#Sirius loves Remus
outromoony · 2 days
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pensieve - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 250
He was fuming. Never in his life had he been so furious. He felt more wolf than human as he stomped down the hall, all injuries from the previous night forgotten as he fought through the pain, nearly running towards the gargoyle that guarded the spiral staircase.
Red tinted his vision.
Twelve years. He'd wasted twelve years mourning, lamenting, hating. Twelve years alone. All to find out that he'd let his own doubt get in the way of what his instinct had known was true.
He found Dumbledore bent over his Pensieve, apparently lost on his own thoughts.
"Tell me you had no idea," he spat, face contorted with rage. "Tell me you had no clue Sirius was innocent. Not one iota of a guess."
Dumbledore's silence was answer enough. But when the old man finally opened his mouth, Remus found himself wanting to spit in the Headmaster's face.
"Remus, it was reasonable to assume-"
"Reasonable!" he repeated, letting out a sarcastic laugh. Reasonable was not letting a man rot in Azkaban without a trial if you had even a shred of an idea that he was innocent. "Fuck reasonable! You let my husband rot alone for over a decade!" He was shaking. He wanted to tear Dumbledore limb-from-limb.
"I'm sorry, Remus," Dumbledore murmured, blue eyes sparking with remorse.
But it wasn't enough. No apology could ever be enough for everything Remus had lost in his lifetime. "I quit," he said flatly, turning on his heel and leaving the office.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 2 days
Sirius, on the phone: hey Moony can you get me $5,000?
Remus: why do you need $5,000?
Sirius: an escape room
Remus: what kind of escape room costs $5, 000
Sirius: jail
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hotteststar · 3 days
guys im crying somebody said that "wolfstar it's a tragedy bcs it shouldn't have ended this way, while jegulus is a tragedy bcs it was gonna end that way from the beginning" and I FUCKING FELT THIS LIKE WHYYYYYY ARE YOU HITTING ON MY THAT HARDDDDDDD ARHGGGGGG
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melstinybrain · 1 day
james: are you sober?
remus: I'm moderately functional.
james: I'll take that as a no.
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uhhlifeig · 7 hours
Wizard - September 25 - word count: 340 - @wolfstarmicrofic
It all started with a casual, offhand comment during breakfast in the Great Hall.
“Honestly, wizards are all a bit ridiculous,” Sirius muttered, lazily stabbing his scrambled eggs as he lounged next to Remus. His usual dramatic flair was toned down, but it still caught Remus’s attention.
“What brought this on?” Remus asked, smirking at the absurdity. 
He wasn’t entirely sure what Sirius was on about this time, but knowing him, it could be anything from enchanted teapots to misfired spells.
Sirius flicked his fork around like a conductor with a baton. “Just think about it. We go around in long robes, waving sticks, and shouting incantations at things. It’s a bit mad, don’t you think?”
Remus raised an eyebrow. “And who’s more ridiculous than you in that case?”
Sirius’s grin widened. “Well, obviously, I’m the cool kind of ridiculous,” he said, flipping his hair dramatically. “You know, the one with style.”
Remus couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, really? And what exactly makes you the ‘cool’ kind?”
Sirius leaned forward with a playful smirk. “For one, I don’t bother with all those boring old methods. Why use a charm when I can just blast the door open?”
Remus rolled his eyes. “Because,” he said dryly, “most people don’t appreciate having their doors blown apart.”
Sirius shrugged. “Details.”
Remus leaned in a bit closer, his voice lowering conspiratorially. “So what would you do if, say, your cauldron exploded in Potions class?”
Sirius grinned wickedly. “Walk away like nothing happened. Maybe flip my hair. People will think it’s all part of the plan.”
Remus chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re impossible.”
“And yet,” Sirius teased, “you still love me. Must be my charm.”
Remus raised an eyebrow, a faint smile tugging at his lips. “If by charm, you mean chaos, then yes. You’re full of it.”
“Chaos is a kind of charm, Moony,” Sirius said, leaning back smugly. “And you’ve never complained about it.”
Remus gave him a pointed look. “I have, actually. You just don’t listen.”
“Selective hearing, Moony. It’s a skill.”
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myrows · 3 months
Sleeping beauties
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skyrigel · 2 months
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People have the audacity to say they weren't fucking.
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Remus: Sirius is my friend and if he loves me, it’s the same way he would love a sibling.
Regulus: Sirius is my brother and if he looked at me the way he looks at you, I would have to see a therapist.
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outromoony · 2 days
Remus"Use your words" Lupin and Sirius"Whimpering mess" Black.
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wizard - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 145 - NSFW but not explicit
Sirius can't believe this is happening. Finally, finally, after years of pining, months of dancing around each other, it's all culminated in this. Hands roaming on heated bodies, biting lips, moaning into each others' mouths.
he's overwhelmed in the best way. He just wants more. Everything. He can't get enough of Remus, because he's wanted him for so damn long.
So, he says it without thinking: "Fuck, I don't have anything. Do you have lube?"
And Remus pauses, eyes looking deep into Sirius's soul.
And fuck. Has he misread things? Are they only snogging as- what? Friends? His stomach sinks.
But then Remus opens his mouth and looks at him with the most endearing smile. "Sirius. You know we're wizards, right?"
It hits him like a brick to the head and he breaks into a beaming smile. "Right," he laughs, before connecting their mouths again.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 days
Sirius *to Remus*: If it’s really as bad of idea as you say it is, then have God strike me down where I stand.
*Lightning strikes him*
Sirius: Ha! Nice try, jackass! Next time, give it your A-game!
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 3 months
sirius black would NEVER ask an angry girl if it's her time of the month.
he DOES, however, ask his boyfriend and brother constantly, and has been kicked by both for asking
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pottermagiczz · 4 months
Sirius trying to teach lil Harry his name
Sirius: Harry, say Padfoot
Sirius: C'mon lil guy, Pad-foot
Harry: Moo-ee
Sirius: No Harry, Pad-foot
Harry: MOO-EE
Sirius: You're one lil sh*t, aren't you?
Harry: Sh*t!
Remus, entering the room: Hey Harry, having fun?
Harry: F*ck! Sh*t!
Remus: ...
Harry: Pad-foooo
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mezsygfs · 28 days
i imagine one of Wolfstars conversations like this
Sirius: "moony truth or dare"
Remus: "no"
Sirius: "would you do me as a dog? Like in your wolf form or whatever. Wolfy ever wanna do me?"
Remus: "pads what the fuck"
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uhhlifeig · 2 days
Broom - September 24 - word count: 682 - @wolfstarmicrofic
The Quidditch pitch was buzzing with excitement as Gryffindor and Hufflepuff faced off in their latest match. 
Remus sat in the commentator’s box, leaning back in his chair. He was totally ready to do his duty.
“And Gryffindor takes possession, James Potter dodging a Bludger- because of course, he makes everything look easy-,” Remus said, his voice amused. 
He paused for a second before adding, “I’m sure he’s very proud of himself.”
On the pitch, Sirius swooped down with Marlene at his side as he locked on to a nearby Bludger. 
Remus couldn’t help but track him, barely keeping his voice from cracking as Sirius smacked the Bludger towards the Hufflepuff Chasers with perfect form.
“Here comes Sirius Black, who I assume thinks he's auditioning for some dramatic flying role rather than playing Quidditch. But, credit where it's due- that was an excellent hit... probably all those hours working on his wrist strength.”
There was a snicker from some of the Gryffindor stands.
Sirius, mid-air, threw a blush-tinted grin back up toward the commentator’s box, saluting with his Beater’s bat.
Remus tried not to blush. Tried.
“And now Logsden has possession, passing to Potter- I swear this match is a personal highlight reel for James. Honestly, someone should remind him there are other players on this team.”
Down on the pitch, James gave a theatrical wave, clearly soaking in the attention. 
“And Black, once again, looking far too proud of himself for someone who just barely avoided hitting Rivers with that last swing,” Remus quipped, shaking his head. “Can someone please remind him that we’re here to hit Hufflepuffs, not Gryffindors?”
Marlene barked a laugh as she zoomed past Sirius. She elbowed him as she flew by, and he exaggerated a spin in response, nearly toppling over on his broom but grinning all the while.
“Honestly, it’s a miracle he hasn’t fallen off his broom yet,” Remus added with a laugh. “But I suppose we should be thankful for small mercies.”
“And Potter’s lining up for another shot at the goal… And he scores! Gryffindor now leads 30 to 10, and it’s no doubt the rest of us will hear about this in excruciating detail during dinner.”
Sirius and James high-fived in mid-air, and Sirius gave another look toward the commentator’s box, this time with a slightly exaggerated wave that had Remus rolling his eyes.
“I’d like to remind everyone that, despite what it looks like, James Potter is not actually playing this game by himself, though he seems convinced otherwise.”
There was a collective laugh from the Gryffindor stands, and even McGonagall could be seen stifling a chuckle.
“And now- oh, would you look at that! Another spectacular play by Sirius Black. I’m not sure if it’s bravery or simply a complete disregard for personal safety.”
Remus paused, as Sirius caught his eye once more and sent a playful smirk his way.
“Ah, and yes, that grin on his face means he’s fully aware I’m talking about him. And no, Sirius, you’re not getting special treatment from the commentary box, no matter how much you wink at me.”
The Gryffindor side howled in laughter, and Sirius blew a kiss in response, nearly toppling off his broom in the process. Remus shook his head.
“Honestly, it’s a miracle I’m allowed to commentate at all. But let’s move on... Hufflepuff still has a chance to- oh, never mind. Matthew Rivers has stolen possession, and Gryffindor is now leading by forty points!”
Remus smiled, watching Sirius dive-bomb a bludger.
“And there goes Black again, risking life and limb for... well, I’m not entirely sure why. Probably just for the drama. Typical Gryffindor behavior, honestly.”
When the Snitch was caught, signaling Gryffindor’s victory, the stands erupted in cheers. 
The dark-haired boy flew top speed right at the commentator’s box, still grinning like a madman.
“Nice commentary, Moony,” Sirius said, laughing as Remus raised an eyebrow.
“Nice flying, Black,” Remus shot back, feigning nonchalance. “Though, next time, maybe try not to hit our own team with that stick of yours.”
“No promises,” Sirius replied, still grinning.
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