#The Justice League discovers Amity Park
Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Danny couldn’t believe it. He graduated high school with better grades than he imagined. Everything was also falling into place. His parents had accepted him as a halfa, and nothing bad has happened for almost a year now.
Well, he graduated, yes, but his grades weren’t on his sister’s level. Still, it was something he was proud of. Between making sure that Amity Park is safe from ghosts, going to Clockwork every now and then, and making sure he doesn’t fail at any of his classes, the road to a diploma was a hard one. (Although for some reason, the number of ghost attacks had gradually decreased until his usual rogues stopped attacking. They still visit Amity Park, but only to talk, hang out, or spar with him. It was strange at first, but he eventually got used to it.)
And now, in a few weeks, he is officially moving to Metropolis for college to become an engineer. It wasn’t what his younger self wanted, what with wanting to be an astronaut (not that he could be one, after what happened to him in the lab), but it was something more than what he thought he could ever accomplish.
(The deal-breaker was his parent's promise to protect Amity Park. He would have stayed and enrolled at Amity Community College, but his parents told him to live his life to the fullest.)
To celebrate their milestones together, Danny, Sam, and Tucker, together with Jazz as their chaperone for the summer, have decided to go wander around Metropolis and its neighboring cities as 'tourists' (Tucker and Sam had decided to go to Metropolis University, too, with the former studying Computer Science while the latter would take Journalism), partly because they will spend the rest of their college years in the city, and partly because compared to the other cities, Metropolis was safer because of Superman.
That means they can go anywhere and not fight.
'Not my circus, not my monkeys', as the saying goes.
Then Lex Luthor and Superman decided to duke it out in front of the Daily Planet, while the four of them were caught in a bank robbery.
The large LED TV inside the bank showcased the man of steel fighting the billionaire genius as the robbers scare everyone into submission with their guns.
The four of them looked at the LED TV, then at the robbers, and came to a decision.
Superman was in the middle of fighting Luthor when he heard the cries of various civilians, and a couple of criminals demanding a bank to let them in their vaults.
Then he heard gunshots.
Fearing for the worst, he quickly defeated Lex, told the cops to ship him back to prison, and flew to the bank, just to see a floating white-haired meta and a teenage girl conjuring plants tying up and freezing the robbers. In the corner was another boy typing on a PDA, and a red-headed girl comforting the other people in the bank.
The four people in question froze upon noticing Superman.
Two large vines immediately snatched the redhead and the other boy, while the white-haired meta phased them down the bank's floor.
So much for the saying, 'Not my circus, not my monkeys'. 
(This is terribly written. I haven’t done my research. Sorry for the quality of this short fic.)
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often-daydreaming · 13 days
An Ancient's Game
It started off small at first. A robbery in Metropolis. A missing persons case in Gotham. An 'accident' in Amity Park. None of it connected. Nobody thought to connect them. It was just another case after all. There would always be another case so sometimes things slipped through the cracks. It happened.
Even heroes made mistakes after all.
They overlooked things.
But in the end they messed up and someone had to pay and someone did when Clark Kent heard his wife and son’s heartbeats vanish off the face of the earth during a somewhat quiet afternoon while he was handling a disaster in France.
He was the man of steel though, he could have made it. He should have made it but he was a second too late. His family was gone and Metropolis felt the fury of the old gods as a being made of wind and storms ripped its way free of an unseen portal cackling with mad laughter as it devastated the city.
It was another distraction though.
A massive distraction that drew the Justice League's attention away from the real prize as nightmares descended on Gotham like shadows. They morphed from the darkness slipping out through the cracks like ghosts and only Oracle saw the fight as they swarmed the youngest Robin, the Dark Knight's youngest son vanishing under an endless tide of nightmares as Nocturn took control of Gotham's nightlife.
More distractions followed as more and more of the old gods, Ancient beings long forgotten returned to Earth.
Storms raged.
The ground quaked.
Creatures of myth and legend were free to run wild as reports of everything from dragons to even yetis flooded the Watchtower.
In the end it was Diana who found their first and only clue when one of her mother's messengers appeared warning them of Themyscira's fate when a portal was opened for Undergrowth deep within the island's jungles. They fought. They fell. Then they were turned into mindless puppets bent to the monster's will as the sounds of war subsided into silence within a matter of days.
Her losses gave them a name.
Undergrowth, a creature of the green who cheered the being known as Clockwork while Constantine explained its origin.
He told them of Cronos, of the pieces of him that had formed into a new life deep within the endlessness of Infinity.
And Fate opened the way.
The first thing the gathered heroes saw was a massive clocktower surrounded by gears and pistons twisting in every direction as they spilled out into an endless void. Each tenth of a second, the hands on the clocktower click one step forward.
A single tooth on one of the smaller gears is easily the size of the Watchtower and no matter how far anyone looked there was no beginning or end to the clocktower.
There was nothing except the click, click, click of endless clocks as they stormed the Titan's lair.
Nothing stopped them.
There were no enemies or traps.
In fact the doors were left wide open as if welcoming the Justice League inside and they soon discovered why when Shazam found them. Superboy stood on a scale across from Luthor, the same with Robin and Waller. They were frozen in time, trapped in a single second of a moment while in the very middle of the massive room was a kid, easily Jon's double sleeping on a throne made out of the void of space but that wasn't what had him worried.
What worried him was the silence, the sudden nothingness in his mind as the voices of the gods empowering him faded away in the presence of the cloaked figure of Cronos suddenly standing beside the throne.
Even as the other heroes flooded into the room he couldn't hear anything besides a soft click, click, click as Superman was waved away forced into a loop of repetition that began and ended with his first step forward.
Green Lantern fell next, rapidly aged into an old man unable to match a Titan's will.
Then Constantine collapsed clutching an invisible wound on his chest. It was his contracts forcing him to obey while Fate eventually faded under time's cold embrace.
There were only a few heroes left when Flash made a move blitzing the throne only to suddenly lose his speed. The others simply glitched, like static on an old tv leaving only Shazam, J'onn and surprisingly Lois Lane standing in front of Cronos as he declared a game to decide Earth's continued existence.
'Convince each of them you're worth another chance and I'll restore everything.'
'Who's them?'
I don't really know what I was going with here. I was just listening to some of the songs from Epic and figured why not let an enraged Clockwork have some fun. I'm blaming Vlad for everything cause I can and he's done it before and caused a ton of problems for everyone else so I'm just picturing something he did or tried to do backfiring badly enough that Danny got seriously hurt so now everyone's gotta pay.
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rboooks · 1 year
DC x DP Fic idea: The Royal Consort
Wesley Weston runs a blog after getting over his desire to expose Danny's secret- primarily due to no one believing him- and no one pays attention to it since almost all of Casper high school has one too.
The difference between the hundreds of other blogs is that one of his pictures of Phantom is clear. A perfectly uncorrected image of the famous ghost, whereas nearly all other pictures are blurry due to ghosts disrupting cameras. Even Wes isn't sure how he managed to capture him so well.
Another difference between his blog and others is that one of his followers happens to be John Constantine, who followed the kid a long time ago due to the fanfiction of the Bats and found them hilarious.
John opens his phone app, expecting a new chapter to the Bruce Wayne/Superman fic, and spits out his tea upon seeing the High King of the Dead casually in the human world. Horrified that the King has not been appropriately welcomed- which could lead to a war that the humans would never win- he calls an emergency Justice League and Justice League Dark meeting.
It didn't help that they had allowed a county to pass the anti-ecto laws, which ruined any attempt to appease the Ghost King once the news broke to the public. The League still worried about a declaration of war even after they demolished the laws and the United Nations had the States apologize on humans' behalf.
They quickly discover High King Phantom has been visiting Earth for almost three years. Before his coronation, Phantom had not been outside the Infinite Realms very often though he has appeared throughout history. Cave drawings date back thousands of years before the first ancient Egyptians, but he's visits are few and short.
Life would naturally send him back to the Realms because he had too much power and ectoplasm. After taking the throne, his powers only grew, which meant someone had to summon him as the only way for him to stay on Earth longer than an hour.
Now as King, he appeared only within the small town of Amity Park daily. Why?
John sighs. "He has an anchor. Someone is tying him to this plane. Like the helmet for Nabu, which allows Doctor Fate to exist here without being launched back to the Infinite Releams, Phantom has bonded himself. And I know who that is"
He pulls up a class photo on Weston's blog and points to a boy wearing a particular necklace.
"Danny Fenton is wearing the official Royal Consort of the Infinite Realms symbol and has been since he was fourteen. Phantom's husband may be our only hope to salvage the terrible mess the USA's bloody GIW placed the rest of us in."
Danny loved the necklace he found in Pariah Dark's old haunt. He inherited Pariah's haunt and everything inside once he was crowned and hasn't taken it off since. He didn't think it would be an issue. It's not like it would out his secret to his parents or anyone else since it was in Ghost Speech. Even he didn't know what it said.
Then one morning he comes down for breakfast only to have the most important members of the Justice League sitting in his living room waiting to greet him.
Desperate to keep his halfa status a secret, Danny must convince the entire world watching him, that he's just a human who scandalously eloped at age fourteen with one of the strongest beings in the mulitverse.
Jack's horrified "We were shooting my son-in-law this whole time" became a meme that has trended for months.
( Part 2 )
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Every year, Sam, Danny, and Tucker go on a vacation courtesy of Sam's very reluctant parents. This year, it was Tuckers turn to choose the location and activities, and he chose Gotham.
Not only did it have Wayne Tech, one of the most technologically advanced companies, but Gotham was also hosting a massive furry convention this year and the three of them were cosplaying as Succubats from the Dragon Quest series. They had gone all out, full purple body and face paint, contacts that made the whites of their eyes black, hand died leggings, leotards, and fuzzy leg warmers as well as everything else. Let's just say there was a lot of sowing involved.
Danny even made a mad scientist invention that toyed with gravity so that they could fly while flapping their wings. His parents were so proud and made them stop for pictures before they left.
The convention was fun and they got saved by Robin once and ended up teasing him a bit. Sam was cackling the next day when she found out Robin had gone through the rest of his patrol not knowing that Danny's purple galaxy lipstick was still on his cheek the entire time.
The only part they didn't like was this weird trenchcoat guy kept following them around in the shadows, but Batman was with him, so it was probably okay. The Justice League had found out about the anti ecto acts and publicly tore the government a new one. Danny had barely managed to hide his parents' involvement and work with Tuckers and Vlads' help. While he and Vlad were still bitter enemies, Vlad didn't want to see Maddie in jail, and Danny could work with that.
On the flip side of things, the Justice League still had no idea about the portals in Amity Park or that anything was going on there. So when John Constantine found out about a insanely powerful entity that radiated death energy like the sun radiated light heading straight to Gotham, he panicked and immediately went to Batman to tell him the bad news.
John had no idea what this creature was and was determined to find out, but between the make up and body paint and everything else, it was impossible to discover the identity of the three teens. It didn't help that Danny could just turn them invisible/fly them everywhere so John and Bruce are suffering
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DPxDC prompt. Justice League after A Glitch in Time
or Erasing the Phantom’s heroism from the memory of everyone on Earth is not a good reason to skip work. Who knew?
After his parents, and with them all the residents of Amity Park, once again forgot he's Phantom, Danny was in a mood to be like a little shit. The funny thing was, his secret wasn’t completely erased. He discovered this because the world renowned hero Phantom was an honorary member of the Justice League...and the unknown Fenton is constantly receiving calls from old acquaintances.
Danny was impatient to get back to home-sweet-space-station-home and get to work, so he didn’t try to tread lightly.
~~~~~ "Hey, dude, do you remember the last security code for the third decommissioned weapons depot?" Flash’s voice came from the phone. "Of course, this is blobghost34boo." Danny answered calmly. "Thanks, man." Flash finished the call. "Flash, who were you just talking to?" Batman asked with suspicion. "What are you talking about? Of course I talked to.."Flash stopped and blinked. "I don’t know?" "What does that mean?" Batman screams in anger."How did the security codes that none of you remember end up in the hands of an outsider?" "I have no idea who I just talked to!" Flash screamed in horror.
Jazz took a call from Batman this time. " Not sorry, but Danny can't come to the phone right now."
"Why?' Jazz glanced at the Phantom fighting with Spectra outside the window. "Oh, 'cause he's dead."
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bet-on-me-13 · 4 months
What if I'm the Monster?
(Based on Monster from Epic the Musical, it's incredible, give it a listen)
So! For the past few years, Danny has done nothing but defend Amity Park from Agressive Ghosts, Lunatic Ghost Hunters, and the GIW, all on his own. But no matter what he does, he is always seen as a Monster by the people of the town, just for being a Ghost.
Over the years he has lost a lot.
His Best Friend. His Mentor. His Mom.
Tucker was caught by the GIW and arrested for helping Phantom, and was never heard from again. His Parents still visit the Mayor's office for any word of him, but no one has any idea what happened.
Danny and Clockwork had a falling out after Danny refused to go down his intended path. He wanted to live his own life, one not predetermined by a Time God. Clockwork had told him that he would regret the decision, and left.
And his Mom had died after discovering his secret. She had surprisingly accepted him, but then the GIW had tried to capture him and she decided to defend him, and she got caught in the crossfire.
Every time Danny tried defending the people of Amity Park, he was vilified and hated even more. He would never be a Hero in their eyes, he was no Justice League. He had lost so much just defending them, but he couldn't bring himself to resent them, they didn't know what they were doing, it was how they were supposed to think. He still needed to defend them.
But he could no longer do so acting as the Hero.
Being a Hero stopped him from raiding the base that he assumed Tucker was being held in. Being a Hero led him to disagreeing with Clockworks advice. Being a Hero led to his Mom's death.
So he would be The Monster, instead.
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starppleb · 23 days
Amity Park lived through a horrible event. Young Danny Fenton died due to a horrendous accident.
That was a big hit for the city; nobody died in a long time from ghost-related events, but now the son of leading ecto-scientists may rest in peace after a ghost attack in which GIW was taking an active defensive role. (They messed with something they shouldn't have) 
GIW, aka Ghost Investigation Ward, is suspended from any activity while the Anti-Ecto law is being revisited. (Thanks to all of the complaints) 
Fentons released new studies. And one of them discovered that ecto-weapons could harm humans, especially Amity Parkers. (That’s what long exposure to ectoplasm can do) 
Anti-Ecto law was revisited and updated. (Much better) 
Ghost Boy, aka Phantom, didn’t reappear after the accident. 
Some say he’s too devastated after the death of Danny Fenton, while others say they saw him get hurt in the accident. (He isn’t around anymore) 
Ghosts attacked again. (But nobody came) 
Justice League will visit Amity Park after the last news and will provide help until everything is settled. (Where they were before) 
Such a tragedy for a hero society… 
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satoshy12 · 2 years
Heir of a Tyrant
Upon discovering that Danny was the rightful inheritor of both the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage, Vlad executed a de-aging scheme by instructing Skulker to poison and attack Danny. The poison transformed Danny into a child, rendering him too young to claim the throne. As an older Halfa, Vlad intended to seize the position of Proxy and rule the zone with Danny as his ward. Jazz, however, could not allow this to happen and fled Amity Park with her newly-turned toddler brother. As Jazz attempted to flee, she landed in various cities, yet Vlad's followers persisted in their pursuit. Fortunately, even though the heroes typically disregarded Amity Park, they were now determined to safeguard them. From Wonder Woman and Superman to the Flash and even the Green Arrow and Black Canary, along with Martian Manhunter, they all came to their aid. It was heartwarming to see how ecstatic little Baby Danny was whenever an alien or space hero appeared, while he was utterly uninterested when a mundane hero was around. Green Lantern won him over by mentioning that he was a Space Police officer and part of the Airforce. Danny found nothing wrong with this Space is Space! Jazz believed that Wonder Woman was somewhere in the middle since Danny liked her but not as much as the Alien Heroes. Nonetheless, he did not detest her or find her dull. Jazz believes it might have something to do with Pandora. In a meeting of the Justice League, the heroes gathered to discuss recent events they had encountered. To their surprise, each of them had encountered a green monster that they had to fight. The alien heroes in attendance spoke about how cute the toddler was that they had seen, as well as his red-haired caretaker. This caught the attention of Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Martian Manhunter, who were surprised to hear about the others' encounters. Batman spoke up and asked why the monster was hunting the toddler and the babysitter. Shazam explained that they were beings from the Infinity Realm, and that he had heard about this place from the Gods. However, he suggested that John Constantine might know more. When John Constantine confirmed what Shazam had said, the group turned their attention to the captured Vulture, hoping to get some answers. They learned that the toddler was actually the heir of Pariah Dark Throne, and that the Ghost had been sent to capture him and bring him to their boss. Their boss wanted to take the toddler's crown and control the Realm for himself, by making himself Danny's guardian.
As they learned by Shazam, Zatanna and John's shocked faces, Pariah was a Evil Dark Tyrant that was sealed by Ancient for a good Reason too. And someone who wants to take his place would be the same, the most important thing at the moment would be to find the duo and protect them, and make sure that the Boy will not grow up to be a Tyrant or be used to take control of armies and realms.
All the Planning the Justice League and Justice League Dark did for the weeks, was to be kicked out as Bruce saw the tiny toddler Black Haired blue eyed toddler and just changed the whole plan to just adopt the Duo.
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This is a Damian and Danny are twins but with a twist.
Through a series of unfortunate events a very young Danny gets put into the pit. Maybe it was a test from Ra, he was sick this was trying to save him, he was pushed purposely or he fell in accidentally. He never rises from the pit everyone thinks he died. But with Danny being in the pits (which is ectoplasma) Clockwork is able to grab Danny and send if off to Jack and Maddie. If Danny had stayed with the Al Ghul's he would have died. Now Clockwork works with time not space. It harder for him to send beings to a certain place during their present, it easier for him to get them directly where he wants them if he is sending them forwards or backwards. So when CW put Danny into the path of Jack and Maddie it is years in the past for Danny.
This is going to be a good parent Jack and Maddie. Jack and Maddie are having infertily issues. It was very hard to conceive Jasmine and afterwards the Doctors gave even lower chances of them having another natural child. They start looking into adoption but due to their research into ghosts they are not having luck. They about loose hope when they meet Danny. Danny is too young to really remember the League, so he grows up with no memories. He knows he adopted, Jack and Maddie didn't hide that from him.
Things progress the about the same as in the show, and it's a reveal gone right. Also when the Meta Human Act is put into law it repeals the Anti Ecto laws, so Danny doesn't worry about those anymore. He never really wanted to be a hero, he was trying to help because he felt responsible for the mayhem after he turned on the portal. Things become more stable in Amity Park and Danny is able to get his grades back up and pursue his dream of working for NASA.
Danny was brought to the past to grow up, I see him being around 5 years older the Dick in the present. When Danny was a teen the Justice League was being formed. Danny doesn't discover his bio parents until he is in his 30s. How this is discovered is Star Labs is partnering with JPL on a project they send over their top scientists, one of them being Danny. Barry sees Danny one day at the lab and at first thinks it's Bruce. He mentions to Danny how much he looks like Bruce Wayne, Danny laughs it off. Barry later in passing mentions to Batman during a league meeting that he met a Bruce Wayne clone. Batman and the Batfam take this info and do the paranoid thing and dig into Danny thinking maybe he is a clone. Then become confused when DNA says Danny is the son of Bruce and Talia, when he is older than Dick.
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lordgrimoire · 7 months
So, the following is a record of a conversation between Clockwork, The Flash, and Wonder Woman. Transcript Begins.
CW:Ah, Diana of Themyscira, an Honor, and Barry Allen, An Honor, to finally meet one of my bigger headaches, heh.
WW:Kronos, you know my name. And yet you call it an honor?
CW:That is my name no longer, but I will accept you using it. Yes, it is an honor, for before my madness by my own father I was a hero as well, those are not my duties any more, no I must look after the new heroes, from Young Phantom, to your Justice League, and specifically the Flashes.
The Flash:So wait, your in charge of the Speed force? I have so many questions.
CW:And I have no answers, instead I have these.
[Distortion, Grade IV opening, 6.7 Second duration]
CW:These, are Flashes, or more accurately Flashes out of time, who died to the speed force and were revived as well.
???:(Groans and coughing)
Flash:Are those-?
CW:Relatives yet to be born, those lost to the past, kinsfolk and other speedsters lost to the speed force. But not yours.
Flash: Come Again?
CW:Timelines are a strange thing, in another time, another place even, these Flashes would have come to occupy your life later in life, here? Not so much, they will need new names, they may tell you theirs if they want, but know this, in that Timeline the Infinite Realms, the Ghost Zone, was never discovered by any mortals. So keep that in mind.
Flash:Thank you, I’ll take care of them.
CW:I have my utmost faith in you. Diana of Themyscira?
WW:Lord Kronos?
CW:Simply Clockwork works dear, I have a gift for you.
WW:A Pocket Watch?
CW: Should you ever need guidance, simply twist the crown, twice left, twice right, you should have at least one godly relative in your corner, even if it’s little old me.
WW:…Thank You, Clockwork.
CW:Think nothing of it dear, I am the keeper of time, but I’ve retained my other rolls still, Grandfather, Mentor, Hero, in those most desperate of times. Now, I must return to my tower, relax, take your time, and worry not, Amity Park has sturdy defenders.
WW:Take care Clockwork, I’d best go save Flash from his Family shouldn’t I?
CW:The Flash would do with some assistance, take care Diana.
(Begin Censor? Y/N)
(Make Copy? Y/N)
(Battalion Clerk, Town Clerk, Justice League Clerk of Illinois)
(Submit? Y/N)
(Submission Begun, thank You Staff Sergeant William Hale, CBRN Platoon, 1st Amity Park Support Company, 1st Dimensional Support Battalion)
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connorsbonez · 2 years
DC/DP Crossover Idea #45
Where Amity Parks insanity gets exposed to the Justice League not through rumors, teenagers being teens in social media, or even ghost shenanigans getting leaked out. No the Justice League discovered Amity Park because of a 100k slowburn strangers to lovers fanfiction written by a Paulina Sanchez with the pairing being Phantom/Reader, this being read by Red Robin who got curious on who this character ‘Phantom’ was and began doing research which eventually led him down a rabbit hole and discovering the fuckery of Amity Park.
Let it be known that RR didn’t actually tell anyone how he discovered Phantom or Amity Park, if he did then he would never had been able to live it down by his siblings or literally anyone who knew him.
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zylev-blog · 6 months
This is the masterpost for everything that I have posted, not reblogged or added on from someone else.
DCU Only
The Batkids hide in Batman's cloak: here
DP Only
Ghosts as a separate species: here
Young Danny: here
Danny really hates Christmas: here
Failed Ghost Danny: here
The Purge: here
Secret Arms dealer: here
Danny is Jon Kent: here
Martian Danny: here
Danny's being followed: here
Danny is Bruce Wayne: here
Danny is the clone of Barry and Hal: here AO3 link: here
Danny is Ace the bathound: here @bloggerspam wrote a beautiful fic for this!
Danny goes back in time to kill villain Tim: here
Danny is Diana's daughter: here
Danny arrives during DCeased: here
Danny is Alfred's son: here
Danny is centries old: here
"My name is Danny Fenton, and this is Jackass.": here
Danny is the son of Clark Kent and Lana Lang: here
Danny is convinced Batman is a vampire: here
Danny is Deadshot: here
Danny infiltrates the Light: here
Danny is Jason Todd: here
Danny pays Diana a visit: here
Dan meets Jason Todd: here
Red Lantern Dan: here
Dan raises Kal-El: here
Jazz gets drunk: here
Halfa Jazz: here
Jazz is Lex Luthor's daughter: here
Tucker is Amity Park's protector: here
Dani wants to get arrested: here
Dani is from the future: here
Dani is the clone of Bruce and Danny: here
When Dani destabilizes, Superman stabilizes her dna. She doesn't appreciate this: here
Danny is Clockwork's assistant
Clockwork's assistant au: here
Apprentice of time au: here
Green Lantern Danny
Adult GL Danny: here
GL Danny in Justice League: here
GL Danny helps arrest his parents: here
Danny and others:
Danny and Jazz go to a gala: here
Danny and Dick talk during a stakeout: here
Damian's rant: here
Cujo steals Jason's gun: here
Danny haunts Batman: here
Wally crosses into the DP universe: here
Bruce trains with Phantom: here
The Phantom siblings like to throw things: here
Gotham is on fire: here
Danny and Sam make a bet: here
Flash, Batman, and Joker accidentally cross into the DP universe: here
Danny and Bart are from the future: here
Dani and Dani decide to crash Bruce's interview: here
Mind-controlled Superman crashes Danny and Sam's date: here
Damian and Danny are best friends: here
Danny haunts Batman: here
Dick and Danny talk: here
Dick and Danny are childhood friends: here
Danny rescues Bruce in 1732: here
Jason and Danny kill the Joker: here
Deaged Danny
Danny escapes CADMUS: here
Danny and Dani are adopted by Aquaman: here
Oliver adopts Danny: here
Clark adopts Danny: here
Barry adopts Danny: here
Teen/Adult dad Danny
Ellie and Damian's forced friendship: here
Single Dad and toddler Ellie meet Single mom Kara and baby Kal: here AO3 link: here
Danny is Klarion and Nabu's Dad: here
Danny is Zeus, and Diana's father: here
Dick throws a party for his 30th birthday: here
The Batfam discover the GIW's warehouse by accident: here
Freakshow and Joker are brothers: here
Tim accidentally creates a portal to Amity Park: here
Dick accidentally saves Danny instead of Tim: here
Danny becomes backup Red Robin: here
Deaged Dick: here
Jazz, Harley, and Bruce are in medschool together: here
Halfa Tim Drake: here
Villain Fentons au: here
Valerie doesn't want to be on a hero team: here
Dick and Damian are ducks: here
Kryptonian Jack Fenton: here
Amity Park is its own nation: here
Villian Fentons: here
A Turkey ghost sends the Fentons on a country-wide chase: here
Little Baby Man Danny: here
Conner is Phantom and Superman's clone: here
Kryptonian Danny: here
Dash/Danny: here
Tim/Danny: here
Tim/Danny gods of Krypton: here
Damian is Jazz and Bruce's son: here
Valerie/Danny raise Dani: here
GL Jazz/Bruce: here
FBI Agent Jazz Fenton(Nightingale): here AO3 link: here
Stephanie/Danny: here
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artemismoorea03 · 1 year
DP x DC: Deaths Song
Mostly have DC in mind for this one but again, it could work for Marvel too.
Danny is quiet no matter which form he's in. He's quiet and withdrawn from the rest - sure when they ask him a question or it's a topic he knows stuff about or interested about he can go on forever! Typical traumatized teenager with big interests and no outlet.
He's as helpful around the house as he is on the streets, helping Alfred reach the otherwise impossible crevices of the manor which would otherwise only get cleaned twice a year. He doesn't complain and will often offer his help just to keep busy.
It's during one of these 'spring cleaning' events that Alfred hears it for the first time.
Danny is singing.
It's quiet and muttered, but it's there. Alfred doesn't comment and instead listens to the voice as it stays soft. It's hard to tell from where he is standing but from what he can tell it sounds like he's singing in another language.
He discovers later it's French.
One by one the rest of the Bat-Fam catch Danny or Phantom mindlessly singing when he's doing something absent mindedly or when he doesn't think anybody is listening. Each time it's a different language which is impressive on it's own but what they're more focused on is the fact that Danny feels safe enough to sing.
Like a bird once caged and trapped he was finally starting to share his songs once again.
The Justice League has no idea about Danny's past though, just one of many tightly guarded secrets about the newest member's history. They know he's half-human, that he protected Amity park for years without any help from outside sources but they have no idea about the hells he went through.
So while they're all reading through debriefs and looking through paper after paper they're all caught off guard when he starts gently singing to himself once again. It's in English this time and just an absent minded action which Batman had grown used to.
It made the others freeze though and look towards Phantom as he continues singing, completely unaware of his own actions as he floats above his chair, laying in thin air as though there was a table under him.
In the end it's Flash who breaks the silence, not by commenting on the singing but instead joining in as he goes through his own paperwork. Phantom tenses, looks at Flash as the other members look down but as Flash continues Phantom starts singing again.
One by one the league joins in, even those who hadn't originally lived on Earth had learned the iconic song and those who hadn't learned it quickly enough.
Soon the paperwork was forgotten as the energy in the Watch Tower got more and more energetic, as Phantom and Flash were the first ones who got out of their seats to dance but they were far from the last. Captain Marvel joined in and little by little others did. They broke their character little by little.
Something Batman couldn't understand until he saw the look on Phantom's face. A genuine toothy grin surrounded by almost teary grins of some of the heroes. They weren't acting like fools because they had too much energy but because in the minds of the Justice League they were making a dead kid smile.
"Come on, B! Join in!" Flash said, and Batman sighed.
He was the last one at the table but the look on his newest sons face was impossible to ignore. Finally he got up and stood by Danny, humming softly and clapping while the others continued to sing and even do the actions along with the song.
Later, long after the meeting was over and they were getting ready to leave somebody made the comment;
"Who would have thought the Song of the Dead was YMCA."
Which caused Danny to bend over with wheezing laughter.
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Ras creates an evil clone of Tim Drake for whatever reason and after he trains it it runs off and none of his assasins can find him.
Ras isn't too concerned because he specifically made this clone in a way that it would start to fall apart after three years and he fully expected the clone to come crawling back when that happened.
Except, the clone never came back. If fact no one heard anything from or about him since he ran into this forest three years ago and never left. His men searched that forest countless times and deployed his greatest trackers. They all said the same thing, his trail stops dead in a small grotto. There was no where he could have gone.
Its like he just vanished.
The evil clone turned out to have stumbled apon a natural portal and decided he was screwed if he stayed so why not take a chance. He could probably fight his way out of hell. Probably. The angry swarm of Assasins after him was probably going to be its own form of hell anyway, so why not. He jumped through.
The other side of the portal was not hell, thankfully. It was a small city in Illinois...for some reason. He began to patrol the city in his altered Red Robin Costume, looking for the basic necessities when he stumbles across Phantom who was in the middle of finally being captured by the Fenton parents.
Danny could do nothing as his parents were quickly killed in front of him. When he was freed from his restraints he didn't attack the other teen, he didn't get angry or yell. He cried and thanked him then cried harder.
The clone really didn't know what to do in this situation and just awkwardly comforted the ghost. Danny dragged this guy home when he found out he didn't have a place to stay. Clone Tim was planning on using the hero for a while before bouncing but all this plans changed when he saw what Phantom could do. That kind of power would be owned and controlled by someone eventually, whether it be the League of Assasins or the Justice League it was all the same. So why not him?
Danny was easy to manipulate, his sister not so much. Once he started pointing out that he was protecting Danny from people who would hurt him she became swayed.
He disliked Sam. She reminded him too much of Jason and Damian, or more accurately, a fusion of the two. The horror.
He genuinely liked Tucker, he was carefree and true to himself. Plus who was he to turn down an assistant for creating tech. He had discovered he was no longer in his own universe and the JL and LOA didn't exist here.
Tim Drake didn't exist here.
He was free.
The clone almost cried. He was Tim here. The real Tim. The only Tim. No one to prove he's better than. No one to the "the evil clone" of. Just Tim.
He was going to make the universe regret that. Starting by dating the ridiculously cute and over-powered boy that he most definitely is not in love with. No siree its just him using someone. His heart definitely isn't pounding in his chest right now as he asks him out. Nope. He definitely isn't super giddy when he says yes and kisses him. Haha that only something someone in love would do.
-meanwhile in Batmans universe-
Ras casually explains he created an evil clone of Tim and its out there somewhere and its failsafe has somehow been destroyed. (Thank you Danny)
Tim freaks out and the batfam investigate. They do eventually open a portal into Amity Park where Evil Tim immediately tells them to frick off. So much chaos ensues
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nelkcats · 1 year
Not everything is what it seems
When Young Justice found Superboy, the heroes began to think, were there other similar places? Were there more cloned heroes? How had it all started?
So they investigated, there wasn't much to salvage from the destroyed place but they managed to trace the plans of the cloning pods to an abandoned mansion in Wisconsin. It appeared to be normal at first glance, although no one had set foot there in a while, that was until they got to the basement.
The basement was a mess, one side was destroyed as if something had exploded, on the other side were notes, capsules and DNA samples, though these were clearly useless, if the files could be trusted. It appeared to be old research, all of this was addressed at the weekly League meeting.
The worst part of it all was learning that the sample did not belong to any of them; what might have seemed like relief turned into torture when they discovered the existence of a "hero" in the past, a young hero who had acted before them all, and about whom no one knew anything. Another concern was a possible clone of said hero on the loose, though they didn't know how to address either issue.
Bruce couldn't get out of his head the image of a scared kid, out there without any support, fighting an evil version of himself. The League's priority was to find that boy immediately, and see if his clone was still active. They had to do something about it.
Most of them ignored Captain Marvel's advice to leave the matter alone, as it had been a long time and they didn't know the current circumstances.
At Amity Park, Danny felt a chill, he had a bad feeling. He decided to ignore it as he continued to scold Dan and Dani for using their powers irresponsibly, he knew the citizens of Amity wouldn't care, but the rest of the world would. Danny feared the world wasn't ready for them.
It really was hard being a single parent, although it didn't bother him, after the initial awkwardness everyone had adjusted and were quite happy.
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kaidatheghostdragon · 7 months
That trope where danny and jason meet during jason's six months dead? That, but with good fenton parents.
Jason is either the same age or a year or two younger than danny (between danny'and ellie's age). The fentons know danny is a ghost and have already adopted ellie. Team phantom includes the entire fenton family and valerie (and obv sam and tucker), maybe even valerie's dad.
Vlad is either reformed (post agit with teen dan?), blackmailed into submission, ran out of town, or "dealt with." The giw have been run out of town, and may or may not still exist somewhere licking their wounds. Peaceful ghosts are openly welcomed in the town, which is phantom's haunt, the fentons plus red huntress deal with the troublemakers, and the phantom siblings handle the biggest threats. May or may not be an everyone knows au.
Anyways, danny runs into the ghost of robin and is all, holy shit, a teen vigilante died, and immediately drags robin home to get all the overbearing comfort and love the fenton family can provide.
Somehow, that transformed into the fentons adopting the ghost of robin as one of their own. Jason even starts going to caspar high. Everyone knows that jason is a ghost of a kid who died too young and may be considered an honorary phantom, only team phantom knows that he's robin, and may have learned a concerning amount about batman from jason, depending on how open he is.
The joker disappears a month after jason joins the fentons and the fenton parents have solid alibis to prove they werent involved (having access to phantom's ghost allies is a large boon).
After six months of living (excuse the term) with the fentons, its as if jason has always been part of the family. So his sudden disappearance is a shock. Its treated as a ghostnapping, and the fentons are quick to use the boomerang to track him down.
They find a near-catatonic, but very much living, jason either wandering gotham, or just as he's being carted off by talia. If the latter, wrecking the league of assassins probably becomes an entire team phantom affair.
Jason is brought back home, and between the fentons and frostbite, they find a way to treat jason, learning that his living body is developing into a halfa in a similar slow manner that vlad did, but with jason's ghost core already fully developed.
That's four different halfas created in four different ways (five for five if teen dan exists), plus the increasingly liminal population of amity park, and the human members of team phantom so strongly liminal that they all have protocores and will probably become halfas when they die.
At this point, the story can go multiple directions.
If the fentons wrecked the league of assassins, either they discovered damian or talia dropped him off with bruce a few years early, when tim is just starting out as robin. If the fentons have damian, serious discussions about informing bruce of his biokid ensue, and the fact that theyve also adopted his undead son will inevitably come up and whether jason wants to deal with that mess of emotions.
If damian is dropped off with bruce, bruce is gonna hear stories of an orange man that can bust through walls, his teal assassin wife, their fiery daughter, and pair/trio of loyal white haired pit demons (assuming jason's ghost is white haired, and whether or not he's well enough to join), that wrecked ra's shit and sealed away the pits. He *will* investigate. Also, damian and tim will probably have to be kept separated, probably by having tim patrol with dick while bruce wrangles the feral child. This is smack dab in the middle of the worst period of the batfams social dynamics, but otoh, damian being younger will ultimately be better for him as he'll probably be deprogrammed a lot easier.
If the fentons never cross paths with the loa, another avenue is still open with the giw. If they've been run out of amity, but the anti ecto acts still exist, the justice league still have a chance to encounter them. Perhaps after amity ran the giw out, a formal complaint was filed to the justice league (they finally broke through the giw's blackout), but it was labelled a non-emergency (because the complaint described how the town couldnt get the message out until *after* they dealt with the problem) and was never investigated for being labelled a low priority. Baby robin tim found the file while exploring the bat computer and asked bruce about it, kicking off an investigation.
On the flipside, the giw try to convince the justice league that hostile entities have taken control of a small midwestern city, maybe the league is convinced right up until batman comes face to face with jason and is willing to hear him out.
If none of the above, jason could start talking about how he wants to return home to help crime alley, and the fentons support him all the way. You could even have jason still become red hood the crime lord, minus the family drama and joker ultimatum, and the training he would have gotten from the league is covered by ghost hunting, halfa powers, and the fenton parents' ecclectic skillset. Cue gotham being slowly invaded by team phantom as each child in turn goes to gotham U for college to be near and support jason.
Or jason is perfectly happy to stay in amity forever, but jazz goes to gotham U for its psychology program. She tries to keep her head low, but batman at this point runs a background check on every psychology major in gotham U (maybe bruce wayne funded a reform of the program - the reason why its now lauded as one of the best in the nation - to try to prevent more rogues being created.) Jazz pings a few warning criteria because her parents match a handful of mad scientist traits, so batman is now doing a full investigation on her family and finds a picture of jason.
Ignoring all of that, maybe jason keeps tabs on batman and is extremely upset that he's taken on another robin after the last one died. He's emotionally stable enough, and the fentons emotionally competent enough, to get him to talk and work through his emotions, but everyone agrees a wellness check for the new robin is in order. They go to gotham and confront batman, realize he's an emotional mess and that tim forced his way into the role and decide that the bats are all fentons now, no batman, you cannot escape. Assimilation is inevitable. We *will* get you to work through your grief and make you a better vigilante because of it. And tim has been abandoned by his parents and is living alone? That wont do. We're going to assume for your benefit that you were too grief-stricken to notice bruce, but you will not be making any more oversights like that under our watch.
There are probably a dozen other directions this could go, but mostly i just wanted to provide some prompts/ideas with ghost/halfa jason as a fenton. I need more fluffy fenton dynamics and jason fluff.
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