I am with creatures." The rest she said in a whisper. "I think I can tame him."
"For equestria."
She nodded and embraced her. Discord was about ready to gag.
"Hello?" he called, waving the ring box. "Waiting for an answer here!"
Fluttershy pulled away from her friends and courageously faced the draconequus. She stuck out her hoof and uttered, "Yes, I'll do it."
Discord smiled in triumph as he zapped the box away. The ring then reappeared on a chain around Fluttershy's neck. The draconequus cackled as he scooped his bride-to-be in his arms. The ponies watched in horror.
"If you hurt a hair on her head…!" Rainbow warned.
"I assure you, she won't be harmed. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a wedding to plan!"
With a final triumphant laugh, Discord vanished with Fluttershy and in their place, the three princesses appeared, their horns restored to their heads.
"What's happened?" Luna demanded. "Where's Discord?"
The ponies burst into tears. Applejack was the only one with the strength to speak.
"He's…taken a bride."
Their eyes widened. "Who?" Celestia asked. In receiving no response, she beseeched her student. "Twilight? Who did he take?"
The purple alicorn buried her face in her hooves, knowing her friend was gone because of her failure as a princess. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy…I'm so, so sorry!"
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mardrfish · 2 months
In connection with my new job, an interesting thought occurred to me.
Enjoy the mess of my head!
Tahu - rooibos with strawberries, pomegranate and red cornflower.
In fact, it is more of a tea drink than tea itself; there is no base for that.
Rooibos comes from Africa, like Tahu - from the hottest heat.
Despite this, it has not only a bright taste, but also the sweet delicate notes of Ta-Vahi before the fire.
Gali - Milk Oolong.
Few people can immediately understand it, but if they succeed, then it’s like tea when brewed correctly - a delicate and soft taste that refreshes, without the wrong impurities. You don't soak oolong in milk, you fools.
Lewa - Herbal green collection with mango and pineapple. It seems like there are anchan leaves flashing in it?
A complete cacophony at first glance, but the taste is a bright tropical juicy taste that takes you into dreams of parrots and jungles.
Onua is Pu-erh, in which some buds of the tree itself have been added.
It seems strange to many and seems primitive in its origin, but if you try it, you can get hooked. It has the smell of spicy earth and herbs, and the buds give off a delicate sweetness.
Pohatu - buckwheat tea.
An absolute madman in an absolutely harsh environment. It smells like honey and is invigorating.
Kopaka - Earl Grey.
A follower of the classics who finds it difficult to accept something new, but if you choose the right blend, it reveals itself from new unexpected sides.
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salted-caramel-tea · 3 months
OOHOHOHO VERY GOOD and since we have similar taste imma need u to give us all recs or simply share all ur faves! I really wanted to order some again so i might as well ask an expert
alright let’s cover what bases we can . highlighting names for ppl who don’t want to read
for fruit tea i love the peach raspberry rose i use this one for iced tea too but i tend to leave it brewing in the fridge overnight for better flavour . very berry crush is the store best seller however .
. oh girl this is going to be long .
no added flavouring-
ok for black tea really depends on your strength preference my personal favourite is scottish breakfast (on the website as assam tgfop1 2nd flush ) i love assam its full bodied and malty it’s a single origin and anice alternative to english breakfast blends . darjeeling is a nice delicate black tea if you’re not a fan of super malty teas . indian origin teas are my favourite . margaret’s hope first flush darjeeling should be coming in soon too that’s a very exclusive tea only harvested in one area of the darjeeling province one month if the year so it’s very limited stock and £24 . returns every summer .
there’s japanese green teas we have genmaicha, gyokuro and sencha asigiri, as well as our classic green tea blend . personally i like genmaicha .
speciality teas we also have formosa jade oolong and silver needle white tea but the STAR of the show is milk oolong. she’s so phenomenal she’s £19 but she’s a gorgeous high altitude oolong delicate and creamy texture with buttery caramel notes its one of the best taiwanese teas i’ve ever had
black tea? piccadilly blend - strawberry rose and lotus flower . lovely fruit and floral blend with a delicate black tea base . her sister is covent garden blend which is black tea with peach and apricot with safflower and marigold petals . blood orange crush is also so so so good and has dried blood orange chunks in it it’s fierce
green- CHERRY BLOSSOM !!! she’s so gorgeous she’s a large leaf green tea with sakura petals and the most delectable a cherry scent and flavour i literally make samples of this for anyone i can it’s so so so good . mango and bergamot is probably the best seller tho
other- peach oolong she’s fierce . it’s pretty sweet and it’s such a fragrant tea literally it’s so good . we recently got in coconut oolong too which is limited edition it’s been pretty popular
black - english rose is a classic . black tea with rose and slightly sweet too . orange blossom is good with the cute citrusy notes and fragrance
not many for green tbh but for other there’s a chelsea garden white tea which we recently just got in teabags which is white tea with rose (i like the rose teas)
black tea- chilli chai is one of my all time faves but be careful bc the chilli really does hit the back of your throat if you’re not expecting it but it’s so warm and comforting . rhe classic spiced chai is a good alternative it’s your standard masala black tea and it’s really good on cold and rainy days especially.
for no caffeine there’s a few herbal mainly on the w wall in the large loose leaf caddies but if you ask for cinnamon vanilla chai or turkish apple or vanilla honeybush and orange they’re some of my favourites . there’s some rooibos if ur into that but i think only rainforest rooibos and blueberry rooibos are available
i don’t drink coffee so we are skipping that .
hot chocolate
for milk chocolate i think salted caramel (tastes like a crunchy) and cookies and cream (tastes like oreos) are my fave . coconut is limited edition and the best seller rn
for white . sticky toffee pudding is the way to go . raspberry ripple if also fierce it tastes like melted raspberry ripple ice cream
for instant teas
we got a bunch of new ones in and they’re all really fierce. lychee and rose, sour cherry and cranberry raspberry. literally cannot go wrong with any of them . turkish apple is my fave from the regular line
i think that’s it
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lucenare · 11 months
I'm not really a tea drinker but when I do drink tea I prefer sweeter tasting ones such as ones that taste likes fruits l. Which of the Fable tea would you recommend for me?
Absolutely, a lot of the fable teas are fruity but I'll give you a list of the fruitiest. All of the teas are unsweetened, so feel free to play around with adding sweeteners to them. A quick way is to just get/make simple syrup and add it a little at a time. I'm gonna put 6 below the cut for you to read the ingredient and flavor notes of. I'm also working on more!
Alchemist Prince - apple pieces, hibiscus, cinnamon, rose hips, lemon grass, orange, lemon verbena, dragonfruit, raspberry leaves, rose petals, natural passionfruit flavor, dragonfruit flavor, peach pieces, pineapple pieces, mango pieces, strawberries, natural peach flavor, marigold flowers & papaya flavor - this is the fruitiest tea Blue Orchid - decaf ceylon tea, apple pieces, lemon grass, rose hips, natural vanilla flavor, lavender, natural blueberry flavor, orange, natural lemon flavor, blue cornflowers, raspberry leaves & blueberries
Lady of the Sea - black tea, natural blueberry flavor, apple pieces, natural apricot flavor, natural vanilla flavor, raspberry leaves, blueberries, marigold flowers & apricots
Shepherd of Souls - black tea, rose hips, hibiscus, orange, cranberries, raspberry leaves, natural currant flavor, natural forest berries flavor, blueberries & natural orange flavor - do not let the shorter ingredient list on this fool you, it packs a fruit punch.
Void Prince - black tea, natural blackberry flavor, orange, blue cornflowers, raspberry leaves, natural creme flavor, natural vanilla flavor & natural bergamot flavor
Although not fruity, the sweetest tea would be Seer of Stars. it's so damn good. - black tea, rooibos tea, apple pieces, cocoa nibs, rose hips, butterscotch flavor, natural vanilla flavor, natural chestnut flavor & marigold flowers
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bcbdrums · 4 months
Last night's winner was Scorpio
I was skeptical of mango and chocolate. All together it's definitely giving a...desert heat? Without being spicy. The rooibos as a base with chocolate giving a sweet earthiness, combined with the further earthiness and floral undertone of the safflower... And vanilla waking all of those flavors up (I still don't like vanilla in tea). The mango is a sparkle atop the earthy blend, still light but lacking that tropical brightness you expect. Honestly, they did great at honoring this theme. I just think of a scorpion running across sand under a red sunset.
Tonight's teas:
Taurus Raja Oolong Chai Virgo Sarek Ali Shan Earl Grey Bravo
Thanks for helping me get rid of the tea. :)
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poemwithnowolves · 1 year
celery juice, asparagus, artichoke, kale, nettle, b12, antioxidants, zinc, magnesium, lemon balm, cats claw (healing vimergy), lemon, grapefruit, sweet potato, raspberries, papaya, plums, melon, mango, carrots, beets, ginger, garlic, turmeric, zuchini, pear, banana, plantain, arugula, spinach, walnut, macadamia nuts, peanut butter, almond butter, hemp milk, seed loafs, chamomile tea, rose water, quinton, flower essences, spirulina, chlorophyll, sea moss?, honey, rooibos, tulsi, mate, calendula, mint, rose petals, hibiscus, smoked wild salmon, popcorn with nutritional yeast, kombucha, guava, kiwi, quinoa, lentils, mushrooms, corn, vitamin D, fava beans, basil, thyme, oregano, sea salt, reishi, ginseng,
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adz · 2 years
everyone tell me ur favorite herbal teas NOTHING FRUITY. NONE OF THAT APPLE MANGO SHIT. im talking chamomile, im talking rooibos, im talking mint, marshmallow, licorice. tea for adults.
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sheogayrath · 11 months
for the ask thing! 3, 6, 11, 18, 27
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
the badness of a colour is entirely dependent on context. consider the humble #9c8730
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6. do you use a watch?
nooooo it would be quite useful but i cannot stand the physical sensation of wearing accessories. like if i wear a bracelet it bugs me all day. my curse.
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
i'm still living in my childhood home so many of my childhood possessions are still hangin around here. big box of old toys in the garage for if grandchildren ever manifest
18. your boba/tea order?
there is a tea place in town where i always get one of the black fruit teas (grape/mango/green apple) with chunks of honey aloe. i love honey aloe chunks and if i could get them just on their own in a big bag i would. when it comes to hot tea i like rooibos with milk + a little sugar. i however cannot stand tapioca pearls. i hate those things. it's like eating tadpoles
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
'1890s fop' OR 'adam sandler in cargo shorts'
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
my muses' favorite drinks (1st is alcoholic, 2nd is their Starbucks order)!
this keeps coming up, so here we go.
Aurelia - Tom Collins (gin, lemon juice, sugar, carbonated water); Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte (steamed milk, cinnamon dolce syrup, espresso)
Fantomex - White Russian (vodka, coffee liqueur & cream); medium roast coffee (w/coconut milk, sugar & decaf espresso)
Skadi - Bacardi (spiced rum); Horchata (ground rice, cinnamon, vanilla); Starbucks cold brew in general, especially Cold Cream Cold Brew; White Peony aka Bai Mu Dan (tea)
Hestia - Kahlua & Chai; Chai Tea Latte (chai w/steamed milk)
Renée Michele - Vodka & Blue Raspberry Jello shots; Caramel Macchiato (espresso, vanilla syrup, milk & caramel sauce)
Rhea - Broke Colada (coconut rum, lime juice, pineapple soda); Baya Energy Mango Guava (premade)
Eugenia - hates alcohol; Arnold Palmer (tea & lemonade)
Oraia - Paloma (tequila, lime juice, grapefruit soda) or Mojito (white rum, sugar, lime juice, soda water & mint); Peach Green Tea
Achilles/Akhilleus - South Slope (Hayman's London Dry gin, aromatized wine, lemon juice, orange curaçao liquor); Vanilla Bean Crème Frap Blended (w/hot espresso shot)
Jayn - Sangria (dry red Spanish wine, brandy, triple sec, frozen lemonade, carbonated water); Iced Toasted Vanilla Oatmilk Shaken Espresso (replace oatmilk w/nonfat milk)
Rela - doesn't like alcohol; Royal English Breakfast Tea (w/Milk)
Caleb - he rarely drinks alcohol; Bellini (peach puree & sparkling wine/Prosecco); Caffè Mocha (espresso, bittersweet mocha sauce & steamed milk)
Jasmine - Mudslide (vodka, coffee liqueur, Irish cream & heavy cream); Java Chip Frap (mocha sauce, choc chips, coffee & milk)
Rose - Shadow Woman (bourbon, pear brandy, honey & Angostura bitters); Honey Citrus Mint Tea (honey, hot water, steamed lemonade, peach herbal tea & Jade Citrus Mint green tea)
Zehara - Boozy Raspberry Italian Cream Soda (club soda, raspberry liqueur & heavy cream); NO STARBUCKS; green rooibos tea w/milk added
Naela - Sex on the Beach (vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice & orange juice); Apple Crisp Oatmilk Frap
Shayera - Hurricane (3x rum, grenadine, orange juice, simple syrup); Strawberry Açaí Refresher (white grape flavor, green coffee, freeze-dried strawberries)
Lan - Iced Brown Sugar Oat Milk Espresso (wonder what THAT is); Havana Beach (white rum, ginger ale, pineapple juice, lime juice, sweet syrup)
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year
Si paling gabisa dirumah terus, ibarat ke alpamaret aja dah girang neng mah~
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Lagi-lagi cerita tentang weekend, si anak yang gabisa liat ayahnya libur selalu ngajak kemana aja weh yu yang penting keluar rumah haha. Terlebih lagi nagihnya ke playground. Emak bapaknya males ngemall, trus kalo playground dalem mall kitanya gabisa sambil ngaso n nyantei, pure ngasuh weeehh.. Jadi kitamah sukanya nyari tempat/cafe yang kids friendly. Biasanya kita ke the parlor atau pillowcake, kadang ke baker street. Nah tadi tuh pengen nyari2 lagi yg lain gt, nemu lah di tiktok (duh lagi2 dari tiktok wkwk). Namanya My Bookit, di dago pakar atas sana dingin dingin semriwing~
Pas nyampe emang suasananya kebetulan lagi "dago atas" bgt, dingin, mendung, hujan rintik2 ringan. Tempatnya enakeun menurut kami berdua yg sukanya tempat ngga begitu ramai, tp maksudnya ngga sepi jg, cuma ngga padet ay laayykk dan bagi kami ngga perlu tempat instagramable, yg penting kids friendly aja lah plus makanannya enak ihhhh anakku makannya lahap hap hap, kalo harga ya masih standar cafe lah yaa. Beberapa foto ku abadikan:
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Rumahan bgt kan, begitu damai nan asri.. Bisa sambil memantau anak yang lagi main, sambil nyuapin makan haha. Ayah ibu nya bisa kentjan dengan tenang juga haha
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Kita order makanan platter biar rupa2 bgt, sama kids meal buat nemo (ngga ke foto ini makanan), karena cuacanya dingin jadi kami beli minuman hangat.. Suami order kopi magic katanya lebih strong dari cappuccino dan cafe latte, aku disuruh order teh sama beliau nama teh nya Scarlett. Tampilannya sbb:
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Lucuuuk teapot sama cangkirnya uwuwww. Suamiku tiba2 kepengen punya, nyari deh tuh ngga ada yg mirip katanya, "yang kita mesti punya nih!". Mana rasa teh nya pun enak walaupun tanpa gula, enak loh.. Ini aku coba googling ingredients nya Scarlett Tea: "Organic currants, organic hibiscus flowers, organic rosehips, organic rooibos, organic blueberries, organic orange peel, natural blueberry flavor, organic passionfruit flavor, natural mango flavor". Yang dominan di lidahku kemarin ya blueberry nya aja dari sekian banyak ini hahaha. Teh nya malah di minumin terus sama beliau lagi mumpung bisa refill, walaupun isian kedua warnanya jadi samar wkwkwk.
Next boleh coba kesana lagi deh kalo anak ngerengek pgn main di playground, emak bapaknya santuy sambil memantau dgn pewe n with a view ofc.. Semoga kita sehat selalu dan banyak rejekinya untuk ngasuh anak dan hiling hiling setitiq..
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yournowheregirl · 2 years
Alice! Some sunday morning sleepover questions for you: your favorite memory & top 5 hot beverages 💜
Annaaaa, hiiii! Come join me in my Sunday pillow fort! ✨
My favorite memory
Ohhh this is a tough one, I have so many tbh! But one that immediately comes to mind was me and my parents roadtripping through the USA a couple years back. I was just so amazed at all the wonderful nature out there and the Grand Canyon and Bryce NP and Yosemite NP especially made me feel so small and had me go full existential crisis because just WOW. Also driving along the Pacific Coast Highway was sooo fun. The views were amazing and there was this one bit where you could smell the ocean and all the flowers that were in bloom, I could've stayed there forever.
Top 5 hot beverages
Is it bad to just name my 5 favorite tea flavors? Because honestly, I the only hot beverage drink is tea 🙈 Either way, in no particular order: peach mango (the one from Lipton is my go-to), forest fruit, this one tea flavor I had in Maastricht once that still haunts my dreams, rose berry blues from Pickwick (it's like rooibos, strawberry, raspberry and rose - the only rooibos tea I like) and then the one that got away from me (aka discontinued) Pickwick's zuidvruchten tea (which was this peachy, pear-y, apple-y flavor and I miss it every damn day)
✨ ask me sleepover questions ✨
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