#So came up with a story behind it.
skeletoninthemelonland · 10 months
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"The Exocannis Ressurection"
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karvviie · 27 days
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when the crack ship starts getting so serious you start making a comic for it
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canthandlethishit · 4 months
Batfam’s handwriting headcanons!!
Alfred (right handed): cursive, normally neat and kind of flowery calligraphic(?) (he usually write the gala, party invitations for worthy guests himself), his notes are written just as neat but the letters are more narrow and tilted to the right.
Brucie (left handed): writes in cursive, bubbly letters, flowery, extravagant with endless numbers of loops and stems, big flourishes (picture light yagami writing) watching him write is a performance itself (near impossible to read, looks like an art piece from afar)
Bruce (self-trained ambidextrous, favors his left though is equally efficient with both hands): rounded print (for notes in reports), and cursive (for personal writings), he’d had some influence from alfred so theres a little extra in his writing like an extra curve, stem (ie: his i’s & t’s got lil hooks, his v as a downward stem at the end), but its overall quite minimalistic and tidy, there’s sufficient force on the paper.
Batman: doesn’t write >:( computer <- duh (if he really has to like idk the riddler forces him to write sth he would in caps block letters very strong straight lines, almost like excessively forced and he also place his pinkie on the pen/pencil to further deter identification, he switches hands every time to keep people off-track)
Dick (trained ambidextrous, favors his right, naturally right-handed until robin): cursive quick and kind of messy but still eligible writing, he’s used to taking quick notes (cop job), his letters are jaded, pointed (ie: his b’s are written like music notes, not rounded). he uses average force when writing (dents the paper but not through multiple pages), his letters’ spacing are nonexistent they overlap a bit, his words narrowly apart.
Jason (circumstantial ambidextrous, favors his right, his left handwriting is still neat, not as pretty as his right’s): cursive, his handwriting experienced several metamorphosis, he was left handed by birth & mother’s teachings, then at school he was taught write right-handedly. His writing was somewhat neat minimally scratchy, letters joined with loops, generous spacing. during his time with bruce he copies writing styles from his favorite authors (look up Jane Austen), Alfred and ends up with a very distinct, tilted to the right, beautiful scripture, some loops (Mary Shelly), long y’s and consonants. Post-death, he still got a nice handwriting, just less of the pizazz, the flare of personality bleeding through ink, its more tamed, still slanted, he doesn’t take as much care to force distribution (calligraphic way) but it just became more subtle, not completely gone.
Cass (ambidextrous, writes left handed): print, when first asked which hand she’d like to learn to write with she chose left, she didn’t learn to write ambidextrously. clean yet a bit weirdly spaced, she dots her i’s and cross her t’s after whole sentences. She likes making capital first letters of her text flowery like brucie’s, its amusing how out of place it looks.
Tim (self-trained ambidextrous, born left handed, writes with both hands interchangeably): cursive, young tim researched on lots of encryption, alternative writing systems. he take notes in shorthand’s, his handwriting is fairly eligible but frequently misses letters from words (ie: handwriting -> hdwritig). his lines are slanted downwards, narrow spacing overall.
Steph (trained ambidextrous, writes right handed, batman’s ambidexterity training for her hadn’t reached handwritings): mixed, her handwriting alternates between really messy and scratchy and more eligible curvy with sharp ends to her words (when writing lift pen up fast, bigger hand movement, picture a tame and hinged light yagami). Her lines tilt upwards from left to right. her writing’s eligibility depends on her mood, what she is writing.
Duke (right handed, trained ambidexterity but opted out of handwriting training): mixed, his letters are rounded and evenly spaced, fairly neat but scrawls when he’s in a rush (makes more sharp loops, longer curls at the ends, more connected words). his letter have thin loops, sometimes subconsciously dots his i’s with crescents. his lines tilt upwards slightly in the middle (he prefer to keep his lines straight so he take notice and fixes them).
Damian (natural ambidextrous, favors his left for arabic and his right for english): cursive, strong neat strokes, clean writing, clear appropriate spacing. its almost a font, print-like from how consistently he writes. His signature on his arts is more rounded with a bit of lilts and curves (the end of his m curve like the symbol for scorpio zodiac sign). His personal diary/journal writing is softer, his paragraphs more densely packed, the first letter of each entry are more ornate than the rest (loops, curves, tiny doodles)
note: handwriting style main variety are these
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these headcanons are based on handwritings of people in my life & myself :)! not based on graphology (during my search for specific adjectives and vocabularies i came across some graphology & writing analysis articles and found them to be kind of mean & biased, rude etc so just clarifying im basing these hcs on my friends and family’s)
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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*sighs* precious baby version of night and his mentally drained brother/dad got me dropping everything for a quick doodle<333
au by @dreemurr-skelememer
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wayward-wren · 2 months
Thought too long about Hermoine daughter of Meneleus and Helen and got sad
#wren rambles#greek mythology#the iliad#the odyssey#i am actually not 100% sure what stories shes in#but i got interested at her mention in the odyssey and then read her wiki page#girl lost BOTH her parents for 17 years when she was 9#grew up probably raised mostly by Clyemnestra which. no one wants.#her parents finally came back from troy and their re-honeymoon in africa#and three years later shes send off to marry Neoptolemus#an agrragement her father made during the trojan war#(now marriage customs were different ans this arragement would have been normal.#and she doesnt seem to hate the idea [though her opinion isnt mentioned] so it could just be a normal marriage agreement#however it IS Neoptolemus. who is often portrayed as brutal and violent.#tho idk what hes like outside of war. anyway. happiness of the marruage aside#its probably a shock to be Nine Years Old and then when youre solidly in your 20s your dad comes back abd is like MARRIAGE TIME)#and THEN Orestes and Neoptolemus fight over her and she marries Orestes (her cousin. but again. ancient greece)#just. most of that generation of kids lost only their father#some perminantly#telemachus for 20 years#most for at least ten years#but Heromine lost BOTH her parents#lost the relationship with her MOTHER which the vibe i get was SUPER valuble#(if Demeter's attitude is anything to go by and the cultural vibe of mother-daughter relationship)#helen even did cite that she was a foolish creature for leaving her husband and beloved daughter#ALSO Hermione not having any full siblings means something to me#idk just. Helen's only daughter. left behind.#Helen's only CHILD left behind
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dyouevendraw · 4 months
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A WWX sketch for my bsf (I’ll be coloring it soon)
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cienie-isengardu · 7 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Good at multitasking
Author Note: Continuation to “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, “Why date a punk like him”, “Panic (Mom is visiting)”, “Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)”, “Why date a punk like him… (Lin Kuei Mom)”, “Why date a punk like him… (General Shao)”, “There is never a god around when you need one”, “ A mother knows best, p.1” &“ A mother knows best, p.1”
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then] [Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)] [Cultural differences (paid leave)] [Why date a punk like him… (Lin Kuei Mom)] [Why date a punk like him… (General Shao)] [Stop closing your eyes!] [There is never a god around when you need one] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 1 - upset Tomas] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 2 - Control your anger] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 3 - the perfect solution] [A mother knows best, p.1] [A mother knows best, p.2]
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royaltea000 · 5 hours
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You know you’re gone when you start playing dress up doll with a character :/
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lkluvsu · 1 month
pedri’s got his new puppy named nilo and ferran has a rescue dog named milo :( those dogs are gonna be besties
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comfied-chriterature · 2 months
college prompt for anhane week had me wanting to share this SO college anhane au where they are bad at communicating and break up and go their separate ways after the events of vbs. BUT then they reunite in college and go on their exes to lovers journey with a lot of bitter feelings and fear of abandonment and admiration intertwined with jealousy and inadequacy.
I think it's one of those cases where kohane leaves after they "over rad" to pursue a career in singing (the same way nagi left an. the same way everyone will part and an will be alone again.) an is unable to articulate how much she'll miss kohane and how she fears she'll never be on the same path as her bc kohane is the brilliant star and an still doesn't have a name for herself outside of her relation to talent lionized by the public (at least that's what she thinks). kohane knows something is wrong with her an but can't get her to tell anything, and she feels hurt that an isn't supportive of her, even after trying so hard to prove herself to the girl who found her in the first place.
their partnership that used to taste like bright, sweet fruit and smell like the blossoming of trees has rotted and decayed and the grime still clings to them after all this time apart.
years later, an and kohane meet again in college (maybe the singing career didn't work out for kohane or she's taking a break). they can't help but be drawn into each other's orbit again, yearning for the moments of hopeful words and warm touch in the quiet glow of sunset. it takes a lot of inner reflection and help from exhausted friends to rediscover that passion from their youth and encourage them to not give up on their dreams, or each other.
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fictionadventurer · 9 months
After very little research into the other writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane, my hypothesis about the Little House authorship question is that the writing is mostly Rose's, but the heart is Laura's.
In Laura's newspaper columns, the parts that sound most like Little House mostly come from the extracts she shares from Rose's letters (incidentally, it's kind of adorable how proud she is of Rose: "My daughter's in France!", "My daughter's in Albania!", etc.) The prose of Old Home Town, Rose's inspired-by-my-childhood-home novel, has some of the same concise descriptive prose that I've come to associate with the Little House style (I could hear passages in the voice of the Little House audiobook narrator).
Yet the Little House soul is all over Laura's columns. She's fascinated by the simple tasks of life, believes in home and family and hard work, believes in holding onto the goodness of childhood and looking forward with hope toward the future. There's an optimism, almost a romanticism, about life. The children's series that bears her name clearly comes from the same woman.
Rose, by contrast, is much more pessimistic. When writing about childhood, she's almost cynical about the life of a small town. She highlights the dark stories underlying the wholesome exterior, is extremely sensitive to the pitfalls of the social scene around her. Part of the difference is that Rose is writing for adults, but there does seem to be an essential difference in the personality behind the pen, despite the stylistic similarities to Little House.
(At the risk of pop psychoanalyzing people long dead, Rose seems much more neurotic and introverted and sensitive than her mother. In her writings and in the books about her childhood in Missouri, she comes across as child of a fairly comfortable modern life, with all the modern anxieties, in contrast to a woman who grew up starving on the prairie and knows that there are much worse things to endure than small-town gossip).
It's not much of a thesis, but I'm just fascinated by the fact that the Little House series can share so many stylistic similarities with Rose's writings, yet feel so much more like Laura.
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cartoon-skeleton · 7 months
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My prof gave us this giant slab of plywood and said we had to cut it up in 4-6 pieces and rearrange it to make a painting about time and narrative (unless you don’t want to, he said, do whatever). This shit is heavy as fuck but it’s ok because I’m the strongest person in the whole world and nationally renowned arm wrestler. Anyway, I drilled through the front of my panels in 4 places by accident because I forgot to measure the width of the scrap wood i was using to brace the pieces. Idgaf though. Like genuinely I am not sad. Also, the school only allows gamsol in the studios and there are signs about that everywhere but my professor has old man cred and actually made it a requirement that I use linseed oil because he said it was a “shame” how my “beautiful colors” were not allowed to be luminous because the gamsol flattens them so badly. So now I’m being illegal in the studio, but apparently literally everyone has been doing that this whole time. Shout out to me for not being able to discern the severity of certain rules. You can already see the difference tho. The panel with the silhouettes, all the snow was painted with linseed oil. Every other dull matte panel is all gamsol. Anyway this is due Tuesday and I only consider it 50 percent done so wish me luck
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
people need to be more normal about ian flynn it feels like the only opinions people have about him on here are either "i fucking hate ian flynn hes actively destroying the sonic franchise and i hope he drops dead tomorrow" or "i love ian flynn and im going to worship the ground he walks on and act like hes the only person responsible for recent sonic media being good" with no in between. wheres the rest of the "i think ian flynn is a good writer and hes done good things for the franchise in recent years but i dont agree with every single thing hes ever tried to do with the characters and he is just some guy to me" gang
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misspickman · 8 months
transfem kon proposal could have been good if was good
#it was not. good#and i know theres a lot of transphobic assholes happy we didnt get it bc of that#but pretending that everyone who criticizes it is doing so only bc they cant handle kon being a trans woman. is just.#you cant see past the blind want for representation#again i would kill for canon transfem kon but everything about that idea was bad#and her characterization of kon was horrid and so clearly based on yj tv show#remember how when her first bit of kon writing came out and everyone was mad about it bc it was Bad and put him in a relationship with mgan#who he. never spoke to in comics before but suddenly theyre in an established relationship#and it was all around not good kon writing. but then the proposal came out and suddenly everyone is oh we were robbed..#as if anything about it was good except for the general idea of making kon a trans woman#also im sorry but i saw her replies on twt where she was saying being trans is about burning your past and leaving everything behind#or whatever. as if being trans is the same for all of us. and as if it makes sense for kon who isnt in a bad situation re family?#but of course it would seem that way if youre coming from yj tv show. where most of the clark and kon misconception comes from afaik#and her whole issue with conner and kon as his names? bc they were given to him by another person??#i know that we like. if we were to get trans woman kon. it would have to go with changing her name and everything#bc u know dc cant conceptualize any more complex trans person than someone who instantly changes their name and fully transitions in a sec#but the way she talked about the name issue as if its bad that clark named kon. as if he wasnt so overjoyed at getting that name.#'he said not to call him superboy and we kept calling him superboy!' girl he said that bc he wanted to be superman. of all the many ways#u can find trans allegory in kons story. that single line aint it#so sorry but every time im reminded of this i get so sad and disappointed u took the best concept and fucked it up so bad#and now all people think of when trans kon is mentioned is fucking sk*******#its so over (its not bc im about to forget about it again and ignore its existence)#txt#im sorry for being a bitch again but did u read that. thats not the kon we know. dont tell me thats the point bc its about transitioning bc#u do not become a whole other person when u realize youre trans#and sorry but i do think itd be nice to have trans kon without just turning him into a (new) oc
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signalhill-if · 8 months
Fun fact: a lot of the story ideas I have came from the world I designed for an Apocalypse World game, and at the time I was reading @attollogame and loved Sysba and wound up making a character with a similar premise of being a god banished to live in a human body. That character took on a life of their own and became like everybody's favourite NPC. But they were really specific to that game's story at that point and were very fultifaceted, so when I started writing Signal Hill (which has a totally different plot) I decided to split their role in the story into two different characters, Yvette and Aldrich.
In other words, if you trace it far enough back, 1/3 of my main cast is just Sysba from Attollo
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puhpandas · 24 days
Opinion on the TalesGames theory?
I think it's becoming increasingly clear that it's probably just all canon because of sotm being (at least right now with the current info we have) true to the books so like. I wasnt a big fan before of things outside of stuff like ggy where it's just very clearly about something in the games, but with how intertwined the mimic is with just normal tftp books I think it's safe to say its pretty much confirmed now lmao
#i think thats its fine but also planned out very weirdly#having story locked behind paywalls and 20k words isnt a good thing#but also theyre very clearly explaining book stuff in the games so its not mandatory to read them#its just timed very weird with how they reveal all the story in the books and THEN make a game#so its just like. boring#you know about something months/years before its gonna be in a game then its just a recount if ur super involved with the story#like ggy for example#it clearly was always meant to be canon from the beginning but now the book#is definitely going to be 2+ years old at least before getting touched on in the games#its just timed very strangely#if they released books after the game stuff itd be different#instead of the game referencing way less content of a book that was more full and detailed#the book would instead touch on the game stuff and then some adding more details and fleshing it out#like for example if ggy had had its own game and then the book had come out#it would mean exploring more eras of ggy existing and hammering in his cunningness and characterization a lot more#so itd be enhancing stuff instead of making a game that has less content based off of a book that came out a yeat ago#yknow#i definitely think that the stuff with SB is still affecting this scheduling stuff tho and how things have turned out#its just another thing u know is probably supposed to be better and more polisjed and was supposed to ve#but it ended up not being#on one hand personally this means tony becker is canon which yay#pandas.txt#pandas asks#thoughts#discourse
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