#The Harry Potter Ones Are About How Much It Sucks And The “Can You Tell If A Disabled Person Is Faking” One Is About How Bad Fake Claiming I
januscorner · 6 months
Just realized I can post this. Please watch the ones about social issues omg
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dira333 · 3 months
Behind the scenes of a Tumblr Writer - Tag Game
Hey there, I love behind the scenes and since this is something that's rarely talked about, let me start the chain... if you feel uncomfortable with a question, just skip it. You can add some if you want as well.
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Started writing: I wrote my first Harry Potter fanfic at age 10. Started posting around 15,16 years old. I'm now 31, so...
Started blogging: I started on a German fanfiction site around 2010/11 I think. Might have been earlier too, but back then I was mostly reading, no posting. I really started when I got into One Direction (very late, tbh)
Followers: Currently at 961, which is wild to me. I don't even know that many people IRL. I convince myself that half of them are bots tbh, so I don't freak out all the time.
Communication: The people I talk to regularly are: a few writers who answered after I constantly reblogged and commented on their works and a few people who commented and reblogged my work. Writing and blogging on here can be pretty lonely, depending on your personality and the time you're active (I'm from Europe and a lot of my followers seem to be living in Northern America, so there's the Timezone thing) ... And I found that the best way to strike a conversation is to reblog, comment, and to not be shy. I do wish I got more asks, though....
Likes: I actually filter them out. I have 793 original posts up at the moment. It doesn't give me anything to know how many likes a fic has other than to tell me which characters are liked more than others or maybe that one fic does especially well. My activity only shows me comments, asks, reblogs with tags, and answers to my own asks. I live for the tags and the comments.
Requests: I love talking to people about ideas. That's how I started the plotbunny game because I have so many ideas and so little time. And sometimes an idea just doesn't want to be written out fully. Requests are fun because YAY, I get some mail... but then I freak out because I don't really know how to write this NOW and then I freak out because it's been a week already, two weeks, wait, two months? I'd rather have suggestions where people tell me vague things like "I'd love to read something about this side character" or "Have you ever considered this character with a soulmate trope"? because then I don't have the feeling of failing the request when I write it a little bit differently.
Writing: I am a fast writer. I know that's one of my talents. I can churn out a oneshot of 1k words in less than an hour. People read slower than I write. That can suck sometimes because you've just posted this and you want to know what people are thinking but they're not as fast as you are. I do have a lot of ideas. I want to write constantly but my brain doesn't always want to. I am trying to respect that.
There are also certain things that I just feel wrong writing. I cannot write anything suggestive (I also don't like reading it) and everything past that gives me panic attacks. I can hardly write mean characters and jealousy feels so wrong to me that I cannot write it. I've also overdone it with the soulmark trope and now I feel like everything I write about it feels lifeless.
I write best in the mornings before going to work, but I don't have much time there. I don't need special music (but it helps), but I need to have at least some energy left and at best, no distractions. But I have been writing for over 20 years, so I will say experience helps a lot.
Tagging: @revasserium @shoulmate @lemurzsquad @screamin-abt-haikyuu @toomanygoldfish @satorisoup @emmyrosee @reverie-starlight @alienaiver and @writingsofanomnivore and everyone else who wants to join
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citrusses · 8 months
I have reread Löyly twice already :D I even make up little headcanons about Drarry visiting London and Harry just turns up to this friends group + potentially Theo, with his new man Draco Malfoy
Thank you so much for this!! I am so happy you enjoyed the fic. I love the sound of your headcanons!!! You inspired me to write a little micro sequel… some nsfw dirty talk below the cut. Unbeta-ed and unfiltered!
“Did you see their faces?” Draco asks him, low and secret. Harry shivers.
“Yeah. Think they were surprised?” Harry jokes lightly.
He had meant to tell Ron and Hermione at least, before, but Iceland had flown by, and the travel back was stressful, and then all of the sudden they were home. And they only had one night in London before their Portkeys to Tokyo left the next day, so it was easier just to…. Show up together at the pub.
Draco on Harry’s arm (and a bruise he’d “forgotten” to heal on Harry’s collarbone) had done the explaining for them.
Harry really hadn’t counted on Theo being there, and with a date, no less. Harry feels mostly awkward about the whole thing.
Draco, on the other hand, is feral. He hasn’t stopped touching Harry since they got there. Nothing too overt; just a possessive hand on Harry’s waist, or picking the lint off his collar. Straightening his glasses when Ron’s hug knocked them crooked. Little things.
But Harry can see what’s simmering beneath the cloudy cover of his eyes. He knows Draco well enough now.
Harry loves it.
Draco is currently glaring at Theo, whose back is very deliberately turned to them. Harry wishes he’d just leave.
Draco puts his mouth against Harry’s ear and whispers, “I’m going to suck your dick so hard tonight that he feels it.”
Harry laughs, though his cock is stirring with interest in spite of it. “What? How? That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Oh, yes it does,” Draco says, his voice that odd combination of obstinate and sultry that makes Harry want to latch onto his neck with his teeth. “Underestimate my dick-sucking prowess at your own peril, Potter.”
“And how will anyone else be impacted by this dick sucking, monumental as I know it to be?” Harry murmurs back, breath ghosting over Draco’s cheekbones. His fingers have found their way to the hem of Draco’s shirt.
Draco brings his hands on either side of Harry, pressing him against the bar. “Because,” he says slowly. “It’s going to be so good. I’ll make it so wet, and I’ll take you so deep. All you’ll know is me, and my mouth, and my fingers in your perfect little arse. And when I make you, you’re going to come so hard that the earth’s gravitational axis will shift, and they’ll all feel it. Keep up, Potter.”
Harry laughs again, though it comes out breathy and high. “That’s so cheesy,” he says. It sounds like a whine.
“If you don’t want me to—“
“Shut up,” Harry growls. He glances around for Ron and Hermione. They’re both preoccupied in conversation—and they’re all having breakfast tomorrow anyways. Leagues better than yelling at each other in a crowded pub.
They won’t mind.
“Okay,” Harry says, putting his own possessive arm around Draco. “We’re leaving now.”
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hollowed-theory-hall · 8 months
The Riddle of Tom Riddle: Part 1/?
(Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7)
The Death Tool of Voldemort's Wars
So, I did say I'll make this post somewhere, so here it is.
When trying to make sense of Voldemort’s behavior in the books, I noticed that the two wars were actually very different. How they were waged, how many people died, and who was most targeted along with Voldemort's goals.
(Because I mentioned it, I'll just say Voldemort’s behavior in the book is really weird and somewhat contradictory, but I found a way to explain that. Consider this the second post on my way to analyze Voldemort after the Horcruxes one)
The Wizarding Population in the UK
The first step to figuring out how bad the wars with Voldemort actually were is to know the size of the wizarding population in the UK. Numbers of deceased don't mean much without being able to calculate percentages.
If there are 40 students a year at Hogwarts in 1990s → 400 wizards and witches between ages 10-19
Account for fewer births during and right after the war with Grindelwald in the 1930s-1940s, and the war with Voldemort in the 1970s
Account for longer life acceptancy (Average of 130)
And we get an estimate of something like this:
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With wizards being around 0.01% of the muggle population in any country.
The population in Britian in 1991 was 57,359,454, making the wizarding population 57,359*0.01% =~ 5,700
The population in Ireland in 1991 was 5.1 M, making the Irish wizarding population about 510.
So as a rough estimate, we'll say there were ~6,200 wizards and witches in the UK and Ireland together in 1991
Probably less though considering JKR killed most of Harry's grandparents' generation with Dragon Pox....
By the same logic above in the 1970s the Wizarding population in Britain and Ireland was ~5,600 + ~300 = ~5,900 wizards and witches.
So, now we have the estimated size of the population and we can gage how much damage these wars actually caused.
So, I may have compiled a list of all war casualties from both wars. I will not place the full details here (like the exact year each died), but I'll mention sides, who they were killed by, and any other information relevant to understanding the war's influence on wizarding society, and what we can learn from it about Voldemort's intentions.
For these lists:
(M) - muggle (MB) - muggleborn (PB) - pure-blood (HB) - half-blood (O) - other $ - Death Eater or affiliated ^ - Order of the Pheonix member or affiliated Italics - killed against Voldemort's orders
The First War: Surprisingly Targeted
Killed By Voldemort Personally:
~4 unnamed goblins (O)
Dorcas Meadowes (PB/HB)^
James Potter (PB)^
Lily Potter (MB)^
Killed by Death Eaters:
Mr. Bones (PB)^
Mrs. Bones (PB)^
Robert McGonagall (PB)
Marlene McKinnon (PB)^
~4 more unnamed McKinnons (PB)^
Mrs McGregor (M)
Douglas McGregor (M)
2 McGregor Children (M)
Caradoc Dearborn (PB/HB)^
Dean Thomas’ Father (PB)
Edgar Bones' Wife (PB)^
Edgar Bones (PB)^
~2 Edgar Bones' children (PB)^
Benji Fenwick (PB/HB)^
Frank Longbottom (PB)^ - Not dead, but counts
Alice Longbottom (PB)^ - Not dead, but counts
Fabian Prewett (PB)^
Gideon Prewett (PB)^
Killed by the Order of the Pheonix & Aurors:
Evan Rosier (PB)$
Wilkes (PB)$
+ 13 muggles killed by Peter Pettigrew on October 31st, 1981
+ Regulus Black who died in the cave with the Inferi
This lands us at 45 casualties (including the Longbottoms) for the first Wizarding War. Now, let's look more closely at the numbers.
Not counting the muggles and creatures other than wizards lands us at 24
24/5,900 =~ 0.40% of the wizarding population was killed in the first war.
And did you notice anything interesting about the names on the list? There is only 1 muggleborn and 1 muggle family, whose death wasn't even on Voldemort's orders. What does it tell us about the war?
Well, first off, Dumbledore's idea of morality and not using dark magic and lethal curses kind of sucks. This is hardly a war, it's a massacre. 19 Order members and their families die compared to 3 Death Eaters, one of which was killed by Voldemort's creations. Moody and Mr. Weasley aren't kidding when they say the first war was rough in the fifth book. It really was, but only for their side.
The innocent casualties of people not belonging to any side in this war stand at 19 (including the 13 muggles killed by Pettigrew), and 6 (not including Pettigrew).
It's just wild how Peter Pettigrew has the most kills in this war, more than Voldemort. And it tells you a lot about Voldemort's priorities.
His priorities clearly aren't to kill all muggleborns, we can see that much. So what are his priorities? What is he actually waging a war for if it's not to kill all muggleborns like all the characters tell us?
Well, I will post a full rundown of the timeline of the first war at some point, but for now, what we know is that Voldemort is targeting the Order of the Phoenix, who opposed him. And he is in general causing chaos for the Ministry of Magic.
We know that by 1981, Voldemort practically won, with the ministry having more spies of his than any other group. The ministry was made up of Death Eaters. But we don't know of any rules he passed in this time, or moves to legalize dark magic or outlaw muggleborns — nothing like that happened.
What did happen, was that Voldemort made a cave filled with Inferi and experimented with potions (he invented the potion of despair in the cave).
It seems, more than anything, the war was there to distract the ministry or weaken it, and less about accomplishing a specific political goal. And if he was after a specific political goal, then it isn't blood purity as he isn't rounding up muggleborns like in the second war.
The low death count overall (especially when compared to the second war) is because Voldemort is there. Voldemort does not approve of unnecessary death, even muggle one:
“Nice costume, mister!” He saw the small boy’s smile falter as he ran near enough to see beneath the hood of the cloak, saw the fear cloud his painted face. Then the child turned and ran away. . . . Beneath the robe he fingered the hand of his wand. . . One simple movement and the child would never reach his mother. . . but unnecessary, quite unnecessary. . . .
(Deathly Hollows, page 295)
Voldemort himself does not like unnecessary death. He considers it and killing in rage below him at the end of the First Wizarding War. He doesn't do it himself and doesn't let his followers kill unnecessarily up until the night he kills the Potters.
What exactly Voldemort was trying to accomplish is a question I've pondered and have a few more posts about. But understanding he wasn't really after the death of all muggleborns and neither was he after control of Magical Britain, which is made very clear by the second war, is the first step to understanding him.
The Second War: Chaos Galore
Killed By Voldemort Personally:
Bertha Jorkins (PB)
Cedric Diggory (PB)
Bathilda Bagshot (PB)
Charity Burbage (PB/HB)
Alastor Moody (PB)^
Rufus Scrimgeour (PB)
German-speaking child #1 (M)
German-speaking child #2 (M)
German-speaking woman (M)
Mykew Gregorovitch (PN)
Gellert Grindelwald (HB)
Peter Pettigrew (PB/HB)$
2 Unidentified Death Eaters (PB/HB)$
Severus Snape (HB)$
Killed by Death Eaters:
Bodrick Bode (PB/HB)
Emmeline Vance (PB)^
Sirius Black (PB)^
Amalia Bones (PB)
Florean Fortesque (PB)
Mrs. Abbott (PB/HB)
Igor Karkaroff (PB)$
Montgomery (PB/HB)
4 Unidentified Muggles (M)
Gibbon (PB)$
Albus Dumbledore (HB)^
5 Unnamed muggles in Gaddley (M)
Gornuk (O)
Edward Tonks (MB)^
Dirk Cresswell (MB)
Dobby (O)
Lavender Brown (PB)^
Camelia (PB/HB)^
Vincent Crabbe (PN)$
Colin Creevey (MB)^
Remus Lupin (HB)^
Nymphadora Tonks (HB)^
Fred Weasley (PB)^
Killed by the Order of the Pheonix:
Bellatrix Lestrange (PB)$
Killed by Golden Trio:
Bogrod (O)
Tom Riddle (Voldemort) (HB)$
+ 42 more casualties for the Battle of Hogwarts.
What we see here is that this second war was much deadlier. The Battle of Hogwarts alone had more casualties than the entirety of the First War. Even if I'm generous and add 20 more dead to my estimate of the First War, it doesn't come anywhere close to the death tool of the Second War.
Now, I ask myself, why?
The Second War was much shorter, officially ongoing between May of 1996 and May of 1998 (2 years), with the First War officially waging from 1975 to October of 1981 (6 years). What was so different between the wars that caused this kind of escalation in the second one this quickly?
We see the Second War unfold, we watch how quickly the Ministry of Magic falls and the Death Eaters take over. They quickly make laws such as the Muggleborn Registry — things that didn't happen in the first war.
“Attendance is now compulsory for every young witch and wizard,” he replied. “That was announced yesterday. It’s a change, because it was never obligatory before. Of course, nearly every witch and wizard in Britain has been educated at Hogwarts, but their parents had the right to teach them at home or send them abroad if they preferred..."
(Deathly Hollows, page 182)
Lupin is talking about the Muggleborn Registry and compulsory attendance to Hogwarts — completely new things, never seen before in Britain. They weren't around the first go-around even if Voldemort had the same amount of control over the ministry (it being made up of his followers even in the 1970s). So, what changed? What's the difference?
I pondered this question, and I realized what the main difference is — Voldemort. He is different. His priorities are different.
In the second war, Voldemort doesn't show any care for the ministry, government, or unnecessary death the way he did in the First War. In the First War he limited his Death Eaters, focusing them on targeting only Order members, but in the Second War, not only did he let them loose, but he let himself loose as well.
And I'll prove just how unconcerned he is with Britain and the war during Deathly Hollows and Half-Blood Prince.
In Half-Blood Prince, when the Death Eaters break into Hogwarts to kill Dumbledore, arguably their biggest achievement in the war thus far, and where is their leader? Off, somewhere. Researching wands so he could kill Harry Potter.
And where is Lord Voldemort, leader of the Death Eaters when his followers take over the ministry and start passing the aforementioned rules? He's in Germany, tracking down the Elder Wand.
“That’s—that’s pretty, Dolores,” she said, pointing at the pendant gleaming in the ruffled folds of Umbridge’s blouse. “What?” snapped Umbridge, glancing down. “Oh yes—an old family heirloom,” she said, patting the locket lying on her large bosom. “The S stands for Selwyn. . . . I am related to the Selwyns. . . . Indeed, there are few pure blood families to whom I am not related. . . . A pity,”
(Deathly Hollows, page 225)
Voldemort is so unaware and un-present in Britain during the time he supposedly rules it, that Dolores Umbridge can strut around the ministry with the locket that is his Horcrux and holds a piece of his soul and is his Slytherin family heirloom and claim it to belong to the Selwyn family and to be hers. And she wasn't tortured horribly to death.
Yeah, Voldemort never stepped foot in the Ministry throughout Deathly Hollows. At least, not until he retrieved the elder Wand and was convinced he could kill Harry.
In the First War, Voldemort had intentions, unrelated to blood purity as they were, but intentions nonetheless. He was actually leading and had goals for the war. In the Second War, it looks like he gave up. Like he decided killing Harry Potter is the only important thing and he isn't even bothering with anything else and lets his Death Eaters do as they please.
Voldemort didn't really plan to win the Second War, he didn't really care what happened to the Ministry, as long as he could kill Harry Potter whom he is quite obsessed with. Like, he's really weird about Harry Potter, and maybe I'll talk about it more in-depth, but he's obsessed with being the one to kill Harry with a wand of his own, to the point of ignoring literally everything else.
If you are going to fight an opponent that is trying to kill you, you should probably be just as willing to be lethal in turn or you'd end up massacred like the Order of the Phoenix from the 1970s....
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haven-of-dusk · 5 months
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Semi-random scene analysis time. I honestly always liked this scene, and it took me a bit to figure out why, but I think I got it.
First off, just aesthetically, *chef's kiss*. The mussed up helmet hair looks adorable on all three of them, the outfits are on point, I'm literally just now noticing that I think the Steiners have matching backpacks (their commitment to the bit is insane and wonderful), it's all great.
Second...it's just funny. And charming. Ethan and Aiden ping-ponging the conversation between each other for a second without even letting Scott get a word in is fun, and the delivery of "This is about you being the target of demonic ninjas." "You mean the demonic ninjas who pulled swords out of their chests and kicked our asses?" "Yeah! Those demonic ninjas!" was pitch perfect. I feel like Charlie and Max don't get enough credit for how well they bounce off each other because it's assumed they would be good at it, when in actuallity I've met more than one set of identical twins who SUCK at that.
Lastly, it might be me reading too much into things, but I do think this scene is a great example of characterization through limited dialgoue and action. A line that stands out to me is "Since this is our first experience with demonic ninjas, we're thinking we should play it safe." The use of the plural pronoun is very telling to me, because I'd be willing to bet even thinking of protecting Scott was Ethan's idea, and yet he always uses the 'we' pronoun because he and Aiden are an inseperable team.
It's something I feel S3 really did right: distinctifying Ethan and Aiden into their own people without sacrificing their bond to each other. I feel like a lot of fiction that introduces twins as minor characters just makes them a unit without much distinction between them (hell, Harry Potter did it twice, for instance), but despite the Steiners literally having a merged form, the show made an effort to show how they're very different, yet still complementary people. They could be simplified to the brains and the brawn, but even that straightforward premise tells us a lot about how they've survived as long as they have and presumably a contributor to Deucalion recruiting them. It also makes Aiden's death all the more heartbreaking the more you realize how important they were to each other.
I'm getting a little off-topic here, but the point is that simple interactions like this can darastically shape a character and I feel as though that's underappreciated. Especially when it comes to already underrated characters like the Steiners.
On a last, less serious note, I appreciate that the three werewolves with miraculous healing abilities all still practice proper motorcycle safety and wear helmets, gloves, and long sleeves. Unironically love that for them.
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mastermindmiko · 10 months
Potions Partners (Part 18)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy + Potter!Fem!reader
word count: 4178
warnings: fighting, injuries, crying a lot of it.
Hey! If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist
Part 19 and just so you know requests are open
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“How are you feeling?” She asked just as soon as she saw his eyes blink open. He had almost caught her trying to conceal his mark. She sat down on the chair quickly hoping he wouldn’t notice. He looks at her and he smiles. He clears his throat, “Much better.” 
She didn’t know if he was lying to her or not. She smiles and she goes to help him up. He holds his hand up and lifts himself up. She’s glad that he’s able to do that now, but she hates the way he groans when he does it. He takes the water and the painkillers and takes them. 
She takes the glass from his hand even though she’s sure that he doesn’t need her help anymore. He grabs her hand tightly and doesn’t let her go away. He pressed a kiss to her hand and she set the glass down on the bedside table with her other hand.
He shuffles to the left, clearing space for her to sit. He pats down the empty side of the bed with his hand, and she sits down. He looks at the distance between them, and he pouts, “Come closer.” 
She moves closer to him, being side by side to his chest. He still frowns and tugs on her hand. She moves closer until he pulls her enough that she falls right next to him. She lets out a laugh at the motion and he would’ve too if his chest didn’t hurt from the cuts. 
She twists her body so she’s lying on her back beside him. She makes sure that she isn’t hurting him or putting too much of her body weight on him. He doesn’t seem to care much as he hugs her tightly, places his chin on the top of her head and says, “Ahh, there we go.” 
She smiles at the gesture and he places a kiss on her head. She holds his hand with both of her own and places their intertwined hands on her stomach. He hums, “How’s things going with your brother?” 
Her body tenses, she hasn’t spoken to Harry in nearly a week. He hasn’t made an effort to speak to her either. Harry was right, Draco is a death eater, but that still doesn’t excuse his actions, especially since he doesn’t know that his assumptions are true. She answers, “umm, well, I haven’t talked to him in a while.” 
“You should- talk to him, that is. He’s still your brother.” Draco says, unexpectedly. She looks up at him with wide eyes, and perks a lip up in confusion. He avoids her gaze and twists a strand of her hair around his finger. He says, “You shouldn’t fight with him because of me.” 
“It’s not about you...sort of, he’s being a git.” she says, sinking back down to his side. She could hear the gears in his brain shift again, and she knows that he’s about to say something. She’s glad that he has enough energy to pursue a conversation with her. He starts, “He could be right, you know…” 
She feels her body tense and she hopes that he doesn’t notice. Was he going to tell her? Her heart pumps anxiously inside her chest, making her head go foggy in anticipation of his next words. He continues, “And I can’t say that I’m not terrified of the thought. That you’ll think your brother’s right, and you’ll hate me.”  
“I could never hate you. I don't think anything you can do can make me not love you.” She says, truthfully. Even while knowing that he’s a death eater, she still loves him and cares for him which is why she won’t tell him that she’s breaking up with him until he fully heals. He hums, “You don’t know that.” 
“I do.” She says, firmly, looking at him with loving eyes, and he gives her a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. He doesn’t say anything, she knows that he doesn’t believe her, but little does he know the truth. He presses a kiss to her head, and he says, “Madame Pomfrey says I’ll be out by tomorrow. I’ll have to be cautious and everything, which means that unfortunately we can’t have fun together.” 
He finishes his statement and he trails one of his hands to the hem of her skirt to show what he meant by ‘fun’. She looks up at him to find his face twisted in a teasing smirk. He slips one finger under her skirt and he toys with her skirt with the rest of his fingers as he says, “But what does she know anyway.” 
His hand moves further down below her skirt and she grabs his wrist pulling it out of her skirt. She grabs his hand tightly and she shakes her head, “No can do. Doctor’s orders.” 
He groans loudly in displeasure and he slams his head onto the pillow. She laughs at his actions before she twists her body once again to lay on her stomach. Her elbows hold her torso up as she reaches a hand to cup his face. The action makes him look at her, grinning. She couldn’t believe someone as kind as him was a Death Eater. 
She presses her lips to his cheek in a soft kiss. His eyes blinked heavily and she knew he was getting tired again. She brushed her thumb over his cheekbones in a soft, soothing motion that made him more sleepy. His eyes close as his breaths become slower and more regulated. 
She sighs at his calm appearance. The cuts that she could see from above the blanket were almost completely healed. Madame Pomfrey told her that the direct cuts on his torso would leave permanent scars. She didn’t tell Draco, not wanting to upset him. He was still gorgeous to her no matter what. She pushed away a lock of his hair that fell on his face. 
Minutes later, she decided to leave to allow him to sleep better. It wasn’t very comfortable sleeping together in a small hospital bed. She shuffles away from him, but his hand dug into the material of her shirt around her waist, urging her to stay. She sighed, she doesn’t think that she’s capable of loving him anymore than what she already does. 
She lifts the blanket, covering herself with it and slides underneath it. She settles to his side, making sure not to touch any of the bandages. She places her head on the pillow, their faces were incredibly close to each other. She pecks his lips quickly and softly before falling into a deep slumber. 
“You should talk to her, Harry.” Hermione says while they’re in the common room. A week and a half has passed since Draco and Harry’s fight in the bathroom and Harry hasn’t spoken to Y/N since. Harry stares at his transfiguration book as he says, “I’ve got nothing to say to her.” 
“She’s your sister.” Ron says, playing with some cards in his hands, shuffling them, randomly. Harry clenches his jaw at his friend's words. He reads the same sentence he’s been reading for the past hour again. He grumbles, “It’s not like she’s tried talking to me.” 
“You’re the one who hurt her boyfriend, and shouted at her.” Hermione defended Y/N. It wasn’t a rare occurrence when the Potter twins fought, but it was the first time they've ever fought for this long. Harry gawks at Hermione as he says, pointedly, “Her boyfriend is Draco Malfoy, or have you both forgotten what he’s done to us all, both of you especially.” 
“We’re not saying he’s an angel, but he makes Y/N happy, and that’s all that matters.” Hermione explains, and Harry rolls his eyes at her words. Harry slams his book shut, and brings his knees to his chest. He says, “You two shouldn’t be alright with this.” 
“We’ve had a lot more time to process it than you-”  Ron starts, and Hermione quickly hushes him, but not before Harry catches on. His gaze shifts between his two best friends as he thinks, looking at them, looking at each other nervously. He says, “You knew…You knew and you never told me.” 
He grabs his books and stands up. Hermione and Ron follow him, and Hermione stutters as she tries to explain, “We all knew you’d do this, it was for the best that you didn’t know until it was settled and everything.” 
“Settled?!” Harry gawks, “They’ve been dating for months, they’ve been settled for a while now, and you two lied to me. Is there no one I can trust in this place?” He exclaims and walks into the boys dormitory. 
He stomps on the stairs, eliciting interested gazes from the rest of Gryffindor tower. He slams the door shut, and he presses his hands to his face. He takes in a shaky breath, and then she says, “Hey.” 
His eyes snap to find that Y/N was sitting on Ron’s bed, waiting for him. Her legs were folded underneath her, and he folded his arms in front of his chests. He seethes, “How’d you get up here?” 
“I was doing some Herbology homework with Neville, and decided to wait for you.” She explains in a calm tone, completely opposing him. He hums as he stares at her angrily. She stands up and walks to him. She says, “I’m not here to apologise so if you’re waiting for that then you’ll be disappointed.” 
He huffs at her words, he was expecting an apology. He glares at her harder, but it doesn’t deter her. She was used to Harry’s angry looks, if not from this past week then from their whole life. Harry would always glare at her even when she would steal a fry from his plate. She sighs, “Draco’s getting out of the hospital wing today, so I’m asking you to not try to kill him this time.” 
“No promises.” He says, and she sighs at his childish antics. She rolls her eyes and walks out of the boys dormitory. She doesn’t notice the way a sad frown rests on his face when she turns around from him. She exits the Gryffindor common room, ignoring the sympathetic looks she receives from Ron and Hermione. 
She heads to the hospital wing where she can help Draco move his things that have accumulated there over the week. He was already up when she reached his spot. There was a curtain surrounding his bed, and it shielded them from any people that were there in the hospital wing. He’s staring out the window. 
She walks from behind him, and wraps her arms around his torso from behind. He tenses before he notices her presence and relaxes beneath her touch. He lifted her left hand and kissed his ring on her finger. He turns around so he can hug her properly. He looks much better, the dark circles under his eyes are nearly gone, and he looks healthier. She hopes that his health doesn't deteriorate when he leaves the hospital wing. 
“Welcome back.” she smiles at him, and he smiles back. He was going to put his things in his room and freshen up a bit before going to class. He was excused from them this week, and today too, but he wanted to get back on top of his work. He presses a kiss to her head and he says, “It’s good to be back.” 
“Are you coming with me?” he asks and she sighs. He doesn’t know what he’s about to find out. She shakes her head and says, “I wish I could but I can’t. I’ve got some classes, I’ve already missed so many of them this past week.” 
“Will I see you after?” he asks, and she nods her head, a lie. She was planning on avoiding him like the plague till he got the hint, the same thing he did to her five months ago. She wasn’t ready for confrontation, or to break his heart, if she actually mattered to him. 
He grabs the large box filled with his stuff and he gives her a smile. He turns to her and says, “I love you.” He’s been saying it a lot lately. It causes the ache in her heart to burn even more. She would question it every time, but she would always smile and say, “I love you too.”  
He leaves the hospital wing and on his way to the Slytherin common room, he gets greeted by his Slytherin classmates. He would give them all weak smiles. He rushed to his room, not ready to socialise. He was already regretting all the time he missed being in the hospital wing, but madame pomfrey didn’t allow him to leave until he was fully healed. 
He entered his room with a sigh, already feeling more comforted. He shut his eyes tightly then swished his wand, causing his lights to open. His room looked different, he knew what was wrong immediately. His room didn’t have a single trace of her. 
The bedside table that he conjured up on her side of the bed was gone, so was her chair that was beside him in front of his desk. He opened his closet to find her hangers gone and her drawer empty. He went to the bathroom to find it no longer cluttered by her objects. 
The stone he had given her was on his bed. His blood ran cold, and his chest heaved. He couldn’t understand what was wrong. Did her friends force her to break up with him? Did her brother? A chill ran down his spine as his eyes widened. He lifted up his sleeve to find his mark concealed, which was worse than him finding it untouched.  
He had her schedule memorised, and so he noticed that she had Herbology at the moment. He ran out of his room, leaving the door open, ignoring the way his limbs protested at the action. He ignored how Blaise called out his name in surprise. He never noticed how large the castle actually was until his chest was burning with every step he took. 
The Hogwarts greenhouses were too many for him to check out every single one. He went to the largest, and he found a collection of crimson robes, and so he barged into the greenhouse. Professor Sprout exclaimed at his intrusion and gasped, “Mr Malfoy, we are in the middle of class!” 
He paid her no mind as he locked eyes with Y/N. He walked to her desk which was in the middle of class, sharing it with Longbottom. He ignored the way the boy looked at him in disgust. He stood in front of her and her eyes were wide. He said, “What happened?” 
“What are you doing here? There are people watching-” she started, eyes shifting around anxiously as people looked at them curiously. He lifted both his hands to cup her cheeks in order to get her to focus on him and only him. “I don’t care, where’s your stuff? It wasn’t in my room-” 
“This really isn’t the best time for this-” she says, her chest beating irregularly, already hearing people starting to whisper. She hoped that Professor Sprout would interfere, but knowing that her Professor was a major gossip, that was less than likely. He brushed a strand of her hair away from her face and he whispered, “What happened?” 
“Can we do this somewhere else?” she asks, bringing her fingers to clasp around his wrists, bringing his hands down from her face. He pauses for a second, looking at their surroundings, noticing the same, shocked expression on everyone’s faces. He nods his head, and takes her hand. 
He moves them past the students and towards Professor Sprout. He puts on his best charming smile that always worked with Professor Sprout back when he took Herbology in his early years in Hogwarts. He asked, “Would you mind if I borrowed her for a moment, Professor?” 
“Not at all!” Professor Sprout says, much more excited than she should be. Y/N shot her Professor a confused look that she didn’t notice while Draco dragged her out of the greenhouse. She felt heat rise up from her neck to her cheeks and ears, nervously. 
He takes them to their tree that’s beside the black lake. The Hogwarts grounds were void of any students, everyone was in their classes. He brings her in front of him, and holds both her hands in his own. He rubs his thumb over her hand and asks, “What happened?” 
“I-I can’t be with you anymore.” she says in a small voice, but he heard it very well. His body turns to stone and he takes a step close to her. She’s avoiding his gaze. His voice shakes, “W-why? Did someone make you do this?” 
She doesn’t reply and he lifts his hand to grab her chin, hoping that looking into her eyes would bring some sense in this situation. He rambles, “What it Weasley? Granger? Was it your brother? They don’t have the right, you can tell them-” 
“It was my decision, they had nothing to do with this!” She shouts, interrupting him. She takes a step back and she watches his face confort into confusion. She avoids his gaze as she watches the lake. He sighs, “But why?” 
“You lied to me,”She said after a while. She turned to look at him then she added, "Harry was right, you are a death eater.” 
His eyes turn wide and his shoulders fall and he looks down at the ground. He lifts his head up to look at her and she notices his glossy eyes. Her eyes sting, but she tries to keep her tears at bay. He stutters, “H-how?” 
“Who do you think hid your mark every morning?” she says, and he purses his lips. He takes a deep breath in understanding. His assumptions were right after all. She takes a step away from him and he follows her, quickly, keeping the space between them minimal. He rushes, “It’s not what you think-” 
“Was any of this real? Or were you just using me for Voldemort?” she says as a few tears fall from her eyes. She wipes them away quickly, feeling pathetic. She can’t even regulate her emotions when she’s the one breaking up with him. He shudders at the mention of his name and he said, “I wanted you before he got involved-” 
“So he was involved…I can’t believe Harry was right.” she said incredulously. Draco was using her for information. Every decision Draco made, Voldemort was behind it. It all made so much sense now, the way he suddenly gave her all that attention after so many years of hatred. 
She turns in the opposite direction, ready to end this conversation. He grabs her wrist to stop her and cries, “No, no, don’t walk away. Listen to me. I want you, I never wanted this to happen. I had no choice-” 
“I don’t believe you. I can’t trust you anymore. You keep hurting me over and over-” she cries and a sob interupts her. She looks at Draco who’s grabbing her face to make her look at him. Her chest constricts, and she shuts her eyes tightly. He pleads, “Please, Please, don’t hate me. Stay with me, please.”
“Please… please.” He begs over and over again, but she can’t feel anything other than the ache in her heart and the tears staining her cheeks. 
“I love you, I’m sorry.” He repeats the phrase over and over again, until it’s the only thing that she hears. He cups her face and she wants to move away, but it’s him, and her body couldn’t possibly move away from him. 
“I didn’t have a choice, he was going to kill my mom.” He explains, and his tears start to stream over his cheeks, uncontrollably. He pulls her to his chest and her arms don’t wrap around him. “I never wanted this, and I never wanted to lie to you.” 
“He was going to kill you too.” He rushes to say, hoping to change her mind. She shakes her head as she sobs harder. Her voice is hoarse when she chokes out,“I can’t-” 
“No-” He cries and his head starts spinning. She sniffs, but her tears keep falling. She takes a half-hearted step away from him again and she says, “I won’t ever be able to trust you again. How do I know that you’re not lying to me?” 
He brings her hand to his chest, above his heart. She could feel it beat against her finger tips. He held her hand tightly against his chest, and said as if he was swearing it, “Because I love you. I love you so much-” 
“We were foolish to think this would work out.” She sobs, but he starts shaking his head. He holds her hand tighter, afraid that if his grip loosened, she would leave. His tight grip was sure to leave bruises, but the slight sting didn't match the ache in her chest. He tries to persuade her, “No, I love you and you love me-” 
“It won’t work like that-” she starts and he falls to his knees, desperate. He wraps his arms around her legs, hoping to get her to stay. The action makes her sob harder, and instinctively, she brings her fingers through his soft hair. He rests his head on his thigh, and sighs, “Please.” 
“I need you, I need you so much.” he says, lifting his hands to her waist. He grasps her sides, and he sobs harder. His grip leaves marks on her skin that he hopes will never leave, so she’ll never forget him.  She places her hands on his and tries to pry them off, but her efforts are useless against him. He feels the opposing force and he cries harder, “I can’t live without you, I can’t breathe without you, I can’t sleep without you. I need you, please don’t leave me.” 
She raises a hand to her mouth, hoping to conceal the sobs leaving her mouth. She wipes her tears with her sleeves. She sinks to her knees as his grip falls from her waist and he holds on to her hips instead. She reaches out to touch his face and wipe his tears, “We’re on opposite sides of the war-” 
“We’ll get through it, I know we can.” he says, but she smiles at him bitterly with glassy eyes. She presses his lips against each other and she says, “This is for the best. We’ve had a wonderful year together, it’s time that this is over.” 
Draco doesn’t interrupt her, settling for pressing his hands over his face as he cries harder. She continues speaking, “Everything can go back to how it was, it’ll be so much easier, and you’ll find someone else-” 
“I don’t give a fuck about easy, and I don’t want anyone else. I want you. I’ll never want anyone else, but you. I want to spend my whole life with you-” he shouts, and her tears start falling down again. His voice softens and he brushes a strand of her hair away from her face, “Don’t do this to me, don’t do this to us-” 
She stands up quickly, and he shoots up after her, startled by the action. He goes to touch her, but she takes a step back. She cries, “Stop! Don’t make this any harder.” 
His body goes rigid and he watches her, wipe away her tears and sniffle. She looks at the black lake again, and he could feel all hope slip away from his body. As a last attempt he whispers, “I love you.” 
“I’m sorry.” she says, and she walks away. He watched her walk away from him and his chest heaves. He sinks to the floor, and rests his back against the wood of their tree. He looks at the lake, and he brings his knees to his chest. He stares in front of him, eyes dry. He’s wasted all his tears and now he feels empty as he sits for hours. 
Theo comes up to him when the sun sets, and brings him to his room. He couldn’t sleep in his bed, not when she’s not there with him. He goes to the room of requirement and sleeps there, surrounded by several other meaningless objects. He wondered if anyone would miss him if he was gone. His gaze shifts to the cabinet and he flinches at the sight of it, at the thought that his mother would die, if he failed to fix it. He couldn’t do that to her. 
He stares at the ceiling wondering if it would all be worth it in the end. That if the war ended, she would take him back, if she would still love him after all. If she wouldn’t fall for someone else, he knew it was easy to fall for her, he hopes that no one does though. That night, he dreams of her. 
@urbansaint @angelofasgard16 @love-me-satoru @callsignwidow
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letrune · 6 months
You know what annoys me in Harry Potter?
And let us imagine for a moment that the author is Hatsune Miku. That it is an adaptation of Neil Cicierega's Potter Puppet Pals. That Warner Bros is not holding the franchise with patents and trademarks well beyond the powers of even millionaires.
Ah, nice to imagine, isn't it? Still with me?
The books are wasted potential. Every new thing coming in helps to show how the magical world is as flawed and xenophobic as regular, mundane version of it. Slavery, segregation by "blood purity", racial segregation, magic supremacy and cishet white male magic supremacy, too.
And then a downtrotten guy shows up. He is a hero, has loads of cash and a fame beyond his age. You would think the dude from the literal closet would CHANGE THE SYSTEM. To push along a new, better, more liberated, more equal world. Maybe even prevent the next bad guy from rising by removing the key aspects that made him rise to power, like slavery, the segregations, the supremacist ideas, and so on. Even if just pushing it in a way.
You would think the main character would fix the system. You know why?
Because every fantasy story, even if by just getting the just and wise king or queen on the throne, does that. The Lord of the Rings does not end by blowing up Sauron. It goes on, the world has to be changed to prevent a new, different Sauron. We saw glimpes on how anyone, even the purest heart, could go down that path.
So why can't this boy who lives in a closet? It is WASTED POTENTIAL. Imagine the stories you can tell! Now that you got a better world coming, would the old jerks not hate it? Would some change? What new issues arise? It is a fantasy, so you can do whatever you want - and then go the Man in Black route and have the magical slowly dripped into the mundane. Or, again, as with the (comic book) Men in Black, we had shown how even the utopian parts get issues not seen before, all based on xenophobia, human folly, etc.
You make a status quo that sucks, and then GO AND CHANGE IT. The big bad in a bad system is not the guy with the biggest gun, but the system that fails.
Oh, sure, you can make a story about the cyclical nature of revolutions - and yes, a bloodless revolution is the best for the little people, but in fiction, we may have the bad guys represent issues. So, you can make a story where a revolution leads to another in the next cycle. But...
You have to change the bad systems. Say that some things may change. Even if it is just a new school being put forward in the end, with empathy, and two characters talking about how the world will change if they keep going on... You have to change. The utopian status quo is the only one what the audience may like to be returned to.
When Bilbo comes back to the Shire, it is almost the same, but Bilbo himself changed. It was a bit for the better, but not that much that new stories could not be told... and what he thought as the status quo is shown to have changed. He became more artistic. He wrote a book, inspired by his "miserable adventure"... and then, later, Tolkien slipped in the ring from the sequel. It was not in the original draft! The ending did not changed, but we had a plot hook.
Though, Tolkien already had given us all the potential in the story. He hinted at a bigger world.
So imagine Miku, writing a thing but then she does not develop the things. The potential goes wasted, and when it returns, it has this "stop nagging me, here, a stupid retcon for your stupid questions" thing. Potential squandered! Wasted! No wonder the fans would go to write their own, for better or worse.
I am so happy Hatsune Miku is a talented writer and not some woman slipping into right-wing hatred, akin to some dude who loves gold and the aesthetics of power, and having none of it in his tiny hands or something. That would be-
Oh. I just realised the intro to this rant. Well, now that the train is deralied, what is my point?
If you write a story with systemic issues, you should at least attempt to resolve some of them. You got slavery? Have the main character and their friends free slaves and ban slavery when they get the power to do so.
You got a sort of space cyborg wizard nazi movement? Your character has the potential to punch them in the face, alongside B. J. Blazkowicz and Captain America, WHILE ALSO breaking the systems the space cyborg wizard nazies rely on. In fact, it should be what you do, because while your heroes give the cool action scenes, they also show their intelligence and empathy by PREVENTING new space cyborg wizard nazies coming into existence and fixing the inequalities in the world.
Sure, it is not as cool to see Mr. Potter to write a new constitution about equal rights than seeing him in a wizard duel with wizard nazies, but you can have both. This is fantasy!
You can get the audience to believe that a man can fly, that a single guy can save the world by throwing a ring into a volcano, or that a boy living in a closet is a chosen one - letting them change the world for the better is not a stretch, it is catharsis! That is where the happy ending happens.
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turnin9pag3 · 4 months
i feel i have this inexplicable sadness born in my veins. its been stuck there making a home inside me since birth and the people that are supposed to help have done nothing but make it worse. im alone. painfully so. im everyones second choice and i have lots of friends but a friend to all is a friend to none. those who claim they are my closest are the ones moving to hurt me most. it sucks because i still long for the girl who was my entire life for a year. my best friend and i miss her. she took the thing i wanted most in this world from me and told me i was crazy. my other friend tells me she was wrong and i deserve better but now that friend is doing the same thing to me and thinks that i don’t know. but i do know and i almost wish i didn’t because that would make this so much easier. im so tired. all the time im tired. and im sick. i keep waiting for a chance that never wants to come and im good but not good enough and im funny but not funny enough and im pretty but not pretty enough. im second always. i feel uncomfortable expressing this to the people i actually know so i opt for anonymous posting on a ghosted app full of people i’ve never met. i miss being young. not to say im old im still a child by all means but i miss 7th grade when i always had someone to talk to and i hung out with someone every weekend and school didn’t make me depressed and my friends weren’t toxic and i liked random boys in my class instead of obsessing over the same boy for 10 months. when i blew out the candles on my 15th birthday i wished for him. my best friend and the girl standing 2 feet away watching me is the reason i never got him. shes no longer my best friend but god i wish she was. i miss being at her house everyday. i miss walking to the park with her. i miss getting ice cream after school. i miss sleepovers on school nights. i miss i miss i miss. it feels like thats all i do nowadays. i just miss. i don’t have any constance and i feel like im not doing anything right. i want someone genuine who isn’t going to stab me in the back or leave me. i want someone who can be there a lot of the time and not shit talk me to others. i need friends who wont keep secrets. i need friends who want to be around me. i need people who wont laugh at me when i speak. i need people who wont judge my every move. its hard to be confident when everyone is shoving your insecurities down your throat every 5 seconds. i don’t know what to do with myself anymore. i feel remorse for the way i act but i don’t know how to fix it. i just for once want someone to love me the way i love them. i want someone to want me the way i want them. i need someone to like me like i like them. i cant go on being next best every time. the school year is ending and i feel like im going to be forgotten. these people who claim to be my friends barley spare me a glance outside of classes and i don’t want to have to talk first. i don’t know why people keep me around if they so obviously hate me. why do you try and get me to like him if you’re going to try and get with him anyways? why do you ask me to sit by you if you’re going to get mad at me when i speak anyways? why do you text me things if you’re not going to tell me what its about anyways? why do you want to be included in conversations that don’t concern you if you’re going to be rude anyways? why do you entitle yourself to my conversations and friends but when i do the same thing its a problem? and why do i stick around if im treated like shit by you all the time.
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glamlet69 · 13 days
Little rant
This might be controversial, but I have to say it because it has been bothering me so much when reading comments on Snape posts.
The whole Snape vs. The Marauders thing is not an either/or debate. They were all deeply flawed individuals with their own issues and trauma that made them act out in ways that deeply hurt each other.
Severus' childhood was shit. He was an outsider and the only one that treated him kindly was Lily. But then he called her a slur, which in the Harry Potter universe, is just about as bad as saying the n-word (even though I hate making that comparison). It was in the heat of the moment because he was embarrased and hurt, but that does NOT JUSTIFY IT. He also abuses children in his adulthood on a daily basis. That is also NOT JUSTIFIED JUST BECAUSE HE WAS BULLIED AS A CHILD. He also abuses Harry so much just because he looks like his dad. THAT IS NOT JUSTIFIED JUST BECAUSE HE WAS BULLIED BY JAMES.
Sirius Black (I'm going to focus on him because he was Snape's main antagonist) grew up in an incredibly toxic and blood-supremecist family. He hated it and saw how evil it was. It was the start of the war. People were literally being murdered by Death Eaters. And then his own brother wanted to become one. He knew what they were capable of. THAT DOES NOT JUSTIFY HIS BULLYING OF SNAPE, especially because he had not become a Death Eater yet. He was absolutely awful to him, even into adulthood, when he was fighting for the good side, and that is not okay. BUT lets not forget, Snape did become a Death Eater for a period of time. His sad past does not justify it. Sirius went to prison wrongfully and lost 12 years of his life. That does not justify his incredibly immature behavior towards Snape or his toxicity around Harry.
Same goes for James. I consider Remus a little bit more of a victim in this whole thing, because he was suffering as a werewolf, and Snape wanted to expose him as one, even though it would mean his expulsion from not only Hogwarts, but society. Even into adulthood, Snape spent Remus' entire time at Hogwarts literally trying to ruin Remus' life. That is simply NOT OKAY.
Lily really didn't deserve any of this and I hate the hate she gets from Snape-lovers, just because she didn't want to be his friend after getting called a LITERAL SLUR. She was literally defending him. Snape messed that up for himself. Also, Lily didn't get with James immediately afterward. They grew up a little and grew as people a little and came together.
As you can probably tell, I am a tad more sympathetic to the Marauders (I've been in the fandom since I was in sixth grade). But I understand that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE are INCREDIBLY FLAWED AND NUANCED. SIRIUS AND SNAPE ARE EQUALLY FLAWED. I understand why people love Snape as a character and I believe that is completely valid even though I do not love him as much myself. I also think that the author who will not be named did a pretty shitty job on Snape's redemption arc, but I can appreciate it for what it should have been. Really, this comes down to bad writing on her part. We should have gotten a much better and more fleshed out redemption for Snape (and better character motivation for that matter). We should have had Harry reckon a little more with the Marauders as flawed individuals. Someone should have called Sirius out on his bullshit and someone should have called Snape out on his bullshit as well. But we didn't get that due to poor planning for the series.
What I'm trying to say is, I wish people would stop utterly trashing these characters in order to justify the shitty behavior of their favorite one, because they all suck as people.
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my marauders headcannons <3
Remus Lupin
heterochromia. I don't care what the films say this man has two different coloured eyes tyvm. the left ones dark brown, nearly black, and the right is a light shade of amber.
DYSLEXIA !! my dyslexic little mate we can match. he absolutely adores reading but it takes him longer if he doesn't use a spell (ty to MsKingBean89 for the spell idea mon ami(e))
hEDS. me too king
cat lover. he absolutely adores cats and sirius gets SO jealous. I think he absolutely owned a cat at some point b4 he started teaching and he dotted on that cat
wears elastics on his wrists (specifically during hogwarts for sirius and lily, but kept wearing them after out of habit </3)
Sirius Black
hard of hearing. I think he probably lost it cos his mum hit his ears or screamed so often at him in close quarters. he'd definitely be vv resentful over it too cos now he's not able to listen to music much
audhd fr. this man was definitely neurodivergent but he must be just like me and be autistic and have adhd cos yh
he whined. loads. not like whinging but like genuinely high pitched whines when he was frightened or upset, kind of like Enid from Wednesday
adored kids but was terrified to have them because of how his mum was
this is gonna be controversial but idc. this man absolutely fancied Remus when he was shagging women, but at one point dated Marlene and Remus at the same time. it's ok tho cos Marlene was kissing Mary on the side
James Potter
vegetarian. refused to eat meat after he became an animagus because it felt cruel, but ESPECIALLY wouldn't eat deer jerky ("it's practically cannibalism, padfoot!")
mama's boy through and through !! this man LOVED his mummy. told her all about his friends and Lily
taught Sirius how to treat people and house elves better when they were first years. you can't tell me this man wasn't the reason sirius wanted to improve himself
he fought w sirius a lot. im sorry I love them both but brothers fight and like. even found family brothers. sirius is the most petty bitch you cannot tell me that James didn't get annoyed or frustrated with some of Sirius' habits and didn't begin arguments over them
so bad w kids until Harry. he was absolutely terrified of them, cos he never had interacted with them much before he had his own, my man Sucked at babysitting and frequently panicked whilst lily was pregnant because he was scared he'd be a bad parent
Peter Pettigrew
#1 James fan. my guy didn't go anywhere if James wasn't going to be there
become You Know because of his jealousy of James and Sirius' friendship
aroace fr. absolutely Disgusted w the amount of PDA by jily and wolfstar
tried to protect Harry for as long as he could w out being suspicious. he still loved James and Lily, and their son, and was just too scared to fight back at You Know Who once James and Lily were dead
a whole virgin, never even tried getting with anyone before he realised he was aroace
Lily Potter (Evans)
actually thought the Marauders were pretty funny but put on a face because of being friends with Snape
a whole pansexual queen
bought everyone in Gryffindor Christmas gifts, or if they were Jewish/Muslim/any other religion that doesn't celebrate Christmas she'd figure out when their holiday was and got them gifts
first person Remus came out to. and she accepted him immediately because she knows what it feels like to be an outcast
so autistic. her special interest was absolutely Jane Austen books I take no criticism <3
Regulus Black
hated his mum just as much as Sirius, but actively tried to conform because he was too scared to be hurt by her
was angry with Sirius for running away, even if he understood why Sirius did it, it still hurt him immensely. that was his older brother, the only one he could talk to, and when he left, it broke off the little bit of familial love he had left
in love w Barty Crouch Jr. I DO NOT CARE. platonic my aSS they were boyfriends, but they hid it very well. absolutely such a healthy couple before the war though. got together when they were 13 or 14 by accident, and stayed together until Reg died
actually really enjoyed being called Reg and Reggie, but pretended to hate it so he wouldn't be perceived as weak or soft by his mum
chess fucking champion
Marlene McKinnon
the flirtiest person you'll ever meet. flirted with everyone but was actually an aromantic lesbian
loved her family unconditionally, and constantly was going home on weekends to help her mum before she died of breast cancer
hated school, she was dyslexic and never told anyone so everyone just thought she was a dumb blonde
half Japanese, but her biological father left when she was a baby, so she wasn't really in tune with that part of her culture.
got bullied in primary school for being the "only dumb Asian"
Mary Macdonald
the most supportive person you'll ever meet
helped the younger POC in Gryffindor take care of their hair properly, and absolutely was like an older sister to all the young girls
not a mean bone her body
muggle born, but she grew up with a friend that had a wizard father so she knew about magic before Hogwarts
terrified of dogs, except for Padfoot, because of being bitten by one when she was in nursery
Dorcas Meadowes
a lesbiannnn. she was in love with Pandora, and they dated for a while before she decided she was done with the Wizarding World and cut contact with everyone
slytherin, but she was friends with everyone
loved Quidditch
oh she was a Pureblood but her parents died when she was young and she stayed with a squib aunt til hogwarts
took muggle studies and would hex any Slytherin who made fun of her for it
Pandora Lovegood (Lestrange)
a Lestrange until marriage
terrified of Narcissa and Bellatrix, but was one of the bridesmaids at Bellatrix's wedding
Ravenclaw, but best friends with Dorcas, Regulus, Barty, and Evan and was hardly if ever in her own common room
she ADORED muggle musicals
her and Dorcas met in a Care of Magical Creatures class in third year and immediately became best friends
Evan Rosier
really homophobic outwardly but was in the closet (for a HOT minute)
flirted with girls constantly
super protective over Pandora and Dorcas
had the worst penmanship and Regulus and Barty both refused to help him with homework because of it
managed to be the only Slytherin who sucked at potions
Barty Crouch Jr.
gay little lad with gay handwriting
LOVED cats. this man was the BIGGEST cat lover I do not care im right ur wrong. absolutely adored them
had a little sister who he was really protective over, she was in Hufflepuff and died during her 4th year which is what made him follow Regulus into joining up w the Death Eaters
daddy and mummy issues for days. bro never had a civil conversation w them
he absolutely beloathed Walburga and Orion Black when he found out what they did to Regulus, but obviously never said anything about it
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Just keeping an eye out(Draco Malfoy)
Paring: Draco malfoy X Weasley!Reader
Summary: Ron suspects your going on a date to Hogsmade and the twins deside to keep an eye out to make sure your safe.
A/n: sorry this sucks and its kinda childish or short but I hope you enjoy.
Potter MasterList
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I only really had two things on my mind. One, get my best friend Harry to Hogsmade and two, avoid my brothers at all costs. Before I stepped out of the castle I peaked my head out to see if the cost was clear. It was the usal, professor McGonagall was collecting permission slips, my brother Percy was Ringling in the 3rd years and everyone else was talking amongst themselves.
Harry came up behind me and continued the one thousand questions he had as we lefted the Gryffindor comroom. “what are you doing?” Harry whispered as walked to McGonagall and the reast of the class that was going to Hogsmade.
“shh” I said hold my hand out.
“but I didn't get-” he started when he saw his and my permission slips in my hand.
“shh” I then smiled and held out the two premonition slips to Professor McGonagall.
“you forged my aunt and uncle's signeters?” Harry asked bafulled. I shrugged. “technically Fred and George forged your aunt and Uncle's signeters.” I said bluntly.
I then sighed and turned to Harry. “I'm hanging out with Draco today... And for keeping it a secret for this long, this is me saying thank you for not telling my brother... Enjoy Hogsmade” I smiled.
Harry raised an eye browse but had a small smile. I knew he didn't approve. Hell, him and Harry can't even be in the same room without bickering. But I think he held mercy because I was his best friend, but I think the real reason is that he saw how much I cared about him. Hell, Harry can even admit Draco has changed. “is it a date?” I shook my head at him.
“what date?” Ron's voice said suddenly. I jumped as Ron stood between us confused.
“it's not a date” Harry quickly said looking at me then Ron with a nervous look. Ron was smarter than most people gave him credit for. He crossed his arms and looked between us.
“who's going on a date?”
“it's not a date” I sated lying to him and myself. I wanted it to be a date but truthfully it was just to friends hanging out... That hurts to say outlowed.
I finally spotted Draco and said my good-byes to Harry and Ron. I carefully blended into the crowd to make sure Ron didn't see who I was with.
--------( ....... )--------
Ron sighed and shook his head. “it's definitely a date... But with who?” he asked Harry. Harry shrugged and looked around.
“I'm worried, she's too young to date!” Ron said dramatically completely ignoring the fact him and y/n were twins.
“Ron she's old enough There's nothing-” Harry was cut off as Ron sighed and looked over to the twins.
“George, Fred, over here” the twins ran over to Harry and Ron with a smile.
“what's up Ronald?” George asks ruffling his younger brother's hair. Ron scoffed and pushed him away
“how you doing?” Fred added looking at Harry.
“good but it's Ron with the problem” Harry said pointing at The red head. George crossed his arms and turned to his brother.
“what's the problem? Do we need to prank anyone?”
“hex? Or we've been working on our puking pestls and-” Fred started but Ron cut him off.
“no and no” Ron sighed.
“then what is is?” the twins said at the same time.
Ron sighed and blew his top like he's been holding it in for a while. “y/n has a boyfriend and she's going on a date!”
“date?!” George said going into over protective big brother mode.
“Boyfriend?!” Fred added as his smile dropped.
“what!” they both said at the same time as they scanned the crowd for their sister.
“he's not her boyfriend and they're just spending the day together” Harry said trying to defuse the problem. George then looked at Ron with his eyebrow raised.
“who's not her boyfriend?” George asked. “and what's the problem?” Fred added.
“I don't know, but I want you to keep an eye on Y/n” Ron said as Harry just shook his head and left to find Hermione. the twins gave Ron a questioning look and looked behind them trying to find their little sister.
“find out if it's actually a date and most importantly who it is” Ron explains. “I just don't want her to get hurt”
“agreed” the twins said at the Same time as they went into 'protection mode'.
“we got it” George said proudly. “good because I'm counting on you guys” Ron said before thanking them and walking away.
George quickly looked around and held his robe up to his nose like batman would. “stealth mode” he whispered and started run forward like a ninja humming the mission impossible them.
“that's not stealthy!” Fred shouted out once George stop and pressed his back up against a tree acting like him and Fred are spys.
“we're spys now Freddie!”
George and Fred both jumped on the bus and put their hoods up and sunk into the seats behind y/n and her date. Fred looked over the seat with caution and his eyes widened when he saw who she was with. It made Fred's blood boil.
Fred slumped back in his seat with anger. “it's Draco Malfoy” he said through his teeth. George sighed looked at his brother with questioning eyes and looked over the seat to see y/n and Draco joking around and looking out window.
“yup.. Malfoy” is all he said. George was the only one besides Harry who knew how Y/n felt about Draco. Out of all her siblings she was closest to George. When she told him she fell in love with Draco he was irritated at first but fully accepted it. George was over protective but he knew everything would be fine.
Fred on the other hand was angry that someone like malfoy was with his little sister. Fred was a 'shot first and ask questions later' kinda guy when it came to his sister. He did have a suspicion about her feelings but never brought it up. As much as she loved Fred she couldn't tell him quite yet.
“what are we gonna tell Ron?”Fred said shaking his head. “... What are we gonna tell Mum?!” he said quickly setting up and a bit louder than nesasary.
--------(1st pov)--------
“so where do you want to go first?” Draco asked lacing his hands behind his back as he walked next to me. I shrugged not exactly knowing where everything is.
“don't know, got any suggestions?” I asked. Before he awnsered I heared a crash I looked behind us and a garbage can was knocked over and Gryffindor scarf was laying on top of the can. I watched a bit longer and saw a long arm reach around the corner blindly reach for the scarf as the owner of the arm hid.
“how about Honey Dukes?” Draco suggested making me look back at him. I smiled and nodded remembering the candy shop Bill would take me and Ginny to all the time. “let's go then” Draco said pointing in the direction to where we were supposed to go.
As we walked it felt weird being with him. Not because I didn't want to be next to him but I could feel eyes judging and staring at us in shock. I sighed and looked down. Draco suddenly stopped in front of me.
“ignore them” he whispered. I looked up and stared at his gray eyes that held a soft expression. “they obviously didn't have anything better to do with their pathetic lives...don't let them judge”
“are you sure you want to be out with a Weasley? I mean our families hate each other” Draco shook his head with a smile. “I don't care what my family thinks... I Want to be here with you” he leaned down and placed a soft but quick kiss on my cheek.
I nodded and looked down as pink tint colored my cheeks. He smirk at my reaction and brushed his hand against mine. “can I hold your hand?” he asked softly.
I chuckled. “Draco malfoy is asking to hold my hand?” his cheeks was suddenly dusted with a light shade of pink as I took his hand. “of course you can” I whispered.
“I just don't want to mess anything up... Or make you uncomfortable” he said as his fingers laced with mine. I smiled softly.
“you have nothing to worry about, your doing great”
Once we got to the shop Draco's hand left mine and he sped up to the door. He quickly opened it and held it for me. “wow, what a gentleman” I said playfully.
“only for you” he said as we walked in the store. I smiled as I looked around, this place never fails to amaze me and every time I come here feels like the first. I'm always amazed by all the colors and the amazing smells in there. The smells of taffy and chocolates surround us.
“it's alright” he said nonshlontly but then showed a smile to show he was joking. I rolled my eyes and pulled him towards a section that had different M&Ms all separated by colors. It was one of those deals where you get what ever color you want. Draco laughed at my enthusiasm and grabbed a jar.
“what colors?” he asked. “umm.. Red of course” he laughed and grabbed pulled the handle and the bottom filled with red. “green” he said and a layer of green fell on the red.
“get some blue too” added. He nodded and as he pulled the lever I heard a crash I looked behind me and a display of all flavor beans fell over. My eye brows knitted together when I saw a certain red head quickly race behind a display of gummy wands trying not to be seen. That certain red had was my big brother George and he was doing a terrible job at not being seen.
“what's next?” Draco's voice said bring me back to reality. I quickly turned back to him and cleared my throat trying to focus on us and not my best friend spying on me.
“umm.. You pick” Draco looked up at all the colors and went to the black ones and smiled. “how about black?” he said and filled it up. There was room for one more color. “alright what's the special color to top it off” Draco asked.
“purple?” I shrugged. He smiled with a nod and pulled the leaver to release the M&Ms. “purple” he smiled and put a lid on after it was filled up.
He handed me the jar with a smile. “we should get some chocolate frogs too” Draco replied as we moved around the crowded room. I arched an eye brow at him.
“didn't know you were the chocolate frog type of guy”
He smirked and grabed four boxes. “there's lots of things you don't know about me Darling” stopped in my tracks and turned a bright red at the nickname. He must of noticed because he simply winked and grabbed my hand to get some more candy.
As we walked by I rolled my eyes because two people were suddenly holding up Quibbler magazines hiding their faces. Not to mention the magazine was upside down. It was of course George and Fred. They must have forgotten they were wearing their one of a kind sweaters with their enital sewed in the middle. I rolled my eyes and pulled Draco towards the shelf that had different gummies.
After awhile we got what we wanted and took it the regester. Before I could get my gallions out Draco payed for everything. I frowned. “you didn't have to do that” he shrugged and carried the bag out.
“Don't worry about it” he smiled. “pluse you don't make a lady pay on a date”
I raised an eye brow. “so it's a date now” I playfully nugged his shoulder with mine. He blushed and stopped. This time he didn't try to hid it.
“well if you don't want it too be-” I stood there with my eye browse raised. Draco malfoy was nervous.
“Draco” I said grabbing his hand.
He stopped rambling and looked at me. “to be honest I would want our first date to be nicer than just a walk through Hogsmade with the rest of the school around”
“this is my type of date if I'm being honest... I'm not into all the overly fancy date stuff”
He smiled softly. “I'll keep that in mind... And thanks for coming with me today... I'm one lucky Bloke to even have a girl like you even look in my direction”
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. His gray-blue eyes stared into mine with nothing but love and affection. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine softly. I quickly responded and laced my fingers through his blond hair as his held my waist.
“he needs keep his grubby Slytherin hands off our sister”
“shut up Fred”
The arguing made me pull away and I looked around. “what's wrong?” Draco asks. I sighed and looked over at the three broomsticks building. Outside two people were setting at a table and hiding behind two Daily Profet papers.
“we got company” I sighed as I marched over to the twins. I ripped the paper out of Fred's hands and he looked up wearing a pair of sunglasses. “sis! Fancy seeing you here”
I placed my fist on my hip and stared at my older brothers as Draco came up behind us with a nervous look. “why are you guys spying on us?”
George looked up at me playing dumb. “I don't know what your talking about... Just enjoying the trip same as you” I rolled my eyes not believing them. I knew when my brothers all too well.
“boys come on” I said softly. Fred sighed. “we just wanted to make sure you were okay” Fred started.
“it's your first real date, we wanted to me sure you were happy” George added. Draco nodded figuring the twins would rat him out. “we won't tell anyone” George stated making Draco look up surprised.
“we'll come up with some excuse... Like we'll say it some Git from Ravenclaw" Fred said. I smiled thanking the boys.
“if he makes you happy then we're happy” George said hugging me. He then turned to Draco.
“but if you hurt her there will be nothing left of you, but some blond hair and an acadent” George Said pointing at the boy. Draco didn't look scared necessarily but he did look at George with respect I've never seen before.
“she's still our little sister and if she comes to us and your the reason for her tears we'll stick a firework up your-" my eyes widened and I placed my hand over Fred's mouth. “thank you Freddie” his muffled voice stopped and I uncovered his mouth.
“thanks boys” Draco said genuinely which seemed to surprise the twins. He nodded and said their good byes.
“don't worry they're harmless” I said nudging Draco. I then snickered. “actually they aren't but we'll be fine”
He chucked and looked down. “no, it's nice that you have family that have your back like that.... I know none of my family would do that... My mother would" I gave him a soft smile.
“I'm sorry” he stopped in front of me and placed his hand on my cheek and blushed as nuzzled into the warmth of his hand.
“it's not your fault and it's fine really” I looked at him sadly but he should nothing but a huge grin.
“come on Weasley smile, we're having fun right?” I laughed softly and grabed his hand as we continued to walk.
“I did have fun with you today” I said to the blonde Slytherin. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “me too”
--------(3rd pov)--------
“so who was it?” Ron asked walking up to the twins with Harry and Hermione. Hermione gave the three a questioning look.
Fred shrugged and glanced over at y/n who was with Draco and Neville. “some Git from Ravenclaw”
“yeah I don't think it's anything to worry about” George added. Hermione then put all the pieces together then suddenly slapped Ron on the back of the head. He wined and rubbed his head.
“you got the your brothers to spy on your sister?"
“I just want her to be safe” Ron said still rubbing his head.
George chuckled and looked back at his sister. She was setting in between Draco and her other best friend Neville. The three were laughing and sharing candy. He wasn't worried anymore. Yeah Draco was a jerk but he was certin he'd never hurt her.
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person4924 · 1 month
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hi !! i’m sam !! and uhhh that’s all u need to know but there’s more under the cut !!
(also im trying to make this aesthetic and cute but idrk how so if u have any tips pls pls pls !!)
yes i’m sad (secretly a dinosaur)
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basic info
i’m sapphic of some sort and ace!!
i go pretty much by any pronouns atp but they is usually the best!!
i’m a minor. so please don’t be fucking weird.
i’m american (even worse, the midwest 😨) unfortunately but literally as soon as i fucking can im booting it and moving to norway
i’m neurodivergent of some some sort
i have a sideblog that is currently a confessions blog but it might change cus no one actually does it!! but if u would like to do a (general) confession then it is @just-a-little-lad4924
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just general facts about me !
my personality type is INFP-T
i have 3 cats!! one at my dads, her name is graci (after gracie abrams ofc) and she’s about a year and a half, and 2 at my moms: regulus (guess who named him!! 😱) and libby and their siblings and are currently abt 3 months !! i could yap abt them forever i love them sm
my favorite color is dark green, fav season is fall, fav holiday is christmas or halloween, fav animal is cats or sharks or moths or jellyfish
i appreciate tone tags and try to use them as much as possible
im always bored so asks and everything are super duper cool !
i love love love making ananlysis' of basically anythng sooo if theres like a song or ship or something i could totallly write an essay abt it or smth !
uhhh idrk what else !!
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fandoms AKA past hyperfixations that i’m still attached to but im not necessarily still in the fandom: harry potter (fuck jkr !!), MCU, KOTLC, marauders, boy meets world, it, osemanverse, paper girls, teen wolf, owl house, shameless, glee, stranger things, andi mack, tlou, riordanverse, brooklyn nine nine, new girl, hamilton, grishaverse, community, dawsons creek, bojack horseman, criminal minds, ted lasso, scooby doo, everything sucks!, the sun bearer trials, atypical, octonauts, dead boy detectives, will and grace, how i met your mother, the maze runner
uhhh can u tell i don’t have many friends.
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fav movies (not counting fandoms): tick tick boom, my girl, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, little rascals, empire records, bottoms, nimona, little women, 500 days of summer, benny & joon, beautiful boy, call me by your name, lady bird, stand by me, RWRB, addams family values, the breakfast club, spiderman ITSV/ATSV, the outsiders, luca, the perks of being a wallflower, dead poets society, big daddy, the edge of seventeen
once again. i have very little friends. and very many issues.
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fav music people: gracie abrams (if u couldnt tell), taylor swift, noah kahan, mitski, boygenuis, julien baker, phoebe bridgers, lucy dacus, hozier, the head and the heart, conan gray, RKS, queen. harry styles, the fray, olivia rodrigo, coldplay, billie eilish, maya hawke, bo burnham, chappell roan, the smiths, the revivalists, addriane lenker, lorde, fiona apple, alex g, ani defranca, radiohead
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just general interests: poetry, art, writing, sitcoms, stand up comedy, greek mythology, the sky (like the stars, moon, sun, etc. astronomy metaphors are my everything), moths, jelly fish, ocean animals in general (first special interest 💪💪), pretty much just animals in general, 90's movies, cinematography, bo burnham (i didnt know where eles to put him), annotating, musicals
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fav books (also not including fandoms): the perks of being a wallflower, the outsiders, i fell in love with hope, ill give you the sun, and more but i dont remember the names atm !
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my fav ships (buckle in! i apologize.): wolfstar, jegulus, jily sometimes, pandalily, dorlene, rosekiller, drarry, jeric (bmw), reddie, charlie/nick, tara/darcy, tao/elle, lister/jimmy, pip/rooney, kajemac, sterek, isaac/stiles, malia/stiles, lumity, gallavich, ronance, solangelo, valdangelo, kinda percico, dianetti, wesper, kanej, trobed, joey/pacey, ralvez, spencer/ethan, kindaaa moreid, painland, newtmas
i might have missed a few but these are My Guys. /gn
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spotify!! - my character playlists are my pride and joy and reason for living, i could write essays about how each song could specifically fit the character and situation. anyways!!
airbuds - idk if anyone uses this but if u do add me!!
ao3 - i have 1 fic that is my fav thing ever (a camp halfblood group chat) and the other two... are there
tiktok - this is my alt that i blocked all my friends on and i have like my fandom shit but i don’t post that much and im barely on tt to begin with but yeah !!
pronouns page
spotify stats - idk if anyone uses this but also yeah !!
i have a super duper cool discord server that u should totally join too… link
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i have a tagging system
sam shut the fuck up - og posts
asks!!! - asks
crazy? i was crazy once - big lists and essay things
sam sings :O - lyric/music posts
it’s so hard to be a lizard… - any jokes i make because im literally bo burnham
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and i think thats it!! if anyone has any ideas of things to add then yeah !! or how to make it look prettier cusss uhhhh yeah.
oh yeah and this is an official @i-luv-multiple-ppl fan account so !!
and creds to @cafekitsune for the dividers!!
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kanobarlowe · 12 days
Werewolves and why shapeshifters suck
The big rant has overcome me. Let me explain the best kind of werewolves and why it's not shapeshifters.
The first thing to do is determine what makes a werewolf a werewolf and what makes that kind of werewolf good.
I think the best place to start is the origin of the word and concept of "werewolf" altogether. This is difficult to narrow down, as the topic comes across many cultures, with its own variations and forms, sometimes even different animals—but usually all taking on a similar function to culture and storytelling.
Let's focus on the 2 most common English words for this topic: werewolf, and lycanthropy.
Werewolf: Old English. Description of. Man+Wolf.
Lycanthropy: Greek. Affliction. Wolf+Man.
These two words at their most basic forms tell us a lot about what werewolves should be. The first one, while historically can be seen accommodating basic shapeshifter tropes, has a primary distinction: it is man first. There is no wolf without man. To have a werewolf, one must have man, which implies that the traits and clarity of man's presence is vital for the werewolf to be known and identified as such.
Lycanthropy, meanwhile, has an important difference that supports the Old English, by accident or by design: it is the affliction of wolf onto man. While lycanthropy is wolf emphasized, by its definition of being considered an affliction, notably on mind and/or body depending on literal or literary context, there must be man in the equation for the wolf to then be afflicted to.
Why does this matter? Who cares if man is in the equation?
Well clearly I care!!!!
Before I compare two well-known examples of werewolves in contemporary media, let me make it clear: based even on basic terms and definitions, the presence of man is key for the werewolf to function. How do you possibly make that clear to your audience?
By keeping man present.
If you decide to hide man from your werewolf concept and design, you're just making your end result a wolf. While the man may be present underneath, I would argue that the meaning of both words has now been lost and the wolf has now obscured the man aspect.
Next, we, can examine some popular contemporary werewolves and see what makes them truly horrific (in the best ways of course). Note that I will sadly only be going off of what I am familiar with: if I do not cover a werewolf that you think is good evidence one way or another, it's simply because I am not familiar enough with it to use. For this portion I will reference a top character list I found online.
Remus Lupin: ignoring any controversy around Harry Potter and Rowling, and ignoring his incredibly silly naming scheme, Remus is a classic werewolf. Is his story in book 3/movie 3 not compelling to audiences? I think many would agree that the mystery behind the man and the subsequent learning of his affliction and how he intends to get along despite it is worthy of acknowledging. Not to mention the danger that comes with it when the kids come in contact with him in this form.
David Kessler: I would argue David from An American Werewolf in London is the most iconic and amazing iteration of a werewolf to have existed in contemporary works. Not only are the transformation scenes brutal and grotesque, but the later ambiguity of the validity of his affliction, his lack of knowledge to if his affliction even occurring, not only is classic, but masterly crafted.
Larry Talbot: the OG wolf man and an iconic one at that. Due to effects at the time, the visuals are great for what they could do, and the story of a man who cannot resist the violent nature of the beast that overwhelms him is quintessential to what makes werewolf stories so good.
Daniel Osbourne: another iconic example to many of what makes a good werewolf. One who is meek in human form, but the monstrous side of the werewolf curse shreds through that with power and feats unknown. I can't say much more as it's been a while seen seeing Buffy, but I didn't want to leave Oz out.
Bigby Wolf: while a reversal of the concept, being a wolf inflicted with lycanthropy to give him the power to become a man, Bigby in both iterations of Fables and The Wolf Among Us is still a good example of the man and wolf nature. In the game, you get to see his progressive iterations of transformation, some being more extreme than others. Of course he does technically shapeshift, especially in his last form—but his earlier hybrid iterations are brought on by a unique variant: emotional transformation. When anger is left unchecked and out of control, his beast nature would rise out of the surface of man, which I find compelling. He is an interesting look at the affliction of man onto beast, which is what makes this more shapeshifter-esque nature more appropriate for his case.
Jacob Black: literally what is the point of him being a "werewolf" other than to be different from Edward. Other than giving him some mysterious nature it does little function - and it's an affliction he doesn't deal with at anywhere near the same capacity as the vampires do with theirs in the same book series. If I remember correctly, the only things that are an issue is he just kinda becomes a hot head who doesn't know his own strength? Okay? He's just a shapeshifter. He just turns into a literal wolf. What's the point. Lmao.
There are many more, and ones I wish I could touch on with better knowledge than I do (such as Teen Wolf, Being Human, the Vampire Diaries, and True Blood). But even with these few, I think it's clear that the afflicted, even in a unique role-reversal like Bigby, is far more compelling than shapeshifting. From what I have read about Teen Wolf, I believe it tries to strike a balance between being able to shapeshift when desired but also being afflicted by the full moon, but I would need to see it before I can comment. I am, however, not impressed with the ability to actually just turn into a wolf that is otherwise present. The monster versions look cool though.
Finally, to still rant and make some arguments but to try to not keep this too long, let's consider the impact of affliction vs shapeshifting as the function of the werewolf.
What does a shapeshifter really do to compel a story? In my opinion it renders the werewolf little more than a super power like any other kind—you basically have a 1 form d&d druid shapeshifter, worse yet if they eliminate the aspect of man and make it a full wolf transformation.
What is the impact of a wolf-man affliction? Well I mean... look at it!! Someone who may or may not know what happens to them, unable to resist or fight the bestial nature lurking beneath the surface, maybe even terrified and uncertain of all the death surrounding them! What of the overindulgence, of feeling terribly full, of the taste of meat and metal on the tongue? The horror someone would feel with this beast looming over them, claw and fang and hair and distortion on an otherwise human-like face, creating an uncanny valley effect of human-but-not for the victim.
To conclude: wolf-man is cool. Shapeshifters are also cool, but not for a werewolf narrative.
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arokel · 2 months
10 questions for 10 writers
thank you so much for the tag @strangethings-everywhere ! secretly I've always wanted to do one of these
1. Is writing a hobby or a way of life?
Way of life for sure; I'm basically never not thinking about it. I start to feel awful and purposeless if I go too long without writing at least something.
2. A journal full of notes or a clean completed manuscript?
Clean completed manuscript, unfortunately. I wish I could be less persnickety about my first drafts but so far that hasn't happened. I do sometimes make extensive outlines though and those are always by hand, but they're usually pretty clean too :/ no scribbly scribbly for me
3. Who or what inspired your writing?
I've been writing since I was five years old and telling stories since I could talk, so I guess I'll say that when I was first reading chapter books I asked my parents why books always have a few blank pages at the end and they said it was so you had space to continue the story yourself if you wanted. They made it up on the spot and they don't remember saying it at all, but it's always stuck with me.
4. Which is worse: Someone you ‘idolize’ reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
Listening to me sing, 100%. I post my barely-edited first drafts on ao3 all the time lmao. But I also feel like with a first draft it's easy to say hey this is a first draft, if there's stuff you don't like I'm happy to hear criticism! Whereas with singing, that's just your voice. You can practice the song but at some point whether they like it or not just comes down to something about you that you can't change. (Although I am a hashtag classically trained singer so my feelings of needing to live up to that might not be universal.) (Don't ask me to sing opera for you because I don't actually like opera.)
5. Has writing from someone else’s POV changed your perspective?
I think most of the perspective changes that have come out of stories have been from reading for me? Like the first time I was really exposed to the idea of transness was a Harry Potter fic (suck on that, JKR) and that obviously really stuck with me. But I think the desire to write from queer povs really helped me come to terms with my own sexuality, maybe more than actually doing it. I guess writing narrative essays, which I do less frequently than straight up fiction, is usually a way for me to explore things I feel about myself and about the world.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
AO3 foreverrrrrrr. I was on ffn in my misspent youth and Very briefly on lj, but ao3 has been my home since 2014 and it would take a lot to get me to move.
7. AO3 word count? And are you satisfied with it?
646,046, and soon enough it'll jump another 100,000. Honestly not sure how I feel about that.
8. What movie/book gripped you irrevocably?
I will never not love Tamora Pierce's Tortall series. I know they're kind of dated and don't hold up in some places, but they've been in my bloodstream so long that they're basically a part of my understanding of the world. They shaped so much of my ideas on literature - how to create compelling characters and relationships, what makes a world believable, what fantasy even is - and honestly I think they're responsible for about 50% of my sense of humor and at least a quarter of my relationship to gender. They were my first fandom and in the end I'll always come back to them.
9. What’s the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
One of my plays deals with a very difficult emotional subject and is quite frankly pretty depressing the whole way through, and after the premiere a friend of mine came up to me and said "it was so so funny; I was laughing the entire time." That's what I always want my writing to do, not so much in fic but out in the world - I want to give people catharsis, and I hope they leave the reading or viewing experience feeling a little better than they did going in. And also I want people to laugh at my jokes.
10. What defines your writing style?
Can I say inconsistency? No but really it's definitely dialogue. I struggle with descriptive prose sometimes, but I never have to work at dialogue. I think it's my strongest area and people always tell me it's snappy (thank you Tamora Pierce). Other than that uhh... too many commas probably.
tagging @violasmirabiles @fregata-magnificens @kjxlll @borealopelta @uwu-dowoon @teaforarteza @icegreyrose @shadowquill17 @ris-d-deridex and using my 10th tag for anyone else who wants to participate!
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ginevrapng · 10 months
Do you have any favourite fanfictions you've written?
yes i do!<3
there are so many i included asdfghjk i'm so sorry! it was hard to pick, i'm proud of everything i write - ( edit: i completely forgot to mention but these are my favourite fics i've written for harry potter and the marauders not including my anime tumblr )
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my favourite fluff works of mine-
— james pining over chubby reader
he'd carry you with one hand all the way up a mountain if it would impress you and get you to notice him. i just love this man so much!! every single time i reread this i smile like crazy.
— "did i ever tell you how beautiful you are?" george x slytherin reader
"so you're in love with me," he remarked. you can hear his grin. the cogs turn in your brain as you remember what you told him. friends to lovers with george weasley??? aaahhh!! i love the pining!
— james overhears people being mean about his chubby girlfriend
"JUST LETTING THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW I HAVE THE BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER," he spins you around again and purposely makes sure those girls can see as he bombards your face with kisses. james loves his chubby girlfriend so much and ugh he just thinks the world of her!! he's the best!!
— best friend! james jealous over peter
when james spotted you sitting far to close to peter his eyes hardened and he gritted his teeth because you shouldn't be sitting close to peter, it's peter of all people. he's your best friend so what are you doing all close to peter like that for. best friend james is the best and i really like the readers relationship with the rest of the marauders, especially peter, and i love how james reacts to those relationships
— "did sirius black just wink at you?" sirius x chubby reader
you pretend to think his jokes are immature and his hair is ridiculous and everyone believes you, apart from the man himself. sirius has the reader all figured out and i love it!! he pays so much attention to her and notices how she really feels, it makes my heart go sryehsjtezserazx i love them
my favourite smut works of mine-
— thigh riding with boyfriend!neville
the whole time neville will be trying to help you with your exam next week you'll be wanting to snog him and find a quiet and dark place in the library to suck his dick. god boyfriend neville means so much to me!! neville is so boyfriend material and i love the whole soft dom vibe
— james with a mummy kink
a smirk appears on your face as you see your boyfriend with tears in his eyes desperately trying to do what he's told. "you want mummy to help you jamie. do y'wanna cum baby?" sub james makes me feel things and i am on my hands and knees thanking however sent in this kinktober concept because it's really hot
— poly!marauders with a somno kink/waking you up by eating you out
"you finally awake sweetheart?" he mumbles against you. combining two things i love more than anything, somno and poly marauders?? i have died and gone to heaven
— "i've missed you" fwb!james x chubby reader
you want more and james can tell by the way you grab hold tightly on his arm and at the same time his hair. you've always stayed away from touching his unruly hair, the main reason being that up close it looks so soft and you worry touching it would cross a boundary. they're both so smitten with each other and want more and i'm losing my mind when i think about it
my full masterlist
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tornrose24 · 9 months
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Doodles of my trip to Universal Studios Hollywood.
-My family and I had to wake up early to get to the park when it opened at 8 AM in order to ride the Mario Kart ride ASAP before the line got too long (For those planning on going, or are waiting for the version in Florida, I would keep this in mind if I were you). It had a couple of issues when we reached Bowser’s castle on the second floor, but it was worth the wait. The ride is a lot of fun, and the best part is Rainbow Road where you truly feel like you are speeding along it.
-Next, I rode the Revenge of the Mummy ride. Unfortunately, I did not know it was an indoor roller coaster and while there were no big drops or loops, I was a ‘bit’ traumatized during and after it. This did not help me in deciding whether or not to ride the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey (I did not, because I was under the wrong impression as to how the ride operates).
-Rode the Transformers ride next. I enjoyed it and was happy to see Bumblebee. However, there’s not much support for your head and neck, which will start hurting if you aren’t careful with how you sit in the vehicle.
-I was lucky enough to ride Mario Kart a second time during the evening and I was better able to take in Bowser’s room, as well as his throne. I’m about 5 feet, two inches, and could easily fit a third of that throne. This made me realize how large Bowser would be compared to a human. Too bad the big guy himself isn’t a meet and greet at the moment, nor can you sit on the throne, but I wouldn’t attempt it if I were you. Speaking of… please don’t cut to the front of the line like some people did. That really sucked.
-I was debating on it, but among the souvenirs I bought, I got a Princess Peach headband for my inner child and wore it for most of my time there. A few others got one too, and I can’t tell you how many people I saw wearing Yoshi or Bowser hats.
-I recommend doing the studio tour at least once. When I came to the Nope set, the lights went crazy like in the film, and for a second I was panicking and trying to remember how to evade the alien. There were some other gems that I won’t mention, but they did have the building with the clock from Back to the Future.
-I sadly was unable to meet most of the characters, because you have to wait 30 minutes in advance before they come out, and then the line is closed off. But I was able to meet Penelope and Jaques of the Toothsome Chocolate Emporium (a steampunk restaurant with great milkshakes that is in both Hollywood and Orlando). It was fun to finally meet with them and they were delighted to know I had the Red Velvet Milkshake. Also, it turns out Penelope isn’t too fond of the Grinch, LOL. (Cute side story-one kid who met the two before me had a Spiderman shirt, and Jaques did the web shooting hand gesture with him.)
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