#Tragic Love
small-z24 · 2 days
One-Shot: Shattered Heart
Y/N reaches her breaking point, overwhelmed by bottled-up emotions and unspoken love. As she cries in her room, Azriel stands outside, torn by a decision that could change everything. Cassian's advice hangs in the air, but Azriel's fear drives him away, leaving hearts broken and futures uncertain.
Word Count: 1693
Warnings: Heartbreak x 1000%
Y/N stood alone in her room at the House of Wind, the walls closing in around her as the weight of her emotions became too much to bear. She sank to the floor, her body trembling with the force of her sobs. For decades, she had kept her feelings hidden, locked away in the deepest recesses of her heart. She had watched Azriel from afar, loving him in silence, hoping against hope that one day he might see her.
But that day never came. Instead, she watched as Azriel’s gaze lingered on Elain, his shadows curling around her protectively. She saw the way he looked at her, with a softness and warmth that Y/N had always yearned for. The realization that he was falling for Elain had been like a dagger to her heart, twisting deeper with every stolen glance, every gentle touch.
The pain had been bearable at first, a dull ache that she could manage. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the ache had grown into a searing agony. She had tried to push it down, to keep it hidden beneath a veneer of strength and indifference. But now, alone in the sanctuary of her room, she could no longer keep the facade intact.
She thought back to the moments they had shared—moments that she had cherished and replayed in her mind a thousand times. The training sessions, the quiet conversations late at night, the way his eyes would soften ever so slightly when he looked at her. She had convinced herself that those moments meant something, that they were signs of a deeper connection. But now, she saw them for what they were: fragments of a shattered dream.
Her sobs grew louder, echoing off the walls. She hugged her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth as the tears continued to flow. Each sob was a release, a cathartic expulsion of the pain that had been suffocating her.
Guilt washed over her, guilt for not being strong enough to move on, for not being able to let go of a love that had never been hers to hold. Regret followed close behind, regret for all the years she had wasted pining after someone who could never return her feelings.
Fear gripped her heart, fear that she would never find happiness, that she would always be alone, watching from the shadows as the people she loved found joy and fulfillment without her.
And then came the anger. Anger at herself for being so foolish, for allowing herself to fall so deeply in love with someone who saw her as nothing more than a friend. Anger at Azriel for being so blind to her feelings, for not seeing the pain he was causing her.
She cried until she had no more tears left to shed, her body exhausted and her heart shattered. The room was silent now, save for the soft sound of her ragged breathing. She felt hollow, emptied of all the emotions that had consumed her for so long.
In the quiet aftermath, a sense of resignation settled over her. She knew she couldn’t continue like this, trapped in a cycle of unrequited love and heartache. She needed to find a way to move on, to heal the wounds that had been torn open.
But for now, all she could do was sit in the darkness, letting the remnants of her shattered heart fall around her like ashes.
She would pick up the pieces tomorrow. But tonight, she would allow herself to grieve for the love she had lost, the dreams that would never come true, and the future that had slipped through her fingers like sand.
And as she sat there, wrapped in the cocoon of her pain, she made a silent vow to herself: she would find a way to heal, to rebuild her heart piece by piece. It would be a long and difficult journey, but she would face it with the strength and resilience that had carried her through so many trials before.
She would survive this heartbreak, and she would emerge stronger on the other side. But for now, she would allow herself to feel everything, to mourn the love that had never been hers, and to find solace in the knowledge that even in the depths of her sorrow, she was still standing.
She would find her way back to the light, one step at a time.
Azriel stood in the hallway outside Y/N’s room, his heart breaking at the sound of her sobs. Each cry, each ragged breath was a dagger to his soul. He knew he should turn away, give her privacy, but he couldn’t force himself to leave. The shadows around him whispered of her pain, amplifying his own guilt and sorrow.
For years, he had watched Y/N from a distance, admiring her strength, her resilience, and the quiet kindness she showed to everyone. He had trained with her, fought alongside her, and in every moment, he had felt his heart tighten with unspoken feelings. He loved her—loved her more than he had ever allowed himself to admit.
But he stayed away. He stayed away because he believed that she deserved better. She deserved someone who wasn’t haunted by a past filled with pain and darkness, someone who could give her the happiness and light she brought to everyone around her. He couldn’t be that person for her, no matter how much he wished he could.
Elain had been a distraction, a way to convince himself that he could feel something for someone else. But his feelings for Elain had always been platonic, a gentle warmth compared to the burning fire he felt for Y/N. Yet, he saw the way Y/N looked at him when he was with Elain, the pain she tried so hard to hide. It tore him apart, but he couldn’t bring himself to change his course.
The door to Y/N’s room remained closed, but the sounds of her crying seeped through, wrapping around him like chains. He leaned against the wall, his head bowed, his shadows restless.
“You’re torturing yourself, you know.”
Azriel looked up to see Cassian approaching, his expression a mix of concern and frustration. Cassian had always been perceptive, and Azriel knew he couldn’t hide anything from him.
“Cassian,” Azriel said quietly, straightening. “What are you doing here?”
Cassian crossed his arms, leaning against the opposite wall. “I could ask you the same thing. But I think we both know the answer.”
Azriel sighed, his gaze drifting back to Y/N’s door. “I can’t help it. Hearing her like this... it’s killing me.”
Cassian’s eyes softened. “Then do something about it, Az. You’re both suffering, and for what? Some misguided belief that you’re not good enough for her?”
Azriel’s jaw tightened, his shadows flickering with agitation. “She deserves better, Cassian. She deserves someone who isn’t... broken.”
Cassian stepped closer, his voice firm but gentle. “You’re not broken, Azriel. You’ve been through hell, but you’re one of the strongest people I know. And Y/N? She loves you. Anyone can see that.”
Azriel shook his head, his heart aching. “She deserves happiness. I’m not sure I can give that to her.”
Cassian placed a hand on Azriel’s shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. “You don’t have to be perfect to love someone, Az. And Y/N doesn’t need perfect. She needs you. Just as you are.”
Azriel’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, his throat tight with emotion. “I’m afraid, Cass. Afraid of hurting her, of not being enough.”
Cassian’s grip tightened. “Love is a risk, Az. But it’s a risk worth taking. Don’t let fear keep you from the one person who can make you truly happy.”
Azriel looked back at Y/N’s door, the sound of her crying still echoing in his ears. He knew Cassian was right, but the fear and self-doubt were overwhelming.
“I don’t know if I can,” Azriel whispered, his voice breaking.
Cassian pulled him into a brief, fierce hug. “You can. And you will. Because you love her, and she loves you. Don’t let anything else matter.”
As Cassian stepped back, Azriel nodded slowly, his resolve hardening. But as he turned back to Y/N’s door, his courage faltered. The weight of his past, the fear of not being enough, pressed down on him like a physical force.
He took a step forward, then another, his hand reaching out toward the door. But as he heard another heartbreaking sob from within, his hand dropped to his side. The shadows around him seemed to tighten, mirroring his inner turmoil.
“I can’t,” he murmured, more to himself than to Cassian. “I can’t do this to her.”
Before Cassian could respond, Azriel turned and walked away, his heart shattering with each step. He forced himself to keep moving, even as every instinct screamed at him to go back, to hold Y/N and tell her everything.
Cassian watched him go, a look of profound sadness in his eyes. “Az,” he called softly, but Azriel didn’t stop.
As Azriel walked away, the sound of Y/N’s sobs grew fainter, replaced by the deafening silence of his own despair. He had made his choice, and it was one he would have to live with. But the thought of Y/N, alone and hurting, was a pain unlike any other.
And in her room, Y/N cried herself to sleep, the ache in her heart a mirror of the one Azriel carried with him. They were both left in a state of despair, separated by walls and the unspoken words that hung between them like a barrier they couldn’t cross.
Azriel’s shadows whispered around him, their murmurs filled with sorrow. He knew he had made a mistake, but for now, he couldn’t see a way to fix it. All he could do was keep moving forward, even as his heart begged him to turn back.
Because sometimes, the greatest battles weren’t fought on the battlefield, but within the heart. And this was a battle Azriel wasn’t sure he could win.
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vampiella · 9 months
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Fumi Kaneko as Juliet and William Bracewell as Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, The Royal Ballet 2021. Photograph by Bill Cooper.
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lightasthesun · 4 months
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art by Chris Trevas/// Mhairi McFarlane, You Had Me At Hello/Holding On by Shane/ Lang Leaf, Twin Flames/ first eye drawing by Alice X. Zhang/ second eye close up art by Tony Pro/ The Song of Achilles/ to speak of precious evenings by littlekaracan/ battlefront ll stills/ Hamilton the Musical, who lives, who dies, who tells your story/mark z. danielewski, house of leaves/ 5000 letters/ Bastille, the Anchor/ fyodor dostoyevsky, the brothers karamazov/ Kote Darasuum/ Vode An/ street art/ The Arcadian Wind, envy green/ Margaret Atwood, There are better ways of doing this/ Power Politics Emily Dickinson, In this short life that only lasts an hour/ Maggie Smith, First Fall/ Carl Friedrich Lessing, "The Hermit" (art) + November by Margaret Atwood/ Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire/ The Bad Batch s2EP03 screenshot of Cody/ Alan Stephan Foster, "The Fall" (art) + poem by @erdarieldraws
a gift for my codywan besties cilly, tea, kasey, aixa and lauren🫶
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swftmoony · 2 months
why is everyone obsessed over romeo and juliet when the holy trinity of gay tragic lovers exits!? like alexander the great, achilles and apollo didn’t lose hephaestion, patroclus and hyacinthus for everyone to forget about them!! like they’re the same but one is a myth, the other is a book, and the one that was real
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dumblr · 1 year
The way I loved you wasn’t normal and the way you broke me wasn’t either.
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aanon04 · 4 months
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“Se que yo no voy a volver, pero está bien, estoy tranquilo. Estoy preparado para lo que viene. Los dos lo estamos. Y me pone muy feliz saber que ustedes si lo van a lograr. Eso me pone contento, Nando.”
“I know I'm not coming back, but it's okay, I'm calm. I'm ready for what's coming. We both are. And it makes me very happy to know that you are all going to make it. That makes me happy, Nando.”
society of the snow (2023)
numa turcatti: on tragic heroes.
the gods show up - michael kinnucan | the truth about grief - fortesa latifi | the invisible life of addie larue - v.e. schwab | strangers - ethel cain | dear layal - hala alyan | ??? | o’death - frances molina | icarus - the crane wives
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mushroomsandmolly · 23 days
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Yall are sleeping on Gale x Karlach
They're both ticking time bombs desperate for physical touch and to feel like they matter in the world in one way or another, they're a tragic love story, slept on. Heatweave my love 💓
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aacaris · 5 months
Scene 14; it's like burning
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Chai Latte, tragic but they still loved each other in ways the other didn't know how to respond to, love each other differently yet so similarly. They didn't know the others' love, it was so foreign to the other, so they never could get a grasp on it.
The sun was always unreachable, he just never knew he would also be Icarus trying to get to Bryan, Bryan still shines over him, but more as a reminder of a person he loves: Unreachable
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jojo-the-bird · 3 months
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velvet4510 · 2 months
Finrod/Bëor doesn’t seem to be a popular ship and I wonder why! It’s right there.
Finwë proves Elves can indeed love more than once, so this doesn’t mean Finrod doesn’t love Amarië too. But just look at the facts!
Finrod appears out of nowhere like an angel to bless and teach and spend time with Bëor and his people.
Bëor leaves behind all his people to spend the rest of his days with Finrod.
Finrod discourages Aegnor and Andreth from being together - why would he do this?? Because it wasn’t just out of knowledge of different fates. It was out of personal experience. All he feels is agony that his beloved Bëor is gone and out of his reach forever and he doesn’t want his brother to go through the same thing.
He swears his oath to Barahir and gives him his ring not just because he saved his life but because Barahir is descended directly from Bëor and looks like him.
He helps Beren not just because of the oath, but to redeem himself for his mistake in discouraging Aegnor from enjoying the time he could’ve had with Andreth, however short. With no idea what Lúthien will ultimately do, he sees her and Beren’s love as another doomed and fleeting love, but he has experienced this himself, and finally realizes it is ultimately worth any price. So he lays down his life to ensure Beren will have the chance that he had but also took from his brother.
And to ensure that his beloved Bëor’s bloodline will live on.
One of the most tragic love stories in the history of Arda is right there under our noses.
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poems4girls · 9 months
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Star-crossed Lovers
“romeo and juliet” by w. shakespeare // “holding hands feels so intimate” by claudia barbs // “the fall” by alan foster // quote by maggie stiefvater // maurice (1987) // automatic stop by the strokes // ? // ? // ? // ? // dead poets society (1984) // before sunrise (1995) // house (2004)
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months
Imagine you're a paladin. You've traveled across the land sworn by oath to slay undead. You've become so powerful as a divine warrior that undead are harmed just by touching your skin, their bodies burning from the same divine light that heals mortal skin.
Eventually you're sent to kill a vampire whose been terrorizing a city in a far-off mountain range. After traveling for weeks to meet her you lay your eyes on her and she's something both horrifying and radiant, with skin like unageing marble, fangs like a mighty serpent within her mouth, and eyes glowing a brilliant yellow.
She asks you to hear her out before you harm her, and she tells you that she is mostly harmless, and was only defending herself when she attacked people. She tells you that she was outed against her will, and that she takes blood from the workshops of barber surgeons or from the necks of the recently beheaded. When you check the city records, she seems to be telling the truth, and your oath prevents you from harming the passive.
She travels with you for a time, and you begin to become friends with her. She's quite clever and has a sense of wit to her that few you've met could match. She plays music on an ancient instrument and sings songs from a time nobody of the living can still remember. You cannot help but witness the passing of time. As time goes on traits that were once horrifying seem lovely, and you forget the body that you witness is dead at all. There's still a primal urge within you to destroy her, that urge you have to destroy all her kind, the instincts of a predator within you, but you are able to resist.
You confess your love to her in a rainy city overlooking a series of grey-green canals. You're not sure anyone in the cafe knows what she is, though she still can't pass for human with how she looks. It doesn't matter what she is to you. Though when she tries to kiss you there's a feeling of worry, your skin still harms the dead, and you cannot help but remember that she is dead. Even when she touches your hand as it's fully covered in armored plates and mail, you can sense smoke coming off her skin.
When you try to embrace each other that night your greatest fears are proven true. As she touches your breast her hand is burnt as if by fire. She heals but you know to not touch again, no matter how you feel, her skin cannot so much as meet yours without her becoming a monster for you to harm again. Even if you can suppress your mind's desire to harm her, you cannot suppress your body's.
She kisses your helmet before letting you place it on your head, and you both ride off to the next city together. You tell her she's still yours, and she sings you a love song as you both ride away...
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hyruleairbnb · 4 months
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Back with the weirdos
I like to think that the deep ocean - Zora princess fell in love with Link like somehow every Zora princess did.
But she knows that they will never be able to live together because they both would die in the environment of the other (dramatic)
I also added the idea their lights on their bodies are affected by emotions too
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ctyfstars · 3 months
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📷: pinterest
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skillzissuez · 4 months
Lovers who Know it’s hopeless. Lovers who have no choice but to inflict final wounds on each other. Lovers who are tragedies, embodying broken narratives and misshapen tales unraveling at the seams-destined for dissolution.
Lovers who, despite it all. Love each other anyways. Like love; despite the torment, is the sole refuge they understand. Like love; was an indelible script into the very marrow of their bones.
Lovers who were sculpted to love- yet cursed to meet their demise in its embrace.
Lovers who, despite it all. Count the stars in the skies, hold each other close on a cold night, and choose each other again and again.
Lovers who will continue to love each other even knowing that it defies reason. Even knowing it will end. Even knowing that they will wilt to the prelude of the inevitable.
Even knowing it, they will embrace it; for what were they made for if not each other?
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Meant to be
Waiting for This Story to End Before I Begin Another, Jan Heller Levi//Accident Report in the Tall, Tall Weeds, Ada Limón//House of the Dragon (2022-)
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